#sacred geometry third eye
hubofconsciousness · 2 years
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samuelfarrand · 8 months
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roseve-art · 8 months
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theheiressjcs · 4 months
Weekly Reading February 8th-15th 2024: A Glorious Garden
Our great balancer, the moon is at only 2% illumination, nearing its new moon phase. Currently, it is in Capricorn, transitioning to Aquarius. From rigged, to stale air. Allow me to explain. Though Capricorn is a cardinal sign, they are often cold, unmoving, and controlling. In a brighter light, these people are successful as they tend to stick with plans, and play less with…
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pascaljanssen · 9 months
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Pascal Janssen - Aztec Gold
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tiredwitchplant · 8 months
Everything You Need to Know About Crystals: Lapis Lazuli
Lapis Lazuli (The Sacred Stone of Wisdom and Power)
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Color:  Deep blue flecked with gold
Rarity: Easy to obtain, can be expensive for high quality
Hardiness: 5.5
Type: Isometric/ Metamorphic
Chakra Association: Throat, Brow, Crown
Angels: Sahaqiel
Deities: Nuit, Venus, Isis, Sin
Astrological Signs: Sagittarius, Capricorn
Element: Water, Air
Planet: Venus
Origin: Afghanistan, India, Myanmar, Pakistan, Russia, USA, Italy, Egypt, Middle East, Chile
Powers: Amplification of Power, Reverse Baneful Magic, Connection to the Spirit World, Protection, Wisdom, Mental and Spiritual Blockage
Crystals It Works Well With: Phantom quartz and Purple Tourmaline
How It is Created: Lapis lazuli is a complex mineral made up of lazurite, pyrite, and calcite. The lazurite gives it its deep blue color (along with the sulfur that’s in its matrix), the pyrite gives it its golden veins, and the calcite gives it its white specks.
History: The name comes from the Latin word lapis, meaning stone, and the word lazuli which means blue. It was first mined in Afghanistan but it has existed even before then. The Egyptians used lapis lazuli in protective amulets and other jewelry. It was used famously by Egyptian nobility, even its powdered form being used as eyeshadow. Lapis lazuli is said to produce power and wisdom and is associated with the Egyptian goddesses, Isis and Nuit. Romans would ingest the powder in food and drinks as an aphrodisiac and it was also used as an antidote for poisons. It is said that the ring the angel gave King Solomon to control his demon legion of workers was made of lapis lazuli.
What It Can Do:
Open the third eye and balance the throat chakra
Stimulates enlightenment and enhances dream work and psychic abilities
Facilitates spiritual journeys and stimulates personal and spiritual power
Releases stress, bringing deep peace
Protective stone that contacts spirit guardians
Recognizes psychic attacks, blocks them, and return the energy back to the source
Teaches the power of the spoken word and can reverse curses
Alleviates pain, especially with migraines
Overcomes depression, benefits the respiratory and nervous systems, cleanse organs and the immune system
Harmonizes the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels such as: lack of purpose, disease, and depression
Encourages taking charge in your life
Can amplify powerful thoughts and stimulate higher faculties of one’s mind
Bonds relationships in love, friendship and aid in expressing feelings
How to Get the Best Out Of: With a lot of these visionary stones, I am always going to recommend a bracelet or necklace. Anything that is close to the bloodstream or heart will help the power of the stone connect to you best with these types of stones.
How to Cleanse and Charge: Using incenses or a singing bowl to cleanse lapis lazuli. Lay it on a clear quartz disc or bowl over night under the moon to recharge it. Do not put under the sunlight. It will discolor the stone. (I made this mistake and was heavily scolded by Isis afterwards)
Crystal Grid:
Healthy Body (Sacred Geometry: Metatron’s Cube or Sri Yantra)
Mantra “I trust my body’s ability to heal itself”
Center stone: Quartz sphere
Secondary Stones: Bloodstone, Carnelian, Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli, Quartz
Moon Phase: Dark Moon
Day: Saturday
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talonabraxas · 1 month
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The Merkaba Talon Abraxas
"Your soul is a vehicle of light, ready to transcend the boundaries of existence."
Merkaba Meaning: Sacred Geometry Symbol for Spiritual Awakening
In the realm of spirituality and metaphysics, one symbol has captivated seekers and mystics alike: the Merkaba. With ancient origins steeped in cultural significance, this enigmatic symbol has gained popularity as a powerful tool for personal transformation and enlightenment. But what does Merkaba truly signify? Join us on this journey as we unravel the mysteries behind this sacred symbol and discover how it can illuminate our path towards higher consciousness.
Spiritual Transformation and the Merkaba
The sacred geometry of the Merkaba represents more than just its physical form. It is believed to hold immense spiritual power and serves as a symbol for personal transformation and ascension.
The interlocking tetrahedrons in the Merkaba are often associated with balance, harmony, and unity between different aspects of existence, such as masculine and feminine energies or earthly and divine realms. The structure is said to facilitate energy flow and aid in connecting with higher consciousness.
Many individuals use meditation techniques involving visualization or chanting to activate their personal Merkabas. By doing so, they aim to tap into their inner power, expand their awareness, and align themselves with their higher purpose.
Increased Self-Awareness
One of the potential benefits of incorporating a Merkaba into your practice is the ability to enhance self-awareness. By working with this sacred geometric shape, you may become more attuned to your thoughts, emotions, and actions. This heightened self-awareness can lead to a deeper understanding of yourself and allow you to make conscious choices aligned with your true desires.
Heightened Intuition
The Merkaba is believed to activate and align the energy centers within our bodies, including the third eye chakra associated with intuition. As you work with this symbol, you may find that your intuitive abilities become sharper and more reliable, guiding you towards making better decisions and navigating life's challenges.
Enhanced Energetic Protection
The Merkaba is often seen as a powerful shield against negative energies or unwanted influences. It acts as a protective barrier that helps maintain your energetic boundaries, preventing external energies from draining or affecting you negatively. This enhanced protection can contribute to maintaining a sense of balance and well-being in your daily life.
By embracing the potential benefits offered by the Merkaba, you can enrich your spiritual practice and personal growth journey.
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mycrystalearth · 1 month
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🌜 Mini Moon Goddess Crystal Grid 🌛
Rainbow Moonstone is a stone of cycles. This crystal brings lots of inspiration and imagination and helps you “go within” to gain mental clarity and strength. It works with the moon’s energy to help balance our emotions. Rainbow Moonstone works with the Third Eye Chakra.
Aquamarine is a stone of tranquility. This crystal reduces and relieves stress which makes it perfect to use during meditation. Aquamarine works with the Throat Chakra which facilitates communication, not only with others but with the deeper self.
Clear Quartz is a master healing stone. This is one of the most well-known, popular crystals for crystal healing. It absorbs, transmutes, and amplifies energy. It can be programmed to be a great manifestation tool for any purpose. It clears the mind of negative thoughts to enhance higher spiritual receptiveness. It works with all chakras.
The Flower of Life is a geometric symbol that is usually made up of 19 overlapping circles that are spaced evenly apart from one another. They create a perfectly symmetrical flower shape. It is said to be over 6000 years old and can be found almost all over the world. “This symbol is said to hold the most important and most sacred patterns of the universe and is the harbinger of all life and existence — from molecules and atoms to planets and galaxies.” Lots of other sacred geometry shapes can be found within the Flower of Life. For example: the Vesica Pisces, Seed of Life, the Egg of Life, the Tree of Life, Metatron’s Cube, and all the Platonic Solids. The Flower of Life symbolizes creation, connection, and consciousness.
What is a Crystal Grid?
Crystal grids are an arrangement of energetically aligned crystals in a sacred geometric shape charged by an intention for the purpose of manifestation. They are also a great way to display crystals and show off their beauty.
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hubofconsciousness · 2 years
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madamlaydebug · 1 year
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The pinecone is universally revered as one of the purest naturally occurring forms of Sacred Geometry, its pattern being the flower's evolutionary precursor, having its spirals in a perfect Fibonacci Sequence, much like the geometry of a rose or a sunflower.
This ubiquitous formation in nature is a common type of phyllotaxis pattern, from the ancient Greek phýllon "leaf" and taxis "arrangement", which refers to the set of principles that govern the arrangement of leaves along the stem of plants.  But not only in the plant world, these same principles govern the configuration of cycles of harmonic vibrations at all scales of nature, including in our DNA and in the orbits of the planets.
The pinecone symbol is one of the most mysterious emblems found in ancient and modern art and architecture.
Few scholars realize this, but in different cultures the pinecone alludes to the highest degree of spiritual illumination, similar to the Lotus and Flower of Life symbolism.
The Pinecone symbol can be found in the ruins of Egyptians, Indonesians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Buddhists and Christians. It also appears in the designs of esoteric traditions such as Freemasonry, Theosophy, Gnosticism and esoteric Christianity.
The pinecone symbolizes the science of light and its relationship with the mind and body through our pineal gland or "Third Eye", which represents the unified awareness that directs the evolutionary energy flow. The shape of the gland has a phyllotaxis pattern similar to that of the pinecone, hence its name Pineal Gland has its origin in the word "Pinecone".
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roseve-art · 8 months
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Alex Grey
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bluemoonpunch · 6 months
⭐Relationship Reading for Ohm and Nanon - Tarot and Oracle Reading
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[This reading covers the relationship dynamic of Thai actors Ohm and Nanon, on a subconscious and energetic level. This particular reading can cover romantic, platonic, and familial relationships and is designed to put a connection between two people into perspective, showcasing what is gained from the relationship as well as the highest potential of it. For this reading, in particular, I used 4 decks — the Rider-Waite Tarot deck, The Linestrider’s Journey Tarot deck, The Arcana of Astrology, and the Sacred Geometry Activations Oracle. This spread is an original design by me. This reading lasted 3 hours .]
Reading Performed: June 26, 2023 😨
Reading Posted: November 11, 2023 😭
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Before I can get into the main reading, I definitely need to talk about the energy signatures that came up with these two as individuals. To start off, Ohm’s energy was much more open and receptive, which seems to be a major feature of his overall energetic signature. There’s a lot of very stable and warm energy being emitted at all times, but it’s very controlled and streamlined at the same time, which seems to create a bit of pressure when it comes to how he processes certain kinds of energetic influences. This is what I saw for Ohm:
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The blue represents this very clear energetic body that is incredibly receptive, on all ends at all times. In contrast, this red line that projects around that energetic body represents more of what he actually expresses or emits. When he is receiving a lot of positive energy, a lot of positive influence, love, kindness, and so on, he can’t help but reflect that. It’s a full body expression, expressed in his body language and facial expressions especially, even though it may not be projected verbally. He, without any filtration, will always reflect the positivity he is receiving at any given time. However, the very jumbled and almost explosive energy around his head is where things seem a bit concerning.
When it comes to negative energy, negative influences, negative behaviors around him or that he is on the receiving end of, he will very consciously make the choice to not allow that to be reflected or expressed. This is where a lot of that control is. He’s very conscious of it and therefore the filtration of this energy occurs in his head. Originally, I thought maybe this was indicative of Third-Eye or Crown Chakra stimulation, but those are receptive energy centers and he was displaying explosive projection. Quite literally it’s like he can not stop himself from taking those energies and influences in, but he can stop them from coming out, and from there they build up and eventually explode out of his head. This is where involuntary verbal expression or a less controlled face may occur. People who know him very personally, people he would be comfortable expressing this with, or people he feels okay letting that guard down around may even describe him as hot-headed or easily stressed.
He’s very careful to not allow that expression to come out publicly, but it’s like a volcano, when it erupts it erupts, and there’s no stopping it. This, of course, doesn’t imply a massive outburst or physical violence, it’s still very concentrated around his head, around his facial expressions and his words. When he is at a “breaking point” it may be the slightest of things that actually set off that explosion, thus leaving people around him quite confused about his reaction or attitude, while also leaving him somewhat embarrassed or ashamed of his lack of control over his emotions.
This feels a lot like the transition between Pisces and Aries, this grand receptive space followed by a rather chaotic explosion of expression. There’s also a reflection of the transition between Scorpio and Sagittarius as well, but that would imply a more… sophisticated (?) or well-polished version of taking in both the positive and the negative and being able to project it all in a positive and constructive way. Considering that, according to what I was able to see online, Ohm is an Aries (some websites say Pisces) while Nanon is a Sagittarius, this may show a higher connection based in balancing and “leveling up” each other on a soul level as well as a conscious and physical level.
Compared to Ohm, Nanon’s energy was very, very closed off at the time of this reading, and I do believe, based on what I saw going forward, that this is a temporary state, but one he may have some trouble allowing himself out of. Because Nanon’s energy was so closed off and guarded, the observation was “from a distance” and with that came a bit more of an abstract image that I tried my best to draw:
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Nanon’s energy itself is represented in this bean-shaped stone, smooth like the ones you may find in a river bed, polished by the running water. This would imply a similar level of receptivity as Ohm, but rather than fully taking it in, it moves around him, shaping him in both positive and negative ways. When I was seeing this image, the stone (along with everything else in the image) was red but there was also a brighter red light pulsing slowly from within the stone.
This stone, representing Nanon and his receptive sensitivity, was shown to be sitting high up in a tree, on a tree branch, that was surrounded by very thick cobwebs. I usually think of spider webs as something to represent attraction or trying to acquire something, trying to draw something in, but here, these webs were well worn and thick, almost like they weren’t meant for catching things, they were just there to hide the stone, to deter anyone or anything from trying to get close. In the background, far off and away from the stone itself there was quite a chaotic storm with very thick red clouds and almost continuous lightning.
Full reading is available at bluemoonpunch.com!
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kungseyesfr · 2 years
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The pineal gland is one of the greatest secrets hidden from us. The secret is not that the gland exists, the secret is its function. Medical students are told it's a crooked organ, but it's not....
The Pineal Gland is our third eye, it is the organ through which we dream and imagine and once it is activated it is also the organ that connects us to other dimensions of reality, that is: it allows us to see beings of other dimensions besides allow us to make astral journeys (leave our physical body to travel with our ethereal body), develop psychic skills such as clairvoyance or telepathy and even the possibility of time travel...
It's not hard to know why it's a secret, the answer is in Church. How has the church subsisted? being the monopoly of religion: going to mass is the only way we've been shown to connect with the Divine plane but actually the Temple to reach Divine connection is within each of us...
Pineapple or pineal gland has several meanings. For the Catholic religion, it means the Power of God; for Freemasonry, the vision of the Cyclops; within the Egyptian tradition it is known as the eye of Horus, also in sacred geometry we can see that the eye of Horu s' accurately corresponds with all the structures of the brain and in the Asian world as the third eye or center of clairvoyance and intuition...
In initial terminology it is known as ′′ The Door of Paradise ′′ and even the French philosopher, Descartes, proposed that the pineal gland was what connects the body to the soul, or contained it. defined it as ′′ The Seat of the Soul ". His proposal arises because the pineal gland is not bilaterally duplicated in the body, and also believed (erroneously) that it was exclusive to humans...
Melatonin hormone produced by Pineal whose deficiency is caused by insomnia and depression is present in some foods such as oats, corn, tomatoes, potatoes, nuts, rice and cherries. In the ancient temples of Sumerians and Babylonians we had worship of the pineal and even in the vatican we can see a monument that they have in the form of pineapple or pineal, also ported by the potatoes, and on the walls of the pyramids are the hieroglyphics.
The secret pineal a substance called DMT (dimethyltriptamine) also known as the spiritual molecule that curiously releases into the fast eye motion phase that is when we are dreaming, is responsible for visualizing images in dreams. When there is no light, the pineal gland produces melatonin from serotonin.
It is related to regulating vigil and sleep cycles and serves to counteract the effects of time zone difference syndrome (jet lag)...
The DMT is so powerful that it can carry man's consciousness through time travel and dimensions. In the immediate state before death, a lot of DMT is produced, so you are credited with the ability to enter consciousness into higher dimensions ' Achieves mystical or interdimensional states, is the most powerful hallucinogenic or entheogenic found in the wild , in all plants and animals (in greater or lesser concentration), it has profound effects on consciousness).
Meditation offers the portal to practice and grow your connection conciousness and abilities in higher dimensions of being, what we would call super natural these days.
What we will soon re-member.
Work on mastering your Mind Body Spirit temple of the divinity within you.
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Sacred Geometry to Clean the Chakras
From bottom to top the 7 chakras are as follows: Root (red), Sacral (orange), Solar plexus (yellow), Heart (green or pale pink), Throat (pale blue), Third eye (indigo) and Crown (purple).
Each chakra is built on the other, which means that a blockade on one chakra affects the others. Often the others try to compensate the blocked one, which causes them to get overactive and thus out of balance.
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Sacred Geometry also works very strongly on energy fields and therefore also on your aura and chakras. Some sacred geometric forms work on specific chakras such as the dodecahedron and the icosahedron. These are Platonic Solids, each of them are linked to a chakra. Others work balancing on every energy field like the Vector Equilibrium.
Choose a sacred geometric figure of your choice. Preferably a physical one so that you can place it on your body. Make sure there is a nice quiet spot where you can lie down, if necessary bring some blankets to keep you warm.
Place the sacred geometry on the chakra you would like to clean. Close your eyes and relax. Ask the consciousness of your sacred geometric figure if he/she wants to clean it.
Surrender to the process. Emotions that can come loose may be expressed so that space is created in your system and blockages can be healed.
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🌹 Bright blessings!
I bring you #goodnews! 🕊
We are about to enter one big shift in energy, because a rare and once in a lifetime event is upon us. The last time this 250 year cycle happened was in the 1770s. The time of discovery, innovation, exploration and beauty.
🌹 I am referring to the Venus Star cycle. Venus, the planet of beauty, peace, love, and harmony is about to move into Libra, the sign of balance, harmony, mediation, and beauty.
🌹 Venus creates the most beautiful geometric pattern in the heavens every 8 years. Literally, thee most beautiful natural sacred geometry we know today. These 8 patterns collectively over 250 years create a star shape.
🌹 The planet, Venus, takes 584 days to go around the sun. Earth takes 365 days to go around the sun. If we divide these numbers, we get the fibonacci golden mean of 1.6. THIS is golden energy!
🌹 And this, my friends, is when we begin to see the Golden Era.
🌹 You see, Venus is creating a pentagonal pattern which resonates this sacred and holy frequency. We will feel this shift, because we've been dealing with alot of Mars energy over the past 10 years.
🌹 So finally, we're beginning a new era of the Venus Star going into 29 degrees of Libra, because this Venus star moves backwards, and it's a REAL change in energetics! This is such a HUGE SHIFT in the Cosmos.
🌹 A paradigm shift, and a once in a lifetime event. Last time this energy was here, it was a time of renaissance, artists, and classical music, like Mozart. What kind of beautiful things will be birthed from this time that WE get to experience?
🌹 Now consider, this is only the beginning of a HUGE paradigm shift. We will be moving away from this aggressive Mars, ego-driven energy, and into a much softer Venusian -- collaboration, cooperation -- type of energy.
🌹 Now, let's think about your physical body. We are shaped in the form of a star. According to certain Yogis, if we go very deeply into the spiritual eye, third eye, and meditate deeply, we will actually see a white 5-sided star, which looks exactly like the star that Venus creates in the Heavens, in her most sacred geometry formation.
🌹 The Old Ones from Ancient Greece had many forms of love they wrote about. Here are three for the purpose of understanding this significant event.
EROS: Erotic, masculine type of love.
PHILIA: Friendship, genuine type of love.
AGAPE: Higher, more divine, type of love.
🌹 And because we are entering Venus into Libra energy, we have an OPEN PORTAL from the heavens, that gives us an opportunity to elevate our consciousness into a higher understanding of love.
🌹 This ingress of Venus into Libra is a tremendous portal opening, and inviting us to create that higher expression of love and oneness.
🌹 This will be a grand period in time, when we will be able to bring information in from the Universe, from the Earth, and from our physical bodies simultaneously to come together in harmony. It's going to be a period of music, art, love, dancing, peace, and beauty that will be brought in by our will.
🌹 If you are further interested, then you should find out where your "Venus Star Point" is in your natal chart. This is a new cosmology and still very new to myself. Please refer yourself to a book or research online, for I cannot help you with this, yet.
🌹 Step into this Paradigm and call upon this harmonious energy and work with it, if you should choose. Have a beautiful week, knowing that a great change is upon us.
🌹 Stay blessed!
Thee Naturalistic Mystic
Crystal Vision Creations
🧿 The Coven of Crystal Visions 🧿
*copyright @theenaturalisticmystic
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