#Red Genie
redknave · 3 months
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ouatiw first scenes v. last scenes
anastasia & alice/cyrus
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skwinwin · 2 years
If I had a nickel for every time Marwan Kenzari played a character who wanted the throne, gained magical power from some old relic discovered in a cave and end up turning into a red giant monster, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.
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Once Upon a Time in Wonderland | Anastasia Tremaine & Cyrus
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centaurworks · 1 year
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Royal Guard of Wish
Commissions Open I have a Ko-Fi Social Medias Character (Fictilia Creta) © CentaurWorks Fictilia was watching over Cynthia and Sakura while waiting for another person to come. She was mainly enjoying the two giggling with each other while focusing on making sure Sakura was safe during the spell's creation. But as the spell was being made more and more, she noticed the glow becoming more and more powerful at an alarming rate. Fictilia tried to intervene but Sakura did the spell while she wasn't as focused as she should have been. In a blink, the room was covered by this intense altering magic. By the time Fictilia was awake, she only saw Cynthia looking in shock at Sakura's once wand. She looked around and noticed that she was now this red genie, looking rather irritated in the process. But when she wanted answers, Cynthia was soon sucked into her once rosary. Eventually she looked down and saw her Coral Zapper now a Coral Vessel, as soon she too would be sucked in. With Fictilia, I wanted to do something more reminsent of a guard or protector with the design. I wanted the cloth shoulders to give off the same feeling that her mermaid bra did, a bit of militarism. That was also the idea with the headpiece, giving it more of an angle to feel akin to a part of a helmet. There was also the big twin ponytails I wanted to impliment and I think it fit quite well with how Fictilia looks here. I think the hardest part was designing the Coral Zapper as a genie vessel, aking sure light elements were still a part of it so that it's was recognizable from it's origin.
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rejectingrepublicans · 4 months
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boom-doodles · 9 months
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Some fave red-flavored guys ❤️
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animeglitch · 1 month
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thebramblewood · 8 months
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The Vatores Present... A Decennial Vampire Bash: Part IV
Featuring Marcella by @sueniia, Stella and Lila by @sammyshuno, Micah by @igotsnothing, and Nissa by @deathtulips.
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Helena, thinking: God, what is this place? Forgotten Hollow... Sounds about right considering it's apparently a ghost town. 66... Garliclauter... Place. What the hell?!? There's no way... Why would she send me to a fucking cemetery?
Lilith: boo
Helena: [nearly jumps out of her skin] Oh my god, don't scare me like that! Where did you even come from? And how do you look so amazing? No, wait. First things first. What are we doing in a graveyard at midnight?
Lilith: Well, it's not exactly your traditional graveyard... [gestures broadly]
Helena: Whoa! They weren't here a minute ago, were they? Am I seeing things? Why are they staring at me?
Lilith: They're staring because they have no manners.
Helena: Are you sure it's not because I'm severely underdressed?
Lilith: You look perfect to me. Now, let's go inside. It's a little chilly out here, don't you think?
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yandere-wishes · 4 months
Hiiii! I'm the one who sent the behaviour revan ask (wonderfully written by the way)
Can I ask another?
You can ignore this if not
But, how do you think Revan would react to a completely willing darling? And a darling who isn't willing at all?
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You can ask as many as you like darling!! I love answering them🥰🥰I'll try to make this one a bit more ethereal/aesthetic. 
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𓇼Willing Darling 
You blame the Jedi counsel for your master's fall to the dark side. You blame the Force, fate, the moon, the stars. You blame the galaxy and all its dichotomies. You blame anyone except the man himself
 In your naive eyes, Revan can do no wrong. 
You see him again tonight. In a backstreet away from the temples prying eyes. The immortal lights of Coruscant are your only witness as you break every rule engraved within your bones. 
His looming figure is harrowing, terror and power draped in armor. You try to remind yourself to breathe, that he won't hurt you. You pray under your breath for this to be true. 
Revan's presence is a weight reminding everyone of his place above them. He's a Sith now, he's free to flaunt the power he's always tamed. 
His thumb pats your bottom lip. You taste lighting from his fingertips. Surges of rouge power, minuscule in their dosage, still overpower your feeble senses. As he pries down your bottom lip and tucks his thumb between your teeth demanding you suck. You comply, you've always complied. 
"my apprentice" he whispers like an ineffable secret.
You feel the tendrils of his darkness beckoning you. Feel the way he pulls you into his world. His umbra. You go willing, promising to follow your master to the ends of the galaxy. 
Overall Revan would be more gentle, more docile with a willing darling. Even patronizing at times. He'd see himself in the position to train you, to feed you his knowledge until you grow stronger. He likes to push your limits, to watch you squirm under him as he kisses down your neck. He'd take you everywhere with him and Malak. Show you everything. His darkness shields you from anything that could potentially hurt you until you morph into his perfect warrior. 
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𓇼Unwilling Darling
There's a ghost that haunts you. Powerful and all-consuming. You blame the Darksiders he's been in contact with. From the planet-eating shadow to the traitorous companion. The Revan you once knew is dead, only a baleful husk remains. One who stalks the planets in search of false idolizes and empty ambitions.
Revan is dead. 
Only the monster remains. 
You feel his presence lingering inside you. A sharp diamond cut on frail cartilage. Somehow he follows you in every realm, every reality. He's built from barren crepuscules and fuliginous aspirations. All morphed to appear as a semi-human creature. His mask is trained on you. It takes every willpower to stand your ground. 
Your fingers itch for your lightsaber, a feeble attempt at resistance. "You wish for a duel little one?" his voice is forbidding, taunting. You both know how this will end. 
Leave me alone...
"I am not you. I am no traitor, no monster, no abomination." Embers from your heart drift into your mouth. You spit them at him hoping he'll burn. 
Your words hold rage undefiting a Jedi. Your eyes mere slates of hatred. 
Neither fazes Revan.
As you've learned so very little tends to do.
"I never asked you to be." He's calm. Miserably so. You feel the force dragging you to his side. You scream as fingers wrap around your delicate throat. His frigid mask lowers to a puls point, mimicking a mock kiss. 
"Force, save me." 
Revan doesn't reward insubordination. Yet he tolerates your little rebellion for mere amusement. It gives him an excuse to play rough. To break you in the name of love and rebirth. He loves how sweet your screams sound when he drags the tip of his red lightsaber across the valley of your chest all the way to your squishy stomach. Love the scent of your flesh burning as you beg him to stop. Throwing promises of behaving so he'd just make the pain stop. 
Oh, how you make his cold heart beat. 
How he loves your sensation within his arms
Still, it's important to know that Revan is many things, many important things. Warrior, general, sith...You should be beyond grateful he's even permitted you into his life. Even graced you with his attention. 
At best, he sees you as a defective acolyte at worst a pet. Somehow they mean the same thing. They mean you are his to use at his leisure. Not a person, not a sentient being, just a trophy fallen Jedi like to flaunt.
Your body is a crime scene. One where the murderer leaves bleeding love bites and open wounds. Revan writes love letters upon your skin and you wholly long to burn them. To burn yourself, an escape from the miserable reality he's forced you into. 
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rainidraws · 1 year
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More 2022 shiz~🌸
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ai-satin-chic · 4 months
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She knew she only had three wishes. But she now had everything she could ever possibly want.
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Every midnight, the genie would transform her outfit into a different soft satin princess dress with petticoats.
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She would take VERY special care of this lamp.
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redknave · 2 years
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I knew you had a secret wish. 
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falasteeniferret · 1 year
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Disney Pride Flag Moodboard 🌈🎥
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dark-elf-writes · 1 year
I keeping thinking about Naruto with a water and wind affinity that can stir storms with a breath and flood the earth with a gesture. Sasuke that can turn forests to ash in an instant and summon the lightning from the sky. Sakura that can cause landslides with a stomp and make mountains crumble at will. Just Kakashi’s little cataclysms :D
Kakashi stumbles in to the Jonin lounge somehow both charred and soaked, covered in dirt, with his hair even more on end than normal and lays facedown in the middle of the floor for ten minutes before someone (Asuma who lost rock paper scissors three times) asks what happens.
“All of it.”
They blink, look at each other, and after another round of rock paper scissors that Asuma loses again (Kurenai is absolutely cheating with a genjutsu she is not dealing with this) he asks “all of what?”
Kakashi lifts his face from the ground, turns to look at Asuma with a thousand yard stare and just says “Every natural disaster at once” then drops his head back rot eh carpet with a loud thud.
They leave him there to mourn the brutal murder of his last scrap of sanity and all decide to… incidentally check their home insurance covers unnatural disasters as well.
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mossatossan · 4 months
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All we need is low res amen break!!!
jk I was listening to "all we need is blood" by Powerwolf the entire time i drew this, wickedly awesome band ugh
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auryn-l-moony · 1 year
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Queen Jasmine
tool :photoshop
My two sources of inspiration:
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