#Or Vic on the shoulder of Patrick
maxiscoolongg · 6 months
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☆ Lets bfr yall probably became friends because you were tutoring him on math because he is failing in school😭😭
★ like the teacher would pull you and Patrick aside after class and be like "Y/n you are going to be tutoring Patrick" you were stuned tbh
☆ Patrick however was really happy or something. When you guys were tutoring he kept asking questions about you.
★ You guys got surprisingly close.
☆ He gives you so much nicknames😭 (Ex: doll, dollface, pretty, darling, peaches)
★ he is really affectionate like REALLY affectionate.
You were at your locker getting your books for next period until you felt to hands go into your hoops of your shorts you giggled a little as you said "Hello pat" you said sweetly. That same sweet voic that made him fall in love with you "Hey dollface, I was thinking we watch a movie at your house?" He asked as his hands traveled to your waist as his head went onto your shoulder as you looked at him "Mm.. Maybe, I have dance after school" you said as you turned around
"Awh, come one can't you just skip one class, prettyface" He said flirty "I guess I can, but if my mom yells at me I will blame you" You said smiling a tiny bit as he smirked.
☆ He was the one who confessed to you for sure.
★ he LOVES watching horror movies.
☆ He for sure loves scream (Pretened it was released then)
★ Loves the way you get closer to him everytime a murder scene pops up
☆ If you don't flinch he love if you rant about it.
You guys were watching a movie and a murder scene popped up, he looked at you a little as you got closer in fear he watched as your brows came together as the character made a stupid decision "Oh my God!- she is so stupid! Why wouldn't she run the other way!" You yelled as he chuckled a little. He ADORED the way you ranted about movies he loves it so much.
★ Loves your lips, thighs, waist, ass,
☆ Definitely whispers stuff in your ear during school like ge would wishper stuff to make you laugh or to make you flustered
★ Your scared of the Bowers gang. Without a doubt, they are nice to you (Vic is the nicest) but still. You are friends with the losers and the keep telling you about them but you say "They're nice to me though!"
☆ Patrick definitely stalks you and takes pictures without permission. He loves the pictures of you drawing in class,
♡ you thought the relationship was all lovey dovey? No way.
♥︎ this man is so fucking overprotective, to the point its not even funny anymore
♡ if your asking me bro probably started stalking you in the 6th grade💀🙏🏻
♥︎ anyway, he probably planned the whole tutoring thing cause believe it or not he is actually probably really smart.
♡ teachers are SCARED of patrick, bro can practically get anything he wants so be careful my guy.
♥︎ If your hanging out with one of friends? Nope. Not any more! Patrick can keep you company,
♡ loves and I mean LOVES when he takes photos of you when you don't know, like bro will definitely pull a Johnathan byers and take photos of you changing. Not even kidding.
"I'm going to bed night ma!" You said to your mom as you gave her a kiss on the cheek and walked in your room closing the door behind you as you walked to your closet and took off your top to grab a pajama shirt
"God.." Patrick whispered from outside of your window, he was far but not the far, he was far enough you couldn't see him. He took a quick photo and almost chocked on his breath when he saw you bare naked. "Fucking gorgeous, darling" he whispered to himself but then again towards you
♥︎ bro is a sneaky mother fucker, steals everything.
♡ think a bracelet of yours looks nice? His now. No he doesn't do it because he wants it, he did it because he thinks you looked good wearing it and now he wants it so he can have a piece of you on him.
(EDITED March, 31st 2023.)
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girlystories · 7 months
Being the Bowers gang girl
*ೃ::Both platonic & romantic headcanon
– pairings: various x reader
addition warnings: swearing, bullying, very few depictions of sexism, few derogatory names, toxicity, abusive parenting.
words: 2.6k
this was entirely inspired by z0mbiekittyy, so please check them out!
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Meeting/joining the gang
you were at first the quiet, loner girl who kept to herself, only having a few acquaintances, with very few friends.
it wasn't because you were a loser. only the opposite. everyone wanted to become friends with you or get to know you in some way but you never let anyone get close.
everyone had heard of you of course. when they realized you were different they stopped trying to read you or make their mind about you.
that was until greta keene couldn't get enough. she hated the attention you got. so one day she started spreading rumors about you.
it was relatively easy, since no one knew you enough to disprove them in any way. one word went to another and everyone in town now started talking shit about you.
despite that, you didn't care. you had your mind somewhere else. popularity and school drama weren't your thing.
you didn't mind hearing the remarks spat at you when you wandered the halls or when you were in class. you were completely and utterly unbothered.
word got fast that it even reached the all too feared bowers gang.
you were making your way to biology class when you were shoved against a locker, all your books falling one by one on the floor.
"well well well, if it isn't derry's most favored whore", henry was the first to indulge in the act.
he was followed by vic, or – as he liked to refer to him as his 'right-man', "hey, hank. why haven't we ever tried to mess with her before?"
you tried to back up slowly, but your back hit against another frame. when you looked up your eyes met with a pair of green ones, followed by an unsettling smile.
it seemed like no one noticed what was happening – or in better words, no one gave a shit about what was happening.
"dont worry, [name], we're not gonna kill you, jeez," belch revealed.
that made henry groan and turn his head towards his friend. "shut up."
patrick, still behind you, held onto your shoulders, which was very easy due to his height. "or we will, you will find out soon."
"both of you shut up," henry silenced them before it could escalate to something else. "so, how about you come with us for a ride? ya'know, get some air n' stuff."
"you mean like skipping school?", you asked.
"why? are you scared? I'm sure your reputation is as shitty as it can get. can't get any worse than that. even ours is better."
you shrugged, and just decided to follow them. just as you sat at your seat – between vic and patrick, you couldn't make out the read ahead of you, as they were driving recklessly. where you were, you hadn't the slightest clue.
they were laughing and howling, sometimes shouting at the drives passing by.
you? well, you were scared shitless. you clung onto your seat belt, and holding back the urge to start shrieking.
after a while you got used to it and had to admit deep down it was kinda fun.
when you stopped, you realized you were at a junkyard. they prepared a fire when the sun began to set down and opened some bottles of beer.
as you all circled around the fire you began to talk about whatever. you also found yourself to... tolerate them. or, better yet, even enjoy their company.
before you knew it, little by little you hang more and more with them, slowly becoming one of them. it was the first time you were a part of something. they felt like home and you could trust them, despite the hardships and more extreme emotional outbursts.
your reputation got even worse but you didn't care. you had found your people.
other than hanging out in the junkyard, you guys do other stuff (of course).
it's like you all live together, while you also don't. frequent sleepovers, meet-ups on each other houses take place, ect.
vic once convinced you all to go camping a few towns away. despite being the one who recommended the idea, he ended up despicing it. on the other hand, patrick who hated the idea ended up having the most fun. scaring vic by hiding bugs in his tent and pretending he was hearing bears or wolves. belch had enough and kept demanding they'd stop fighting, while you kept laughing at vic's reactions everytime. you never went camping again.
every morning belch picks everyone in order, first henry, then patrick, then you, and lastly – the sleeping queen himself: vic.
then, you make a stop at the local diner, everyone choosing their own specific order that the waitress had already memorized.
unless vic had a hangover from the party the day before, he wouldn't stop complaining about who-knows-what.
sometimes, when you were really bored, you'd go out of town in search of abandoned places, owning them for a while until someone else found them and ruined them almost immediately.
it was expected and common sense you'd show up at ever party. then you all would split for a while but meet up in order to leave. belch was in priority not to drink or get high until anyone else got a license. that's what you all agreed on but that possiblility seemed unlikely.
at school you avoided bullying anyone, but giving up on trying to stop them from terrosizing another kid since it was the only thing they ignored you on. the only time you fought back was to defend yourself. not that you needed to, but because you wanted them to know that you weren't as incompetent as you seemed.
when you had the change you'd shoot empty beer bottles with henry's dad's gun.
Henry Bowers
you and henry would share your deep wounds together. him about his alcoholic and insane old man, and you about your hard time fitting in, both in family and friends.
you would joke around, but to an extent. if you said the wrong thing he'd refuse to speak to you for days, weeks or maybe even months – depending how much it affected him. if he was too stubborn, vic would have to somehow find a way to talk him out of his bitchy attitude.
despite him trying to seem hard-shelled, deep down he was very sensitive. he knew you knew that, and he hated it. it was the only thing he hated about you except the fact that tend to be pushy sometimes.
he had never cried in front the guys, but one day he couldn't hold back when he was only with you. it happened only once, but he still feels humiliated about it and hopes you'd never bring it up. he made you swore to never tell anyone.
butch seemed to like you for a reason, only approving of you from the gang. he hated the rest. when you find yourself at their house, he'd warmly greet you.
at first he and patrick made a lot of sexist joke about you. later when he noticed you went silent you, he started using them less, only saying them once or twice.
always offers you cigarettes, and makes sure to buy your favorites.
sometimes (when he's not in a shitty mood) he pays for your food when you go at the diner without saying a word or giving you the chance to convince him otherwise.
all good things considered, let's be honest here cuz we all know he has more negative that good qualities.
for example; gets jealous super easily and gets mad at you for it, making you apologize for something that isn't your fault.
NEVER admits he's wrong. ever.
when you have a different opinion he tells you to shut up or straight up threatens you.
needs a lot of attention, while also can't have on his tail all the time, making him indecisive and confusing.
sometimes doesn't realize you need help and leaves you deal with your problems alone while you clearly do need some sort of hand.
still, you always have a way to be together again, unable to keep any distance between you both. on weekends you usually take the bus to his house, helping him with the choses around the farm.
Vic Criss
you and vic already knew each other from middle school. you were in the same class and he used to help you with homework.
then, when kids started growing up through that phase everybody did about that sort of rivalry against girls and boys. because of that, your 'friendship' fell apart.
you weren't really friends back then but you could've been.
he never admitted it but he always stared at you from away, wishing you would somehow start talking to each other again.
he was the one who convinced henry to approach you that day. the idea popped into his mind just as those rumors started going around.
he was glad henry agreed. even though he always did, he was anxious of saying no. later, he lied to you, saying it was henry's idea instead and that first interaction you had with him was henry's way of being kind (despite calling you a 'whore').
you and vic were close, in a different way you were with the others. he understood you better and he was very good at telling advice. he was also fun gossiping with. definitely the best when having a sleepover. the others found him annoying or bitchy about it, but with you he was himself.
he also was kinda subtle about his true personality, not showing his true small but intresting quirks only you knew.
speaking of gossiping, almost every weekend he crashed at your place, the excuse being his siblings giving him a headache, while his mom being 'a pain in the ass'.
everytime he had a problem with the others you would be the first to know. he was still henry's 'right-man', but sometimes henry was, well... henry.
at parties he'd get wasted and you'd be 100% sure he'd be found in the bathroom pucking his guts out.
you guys are so close he would be showering while you were doing your business at the toilet, gossiping about everything single detail.
still sometimes helps you with school after some persuation, but keeps reminding you that 'he is not your tutor'.
loves braiding your hair when you're hanging out, especially during class when it's something super boring (even for him).
Patrick Hockstetter
you were honestly pretty scared of patrick at first, and most definitely the only one from the gang who gave you the creepes.
the alligations weren't few, to say the least, and at first you kept your distance from him.
he also didn't try to make a move on you, which you found stange, yet grateful. maybe henry threatened him or something. either way you were considerably on good terms with patrick.
one day at school, while you were waiting for the other three to come at your usual spot during break, he offered you a cigarette. you received it with gratitude, since it was rare for an offer coming from patrick. he even stricked up a conversation, which was... maybe a bit thought provoking.
then he smirked – that one charismatic he wore when you would stop being able to read his mind. he was like a puzzle, but most pieces were missing or switched with incorrect ones. "are the rumors true?", he asked, closing his zippo with a 'click' after he light your cigarette.
"i dont think that you care if they're true or not," you answered back, the tobacco filling your lungs with nicotine.
clouds of smoke escaped his nostrils with each chuckle. "maybe."
on your ride home Black Sun Morning by Screaming Trees was playing from the radio and you found yourself singing alongside patrick. he rose his brows, "you know 'em?"
"duh, of course."
the next day on the ride to school, instead of gossiping with vic you ended up having a deep conversation with patrick about music. you never imagined that you'd be having a conversation about art with him of all people.
since then, you hit it off well. he stopped using sexist comments as well, and even attempted physical contact at the diner, brushing his fingers against your hair. when he realized you let him or try to stop him, he smiled to himself.
in the end you were usually seen together, you sitting on his lap during breaks or at the gym stands, in the car or diner. he would wrap his arms around your waist and rest his head on your shoulder. it was making the others sick.
sometimes you attempted to help him with homework, but he only agreed so you could just hangout. he wasn't really interested in attending college. the thing he was good at was certainly playing the guitar. both bass and lead guitar. vic jokes about him making a band but it something told you he didn't view it as a light joke.
one day he invited you to his house to show you his vinyls and discs. that's when you met his mother and was pretty surprised to find out she was vietnamese. he made sure to never speak vietnamese around you or the others.
when meeting you he became less... interested at the fridge at the junkyard, viewing it less and less. maybe therapy was starting to work out? even for a tiny bit.
extremely protective of you, especially at parties. makes sure to keep an eye out even though you wouldn't know it.
Belch Huggins
belch was the most chill and the most independent one of the gang. aways making sure everything was in check and going smoothly. it was no surprise he was super welcome to you and tried to make you at ease the first few weeks, asking you if you were okay or needed a ride home.
is a gentleman, of course. doesn't tolerance any disrespect towards you, no matter how small it may seem to you.
offeres to pay for you when going out, no matter how many times you don't let him.
one time you both got so drunk you couldn't stop laughing; your bellys hurting and your eyes filled with tears while your faces were bright red. it made henry mad (as usual) but it's a memory you'd never forget. you had no way to get back home, though.
on fridays you watch him play basketball, sitting at the stands, and smoking and encouraging him. sometimes vic or patrick came too, but it was very rarely.
he offers you the ball but you immediately decline, being reminded of the day the ball hit you in the face after you missed your shot.
you requested him to teach you how to drive, which was a bad idea honestly. at first you didn't understand his instructions at all, but when he asked you if you had any questions you lied saying 'no'. after that instead of stepping on going forward you accidentally went backwards, almost crashing his beloved trams-am that he named 'daisy'. then you turned the wheel too far, almost falling at a ditch before he saved you two.
swore that you'd never get a license in your life and forbid you anywhere near the wheel, not even the passengers seat.
his dad owes a workshop, fixing cars. he helped too, supporting him in any way he could. you also helped him here and there while he taught you the basics and answered any questions you had.
he promised that he'd let you fix a car entirely on your own without his help. he said he'd also let you keep it for free.
you have a drawer contained only of belch's clothes. at first you'd ask him to try his sweatshirts on. then you'd complain you were cold and he'd sigh, saying you could give it back another day. but you never did.
you loved it when he gave you biggyback rides. his, especially. he could never refuse, despise how tired he was.
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bitches-who-write · 10 months
may I request how the gang would react to you checking on them from time to time?? I imagine bowers would just give a wtf look but like he learns to grow on it and b would just find it sweet, but he would never say it out loud
Henry is really confused by your act of kindness of checking in on him.
When you first started checking in on him asking how he’s doing, how he’s been feeling, if he needs anything, etc., he doesn’t know how to respond. 
He’s not used to anyone really caring about him, especially in his personal life/home life.
In the beginning, Henry would get angry with your constant checking in.
In a weird way, it made him feel emasculated.
Henry takes anything associated with showing your feelings as a huge sign of weakness. And that’s the last thing he wants to be is weak.
Don’t take it personally but he’ll most likely yell at you to stop asking him questions especially if you’re doing it in front of the other guys.
One on one is a different story, however . 
If you guys are sitting in the open field outside of his house, he’ll open up to you a little more.
Usually he catches himself opening up too much and begins to backpedal.
”Why the fuck do you care anyways?! Doesn’t even matter!”
After he explodes at you and you’re both sitting in silence, he’ll put his arm around your shoulder.
He’ll never say thank you, but take this small act of kindness as his appreciation. 
He’s very confused why you’re suddenly asking him questions.
Luckily for Belch, his family is pretty close. As much as he complains about it, his mom makes them all eat dinner together so they can all ‘talk as a family’.
So because he has a good home life, these types of questions aren’t too uncommon.
However, it confuses and weirds him out when it comes from somebody outside of his family.
When you keep asking how he’s doing and how he’s been feeling, he starts to get concerned.
“Why do you keep asking me this, Y/N? Do you know something that I don’t? Am I dying???
“Holy shit, Vic! I might be dying!”
This dude can be pretty dramatic.
Once you  reassure him that he’s not dying, he calms down and casually answers your questions.
He always asks you the same in return, genuinely smiling when you tell him about your day.
Belch grows fond of these daily conversations with you.
Listen, Patrick isn’t a normal guy and we can’t stress this enough.
He has a pretty dissociative personality and doesn’t express a lot of personal feelings  unless it’s on his terms.
Usually when you check in on him he’s weary.
Always thinking there’s an alternative motive behind your questions.
You can tell that he’s trying to process and think ahead.
If he’s feeling extra cheeky, he’ll usually give you a smart ass answer.
You just can’t do anything nice for the guy because he doesn’t appreciate it.
Again.. boyfriend material? Absolutely not. But do we all simp for him? Absolutely.
Similar to Belch, he finds it enduring.
He’s another one who’s not used to getting attention.
Vic is a quiet guy who keeps to himself so he can easily be overlooked.
He tries not to smile when you acknowledge him and ask him how he’s feeling or check in on him in general.
Honestly, the more you check in on him,the more comfortable he gets around you.
Vic doesn’t catch feelings super easily but this is one way to win him over.
Unlike Henry, he’s not afraid to share his soft side with you.
And because he’s usually so quiet in groups, when you get him one on one, he won’t shut the hell up.   
Getting back to the whole catching feelings thing … don’t be surprised if he ends up falling for you because of your sweet personality.
Thanks for the request @impossibleheartflower
We hope you enjoyed!🖤
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hennyjwrites · 1 year
Peaches and Cream: Chapter 1
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Sighing as you pull into the school parking lot you resent your parents for bringing you back to Derry after summer break. You had missed the first month of school so technically this was your first day back. You looked in your mirror and smiled at your new look. Over summer break you changed for the better of yourself. You dabbled in makeup, worked out, got a few piercings, and ate good. You were practically glowing.
Your hair was done with your natural kinks, slightly covering your eyes in a stylish way. Before it was either a mess of a bun, or down in a poofy straight style. The lipgloss you had on gave your plump lips the shine that they needed which brought attention to your white teeth. You traded out your overly baggy outfits, for slightly tighter ones which showed your figure. You look good and you know it.
You made sure to grab your backpack which was filled with your art supply before you stepped out of the car. Your pace was slow as you walked through the double doors. Walking with your head held high, you ignored the looks from some students as they recognized you in your new state. When you made it to your locker you caught the eye of Victor Criss.
He was always your friend even though the rest of the gang didn’t pay you any attention. He always helped you with homework and projects and vice versa. You had never taken him for the bully type until you witnessed him roughing a few kids up with the rest of his little group of friends. You never understood how he got wrapped around Henry’s finger but that wasn’t your business.
Victor excused himself from the group heading towards you. You waited patiently as you opened your locker.
“Hey y/n.” He grinned, excited to see one of his closest friends. He liked that you gave him that sense of niceness that he needed after being a part of the Bowers gang for so long.
You shrugged your jacket off and threw it in the locker before shutting it. “Hey Victor!” You pulled him into a quick hug and he returned it awkwardly.
He quickly looked at you, licking his lips slightly. “You look good, what happened to ya?” He asks. Most would’ve taken offense to the question but you knew what he meant.
“Left town for a few weeks. While I was gone I reinvented myself.” You looked around and saw some of the guys who used to avoid you now staring at you. The hallways were full of kids, and they were obviously avoiding certain people. “And obviously a few people like it:'' you joked.
Before Victor could reply Henry Bowers called his name. “Bring your ass on Vic, you can talk to the whore some other time.” He smirked at you and you could tell he didn’t recognize you. Henry and his little sidekick Patrick practically terrorized you in middle school. Always pulling your curls, knocking you over, just being assholes. Their torture died down slightly when you became friends with Victor. You always assumed he told them to knock it off but you were never completely sure. Vic started inviting you to hang with them sometimes afterwards.
Vic turns back to look at you. “I gotta go, I’ll catch you at lunch alright?” He mostly tells you. You shrug your shoulders as he makes it through the swarm of kids back to Bowers. Before you turned away you caught Patrick’s glance at you. He smirked at you creepily before turning his attention back to the gang. Not knowing why, but a slight shiver ran down your body when he looked at you. You walked to your first class as the bell rang, as everyone scurried out of the hallway.
Walking in the cafeteria, you looked around slightly trying to find a good seat. It was noisy from everyone talking about their summer break but it was bearable. You were about to go sit with your old friend Greta but your arm was grabbed. Ready to push whoever it was off, you roughly turned around until you came face to face Vic.
“Come sit at our table Y/N the gang won’t mind.” He told you, guiding you towards their table. You walked side by side until you finally reached the seats. The two open seats were either sitting between Reggie and Henry or Victor and Patrick. “Cmon sit.” Victor beckoned you. You decided against sitting near Henry and plopped down in between Victor and Patrick. “Guys this is Y/N. '' Victor introduced.
“Oh Y/N, I ‘member you.” Reggie said smiling. He has a sandwich in his hands which you were sure his momma made for him. “You helped my mama with her garden a few summers ago. You saved me a lot of work with whatever you did.” He informed you.
You smiled at him, showing off your pretty teeth. “Your mama was the sweetest woman Reggie, she still sends my family her special cookies to this day.” You smile.
He returned the smile gently before returning his attention back to his lunch. You were tapped on your shoulder. Who was brave enough to actually walk up to the Bowers table. When you turned around you were met with Jaxon Lane's sweeter than pie smile. He was one of the cutest boys you ever met and one of your long time friends. “Hey Jaxon!” You greeted smiling ear to ear.
Jaxon pulled you up into a hug which you gladly returned. “Long time no see, you look great.” Unknown to you your ass was directly in Patrick’s face. It was so round and looked so soft. Patrick was practically drooling and Henry saw the look in his eye and smirked. “Like what you're seeing Pat? Like having her ass in your face?”
“Fuck. What’s there not to like?” Patrick geowled. Your curves were poking out making your body fill in your clothes. You were one of the good things he created. You smiled slightly at Patrick’s words, not expecting him to compliment you. Patrick turned and looked at Jaxon and smiled creepily. Both him and Henry stared at him for a second. Jaxons face dropped, already preparing for the lunatic to lunge at him. “Scram.” Is all Patrick said before Jaxon turned on his heel and walked away to avoid a beating.
You sat back down in your seat and looked between Patrick and Henry. “You guys are assholes.” You muttered, stealing one of victors chips. Patrick was shamelessly staring at your boobs. Your body was enough to have him practically hypnotized. Now he just wondered what it felt like. Pat dropped his hand on your thigh and you turned to look at him. He smirked at your reaction.
“What Patrick?” You ask, looking across from you at Henry who was close to laughing. Belch and Victor were having their own conversation. He didn’t say anything but he rubbed your thigh feeling how soft you were.
“Quit drooling over the bitch Pats she still looks like the trash she was in grade school.” Henry muttered, eyeing some freshmen to find later. Henry didn’t hate you, he just didn’t find the appeal of you. Or so you thought.
You rolled your eyes. “Everyone else thinks differently, Henry.” You inform him. Patrick leaned into you and sniffed your hair. It kind of creeped you out. “You smell good. You smell like peaches.” He told you. “Makes me wonder, do you taste as good as you smell?” He asks moving his hands closer to the inside of your thigh. You stiffened slightly, grabbing the victor's attention.
He shook his head. “Pat I’m warning you, she isn’t as easy as she looks.” He says, shaking his head. You looked at him confused. How the fuck would he know that? “Tried to fuck her a few times and the girl wouldn’t even spread her legs.” Your mouth dropped. You thought he was your friend. He and everyone else at the table laughed.
Henry laughed at the thought. “Oh I see. You're too bitchy to give it up? Hear that hockstetter, she’s still fresh.” He smirked at the thought of Patrick getting his hands on you. Of course he knows how Patrick is with every girl he’s been with. Henry might not know the details but he took notice of how the girls in this town changed after dealing with Patrick. Maybe if he fucked you up in the head you would get knocked off that high horse you were already on.
If you were lighter you were sure your face would be redder than a tomato right now. Patrick laughed along with everyone else before he leaned down. “Mhm I heard, she's just waiting for someone to make her a woman. You're gonna let me make you one?” He laughed although he was deadly serious. His hand went between your legs and grabbed you. You stood up quickly, slapping him in the process. Even though everyone else was scared of him you refused to be one of those bitches who let him do what he wants.
“I wouldn’t let you fuck me if you were the richest man on earth Patrick. If you touch me like that again, I’ll break your fucking fingers.” You hissed, grabbing your backpack and walking out the cafeteria. Patrick’s face stung in pleasure as he watched you walk out. He smiled and bit his lip as your ass moved with every swag of your hips.
You had spent the rest of the day in the library examining art books to help with your technique. When the bell rang you quickly made your way out the building.
You shook your head as you saw the gang torturing some freshman. You decided against defending them and continued walking to your car. Patrick saw you and excused himself from the gang's activities. He called after you but it fell upon deaf ears as you continued walking at a faster pace. Patrick’s long legs gave him an advantage because he was behind you in seconds. He bit his lip as he brought his hand down, slapping and gripping your ass. Fuck it was so soft and his whole hand still didn’t cover it all.
You froze in your steps and turned to see Patrick who was staring at you with lust in his eyes. His pupils were wide as he looked. “Fuck your ass is soft. You smell and feel like a fresh peach.” He told you.
“Thanks but don’t touch me like that.” You muttered, continuing to walk. Patrick trailed behind you as you walked to your car. You unlocked your doors and hopped in thinking you were leaving Patrick behind. He went to the other side and got in the passenger seat. “What’re you doing?” You asked, throwing your stuff in the backseat. You weren’t nervous or anything, just confused.
“I can’t sit in my girlfriend's car now, peaches?” He teased, letting his arm fall in the armrest. You grimaced at the nickname and started the car.
“Girlfriend?” You questioned turning your body toward him.
He smiled and nodded his head. “You're my girlfriend now, peaches.” He informed you. When you stare at him his smile drops. “Is that a problem?” He growled, hand already twitching. Not gonna lie it scared you how he could just switch like that’s
You pulled off out the parking lot. “Nah not a problem, just stop calling me peaches.” You muttered, hating the name.
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amber-michaelson · 2 years
Fallen Angel
Yandere Bowers Gang x reader
-Headcanon here-
Summary: they are obsessed and decide to act on it
Read at own risk
Warning: swearing
Fm = favorite movie
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Yn pov
"Hello" I smiled sitting next the platinum blonde boy "I'm yn" I said and took out my books "victor" he greeted quietly before the teacher started speaking and through the lesson victor explained the previous lesson and showed me his notes which I gladly expected the help before the bells go "thanks so much victor how will I ever repay you" I asked packing up my stuff "you don't have to but whenever you need help just come to me" he smiled putting his bag over his shoulders "I'll make sure to keep that in mind" I murmured and went our separate ways, over my first week me and victor got closer and he's been helping me a lot "bye vic" I smiled and walked into my history class and sat at my normal spot in the back "good day class today we will be preparing a project which will be due in 2 weeks" the class groaned in disappointment "don't worry you will be able to pick your own partners" I looked around for anyone familiar but nothing "can I be your partner" I turned to the voice and see one of the people that hang around victor "of coarse I don't mind" I smiled and moved my bag to make room for him "yn and belch you will do ancient Rome" the teacher explained and did the rest of the groups and aloud us to go to the library "so yn I see you hang around victor" belch made small talk as we gazed for books on the shelves "yeah he helps me with my homework and tutors me" I smiled and started piling the books in my hand "let me carry those" he smiled taking the books out my hands "oh thank you belch".
▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎Time skip▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎
I smiled as me, victor and belch made our way down the hall "hey guys who's this" we paused as two boys stepped in front of us "oh hey Henry" victor murmured "hi I'm yn" I smiled at both of them "well cutie I'm Patrick" the one smiled licking his lips "I'm Henry" the other crossed his arms "well its nice to meet you two but I need to get to my maths class bye guys" I smiled and walked away.
And everyday day after that I was the new member of the bowers gang and over the time the boys became more and more disappointed if I talk to anyone but them or gave anyone my attention "guys come on it was one thing" I whined as they kept quiet as we made our way behind school to belchs car so we can get something to eat "but you could've asked us" victor muttered and opened the door for me I climbed in with victor and Patrick sitting next to me "why are you so protective" I asked but didn't get a response instead silence filled the car the only sound was the soft tones coming from the radio "belch can I have a water" I murmured leaning forward "yea here" Henry muttered handing me a bottle of water I slowly uncapped it and took a sip and closed it back up "this isn't the way to the has station" I murmured but slowly started to feel dizzy and my vision started fading "what did you do" I leaned forward and felt tired "it's OK now" Victor's voice turned to whispers before I blacked out completely 'this is where the nightmare begans'.
My eyes adjust to the darkness it had been a few hours since belch dropped of breakfast for me they'd lock the door to the room I was in except for the attachment bathroom, the room had no windows and was lit up by a flickering light.
"Babe we're home" I sighed in relief as Henry unlocked the door it was getting more and more boring when they leave I was starting to actually miss them "we were thinking how about we go into the lounge and watch a movie" victor smiled sitting on the edge of my bed "you mean leave the room" I was shocked I haven't left the room on months "yes since you've been so good we want to reward you" I giggle happily and jumped up and hugged them "come on tiger" Patrick murmured and lifted me up and carried me down stairs while the others got get the stuff ready "how was your day" I asked as he settled us onto the couch with me on his lap "it was good but missed feeling your but on my dick" I blushed as he slightly grinded against me "Patrick stop being a perv" Henry smacked the back of Patrick's head while giving me a blanket and setting beside me while victor brings the drinks and sits on the other side of me and belch brings the snacks and settles between my legs "what do you wanna watch" Henry passes me the remote "how about fm" I put on fm and snuggled into Patrick's chest 'maybe this isn't a nightmare after all'.
My other it works
Check out my other works
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princess-glassred · 1 month
Imagine if when Henry started to first grow his hair out into a mullet his father was too drunk to even notice until it was almost touching his shoulders.
Henry's dad was so enraged by Henry growing his longer hair he threatened to cut it off and told him "If you wanna look like a girl i'll MAKE you look like a girl!".
He then came home the very next day with a really gaudy, 60's style dress you'd only see some one like Beverly Marsh wear since it was so outdated and obviously from a thrift store, then proceeded to force Henry to put it on and practically model the damn thing in front of Belch, Vic, and Patrick.
Henry was so embarrassed and scared to be seen like this he actually began to cry, which only makes his dad angrier and feel more validated.
Patrick literally couldn't care less, finding Henry's father's """shenanigans"" trite and kinda boring, and Henry's crying like an inconvenience.
Belch and Vic, however, felt genuinely really bad, but couldn't really tell Henry how they felt since they thought it'd only make it worse.
Henry's father even took notice of this and began to tell them not to feel bad for him since "He's a sissy little queer, they get off on this stuff. He loves it.".
This is not the first nor the last time his father emasculated him in front of people, but it's one of the biggest contributing factors in Henry's toxic masculinity and hatred for anything gay.
Eventually Henry got old enough to where he could have his mullet and his dad wouldn't give a fuck, but the damage was done.
Vic and Belch even notice that after that day, Henry was never seen wearing shorts ever again, because even shorts were too similar to a skirt for him now.
That dress is still laying around somewhere, deep in the back of a closet, symbolic of all Henry hates about himself and hides.
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the-cannibal · 1 year
Henry bowers with a stubborn reader?
YAY A HENRY BOWERS REQUEST! I seriously love the bowers gang so much, thanks for requesting this! I hope you like it!
Henry Bowers X Stubborn! Reader
Gender neutral - they/them and you is used
Written on mobile so I apologize if it’s formatted weirdly
You had been dating Henry Bowers for a while now. No one knew how Henry was able to handle you with his short temper and how stubborn you could be. It wasn’t uncommon for you to turn your head up with a “hmph!” If he wanted to do something you didn’t. You almost never changed your mind with anything, if you said you were going to do something then you were going to do it. You lived by a “it’s my way or the highway” attitude.
No one understood how you were able to get Henry to stay. After all, Henry always felt like he needed to be in control. And you made that pretty difficult. Such as today. Henry wanted you and him to go hang out with the gang, maybe drive around town a bit and find some kids to pick on. But you didn’t.
“Come on, Y/n, Belch is here.” Henry said. You did your head turn and huffed, sitting down on your couch and crossing your arms. “No,” You said. “I told you I don’t wanna hang out with them today.” Henry groaned and stepped in front of your line of vision, which you then just turned your head the opposite way. Belch could be heard outside honking his horn for you two to hurry up, but he knew what was most likely happening.
“Y/n I’m not messing around with you! Get up and let’s go.” Henry said, giving you another chance. You simply stick your tongue out at him. That was it. Without giving you a chance to react, Henry picked you up and swung you over his shoulder, carrying you out the house and lightly tossing you into the backseat with Vic and Patrick.
“Hey, Y/n. Not having a good time I see.” Patrick snickered. You kicked him, dodging Vic’s legs in the process, making Patrick only snicker more. “They’re the reason why we took so fucking long.” Henry said as he looked at you through the rear view mirror. You said nothing, focusing your attention out the window.
“Someone’s pissy.” Belch said. And you weren’t quite sure if he was referring more about you or Henry. Henry rolled his eyes. “They can deal with it. I told them we were going to hang out with you guys.”
“Yeah but… Did they have to? Not that I care, you’re great Y/n,” Vic quickly added, which you gave him a quick small smile to assure him it was fine. “But they clearly didn’t wanna come this time.”
“You’re right, Vic.” You suddenly said. “I didn’t want to come. And I stand by that.” You glared daggers at Henry before opening your door and hopping out of the car, hearing a string of “oohs” from Belch and Patrick. Henry watched at you went back into your house, slamming your door shut behind you. He swore under his breath, running his fingers through his hair. “I’d go after them if I were you.” Belch said, glancing beside Henry to the house.
“They’re so fucking stubborn,” Henry mumbled. “I swear it’s like dating a bratty teenager.”
“Yeah well they probably feel the same way about you.” Vic said. Henry leaned back and punched him in the shoulder before leaving the car, watching it drive off from the porch, and then entering Y/N’s home. Y/n was laid down on the couch, arms still crossed, staring off at the tv screen which was playing some random show they didn’t really care about.
Without saying anything, Henry swung his body so he was laying behind you and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close to his chest. “You’re an ass.” You said. “And your a brat.” He replied, gently kissing you neck. He knew that buttered you up. You squirmed and flipped over to face him, both of you having a frown on your faces. But that was just how you both looked. Patrick would often tease the two of you for your resting bitch faces. Which you and Henry would beat him up for.
You kissed Henry’s nose, making him lightly flinch back from surprise. “Thanks for coming with me. I’m still kinda pissed at you though.”
“Yeah I figured you were. Can I change the channel?”
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cr33py-d0lly · 7 months
pda scale (bowers gang)
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henry is not the type to show his love to his s/o in public
he might but his arm round your shoulder a squeez u and you might get the rare hug and kiss but that is it
he is more loving in private but not that much cus this guy doesn't know what love is
this guy doesn't care who is around just to say
if he had his way he would um take you right there right then
he will probably just kiss you on you cheek and a light peck on your neck :) and also hugs yous so yeah
dw he is more a guy who will give you complements and say "i love you so much"
he will probably make out with you in public maybe even do something in the back of the movies.
he loves the hug you constantly and gives you a bunch of hugs
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kaysters247 · 6 months
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So I’ve started a story about Patrick, and wanted to start sharing it on here! I also have it on Wattpad under the name Kaylakuy and the story is called Deadly Inferno. Let me know what you think so far!
Warning: Mature Themes
Word Count: 1104
Part 1 - The Bowers Gang Girl
Summer nights in this hellhole of a house felt entirely endless as the days and nights dragged on. Staring at myself in the mirror with the consistent cigarette burns and bruises that were imprinted fingerprints in my skin were the norm. With my bedroom door locked and window open, the curtains I've had up for what felt like years slightly ruffling about from the subtle morning breeze, I stared at myself in the body length mirror my mom once got me. Mom.... I missed her more than anything. But at the same time, I hated her guts. Leaving Henry and I like she did because she couldn't handle our dads stupid ass was ridiculous. She abandoned us. And look at us now. Henry's so lost in this darkness he can't seem to get out of, not that he wants to. And I just simply do my own thing, smoke in private with Beverly who sneaks me cigs when she can, burning my own skin because it was an ounce of pleasure I somehow enjoyed. Pain. It was something to feel. And I strangely liked it.
"Leslie! Get your ass down here before we leave you." I slipped on my black tank top over my frilly red bra, not caring if the straps were in full view for anyone to see. Everyone already thinks I'm the town slut. Why disappoint now? I grabbed my backpack from the side of my bed and slung it over my shoulder whilst making my way out of my room and down the stairs of our two story house that hadn't truly felt like home in years.
"Dad's in a mood. Ignore him." Henry and I both eyed him from his usual chair, seeing his eyes trained solely on the tv ahead of him. Butch Bowers was an asshole. Let me just start by saying that. A hardass. Controlling.
"Leslie? Don't forget what I told you." I rolled my eyes with a subtle answer to his demand, a little okay slipping through my lips before we bolted out the door. And that would be to stop being a hoe and not sleep with every guy in town. When in fact, I'm still a fucking virgin. I'm 15 with no intent of wanting some dick inside me at any given time.
"You'll have to sit between Patrick and Vic. But I swear to fuck you better not let them touch you. Dad will kill me if he hears another story about you and Patrick...." I sighed a little in annoyance, never understanding how these rumors came to be from the little spies that are called parents that always seem to tattle to my dad. Patrick Hockstetter had been friends with Henry since I could remember. Lanky, long dark hair and green eyes that seemed to bore into my soul at any given chance with wandering hands that loved to go down my shirt when he possibly could, once unbuttoning my shorts right in the trans am in full view of my brother, Vic and Belch. He almost made it past my underwear line before I slapped his hand away and scoffed, buttoning my shorts back up as quickly as possible. Thankfully, Henry didn't notice. But Vic did. And he was trying to hide a smile. Patrick and I had this dynamic that Vic new all too well. He knew everything because I told him. He'd been my best friend since we were little, the reason he's now in what they're called as, The Bowers Gang.
"Just so you know Pat, I will slap your dick if you do anything. Got it?" I slipped in next to him as he mock saluted me with a little humored smirk on his undeniably cute face. He loved torturing me. It was his hobby to torture. Specifically me.
"Alrighty Princess." But his arm laced around my waist anyway without hesitation, only drawing me closer to him as Belch took off down the driveway once Henry was in the passenger seat, my light brown hair blowing in the wind.
"Careful. Your dad might see today. He's been at the school a lot since Betty Ripsom disappeared." Vic's helpful warning in my ear was another shot to the heart I hadn't been thinking of. Betty. I used to sit next to her in math class. She was sweet. But I knew she was dead. There's no way she's still alive. And with all the talk of who's taking these kids, it's honestly terrifying. But with summer break starting today after the last day of school, so many would forget, making her just another missing poster on buildings.
"Hockstetter I swear I will beat your ass if you don't quit touching my sister. And you know I fucking will." Henry's usual temper was in full swing this morning and his voice was as dark and threatening as could be. He hated the idea of Patrick and I. He always had. But Patrick never did let go of me until we got to school and we all clambered out of the trans am, Patrick's eyes directly on my ass the entire time I was walking towards the building. And I knew this because I could practically feel his eyes burning holes in my cheeks. Henry suddenly grabbed my arm roughly, pulling me away from the guys and dragging me away with such a look on his face that he could just make someone drop dead from said look.
"Remember what I said. Don't fuck around with that fag Hockstetter. I see the way you look at him....." I shoved away from Henry just as Vic came walking past with an apologetic look on his face. He knew how bad my home life truly was. He knew Henry could be violent with me and dad? Well he was on a whole other level.
"I don't "fuck around" Henry. Regardless of what people say. But if I want to do anything with Patrick, then maybe I will." Maybe I should was all I kept thinking. My eyes connected with Patrick's as Henry stalked away from me with anger boiling in his blood, seeing the firm look of interest in his green eyes. And that never wavering smirk on his lips.
"It's so hard to believe little Leslie Bowers would be interested in a Hockstetter like me. I'm pretty dangerous ya know?" I looked out to see a patrolling police car and knew it was my dad, his eyes connecting with mine from across the busy school yard. He looked pissed. He hated Patrick. And that's what attracted me more to him.
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mrmaybank · 1 year
Fandom: IT
Title: Someone who loves you wouldn’t do this
Character(s): the whole Bowers gang + Butch
Request: No
Genre: Angst + a tiny bit of fluff
TW: Butch Bowers :)
A/N: i’m in love with idea so get ready for more fics with the reader being Henry’s younger brother, this has a modern AU to it and reader is the same age as the losers.
Belch stopped in front of the bowers house then turned to the back seat where (M/N), Henry’s little brother, was seating with Patrick and Vic. (M/N) grabbed his backpack and opened the door getting out, “Tell Hen we hope he feels better,” Vic told him.
“Well do!” (M/N) Responded. (H/C) boy walked up the short driveway to his front door pulling out his key and waving to Belch, Patrick, and Vic drove off in the blue Trans-Am. The (E/C) boy used his key to unlock door, and was immediately met with screaming.
His older brother was wearing nothing but a pair of blue boxers and a black t-shirt, with a blanket looked about seconds away from falling off his shoulders. What was most notable was that his brother didn’t have his usually poker face on, he was showing how he really feel. Which seemed to be tired and feed up.
Henry looked like he was about to say something when he made eye contact with you and his whole demeanor changed. He motioned the stairs with his head then mouthed ‘go’ at (M/N). But Butch seemed to catch on because he turned a looked to see (M/N) who stood there frozen.
Before he could do anything he was yanked over to the ground by his father. “Dad, don’t,” Henry spoke in a voice just above a whisper.
“Yeah? And why shouldn’t I?” Butch asked.
“Because this is between me and you,” Henry used his hand to gestures him and butch, “you don’t need to involve him,” Henry told his father.
“Well I want to,” Butch sneered before delivering a swift kick to his youngest’s son stomach.
“Dad!” Henry screamed. Another kick was delivered to (M/N) stomach and another as Henry just to stop his father. Henry grabbed his dad’s shoulder trying to pull him away from his little brother. “Dad, stop please!” Henry exclaimed.
Butch turned to face his oldest son, “This what you get for not following orders,” He hissed before delivering yet another kick to (M/N).
Who was now sobbing on the floor, “stop, please,” the eleven year old cried.
“Dad please,” Henry begged. After what felt eternity of Henry trying to pull his father away from his brother, who was delivering after kick to the poor boy he stopped.
Henry quickly moved next to his little brother and looked from him to Butch. Who just sneered at the two of them, “Maybe next time you’ll be more obedient,” he hissed, “now go to your rooms, I don’t wanna see your faces anymore,” Henry watch as his father walked off.
Then quickly down at his little brother, “Were gonna upstairs, your gonna go to your room and pack a pair of pajamas and change of clothes. Then come straight to my room okay?”
(M/N) nodded, Henry helped him upstairs and into his room where he grabbed a plastic bag and shoved a black t-shirt and pajamas pants in there. Along with a Nirvana hoodie and a pair of jeans. He made he slowly made his way to his brother’s room trying to push down the pain in his stomach.
He opened the door and found his brother sitting on the bed with backpack next to him. He was now wearing sweat pants and different t-shirt. Henry turned smiled at his little brother motioning for him to join him on the bed. (M/N) did just that placing his bag in his lap, “Vic’s gonna he here two minutes,” Henry told (M/N).
“Okay,” (M/N) replied. Henry wrapped an around his little brother’s shoulder, they sat there in silence until Henry’s phone went off signaling Vic was here.
They quickly made there way out of the house using the window and entered Vic’s car. Henry in the front while (M/N) sat in the back. No body talked for the first two of minutes of the car drive. “Do you two wanna…,” Vic trailed off.
“No,” both of them said in unison.
“Okay,” Vic replied. He reached over and placed a hand on Henry’s thigh and if (M/N) saw this he certainly didn’t say anything about it. After ten minutes later they pulled into Vic’s driveway, “my parents are gone for the next two weeks,” he informed them.
He lead them inside and into the living room. Where the brothers sat down on the couch, Vic sighed and kneeled down in front of them. “Okay, I know the both of you aren’t ones for emotional shit and opening up. But I am so i’m gonna tell you this now, I don’t know what he did or what said. But I can assure you don’t deserve that at all. Butch Bowers is a fucking idiot if he can’t see how special his two sons are,” Vic told them.
None of them said anything after that, Vic turned on the TV and sat down next to Henry. Who wrapped an around both of his boys pulling them in. (M/N) buried his face in his brother’s side who started rubbing his hand up and down his back. “He can’t hurt you right now,” Henry told him, “And I won’t ever let him hurt you again,” Henry promised.
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kneamet · 2 years
Hi hi hi :D I loved my beautiful madness, by the way <3 I'm not sure if i could request again but can i put in another request but this time it's for Obi-Wan Kenobi or Patrick Mckenna? I had this idea from listening to the song Meant to be yours and it made me think of two ideas: a. Sith!Obi-Wan hunting down Jedi Knight!Reader as she hides during order 66, but then Obi-Wan starts professing his feelings for the reader in a very very twisted way (The lyric i based this idea from was "You were meant to be mine, i am all that you need! You cut open my heart, [you] can't just leave me to bleed!") There could be two endings to it (it's up to you if you want to add this part in hihi) 1. Reader comes out of hiding and willingly surrenders to Obi-Wan, something happens that makes the reader give in to the dark side (can be the obsessive joy that comes from Obi-Wan, or can be a short kiss) 2. Reader manages to make Obi-Wan snap and he accidentally *ahem* kills the reader; Obi-Wan has to live with the guilt of losing his love for the rest of his life AND b, Patrick and reader are dating (well, in Patrick's perspective he and the reader are dating), but then the Reader says she wants to separate herself from him, which angers Patrick and scares the reader into staying with him (Based on the lyric "You toss me out like i was trash, for that, you should be dead) and then it ends with Patrick just trying to calm the reader down from his outburst Hehe thanks so much!
The stars all belong to the Gods
Trigger Warning: angst, fear, yandere, obsession
Word Count: 2345
Character: sith!obi-wan kenobi/reader
Summary: Death could not be denied, death could not be avoided; Obi-Wan was death. Frightened by his own power, turned to the dark side, fell under the power of Darth Sidious, he was lost. Obi-Wan was mired in darkness, wrapped in the thinnest threads of madness, but he never forgot about you. The distant stars fell under his tears when he, unable to touch, watched you.
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When Obi-Wan rose, the stars lit up in the sky. A great Jedi who lost a master at a young age, fought a Sith, did not succumb to the dark side — there were legends about Obi-Wan in the temple. And while the adult Jedi were whispering about him, the younglings were inspired by his story until they learned the terrible news — their revered symbol turned to the dark side, betrayed the codex and thrust a lightsaber into a student on a fiery Mustafar. When Obi-Wan fell, the only thing you felt was emptiness. An all-consuming, all-encompassing, dreary emptiness. The words struck you like thunder, and while the master was leaving, you looked at the floor in an eclipse, did not believe.
Old acquaintances, padawans with a forbidden connection, you did not hide secrets from each other, trusted each other, supported each other. Even when Obi-Wan had a student, even when there were moments of sadness and separation, you always knew: you have him, he has you — and your forbidden bond is one. Bitter nights, as soon as the walls were cold, pressed, and the dream was the worst nightmare, he came to you, saved you from a fictional villain and hugged, kissed the top of your head with weathered lips. His big rough hands stroked back, and his head lay on his shoulder — and the rest of the dream passed.
You swear when the sand of Tatooine winds in your squinting eyes, leaving grains of sand in the folds of your nondescript clothes. Boots tread on hard sand. The house — the cave, to tell the truth — in which you live was far from the city and all thanks to Order 66; an order that changed your entire former life. Sighing, you look down. There is very little time left before home and your day repeats itself from time to time: dawn is the beginning of wakefulness, day is work, sunset is sleep.
You had the fate of a martyr, and it was unclear why you continue to exist — to create or destroy? How many deaths were on your hands — and it doesn't matter, Sith, civilians — how many destroyed houses, broken destinies. How many children... Victims of your stupidity, naivety! disbelief that Obi-Wan could betray the rules, the Council, and you. His ashen body — which was in peacetime, your time, glowing, freckled — burned to scars.
Deprived of all the benefits, ruined by your own aspirations, stopped by the masters, you exiled yourself, hid in the darkness of darkness, having no light. The Jedi are gone, life is over. Reproaching yourself, eating your soul and heart with memories of poor children, you had to hide on Tatooine, in a world of sand and sadness, forgotten ideas and people. The sun was your eternal companion, withstood all the aching pain, absorbed doubts and worries, disturbed the heart.
The Sith became the lords of thoughts; seized power, possessed minds, exterminated former Jedi. There were quite a few rumors about one of the most formidable Sith — Darth Lant, famous for his elegant cruelty, exhaustion and seductive voice. He was a fallen Jedi, General Kenobi, Obi-Wan Kenobi, your Obi. He forgot everything, burned fiercely and left half-ruined cities in ashes behind him, but succumbed to the influence of your charms, gently and menacingly, to the point of trembling, whispering words of love and gently caressing.
His straw-colored hair has become stiff, long, and his hands are always wearing gloves. Obi-Wan came to you in your dreams, talked with the intonation of approaching danger and continued to talk about meeting soon. He, like the white knight, saved you from terrible monsters — which he was — and began to attack you with special pleasure. It was a shame to admit it, but the old, such familiar movements brought back the lost dignity and excitement, brought out of the terrifying confusion and pain in which the heart had been fully immersed for the last two years, and you again recalled those carefree days with little Kenobi.
He directed dreams, created them for you and built castles in the air. He came up to you with a grin, took advantage of confusion and defenselessness: he walked around from the side of the leading hand and put a sword to his throat. He enjoyed, he rejoiced, played like a child. He is your death, your time, your space, your pain. And he will be your executioner.
Your door creaks, and you immediately feel something wrong. Straining your gut, connecting with the Force — I am one with the Force — you inspect a familiar house: a bed, a carpet, wooden cabinets and a wardrobe. Your hands sweat, breathing slows down when you forcefully hear the world you know, a familiar personality, a favorite whisper. Clenching your teeth, you squeeze your lips and want to rush to the closet, but you stood there, as if chained... or someone else's the Force.
"Oh, darling, you have no idea what it's like to see you alive and completely at my mercy," a voice murmured from behind. There was a rustling, incomprehensible sounds. Obi-Wan was coming out of the second room, smiling and playfully shaking his head. "I've been dreaming about meeting you for a long time... You've changed so much in the last two years... You look different in holograms. I keep every one of them."
Long, matted hair covered an overgrown face, on which there were several scars; one healed scar crossed an eye. The light eyes turned yellow — dangerous, possessed and vindictive, such as only Sith have. The eyes of an animal, not a human. His clothes were dark, malicious, worn, and there were scars on the exposed parts of his body. Having lost his beauty, he remembered the annoying words of the code. It was driven into the head, securely fixed in it.
"I can touch you!" Obi-Wan said with childish delight, touching your face distorted in anger. His hand was shaking, but you could see the broken, bitten nails on his fingers. He barely touched you, as his face immediately transformed: he licked his lips, opened his mouth and looked at you with an incomprehensible shade of sadness. His palm continued to stroke cheek, gently and weightlessly, as if he was afraid to touch you. "You're so real..."
"Let me go, Obi-Wan," you said through the pain in your throat, through Kenobi's the Force, but he only frowned. The fingers pressed lightly on the skin. "Please..."
"Darling, don't, you won't run away. You know perfectly well that I am stronger than you. All the masters talked about it. Or should I remind you of our sparring sessions?"
"I remember them well, Obi-Wan, and I remember that you lost in the last."
"Obi-Wan lost, darling, but Darth Lant didn't lose. I could fight you now," he ran his hand over your shoulder, slowly descending lower and lower, "but I don't see any fun in it. You're weak, but you're so adorable!
It was getting painful to stand. Obi-Wan kept saying something, turning away from you, but his words flew by, didn't seem true. He stood slouched, his shoulders were heavy, his posture tense. Kenobi looked like a king surrounded by disappointed subjects; even now, no matter how much he tried to appear mocking, goofy, menacing, there was universal fatigue in him. Fatigue from the world, fatigue from the laws, fatigue from misunderstanding. Obi-Wan was promised freedom, but he continued to feel the shackles on ankles.
There was a sweet lie in the words of Darth Sidious, which he fell for. The Dark Lord looked solid, scary and creepy; Obi-Wan was kneeling in front of him, humbly lowering his head and whispering words of forgiveness with his lips, he did everything right, he did it for you! it seemed to him few years ago. But death had no love, she was a vile, mocking creature, whose wounds he successfully mashed.
In the dark, where only red and gold existed, Obi-Wan was the hero of the ashes; he emerged from the heat and pain as a champion, but continued to dream of happiness. His life was hectic and not alive, and death remained adamant. For death life was a scar — people don't live, but heal; life is a sore, a burr, a blister or a pimple. Obi-Wan had all the time in the world to retire and subdue his thoughts, but they continued to remain intrusive, free.
In moments of sadness, in moments of pain and despair, the only thing he thought about was you — your face and a sweet smile, a brisk temper and a sharp laugh, warm hugs and eternal criticism of the objectionable. Obi-Wan couldn't do anything with himself; during the fights, the murders, in the midst of the corpses of adults and children, the screams of men and the crying of women, while his trembling hand clutched a lightsaber and his face was sweaty, he thought about you. Tossing and turning on hard beds, getting lost and connecting with you in dreams; and while Darth Lant was conquering the world, Obi-Wan couldn't conquer you. His heart sank every time you turned away from him.
His palate had its throat cut long ago.
The silence was deafening. Obi-Wan, lost in thought to the core, suddenly turned to you with a confused face. His eyes seemed bright again for a couple of seconds, mired in blue and calm, and his face seemed transformed — he seemed young, handsome and yours again. The former Obi, who was not afraid to show love, who overcame madness and doubts; the former Obi-Wan, who loved you, and you loved him. What has changed?
"You... Do you want to come with me?" he was naive, he came up again and touched you. His the Force was weakening, but you continued to stay in place and not move. "I can give you the whole world!" his gaze is soulless and cold, but there is beauty in it; beauty is different, unknown. Frightening beauty. "I'll give you everything you want, I'll give you everything that's left! Just let me love you up close again... Just be mine again, please..."
He was different from what he was in dreams. You looked at him carefully and, like a second, he will fall to his knees in front of you. The rumors that spread from mouth to mouth in the city were not confirmed: in the stories of your friends, sellers in the market, ordinary workers, he appeared in the form of a terrible figure, carrying thousands of deaths, cold and torture. An evil Sith who abandoned the Codex and the Jedi; a big, scary and ironic man for whom life is just entertainment, and demise is a snap of two fingers.
"Obi-Wan, please..."
"No! Why don't you want to listen to me?! What did I do wrong?" he exclaimed, and his eyes watered for a second from the sunlight from the window. There's a damn empty desert there, no souls and only peace. Did he really want this outcome? Why did he serve the Sith? "You were meant to be mine, I am all that you need!"
A second — and something squeezes the neck, something tightens. The body rises up, you try unsuccessfully to grab air with your mouth. The breath disappears, the nose lays, the words are lost and useless. The lower jaw and stomach are shaking, the body is numb. Thousands of moments and memories flash before eyes, millions of images from a past life flash by; a life so happy, serene... That life when you were naive, because you thought you could save a fallen warrior, heal wounds.
The second second — the two of you are lying in his apartment, wrapped in a warm blanket and looking at the dark ceiling. Your hands are tightly clasped, and while Obi-Wan whispers to you sweet passions, stupidities and promises stars, you purse your lips, looking at his face — in his eyes, giving off blue, like water in the purest sea, you selflessly drown. His voice — his alluring, forbidden and such a charming voice —  extraordinary.
"You cut my heart! Left me!"
The third second — and Obi-Wan's face is distorted in anger. You take your last breath, it gets dark in your eyes, and your body falls to the dirty floor. You forget yourself, you die, you don't see how Obi-Wan's eyes turn blue again, yours. He runs up to you with an invisible expression, says something, begs for help, tries to lift you up, staggers and wraps his rough hands around you. No, no, no! The thought of death pierces through the heart, empties and almost stops beating; there is a deafening ringing in the ears.
His head bends down, and Obi-Wan touches your body with it — soulless, inanimate... He wants to scream, turn off in the languor of self-immolation, turn back time and change everything. A shaking hand ran through your tangled, clean hair, Obi-Wan hoped that you could feel him, forgive him. He hugged you, throwing the sword far away, and cried.
He kissed your back, and now he inflicted thousands of wounds there. He whispered words of tenderness to you, and now he muttered threats. Beauty remained with you even now, at the moment lost for him, when it is unknown where to move now? and will he be able to forgive himself for this nightmare? Obi-Wan returns to the house and everything is the end of life: he, absorbed and brought up by the darkness, dies, only Darth Lant remains.
Obi-Wan looked at your exhausted body and tried to preserve it. A person had a choice — a choice to love, a choice to die, a choice to be or to be, a choice to keep cold or to burn, but Obi-Wan had no choice. There was no free will. Devoid of love, devoid of emotions, devoid of home and sleep, he gets up by force, grabbing a sword, and looks at you for the last time. Darth Lant pressed his lips together and, looking away, left the cave, leaving behind his fears, his beloved and his choice.
When Obi-Wan fell, the stars cried, died.
and here im back, hooray! @jjeresano-euler, im sorry if there was something wrong and u can always ask for something else and ill write (including your second idea with patrick). i hope you enjoyed it!
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milkybonezz · 2 years
if you are still doing ship requests for the Bower's gang, i was wondering if i could get a ship? i'm 5'4 (nearly 5'5) and i have choppy, burgundy hair thats naturally poofy and it stops just above my shoulders. i wear androgynous clothes and i play basketball. i listen to Korn, Mötley Crüe, Playboi Carti and rap metal, i also am really interested in the occult. i'm a quiet person, but im really opinionated, and i don't do very well around people i don't like or don't know, since i have bad anxiety. i'm not a very affectionate person in public but in private i'm usually a huge cuddle bear lmaoo
also- it's okay if you can't do this, but i really enjoy your blog and i enjoy your content 💝
heyyyy!! you seem totally cool btw
i shipped you with henry bowers himself!
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-right off the bat he's a big fan of your height. It's perfect for him to rest his elbow on your head and use you as an armrest because he likes to see you all flushed
-avid user of the looking over your head and pretending he can't find you schtick (he think's its peak comedy tbh, has done it with vic for years)
-he's not a huge PDA guy either, he has a 'reputation' that he cites as the reason he doesn't do stuff in pubic
-definitely has the capacity to be sweet, especially if you are able to get him out of that house, even for a short period.
-deffo needs a cuddle, even if he wont verbally admit it that boy is touch starved beyond belief. snuggles right up no problem but he will threaten your safety before during and after. reputation reputation reputation with this guy all the time. henry 'cuddlebug' bowers isn't really all that frightening
-super into the fact you play basketball, loves a sporty s/o, mostly because hes pretty superficial but he also likes having something to discuss with you
-would be pretty into your music, belch has subjected all the boys to metal for as long as he's had amy so it gels nicely with your rap metal interests
-pretends to not like your interest in the occult as if patrick isn't into exactly the same stuff. he says he "doesn't fuck with no satan shit" as if he himself didn't crawl out of satan's crotch to be runner up in derry's scariest monster competition
-will poke fun at your clothes as if he doesn't find them insanely attractive because he's a little bitchboy
-likes your hair a lot, likes running his hands through it (texture allowing) and feeling it on his skin bc again, touch starved
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the 2024 American Climate Leadership Awards for High School Students now: https://youtu.be/5C-bb9PoRLc
The recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by student climate leaders! Join Aishah-Nyeta Brown & Jerome Foster II and be inspired by student climate leaders as we recognize the High School Student finalists. Watch now to find out which student received the $25,000 grand prize and top recognition!
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bitches-who-write · 9 months
Would it be possible to ship me with anyone from the bowers gang please? I’m 5’6 I’ve got red hair that’s styled in a pixie cut. I’ve got bright blue eyes, freckled on my shoulders and a little on my face and I’ve very pale. My love language is physical touch, and attention. My style varies based on what I’m feeling that day but mainly cute and girly. Lots of skirts and things with lace and Mary Janes. I like 80s rock and pop, I’m very shy and quiet when you first meet me and then I’m very friendly and loud once I’m comfortable around someone.
We're a little behind on our ship request but we saw you requested twice so we're gonna go ahead and post this one!! 
[ We will posting more ships throughout the week so be on the lookout, If you requested a ship a while back and we still haven't done it yet,  we're very sorry!! Please feel free to request again!!]
We ship you with...Victor!!
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Let's start off by saying Victor isn't a very affectionate person and he also doesn't like attention. 
You can thank the guys for this. 
Now that being said...he will make an exception for you.
Behind closed doors. 
Where no one can see what's going on. 
He can't let the guys know he's actually nice to his s/o. 
They'd never let him live it down. 
When he is bored he will take a marker and play connect the dots with your freckles. 
...He once did this in permanent marker. 
It lasted a few weeks. 
I feel like we mentioned this in a previous post but if we didn't we're doing it now. 
He fuckin loves your girly style. 
It just does somethin to him ya know? 
He is a sucka for 80s music. 
He doesn't want to be disowned by the guys for this.
Belch is aware...man knows everything about his friends. 
He also heard Vic mumbling the words to the song 'I Wanna Dance with Somebody' while waiting for Patrick and Henry. 
Vic strikes me as the kind of guy that doesn't really have much to say. 
He kinda of just goes with whatever the guys say. 
So if you're shy when you two first start hanging out/dating. 
He doesn't try to change this. 
He just figures you'll speak up when you're ready. 
He is very surprised with how open you are once you've been dating for (however long it takes you to get comfortable with someone.)
You're gonna hate us for this...
He calls you his gingerbread cookie. 
Please don't unfollow us. 
Again he'd never admit this but he could spend a while staring at your eyes. He's constantly wondering what you're thinking. 
He spends a lot of time trying to read you. 
We mentioned this in a previous post but he is 5'8. 
...So he's taller than you. 
Do with that what you will. 
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misszura · 2 years
Hdjdjd I just dreamed about an it modern AU.
I was so sad waking up, so let's write it down, so you can be sad with me.
So it was comic starting showing some mountain chalets "this story is about a winter camp"
So in this au, pennywise is the... Guardian (?) of the camp. "in this camp, penny has to keep an open eye* (we only see his foot, from the back, the comic is in black and white and his foot is slightly glowing blue).
I don't really remember why, but basically he has to keep an eye on the Bowers gang who's probably bullying some kids.
There was a cute panel of them sleeping, Henry on belch shoulder, and Vic on Henry's lap, they're glowing blue too, a panel of a smiling peny (probably bon grey form)
Then a panel of a bunch of kids playing. All glowing blue.
"they all find occupations, but sometimes they're bored, no one come visit here, except once a year" panel of a guy, see from the back, walking in the snow, with a big backpack. Then panel of the front door of the camp, we can see it's old and broken, as if no one had visited it for a long long time.
Panel, the guy walking, we see his face, it's Patrick, older.
"sometimes he wishes he was better, he wishes that he wasn't grounded that day" he walks in the camp, he does not see the glowing blue kids that run past him. He goes through the camp, remembering his memories from the past (like he sees his past self with his friends) then he sees himself getting grounded, not allowed to go skiing with the group, then him learning that they all gone wanted after an avalanche, probably dead. He remembered trying to kill himself, seeing his friends during his short comatose.
We see the Bowers gang walking with him saying things like "wow you're old!" "you can buy beer without fake ID now" they're happy, his face is still frowned (?) he keep walking in the mountains "sometimes he wishes he was still in coma, to see his friends again" he keep walking deeper in the mountains, he knows the place.
He stops in a caves, and start to undo his backpack, Vic on his shoulder, asking questions, no answer. He takes some things out, a bunch of material.
"maybe today is the day"
You see him running to the edge of the mountain, by another exit, then jumping from it.
You see him falling, little panels with him becoming more little every time. Then you see a parachute.
"maybe not"
The Bowers gang is shouting encouraging things, they're exited, it's cool, they're proud that they're friend is scared of nothing.
Patrick is sad.
I really dreamed that, as if I was reading it on Tumblr, the author was giving some more information, like how they read an article recently, and that inspired this, giving they're discord to contact them, and saying that only one person (their friend) was allowed to write a whole fic about this AU. It seems so real. So here it is, if someone want to write it good, draw it or anything, it's for you.
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katztails · 2 years
the deal
forgot to mention that this is a modern au
also lots of ooc moments, might be yandere as well
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getting to know them
trying to keep your cool, you let bowers’ arms wrap around you, he was your ‘seatbelt,’ as he said just a few moments ago.
you had to admit, his grasp was comfortable, you almost started to lean into it, but quickly stopped yourself.
“so, newbie, where you from?” a voice from behind you hit your neck, making you jump, a chuckle comes from henry. “did i scare ya, sweetie?”
“i.. i’m from washington.. state.” (random choice) you said, flustered, “a.. a little bit.”
“are they breaking?” vic says in a taunting tone, reaching over and giving you a boop. “don’t worry, hon.”
“where are we going?” you asked, bowers put his head on one of your shoulders, the sudden touch made you jump again, “ah, shit.”
“sorry, newbie.” bowers said, “i just wanna introduce ourselves to you, and you do the same to us.”
“o-okay,” you said, “in town or somewhere else?”
“belch, pull into one of the parking lots.” bowers ordered, belch does so, pulling into a somewhat populared diner parking lot. putting the car in park, the car was still running. “alright.. let’s begin shall we?”
bowers grabbed you by the waist and slid you off his lap, putting you in the middle of him and patrick.
“i’ll start.” bowers said, “my name’s henry bowers, i’m the leader, i guess you could say, of this group. the dude in the driver seat is belch, but his real name is reginald.” belch gave you a small smile and wave, you waved back.
“you burp pretty loud or something?” the chubby boy nodded, he demonstrated, and impressed you, “you should teach me some time.”
“sure.” he said, chuckling softly.
“over there is vic.” henry said, pointing at the boy in the passenger seat, the platinum blonde haired boy winked at you, “and last but not least, we have patrick.”
“so, a human teddy bear, two doppelgängers of the villian that everyone wishes was dating them, and an outsider?” you said, thinking put loud, “sorry, i just like making analogies.”
“you’re good, newbie.”
“w-what do you mean they were taken by b-bowers?” a worried bill asked, ben had just explained what had happened.
“we were gonna hang out at the library for a while, but bowers had taken me before i could even enter the place, (name) had arrived a few moments after.” ben said, “t-they protected me, bowers and his goons took them after they pushed me down the hill.”
“we have to get them back.” eddie exclaimed, “bowers probably took interest in them.
“i am who wouldn’t? they’re so hot.” richie said, licking his lips, only to get wacked by beverly, “ow!”
“now’s not the time to joke about this shit, we have to get them out of danger!” beverly called out.
“you’re right.” mike said, “..but where would they be?”
“look for that blue car.” eddie said, “that’s their bus.”
“c’mon then, w-we sh-should get (n)-(name) back.” bill ordered, the rest of the group agrees and gets on their bikes. “they’re h-hopefully in t-town.”
back with you..
bowers decided that it was time to propose a deal.
“you heard me, we’ll leave your friends alone, if you hang out with us.”
“why do you like me so much, i barely know you people?”
“yes, you do, darling.” henry said, cupping your chin, while patrick, who was behind you, played with your hair. “well, not yet. but, we know you like it’s the back of our hands.”.
“you’ve been spying on me?” you ask, henry smiles at you with a bit of possessiveness. “i-i’m sorry, but i just need some..”
“don’t worry, sweets. neither of us will do anything to harm you, all you gotta do is ask us to stop, and we’ll stop.” henry said, before leaning in to you.
before anything could happen, a loud bang from outside the car was heard, it was richie.
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local-trashmouth · 3 years
I want morning cuddles but can't find something fitting to read so I'll just make it myself :) (kinda also general fluff)
Pairing: Bowers gang x reader (seperate)
I should write Losers club soon but I can't help it okay
Warnings: fluff? Man if you simp for these bois u do not need warnings
I'm very sorry that Belch and Vic are a little shorter than Patrick and Henry, I just don't have as many headcanons for them
Henry Bowers
if you two weren't facing eachother before, you are now
I feel like Henry starts with spooning or cuddling you, but slowly drifts away into his own space while asleep
when you two wake up that gap closes again basically
also, congratulations on getting that far with him
you deserve a Medal 🏅
he'll give you lots of forehead kisses & mutter about the future he pictures with you out of Derry
rubs ur cheek with his thumb
if he's awake earlier, he'll watch you sleep
not in a creepy way, more in a adoring way
he just wonders how he got so lucky
he tries to make you breakfast but you wake up every time his form leaves the bed, so you waddle after him
he truly thinks you are the cutest thing ever
feel free to ruffle through his hair, we all know he's a slut for head pats and ruffles
you'll hear a lot more of his laugh, I wouldn't complain honestly
asks you if you dreamed something while making breakfast
I feel like Henry's a tea drinker rather than coffee, so he'll prepare ur favourite tea too
when you are getting ready in the bathroom, he'll just stand behind you & have his arms around ur waist, head on your shoulder
very wholesome boi
but don't you dare tell anyone about this side of him
Patrick Hockstetter
he doesn't sleep
he has trouble with letting you sleep for such a long time
how can he survive 8 hours?
every night??
he knows you need it, but damn he wants you
probably gonna wake you up at fucking 3am with groping or kissing you
when he does sleep tho, I feel like his secret soft spot for you comes out
he'll totally fall asleep first, you cannot say no
you'd be on your phone, and just hear soft snoring
it's not loud, or annoying. Just kinda cute
Patrick looks really peaceful then :)
in the morning, he'd totally admire you just like Henry
he wonders why you stick around, if you even have a reason to really
puts his forehead against urs & closes his eyes again, just enjoying the moment
he totally wraps his entire body around you lol
lots of sleepy kisses
he's gonna hold you hostage for cuddles
has a strong grip on you, there's no escape
finds it adorable when you love to lay your head onto his chest to listen to his heartbeat
always lets you do his hair because boi got no sense of style
he'll be very clingy when sleepy :)
Belch Huggins
best cuddler ever
he'll envelope you, waking you up with kisses and sleepy chuckles
you two talk about anything and everything for some time
you make breakfast together, and get out very early so he can watch the sunrise with you
puts his head onto ur shoulder all the time
he'll just wrap you up in a blanket burrito so you don't get cold and go outside with you, keeping you on his lap
gives u lots of forehead kisses to earn those giggles he loves from you
during the week, he'll get ready with you of course
lets you do his hair so maybe he'll go to school without a hat sometime
on weekends you two end up chilling somewhere in his house with Madonna in the background, wrapped up in blankets while you paint his nails
where's my Belch, I want him
Victor Criss
listen, he'll make you hot chocolate and watch a movie with you.
you end up falling back asleep
when you wake up he's got breakfast in bed ready :)
takes a morning shower with you
goes on a walk afterwards
I can imagine that last night you two had a little bonfire in his backyard and you listened to The Cure while making marshmallows
he starts a pillowfight with you
lots of laughs and cuddles
you two totally fell asleep for a while after the fire, stargazing
he shows you constellations
plays with ur hair, and if you have longer hair he braids it :)
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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