katierosefun · 2 years
did you see this fan art?? 🥹🥹
ohhh, yes, i did! i didn't get to see the korean translation though, so thank you for linking it for me!!! :')
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modmad · 11 months
I loved reading TPOH because it made me feel less alone in my nonsensical ways. Knowing I wasn't the only one who understood nonsense and had a creative brain that wouldn't quit inspired me to make so many things and try new ways to make stuff! I've hit my own desert IRL without wooden shoes so I'm all but erased, (burn out from repeated trauma is OOPH), so I don't have that creative spark anymore; but reading TPOH now still makes me feel smart when I catch you being clever for the millionth time, and Unbecoming was a feast. SO UH I GUESS. That's a wordy way of saying I'm so happy you decided to share your goofy t.v man and the story he's bumbling through and all your other stories cause whenever you share something I feel like I've found a bit of wood I can rest on for a bit while I keep looking for that white picket fence. (I may have bungled that reference I'mnotsure)
this is such a cute message oh my and yes pLEASE REST we all need to rest, I had true burnout for the first time ever last year (? or the previous. what is time) and it SUCKS please rest dw it will return to you it was always there you just need to sleep. More on how important it is to sleep in the comic to come but anyway REST and THANK YOU
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Danny's Evil Jaunt. Its Evil He Swears. Ignore the Charity. pt. 2
Hello! Im back with Part 2 Im honored that so many people were interested <3 HOPEFULLY THE COLOR STAYS RIGHT IM SO SORRY ABOUT THAT I DON'T POST ON TUMBLR OFTEN. also i have almost 0 history about Dc so if anyone wants to ramble about the charaters in the tags please do
Danny's outfit was based on @little-pondhead 's art and prompt was by @im-totally-not-an-alien-2
part: 1
Oliver Queen had thought he’d seen it all; however this Fenton guy just seems to be full of fun little gadgets. And puns. So many puns.
No one knows anything about the guy other than he’s a mechanical genius. Just magically appeared out of the blue one day with inventions that make Dr. Freeze’s gun look like a toy, claiming that ‘he’s not gonna be here long today but needs to do some field testing.’
And now here's Oliver listening to this kid(it had to be a kid, Fenton didn’t look a day over 14) ramble about how much fun he had today and that he had to come back soon(not looking forward to that). Green Arrow took a good look at the kid. 
He was short, maybe around 5’4 without the boots, and didn’t have much bulk, but clearly had a lot of lean muscle from what Oliver could tell from the fight, and black shaggy undercut hair. He wore a red hazmat suit with black gloves and red with black tinted lenses goggles. All covered with a lab coat that is definitely not OSHA compliant for mad scientist children, not with the way it was singed at the bottom and the sleeves had been torn off at the elbow, and the amount of sewn on patches - the biggest being the Fenton logo on his back. He was also lugging around a massive cannon that had Oliver bound to a lamp post with a glowing green net, but nets weren’t the only thing it could shoot, no it shot out so many things within the half hour they had been fighting that Oliver lost count. The kid also had some weird meta biology if the sharp teeth and pointed ears were anything to go on. But Oliver’s thoughts were cut off by a phone ringing. Fenton looked down and started feeling around his suit until he found his phone, a small Iphone with odd attachments with a green ghost case covered with stickers, stopped the alarm and moved his goggles up to rest on his head wincing as the rising sun shined in his eyes.
“Hoo bright. Alright that's it for today I guess! Thanks for playing with me Mr. Arrow, I think I'm gonna pick up some energy drinks and  a couple of snacks before heading home, I still need to write an English paper for Mr. Lancer and Jazz’ll finish me off if I don’t get home soon” Fenton grinned and started to punch in directions for the nearest convenience store on his phone. It was just around the corner from the street they had left the fight off on, nice. 
‘Maybe I should grab some for Sam and Tuck’ Danny thought, ‘Oh wait I forgot!’ just as he was about to turn into the store he rushed back to where he left Green Arrow, who was trying to saw his way out of the Fentnet with his knife. 
“Sorry! I wanted to do something before I left!” Fenton smiled and put his wiry arm around Oliver in a side hug and pulled out his phone and did a peace sign with the hand around Oliver. “Say Frootloops!”
Fenton pulled off Oliver and showed him the picture, Fenton had a Cheshire cat grin while he had a miserable expression. 
“Ooph, probably not your best look but I think we look cool. And really, that’s all that matters at the end of the day. How I think we look.” 
“You're a menace, what do you want?” 
“You don’t know? I’m god’s playtester and I’m here for bug testing before the rest of the world sees my inventions. Consider Star City my testing sandbox. Anyway see’ya!” and Fenton was gone down the street. 
And that was the day Oliver Queen knew that he needed to make sure that the world outside of Star City could never be exposed to Fenton. Especially the bat. If anyone found out his ego would never recover.
if you want to be added to the tag list please put it in the comments! it's easier to see there!
@starkcravingmad@amuseofminds@emeraudesfateandfandoms@passivedecept@quirky-gardener@xarexraven@justwannabecat @fisticuffsatapplebees @blacksea21090 @lovelessnightfall @iceknight-of-sun @sabrina414 @moobloomrights @vortexbox @trickedri @naluforever3 @suppengott @angelsdeathsstuff @lesling123 @cosmicgesture @always-be-a-stranger @sealover89 @slapphapp1 @fantasticbluebirdfan @krzys2000 @xxwintrynightzxx @justgray15777 @littlegrayram @danisfra @kyrianclawraith @@thought-u-said-dragon-queen
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arc-misadventures · 1 year
Rebirth au: why is Jaune’s dad being an a**hole and not want to train him? And how does Jaune bypass this obstacle? Also curious whether Jeanne sticks to her promise and backs him up in order to change their parents’ mind. Even if not, I’d imagine he has enough knowledge to train himself or find someone who gives a damn about him and is willing to train him.
He gave the typical Dad excuse of: “Because I said so.”
Why are all of you so upset?!
United We Stand Together~!
Acheius: Hey, Jaune, want to play catch son?
Jaune: No.
Acheius: What? Why not, it will be fun!
Jaune: Bevause I said so; end of discussion.
Acheius: What?
Acheius: Hey, Jeanne since you want to go to, Beacon how about I start giving you some lessons?
Jeanne: Mmmm… No, no thank you.
Acheius: But, how are you going to become a, Huntress if you don’t train?
Jeanne: I have some ideas on how.
Acheius: But…
Jeanne: Sorry, Dad, I’ve got stuff to do.
Acheius: But, Jeje…
Jeanne: End of discussion.
Acheius: …
Acheius: Hey, Jaune, how goes the homework.
Jaune: It’s going okay.
Acheius: Do you want some help with it?
Jaune: Uhh… Yeah, yeah I would.
Acheius: Great! Then…
Jaune: Can you ask, Saphire to help me out? She’s really good with this stuff.
Acheius: Oh, I was wondering if I could help you instead…
Jaune: No thanks.
Acheius: But…!
Jaune: End of discussion, Dad.
Acheius: …
Acheius: Hey, Jeanne, want to watch a movie with me?
Jeanne: Mmm… No thanks.
Acheius: But, it’s your favourite, ‘The Princess Knight.’
Jeanne: I don’t want to watch a movie right now.
Acheius: But…
Jeanne: Dad, I don’t want to watch a movie: End of discussion.
Acheius: Why do you two keep saying that?
Jaune: Why did I even like this movie…?
Jeanne: The explosions, and cheesy one liners?
Jaune: I’d buy that…
Acheius: Hey, you two; I want you two to do the dishes, okay?
Jeanne: No.
Jaune: Don’t wanna.
Acheius: Hey, I’m not asking, I’m telling you to.
Jaune: Still don’t wanna.
Jeanne: End of discussion, Dad.
Acheius: Okay! What’s up with you two…?!
Juniper: Jaune, Jeanne; can you two do the dishes please?
Jeanne: Okay, Mom!
Jaune: This movie’s pretty lame anyway.
Acheius: Lame? And, why are you listening to your Mother, and not me?
Juniper: Because they like me more than you.
Acheius: Since when?!
Juniper: A couple of weeks ago.
Acheius: And, why do they like you more?
Juniper: Figure that out yourself.
Acheius: …
Acheius: Oh no…
Acheius: She’s angry with me too…
Jeanne: Oh crap?! Ooph!!
Jaune: Jeanne you’re over exerting yourself again.
Jeanne: I know, I know… Haa… I just…
Jaune: The muscle memory is too strong?
Jeanne: Yeah! That’s it, I’m not thinking, just reacting to your attacks. Haa… We’ve been at this for two years now and, I still haven’t ‘fixed’ this…
Jaune: Maybe that’s something you can’t fix; It’s like a well worn glove that you’re used to wearing, it’s just that you’re not big enough to wear it properly.
Jeanne: So I won’t be able to fight like I used too until puberty?!
Jaune: Yeah, pretty much.
Jeanne: NahhhHHH! I didn’t start puberty until I was thirteen! And, my boobs got really big when I hit sixteen! I better get my aura unlocked when I’m twelve because my back won’t be able to tale it!
Jaune: …
Jaune: Okay… Want to go back to training?
Jeanne: …
Jeanne: Curse the future, and my gigantic boobs…
Jaune: Can you stop?!
Jeanne: Okay, okay… Ready?
Jaune: Ready.
Acheius: What are you two doing?!
Jaune: Training to become, Hunters.
Acheius: Both of you?
Jeanne: Does it not look like we’re training together…?
Acheius: But, how are you two training; There’s no one to teach you?
Jaune: Internet.
Acheius: The internet?
Jeanne: You can find a lot of things on the internet.
Acheius: Okay…? But, who said you could train?
Jeanne: Do we need a permission slip, or something?
Acheius: Your fine, Jeje. I’m asking you, Jaune. Who said you could train to be a Huntsman?
Jaune: No one did. And, before you give me some sort of remark of, ‘Because I said so.’ You said you wouldn’t train me. Not that I couldn’t get training.
Acheius: Grrr…! Stop training with your sister! You are not going to become a Huntsman, Jaune!
Jaune: Why?
Acheius: Because I said so!
Jaune: No.
Acheius: No?
Jaune: No, I won’t stop training just because you said so. You’re more than happy to train, Jeanne, but you refuse to train me; Why?
Acheius: I don’t want you to become a Huntsman that’s it…
Jaune: Because…?
Acheius: I just don’t think that you’re capable of becoming a, Huntsman that’s why.
Jaune: I’m not capable? Huw… Please give him your sword, Jeanne.
Jeanne: Damn, I was hoping I wouldn’t lose that bet.
Jaune: Catch.
Acheius: W-What?
Jaune: Pick it up.
Acheius: Why…?
Jaune: You don’t think I can become a, Huntsman. I think I can. So, pick up that sword, and prove me wrong…
Jeanne: Damn… Is this how you made a harem…? By being so intense it’s hot!!!
Jaune: Shut up, Jeanne.
Acheius: Why… Why are you doing this, Jaune! Why do you want to become a Huntsman?!
Jaune: …
Jaune: I want to be the hero; I want to save the day, save the girl from the creatures of the darkness. Be the knight in shining armour in the stories, Mom told us when she tucked us in at night. I want to be the hero, simple as that.
Acheius: What?! Do you have any idea that…?!
Jaune: That the story of happily ever after isn’t true? That the hero is betrayed by the people they chose to protect? That sometimes the hero loses? That the story of a hero is a lie? I know that dad. But, I don’t need to be the worlds hero, or something as spectacular as that; I just need to be one person’s hero. That’s enough for me.
Jeanne: Caring, courageous, and selfless too… Gods if you weren’t my brother…
Jaune: Shut. Up. Jeanne…
Jeanne: Right, sorry…
Acheius: No! I won’t it! I won’t allow you to become a, Huntsman!
Jaune: Then you better cripple me because no matter what you say nothing is going to stop me!
Acheius: If that’s what it takes, so be it…
Juniper: ENOUGH! Enough! Enough…
Jaune: Mom?
Acheius: Juniper?
Juniper: Acheuis… He’s an, Arc… Just telling him you won’t allow him to train, just because you said so, won’t stop him from training. Just because my dad said no, didn’t stop you from marrying me now did it.
Acheius: This is not the same! Becoming a, Huntsmen is…
Juniper: We are both, Hunter’s, Achi. We both come from a legacy of hunters, a legacy that our children wish to carry on. So if you don’t want, Jaune to become a, Huntsman. You have to tell him the true reason you don’t want him to train. You have to tell them about him.
Acheius: But…! They’re just kids!
Juniper: And, they deserve to know. They’re old enough to know, and understand why you don’t want, Jaune, just, Jaune not, Jeanne to become a Huntsman. Because if you don’t you’re going to push, Jaune away even further than you already have.
Acheius: …
Acheius: Haa… Jeanne, Jaune, get your siblings; We’ll talk more when we’re all in the living room…
Jeanne: Okay…
Acheius: Come on, Juniper… Let’s get ready…
Juniper: It will be better when we tell them, dear, it will.
Jeanne: …
Jaune: …
Jeanne: What the hell was that about?
Jaune: I don’t know, but whatever it was, wasn’t good… Come on, lets get the others; we have a history lesson to attend to.
Jeanne: Alright then…
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Happy STS, Anna! You mentioned recently that you were still getting to know your new character Riah (we’re so excited to meet her btw 😁). Has she revealed more of herself to you since you shared that? Anything fun or juicy you wish to/are able to share about her? If not, feel free to ramble about a topic of your choice instead. 😊
Happy STS, Kate! :D
Oh boy, this is a dangerous question. I just got refocused back onto HD arc 2, you know? You risk pulling me away from that to work on shattered kneecaps again LOL (somehow I don't think you would protest that lol) (and I am so excited to share her :D)
Under the cut bc it got long and I included some quotes :)
So. I have been rolling Riah's backstory around in my mind, trying to figure out where she came from. This is an unusual method for me, and may not actually work, but we'll see.
I don't think I've mentioned this outright yet, but Riah used to work as a prostitute until she was... acquired by her current, uh. person. It's a complicated dynamic :') Let's just say the place she worked was not the greatest, and she thought this person alone was the better option. Ooph.
Anyways, I've been thinking about how she became a prostitute to begin with. She is older than the characters I've previously written, in her 30's, so has more room for previous history, you know. I'm thinking she either ran away from an undesirable situation, or she found herself out on the streets for whatever reason and was forced to turn to prostitution to survive.
I'm also thinking she was raised in a respectable section of the city; perhaps the child of crafters or merchants. Not too high up in society, but not poorly off either. So how did she get to this undesirable situation or whatever? I don't know the answer to this yet.
Anyways, have a snippet that may provide a bit of insight into her personality :)
It took her too long. Too long to stand. Too long to work up the nerve to duck under the chain, making sure to only step on the blocks of stone. Too long to raise her head. She probably resembled nothing more than a frightened prey animal.  Annoyed with herself, Riah set her jaw and forced herself to look.
And here, have another from Nykim's POV, because I'm feeling nice lol
Nykim hadn’t expected kindness from her at all.  But the truth was, he didn’t want Shadow to stop staring at him, even if that did prolong his suffering. She was an excellent focus, and not just because she was nice to look at. There was something about her voice, something about the emotion behind her brilliant blue eyes, something about how she’d overcome her obvious fear of him enough to come around to look him in the eye.  Well, kind of in the eye. She’d been looking at some other parts of him too.  There was something about that smile she tried to hide from him after he’d purposely brushed his lips against her fingers.  There was something about the automatic fight or flight response she had when the door opened.  Fuck. 
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ASOS; Steel and Snow: 02 CATELYN I (pages 33-42)
Catelyn is grounded for sending Jaime and Brienne on their road trip and discovers something worrying about her father's involvement in Lysa's marriage situation, meanwhile, Edmure makes a poor life choice in response to the jailbreak.
... These old fellas ready to just "well, a mother's grief am I right? we'll let this one slide on account" meanwhile, Cat's "I did crime, I will do time. In the dungeon or by my father's bedside, but I will do time."
She's right of course, still thinking about the backlash they'd get if they didn't punish her.
Her things were moved into her father's bedchamber, dominated by the great canopied bed she had been born in, its pillars carved in the shapes of leaping trout.
I kinda want to see that. Like, are the pillars a bunch of trout leaping up stream where the main body of the pillar is the stream, or is it just four absolutely huge trout posed like they're leaping?
"Forgive me... the blood... oh, please... Tansy..." Could there have been another woman in her father's life? Some village maiden he had wronged when he was young, perhaps? (...) "Who is Tansy, my lord? Do you want me to send for her, father? Where would I find the woman? Does she still live?" Lord Hoster groaned. "Dead." His hand groped for hers. "You'll have others... sweet babes, and trueborn."
Secret lover? I get the feeling Tansy lost some babies, possibly in a miscarriage, possibly induced, and that they were Hoster's. Before or after his wife though, that's the question.
!!!!! OR....
sorry, I just remembered that I know something about Lysa and Petyr. If Tansy was a nickname for Lysa...
Maester Vyman: We're not supposed to talk to you... Cat: *wheedles answers out of him anyway*
none y'all can withstand Cat.
Oh no, Robb is injured, he needs a doctor. and to not fall in love with said doctor. which he won't, because she was show exclusive iirc, book wife is a different lady.
... oop, Cat's on the same Tansy = Lysa train that I was on, but she's assuming Jon Arryn
He needed a young wife if House Arryn was to continue... a young wife known to be fertile. ... "Father," she said, "Father, I know what you did."
Cat is very quick. So now she knows Tansy was Lysa, but I'm not sure she knows that Lysa was a willing participant in getting pregnant. At the very least she likely knows it wasn't a noble in bed with her.
Also: 5 known miscarriages for Lysa, no wonder the woman has issues, but also, of course she had trouble with pregnancies, children and teenagers aren't meant to be pregnant! Yes teens can and do get pregnant and carry to term successfully, but the amount of stress it puts on their bodies? ooph, no. They are fighting the odds.
Edmure was blind to her distress. "Jaime was my charge, and I mean to have him back. I've sent ravens-" "Ravens to whom? How many?" "Three," he said, "so the message will be certain to reach Lord Bolton. By river or road, the way from Riverrun to King's Landing must needs take them close by Harrenhal." "Harrenhal." The very word seemed to darken the room. Horror thickened her voice as she said, "Edmure, do you know what you have done?" "have no fear, I left your part out. I wrote that Jaime had escaped, and offered a thousand dragons for his recapture." Worse and worse, Catelyn thought in despair. My brother is a fool. Unbidden, unwanted, tears filled her eyes. "If this was an escape," she said softly, "and not and exchange of hostages, why should the Lannisters give my daughters to Brienne?"
Oh Edmure, you screwed that pooched with startling efficiency.
Like, I understand he was reacting swiftly to the situation, but this was really a time when he should have spoken to his sister first, and kept the escape on the down low.
Firstly, because he just publicly declared they lost the Kingslayer. Very Publicly. now people know escape from the Riverrun dungeon is possible, it does damage to their team reputation, but also and more importantly in this context, it immediately erases any power their having Jaime as a hostage gave them.
Like with Arya, the belief that the Lannisters have her is just as powerful as them actually having her. but that's gone now, poof.
further, now there will be dozens of sellswords and the like chasing after Jaime for the coin, which the clever lot might try to increase by ransom back to the Lannisters. "Tully says 1,000, you can have him for 2."
Never mind if the sellswords fight the actually Tully team forces to ensure they get the money, it's just making more potential enemies.
Secondly: Cat is right, Edmure has dashed any chance of this being an exchange now, because all Cersei has to do is say "you're the ones who said my brother escaped, so there was never any deal for exchange, and if there was, you weren't the ones fulfilling it, you're just trying to bet on a winning horse after the race is done."
Edmure could have sent select men good at the stealthy stuff out to search for them, found them, then sent more of his men. Either to bring them back or to pad the escort and ensure they got Sansa in exchange. (since Arya's not actually in King's Landing.)
It is really surprising to have this from Edmure given his previously sound strategies, and tactical ability. I guess this either hit him in the ego with a crit to his logic, or this was a case of the consequences were too political for him to parse.
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justagalwhowrites · 11 months
i totally get being in the joel hole!! even though i know literally nothing about star wars (a war that happens among the stars? possibly!) i do actually plan on reading beskar doll anyways tbh
you should def write for oscar characters!!!!!!!!! ive been having a jonathan levy moment recently if you've ever seen scenes from a marriage ........ its so angsty and dramatic i feel like you would kill itttt writing for that series!!! lbr i would read your work even if you only wrote for characters i didnt know i just love the way you write so much !!!
OMG Bestie!! Thank you so much!!
OK I DESPERATELY need to watch Scenes from a Marriage because HOLY SHIT the red carpet moment with him and Jessica Chastain spontaneously impregnated me. JFC I can't handle it. That man... ooph. But writing a fic for that? Helloooooooo lol I might just have to do that!
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threadsun · 1 year
sleepy anon here. glad you figured shit out! im a bit late to everything but im glad it got mostly resolved from the sounds of things. I was busy with going through the patreon becaise i just realized i have funds to actually sign up for it, and OOPH those audiodramas (positive) anyways heres the Sleeby Thought of the day/night
everyone in sdj needs a service dog. Emotional support? Cardiac alert? Autism support? (those exist i know someone who has one hes a goober) Hallucination detector? everyone needs one.
lmao yeah I was having a Moment. But I'm all good now!! Oh the patreon is so worth it, Moon and I enjoy everything on it greatly!! (yes I have the official sdj dildo, not that anyone was wondering)
Ooooh I love that!!! I'm back on my chronically ill/disabled Nick bullshit, I think Pico and Cheese are medical alert dogs. Maybe one for migraines and one for heartrate or something? idk. But definitely medical alert dogs. Also he could use a giant dog to be a mobility service dog!!
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brightgnosis · 1 year
Anyways. I love my Husband to bits and bobs and pieces indecipherable, but I'm also very happy he's finally back at work today and officially off vacation. Because I'm literally incapable of keeping any kind of a schedule whenever that man's home- whether it's my health routine, my skincare routine, my prayer routine ... Anything. He makes it so difficult 😩🤣
I'm excited to finally start getting myself readjusted, and especially excited to get myself back on my meds correctly, because ooph. Meds especially took a bit of a significant hit when he was here- and I still have no idea how I messed them up so badly ... Though thankfully I didn't mess them up badly enough to increase any of my pain. Which has been nice; only missed a dose here and there instead.
Speaking of meds and health and what-not, I also had my appointment for this month while he was here, too; two main things from that:
First, I did forget to talk to my GP about the Ketorolac while I was actually on call with her (like I suspected I would) but I remembered to call back the next day and left a request to authorize a Ketorolac refill with her nurse- which got approved. So that's lovely, and I'll continue to have that as a non-inebriating option still;
Secondly, we think that the Pityriasis Rosea I had is actually proper Eczema now. Because as soon as I started using the steroid cream she prescribed to help with the itching, it started going away- which typically only happens with this type of rash if it's Eczema. So hooray for me, I'm basically a Trill, ha!
But, like, other than that it was uneventful. Just refilled my Lyrica as usual- which is the only real point to these appointments (thanks, Government meddling!).
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confluence-and-drift · 10 months
And no Exalted tonight either. Last week was the first back from a big hiatus so that's a shame, though it was fun to launch right back into blunt intercessions into divine politics and it turns out well, with the PCs having netted themselves a well placed ally, who just happens to be the God of Human Habitations in (the area where the PCs spend most of their time) and that means whilst he might be skirting the law (yup, it's a Celestial Bureacracy after all) , all given a wee bit more ooph by the players essentially having dirt on the guy. It's the stuff about Exalted that I love, a session which was just one big complicated conversation, though mechanics-wise, he was being social-combat-ed into submission. And they didn't even have to employ any magical mind control (mostly because there was no guarantee it'd work and they couldn't risk that). Still, it's fun. Ah well. I do also have D&D tomorrow, assuming everyone can make it. On that point, some point later today, baldur's gate 3 will finish downloading and then I can give my computer a proper workout enjoy what is supposed to be an amazing game. And considering it came from the Divinity Original Sin folk, I can be assured it is. That and the acclaim its been getting in general >.>.
Uuugh, though atm, I've been trying to work on my erratic moods. I know that after seeing my family the other day it leaves me a bit...unstable and with further incidents springing up where my brother offloaded a bunch of stuff at me and then refused to take my advice which...*sigh*. I guess I don't blame him, it must look very different where he is. Boils down to our parents again and how he, apparantly, is still not wanting to defy them because he actually cares what they think of him and....I had to reluctantly concede that I did not in fact know how that feels. I don't think I've genuinely felt the desire for my parents' approval in the classical sense since I was a child, so how would I know what my brother, a 30 year old, actually feels when he doesn't want to disappoint them. I...just don't get it. I genuinely struggle to imagine actually wanting their approval. Like, sure, I can imagine it with other people, or like fictional characters, it's not like the concept itself is alien to me or anything, but with me specifically? Na. And times like now, I realise that that's kind of odd. I mean, I just see it as logic. They're both emotionally unstable in specific ways and hence cannot be trusted as a source of esteem and validation, full stop. That's just how it is, and how it's always been, despite their best intentions, despite everything else. I don't even blame them for it anymore, its just how they were raised. But my brother apparantly thinks it's genuinely emotionally distressing to disappoint them whilst I'm sitting here thinking "But they'll be disappointed in you anyway for no reason, what's the difference?" Ugh. Maybe I am at fault here. I feel all wound up tight, like a spring pressed taught. I know I should talk to someone and process these emotions but I can't....that's just where I find myself in life right now. In any case, I hope you're all doing well. Or at the very least better than me -_-;
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Expected and Unwelcome.
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You know, I’m actually surprised...
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With the tragedy having really affected global warming and with how industrial Japan has become these days, I’m actually surprised forest areas like this still exist in a place like this.
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Well, it is Hokkaido. A lot of the country is taken up by wildlife; has been since the end of the war.
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You can also thank Daisaku and Gundham’s efforts for making sure these places stay alive and thriving with wildlife. Lots of species of animals and plants would have gone extinct if it weren’t for them.
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Let’s hope they can maybe do something about the toxic waterhole as well.
*Shuichi and Kyoko continue to walk through the open forest, looking around for any signs of Zetsubou tamperment.
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One thing I don’t really understand is why Organization Zetsubou poisoned the river anyway. Sure, it could kill a couple of animals that drink from it, but it’s not like people use it.
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From the way it looks, there’s no risk of it disrupting work at the power plant at the end of the river, so what gives?
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Personally speaking, I don’t think Zetsubou’s goal was the river at all.
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Whatever Zetsubou are doing at these labs, the river was a byproduct of. And that was bad in and of itself, so I dread to imagine what’s really going on.
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*Shuichi and Kyoko continue walking, however, neither of them are aware that they are being watched. As they walk past, a periscope, concealed by a pile of dirt, pokes up from the ground.
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*Underneath the ground, the person looking through the periscope sees Shuichi and Kyoko converse, and chuckle quietly to themselves.
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Hm...Well, I suppose it was about time someone ended up discovering this place...And one can never have too many lab rats...
*He turns around to greet two Monokuma’s, who enter the room.
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Please...Escort our guests inside.
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Okie dokie!
*The Monokuma’s salute
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This is strange. We should have walked far enough by now.
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Maybe the lab itself isn’t in the actual forest, but past it? I don’t know, the river does stretch quite ways d-
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OW! Ooph *sucks air through teeth*
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Are you alright!?
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N-Never mind Ms Kyoko...I-I think I found it! Agh...
*Shuichi stubs his toe on something metal that pokes out of the ground, covered by dirt. Kyoko reaches down and brushes it away to reveal a large metal subject.
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It’s a hatch. And a big one at that.
*She stands up and takes a radio, turning it on and speaking into it. Shuichi kneels down and starts brushing more dirt off the hatch to examine it.
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This is Kyoko. Shuichi and I are in a forest where the river flows, and I think we’ve just found the lab. In fact, I think we’re standing on top of it. Track my location, and send a geo scan to where we are.
*She ends the radio call and kneels down next to Shuichi.
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Yeah...there’s no way we’re going to open this by ourselves.
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Agreed. We’ll just have to-
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*Shuichi shouts as he sees a Monokuma lunge at Kyoko. She avoids it in time with his shout, but jumps into the lunge of another and is pinned down. Shuichi is also tackled by to others.
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Nrrgh! No!
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*After a short while, the unconscious detectives finally come around, and wake up to find their surroundings have completely changed. They struggle to move, but their arms are tied back against 
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Shuichi? A-Are you alright...?
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I should be asking you that...I feel a bit dizzy, but I’m fine.
*He looks around.
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The layout of the room appears to be some kind of research station. And it’s texture seems like the interior to the hatch we saw earlier.
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Which means we’re inside the lab now.
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That would be correct.
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*Kyoko and Shuichi suddenly hear a human voice coming from a figure concealed by a big chair at a nearby desk.
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I have to sincerely apologize for the rough greeting. All I told them was to escort you inside, but...you know these beasts cannot be contained.
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And you are?
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*The figure stands up and turns around.
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I’m hurt, Mrs Naegi. You came all the way here to visit me, and you don’t remember who I am?
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Hikaru Ando!?
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Yes, yes, that’s more like it! Smart boy! You’ve found yourself a good one, detective~
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Now tell me...What’s a lifeform like you doing in a swamp like this?
*Ando leans in and fiddles with his glasses, as if examining them. 
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As a matter of fact, we came here because we heard Zetsubou were holding you captive...and we planned to rescue you.
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But it seems like that won’t be as simple as we thought. Sorry to state the obvious, but from the way things look, seems like you weren’t a hostage at all.
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I don’t understand! You were with the Kisaragi Foundation years ago! And now you’ve changed your allegiance to Zetsubou!?
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They’re using you as a hostage against your daughter! Surely they MUST have told you about it!? Or are you just pretending to swear allegiance?
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If you are, you don’t need to lie about it.
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I’m afraid you misunderstand, young man. You are the one’s who’s captured. You answer MY questions first.
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But I’m actually quite pleased you enquired, so I’ll gladly respond.. Thanks to my dear friends at Zetsubou, I have been given a chance of a lifetime. A chance to bring humankind into a new era. One where they will THRIVE!
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“Thrive” how?”
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I wish I could demonstrate, but unfortunately my latest batch of samples have already been stashed and ready to deploy. But I can show you this most recent developing batch while I’m at it.
*He goes over to a refrigerator, and pulls out a gross object.
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*He holds it in his hand and it writhes around violently.
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Hmhmhm...My finest work. You recognize it?
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That thing! That’s a parasite! Those weird creatures that Zetsubou used to brainwash Gonta and Munakata!?
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Hahahaha! Yes, yes, exactly! I’m so glad you remember! Aren’t they incredible!?
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This will no doubt bring humanity into it’s next stage of evolution, when they can perform even the most trivial tasks without needing to think about it!
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At the cost of their own free will!
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Yeah, I’m sorry, but this isn’t convincing coming from the guy who POISONED the river!
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An unfortunate byproduct, I will admit, but these little one’s need natural substances in order to gain life. Washing them in the natural water of the Setose River was all I could really think to do.
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How could you do this, Doctor Ando!? All I’ve ever heard about you is that you’re a kind man who would risk life and limb to help people! But what I’m seeing now is a far cry from anything like that!
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It makes sense...after all, he’s not himself right now.
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Don’t you get it Shuichi? Ando isn’t doing this of his own volition! He’s under the effects of his own experiment!
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You mean he’s...!?
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Yes...like Gokuhara and Munakata before him, he’s been brainwashed by these parasites...!
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*Ando angrily kicks over a chair.
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I am NOT brainwashed! I am EVOLVING! And soon...you will evolve too! We will ALL-!
???: Maaan, I really don’t get it. Even when he spouts about it all the time.
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Oh...so you were here.
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???: Gotta agree wit’ ‘dat! Humans are already the dominant species. Why you’s would wanna go even furthah beyond ain’t getting me.
???: But there’s something beautiful about it, don’t you think? Humans always love to rise above any challenges, and to do that, they crave to become stronger. It’s kind of epic!
???: HELL YEAH! I’m all about overdosin’ on that evolution kick!
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Wait...! Those voices...!?
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Ah, right. Running a lab as big as this would take a lot of time on my own, so Ms Shirogane was kind enough to lend me some assistants. Why don’t you 5 introduce yourselves?
???: Oh! Is that the cue!?
???: Yeah, dumbass, that was OBVIOUSLY the cue! He just TOLD us to show ourselves.
???: OOH! Me first!
???: No idiot! HE’S gotta go first! He’s always first!
???: Aw!
???: Alright! Three...two...one...!
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Oh no...!
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Seriously Shuichi, what’s-!?
*Kyoko is interrupted as one by one, 5 small figures burst out from behind a table, and strike individual unique poses as they land!
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Ta-Dah! Monotaro!
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Wa-hoo! Monosuke!
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Yippee! Monophanie!
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HELL YEAH! Monokid!
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asphodelroot · 2 years
Clouds in My Coffee
Date: June 23rd, early evening Location: The Prewett Estate @perniciouspotter
Lily couldn’t say she hadn’t slept in three days—not sleeping before a mission was asking for something to go wrong, and this was a mission Lily would not allow go wrong, to the fullest extent of her capability to control it. That extended to forcing herself to be as well rested as she could manage, splitting her nights between Gwen’s sofa and Severus’s spare room. That self-enforced rest didn’t mean she was any less frazzled, as every waking moment (and there were plenty of those, even without counting the restless ones that refused to allow attempted sleep to settle over her) was crammed with a thousand things to do.
She brewed for hours, making sure the Healers were stocked with everything they could conceivably need—and a few less conceivable as well. Lily pulled maps of the Muggle neighborhoods and gave them to Hestia to hand out, ensured they at least had an idea of what peculiar Muggle quirks they might encounter in their assigned areas, and generally made herself  available as a Muggle-expert and the only Muggleborn being sent out into the field. She checked with Gwen, seeing how she felt about going on a mission, and tried not to think too much about who she was going with aside from assuring her friend that both Peter and James would take care of her.
Most importantly, Lily checked in on her network of Muggleborns she was in contact with, ensuring they were as safe as they could be, while trying not to alarm them unnecessarily. She reached out to the Mercers, Thorburns, and Narangs, the three families who she had only days ago given packets of paperwork that would help them leave Britain and restart their lives elsewhere, and checked that their plans were going smoothly.
Ultimately, it was all overcompensation for what she couldn’t do. Alastor had made it very clear that they were not allowed to contact the families being targeted, under the laws of the Statue. That lives were at stake didn’t matter, nor that the Death Eaters didn’t have similar compunction, or even that it was a matter of weeks until it wouldn’t apply to these families anyway.  It was infuriating, and left Lily feel more than a little helpless. A feeling she channeled into do as much she could elsewhere.
Which was why she was currently bustling around the Prewett estate, helping prepare in the nebulous way that took over in the calm before the storm, when you knew something was coming, and that it was likely to be bad, but the exact shape of it was unknowable. Lily would also blame that business for why she didn’t look where she was going as she rounded a corner at speed with an arm full of sheets, and shut up, Mental-Alastor voice, she’s already gotten a lecture from you in the last week, she doesn’t need a second.
Her reward for her lack of vigilance was typical, as she collided into someone else. At least she kept her grip on the sheets so they didn’t go spilling everywhere. “Ooph,” she grunted all the same.
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cbk1000 · 1 year
heidiamalia Ooph, girl I support you
A coworker and I just had a load of work dumped on us by management because another coworker is retiring--which they’ve known about FOR AN ENTIRE YEAR. She’s also been poking them through the last several months to get someone for her to train so that her work can be properly handed off, because it’s pretty complex. Rest under a cut because it’s long because I’m ticked and need to rant.
So, a week ago, maybe two weeks, I get cc’ed on an email from my former boss asking if I can be included on training for this (it’s to do with charging for anesthesia). There was some training scheduled between the coworker who is retiring and the other coworker who is getting this dumped on her, and I was a last-minute addition. So, we meet up, me assuming that they already have a game plan worked out and that the coworker going to be trained know what’s expected of her and what, if any, part of the daily work she’ll be taking on, and that I’m just kind of there as a back-up, so that I have some general knowledge of the charging because my work deals a lot with charge auditing and reconciliation. 
Anyway, no, neither of them has any clue what’s going on. They were not told what to train on, why they’re training, what was expected of either me or the other coworker. So coworker who is retiring gives us some print-outs of various instructions and resources, and has me do a couple of practice charges, and tries to think of anything she can to tell us. She really has no clue what to touch on, because she has no idea what we’re going to be doing, and we have no idea what questions to ask, because we have no idea if this is going to be daily work that’s expected of us. I said we needed to get some concrete answers on what’s to be expected of us, because right now an outside coding company is charging this work, but our contract is up with them soon. So are we now supposed to do it? Are we just monitoring the processes for errors, while one of our inhouse coders takes it over, what? My boss had specifically told me when I asked that she didn’t think the expectation was for me to be doing charging, that I would just kind of have my finger on the process for auditing purposes (and I’m pretty sure she doesn’t want me doing this charge work, because it’s time-consuming, and she wants to be able to assign me to other projects). 
So, my team has a weekly meeting, which took place a couple of days after all this, and one of the first things I brought up when it was my turn to go over my workflow was that we needed some answers on what is exactly expected in terms of anesthesia work, because none of us were told jackshit (I used slightly more professional wording). My boss says she’ll try and set up a meeting with a few people to go over it.
Yesterday, the coworker who is retiring had a meeting with our coding supervisor, who told her the coder who is going to be coding anesthesia moving forward will not have time to enter charges, so the plan is for me and the other coworker to take it all on. We have a meeting set for tomorrow to tell us this. The only reason I got a heads-up is because I talked to the coworker who is retiring today. Tomorrow is her last day.
Tl;dr: Coworker announced her retirement a year ago and has been bugging management for several months leading up to it to give her someone to train properly. They choose the literal day of her retirement to tell me and another coworker that we’ll be taking on that work, when we have very little understanding of what the day-to-day processes are.
Btw, this is the SECOND time this work has been dumped on me. I did this charging back in 2020 for about six months, and it was abruptly given to me when I hadn’t even been trained on entire sections ofit, and had very, very sporadic training on the sections I had learnt. It was so stressful that this news makes me want to ragequit. I haven’t touched this work in two years and the workflow has changed significantly, so I am not at all familiar with it anymore.
Anyway, I’m practicing my Professional But Blunt voice. It’s not like I can get out of this work, but they’re going to know I think it’s a load of shit the way they handled it. Other coworker is very frustrated too but probably too nice to say that, so I can handle that part. lmao
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arc-misadventures · 2 years
Arc-swapped/Jeanne AU:
How does Jeanne confront the people from her original world about how they treated Jaune? Or does she even remember to?
Her Return
Nora: Jeanne!!!
Jeanne: Hi, Nora! I’m ba… Ooph?!
Nora: Jeanne! You’re back!
Jeanne: Y-Yes I am, Nora. Please let go, I can’t breath.
Nora: Oh! Sorry…
Jeanne: It’s okay.
Rin: Hey, Jeanne, welcome back.
Jeanne: Rin! Mmmm~! It’s so good to see you!
Rin: You too.
Nora: Where were you, where did you go! Did you go to his world when he came to ours?! Were there gender swapped versions of us there too?!
Jeanne: Actually yes I did, and there was.
Nora: Oh, who got swapped!
Jeanne: Team RWBY, and Pyrros were all girls, and Rin was a guy!
Rin: I was?
Nora: Was he hot?!
Rin: Nora?!
Jeanne: He was pretty attractive.
Rin: He was…?
Nora: I knew it. What about me, was I some really handsome buff guy?!
Jeanne: No you were still a girl
Nora: Good… the multiverse is working properly
Jeanne: …?
Ren: Okay…?
Jeanne: Uhh… So anyway, I heard you were giving male me some looks, eh, Rin~? Like what you saw~?
Rin: N-N-No!
Nora: You’d totally hop him if you could!
Rin: Guys!
Jeanne: So what was it like to have him here?
Nora: Weird. As soon as he saw me, he was acting all normal, took him a while to realize I was looking at him weird, since he was a guy, and all. He didn’t understand why I was starting to freak out until, Rin appeared.
Rin: Then, he started to freak out when he saw me. He was used to, Nora being, Nora. But, a female… Ren was it?
Jeanne: Yes, your counterpart is named, Ren.
Rin: Yeah, he freaked out. He was not expecting me.
Nora: Then, Rin started to freak out when, male Jeanne called her pretty~!
Rin: Nora!
Jeanne: You are pretty.
Rin: I am?
Nora: And, before I could ask him why he thought that, Pyrros happened…
Jeanne: Ahh, Pyrros, where is he anyway?
Rin: He should be back any minute now. He said he was going to do some training.
Jeanne: Good, I need to have some words with him…
RN: …
Nora: He done fucked up…
Rin: Big time…
Jeanne: What? I just want to talk with my partner, That’s all~!
Rin: Then stop smiling like that.
Nora: It’s creepy.
Jeanne: Oh… That’s useful to know.
Pyrros: Hey, guys I’m…?! Jeanne you’re ba-ack?!
Nora: Ohh~! Straight to the floor!
Rin: That’s gotta hurt.
Pyrros: Ow?! What was that for?!
Jeanne: For being a complete asshole!
Rin: Oh no…
Nora: The angel is swearing?!
Rin: Nice knowing you, Pyrros…
Pyrros: What did I do?!
Jeanne: You hurt, Jaune! Which means you hurt me!
Pyrros: Jim? That boy that took your spot?
Jeanne: His name is, Jaune! And, yes he took my spot, while I took his. And, I got to learn some really interesting things about the people I consider friends!
Pyrros: W-What did you learn?
Jeanne: That the first thing you did when you saw him was to throw him against the wall with your semblance, then you threatened to gut him if you didn’t explain where I was! And, none of you even let him explain why he was here!
Pyrros: W-What?! I didn’t do that.
Jeanne: There is literally crater in the wall where you threw him!
Pyrros: Oh, yeah… I forgot to fix that…
Jeanne: So you did do that?
Pyrros: Yes… Yes I did…
Jeanne: So, not only did you lie to me, you threw him against the wall before he even had a chance to explain why happened to him. Why?
Pyrros: I thought he kidnapped you…
Jeanne: So first thing you did was slam him to the wall?
Pyrros: Well, I thought…? Haaa… I’m…?!
Jeanne: Don’t bother apologizing. I’m not the one you should be sorry too.
Rin: Oh, Jeanne is angry…
Nora: Team RWBY’s going to get it…
Rin: It was nice knowing them…
Jeanne: Where are they by the way?
NR: Their room.
Jeanne: Thank you~!
Nora: Demon smile…
Pyrros: Since when could she smile like that?!
Rin: Since you made her angry…
(Knock knock)
Ruben: Ye… Jeanne!
Blake: Our angel is back?!
William: Jeanne!
Yin: Hi beautiful, miss me~?
Jeanne: Hi guys~!
Rubun: Grk?!
Blake: OWW?!
William: Why?!
Yin: Ooph?!?!
Yin: Okay… you’ve got a mean right hook there, Jeanne… But, why?!
Jeanne: That was for tying up, Jaune, throwing him against the wall with your semblance, pointing your gun at him, and sucker punching him in the gut…
Yin: You know about that?!
Jeanne: Yes, Jaune told me…
William: You met that thing?!
Jeanne: Thing?! Did you seriously call him a thing?!
William: Uhh…
Jeanne: Good gods… You’re better than this, William!
William: …
Jeanne: And, why did you point a gun at him, Ruben?
Ruben: I thought he was an alien who took over your body, but got the gender wrong…
Jeanne: …
WBY: …
Jeanne: I’m… I’m not even going to respond to that…
William: Smart move.
Jeanne: And, as for you…
Yin: H-Hi, Angel… H-How’s it going…?
Jeanne: Let me guess; Jaune couldn’t answer your question because he didn’t know what the was, so you lost your cool, so you punched him in the gut?
Yin: Yes…
Jeanne: Haa… I’m going to talk to the teachers to see why they threw, Jaune in a cell. As for you lot, I’m so disappointed in you, you should be better than this!
Ruben: Disappointed? That doesn’t sound so bad.
Nora: That’s Mom for mad.
Ruben: Oh…
Blake: We screwed up didn’t we?
William: You think?
Ruben: We did, but not as big as, Yin did.
Yin: Ya… I fucked up…
Pyrros: We all did…
Nora: We didn’t!
Rin: I would have liked to get to know him, he seemed like a really nice guy, but then you lot showed up.
Nora: So yeah, you fucked up.
Ruben: Shit…
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whateverlandia · 2 years
ooph! yesterday was a doozy, but i think a pretty healthy one! i stepped away from blogging to be in my feelings, and ultimately ended up processing a lot more on a now deleted reddit thread. apparently i accidentally edited 2/3 of it into oblivion and so then i just scrapped it.
but i'm with those sentiments and still driving forward through them.
it was great to sit with and confront the shame and remorse i feel towards arielle. it was hurting so much, and it does, to sit with a real sense of how much i let them down. specifically, when it comes to making them feel safe. i won't get into it, and i'm not trying to beat myself up about it. or to dwell on it overly.
i mean, just for the sake of writing atm. it's not what i want to talk about in this moment.
gonna pause and leave this open while i continue relaxing and getting around to what i do want to talk about
i was a lot more confused yesterday. let's put it that way. i even thought about breaking no contact a few times, which was a very new impulse since that began. not happening, not anytime too soon, anyway.
ultimately, i've been sitting with and processing a lot, and i think..
i think i'm coming to a place of deciding to reach out to them, in time. i'm not sure when, yet.
i just know that i care deeply about that person and their future, and there are ***so many*** things that were left unaddressed still from *my side*.
I have a lot of shame and guilt that were introduced to me by gaining awareness of what took place there, via learning, after things were done. this all sounds so shitty and unspecific, but i lost the far more detailed stuff from last night.
i'm just logging the skeleton of things, and setting my trajectory.
unfortunately, i do this for her, and for myself for having the need to do so, but i think she really killed the romance, or that i killed it inside of her. her words are completely unambiguous, about that.
not exactly odd that her expressing never again would effect me greatly, but surprising to me what many things have come since then, now that the obsessive upfront binge learning phase is cooling off. i had thought my next phase is surely, more self focused work. but instead emerges a lot that demands to be felt, and processed, first. and i'm *really* happy about that, although i haven't had or taken the chance to pause and to really appreciate it. it's scary when things change and you're not sure what you're going through.
I think i'm going to start up a backburner project, where for now i'm collecting things to speak to. just a list of things to speak to. there's a lot of damage to make an honest effort at undoing. i feel bound by this. it would seem to supersede my self-important and self-preserving distance. i don't know. i'm actually not sure, still. sometimes i honestly feel so comparatively unimportant to that person that to bother caring about them or putting time into their life when they are so disinterested in doing the same for me is a bit of a cause for concern
but i continue to raise myself as a man whose measure of worth is partially assessed in how i treat those who i have nothing to gain from.
i want to be optimistic about her growth. her sincerity. her valuing of me. but why should i be? believing in the people who treat me like crap as part of their half-involved lifestyle has been terrible for me to date. genuinely terrible.
if these people would just treat me right, treat me with respect, my god maybe even *show* me love. if they'd treat themselves right. show themselves love. if they'd be active participants in the betterment of their own lives. instead of foreverwhatevering.
how *intensely* i would want to be a part of their lives, and to give them all of my support.
i watched my mom spend her life helping people who didn't appreciate it that much. she literally still is. truth is, though. it's an honor to serve. it is beautiful. being self obsessed is very unappealing.
i'm also not sure about failing to commit to a full mental/focus break from arielle. the best part of exiting each others lives is the regaining of focus on self. and the power to 'start over' and direct your life differently, adaptively. one of the best parts of not being friends, too.
it is a very weird thing to judge another person for their imperfections when you yourself are littered with them. i'm humbling myself with this thought at the moment, rather than chastising others judgement towards me. though i could.
i'm only in charge of me, though. ooph. i thought maybe i was a bit more sure of forward directions than i am yet. not too surprising if a lot more thinking about things needs to take place. the wonderful thing, is having the time and space to freely and comfortably do so
might be getting a job as a janitor, soon. or a job as a crypto researcher. i don't really care all that much either way, lol.
starting to get a very strong grasp on my focus on what i really want to be about and a part of, with my life.
i really like life
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bobtheacorn · 2 years
Oh my goodness, I love Alberto as an over-excited uncle! I'd never even thought of that before, and it's a great way to organically get to "Alberto wants to be a dad himself."
Right! Like, in a way, being an uncle almost absolves him of that potential existential crisis and the crushing weight of Responsibility having his own child might cause. Because Alberto's love language isn't just touch, it's also acts of service. Guilia is the one having a baby, and he can HELP her!
He would absolutely aggravate the life out of her by constantly fussing any time she picked up something or tried to go for a walk or do any household chores because she's growing an entire small human in there and her spine is literally bearing the brunt of that weight and she probably looks like she's going to pop, oh my god, please sit down and rest. Giulia would like, take a deep breath because baby is pushing its feet into her lungs and Alberto would SPRINT into the room to ask her what's wrong.
He would build a crib, and a dresser, and a cute little mobile.
He would make fun of the baby names Giulia picked out.
He'd get so wrapped up in all the little preparations and taking care of Giulia that he probably wouldn't process anything until the baby actually GOT THERE (because he wouldn't be able to see it, you know? seeing giulia's belly get bigger and bigger is different than seeing the actual baby) and then he would be looking at it's scrunched up baby face and it's itty bitty fists and he would be like OH NO THAT'S A WHOLE - THAT'S A REAL HUMAN BABY - and it's a lot smaller and more fragile looking than he was expecting, i mean come on it doesn't even have TEETH yet, it can't possible defend itself from predators - and he would probably be scared to hold it at first bc he wouldn't want to drop it or hurt it.
But then he would hold it and it'd be the best thing that ever happened to him and he'd have the BIGGEST heart eyes and he'd look up and Giulia and Luca and be like "We need a dozen more of these" and they'd both be like "NO berto lmao"
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