#Not surprised but just utterly sickened and disgusted
fuckyeah-bears · 4 months
Rant Warning
So because of unfounded claims of hamas conspirators being in the UN or the UNRWA, countries have decided to pull out of funding necessary and human-rights aid? Am I understanding that right?
Even though these powerful countries have more than enough resources to check this? Even if it was the case, that’s not an excuse to deny emergency care!
These big countries (mine included unfortunately) that are actively assisting a genocide, are refusing to give aid to those who need it and have been found in a court of law to need it.They’re not even pretending anymore.
Of course there are always exceptions, but the people, expert and regular, actively supporting Palestine are condemning Hamas too. We do not support what they did on October 7, but we can see how decades of oppression and violence creates groups like Hamas, and how something was going to happen eventually. Recognising that does not make us anti Semitic. Also, and here’s the big one : one group does not justify a genocide. It does not justify bombing hospitals and refusing aid.
The excuse of Hamas is ridiculous. Is what Hamas is doing morally right? No! But Israel doesn’t care about Hamas, that’s just what they’re using to try and excuse it. They have quite literally said again and again, on record that this about killing Palestinians. Yet, somehow people are still believing they’re in the right? I don’t get it! How can any human ever think genocide is a reasonable action?
Supporting Palestine is not being anti-Jew or wanting all Israeli dead. Aside from extremists that hijack protests, no pro-Palestine person has ever advocated for anything like that. If we did we’d be hypocrites! You cannot support Isreal without actively supporting genocide.
‘But they have a right!’ - To commit genocide? Really? You really believe there exists a reason to excuse genocide?
‘But Hamas!’ - so a group created because of the oppression by Israel, did things that Israel have done justifies the bombing of a thousands? If it’s about releasing Palestinians from the rule of Hamas, why kill the people who need help? Why does one group justify a genocide?
I genuinely don’t understand. What kind of world do we live in where basic human empathy and basic ideas like ‘killing people is bad’ are dismissed? All the beauty in the world and we stain it.
yep. The western imperialist racist colonizing world is, once again, throwing all their weight behind their genocidal settler colonialism project actively aiding in the genocide of indigenous peoples, all while ignoring the majority of their citizens who actively oppose this genocide. Once again displaying that these western countries are neither democracies nor “civilized” but rather racist colonial regimes, built and sustained through genocide and greed, bent on subjugating the rest of the world (and their own citizens).
Not a single western leader has an ounce of humanity in their soul. May they all burn in the deepest pits of hell and whatever is left of their pitiful shriveled souls suffer all of the pain and misery they have inflicted on Palestinians for all of eternity. May they never experience a single moments peace in the rest of their miserable evil lives
Free Palestine 🇵🇸
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saphirered · 8 months
hello saph! first off, i'm wishing you good luck on your masters! i'm doing mine next year and i'm super looking forward to it, so i hope everything goes well for you too!! 💖💖💖
now, WELCOME TO THE HOT VAMPIRE ELF CLUB!! may i request Astarion/Reader(Tav) where Tav is a good aligned Life Cleric (or anything similar) that focuses on healing and supporting allies during combat, someone's that's a ray of sunshine because they choose the difficult path of being kind. i'm curious of your take on Astarion receiving genuine kindness, being disgusted at first, the progression of his attempted manipulation, eventually realizing his feelings, and how he would react to Tav being extremely injured in a fight and trying to save them (with good ending hopefully).
oh and maybe some blood drinking. you know. for reasons :-)
you're such a creative writer, i'm always looking forward to anything you post, so thank you! have a lovely day!
Hello dearie and thank you! Uni is tough but worth it so good luck with yours! I hope this little piece of distraction is to your tastes. 😘
Oh how easy it is to wrap you around his finger. Your sickening sweet and sheer willingness to bend over backwards at the smallest inconvenience you have the ability to fix, it’s nauseating. You’d already naturally gravitated towards him. It must be this incessant need to fix the broken. You seem to be attracted to broken things, thinking you can mend them with love and affection and a gentle touch like a stray pulled from the streets. He is no such thing. He is certainly no stray.  A handsome wanderer without a home port, now that’s more like him. But you didn’t need to see that. You didn’t need to know him or his past. As long as Astarion kept on the front he could be your next project, just like these strays you’ve pulled along, well that might just work to his advantage. 
To say you were an absolutely horrible influence on him would be an understatement. Whether it be his thieving and charming tendencies that often lead to heartbreak of the recipient or when his silver tongue is perhaps a little too sharp at times, your disapproval sparked something in the coils of his stomach he has not felt in nigh two-hundred years. Is this what remorse and guilt felt like? Did he want your approval? Your praise? He’s being utterly ridiculous. He has nothing to prove and you are just a tool. But here he is feeling just the slightest bit of guilt at the thought of you finding out the truth about him and how you might look at him then. He considers he might just not be able to look you in the eye. What has he become? 
Admittedly Astarion got a little peckish and without much opportunities to feed himself proper he’d taken to your neck. An attempt was made but you caught him. Your eyes opened and stared right at him in surprise. He was equally surprised, his stealth having failed him. In that moment you managed to flip him onto his back and held your palm to his chest as you crouched over him. You’re much stronger than he gave you credit for. Maybe you just got lucky.
“What the hell Astarion?!” You whisper trying not to wake the others. He can all but heart the beat of your heart, how quickly your blood rushes through your veins. When he doesn’t move you give him a little more space. You don’t move for a weapon or attack him as he might have expected given what it must have looked like. You simply sit down next to him and he watches the tension disappear from your shoulders, the adrenaline rush coming down with. He goes over the excuses, the ways to explain to you but you simply hold up your hand to silence him. He finds it in his best interest to do so. 
“You know you could have just asked.” He freezes like a deer in the torch light. You knew? How? How long had you known? Why hadn’t you said anything, done anything. He’s not blind to the prejudices against the creatures of his sort. Especially the ones that feed on the innocent.  yet here you are in front of him absentmindedly brushing your fingers along the side of your delicious neck. 
“Yes. Yes of course. ‘Hello my dear, I’m a blood sucking vampire spawn would you mind lending me your lovely neck for a few gulps? I’m incredibly peckish and could use a snack.’ Exactly how long do you think it would take for me to end with a stake in my chest or my handsome head removed from my ravishing body?” He ridicules and for a brief moment that pang in his chest, that tightening string reappears when you cast your eyes down and frown. It only lasts for a second before you go back to your neutral welcoming expression of understanding and compassion. 
“I just hoped you’d be able to trust us, trust me. If you’d asked I’d have said yes. Would still say yes. All you need is ask, Astarion.” He tries to decipher any means of deceit or strings attached but finds none which leads him exactly to wonder…
“Why?” You catch on to the hint of suspiciousness and guardedness but you’ve not seen anything else from the elf. You’ve witnessed him for a little bit now and you know he must have his reasons to be mistrusting and always assuming everyone’s selfishness to be the root of any actions. You made him question that entire way of thinking. Whether he deemed you an exception to his usual views, allowed you to prove him differently or he’s simply chalked you up as a very good liar, you don’t know and perhaps neither does he. 
He needed you to trust him. You do trust him. You’ve proven as much yet here he is still questioning your motives. You have your answer ready for him and by the looks of it it would be a genuine one but he doesn’t think he has the heart to actually hear it. He shakes his head. Something within him once again sparks that guilt. He feels bad for his motives of befriending you, of pursuing the path to something more, of charming you perhaps even into his bed if he kept playing his cards right but with every step he takes in that direction he can’t help but feel that guilt, and having to force himself to push down his own feelings. 
“Nevermind.” Once again Astarion flashes you a charming smile. “Now since we have this little secret out of the way, I will ask. Not a drop more than I need?” It feels so incredibly strange to blatantly ask. He knows about certain individuals who have a thing for the sharp teethed and sanguine hungers but that is not you. What you offer is not for you. It’s for him. You want to help him, truly help him and that is why you offer. He’s been feeling so weak. The animals aren’t enough. The humanoid is so much more sustaining. He’ll be strong. He has to be strong if he wants to see this all through, to finally become master of his own fate. An intrusive thought pops through his head; maybe there’s a place for you in that plan as well. 
“Only as much as you need. I’d like to keep my wits about.” The first part is a true statement. The second a half-joke. As much as he needs his strength, so do you. 
“Well then, let’s make ourselves comfortable then, shall we?” He gestures to your bedroll. You simply scoot over.
Astarion, ever so gently as if you might fade into the dawn itself, lays you down. Never once does he break eye contact. You can see the brief hesitation, then reassurance of himself, and then something akin to pain. It crosses his features in but an instant but you catch on to it either way. It seems he’s noticed you catch on but he does not read into you further. Instead he softens, brushes aside your hair as he supports your neck and back. You place one of your hands on his bicep and give a reassuring squeeze and nod. He closes his eyes and sucks in a breath before making for your neck. 
It starts as a sharp and quick pain but is overtaken by a the awareness of the sheer rush of your own blood flowing through your veins. He drinks and drinks. You gasp his name, once more squeezing his arm but no response. He’s caught up in whatever runs through him, whatever keeps him latched onto your neck. You start to feel cold, then warm and lightheaded. You can feel your heartbeat speed up as well as your breathing calms and slows. 
He doesn’t know what overcame him. This isn’t anything he’s experienced before. This is pure euphoria. You are pure euphoria. Your heart, your mind, your very soul. He doesn’t know if it’s because of the tadpole. It has to be. He feels it all. He feels it as if those feelings are his own. He feels the warmth you radiate as it warms him from within like the rays of the sun he thought he’d never be able to feel again, not without them being his end. Your compassion and affections for him, the way you allow him to cradle you, how you fit so perfectly within his embrace. You hold him dearly and think highly of him even if sometimes you disapprove of his choices, words and actions there’s not but understanding to him. Whatever this is, it is unconditional. No one has ever held an unconditional affection for him. He won’t go as far to call it love, but in a way it is. You truly do care about him. Even the whisper of his name upon your breath is like charm bells to his ears. The way you hold on to him, it means everything. And in turn it makes him regret every step he’s taken, every step he knows will lead to your heartbreak and destruction. But all this he feels through you, all this that opens within himself it is addicting and he can’t pull himself away.
By the time he stops you’re not responding. Your body is unmoving. Shit. He can fix this. Of course he can fix this. The matter now comes down to testing the limits of your forgiveness.
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nekropsii · 1 year
Question! What exactly is march!eridan and? How was the reception towards june? Im sorry, I haven't been a part of the hs fandom in years
March!Eridan- or, more commonly, simply March Eridan- is a long-running fandom joke and fanon trope based on an image of Eridan crossdressing that was made for one of the official calendars, back in around... 2010.
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Pictured here. The problem with this is that this was a "Man in a Dress" joke- an age-old transmisogynistic trope. Now, this doesn't say much about who the artist is as a person nowadays, as this is far too old to truly hang over their head, but... People took it and ran. It's been a running gag ever since the image was created. And the fandom was... Horrible about it, to say the least. People were using all manners of slurs with regards to its concept, many reacting to this image with nothing but pure disgust. And if people weren't turning the concept of a GNC guy into a laughingstock or making it out to be entirely repulsive, then they were horrifically oversexualizing him, despite his age- which, reminder, is 13 years old. It was awful, and I'm seeing the same shit to this day, even if it is on a smaller scale. It's just not kosher either way. It's not surprising at all that that's how people handled it in 2010. It's definitely a product of its time- which isn't an excuse, but absolutely a solid explanation. I really do expect better of people in 2023, though. Especially from people who claim to be "beyond" this kind of thing.
As for June's reception... God, it was awful. The amount of harassment that happened over whether her concept was even worth consideration was entirely unacceptable. No one could be normal about it. Even people who didn't care at all about canonicity and just liked the idea of June as a headcanon got lambasted. I'm honestly glad you weren't there to see it, it was all pretty sickening. I might not agree with how hardcore people will get about June's canonicity, but I do understand where that defensiveness comes from completely. It's hard to not go insane when you feel like the safety of yourself and/or your sisters is being threatened in a community you had grown to feel housed you in a way no other community really will. Getting defensive, having such strong opinions and boundaries regarding the whole thing... It's completely and utterly understandable. Natural, even. You and I would probably be the same way, had either of us been closer to the situation.
The Homestuck fandom's transmisogyny is a well that runs deep, and is about as old as the comic itself... I hate to see that it's continuing to this day. It's hard to be grateful that it doesn't seem to be as bad as it used to be, because the June situation really just proved how many people are closet transmisogynists... Even people who have outwardly progressive politics, or are trans themselves. It's disappointing, to say the least.
Also, saying this in advance: Most people tend to jump to insulting the original artist for March Eridan's art style or technique... Please refrain from doing so here, it's a childish and petty response to this conversation. There's nothing original or insightful one could say in insulting the quality their work. It's been done. Trust me. The pure acidic vitriol that the art and artist received was honestly mind-boggling.
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My hero but fucking sad...with smut>:)
this is a Aizawa x Present mic smut
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The leaves fell down like rain, dead leaves falling from the trees, it was nearing winter in Japan, and Yamada couldn’t wait. Aizawa’s birthday was just a few days away, while he still had to teach, he did get the day off, so Yamada just had to surprise him.
Yamada was waiting patiently, Aizawa’s birthday was nearing, and his surprise would truly make this one memorable. Yamada sat in the chair of their shared apartment, he couldn’t wait, he really needed to see Aizawa, he had brought the class to the woods for a while before the break, most of the students loved it, even the more ‘primal’ alphas were able to calm down during the trip from what he heard. 
The news came on, the class was back, why were they on tv? Yamada didn’t see his love on tv? Maybe he had already left? He didn’t need to worry, he knew Aizawa was strong, and was probably on his way home now.
Yamada watched the news, it was talking about the class quite a bit, how they all came back safe…then the phone rang.
“Hello, Is this Hizashi Yamada?”
“Yes, may I ask what you need me for?”
“We always hate to say this, but—”
The phone dropped, hitting the tiled floors, it was all static to Yamada, it was a joke, a sick dream, no, No, NO—
Yamada sat on the floor, playing back the call, listening to it again, and again. The details always caught him, they left him, They left him… THEY left him…LEFT him… Yamada couldn’t believe it, he was dead, he didn’t know why, or how, well he did know how…
Stupid villain, why, WHY, WHY LIKE THAT?.......He couldn’t tell reality anymore, the sickened thought, each bone, carefully snapped and broken, it didn’t matter the quirk, they were a prime Alpha…double the size, each joint being pulled apart like it was cheap glue holding them together, they didn’t even stop there…
Blood…. A river, screaming, running, useless, Useless, USELESS—
Chest opened, showing the beating heart and his adoring ribs, broken like a shard of glass,river bleeding red, but of course Aizawa would hold on, for hope someone would be a man and save him, but of course not, the other Alphas were too busy adorning the view. Yamada was disgusted, and of course the blood-thirsty Alpha wasn’t going to stop there, Aizawa was still alive, and that wasn’t allowed. Head forced in freezing cold water, air…right there, but unable to reach, trying, fighting, begging, breathing, crying, accepting… death… 
Yamada couldn’t move, they couldn’t save him, in the forest for a day or so, butterflies and flowers already sprouting on his body. Yamada couldn’t go in and see his dead love, not even like this. Yamada couldn’t help the tears that welled in his eyes, he had been utterly emotionless till now, unable to understand how they couldn’t have saved him? Why—
Yamada didn't know what happened for the next few days, it's like everyone moved on, except a few of the students, they came to see him, cry with him, the three were Bakugou, Midorya and Todoroki, they all didn’t go on the trip as they had to go to a different event. 
Yamada sat in bed, it was like every other day, today would have been his birthday, and everyone acted like he never existed at all. Yamada hadn’t showered in days, he couldn't bring himself to dismantle Aizawa’s nest, he just couldn’t…Tears were flowing down his irritated cheeks, red from hours of gentle crying. 
It was late, he had left work for a while, he hadn't slept in so long, he couldn’t tell reality. But he could swear he saw Aizawa in the corner staring, his eyes watching, almost glowing in the dark room. Maybe he needed to go back to work, he was going insane…
Yamada went back to work a week later, he could never be as enthusiastic as before, Yamada couldn’t wait to get home, to him and Aizawa’s nest, even if he wasn’t there anymore, the nest always felt…Alive…like he was still there…oh god……he was going insane.
Yamada left the school, and almost ran back home, when he got to the apartment, he quickly opened the door to the pitch-black bedroom, a small hue of orange light coming from part of the uncovered window, Yamada stared at the bed, then he saw it…NO, he was dreaming, he had to be, Aizawa was there, on the bed, his upper chest and…there covered, in a sage green, it was partially see-through, Yamada could see his perked chest, milk making them slightly plump. The underwear was in a thong like shape, matt, but beautiful, barely hiding anything. He seemed to be straightening the nest, like he normally did. 
Yamada stood there, admiring him, somehow he was there, obviously not alive, his chest was ripped open, but it wasn’t bleeding. Yamada didn’t know how, but he wouldn’t waste this chance. He wanted Aizawa, he needed his touch, his Love… Yamada ran towards the bed, he was weary of the nest, and hugged Aizawa, he didn’t care how, or why, all he cared about was the scent he smelled the second he touched Aizawa, the smell coffee and lavender, with a hint of oranges, Aizawa jumped, he hadn’t seen Yamda, be had been startled.
Yamada started to cry, he had missed him so much..
“You missed your birthday”Yamada said in tears
“I’m back now” Aizawa said as he cupped Yamada’s face in his hands, Yamada pressed his face into Aizawa’s hips. They sat like that for a few minutes before Aizawa got up, walking towards the closet.
“You need me don’t you?” Aizawa as he grabbed something from the closet while walking back.
“Yes…sorry” Yamada said as he watched Aizawa walked towards him, lifting up his chin. 
“There's nothing to be sorry for, little flower”Aizawa said as he gently roped around the sage green rope, holding Yamada down, tying it around his chest. A heart tie was made, after of course Aizawa shedded all of Yamada’s clothes, throwing them to the floor, each complex  knot showing off Yamada's skin. Aizawa himself shed his clothes, first his top, it slid off his pale skin, showing off his plump tits, next his underwear, sliding off his round hips, to his fat fucking thighs, smooth, god Yamada wanted to die between them. But of course, the prize was quickly shown to, Aizawa’s cunt, being an omega, he was cursed with certain female aspects, Yamada was a prime alpha, which fit nicely with Aizawa being a prime omega, they were made for each other, but Yamada was a much more ‘submissive’ alpha than most, which complemented Aizawa’s more dominant personality.  Yamada was pushed back on the bed, seeing his love's cunt shining with slick. Yamada couldn’t wait for it.
“Please Aizawa, I need you, please” Yamada said pathetically.
“Just wait a minute darling,” Aizawa said back in a sweet tone. Aizawa quickly mounted Yamada, his dick being slicked up by Aizawa’s beautiful pussy. 
“Can I please touch your chest?” Yamada begged, if anything, that's what he wanted most right now. 
“You can wait sweetheart” Aizawa said, lining up Yamada’s cock. Aizawa couldn’t wait, nor could Yamada. Aizawa sat down on Yamada’s cock, a moan ripping out of Aizawa’s throat. 
“Fuck” Aizawa said breathlessly
“Please, omega… move” Yamada knew that Aizawa couldn’t exactly deny his request, but he knew that if he used the alpha command, Aizawa would crucify him. Aizawa gave him a glare, but gave in. Aizawa pushed himself up, then dropping down, the velvet walls tightening around him, like a vice grip. Another moan flowed out of Aizawa’s mouth, Aizawa continued his motions, going up and down at a rigorous pace. Moans flowing out of his mouth, Yamda could barely handle it, but he tried to for Aizawa’s sake.
“Please, Please, please” Yamada begged, tears forming in his eyes, he still couldn’t believe it. 
“Is there something you need?” Aizawa asked, slowing down, rubbing Yamada’s chest. 
“I don’t wanna cum yet…” Yamada said, clearly embarrassed.
Aizawa kissed one of the tears running down Yamada’s cheek.
“You don’t need to hold on, we can do this again if you want, this is about your pleasure, not mine.” Aizawa calmed Yamada down, kissing down his neck and chest.
“You're perfect, you don’t need to hold back, you waited so long, you already held yourself back, don’t now” Aizawa kissed him again, licking through every crevice in Yamada’s mouth. Aizawa continued his movements.
Yamada couldn’t handle it, tears welling up, the rope kept his hands down from grabbing Aizawa, which at this point would be good. Yamada felt the pleasuring sparks run up and down his body, the wet squelching of slick, Yamada was close, he could feel it…
“Aizawa, Aizawa please, I’m gonna cum” Yamada rambled pathetically.
“You’re doing perfectly, such a good boy,” Aizawa said in between short moans. Yamada felt his knot forming, if he knotted Aizawa, they  wouldn’t be able to do it again, it would rob Aizawa of the pleasure—Yamada’s thoughts stopped, white hot electricity shot through his veins, a loud moan ripped through Yamada’s voice. Aizawa had knotted himself, Aizawa knotted himself… 
Yamada blanked, he couldn’t remember anything, that had to have been the best orgasim in his life, he could barely see, he felt the rope on his arms and chest being removed, finally free. Yamada quickly flipped them over, laying his head near Aizawa’s neck.
“Can I touch your chest now?” Yamada asked impatiently.
“Just be careful” Aizawa replied, Yamada knew why, the lower part of his chest was, well you know. Yamada quickly latched his mouth to one of the perked buds, gently sucking, he still had tears running down his red stained face. Yamada sucked, and sweet milk filled his mouth, is was divine, tasting like the earth's most exotic delicacy, he didn’t know how Aizawa was here, and he wasn’t going to ask, he just basked in the moment, with his love, even if Aizawa missed his surprise, a little black box on the table, with a ring inside……he would show him later, right now, he wanted to suck his tits dry. 
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manikas-whims · 2 years
Her Hero [Read on AO3]
[Aged-Up Characters]
“I will always be here to save you, Princess.”
Cornered and unable to transform, Marinette is saved by none other than her knight in shining leather.
For MariChat May 2022
Day 23: Rescue
this started out as an idea to write a fic about the MariChat moment we were robbed of in the Shanghai special and the fact that we don't get much of Chat coming to MariBug's rescue in fanfics. i hope you like it..:)
⚠mild depiction of attempted sexual assault
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She was cornered.
Seven years. She'd been Ladybug for seven years now and never had she found herself in such a predicament where she actually felt cornered.
It was on her way home during the evening hours when two shady men dragged her into the nearest alley. The guys shoved her towards a wall whilst a third one, who'd been obscured by the lack of lighting in the alley, came forward with a knife. He threatened to slit her throat if she made a single noise in protest.
Now usually she was with a friend or in more public areas when dealing with such situations. How ironic that Paris's famous superhero, known for her good luck, was having an unfortunate evening. To even entertain a one-against-three fight would be a foolish notion. And transforming was entirely out of the question because she obviously couldn't reveal her identity to a trio of sleazy men. So then…
As stealthily as possible, she reached for her cellphone in her purse and tapped on its screen with muscle memory, hoping to dial an emergency call to—
The phone and the purse were snatched out of her grasp and thrown across the other side of the alley.
“Trying to be smart, huh?” spoke the burly one of them, face too close for comfort. Behind him, she saw Tikki peer out of her purse.
Go. Get help. Marinette mouthed in desperation but the kwami of creation shook her head, resolute to stay by her bearer's side.
“You have her first.” said the bearded one, as if offering to share his car for a drive.
Marinette felt disgust roil in her belly. Was that it? Was she going to let those repulsive men just put their hands on her and then be off? And do it all over again to another innocent woman?
She sighed. She knew the thing she was about to do was ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous , as Chloe would've said.
Marinette charged at them. Years of being a superhero had helped her gain basic combat experience. She lunged at the bearded man right in front of her, using the element of surprise to easily tackle him to the ground. She narrowly managed to avoid being caught by the burly guy and with all the strength she could harness, threw a punch at him. It barely ruffled him but it was enough to give her a moment of escape.
Except she failed. She had entirely forgotten about the third man. The one who had already been in the alley.
She felt his hands creepily rove around her waist and hips, and then she was hauled back against the wall. She shut her eyes tightly and pressed further into the concrete, hoping it would rather swallow her than let her suffer this sickening fate.
A piece of cloth was shoved in her mouth to silence her.
“I like the ones with a little fight in them. Always a pleasure to break ’em.” The men cackled in agreement.
Marinette clenched her palms into fists, fingernails digging painfully into her skin. She heard the rustling of a belt, followed by the undoing of a zipper. Knots of unease twisted inside her stomach, making her shudder. A lone tear rolled down her eye and she wished someone across the street would just happen to peek into the alley. Notice her being harassed. Save her .
She could sense the shadows of the men hovering around her now, one of them grabbing the hem of her shorts. Sucking in a breath, she braced herself for the assault, hoping it'd all be over as soon as it began.
The air around her shifted. Became tenser. Then, she felt him .
In an instant, the looming presence of those nasty men was gone. The next few minutes were a blur of angry shouts, noisy cracks, and painful thuds.
After a while, it all went quiet. Eerily quiet.
“Marinette! Are you alright?”
She knew that voice. A glimmer of hope flickered in her chest yet she found it impossible to summon her strength and utter a word in response.
“You're shaking!” The voice was alarmed now.
Oh! She was indeed shaking. And she hadn't even realized it in her state of fear.
Suddenly an arm was hooked under her calves, another around her shoulder as she felt herself being picked up and cradled close to a firm chest. The familiar, heady scent of musk mingling with leather pervaded her nose and her fists unclenched of their own accord.
“Ch-Chat Noir?” She stuttered, her voice breaking. “Is it really you?”
“Yes Princess, I'm here.” He soothed, nuzzling her even closer. “I'm real.”
Tentatively, she dared her eyelids open, dreading it might just be a vision of hope conjured by her frightened mind. But the sight of his toxic green orbs veiled behind a black mask made her heart flutter with faith, and she sobbed in relief at last.
“It's you!” She sobbed harder, reaching up a shaky hand to trace the edge of his mask. To feel his stubbled cheek under the graze of her palm. To make herself believe that she wasn't merely hallucinating. That she was truly saved.
“It's really you!” she cried with joy, tears streaming down her cheeks. “Did you– did you capture them? Those awful men.”
He turned around to reveal the three men— knocked out and wrists bound tightly together with his tail belt.
“Officer Roger is on his way. In the meantime,” He looked down at her conspiratorially and whispered, “I can do worse to them if you want.”
The obvious fury raging behind his mischievous demeanor made her smile. He was truly a charming and chivalrous hero. Her hero.
She shook her head in negation. “I'm content with being saved.”
“As you say, Princess.” He murmured, picking up her purse and phone.
With that, he extended his staff and took off, only stopping when her parents' well-known bakery came into sight. He landed gracefully on her balcony and laid her down on the chaise lounge. His eyes immediately scanned her form. “Forgot to ask earlier. Did they hurt you?”
“No. You arrived just in time.” She flashed him a grateful smile. “You came to my rescue.”
“Of course I did. I promised your father.” He gazed earnestly at her, clawed thumb caressing her tear-stained cheek. “I will always be here to save you, Princess.”
Her heart skipped a beat.
No matter what, he always showed up to protect her and stood by her. Both as Marinette and Ladybug. She had no idea how he managed to do it but she will forever be thankful to him.
Marinette put her palms on either side of his face to pull it closer, bemusing him momentarily. “Princess?”
She smiled softly and placed a kiss on the corner of his lips. “Thank you, kitty. For being my knight in shining leather.”
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baekhvuns · 1 year
Oh god he is a Superman look alike in that movie, you're right 😭
Yes, a girl was bleeding, I had a cut and a bump <3 I still have a small scar and bump
Meghan's treatment is disgusting, obviously we don't know if everything is 100% true, but I wouldn't be surprised. Harry is talking about WHAT??? I do think it's a bit hard to separate himself completely from that bastards and some things should be said out loud, but maybe NOTHING ABOUT HIS GENITALIA pls Henryyyyyy. But he has a lot of tea on his bro, like 😵
Heeeey, maybe Pepe is normal irl, I doubt he fights people in a grocery store 😭
I'm a mummy at this point! I have another story with the same friend, we were on a swing together, swinging while standing which was dumb obviously and I was standing on the edge wearing flip flops... needless to say I fell cause he was swinging us too high 🔪 landed on my face and cut my lip I WAS BLEEDING LIKE HELL, thought I lost some teeth. I still had baby teeth so it wouldn't be a huuuugr issue but stil not nice. Thankfully my lip was just cut, but lips bleed heavily. Tune in for the next episode, I'm gonna reveal another story.
Lookass? When WayV had a whole ass comeback and he was totally ignored, naaaaah it can't be. If it's true then 🤡🤡🤡🤡
Omfg poor Ive tbh, people act like they have 0 talent, but if you're normal you know companies do this lipsync shit for no reason. But the attempt was not made there 😭
Actually My Way was the first time I acknowledged Seonghwa's voice without even knowing it was him! I really like when he sings "shwipjin anketjiman meomchul sun eopseo nan ouye" after Yunho's "grow up". Speaking of, the amount of lines Seonghwa has now vs during their debut GROWTH 👌🏻
??? That company said "one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, you make me feel like eleven" where are the parents though, collect your child!!! Oh no I know BM's lyrics will be bad 🔫
Exactly the excuses for hair cutting are sickening 😡 I'm emvisioning a long hair comeback. Also @ Joong do something bestieeeee, black hair for that long? *Mingi's voice*: WHO ARE YOU. Honestly I'm not into under cuts, Hwa makes it work, but I prefer my man not bald </3 I know he likes it so I'm tolerating it
The Ugly Shoes unit, they need to make a song called "These Shoes Aren't Made For Walking"
The webtoon is called Operation True Love, idc I'm imagining Hwa, but sometimes the eyes scream Taehyung... but the other guy is called BAEK DO HWA 😭 Yes, long hair, blonde hair, I see, I click. Okay, but my mega brain just connected the dots I said the forehead guy from A Whirlwind Campus Affair reminds me a bit of Seojun. And his name is Seongjun... anyways why are men whose names start with Seo my weaknesses lmao 💀
Honestly so many 2nd gen song embody kpop perfectly, I miss that sound sometimes
The bandages are back and live on TV . I heard that the Inkigayo fits are gothic-like and Hwa has another amazing fit, can't wait to wake up and get killed by him!
Boxer just keeps coming back to wreck us 🥊
We need to survive the fan signs and concerts era again........🤡
I think it's because I answered the quiz thinking of my friends, so the result is??? Yours though... maybe we should switch 😭
Unfortunately there are a few white men I find (or found) attractive, but omg you're right Heath and Cillian. Maybe not as The Joker and Scarecrow, but...
Huh? Sounds too good to be true - DV 💖
hi hello!!
Oh god he is a Superman look alike in that movie, you're right 😭 //// Yes, a girl was bleeding, I had a cut and a bump <3 I still have a small scar and bump
RIGHT FBDBDB 😭😭😭 superman but now avatar too ???? im am so utterly fascinated by the way ur life unfolds, im so into this pls tell us more ur my inspiration for a yn right now
Meghan's treatment is disgusting, obviously we don't know if everything is 100% true, but I wouldn't be surprised. Harry is talking about WHAT??? I do think it's a bit hard to separate himself completely from that bastards and some things should be said out loud, but maybe NOTHING ABOUT HIS GENITALIA pls Henryyyyyy. But he has a lot of tea on his bro, like 😵 /// Heeeey, maybe Pepe is normal irl, I doubt he fights people in a grocery store 😭
i think both sides aren’t 100% innocent either so seeing everything is so 🔫🔫 selling ur family for 20mil damn, id be mad too,, yEAH HE IS 😭😭😭 DID NOT WANT TO KNOW WHY HE WAS FROSTBITTEN AT WILLIAMS WEDDING 😭😭 somethings should jUST STAY IN THE FAMILY <33 the tea on his brother made me laugh bc bro rly took down a ginger and half of it is harry being mad bc he’s the younger sibling LIKE UR YOUNGER UR SUPPOSED TO GET THE SMALLER SHARE FVREBD THATS SIBLINGS 😭😭 and this,,, sigh
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me @ harry
LMFAOOOO i am convinced ramos and pepe’s future son-in-laws would be scared shitless <3
I'm a mummy at this point! I have another story with the same friend, we were on a swing together, swinging while standing which was dumb obviously and I was standing on the edge wearing flip flops... needless to say I fell cause he was swinging us too high 🔪 landed on my face and cut my lip I WAS BLEEDING LIKE HELL, thought I lost some teeth. I still had baby teeth so it wouldn't be a huuuugr issue but stil not nice. Thankfully my lip was just cut, but lips bleed heavily. Tune in for the next episode, I'm gonna reveal another story.
u what.
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ANON???? DBWKDWK U AND THAT FRIEND ARE ALWAYS AT SIGHT FOR TROUBLE,,, WHAT GOES ON???? standing on the edge wearing flip flops,,,, what a smart person 🔫 tell me more pls <33
Lookass? When WayV had a whole ass comeback and he was totally ignored, naaaaah it can't be. If it's true then 🤡🤡🤡🤡 //// Omfg poor Ive tbh, people act like they have 0 talent, but if you're normal you know companies do this lipsync shit for no reason. But the attempt was not made there 😭
yEAAAAAH 😭😭😭 expected to come back now fbwndbsj how will that go 🧍🏻‍♀️ & i think they still have his pictures up on their accs so that’ll be fun to see,,, yEAH! ive and lesserafim too now,, no seriously like there’s multiple stages where they have sang live but i guess maybe the attempt was disoriented and the way this has 20mil reaches
Actually My Way was the first time I acknowledged Seonghwa's voice without even knowing it was him! I really like when he sings "shwipjin anketjiman meomchul sun eopseo nan ouye" after Yunho's "grow up". Speaking of, the amount of lines Seonghwa has now vs during their debut GROWTH 👌🏻
my way truly an underrated gem! NO UR RIGHT I DO TOO HIS VOICE SOUNDS SO GOOD WHEN HE SINGS THAT and then followed by san’s “row up row up row up, go faster!” 🤌🏻🤌🏻 masterpiece <3 THE GROWTH IN AMT OF LINES AND HIS VOCALS ARE SHINNING!!!
??? That company said "one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, you make me feel like eleven" where are the parents though, collect your child!!! Oh no I know BM's lyrics will be bad 🔫 //// Exactly the excuses for hair cutting are sickening 😡 I'm emvisioning a long hair comeback. Also @ Joong do something bestieeeee, black hair for that long? *Mingi's voice*: WHO ARE YOU. Honestly I'm not into under cuts, Hwa makes it work, but I prefer my man not bald </3 I know he likes it so I'm tolerating it
LMFAOOOO GET OUT FBWKDHWKJCJCJC you make me feel eleven 😭😭😭 no seriously! sometimes i feel like parents just be sending their kids out to academies solely so they can become famous bc i know damn well 11yo’s be on the streets chasing each other or vaping instead of going on variety shows 🔫🔫
the excuse for hair is sickening but what is the excuse for this 😭😭😭 NO UR RIGHT HE’S HAD BLACK HAIR FOR SUSPICIOUSLY LONG and if he goes to blue for euro tour 🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️ JCBSNCK undercuts are hwa’s fboy look <3
The Ugly Shoes unit, they need to make a song called "These Shoes Aren't Made For Walking"
LMFAOOOO one of the lyrics be “i pay my dues, throw a couple million, come walk a day in my shoes” need this unit asap
The webtoon is called Operation True Love, idc I'm imagining Hwa, but sometimes the eyes scream Taehyung... but the other guy is called BAEK DO HWA 😭 Yes, long hair, blonde hair, I see, I click. Okay, but my mega brain just connected the dots I said the forehead guy from A Whirlwind Campus Affair reminds me a bit of Seojun. And his name is Seongjun... anyways why are men whose names start with Seo my weaknesses lmao 💀
oh my god…..that is kim taehyung omg
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FBKWDHWK BAEK DO HWA?? THE BLONDIE IS BAEK DO HWA??? i see a black haired one in there too?? he’s awfully a lot like hwa but its a thv too at the same time 😭😭 i looked up the whirlwind guy again and wHYS HE WET IN A WHITE SHIRT GBWNBDWKHDWKB seo’s are ur weaknesses LMFAOOOO 😭😭😭
Honestly so many 2nd gen song embody kpop perfectly, I miss that sound sometimes /// The bandages are back and live on TV . I heard that the Inkigayo fits are gothic-like and Hwa has another amazing fit, can't wait to wake up and get killed by him!
the boys 🤚🏻 ultimate kpop song, but i am the best too! bring back those days of experimental music pls 😭 the whore is back whoring on live tv. and he?? BUT HIM????? I AM DECEASED. [rest.]
Boxer just keeps coming back to wreck us 🥊
We need to survive the fan signs and concerts era again........🤡 /// I think it's because I answered the quiz thinking of my friends, so the result is??? Yours though... maybe we should switch 😭
he really does and i might revive him <3 inkigayo didn’t even end and they already on them damn calls 😭😭 OH??? UHUH ANON, OFFERING EXPLANATIONS I SEE I SEE FBWKDHWKJCJC I WOULD NEVER IM ON THE SAME BOAT AS U <3
Unfortunately there are a few white men I find (or found) attractive, but omg you're right Heath and Cillian. Maybe not as The Joker and Scarecrow, but... //// Huh? Sounds too good to be true - DV 💖
i need u to lost them down bc im about to judge u on them, here’s my list, feel free to judge me <3 heath, cillian, matthew mcconaughey, alain delon, robert pattinson, damiano david! sometimes keanu reeves!
HOLDON SUGA X TAEYEON???? FUCK???? KAI AND YOUNHA?????? skz and paul kim? how’s that gonna work 😭😭😭
anon we won
a prince, a literal prince fuels my delulu again
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mxngldmxdnsss · 2 years
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bourbon - william afton
no specific request just felt like making this
pairing - william afton x reader
cw! major age gap, reader is about 20-ish, william is about 30-ish | virginity loss, unprotected sex, creampie, praising, vulgar language, dacryphilia, alcohol use and cigarette use
sexual content ahead : proceed with caution !
You could never admit out loud to anyone else but, you hated your job. Brats screaming, running around and making messes at least 24/7. Parents who somehow expected you of all people to keep an eye on tons of kids. Exhausting and frustrating but hey, the pay was good? On the plus, your boss was…interesting. Well you could say that to everyone around you, though they thought you meant mysterious and intimidating, but in reality, Mr. Afton, was interesting in a way that it made your panties wet and your nipples perk when he so coolly bossed you around.
Now, you could never admit to anyone that you soiled your sheets every chance you got just to shove two fingers up your cunt thinking about him. The way his accented voice said your name, even in vain, it was pleasing to the ears. Perhaps it was the slight stubble on his chin, or the dark cold eyes, maybe even his astonishing height, add that with the slight dark circles under his eyes that made his personality all the more scarier. But to you, it didn’t scare you the way people may have thought it did, no, it, turned you on. Dreams of Mr. Afton or…William as he demanded you address him, taking you on the desk in his office, pounding your brains out while you wailed onto the files he kept neat. Ah, but only a dream. You figured no man almost old enough to pass off as your father would look your way, though maybe the gross weirdos who touched themselves to the disgusting thought of you being a virgin.
You weren’t saving your virginity for anyone, honest, well that’s what you always said. Truth be told, you didn’t have the best of luck with any of the people you dated, always ended up being dumped for some shitty excuse, sometimes you almost believed that they’d be paid to do it. Sighing into your lunch, you wiped at your mouth, preparing to have to go deal with the loud noises coming from down the hall. The scent of pizza was always sickening to you now. Cleaning up, you were almost ready to head out of the break room when you heard your name be called from behind.
Turning, you were met with the presence of your boss, his pressed suit, tailored perfectly, and his facial hair freshly groomed. The man himself, that invaded your dreams every night and left you changing your underwear rather frequently.
“Y/N. I need you in my office.” Uh oh. Mr. Afton never called you into his office, everyone, all of your coworkers knew when the big man called you into his office you’d either be chopped or…well…nothing good’s ever happened when Mr. Afton needs to talk to you privately.
Fuck. You were screwed. What did you do?? Did you fuck up somewhere you didn’t notice? Did you upset a customer? Was a complaint filed?
“Oh..yes sir.” The air seemed a bit stiff, as you followed after your boss, time almost..slowed as you made your way into a more tucked away room past the break room. Where ‘William Afton’ was gold plated onto the door. Sitting down in the chair just across from William, you fidgeted, thoughts whirring in your head, geez, you were about to short circuit. Finally, William sat down, crossing his legs from what you could tell. A moment of silence stilled between the two of you before Mr. Afton began to speak.
“Y/N, I’ve noticed lately you’ve been working a bit harder than the rest of your coworkers. While everyone’s work here is equally appreciated, I’ve began to consider changing that. I have debated and as the co-owner of this establishment, I’ve decided to give you a raise.” What?? Holy shit a raise?! You were shocked, immediately perking up, amused, William chuckled, surprise, was something he had expected. The look on your face utterly priceless, mouth agape, exposing that pretty tongue of yours that William wanted to absolutely devour. Well, not literally, Mr. Afton founded interest in you, always lingering in the doorways when he stumbled upon you working, be it cleaning or simply running errands for him.
William had always loved bossing you around, watching you be so up to the task, doing things without lip, even when it was the wildest things, watching the way your hips swayed as you busied yourself with things Mr. Afton could do easily. And, if we wanted to get real honest here, it’d been William who persuaded all of the people you dated, to simply dump you, for money of course, that they never received. Mr. Afton wanted you all to himself, always studying the way your lips would gloss every time you ran your tongue over them out of habit, acknowledging the way your back arched perfectly when you stretched. The simplest things. And somehow all of them made William hard seeing you fulfill them. There were so many things Mr. Afton wanted to do to you, imagining you under his desk sucking him off, so obediently. Wanting your lips wrapped around his fingers, sucking and running your tongue between them up just to be shoved inside your pretty pussy.
Mr. Afton knew you were a virgin, he knew nearly everything about you. It wasn’t that hard to demand everything from your lingerie size to your habits from the exes that were so short lived. Not that they’d ever gotten a chance to get their grimy hands on you. The thought made his pants strain, so he did what any…sane…man would do when he wanted someone, he, well he….
Ah right, that’s why he called you in, snapping back to reality, Mr. Afton grinned cheshirely, clearing his throat, William began a line he’d ingrained into his head from the start of his infatuation with you.
“Now, Y/N, I was also thinking, why don’t you accompany me to this restaurant down in town. Call it…well…whatever people call it these days. To celebrate your raise. 8 pm, tonight, I’ll even let you off early so you can get ready for me. Does that sound magnificent?” You were, stunned. Your boss just..asked you..out?! The same man you creamed to the thought of?? You blushed, eyebrows raised and eyes blown wide. “I’m flattered William. Very. Uhm…yes, I’ll go to dinner with you..”
If William could grin any wider, it’d be well past his ears. This was perfect, everything seemed according to his plan. In due time, at 6 pm, you clocked out, blushing as you said goodbye to your coworkers and dipping your head down when you walked past Mr. Afton. What would you wear? What theme was there? Fuck wait, did you remember to give William your number??? You showered away any rushed makeup on your face and began to get ready, biting your lip as you did your hair. Ready and waiting you stared into the mirror, had you overdone it? Would what you were wearing match William?? His usual lilac-y purple absolutely fitting for him but you…well did it suit you? You didn’t know, your brain was absolutely fried.
Finally, a soft knock at the door, you came somewhat tumbling down the stairs, pressing down your clothing before opening up the door, finding Mr. Afton in a suit, and flowers in hand?? Wow you really were special huh? No one has gotten you flowers before? And, they were your favorite color. Just how did he know. Hurriedly you blurted out words, jumbled nonsense spilling out of your mouth before you paused and took and deep breath before somehow, calmly, said hello. “William! You look handsome.” Smiling you stepped forward, closing your front door before letting William walk you to his car. A beautiful Shelby Mustang, a lot older than you were, but nonetheless, nearly brand new. Leather seats creasing under your weight. The interior smelling of strong cologne and cigarettes.
Weren’t you the luckiest person in the world right now? On a date with probably the most successful person in all of Hurricane. Well besides William there was Henry, his business partner and seemingly only friend. Besides that, you pressed your legs together, in an effort to calm yourself when William got into the drivers seat, a wash of…his scent wafting towards you. You wondered if your own perfume was being drowned out by the scent, though, it’s not like you would’ve minded. Half gasping when William reached in front of your to grab a cassette tape from the side of you. Half expecting him to grab your leg at first, only to be proven correct when William’s hand returned to rest on your knee. Soft music filling the car, all while the surroundings passed by, seemingly with every song that played, William’s hand traveled further up your leg. Making it mid thigh before he pulled into the lot of the restaurant you wouldn’t dare show your wallet.
Exiting the car when William opened the door, you gaped at the beauty in front of you, filled with lights and music. Hearing a low chuckle besides you, you quickly shut your mouth and glowered at your feet, already making an embarrassment of yourself? “Ah, shall we?” Perking up, you wrapped your arm around William’s offered one, making your way inside, you were astonished to see..so many pretty people. You truly didn’t expect what you saw. Amazed by the large chandelier that hung from the ceiling, walking blindly into the private room William had bought just for the two of you. Sitting down and admiring the atmosphere, before turning your attention to the man seated across. Opening your mouth to speak, you were startled when the waiter asked what drinks you would like to have, surprisingly, they had just what you wanted, and well, they had exactly what William requested as well, bourbon.
You watched as William poured himself a glass of the strong scented alcohol, taking a swig before meeting your eyes as you sipped on..your non-alcoholic drink. To be fair, you didn’t drink as much as your friends might’ve, assuming you were very lightweight, when in reality your body just wasn’t accustomed to so much drinking. “What will you have Y/N?” Staring at the menu, you almost felt as if what foods you were seeing were foreign, being so used to smelling, tasting and seeing pizza. But that didn’t stop your mouth from watering at the various options, everything from lobster to twice baked potatoes. Unsure of what to order, you simply replied with what you hadn’t had in a long time. William, wasn’t too surprised, and simply ordered steak, medium-rare and scalloped potatoes.
Still sipping on your beverage even as the food came, you watched as William dug in to his food, before beginning to taste at yours. You were utterly surprised, food bursting with flavor in your mouth, if you could groan right then when you took a bite, you would’ve but, not in front of the man staring so intently at you. Conversation simply lost in the air, as you both made eye contact, staring for what seemed eternity before you cleared your throat and looked away. “William…thank you. This is really something, I haven’t gone one a date in…well it’s been so long I can’t really remember.”
Again, the low chuckle from William that made a shiver go down your spine and flame spark between your legs, adjusting your hips, you ground your thighs against one another and pressed your cunt into the leather of the chair. Feeling your panties slick with arousal, you gulped. Blushing as William half smirked before taking another swig of his drink. You watched as he called for the check, paid quickly and ushered you out of the restaurant and into his car. You blushed as William wrapped an arm around you before opening your door and letting you climb in to his car. You sighed as William made his way around the back to his side of the car, rocking your hips against the seat of the car, before stilling as he sat down. “Did you like it?”
Caught off guard you looked at William wide eyed before nodding and whispering a soft ‘yes’. Flinching as William reached over again and stuck his hand between your thighs, surprised as William grabbed at your legs. Somewhat feeling the car be more bumpy than usual, looking over you gasped when you notice William’s state, one hand on the wheel, eyes barely trained on the road as he ran his hand over your flesh. It seemed as if he and time itself were rushing things, even the date had gone by quickly. Confused as William turned to you, you reached over and put a hand on the wheel, you weren’t sure if William was paying attention to the road, and you didn’t want to be found the next morning in a ditch. “Y/N, how does such an enchanting woman like yourself, not have anyone chasing after her.” In saying that, you felt William’s hand massage your hips before diving into your panties, his calloused hand cupping your cunt before his finger ran between your lips. Feeling the car pull to a stop, you gasped as you were yanked across your seat and pulled into William’s lap.
Straddling his hips, William pulled your dress up past your chest and ripped it off of you, leaving you in your lingerie. “William-?” You sure as hell were confused, one minute you were at an expensive restaurant, the next you were mounted on top of William’s hard on. Gasping as William’s hurriedly pressed his lips to yours, his tongue trying to explore the entirety of your mouth, and yours, unable to fight against it. Feeling William tug at your bra, you pressed yourself closer against his chest, somehow, you were embarrassed. Finally, you bare skin was exposed for him, William kneaded your breasts before beginning to brush his palm against your clit, you whimpered, clenching around nothing as William took your nipple into his mouth. Swirling his tongue around the tip before sucking gently, you gasped once more when you felt William stuff a finger inside of you. Moaning and rocking your hips against the flat of his hand as you clenched around William’s finger. The roughness of it, delving into your walls.
William left your legs quivering as he began a slow speed, pressing a second digit against your hole before slowly pressing it inside of you, his fingers were a lot bigger than yours, truly, and longer. You felt him reach places you could barely brush against, feeling William slowly curl and scissor his two fingers inside of you, had you practically creaming on his hand. William popped off of your breast and moved on to pressing chaste kisses along your neck, before taking your mouth against his once again. You jerked your hips against William palm, feeling a pressure in your abdomen tighten, so close to release, you found yourself clenching around William’s finger, sucking them deeper inside of you. But before you could even cum, William pulled his fingers out.
You whined into William’s mouth, and pulled away as he flattened his tongue against his fingers. Eyes widening as sucked on your juices. Before you could begin to open your mouth to make out words, William ushered you into his backseat, laying you down against the leather before sitting up on his knees. The both of you were so eager to feel one another, you slipped your panties off and watched as William tore off his blazer and pulled down his pants, exposing his dick. Your eyes widened when you realized just how big William’s cock was, but that didn’t stop your walls from clenching. You looked away, embarrassed, before you heard a low chuckle next to your ear, you turned your head and were met with William’s face, smirking, which seemed almost too smug for your liking. Pressing a kiss against your lips, William pressed his tip against your hole, to which you pulled him close and buried your face against his shoulder. “Something the matter?”
You picked up your head and pulled back to look into William’s eyes. “Well, I haven’t exactly done any like this before.” Averting you’re gaze, you felt William press a kiss against your cheek. “I won’t be too rough, promise.” You looked at William before nodding your head, feeling him press his hips against yours, the tip of his cock splitting your hole open. Gasping, you tightened your legs against William’s hips, feeling him push in, inch by inch. It was unbearable, you tensed and bit your lip. “Just relax.” You whispered against William’s cheek, feeling tears bubble in your eyes. It hurt but you could tell William was trying his best to be gentle. Finally, fully sheathed, William rutted against your walls, your pussy clenching and trying to adjust to him. William groaned into your hair, trying not to begin thrusting.
Finally, when you bucked your hips up against William, he began to pull out, before slamming into you. You felt the car jerk and you screamed as William began a ruthless pace. The car beginning to shake and rock as William dug his fingers into your hips. Hearing him pant above you, you clawed at his arms, gasping for air as William pounded into you. Not even holding back, only wanting to hear your sweet moans. You arched your back, pressing your belly against William’s as you wrapped your arms around his neck. Whimpering as he took your leg from the knee, keeping it in the dip of his arm and elbow.
Leaning back, William admired your disheveled state, chest heaving and hickeys strewn across your neck and chest. Feeling your pussy clamp, William groaned, rocking his hips back and forth inside of you. Finding his thumb circling your clit, William found himself elated that he was doing this to you. Pulling out of you, before slowly pushing his hips back in. Letting your walls mold around his cock. William began a slow pace, panting above you before picking up speed. His thrusts sloppy and rushed, you felt a pressure in your stomach once more, so close to release. Your eyes rolled into the back of your head when William found the spongy spot inside of you that made your legs shake. The car filled with the sound of your desperate moans and the squelching of your pussy.
Tears running down your cheeks, you wailed as your release hit you, creaming around William’s cock, only for him to fuck you right through your high. William seemed to push even deeper, hitting your cervix each time he pushed back into you. Practically screaming his name as William hunched over you, trying to finish. Sweat heading on both of your body’s. You whimpered softly feeling William press his body against yours, stilling his hips as cum spurted into you, thrusting every so often as you milked him. You panted, trying to catch your breath, but still finding it in you to moan and buck your hips when William rocked his. Breathing heavily as you turned to look at William who has buried his face into the crook of your neck. You brought your hand up and ran your fingers through William’s hair.
Silence emanated in the car as you looked around, seeing that William had parked just outside of your neighborhood, only a few houses away from yours, but neither of you wanted to wait to get inside. You felt William sit up, embarrassment washed over you as you brought it your arms up to over your breasts, oblivious to the fact that William was still stuffed inside of you. Feeling him pull out, you whined, but you had to get home. You heard William make a sound like no other, and opted to try and sit up to see what was wrong, only to find that he was staring at how his cum dribbled out of your hole and onto the seats. Before you could try and clean up, William gathered whatever had dripped out of you and pushed it back in with his fingers, making you whimper. “Don’t waste it.”
Nodding, you went to grab your clothes but William stopped your and wrapped his blazer around your body, before getting dressed and getting into the driver’s seat. You were bewildered, you’d just slept with your boss, well correction, you had sex with your boss inside of his car. You blushed and brought your knees up to your chest. Watching as William pulled into your driveway. As soon as he opened the door and helped you out, you felt your legs quiver, nearly giving in. Hearing the way the crickets chirped, you made your way up your front steps, pausing before looking back at William, who surprisingly was right behind you. You unlocked the door and made your way up to your bedroom, before laying down and closing your eyes. When you felt the bed dip next to you, you looked over and found William getting under the covers, before pulling you right next to him, you stared up at him as he dug a cigarette out pocket, before lighting it, taking a puff before acknowledging your stare. Again, you heard that soft chuckle, before you found William’s lips against yours, leaving you burying your face in William’s side, whispering a soft goodnight before closing your eyes.
And William? Well he laid by your side all night and all morning, he had you, finally, and he wasn’t keen on letting you slip from his grasp.
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quirklessidiot · 4 years
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Title: wine nights [coward series au]  Pairing: F!Reader x Miya Atsumu Genre: fluff, parents au, slice of life au  Synopsis: in which the older Miya twins and you have a heart to heart talk over wine.
Warnings: brief mentions of trauma
highly suggest to read the series for more understanding but either ways be my guest and just read it as a standalone if ya want to. also um the taglist has been closed ever since chap 7 was out so im really sorry :( 
happy 415 followers btw uwu. will be releasing my kita angst fic next week to celebrate a new milestone.
read the series here!  [ ss;; one, two, three, four ]
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Osamu admits that you and him never saw eye to eye back in college (actually it was mostly him), it only took a worse turn when you left his twin. Now that he knows that the person you loved was actually his twin and that the father was the said person, he takes it back.
Yep, he takes it all back.
After profuse apologies and numerous deadpan responses from you saying that it was alright. You sort-of developed a weird friendship? He’d tell jokes and you’d just give him a blank expression and shake your head as if you were disappointed to be in the same room as him.
You always invited him and Daiki to your home every week on Sunday dinners though, he’s glad to be a part of it. He’s getting to know you a bit more and he’s slowly starting to understand why his brother loves you a lot.
The night is young and Atsumu is in the kids room, putting them to bed while you get ready for wine night. The younger Miya twin sits at the counter and nibbles on the cheese crackers as he watches you dry the dishes, “Has ‘tsumu ever told you how he first met you?” he suddenly asks out loud, curious if you knew how whipped his twin was for you and how much power you held over him.
You turn to the grey-haired twin with a plate on one hand and a dish towel on the other, “I don’t believe he or Shion-san has ever mentioned it.”
He chuckles, of course they wouldn’t. It was usually kept in the dark then and because of your strained relationships towards them when you were in college, they never actually got to tell you the story.
“He saw you one day, earlier in the school year…”
“He did mention that one time.” your forehead creases as you remember a fleeting conversation you had back then.
“Yeah, he kind of fell in love with you at first sight, Y/N.” his twin chuckled, “Sounds crazy right?”
Growing up, Osamu knows that his brother had attitude problems so imagine his shock and surprise when his twin called him up on a random night and started talking about this girl. This girl who barely paid him any attention at all.
Osamu recounts his thoughts then, how cruel fate would be for his twin to fall in love with a girl who paid him no mind when he had many others on his beck and call. He recalls how he’d call his brother a masochist, telling him to stop the fruitless chase towards you because you barely gave a time of day to Atsumu even if it was clear that he was completely and utterly enamored by you. 
Well, it ended happily for the both of you. Stable careers, dreams reached, happy family, and adorable kids. 
Son of a bitch, the old Osamu would be given a run for his money if he saw what had happened to you two now.
“That must’ve been a long time, then.”
“Oh, trust me.” Osamu breathed out, taking a sip of his wine, “It was only the first few months of the school year that time, Y/N. He says he saw you all the time but he could never pluck out the courage to actually go and talk to you.”
“Hm.” You mused, “I always thought that Atsumu had women hanging by his shoulder.”
Osamu chokes at the idea of Atsumu being a player, “Before he met you, it’s always been about volleyball. The idiot would go so far as insult the girls when they’d disrupt practice.”
“Huh,” you blink, “Was I his first girlfriend then?”
“Not exactly.” Osamu drawls, tapping his chin, “‘tsumu would say yes to girls but he never really knew what being a boyfriend was, he never hung out with the girls he said yes so it never really was a relationship. Hence why he’s got a reputation as a player.”
Osamu recounts even one time how annoyed his brother was when one of his ‘girlfriends’  came to their matches and screamed out his name when he did serves.
“She was fucking annoying,” Atsumu grumbles, walking in the middle of his brother’s tale and casting his twin a look, “Although I do wish that Y/N would come to my games. You never did come to any of them back when I was in college.”
“I was trying to graduate early.” you deadpan, placing the last dish on the dish rack to join them on the table.
“You’re forgiven, sweetheart.” He fakes a coo, making you roll your eyes as you pour yourself a glass.
“Atsumu tells me that he’s never smooth around you.”
“He isn’t.” you glazed, “Back in college when I gave him a tuna flavored onigiri as thanks after our meeting at the frat party, he had a nosebleed.”
Osamu chokes on his drink, “What the hell, ‘tsumu?” he barked, howling in laughter at his twin.
Atsumu would never deny the fact that what we had towards you was a school boy crush at first, he’d always be a nervous mess or his brain would cease to function whenever you came by then in college. He couldn’t put two and two together too, when you simply gave him one word replies, he’d be lost immediately. Not knowing what to say, all the charisma and overconfidence he had went down the drain by your curt replies.
What would anyone expect, really?
He’s never had crushes on anyone growing up.
The idea of putting time and effort towards something that wasn’t volleyball disgusted him yet here he was now, completely whipped for you and the brats while putting volleyball on second.
My, my how the tables have turned.
“You were really hard to talk to then, sweetheart.” He murmurs, “For the record, Y/N was the very first girl I asked out and you didn’t exactly make it easy after. I was thinking I was going to fail after those countless rejections.”
“You’re more pushy than Daiki, I’d have to admit. The guy stopped after his third rejection.”
Osamu raises a brow, he knows of your situation, Atsumu has mentioned it in passing but hasn’t gone into full detail about it but he’s curious, Daiki’s been around longer after all, “He’s known you longer than, ‘tsumu. Probably even deeper back then, how come you never ended up with him?”
Atsumu blinks and turns toward you, he’s curious too, Daiki has even openly admitted that he proposed to you seven years ago after knowing about the kids but you rejected him yet again (that was the last and final attempt)
You swirl the wine around, thinking of a proper response, “To be honest, I don’t know.” you answered, pondering as you turn towards Atsumu, “I just- it never felt right.”
Osamu whistles, “Dang, you just love my twin too much too. I take it back, yer both simps for each other, it's sickening.”
Atsumu lets out a childish tongue out in which he is replied by a middle finger from his other half.
You three continue to talk about random things and after deeming himself too sleepy and needing to open shop early tomorrow, Osamu says his goodbyes.
You sat in front of your vanity as you did your nightly routine, brushing and untangling the tangles of your hair after you showered and changed to a comfortable bedroom attire.
Atsumu exits the shower half naked as usual, his hair damp as he ruffles the towel on it, he slowly approaches your side and dips down to kiss your naked shoulder, “Hey Y/N.” his voice is muffled and vibrating through your skin.
You hummed a reply, still brushing your hair.
“Why didn’t you marry Daiki?”
You paused mid-action and raised a brow at his sudden question, turning to him as he suddenly stood up straighter with his hand now replacing his lips, “Are you jealous?”
“Of course not,” he grumbles, he’s been married to you for two years already and everyday’s like a honeymoon phase that doesn’t end, why would he be jealous of that scrub? as if, “I’m just curious. The idiot’s good looking, rich, good with kids, and a full package. A blind man could admit that.”
“You're a full package too.” 
Atsumu narrows his eyes and shakes his head in disappointment, as if he was saying, really?
You chuckle in a low voice, “Because he’s like my psychiatrist, Atsumu.” You simply said, shaking your head as you turn back to the mirror, “Unlike you, Daiki found out about it accidentally and we weren’t on good terms before that when we were kids. He became nicer so you could say that we became friends because he pitied me.”
Atsumu blinks for a moment, taken aback by your explanation. 
“Growing up, the anxiety would eat me up that Daiki’s friendship and feelings all stemmed because he pitied me. You could never build a decent relationship with that, it wouldn’t be healthy.” you continued then you turned to him, “Remember what I said to you then? How I felt when I was with you?”
Atsumu slowly nods.
“You didn’t pry and that was probably the best and worst thing you ever did throughout our relationship in college.” You smiled softly, “I was never ready to tell you then and you didn’t force me at all. You just kept staying and loving me without knowing anything to the point where I took advantage of it.”
“Y/N-” He dryly starts, knowing where this is going.
“I know I shouldn’t apologize but it was toxic, atsumu.” You softly said, laughing, “I’m really sorry.”
“Well you gave your forgiveness in the form of kids and being my wife until I die, I think it turned out pretty well in the end.”
You cast him a glare in which he immediately raises his two hands, “Hey, we both had our downplays in the relationship. We’re not perfect, sweetheart.” he reassures you as he walks up to you and grabs a hold of your hand with a wedding ring on it, “But we try to improve, learn,and be the best for each other and for those two brat- i mean kids. ”
He proceeds to entangle your fingers with his, “I don’t regret it, ya know.”
“Yeah. I know.”
“I don’t regret hanging onto that girl who barely gave me the time of her day then. I don’t regret seeing ya on that random spring day where you give yourself heart palpitations or better yet, I don’t regret everything. I don’t regret any of that. I’d do that shit again if I get to be here now.” He reassures you, he never gets tired to remind you of that as he squeezes your hands.
You cut the serious moment with a laugh, Atsumu is happy these days because of how easy it is for you to be like this around him, “You’re batshit crazy.”
“I was expecting a confession too.” He feigned hurt, “You wound me, sweetheart.”
“You kind of are though.” You stop laughing,wiping the little tears on the side of your eyes, “You’re probably the only person who’d come back after that wretched heartbreak.”
“And you’re the only person who I’d do that to.” Atsumu sticks his tongue out as he tugs you to your shared bed, “Jus’ so ya know, Y/N. You’re impossibly hard to forget. If we never did end up together or if you ended up with Daiki, I think I’d focus on volleyball for the rest of my life.”
“I doubt it.”
Yet Atsumu doesn’t reply and just kisses your lips goodnight as he drags you back to bed, what you didn’t know was that he was telling the truth.
It was just you, the kids, and volleyball (and his brother).
taglist [officially closed, if you guys want to be removed for the side stories, feel free to tell me hehe ilyasm and thank you once again, coward wouldn’t be possible without all you people + other readers]
@fortheloveofiwaizumi​ ;  @svtbitch​  ; @kiyoomile​ ; @lovedanii​​ ; @juno-multifandom​​ ; @gyubit17​​ ; @saeranoppa​​ ; @nixxona​​ ; @kyomihann​​ @shorttstackk​​ ; @intoomuchfandoms​​ ; @yammmers​​ ; @mx-minxx​​ @itsmattsunshinehere​​ ; @missingmystogan​​ ; @volleybloop​​ ; @imcravingyou​​ ; @yams-wants-that-booty ; @liathachcapricious​​ ; @pinknugget​​ @seikamuzu​​ ; @marigoldthoughts​​ ; @sillykittt​​ ; @baejinoffcl​​ ; @alluring-akaashi​​ ; @bnhasstuff​​  ; @intheawks​​ ; @bokuakadaily​​ ; @agaassi​​ ; @yams046​​  ; @dope-squish ; @chrisrue15​​ ; @vermillionwaves​​ ; @demursv1ogs​​ ; @just-snog-already ; @angmarwitch​  ; @simpingonothers​ ; @woo-youngs​ ; @cowward​ ; @chaelysian​ ; @sempiternal-amour​ ; @jungshookmeup​ ; @jovialnoise​ ; @karlitabi-rrito​ ; @iwaizluv​ ; @sugarandsoft​ ; @tspice283​ ; @ohshirabu​ ; @syzygymai​ ; @volleybloop​ ; @oikaw-ugh​ ; @pockytokyo​ ;  @differentballooncollection​ ;  @keniloveshaikyuu​ ; @turquoiselace​ ; @playboygeniusphilanthropist​ ;   @keijislut​ ; @notyourbitchboy​​
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ꜰᴏʀɢᴇᴛ ᴍᴇ ɴᴏᴛ | ᴋᴀɪ ᴄʜɪꜱᴀᴋɪ x ꜰ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ | ᴏɴᴇ-ꜱʜᴏᴛ
Y’all thought it was oVER? lolol Blame Admin T--- I asked her who I should write for BNHA and she said this SO ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ As always, thank you all so much for the love and support for this blog~! I hope you all enjoy this as much as I did with writing it~!
I do apologize if I don’t capture his character the best ;;” 
I won’t lie, I was listening to Might U as I was writing this.
» » Admin Ko
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Tedious. At least, that’s what it should’ve been. Yet instead of feeling the normal bouts of irritation at the lack of control he had over the situation at hand, he felt...unnerved. The imaginary seed that was implanted in his stomach all those months ago seemed to only gain in mass.
“...Who are you?”
He shouldn’t have allowed himself to grow these...feelings. Not only did he feel contaminated and utterly sick to his stomach, but the strange ache in his chest did nothing to help soothe his frazzled nerves as those curious yet dim (e/c) hues peered into his sorrowful golden ones.
“...My name is Chisaki Kai...”
“Oh! Hello Chisaki.”
A bout of coughing and another grimace as the pain in his chest amplified tenfold at the horrifying sound. It disgusted him. It truly did, yet instead of feeling the need to get away, he wanted to get closer to her. To comfort her-- hell to shake some common sense into her. Even if it meant he would break out, he just had to do something.
“I...apologize if this seems rude...”
“What is it?”
“...what happened to your arms?”
“...I lost them because I was careless. This...I suppose, is my punishment.”
Her curious stare continued to wash over him as he felt the prickle of goosebumps rise on his shoulders. Turning away, he kept his gaze on the vacant wall of the hospital ward. This was torturous. She was torturous. 
Yet still she managed to worm her way into his heart, and he didn’t know whether or not if he wanted to ask for cardiac surgery or to embrace this newfound emotion.
All he really knew was that if he had only been smarter-- hell maybe even faster at coming up with the quirk-destroying drug he could’ve prevented this. He could’ve gotten rid of the parasite that lurked in her veins.
6 Months Ago
“Patient name: (y/n) (l/n). Quirk: Amnesiac.”
Trudging down the corridor, the man once known as Overhaul, walked in step alongside his parole officer / attending doctor. It hadn’t been too long since his arrest and...amputation. In all honesty, he wondered why he was being granted this rare privilege. 
An assistant for a patient. That’s all they had told him. Of course Kai had to scoff. How on earth was he supposed to help? With the lack of usable limbs and knowledge limited to that of basic medical needs he didn’t really find a real necessity in this patient’s apparent ‘recovery’.
“As it’s name implies, it’s a quirk that deals the user amnesia--- yet in our patient’s case it not only forces her to lose her memories, but practically breaks down her body’s physical state.”
“...In simpler terms?”
“In short every time she loses her memory her body deteriorates along with it. It’s as if her body is, in a sense...rewinding itself forward to make up for the fact that she lost those memories.”
A grimace. If he could, he would’ve spat out that he had been right in his assumption that quirks were just an infestation to the world, this patient clearly being a poor victim of it.
“...And what is my purpose of ‘assisting’ you?”
“As far as I’m aware, you’re pretty damn heartless and selfish. So it should be easy for you to not catch feelings for her whilst being a constant in her life right?”
“Yeah, just someone who she sees everyday until well...”
“She passes.”
“I mean...yeah. Damn you really are heartless.”
“Tch. This is a waste of my time is what this is.”
“Hey, you’re helping me whether you want to or not man. It’s just a visit everyday for like, an hour or two at most.”
Another grimace was given as Kai felt a shiver run down his spine. Despite the place he would be in was a hospital, it still brought the ex-yakuza boss a sense of dread. Especially with the amount of infested bodies that littered the place.
“...how long?”
“Holy shit dude, I get that you don’t want to do this but seriously---”
“How long until she loses her memory you dumbass.”
“..Oh. Well, from what we gather they can last from a day, to a couple of months. Though the longer she stays in a...well, let’s call it a session, the more it harms her body.”
“So say she forgets me tomorrow.”
“Then her body moves forward a day.”
“....After a month?”
“She lurches forward a month.”
“Thus leading to a quick progression in her deteriorating health.”
It was, to say the least, unsettling to hear. Never had he heard of such a sickening twist for a quirk. No matter, the deal was simple. If he was lucky, this would last a year-- as fucked up as it sounded, the sooner she passed the less she would suffer in the long run.
As they neared the door, the clear unease that settled on his features was one that his parole doctor could see from a mile away. 
“Chill dude, it’ll be fine.”
With that, the door cracked open, and there seated quietly whilst reading a book was a woman. By any standards she was normal, average, easy on the eyes with a slight fae-like feel. Though really it was most likely the early evening glow that cascaded into her room the moment they entered. 
All Kai really knew was that it was the moment when gold met glittering (e/c) hues that a seed lodged it’s way into his stomach.
It had started off easy-- well in Kai’s opinion it had. Every other day seemed to be a new start to the ritual that was re-introducing himself to her and making small talk. 
In all honesty, he wouldn’t admit it, but the simplicity of being able to have a normal conversation with someone brought a sense of peace in him. Of course this didn’t mean his usual snark and calculating ways-- or so he says.
For Kai, this change in routine was oddly enough, welcomed. With everything he had gone and the collogues he had imprisoned god knows where, the opportunity to engage in small talk was to say the least, enlightening. It had surprised him. As someone who sought out tactical moves in reading his opponents, he found himself at ease with the simplicity of where he was at.
Granted it was albeit dull in comparison to the interrogations he goes through, it was still a part of his routine that he refused to change. Not when he’s been so invested in it.
That changes when the day he enters her room to find that instead of having to reintroduce himself to her, she remembers him. She flashes him a gentle smile with an endearing, “How are you?” and that in itself has the former yakuza leader lose his breath as he can only comically blink at her before forcing himself to adjust to this strange change.
No later did another change occur that brought a wave of new emotions in him. She had touched him. A caress to his cheek, and unsurprisingly in that moment he broke out in hives. His sight blurring as panic shot through his system at the abundance of thoughts that struck his head as the irritation from the hives had him reeling away from her.
He didn’t see her distressed face. Nor did he see the tears that streamed down her cheeks as she desperately sought out someone to help him. Instead, he awoke to his room laying down with his hives treated. 
He felt violated. Disgusted, yet still. Even with that he found himself at her door a week later. Prepared to start a new with her and a possible replay of what had happened a week prior. Instead, he found her bowed deeply at the waist as she tightly clutched at the thin fabric of her hospital gown.
“I’m so sorry Chisaki! I didn’t know...I deeply apologize for what had happened!”
“Of course! You’re someone I can never forget.”
The pit in his stomach grew tenfold as his feet began to walk towards the awaiting lounge chair. Golden hues met truthful (e/c) ones as she shifted uncomfortably in her seat before once again bowing.
“I really am sorry...I shouldn’t have reached out to you like that...”
“...just be more aware next time.”
And like that, the pit in his stomach continued to grow. With each passing day she retained her memories, the more the pit swelled in size, and the more she began to work her way into his heart.
Present Day
He didn’t know why he felt an overwhelming pressure in his gut. The lack of food he ate was odd enough, but to actively avoid something out of his daily routine? It was unheard of. He even made that stupid request to ask his parole doctor to grab (y/n) that stupid drink she liked. 
Mentally shaking his head, Kai lightly tapped his shoe against the door before sliding it open. 
The sight bestowed upon him though was one that could’ve brought him to his knees as the pang in his chest seemed to duly ache as he dragged his feet into the room.
It was quiet. The warm beams of the spring sun settled on her pale features as dim (e/c) orbs glimmered at the sight of him. He should’ve seen this coming. Especially after she had remembered him the day it set everything out of pattern. Instead, he turned a blind eye. Out of pure ignorance? He wasn’t remotely sure anymore. All he knew was that she shouldn’t be like this.
She should be her stupid lively self, cracking jokes and sharing her stupid stories with him. Not laying there like a corpse.
“Ah...Chi-- Kai, sorry you caught me waking up from a nap. I’m sorry I don’t look more presentable...”
“Nonsense. Now, tell me what you’ve done today.”
“Straight to the point huh? Sometimes I wonder how you’d ever date anyone.”
Though weak, the teasing tone she held in her voice was one that added more weight to his chest as he seated himself in what she declared the ‘(y/n)’s best friend’s chair’. A stupid name if you asked him, but he wouldn’t tell her that.
And like that, she spoke of her day, simple tasks and duties she’s done during her stay at the hospital while Kai listened to her as the best friend she claimed he was. 
As for the new name basis, Kai couldn’t tell anyone when it picked up. All he knew was that it didn’t piss him off as much as it should’ve.
As the time neared for him to leave, she stopped him. A look of hesitance on her face as irritation seemed to grow on his own.
“What is it?”
“....Can I hold your face?”
“With gloves on!”
The statement caught him by surprise. Already he felt the disgusting voices in the back of his head whisper at him yet instead of acting on those voices he found himself mutely staring at her as she fumbled over her words.
All he could really pick out was the light blush that was on her cheeks. The spark of color that brought his feet towards her bedside as she stared up at him with shock in those (e/c) eyes. 
“Tch. What are you waiting for?”
Caught off guard, she could only stare at him for a moment before giddily shifting herself to get off the bed. A noise of distaste left his throat at her motion as she merely rolled her eyes and shushed him as she went to fervently clean her hands before snapping on the gloves.
Yet as she did this he couldn’t help but feel the ache in his chest grow even more at the sight of her frail hands and the subtle appearance of a bruise around her wrist at her careless motion of snapping the gloves on. This was immediately forgone as she walked up to him, mindful to keep a distance before she hesitantly held her hands out in a flower cup motion.
At first, Kai had no idea what she was doing, but as he grew to analyze the situation-- as well as remember the odd videos and photos she decided to show him as she sought a sort of relationship herself-- he carefully put his chin into her hands. The hesitancy of her fingers brushing his cheeks pulled a new sort of fondness in his chest as he finally relaxed his cheek against her shy hand.
Golden eyes peered deeply into glimmering (e/c) as he watched her face light up with the most color he had see on her that day. Satisfied, he waited until she finally let go.
“...Thank you, Kai.”
“No problem.”
“No really...thank you...for everything.”
Unease quickly overtook the fondness in his heart as he straightened himself out. Confusion was clearly matted onto his features as he stared down at her.
“...Why are you saying that?”
“What? I can’t say what I want for once? You let me all the time so just let me say this too!”
Finding the whole situation uncomfortable, Kai made his way to the door once more. Though before he left he motioned with his head for her to get back into bed. In response, he got her usual snark as she stuck her tongue out before carefully getting back into bed.
“If you’re on good behavior tomorrow, I’ll have your doctor bring you that drink of yours.”
The light in her eyes was enough to satisfy him and his worries as she nodded quickly before giving him a mock salute as she excitedly got herself comfy in the bed.
“Alright, you promised Kai~!”
“Who are you?”
It should’ve have hurt him as much as it did, but after 6 fucking months. 6 months of her being a daily part of his life where she did not forget him for a single moment came crashing down. The tremble that clutched tightly to his words as he re-introduced himself went unnoticed as he slowly made his way towards the lounge chair that was once considered to be (y/n)’s best friend’s chair. 
“...My name is Chisaki Kai.”
“Oh! Hello Chisaki.”
He could tell she was straining with keeping up a happy front. Her appearance was frail. So delicate that he feared anyone who touched her would be the cause of her disappearing before his eyes. The drink he had requested for her sat innocently on the bedside table as she gave him a reassuring smile.
“It’s going to be okay...”
“You look...distressed, I wanted to just reassure you things will be okay.”
No they won’t. He wanted to scream it at her, that the rasp in her voice was punching holes into his gut. That the frail breathing she had was worse than his quirk being taken away from him.
And in that moment, they stayed in silence. Merely watching one another with mixed emotions before he broke back into the routine he once thought would be meaningless.
“...What did you do today?”
Her words, though slow, told him of a peaceful day. One with little adventures and many simple moments that he’s come to slowly appreciate in his own life. 
Though as the hour of his leave came, he found it hard to get up from the chair. His feet staying practically cemented to the floor as he watched her peer out the window as the warm rays of the early evening sun cascaded over her. Much like it had that day he first saw her.
Forcefully pushing himself up from the chair, he made his way towards the door. Yet each step he took towards it the more the aching feeling in his chest grew as the fear of his last day in that room came to it’s due date.
“...Kai? Can you turn around for me...just once?”
The words caught him completely off guard as he turned to face her. Those eyes no longer were filed with guarded walls. Instead he was met with the face of (y/n). The woman he came to slowly adore within the past 6 months.
He didn’t even think. Instead he surged forward, practically bruising his legs at the force he decided to stop himself with. Though he didn’t care. The bruises be damned, she remembered him. 
“...Can I hold your face? One more time? I promise I won’t ask again. I’ll even wear gloves!”
“...No need.”
The aching in his chest grew tenfold as he found it hard to speak. The overwhelming emotions that sat in his chest were ready to burst out of him. Though he wasn’t sure how. Instead he bent down slightly, finding her confused face even more endearing before he rolled his eyes.
“B-But...the hives---”
“I don’t care. Hurry the fuck up.”
Like that, the confusion vanished as she gently put her hands together in that familiar flower cup motion. Worry was clearly evident in her eyes as she looked at him, but before she could even question again he placed his chin into her awaiting hands. Already the prickly sensation of the hives began to pool as he could feel them form across his skin.
“It’s fine. Shut up. You said you won’t ask again.”
“T-That’s true...”
“Tch. You can make it up to me by getting better so I can show you the world.”
“...when you’re not in prison anymore, right?”
It was hard to speak now. The lump that once was in his stomach had traveled to his throat as he watched her warm (e/c) glisten with unshed tears as she gently caressed his cheeks, ever so mindful of his hives as she tried to at least move her hands. Instead, the male pressed himself further into her touch as the tears began to fall. If anyone noticed the strain in his voice, they didn’t mention it.
“...If you’re gonna be greedy that do what you’ve been wanting to do you romantic obsessed moron.”
With that, she shifted forward before pressing a sweet kiss to his forehead as the tears came down harder. The lump in his throat making it almost unbearable to talk.
“...Thank you Kai...thank you so much for these six months...”
“Don’t forget me...okay?”
“Idiot...as if I could even forget the one dumbass that made me breakout after my imprisonment.”
A weak laugh was given as she finally pulled away. With her eyes rimmed red, she shifted to make a call for a nurse, though that was cut short as Kai surprisingly climbed into her bed. No words were exchanged as she reluctantly shifted herself down into the bed-- though it did take time, she managed to curl herself in a way where she left distance between them. 
“...aren’t you supposed to go?”
Featherlike and faint, he strained to hear her as he shifted himself down to properly face her as he melted in her (e/c) gaze. The slow dimming of life in her eyes was enough to tell him that it was time. However, he refused to believe it. If anything he’d find her awake the next day with that silly smile on her face. Yet even as he thought about this, the tears that he once thought were impossible for him, slowly began to stream down his cheeks as he nestled himself closer to her.
“....one day won’t kill them.”
“....go to sleep angel, I’ll be right here...”
“...and...you’ll be next to me?”
Patient Name: (y/n) (l/n) Chisaki Quirk: Amnesiac 
Time of Death: 6:05PM
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whumpingcrow · 3 years
Pt. 6 "Bang Bang!"
CW: drug/alcohol description (explicit), mention of noncon/dubcon, vomit mention, injury description (past and new), emotional manipulation/gaslighting, creepy/intimate whumper, tourettes/tics, August in general, food mention, stalking mention, bondage, drowning mention, gun mention, gunshot wound, blood mention, character death (explicit) (Let me know if i missed anything!)
Elias woke up with a pounding headache and a nausea that he had never felt before. He couldn't even open his eyes, all he could do was curl in on himself with a groan. At some point he had been set on the bed, the blanket pulled over him. As he tried to recall how he got there, he came up blank. The last thing he remembered was sitting next to August, asking him for another drink. After that, it was all blank. As he pulled the blankets tighter around him, a jolt of pain ripped through his body, and he let out a whine. Everything hurt, every inch of his body felt mangled or broken or bruised. He wanted nothing more than to just pass out so he didn't have to feel it anymore, but he felt like he was spinning just laying there and it made him feel sick to his stomach in a way that wouldn't allow rest.
He heard the door open, carrying along the sound of footsteps and the smell of bacon cooking. He gagged at the smell, squeezing his eyes shut tighter, scrunching up his face in disgust.
"You awake, Eli?" August asked, his voice carrying softly in case he was still sleeping.
"Go away," Elias grumbled, "I don't wanna talk."
August let out a laugh, much to Elias's annoyance, and then to really add to his growing irritation, he felt the mattress sink down next to him. "Yeah, I bet you're pretty hungover, huh?"
"I'm serious August. Please leave me alone." He felt August's hands on him over the blanket, and he was suddenly furious. Hadn't he done enough? Elias was black and blue and still had caked blood on his face from his nose and felt like he might vomit any second, couldn't he just spend a little bit of time resting? Was that really too much to ask? As he sat up much quicker than even he was expecting, he shoved the blanket off of himself and pushed August's hands away. "I said leave me the fuck alone!"
August glared at him as the bitter words left his mouth, but it only lasted a second before he backhanded Elias across the face. He wasn't surprised at the broken cry Elias let out, or the fact that he had to grab him by his shoulders and press him hard against the wall to keep him upright after the blow. He leaned in intimidatingly close, until he could see the glistening tears building up in Elias's fear hazed eyes. "If you ever speak to me like that again I will rip your fucking tongue out."
Elias stared at him, eyes wide and silent tears streaming down his cheeks. He didn't try to move away from him and didn't speak, paralyzed in fear. He wanted the pain to stop, he wanted to stop being scared, he wanted to go home. But all he could do was stay silent and allow August to break him.
"Never talk to me that way. Do you understand?" He was using a more steady tone now, less furious. He loosened his grip on his arms, and Elias could already tell his arms would have hand shaped bruises later. He finally nodded his head once, swallowing back his fear. "Good," his voice was kind again, a self-satisfied grin spread easily onto his face, "good boy."
Elias sighed shakily, looking down at his trembling hands. It suddenly hit him that no one was going to save him, that it had been days and he was still stuck here. August was right, Tyson didn't care about him like he thought he did, now that Allen was ok. He was going to die here. This was it for him. A chill ran down his spine, and he looked up at August as a sort of sickening acceptance hit him. He couldn’t help but hope that August, in his own twisted way, actually wanted him. Even if it only went as far as desire, of lust, he hoped that behind all the torture that August actually wanted him here. Because if he didn't... that would mean that no one wanted him. Not Tyson, not his parents, not even August. And he didn't think he could handle that.
"Do you care about me?" He whimpered. "Or am I just a replacement for Allen?"
"That's a stupid question," August huffed, letting go of Elias altogether. "I hardly even know you, idiot. Of course you're a replacement." He was still smiling softly at him as he said it, and if Elias wasn't really listening to what he was saying he wouldn't even realize he was being mean.
Elias closed his eyes, his heart sinking. This was all a game, he was just a toy, a warm body. Every nice thing he'd said was suddenly a lie, Elias didn't believe any of it. He wasn't beautiful or perfect or precious like August told him, which he knew, but knowing that August had been lying about it made it that much worse. And he had been begging for affection, allowing him to touch him so intimately. Now the deep nausea in his stomach worsened with the swelling disgust in himself. He noticed August was still staring at him with that sickly sweet smile, and he tried to plaster on his own nonchalant, carefree grin. Even he could tell it was faltering and not at all convincing, but the only other alternative was to show that he was hurting, that August's words bothered him, and that was even worse. "That's...that's so relieving." His voice caught painfully as he forced a mangled chuckle. "Here I was, worried you'd catch feelings and I'd have to break your heart." Even as he said it, even with the strained smile he wore, he was choking back his sobs.
"Oh, Eli," August sighed, seemingly defeated. His face softened a fraction -maybe, Elias could have easily been imagining it- and he looked almost like he felt bad for making him upset. "I was only kidding angel. Just giving you a hard time." He reached out and pet Elias's hair gently, frowning when the obvious hurt look on his face stayed. "You're so sensitive. I'm utterly obsessed with you."
Elias sniffled and brought his good hand up to wipe the tears out of his eyes, but once his fingertips fell on the damaged skin of his face, he decided it wasn't worth all the pain, and he let a few slide down his cheeks anyway. "You stress me the hell out."
August laughed at him and pushed himself off the bed. His black shirt had some sort of band logo on it, one Elias had never seen, and it made him a little uneasy to think of August being normal enough to like a band, to buy a tee shirt from them. It was too human, and thinking of August as anything less than a monster made him feel like the crazy one, like he was making up all of the torture.
"Come on, let's get you some breakfast."
Elias groaned at the mention of food, shaking his head. "Man, I can't even think about eating." He was yanked off of the bed by his arm anyway, letting out a sharp gasp and doubling over as a searing pain tore through him. He clutched onto August's shirt, his breathing hitched and short as he waited for the pain to subside.
"What is it, love?" August asked him, his voice concerned. Elias wanted to roll his eyes at his honeyed voice, it was giving him whiplash to try and keep up with August’s violent switch between caring about the pain and being the creator of it.
Instead, he could only shake his head, still unable to breathe correctly. He cried out as August scooped him up, then, almost like he was giving up, buried his face in his clothes. "You really hurt me yesterday," he whimpered, "I thought you said you would only hurt me when I misbehaved. I didn't misbehave."
"I didn't hurt you because you were bad, angel. I hurt you because you sound so pretty when you're hurting." He set Elias down in one of the uncomfortable kitchen chairs, smiling at the breathless whine he let out. "See, like that. Absolutely gorgeous."
Elias looked away from him, chewing on his lip nervously. He hated the way August explained everything like it was obvious, like Elias was missing out on very well known information. Of course August hurt him because he liked the way he sounded. Duh. He grimaced when August grabbed his face, tilting his chin up towards him. "You are so beautiful, Eli. So very pretty."
Elias couldn't help but lean toward him, sighing at the touch. "I wish you were so sweet all the time," he whispered.
August chuckled, running his thumb across Elias's lip, amused at the way he relaxed against him. He was surprised at how easy he'd been adjusting, so far. Sure, he was stubborn and foul mouthed, but he didn't expect him to be accepting, borderline wanting, touch so easily yet. It took Allen a little over a week to get where Elias was already. "I have to show you something," he said, already pulling out his phone.
August had had people keeping an eye on Tyson, following him to make sure he stayed clueless, leaving minuscule threats that were untraceable, ready to hurt him if he was getting too close to finding Elias. They had been sending August pictures as updates, and August was absolutely giddy at the few that they had gotten of Tyson and Allen, them clinging onto each other in a tight embrace, them going somewhere with Tyson's arm slung around his shoulders. Supposedly it wasn’t much more than a friendly touch because Allen was still with Leo, his free shrink, the one he called his husband, the one who Allen was using to make himself feel better. But that didn’t matter, Elias didn’t need to know that. As far as he needed to know, Tyson had handed him over and was now all touchy with his ex again.
When he turned the phone to show Elias, he watched his face fall into a dejected, hopeless frown. So August wasn't lying, then. Tyson really had traded him off for Allen, threw him to the wolves in order to protect the person he actually cared about. He turned away so he didn't have to see it anymore, closing his eyes. He had been hoping against hope that August was lying, clinging onto the belief that Tyson cared, that he would never dream of doing something so horrible. Maybe he was just stupid. Maybe he should have expected it from the beginning.
"See? You're better off here, where someone actually cares for you." August rubbed his shoulder as he spoke, his voice soft and almost...nurturing.
Elias looked up at him, nodding his head. "Yeah," he whispered. His voice was horse and tense from trying to choke back his tears. "Yeah, you're right." He sighed as August placed a kiss on his forehead, leaning into the touch. So that was it, then. Tyson didn't want him and probably wasn't looking for him, he was stuck here with August. He told himself it could be worse, August could do what he did to Allen and torture him and beat the shit out of him, and he wasn't, really. For the most part, he was just vaguely threatening when he wasn't being sweet and praising. He could live with this. Maybe if he was very well behaved, August would stop being cruel altogether, he could actually enjoy being here.
"Want some orange juice? It might help your hangover."
"Yes please," Elias answered, wrapping his frail arms around his battered body.
After August finished eating and Elias felt a little less like he was standing on death's doorstep, they were sitting in the living room, Elias on the floor in between August’s legs. He had his eyes closed as August played with his hair, listening as he hummed softly to himself. His headache was starting to subside, and August began to massage his shoulders. Elias wondered how long it would take him to actually wholeheartedly enjoy the touch, how long until it didn't come with a confusing mix of fear. Half of him wished it would be soon, it would be so much better than the gnawing anxiety he was feeling all the time. But the other half was appalled at himself for even so much as sort of wanting it now. Why would he want to enjoy the soft, obsessive touches of the person who had spent the last few hours torturing him? Why was he letting him touch him right now? He was an idiot, for not running away from him and doing absolutely everything in his power to keep his hands away from him.
"Are you feeling better, bunny?" August asked him, leaning over so his lips brushed against his ear. He smirked when he noticed that Elias's muscles grew instantly taut as he closed in on him.
"A little. My body hurts, sort of." He tilted his head back to look up at him, the corner of his lips twitching into a smile when he kissed his nose. "Th...thank you."
"Of course." He grabbed a fistful of his hair to pull him closer, Elias's already unsteady breathing faltered nervously. "Hey, I'm gonna invite some of my friends over later, is that ok?"
"Yeah, that's cool." He closed his eyes again, forcing himself to relax in his grip. He wasn’t really sure why August made it seem like he had any say in the matter. He was probably messing with him again, pretending like he cared, like Elias mattered to him. "Can we get drunk again?"
August chuckled, pulling off of him altogether. "We should just get high, I don't think your little body can handle anymore alcohol."
"I don't like weed," Elias grumbled, "I told you not to let me smoke again."
"Not weed then. I think I have some molly." He stood up, making his way to the kitchen. When he came back, he sat on the floor next to Elias, holding out his hand to show him the two small pills placed in his palm. Elias was scared, he hadn't even smoked weed or drank before he came here, he didn't know if he was ready for something like molly. But August was much less scary when he wasn't sober, much easier to be around. His stomach was in knots and his hands were shaking as he reached out to take the pills from him, and then he was tossing them back before he had a chance to change his mind.
Elias felt like he was floating, like his body and his mind were finally connected. His tics weren't painful anymore, they were borderline comfortable, like he was scratching an unreachable itch in his brain. The world around him seemed to glow, a bright and beautiful haze that enveloped him with warmth. Why had he been so scared to feel this way? This was what he wanted life to feel like all the time, this calm and pleasant and warm.
August's friends were loud and laughing from the second they walked in, they were all hands and flashy smiles and guttural laughter. Elias noticed how different August seemed around them, how he wasn't threatening or evil at all. He seemed so normal.
Elias was the focus of their attention, he seemed to amuse them quite easily. Particularly when he ticced. They all laughed and mimicked him, but it was all in good fun, to Elias. The laughter just felt warm and friendly, and the way August was looking at him with a wide grin made him feel comfortable with it.
"Hey, here's an idea," one of them spoke up, "let's take little Elias for a swim."
The rest of them chuckled and agreed, and Elias was yanked to his feet, the amount of hands on him was confusing, everyone was ushering him outside. But it was just swimming, right? August took him swimming a few times, and usually it was one of the few places he was safe, at least for awhile.
He blinked at the bright sunlight, looking at the glimmering pool and then at all the people around him. He felt his shirt being tugged at, and he began to feel nervousness creeping up his spine. He started frantically searching through the sea of people to find August, but every face that stared into him was unfamiliar and almost demonically grinning at him. He squirmed in their grasp, the fun suddenly seemed to ice in the air around him..
"Stop it, please," he begged them, still searching for August. "Come on, you're scaring me."
"Awe, he's scared," one of them teased, grabbing some of his hair and pulled it playfully, laughing at him, "look at him, he's still spazzing!"
Elias gasped as they pulled his shirt off, using it to tie his hands up behind him. He scrambled a little bit as they shoved him toward the edge of the pool, afraid of the suddenly dark and choppy water, trying his hardest to not fall in. It was all futile though, and they tossed him into it carelessly.
Elias could only think of one thing as he tried to kick his way to the surface: oh god I'm drowning! He couldn't seem to get the shirt off of his arms, no matter how hard he tried. His lungs were screaming for air, surely his panicked thrashing wasn’t helping, and through it all he heard a loud pop from above the water. He heard another, this time he felt something shooting threw the water next to him. Were they... Shooting at him?
He grew more frantic, fighting against the shirt and the water, suddenly lightheaded. After one of the gunshots, Elias's arm lit up in pain. His shoulder was burning, and he fought harder. The pool around him was dark with blood, making everything all the more horrifying. One last shot rang out, and seconds later Elias was pulled out of the water. He collapsed onto the rough concrete as he gulped in breaths, trying to ease the burning in his chest. The shirt was pulled off of his arms, and he cried out as his shoulder fell forward, remembering the pain. He was pulled to his feet, feeling himself being pulled into a warm, clothed chest. August. He was able to breathe a little better, but now he could hear the quiet wailing of someone behind him. August pulled away before turning him to his group of friends, one of whom was on the floor holding his leg as he cried. Elias noticed the puddle of red around him, and he paled. Had he shot himself by accident? As he thought it, a cold, heavy thing was pressed into his hand.
He looked at August questioningly, eyes wide. He felt August force his fingers around it, holding his fingers down with his own. "What... What?"
"He shot you, you're gonna shoot him back." He spoke through his teeth, an angry grit in his voice. So August had shot him. That made sense.
Elias shook his head, feeling August stretch both of their arms out to point the gun at him. "No! I don't wanna do that!" He whimpered, trying to pull his arm away.
"Stay still Eli!" August snapped. He held him still, tightening his grip over Elias's hand on the gun.
"Please, August!" The man on the floor wailed, writhing in pain still. Elias was shaking in his panic, watching him in horror. He flinched when August forced his finger down on the trigger and it made a loud pop. He froze, eyes wide as he watched the bullet pass through his head, and then watched him crumple to the ground in now an ever bigger pool of blood. He couldn't speak as August pulled the gun away from him and tucked it away. He stumbled as he was led inside, feeling light-headed and like he was about to vomit.
He was silent still as August sat him on the edge of the bathtub, cleaning the wound on his shoulder. He couldn't even feel the pain, his body numb.
"It's a pretty clean shot, I don't think it hit any bone. Kind of just grazed you." August spoke as he bandaged him up. "Does it hurt?"
"Yes," Elias answered mechanically, his voice wavering. He tried to breathe, but his breathing was unsteady and quick.
"Hey, look at me." August instructed. Elias looked up at him, his breath catching. "You're ok. Everything's ok."
Elias felt tears streaming down his face, but he still didn't really feel anything. "I think I'm in shock." He whispered.
"Yeah I think so. Let's go get you wrapped up in a blanket and get you some water, ok?" He helped Elias up, leading him into the living room. He draped a blanket over his shoulders and sat him on the couch. He left him to talk to the rest of his friends, and all Elias could hear from their conversation was something about getting rid of the body. He pulled his knees up to his chest, staring blankly at the floor.
August came back in, sitting close to him. He handed Elias a glass of water, smiling as he took small sips. "There. You ok?"
Elias looked at him, then back at the glass of water. "I shot someone," he stated blankly, "I killed someone."
"Mhm. And he deserved it, too." August petted his cheek gently to try and sooth him, but Elias stayed rigid and cold.
"I killed him. I killed someone." Now he was saying it like he was reminding himself what he did, trying to come to terms with it.
August pulled him into his arms, holding him tight. He was waiting for him to break, to get over his shock and start bawling or screaming, but he stayed eerily still against him, besides his shaking.
They sat that way for around 30 minutes, Elias worryingly silent in August's arms. He wasn't even ticcing anymore, he was so still that it was freaking August out. He pulled away to look at him, and when Elias made eye contact, his face twitched into a frown.
"What the fuck!" He gasped, his hands tightening around the blanket. His eyes welled up with tears.
"Hey, hey, it's ok," August soothed, wiping at Elias's tears gently. "You're alright, love."
"I can't believe...what the fuck did I do?!" He began to sob, his shoulders jolting with the gasps. "What the fuck! Holy fuck!"
August got concerned at his ragged breathing, the panicked rising of his voice. He couldn't say anything to calm him down, not when he was panicking so much, so he slapped him. Not too hard, just enough to jolt him out of his panic. "Listen to me, Eli. Everything is fine, don't work yourself up."
Elias bit back sobs, frowning at August. "I'm sorry," he whined, his lip trembling, "I'm so fucking sorry."
"You’ve got to stop freaking out like this.” His voice was scolding, like Elias had broken a plate or something only slightly annoying and not shot and killed someone. “Seriously, sweetheart, you’re letting everything get to you way too much. You’ll make yourself sick with worry.”
Maybe it was the tone of his voice, the way he was making it all seem so insignificant, but Elias believed him. He didn’t have any control over the situation, maybe there really was no point of getting so worked up, it only made it more scary.
“I want to get drunk again, now,” he breathed, his voice trembling and weak, “please.”
August grinned at him, nodding approvingly. “Ok, love. Whatever you want. Come on, we’ll go make some drinks.”
When they were in the kitchen, two of August’s friends were still in there, hovering next to the counter. One kept looking over his shoulder out the window, at the now red tinted pool outside, his face pale. The other simply stared at the wall to his left, his stare blank and faraway. Elias felt them turn to stare as he lowered himself into a chair at the kitchen table. He was surprised when the more obviously nervous one moved to sit across from him.
“Hey,” he mumbled awkwardly, “how are you feeling?”
Elias looked like maybe he didn’t hear what he said, using his good hand to pick at a chipped part of the table. There were traces of dried, partially washed away blood on his forearm. It had slid its way down his arm when August was bandaging him up and he hadn’t bothered to wash it away completely. Elias understood why, what was the point of it? What was the point in worrying or caring about anything? Like August said, like he was starting to realize, it was a waste of his energy to sit around upsetting himself over it, what was a little dried blood?
“I’m fine,” he choked out. “What about… what about you?”
The man shrugged, watching Elias’s hands shaking and ticcing every now and then as he tried desperately to keep them busy with the ruined wood. “I feel bad. It was meant to be a joke, it wasn’t supposed to go that far. I didn’t know he was gonna… I’m sorry that happened.”
August took a deep, aggravated sigh from where he was mixing their drinks. He didn’t say anything when he set a glass down in front of Elias, but he did trace his thumb over his wrist before turning to the counter. He made three more drinks, dispersed them to his friends and then sat down with his own.
They all drank in haunting silence, August seemed like he was the only one who wasn’t upset, his face was almost bored. Elias tried to mimic his levelheadedness, to try to not think about it. And yet, he kept having to reach up and rub the tears blurring his vision out of his eyes.
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Hello! If you have time I would like a scenario with Deku with a male or gender neutral reader who was supposed to be the next successor of one for all but all might kinda forgot about them (like they ate his hair and got one for all but he just forgot about them). And now they’ve become one of the most powerful villains and they want to kill all night and Deku as revenge. I just love how you write and I just had to request something🥰
Hi omg I cannot describe how excited I was when I saw this so I might have word v/mitted and written a little too much… Thank you so much for requesting and I'm so so happy that you enjoy my writing! Midoriya x gn!reader Warnings : smallest mention of abuse (dabi), bit of fighting, kinda angsty Words : 1.5k
You rested your elbows against the window sill, cheek against your palm as the clouds drifted slowly across the sky. The sun disappeared as you watched the young blonde lunge forwards, the ball leaving his fingertips at an incredible speed. A loud explosion rang across the field and to your ears as the crisp autumn air nipped at your face. 
The chatter of your classmates behind you were tuned out as you watched excitedly, analyzing each and every one of the first years, seeing perhaps if any of them had potential in the upcoming years. Not that they could ever beat you, given that you were All Might successor, or at least were. As the second year drew to an end, he had seemingly forgotten all traces of your existence, acknowledging you only briefly as just another UA student in the background, rather than someone who he had passed his quirk to. You had bitterness seeping into your heart, a slight resentment to the number 1 hero, but as the seasons changed and you entered your third year, you had convinced yourself there must’ve been another reason. 
Perhaps he didn’t need a successor anymore. You wondered if by some miracle his wounds had completely healed and he no longer reverted back to his weaker, skeleton like self. Possibly he had just forgotten to tell you, or felt embarrassed that he had passed his quirk on so quickly only to not have needed the haste. But your months of comforting yourself that there was a good reason suddenly shattered right there in just those few seconds. Your eyes widened as the boy pressed forwards, accelerating the ball with a power that you undeniably also shared. Slack jawed and in utter shock, you rubbed your eyes to see if somehow they had deceived you, yet when nothing in your vision changed, your surprise turned to spite. 
All might had abandoned you. 
You felt yourself fill with anger, shaking as you brought your clenched fists down onto the window, splintering the wood in fury before turning and storming from the classroom. The sudden urge to flee from this place infested with heroes overwhelmed you. They had lied to you, every single one of them. The teachers presented themselves as the good guys, always on your side and full of hope. Yet why then did the most admired person pick your pitiful self up from the ground, build you up as if you had hope of ever becoming the successor to the entire country’s hero, just for them to simply tear it all away at the last minute. You knew you were right when you first believed All Might had completely cast you aside. You were right to think that you were so utterly useless. If you had just remained that little quirkless child you wouldn’t even be here wasting your years, desperately trying to be a hero and gaining approval from someone who had simply thrown you to the curb and moved on to the next boy without batting an eye. 
And with that, you left the school. 
It had been a good few months after dropping out from your high school. The league had offered you a place with them, providing food and shelter as you helped out during odd tasks, on the smallest occasions even accompanying All for One. It had been a drastic change for you, suddenly dropping out of school the next day and disappearing entirely, your family and friends having no clue where you were. Your new associates had decided to test you, inviting you along to what you were told was a small robbery, instead being the ambush on the first year’s rescue day. 
You had stepped out of Kurogiri’s portal of purple smoke, expecting to be in the dusty alleyways behind a small bank, instead stepping into the rock ground of the rescue center, a place where you yourself were very familiar with having been constantly with your former friends in the past year. 
“So, we’re here because?” you trailed off, kicking at the small loose rocks on the ground as you heard murmurs and shouts from a small crowd of students a few meters away from you. 
“We are the league of villains.” Shigaraki announced, ignoring you to which you rolled your eyes at him. “And we have come here today to kill the symbol of peace.” 
Your face lit up at this, any previous gratitude and fondness towards your mentor were gone. Instead a sick empty hole remained in your stomach, waiting to be filled up with the feeling of his blood on your hands. The sight of the trembling green head made you sick. You simply could not understand why All Might had tossed you aside for… that. Even to the blindest of people, you would’ve been the obvious choice. And yet here you were, not even second choice to some wimp who was trembling at the sight of a few villains. Truly useless. 
The day had ended, unfortunately, with everyone on the hero’s side still alive, and your most powerful weapon lost somewhere behind the shattered glass dome of the center. The day had been an utter complete failure, yet the league ceased to doubt your loyalty to them, offering you various more jobs and even to recruit new members. 
It was at that moment that the rest of the world realised that they had lost you for good. 
The next time you came in contact with the boy was their rescue of the blonde. The same boy you had observed months prior, even been in the same school. All Might’s entrance was rather tacky for your tastes, stupid, just like the rest of the heros. Your disgust for them had grown tremendously over the time you had spent with the league and learning of Dabi’s poor treatment from the second most powerful hero simply made you sickened at even the title. 
You were rather thankful that you hadn’t grown to follow what was once your childhood dream, following the twisted and corrupt system to abuse and neglect your loved ones for the power and social acknowledgement of having a ranking. Instead you stayed by the shadows, watching and criticizing their actions with Twice and Toga as you reported back on their actions, having stalked them for a good few hours each day. 
And here you stood, on the side of All for One, your former mentor’s arch nemesis, vowing to see the end to All Might by your own means. The new successor you had come to learn was named Deku, a truly fitting name and you sneered at him, reeling back your arm as you lunged at him. 
“I wonder how you would feel if your newest successor died.” you snarled, Midoriya barely dodging out of the way. Your punch landed on the ground, the concrete breaking into small pieces, flying into the air to which you kicked out your leg. They flew in the direction of your swing, hitting the boy square in the back. 
“How is it possible that you have one for all? I’ve only ever had one successor.” All Might responded confused, his grin sliding off his face as he bore his eyes into you. “Y/N you are certainly mistaken and your judgment is clouded. Come back to the heroes and you will not be punished for this.” 
“Heroes? Don’t make me sick.” you laughed, throwing another punch at the boy. “You left me All Might.” you screamed, your bottled up bitterness exploding within you as you were now head on with the same brat who had replaced you. “You gave me your damn quirk for what reason? How dare you turn your back on me for… for this thing!” 
As you continued to swing, you felt your feet be restricted, looking down to see your entire lower leg encased in ice. With one punch, you shattered the ice, stepping forwards with even more anger. 
“Midoriya, get back! You can’t defeat them.” a boy screamed. 
“That’s certainly right.” you laughed, kicking off the ground again. “I’m not letting you go, Deku!” 
As more pro heroes arrived at the scene, you felt yourself grow more and more desperate. The panic in your friends' voices was clear, telling you to stop engaging with the enemy, but you felt yourself being blinded by fury and the need to end Deku’s life. 
“Y/N, fall back!” Dabi shouted, running towards you and letting out a shield of blue flames as he carried you to a purple portal. You felt your entire resolve crumble as you watched All for One fall to the floor. 
“I will kill you All Might!” you screamed, baring your teeth before Dabi’s arm dragged you back into the portal. 
“That is a promise.” 
extra : Hc that a villain used a memory erase quirk on All Might and Y/N doesn’t know that and never tried to ask as he was convinced it was his fault.
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keichanz · 4 years
i am going to get yelled at for this, but i just. i got the idea and i just had to write it. i honestly didn’t mean for it to turn out this way, but well...i’d be lying if i said i don’t like how it turned out. heh.
and you know what i don’t even know if i managed to stay with the “loyal” theme but tbh i don’t care i’m keeping the title because i’m too lazy to think of something else lmadofajoijiodf
majorly unedited. also because i’m lazy lel
warning: angst ahead. sorrynotsorry
for @inukag-week​ day 2: Loyalty 
@fantastiqueparfait​ @sssuperbartola​
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Inuyasha didn’t know what time it was when he felt it but he knew dawn was still hours away. He went utterly still and held his breath as he tried to determine what the strange sensation was and where it came from. His ears flicked and swiveled atop his head as his brow furrowed and he tilted his head, listening, body tense.
Nothing, save for the whisper of the wind and the deep breaths of a sleeping human.
Frown deepening, Inuyasha opened his eyes and was greeted with the unsurprising sight of a dark room. Shippou and Kirara were curled up together outside after he’d banished the kit for being annoying. Although his nose already told him as much, a brief glance confirmed that Miroku and Sango were also gone. Not surprising; they thought they were being sneaky as they slunk past him almost every night to do God knows what. They really weren’t, but Inuyasha continued to let them think their late night “walks” were a secret.
For now, anyway. He was sort of looking forward to the next time they mercilessly teased him about his relationship with a certain girl because now he had some ammunition of his own to fire right back.
Heh. He couldn’t wait to see their faces when that happened.
Snorting quietly to himself, Inuyasha turned his gaze to the other occupant of the room. Curled up before him in her sleeping bag, Kagome was still asleep, however the lines wrinkling her brow and bracketing her mouth suggested it wasn’t exactly a sound sleep. Her face was slightly flushed with a light sheen of sweat dotting her brow, and it was clear even in sleep she was still in pain.
Ears lowering against his head, Inuyasha swallowed thickly and reached over to tenderly brush away a damp strand of hair from her face. Her skin was hot and she barely flinched when he gently wiped her forehead with the sleeve of his suikan. Feeling helpless, he carefully pulled back the sleeping bag enough to check the bandage on her arm and wasn’t really surprised to see that she’d already bled through it.
Worry and guilt clenched his gut and he bit back a sigh, his hand balling into a tight fist and feeing his claws dig into his palm. Kagome shifted in her sleep and the pained grunt she emitted made his chest ache something fierce.
They’d been on a regular shard hunt and came across the village rumored to have a demon plaguing it. They’d stuck around, and the demon had appeared, a gigantic deer demon with massive antlers sprouting out of his head. He’d had a torso of a human man, the body of a deer, and the bastard had been fast. The bow he’d wielded had been average, the run of the mill kind that Kagome used herself. But the arrows…Inuyasha had never seen anything like them. The demon had been able to manifest them out of thin air and they’d looked like whirling black energy, pure malice and evil that were more deadly than even Naraku’s miasma.
Anything those arrows struck had withered and died within a matter of seconds and Inuyasha did not want to find out what would happen if they struck human flesh. But then the bastard had caught him with his antlers, tossed him like a fucking rag doll into a tree, and when he’d come to a few minutes later, he’d learned exactly what happened when in contact with that dangerous black energy.
The demon had been killed courtesy of one of Kagome’s own arrows, imbued with her spiritual power, but at a cost. One of the bastard’s arrows had grazed her arm and it was shortly after that Kagome had come down with a fever despite their efforts to stop the wound from getting infected. She’d tried to play it off when he voiced his concerns and even mentioned going back through the well so she’d get better care with her time’s healers and modern medicine, but she was adamant on staying here. He’d eventually relented, but only because other than the fever she seemed fine, assuring them all that after some rest she’d be perfectly fine tomorrow. She’d gone to bed early without eating hardly anything of her dinner and Inuyasha hadn’t let her side since.
Clenching his jaw to withhold the pathetic whimper that wanted to escape, Inuyasha brushed his fingers against her flushed cheek and willed those beautiful blue eyes of her to open. Kagome sighed and he watched her face relax, her frown disappearing as she turned her head toward him. Clawed fingers combed through her bangs and gently pressed his knuckles against her forehead. Though still warm, her fever seemed to have gone down a bit and Inuyasha could breathe a little easier.
Heaving a sigh, the half-demon forced himself to pull away and get to his feet, being careful not to wake her as he padded to the doorway and pushed the doormat aside to peer into the night. He could still feel that strange sensation but he couldn’t pin down what it was or where it was coming from. It was almost like it seeped into through the cracks and with the gentle breeze, rolling through the window like an invisible magic.
The hairs on the back of his neck stood on end and Inuyasha tensed. His skin pebbled, his stomach clenched, and the scent that drifted to him on the cool breeze made no sense. Burning wood and smoke, like a campfire, and something…heavier. Something he couldn’t decipher, something that reminded him of illness, the toxic remnants of an entire village razed to the ground, decaying bodies and scorched blood.
It was nauseating, sickening, burning his throat and stinging his eyes. It was death, it was rot, it was…
Coming from behind him.
A whisper of cloth and Inuyasha dove to the side with a curse a split second before something crashed into the wall right where he’d been standing. He didn’t even have time to question what the fuck was happening before he was moving again, scrambling to leap away from the creature throwing themselves at him with guttural, animal realistic snarls. Once more the beast launched at him and Inuyasha barely managed to avoid it this time, cursing as he attempted to put some space between them but that was difficult in the small hut.
Claws snagged his hakama, digging deep into his leg and gouging the flesh, but Inuyasha ignored it as he kicked whatever the fuck it was off of him and immediately dove to cover Kagome, determined to protect her from whatever was attacking him. The beast didn’t let him, launching at him again with an ugly, feral snarl and crashing into his side. He tussled with the thing for a moment, keeping sharp teeth and claws away from his face and thought he couldn’t get a good look at its face, he was able to determine that it was small and agile which explained how fucking fast it was. Spittle landed on his face and he grimaced in disgust but didn’t dare remove his hands from where he was keeping it at bay, one locked around a thin neck and the other clamped onto its side, claws digging in and tearing flesh.
It either didn’t notice or ignored what he was sure was a pretty serious injury as it continued to snarl and growl at him, emitting sounds that were not human as it snapped its teeth, writhing and thrashing against his hold. With a dangerous growl and a sudden burst of strength borne from his desire to keep this thing away from his Kagome, Inuyasha hurled the creature across the room and wasted no time in diving for Kagome again. He crouched over her and peeled back his fangs in a deadly snarl, amber eyes narrowed into a withering glare that dared anything to come closer, claws brandished before him, ready to defend, to protect his mate at all costs.
Surprisingly his opponent didn’t immediately charge at him this time and Inuyasha was able to finally get a good look at the thing that dared threaten him and his mate. What he saw, however, turned his blood to ice in his veins and the color to drain from his face as amber eyes went wide in horror. His heart stopped, his mouth dropped on a soundless cry of pure agony, and with a feeling of true, unadulterated terror seizing the breath in his lungs, Inuyasha slowly looked beneath him.
The sleeping bag was empty and so too were the soulless, black eyes that stared at him from a deathly pale and very familiar face.
Another sound of torture escaped him and Kagome hissed at him, saliva dripping from her open mouth as she crouched down, ready to spring forward, but for some reason hanging back.
“Kagome,” Inuyasha rasped, his throat feeling tight, but of course she didn’t respond, and maybe that was to be expected.
Because that was not her. This thing, this creature with the black eyes, an abnormally thin, bony body, and elongated limbs was not his beautiful, precious Kagome. No, it couldn’t be. This creature looked like a demon, with skin the color of a corpse, gray and lifeless. The hair that fell from her head was thin and scraggly, not at all like the thick, luscious waves he liked running his hands through. Those gorgeous blue eyes of hers, like an endless ocean, were replaced with soulless pits of black that stared at him without no recognition whatsoever.
Sure, it wore her clothes, the white and green fabric easily distinguishable as they hung off the too thin body. But Inuyasha was positive the being wearing them was not the girl in which they belonged to. This was not his companion, his best friend, his Kagome that always smiled so sweetly at him, held his hand, and told him she would always be by his side. Perhaps others would argue with him at first glance, but Inuyasha knew otherwise.
Because he was positive, without a single doubt in his mind, that Kagome would never, ever, stare at him with such seething, dark hatred in her eyes like this thing was doing right now.
Clenching his teeth hard and forcibly swallowing the bile that rose in his throat, Inuyasha took a steadying breath and analyzed the situation, body tensed, prepared to defend himself in case she attacked. Maybe whatever had possessed her was taking a moment to think itself – if it could even do that – because now she seemed to be studying him in turn, perhaps realizing that blindly rushing him like before wasn’t the best route. Those coal black eyes regarded him as she stalked back and forth, hissing and spitting, saliva dripping from her mouth in thick rivulets but paying them no mind.
Amber eyes tracked its every move but he didn’t move from where he was. That thing may not have been his Kagome, but he was pretty damn positive that was her body, so he had to be careful about this. He’d already injured it; his bloody claws could attest to that, but the thing hardly seemed to care, or even noticed the wound on its side, so Inuyasha didn’t worry about it for now. If Kagome was still in there somewhere, he knew she wouldn’t fault him for trying to protect himself and he tried to ignore the guilt that stabbed at his gut.
Gritting his teeth, wanting to drop to his knees and beg for forgiveness for allowing this to happen to her, for not protecting her like he vowed he would, Inuyasha studied the wound on the thin arm, what he was almost certain was responsible for this grotesque transformation. The bandage had fallen off and the flesh around the wound had turned black. It oozed something that looked like blood, but that too was so dark in color it nearly looked as black as her eyes. Inuyasha could sense it pulsing with a dark energy, however, and it was the same energy as those fucking arrows the deer demon had conjured.
It had turned her into this and if that bastard had still been alive, he would have gladly tracked it down so he could destroy it himself, bring it back to life, then kill it again.
Kagome hissed at him and crouched low, ready to spring forward, and Inuyasha tensed, prepared to stop her.
“Kagome,” he whispered, watching as she spit and growled at him while clawing the floorboards, “I’ll save you. I swear it. I’ll get you out of there if it’s the last thing I—”
“Inuyasha?” Shippou’s called from behind the reed mat, voice drowsy. “Is Kagome—”
“Shippou, no! Stay back—!”
With an inhuman screech, she lunged forward and Inuyasha met it halfway, launching himself at her and taking them both to the floor. Inuyasha could hear the kit’s horrified scream but didn’t even spare him a glance as he struggled to restrain the thrashing and biting creature, a sting of colorful curses spewing nonstop from his mouth among the snarls, hisses, and growls. She was freakishly strong for having such a frail body and by the time Inuyasha had restrained her by locking her arms within his own, he was sporting bite marks and scratches all over his body.
Cranking her arms behind her back and using his own to pin them in place, Inuyasha had managed to get them up onto their knees by the time Miroku and Sango crashed into the hut, weapons drawn, ready to fight. When they saw what they were facing, however, twin gasps escaped both of them and Sango’s hand flew up to her mouth as Miroku simply gaped in shock. He would have explained right then and there, but it was taking every ounce of his strength to hold her back as it was, so all he managed was a grunt and a sharp growl to draw their attention to him.
“Get Kaede,” Inuyasha hissed and jerked is head back to avoid getting head butted by the thrashing human-turned-demon in his arms.
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Two weeks. Two weeks had passed and Kagome was still trapped inside herself, forced into being a mindless creature hellbent on slaughtering anyone that dared draw near enough. With Inuyasha and Miroku’s help, Kaede had bound her wrists with sacred sutras because if she wasn’t trying to claw someone else when they got too close, she turned her hands on herself, scratching her skin raw, the claws tipping her fingers deadlier than the sharpest knife.  
She’d long ago shred her clothes to ribbons and so too every single piece of clothing they’d provided her thereafter, so Inuyasha came up with the solution of wrapping her in his suikan. The firerat was stronger than her claws, damn near indescribable, so she was thankfully unable to tear through it.
They tried everything to get her to come back. Spells, chants, potions, medicine—nothing worked. Kagome spat out every potion, laughed when Kaede attempted a new incantation, and medicines applied to the wound on her arm had no effect. Talking to her didn’t help. She either outright ignored them or hurled insults left and right, calling them derogatory names, filthy slurs, her gravelly voice filled with hate and malice.
It stung the most whenever she called him a filthy half-breed, abomination, a disgrace, or any demeaning term linked to his heritage. Inuyasha knew it wasn’t her, though, and it was something he told himself over and over again as he endured every hate filled word, every curse and every insult tossed his way without no regard.
After nearly destroying Kaede’s home in a fit of mindless rage, they had been forced to lock her inside an empty storage hut. It was half the size of Kaede’s hut, but it was the only option they had. Kagome, of course, hadn’t liked that and she’d screamed for the entire first night she was locked in there.
And through it all Inuyasha sat right outside, his heart aching in his chest, hating what had happened to her, but hating himself more for how he was forced to treat her, like nothing more than a low-level demon.
It hurt. God, it hurt like hell, seeing her like this, unable to do anything about it and as he’d sat there listening to her scream and curse every single one of them a horrible, gruesome death, he’d cried.
Inuyasha didn’t think he’d ever felt more helpless, more lost, and for the first time in what was probably his entire life, he prayed. He prayed to whatever Gods would listen to him, begging them to help his Kagome come back to herself, to abolish whatever had a hold of her soul and to have her mind released from its never-ending torment.
And even when the weeks turned to months and still there was no change, Inuyasha refused to give up. He would never give up on her, because he knew she would never give up on him. Hell, she hadn’t given up on him, refusing to run away all those times he’d turned full demon and he was determined to do the same for her. He’d never leave her. No matter how many times her harsh words scarred him worse than her claws did, no matter how many times her cruel laugh echoed in his ears whenever he told he he’d never leave, and not even when the others were beginning to lose hope.
Miroku and Sango were staring to believe they had lost their friend, the evil plaguing her mind too strong, too evil to purify. He never listened to them, though. Whenever they tried to reason with him, to try and convince him that Kagome may never come back, he always turned his back and simply walked away. He wouldn’t hear it. Kagome would come back. He swore to her, he promised, he vowed that he would save her, and he would if it was the last thing he ever did.
And after everything had been said and done, and he’d exhausted all other options, avenues, and possibilities to bring her back, if saving her meant taking her life if only to save her from herself because he knew she wouldn’t want to live like this, hurting them at every opportunity, then so be it.
And it really would be the last thing he ever did because after he took her life, he’d take his own, knowing that he’d be unable to endure the guilt, the pain, the loss of his precious, kind, beautiful Kagome.
Miroku and Sango eventually gave up and stopped trying. They mentioned something about trying to find the jewel shards before leaving, but he hardly cared. The jewel shards, Naraku…they weren’t important anymore. Nothing mattered but saving Kagome and he put every ounce of his energy into helping her.
Shippou, surprisingly, stayed behind with him. He’d gone mute on that fateful day Kagome had become something else and hadn’t said a single word since. The fox sat with him sometimes outside Kagome’s hut and they listened to her thrash around inside, trying to escape, all the while hurling insults left and right, but they hardly fazed him anymore. Shippou seemed numb to it too and Inuyasha worried for the kid, but there wasn’t much he could do outside of being there for him, so now it was a common occurrence for Shippou to sleep curled in his lap.
After all, they only had each other now. Kaede was around, and it seemed she too had given up, but she never turned down Inuyasha if he requested her help with something. He was grateful for it, but he knew she was only doing it to appease him. He didn’t mind, though. He could sense the old woman’s sorrow as clearly as he could Shippou’s, and knew she’d come around once Kagome began showing signs that she was coming back.
He didn’t know when that would be, but he was determined to make it happen, no matter what he had to do, how many miles he had to run or how many demons he had to slaughter. He wasn’t giving up.
Kagome had remained loyally by his side at his darkest times, and he would do the same for her, loyal to the end.
It was nearing the end of the eighth month now and he was no closer to finding a cure than he was when it all began. He’d caved around the fourth month and finally crossed through the well to explain what had happened to her family. Unpredictably they had taken the news hard, but they all had faith in him that he could bring her back. And he would. He swore to them that he’d bring her back as herself again and when Mama had hugged him, he’d returned the embrace.
Inuyasha was positive she’d felt him shaking as she held him, but that was okay because he had smelled her tears.
It was just before dusk. Kaede and Shippou had retired to the old woman’s home and were having a quiet dinner. They said nothing as their half-demon companion stood and left without a word.
Inuyasha stood outside the door to her little hut and for once she was quiet. She still growled and he could hear her stalking around inside, no doubt sensing his presence, but for once she wasn’t screaming expletives or insults. Resting a hand on the wooden door, he leaned his forehead against the cool wood and closed his eyes, inhaling deeply. Kagome’s sweet scent had long ago been replaced by that wretched, nauseating stench he likened to that of a decaying body, but he’d gotten used to it. In the end, it was Kagome’s scent, so he accepted it.
He released the breath in a long, shaky sigh, and hardening his resolve, Inuyasha unlocked the door before sliding it open and stepping inside.
If he was surprised Kagome didn’t immediately barrel into him in her bid to escape, he didn’t show it as he paused before leaving the door wide open. The dying sunlight illuminated the darkness within and the slits located close to the ceiling that served as windows let the barest amount of muted yellow to spill through onto the floor. Kagome stood with her back pressed against the far wall, snarling softly at him in warning and black eyes narrowed into a murderous glare, but still she didn’t attack him or try and escape. Her hands were still bound behind her back, giving her a disadvantage, but that had never stopped her before.
Inuyasha suspected it might be because throughout the months he’d tussled with her she now had an understanding that he was stronger and faster than her, but he didn’t dwell on the thought for long. It was rare that she allowed him within ten feet of her, let alone with her in the small hut, and he wanted to take advantage of it for as long as he can.
Because it would be the last time either of them would be able to watch the sunset and he wanted to give her something beautiful to look at while he finally said goodbye.
Golden eyes that had lost their glow locked with soulless, empty black and Inuyasha slowly crossed the distance between them. Kagome’s snarl increased in volume, a clear warning to stay away, but he ignored it and stopped in front of her. She snapped her teeth and tried to dash away, but he stopped her, darting his hands out and grasping her shoulders in a tight grip, pressing her back against the wall. Calmly he waited for her struggling to cease, clenching his jaw as she sunk her teeth into anywhere she could reach. He endured the pain, caging her legs with his own and only minutes later did she stop resisting, giving a very aggravated snarl to convey her evident displeasure.
When all she did was continue to stand there and growl at him, Inuyasha slowly eased up the pressure on her shoulders, ready to restrain her again if he needed to. Apparently, however, she’d accepted she wasn’t going anywhere so she remained where she was and he lifted his hands until he was cupping her face. He ignored her bared teeth and snarl and simply stared at her, taking her in, amber eyes flicking across the twisted features that belonged to his beloved.
Her face was dirty, smudged with dried blood and mud. Her cheeks were hollow, her eyes were sunken, and her jawline was pronounced. Ebony hair, tangled and course, fell into her eyes and he brushed the strands away. She snapped at his fingers. He ignored it and brushed his thumbs across her prominent cheekbones.
“Kagome,” he whispered, his voice ragged, tortured, the raw pain in that single word clear as day.
Kagome didn’t hear it. She growled at him and wrenched her shoulders to free herself, but the attempt was weak.
Inuyasha’s eyes grew hot and he swallowed thickly, leaning forward to rest his forehead against her own. Her skin was cold and clammy.
“I’m sorry,” he rasped and couldn’t, didn’t stop the tears from spilling down his cheeks. “I’m so sorry, Kagome. I tried. Please believe me when I say I tried so hard, but I couldn’t…I…”
A choked sob erupted from his throat and he had to close his eyes, just for a moment, as he struggled to compose himself. Kagome was unresponsive to his pain, teeth bared in an annoyed scowl, a steady growl in her throat as she glowered balefully at him.
Sucking in a ragged breath, he opened his eyes and stared into that empty gaze, dark as shadows, desperately searching for any trace of the woman he knew was in there somewhere, any sign of the beautiful blue that he’d always been able to drown in.
“Come back to me,” Inuyasha begged, the tears running unchecked now but he hardly cared. “Come back to me, Kagome, please. I can’t…do this without you. I need you with me, Kagome. Please…please come back…”
She didn’t come back. Kagome had gone completely still, black eyes twin voids of eternal nothingness, her features now lacking any sign of animosity.
Another sob escaped before he could stop it and cradling her face in his hands, Inuyasha pressed his mouth to hers. Her lips were cold, dry, unmoving beneath his own as he kissed his beloved for the first, and last time.
“I love you,” he rasped against her lips, his hands shaking now. “I love you so much, Kagome. If I could give my life to some higher power to save you from this hell, I would in a heartbeat, but I’m afraid this is the only thing I can do for you.”
Unpredictably she said nothing and stood there, staring right through him, motionless, and with a strangled sob Inuyasha crushed her to him. He pressed his face to her bony shoulder and wept, wishing there was another way, desperate for any other solution to make itself known right then and there, but of course it didn’t. He knew this was the only way, and he knew Kagome wouldn’t want to live like this.
He should have done this a long time ago, but he just…he couldn’t…
Gritting his teeth as another wave of anguish washed through him, so strong his knees almost gave out, Inuyasha pulled back, pressed his palm to her cold face, and gave her one last fleeting kiss.
“I love you,” he murmured and shifted so he stood behind her, slipping one arm around her thin waist while his free hand hovered above her chest.
Above her heart.
More tears spilled from his eyes, running hot down his cheeks, but he paid them no mind, his claws poised, ready to end her suffering. His hand shook and he tried to steady it; the last thing he wanted to do was cause her unnecessary pain by missing. Dropping a kiss to her head, Inuyasha directed his gaze outside, the doorway framing a beautiful sunset that showered the earth in glowing reds, oranges, and yellows.
He smiled and hoped that Kagome saw the beautiful sight, too.
“Forgive me,” he whispered and pressed forward—
Inuyasha froze and the breath stalled in his lungs. His eyes went wide and his heart slammed so hard against is ribcage he was sure she could feel it. Blood pounded in his ears and his throat felt dry, his tongue heavy in his mouth.
Was…was he hearing things? Was he so desperate his mind was playing tricks on him? He waited, his breathing coming in gasping pants, the hand that had been ready to plunge into her chest shaking. He strained his ears and hoped, prayed it was real, that he wasn’t hearing things—
The thin body he held against him started to shake even more violently than his own and he felt a feather light touch on his hand, so cold it could be ice. The sob that erupted from his throat was borne from a mix of intense, powerful relief and a joy so palpable, so strong it chased away the chill in his body, leaving a warm, wonderful sensation he’d thought he would never feel again.
“Kagome,” Inuyasha rasped in a voice so raw it was barely audible as he stumbled around her to see her face.  
Blue. Her eyes were blue, gorgeous, endless pools of midnight oceans that he had missed so fucking badly during the past eight months. With a sound that was a mix between a sob and a laugh, Inuyasha gathered her in his arms and fell to the floor, the strength abruptly leaving him. He cried into her shoulder, his hold on her tight, not wanting to ever let her go. God, he had almost…! If she hadn’t…!
“Inu,” Kagome breathed, her voice a mere wisp of what it was and Inuyasha finally managed to compose himself enough to lean back and stare into those sorely missed blue eyes. His face was flushed, his cheeks were wet, but he didn’t care as he cupped her face in his hands, watching in stunned amazing as life bled into those dear features once again. Her skin warmed and lost that deathly pale color, her cheeks filled out, and her lips, pink and a little dry, parted on a quiet moan.
“Shh,” Inuyasha gently soothed her, smoothing back her hair, reveling in its silky texture. “D-don’t talk. You’re okay. You’re okay. You’re okay…”
Over and over he said those two words and he didn’t know if he was assuring her or himself as he held her, kissing her face, her lips, wanting to cry and laugh at the same time when he felt her hands weakly grab his kosode. She tried to talk but he shushed her, telling her that he was here, he’d protect her, she was safe, she was back and he was never, ever letting her go.
Of course, Kagome – his beautiful, sweet, stubborn Kagome – didn’t listen and once more tried to ask him something, but a violent coughing fit cut her off and Inuyasha didn’t think he’d ever bellowed louder for Kaede than he did right then.
Hours later, after Kagome had bathed with the help of Inuyasha because hell if he was going to let her out of his sight and gotten some food and drink into her belly – or at least what she managed to keep down – he, Kagome cradled in his lap, Shippou, and Kaede all sat around the old woman’s fire pit, marveling at the miracle that happened.
Wrapped once more in his suikan, feeling warm for the first time in months and also feeling like she could sleep for a solid week, Kagome was content to rest against her hanyou as he combed his fingers through her hair, occasionally dropping a kiss to her head where it lay on his shoulder. Shippou had barely left her side as well and a few tears still leaked from his eyes as he curled himself against her stomach, small hands clutching her borrowed suikan for life.
Inuyasha didn’t mind it and every once in a while he even stroked the kit’s hair, a gentle reassurance that everything was alright now.
Kaede watched them with a truly happy smile, her single eye warm and also bright with tears. Miroku and Sango were still hunting for shards, but they would be back soon, she wagered. It had been just over a week since they’d left and she knew they were due back any day now. It would be a happy surprise to find Kagome back to herself, she imagined, but for now she was glad Inuyasha and Shippou had this time with her to themselves.
Getting to her feet, Kaede quietly excused herself, paused to lay a hand on both Inuyasha and Kagome’s shoulders, before leaving the hut to give them some alone time.
Kagome sighed and nuzzled his shoulder, squeezing his hand where his fingers were laced with hers. Inuyasha squeezed back and dropped a kiss to her forehead.
“Why don’t you get some sleep?” he whispered, reluctant to wake the slumbering kit curled up against her. “I’ll be right here when you wake up.”
“Mm,” Kagome grunted and he grinned because he knew what that meant. God, he had missed her so much.
“Stubborn,” he chastised, though his tone lacked any heat as he pressed his mouth to her temple, simply breathing her in and letting her sorely missed, sweet scent surround him.
“‘Course,” she breathed, keeping her eyes closed. “How else could I have…come back to you.”
As it always did when he thought about it, his heart clenched and he closed his eyes, his grip on her tightening just a little.
“I’ve been thinking,” she interrupted him, her voice a little stronger than before, and Inuyasha held his breath. “And I think…I know what brought me back.”
Inuyasha went very still and leaned back just enough to catch a glimpse of her face. Midnight blue collided with deep amber and the breath caught in his throat.
Then she smiled and his heart started beating again. Christ, the power this woman held over him…
“I don’t remember much,” she admitted, keeping her eyes on his. “When I was…you know. But the only thing I do remember is this burning, intense hatred for…well, everything. There was no logical reason for it; just pure, unadulterated loathing for every living thing. It swallowed me whole and it was cold and dark and…anyway.”
She paused to clear her throat and it was obvious he was fighting sleep, but was determined to keep going. He brushed her hair away from her face and she tipped him a sleepy, but warm smile.
“I think…that arrow, the one the deer demon hit me with. I think that black energy was just…pure hatred manifested into a physical form. So it makes sense that when it got into my blood stream, it consumed me and I became a living, breathing, giant mass of roiling hate and malice. So tonight, when you came to me and…and you said—”
“I told you I love you,” Inuyasha finished for her, blinking in surprise. But then he frowned and shook his head, disbelief on his face.
“No,” he murmured. “It can’t be that simple…can it?”
Kagome smiled again and shrugged.
“Think about it, though,” she murmured and gave a small yawn. “Love has been proven to be stronger than hate. Remember when we were battling Kaguya and I brought you back…well, by kissing you? I told you then that I loved you as a half-demon, Inuyasha. So if my love for you brought you back then…why can’t yours do the same for me?”
Inuyasha stared at her for so long without saying anything that Kagome was about to ask if he was alright. But then he sighed, shook his head, and the crooked grin he gave her warmed her more than his suikan every could.
“Keh,” he muttered and leaned down to rest his forehead against her own as he lifted a hand to cup her cheek, tenderly stroking the skin just beneath her eye.
She blinked. “…Yes?”
“Are you really trying to tell me that love conquers all, because I swear to god—”
“Ohmigod, you brat, shut up,” Kagome said around her giggles and swatted at his chest, blue eyes bright with her mirth and her smile completely enchanting. Inuyasha chuckled with her and took the chance to steal a few kisses from her, loving the way she immediately melted against him with a quiet hum of content.
“Alright, wench,” he whispered and kissed her one last time before pressing his lips to her forehead. “I accept your completely cliché and sappy theory, now get some rest. I know you’re exhausted and your voice is giving me a headache.”
Kagome swatted his chest again and he grinned, unrepentant.
“We’ll talk more tomorrow,” he promised her, voice soft as Kagome snuggled against him and he felt her hand worm its way into his kosode to press her hand against his chest, right above his heart.
Inuyasha’s throat tightened and he swallowed thickly, moving his hand to cover her own. Fuck, but he loved this woman so goddamn much.
“I’ll be here when you wake up,” he told her in a voice thick with emotion.
“Promise?” she whispered, seconds away from sleep.
“I promise.”
He sighed. So stubborn. “Hm?”
“Love you.”
His heart swelled and he closed his eyes to stave off the tears that threatened to fall from his eyes. He took a moment to compose himself, burying his nose in her hair to breath in her scent, letting it soothe him, ground him like nothing ever had.
“I love you, too, Kagome,” he whispered, heart in his throat. “So fucking much. Now sleep, goddammit, before I smother you with the runt.”
He was rewarded with a soft, sleepy giggle and a flash of an impish grin before his Kagome finally succumbed to the peaceful throes of sleep.
Inuyasha stayed up for as long as he could, simply watching her sleep and listening to the steady rhythm of her heartbeat, letting the reassuring sound and her gentle breathing lull him into a state of lethargic relaxation. Before long he felt the pull of slumber himself and with his kit and beloved cradled safely in his arms, Inuyasha was content to fall into the first deep sleep he’d had in eight very long months.  
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bedrockbros-hell · 3 years
Ok so I couldn’t stop thinking about the epic confrontation between c!Tommy and c!Dream that’ll probably go down Thursday/Friday when Tommy breaks into the prison so I wrote it out :3
TW: blood, gore, PTSD, death, manipulation, swearing, graphic depictions of torture and violence
(Seriously this got kinda intense, make sure you stay safe ok?)
(Also I’m ignoring the whole Wilbur-gets-revived thing for now)
*DISCLAIMER* I do not condone or support torture or murder, nor do I condone or support any malicious action of c!Dream’s (e.g. manipulation, child abuse, etc.). All characters in the story are referencing the DSMP characters, not the content creators.
It was time. The plans had been made. The break-in had been executed. The TNT cannon had worked and Tubbo was off somewhere distracting the Warden. Tommy stood at the threshold of the cell, at the precipice. It was time.
Tommy recalled the last instance he had been at the prison, swearing that it would be the final visit. And he remembered how sourly things had gone: instead of healing, his visit had left him more broken than before. And now, being back there, staring at the wall of lava, things felt a little too familiar...
No, Tommy reminded himself. Things are different now. He pulled out his Axe of Peace, its dark netherite surface glowing with magic. Things were certainly different now. This time, it really would be the final visit. He stepped onto the platform and pushed the button.
Waves of heat rose up around Tommy as the moving platform brought him through the molten liquid, and he could feel himself sweating underneath his netherite armor. As he got closer to the cell, his heart began to pound from old fears and he worked to steady his breathing. Tommy gripped his axe tighter to stop his hands from shaking. The platform halted and Tommy stepped off, facing the wall of netherite blocks. As the platform receded, the curtain of lava closed behind him, trapping him inside. Tommy fought down his panic. He knew he could leave whenever he wished, but it didn’t stop himself feeling suffocated.
Suddenly a mechanical groan and whirr distracted him from his thoughts. The wall before Tommy split apart, the top receding into the ceiling and the bottom sinking into the floor. Inch by inch, the innards of the maximum security cell were revealed to him.
And there he was.
Dream sat cross-legged in shadow, directly in front of Tommy, his back against the cold obsidian wall. He wasn’t wearing his mask, though his unruly hair had grown long enough to cover his face. Looking around, Tommy found the mask a few feet away from him. It was cracked in half. Everything else in the cell, Tommy noticed, was pretty much the same as when he had last been there. The chest, sink, and small bookshelf were tucked in the same corner, wood moulding from the crying obsidian. An empty space by the sink showed where Dream’s clock had been. The low orange light cast from the lava gave the whole place an eerie glow. It was all too familiar. Tommy swallowed, reminding himself again, this is not the same. I am in control.
As Tommy stepped into the cell, Dream spoke, without lifting his head. “Welcome back. You’re earlier than usual.”
Tommy halted, surprised. “You’ve been expecting me?”
At the sound of Tommy’s voice, Dream whipped his head up. His eyes widened. “Tommy! It’s–I thought you were...” He paused. “Never mind.” Suddenly, Dream smiled. “You’re here! You’ve come back to visit me!” He stood and began walking towards Tommy, arms outstretched.
Tommy raised his axe. “Stay back! Stay the fuck away from me! I didn’t come here just to visit you.” Dream stopped, lowering his arms and eyeing the axe. Tommy took a few deep breaths, his heart racing in his chest. “Just shut up and listen to me ok? You have caused me so much pain, Dream. And not only me, but everyone on the server. I thought locking you away in here would put a stop to all that, but I was wrong. You are still ruining people.” Dream was silent, no longer smiling. He was still shadowed, and his eyes were unreadable. Tommy continued, “I am here to finally end your reign of terror, permanently.” The netherite axe glinted wickedly in the dim light.
Dream said nothing. Then, astoundingly, he burst into wild, humorless laughter. Tommy bristled, taken aback. “What the fuck is so funny?” he yelled over the cacophony of Dream’s cackling. “I’m here to kill you!”
All at once, Dream stopped laughing, though the crazed light hadn’t quite died from his eyes. “You’re here to kill me, Tommy?” he repeated softly, smirking. “Are you sure that even death can stop me from–as you put it–ruining people?”
“What do you mean?” Tommy asked roughly, his voice betraying the fear that bubbled in the pit of his stomach. “I know it will. You’ll be dead!”
“Tommy,” Dream said, as one speaking to a child struggling to understand, “death doesn’t have any power over me. I know this, and I know you do too.”
Memories cascaded over Tommy. The body-wrenching pain and the mind-shattering numbness. White light. The images were like hands tightening themselves around his wrists, his neck, his heart. His very soul ripped from his body. The void. Wilbur...
Tommy shook his head, forcing these thoughts out. “Stop it! This is different. There won’t be anyone to bring you back.”
“Won’t there?”
Tommy faltered.
Dream chuckled softly. “Ah, of course,” he said. “You don’t know.”
“Know what? What the fuck are you talking about?”
Dream said nothing. Then, slowly, he stepped into the light, and Tommy felt the axe slide out of his grip and hit the floor with a clang as he processed the full horror of what was before him.
Dream’s body was utterly broken. His face was black and blue and covered in gashes, and there were gashes on his arms and legs showing through the shreds of his prison jumpsuit. Some of them were still bleeding. His nose was crooked, and trails of dried blood ran down his lips. There was blood everywhere: on his hands, in his hair, stained on his clothes. He walked with a limp, which Tommy hadn’t noticed before, and looking down, he saw that one of Dream’s feet was bending the wrong way. Many of his fingers were also bent at unnatural angles, and in fact... Bile rose in Tommy’s throat as he realized that not all of Dream’s fingers were there.
Tommy dug his nails into his palms to stay alert. He had just enough presence of mind to pick up his axe. “What the fu...what–what the hell happened to you?” His voice was pitched with hysteria.
Dream grinned, revealing several missing teeth. “Let’s just say you haven’t been my only visitor.”
Tommy was at a loss for words. For all that time spent preparing for this final confrontation, running through a million scenarios in his mind, he had never, ever, expected something like this. He cursed himself. It was supposed to be simple, straightforward. Find Dream, kill him. But now, though he was disgusted with himself for being so, Tommy couldn’t help but feel sorry for Dream. The axe lowered slightly as Tommy wavered in indecision.
Dream tilted his head, shifting his hair, and Tommy saw that a chunk of his ear was gone. “So are you gonna kill me or not?” he asked innocently, though Tommy knew Dream could sense his hesitancy, and was enjoying every bit of it. “You know, at this point, death would probably be preferable to what I’ve had to endure here,” he said, almost nonchalantly.
“I–,” Tommy stammered, trying to collect his thoughts. “No, no wait. What did you mean before, when you said, ‘you don’t know’? What don’t I know?”
Dream barked out another dry laugh. “Oh, Tommy,” he said, “there’s so much you don’t know.” Tommy hated this, hated feeling like Dream was always two steps ahead of him. It made him feel powerless, despite his weapons and armor. “You wanna know the reason I look like this? Where I got these injuries from?” Dream asked, coming closer to him, and Tommy had to look upwards meet his eyes. “I was being tortured. Every day.”
Shock boiled inside Tommy. He was torn. One part of him was screaming in vindication, the other was absolutely sickened. Even Dream didn’t deserve this, did he?
“Know why I was being tortured?”
Tommy said nothing, his mouth completely dry. He didn’t want to know the answer, but his voice stuck in his throat.
“The revive book, Tommy,” Dream said. “Someone wanted to know how to use it.”
With great effort, Tommy managed to get his throat unstuck. “What–what the fuck does that have to do with anything?” His words were raspy and shaky.
“It has everything!” Dream screamed so loudly it reverberated off the obsidian walls. “Everything to do with this! Do you know how fucking long I endured what would have had you crawling and pleading in two minutes? You know how many days I spent with nothing more to look forward to than the destruction of my body and sanity? And I could have gone on longer,” he said, punctuating his words with hysterical laughter. “Oh I could have gone on until they chopped off all my arms and legs and I was nothing more than a half dead chunk of meat on the floor! But guess what?” Dream stepped closer, and Tommy could see the manic glint in his eyes. “Guess what? I chose to give in. I let them in on my powerful little ability. Know what that means?”
Tommy took a step back, revulsion rising up inside of him. This was too much. It was too much. This was not what was supposed to happen, everything was going wrong. Tommy hated feeling so out of control. A voice inside him was screaming at him to just put the fucking axe through Dream’s face, but Dream was so clever; he always knew exactly what to say to derail Tommy, make him doubt himself.
“Know what that means, Tommy?” Dream asked again. The light from the lava behind Tommy painted Dream’s face in an evil red glow. “It means there will be someone to bring me back if I die. I have a safety net. You can’t kill me!”
“No.” Tommy shook his head. “No, no, no, no! You’re lying! All you do is lie, Dream!”
Dream shrugged. “I mean, you can think that, if you want. And who knows, maybe they won’t want to bring me back. But the thing is, now there will always be a chance that I could come back. As long as one person knows how to revive the dead, the dead can’t be gone forever.” Tommy’s eyes widened with the horror of revelation. Deep down, he knew Dream was right. And just like that, his entire plan was all for naught.
“So go ahead, kill me,” Dream continued. “But I’ll never truly be gone. You will always live in fear that one day, I’ll come back. So you see? You can never escape me, no matter what you do.” Dream stepped even closer to Tommy, who was frozen in terror, and put a mangled hand on his shoulder. “Did you actually think,” he said, bending down, his beaten face inches away from Tommy’s, “that you would ever get closure from me?” Tommy’s skin crawled, and every part of him wanted to recoil at Dream’s touch, but he had been cornered against the lava. It burned the back of his neck. “You didn’t actually think I would ever let you be free of me, did you?” Dream’s voice was deathly soft, quiet but dangerous, like hidden poison. “No. You may think you’ve moved on, but I will always reel you back in. You may think you have me under control, but I will always have you right where I want you. You might be able to physically leave this prison, but really, we both know you will always be stuck in here with me.”
Something snapped in Tommy’s mind. Without thinking, without pausing to let his brain register what his arm was doing, Tommy swung his axe. He felt it connect with something solid with a sickening crunch. He pulled back and swung again. And again. And again, even after Dream’s lifeless body fell to the floor. It was as if he had been possessed by a hateful monster, avenging himself for all the suffering Dream had caused him. He didn’t even realize he was screaming until he was out of breath. Tommy continued hacking away until the violent energy seeped from his body, until he was utterly drained.
Tommy stepped back, breathing hard. It was over. It was done. Dream was dead. But was he truly gone? Tommy looked around him, as if Dream’s ghost might be in this very room. Stupid, he chided himself. Tommy wasn’t going to let Dream get the best of him anymore. He was done. Fuck whatever Dream said about there being a chance of him coming back. With new purpose, he cleaned off his axe, wiping away the stain Dream had left on it. Tommy would see to it that Dream stayed dead. This really would be the final visit. Now all he had to do was deal with the person that knew how to use the revive book. Tommy turned away and left the prison. For the last time.
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k7l4d4 · 3 years
Midnight Striga: Fairy Tail/Owl House Cross Fic Episode 5 Part 8
Here is the next chapter to Midnight Striga. I hope you all enjoy it. Thank you.
Lilith was lost in the haze of memories. It was understandable, really, when you took into account what had happened. Her sister, who she had steadfastly looked down upon and seen as inferior in terms of ability and power, doubly so when counting her curse, had utterly dominated her in a Witch’s Duel, publicly solidifying her place as greater than the head of the Emperor’s Coven. Greater than Lilith. It was a bitter pill to swallow, one she’d been denying for years.
It was funny, really, how much of a farce it all was; the illusion that she was a great and powerful witch. Oh Lilith was certainly strong, that was without question! But she was so far from being her sister’s equal that it was anything but funny, by itself. Each and every fight, every confrontation, looking back, they always ended the same. Edalyn would show up, causing trouble as she pleased, and when Lilith arrived to confront her, they briefly battled, Eda cracking jokes and being witty, before pulling a stunt at the last minute to escape. In none of those conflicts had Eda ever shown serious effort or treated their battles as anything other than a way to pass the time or a chore to work around.
Eda may not have held back against Lilith, but she had never once seriously fought Lilith in all her years in the Emperor’s Coven; each fight was nothing more than Lilith attempting to sooth her own ego, and Eda indulging her because she could. It was sobering, to realize that you were so small. Muffled screams echoed in her ears, but she paid them no mind. Edalyn was there, clearly she could take care of it, and not a weak failure like herself.
Better to sink into the veil of her memories, where she could do no harm.
“So, why do you want to join the Emperor’s Coven?” “Isn’t it obvious? Because I’ll be able to help people, of course! I could do so much to make the world a better place!” “Heh, good luck with that!”
“There is only one opening for the Emperor’s Coven, you two will have to fight for it.” “”WHAT!?””
“No! I refuse to battle my own sister! I’ve decided covens aren’t really my style. Hey, don’t forget about me when you're a big shot, sis.”
Even her own memories conspired to reveal what a fool she was. Even back then, Eda would’ve never challenged her, her sole motive for joining the Emperor’s Coven being to support Lilith and retain her magic, nothing more. The curse was pointless, nothing but the petty jealousy of a child. She still was a child, in the end, a stupid, spoiled, beligerent child who refuses to accept their flaws for what they are.
Was that Edalyn? No, surely not, nothing on the Isle, bar Belos, could challenge her, not truly, of that she no longer had any doubts. But, what if…?
“I do what I want to do, nothing more… nothing less…!”
 Lilith paused in her thoughts, forcing herself to focus on the present. Screaming, laughing, explosions and fire, echoing all around her.
“But for all that I hate Bonehead… I love the Isles… and the people who call it home…!”
 Lilith winced at the sheer volume of it all. Taking a deep, slow breath, she tried again, tugging at her senses, pushing herself to the surface of her mind.
“So if you think I’m just going to stand back… and let you kill people because you feel like it… then you’re even crazier than you look!!”
Her eyes snapped open. They flew across the stands, her already pale skin dropping in palor at the horror surrounding her. Death, injury, and suffering. Witches, Demons and Witchlings battling for their lives. Where were her subordinates, where were the guards!? ...Where was Edalyn?
Lilith’s head snapped to the side, eyes widening at what she saw, and what she heard.
“Even if I die, I’ll have died fighting for my freedom. Give it your best shot, you two-bit bully.”
Edalyn, held in ice-clad hands by the throat, her captor rearing back a fist filled with jagged ice, ready to run her through. This. Would not. STAND.
As the stranger lunged to attack, Lilith sprung, her staff intercepting the blow. Staring into eyes as cold and blank as death itself, she hissed out. “Stay. Away. From my sister.”
“Ah, so the prodigal daughter comes to challenge her betters.” Reticulus hissed, amusement coloring his voice. “I see you conquered the tests I sent your way without issue!”
“Tests?” Willow said, voice hushed. “YOU CALL ALL OF THOSE ATROCITIES TESTS!??” She screamed. The look of rage mirrored on her friends’, and Amity’s, faces.
“But of course.” He replied placidly. “Everything I do, I do for the sake of building the most perfect body. So why would I not implement tests to find out who is worthy of joining the art that is my form?” He stated, his tone no different than if he had said that he was breathing, or that he enjoyed food. He turned to Luz, amusement dancing in his (most likely, if not definitely, stolen) eyes. “Have you come to return yourself to our care again? Or will you offer up your form to join my work in a futile display of resistance?”
Luz paused, glaring in deepset hatred, before doing something that surprised them all. She started laughing, chuckling really. “You know something? I honestly forgot how much of a pretentious piece of shit you were.” She said, her laughter having subsided, lazily cracking her neck, a glow building in her hands. “You were this big bad monster in my memory, this unstoppable thing I could never hope to face. But now? You’re still a monster…”
She leapt into the air, clapping her hands together, palm to fist, to cast. “BUT YOU’RE A MONSTER IN CAN KILL!” She screamed. “Light-Make: Parliament!” A flock of owl constructs ripped through the air, slamming into Reticulus’ body, drawing roars of frustration from the mismatched madman.
“Impudent wretch!” He growled. “Arteriel Assault!” The flesh of his arms rippled and shifted, the arteries in his arms ripping out from his skin, morphing into the shape of gun barrels. Luz’s eyes barely had time to widen as pressurized bullets of blood ripped through the air, her hastily cast shield barely blocking the spray. Turning his gaze to her team, he cast again. “Rib Bunker!” The flesh of his torso peeled back, his ribs shooting forth like homing rockets, each one screaming towards them.
Eyes widening, Amity and Willow quickly called up their defenses, Amity’s Abomination grabbing the ribs from the air in concert with Willow’s vines, Gus covertly casting a layered illusion, just in case. Moving to the offensive, Amity directed her Abomination to tackle Retic’s legs, the oozing form of it entangling the limbs and seeping into the ground, binding it, however crudely. Joining Amity in the attack, Willow summoned her plants, blasting into Reticulus with a barrage of launched thorns and vine-based whip strikes. To their disgust and morbid fascination, Willow’s vines managed to dig into the seams of Reticulus’ stitchings, pulling them open, exposing the muscle and bone beneath.
“How dare you worms harm this form? The culmination of my life’s work!?” He screeched, the flesh of his limbs morphing into a bevy of blades and spears. With a scream of rage, he attacked again, his fury only barely restrained by his desire to see how competent these wretches truly were.
“Yeah, that’s kind of the point, we are trying to kill you, so of course we’re damaging that patchwork of corpses you call a body!!” Luz retorted, another spell building. “Light-Make: Peacock!” An elegant bird crafted from light soared forth, it’s ostentatious form twirling through the air, cutting through the flesh-formed weaponry Reticulus was deploying. As Retic’s attention was drawn by the flashy construct, Luz ran forth, tucking into a slide. As she passed underneath Retic’s legs, she gave a feral grin. “Light-Make: Radiant Durendal!!” The colossal spear ripped upward, slamming into Retic’s groin and torso, prompting the depraved maniac to scream in agony, flying into the air from the force of the blow.
Sliding back, she braced herself for whatever counterattack he cooked up. Willow shouted, summoning a massive vine which latched onto Retic’s leg, slamming him into the ground, a sickening crunch echoing from his body.
“THAT IS ENOUGH!!” He screamed, his body pulsing and swelling in all directions. “Living Corpse Cannon!!” With a horrific shriek of tearing skin and ripping muscle, bloody holes opened all over Reticulus’ body, bone, blood, and extra organs launching with the force of a machine gun every which way. Panting, Reticulus turned around, and burst out laughing. Luz and the others lay broken, bloody, limbs shattered all around him. “THAT IS WHAT YOU FOOLS GET FOR CHALLENGING ME!!!”
“You know, I always regretted how I left Oroboros.” Luz’s voice croaked out.
“Oh?” Reticulus smirked, leaning forward in condescending glee. “Does the wayward doll realize how foolish it was to challenge our whims?”
Luz weakly snorted. “Not hardly, you bastard.” She choked out. “I always regretted… that I wasn’t strong enough to take her away from you all. If I was stronger, braver, maybe I could have saved her, and we’d have both gotten away.”
“Pfft. And the difference between then and now is… what, exactly?” Reticulus mused, leaning close to her broken form.
“This time,” Luz smirked, blood seeping from her lips. “I’m not afraid of dying in the process.” In a burst of light, she and the others exploded, rematerializing ten feet further away, injured for sure, but nowhere near as broken as he had seen, a truly massive light building in Luz’s palms. “And I’ve got friends with me… to stop you!” She shouted, Amity and Willow shifting into action. Amity’s Abomination surged forth, slamming into his legs, holding him fast. Willow’s plants ran up the length of his arms, seizing him and pulling his arms tight and immoble.
“You may be stronger than us.” Amity stated, still composed, even as blood streamed down into her eyes, her left arm visibly dislocated.
“But we just need to hold you still!” Willow grunted, swaying roughly, blood coating her hands, a small trickle flowing from her mouth.
“And I’m using my illusions to get everyone to safety, and away from your goons!” Gus declared, blood leaking from his ear, heavily favoring one of his legs over the other.
“Which means I’ve got all the room I need… to do this!” Luz shouted, the light bursting forth. “Light-Make: Owl Beast!” In a flash, a colossal form burst forth, careening into Reticulus’ mishmash of a body, the force ripping it free from his bindings… but without the bound limbs in question.
“NO! NONONONONONONO!!!” Reticulus screamed, blood streaming from the broken stumps that used to be his arms and lower torso. “YOU CANNOT DO THIS!! I AM RETICULUS CREEVES!! I AM THE MASTER OF FLESH!! THE SHAPER OF FORMS!!! YOU CANNOT CHALLENGE ME!!!” He screamed, raging against the beast that slammed his broken form into the wall, blood splattering with each impact, its talons and beak ripping and tearing away the stolen flesh of his body. As it dug deeper, his screams and protests grew weaker, and weaker, until all the kids could hear… was a whimper.
As the approached the crater that held whatever remained of Reticulus, they peered inside. Their stomachs turned slightly at the sight; all that remained of the vicious Mage was his collar and head, still alive only by the nature of his magic and his sheer stubborn desire to live.
“Any last words?” Luz asked coldly, the pain and rage from her time working with this monster surging back to the forefront.
“Just two.” The head gurgled. His lips twisted into a horrific smile, mocking and hateful. “She… lives…!” He burst into uproarious laughter, hate and madness bleeding through, as Luz froze, images flashing through her mind, tears building in her eyes. It couldn’t be true… it had to be a lie… right!? It probably was… but whether true or false, the bastard had completed his goal when he said the words: he had hurt her at her core. As Luz fell to her knees, the others crying out in worry, she turned to the heavens, tears pouring down her face, and screamed herself hoarse. And then, she knew only darkness.
Staff whirling, Lilith slammed it into her foe’s cranium, grinning in satisfaction as he reeled back in pain. Turning to Eda, she demanded. “What’s happening?”
“Well, nice of you to wake up, Lily,” Eda snarked, before growing serious. “This bastard and his pals burst in, and said they were going to kill everyone. They probably have more in the rest of the Center, but the group they brought with them here is brutal enough.” She said, pointing up to the stands.
Lilith’s retort died in her mouth as she finally gained a clear look at the carnage surrounding them. Over a quarter of the spectators in the stands, including several children, lay dead, with those closest to them encased in ice. Her guards had been brutally butchered, many of them in multiple pieces, some of them melted, others burned to ash, but all of the guards she had brought in with her were dead. On a slightly more positive note, Principal Bump, Titan bless him, was managing to fend off the remaining soldiers this beast of a man had brought with him, directing multiple Abominations to intercept their attacks and retaliate. From what she could tell, he had managed to suffocate and slay at least ten attackers, leaving fourteen remaining.
“We have to stop this.” Lilith breathed out, fear and pain coloring her voice at the horror surrounding them.
“No duh,” Eda deadpanned. She held up a hand as Lilith moved to retort. “I don’t know why you got stuck in your head like that, and I don’t want to know. People who could still be alive right now if you hadn’t are dead because of that. We need to crush this bastard, and then we can go back to hating each other. Deal?”
Lilith bitterly nodded, unable to challenge the point. “Deal.” She turned to their foe, who was building up ice-based armor around himself. “What can you tell me about him?”
“He calls himself Rudolph, uses something called Frost Magic; if you touch it, it clings to you, saps your strength and your magic. I’m almost spent. We have to finish this fast.” Eda said gravely.
“Then you focus on offense.” Lilith stated clearly, twirling her staff. “And I shall focus on defense. Acceptable?”
“Perfectly.” Eda grinned. Nodding to each other, they lunged for their foe, Rudolph screaming in anger as bolts of ice ripped out from his armor.
“You fools cannot stop my symphony of death!” He cried, blades and spines bursting forth from his armor and the ground. Moving quickly, Lilith threw up her barrier, absorbing the blows. Smirking, Eda jumped into the air, a ball of flame forming. With a shout, she threw it, cheering as his armor was forced to absorb the blow. “You dare play games with me!?” He thrust his arm forward, a spear of ice ripping towards Eda.
“I said stay away!” Lilith shouted, whipping her staff upward. A bolt of magic crashed into the spear, changing its trajectory rather severely. The spear went careening, crashing through two of the attackers. 12 left.
“Maybe you shouldn’t have gone big with yourself, eh Frosty?” Eda joked, spinning her staff against the ground, a massive tube in Hooty’s image (a recurring nightmare of Lilith’s actually) ripping out of the ground.
“What the hell!?” Rudolph shouted in baffled rage, the spell forcibly wrapping around his armor, and constricting, drawing a roar of pain from the sadistic Mage. Eda lunged again, summoning bolts of flame to blast into the armor, craters appearing at each collision, with Lilith adding her lightning to stun the armor and draw a few more screams out of Rudolph.
Sharing a glance, the sisters nodded, pulling their staffs back. With a furious cry, the two launched their spears into the armor, shattering it, Rudolph plunging to the ground, a disgusting crack sounding upon his landing, followed by a pained scream. Crawling out of the crater formed by his landing, mad rage filling his eyes, Rudolph attacked. “Winter Spray!” He cried, launching multiple bolts of ice at the two witches. Eyes narrowed, Lilith intercepted, expertly deflecting each bolt into the crowd, each bolt driving through the bodies of one of Rudolph’s followers. The attackers now numbered 4.
Seeing that their attackers had shrunk considerably, the crowd rallied, dogpiling on the remaining Mages, magic being called up to hold them.
“No!” Rudolph yelled. “This shouldn’t be happening! You are supposed to be weak, helpless! We are the powerful, the strong! We are supposed to dominate!!” His ranting was cut off by Eda clocking the raving Mage across the head, the image of him killing that child from before so casually flashing before her eyes.
“Dominate that, you psychotic asshole.” She growled.
“Oh, Edalyn.” Lilith sighed.
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missingartist · 4 years
Witcher’s Mate Chapter 16
It wasn’t how she thought she would be making her way back from the tavern, on the shoulders of a very disgruntled man. Her annoyance grew with each person who pasted them, some gave her piteous looks of sympathy, other disgusted glared and most laughed and joked.
‘You didn’t have hit him.’ Adva grunted out, weakly kicked out at Geralt as he marched down the road, ignoring the looks from passerby.
‘Geralt let the fuck go.’ Adva growled squirming in his hold.
‘Respectable ladies don’t swear.’ Geralt bit out, and a short sharp slap echoed again the tree that lined the road as the Witcher’s hand came down firmly on her backside.
‘Geralt…Arghhhh’ another slap came down on her bottom. ‘Geralt!’ the wide eye women gasped and tried to manoeuvre her way around and shove his hand away from her rear, but the Witcher hold kept her effectively restained in a tight grip, one arm clutching her around the knee and the other hand firmly placed on her behind.
‘Since I am your ‘patron’ I can discipline you as I wish.’ Another blow jolted against her skin. Causing her to gasp louder this time.
‘Jaskier said that I didn’t…’ Another smack.
Adva growled at his brutish behaviour, as Geralt began to massage the area that he had just assaulted. They had not been hard, but just enough to pass an electric shock from her body and for a moment, stop her struggling. For a moment she thought about blasting him across the road, but in his state with whatever was wrong with him, it was no telling what might happen. Triss had told her that Witchers were made to resistant magic, and using it against him might make him angrier.
Listening carefully, she could hear him muttering under his breath, about Triss and Jaskier but mostly about her. ‘why couldn’t you just behave…the things I have done to protect you…that dress…what a prick…bloody bard…gonna tie you to the bed…cold bath…need to up my dosage…burn that dress, no tear it to shreds…no I’ll lose control….I can’t…I’m too weak…I need.’
Adva was convinced the Witcher had lost his mind as they made their way up the gravel path to Triss’s manor. Not a single candle was lit which made the house look desert and the probability Triss might intervene pretty much zero. Vague she wondered is there was anyone home at all, Triss might have had a meeting with the Marquis which meant she would have given the night off. Which meant she was alone with a possibly demented and powerful Witcher who had dragged her out of a tavern after punching out a Earl and slapping her arse. Adva held her breath as Geralt ascend the stair with heavy footsteps against the oak panels. In the dark and on the shoulders of Geralt, it was hard to tell precisely where they were going. With several long strides, Geralt entered a room and placed feet by his bed before he began to pace, crossing the room in three long strides.
‘Geralt what the hell do you think you are doing? What gives you the right to….’The scolding remark died on her lips as he stopped in front of her. Geralt eyes were wild and frantic, his body seems to be shaking, and his chest was rolling with a continuous growl like some beast. It terrified her. Never had she seen a man look so….so feral. Take a step back she moved across the side of the room, he didn’t follow, but his black eyes remain fixed on her as she watched him observed her quietly.
Geralt let his eyes roam over her. The dress was perfect; it showed off her curvy figure, and the colour was hers. The vibrant red compliment her paleness and made her blue eyes shine—a vision of pure beauty. The bodice pusher her tits up and showed them off though the fine material. With every heavy breath he was sure they would spill out. His little mate was delicious, so lush and fertile, staring up at him with wide glistening eyes, lips parted and chest heaving. Then he remembers, her flaunting herself in the tavern letting the men drool at her wearing that, he would have to destroy it, after all, he was the only one that should be able to see her dress like that.
‘You wore that into town’ Geralt lowly spoke. It was deadly calm as he continued to circle her, with slow and heavy footsteps.
‘Geralt…. You are scaring me.’
Geralt stilled at her side in the dark she couldn’t see him, but the silver beams of moonlight let her see his form shrink back from her with a muttered ‘I am sorry.’
The sound of his voice was so small and scared, it made Adva’s heart clench. In the dark, she could see the Witcher move to sit of the bed, even with her eyes she could barely make out the mans features. The figure was slumped and hunched over himself.
‘Geralt can you light the fire. Please’ Adva tentatively asked as she threatened at the end of his bed.
‘Please’ she begged.
Adva watched as the spell was cast and the room began to glow with a soft orange hue. Revealing the pained Witcher staring determinedly at the floor. Adva watched the man for a moment he seemed to have calmed down or at least his eyes were no longer a solid black. Slowly she moved till she was kneeling in front of him she covered his hand in hers. Adva was surprised her did pull away, but his eyes still were trained ahead and refused to acknowledge her. For several minutes she tried to get a response from he remained passive. Huffing in frustration, she gripped his head between her palms and forced it towards her, Geralt eyes slowly focused on her. They were sad and melancholy matching his features which were pinched and tired.
‘Geralt, you have to tell me what is wrong, …please.’
‘I can’t any more… it's too painful to stay away…. Adva I find you totally and utterly beautiful and captivating; I want you to be mine. Every time I am near you, all I want to do is touch you…please put me out of my misery.’ Geralt lovingly declared with as much tenderness it almost made her want to cry.
She blinked several times and inhaled deeply, ‘Are you drunk?’ She sniffed the air, but all she could smell was pure Geralt, a mix of earthy and spices, warm and soothing.
‘It disgusts you.’ Geralt sneered and pulled his hand away from hers. Flinching as if he touched burnt him.
Adva had never seen Geralt like this. She had seen angry, wrathful, serious, sarcastic and even on occasion bashful and happy but now he seemed injured, hurt. The revelation was as much of a shook to her as anything in her life, never had she thought she would get that answer from him. It was said with as much hope and sincerity as anything she had heard; she dared not to believe it. Uncertainty surged deep within her, Geralt was not the type of man who would lie and lead her on, he knew what he wanted and took it, by why would he, after all, this time tell her now. If his feeling were effecting that much, why try and fight it? Was he ashamed of his feeling and want to hide them? Or some notion of not wanting to take advantage?
‘No no, I am just…very confused. I thought you and erm Yennefer…’
Geralt leaned forward with a stern face ‘I. Adore.You.’ The word seemed to be sounded out as if they were unfamiliar and strange to him and to make the statement all the more solemn ‘I wanted to protect you, but I am a selfish man an in the tavern….I….I want you all to myself… I need you all to myself.’
Adva gazed across at him; his face remained firm and impassive, golden eyes always moving, taking in every minute detail of her face as a wave of emotion crashed down onto her body. Never had she thought anyone would say those words to her, she was dreaming surely. The thought that this beautiful man wanted her filled her with joy, casting away all the self-doubt and uncertain. Did he really like her like that? Could he?
Geralt watched in hope, but the silence was her answer; his little mate was repulsed and sickened by him. Shifting up Geralt nodded, face emotionless and grimed. ‘I understand. I will leave in the morning. Triss will…’
Geralt stopped as her mouth pressed against his. The feel was almost indescribable; plush full lips moved against his trembling, all velvety and soft. Wide eyes slowly drifted closed as he curled his arms around her curvy form and pulled her against him, his mouth playfully teaching against her inexperience mouth softly humming as she moaned so prettily for him. Slowly he let her weight push him back onto his back to have her straddled his waist, groaning as he felt her body pressed against her.
Pulling back, blue eyes met gold. Geralt couldn’t help but smile as she blushed a crimson red, shielding herself with her mane of curls. Reaching up, he drew her hair over her shoulder so he could look up at her as she beamed down at him. Adva laughed as he stared down at Geralt; his face lighted up in a gorgeous smile as his eyes glazed up in adoration. Bringing her hand up, he traced her cheek, groaning as she felt the warmth of her flesh underneath his fingertip the way she leaned into his touch, yearning for it.
Entangling his hand in her hair, she leaned up, brushes his lips once more against hers, trailing Geralt flipped her, so she was on the top as he let his hand roamed her body. Geralt smirked against lips as her body shivered in desire as his hand caressed her arse firmly, growling into her mouth as he ground into her. His other hand rubbed and massaged her hip and side, occasional brushing his hand against the swell of her breast. Adva panted hard as she pulled back, her lips tingled as she tried to catch her breath. Geralt looked at her with hooded eyes his hands still caressing her delicate flesh; the thin barrier meshed of her dress made her roll her hips in frustration wanting to feel flesh on flesh. Gazing up at his eyes stood transfixed, and with shaky hands, she tumbled with the strings of his tunic, fingertips tracing the lines of his chest, stroking the muscles with a lustful curiosity.
The Witcher leaned up and dragged his nose across her throat, as he tore at the shirt he wore, more caring as she pulled the shredded remains from his body. The smell was intoxicating him and gave him a high he didn’t know was possible; he was unable to wipe the smile from his face. Follow his nose he found the spot that he wanted to mark, it oozed her sweet smell, once they perform the ritual and he sank his teeth in right there she would be his, that thought alone was enough to make him nearly come in his pants.
‘I could smell you that you touch yourself, your scent was drenched into your skin, the lust, the want... the frustration. Did you play with your clit, finger yourself, tease your nipples. God that smell. I bet you did all three? My greedy little Goddess.’ He nuzzled her throat. ‘Hmmm? Yet, still, you couldn’t come, could you? Need me, don’t you? Tell me to stop before its too late.’ Geralt grunt out against her neck as he rocked his hips into her.
‘Please… don’t stop’ Adva gasp into the hair on the top of his head, she buried her face into the silk strands, clinging to him for dear life.
Pulling back, his eyes roamed over her; her clothes were rumpled and disheveled, her skirt was bunched up around her waist. She was panting hard with a deep blush spanning across her neck. Curls were tousled and fingered through to giver her an untamed beauty. Reaching out he combed his figure through her hair ‘I am going to take care of you, my needy little nymph …’ Geralt whisper against her lip ‘But after that, I am going to worship you,
Geralt flipped her over and pulled up her skirt and settled himself between her legs. ‘Love, anything you don’t like to tell me.’ Kiss ‘You have no idea how many hours I am going to spend worshiping and exploring your body. I am going to have you laid bare in front of me. Only for me to see.’ Geralt smiled as a furious red blush smeared its way against her skin, making it glow. ‘But for now, I will satisfy myself with this.’
Pinning her hip to the mattress with his, the Witcher position her legs as far apart as they would go, slowly rolling his hip against her core, his golden eyes searching her face. They only barriers between them were her underclothes and his breeches. His cock pressing against her heat as the sounds of panting and soft moan filled the air as their hip ground into each other. Closing her eyes, she couldn’t help but give herself over to the sensations that poured across her body. The friction was almost unbearable, sinfully good. Thrusting her hips up to his another wave of pleasure tingled against her core as she felt his hard hot throbbing cock. As his cock brushed up and down, she could tell how long and thick he felt against her, biting her lips, she stared at him as he stared down at her, brows furrowed in concentration.
Though his trouser he felt how drenched her core come and it clenched and pulsated against him ‘gods you're wet.’ He muttered, eyes pressed shut tightly, as he tried to focus on her pleasure. He easily he could come just like this pushed against her heat, but this was about her, about making her feel the exquisite pleasure that he had brought to her. Adjusting his hips, he placed his cock firmly over her clit and teasingly bucked against her, sending her into a series of shivers. Adva’s body convulsed and trembled; she inched closer and closer to the edge. Her small hand gripped his shoulder, his hips, his arse, the sheets and the pillow she rested against. The pleasure was too much, too good, so many feelings run through her to care about anything other than the overwhelming pleasure she felt.
‘Geralt….I cant….I’ she cried, nails digging into his shoulders as she tried to wiggle away from the overpowering feeling that was building up in the pit of her stomach.
Geralt pressed his torso down on stopping her from escaping his ministrations ‘You can’ he gritted out, his pace never faltering as his hips pitoned against her. ‘Come for me, Little Flower, My Little Goddess, my Nymph moaning for me so prettily.’ He purred, driving his hips forward to chase her release.
The feeling came out at her from no were. It was crushing and brutal, nothing like anything she had ever felt. It rolled over her in waves of heat. Her pussy tightened around nothing as the Witcher’s hips continue to rub his cock against her, pushing her through the tremors that wreaked her body. Adva was vaguely aware of Geralt soothing tones cooing softly at her and one of his hands gently gripping her face as she came, eyes unable to look away from her face.
Feeling the bed dip beside her disturbed Adva from the tremendous pleasure she felt rippling through her body. Forcing her eyes to open, lazying her eyes lingered and the golden skin of Geralt. His eyes never left her face as he draws her limp form onto his chest and arranged the blankets over her body. Adva smiled at him in her daze as he doted over her comfort. With her last ounce of strength, she snuggled deeper into his body, her thigh brushing against the thickness that hung heavily between his legs.
‘Geralt…I can…’ Adva glanced up biting her bottom lip.
‘Shhh, we have all the time in the world, little flower.’ Geralt purred, pulling her body tightly to his.
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I was supposed to update tomorrow, but honestly, I could stop myself.
Thanks to everyone who liked my last chapter @uncoolcloudyhead​ your comments always make my day same with you @ayamenimthiriel​
I hope you like this! I will try and update the next chapter Wednesday.
As always please leave a review xx
@threepupsinapuddle​ @broco8​ @introvertedmouse​ @whitespring21​ @crazynocturnalkiki​ @wonderlandfandomkingdom​ @shesthelastjedi​
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kitt3n00 · 3 years
Devils Don’t Cry Part 3
1ST PERSON: IZUKU POV:     I stared at Kacchan as he stared back at me. I smirked watching his face twist in pain as he stepped closer to me. "D-Deku..." I heard his deep voice say, this made my smirk fall. I hated that 'nickname', honestly it was more of an insult then anything.    "Hello...Kacchan~" I gave a small giggle as Kurogiri opened his warp gate around the children scattering them around the building. I looked over at Tomura and nodded before walking off towards a city looking area within the building. I would find Kacchan, in time, but for now we had work to do. 3RD PERSON: KATSUKI POV:      Katsuki groaned a little in pain as he was dropped onto what felt like concrete. He looked around before quickly standing up seeing Kirishima, his red haired friend, a.k.a. Shitty Hair to Katsuki. Katsuki made his way over to the red haired boy and looked down at him. "Get up Shitty Hair" was all he said before making his way over to another part of the building being able to see half of the USJ from it. He saw their teacher fighting a mob of villains in the middle and, honestly, kicking ass.      Katsuki glanced around as he felt Kirishima standing besides him inspecting everything he could see. "Bakugo we have to go help them!" his voice came out almost demanding as he watched their teacher fighting the horde of villains. "You go Kirishima. I need to do...something" Katsuki paused for a second as he searched for forest green hair from his vantage point. Kirishima looked at him confused before speaking up "Is it about that boy you seemed to know? I think you called him Deku? Who is he?"      This made Katsuki scowl and turn to the red haired loser. "Shut up Shitty Hair! Just go dammit! I'll be there soon!" He practically yelled at the red haired idiot before turning away only to stop moving as he heard footsteps coming up the stairs of the building. "Kirishima, out the window. Now." Katsuki's voice was dark and this made Kirishima nod and turn to the window. "Hurry up Bakubro." Kirishima said before jumping out the window activating his quirk so he wouldn't get hurt when he landed.      Katsuki stared at the door way as the steps got closer. He watched as a black gloved hand grabbed the edge of the door frame and a mop of forest green hair became visible before two different colored eyes, one blood red and the other bright green were locked with his own crimson orbs.     There standing in the door frame was Izuku Midoriya, his childhood friend, turned bully victim, turned villain staring him down with a sly smirk creeping onto his face. "Kacchan! I found you~" his voice sounded sickening before a creepy giggle escaped his throat. 1ST PERSON: IZUKU POV:      I made my way over towards the city area ready to fight if I ran into any of the UA brats. Luckily, more like unluckily, I didn't run into any. I heard some yelling from a building, two males it sounded like, so I began to head inside humming gently as I ascended the stairs. The closer I got the louder it became and I soon realized I was hearing Kacchan's voice which excited me for some reason.     I heard a noise of someone landing on the ground hard making me wonder if Kacchan had jumped out. I continued up the stairs soon coming to a door, I placed my hand on the door frame and moved to stand in the frame gasped very slightly and grinning in delight as I saw Kacchan staring straight at me. "Kacchan! I found you~" I couldn't help but be excited as I let a smirk dance over my lips and dark giggle escape making Kacchans face twist in disgust. 3RD PERSON: IZUKU POV:      Izuku took a step towards the confused blonde. Neither said a word as Izuku moved closer but after a moment of standing there Katsuki broke the silence. "D-Deku...you're alive!' he sounded almost happy to Izuku which confused to greenette. "That's not my name. Never has been and never will be. My name is Haikyo, Katsuki." the green haired boy gritted his teeth in anger as he stared at the blonde upset once more by the simple nickname. This made the blonde look at him oddly. "H-Haikyo? What the hell are you talking about Deku! Why would you wanna be called something so...so...terrible..." The blonde stared at him hurt filling his eyes as he watched the greenette.     Izuku reached into his pocket taking out a simple pocket knife before opening it and inspecting it. "Simple Kacchan. I will bring ruin on every false hero here! Including you! After all..." Izuku smirked again stepping closer to the blonde pointing his knife at the blondes face the blade only inches away. "It is your fault I'm here...How could someone as cold and heartless as you become a hero while I...I could become a villain." This sentence struck Katsuki making him look more confused. For one he hadn't even thought Deku could or would become a villain. It honestly hadn't crossed his mind. For two he couldn't understand how this would be his fault.     Izuku stared at the blonde a little surprised. "Really Kacchan? Hmm ok maybe this will jog your memory." He cleared his voice before making it drop low almost matching the blondes voice "'If you want a quirk so bad there is something you can do. Take a swan dive off the roof of the building and pray you'll be born with a quirk in your next life useless Deku!'" Katsuki's crimson orbs widened as his hands began to shake, small tears came to his eyes as he stared at the green haired boy. "D-De...Izuku.." he used the boys real name as his voice lowered, "Izuku I-I didn't mean it...I-I'm so sorry..."       "To late Kacchan." the green haired boy growled lowly as he stared at the blonde, murder in his eyes. "If you're really so sorry you'll let me kill you!" and with that the green haired boy launched forwards ready to stab the blonde. The blonde quickly moved out of the way grabbing the green haired boys arm and flipped him over slamming him into the floor knocking the air out of him and making him gasp for more. "D-Deku stop! I don't want to fight you!" "To bad Kacchan cause I REALLY wanna fight you." Izuku quickly kicked the blonde away before standing on his feet.     Katsuki raised his arm pointing it at Izuku ready to fire off an explosion to keep the green boy away. "What? Gonna burn me again Kacchan? Wanna hear me scream in pain. How cute~" Izuku took a few steps towards the blonde watching the palm of his gloves turn orange as he got ready to use his quirk before small sparks appeared in his hands. This made Izuku smirk as it was enough for him to active his quirk making his red eye glow dimly.    Izuku dodged out of the way as Katsuki let an off an explosion. He rolled to the side and held up his hand letting his own explosion off hitting the blonde in the side and knocking him over. Katsuki held his side gritting his teeth in pain as he stared at the greenette. "H-how did you do that?!" Izuku crouched down next to him grabbing his leg letting his palm heat up as his glove burned away on the palm and he began burning into Katsukis hero costume.  "It's my quirk Kacchan. I can use any quirk I physically see" He giggled watching the blonde squirm as he burned his leg. 1ST PERSON: KATSUKI POV:     I looked at Deku a little surprised as he began burning my leg with my own quirk. It honestly surprised me that he had a quirk. Was he hiding it all our childhood, if so why? I looked down at my leg as I felt my skin burning under my costume. It was fire proof to withstand my quirk and for that I was thankful. I groaned a little in pain feeling my leg burn from his touch.    I felt the heat suddenly stop as I felt Izuku move to stand behind me. I felt one hand move over my mouth and began to heat up as his other hand laid across my chest before he pulled me closer to him whispering something. "Kacchan...what you did to me when we were kids...well...its changed me, clearly. And I'd like to thank you for that. Thank you for making me a villain. I'm going to warn you Kacchan...we're waging a war against the heroes soon. Be careful what side you're on." I felt his hands move away as he placed a gentle kiss on my cheek as I saw a blackish purple portal opening up in front of us. "Bye Kacchan. I'd stay out of my way if I were you. Next time I wont be so...gentle. I'll make you feel the same way I did in middle school~" I heard him giggle sadistically before he stood properly and grabbed his knife from the ground. I watched as he walked to the portal, turned and looked at me waving gently as he stepped backwards into the misty portal leaving me utterly confused on the floor of the building a burn forming on my face, side and leg.     How had Deku, defenseless little Izuku Midoriya become so...violent. And was it really my fault like he said...? All I knew in that moment was I needed to get back to my class, get treated for the burns and form a plan to save the damn nerd.
More at https://www.wattpad.com/user/kitt3n0
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