#No it's not going to anything problematic don't worry
tokutracts · 2 years
Kamen Rider Datas trailer
Unown text flicks through the background as words appear on-screen
“If you could change any one thing… just one little thing…
…what would it be?”
The scene fades out, to be replaced by what appears like a collegiate campus.
“Ah, the Battle Academia of Poketropolis. A fine place to learn many things, and yes a sisister secret lies beneath the surfa-”
“OI! Who let this guy in!” A young female voice calls out.
A teen male voice replies: “I don’t know, but he’s gotta go. We’re handling the trailer here!”
“What-but-Rider trailers aren’t narrated by the characters-HEY!”
loud crashing noises are heard, slowly getting fainter until they end with a BANG!
“Ah. That’s better.”
“And now to introduce ourselves!”
Cut to a female anthro Glaceon and male anthro Leafeon in school uniforms, sitting and chatting. An arrow points at the Glaceon first
“That’s me - Sarah Jacobs.”
–*And now the Leafeon*--
“Aaaand me. Max Jacobs, future Champion!”
“*pff* Sure, if you actually did your homework.” 
“Anyways, I am the responsible one, who actually does her assignments on time and gets good grades.”
Footage of Sarah studying, turning in assignments, and receiving an academic award is shown
“Hah, but get you in the arena and you’re stumbling over your own paws!”
Footage of Sarah (in gym uniform) tripping in combat, promptly followed by her being KO’d via Water Gun, is shown
“You little…”
The scene pans to show the Wartortle that took Sarah out looking all smug, before Max dives in with a glowing fist and knocks him silly.
“Meanwhile, I’m the one who covers her keister in the battlefield, and is the envy of all our opponents!”
Scene cuts to Max on the winner’s podium, basking in applause - before being smothered in a pile of very low-marked papers
“Or you would be if you weren’t always at the bottom of the class.”
“Grrrr… Well, enough about us.”
The scene goes back to the pair sitting together, laughing
“Yeah, you’re not here to watch two siblings bicker about each other. You’re here…”
The scene shifts and zooms, focusing in on a black-jacketed anthro Jolteon sitting impassively on a silver, tan, and light blue bike.
“For him.”
“Henry Alecson. Our hero, ladies and gentlemen.”
“Yeah, he looks rather tough and stoic doesn’t he? Well, it’s not quite by choice.”
“Yeah. The villains of this tale? Pretty much erased all his friends! It’s a miracle that he even remembers that he had any.”
“Tell me about it. Then again, it’s that sort of miracle that lets him be the hero here. Since, well, before he came along? None of us noticed a thing!”
Cut to: A worn-looking book, filled with Unown script
“Y’see, there’s this thing called the Unown Records. It’s how Arceus, Giratina, Palkia, and Dialga keep track of everything they’ve done for easy revision.”
The book is closed, held by a shadowy figure. He turns, revealing that he’s in an alleyway, a small, nerdy, shivering Rattata morph across from him.
“Problem is, if someone is able to get a hold on a copy…”
The figure extends a hand, which the Rattata slowly shakes… Cut to a rather swole-looking Ratatice showing off in front of several other students, some of whom seem to be oddly smaller
“They can change reality itself.”
A certain Jolteon is off to the side. He scoffs, heading into the hallway.
“And that's where Henry comes in. See, for some reason or another, he’s able to tell when these changes happen.”
“Which is a good thing, because changing reality recklessly?”
Cut to Henry walking away, only to turn around quickly when a scream is heard.
“Kinda has consequences.”
A bizarre black-and-red mass of muscle is in the gym, sending everyone scattering.
“These things? They’re called 'Distortions.' They’re nothing like Pokemon - they're just what happens when the Records are changed recklessly.”
The beast smashes into the hallway, howling bloody murder as everyone flees… Except for one particular Jolteon, who now has a bulky, silver belt buckle on his waist.
“Yeah, it's something about a bug in the system or the like. But the important thing is, if these guys are left unchecked? They can cause major damage, even kill 'mon!"
He holds up a silver cylinder, which had been made into a roughly conical shape, the lower half wider than the upper half. It’s then slammed down into a port on the right side of his belt.
"But thank Arceus, there’s a way to patch out these jerks.”
The top of the cone is pushed in, and the center of the belt lights up.
A sphere of silvery light erupts around the Jolteon, translucent text and numbers and pictures filling it. Transparent screens with much the same content appeared all around the Electric-type as his right hand went to a lever on the top of his belt, his left hand at a diagonal across his chest.
The lever is pulled across as Henry swings his arms out in a straight line, the belt sliding to the left to cover the cylinder and expose a round red screen in the middle.
The screens scroll and flicker, stopping on images of armor that soon fill the screen, forcing each window to bend to fit the armor’s form. The formed screen-armor clamps on the Jolteon’s body, clipping through ears and tail as it wasn’t designed for a ‘eon. Nevertheless, Henry smirked as the armor attached, the sphere swirling inwards to fill the armor in and make it solid.
"And its name?"
The armored Electric-type looked up, 7 red orbs lighting up on his ovular visor in a hexagon shape - the same shape that's lit up on the middle of his belt.
"Is Datas."
The logo for Kamen Rider Datas is displayed as the trailer ends.
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seventh-district · 22 days
not even gonna tag this properly bc i don't wanna get Involved but i do have some Thoughts i need to get out into the void so here we go
(aaa quick edit: CW for mention/discussion of Boothill leaks)
#today's gone Badly and i'm upset but instead of venting abt it i'm gonna channel that energy into doing a bit of tag rambling abt Boothill#well. less abt Him and more abt uh. self-analyzing my anxiety surrounding contributing to fandoms. he's just today's catalyst#like. i know it's mostly a me thing. i'm hypersensitive to criticism and very conflict avoidant + socially anxious + perfectionistic etc.#so I'm the one that keeps myself from posting more stuff out of fear of being criticized or called-out for what i've made#bc inevitably Someone's gonna see it and think its OOC or a problematic take or they'll misread my intent. etc etc what have you#but like. that's inevitable. there's no way to communicate every single thing with all of the nuance required to avoid misunderstandings#and other times it's not a misunderstanding it's just a difference of opinions and that's Fine!! there's no accounting for personal taste#there's no accounting for several things actually. taste‚ bias‚ lore-knowledge‚ differing levels of chronic-online-ness‚ etc#so this isn't me complaining abt the state of fandom culture (although i do think. sometimes. ppl take shit a bit too seriously)#but anyways all of this is mostly just anxiety-fueled. it's not like i very often actually even receive negative feedback or anything#if anything ppl tend to tell me that i'm overthinking it and killing my own fun and worried that my stuff is more OOC than it is#which like. yeah. Yeah u right :) but that's just the way that i am! always losing the idgaf war i suppose#anyways what's Boothill got to do w this ur wondering. well. i've been thinking abt the quickly emerging concept that he's illiterate.#and it just. has me feeling a lot of ways. and watching ppl disagree over it has me feeling some Bad ways. bc it's def a loaded topic!#if you'll pardon the pun there. and i don't rlly have anything new to add other than that i'm conflicted abt it.#like yeah i saw the leaks days ago. of him mentioning 'not hitting the books' much as a child when we ask him why he sends voice messages#or voice Transcriptions ig. ykwim. and like. *braces for impact* ...i liked it? like. it doesn't feel right to call it endearing#i'm not trying to infantilize him. ok that's not the right word either but ugh. you know? what i mean?? who am i kidding even i don't know#it's not quite right to say that it feels like Representation either. but it's something close i guess#as a southern person myself who didn't receive a 'complete' education due to factors that weren't to do with my intelligence#the concept of seeing him as a capable force to be reckoned with and respected who also happens to have not received much formal education#i like that. i do. but there's so many issues w it at the same time. like. as i said‚ being southern myself has me Wary of the way Hoyo is-#writing him. as well as of the way that the fandom is taking the bits of his lore and running away w them. and i'm Very aware of how ppl-#will see a southern character and be All Too Eager to agree that they're lacking intelligence based on our Redneck™ stereotype#sigh. and before we even go too far with this. it's not even confirmed that hes completely illiterate. which is a valid criticism i've seen#there's Multiple reasons that could make him prefer voice to text. but regardless. i'm just worried that ppl will misconstrue my intentions#like. example: that edit i made the other day of him saying 'no thanks i can't read'. wasn't me playing into the stereotype of-#'haha dumb country boy can't read!' it was. in my eyes. something he'd say as a joke to make light of a potential insecurity#like. i think there's far more depth to Boothill's character if ppl could look past the surface. and i dont wanna contribute to the problem#but sometimes ppl Will have stereotypical traits and i wish the same could apply to characters as long as it's done Thoughtfully.
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br1ghtestlight · 9 months
all my characters are a little bit unlikeable and annoying thats their job. they're all kinda terrible
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omniaspec-rat · 1 year
I can't do a single search on important topics because my brain has a hard time reading (and understanding/interpreting) this kind of thing but I also live in the age of fake news and I can't trust a single piece of information without researching it?? wow i sure love this /s
With the bonus that even topics that only depend on moral values are difficult because I have difficulty defining moral values and I also depend on others for this but I can't trust the moral values of others
My brain just has a fun way to end my autonomy (specifically with opinions) /neg
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okiria · 1 year
I'm trying to kinda... reclaim April because there was a lot of stupid discourse in the fandom back in the day and almost every other vocal fan of his I've seen has been kinda toxic so I'm too afraid to go in his tag 😔
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ozzgin · 4 months
A nice character with a yandere split persona. The Yandere persona was born out of the abandonment of the character by a loved one, maybe mom. Did he kill her just so she could stay? Maybe. Only the Yandere persona knows, the character is oblivious, he just knows his mom left him. But he oddly feels ok about it as though the situation has been reconciled... which is weird to him.
Now he meets and falls in love with yn. She must not leave. It's f around and find out
Btw I love you ❤️❤️❤️ The Yokai series is my fave
Oooh, I’ve been thinking of a context for your idea and I somehow got stuck on a serial killer who is unaware of it most of the time. Since you mentioned abandonment and obsession, my mind wandered to some of the typical habits, such as collecting trophies. I’ve also been wanting to try my hand at writing a serial killer, so hopefully it turns out to your liking. (Sending back the love, always a pleasure to see your comments ❤)
Although let me include a little disclaimer, because I am aware many things in the sphere of true crime are problematic: this in no way glorifies or romanticizes serial killers. Just a reminder that this is a work of fiction and all behaviors displayed are for the sake of an interesting story, not to be admired in real life.
Yandere! Serial Killer x Reader
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You're temporarily staying with a kind, quiet man renting out a room in the house he inherited. It's just the two of you, and a locked bedroom he claims to be vacant. Yet as night falls, you hear the whispered arguing of a voice you don't recognize. Is anyone else there?
[Part 2] | [More original works]
Content/TW: female reader, mentions of murder, obsessive behavior, horror
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You must break the pattern today, or the loop with repeat tomorrow
He stares at the locked drawer of the bureau. The clock ticking in the background fades into an irritating buzz, drumming against his ears at irregular intervals like a swarm of insects. Once again, he cannot remember where the key is. Yet he does not feel compelled to search for it. It cannot be anything of significance, he tells himself. Forgotten knick-knacks, perhaps. Despite the apparent lack of curiosity, he is drawn here every morning. He wakes up, carefully folds the sheets, and goes to sit in the office. Tick-tock. Tick-tock. Until, at last, the noon hour strikes, and the hallways are flooded with ghastly chimes.
Lately, however, other sounds have taken over the usual silence that envelops the house. The main door rattles faintly before opening with a creak.
“They were out of our bread rolls. I got a baguette instead.”
It’s you.
He stands up, as if startled from deep slumber, and hurries downstairs to greet you. He takes the grocery bags from your hands, flashing a smile of gratitude. Somehow, the idea of another person living here is still foreign to him. He’s gotten so used to the solitude, the quietness of the house. Time stands still when there’s no one else to remind you of it.
You glance up at the tall man, noticing his slight frown.
“Another brain fog?” You ask, worried.
“Don’t mind me. It’s a morning routine at this point”, he jokes. “More importantly, what would you like for breakfast?”
He always cooks for both of you. Initially, you were rather hesitant to go for his offer. You’d been looking for temporary accommodation and stumbled upon his advertisement. A cozy, vintage house the man had inherited from his lamentably departed mother, with one too many spare rooms. He had no need for all the space, he said in his description. You paid him a visit and were taken aback by his appearance. A massive, muscular frame that did not fit the rest of his mannerisms and features. He was soft-spoken, polite, and terribly shy. His eyes reflected the kind of gloom to be expected from anyone in his situation.
A sweet, gentle soul looking for company. On top of that, if you are to be technical, he’s a housemate difficult to compete against. Well-kept, mannered, organized, and thoughtful. He keeps to himself. You’d learned, soon after moving in, that he suffers from the occasional brain fog and memory loss. He goes for walks at odd hours to clear his mind. Enjoys reading in his office, although you’ve caught him just staring into space many times. Terribly inconvenient for the poor lad, you imagine.
The house itself is also not a bad deal by any means. Old fashioned, littered with trinkets and paintings. “My mother liked to collect many things”, he’d told you. It certainly has personality, to put it mildly. Some belongings are more bizarre than others: portraits of faceless people, with features smudged or distorted, doll heads in pompous, feathered collars hanging in clusters across the musty walls. Peculiar, but manageable.
Only at night does it become unsettling.
“Going for a walk?”
You’re curled in one of the armchairs, flipping through a magazine you found. It’s been hours since your little breakfast together and now the sun is beginning to set. The man is buttoning up his coat, standing in the doorframe and gazing at you with a smile.
“Yeah. I’m starting to detach a little. Maybe some fresh air will help.”
It’s nice, he thinks, having you here. He didn’t expect much when he ventured to rent out a room. He just wanted to hear the murmur of life again. Ever since his mother has passed…when did it happen, again? Better yet, how did it happen? Christ, he can’t remember. The last memory he has of her is not something to cherish. She was angrily shoving him out of the way, visibly annoyed by his cries and pleading. “Please don’t leave me”, he kept croaking in a pathetic tone, dragging his knees like a beggar. Then it’s all black. Black, like the cover they kept over her body at the morgue, to hide the mutilated remains. Black, like the tie he struggled to knot before her funeral. At that time, the sheets of her bed were still scattered, as if she never left. He could almost see her there, reflected onto the mirror’s surface – rather dirty as a matter of fact, he should wipe it soon – sitting melancholically on the edge of the mattress.
To think he’d be hearing footsteps again. A soothing voice. Even if it’s temporary, your presence in the house has been a blessing. Even if you must leave eventually. His lips purse involuntarily.
You hear the door close, followed by the key twisting inside the lock. You’re alone now.
With haste, you get up and sprint upstairs. You pull out a hairpin from your pocket and discreetly insert it in the cylinder. Today you find out if the spare bedroom truly is as vacant as your housemate claims.
When you first viewed the house, he mentioned that only this room will remain locked. It was his mother’s and he’d rather not look at it, he said. Let it gather dust, for all he cares.
Only at night, you’ve been hearing someone else’s voice. It didn’t happen immediately. Weeks after you’d moved in, you woke up thirsty and tiptoed on your way to the kitchen for a glass of water. On your return, you were surprised to see dim light coming from underneath the door of the forbidden bedroom. Visitors of your housemate? You hurried back into your bed, not wanting to intrude. But the following night you jolted up from the same mumbled voice. Strange that he’d invite someone over this late - twice in a row! - without saying a word to you. Even more, they were arguing like this. Curiosity got the better of you, so you snuck out and placed your cupped ear against the wall.
“No, no, no, no. I’m telling you, it’s different. She’s different from the others.” A deep, ragged voice retorted angrily.
Suddenly, there was a loud thud, a fist smashing against something, then glass shattering over exasperated, shouted curses. You ran back to your room, baffled. Who on Earth was there? You could feel your heart throbbing inside your chest.
Morning couldn’t come quick enough. You marched over to your housemate, demanding to know who this stranger was. He stared at you, wide eyed and incredulous. “There’s no one else here, dear. Just you and me.” Nonsense. You knew what you heard. You’d been wide awake! He gently placed the back of his hand against your forehead. “Could it be that you’re sick? Weather has been dreadful lately.” You scanned his face with hitched breath. Was he mocking you? Yet his features betrayed no such intent. The man seemed genuinely worried; face twisted in a caring frown.
Then what? A ghost? An intruder that fancied having a chat in a dead woman’s bedroom?
You fiddle with the pin until you hear the click. Finally. Surely whoever has been frequenting the place must’ve left some clues behind. You carefully open the door and peek inside. A broken mirror and some furniture covered in webs. There’s a lingering rusty smell that tickles your nostrils, and soon enough you find the source. Next to the old bed lays a cloth splattered red. On top of it, a leather folder from which scalpels and other surgical tools fell out haphazardly. Blood? Your mouth curls in disgust. You crouch to the floor to inspect the odd items and notice a jar glistening from underneath the bed. You pull it towards you and give it a rattle. Nothing heavy. You lift the jar into the light for a better look and gasp.
“Oh, I forgot to put those away.”
It’s the same deep voice you’ve been hearing at night. Your stomach drops and you turn, slowly, towards the entrance. Horror is swiftly replaced by confusion once you realize it’s none other than your housemate.
“Y-you’re back from your walk?” You blurt out.
“Walk?” He inquires. “Ah, that’s what he told you.” He steps towards you and lowers himself to your level with a grin.
“Have you come to say hello?” He points towards the tall, shattered mirror. “This is (Y/N), mother. See, I told you she’s stunning. You didn’t believe me.”
He ruffles your hair with a boldness completely unfamiliar.
Nausea overwhelms you and your ears ring in panic. Whatever is happening right now is beyond your understanding.
“I’d like to go to my room now.”
“I recognize that speech all too well. You want to run away.”
Within seconds, he grabs one of the scalpels and points it towards your throat, poking your skin with its cold tip.
“Now, don’t embarrass me in front of her like that. Do you know how hard it is to convince this bitch of anything? I told her you’re not like them, (Y/N). Don’t prove me wrong.”
“Them?” You whisper, lungs devoid of air.
“Come, let’s put this with the others first.” He pockets the scalpel and lifts you up by the hand, tenderly kissing your fingers in the process. “Then we can talk.”
You follow him into the office, and he unlocks one of the desk drawers. Against your better judgment, you stretch over his shoulder and glance inside. ID cards of various women, jewelry, lipsticks. Teeth. Fingernails.
You want to cry.
He nonchalantly dumps the contents of the jar into the drawer and slams it back shut, then throws himself in the chair and pats his thigh, eyeing you. With a sob, you clumsily climb onto his lap.
“Back to our matters. What were you planning on doing?”
“I just wanted to lay in bed.”
He takes out the scalpel and draws a line across your cheek. It stings.
“Don’t lie, (Y/N). You have nothing to gain from being naughty with me.” He coos, placing a kiss over the fresh wound.
“I wanted to run away.” You confess, petrified.
“Good. Do you now understand what happens if you try to run away?”
You briefly look at the drawer and nod.
“I knew you would. You’re so smart.” He strokes your hair fondly. “Not an easy decision to make, mind you. I love you more than anything in this world. Who’d enjoy killing their one and only?”
The man ponders his next words with a hum.
“Don’t count on getting away while he’s awake, either.” He taps his temple and chuckles. “He has no idea and won’t stop you, but I can easily find you again.”
The eggs sizzle in the pan as you stare at your plate, background sounds melting into shapeless static. After a couple more minutes, the man turns off the stove and places the food on the table with a cheerful whistle.
“Eat up!” He encourages you.
You hold onto your fork with faintly trembling hands.
“This might be the last breakfast I cook for you, after all. You’re leaving tomorrow, aren’t you?” His last sentence trails off and he smiles, dejected.
“Actually, I was wondering if I could…stay here instead.”
He gazes at you in disbelief.
“Truly? I-…That’d be fantastic.” He laughs awkwardly and scratches the back of his head, a deep red blush spreading over his cheeks. “Do excuse my rudeness. To be honest with you, I’ve grown quite fond of our arrangement. I really do like having you here.”
You return the smile without responding.
“Most exciting news. I’ll get the documents from the office after we eat, so we can draft a new lease.”
“That’d be lovely”, you answer curtly.
“Say, have you by any chance stumbled upon a small key around the house? I wanted to finally unlock the drawer upstairs, but I can’t remember where I could’ve left it.”
The knot in your stomach tightens.
“Not at all.”
“Don’t sweat it. I’m sure it’s nothing important, anyways. Old memorabilia, most likely.”
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"The biggest issue is students using it, me spotting it and having no recourse whatsoever to do anything about it." can you elaborate a bit further
Hello !
So to explain a bit more: we [aka your lecturers, teachers, teaching assistants, etc...] know that some students will use ChatGPT.
And there is a discussion to be had about how to work with this, how to design assessment which allow students to leverage something which may simply become a fixture of writing in a workplace environment, but that is not the discussion we are having here. Because that is not what we are worried about.
The defensible, problematic situation is: a student straight up entering the essay prompt on ChatGPT, and using the grand skills of Ctrl+C / Ctrl+V, submits it as their own paper.
And our main worry, I think, was for a long time that we would not be able to catch it. That students would, actually, be able to fool us and that we would actually think this was a student who understood the course, who put in the work, and who deserve to be rewarded for their grade. That was the main fear.
But here is the thing.
And listen up, students :
Essays written by ChatGPT :
Are spotted from a mile away from the person reading it
For real. They suck.
I cannot stress enough how easy they are to spot. You are NOT fooling anyone. I do not need the platform's AI-detecting tool to know when an essay was written by Chat GPT. It is so, very painfully obvious when that's the case.
But the problem then becomes : ok, I have spotted a student who cheated.
What am I even supposed to do with it.
It is one thing to KNOW that an essay was AI-generated, it is another to defend it to a plagiarism committee. First of all, does it actually count as plagiarism ? Second, how do prove, with certainty, that the student did not write it ? How to I convince the plagiarism committee that this is worth looking into ? I am in the role of a police officer, who needs to convince the DA that this is a winnable case, that prosecuting will not be a waste of their time. But I don't have a Similarity Percentage to rely on. I don't have an original source to say "look, this is the exact same wording!" like in a classic plagiarism case.
Best case scenario, I can make my case for thee student to actually be called to the plagiarism committee, where we probe into how, exactly, they wrote their essay, until they fold. Unlikely, morally questionable, and in all likelihood, ineffective on students already so confident in their bullshit that they have the audacity to submit a fully AI-generated work for their finals.
Now, students, gather up, especially if you have considered using Chat GPT this way. Because right now, you might think it means you can get away with it.
But let me tell you something. First, that essay is getting the shittiest grade we can give you. Because you know what is more difficult than a lecturer proving that a student used AI to generate their essay ? A student proving that they deserve a better grade. Once we give you a grade, burden of evidence is on you to prove that you have not been graded properly. And we can come up with 15 reasons why an essay is a shit essay. We put on kids' gloves, when we lecture and give feedback. We give the simplified version of most theories, we give the basics of how to structure an essay, the bar we set is spectacularly low, because students come in good faith, they are learning, they will not be held at the same standard as academics. But if you try to argue that you need a higher grade, when you had the audacity to not write a single word of your work, the kids gloves are going to come off real quick, and your lecturer will be able to very convincingly explain why, actually, giving you a passing grade was a mercy in the first place.
Second. Academics, especially angry academics, are a gossip machine.
You may get a passing grade, and there may be no official note of it in your file whatsoever. But I can guarantee you that your lecturer will chat with their colleagues. That every single one of your essay that year, and the years to come, will be looked at with so much scrutiny I hope your referencing for every single work reaches perfection. Every single paragraph will be looked at with the knowledge that you are likely to have had it AI-generated. Lecturers will tell their TA to look at for That One Student when they grade you .You will not be getting any flexibility from us, no extension without full documentation to support it, no letter of recommendation from any member of the faculty, no word in your favor if you are bordering a grade bracket. If we are feeling especially petty, we might even forget to answer your emails or answer any question you have with such warmth and kindness you really still never feel like asking a question again in our class. And I know that, because that's already happening. I have the name of three undergrads that we know, for a fact, did not write their own essay. Two are not even in my modules at all.
Now. That's pretty mean. But if you have the absolute audacity and lack of ethics required to submit an essay for which you have not written a single word, and thought it would actually work, when your lecturer spent probably more that 80 hours working in this module this term, gave you the opportunity to meet for office hours, to ask any question in person or in email, to have extensions, accommodations, additional time ? When you decided that putting exactly zero second of your time, considered that you were above that - and above other students- and yet we were not able to officially sanction you for it, we had to give you a passing grade, the same passing grade as students who actually made an effort?
Yeah, sorry, you are not getting any sympathy from your lecturers anymore.
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thatmrmiller · 1 year
Every Man Gets his Wish
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Warnings: 18+ smut, significant age gap, virgin!reader, kinda purity/corruption kink, problematic conversations around the hetero-normative concept of virginity, unprotected sex, power imbalance, cheating, blackmail/ coercion, noncon, forced breeding. Dead Dove, very creepy content, overall discretion advised.
WC: 3.1k
A/N: credit to @serenaxpedro for the prompt, what an idea... Title is from the unreleased Lana song!
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Sarah Miller was your college roommate. You became friends quickly, she was bubbly and personable and you felt as though you had known her for years.
Soon it turned into something else, you weren't sure you were necessarily official, but you fooled around together and dated. Then, one weekend, she invited you to go home with her.
So there you were, in her childhood bedroom. Her dad was out and you were both hanging out the window, sharing a joint. She was giggly at the best of times but combined with the weed, she was downright ridiculous.
"Shhh!" You urged. "What if he comes home?"
"You think he didn't smoke weed in his twenties?" She laughs.
"That's different, you- We-" She pulls a silly expression, waiting for you to go on, but you burst out into laughter before you can finish your thought.
After the joint is finished you lay in bed together, her on her back with her head on the pillow and you on your stomach next to her, kicking your legs up in the air behind you.
You point out a poster on the wall "Who the hell is that?" You ask.
She laughs and gets out her phone. "A band I was obsessed with when I was younger. Listen."
She plays a terrible song, an angsty boyband and you laugh along with her.
You hadn't even heard her dad's truck pull up or him enter the house.
"I had such a crush on him." She admits, showing you a photo of one of the band members.
"Gross." You say.
"I thought you liked guys too?" She responds.
"I do, I guess, but I'm picky."
"What do you mean by picky?"
"Well... I've slept with probablyyyy..." You drag out the word. "I don't know. A few girls at least. But never a guy."
She laughs. "So you're a virgin?"
You throw a pillow at her softly. "I'm not a-" You laugh too. "I'm not a virgin. There's nothing that says you must sleep with a dude to lose your virginity."
She hums, unconvinced.
Neither of you are aware that her dad is standing right outside the bedroom door. He hadn't even meant to snoop, he was just going to knock and tell you he was home. But he was interested in the conversation and listened in.
"I just have never met a guy I was remotely interested in sleeping with. They're so. Bleh." You pull a face as you make the mocking sound and she laughs.
"Well you're in college now so I'm sure that will change."
"College boys are no better than high school boys. They all suck." You giggle.
"I'm hungry." She announces, and jumps off the bed.
Just then, a knock sounds on the bedroom door.
"Can I come in?" A gruff voice sounds.
Your eyes widen in panic, worried he will come in, smell the weed, and lose his shit. You know your own dad would. Sarah sees your nerves and rolls her eyes at you.
"What is it?" She responds.
The door opens and you see Sarah's dad for the first time. He is tall and broad, visibly muscular under his tight dark tshirt. You look away, worried you were staring. But then again, you're high, and paranoid, and you probably weren't.
"Just came in to say I'm home. You girls need anything?" He asks.
"Food." Sarah says quickly. Too quickly. You shoot her a look.
He just laughs, muttering "I wonder why." Then he continues, "Well I went to the store today. There's chips, and, other stuff, I think."
She is already pushing past him.
He watches her go and then his gaze turns to you. He is smirking. He must be able to tell you are squirming with anxiety.
"I don't care about the weed." He says.
Your eyes are still wide in panic. You don't know what to respond.
He walks further into the room, still watching you.
"So..." He says. "You're Sarah's... Girlfriend?"
You feel your cheeks burn with embarrassment.
"Shouldn't you ask her that?" You say. Admittedly, it maybe comes out ruder than you intended.
He laughs and whistles. "Alright. Feisty. I see why she likes you."
You don't respond. You continue to stare at him. You don’t know what he wants from you, and the whole ‘Cool Dad’ thing isn’t particularly impressive to you.
He licks his lips. “Anyway, from what I hear, sounds like you’re a good girl. So I don’t mind.”
You wonder what he means by that and realise he must have heard the conversation that you were having just before he came in. If it was possible, you feel yourself blushing harder.
His gaze is practically painful, you feel so embarrassed. The look on his face tells you that he knows this, and something else behind his eyes tells you he might even be enjoying it.
“I liked what I heard.” He says. You can see his gaze wandering all over you, you are only wearing a vest and shorts. “Always better to skip messing around with boys and wait for a man.”
You don’t meet his eye.
Sarah’s footsteps approach and he goes to leave the room, shooting you a wink.
She enters with her arms ladened with chips, soda, and candy.
You laugh at the sight of her. She closes the door behind herself with her foot.
“What did he want?” She asks, dropping her stash on the bed.
“Oh umm…” You try and think of what to say. “Just asking how school’s going.”
She laughs. “Surprising. He doesn’t take an interest in my degree.”
You just smile back and shrug. You feel bad about lying but you don’t know how to explain that you think her dad might have been creeping on you.
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You lay in bed together, eating snacks and playing on your phones.
After a while, you’re thirsty. “I need water.” You say.
“Go help yourself.” She says, smiling.
“What if your dad’s downstairs?” You ask.
“It doesn’t matter.” She responds.
“Don’t be a baby.” She taunts. “You can go to the kitchen without me holding your hand.”
You hit her playfully. She knows you’re not even shy so you don’t have a good excuse as to why you don’t want to go down alone.
You groan loudly and stand up.
“Can I at least get a sweater? I feel naked.”
She gestures to one strewn over her chair.
“Thanks.” You say. You put it on and it drowns you, covering your shorts.
You tiptoe down to the first floor quietly, not wanting your movements around the house to be easily noticeable.
You hear the television on as you get to the bottom of the stairs and realise he is in the living room, you would have to walk directly past him to get to the kitchen.
You flash him a smile as you pass, and he stares at you. You turn round when you enter the kitchen and he’s still staring, his eyes glued to your ass. He doesn’t even try to be subtle. Gross.
You find the cupboard that contains the glasses and run the tap. You jump as you turn round and find he is standing there, only the kitchen island separating you.
“Cute sweater.” He says, pointing at your chest.
“Umm…” You look down. It has the name of a baseball team on it. “It’s Sarah’s.”
“Actually, it’s mine.” He corrects.
“Oh. Sorry. She gave it to me.”
“Nothing to be sorry about, darlin’. Looks good. Keep it.” He says, nodding.
You don’t argue, but it’s not like you are actually going to keep it. You’ll just take it right back off and give it to Sarah. You only put it on so you didn’t attract his attention. It unfortunately had the opposite effect.
You have dealt with creepy guys before, but you have never been in their house. It is so much more intimidating. The fact he was attractive made it harder too, drawing you to him despite the obvious danger he posed.
You offer him a stiff smile and go to make your way round the kitchen counter and past him. He sidesteps and blocks your path.
An awkward laugh escapes you, and you look up at him.
He watches you, smiling. The tension is getting to you. He doesn’t make any move out of your way.
“What do you want from me?” You whisper.
“What? Nothing, sweetheart.” He says, frowning in confusion.
For a moment, you thought he was being genuine and you think you might have been reading this all wrong. Guilt twinges at you and you consider the situation. Maybe he was just lonely and awkward. Maybe Sarah didn’t have people round often and he was genuinely trying to be welcoming in his own way.
But he still doesn’t move.
“Excuse me.” You whisper.
He reaches a hand out to touch your face. You recoil but he pursues you, taking another step closer.
He runs his thumb across your lips.
“Funny. What you said earlier about being a virgin. It’s so obvious to me now.” He says.
You freeze in place, feeling your face heating in shock and embarrassment.
“There’s this… Look in your eyes. And how shy and embarrassed you get, how much you blush.” He says softly. One of his hands is gently stroking at your face, his thumb still tracing your bottom lip.
You try not to meet his eye, desperately looking for something else to focus on.
“Maybe you could use a lesson.” He muses.
“Mr Miller I-”
He finally steps away. “Hey, no pressure. I’m just kidding.”
Then, as you walked away, he slapped your ass.
You curse yourself for moments ago considering giving him the benefit of the doubt. He knew exactly what he was doing.
You couldn’t turn to face him so you scurried back up the stairs. You heard him chuckle behind you and your skin crawled. What was this guy’s problem?
You slammed the door behind you after hurrying into Sarah’s room.
“Woah.” She says, looking up to take in your expression. “What’s wrong?”
She reaches out to you and you climb onto the bed beside her.
You try to smile but it’s stiff and you feel closer to tears than anything.
“I don’t know. Bad weed I think. I feel so weird.”
You couldn’t tell her what was going on with Mr Miller. You barely understood yourself, never mind trying to explain it.
“Come here, chicken.” She says, reaching out and pulling you into her chest. You laughed a little at the nickname you had for each other.
Her sweet scent and warmth lulls you to sleep.
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You wake up in the early hours of the morning needing to use the bathroom.
You pad barefoot across the hall and into the main bathroom. As you wash your hands, there is a soft knock at the door. You are still dazed from sleep and you open it.
You are instantly pushed backwards and the door closes again. Mr Miller.
He presses you into the counter immediately. He seems to have been drinking the whole time you have been asleep, his eyes a little glazed over and his movements slightly off balance.
“How you doin’?” He slurs.
“I’m fine, please-” He grinds into you, you are pinned against the counter and both his arms are either side of you, caging you in.
“Please, don’t do this.” You plead.
“What?” He says. “What don’t you want me to do?”
“I don’t know- just, any of this, please. I didn’t ask for any of this.”
“I think you did ask for it, baby. Think you’ve been asking for it all night. You came into my house, you bragged about never having been fucked before, and you expect me not to take that as a challenge? Paraded around in my clothes in front of me, with your ass out like a whore? Huh? That’s not asking for it?”
You feel tears forming in your eyes. “Bragging? No, honestly, that was a private conversation. One that you were not supposed to be involved in.”
“This is my house. Nothing that happens under my roof is private from me. Don’t be disrespectful.” He spits.
Your fear and discomfort turns into frustration. “Is this what you do? Force yourself on all of Sarah’s guests? I should go tell her.”
You try to push past him but he grabs both of your wrists and pushes his groin harder against you. You can practically taste the alcohol on his breath because of how close he is to you.
“Maybe I’ll go tell her you tried it on with me. She’ll be heartbroken, doll. You’re a real catch.”
You glare at him. This is fully-fledged blackmail.
“And then what ya’ gonna do?” He continues. “College is a long way off. So is home. It’s the middle of the night.”
You swallow your retort, realising he is right. You are technically stuck here, at least until the morning. You try a different tactic, sighing deeply.
“Listen, Mr. Miller, I’m really sorry for all this. I think we got off on the wrong foot. I, I don't want this. Can we just agree to forget all this, please? For Sarah?”
His eyes flash with something violent.
“Don’t bring her into this.”
“Please Mr-”
“Don’t call me that.” He snaps.
“Why?” You say sweetly.
He grabs your hand and forces it against the hard bulge in his jeans. “Because you’re turning me on.”
You could always yell out to Sarah.
As if reading your mind, he brings a hand to your mouth and presses down, covering it. His other hand works it’s way into your shorts. You squirm and try to kick at him but he’s strong and holds you in place.
“No one’s had you before?” He says. “Really?”
He isn’t looking for an answer, as he doesn’t take his hand away that is gripping your mouth.
“I haven’t fucked a virgin in years.” He says.
Your skin crawls at the thought as he continues to rub the outside of your underwear. You are doing all you can to avert your gaze and avoid his eyes, not wanting to see the sick look of pleasure he is bound to have behind them.
His fingers are rubbing through your folds, it is unpleasant, you aren’t getting wet because you are so uncomfortable. He takes his hand out and spits on it before forcing it back into your underwear, roughly inserting two fingers inside you.
He groans as he pushes them inside of you, you continue to whimper against the hand he has pressed to your mouth. He curls his fingers deep inside you and the stretch is painful.
He flashes you a dangerous look and hisses "Don't make a sound."
He removes the hand covering your mouth and you are intimidated into doing as he says, keeping quiet.
With both hands he tears off your shorts and underwear, and spins you round so your ass faces him and you are looking in the mirror.
You close your eyes, not wanting to see him or yourself as the situation unfolds. You feel him unzipping his jeans behind you and the heavy weight of his erect cock hits your ass. You feel him stroke himself a few times before gripping your thighs and spreading them apart, lifting one of your knees up to the counter and shifting himself to enter inside of you.
"Please don't-" You whimper, your voice weak and quiet.
He hisses at you to be quiet again.
He rubs his cock through your folds a couple of times before bringing it to your entrance. You gasp as he pushes it into you mercilessly, you are tight and unprepared. He stuffs himself inside you all the way to the hilt and tears threaten to spill from your eyes.
He immediately sets an aggressive pace, not a care for your discomfort as you squirm under him. His hands grip you roughly, holding you as still as possible to allow him to have his way with you.
After a while, you get used to the feeling and grow numb to the pain of his huge cock piercing into you. He breathes heavily in your ear and you cringe at the intimate sounds, trying your best to shut out all of the sensations, trying not to feel, not to hear, not to watch as he does this.
“Look at yourself, fuckin’ slut.” He says. He pulls your hair so as to lift your head up, forcing you face to face with yourself in the mirror. “Every girl’s good till she takes the right cock. Then look. Turns you all into filthy fuckin’ whores.”
Your expressions are pornographic. Your brows are pulled together and your eyes are practically glazed over. You look cock drunk and ridiculous. You barely have it in you to be ashamed of yourself, as you are starting to enjoy what he is doing to you.
“You’re gonna think of me every time you take another cock.” He hisses in your ear. “You’re never gonna have anyone again without wishing it was me fucking this tight little cunt.”
You don't respond, your eyes drifting closed. He grips your face roughly. "Keep them open. Watch yourself. You like it."
He shows no mercy with his rough thrusts, but his pace eventually begins to slow. "Gonna fill you with my cum. You want that?"
You look at him in panic and he seems to enjoy that, a twisted grin appearing on his face once again.
"P-Please, no-" You stutter. "Please don't-"
"Shut up and take it." He grunts, his thrusts somehow feeling deeper than ever as he ruts into you.
After a few moments he releases a strangled groan and stills inside you. You feel his hot release leaking into you and you let out a sob. He watches you in glee as he pulls out and your legs shake, struggling to steady yourself against the counter.
He tucks his cock into his jeans and you keep your eyes pressed shut, you can't look at him.
“You’re welcome back any time, honey.” He says.
He exits the bathroom and you are left to deal with your girlfriend’s dad’s cum dripping down your inner thighs.
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ThatMrMiller Masterlist
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beevean · 9 months
I can't stop thinking about this morning's anon and some of their wording. "This was so scary to write because if any of my friends knew about this my life would be over".
It's short but I honestly felt so bad for them. They really don't need this on top of their other experiences. And what's worse, this is the common mentality now: I keep seeing, on Twitter and Tiktok screenshots, teenagers who genuinely ask if a ship they like is "proship", with the underlying message being "please don't bully me".
And listen to me. I am the most insecure bitch on the planet. I would literally eat my own hands with ketchup and mayonnaise rather than reveal my music tastes to other people. I've been endlessly mocked for my passions ever since I was a child - not bullied, but I've been told by parents and classmates that no one cares, or I'm too old for this, or I need to live in the modern world... long story short, to this day I do not want to be perceived. So I understand the feeling of "you will pry my true tastes from my cold dead hands". I am old enough to know these are irrational thoughts, but to this day I much prefer to keep things to myself.
So listen: you deserve friends who do not judge you.
You deserve friends who do not judge you.
It's one thing to prefer to keep your tastes private because you're a private person. That's fine! That is your right! But please, if you really think your friends will hate you because you happen to read Problematic™ fiction... no, that shouldn't happen. Especially not on the internet, where nobody should know about you as a person. Friends who do care about you would not think any less of you for something as common (yes it's common!) as enjoying some spicy stories. It is not a crime. It does not say anything about your morals. And it's even worse if you've already suffered in the past, but this goes for everyone.
I don't want to get into the whole pro/anti ship discourse because I am sick of how easily the internet twists the meaning of important words until discussions can't be had because the two factions are not even talking about the same thing anymore. I don't know anon's previous or current stance on shipping, what they meant by that comment, and again the wording worries me a little when combined with that other comment. I do have my thoughts about it that go beyond what "proship" means, and I'll summarize:
not only no one deserves harassment for what they ship, but the only thing you can judge from someone's writing is their writing level. Not their actual personality, not their experiences, and less of all their real-life morals.
Brand this backwards on your forehead and read that in the mirror everytime you wake up.
Anyway. I don't know if you'll read this, anon, but I really wish you all the best luck in the future. And I'm very glad that you approached me to tell me that - as sad as the circumstances are, and I'm sorry for being self-aggrandizing, your praise made my day :)
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nogenderbee · 3 months
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ 𝕋𝕖𝕒 𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖𝕣 ₊˚ˑ༄
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ anon request: hihi! platonic blade, welt, jing yuan and dan heng with a lynette (genshin) teen!reader?
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Hii!! Sure, here it is! I don't think I know Lynette the best but I tried my best so hopefully it's kinda alright!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ platonic
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✧ Dan Heng is most than happy to have someone calm around, he already has to deal with 2 energetic kids so having 1 calm is a nice change
✧ he definitely took notice if how sly you can be, with sneaking sweets here and there for example
"You're observant... alright, run away and hide as soon as you can as well. We're being chased, so if they see you, they'll chase you too."
✧ but when he sees it in much more impressive action, he's happy to see you know how to get out of sticky situation and won't say no to you helping him if he happens to be in one himself
✧ he doesn't mind tea so of course he doesn't mind little tea parties with you either!
✧ but he'll act like a parent when he sees you getting your 5th sweet
✧ he for one cares about your health but if you tell him simple "later", he'll just sigh and leave it to someone else to get sweets away from you today
✧ and even when your cat features come in, he doesn't really mind! If anything, he thinks it's useful that you can most likely hear better
✧ he'll make it clear for others to not treat you like an animal but a living being if anything like that will take place
@miya-akane @toyaswif3y - come get your quiet but scary trabilazer!
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✧ Welt is honestly glad to see you're so calm, because that only means less problematic kids for him, or so he thought...
✧ you are indeed calm and quite smart, but apparently very sly too... March spilled out one time that you were distracting Welt just so she could spend more time on a planet and... he couldn't even be mad, he was just impressed how he didn't realized that
✧ he now definitely is more caucious around you and keeps the thing that needs to be done this day in mind, to not accidentally forget it
✧ but as if it wasn't enough... he also needs to watch over sweets with you...
✧ don't get him wrong, he doesn't mind if you resch for little treat from time to time but 5 A DAY?! Even if you brush your teeth and exercise often enough to catch up for it, he's still worried about your health...
"Which chocolate bar is it for you today? That's it then. You can eat more tomorrow, for now let's put it away and maybe go on a walk?"
✧ but something he doesn't mind is your love for tea! Himeko often makes coffee so water stays for you to make tea instead~ and he finds it better than if you were to drink energy drinks or so...
@vodka-glrl - come get your father of the express!
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✧ Jing Yuan definitely took a like of you rather quickly
✧ you were certainly a nice teenager to had around and who knows? Maybe even Yanqing could use some company of someone younger but wise?
✧ tea parties are a MUST with you, he's definitely tea enjoyer as well!!
✧ during these he usually catches up with any rumors going around that he failed to hear and you in exchange get a little sneak peaks on his side~
✧ he thinks you're wise so he won't mind telling you about a bit more serious stuff as long as you won't spread it around, but there are still some stuff he doesn't tell you obvs
✧ he finds your ability to always get our of sticky situation and know what's going on despite just arriving impressive and sometimes also amusing
"Oh? Exit? How nice... I was just thinking of looking for one. Thank you, young one."
✧ and if you happen to have any sticky connections smth aka Fatui he'll most likely know even before you met but chose to give you a chance and he wasn't disappointed so he now had more trust, but still hides some stuff in case you'll be forced to say everything you know
@miya-akane - come get your soft general~
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✧ Blade is happy from someone calm and wise finally but your slyness is sometimes still a bit unbearable for him
✧ don't get him wrong, if you want to flee, feel free, he's never gonna take your advice buuut at least you're not persistive with it!
✧ he's quite observant so if you all of the sudden start showing around you because of a mission for someone (Fatui alike) he'll notice, even if you're being stealthy as much as you can
✧ but if that doesn't happen and you stay on neutral ground, which believe is a lot for someone like him, you should be able to avoid his death stares
✧ he doesn't really like tea as much as you but he did tried it once and now he'll SOMETIMES agree to have a cup with you
✧ and cat features? He couldn care less. It's just part of you... he has ears on sides of his head, you have on top, if anything he thinks you should be proud from having better senses
✧ despite him so "not liking you", if someone gives you a hard time, he won't mind giving them a quick glance to shut them up and never approach you again
"Who said that? .... Go get ice cream with Kafka, I'll go clear the area."
@vodka-glrl - come get your cold man!
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fallinglikemagic · 3 months
Okay, now that everybody's had some time to process and gotten some of the doomposting out, here's my thoughts on the whole situation.
First of all, I'm not really worried about whether or not RWBY will continue in some capacity. It's uncertain, sure, but no more than it was already. In February we got the update that they were talking to potential partners about getting volume 10 made, so clearly they weren't just relying on Rooster Teeth and Warner Brothers for it - maybe one of those companies will pick it up, maybe a different company will, either way I'm sure it *will* be picked up by somebody and unless they get real unlucky, the show won't be much worse off than it was before - if anything it might be better off, considering that WB have been shitty about animation for quite a while now (if you're not already familiar and you're up for some extra research, I recommend looking into the Coyote vs ACME situation that's been going on recently for a great example of WB's bullshit). And while it's unclear exactly how much involvement the original crew will have in the show's future, I'm pretty optimistic about it. I doubt the writers are going to let go of creative control without a fight, if for nothing else then for Monty - I don't like focusing too much on the whole Monty's Legacy stuff in general, but I do think that the crew are going to want to keep their friend's work alive and authentic and as accurate to what he wanted it to be as possible. None of this is a certainty of course, but I think RWBY is gonna be fine, things will just be kinda rocky for a bit.
With all that being said, while this may end up ultimately being a blessing in disguise for RWBY as a franchise, it sure ain't one for everybody who worked at Rooster Teeth. This entire situation is still horrible - so many people being fired on the spot, effective immediately, with no warning and with several of them only finding out by seeing articles about it being posted on Twitter, it's fucked. I know Rooster Teeth wasn't exactly lacking in controversy and problematic behaviour, to put it lightly, but there were still plenty of amazing people there who are now in a really shitty situation. On top of that, while again this isn't exactly anything new, especially for WB, it is the latest instance of a huge problem in the animation and entertainment industries. So no matter how things pan out for RWBY, we should still be really fucking mad about this.
And we definitely shouldn't be celebrating. I've seen some posts saying "good riddance" and celebrating RT's downfall, not just from people who hate RWBY (I mean don't get me wrong I'm sure the hatedom is out in full force but that's not the kind of thing I'm referring to right now), but people who like/used to like the show and just hated the company. And don't get me wrong, I didn't like a lot of things about the company either, I've actually been wanting RWBY to separate itself from RT for a pretty long time (be careful what you wish for I guess 💀), but there's a time and a place and this certainly ain't it. Plenty of people who have worked there have said that they loved their jobs, plenty of others said it was horrible and toxic and nightmarish, but either way a job is a job and in this industry work isn't always easy to find, especially in recent years. Celebrate in private if you want, but now is not the damn time to be bringing out the cake and confetti.
TLDR; I'm cautiously optimistic about RWBY's future, I'm pretty sure it'll be fine and they'll be able to keep the core crew to at least some extent, but this is still a really bad situation for everybody who just lost their jobs, don't be a dick.
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doberbutts · 1 year
Similarly like. These accusations based on the past especially flimsy connections to bad behavior at that are... worrying, in a way. Like no matter who you are now, your past will be looking over your shoulder to haunt you, so you should never ever mention anything ever from your past that might paint you in a less-than-perfect light, because otherwise you will be deemed Problematic for some stupid shit you did 10 years ago.
And before anyone accuses me of using this to defend pedophiles- I'm talking about a conversation I've been watching where a trans masc is discussing his experience on a trans-specific subreddit and the reaction was "lmao you just admitted you used to be on reddit, reddit the site filled with mras, so you're an alt-right mra neonazi in disguise!!!" Nevermind that, um, one of those probably wouldn't be hanging out specifically on a trans-specific subreddit, or that this is an experience he had in the past and no longer frequents the site at all, or that he was discussing the very real rape and assault statistics he faces as trans masc... nope, he mentioned that he used to go on reddit and thus he is Labeled Problematic and Bad and can never escape it no matter how much time passes since that point.
This is what I'm talking about when I say that for a generation that claims to be prison abolitionists, a lot of folks sure do love the idea of unending punishment for whatever they deem as bad behavior. Even if that behavior and accusation is barely proven to be actually harmful, if even that.
I was a teenager once too. I did and said hurtful things that I didn't realize were hurtful. I had friends tell me, hey, maybe don't, and I learned better, and I did better. No one is perfect. So stop acting like people can't fix themselves, and stop making these bizarre connections where there is none. There's a world of difference between "accidentally contributed to oppression because they didn't know better and were never taught better" and "directly funded a bigoted campaign" and "used a social media site that has topics ranging from cute cats to oppressive politics".
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bird-inacage · 9 months
Only Friends: How Mew criticises Ray VS How Sand criticises Ray
Something I've really noticed since Episode 4 is the increasing distinction between how Mew and Sand school Ray. The scenes in Episode 6 and Episode 7 provide a perfect point of comparison. Both Mew and Sand use the phrase 'love yourself' towards Ray but the tone and delivery is completely different.
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Unsurprisingly, what Ray desperately needs in his life is a mother figure. Someone who can be firm and stern when necessary but still caring at the same time. Sand's approach feels better suited to Ray in this respect.
Sand starts by acknowledging that Ray's hurting but it doesn't excuse his behaviour and it isn't going to stop Sand from calling it out. He makes sure to explain why it's problematic, why it's hurtful, why it's dangerous. Sand's words are driven by concern. He's even worried about the guilt Ray would have to shoulder if he did hurt anyone else.
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Whereas in the scene with Mew, he makes immediate assumptions (I still maintain that Ray was not high here, he looked pretty darn sober throughout the bathroom scene to me), but that's where Mew's mind goes. His question "why don't you love yourself at all?" implies that Ray doesn't have any self-respect to take care of himself, and so what he's saying sounds driven by disappointment. Mew's tone also carries an air of exasperation, 'I've told you again and again'. @thatgirl4815 does a great job of commenting on Mew's attitude towards Ray in Episode 6 (here).
After Sand has said what he needs to say, he still doesn't want Ray to feel too bad. Sand's little pat on Ray's knee is an attempt to soften the blow, paired with a slightly helpless feeling of, 'I just want what's best for you'.
Now let's observe how Ray reacts when schooled.
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Ray may not always implement the stern talking to he's getting, but you can tell that when with Sand, Ray is listening. He doesn't try to deflect, retort or dodge. He usually looks guilty. Guilt suggests remorse. Which means you realise what you've done is wrong. Whereas Ray's initial reaction to Mew is slight shock. This is the biggest indication to me that Ray wasn't getting high here. When he finally responds to Mew, it's brushed off with a laugh - 'yeah, yeah, I'm fine, it's nothing, no matter' - it doesn't seem like any of what Mew's said has really sunk in, just that Ray doesn't want him to dwell on this point any further.
How Mew delivers his pep talk feels authoritative, 'I told you to quit using drugs' (and you didn't listen). Your mistake is not taking my advice. On the other hand, Sand never once says anything along the lines of, 'I told you so, I warned you, I tried to stop you'. It's not about Ray following his orders, it's Sand providing Ray with the context to hopefully avoid making reckless decisions for himself in future.
Mew seems to have accepted Ray's inability to change, and his criticisms are merely a matter of routine at this point. Whereas Sand seems genuinely driven to encourage Ray to do better for both the sake of himself and others around him.
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septembercfawkes · 2 months
The "Bathtub Story": Why It's a Problem, How to Fix It, When to Use It
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Writing a "bathtub story" is rarely a good idea. It often fits right up there with flashbacks; most of the time you shouldn't use them, but in certain circumstances, you can get away with them. Bathtub stories lack immediacy and as such, often bring the narrative to a grinding halt. 
Yet they are common for new writers to write. So let's go over them, why they're a problem, how to fix them, and when to use one (if you dare 😉) . . . I also have a little offer for my followers at the end, so don't miss that 😊
What is a "Bathtub Story"?
The term "bathtub story" originates from author Jerome Stern, who talks about them in his book, Making Shapely Fiction. He writes:
In a bathtub story, a character stays in a single, relatively confined space . . . While in that space the character thinks, remembers, worries, plans, whatever. Before long, readers realize that the character is not going to do anything. . . . The character is not interacting with other people, but just thinking about past interactions. Problems will not be faced, but thought about.
A bathtub story is essentially a story that takes place in introspection.
While most novels won't literally be an entire bathtub story, many new writers have bathtub scenes or chapters, where the character simply reflects and doesn't do anything meaningful. While Stern likens this to someone in a confined tub, I would argue these can happen even when the character is moving. The character may be taking a walk or washing the dishes, but the story elements only exist in her head.
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Why Bathtub Stories are Problematic
Bathtub stories are a problem because all the interesting stuff is in the character's mind (if there is any interesting stuff). This brings in several issues.
1. The Story isn't Moving Forward
Because the bathtub story happens in a character's head, the character isn't taking action. Instead, she's likely ruminating on the past. While you can have a characteristically lazy protagonist, when it comes to the actual plot, all protagonists need to be problem-solvers. And not just in thought, but in deed. A true protagonist is a driver of the story. She must be actively trying to solve problems (that come from antagonistic forces and conflict). Otherwise, she is a passive victim or passive observer (in which case, she probably isn't the true protagonist, but just a viewpoint character).
If she's not problem-solving, the plot probably isn't moving forward. The protagonist should be in the concrete world, taking action or revealing important information, creating turning points. She should have a goal, and a plan, and should be pursuing them--even if the goal is to avoid something.
When she's stuck in her head, she may be thinking about her problems (or past experiences), but she's not influencing the trajectory of the story.
If she's not acting, she's also not completing a meaningful character arc. A character arc shouldn't be superimposed on a story, it should happen because of the story. How the character responds to meaningful antagonistic forces (which includes how she tries to solve problems), creates the character arc. The antagonists challenge her to change, or test her resolve. That can't really happen if she's not doing anything.
At the end of the bathtub scene, ask yourself: Has the protagonist's goal or plan shifted? Has her belief system been challenged or tested by antagonists? 
If the answer is no, you likely haven't progressed the story.
2. The Character doesn't Demonstrate Agency
The protagonist needs to be making meaningful choices. For those choices to be impactful, they will be shown by the character taking significant action or revealing important information. Otherwise, his choice never leaves his skull, and therefore doesn't actually matter. So what if he thinks about what he wants to do? Real decisions will be shown. 
We all think about things (goals, plans, or otherwise) that we don't actually pursue. If someone thinks about fixing your leaky roof, but never shows up, who cares? If someone thinks they can help with your relationship problems, but never reveals any advice, does it matter? Not really.
Because the role of the protagonist is to be a driver (and not just the antagonist's passive victim), he needs to act on choices to try to achieve goals and solve problems (which helps move the story forward).
Many writers mistakenly think that making the protagonist a passive victim makes him more sympathetic and likable. In reality, the opposite is true. An active protagonist who demonstrates agency is more sympathetic, because he carries some level of responsibility and accountability for any negative outcomes that happen (plus, he also shows us how badly he wants his goal). We all have random crap happen to us. It's more painful and sympathetic when well-intentioned choices lead to heartbreak. (For more on this topic, scroll down to #4 on this post.)
Not demonstrating agency, again likely means the plot or character arc isn't moving forward (and that your protagonist isn't interesting.)
3. Lack of Immediacy
With the "interesting" stuff happening in the character's head instead of concretely, the bathtub story lacks immediacy. The story isn't unfolding for the audience, and because the character is confined to introspection, she's not impacting anything at hand. A lack of immediacy almost always means a lack of tension. If there isn't a current threat, there isn't potential for problems to happen.
4. Focuses on the Past
Speaking of a lack of immediacy . . . bathtub scenes almost always segue into one or more flashbacks, which are likewise frequently frowned upon. Bathtub scenes at least usually focus on the past (even if there is no official flashback.)
Writers tend to look at the past--how the character got to where he is now, or how the current situation came about. While that can be meaningful for the writer, it's often boring for the audience. Or at least less interesting.
The past has already happened. You can't change it. What the character or antagonist does now, won't influence what happened then. (Well, unless you are writing a time travel story, but let's assume you're not).
Instead, the audience wants to be in the present, which holds more tension (or it should, if you've set up your story right). In fact, they actually prefer to lean into the future on a regular basis. The future hasn't happened yet, so it's more exciting, and what the character does now, will (or should) alter the future. While the audience likely can't verbalize it, they want you to imagine the different paths forward the story could go, and then convey them on the page. This is what creates stakes. Stakes are potential consequences. They are about what could happen if a certain condition is met. And what could happen is exactly the sort of thing that hooks and reels readers in.
Think about it. At the most basic level, hooks work by getting the audience to look forward to a later point in the story--to anticipate something they may read later (or soon). So, they keep reading.
You want to regularly lay out what could happen, and almost always in relation to the protagonist or antagonist. If the protagonist successfully does X, then Y will happen. If the antagonist successfully does A, then B will happen. Now the audience needs to see if the protagonist successfully does X or the antagonist successfully does Y. (Or something of that sort.)
In fact, one of the few times visiting the past works well (including with flashbacks), is when doing so provides insight that could affect the future.
5. It's Abstract
If there isn't a flashback, then chances are the bathtub scene is full of abstracts and hypotheticals. The character is musing or even pontificating about the meaning of life, love, society, or what it means to be a homo sapien.
A story that is full of abstracts, often isn't as interesting. This relates to the "Show, don't Tell" rule. Stories are almost always more effective when they appeal to the senses and render a concrete world. 
Even if you do want to write about love, it's usually more effective to "show" it, than tell it. (And if you tell it too much, in the wrong way, the story may sound preachy.)
6. Hurts Pacing
For all of the reasons stated above, the bathtub scene almost always leads to poor pacing. The lack of proper plot elements (and often, the lack of proper structure), paired with too much introspection focused on the past or abstracts, kills immediacy and brings pacing to a grinding halt.
If the story isn't going anywhere, then the reader is probably out before you can say "bubble bath." Maybe they'd rather watch paint dry and do their own pontificating in the tub.
Now that we've talked about all the problems, let's get into how to fix a bathtub scene!
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How to Fix the Bathtub Scene
1. Get Out of the Bath
Bet you didn't see that one coming, did you?
Get the character out of the "bath" (or off her walk or away from the dishes) and put her where the action is. Or better said, where the true antagonist and conflict is (and that doesn't always mean a "bad guy" or a fistfight or shouting match (see links)).
2. Give the Character a (Current) Goal and an Antagonist
Give your character a current goal with a plan she can start taking current action toward. At the basic level, there are three types of goals: obtain, avoid, or maintain. Any of them is fine, as long as the goal has an antagonistic force opposing it.
Often big goals will break down into little goals, which turn into scene goals. So really, most scenes should have a goal for that scene.
The (scene) goal should be significant, meaning whether or not the character achieves the goal somehow shifts the direction of the story and influences what happens in the near future.
A goal to shave your legs in a bathtub or wash the plates probably isn't significant enough to merit a scene. It's unlikely those goals have the potential to shift the plot's trajectory or affect the character arc. (If they do, well, that might be a reason for a rule break.)
For a scene, the shift doesn't have to be huge, but it needs to be impactful enough to somewhat alter the protagonist's path forward.
The shift for an act should be bigger.
And the shift for the whole story should be huge (read: super impactful).
If you have a bathtub act or literally an entire bathtub book, you probably have a major problem.
3. Demonstrate Choices, through Action and Revealing Knowledge (Information)
As per #2 above, make sure your character is demonstrating agency. A choice doesn't matter if it doesn't leave his head. His choices should be shown in how he interacts with others and the environment. If he chooses to fix a leaky roof, he needs to actually get his tools and climb the ladder. If he chooses to give relationship advice, he needs to open his mouth and reveal his knowledge there to another individual. Thinking about it isn't enough.
4. Write in the Present
Do you really need that flashback or long introspection about the past? For most newer writers, the answer is no. If the info isn't contributing to the plot (how to get the goal, how to defeat the antagonist, how to resolve a conflict, or how to influence consequences), or the character's journey (her heart's deepest desire or her character arc), or the theme (what the story is exploring and arguing), then there is a 99% chance it doesn't need to be in the story. If it does affect those things, it may be worth including. Ask, does taking it out "hurt" or weaken one of those elements I listed?
If the past info really needs to be in the story, does it have to come through a bathtub scene? Is there a way it can come into the story other than straight-up introspection? Can it be "exposition turned into ammunition"? Can mentioning it contribute to the present, or better, the near future? Is there a way the story can be organized so that it happens in real time? Sometimes the flashback can actually be moved into the present by starting the scene or story just a little earlier (though this depends how far back in the past the flashback takes place).
Strive to focus on the present, and even mention the near future. Sprinkle the past in when it contributes to, and doesn't take away from, what is currently playing out.
5. Be Concrete
Show more than tell. (That's really all that needs to be said here.)
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When to Use a Bathtub Story
With everything terrible a bathtub story brings in, is it ever a good idea to write one?
All rules are really more like guidelines and can be broken effectively, when handled with care.
In order to do that though, you have to understand why the rule exists, so you can downplay the costs that come with straying off the proven path.
So, now that we understand why the bathtub story is a problem and how you can fix it, let's marry what we've learned and talk about how to make one work.
1. You're Writing a Frame Story
A frame story is a story within a story. It will open with a character telling a story, and end with him finishing it. It's also possible that more than one story is told by the character.
The main story, is the story within the story, which essentially comes from the speaker's memory, so it is usually part of the past, as well as part of his mind.
I'm personally not a big fan of this method, but it does exist and can be useful in providing additional context for the main story. It's also usually more effective when the main story is affecting whatever is currently or about to happen to the speaker.
Obviously a frame story often acts as a sort of bathtub story.
2. The Antagonist is the Self, and this is Internal Conflict
A bathtub story or scene may work if the character is in (meaningful) conflict with himself. We are often cautioned against using a lot of introspection, but if a character is having internal conflict, then he both holds a goal and is also his own antagonistic force. This can be used to create a sort of rising action, as long as the proper plot elements are in place. It is a wrestle within the mind (or perhaps, between the mind and heart.) The climactic moment, the turning point, is the character coming to a definitive decision.
With that said, however, as Ross Hartmann points out in The Structure of Story, it's usually more effective to dramatize or "show" the internal conflict. Have the character take one action toward one outcome in one beat, and then an action toward the opposing outcome in the next.
But depending on where in story structure the internal conflict shows up, it may be handled better one way over another . . . 
3. You're in the Falling Action
Story structure is a fractal. Not only should the story as a whole have a rising action, climax, and falling action, but inside of that, so should each act, and so should each scene. 
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During the rising action, the character should (almost) always be proactive. During the falling action, almost always, the character is reactive. She's reacting to whatever just happened.
If you are familiar with Dwight V. Swain's approach to scenes, this is essentially what he calls the "sequel."
At this point in the structure, it may not matter too much what the character is doing physically, what matters is how she is reacting, and then, what she decides to do next.
If you are in the falling action, it may be perfectly acceptable to write a (short) bathtub story.
4. It's Focused on the Future
As mentioned above, we are often cautioned against writing a lot of introspection. This is in part because writers often focus introspection on the past.
But when the introspection is focused on the future--what could happen if a goal is or is not reached and/or what the character plans to do next--then it becomes more relevant and more interesting. In fact, not only does it not take away from the story, but it can strengthen the plot. Introspection can be used well to lay out significant stakes. And, technically, this could be done in a "bathtub."
Just make sure having the character think about the future, leads to him soon taking action to try to influence it.
5. The Point is to Show Nothing is Happening
In rare, rare situations, the point of a scene may be to illustrate that nothing important is happening, and no changes are taking place. Such scenes almost never work (and if anything, are usually better conveyed in summary), but, someday, in some story, you may find yourself in need of such a moment. A bathtub scene might arguably work there. 
Just don't make it longer than it needs to be to get the point across.
There are a couple of other times you may get away with a bathtub scene: if it's somehow contributing to theme, or if it's super entertaining or intriguing. 
All in all, be cautious.
They fail more often than they succeed. 
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nalyra-dreaming · 4 days
I don't know, I don't think they should have went there with Marius. They could have kept Armand's history with being sex trafficked & his relationship with Marius would have still been problematic enough with their power imbalance...etc without this pimping him out line they've added.
The issue now is I'm not convinced how well they'll handle this going forward. What are they going to do when he does show up? Marius is a main character later & while he's as complex as the rest of them, Anne never wrote him as a villain, she completely adored him & even praised him as her teacher. While he has plenty haters, go to any AR post & he's a big favourite, hell any poll here on fave TVC vampire & he's right behind the big 3. I do worry that this has soured some to this show completely now & the writers have backed themselves into a corner as this is not something you can just brush away later to get him into the main group. Armand's feelings of abandonment, betrayal & wondering if he was ever loved at all was more than enough to propel their dynamic later.
... I am NOT trying to paint Armand as the big liar here, but he canonically lies to Louis (and Lestat) AND Louis reacts to the parallel he tries to draw there with Magnus and Lestat in a rather telling way.
Which... might be our cue that this tale... is also, de-facto, a tale. Oh, not a whole lie. In fact most of it I think was brutally on point. And as said before, Marius did send him to brothels to "learn", canonically. Took him to that banquet, where the men there... well, took liberties. And so on.
But Armand told that tale for an effect there. Took Louis there to make a point. In this show? In this tale? That cannot be dismissed.
So, with that said, let's keep in mind that we do not have the whole story there either.
Which, btw, does not lessen anything Armand experienced in any way. His life was a shit show, and it fucked him up.
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dotster001 · 1 year
After reading the accidentally called NRC staff member “dad”, imagine the unholy shock when Neige is asking to date mc/yuu
A/N:Gotcha! As with many requests, I went from 0 ideas to three million over night 😂 can never win. It's also very important to me that you know that I had to pause editing this to pet my cat 😍
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This is literally the best possible outcome, in his mind. The only person who'd be worthy of you at NRC is Vil, but you can't date him, that's incest! (A poor lovesick Vil has tried to remind him time and again that you are not related, and Divus is neither of your dad. He got sent to his room for that) So Neige LeBlanch, a model, an actor, an RSA student, a man of culture….you could not have chosen better, puppy!
That said…he'll be keeping a close eye on Neige. If there's anything that needs retrained, Crewel will not hesitate to put that pup in his place! But he doubts that will be an issue…😒
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Are you serious? This scrawny little prince boy is supposed to protect your fragile magic-less form? No fucking way!!!
Vargas training camp is back in session! He has to make sure that Neige is worthy! It'll only be you, him, and Neige, out in the middle of the forest. Either Niege will prove himself to be strong enough to protect you from overblots and evil mages, or you will see what a wimpy loser he is! Ah, he's really too clever, isn't he? 😁
No matter how many times you tell him you can take care of yourself, and that Neige is actually top of his class at RSA, and is well versed in combat skills from his time as an actor, Vargas is never gonna hear it. All he hears is "blah blah bleh blah". Truly, you picked the highest maintenance man to be your dad.
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Neige is loaded! YOU'RE RICH!!!!
He's eagerly ceasing negotiations with the mysterious guardian of Malleus Draconia, and going on and on about how wonderful this is, and how he raised a perfect little chick! Meanwhile you and Neige are awkwardly sitting in the chairs on the other side of his desk wondering if you should still be listening to this…
He's another one you'll have to remind that he didn't raise you. You just kind of got swept up under his wing! Almost literally! Neige doesn't have to buy him gifts. Niege doesn't have to ask his permission to remove you from the nest, which, by the way, you were forced to live in! You don't have to tell him what you and Neige are going to do today!
Then again…every time you remind him of those things he starts sobbing. And Neige is too sweet, and completely falls for the crocodile tears…so really it's up to you how you handle this.
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He is totally fine with you dating. 😊
As far as you will ever know, that is.
He is a man with means, who can afford a quick background check on Neige LeBlanch. It's not a personal thing, it's just he has spent so much time teaching the men at NRC, that he forgets there are non problematic men in existence. 
But once the background check comes back squeaky clean, he's 100% supportive! 
You: Do you want to stay for dinner?
Trein: Do you want to stay forever?
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As I said in the post this was requested from, Sam is probably the chillest of the "dads". He is so chill about you dating Neige! So so chill!
He's chill about it…but his friends have seen a lot of bad people in their time.
Neige doesn't want to freak you out, but he definitely feels like something has been following him recently…his bodyguards don't see anything though, so it must be in his head. Ah well, no use worrying you over nothing.
Tag list- @shytastemakerthing @eccedentesiast-sapphic @leoll
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