tokutracts · 2 years
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Made a new version of the icon, this looks a bit better no?
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tokutracts · 2 years
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tokutracts · 2 years
One of the few GOOD moments in Kyoryuger... In case you're wondering, another name for the red ranger that series was Gary Stu. x.x Although, let's be real. This is a funny scene.
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tokutracts · 2 years
…this feels like it can give ideas…
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Insect Lore Buzzerks Costume Mask
> eBay
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tokutracts · 2 years
Kamen Rider Datas trailer
Unown text flicks through the background as words appear on-screen
“If you could change any one thing… just one little thing…
…what would it be?���
The scene fades out, to be replaced by what appears like a collegiate campus.
“Ah, the Battle Academia of Poketropolis. A fine place to learn many things, and yes a sisister secret lies beneath the surfa-”
“OI! Who let this guy in!” A young female voice calls out.
A teen male voice replies: “I don’t know, but he’s gotta go. We’re handling the trailer here!”
“What-but-Rider trailers aren’t narrated by the characters-HEY!”
loud crashing noises are heard, slowly getting fainter until they end with a BANG!
“Ah. That’s better.”
“And now to introduce ourselves!”
Cut to a female anthro Glaceon and male anthro Leafeon in school uniforms, sitting and chatting. An arrow points at the Glaceon first
“That’s me - Sarah Jacobs.”
–*And now the Leafeon*--
“Aaaand me. Max Jacobs, future Champion!”
“*pff* Sure, if you actually did your homework.” 
“Anyways, I am the responsible one, who actually does her assignments on time and gets good grades.”
Footage of Sarah studying, turning in assignments, and receiving an academic award is shown
“Hah, but get you in the arena and you’re stumbling over your own paws!”
Footage of Sarah (in gym uniform) tripping in combat, promptly followed by her being KO’d via Water Gun, is shown
“You little…”
The scene pans to show the Wartortle that took Sarah out looking all smug, before Max dives in with a glowing fist and knocks him silly.
“Meanwhile, I’m the one who covers her keister in the battlefield, and is the envy of all our opponents!”
Scene cuts to Max on the winner’s podium, basking in applause - before being smothered in a pile of very low-marked papers
“Or you would be if you weren’t always at the bottom of the class.”
“Grrrr… Well, enough about us.”
The scene goes back to the pair sitting together, laughing
“Yeah, you’re not here to watch two siblings bicker about each other. You’re here…”
The scene shifts and zooms, focusing in on a black-jacketed anthro Jolteon sitting impassively on a silver, tan, and light blue bike.
“For him.”
“Henry Alecson. Our hero, ladies and gentlemen.”
“Yeah, he looks rather tough and stoic doesn’t he? Well, it’s not quite by choice.”
“Yeah. The villains of this tale? Pretty much erased all his friends! It’s a miracle that he even remembers that he had any.”
“Tell me about it. Then again, it’s that sort of miracle that lets him be the hero here. Since, well, before he came along? None of us noticed a thing!”
Cut to: A worn-looking book, filled with Unown script
“Y’see, there’s this thing called the Unown Records. It’s how Arceus, Giratina, Palkia, and Dialga keep track of everything they’ve done for easy revision.”
The book is closed, held by a shadowy figure. He turns, revealing that he’s in an alleyway, a small, nerdy, shivering Rattata morph across from him.
“Problem is, if someone is able to get a hold on a copy…”
The figure extends a hand, which the Rattata slowly shakes… Cut to a rather swole-looking Ratatice showing off in front of several other students, some of whom seem to be oddly smaller
“They can change reality itself.”
A certain Jolteon is off to the side. He scoffs, heading into the hallway.
“And that's where Henry comes in. See, for some reason or another, he’s able to tell when these changes happen.”
“Which is a good thing, because changing reality recklessly?”
Cut to Henry walking away, only to turn around quickly when a scream is heard.
“Kinda has consequences.”
A bizarre black-and-red mass of muscle is in the gym, sending everyone scattering.
“These things? They’re called 'Distortions.' They’re nothing like Pokemon - they're just what happens when the Records are changed recklessly.”
The beast smashes into the hallway, howling bloody murder as everyone flees… Except for one particular Jolteon, who now has a bulky, silver belt buckle on his waist.
“Yeah, it's something about a bug in the system or the like. But the important thing is, if these guys are left unchecked? They can cause major damage, even kill 'mon!"
He holds up a silver cylinder, which had been made into a roughly conical shape, the lower half wider than the upper half. It’s then slammed down into a port on the right side of his belt.
"But thank Arceus, there’s a way to patch out these jerks.”
The top of the cone is pushed in, and the center of the belt lights up.
A sphere of silvery light erupts around the Jolteon, translucent text and numbers and pictures filling it. Transparent screens with much the same content appeared all around the Electric-type as his right hand went to a lever on the top of his belt, his left hand at a diagonal across his chest.
The lever is pulled across as Henry swings his arms out in a straight line, the belt sliding to the left to cover the cylinder and expose a round red screen in the middle.
The screens scroll and flicker, stopping on images of armor that soon fill the screen, forcing each window to bend to fit the armor’s form. The formed screen-armor clamps on the Jolteon’s body, clipping through ears and tail as it wasn’t designed for a ‘eon. Nevertheless, Henry smirked as the armor attached, the sphere swirling inwards to fill the armor in and make it solid.
"And its name?"
The armored Electric-type looked up, 7 red orbs lighting up on his ovular visor in a hexagon shape - the same shape that's lit up on the middle of his belt.
"Is Datas."
The logo for Kamen Rider Datas is displayed as the trailer ends.
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