#National Salmon Day
c-rowlesdraws · 8 months
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Happy National Salmon Day to all who celebrate!✨🐟🍣🌊🍲✨
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subby-sab · 8 months
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Today is 8th of October.
Today is World Octopus Day, World Dyslexia Day, National Salmon Day.
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rabbitcruiser · 8 months
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National Salmon Day
National Salmon Day is celebrated every year on October 8, as proposed by Chicken of the Sea. Did you know that salmon is the second most popular seafood consumed by Americans? The pink fish now has its own annual day of celebration. The holiday is observed as a reminder of the health benefits that wild and packaged salmon provide. It is recommended to eat fatty fish such as salmon twice a week due to the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids. So, are you ready to exploit this pink fish and satisfy your fish craving?
History of National Salmon Day
National Salmon Day was first celebrated on October 8, 2015, after Chicken of the Sea recommended the holiday. They then accepted a City of San Diego proclamation designating the day as National Salmon Day. The City of Chicago and Cook County, Illinois, also proclaimed October 8 as National Salmon Day in honor of the strong legacy of salmon fishing on Lake Michigan. The holiday is dedicated to celebrating the health, taste, convenience, and diverse recipe benefits of salmon. And, it is observed in honor of wild and packaged pink fish.
Chicken of the Sea, founded in 1914, is a packager and provider of seafood. They not only offer a product line of seafood but also offer recipes to inspire seafood lovers. In 1984, the company introduced skinless and boneless salmon to encourage wider public adoption of the fish as a healthy ‘new’ source of protein. In 2014, the company introduced a line of flavored salmon pouches. Chicken of the Sea has been committed to preserving seafood sustainability and is a co-founding member of the International Seafood Sustainability Foundation.
How often do you eat fatty fish per week? Hopefully, twice a week, just as recommended by American Heart Association. Why? Fatty fish such as salmon is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, and research has shown that they can lower your risk of heart disease and stroke. Moreover, research shows that omega-3 fatty acids may help prevent, delay, and diminish Alzheimer’s disease. Awesome. So, have you got your recipes and prepared your salmon? Because National Salmon Day is the day to make and enjoy the delicious healthy food of your favorite fatty fish.
National Salmon Day timeline
1914 Chicken of the Sea
Chicken of the Sea (previously Van Camp Seafood Company) is founded by Frank Van Camp in California.
1984 Skinless and Boneless
Chicken of the Sea is the first to introduce skinless and boneless salmon.
2014 Flavored Salmon Pouches
Chicken of the Sea is the first to offer a complete line of flavored salmon pouches.
2015 National Salmon Day
National Salmon Day is first celebrated on October 8.
National Salmon Day FAQs
How do know if salmon is cooked?
Gently press down on the top of the fillet with a fork or your finger, and if the flesh of the salmon separates easily along the white lines that run across the fillet (strips of fish fat), then it’s finished cooking.
Should you bake or fry salmon?
Baking salmon is the healthier option over pan-frying because it doesn’t add any extra fat or calories to the fish, as long as you cook it with simple seasonings.
What happens if I eat undercooked salmon?
If you eat raw or undercooked salmon, you risk being infected with bacteria and worm-like parasites.
National Salmon Day Activities
Cook the salmon
Spread the word
Try Chicken of the Sea recipes
There is nothing better to do to celebrate National Salmon Day than cook and eat it. Prepare the salmon and cook the salmon based on your favorite recipes, and later get the health benefits.
Most of us probably don’t know about the health benefits of salmon. So, spread the word about this pink fatty fish so that more people can benefit from it.
The Chicken of the Sea provides featured recipes for healthcare food services on their National Salmon Day toolkit. Try the recipes — Spinach Strawberry Salmon Salad with Poppy Seed Dressing, Salmon Quiché, and Salmon Bisque.
5 Facts About Canned Salmon You Need To Know
New England started it
It has various nutritional advantages
It is versatile
It is not to eat daily
It is high in sodium
In 1840, New England first began canning salmon.
Canned salmon has a variety of nutritional benefits such as omega-3s, protein, vitamin D, and calcium.
Canned salmon is a quick and inexpensive choice that provides the same excellent health benefits as fresh fish.
Despite the health benefits, you can’t eat it every day, because it will increase the possibility of rising mercury levels in the blood.
Canned salmon is incredibly high in sodium, and if you consume it every day, it can increase the risk of high blood pressure and stroke.
Why We Love National Salmon Day
Salmon has many health benefits
It is delicious and versatile
It can lower the risk of heart disease
The reason for the celebration of National Salmon Day is to be a reminder of the health benefits of salmon. More people need to know about this.
Sure, the reason salmon becomes the second most popular seafood consumed by Americans is because it’s delicious. Besides, there are several ways to enjoy it. We can roast it, pan-fry it, broil it, or grill it.
The heart is our vital organ. Knowing that consuming salmon can lower our risk of heart disease is such a relief.
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haylanmakesstuff · 2 years
Day 36
While still at Olympic I earned a special badge, Olympic Ocean Steward. This badge is dedicated to Mary Finley, and to any anonymous donors who are strangers to me. You may have seen my story shared by a mutual friend, or found me through EDS/HSD hashtags, but it takes a sincere type of kindness to put your hard-earned money towards someone you don’t know asking you to donate for a rare disorder, fundraiser, charity of any kind. Thank you.
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Today we got up very early in order to make it into the Hurricane Ridge area. This is usually the most popular part of the park, and I also knew there were road closures, so we were sure to go early and on a weekday; the best way to see the parks when they are less crowded, but also to leave less impact as a visitor to these busy places. I mean, look how serious I am, with this view in my pajamas.
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It worked; we waited just about 10 min or so to get in and there was lots of parking. We walked some of the paved trails in this area; far flung views of snowy topped mountains, wildflowers still in bloom, and on the other side of the ridge we were treated with the San Juan Islands, and Canada across the sea.
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Even though it was “less crowded” for a weekday, we found ourselves wanting to get off the beaten path some. Just outside of the parking lot there is a dirt road called Devastation Road; although I couldn’t find out why it has such a gnarly name, it looked like it was going to have stellar views. There were definitely less people in general, and we were right about it being beautiful. At the end of the road, we had a little picnic for lunch. I also proved that Husbands clothes are all so big I can fashion anything into fully, warm pants for the gusty chilly winds. Did I have my own in the car? Yes. Is it more fun to do this? Yes.
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Instead of choosing a hike in the pretty alpine area at the end of the road full of cars, we opted to go to a hike we had seen on the way in that had just one car at the trailhead. The sign at PJ lake had said it was only .9 miles, and I had remembered from reading that it was 600 feet of elevation loss/gain. But we wanted to hike, and I was feeling surprisingly good today. The lovely weather on most of this trip has made me suspicious that my condition is definitely exacerbated by the Texas heat and humidity. You see, I hadn’t experienced a regular Texas summer since I started working seasonally in some capacity in 2013. In 2016 I was in Big Bend Country, and that may as well be another state, the humidity is so low, and the elevation was high. When the pandemic struck in 2020, I didn’t take a seasonal job and was immediately reminded how utterly terrible summer is at home. Did working in Hawaii, Wyoming, and Oregon all those years delay my diagnosis? I’m thinking so.
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We met the hikers in the single car at the trailhead just a few hundred yards into the trail. They were kind of wrecked, but very friendly. We chatted for a few moments and then we had the whole trail and lake to ourselves. I could not be more grateful that I was feeling so well, because this hike would have absolutely ruined me otherwise. In fact, although it was short, this was definitely one of the harder hikes I’ve done on this trip. Some of it was so steep that I was shocked the National Park Service even designed and maintains it as an actual trail. It was clearly built for the use of mountain goats. But, great weather, beautiful scenery, no humans, we put on our mountain goat suits. A nice surprise and reward was this magnificent waterfall! I’ll call it Knee Breaker Falls.
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The lake was just uphill of the falls and was totally worth all the careful scooting downhill we did.
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We could see trout all throughout the clear water, jumping up to feast on bugs constantly. Late season fireweed still bloomed on the banks, crowded by pine trees and flotsam. A fairytale waterfall trickled down a cliffside.
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It feels weird to say that the way down was the easy part, but I really, really hate uphill hikes. It is so hard for me, and really always have been. I am glad to understand *why* better now, but I was worried since this was going to be extreme. And here is the real surprise: I did…great! What the heck happened!? Was I fueled by natures beauty, or maybe the negative energy of park visitors?  The last time I did this well on a hike, and I am not kidding, was probably 2012. That’s the last year I remember hiking feeling like “myself” without struggle. What was special about today? It’s the perfect mix of fitness, sleep, food, everything, that you can’t ever do on purpose. You can’t copy it, you can’t make it happen. What a rare and special thing this hike was. To get to the top of a difficult hike, even if it’s only 9/10 of a mile, and feel…fine. I’ve had more trouble walking to the bathroom at my house than this hike. I might be dreaming.
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Given the fantastical situation, we thought we’d play our luck and see if we could still get into the Sol Duc Hot Springs Resort, still in the park but over an hour away. We did! Luckily it was outside, and we got to soak for an hour. It was almost too much for me with a heat sensitivity and I wasn’t even in the hottest pool.  The A+ ranger at the fee booth gave us the heads up that the salmon had just started heading up the Sol Duc River earlier that day, so we thought we’d test our luck again by going to look. And don’t ya know it, there they were. Shiny and determined fish driven by instinct, amazing sensory perception, and probably insanity, flinging themselves up torrential waterfalls like their life depends on it. Ironic, since after they make it and complete fertilization, they will fall apart and die.
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Do you know how hard it is to get a picture of jumping salmon at dusk? Harder than getting a photo of a Junior Ranger Badge in a cave!
They were mostly terrible at it, and in about an hour we only saw 1 salmon that made it up one tier of the falls. There was one who failed so spectacularly, its whole body wacked against the rock, sounding just like a clown hitting an unsuspecting circus visitor in the face with a dead fish.
This is the only river where salmon spawn almost every season; at least 4 different types of salmon come from the ocean up the Sol Duc, and each species at a different season. How lucky were we!
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My favorite thing I learned, that seems almost magical, is that these fish have so much delightful nitrogen in their bodies when they die, it released a super-charged amount into the forest and animals, making rich and fast growth. The cycle of life is pumped up to the extreme in these areas because of these salmon that use memories and chemical signals to make their way miles from the ocean back to where they were born, to keep an amazing cycle of life going.
We finished our evening with a picnic in the dark before heading home. This was one of the best and most memorable days of my trip so far. Not only did we see and do so many amazing things, but to have the rare day of clarity and little pain is one of the most valuable things in the entire world. Getting to experience this with my best Husband friend is so meaningful, it’s beyond words.
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hoshigray · 2 months
Are you able to right a gojo fic? He pulls you aside after a meeting to a spicy makeout with you that leads to more than just a make out:,)
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𝐚. 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: "more than a make out" indeed, lmao
⊹ 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬: Gojo x afab/fem! reader - explicit reader; minors DNI - canon divergence; you're gojo's partner who works in Tokyo jujutsu tech with him - kissing; making out - fingering (f! receiving) - clitoral play (swiping and pinching) - breast sucking - deep impact position - praising - pet names (angel, baby, cutie, princess, sweetie) - cameos: Ijichi and Yaga - Gojo is a touch-starved fool, bless him lol.
⊹ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 3.1k
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“…! Oh, Gojo!”
“Ahh, it’s Gojo-sensei!”
Being the strongest sorcerer in the modern world is a hassle, no matter how much Gojo loves to shake it off as if it’s not. Not that he doesn’t mind it — no, no. If anything, he prides himself in it. It fills his ego, knowing that a scarce few could be compatible with his power. He’s a dependable light for the jujutsu world, sorcerers of the nation thankful that he's not on the wrong side. 
But alas, being the best has its taxing side, especially taking in tedious missions across the land and attending mandatory meetings with the entire jujutsu faculty body — not to mention being a teacher. The white-haired sorcerer was a busy man — no other way to explain it. However, the worst thing about it all was that there would be times when he’d have less time to spend with a certain someone who had him in the palm of their hands. And if he keeps being away from them, he might – no, will – malfunction. 
You were Gojo’s partner, his sweet baby that he cherished more than anything. You were a faculty member of Tokyo Jujutsu High, making things a little easier for the two of you to meet and elope (professionally). Nevertheless, those moments seem to frequent less and less with how many meetings have Gojo backed up this past week. The poor guy can’t even remember the last time he heard your sweet voice (which is a lie since you call every morning and night; he makes sure you do). 
Although, today would be different. Once this meeting with the Kyoto officials ended, he made a straight beeline out of the room to find you. And to his cheerful chuckle, he skips in your direction when he sees you conversing with Yuuji in the hallway. The salmon-haired teen greets his teacher with a high-five and a bow from you. 
Yuuji hears Megumi call for him from outside, so the boy dismisses himself with a goodbye and wanders off, leaving you and Gojo to yourselves. 
“Hello, Y/n~,” the man says your name with a happy tune, his lanky figure swaying to be close to you.
“Good noon, Gojo,” you greet him again with a modest smile as the tall man walks to you. “How was your meeting? Did the officials give you a tough ti—Mmmph!?”Your boyfriend surprises you with a kiss, taking in your perplexed moan with his pillowy lips. One peck comes after another while Gojo’s hands sneak to your waist. You quickly push him away, but his hold keeps you close to his figure. “G–Gojo, what are you doing!?” You express your concern in confusion, covering your lips with a hand. 
“Mmm? What do you mean? I’m greeting my princess with a kiss,” the blindfolded man says so matter-of-factly, beaming his delighted demeanor that nearly blinds you. “I miss you!”
“I miss you, too, but you can’t just—“ He tilts his head as you try to explain. You chew your lip with cheeks boosting in warmth, averting your glance away from his charming face that’s inching closer and closer to yours. His eyes are masked by the black cloth around his face; however, you can still sense the intensity of his gaze. “N-Not in public, Gojo...”
He plays the whining card, bringing you in for a tight hug that could restrain your breathing. “Ehhh, but I haven’t seen or touched you in days! See, we’ve been apart for so long that you’re going back to referring to me by my last name!”
“I always call you by your family name when in the school, no??”
“Yeah, but that’s only for when people are around, not just the two of us!” His complaints are genuine, swaying around with you in his arms. You roll your eyes, listening to him yap more. “Come on, Y/n; it’s been such a hectic week for me, missions after missions, meetings after meetings. Any more than this, and I just might combust — especially when I don’t have time to see my angel.”
You hear him make fake crying noises to your shoulder, reminding yourself how much your tall, strong boyfriend can be such a whiny puppy if he’s away from you for too long. But you can’t kid yourself; you missed spending time with him just as much as he did. “I know; I wanna see you more often, too. Don’t you worry, okay? This week is almost over, so keep pushing through like the tough man you are…Hehe, my strong Satoru.”
The snow-haired sorcerer springs up with a childish smile at the use of his name, his dimples present with the shine of his teeth. “If that’s what must happen, can your strong Satoru ask for another kiss to make his hell a little bearable?”
You give him a look at his request, but his anticipation doesn’t falter. With a sigh, you smile and whisper, “Just a kiss, Satoru?”
He chuckles lightly, drawing his mouth close to yours. “Yes, princess.”
His soft lips land on yours. There’s no restraint as you welcome him, your hands coming around to cup his cheeks before breaking the kiss. “One more,” he says before your nose is brushed away from his. You comply and place another gentler peck, and the man sneaks a hand from your waist to the back of your head. You withdraw your lips again, but Gojo utters another “One more…” Your stomach does flips knowing what game he’s trying to play. Another kiss is received, and his leg sneaks in between yours.
You mewl, finding yourself stuck in this predicament. He’s now in control, using this opportunity to deepen the kiss and make it more passionate, sucking your bottom lip and running his tongue for more access. You have no choice but to accept him, whimpering at the tongue intruding into your oral cavity while his leg moves further and further. 
Your hands come to his shoulders, gripping his jacket as the Gojo furthers himself into the kiss. The hand behind your head keeps you steady, keeping him focused on your mouth, where he sucks on your tongue in a way that leaves you breathless — like, actually. After he quits the kiss, you two are gasping for air so hard, and your lips are wet because of him. 
“Hahhh, ’Toru, stop,” you wipe spit from your mouth. “We can’t be doing this here…”
Your complaint falls on deaf ears, the sorcerer placing chaste kisses on your cheek. “Hmmm, why not?”
“Mmm..Someone, your students, we’d be caught here…”
Gojo smirks; it’ll never stop being adorable how bashful you are around him, particularly when he expresses his undying affection for you in public. But he will respect your wishes, and the idea that pops into his head makes him giggle.
Before you can process anything, Gojo picks you up with your legs held up and a hand on your back. You squeak at the unexpected action, grabbing a hold of his neck to balance yourself. Your mouth opens to express your bewilderment. Yet one moment, you two are in a hallway of the school; then you’re transported to a familiar room with a bed the next — your bedroom.
You blink in perplexity as Gojo throws you on top of your bed, stammering to find the right words. “Satoru, I wish you’d stop teleporting without letting me know! And don’t you have another meeting to get to!? Why are we in my apart—“ You don’t finish that sentence; you stop yourself once Gojo crawled up on the bed to you. Suddenly, you feel too small to utter a word.
“Sorry, baby,” No, he wasn’t. Not with that childish grin posted on his face. He brings his face to yours, placing more smacks on your lips. “But you’re the one who said we shouldn’t be doing this on school grounds. Heh, you act so cute when you’re shy…”
“No, Satoru, we can’t—Mmmm,” silencing you with kisses was such a vile card, knowing you’d be whimpering under him just from him twirling his tongue with yours. “Mmph..Mmah…! You’re scheduled for…another meet—“
“Shhh, don’t worry; I can be late for a few minutes,” another lie. If Gojo’s late to another meeting, Principal Yaga will put the younger man in a chokehold again. “I’ll make this quick, I promise. So, just let me enjoy you…”
Sucking your tongue is all it takes for you to give up on trying to persuade him out of what he’s doing. Gojo takes off and throws his jacket to the bedroom floor to let his black fitted tee breathe, and his hands initiate unbuttoning your blouse. He then slithers it down to the bottom of your long pencil skirt to pull up, greeting your undergarments with his digits. You jerk at the contact of his middle finger that presses on the damp spot of your panties, earning a faint, salacious laugh from Gojo. 
“Awww, did my baby get wet just from kissing earlier?” He rubs the underwear further, soaking the spot more with your fluids. Your thighs tremble, “Did you miss me that much?”
“Sato—Oooh!” He sinks his finger deeper into your entrance; the material barrier is so wet from your essence seeping through. “Your finger...Mmm.”
“What is it, cutie?” He whispers to your ear, and you have to bite down on your lip to suppress a moan. “You want my fingers?” You nod sheepishly, amusing the snow-haired man. “Now, Y/n, you know I want to hear you tell me what you want. Use your words, princess.”
You gulp to satiate your dry throat. “Yess, Satoruu, I want your fingers. Please, let me cum on your fingers…”
“That’s my angel,” he praises before straightening himself between your sheer pantyhose-covered legs. After sliding your damp panties off, he brings a leg to his shoulder and finally slides his blindfold off his face, his hair losing its spiky position and falling with gravity. Cerulean eyes catch a glimpse of your wet cunt in his sights, biting his lip. “Made such a pretty mess all for me, huh.”
His hand returns to your now bare chasm, sliding his ring and middle finger between your soaking folds. You hum to the touch, gripping on your blouse to use as reins. After a few seconds, he inserts the middle digit inside, immediately going to work after he pulls a gasp from your surprised body.
Slow motions sneak up on you, scraping your velvet texture with the blunt fingertip. His slender digit pushed and pulled from inside you, making sure you took him to the knuckle. He swirls it around, evoking shaky screams from him, scratching your inner walls so diligently. And your eyebrows furrow once the movement quickens.
“Hooohh, ohhh!” You threw your head back to the pillows. “Ahhnn, faster, go faster…”
“Hmm? You want me to go faster?” He teases with a perched brow. He does as asked, but with a catch; he sneaks his ring finger inside with your slick as lube. You shriek, two fingers now ravaging your insides and pleasing you with faster shifts. “Like this?” Did you even have to answer that; were you gripping the sheets and hips moving on their own not enough?
“Oooo, fuahhh, fuuckk, ‘Toru, nooo, y’re making me…Hoohh!”
“Yeah, that’s right,” he kisses your calf before placing his lips on your ankle to lick playfully. “Just let me make you feel all good.”
Fuck did Gojo miss this; it’s been more than a week since he’s had his hands on your body like this. The constant meetings have almost made him forget the warmth and plush of your frame. He needed this, like, BAD. He’s barely containing himself now; the image of your slit taking his fingers so well is bubbling his excitement, and the tent of his pants that shields a boner grows painfully hornier.
You were bound to cum on his fingers in no time, howling with an arched back when he does the ‘come hither’ motion and scrapes your inner walls. They contract around his digits as your legs tremble with the surge of your orgasm. Gojo loves the sight and stirs the fingers to tease your keen nerves more. “Good job, sweetie,” he kisses your ankle again while slowly removing his fingers from you, inserting them inside his mouth to lather his tongue with your juices. He almost caves in just from the taste.
But a sudden buzz in the pocket of his pants alerts him. He brings out his phone ringing with a call and presses the green button before pressing the device to his ear. “Yo, Ijichi.”
“Ah, thank goodness you picked up. Where are you; the meeting starts in a few minutes.”
“Mmm, I’m at Y/n’s,” even if you’re in a tiny daze, your face morphed into an expression of shock at his nonchalant honesty. “I’m only here to grab something real quick, and then I’ll head back to the school.”
“Are you sure…?”
He laughs, “Now, Ijichi, are you calling me a liar?”
That was precisely what he was — a whole liar.
“—Taahh, ahhhn, Sa’oruuuuu! Yer hitting shoo deep in—Saaahh!!”
It’s been a solid fifteen minutes after that call with Ijichi, and Gojo is still in the confines of your bedroom. He was very much late; of course, he was. Why would he not be? He finally has this chance to have you to himself, so he’s indulging it however long he wishes.
Gojo ripped you out of your clothes to meet with his clothing on the floor, leaving you bare and nude for him aside from your pantyhose. You’re lying on your side with one leg up on Gojo’s shoulder while the other is between his, and his cock now pushing to and fro inside your chasm that was filled with his come. 
His thrusts were sharp and rough, the curve of his dick jabbing areas in your vagina you never thought would be stimulated. Jesus, his length was dangerous, having you babbling incoherent words to the air and reaching so deep inside that you quaked under him. Your brain is stuck in a haze, especially since this is the second time he’s fucking inside you and made you cum a total of three times!
“Ohhmy, Gohhhd! Sato—Ohhhh…!!” He grasps around your leg to plunge himself further and faster, the work of his pelvis having you see stars.
“Hsshhh, God, you feel so fucking good, baby,” he coos sweetly, juxtaposing with the erratic pace of his hips that move your figure with every rut. Azure orbs take in the display before him; your naked body submitted to him to alleviate his week-long stress and please the both of you. Strands of his silverfish-white hair are drenched from the sweat built on his forehead. “—Hmmgh! Shit…keep clamping onto me like that.”
You chew on your lip, sneaking a hand down on your clitoris to whisk your fingers around it. Oh, it feels so good, playing with yourself as your boyfriend massages your insides. “Mmaaah, s’ good...”
“Hmm, what’s that?” His hips now go slow; the stretch his curve causes when entering inside has your toes curl. “What feels good?” He then snaps his pelvis to startle you.
“—Mmmph!! You! Y’u feel so good, ‘Toruuu..!”
“Heh, you feel amazing yourself, Y/n,” returning to an erratic rhythm, Gojo pumps his cock til the base kisses your squelching folds. His balls smack onto you after every push. He then curves downward for his face to be closer for you to hear him, “Hmmnn, you gonna be good and come again, right?”
You nod cursorily, your eyes shut to enhance the feeling of you rubbing on your bud. “Yesshh, I’m so close, I wanna cum…Want you to fill me u—Uuuhhn!!”
“Jesus, you look so fucking hot,” he grins before bringing his mouth to your nipple, his tongue dancing around the tip to harden. “Let’s cum together, okay, cutie?”
He sucks in your nipple as his thrusts go grim, and severe hits to your cunt result in you wailing far from your control. The tip of his cock picks at your silky walls so euphorically that you hum his name. A hand comes to your chest to keep you steady and synced with him, and he keeps rutting into you even when his body shudders as his load is exerted inside your tight slit. And you’re not far from him either; your orgasm seconds away from his hits you hard, and you quiver in the shocks coursing through your body.
As you two rock slowly through your crescendos, your essence mixes with his seed, and your sweaty bodies heave and pant for the third time this session. Gojo releases your nipple from his mouth after withdrawing his dick from inside, and his jizz seeps out of your frame. “Phew, man, how I needed that.”
You respond despite your brain feeling a bit all over the place. “Are you happy now?”
He laughs while kissing your cheek. “Thank you, princess!”
“You’re welcome, Toru,” you shook your head with a meek smile. “But you really should get going; I don’t want you getting in trouble with—“
An abrupt sound comes from the front door, confusing the both of you as the knock comes from out of nowhere. Nonetheless, you get up and wipe yourself quickly before putting your clothes back on. Gojo does the same as you walk out of the bedroom to see who’s at your door. And once you open the door, your heart meets your stomach.
“Y/n,” it was Yaga, the principal adorning his usual attire and sunglasses.
“Principal Yaga,” you greeted the older man with a hurried bow. “Wh–What can I do for you—“
“He’s here, isn’t he?”
Your lips flatten at the question, using the silence to speak for itself as you move out of the way for the principal to enter. Yaga apologizes for the intrusion before marching into your apartment and presumably going after the person still in your bedroom, who lets out an exclaimed shout of pain from what you can assume was from a punch to the head from his old teacher. 
The former instructor strolls back to the front door where you remained; Gojo is dragged on the floor behind him. “Sorry again for the inconvenience,” Yaga puts his shoes back on before exiting your home. You observe the men leave with a heavy sigh, waving goodbye to your snow-haired sorcerer as he’s pulled across the hall like a toddler.
“See ya, sweetie,” he cries out to you without regard to the neighbors hearing him, putting his blindfold back on. “I miss you already!”
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requests/thirsts are open hehe~ 🧸
© 𝐇𝐨𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐲2024 – reblogs and comments are appreciated wholeheartedly ☆ header edit done by me + dividers by @/benkeibear.
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fate-magical-girls · 6 days
The Varieties of Chinese Mermaids
In the modern day, most people will think of the pearl-crying Jiaoren. However JIAOREN IS NOT THE PERFECT EQUIVALENT OF THE MERMAID in pre-modern folklore.
Chinese mermaids come in multiple types. Most of them can be found in the Chronicle of the Mountains and the Seas (Shan Hai Jing/山海經). Others can be found in the In Search of the Supernatural (Sou Shen Ji/搜神記) or Extensive Records of the Taiping Era (Taiping Guangji/太平廣記).
YUFU/MER-WIFE (魚婦): Zhuanxu was a god-emperor in legendary times, whose accomplishments included sending two of his sons to complete the separation of Heaven and Earth. When he died, fish ate his corpse, becoming half fish and half human women. They live in the Great Wilderness toward the west of China. They combine traits of humans, fish, and snakes. The Classic of Mountains and the Seas states: "There is a fish half-withered, it is Zhuanxu that died and then revived; when the winds blow northward, the sky whips up great geysers, snakes transform into fish, and those are mer-wives."
LINGYU/HILL FISH (陵魚,鯪魚): The Lingyu lived in the northern regions of China, either in the sea or mountain streams. They have human faces and limbs, but fish bodies. They are identified with Chinese giant salamanders or mud carp in the modern day. The Classic of Mountains and Seas states: "The nation of Guye is in the sea, among the Guye mountain range, surrounded by peaks to the southwest. There are great crabs are in the sea. There are Lingyu, which have human heads, feet, and hands, in the sea."
CHIRU/RED RU FISH (赤鱬): The Chiru lived in mountain in the south of China. It was red all over, had a human face, and its call sounded like that of a shelduck or mandarin duck. Eating its flesh protected people from contracting scabies. They are identified with sockeye salmon in the modern day. The Classic of Mountains and Seas states: "Three hundred miles more to the east, there is the mountain called Blue Hill...The Ying Waters emerge from here. Within are many Chiru; their forms are like fish, yet they have human faces, and their cries are like that of a shelduck. Those that eat its flesh will never have scabies."
DIREN/DI PEOPLE (氐人): The nation of the Di People was in the South of China. They were human from the waist up and fish from the waist down. They might have been a mythologization of the real Di People, who lived in western China, spread out from Shaanxi to Gansu. They joined the confederation of nomadic peoples who conquered Northern China during the Sixteen Kingdoms period. The Baima people of Gansu believe themselves to be descended from the ancient Di. The Classic of the Mountains and Seas states: "The nation of the Di People is west of the Jianmu Tree. Its inhabitants have human faces but fish bodies, with no feet."
HAI RENYU/SEA MERMAID (海人魚): The Sea Mermaid lives in the East China Sea. They tend to be around five to six shaku tall. (4'7"-5'6" or 1.4-1.68 meters.) Their upper bodies were that of humans, and they were all very beautiful. Their skins were white as jade, and their tails had no scales, but were covered in fine rainbow-colored hairs. Their hair grew long and wild like horse manes. Their private organs were much like that of humans, and they often sought humans or were sought by humans as mates in coastal communities, where they would live in a pool on their spouse's property. Sometimes they had red feelers or fins on their elbows and backs. Their bodies could not be penetrated by blades, but their fats could be harvested after death to form ever-burning candles. Han Dynasty texts state: "Merfolk have a human-like form longer than one shaku. They are not fit for consumption. Their skins are rougher than those of sharks, and cannot be penetrated by saws. They have little holes on their neck that they breathe through...Their fat is used to light lamps in royal tombs because the fire will never extinguish." Extensive Records of the Taiping Era states: "Sea Mermaids are found in the Eastern Sea. The largest ones are five or six shaku long. They are shaped like humans, with the brows and eyes, mouths and noses, hands and fingers, and heads of beautiful women, lacking in no feature. Their flesh is white as jade, and they have no scales, but thin, soft, and sleek hairs of five colors about one or two inches in length. Their private organs were no different from those of ordinary men and women. Widows and widowers from coastal communities often acquire them and raise them in pools. They mate the same way humans do, and never harm humans."
LOTING YUREN/LOTING FISH-MEN (盧亭魚人): Loting Fish-Men were found in the south of China, mostly around the Guangdong, Macau, and Hong Kong regions. They had humanoid limbs and humanoid faces with yellow hair and yellow eyes, but scaly bodies with fish tails. They lived mostly in the water, feeding on fish, but also built houses from mussel shells, and their favorite snack was chicken blood. They were a mythologization of the Tanka People, a southern Chinese pariah class who were once forced to live on their boats, as well as the Semang People. Ming Dynasty texts state: "The Jin Dynasty rebel Lu Ting was defeated and fled into the Guangdong region, where he lived a fugitive life on the water. After some generations, his descendants were unable to procure food or clothes, so they went about bare bodied and were called Loting. They would often sail out on the sea fishing for food, and they could all lie underwater for three or four days without dying, for they had already become fish." Qing Dynasty texts state: "Among the merfolk are the Loting Fish-Men, who are very numerous on Dayushan Island and the Wanshan Islands. Their adults are like humans, with male and female. Their hairs are dusky yellow and short and their eyes are also yellow, while their faces are black. Their tails are around an inch long. When they encounter humans they dive fearfully into the water. Often they would float along the waves, which would amaze people, who would they chase them. When a man who acquired one their females did the dirty with her, the fish-woman could not speak, only giggle. After a long while, she learned to wear clothes and eat grains. She was brought to Dayushan, where she went back to the water. These are the merfolk who do not harm men."
JIAOREN/SAMEBITO/SHARK-MEN (鮫人): Jiaoren are found in the South Seas. THEY ARE MER-SHARKS. THEY HAVE INKY BLACK BODIES, WILD HAIR, GLOWING GREEN EYES, AND SHARP TEETH. They are usually employed by dragon gods as weavers, capable of working tirelessly and spinning special waterproof silks. Their tears became pearls. They were first equated to Western mermaids by modern fantasy writers romanticizing the fact that they cried pearls.
WA WA YU/KIDDO FISH (娃娃魚): The Chinese Giant Salamander was often called a "mer-person" in the Ming and Qing dynasties, and described having a cry that resembled a baby's wail. To this day the colloquial name is still "Kiddo Fish".
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yujinslovr · 8 months
DAY 10 : gp!chaewon and minju x fem!reader
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CW: double penetration, dub con?, degradation, creampie, oral, lmk if there's anything else!
word count: 3,514
a/n: 8.397 inches long, 3.95 inches wide, salmon pink tip (#fa8076 to be exact), warm beige shaft (#ddbd9e) trimmed, and curves to the left slightly
kim chaewon and kim minju, everyone on campus knew of them, the famous kim's. the two girls had been childhood friends and were the campus crushes, the soccer captain and co-captain. they were both known as players in and out of the field, breaking hearts was nothing but a game to them. they got away with anything and everything they did, they were the pride of the school, their amazing skill in the field leading the school to endless victories. after graduation, the duo was set to go into the national leagues. not only were they insanely hot, their bodies toned due to the constant practice that was required in order to excel in their sport, but their parents were also the main funders of the school. they both came from some of the most prestigious families in all of south korea. due to their parents funding and their insane soccer skills, the both of them would get away with anything and everything. showing up to class was an option for them, all they needed to say was they were practicing and they’d get away scot free. 
chaewon and minju had never been denied by anyone, they had everyone begging to be with them. when chaewon saw you sitting on a couch at one of the parties yena hosted, she was stunned by your beauty. she had never seen you before, but she’d make sure to get to know you in more ways than ones. she confidently approached you and slid an arm over your shoulders gaining your attention. “what’s a pretty girl like you doing alone?” chaewon said in her usual confident tone. 
You shrugged her arm off, “maybe I want to be alone.” 
chaewon knew girls of your kind, a smirk spread across her face, knowing you were just playing hard to get. “I think i can change your mind on that.” chaewon said in a smug tone. “i’m kim chaewon.” she said, holding her hand out for you to shake. 
“i know.” everyone knew the famous kim chaewon, her along with her best friend kim minju had their faces plastered all over campus. it was practically impossible to not know the name, seeing as not only was she the biggest person on campus, but her family was also one of the biggest in south korea, you’d have to live under a rock to not know her. along with her name came her reputation, she was famous for playing with girls’ hearts and you did not want to be added to her list of fucks.
“can i get your name, pretty?” she said with a chuckle at your words, you knowing her only solidified her thought that you wanted her. 
“look, i'm really not interested and i’d appreciate it if you left me alone.” you said in your calmest voice, not trying to sound like a bitch but also quickly getting annoyed.
chaewon didn’t let your words affect her, she knew you wanted her, everyone did. “look-” she clearly mocked. “i know girls like you, and i understand your little game of back and forth but frankly I'm getting a bit bored. what do you say we go back to my place and you can get what you really want.” chaewon’s hand found its place on your upper thigh, giving it a little squeeze to emphasize her words. 
“wow, you’re such a fucking douche.” and with that you stood up silently fuming as you walked out of the house. you wish you could’ve punched her right then and there but you didn't want to cause a scene and you’d definitely get bodied. so you chose the smarter option, and decided to walk back to your dorm which was luckily not that far of a walk.
chaewon stayed where she was on the couch, fuming on the inside in embarrassment. she had never been rejected and she wasn't about to let you be her first, she’d make sure to get you. minju, who had witnessed the whole thing from a distance, came over laughing at chaewon. “wow, did i really just witness kim chaewon getting rejected?” 
“shut up.” chaewon sneered, her pride hurt at the fact that you really rejected her. 
“I think you might be losing your charm.” minju said in a chuckle, still not over the fact that chaewon really got rejected. “let's make a bet actually, i think I'm interested in her too. lets see who can get in her pants first.” 
and with that it started
you didn't know how, but somehow both of the famous kims seemed to have gotten your schedule. ever since you left that party a couple weeks ago the duo had not left you alone, both of them constantly throwing pick up lines and just trying to woo you in general. it was honestly so annoying and bothersome, the two were waiting outside of your every class and would constantly be following you around. you tried to reject them, but they just didn't seem to get the memo. hell, you even reported them to the office for harassment yet as expected the school didn't do anything, at most giving them a small ‘don't do it again’.
today was the homecoming game, and you were originally going to stay in your dorm room, and maybe watch a movie. but you had reluctantly been dragged out of your dorm by your best (and only) friend wonyoung. her girlfriend was on the team and so she obviously went to all the games, but since this was the last one of the semester and against SMU, one of your schools biggest competitors, she wanted you to be there with her. 
you had never been interested in sports before, so you didn't really understand all that was happening. but you understood that the game was very intense, judging by the scores displayed on the jumbotron, SMU was very very close in score, and you could see how stressed out minju and chaewon looked. they had never lost a game a day in their life and they werent gonna start now. you didn't think you’d originally be very interested in what was going on in the game, you assumed you’d be using your phone throughout the whole game. now that you were actually at the game and watching, you couldn't seem to remove your eyes from the field, thoroughly invested in the game. you were sitting at the edge of your seat, your legs jumping up and down. 
it was during halftime, when everyone took a break that minju noticed you, she went up to chaewon, pointing in your direction. chaewon’s eyes widened, just like minju’s did when she saw you, the both of them shocked to see that you came. it was like seeing you lit something in both of them, after making eye contact and winking at you the duo were on fire, quickly largening the score difference. everytime chaewon made a shot, she’d send you a look, as if boasting yet still asking for her reward. 
before you knew it, the game had ended. minju and chaewon both being the stars of the night, for saving the team from having their first loss. wonyoung had asked you if you could wait outside the locker rooms with her until yujin came out so you all could walk back together. you had been reluctant at first, not wanting to bump into minju or chaewon but wonyoung kept on begging saying that it would be easier since you all lived in the same building. not being able to deny wonyoung’s pout, you now found yourself outside the locker rooms hiding behind wonyoung. 
“God, how much longer will she take?!” you let out exasperated, you had seen probably half the team leave yet yujin was nowhere to be found. 
“she’ll come out any minute, and you're acting like you have better things to be doing.” 
“actually-” you cut yourself off when yujin walked out, minju and chaewon in tow. “god dammit.” you whispered under your breath. 
minju and chaewon had their signature smirks on when they saw you waiting outside. “waiting on us darling?” chaewon said, inching closer and closer to you as you walked backwards. 
“you and yujin can go, we got y/n covered.” minju said, looking at wonyoung as yujin went to pull her away.
you sent a pleading look to wonyoung hoping she wouldn't leave you alone, but wonyoung apparently didn't get the message and instead sent you two thumbs up and a wink. you could strangle wonyoung right now for leaving you between these two douches. 
“look, i was just waiting with wonyoung for yujin, and i’d appreciate it if-” you cut yourself off with a yelp as you felt minju throw you over her shoulder, carrying you inside the locker room. “w-wait what are you guys doing?” 
“well, i mean we just won the homecoming game. don't we deserve a reward?” chaewon said, minju pushing you to your knees in front of chaewon. 
they both pulled down their sweats, revealing their massive cocks. your eyes widened as you switched between looking at minju and chaewon, you had heard the rumors, but seeing it in person you could tell the rumors didn't do them justice. you definitely didn't want to be added to their list of bodies, but seeing chaewon’s cock in front of you, the angry red tip leaking precum you couldn't help but want it. chaewon let out a chuckle at the look on your face, tapping her tip on your lips and smearing your lips with her precum. no matter how much you wanted it, you refused to give her the satisfaction, instead choosing to keep your lips shut, a glint of defiance in your eyes.
with a grunt, chaewon pushed past your closed lips and forcefully entered your mouth. you swirled your tongue around the meat in your mouth, hollowing out your cheeks to suck. the salty taste of her precum filled your taste buds, it wasn't the good kind of salty but for some reason it had you craving for more. you took your time with her, your hand gripping what wouldn't fit into your mouth while you bobbed your head up and down chaewon’s length. your hand simultaneously found minju’s cock, you rubbed her tip, smearing the precum that was there, giving minju a hand job while you sucked chaewon off. 
minju started to thrust her hips, meeting your hand while chaewon did the same thing, tightening her grip in your hair as she thrusted her hips into your mouth. “f-fuck baby, i always knew you wanted me.” your response couldn't be anything more than muffled moans and gags. the overwhelming feeling of chaewon’s thick cock filling up your mouth was more than enough to bring you to tears. you could feel your jaw grow sore as chaewon used your mouth like a fleshlight. the constant grunts chaewon would let out as she slammed her hips into your face almost felt like a reward, her noises turning you on to no end “f-fuck!” and with one last thrust into your mouth she bottomed out, not stopping till your nose was squished against her pelvis. you could feel the warm semen shooting out into the deepest parts of your mouth. the slightly bitter yet sweet taste filled your senses and you couldn't help but wonder how minju would taste. 
after finishing in your mouth, chaewon moved from in front of you and you dropped your hand that was working minju as she came to stand in front of you. your mouth opening in almost instinct as minju stood in front of you, her cock pointing at you, the tip beading with precum. you couldn't take your eyes off of her, she was a bit longer than chaewon but less girthy. 
minju’s hands tangled themselves in your hair, keeping your head still so that she could thrust in easily. your jaw was sore, and so was the back of your throat from the constant abuse, yet you couldn't seem to pull away. if anything you found yourself wanting more, hollowing out your cheeks as you tasted all of her. “a-always knew you wanted us, this is all sluts like you want.” she grunted out, her balls slapping into your chin with every thrust. chaewon stood to the side, her dick not staying down for long at the sight of minju fucking your face. 
chaewon went up behind you, minju pulling out of your mouth after sharing a look with chaewon. chaewon manhandled you onto the bench in the locker room, standing behind you while minju took her place in front of you. minju shared a look with chaewon, rubbing and slapping her wet cock on your face. minju’s other hand suddenly gripped your hair, pulling your head up to look at her, smirking at your state. your own spit mixed with her precum was spread across your face, your mascara was smudged and so was your lipstick. “mm, such a dirty whore for me aren't you?” not letting you give a response, minju shot chaewon a look and then at the same time minju bottomed out in your mouth while chaewon did the same in your cunt. 
your eyes widened, the feeling of chaewon filling you to the brink with no prep whatsoever had you gasping for air, air which you couldn't inhale seeing as minju was all the way in your mouth. your chokes on minju’s dick became more intense, but she didn't care, not one bit. you were here for her pleasure, she didn't care about what happened to you. she eventually did retract her long fucking cock from your mouth, allowing you not more than a second to inhale before she was back in. 
the vibration of your moans on minju’s dick had her blissed out, her head was thrown back and you couldn't seem to rip your eyes from the sight. you knew they were hot, you had eyes, but seeing minju with her head thrown back, eyes squeezed shut in pleasure, and sweat rolling down her neck you couldn't help but be astonished at her beauty. it was all almost too much for you, the way chaewon pounded into you, hitting parts you didn't even think reachable. it was all too much for you to handle, the built up pressure in your lower stomach finally releasing itself. 
if this was any other time, you might’ve been embarrassed for releasing so quick, but minju pulling out of your mouth and painting your face with her cum had you too distracted. the warm sticky fluid covered your face as minju jerked herself off in front of your face. your head was being held up by minju, one hand in your hair and one on herself. not being able to help yourself, you reached a hand up and swiped a finger over your cheek, collecting her cum and sticking it in your mouth. you hummed around your fingers at the taste, instantly craving more; had you known minju tasted this good, you long would’ve given yourself up. 
“what a fucking whore, cant get enough can you? i bet a whore like you would love to be filled up by us daily, have your useless holes put to use.” minju’s degradation was turning you on way more than it should’ve, no longer denying their words but instead nodding rapidly at minju’s words. 
it didn't take long for chaewon to cum either, her following closely after minju. pulling out just to marvel at the sight of your cunt clenching around nothing, her semen dripping out in white globs. despite having just cum, the two soccer players couldn't seem to get it down, the sight of you all ruined for them having a big effect on them. 
minju left from in front of you, going behind you to join chaewon. words weren’t needed for the duo, a simple glance saying everything that needed to be said. minju’s cock was already soaked in your spit, but just to be safe, she reached down to your cunt and scooped some of your cum mixed with chaewon’s and slathered her cock with it. chaewon picked you up, sitting down on the bench and then placing you on top of her, while simultaneously sinking herself back into your snatch. 
minju stayed standing until chaewon shot her a look, lifting you up a bit and spreading your ass cheeks open. you let out a small confused squeak at the action, but still didn't think much of it. not until you felt minju’s tip prodding at your asshole, you weren’t given so much as a heads up before minju shoved herself into the tight ring of muscle. you had taken only a couple people there before, but none of them even came close to not only minju’s length but also her girth. 
the feeling of both minju and chaewon’s monster fucking cocks in you was most definitely too much. you dont think you’ve ever felt this full, you could feel the both of them moving in and out of you. when chaewon would pull out minju would plunge herself in, not giving you even a moment without being full of cock. your hands were clawing at chaewon’s back as you repeatedly moaned out their names, almost like a mantra. you could feel it, it had barely even been a few minutes yet you had never been more sure of this feeling. you tried your best to hold out, but it was just too much the constant full feeling, the way they made sure that not a crevice was left untouched was too much. the feeling of minju reaching around you to grope your breasts was the frosting on the cake. with the feeling of minju twisting your nipple in between her fingers and you could feel the knot in your lower stomach snapping. you came with a high pitched moan, creamy rings of your cum shaping themselves around chaewon’s length. 
the minute you came down from your high, the immediate pain of overstimulation hitting full force. you tried to push yourself off of chaewon, mumbling out ‘wait’, but both minju and chaewon did not care “what happened baby? too much?” chaewon said, her eyes doused in lust, the small glint of faux innocence barely showing in the ocean of lust. 
“t-t’ much… p-please, ‘t hurts..” you mumbled out, tears streaming down your face, the overstimulation too much for you.
“too bad, me ‘n wonnie still haven’t gotten off. maybe if your whore pussy didnt cream so soon this wouldn't be happening..” minju said, you could practically see her mocking pout. 
you could feel a wave of humiliation wash over you at her words. though you weren’t allowed to indulge in your humiliation, as you felt a finger hook itself in your cunt stretching it open as chaewon stilled. your eyebrows furrowed, to fucked out to even begin to understand what was about to happen. It was then that you felt minju shove her whole cock into your already full snatch. “MMPH— i-it hurts! t-too much!” 
you could see the grin on chaewon’s face, satisfied at what they were doing to you and your reaction. “y’know, if you just hadn’t played hard to get this wouldn't be happening, it’s your punishment for even thinking you could reject me. chaewon said, pulling out and pushing herself back in, barely giving you a minute to adjust. 
“f-fuck you’re suffocating me.” minju groaned out, kneading your ass as she finally started to move.  
the fullness you were now feeling, was something much different from how it felt before. you felt as if you were being stretched to your absolute breaking point, as if the two of them were splitting you open. the feeling mixed with how overstimulated you were sent you into overdrive, leaning down to muffle your moans by biting into chaewon’s shoulder. you were sure you drew blood with how hard you were biting, the faint metallic taste in your mouth proof of that. yet you couldn't seem to let that thought sit for even a second, the overstimulation morphing into overwhelming pleasure. 
all the voices and noises seemed to blur out, the only thing you could focus on being the amazing feeling of being split open by two of the biggest cocks you’d ever seen. you had never felt anything this intense. the warm feeling of chaewon shooting her load into you closely followed by minju was your breaking point. everything was just too much, the feeling of finally letting go of the intense built up pressure in your lower stomach was euphoric. 
“holy fucking shit.” you could faintly hear chaewon’s voice as she looked at the mess you had made all over her and minju.
you felt chaewon’s soft hands rubbing your back while minju whispered sweet nothings into your ear trying to calm you down. that was the last thing you felt before losing your consciousness, the exhaustion of all that you had done catching up with you.
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todayontumblr · 8 months
Monday, October 10.
The finale of Fat Bear Week, 2023.
The temperature may be dropping, but the competition—the competition—is heating up. Fat Bear Week 2023 has you all in raptures as some of the loveliest brown friends on Earth load up on salmon, salmon, and yet more salmon at the Brooks River in Katmai National Park, Alaska.
These champions-elect are eating their way not just towards the hibernation season, but the coveted title of the state's most rotund bear. Newcomers and fan favorites alike are duking it out for this most prestigious prize as #fat bear week enters these final days. But don't forget—every bear is a winner in Fat Bear Week 2023.
And there is, of course, the live cam from the Brooks River at Katmai, where you can watch the action unfold in real time.
Your vote counts x
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system-to-the-madness · 4 months
Secret Notes and Misunderstandings - Sugawara Kōshi x Reader
Pairing: Sugawara Kōshi x Reader (can be read as any gender, no pronouns used) Genre: fluff Word Count: 3 420 Warnings: Use of y/n, Tanaka and Noya Summary: You receive secret notes from someone. If only they were from your crush Suga A/N: I’m not really happy with the style of this one…
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It had to be every schoolgirl’s dream, receiving cute notes written by a secret admirer, pushed into her locker every morning. And the notes were cute, they really were. Never creepy or offensive, just sweet.
It had started almost a month ago. One morning you had opened your locker, only to find a small note fluttering out. Not recognizing it, you had unfolded the paper that seemed to have been ripped from a Kanji exercise book. In an unfamiliar handwriting, using what seemed like a fine 0.3mm black ink pen, a few words had been scribbled down, making a smile pull at your lips.
“I’m too shy to tell you this in person, but your presentation on the United Nations yesterday was crazy good.”
You had folded the note back together, and placed it in your pencil case, where it made you smile every time you glanced at it.
“You’re in a good mood today,” Sugawara, your classmate, had grinned when he had passed you during lunch break on this way to the sink.
You had shrugged, your heart beating faster when you had realized that Suga had addressed you. The feeling that ran through your body at every interaction with him was so different from the feelings the note had sparked, so much better.
The notes had started that day, and there had not been one day of school since then, that there hadn’t been one shoved into your locker in the morning. Over time they had gotten more personal, leaving less and less doubt about the author’s attraction to you. He (and you knew it was a guy by the words he used), was never offensive or creepy, just plainly sweet, complimenting the hair clip you had worn the other day, or sometimes even admitting how he wished he would be brave enough to talk to you normally, without these notes.
And the more he revealed his own thoughts, his own insecurities and wishes, the more he revealed of his heart, the worse you felt. The notes were cute, sweet, and normally you would have been dying to know who went through all the effort just for your sake. Maybe you would have been trying to find out who it was and asked them out, just because you felt like after all the effort he had made, he deserved you take a risk too.
But no matter how much you wanted to feel excited and honoured by these notes, there was still Suga. Suga who was in the same class as you and your mysterious admirer, Suga who was working hard in every subject, who helped the other students when they struggled, who laughed loud and unashamedly in the breaks, who’s smile was warm like summer sun beams, even when it was only late February. So really it was Sugawara’s fault, you thought to yourself, that you couldn’t reciprocate the feelings these notes conveyed. If it weren’t for your stupid, stupid, unrequited crush on him, you’d have tried to get into contact with the author of these notes weeks ago. But your heart was hopelessly hung up on someone else, no matter how much you tried to convince yourself to let these feelings go.
So, when you stared down on what had to be the boldest note yet, you felt a little sick.
"I've been trying to work up the courage to ask you to sit with me for lunch for weeks now, but every time I think about getting up and asking you, I get so nervous that I can't even think properly anymore. Maybe I’ll ask you tomorrow. I want to make salmon onigiri, I know you like those. What do you think?"
The nervousness of the author as he had written these words and then pushed the note into your locker was basically seeping out of the paper into your hands, pleading you to be as nervous about him as he was about you. But instead, you knew he was just setting himself up for heartbreak. This had to stop. Now. You had allowed this boy to bring up his hopes for far too long now. You had to end this. Even if it would hurt him. Even when you would feel awful for breaking his heart.  But it was better to end this now than to have him work up the courage to face you and then tell it into his face.
Although he did deserve a gentle let down, he didn’t deserve to torture himself before it. So, after your last class, you ripped out a page of your notebook and grabbed one of your pens. During class, between paying attention to the teachers’ words and the way Suga was bouncing his leg under the table on the other side of the classroom, you had mentally prepared what you wanted to write.
“Dear friend, thank you very much for all the notes over the past weeks. I have enjoyed reading them, but I’m sorry to tell you that I can’t reciprocate your feelings. I already have someone I like, and it wouldn’t be fair to let you keep hoping I will return your feelings. In fact, I should have told you this a lot sooner, and I’m sorry for the pain I’m causing you now. Let this be the last exchange.”
You had been tempted to add words of reassurance or comfort, but you were worried they might make him hope against hope that you would eventually return his feelings. When the last class was over, you used a thin strip of washi-tape and stuck the note to your locker so it was blocking the little gap in the door. This way the note couldn’t possibly go unnoticed by whoever had sent you the others.
The next morning rolled around, and you were almost nervous, when you took off your shoes and placed them in the rack, going to your locker to grab your books for the day. The note you had stuck to its door the day prior was gone, and you already feared someone else might have removed it, but when you opened the locker, no new note came sailing out. You were almost a little disappointed. But you had asked him to stop writing, so you had gotte what you wanted. This was for the best. Let him be disappointed or maybe even a little heartbroken, and by next week he would have moved on.
When you entered the classroom, you found, much to your surprise, that yesterday’s note hadn’t been the last. Instead, someone had placed two wrapped onigiri on your table, and a note underneath. Up until now, the paper had always been torn neatly out of notebooks, the signs evenly paced and written with precision. This time, even though it was the by now familiar handwriting, the page seemed to have been ripped out in haste, the words smeared over the paper, smudging the ink.
“I already made these, and I thought you should have them. If you don’t want them, leave them on the desk during lunch break and I’ll take them back. This is my last note. Thanks for your honesty.”
You bit your lip, staring down at the paper. You could tell his hand had shaken when he had written this note. While nervousness had seeped out of the other notes, this one seemed to ooze pain. He’ll get over it, you thought to yourself, over me.
Quickly you crumbled the note in your hand, pushing the onigiris to the edge of the table, not intending to eat them. With a few steps you made your way to the paper basked, discarding the final note of your secret admirer. On your way back to your desk, your eyes skipped over to where Suga was sitting, as always when you got the chance.
He sat backsided on a chair, arms crossed over the backrest, chin propped on his lower arm. He had taken off his jacket, leaving him in the short sleeved, white button-up of the uniform. Warm spring sunlight flitted in through the window, catching in his silver hair and making it gleam like star light. He looked angelic, you thought to yourself. Even though Daichi was telling him something, and laughing at his side, Suga barely seemed to listen, his gaze absentmindedly directed into the distance. He looked pale, you realized, pale and tired. Hopefully he wouldn’t get sick in the last weeks of the school year.
Suddenly his gaze drew away from wherever he had stared of to, and directed itself to you instead. You felt like your heart almost stopped at the way his coffee brown eyes bore into you, and feeling your cheeks heat up, you lifted your hand to wave at him with a smile. Instead of returning the gesture, he only seemed to tense, before tearing his eyes away from you and sitting up, saying something to Daichi instead.
Confused at his unusual reaction, you walked back to your seat, sitting down. The onigiri in front of you seemed to mock you, and far more frequent than usually your gaze flickered over to Suga during the day. His mood didn’t seem to better though, and in fact it grew only grimmer when he caught you staring at him once.
You were not the only one who seemed to pick up on his unusual behaviour, because as the bell rang for lunch break, you overheard Daichi ask him if everything was okay. Suga only answered he was fine, even though he sounded upset and annoyed, but the rest of the conversation got drowned out by the voices of other students.
Like every day, you left the classroom at the beginning of lunchbreak to refill your bottle at the water fountain in the hallway. Today you made sure to take an extra few minutes; hopefully giving the author of the notes you had received enough time to retrieve the onigiri from your desk. And sure enough, by the time you returned to the classroom, they were gone.
The rest of the day went by without any other incidents, unless one counted Suga’s terrible mood. Even across the classroom it seemed to rub off on you. Originally you had wanted to pay closer attention to the other boys, trying to see if anyone’s behaviour differed from usually which might give them away as the author of the messages, but instead your focus was entirely on Suga and what you could do to cheer him up.
When the last class ended, and you still hadn’t thought of anything useful to say to Suga, you just opted for a wave and a smile, as you usually did, bidding him goodbye before heading off to your club. But unlike all the other days, he ignored you completely, leaving a bitter taste in your mouth and your heart heavy.
It was already growing dark outside when you hasted through the corridors of the school again. Your club had finished only a few minutes ago, when you had remembered there was a book you needed for homework, so you were on your way back to the lockers. You had almost reached them, when suddenly the voices of two students made you stop.
“He explicitly said not to get involved,” the one nagged.
“But have you seen him? Can you really just stand by and watch him suffer like that,” the other voice replied.
Carefully you snuck around the last corner, finding two boys standing in front of your locker. Even in the dim light you could make out the one’s buzzcut and the other’s unruly hair. They were both in the year below you, you realized, and members of the volleyball team, teammates of Suga’s. The one with the unruly hair was trying to push a piece of paper through the gap below the door into your locker.
You were about to ask them what they were up to. After all, neither of them couldn’t have been the one writing the notes you had received; that person was in your class. You knew that from the references to your classwork he had been making.
“You know, he’s gonna hate you when he finds out you got involved.”
“So what, let him hate me! As long as he gets his girl! (Y/n) just has to give him a second chance!”
“Who am I supposed to give a second chance,” you asked out loud, stepping out from behind the corner.
The two boys jumped in surprise as your presence, the one with the unruly hair, quickly hiding a piece of paper behind his back.
“Well, you see, the thing is our set-,” he started, immediately receiving a harsh nudge from his friend.
“And what were you trying to push into my locker,” you added. Usually you were not very intimidating, but being a year older than them had its perks: they had to respect you. Demanding, you held out your hand.
The boy with the blond streak in this dishevelled hair shot his friend a side glance before stepping forward and dropping the paper into your outstretched hand.
“Have you been the ones putting notes into my locker,” you asked.
“Yes, well, no. Maybe. Sometimes,” the boy with the buzzcut answered. Tanaka, you remembered.
“What is it now. Have you or have you not?”
“Sometimes,” the other one – Nuka? Nayo? Noya? Oh yes, Noya was his name – answered. “Sometimes we delivered them for our friend, when you had club late and there was the chance of you running into Su-“
He got interrupted by another shove between his ribs. He coughed.
Biting your lip, you twirled the paper between your fingers. You could find out who had sent you all these notes, you realized. You just had to ask now. Tanaka would probably be quiet, but Noya seemed eager to make you like whoever had sent them to deliver them. But did you want to know? Did you really want to go to class tomorrow, look at the person who had written these notes and pretend you didn’t know?
“Please,” Tanaka interrupted your thoughts. “Can’t you give our friend a chance? We know you like someone else, but you’ll forget about that guy in no time, I promise! Our friend is like- he’s the best guy there is really. He’s smart, and patient, and funny-”
“Charming, good-looking, athletic,” Noya continued. “A little chaotic sometimes maybe, but he has like the biggest heart-”
You shook your head. “Listen guys, Tanaka-kun, Noya-kun. I appreciate your effort and I know you just want to see your friend happy, but as I already wrote him: there is someone else I like, and it wouldn’t be right to let your friend hope that my feelings will change eventually. That’s just not fair.”
“But you should’ve seen him today during practice,” Noya continued. “He was not himself! He was devastated! And Suga’s ready to let you walk away because he respects you, but I- we think-”
“Wait, wait,” you lifted your hands in the air, signalling him to stop talking. Your heart was racing. “Say that again.”
“He respects you and-”
“No, you said his name,” you disagreed.
The boys exchanged glances.
“He’ll kill you,” Tanaka mumbled to Noya.
“Did you say Suga,” you asked.
Their silence was answer enough.
All this time you had wanted Suga to notice you and all this time it had been him who had sent you these notes? And then you had rejected him? Was that why he had been so pale today, why he hadn’t smiled at you today? Because you had rejected him, not even knowing who you had rejected? Your heart dropped and the floor felt like it was giving way beneath your feet. You had to fix that. Somehow you had to fix this stupid, stupid situation.
“Do you have a pen?”
Tanaka rummaged around in his pocket, before handing you a blunt pencil. You took it anyway. Unfolding the paper you had taken from Noya, you placed it against the closest locker, flipping it to its empty side.
“What’s Suga’s favourite onigiri filling,” you asked, glancing at Tanaka and Noya from over your shoulder.
“Salmon,” they answered at the same time without hesitation.
You furrowed your brows. “Are you sure?”
“We talked about it just the other day,” Tanaka assured you.
“He said, he likes them because you like them,” Noya added. You exhaled slowly, trying not to laugh. This sounded so much like something Suga would say.
Putting the pen down, you began writing.
“Noya and Tanaka ranted you out. Don’t be mad at them, I made them tell me. Let’s eat lunch together. I’ll make salmon onigiri, I know you like those. We can eat outside under the plum tree. The blossoms are your favourite, aren’t they?”
Quickly, before you could change your mind, you folded the paper, and pushed it into Suga’s locker, making the two boys exchange wide eyed glances.
“What did you write,” they asked excitedly as you returned to your locker to retrieve the book you had come here for.
“Are you giving him a second chance?”
“You’ll see,” you answered with a smile.
The next morning, Suga was already sitting in the classroom when you entered, like he did every morning. When he saw you sitting down behind your own desk, he quickly exchanged a few words with Daichi, before walking over.
Pink was dusting his cheeks, the colour almost matching that of the plum blossoms outside. He was nervous, you could tell, fiddling around with a piece of paper between his fingers. Watching him walk over, your own pulse spiked. Yesterday you had been filled with confidence when you had written the note, but today it all seemed unreal. That was until he dropped the small piece of paper on the desk in front of you, leaning against the table.
For a moment you looked up at him, his chocolate brown eyes nervous but also filled with warmth as he glanced down to you, then you reached for the paper. He had rolled it into a tight scroll, probably an act of nervosity while he had waited for you. For the first time the note didn’t contain any words, only a doodled Smilie. The smile on your face was instantaneous, and quickly you looked back up to Suga, who was full on blushing now.
“I know, I said I’d stop it with the notes, but…” he shrugged bashfully, making you laugh quietly.
“No, that’s okay,” you let him know.
“I do gotta ask though- not that I’m complaining, just curious – what changed your mind?”
He’s still smiling, but you could hear the insecurity in his voice as well.
Inhaling deeply, you settled for the truth. “Turned out the guy I rejected was actually the guy I was rejecting him for.”
Suga just furrowed his brows in confusion.
“What I mean is,” you shuffled in your seat a little, wondering if the words would come any easier if you sat differently or if Suga weren’t nailing you to the chair with the intensity with which he was considering you now. “You’re the guy I was talking about in that note, the person I like. I didn’t know you were also the person sending me these notes.”
Finally, the last bit of hesitation seemed to melt away from Suga. “Lucky then, that I like you, too,” he teased, making your heart stutter and his cheeks tint an even deeper pink. “Sooo, are we eating lunch together?"
You nodded. “I made onigiri, like promised. Is salmon really your favourite filling?”
Suga laughed. “Yeah, it is. Always has been, since I was little.”
He was about to say something else, but was interrupted by the teacher, calling the beginning of the class.
Quickly he pushed away from your desk, winking at you mischievously. This Suga was so very different from the disappointed, heartbroken Suga from yesterday. You knew exactly which one you preferred. He turned around and hurried back to his desk, but not before dropping another note to your table, this one folded several times.
As the teacher began the class, you quickly unfolded the paper under your desk, reading the few words Suga had written down. This time they were a lot neater than the note he had left with the rejected onigiri the day prior.
“I mean it. I really like you too.”
And underneath he had drawn a tiny, almost hesitant doodle of a heart.
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wilwheaton · 1 year
In early July 2008, Samuel Alito stood on a riverbank in a remote corner of Alaska. The Supreme Court justice was on vacation at a luxury fishing lodge that charged more than $1,000 a day, and after catching a king salmon nearly the size of his leg, Alito posed for a picture. To his left, a man stood beaming: Paul Singer, a hedge fund billionaire who has repeatedly asked the Supreme Court to rule in his favor in high-stakes business disputes. Singer was more than a fellow angler. He flew Alito to Alaska on a private jet. If the justice chartered the plane himself, the cost could have exceeded $100,000 one way. In the years that followed, Singer’s hedge fund came before the court at least 10 times in cases where his role was often covered by the legal press and mainstream media. In 2014, the court agreed to resolve a key issue in a decade-long battle between Singer’s hedge fund and the nation of Argentina. Alito did not recuse himself from the case and voted with the 7-1 majority in Singer’s favor. The hedge fund was ultimately paid $2.4 billion. Alito did not report the 2008 fishing trip on his annual financial disclosures. By failing to disclose the private jet flight Singer provided, Alito appears to have violated a federal law that requires justices to disclose most gifts, according to ethics law experts. Experts said they could not identify an instance of a justice ruling on a case after receiving an expensive gift paid for by one of the parties.
Alito Took Unreported Luxury Trip With GOP Donor Paul Singer — ProPublica
So Harlan Crow owns Thomas, Singer owns Alito. Who owns Kavanaugh and Gorsuch? We know the Handmaid’s Association Of We Are Totally Not Fundamentalist Fanatics owns Coney Barret. And all of them invent law to get the result their owners want.
Our Constitution establishes a Supreme Court to uphold the principle that all are equal under the law, not a Star Chamber where a six person cabal create law to support the always white supremacist and christian nationalist goals of its secretive, billionaire owners. 
The current SCOTUS majority, these six, unelected political operatives who wrap themselves in the cloak of justice are corrupt, undemocratic, illegitimate, and must be nullified by expanding the court and impeaching these plainly corrupted so-called Justices.
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A lawsuit, National Wildlife Federation vs National Marine Fisheries Service, may finally determine the fate of the 4 Lower Snake River Dams, the salmon who spawn there and the remaining 75 Southern Resident Orca who desperately need salmon to survive. Biden needs to know that we want those dams breached. He's broken enough of his climate promises - let him know that, and the extinction of these amazing animals, isn't an option!
Public comment is also being sought on the matter. Please visit our page, BidenBreachNow, for talking points, social media shareables, and extensive information about why the dams need to go. This is a critical time. Please call, text, write or email, every day if you can, until August 31st. Even if you already have acted and/or shared, please do it again. Please keep sharing because every voice counts! The Snake River was once one of the top salmon rivers in the world. That is sadly no longer the case. Four deadbeat dams on the Lower Snake River have cost an estimated 8 to 9 billion dollars in failed salmon recovery attempts - taxpayer money! - and they lose millions more every year generating unstorable surplus energy. What they do sell is often sold at a loss. The dams continue to get older and costlier to maintain, while solar and wind energy have replaced their power output; energy efficiency alone has done the same seven times over.
These dams aren't even clean energy! Their reservoirs emit huge amounts of methane, which contributes to the climate crisis. Please help spread this if you can, and join in. We have a real chance here to get this done - so let's do it.
As the late and great Ken Balcomb said: "We're at a point in history where we need to wake up to what we have to consider: do we want whales, or not?"
He never stopped fighting for the Southern Residents, and neither should we.
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yuta-nation · 5 months
forever and ever...(yuta okkotsu)
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summary: he has been waiting for this moment for 5 years. the moment you're his forever.
content: just fluff! mdni!!
wc: .5k
a/n: got this suggestion from my irl bestie. he's a genius.
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Yuta can vividly remember the last time he felt this nervous. He was sixteen, standing outside a classroom door, listening to Gojo try to hype up the other students to meet him. Gojo asked the students to give him a hand before Yuta entered. He heard one student (Maki, he later learned) groan in complaint, one student (Toge) respond “Salmon,” and one hum of acknowledgment (from Panda). His shoulders sagged as he put a hand on the door to slide it open, but he paused for a moment when he heard faint, almost shy claps. The sound of one student being even remotely excited to meet him soothed his heart as he finally slid open the door. He had entered, eyes meeting yours, and all sense of nervousness or unease left his body. It didn’t matter that the rest of the students lunged to attack him, it didn’t matter that he was starting at a new school, or joining a society he knew nothing about, because you were there. 
And now five years later, the situation was reversed. He stood at the altar with Toge and Panda beside him and Maki standing tall on the bridesmaids’ side. Gojo stood in the middle, blindfold abandoned so as to not mar the photos of him officiating. The only one missing was you, and Yuta watched the door intently, waiting for you to make your entrance. After what felt like ages, the doors opened to reveal you as you began your march down the aisle. 
Yuta felt all the breath leave his body the moment he laid eyes on you. He had never seen anyone more beautiful, never seen anything so stunning. He felt the tears prick his eyes, felt their warmth as they ran down his face, but he made no move to wipe them. He didn’t want to take his eyes off you for even a second. You were enchanting as you made your way to him, and for a moment he was filled with dread at the thought of this all being a dream. That he would wake up from this moment and it wouldn’t have been real, that you would be with someone else, someone better, and he would be without you. He had almost deluded himself into believing that he was dreaming when you finally reached him and took his hand.
Your touch was all the proof he needed to know that this was real, that you were here, ready to marry him. He couldn’t hold in his sobs at your touch, causing you to shed your own tears. You reached to wipe his eyes and cradle his face in your hands. You held him for a moment before Gojo cleared his throat and began speaking. 
When it came time to exchange vows, the tears flowed again. You couldn’t keep your shoulders from shaking when Yuta spoke.
“I vow to love you forever, protect you always, and cherish you endlessly. I’ve known my heart belonged to you since I was sixteen. With this ring, now the world will know that I am yours until the day I die. I love you.”
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kvrokasaa · 5 months
First kiss
Includes: Akaashi, Bokuto, Osamu, Hinata
GN!reader, no pronouns mentioned.
Akaashi Keiji
A walk in the park with Akaashi would've been nice, but when it starts raining in the middle of the walk, it gets a little bad. But nonetheless, Akaashi grabbed your hand and lead you to a shelter in the middle of the park.
When you both got there, he noticed you were shivering from the cold, so he took of his jacket and draped it around your shoulders. He smiled down at you, pulling you a little closer to him.
"Stupid rain." He muttered under his breath. "I don't know, I love the rain," you looked up at him whilst smiling, "it can be so beautiful."
You looked up at the sky, smiling at the smell of the rain. "Don't you agree?" You took a deep breath in, feeling nostalgia of your childhood.
But you couldn't see Akaashi looking at you, smiling at your excitement over the small things, "yeah, very beautiful." What neither of you expected was Akaashi leaning closer to you, planting a kiss on your cheek.
You blushed and looked over at him. Your cheeks felt warm, and you saw Akaashi smiling at your expression. You pouted and pointed at your lips, "I think you missed." Akaashi blushed, but he smiled and leaned in, kissing your lips.
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Kotaro Bokuto
Loud cheers filled the gym, everyone stood up and clapped. Some whistled, some cheered, some screamed. But you couldn't care about the noise, everything drowned out when you looked over at Bokuto.
Msby just won nationals and as everyone screamed for their chosen player, you ran downstairs to the bottom level floor of the gym. When you got there, Bokuto grabbed you and spun you around in the air.
"We won! We won, baby!" You nodded at his excitement; your smile as big as ever. You giggled as he put you back down on the floor. "You did it, baby. I'm so proud of you!" You grabbed his hand, smoothing your thumb over his palm.
"I did it for you, every shot was for you." He smiled, leaning down and placing his head onto your shoulder. His breathing tickled your neck, but you simply placed your hand onto his head, petting his hair.
"I'm so proud of you, my love." He brought his head back up, looking into your eyes intently. "I love you so much." He whispered as he brought his head down, leaning in and kissing you.
You blushed, not only did he say his first I love you, but he's also kissing you. The first kiss in your relationship was magical. And it would've been even better if the rest of the Msby team didn't shout and coo at Bokuto kissing you.
He groaned and turned around, already embarrassed.
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Osamu Miya
You haven't seen Osamu for almost a week. You don't live together, but he always used to stop by and bring some of his onigiri, bribing you to eat together and talk about each other's day.
But lately Osamu hasn't even called you, he hasn't texted you, nor has he tried to stop by. It's almost like you guys aren't dating.
You don't want to confront him; he may just be busy. But you've had relationships that turned out like this, only for the men to just walk out of your life. And you want to stop dreading the text that may be sent to you over your breakup.
You have no choice but to confront him. So, that's how you made it to his store. He was talking to a customer, smiling as he hands them their food. You take in a deep breath and walk over to him.
"Hi, I'd like to order a salmon onigiri with a side of, why is my boyfriend avoiding me." He looked up at you, his expression showed that he didn't expect you to show up at his work.
"Yeah, just come to the back with me, we'll look for it together." He was still putting up a front, not wanting to start an argument around his customers.
But, alas, in the back room, this argument started. Names were called, and voices were shouted. But you still felt like he didn't hear you.
"Just explain to me why you're avoiding me. Can't you tell me that, can't you tell me why I feel like the only one in this relationship?" You wanted to cry; you don't know how much longer you can take this. "Are you going to leave me for someone else?" Your voice was tiny, and if Osamu wasn't as close to you as he was, he wouldn't have heard it.
Osamu looked over at you, and he finally realized that he was neglecting you. He wasn't paying attention to you. So, he did what he thought was right. He marched over to you, grabbing you face gently, and leaned in. He kissed you like he was hungry; he didn't want to let go. But he had to make sure that you knew how much he loves you.
"Never, I would never, in a million years, leave you for someone new."
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Hinata Shoyo
The snow outside was beautiful, everything was silent. Everything but your home. Hinata started playing music about an hour ago, grabbed your hand and dragged you over to dance with him.
You love his spontaneous attitude, especially when he randomly comes up with ideas so none of you have to be bored. But it was almost the middle of the night, and you didn't want to wake your neighbors.
You brought your hands up, smoothing them over his face and cupping his cheeks. "Baby, we should go lay down. You have practice in the early morning." But Hinata only shook his head and pulled you closer to him. "Nope, I'm spending time with my baby right now."
You groaned. You were tired from working all day and you just wanted to lay down and cuddle with him. His stomach growled and he looked at you, smiling sheepishly. You sighed and walked over to the kitchen, grabbing some ingredients to make him food.
Halfway through cutting some potatoes, Hinata changed the song to a slow one. He walked over to you and hugged you from behind. His head rested on your shoulder as he sighed.
He swayed you both gently, his breathing evening out. "Mmmh, it smells good, baby. Thank you."
You brought your hand up and smoothed it through his hair. You were going to say you're welcome, or at least hum at his appreciation. But he spun you around and smiled at you, leaning closer to you, "I love you so much." He whispered as he leaned in and kissed you.
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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National Salmon Day
National Salmon Day is celebrated every year on October 8, as proposed by Chicken of the Sea. Did you know that salmon is the second most popular seafood consumed by Americans? The pink fish now has its own annual day of celebration. The holiday is observed as a reminder of the health benefits that wild and packaged salmon provide. It is recommended to eat fatty fish such as salmon twice a week due to the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids. So, are you ready to exploit this pink fish and satisfy your fish craving?
History of National Salmon Day
National Salmon Day was first celebrated on October 8, 2015, after Chicken of the Sea recommended the holiday. They then accepted a City of San Diego proclamation designating the day as National Salmon Day. The City of Chicago and Cook County, Illinois, also proclaimed October 8 as National Salmon Day in honor of the strong legacy of salmon fishing on Lake Michigan. The holiday is dedicated to celebrating the health, taste, convenience, and diverse recipe benefits of salmon. And, it is observed in honor of wild and packaged pink fish.
Chicken of the Sea, founded in 1914, is a packager and provider of seafood. They not only offer a product line of seafood but also offer recipes to inspire seafood lovers. In 1984, the company introduced skinless and boneless salmon to encourage wider public adoption of the fish as a healthy ‘new’ source of protein. In 2014, the company introduced a line of flavored salmon pouches. Chicken of the Sea has been committed to preserving seafood sustainability and is a co-founding member of the International Seafood Sustainability Foundation.
How often do you eat fatty fish per week? Hopefully, twice a week, just as recommended by American Heart Association. Why? Fatty fish such as salmon is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, and research has shown that they can lower your risk of heart disease and stroke. Moreover, research shows that omega-3 fatty acids may help prevent, delay, and diminish Alzheimer’s disease. Awesome. So, have you got your recipes and prepared your salmon? Because National Salmon Day is the day to make and enjoy the delicious healthy food of your favorite fatty fish.
National Salmon Day timeline
1914 Chicken of the Sea
Chicken of the Sea (previously Van Camp Seafood Company) is founded by Frank Van Camp in California.
1984 Skinless and Boneless
Chicken of the Sea is the first to introduce skinless and boneless salmon.
2014 Flavored Salmon Pouches
Chicken of the Sea is the first to offer a complete line of flavored salmon pouches.
2015 National Salmon Day
National Salmon Day is first celebrated on October 8.
National Salmon Day FAQs
How do know if salmon is cooked?
Gently press down on the top of the fillet with a fork or your finger, and if the flesh of the salmon separates easily along the white lines that run across the fillet (strips of fish fat), then it’s finished cooking.
Should you bake or fry salmon?
Baking salmon is the healthier option over pan-frying because it doesn’t add any extra fat or calories to the fish, as long as you cook it with simple seasonings.
What happens if I eat undercooked salmon?
If you eat raw or undercooked salmon, you risk being infected with bacteria and worm-like parasites.
National Salmon Day Activities
Cook the salmon
Spread the word
Try Chicken of the Sea recipes
There is nothing better to do to celebrate National Salmon Day than cook and eat it. Prepare the salmon and cook the salmon based on your favorite recipes, and later get the health benefits.
Most of us probably don’t know about the health benefits of salmon. So, spread the word about this pink fatty fish so that more people can benefit from it.
The Chicken of the Sea provides featured recipes for healthcare food services on their National Salmon Day toolkit. Try the recipes — Spinach Strawberry Salmon Salad with Poppy Seed Dressing, Salmon Quiché, and Salmon Bisque.
5 Facts About Canned Salmon You Need To Know
New England started it
It has various nutritional advantages
It is versatile
It is not to eat daily
It is high in sodium
In 1840, New England first began canning salmon.
Canned salmon has a variety of nutritional benefits such as omega-3s, protein, vitamin D, and calcium.
Canned salmon is a quick and inexpensive choice that provides the same excellent health benefits as fresh fish.
Despite the health benefits, you can’t eat it every day, because it will increase the possibility of rising mercury levels in the blood.
Canned salmon is incredibly high in sodium, and if you consume it every day, it can increase the risk of high blood pressure and stroke.
Why We Love National Salmon Day
Salmon has many health benefits
It is delicious and versatile
It can lower the risk of heart disease
The reason for the celebration of National Salmon Day is to be a reminder of the health benefits of salmon. More people need to know about this.
Sure, the reason salmon becomes the second most popular seafood consumed by Americans is because it’s delicious. Besides, there are several ways to enjoy it. We can roast it, pan-fry it, broil it, or grill it.
The heart is our vital organ. Knowing that consuming salmon can lower our risk of heart disease is such a relief.
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theminecraftbee · 5 months
an explosive repetition
this is a gift for @caracuuw for @mcytblrholidayexchange! please enjoy some time travel fwhimmy! this is crossposted to the ao3 collection here. i had fun writing it; happy holidays, and enjoy!
The embers of the campfire burn low during the yearly meeting of Emperors. People cheer to the newest of their number; the Codfather had been late, but he’d arrived, panting and covered in leaves and apologizing. They’d talked in quiet tones about things only people who were the emperors of their own nations could discuss, about the year to come, about the power afforded to them, and, while not about politics—the campfire meeting had never truly been for politics—they discussed what to expect from each other on an interpersonal level. Something changes in a person, when the life of a nation is tied to them. That’s what being an emperor means, even if these days only about half of them go by ‘emperor’ and only just about as many inherited their positions; even now, Fwhip remembers the day he was given the leadership title over his sister, and the way the sudden weight of the entire nation settled over his shoulders, and he knew what being an emperor was. 
He feels a bit like that now, actually, except also significantly more on fire.
Not literally. He is no longer literally on fire. But, like, it’s sort of hard to forget the feeling of being on fire, even briefly. It lingers under his skin. That hadn’t happened when he’d gone from Fwhip to Count Fwhip. If that had involved being set on fire he probably would have tried harder to refuse at the time instead of being all like ‘oh hey I am no longer the unwanted second son but a vital part of this nation’, because being on fire sucks, and he doesn’t recommend it to anyone.
Pretending he is not on fire also sucks. If it weren’t for the fact he looked across the campfire, saw Jimmy appear, and saw him shaking in a very particular way too, he probably wouldn’t have been able to hide how on-fire he was. He certainly wouldn’t have been able to navigate the conversations that are normally held at a campfire meeting. He’s pretty sure he barely navigated them as it was. He had been too busy giving Jimmy baffled looks at every free moment, trying to figure out why he was technically no longer literally on fire, and freaking out about how these were all the conversations he’d had last year, actually, and he sort of remembered them, and hey maybe he only has to pay half attention anyway because if they’re the same conversations as last year, there won’t be anything important for him to know, because he already knows it, and oh man what had he gotten himself into now, and—
The point is that during their secretive magic meeting and all that, Fwhip had mostly been on fire. Is he thinking straight? He’s not thinking straight.
He waits until basically everyone has left (Pixlriffs hasn’t yet, but the Copper King has a tendency to stick around at these things and Fwhip doesn’t think he’ll get rid of him) before rounding on Jimmy.
“You,” he says.
“Me? What do you mean me? This is your fault!” Jimmy says back.
“If you hadn’t had your stupid idea of making peace or whatever…”
“Oh, well excuse me, but it was your machine that blew up. I’m still on fire!” Jimmy pauses. “Metaphorically! I’m metaphorically on fire!”
“I mean, it’s not a metaphor when it feels a lot like actual fire, that’s not what a metaphor is I think?” Fwhip says.
“Are you sure?” Jimmy asks.
“I mean, I think so?” Fwhip says.
They both pause for a moment to contemplate this. Jimmy shrugs. “That’s not important!” he decides at last. “The point is. You set us on fire! You blew us up! You blew us up so hard we time traveled!”
“And would that have happened if I’d just been using salmon power? No! No, it has to be your stupid cod that did it!” Fwhip says.
“Well I think it was your stupid face!” Jimmy says. Fwhip gasps.
“You take that back,” he says.
“Make me!” Fwhip says.
“Um,” Pixlriffs says, staring wide-eyed at the two of them. “You know, I’m just going to leave now. And leave you to… your time travel? No wonder I’ve had a headache for the past week.”
Fwhip and Jimmy stare at him.
“I’m very good at pretending I don’t know the future, don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone,” Pixlriffs says, and before Fwhip can interrogate him on that, he darts into the woods. It’s a little awkward, with none of the mysterious grace a statement like that should have, and all the gangly arms and legs the Copper King has had for ages. For a man with so much mystery around him, he’s always been a little too silly, a little too awkward, and a little too approachable. Fwhip’s always wondered if it’s a trap. Fwhip wonders if he’s actually going to not tell anyone. Fwhip… 
Fwhip turns back to Jimmy and discovers Jimmy staring after the Copper King, a wistful, fond, and exhausted expression on his face. It’s so out of place with the yelling, and the time travel, and with Fwhip’s knowledge that Jimmy’s the pettiest emperor on the entire continent. It makes Fwhip’s stomach hurt.
It’s quiet.
“Sorry,” Jimmy says. “Sorry. I haven’t seen him in a long time. He was never really the same after—I haven’t seen him in a while. I should go have tea with him. There’s a fancy word for that where he’s from but I never remember it. He’s always been nice about that.”
“Oh,” Fwhip says.
“He looks less tired,” Jimmy says.
“Yeah, well you look kind of like shit,” Fwhip says.
Jimmy smiles, low and sad. “Yeah, well, you look even more—more bad. When did you last sleep?”
Fwhip doesn’t answer.
Jimmy shakes his head. “Anyway, enough of that. I’m supposed to be yelling at you about the time travel. Did you really blow us up so badly we went back in time?”
“Do you have a better answer?”
“I mean, I don’t know! I don’t want to be dead! I’m already on fire.”
Fwhip thinks of rumors about the Copper King and omens. He swallows. “Yeah, you know what, I’ll buy it’s time travel. Time travel! Back to the beginning of all of this! Just when things were finally starting to really work out for everyone!”
“Yeah,” Jimmy says. “Just when.”
They both sit down in front of the embers of the fire, almost at the same moment. It’s surprisingly cold now that the fire has mostly died. It shouldn’t be cold at the same time as being on fire, but maybe it’s the absence of any new fire to warm them with. Maybe it’s the fact that he’d been sitting, trying to have a conversation, getting used to the fire. He wouldn’t know. It seems distinctly like the kind of thing that Gem would know, except Gem has only just ascended to officially being Head Wizard, and she hadn’t had a war with a demon yet to really dig into the archives. She might not know. She might not tell him. He understands if she doesn’t. She’d always been the more responsible sibling in most ways that matter, and…
“Fuck,” Fwhip says. “Fuck, I blew us up and we’re back in time.”
“Stop swearing,” Jimmy says. “Besides, it was my fault, wasn’t it? Council told me not to do it and everything. I’m a failure like that.”
“Only one of us has got failure in the name, buddy.”
“Hah. Yeah, true, your parents suck.”
“It’s supposed to be for good luck. Shows what the Grimlands know.”
He shudders. He’s still on fire. He doesn’t know how to stop being on fire. He thinks maybe it’s all in his head, except for the fact Jimmy’s on fire too. It just—it had happened so fast. One moment, he and Jimmy had been shaking hands, and announcing they were burying the hatchet, and unveiling the salmon-cod reactor. It had been a good moment. Sure, there had been no way he and Jimmy would have stopped disagreeing, but they were committing to no more wars. To attempting to talk. To attempting peace. Fwhip hadn’t really wanted to hurt Jimmy for months anyway, and they’d both known it. Too many other things had happened, and even if the salmon and cod had stood between them before, the salmon-cod reactor would prove that with their powers together, they could be something more.
He’d turned to shake Jimmy’s hand one more time, the papers sign.
Then, the world had exploded.
It had hurt. He’s still on fire now, but it doesn’t hurt like that momentary flash of light, the twinned look of horror in Jimmy’s eyes, the realization something had gone horribly wrong, and then the world exploding around him. Someone had screamed; Fwhip still isn’t certain if that had been him. Fwhip had reached, a moment late, for the emergency stop. He’s not sure why, in hindsight. Some ingrained instinct to try to hit that button whenever something went wrong, maybe.
He’d been on fire. The world had been on fire. The earth had shaken. Jimmy had said something.
Then, the world exploded again, proving that instinct to hit the emergency stop a moment too late had been right after all, and Fwhip had woken up just outside of the campfire meeting. He went through it on autopilot.
“So, uh,” Jimmy starts. “We time traveled, huh?”
“We sure did,” agrees Fwhip.
“What do we do now? Because like, if we change stuff, do we vanish and die? I don’t want to vanish and die because I changed the time stream, man,” Jimmy says, wringing his hands nervously. His gills flare in and out on his neck.
“Pixlriffs literally already knows we time traveled.”
“And that was your fault, wasn’t it?”
“Mine? How was it my fault? You were arguing with me!”
“No, you were arguing with me!”
“Well, he’s your friend, so it’s your fault. I barely know the guy in this time.” Fwhip pauses. “I mean, I knew him later, when we were all sort of on the same side. He’s fun! Had some great ideas about how to handle corruption, liked explosions well enough, the whole works. But right now, he’s your friend, not mine.”
Jimmy pauses and frowns. “Oh, right. Hey, wait, that doesn’t make it my fault!”
“I think it does.”
“Look, I don’t know what to do with time travel either. Maybe Pixlriffs won’t say anything? I mean, he’ll tease us about it, but he doesn’t normally say anything about his whole… you know, right? It’s fine. It’s fine!”
“Yeah, maybe. Maybe that won’t change much,” Fwhip concedes.
Finally, the burning is starting to fade as the sun sets. Fwhip realizes he doesn’t know what that means. Maybe, he thinks grimly, he’d been burning because he’d set the Grimlands ablaze, too, but there isn’t enough Grimlands left to burn. Maybe it’s just time, though. Maybe it’s nothing quite so terrible. Besides, it’s good, the not being on fire. Very good, that. He doesn’t want to be on fire. Being on fire is… bad.
Lots of things are bad, actually. Maybe he doesn’t feel like he’s burning because he’s no longer at risk of erasing himself from existence? Or, worse—because he already is being erased from existence.
“Gods, Jimmy, I might actually kill you for this one,” Fwhip says. “I’m at least going to do something you hate.”
“So, good news, you’re supposed to steal my music disc about now,” Jimmy says. 
“Did—did you not even remember that’s why this started?” Jimmy asks incredulously.
“I don’t know man, I don’t care about a stupid shitty music disc right now!”
“I can’t believe you. I can’t believe I was making peace with you. I can’t believe I was going to kiss you and everything. The nerve!”
“Listen, I thought it was a religious conflict! The cod and salmon thing! You know, inherent irreconcilable differences and all that!” Fwhip says defensively. He pauses. He goes back. “What was that last bit?”
“What, your nerve?”
“No, the part about—you were going to kiss me?”
Jimmy goes very, very still. “Ignore that,” Jimmy says. “Ignore it. Ignore it! It doesn’t matter right now. Besides, we’re enemies again now, right?”
“Right,” Fwhip says, feeling strangely disappointed. “I mean, I would have kissed you back. Even when we were enemies.”
“…really?” Jimmy says.
“I mean, yeah, I like people who might stab me,” Fwhip says.
“I don’t know how to take that,” Jimmy says. 
“Yeah, it’s a problem.”
“I can imagine.”
It’s awkward now. Now that Fwhip isn’t on fire, it’s—it’s awkward between them. Fwhip doesn’t know where he stands. He should probably mock Jimmy about having a crush, but it’s a little late to do that, on account of having admitted to having a crush himself. It feels like the kind of thing they should ignore at the moment, really, given that…
“Anyway, I guess I’m stealing a music disk and maybe your codfather hat?” Fwhip says.
“I’m going to have to act like killing the dragon is a good idea,” Jimmy says, vaguely sick-sounding.
“Relax, it’ll be fun for me to get to yell at you.”
They stare at each other for a while. The thing is, really, that Fwhip doesn’t want to die.
“I mean, it can’t be that much harder to do the same way a second time, right?” Jimmy says, trying to hype himself up. “I’ve already done it once! It’s like, I already know how to do all of this for sure! Yeah! It can’t—it can’t be that bad. Can I kiss you though? Since you know anyway. It won’t be changing anything, promise, I’ve just—since I was going to do it. To seal the alliance. Our secret alliance. Can we at least have one of those? So when—when it’s all my fault that a demon’s here and all—”
“That really wasn’t your fault,” Fwhip says. 
“Please?” Jimmy says.
Fwhip considers it. Fwhip shrugs. “Yeah. Secret alliance, until we get the real one in the end. Secret alliance to preserve the future.”
Jimmy sniffles. “Yeah, that.”
They both awkwardly lean in. Fwhip has never kissed Jimmy before; he’d always imagined it would taste kind of slimy. It doesn’t, although it does taste a little like fish, which makes Fwhip sort of want to laugh hysterically. Instead, he just pulls in deeper. Suddenly, they’re both kissing with the desperation of the two only people in the whole world; they might as well be. They’re the only ones who know. They’re the only ones who are here. They’re the only ones who are about to have to do—to do everything. A second time. Then, they’re kissing with tongue, and Fwhip nearly pushes Jimmy to the ground trying to press his entire body into Jimmy’s. One of them might be crying; it might even be Fwhip. He’s on fire again, he thinks. He’s not sure what to do. It’s all gone. It’s all gone. They’re starting over, hurtling towards a happy ending interrupted by the worst mistake imaginable, teetering on an edge with only each other, and they’d only just learned to stand next to each other without threats like a week ago. Fwhip doesn’t know what to do. Fwhip doesn’t know what to do. So he just keeps going, the two of them practically clawing at each other trying to dig into the skin of someone who at least is trapped with them, and—
Jimmy, suddenly, as though spooked, pushes Fwhip away. They stand there panting for a moment. Fwhip tries to bring his head back down to reality.
“Why do you have gunpowder on your mouth?” Jimmy asks, almost like he’s saying something else.
Fwhip really does get hysterical, then. “Oh, wow, okay, secret alliance. Okay, we’re doing this. Okay. Okay! You taste like fish.”
“I am a fish.”
“Not anymore!” Fwhip says, and he cackles. “You aren’t—you aren’t anymore, remember? You and Lizzie were all—cursed? Anti-cursed? Shit, do you even know you're siblings yet?”
“Oh, seas,” Jimmy says.
“Yeah. Yeah!” 
“I don’t—Fwhip, I don’t know if I can do this,” Jimmy says.
“Tough shit,” Fwhip says. “Because I can’t do it either.”
They stand there staring at each other for a while.
“But what happens if we screw it up?” Jimmy asks. “What happens if—even if changing it’s okay, until we blew ourselves up, it was—”
“It was good,” whispers Fwhip. “It was good. We were happy. It was okay. It was good.”
“What happens if we never get that back?”
Neither Fwhip nor Jimmy can answer it. They just keep standing there by the campfire, waiting for an answer that won’t come. Instead, the minutes keep slipping away, and the weight of everything that’s just been undone gets heavier, and heavier, and heavier, until Fwhip would prefer the fire.
“Okay,” Jimmy says. “Okay. I have—I still have a nation to run.”
“Yeah, so do—so do I. Here. A personal—this is a personal number. Only Gem has it. If you call using it—”
“Okay. Yeah. Secret alliance,” agrees Jimmy. “We kissed on it and everything, that makes it unbreakable, I think. I don’t know. I haven’t kissed many people. Does this make us—the only real couple I know is Joel and Lizzie, really, and I’m not sure we should model this off of Joel, as much as I love him.”
“Jimmy, if we make it to the end of this without going insane, I will propose to you, and we’ll have a wedding to make it official. We can upstage Joel and Lizzie and everything. I don’t care what’s actually a good idea,” Fwhip says.
“You wouldn’t,” Jimmy says.
“You’re one to talk,” Fwhip says.
“Thank you,” Jimmy says, and it’s the single most desperate thing Fwhip has ever heard the other emperor say. He never wants to hear it again.
“It’s—we’re in it together, man. I’m not that selfish,” Fwhip says. 
Jimmy rubs his eyes. “Good to know we’re both learning that about ourselves.”
“Can we stay here a little longer?” Fwhip says. “Just until the embers run out.”
“Yeah,” Jimmy says.
They do. They sit next to each other. At some point, Fwhip grabs Jimmy’s hand. He stares as the fire burns down. Neither of them say much else. He doesn’t know if that’s for the better or not. Maybe they should talk more. Maybe they should try to work out what they should do, or what a secret alliance even looks like. Maybe they should argue again, because that’s fun, but—
Fwhip doesn’t know. This works, at least.
They can figure it out tomorrow. Yeah. That seems like a decision that won’t have consequences at all.
“Hey, Jimmy—” he says, and then stops. “Never mind.”
“You’re weird,” Jimmy says. “I can’t believe I time traveled with you.”
“Ditto, man.”
They can figure it out tomorrow.
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notwiselybuttoowell · 2 years
The Hanford nuclear site was established in 1943 as part of the Manhattan Project, and over the next four decades produced nearly two-thirds of the plutonium for the US’s nuclear weapons supply, including the bomb dropped on Nagasaki.
During its lifespan, hundreds of billions of gallons of liquid waste were dumped in underground storage tanks or simply straight into the ground. After the site’s nine nuclear reactors were shut down by 1987, about 56m gallons of radioactive waste were left behind in 177 large underground tanks – two of which are currently leaking – alongside a deeply scarred landscape.
In the decades since, the Yakama Nation has been one of four local Indigenous communities dedicated to the cleanup of this historic landscape. For the Yakama Nation, that has meant tireless environmental and cultural oversight, advocacy and outreach with the hope that one day the site will be restored to its natural state, opening the doors to a long-awaited, unencumbered homecoming.
Today, their outreach work has reached a fever pitch. There are few Yakama Nation elders still alive who remember the area before its transformation, and there are likely decades to go before cleanup is complete. So members are racing to pass on the site’s history to the next generation, in the hopes they can one day take over.
Yakama Nation history on the Hanford site dates back to pre-colonization, when people would spend the winter here fishing for sturgeon, salmon and lamprey in the Columbia River, as well as gathering and trading with other families. In 1855, the Nation ceded over 11m acres of land to the US, which included the Hanford area, and signed a treaty that relegated them to a reservation while allowing the right to continue fishing, hunting, and gathering roots and berries at “all usual and accustomed places”.
But in the 1940’s, the situation shifted dramatically when the area was cleared out to make room for the construction of nuclear reactors.
LaRena Sohappy, 83, vice-chairwoman for Yakama Nation General Council, whose father was a well-known medicine man, grew up in Wapato, about 40 miles from Hanford. She said she remembers the strawberry fields that lined the Hanford site, her family gathering Skolkol, a root and daily food, and traveling to the area for ceremonies.
Her cousin’s family who lived close to Hanford were woken in the middle of the night and forced to leave to make way for the nuclear site, she recalled
“They didn’t have time to pack up anything,” said Sohappy. “They just had to leave and they were never told why and how long they were going to be gone.”
The effort to give Indigenous people a voice in Hanford’s fate was forged in part by Russell Jim, a member of Yakama Nation’s council, whose work has been credited with helping to keep Hanford from becoming a permanent “deep geologic repository”, a place where high-level nuclear waste from this site and others across the country would be stored.
“From time immemorial we have known a special relationship with Mother Earth,” Jim, who died in 2018, said in a statement to the US Senate in 1980. “We have a religious and moral duty to help protect Mother Earth from acts which may be a detriment to generations of all mankind.”
Today, the ER/WM program, which was founded in the early 1980’s with Jim at the helm, includes such staff as a biologist, ecologist and archeologist. It’s funded by the US Department of Energy (DoE), which operates the Hanford site and leads the cleanup process under an agreement with the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Washington state department of ecology.
The Yakama Nation program’s focus is on accelerating a thorough cleanup of the site, protecting culturally significant resources and assessing the threats to wildlife and water.
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