#Pecan crusted fresh salmon
rabbitcruiser · 2 months
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National Pecan Day
On April 14, we celebrate National Pecan Day, pecan — a uniquely American nut whose fan base counts the likes of founding fathers such as George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. Whether it’s a garnish on a salad or a stand-alone snack, caramelized or roasted, sweet or savory — pecans never fail to deliver on the enthralling taste and the ultimate nutrient density. Did you know, America is credited for 75% of the world’s total pecan production? This fun holiday was established by the National Pecan Shellers Association in 1966 to recognize and honor the workforce behind the cultivation of pecans in America.
History of National Pecan Day
On National Pecan Day, America celebrates the only nut native to its land. Pecans are a much-celebrated nut of America, used in deserts, icecreams, and snacks.
Centuries before European colonization, pecans were cultivated, processed, and consumed in America by Native people. The word ‘pecan’ is derived from the word ‘pacane,’ used by the Algonquin tribe to describe a nut that needs a stone to crack open. The tribes valued pecan for its nutrition density, availability, ease of consumption, and fulfilling taste.
In the late 17th century, the native nut caught the eye of Spanish colonists, who began cultivating large pecan orchards in the vicinity. But it wasn’t until the 18th century that the commercialization of pecans picked up the pace in the United States. By 1802, formal selling routes were established, and pecan export had commenced.
In 1882, a hybrid fruit via the budding of pecan and an adjacent wild plant was created by Abner Landrum, a cultivator from South Carolina. This resultant nut was considered to be an upgraded version of pecan. Although the hybrid seeds of Abner got lost in time, in 1876, the process of grafting was recreated by Antoine, a slave from Louisiana. Antoine presented his discovery at the Philadelphia Centennial Exposition in 1976 and thus began farming a new and improved variety of pecans throughout the country.
Today, America is responsible for three quarters of pecan production in the world. From the summer lanes of Texas to the sunny pavements of California, pecan cultivation is a year-long endeavor for thousands of American farmworkers.
In 1996, the National Pecan Shellers Association members came together to establish April 14 as National Pecan Day. The objective of the day is to celebrate the earthly wonders of this nut and to uplift the hardworking members of the industry who make the sustainable farming of pecans possible.
National Pecan Day timeline
1772 The First Plantation
Long Island farmers organize the first pecan plantation of pecan trees, propagating safe and easy ways of pecan plantation.
1775 George Washington’s Imprint
Founding Father George Washington plants a pecan tree in Mount Vernon, symbolizing the rapid popularity of pecans in America.
1943 Formalization
National Pecan Shellers Association is established to represent thousands of pecan farmers and shellers across the country
1996 Establishment of the Day
The National Pecan Shellers Association establishes National Pecan Day to honor the native nut of America.
National Pecan Day FAQs
How is 'pecan' pronounced?
The correct pronunciation of pecan is PEE-can. However, a majority of southern Americans like to say it as PA-kawn. How do you pronounce it?
Are pecan and walnut the same thing?
It’s easy to get confused, but walnuts and pecans are two different nuts from the same Junlandacea family. Walnut has a smooth exterior with a lighter color, unlike pecans, which have a chocolate brown color with definitive lines.
Can you eat pecan raw?
Yes! Pecans, like all other nuts, are edible in their raw form. You can carry a couple of these shelled nuts in your pocket to munch through the day, or you can scatter them on your salad for that extra crunch.
National Pecan Day Activities
Plan a pecan day
Host a bake off
Plant a pecan tree in your backyard
Indulge in the versatile offering of this great American nut by planning your menu around it. Start the day with fluffy pecan pancakes, then have butter pecan chicken for lunch. For a midday snack, enjoy a couple of candied pecans, and end your day with pecan-crusted salmon and some hot pecan pie.
From cookies to pies, pecans go well with any baking dish. So for National Pecan Day, host a bakeoff with your friends and family — featuring our beloved pecans.
Pecans are non-fuss plants that don’t require a liver and a half to take sapling. Plant the seeds today, so you can reap the nuts tomorrow.
5 Important Facts About Pecans
It’s a vitamin party
It’s more than a crunch
A friend to the heart
A love for centuries
A dose of pecan for Apollo
Pecans are home to 19 different vitamins and minerals, including vitamin A, vitamin E, magnesium, and potassium.
Pecan oil, processed from pecans, is recommended for those with a risk of heart disease.
Pecans have the official certification of the American Heart Association for being a ‘Heart-Healthy Food.’
A pecan tree grows to over 150 feet tall and lives for over 300 years.
Astronauts carried pecans to the moon in their Apollo space mission twice.
Why We Love National Pecan Day
Pecans are underrated
Pecans are the O.G. American nut
Pecans contribute to the economy
The sweet and crunchy texture of a pecan elevates any dish it touches. Be it candies, cookies, bread, pie, salads, or ice cream. It’s time we honor the contribution of this humble nut in our kitchen and celebrate National Pecan Day with full excitement.
While cashew came to America from Brazil and the California almonds are actually a gift of Spain, pecan is the singular nut native to America. Pecans were widely consumed by native Americans before European colonization.
The American pecan industry is worth over $3.5 billion. Just 15 states of the U.S. produce more than 75% of pecan of the world. The pecan trees are responsible for the livelihoods of thousands of families and a flourishing U.S. economy
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slocumjoe · 1 year
could i get your take on what the companions (or just my favorite boy X6's) top 10 fave candies/foods would be in a modern AU?
anon you are in luck, because I am constantly thinking about the diets and eating habits of my blorbos
The numbered list isn't in any particular order, it's just so I don't have to manually count each point
What the companions would eat if not in a post apocalypse
Cait; Wouldn't have a taste for fancier cuisine. Eats more...hick-ish. I can say that because I was a hick with this kind of diet, growing up. Has a taste for filling, cheap, low-effort food...think lots of fast food, but "healthier" fast food. Like Chipotle, Panera, etc. Can cook, doesn't often, but will if she has a craving. Savory or tart tastes. She tends to eat lighter than you'd expect.
Blueberry brownie anything, favors dark chocolate in general
Submarine sandwiches, anything with pickles
Key lime pie
Salt and vinegar chips and thinks critics of such chips are cowards
Peach Redbull, any energy drinks though
Storebought hummus and Doritos, has been seen eating hummus with just a spoon though
Blueberry bread pudding. Simple to make, fun to eat, very comforting. Buys her bread already stale from a local bakery, has a guy to hook her up with the old shit
Seafood chowder
Sausages in any capacity. Jerky sticks, breakfast sausage, etc. Loves chorizo.
Honey buns from the gas station
Curie; Health nut, she eats like every influencer claims they eat like. Only, Curie actually eats like that. Lots of fresh foods and whole grains, little red meat. However, Curie makes a point to have foods that other health nuts would condemn, thinks its really important to not label any food as "bad." So, she balances between health nut and normal person. Her taste leans toward bright and/or sweet. Dislikes red meat.
Salmon breakfast wraps
Tropical fruit smoothies, eats so much pineapple
Iced tea, favors raspberry. Never seen without an iced tea of some kind
Halibut tacos, likes red cabbage and a fuck ton of lemon on it. Soft shells all the way
Bananas foster
Whipped brie dip, eats it with anything but loves it on apples, basically dessert
Lemon pepper grilled chicken and rice
So many salads, loves that you can just throw shit in a bowl and call it a recipe. Likes strawberries and almonds
Lemon poppyseed muffins
Shrimp and bitter melon stir fry
Danse; mixed bag. One on hand, small town diner tastes. Simple, cheap, good ol' American food. On the other, he's doomed to be a soldier in every universe he's in, so...maybe he picks up some tastes and dishes from places he's toured. Gets a weird pallate that shoots in all directions and makes you wonder what it's like in that thick skull. One day he's a good American boy with pancakes and steak, the next he's eating cake mix dry and drinking tahini from a flask.
Anything BBQ, but a pulled pork devotee
Hot coffee so heavily creamed and sugars it looks like milk. He likes the twix combo of chocolate, shortbread, and caramel flavors
Prepackaged baked goods a la Hostess, fucks up little Debbie oatmeal cookies
Apple and pecan pie
Menemen—Turkish dish, scrambled eggs with tomatoes, bell peppers, spices to taste, and (controversially) onions. Adds sausage and cheese, eats it with a fork or spoon (its meant to be eaten with bread)
Khachapuri—Georgian cheesy bread with egg. Eats with a knife and fork. (its meant to be eaten with the bread crust)
Smores pop tarts
Beef and potato stew
Rice bowl with fried egg and avocado, bonus points if it has bacon
Straight cookie dough/brownie/cake batter, usually when he's black out drunk and cannot shame himself out of eating raw egg products.
Deacon; Very childhood comfort food. Y'know, things you had as a kid, but probably grew out of a bit? Eats out of gas stations/takeout frequently. Very open flavor pallete, has tried everything he's had the chance to. Likes one-handed food, stuff you can have the other hand free for. Doesn’t really have a 'theme', has broad horizons for his diet. Likes lighter, mild flavors, though. He eats lightly and on the go a lot.
Hot/corn dogs, taste in hot dog toppings varies
Egg salad sandwiches
French fries and vanilla ice cream, classic combo
Mango sticky rice
Cornbread with any accompaniments. Likes honey or chili, thinks if you have a drink with cornbread, you ain't a real cornhead
Penne alla vodka
Cucumber salad. This could mean a salad with cucumbers, that trending Asian recipe where you cut the cumber so its springy, or eating a cucumber like a hotdog.
Fried mushrooms
Usually just drinks water but will have gator/powerade when he's working. Likes purple flavor
Captain crunch cereal, loves all cereal though. Prefers the kibble stuff to the berries. Starts philosophical debates about the morality of Trix commercials vs Lucky Charms commercials
Gage; His favorite foods reflect his upbringing. Coastal swamp cuisine, cheap and made in bulk. Take Danse's pallate and hyperlocalize it, and then lower the budget by a good amount. Things he grew up eating. Would gradually replace his favorites with pricier, 'less embarrassing' dishes, distances himself from his origins. However, takes care to not looked too loaded. Smokey and savory flavors are his thing, likes more spice than people expect.
Doberge cake, which is layered with pudding, often half-chocolate and half-lemon
Red beans and rice, with stewed pork if they could afford it
Blackened fish of any kind, liked it with cilantro-lime rice
Steak with potatoes and/or eggs
Chronic iced tea drinker like Curie, though he prefers the bitter kinds
Brussels sprouts defender and will fight for their honor
Was introduced to curry during a business meeting/outing. Could drink that shit from a glass, has it with potatoes and porkchops.
Lobster anything. This is one of those 'less embarresing' things, but he genuinely enjoys a good lobster roll. Even if he prefers a freshly-caught lobster bisque. Again, something he had growing up, something he pushes away.
Hancock; Similar to Deacon, but favors fatty, greasy food. No, it's not the drugs, that's just his metabolism. He's a skinny twink, always starving, can never put on weight. Eats as much as Danse, who is a big guy and needs more calories than most. He's really into street food and foreign dishes, won't eat at a restaurant if they speak fluent English or have good customer service. IYKYK. Very comfort food heavy, lots of "this would slap with Netflix at 2 am"
A classic oxtail, mac and cheese, and collard green take out combo
Any and all American-chinese take out, usually gets eggplant tofu with chow mein and cream cheese rangoons
"Walking tacos", those things where you open a small bag of chips and dump White People taco makings in. Probably just tips the whole thing into his mouth
Yakitori, Japanese chicken skewers, popular bar food
Bloody Mary cocktails
Pizza, will fight for the honor of pineapple. Would really be into how Brazil does pizza
Frozen yogurt and ice cream, piles with toppings
Breakfast sandwiches or wraps. Egg, meat, cheese, doesn't matter the time nor specifics.
Jam donuts, loves cherry fillings
Puppy chow/muddy buddies, chex cereal covered in chocolate and powdered sugar. Eats his weight in them if not careful
MacCready; forces himself to learn how to cook for Duncan's sake, but for himself...good God. It's horrible. Eats like garbage. Would never drink water if not to set an example. Take out, frozen food, so much candy and soda. After Duncan, broadens his horizons. Finds he really likes soups. Just throw shit in a pot and it works. Eats on a budget, so that's a life-saver. Doesn't have a preferred flavor pallete, aside from his love of candy.
Meat lover's pizza. Thinks pineapple has no place on pizza
Used to drink Mountain Dew and diet coke, replaced it with iced teas and more organic fruit juices for the sake of his teeth
Chicken soup, either from a can, or homemade. Either way, slaps. If homemade, blends veggies for a hidden veggie stock. For him, Duncan is a lot better at eating veggies, MacCready needs to trick himself.
Sour rainbow ropes
Cookie crisp cereal, thinks whoever came up with it deserved the sloppiest head. Incredible design, no notes
Cheese and sour cream chips
Famous Amos cookies
Eggo waffles
Gnocchi is God to him. Its superior to all noodles and makes your Shit In The Fridge soup 1000 times better.
Rice pudding is cheap, easy, and a surprisingly efficient sweet-tooth satisfier. Makes it with pumpkin spice mix or chocolate.
Nick; Home-cooked meals all the way. Could kill himself with cheese and die happy. Lots of easy meals and snacking so he can keep working, but will treat himself to a nice, hard-earned dinner when he has the time and energy. Likes himself the smokey, the fresh, or the sour. Probably knows all the best sub shops in the city, probably in a turf war with regulars of rival shops. Jewish delicatessens are like church to him.
Lasanga. Most of his freezer space is lasagna. Eats so much of it. He's lactose intolerant. It hurts but it hurts so good
Latkes. Fried potato things, kind of like hashbrowns, except the potato is mashed/ground instead of grated. And yes. Also pastrami. But those little potato bitches...mmmph.
Red velvet muffins with cream cheese frosting.
Fried cheese in any capacity
A prosciutto, arugula, brie, and fig sandwich
Pickled pearl onions
Cobb salad
Black coffee. Temp doesn't matter, because he's going to forget it until its room temp.
Has been known to enter fugue states and consume an absurd amount of Chicago style hot dogs
Scones or just plain bread with butter and jams
Piper; Broke college student trying to make it as a reporter. Her tastebuds are fucked, they salivate not for flavor, or texture, but for those good, good low prices. Piper's diet is almost entirely snackfood or takeout. If she ever cooks, it's for Nat. But when taking care of just herself, Piper eats from a box or bag. When she does cook, it's very simple meals. Loves her carbs and her fruit flavors
Chicken Ramen with canned chicken and frozen broccoli chucked in. Also makes this for Nat
Hot cheetos, eats with chopsticks
Spaghetti and meatballs
Fruit smoothies/smoothie bowls, blends in veggies as well for the nutrition
Coka cola and anything from Fanta, loves fruit sodas
Anything carbs and I mean that. Eats a lot of bread, pasta, cakes, potatoes...they're the sweetheart of anyone on a budget.
Buffalo cauliflower, likes it more than Buffalo chicken
Chewing gum. Fruit flavors only, hates mint gum. Likes mint elsewhere, just not in gum.
Nickle-nips and other "jelly/juice in a wax package" candies. Likes the charm of it, also, free chewing wax
Suckers/lollipops, big on hard candy in general but the stick satisfies her smoking habit.
Preston; A mix of easy depression/bulk meals and dishes from his childhood. Lots of spices, cooks with a lot of straight peppers. Tends to eat his food 'raw', not made into a dish. Again, easy and quick to eat. Also tends to buy pre-prepared stuff for the same reason, buys more fruits and veggies and just eats them straight. Doesn't care about eating healthy, he just lacks energy to cook most days.
I have no choice to explain this as it has no name. Casserole dish, layer of mashed potatoes, layer of shredded or chunked chicken, layer of white breakfast gravy or brown poultry gravy, top with drop biscuits. It's buttery, its savory, it is white as snow. Easy, cheap, one ladlefull is dinner. You'll get a few meals out of it, and it's so filling you have like, five minutes before you're stuffed. I call it gut-glue.
Dirty rice
Eggs scrambled with spinach
Veggies and hummus or ranch
Various fruits and berries such as grapes, cherries, blackberries, and oranges
Shakshouka, eggs poached in spicy tomato sauce and eaten with bread
Chicken biscuits, crackers dusted with, like, chicken bouillon? They taste like a chicken Ramen packet sneezed on a ritz
Slurpees/Icees/those syruped gas station ice drinks
Straight peppers, eats bell peppers like apples. Eats pickled jalapeños and scotch bonnets to feel something. Drinks the liquid in pickle jars instead of alcohol, or mixes it with gelatin and makes pickle jello.
X6-88; Pretensious rich asshole who eats like it. He rarely cooks for himself, probably has a personal chef or something. Maybe his work has their own restaurants, like Google. Eats mostly vegetables, but his favorite foods skew from "Dubai Influencer" to "12 year old who earned too much lawn mowing money and was let loose in a convenience store." So much sugar. Willy Wonka's factory is his idea of heaven and until it exists, he's an atheist.
Raw meats. Steak and tuna tartar, sashimi, and sushi
Braised duck with cherries
Nduja, a spicy pork sausage spread, has it with flatbreads
Oysters. Eats them all fancy in public, eats them from a tin with doritos at home
Anything from Hostess, Little Debbie, those brands. Fucking anything. However, would kill a man for any kind of Swiss roll
Chocolate milk
Gummies, very picky with brands, hates the harder kinds like Haribo. Wants his gummies soft as a marshmellow
Cadbury eggs
Milano dark chocolate cookies
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Canada is a country known for its stunning natural landscapes, diverse culture, and friendly people. But one aspect of Canadian life that often goes overlooked is its delicious and unique cuisine. From coast to coast, Canada offers a wide range of culinary delights that reflect its multicultural population and rich history.
One of the most iconic Canadian dishes is poutine, a hearty and indulgent meal that originated in Quebec. This dish consists of crispy French fries topped with cheese curds and smothered in rich gravy. Poutine can be found in restaurants and food trucks across the country, and each region puts its own spin on this classic comfort food. Some variations include adding toppings like pulled pork, bacon, or even lobster to create a truly decadent dish.
Another Canadian favorite is butter tarts, a sweet and gooey dessert that is a staple at holiday gatherings and special occasions. These delicious treats are made with a flaky pastry crust filled with a mixture of butter, sugar, and eggs, often with the addition of raisins or pecans. Butter tarts are a beloved Canadian dessert that can be found in bakeries and cafes throughout the country.
For those looking for a taste of the sea, Canada offers an abundance of fresh seafood options. From Atlantic lobster and Prince Edward Island mussels to Pacific salmon and British Columbia spot prawns, Canada's coastal waters provide a bounty of delicious seafood that is enjoyed by locals and visitors alike. Whether grilled, steamed, or fried, Canadian seafood is a must-try for any food lover.
In addition to its traditional dishes, Canada also boasts a vibrant food scene that celebrates its multicultural population. Cities like Toronto, Vancouver, and Montreal are home to a diverse array of restaurants serving cuisine from around the world. From authentic Chinese dim sum and Indian curry to Italian pasta and Japanese sushi, Canada's cities offer a culinary journey that can satisfy any palate.
One unique aspect of Canadian cuisine is its use of indigenous ingredients and traditional cooking methods. Indigenous communities across Canada have long relied on ingredients like wild game, fish, berries, and roots to create nourishing and flavorful dishes. Today, many restaurants and chefs are incorporating these ingredients into their menus, showcasing the rich culinary traditions of Canada's First Nations peoples.
Canada is also known for its love of maple syrup, a sweet and versatile ingredient that is used in a variety of dishes. From drizzling it over pancakes and waffles to using it as a glaze for meats and vegetables, maple syrup adds a delicious touch of sweetness to many Canadian dishes. In fact, Canada produces over 70% of the world's maple syrup, making it a truly iconic Canadian ingredient.
Whether you're a fan of hearty comfort food, fresh seafood, international cuisine, or indigenous ingredients, Canada has something to offer every food lover. With its diverse culinary landscape and commitment to using fresh, local ingredients, Canada is a foodie paradise waiting to be explored.
So the next time you find yourself in Canada, be sure to sample some of the country's most iconic dishes and experience the unique flavors that make Canadian cuisine so special. From poutine and butter tarts to fresh seafood and indigenous ingredients, Canada's culinary delights are sure to leave you craving more.
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trippin-bad · 4 months
Baked Dijon Salmon Recipe
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This mustard-crusted salmon is an easy and tasty way to prepare fish. The baked recipe takes salmon and coats it with honey, Dijon, and bread crumbs. 1 lemon for garnish, salt and pepper to taste, 1/4 cup finely chopped pecans, 3 tablespoons Dijon mustard, 1/4 cup dry bread crumbs, 1/4 cup butter melted, 4 fillets salmon, 1.5 tablespoons honey, 4 teaspoons chopped fresh parsley
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cubiclecooks · 6 months
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Glazed Pecan-Crusted Baked Salmon Recipe Pecan-crusted salmon, coated in bread crumbs, parsley, and lemon pepper, and glazed in brown sugar is an elegant dish perfect for dinner parties. 2 teaspoons lemon pepper, 1 teaspoon dried basil, 1/2 cup fresh bread crumbs, 1/4 cup olive oil, 1 teaspoon dried thyme, 6 fillets salmon, 1 teaspoon dried parsley, 1/4 cup soy sauce, 3 teaspoons chopped fresh parsley, 1/2 cup finely chopped pecans, 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder, 1/4 cup brown sugar
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manulys · 7 months
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Pecan-Crusted Baked Salmon with Lemon-Dill Aioli Recipe A zesty lemon-dill aioli and crunchy pecans are smothered and baked atop fresh salmon fillets for tons of extra savory flavor.
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sallymadden · 9 months
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Pecan-Crusted Baked Salmon with Lemon-Dill Aioli Recipe A zesty lemon-dill aioli and crunchy pecans are smothered and baked atop fresh salmon fillets for tons of extra savory flavor. 1 teaspoon chopped fresh dill, 1/2 cup mayonnaise, 1 teaspoon minced garlic, 1/2 medium lemon juiced, 1/2 cup pecans, salt and ground black pepper to taste, 1 pound salmon fillets
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marinawood · 1 year
Pecan-Crusted Baked Salmon with Lemon-Dill Aioli
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A zesty lemon-dill aioli and crunchy pecans are smothered and baked atop fresh salmon fillets for tons of extra savory flavor.
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bakermia · 1 year
Pecan-Crusted Baked Salmon with Lemon-Dill Aioli
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A zesty lemon-dill aioli and crunchy pecans are smothered and baked atop fresh salmon fillets for tons of extra savory flavor.
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allwaysfull · 1 year
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Pulp | Abra Berens
Table of Contents
milk bread
brown butter custard batter
clafoutis batter
cobbler batter
crepe batter
dutch baby batter
muffin batter
pat’s crackers
graham crackers
hazelnut crust
pretzel crust
choux/cream puff dough
cream scone dough
cream cheese dough
phyllo dough
biscuit dough
pie dough
puff pastry dough
almond orange cake
angel food cake
basque cake
cornbread cake
ginger honey cake
maple pudding cake
upside-down cake
almond brutti ma buoni
ginger thins
pecan sandies
pie dough cookies
puff pastry tortas de aceite
Crunchy Stuff and Toppings
candied fennel seeds
candid nuts
crumble topping
honeycomb brittle
salty sugar sprinkle (sss)
salty nuts
Creamy Stuff (though not always made w/dairy)
crème brûlée
panna cotta
pastry cream
sabayon (french), zabaione (italian), sabajón (spanish)
salted carmel sauce
sour cream
whipped cream
lemon curd
tart fruit curd
Frozen Stuff
ice cream base
lime sorbet
buttermilk sherbet
fruit sherbet
Pie Filling
butterscotch pudding
chocolate pudding
rice pudding
tapioca pudding
simple syrup ratios
brandy syrup
citrus syrup
marigold syrup
Pickle Liquids
basic fruit pickle brine
traditional pickle brine
apple salad (savory/raw)
peanut butter apple stacks (sweet/raw)
aa++ salad (savory/roasted)
apple butterscotch pudding w/candied nuts (sweet/roasted)
roast chicken w/rosemary poached apples (savory/poached)
chilled poached apples and almond cookies (sweet/poached)
snow melt stew (savory/stewed)
apple crepe cake w/sherry custard (sweet/stewed)
one-pan sunday roast (savory/baked)
apples in pajamas (sweet/baked)
preserved (p.148-9)
shattering cheese and apricot salad (savory/raw)
apricots, rosemary sabayon and almond brutti ma buoni (sweet/raw)
grilled chicken w/apricots, red onion and basil (savory/grilled)
brittle-topped grilled apricots (sweet/grilled)
leg of lamb w/apricot bulgar, fresh herbs and toum (savory/roasted)
torrijas caramelizadas w/apricots (sweet/roasted)
ginger-poached apricots over salmon,choi and chili oil (savory/poached)
rosé-poached apricots and earl grey semifreddo (sweet/poached)
apricot grilled cheese sandwich (savory/baked)
burnt apricot tarts (sweet/baked)
preserved (p.174-5)
salad of oat groats, blueberries, chicories and buttermilk (savory/raw)
blueberry puffies (sweet/raw)
roast chicken over blueberries, cornbread and lemon (savory/baked)
blueberry spelt muffins (sweet/baked)
venison (or lamb) w/parsnips and blueberry sauce (savory/roasted)
blueberries and griddled cake (sweet/roasted)
preserved (p.189)
brined cherries and salty snacks (savory/raw)
chocolate pudding w.coffee-soaked black cherries (sweet/raw)
cherry baked brie w/seedy crackers (savory/baked)
cherry pie (sweet/baked)
buttermilk pork tenderloin and grilled cherry salad (savory/grilled/roasted)
tart cherry syllabub/smashed almond brutti ma buoni (sweet/grilled/roast)
preserved (p.208-9)
Drupelet Berries: Raspberries, Blackberries and Mulberries
roasted carrots w/raspberries, beet cream, chili oil, cacao nibs (savory/r)
lemon soufflé w/blackberries and olive oil (sweet/raw)
chicken liver mousse, roasted raspberries and oatcakes (savory/roasted)
coconut tapioca pudding w/roasted mulberries and lime (sweet/roasted)
baked ricotta w/black pepper raspberries and a big salad (savory/baked)
raspberry surprise crème brûlée (sweet/baked)
preserved (p.1226-7)
butter lettuce, grape, fennel, walnut and buttermilk salad (savory/raw)
grape salad over lime sorbet (sweet/raw)
pan-roasted parsnips w/grape sauce and pecans (savory/roasted)
rice pudding w/sherry roasted grapes (sweet/roasted)
ham and butter sandwiches (savory/baked)
grape custard pie (sweet/baked)
preserved (p.246-7)
Ground Cherries (a.k.a. Cape Gooseberries)
red cabbage salad w/ground cherries, cilantro, pepitas, lime (savory/raw)
ground cherry floats (sweet/raw)
cashew cauliflower w/ground cherry glaze and toum (savory/roasted)
basque cheesecake w/roasted ground cherries, rosemary (sweet/roasted)
super grilled cheese sandwiches, ground cherry chutney (savory/stewed)
biscuits w/ground cherry butter (sweet/stewed)
preserved (p.262-3)
melon, cucumber, chickpea salad (savory/raw)
cantaloupe sundaes w/black pepper and olive oil (sweet/raw)
grilled melon w/tahini, chili oil and sesame seeds (savory/grilled)
grilled melon w/grape sherbet and candied fennel seeds (sweet/grilled)
preserved (p.276-7)
Nectarines and Peaches
spicy, sweet, salty summer salad (savory/raw)
peaches and cream w/ginger thins (sweet/raw)
grilled peach and ricotta toasts (savory/grilled)
cream scones w/grilled nectarine, goat cheese sandwiches (sweet/grilled)
coconut milk shrimp w/jalapeño-peach cornbread (savory/baked)
peach-berry cobbler w/whipped sour cream (sweet/baked)
preserved (p.298-9)
chicory salad w/shaved pears, walnuts and pecorino (savory/raw)
sliced pears w/salted caramel and crumbles (sweet/raw)
red wine-poached pears w/goat cheese sabayon, pumpernickel and pine nuts (savory/poached
chilled poached pears and pecan sandies (sweet/poached)
pear, bacon and onion tart (savory/baked)
ginger honey cake w/pears and whipped sour cream (sweet/baked)
preserved (p.319)
buckwheat salad w/plums, cauliflower, mustard dressing and arugula (savory/raw)
maple pudding cake topped with sugared plums (sweet/raw)
stewed plums atop oatcakes w/ricotta (sweet/stewed)
plums for breakfast: stewed plums over rice porridge and pine nuts (sweet/stewed)
ginger-plum-glazed ribs w/rye spaetzle and greens (savory/roasted)
blintzes w/roasted plums and hazelnuts (sweet/roasted)
plum cream-baked pork shoulder w/turnip mash (savory/baked)
rum-plum clafoutis (sweet/baked)
preserved (p.342-3)
midwinter pork bake (savory/baked)
crumble-topped quince (sweet/baked)
quince and lamb tangine (savory/stewed)
cream-stewed quince w/oatcakes (sweet/stewed)
sunday at the pub (savory/poached)
oeufs à la coing (sweet/poached)
preserved (p.366-7)
poached salmon w/rhubarb salad and pine nut relish (savory/raw)
parsnip panna cotta w/rhubarb, orange and olive oil relish (sweet/raw)
pork chops w/rye spaetzle, white wine-poached rhubarb and spinach (savory/poached)
rhubarb cream puffs (sweet/poached)
rhubarb one-pan chicken w/kale and poppy seed salad (savory/baked)
rhubarb upside-down cake w/whipped cream, salty nuts (sweet/baked)
preserved (p.384-5)
beet carpaccio w/strawberries, flowers, candied fennel seed (savory/raw)
strawberry sundaes: vanilla ice cream, pulsed strawberries, meringue (sweet/raw)
lamb chops w/buck wheat, black pepper strawberries (savory/roasted)
dutch baby w/sherry vinegar strawberries (sweet/roasted)
preserved (p.402-3)
Tart Round Fruits: Cranberries, Currants, Gooseberries, Lingonberries and Autumn Olive
roasted carrots w/lentils, spinach, cranberry relish (savory/raw)
eton mess (sweet/raw)
squash claws w/stewed currants (savory/stewed)
gooseberry fool w/tortas de aceite (sweet/stewed)
winter casserole (savory/baked)
january cake (sweet/baked)
preserved (p.424-5)
0 notes
rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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International Carrot Day
Bake it into a cake, crunch it with some ranch, or cook it up in a butter sauce: the carrot is healthy, tasty, and surprisingly easy to grow for your own.
Ahhh, the ubiquitous carrot. A favorite food of rabbits, amazing for the eyesight, and the foundation of what is easily one of the greatest cakes ever conceived! This root vegetable is full of vitamins and nutrition, while being tasty as well!
When people think of a carrot, it’s doubtless that the mind is immediately brought to the bright orange root with the green foliage. The same one that is often found sticking out of the face of a snowman during winter.
But does everyone know that orange is just one of the many colors that carrots naturally come in? In fact, orange isn’t even the most common color of carrots outside of the Americas!
International Carrot Day is a perfect opportunity to learn more about all of the various cultivars of carrot, and what they can bring to the enjoyment and nutrition of meals!
History of International Carrot Day
The history of International Carrot Day is really the history of the carrot, and research of this incredibly popular root has revealed that it likely finds its origins in Central Asia. Through thousands of years of careful cultivation, the world has ultimately arrived at the bright orange, slightly sweet, not at all bitter variety of carrot that is regularly found in recipes today!
International Carrot Day, itself, was established in 2003 and it has spread throughout the world to all the places the carrot is known. By 2012. International Carrot Day Celebrations had found their way around the globe to several countries on different continents, including France, Sweden, Italy, Russia, Japan, Australia, and the United Kingdom.  
As previously mentioned, there are multiple varieties of this popular vegetable, known as cultivars, that range away from the traditional orange color people typically think of.
There’s the purple dragon carrot, a lovely form of this root vegetable that has a deliciously complex flavor, slightly spicy with a kid-friendly sweetness. There’s also a lovely yellow carrot that is colored as bright yellow as a banana but has a wonderful flavor all its own.
Carrots are the foundation of so many meals, from rich and savory stews to sweet cakes and candies. They can serve as almost any part of a meal as well, including a sweet candied carrot or as the color to a tray of richly roasted vegetables.
International Carrot Day celebrates this root in all its uses, forms and flavors!
How to Celebrate International Carrot Day
Enjoying International Carrot Day is a fairly simple concept that mostly revolves around eating carrots, of course. But other creative ideas can also be thrown into the mix!
Eat Carrots, Carrots, and More Carrots
The easiest and tastiest way to celebrate International Carrot Day is to make sure that carrots are featured in every meal!
Start the day with a couple of carrot-apple breakfast muffins. Then take along a bag of baby carrots with a bit of ranch dressing for a snack throughout the day. Round out the lunch meal with a slice of delicious carrot cake.
Then, at dinner, enjoy the fundamental flavor of roast vegetables featuring the favorite of the day: the carrot!
Make a Carrot Cake
A tasty favorite for many, the carrot cake uses this vegetable in a surprising way. Adding spice to the cake and topping it with cream cheese frosting is the perfect way to enjoy and celebrate this versatile vegetable.
Plant Some Carrots
One great way to honor the carrot is by taking a try at growing some! They’re not a difficult plant to grow, but they do require soil that is in good condition. They can be planted from seed indoors in cooler months and then moved outdoors when the weather is warmer.
Because they tend to grow around rocks and other roots in the soil, home grown carrots may not turn out exactly straight. In fact, it can be fairly entertaining to see what shapes they grow into while hiding underground! No matter what shape they are, they’re sure to be delicious and nutritious.
Throw a Carrot Party
People who are looking for a place to serve that carrot cake they made might as well go ahead and host a International Carrot Day Party! Gather some friends together and enjoy all of the lovely benefits and tastes of carrots. The menu will obviously be filled with multiple appetizers, snacks, and desserts all including carrots as ingredients.
Don’t forget that Carrot Juice and Carrot Shots are fun ways to ingest this healthy food. For orange-themed drinks that aren’t made of carrots, consider orange soda or soft drinks, just to keep things interesting.
Decorate the room in various orange and green items (balloons, crepe paper, paper goods, etc.) and carrot-themed decor. For even more fun, have guests dress head-to-toe in orange. It might even be fun, for a friend who isn’t highly sensitive about their red ‘carrot-top’ hair, to be the guest of honor!
Visit the Carrot Museum
Who knew that there was an entire museum dedicated to learning about carrots? And the best thing of all is that it’s accessible to anyone because it’s a Virtual Museum! Hosted by the World Carrot Museum foundation, the online page offers all kinds of opportunities and adventures in carrots.
Take an interactive tour, learn about the history and evolution of the carrot, see the difference between domesticated and wild carrots, and even discover ancient manuscripts and illustrations that are all related to this venerable veg!
International Carrot Day really is an opportunity for the all-purpose vegetable, breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert. And a nose for a snowman! Carrots really can do it all!
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menuandprice · 1 year
Quarterdeck Restaurant Menu Along With Prices and Hours
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Check out the Quarterdeck restaurant menu here and find the best casual food collection for yourself & family. Quarterdeck is the well-known name of the fast-casual food restaurant that is located in the Florida state of USA. The restaurant operates across the country and offers a decent collection of casual food meals & snacks. In the article ahead we are going to cover up the ample information on the Quarterdeck menu and prices to guide our readers to the restaurant. We believe the article would be helpful to them in availing of the hot favorite meal from the outlet of the restaurant.
Quarterdeck Restaurant Menu Prices
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Quarterdeck Restaurant is well known for providing in-budget-friendly casual food options to its visitors. You can always find something best from the menu of the restaurant per your budget. This is the reason that why the restaurant maintains a huge customer base throughout the whole day. You can check out the prices of the various menus from the dashboard of the Quarterdeck restaurant. Make sure to shortlist the menu that fills your appetite and also comes friendly to your pocket.   Appetizers “Build Your Appetizer” $12.99 Grouper Sticks $8.99 Artichoke Spinach Crab Dip $8.99 Buffalo Shrimp $9.99 Steamed Clams $12.99 Grilled Portabella Mushroom $7.99 Smoked Fish Dip $5.99 Sashimi Tuna $8.99 Outstanding Chicken Wings $5.99 – $19.99 Loaded Nachos $7.99 Chicken Fingers $6.99 Clam Chowder $3.99 Lobster Bisque $3.99 Conch Chowder $3.99 French Onion Soup $3.99   Salads Pecan Crusted Chicken Salad $11.99 Spinach Goat Cheese Salad $10.99 Caribbean Cobb Salad $9.99 Sesame Tuna Salad $10.99 Balsamin Chicken Salad $9.99 Caesar Salads $11.99 Caesar Salads $8.99 Dinner Caesar Or Dinner Salad $2.99 Quarterdeck Restaurant Breakfast Menu Well, Quarterdeck is although the casual food offering restaurant you can also enjoy your breakfast at the outlet. Fortunately, the restaurant maintains a decent range of food items that you can choose for your breakfast. Besides, you can rest assured regarding the quality of the food as the restaurant maintains the highest quality breakfast options. You can here explore the decent range of breakfast food items from the menu of the restaurant. Steaks And Rids Turn Any Entree Into A Sure & Turf Add $10.00 Fried Shrimp For Just $5.00 Half Rack $11.99 Half Rack $11.49 Full Rack $15.99 Filet Mignon $18.99 Quarterdeck House Steak $12.99 Fried Seafood Combo $14.99 Homemade Maryland Crab Cakes $13.99 Fresh Grilled Salmon $14.99 Fresh Fish Francaise $13.99 Fresh “Fish Of The Day” Platter $12.99 Coconut Shrimp $13.99 Regular Deep Fried Shrimp $12.99   Pasta Seafood Pasta $17.99 Shrimp Scampi $13.99 Pasta Jambalaya $11.99   World Famous Burgers Quarterdeck Burger $7.99 Bacon Bleu Cheese Burger $7.49 Cajun Burger $6.99 Smoked Salmon Burger $6.99 What A Turkey Burger $7.49 Caribbean Burger $7.99   Sandwiches French Dip $11.99 Fresh Fish Sandwich $8.99 Ciabatta Roll Sandwiches $9.99 Philly Sandwiches Steak Philly $8.99 Chicken Philly $8.99 Sushi Grade Yellowfin Tuna Philly $9.99 Fresh Fish Burrito $7.99   Wine -White Lexia, Alice White $4.75 – $14.00 Sauvignon Blanc, Robert Mondavi “Private Selections” $5.25 – $15.00 Pinot Grigio, Cavit $4.75 – $14.00 Chardonnay, Sterling “Vintner’s Collection” $5.50 – $21.00 Chardonnay, McPherson’s $5.50 – $21.00 Quarterdeck Restaurant Lunch & Dinner Menu You can also enjoy the delicious casual food items in your lunch & dinner menu from the restaurant. There is a lot in the bucket of the Quarterdeck that you can choose for your lunch & dinner. It includes the favorite dishes such as chicken, pasta, Salomon, seafood, and the list goes on. You can check out the whole menu below for more information on the same. Wines – Red Shiraz, Yellow Tail $4.50 – $16.00 Pinot Noir, Solaris $5.50 – $21.00 Merlot, Rodney Strong $6.00 – $24.00 Cabernet Sauvignon, Sterling “Vintner’s Collection” $5.50 – $21.00   Wines – Blush Blush $4.50 – $14.00 white zinfandel, beringer   Wines -Champagne Champagne $35.00 moet “white star”   House Wines By Sycamore Lane House Wines By Sycamore Lane   Bottled Water Bottled Water $2.99 evian 1 liter Bottle   Kids Meal Available Kids Meal Available “includes a free scoop of ice cream”   Desserts Key Lime Pie $2.99 Triple double Chocolate Cake $2.99 Edy’s Ice Cream $1.99 – $1.49   Quarterdecks Bar Specials Peel & Eat Shrimp And Steamers Bucket Specials $1.00 – $2.00 Free Wings Or Nachos With Select Pitchers Of Beer $1.00 – $2.00 Quarterdeck Restaurant Hours The restaurant hours are all about the opening and closing window of the restaurant. This is basically the timing when the restaurant opens and closes for the day. As a customer of the Quarterdeck restaurant, you must be aware of its opening/closing window. It will ensure that you make a timely visit to the restaurant and get the best food to your appetite. You can check out the accurate opening/closing hours of the restaurant below for your reference. Week Days/ Weekends Opening/Closing Timing Monday 11:30 AM – 9:30 PM Tuesday 11:30 AM – 9:30 PM Wednesday 11:30 AM – 9:30 PM Thursday 11:30 AM – 9:30 PM Friday 11:30 AM – 9:30 PM Saturday 11:30 AM – 9:30 PM Sunday 11:30 AM – 9:30 PM Quarterdeck Restaurant Holidays Hours The holiday hours of the restaurant basically refer to the days off when the restaurant remains out of service. The good news here is that the Quarterdeck hardly has a day off and remains in the service all around the year window for its visitors. Here below is the list of holidays when the restaurant remains fully in service just like the other normal working days. - New Year Day - Independence Day - Christmas Day - Easter Sunday - Easter Monday - Martin Luther King Jr’s Birthday - Cyber Monday - Good Friday - Black Friday - Halloween - Columbus Day - Labour Day - President’s Day - Cinco De Mayo - Father’s Day - Mother’s Day - Mardi Gras Fat Tuesday - St. Patrick’s Day So, all these holidays are the routine working days for the Quarterdeck restaurants. The visitors can therefore visit the restaurant during its normal working hours. Quarterdeck Restaurant Near Me Well, you don’t need to feel lost while making your visit to the Quarterdeck restaurant as we have the map for your assistance. In this map, you can check out all the available locations of the restaurant in the nearby area. You simply have to follow the locations in order to reach there in the least possible time. The map would ensure that you head to the exact location of the restaurant outlet without facing any issue.The post Quarterdeck Restaurant Menu Along With Prices and Hours first appeared on Menu and Prices. Read the full article
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foodieforthoughts · 3 years
Tumblr is hateful and it stopped putting your posts in my dash. ☹️ I miss seeing your stuff pop up. I figured maybe if I come over here and leave an Ask, Tumblr might remember that we’re mutuals. ❤️ 🤞🏻
So, Foodie……if you were to make dinner for Henry (or one of his characters) what would you cook? Would there be multiple courses? Dessert? Would you eat indoors or al fresco? What wine or cocktail would you pair with the meal?
Ugh! This site is so glitchy sometimes. But thank you for coming over to my blog sweetheart. And an even bigger thank you for leaving this amazing ask.
I hadn't really given much thought about this but with some good olé help from @agniavateira I think a list (more like tiny drabbles 😆) has been compiled. 😅 Hope you like it boo. ♥️
So let's begin? 🍽️
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Being a homeboy, Henry prefers to stay home as much as possible whenever he is not filming. So if there were dates planned, it would be a nice backyard dinner on the back porch with the soft glow of string lights you had hung from the awning. Hailing from an island, he enjoys seafood and due to his rigorous fitness regime, you try to prepare something that wouldn't cause him to hit the gym for an extra hour the next day. You try to recreate the recipe of Spaghetti with Seafood Velouté and pair it with whiskey and nice engaging dinner conversation.
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When Syverson is home from his foreign deployment, cribbing about the MREs he had to consume while away, you try to feed your man as much home cooked meal as possible. He is a prime meat lover but above all he has an appetite for all things sweet. Being a man of his stature, this Texan bull loves when you prepare several courses for dinner. For starters, you make Tex Mex Queso with Nachos and serve it with his favorite beer, a baseball match playing on the TV. Main course would consist of Beef Stew with homemade Cornbread and Rice. But it's only when you bring out the Chocolate Pecan Pie and Apple Crisp, Sy's eyes light up like the fourth of July. In his case, "a man's love comes from his stomach" could not have been any truer.
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Grumpy Detective Walter loves nothing more than the night prior to his day off duty. He looks forward to an evening of relaxation and enjoy your cooking. He is quite efficient in the kitchen himself, but he never turns down the offer of a pleasant meal prepared by you. Striving mostly on microwavable food and coffee as he immersed himself in his work before he met you, he likes it when you spoil him. You keep things modest, placing only fresh flowers in a vase on the dining table, as Walter loved simplicity. But you take him by surprise when you place in front of him a glass of Sauvignon Blanc and a plate of Slow-Roasted Salmon With Harissa, a recipe you had acquired from his mother and one of his favorite. He was a man of few words, but as he dug into his dessert, a piece of Lemon Buttercream Layer Cake, and says "reminds me of home" you know you had done a good job.
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August loves things to be refined and elegant. The sprawling Manhattan penthouse with a balcony that looked out to the Hudson River made for a nice outdoor dinner setting. He had appointed chefs for the kitchen but once in a while you give them a day off and prepare something by yourself. To start it all off, you serve Roasted Tomato Bruschetta to pair it with a glass of sparkling Prosecco. For main course you prepare Crab and Tiger Prawn Fettuccine and Herb-crusted Bread. August isn't too fond of dessert but when it is you who took the effort to cook, he eats it without hesitation. You watch him in awe as with a rare childlike glee he finishes the Berry Vanilla Creamcheese Parfait, lickes the spoon clean and flashes you a smile that instantly warms your heart.
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It was always a fun time when Leon was home from his secret visits abroad. He loved to help you cook, keeping you entertained with his quick witted jokes. But he liked exquisite cuisine too and you would try to learn a few recipes when he wasn't home. Having stayed at plenty world class hotels, Leon found your Vichyssoise, a chilled soup of leeks, onions and potatoes blended into chicken stock and cream, magnificent. A main course of Chicken à la King and champagne, reminded him of your wedding as it was one of the many dishes served at the reception. But the real winner was the dessert, Creme de Menthe Squares, Leon's favorite recipe and the one you had almost perfected by now.
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Mikey was the most easy going boyfriend when it came to choosing what to eat for dinner since he had no objections about any food category. On regular nights even if you made a pepperoni pizza at home, he was happy about it. And that's why you loved to cook fancy meals for him and have date nights with him up on the roof of his apartment complex. With candles lit for a romantic ambience, you would lay down a blanket on the floor and bring a Tupperware of his favorite Spaghetti with meatballs and serve it with a modest helping of grated cheese over it. But the cutest moments were when he would wrap his arms around you as you sat back against his chest and fed him spoonfuls of home-made Chocolate Mousse for dessert.
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coffinsandcauldrons · 4 years
Foods for Mabon:
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A Mabon feast is a time of giving recognition to the earth, showing gratitude, praising both light and dark, and celebrating abundance.
Through feasting with whatever we may have, we are able to represent this years bounty, draw in abundance for the upcoming winter, and show that we are thankful for what we currently have. Fall foods that represent the second harvest are typically appropriate so that we are able to celebrate and acknowledge the season.
Brussels Sprout
Acorn Squash
Butternut Squash
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American Beautyberry
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Herbs and Spices:
Pumpkin Spice
Rose Hips
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Apple Cider
Grape Juice
Pumpkin Spice Latte
Cranberry Juice
Pomegranate Juice
Apple Juice
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Dried Fruit
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Blueberry & Apple Cider-
Side Items:
Pumpkin Mashed Potatoes-
Caramalized Sweet Potato and Kale Fried Rice-
Pumpkin Cornbread-
Sweet Potato Pomegranate Salad-
Pomegranate Baked Brie-
Pomegranate Almond Cheese Ball-
Balsamic and Pomegranate Chicken-
Roasted Vegan Mabon (Thanksgiving) Bowl-
Rosemary and Orange Slow-Roasted Duck-
Fall Sheet Pan Pork Tenderloin with Honey Balsamic Roasted Vegetables-
Roasted Butternut Squash (Three Ways)-
Tuscan White Bean Soup-
Butternut Lasagna with Mushrooms and Sage-
Mushroom Wellington with Rosemary and Pecans-
Fall Shepherds Pie-
Autumn Chicken Dinner-
Chicken & Leek Soup-
Cream of Tomato Soup-
Acorn Squash and Apple Soup-
Stuffed Acorn Squash-
Harvest Ratatouille-
Roast Fillet of Beef-
Pumpkin Beef Stew-
Roasted Stuffed Pumpkin-
Vegan Turkey-
Beef Barley Vegetable Soup-
Acorn Squash and Carrot Soup-
Pumpkin Chili-
Spicy Pumpkin Soup-
Tuscan Pumpkin Pasta Sauce-
Harvest Stew with Smoked Sausage-
Pomegranate Glazed Salmon-
Roasted Pumpkin Caramelized Onion Walnut Pizza-
Apple Cinnamon Roll Cupcakes-
Apple Spice Cake-
Fig Bread Pudding-
Pumpkin Oatmeal Cookies-
Cinnamon Baked Peaches-
Vegan Pumpkin Pie-
Fresh Apple Pound Cake-
Chocolate Pumpkin Cupcakes With Cinnamon Pumpkin Cream Cheese Icing-
Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies-
Pumpkin Chai Cake-
Carrot Honey Cake-
Pumpkin Apple Muffins-
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lansdellicious · 4 years
Halifax Holiday - Why is The Bicycle Thief Italian?
Happenstance is a wonderful thing sometimes. The Bicycle Thief was on our short list of places to visit while in town, but we could not get a reservation at a time that worked for us. We also only had a loose lunch plan for Sunday, what with Nova Scotia’s fairly tight rules on Sunday opening hours and the other things we needed to fit in. After a visit to the Immigration Museum, we found ourselves walking along the waterfront and right in front of The Bicycle Thief. Might as well see if they have tables, right? Needless to say, they did.
The menu at The Bicycle Thief (PDF link) can be a little intimidating. It is large, many of the dishes have Italian names, and there’s just so much to suit so many tastes. Often with restaurants a large menu means nothing is exceptional, and although I wasn’t intimidated per se I did have a hard time choosing. 
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Completely against character, I started with the Insalata Verde: Butter lettuce, crisp pancetta, roasted pine nuts, creamy herb dressing, shaved pecorino. Everything about this was amazing, and that includes the lettuce. You know how hard it is for lettuce to be amazing? Despite having seen pecorino used many times this was my first time actually eating it, and I’m pretty sure I would just always use it instead of parmesan. It has a slightly milder flavour but manages to retain some sharpness. Just what this salad needed on top of the pancetta. The real star though was the herb dressing, made in-house. It was light and creamy but still thin enough to spread throughout, and didn’t fall into the “all rosemary all the time” trap that herb dressings often do. A great start that did what an appetizer should: wake the palette and get me salivating for more. 
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Sarah stayed a little more true to form with the  Schiacciata: grilled flatbread, prosciutto di Parma, mission fig, toasted pecan & red onion marmellata, arugula and shaved parmigiano. While a touch tricky to eat with all the toppings piled on there, it all worked. The prosciutto was a little buried by the other flavours, especially the balsamic glaze, but it was still there trying to assert itself. 
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Look everyone, potato-quality photos are back! I really wish I could stop moving when I take them. Ignoring that, this was the tagliata steak: peppercorn crusted beef tenderloin, E.V. olive oil & aged balsamic drizzle, wild mushroom & onion sauté, with fries and green beans. Now I don’t want to be that guy, but traditionally tagliata is served on a bed of greens - often arugula, but sometimes mixed greens - and this clearly was not. The menu claimed it would be served rare but I would have put it at medium rare at best. I also couldn’t care less, because it was divine. The peppercorn crust added just enough flavour without overwhelming with heat, and finally I got a steak with a good hard sear on the outside to give the caramelization every good steak needs. I should point out that we started our meal on the patio, but the arrival of the main course before we had finished our starters led to a deluge of wasps.  We had to move inside for our own safety, causing the mushroom and onion sautée to be slightly cool and congealed. While the wasps are beyond the restaurant’s control, the timing is decidedly not. It would not, fortunately, damage the flavour of the sautée at all. Sarah’s pistachio honey-crusted salmon was also amazing, but as it was not on her plate long enough to find out I will have to take her word for it! 
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This was one of the smartest desserts I have ever seen. A coconut semifreddo with a dark chocolate shell, rum-studded pound cake, caramelized fresh pineapple and grated coconut. I normally avoid coconut, but I really wanted to try a semifreddo and I adore cooked pineapple. The way this was presented was almost genius, though I would have made the coconut vertical to look like a tree trunk and added a couple more mint leaves. The pound cake was a little wet but everything else was excellent.
While not the best meal of our trip, this was easily the biggest and most satisfying surprise. Everything we ate was delicious, and there was so much on the menu that we want to try that going back seems like a must. 
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delishketodiet · 5 years
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⏩ Don't forget to share and follow @delishketodiet_ for more keto recipes and tips⁣⁣😃 ALL CREDIT TO @ketoproper . FEELIN’ FANCY!? Try this PECAN-PARMESAN-PARSLEY CRUSTED SALMON BOWL next time🤤🙌🏼⁠ ⁠... ⁠⁠ 📋 INGREDIENTS Salmon Crust:⁠ 1/3 cup pecans⁠ 2 tbsp parmesan cheese⁠ handful fresh parsley⁠ 1 piece fresh salmon⁠ Bowl:⁠ mixed greens⁠ sautéed mushrooms and peas⁠ 1/2 hardboiled egg⁠ cherry tomatoes⁠ 1/2 avocado⁠ ⁠ 👨🏽‍🍳 INSTRUCTIONS:⁠ 1. Add crust ingredients to a small food processor and pulse until just crumbled - make sure not to overdo it, as the pecans will become too buttery!⁠ 2. Dab the salmon with paper towel to dry the outer layer, then massage with olive oil and coat in your crust mixture.⁠ 3. Cook in the oven at 450 for 15 minutes, or until cooked to your liking.⁠ 4. Assemble your bowl and take a picture like @shredhappens to show off your gourmet skills 😉⁠ . • • • • • • #ketomadeeasy #ketoideas #ketonesforfuel #ketogenics #ketogenticdiet #lowcarbmealprep #lowcarblove #ketodinnerideas #ketotips #receitalowcarb #lowcarbs #ketomeals #ketomeal #ketobreakfast #ketoeats #ketofriendly #ketolove #lchfbrasil #lowcarb #lowcarbdiet #ketogenicdiet #ketodiet #ketolife #keto #onmytable #instafood #yumyum (at Petaluma, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5-TUNvgY4T/?igshid=1ireyn7q75pm5
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