#Marmalade Body Products
silia · 7 months
Pheromone Perfume Oils | Marmalade Body Products
https://www.marmaladebodyproducts.com/ Pheromone Perfume Oils | Marmalade Body Products
At Marmalade Body Products, we re dedicated to providing meticulously curated body products Our shop reflects our commitment to your well being and empowerment
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ombrebyls · 9 months
One way to take care of your skin is to use the skin care products. But not just any products! You should look for ones that are natural and don’t have bad chemicals. These can help your skin stay soft and nice.
Therefore, it’s a smart choice to buy skincare products online that use organic ingredients. The natural skincare products can help your skin feel joyful and stay in good health, which is exactly what you want! 
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theliterarywolf · 4 months
Every so often the YouTube algorithm will remember that I like watching animated short films (you know, your Gobelins, your ESMAs, your overshadowed pilots).
Last night, it kicked in and recommended me an animated short film called "Marmalade is Missing"
And while you may look at this thumbnail and go 'Lit, what the fuck is this? This seems sus as hell', the animation quality art direction are actually really good: it's a story about a Burlesque dancer's pet cat who goes missing right before showtime.
However... You never want to be the type of person to look at certain body-types presented in media and go 'oh, this must be someone's kink' or 'oh, I must be on the weird side of YouTube!' Because even looking up the studio that posted this video on YouTube, Winding Snake Productions, brings up a legitimate, small-time, non-profit independent studio.
However... There were several moments while I was watching this where I just couldn't help but think 'Is... is this a fetish thing? I feel like this is a fetish thing'.
Edit: I almost forgot to mention that the name of the director/head-animator for this short is James Nutting.
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twistedroseytoesy · 1 year
Hello! I'd like to be called 🫙 anon because I love marmalades and jams.
May I request Pomefiore with an s/o who bathes and washes their hair with the same soap when asked why they have such silky hair and smooth skin?
Vil's gonna go on a massacre
Bahahaha! Oh man! Vil is truly gonna throw a fit. But I also am somewhat like this. I at least have shampoo, conditioner, and body wash. But that’s literally it…
thank you for this 🫙 anon! sorry these are really short theres not much to make a story of, so basic headcanons will have to do.
Epel: Same though. He was a simple farm boy before he was tortured forced to do skin care and use multiple products. He usually used a simple shampoo and body wash, it got the job done and got him clean enough. You both suffer under vils crazy routines. Honestly he supports the way you shower or bathe with just 1 thing, its cheep and effective.
Rook: Non non! you must use a few more things to be truely clean! He wants to tell you but also finds how you have made things work so weel from just one type of soap to be so interesting. Despite hair needins special care and attention you only use one type of soap and yet your beauty still shines like the radient sun! Probably was the one to tell Vil about your lacking beauty care. Hes glad you at least do bathe, since hes seen some of the more filthy students on campus just wash with water and call it there.
Vil: YOU WHAT?! You mean to tell him that you only wash your body and hair with one type of soap?! no other products either?! how has your skin survived?! how do you still look so good?! he understand that you are short of funds for multiple products, but you cant just use one type of soap for everything!!! Imediatly gifts you multiple of his produts and forces you into a day of learning how to use them. Calls you each night to ensure you have used siad products and if you eve are lacking you are forced into another care day, either at your place or at pomefiore. You will not be allowed to use a singular product ever agian. he threw away your singular soap as soon as he got word.
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umi-no-onnanoko · 4 months
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🐚day 42 of 100 productivity challenge Sunday February 11 🌊
A little treat for the day with this experiment creating prussiane with apricot marmalade. (+bonus the photo of the so cute and kawaii mochi).
I spent the day chilling and taking care of my body, my mind and my emotions; it was pretty good because I have the necessity to rest and recover, to take care of myself, to treat me, to spend time with my family.
-umi-no-onnanoko (@umi-no-onnanoko)
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kessielrg · 4 months
Kingdom Hearts AU: Lay In The Fire: Part 2
Summary: In which Ventus presents Aqua a traveler to feed on, with the promise that she will keep her alive. Things get messy from there.
Notes: Another thing based on luxmoogle’s vampire AU. Sponsored by Tove Lo’s Come Undone from her studio album, Sunshine Kitty. Much longer this time and with 60% of my usual shenanigans. 😘
Word Count: 3,117 words
Series: Stupid Kids: 1. Drink Deep: 1, [2], 3, 4
AO3 Link: here
Ven felt a bit better the next day. Preparing a meal for one more person kept him a bit busier than usual. He still gave Aqua her morning meal, as per the rules of a standard house.
“You’re really happy this morning,” Aqua noted with a slight tease in her voice.
“Am I?” Ven mused. Not once did he look up from arranging Aqua’s meal in front of her. The motions were far too familiar to mess up. “Haven’t really noticed.”
Aqua let out a light laughter.
“You know,” she then entertained, placing her handkerchief in her lap, “You can tend to her while I eat. I can clean up as well so you have time to redress her wounds.”
Ventus almost tripped. “Really?!”
His master gave a firm nod.
“Thank you Aqua!” he gratefully said. He gave her arm a quick squeeze to further show his appreciation, as hugging her was a bit complicated at the moment, before dashing back into the kitchen. Aqua couldn’t help but let out another laugh.
Ven almost tripped multiple times as he got Sabrina’s breakfast ready. His gait was all but a skip as he took the tray to the guest quarters. Making it through the door almost led to another near-spill. When he looked to the bed, his surprise caused him to jump, making the liquids on the tray fall out of their vessel.
“You’re sitting up!” Ven gleefully remarked. “Are you feeling better today?”
“Watch this.” Sabrina taunted. With some effort, she scooted her body close to the edge of the bed, then brought her legs down to the floor. Nervous, Ventus quickly put the tray down on the washstand but he didn’t need to help. Sabrina was standing on her own. A bit wobbly, perhaps, but certainly not bedridden anymore.
“Practiced all morning before you got here,” she even boasted, giving him a wink and a click of her tongue.
“Are you sure that’s safe for you right now?” Ven carefully asked.
Sabrina sat down at the edge of the bed.
“I traveled while having cold sweats from a fever. I almost got thrown off a horse because it got spooked by an animal. I had my blood taken from an actual vampire, and lived to tell the tale so far. I think working on standing again with the safety of a bed behind me is the safest thing I could probably do.”
Ven laughed- one riddled with more concern than amusement.
“You really don’t give up, do you?”
“I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t.” She told him in a firm tone. “Now bring that tray over here, I’m hungry.”
“And there she goes,” Ven mused with a roll of his eyes, picking up the tray regardless, “Boasts about herself and not giving a lick of gratitude to someone who spent all morning on her meal.”
“Because I haven’t tasted it yet,” she informed him. “Give it.”
“Alright, alright. Sheesh.”
Ventus did not trust Sabrina’s motor skills the same way she did, so he placed the tray beside her on the bed. He then sat on the other side, just in case she needed help.
And, boy, did Sabrina try not to need any help this morning. She took her slice of toast (topped with marmalade and watercress) and carefully picked at it so she could take smaller bites. It was a test to herself. She had proven that enough of her gross motor skills were functioning well enough, now it was time to prove her fine motor skills too.
She took her time, making it look like a practiced stage production. While she sat tall, Ven idly considered for a moment that it wasn’t a surprise her caretaker called her princess. Her manners while eating were perfect despite the unconventional dining area. The consideration she took on what to eat was looked over with a critical eye. She even held her pinkie out while drinking from the teacup! Had he not been sitting near her so casually, it would have been easy to mistake Ventus for Sabrina’s servant instead of Aqua’s.
“You rushed this, didn’t you?” Sabrina asked once she had finished everything on the tray.
Ven jumped with a start.
“H-how?” he started to stammer. He quickly shook his head. “I mean, Aqua is always given her meals first. Being lady of the castle has that privilege.”
Sabrina nodded. “Naturally.”
“This morning she gave me permission to send you breakfast instead of waiting and cleaning up for her. I guess the change of pace made me rush a bit. But most everything was done beforehand- around the same time I made Aqua’s breakfast.”
That made Sabrina quirk an eyebrow. She didn’t say anything against it, though.
“Was it bad?” Ven ventured to ask as he got up, taking the tray with him.
Sabrina gave an indifferent shrug. Once more, not truly bothering to elaborate on her thoughts.
“Well…” Ven awkwardly went on to say, “If you need anything, let me know. When you feel up to it, I can help you around the main areas of the castle as well.”
Ventus did not wait for her to respond. Instead he made his way to the door. Just as he touched the handle, Sabrina declared,
Ven did so at the same speed when Aqua requested something from him. He turned to look at Sabrina again.
“What’s wrong?” he asked.
Sabrina laid back on the bed, apparently well worn from a good meal and making her body return to its usual productivity.
“Since this is a castle, my princess self would like to know something.”
Ven raised an eyebrow, carefully shuffling the tray in his hands.
“What is it?”
Sabrina's mouth became a cunning smirk. “Any secret passages? You know, in case the villagers decide to plan a siege against the monster on the hill.”
Ven blinked. The thought lulled around in his brain for a bit longer before realizing what she was truly asking.
“There is one.” he agreed. “But it’s quite a walk, are you sure you want to explore it?”
“As if I have anything else to do than benchmark myself.”
The familiar looked the traveler over. Soon a smile etched across his lips with excitement.
“Now?” he asked, just to be sure.
“Give or take.”
His smile grew even wider.
“Let me return and clean these dishes, and then I’ll come back up.” he promised. “As much as I trust your ability to stand, I don’t feel the same about your walking just yet.”
“What a gentleman.” Sabrina smirked.
Her sassiness wasn’t going to stop him now. Ventus finally opened her door to head back to the kitchen, his steps were light and giddy. Before going back to her, he went to check on Aqua. It was routine by now that she would be reading in the library. Always the same spot, but not always the same book.
“Sabrina and I are going for a walk.” Ventus announced to his master. “She wants to see the emergency corridor. If that’s alright by you.”
Aqua looked up. For a moment Ven swore he saw a flicker of concern, but Aqua’s voice was as calm as ever.
“So long as she doesn’t plan on sending her kind after us, I do not mind at all. Will you still be joining me afterward?”
“Of course!”
“Then go. I’m sure she’s practically out the door as we speak.”
Ventus nearly jumped for joy.
“Thank you so much, Aqua! You have no idea how much it means to me!”
And with that, he bolted out of the room. Aqua had to give a small laugh. The  small worry she had for her familiar, however, lingered.
Sabrina was not at all charmed by the entrance to the escape corridor. It wasn’t well hidden considering its location- the buttery. The stone door with an impressive arch had more than enough space around it to know it was a door you could go through. Sure, you had to navigate through a few racks of wine, and multiple barrels of still fermenting juices, but anyone could have seen it.
“This is a choice.” she decided with a disappointed click of her tongue.
Ven, who had been opening the door, took a look back at her.
“What do you mean?” he asked.
Sabrina used her arms to gestures around them.
“The buttery? That’s where the secret escape route is?”
Ven gave a small shrug. “I think it’s pretty clever,” he admitted. “I mean, think about it. The kitchen and the dining hall are the heart of any building. The buttery is usually only used by servants- no one else would know it exists. Not even average guests.”
“But the door isn’t even hidden.”
“Some of the most obvious things are. Also happens to the most dangerous things too.”
With a grunt, Ven was able to push the door open. Sabrina took a few steps forward to see what she would be dealing with. The corridor wasn’t much to speak of- both walls and steps made out of the same stone that the rest of the castle was laid in. There were no slits in the walls for minuscule lighting. Once that door closed, the two were going to be in pitch black darkness until their eyes adjusted.
“This is already a lot more steps than I was expecting.” Sabrina mumbled.
“It’s all about the perspective. Imagine trying to descend them with angry villagers at your door.” Ven mused, meaning for it to be a joke. All he got back in return was a perplexed glare.
With the plath open, the duo began the trek downward. Ventus remained ahead of Sabrina, guiding her down the steps even though the darkened path was more than clear. There was only one exit at this point, after all.
Ven had only gone down this secret path a few times in his life so far. The first was when he was much, much younger, and Aqua wanted to ensure his safety in case someone came for her. Every time after was to make sure it was still secure. It was a path he would take when flying in owl form wouldn’t have been safe. In good time, he could make the path down in less than 10 minutes. His record so far was roughly seven minutes and twenty-eight seconds.
With Sabrina still weak, the time it took was quite a bit longer than that. They had to pause three times just for her to sit and catch her breath again. At one point Sabrina had made them stop for so long, he worried that she had fallen asleep again. By the time they got to the other side, a door matching one that started the journey greeting them, the afternoon sun was already starting to wane.
“Help me with the door.” Ven told Sabrina. “We have to pull it open.”
“Right.” she agreed with a nod.
Using what looked like large brass knockers, Ventus and Sabrina took a firm hold before pulling as hard as they could. Slowly and carefully, the door started to move from the frame, allowing light to stream through before it became almost blinding.
“Oh wow.” Sabrina remarked once her eyes adjusted to the outside light again. She moved forward without waiting for Ventus. On the other side of the emergency corridor was a beautiful meadow filled with sweet smelling flowers that Sabrina wouldn’t even begin to name. The sunlight bounced off each one like jewels. By the time Ven closed the door and noticed she was nowhere near him, Sabrina had already ventured to the near middle of it all. She unconsciously found herself starting to sit down in the flowers. Her arms laid out beside her as if she were comfortable in bed all over again.
“You okay over there?” Ven mused once he was next to her again. He also started to lay down, keeping his hands over his stomach and just close enough to her that no little stem blocked his view of her calm face.
“Shut up, there are poppies in these flowers.” she told him- far less bite in her voice than usual. “Just let me relax. Those stairs were steep and many.”
Ven chuckled a little, but did as she requested. He gazed up at the clouds with mirth. One was shaped like a lumpy crown. Another looked like three circles joined together to make a pair of mouse ears.
A small noise started to come near Ven. It took him a moment to realize Sabrina was humming. The thought of it caught him off guard, to say the least.
“Papa taught me that song,” Sabrina then said- shocking Ven even more. As if she sensed his astonishment, she added, “I can feel you staring at me. You do that a lot.”
“How can you tell? Your eyes are closed.”
“Despite current circumstances, my fight or flight reactions are still an active part of me. Being stared at invokes those, you know.”
“Ri-ight.” Ven smirked. Then a small thought came to him. Before he could stop himself, he had to ask, “Why do you leave your family so often? They worry about you just as much as Aqua worries about me.”
Sabrina raised and lowered a shoulder in indifference.
“It’s quiet here. And that’s a commodity back there.” she claimed. She turned her head to him- her dark eyes now open and bearing into his soul. “Isn’t that why you left your family for Aqua? For solitude? To find yourself? I can tango with a vampire because of you. But who -or what- led you here?”
Ven’s body clenched slightly. He looked away from her. A cloud passing by looked like a bird.
“I didn’t know my family before Aqua. I was abandoned on her steps as a baby.” he admitted. “I wouldn’t leave her for anything. That’s why I want to be her familiar.”
Sabrina looked Ven over.
“I bet you would have been a traveler.”
Surprised, he looked back at her.
“What makes you think that?”
“Not every caravan picks up strays like mine does.” she said, simply enough. “Then again, there has to be strays to take in to being with, don’t you think?” A small pause. “You’re so lucky Aqua claimed you before Papa and Mama did. You’d be twice as fat and probably married off by now.”
“Gee, what an opportunity I’ve missed.” Ven chortled. Even Sabrina had to laugh a bit at the thought- not that she thought herself wrong, either.
“Besides,” she went on, looking up at the clouds as well, “Is there anyone else in the village that looks uncannily like you? Not a bit. There’s only one sense of your helpless idiocracy around here, and it belongs to you only.”
“You know I always give the best compliments.”
“And being incredibly humble too.”
“Now you understand.”
They both laughed. The sound of their shared content fluttered through the flowers like butterflies. As silence came in, peace joined with it. A breath between them was the simplest form of intimacy between the duo at the moment.
“I’m so delirious right now.” Sabrina laughed to herself. To Ven she said, “You wanna know a secret, Ven?”
“What could you have that would be worse than ‘I’m a familiar’ and ‘the one I’m tied to is a vampire’?”
That got her to laugh. He liked her laugh. Her real laugh. It didn’t happen all that often.
“I’ve called myself a changeling before.”
Ven quirked an eyebrow. “Oh yeah?”
Sabrina nodded. “One of the Willis, specifically. Faerie spirits of heartbroken women whose lovers abandoned them. Usually at the altar, or for another woman.”
“Oh…” Ven moved a bit before venturing to ask, “So you’ve been in a relationship… that ended badly?”
To his surprise, she shook her head.
“Not really. Mostly because I can’t connect with people outside the caravan long enough to have a comfortable relationship.”
“Are you in a relationship now?”
Sabrina lulled her head over to look at him. Her smirk was particularly mischievous as she asked, “Why? Jealous?”
“No!” Ventus immediately blurted out. He then caught himself, giving a small, forced cough before correcting with, “I mean, you called it a comfortable relationship, not a meaningful one. Or even a loving one. What does a comfortable relationship mean to you?”
For a long time, she didn’t answer. When she did, her voice was much, much darker than what it had been moments prior.
“She’s watching us right now, isn’t she?”
“Huh?” was Ven’s first reaction. His next was knowing exactly who she was talking about. Of course he knew Aqua was watching. As much as she liked Sabrina, there were still many things the vampire had to accept before fully trusting the human. Leaving her familiar alone with one for too long (and still so close to her grounds) was one of them.
“Aqua doesn’t have anything to do with our conversation, Sabrina.” Ven told her, his voice taking a more defensive tone.
Sabrina carefully worked to sit up. Ven mirrored her, knowing and fearing the direction their talk was heading into.
Sabrina’s eyes only narrowed at having his eye contact. “Where is she, Ventus?” she once more asked.
Vne could feel the small flare of anger course through his body. And yet, his eyes betrayed him- flicking to a certain window in the castle where, indeed, Aqua was watching them under the guise of needing more light to read her book. Sabrina’s glance matched his own. She didn’t see Aqua. But she knew. She could feel that gaze like she could with Ven right next to her.
“I’m going to bed.” she decided, groaning slightly as she worked her weary body up to its feet.
Ven’s heart immediately felt like someone had dunked it in icy water.
“What? Why?!” he asked, also scrambling to his feet. “It’s barely time for dinner yet.”
Sabrina didn’t acknowledge him. She held her word in making her way back to the castle. It even looked like she would walk back around to the front entrance instead of taking the emergency corridor again.
“Sabrina!” Ven called out, both desperate and exasperated at this point. It was what got her to stop. She looked back at him- her face blank.
“I’ve lost a lot of blood, and I’m tired.” she told him, simply enough. “You can help me back, but don’t expect any more sincere talks.”
Ven’s mouth floundered for a moment. Eventually, all he could do was nod. He let her take the lead, and not a single word was had between them for the rest of the day.
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liquorwinecave · 7 months
About Jean Fillioux Cognac – Liquor Wine Cave
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Founded in 1880 by Honoré Fillioux, the company is now run by his great-grandson Pascal J. Fillioux. The vineyards lie in the heart of the Grande Champagne in the 'golden triangle': Verrières, Angeac-Champagne and Juillac-le-Coq. It is well known, this area yields the most delicate and finest Cognacs, and requires long oak barrel ageing to achieve maturity: the ageing is the key. Nothing will be done without Pascal's full control, from wines to labels and from soil to the bottle. It's a one-man-show. The men in the Fillioux dynasty have each borne a great love to their region and their soil. They have, from generation to generation, been blessed with an exceptional 'nose': that one, unique, talent that sets apart those who love greatness and those who are actually able to create it. The House of Jean Fillioux belongs to a select group of traditional family estates who have successfully defended their upper-quality niche over several decades by producing consistently authentic Cognacs that rest on century-old traditions, patience and love to become the masterpieces true connoisseurs appreciate.
Jean Fillioux COQ
Light and pleasantly fresh young Grande Champagne Cognac, with floral notes, vine blossom, lime tree, then some fruity notes, citrus peel. To enjoy at any time of the day, perfect for some cocktails and for cooking.
Jean Fillioux Cep d’or
A mature Eau-de-Vie with a fiery but balanced colour. « Very lively Cognac with a vivacious aroma of raisins, bananas, grapes, nuts, anise, caraway ; increasing fruit on the palate ( ripe melons, nuts) – an altogether delightful experience ». The Cognac guide, Axel and Bibiana Behrendt.
Jean Fillioux tres vieux XO
« Very full, noble Cognac of a classic cut with an appetizing aroma of orange marmalade, pears, quince, bananas, citrus, sandalwood and old port. Powerful aftertaste with overtones of tropical fruits (maracuja, mango) ». The Cognac guide, Axel and Bibiana Behrendt. « Lingering on the palate and finely complex, this Cognac is your perfect end-of-evening companion to offer your friends. A pure Fillioux-family product, it combines elegance and strength without pretentiousness ». Patrice Franck, Sommelier President of the South-West of France, Editor in Chief of the Revue du Sommelier (Wine Waiter’s review).
Jean Fillioux 1992
Harvested and distilled in 1992, this cognac was matured in French brand new loose grain oak casks, in a cool damp cellar. At the first sight, a very pretty luminous golden amber color. Appetizing flavors on the nose with notes of butterscotch, vanilla, ripe peach and candied orange. Rich and powerful on the palate, notes of caramelized orange and Mexican vanilla (currants, cocoa). Very mature cognac offering an amazing so long finish with aromas of peppery spices and licorice coming through.
Jean Fillioux 1994
A recently released Vintage, in the quality tradition of this boutique cognac house. Pure Grande Couture! . With his roots firmly planted in the pure, time-honoured tradition of his ancestors, a man content in the shadows and a conjuror of magical aromas, Pascal will be happy to welcome you into his cellars where you can discover and share his Collection Privée.
Jean Fillioux Cigar Club
An  Eau-de-Vie of character, with its surprising myriad bouquets. Cigar Club is an invitation to feel and scent the utterly honeyed finesse of its vanilla, almond and cigar-box fragrances. Savor its powerful, unctuous flavour and discover its subtly mingled aromas of confit prune, cinnamon and black chocolate. A deep, lingering Eau-de-Vie. A perfect match for your favored Havana Cigar. « Committed to the nobility of its origin and to process which involves no manipulations, the House of Jean Fillioux presents an Eau-de-Vie which is supple in character, fruity, elegant but sufficiently full-bodied and lingering, the only one in its Cognac & Cigar category worthy of a grand Puro. Bravo ! La Revue du Vin de France ( French Wine Review).
Jean Fillioux reserve familliale
The purest noblesse and distinction of a Grande Champagne. So fine, so elegant so complex, so rich, this wonderful cognac is quite lively in spite of its very old ageing, creamy and appetizing, offering some notes of dried and jammy fruit, with the finest rancio aromas, leather, cigar box fragrances, toasted chocolate, liquorice and toffee. Very long finish with notes of honeyed and peppery spices coming through. It’s a travel in the infinite world of the aromas. A great cognac to meditate. Exceptional.
You can visit our entire range of Cognacs here
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valleycbdgummies · 1 year
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It has hemp oil for human body. The high-quality complement has relaxing compounds that carry many blessings collectively. Even many health institutes and establishments have endorsed the product because of its non-addictive nature and therapeutic houses.
Valley CBD Gummies has a high-quality flavour due to its best elements. The underrated complement is a good instance of how a easy remedy can treatment wonderful illnesses. It can regulate mood and emotions so you can begin running on each thing successfully.
Final Words
Spring Valley CBD Gummieshave a high amount of Spring Valley CBD Gummies that treatment the distinct fitness situations like irritation, pain, stress and tension. It is one formulation that gives you solution without letting you get higher. The quality gummies have natural hemp extracts that display severe blessings to the human health.
Spring Valley CBD Gummies Reviews has a set of herbal ingredients which are very safe and effective for the consumer body. It is an authorized natural formulation that guarantees you get some wonderful effects virtually. The pain relieving complement can remedy sleep disorders productively. It is the proper preference in case you are searching ahead to receive suitable consequences.
Valley CBD Gummiesprovide a relied on option for human beings in search of natural comfort for ache, nervousness, rest concerns, and basic nicely-being. By incorporating Valley CBD Gummies proper into your everyday recurring, you may take a look at out the prospective advantages of CBD and also take satisfaction in a far greater balanced and healthier way of life.
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byroots · 1 year
Shop online for Marmalade - Byroots.com
Organic marmalade is a delicious and healthy spread that is the perfect addition to your breakfast table. Made from high-quality organic oranges, this sweet and tangy jam is packed with essential vitamins and minerals that are essential for your health. In this article, we will explore the benefits of organic marmalade and why you should consider adding it to your diet.
First and foremost, organic marmalade is made from organic oranges that are grown without the use of harmful pesticides and chemical fertilisers. This means that the oranges used in making organic marmalade are free from harmful chemicals and toxins, making it a healthier option than conventional marmalade. Organic oranges are also more nutritious than conventional oranges, as they contain higher levels of vitamin C, antioxidants, and other essential nutrients. You can Buy Organic Marmalade online also.
One of the primary benefits of organic marmalade is that it can help boost your immune system. Vitamin C, which is abundant in organic oranges, is a powerful antioxidant that helps protect your body against harmful free radicals that can cause oxidative stress and damage to your cells. Consuming organic marmalade regularly can help increase your vitamin C intake and support your immune system, making you less susceptible to illnesses and infections.
Another benefit of organic marmalade is that it can help improve your digestion. Oranges are a rich source of fibre, which is essential for maintaining a healthy digestive system. Fibre helps regulate bowel movements, prevent constipation, and improve overall gut health. Consuming organic marmalade regularly can help increase your fibre intake and support healthy digestion.
Organic marmalade is also a great source of energy. Oranges are a rich source of natural sugars, which are essential for providing your body with the energy it needs to function properly. Consuming organic marmalade can help provide you with a quick energy boost, making it an excellent choice for breakfast or as a mid-day snack.
In addition to its nutritional benefits, organic marmalade is also delicious and versatile. It can be used as a spread on toast, as a topping for yoghurt or oatmeal, or as a flavouring for baked goods and desserts. Organic marmalade can also be used in savoury dishes such as marinades, sauces, and glazes, making it a versatile ingredient that can be used in a variety of recipes.
When shopping for organic marmalade, it is essential to choose a high-quality product that is made from organic oranges and does not contain any added sugars or artificial flavours. Look for brands that are certified organic and use sustainable farming practises. It is also essential to read the ingredient list and nutrition label to ensure that the product meets your dietary needs and preferences.
In conclusion, organic marmalade is a healthy and delicious spread that is packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. It is a great addition to your breakfast table and can help support your immune system, improve your digestion, and provide you with a quick energy boost. When shopping for organic marmalade, it is essential to choose a high-quality product that is made from organic oranges and does not contain any added sugars or artificial flavours. So, go ahead and indulge in a jar of organic marmalade today and enjoy its many benefits!
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ombrebyls · 9 months
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Hibiscus Face Mask
Rediscover Your Skin's Radiance with Hibiscus Face Mask. Immerse yourself in the beauty of nature's rejuvenation. Let the nourishing power of hibiscus transform your skincare routine, unveiling a vibrant complexion. Elevate your self-care with the indulgence of Hibiscus Face Mask and embrace the essence of natural beauty.
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alpha-cbd-gummies · 1 year
Alpha CBD Gummies REVIEWS Shark Tank [Scam OR Legit] Exposed Official Store!
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Alpha CBD is an effective ache-alleviation component designed to reduce your persistent ache, pressure, and anxiety. People who've used the complement have moreover suggested higher sleep and advanced mood and electricity.
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Chronic ache usually lasts greater than 3 months and may extend to other frame tissues if now not anything is performed. Studies show extra than 50 million people global enjoy chronic pain every day.
Unfortunately, pharmaceutical pills, like painkillers, do now not appear to help loads. They best reduce the ache for a while but do not address the hassle from the premise purpose.
Body pain that lasts for months can cause you strain and anxiety. It can force you to depart your undertaking and spend masses of dollars on pills. With Alpha CBD Gummies, you no longer must do this. This formula will cope with persistent pain and glaringly reduce pressure and tension. It has been examined and demonstrated to artwork effectively. Read on to discover how the machine works and if it’s properly really worth it.
What is Alpha CBD Gummies? Alpha CBD is an effective pain-remedy formulation designed to reduce your chronic pain, strain, and anxiety. People who've used the complement have also cited better sleep and advanced mood and power. The components uses a mixture of marmalade, tropical fruit extracts, and cannabidiol to provide you with some of these benefits.
All Alpha CBD factors had been sourced from natural compounds to ensure the gadget does not motive aspect effects. The complement has moreover been clinically and scientifically tested for purity, safety, and effectiveness. You will enjoy superior energy and pain-loose existence. With Alpha CBD Gummies, your fitness will in no manner be the same once more.
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It uses 100% natural additives
It is simple to use
It has been via severa laboratory assessments to ensure it's far one hundred% safe
It offers masses of fitness advantages
It does no longer incorporate chemical compounds, pollution, or preservatives that may reason thing consequences.
It let you shop pretty some cash
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Alpha CBD Gummies are to be had simplest at the actual website
It isn't appropriate for humans of all ages. Individuals below the age of 18 are not allowed to apply the components.
Supplies do run out
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How Do Alpha CBD Gummies Work? CBD is one of the maximum researched cannabinoids. This compound is normally found within the hashish plant however does not get you excessive, like THC. It has been shown to be a powerful remedy for tension problems, pain, or maybe sleep issues.
Alpha CBD Gummies artwork through mimicking the body’s endocannabinoid machine, which regulates abilities in some unspecified time in the future of the frame. The endocannabinoid gadget impacts your brain and essential nervous gadget, as well as your immune device and gastrointestinal tract.
The CBD in Alpha CBD approach interacts together with your CBD receptors, balancing your frame from the indoors, allowing you to benefit better sleep patterns, decreased pain, and overall frame well being.
What Are the Benefits of Alpha CBD Gummies? When the CBD present in the Alpha CBD system interacts with your CB1 and CB2 receptors, here are a number of the advantages you will experience:
Improved Energy Levels
The Alpha CBD Gummies contain different additives in an effort to assist boost your power stages, permitting you to feel active and inspired all day.
Improves Mood and Reduces Stress and Anxiety
This machine will even set off the discharge of serotonin hormones, at the way to help decorate anti-depressant results, making you feel much less careworn and irritating. This will assist you believe you studied simply and tackle your ordinary problems effectively.
Reduces Body Pain
CBD products are acceptable at decreasing chronic ache. They try this via blocking pain-signaling neural pathways in the mind. In different phrases, it offers with the underlying purpose of your chronic ache, permitting you to be happier and complete of existence yet again.
It Helps in Weight Loss
Losing weight isn't always smooth, however with Alpha CBD Gummies, it's far viable to obtain your excellent weight in a count number of time. The machine balances your involved device, permitting you to have interaction in wholesome eating behaviors that will help you burn fat speedy.
Enhances Cardiovascular Health
Balancing your blood pressure and heart rate is vital to living a healthful way of life. Thankfully, Alpha CBD Gummies permit you to attain that. It maintains your blood strain and coronary coronary heart price at the most fulfilling, minimizing the hazard of coronary heart assault and stroke.
Improves Immune Strength
Interferon is a protein answerable for making your immune gadget robust. The particular information is that the CBD positioned within the Alpha CBD formulation can assist increase the production of Interferon.
Customer Reviews: Does Alpha CBD Gummies Really Work? Since Alpha CBD Gummies have been released, they've got come to be the wide variety-one choice for health-aware humans. Luckily, a few of them have given honest critiques about their enjoyment of the product. Here are a number of them:
Buddha Lover says he is finally getting excellent sleep. He says he offered the CBD product wondering it'd get him high, but it did now not. That is the reason he's giving the product a 4-celeb score.
Nancy K. Says that the components is wonderful. Her wrist and hip pain are lengthy beyond. If they start to flare up, she takes the Alpha CBD Gummies, and the pain goes away in minutes.
Pam C. Additionally says, “I definitely have two herniated discs in my decrease again and became on oxycontin for seven years. Alpha CBD Gummies have in reality changed my need for prescription painkillers.” Pam C. Is grateful for the product, as it has worked for her.
Alpha CBD Gummies Pricing Alpha CBD Gummies are not the best ache-comfort components. It additionally facilitates anxiety, strain, temper, immunity, and weight reduction. With this method, you can love the manner you revel in and experience lifestyles together with your children and grandkids. The complement is without difficulty available at the professional internet website, and proper here are the options available for buy:
5 Months Supply Pack: Buy 3, get unfastened @ $39.Ninety 5/ea
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All applications come with a 30-day cash-back guarantee.
More CBD Gummies:
Best CBD Gummies (2023 Review Update) Top CBD Gummy Brands To Buy
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Please keep in mind that any recommendations or suggestions revealed right here isn't even remotely substitutes for sound medical or monetary recommendations from a licensed healthcare employer or certified financial marketing representative. Make tremendous to are looking for recommendations from an expert medical doctor or monetary representative in advance than making any buying choice in case you use drug treatments or have issues following the assessment information shared above. Individual results may also vary and aren't guaranteed as the statements regarding those products have now not been evaluated through the Food and Drug Administration or Health Canada. FDA has no longer shown the efficacy of those merchandise or Health Canada-permitted research. These products are not meant to diagnose, treat, treatment, or save you any disorder and no longer provide any get-wealthy cash scheme. The reviewer is not chargeable for pricing inaccuracies. Check the product income web page for final costs.
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jonfarreporter · 2 years
Seville Oranges are ‘the zest’ of inspiration to debut another line of soaps & creams for Caryl B
With the harvest glow of pumpkins comes the reminder that the winter holidays will be here soon. Amid the array of an Autumn/winter cornucopia there’s the familiar orange, especially Seville oranges in particular. And, one who understands the distinctive elements/properties of the Seville oranges is Caryl Brandes of Caryl B Personal Care Products- Gifts That Pamper!
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This October, as pumpkins and everything pumpkin spice/flavored make their annual appearance, Brandes debuted her Seville Orange line, now available in the Caryl B ‘Gardener's Soap’ and ‘Hand Cream.’
Known for a unique flavor and aromatic essence, the Seville Orange can do much more than make a delicious batch of marmalade. The bitter/acidic aspects of this particular orange have been utilized for centuries.
Introduced to Europe in the Seventh Century by the Islamic sultans who ruled the Andalusia area of Spain, oranges were used in perfume and medicine. Sailors in the days of early exploration were given citrus to fight off scurvy.
Historians believe the origin of oranges centered in Asia and can be traced as early as 300 BC. Just as in Arabic medicine, the Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine practitioners observed the orange could help exfoliate and moisturize the skin. And oh the aroma! It helped refresh as well as soothe.
In fact, it was the aroma that inspired Brandes as she said. “I love the fresh simple fragrance.”
While the orange is often associated with Summer and tropical weather, the peak of the Seville Orange is in Fall. It begins in November/December and runs through to February. Perhaps this might be why an orange was considered a rare and uncommon gift for Christmas in olden days.
With the introduction of oranges to Florida and California, it was easier for people in the United States to encounter an orange at winter time. During the Great Depression, oranges were a stocking stuffer and a prized treat.
As familiar as oranges are, be it as marmalade or as juice to go with a cup of morning coffee, they are often overlooked and underestimated.
In addition to providing Vitamin C and potassium, an orange helps the body make collagen. Categorized as a protein, as Hansa Bhargava, MD, of WebMD verifies, collagen heals wounds and provides smoother skin.
The Vitamin C in oranges helps to absorb iron to fight anemia. Sort of like the old adage “an apple a day…” an orange can invigorate the immune system, which is the body's defense against germs.
In today’s world of COVID-19 viruses and the alike, to use the natural properties of oranges in cleaning and washing is an added benefit. This is one of the reasons Caryl B has added the power of oranges to the ‘Gardener’s Soap.’ Made with Charcoal for a deeper cleaning, and Goat Milk for keeping skin moisturized, the Seville Orange makes it’s debut just in time for the upcoming holiday season. Caryl B products have been featured at the Marin County Farmer's Market in Larkspur and other locations around the San Francisco Bay Area. For details visit the Caryl B website.
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marmaladeworld-blog · 6 years
Under Construction
More to follow :)
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empressofdiamonds · 2 years
A rough guide to tea
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Whatever the quality of your tea is, or the teaware you're using, a good preparation will help things immensely.
Steep at the EXACT time indicated, or a bit less for cheaper teas as they tend to be very bitter.
Reheat your teapot with hot water to wash off residues of soap (if you do wash them, more about that later), and reheat the teaware (so it doesn't cools down and gives a subpar brew). The water temperature will be more stable too.
For black tea, the water should be ABSOLUTELY boiling, like, one second off the stove to pour into the teapot. It is NECESSARY to reheat the teaware beforehand.
Green tea will be fine with steaming biskly water, or you can boil it, then pour into the (reheated!) teapot wait one minute then add the leaves.
I'm personally not such a fan of white tea but if you want to prepare it, it should be about at the same water temperature as green tea, except that white tea is so much more sensitive to higher temperatures, so don't rush!
If you purchase flavored teas, make sure they're of high quality, it's worth shelling a few more bucks to get a good enjoyable product than suffering through a ton of cheaper subpar chemical-tasting product. David's Tea is terrible for flavored teas....
You can stick old vanilla pods (that have been thoroughly used up!) Into flavored black tea tins to give some depth of taste. Green teas could work well with this but I haven't tried this yet.
Same thing with (bio) orange peels, lemon peels, mandarin peels.
If you're bored of plain tea, try adding marmalade jam to black tea, or strawberry jam too.
Give DIY chai teas a shot! There's plenty of recipes out there and it allows you to adjust spices you like and don't like. And wayyyyy cheaper than buying it readymade.
You can actually reuse the same old leaves up to about three times, especially good teas. Every brew will taste different, in good or bad ways, but give it a shot.
If you love green tea, PLEASE give gyokuro tea a shot. It's too tier stuff mwah.
When you serve tea to guests, always give them the first pour: it is the most flavorful, and doesn't has the bitter bits the last cup has. I just consider it politeness, and I want them to enjoy the greatness of tea.
Loose tea is almost always better than bagged tea. It is a pain to clean out, I know, but some shops carry those nifty tea bags you can fill yourself. Bagged tea uses the tea dust/chips byproducts from making higher quality tea.
Chinese, Indian and Japanese teas are radically different in taste. If you don't like Chinese teas, give Japanese teas a shot and so on.
You don't need fancy teaware to enjoy tea, use the stuff YOU like and enjoy. I drink my own tea out of a cat mug I freaking love, some purists would be offended at my choice but... It's my home, my drink, and my enjoyment. Have fun!
If you want to choose a teapot, consider how much you drink (do you prefer to have small portions? Big mugs of tea? The teapot for each will be different.), And ask if possible to test the flow (some specialized shops will have no issue, don't ask this in normal cookingware shops they'll look at you weird hahahah), a good teapot will flow out smoothly without spilling, a bad teapot you'll have difficulty pouring out neatly. And you don't wanna a bad teapot, it takes out of the tea enjoyment!
"raw" clay teapots should NEVER ever be cleaned out and exclusively used for tea (no milk, no sugar). They absorb the tea flavor over time and they become better over time. Rinse out those teapots after use and air dry them right away. Don't leave them "dirty" for days...
A lot of the hot water spouts for tea (those machines where you pull a level to get hot water) are not hot enough for black tea, but are fine for green tea.
If you have difficulty sleeping, don't drink any tea in the afternoon and switch to herbal blends. People say it's fine to have caffeine drinks in the afternoon but some people's bodies have more difficulty processing the caffeine, and may take longer to do so.
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kirieshhhka003 · 3 years
can I ask for “Put me down! I can walk!” from the fluff prompt with abbacchio please?
A/n: thank you baby!!🧡 and yes, I’m studying medicine and I’ll be using all this anatomy names in my writings, im not sorry for that
Pairing: Leone Abbacchio x gn! Reader
Prompt: Put me down! I can walk!
Warnings: none
1k followers event
Event status: closed
Damn, your knee hurts as hell. Thanks to your clumsiness and “happy” coincidence you stumbled over a small crack in the concrete, falling with all your body weight on your left knee. Your boyfriend who always takes things way too seriously than they really are insisted on going to hospital, just to make sure that there’s nothing too serious with you. X-Ray showed that there were no fractures, but your ligamentum cruciatum anterius is slightly sprained
So that means that you have to move your leg as little as possible, so your injury heals faster and you don’t make situation worse. Your got your knee bandaged and Abbacchio carried your traumatized body to his car bride style (which you resisted vigorously) to drive you both home. Leone stopped by the grocery store, leaving you alone in the car for about twenty minutes, but he got you your favorite marmalades and chocolate, so you quickly forgave him
You spent the rest of the day lounging on the couch, watching tv and mindlessly stuffing your face with sweets. What can be better? Your incredibly handsome boyfriend was serving you throughout the day, complying with your every smallest whim. But you quickly got bored. God, because of your “graceful” collapse your date with Leone hadn’t even started! You two came out of your apartment and a few minutes later on the way to the mall your fuckup happened, so you both left without new clothes
The sun finally comes down, delicious dinner cooked by Leone is eaten and it’s finally bath time - your opportunity to finally take a walk around your apartment. You stand up from a big couch quietly, so that Abbacchio doesn’t hear and accompany you in the shower, heading slowly to the bathroom. You hear clattering of plates as blonde man does dishes and you slip soundlessly past kitchen, making your way to the point of your destination
You let out a sigh of relief when Abba doesn’t hear you. God you feel like a little thief, trying not to get anyone on eyes while doing another crime. You undress fully, adjusting the water to the temperature you’re most comfortable with, struggling a little while getting into bathtub. You sit yourself comfortably (well, as much as it’s physically possible) with your injured leg propped up on the edge of a bathtub, wetting your skin and hair
You open your favorite lavender body wash, applying small amount of it on your skin and rubbing it gently, soft foam engulfing your form. Then it comes to hair routine - this new shampoo is scented really strange, you can’t define what it smells like, but you definitely like it. You gently card your fingers through your soaked hair, spreading the product all over your scalp, massaging sensitive skin with soft touches. After second wash you apply hair balm on the few last centimeters of your hair, letting it sit for five minutes, then washing it off
You turn the water off, carefully climbing to the edge of a bathtub and sitting on top of it, looking around for your towel, which seems to be nowhere around. You sigh heavily, swearing under your breath, then calling loudly so that your boyfriend hears you:
- Leone, can you bring me a towel? - you shout, waiting patiently for the man to come. Soon you hear footsteps getting closer on the other side of the door, and the next moment it opens silently, revealing a tall man holding a huge fresh towel in his left hand
You don’t even try to cover up - you’ve been living together for too long to be shy around each other. Leone approaches you in a few steps, standing right in front of you, wrapping you up in a soft thick fabric. His strong arms lock up around your smaller form, picking you up with ease, carrying you to the bedroom
- Oh, come ooon. Put me down, I can walk! - you grumble, annoyed by Leone’s overprotectiveness that starts getting you on nerves. He treats you like some silly kid! You pout your cheeks, eyebrows are furrowed together as you frown on the men
- Maybe you can walk, but I think your knee has different opinion, dumbass. Moreover you’re all wet, you wanna get s cold? Go on, but I’m not gonna babysit you then, - Leone replies in the same manner, slightly annoyed by your brattiness. God, sometimes you do act like a literal child!
Blonde male finally makes it to your shared bedroom, sitting you on top of the big soft bed and pulling back from you, walking up to the huge closet and picking up fresh clothes for you. Leone then comes back to you, handing you a pile of gently folded garments, watching with interest how you gradually dress yourself up in soft comfy home clothes (he bought this suit for you because it’s so fucking pink, almost makes his eyes water, and when Abbacchio first saw it in the shop he just knew you’d love it)
- Gosh, Y/n, you can’t even dry your hair properly. Are you really an adult? - Leone mocks, taking a wet towel from you and starting to gently rub your head with it, gathering all the excess water from your hair. You just comply, sitting still and letting your boyfriend fret over you
He flicks your forehead softly with the tips of his fingers once he’s done and you wrinkle your nose at this, trying to smack Leone’s ass in response but he successfully dodges your attack. Man gives you another light flick, but this time on the tip of your nose, teasing you more and laughing smugly at how helpless you are, not being able to fight back. He turns around heading to the bathroom to hang your towel out to dry, and you’ve already made a mental note to revenge him later, maybe by kicking him “accidentally” a few times in your sleep
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byroots · 2 years
Buy Organic Marmalade Online at Best Price in USA | Byroots
Organic Jelly is a one-of-a-kind recipe made with Himalayan-developed natural products that provide the most notable medical benefits such as murabba and spreadability. It contains nearly half natural product mash and 20% genuine natural product lumps; it also contains no counterfeit flavor enhancer or fake tones to make it appear unblemished, so our Save tones may differ.
This delicious relish is made from farm-to-table, same-day-picked Mandarin organics, or narangis, steeped in their own cold-pressed juice and winter-fresh jaggery. The bitterness of organic and Mandarin organic rinds is essential to marmalades, while the sweetness comes mostly from the two organics. The earthy flavor and deep color come from jaggery.
Organic marmalade is a citrus fruit preserve made with the flesh and peels of lemons and organics. Even though this food has a lot of sugar, it has a lot of other health benefits, like adding vitamins to your diet and keeping your fat, calorie, and sodium intake low. Organic marmalade can be made at home or purchased at your local grocery store.
Toast, baked goods, and other recipes made with organic marmalade do not contain many calories. Each teaspoon of this fruit preserve has 49 calories per serving. If your daily calorie intake is 2,000, the calories in marmalade account for 2.4% of your total daily calorie intake. Spreading organic marmalade on a piece of toast as part of a healthy breakfast is a common way to consume it, adding 69 calories to your daily intake. To properly prepare your body for the day, Columbia University’s Health Service recommends eating 350 to 500 calories when you wake up. For a nutritious breakfast, spread organic marmalade on toast with a lot more than one serving. However, it is a good option for a snack in between meals. The Diet Channel’s registered dietitian, Michele Turcotte, suggests snacks with 100 to 200 calories.
One tablespoon of organic marmalade contains only 11 mg of this potentially life-threatening mineral, so it does not exceed the recommended daily intake of 1,500 to 2,300 mg. The American Heart Association’s sodium intake limit is lower than that set by the Centers for Disease Control in the United States. According to the AHA, the majority of Americans should reduce their sodium intake to lower their risk of heart disease. Organic marmalade contains 11 mg of sodium, which contributes to the 180 to 500 mg of sodium your body needs to function.
provides vitamin C Although organic marmalade does not contain a lot of vitamin C, it does add a little bit to your diet. This fruit preserve provides 2% of the recommended daily intake of this vitamin in one serving. Marmalade’s vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, you can buy organic marmalade anywhere or on any online website very easily, is necessary for the body’s repair of tissues and the production of collagen. Children who are obese may also benefit from it. Vitamin C consumption and blood pressure regulation during mental stress in obese children are linked in a study that was published in the Brazilian medical journal “Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia” in May 2011. To confirm this finding, additional research is required.
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