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manaosdeuwu · 1 year
casi me mato pensando que le tome mal el dólar blue promedio a un cliente pero después me di cuenta que ya se volvió a actualizar el precio hace 15 minutos 😭😭 está bien el que le tomé... tomé el de hoy a la mañana
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thecruellestmonth · 1 year
Jason Todd + literature
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RHATO (2016) #20
Become What You Are by Alan Watts
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Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing #8
Hannah Arendt, author of Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil
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Batman (1940) #395
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Detective Comics #573 // Detective Comics #1042
The Gotham Gazette, local newspaper
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We Are Robin #7
Alexandre Dumas, author of The Man in the Iron Mask, The Count of Monte Cristo, and Robin Hood: The Outlaw
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Batman: Legends of Gotham
La Bête humaine by Émile Zola
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Batman and Robin Eternal #3
1984 by George Orwell
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Batman Incorporated (2012) #7
Richard III by William Shakespeare
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RHATO (2011) #6
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Naomi and Ely's No Kiss List by Rachel Cohn and David Levithan
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Batman and Robin (2009) #5 // Batman: Three Jokers #2
Getting the Best Out of Your Brand
Chronic Pain Management
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Detective Comics #569
Moby-Dick; or, The Whale by Herman Melville
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Batman and Robin (2009) #23 //Batman: Wayne Family Adventures #31
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
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Red Hood and the Outlaws: Rebirth
The Prince by Niccolò Machiavelli
The Art of War by Sūn Zǐ
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Batman #648
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Batman #409 // Batman: Arkham Knight—Genesis #2 // Batman: Wayne Family Adventures #23
See also: lit nerd Steph by @our-happygirl500-fan, Shakespeare nerd Dickie by @luanna255
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harrysfolklore · 2 years
i can’t wait for the next part of babysitter!yn
this is a very very special blurb bc it’s 🫶 anon’s birthday ! and they were the one who requested this trope that has now become my favorite 💕💕 HAPPY BIRTHDAY 🫶 ANON, WE LOVE YOU
i post for free, so if you can, consider buying me a kofi <3
PREVIOUS PARTS | ask me anything | masterlist | likes and reblogs are appreciated !
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liked by yrrahselyts, annetwist and 402 others
yourinstagram some californian sun before we head to europe for two months !
view all 109 comments
yourbff SO HOTTT
annetwist Prettiest lady !
↳ yourinstagram 🥺🥺🥺🤍
kidharpoon As babysitter or as girlfriend?
↳ yourinstagram as both 😌
yrrahselyts Fuck
yrrahselyts I’m very lucky x
↳ jefezoff You’re also commenting with your dick
↳ yourinstagram LMAO i love it when they drag you
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 3,976 others
harryupdates Harry in LA today!
view all 976 comments
harryfan1 BABYYY
harryfan2 was this pic taken with a microwave
harryfan3 post the pictures with his gf
↳ harryupdates We rather not, they were in a private moment and we want to respect that by not posting them :)
↳ harryfan1 what were they doing?
↳ harryfan2 making out basically 😭
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liked by username1, username2 and 87,937 others
Thank you to our generous source 😉
view all 6,938 comments
harryfan1 wtffff
harryfan2 assholes, her insta was private for a reason
username1 she’s really hot
harryfan3 whoever did this is so vile
harryfan4 okay but boyfriend harry :(
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 5,937 others
harryupdates Harry via Instagram stories
view all 1,023 comments
harryfan1 he’s upset :(
harryfan2 oh wow, he made a statement
harryfan3 what happened to yn fucking sucks, no one deserves their privacy invaded like that
harryfan4 it’s not that big of a deal, what got leaked were mostly selfies and normal pics not her nudes or something
↳ harryfan1 selfies and pics that were posted on her PRIVATE instagram and she didn’t share them with the entire world, it is that big of a deal
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liked by jefezoff, yrrahselyts and 395 others
yourinstagram when your weirdo of an ex can’t stand the fact that you’re in a happy and healthy relationship and living your best life and sends your pictures to celebrity gossip accounts
blocked, reported AND sued, have a nice life
view all 102 comments
pillowpersonpp I love you sister 💕
↳ yourinstagram ilysm 🥲
yrrahselyts I’m so proud of you, nanny
yrrahselyts I love you x
↳ yourinstagram sappy h is my favorite h i love you so much 🥺
jefezoff You and your boyfriend, always making me nervous when it comes to social media
↳ yourinstagram don’t act like you’re not our biggest shipper
↳ jefezoff Busted
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liked by yourinstagram, gemmastyles and 45 others
yrrahselyts My friends take the piss at me because they say my profile is like a fan account of my girlfriend. So here’s a picture of me, that Nanny took.
view all 15 comments
gemmastyles LMAO
jefezoff 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️
yourinstagram you’re so unserious, i love you
mitchrowland I’m going to tell my future godchild about this
annetwist Miss you, loves ! 💖
taglist: @cucciolafaerie @eleanordaisy @sunflowersndpeaches s @golden-hoax @alienorknight @daydreamingofmatilda @sunflowervolume66 @vanteguccir @ivyproblems @ayeshathestyles @stylesmygucci i @gimsaysay @rosaliedepp @dontworrysunflower @milfrrynation n @manifestrry y @iceebabies @harrystylesrecs @pleasingrryyy @harianaswhore @leadmetogarden @finelinevogue @abeanontoast @grapejuice-rry @vrittivsanghavi @msolbesg @tati813 @sad1esgf @ivegotparticulartaste @wobblymug @eviesaurusrex @olivialovesh @itsgabbysblog @theekyliepage @gumballavocadoharry @watermelonsugacry @be-with-me-so-happily @a-strange-familiar @reveriehs @musicforcinemas @rafeyyyyy @tinydeskwriter
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frenchcurious · 10 months
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Cette Ferrari 275 GTB/4 était la propriété de Steve McQueen. Elle a été vendue pour 5 395 000 $. - source L'argus.
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mermaidemilystuff · 8 months
Io all'elettricista che mi ha fatto la lista dei materiali da prendere: senti ma sta roba quanto mi costerà secondo te? Almeno mi faccio un'idea
Lui: bah sui 150€
Negozio: bene, il preventivo qui è di 395€
Raga boh io devo fare un piccolo impianto, so che i materiali sono alle stelle, ma se potete avere una qualsiasi informazione per risparmiarci qualcosa, se esistono posti/spacci conosciuti solo alle ditte non lo so qualsiasi cosa :')
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typingtess · 6 months
His plan to have them leave the cabin in Mammoth Lakes at 6AM so they’d be back in LA just in the early afternoon. While he was on vacation from NCIS, Deeks was working for the LAPD at the Rose Parade tomorrow and then the Rose Bowl.
The undercover unit had to send a few people over every January 1st to help with two huge events so Deeks always volunteered. Showing up for something most of the rest of the squad hated got Deeks some points from all of them. Plus, Deeks liked the parade – his Mom took him every year as a kid because New Year’s Eve was something old Gordo sort of controlled. Now, he was paid time-and-a-half to watch the people watch the parade. Nobody getting hurt means he did his job.
After the Parade, LAPD transports the officers working the parade to the Rose Bowl. He got moved to the VIP area after an old college buddy who worked in sports facility management saw him a few years ago. He’s there undercover – mixing and mingling with the VIPs - making sure nobody who shouldn’t be there somehow got in and making sure those who are supposed to be there behave. With Oregon playing, Deeks hoped to meet Phil Knight. Maybe he could get a pair of Jordans out of it.
But the plan to get back to LA took a turn around 8:30ish when they were on 395. Kensi saw a Denny’s and well, suddenly a Lumberjack Slam was in her future. And obviously his since he was driving. She got it as takeout with what looked like a gallon of orange juice. There was some breakfast sausage for a grateful Monty. He got a muffin, some fruit and a cup of coffee.
Another pitstop to clean out the truck and take Monty for a bio-break had them about an hour behind Deeks’s mental schedule.
“So, do we have a plan for the office?”
“You know, for when we go back.”
“Well, I guess we go to the office, say hello to Callen and Sam. Ask Sam if Aiden is still home. Ask Callen if Joelle is still in the picture – probably need to find a better way to say that.”
“Deeks, be serious.”
“Well, you didn’t let me get to Nell or Eric yet. Or Hetty. Or Granger. I do wonder how he’s doing.”
“Be. Serious.”
“I. Am.”
“What are we going to tell them about us?”
“As little as possible.”
“That’s not in your nature.”
“That is exactly my nature.”
“Deeks, I say this with great affection, you talk all the time.”
“Thank you for the great affection. And I do talk all the time. But I’m pretty good at saying very little by saying a whole lot.”
Kensi sat for a second, opened her mouth and decided against whatever she was going to say. “So we say nothing.”
“Nobody’s business.”
“So our secret.”
“Not a secret, just not something I want to discuss with Eric, Hetty, Ty in IT.”
“What if Hetty wants to know?”
“Hetty’s not in the position she use to be. For good and for bad.”
“What does that mean?”
“She probably can’t send you halfway around the world again but I could go back to LAPD without Director Vance breaking a sweat.”
“So we keep things quiet.”
“No, we don’t flaunt things. Things were going on before this trip, things will keep going on after this trip.”
“That wasn’t firmed up before.”
He turned his head and looked right at her. “It was always firm for me.”
“Me too,” Kensi said with a big smile.
They drove a little while with the area looking a lot more like the California they knew and a lot less like the mountains.
“So what do I say if Trudy from accounting asks about my vacation.”
“That Trudy is the office busybody. Probably comes with being named Trudy.”
“And if I don’t have an answer, she’s fill in the blanks.”
Imitating Kensi, Deeks started, “Trudy, I went skiing with Deeks and Monty. And snowboarding. I was bad at that.”
“That’s a lie!”
“The bruises on your ass disagree.”
“They’re not bruises.”
“The rental snowboard was cheap.”
“It’s a poor craftsman who blames his tools,” Deeks chided before going back to his Kensi imitation. “I went skiing and snowboarding with Deeks and Monty. He rented this great two-bedroom cabin right at the foot of the mountain. Two bedrooms are totally the way to go. We had such a great time.”
“We did.”
“And she doesn’t need to know that Monty used the other bedroom because the cabin stove in our room and the fireplace in the living room were bad for him.”
Kensi was quiet for a minute. “You would have been dangerous as a fulltime lawyer.”
He smiled. “The secret is to tell the truth, just tell the truth in the way that is best for your case.”
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obsessive-dumpling · 11 months
Chapter 395 is the equivalent of moving van lesbians a la Horikoshi.
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aurevoirmonty · 1 month
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« L’Europe n’a connu qu’une seule grande épopée étatique. C’est l’Empire romain, modèle du genre dans l’histoire. La tragédie fut le partage définitif entre l’Empire romain d’Occident, d’une part, et l’Empire romain d’Orient, d’autre part. Nous devons procéder dans le sens inverse et ressouder ce qui a été dessoudé en 395. Moscou est bien l’héritière de Byzance, la “Troisième Rome”. »
— Jean Thiriart, L’Empire euro-soviétique de Vladivostok à Dublin (1984).
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unabashegirl · 2 years
please use sadie sink as a face claim 🙏😫
LOVE THAT GIRL 💛 her acting is **chef's kiss**
Hi guys, I know it's been a while! I've been trying to study and do good in school which is why I haven't been able to write. I am currently trying to make some money by writing more. I am trying to collect suffitient money to pay for next semester of medical school. My goal is 500 USD. Therefore, I am leaving the link to my Ko-fi. Any donation would be TRULY appreciated! EVEN A DOLLAR!
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liked by harrystyles, tpwkharry and 4,976,937 others
yourinstagram alexa play Tennesse Whiskey by Chris Stapleton 🐴
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yourbestfriend this gives me Hereditary PTSD
yourinstagram too dramatic
yourbestfriend get your head in the car 😑
mileycyrus when do i get to see you 👀?
yourinstagram we should go riding :)
tpwkharry has anyone noticed that Harry liked the picture?
harryfan098 weird...
harrysfan234 don't know but she must be important
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liked by yourbestfriend, harrysfan395 and 3,457,324 others
yourinstagram somebody come get him 🕺🏻
view all 35,482 comments
tpwkharry that is harry!
harry183 no it isn't! He is supposedly in LA.
harryfans275 is that confirmed?
yourbestfriend pull him by his hair!
yourinstagram anything but the hair!
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liked by harrysfan395, harryfan1284 and 92,284, 392 others
hsdailyupdates Harry was spotted yesterday at a gas station in Tennessee. People say he was holding hands with a mysterious red-headed woman. He asked for no pictures and tried to stay low as they shopped.
view all 359,592 comments
harryfa294 isn't she like 17?
harrysnips SHE has a name. Her name is Y/N Y/L/N, and she is 20.
harryfa294 that's still pretty young….
harrys385 I'm genuinely concerned about what this is going to do to his career.
harryfan563 if he asked for not pictures, then why are you posting his picture?
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liked by harrysfan395, harryfan1284 and 92,284, 392 others
people Y/N Y/L/N is a small business owner and fashion designer for her own brand, and she is only 20! Did we mention that she is Harry Styles new romantic fling, and that he is 28?
view all 234,284 comments
harryfan2184 why is their age such a big deal?
harrystpk28 stfu! Leave them alone.
harryfan285 i knew this would happen smh 🤦🏼‍♀️
harrysfans she looks like she is barely 18… 😦
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liked by taylorswift, vogue and 9,384,475 others
harrystyles I rarely address rumors of this kind, but they seem to have started to affect Y/N in every possible way. The hateful comments that are left on her social media are offensive and unkind. This has not only impact her loving self, but her business. The business that has been her baby for so long. The same business that she worked for so long. I ask all of you to stop harassing her. Firstly, our relationship shouldn't be a concern of yours, and if you truly consider yourself a fan you should know that by hurting her you are hurting me. Treat people with kindness. H.
View all 284, 573 comments
taylorswift true love prevails. You both can do it.
harrysusfans can't believe he addressed it. He must really care abt her.
yourinstagram thanks for being the only one there for me 💜
harrystyles always
niallhoran there is nothing worse than seeing the woman you love hurt. I am so sorry, Y/N.
harrys395 as long as he is happy…
yourbestfriend pls leave Y/N alone. None of you know her!
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liked by jeffzoffs, lizzo and 38,583, 395 others
yourinstagram now we get to live until we burn 🔥
view all 24,573 comments
lizzo you're cute
harrystyles 🤍
yourbestfriend happy for you but I still miss you
harryfans395 i like them. She seems to genuinely love him.
harryfans392 i like her. She appears to be sweet and caring.
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xandracourage · 9 months
📽 C'était hier soir, La talentueuse Victoria Sio🤗 était en première partie du concert de Jean-Baptiste Guegan à L'Olympia 📽
📽 Vidéo prise sur Instagram (Sophie.Verdier.395 )
@valerielemercier vous pouvez être fier d'avoir choisi Victoria Sio pour interpréter les chansons de Céline Dion, elle est époustouflante, que d'émotions sur ce petit aperçu, ça me remet en mémoire votre film #Aline qui n'est pas #Ordinaire 😉💯👏🥰
@laure14 , @edith1962 , @ascle , @armelle-2003 , @dianefqt , @tobermory63 , @mariocantone84 , @lovetheatre ,@loucst , @smileday1994 ,@maeliethibault
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Creo que fuiste tú el que mencionó lo de ir gratis a los congresos. Estoy mirando uno que podría interesarme y el precio completo con inscripción temprana son 595 €, y para estudiantes 395 €. Sin cena de gala, esta es la entrada más barata. Espero que te alojen en un hotel 5 estrellas porque tela marinera.
a qué congreso vas al de la ONU ????? 😭😭😭😭 y yo aquí llorando por haber tenido que pagar 45 libras para la entrada a uno uf, qué dolor
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wait paul admitted to searching for videos of john on youtube??
He sure did! It’s in this interview from Ron Howard (thanks @fingersfallingupwards for helping me put my hand on it). Here is the quote itself:
“The only request that came to me was from Paul McCartney. In a phone call he said “you know, if we’re looking at the touring years, I would just like you to view the relationship that John and I had through that lens. I’ve only begun to do this in the last few years, I’ve seen a couple of YouTube videos that fans made that just reminded me of how good friends we were. There’s so much acrimony that came later that continues to reverberate, it even colours my thinking today if I allow it. But I’ve begun to separate that from these years that you’re going to be making a film about, and it’s the only thing that I’d ask you to try and search out and find”
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frenchcurious · 1 year
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Nouveau prix record du monde pour la Ferrari F50, vendue chez RM Sotheby's Miami pour 5 395 000 $,. - source RM Sotheby's
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lemondeabicyclette · 3 months
L'Organisation mondiale de la photographie a annoncé les 10 lauréats de la catégorie "Concours ouvert" des Sony World Photography Awards, reconnaissant des images uniques du monde entier en 2023.
Lors du concours de cette année, environ 395 000 images de plus de 220 pays et territoires ont été soumises. Le gagnant général du concours ouvert sera annoncé lors d'une cérémonie à Londres le 18 avril.
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whencyclopedfr · 3 months
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Sérapis (ou Sarapis) était un dieu gréco-égyptien de la période ptolémaïque (323-30 av. J.-C.) de l'Égypte, développé par le monarque Ptolémée Ier Sôter (r. de 305 à 282 av. J.-C.) dans le cadre de sa vision d'unir ses sujets égyptiens et grecs. Le culte de Sérapis se répandit ensuite dans l'Empire romain jusqu'à ce qu'il ne soit interdit par le décret de Théodose Ier (r. de 379 à 395 de notre ère).
Lire la suite...
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