daisuke34389 · 1 year
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fisk0401 · 1 year
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ch-gemn · 10 months
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theheadlesshearseman · 11 months
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life-will-change · 1 year
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24hoursentences · 1 year
Waking up to nausea feels like a unique sensation, regardless if it has been experienced before; this is part of its efficacy.
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kmnmsei0227 · 1 year
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148614222 · 1 year
奈良クラブ@naraclub_info 2023/06/15 (木) 17:16:40 奈良市のミ・ナーラにある、国内最大級リアルいきもの美術館『NARA IKIMONO MUSEUM』からいきもの達が6/24vs沼津戦ローフィールド奈良に集合です🐢
前売チケット販売中 🔗https://jleague-ticket.jp/club/nc/
#奈良クラブ https://twitter.com/naraclub_info/status/1668897046584258560
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12477035327661513 · 1 year
2023/06/15 (木) 09:12:36
この天気よ。。。☁️ おはようございます😃
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ch-gemn · 10 months
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lesbiancarat · 1 year
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20230615 Happy HOSHI’s Day🐯
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55madworks · 11 months
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148614222 · 1 year
ならどっとFM@nara_dot_fm 2023/06/15 (木) 11:55:43 毎週金曜13:45~生放送📻「奈良クラブ~奈良劇場ラジオ~」
皆さまからの質問やメッセージはこちらへ→ http://narafm.jp
#ならどっとFM #奈良クラブ
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12477035327661513 · 1 year
2023/06/15 02:17:14
#220【DBD】『新チャプターですね🤖🎮🎣』 ドラムの神宮司です(レミオロメン)デッドバイデイライト🎮 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17dT1R2tgB4
220回目の配信です。 新キャラ🤖どうなのかな?🎣🎮 よろしくお願いします。
☆遂に新チャプターがスタートしました🤖 色々と気になるところではありますが、取り合えずキャラをゲットしてみないことには始まりませんよね。 キラーよりもサバイバーかな?? あのパークが気になるのよ🌷 足が早くなるやつね。 それを踏まえて徒歩キラーもやってみたいところだぜ。 キラー引退するかもしれないけどね。。。 それはそうと、ついに「オクニョ」観始めました! 1話目から気になる展開ですでにハマっております。 もしかしたらすぐにゲーム終了するかも!! てな感じで、本日も遊んでいきましょう🤖 よろしくお願いします🎮🎣
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biblioteka-vremeni · 6 days
What Makes a God?
Originally written: 20230615
Khers gave me the best definition of what a god is that I’ve ever heard while we were working on a commentary (on the book Masks of Dionysus, Thomas H. Carpenter, Christopher A. Faraone). The question “What makes a god?” was proposed in our comments, and he responded with “the act of being worshiped”.
So what do I worship?
I don’t… traditionally worship anything, honestly. I’ve tried many times through out my life, and I’ve never been good at that connection. I’ve never felt much desire or need to worship anything or anyone and the few times I have, I’ve tried to and it always seemed so flat. My heart could never really get into it. Going out of my way to purposefully honor or revere something in a traditional sense, in a repeating manner, or with 100% conviction is a struggle. I am too skeptical, and I wonder if also being autistic makes it hard for me to settle into that feeling. Who knows—the point is, as much as I (have) like(d) the idea of faith and worship (as what’s the point of worshipping something if you don’t have faith in it, they are hand in hand), and as much as I respect people’s abilities to put their passion into something so fiercely, it’s just not something I feel able to do. Which has taken a long time (at least 15 years) to figure out and accept about myself.
The closest I get… I wouldn’t even really call it worship, or that I treat this as “God”. The ALL (I’m not a Hermetic practioner, but this is the best word I’ve found); a concept that is very dear to my heart, and it makes me feel (and more importantly understand) my place in this universe. But I don’t revere the ALL. I don’t pray to it. I view my relationship between myself and the ALL as both the same as everyone else’s, and yet entirely unique to myself. It is just a matter of fact, there is no wonder or majesty to it. It just is. I just am. And that thought is very grounding, solid and unmovable irregardless of circumstances.
Besides the ALL, snake imagery is very important to me. But I don’t worship snakes. I don’t pray to snakes. Snakes at the end of the day are a subjective symbol representing consciousness, DNA and the Self. I draw from this symbol often, but it’s just a symbol I have connected to and put a lot of personal energy into.
What about what’s behind the symbol though? Even still, I don’t worship consciousness, I don’t worship DNA. The thought feels so silly. To praise something that is just what it is. I don’t understand the desire for reverence, for awe, for faith, in something, anything. It just is. I just am. To praise consciousness as a conscious being just feels so… redundant. I would much rather spend my time using my consciousness to become more conscious—IE; experience and learn things. Consciousness isn’t some special state, it’s just awareness of one’s self and one’s surroundings.
I don’t believe in a god. I don’t believe in anything where my relationship to it must be one of reverence and/or ass kissing. I believe the ALL creates itself and builds on that, but that is because that is just what the ALL does. Like an AI system who builds on itself, the (non)universe expands timelessly.
This is a freeing concept. I didn’t realize before writing this how much I was holding onto feeling like there was something wrong with me for not revering something. For not finding ‘God’ yet. Even despite being an atheist for many years—though, Cultural Christian Atheism is another topic for another day.
For there to be a “true god” there must be an objective answer for where to believe in, and I don’t believe that exists. Every “God” has too many subjective opinions, ideas and thoughts. Every “God” is too human. Every “God” is a symbol of something—and that something is just our own minds, our ideas, our priorities based in our individual and collective experiences. Consciousness. Which doesn’t require reverence or worship or asks us of anything. It just is. We just are. I just am.
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daisuke34389 · 1 year
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