#Kenji Saito
ice-creamforbreakfast · 5 months
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Elio and Aurora rushed to greet their favourite relatives as they arrived for the party; Aurora hugging her Uncle Emilio and Elio complaining about Aurora to his grandpa.
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graphicpolicy · 1 month
Trinity Seven Revision Vol. 1 falls into cliché and is "explicit" for absolutely no reason
Trinity Seven Revision Vol. 1 falls into cliché and is "explicit" for absolutely no reason #comics #comicbooks #manga #graphicnovel
When Rinka Shinonome, a new transfer student, arrives in high schooler Mitsunari Miyazawa’s class, he immediately falls for her and asks her out…only to be impaled by a grotesque monster! The next day, he awakens to find it was all a dream…or was it? As it turns out, he’s been reborn with the power of the Magus of Envy, and he’ll be fighting alongside Rinka from now on! Will he be able to master…
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readtilyoudie · 1 year
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smbhax · 2 years
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Mr. Driller Drill Land (PS4)
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eris-snow · 3 months
9. 𝐏𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐨𝐧: 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐭
Tags: bakugoux fem!reader, juxtaposition, angst,fluff
Revelations uncovered and questions unanswered. Sometimes, when you move two steps forward, you move 3 steps back.
Country to popular belief, Katsuki has done many stupid things before.
He once created an entire backstory to back up one of his egotistical lies. What’s stupider is that everyone believed him. Another time, he’d played the knife finger game and gotten his first scar on his index finger. And then, there was Deku, which was just a huge bombshell of bad decisions all ending with a ‘you fucked up’ at the end.
But sitting in a hero dropout’s house in a crusty living room was not what he expected character growth would do to him.
Just saying.
“How did you find the log?” Saito asks, shifting the packet of Doritos out of the way to make space on the beanbag. Katsuki and you sit stiffly on the couch, as if held at gunpoint.
The apartment was poorly decorated, and not exactly the cleanest, but Saito’s down-to-earth character and overall demeanour was enough to smooth the edge Katsuki was on.
“I found a yellow thread. Led me to the back of the library.”
You frown at him. “You didn’t tell me that.”
“You didn’t ask.”
Not rising to the bait, you reply. “Found it on my first day. I tried to show it to people, but they’d just forget. I placed it back where I found it and gave up after a month.”
Saito glances between the both of you, before nodding in understanding. He turns to Katsuki, “So you’re the Savior,” and then turns to you. “And you’re the Target.”
“Yeah, thanks Captain Obvious.” Katsuki mumbles. You nudge him, and he gives you a scalding glare, but he bites back the rest of his statement.
“Can you help us? Tell us about you and…your friend?” Your tone is neutral, but there’s hope behind it. You’re so close.
Saito looks directly at you both, and Katsuki can almost see a hint of Aizawa in him. Tired, worn out by life, and beaten down.
For as tall as the man is, he sure likes to make himself look small.
“I can tell you what happened. But speaking from experience, the phenomenon must be broken by you two alone. I can’t help you with that.” Inhaling deeply, Saito closes his eyes. “The cause of your invisibility is not based solely on a Quirk; this is far greater than that. It’s a phenomenon. The science experiment on Quirks those decades ago was like wood to the flame, and when it went wrong, everything did.”
Saito shrugs. “Kenji and I dubbed the phenomenon Reset, ‘cause of how far back it put our friendship. Hurts to think that I didn’t…” He trails off, before starting again. “We spent a year picking for clues, and that log has all our research in it.”
“Were there more pairs?” you ask. “Like us?”
“Allegedly,” Saito replies. “But Reset doesn’t happen just for the sake of it, kid. It chooses; it’s specific. I tried tracking down most of the pairs—wasn’t helpful. Most were dead.”
He let that statement hang there for a while; just to let it soak up the silence it left behind.
“We talked about what would happen after we got out of this mess. Kenji told me he wanted to start an agency together, and I agreed. We hit off the moment we stepped foot into that class.” Saito’s expression is fond. “We were like brothers. Sure, we didn’t go through a war, but we were close. That smart alec was always smarter than me, faster than me—he would have made a fine hero.”
Katsuki and you suck in a breath in unison.
Time to rip off the band-aid. Katsuki closes his eyes.
“So he’s dead.”
There’s a beat of silence.
“He faded away.”
Well, he might as well have compressed the room with a piston, because now the tension is really thick.
“I was on track to debut right after graduation. There was an internship and heroes—they still wanted me. But after that? After watching my friend fade in front of me like that?” The man shakes his head and pulls his hair. His voice fights to keep steady. “If I couldn’t even save my best friend, what kind of hero would I make?”
Katsuki has heard those words before. It’s the same words he repeats to himself every day, 24/7, like a broken recorder.
No wonder this guy dropped out.
Your face is fighting to keep expressionless, so when your eyes start to water, you wipe them away.
Katsuki had to be strong on the battlefield. He has to be strong now, even if it’s on a couch in a pigsty.
Strong not for himself, but for you.
With slowed breaths, Saito looks up at the both of you and swallows. His eyes are rimmed red. “ There was an article I found about the experiment the day Kenji faded away, but it looks like he got to it sooner.” the man’s eyes are hollow.
“It was on the guy’s Quirk used for the experiment: Undetected. The person who wielded the Quirk was able to make people invisible, but at the price of taking away his senses, bit by bit. It starts with your eyesight, and when you’re fully blind, it starts to take away your hearing, and so on. Can you imagine being cut off from the world like that? It’s horrifying.”
What a curse of a Quirk.
Bile rises to his throat, and Katsuki forces himself to stay on task. “So can we fix this? Or are we fucked?”
Saito smiles sadly. It looks as if he went through the entire cycle of grief and he was at the last stage: acceptance. “Even though it might seem random, Reset happens for a reason. You must see the unseen and find what has been lost. Do that, and you will break the phenomenon.”
You look close to tears. “Please don’t play word games with us now—”
“The breaking of the phenomenon is different for every pair. Tailored by the strings of Fate herself, customised and thoughtfully crafted. What I was going to do with Kenji isn’t going to work for the both of you.” With a shake of his head, he continues. “The faster you do it, the better. How long have you known each other?”
You’re wrecking yourself inside out, so Katsuki scoots a little closer and answers for you (even if he was dreading the reply). “3 and a half months.”
Saito’s lengthy frame curls into itself even more as the man lets out a depressing sigh. “The day of the science experiment was November 16th. I met Kenji again on the same day, 15 years back. Guess what day he faded.”
Saito doesn’t wait for an answer that doesn’t come.
Fate has a cruel way of tying her strings.
“It was exactly one year later.”
Katsuki sucks in a breath, and beside him, you completely broke.
The day he pulled that curtain and locked eyes with you…
Katsuki funnels through his thoughts and grasps for the date.
November 16th.
The world must have stopped turning.
With a crooked, shattered look, Saito cracks his last statement. “Your days are numbered. Use them wisely, kid.”
Katsuki finds the last unwashed mug in Saito’s cabinet and digs out the coffee powder from behind capaciously placed condiments. If he’s going to get through this rationally, then coffee is a much-needed requirement.
There’s a creak in the floorboards, which makes Katsuki’s eyes snap to the doorway to meet cobalt blue.
Saito lets himself into his own kitchen. “You look like a startled cat.”
There’s no reply.
Flicking the tap on, running water gushes out of the tap as the lean man grabs a sponge. Katsuki pours boiling water into his cup, and watches it simmer.
“Where’s L/n?”
“On the balcony.”
Katsuki whips his head to Saito, teeth bared, eyes flashing.
“I told you to watch her—!”
“And I told you she needs to be alone.”
Annoyance creeps up his spine at that remark.
“You don’t know L/n,” Katsuki says, and there’s venom infused into it.
Saito doesn’t respond immediately, choosing his words wisely. “I’m not here to argue with you.”
Katsuki’s glare is sharp as he tears a hand through his hair. Irritated with himself, he rips his eyes away from the hero dropout.
You’re going to die.
The thought repeats, and his blood is cold.
You’re going to die.
“How do I save her?” Katsuki says, voice low, dumping the coffee powder into his boiling water. “See the unseen? Find what has been lost? There are two parts of this wannabe Shakespeare, and we have nowhere to start.”
Blue eyes flicker to red, and all the sounds left is the sound of the fan in the living room.
“I don’t know,” Saito admits.
Katsuki’s fingers curl into fists as a wave of helplessness, uncertainty, and anger courses through his veins. He’s frustrated and so, so tired of running around in circles.
When one solution presents itself, another problem lands right on his lap with vague words strung out by a toddler who thought he was smart. You’re not a means of passing time anymore.
You’re important to him.
And he doesn't want to see that horrified, let-down expression on your face ever again.
“Kenji was my first friend, ever.” Saito’s voice is thick, like he’s trying to push back a wave of tears. “And when he finally told me about his situation, all my memories came back to me. I felt horrible for forgetting somebody like him,” Saito shrugs. “We may not be related by blood, but we were brothers. And I failed him by being too late.”
Katsuki’s coffee sits untouched, as heavy silence hangs between the both of them.
“We had to go back to the tree we used to sleep under in the nearby forest. I’m sure you know it. The one the government cornered off.”
Katsuki brushes aside the memory of Deku’s outstretched hand and the sound of running water.
Focus. He needs to focus.
”There was something we lost there.” Saito continues. “To break the phenomenon, we had to find Kenji’s watch.”
The words pluck the air as Katsuki blinks.
“To break the phenomenon,” he repeats slowly. “You had to find a watch.”
Saito looks at him dead in the eye. He’s not joking. “Yes.”
See the unseen, find what has been lost.
With a scoff, he utters frustratedly. “What kind of significance can a watch hold—”
He stops short when he sees the sorrow deepen in the man’s eyes.
“You have no idea.”
Whatever importance that watch held, it was evident even after more than a decade’s worth of grieving, it was still tearing him up inside. And by the looks of it, it was a story that Katsuki did not want to be told.
“Oh, and one more thing.” Saito turns off the tap and returns the last plate to the dish rack. “That yellow thread you mentioned? It’s a guide, so follow it.” Katsuki gets a bitter smile, and a pat on the shoulder.
“Mine was blue, but that isn’t the point. It led me too.”
Your fingers are numb on the cold railing of the balcony.
The temperature is rising, albeit still being cold, but you don’t exactly care for your body’s shivering or the sting in your chest.
You wish you could numb your brain, too.
Light footsteps shuffle against the concrete, and in the next second, you find Katsuki standing next to you, red eyes focused on an invisible point off in the distance.
He doesn’t say anything, and you don’t either.
He does, however, lean in closer to you, warmth radiating from his body.
Wordlessly, you do the same.
You were going to die in less than a year.
If Katsuki could move boulders, defy the odds and save the world, Katsuki could break a stupid phenomenon.
You know he can, and you know he will because as much as he likes to deny it, he has a good heart.
Suddenly, you really want a hug right now.
A glance at Katsuki is all it takes, and with a slight nod, he lets you in.
It feels almost too sinful to be in the embrace of the one you used to love, that it rekindles your feelings with a spark. You extinguish it and squash your hope.
Survival first, feelings later.
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ty-loves · 1 month
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Simone’s fellowship starts in a few days so she’s using this time as a mini vacation. She’s staying in a beautiful Wakaba home courtesy of the Saito family & her first official day as a Mt. Komorebi resident was spent exploring the town of a thousand leaves🎋
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The Saito’s are a locally renowned family. They work and live within their community and take care of it. Ami is the head archivist & curator at the Senbamachi Art Museum & Sculpture Garden while Ren is trauma surgeon at Mt. Komorebi National Hospital. Their son Kenji is the head chef at Kyoto Karaoke & Sushi Bar looking to open his own sushi restaurant.
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shinsengumi-archives · 11 months
Okita's height
Okita Souji's appearance is still a mystery.
Many people have studied his face, so let's leave that for now, but what about his height?
Many sources give his height as "5 shaku 5 sun" (5'5" or approximately 167 cm).
This seems to be based on an article titled "Another Look at Okita Souji" (沖田総司別見), which appeared in the April 1972 issue of the "Historical Research" (歴史研究) magazine.
According to that article, a man named Sanbongi Mitsuo (三本木密雄), a samurai of the Nihonmatsu domain, once met Okita Souji, and "when they were standing side by side, they turned their heads to the side and talked," and since Sanbongi Mitsuo was "5' 5" tall, it is estimated that Okita was also about 5' 5" tall.
This text was written by Endo Koukei (遠藤幸威). He said that his mother told him what his great-grandfather had heard from Sanbongi Mitsuo.
Considering that Endo was the last of the Omi Mikami clan lords, such a story must have been told among the family members.
(Incidentally, the book "沖田総司おもかげ抄" written by Mori Makiko, which is in my possession, mentions "Endo Kouzo" (遠藤幸蔵), but it seems to be a misprint.)
However, we do not know where this Sanbongi Mitsuo met Okita, in Kyoto or in Edo. The Nihonmatsu clan was also in charge of guarding Kyoto, so it's possible that he met Okita in Kyoto.
Okita was between 22 and 26 years old when he was in Kyoto, so he had already finished growing. If Sanbongi met him in Kyoto, we can almost say for certain that he was about 5'5".
However, if they met in Edo, things would be a little different.
Sanbongi Mitsuo also says that Okita disliked taking baths [T/N: the original text used "風呂", which could mean he disliked going to "bath houses" instead]. However, in "沖田総司おもかげ抄", an old woman in Kyoto who had feelings for Okita at the time said that "Okita was very clean and neat," and the author, Mori Makiko speculates that "As a boy in the Shieikan, he might have disliked taking a bath, but since he became a member of the Shinsengumi in his youth, he might have started to pay more attention to his personal appearance and cleanliness."
Indeed, considering that he accompanied Kondo Isami to Nijo Castle and other places after joining the Shinsengumi, he must have been careful about his appearance, and it's unlikely that Kondo Isami would have tolerated a filthy appearance.
If so, it's highly likely that Sanbongi Mitsuo met Okita in Edo.
It depends on when they met in Edo, but if they met when Okita was a boy, it is possible that he grew taller after that.
Yagi Tamesaburo, the second son of Yagi Gennojo's family, who lived in Mibu, Kyoto, describes Okita as "a tall, dark-skinned man with broad shoulders".
These are the 3 people Tamesaburo described as "tall":
Serizawa Kamo
Noguchi Kenji
Okita Souji
What he said about Hijikata Toshizo:
"he had a toned face with large eyes"
"he was sullen and didn't chat much"
"he was said to be the son of an apothecary, but didn't appear like one at all."
Among the Shinsengumi, Hijikata Toshizo is the only one whose height is known. A specific number is given in "両雄士伝捕遺", "he is 5 shaku 5 sun (5'5")".
The 5 shaku 5 sun is the same as Okita's, but why did Tamesaburo not refer to Hijikata as a "tall man" as well?
The average height at that time was said to be around 5'1" (155-157 cm).
Hijikata, who was more than 10 cm taller than the average height, must have been "tall" as well.
Kondo Isami was shorter than Hijikata by the amount of a topknot (162 to 163 cm), and Saito Hajime was estimated to be around 175 cm.
Shimada Kai is said to be about 6 feet tall (180 cm), and Yamazaki Susumu is also said to be tall.
At the time Okita was staying at the Yagi residence, Tamesaburo was between 13 and 16 years old, a very impressionable age, but from the perspective of the Shinsengumi as a whole, his impression of Hijikata was not that he was "tall" but that he was "moody" and "didn't look like an apothecary's son" mentioned above.
If so, Serizawa, Noguchi, and Okita would have given him the strongest impression of being "tall" among the Shinsengumi.
Some say that Okita was 5'7" (172 cm), so he may have been at least that tall. At the very least, Okita was probably taller than Hijikata.
新選組始末記 子母澤寛全集一 子母澤寛
沖田総司おもかげ抄 森満喜子
歴史研究 1972年4月号 新人物往来社
沖田総司伝私記 菊池明
聞き書き徳川慶喜残照 遠藤幸威
両雄士傳 補遺 橋本清淵編輯 多摩デジタル新選組資料館
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cilansfanganforum · 15 days
I will give cast lists
Danganronpa: Unreasonable Doubt
Firstname, lastname
Min-seo Seong - Ultimate Behavioral Analyst (Protagonist)
Zeta - Ultimate Swordswoman (Support)
Haya Ikeuchi - Ultimate Glassblower
Kazane Naito - Ultimate Birdwatcher
Argelia Cacciatore - Ultimate Collector
Hide Saito - Ultimate Makeup Artist
Iris Berrouet - Ultimate Winemaker
Akira Sudou - Ultimate Talent Scout
Ren Uemura - Ultimate Stage Actor
Tadaaki Etoh - Ultimate Doll Maker
Tenya Fujimori - Ultimate Oneirologist
Sakio Onishi - Ultimate Street Fashion Model
Seiichi Shimizu - Ultimate Sociologist
Keika Fumetsugawa - Ultimate Martial Artist
Lìchuàng Cheng - Ultimate Sketch Artist
Katuro Aoki - Ultimate Golfer
Soma Yukimura - Ultimate Ice Sculptor
Evangelina Velasco - Ultimate Cyclist
Danganronpa: Opening Statements
Kenji Chishiya - Ultimate Enigmatologist (Protagonist)
Chie Shozo - Ultimate Videographer (Support)
Kei Kanda - Ultimate Digital Journalist
Iota - Ultimate Medic
Ji-yeon Pae - Ultimate Mountaineer
Rumika Tachibana - Ultimate Game Master
Sara Sakai - Ultimate Farmer
Hibiki Kagamine - Ultimate Bassist
Emi Achikita - Ultimate Concept Artist
Kaoru Manaka - Ultimate Student Council President
Shohei Takenaka - Ultimate Axe Thrower
Hideki Iidabashi - Ultimate Phytologist
Yuma Morishige - Ultimate Archer
Osamu Maki - Ultimate Translator
Koki Ito - Ultimate Comedian
Akihide Maebara - Ultimate Calligrapher
Ichiju Yasuki - Ultimate Woodworker
Chihaku Ikeru - Ultimate Informant
Danganronpa: Dream On
(Since they were initially based on Pokémon here are the ones they are based on)
Inei Hisaka - Ultimate Oneirologist (Darkrai) (Protagonist)
Iliad Aguado - Ultimate Analyst (Inteleon) (Support)
Aria Sangster - Ultimate Ballerina (Melloetta)
Linette LaFlamme - Ultimate Candlemaker (Litwick)
Maren Preciado - Ultimate Illusionist (Meowscarada)
André “Dédé” Luce - Ultimate Radio Host (Dedenne)
Adelaïs Rubin - Ultimate Glaciologist (Aurorus)
Sukekiyo Kageyama - Ultimate Knight (Gardevoir)
Pualei Nae’ole - Ultimate Opera Singer (Primarina)
Addison Banville - Ultimate Baker (Appletun)
Lokelani Ikaika - Ultimate Beekeeper (Ribombee)
Dakota Manton - Ultimate Geologist (Dwebble)
Xenon Percius - Ultimate Ancient Historian (Galarian Yamask)
Mahana Ihimaera - Ultimate Fire Dancer (Alolan Marowak)
Vivienne Allaire - Ultimate Fashionista (Vivillon)
Gachiro Kageyama - Ultimate Prince
Mayu Fukami - Ultimate Actress (Mawile)
Elidio Advíncula - Ultimate Spy (Iron Moth)
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itsniquol · 11 months
Animes That Fans Are Still Waiting To See Sequels For
With the recent premiere of the second season of Clone High through HBO’s Max streaming service and Netflix’s second season of the reboot of Bastard!; long suffering fans are finally getting more of the animated shows that they have spent over ten years waiting for. Hopefully streaming services will continue to listen to the people and start doing more reboots and sequels to what fans want to see. Here’s a list of seven other anime shows that anime fans are still waiting to see:
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School Rumble
School Rumble is the anime adaptation of the Slice of Life, Romantic-Comedy manga of the same name by Jin Kobayashi. This over 20 episode animated series follows the ditzy but lovable, Tenma Tsukamoto, and the former delinquent who loves her, Kenji Harima. This show was brilliantly written with amazing comedic moments surrounding the typical misunderstandings and awkward moments among teenagers, along with personal revelations. School Rumble was definitely a show that would delight many within the Shoujo or Shonen fan-base, however the ending of the series seemed unfinished and left much to be desired.
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Ouran Host Club
Take Hana Kimi and mash it together with Boys Over Flowers, and you get Ouran Host Club. Based off of the 2002-2010 manga by Bisco Hatori, the genderbending reverse harem anime continues to have a dedicated fan base still aching for more episodes. This anime follows the gender non-conforming Haruhi Fujioka who attends a prestigious private school on scholarship, and is forced to pay back a debt working as a host club member. Despite being a comedy this show has compelling character arcs and emotional moments, with positive LGBT+ representation. Since the anime concluded before the manga’s completion there’s definitely still plenty of story to tell and this show could easily follow in the footsteps of FullMetal Alchemist: Brotherhood or Hellsing Ultimate.
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Kamisama Kiss
Having an original air date of 2012 this anime is based off the 25 volume long manga series by Julietta Suzuki of the same name. This show followed the recently homeless Tomoe who becomes a minor deity and gets a handsome yet short tempered fox yokai for a servant. This show had a nice concept with many lovable characters in the Supernatural genre with Romantic-Comedic elements to the story. Despite having two seasons, the story’s ending didn’t feel complete and hopefully one day fans can get more.
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Utena: Revolutionary Girl
For so many people this 1997 anime was an introduction to the world of anime and manga and is highly regarded for its art style, and LGBT+ and Feminist themes. The anime is based off of the manga written by Chiho Saito of the Magical Girl, Action, and Fantasy genres. This story follows Utena Tenjou, a new girl at school who becomes involved in a secret European-style duel competition for “The Rose Bride.” The bride in question is a quiet and mysterious girl named Anthy Himemiya who is often treated more as a prop and less as a person. Utena fights frequently to defend Anthy yet is sadly betrayed by someone she considered a good friend. The anime ends with Anthy going out to search for Utena but we never know what happens after the fact. Even the anime film adaptation ends with no clear resolution so a reboot or a sequel series to settle people’s questions would be a great form of closure to the old fans while catching the interest of the new ones.
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Mermaid Forest
After the success of Inuyasha, Ranma ½, and Urusei Yatsura, Rumiko Takahashi has no shortage of fans who would check out anything with her name attached. Back in the early 2000s there was an anime adaptation of her 1994 manga of the same name. In this anime the show’s two leads, Yuta and Mana, have been given immortality after consuming mermaid flesh which arguably the better of the two possible side effects. For the better part of the series the anime follows these two around during their travels until they run into another, much older immortal, who has developed an amoral personality. Towards the end we never know the fate of the older immortal nor discover if there is any possibility to reverse the side effects of the mermaid flesh. The anime just sorta of ends, so a sequel or reboot would be greatly appreciated.
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Nightwalker: The Midnighter Detective
Anime fans who also enjoyed the Buffyverse spin-off Angel could easily adore the original 13 episode show. This late 90s horror-mystery anime follows the bishonen male lead, Shido Tatsuhiko, who fights to protect those from the harm or influence of terrible using vampiric abilities. One of the key figures to his past is the vampire Lord Cain who has semi-obsession with Shido and refuses to accept that he is no longer the killer he used to be and tries to get Shido to come back to him. The last episode ends with Shido experiencing the trauma of having to put down his teenage secretary, Riho Yamazaki, and being kissed by Cain who declares his love for Shido once more before fading away into darkness. This ending would’ve been fantastic as a season one finale but as a show one there just feels like so much that could be told.  
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Descendants of Darkness
Based on the still on-going manga Yami no Matsuei, or Descendants of Darkness, this 2000 anime adaption is an excellent blend of mystery, dark fantasy, and supernatural with an extra helping of yaoi. The show’s lead is Asato Tsuzuki, a human turned shinigami who solves cases for the Spirit World alongside the recently murdered turned shinigami Hisoka Kurosaki. This anime did a marvelous job at keeping viewers guessing with different mysteries and entertained with action sequences. The artwork is magnificent as well. At the end of the show Hisoka pulls Asato out of a deep depression and they fight off the show’s overarching villain before concluding. However, since the manga has yet to officially end there’s still room to continue the story and there are many who would be eager to watch.  
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daisynik7 · 2 years
Todo being jealous (excerpt from Idol Fan Wars)
It’s been two weeks since you started your full-time job. This week, you worked with a coworker, Kenji Saito, for some training. Saito is a man several years older than you, who is married with kids. But none of this matters to Todo because he is still jealous. 
As you prepare dinner at his place, you mention, “I think overall, my training went well. Saito said I should be ready for my first project next week.”
Todo grunts before saying, “Saito. I’m surprised you’re not calling him by his first name yet. You two have been spending soooo much time together.”
Not being able to help yourself, you tease, “I don’t even call you by your first name yet. But if you want, I can start calling him Kenji.”
He moves behind you like a lion stalking his prey and growls into your ear, “Don’t do that.”
You turn around to face him, his body towering over you. “What are you going to do about it, Aoi?”
As quickly as he moved behind you, he slings you over his shoulder and carries you into the bedroom. He gently tosses you onto his bed and starts stripping off his clothes. You do the same, already feeling wet against your clothing.
You’re on your back as he straddles you. The way he looms over you intensifies the growing sensation between your legs. He leans down to kiss you sloppily. 
“Only I get to do this to you, right? No one else?” he asks, in between kisses.
“Yes, baby. Of course.”
“Then say it for me. Please.”
“Only you get to do this to me. Only you.”
He flips you over on your stomach and presses up against you. His lips tickle your ear as he demands, “Say it. Say it again.”
“Only you, Aoi. This pussy is only for you. Fuck.”
“It’s mine, huh? You’re my good girl. You’re my fucking slut. Say it.”
“I’m your good girl, Aoi. I’m your – “, you pause to catch your breath. “I’m your fucking slut.” 
He gets off you to move towards the dresser next to his bed. As he does this, you get on your hands and knees, ready for what’s to come (literally). You crane your neck behind you to see him rubbing a generous amount of lube all over his hard cock, causing you to lick your lips in anticipation. He tosses the bottle onto the floor and positions himself behind you. 
You lean your ass towards him, back arched and ready. He slides the tip of his dick along the folds of your pussy, then he guides himself in, slowly. It’s times like right now you are reminded at how fucking huge your boyfriend is, and you love it.
Once he’s all the way in, he stops. “Shake your ass on my cock like you do. You know how I like it.”
With your hands gripped tightly onto the sheets, you start thrusting yourself onto his dick, back and forth, back and forth. After you’re fully adjusted to his massive size, you start moving faster, his cock easily sliding in and out with each thrust.
“Just like that. Wish I could take a video of this. You look so good on my cock. Doing such a good job.” 
You continue to move yourself relentlessly against him, moaning loudly into the pillow. When you reach your climax, your back arches even more as you orgasm without saying anything. You don’t want him to know you came already as you continue to fuck him. 
You hear Todo chuckle in his deep voice. You can almost feel the vibrations of his laugh against your throbbing pussy. “I know you came all over my cock, baby. You can’t fool me. You’re so wet. It’s dripping all over my sheets, nasty girl.” He reaches around to rub your clit, his fingers lubed up and wet with your cum. It almost feels too good. 
“Fuck. Aoi. Oh my god. Please don’t stop. Oh fuck.”
“You’re so good to me, baby. So good. Just taking it like a good girl.”
Your pace slows down, knees weak from your first orgasm. Todo places his free hand against the back of your neck. He slowly slides down until he reaches the middle of your lower back, where he spreads his fingers wide and grips at your skin. 
“Let me take over, baby girl.” 
You let him, of course. He uses his grip on your back to move you against him as he times the thrusts of his hips into you perfectly. Todo makes you orgasm two more times in this position before he releases himself inside you. The sheets are a mess, but neither of you care.
After you do your business in the bathroom, the two of you cuddle in bed, blissed out and exhausted. He turns his head towards you kiss you on your forehead. “I’m sorry.”
“Sorry for what?”
“Being annoying.”
“Being jealous.”
He nuzzles his face against yours and says, “I’m sorry for being an asshole.” 
You smile and apologize, “And I’m sorry for being petty. I’ll work on not using that against you when you’re feeling upset about something.”
“To be fair, I wasn’t that upset or jealous. Like anyone can compete with me, right? Especially not Saito.”
“You mean Kenji?”
Another thing you learn about Todo is that he is a master tickler. You immediately regret the little joke as soon as you two wrestle between the sheets, giggling hysterically as he tries to tickle you until you’re crying from laughing. 
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hadukilina · 1 year
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💛Albedo (CV. Kenji Nojima)
💚Alhaitham/Alhacén (CV. Umehara Yuichiro)
💛Arataki Itto (CV. Nishikawa Takanori/T.M. Revolution)
💙Dainsleif (CV. Kenjiro Tsuda)
❤️Bennett (CV. Osaka Ryota)
🤎Zhongli (CV. Tomoaki Maeno)
💙Chongyun (CV. Soma Saito)
💜Cyno (CV. Irino Miyu)
💙Kaedehara Kazuha (CV. Nobunaga Shimazaki)
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ice-creamforbreakfast · 5 months
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The rest of Aria and Ryozo's wedding was a blur of sliced fingers, dancing in the snow and drunken dad speeches. Seems legit.
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byneddiedingo · 1 year
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Kinuyo Tanaka in The Life of Oharu (Kenji Mizoguchi, 1952)
Cast: Kinuyo Tanaka, Tsukie Matsuura, Ichiro Sugai, Toshiro Mifune, Toshiaki Konoe, Kiyoko Tsuji, Hisako Yamane, Jukichi Uno, Eitaro Shindo, Akira Oizumi, Kyoko Kusajima, Masao Shimizu, Daisuke Kato. Screenplay: Kenji Mizoguchi, Yoshikata Yoda, based on a novel by Saikaku Ihara. Cinematography: Yoshimi Hirano. Production design: Hiroshi Mizutani. Film editing: Toshio Goto. Music: Ichiro Saito. 
Oharu (Kinuyo Tanaka) is by turns a lover, a concubine, a courtesan, a servant, a wife, a prostitute, and a nun, which in the 17th-century Japan of Kenji Mizoguchi's film is almost everything a woman could possibly be. But Tanaka's great performance individualizes Ohara, keeping her from just being a representative figure, a stand-in for Woman. Over the course of the film, Oharu suffers almost every indignity that could be inflicted on her: At the court in Kyoto where she is a lady in waiting, she falls in love with a page, Katsunosuke (Toshiro Mifune), but when their affair is discovered, she and her parents are expelled and he is beheaded. One day a courtier for a powerful feudal lord comes to the village where they are exiled: The lord is in need of an heir, and his wife is barren. Oharu fits his rather exacting specifications to the letter, so she is brought to his palace where she bears him a son, but she's not allowed to nurse the child and is expelled from the household by his jealous wife. She goes to work as a courtesan to pay off the debts incurred by her greedy father (Ichiro Sugai), takes a job as maid to a woman who suspects her of sleeping with her husband, marries a man who is killed by robbers, and becomes a Buddhist nun but is expelled from the temple for supposedly seducing a man who was actually trying to rape her. Years pass and she loses her beauty and now walks the streets to earn money to survive, but she is subjected to scorn and mockery as a "goblin cat" by a man leading a group of young pilgrims. Hope dawns when she is summoned to meet her son, who has succeeded his father as lord, but it turns out that the officials in the court really want to cover up the fact that their lord's mother has been a prostitute, so she runs away after only a brief and distant glimpse of him. At the end she wanders the streets as an itinerant nun receiving alms in exchange for prayers -- her prostitution is now spiritual rather than physical. It's easy to take a synopsis like this and dismiss the story as "lachrymose as a soap opera," and "a reverse Horatio Alger adventure," as a particularly obtuse New York Times review did when The Life of Oharu was first released in the United States in 1964. It is neither of those things, of course. Even the Times reviewer was struck by Tanaka's performance, Mizoguchi's direction, and Yoshimi Hirano's cinematography, without understanding how or why these elevate the story into art. The story comes from a 17th-century novel by Saikaku Ihara, The Life of an Amorous Woman, a work far more erotic and picaresque than the melancholy screenplay Mizoguchi and co-screenwriter Yoshikata Yoda derived from it. The Life of Oharu is unremittingly grim -- it put me in mind of the novels of Thomas Hardy, whose characters suffer more than seems absolutely necessary for the author to make his point about the workings of fate. But the film is not about suffering; it's about strength, and women's strength in particular.  
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bboricha · 1 year
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➳ you can call me bori! ➳ i go by she/her/hers ➳ i am 21 years old ➳ college student ➳ @bboricha @bbori-cha and @bborichaa on twitter/ao3 are the only accounts i have, anything else is not me!
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FRANCHISES THAT I WRITE FOR: ➳ genshin impact ➳ jujutsu kaisen ➳ haikyuu (kuroo tetsurou) ➳ honkai: star rail ➳ resident evil (leon kennedy) ➳ tba
STUFF THAT I LIKE: ➳ genshin impact: xiao, diluc, scaramouche ➳ jujutsu kaisen: nanami kento ➳ haikyuu: kuroo tetsurou (amongst others! it's my fave anime) ➳ honkai star rail: dan heng, jing yuan, blade ➳ resident evil: leon kennedy leon kennedy leon kennedy ➳ blue lock: bachira meguru, nagi seishiro, michael kaiser ➳ cool doji danshi: mima takayuki ➳ midnight cinderella: louis howard, leo crawford ➳ ikemen sengoku: akechi mitsuhide, ➳ ikemen vampire: leonardo davinci, arthur conan doyle, comte de saint-germain ➳ ikemen prince: yves kloss, luke randolph, nokto klein, clavis lelouch, sariel noir ➳ kpop: newjeans, nct, chungha ➳ jpop/vocaloid/utaites: fujii kaze, vocaloid, haruno, rib, kikuo, royal scandal, meiyo, meychan, natori ➳ jp voice actors: nojima kenji, murase ayumu, uchiyama kouki, tsuda kenjiro, saito soma, yoshitsugu matsuoka, shimazaki nobunaga, umehara yuuichiro ➳ other artists: thuy, grentperez, brb., hojean
TAGS: ➳ bboricha*:・゚✧: for everything posted on this account ➳ navi*:・゚✧: navigation tags ➳ bori talks*:・゚✧: nsfw/sfw random posts ➳ bori rbs*:・゚✧: nsfw/sfw reblogs
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➳ byi ➳ rules UPDATED: 23.08.28
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newsintheshell · 2 years
HIKARI NO OU: il primo teaser svela finalmente quando l’anime andrà in onda
Dopo Vlad Love, Junji Nishimura e Mamoru Oshii si cimentano nell’adattamento dell’opera fantasy post-apocalittica firmata da Rieko Hinata.
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Ne abbiamo sentito parlare per la prima volta due anni or sono, ormai, ma finalmente ecco arrivare un primo, breve, teaser di “HIKARI NO OU”, che fissa infine il debutto della serie animata per gennaio 2023.
⚠特報⚠ ◤ティザーPV🎥解禁💥◢ アニメ映像初公開🎊 灯子(CV.#久野美咲)、煌四(CV.#石毛翔弥)、かなたの懸命に生きる姿と人類最終戦争後の壮絶な世界が描かれる🔥 📺2023年1月より放送・配信予定https://t.co/BRxq08IiZ3#火狩りの王 #日向理恵子 #山田章博#西村純二 #押井守 #WOWOW pic.twitter.com/cqj3nTfN3B
— 「火狩りの王」アニメ公式 (@HikarinoOuAnime) October 19, 2022
L’adattamento della serie di romanzi fantasy post-apocalittica di Rieko Hinata è in lavorazione presso lo studio SIGNAL.MD (Recovery of an MMO Junkie, Platinum End) e vede una nuova collaborazione fra Junji Nishimura (Ranma ½, ViVid Strike!, True Tears, Vlad Love) e Mamoru Oshii (Ghost in the Shell, The Sky Crawlers, Jin-Roh - Uomini e lupi, Lamù - Beautiful Dreamer, Vlad Love, Tenshi no Tamago).
In questo caso, a Nishimura è affidata la regia, mentre Oshii si sta occupando di stendere la sceneggiatura .
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Il character design è curato invece da Takuya Saito (Monster Hunter Stories: Ride On, Macross Zero), mentre le musiche sono ad opera di Kenji Kawai (Mob Psycho 100, Seirei no Moribito).
La storia è ambientata nel caotico mondo lasciato dall’Ultima Guerra dell'umanità, avvolto da una sterminata e fitta foresta. A causa di una speciale arma speciale usata nel conflitto, gli esseri umani ora scoppiano spontaneamente in fiamme quando si avvicinano anche solo ad una piccola fonte di fuoco.
L'unico modo per procurarsene in sicurezza è estrarla dagli Spiriti della Fiamma, bestie che risiedono nelle profondità della foresta. Recentemente, fra i Cacciatori di Fuoco si sono diffuse le voci su un fantomatico “Re dei Cacciatori di Fuoco”, un individuo che sarebbe in grado di raccogliere l’energia della Scintilla Errante, l’artificiale cometa millenaria che solca i cieli dai tempi della guerra e che ora sta tornando sulla terra.
Touko è una ragazza cresciuta in un villaggio e Koushi è un ex studente della capitale. L'incontro tra i due, che non avrebbero dovuto incrociarsi, cambierà il destino del mondo.
Il primo romanzo è stato pubblicato in Giappone nel dicembre del 2018, corredato delle illustrazioni ad opera di Akihiro Yamada (The Twelve Kingdoms, RahXephon).
Al momento l’opera conta in tutto quattro volumi, più una side story, uscita il 21 dicembre 2021.
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Autore: SilenziO)))
blogger // anime enthusiast // twitch addict // unorthodox blackster - synthwave lover // penniless gamer
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Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance Is Blowing TF Up Thanks To Memes
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥 PlatinumGames' Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance is an amazing hack and slash action game, but the title is also worth playing purely for its treasure trove of memes. Released in , the fast-paced adventure takes a dramatic turn away from the stealthy Tactical Espionage Action that defines the main Metal Gear installments. Metal Gear Rising was also directed by Kenji Saito, rather than franchise creator and gaming icon Hideo Kojima, though many consider it a worthy entry in the beloved series. Despite being a Metal Gear game without Hideo Kojima , Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance has established its own legacy thanks to both its intense combat systems and hilarious internet memes. The novice soldier was the main protagonist of the incredibly meta Metal Gear Solid 2 , and in Metal Gear Solid 4 the divisive figure returned as an extremely powerful and acrobatic sword-wielding cyborg warrior. Metal Gear Rising is an action game rather than a stealth game, since Raiden retains his superhuman abilities and weaponry, with players facing fellow cyborg soldiers and massive mechanic threats like Metal Gear Ray and Metal Gear Excelsus head-on. Despite belonging to a completely different game genre, Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance still honors the series by including reoccurring elements like colorful bosses, CODEC radio calls, and completely bizarre moments. Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance is not only an intense cyborg combat simulator, it is also totally absurd and often hilarious. The game's tone perfectly fits with the rest of the Metal Gear series, which often flops back and forth between emotionally resonant and completely ridiculous. Many of the optional CODEC calls in Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance are very funny, adding personality to Raiden and his supporting cast, and the game's villains are completely over the top in the best way. Even Metal Gear fans who fail to appreciate PlatinumGames' high-octane combat system should play through Metal Gear Rising just for the sweet, sweet memes that it has inspired. Perhaps the most recognizable Metal Gear Rising meme image is of Sundowner, a massive cyborg warrior who taunts Raiden throughout the game. He shows up in the opening level to mock the cyborg samurai while murdering a noble African prime minister named N'Mani. This event kickstarts the events of the game proper, and Sundowner returns hours later for an intense boss fight atop a skyscraper in Colorado. Raiden eventually bests Sundowner, destroying his shield and chopping his robotic body into pieces, but not before the Metal Gear Rising antagonist leaves his mark as a legendary meme. Without uttering even a single word, Sundowner's cocky grin cements him as one of Metal Gear Rising's most iconic characters. Images of his face, which typically wears a grin that expresses both murderous joy and smug superiority, can be found all across the internet. The Metal Gear Rising meme potential becomes even more hilarious when Sundowner does speak, with Crispin Freeman delivering the villain's dastardly lines with perfect bloodthirsty glee. While Sundowner is a constant source of memes whenever he appears on screen, Metal Gear Rising boss Monsoon actually talks about memes in-depth. The dexterous cyborg's body is made up of various different segments, allowing him to easily evade Raiden's sword swipes. He can also use magnetism powers to manipulate metal objects, making him a truly deadly threat in the futuristic world of Metal Gear Rising. Monsoon also uses the word "meme" in Metal Gear Rising almost constantly, making him a popular source of online images and reactions. His claim that, " We are all pawns, controlled by something greater: Memes. While memes are most well-known as funny internet images, the term actually refers to any idea or concept that spreads across a culture through observation and imitation. While the discussion is meant to be philosophical and academic, the spread of internet memes has turned Monsoon's dialogue in Metal Gear Rising into a joke. Throughout his hectic boss fight, the sai-wielding cyborg calls memes " The DNA of the soul " and calls justice a " pretty meme. Sundowner and Monsoon are the sources of many hilarious Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance moments, but Senator Steven Armstrong is the true king of memes. The game's climax sees Raiden destroy the massive Metal Gear Excelsus, only to be confronted by a seemingly ordinary state senator from Colorado. However, Armstrong quickly reveals that he is a massively powerful supersoldier enhanced by nanomachines, and he serves as the relentless and legendary final boss of Metal Gear Rising: Revengenace. Nearly every line of dialogue spouted by Senator Armstrong has become a meme and for good reason. Out of all the twists in Metal Gear games , the reveal of Armstrong's superpowers and over-the-top villainy is easily the funniest. He greets Raiden as " saucy Jack " and a " slippery little bastard " before tossing the unstoppable cyborg ninja around like a rag doll. Basically, everything about Senator Steven Armstrong is five-star meme material, and fans have milked the character for everything he's worth. Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance is an intense action game worthy of a place in Hideo Kojima's stealth action franchise. The game's story delves into Raiden's character, delivers memorable boss fights, and lets players become an unstoppable cyborg ninja. However, the memes inspired by Metal Gear Rising might be the action title's greatest legacy of all. Movies, TV shows, video games, books and pop culture are personal passions, and he is thrilled to be helping Screen Rant cover topics that are so near and dear. If someone has a story to tell they should be able to tell it, so Thomas is committed to delivering accuracy with every article while staying true to his own voice and the voice of Screen Rant. Share Share Tweet Email 0.
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