#Katy Clayton
notchainedtotrauma · 1 year
Fanny Fisher was taking down Helen Parrish, the rent collector, in a manner so scandalous that everyone on the street had paused to listen to the torrent of abuse. "Go to hell !" Fanny shrieked. Mary Riley closed her door so the children wouldn't hear. Katy Clayton didn't enter the fray but delighted in Helen's humiliation and encouraged Fanny with her laughter. "To hell with you !" The entire neighborhood heard Fanny's tirade about the rent: "I don't care what the book say. We don't owe nothing !" Fanny was belligerent and drunk. The rent collector was not sure how much Fanny owed because the books were in a hopeless muddle.
from Wayward Lives, Beautiful Experiments by Saidiya Hartman
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worstalfie · 2 years
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seaquest x tumblr 4/? we’re back in business. this is just incorrect quotes now 
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savesappho · 2 years
The Haunting of Bly Manor (2020)
New Review: THE HAUNTING OF BLY MANOR (2020) 6 of 10 haunted violets. SAVE SAPPHO–my new blog dedicated to ranking queer media on a pain scale so you can decide whether (or how badly) you want to be traumatized.
Content Warnings: Ambiguous conversations about child abuse/molestation; non-graphic murder; suicide Genre: Sapphic Horror/Drama/Romance “A young woman gets a job as a nanny to care for two young children at a manor. There, she discovers that things there are not as she thought and start to uncover a grim past and she must do all she can to save the ones she loves most before it’s too…
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bettyfrommars · 1 year
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I'm on Fire
biker!Eddie x fem!reader Part 2.5 🚨18+Only, smut, angst, sex with someone other than reader, penetrative sex (protected), maybe also fuckboy!eddie? But he doesn’t want to be. 90's music & nostalgia, insomnia, smoking, mention of cheating (not on reader), Eddie is having a hard time, but I promise it will get better.
wc: 1.7k
Series Masterlist
🔸To the handful of cherished readers on this ride with me: this is a 2.5, a little bitty part, because I posted Part 2 yesterday early and realized I wanted to add more. Chapter 3 will be done by this weekend xoxo
ALSO, the Erika mentioned in this chapter will be introduced more later, but it's NOT Erica Sinclair, my god I would never.
This was not the night Eddie had in mind for a first time hanging out with you. There was admittedly a long list of regrets in his life thus far, but deciding to invite you to the Hideout of all places was now up there somewhere at the top. That dive never used to be like that. Back when he was a teenager, it wasn’t so rough or so full of angry burnouts ready to rage. The only drunks who used to frequent it were sad and polite, and almost half dead.
You handed him and Steve a few tissues from the front seat because Steve’s nose was dripping blood and Eddie’s lip was split. Neither one of them felt a thing, though, not in that moment---the adrenaline was still pumping hot.
Eddie didn’t say much for the rest of the drive, except to ask Katie to take them back to Munson’s Garage so they could take a truck over and pick up their bikes once the chaos died down.
This whole connection he thought maybe the two of you had was not a good idea. For fucks sake, you had been a hair away from getting a secondary blow from the brawl---he couldn’t handle the thought, it made him sick to his stomach. He got the feeling that you were bothered by his silence on the ride back, but there was nothing he could do about it at that point: he was shutting down. He was hammering nails in the boards over the windows inside of him where people (you) could peak in. It was a survival technique he’d been forced to learn when he was a kid.
Katie reminded him that she was Danny Clayton’s older sister, and he had been one of his old D&D buddies—reminding him of a time in his life that he missed. He barely had time to practice his guitar these days, let alone fuck around as Dungeon Master in a role-playing game.
In a haze, he remembered thanking you, but then you said something else to him as he was bent over lighting a smoke, headed toward the garage, and he just kept walking, pretending not to hear you. Once he shut the door, he regretted it with a curse, and went back out to see if he could catch you, but there was nothing but brake lights in the distance.
“You wanna talk about it?” Steve asked Eddie once they were in the transport truck on the way back to the Hideout.
Eddie had a cigarette pinched between his lips and he looked offended. “What is there to talk about?”
“Listen, man,” Steve adjusted his vest and sat back in the passenger seat. “You might not want to give me credit for knowing you as well as I do, but I can tell when you’re slipping over into the dark side.”
Nothing but silence from Eddie.
“You like that girl, or what?” Steve kept talking, because much like you, he wanted the old Eddie back.
“What’s not to like?” Eddie responded under his breath, flicking his cigarette out the window. “I’m sure I’ll never see her again. It’s for the best.”
“Oh, I doubt that man---look what I got,” and then Steve stuck his tongue out and held up the Wrigley’s gum wrapper with Katie’s phone number on it. “You said they’re roommates right?”
Eddie looked over at the number, and then he looked up at Steve’s excited face, and he shook his head, but there was the glimmer of a smile there.
After they brought the bikes back, Steve took off to take care of some family stuff, and Eddie sat on the old couch up in his apartment above the garage, staring out the window with nothing but snow static on the TV. He’d been watching the Dave Attell show Insomniac with a frozen bag of peas on his punching hand, but it ended, and now he was in his head again, a place that he dreaded lately. He knew he wouldn’t get more than 2 or 3 hours of sleep again that night, he could feel it in his bones, and it didn’t matter how exhausted he was.
So, in order to keep himself from thinking about you, he called up one of his faithful booty calls: her name was Erika.
She’d been a long time groupie of his band and she had a kink for guys on motorcycles. He always treated her good and made her cum, but he never let her sleep over.
He never let anyone sleep over.
And he was always gone by daybreak if he happened to pass out in someone else’s bed.
He had this way of going out of his body, so to speak, when he had intercourse with these women he didn’t love. It was like he hollowed himself out and became someone else. He became exactly what they all wanted; this dominant force who choked them a little and fucked them rough and made them beg for more.
That night, with Erika, he kept thinking of you, and it made him stop a few times to blink and catch his breath. “What’s wrong, baby?” She’d ask, just as she was on all fours and his cock was inside of her, the condom straining at the size of his girth.
He shook his head and kept going, but at one point, he was doing her missionary, and in the dark of the room, with his eyes closed and his forehead pressed against hers—he could pretend it really was you.
He went slow, he kissed your face, your eyelids, and down your neck. He imagined that it was you with your hands in his hair, telling him how good it felt, how close you were to cumming. That it was your voice that said, “don’t stop, baby, you feel so good,” and he kissed your mouth, tongues searching deep, as he buried himself inside you with a strangled cry. He imagined that he didn’t have the condom on and you wanted him like that; to pour his seed into you and make you his.
He trembled as his orgasm overtook him, and he came so hard that time, he worried that he forgot to put the condom on.
When it was over and he opened his eyes, all of his intrusive thoughts came rushing back and the light behind his eyes was all but snuffed out.
“That was amazing!” You shouted at Katie, rubbing her shoulder, thanking her for the stealthy getaway while Cryin’ by Aerosmith played on the radio.
You turned around in your seat to say something to the guys, and then immediately started pulling tissues out of the Kleenex box in the middle console.
“Aw shucks, it’s just a flesh wound,” Steve joked, quoting Monty Python as he gargled blood in his throat.
Eddie was directly behind you, and when you twisted your body to hand him some tissues, he took them and looked down, not wanting to meet your eyes.
“Well, that was...intense,” Katie said from behind the wheel, slowing down for a stop light after checking in the rear view mirror to make sure there were no cops behind her.
“Just another day for us,” Steve chuckled, and then he pulled up close behind her seat to compliment her getaway. Katie didn’t say anything back, but you could see her blush. Katie had been a bit of a wild child back in her day, but adulthood had changed her, as it did most people.
From behind you, Eddie mumbled, “god, I hate this town.”
For the most part, Eddie was abnormally quiet in the back seat, and so you tried cracking some jokes, but Steve was the only one who engaged with you.
“Who was that guy?” You asked Steve, because you couldn’t bear the silence.
“Just some douche bag,” Steve responded, a piece of tissue stuffed up one nostril. “I accidentally had an affair with his wife almost a decade ago, and I guess he never forgot about it.”
You couldn’t help it, you laughed. “How does something like that happen accidentally?”
“Well, for one,” Steve sat forward in his seat and clamped one hand on the back of Katie’s chair. “She wasn’t wearing a wedding ring. And two, I’m not sure I would’ve cared at the time, even if she had.”
That response elicited a bit of a scoff-chuckle from Eddie.
Munson’s Garage wasn’t too far from where you’d just been, and Steve jumped out to open the security gate before climbing back into his seat.
As the car idled in front of the main entrance to the building, white exhaust filling up the darkness, you heard Eddie get out, and then you waited for him to say something, but he didn’t. He shut the door, and then you felt him hover there.
He leaned down into your open window, his head to the side and his hair hanging down. He met your eyes for a flash, but then he was trying to hand you something, and you opened your fingers so he could press something cool and tiny into your palm. “Hey, I’m really sorry about tonight. I think you dropped this the other day.”
You were too busy watching his face, the curve of his lips, the dark moon of his cuticles from residual grease stains, but when you realized he had just slipped you your missing earring, it caught you by surprise.
You could barely get out the words “wait...thank you,” before he turned on his heel and slipped a smoke between his lips, head down as he pulled his keys out to unlock the door.
“It was good to see you,” you called after him, but he was already inside the building and the door shut with a thud and a clack behind him.
Steve had been over at Katie’s window talking to her, but once he straitened up and came around to your side, he looked confused. “Where the fuck is Eddie? Did he go inside already?”
You didn’t answer him, you just waved goodbye as you rolled your window up.
“See you around, girls!” Steve called out from the center of the driveway, holding the hand in the air that had the gum wrapper number in it.
“Boys,” Katie said, shaking her head and rolling her eyes as she exited the complex and turned to head home. “They’ll be the death of me.”
Part 3
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kilowogcore · 2 days
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Ahh. The last holdout returns ta' goodness. I can now say quite honestly that I'm enjoyin' every current Batman comic book.
Granted, I wanted Zdarsky ta' do this at the end a' Gotham War, an' havin' Batman first be evil for way too long, then miss the point fer way too long, before finally gettin' it in the finale was not necessarily fun, but we got there! An' Zdarsky delivered, this was exactly what I needed fer catharsis at the end a' the Zur-En-Arrh/Failsafe storyline.
So who's goin' evil in 2030? I say Tim. Tim's due. Or Stephanie, I don't think she's ever gone evil.
(Art sampled from "Batman" Vol. 3 #148 by Chip Zdarsky, Jorge Jiménez, Tomeu Morey, Clayton Cowles, Ivan Cohen, and Katie Kubert)
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musesofhororr · 8 months
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" I'm scared to close my eyes, I'm scared to open them. "
Many spooky/horror muses.
All muses & the mun are of age.
21 +
Starter Call !
Affiliated With ; @maskedspector @will-iam-graham @vulpineobedience @illustrious-beauty @frederickchill
Rules & Muses below ;
Rules ;
please do NOT rush me with replies as most of y'all know i have MANY accounts xD
2. all muses are 21+
3. because this is a horror/spooky rp blog there will be gore, sexual themes and other things that will be 18 + themes.
4. Yes i do write smut but I WILL NOT WRITE WITH ANYONE UNDER AGE!
5. Whenever you send in a meme please say who it's for, for i will have many muses on here. if you don't i will assume that you are leaving it up to me.
6. i am open to shipping with anyone, for i am a shipping ho. xD but please DO NOT force a ship on me.
7. we are all here because we love to write so please DO NOT cause any drama. i am well passed that age in my life && i'm not about it. xD
8. i am OC friendly! So please message me whenever! <3
9. have fun! any questions please message me !
The muses;
AHS ; Lana Winters FC ; Sarah Paulson, Mary Eunice FC ; Lily Rabe, Cordelia Goode FC ; Sarah Paulson, Misty Day FC ; Lily Rabe
Bates Motel ; Norma Bates FC ; Vera Farmiga
Bram Stoker's Dracula ; Mina Harker FC ; Winona Ryder
Charmed ; Prue Halliwell FC ; Shannen Doherty
Dracula { 2013 } ; Dracula FC ; Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Lucy Westenra FC ; Katie McGrath, Lady Jayne Wetherby FC ; Victoria Smurfit
Doctor Who ; River Song FC ; Alex Kingston, 11th Doctor FC ; Matt Smith, 16th Doctor FC ; Cate Blanchett
The Fall of House Usher ; Verna FC ; Carla Gugino
The Fall ; Stella Gibson FC ; Gillian Anderson
The Silence of the Lambs; Hannibal Lecter FC ; Mads Mikkelsen, Bedelia Du Maurier { VERY HEAD CANON } FC ; Gillian Anderson, Clarice Starling FC ; Jodie Foster.
The Haunting of Hill House ; Olivia Crain FC ; Carla Gugino, Theo Crain FC ; Kate Siegel, Nell Crain FC ; Victoria Pedretti
The Haunting of Bly Manor ; Dani Clayton FC ; Victoria Pedretti
Merlin ; Morgana Pendragon FC ; Katie Mcgrath
Penny Dreadful ; Vanessa Ives FC ; Eva Green
Resident Evil ; Lady Dimitrescu FC ; Lana Parrilla
Silent Hill ; Lisa Garland FC ; NOT SURE YET
True Blood ; Sookie Stackhouse FC ; Anna Paquin, Pam FC ; Kristin Bauer Van Straten, Sophie-Anne FC ; Evan Rachel Wood
Van Helsing ; Anna Valerious FC ; Kate Beckinsale
The X-Files ; Dana Scully FC; Gillian Anderson, Fox Mulder FC ; David Duchovny
Xena Warrior Princess ; Xena FC ; Lucy Lawless, Gabrielle FC ; Renee O'Connor, Callisto FC ; Hudson Leick
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adepticarus · 4 months
This year’s LTUE - Life, the Universe, & Everything Symposium was something special. I’ve attended at least 6 times over the years, maybe more. At first when I was a wee baby writer and my eyes were so wide the whole time as I took in a ton of information from all of the awesome guests.
Later, I attended as a guest myself a few times, and one of the first full playtests of Arium: Create and Arium: Discover took place in the LTUE game room. I then moved to Florida and hadn’t been (other than virtually for one session) since 2019.
This year with Arium long since published, nominated for The ENNIE Awards, and closing out sales of our initial print run, I worked with the incredible Dax Levine and immeasurable Ryan Bouché to bring Arium and Adept Icarus full circle back to LTUE in a huge way! I was invited to be a special guest for gaming and we hosted Arium 42 (commemorating the symposium’s 42nd anniversary!)
104 people were in attendance for 2 hours of Arium 42, and they built an unforgettable interconnected world on 4 moons and 2 planets for use in fiction, games, and more! What an amazing experience! Friends and family came from everywhere to help: Emily Earhart, Katie Young, Adam Clayton helped at our booth and the event! Remi Munn and Christopher Munn were a huge help. Mari Anne Murdock, Daniel Yocom, John Mabey, Erika Kuta Marler, Wade Edwards, Ravyn Evermore, Ethan Sproat, and so many more I know I’m forgetting helped make this a huge success.
Thank you all so much! I’m working with a small team to compile and publish the results of this mass world building session and Adept Icarus will release it under the Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 license for anyone to use in their creative endeavors!
Special thanks again to Dax and Ryan who helped plan and execute this dream come true event! It wouldn’t have happened without you. I honestly don’t know how to thank you enough.
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californiahq-archived · 9 months
Hello! I am very interested in joining, but would like to know if there are any faceclaims you all would really like to see join the rp? There are just so many great faces that I wanted to ask before sending in an application. Thank you!
hi, thank you for your interest! here are some fcs that came to mind! mason gooding, harris dickinson, pedro pascal, oscar isaac, manny montana, rudy pankow, jonathan daviss, andrew garfield, lorenzo zurzolo, arón piper, manny jacinto, evan mock, aaron tveit, thomas doherty, archie renaux, brenton thwaites, casey deidrick, avan jogia, maxence danet fauvel, logan lerman, keith powers, raymond ablack, rahul kohli, andy samberg, joseph quinn, xolo maridueña, tanner buchanan, clayton cardenas, mario casas, bill skarsgard, zethpan smith gneist, bradley cooper, joseph morgan, alberto rosende, emilio sakraya, tom holland, manu rios, luke grimes, kedar williams stirling, regé jean page, andré lamoglia, henry zaga, chay suede, elias kacavas, josh heuston, nico tortorella, felix mallard, jamie dornan, chris wood, justice smith, luka sabbat, alex fitzalan, jeff satur, herman tømmeraas, carloto cotta, ander puig, froy gutierrez, charles michael davis, george sear, darren barnet, jon bernthal, ben barnes, anthony ramos, corey mylchreest, anthony keyvan, sinqua walls, cody christian, eddie redmayne, jaehyun, hugh dancy, michael evans behling, elliot fletcher, emre bey, joe keery, chance perdomo, ross lynch, gavin leatherwood, richard madden, alex aiono, shiloh fernandez, chris evans, chris wood, jacob elordi, danny ramirez, drew starkey, havana rose liu, davika hoorne, lalisa, lulu antariksa, christina hendricks, zion moreno, jennie kim, danielle rose russell, kaylee bryant, anya chalotra, simone ashley, charithra chandran, maia mitchell, cierra ramirez, melissa barrera, hailee steinfeld, diane guerrero, stephanie beatriz, melissa fumero, greta onieogou, maia reficco, alisha boe, paris berelc, camila mendes, bruna marquezine, camila queiroz, anne hathaway, lauren tsai, rachel hilson, inbar lavi, lesley ann brandt, giorgia whigham, antonia gentry, katie douglas, melisa asli pamuk, margot robbie, jenna coleman, halston sage, chelsea clark, brianne howey, cindy kimberly, chloe bennet, halle bailey, sara waisglass, jessica alexander, christian serratos, phoebe tonkin, claire holt, isabella gomez, courtney eaton, madelyn cline, madison bailey, abigail cowen, jessie mei li, blu hunt, auli’i cravalho, anya taylor joy, annie murphy, mila kunis, simary barlas, mimi keene, aimee lou wood, emma mackey, samantha logan, natalia dyer, megan suri, maya hawke, coco jones, jasmine tookes, ana de armas, chase sui wonders, priscilla quintana, maris rascal, keke palmer, angelique boyer, rachel sennott, benedetta porcaroli, valentina zenere, ludovica martino, joey king, fivel stewart, adeline rudolph, natasha liu bordizzo – hope these help!
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missyourflight · 8 months
some stuff i read and watched in september:
my brilliant friend (s1-3): had a bit of ferrante fever and rinsed through this, i think it's v well done as an adaptation -- it's been so long since i read the first couple of books that the casting of the lads made them feel much more vivid than i remembered, also i Need to go to florence
foundation (s2): honestly entertainment peaked with deranged space emperor clone lee pace spitting blood in ben daniels' face and snarling i fucking love it, hope to see it back in 2-3 years probably!
the gold: finally got around to this bc they were talking about it on the watch lol, very cool the way it sort of sprawls out from the original heist and just keeps going, classic dcoop sketchiness, still mulling over casting jack lowden as lymond bc what other blonde scottish actors even are there
starstruck (s3): ROSE MATAFEO FOREVER etc. this season pretty much an anti-romcom which i'm on board with, the friendship stuff fucked me up, not to get into but phew re: being single in your thirties while all your friends are having kids etc
passages: really liked this but somehow didn't love it quite as much as i expected to, franz ben adele perfect, whishaw really come full circle since basically playing the franz role in cock at the royal court lol, beautiful knitwear outfits homewares
the best years of our lives: like 3 hours long but doesn't feel it, quietly devastatingly empathetic story of returning ww2 veterans, i need to watch the five come back series on netflix bc william wyler is so so good
a haunting in venice: i would also like to go to venice, kenbran's having fun at least my dutch angle king, i hope they keep letting him make these forever although i also rewatched tenet and nothing here tops the part where he jogs slowly backwards through time
the broken hearts gallery: the best of a bunch of recent-ish romances i watched, geraldine viswanathan is a Star
michael clayton: somehow hadn't seen this before but very satisfying like corporate thriller, tom wilkinson and tilda are great, i want to rewatch andor now
elena ferrante, the story of the lost child: finally finished the neapolitan novels, fuck me up elena. can't think of a comparable series of like adult novels that go this hard for me, maybe st aubyn? yowl
colin walsh, kala: this ripped actually, loved like the irish specificity of the voices
james frankie thomas, idlewild: literally took critical damage every time i had to read the word HoYay but this was great and painful about like being a horrible little queer teenager and codependent friendships and livejournal and annotated fanfiction etc
marilynne robinson, gilead: ow i loved this, i think it's a real skill to make like goodness compelling, looking forward to being devastated by the rest of the series etc
sylvia townsend warner, lolly willowes: 🧙‍♀️🍂🌝
katie kitamura, intimacies: more things should be set at the courts in the hague tbh! made me think about translation a lot and also black earth rising
cat sebastian, we could be so good: sometimes you just want to read a gay romance about being in love with your best friend innit
operation mincemeat: omg i actually went to the theatre, this was silly and very much The British Hamilton but i loved it and i cried and i ordered drinks to my seat, 5 stars etc
the effect: i didn't see the original billie piper staging but i love lucy prebble and i loved this cast, literally paapa essiedu can do anything, kobna holdbrook smith reminded me that i should carry on with the rivers of london audibooks, one in a long list of signs that i should probably talk to someone about my mental health lol
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hexmorehq · 1 month
omfg the lore of this is absolutely amazing??? i was curious what fcs you’d like to see for an artefact restoration specialist for the sanctum? because that seems like such a fun position!!
Thank you we are obsessed with the Sanctum and was just talking earlier about how badly we wanted to see some humans in role at the sanctum!
Matt Czuchry, John Cho, Antonia Thomas, Katie Mcgrath, Ashleigh Murray, Mark Counselos, Rahul Kohli, Alfonso Herrera, Candice Patton, Jamie Clayton, Charles Michael Davis, Simone Ashley, Jacob Anderson, Leslie Odom Jr, Erinn Westbrook, Freema Agyeman, Manish Dayal, Raymond Ablack, America Ferrera, Laith Ashley, Danny Pino, Sean Teale, Luca Pasqualino, Adria Adjorna.
I'll stop here because i could go on all day!
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brandnew2branding · 2 months
AI, the Bachelor, and Basic Critical Reasoning
Reading about the importance of friction in AI (or the need for chutes to occasionally become ladders) reminded me, of course, of my favorite category of thing to talk about: reality dating shows, and specifically The Bachelor franchise. Could I make a comparison to healthcare and doctor’s Rx decision making processes and patients are deeply unaware of the factors at play behind what treatment they are prescribed (something which I have spent my whole career on)? Yes, I could, but this is my true passion so I’m writing about the bachelor. Healthcare and patient autonomy will just have to wait. 
The Bachelor franchise appears to be an innocent dating show where people may or may not find true love, but it’s actually a carefully orchestrated production. The cast members are real people having authentic reactions, but the producers are the engineers behind the whole scenario. They put the cast members into scenarios they know are designed to provoke certain reactions, fulfilling the character beats that get hit every season: the early 1-1 recipient jealous that her boyfriend is talking to other girls, the girl asking if she can steal him for a second, the third contestant (and the bachelor’s actual favorite) in fantasy suite week telling the bachelor that she will leave if he has been intimate with the other contestants. In order to serve these story lines and the creation of easily recognizable characters -the mean girl, the girl-next-door, the “strong woman” - the contestants sentences are chopped up and remixed, scenes are shown out of order and without context, and music cues play a huge role to serve the audience something digestible out of thousands and thousands of hours of footage. Much like AI, this is in a lot of ways helpful. It smooths out the edges and allows us to simply sit on the chute and slide instead of awkwardly navigating a ladder.
However, much like a subscription that auto-renews without any comprehensible form of cancellation, these patterns in The Bachelor can be grating and offend our most basic critical reasoning skills. It’s physically painful to watch people being set up to fail over and over and being asked to simply suggest that it was a natural part of the process. Why was Madi Prewett made to stay in the same house during fantasy suite week (for the first time ever in the franchise) as Hannah Ann and Victoria? Were we expected to believe there were simply no other Airbnbs in the country of Australia? Why was Arie forced up to break up with Becca in excruciating detail on camera? Is Thomas actually so evil that he came on Katie’s season just to become the next Bachelor (he is not and that is one of the greatest off-screen redemption arcs of the modern era)? These moments of highly manufactured drama (lord spare us all from another shrimpgate) actually lessen the strength  of the nicely packaged show and pull us out of the action, reminding us that what we are seeing is just a highly produced product, not a real-life human interaction. That is why, in many ways, the fourth wall breaking moments are actually critical to the show. A great example of this is in Joey’s recent season, where he obediently recites the standard footage about how Malta is the perfect place to fall in love. Instead of the camera cutting away, it stays, and we see Joey burst out laughing at how cheesy the lines are, and tell the producers jokingly to do better with the lines they are feeding him. By acknowledging the fact that this is a highly produced environment, the viewer is able to trust that the rest of what they are seeing is real because we get to see these powerful moments where the characters on the show are exactly what they are: human. 
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Shanae, about to embark on a 3 episode arc on Clayton's season where the contestants fought over who ate the shrimp. Seriously.
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Joey laughing at the producer fed lines in Malta
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poisonousquinzel · 10 months
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Trauma Parallels :(( ××× Batman (2011) #13 | Batman (2016) #100
"There's just one thing missing. That pretty face of yours...It spoils the reflection. I'm afraid it's going to have to go."
"I'm making you start over from scratch. You won't even look like Bruce Wayne anymore when I'm done carving you up..."
"Would it hurt?"
"Tremendously. More than anything has ever hurt in your life!"
Writers: Scott Snyder, James Tynion IV Pencilers: Jock Inkers: Jock Letterers: Sal Cipriano Editors: Mike Marts, Katie Kubert
Writers: James Tynion IV Pencilers: Jorge Jiménez Inkers: Jorge Jiménez Letterers: Clayton Cowles Editors: Ben Abernathy, Dave Wielgosz
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savesappho · 2 years
The Haunting of Bly Manor (2020)
New Review: THE HAUNTING OF BLY MANOR (2020) 6 of 10 haunted violets. SAVE SAPPHO–my new blog dedicated to ranking queer media on a pain scale so you can decide whether (or how badly) you want to be traumatized.
Content Warnings: Ambiguous conversations about child abuse/molestation; non-graphic murder; suicide Genre: Sapphic Horror/Drama/Romance “A young woman gets a job as a nanny to care for two young children at a manor. There, she discovers that things there are not as she thought and start to uncover a grim past and she must do all she can to save the ones she loves most before it’s too…
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brandnulife · 10 months
Riverdale Characters Who Should've Appeared in the Final Season
Alan Mayberry
Anthony Topaz
Arthur Adams
Ms. Appleyard
Bernardo Bixby
Britta Beach
Brooke Rivers
Mrs. Burble
Charles Smith
Chief Russell
Chuck Clayton
Coach Clayton
Commandant Carter
Darla Dickenson
Diana Whitley
Dodger Dickenson
Donna Sweett
Dreyfus Starkweather
Elio Grande
Eric Jackson
FP, Glady and Jellybean Jones
Farmer McGinty
Ginger Lopez
Hermosa Lodge
Holden Honey
Howard Taylor
Janet Weiss
Jeffery and George Augustine
Jillian Drake
KO Kelly
Katy Keene
Laurie Lake
Lerman Logan
Loudres Luna
Louis Cypher
Marsha Lin
Marty Mantle
Moose and Marcus Mason
Malcolm Moore
Melody Valentine
Minerva Marble
Mad Dog
Mrs. Mulwray
Ms. Wright
Nana Topaz
Nancy Woods
Nick, Simone and Xander St. Clair
Oscar Castillo
Paul Sowerberry
Peaches 'N Cream
Penny Peabody
Ricky DeSantos
Sabrina Spellman
Samm Pansky
Sherry Winters
Sierra McCoy
Sister Woodhouse
Sweet Pea
Tina Patel
Trev Brown
Valerie Brown
Xandra Cabot
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kilowogcore · 17 hours
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Yeah, there's an evil lil' Bruce clone runnin' around now. This is not his tell in th' actual comics, but it oughta be!
(Art sampled from "Batman" Vol. 3 #148 by Chip Zdarsky, Jorge Jiménez, Tomeu Morey, Clayton Cowles, Ivan Cohen, and Katie Kubert)
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NUVO Miami Teen Solo Results 2023
1st: Sophie Garcia (Stars)
2nd: Giselle Gandarilla (Stars)
3rd: Jacqueline Piles (G-Force Dance Company)
3rd: Georgie Weir (Miami Dance Collective)
4th: Catherine Clayton (Stars)
4th: Keira Redpath (Larkin)
5th: Nicholas Bustos (Stars)
6th: Katie Shinn (Next Step Dance)
6th: Georgia Easton (Miami Dance Collective)
6th: Brooke Toro (Danceology)
7th: Hudson Heath (West Florida Dance Company)
7th: Makaia Roux (Danceology)
7th: Natalya Toirac (Dance Town)
8th: Vivienne Mitchell (Center Stage)
9th: Alejandro Ruiz (Stars)
10th: Ava Danz (Dance Town)
10th: Indy Ray (West Florida Dance Company)
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