#It piggybacks nicely off of last episode
wonhuihonwuiii · 2 months
jun and cheol pairing (juncheol)
I have STILL been seeing people criticize Jun's relationship with the members. I cannot stress enough how adorable and unique each ship is so I have decided to do an analysis.
Starting off with quite an underrated duo, Juncheol!
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I feel like the first thought would be: are they even aware of each other’s existence? HAHA 
BUT then again, as the leader, Cheol does such a wonderful job of maintaining a close relationship with ALL members.
I think Cheol sees Jun as a younger brother whom he guides every once in a while but is generally independent (does this make sense)
In interviews for example, Cheol pays extra attention to Jun’s screen time by stopping members from talking every time Jun attempts to speak. He literally goes “shhh mode” to everyone to make sure that the attention is on Jun.
There is this particular clip of them that I absolutely love! I think it was Jun talking about his struggles as a foreigner and how he eventually saw a silver lining overtime. Then beside him, there was Cheol with the PROUDEST SMILE EVER. It’s just so touching to know that Cheol must be aware of what Jun had to endure and how much he has grown over the past couple of years. I feel like he makes his presence known for Jun through the little things because they both prefer keeping it that way. They’re close enough to be considered friends but then again, it is known to us that they aren’t each other’s first choice because we have jeonghan, joshua, mingyu for cheol and minghao, wonwoo, and joshua for jun and it’s completely NORMAL to have closer friends especially in a bigger group like Seventeen. 
I think instead, Jun respects Cheol A LOT as their leader. With that certain level of respect, you’d expect them to be a bit distant with each other but no! At the end of the day, they DO have interactions every once in a while and I’d say that while it’s lowkey, you never feel any tension or awkwardness. It’s just straight up WHOLESOME.
For example, there’s this clip of them wrestling and giggling in one of their GOSE episodes. It was funny because they weren’t even sure if they had any cameras on them, showing how natural the interaction was. Then in BETS Manila Day 1 and 2, they both gave each other piggyback rides during aju nice. Again, it doesn’t seem forced at all and kind of like a “spur of the moment” kind of interaction.
On the other hand, I also noticed that sometimes, Cheol does something silly and Jun just kinda lets him. I feel like in most cases, Jun would AT LEAST slap back but he tolerates it more if it’s their leader. (Insert clip of Cheol pouring water on Jun’s head and instead of seeking revenge, he just turns to the camera with a smile) 
Aside from their playful side, I also recently saw a clip of Jun comforting Cheol during caratland 2023 and the former also helping Cheol down the stairs as he was limping during follow again to Incheon. I don’t know about you but i love seeing the members take care of cheol for a change because it shows how their dynamic truly is. Just because Cheol is the oldest and their leader, doesn’t mean no one should look out for him. I just admire Jun’s subtle caring side regardless of how playful he is.
The last thing I’d like to mention would be the skinship between the two of them. Cheol is naturally clingy to the members so obviously Jun is no exception! It’s just super cute when they hug or when Cheol rests his hands on Jun’s legs. This is mostly because they seem like such an unlikely pair to engage in skinship but they do! Similar to most of their interactions, it also comes so naturally that Jun just lets Cheol because there are times that the former would restrain any form of physical contact with the members. (NOTE: compilation videos of Cheol grabbing Jun’s waist during world is my ABSOLUTE WEAKNESS)
Overall, I love their soft chaotic energy!
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august-anon · 1 year
Her Boy
i wrote this while half asleep last night and please keep in mind that i am literally only 15.25 episodes into critical role campaign 2 lol, but i wanted to write something and that became this lol (also i am very out of practice with writing i am sorry dkjfhdhf)
Fandom: Critical Role (Mighty Nein)
Ship(s): Gen
Characters (lee/ler): lee!Caleb, ler!Nott
Word Count: 484 words
Summary: Nott didn't understand how the others ever thought Caleb was the parent in their relationship.
[ao3 link]
It was really too easy, Nott thought as Caleb collapsed to the mattress underneath them, squirming and snickering.
“Oh, I’m sorry!” Nott said, rather obviously unapologetic. “I just had the itch, you see. And I thought maybe if I scratched something, it would help!”
Caleb made a disgruntled noise into the sheets and she cackled. Really, for someone so smart, you’d think he’d learn after all their time attached at the hip: inviting her for a piggyback up to the inn room was just asking to be tickled. She was nice about it, of course. She didn’t want to embarrass him, she kept it gentle enough that it couldn’t be heard through the thin walls of the inn (not like Jester and Beau’s pillow fights, she was pretty sure the whole building could hear those), but she was certainly trying to stop those gears from turning for at least a few minutes.
“Nein, Nott!” He said, reaching back to try and tug her off his shoulders, failing to muffle a squeal when her claws moved from the sides of his neck up to his ears. “Bitte, you’ve had your fun!”
“I dunno, Caleb. You were thinking real hard earlier, I think I need to tire you out tonight so you can sleep.”
“I still need to set the Alarm!”
“You can set it,” she chirped, tickling around to the back of his neck. “I don’t mind.”
“Alright, alright.”
Nott slid off his back as Caleb pulled himself up off the bed, scowling at her with the fiercest look he could manage. It wasn’t very effective though, considering his face was nearly as red as his hair. She cackled again as he huffed and stalked off across the small room, kneeling down with his small spool of silver thread near the doorway, tilting his face away from her as if that would stop her from seeing the lingering smile there. She waited patiently at the head of the bed, petting Frumpkin as Caleb slowly made his way through the spell before settling in the bed next to her.
“Let’s get to bed, ja? Early morning tomorrow.”
“Alright. Goodnight, Caleb.”
“Goodnight, Nott.”
She watched as he curled up on his side facing the door, boots and jacket still on, the blankets rucked up near the footboard. His breath evened out quickly, and she reached out to brush a few hairs away from his face once it did. She knew it probably wouldn’t last long, but her chest felt a little lighter when she saw the small smile still sitting on his face.
She didn’t understand how the others ever thought Caleb was the parent, Nott thought as she tugged the blankets up to Caleb’s chin. Sure she was small and she played dumb a lot of the time, but that was her boy. And she would do anything to keep that smile on his face.
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br1ghtestlight · 10 months
best gene focused episodes of bob's burgers (in my opinion):
boys just wanna have fungus (s10ep2) AMAZING bob and gene episode he's so cute and funny in this episode AND he ends up saving the day at the end in a very non-confrontational way :) i love him wearing his lil rain jacket and going shopping for groceries for bob ("we'd probably last three days in an apocolypse with you around, gene" "a long weekend :D" makes me CRY they're so sweet)
the laser-inth (s7ep18) another great bob and gene episode!!! gene was so sweet and excited in this episode and bob was a great dad too :) love them bonding over their love and enjoyment of music and bob explaining the show to gene
a-sprout a boy (s12ep19) gene's passion for his game was so cute and he just loves playing!!! his game where he dresses up a cat in cute outfits!!!!! and i love the ending where he shows bob the song he was writing with the help of his game and bob is like wow thats actually really impressive (and i love that he goes on online discussion forums for his cat game and he was planning to make an account to post his song) really good parenting from bob in this episode in a way that isnt just the usual "supportive and chill no matter what his kids do" but actually challenging them. bob and gene grow vegetables in this episode also :)
mr lonely farts (s11ep14) this episode is such an interesting look into how gene processes negative or scary emotions and how he copes under stress like everything with ken was SUPER interesting to me!!!! him getting trapped in the basement and making his bun burger :') his song was really great and as a bonus both subplots are entertaining too
drumforgiven (s10ep11) cute episode!!! focuses mostly on louise feeling the need to protect gene and how gene deals with conflict and disagreements differently from other people, its always interesting to see him get into an arguement with one of his sisters :0 also his drum machine music was kinda banger
y tu ga-ga tambien (s8ep9) this barely counts as a gene focused episode but im including it bcuz his speech at the end is very good <3 i have felt exactly like him MANY times in my life and feeling like you're being excluded from something everyone else is doing is so hard. he's such a sweetheart
large brother, where fart thou? (s7ep5) amazing episode focused on gene and louise's relationship and how gene doesnt act like a typical older brother. him trying to be responsible when they were left home alone and he was in charge of watching louise was cute he tried so hard omg!!!! obviously the ending where gene stands up for louise is like one of the best gene moments in the show. anytime shrimp :')
stand by gene (s6ep12) once again BARELY a gene focused episode but he's in the title so it counts!!!! love to see all the kids friends hanging out together and going on an adventure and gene giving everyone piggybacks was nice to see :) just a very enjoyable episode tbh
the gene and courtney show (s6ep7) very sweet episode and i love the ending!!! i love their chemistry in this episode and the awknowledgement that they're better off as friends. gene's song for courtney at the end of this one is very sweet and kinda heartbreaking but it really shows how emotionally mature he is and how he deals with relationships <3
itty bitty ditty committee (s5ep17) i disagree with this episodes premise that gene isnt a real musician BUT its great to see him learning to play with the music teacher and him forming a band that continues to be a thing through later episodes and the movie!!! also louise and tina are great sisters in this episode
lil hard dad (s5ep14) gene saves the day once again!!!! not one of my favorite episodes tbh but gene is great in this episode and he's so funny when bob is like no i dont need a ladder and gene is like ARE YOU SURE ABOUT THAT and obviously the ending with him is great solid gene episode 10/10 (and him wanting to be brave and strong so that he can protect his sisters like how bob does is adorable)
best burger (s5ep5) GENE EPISODE OF ALL TIME episode that confirms his adhd also..... love him trying to help his dad and apologizing for screwing everything up and getting distracted. love bob saying that he loves gene for who he is and he doesnt want him to change. "im sorry i screw up today dad im sorry i screw up all the time" still gets me. he is so Little :(
gene it on (s4ep20) cheerleading episode :D honestly gene is just so funny in this episode i love how he's clearly Not into whatever linda has going on and bob is also so supportive its great. lives were changed
the unnatural (s3ep23) nobody expected me to put an early season episode on this list but gene is so silly in this episode i love him dearly <3 he's just a baby boy and he sucks so bad at playing baseball
oh row you didn't (s13ep12) OKAY LET ME EXPLAIN this episode is like a solid 6/10 and the moral at the end is okay but something about seeing gene's shitty green origami frog hung up in the restaurant next to the article about the rower is so sweet it almost made me cry when i was rewatching it.... also he's so funny when he and bob are rowing the boat In ocean super safe Just remember the good times
also bonus shoutout to the plight before christmas (s13ep10) which is NOT a gene episode but his subplot is so good it had to be mention he's such a talented musician!!!! also v for valentine-detta (s8ep8) which is a tina episode but i love his subplot with bob. their relationship is sooo special to me
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stormyoceans · 2 years
[VICE VERSA episode 1 part 1]
Brown like a horse shit (: 
I wonder what colour he’d give me
The female friend is the one that helps out at the end right? Looove her <3
Surprised there’s only a handful of fans waiting inside
Love the gate fake-out tho lmao
Can’t believe Jimmy went from playing an absolute turd (Wai) to an idol whose two settings are 1) charismatic and 2) dork
“you have a big head” WHAT KIND OF FLIRTING IS THAT
This whole scene is soooo cute though, holy shit
“the one who drew it is cute too” Puen turning on the flirting before they’ve even swapped, he’s so pathetic (affectionate)
I haven’t seen the episode where the piggybacking in a body of water happens, I wonder what’s happening there
Omg I never noticed but how old is this car???
I guess when you’re a colorist you’re automatically available as a movie extra??
(I get it, it’s for the sake of a big reveal, but c’mon writers)
Puen I don’t think “flirt with the corpse” is in the script
It’s nice to learn right off the bat that Puen’s not an arrogant twat despite his fame, he just smiles @ Talay’s phone call
“you’re this drunk and you can still work” WAIT THAT “OCEAN BLUE” STUFF IS ALCOHOL??? AND TALAY’S TRYING TO WORK WHILE DRUNK??? 
That seems like a terrible decision
“his attitude against pink” Boy you and I are about to throw hands
(pink is my favourite colour)
W-wait what’s that pyramid(?)-looking thing in the water, I’ve never seen that before
The reason Talay got sucked to a different universe is he wasn’t in the same frame as his friends
Oh my god I haaaaate Tess’s dad, like yeah I’d probably punch Tess in the face if I knew him irl but I don’t need to guess whose fault it is he turned out like that in the first place
I’m glad his mom’s got his back… in her own way
For a show that starts off with such a focus on colour, it changes drastically between shots during Talay and Tess’s mom’s little act
And not in a way I think was intentional
okay but when i tell you talay is just as unhinged as puen is like imagine doing an interview for your dream job and ending up associating the dudes responsible for your destiny with the worst colors you could possibly come up with..... and then you meet a hot famous actor in an airport bathroom and not only you forget to wash your hands before giving him a present but you also tell him he has a big head....... AND YET TALAY SOMEHOW MANAGES TO GET BOTH THE JOB AND THE BOY ALEXA PLAY WHATTA MAN BY SALT-N-PEPA
it's also a testament of how good the writing of the show is that i loved talay since the very beginning despite is deeply incorrect opinion on the color pink aka THE PRETTIEST OF COLORS!!!!!!! however im willing to forgive him for everything since his journey from dislike to love because he comes to associate pink with puen is literally POETIC CINEMA
and not to spoiler you but when you said "It’s nice to learn right off the bat that Puen’s not an arrogant twat despite his fame, he just smiles @ Talay’s phone call" it reminded me of how in episode 7 one of the characters tells puen that "talay's smile is your smile" AND TO KNOW THAT TALAY MADE PUEN SMILE FROM THE VERY BEGINNING WAY BEFORE THEY KNEW ANYTHING ABOUT EACH OTHER IS MAKING ME WANT TO GO DROWN MYSELF IN 5 CM OF WATER
i guess it's a good thing im not doing the bad buddy rewatch for the one year anniversary because i already know that this time around i would become the most disgusting wai apologist........... though kudos to jimmy for being able to portray both the biggest asshole in existence and the most endearing sweetheart CAN YOU BELIEVE SOME PEOPLE STILL HAVE THE AUDACITY TO SAY HE CAN'T ACT???????? also i think they should have brought back the suspenders in the last episode and let talay grab them to pull puen in for a kiss IM JUST SAYING
and i suppose this is the moment where i admit i have no positive feelings about tess but you're very right about his dad being awful
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nightfallgazer · 28 days
LAST UPDATED: 05/30/2024 Please read my carrd for my DNI.
My name is Nocturne, and this is my corner of the internet. I am dyslexic, I do make errors, but I try to make my posts clear and understandable. I tagged all of my posts/reblogs but if you want me to put a trigger warning for any of them, just ask nicely.
By the way, I block accounts have post NSFW content. Tumblr loves to give me NSFW Hazbin on my feed even though I have the type of stuff blacklisted, I have started blocking accounts instead. I am asexual, and I do not like seeing NSFW content out of blue.
Just a heads up about me:
I do run a critical side blog, "nocturne-the-gazer," is dedicated to discussions about Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss. I created this side blog to better organize my thoughts and opinions. However, occasionally, some critical posts may still appear here and are tagged as such. Constructive criticism is essential; no aspect of media is immune to it. I am still a casual fan of both shows. There are numerous elements of Hazbin and Helluva that warrant examination, from the writing quality to character portrayals and beyond. Personally, I find analyzing media to be enjoyable. Critiquing a show does not constitute a personal attack against its fans or its creators.
"You are just a Viv hater!" Look, I am too old to be a hater or anti. I do not support Viv, particularly monetarily. I hope that Viv engages in some self-reflection, though only time tell. I do not hold any harbor any personal animosity toward Viv aka I do not hate her.
If any posts to which I have added my thoughts have been deleted, it signifies that I have revised my opinion or perspective and no longer align with my previous statements. The same principle applies to any posts I have made myself, rather than simply piggybacking on someone else's content.
Reblogging a post from someone does not necessarily indicate that I am following them. Similarly, liking a post doesn't imply endorsement; it simply means I agree with the take or opinion presented. I have chosen to block numerous individuals in the critical space because, upon reviewing their blogs, they gave off negative vibes, and I prefer not to have any of their posts on my blog anymore.
As a newcomer to the Hazbin Critical community, I created my account in February of 2024. I did in the past reblogged posts [from Chaifootsteps. I was unaware of his status as a well-known or infamous user whom many people rely on for information about Viv. I want to make it clear that I did not follow them and only added my opinion to their posts. I want to emphasize that I do not support Chai. He ships a minor with an adult and had a post on his blog where it features the names of Viv's family members who are private citizens. I also liked and reblogged posts from the user almacambiondaughterofsaleos, who is someone I consider to be piece of shit.
Now for the fun stuff:
Favorite characters:
Adam [I view Adam more as a tragic villain and I do not call myself an Adam apologist. Yes, I know misogyny and killing people is bad. I just wished there was more nuanced approach to his character. Wasted potential.]
Charlie [I disliked her in episode four though. She should have not been that episode.]
Verosika [This woman deserves better.]
Velvette [I just have a feeling she is going to get sidelined in Season 2 though.]
Lute [I like the idea of her. I just wished her, and Adam was more equal playing field. Like her being second in command.]
Lucifer [I am okay with him being the silly little duck obsessed short king, but I hope to see more of the depressive side of his personality.]
Mammon [He is just evil. Good for him.]
Niffty [*Prays that her character does not stay the comedic relief* If you infantilized her, leave. She is a grown woman.]
I am not big into fandom shipping culture, but I did this because why not. I am a fan of character dynamics, that is all. Blank Version and The Tier List:
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I also like: Mammon/Adam [more as friends who are menaces to society], Verosika/Velvette, Eden Poly [Lucifer/Lilith/Eve/Adam].
I know Adam/Lucifer is mainly just NSFW and angst, but I am fan of the softer stuff. I view Adam/Charlie as the embodiment of this trope. and I like when Charlie is rewritten as a rebellious princess. When it comes to Charlie/V, I mainly of the fan-made content where V has a personality outside of Charlie and their relationship is explored more.
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ladyofthepitt · 4 months
Looking for a Strange Fanfic
Hello all, I’m coming out of my comfort zone as I normally read and not write much or if at all if I can help it, far too afraid of coming across as an idiot (I am one 🙂) or saying something stupid or offensive, plus I’m shy ☺️ Anyway, I’m still figuring out how to work this stuff out, I’m old, so bare with me, I’m hoping someone can help me find a fantastic Stranger Things fanfic that I read a while back.
I just know, that I was very new to Tumblr at the time, and I was in a Stranger Things phase, looking at a lot of Robin Buckley x reader fics. 😊 The problem is it’s been a while, I didn’t heart it, follow the person and unfortunately I have a bad memory….I literally can’t remember who the writer is, the title of the fanfic, if the account is still active, let alone if anyone else remembers it! Or if it’s on another site completely. (Hopefully, I didn’t dream it up either 😂)
The fanfic is set around Season 4, Episode 9. Chapter Nine: The Piggyback. I know it was a reader fic, not sure if it was male, female or gender neutral perspective. I think it may be hinted as female reader?
The reader relationship with canon characters was more platonic love. I don’t think there was any romance between the characters, if there is it may have been hinted slightly. 🤷‍♀️
The fanfic moments that I remember:
The reader goes with the ‘Phase One’ group: Steve Harrington, Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley, Dustin Henderson and Eddie Munson. Helping each one of them at certain pivotal points in the story as seen in the show, from big to little moments.
The reader goes to aid Dustin and Eddie helping them deal with demobats, basically taking the place of Eddie by being mauled (in this story he lives). The group doesn’t want to the leave the reader behind from being mauled but they’re put in a position of being caught between a rock and a hard place. With the begrudging decision of leaving the reader for dead by Steve, Nancy, Robin, Dustin and Eddie. Everyone says goodbye to reader. Dustin and Eddie stay with reader for as long as they possibly can and have a moment with them before they depart.
Minutes, half hour to an hour or possibly hours later, the reader wakes up in agonising pain after being mauled by the demobats earlier, with memories intact knew they got left behind. They’re sad, scared and very hurt. They’re numb but can feel something gnawing at their flesh, the reader lifts their head, looks up to find a lone demobat nibbling on them, the reader manages to get it the demobat off them, they slowly get up, they do some medic stuff, try to keep their insides from falling out and start heading towards the trailer. They collapse from intense pain and blood loss, they fall through the portal with the last of their depleting strength and lands hard back into the normal realm. They pass out!
Joyce and Hopper (I think 🤔) find the reader in a sorry state and take them to the hospital. The group find out that the reader is alive and head to the waiting room area. They all feel guilty about reader. But reader is nice, understanding and forgives them!
Overall a gory story of going to hell and back with and for your friends, with a happy ending. That’s what I remember from the fanfic. I’m sorry if it’s messy. I hope that helps you to help me locate it, thank you so much for your time and patience! 😁
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thatgirl4815 · 2 years
Transitions & Tension
I know we’ve all been praising Mile and Apo for their acting this episode, but I want to jump in and say that what’s impressive isn’t only their execution of immense tonal shifts but the speed and at which they execute these shifts. Their mood changes are seamless rather than choppy and divided. Not only does it make the scenes more entertaining and realistic, but it also makes them feel whole. 
Like in this beloved scene:
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The shift happens right in this gif. Kinn’s face falls ever so slightly--without saying a word, we’ve already connected the dots about what he’s feeling. It reminds me of Ep6 in a way. This flirtation between them is a break from the real world. Kinn gets caught up in the moment before reality crashes back in. Porsche’s smiling face brings him joy, but everything about their situation is fragile. Porsche is still Kinn’s bodyguard, and he must assume all of the duties that come with that, but Kinn has never really wanted Porsche in this position (and I don’t think he ever really will). In the first few episodes, it was out of obstinance and annoyance with Porsche’s attitude. But oh how the tables have turned by Ep7. Kinn has acted as Porsche’s bodyguard in previous episodes, and it’s all been leading to this realization that the only way for Kinn to guard his heart is for Porsche not to guard his body. It’s an unwinnable situation though, because regardless of Kinn’s authority, Porsche still has to assume his role, no matter how dangerous it is. Kinn failed to free him from it in Ep6, so the only option now is to keep Porsche close and pray for his safety. 
Back to my point: the fact that this one scene--this one gif--can bring all of this context to mind shows just how natural and impactful the transition is. The mood flips as Kinn’s expression changes, but that’s all we need to understand the gravity of this moment. They can flirt and play with each other, but there is always this underlying threat to their interactions--the thought that for all they have gone through together, they could be ripped apart in a million different ways. 
(We won’t talk about the fact that this scene also uses three different music selections, each with varying tone, to coincide with these transitions. It’s a risky move to use so many selections, but in my opinion, it works. And Jeff’s soaring vocals of “Why don’t you stay?” as they look at each other??? Yeah.)
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Let’s not even get started on the newest installment of The Scene™, because that’s got mood changes galore. Rage, frustration, heartbreak, guilt, forgiveness, desperation, lust, love: all in the span of only a few minutes. Mile and Apo have proven themselves to be phenomenal actors on their own, but they have a unique way of communicating with each other through their expressions alone. Their emotions are almost palpable, and they silently interact in a way that heightens these mood transitions effortlessly and realistically. 
From a screenwriting and acting perspective, this final scene is risky. It quickly becomes sexual, but this isn’t a hate-sex moment, as it very well could’ve been. Kinn and Porsche are very clearly sexually attracted to one another, but their coming together isn’t initiated solely by lust; as in both of KP’s sex scenes so far, the physical intimacy is inextricably tethered to the emotional intimacy. As @fleet-off​ mentioned in one of her posts, television doesn’t show emotionally-invested sex scenes very often, but that’s what makes KP’s so poignant. The tonal transition feel seamless at the end of Ep7 (at least in my opinion) because of these emotional layers they have built up so carefully over the course of the last seven episodes. I personally went into the show expecting the feelings to come after the sex, but I have been pleasantly surprised by the added layer of emotion because it makes everything feel not only necessary, but richer. And I think it’s really difficult to portray a relatively graphic sex scene and make it feel as if it really needs to be there.
Anyways, I go into more detail about how cinematographic features like lighting and camera angle play into these mood changes in this post.
As usual, this post became a lot longer than I intended, but my concluding thought is that KinnPorsche manages to handle transitions in a masterful way that I adore very much. 🙂
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nika324 · 2 years
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Alice and these posts… ma’am… plz. Hour 639 of me breaking down. It’s the way my IRL friends are texting me and loving every minute of season 5 and then I have to act like a normal person when they txt me. 🧍🏽‍♀️🧍🏽‍♀️🧍🏽‍♀️ I am soooo down bad. It’s giving crazy ex who can’t move on. 🥲 I’ve been scrolling through the hashtag on Twitter, trying to get excitement from the new viewers. And I’ve been scrolling through my live tweets, trying to live through them. I found a tweet I sent out from when she pulled KG’s gun on him and I almost threw up rereading it. However, I was so pleased when she did it. ☺️😌 One of my boos found most of the season 1 filming locations. One of these weekends, I’m taking myself on a QOTS Dallas tour. 😭😂
Just to piggyback off of Eva’s post from last night, 90% of the fandom I’ve encountered has been really sweet and really nice. This is my first and probably only fictional fandom and this has been a such great experience. No matter how I may feel about the final season, I am soooo grateful for the show, the introduction to these amazing ass actors (specifically Alice), and the ppl I have met so far. I’ve learned so much as far as TV and fandom shit. Lemme make yall laugh. For almost the entirety of season 5, I was in our group chat lost & confused AF. The girls would be in there, talking in fandom code. “Canon” this, “head canon”, “OTP” that, such and such’s ”arc” and I’m in the group chat trying to look for context clues bc I ain’t know (still confused sometimes tbh. Y’all be patient with me 😂) what none of that shit meant. Like literally… elevator music and tumbleweeds in my head. 😭😭 So finally around episode 8, I finally asked them to tell me what all that shit meant. 💀 This series and experience also exposed me to the world of fics and shit. Never in my life would I think I’d be reading fictional work for this show and writing shit. 💀 But..real life is overwhelming sometimes and especially as of late with all this shit going on in the world, so fics are a great escape. I’m also PMSing so… bad combo. 😕 Anyways… y’all are great. 🖤🤍🥺
You stuck with me for life, @allthingsjeresa You knew that already. ☺️
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absolutebl · 3 years
This Week in BL
April 2021 Part 1
Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs.
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Second Chance Ep 1 - living up to its name since it looks to be a series of redemption arcs. Launched with a college confession and a broken friendship, then a flash back to them as seniors in high school. Pairings include friends to lovers, nerd/jock, and maybe cafe boss/employee. There’s a lot going on, but it’s still... quiet and sweet. The script is pretty pat but it’s still WAY more watchable than Cupid Coach or Brothers and most of the acting is solid. Ep 1 tropes included: he’s in engineering, wound tending, fast & bicurious. This could turn into what I wanted My Gear & Your Gown to be. Fingers crossed. 
Love Poison 2 Ep 1 & 2 turns out I did watch and report on season 1 (8 eps), season 2 seems equally unmemorable. Thai countryside setting, strong dialect, incomprehensible plot, camp side characters, and ghastly singing. 
Y-Destiny Ep 1 (eng subs?) - opened with the sports romance enemies to lovers (they aren’t going in the teaser order). When the couple got over fighting, the flirting was v cute, but the flipping SPONGE BATH trope had to rear its ugly head. Still, this series is shaping up to be less coy and more frank than most BL, better than expected. It feels, I don’t know, gay-er or something?  *** Sources were correct that each couple is getting (at least) 2 eps, and MDL has been updated to say this is a 15 episode series (not 7). 
Cupid Coach 12 fin - The new Nite was great and should have been a main all along. It felt like we got a tiny nugget of what could have been in about 10 minutes worth of this last ep. It was way too slow with terrible editing and a criminally bad script, but at least it ended happy. Mostly, like Friend Forever, I’m just disappointed that these two actors were done dirty by the series. Bad Cupid Coach, no screen caps for you. 
Lovely Writer Ep 6 - breaking news, there’s a het couple I like: toppy bi femme + soft boi = such a good pairing! I know, but this NEVER happens. Meanwhile, Sib’s secret is out, Gene is a bit of a drama queen, and the plot thickens. We half way through.  
Brothers Ep 9 - Kaow had a serious moment of advice giving that was truly lovely. Lots of family dama made this a superior episode to... well... any of the others in this series. Which isn’t saying much. 
1000 Stars Ep 10 fin - at the start this series didn’t grab me the way GMMTV’s last BL, Tonhon Chonlatee, did. But boy did it end 1000x better. Might have given us 2021′s best forehead kiss. I enjoyed the ultra romantic cliff-top reunion kiss, and I LOVED the stinger flirting scene. That was an absolute gift we had no right to expect. This drama is a poster child for finishing on a high note (always focus on that dessert course). Final thoughts? This was FAR more a classic romance than it was BL. There were some BL tropes used but not many and most of them originated in the romance genre not yaoi. A picture perfect ending bumped 1000 Stars much higher up my best-of list than expected. Not sure how often I’ll rewatch it as a whole, but this last episode? I’m probably rewatching it right now. 
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Dear Uranus (Taiwan GL) Ep 3 fin - I guess that’s it? Okaaaaay  
HIStory 4: Close To You (Taiwan) Ep 3 (AKA Ep 5-6) - we got actual legit gay culture not just BL (always appreciated) from XingSi. I’m starting to find LiCheng’s “show them we fucking” hijinks hilarious rather than annoying (not sure why, maybe I just love a rubber chicken, or maybe it was the STUFFED CORN WITH THE TASSEL that did it). 
-- H4 Moment of RANT --
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Tropes included beach trip, there’s only one bed, cook for him, baby is a floppy drunk, carry baby to bed, and.... drunk non-con. Whoopdedoo. Here we go again. Did TharnType teach us NOTHING? (Apparently it taught us if the chemistry is good enough, I have no morals at all.) At least H4 seems to be taking us out of cheese into serious when it comes to assault. Or is it? 
I take back what I said last week about XingSi & YongJie being codependency + salvation trope, that only works if YongJie is the uke. He’s NOT. So we got us an obsessive predatory villain with a possible redemption arc. That’s more common in crime dramas, mafia romance, and epic fantasy than BL. It’s real hard to redeem a sexual predator in a reality-grounded universe like contemporary romance (See Kla in LBC1&2). 
Next week is gonna be a test of the whole damn franchise. Imma remind both me a you that this was ep 3 of 10 so we got a ways to go yet... but ooof, what have we wrought, BL? (I ended up doing a whole post about the stepbrother trope because of this sub plot.) Taiwan is killing me.
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-- RANT ended --
Word of Honor (China) Ep 19-21 - over half way point so we got ALL the back story (in a classic 4 act story structure midway reveal). Now we know who WKX really is and his lineage. We also got some cute hugs and hand holds. Moving along at a nice clip despite being 36 eps total. Still gayest thing to come out of we-not-gay China since Advance Bravely. 
Most Peaceful Place (Vietnam) Ep 2 - takes them a while to get eng subs together and ep 2 didn’t drop until late. So I’m putting this in a Thurs time slot going forward. Miscommunication already cleared up and a 2nd couple has been introduced. The pacing on these Vietnamese BLs is always a bit... off. But it’s still better than most of its ilk, enjoyable. I’m thinking it’s a 6 ep arc. 
We Best Love 2 (Taiwan) Ep 5 - after the initial drama DRAMA of ep 2, the current external crisis at work is much quieter, giving this whole season a top heavy feel. Taken along side the first season, I think it’s fitting nicely into a 4 act structure, but that might be my bias. I hope I’m not wrong, we’ll find out next week. Shi De puttering about being domestic with Shu Yi on his back was the best execution of the piggyback trope EVER. Meanwhile, our little D/s side couple of codependency, salvation trope + mental illness is becoming weirdly appealing. I don’t know. H4 done mess with my head. 
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Stand Alones 
Absolute BL AKA Zettai BL ni Naru Sekai vs Zettai BL ni Naritakunai Otoko  (Japan) Ep 1-4 mini series. Found subs under A Man Who Defies The World of BL. IT’S HILARIOUS. It’s Japan making fun of us, but also itself for having started this whole BL nonsense - from yaoi roots to present day. It’s parody goddamn gold. Utterly cheeky unto the very last line. We are not worthy. 
Apparently the most powerful tropes of all time are: baby is a floppy drunk and the piggyback fo nobility. Oh and chocolate. {Full review here.} 
Honestly, this show may have been made with only @heretherebedork and I in mind. I don’t know if you’d even understand half of it if you don’t have a history with the manga source genre and an obsessive interest in underlying narrative devices. I haven’t seen much chatter in the blog’o’sphere on this one because, in the end, it’s not a romance at all, it’s social commentary. 
The ending line was a masterclass in lampooning a genre. I’m going to rewatch the whole thing just to catch all the digs I missed first time around. It is a thing of beauty and a joy forever. 
Thank you Japan. I forgive you all your hair-styling sins of the last decade. 
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Breaking News 
Spring Line Up:
Scholar Ryu’s Wedding Ceremony AKA Nobleman Ryu’s Wedding (Korean historical BL) April 15th 
Close Friend the series (Thai trailer) April 22. 
2gether the movie (Thai trailer) April 22 to Thai theaters.
Nitiman (Thai) May 7 on One31.
I Told Sunset About You 2 (Thai) May 27 on LineTV
Ossan’s Love (Hong Kong) June to Viu 
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Bad Buddies released its first promo op via Arm Share, which means GMMTV is at least *thinking* about filming it. 
Fun behind the scenes gossip sesh with eng subs for Tell the World I Love You (that Perth Bas movie we are maybe getting someday but will likely be sad). 
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New Thai BL Bite Me (adapted from novel Grab a Bite) dropped a teaser. It stars Mark Siwat (Kla in LBC) as uke character Ake, a delivery boy with special foodie powers, and chef Eua (seme played by Zung Kidakorn) who discovers him. It’s from the same author as Manner of Death so we might even get some actual plot. Since it’s an established BL actor who I happen LOVE, a known author, and a plot about FOOD, I could not me more excited for this one. 
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Next Week Looks Like This:
Some shows may be listed a day later than actual air date for accessibility reasons. Some are dropping multiples at a time but just started so I’m not sure on numbering. 
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Upcoming 2021 BL master post here.
Links to watch are provided when possible, ask in a comment if I missed something.
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201 notes · View notes
hetalia-reacts · 3 years
👉👈 hecc
Hope u wouldnt mind but headcanons for allies also including Prussia reacting a short s/o ?
I wouldn’t mind at all~
Alfred thinks your height is the cutest thing ever
I mean you’re so tiny and he’s so tall!
You can bet he’s going to pick you up a lot if you need something off the shelves
I mean it’s a perfect opportunity to be close to you, help you, and he gets to show off his hero strength
If you suggest a little step stool or climb on the counters he will literally come up with any excuse so that doesn’t happen
Please let him help you like that, or at least let him get it, it makes him feel like he’s your own personal hero
He likes to joke around with you and rest his arm on your head, but only if you actually think that’s funny
If it annoys you or makes you insecure he’ll apologize and won’t do it ever again
The last thing he would want to do is make you mad or insecure
Speaking of insecure, if you dislike your height and think negatively of yourself rest assured your hero is on the way
Will cuddle you and tell you how much he loves you and your height
Constantly reminds you how cute you are and if cute isn’t your style he’ll tell you have cool your height makes you
If you need him to, or really let him have enough time to, he will make a list on why being short is cooler than being tall
Alfred will also not hesitate to stop anyone from bullying you over something like your height
Someone said something mean or unnecessary? Point him at the guy and it’s over for ‘em
Would want to call you something funny as a pet name
like you could be shortstack and he can be beanstalk or something
Alfred is a dork, but he loves you and everything about you
Arthur adores your height
It became something he came to really appreciate and love while being with you
He likes that you ask him for help with things that are too high for you to reach
And that you fit perfectly with him when you guys cuddle
Plus not to mention he loves the size difference between you, even if it isn’t a lot it’s something he secretly loves
Never mentions anything about your height for the most part
No teasing or jokes about it
He’s scared that would hurt your feelings or make you feel bad
Plus he knows how it feels to be on the receiving end of bullying for something you can’t change
If you ever bring up being insecure about your height or simply just getting annoyed by it one day he’ll get really defensive of you
Like how could you say that about yourself? About something he adores about you?
Mandatory cuddle session after that
he’s not letting you get away without some encouragement and sweet words
If anyone else mentions it and you get sad, oh boy
They are getting a harsh lecture from him about being a gentlemen/lady
Francis doesn’t think much of your height if he’s being honest
Like is it adorable watching you stand on your tippy toes to reach things? Yes of course it is
But does he make it a point to mention it and make your lack of height apparent? No absolutely not
He would get stuff off the shelves for you but only if you were to ask
He’s kind of big on not making you feel less than or like you can’t do things on your own
Admittedly he enjoys being able to rest his chin on the top of your head while you two hug
Very endearing in his mind
If you get insecure about your height he’s there for you every step of the way
Francis can’t stand watching you get sad or angry with yourself, especially over something you have no control over
So he will comfort you through the whole episode
He’ll make you food, cuddle you, compliment you, heck he’d sing to you if that’s what was going to make you feel better
If someone else was making you feel bad about your height Francis would handle the situation
While he isn’t much on fighting He’d gladly square up to someone that made you feel bad about yourself
Or if you’d prefer he’d go over there and just angrily talk it out with the person
In the end, Francis can’t say being short is what drew him to you, but he can appreciate how cute it makes you and how it’s just another part of what makes you beautiful in his eyes
Matthew enjoys how short you are
And the height difference that it brings
Like how cute is it that you aren’t eye level with him unless you stand on something
And when you have to stand on your tippy-toes to reach something? Or when you climb on stuff to reach stuff?
He lives for it honestly
Would never pick you up to reach stuff, but he did think about it once or twice but figured it would be rude if he did that
Does want to call you a nickname in reference to your height and he will gladly accept any nickname you might want to give him in return
Doesn’t tease you about your height though, he’s not trying to make it a sore subject or anything
If it is a sore subject he’ll be delicate when bringing it up or cracking any seemingly harmless jokes
If you’re getting down on yourself about the height he’s going to cuddle and compliment you for weeks to come
Like makes it a point to bring it up and bring up how great it is
Someone else says something about your height? Well he’s not going to do much to them and would rather comfort you before it starts to hurt your feelings
Expect him to kiss the top of your head a lot or just rest his chin on your head while hugging or cuddling
Matthew will be expecting you to steal his hoodies from him because please it’s so cute they’re giant on you and he loves to see it
Ivan loves it obviously
I mean he’s a literal giant and seeing you so short compared to him makes his heart do the melting thing
It makes him want to protect you from the world
Even if you are crazy strong and assertive
Picking you up is a habit for him at this point
Like you don’t even have to ask to get something, he just does it
It might be a little insulting, but he’s not meaning for it to be that way
100% rests his hand on your head
Not to demean you or crush you, just to pat your head and have the comfort of knowing you’re there and he’s there for you
If you begin to feel down in the dumps over your height I feel like Ivan would be the one to suggest some logical solutions to it while also being supportive
Like he’ll suggest heels or platform shoes, but he’ll also tell you that you’re perfect just the way you are and you don’t need those things
If someone else says something mean about it
Well the metal pipe may come into play, or some very ominous staring and creepy smiling to mess with the person if you won’t let him handle it physically
Often gives you his scarf or coat to wear
They are gigantic compared to you and he likes to wrap you up in them
Yao thinks your height is adorable and has always thought that since first meeting you
He thinks it’s very cute and considering he isn’t the tallest among many it’s kind of nice to be taller than his s/o
Would never try to pick you up to reach things
Or say anything that might be considered mean about your height
He just isn’t about making you feel bad about something like that
Likes to kiss the top of your head or your forehead
If you mention not liking your height Yao goes into mama mode
Questions about who made you feel this way, why they said that, and why they’re wrong are flying out of his mouth at a mile a minute
He’s going to be the one to tell you not to think that way about yourself because you were made perfect, but if you wanted to wear heels or something that made you appear taller he wouldn’t stop you
If somebody said something mean about your height in front of him it’s on
Yao will actively attack whoever said something about you, it will be hands on-site, no further questions
Will ask you to wear his clothes a lot
He thinks they suit you and he can’t get over how long the sleeves are for you
Gilbert is always very aware of your height
For starters, he probably doesn’t tower over you but still
you’re much shorter than him and that makes him think he needs to be delicate with you
Even if in reality you could best him in a fight any day of the week with your hands tied behind your back
He likes to pick you up and spin you around
Also likes to pick you up rather than just get something down from the higher shelves for you
Piggybacks you a lot so you can see over crowds or just because
Gilbert really likes that he can easily kiss the top of your head
and that he can tuck you under his chin like it was nothing
Really just makes him feel like he can protect you from anything
If someone says something nasty to you about your height Gilbert will throw hands
He's certainly thrown them for less so why not now
If you won't let him get physical, fine, he won't cause a scene
but you're gonna have to deal with his overprotectiveness and affection for the rest of the day
and god forbid you're getting down on yourself about your height
He's going to make a list of all your strengths and the advantages of being short
those include getting head kisses from him, being able to fit perfectly in his arms, and being able to hide basically anywhere you want for hide and seek
The list is kind of childish but his goal was to make you feel better by laughing while also getting to compliment you
If you were to wear his clothes he might die by the sight of you drowning in them, so proceed with caution
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canary3d-obsessed · 3 years
Restless Rewatch: The Untamed Ep 17 part one
(Masterpost of all the rewatches) (Canary’s pinboard of original content)
Warning: Spoilers for All 50 Episodes!
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Wei Wuxian hides in a boat among the lotuses next to a pier in Lotus Pier, the second-most-literally-named home in the show, after The Burial Mounds. This pier has a railing that goes all the way around it, without any ladders or anything. Not to be ADA on main but this means if you can't Jedi jump, you're fucked.  
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Hefeng Liquor
While Wei Wuxian waits and tries, not very successfully, to keep his shit together, he hears the guards talking about the local booze that they're going to drink at their murder victory party. We learn, in a desaturated flashback (that OP has done her best to resaturate), that this is lotus-infused wine invented by Wei Wuxian during happier days. 
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He kicks the flashback off with his favorite activity, Unnecessarily Erotic Beverage Drinking. (gifset) I’ve slowed this gif down so we can all appreciate the unnecessariness. The way his hand caresses that leaf OMG
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Hopefully he is not drinking lake water out of that leaf. Side note: How is it possible that Xiao Zhan doesn't have a drinking water endorsement deal? I had to resort to Zhu Yilong's brand of water for this gag. I figure if it's good enough to pour directly onto a lightning burn like they do in The Lost Tomb Reboot, it's good enough for a leaf hummer chastely drinking out of a leaf
(more behind the cut!)
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In his memory, Jiang Cheng tells him to stop fucking around and come help with the basket of lotus pods. Wei Wuxian responds by grabbing one for himself and then sitting his ass down and not helping. Cause he’s a motherfucking P.I.M.P.
Emotional Rescue
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Wen Ning arrives on the pier with Jiang Chang, to Wei Wuxian's extreme relief. Look how much emotion Xiao Zhan is able to convey even with half of his face hidden, my lord.
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Wen Ning carries Jiang Cheng on his back, in an echo of other significant piggyback rides in Wei Wuxian's life.  
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Wei Wuxian's relief is at war with his fear, seeing his brother in such bad shape. Remember, these are cultivators, who heal quickly and mostly don't get their asses beat this hard. The only time Wei Wuxian has been comatose was after the Xuanwu cave, and that was probably because of his prolonged contact with resentful energy/Yin iron.
Hibernating Zidian
Wen Ning gets ready for his first, but not his last, boat ride with an unconscious Yunmeng brother in it. He tells Wei Wuxian that Jiang Cheng is pretty fucked up but isn't dead.
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Then he gives Zidian to him. Before we talk about Zidian, let's talk about BAMF Wen Ning.  Wen Ning is an awkward goofball. He’s also insanely competent at just about everything--wine-drugging, dude-smuggling, corpse retrieval, dog acupuncture, drug pushing. As well as shooting rocks out of the air and, later, beating zombie ass, and resisting mind control. . 
This is the foundation of their friendship; it’s not actually about Wei Wuxian being nice to the weird kid. He initially sought Wen Ning out for the same reason he sought out weird kid Lan Wangji--his martial skill. He accepts his weirdness and is protective of him because of his missing-spirit problem, but he did not befriend him out of altruism.
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Wei Wuxian is so forgiving that he can smile fondly when looking at the weapon that whipped the shit out of him a couple of days ago.
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Wei Wuxian puts Zidian down right next to Jiang Cheng's hand and...nothing happens. It doesn't recognize him or spark to life. This didn't seem meaningful when I watched it the first time, but rewatching...yikes. It KNOWS.
Wei Wuxian admits, with tears in his eyes, that there is nowhere safe for him to go with Jiang Cheng, and Wen Ning immediately offers care and shelter. Even though that is putting his own life at serious risk.
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Life obligation is a common theme in CDramas. It’s often something a person chooses as a way of showing love. Guardian builds an eternal romance out of two people saving each other’s lives over and over.  But accepting the obligation is a choice (in fantasy dramas, if not in real life). Love and Redemption has a gloriously harsh sequence where a life is saved, and the save-ee cooly rejects the saver.
Every time Wen Ning saves Wei Wuxian, he cites that one time that Wei Wuxian saved him from the water demon. And Wei Wuxian cites this rescue right here when he throws everything away to save Wen Ning. Meanwhile, Jiang Cheng doesn't acknowledge any debt to Wen Ning at all, only--grudgingly--to Wen Qing. And people are ok with that.
Basically all this is to say that I think Wen Ning leans into this life debt because he loves Wei Wuxian, and Wei Wuxian leans into it because he loves him back. Non-romantically, I think...at least on Wei Wuxian’s part. YMMV.
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They go to pick up Yanli from their Granny, telling her to go into hiding. She starts to cry, not knowing how she'll manage on her own. Wei Wuxian tells her that they will come back, as Wen Ning looks super unsure about that.
Of course Wei Wuxian can't know, at this point, whether they will come back. Wei Wuxian always wants to make everybody feel better, and sometimes you really can't make someone feel better except by lying. He compulsively says shit that he thinks people want to hear, almost as if he was beaten frequently and arbitrarily as a child.
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Wen Ning is doing his best for the recreational boat ride industry, as he rows the Yunmeng trio through some amazingly beautiful scenery.
Core Melting Time
Meanwhile, back at Lotus Pier The Yunmeng Supervisory Office, Wen Chao is hung over, Wen Chao is angry, Yawn
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For some reason, Wang Lingjiao has suddenly decided to talk to Wen Chao in the most cloying and annoying way possible. 
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Also, the fact that she still addresses him as Gongzi when she is totally fucking him is kind of great. This is like those fics where Elizabeth Bennet calls Mr. Darcy "Mr. Darcy" even when they're married and hitting it. 
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Wen Zhuliu demonstrates why he's called Core-Melting Hand, by punishing the wine guard. He's able to melt a guy's core by grabbing him by the throat, and also picks him up, Darth Vader style, for extra meltyness.
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All that stuff I said last time about Wen Zhuliu feeling ambivalent about being a villian...yeah, he seems to have gotten that right out of his system. 
Chilling in Yiling
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Wen Ning is doing his best for the recreational carriage ride industry.  Wei Wuxian, after presumably several hours in the cart, decides that now is a good time to get curious about where they are going. 
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Here we start to see a new side of Wei Wuxian.  Before this he was carefree, other than specific worries about his friends. He confronted danger with lightness and humor, or with temporary fear, that he let go of once the danger passed. Now, after all the deaths and seeing Jiang Cheng so injured, he's twitchy, anxious, and angry.
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Very, very angry.
When he realizes that Wen Ning has brought them to the Yiling supervisory office, he goes off, demanding to know whose home this was before the Wens took it and grabbing Wen Ning and shoving him into a decorative...decoration.  He thinks Wen Ning brought them here to harm them. 
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I wouldn't have thought such a pretty dude could be so menacing, but holy crap.
The way he's confronting Wen Ning here is not his normal style. He's not trying to provoke a bigger fight like he usually does; he's not trying to create distance, the way Jiang Cheng does. He's very intimate, getting right in his face and maintaining eye contact. He trusted Wen Ning and feels personally betrayed.  
Shy little Wen Ning is remarkably calm when confronted like this. Wen Ning really isn’t afraid of anything, despite his general air of nervousness. (Full gifset of Angry WWX over here.) 
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He calmly and kindly explains the situation. He doesn't appeal to Wei Wuxian's trust, saying "oh I would never;" he appeals to his logic, which gets through to him. 
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Wen Qing comes out and the guards start banging on the door and Wei Wuxian flips out again, grabbing a sword and pointing it at Wen Qing as she decides what to do.  Wen Qing seems unruffled by Wei Wuxian's sword pointing, and we see her weighing up the situation.
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She makes her decision, sending the guards away and deciding to help the fugitives, officially joining the Clear Conscience Club. She could probably get Wen Ning out of trouble by turning them in, but she opts to put personal loyalty and her belief in her own ideals ahead of her family's safety.
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Wei Wuxian is not ok. He’s just not ok. He tries to act like it after they get settled in with Wen Qing, but he's not, and I think that plays into his next several choices. 
Next comes a whole sequence of Jiang Cheng being unconscious with pins in his head--ow--while Wei Wuxian twitchily tends to him. 
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This sequence is kind of unfair to Jiang Yanli. What matters to the story here is Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian's relationship, so that’s the focus of these scenes. But really, there is no way Jiang Yanli would not be at Jiang Cheng's side unless she was literally unconscious herself. Let's assume Wen Qing stuck a needle in her to make her rest while she has a fever. Shippers should also feel free to assume that Wen Qing spent hours at her bedside, tenderly wiping her forehead and holding her hand as she recovered. In his sleep, while Wei Wuxian sits by his side, Jiang Cheng calls for his sister, mother, and father, but not for his brother. Ouch.  
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Let's pause to appreciate Wei Wuxian's new outfit, which is the sort of getup most people in this society probably imagine Yiling Laozu wearing, rather than the low-key homespun stuff he actually spends his Yiling year in. This robe has fancy shoulders, shiny material, touches of Jiang purple, strange red hoody strings, and a fuckin' CAPE. He didn't bring any luggage with him from Lotus Pier, although he's still got his Yin Turtle Sword hidden in a bag of holding. So the most likely explanation is that Wen Ning hooked him up with this lewk. "Wei Wuxian is a nice person. He should have a magnificent cape."
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Wen Wing and Wei Wuxian take a breather to stand on the porch and work out what their status is with each other, like a couple of fucking adults, which is amazing. Basically Wei Wuxian is ready to forget earlier Wen shenanigans, but is going to avenge Lotus Pier. 
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Wen Qing isn't enthusiastic about that but doesn't argue, just asking, mostly rhetorically, if he plans to kill her too. He's uncomfortable considering that; the role of avenger isn't one that's comfortable for him, although he turns out to be extremely good at it. He does not, of course, plan to kill her too. In a few months, imprisoned in a Wen dungeon, she will be the only Wen left alive after Wei Wuxian 1.5(No-Gold Edition) and Chenqing come to visit.
Jiang Cheng finally wakes up, and the first thing he does is to test out his spiritual power by hitting Wei Wuxian as hard as he can. 
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Look at Wei Wuxian's face, as he goes from happy, to shocked and hurt, to laughing it off. It's exactly like when Jiang Cheng shoved him in the Rock Lady temple. Has Wei Wuxian spent all of his years with Jiang Cheng going from affection, to hurt feelings, to pretending it's fine? God, I think he probably has.
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This episode raises a question that will come up again later, but never be answered. That question is, what the fuck are these weird footies and why the fuck does Jiang Cheng wear them to bed?
Jiang Cheng reveals that his golden core is gone, that he can't cultivate any more, which means he can't avenge his parents or achieve any ambitions in life. Nobody has apparently given any thought to why Wen Zhuliu is called "Core-Melting Hand" before this, which is hilarious, frankly. If I fought with a guy called, for example, Brain-Eating Mouth, I think I would make certain assumptions about him and what he planned to do with my brain.
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Something interesting is happening in this moment, because as he comes fully back to consciousness, Jiang Cheng pours out all of his trauma and horror to his brother, telling him about the core melting and practically wailing about his feelings over it all. And his brother understands, and ultimately finds a way to help him. What does Wei Wuxian do after his own trauma? Keeps it secret, so nobody finds a way to help him, although many people try to. So Jiang Cheng is, in this way at least...emotionally healthier than Wei Wuxian? That's unexpected.
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Jiang Cheng is super upset and is mad at eternal scapegoat Wei Wuxian for saving him. Jiang Cheng would rather be dead than be a regular person. Whereas Wei Wuxian, faced with the same problem, is like, *shrug* I’ll adapt. These are both valid emotional responses to suddenly becoming disabled. Losing a golden core is definitely a disability, in this environment; it's not just about magic sword fights. Jiang Cheng's home is designed for people who can fly; Lan Wangji's home is designed for people who don't feel cold, and Wen Central is made of actual lava, for example. 
Jiang Cheng is already struggling with a lot of difficulties. He was raised by shitty parents, he's got anger management issues, he has a crushing weight of responsibility. And now he's also lived through the deaths of most of the people who matter to him. If sword cultivation is the one thing that gives him joy in life (ok one of two things, obviously fashion also gives him joy because he WORKS it), he can't reasonably be expected to rally when it's taken away.  
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Oh, honey. Oh, baby boy. 
Wen Qing picks the worst moment to come in and tries to tend to Jiang Cheng, who starts off being devastated that the girl he likes is seeing the wreck he's become, and then moves along to helpless rage when he remembers that she's a Wen, and he screams at her to get out.  
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Jiang Cheng is not able to put personal loyalty ahead of clan loyalty like Wei Wuxian is. Partly this is his nature, and partly it's his role as the lineal descendant of the clan leader. As a firstborn son of a gentry family, his destiny as clan leader is in his blood, and so is his responsibility to the clan. When Wei Wuxian praises Song Lan and Xiao Xingchen for caring less about bloodlines than about shared ambition, he is speaking from the position of someone who's bloodline ain't shit. Jiang Cheng will never be able to share that perspective.
Next: More of this excruciating episode!
Writing prompt: The Day I Discovered I Could Melt Your Fucking Core, by Wen Zhuliu Drabble prompt: Why I Wear Socks to Bed, by Jiang Cheng
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ichika27 · 3 years
Mairimashita! Iruma-kun s2 ep9
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I just wanna point out that the last scene on the OP changed. It used to be like, a red curtain background but now it’s in front of Royal One with the rest of the class.
Heyo! New episode today.
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*record scratch*
*freeze frame*
This is our protagonist, Iruma. You must be wondering why he looks like he’s dying on a pile of schoolwork. Well, we have to go back a bit to see how this came to be.
(Sorry, I can’t resist making this joke when the show kinda started the episode like that.)
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After Iruma’s evil cycle event, Azz and Clara decide to cling to him so they’d know if anything is wrong next time. Everyone tried prying them off to no avail.
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Sabnock even offered Clara a piggyback! I’m glad that they’re acknowledging that this happens lol. It’s just a little thing on the other episodes (mostly in season 1, I believe) but at least we know Sabnock is okay with it.
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Since nothing they did could make the two let go of Iruma, they decided they’d all join in instead! It’s so cute!! Kalego-sensei comes in to tell them some news though:
The Apocalypse, aka Summer Vacation is coming which is awesome and everyone is super excited!
The exams come first before that which causes the class to panic. Failure means remedial classes.
I guess it’s time for the “Demon School” part of the title to be on the spotlight. Time to study!
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Iruma is one of those who are worried because he’s never had to study properly before (what with all the jobs he does and his parents being awful). He can also read the demon world’s language due to magic he was given by his grandpa but it doesn’t mean he could understand what he’s reading about.
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Clara shows off her own exam results and while they are pretty bad, they at least exceeded the 10 point mark Iruma couldn’t even get to and this shocks Iruma. Clara further rubs it in his face by asking him to call her “Nee-san” or “Sensei”.
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Azz-kun’s vision from before!
Asmodeus doesn’t think lowly of Iruma cause of this set back. Instead, he encourages Iruma and tells him that they could just study for it. Asmodeus offers his help in tutoring Iruma. One of the rewards of getting high grades is rank advancement and if they could do it together, all three of them could totally beat this test! (punishment of failing is demotion though which worried Iruma).
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Oh and Ameri’s stalker needed to be somewhere where he could be watched over without him bothering the student council so he was dumped in Iruma’s battler. Iruma, being the nice guy that he is, couldn’t refuse and so they’re stuck with this guy.
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Moving on! Ali-san is also worried. He was only able to talk and have proper consciousness when Iruma ranked up. Who knows what will happen when he gets demoted! Ali-san asks if Iruma could get high grades but Iruma answers that he could probably do enough to pass and not fail (which I can relate to cause all I could strive for in my school days were passing grades lol).
Iruma has a lot of expectations on his back right now. And so, that’s why he’s been studying his ass off.
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The rest of the class is trying very hard to study as well since failure meant they’d have their summer vacation screwed up which is bad.
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The main trio does their own studying too with Azz trying to gauge how much Iruma knows so they’d know where to start. The next scenes are Iruma and Clara competing in a little quiz with parodies of different popular game shows being their setting. Iruma gets no point at all while Clara gets 2.
Just when all hope seems lost.
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One of the books move on their own and quizzes Iruma on it’s contents (just the first chapter apparently) and all of the questions seem to have to do with the human world or something and Iruma, being human, gets it all correctly.
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Everyone praises Iruma for this accomplishment and since this is the first time he’s experiences such a thing, this gives him a little ego boost.
Asmodeus suggest that maybe they should take the Fantastical Animal studies since Iruma is good at it and that they could start focusing on that first. Iruma happily accepts.
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Unfortunately, the usual teacher isn’t available and so they have this dangerous seeming guy instead. He’s also the guy who made the book that quizzed Iruma earlier.
This episode feels a bit more slice-of-life-ish due to how they’re focusing on studying at the moment. Indeed it’s important and Kalego-sensei points out they have to do well since they’re now using the Royal One classroom.
I was unable to take a screenshot of it but Grandpa Sullivan actually offered to help Iruma by either giving him the test answers or making the test easier (both which he could do since he’s the school principal) but before Iruma could even answer, Opera points out that helping Iruma that way wouldn’t be good for the boy in the long run. And also, Opera believes Iruma could pass it on his own which puts a little extra pressure on Iruma. I do believe that if Opera never said anything, Iruma would have declines on his own.
There’s a new addition to the Magic Tools Battler: Schnare Eligos. He doesn’t seem to have a big role at the moment though. Ameri mentions to Iruma that since the guy could make potions and such on his own that he could fit in the battler anyways. His name is added to the little list on the wall and along with him, there’s five names on there. They haven’t taken off Kiriwo-senpai’s and probably never would since Iruma believes their senpai would come back one day.
Not sure how long this little arc is gonna be but people on the comment section is already talking about a festival arc and a park arc. Hopefully the anime could cover the stuff that are exciting (we’re close to the season’s halfway point!).
Thanks for reading this far!
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jerichomere · 3 years
weak. I hate to say it but I could feel it in my heart from the start. It had good moments but this episode just didn’t bring it home. I’m going to break this up into my usual notes and then some general evaluation. Notes: What is the deal with curtain and food? He has so many weird scenes with meals.. there’s probably some hidden meaning here but I don’t know what it is And they didn’t get to chuck-root the school :((((( Constance? Wants to pour acid on curtain’s feet Haha I liked Kate’s little “Nyoope” when the recruiters found her Martina redemption and the fighting tetherball team, sure Jackson and Jillson get even more unhinged. they terrify me We got Kate yeeting Constance up the tower, but her bucket had a built in rope motor somehow WE GOT KATIE-KAT but we didn’t get Sorry it took me so long And Milligan’s still moody instead of joyous Go Constance, break the thing, yay Number Two and Rhonda had some real shippy energy in this episode and PLEASE they are SISTERS Two more close profile shots of curtain in this episode, one where he is physically shorter than Milligan but dominating the interaction, and one where he’s physically looking down at Reynie but Reynie’s getting to him. Reynie has a heart to heart and curtain passes out. That’s different. Sticky even said, “it’s anger” and he was like “no, it’s vulnerability” oooooookay then. The whisperer is not an intercom/loudspeaker. sheesh. So the kiddos leave and the twins talk, resolving nothing, then curtain escapes REYNIE AND MISS PERUMAL NO COMPLAINTS HERE *sobs* Kate and Madge at the end <3 Constance refuses adoption!?!?!?!??! And no age reveal obviously rip Sticky’s family redemption he’s going to the totally not made up Boatwright Academy now Mr Benedict is like, I love you all, no snowball fight, the end. SIKE Curtain, SQ, and a totally real engineer lady are on a BOAT. You know, I felt bad for the engineer this whole series, as she is portrayed as kind of doing the technical work hoping it’ll be used for good, while curtain abuses its practical application, but her mood really shifted in that last scene. She was like heheh hey guy that I know is definitely is evil, howabout this mysterious blueprint... are they really trying to set up the sequel. Some tree branches will have to get pretttty bent.
Evaluation: keep reading! (sorry it gets long)
To recap what I’ve said from the start, I think the casting is fantastic but the tone is wrong. The darker, more saturated filter, the isolating camera shots, and very understated music make things colder and stilted. This is a constant throughout the whole series. The book was warm, messy, and full of charm, which I didn’t feel watching the show.
characters were.. compromised? Mr B starts off with a LIE about test winners going to Boatwright Academy. That undermines EVERYTHING he does from then on. “Regrettable but necessary” DOESN’T cut it. He’s also just so anxious and jittery instead of his gentile, kind, strong book self. Just from the show, they didn’t frame his genius very well. He seems more like a fool. Not really confidence-inspiring. In the same way, Being directed to cheat is one thing, but Reynie should NOT have lied to SQ to manipulate him into seeing the forest or whatever. Yeah reynie felt bad about it and SQ called him on it, but this is like the core values of our protagonist team, the strong love for truth. Also, I feel like in the show Reynie’s leadership isn’t highlighted. Like, everyone else has their thing but you almost wonder why he’s framed as the main character. The girls got bonding and the boys got bonding but there was hardly opportunity for him to really bring the team together into a cohesive unit Also, as much as I love Number Two’s life of crime (because it’s funny), she too should have that love of truth, but instead regularly does unlawful things. AND they never explained her eating, and even stopped having yellow clothes :( Additionally, the side story of her and Rhonda’s friction (entertaining I suppose) also really changed the character dynamic. In the book, the adult team was unwavering and wise, a sturdy basis for the perilous missions of the children. But their internal strife, while adding drama, makes them seem unreliable and less absolutely good and trustworthy. And I think trust and integrity are key parts of the book’s solid narrative. Constance’s refusal of the adoption felt wrong too. She was like, “Respectfully decline, but. I’ll stick around here.” I think they were trying to keep going with her contrariness, but it just comes across as foolish pride? Constance is a LITTLE GIRL. She DESERVES a FAMILY. SHE DESERVES A LOVING PARENT (and two wonderful sisters). Yeah family doesn’t have to be by blood OR lawful paperwork, but her actions in this scene really just. cuts off the feels at the knees. We KNOW she’s strong and independent but that doesn’t mean she HAS TO BE or even necessarily WANTS to be all the time. Over the course of the series we see her warming up to people, a kind word here, a little smile there, but this adoption refusal is.. harsh. Then we’ve got Sticky. Yes, he struggles with the comfort of the whisperer. And he overcomes it. BUT in one of the earlier episodes, they had him fighting with the team, defending the whisperer, dismissing his friends... and I count this as betrayal. It may be extreme on my part, but I think he went too far. The Society is the Society. In the book he bested his fears for them and with their support. Yeah he desperately wanted to just give in but he had PRINCIPLES and knew why he couldn’t. His honor, his responsibility to stop curtain, and his loyalty to his friends got him though. But in the show he just dumped them. And then was like, oh oops jk I’m back. (I knowwwwww the book has the privilege of being able to explain characters’ thought processes and emotional states, while shows have to work with more tangible actions and words but stilll I did not Like That) And finally, curtain wasn’t smart. He had hired people doing all the work. He just used it to his ends. Less evil genius and more manipulating creep. But this? I’m more ok with. As an villain, he got the job done. But this makes him less of a foil for Mr Benedict and more of an antagonist, if that makes sense. In the book they never knew each other, but were both alone in the world and greatly smart, and they chose verrry different paths. Whereas in the show he and B were always kind of opposites, warring in motivation and method from the start.
Let’s talk about the boss battle (such as it was). I said it was weak and I meant it. The book is heart pounding. There is so much going on, and so many people in play, the narration jumping all over the place in real time, all culminating in that clash at the top of the tower. Now, the show... the highs weren’t the highs. It felt more like checking off story points. Kate and constance outside - check. Resist the whisperer to stall for time - check. Milligan reveal - check. Reynie starting to figure out narcolepsy triggers - check. Constance shouting then you are the greatest fool of all - um, no, that didn’t happen. Constance defeating the whisperer - check. Curtain escapes - check. We got zero action. No good fights. I know Emmy Deoliveira is a kid and I’m not mad at her for not being able to do action sequences or run with Constance piggyback. But there was almost no physical conflict on-screen, and that’s Kate’s real time to shine. Also they had Number two and Rhonda in the tower ready to fight and then they just didn’t. All this build up for nothing. Furthermore, and I think this is the biggest problem, there was no momentum. Yeah they cut from scene to scene, but the music and tone cut scene-to-scene too. So there was like, dramatic music, Kate’s ready to fight! Get hyped! and then cut to absolutely silent, mr curtain staring at someone. feel mildly disturbed. and then cut to Rhonda and Number two being friends and ready to fight! Aww! And yay! Get hyped! And then cut back to Sticky sitting in a chair, dead silent. It goes on like this. The music, the urgency, should have carried throughout, building in intensity and desperation as the kids come together and curtain unravels more and more and then BAM! curtain down and OH NO! the whisperer and finally Constance’s “I... DON”T.... CARE!!!” and then the madcap escape from the island. Watching, I just couldn’t get swept away. Storywise, they tied it all up and logically it made sense but the emotional culmination just wasn’t there. It was over and done too quick. It fell flat. I didn’t feel the struggle, the suspense. And then they gave us a fabricated Mr B and Curtain conversation that didn’t really help anything. And then the falling action had some nice moments but as I mentioned, the things with constance and sticky kind of made it feel less relieving, joyful, and sweet. I know a snowball fight is elaborate to set and film but I would have loved to see it.
Final thoughts I can’t help but love the kids. I’ll say it again, I sure liked this casting. And for all the changes they had to make, the original central plot was there, and most of the characters were recognizable even with all the alterations. So I did have problems with some of that underlying integrity, as well as the overall tone and execution, but I also laughed at the little funny things, jammed to the title theme, and was excited to see this, my favorite book in the world, get more recognition. I can’t imagine how hard it would be to adapt a work of prose into an audiovisual medium, and considering how outlandish the book sometimes got, they gave it their best shot. I didn’t love it but I can recognize the accomplishment. In terms of faithful and well-made adaptations, on a scale of Percy Jackson to Harry Potter, I’d give The Mysterious Benedict Society a 6.5/10.
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Ticci Toby hcs
Right off the bat I feel like I should start off with saying...
Nobody calls him Ticci Toby.
I mean seriously, the name is literally based on a huge chimpanzee, there’s no way anybody actually calls him that.
I guess on missions they might call him Ticci or smth as to not say his real name but...
They don’t call him that in their day-to-day life.
Another thing that has actually confused me is that people are saying that Toby has schizophrenia and bipolar disorder...
Which isn’t really possible, really.
Here’s the thing, what people are “describing” you could say, is a whole other diagnosis.
It’s called schizoaffective disorder.
It’s a condition that in which symptoms of both psychotic and mood disorders are present together or within a two week period of each other, during one episode.
But I can’t decide which type he has.
It’s either manic, which means he has psychotic and manic symptoms in one episode.
Or depressive, where he has psicótico and deppressive symptoms during an episode.
But putting that aside, I think that he doesn’t really like his close co-workers arguing.
Sure, he doesn’t really remember anything from his life before coming to work where he is now, but i think that it doesn’t really erase the way he feels about people he feels close to arguing.
Piggybacking of of that, he also doesn’t like getting into cars.
Which, lucky for him, isn’t something he really has to do all that much.
He’s also very nice and caring to anybody that shows him human decency.
Another character that has a lot of patience.
He’s definitely pretty lanky, and he has pretty brown and curly hair,
Very fluffy and wonderful.
Of course he does have his days where he can’t really stand anything or anyone.
He normally tends to stay in his room on those days.
They are very rare though.
I like to think he’s kinda short, around 5’6”.
He really likes to garden.
He finds it calming and I also think that he’s pretty good at building small things like little fountains and ponds.
And like, he mostly gets helped by jack most of the time.
He made that pond because he wanted to atract frogs.
I really do think he loves frogs of any kinds and you can pry that hc out of my cold, dead hands.
I hope I said that right.
His favorite type cookies are fudge stripes.
Cuz they look like the stripes on his sweater.
He probably likes watching other people play video games since the last time he played them, his arm twitched upward so hard, that when it made contact with his forehead, it broke.
Nobody lets him near controllers anymore.
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anepiphany · 4 years
okay wait everyone is doing these cute posts about their moots and so i’d like to write out what havoc a team of one of my mutuals and i would wreck if we were in the bau:
(this is me being dumb at 2 am and i’m definitely going to make some cute sort of post too but i felt like doing this)
((also this took me forever to do lmao so if there’s anyone i forgot i swear it is nothing against you i just did moots i felt like i knew well enough to explain this for))
@ellegreenawy : y’all celie and i would be an iconic team because we come up with so many good ideas but our best ideas are always in the middle of the night. so you best know if reid ain’t solving the case, celie and i crack it at 2 am. also, celie is definitely rossi’s favorite. she’s the only person he lets cook with him regularly, and i’m the one who definitely got distracted and forgot to put water in the pasta pot so i ended up setting the pasta on fire so i am banned from the kitchen most of the time (it’s not that i can’t cook, it’s that i got distracted that one time and rossi refuses to believe me). oh and her and i would definitely write a book together the way rossi did. and we’d guest lecture together too.
@babyblockcolorcat : fabs and i would def be in seasons 8-9 of cm together and we would get nothing done because this girl would not be able to function around alex blake. but also faby would rock a blazer. her and em definitely share a closet. faby around alex is like reid around practically any girl in the early seasons, and it’s kind of adorable but also the rest of us (me and the team) are standing around like “why the fuck is alex so oblivious” (of course this is an au where alex isn’t married). i mean the whole “good morning, faby!” from alex and then faby accidentally walks into a pole and spills her coffee
@reidsemily : bro bekah and i would be an elite partnership. we definitely spend our free time with penny and morgan because i feel like the four of us would be iconic together. also if we’re called in for a case in the middle of the night her and i are definitely the ones that show up and chug five cups of coffee before we can even say a word. and then someone (probably jj) is going to point out that my blazer is inside out and that bekah is wear two different shoes and we’re just going to drink another cup of coffee
@linguinereid : i would love to hear conversations between bee and reid because i’d probably learn more from them than my entire school life. bee is definitely a major part as to why we can solve all these cases, and i feel like her and i interrogating a suspect together would be interesting. i’d probably talk enough to bore the unsub to death, and then bee would just say things and psychoanalyze the suspect until they broke
@ssaemilyprentits : okay so i feel like steph and morgan have been in a prank war since she started working at the bau and somehow i got involved in it and now we’re just this chaotic mess of “ok ani wait you distract morgan and i’ll go mix salt into his coffee” and “steph keep derek busy so i can go and stick this sign that has his phone number and ‘call me for foot massages’ written on it on the back of his car”
@whiskey-fluent and @jenniferxprentiss : i wholeheartedly believe that h and ash would be the most sarcastic and upfront agents. like straight up would make the suspects tremble during interrogation. and they’d always be sent to do stuff together; they’d be the dream team. i know technically i don’t fit into this equation but like their energy together as fbi agents would be immaculate so i needed to talk about it. like that one episode where the unsub is morgan’s cousin’s husband who forced her to marry him and jj and emily walk into the interrogation room and are conversing about will and henry? yeah, that’s h and ash. i’d probably be penny in the trio.
@heat-waveee : ok i think lb and i would honestly be a very productive duo during work. like she’d def keep my procrastination in check on paperwork days and we’d be good at finding info together during cases. and lb would be great at talking to eyewitnesses and friends/family of the victim(s). but when the case is over? we’d be insane. like at dinner parties with the team, nights out at the bar- we’d be going crazy. oh also we’d be crushing on em so much
@apologetically-apologetic : so abbie and i would be great at coming up with theories because in the short amount of time i’ve talked to her we’ve had so many genius ideas. i think we’d observe crime scenes and just piggyback theories onto each other until we figure out a fairly solid one and then use evidence we find later and adjust or expand our theory and then we’d solve cases really well. also, i think if we ever got like trapped with an unsub or like taken together by an unsub we’d definitely come up with a good plan and there’s like an 85% chance that we’d be fine
@reidemandweep : roo and i would just be an organized mess tbh. our desks are for sure next to each other, and whoever comes in first makes coffee for themselves and the other person as well. we’d probably hold off on paperwork till the very last minute but turn it in right on time. i also think roo and i would make a great team when interrogating a suspect. like that one episode where jj and morgan pretend to be a couple and talk to that white supremacist guy? yeah roo and i would be the gay poc couple to annoy the unsub if they were bugged by that. also, we’d definitely be caught trash talking strauss. like “ugh she’s so annoying and messes stuff up for us a lot” and then everyone’s quiet and we’re like “she’s right behind us isn’t she”. we’d also tease rossi about dating her but in the end i don’t think we’d hate her completely because we’re nice enough to understand she’s doing her job but also we’d be like “no <3″ to most of the stuff she says
@eusuntgroot : hj and i would honestly be very nice people together i think. well, hj would be my better half. she’d be really good at talking to families of the victims, because she’s great at being empathetic and she’s so caring. the two of us would probably be sent to speak with victims and eyewitnesses because we’d be good together at calming them down and being there for them and trying to get information. also, hj and i would be great at talking an unsub down together if necessary 
@agenthotchner : honestly i feel like snow and i would be really badass undercover. like i get very “entropy” vibes from the two of us. like tara and morgan vibes in that episode. snow and i would most definitely find an unsub while undercover at a bar, lure him outside, and then threaten to hit him in the face with a pair of heels as we handcuff him and lead him to the cop car
@davidrossi-ismydad : sammy and i would have such chaotic energy during paperwork days- hanging out with penelope, locking jj and emily in a room until they got their sexual tension out of the way, sammy hanging out in hotch’s office doing god knows what. sammy and i would definitely make everyone laugh whenever they needed to but sammy would also come up with some of the most genius ideas that the others wouldn’t think of. he’d would definitely be the character that at the 30 minute mark of the episode is like “maybe we’re thinking this part of the profile wrong” and coming up with the correct profile and we’d be like “yes you’re onto something”
@cinnamon-rroll : okay jemma and i would be great at stakeouts. like we’d have the snacks ready and would have the most interesting conversations while watching our surroundings from the car with binoculars. i also think we’d be good undercover, too
@spideyspencer : listen avery would also be so good at interrogating suspects. like so amazing. she’d just be so good at intimidating them and not taking their shit whatsoever. and when we’d be chasing an unsub i’d definitely chase after them and she’d find an easier route and be standing there waiting for us. she’d be putting handcuffs on the unsub and i’d be wheezing and half out of breath like “how *wheeze* did you *wheeze* get here *wheeze* so *wheeze* fast?”
@prentiss-dinozzo : i feel like noelle and i would probably be like tara together: badass but also good critical thinkers and smart. and i think we’d do similar things to what reid did: go through case files, make geographic profiles, that sort of thing. and i also think we’d be good at guest lecturing together
(not me being dumb and forgetting caitlin because i did this at literally 2 am ugh!!)
@themetaphorgirl : okay caitlin gives me very much garcia vibes and i for sure think her and i in the bau would be best friends with penny. we’d be hosting parties/dinners and coming up with fun ways for all of us to hang out and we’d just have elite energy. we definitely convinced the bau to have a family bowling night and family game night and things like that. i think we’d also be good at talking unsubs down and definitely would be the ones talking to the friends/family of the victims. also, i have a feeling that caitlin would be good at making negotiations too! 
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leapyearkisses · 3 years
Director’s Cut Commentary - Orbs Are Bad News Part 2
Second part of me blathering my thoughts all over this old story per the request of a very nice anon! I am still sleep-deprived, so yay~ Sorry, this commentary is probably way less interesting, since this part is just the sexy stuff, but if you have any particular questions, please send me another ask!
Happy to do any of my stories or just answer asks, whatever. I clearly enjoy reading myself talk XD
Comments in bold below the cut! This part is NSFW. Well, it’s all kinky but there’s also sex.
I forgot to mention this in Part 1, but the title of this story is because the homebrew campaign I ran for my friends involved magical evil crystal orbs. Hence they are bad news.
"Are you ever going to stop sneezing?" Remembrance asked.  At the same time, Cordes said, "One thousand blessings, Llewellyn, one for each."  The two of them were several yards ahead on the road, and only Cordes was looking back over his shoulder.  Right now, the four party members were the only travelers on this particular stretch, although as they got closer to civilization, they'd started to pass the odd wanderer, farmers with wagons, even a merchant or two.  The woods here were broken up periodically by stretches of arable land, clear-cut several decades ago and now waving with wheat, flax, or various vegetable leaves.  The fields were golden in the late sun.  Their shadows stretched behind them like taffy, rippling on the cobblestones.  The day was vanishing quickly, and Gerrit could sense his companions' impatience to move on even as he stopped again himself, drawing out his handkerchief in a now very familiar motion.
 Stick your people in a world. That’s my advice. Don’t have them just floating around in a no man’s land of generic scenery. (Also why I like period/historical snzarios and fantasy stuff, because reading about plain people in an apartment somewhere is boring to me.)
Llewellyn, for his part, could not answer them, face buried in his elbow as he ducked with another reluctant outburst. "Hahktschiu!  Hahh- happtsch!"
"Bless," said Gerrit, and he stepped in front of the elf to shield him marginally from view.  He laid one warm hand on the back of Llewellyn's neck and lifted the handkerchief with the other, capturing the next sneeze in the flannel folds.  He settled his fingers firmly around Llewellyn's nose.
This was an arrangement that had been born out of necessity three days ago when the party had raided a bandit camp's plundered stores.  Along with a good stash of gold and gems, they'd found a blue crystal orb, cursed perhaps, that had summarily become attached to both of Llewellyn's hands, rendering the sorcerer unable to do most anything... including take care of his cold on his own.
 On the last episode of Orbs Are Bad News...
Llewellyn blew his nose into the handkerchief, wetting the cloth and dampening Gerrit's fingers through it.  Originally quite opposed to such a display outside of the most private circumstances, the elf had been forced to put his pride aside and let Gerrit help him.  His fever had abated the previous day, but the frequency of his sneezing had increased, as if his body was insistent now on ridding itself of whatever illness remained.  It was a horrific prospect to Llewellyn to catch the resulting mess every time in the sleeve of his robes... so he suffered Gerrit to hold the handkerchief, even though they were walking along the road where any might see them.
Despite some initial teasing, Remembrance and Cordes had quickly grown accustomed to the practice and now cared not at all, except to complain.  "We're going to have to camp again," grumbled Remembrance.  "Five miles from Veigh and we're going to be stuck without a bath!"
 Is five miles a realistic figure here? No fucking clue! I frequently engage in excessive and specific research for my stories, but I didn’t look up how long one might hike for in D&D. Oh well.
"Is there anything I could do for you?" Cordes asked, somewhat exasperated.  The priest had made several herbal concoctions for Llewellyn over the past few days, but none had helped the elf's nose much.  Cordes's specialty was unfortunately not the curing of disease but the mending of bones and flesh.
 I will take any opportunity to make up an excuse as to why the snz cannot be contained. You’re welcome lol
"Ndo," Llewellyn growled, as fed up as the rest of them.  "I'm beyond heh- help. Hngtschiu!"
"Bless you, arimelda," said Gerrit, trying to keep his voice even.  He shifted the handkerchief so that Llewellyn could have a drier spot, trying to ignore a glimpse of slickness on the elf's face.  "Remembrance, Cordes, why don't the two of you go on ahead?  Find an inn, get a room, take a bath, whatever you want.  It might be prudent also to send a message ahead to the Mages Guild about the orb.  Will you do that?  Llewellyn and I will join you when we arrive."
 An elvish word appears! I researched this but not walking.
Cordes nodded.  "Yes, I'll draft a letter as soon as- Hey!"  Remembrance had grabbed his arm and was rushing ahead already.
"Let's go, man!" she said.  "Everyone loves a damn priest; you're my ticket to a good room, so may your god help you if you dawdle."  Her pointed tail swished as she practically jogged down the road.  Cordes spluttered but could no more stand up to her as to a tornado, so off they went.  It was a remarkably short time before the two of them were out of earshot, disappearing around a bend.
 And again, removed so that the main characters can bang, lol.
Gerrit sighed but turned his attention back to Llewellyn, who was blowing his nose again.  The handkerchief was running out of clean corners this late in the day, but the elf leaned back this time when he was finished.  "All set?" Gerrit asked.
"Yes."  Llewellyn rubbed his eyes on his upper arm, wiping away a spare tear from the effort.  "...My apologies."  He cleared his throat, refusing to meet Gerrit's gaze.  "We may arrive after dark."
"You're ill," said Gerrit, trying to fold the flannel in a way as to avoid his pocket getting wet.  "We'd move faster if you let me carry y-"
"Then I don't mind taking a more leisurely pace."  Gerrit smiled.  Even after everything, Llewellyn was stubborn.  Honestly, since they weren't really in a rush, he didn't really care when they reached Veigh; they'd only detoured here to try and remove the orb.  If Llewellyn, the most inconvenienced, didn't want to give up his pride and piggyback on... well, Gerrit found his noble hauteur inexplicably cute.
 Me too, buddy. Don’t worry, you can carry your elf later.
He also wasn't in a particular hurry because it was awfully uncomfortable to make any sort of time with his arousal pressed flush to his thigh.
A reminder that sex is usually going to be involved in my stories. The snz is not enough by itself.
Llewellyn coughed into his elbow and then started walking again.  Gerrit had pulled back his hood for him in the morning and braided his hair, and the crown of plaits caught the afternoon sunlight like an obsidian.  Gerrit tried not to let his eyes linger on the sorcerer's pale nape.  Or any other part of him.  He and Llewellyn had been travelling together for close to three years, working for their current patron in the capital, and in that time Gerrit had felt himself growing closer to the elf.  Wanting to be closer, anyway.  
Llewellyn shot a glance at him and caught him looking.  Gerrit flushed and turned his gaze back ahead to the road.
"You've been very accommodating during all of this," the elf said, tone carefully neutral.
Gerrit shrugged.  "It doesn't bear mentioning.  We're comrades."
"Comrades," Llewellyn repeated, an edge to his voice that Gerrit couldn't quite place.  "Is that all it is?"  He kicked a stick that had fallen to the cobblestones, sending it into the brush. Somewhere to the right, bumblebees droned over a meadow.
 Llewellyn is kind of a asshole and not super great at communicating with any level of affection, although he does get better.
Gerrit swallowed.  "Yes?  You and I, we've helped each other before.  I consider you to be a steadfast companion."  Eyes on the road.  Eyes on the dappled play of shadowed leaves and light on the ground.  "Why do you ask?"
"So shy," Llewellyn exclaimed, a tad mockingly.  "You've never been shy about taking me to bed, Gerrit."  Despite his short height, the elf seemed to find it easy to look down his nose at the much taller fighter.  "Has something changed?"
 Height difference is also personally sacred to me.
"Changed?"  Eyes on the road.
Llewellyn stopped walking.  "You called me 'arimelda.'  'Dearest.'  Did you think I wouldn't hear you over my sneezing?"  He couldn't cross his arms with his hands trapped by the orb, but the set of his jaw was determined and his firm brows were arched.  "I wasn't so distracted then as you seem to have thought."
Gerrit shoved his hands in his pockets.  He stopped walking but didn't turn.  "Apparently not," he muttered.  "Look, we can set it aside.  Doesn't have to mean anything – doesn't have to change anything.  I know a highborn elf like you wouldn't consider an official relationship with a half-elven bastard, and I've known that from the start.  For my whole life.  So... I care about you.  But it can just be as comrades, or whatever you want it to be."  Llewellyn was quiet, and after a long minute, Gerrit did turn on his heel, desperate to know what kind of reaction he'd provoked.
 The angst of the half-elven existence! Gerrit is a very typical half-elf in terms of D&D characterization, lol. Despite that, I do find these different-lifestyle pairings interesting, so they keep happening, cliche or not. There is a definite pathos in the elf/human relationship because of the different lifespans, of course - most famously depicted through Arwen and Aragorn, probably, although he’s not the exactly typical human. Anyway, it kind of varies how people like to determine elven and half-elven lifespans in D&D depending on the PHB and your DM’s weary forbearance lol, but Gerrit and Llewellyn will expect to live similar lengths because I’m a sap.
He saw Llewellyn standing with his eyes closed and head titled back, lips parted.  The elf's nostrils flared as he gasped.
"Are you going to sneeze again??" Gerrit asked.  He threw up his hands, then went for his handkerchief once more.  They ­did have an arrangement.
He strode back over to Llewellyn's side and tucked the cloth around his nose again, thumb and forefinger just resting on the elf's nostrils.  He started to rub Llewellyn's back.  "You have the worst timing, you know?  Here I am, spilling my heart to you and everything."  
 I laughed writing this part, too. You can’t always let things just be angst.
"Sh-hhuh-t up, I jh- just nih-" Llewellyn gasped again and gave in; he had no other choice.  "Hahktscht!"  He moaned and pressed closer into the handkerchief, thick congestion only aggravating the itch that remained inside.  "Hkktschtt!  Hngtscht!  Hahh- ah-- ankcxttschiu!"
 That sure is a bunch of letters crammed together!
"Easy... it's okay."  Gerrit massaged Llewellyn’s nose, tried to soothe the irritation.  He guided Llewellyn to the side of the road, and, in a moment of calm, settled him to sit on the grassy bank.  He followed, kneeling at the elf's side.  Llewellyn was tearing up again and his nose was twitching against the pads of Gerrit's fingers.  Gerrit felt electric all over.  He found himself wishing the handkerchief was gone so that he might touch the soft, heated skin of Llewellyn's septum, coax the elf to relax and loose his tension, sneeze into Gerrit's palm.  The mess didn't bother him; none of it bothered him.  He was supremely unbothered.  His cock was almost painfully hard.
It took several more minutes punctuated with more urgent expulsions before Llewellyn seemed to trust himself to speak.  His eyes were wet with unshed tears, eyelids tender and reddened.  His nose was brightly ruddy, running to chapped.  He had to take a shaky breath, collecting his thoughts.  "Gerrit."
 I’m a very visual writer. This kink is extremely visually-based for me. I wish I could draw as well as I want to so I could depict these scenes how I imagine them, but eh.
"Yes?"  Gerrit lowered the handkerchief, gently pinching as he did to clear any lingering moisture.  He wasn't ready to hear a rejection, nor did he feel particularly ready for a lecture or a tirade or even a logical exploration of why a relationship was a bad idea.  He wanted, if possible, to keep walking to Veigh, side by side, listening to the bees and dragonflies and songbirds settling in for the evening, feeling the light breeze on his face, replete with the scents of summer.  
"Kiss me."
Gerrit blinked, mental caravan bunching to a halt.  "What?"
 i am so funny omg
Llewellyn nudged him in the chest with the orb.  "Kiss me.  You're all worked up."  He cleared his throat.  "And judging by the state of you, you're not put off by my cold.  So?"  He tilted his head to the side, gently, closed his eyes.  "I want you to kiss me."
 An example of the B character not really forcing the admitting of the fetish but just kind of not caring. That is also okay, and I think it’s normal. People don’t just admit to all their kinks immediately upon entering a relationship.
Baffled, but feeling as though maybe all was not lost, Gerrit obliged, pressing their lips together.  His own eyes slid closed and he cupped Llewellyn's cheek, deepening the kiss, touching their tongues together, trying to convey how he felt.  Whatever had changed.  The kiss lasted for too short a time; Llewellyn broke away to breathe, eyes half-lidded, but he didn't lean away.
 I’ve never kissed anyone, but I consume media. I feel like I am pretty good at depicting things regardless of experience.
"I'm not going to dismiss you out of hand," he said.  "You or your feelings.  But I would ask for some time to think."  He looked up through his lashes.  "Are you feeling better?"
 Another thing I like in romance, even in kink short stories like this, is a more realistic portrayal of the confession than just “It was obviously meant to be~”
Gerrit could feel his pulse in every extremity.  "Not really," he managed, and he kissed Llewellyn again, this time sliding one hand under the elf's head and one at his hip and pressing him back to lay in the grass.  He moaned in his throat as Llewellyn kissed back, and when they had to break for breath, he started to kiss at Llewellyn's forehead, jaw, throat, wherever he could touch skin.  His hands roamed over the elf's body, smoothing over hip and thigh and belly until he could start to undo the buttons on Llewellyn's close-cut robes.
"Gerrit," gasped Llewellyn.  He moved the orb between them, jamming it into Gerrit's sternum.  "You are not going to sleep with me on the side of the damn road!  Get ahold of yourself!"
 He has standards!
Gerrit growled at the quick pain in his chest, then shook his head and leaned back.  He flushed deeply and pulled his hands away.  "Oh.  Oh, fuck, sorry.  I-"
"Pick me up."  Llewellyn lifted his arms.
"What??"  Gerrit's brain was having a hard time keeping up at the moment, all of his blood being elsewhere.
"There was a thicker copse of trees back about thirty feet, on the left."  Llewellyn waved the orb at him.  "Pick me up.  We can lay down there."
 His standards are NOT that high! But he does have them!
So.  So Gerrit ducked his head into the circle of Llewellyn’s arms and picked him up, holding him securely and setting off down the road again, back the way they’d come.  The elf was right; there, about twenty feet back from the bank, was a thick copse of pines, all grown together with wild geranium and maidenhead ferns.  Gerrit pushed through, shoulder first.  Despite its proximity to the thoroughfare, the inside of the stand was quiet and shielded completely from view.  This would do nicely.
 Told you you’d get to carry him soon.
He set Llewellyn back on his feet and made short work of undressing him, first freeing the sorcerer from his pouches and bags, then undoing the silver buttons on his robe from his collarbone to his crotch.  The rich fabric fell open appealingly.  Next, Gerrit freed the elf from his boots and leggings.  A long white shirt, woven from the finest of elven angora, still covered him, but Gerrit pushed the fabric up over Llewellyn’s belly, leaning in to kiss the elf again and touching him intimately.
Llewellyn moaned and nudged Gerrit’s hip with the orb.  “Now you,” he said.  “I want to see your body.”
Gerrit complied, making quick time shedding his cloak, pack, leather armor, breeches, boots.  Two daggers, two short swords, caltrops, a bow and quiver, a glaive, and a spiked whip followed.  He pushed them to the side as Llewellyn rolled his eyes.
This is another funny trope lol, like when a hero or assassin or someone has to go through airport security and the metal detector keeps beeping because they’re carrying 18 knives on their person. Fighters are proficient in every weapon, so why not have one of everything?
"You can't possibly have a use for all of those," the elf said, and then Gerrit captured his mouth again.
He laid Llewellyn down on the soft carpet of pine needles, using his cloak to cover the ground and double as a makeshift pillow.  The elf was beautiful in the shifting shade, skin flawless.  He had the orb resting on his chest and it glowed intermittently in the inconstant sunlight.  The gold chain netting that encapsulated both the orb and Llewellyn's fine-boned hands glimmered.  "You know," said Gerrit, smoothing a hand down Llewellyn's bare thigh.  "You'd look pretty good bound up in gold chain."
"This isn't enough for you?"  He scoffed.
Gerrit laughed.  "It would be fun to tease you.  I love it when you fuss at me.  So cute."  He dodged Llewellyn's elbow and settled down on his stomach, hooked one of Llewellyn's legs over his shoulder, and nuzzled the base of the elf's cock.  "Ready, arimelda?"  His own cock was under him, pressed to his stomach in the confines of his shirt.  He could feel his pulse in the head of it, quickening with the scent of his lover.
"Yes, you prick," sighed the elf, and he moaned when Gerrit started to kiss him and lave his skin.  His fingers flexed on the orb, longing to wind into Gerrit's hair.
 Licking is kind of thing, and I love writing about fellatio so. Yay~
Gerrit took Llewellyn into his mouth eagerly, fingers curled over the elf's thighs, fingertips pressing at the sensitive inner surface as he sucked and teased and swallowed.  Like this, he could focus on Llewellyn's pleasure.  The noises the usually stoic and prideful sorcerer was making were enough to make Gerrit moan, mouth full, and rock his hips.  Nothing pleased Gerrit more than seeing Llewellyn undone, seeing the elf flushed and open and undone for him.  And he shivered, all over, when he heard the elf's breath catch and his tone go wavery.  He thought he could come from this, listening to Llewellyn sneeze while pleasuring him implacably with a heated, well-placed tongue.
 This is also VERY IMPORTANT. Caretaking to the point of like, partner worship idk. It’s good!!
"Aa, aa, ahh- ih- Gerrit, I-" Llewellyn drew his knee up, curling, heel drawing along Gerrit's back.  "I nih- need to snih- hh-"
Gerrit drew his head back, let Llewellyn's cock free for a moment.  He didn't loosen his grip on the elf's legs, though, wound up and desirous.  "Okay by me, melda, it's okay.  Feel all right?  Want me to stop?"  He was breathless himself, had to force the words past the distraction of his arousal, but he would abide.
 Consent is the sexiest thing.
"No, don't stop," Llewellyn groaned, then turned his head to the side.  "Hpptscht!  Hah- Haktschiu!"
"Bless, bless."  Gerrit kissed Llewellyn's thigh tenderly, then nipped it, drew his tongue over the hurt, sucked a bruise to mark its place.  He swallowed Llewellyn down again as the elf cried out in pleasure and then bent with another helpless burst.  Gerrit wondered if he could make Llewellyn come simultaneously with a sneeze and what that might feel like.  The fantasy set him alight.  His abdomen was tight, his cock like a brand on his stomach. He redoubled his efforts.
Gerrit felt it first, when Llewellyn came, in the tightening of the elf's thighs and stomach, then tasted the salt of his release.  His world narrowed down to taking it in, swallowing, milking with his mouth while Llewellyn cried out, going until the elf was pushing him away, keening, oversensitive.  He didn't wait to lift Llewellyn then into his lap, cradling him with one arm and stroking himself with the other hand, desperate to come as well.  Llewellyn pressed his face to the junction of Gerrit's neck and shoulder, tightly gripping the cloth of Gerrit's shirt as they rocked together.  The elf's nose was gently wet and he was panting, sniffling.  Gerrit came with a shout, holding him close, shaking with an overabundance of pleasure.  He let go of his cock and embraced Llewellyn fully.  He had enough presence of mind not to confess to anything, but he couldn't stop himself from murmuring how beautiful, how soft.
 okay. o__o There’s only so much I can say about writing the porn lol. I write what I want to read.
Gradually the world came back.  Birdsong, first, and the bees, the sounds of the trees swaying in the light breeze.  The lingering heat of the day, dampened by the shade and the growing dusk.  The musty smell of pine needles and the sharper hint of sap, the scents of sex, the pressure of Llewellyn astride his lap, the bite of uneven ground against his knees.  Llewellyn was touching his cheek, trying to say something sweet, failing because of his cold again.
 I tried to write this part so that it would not be immediately obvious to the reader, as it is not to the characters, that the orb is gone.
"Ah- hh- Ttschgktst!"
Wetness against his neck.  Gerrit wound his fingers with Llewellyn's and kissed his jaw.  "Bless you," he said.  "I'll find you a healer in Veigh.  We'll get you well again.  Right after we free you from the orb."  He laid his cheek against the back of Llewellyn's hand tenderly.  Then he paused. "Wait."  Straightening, he brought his hands between them.  The right was laced with Llewellyn's left.  "The orb is gone."
Llewellyn straightened also, looking down at his hands.  His hands with no orb.  He lifted them both, amazed.  And then wiped his nose on his wrist, sighing in pleasure.  Gerrit tried not to blush despite everything.
 Me too, buddy.
"Where did it go?" he asked, looking past the elf's shoulder.  "Why did it come off?"
"Who even cares at this point??"  Llewellyn had let go of him and was stretching, running his palms over his body, touching his own arms and face and cock, finally able to move and feel again after three days of magical bondage.  He wiggled his fingers and then clapped his palms together, raising a small flame with their parting.  "I have my freedom back.  I can cast spells again.  I can-" He smiled brilliantly.  "I can touch you, too."  He dropped his hands suddenly to Gerrit's lap, nimbly taking Gerrit's cock between them.
Gerrit lost track of the orb immediately.
 Me too, buddy.
It was dark indeed when the two of them made it to the inn in Veigh, but both were in high spirits.  Gerrit had relinquished handkerchief duty back to Llewellyn with a great internal mourning, but he could always fantasize about this again in the future (he did, frequently), and he knew that Llewellyn, despite his best efforts, would catch more colds on the road (he did, more frequently than he would like).
I would love to play a fetish-friendly D&D campaign, but it would be way too embarrassing, probably. My current PC has allergies, but I have never mentioned them in-game and probably never will lol. God help me if my DM ever remembers that I wrote them into my character sheet.
Remembrance and Cordes had only been able to secure one room, it seemed, with two beds.  Gerrit resigned himself, going up the stairs, to sleeping on the floor. But... it was apparent upon entering the small space that... well, their priest and thief had ended up taking up only one of the beds, together.  Gerrit and Llewellyn traded glances.
"I don't think I want to ask," said Llewellyn, going for the free bed.
"Sounds like a plan to me," Gerrit replied, joining him.
The untold story, lol
In the morning, Cordes, with great dignity sprung from embarrassment (the cause of which he did not volunteer) informed them that a letter had not been sent to the Mages Guild yet.  He was immensely relieved to find that one was no longer needed and quick to congratulate Llewellyn on his newly regained freedom.  Remembrance just chuckled from the bed and took her time buckling her armor back on.  
Already in Veigh, the party spent some time stocking up on medicines and liquefying some of the heavier treasures they'd liberated from the bandit camp.  Gerrit sent a message on to their patron to expect them back in the capital in a couple of weeks, barring disaster.  They purchased horses and set out, ready for the next adventure.
The orb lay still in the pine thicket, nestled like an egg among the ferns, waiting for the next hapless traveler. 
 Faust’s Orb of Rope Bondage. Make a Will saving throw [DC 15] upon touching the orb with any body part, wearing clothes or not. Upon a failure, the orb will find its way to adhere to the hand of the hapless adventurer. If both hands touch the orb, they will both be stuck. If two people fail the save, one of each of their hands will be stuck. The spell can be broken only if each attached party has an orgasm.
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