#Inspired Creative Thinkers
alexairluna · 9 months
Time to Promote Capture Time One More Time
How do you relax? Play on words, playing with words can be fun and relaxing, just like promoting. It is not like it’s a hard job when you can enjoy watching art and sharing with others. 😉 With ICT – Makavenna getting to release new music, we are promoting and monetizing her previously released music on many platforms now. So back to the play on words. Here we are again taking time to promote…
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soulspa · 2 months
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(via Intelligence has many forms!)
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dwuerch-blog · 9 months
Using Our Lightning-Fast Minds
I’m remembering today with MY “not as fast-lightning mind” as I once had. In the 90s, as the Associate Director of Communications at the University of Manitoba, I received this Inuit stone carving in appreciation for the “innovative idea” I had for bringing in “voice mail” to the university, as well as an intra-campus courier service. Of course, we should have great ideas for witty inventions…
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truevedicastrology · 6 months
🌟 The Radiance of the Sun in Different Houses 1-12
Astrological observations, while insightful, may not resonate universally, considering the multifaceted nature of celestial influences.
Sun in the 1st House 🌞
Individuals with the Sun in the 1st House often project a Leo Rising aura, radiating optimism. Their life's essence revolves around self-expression, creativity, and inspiration. While exuding confidence, they may verge on narcissism. Dressing impeccably, they project an unwavering self-assuredness, occasionally bordering on overconfidence. These personalities perceive themselves as protagonists, subtly guiding others according to their convictions.
Sun in the 2nd House 💰
In the 2nd House, the Sun endows individuals with a sense of self derived from financial pursuits and possessions. This placement kindles a love for art and a refined aesthetic. Their material confidence and self-worth manifest through an elegant demeanor. The 2nd House sunbearers may exude possessiveness and control. Notably, their voices often carry authority, and they may harbor a penchant for glorifying family history, irrespective of its nature.
Sun in the 3rd House 🗣️
For those with the Sun in the 3rd House, communication is key to self-identity. These chatter virtuosos thrive on expanding their intellect and knowledge. Trendsetters and courageous thinkers, they might encounter challenges in sibling relationships but excel in journalistic, writing, or influential roles.
Sun in the 4th House 🏡
Sun in the 4th House cultivates a secretive homebody persona. Drawing self-worth from home, family, and close friends, these individuals are adept at creating an aesthetic haven. Guarded and protective, they resist intrusion into their personal space. Early life struggles shape their creativity, with maternal influence being pivotal. A culinary inclination is also noteworthy.
Sun in the 5th House 🎭
Creative exuberance defines the Sun in the 5th House individuals. Expressing themselves becomes a source of self-identity, often with a touch of showmanship. Social butterflies and history enthusiasts, they effortlessly combine academic excellence with entertainment. Parenting becomes a profound aspect of their self-concept.
Sun in the 6th House 🌿
Health-conscious and routine-driven, those with the Sun in the 6th House derive self-identity from work and daily regimen. Workaholics with meticulous habits, they maintain good health and often pursue careers in service-oriented professions. Resolving conflicts and helping others are innate qualities, occasionally leading to friendly competition.
Sun in the 7th House 👫
Individuals with the Sun in the 7th House seek self-identity through relationships. Friendship and partnerships magnify their existence, albeit with a tendency towards dependency. External validation and projected insecurities may complicate their dating life.
Sun in the 8th House 🔮
The enigmatic Sun in the 8th House exudes magnetic allure, drawing others like obsessive fans. Veiled in secrecy, they navigate life's transformations with finesse. Occult interests and a love-hate dynamic characterize these individuals. Career paths may involve politics, research, or the paranormal.
Sun in the 9th House 🌐
Influenced by paternal relationships, the Sun in the 9th House imparts righteousness and a disdain for confinement. Adhering to principles, they resist being pigeonholed, seeking expansive experiences. Travel and exposure to diverse cultures may shape their lives, occasionally leading to perceptions of being a "know-it-all."
Sun in the 10th House 🌟
A coveted placement, the Sun in the 10th House signifies popularity and leadership. Revered by many, these individuals eschew subservience and thrive on independence. Potential clashes with authority figures stem from their innate leadership qualities. They effortlessly influence groups, embodying trendsetting charisma.
Sun in the 11th House 🌐
Ego-driven and challenging, the Sun in the 11th House signifies a struggle with friendships and authority. Dreams and ambitions drive them forward, even as relationships with family and friends undergo strains. Material wealth and longevity become consequential.
Sun in the 12th House 🎭
The Sun in the 12th House bestows creativity and imagination, often hidden beneath a shroud of secrecy. A potential source of conflict with the father figure, this placement fosters a proclivity for foreign settlement. Hidden talents and a nomadic existence characterize their lives, contributing to a unique talent for creative pursuits.
Thanks for reading! Please like, reblog, comment! <3
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m4rried2the-moon · 6 months
⁽ 𝘱𝘪𝘤𝘬 𝘢 𝘱𝘪𝘤 ⁾ 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘪𝘴 𝘪𝘵 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶?
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what is it about you that draws people in? what kind of people do you attract?
please only take what resonates, don’t second guess that gut feeling and remember this is mainly for entertainment purposes!
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pile 1 - ace of wands, seven of cups, five of swords, three of pentacles. you attract: two of wands, ace of cups, page of wands.
what it is about you, pile one, that attracts people the most is your ability to go for what you want, and the way you inspire others to do the same. you’re someone who can take a hit and keep on going—you don’t hold grudges very long and your forgiving and collaborative spirit make others want to hang out with you. others feel like they talk to you without the fear of judgement. you are a deep thinker, i feel like people look up to you for guidance and to give them the real advice they need (hardly ever sugarcoated). you’re a positive, dynamic individual who’s assured in most everything you do. also, seeing that you may very well be someone who’s very easy to get a long with (even if intimidating at first from your sheer emperor/king of wands energy).
the people you attract are often in the same boat, you may meet a lot of people who are equally as sensitive and intuitive as you may be. most of your associates/friends may have the same attitude, equally as imaginative, creative and go-getting as you. your relationships and interaction can give others a sense of belonging and mental/emotional clarity. those who can’t handle the heat definitely head straight out of your kitchen and those who can cook enthusiastically with you.
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pile 2 -four of wands, the fool, page of wands, two of wands. you attract: ace of swords, ace of wands, two of pentacles and five of cups.
what it is about you, pile two, is that you make people feel like they’ve found the right person (in any case). you carry the energy of excitement and novelty wherever you go. people look at you and think ‘what’s their secret?’ when you’re having fun all by yourself or even out with others. i feel like you’re a fighter in the sense you aren’t afraid to go to bat for those you care about, and your values. you’re the first to speak up and last to leave the party because you’re being kept by everyone. you have a clear sense of direction and a unending lust for life.
the people you attract may not know what they want often times, but you do a good job at inspiring them. they may find you with the intention of your enthusiasm sparking something new in them. you give them inspiration to flesh out themselves by watching how fulfilled you are and thinking ‘how can i live to the fullest like them?’ you pull them away from their regrets and guilt of the past and some people may even idolize you (possibly an unhealthy amount). you can make them feel like your their only friend or they are the only person in the world (your passion and sensitivity to people).
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pile 3 - queen of wands, page of swords, ace of wands, ace of cups. you attract: ace of swords, four of wands, six of swords, two of cups.
what it is about you, pile three, is that you are intelligent, put together and a leader in the eyes of many. your leadership and ability to solve problems inspires others to trust you and keep an eye on what you’ll do next. others may even see you as a know-it-all but that also can be attractive to them. you go for what you believe is the best for you and advise others to follow the same. the way you speak to people inspires them in your passion and your ability to guide others is natural. people like you because you pull no punches about your intentions, and better yet just end up going for what it is you want and accomplishing things as soon as you get the whim. you’re dedicated, and others love that about you.
those you attract are often equally as truthful and intelligent as you, they find your presence to be a time of celebration and joy. you give the people around you a sense that everything will be okay, whatever they were dealing with before feels very small and insignificant with you. whether that be trauma or just a bad day, when you interact with those who respect/admire you (or even strangers), you can give them this great sense of relief from a harder time—you help people relax.
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thanks for reading! hope you got what you needed ♡ don’t forget to like/reblog
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hausofneptune · 1 day
✾ persona chart series ✾ jupiter
[astro notes no. 017]
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disclaimer: i know a lot of y’all on here refer to the jupiter PC for insight into your future husband or whateva - as a pansexual girly and an aqua venus that hates heteronormative/patriarchal ideals it doesn’t resonate with me so i won’t be covering it.
and i would implore y’all, especially during pride month, to actually consider the fact that queer people also exist in the astro community and consume your content. not just cis-het white women. and miss me with the “lgbt people should be making content for lgbt people” bs, you don’t have to be queer to create inclusive astrology content. and when i say inclusive, i mean for all marginalized people across the board.
that being said, if you’re interested about the characteristics of the type of partner you may attract, regardless of gender, i would actually suggest looking at your descendant persona chart. once i get through the rest of the planetary PCs i’ll be going through the angle PCs, and the “big 4” asteroid PCs, so stay tuned!
the jupiter persona chart is representative of where one finds abundance, development, and luck within their lives. it's also indicative of our relationship to higher learning and religion/spirituality. click here to calculate your persona charts!
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༄ ruler of the ascendant conjunct mercury can be indicative of being viewed as someone who expresses themselves in a way that inspires others
↝ with this aspect, the ideals that the natives hold tend to have a strong impact on their approach to life. this usually isn’t going to be the type of person who can put their morality to the side when they form connections with others, as the ways in which they view and contemplate life is integral to their identities.
↝ those around them can view them as extremely knowledgeable and uplifting to be around, and they may even find themselves called into positions to teach, mentor, or coach others. they may have to work towards remaining focused on one thing at a time, as they're very fast-paced thinkers and could want to jump from one idea to the next.
↝ there may also be something distinctive about the native's voice or the way that they speak that "enchants" others in a sense. these people can be good communicators, and may excel in fields related to writing or potentially singing/performing. they could also know multiple languages, or find ease in learning different languages in general.
↝ the planet that has rulership in this aspect will provide more context into how this energy manifests. for example, if venus holds rulership over the ascendant, they may be viewed as someone who is extremely kind-hearted, elegant, and potentially too charitable or naive at times. they could also be gifted artists and excel in fields where they're able to utilize their creativity.
༄ sun conjunct venus can indicate an extremely benevolent nature and prosperity in relation to love and money
↝ people tend to assume that venusian energy appreciates things that are deemed "aesthetically pleasing" by societal standards, when in reality, it's more so things that are aesthetically pleasing by the individual's standard.
↝ so while one person's venusian/jupiterian indulgences could be collecting tennis bracelets or fine dining in paris, another person's indulgences could be building lego sets, collecting vinyls, or buying home decor.
↝ in terms of this aspect, no matter the vice, there is a deep appreciation and love for the things that these natives value, and it's quite easy for them to attract and manifest these things into their lives. depending on the full context of the jupiter pc (as well as the natal chart), these natives could struggle at times with overconsumption or gluttonous behavior.
↝ ultimately, these are the types to have an aggrandized vision of what love is. despite their outside demeanor, they could be hopeless romantics at heart, and could enjoy grand displays of affection, both in terms of receiving and giving.
༄ uranus conjunct neptune can manifest as a deep dedication to one's creativity and spiritual beliefs
↝ these natives typically resonate with philosophies and ideals that prioritize independence and freedom. even if they're not the most "spiritually inclined" people on the surface, they behave in a way that is derivative of the need to push the envelope and to understand things beyond what they've been conditioned to believe. they may also benefit from a strong intuition, and often employ this ability to connect with and navigate the collective consciousness.
↝ although their ideals may be unconventional in nature, they often utilize their creativity to express these ideals in ways that captivate others. their imagination often knows no bounds, and because of this, their artistry could make them prolific, and even revolutionary figures for their generation.
↝ while they can also find ease in manifesting their dreams into reality, they may struggle at times with distinguishing between the two. it's possible for these natives to become overly ingrained in their vision of what it is that they want the world to be, versus what it actually is. hence why it's important for these natives remain grounded in their approach, as it serves them better to be more methodical in how they bring life to their ideas.
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༄ ruler of the descendant in the 9H can indicate one's partnerships playing a significant role in their personal philosophies and outlook on life
↝ this can also manifest in the opposite way, where the people that this native attracts are often drawn to their spiritual nature, and find that they can learn a lot from the native as well. this could also indicate being attracted to people who are from places that are "foreign" to the native, and enjoying the process of learning about their partner's culture and traditions. these natives could also enjoy traveling with their partner, as well as being taught things by their partner, whether that be in terms of traditional knowledge or spirituality.
↝ beyond the romantic aspect, this could also indicate simply attracting people that either hold the same ideals as the native, or, inspire the native to learn or adjust/rethink their values in some way shape or form, usually in a positive way. these natives tend to have an "insatiable" hunger to learn as much as they can, therefore it benefits them to maintain partnerships that are intellectually stimulating.
↝ as i mentioned, the planet that holds rulership here will offer more context into how this energy manifests. for example, if mars is the ruler of the descendant, the native tends to be extremely passionate about their personal beliefs, and are proactive in the way that they integrate those ideals into their partnerships. although, these natives typically have to ensure that they don't go overboard in their approach, as they can come off as overly-combative to their partners at times.
༄ moon in scorpio can indicate that one's approach to spirituality and their interpretation of higher knowledge is reliant on how deeply they can engage with it on an emotional level
↝ these natives tend to use their personal philosophies as a means to navigate their emotions, and while this isn't inherently negative, it can definitely influence an "immovability" in one's ideals. their sense of morality is usually molded by their upbringing and specifically, the relationship they have with their mother (or any significant maternal figures), which ultimately further influences this intense, "all or nothing" approach to their beliefs.
↝ they usually have an innate understanding for spirituality and religion, and are typically deeply devoted to whatever spiritual ideas that they subscribe to. this dedication isn't something that goes unnoticed by those around them, as others may find themselves drawn to these natives due to their passionate nature, or repelled by it.
↝ they feel most satisfied and emotionally secure when around people that share the same beliefs as them. they can struggle at times with wanting to "test" others on these ideals, which can lead those around them to feeling attacked at times. they may have to work towards not coming off as too harsh or antagonistic, and learn how to navigate expressing their beliefs without relying too heavily on their emotions instead of being objective.
༄ mercury trine pluto can manifest as a deeply analytical and focused nature
↝ similar to moon in scorpio, this is an aspect that can indicate a very strong dedication to one's morals, more so in an intellectual sense rather than emotional. these natives tend to have an innate understanding of psychology and the inner workings of the human mind, which works in their favor when expressing their philosophical standpoints and ideas. it's typically easy for them to connect with others on a spiritual level, and they could wind up being a figure that people look to for guidance in times of need.
↝ they're usually drawn to the "taboos" of life, and may find themselves called into positions to help and advocate for members of the collective that are deemed "disposable" by society (i.e. people who struggle with substance abuse, the homeless, victims of abuse, marginalized individuals, etc.). this can also indicate very easily coming into positions of authority through means of communication.
↝ there's an intrinsic power that these people wield in both their tongue and mind, deeper philosophical matters that would usually take others time to digest and understand are something that they can almost immediately grasp and comprehend. despite this, these natives may not fully recognize their potential at times, and can be naturally soft-spoken or timid in nature. but with time and age, they do eventually grow into their power, and are able to utilize their skills as a means to understand life's complexities, and help others make sense of them as well.
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༄ ruler of the midheaven in the 2H can manifest as good fortune being found in one's professional life
↝ this is an aspect that can definitely indicate some form of "fame" for the native. and i want to clarify because people can get unnecessarily transfixed on "fame/beauty/etc indicators" in astrology; this doesn't necessarily mean that the native is going to wind up being an A-list celebrity. it more so means that the native's finances and values will be directly affected by their professional lives and how they're perceived by the public, and vice versa.
↝ these natives can "inspire" their peers in someway shape or form, and could be someone that benefits from collaboration with others in their profession. they could also find monetary gain and stability through their reputation. this can indicate having an extremely strong work-ethic as well. they may be extremely dedicated to their career and could struggle at times with maintaining balance and not overworking themselves. this could also manifest as being able to make a successful career out of being a mentor, professor, astrologer/occultist, spiritual/life coach, etc. they may also travel a lot for their careers, or move frequently for work.
↝ the planet that holds rulership over the midheaven will provide further context into how this energy manifests. for example, if the moon holds rulership, the native will usually have a deeply emotional, spiritual connection to the work that they do. financial stability plays a significant role in how secure their home life feels, and they could definitely encounter luck or encounter "big breaks" here. these natives could inherit wealth and status through a family business, or their family (specifically the mother/maternal figure) will affect how they approach their career in some way shape or form. at best, others can view them as empathetic and charming, at worst, they may be viewed as lacking objectivity and direction.
༄ sun conjunct jupiter can indicate an extremely enthusiastic and optimistic approach to life
↝ while the sun in the PC indicates the identity and natural character that the planet instinctively expresses in the natal chart, the planet itself indicates the innate, motivating factors behind said instinct. so when the sun is conjunct the planet of the PC, there's no "mask" so to speak. the planet not only expresses itself truly and wholeheartedly, it's energy is also further heightened, for better or for worse. in the context of this aspect, jupiterian energy will typically be very apparent, intense, and significantly amplified within the native.
↝ this aspect can manifest as extreme abundance and prosperity within one's life, they have a prevalent "go big or go home" approach to their endeavors. they navigate life with the understanding that there is a larger, perhaps unimaginable reason as to why they were put on this planet, and this ideology can definitely be something they extend to those around them. their energy and personal philosophy can be something that innately inspires others, and those around them can be drawn to their jovial spirit. they may travel frequently, live abroad, and/or have a general fascination for other cultures and enjoy learning about them. these natives can be very generous in nature, and are usually very compassionate and understanding for their fellow man. they can struggle with being too charitable at times, though, and could have to work towards not being overly-naive and knowing when they need to remain objective.
↝ this can also manifest in the opposite way, where the native can become far too engrossed with excess, and overindulge in selfish, destructive desires. jupiter is a benefic planet, yes, but it is also a planet that will match your energy, meaning, if the native utiltizes their jupiterian energy as a means to be productive, contemplate foreign ideas, and to help others, they will reap the benefits of that. whereas if the native utilizes jupiterian energy to satiate their ego, exert power over others, engage in superficiality, they will more often than not wind up with egg on their face and ultimately lose everything.
༄ ruler of the 5H in the 8H can manifest as an innate ability to navigate and creatively express the transformative experiences that one encounters in life.
↝ these natives can utilize their artistic expression as a means to not only make sense of their own struggles, but they may also use it as a way to help and inspire others to view the setbacks in their own lives as regenerative opportunities to create something new, rather than the "end all be all". this energy can be especially apparent in their native's romantic relationships. their partner can be their "muse" in a sense, and they could even benefit financially when collaborating with their partner. they may share similar beliefs, and utilize their artistry as a means to express their shared philosophical principles.
↝ it could also be of great importance for the two of them to pass down their ideals to their children (if they end up wanting/having them), and they could encourage their children to dream and think big creatively, as well as spiritually. there may also be an allure that these natives have about them that tends to drawn others in, and they may even utilize their sex appeal as a tool in their creative expression as well. intimacy can play a significant role in these natives' lives as well, they may view it from a very sacred, spiritual perspective, and perhaps even use it to draw inspiration for their art.
↝ the planet that holds rulership here can further provide context into how this energy manifests. for example, if saturn holds rulership, challenges or hardships regarding their creative expression and their finances could be prevalent. these natives could encounter limitations in terms of being able to benefit from their artistic endeavors (or expressing their artistry in general), as well as in regard to romantic connections. with time, this can instill a great understanding of responsibility and balance in these areas, and it can even bode well in the context of the jupiter PC, as it can essentially deter any potential overindulgence or lack of moderation.
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༄ mars conjunct saturn can manifest as a proactive dedication and discipline regarding higher learning and one's personal philosophies
↝ these natives can be very driven when it comes to their pursuit of higher learning. they can have very ambitious goals, and house within themselves both the ire and self-governance to achieve them. they tend to be very resilient in the face of obstacles, and utilize their philosophical and spiritual beliefs as motivation to power through any challenges that arise.
↝ although, these natives may also struggle with a defeatist attitude, primarily in their youth. while they are extremely enthusiastic in their pursuit of their dreams and aspirations, they could find it difficult at times to actually implement the foundational strategy to work towards and achieve them. there can be a lack of focus and patience when it comes to getting what they want out of life, and it usually takes maturity and age for them to reach a point where they can actually reap the benefits of their hard work.
↝ with time, the energy of this aspect can mold them into the perfect mentor or teacher for those around them. they may have to work to not be too overbearing or harsh at times, but ultimately they can be a very grounding force to motivate others to stay on track to reach their goals, as the ways in which they're able to maintain self-discipline and not over-exert their energy is a quality that others may admire about them.
༄ pluto conjunct chiron can indicate a spiritually transformative approach to life
↝ for these natives, it's not at all difficult to engage with the deepest, darkest parts of their psyche, nor do they find difficulty in engaging with this aspect in others as well. these people tend to see the broken parts of themselves within others, and through that, they can find the inspiration to heal, both themselves and those around them. they tend to utilize their trials and tribulations as a means of motivation, the pain and hardships they've experienced are essentially fuel to them, and influence their persistent and ambitious attitude.
↝ growing up, life for these natives was more than likely tumultuous. it could've taken them a while to feel that life was meaningful and actually worth experiencing. the traumas and hardships they faced may have influenced a "scarcity mindset" within the native, and it could've taken them a while to grow out of their habitual nature to view life from a "glass half empty" perspective. with time and maturity, they can eventually get to a point where they begin to understand that they are not what they've been through, and that they don't have to allow their past to dictate their future.
↝ they may also have to work towards not overextending themselves or being overly self-sacrificial. because they can find ease playing the role of "healer", they need to maintain balance and use their discernment, or they’ll find themselves constantly seeking out people who they feel need to be saved or “fixed”. ultimately, their innate understanding of human psychology, paired with their spiritual nature, can mold them into someone who can guide and inspire others. more importantly, it provides them with a greater comprehension for their own struggles, and can help them to navigate any internal strife they may encounter.
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k-rising · 1 year
3rd house
What's the 3rd house?: This house is ruled by Gemini and represents the way we communicate, the environment where we live, our childhood education, how we think and the relationship we have with our siblings.
‼️ TW: sensitive topics - family issues
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𝐒𝐮𝐧 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝟑𝐫𝐝 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
These people are curious, sociable, talkative and smart. They may be interested in learning languages, they like to learn new things and share their knowledge with others. They tend to be quite dispersed, gossips and liars. They dislike routine and depending on how the Sun is aspected they may have a good or bad relationship with their siblings.
𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝟑𝐫𝐝 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
Funny, curious and observant. They can become influenced by others, so they tend to change their minds constantly. They need constant mental stimulation as they like to learn and share their knowledge with others. Depending on how the Moon is aspected, they may rationalize their feelings and keep them to themselves or express their feelings openly.
𝐌𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐲 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝟑𝐫𝐝 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
These people are intelligent, sociable and good communicators; they convey their ideas more clearly and objectively. This position greatly favors short-term studies. They tend to be very good writers and teachers and also tend to like reading.
𝐕𝐞𝐧𝐮𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝟑𝐫𝐝 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
These people usually create lasting bonds and the relationship with their siblings is usually nice and pleasant. They are good speakers and use wise and beautiful words that delight others. They absorb information well, especially if it has some connection to art. They usually like literature and are usually good writers.
𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝟑𝐫𝐝 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
These people are multitaskers and assertive communicators. They are good at convincing and inspiring others to do what they want. With this position, it is very likely that there will be many fights with their brothers, neighbors and relatives, mostly due to competition. These individuals learn best in a more dynamic way.
𝐉𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝟑𝐫𝐝 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
These people are logical, sociable and curious. Communication and learning tend to be more fluid here; they learn quickly. They are good at working in groups and travel helps them gain great experiences. If Jupiter is badly aspected, these people can lose focus easily. However, if it is well aspected, they usually have good and immediate results. These individuals have an active mind and this position is great for teaching and writing.
𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝟑𝐫𝐝 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
They are shy, reserved, observers and perfectionists. These people are good listeners and don't talk too much. They may have difficulty communicating and learning. They do not usually fantasize much, they are more practical and realistic. These individuals may be interested in professions such as teacher, writer, secretary or librarian. They also value family very much.
𝐔𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐮𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝟑𝐫𝐝 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
These individuals are opent to learning new experiences. They like to improvise and express their ideas. They are free thinkers, and they also tend to disperse and be very restless. Uranus in the 3rd are sociable, rebels, creative, curious and versatile.
𝐍𝐞𝐩𝐭𝐮𝐧𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝟑𝐫𝐝 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
These people may have had a complicated childhood. They can also have some difficulty concentrating and expressing oneself. Neptune in the 3rd adapt quickly to the environment and they are good at everything that has to do with art. These people are creative, sensitive and intuitive. They are not logical or detailed, they are more spontaneous.
𝐏𝐥𝐮𝐭𝐨 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝟑𝐫𝐝 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
They are good researchers; they read between lines. These people speak ironically and provocatively, and they are not interested in having superficial relationships.They may have had a difficult childhood as well.
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‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ 𝑇ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑘 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑠𝑜 𝑚𝑢𝑐ℎ 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔!  ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
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funky-astrologer · 9 months
The Higher Self in Astrology🦋💫
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The higher self is the spiritual nature of who we are and the part of us that is connected to divinity.
In theory it is ever present, and we can access it most easily through our individual spiritual experiences.
When we are out of alignment with our higher self, life seems to be a never-ending struggle and challenges arise left and right.
How does Astrology help in this sense?
By looking at the planets and areas in your chart that govern the higher self, you can discern how to work the positive, beneficial energies. This ultimately helps bring about and manifest your most favorable outcomes and live as your highest and most authentic self.
In Mat Auryn's book "Psychic Witch", he explains that "The Higher Self is connected to the Upper World...the Collective Unconscious, and the realms of cosmic and divine forces."
In Astrology, the planets connected to the Higher Self would include the Moon, Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune.
Other areas the higher self may manifest include the nodes, the 9th house and the 12th house.
Prominence indicators: chart ruler, conjunctions, transiting over natal planets and/or angles, domicile or in an exalted sign/house
Read below about the astrological energies of the higher self and how they may manifest for you:
The Moon🌙
Themes of expression: Healing, Peace, Intuition & Insight, Femininity, Flow, Creativity
A prominent Moon placement indicates that your emotions serve as a backdrop for your experiences.
Heightened intuition.
More receptive to intuitive guidance.
Compassionate and understanding.
Connecting with others on a deeper level.
Moody and easily overcome by emotions.
Overly sensitive.
Susceptible to emotional manipulation.
How to work with the energy: Invest time in self-understanding through therapy or meditation. Express your emotions often and with care. Seek to form deeper connections with those you value and trust.
Themes of expression: Expansion, Luck, Abundance, Divine Guidance, Wisdom, Growth, Spirituality
A prominent Jupiter indicates a focus on expansion and growth.
Fun fact: Jupiter has protected Earth from meteors/asteroids from the Kuiper belt for millions of years, so astronomically Jupiter is quite literally a great benefic
Expanded worldview.
Spiritual wisdom.
Manifests success easier.
Often considered lucky by nature.
Ability to be of great service to others.
Indulgence & excess.
Egotistical and overly focused on materialism.
Energy can be overwhelming when not used for the greater good.
How to work with the energy: Practice generosity and give back when able to--Jupiter loves positive contribution. Trust inner guidance, especially in times of need. Maintain a positive and optimistic mindset and energy.
Themes of expression: Divine Spark of Understanding, Divine Insights, Brilliance, Advancement, Freedom, Innovation
A prominent Uranus indicates a life with a theme of originality and advancement.
Able to pinpoint where advancements may be needed.
Emphasis on originality.
Brilliant insights.
New-age thinkers.
Inability to accept new ways of doing things.
Unwelcome surprises.
Instability and hard time adjusting.
How to work with the energy: Inspire others to live authentically by setting an example--Uranus sets the standard in many ways. Seek out original ways of doing things--diy it when you can. Be on the quest for learning and integrating new knowledge and insights. Work to understand new concepts.
Themes of expression: The Collective Unconscious, Spirituality, Mysticism, Imagination, Illusion, Psychic Awareness, Glamour
A prominent Neptune asks that you use your spiritual insight for the betterment of the collective
Increased spiritual awareness
More receptive to intuitive guidance and divine inspiration
Predisposed to spirituality
Inability to use discernment
Susceptible to harmful spiritual bias
Prone to fantasy, illusion, and escapism
How to work with the energy:
Be conscious of spiritual paths you take and contemplate them often. Seek out spiritual assistance if you feel called. Meditate whenever you feel lost or in need of guidance. Invest time in understanding your spiritual gifts or interests
9th house🪬
Themes of expression: Spirituality, Religion, Expansion, Luck, Personal Development
A prominent 9th house indicates a focus on spiritual growth and development.
Increased understanding of spirituality
Desire to expand knowledge
Constantly being guided to seek out new experiences
Inability to accept others' beliefs
Unwilling to change personal beliefs even if they are harmful
Rigid belief system Unable to acknowledge the truth
How to work with the energy:
Seek out opportunities for higher learning & education. Be open to learning from those with more experience. Travel when possible to expand worldly understanding.
12th house☯️
Themes of expression: Spirituality, Subconscious, Dreams, Shadow Aspects, The Clandestine, Secrets, Fears
A prominent 12th house indicates a theme of subconscious energies impacting your life experiences.
Heightened intuition
Understanding of the hidden world
Psychic receptiveness
Able to read between the lines
Inability to discern between fantasy and reality
Prone to escapism
Harmful behaviors
How to work with the energy:
Meditate and contemplate often. Cultivate self-awareness and how you may be affecting others and vice versa. Shadow work--some mindful self-reflection and study goes a long way
The North & South Node⚡️
Themes of expression: dharma vs karma, things we are meant to learn vs things we have already learned, discomfort vs comfort
Prominent nodes in the chart indicate a life that is guided by a higher sense of purpose with strong ties to the past.
Strongly guided by a sense of destiny
Often contemplating one's purpose
Inability to let go of the past
Difficulty accepting change
Trying to control outcomes too often
How to work with the energy: Seek out new experiences
How to work with the energy:
Get out of your comfort zone on a regular basis. Regular and consistent self-reflection, therapy etc. Take on new projects with confidence. Taking failure as an opportunity to succeed another way
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star-xxx1 · 11 months
Money is the Anthem of success Pt. 1
Mob! Natasha x fem! reader
Summary: You changed, not wanting to be a slave to the women who said she loved you and that didn't sit right with Natasha.
Warnings: kindnapping, cheating, angst, fluff, Slapping, Aguring, illegal activities, Mentions of sub/ Dom dynamics, toxic relationships, cursing.
A/n: This was a request but I sadly lost, but thank you to whoever requested! <3 Kinda proof read, so sorry if there's any mistakes - enjoy :)
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A name known by the world- Natalia Alianovna Romanova shorten name Natasha Romanoff, professionally know as Black widow...
A woman who was feared by many, but was hard to be seen. She was known for her intelligence, a master at escaping sticky situations easily. She's a quick thinker and is always one step ahead of her enemies, a master of disguise and can blend into any environment with ease. An expert at lockpicking, hacking, and surveillance and many more illegal activities. Her resourcefulness and creativity have gotten her out of many tight spots. Natasha is not afraid to take risks, but is also very calculated in her actions, which allows her to avoid getting into situations that she cannot handle. Overall, Natasha is a highly skilled and cunning women who can escape even the stickiest of situations, every single time.
She knew what she wanted and was not afraid to go after it. Her strength and determination made her a force to be reckoned with, and many people respected her for it. Despite the challenges she faced as a woman in a male-dominated world, she refused to let anyone stand in her way. She was a true inspiration to many criminals and has secured her place as one of the most powerful women of her time. She has built a vast criminal empire through her intelligence, resourcefulness, and sheer determination. Natasha is a charismatic leader who commands respect and loyalty from her followers. A skilled negotiator, able to make deals that benefit her organization while minimizing risk. Despite her success, Natasha is not afraid to get her hands dirty, and is known for her ruthlessness when dealing with those who cross her.
She is a master of manipulation and is able to use her charm to get what she wants. Her criminal empire is a testament to her power and influence. She is a true queenpin in the world of organized crime. Her empire climbing it's way to the top, untouched, thousands of people in the palm of her hand, many in the law itself.
Now you, a stunning 25-year-old women who was born into a wealthy family. You grew up in a mansion in the countryside of England and was surrounded by luxury your entire life. Your parents were successful mob people who provided you with everything you could ever want, from designer clothes to exotic vacations. You were always interested in the family business and spent most of your childhood learning about the criminal organization and how it operates. You were natural at business and quickly rose through the ranks after joining the network full-time. You were soon promoted to be the leader, making you one of the youngest in the industry.
Despite your success in business, you struggled to find true happiness. You felt like you were living in your parents' shadow and that there accomplishments were not truly your own. You also found it difficult to form genuine relationships with people, as you felt like they were only interested in you because of your wealth, status or body. When you resigned your parents weren't so happy however they supported your decision and decided to take back control of the company again. You were they top priority and you being that got you into a muddle, the muddle that led you to the love of your life.
The black widow herself.
The women who stalked you, held you hostage, manipulated you, played awful mind games with you until you gave in. Your parents were ambitious people, rising in the ranks of the crime world, threatening Natasha's organization in a attempt to gain more power. This didn't please the women in anyway what so ever. She devised a plan, to scare them off. That's were you came in, she did heavy research on your parents, witnessesing how much they cherish you. How they called you constantly, sent you money and presents daily, had family dinner dates every sunday, and how they celebrated all your achievements by throwing humongous parties, attended by hundrends of people. Taking in the information she sought out to capture you, use you as a trade off. Your parents get you and back off, or you die. The time she spent monitoring you she developed a deep admiration for you, she found you very attractive, smart and kind, she loved the way you helped out whenever you could. How can a girl so sweet be born into such a dangerous world?
Natasha would make a deal with your parent's but play them. She wanted you and you is what she'll get.
One of the celebrations is how she got you, sending teammates out to retrieve you, while she watched over the operation for her office. Clint barton, one of her most trusted members, slipped passed security, while Natasha bypassed cameras, and followed you into bathroom, drugging you with chloroform. Texting Wanda, he told her cut the lights so he could sneak out your limp form out.
The night you went missing, there was extreme uproar, everyone was worried sick, you were loved by everyone in that community.
That same night you woke up in an unfamiliar room, feeling disoriented and confused. quickly realizing that you had been held captive. Your head aches, and you feel weak and sore , realizing that you are tied to a chair. As you take in your surroundings, you realized that your is in a tiny room with no windows and a single door. You tried to scream for help, but you your avail no one. The grey, steel door opens with a loud creek, a silhouette walking in.
"So you're awake now" the person says, their voice low and menacing. You struggle against your restraints, trying to sit up, but the metal bars and the tight bindings keep you in place.
"Who are you? What do you want from me?" You asked, trying to keep your voice steady, sweat dripping from your forehead. The figure leans in, their face hidden in the shadows.
"Your love" they hissed out.
You were taken aback, completely unprepared for that statement. It felt like your brain was short-circuiting, trying to figure out what to say or do. You started to stutter, trying to find the words to respond.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, you managed to blurt out, "Excuse me, my love!? I don't even know you!"
You sat there, still trying to process what had happened. It felt like such a sudden and unexpected turn of events, and you couldn't wrap your head around it. You were expecting for an amount off money to be said, not something about love?
"No, I wont take no as an answer, your life is on the line, if yes then you live, live a happy life with me, no and I'll kill you in the most blood curdling, violent, sick way possible"
As you sat in that room, your body tensed up as you heard the words coming out of your kindnappers mouth. You could feel your heart drop into your stomach, fear coursing through your veins, feeling like you were going to pass out. You tried to speak, but the words wouldn't come out. Your mouth was dry, you could feel the tears starting to well up in your eyes. You had to find a way to survive, and that meant sacrificing yourself, your body, your soul.
"O-okay" you quaked. Before you knew it a bright flash blinded you.
"At least your parents know you'll live" their voice sounded feminine but you weren't sure.
"Did you just take a picture!?!" You shouted.
"Mhm, my love" they hummed out.
" 'My love' is a bit soon don't you think" you said, tone filled with vemon, raising a eyebrow.
This mystery person hidden in the shadows, stepped forward, their footsteps echoing in the dimly lit room. The figure stops, and a silence falls over the room as the figure reveals their true form, a beautiful woman. Her hair shines in the dim light, like a river of silk, and her skin glows with an otherworldly luster. You could feel the blood rushing to my face as you took in her beauty. She stepped closer, her eyes locked on yours, and for a moment, you felt like you were in a trance.
"No, I don't think so, my love, Natasha Romanoff is the name, you might of heard of me? " she said with a condescending tone, raising a eyebrow back at you.
"Fucking hell" you mutter under your breath, blush growing. "I know you" you gulped hard.
"Good, you'll know me better soon" Natasha chulcked out, turning around a walking out the room, slamming the door behind you causing you to flinch.
She returned to her office, where she sent the picture you your parents and stuck up a deal, only to play your worried parents, receiving a hefty amount of money from them- 260 million to be exact in the first 20 minutes. Once she had most their money, she sent out a crew to destroy the rest of your parents organization leaving the with nothing, wanting to take all there valuables even though she had you.
She smiled at the request she sent out to her crew, looking at the macbook with intensity. She could now relax remaining number one, kicking up her legs on her large wooden desk she pondered in ways to make you like her back.
As you sat in the room, your thoughts racing through your head. She was attractive? Would she hurt you? Are your parents coming to get you, are they hurt? Suddenly, you heard the sound of light footsteps approaching, tensing up, heart pounding in your chest. The door to the room creaked open, and she walked over to you, a smirk spreading across her face, emerald eyes piercing into your soul.
"Hello, my darling," she said, her voice low and seductive.
You felt like you were going to be sick as she leaned in close to you, her breath hot on your face. "I know you're scared, but I promise, I won't hurt you, unless you give me a reason to" she said, her voice suddenly soft and gentle. "I just want to get to know you."
"Let me go," you muttered, your voice barely above a whisper.
She laughed, a deep, feminine laugh that sent a shiver down you spine. "I can't do that" her voice low and menacing once more. "Not until you love me"
As the days turned into weeks, and then months, you started to notice that her behavior towards you was changing. She would bring you food and water, instead of different staff, talk to you about shared interests, even sing lullabies as you slept. And slowly, against your will, you started to like Natasha – to enjoy her company, even to crave it. One day, you realized that you had fallen in love with Her. And so, when she offered to set you free and be hers to, you didn't hesitate. You went with the intoxicating woman, grateful.
That's how you got here, all dolled up, walking through the halls of one of the many luxurious mansion, she owned and used for work. Natasha had forgot her lunch today, and as the good little house girlfriend? (if you can call it that) you were, you decide to deliver it to her by hand, and surprise her with the new set of lingerie you had brought recently. She had been cold and standoffish lately. Natasha had blips like these, stress from work devouring her, and she got very upset over it, her fathers acts and words still linger with her to this day, despite the man being dead. He still had a hold on her, controlling Natasha and the way she displays her emotions. Her fathers ways intercepted your relationship, the man taught her that her future partner should serve her, worship her, be her slave. That's the persona she forced onto you, rules like no talking back, no contacting people that she hasn't approved off, no going out with out permission and more strict rules and discipline.
During these times, she wouldn't respond calls or messages, come home late, ignore you, not eat. All because she dove into work, untill She catches up with the load. At first you thought she was cheating on you, accusing her. Leading to a agurement, she proved her self with the security camera footage. After everything died down it took weeks for her to forgive you fully, to get back onto her good side. You thought that maybe sex might cheer her up, help get her mind off things, be her stress relief something you absolutely love.
The sound of your red high heels clicking against the marbel floor, filled the airy halls, your tight bodycon dress hugging all your curves prefectly, push up bra accentuating your boobs, make up flawless. You looked drop dead nervous. Finding the meeting room that Clint told you to go to, having pervious meeting with her, you poped your head into the large area to make sure the coast was clear. The sight before you broken your heart into a million pieces.
Natasha had a girl sat on the large oak conference table, grabbing onto her thighs whilst in between her legs, giving her love bites. She looked like shs was enjoying herself, the way she closed her eyes and moaned along with the woman. You could feel the anger and pain simmering inside you as you watched, eyes narrowed in disgust. How could she do this to you? How could she betray you in this way?Something inside you snapped. The pain turned to rage, walking away with tears brimming your eyes. You walked pasted many people, everyone stared at you, wondering what got you so riled up. You walked in a fast annoyed pace and threw her lunch into the one of the metal trashcans once you reached outside. As you got ready to drive away the engine of your supercar revving loudly, you checked yourself out in the front mirror. Your massacre was smudged all down your cheeks, but you still looked so dam hot. Putting on your versace sunglasses, you sped out of there. The drive was one of the most painful things you had ever experienced, the silence was loud.
Natasha got home around 3 hours after you. You were just packing the last suitcase of yours, when hearing her voice ring through out the mansion.
"My love I'm home!" She seemed to be in a better mood, huh wonder why, maybe that Girl made her feel better. You rolled your eyes not responding, stuffing more of you items into the the case. Zipping up the luggage you grabbed your keys, looking over you shoulder to see Natasha leaning against the door frame.
"Whatcha doing hunny?" she asked confused.
"Enjoy Natasha, Enjoy her" you said in harsh tone.
Natasha didn't need anymore information to know what you were talking about.
"I will" she answered in a soft tone, slightly smirking to herself.
"Bitch" you snapped back.
"What did you just call me?" She questioned, stepping forward, her eye brow raising. You stared at her, watching her get closer and closer, her face inches away from yours. You repeated the pharse again.
'Bitch' your voice seething.
She was silent for a few moments, before the face srunched up as she let a out a growl. In the Conner of your eye you saw a hand coming for you.
And then, without any warning, you felt a burning sensation on your check, stumbling backwards, your hand flying up to your cheek as you tried to process what had just happened. A smirk spreading across her face. You had been slapped by her. It was a humiliating experience, one that would stay with you for a long time.
"You've change y/n! " she yelled out at you.
"How Natasha, how !?! You the one whoring yourself out to somebody else! Your the one cheating!" Your were on the verge of a break down, your body was hot and flustered from the anger coursing through you body, nothing felt real.
"You talk back! You don't listen to my order's! And I saw you with your little dumb friends!" She was vexed, her baby hairs sticking to her tense face.
"Oh for goodness sake, I'm tried of being you little slave! I'm a person not something that you can treat as object! It's done!" you screamed before grabbing your suitcase and Storming out the house. Natasha didn't go after you, in her mind you would come crawling back soon, you needed her she was the only thing that kept you alive. Shoving the suitcase into the boot, along with all the other picese of language, you slammed it shut, getting into the drivers seat and driving off.
You thought to yourself on the drive, you would go to a friends house, but who? Scanning your brain, Wanda came to your mind. She lived far enough from Natasha and was another leader in the mob business, being able to provide protection. Pressing the buttons on the cars screen, you called up Wanda explaining the situation and asking if you could stay. Reaching the house you let out a big sigh, relief washing over you.
After breaking up with Natasha, It felt like you had no one. But thankfully, you had wanda. As you settled into her spare room, you knew that my life had changed forever. But you also knew that you were lucky – because Wanda was there and she cared about me, and was willing to help when you needed it the most.
And then, slowly but surely, you started to see her in a different light. You noticed the way the would make you coffee in the morning, the way she would always listen to your problems and make you feel heard. She even helped you find you parents again after such along time without seeing or speaking to them. They were doing okay, living comfortably, being able to pick themselves up after the attack that Natasha order, but retired not wanting anymore trouble.
As the days turned into weeks, and then months, you started to fall in love with wanda. You were scared – more scared than you'd ever been before, because you didn't want to ruin the precious friendship. But at the same time, you couldn't deny the feelings that had been growing stronger and stronger inside of you. One night, as you cuddled on the couch, watching a movie, Wanda seemed tense, taking a deep breath she spoke the words that you had been wanting to say for so long. "I know this might sound crazy," she said, voice barely above a whisper. "But I think I love you."
You thought you would pass out, getting very light headed, her eyes locked on yours. "I love you too," you smiled back, "And I've loved you for a long time." Your voice was so tender. She took your hand and you guys finished off the moive, but where to tried to wall to the bedroom, falling asleep in each other's arms.
As Natasha layed there, staring at the ceiling, she couldn't shake the feeling of guilt and regret that had been weighing on her since she cheated weeks ago. It was a mistake, a moment that she couldn't take back, and now, she missed you more than anything in the world. She tried to shove the feeling aside, to focus on the present, on the person who was sleeping beside her. They were kind and caring, but she couldn't shake the feeling of emptiness that had settled into her chest. It was like a gaping hole, a void that nothing could fill. And no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't stop thinking about you, about the life that you had built together and the love that had once existed between you. Maybe it was just nostalgia, a craving for a time that was gone and wouldn't ever come back. And yet, she missed you – your laugh, smile, and presence in her life.
Your words danced around her head, and thats when she realized that she was truly going crazy with out you.
She was going to get you back.
Pt.2 here ... I hope you enjoyed! :)
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alexairluna · 10 months
Anything & Everything. Thank you fans!
What do you enjoy most about writing? Thank you all for joining our blog. https://pearls-empire.blog/blog/ We have been enjoying writing about every thing we could think of. Airtek, G-Rated and Pearls Beauty are the companies creating the movement. #AlexAirbrushLuna, Tati Luna, Xandro, and Cynthia Romero are a few of the writers. And we collaborate with many to do music and more. Perlita’s…
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miraclechatbug · 3 months
In Animaestro, Adrien said, "Well, I'm more of a dog person myself."
He could be lying to protect his identity... but I like this theory too.
Since the Ladybug and Black Cat miraculouses are meant to represent yin and yang, I believe the same thing applies to Marinette and Adrien.
So, Marinette is a cat person and Adrien is a dog person! :D
Other things/headcanons:
- Adrien is an early bird; Marinette is a night owl
- Adrien is always described as sunshine or the summer sky; Marinette is described as moonshine or the ocean
- Adrien is very tidy and organized; Marinette is chaotic and disorganized
- Adrien is more quiet, a listening type; Marinette is the type to overshare and give lots of advice
- Adrien prefers classical music; Marinette is more into contemporary- though they both like Jagged Stone
- Adrien is very calm and thinks about his words before he says them; Marinette thinks at a mile per minute and doesn't have much of a filter
- Adrien is a very internal thinker, meaning he processes things internally which is why he's able to develop a persona like Chat Noir very easily; Marinette is more of an external thinker, she processes things by talking to people and asking questions and needs to be surrounded by activity to process better
- Adrien is very unsure about his future and place in the world; Marinette has a lot of ideas about what she wants to do in her future
- Adrien might take a more calm and relaxed approach to life as he grows older; Marinette is more goal-oriented and ambitious
- Adrien may be good at being creative, but he draws inspiration from other artists and people; Marinette always has a unique flair in every one of her designs
- Adrien avoids confrontation whenever he can even when someone tries to encourage him; Marinette will stand up for herself and others, especially when she's given encouragement
- Adrien might not always want to talk about his feelings or talk about his issues, used to process things on his own; Marinette might want everyone to talk it out, the type who wants everything out in the open
- Adrien is extremely forgiving when he is wronged, to the point that it could be harmful to him; Marinette is more stubborn, it takes her more time to see herself in another persons shoes if she doesn't relate to them- she doesn't forgive or forget easily
- Adrien is more of the type to get sad and depressed; Marinette is the type to get anxious and worried
- Adrien is more of a follower, go-with-the-flow type of person; Marinette likes taking the lead and charge when no one else seems to
- Adrien is optimistic, and always tries to think about the best-case scenarios; Marinette is a bit pessimistic, always thinking about the worst-case scenarios and catastrophizing
- Adrien has very few, close friends and prefers it this way; Marinette always ends up making friends with a lot of people
- Adrien prefers to focus on the practical matters and issues on hand; Marinette prefers to dig deeper and understand the bigger picture
- Adrien is more comfortable with an unplanned, spontaneous approach to life; Marinette wants plans, schedules, and well-defined procedures in place
- Adrien's very graceful and can move with ease; Marinette is clumsy and lacks a good hand-eye-coordination
- Adrien finds happiness and freedom in being Chat Noir; Marinette finds it stifling and constricting at times
- Adrien refrains from making judgments about people too quickly; Marinette jumps into conclusions too quickly
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
There's more, but I can't think anymore, and it's like 3am haha. I don’t mean to say that they are opposites of one another, they're actually really similar in nature and have similar values, they just might come at it differently. I just wanted to write down the differences I could think of, the contrast between the two.
"Creation and destruction are the two ends of the same moment." "Without order, nothing can exist. Without chaos, nothing can evolve."
They're a beautiful balance of each other, two sides of the same coin
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a-d-nox · 5 months
mercury return chart observations (part 2)
these ideas are for MERCURY RETURN CHARTS ONLY and are completely hypothetical. they are based on my (the those closest to me's) experiences with each aspect/placement! please don't take everything i say as predestined, astrology is possible outcomes not guaranteed ones. this is just a starting place for when examining singular objects in an entire galaxy (this not the only return chart in affect for you). take what resonates and leave what doesn't!
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☿️ pisces (12°, 24°) sun people often are creative thinkers - they really think outside of the box this cycle
☿️ 9h sun people often think they are more intelligent than others during this cycle and that only their ideas work - the superiority complex is real
☿️ 9h sun people also tend to get a lot of academic accolade, especially when conjunct the mc
☿️ sun negatively aspecting uranus tends to indicate a struggle with social independence - you might be more of a group mentality
☿️ pisces (12°, 24°) moon, moon negatively aspecting mars, and/or negatively aspecting neptune people however tend to think rather irrationally and might be very paranoid individuals
☿️ moon-jupiter people tend to have a lot of emotions this cycle
☿️ moon-pluto people tend to let their intrusive thoughts get the best of them
☿️ 1h mercury and/or mercury negatively saturn can indicate social anxiety and/or feeling anxious in social settings
☿️ 3h/9h mercury people tend to be critical thinkers this cycle
☿️ 9h mercury people tend to mainly write and read for academic purposes
☿️ mercury negatively aspecting uranus tends to indicate lots of shocking gossip being spread about you
☿️ mars negatively aspecting neptune indicates others having a lot of delusions about what you are saying in terms of identifying micro aggressions
☿️ gemini (3°, 15°, 27°) venus people my have a very beautiful mind according to those around them this cycle
☿️ 9h venus people may feel like a romantic interest's intellect / world experience is the most attractive to them
☿️ 9h venus people are happiest when they are learning
☿️ mercury-venus people tend to experience a lot of online drama during this cycle
☿️ 2h jupiter people tend to win awards for their writing
☿️ leo (5°, 17°, 29°) influenced jupiter tend to indicate having a lot of inspired ideas that others enjoy
☿️ virgo (6°, 18°) influenced saturn people tend to be more prone to overthinking
☿️ 1h saturn people will be best served life long working on their confidence when speaking/presenting to others this cycle
☿️ 1h uranus or uranus ruled 1h could indicate others having impressive/shocking first reactions to what you say and what others say to you
☿️ 3h uranus people often feel like they talk to a lot of different people during this cycle
☿️ 3h uranus people might feel like they gain a lot of social media fans
☿️ 2h neptune means you might find yourself making a lot of kind gestures to others
☿️ neptune positively aspecting pluto can indicate refreshing, fascinating creative ideas
☿️ neptune positively aspecting pluto may indicate your destructive thoughts being a self-preservation technique
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thatsexcpisces · 1 year
Positive and negative traits of the moon signs
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Aries moon
Protective, resilient, is able to confront issues immediately instead of being passive, tells you what you need to hear, highly passionate and spontaneous, believe in themselves, confident in their decisions, bring excitement to any atmosphere, live in the moment, courageous, bold
Over competitive, chaotic, short-tempered, rushes things instead of letting them occur naturally, impulsive, moves past their emotions too quickly, jealous over partners, explosive episodes of anger, cocky, selfish, want things done their own way, can’t rationalize correctly when upset, restless, impatient
Taurus moon
Reliable, encourages you to go after your desires, very committed and loyal once they care, calm and gentle approach, independent, excellent skill set, good listeners, elegant, will spoil you with your favorite things, patient, connected to nature, complete things at a steady pace, sensible, always improving themselves, grounded
Doesn’t change their mind easily, can be unnecessary rude towards others they don’t deem as “important” or just bc they don’t know them well, stubborn, overly possessive, difficulty in trusting, can’t accept the truth, bad coping strategies, lack of drive and motivation (mostly it undeveloped), struggle to be optimistic, petty, heavily attached to others and material possessions
Gemini moon
Knows how to include others in the convo, carefree, can talk about anything, witty, outgoing, flexible/adapts easily to surroundings, has a signature personality that stands out, well-informed & intelligent, don’t take things to heart, well-liked, approachable, curious, find positive qualities in the small things
Gossipy, unreliable, unpredictable, self-deprecating, inability to accept or directly deal with emotions, inconsistent with their decisions, over thinkers, nervous, unorganized thoughts and behaviors, difficult to understand, short attention span/not good at listening, can be immature/childish, overly-rational
Cancer moon
sacrifices anything for their loved ones, comforting and gentle, incredibly loyal, supports everyone’s emotional needs, in tune with their sentiments and feelings, make others feel loved, nurturing, positive relationship with others, uses instinct, good at using their resources, forgiving of others
moodiness, can go cold and aggressive when overly upset, secretive, holds grudges, unable to leave comfort zone, takes things personally, clingy, isolates themselves, may lack balance in their lives, trouble expressing themselves because they feel so much, focus on one bad aspect instead of looking at the bigger picture
Leo moon
Super loyal, always hyping people up and making them feel good about themselves, romantic, always listening to the needs of others, generous, creative & expressive, welcoming, energy that makes others feel happy and included, finds happiness in tiny things, talented performers, know their self worth, can effortlessly cheer others up when sad, inspiring, trendy
overly jealous, always need to be everyone’s favorite, can’t handle criticism, bossy, constantly seeking validation, possessive, prideful, over-dramatic, cares what others think, impatient, superiority complex, overly attached to their close ones, mean to others when they aren’t receiving enough attention, unrealistic expectations/standards are too high
Virgo moon
does literally anything for those they care about, finds solutions easily, level-headed, trustworthy, always helping and lending a hand to others, logical way of thinking, organized and sticks to a routine, compassionate, puts effort into their work, classy, organized, faithful to those they love
critical and judgmental, impulsively offers their opinions, bottles things up, takes their attitude out on others, controlling, hard on themselves, inexpressive, perfectionists, dry, grandiosity, overly anxious about everything, low self esteem, may be inconsiderate towards others emotions, blameful
Libra moon
charming, knows how to make others feel comfortable, artistic, love being around others, good at maintaining harmony most times, social, good taste for aesthetics, always caring of others esp their friends, affectionate, they make sure to include everyone, optimistic
lazy, liars (mostly to protect others), project a false identity in fear of being judged for being themselves, people-pleasing, using others for specific intentions, avoidant and incapable of confronting their problems, overly-forgiving, always want things to go their way, passive-aggressive, inconsistent
Scorpio moon
Protective of their loved ones, intuitive, makes others feel understood, intimate and knows how to connect with you on a deeper level, authentic, smart, knows how to stand up for themselves, unique sense of humor, passionate, magnetic, loyal, they keep their word, dedicated
possessive, gets angry easily, dwells on things for a long time, jealous, secretive, always expects the bad out of a situation or person, manipulative, complain about someone’s actions and then does the same to them, suspicious of everything, self-destructive, attaches themselves to toxic behaviors or people, gives too many chances without realizing it
Sagittarius moon
Funny, tells you the truth, adventurous, always find the positive in everything, cheerful, will stick up for you, isn’t worried about what others think, spiritual, direct, open and shares things about themselves with others, good at self-expression, go-with-the-flow people, adaptable, knows what they want
detached, hides emotions with humor, can be too nonchalant, unable to focus on one thing at once because they’re always looking for what comes next, overly blunt, hurts others feelings without thinking before they speak, inconsiderate, overly opinionated, easily irritable
Capricorn moon
Dependable, hardworking, use their time productively, calm in tough situations, ambitious, caring of others, calculated, mature, good at being a leader, analyzes all sides of a situation, gift givers, supports others’ goals, honest, able to recover quickly
pessimistic, withdrawn, easily offended, cares too much about their reputation/cares about how others perceive them, difficulty in connecting with their emotions, hides things, hate sharing with others, always has to be the best at everything, condescending, degrading, tendency to overwork themselves, strict, criticize themselves
Aquarius moon
non-judgemental, intelligent, cares about their peers and community, open-minded, fun, unique, always coming up with creative ideas, trendsetter, don’t hold grudges, friendly, able to read the room easily, confident in themselves, innovative, observant, conversationalists
god complex, stubborn, emotionally detached, uses too much logic and almost no instinct, forget about things easily, absent in others lives because of their love for freedom, try to hard to prove their originality, may struggle with understanding others emotions because of their rational approach, dismissive, cold, aloof, trouble allowing others to get close to them, indecisive
Pisces moon
sweet, feel others emotions deeply/empathic, forgiving and understanding, artistic abilities, creative imagination, highly intuitive, heal others, peaceful, love people for who they are and what they mean to them, not afraid to be directed by their emotions, can fit in with other and environments easily, know how to read others like a book, gentle, comforting
gives people too many chances, escapists, over idealizes toxic things/people, delusional, sacrifice too much of themselves, carry pain as a result of absorbing others energy, inability to take responsibility for their actions, victims, take things personally, inactive, distracted, heavy ego, flaky, alcoholics/struggle with addictions, woe is me, get nervous easily, detached
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erriga · 9 months
Pathologic and Edward Gordon Craig
In this episode, one very tired theatrology student will try to explain how Craig's ideas about actors and theatre in general might have factored into the way theatre is used in pathologic, especially when it comes to minor changes made between patho classic and 2. We'll talk about puppets vs actors, the role of directors and how it all relates to death. Yay!
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So, anyone who's seen Codex Entry's video essays might be aware that Pathologic very visibly uses and plays with various theatrical ideas and concepts, especially when it comes to XXth century avantgarde movements. So far, Ruby has discussed the influences of Artaud (my boi), Brecht and Beckett, but today we're going to take a little step back and focus on one thinker who might have just been on of the most important theatre theorists ever and whose ideas definitely influenced all those that came after him. We're talking about our favorite theatre malcontent- Edward Gordon Craig
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Soo, Craig was a theatre theoretician, actor, director, and founder of the magazine "The mask" back in the 1910s. In it, Craig would talk about his thoughts on theatre, which were largely counter-cultural, at least in comparison to the standard established back in the mid XIXth century. His works are often cited as fundamental to the Great Reform movement, which included among others, Stanislavsky, Reinhardt, and Appia. Their works paved the way towards avant garde theatre and a completely new understanding to it.
Now, why is Craig so important? Basically, he complained a lot and had very cool, albeit sometimes impossible ideas which were later inspired other in creative ways. His main ideas were:
Theatre is not a synthesis of other arts but rather something autonomical, unlike SOME OTHER PEOPLE THOUGHT (im loking at you wagner)
The director>>>>>>>> some dumb smelly actors
The actor shall one day be replaced by the Uber marrionette (tm)
Today we'll focus on those last two, since they are interconnected and most relevant in Pathologic.
The second point is pretty self-explanatory. Craig proposed that the director and their vision is the most important part of any given theatre show. The director should have a holistic vision, knowledge about all the arts participating in theatre and abilities to make their ideas reality. Before that, directors were more like the caretakers of shows, while the main focus was on the star actors. And this way of thinking leads us directly toooo:
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(project by Oscar Schlemmer)
So, what is the uber marrionette? Basically it's a slightly esoteric idea that somewhere between puppets and living actors exists a form which would be perfectly responsive to the director's artistic vision. Human actors were ego-driven, restricted by their bodies and minds which generally not malleable enough to be a good material, even going so far as to suggest that acting is not an artform at all, since it is driven by chance and not specific intentions.
In contrast to that, Craig explained the nature of puppets- perfectly controlled, humble, objects of worship. And also symbols of death. Which he thought of as perfection. So, in some way, a perfect actor is a ...dead actor. Or, not literally dead, but posseing the perfect stasis of death, one usually assosciated with inanimate objects.
As I mentioned those ideas are very cool theories but are rather hard to actualize in the real world, especially since Craig was sometimes vague about what he ACTUALLY wanted to see. He would complain about people misinterpreting his works and declaring that he wants to replace actors with literal machines, while also never specifying what he actually meant. So different artists tried to bring his ideas to life, mostly by "mechanising" living actors, or using some blend of life and artificiality. In practice it was mostly shit like putting actors in giant metal pots and making them communicate in mono syllables to restrict their natural expressions od self as much as possible
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So my theory is, that by portraying the player character(s) as puppets in classic, and as actors and tying all of this to the idea of death, the makers of PAthologic are playing (pun intended) with the concept of the uber marionnette and maybe even proposing a solution to this impossible problem.
Let's start with classic, because it's pretty straight forward. The characters are dolls/puppets (I'll be using those words interchangibly because fundamentally they serve the same purpose). The theatre itself is specifically said to host puppet shows (which is in itself a nod to the long standing tradition of folk puppetry in Russia and other eastern european countries)
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Which in hindsight, are a direct reference to the fact that the very story you are playing is nothing more than a game/puppet performance hosted by in-world The Powers That Be and at the very top by the makers of Pathologic. In that way it is a very straight forward (but ultimately incorrect) use of the uber marionette- the player character is a humble vessel through which an idea is manifested. It's a puppet made out of polygons and lines of code instead of wood or felt. Your role as a player in this performance is two fold- you are both the puppeteer (the one who moves the dolls) and the spectator (because you are being told the story, not the other way around). What you are not is the Director- that role, personified by Mark Immortel and later by the Executor and Tragedian is out of reach for you. So, as you can see it's definitely using puppets, but not necessarily uber marrionetes.
So, the theatre inspirations in Patho 2 are a lot less...subtle than in classic, one of them being literally namedropping my boi Artaud's concept of the Theatre of Cruelty.
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But what I want to focus on in this case is the seeming dissapearence of the puppet metaphor from the first game. You are no longer compared to a puppeteer moving a vessel, but to an actor inhabiting a role. A role which is in a way highly restrictive, since there are only four endings, and only two choices that actually impact what happens in the end (what you do with the documents, and whether you take the fellow travellers deal or not) You are faced with the idea that you are replacable, so your personal ego is not valuable to the director in universe and the game creators out of the universe. And finally, to make it even more interesting, you are in-universe faces with the neverending cycle of life and death, through the system of deaths having consequences/being part of the game's continuous timeline instead of just out of universe reloading. I think you might already see where i am going with this.
So not the concept itself, but something that heavily resembles the ideal version of what it could have been. Now, does it theory make perfect sense? No, but I thought it was a cool though experiment to do nontheless. The idea of an uber marionnette is onfusing theatrologists to this day, and many people have claimed to having founf a way to realize it, but since Craig himself was unclear about it, we will never know how relevan those tries were. But I still think that the topic of video games and theatre concepts is a fascinating one (that will probably be the topic of my bachelor's thesis lol), and pathologic is a perfect examples of those two ideas working together. If you have any other ideas about it, please let me know, and if you're interested i can make more posts about the theatrological angle of patho!!
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cowboydisaster · 1 year
Aesthete (adj.) someone with deep sensitivity to the beauty of art or nature
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repost, originally posted on 12 march 2023
pairing: Arthur Morgan x fem!reader
word count: 4.7k
summary: when Arthur finds himself with a lack of inspiration, you offer yourself as a blank canvas
a/n: this was inspired by a post I saw about canon Arthur v fandom Arthur. Essentially that he isn't just some dumb himbo, he's intelligent and creative/artistic and has a clearer world view than most. I cant find the original post/er, but if you know it please drop me a message!
taglist: @margofiore @mrsarthurmorgan7 @woman-with-no-name @luvliewriting @tillith @pine4pple-b0i @photo1030 @dudsparrow
warning: nsfw, 18+, minors dni (teeth rottingly fluffy, emotional smut)
"a work of art that did not begin in emotion is not art"- paul cèzanne
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The rain is a steady, soothing thud on the roof, as you rest, sitting on Arthur’s bed at Shady Belle. It's a stormy day, with rain and lightning falling from the sky, painting everything in a gloomy gray hue. There are a few little puddles on the creaky, wooden floor from the broken window and the old roof, where water has leaked inside. You cherish days like this, days where you can huddle inside, wrapped in a thin blanket while reading a book. Now you are reading a relatively newer piece, Huckleberry Finn, while cozied up in Arthur’s bed. He sits opposite of you, against the footboard, while you are against the headboard. It’s a very comfortable silence, with only the rain and the thunder to break up the quiet afternoon. 
Arthur is very focused in his journal, sketching and scribbling away at something on the ivory pages. His eyebrows are drawn together, and every few minutes he holds the journal at an arm’s length away, ensuring he has the correct perspective. The more he draws, the less interested you find yourself in your novel. Your eyes flicker from him, to your page, and you find that you’ve been so interested in what Arthur is doing that you’ve been stuck re-reading the same paragraph for nearly five minutes. 
But can you blame yourself for being so easily distracted? Arthur is so detail oriented, so intelligent and creative. Very rarely does he allow people to see this vulnerable side of him, and you’ve been lucky enough to peek through the curtains into Arthur Morgan’s fragile, beautiful heart. He has a reputation among the gang of being thick headed and more of a brute than a thinker, and you chuckle at just how ignorant those opinions are. Arthur is one of the smartest men you know. He is an enjoyer of literature, although he prefers writing a novel rather than reading one, he is well versed in history and enjoys mythology. Arthur may not have gone to a school, or have fancy degrees on his wall, but he is a reteller of stories. Arthur soaks in the information he hears, and thinks over it heavily, oftentimes writing about it in his journal, like he is now.
His big hands have an expert grip on the charcoal as he sketches something, his face is contorted into a beautiful little confused pout as he tries to ascertain whether or not the perspective on this particular sketch is perfect. Your eyes trail from his hands up to his lips, the forbidden, soft lips that you dream about kissing at night. Oh, how you wish he was yours. You sigh, refocusing yourself and watching his hands. The curiosity becomes too great, and needing a distraction, you finally speak up.
“What are you drawin’?” You ask, leaning forward to try and catch a glimpse. He perks up at your voice, startled out of his deep focus. Before he responds, he runs his hand through his stubble in thought. 
“Finishin’ up a sketch from a few days ago. Just this old church I found, ain’t nothin special.” Arthur responds, flipping the little book around to show you. 
You recognize the church, he’s drawn a very good likeness. It’s the old, crumbling church just off the road from Shady Belle. The Lemoyne Raiders have been camping out there, and you recall Arthur stopping to inspect it when you’d rode past earlier. He’s perfectly captured the broken walls, and the way vines squeeze the old building like a cobra. You could step into the drawing, and never realize it wasn’t reality. 
“Oh, Arthur, it's beautiful.” You whisper, noticing the attention to detail. Arthur has managed to capture the swaying of the grass, alongside birds taking flight off the roof of the building. 
After some more inspecting of the intricate piece, you hand it back to him, smiling at the blush that colors his cheeks. He never was good at taking compliments. He continues the sketch, and you realize it's the first time you've seen him drawing in a while. Your eyebrows pull together as you try to think back to the last time you'd seen the outlaw with the book in his hands. 
"I noticed you haven't been drawin' as much…?" You inquire, picking Huckleberry back up and glancing over the printed words before looking back up to him.
"Ain't easy findin' pretty things' in the swamp. Back when we was in Valentine, there was so much to draw, so many things caught my eye." Arthur whispers, never bringing his eyes away from the paper as he shades the windows with his charcoal. You toy with your lip, feeling that it's your time to finally bite the bullet and be brave. You take a deep breath, setting your book down again. 
"So you draw beautiful things?" You ask, barely over a whisper. Your voice travels across the expanse of the bed like a breath on the wind. 
Arthur finally looks up to you, green eyes locking onto yours as he thinks over the meaning behind your question. He leans back against the footboard, and brings his knee up to lean on. 
"I- well yeah, mostly. I like to draw things how I find em, natural, beautiful and the like." Arthur responds, brushing through his beard with his hand while thinking of sketches of deer, flowers and birds, crumbled buildings and landscapes. 
Arthur's heart stops when you stand up, slowly tip-toeing to the center of the room and turning to him. Your eyes are locked onto each other, nothing can be heard but quiet breaths and the patter of rain on the ceiling. Warm light caresses your face as you bring your hands up to your shirt, heart pounding. 
"And… Do you think I'm beautiful…?" You ask, pulling your shirt out of your jeans so it's no longer tucked.
Arthur is frozen, shocked as his eyes glance between your own, laced with bravery and lust, and your hands which are slowly pulling your shirt out of your jeans. He swallows thickly, at a loss for words. 
"Well a course- I think you're, you're very beautiful…" 
Arthur's eyes are wide, his jaw open with shock, and cheeks pink as you unbutton your shirt. His face lasts only a moment before he schools himself, evening out his features to appear nonchalant.
"What are you uh…" Arthur clears his throat quietly, "What are you doin'?" Arthur asks, slipping his eyes closed and growling as your shirt hits the floor.
"Let me inspire you… in my natural state." You quote Arthur back to himself, unclasping your belt buckle and pulling the leather through the loops until the belt clunks to the floor. Your motions are slow, graceful, in the candlelight as you slowly hook your thumbs under your jeans and undergarments sliding them to the floor. Your jeans hit the floor with a thud, and as you step out of them, Arthur pulls out his journal. 
Your body is beautiful. Perfect in his eyes. Round and curved, full and feminine. Your legs, your hips, your collarbones and breasts, all he can do is sink in this canvas that is your body for a few moments. His lack of inspiration is completely gone, and Arthur thinks that with an infinite amount of blank paper he could reference your body as art forever. He's never seen anything so beautiful, so enchanting. You seem to beam with a golden light, shadowing the v in between your thighs and the valley between your breasts. All he can do is stare, and all he can think about doing is taking the time to study every inch of your beauty.
"I…" Arthur stops, speechless as you pull an old ottoman from the corner of the room.
"How do you want me?" You whisper, glossy lips shining in the candlelight, and all Arthur can think about is kissing the perfect rosy petals. 
"How do I- I want you?" Arthur asks, not understanding your question because he wants you in so many ways right now. You're nothing short of a goddess standing before him, an angel. 
"Yeah," You chuckle, "pose me. However you think, you're the artist after all. Go on, it's okay." You encourage when Arthur is hesitant to touch you. He doesn't want to overstep a boundary, and he's terrified to touch you, to taint you with his hands that have been the cause for so many terrible things. He truly thinks that you deserve so much better than him, but he is a fool for it. Because he is all that you want. 
With a nod, he comes over and helps you position yourself. He’s incredibly polite, of course he is, not wanting to touch you anywhere indecent even though you’ve just stripped in front of him. Your left leg is bent under you, and you sit under it, while your right is propped up at an angle, brought up almost to your chest. He positions your arm over the bottoms of your breasts, and your hand is placed on your shoulder. Once he steps back, checking that the position is to his liking, his fire hot touch leaves your skin. 
“Good?” You ask, stretching your neck back so that your hair falls down your back, exposing your throat. 
“Absolutely perfect…” Arthur whispers, sitting on the edge of the plush bed, just a few feet in front of you. He picks up his leather journal and the charcoal, turning to an empty page in the back of the book. 
The sound of thunder, rain and charcoal against paper fill your head as your eyelids flutter, watching Arthur. Seeing him like this, so focused and in his element, is both heartwarming and incredibly attractive. He bites at his bottom lip, hyper focused, as he follows the slopes and planes of your body, perfectly transferring them onto the paper. He gets to your breasts, watching the goosebumps that trickle down your stomach and arms. His eyes are hot on you, studying you. You blush when he steps forward, gently brushing a stray hair away that had fallen in front of your shoulder, tucking it behind your ear so as to not obstruct the view of his model. 
When he sits back down on the creaking bed, he crosses his ankle over his knee, leaning back to get another perspective before resting his journal on his calf. He resumes his sketching, and his eyes linger on you before every stroke of the charcoal. Arthur watches the charcoal trace the lines of your hips, your thighs and your breasts onto the paper, and more than anything, he wishes that it was his lips tracing your skin, instead of the charcoal. The sound of the rain is soothing, and the thunder is one and the same as the pounding of your heart when Arthur’s eyes linger on your lips, your body. Heat lightning flashes the sky through the broken window with warm tones of orange as a shiver runs down your spine, though you are far from cold. 
Arthur really focuses now, leaning into his journal, glancing up and down frequently to capture the tiny details of you, some of his favorites. Like the little flyaways of hair, slightly frizzy from the heat that falls around your face, the freckles on your skin, the scars and stretch marks, the imperfections that color you. Once he’s finished, he leans back, eyeing both you and the journal before writing your name at the bottom, all capital as if a title. 
“Alright, should be done.” Arthur whispers, leaning forward to hand you off his journal.
You take the heavily used book, and look at the mirror-like reflection on the pages. Arthur has captured you perfectly. You look up to his green eyes, with tears. He’s drawn you in his journal as if you are the most gorgeous of any of the sights his eyes have seen, because you are. Every detail is perfect.
“Arthur, this is incredible.” You praise, completely truthful. He is a wonderful artist, and doesn’t give himself enough credit. You stand up, and fold his journal carefully closed before sitting down on the bed beside him. Your hand meets his knee, and boldly you look up at him just hoping. You’ve been head over heels for the man for some time now, and if there was ever a time to bring it up, it's now.
“Arthur I'm gonna ask you somethin’ and I want you to be honest with me, yeah?” 
Arthur is sincere, maybe worried as his eyebrows draw together and he places his hand overtop of yours. 
“Of course, anythin.” Arthur says, quietly. 
You look down at your bare lap, gathering courage that causes your heart to pound in your ears before glancing back up.
“I… Do you want me?” You ask, words hanging heavy in the air as you wait for a response. But much to your embarrassment, Arthur doesn’t give you one. He looks into your eyes, glancing around with his jaw open slightly. He opens and closes it a few times, as if he can’t find the words he's searching for. After a few moments, you hang your head, blushing and feeling like a goddamn fool, because you’ve overstepped and he doesn’t want you. 
“Oh, I see. I’m so sorry, Arthur, I’ve misstepped terribly.” You mumble, shame and embarrassment starting to drag you down. You can’t bear to look at him as you stand up to grab your clothes and leave.
 As you do, his hand grabs onto your own. 
“Darlin’ wait-” Arthur pleads, and his eyes are overflowing with emotion as he sits back down onto the bed, holding your hands in his. For a moment, you feel hopeful, maybe you were wrong, and your best friend who you are desperately in love with, wants you back. 
“I aint so good with my words sometimes. Always been better at writin’ my feelins rather than sayin’ em out loud.” Arthur says, eyes locked onto your conjoined hands before trailing up your torso to those beautiful eyes. 
“I want you. God- more than anything, I want you, sweetheart,” he pauses, brushing another stray hair behind your ear, “But I want you to understand that this isn’t about just layin’ together.” He continues, and tears well up in your eyes at his words because your feelings are being reciprocated and he's all you’ve ever wanted.
“You see I want what's tucked away in here,” Arthur whispers, pointing to the left side of your chest, right over your heart, “and I love what’s in here.” Arthur smiles, tapping your temple.
“Do I want you? Yeah, I do, sweetheart. But I want all a’ you. Your heart, your mind, your body… God- I've been sweet on you longer than I care to admit.” Arthur squeezes your hand before running his thumb under your jaw, and pulling your chin up so he can look into your teary eyes, “and well, when you asked me to draw you just now, sayin’ yes was easier than breathin’ because darlin’ you are the art. I just had to transfer that beauty onto paper.”
You lean in, pressing your forehead against his own. His big, warm hand cups your jaw, and you feel as if you could melt into his touch. You want nothing more than to be enveloped by him, to have him in every way possible, because you want him too. His beautiful, creative mind, his soft heart with so many walls around it, and you've crumbled them all to nothing more than shattered ramparts. You’ve broken him, and rebuilt him back into the man he is now, changed him forever with your heart. 
He pulls you closer until your lips meet his own. It's shy at first, two strangers meeting in a coy peck. But the familiarity comes soon, because this is Arthur, and you find yourself clinging to him, like if you let go he may disappear, or bottle back up and you can’t lose him now. You open your mouth for him, letting him in to intertwine his tongue with your own as the kiss grows more passionate. He tastes like whiskey and tobacco and Arthur, and it's too much as tears silently fall down your cheeks. Arthur pulls away for a moment, smiling softly as his thumb brushes away your tears.
“It’s rainin, we have all day…” You smile as his eyes run over your face. 
“That we do,” Arthur whispers, kissing your temple before pulling away again, “Y’know… I've had gold and silver, horses, and books worth more than this estate, but darlin’ I ain’t never had anything in my hands that was as beautiful, or as priceless, as you.” He says before leaning into your neck, kissing your pulsepoint and your collarbone. His hands toy with your breasts, running over the soft skin until your nipples harden and you lean into him. 
“Oh, Arthur,” You whimper, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him into you further. 
“You’re perfect.” Arthur nibbles at the flesh of your earlobe before whispering against your skin, “My blank canvas.”
Your hands come to either side of his face, pulling his gaze up to your eyes. 
“Then make me art, Arthur… mark me, have me, please I need you.” you whimper, pulling him down to your lips again, and savoring the feeling that you’ve been aching for for so long. As soon as the kiss breaks, he caresses your cheek. Again, the only sound is the rain and the thunder. His lips are swollen from where yours have left kisses, and you decide it's your favorite sight. 
“Sweetheart, I already told you. You are art, but markin’ you? Havin’ you? Now that I can do just fine.” Arthur whispers against your flush skin, illuminated as lightning flashes in the distance.
Everything makes sense, everything falls into place, when his lips crash against yours again. They are no longer shy, but needy and loving, lustful and wanting. Your hands reach to the buttons of his shirt as he lays you down on the bed, making sure the pillow under your head is comfortable before moving his lips to your neck. Once you’ve undone the buttons, he leans away to pull it off of his arms, throwing it to the side. It lands on the bedside table, knocking over a container of ink that spills onto the floor. You gasp, leaning up to inspect the damage, as Arthur anchors you, pushing you back down to the bed with his kisses. 
“It’s okay, it's alright, we’ll clean it up later sweetheart.” Arthur shushes, and you melt back into your state of euphoria with him between your legs. His lips caress your own as his hand swirls your nipple, toying with the hardened peak before it trails down to your hip. 
“I'm gonna touch you, okay?” Arthur whispers against your lips as another quiet rumble of thunder sounds out. You nod, spreading your legs for Arthur as he adjusts himself on top of you, leaning his weight on his forearm. 
“Please Arthur-” You beg as he trails his fingers down your knee to your inner thigh before running his fingers along your folds. He stops, and groans lightly, squeezing his eyes shut. 
“Shit- you’re so wet. I'm sorry, darlin’ it's been awhile since I-” Arthur starts, but you lean up, pressing a kiss against his lips before whispering to him. 
“It’s okay… been awhile for me too.”
He nods against your forehead, kissing it before continuing. You spread your legs even more for him, and he sinks two fingers into your pulsing heat. Immediately, your grip on him tightens, and you whimper, eyes squinted shut as he slowly works you open. 
“Shh…shh… that’s my girl.” Arthur coos, stretching you with his fingers as you cling to him, gasping for breath at the way he touches you like you’re his canvas, his masterpiece, and the more he caresses, kisses and touches, the more beautiful you become underneath him. He didn’t think it was possible for your appearance to become any more entrancing, but as you moan, arching your back so that your breasts find release against his chest, he finds that he was wrong. 
He curls his fingers inside you rhythmically, pressing down right in the perfect spot before gently stroking your clit with his thumb. It's a delirious combination, and the only thing anchoring you from ascending to the heavens, is him. 
“That’s it, darlin’. Let it go, let me watch you unfold.” Arthur whispers, keeping a steady pace with his hands while kissing your stomach, up to your breasts. He begins to lick at your breast, swirling his tongue over your stiff nipple and kissing your skin every chance he gets. It proves to be your undoing, and just as the rain pounds on the roof even harder, and thunder sounds out, you find your release. Your nails dig into Arthur’s back as you reach your climax, the building coming in waves that have you gasping for breath and moaning. 
“Arthur-” leaves your lips in a mantra as you clamp down on his fingers, the waves of your orgasm washing over you and drowning you in the most indescribable, emotional show of affection. You see stars, flashes of bright white as you gasp and shake, hanging onto the man who you love. 
“Good girl,” Arthur whispers, kissing your forehead a few times as you come down from your high. 
“Real good, darlin.” Arthur coos, sinking his fingers into you until he has completely drawn out your release. Once your back stops arching, and hits the bed again, you pull his face down to yours once more. His hand cups your neck, and you feel your juices on his fingers as he runs his hand from your neck to your jaw, holding it while he kisses you again. His forehead meets yours as you whine. 
“I need- Arthur, I need to feel you, please.” You cry, hands running down the muscles of his chest, down the trail of sandy blonde hair that runs down below his jeans. You pop the button open, biting your lip as you press the palm of your hand against the pressure there. Arthur releases a deep groan, thrusting involuntarily against your hand. 
He leans down, kissing your nose with a smile before standing up and shedding his jeans to the ground. He steps out of them, and you prop yourself up on your elbow to admire him. 
Arthur is big. A bit longer than average, but he is girthy and thick. You scan over his rosy head, and the vein that bulges from the underside of his shaft. And as you follow up the trail of hair, to Arthur’s chest and face, he sees the worry. It’s been a long time, and truthfully you’re not very experienced with this. You don’t know if you can take him, but god, you want to. 
“Arthur I… you’re beautiful.” You whisper, watching the flex of his muscles in the candlelight, the soft, light hair that falls into his face as he chuckles, looking down to hide his smile. 
“Beautiful? Really?” Arthur asks, sarcastically. 
“Yes, Arthur, beautiful.” 
He shakes his head, not agreeing with you really, as he comes back down to the bed. He rests himself between your legs again, kissing your thigh, then your hip… and so on until he reaches those plump, bruised lips. 
“You ready? You still want this sweetheart?” Arthur asks, massaging the tender skin of your thigh as you breath out shakily. You nod, but he senses the trepidation and doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable. 
“What is it?” He asks, pulling away from your lips to look into your eyes. He sees you smile, blushing before wrapping your legs around his waist. 
“Be gentle, please. You’re- well you’re big Arthur and I really want this…” You whisper, chuckling at yourself for a second. 
“I’ll be gentle, okay? N if it hurts, you tell me. Right away.” Arthur says, almost darkly. He does not want you putting up with any pain for his sake. You nod, before leaning into his chest and wrapping your hands around his neck. Your legs, around his waist, spread a bit more and you feel his head against your entrance. Slowly, Arthur thrusts into you, and everything you were worried about shatters to the ground. God- he feels so good. And before he's fully in, you feel so full, and so stretched. You’ll never get enough of this, you realize. It’s perfect, like two puzzle pieces fitting together as he enters to the hilt and you moan as he bumps your sensitive spot. 
“You okay?” Arthur asks, stopping his hips completely, and you dig your heel into his ass, begging him to do anything but stop.
“Move, Arthur, please. Oh, you feel so good.” You whimper, your hips rising to meet Arthur’s as he thrusts into you. Your moans mix with Arthur’s groans and the thunder, and it’s all washed away by the rain. Not a peep can be heard from outside, but inside the room there is so much raw emotion, lust and love, that even the air feels like it's intruding on you two.
“Shit, sweetheart.” Arthur growls, thrusting into you with more rhythm now that he knows you’re okay. The stretch is the perfect mixture of pleasure and pain that has you inching towards a climax. He kisses your lips, and you lean up to meet him halfway. The kiss is hot and passionate, with gasps for air in between and moans as you two commit the rawest act of love known to man. He rocks against you, swaying you with his hips. The pleasure combined with the emotion of him finally against you is overwhelming. You’ll never be closer, more whole than you are like this. He’s with you. The tightness in your stomach pulls, stretching and coiling all the like until it snaps. Once again, Arthur is your anchor, rocking you, and steadying you as you completely come undone beneath him. You constrict around him, muscles tightening and contracting as an intense wave of pleasure washes over you. Your moans are loud, breathy as you release the tension he’s created within you. It’s too much for Arthur, and as you squeeze around him, he thrusts into you a few times, hard and deep before he cums inside you, filling you completely with his seed. 
“You did so well, darlin. You’re so beautiful…” Arthur whispers, kissing your forehead before placing a long, slow kiss on your lips. He stays there for a moment, letting you catch your breath before sliding out of you. He lands on the bed beside you, and you curl up against his chest. 
“Arthur?” You ask, placing your hand on his chest and cuddling further into him. He takes a sheet from the bottom of the bed, pulling it over you until you’re decent.
“What is it sweetheart?” Arthur asks, brows furrowed as he runs his hand along your arm and watches the rise and fall of your body against his. 
“Did you mean it? Everything you said before…” You ask, propping your chin up to look into his eyes. He runs his hand up and down your back, soothing you while smiling. 
“Course I did.” Arthur whispers, leaning down to press another kiss to your forehead. 
“I… I love you, y’know.” You whisper back, leaning your head against his chest, too nervous to look into his eyes. Arthur only chuckles, pulling your head closer to his chest with his hand.
“I know, and I love ya too.”
The rest of the rainy day is spent in various forms of affection. You and Arthur lay together all day, whether sleeping or not, reading and drawing or just holding each other. Everything seems right now. Like for the first time in your life you’ve found your purpose, your person. He is your other half, your strength, your ecstasy, and he loves you too, your little aesthete.
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feligamifebruary · 5 months
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Parisiens, Parisiennes, dragons and birds of all horizons,
Feligami February is fast approaching, and you may already be thinking of the wonderful art you will bestow upon us throughout the month. It will be our pleasure to share your creations on this blog, and archive them in case our timeline gets erased.
I sense that, like Felix, you have an inquisitive mind. Fear not, for we have prepared a helpful FAQ below:
1. Tell me about the event!
As I’m sure you’ve guessed, Feligami February is a month-long fandom event dedicated to our favourite lovebirds. The principle is simple: to tickle your brains (and hearts!) with our prompts, so you are inspired to create the content you want to see on Tumblr on AO3.
Any and all creative media are welcome: art, fics, AMVs, playlists, cosplays, moodboards, web weaves… No rules and no amoks shall get in your way.
2. Sounds fun! How do I join?
Simply upload your creation(s) to the #feligami february and #feligami february 2024 tags, and make sure to tag this blog. This will ensure we spot your work, as easily as Felix spotted the Peacock Miraculous under Gabriel’s tie.
3. I’m not sure I can cover all 29 prompts, or post on time. Can I still participate?
Of course! The entire point of this event is to have fun. Don’t overwork yourself.
4. I have an idea, but it doesn’t align with any of the prompts. Can I still post it?
Please do! The prompts are here for inspiration, not to suffocate you. Break your chains.
5. Are poly ships allowed?
Absolutely, as long as they include Feligami and exclude any incest and/or pedophilia.
6. What about smut?
Given the age of the characters and the target audience of the show, we will not be allowing any form of smut as part of this event. Similarly, NSFW content will not be allowed in our Discord community (more on that below).
7. What about angst?
Go ahead! Please make sure to tag potentially triggering content to keep the event safe and enjoyable for everyone.
8. The creative process can be a bit lonely. Where can I meet other cool, motivated, brilliant Feligami creators like myself?
Fear not, for we have you covered. By joining our dedicated Discord server, you will get the chance to hang out with fellow Feligami fans, share your ideas, and take a peek at the amazing content coming your way. Think of it as our own little window, on which we all draw hearts for each other.
If you’d like to join, please follow this link to the art room, where you will not be subjected to a creepy, hallucination-based play.
9. You guys sound cool! Where can I find your work?
🐈‍⬛ Paracosmicat (any pronouns)
The best Adrien expert there is, and a reference for all Manon-is-Lila conspiracists. They are also the instigator of this beautiful adventure!
Tumblr | AO3 | Senticousins sideblog
🕊️ Nina (she/her)
Thinker of thoughts and rotater of blorbos. Our marketing and communications expert.
Tumblr | AO3 | Senticousins sideblog
🧬 Helix (she/her)
Artist extraordinaire, romance lover, and our much needed IT expert. If this blog doesn’t explode by the end of the month, it will be exclusively thanks to her.
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Without further ado, we wish you all a lot of fun, inspiration, and bone-chilling musical numbers! 🎶
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