disease · 3 months
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o-craven-canto · 1 month
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(original picture here)
A map showing the derivation of various structures and tissues of the human body from the parts of the early embryo.
Human figure partly traced from this Wiki Commons image (public domain). Main source is TW Sadler, Langman's medical embryology (12th ed.), 2012.
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thechekhov · 2 years
Do you have any advice for someone about to dm for the first time? I'm less worried about running the session than how the hell do you plan one?
Btw Iove your art and it's inspired me to try out line work again
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Thanks! And hey, that's a good question.
Here's the thing I've learned as a DM - you don't have to plan EVERYTHING.
In fact, the less you plan, the more prepared you'll be!*
*Some restrictions apply
How I like to think of when I DM is that me and my players sit in the middle of a WHEEL of possibilities. It looks something like this:
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Every session you start with, you have a set amount of possible go-to points. These are limited. Usually, your party won't go from sipping drinks at a tavern to walking out the door and fighting cult members in ONE session.
The possibilities are endless, so what you need to prepare is just the next few steps. In the above image, what I mean is that they first two darker shades are representative of what you need to have prepared immediately, and the lighter shades are plans you can have on the back burner, but don't need to flesh out.
As your party makes choices and travels outside of the Starting Spot, you can prepare the NEXT steps based on the ones they chose.
So, say your party is in your tavern, and they decide to go to the Adventuring Guild to look for a job. You don't HAVE to prepare the Heist Mission in the Wizard's tower for that - you can know it's a possibility, but once they've made their first choice, you have a direction.
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You can then kind of visualize what their next steps are.
Of course, this wheel isn't one way! Your players could always just... hop over to an adjacent topic! If they're solving a mystery, that could link up to a Cult involvement. And from there, they can discover a Secret Hideout for the Cult, which you already know was a possibility if they were to go into the forest.
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And once that sort of adventure has started, you can go ahead and think about what other things you had planned out might link up to or evolve from where they are.
At that point, it's like playing a giant board-game. Which involves laying down track in front of an oncoming train.
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My recommendation is that you keep a few things on hand which can be used anywhere:
a few maps that somewhat relate to multiple things on your map (for example, a dungeon-looking map that could be a Secret Hideout OR the Wizard's tower)
Some named NPCs - at least one per location that you can throw up immediately when they arrive
a few puzzles/plotpoints which can act as a placeholder while you think of details (for example, a Mystery can be hard to think of on the spot. Give them some random clues, such as a missing person, a few discarded items, etc and then take your time before the next session to link those items together!)
The rest is.. well... just making it up as you go along!
Of course, that's just MY personal way of doing things. Some people prepare way less, and some prepare way more. It's just all up to how quickly your players move/how comfortable you are with details.
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vyorei · 5 months
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Most recent updates, including a recap so imma timestamp this:
21:13pm on the 17th of December 2023
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saritazoo · 1 month
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The other new series I’m introducing for this account: Oft-confused Animal Names
These will be very short form infographs (hopefully only one slide long unless I get carried away… as usual) explaining the differences between two species whose names tend to get misused. They are mainly based on misunderstandings in communication that I’ve personally come across, and I hope the visual reference will help clear things up for others!
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woadge · 10 months
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Here are some more slides for facebook from a Christian Anarchist who is trying to de-radicalize their family into being accepting of their identity before they come out eventually. This week its transgender rights! Sources: https://www.hcplive.com/view/suicide-risk-reduces-73-transgender-nonbinary-youths-gender-affirming-care https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36248210/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3706052/ https://youtu.be/pwI6py78gsI https://youtu.be/nBbOw_K6K5Q
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silkbox · 2 years
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Here’s an old chart that I’ve decided to remake for the sake of pride. 
Use toys and lubricants responsibly! Lube is a great aid, but you have to be careful where and how you use it. 
Some caveats: 
I only included the four most common types of toys. By plastic I mostly mean HARD PLASTIC. Please don’t use jelly-soft toys or the like, as they are often TOXIC.
The reason I made varying degrees of acceptability and the reason that oil lubricant looks so suspicious is because oil based lube will NOT wash out of your body naturally. And as such, it can cause infections. However, it isn’t bad IN ITSELF it’s just really more susceptible to making the environment of your genitals dangerous. Use caution.
This is meant to be a simple quick-glance guide, not an in-depth explanation of WHY these things don’t work or do. If you need info, google is just a click away! :)
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Hello BBC! Are there any measures as to Basque language proficiency percentage-wise or population-wise? I say this because a lot of far-right jackasses in Spain keep whining about a lack of Spanish language proficiency in Nafarroa and Euskal Herria.
Of course! We have lots of infographics, have a seat!
First, how many people speak Spanish as their mother tongue in each autonomous community (AC)?
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Surprise surprise! Euskadi is almost completely in the darkest shade of blue while a region with a non-officially recognised language like Asturias has a a bigger percentage of non-native Spanish speakers. Do the Spanish nationalists have to worry about the proficiency over there too??
Let's move on. How many people can actually speak Basque?
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Although the number of Basque speakers has risen from 1991 (+6%), the number of speakers who use Basque as much as or more than Spanish has remained almost the same since 1996 (+1%). If we don't speak Basque as much as Spanish and aren't proficient in said language, we don't know what we're speaking in quite honestly.
Oh - some will say - you may be able to speak Spanish but you speak it wrong:
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The map on the left shows the average mark on the SAT in 2017 by AC. Nafarroa got 6.42/10 and Euskadi 6.03/10 which isn't even the lowest mark. However, in the bars graphic on the right you can see the mark each AC got when evaluating their proficiency at communicating in Spanish. Oh, well... Nafarroa came first, omg.. and Euskadi got 9th, both higher places than monolingual ACs??? HOW. Witchcraft!
So the problem may be the exams + nervousness + methodology and not actually that we have issues when communicating in Spanish. In fact, this last year Euskadi got the best average mark at the SAT which, friendly reminder, is done in Spanish and is not a test, but based on long, developed written answers in that language:
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Furthermore, we're quite good at communicating in other languages too:
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Madrid, Catalunya and Euskadi got the best marks at communicating in English. OMG, two bilingual ACs got on the podium????? *faint*
So when Spanish nationalists say that a) in Euskadi or Catalunya Spanish is threatened and b) we can't speak it properly because we're taught Euskara or Català, now you know with facts and figures they're lying and just wanna attack our languages.
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sypherd92 · 2 years
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Simpsons Treehouse Of Horror XXXIII aired on October 30th, 2022. It features parodies of The Babadook, Death Note, and Westworld. #vidiotoverride, #infograph, #infographics, #informationgraphics, #simpsons, #treehouseofhorror, #XXXIII, #parodies, #babadook, #pookadook, #deathnote, #deathtome, #westworld, #simpsonsworld, #Halloween, #2022, #Ontario, #Canada https://www.instagram.com/p/CkernvWLdfp/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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somesecretpie · 2 months
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Greetings bugs and worms!
This comic is a little different than what I usually do but I worked real hard on it—Maybe I'll make more infographic stuff in the future this ended up being fun. Hope you learned something new :)
If you are still curious and want to learn more about OCD, you can visit the International OCD Foundation's website. I also recommend this amazing TED ED video "Starving The Monster", which was my first introduction to the disorder and this video by John Green about his own experience with OCD.
The IOCDF's website can also help you find support groups, therapy, and has lots of online guides and resources as well if you or a loved one is struggling with the disorder. It is very comprehensive!
Reblog to teach your followers about OCD
(But also not reblogging doesn't make you evil, silly goose)
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homoqueerjewhobbit · 4 months
Wow, this "gender free" fashion brand sure doesn't have any AMAB models.
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palirev-web · 3 months
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Inspired by this post by @alex-just-vibing. PaliRev values the contribution of all people to the liberation of Palestine, and we encourage you to share this around your schools or with others to give accessible options for us all to show solidarity for the Palestinian people.
[image id: an image with a white background, bordered on the bottom left and top right with green, corner illustrations, an olive garden branch drawing on the bottom right, and a drawing of a boy sitting down with a backpack leaning on him, looking downwards sadly on the top right. there is a low opacity palestinian flag behind black text reading "HOW DO I SUPPORT PALESTINIAN RESISTANCE IF I CAN'T DONATE?" below this is a list in smaller black text, bulleted with light green arrows. the list reads:
"- Wear shirts, pins, keffiyehs, anything outwardly pro Palestine.
Email your Representatives, Congress, White House. Tell the people in charge you want a ceasefire.
Talk to your local library about holding an educational night about the genocide and/or Palestinian culture.
Make schoolwork about Palestine! Writing about news? Focus on Palestine. Making questions for a test? Use Palestine as an example.
Find social media accounts for your representatives and schools, and make a fuss. Comment and @ them!
Show up to local actions (i.e. protests), join and organization, and follow Palestinian journalists! (next line) - Motaz Azaiza, Plestia Alaqad, Hind Khoudary, Bisan Owda -
Educate yourself on anti-Palestine talking points (Palestine toolkit) and how to refute them in a calm manner.
Speak up! It's scary, but don't let other people's bigotry go unchecked. You'll find that other people agree, and speak up from your example.
Don't engage with people unwilling to learn. Your goal is to educate people who are and make those comfortable with genocide feel UNCOMFORTABLE."
below this in light grey text reads "@PALIREV.WEB". /end id.]
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o-craven-canto · 2 months
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"Ideal continent", showing the distribution of land and prevalent biomes at various latitudes on Earth. From Alexey Shipunov, Key to the Diversity and History of Life, 4.1 (source).
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tonyzaret · 5 months
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vyorei · 6 months
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Some info charts with updated figures as of 13:20pm on the 10th of November 2023.
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xtruss · 3 months
Wrong Perception
— Liu Rui | January 25, 2024
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Illustration: Liu Rui/Global Times
Under Siege
— Liu Rui | January 24, 2024
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Illustration: Liu Rui/Global Times
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Shifting Dynamics: Asia Pacific Becomes New Hub of World Economy, Global Times! January 25, 2024
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