multiplicityofmind · 6 months
I personally think it's really funny that Cleo and Etho, from Grian's perspective are framed way more normal than they are ... like I'll watch one of their POVs and they're insane and silly it's like he walks in the room and they transform
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235uranium · 8 months
my honest take is that if you can't do the actual math you have no business bringing up quantum mechanics in a serious discussion
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dogw1tch · 15 days
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Enclosed Within🌿
18+ Dryads x Gender Neutral Reader
(Tentacles, sex pollen, reader has afab anatomy)
DogWitch’s notes: I figured I would post some short stories while I work in a much larger project. I don’t think dryads get enough love so instead here’s a little story of them giving reader pLEANTY of it.
Summary: Lost and alone you stumble across a beautiful grove. There’s something in the air that seems to have you desperate and burning up from the inside. Perhaps grinding against the dew soaked moss might soothe you? I’m sure the vines starting to enclose your body are just regular plants.
It had been a long time now since you had found yourself cut off from the rest of your hunting party, and the dapple of gold on the moss covered ground told you that dusk was not far away. You paused again, listening, observing, searching for any sign that might help you get your bearings. Nobody ventured into the forest unless they were sure they could defend themselves against the creatures within and this was not the first time you had needed to navigate home from an unfamiliar place. It was, however, the first time you had done so alone. You grip your bow a little tighter. It was a warm evening and the cloying air had you sweating beneath your linen shirt that now clung to your chest. The cooing and flittering of birds was beginning to quiet now in the fading sun and beneath it you could hear exactly what you’d be waiting for. The gentle murmuring of running water.
Moving swiftly, bow at the ready, you follow the little stream down through the forest. Your village had been built in the valley and all the forest streams connected to the water mill there- therefore, so long as you followed the running water, you could never stray far from home. You had been walking for a few minutes, keeping a keen eye out for any familiar landmarks, when the brook you followed abruptly came to an end. Looking up you take in the strange scene. The brook had opened up into a large pool, spring green with duck weed and lilies, surrounded by moss-covered rocks. Nestled in every crevice of every boulder were fungi of every variety. Tiny white fairy caps to sprawling shelves of orange and brown gills. Some you recognise but most you do not. And above all of this there stretched the branches of a glorious willow tree. Its bows were thick and draped over the grove like a protective embrace.
A strange smell began to pull at your senses as you stood there; something sweet and heady that mingled with the petrichor. You noticed that a light, yellow dust seemed to be falling from the branches of the willow. Tiny particles that caught the light and danced through the air. You find the scent intoxicating, almost addictive, as you breathe deeply into it. It seems to coat your throat with sticky sweetness, like nectar from the most vibrant honeysuckle. As you take in this glorious new experience, you find yourself becoming increasingly uncomfortable in your dampening clothes. The material clung to you, restricting, making you feel hot and over sensitive. Perhaps it was your mind becoming dazed in the sweet air, but it seemed the only solution was to peel off your now drenched, clothing and sit, completely exposed, in the cool, damp moss. The water on your skin instantly soothed the heat that was building up in and around you, and you sighed contentedly, digging your fingers deeper into the mosses and leaves. Your mind had now become so clouded and vague, you struggled to remember how you got here. All you could think about was the cool moss soothing the sticky heat that now seemed to be coming from inside your body.
You began to buck your hips against the rock, hoping the cold surface that rubbed against your entrance might cool your insides. Little waves of pleasure began to radiate through your body as you moved your hips faster, grinding down on the rock beneath you. Your lips opened to gasp for fresh air but all that entered your lungs was that same sickly sweet that dulled your mind and set your nerves ablaze. You let out a whine of frustration and continue to rut against the moss, your own juices mixing with the dew. It was then, as you felt the heat would surly overtake you, that you felt a voice speak within the back of your mind.
‘So easy. So quick to submit. Poor thing.’
With that, the bows of the willow were suddenly upon you, twisting around your limbs and lifting you from the ground to hang, suspended above the lake. You couldn’t even find it within yourself to be alarmed as the loss of friction had you bucking desperately against the air.
‘So needy’
The voice came again, though now it seemed to be joined by a thousand others that echoed its words.
‘Worry not little one. We shall fill you up.’
The whole grove started to shift to life around you, mushrooms and ferns and flowers all shifting into new forms that stared up at you. The branches that bound you, held your arms behind your back and spread your legs wide, revealing your dripping entrance for all these creatures to see. For the first time, your mind began to attempt to shake off its fog and you struggled against your restraints. But they only tightened as the willow lowered you down into the crowd of waiting creatures bellow.
For a moment, they simply observed you. Each one looked different; with features humanoid enough to be recognisable as a face, but with knowing, pupal- less eyes and bodies that flowed into tangles of glistening, vine like tendrils. There was a moment of silence where you could hear nothing but your own racing heart before…
‘Come my children; drink your fill.’
The dryads swarmed around you, wanting to touch and fill every inch of your aching body. Thick tendrils flicked between your folds, coating you with thick nectar before pushing inside. The thin vines of smaller creatures forced their way in beside them and you could feel each of them curling inside you, pumping in and out, sending waves of pleasure through your desperate body. Finding your slick entrance to be full, a dryad that was clearly once a bright fairy cap mushroom, made its way behind you and began to push into your tight ass. You yelped in pain as the engorged head of one of its appendages suddenly filled you, stretching you out. If they heard, the creatures payed no mind as they begin to toy with this new hole, filling it just as achingly full. The pain dulled into overwhelming pleasure as the feeling of countless, slick tendrils fucking deep inside you overtook your fogged out mind. Your hips twitched uselessly and your mouth hung open in drooling, wanton moans.
As soon as your lips parted, you realised your mistake. Vines came curling up your body, encasing you completely and filling your open mouth. You gagged and spluttered but they t kept coming, writhing down your throat. They felt cool on your tongue and their slick was sweet as honey and you found yourself relaxing into the sensation as the lack of air just added to the heady state of your mind. You moaned around the tentacles, limp and pathetic as you could do nothing but feel pleasure.
‘That’s it.’ The voice came again. ‘Let go little one. Let us have you. Let us have every inch of you.’
You had no way of knowing how long you spent, bound up and being filled by countless creatures. Every time one seemed to finish, thrusting deep and releasing its thick, sweet nectar, another just curled its way around and inside you. Honey came leaking from every hole, coving your skin, your face, your hair. The dryads closed in around you and pressed you flush to their cool, damp skin. Perhaps you began to fade in and out of consciousness, waking up only to feel such overwhelming pleasure that you passed out again. But at some point, you realised as you took your first full gasp of air, they all retreated. You felt so empty, bound and dripping with nothing to fill you. The dryads still gathered around, their empty eyes seemed now to be softer, perhaps affectionate, as a few reached out their strange limbs to brush your hair from your eyes and gently caress your body. In your fucked out daze you leant into the touch, craving more, but you felt the willow begin to lift you up again. The tree twisted you around to face its trunk and revealed it to have become a creature of incredible size. Like the dryads below, it had an angular, almost insect like, face and huge, all knowing eyes. But this one had hands too, that reached out and cupped your tiny body within them. It bore a crown of sticks and leaves and it seemed to smile at you, though its face was hard to read.
‘You have done well, little one.’ It didn’t have a mouth to move but you knew now who had been addressing you. ‘So well, in fact, that I should like a taste of you myself.’ It’s gigantic hand wrapped around your waist and held you with ease. You looked down to see that, emerging from what was once the trunk of the great willow, there sat a single, thick, tentacle-like branch. It was thicker than any other that had filled you and seemed to be longer than you were tall. It glistened with nectar and twitched slightly as the dryad drew you close.
‘Fit… it won’t… too big..’ you tried to stutter out, struggling to form a coherent thought. A low laugh rumbled around you, shaking the earth.
‘Worry not little one. I shall not hurt you. You shall feel only pleasure.’
Before you could protest, that overwhelming fullness took you over once more and you cried out in ecstasy. The creature used your body like you weighed nothing, fucking all the nectar that had collected inside, deep into your stomach. You watched as your abdomen bulged against its ungodly size and pressed against every nerve, sending waves of delirious pleasure through you.
‘Such a pretty body, made to be filled. That’s it little one, give yourself to me.’
It moved you faster, your limbs limp and useless as your mind went blank. You were simply a toy to be used for this creature’s pleasure, it’s strange cock filling you completely, stretching you around it until it felt like the most natural thing in the world. You wanted it. You wanted to stay full and delirious forever.
‘I’m yours…’ you choked out a whisper as ropes of thick honey began to bubble inside you. The creature didn’t stop, pushing itself deeper as it emptied into you. You were so full you could taste it.
‘All mine’
The world went dark.
It was around three days later when your hunting party finally found you. They had located your clothes, stuck in a brook and feared you had been accosted by some brutish thieves or roaming orcs. Following the stream though, they came to the pool and saw you, leant up against a great willow. You were naked, hair sticking to your forehead but clearly breathing and without injury. They called out to you, relieved that you seemed unharmed. The only strange thing was that you seemed to be almost completely covered in plants. Moss was growing over your legs and vines enclosed around every inch of your body. It looked as though you had been here for years.
One hunter approached, calling your name to no response but a few feeble moans. They must be starved, she thought, as she knelt beside you. But looking closer, she realised your moan was not one of pain, but one of gentle pleasure. Between your legs there sat several mushrooms, seemingly taking turns to push their way inside your swollen entrance. A thin vine flicked, absent- mindedly, at your clit and more still seemed to be caressing your dew covered body. Your friend reached out a hand, trying to shake you awake when suddenly, the moss itself seemed to open its eyes and let out a viscous hiss. She stumbled back to find all of the plant life was seemingly staring at her with a hateful glare.
Perhaps they would just have to leave you here after all.
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allysunny · 2 months
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Heartwired Love
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Pairing: Bale!Bruce Wayne x Engineer!Reader
Synopsys: When Bruce surprises Lucius with a visit to his department, he wasn't expecting to find a beautiful woman there. He asks about her and that's how he discovers she's not only pretty, but extremely talented, an engineer who's been working under him for years. He's immediately mesmerised.
Words: 6.1k words
Warnings: Not much, I'd say? There's a lot of fluff, and a lot of funny moments, and like, one suggestive moment? One twinge of angst, but it lasts like two minutes. Maybe some inaccuracies about engineering? I really don't know much about it so I kinda went with my gut and holy fuck I hope I don't get it wrong or upset / offend anyone.
A/N: Hey everyone!!! So, this is a funny story, because a while ago I got an ask. And I thought I was writing that ask, but turns out I got everything mixed up, and this is not really what my sweet anon requested of me. So, while I work on that piece, have what I ended up writing! I think it's rather fun. I'm sorry to my anon, I'll get started on their request right away!
I hope y'all enjoy this!!! <3
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You were brilliant. 
In fact, if there was a word for anyone better than brilliant, that’d be you.
Bruce first saw you when he visited the Applied Sciences Department. He was quite sure Lucius was the only one who actually did any of the important work there, but boy was he wrong. 
He was just visiting the floor to ask Lucius for some help (his suit needed improvements), when he spotted you under a flurry of blueprints and reports. There was a pencil on top of your ear, and you were nibbling on another one as you erased something on the paper in front of you. 
“And who might this be?” He asked no one in particular, eyes trailing the way your eyebrows furrowed as you wrote and sketched away. 
You told him your last name, not even daring to look up. You were far too busy - a new particle reactor was being built, and it had fallen upon you to build its security system, something that’d keep the machine should it fall on the wrong hands. Bruce leaned over and looked at your sketches, observing the careless handwriting and the doodles and the little comments you had on top of each calculation. “Not good”, “doesn’t work”, “tested and failed”. 
“And how long have you been working for me?” He inquired once again, still looking over your blueprints. Your calculations were good - far too good. Where the hell had Lucius found you? 
“Lucius,” you mumbled, removing the pencil from behind your ear and drawing a big cross on top of whatever you were writing. 
“Excuse me?” 
“I work for Lucius, not you,” you said, not even bothering to look up. 
“Lucius works for me, though.”
“And I work for him.” Finally, you looked up, and what you saw did not surprise you. You knew Bruce Wayne’s voice, after all, Lucius did work for him, and you’d overheard them talking once or twice. You looked up to him immensely - he was an insanely smart man, you knew what he had achieved in your department (or at least you knew he had something to do with it), and you wanted to cause a good impression. It also did not help that he was extremely attractive, and you were afraid your body would betray you and give you away. It was nothing, really, just a small little crush. It was harmless, really, and you’d rather be noticed for your work, than anything else. You wanted him to see how smart you were, not notice just how much you admired him. 
“Are these for the particle reactor?” Bruce asked, leaning against your desk, hoping to hold eye contact with you for a little longer. He liked that look on you, that focused gaze of yours. It reminded him of himself. 
You nodded and shook your head with a sigh. 
“I’m working on the security system. But so far, it’s been a bust. I can’t find any combinations that allow Wayne Enterprises full access to the system. Full and only. I'm trying to come up with an algorithm that’ll prevent third parties from accessing whatever services the reactor might have, but it’s tough.” Bruce nodded. 
“How long have you been at it?” 
“Two weeks, give or take. I managed to write a short thing for the opening sequence, but that’s about it. I still have to come up with the rest, and it’s killing me.” You leaned backwards in your chair and stretched, letting out a groan. “And my back hurts like a bitch.” 
Bruce chuckled ever so slightly - he wasn't used to this kind of honesty and openness right off the bat. He supposed anyone who worked under Lucius’s supervision would be just like him, honest and truthful. 
“How about you take a break?” He crossed his arms, tilting his head. You looked away - was that the famous Wayne Charm he put on every time you watched him on television? You weren't going to be fooled. You didn't want to be just a number on his list. You admired this man far too much to get your heart broken by him - not to mention your job at Wayne Enterprises was a dream, and you did not want to risk that. Did all of that even make sense?
“Mr. Wayne, I don’t think I can afford the luxury of taking breaks,” you chuckled, turning back to your blueprints. 
“And if it’s an order?” 
“You wouldn't do that. You have far better things to do than order some random nobody to take a break.” 
“You don’t seem like a nobody to me.” 
“Up until today you didn't even know who I was, and I've been working for you for about two years.” 
“For me.” “Huh?”
“You said you were working for me.” 
“Under Lucius.” 
“Same difference.” 
You chuckled at his smugness and let your eyes return to his handsome face. The magazines did not lie - he was even better-looking in person. Sharp jawline, chocolate-brown eyes, he was an absolute dream, and he probably knew it too. Which is why it felt wrong to be laughing along with him. You didn't want to taint the image of Bruce Wayne you had in your head. He seemed like an airhead in public, but you knew just how much he did and contributed to your department - not every airhead can do that. The little crush you’d allowed yourself to develop should remain just that - a crush. People say never to meet your heroes - well, you didn't want to date them either. You thought it would end just as badly. 
“Looking at security algorithms all day isn't going to make you come up with them faster. Take a break. I know a nice coffee place not far from here, I'm sure it’d help. And after that, if you want to, you can come back here, drown in blueprints, and never be disturbed again.” 
You eyed him curiously, raising an eyebrow. 
“Because you look like you’re a sketch away from having a mental breakdown, and despite what everyone says, I do care about my employees’ health.” 
You weighed your options. 
You could either get coffee with your super hot, super intelligent, super incredible boss, maybe talk to him a bit about your work and prove that you’re an amazing employee, or - 
Yeah, it’s not really a hard choice, is it. 
That's how you got yourself seated across from Bruce Fucking Wayne, yapping away about your ideas and projects. And surprisingly, he drank up every single word. 
As cliché as it might sound, the rest was history. 
Bruce took a liking to you almost instantly. You were so smart, so full of ideas and so innovative. It also helped that you were strikingly beautiful, and that he felt himself drawn to you every time you were near. 
You allowed yourself to fall for Bruce. Slowly, but you did. Only after he proved to you that he was a good person, that he was nothing like the man people saw on TV and gossip magazines. He was more, much more than that. He was extremely intelligent, being an incredible match for whenever you wanted to discuss any new technological advances, and a very good conversation partner. It helped you two had a shared interest in applied sciences - soon, spending time together also doubled down as him giving you a hand with your projects, and you with him. 
It was a win-win situation. You enjoyed spending time with him, he enjoyed spending time with you. You liked doing a good job, he liked helping you. It was perfect. 
And it wasn't just about work, of course, you just liked being with him, in his presence. He was comforting and so very funny, and your heart could about burst with joy whenever he was near. 
You had that same effect on him as well. During company dinners, he started paying attention to you more and more, dragging you away to dark corridors and telling you jokes and anecdotes about other workers and people he disliked. He'd place his hand on your lower back and bring you close so you could hide your face in his chest and giggle into it. It felt natural to be in his arms, like nothing had changed and nothing ever would. 
About three or four months after you began talking and hanging out, he officially asked you to be his girlfriend. 
You knew it was a big deal - normal people could date and fool around all they wanted, but not Bruce Wayne. So when he took your hand and looked into your eyes, you knew it was serious. 
It had been a lovely evening. A dinner at some nice restaurant you’d always wanted to try but could not afford, a stroll in the park, and his sweet confession under the bright lights of Gotham. It was perfect, and you’d kissed him and thus sealed your romance. 
Work became easy to manage after that. You could often be found at Lucius's department, and were often buried with a thousand different projects, so you really didn't have the time to miss Bruce. It's not like you didn't miss him as a whole - simply that you knew the both of you had business to tend to, and the quicker you got it done with, the quicker you could meet up after.
But that’s not to say you didn't spend time together at work. Bruce visited you on your lunch breaks more than often, the two of you pressed against each other as you spoke and ate your respective meals. There was nothing Bruce wanted more than to bring you to his office and spend time with you there, but it was risky. No one knew you were dating, and it could mean trouble for your department and his company. You didn't mind it - your space felt like home, and having Bruce there just added to its charm. Besides, you felt like some sort of character from a movie, hiding your secret relationship with your boss from the entire world. Well, not the entire world. Lucius found the both of you quite often, shooting you Bruce a wink, and you a knowing smile, and telling his boss about how “real smiles look good on him” and how he should smile them more often. 
Speaking of home, you got to meet his. Bruce took you to his Manor a few days after you’d started dating. He wanted you to be around his place more often. Being Batman was lonely - being Bruce Wayne was even worse. He had to go home to an empty Manor pretty much every day, with only Alfred for company. And no offense to the older man, he had taken care of Bruce his whole life and he was extremely grateful for that. But the Wayne heir did not exactly want to come home to his butler sleeping on his bed, clad only in one of his shirts. It was a vision he never wanted to have. 
Instead, he gave you a set of keys and told you to make yourself at home. If you didn't know just how serious he was about the two of you, you wouldn't have accepted them. And it’s not like you’d be moving in right away - the keys were simply so you could come in and out as you pleased, spend some time with him, spend the night if you wanted to. 
He had rules, which you understood. No going in the piano room - that was his father’s old study and he did not want anyone in there. It seemed inviting, and the books on the shelves tempted you, but you did not want to break Bruce’s trust and never entered it. 
You made friends with Alfred rather quickly. You found the way to his heart was fixing the coffee machine he so loved and refused to replace. 
“Miss, with all due respect, do you know what you’re doing?” He’d asked in that low British voice of his, somewhat worried. 
“I promise you, it’ll be good as new.”
To your credit, it was. You'd fixed it after a few minutes, and Alfred marveled as the machine he’d tried to have fixed about seven times the past month worked flawlessly before him. When Bruce got home that day, the butler turned to him with a proud nod and declared you were the one for him. 
Bruce thought so too. 
That’s why he began planning how the hell he was going to break up with you before things got too serious. 
He knew he liked you - that much was obvious. He liked you very much. He liked you, and your personality, and your voice when you chastised him but also when you praised him and told him you loved him, loved your sarcastic sense of humour, loved the way you made his heart leap out of his chest with a simple smile. He thought of all the reasons that made him like you so much, and they only reminded him of why you couldn't be together. He couldn't have you in his life - not when he had a double identity, when he kept a secret as big as life itself. He couldn't drag you into his mess of a life. 
Which is why breaking up hurt him a thousand times more than it did you. 
He sat you down in his living room and spewed some bullshit about not being able to give you the future you wanted, something about not being a good person and you deserving better. He wasn't very clear, kept it short and concise, and confined himself to his bedroom after it was done so you wouldn't see him cry.
It broke your heart to say the least. You'd come to know this man and learned to love him so deeply, and to have all that happiness taken away from you was devastating. You wanted to follow him to his bedroom, ask why the hell he was doing that to you when you loved each other so much, when you were sure your love was stronger than any force in the world. 
But something inside you made you hesitate in front of his father’s study. You were told to never enter that room, but right now, all you wanted to do was go against each and every one of Bruce’s rules. You wanted to love him, to be with him, to go inside the stupid room and play the piano he told you never to touch. 
You walked inside, marveled at how pretty everything was, how right. Everything was in its right place, and the room seemed like a very soothing room to be in. You imagined yourself, sitting by the window, book in hand as you sipped your coffee. You could get used to that. 
Bruce clearly had no idea what you were up to, because if he did, he wouldn't have let you wander around the room, looking through bookshelves to find out what kind of reading his father did, and finding a weird contraption that seemed far too odd to belong to a bookshelf. That sort of mechanism belonged in doors, in gateways, in entrances - more specifically, to the kind of hidden doors Lucius’s office had. 
Bruce clearly had no idea what you were up to, because if he did, he would've found you as you figured out how the hell to open that mysterious door that posed as a bookshelf, and would've stopped you before you could enter the elevator inside. 
Perhaps he shouldn't have let an engineer and a technology prodigy alone in his most forbidden room. 
Bruce clearly, most assuredly had no idea what you were up to, because if he did, he wouldn't have let you wander around his cave, eyes wide in surprise and amazement. You looked around, wondering why the fuck your boyfriend had a whole ass dungeon to yourself. So you got busy. And it didn't take much for you to understand exactly just what the fuck was happening there. 
You looked through the blueprints, through the prototypes, through the endless stashes of papers. You eyed every sketch for gloves and utility belts, and confusion clouded your brain until your eyes laid on top of a cowl. A very familiar one.
Holy shit. 
Your boyfriend is Batman. 
And then suddenly, everything clicked into place. 
The weird schedules, the missed dates, the exhaustion, the odd bruises you managed to get glimpses of. 
The breakup. 
It all made sense now. 
And when Alfred confronted you a few minutes later, having found the secret entrance to the cave open and having quickly followed inside, you frowned and asked out loud why Bruce had hidden such a thing from you. 
“I think that is something you should discuss with Master Wayne himself,” was what he’d told you, and you were quick to cradle the cowl next to you and run back upstairs. 
You knocked on Bruce’s bedroom door incessantly, and for a while you thought he had gone out or abandoned you for good, but after an assertive “I know who you are”, he opened the door at the speed of light, eyes widening once he took note of the cowl tucked under your elbow.
It was an extremely awkward conversation - for him, that is. 
While half of you was freaking out because your boyfriend (you refused to call him your ex. You were not breaking up with Bruce Wayne.) was the fucking Batman and he’d never told you, but the other half told you that everything wasn't always what it seemed, and that you should let him explain himself. 
He did, very awkwardly. He wasn't expecting you to find out - not at all. So, this whole “you-found-out-i’m-a-masked-vigilante-after-i-broke-up-with-you” atmosphere was one he was simply not used to. And he hated it! He’d just told you a bunch of bullshit about the two of you not being able to be together - somewhat true - and he’d tried to erase you from his mind. And now you were sitting in front of him while he tried to explain everything to you. 
It took a while to settle in, but once it did, it was easy to understand why he did what he did. He told you how afraid he was to lose you, should any of the criminals he fought against get a hold of any personal information on him. He told you about how it was already hard enough to trust Alfred, the man that had raised him his entire life, the man he saw as a father figure, too afraid something would happen to him. The more you knew about his double-life, the more it’d put you at risk. 
You grabbed a nearby pillow and hit your boyfriend on the head repeatedly. 
“You - “ HIt. “Are - “ Hit. “Such - “ Hit. “An - “ Hit. “Asshole!” Hit. “What the hell were you thinking!” You hit him once again for good measure and he removed the soft weapon from your hands, tired of being hit. 
“I was thinking that I had to protect you.” Bruce said calmly. He’d be lying if he said a massive weight hadn't been lifted off his shoulders. He loved you, truly. He wanted to keep you safe and away from harm and away from him, from Batman, from the one figure that could doom your life forever. But he also trusted you and wanted to share everything that was his with you. He wanted to show you everything, to show you who he truly was and what he did and just trust you because it felt so nice to have someone like you. Someone he could trust. “You shouldn't be with someone like me, with someone that could endanger you so easily.” 
“I think I can make that decision by myself,” you retorted, reaching for the pillow again. When it was clear Bruce was not relenting it to you, you scoffed and playfully pushed at his chest. “You're an idiot, Bruce. I thought you didn’t love me anymore.” It seemed like a playful remark, but Bruce could make out the sadness in his voice, and kicked himself mentally for causing it. 
“How could I not love you anymore?” He asked, caressing your cheek with his hand. “You’re everything to me. That's why I was willing to let you go, so you could be happy.”
“I can’t be happy without you,” you mumbled. 
“You'd learn how to. Find some nice man with no secret identities, who spent his night doing something normal like puzzles or crosswords, whose life would never put you in harm’s way.” 
“Puzzles? Crosswords?” 
“As long as he didn't go outside dressed like a bat, I'd be happy.”
“But I don’t want that. I want you.” 
Bruce sighed and looked away, but his hand never left your face. 
“You shouldn't. It’s not good for you to be with me. Hell, look at me. I'm Bruce Wayne. my whole life is under scrutiny and the public eye is merciless. How can I willingly let you be put under a microscopic lense just like I am?” 
“That’s not your choice to make, Bruce, and you know it. I don’t mind. I don’t care whatever I go through, as long as I go through it with you,” you held his hand with your own, and placed a few soft kisses on his. 
“Still. You just saw my cave. That's not exactly boyfriend material now, is it?” 
“I’d say a sex dungeon is worse.” 
This earned a chuckle out of him, and for a brief moment, he got lost in your gaze, as he often found himself getting. 
“Only you could make me laugh at moments like these.”
“And I'll be here too do that for many more years to come.” You scooted over, and wrapped your arms around his neck. “Just… Don’t shut me out, Bruce. I love you. We can do this together, and I'll be fine, I promise. And honestly, you don't even have much of a choice here, because you said yourself you didn't want to break up with me, so, well, there’s no real reason to do it.” 
He sighed, and after a while, nodded. He was allowed to be selfish, wasn't he? To take you for himself, to allow himself the comfort of being loved. 
He didn't have much of a choice, it seemed. You were intent on being with him no matter what, and despite a little voice in his head telling him that was a terrible idea, he let himself smile and agree to whatever you had to say. He always would, really. 
“So you just weren't going to let me break up with you?”
“Pft,” you scoffed, kissing him softly. “I wasn't. You’re mine now, Wayne. Or should I call you Dark Knight from now on? You gonna save me or something, Batman?” You chuckled slightly and something dark flashed in Bruce’s eyes. With one swift motion, he had you pinned down to the mattress, and your giggles had evolved to full on laughter. 
“Pretty cheeky, aren't we today?” He asked with a soft smirk, the one you recognised not from the tabloids and the gossip magazines, but from time spent with you. “You seem awfully into roleplay.” 
“Nothing of the sort. Just wondering if having a goal such as rescuing the fine maiden would improve your performance.” 
“Improve my performance, huh?” 
Bruce reached down to spread your legs and slot himself in between them. 
“We’ll see.” 
Now that Bruce could be completely open with you, life was good. 
He'd no longer come home to an empty Manor and even emptier bed, but you working on some sort of new prototype by the fireplace, or reading about some new technological advancement in bed. Such sights made his heart melt. It was all worth it. The sleepless nights, the bruises, the exhaustion. It was all worth it for you. 
Your time together went by quickly, and before you noticed, you were celebrating your second year as a couple. It was a lovely celebration, quiet and private - the way you two liked - a nice dinner by the river, music, some champagne, promises of a future together, and a question to move in with him. 
The answer was more than clear. You already spent a lot of time at his Manor, so moving in felt natural and comfortable. You wanted this. Wanted to move in with the love of your life, wanted to wake up to his lovely face every day, wanted to teach him how to make coffee and laugh as he gets it wrong after all this time, want to massage the knots caused from stress off his shoulders, wanted to be with him at all possible times. 
Moving in was extremely fun. You had some stuff from your apartment that you simply had to keep. Old memorabilia or some furniture you were super attached to. Items and clothes and such. But aside from that, you simply sold everything else and began your life inside Wayne Manor. 
It was great. It was perfect, even. Bruce still came home rather late sometimes, and he still cancelled your days ever so often, but at least you knew where he was, what he was doing. Sometimes, you’d go down to the cave and talk to him, ask him how patrol was doing through the intercoms and ask him to drive home safely. He always complied. 
One night, he came home to you fiddling with some of his old grapple gun prototypes. Useless, he thought them, having only kept those for spare parts. 
“What’re you doing?” Bruce asked, walking up to you as he removed his cowl. 
You smiled. Seeing him in his suit did things to you - it reminded you he was the just vigilante that kept Gotham safe, risking his own life for others, of course - and you gave him a head to toe look, clearly enjoying the view. 
“Working on something,” you said simply. 
Your boyfriend walked up to you, looking over your latest creation. It was still his old grapple gun, and yet it looked different. 
“I implemented two other grapples.” You handed him the object, crossing your arms over your chest. “Was a bit tricky, but I managed to do it. The line is strong to handle five times your body weight now, and you can use it not only to holster yourself up in the air, but also pull heavier objects towards you. What do you think?” 
Bruce took the gun in his hands and examined it. It was slightly heavier, but you’d managed to keep it small and efficient. It would be of extremely good use. 
“Thank you,” he smiled, pressing a kiss to your head. “You're brilliant, really. What would I do without you?”
“Probably die in a ditch.” 
At first it was hard convincing him that it was totally okay for you to help him in his endeavours as Batman. You told him over and over again that there was nothing wrong with it. You weren't out there, you weren't actually out there, it’s not like you were in danger. No one could hurt you so long as you were in the safety of your shared home. After a few helpful tips and some upgrades on his gadgets, Bruce relented. 
And it was when you began to slack off at work that he realised that something had to change. He'd find you asleep on the job, too tired from having spent the night working on some new concoction for him. You couldn't keep your eyes open during meetings, and would fall asleep during every single ride you took. 
You told Bruce you were fine, of course. You'd been a college student once, and you’d survived. This was nothing. Still, your too sweet boyfriend would force you to stay home for days on end just so you could get some rest. He needed you not only safe, but also healthy, even if his demands for you to take a break were met with groans and eye rolls.
One night when you were huddled up in bed, you confided in him that you loved helping him out as Batman. It was a way for you to be involved in his life, do something nice for the city, and put your inventions to test. 
That's when he came up with the idea. 
It took a while for him to confess it, after all, he knew how much of a hardworking woman you were. You wouldn't simply abandon your job to help him out, now would you?
To his surprise, you did. 
You loved the idea as much as him. Sure, you loved your job at Wayne Enterprises, and were extremely proud of what you had achieved so far. But you had to admit you were stretching yourself too thin. Between your job and your little side gig, you had no real time to rest and it was killing you. So, you accepted. 
You handed in your resignation letter to your boss, billionaire Bruce Wayne (who smiled and spun you around in the air as he kissed you. You teased him about his lack of professionalism and he reminded you the company was his with a pat on your backside.) and headed home.
From then on, you made being Batman’s sidekick (a title he hated, really. You were much more than just a sidekick) your full-time occupation. You had your hobbies, sure, and your interests, and you went out with friends and made the most out of your life. Only this time, instead of working a 9-to-5 job at your boyfriend’s company, you remained inside his cave, crafting new objects and tools for him to use during his nightly duties. 
You created an explosive gel for him, a tool he could use to blast doors down and even stun enemies with. You were quite proud of that one, laughing loudly when you heard him use it for the first time through the intercoms. All you���d heard was a loud “boom”, and Bruce’s voice muttering a husky “fuck”. That was how you knew you’d done a good job. 
The Remote Control Batarang was one of your finest inventions. Bruce first asked you what he hell he needed a remote control Batarang for (he also hated the name Batarang - truly, no fun), but it proved to be useful real quickly. 
“You have two men to your left, one of them has a gun, the other has a bat.” Chuckle. 
“Very amusing,” Bruce whispered. 
“I think it’d be a good time to try the remote control Batarang,” you said, eyes flicking between the screens in front of you. “The one with a gun seems confident, but the other one not so much. If you tackle him down, he’s sure to not put up a fight.”
“You were dying for me to use this, weren't you?”
“So much.” 
You heard him remove the Batarang from his belt, and the few beeps informed you he was done setting it up. The slight woosh as the object cut through the air, and a distant man’s scream of agony was enough for you to know you’d succeeded once again. 
“Now who doesn’t need a Remote Control Batarang?” 
“Don’t call it that.” 
“Love you too. Coast is clear though, go ahead.” 
Maybe the Shock Gloves were your favourite. They were a quick and easy way for your boyfriend to stun his enemies and leave them unconscious long enough for him to do whatever he had to, while not taking their lives. 
You took Bruce’s no killing rule extremely serious. While you thought some of the people that terrorised Gotham most certainly deserved a fate worse than prison, you thought it was noble of him never to take a life for himself. His moral code was commendable and something you loved about him. 
And it goes without saying that after you finished the first prototype for the shock gloves, you made a smaller, daintier tool that allowed you to playfully shock people when you greeted them. Alfred was your first victim and later that evening, he cut off your hot water in retaliation. Touché. 
Your freeze blasts were quite useful as well. He'd used them only a handful times, but as long as he did and they helped, that's all that matters. 
Sometimes, Bruce would come home in the late hours of the night (or perhaps the early morning), and find you doubled over your desk, sketching prototypes or putting pieces together. 
It warmed his heart to see you were working so hard just for him, but tugged at it because you needed sleep. You needed rest, and here you were, working away for him. Creating new “toys”, as you’d so often call them. 
“What’re you still doing up?” He asked one particular night/morning, after having taken off his suit, and resting his head on the juncture between your shoulder and your neck. You sighed at the gesture - after such a tiring day,Bruce’s comfort was all you needed. 
“Working,” you mumbled, fingers moving with dexterity, tugging and twisting at some cables. 
“Isn't it a bit too late for you to still be working?” He replied against the skin of your shoulder. 
“Isn't it a bit too late for you to be coming home?”
“I’m not working anymore though. Coming to bed.”
“Are you? Goodnight then.”
Bruce shook his head and you could feel his brown locks brushing against your skin, tickling you. 
“Look at how far we’ve come. I used to be the one abandoning you in bed.” 
“You're lucky I found a new hobby.”
You remained in silence for a while as Bruce watched you work. He had no idea what this new contraption of yours was, but he was sure it’d be brilliant, as they all were. As you were. 
“This,” you said, voice only above a whisper, as if to not distract you, “Is a remote electrical charge.”
“Interesting.” What was interesting though, was that he began pressing kisses to the column of your neck, hands wandering to your waist. “I can’t wait for you to tell me all about it tomorrow.”
“Yes. Because now, we’re going to sleep.”
You scoffed. 
“I have to finish this Bruce, I'm sorry.”
“You’re stubborn. So very stubborn. Why did I hire you anyway?”
You turned to face him and feigned a thoughtful expression. 
“Because I'm really hot and you love me?”
“Damn it. Both of those are true.”
You chuckled and leaned in to kiss him, sighing as soon as his lips slotted against yours. You'd never get tired of kissing your boyfriend, that was for sure. 
“Fine,” you mumbled. 
“Take me to bed, Batman.”
“No. No Batman here. With you, I'm Bruce.” 
“And that's what I love the most about you.” You smiled and lifted your arms, a silent plea for him to carry you. He rolled his eyes but did so effortlessly nevertheless, happy to obey your every command. And he of course was a sucker for having you near him at all times. 
“Let’s take a shower first. You reek, Batguy.” 
“Whatever you say.”
Needless to say, the Remote Electrical Charge was extremely efficient. 
You were the perfect pair, really. 
Although you joked about being Bruce’s sidekick, you felt more like a partner, really. You'd go and make the tools, he’d go out there and use them to kick some ass. It was a perfect situation. A win-win. And you didn't mind not working at Wayne Enterprises anymore, not really. You still visited Lucius often, and, when you weren't too tired, you’d help him out with certain projects. Your ideas and skills had only gotten better after all the things you’d help build, and your former boss appreciated the effort. 
You helped Bruce with pretty much everything. 
Helped improve his suit, fixed his car (more than once), his motorcycle, and even made a few prototypes for other means of transportation. He’d tested everything from jetpacks, to something that weirdly resembled a rocket and a flying suit. There really was no limit to your imagination. 
Your life as Bruce’s girlfriend was eventually discovered, shortly after you two moved in together, and you decided to take in a “secret” identity, just as he did. To the public, you were Bruce Wayne and his dumb girlfriend who spent her days inside his mansion, sunbathing and spending his fortune. To those who knew you better (so, like, about two or three people), you were the Caped Crusader and his inventor girlfriend. 
Although that title didn't stick for long, because after a few years, Bruce asked you to marry him. 
That’s when you became his inventor wife. 
And that was a life you were happy to lead. 
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A/N: And that's it!!! I hope you guys enjoyed this! Once again, I'm so sorry to my anon. I've been super busy and tired, and I got the requests mixed up. If it helps, I really enjoyed writing this - Bruce and an engineer girlfriend who builds stuff for him sounds like a pretty cool idea.
Well then, that's all for today!!!
I hope y'all have a wonderful day ahead <3
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jeonginsleftcheek · 15 days
Cupid's Shot🩷
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pairing: lee felix x reader
genre: fluff, angst, slow burn
word count: 10.4k
description: what happens when Cupid breaks the rules and falls in love with a mortal?
warning/s: there are suggestive parts so mdni! not proofread!
a/n: here i go again with another felix fic and i'm really proud of it, except i feel like the ending is rushed but i had to write it twice cause i accidentally didn't save it the first time jddkdll
but anyways there will be a second part to this, with smut. it will be a continuation on this main fic but could also be read as its own thing.
please reblog if you like it!🩷
Their purpose is simple: bring two destined souls together by helping them get rid of their fears and insecurities, assist them to find the happiness they deserve, the love they would nurture with their soul mate.
Contrary to popular belief and the information in many books, there isn't only one Cupid, there is a whole nation of them, living in another realm, invisible to the eyes of the mortals, but they can see everything. Including the mortals auras, souls and their destined lovers.
The only rule they have to abide by is to not fall in love with a mortal. None of them really questioned it, they're just beings of light, existing to fulfill their purpose, until they disperse into little particles of shiny dust, disappearing into The Great Source Of Light.
They would get their assigned charges and do everything they can to cross them off the list after they manage to finally match them with their loved one.
Felix often wondered about a lot of things, like why was he born a Cupid, was he even born and where he actually came from if he wasn't. He wondered what The Great Source Of Light actually is and where it would take him after he fulfilled his duties. He wondered why wasn't he allowed to fall in love when love was so soft, warm and fuzzy. Wasn't love the ultimate goal? Was this some kind of punishment because of what he did in a past life; to be a mere messenger of love but never be able to experience it?
Ofcourse, he never dared to say anything like that out loud for the fear of what would happen if he did. He's never actually seen any punishments or violence happening in his little world, everything was cheerful and perfect, the Cupids worked and flew around with blushing cheeks and smiles painted on their faces; never complaining, never tiring. But he didn't want to risk it, or seem like he is defying the natural order of things, he is only curious.
Felix gets a scroll with names of his new charges, and he opens up the paper. Scanning over the names as they shine in a white-ish glow off the paper, something calls to him. His eyes flick around until they land on your name. Something inside him blooms, chimes and explodes in little fireworks. He chants your name in his head. It's time to find you. His eyes close and he focuses on your aura. Mixes of purples and blues swirl behind his closed eyelids and he can feel it closer, smell the sweet flowery scent with a hint of petrichor in it.
He opens his eyes and he's transported, his eyes meeting yours but ofcourse you don't see him. Your chin is resting on your palms, elbows perched on the table as you stare a hole into the computer screen in front of you. Felix quickly takes note of the surroundings, the clacking sounds, telephones ringing and chatter in the distance. He's in an office building, and you're sitting in your cubicle, your hair neatly tied and face devoid of any emotions. But he can see your aura, it's swirling and wilding around your frame, painting pretty designs around you. He thinks he's never seen something as beautiful as you are.
"Y/n!"- someone slams a stack of papers on your desk, startling both you and your Cupid, making him float back a little as he observes you.
"These papers need to be finished today."- the woman says, a malicious undertone in her voice.
"B-but it's almost six. I've worked overtime and-"
"It's not my fault you're slow. Next time work during lunch."- the woman turns around, leaving like it's none of her business.
Felix sees you immediately slump in your chair, the pretty blues and purples of your aura dimming down a little as you grip the papers and start going through them. Cupids weren't supposed to feel bad feelings like anger or envy or anything of that sort but Felix somehow felt annoyed at the woman, and moreover he felt bad for you. He wished he could help you get home faster somehow, but he knows he shouldn't meddle into anything except your soul mate.
Speaking of soul mates, as soon as Felix came down from his realm to yours, he couldn't feel another soul that's supposed to be binded to you. That was unusual but not impossible, sometimes charges had their hearts closed off and the Cupids had to try and open up their hearts first before actually connecting them with love.
He dismissed it for now and focused on you, trying to send you a lovely boost of energy so you don't feel too bad. You were tired and stressed, sick od being mistreated at work, seen as less than. There is a lump forming in your throat and tears threating to spill down your cheeks as you keep working. Suddenly, you feel relief, like someone untied the knot inside your chest and you take a deep breath in and somehow feel more energetic to keep working.
It's already past 9pm when you're done and you're beyond exhausted. All you want right now is a nice shower, a warm bowl of noodles and your bed. Felix observes as you tidy your desk and he follows you when you leave the building to your car. The walk through the empty dark parking lot is eerie and Felix can sense the fear creeping up inside you so he floats a little closer to you, his pink soft wings almost touching you. Not that you would feel it even if they did.
Your apartment is small, but it's cozy and clean and it smells like you, like your aura. It makes Felix's senses fuzzy, something he never experienced before. He looks around the living room full of plants you obviously love taking care of, pictures of you and your friends and family, little knick knacks you collect. He does a full turn and comes face to face with you, in your bra and he panics and scrambles away, almost flying into your lamp. The lamp swings ever so slightly and Felix is not sure how his wings have effect on anything physical in this world because they usually don't. He turns away from you giving you your privacy, waiting for you to leave to the bathroom.
When you do, he slowly flies back closer to the lamp and tries to touch it but his hand goes right through it. It was nothing, he sighs, relief washing over him. He keeps looking around, gathering information about his charge so he knows how to help you open up your heart and find love. Some kind of weird feeling washes over him shortly but he shakes it off. You come out of the bathroom, thankfully in your pjs which look adorable on you, Felix thinks as he smiles and watches you.
After your quiet dinner, you get ready for sleep and crawl into your bed, finally relieved to be in your safe space where no one can harm you. Felix ofcourse doesn't want to intrude and be around while you sleep, at least not yet, not when it's to early to enter your dreams. He turns around to fly out, back to his realm but a sniffle stops him. He stays still and listens, another sniffle coming from under your blanket.
A pang hits his chest when he realizes you're crying. He turns back to you and floats closer, the closer he gets, the more pain in his chest he feels. Why is it like this? Felix has always felt emotions of his charges to a certain degree but never this intense. It's almost unbearable to him and he struggles to come closer to you. He tries anyways, shining a little light he made inside his palms to look at you, but you're in the dark and can't see it. But he sees you and you look completely shattered as tears stream down your cheeks, eyes already red from crying. Your lips quiver, your aura fades more into gray and Felix feels what you feel.
He feels used and abandoned, ridiculed and lonely, unloveable. The feelings are so strong that they force him back away from you, tossing him into the wardrobe behind him, making the door rattle. You gasp and scramble into a sitting position, turning on the lamp beside your bed as fast as you can. You swallow in sudden fear as you look around but nothing's there. Felix is still, he's looking at you and he feels so bad that he scared you, especially while you were in a vunerable state. He still has no idea how he managed to make the door rattle or the lamp swing but that scares him too even though he didn't even feel any pain from the impact.
You shake your head and lay back down, turning the lamp off and wiping your tears away. Felix slowly floats towards the window, cautious not to touch or knock anything down. He looks at you one more time before he shimmers himself back into his realm.
"Have you ever moved a physical item in the earth realm?"- Felix whispers to his coworker and friend, Hyunjin, one of the Cupids he was close to.
"What?"- Hyunjin looks at him, his pink lips pouty and eyebrows furrowed in thought.
"Like... like have you ever accidentally made a lamp swing or a door rattle?"- he tries again and Hyunjin chuckles at his friend.
"Did you hit your head somewhere, Lix? We literally can't touch anything, we're not made from the same stuff earth beings and their things are made of."- Hyunjin says, closing his scroll and looking at Felix again.
"Yeah, yeah I know. It was just a stupid question."- Felix says quickly.
"Are you sure?"- Hyunjin squints his eyes at him.
"Yeah, positive. Don't worry about it."- Felix smiles in hopes to get the other Cupid to not ask any further questions since Cupids weren't really capable of lying.
"Eh, alright."- Hyunjin shrugs, opening up his scroll again and Felix sighs in relief. His friend was never one to pry information out of someone or ask incessant questions, which in this moment Felix is thankful for.
He's more than excited to see you again today, hoping you feel better than you did yesterday. He concentrates on your soul and aura, seeking you amongst the 8 billion souls on earth. As soon as he senses you he's transported into... the office bathroom? He's about to fly out because this is a breach of privacy but then he hears a familiar sniffle. There's no way you're crying in the office bathroom stall, is there? Felix slowly floats, looking for the source of the sound until he stops in front of the last door. He inhales and pushes himself through it, his eyes shut tightly. He slowly opens his eyes and squints, praying that you're not in some kind of compromising position.
You're not, you're just sitting on the closed toilet, your face in your hands and you're crying. Felix feels it again, the negative feelings drowning you in sorrow, one especially prominent. You feel excluded, invisible. Unimportant. Cupids don't really have a reason to cry usually, but Felix can feel your pain deeply with all of his being and his eyes water, golden sparkly tears sliding down his freckled cheeks. He reaches his hand towards you, trying to channel anything good through it, simultaneously fighting the bad feelings pushing him away. He knows he's not supposed to touch you or transfer any kind of light into you unless it's a dire soulmate situation but at this moment he doesn't care. He just doesn't want you to feel so sad and hurt so much. He places his palm on the top of your head, gently sliding it towards the back of your head and your head snaps up, your hand touching your hair where he just touched you.
Felix backs away immediately, pulling his hand to his chest as he panics, his big doe eyes wide as you look around in confusion. How did you feel that? You were only supposed to feel the light energy, but you actually felt his touch. Felix panics more when you reach towards him and he floats back out of the stall. Turns out you were just reaching for the door as you swung them open and hurried towards the sink.
Felix's heart beats hard in his chest, a strong fuzzy feeling shimmering in his insides, so dizzying to him that he doesn't even realize he floated right next to you. He gasps and looks at you but luckily you don't see him, you just splashed your face with water and you're looking at your reflection. He wonders what's happening to him, because a charge never made him feel like this nor did they feel him as you apparently did. He didn't even know who to ask about these things, and his friend Hyunjin seemed to know as much if not less than he does.
Felix throws that in the back of his mind for now, his main concern being; what or who made you cry at work? He follows you back to your cubicle and notices a few people gathered around another woman in the office, they're talking and throwing glances at you. Felix floats closer to listen in, even though he shouldn't really be doing that.
"Wow, Natasha, that ring really is beautiful."- one of the woman gushes as she speaks to the so called Natasha.
"I'm glad you're doing a bachelorette party."- one of them squeals.
"And I'm glad you didn't invite that weirdo. She seriously gives me the creeps."- another woman says, and Felix quickly realizes they're talking about you.
"Ugh, who cares about her. Let's talk about the party."- Natasha waves her hand and Felix feels something boiling in his blood, something he never felt before. Something that scares him and makes him wish he could do bad things to anyone who hurts you or makes you cry, but it quickly dissipates when he looks at your face. You look so dejected and he doesn't want you to think you're alone. He flies back to your cubicle and settles right next to you. And you're boiling. With sadness, anger and hurt, you're on the verge of exploding. Felix feels the push you're involuntarily making, pushing him and essentially pushing love away from you. Your aura is in the darker hues of blue and purple, swirling angrily. You stand up and as much as Felix wants you to stand up for yourself, he feels that you're not in the right state of mind and you might get yourself in trouble.
He quickly stands behind you, his hands hovering above your shoulders, scared now to actually touch you so you don't get spooked. He only hovers his hands above, as close to your skin as he can and sends some soothing light energy into your tense muscles. You relax visibly, the feelings of anger subsiding a little. You shake your head and sit down, deciding to ignore the bitches in your office because who really gives a damn about Natasha's wedding? You for sure don't so you go back to your work and Felix sighs behind you.
As you did yesterday, you continue working late into the night, leaving the building last again, crossing the creepy parking lot to your car and Felix follows closely like he did the day before. There's something different about your aura after that bout of anger you had in the office, something wilder brewing inside you. Felix can feel it and for some reason he doesn't recognize the feeling and he's left confused the whole way home as you drive, your hands gripping the wheel harshly.
You're calmer when you walk into your apartment and you do your nightly routine just like you did yesterday while Felix observes you patiently. You take a shower, he waits in the living room, he joins you for dinner and waits for you again in your room while you get ready for bed.
You lay down in your bed and the unfamiliar feeling that floated through you earlier is back. Felix struggles with it, he can't really comprehend the swirling he feels in his gut and he can't wrap his head around it being either a good or a bad feeling. He should leave but his curiosity gets the best of him, especially when you start making noises. Are you crying again?, Felix thinks and floats closer to you slowly only to realize in shock and horror that you're touching yourself.
He gasps, that feeling deep inside him stronger the closer he is to you and he feels like his insides are throbbing. Cupids don't exactly have a body they can touch but they know what sex is, after all that's part of relationships and love. And they also know they shouldn't be intruding on a private moment like this so Felix floats away towards the door, ignoring the fuzziness blurring his senses and vision. He tries to float through the door, the physical barriers never stopping him before, but his forehead collides hard with the door causing him to fall down on his butt, and he groans in pain. Pain? Since when do Cupids feel physical pain from impact like that?, he panics, his hand coming up to rub at his forehead.
"What the hell?"- he hears you say as you sit up and turn your lamp on, your eyes trained on the door. Felix guesses he made a lot of noise, again, and startled you, again.
"If there's a ghost in here now, you're sick!"- you yell out into the room and Felix looks up at you but luckily you don't seem to see him.
"Ugh, ghosts are scary."- he shivers, muttering to himself. You don't hear him, you sigh and lay back down, leaving the lamp on and opting to grab your phone. You open up Instagram, the mood you were in gone now.
Felix lifts up, dusting off the imaginary speckles of dust and glances at you again, feeling embarassed about this whole situation. He's confused about the door and how you managed to hear him smack into it. There's only one person he could ask about these happenings, and he's beyond nervous because of that.
"Hey Lix, how's it going?"- Changbin, one of the more experienced Cupids greets Felix as he makes his way to the Elders. Specifically, one he wants to talk to. Minho. For some reason, everyone is scared of him and there are rumours going around, rumours Felix doesn't even wanna think about because he gets scared easily.
"I- I need to talk to Minho."- Felix gulps and Changbin's smile falters.
"Oh? What for?"- he asks.
"It's personal. About my charge."- Felix answers.
"Ah, you got a tough one? Probably doesn't want to open their heart up for love, hm?"- Changbin wears a small smirk on his face as he plays around with the scroll he holds in his hands.
"Something like that, yeah."- Felix answers.
"You summoned me?"- there's a voice behind Felix and he shivers and turns around quickly, only to be greeted by a very pretty being, one that has sharp eyes and facial features but somehow there is softness underneath all that.
"Y-yes I did. I'm Felix."
"I know who you are. Tell me what you need."- the Elder called Minho talks calmly.
Felix turns to Changbin and he understands and shimmers away from them.
"Well, something weird is happening with my charge."- Felix says, clearing his throat.
"Weird how?"- Minho asks, the white light shining around him almost blinding Felix.
"I can feel her feelings, emotional and physical ones very strongly. So strongly that they managed to hurl me into her wardrobe and... and the door made noise. And then last night... I tried to float through her bedroom door and I banged my head into it."- Felix explains and he gets quieter and quieter as he talks, looking at Minho's face. The expressions Minho made during Felix's speech looked like he went through the five stages of grief in a few seconds.
"Has she heard you or seen you yet?"- Minho asks sternly and Felix is now scared for real.
"Yet? No, I mean no, she didn't. But she felt my touch. At least I think she did."- he mutters the last part.
Minho pinches the bridge of his nose, a long sigh coming out of his mouth.
"Someone screwed up. Again."- he says, annoyed.
"W-what do you mean?"- Felix feels like he's about to cry.
"Okay listen, just keep watching over your charge like you normally would. Create a link with her and infiltrate her dreams, fill them up with love. I'll talk to the others and we'll see what we can do. You just keep doing what you're doing. And don't be scared."- Minho places his hand on Felix's shoulder gently, in hopes of calming the young Cupid down. But nothing about Felix is calm in this moment.
It must be something big if Minho didn't tell him what's happening and he's asking to meet the other Elders. Something seriously bad is happening and Felix can't help but panic. In that moment of distress, he suddenly yearns to be by your side, the sweet scent of your aura, of you enveloping him and caressing him from the inside out. Felix opens his eyes and he's transported into your room. He didn't mean to do that and it startles him, he merely had a thought about you and he was suddenly there.
It's morning in the earth realm, way past your time to go to work but you're still in bed. It must be your day off or the weekend, Felix reckons. He hovers over your sleeping form and looks at you. Your aura is peaceful right now, the blues and purples leaning more to the pastel hues, and a slight silver shimmer between them swirling and dancing slowly. You must be having a good dream, Felix thinks as he smiles and reaches his hand towards you. He knows he shouldn't but he can't help himself. His palm rests on your cheek, and a buzzing feeling goes through him. A feeling he knows too well.
He gasps, retracting his hand as you stir in your sleep. Did you feel it too? His touch? The buzzing, the one that Felix always feels when a charges soulmate is near by. He couldn't believe it, he suddenly felt the other soul binded to you. But it was weird, like it's so close, almost like it's part of him. Something washes over him, a kind of melancholy and he doesn't know what to do with it. Sparkly tears brim at his eyes for a reason unknown to him and you're finally awake.
Your eyes flutter open and you stare straight at Felix, your sleep covered eyes boring into his wide ones. You freeze and he freezes too, his brain short-circuiting at the moment.
"What in the-" - you start and he shimmers away as fast as he can. There's no way. There's no freaking way you just saw him. He hopes he was fast enough so you'd think you were still dreaming. He shimmers back into his realm and accidentally bumps into Hyunjin hard, throwing him off balance.
"Woah! Felix?"- Hyunjin looks at him wide-eyed. "How did you do that?"- he asks.
"Do what?"- Felix's panic spreads wider inside him.
"You pushed me. How did you push me?"- Hyunjin looks confused.
"I- I don't know. I can't explain it right now, I just need to talk to Minho."
"You can't. The Elders are having a meeting. It's something serious by the look of it. Even The Great Source Of Light is attending the meeting. You know it's something bad when they're there."- his fellow Cupid explains.
"Oh my god!"- Felix cries, tears streaming down his cheeks and his friend gasps.
"Oh! You're crying! Why are you crying?"- Hyunjin flails both his arms and wings. He's never seen his fellow Cupids cry like this, especially not the always smiling Felix.
"I can't tell you. I need to go!"- Felix shuts his eyes tightly, concentrating on you again. He hears Hyunjin shouting his name, but it's too late, Felix is transported into your apartment again.
Only this time, it's the living room and you're sitting on the couch, talking to someone on the phone.
"I'm telling you it looked real. He was like some kind of angel. But like Barbie pink version."- you say and Felix accidentally chuckles. He covers his mouth fast but you didn't seem to hear him behind you. He slowly circles the couch to stand in front of you but you look through him.
"Well alright then my dreams are vivid as always. He was kinda cute tho."- you giggle and Felix feels warmness spreading in his face and chest.
"Sure, sure I need to get laid. According to you."- you laugh into the speaker, playing with the hem of your shirt, your legs tucked under one of the decorative pillows on your couch.
"Okay, let me know when you find a normal one."- you chuckle again. "I'll see you soon then. Bye!"
You hang up and shake your head, thinking to yourself that you've really gone mad if you started hallucinating like that. You get up and make your way to your room and Felix follows behind you silently, his senses buzzing again. You open up your closet and start sifting through your dresses. Felix heats up when he realizes you're about to undress. He turns around fast, closing his eyes, trying to be respectful even though there's a strong pull inside him telling him to just turn back around to face you. But he fights it and stays with his back turned to you.
When he's sure you're dressed he whips back around and his eyes land on you, dressed in a pretty dress and checking yourself in the mirror.
"Oh."- Felix gasps, his chest fluttering. He's never seen you dressed like that and his senses start buzzing even more. He's dizzy suddenly so he moves away from you, into the living room. He doesn't want to risk bumping into something or you seeing him again even though he has no idea what actually triggered that.
You finish getting ready and head out, Felix floating behind you. It's a beautiful sunny day and you walk to the park near your house, where your best friend waits for you.
"Y/n!"- Jisung waves at you, getting up from the bench he was sitting on and opening up his arms.
"Sungie!"- you yell back and close the distance, returning the hug.
Felix's lips fall open, and he feels something stirring inside him, something kind of uncomfortable at the sight of you hugging another man like that. You and Jisung part and start walking down the path together. Felix hurries up behind you, trying to put his hand on Jisung's shoulder so he can feel his soul. Jisung's aura is invisible to Felix, since he's not his charge but he can still 'read' his soul only if he manages to make the connection.
"So, how did your date go?"- you ask your friend.
"Which date? The one on Wednesday or the one last night?"- he smirks and you chuckle, smacking his arm and unkowingly startling your Cupid.
"Which ever one was better... or more eventful."- you wiggle your eyebrows.
"Honestly, they were both a snooze. This guy last night almost bored me to death. I'm beginning to think I'll never find my soulmate."- Jisung sighs. Felix's hand is almost on his shoulder.
"Aww, don't say that. I believe that you of all people will actually find your soulmate."- you say.
"I don't see it, unless Cupid personally comes down to earth and finds someone for me."- Jisung jokes and Felix freezes and retracts his hand.
Why did he say that? Did he actually believe in Cupid? Or was he just saying it?
You reach your favorite diner, and Felix manages to float through the door this time while following you. He stands behind your friend's chair as you chat and order, his hands hovering above Jisung's shoulder. He finally places them down, little lights forming from them as he tries to feel around for that familiar buzz and warmness.
But, nothing happens. Jisung doesn't flinch, you keep talking and laughing, and there is no buzz or warmness or love. At least not that kind, Felix can feel that Jisung cares about you as a friend but he isn't your soulmate and Felix feels relieved. Why is he relieved?! He's supposed to find your soulmate, that's his only purpose! He feels confused suddenly, thoughts swirling inside him and he decides - tonight will be the night he will try to infiltrate your dreams.
Felix waits for you to fall asleep instead of shimmering away this evening. When he's sure you're entering deeper into your dreams, he floats closer to you and hovers over you. He places his hands above your head and closes his eyes, concentrating on your energy. Little particles of light shine out of his hands onto your face, warming you up and creating the link your Cupid needs to basically transport himself into your mind.
You're dreaming, at least you think you are but it feels real. More real than any other dream you had before. You're in a field that seems to stretch forever, it's warm and sunny, you're surrounded by beautiful flowers but there's something different about them, different than flowers you see in real life. They're glowing, you realize. The light on their petals glimmers into million different colors, you've never seen anything like it.
"Pretty, isn't it?"- you hear a deep voice behind you and you whip around fast, but you're met with more flowers and grass.
"Who's there? Show yourself!"- you say.
"Not yet."- the voice says. "I don't want to spook you."
"Who are you?"- you ask.
"I'm... someone who's trying to help you open up your heart to love."- the voice reckons.
"Oh? I don't think my heart's closed though."
"Then why do you feel so lonely?"
"Ouch! That's none of your business!"- you feel slightly annoyed at the voice, but this is also just a dream so it must be your subconscious.
"Actually, that is exactly my business-"
"Honestly, I feel crazy talking to a void. Just come out from wherever you're hiding."- you hear a deep sigh and then you see a blinding light. Your arms come up to shield your eyes as you wait for the flickering to subside. When you put your arms down, you come face to face with a beautiful creature. You've never seen anyone as pretty as this creature is, they're practically glowing, their pretty pink wings shimmering and moving lightly as they hover over the ground.
"Hey, I know you!"- you say suddenly, pointing at him and waving your finger. "I saw you this morning when I opened my eyes. Oh my god, I am going crazy. I've conjured up some kind of pretty man in my dreams! You are a man, right?"
"Ugh, well, I'm not technically human. But for humans I am male presenting. I'm actually-" - Felix doesn't get to finish his sentence, he's suddenly forcefully thrown out of your mind.
The link is broken, why? Felix opens his eyes and you're awake. It's still night so why did you wake up? He floats away from you, giving you space as he sees you fumbling for your night lamp.
You turn the light on, your hand coming up to rest on your forehead. The connection must've been too much for you that it caused you a headache and that's why you woke up. Your Cupid feels bad that he caused you pain so he comes closer to you again, lifting his hands up over your hair to take the pain away. His light heals you and the pressure that was throbbing inside your head and behind your eyelids is suddenly gone. You go back to sleep feeling exhausted and confused about your dream even though you couldn't remember the details of it. Felix decides to stay next to you tonight.
It's been a few weeks, and the Elders haven't said a word about their meeting or Felix's 'situation' to him. He was still scared and panicky but he tried to stay calm for the sake of his charge - you, who he had to help find love. He tried to ignore the constant buzzing he felt whenever he got closer to you, but it was consuming him and making him feel weaker. Like his powers were harder to call upon, and he had no idea how you or the soul binded to you were doing that. Speaking of that soul, he had yet to find them and he tried to 'read' every single person interacting with you, but every time the reading came up blank.
Tonight, Felix decided to appear in your dreams again and try to make the dream longer so you could have a proper conversation.
You find yourself on the pretty field again, those wondrous flowers glowing beautifully around you.
"Hello?"- you say, looking around the now familiar place.
"I'm here."- the deep voice says and you turn around towards it.
"Indeed you are."- you chuckle. "I must be crazy."
"I assure you, you're not. Let me properly introduce myself. My name is Felix, and I am... well I'm your Cupid."- he says and you look at him in disbelief before you burst out into laughter, startling the poor creature.
"Okay, this is just a dream."- you shake your head.
"Yes, it is."
"At least I'm not hallucinating in real life."- you say.
"I've come to talk to you. I'm having some problems in finding the soul binded to you. I feel them close but I can't find them. It must mean that your heart is closed off to love."
"Is that like a soulmate?"- you play along this illusion you created in your head, when in fact you know you're just talking to yourself.
The glowing creature nods.
"What if I don't have one?"- you ask.
"Nonsense! Everyone has a soulmate."
"Even you?"
"I am just a messenger of love."- Felix shakes his head.
"Maybe I'm not meant for love. Maybe I'm an exception and I don't have a soulmate or whatever."- you sigh and Cupid floats closer to you.
"Is that how you feel? Undeserving of love?"
"Are you going all psychological on me?"- you chuckle, he's now closer to you and you feel warmth radiating from the light around him.
"Well, I need to know what's stopping you from finding love."
"I don't want to talk about this anymore."- you say, your mood sour suddenly and Felix feels it.
"Okay, we can talk about anything else."- he smiles at you.
"Don't you have somewhere else to be? Aren't you supposed to help people find love?"
"I am one of many."- Felix chuckles. "I'm supposed to be right here now. With you."
You're about to talk but your alarm blasts next to your ear and you realize you're waking up. The pretty field, flowers, sunshine and Cupid disappear into oblivion and you wake up in your room. The clock is showing 6:30am and you have to get ready for work. You have a warm feeling inside you and you feel like you just came from somewhere, some happy place and you're trying to grasp it again. You hate when you forget your dreams like that, but it must've been a good one because you're feeling more positive than you usually do.
Jisung calls you that evening, all excited about finding you the perfect date. He's been yapping about his coworker, Chan, for days, trying to get you to go out with him.
"Just take a risk. It's one date, what do you have to lose? If you don't like him just ghost him or something."
"Because that's very nice to do, Jisung."- you roll your eyes even though he can't see you over the phone and he laughs.
"Look, maybe it will just be some nice dick, but god knows you need that anyways."
"Oh my god!"- you laugh. "Alright then, I'll go out with him."
"Yes!"- you can imagine Jisung jumping up and down in excitement. "Wear that pretty black dress you have!"
And you do, you wear the dress, you put your heels on, you even put a little more makeup than you usually do and Felix watches.
He seethes in jelaousy, he recognizes it now, it's something Cupids aren't supposed to feel but he does. He wants you to make yourself this pretty for him, only for him. He knows it's the highest rule he's breaking but he can't help it, he's fallen in love with you.
You really don't have high expectations out of tonight, having been disappointed in people again and again. So you're surprised when Chan turns out not only handsome and funny but a real gentleman and someone you can actually have an intelligent conversation with. But you're cautious and don't want to jump to conclusions, or start anything serious.
That's why you decide to let go for the night, after a few encouraging drinks in your system, you invite Chan over to your place. You haven't been touched in so long, you forgot how good it feels to have someone kiss you as passionately as he does. You forgot how it feels to have gentle hands on your skin, worshipping you, laying you down on your bed.
Glowing golden tears slide down Felix's cheeks as he watches from the corner of the room. He knows Chan's not your soulmate, he linked to his soul back at the restaurant you had dinner at. And while he sensed that Chan was a good man, he still didn't want him anywhere near you. Felix still wants to give you privacy, but the buzzing and fuzziness clouding his senses don't let him move his wings or shimmer. He feels paralyzed and all he can do is turn his back to the bed, forced to listen to your pleasure, your strained moans, short breaths, your wetness caused by the man touching you and kissing you, the way you kept chanting his name.
Felix wishes to disappear, but at the same time his gut is stirring and he feels shame wash over him. He shuts his eyes tight, ignoring all the feelings brewing inside him, and suddenly he feels like he's being pulled up. He almost screams in fear but when he opens his eyes, he realizes he's back in his realm. Minho is glowing as he stands in front of him and Felix, still out of breath, slightly bows to his Elder.
"Felix."- Minho says and the Cupid gulps.
"Your powers are weakening fast, even as we speak."
"What's happening to me?"- Felix asks, fresh sparkly tears spilling out his eyes, lips quivering.
"You're losing your powers. You're becoming human, Felix."- Minho announces and Felix gasps.
"H-how is that possible?"- he's shivering now.
"I can't tell you yet. You need to find out on your own. Go back to your charge."
"B-but she's-"
"Go to her. Don't be afraid. Everything will be fine, Cupid."- Minho waves his hands towards Felix, little sparkly clouds coming out of them, soothing the Cupid's pain as much as he can.
"I can't shimmer."- Felix shakes his head, shaking a little.
"Just try to focus on your charge's energy and you'll be transported."- Minho says and Felix tries again, he senses you but he can't move.
"Hyunjin!"- Minho summons the other Cupid and he appears next to them. He takes in the state of his friend, shaking and tears still streaming down his cheeks. He's never seen him this weak or this sad.
"What's wrong?"- Hyunjin's brows furrow.
"He can't shimmer. Help him, just bring him to his charge, he'll show you the way."- Minho explains.
Hyunjin grabs Felix's hands gently and they both close their eyes, communicating with their minds, Felix sending his emotions and your soul's energy to Hyunjin. They manage to shimmer into your living room and Felix looks around. It's obviously the next day after that date, since time goes by differently in different realms.
"Hey, whatever happens, everything will be okay in the end, you know?"- Hyunjin smiles sympathetically at Felix, gently putting his hand on his friend's cheek.
"How do you know that?"- Felix's bottom lip quivers. "Do you know something I don't?"- he asks, vision blurry from tears. Hyunjin wipes them off.
"I don't. But I trust the Elders know what they're doing. And so does The Great Source Of Light. They would never harm us or anyone else for that matter."- Hyunjin reassures him.
"You really think that?"- Felix sniffles.
"I do. You'll be fine, my friend."- Hyunjin pats his head and shimmers away. Felix looks around again and you're not in the living room. He hears rummaging in your kitchen and he hopes and prays that Chan isn't still here. He wipes his tears away, trying to come to his senses, and you walk out of the kitchen towards your sofa.
You look up and freeze.
"What the fuck?!"- you squeal, grabbing the nearest object to you, which was just a decorative pillow in the shape of a flower and hurl it into the intruder standing next to your tv. Felix gasps, lifting his arms up to cover his face and the pillow flies right through him, a few particles of light dispersing around him as the pillow hits the wall with a thud.
"Okay, what the hell is this?!"- you say, obviously panicked and trying to pinch yourself so you wake up cause there's no way this is real.
"Don't hurt me!"- the 'intruder' speaks in a deep voice that's somehow familiar to you.
"What are you? What is happening?!"- you panic, half hiding behind your sofa. "Are you a ghost?"
"Ghosts are scary."- the creature shakes his head and comes closer. You squint your eyes, moving back a little, before realization dawns on you.
"I know you!"- you wave your finger at him and Felix feels a sense of deja vu. "You appear in my dreams. You talk to me. In some field with weird flowers."
"How do you remember that?"- he gasps. His powers must be really weakening.
"I remember a lot of my dreams. I don't remember what we talk about though. Am I going crazy and hallucinating right now? Talking to myself?"- you ask.
"No, I'm real."- the creature says.
You don't feel threatened for some reason so you come closer to him. Warmth radiates off of him and he looks ethereally beautiful up close. His hair is long and blonde, eyes dark but sparkles swim inside them, eyelashes long, freckles adorning his face, some of them in the shape of little hearts, even his upper lip is shaped like a heart. He glows, his pink shiny wings moving ever so slightly as he hovers above the ground just a little, before he plants his feet down on your carpet.
You reach your hand towards him, something pulling you closer to him and Felix stays completely still as he feels that buzzing again. His soul vibrates as your fingertips touch his ever so slightly and his eyes flutter. You gasp, only feeling electrifying warmness when you touch him, not actual skin like you would if you were touching a human.
"W-what are you?"- you whisper.
"I'm a Cupid. One of many. I was sent to help you find your soulmate."- he says and you laugh in disbelief, much like you did in your dream.
"I should call a doctor and get my head checked."- you sigh, sitting down on your sofa. Felix joins you reluctantly, almost shyly, and you eye him.
"I'm telling you, you're not crazy, this is real. It's just that you're not supposed to see me. But somehow you can."- he says.
"And why's that?"- you ask.
"I don't know. The Elders do. But they never told me anything, they said I should find out on my own."- the Cupid explains.
"The Elders?"- you play along to the madness.
"Yeah. Ugh, they're like beings of light like us, but like upper level. They take care of everything, keep the balance of Good in the world. All the positive feelings and such."- the Cupid explains.
"So is your name Cupid or?"- you say, trying to wrap your head around what's happening right now.
"No, my name's Felix."- he says.
"Okay then, Felix."- you emphasize his name and his chest flutters, some kind of vibrating wave washing over him. "How are you supposed to help me find my soulmate?"
"Well, I watched you and got to know you... and I'm supposed to feel the soul-"
"Wait, wait. You watch me? Isn't that kinda creepy?"- you stop him.
"N-no, it's literally what I'm supposed to do! Or it was, at least. I never intruded on your personal moments. I mean, not on purpose."- Felix says, looking away from you.
"What do you mean not on purpose?"
"I couldn't shimmer while you were here with your date last night. But I was summoned by the Elders anyways."
"It's how Cupids transport through realms."- he explains, and you shake your head, your brows lifting up in disbelief.
"So you just watched me have sex?"
Felix cringes, the feelings stirring inside him last night threatening to resurface again.
"No, I didn't! I turned away. And just so you know, Chan is not your soulmate."
You scoff at him and grab your phone.
"Okay, I've had enough of this craziness. I'm gonna call the only person I trust, and if he can see you then you're real."- you nod to yourself.
"Jisung?"- Felix asks and you roll your eyes at him.
"You know eeeeverything about me, now do you?"- you say before Jisung picks up. You tell him it's an emergency and to come over asap.
And he does, just 10 minutes later, he's walking through your door.
"Come, I need to show you something."- you say grabbing his arm and pulling him into your living room.
"Where is the damn emergency?"- Jisung whines.
"There."- you point at Felix, who's standing next to the sofa now. "Do you see him?"
"You mean the pretty man with pink wings that's floating in your living room? Yeah I do and what the actual fuck?"- Jisung asks, his eyes widdened in shock.
"This is Cupid. One of many, as he says. His name is Felix and he's here to help me find love."- you sigh and Jisung laughs, shaking his head. "And since you can see him, either he's real or we're sharing a hallucination."
"I can't believe your ass was so lonely that you got your own personal Cupid to help you date."- Jisung jokes and you smack his head.
"Not funny!"- you say.
"Actually, you have your own personal Cupid too."- Felix chimes in.
"I do?"- Jisung's eyes widden again, his hand still rubbing where you smacked him.
"Everyone does."- Felix nods.
"So why can we see you?"- Jisung asks.
"I don't know. I don't know why any of this is happening. It all started when I accidentally swung the lamp and hit the wardrobe door-"
"That was you?"
"Yeah, and I'm not supposed to be able to influence physical stuff in the earth realm like that. I'm only made of light."- Felix explains.
"Okay then, you obviously need help. Since you can't shimmer or whatever, and people can see you, you have to stay here while I'm out. I mean people would probably be weirded out if they saw a guy with wings floating around me all day."- you chuckle and Felix nods, some kind of turmoil swirling in his chest.
"Shimmer?"- Jisung asks.
"Don't ask."- you say and Felix suddenly feels dizzy, he grabs at his chest, vibration going through his body.
"Felix?"- you tilt your head as you turn back to him.
He's buzzing even more now, little particles of light dispersing constantly around him.
"What's happening to him?!"- Jisung panics getting up and trying to get closer to the Cupid, only to be blinded by light.
Both of you lift your hands up to shield your eyes, and you hear some kind of little explosions like fireworks all around you.
The lights are so bright that you can see them under your closed eyelids.
You hear a thud and the lights disappear so you finally open your eyes. Felix is laying on the floor, seemingly unconscious and both you and Jisung rush to him.
You place your hand on Felix's shoulder and try to shake him only to realize you can actually feel him like he was made of flesh, not only the warmness and electricity that went through your palm earlier.
Felix is slowly waking up and he can hear Minho summoning him, at the same time he feels your hand on him, he feels the floor beneath him and he panics. He's pulled up suddenly, the action hurting him, his now human body screaming with pain.
"Felix."- he hears Minho's warm voice.
"What happened?"- Felix asks, slowly opening his eyes, all the light and swirling clouds that he was surrounded by every day of his existence suddenly making him naseous, intensifying the headache behind his eyelids.
"You're almost completely human. Have you realized why you're turning human?"- Minho asks and Felix shakes his head no.
Minho pinches the bridge of his nose, sighing in annoyance.
"Think about it. The buzzing you feel when you're close to your charge."
Felix thinks, despite the horrible aches going through his body, he tries hard to think about everything he knows. He gasps as realization dawns on him.
"I'm- I'm her soulmate?"- he says, his chest beating now and he clutches at it, realizing he now has a heart pumping blood through him.
"Finally!"- Minho chuckles.
"But how is that possible? Cupids aren't supposed to fall in love, especially not with mortals."- Felix recites the rule he learned the first day he opened his eyes.
"Well, someone screwed up. As you know, us Elders deal with good souls too, we help them reincarnate or pass on into different existences. Cupids souls are the souls of people who are done with their life on earthly realms, promoting them to a higher state of being. I mean, not only Cupids, but also Muses for inspiration, Sandman for dreams and many other light beings. The point is, your soul was supposed to be reincarnated as your charge's soulmate. But instead someone accidentally reincarnated you into a Cupid. Still, the pull of love is stronger than anything, travelling through realms and your soulmate ended up as your charge just so you can find love in each other. Weird how destiny works, but that is yours."- Minho explains and Felix just stares at him, the overwhelming amount of information seemingly suffocating him.
"Wh-what about my powers... My other charges..."
"Your charges have been divided between different Cupids, so don't worry about that. Your powers are actually what I wanted to talk to you about. They were one with you since the day you started existing, connected to your emotions so it will take some time for them to completely disappear. The transition will be hard but it will be worth it."
"B-but... what if she doesn't love me?"- Felix asks weakly.
"Oh, she already does. After all, she's your soulmate too."- Minho smiles, seemingly glowing even brighter than before.
"So what do I do now?"
"I will send you back to the earth realm. This is goodbye, former-Cupid. You did a great job helping people find love. It's your turn now to find yours."- Minho says beckoning Felix's friends to come closer. Hyunjin and Changbin float closer to Felix, both of them with golden tears sparkling in their eyes, threatening to spill out.
"You'll be fine, Felix. You deserve to feel love."- Hyunjin smiles at his friend and Changbin agrees.
Felix tries to hug them, but all he feels is the warmness of the light particles they're made of as they embrace him. It's enough for him to feel the love they hold.
"Shimmer him to his love."- is the last thing Felix hears before everything goes black.
It has been three weeks exactly since Felix disappeared and appeared again in your living room, without his wings, unconscious and running a high fever.
You and Jisung carried him to your bed when he appeared, unsure if you should call an ambulance or not. Jisung remembered that Chan's close to a doctor who's really good at what he does but you felt awkward since you never contacted him again after that night. He was still happy to help, holding no grudges against you and his doctor friend welcomes you to his ordination the same day.
You can't really explain the whole situation to the doctor lest he deems you crazy, but even with the little information you give to him, he takes care of Felix.
"Hm."- doctor Yang muses, staring at the papers in his hands. "He just has a fever, while all his other vitals are fine. It's just like he's burning up from the inside, like there's some kind of light or fire inside him."
Even after running all the possible tests, the doctor couldn't find the source of Felix's state, but you know it's gonna take more than any kind of human medicine to make him better.
And now it's been three weeks, Felix is falling in and out of consciousness, and you've tried everything and anything you could think of. Jisung's been helping you take care of him, and you've had time to think. Your heart ached for Felix, seeing him on the brink between life and death, holding on by a thread.
In the mean time, you decide to say fuck it and quit your job. It's not what you wanted to do originally anyways, you just had to pay bills like everyone else so you settled. But, after finding out about Cupids, Elders and whatnot, your earthly problems and concerns seemed kind of nonsensical. Life is so much greater than you thought it was, there is meaning in it, there is love and destiny and soulmates.
That's why you feel connected to Felix, in a way, he was excluded too, something you felt every single day of your life, especially at work. He was cut off from the only life he knew, he had no family or friends, no past on Earth, at least not in this life. You feel like you want to protect him in any way you can.
"Sungie, I'm worried. His breathing is really shallow."- you say, placing your hand on Felix's forehead.
Jisung is silent for a few moments, deep in thought.
"Jisung?"- you tilt your head at him.
"You know what I've been thinking? Since he is - well was Cupid, and he's made of light and love... wouldn't a true love's kiss make him better?"- Jisung suggests.
"Have you been reading fairytales?"- you chuckle.
"Cupid is kind of a fairytale though, isn't he? Or a myth, rather. I don't know, just think about it."
"That's so cliché though."- you shake your head in disbelief.
"Cliché or not, it could be the only way to help him."
That evening, you're alone with Felix and thinking about what your friend said earlier. It couldn't hurt to try, right? You got nothing to lose.
You get up from the couch that you've been sleeping on ever since Felix fell ill, and make your way to your room. He's laying on his back, his breathing fast and shallow, beads of sweat running down his forehead. You sit on the bed, nervousness suddenly washing over you and making your heart beat faster in your chest.
"Felix?"- you try like many times before, but to no avail. Your eyes water and you're afraid. If this doesn't work, he may not have much more time. The thought of that creates an empty hole in your stomach.
You lean in closer to his face and slowly press your lips on his. They're chapped but still soft and you feel something hit you, leaving you out of breath. Thousands of years of love, his soul that was binded to you since the beginning, stretching into forever, taking different shapes, nationalities, species. You may have even been two rocks on a shore when Earth first came into existence. You know him, you know his lips, you know his love.
You hear fireworks much like that day in the living room and you quickly pull back. Little lights are exploding around Felix and he opens his eyes.
"Y-y/n?"- he says weakly, his voice deep and raspy as he squints his eyes at you. The little lights from the fireworks disperse around you both.
"Felix?!"- you gasp. You can't believe it actually worked! Jisung is a damn genius, you think, smiling at Felix.
"It's okay."- you touch his forehead and his fever seems to be subsiding quickly. "You have to drink some water."
Felix just nods, feeling completely confused and out of it. You grab a water bottle and help him drink.
"Oh, that's better."- he says. "What happened?"
"You were kind of unconscious for three weeks. Jisung and I took care of you. I thought you... I thought you wouldn't make it."- you say, your stomach swirling with many different emotions.
"How did you make me better then?"- he asks and your face warms up.
"I- ugh- I kissed you."- you declare and Felix's eyes widden, his cheeks rosy.
"Oh."- he looks away and awkwardness settles between you both as you have no idea what to do or say.
Felix's stomach suddenly grumbles making you chuckle as he gasps and grabs at it.
"I guess you're fully human now."- you say. "Let's go eat something."- you reach your hands towards him.
He grabs them, wobbling on his feet and you help him steady himself. After not using his legs for 3 weeks, he still feels weak and fuzzy even though your kiss basically healed him.
"My wings!"- he realizes suddenly. "They're gone!"
"Actually, they were gone as soon as you were brought back from your realm."- you tell him and he doesn't answer, seemingly deep in thought.
You decide not to pry with any questions as you both settle in the kitchen, he'll tell you what's on his mind when he's ready.
You whip up some instant noodles and bring two bowls to the table. Felix doesn't wait, he starts digging in with his chopsticks right away.
"Woah, woah, wait a little or you'll get burned."- you warn him, gently grabbing his hand.
His face flushes as he looks at you sheepishly.
"Sorry."- he mumbles.
"It's okay."- you smile at him. "You have lots of things to get used to."
When he does try the food, his eyes widden comically, lips falling open.
"Oh wow, this is so good! Must be food for gods."- he gasps.
"Thank you, but it's just instant noodles."- you chuckle. He smiles a little and continues eating as thoughts swirl around his head.
Now that he's completely human, everything he knew before and everyone he cared about was gone. Everything he ever was just evaporated, his powers, his wings, his duties. And even though he knows you're his soulmate, and you're bound to fall in love with him like he fell in love with you, he was still scared. If you didn't want him, he'd have nowhere to go.
"What's on your mind?"- you ask Felix after dinner, as you both sit on your couch.
"Well... I basically don't exist in this realm. I don't have a family, not even a last name. No one, but you I guess."- he sighs shyly.
"I know it's not the same, but I kind of of have no one except Jisung and well you either. I'm not really close to my family anymore."
"But the pictures-"
"Are old. They didn't agree with my choices and they didn't care for me when I was down. Jisung was there for me at my lowest so he's more like family to me than my actual one."- you say.
"I understand. It's just that... I'm scared."- Felix looks away from you.
"Of what?"
"I know we're soulmates but I'm afraid you wont see me the way I see you and then I'll truly have no one."- he says quietly. You chuckle, making him look up at you.
"You know what I felt when I kissed you?"- you ask and he shakes his head.
"I felt like I've known you for a thousand years. Like I loved you for a thousand years."- his lips tremble. "I've always been kind of a dreamer when it comes to love. But after being with wrong people I stopped believing. In soulmates, destiny, Cupids and whatnot. But kissing you tonight changed everything."
"Do you maybe want to try that again?"
Instead of answering verbally you start leaning in towards him slowly, your eyes travelling to his plump lips. Felix's heart starts beating hard against his chest as he leans in too. Your heart matches the beating of his as his breath hits your lips. He meets you halfway, your lips pressing together and you place your hands on his cheeks gently. You start moving your lips and he's stunned for a moment before he follows your lead. And suddenly, he feels all of it. All the precious moments of love you shared in your past lives. The purpose of his existence, he realizes as his soul buzzes is to love you. You smile into the kiss and he knows everything will be just fine.
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silverskye13 · 2 years
"Do you believe in the gods, Pix?"
The archeologist chuckles, and continues adjusting measurements on his hologram projector. "You trying to convert me, Joel?"
The god of Stratos waves his hand dismissively, and though Pix isn't looking at his face, he can almost feel an the eye roll as clouds briefly wink over the sun. "Obviously you believe in me. If you didn't, we wouldn't be talking right now."
"I mean the old ones. You know." Joel waves a hand vaguely the direction of the ruined capital. "The absent ones."
Pix pauses in his work to turn and look past the bridge. The burnished gold of the tip of one of the angel's wings is all he can see over the hillside gates, but he knows the goddess is there. He memorized every curve and angle of that monument when he'd found it. It was... An impressive statue. He turns back to his projector and keys in a few more measurements, trying to get the height of the road just right.
"I don't know."
"Oh. Well I suppose you wouldn't." Joel shrugs at Pix's questioning glance. "You're human."
There is a moment where they're silent. Pix works keys a few buttons, adjusting the placement of his projection, and Joel watches, arms crossed like a sentinel. He doesn't help Pix. Not really. Joel isn't really that kind of god. He bestows gifts and blessings, but he reserves his hands for his people and his whims. But Pix didn't invite the god here to build. He doesn't mind reconstructing this old capital by himself. Joel does, however, grunt disapprovingly every time Pix places the structure wrong, and flick his eyes a little to the left, and Pix takes the hint and adjusts the hologram in that direction.
"You wanna know what I think?" Pix says, setting the hologram in its final place and taking a few steps back to observe it.
"You think?" The god chuckles, and when he does, distant thunder rumbles.
"I think more than you."
"I'll take that as a compliment."
"I think worshipping the world is the closest we can get to an omniscient god." Pix finishes the thought before they can devolve into ribbing each other. It's fun to bicker with Joel, but that's not where Pix is going with this conversation.
Joel cocks his head to the side thoughtfully. "You don't think I'm omniscient?"
"Would you ask me this stuff if you were, oh all-knowing god of storms and things?"
"Sky god," Joel corrected. "Touché, little history man. So, you worship the world, then?"
"Everything we do leaves a footprint," Pix tells him. He adjusts his hologram just a bit to the left again. Joel nods at him almost unconsciously. Pix stops fiddling and starts playing shulkers, preparing to build. He's going to finish this bridge today. "The earth records these footprints. It's the nature of things that change, that they hold impressions of what changed them."
Pix gestures to the rock slide that cuts off one side of his hologram. "This gate used to carve right through this hill. Even though this side has collapsed, and erosion has eaten the side, beneath that rubble, there are cobblestones someone laid by hand. Maybe they were slaves, or skilled craftsman, but regardless they existed. The lived a full life, whatever that meant for them, they spoke to people they loved, ate their favorite foods when they were sad, and one day, they died. Bones turn to dust, epitaphs fade, but that builder's hands still touched those cobblestones."
The god of Stratos watches the hologram with a new and open curiosity. He reaches out a massive hand and places it gently on the particles of light, as though he could touch the recreation. Instead, his fingers dip through the projection, making long flickering shadows in the light field, distorting the image like rain on a glassy lake. It's almost comical watching the massive god be so gentle and reverent, especially over something so inconsequential as a bridge piece.
"So is this how you worship the world, then?" Joel asks quietly. "By helping it remember what it's forgotten?"
There is something loaded in the words. Pix looks up at the god, and he remembers signs underneath a floating city as citizens gently remind their god they love him, and they need him. He thinks of temples to gods whose names have passed out of history, floating amidst a living city made by a god who has no temple built. Not yet.
Pix doesn't know what to say, so he opts to say nothing, instead reverently laying out his tools on the bridge like precious gifts on an altar. The two don't talk. Pix begins laying stones for a new foundation, and Joel watches thoughtfully, not seeing the world in front of him. They finish the bridge.
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outerrimhours · 2 years
Brahms Heelshire X Fem!Reader
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{Part one} / {Part Two} / {Part Three} / {Masterlist}
Note: I didn't expect this to become more than it is, but here we are. Trying to build up to the smut.
Warnings: Anxiety, fear, abandonment issues, blood, injury, fluff
Song: Romantic Homicide by D4vd
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You followed the rules. Day to day, as if nothing had ever changed. Some days harder than others and you wondered how much of the circumstances you had truly processed within your brain. Despite it all, regret was never an option. Even the volatility of Brahm’s emotions couldn’t make you regret staying. 
You were alone. Nothing to go back to, no one missing you, except a boy who was also alone. You wanted to take care of him, allow him the love he so desperately deserved. 
He didn’t talk much, now that he was no longer a ghost in the wall, but his presence was always so loud. Lingering, watching. When you cooked, he lingered in the doorway, so observant and curious but too afraid to cross the threshold. But you always felt him, the chill, the goosebumps that rose on your skin. 
“Are you hungry,”, you would ask, only to receive a nod in return, hands behind his back as he walked over to sit at the head of the dining table. 
Brahms always made sure to brush his fingers against you when you sat the plate in front of him. And it never stopped eliciting the same response. Atomic particles floating in the air, lingering between the space between fingertips. It made your breath hitch every time.
When you played piano for him, he sat far away on the couch. He didn’t like the sun, it was too much, too bright, too warm. But he loved the way it cascaded over you. Dust floating in the space between you and the window, skin tanned and warm in its glow. He would let his eyes linger a little too long over the dip in your throat, the way your lips parted in focus. 
After hours of lingering eyes and non accidental touches, before dinner you would sit on the couch and read to him, and as if he had spent the entire day forming some intrepidity, he would lay down on the couch and allow his head to rest in your lap. His eyes never left your face for a second, afraid if he looked away you would disappear. 
Even as you read, your fingers threaded through freshly washed hair, so soft and curled at the ends. You pretended to not notice him, speaking every word of the book so deliberately. Brahms listened intently, but not to the story, to the way you spoke every word, eyes always so focused on your lips. You wished the mask didn’t cover his face, so desperate to trace your fingers over the bridge of his nose, thumb brushing over the skin of his cheek. 
You wanted to believe the day would be easy. It had been easy, too easy, enough to set you on edge. Turn of emotions for Brahms was like a match to a flame, instant and intense. 
You were cooking dinner when he crept behind you, body pressed against your back. He towered over you, having to lean down to press his unmasked lips against your shoulder. It was bold of him and you could tell by his heavy breathing that it made him apprehensive. You could feel the exposed chest hair, soft against the skin of your back with every rise and fall of his breaths. 
You had to tell him.
Brahms stretched out his arms, sleeves of his cardigan on both sides of your body as he placed his hands against the countertop. 
“I’m busy”, you mused, pretending as if you were bothered by his sudden need for contact. Truely, you wanted more of it, but you needed to tell him you had to leave to get groceries, uncharted territory that you were afraid to touch.
“We need to talk about something”, you added, quietly, turning in his arms to face him. 
He instantly pulled his mask back into place before arms returned to trap you against the counter. 
“We need groceries, Brahms, that means I have to leave to go get them.”
From the way his eyes squinted, you could tell his brows were furrowed. A flash of panic before enmity took its place. His brain switched gears, always emerging at the sense of a threat, a way to protect himself. Softer eyes taking a backseat, the flip of his emotions almost gave you whiplash. You could feel it suffocate the air and suddenly he was way too close. 
You shut your eyes, dizzy with the inability to catch your breath when his jaw tensed, eyes staring down at you with an almost hatred. As if to say, “I knew you would leave, just like everyone else”. 
“No”, he cried out, strangled as if suddenly he would cry.
“I will come back Brahms, I promise”. 
He was so clearly afraid, rage masking his vulnerability. 
“You’re..not leaving. I won’t allow it.” 
Brahms knuckles turned painfully white, gripping the edged surface on each side of you.
“Stop it”, you scolded, heart aching at his fear, but frustrated at the tantrum. 
His eyes looked everywhere but at you, reaching with long, piano like fingers for the empty glass of water that had sat next to the stove. 
You were too afraid to reach out and comfort him. 
“What if I went tonight, while you were sleeping?  I would be back before you realized.” 
You gasped at the sound of glass breaking, moving away within his grasp to comprehend what had happened. 
Shards fell off the edge, blood dripping through Brahm’s fingers and onto the contrast of the marbled floor. He swayed, staggering back slightly at the sight. Your mouth open with disbelief. 
“What did you do”, you yelled, startling him as he backed away more.
He wouldn’t allow you any further, every step forward from you was a step backwards for him, as if you had been the one to do it. 
“Let me help you”, you cried. 
Everything was too loud for Brahms. The kitchen light too bright, your worried face overwhelming. He didn’t want to look at you. He hated you in that moment. The throbbing pain in his hand, sticky, syrup like fluid running down his arm. It was all too much. So he retreated.
Retreated back to the only place that felt safe; the walls. His room. 
You sunk to the floor next to the glass, blood already oxidizing into its brown leftovers. 
You allowed yourself to cry. 
 You only knew he was okay by the occasional sounds of his roaming that night. Dinner untouched and cold. You turned down the quilt of his bed, leaving the lamp on in case of his arrival. You knew he wasn’t coming though. Your heart ached at the thought of his hand, worried like a mother. 
 You noticed the book you had been reading was missing from the nightstand and you pictured him in his small bed behind the wall, curled up with all of the blankets and pillows you had allowed him to steal, teddy bear slipped under one arm while he read in the low light. He would be restless, surely, accustomed to falling asleep in your arms. You hated to admit you would also be restless without him.
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thishumanexperience · 2 years
Alright strap yourselves in. Quantum mechanics is here is blow your mind and it will not be denied. Now you might think you’re not interested in quantum mechanics, but this isn’t really about quantum mechanics it’s about what to do with our flicker of consciousness and stuff. So an object is considered to be “real” if it exists with definite properties independent of observation. It is “local” according to the principle that objects can only be influenced by their surroundings. One property many particles have is spin, which is measured as “up” or “down”. If you know the spin of a particle and break it into two particles, you know their spins will always complement each other because their sum is known — the particles are entangled. SO GET THIS: You entangle a pair of particles. You separate them. When you measure them, one particle’s spin will ALWAYS be up and the other down, 100% of the time, even when they’re lightyears apart !! You might think that’s just because they inherited these properties when they separated, but their quantum states are random not consistent: you do not know the particle’s spin until you measure it. in fact they do not HAVE a definite state until measured, and are considered to exist in multiple states because of quantum superposition. So as soon as you measure an entangled particle, the other one INSTANTANEOUSLY collapses into the opposite spin. as if telepathically, like it KNOWS. And we know no information could have travelled between the particles because nothing can travel faster than the speed of light. It’s wÈïṞḏ™️
And this observer effect isn’t just some anomalous glitch exclusive to this experiment. When you pass photons one by one through a plate containing two slits onto an observed screen, an interference pattern is created on the screen due to the wave nature of light — the light wave passes through both slits simultaneously and interferes with itself. BUT, if you monitor the photons passing through the slits, they are always found to be passing through either one or the other, and the interference pattern disappears. because it’s only absorbed at the screen at those two discrete points, exhibiting particle, not wave, behaviour. it changes its behaviour based on whether there is detection! So a particle can be described as either a wave or particle before measurement. Wave-particle duality! Where the particles are detected is probabilistic; you can never predict their behaviour for certain. again, quantum superposition.
So anyway by measuring an entangled particle you can somehow influence the quantum state of the other entangled particle, both by collapsing its state and doing so instantaneously. This is bewilderingly uncomfortable right, because it throws everything we know about classical physics out the window. Well it was also uncomfortable to Einstein, who couldn’t accept that quantum mechanics was the full story of reality, and proposed there must be hidden variables that we haven’t yet discovered. But no one could test this theory, UNTIL decades later when John Bell devised an experiment to test for hidden variables. In the years since, this eponymous Bell test — the separated entangled particles experiment with extra detector settings — has been conducted many times and increasingly rigorously. ruling out loopholes. enlarging the distance between entangled particles. And every single time, quantum mechanics proved triumphant. even when a cosmic Bell test was done based on stars hundreds of light years apart! This is what won the Nobel in physics. There are no hidden variables. Particles can be connected, entangled, no matter how far apart they are !¡!
THEREFORE. WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? two things: Objects are NOT only influenced by their surroundings AND objects do NOT have definite properties/states unless measured. Are you hearing this? OBJECTS ARE NOT LOCALLY REAL.
So deeply contrary to our everyday experiences that we didn’t really probe into this realm until like a hundred years ago. It doesn’t affect our everyday lives; we don’t need to know about quantum entanglement to survive or live happy lives, but we still WANT TO KNOW. We still wonder. How fucking phenomenal is that. In love with this relentless pursuit of truth and desire for knowledge unique to our species. Floored by the dedication of these physicists who kept digging at this despite the pessimism and dismissal of hordes of people, despite the it’s-too-hard-so-just-leave-it pressure. We too are just particles that lumped together and evolved into consciousness, but every day we use that consciousness to search for meaning, even when that quest may reinforce our own fragility and futility.
And I wouldn’t trade that for anything in this unreal world.
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goosewriting · 1 year
What our future could look like (ARC trooper Fives x reader)
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summary: a lazy morning waking up in Fives’ arms.
relationship: Fives x GN reader
warnings: pure fluff!
word count: ~970
A/N: (this one's from a while back,,) when you feel like you've read all of fives x reader on the internet but need more. [insert thanos "i'll do it myself" gif] i think i hurt myself with this one :’) i miss him sm💔 ((also sorry for the lame title sdfsfd))
(english is not my first language. constructive criticism and grammar corrections are very appreciated!)
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Your eyes flutter open, and after taking a moment to focus your eyesight, you can see the soft rays of sunshine coming through the blinds. It’s still fairly early in the morning, there was no rush to be anywhere today, so you take a deep breath and for a moment just observe the particles in the light, looking like specks of gold floating in the room. 
Peeking over your shoulder, you see your lover still asleep. His face is relaxed, peaceful. Like he isn’t carrying the weight of the galaxy and its future on his shoulders for once. In that moment he is just Fives. Your Fives.
You gently turn around under his arm that’s lazily draped over your waist, and settle on your side, facing him. It was rare to wake up before him, so you might as well relish in his sleeping form just a little longer. Careful not to wake him, you reach up your hand and trace over his arm with your fingertips, up to his bare chest, then to his jawline, until finally smoothing your thumb over his cheek. Unable to stop yourself, you lean forward and close the little distance between the two of you to place a soft peck on the tip of his nose. 
At that, Fives’ face crinkles adorably, and he stirs awake. You giggle at the grogginess evident in his eyes.
“Sorry” you apologise in a soft voice. “Didn’t mean to wake you.” He grumbles something unintelligible as a response, blinking a couple of times and stretching his limbs.
“What were you doing?” he asks after taking a moment to wake up completely, his eyes now focused on you.
“Just looking at you” you shrug, still running your fingers over his face delicately, mapping out his features.
“And like what you see?” he asks with a smug grin. You can’t help but chuckle.
“Very much so” you answer, and he grabs your wrist to bring your knuckles to his lips and places a kiss on them.
You spend the following minutes in comfortable silence, just looking at each other, committing each other’s features to memory, every freckle and wrinkle and scar. It was getting more and more difficult to get time like this together. Fives was recently promoted to ARC trooper, and while you were of course extremely proud of him for his accomplishments, it also meant his missions were more irregular than before, so he never knew when he’d be able to visit you until maybe one night prior. It was not a lot of time to prepare and get time off your work, but luckily your boss had been pretty understanding; since you were hard-working and trustworthy, you usually got the days off when you asked for them no matter how short-notice it was. 
You’ve considered applying to the GAR as a civilian attachment of sorts. Maybe that way you could spend more time together. But Fives wanted you as far away from the war as possible. Even if that meant he could spend less time with you, at least you would be safe.
“Whatcha thinking about?” Fives asks, as your caresses have stopped since you were so deep in thought. 
You bite the inside of your cheek, giving him a hesitant look.
“Lately…” you start, averting your gaze from him to the ceiling of your room. “I can’t shake this nagging feeling of impending doom, sort of. Like something bad is gonna happen.”
Fives gently grabs your chin to bring your eyes back to him.
“Don’t say that. We’re good.” You feel like the smile he gives you could power all of Coruscant. What have you done to deserve this man? “It’s just the war that makes us feel like that. But once it’s over, you won’t have to worry about any of it.”
“You think about our future together?” you ask as you interlace your fingers with his, relishing in the feeling of safety you get from your hand in his much larger one.
“Of course I do” Fives looks almost offended that you’d think otherwise.
“And what does it look like?” You look up at him with big eyes, and Fives’ heart skips a beat. He leans in to give you a gentle kiss.
“Full of laughter and love” he answers against his lips. You pull back to look at him with an amused smile.
“And shenanigans, I’m sure.” You raise a brow at him.
“Of course” he says. “Can’t miss out on those.” 
You snort a laugh, but then your face gets serious again.
“After the war, we don’t really know what will happen to clones” you start. “You think they'll get to retire?”
Fives props himself up on an elbow, his other hand coming up to cup your face.
“Sure” he says, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “And we’ll buy a little piece of land somewhere, with a farm. Have some fields and animals. Visit my brothers and share our harvest with them.”
You hum in response and close your eyes, imagining what he describes: a little farm, your cattle, a loth-cat to keep you company in the house and a hound to watch over the animals. You can see his brothers, the 501st, maybe even the Generals, all sitting together at a big table as you share a meal. Somewhere in the background you can hear children playing.
“Yeah, I like the sound of that” you say, and open your eyes to look at his own lovestruck gaze. “It’s gonna be a lot of work though” you add with a playful tone. “You think you can do it, soldier?”
“With you cyar’ika, nothing will feel like work” he answers genuinely and leans back in for a kiss, this time deepening it. Gotta make the most out of the morning, after all.
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nishayuro · 1 year
To our highest of highs, to my lowest of lows. Genshin Impact Imposter! Au
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Self Aware Genshin AU (SAGAU)
Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff 
GN! Reader
Summary: Waking up not in your room and in a grassy plain with a blue sky is definitely not what you thought would happen, so is being in the world of one of your games.
Part 1 , Part 2
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Waking up in Teyvat, realising that it's probably not a dream, you start to panic a bit. “Oh god, how did this happen… uhh okay I have my phone…” you whispered, taking your phone and looking at the screen. You observed that there are no characters in your party, nor in your character page, you checked your inventory, nothing. “This is like starting from square one all over again, except I’m in actual Teyvat and I have no vision nor experience in weaponry…” You complained. 
You opened the map area to see that you are at the peak of Starsnatch Cliff, from there you can see the city of Mondstat. “Hmm, Let’s see if waypoints will work for me” you said, choosing to teleport to the statue of the seven at Windrise. 
A wave of dark fog engulfed you and when it dispersed, you were standing in front of an Anemo statue. “Now, I wonder what happens if I…” you mumbled, reaching towards the statue. A light of blueish green appeared and surrounded you. “So… Do I have Anemo powers now?” you asked yourself, ‘anemo!’ you thought and did a pushing motion. A gust of wind came out of your hands. “Yow!! I have powers now!!” you exclaimed. “Alright, time to head to Mondstat!” You said, looking at your map as a guide.
You traversed the terrain surprisingly easily with the help of your phone as a map. While you were walking, you spotted a group of hilichurls with their towers in the making setting up camp. ‘Uh oh…’ you thought, trying your best to remain calm, now it has settled into you that Teyvat is a dangerous place to wonder about. Monsters lurked almost everywhere. You tried to walk away from them but seemingly so, one has spotted you, immediately telling its peers of your presence, they ran towards you. 
‘Oh shit- I should run!’ and you did, but just as you were about to lose them, you tripped. 
You looked back in fear as they closed the distance, you braced yourself to protect you if they attacked, but lo and behold all they did was drop to their knees with a bow. 
“Wh-what…?”  you questioned, confused with what's happening. You saw a family of dendro slimes approach you, hesitantly you reached towards them, the slimes immediately relishing in your touch. You realised you weren’t in any danger right now and these mobs were only being friendly. ‘I’m so sorry for always attacking you all in game… I kinda needed the materials T-T ‘  you thought. 
After a while you got up and bid them goodbye. You walked towards the city gates of Mondstat. Although the teleport waypoints were available, you wanted to get the opportunity to explore the world on your own and maybe find chests on the way. Lucky for you, you managed to find some common and exquisite chests, containing trinkets, mora and some weapons. 
“Hmm… A polearm or the sword…?” you decided to take both. As you went to pick them up, you realised something, “Oh… I don’t have a bag…” you said out loud. You grabbed the polearm but then it disappeared. “Wha-” confused, you opened your phone and went to your inventory. “Ohh! They automatically go in the inventory? Cool! But… how do I wield it though…” excitedly, you tried thinking of the polearm. ‘Pls work pls work pls work… I summon the polearm’. You felt some metal in your hands and to your excitement, the polearm was in your hands. “Cool!! So that’s how the characters summon their weapons!!” you exclaimed. 
“Now to put it back… usually they do this…” you say, doing a sheathing motion. The weapon dissolved into particles and attached itself to your back, disappearing after some time. “This is soo cool!!” you say to yourself as you continue your walk. 
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In the palace south of dragonspine, Barbatos runs into the throne room, alerting the guards and the divine creator. “Your grace! This imposter is no ordinary folk, they managed to acquire the power of Anemo! I felt it!” the Anemo archon exclaims. 
“Well, that must mean their destination is Mondstat. Have the acolytes patrol the city and the wilderness, their destination should be the city. Remember, bring them back to me alive.” the fake creator orders, a cold tone present in their words. 
“Yes, your grace.” Barbatos bows, and rushes out of the room to inform the Knights of Favonius about the order. 
‘Your downfall will be my victory, only one can remain, and you, true one, will die in my hands. You will have never existed, and I shall be the true ruler. For what is a land abandoned by its owner if not property of its new founder’ the imposter thought, a ghost of a smile creeping into their face. 
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Taglist (Reply to be added) : @shizunxie, @itsyourgirlria
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Stunning James Webb images show birth and death of massive stars
The James Webb Space Telescope continues to surprise us with stunning pictures, but of what exactly? Astronomer Nienke van der Marel shows with three images how massive stars lead short but explosive lives.
Snake Bearer
In the image above, we can see Ophiuchus or the Serpent Bearer.
"This star-forming region is a few million years old," says Van der Marel. "These stars are still growing, and planets are forming around them. A major part of my research focuses on this region."
The telescope's different filters create different colors, Van der Marel explains. "Each filter is sensitive to a different type of material, which emits a different kind of light. The red you can see is hot hydrogen. When a star is formed, energy shoots in two directions, pushing gas from the surrounding cloud outwards. These are the red jets you can see in the image."
We can also see some white dots of light. "These are young stars," says Van der Marel.
We also see a large arch.
Van der Marel continues, "That is the outermost part of a cavity caused by a young massive star, S1, which is in the center of that cavity. S1 is more than 20 times more massive than our sun. Stars like this release so much energy that they heat all the material around them to extreme temperatures, causing chemical reactions. This creates the cavity you can see, with a yellow rim of tiny dust particles."
What catches Van der Marel's eye most about this image?
"Zoom in far enough, and you will see a kind of hourglass. That's what I find most interesting. It is a disk around a star that you are viewing from the side. The dust in the disk absorbs the light from the star and the material behind it. In this dust disk, some of the dust clumps together to form planets. We don't yet know how exactly. That's what I'm trying to figure out in my research."
It takes millions of years for stars and planets to form.
"We obviously don't have time to observe their formation," says Van der Marel. "So we study images of different stars of different ages and in different phases. Then, we try to put them in the right order to see how planets and stars form. Images like these give us a good overview of several stars forming in the same environment."
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Wolf-Rayet 124
Above is another image of a massive star but then in a later phase of its evolution, says Van der Marel.
"In the middle, we can see what is known as a Wolf-Rayet star, a star that has consumed most of its hydrogen and already lost its atmosphere. At more than 20 times the mass of our sun, it is an enormous star. And it is a million times brighter. Massive stars like this evolve quickly because they comprise so much material and lose mass rapidly."
This star will explode in a few hundred thousand years, says Van der Marel.
"On an astronomical time scale, its lifetime is very short. Massive stars explode at the end of their lives, what we call a supernova. Once the star has exploded, this picture will look very different. Their short lives make Wolf-Rayet stars very rare. There are only 500 in the entire Milky Way."
Surrounding the star is a cloud of pink, brown, and purple dust. "That dust has been blown away from the star's surface. This picture will help us learn how these massive stars enrich heavier elements and dust particles. All the elements needed to form planets and life are created here. We can now study that for the first time."
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What remains of a massive star after it explodes? That is what we can see in the above picture. "After a supernova has occurred, a cloud remains that is still visible for thousands of years. The orange and red material is hydrogen from interstellar matter that was pushed away when the star exploded. The lighter, pink material is probably the remnant of the star itself. So these are the elements and atoms that were created in the star."
A supernova takes several weeks or months on average, Van der Marel explains: "This supernova happened about 350 years ago, so the material we are looking at has been stable for some time."
In the middle, we can also see a green loop. What is it?
"No one knows. It's been nicknamed the 'green monster.' Researchers were surprised to see it in the image. No one had expected it. It has never been observed before in the remnants of a supernova. One of the researchers who is working on this said in an interview that he will spend the rest of his career working on the data collected for this image. Astronomers often look at one thing and see something completely unexpected. That's what makes our discipline so much fun," Van der Marel concludes.
TOP IMAGE....Rho Ophiuchi. Credit: NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI, Webb ERO Production Team
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mysticstronomy · 1 year
Wednesday, June 21st, 2023
Welcome back,
Dark matter is the most mysterious, non-interacting substance in the Universe. Its gravitational effects are necessary to explain the rotation of galaxies, the motions of clusters, and the largest scale-structure in the entire Universe. But on smaller scales, it’s too sparse and diffuse to impact the motion of the Solar System, the matter here on Earth, or the origin and evolution of humans in any meaningful way.
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Yet the gravity that dark matter provides is an absolute necessity for allowing our galaxy to hold onto the raw ingredients that made life like us and planets like Earth possible at all. Without dark matter, the Universe would likely have no signs of life at all.
Stars make up 100% of the light we observe in the Universe, but only 2% of the mass.
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When we look at the motions of galaxies, clusters and more, we find that the amount of gravitational mass outweighs the stellar mass by a factor of fifty. You might think, however, that other types of normal matter could account for this difference. After all, we’ve discovered lots of other types of matter in the Universe besides stars, including:
stellar remnants like white dwarfs, neutron stars and black holes,
asteroids, planets and other objects with masses too low (like brown dwarfs) to become stars
neutral gas both within galaxies and in the space between them
light-blocking dust and nebulous regions,
and ionized plasma, found mostly in the intergalactic medium.
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All of these forms of normal matter — or matter originally made of the same things we are: protons, neutrons and electrons — do in fact contribute to what’s there, with gas and plasma in particular each contributing more than the sum total of all the stars in the Universe. But even adding all these components together only gets us up to about 15-to-17% of the total amount of matter we need to explain gravitation.
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For the rest of the motions that we see, we need a new form of matter that isn’t just different from protons, neutrons and electrons, but that doesn’t match up with any of the known particles in the Standard Model. We need some type of dark matter.
A minority group of scientists favor not adding some unseen source of mass, but to rather modify the laws of gravitation instead.
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These models all have difficulties, including the inability to reproduce the full suite of observations, including individual galaxies moving within clusters, the cosmic microwave background, galaxy cluster collisions the grand cosmic web or the patterns observed in the large-scale structure of the Universe.
But there’s an important piece of evidence that points to the existence of dark matter that you might not expect: our very existence.
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It might surprise you to learn that we don’t just need dark matter to explain astrophysical phenomena like galactic rotation, cluster motions and collisions, but to explain the origin of life itself!
To understand why, all you need to remember is that the Universe began from a hot, dense state — the hot Big Bang — where everything started off as a mostly uniform sea of individual, free, high-energy particles.
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As the Universe expands and cools, we can form protons, neutrons, and the lightest nuclei (hydrogen, deuterium, helium and a trace amount of lithium), but nothing else. It isn’t until tens or even hundreds of millions of years later that matter will collapse into dense enough regions to form stars and what will eventually become galaxies.
Originally published on forbes-com.
(Saturday, June 24th, 2023)
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soloistschornicles · 1 year
⌗𝕿𝖔 𝕳𝖆𝖛𝖊 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝕿𝖔 𝕳𝖆𝖘𝖘𝖑𝖊
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〈 🥀 〉⏤ SYNOPSIS. The children of the desert have a rich tradition of song and dance. Originally used to praise and serve the gods, the crafts were later adapted for battle and the seduction of kings. In the midst of the sand storm, you met the (former) General Mahamatra among the sand dunes.
♔. . .PAIRING. cyno x reader﹔ft. traveler and paimon
♔. . .FORMAT. oneshot
♔. . .TAGS & WARNING. floral ring-dancer!reader﹔gender are not mention﹔strangers-to-enemies﹔acquaintance-to-friends﹔
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"Care for a dance, general?"
An array of sand, blown by the wind and dust alike, lay across the desert plain, reflecting back the orange glow of sunset as it stretched out far to the edge of sight. Waves of Dendro and Electro energy particles danced and fizzed around one another in complex harmony as they collided against each other.
The sound of the clashing weapons echoed across the sand as the two figures sparred with each other for the upper hand. Their blades rang like a symphony as they struck the ground and bounced off, their movements growing more frantic as they fought. 
His body remained still and focused. His eyes gleamed under the low light as he observed his opponent. The Floral Ring-Dancer in front of him tosses the chakram at full speed, but the General's reflexes are swift, allowing him to block the strike in midair. 
"Catch this!"
A second later, however, the chakram strikes once again. A flash of silver catches his eye as the chakram flies past him. His instincts take over as he deflects the attack.
"You're quick, but your weapon is too heavy." He parries an attack from the assault, the impact shaking the air. 
"And too sharp, though I'm willing to forgive its weight if you could manage to hit me instead." 
He ducks under a blow aimed for his head, sending a kick toward his stomach. "Or perhaps if you were able to land a blow…" 
The rest of the sentence was left unsaid. The General had no interest in fighting anyone at all that day. In fact, he was supposed to be at the designated location where the smugglers are said to be hidden. But if his opponent wanted something different, then so be it. He might as well indulge them while he could. 
"Gotta say, general, ⏤I've never taken you as a dancer. Might as well enjoy it while it last." You harumphed.
Dendro energy engulfs your whole figure, teleporting behind the poker-faced general and performing a swift slash across his back. 
The General barely manages to bring up his staff just in time to block you. With a flick of the wrist, he sends you flying backward across the sandy terrain. 
Your body skids on the rough terrain, coming to a stop only when you collide with the sand dune. You groan as the wind is knocked out of you. You cough violently. 
"Ow…," you wheeze.
The General takes advantage of your position and attacks again, aiming for your head this time. You quickly roll onto your side to avoid the strike, bringing out your chakram in time to absorb the brunt of the blow.
You grit your teeth and push through the pain to continue countering him. You summoned another set of chakram, covered with Dendro energy, spinning wildly around you. Slashing at the Anubis every time he gets near, eliciting a pained grunt of pain from the man. 
"This is getting tedious," the general says, with a tinge of pain laced in his voice, "Perhaps we should end this little game."
As if on cue, a thunderous roar resounded, and the general's whole figure engulfs in a dark trance. Morphing himself into Pactsworn Pathclearer. You spin around and catch him striking his electrifying claws against your weapon. Blocking him off rapidly.
"Nice try, general," you grumble. "You aren't the only one who has a trick up their sleeve."
An unexpected quake shook your form just as you were about to morph into an augmented state. You landed on your bum on the sandy texture. A child's cry can be heard echoing from a mountain cliff above you. 
Looking up from the commotion, you spotted a floating child with stars radiating from her, and a medium-height figure standing beside the child. A golden amber glows from their chest. A geo-fragmented power emanating from them. A solid gaze upon your figure.
"CYNOOOOO! We found the smugglers who smuggling the canned knowledge, they are tons of 'em!"
With an annoyed look at the ear-shrilling voice, your ears perked up at the sound of the general's pleased hum, who was now deactivating his Anubis form. Dark and voltaic particles fizzle around him, then dissipate.
"It seems this is where we part ways."
He said this as he walked away, not even looking back at you. Not until he spoke. "I'll make certain that your client fully compensates you for your time and effort."
Confused and amused, you watch the illustrious Traveller and their floating companion Paimon, who once interrupted your fight with General Mahamatra, flinging a pouch of mora in front of you, golden coins slipping through the bag as it did so. You frowned upon it and suspiciously eyed the two guests.
You originally took a stroll through the sea of sand despite the harsh condition of the environment, nevertheless, it was home.
A place where the wind blows gently over your skin, a warm embrace that allows no worries and gives you rest, an island where you will never feel lonely but always found friends...it was a place like no other, yet it was filled with danger and darkness. The air felt thick. The atmosphere seemed oppressive. 
Your arms are crossed as you lean back in your chair. You spoke in an unsettling tone. "I may grant you permission to speak, but first, what is your purpose in meeting me?" you had inquired.
It's not like you weren't friendly or anything, you're just curious. A distant traveler traversing alone in this strange land of sand is nothing but trouble and trouble has always been on your radar lately. 
Paimon, who's ever so chatty, came forward leaving a trail of twinkling stars and constellations in her wake. 
"I and the traveler were advised by a friend of ours to seek you when things get...complicated." She paused for a bit. "According to our friend of ours, you know the land better than anyone else there."  
Your gaze hardened a slight. "And this friend of yours, do I acquainted with them?"
The platinum-haired child spluttered through her words. Her tiny hands settled on her head as if she was contemplating an unsolvable puzzle. 
Sighing, leaned back into your chair again. Swirling emotions racking your mind, you rarely don't know how to respond to these sorts of occasions. Usually, your client just drops the mora on your feet and orders you to do whatever the heck you will be going. 
But this case was different, a warm smile graced both of your guests' lips, kindly assisting them with the heck they were doing. Coughing up in feigning irritation, you said.
"Since you paid generously, I suppose I can indulge you until the time is up. What's the situation, boss?"
The traveler and Paimon both smiled at your response but did not respond right away. They exchanged a glance before taking turns explaining the situation. In short, the Akademiya tasked them with obtaining three Pseudo-Stamens from the creature known as "Setekh Wenut" for experimental purposes.
They were initially escorted by the General himself, but due to his heavy workload, he receded back to his responsibilities and somehow remembered about you from his previous battle and decided to indirectly task you with guarding them throughout their journey across the vast territory just to fetch some drops for them.
Agreed to their invitation, you told them to ready themselves before heading out to the Desert of Hadramaveth. The journey will be long and arduous. Their destination was unknown to you since you've never ventured there personally. The two travelers were quite eager and excited to try something new.
They had no idea about the dangers hidden in the sands and the many beasts lurking deep inside the depths waiting for unsuspecting travelers.
A myriad of screams was heard through the dark tunnel and you are certain that it wasn't coming from the traveler or Paimon. Alerting the duo you sprinted through the darkness, and a sudden bright light nearly blinded you. 
As you blink the brightness away you see the traveler struggling to hold their hands above the blinding white light. But the most shocking thing about the aftermath of the light was a horde of Corps of Thirty were fending themselves from a huge mystical beast that radiates Anemo energy.
Among those soldiers was none other than General Mahamatra, probably assisting those who were too far away to come back home. His eyes were narrowed into slits as he faced off against an approaching beast, but his movements became sluggish and slower with each passing second.
Teleported to his coordination, you two blinked away before the Wenut drills out of the ground below the Mahamatra's feet. The General was surprised by this but grateful for your timely assistance.
"Good to see you again, general. I was hoping our second encounter was just you and me, but then again, fate is a fickle thing." You remarked, catching him by the arm and wrapping it around your neck for support. 
The male beside you grunted in response. He used his staff to aid him with his walks for a bit. 
"I appreciate you lightening up the situation, however, now isn't the time. I heard from the reports that a Scholar from the Vahumana sector that gone missing for two days, and apparently this creature was the one who was captive that said, scholar." 
A small quake rumbled below you, shaking the ground underneath your feet. The serpent-like creature resurfaced and exposed its tail, sweeping the arena with countless streams of bullets made out of Anemo energy. 
Evading all those attacks could drain your stamina pretty quickly, especially when it came to using teleportation. "We're going to need more than this if we're going to get out of this alive," you grumbled under your breath. "Do you have anything else?" You asked, glancing over at him. 
Cyno heavily sighed, seeing your slightly staggered state. "If my men can't handle it, what makes you think we'll be able to stand up to this thing?" He replied. 
"What makes you think we have to defeat this thing? We just have paralyzed this creature and rescued this scholar." You countered. 
"Why fight against this creature that can make bullets that are infused with Anemo energy? You'd only make yourselves look even more foolish." You added with a frown.
"You seem so confident," he replied in a hushed tone as the creature suspends itself in midair and conjures five Anemo spherical bullets. In a blink of an eye, Cyno had shaken off from your grasp and dashed forward to destroy those orbs using his spear to pierce through, which are successfully destroyed.
Giving it a paralyzing state, its whole body slammed upon the ground. Lying there as if it was lifeless, you summoned two sets of your chakram and hurl them toward the body, giving a wave of a hit. With the colliding elements of remains of electro and dendro, it gave the quickened effects, which gives off a great deal of damage. 
Acknowledge this reaction, you and Cyno keep repeating the same movements till the creature's carcass dissipates into flecks of cessation.
A large sigh escapes both of your lips after your last strike, and your muscles were feeling weak. The exhaustion was evident in the way you were leaning to the chakram you were holding and the way you breathed out as if you were taking in a big dose of oxygen. 
And yet, somehow, despite all these symptoms, there was still some life left to you that wasn't completely consumed by fatigue and exhaustion.
"Are you alright...[Name]?" The General questioned, watching you carefully. 
"I go by the name of my current alias, but, how did you know my name?" You ask, slowly standing up straight once you felt your bones would stop quivering. Even though the adrenaline hasn't quite settled down yet, the shock has faded. You still feel tired, but a little more rested.
Your name was long forgotten to the sand of times, and no longer was it worth remembering. It's just another nickname the people gave to you. But it never failed to give you comfort in moments like this, where your body would tremble with exhaustion and fear.
His smile faltered a little at your question before he answered with, "It's a long story."
After the Setekh Wenut incident, General Cyno and the rest of the Corps of Thirty returned to the Caravan Ribat for a brief respite, along with the unconscious missing scholar, who apparently was stupid enough not to bring someone like a mercenary to accompany them on their expedition.
The traveler and Paimon had already obtained what they required and were teleported back to the capital to collect their compensations. They said they need these "Primos" to wish upon a star, which you were confused by the concept but didn't fully engrossed by it and rather wanted to retreat back to your home with the rest of your comrades.
Not long ago, the white-haired general paid you a visit in the late hours of the night, and you were basking in the comfort of an oasis, its brine reflecting the starry skies above it, bathing you in its golden glow. 
The moon shines down on this nirvana, and the stars dance around the light falling from the sky.
A gentle breeze blows from behind you, gently caressing your neck and hair that flows over your shoulder, giving you a more comfortable feeling. The grass and trees encircle you, the air is cool and moist and smells pleasant, and there is no one else here except you and the silent presence you've grown accustomed to. 
When you open your eyes, you see the general had removed his headdress and placed it on a rock beside you, along with a white bandage on your cheek.
"Do you still feel drained from the events?" he asks, his voice low, almost whispering. You don't respond and instead stare into his carmine eyes.
It's an unusual sight, but in a pleasant way. The moonlight makes the general's skin shine beautifully like a sublime statue of a god. You think to yourself, he's a really interesting person. You tell yourself again and again, trying to calm the fluttering butterflies in your stomach.
A wave of familiarity washes over you, as if you'd seen this man somewhere before but honestly don't remember where. Something about him drew you towards him and kept drawing you closer to him until you found yourself sitting under the gentle breezes of the night, watching the stars slowly twinkle above you.
Several curious stares follow you and Cyno as you converse in front of a house. Your stern gaze can make anyone quicker in fear, but not the General Mahamatra. He stared at you unamused and unfazed by your glare, which he thought of it as adorable. But that's not the point of the scene, currently, he was scolding you. 
You pouted as you realized he was unbothered by your provocations.
Arms crossed, you shut your mouth before a bolt of lightning could bellow at you. 
"[Name], what is one thing I told you not to do?"  The General asked with no mercy. It wasn't a question, more like an order. 
You gulped. "...burn the house down?"
He sighed heavily, a fleck of disappointment lingering in his eyes. "And what did you do?"
"Made our dinner? You said you wanted a feast tonight. This should be enough to celebrate." You said as if you didn’t burn down half of the town. Not even your best efforts could stop this from happening anyway.
The General looked at you skeptically. "Did you think I'd be happy eating something burnt to a crisp?"
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ˢᵖⁱʳⁱᵗ'ˢ ⁿᵒᵗᵉ: The ending has updated⏤
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wyrm-in-a-closet · 7 months
science fact of the day- planets!
generally speaking, planets come in two flavors: rocky and gaseous. rocky planets vary a good deal in size, and in the field of exoplanet research, they'll classified by either "super" or "sub" earths, depending on their mass (ie any planet smaller than earth, such as mars, is a sub-earth, while a rocky planet more massive, which we don't have in our solar system, is a super-earth.) right now, super earths are the most commonly observed type of rocky exoplanet, because of their greater size, but because there are none in our own solar system, we don't know a great deal about them. another way to classify rocky planets would be based on the internals- whether or not they have plate tectonics. Earth is the only planet that does right now, which is important because its possible tectonic movements are influential or even needed for life. generally, the masses of rocky planets ranges from about 10% of earth (roughly the mass of mars and mercury, the smallest known planets) to about 10 ish earth masses, at which point a planet would much more likely be an ice giant
ice giants are one of the two subclasses of gaseous planet. their mass is greater than 10 times that of earth, but im not sure what the upper bound is. the reason ice giants are great big gassy planets rather than rocky worlds with a mild to medium atmosphere is their mass, and an important factor which is the escape rate of gas. as sunlight hits a planet, photons from the sunlight randomly impart momentum onto atomspheric particles. sometimes, itll be enough for the particle to fly away from the planet, never to return. thus, atmospheres naturally become somewhat thinner over time. heavier molecules/atoms take much more energy to burn away, and so they tend to remain in atmospheres. this principle is why most moons don't have atmospheres- they don't have enough gravity to hold on to any particles at all- and why mercury doesn't- it's too hot, any particles just leave. but just because a planet can hold some gases doesn't mean it can hold all of them. crucially, helium and hydrogen are the most abundant elements in the universe- making up abotu 75% and 25% of all mass respectively. when the solar system formed, first, dense, rocky cores accreted. some of them remained small, and they became the rocky planets, while others continued to grow. if they grew to a certain point, they drew in more and more hydrogen and helium without it immediately leaving back into space, and so they quickly began to grow. however, some were limited because there simply wasn't as much hydrogen left. because hydrogen is so light, the pressure that the sun exerts on molecules through just light (called the solar wind) is enough to push them out of the solar system. by the time Neptune and Uranus were large enough to begin acreting hydrogen, there simply wasn't as much left because of this process, meaning they were stuck with 10-20 times the mass of earth.
but, if the planet was just a bit younger, then they could've kept growing. and growing. and growing and growing and growing and growing and by god that's a big fucking planet. gas giants are the most massive class of planets, ranging from a few dozen times the mass of earth to hundreds or even thousands of times it. one way to put jupiter's mass into perspective is this fact: image the mass comparison of earth and neptune- it's about 1 to 17. but when comparing neptune to jupiter, it's 1 to 19. jupiter is just that massive. gas giants are the lucky ones who grew earlier on, able to grab much more of that sweet sweet hydrogen before it evaporated into space. this is actually why saturn is smaller than jupiter- it's believed to have simply formed a bit later. gas giants do not have nearly as many ices or other chemicals as the ice giants, mostly because theres just so much more hydrogen. that said, if you ventured inside one, you'd likely find mostly the same- a thickening atmosphere with violent storms before you reach a supercritical ocean, which finally covers a small rocky core. one interesting fact abuot gas giants is that sccientists speculate that it rains diamonds on them- the tempratures and pressures are so high that natural carbon is pushed into becoming a diamond, which causes it to gain density and plumet down as a sharp, lethal downpour. we don't know for sure that it happens, but it's a safe bet.
this is like a lot longer than a normal one btw theyre not always this long
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in-dicia · 2 years
manifestation through the lens of theoretical physics: part i
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in physics, the smallest measurable chunks of the universe are called quanta. this is essentially matter, or the substance that embodies all things, broken down into its smallest fragment. quantum physicists ask: how does each individual quantum move? as particles, or as waves?
in 1802, researchers conducted an experiment to examine the effects on a beam of electrons merely from being observed. the scientists created two slits and fired an electron beam. before observation, the electrons moved as waves: the waves struck each theoretically possible place for an electron to land. but during observation, the electron’s behavior changed from that of a wave to a particle. the electron began to move like a piece of matter, landing through one of the slits instead of every theoretical possibility.
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the electrons were waves or particles depending on the observation of them — and they existed in all states when not being observed. the experiment concluded: when you’re not looking directly at matter, it isn’t behaving the same way. the matter exists in all theoretical forms when not under observation; it is everything, simultaneously, all at once.
this has massive implications for manifestation. we have now established that, when left unobserved by the human eye, matter — the substance that is the very foundation of everything — is uncertain. it is vibrating on every theoretical frequency, it is every possibility. everything is made of matter. your SP, your wallet, your eyelashes and your home and your family. your toyota corolla is made of matter, but so is a lamborghini. and, like schroedinger’s cat, like the beams in the double slit experiment or a tree falling in the forest: your vehicle exists in all states when unobserved. it’s a corolla, it’s a lamborghini, it’s brand new, it’s an old beater, it’s parked in the garage, it’s parked in the driveway, it’s all colors, all sizes, all shapes — it is anything possible.
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at its very core, the act of manifestation is making what was once uncertain — what was merely a theoretical possibility in the infinite universe — a certainty.
i will continue with an experiment in the next post. hope you guys enjoyed this 🤍
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strwbmei · 2 months
Ignore my last ask, too long. However! I do wonder, if you can time travel does that mean you could have multiple you’s in one place if they can time travel?
Just imagining some members of the Genius society, being like…wait what? Thats the 6th time they came home today? Wait why are there three of them? What the fu-
Extreme nerding utc
I wouldn't really be able to say for sure. Time travel means to go back in time but still stay in the same parallel universe, so theoretically, there can only be one of "you" in a timeline at any given time. If this were correct, I'd assume you'd simply take over the consciousness of the "you" of that point in time which you chose to travel to. Honestly the whole thing is really messy because of one very important question that arises: what happens to the "you" of that time when you travel back to your version of the present, if there even is a way to travel back at that point? Do you just lose consciousness until the point in time which is your version of the present? Does the "you" of that time retain parts of your consciousness? If so, I'm sure time travelling would be able to drive someone insane.
HOWEVER. If we applied quantum physics, technically it'd be possible to have multiple of you at the same point in time. In simple terms, the theory of quantum physics states that it's possible for something to be in multiple states, all at once. Think of a room containing a (human) pedophile and a machine that has a chance to explode and kill the pedophile inside of the room. (This example, the Schrodinger's Cat experiment, is mostly explained with a box, a cat, and a machine that could kill it, but I am using a pedophile in this case because I love animals too much and I couldn't think of any other living thing that is universally hated.) Until you open the door to that room, the pedophile is both dead and alive. This concept is called superposition. Using this concept, "you" could be both everywhere at nowhere all at once depending on where "you" are being observed/measures by somebody else.
Furthermore, if we apply quantum entanglement, it would also technically be possible for there to be three of you. Though if we followed quantum entanglement, all three of "you" would be doing the same thing. Quantum entanglement is like a special connection between particles, where the properties of one particle are linked to the properties of another, no matter how far apart they are. Imagine you have two entangled particles, and you separate them. If you change the property of one particle, like its spin or polarization, the other particle instantly changes to complement it, even if they're far apart. It's as if they're communicating faster than the speed of light, which is super fascinating and has puzzled scientists for years.
Sorry for the long reply, I just find these kinds of topics really interesting ahaha
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