#I'm not sure how beneficial it is for them to team up
greypetrel · 11 months
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"Ok, we can adopt another dog from Arianwen. But it's the last one!" "Of course!" "And no one's jumping on the bed!" "Definitely not!" "We'll need discipline!" "I wholeheartedly agree!"
A sequel.
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This was too precious to leave in the tag, @shivunin! Of course they'll both run to Amaranthine to see the puppies. And we all know that Cullen is the kind of dog owner who'll say far and wide that of course dogs shouldn't be on beds and couches, that's bad discipline, they have to learn... And then ignore everything. And would you wish to leave poor Chocolate Pudding sleeping all alone? That would be just cruel. (Little Brother is not there because they still haven't found a mattress big enough for him too. And knowing him, he'll kick in his sleep. Aisling's working on it, tho.)
(Josie's still disappointed.)
(the dogs are Bran, Sceólang -the only girl- and Fer Mac, Cullen named them and they're all names from mythology. Amaranthine will be provided with foals and horses for free for a long, long time. Every one will come with food names. Oh and when Dorian will visit, Wen will be formally invited to the farm too, to choose her favourite horse corpse for them to reanimate. They have collected three to give her a choice, isn't that thoughtful. One has so many arrows in its hind that it looks more like a porcupine. Another has an unhinged jaw. The third has its head almost completely severed, but "Nah it's not a problem don't worry. They don't need to eat anyway.". She can have all three if she wants, of course.)
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chiriwritesstuff · 4 months
The Girl in IT - 7. The All Hands Meeting
A Boss! Joel Miller x IT Specialist F! Reader AU
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The LIST │ Series Masterlist
Chapter Rating: E (18+, MDNI)
Chapter Summary: A look into a typical day at Miller Construction Group. Chaos ensues (naturally).
Chapter Warnings and Tags: No outbreak AU, Boss x Employee Relationship, Sugar Daddy Lite, Smut, SO MUCH SMUT, Age Gap, Older Man/Younger woman, So much dirty talk, Office sex, Desk sex, Inappropriate usage of PowerPoint, Tommy fucks around and finds out, No Beta we die like men!
Word Count: 4.4K
A/N: And the hijinks are back! I wanted to try something new this week, and it was the perfect opportunity to showcase all of our fun supporting characters in 'The Girl in IT'! I thought what better way to introduce everyone was to include their commentary, like an episode of 'The Office'! This one is a doozy, and I hope you all enjoy!
#MCG ADMIN 50 members Sarah (HR) Good morning, Team! I hope you're all doing well. I'd like to announce a mandatory All-Hands HR Meeting today at 11 am in Conference Room A, co-facilitated by Tess and me. We'll have a brief presentation, and for those working remotely, please log into Zoom to join the meeting. Following the session, thanks to Bill, we'll have lunch and refreshments provided. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions. Looking forward to seeing all of you soon! Tommy  Sarah, are you gonna bust your Papi's balls in front of everyone for posting that naughty photo? 💀☠️🪦 Frank (Interior Design) Will there be an opportunity for discussion following the presentation? I'm eager to delve into the minds of SlackGate and understand the motivations behind their actions the other day. Connie (Reception) It's clearly because they're fucking, Frank. 🍆🍑🦪 Frank (Interior Design) Who is? Our fearless leader and our shy girl in IT? Until one of them makes it official, it's just hearsay! Is this meeting a hard launch for a new power couple? 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 Sarah (HR) Yes, there will be an open-forum discussion after my presentation but NO, we will not be talking about the events of the other day in detail. Connie, this is a professional space and we will conduct ourselves as such. Connie (Reception) Why am I always being singled out?? Frank started it! Frank (Interior Design) Did I not professionally conduct myself? Geez Connie, I'm not the one sending nudes to our Boss when clearly, he has a girlfriend. Wait. Oops? (Sorry Connie 🤡) Bill (Civil) Frank! What do I have to do to get you to behave for once? Frank (Interior Design) Oh, I could think of a few ways... Why don't you come and find out once you're done handling your bratwurst out there? Sarah (HR) I don't get paid enough for this shit.
"Thank you, everyone, for coming together at such short notice. While I'm aware this all-hands meeting was abrupt, recent events in the past few days have made it essential. Tess and I genuinely appreciate your presence as we address these important matters," Sarah says with a bright smile, handing out materials. "Here's an updated Employee Handbook with a few edits. I thought it would be beneficial for us to go through it together. Are there any questions before we begin?"
"Yeah!" Tommy exclaims from the back of the room, his feet casually resting against the edge of the table. "How long until we get to the part of this meeting where we discuss just how much of a bad boy your Daddy was the other day?"
Tommy Look, I love my brother, I do. He's always so serious, so noble, providing for everyone and all that, making sure we have a roof over our heads. Shit, he's gotten me out of a lot of binds in my life- [He looks a bit uncomfortable and clears his throat, nodding.] ... anyway, it's a rare thing to see my brother slip up like that, you know? Didn't think he had it in him, honestly. It's been a few decades since I've seen his twig and berries, but shit, I know he's packing! He's a Miller, for fucks sake!  [he puffs his chest out a little at that, chuckling to himself] But Sugar? She's been a fucking godsend! Never in my life have I seen my big ol brother act a fool, especially over a woman! What can I say? It's great to not be the fuck-up brother for once! I'm gonna milk out SlackGate til the end of time!
"Tommy," Joel warns through his teeth, glaring at his brother. "Cut it out."
Sarah rolls her eyes in response as she fiddles with her laptop, the projector behind her illuminating with her PowerPoint presentation. "Like I was saying, this presentation is just going to go over the changes we have implemented in the last few days, including proper Slack etiquette and conduct. You would think that as grown adults, we would know better than sending inappropriate images and messages through company property and time," she clears her throat, glancing over at Joel, then to Tommy, who winks in her direction knowingly. "...including those who decide to engage and participate in unsanctioned secret channels-"
Frank's hand suddenly shoots up, his face awash in mock outrage. "I'll have you know, the watercooler channel serves a purpose, folks! When I caught wind of this 'secret channel' gossip circulating among the Nosy Nancies in the breakroom, I was appalled! Who would dare to stoop so low—"
"Frank, you invited me to the chat just this morning," Jesse remarks, casually holding up his phone as evidence. "It's titled 'Frank's-secret-slack-chat.' I thought it was some kind of exclusive club or something."
Frank Hi, [waves to you] is this on? Yeah? Hi. I'm Frank.   Listen, Sarah was getting a little too vigilant about monitoring Slack ever since Tommy sent us a little treat last year [he laughs] so I had to do something about it, you know? [It pans out to Frank leaning against his desk chair, typing away on his secret Slack Chat.] The chat started as an open forum for discussion on the everyday going-ons of Miller Construction Group. Do we just so happen to discuss the private lives of our peers? Maybe. Do we mean any harm by it?  [He gives you a wicked smile] Maybe.
"You guys, you know, the longer I keep getting interrupted, the longer we're all going to stay here in this conference room, and the longer we have to wait to eat Bill's food. You know how he is," She looks outside of the window, the smoke from Bill's grill swirls like a plume as he flips over a juicy steak. "He hates it when he has to serve his food cold. As I was saying, it should be obvious that we shouldn't be sending inappropriate images or photos to one another through Slack or e-mail."
"Hey! It was just one time, and it was an accident!" Tommy retorts, "Besides, it was hardly inappropriate, I was just only trying to show Maria this weird rash I got-"
"What does that mean, anyway?" Connie cuts in, casting a glance your way. "Inappropriate photos? And is there a difference between accidentally sending them or doing it on purpose?"
"Yeah," you shoot her a pointed look. "Sending nude photos to someone who doesn't want them is actually considered sexual harassment," you say, raising your voice a bit and turning in your seat. "I mean, you could get arrested for that, Connie," you add with a sing-song tone, a smirk playing on your lips as you glance at her. "You have nothing to worry about though, right?" you challenge, rolling your chair towards Joel, and taking his hand in his. "Not unless you did send naked photos to my boyfriend?"
Connie Look, I didn't know that Mr. Miller and Sugar were boning. I know how this looks- like I don't believe in girl code or something. I am a girls girl! If Sugar was just forthcoming about who gave her those damn hickeys before SlackGate happened, I wouldn't have sent her boyfriend nude photos of myself! A girl's gotta try, you know? I was only trying to shoot my shot! [She looks a bit uncomfortable, picking at a hangnail.] ... but you have to admit, Mr. Miller is H-O-T hot. God. I love me a graying man in flannel. I always thought to myself, there must be a story here. How does a millionaire who looks like that be single all this time? does he have anyone? is it a sugar baby? does he have a secret love child? I mean-  [she looks over her shoulder where Joel is, arms around his chest as he winks at Sugar. There's a hint of jealousy in Connie's eyes.] Is it true, though? Is it really sexual harassment if I send unsolicited photos of myself? Do you think he's gonna press charges? 
"It's true. Sending unsolicited photos of yourself to unsuspecting parties is sexual harassment, Connie. Not to mention creepy," Sarah winces, shooting you an apologetic smile. "So please don't be sending any photos of that nature to anyone that you work with, especially not in the admin group Slack."
"Yeah, Joel!" Tommy chides. "Keep that shlong in your pants, brother!"
Sarah You would think that working for my family is a cakewalk? Please. I've been diagnosed with IBS and GAD since I started working here five years ago. I sometimes take half an edible just to make it to lunchtime.   [Her head rests on her desk, and as the events of SlackGate unfold, an endless barrage of messages from the admin Slack channel floods her monitor. She can't help but groan in response.] Listen. I love my Dad. I've never really had to worry about his behavior at work before, not like how I have to with Uncle Tommy... but what the hell was he thinking? I can't unsee that! What if Ellie was on that chat? Could you imagine the trauma? My trauma?
"Okay, let's turn to page 12, where we'll go over all the recent updates," Sarah announces, clicking through her PowerPoint. A collective gasp echoes in the room as the slide projects onto the screen, revealing an image – the image of Joel. However, where his exposed package would be, an eggplant emoji tastefully takes its place. It resembles one of those generic memes easily made with a phone app, complete with the semi-imposed words 'Keep Calm and Shlong On!' in big bold letters.
"Shit!" she exclaims, hurriedly pressing the ESC button as she tries to close out her PowerPoint. She slams her laptop shut, the tell-tell sound of a crack echoing throughout the conference room. You hear Tess silently scoff in the distance, and Sarah closes her eyes in embarrassment as the room falls silent.
... and then, all hell breaks loose.  
Tommy is beside himself, his face red, and his eyes filled with tears as he doubles over in laughter, clutching at his middle. "Shit, Henry! When I asked you to do this, I honestly didn't think you had the balls to go through with it, but I so owe you, my man!" he exclaims, enthusiastically high-fiving his nephew-in-law. "This is the best fucking day of my life!"
"Henry?!" Sarah exclaims, her face flushed with rage. "This is what you needed to do in the office at 6 am this morning?!"
Henry's expression crumbles as he witnesses his wife's ire, suddenly realizing that he's just dug himself into a deep hole. "Sarah," he stammers, attempting to regain composure. "This isn't what it looks like—"
Henry Yeah, Tommy asked me to put that meme into Sarah's PowerPoint last night. I would have done it at home, but Sarah doesn't like to bring her laptop home, you know, work-life balance? So I had to make an excuse to come to the office this morning. Was it a dumb ass idea? Yeah, probably. Did I kind of want to get back at Sarah's dad for making my life a living hell? [He looks at you awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck.] Honestly, when you're like five beers in, drinking with Tommy- everything seems like a good idea. He dared me, you know? Said that I'm such a simp, trying to always please Joel. Called me a fucking pussy and everything! What else was I supposed to do? Sarah's going to kill me, huh? Do you think that she's gonna ask for a divorce?
"It's a meme. A meme of my Dad's dick pic with AN EGGPLANT EMOJI?!?! ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME??! WHAT DID YOU MEAN FOR IT TO LOOK LIKE?!" she screams, pulling at her hair. "AND YOU, TOMMY MILLER!" she points at her uncle furiously, "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK??!"
"Baby," Henry replies, his hands raised in an attempt to calm her down. "It's just a harmless prank, look—"
"No, you look, Henry! Does it seem like it's just a harmless prank?" she gestures to the room, her eyes wide. "Don't even think about coming to bed tonight. I can't even look at you! How dare you collaborate with Tommy, do you really want to go this way? Because I see you fucking around, and you're about to find out-"
"Oh come on, Sarah! you know these all-hands meetings are dull as fuck, I don't even know why you even bother, no one ever listens anyway!" Tommy exclaims, looking around the room. "Isn't this fun you guys? Come on, lighten up! It's not like y'all haven't seen my dick before! Your Papi's gonna live another day, I think we should all feel as comfortable as we want, fuck the rules!"
"...but Joel's is much bigger than yours!" someone yells amid the chaos, laughter, and banter echoing through the room. Sarah looks around helplessly in a panic, trying to grasp the situation unfolding.
"Hey! I'll have you know that I ain't small!" Tommy yells in retaliation.
"Do you think that this is helping, Uncle Tommy? I'm beginning to believe that the only reason why people don't take me seriously is because of all of the shit that you pull!" Sarah groans, looking like she's at the end of her rope. "I could mention that Tess is helping me facilitate this meeting to scare everyone but she's just off to the side, pretending to not be drinking under the table!"  
Tess [She is sitting off to the side, smiling to herself as the chaos ensues, shaking her head.] I am drinking, because who else thinks it's appropriate to call an all-hands meeting first thing in the morning? I don't even want to be here. It's so fucking pointless, trying to get these shitheads to conform to a set of rules.   [She witnesses Joel storming up to Tommy, his face full of rage and irritation, finger pointed right at him.] This is the consequence of hiring friends and family, isn't it? I tried to tell them it was a bad idea, but who's listening to me? I get it, everyone thinks I'm a bit of a bitch, and well... yeah, I am. Alright, time to rein this in— [She suddenly stands from her seat and walks over to Sarah, who appears to be disassociating into madness.]
"HEY!" Tess bellows, clapping her hands together. The room abruptly falls silent, Joel's hands frozen mid-grab on Tommy's flannel. Forty-eight pairs of eyes pivot towards Tess, a blend of shock and embarrassment spreading across their faces, reminiscent of children caught sneaking cookies from the jar by their mother. "Okay, that's enough!"
Her eyes are narrowed, hands on her hips. "This is what's going to happen. You're going to stop sending each other dick and tit pics through Slack, because as much as it is amusing," she smirks, winking at you, "I would really rather not have to deal with the fallout that comes with it," she shoots a pointed look at Connie, whose eyebrows shoot up to her hairline.  
"The next time someone tries to fuck around and find out? I'm going to take that dirty photo, print a thousand fucking copies of it and stick that shit all over the office. Every fucking inch, every fucking nook and cranny is just gonna be dick and tit central," she paces around the room, placing a warning hand on Frank's shoulder. "As for this secret Slack chat, I'm going to give you all one chance to come clean. If you don't, and Sugar's report doesn't match who outs themselves right now," She scans the room, a smirk on the corner of her mouth appearing in satisfaction. "Yeah, you didn't think that we were monitoring that shit, huh? Well, I'll throw you all a bone: raise your hands if you are in this secret group chat, and I'll consider not docking your pay for insubordination. Your choice."
Frank [Looking at Tess as she slightly stumbles from where she's standing.] Yeah, she's toast.
The majority of the room begins to raise their hands, except you, Tess, Joel, and surprisingly, Frank.
Tess scoffs. "Really Frank? Really?"
"I have no clue what you're trying to imply, and seriously Tess? Are you really going to play that card? Are you going to dock your pay too?" Frank retorts. "I mean, just last night, you were drunkenly telling me that you heard Joel and Sugar-"
"If you utter another word, I'll fire you on the spot, Frank!" Joel shouts from across the room. "I mean it this time!"
Joel and Sugar [Joel wraps his arm around your waist, leaning in to kiss your forehead while gently pushing a strand of hair behind your ears.] There, that's better. Don't hide your face, Mami; you're too beautiful to be hiding all of that, okay? Right, [he clears his throat.] You would think that people would be a little more professional around here, show me a bit of respect— [His gaze shifts to Tommy, who's engaged in laughter and banter with the team, his chest puffed out in triumph. Joel glares at him, shaking his head.] I'd like to think I try really hard to be a good boss. I pay fairly, I allow remote work, and damn it, I take pride in offering the best employee benefits in all of Austin. We even take a company trip to Hawaii every year, for fucks sake! [You squeeze his hand, pressing a kiss to his temple as he takes a frustrated breath.] Papi, if it means anything, I think you're the best boss any of these folks could ever ask for. They don't deserve you. [Joel nods.] Look, I don't know what to tell you. I got the ride of my life that morning, my sweet Mami riding my cock just right, you know? I would have been okay, going into my meeting with blue balls, just as long as Sugar got hers. Your pleasure is my pleasure... but I was just so fucking horny! I started to work out, yeah? Wanted to keep shit tight for my baby, and fuck, I was... what do they young kids say?   Feeling yourself? [Joel nods again, smiling at you.] Yeah, 'feeling myself' or whatever. Anyway, I was in the meeting, and you messaged me, right? saying that you weren't going to be in for lunch? and I don't know if was the disappointment, or if I was just too horny, but fuck. I quickly excused myself and took a quick dick pic in my bathroom. I thought I was in the right Slack channel... so I sent it, and then the guys at The H Group asked me a whole bunch of questions, and then an hour later- Chaos. The messages kept flooding in! Frank was asking about how long I was, and Connie was sending me nude photos of herself- in my fucking office! Wait, what? [Your gaze meets Connie's, nervously seated as Frank goes on and on beside her. Her hands twitch like a possum that just got run over by an 18-wheeler. Yeah. Squirm for me, you think to yourself.] Yeah! And I just sat there, in shock, you know? Like this is the kind of shit that Tommy pulls, and I couldn't believe that I was so fucking stupid! Can you imagine the kind of therapy Sarah's gonna need? What if Ellie saw this?
"Who's up for some snacks?" Tommy calls out to the team, holding a basket filled with rather sizable cucumbers, bananas, and eggplants. "Help yourselves, compliments of Joel!"
Ellie  [at the job site across town, hard hat fixed crookedly on top of her head.] Yeah, I saw it. There is not enough bleach in this world that could ever erase that image from my existence.   [she glares at Sam, who just shrugs.] Thanks a lot, asshole!
"Alright, you degenerates!" Bill booms, bursting through the conference doors wearing a 'Kiss the Cook' apron, tongs in one hand, and a tray piled high with thickly cut steaks in the other. "This steak isn't going to eat itself!" 
The team swarms Bill like seagulls spotting a tasty piece of bread on the boardwalk. Tommy grabs a t-bone with his bare hands, biting into it with the enthusiasm of a caveman.
"Hey," Joel whispers to you, his shoulder gently bumping yours. "Want to help me with something?" You nod eagerly as Joel swiftly guides you out of the conference room, heading towards the executive offices. You giggle as Joel ushers you into the room, pulling you into a kiss, his foot playfully kicking the door shut.
He moves the both of you over to where Tommy's desk is, pushing aside its contents off the tabletop in one fell swoop, the items clattering onto the floor. "Papi, what are you doing?" you ask cheekily as he bends you over the desk, lifting your skirt.  
Joel growls and shoves you down onto the desk, his hands harshly grabbing onto your hips. Your arms scramble to find purchase as you knock over a framed photo of Tommy and Maria, watching helplessly as the image of their smiling faces falls onto the floor. His palm travels across your back, pinning you in place as he fiddles with his zipper with his other hand. "Line item 6," Joel murmurs as his hands begin to travel across the globes of your ass, squeezing and spreading and slapping them until you're so wet you can feel it dripping down your thighs.  
Joel hums in appreciation. "Thats right Mami, get nice and wet for me, okay?" You can feel him pump his cock against you, notching his head at your entrance. "You gonna make a nice mess for me, baby?" he asks through gritted teeth as he strokes through your folds with his dick.
"Yesss," you moan, pushing your ass back toward him.  
Joel pushes into you to the hilt in one brutal thrust as you cry out, grabbing onto the edge of the desk as he begins to pound into you in earnest, his thrusts so hard and punishing that the desk begins to rattle. You squeeze your eyes shut as Joel gathers your hair in his hand, pulling you back towards him. "Fuck baby, I'm gonna come so fucking hard, fill this pussy up and watch as it drips out of you, maybe fuck you again if we still have time-"
You gasp, taking a deep breath as his thrusts become so erratic it pushes you up the desk, lifting one leg onto the surface as Joel angles himself higher, hitting a spot so deep within you that you bite your lip from crying out, not wanting to attract any unwanted attention. You squeeze around his cock as you chase your high, hoping that Joel can maintain his composure long enough so you both can finish together. "No Mami, stay with me, come with me-"
He leans over you, pressing you onto the desk as he grabs onto your shoulders, pounding into you, his breath hot against your neck as he buries his face into it, huffing from exertion. "I'm so close Mami, I'm gonna... Fuck!" He bites your shoulder as he cums in one last brutal stroke, his hands harshly grasping your thighs as you feel his hot spend flow deep into your belly. You rock your hips onto him as his hand goes to your clit, rubbing until you are weak in the knees, your body trembling beneath his. "Fuck Joel," you say a little breathless as you slump onto the table as Joel pulls out of you, his finger probing into you as he pushes his leaking cum back where it belongs. "Come on, lets clean this up and head back before they notice-"
Joel just snorts as he zips up his jeans. "No," he replies nonchalantly as he catches his breath. 
"No?" you ask as you straighten yourself up, frowning at him.  
"Line item six says I bend you over his desk and leave a little souvenir," he motions to the mess on the floor, pens and papers scattered about.  
"He's going to fucking murder you, Joel," you chuckle, pulling him into a kiss.  
"Yeah? Well, he shouldn't have fucked around, because he's about to find out." He simply replies, taking your hand in his. "Come on, little Mami, quickly now, before he realizes we're gone..."
You share a laugh as he guides you back into the conference room. Bill raises an eyebrow at both of you, handing over a plate with steaming steak, as if he just finished cooking it. "I thought I'd save your lunches for last, figured you guys needed some extra time," he says, clearing his throat and nodding towards Tommy, who seems entirely oblivious to your brief disappearance. "You know Tommy, can't resist a good piece of steak," Bill continues, gesturing at Joel. "It's like everything around him disappears for a moment; you could rob him blind, and he wouldn't even notice," he adds with a small smile, placing a hand on Joel's shoulder and giving him a knowing look. "Enjoy your lunch, you two."
Bill Look, I wouldn't call myself a nosy person, but I am perceptive.   [He glances at Frank whispering and giggling to Connie off to the side, rolling his eyes.] Look at them. They think that they're the eyes and ears of this operation, but what they don't know, is that I. Know. Everything. I am a survivalist. I gather intel on all of my surroundings, even if I am surrounded by absolute morons.   [Bill takes another sip of coffee, subtly glancing around him before making eye contact with you, the reader, once more] So if you want to know the real scoop, the real ins-and-outs of this company, and not have to deal with the lunatics in Frank's not-so-secret shit talk club, come to me, I'll set you on the right path. At least I have snacks.   [He looks off to you and Joel, giving a curt nod as he starts to cut into his own steak.] As much as I respect Tommy, he's not the one signing my checks at the end of the day. If there's anything that I value more than anything, it's loyalty. I don't like to play around, hate it when people bite the hands that feed them. People like that need to be taught a lesson. Joel's a good man, and sometimes, we fuck up... but it's how we handle ourselves after the fact that matters. If that means I help out an old friend, well- [he smiles as Tommy walks towards the conference room doors, heading back to his office. Bill smiles out into the distance.]
Taglist: @sarcasm-theotherwhitemeat @gwendibleywrites @brittmb115 @joeldjarin @drewharrisonwriter
@littlebunnybigheartfics @missladym1981 @auteurdelabre @quicax3 @casa-boiardi
@amyispxnk @untamedheart81 @paleidiot @laurrrra @la-vie-est-une-fleur29
@bbiophiliaa @thewiigers (I apologize if I missed anyone, but if you are looking for any of my fic updates, please feel free to follow my updates blog @chiriwritesstuffnotifs!)
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gingerjolover · 6 months
can we prioritize jb controversially young gf pleaseeeee i vote yes
to ease y'all into it, get ya warmed up, here's a little appetizer (courtesy of my friends @boywithpinkcarnation and @ever-siince-new-york aka the loves of my life)
julien w a controversially!young gf
okay i have an (unpopular) opinion that i don't think julien would date someone controversially young not because there's something wrong with it but because she will get so existential and I feel like she would feel bad if your brain wasn't fully developed lol
however!!!! this aside, lets continue
I don't think it would be a best friends little siblings scenario or like the kid of someone on her team or the bg team
young!gf is probably a writer or an artist of some kind and julien is either a fan or is at a charity event or something similar and she meets boygenius and they all instantly love her sm
and jules and young!gf really hit it off and so julien leaves with her number but doesn't find out shes young until like 3 days later
has an absolute crisis about it, especially because she doesn't want to hurt you or change you
thinking young!gf is 20 about to be 21, like just old enough that some people will be like um??? but also you're a whole-ass adult so you can do what ya want
but julien and young!gf have a very serious convo bc they are both feeling the vibe and julien just wants a healthy, mutually beneficial, safe, and loving relationship
but anyways
lets get right to it, phoebe and lucy and MUNA love you
like the love u sm but they also love teasing julien
julien could be getting up from a chair or like be laying on the floor and phoebe is yelling "life alert" to you, a glare pushing its way onto jules's face
phoebe is the biggest instigator, always snapping photos of you both candidly and adding them to her photo dumps
I had that phoebe buys young!gf a t-shirt that says I love milfs but @boywithpinkcarnation said a shirt with I <3 cougars and its iconic honestly
phoebe will 1000% caption a photo of you sitting on jb's lap and be like "sugar daddy vibes🤑" or one of jb sitting on your lap with the caption "jb is taking babysitting wayyy too seriously" (@boywithpinkcarnation)
they all call you baby and they mean it
katie is the second biggest instigator and right after that is lucy, then nomi, then jo
katie always teases about "respect your elders"
lucy will post a very wholesome photo of the two of you but caption it "spend time and cherish your elders, they aren't around forever❤️" (straight from social queen @boywithpinkcarnation)
eventually young!gf gets into it and starts making jokes like kelli tiktok vibes (@ever-siince-new-york)
she gets asked in a day in the life vid or a live a question about jules and shes like "I'm not sure really...i just with her for the money," and julien is in the back like that interview when lucy says they're breaking up like "baby! don't say that! it's not funny!" and she's groaning coming into frame, her hand on young!gf's head, "they're gonna start to believe you, ya know?" like all sassy how jb gets🤓☝🏼
PRIVATE BUT NOT SECRET VIBEZZZZ @ever-siince-new-york, carlena said and i quote, "like they're not lovesurging on tiktok but if the paps get jb giving hickies on film... oh well😁"
they are also STOKED for you to turn 21, since most of them are sober the idea of getting you drunk is so appealing
and jb is SO protective, like already jb has her hands on young!gf all. the. time. like in the dip of her back or on her hips or hand on the back of her neck, jb is always making some type of physical contact
BUT especially in the club or at a bar
they do get freaky on her 21st bday hehe
maybe the day after bc young!gf just lets joi keep giving her shots and julien is just standing there jaw dropped because who knew their sweet baby girl was a mf tank
but lit katie, molly, kelli, jo, nomi, lucy, and phoebe LOVE you sm, like yes you're young and everyone is pushing or already 30 but young!gf is so profound and mature but not in a way that's not acting her age, she just has a very old soul and enjoys rest and knows what she likes and what she wants
and julien loooooves this, like jules doesn't want to groom you and mold you into something you're not, she wants you to act your age and like she doesn't isolate you or make you act 28 because everyone is around that age. like she fully supports if you wanna go out and party or like do something kinda childish or if you wanted to stress about school or be homesick, julien lets you just vibe and doesn't pressure you to grow up faster, she truly just wants you to grow up without the age gap looming over you
back to the daddy!jb antics, without infantalizing you, jb handles ALL of the "adult stuff" like y'all def split bills if you live together but she manages all of the subscriptions and pays all of the utilities and makes sure your car has gas and is always maintained like takes it to get inspected and stuff
if young!gf is in school than that's your biggest priority in jb's eyes, like yes focus on school or your work and then when you graduate we'll start to divvy up the household stuff
jb just loves to care for you, like she always has an extra hair tie on her wrist and its your scrunchie like the one you love
before you live together, jb is stocking her house w your stuff to make you comfy
your fave snacks are in the kitchen, your fave drinks in the fridge
jb buys a full size of your fave perfume and body wash, she has you pick out pajamas for her dresser and puts a jewelry holder on her dresser just for you (@ever-siince-new-york 🥹)
if you're in school, jb def has a desk set up in her office or music room and its one she built and it has cute pens and stationary and a pretty keyboard and a comfy chair where you can cross your legs and then under it is built in storage for some of your books and crocheting/knitting/crafting stuff
when you move in, jb designs (w the help of lucy and Katie) your own office where you can write and paint and it has the best sunlight in the whole house
julien also gets really anxious leaving you at home, not because you're not capable but she grows so attached and is like "you'll be a different person when i come back:("
always sending flowers and dinner and gifts while on the road (@ever-siince-new-york)
not smut but smut adjacent
julien is sooooo nervous to have sex w young!gf
maybe she hasn't done it before or julien just feels a lot of pressure to take care of her
and she has to be like "do you not like me?" kinda insecurely because julien is treating her like shes glass
and jb is like "oh my god sweet girl, no no no, i- of course i- i love you!"
and she's like "you WHAT??"
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wandagcre · 1 month
Heya!!! If you were still doing the gif requests, may I ask for a fluffy top wanda one with this pleassee. Thank you
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it's date night but it wasn't the one where you two had reigns to decide—it lacked total freedom and privacy. it was a miracle enough that wanda let you accompany her as she meets her stylists for the night event; a fundraising gala held by the no-longer little morgan stark, now of age to handle the business. she reminded you of as a perfect mix of personality between tony and pepper. moreso, there was a definite surprise from wanda thinks she's no longer that hero. apparently, morgan insisted, and reassured that the world thinks otherwise as there had been cover-ups from some of her past wrong doings.
upon the invitation, you were ecstatic for your wife — how her journey has far come to this. how beneficial her presence would be at that event. you also knew how her mind is clouded with doubts, so you insisted that if you weren't to be her plus-one for safety purposes.
"c'mon, honey. i deserve to see you get dressed and glammed up, don't you think?" you give her best impression of your puppy eyes. wanda can feel the excitement coursing through you that it makes your smile so infectious.
you knew she had soften up. "fine. you can accompany me, detka."
"yes! i'm your unofficial plus-one," when you pump your fist in the air, celebrating, her giggling resonated beautifully in the room.
you were new to this world. still under the care of the starks, you were greeted by their warmth and their extravagant and lavish place. the glass that acted as top to bottom walls and viewpoint surrounded the place. you did the math and it could fit at least for you to throw a party from one room alone.
you held wanda's hand, squeezing it from time to time to reassure the woman somehow that you're there with her — for her. your wife looked small before you sat with her in the spacious bed. did you had the urge to tackle her? yes. did you succumb to that urge? also yes. it was a fit of laughter as you both enjoyed the comfortable silence.
"do you have any clue what you'll be wearing?" you ponder while your head was close to wanda, laying down.
"no, not really." wanda answers. "they only took my measurements and i reminded pepper to give me something of a natural look. nothing too over the top,"
you hold her by the wrist, your thumb soothing over it.
"whatever it is, i'm sure you'll look stunning. i won't be able to take your eyes off you." you admit honestly. wanda blushes beside you because she feels the truth behind your words.
"you're a real charmer,"
soon, you both hear the card tapping and doors sliding in. it was the makeup team, both of you greeted them and you sat patiently by the edge of the bed, how the team worked fast and efficiently.
it didn't take long for them and you saw how the sun was soon setting by the wide windows. wanda finally got into another room to put on the dress and you insisted on closing your eyes before seeing the final reveal.
"that's only for weddings you dummy."
you humurously scoffed. "i'm not taking my chances. besides, i want to be surprised."
when you two were left alone, wanda finally gave you the cue to look, per your instructions, and she was even more breathtaking than in the mirror reflection and the partial look you had beforehand.
she's right infront of you, giving you a shy twirl.
"wow. that's— okay. i have to process this beauty for at least three business days," your eyes fluttered, you feel heated up, and you had to tug on the collar of your shirt.
"don't be dramatic now, detka."
"i'm serious! i feel like a giggly teen over my crush right now. you don't understand... i hope you understand."
wanda rolled her eyes. your compliment was appreciated though, she held your words in high regard — always. wanda's back faced you again this time for her to do her last touch ups.
she turned around once again to your direction and you sauntered over your wife. you made her inch closer for you to inspect her pretty face.
your heartbeat picked up immensely.
"how do i look?" wanda whispers. she's hopeless as you were.
"gorgeous. the best among them all."
you're rewarded with her pearly teeth smile and beautiful green eyes gleaming at your response — contorting into ease and happiness. it didn't help your beating heart, but it was more than satisfying.
if she ever experienced teenage dating like in the movies filled of unstoppable fluttering of feelings, wanda is certain that it feels something as this — all with you, because of you.
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Hello! I love yout headcanons, everytime you posts something I gladly eat up the information. Like literally, if not a bother or your not busy.
What would a female or male yautja or how would they react to a genz ooman?
I'm sorry if this bothers you and apologies for the wrong grammar, english is not my first language.
Thank you for the wonderful headcanons again, lots of love and take care
This one is very specific.
Yautja x Human Gen Z! reader (gender neutral, platonic)
cw:mentions of rape (just mentioned)
Well I could definitely take the piss here and absolutely insult an entire generation of children and young adults. Even if i'm not part of Gen Z, I can see the way they way they are portrayed online , so I can easily write them off as crybabies or whiney — I won't of course, generations are way more than their stereotype. But at it's core Gen Z is a very conscious generation. So If I were to write anything like this the story would start off with a Yautja that has his reservations about Oomans. He would see them as hardheaded and unreasonable. He sees them as willing participants of a dying planet, electing unqualified leaders to make it die quicker. He's see Oomans as lazy (fat slugish and weak)— especially the newest generation. NOT strong warriors like his Yautja younglings. Sees how Oomans let the sick get sicker. Sees how Oomans rape and hurt their birth givers; their sucklings. The Yautja would be deadset on on withholding his acquaintanceship with Oomans, for ever. Even if he was one of the 5 Yautja team to travel to Earth to oversee the Ooman's studies of their tech, making sure these destructive Oomans were not to get their hands on a fucking Yautja nuke. The Yautja would meet Reader in one of the facilities on Earth. Reader would be a scientist there studying the Yautja biology. Maybe they're part of a branch looking into using Yautja medical tech on Humans to help save lives, cure deceases. The Yautja would be surprised to hear how you and the rest of your team are interested in HELPING the ill. You'd explain your teams goal was to make a serum to help re-build the white blood cells of the body, making humans more resistant to viruses and other types of diseases in the future. The Yautja would be stupefied to see such a big team of Ooman scientists working on a beneficial cause. Reader would request to show him and his team to see how've far the humans have gotten with the experiments. Reader would show them how they've modified on of the schematics of a Yautian motor to fit on a train that would make public transportation quicker and less expensive. How they've used one of the elements on the Yautian healing serums to fertilize the soil and grow organic and highly nutritious foods at a higher pace and would be a key practice into getting crops to grow on barren contaminated soil; feeding more people in the process. How they've used Yautian tracking technology to better identify DNA/RNA left behind my beings; making the investigation process in crimes quicker and more accurate. The Yautja would see how Reader was very passionate in working towards these goals to further help their people. The Yautja would begin to have doubts of his previous stereotypes of Oomans, seeing how even this newer Gen was very sincere about fixing cracks in Ooman society. That's pretty much how I would write it. A Gen Z req has a very wide range to write stories on, so instead of making the Reader an activist, I tried making them something that can be associated with the Yautja's a bit more.
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erraticalart · 8 months
Saw Fortress II
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Well, is this what you've been waiting for?
So, as some of you may or may not know, Saw is getting a new movie, Saw X, in two days and I'm so excited for it to come out! I decided to pay tribute to this movie by making a crossover between Saw and, of course, Team Fortress 2. I've been getting interested and invested in the Saw franchise, from its story to the characters and especially the creative but deadly traps. Took me about 22 days to create as I had classes and needed to take breaks every once in a while, but I finally finished it and presented it to my brother as a birthday gift (as well as an official Fallout cookbook).
Now, for the fans of both Saw and TF2, I'll explain the reason why I chose the characters and their designated roles. It's time to play a game.
Character Comparison and Roles
Warning: Spoilers for the Saw franchise
RED Engineer: John Kramer aka Jigsaw - Well it's pretty much obvious why. They're both engineers. They both are talented in creating many different unique contraptions that are beneficial, but deadly and dangerous. Engie also has his morals, although it's way different from John's. Let's not forget that Engie can be somewhat a little sadistic and loves seeing his enemies go down, although John hates sadistic people despite the irony in his traps. Also, are we gonna ignore his Gunslinger taunt kill and his sinister, evil laugh? I'm not sure if Engie should have the Gunslinger with him, but I think it would be pretty cool to have it on him. Maybe in this version when he attempts to commit suicide and fails, but all he's left is a completely maimed hand, he cuts it off entirely and replaces it. It would be a pretty cool backstory as to why he has it and would make a really cool reveal to show to the audience. I wonder what Engie sounds like saying the iconic line "Game Over"?
BLU Medic: Dr. Lawrence Gordon - It's also pretty obvious why. He's a doctor. (Can you guess the reference?) Dr. Gordon is my favorite character in the series, and I love seeing the change and progress in his character from a doctor and trap victim in the first Saw film to John's favorable accomplice and in his words, "My greatest asset" in Saw 3D/Saw: The Final Chapter/ Saw VII (Yeah, I can't believe that movie has multiple names). In a way, it makes sense to have Medic as Dr. Gordon because just like how it was shown at the end of Saw VII that he and John worked great together, Medic and Engie are also seen working together in Expiration Date as lab partners. They both would work great as an amazing sadistic duo. Also, I think it's kind of cute to have Engie give Medic a prosthetic foot after he too cuts it off entirely. Not only would it make sense because Engie knows a thing or two about prosthetics, but it would show that Medic and Engie both have something in common: cut off what's unnecessary to help with your survival. Medic would also try to justify and reason Engie's actions. Also, I love Dr. Gordon's "Game Over" line, it's soooooo good!!! It's my personal favorite (Of course nothing beats John's iconic classic version). I could totally imagine how great Medic would sound saying that line!
BLU Spy: Detective Lieutenant Mark Hoffman - Ok, this is where things start to get a little interesting. Hoffman became John's accomplice after replicating his ideas and making his own traps that John never made himself. In a way, he's becoming Jigsaw. Just like how Spy can become and replicate any class, Hoffman also became more mysterious and secretive to his fellow colleagues and tried to frame Special Agent Peter Strahm as Jigsaw. In the end, when he gets caught, he goes against everyone and executes them, so the secret never comes out. Also, another reason why Spy is Hoffman and please tell me if I'm not the only one here who thought this when watching Saw: Did anyone else get Hoffman and Strahm mixed up because they almost look like the same person and it's always confusing when there's a scene that focuses on one of them but it's actually the other? I decided to have two Spies in the story with the BLU Spy as Hoffman and the RED Spy as Strahm since they look the same minus the color.
Miss Pauling: Amanda Young - You're probably thinking, "Why her? Is it because she just so happens to be female and I just filled her in that role?" Well yes, but actually no. It's because Amanda was very loyal to John, looking up to him, defending him constantly, and was very close to him. Miss Pauling fits that role when it comes to the Administrator, but here she's loyal to Engie. I feel like she likes Engie the most out of any other class, so she would definitely help him out as well as get advice from him. She also can get shit done when being asked to accomplish a task. Sadly, we know what's to come for Amanda. Just like how in the comics Miss Pauling fails to bring the Australium, Amanda fails in John's tasks as he reveals to her that she's part of another game. I do feel like Miss Pauling was stuck playing around in the Administrator's game and it was also implied that every year the Administrator sends people to assassinate her to see if she succeeds as if it's an employee review. So, yeah, Miss Pauling and Amanda both are stuck in pretty tight situations.
RED Pyro: Billy the Puppet - Ah, yes, who could we ever forget? The main icon of the series. Both Pyro and Billy have terrifying appearances that'll leave you quivering on sleepless nights. I used to fear Billy as a kid, but now I see him as endearing and strangely, but freakishly, adorable. Pyro is freaky-looking, but he's such an adorable bundle of flames. I could definitely imagine seeing Pyro riding on Billy's iconic tricycle. That would be so funny, cute, and scary. As for Pyro's voice, since Billy is voiced by John (and Hoffman, I think? Idk), I'm not sure if Engie (or Spy) should voice Pyro since Pyro speaks in muffles. Maybe they should, idk. I also don't know if Pyro should speak in mumbles from time to time or whether he should have the ability to move and just walk around or just remain seated. And, of course, I don't know if Pyro should do his iconic laugh (maybe sometimes, idk). What I do know however is that Pyro should definitely have the iconic Billy laugh.
RED Balloonicorn/The Combustible Cutie Cosmetic (Yeah, I know it's pink, but it's the RED team's version which is why it's pink): Pighead Mask - Oink! Or in this case, Neigh! The mask that John and his accomplices dress up as with the iconic robe (though I'm not sure if this robe should remain red and black or pink and black, maybe the first option should be for Engie since he's the leader while the accomplices get the latter, or not, maybe they should match Engie, idk). At first, I chose Balloonicorn since it's related to Pyro and I know he'll love seeing everyone dress up as one, but then I remembered that there's a cosmetic for Pyro as a mask called "The Combustible Cutie" that resembles Balloonicorn, and boy does that mask look freaking scary!!! It's really fitting for both Saw and TF2 as a whole! It's pretty funny and scary to imagine getting kidnapped by a herd of pink unicorns all because you've been very naughty.
I hope fans of Saw and Team Fortress 2 enjoy this lovely piece of fanart as this has become one of my all-time favorites to create. I was also listening to the Saw soundtrack specifically the Zepp/Main Saw Themes. My favorite being, of course, "Hello Zepp". It fits Engie and John's character theme even though it's Zepp's (although you can argue that it IS John's since it's his perspective since he's saying hello, which I agree). But my actual favorite is "Zepp Overture" because to me it sounds like a holy church. I especially like the way the string instruments sound. Yeah, I know you can argue that Dr. Gordon has a theme at the end of Saw VII called "Dr. Gordon Montage" and "The Final Zepp" but to me, I think this theme fits Medic the best because, y'know, he replicates that sound by playing an actual saw when you taunt which is both funny and adorable. And it really fits his character to be seen as a holier-than-thou and especially a God. This might also fit Spy, but idk. I'm not sure which themes work for Spy and Miss Pauling or even Pyro (if you want Pyro and Engie to share the same theme, then that's fine by me). I might need to go back and listen to all of them depending on the movies that Hoffman and Amanda appear in. Maybe some of you can suggest one. But anyway, please go listen to the Saw soundtrack, especially the Zepp/Main Saw Themes, it's soooooo good!!! I might as well argue that it's one of, if not, THE best horror themes out there!!!
Here's a link to listen to it while you look at the art or whether you are interested in the Saw series and its music:
Welp, like I said before, I hope you fans enjoy it!!! I just can't' wait for Saw X to come out soon on September 29!!! I just hope and pray the movie is good though. Well, let's just wait and see. But until then,
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natsfirecat · 2 years
okay so can i request something with autistic!reader where she’s apart of the avengers but no one knows she’s autistic yet and maybe natasha who is her gf and already knows helps her work up the courage to tell the rest of the team, i’m sorry if this doesn’t really make sense i’m not sure how to word it but i’m sure if you did you would write it really well as your writing is amazing :)
The Tism Reveal
pairing: Natasha Romanoff x fem autistic!reader
word count: 1.2k
warnings: none, lmk if i need to add any!
A/N: it's been forever since i've written for autisic!r so thanks for sending this in! hope you enjoy! :D
One, two, three, four... tap!
One two, three, four... tap!
One, two three-
"Hey," the voice of the woman you loved snapped your focus back to reality.
"Hi!" You sat up in bed to face her as she walked in the room. You sat with your knees up so you could wrap your arms around them against your chest.
Natasha sat next to you and gave you a small smile.
"Are you doing okay?" She asked.
"Yeah, just tired and socially drained,"
"Steve's expecting you for a meeting,"
"Well he can wait until my social battery is recharged," you said, rolling your eyes and laying back down.
Your girlfriend laughed, then lay down beside you. Her hand slowly crept toward your own. As soon as you felt her fingers brush against yours, you interlocked your hands and turned to face her.
"What if Steve just wants to send me on another one of those missions?" You said, leaning your head into her chest. "I can do missions, but when all the sirens are going off everywhere and he's yelling in my ear, it's just... agh,"
"Have you thought about telling him why you struggle with overlapping noises?"
You sighed, snuggling further into her chest. You then swung your leg over hers and scooted closer, trying to get as close to her as physically possible.
Natasha kissed the top of your head.
"Maybe it would be beneficial if the team knew, so you wouldn't have to be in situations that put you in sensory overload," she told you.
You pulled back from her chest, but kept your arms and legs wrapped around her.
"I don't know how they would react though," you said. "What if they think I'm stupid, or start infantilizing me,"
"Then I'll break off each and every one of their limbs and feed it back to them," she said nonchalantly.
You let out a small chuckle, meeting her eyes.
"Seriously though, I don't know what to do. I'm proud of who I am, including the autism, but I'm hesitant about telling the others 'cause I don't know how they would react,"
"You don't have to do anything you're uncomfortable with, but I think it could be helpful in the long run if they knew,"
You thought for a minute; Steve would probably have the hardest time understanding. Tony would definitely be more knowledgeable than him, but you couldn't guarantee that he wouldn't start doubting your abilities if he found out. Wanda would definitely be accepting, but you wouldn't want her to start treating you like a child because of it.
But if things went well, you could be sent on missions where your autism would be beneficial, instead of sending you to sensory overload. They would know that they shouldn't yell at you for constructive criticism, as you would definitely take it personal. And maybe they'd understand that sometimes you just need to take extra time for yourself before you can be happy around other people.
"Will you go with me?" You asked.
"If I tell the team... will you be with me during it? I just don't wanna do it by myself,"
"Of course I can, detka," 
Just as you were about to get off the bed, you were filled with the urge to kiss your girlfriend; so you did just that. You brought your lips to hers and pulled away just as quickly.
Natasha placed her hand on the side of your face, then leaned down so the two of you would kiss again.
You leaned up on your hands, preparing yourself to get ready to talk to the team. But then again... two kisses didn't seem like enough either. So, you cupped her face and brought your lips to hers once more.
"Well if this keeps up, it might be awhile before we actually leave the room," Natasha pointed out.
"True... but I can always talk to them later! Kisses now, team talk later," you replied with a smirk.
Natasha looked away for a moment, pondering your statement. Then, she leaned in to kiss you again.
"Kisses now," she agreed.
After more kisses eventually turned into a full blown make out session, it was safe to say that it did in fact take awhile for you and Natasha to get out of bed. But once you did, she held your hand the entire way to the living room.
FRIDAY called the team down at your request, so you sat in your girlfriend's lap and fiddled with her fingers as you waited.
One by one, your teammates began filing into the room and sat on the couch, awaiting your announcement.
So, you took in a deep breath and sat up. Natasha started to stand up with you, but you shook your head no. You still held her hand, though.
"Alright," you began. "After some thought about this, I believe it would be beneficial for everyone if I revealed something about me,"
"We all know you're gay, Y/N," Tony said lightheartedly.
"It's not that," you said with a small laugh. "It's that I think different from you guys, so what works for you doesn't always work for me, and I think it's important for you to know,"
Natasha gave you an encouraging nod, then squeezed your hand.
"I'm autistic," you said.
The moment of silence felt as if all the air in the room was pressing against you and squeezing your body together. You were squeezing Natasha's hand tighter than ever, but she didn't even flinch.
"Okay," Tony said. "What do you need from us?"
The air didn't feel quite as heavy anymore.
"For me, I need you guys to respect how easily socially drained I get; and that it's not about you or anything like that. And when you're critiquing me, I can't tell if you're mad at me so I take it personal, so if you could clarify your tone, that would be helpful,"
Wanda gave you a smile. "Anything to make you feel comfortable,"
"So, what does this mean then?" Steve asked.
This time, Natasha spoke up. "Exactly what she said. She thinks differently, so there's different needs and everyone needs to respect that. And if I find out that any of you aren't doing that, I'll-" you cut her off before she could threaten everyone.
"Yeah, but I'll explain during the moment if I need anything specific to make it easier for everyone."
You still felt a little shaky, but you said everything you needed to and got the message out. So, you sat back in Natasha's lap and leaned your head against her chest.
"Also," you said. "If anyone here supports Autism Speaks then I will see to it that my girlfriend makes you suffer,"
Natasha nodded in confirmation.
Mutters of agreement came from the team, resulting in a small smile from you.
Your girlfriend kisses the top of your head, and a wave of relaxation swept over you; it was okay. Telling the team went better than you could've hoped, and now they'll understand that you think different from them and do what they can to support you.
And yes, Natasha would in fact rip of their limbs and feed them back to them if any of them didn't.
taglist: @lyak12 @thewidowsghost @murderisthesolution @zombies1ayea @plasticl0ve @romanoffscottage @atlas-nex @plasticnacho @ria900 @readings-stuff @nats-dreamland @chiyongberry @xxromanoffxx @milfloverslut @gimaximoff @adi06lena @sayah13 @queerrowantree @bentleywolf29 @thatonebrazilian
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marsbar17 · 6 months
Hi! So we both know Revenant would never admit feelings, but he'd show it in his own way. What about a thing where it finally clicks in the readers mind and confronts him about it :3
Honestly I had a lot of fun with this one. I hope you don't mind that I made it sort of unrequited, really depends on how you look at it though.
CONTAINS: Nothing nsfw, just some anger and yelling, and gun fights
Being in the presence of Revenant was always terrifying. You could practically feel murderous intent dripping off of his every word as he talked. He only helped people when it was beneficial to him, only saving people so they could have his back later on. So, you assumed you must be very helpful to him, and it terrified you. He always picked you back up, handed you shields and syringes, and pointed out ammo you could take. All so you could save his skin later on, right? It wasn't for your sake, surely. He must have some plan for you. Somehow, he would use you to better himself. Why else would he do it?
"There's light ammo here, come get it before you run out." Revenant grumbled, pointing it out before staying in the area while you came to get it. How did he know you only had 9 bullets left? You had no clue. Either way you were grateful for the loot, and told him so.
"Thanks, who knew you could be thoughtful for once."
"You can't survive without bullets, and I need a full team to win." Of course his answer was bitchy, what did you expect? For the Revenant to be nice one time in his life? Dream on.
It was duos, half the teams were gone, and the ring wasn't in your favor. Closing in 10 seconds and across the whole fucking map? Yeah, not in your favor in the slightest. You quickly topped up your r-99 and tucked the rest of the bullets in your backpack.
"It's time to go unless you wanna wake up in the medbay with 3rd degree burns." You said into the mic in your ear, and the only response from your teammate was grumpy mumbling before you saw him start the dash to the ring. Rolling your eyes, you slung your gun across your back and followed. The jog to the ring was long, and it gave you time to think. Too much time to think.
As your mind was occupied with thoughts of Revenant and what he could possibly want with you, you didn't process the gunshots slowly getting louder. Seems like a couple squads were fighting, right at the border of the ring. Great. You would've ran straight into the line of fire if a hand didn't grab your backpack and pull you into a building.
"Stop zoning out, you're gonna get yourself killed." The familiar voice of a murderous simulcran said behind you. He had pulled you into a small house, sitting you down on a box against the wall. He put his hands on your shoulder, cold, drawing you back to the present.
"I wasn't zoning out, I meant to do that." You crossed your arms, turning to look out a window at one of the teams crouched behind a wall. Your heart raced, fully realizing that if Revenant hadn't grabbed you you would've been dead within seconds of them spotting you.
Why? Obviously he wanted to keep you alive, but you thought the satisfaction of seeing you shot to pieces and being able to nag you about it later would've overshadowed that. No time to think, there were more footsteps approaching the house. You pulled out your r-99, but your sight was blocked by a big metal body.
"Rev!" You whisper shouted. "You're blocking my view!"
"I'm protecting you, dumbass." He whispered over his shoulder, raising his own flatline and aiming at the door. You were stuck, if you stood you'd be pressing against Revenants metal back, if you stayed sitting you'd have no line of sight of the enemy. Ah fuck it, you stayed sitting, but held your gun at the ready anyways.
Well you ended up dying anyways. Bangalore and Newcastle ended up barging in and annihilating Revenant before dealing with your now exposed form. Stupid soldier siblings. You woke up in the medbay, muscles aching but otherwise no injuries. By the door of the room stood Revenant, leaning against a wall. Closing the curtain around your bed, you changed out of the paper thin gown they gave everyone and into your casual clothes.
"Waiting for someone?" You asked, opening the curtain and walking towards the door.
"Waiting for you." There he goes again, with his caring words. You bet they meant nothing to him, he didnt know how weird it sounded.
"I already know I fucked it up for us, there's no need to yell at me." You walked past him, opening the door and stepping into the hallway. He followed, not walking beside you like a normal person but behind you by a few steps.
"I'm not here to yell at you."
"Oh yeah, I forgot you've got a fucking screw loose or something. You're being really weird, you help me out, you block me from gunfire, you show up not to yell at me? You’re acting like you actually fucking care about me... wait."
And then it hit you. You'd said it as a joke, but it was seeming more and more like the truth. Surely not though. That was just the part of your brain that saw him as a human, right? He doesn't care. He doesn't care. He can't care. It's not what he does. He doesn't care.
Revenant was weirdly silent during your haze of confusion. You expected something like "don't flatter yourself, skingbag," but he said nothing. Like he was ashamed to admit you were right, but didn't want to deny it either. It just made you overthink even more. He doesn't care, surely. He can't care. He doesn't feel love. He can't be in love with you. But he was, his silence conveyed that.
"This is wrong. This isn't what's supposed to happen. You don't love me. Tell me you don't love me. Tell me now! TELL ME!" Your confrontation had turned to yelling as he continued to stay silent. Thank god the hallway was empty. "Rev," you sighed out his name as you calmed down. "Tell me you don't love me."
"I can't lie to you." His voice echoed in the hallway, and you just couldn't stand it any longer. You turned away from him and walked away to your room.
"Just stop loving me."
Requests are always appreciated and really help me out with writing. So please request anything on your mind! Thank you for reading!
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creative-kny-fics · 3 months
Hello! I don’t know if requests are open right now, and if they are not, feel free to ignore this! May I request lers Giyu and Sanemi and lees Uzui and Rengoku? I have a Headcannon that Giyu is a vicious ler when he wants to be-so maybe as revenge for some past fight where Uzui and Rengoku were merciless, he and Sanemi could show them just how merciless they themselves could be?
Again, if requests aren’t open feel free to ignore this! Have a good day/night!
Sure! I really like that HC! Giyuu can really get tired of being the main target of the UzuRen duo, so yeah!
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Lers: Giyuu Tomioka and Sanemi Shinazugawa
Lees: Kyojuro Rengoku and Tengen Uzui
'And this is definitely another victory for the RenTen team! Give me that five Kyo!', Kyojuro laughed and high-fived his friend as they walked away.
They had made sure that their 'victim' was okay and after that, they left, but that person had already gotten tired of being the main target of that duo.
'I swear to god... One of these days I'll get revenge and those two will get a spoonful of their own medicine...', Giyuu stood up frustrated, he just wanted to go home and rest after that.
If there was anyone he would turn to for this, it was Shinobu, he would probably talk to Mitsuri, but he preferred to avoid that for two reasons: 1) Obanai and 2) She's part of the team, so...
'So... It's happened again, huh?'
'Mhm... It seems like those two won't stop unless someone puts them in their place, so, will you help me or not? What is so funny?'
Giyuu crossed his arms, it was a serious moment, he didn't understand why Shinobu was laughing, he hadn't told a joke after all.
'I'm sorry but... You? Tomioka-San, no offense or anything but... Do you think you can do it?', she smiled, hoping Giyuu would understand his point, but apparently he didn't.
'Hehehe ooooh Tomioka, it's just that you tend to have more of a "lee" role than a "ler." There's not a big chance you'll make it, they'll tickle you again...' 'Well, then not only will I be in charge of proving to them that they messed with the wrong person, but that I can also be a worse ler than them. So now help me and tell me what you know about them!'
Shinobu sighed and shrugged after a 'state I warned you'. But she ended up helping his friend, in addition to giving him a recommendation of who could be his ally in this adventure.
Just like Shinobu, when he told Sanemi, his ally, his plan, he started laughing out loud and looked like he would die from laughing so much.
'Are you planning to help me or not?!', he received no response, Sanemi was still laughing and rolling on the floor as he did so.
It seemed that Sanemi would be the first person, among the pillars, who would know that when he was serious, he was VERY serious...
'I'll give you something to really laugh about now, Shinazugawa Sanemi...', was all Sanemi heard when the reason for his laughter changed from mocking Giyuu to laughing at the tickling sensations he was feeling at that moment.
Finally after many minutes, he managed to convince Sanemi not only to help him, but that he could also be cruel. 'Fine... I'll help you... Shit... What's the plan...?'
'Catch your breath first, you look like you need it.', Sanemi frowned, he hated that feeling that Giyuu had left him.
Well, after Sanemi threw a tantrum because Giyuu had tickled him, he agreed to the plan. It was also beneficial for him, unlike Giyuu, who was tickled because he walked away or was very lonely/sad, Sanemi was tickled because he was bitter.
'So... You take Kyojuro and I take the "fancy" rock, right?'
'Mhm. You remember which point you have to go to, don't you?'
'YES, DAMN IT!!', again another tantrum from Sanemi...
'I tell you something? I think Sanemi and Giyuu are getting along better! I've seen them walk together!' 'Hahahaha that's good to know!'
Naturally, Tengen and Kyojuro would have managed to dodge or probably predict what was going to happen, but this time it wouldn't be like that. 'Ahahahaha! I'm surprised!'
'Why aren't you terrified? I knocked you to the ground and now I'm going to tickle you'
'Hahahahaha well, the answer is very simple dear Tomioka! It would take you a long time to make me laugh! Besides, I accept my defeat, you managed to surprise me and I admire that!'
Well, at least Kyojuro wasn't giving Giyuu as much trouble as Tengen did with Sanemi. 'STOP MOVING YOU DAMN ROCK!!'
'Na-ah! I don't plan on letting my streak go! So...MHPM!', Tengen couldn't continue the sentence.
If Sanemi had gone for any other part of the body like his sides or ribs, he wouldn't have achieved that, but going straight for Tengen's armpits ensures that you will win against him. 'MHMHMHM!! K-KYO!! H-HEHELP!!'
'I doubt it will help you, now you two are going to think twice before tickling us again...'
'Hahahaha come on Tomioka! We know that-! AHAHAHAAHAHAHA!!', don't worry, Giyuu hasn't even started yet, he just pressed his hips
It was just the anticipation. Giyuu was not going to forgive so easily, he was going to make both Tengen and Kyojuro cry with laughter, he wanted to hear how their laughter remained silent, how they both begged and begged for mercy and for no one to pay attention to them, he wanted to see how they tried fight to get rid of him... 'I hope you have good resistance Rengoku...You won't get out of here that easy...'
'Nope.', Kyojuro didn't know why, but he felt like that word made his body feel more tingly, maybe it was the nerves that Giyuu would truly take his breath away.
And so he did, following Shinobu's advice, what he had to do was dig into his hips with all the strength he had and after a while, which he should not repeat, he had to move his fingers up and down his sides as if they were spiders, reaching his ribs and getting between each of them, or simply focus on the lower ones and squeeze not so hard
'Stop...? How curious... I think I'm having deja vu, I've heard that phrase before... Oooooh I remember... Is that what I said when it was too ticklish for me, and what was happening? Let me remind you...'
'*gasps* W-WAIT TOMIOKA!! L-LET'S TALK ABOUT THIS!! PLE-...!!', eeeeh, I think they didn't manage to talk about it...
Kyojuro didn't know when Giyuu unbuttoned part of his uniform, but that only meant one thing, yup, raspberries.
As if they weren't enough, he didn't stop tickling, while he blew on the raspberry, his hands were not only in charge of keeping him still, but they also tickled him, repeating that tortuous cycle that he thought had ended.
'Woah...Tomioka is really making Rengoku scream...' 'Tell me, I was surprised too...', yes, that change was so surprising that even Sanemi stopped from tickling Tengen and looking at him.
Honestly, they both thought Giyuu should have stopped by now because Kyojuro was laughing too much, pounding the floor with his fists, squirming (or trying to) all over the place, and they thought they could see he was crying.
'MEHEHEHEHERCY-!!! *hiccup* I-... I-... I-!!! *silent laughter* P-PLEASE!!!!'
'Tomioka is enough! Look at him! He can't even speak properly!', Giyuu looked at Sanemi and then at Rengoku, after one last raspberry, he stopped. 'Okay, I'll do it because Rengoku isn't the only one who tickles me...'
'I think they're talking to you Shinazugawa... Hehehehe... I'm leaving...!', nope, Tengen wouldn't even leave there, even if he wanted to.
And about Rengoku? He'll be fine! Tengen probably not...
'You're definitely the one who tickles me the most. Rengoku at least is gentle and is the one who usually stops you. But that doesn't make him any less guilty... I guess you already have an idea of what I'll do to you, right?'
'Sanemi, you're not going to let Tomioka do that, are you?'
'It's you or me', I think that's a "no", Tengen
With Tengen it was more difficult to try to make him laugh, taking into account his strength, he was trying everything possible not to laugh and to try to push them both away. But he couldn't do more when they both sat in each of his arms, now there was no escape for him.
'Well Sanemi, listen to me and you will repeat what I do' 'Okaaaay...', Sanemi was not happy.
Again, Giyuu told Sanemi what Shinobu had recommended, taking into account the height difference, two fingers digging in the center of his armpits were going to be enough, but they were a little more 'extreme' and decided to use three. They think it was the best idea they both have ever had.
'Don't even try to suppress your laughter, I don't think you want Shinazugawa and I to make you really laugh...', Tengen, for some reason, felt like Tomioka was blackmailing or challenging him.
For him, it was impossible, he had gotten away from a situation like that, and he had done it when it was the RenMitsu team, who knew the exact places they should tickle him if they wanted to beat him. What could those two do against him? NOTHING!
Or at least that's what Tengen believed... 'Looks like he's being very stubborn, huh? What do we do now Giyuu?'
'You focus on his armpits... I know that another place is required to make him truly laugh...', okay, Sanemi was starting to miss this new attitude of Giyuu's, but as long as it helped him get revenge, there was no problem.
Giyuu got off and where he sat was next to her hips, if his memory was correct, Shinobu's words were:"try tickling his abs, he's incapable of fighting anyone. But make sure it's a light touch... And if you're lucky enough, give him a raspberry or two near his belly button!"
As Shinobu instructed, Giyuu did so, gently sliding his fingers along his abs, trying not to smile when he saw Tengen sucking on his stomach in an attempt to push his fingers away.
'Huh? Really?! A few gentle touches are making you lose control?! Well, then, how about we combine it with this?!', again, the tickle attack focused on his armpits. 'IHIHIF YOHOHOU DOHOHOHON'T STOHOHOP-!! I-I'M GOHONNAHAHA...!!'
'Don't threaten me...Tengen Uzui...'
Just like Rengoku, Tengen also felt how Giyuu took the life out of him with each raspberry, in case it wasn't enough, the movement of his head and added to the fact that Sanemi dug his fingers into the worst part of his armpits, he was getting nothing but laughter.
Tengen was stronger compared to these two, but he was the same as Sanemi, he preferred to spend his strength avoiding laughing than fighting them. 'Hahahahaha so now you're not so fLaShY, huh?! What do you think of this?! And that?!'
'Do you want to come help me here?'
'No thanks, I've already found this guy's sweet spot. Now I'll make him pay!' he laughed, making Giyuu shrug and continue.
The minutes passed, they both only stopped when they realized that Tengen couldn't laugh anymore, his face was so red from laughing so much, that he made them both smile, stopping and getting off him so that he could curl up while he tried to catch his breath.
'I never thought I would say this... But you are a great "ler" Tomioka! Good job...', Sanemi raised his left hand, high-fiving Giyuu and then turning it into a fist and high-fiving him again. 'Thanks I guess... I hope this teaches you a lesson... See you...!'
They both left, leaving the ones who used to be the tickle monsters lying on the floor. Were they planning revenge? It was likely... But at least, Giyuu and Sanemi would have a long break from their antics.
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autumnalternating · 6 months
HI I want to talk about the Keroro platoon mechas because I love how thoughtfully they're made and how they relate to their teams dynamic <3
VERY long post under the cut.
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As you can see, the first Keroro mechs combine with Giroro being the bottom right leg, Dororo being bottom left, Kururu being left arm, Tamama being right, and Keroro being the head. This is what Kururu later refers to as Robot #1.
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Later, when the mechs been destroyed and Shurara throws a tantrum, the team gets saved by what Kururu has dubbed Robot #2. Notice the changes here. Giroro is now the right arm, Kururu is now the right leg, and Tamama is the left arm.
This change is a big deal!
Your legs control your mobility. These, in a symbolic sense, are who I would imagine "carry" the team, or the rocks of the team, for lack of better words.
With robot #1, the base is Giroro and Dororo. Keroro's oldest friends, people he, in almost only a familiar sense, seems to be able to rely on. While all three seem to care about each other, these two are also most likely to shoot Keroro down.
Giroro because he hates when his plans are poorly crafted, and Dororo for refusing to participate in plans deemed too violent, among other things for both men. In relation to what that says about their characters, it almost implies Dororo and Giroro have to stop Keroro from walking into dumb shit. Very literally stopping him; ie controlling his mobility. In relation to Keroro, he uses their refusal as a reason why their plans never work out, ALSO putting the responsibility onto them as mobility.
With the younger duo, Tamama is, very fittingly, Keroro's right hand. Keroro and Tamama would probably like to believe Tamama is that loyal to him. Tamama gets to fuel his fantasy of being closer to the sergeant, and Keroro gets to have someone look up to him. To feel looked up too, in the very least. Kururu is his left hand, as the person who can make pretty much anything happen. I'm sure to Kururu, it'd also be beneficial to be seen as close to Keroro. They are the most loyal to him, in his eyes. Hands.
Now Robot #2 is built SPECIFICALLY to get them out of trouble. If Robot #1 is to represent how the team as it usually functions, Robot #2 is where they're most functional, or where they need to get.
I'll start out with Tamama. It's just a part of growing up that you learn your heroes are human. (He does this in the manga at least.) This doesn't mean he wants to leave him, though. Shown with him being his left hand instead of his right, it's good not to take everything Keroro says to heart, but that doesn't mean he wants to give up on him.
Giroro is his right hand. He's also the only one who is WHOLLY focused on invasion; the reason they're stuck on this planet in the first place. While they both go back and forth at each other all the time, Giroro would die for Keroro. He's trying to get him on the most fruitful path, even though he's harsh with how he goes about that.
Kururu is his left leg. He does more than the platoon has (willingly) acknowledged. He's pretty fucking needed in the case of invasion as a base, but also, he keeps tabs on everyone. He can track them down, finds and stops dangers before they even get to them. Don't get me wrong though, there's something interesting to consider that he moved further from his captains arms. This could represent everything he's kept hidden from the team.
I could say a million things about Dororo's place, mostly because I find it so like him. He didn't move. I'm not saying everyone should shut Keroro down, but Dororo is almost always in the right when he does it. Yes, he would be in a humans perspective to the invasion, but even with Keroro's feelings in mind he does his best to keep things fair. He doesn't take out his feelings over their past. They're both not perfect to each other of course, but Dororo is right where he needs to be. Which brings me to Keroro.
Keroro is the head. I know I've talked about him in relation to everyone else in this post, but there's a reason why you need to focus on that. How he see's the team and how the team gets along changes it's functionality, and as their leader, he needs to pay attention to both. He's pretty much in charge of both. How they see Keroro, how he allows them to see him, and how he see's them is placed right in front of us.
I could easily be reading into a mech that's clearly designed to be marketable, but I'd like to believe there's more to it than that. It's shows what work Keroro needs to do with his team. Tamama's misplaced idolization, finding understanding with Giroro, getting to know Kururu's everthing, and considering Dororo in general. And when it comes back to Keroro, it shows that his team won't give up on him. They just need to get a little closer.
Four sources, the whole robot change happens in episode 203.
I don't know if this is anything, but it meant enough to me to type this out at 2 am, so I'm posting it. Please let me know what you think and if there are any errors! Also, if this does seem like I'm reading to much into it, just know I will do it again
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tadaxii-i · 10 months
i need you to tell me about rosestarkillerchaser like they're a sales pitch please
You got it bestie *hiss* (I definitely didn't have to research what a sales pitch was, what are you talking about?)
Hey, you! Yeah, you, hi!
I'm gonna make it short, I'm *your mom haha*, I just saw you had a bunch of marauders on your feed, yeah? You like them? I really really do, especially Regulus.
And you know Reg, you know Reg! He's got a hard life, he deserved better, yada yada yada, so we got him a boyfriend, obviously; but love, what if I tell you there's better out there?
At PBAM INC, we've got the best value deals for rareships on the market. And I know what you're saying, you're saying "rareships? I already have James! I don't want to replaces him" and neither do we! That's why I'm here, today, to talk to you about rosestarkillerchaser.
I know it's a mouthful *corporate laugh* but that's also was Reg will say right before a night with them!
And well, between you and I, my love, who would want to deny Reg anything, yeah? Not me, that's for sure, and I know it's not you either!
With rskc - i'll shorten it for your pretty mouth - you could have everything you've ever wanted and a half for your sad, pathetic little wet sock of a blorbo.
Now imagine- please close your eyes, my love, and imagine. Regulus, poor Regulus. His mother's a bitch, Sirius doesn't want to be around him anymore. Barty and Evan tell him to stay away from the Gryffindors, but James slithers past their watch. He's hot, Reg knows it. And Barty, he's so determined to protect his best friend, yeah? Because he loves Evan, and he loves Reg too, in equal measure, and he want to hate James. But James is soft touches and starlit eyes and everything Regulus ever wanted and well, how can one guy be so likeable? Barty, by virtue of well-intentioned protectiveness, finds in James what Regulus saw in him, with his pretty eyes and the dimples on his cheeks. In an effort to hate James Potter, he falls in love with him.
And you might be thinking, "how is this beneficial to James? He deserves full love and attention too, my boy" and I agree with you! But I assure you, beautiful, that Barty bites, and he bites hard. He'll bite him too, when the time comes. Wouldn't you love, to ask, a reprimand, "Barty, have you been biting?" And he would look around sheepishly, but you, you wonderful soul, you could look James in the eyes, and he would uncross his arms from behind his back and tell you "I don't mind" when his arms are bloody and bruised. Isn't that the most wonderful thing you've heard today?
Of course, we're not robbing Barty of a proper, full time boyfriend. See, you and I, we need to make sure the dog is on his leash - and if that leash is called Evan Rosier, oh, what can we do but rejoice? And Evan can have Regulus, too, in the quiet ways that Barty and James don't allow themselves. He is masterfully calm, and when I say the guys will team up to make him lose his composure, it's a once in a lifetime deal I'm selling you.
The AU potential is immense too! Vampire: three mean, mean dudes to bully one poor human, yummy! Royal : the more roles the merrier! The drama! College: do I even need to say it? Cowboy, Band, Band! The band au where all of them are boyfriends! Were you expecting it? Because I can deliver it to you, right at your front door!
Our boys have so much potential, don't you see? James' unforgiving hero complex, Regulus, a self appointed marty, Barty who can Make Himself Worse and Evan who hides as much venom in his veins as the rest of them: don't you see how great they can be?
That's why I'm here right now, lover, so hear me out; for the feeble price or free-ninety-nine and a kiss on the forehead, monthly rskc delivered, right under your doorbell, for your own pleasure. It's been approved and mandated by the SONS, the RPA and even the CBTPC, and I have the best deals, today, on the market, even wholesalers and resellers. It's a steal, don't miss out on it!
Here's my card, I'll be waiting for your call, yeah? Remember, PBAM, okay? Have a great day, lover, and with every great day, comes a great ship! Toodles~
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rin-and-jade · 10 months
So, you're a system.
How do you keep a properly working (team/coop wise) collective? How can i establish a foundation for my system? How can having sys rules be beneficial, compared to the freestyle form? How can i propose and create foundations/rules to others?... Today, i will answer all of these questions. For those who are searching a comprehensive guide + awareness 'round this topic, this post is for you!
About working together..
Ofcourse, teamwork plays an important factor on how well we can tackle problems or obstacles in real life, no one can handle too much workload all at once,, so its obvious that we need help from our other parts.. but how can it be better? It could look like:
Assigning specific parts that does best at something to take over a situation, do not brave your way through if you're not great at it,, let someone else do the job for you, it keeps miscalculation and etc away.
Initiatively ask for a collective opinion if you feel unsure, it's not best to forcefully do it yourself as it might be a rash decision or missing a couple insights that's needed.
This should already be sufficient, but it can get even better if you have rules, as everything can be organized with protocols and doing work without having to be asked again, give those gatekeepers a break will ya.
Introducing the idea..
Have you ever spot some inefficiency, conflicts, and recklessness of safety and problems with switching/fronting in your system? Why not bring those concerns and tell that you have a great idea (even though its just by you reading this) by establishing a foundation, it should work.. but if it hasn't yet,, i'll tell you why having one is beneficial.
Rules are meant to be broken!.. Or actually not?
I'm not saying freestyle is a bad way to live your plural life, though, it does mean you will still have to face some consequences due to that result of freedom.. Some few examples can look like this:
Fronting without being recapped by others.
Fronting without your own notice and now you're confused.
Someone did some impulsive buying when you're away (the realest one i've seen amongst my friends)
Missing out extra details that should be important to be aware of.
The front being hogged all the time. Yikes.
Having a confusing timeline and memories scrambled everywhere.
And more..
With established rules, these problems will go away and its one more extra less headache for your life,, rebellious acts is still possible but remember that breaking them means there's responsibility to come. As a system with a great foundation for long-term efficiency and handling problems, not following the basic rules can cause some trouble in daily performance. Do you still want to be in freestyle?
Alright, how do i make one..?
To make a foundation, we'll have to encapsulate some aspects such as communication, switching and fronting etiquettes, ways to resolve, emergencies or backups, and anything else you can think of. I'll provide my system's rules in hopes you can take inspirations and grow your own according to needs!
Switching: We're gonna have to tell the others if we're done fronting. It's highly adviced to recap the person who wants to be out next, sure amnesia barriers are low enough to be aware, but the point is the person doesn't fully know of what had happened or needed to know, so this one fixes the problem.
Fronting: We have minimum and maximum lengths for someone who can be out, for the least as 3 days and max as 2 weeks. This prevents too many switches that will disrupt memory formation that will be shared for communal reasons and also means people don't have to fight for front and call dibs to have their own time, in turns.
Resolution: If it's something minor and can be done in it's own power, there is no need for intervention. We're not allowed to bail responsibility and double it to the next person, instead, a higher up will either come by itself as because its the job, or should be called to provide assistance.
Conflicts: Not like we're immune to having fights, but getting reminded by someone else that it is not the best way to solve things helps diffuse lots of unnecessary problems. This rule was made because back then my people would fight over each other and run to the front, do its thing, to spite the other.. even worse if what it did was rash and caused more issues.
Health: It is also necessary to let others know our own status (level of fatigue from being out, mental and emotional being) and depending on the situation, the person should switch out to get a break and rejuvenate,, forcing ourselves to function beyond our capacity will cause a burn out and no one wants that, right?
Backups: This is used when someone at front passed out or become distressed for all kinds of reasons, then need someone else that is safe to takeover and mask in real life, most of my system's work is internal so the one being out (external) is also an important role because they have to do the things, guided from inside.
I hope these will serve as an insight for you,, remember that we have to strike a balance between being adaptive and structured.. which means we can't rely too much on rigid rules or the lack of structure at the first place. Rules are always changed and updated depending on outcomes and leaving room for improvisation and creativity. So remember, yes you can kick the red cones on the street but never should you defy sys rules,, see you next time!
- j
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Chapter 1- Is That all This Was?
Kid x Reader x Killer
GN!Reader, Poly Kid/reader/killer, established relationship(?)
CW: A N G S T, language, sexual reference, emotional manipulation, Kid being an ass
"I don't see what the big deal is!"
"The big deal, Kid, is that I don't trust them, and you won't even listen to me!"
Though the sound of (Y/n) and Kid arguing was nothing new to the rest of the crew, the fact that neither party was purposefully trying to teasingly get under the other's skin to somewhat alleviate the tension was what tipped the rest of the crew off to not interject in any way.
Killer, though, was aptly paying attention to the growing argument. Supervising for the simple reason of making sure neither of his partners say anything they may regret.
"I'm listening, but all I hear coming out of your mouth are feelings. You have no evidence that they plan to betray us!" Kid sounds exasperated from how long this conversation has been going on, his goggles now abandoned on his worktable and whatever he had previously been working on thrown to the side as well.
"I would hope the concern from your partner would have some form of sway on you at the very least! You should know that I have nothing more on my mind than the safety of this crew. But, as I have been saying for however long this stupid one way conversation has been going on, we. Don't. Know. Them." (Y/n) made sure to place significant emphasis on the fact that other than meeting this other group, the Kid pirates have never had any kind of meaningful conversation, history with these crews, nor much knowledge on them except for maybe some bar gossip. "Has all that lipstick finally melted into your brain, or something? Think about it. What do we know about them?"
Finally having had enough of this entire ordeal, Kid stands and looms over (Y/n), "We share a common goal at the moment. It's an alliance, (Y/n). And in comparison to when we brought you on board my ship, it will prove to be more beneficial."
Both Killer and (Y/n) bristle at the comment, understanding the jab at (Y/n)'s preexisting insecurities of not contributing enough to the crew after having basically begged Kid to let them join. Killer gives a sideways glance to (Y/n), who was now between Kid and the wall, and realizes this is going to go downhill fast, if the way they clench their jaw is anything to go by.
"I'm sorry, the fuck is that supposed to mean?" They decide to play dumb for a moment, just to see if Kid will come to his senses and backtrack, but when he doesn't, they continue, "Last I checked, Eustass Kid, we were a team- lovers in fact- who are supposed to help and support each other, and I haven't received any help from you with my training, so you don't get to say anything about the benefit of being here!"
"Hey, why don't we-"
"Well the last time I checked, just because I fuck you on occasion, doesn't mean we're shit."
"KID!" Killer snaps at the other man, knowing he's gone too far. Kid doesn't back down an inch away from (Y/n), who flinches at the comment and gradually lets their shoulders sink as their eyes glaze over.
"So that's all this was." It wasn't a question. It was more like the answer to an unspoken question. Kid does nothing but leans back and crosses his arms. (Y/n) tilts their head back up to make eye contact, but it's as if they're just looking through him instead. "You used me. You used me and let me think-"
(Y/n) trails off and goes silent. Hesitantly, Killer reaches out, seeing if he can manage any damage control to the situation, and at the feeling of his fingertips just barely brushing against their bicep, they flinch and seem to come back to the present.
"Kil, you- did you... was I-" (Y/n) felt their throat tighten and tears gather on their lash line. Nothing would come out despite the effort to ask the foremost burning question in their mind.
Killer shushed them gently and started pulling them towards the door, so he could lead them somewhere more comforting. Where that was? He wasn't sure- all he knew was anywhere would be better than in the same room as Eustass Kid.
The door closes behind Killer, and Kid feels himself sit back down on his workbench and put his head in his hands.
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Freefall Masterlist
The Contract
"You... you want me to what?" I ask lowly, looking up at the group across from me from under my lashes.
It really wasn't fair that they all get to have each other, and I'm on the other side of the table, on my own.
I should have had my father's public relations specialist come with me.
"We would like you to, as a part of your job here with Scuderia Ferrari, pretend to date Mr.Leclerc for a six month period, with a one month soft launch period and a five month relationship, which would then end on 'mutual terms'. During the time, you will be compensated while completing your classes, with the promise of a position on our engineering team," Frederic Vasseur is the one to explain, his position as team principle known to the entire room, including his driver, who sits to his left, reading over the paper that outlines this whole mess.
"I- I don't understand why- how this would be beneficial to you all? I'm just a university student."
He laughs. Frederic Vasseur laughs at me. "Ms.Earnhardt, you're not just anything. Your father is and your grandfather was motorsport legend. You're a well known name," He explains.
"Exactly, my father and grandfather, no one gives a damn who I am unless I'm with them," I try to explain.
"We don't need you to be the next Kardashian," Vasseur assures, "You would be most to fix Charles' reputation with female fans and overall."
"Have you seen social media?" I can't help but question, turning to Charles for the first time. "You are basically every woman's one true love right now."
"But he still needs a boost in the reputation department," Ferrari's PR strategist reminds. "And being seen as a good man? Good boyfriend? The perfect move. So, what do you say?"
How can Charles be ok with this? He and his most recent woman of the hour just broke up last month, and I also look nothing like the others.
"It's up to Charles," Is the response I give, making Vasseur and Charles look up to me in surprise. "If you want to spend the entire season being fake together, if you think it'll help, then I'm in. Anything for the scuderia."
"That's what we love to hear," Vasseur practically cheers, wrapping an arm around Charles' shoulders. "So, you in Charles?"
And he pauses, looks down at the papers in front of him and back to me, looking me over, and then back to his boss. "Of course."
"Great! We would like this to start immediately, so if you could both fill out these surveys about yoursel-"
"Absolutely not, Pri," I interupt Prianka, the PR woman's eyes growing triple in size. "If we're doing this, we're sitting down for coffee and getting to know each other. No 'favorite color is' and 'favorite animal is'."
"I love the idea!" She nearly hollers. "This morning, directly after this meeting, you two can go out to coffee in the city. Lynleigh, I assume, being from the area, you know a spot?"
"I'm from Nashville. That's in Tennessee, not Florida, Prianka," I find myself having to correct, reminding myself that she's from London and has no reason to know. "But I can text Logan and see? Or go find him in the paddock, I'm sure as a local he has some idea," I offer, her nodding brightly.
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liked by dalejr, charles_leclerc, diana.mae and 257 more
lynleigh03 me: how do you like your coffee? him: with you
victoria.ham baby, call and tell mama who that handsome hand belongs to
will_hamlin mom don't support this
alexander_hamlin ma, get off of instagram
marcus.hamlin if you don't want to call mom, call me instead lynnleigh. i know where to find you
dalejr i actually agree with your mother here lynn
f1fan ...what is charles doing here???
lesainzlver babe, she is the next up and coming engineering candidate, every f1 team has been trying to lock her in for months and she doesn't even graduate till June!
f1fan damn, girl's impressive
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liked by lynleigh03, scuderiaferrari, maxverstappen1 and 824,757 more
charles_leclerc a perfect way to bring in the first race of the reason with my favorite person
carlossainz55 that's not my hand... am i not your favorite person
ferraritime who who who is it?? we need to knowwwww
fav.earnhardt wait a minute...
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majaloveschris · 10 months
I just can't imagine how he would be able to be okay with everything they've done and said, the way they behave, and how they troll the fandom. /
Apologies for the rant but I have so much thoughts on this. I was actually pro Chris/Alba at the beginning. I knew her from Warrior Nun and liked her in it. When i heard gossip about them (way before it was announced) i was happy because 1)familiar face 2) up and coming actress so good chance she'll post with him to raise her profile with American audiences which probably means annoying PR but at least from that we'll get more Chris content.
But she just had to be a racist who associates with nazis, posts nudes online and her hanger on friends are trolling the fandom and the worst part is CHRIS IS NO WHERE TO BE FOUND. We can't even get a glimpse of him in the background of their videos trying to bait the fans.
This relationship is making the public sour on him and it feels like i'm going insane because i genuinely just cannot imagine what he benefit he see's in it? He went from Americans boyfriend to Uncle Chreeps with the nazi GF overnight. He went from beloved celeb who talks about being romantic and wanting to settle down to "celebs with the biggest age gaps" articles. He's gone from one of the most recognised kid friendly superhero's in the world to the guy who's girlfriend posts videos of herself stripping in the shower with no warning.
And anytime i try to talk about it, I'm hit with "ur just jealous, he's never gonna date you" even though i have always liked Chris' GFs and have never hated any wife/gf of any man i stanned.
To be honest with you, at first, I also felt that way. I didn't know who Alba was before the whole Las Vegas thing, but despite that, I didn't find anything problematic or dislikeable about her. But the more time passed, the more we learned about her and the people with whom she hangs out, and the more I started disliking her and her friends. The last straw was obviously the whole racist, Nazi-supporting thing.
I still don't think they knew about the tweets and their past behavior, and I think they represented themselves differently at the very beginning.
I think we can't even imagine why this whole thing could be beneficial for him. Seb's PR relationship has also helped him out; maybe they thought the same thing would happen in Chris's case too. Maybe he doesn't want to be the internet boyfriend anymore, which I would understand why he wouldn't want to be anymore. Obviously, this representation is even worse than that, but maybe it will open new doors for him. I'm pretty sure they knew what they wanted to achieve with this. However, I think the reception was entirely different from what they expected. Maybe they even would've wanted to end this whole thing, but there are two people and two teams in this whole thing, and even if they represented this idea, I doubt Alba and her team wanted to end this whole thing. Don't even mention that everything that has happened in this whole thing is really out of character for him.
Maybe we will be able to witness everything he will gain from this. I'm most definitely interested in how everything will work out in the end.
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hi :)
i've seen people mentioning Till's entourage as smth bad, as in, they're not good for him, bad people, etc.
do you know anything about this? have an opinion?
Well, i'm (as you probably know) no expert on Till's people, but what i *know* is that he has been working with several people for a good while now, i would say at least 5 years or more, like:
Danny Uhlman: started as security/bodyguard, personal assistant, and most recently i think also the one who runs the Till merch brand TL.Berlin, alsoa keen photographer and maker of many of the photographs on Till_Lindemann_Official IG
Anar Reiband: i usually see him mentioned as 'manager', in the 2023 Rammstein tour he was on the credits as Till's personal assistant
Alena Makeeva: Casting Director (i think that's what she has as title on her IG), also often thanked by ladies on IG going to After parties, so maybe also a bit of 'party organizer.
Joe Letz: in 2023 (maybe since American leg of 2022 tour) personal assistant, and ofcourse also drummer and 🤡 (i swear that's what he has on his ig) at Till's 'Till Lindemann' band
Well, if Till wouldn'tbe happy with them, i'm sure he would have dismissed them (or casually moved them to the background or something) 🌺
That said, ofcourse i still have an opinion 😊 but that's just m.o. so please take it as such:
I feel that Till's entourage are, probably not surprisingly as he is their boss, very indulgent to him, and also encourage some habits that i don't think are that beneficial to Till's wellbeing. I think Till likes to seek the extremes in his art (and possibly in life) and imo Rammstein has the perfect quality control to balance that and to stop at the exact right point. Till's entourage imo encourages all his extremes.
Like when Till decided to drip blood on his pages of poetry to make it less boring (i won't link the article, but have it in another post): there is a video of his team standing around, laughing broadly while handing him the pages after Till has cut a gash in his hand for that purpose.
Till seems a very gentle and easy-going guy himself, but i think it was his manager who got in a fistfight and Till had to break them up (ofcourse in the news as 'Till Lindemann in fight'). From what i've read, although i don't have sourcesat hand, Anar Reiband has some other shady dealings over the years, which makes me 'on guard' about him.
Although i don't have a problem (at all) with after parties, not even with sex after afterparties, but i do have a problem with the way the Row0 ladies are 'casted' up front, ticket even gets payed on occassion. If i had a say (which ofcourse i don't), i would pick after party guests at the concert itself, from fans who have a great vibe on the day, and not just ladies in acertain age-range, but fans of all ages and genders.
I think Till's various merch endeavours, like the MFT's (especially the 100000 euro dinner combo), crypto, and several others are...well...not my thing. I don't have a problem with for instance the Dr Dick jewelry or the Tilldo, because that seems very much in keeping with what I imagine Till would enjoy, but that other stuff...hmm..
And lastly, and most importantly, i have a feeling that over the last couple of years Till has drifted away from Rammstein more and more, and as i'm in it really for the six-men-marriage, i think that's too bad. If i see how little for instance his IG account in 2022 and 2023 has posted about Rammstein, and if something was posted, it's just Till himself, and in such a stylized way, that you almost can't tell it's at a Rammstein show. It is almost as if his IG team doesn't care about Rammstein at all (in 2022 it was especially poignant because so much of Till's merch was posted). Some think this is because Danny Uhlman didn't go to all Rammstein shows and the IG account posts only photos by him, but imo that's silly, because they have photos by others on there too, *and* the other Rammguys like Schneider, Paul, Richard always use photos by some of the by Rammstein hired photographers, so if Till and his team really wanted, they would use those too. Not posting means not caring about it (again, imo)
.... and in Schneider's IG post a few months ago, the 'Till creating his own bubble' was confirmed 🌺
so that's how i see it..🌺
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