#I wrote this dazed and confused at 3am
peaxhcringe · 3 years
Late Work
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I wrote this at 2am because I got the idea and decided why tf not write this, it’s also very much my way of avoiding sleep 😌 Enjoy!
Genre: Comfort, Fluff
Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x gn! reader
Warnings: a bit of cussing, stress, mentions of taking medication
wc: 1K
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It was another night of you staring at your laptop screen, the bright light shinning in your eyes giving you you’re third headache of the week. You have no idea how long you’ve stared at the same worksheet, maybe an hour? 2? You lost track after the clock hit 11:30 pm.
Typically you’d be asleep by now, as it was a Sunday night -well Monday morning by now- but here you were doing some assignments you had managed to forget about. You totally blame Kaminari for this, if he hadn’t decided to make a stupid bet with you in Mario Kart you’d be sound asleep by now.
An annoyed sigh left your mouth as you rested your elbows on the wooden desk, letting your face fall into your hands and your eyes close. You were beyond tired even after drinking 2 cups of coffee and taking your medicine, both of which were supposed to make you focused or at least conscious.
Running your hands through your hair you leaned back in your chair, resting your arms behind your head as you stretch your back a satisfying pop filling your ears.
You glanced at your phone, thinking if you should really wake your boyfriend up. Your heart drops as you look at the time, 1:15 am, you have training first thing in the morning and at the rate, you’re going you’ll never finish this work.
Taking a deep breath you grab your phone and dialing his number and holding the phone up to your ear, heart beating loudly as you listen to the first ring then a second then a third. By the 5th ring you begin to think he isn’t gonna pick up, but as you move the phone away you hear the ringing stop then the sound of sheets shuffling.
Bakugou’s voice makes your stomach do flips, you’ve heard his morning voice, plenty of times, but damn it never fails to make your heart skip a few beats.
You quickly clear your throat as you realize you had begun to daze off.
“H-Hey, sorry for waking you up, but um do you think you can come over?” You ask, looking down at your lap watching as you mess with a ring on your pointer finger “You don’t have to, I just can’t get this assignment done and it’s due today and I don’t wanna-“
“Give me 5 minutes”
You’re cut off by Bakugou’s voice, a hinge of annoyance laced in his voice before the call drops.
You feel awful for waking him up, maybe you should have called Kirishima instead. With a sigh you set your phone down on the desk, glancing back towards the clock as you wait for him.
The 5 minutes felt like hours before you finally heard the soft knock then the door finally opening, a tired Bakugou slowly walking into your room. His hair was still the usual unruly mess, the only difference was the fact he was wearing the red and black flannel pajama pants you bought him for the holidays last year.
“This better be good for waking me up at 1am, what do you need?” He asks, closing the door behind him and raising a hand to rub his tired eyes.
“I need help finish these assignments, can you please help me?” You turn toward him, scooting your laptop in his direction, watching as he looks from you to the screen before nodding slowly.
“If I help you, I get to sit in the chair, so move”
You roll your eyes as you stand out of the chair, pushing it towards him lightly, the chair squeaking as he sits down.
After about 5 minutes of you standing next to him, you move his chair, sitting in his lap and facing the laptop. You’re both silent as he writes down each math problem flawlessly, your brain confused on how quickly and easily he’s able to figure out all of this shit.
Of course, he doesn’t make it that easy for you, after every other problem he makes you work it out and do it yourself, letting you use his past ones to help you finish it.
It isn’t until almost 3am when you finally get done, your eyes heavy with exhaustion while Bakugou is rather wide awake from you waking his ass up. Your head rested against his shoulder, your face in the crook of his neck as he began to close out all of the tabs you had managed to open.
His hand slowly running up and down your back, letting you snuggle closer to him, his body heat not helping you stay awake. The soothing sound of his breathing, and the soft ticking of the clock lulling you to sleep.
Although Bakugou wouldn’t dare admit it, he adored the way you’d fall asleep in his arms. He loved the way you scoot closer everytime he moved, your arms wrapping around his middle and fingers hugging tightly to his shirt.
Closing the laptop quietly, he barely lifts you, trying his best to not wake you. His hands gripping your thighs as he walks to your bed, laying you down softly and covering you up. He thought for a moment to leave and return to his room in order to let you sleep peacefully, but decided it against due to the walk back to his room.
He carefully climbed over you, getting comfortable before wrapping an arm around you and pulling you close to his chest, a soft hum falling from your lips as managed to move impossibly closer to him. A simple “goodnight” leaves Bakugou’s mouth as he gently kisses the top of your head before letting himself fall back asleep.
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taglist: @katsulovee @blazedbakugou
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joonie-beanie · 4 years
(Bonus) The Undateables + their reaction to you having a nightmare
Since some people were interested, I went ahead and wrote reactions for the rest of the characters too!
[The Demon Brothers’ Reactions]
The Demon Prince may not act it, but he’s typically quite busy.
Even in the middle of hosting the humans, angels, and demon brothers in his home for the night, he’s forced to split his time between his duties, and being a proper host.
Unfortunately, balancing these tasks causes him to be awake until quite late--3am, to be exact.
By then, the castle has gone quiet. The voices of his guests have faded--indicating their slumber. However--
Diavolo pauses when he walks past one of many lounges, and spots you curled up at one end of a couch--the flames from the fireplace flickering in your glazed over eyes.
You look exhausted, and yet, you’re battling yourself to stay awake.
“Y/N,” he speaks softly, padding into the room. You jump--wide eyes flitting to him with worry.
“I-I’m sorry. I know I shouldn’t be roaming around this late--”
“No, no, I do not mind,” he says with a small chuckle, seating himself on the couch beside you. He flashes you a gentle smile. “I was simply surprised to see you here. Why are you up so late?”
“I...,” he sees your cheeks go pink, and your eyes move to stare at the fireplace once more. “I had a bad dream...”
Clearly, you’re a little embarrassed to be admitting to him that something like a scary dream is what’s keeping you from going back to bed, but Diavolo is nothing but understanding.
“Ahhh, I hate when nightmares get in the way of a good nights rest.” He frowns and crosses his arms--glancing up at the ceiling as he ponders what he can do to help.
“If you don’t mind, I’d be more than happy to stay the night with you. I know having the comfort of another person nearby can be helpful.”
You can tell from his kind demeanor that he has no motive aside from genuinely trying to help you, and you get all warm inside.
You’d never have imagined receiving an offer like this from a literal Demon Prince, but...”I think I would like that.”
Nodding, Diavolo is quick to swoop you into his arms. With barely a sliver of his power, he manages to teleport you back into your room, and you blink in surprise as he sets you in bed, and then seats himself beside you.
“Sleep, Y/N,” you feel his hand against your hair, and suddenly your eyelids feel quite heavy. Within seconds, you’re fast asleep (you’re not sure if he had used more of his power, or if it’s just because the Demon Prince is so damn comforting, but either way, you’re out like a light)
True to his word, Diavolo stays with you the whole night, and you wake up in the morning to find his arm loosely curled around your torso.
The demon butler tends to get up early in order to prepare for the day.
He sees to it that things are prepared for his Lord, and any guests. Today, he’ll need to prepare breakfast for the exchange students as well.
His Lord had invited them to stay the night after a casual check-in on their experience in the Devildom had turned into a night of drinking and tale-telling.
It’s just past 5AM when Barbatos makes his way into the kitchen. However, he quickly realizes that he’s not alone.
You’re sat in a window nook in the corner of the room, a cup of coffee cradled between your hands as you stare out into the yard.
“Y/N,” he speaks your name whilst approaching, and Barbatos watches you blink out of your haze--your eyes shifting over to look at him.
“I’d say good morning, but I get the feeling you haven’t gotten much sleep,” he comments with good nature, smiling pleasantly. The corner of your lips twitch. “Do you have a hangover?”
It’s not like your group had been overly zealous the night before, but perhaps you’re easily affected by alcohol.
“No, just a nightmare,” you say with a sigh, taking another sip from your coffee. Barbatos eye’s lighten with sympathy.
“May I join you?”
You nod, scooting over to make room for him. He seats himself beside you, crossing his legs, and looking over to you pleasantly.
“At the very least, I can help you take your mind off of it. I have some time before I need to start preparing breakfast.”
“Thank you, Barbatos.”
The two of you chat for a while, talking about things that don’t really matter. Barbatos is careful to keep the questions and topics simple, and his efforts seem to pay off, because at some point, your words begin to slur.
Your body slumps, head landing onto his shoulder, and Barbatos pauses.
He was hoping to help you get back to sleep, but he hadn’t expected you to fall asleep on him.
Unfortunately, he’s grown to have a soft spot for you, and doesn’t have the heart to move.
Sighing, he leans himself against the window frame and closes his eyes.
Diavolo finds the two of you asleep together in the nook two hours later, and is sure to take many, many pictures before he decides to wake you up.
The angel is drawn out of his sleep by a small cry.
Rubbing at his eyes, he glances over to his DDD and sees that it’s just past 2AM. That’s strange. Usually he has no trouble sleeping soundly--
Eyes widening, Simeon suddenly remembers that he’s not alone tonight. You’re curled beneath a blanket on the couch in his dorm room. He and the other residents of Purgatory Hall had invited you over for a movie night, and you’d ended up opting to stay the night.
So, of course, Simeon had offered to let you room with him. (Like a proper gentleman).
However, now it unfortunately seems like you’re having a nightmare.
Flinging himself out of bed, Simeon hurriedly makes his way to your side. He cups your warm face with his hand, frowning as he he spots the tears blotting the corners of your eyes.
“Y/N,” he calls your name softly, but it’s enough to draw you from your dream.
Inhaling a deep breath, your eyes shoot open. You jolt to sit up, and immediately Simeon is holding you--drawing a hand between your shoulder blades as he attempts to comfort you.
“Shhh, you’re okay,” he coos, and your hands lift to grip against his shirt. Your heart is still racing, but him being there is a huge relief.
“Thank you,” you sigh after a few long minutes, and you feel Simeon shake his head. If it was in his power, he would have loved to protect you from bad dreams in the first place.
“Would you....would you mind joining me in the bed?” he asks, his cheeks feeling a little warm as he leans back to look at you. He places a hand against his neck, feeling a little foolish. “I would feel better if you were close. I don’t want you to have another bad dream.”
For a moment, you can only stare--processing everything he’s just said. Then, you smile, and nod your head. “Sure, Simeon. I would like that too.”
Relieved, Simeon beams at you, and you gasp quietly as he scoops you into his arms.
Moments later, you find yourself beneath his sheets, with the Angel tucked tightly against your back. 
“Is this okay?” you nod at his question, relaxing against him. Simeon relaxes as well, allowing his eyes to close.
Knowing that the angel is nearby, you manage to get back to sleep. And in the morning, you wake up with Simeon’s arms hugged around your waist.
The sorcerer is on his way home from the House of Lamentation in the wee hours of the morning when he walks past your room, and notices that the door is ajar.
Pausing, he curiously glances inside. Your bed is messy--covers thrown to the side, and pillow on the floor beside the bed. 
A little worried, Solomon double checks his DDD. It’s only 4am. Where would you be?
“Solomon?” your quiet voice rings out from behind him, and he turns to find you standing a short way up the hall. Your arms are hugged to your chest, cold sweat beading on your brow.
“Are you alright?” he asks, frowning. “I got worried when I saw your door open.”
“I...I had a nightmare, and...,” you motion behind you, still looking a little dazed. “Went for a short walk to try and ground myself...what are you doing here?”
“Asmo,” he says simply, not explaining further. After all, right now he’s more concerned about you.
Stepping forward, he reaches out and rests his palm on your hair. The contact makes you glance up at him, and he can see how tired you are. Your body needs more rest, but you’re too scared of falling asleep again.
“I know a spell that might help,” he says, a little mirth in his voice, and before you can ask, you feel his lips press against your forehead.
You freeze in surprise, and punch him lightly in the stomach when you hear his laughter.
“Asshole,” you push him aside and trudge back into your room. However, Solomon follows you--watching as you pick up your sheets and rearrange yourself back on your bed.
Once you’re settled, he joins you--sitting against the edge of the mattress.
“Would you like if I stayed?”
His voice is tender--understanding in his eyes as he regards you. As much as you hate him for that little move earlier, you can’t lie to yourself--you’d feel better if he stuck around.
“You can use my shower,” you mumble, rolling over and showing your back to him. “I don’t want you getting my sheets dirty.”
“Rude,” he comments, but nonetheless stands and moves to use your bathroom. You hear him turn the water on, and by the time Solomon reemerges into your bedroom, you’re fast asleep.
He ends up snuggling in beside you anyway. 
The next morning, Asmo spots him sneaking through the front doors at 9am, and is very confused.
(Bonus!) Luke:
When Luke notices you tossing and turning, he’s quick to jump to his feet and move to check on you.
You’d fallen asleep in the Purgatory Hall common area after a study session, but he and the others had decided to let you be. 
Eventually, Simeon and Solomon had gone to do their own thing, but Luke had stayed behind to greet you once you were through with your nap.
Unfortunately, it seems your nap has turned into a nightmare.
“Y/N!” he’s a little frantic with worry as he calls for you--his hands gripping your shoulders and attempting to shake you awake.
It works, and after a few seconds your eyes slide open--hand raising to press at your heart as you regain your sense of reality.
“Are you okay?” he hangs close to your side, his hands hovering near you. He’s never dealt with someone having a nightmare before, so he’s a little anxious. He wants to help you in any way that he can.
“I-I’m fine, Luke,” you flash him a half-hearted smile that makes his chest ache. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to fall asleep...”
“It’s okay! We wanted you to rest!”
The angel presses to his feet, his hands fisting at his sides. He feels useless right now, and that bothers him.
“Ah! Simeon knows a celestial realm recipe for some calling tea! I’ll get him to teach me!”
He turns and starts to run from the room, but ends up pausing, and turning back to look at you. After a moment of internal debate, he darts back over to the couch and throws himself at you.
You grunt as his body weight lands against your chest--the tiny angel giving you a tight squeeze.
Then, he pulls back with pink cheeks, and scurries away.
You’re left sitting there in shock, but after a few moments, you laugh.
You feel a little better already.  
[The Demon Brothers’ Reactions]
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flowerbutton · 3 years
i wrote a dsmp /rp drabble it's 3am enjoy, title is 'cardigan'
tw: death mention
He didn’t know where the cardigan came from, not really. One night he went to bed - or passed out from exhaustion, as his mind never seemed too willing to submit to the nightmares - and the next morning, there was a thick, red cardigan laid on the bottom of his bed. It was soft and warm in his hands, and in a sleepy daze, he pulled it on. It felt like a hug, and Tommy broke down in tears.
The cardigan was worn everywhere after that. At first, people seemed a little confused: Jack in particular seemed determined to learn why Tommy was wearing it. Tommy himself didn’t quite know. It was comfortable, he surmised to those who asked, and that wasn't a lie. It was made of gentle wool and it didn’t scratch, but it wasn’t the only reason he was wearing it. The cardigan was comforting more so than comfortable, with a weight to it that grounded Tommy. He felt more real, more alive after pulling it on, and he needed that after - He just needed that.
Its warmth made trekking through the snow to visit Tubbo easier as well, which Tommy appreciated, even if he’d never admit it.
Tubbo had raised an eyebrow the first time he’d seen the cardigan, almost as if judging its status in terms of fashion, but when he said nothing, Tommy assumed it was fine. Besides, Tommy thought, Tubbo had married a man who wore Hawaiian shirts for fun, so really his judgement wasn’t important. Still, the silent nod of maybe-approval had felt good, and Tommy wouldn’t deny that. He wanted Tubbo’s approval, always had, but something about the cardigan felt important. The entire topic of the cardigan felt important, from the mystery of who had given it to him to the reasons why he was wearing it. Tommy wasn’t feeling too good about tackling important topics, however, and so pushed the thoughts from his mind and continued on with Tubbo and Ranboo, plotting and planning and playing with Michael whenever he got a chance.
Michael liked the cardigan most out of everyone, barring Tommy himself. At first, he’d seemed apprehensive, and Tommy had slipped it off to show to him. He’d felt unprotected, vulnerable, but Michael was a baby, and he wasn’t about to slip up in being a big man in front of a toddler. The cardigan was placed on the bed between them, and Tommy gave Michael some space, watching in quiet fascination as Michael ran his tiny hands over the yarn and buttons. His arm slipped up the sleeve the wrong way and he pulled it out, babbling curiously before slowly pushing it back in. He pulled it out again and laughed - and Tommy felt the fear slicing through his stomach vanish in an instant. Michael turned and moved to grab Tommy’s hand, pulling him back to the cardigan and pushing him to sit down beside it. Having it in his hands seemed to keep the nerves at bay, enough for Tommy to copy Michael’s game of sliding his hand up the sleeves the wrong way. When Michael grew bored of that, Tommy gently swung the cardigan around Michael’s shoulder and buttoned the top one up.
“It’s a cape,” he said, and Michael rubbed his hands over the edges of the cardigan. It was far too big on him, falling off his right shoulder and threatening to slip off the left, but Michael’s delight was evident on his face. He ran about the room, hand tightly holding onto his makeshift cloak, and babbled incomprehensibly while Tommy watched in peaceful silence. Ranboo found them like this that afternoon, Michael leaping around the bed and clamouring over Tommy, pausing every so often to pull the cardigan back over his shoulders. Tommy noticed Ranboo way before Michael did, but neither said a thing. Tommy liked that about Ranboo, the silent support that never seemed to waver.
Michael had quickly forgotten about the cardigan when he saw Ranboo, but the fascination returned the next time Tommy babysat, and it continued every time he visited. Eventually, Michael forwent the climbing and running about, and instead curled himself inside the cardigan as if it were a blanket. Tommy recognised the move - he did it during anxious moments, the impulse to hide and vanish pulsing through his blood. Michael never seemed scared when he curled up, however, and Tommy liked that. He liked the moments where Michael would cuddle against him as he read aloud, nodding off but not quite sleeping. He liked the way the cardigan was still pressed against his arm, its thickness still comforting even on another person. He liked that Michael felt the same things he did about the cardigan. He felt seen, even if it was by a two year old.
He liked the approval, and he wanted to share it. So when he drafted his will - Quackity concernedly frowning from across the table - Tommy made sure to explicitly leave the cardigan to Michael. He’d grow into it.
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Sleepy Bois Hour
Since it's 3am and I'm still in a writing mood, why not take advantage of it? Have some sleepy cuddly Bois to lull you to a blissful sleep, All for the low low price of 420 payments of 69 uwu's
@1a-imagines have these Bois to lull your sick ass to sleep
Warnings: prepare your hearts y'all, this one's the fluffiest shit I ever wrote, feast my darlins
He was laying on his back, his arm wrapped around your shoulders with his hand resting on your upper arm. Your head was on his chest and you wrapped yourself around him. His chests rhythm rocking you into a blissful daze.
You had woken up to him muttering in his sleep about something, it was all just incoherent ramblings. You studied his features in this rare opportunity. His lax eyes looked so peaceful, the way they darted around in his sleep only made you smirk knowing he had no idea how love sick you looked. His mouth moving and quivering slightly in his dream only made you more dreamy-eyed. His jaw complimenting his toned neck. He was just so, handsome.
You snapped out of your daze and looked back at his eyes, expecting tired filled rubies staring back, only to find him still soundly asleep. You smile knowing this newfound secret.
He suddenly wrapped both of his arms around you and pulled you closer to him before, "-love you.. y/n.."
You heart was swelling with love, normally he's more brash like-
"..love you.. dumbass.."
He was going to be the death of you
Your study session with Izuku turned into a Deku watch. He was hunched over the desk, his arms crossed providing a pillow of sorts for his head. His eyes closed and calm, his eyebrows slightly raised from the bliss of sleep, his mouth slightly open and.. drool? He must've been really tired then.
You go to wipe off the little bit of drool that started to run down his chin before he murmured your name and sank deeper into his arms. You smiled at him and gently played with his hair, twirling a lock around your finger.
You really were so lucky to have him. He was such a sweetheart and honestly one of the best things to have ever happened to you. He'd do anything for you, even if that meant putting himself on the line. You were so "lucky to have y/n.."
You snapped out of your daze just in time to hear "I'm.. grateful for.. Y/n.." he shifted in his sleep and had a gentle smile on his face.
You tried not to wake the wild Izuku with your heart fluttering.
You two were just watching TV when you glanced to see your lover fast asleep. He was parked out on the couch with his head in his chest and arms crossed. You were confused on how that was comfortable but before you could think of waking him up to go to bed something caught your eye.
It could've been the light or just this angle but he looked so, happy. He wasn't smiling or anything but you could see it in his face. Contentment. You brushed some of his hair out of his eyes and he groaned softly. You couldn't help but smile at his reaction and you gently stroked his cheek with the back of your hand. You felt his face subtly press back into you. You were trying to calm the butterflies in your stomach from assaulting your heart when-
"-mean everything to me... Y/n..." He softly groaned out as he nuzzled into your hand further.
Once you overcame the sneak attack of love you decided to gently wake him up so you both could go to bed together.
"Shouto, hon"
"come on, let's go to bed darling"
He tried getting up half awake but nearly stumbled back into the couch, which prompted a giggle from you.
Well, this was a predicament.
You tried to wake up your boyfriend but unfortunately he was a heavy sleeper. And to make matters worse he was heavy. Really heavy.
Eijiro came home from a particularly hardcore workout only to greet you and promptly fall asleep on top of you. You've been stuck for about 34 minutes now. He was exhausted and even if he could get off of you he would probably have to peel you off of him due to the amount of sweat on him. After you gave up struggling and just accepted your fate, you decided to just play on your phone until he woke up.
58 minutes since this boulder fell on top of you, now you were considering pulling a 127 hours and just gnaw off your body parts to escape until he started to stir.
"mmng y/n..." A smile graced his lips and you couldn't help but get warm and fuzzy at the sight. You instinctively started running your hand through his hair to which he nuzzled into you more.
All of a sudden you didn't mind being trapped now, even if you were mildly disgusted by his BO.
You two decided to take a nap together after a particularly stressful day. He was laying down and you were laying on top of him, his arms wrapped around the small of your back. You were sound asleep until you were woken up but his arms tightening slightly and him whispering in his sleep.
You groggily opened your eyes and blinked slowly as you were returning back to earth.
"y/n... Marry me..."
Now wide eyed you whip your head to him, you would've thought that he would've proposed formally, what is going on? You freeze only to see him still sound asleep. You laugh softly now knowing what he was dreaming about. You couldn't help but feel lovey dovey after hearing that. You rubbed his cheek adoringly. His face relaxing and his head seeking the warmth from your hand. You nuzzled yourself deeper into his chest before planting a kiss on his cheek.
"Of course Tenya, my love"
He was up late just reading on his phone. You were sound asleep next to him with your back to him. He told you about an hour ago "just one more chapter". You were going to hold him up to that until you fell asleep yourself.
Once he realized how carried away he got he put his phone on the charger and on the nightstand as quietly as he could. He didn't mean to stay up so late, especially if you were waiting for him. He turned his head to see your sleeping form.
The blanket hugged your form, he could see the gently rising of your breathing. You curled slightly into a ball and your hair was splayed out on the sheets. It was really unfair how beautiful you looked. He smirked to himself before he brushed some hair away from your face and pulled the blanket up more for you. He shifted slowly so he could lay behind you, moving your hair as needed so he wouldn't accidentally lay on it. He pressed his form into yours gently, his head laying right behind yours. He sighed contently once he got a whiff of your shampoo.
"It's really not fair Y/n.." he whispered mainly to himself. "it's not fair how gorgeous you are.. I've truly been blessed" he planted a loving kiss on the back of your head, silently praying this didn't wake you up.
You stirred in your sleep and pressed back into his warmth giving him a happy huff.
He really was blessed with an angel.
You were laying in bed just waiting for your boyfriend to come home. You texted him asking how much longer but got no reply. You groaned at your phone for not giving you an answer. You laid on your back with your arms behind your head, wondering where he was.
The front door rattling made your ear twitch as you focused in on the sound. Familiar footsteps laced with exhaustion flooded the hall to your room. The bedroom door opened revealing your mess of a lover, he looked like he got hit by a freight train.
"About time you're home babe, how was the league?" You sat up on your elbows, studying his sluggish movements as he made his way to the foot of the bed.
He just growled at you and slipped off his shirt with a forced effort. He fiddled with his belt and you couldn't help but giggle at how tired he really was.
He was finally ready for bed and you thought he would've collapsed a few times. Once his hands touched the matress he knew his body would give out at any given moment. He crawled into your lap, plopping his head on your stomach and snaking his arms around your back.
He groaned and repositioned his head so he was more comfortable.
"... Missed you... Y/n.." he whispered breathlessly before succumbing to sleep.
Tomura wouldn't sleep with you, no matter how much you begged and pleaded. He would always shoot you a firm "No".
It's not that he didn't want to, it's just because he wouldn't be able to live with himself if he ended up hurting the one thing he cared about in this world. He's has a whole series of nightmares where he touched you and all he could feel was dust. He's not going to take any selfish chances with your life like that.
But when he saw you sleeping on the couch he couldn't help himself.
Your peaceful expression numbed his mind. Your eyes darting in your deep sleep forced a smile to carve itself onto his lips. You shifted and moaned softly as you repositioned your breathtaking body.
His eyes softened in your beauty and he couldn't help but gently stroke your cheek with his index finger. Your warmth sending shockwaves through his spine. You truly were the best upgrade he could've hoped for.
"My trophy..." The grumbled before snatching the blanket from the floor and draped it over you.
You snuggled into the fabric and he could've sworn that simple action could've killed him on the spot. You were like a weapon specially crafted for him and he loved it. He turned on his game and made a silent vow to be your guardian for as long as you existed.
You woke up to Tomura asleep with his back to the couch and controller in hand. The game pleading for someone to reconnect the controller. You couldn't help but return his favor and covered him with the same blanket.
Tokoyami was sound asleep. But you were wide awake. And not alone.
You and Dark Shadow were talking for a couple hours hoping it would tire you out, but to no avail. Rock paper scissors, tic tac toe, I spy, 20 questions, nothing tired you out.
Your dark lover was shifting in his sleep constantly as if subconsciously begging you to come rest with him, but you didn't feel tired.
"You know, he loves you more than anything."
Your eyes widen at the sudden information "What do you mean by that"
"He obviously loves you but I don't think you know to what extent~" Dark Shadow chimed playfully and swooped to the bottom of the bed.
You smile a bit knowing you were about to get some juicy gossip from your inside man. You look at Dark Shadow expectantly awaiting his follow up.
"His contact name in his phone is 'My Eternal Queen'"
"No way" you tried containing the giggle trying not to wake up the sleeping bird.
"He secretly hopes you hold his hand constantly. He steals glances at you regularly. His heart flutters every time you laugh. Sometimes when you laugh he has to hide his smile." Dark Shadow kept rambling off thing Tokoyami would've dreaded you to know about how weak you really made him.
The entire time Dark Shadow rambled you were just eyeing your loving boyfriend with a lovestruck expression. You tenderly stroked his arm and he shifted toward your welcoming heat.
You whip your head to see Dark Shadow holding his phone. He took a picture of your vulnerable state.
"Delete it now you glorified Sock Puppet" you growl with a burning blush on your cheeks as you try to snatch the phone from his misty form.
Now you're playing keep away with a shadow at 3 am.
You don't know how he managed it but there he was. Sleeping on the back of the couch like a cat. He took up all of the back rest with his sleeping form. Even drooling on it, which was probably going to stain later.
"Denki? Deeeeeenkiii"
No response
"Road work ahead?" You attempt to bait him
No response again
He was out cold. There was no way of waking him up so you accepted your fate and became an unintentional guardian for him, stopping anything that might wake him up. Sitting down on the couch you just scrolled through your phone peacefully, nagging anyone who was being too loud. Everything was so relaxing it almost put you to sleep yourself.
Some time had passed and your eyes were getting heavy and you were at the edge of dreaming. You decided it would be best to take a nap with him and you laid down on the couch cushions, letting sleep take you away.
You groan at the intrusion that broke you from the cusp of sleep and shifted to find the source of the interruption.
"y/n's mine... You ass..."
"..Denki?" Your eyes shift to your boyfriend who was still very much asleep.
His brows were knitted and his mouth was in a slight frown. Was he having a nightmare? You rub his arm gently to give some comfort to him. His brow relaxed and you could feel him get goosebumps from the touch. That seemed to do the trick.
"..y/N.." he rolled off of the couch back and on top of you nearly knocking the wind out of you.
Looks like you're not getting up anytime soon.
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emile-hides · 4 years
Out of Australia, into the fire
Based on an in game RP with @aripan12 and @syalin-deerfox (Original prompt from Two Junkers and a D.Va which can be read here)
Edit: Both Ari and Zayne wrote their own versions of this promt as well.
If you want heavy Roadrat, read Zayne’s version HERE
If you want an almost exact one-to-one of the actual roleplay + Bloopers read Ari’s version HERE
Now, on to my take:
In which Roadhog impulsively cares for a war child
Mako “Roadhog” Rutledge huffed as he looked over his empty fridge shelves for the third time in the last hour. No matter how many glances he spared, the ice box remained empty.
The large man gave another huff as he closed the fridge door, lifting himself up straight before heading out of the large barn he called a home. 
“Rat.” He spoke in the general direction of a small, one room trailer.
Jamison “Junkrat” Fawkes poked his head out of one of the three holes in the small buildings walls, two of which he swore were made for better lighting. The third of which was an accident.
“Hoggie! Just in time I was about to test-”
“We’re out of food. I’m heading into Junker town. Stay here.” Roadhog cut his boss off, already starting the slow walk to the scrap city.
“Whot??? Wait, mate, lemme come too! I need some shit and-” Both the junker’s momentum from leaping out of his work shed and sentence were cut off by a large hand easily catching him by the tire on his back.
“Stay.” Mako said flatly, setting the smaller back down in his work station.
Junkrat whined and swayed like a blade of grass in the wind, “But Roooooooadie”
His complaints weren’t met with a response as the older Junker again began to walk away, leaving Junkrat unsupervised.
______ ______ ______ ______
The large door of Junkertown was just as locked as it was the last time Mako approached. He’d always hated how hard the queen tried to make the pile of scrap seem like a real city. It wasn’t. It never would be.
“Let me in already!” A squeaky voice thick with an accent not native to the island screeched along side the banging of metal, “Please!! I just need to get home!”
Mako paused for a moment at the small girl standing at Junkertown’s door, banging away and begging for entry. Her clothes were bright pink, a color Mako hadn’t seen in a long time, and seemed almost completely clean. Her hair was long and shiny, almost freshly washed. She was small, thin, but healthy. As if all of this wasn’t enough, the sound of her voice made it absolutely, positively clear she was not a native to the savage wastelands of Australia.
Still. She was in the way.
Roadhog threw his hook, safely wrapping it around the girls waste to pull her away from the door. She yelped, and stumbled by his side before fear ran cold across her face. Mako spared her a glance before knocking at the Junkertown door three times with his hook.
“Rutledge?” The guard of the door spat from his lookout point, “You sure are brave to be showin’ your masked face around here again mate. Better now be armed, we got orders to shoot you on sight.”
These threats meant nothing to Roadhog. He simply waited for the gate to open silently before he strolled in, latching his hook to his belt.
“W...Wait!” The girl from before shouted once she finally snapped from her fear induced daze, quickly chasing after the lumbering man.
Mako, again, barely spared the girl a glance, though slowed down slightly to allow her to walk along side him, hoping to block her bright outfit from the onlooking eye of the local thugs.
“M-My name is Hana Song. I was kidnapped from Busan, South Korea, and dropped here. I-I’m not sure where here... is... D-Do you have a phone I could barrow? Please?” She asked, gripping the bottom of her shirt in desperation.
Roadhog glanced at the local shops before walking into an old convenient store, now with nothing more than rusted canned items and whatever animal was found in rummaging in the trash that morning.
“N...No?” Hana half whimpered, continuing to follow him. She watched his movements was they wandered the mostly empty lanes before starting again, “I-I can pay for the distance call! I-I c-can pay reward money! S-Something for your trouble, please! M-My team- M-My country needs me! I-I can pay-”
Mako handed the girl a can of corn. She stared at it, then glanced up at him, clearly confused as she took it.
Luckily, the confusion was enough to shut her up on the money nonsense as the finished shopping. It wasn’t a lot, but it’d be enough for a last meal on this irradiated rock.
On the way out of Junker town, Hana piped up again, “Does... th-this mean you’re going to help me...?” She asked meekly.
A large hand gently pat at Hana’s hair as they stepped out of the scrap city of Junkertown. Hana flinched for a moment at the contact, only realizing at the third pat it was meant to be comforting.
She smiled, “Thankyou.” slipped from her mouth barely above a whisper as they walked away from Junkertown.
______ ______ ______ ______
“Roadie! You’re finally back, what’d ya get I’m STARVIN’!” Junkrat came bounding from his shed as soon as Roadhog came into view.
The larger Junker didn’t acknowledge the smaller as he simply continued to the barn. Junkrat did the same to Hana, who followed the two closely.
“So! While you were gone I was thinkin’ of ways to get back at the queen and I’ve finally got the perfect plan! Wanna hear it?? Of course you do! So-” 
“This is Hana.” Mako spoke up, cutting the smaller off as he drew his attention to Hana Song, “We’re taking her to South Korea.”
Junkrat blinked down at the bring pink stick before him. He stared, unblinking, for almost a solid two minutes.
“South Kor-ee-a?” He repeated, incredibly incorrect of course, “Where in the bloody blue blazes is that?”
“Far.” Mako spoke bluntly, putting his assorts groceries on his make-shift table for now, “Pack what you need. We’re leaving tonight.”
“T-Tonight? Mate what- Don’t you walk away from me!” Junkrat snapped as Roadhog began to leave the barn.
Mako glanced back at Hana, standing awkwardly in the center of the room, “Stay.” He spoke, then continued out, Junkrat shouting behind him.
______ ______ ______ ______
“What about our plans to get back at the queen?! What about our 50/50 split treasure? You wanna just lug that with us?!” Junkrat huffed and hollered all the way back to Junkertown.
Mako continued to ignore him, making sure the smaller was behind him when they approached the gate, easly hiding Junkrat behind his larger form.
“Twice in one day, Rutledge? Ya forget somethin’?” The guardsman laughed as the gate opened.
“I’ve never even heard of no South Kor-ee-a! What makes ya so sure it’s even a real place and that shiela ain’t just one of the queen’s goons sent to whack us, huh?! Ya even left her alone in our place!”
“Mako? Well this is a surprise?” Junkrat’s complaints cut off with the introduction of a new voice, raspy and weary with age. He’d been ranting so long, Junkrat hadn’t even noticed he and Mako walked into one of Junkertown’s many scrap shops.
“Here for the usual?” A short, chubby man with a scruffy white beard asked, taking a large cigar from his mouth.
“I need a boat. With a moter, and enough oil to get it to Asia.” Mako spoke.
“A boat?” The short scrapper asked, scratching his chin, “That’s a tall order. The Queen ain’t very fond of boats she don’t own.”
Junkrat sized up the man before them, rationalizing if he was going to give Roadhog a hard time, and if he’d have to step in to get whatever Roadie was after.
“The moter’s the easy part, I’ve been working on one myself...” The man gave a gentle kick to a scrapped together engine he’d been working on when they walked in, “The fuel I’ve almost got too, but the actual boat...”
“Please, Bruce.” The word was so foreign, Mako certainly hadn’t used it in over 20 years, and he’d doubt the younger generation in this country even knew what the word means.
Bruce paused, giving another scratch to his chin... A deep sigh left his mouth, “Alright. I’ll get something together and have it at Lagoon Pier by 3am tonight.”
Roadhog gruffed a thankyou, placed a hand on Junkrat’s head, and lead him from the shop, back to Junkertown’s gate.
“...We’re really leavin’?” Junkrat asked as they left the scrapped together city he one called home, “Are we... gonna come back?”
Roadhog didn’t speak. He stared ahead blankly at the wasteland he created, a hand resting on Junkrat’s head.
They walked home in silence.
______ ______ ______ ______
The short, hastily put together plan was explained to Hana by Junkrat over a scrapped together final meal. They then packed up anything essential into Roadhog’s bike, and headed out across the country.
Hana had long sense passed out in the side car, tightly hugging Mako’s pachimari doll as she rested. Junkrat has also, supposedly, passed out behind Roadhog on the bike.
As the two slept, Mako took a moment to park along side a cliff and stare out at the desert.
He thought about how 20 or so years ago, this place was just like the world Hana had described to them. How he’d spend his days playing video games on his phone just like her, or how he could spend hours weaving brightly colored flowers into crowns.
20 years ago they were just like every other place in the world.
What... happened?
Mako’s grip on his handle bars tightened.
ALF happened.
HE happened.
For a moment, Mako considered turning around. Driving back to his scrapped old barn on his wasted little farm with the small grave marked only with a dusty little bolder and a few dead flowers.
It wouldn’t be fair for him to leave. He broke the world, he deserves to rot in it. He deserves to sit on this little irradiated rock and slowly die of whatever the world wants to throw at him.
“Roadie..?” A yawn broke Roadhog of his thoughts as Junkrat lifted himself up some, hanging over the larger man’s shoulder, “Why’d we stop? Ya gotta piss?” The younger Junker rubbed at his eye, nuzzling into Mako’s neck from grogginess.
Roadhog released his grip on his handle bars. For a moment his mind wondered where Jamie could be had the Omnium not exploded.
Would he be a child soldier, like Hana? Willing to give his life for a county so quick to throw away it’s citizens? Fighting a war at such a young age...
“Roadie?” Junkrat asked, a bit more awake, “Ya alright? Ya got that sad look on yer face...”
Roadhog glanced to Junkrat. The smaller look concerned.
Mako squished Jamie’s cheeks in his hand, “Sit down. I can’t drive with you standin’ up like that.” He scolded. Jamison whined in his hold, patting weakly at Mako’s shoulders until he was released, allowing him to fall back onto his seat.
Roadhog chuckled before starting the bike again. There’s no point in turning back.
He hadn’t destroyed the world.
At least
Not yet.
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zanesgirlfriend · 5 years
Notecards | Jeff Wittek
Requested by @kwyloz : jeff imagine with the simpsons stills i sent in ur dms :D love u so much thank u for sharing ur work with us i am very grateful <3
It was their anniversary. Three years together, the best three years of their lives. Actually, it was the morning of their anniversary.
Y/n sat nervously in the passengers seat of Jeff's car, cursing at herself for still being nervous around him. It was more of the surprise factor that had her all jittery, as he'd pulled her out of bed at 3am and dragged her to his car. She had no idea where they were going and she hoped it wasn't too public, considering that she was still in pajamas.
"This is it!" Jeff said excitedly. Y/n woke herself up a bit and peered out of the window.
"What is it?" She asked, highly confused. She still couldn't tell if she was dreaming or not.
"Look at the stars." He told her as he rolled the windows down. His head stuck out and he looked up. She was more focused on him. The way his eyes lit up and the little dimples in his cheeks as he smiled. Just the idea of him made her happy as she looked outside. It was beautiful and familiar. Little dots of light scattered across the sky. They were almost dancing, inviting the two of them up there to dance with them.
"Where are we?" Her tone had changed from before, less tired and confused and now more amazed and curious.
"Do you remember our first date?" He asked. Her eyes glossed over as she recognized where they were.
After a bad dinner experience on their first date, Jeff promised he would make it up to her. They stayed up all night together getting ice cream and fast food and running around the city like two young lovers in a romance novel. They'd stopped up here, a lookout point for the city. She'd thought he was going to try to fuck her, but really they just talked and talked and talked all night.
"There's something I want to ask you." Jeff's voice brought her out of her daze. She looked at him, a slight raise in her eyebrow as she tried to read his face. He started fumbling around in his car. Hidden pockets, the center console, the glove box, he was looking for something.
"Where the fuck did it go?" He mumbled to himself as he turned towards the back seat.
"Where did what go?" She asked, wondering if she could help.
"I wrote what I was gonna say on a card." He hollered, his torso now completely in the back seat, digging in every crack to try and find it. "It must've fallen out somewhere."
Y/n looked in the crack between her seat and the console and saw a small piece of paper. She wiggled her fingers down there and grabbed it. "Is this it?" She held it up.
"What's it say?" He continued to dig around in the back seat as she read the notecard.
"Y/n, from the moment I saw you. . ." She started to read his messy scrawled handwriting, already choking up at the sweet words. ". . . I never wanted to be with anyone else. I don't have much to offer you except all my love." A tear dropped onto the card, the ink around one of the letters slightly spreading as it got wet. "Will you marry me?" She finished, looking over at Jeff.
"That's the card! Give it here." He sat back up quickly, adjusting his shirt before taking the card from her dainty fingers. She was frozen in place, her mouth had fallen open and all she could do was stare at him.
"I wrote this on the day of our first date. After we came up here and talked for hours, and I finally took you home. I knew I was in love with you and I knew I wanted to marry you." Jeff explained, his words getting shakier as he went on. "So will you?"
She nodded vigorously, finally breaking out of her frozen stature. "Yes. Of course, yes." She whispered. She was afraid if she spoke any louder it would all go away.
Jeff smiled as he leaned in and kissed his fiance.
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longassr1de · 4 years
Best Boy (M)
Tumblr media
Pairing: Haechan x fem!reader
Genre: Smut (nc-17!)
Word count: 2,666
Warnings: femdom, spanking, not quite choking but close to it (just once really), oral, a sappy moment, lots of teasing, unprotected sex, cowgirl..kinda, i'm probably forgetting stuff i'm sorry 😔 (i just really wanted to write something and then this drabble practice turned into a monster) oh and also i didn't proofread this yet & yolo wrote it at around 3am so im sorry for this monstrosityㅡ and also y/n is on birth control bc at least take precautions if you're not wrapping it before tapping it kiddos! 🤧
A/N: not to spoil the surprise but technically though it's not stated who it's about until around.. the middle i'd say? but.. it kind of is about a 00 liner so.. if you're uncomfortable with that then please just keep scrolling. thank you. i'm not sure how or why this post happened either but.. here we are yknow? that lil shiet has just been bugging me for awhile now and then a week later this happens im...🥺
A/N ...again: I ended up changing it from mystery member to just being straightforward about it so just.. bear with me until I redo the intro to include more detail. Sorry about that 😰
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"I thought you said you could take it, baby boy?" You look down at your boyfriend who was currently across your lap with a teasing grin, clearly enjoying his predicament.
"I- I-" he tries to interject, helplessly wracking his brain for any sort of rebuttal.
"Did I say you could speak?" The sharp raise of your now arched brow conveys more than your short sentence could have ever delivered. Consequently, you deliver another sharp smack to his bottom, continuing his punishment, which had been brought about by yet another one of his disobedient days. Such a brat, really.
"N-No..." you gently enclose your free hand around his neck, ushering his disobedient behavior back on track once again. "No ma'am!" he whines, cute pout on display as he whines desperately. "I'll be a good boy for you, I swear! Please!"
"Please what, baby boy? Use your words for me," you cooed towards him, almost mockingly.
"Please..." he licks at his bottom lip, jutting his glossing pout on proud display, "please fuck me... use me... anything..." He rasps as you pull him up by the hair to look at you in the eyes, a shaky breath escaping from the depths of his soul as you devour his ethereal presence. How did you ever find someone so beautiful in this realm of reality?
Sending one last spank to his supple bottom, you relish in the way his body both moves towards and away from your palm. "Very well then, my beautiful little brat. On your knees." You've been edging the poor boy for at least an hour now, so really, it's no wonder that he's in position for you before you can even begin counting. "If you behave like a good boy tonight, I might even reward you," your smile angelic, though your eyes are anything but. Deviously, you trace his raging hard-on with the tip of your toes, enjoying the way he shuts his eyes and drops his mouth open at the slimmest glimmer of pleasure he's been allowed. "But if you misbehave again, you're not coming for the next week. Understood?"
"Y-Yes ma'am!" he responds, almost in tears at the thought alone, much less after the arduous teasing he's endured tonight. Before anything, you lean down to kiss his supple lips, licking at his mouth with everything you've got, tangling your fingers in the curly tufts of his beautiful silver hair. Pulling away far too soon for either of your liking, you run your thumbs across his jawline and break from your role to ensure safety above all pleasure.
"Cloud." A smirk sent his way as he snaps from his daze. "..ma'am! It's still cloud...ma'am," he stutters out, in fear of further punishment.
"Good boy," you reward his quick fix with a kiss to his forehead before reaching behind you for a ribbon, toying with it as you fixate on whether to tie his hands in front of or behind his body tonight. "Heads or tails, baby boy?"
"Uh.." he tilts his head, not unlike a confused puppy. "Heads, ma'am?" an unsure answer rings out in the silence of your eventful night. You nod silently, working to gently but securely tie his hands in front of his body, just enough so that he can't give himself any pleasure.
Your boyfriend eyes you with a sparkle in his eyes, in awe at how effortlessly you complete the task. Truthfully however, the gleam in his doe eyes was moreso because of just how much he loves you, and how grateful he is for how attentive you are to his needs. You were the one who'd asked to let you dom him initially, but from then on it was him who would insist on it becoming more of a regular thing. He simply couldn't get enough of the confidence you exuded in times like these.
You were his drug, and he needed his fix, so what better way that to get his high through this?
Sensing that his mind had drifted elsewhere as he'd stopped squirming and whining, you look back up into his eyes, not expecting your boyfriend to be staring at you so.. lovingly.
"Penny for your thoughts, baby boy?"
"I love you," he just blurts out, chuckling at himself for a moment before you join him.
"Not sure where this is coming from, but I love you too, darling." Another kiss pressed unto his lips, kissing his smile until it parted to kiss you back. The warmth in your chest despite the filth in your recent actions proof enough that you made the right choice. You don't regret one moment from the moment you fell for your best friend, up until this very night. However, the ache between your thighs had yet to be sated, and as much as you wanted to cave, you figured it could wait until the aftercare (noting to give him twice as many cuddles tonight).
Pulling back with a thin line of spit till connecting you both, your grin turns mischievous once again. "But don't think I've forgotten for a second that you're being punished for your behavior tonight. You thought feeling me up at the restaurant was appropriate? In front of all your friends?"
"N-No ma'am! Not at all.. I'm sorry!" his eyes widen at the realization that his punishment was far from over. "I won't do it again!"
"Not sorry enough, I'll say. And if you ever try that again, I'm tying you to the headboard the entire weekend, understood?" Your boyfriend was so desperate he fell for your bluff, instantly straightening his posture to be the epitome of a "good boy".
"I'll do anything, anything at all.. please ma'am, anything but that!" he begs, hoping to get back on your good side, unknowing that your anger had long since subsided.
"Kiss me and make it all better then, baby boy. Apologize like you mean it," your sultry whisper utter sin upon his ears, sitting entirely undressed just inches away from his body that was screaming with desire. You slowly spread your thighs that had been rubbing up against each other, your slick wetness glistening as his throat feels parched at the sight before him. He blinks himself out of yet another daze, unbelieving that the wondrous angel in front of him is also the devil seducing him to ruin. As he gets closer to your heat, his pants become evident on your skin, making goosebumps arise in their wake.
"Don't tease me, baby, it'll only drag our your punishment," you tease, already locking your digits in his hair once again, anticipating the first touch of his tongue. He looks up at you as he makes contact with your nub, watching as your throw you head back, feeling as you grip his hair a little tighter, pull him a little closer. Humming contentedly, he dives right in to work, licking up your folds and sucking harshly at your clit, internally cursing at his useless arms at such a critical time like this. Instead, he decidedly works at your body with his mouth, working such wonders you were sure the other seven in the world suddenly paled in comparison.
"Ah, yes, just like that! Fuck," you cursed under your breath, raggedly breathing out as you bite at your lip, trying and failing to hold your moans in. Instead, you tighten your thighs around his head, fighting to keep your eyes open, only daring to look after he pulls back to catch his own breath, meeting his dangerous gaze with your shocked one.
Somewhere in the mix, you'd forgotten all about maintaining your strict dominance, instead unknowingly giving him some room to wiggle at the reigns, ever the challenging brat that he was and loved to be. He lived for making you make him submit, for every punishment and for every battle. It was so much fun, watching you get all hot in the face, in more ways than one.
"With all due respect ma'am," he shoots you his signature shit-eating grin from down below, clearly worked up by your reactions, even without the use of his hands, "your moans are absolutely gorgeous." He then sucks at your thighs, leaving many a dark bloom in their wake; he's clearly trying to prove a point now, cheeky almost to the point of cocky in the way he licks at your wetness off his lips. "I may even dare to say you're in for the fuck of your life tonight."
And you're just about to give him hell for his sudden brattiness until he goes right back to work, eating you out like a man starved, leaving you unable to come up with anything more coherent than a mutter of "Oh fuck you, Lee Donghyuck!" To which he simply laughs into your folds, sliding his tongue into your wet heat as you miserably yank at his hair, hoping he would somehow go back to behaving (used lightly, as he never truly behaves, save for when his neediness or the stresses of life sent him into subspace).
An intense orgasm builds up in your core and before you can even warn him, your release hits like a ton of bricks, bringing Donghyuck both closer and farther from your body, relishing in your orgasm yet unsure whether the excess of stimulation was something you could currently handle. You had fallen back onto the bed, unmoving for some time it would seem, as you soon hear the shuffling of feet before feeling a shift on the mattress. As best as he can, your boyfriend rests between your legs, attempting to assess your wellbeing.
"I'm fine, Hyuckie, just... that took a hell of a lot out of me," you chuckle, closing your eyes again to avoid the knowing look on his face. He goes to reach for your face, only to realize he can't, as his hands are still bound. Drawing your attention with a soft whine, you follow his gaze, helping to untie him, pressing loving kissed tenderly at his wrists. "Thank you, baby, you did so well for me."
"Can you take one more?" he prods gently, dying to be inside of you, yet not wanting to push your body past its limits.
"Of course, anything for you baby boy. Youu dessrve the bsst orgsmm after that," your words slur a little, still not over the impact on your body. Donghyuck tries to protest as you lay him down and climb over him, hissing as you sit on his length with little to no prep, taking him entirely by surpise. Not that he minded, he was just terrified he wouldn't last long after a night's worth of teasing, on top of getting front row seats to your hell of a release. Little to his knowledge however, that was exactly what you were counting on, ever since your orgasm took so much out of you that you'd begun to feel rather sleepy.
"I give you full permission baby boy. Fuck me." Your statement once again catches him off guard, as he had been a little preoccupied with how tight your velvet walls felt around his weeping cock.
"W-wait wha- aaahh.." And then it clicks. You weren't planning on riding him at all, you simply wanted the illusion of power from being on top, leaving him to do all the work. Donghyuck was no fool, however, and took the opportunity as quickly as he it came. You'd just barely settled against his chest, relishing in the warm feeling of his hands running down your back before feeling him grab at your ass; shutting his eyes as his head was thrown back in pleasure, fucking up into you almost animalistically from sheer need. He felt your blunt nails almost breaking the skin of his shoulders as he bit down on one of your own, pressing kisses in the aftermath of its mark, whimpering the filthiest of curses and singing the sweetest of praises by your ear.
As Donghyuck fervently fought to reach his own release, you felt yourself begin to race him towards your second. So much for punishment, was all you could think, and though the exhaustion on your body was evident, you simply couldn't bring yourself to complain, not when he was making you feel so fucking good.
"I'm so close, I'm gon... I'm.... ahh," he whined, rutting his hips desperately into your own, "please let me cum ma'am... I've been such a good boy for you... please." Surprised didn't even begin to cover your reaction, as you'd assumed all roles had been thrown out the window the second he'd gotten the green light. Nevertheless, your brain was humming with pride as your body thrummed with pleasure.
"Yes you have, you've been so good tonight, I think you deserve to cum. Let go now, give it to me baby boy," you run your hands through his hair, speaking into his forehead as your lower body continues to bounce from the force of his own humping up into you. "Prove that you're all mine," you mouth at his earlobe, moaning into it just to tease him, "fill me up." The final straw snaps upon your words, Donghyuck babbling utter nonsense as he cums, thick, white spurts of his release coating your walls as you finally clench around him, the feeling of his orgasm launching the onset of your own.
He continues to shallowly thrust up into you until neither one of you can take it anymore, squirming and groaning weakly at the overstimulation. You witness the strength leave your boyfriend's body rather dramatically, the way his eyes comically roll back in his head as your bodies slide down the headboard cause a fit of giggles to escape you. Donghyuck half opens his eyes to look at you, making grabby hands for your face as he grows soft inside you now. Carefully, you raise yourself up his body just enough to raise your cheeks in his sweaty palms, enjoying the gentle caress of his calloused fingertips padding across your features.
With a serious of hushed thank yous, he leans forward just enough to shower you with kisses, prompting you to return the gesture. He slips out of you and you make a face as the mixture of your cum slides down your thighs. Thankfully, you'd forseen your laziness and left a towel on your nightstand, and you reach over for it to clean the both of you up. Donghyuck is currently slipping in and out of sleep when you lay beside him, pulling him onto your chest as his arms wrap around your frame. It's times like this when he's asleep, so pure and unadulterated, that you can't help but adore his natural cuteness.
The supple curve of his lips, the gentle curl of his lashes, even his soft groan as he shifts to find a more comfortable position... all of it has you cooing at how delicate he was despite how tough he loves to pretend to be. If only his friends knew just how big of a baby he was around you, you wonder, how interesting would that conversation be.
Deciding to risk it, you simply can't help but place one last kiss to his forehead, softly rubbing at the base of his neck as he stirs, and you go still. Donghyuck simply buries his face into your neck now, pressing even more of his weight into your own, but all you can bring yourself to do is wrap your own around him, rubbing at his back soothingly. "Good night my beautiful boy, you did so well," his sleepy grin tickles the skin near the junction of your shoulder as he mumbles an unintelligible response, and just like that, he's asleep again in no time as you hum softly in reply.
Donghyuck may not always be the best boy, and me may not even a good boy most nights, but he'll always be your favorite boy, and in the end... that's all that really ever mattered.
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ruels-bucket-hat · 5 years
warning: I wrote this @ 3am
remember that one time ruel autocorrected to fuel on my phone yep those were the gOLdEn yEars remember those times when we were yOuNgEr I'm suprised the fuel didn't turn into fLaMes I should stop now actually yaknowwhat dOnt tELL mE what I can and cant do and sAy and not sAy ok I'ma actually stop now im delirious... dAzEd aNd cOnfUsEd you might sAy I need a pAiNkiLLer to mask the pain of this horrible post I just made (I got nothing for the intro)
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nightphans · 5 years
A crumbling world
Hey this is lil fic I wrote with some help for phandom wars on twitter:)
One shot:
Genre: angst I guess,unrequited love:,),
Summary: dans world is crumbling.phil,his best friend,unrequited lover, whatever title you wanna use is dead.And dans falling falling apart.
And then he woke up.
Prologue (which I didn’t write):
Everything had seemed to be normal. Dan and Phil were out, just having a good day. They were walking home from Starbucks with lunch as it was pretty nice outside. Dan and Phil were crossing the street when Phil dropped his sunglasses in the road. He bent down quickly to pick them up, Dan had already crossed the street. Before Dan could react and before Phil could finish crossing the street, a high speed pick up truck comes through and smashes into Phil. A sound of glass breaks and the car comes to a halt. Dan drops everything he is holding and rushes over to Phil, sitting next to him. A shards of glass lay around Phil, his head bleeding out from the impact of the car and the ground. Dan let's out a blubbering sob as Phil breathes lightly, not speaking just looking up. Dan lifts Phils head into his lap. Phil just looked up. There was a bruise forming on Phils face. Phil was losing a lot of blood.
“Phil look at me, please stay alive please. Please” He whispered softly as he heard sirens approaching.
Phils body got cold. His breathing barely there.
“Please Phil stay here with me. “ Dan begged as Phil became pale, his body no longer ridded of human life.of joy.of spirit.
His eyes no longer had their spark. Only dead pools of blue. He sobbed as he carressed Phil's face. Phil let out a very tiny last breath before what little life he had left dissapeared. Phil died. Everyone watched as ambulance and police rushed them away. The driver only sat in their truck, shocked at what happened. Dan didn't noticed anything around him, his world crumbled as the only best friend he had was gone.
“N-no..n-NO THIS-TH-THIS CANT...PHIL” Dan pleaded, Phils blood on his hands.
Then everything went black.
Dan was certain he was drowning. The question was, in what? misery? depression? Perhaps even grief?
Scratch that.
It was tears.
Dan's eyes slowly cracked open. The familiar darkness in his room fell over him. He felt his sheets. He was in his bed. He felt terrible. Exhausted.
Sitting up slowly, he stretched out his legs. His hand brushing the back of his neck,immediately meeting the wet, warmth plastered on his neck,hair and cheek.
Looking down, feeling around on the luminous white fabric hidden amongst the dark void of his room, it was apparent his pillow was stained left, right, and center with a puddle of droplets.
He sighed deeply, rubbing his burning eyes.They were tired,almost drooping in the anticipation of sleep.
Unfortunately every time he closed them he was reminded of everything.
A choked sob barely escaped his throat as he dwelled back on the dream only previous minutes, even seconds ago.
God, that absolute shit. Of course, Dan knew he wasn’t really dead. And yet…..
It had felt so real.
He feared that if he closed his eyes again, the endless pool of black behind his lids would merge into yet another image, another nightmare in which he’d have to watch Phil’s lifeless form lay pale and limp, Dan’s best friend’s blood on his hands as he held him, watching him take his final breaths. Watching those sparkling eyes fade to a fragment of what they once were.
Watching The glow Phil seemed to always be emitting, faded out of existence.Reduced to just a memory.
Phil reduced to just a memory.
Dan closed his eyes,remembering the events that had caused his best friends sudden death.
A hint of bile seemed to rise up to his throat,mainly due to the recoil he felt at the realisation that phil could be removed from existence any day now.
And then Dan’s mind wandered ,what would it be like once he died?
Sure, people would miss him, he’d make an impact. But in the long course? In a century’s time? No one would have even known he was there.
The thought made him feel sick.
He’s joked about the inevitability of death but…..those were just jokes. In truth, it terrified him, it would terrify anyone, right? He wasn’t alone….right?
And anyways, He didn’t believe in a higher power, so where would he go after death? What would it be like? What would happen to everyone who ever knew him?
But then he recalled phils limp form in his own shaking hands,remembered the agonising screams that unknowingly left his own mouth while he called for help,for both himself and phil
Even the thought of ever sleeping again seemed like a fucking joke.
Dan closed his eyes, attempting to count to 10. He felt his exhausted body get begin to rest but his head continued racing. His eyes felt heavy. For days he got little to no sleep.
What if- no,don’t get distracted
What time is it anyway?
I wonder if Phil would’ve min-
Fuck it.
He lifted the duvet over his shivering body, slipping each foot into his slippers; which Phil, coincidentally, had given him for Easter. His thin, nimble fingers reached for the light switch on the wall.
His shadow seemed to be shaking behind him against the shimmering light, he looked away.
Phil wouldn’t mind, he thought, after all….we’re friends.
Best friends.
If only we were more
Dan clenched his fist, digging his nails into the layer of skin sitting upon his palm,focusing on the pain in order to erase those thoughts. He took in a deep breath, breathing in time with his own footsteps as he left the comforting yet depressive state of his own room, taking small strides until at last, his destination had been reached.
There was no point dwelling on what could have been.
The past was the past. He couldn’t change that.
If only he could.
If only he had made the move back then.
If only-
He knocked on the door.
After an awkward moment of silence and uncertainty Dan knocked again, he heard a muffled grunt, some footsteps followed by a shriek of pain and then a string of curse words.
Dan chuckled fondly, knowing Phil, he had probably stepped on a Lego-like object or something of the sort.
After two agonising moments filled with anticipation the door opened, a tired Phil revealed behind it.
Messy black hair, soft pale freckled skin, obnoxiously bright boxer shorts and a sore-on the eye blue t-shirt.
Rather than looking down to see 2 pairs of fierce, yet mesmerising crystals that were held within Phil’s eyes, Dan was met with the folds that covered them, blinking away sleep that probably seemed oh so desirable at the ungodly hour of 3am that Dan had never seemed to notice it was.
Dan smiled sheepishly once Phil finally looked up at him with slight confusion and perhaps a hint of annoyance. However, his expression changed completely when he seemed to notice how red Dan’s eyes were,how oddly pink cheeks were stained with cooling droplets,perhaps even the strained smile that had failed to mask dans evident emotions
“Are you okay?” Phil’s deep, sleep ridden yet concerned voice disrupted the natural flow of Dan’s thoughts.
Dan nodded absentmindedly, walking into Phil’s room and shutting the door behind him
“Sorry” he barely whispered, voice barely audible due to the scratchiness and obvious hurt from all the crying.
Who even thought of crying? A horrible adaptation really. Feeling vulnerable? Okay! Let’s make liquid pour out of your eyes, a key feature on your face, so everyone knows!
Thanks evolu-
“Dan?” Phil repeated for the third time, gently shaking the brunette, causing said boy to look up in a daze. He really needed to control his day dreaming.
Or night dreaming since it was like, 3am? If that was a thing.
God, he was a mess.
“Dan? Hello? I’ve been calling your name for the last minute….can you hear me?” his voice seemed to hold genuine concern, looking Dan straight in the eyes once he knew he had caught his attention.
Dan eyes began watering, tears brimming at the soft skin, skimming over the dark bags he had received in return of late nights procrastinating video ideas and aimlessly scrolling on the internet till the very peak of dawn.He couldn’t help but tear up seeing phil very much alive.
Thank god.
Phil shushed him, embracing him into a comforting hug. He had no idea what was going on, but what he did know was that this was Dan, who seemed so fragile and helpless at the moment.
Phil couldn’t bare to turn him away. Dan tried to hold in a shaking sob but it only made him cries louder. His breathing was shaking and he felt as though his lungs would collapse. Give in at any moment.
Dan wraps his arms around Phil’s body tighter. Their chests are pressed together, flesh touching flesh, and Phil feels so comfy and soft and warm. Dan’s crying into his shoulder, babbling incoherent pleas and apologies. “I’m sorry, i’m so sorry. Please don’t leave me. Please. I need you. So much.”
Phil runs his fingers through Dan’s messy hair, making him cry even more because he’s so scared of losing Phil. Losing his touch, his smile, his stupid puns. Dan can’t imagine a life without him.
“I won't leave you. I promise. “ Phil said softly, holding Dan gently, scared of breaking him almost. He wondered what could have made Dan fall apart like this, perhaps a bad dream?
Dan nodded,pulling apart reluctantly.He looked phil straight in the eyes and it only took phil to gently place his hands on dan for everything to come spilling out of his mouth,like an overflowing dam that had finally had its barrier removed.Or the gate separating celebrities from their fans had been broken down.
The thought almost made him giggle.
By the time dan had explained everything to phil,he was engulfed in a comforting hug,Phil gently wiping away the tears freely roaming down dans face.
“- I just…..I was so scared I had lost you” dan blabbed openly while Phil listened “so fucking terrified,had to see your face completely pale and just horrible because fuck phil I love you so goddamn-“
Dan froze,breathing heavily and inconsistent. Fuck,did he just say that?
Did he really just say that?
Before phil even had a chance to respond,dan was up.It had never been a natural instinct of his to face the consequences of what he did,it was always flee the moment he opened his goddamn mouth.
God. This was such a mess.
Dan was already ripping through the blankets,shaking heavily as he almost power-walked to the door,muttering small ‘sorry’s to disguise his obviously fractured breathing pattern.
Everything was spinning,why was everything spinning?
Suddenly an anchor seemed to pull him down,a steady being held him tightly,repeating his name over and over.
It was Phil,that was recognisable,so why couldn’t Dan answer back?
Oh right,he was having a panic attack.
After another 20 minutes of trying to calm dan down, Phil had succeeded. Of course,he was still crying and his breathing was still slightly fragmented and disjunct.
But at least he could breath
“Dan? honestly….” phil shook his head fondly,smile evidently concerned yet amused,eyes twinkling.
“You need to stop jumping to conclusions god…..did you seriously think I would get angry at you telling me you love me? I know that,I love you too,I always have” he chuckled
Dan's heart skipped a beat,his face showing a range of emotions. Confusion, happiness, surprise, hurt from the previous events.
“R-really?” Dan choked.
Phil nodded smiling “of course! You know that! Everyone knows that! After all, you’re my best friend”
And just like that, Dans world crumbled once again.
@phanfictioncatalogue @pfclibrary
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notallthewaycrazy · 7 years
Dazed and Dreaming.
A coffee shop au kinda, sorta, a little bit?
I walk into my favorite little café just like I do on any other Tuesday morning. Adena works today -again just like any other Tuesday morning -it's totally a coincidence, honestly...no its not- she gets my coffee ready before I even get to the counter and as always -once again- it's perfectly warm.
Today she's wearing one of her deep red hijabs with the brightest smile I've ever seen. "Hey Kat, how are you on this lovely morning?",- I can hear the sarcasm in her voice and I know she's been here seen maybe 3am opening for the day but I answer that - "I'm great", anyways *and tell her how beautiful she is*. I didn't think it was possible but her smile gets even prettier somehow everytime I see her. "I'll be on break in 5. Wait for me?" She says and I smile. The lilt of her voice gets me everytime.
Walking over to the table right by the window where I always sit I look out at the sky and the beautiful fall leaves until I feel a tap on my shoulder..........
* Adena and I have been together for a few months now and these are the moments I live for really. She's just sitting across from me with tea in front of her and gazing out the window. "Can I just tell you how beautiful you look in this light babe" She looks at me all bashful, "well I'm flattered you think so Kat". She slips her hand on top of mine and intertwines our fingers smoothing the pad of her thumb over the back of my hand.
"So! When we go to the shelter today can we hold a bunch of kittens???please???"
"What if I told you I wanted to adopt one today?", she asks with hopeful eyes.
"What!? Adena! Yes! Oh my gosh can he or she be really little and have maybe dark gray furr, and be all cuddly and stuff? Adena we can have a little furr baby!"
"Did you know that you're absolutely adorable when you get excited about things?" I can feel myself blushing and she leans over to kiss my cheek -She knows I still get pretty flustered when she compliments me- it only makes me blush more though. Have I mentioned how much I like her?... .....
Walking home from Scarlet and having Adena in my appartment when I arrive has become something I really look forward to. I open the door amd not two seconds later I'm wrapped up on a hug from Adena -who smells amazing- and there's smokey- our adorable gray kitten- sliding up against my ankle- "Hey pretty lady I've already started dinner." We don't live together but Adena can't have pets at her appartment so smokey stays here, it only seemed logical to give her a key -for smokey, not because I'm madly in love with her- "that sounds great babe, can't wait to taste it".............
It's a little after our 2 year anniversary when I finally ask her. "Will you marry me?". She's wearing the same deep red hijab -my favorite- and she's smiling just as bright as that morning that I made that first huge decision. "You are the most fascinating, distracting, most beautiful, smart, caring, funny, amazing person I have ever met. You never fail at throwing me off my game and I'd really like to spend the rest of my life being completely and utterly distracted by and in love with you.".
Her smile, God her smile....
-Why is she talking about Jane and Sutton right now? I mean I love them and they're my best friends and all but I just proposed, I mean come on-
-Why do I smell coffee right now?-...........*
I'm looking out the window until I feel a tap on my shoulder...I hear voices calling my name "Kat"..."Kat"....
Jane and Sutton sit down in front of me and look at me like they know what I'm thinking. Adena passes me and smiles big and bright on the way to sit down on break with one of her coworkers.
"Babe you really have a crush don't you?", says Jane and before I can answer Sutton jumps in with a smirk and says "Did you just see the heart eyes she was sporting Jane, of course she has a crush. It's like she was just sitting here fantasizing about their future or something". She's not teasing just pointing out apparent facts.
I smile and nod my head just the littlest bit. I mean the only conversations we've really ever had are about my coffee order, the fact that we both love cats and the type of perfume she wears -one day I may have made a comment about something smelling good -it was totally her- and she was ever so smooth with her smirk and her wit and told me the name of what she was wearing. But I think her smile means something...I hope her smile means something.
"Guys I think I'm gonna finally ask her out today."
""Kat yes, do your thing go get the girl"
"Good luck, we love you and it's about time"
Time to make a big decision. I'm nervous but I have to do this....
These daydreams are getting way to vivid for me not to. Also I just really love that deep red hijab. And her smile....God her smile.
*Little did Kat know she was about to change both of there lives forever. Her daydreams weren't exactly 100% correct, but on the day that thay make their wedding vows and they're in front of their closest friends and family she's going to be sure to mention the day she made her big decision. The day she decided to ask the Girl of her daydreams out. When Adena was wearing the deep red hijab, the brightest smile Kat had ever seen, and the future was resting in her eyes.*
Everything about her just had Kat so dazed. Always dreaming.
DISCLAIMER: this is my first fic and if someone wrote something like this it would probably leave me also dazed but a little confused? I apologize for it but I couldn't get this out of my head. Thanks have a good day. 😆
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sugasgrowl · 7 years
Things Never Changed
Group: Got7
Member: Mark Tuan
Pairing: member x reader
Genre: Angst/Fluff
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2739
Okay so I’m slowly becoming Got7 trash thanks to @fortheloveofsuga (fuck you for giving me “feelings”) so I was compelled to write something for them. I just kinda wrote this at like 3am on my phone and debated on whether not to post it, but I decided I would. :) 
@seokvie @gotsinvn @mark-myass (i know y’all appreciate Got7 so here ya go *insert side eye emoji*)
There’s an old philosophy that says “absence makes the heart grow fonder”. The sentiment seems beautiful. Poetic, even. The thought that your absence from someone’s life will be an ever-present hollowness that makes it nearly impossible to complete simple daily tasks--the constant memory of the one you love dancing along the edges of your mind, just barely out of reach from your shaking and nostalgic fingers. The deep and meaningful love a connection that is blatant and comforting and unwavering, even with thousands of miles of ocean separating you. Poetic, indeed.
But it's just not realistic.
Mark rested his forehead against the cool glass, the earth an inky black top spinning in slow motion below him--twinkling gold and blinding white flecks of city lights flickering meekly in the never ending tar-like expanse of sleeping civilization that was creeping painstakingly slow underneath the plane. To no avail, he tried to still his shaking leg, to relax his muscles and sleep, but his body was completely indifferent to the fact that he hadn’t gotten more than three hours of sleep in the past two days. He sighed deeply and adjusted the earbuds shoved carelessly in his ears. The loud and percussive drum beats stitched together in the song that played at a volume far too loud to be healthy going unnoticed for the third hour in a row, his racing mind too clouded with her and his belly too full of nerves to give a damn. He was so ready to get home to her.
Four months. That's how long it had been since he’d held her. Since he could let his dark irises, heavily lidded and glazed with the haze brought on by countless rounds of passionate sex, drink in her every detail and attempt to commit every blemish, freckle, scar, and pore to memory. Four whole months since he could reach out and brush the tips of his fingers along the seam of her kiss-swollen lips without the harsh screen of a phone or laptop getting in his way. Since he could hear her loud, genuine laughter without the crackle of a phone speaker rudely interrupting.
It was fucking torture.
At first, they did their best to squeeze phone calls and late night FaceTime sessions into their (well, his) busy schedules, determined to do everything in their power to make it a functioning relationship. The calls were filled with lazy smiles and bursts of high pitched hyena laughter as he would retell his tales of touring, most of them involving Jackson’s shenanigans. She would always stare at the pixelated version of him on her phone screen, her smiling eyes twinkling brightly. More often than not he would attempt to continue with his stories and try to ignore the way his heart beat just a little faster at the weight of her gaze.
He would get distracted by her half smile, losing his train of thought and his ability to form a complete sentence.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” he’d muse, his piercing laugh and the faint pink dusting of embarrassment blooming on his cheeks made her smile grow in size.
She'd shrug and shake her head, her smile nearly blinding.
“I'm just really proud of you.”
But all too soon one of them would be mumbling incoherently, drunk on exhaustion.
The frequent calls lasted about a month before the reality began to set in that long distance relationships are hard, the real world marching forward to yank them out of the honeymoon phase by their toenails.
Reality wasn't whispered sweet-nothings and hours of sleep lost due to the giddiness brought on by hearing each other’s voices. It was one of them--usually Mark--barely able to keep his eyes open, regardless of the time of day they found time to talk. It was him forgetting to let her know that he wouldn't be able to get in touch, and her waiting for hours until anger burned her throat like acid. Or her hearing a rumor that he was seeing someone else and calling him in tears, desperate for reassurance. Or simply both of them missing each other so deeply that they questioned if the pain was worth it in end.
The triggers almost never changed, regardless of the country he travelled to.
There were time zones, really fucking crazy time zones. There were drops in service. Hours and hours of radio silence, one of them almost always busy with their lives and responsibilities. Neither of them were strangers to misplaced anger, the bitter words and sharp comments climbing from deep inside them like a beast that had been lying dormant while Mark had been staying at her apartment like a semi-normal boyfriend.
Opposed to never ending patience and understanding, real life wormed its way into their hearts. But despite the ridiculous strain that came with a long distance relationship (and an idol relationship on top of that), there was faith that they could make it. There was the hope that they could last, the brief and fleeting moments of happiness a flickering candle flame. A beacon of light to lead them through the fights and frustrations.
Reality was hardly hearing from her, or her from him, in two and a half weeks aside from the argument they had three nights before. Reality was him sending her a text saying My flight should land around 2:30 and having two letters stare him blankly in the face, speaking volumes more than she did after she hung up on him for snapping at her all those days ago.
[10:45pm] Ok.
He was unsure at what point during the flight he fell asleep, but Mark awoke with a start, Jaebum’s warm hand firmly shaking his shoulder. Mark squinted up at his leader dumbly, red marks temporarily marring his lean face from the way he had rested his cheek against the sill of the tiny window. Still dazed and confused as to what city and time zone they were in, it wasn't until Jaebum uttered a sleepy “C’mon. Let's go home” that Mark realized they were back in Seoul. He jumped up so fast that he slammed his head on the low ceiling as he scrambled to gather his things, a low and gravelly swear escaping his lips.
The journey through the airport felt like he had lived that particular moment in his life nine hundred and seventy four times already, all the previous tours and fan meetings and times he had to travel for work swirled together like some sort of lethal cocktail--the likeness of it all making his legs grow wobbly and his head spin. People blindly scurried through the terminals like disgruntled ants with the hopes of making it to their flights. Some were sprinting with huge grins on their faces to meet loved ones halfway after being apart for an unknown span of time. Out of the corner of his eye, Mark watched the emotional moments take place with jealousy simmering in his chest.
I wish we could do that.
He took a deep breath through his nose. If he attempted to share such a loving moment with her in public, there would be drops in sales. Thousands of angry comments directed toward her. They didn’t try to hide their relationship, necessarily. The two of them would go out for coffee or to dinner, occasionally holding hands, but never venturing further than that--partly because of the fear of hate, but also because they weren’t into PDA anyway. They didn’t feel the need to express their feelings for everyone else to see. They found their own language of expressing feelings through gentle brushes of his hand against hers, or the slight quirk of an eyebrow.
God, he missed her so much.
After four months, sixteen whole weeks, he was going to be able to kiss her again. Their plane had touched down a little early. He quickly glanced at his watch and processed the numbers reading 1:45am in blunt white lettering.There was no way she was asleep at that hour. She had always found solace in the way the silver moonlight blanketed her whole universe at night.
She probably waited up, he thought to himself, desperate for his nerves to ease up. His thick brows furrowed. But what if she didn't bother?
The possibility made his stomach feel like it housed a den of snakes, all the excitement of seeing her and the worry of what would come of them after so long apart slithering sickly in his gut. He’d spent so long wishing he could be with her.
What if she decided this isn't worth it? What if she forgot my personality and she's disappointed when I’m still quiet?
He shoved the worries deep down until he could no longer hear them echoing inside his head.
Whatever happens is for a reason. You can't make her stay if things have changed.
When he finally walked up to the door of her apartment, his heart floundered helplessly in his throat. What if she doesn't love me anymore? The thought begged to be coddled, but he immediately snuffed it out.
He didn't need to be worried, because things between them never changed. Deep down he knew that. Or at least he hoped.
Carryon bag thrown over his shoulder and suitcase gripped tightly in hand, he pushed his way through the entryway. Shuffling inside and accidentally closing the door a little bit too hard behind him, he flinched. Back home for twenty seconds and he was already coming off as pissy.
Before he even had the chance to take a step inside the apartment, the bedroom door was being flung open. And there she was.
Messy hair piled on top of her head, not a stitch of makeup on her face. Threadbare and faded t-shirt with her old high school mascot cracked and peeling off the front. Batman pajama pants just a hint too short and exposing the skin of her ankles.
It was her.
Mark almost stopped breathing. He wasn't a sappy guy. He really, really wasn’t. They were the couple who usually poked fun at each other and acted more as best friends than anything else. But seeing her there, staring at him with a sheen of tears glistening in her eyes and a look of utter bewilderment etched into her features, he was in love.
He had known he loved her. He had told her he loved her almost every day, even if that was all he said. But it wasn't until his body acted on instinct and dropped his bags to the floor as she practically flew across the living room and jumped into his open arms that he knew and he felt with every fiber in him that he was madly in love with that girl.
He let out a strangled huff when her legs wrapped themselves around his waist and her arms slung themselves around his neck. She was happy to see him, too. Thank God.
They stayed like that for hazy length of time, the only movements being the way her back quivered as she cried into his neck and the gentle way he swayed their tightly tangled bodies back and forth.
“I’m sor-” Mark’s voice cracked as he muttered the sentiment into her neck, bringing him to the realization that the shame he felt was escaping him in a trickling of hot tears.
“God, I'm so mad at you,” she almost growled. “I missed you so much, you bastard.”
Her words were borderline furious, but her actions were tender and needy--her hands gripping both sides of his face and roughly pulling him into a bruising kiss. It was deep and a full on clashing of tongue and teeth, the both of them willing to do anything to try to convey their feelings without bothering to use words. The taste of her was so overwhelming, warm and slightly sweet with just a hint of mint. She must have just brushed her teeth--he could taste the icy cold flavor of her favorite toothpaste on her lips. He had to bite back a groan of satisfaction when he felt her lick into the heat of his mouth and lightly trace the underside of his tongue with the tip of her own. His grip around her tightened, a sinful sigh rushing past her lips at the closeness, and he seized the opportunity to capture her bottom lip between his teeth and tug.
The way her fingers wove themselves into the hair at the nape of his neck and her nails dug into his scalp drew a sound that was a hybrid between a grunt and a whine from his chest. Any other day and Mark would have probably either laughed at himself or been somewhat embarrassed, but he couldn't bring himself to give a shit. His feet began moving on their own accord and carrying them both in the direction of the bedroom, praying to god that he didn't somehow trip and drop her on her ass in the middle of trying to be good to her.
He gently lay her on her back, the mattress dipping even more when he pressed himself flush against her, his hands grabbing fistfuls of her thighs, her ass, her waist, feeling every part of her that he had been deprived of for four months, until both of his hands cradled her face in his palms and his thumbs were frantically brushing her cheekbones.
Mark forced himself to disconnect from the kiss, a whine of protest falling from the dorky goddess that he was undeniably head over heels for.
“I'm so sorry,” he breathed, forcing himself to look her in the eye and ignore the way her pupils were dilated so much that he was on the edge of falling into the velvety blackness that threatened to swallow him whole.
With every syllable, his lips grazed hers in hopes that the closeness and the way his breath fanned across her face would satisfy her in a minuscule way that he couldn't while he was away.
He reconnected their lips, unable to be without her taste any longer than he had to. Only half in control of his brain, a half-drunken chorus of “God, I’m so sorry. I love you so fucking much. I'm sorry” was mumbled into her mouth, her neck, her shoulder, peppered across her cheeks. He wanted to paint the apology across every inch of her in hopes that the message would somehow sink into her skin and lave at the gaping wound on her heart.
After a few moments, their kisses slowed until they were simply curled up together on her bed, their soft whispers loud enough for only their ears but still under the heavy protection of the pale light of the moon. Her face brushed against his with every expressive scrunch of her nose, and her leg was thrown over his narrow waist--wishing to be close to him in the most innocent and pure way possible. She peeked at him through her lashes, unable to deny the feeling of comfort that swelled in her chest as he traced the seam of her pajama pants, losing himself in the path going from her knee to her hip. A small, tired smile tugged on the corner of her lips.
Mark felt the subtle raise of her cheek and pulled back a bit more to evaluate her expression. His heart stuttered in his chest when he noted the warmth in her gaze.
Things never changed.
“Why are you looking at me that way?” he whispered, a sly smile breaking out across his handsome features.
She placed a lingering kiss on the corner of his mouth before a genuine and heart wrenchingly warm smile nearly split her face at the seams.
“I’m just so proud of you. I love you.”
Mark beamed, his eyes scrunching up at the corners.
“Let's go to bed. We can pick this,” he playfully squeezed her ass, “up tomorrow. I just want to hold you and get some good sleep for once.”
They say distance makes the heart grow fonder, and Mark was unsure if that were true. But he was positive that no matter where in the world he was, no matter how far from her he had to be, the love pooling in his heart belonged to her. He was hers. She was his.
And that never changed.
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