#I won't stop drawing or painting because I love doing that
tomicaleto · 2 years
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jellyfiishatr · 1 year
Being friends with them!!
a/n : just some friendly hang out sessions with the great spider four >_<★!!
Characters : Miles Morales / Gwen Stacy / Pavitr Prabhakar / Hobie Brown
content : headcanon / fluff / platonic / pure silliness
Miles Morales!! (Small Ganke mention!!)
☆ study sessions with these two ofcourse
☆ ^and by study sessions I mean Miles is doing work and Ganke's been done and has been playing videos games since you came over to their dorm
☆ Miles asks for help with English, and you ask for help with whatever you're missing
☆ if not study sesh, then definitely out and about spray painting a new wall
☆ ^I can imagine late night talks with him after he's finished a piece are very heart to heart, he loves to speak his mind to you and hopes you do aswell
☆ I can imagine you meeting his parents are a little nerve wracking since he's mentioned that they didn't like ganke or Gwen
☆ so you tried to be as respectful and kind to them as you possibly could (probably also kissing up to them idk I would too)
☆ if you also do art, you guys compare drawings and give eachother advice on what you need to work on
☆ ^definitely the type to steal your notes and draw in them during class
☆ ^will also steal said notes for a week and forger he has them till your banging on his door in the middle of the night before your assignments due and those notes are very much important to you
Gwen stacy!!
☆ it took a long time for her to actually consider you a friend, a lot of the time you just stayed following her and talking
☆ ^anything you said in those few months prior to her considering you a friend, went through one ear and out the other
☆ She's definitely a teaser, making fun of you in a friendly manner
☆ movie night, or weekly sleepovers at one another's house is a must with her
☆ ^she says she's into horror/action but is really into romcoms, she won't admit that outloud though
☆ I feel like she's really bad at cooking so teaching her how better her cooking skills has definitely happened once or twice
☆ ^she loves when you make her lunches, she usually buys you lunch for the next two days in return
☆ when she's playing the drums you usually sit right outside her window with headphones because she's likes to have her room shut off
☆ ^but she still wants to hang out so she makes you wait outside for about an hour till she's done and has you back inside for dinner
Pavitr Prabhakar!!
☆ Study sessions pt2!
☆ he's a straight A, top of the class student. He doesn't really need to do homework because he does it in class
☆ he does help you with yours though, especially if you're failing
☆ early morning walks, he's an early bird and makes you walk with him because "It's good for the mind!"
☆ if you're not an earlybird, you're grumbling the entire walk about how it's a "weekend" and how "you do this everyday pavitr" and how "you need to stop making me do this"
☆ he doesn't understand whatever you're trying to say and pushes you lightly the rest of the walk (that last part definitelywasnt written by pavitr, no definitely not)
☆ he loves to rant about his girlfriend, talking about how they sneaked out and went on a late night walk that week
☆ if you have an s/o you're definitely talking about them with pavitr, telling him all about them
☆ he's definitely a dog person, he always has a dog following him no matter what
☆ you guys are walking to school? There's a dog right behind you. Hanging out at his house? There's a dog right outside his bedroom window. LITERALLY IN SCHOOL?? A DOG HAS WALKED IN DURING THE MIDDLE OF CLASS AND SAT DOWN NEXT TO HIM WHILE THE TEACHER WAS AWAY
☆ ^everyone think he just has some sort of dog treats on him always but it's really from just recognizing his face from him always feeding them, such a sweetheart
Hobie Brown!!
☆ draws on your hand a lot
☆ ^you always have faded sharpie on you no matter what because of him
☆ you tease him for his accent constantly, saying "pip pip cheerio," or "ello luv." In the most horrible accent ever
☆ You have to go to protests or big government events with him, whether you're political or not he's dragging you along
☆ Always has little trinkets for you everytime you hang out
☆ hang outs in an abandoned building are a daily thing
☆ ^he's probably made you carry a big couch for him to put in a new hang out spot because he said he "knew a place."
☆ he did infact know a place
☆ the playlist guy, he's the one with fire songs to hype everyone up at rallies/protests
☆ knows how to design, outfits, or banners whatever. He knows how to do it right
☆ you'll always have heart to heart conversations with him, early in the morning, mid-day, or late at night
☆ if you ever bring up the topic, "you think we're friends in another universe?" He just looks at you and nods (I've mentioned this before in my hobie hcs)
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lost-and-ephemeral · 2 months
helloooo, can i req cuddling with love and deepspace boys? :))
Imagine: Loving Embrace (ft. main trio)
Pairing: Xavier x reader, Zayne x reader, Rafayel x reader (seperate)
Tags: pure fluff
A/N: i'm still feeling pretty bad mentally because too many things happened and i'm no longer taking antidepressants, but this little cute request was hard to resist ♡ I decided to focus on different situations instead of writing simple hcs for cuddles
-`♡´- MASTERLIST -`♡´- 
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Rafayel: Cuddles for Inspiration
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"Come here, I can't find my inspiration without you."
At least that's what Rafayel always says when he can't find the right balance between painting and wanting to spend time with you. So why not combine both!
Yes, he's covered in paint and, yes, its smell completely soaked his clothes, but you never say no to him. How could anyone resist his cute pouty face when he's asking for something like this?
The moment Rafayel pulls you by the waist and sits you on his lap, be prepared to spend a very, very long time like this. Especially if he's really inspired by your closeness.
And he just can't let go of his muse in the middle of the creative process, right?
Rafayel holds you firmly but gently by your waist while his chin rests on your shoulder. His eyes are either closed as he thinks about something or focused on the canvas.
Sometimes his fingers draw invisible abstract shapes on your waist. He does it instinctively, without thinking. Or he plays with your own fingers while he draws details with his other hand.
"See? Without you, this painting wouldn't be complete."
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Zayne: Cuddles for Productivity
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"I need some cuddles to promote the production of oxytocin."
Zayne… Always remains Zayne, covering up his own desire to be closer to you with various medical terms and researches. It is cute in it's own way, actually.
He loves it when you hold him in your arms and he can completely relax for a while, resting his head on your chest and listening to your heartbeat. He'll definetely call it a way to check your heath too.
Zayne loves to cuddle before or after work most of the time, but he won't refuse to be there for you during his break at work.
He needs to find the energy to keep working, after all.
He probably prefers to keep quiet during yor cuddling session, but if you want to tell him something, go ahead, Zayne won't say a word against it.
In fact, he even enjoys hearing your stories. Just make sure they don't contain things about your work that might alarm him. Otherwise, he might go back into strict doctor mode. But it's still only because of his love and care for you.
"Have you heard that hugs or any other show of affection can have health benefits, including reducing fear, stress, and pain? So it is good for both of us."
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Xavier: Cuddles for Sleep
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"My internal battery is completely drained."
And with these words Xavier will make himself comfortable in your arms while you're lying on the couch or bed and scrolling on social media.
And that's not even a joke, he's actually completely exhausted after spending the last couple days on missions without proper rest. You know Xavier, he either works non-stop or goes into hibernation after that. It'll take some time to change his habits.
In this state, he's more like a big plush toy, and you can do whatever you want with him. But the best idea is to play with his hair. This action always relaxes him.
After all, only in your hands he can find such a desired comfort.
Xavier will tell you about how his last mission went while you cuddle. Well, he will try to do it before sleep finally consumes him. And you'll be able to hear perfectly how his voice grows quieter and quieter with each word.
He's so cute when he's sleepy, isn't he? You can even tell him that to get a quiet chuckle in return. Xavier doesn't mind your little teasing.
"It's so warm in your arms, I swear I… I can't stay awake anymore…"
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diorcities · 9 months
⠀   ⠀ ── 𖥻 ๋ 𓈒 ⭐ ࣪ ࣭ ◍ ᜔ being a sleepy head !
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nct dream fluff headcanon.
jaemin. at midnight, the sheets tangle on your limbs as his fingers run down your spine in a deliberate gesture. your tongue tangles in your palate and feels heavy as you talk about trivial things while he listens patiently. smiling sweetly when you can't follow the thread of your thoughts at the speed you desire, and your eyes look one last glimpse into his loving eyes before plunging you into a deep sleep. your body is covered by a blanket and you barely hear his voice saying “let's meet again in your dreams.” warming the place where your heart rests.
haechan. he is a night person. even with his schedules, he usually has more sleep resistance than you. you've both put on a series that you've been wanting to watch together, and since I this moments don't happen very often, you plan to spend the whole day curled up next to him. his body is so warm, and his grip comforting, that you soon decide to leave him to go to the ethereal world of dreams. and among the semi-unconsciousness, you think you feel his laugh poking you, “unbelievable, why you choose that boring movie if you were going to fall asleep?” just feeling your body being gently drawn to his “i'll tell you how the movie ends in the morning.”
jisung. the different time zones had your internal clock pretty damaged and crazy, to the point where you slept all afternoon and were more than awake at night. therefore, your night endurance is greater than jisung's. even on his day off, the poor boy does nothing but sleep. silence settles in the room when you know he's not listening to you anymore, hearing to the slight snoring of the boy with the cold nose on your neck, feeling him stir between dreams, “oh- fuck,” he murmurs, nuzzling his face, “did i fall asleep?” he asks. “pretty much, yeah.” you hear his muffled laugh, but deep down it makes you happy that he rests properly, especially when you know his workday. his only response is get closer to you. “keep talking, i swear i won't fall asleep this time.” quick spoiler: he did.
mark. it is a habit to put on a film and not pay attention to it while talking and using it as background noise. both of you have fairly tight schedules, and believe it is possible to do everything at the same time, such as ordering food delivery and chatting while watching a movie. but honestly, you are so exhausted, that the film takes a back seat while you both have your intimate moment full of kisses and caresses. it's impossible not to fall asleep for both of you. and even in the limbo of dreams, you're there with him, and he's talking to you while he sleeps, “i love you.”
renjun. he does not usually rest for long, and many times (only when you are aware that he is not by your side sleeping) you see him at his desk writing new entries in his diary, or painting with his watercolors. you are aware, too, that he does that when he is very overwhelmed or overloaded with things. and even when he goes back to bed the moment you notice his absence and wake up, or call his name, you worry that he's keeping him hidden from you; the way he uses art to release all the weight that keep him awake. “you scared me,” he pronounces shyly when you approach him and rest your head on his shoulder, “i woke you up? forgive me...” he stops his word when you shake your head, “should we go to bed, then?” he wonders, but again, you deny. “finish this first, love.” you smile tenderly, snuggling into him as he returns to his drawing: somewhat kind of similar to you.
chenle. having a tight schedule makes it difficult to see chenle often. you never seem to coincide because you leave first thing in the morning and when you arrive exhausted to sleep, chenle returns until late at night. he scolds you on occasion when you insist on staying up even when you both know that means you'll feel sleepy at work. in the end, he lets you do what you want, because deep down, he misses your long chats before going to bed. “so... one of my... coworkers said...” your eyelids close on their own, you swear by your life. and your tongue feels so heavy, but you must keep going, because seriously, seriously it's funny, “have you- seen my... sandwich?... and i said..., it's in...” chenle waits for the punchline while he strokes your hair, but it never comes, so with a amused smile dancing on his lips, he turns off the lamp. “your mouth?” he wonders at the ceiling, widening his eyes, “the toilets?”
jeno. the letters change places when you look at them for a long time. you blink, your eyelids heavy linger towards the empty coffee cup next to your notes; your attempt to do an all-nighter has been unsuccessful as you feel the sleep spell take control of your body. “come, darling,” seems to whisper sandman in your ear. as you are in the limbo between the two universes, your body seems to float and be welcomed by his warm embrace, followed by the gentle movement that lullies you back when jeno takes you to his room.
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thelov3lybookworm · 9 months
Remember me? (Part 2)
Part 1
Summary: Under the Mountain, Y/n met the High Lord of the Night Court, Rhysand. She was scared of him, but soon she found out that he wasn't who he pretended to be. Despite her efforts at not falling in love with him, she fails. It's not that bad as he loves her back.
But now he's gone, and she's left alone with nothing.
Except for a very adorable reminder of him.
Tw: secret pregnancy, none more that I can think of, so let me know if I need to add anything.
Her blood boiled as she watched Rhys talk to her son. Fin nodded eagerly before turning back to the drawing in front of him. She had seen enough when the bastard had the audacity to to hold her son's hand and help him with the painting.
"Fin! I'm back baby!" Y/n announced, walking up behind her son. He looked up smiling as the High Lord went rigid.
"Can I finish this mama? Its almost done." He said, pointing to the paper he was colouring on with crayons. Y/n smiled and nodded.
"I need to talk to someone. You finish it, I'll be right here." And then she had grabbed Rhys's collar and tugged, and he stood without much fuss, following her out the doors and around the corner.
"No Rhysand. What about 'stay away from him' do you not understand?"
"You can't keep me away from him forever. He's my son–"
"He stopped being yours the moment you left me and him to fend for ourselves."
"I didn't know!"
"Exactly. Because if you knew, you wouldn't have left and I would never have found out what an asshole you are. And, despite how much I hate you for leaving us, I'm grateful that you did, because it opened my eyes to how distrustful males are. My son deserves better than that."
"She was my mate! Don't tell me you wouldn't have done the same thing." His eyes looked so helpless that for a moment Y/n felt bad. But then she shook her head. She needed to be strong, for her son, and for her own sanity.
"I wouldn't have done that, Rhys. Because, no other love would compare for the one I had for you. I would atleast not have abandoned you without preamble." Her eyes prickled, and she looked away from the male she had loved more than she had loved her own life. "Stay. Away. From. Him."
"How do you expect me to stay away from my own blood? I can't do it, when he'd be in front of me. You can't do this to me. You can't do this to him."
"If him being in front of you is the problem, then you won't see him again."
"I was here because someone said that this place would keep us safe from my father. Guess I'll find another court to keep him safe."
"You can't..."
She gave him a hard stare. "I can and I will."
Then she turned and went to retrieve her son. As soon as she entered the art studio, Fin ran upto her, giggling.
"Hello again mama!"
Y/n smiled. "Hello baby. Did you enjoy?"
"Yes! I also made a new friend. Come." He dragged her to where Feyre was sitting, a small boy speaking enthusiastically to her as she smiled. Fin touched the other boys shoulder, who immediately grinned when he turned. "Mama, this is Nyx."
"Hello Nyx. How are you doing today?" Y/n asked, crouching down. She knew exactly who Nyx was, she had heard that the High Lord of Night had a son, but she hadn't wanted to believe it.
Nyx looked exactly like Fin, and it unnerved her. Only difference was that Fin's eyes were so dark they were almost black, and his hair, which was white. Y/n's mother had white hair, and that's where Fin got it from.
Feyre's hand which was resting on Nyx's shoulder tightened, and when Y/n glanced at her, she realised Feyre thought Y/n wanted to hurt him. The both of them maintained eye contact, for long enough that Feyre understood that Y/n would never hurt any child, it didn't not matter that the child in question was a stark reminder that her first and only love had left her for someone else.
"I am good. How are you?" Nyx said, then glanced at his mother to see if he'd said the right thing. Feyre smiled and nodded.
That was when Rhysand stepped into the art studio. When Y/n glanced at him, he froze. When he found her talking to his son, he came to stand next to Feyre, his eyes now locked on Fin.
"Mama, remeber how I said I wanted a baby brother? Nyx's younger than me and I feel like he's my younger brother." Fin said, and Nyx nodded enthusiastically as the two boys started taking excitedly.
The two kids didn't notice that their parents had gone rigid, staring at them.
Y/n glanced at Feyre, who stared at her, her eyes swirling with emotion. Y/n swallowed before smiling. "That he could be. But can we talk about it some other time? Is getting late. We need to go home."
"Okay mama. Bye bye Nyx." Fin waved at Nyx, who waved back.
Before they could exit the studio though, Feyre walked upto Y/n.
"I'm sorry. I didn't know you two were–"
But Y/n smiled, shaking her head. "Its okay. It's not your fault he's an– a bad person." She barely stopped herself from saying asshole. Fin peeked at her curiously as she said goodbye to Feyre, patting her shoulder, before walking out.
Y/n stared fondly at her son as she and Fin sat on a bench right next to the Sidra. They were in an ice cream parlour's outdoor seating area as Fin happily licked away at the treat in his hands.
It had been a week since they had gone to the High Lady's art studio. He had expected to go there again, but Y/n didn't trust Rhysand, and so Fin had given her an offer. She had to let him have ice cream for a whole week without restrictions and paint with him if she didnt want him to go to the art studio.
Y/n had, of course, agreed, shaking her head at her sons antics. That little boy was smart, and he had somehow picked up on his mother's unease around Nyx's father.
After she had agreed to his terms though, he had laughed and said he didn't even want to go there again and just wanted her to agree to his demands. Y/n had gaped at his little figure as he ran off to play with his toys.
While Y/n was busy with her thoughts, she didn't realise Fin had finished his ice cream and was now staring at someone nearby.
Y/n realised it was a male, who leaned against the railing and was making faces at Fin, who giggled. He had red hair and amber eyes, and he was easily the most beautiful man Y/n had ever seen. She smiled. It was heartwarming that a stranger would do something to make her son happy.
"Mama, he has red hair." Fin stated, making her blink.
"Yes darling, he does." Y/n muttered as she cleaned his face of the sticky dessert, wiping his hands down. "Why are you telling me that?"
"I have not seen many people with red hair." He said before jumping off the bench and running towards the exit. He was halfway to it when he tripped over his own feet.
Y/n shot up, running to him. But before she could get to him, the stranger was already helping him up.
"You shouldn't run. You'll get hurt." The red haired male said as he brushed down Fin. Y/n reached them just then, crouching next to the male.
"Are you okay? How many times do I have to tell you to not run." She murmured, clutching her son to her chest. When he pulled away, there were fat tears running down his chubby cheeks. "What happened? Did you get hurt?" He nodded, pointing to his knees, which had scraped and blood seeped from the tiny cut on it. "Oh my poor baby. We'll get you patched up, yeah?" He nodded again.
"I don't think you'll be able to walk very nicely with that wound. Let me help you." He suddenly picked Fin up, standing.
"It's okay. I'll take him. " She stood and turned to the male, who shook his head.
"Please, I'll be happy to help."
Y/n knew it was dangerous to trust someone who she just met, but for some reason, she felt like she could trust this male. So she told him that her house was nearby.
During the whole walk, she stayed silent, studying the man, who was talking to Fin as if his life depended on it. She felt like she knew him somehow, but that would be impossible.
Soon, they were at the apartment that they lived in, and the man dutifully handed her son back to Y/n.
"I don't think I caught your name."
"Eris." He smiled, looking for any reaction on her face.
She wracked her brain for something, anything that she might know about an Eris. And then it clicked.
"You're the High Lord of Autumn Court. What are you doing in Velaris?"
He shrugged. "I was allowed entry due to an alliance with the High Lord. First time visiting this place."
Y/n nodded. Then she said goodbye to Eris, turning to go into her apartment when Fin waved to him, smiling. "Bye bye."
"Bye Finnian."
"Will we meet again?" Y/n froze, staring at the little kid in her arms before glancing at Eris.
"I sure hope so. And if your mother allows it." He said, his eyes twinkling and curling at the edges.
Fin cheered, before Eris bowed and walked away, hands in pockets. Y/n watched after him, wondering for a moment before entering her house.
She knew if Fin met Eris again, he would be very happy. She hoped they would, as she wanted nothing more than her son's happiness.
And somewhere, deep inside her soul, something ancient and primal would also be happy, but she didn't know that.
The ancient and primal thing which had begun to come out of hiding, slowly but surely.
Taglist: @awoa1 @cleverzonkwombatsludge @luvmoo @we-were-beautiful @eerievixen @zoe2 @fussel9913 @j-pendragonx @thesnugglingduck @jesssicapaniagua @devilsnightz @esposadomd @littleffawn @mandowhatnow @bubybubsters @eos-princess
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klmp11s · 20 days
Hello! Hope your requests are on! I was hoping you'll do my request (M reader)
First years where they were having a ruckus and broke one of the reader's favorite and proudest paintings (ripped and wood broken in pieces) COUGHACECOUGH. They tried to hide it but sadly they had to show it. Reader tries not to show any hard feelings against them because it's an accident but they were really devastated because their hard work was basically thrown out of the window but they try not to show their sadness to a painting! It's a painting, it doesn't matter at all obviously! They've been spacing out and their mood is slightly down because of it but yk they try not to show it :3
HELLO BB, SORRY FOR MAKING YOU WAIT SO LONG 😭😭I loved this request so much.(English is not my first language, sorry for any mistakes)
Summary: The first-year students accidentally broke a reader's painting Characters: Ace Trappola, Deuce Spade, Jack Howl, Epel Felmier, Sebek Zigvolt Warning: male!reader, slight hurt/comfort? I'm not sure, it's mostly soft, ooc(?), (the boys themselves draw a painting for you)
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Ace Trappola
Lmao this request was totally for him He is literally sure that now you will not talk to him. The moment when he broke the picture: his heart stopped for a moment and he just looks at WHAT EXACTLY broke with the thoughts that firstly, he will be killed, and secondly, he will kill himself, when he sees your upset face When instead of swearing and arguing, you just quietly say something like “it's just a painting, Ace, it doesn't matter.” He definitely feels worse than if you yelled and kicked him out. He definitely doesn’t believe everything you say like “it’s okay/you can go, I’ll clean everything up/don’t worry so much.” He sees how your hands are shaking, you know? He cleans everything himself. Seriously: boy won't even let you touch the broken frame. After that, he almost runs to his dorm to ask what he should do. Like, he just broke that thing that you kept so carefully and admiringly told and showed him how to make amends? They literally give him a plan with point by point advice so that he doesn’t ruin anything. 1. Bring you a gift to replace what he broke. He definitely wasn't thrilled with the idea of painting you a picture with his own hands, but it would still be fair. Effort for effort, understand? 2. Apologies. From the bottom of his heart, with words through his mouth, so that you can see and HEAR that he is very sorry and he really didn’t want this to happen. 3. Don't put pressure on you. Give you time and not pry into your personal space, you need to think about everything, right? 4. Next comes action based on the situation. No matter how crookedly he got it, he definitely painted you a picture from the bottom of his heart. Well, now you just need to apologize, right? … Okay, this is a lot more complicated than he thought. What should he say? “please forgive me for breaking your most beloved, dear, beautiful painting that you spent many hours on, I’m very sorry”? He doesn’t know at all how to choose the words to make it right. As a result, he decides that the apology can be sorted out as the situation progresses. Literally as soon as he crosses your threshold, RIVERS of words and sentences flow from his mouth. With one hand he pulls the picture towards you, and the other frantically waves it in different directions. You can literally hear him begin to choke while he non-stop tries to apologize to you. Eventually, he stops talking and holds out his hand with the painting and looks at you. The longer the silence lasts, the more he thinks he did something wrong. Maybe you didn’t want to see him, but he almost burst into your room? Could it be something even worse? Then he hears you quietly giggling. Okay, super, great, that's a good sign. His eyes are glued to your face and he sees how you look at his “painting” that he painted for you. It's not so bad, you're even surprised. Okay, maybe art from the heart really does matter. You carefully walk past Ace and he watches as you carefully hang his painting in the place where your painting previously hung. Okay, OKAY THAT'S definitely a VERY good sign. Okay, now he sees your sly look and understands that now he will have to explain himself about the new love language. And perhaps someday in the future he will receive one painting especially for him?
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Deuce Spade
Please, he's so sweet, I'm sure he caused a cauldron that accidentally flew into the wall. 😭 But now, he is literally in PANIC when he sees that it is not a vase or something else that has broken, but YOUR FAVORITE PAINTING I'm not sure he would try to hide it because he would literally try to put the pieces and pieces of the painting back together while looking like a panicked puppy The moment he sees you, he will begin to apologize, cling to your sleeves and ASK TO FORGIVE HIM because he didn’t do it on purpose, really. Afterwards, when your face turns from confusion to slight grief, he realizes that everything is VERY BAD When he is already returning to the room, he calls his mother to find out what to do. He has absolutely no idea how to improve the situation. Even if his mother jokingly says to paint a painting for you, he takes it seriously. It will be fair! He will definitely need a few days and advice from older students, I think this is his first experience in something so creative. Especially if the painting is for you. He loves you, he is sorry that this happened and he wants you to not be sad anymore, understood? At the same moment when he finishes the picture, he almost runs towards you. Does the paint take some time to dry? Well, they'll dry while he's running, lol. You are sitting in your room sad because of him, so he should bring a smile to your face as soon as possible! (He didn't hurt it, really. He is very careful with what he does for you.) When you open the door to let him in, the first thing you see is the canvas he holds out to you. Unusual? Unusual. His apology is quiet. Of course, there are many of them and they are really sincere, that he tries not to ruin the moment and speaks quietly. When he sees your soft gaze focused on the painting, he becomes silent and looks at you. He was never an artist, but what he did for you is priceless. You look from the painting to the empty wall, and say that his idea to fill the void is quite good. You decide to give the painting time to dry, carefully leaving it horizontal. Well, now all your attention is focused on Deuce, you still have to talk to him, right? By the time he leaves your room, the painting is almost dry. (I'm sure he will also hang it on the wall himself. It was his fault that it fell, and it was his initiative that it will hang.)
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Jack Howl
I can't even imagine how this happened A second, the picture is already on the floor and he is completely confused. Afterwards he sees the reason for the loud sound and he LITERALLY: 😦😧😨 Okay, he definitely, like Deuce, will try to collect all the pieces so that you don’t accidentally get hurt, but there’s literally a crisis going on in his head. He accidentally broke something you've been working on for just over a month, it's a disaster. At the moment he is ALREADY thinking about how he should apologize to you. As soon as he sees you and your sad eyes, his ears literally press to his head. To all his apologies you respond “I know you didn’t do it on purpose. It's okay, it's nothing more than just a painting." Well, now he is more than sure that he needs something more than a verbal apology. The first thing that came to his mind: something that he himself would treasure, at that same second an idea comes to him: Make something for you that is equivalent to what was broken. Jack knows he's not an artist or anything, but for you, he's really willing to try. And after that, you will again be able to have fun with him and you will take care of the cacti in his room together! Oh. He definitely decided that it would be an apology for you. He would also ask the older students in his dorm for advice, and maybe even Vil, since he doesn't really understand art. But, I am more than sure that he is trying to paint a picture for you as neatly and pleasing to the eye as possible. The day after he finished the painting, he would pick up one of his cacti for you along with any little thing you like and head over to you. Once you let him into your room, he hands you a carefully wrapped canvas and a small patterned bag. Okay, now he's trying to find words for you. As soon as you open the package, he starts apologizing to you. Sincerely. Out of the corner of your eye you see how nervously his tail is darting and you turn your gaze from the cactus he gave him to the painting. Did he draw this himself? You hear him quiet down a little when you take the picture in your hands and looks into your face with hope. A soft smile touches your lips. And really, he tried so hard to make amends to you that he was ready to paint a painting for you himself? You hold out the canvas to him and ask him to hang it in the place where your painting previously hung. You carefully take the plant he gave you and place it nearby with your new decorative item. Did he really try that hard for you? Now, you can go somewhere together and relax, and when you return, your new favorite painting will be waiting for you.
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Epel Felmier
Please, I’m not sure that in principle he could reach your painting /j But let's skip this point. Now all that was left was: him, the broken picture on the floor that you had been telling him about for a week, and panic. He is literally ready to hide all the evidence the moment he realizes that you will be broken just like your painting. When he hears your steps behind him, he is ready to be thrown out of the room and not be spoken to again. But all you told him: “Epel, it’s just canvas and paints. Tell me better, weren't you hurt? Did you accidentally cut yourself?” ok, now it would be better if you silently kicked him out of the room. He begins to apologize to you and words like “to a strong man, the fragments could hardly harm me” definitely slip into his speech. After that, he immediately headed to his dorm. Perhaps he definitely needs help. As he tells Vil his problem, he sneaks a glance at Rook, who looks like he's already aware of what happened. Okay, now all hope lies with these two, he doesn’t know how best to apologize to you. The idea about the painting was definitely suggested by Vil himself, but Rook added that he should apologize to you in detail. Not as Rook himself would have done, but approximately. Fine. There is a rough plan of action, but one problem: Epel has absolutely no idea how to paint. It looks like he will have to spend even more time with these two, but you are at stake and for your sake he is ready to spend as much time with the members of the verbal dorm as necessary The phrase “art takes time” becomes one of his least favorites. He wants to finish as soon as possible and come running to you with all the speeches he could come up with, but he has to wait until the painting dries. In the morning, when everything is finally ready, he almost knocks over a couple of students as he runs towards you. As soon as he crosses the threshold of your room, one of his hands is in yours and the other is holding out a painting to you. Well, this is the most unusual morning you could have. You, still sleepy, look at the painting in your hand and distantly hear Epel's apology. A smile touches your lips. Was he really that worried about this all this time? You remove your hand from his and ruffle his hair. HE WILL NOT LET YOU HANG THE PICTURE I'm serious. If necessary: HE IS READY TO CLIMB ON A CHAIR, TABLE, IT DOESN’T MATTER, BUT HE WILL DO IT
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Sebek Zigvolt
He did this because it wasn't Malleus in the painting/j To be honest, I don't even know how this could happen. Most likely, he hit something, and that “something” dropped the painting… But okay, now he’s confused What fell? Oh.. OH WAIT He just dropped and broke a painting of his loved one. He would help you pick up the broken pieces and try to apologize to you. Moreover, I am sure that the apology will be quiet, in a whisper, rather than his usually loud voice. He's really sorry that this happened when you respond with something like, “It's okay. It’s just a painting” he really feels guilty. Okay, now he needs help apologizing to you properly. A true knight should not upset those he loves. And now.. His Diasomnia group is trying to help him. But I'm more than sure that Silver came up with the idea for the painting. (You can start fighting me, I'm ready.) Malleus and Lilia offered more ideas for verbal apologies, maybe even written ones, but the moment Silver woke up and listened to part of their conversation, he offered to give you a painting. Still, the painting that was dear to you was broken, so why shouldn’t he make amends by painting a new one for you himself? But even so, I think that all three helped Sebek in painting the picture. He must do it with love, right? And love is a rather fragile thing, so he shouldn’t rush so much. He could have written you a letter of apology, but I think he decided to stick with a verbal apology. When he finished the picture, I think that his Diasomnia group lastly gave him advice or some quotes for an apology 😭 The moment he entered your room, he began to ask for your forgiveness more loudly than last time. In the middle of his monologue, he handed you a picture from behind and He didn’t look at your face anymore. Yes, he painted this picture, please forgive him, but he can't look you in the eyes, he will stumble and forget what he was talking about 😭 When he hears your quiet laugh, he falls silent and watches you approach the empty wall. A couple of seconds and he understands what you want to do. Okay, honey, he's glad you forgive him, but take your hands off and let him hang the picture. He will do it himself, you understand? Afterwards, he could invite you to take a walk with him, but, of course, when he is absolutely sure that you feel better than before
The characters do not belong to me, they belong to their rightful owners, please do not edit, translate, repost my works on other platforms, also without my permission and @
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heavencanbeaprisontoo · 5 months
Living with Arthur Headcanons
Warnings: Mildly suggestive, references to PTSD, period-typical toxic masculinity. Angst and Fluff ahead.
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Relationship Hcs
Arthur is the sort of man that wants to appear to the world as strong and confident, because that benefits him a lot in his line of work. The men that answer to him fear him. As they should. Arthur Shelby is not a man to be messed with or teased without great caution. However, Arthur is simultaneously very sensitive and gentle. He reminisces about the past and longs for a kind future for himself. Arthur is also a man with wounds and scars he can’t quite close. So, it goes without saying that loving Arthur means to love two men at once. 
The Arthur who comes home to you on “a bad day,” is a man who melts in your arms. He comes through your door some days and just holds you. He can worry you a lot on days like those. Where he cries and can’t stop. Arthur just needs you so badly and he despises how useless it leaves him. All you can do is undress him and draw a bath for him. Depending on his state, you’ll join him and help him wash before helping him off to bed. 
He never means to rely on you like this. Arthur hates how his mind and it's jagged edges dig into you. You have shared many talks at night about "where his head is at." Tommy often comes up. And it is often Tommy that causes fights between you two. Arthur wants to be a family man and move to the country, but he won't. Not so long as Tommy needs him. And Tommy always needs him. But he put him in positions where he could be sent to prison for life, or where Arthur could be killed. The worst fights end with Arthur storming out of the house and coming back to you with bloody knuckles and a night where, "Nothing much," happened.
When you fight, Arthur is the one who apologizes first. Usually with flowers or a box of sweets. He likes to explain the entire process he went through to get the peace offering to buy himself time before saying, "I was wrong for that, yeah," or "I don't always do right, but I want to. I do."
Arthur wants to keep you clean from all the things he does for the family. He doesn't know what he would do if you were hurt.
Domestic Hcs
Arthur is completely helpless in the kitchen. He was totally content buying a meal or eating butter on toast. Coming home to you cooking was a welcome surprise. His own mother didn’t try to cook. Even if the meal you make is simple, or even burnt, Arthur will praise it like it’s the greatest thing anyone’s ever made ever. If you were to have guests over and they insulted you, Arthur would physically remove them from the house unless they were family.
You knew that Arthur’s trust for you was absolute when he asked you to help him shave. The first time you put the straight razor to his throat, you were terribly nervous. His eyes were closed, and his body relaxed. You carried on with his shave and from then on he only went to you for that task. It became a part of your routine, and a way to reinforce his trust in you. 
There are things that happen in your home that Arthur will never confess to. His pride won’t let him. One of these things is that he paints your nails for you. Neither of you can recall who suggested it. Arthur’s hands are so steady and he gets to focused, he paints your nails far better than you can. In a way, you think it might be his way of repaying you for his clean shaves. 
Arthur likes to watch you get dressed in the mornings, which isn’t always sexual for him… but it usually is. A part of his attraction comes from knowing that only he gets to see you this way. No makeup, messy hair, groaning and clumsy as you try to get ready for the day. There’s something hypnotizing about watching you do your morning routine. How you stretch from the bed and bring your nightgown over your head. The way your hair tumbles over your shoulders, the messiness of it. He would love to record the way you say, “G’morning love,” with that rasp to your voice that sleep gives it. It is a common thing with Arthur to pull you back to bed when you say that. 
He likes to make moments at home last. They make him feel at peace. They make him feel clean. Though he sometimes worries that all he's done is smear the blood from his hands to your pure soul.
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oh-koenig-my-koenig · 6 months
Young König
the headcannons about könig in Fit for a King made me think about young könig a lot
(cw: body image, alcoholism)
he totally would have listened to metallica as a teenager in the 90s
like just sitting at his desk, BLASTING 'ride the lightning' until his grandma came in and yelled at him (even though she doesn't like to yell at her sweetest grandchild at all)
I can see it right in front of my eyes, young long-haired könig sitting on his bed with a bass in his hands (@kathy-ifnt this is your fault btw) that he spent all of his saved Schilling (the Austrian currency before the euro) on
playing along to ‘enter sandman’, wearing a black sabbath shirt and boxershorts, his right arm is full of sharpie drawings that he can't wait to get tattooed as soon as he's old enough. the long hair hanging over his face, the tips of the brown strands grazing the instrument in his lap
the walls are plastered with posters and drawings of his favourite bands and artists, if his Oma would let him he would just paint the walls. the white paint is still shining through here and there, not many free spots left on it anyways.
he has a split lip because he got into a fight again, his bullies just won't leave him alone, but he's finally found the courage to fight back... but it hasn't gotten better yet – if anything it's gotten worse. he started working out a little bit a while ago and it helps. helps with the anger, with the feeling of helplessness. he mostly does push-ups until he collapses onto the floor in front of his bed, but he actually got his grandpa to get his old dumbbells from the attic. they're lying under the bed.
he got so tall those last two years, but his muscles haven't gotten the memo. his backpain is finally a bit better, it seems like he finally stopped growing, now over two meters tall. it's hard to fade into the background when you're the tallest person in the whole village. he hates it. because it reminds everybody of his dad. the guy who stayed for a week and then up and left without even saying goodbye. still managed to get his mom pregnant. "Du schaust erm so ähnlich." (You look just like him) it's the only thing his mom says when he picks her up from the Kirchenwirt (the village inn right next to the church) because she's too drunk to walk back on her own. And when his grandpa gets angry, he always curses him out like that "Groß und bled wie dei Voda, der hod a nix kina." (Big and stupid like your father, he didn't know how to do anything either).
he really hates how tall he's gotten.
the only person who never said anything about his height is grandma. she just keeps feeding him bigger and bigger portions of his favourite food. he loves Gulasch with Nockerl (a Hungarian beef stew with little cooked blobs of dough – it’s really good, trust me) and Kaiserschmarrn (cut up pancakes with sugar, raisins and apple mush on the side), so she often cooks it for him on Sundays. he eats the bigger and bigger portions, finally ready to get not only groß (tall), but stark (strong) as the german saying goes.
wishing for his chest to finally fill the band merch t-shirts, so that the fabric doesn’t loosely hang from his shoulders.
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heavyhitterheaux · 3 months
Got Me Thinking
Part 6: Don't Make it Harder On Me
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Synopsis: You and Jack have to deal with the aftermath of your paparazzi pictures being posted for the world to see, and Jack finds out you weren't coping as well as he thought you were
Pairing: Jack Harlow x Reader
Series Masterlist
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
After Jack had put your phone on the bedside table, he turned his attention back to you and he knew that he needed to get you to calm down before you sent yourself into a panic attack which he could tell that you were on the verge of.
“Baby….” He calmly said as he moved you to sit on this lap and simply wrapped his arms around you in the hope that you would stop shaking.
“Shh, just breathe. Take a deep breath for me because the last thing we need is you going into a panic attack.” He quietly told you as he placed several kisses on your cheek, but you were still in a daze.
“This is bad. This is really bad.” You said quietly as tears welled up in your eyes before turning your head to glance at him.
“It's going to be fine, babe. Trust me.” Jack told you and you immediately shook your head no.
“No, it's not. It can't be fine. They have pictures of us. I told you we should have come inside and now look.”
“All this is going to do is…”
“No. In the end, you're going to be fine because it's you. Your fans love and adore you and you can do no wrong in their eyes. And the most important part is you're a man. I however am going to be seen as the homewrecking whore who broke up a marriage.”
“No, you won't. Just… I'm going to fix this.”
“Jackman please stop talking for five minutes because how the HELL are you going to fix this? Give me details.”
“I… but you told me to be quiet.”
You knew that he was trying to make you laugh and put you in a better mood, but you couldn't help but to roll your eyes as you started playing with the comforter that was laying across your lap.
“There are just some things that you are never going to experience or have to deal with because you're a man while women get criticized for breathing too hard. They are always going to paint me as a bad person and Kelsey as an innocent angel who didn't deserve any of this despite her cheating on you first that she will probably deny until she's blue in the face. And did we forget how I'm an influencer and I actually have a following on social media with actual endorsement deals that I could lose simply because of what my name is now going to be attached to?”
“I know we can figure something out. I know you're scared but I refuse to lose you over this. Now when we get back, we both need to file for divorce.”
“Only if Xavier and Kelsey haven't done it already.” You muttered as you grabbed your phone and started scrolling through it.
You were surprised that there wasn't even a call or a text from him because you knew for a fact that he had been alerted to what was going on by now. Because your siblings along with your parents had sent you a few messages that you haven't bothered to respond to. Knowing your mother, she was probably happy about it right along with Maggie.
“We're going to get through this, Buttercup but you just have to trust me. I'm not going to let anything happen to you or to us. Do you trust me?” Jack asked you and you nodded your head, not trusting that the actual words would come out of your mouth.
“Baby, look at me and tell me you trust me.”
You did as you were told and you were now facing him as you straddled him and he started drawing small shapes on your skin that was exposed to him.
“I trust you.”
“I'm going to take care of you and you know that at the end of all this we get to be together how we want. We just have to wait until this blows over and baby it will blow over and people will be onto something new. And we might be bringing a baby into the world too. But I'm going to need you to stop being scared and take the test. Whatever happens, you know it's me and you until the end of time. That's how it should have been from the beginning.”
When you didn't say anything, Jack placed his finger underneath your chin so that you would look at him and placed his lips on yours. You eagerly kissed him back and his hands started roaming your body and he pulled you even closer.
“I wish we could stay here forever and not have to be bothered with anyone anymore.” You quietly confessed as Jack captured you in another kiss.
“We can't stay forever, but we can definitely stay longer.”
“But I'd rather hurry up and get back home and get this over with.”
“In due time, baby. But for now let's focus on us and enjoy the time that we have together before we have to go back out into the real world. But first, I'm going to need you to take a pregnancy test. I'll text Neelam to get it for us.”
You stayed with Jack in Paris for two more days before making your way back home in order to face your husband and to officially file for divorce. You were dreading having to face him, but at this point what did you have to lose? He stepped out on you and had an entire child and you were absolutely done with trying to repair the relationship and it took Jack explaining that there was nothing left for you in that marriage for it to finally click and stop your thoughts of wanting to repair it despite what he did to you.
Even though he hadn't tried to call you at this point in time he had to know. It was everywhere and you honestly couldn't escape it. It did help that when you got back to L.A. it was three in the morning and there weren't a lot of people out, but that wasn't going to be the case on a day to day basis.
Before you and Jack had to leave one another, he simply told you if you wanted to quit your job when you got back home and move back to Louisville, he had already bought a condo for you.
You didn't know if you were quite ready for that just yet, but then again why not? Some of your things were already in Louisville and this would make it feel like the end of an era.
Walking into the house, the light was still on in the kitchen and you were confused as to why he would still be awake. Leaving your suitcase by the door, you stepped into the kitchen to see him nursing a glass of some type of alcohol and he was the first to speak.
“Hmm so you finally decided to come back? You should have just stayed with him.” He said before taking a swig and putting the glass back down on the table which instantly made you roll your eyes.
“Don't even start with me because it's not like you actually give a damn about me so you can stop pretending.”
“Of course I give a damn about you! Last time I checked you were MY wife, but I found out that you were cheating on me with your so-called “friend” Jack Harlow. He's a friend from high school, my ass.”
“I'm your wife, but you leave me for weeks and even months at a time and barely communicate with me and you've been this way for almost a damn year. So you can fucking save it. He actually cares about me while you are too busy taking care of your newborn child.”
The expression on Xavier's face was priceless and if you weren't so mad at him you would have pulled out your phone to take a picture.
“Oh, we don't have a lot to say now, do we? You've been cheating on me for almost a year and got the bitch pregnant. You aren't as discreet as you think and I know everything down to where she lives and what the baby's name is. Congratulations I heard it was a girl so don't you dare tell me shit.”
“You don't know anything.”
“Hmm, funny because not once did you deny it. If I don't know anything, tell me I'm wrong and PROVE it. Yeah I cheated on you with my ex-boyfriend and I don't regret it. He fucked me in our bed and I didn't even care if you had walked in and saw us. You could have probably used some pointers for him because I can't even remember the last time you actually found my clit so it was definitely news to me that you found someone that actually wanted to have sex with you and had actually gotten someone pregnant. So I'm saying all this to say that I'm fucking divorcing you once and for all so you can go and be with sweet little Kristina and baby Olivia all the time because I am taking you down for everything you fucking have. I'm not putting up with this any longer.”
“So, you think that the two of you are just going to live happily ever after? You failed me as a wife and you aren't going to do anything but fail him and be seen as nothing but a homewrecking whore.”
“You have some fucking nerve saying that shit to me. Hmm, I could say the same thing about Kristina. At least you could've gotten with someone who was at least on my level, but all you did was downgrade. She can have my sloppy seconds because the potential is gone. I didn't fail you as a wife, you failed me as a husband the minute you decided to step out on me instead of coming to me and fixing the problem. You didn’t even fight for me and that's what hurts most of all. I don't have anymore else to say so we're done here and you can get the fuck out of my house and go see your baby.”
“I… I never meant for it to come to this.” Xavier said getting up from the kitchen table and walking over towards you but all you did was take two steps back and shake your head no.
“You only feel some type of way now because you got caught. I don't want you anymore and I haven't wanted you for a very long time.”
“Y/N… we can fix this.”
“After you had a baby on me AND called me a homewrecking whore? Yeah, not a chance and let the door hit you on the way out because at this point, I don't give a damn.”
It was around 4:30 in the morning when Xavier had finally left and simply took his clothes and shoes with him and told you that he would be back for the rest later.
You were now laying in your bed staring up at the ceiling and you let out a sigh of relief. The weight that you had felt being in this marriage was no longer there and a few tears couldn't help but to slip out and you quickly wiped them away. Those were happy tears because you finally stood upp for yourself and it was long overdue. Now that you had faced your husband, you had one more thing left to accomplish. Now you had to go out and face the world.
Avoidance of your social media accounts were at an all time high especially when that was one of the first things Jack had told you to do and Neelam quickly agreed. You could only imagine the things that people were saying about you.
It was hard to fall asleep so the idea of calling Jack came to you knowing that more than likely he was still awake. He had let you know earlier when he had gotten home and that he was going to be up for a while. It rang a few times before you saw his face pop into view.
“Why is my girl still awake? I thought you'd be asleep by now? And have you been crying? What's going on?” He asked when he laid his eyes on you. It looked as if he was also laying down and had just woken up by his hair being all over the place.
“Oh no, did I wake you up? I didn't mean to. You can call me back when…” Jack immediately cut you off.
“No. Obviously my girl needs me so tell me what's bothering you.”
“I kicked him out the house… finally.” You said with a sense of relief.
“Hmm, how'd that go?”
“Tried to blame me for ruining the marriage by cheating, but then I pulled out all the receipts about him and his newborn child. He looked like a deer caught in headlights and didn't even know what to say.”
“I mean at that point, what could he say? He got caught red handed.”
“And proceeded to call me a homewrecking whore but then said that our marriage could be fixed.”
“He has some fucking nerve saying some shit like that to you after what he did. So, how do you feel now?” Jack asked as he was now sitting up against the headboard.
“A sense of relief and I feel like a weight has been lifted. I told him that I want nothing to do with him anymore. He took it better than I thought, but I mean at that point he had to know that I was going to say no. I also mentioned howywe fucked that night and that he can never find my clit. Anyway, I know for a fact Kelsey said something and had A LOT to say when she saw you.”
Jack shrugged before responding to you and it was clear that at this point he just didn't care anymore.
“First thing out of her mouth was ‘you told me not to worry about her’ and I was like Clay told you that because I know for a damn fact that that statement never came out of my mouth. Like she knows that we dated and by the end of that conversation I asked… no told her we were getting a divorce and that I didn't love her anymore.”
“We're doing the right thing, right? Tell me we're doing the right thing.” You said as you were making yourself more comfortable.
“Yes, baby, we're doing the right thing. Matter of fact, why are you in that big house by yourself when you could be up under me in your new condo in Louisville?”
“First thing tomorrow, file for divorce and then I'll send the jet to come and get you.”
You had been in Louisville with Jack at your new condo for about three and a half weeks and it seemed like the world was crashing down around you.
Being curious one night when Jack was at the studio your first week back, you logged into social media to see blogs tearing you down at every chance they could get and you ended up sending yourself into a panic attack.
The next week, numerous calls came to your phone letting you know that you would be essentially dropped from your endorsement deals because the companies that you were under didn't want their name being tied to any type of scandal or putting their company in a bad light even though they didn't even know the full story of what had actually happened.
Jack didn't know anything about that because you failed to tell him. You had known from the beginning that it was going to come to this and your mindset was that you were simply going to deal with it and not try to worry him about it.
You confided in Tania how you felt ever since the paparazzi pictures were posted and she was immediately blowing up your phone. You were once again hiding out in your condo when a call from her came through on your phone since when you called her earlier she was unable to talk. Once you explained everything to her, the first thing out of her mouth was that you had to tell Jack.
“And you didn't tell him this because?”
“He has enough to deal with and I feel like I keep adding to it. Being with me is probably more trouble than what it's worth. I have literally created a shitstorm.”
“Do not EVER let me hear you talk about yourself that way again. You are worth it and deserve to have happiness and Jack is all in. That man worships the ground that you walk on and if anybody needs to know how you're feeling right now, it's him. Do not keep this from him, because how is he supposed to help you?”
“Tania, how is he supposed to help me with this? My mental health has literally gone to shit since all of this happened. I quit my job, lost all my damn endorsement deals.”
“The two of you want to be together and that man is moving hell and high water to make it happen so I know if you tell him, he will do his absolute best to make sure you get the help that you need. Why are you so scared of just letting go? You've been this way since our first year in nursing school. And he said from the beginning that he's going to take care of you, so let him. Stop running away from the man who wants to love you.”
“None of this would have happened if we didn't break up in the first place.”
“Well we can't do anything about that now and we have to deal with the cards that are dealt.”
“I'm so overwhelmed, I can't do this.”
The wheels immediately started turning in Tania's head because any time she heard you say that, you disappeared for weeks and no one had any idea where you were and she was afraid that you were going to do it again. She knew when your panic attacks and anxiety got the best of you that's what you did in order to reset. It wasn't the healthiest coping mechanism, but when you came back you felt better each time.
“Y/N, don't you dare run. You are done doing that. Talk to him when he gets back home. Do I need to come to Louisville or do I need to call Janelle and Jeremiah?”
“I….. Tania, I don't know if I'm cut out for this. Maybe this is all too soon.”
“No. Stop it. Stop it right now. You made the right choice and I know it's overwhelming because of how famous Jack is and people are going to now be following your every move, but it's going to be okay.”
“How do you know that?”
“Because I know you and you always come out on top. Now get some rest and let me know how it goes when you talk to Jack. If I don't hear from you in the next 12 hours, I'm hopping on a plane to Louisville.”
When Jack got to your condo, he was surprised by how quiet it was but figured that you would be sleeping. He made his way into the bedroom to find it empty and was suddenly confused since you hadn't mentioned to him that you were going anywhere, because at this point in time he didn't want you going anywhere by yourself knowing how people are.
After searching the entire condo, he pulled out his phone to call you but it had gone straight to voice-mail and Jack wasn't quite sure if he should start to panic or not.
It wasn't until a piece of paper on the counter in the kitchen written in your handwriting caught his eye.
Please don't be mad at me for doing this even though I get it if you are. First off, I love you with everything in me, but I just need to reset. I'm overwhelmed and I just need time to myself. I'll be back soon. Don't come and look for me.
Love, Buttercup
Jack felt that his heart was beginning to race as he read your words over and over again, not believing what he was seeing. He immediately started to feel guilty and believed that this was entirely his fault. He thought that you were coping with everything just fine or, it seemed like you were. If it was the opposite, surely you would have told him, right?
He immediately picked up his phone once more and dialed.
“Y/N isn't here, and I don't know where she could've gone. She left a note saying not to look for her, but how am I supposed to just sit here?”
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nicoline1998enilocin · 7 months
Flufftober Day 14 | My favorite piece of art
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Pairing | Avenger!Best friend!Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Best friend!Fem!Reader
Word count | ~ 780 words
Summary You've been trying to get Bucky to model for you for the longest time. When he finally agrees, you decide to go all out and make a beautiful painting of him to highlight everything you love about him. When he sees the end result, he can't help but joke about it, but deep inside, he's very moved and touched that you did this for him.
Warning(s) None.
A/n This one shot is written for day 14 of my Flufftober 2023 Challenge! I want to give my undying love, thanks, and firstborn child to @ccbsrmsf1 for proofreading this on such short, SHORT notice. You're an angel, and I appreciate you more than you know. 🧡
Events Flufftober 2023 | 14. ''I hate it'' - ''No you don't'' | @flufftober
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Banners: @vase-of-lilies | Divider: @firefly-graphics | GIF credit: the owner
Main Masterlist | Bucky Barnes Masterlist
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Drawing and painting have been your passion ever since you were a kid, and before you were on the path of becoming an Avenger, you were supposed to go to art school to live your dream.
Now, it is something you enjoy doing between missions in your downtime, and because of this, you have found a great friend in Steve. You two often chat about new supplies you got, or you give each other inspiration, and it's something you two have bonded over.
What you didn't expect, however, is that you would become the best of friends with Bucky. He was permanently closed off and didn't let anyone in besides Steve.
But when he joined the Avengers after you, you were constantly paired on missions together, and one thing led to another.
Right now, you are trying to convince your best friend to sit and model for a painting because you've been dying to put his beautiful features on a canvas.
''C'mon, it won't take long! Just one afternoon, and then it's finished. You would help me out if you did it! Pleeeeeaaaaaseeeee?' you said with the most prominent puppy eyes you can muster.
Bucky has always had a soft spot for you, and of course, the man can't say no to you. He's not made of stone, after all.
''Alright, but it'll stay between us! I don't want to see it anywhere other than your studio,'' he says with a sigh, and you pull him into a big hug while you squeal excitedly.
''Thank you, thank you, thank you!'' you say, excitement dripping from your voice. You quickly let him go to find Steve so you can tell him the good news.
A few days later, you're in your shared studio, which is basically at the top of the Avengers tower, which Tony gracefully lets you and Steve use for all your artsy needs.
Bucky sits on the couch, clad in black jeans, a tight black t-shirt, and boots. His Vibranium arm glistens beautifully in the sunlight as it falls right onto it, making it almost look glowing.
Between painting, you and Bucky talk about everything and nothing, and you keep looking at him to ensure every single line, feature, and shadow is laid down correctly.
All in all, it takes you about 5 hours, but you're thrilled with the result so far. But he's sitting too far away for you to get the details of his arm right.
''Bucky? Could you come and sit next to me for a little bit? I want to make sure I get everything correct,'' you say, and with a groan, he gets up, stretching out his muscles after sitting in the same position for so long.
You have gotten your gold paint out, and all you need to do now is replicate the intricate pattern laid out all over the Vibranium.
''Wow…'' he says softly as he sits on a chair next to you, deeply impressed with your work so far.
''All I need now is to replicate the golden pattern on your arm, and after you're all done!'' you say with a smile, but Bucky can't stop looking at himself on the canvas.
You captured every little detail of him and made him look angelic despite the dark colors you used for most of the painting.
''So? Can I see it?'' you say softly, and his head shoots to you before he finally realizes what you're asking of him. He extends his metal limb, and you look it over a few times before replicating it.
From every single line on his fingers to the more significant lines on his arm, nothing escapes your skilled eye, and with the precision you would expect from a trained assassin like yourself, you finish it.
''All done!'' you say with a big smile, and you turn to Bucky to see his reaction to the painting; he's trying to fight back a few tears because he is so moved by it.
''What do you think?'' you ask as you grab his Vibranium hand, rubbing his knuckles softly with your thumb. You're not sure if he can feel it, but you often like to do it just in case he can.
''I hate it!'' he jokes, a teasing laugh coming from his body.
''No, you don't!'' you tell him, and Bucky shakes his head. He couldn't hate it even if he wanted to. You have captured him perfectly; for a moment, he doesn't see his past.
He sees the man he has become after all his hard work; he sees himself through your eyes. He sees the man he has always wanted to be and couldn't be happier.
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velvetcloxds · 1 year
Oh Monique I have another one for ⏰WE WON'T BE SLEEPING- (IM SORRY YOU KNOW IM ONLY GONNA BE REQUESTING FOR DER😭) but I’m in such a soft mood for this not sleeping but in bed maybe on vacation (it’s ok if not) with Der and it’s all cold outside and it’s just all intimate cuddling under the covers shdjfh🥺
word count: 1k (didn't I say baby blurbs? smh)
warning: age gap, part of our little dilfy derek world, they're like unclothed after previous activities, definitely a little more suggestive than you wanted sdgh
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The room of the quint motel room was quiet, the only sounds filling the air were the combined breathing of you and Derek as you stared at the paint cracks in the ceiling. His finger was brushing up and down your arm from where his hand crawled up from beneath you, your hand drawing the faintest shapes on his bare chest as you tried to swallow a smile, the content that filled your body making your nerves vibrate with happiness.
It was Eli's idea to send the two of you away for a little romantic getaway once summer break rolled around, he was left in the loving and teenager-friendly hands of Melissa while the two of you booked into a motel upstate, closer to the forest, just like you preferred it. Your relationship had been developing far quicker than either of you expected and though you were happy with the little instant family you'd found, it was definitely good to have some alone time again, even just for a little while.
"Do you think Melissa is doing okay?" you pondered out loud, having spent a few too many minutes worrying about Eli being too much for her to handle, she might have survived a Scott, but surviving an Eli was a different story. "Like do you think we should call to check in?"
"I think she's fine," he breathed, the smile on his lips was a familiar one, one he couldn't control as easily as the others, it was because this family thing came so easily to you that it made his heart soar every time. "We can call him tomorrow if you want," he knew you would want to, knew that as new as being in Eli's life was to you, it was a role you filled perfectly.
"Sorry," you were shy in responding to that, shifting to lean onto his chest more, taking the sheet with you to create a layer between your bodies, cheeks warming and making you feel slightly silly as he raised a brow at you. "I just feel a little bad stealing his dad from him for so long," he cupped your cheek, always eager to have a hand on you in some way, basking in the look of bliss that you couldn't hide even if you tried.
"I'm sure he doesn't mind," he noted, thumb brushing a fallen lash from your cheekbone, humming when you leaned into the touch, a little hint of pride circling his stomach that you reacted to him so naturally. "As I know him, I don't think sending us away was just for our benefit alone," fair enough, you thought, he was a teenager after all. "Now why don't we stop worrying about things back home and enjoy our time together instead," his suggestion was paired with a soft smirk, far too little of a gesture to make your spine tingle as it did. "You tired yet?" you shook your head, but he could tell it wasn't completely true, your heartbeat gave you away.
"Maybe a little," your admission was followed by a small yawn, his eyes softening as you brought a hand up to cover it, never failing to look absolutely adorable doing the most mundane little things. "I don't want to go to sleep yet."
"That's risky," he teased, squeezing your waist gently, forcing you closer, practically moving you right on top of you as you rested your elbows on his chest to prop you up. "If you don't get enough sleep we risk having a grumpy girl in the morning."
"I think we should risk it," you replied quickly, stealing a quick kiss and smiling instantly when he smiled against your lips, not surprised when he stole a few more in return, pleased when you groaned lightly at him pulling away, head pushing back into the pillow to see you.
"You take many risks then, sweetheart?" he had a feeling that he knew what the answer would be, but he was eager to hear you say it even if he knew. You shook your head, raising a hand to his head, dragging your finger through his hair slowly, and thoughtfully, humming to yourself as you took him in.
"None," you admitted and you wanted to kiss him again he looked so sweet, so concentrated, taking in every word or lack thereof as he waited ever patiently for you to finish. "My biggest risk was saying yes when you asked me out," you explained with a smile, just the thought of everything the two of you'd faced since then was enough to make your heart skip around in your chest. "Dating an older guy with a kid and a reputation?" you shook your head in faux seriousness. "Risky business."
"You think it paid off?" his arms circling your body were answer enough, the sheet slipping away in the process leaving you chest to chest and earning yet another flash of heat in your cheeks.
"I'm not sure yet," you bit your lip to hide the smirk that begged to tilt into your face, managing the perfect look of innocence as you locked eyes with him.
"Oh?" he caught onto what you were doing right away, a smirk of his own on his lips as he flipped the two of you over, almost breaking when your giggles filled the room, hands grasping his shoulders as your eyes softened even more, if possible. "Guess I need to show you what I'm good for?"
"Well, trouble, you said you didn't want to sleep," your giggles grew louder as his lips brushed over your jawline, lowering in their well-known torturingly slow pace down your neck and taking a little detour across your shoulder blade, a sensation that tickled through your entire body. When he looks up with a devilish grin hidden behind the kindest and most loving eyes, you knew, though you'd never doubted it before, that the risk most definitely paid off.
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soniana252 · 1 month
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Pre-movie ponysona lore 🗣️🗣️
tfw when you're investigating a suspect for being too interested in pegasi and possible technology smuggling, but she's always doing weird fangirl stuff around you and that's distracting so you can never catch her-
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Here's the whole story down the cut fdfd
Pre-movie events, Sketchy Blush used to be an unsolved case on sheriff Hitch's career. An earth pony with nothing unusual to report who suddenly wouldn't leave her home and avoid any questions? Odd. It was when Hitch heard her asking Sunny about pegasi, then spotted her drawing on an odd device later that night — some sort of...thin screen you could use without any cables? A 'tablet' if he heard her muttering correctly — that he knew he had to investigate. Easier said than done. How could he focus with her acting the weirdest ways whenever they met?
Sketchy loved art, but she was not into painting nor drawing on paper like all earth ponies, so why did she have an oddly-shaped pen on her cutie mark? One day she stumbled with an artist pegasus who pretended to be an earth pony to study them (probably not canon but tbh I HEAVILY doubt no pony ever tried watching the others closely at least once even if for the thrill of it, look at Argyle). Once it was clear he was no murderous creature, she got interested in what he did and they made a deal. Everytime he visited she'd give him food and answer any questions, and he would give her pegasi technology so she could do digital art too. She managed to live off commissions and all that stuff. Shame she had to pretend to be a pegasi in social media AND hide her new life from her own kind. The worst part? The handsome sheriff won't stop investigating her!
ye that's all. I wanted to explore the idea of what if a pony was fated to do something not available yet because of the division, hence the idea of her doing something that required advanced technology. That led to the dynamic of suspect vs sheriff. Hitch treated her as a criminal mastermind bc he just could never catch her on the act, but really she only managed to get away by sheer stupidity lmao They do warm up to each other with time(the chase becomes more fun than irritant at some point), but it's not until everypony begins living in harmony and her profession became...well, legal I guess, that they can properly become friends(and maybe more ;) )
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neverinadream · 1 year
Once Dance, Chérie
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Summary: Charles gets you to do the one thing most fail to do: he gets you to dance.
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Fem!Reader // Arthur Leclerc x Fem!Reader (briefly mentioned - strictly platonic)
Requested: Nope.
Song Inspo: Love Grows (Where My Rosemary Goes) - Edison Lighthouse
Warnings: fluff, the reader is technically younger than charles - like arthur's age, not necessarily a friends to lovers but like maybe a hint at it - maybe...
Notes: i don't even know what this is or if i like it but i can't lie, i was listening to the glee cast version of unchained melody and then i got this idea of charles trying to get arthur's best friend to dance with him at a wedding so this happened....yeah....anyway, feedback is always appreciated, it helps a lot
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"Say cheese!"
"No, Charles," you shake your head, covering the lens of the cheap, disposable camera. They had been left out on the tables, with people being encouraged to pick them up and take pictures. You had enjoyed watching your baby cousins running and sliding around the ballroom on their knees, avoiding the discipline of their parents, giddy to snap pictures of other guests, plates of food, the wedding cake, and close-ups of each other's faces pulling various funny expressions. What you didn't enjoy was fending off your best friend's older brother trying to take pictures of you. "Charles, please, stop," you pleaded, finally pushing the camera away, "I really don't think Daphne wants an entire camera roll full of blurry images of my face."
"I wouldn't necessarily say that would be a bad thing," he replies, giving up on his mission to snap as many pictures of you as possible. His mouth curls into a smile as he catches you rolling your eyes, mumbling something incoherent under your breath, hiding behind your champagne flute. "Well," he clears his throat and rises from the table, "you'll at least dance with me, won't you?" He watches your eyes travel to his hand extended in front of you, the smaller glimmer of hope he had melting away as you reject him. "Why not?"
"Simple answer," you shrug your shoulders, "I don't dance."
"It's a wedding, chérie," it slipped off his tongue with ease, "everyone dances at weddings."
"Not me," you continue your protest, folding your arms across your chest.
He wiggles his fingers in the air. "Come on," he tries to entice you with a smile, "I know you like this song." You did like the current song playing. It was 'Love Grows' by Edison Lighthouse. It reminded you of Saturday mornings as a child, watching your dad float around the kitchen, twirling your mum around until she was laughing, before doing the same with each of you and your sisters. "Just one dance."
"Arthur won't like it," you tell him, trying to find a new excuse not to dance with him.
He raises his eyebrow, the corners of his mouth dropping and the smile he once had before now disappearing. "Now you're just making up excuses not to dance with, chérie," there it was again, so easily said like it meant nothing at all to him, "Arthur has been telling me to stay away from you since you were both fourteen years old. It hasn't exactly worked, has it? Why don't you really want to dance with me? Hmm?" His arm finally drops, his hands tucking loosely into his pockets. "I'll have you know, I'm an excellent dancer," he boasts, drawing a soft chuckle to spill from your carefully painted lips, "just ask Eloise." Eloise was your baby cousin and someone who had taken a fancy to Charles, tugging his hand and dragging him away to dance as often as Charles would allow it to happen.
"Eloise is seven years old, Charles," you fire back, shaking your head, "she would tell you you're an amazing singer if you were to sing her favourite song to her."
His bottom lip falls away from his top lip. "The little liar!"
"If you must know, I don't dance because I can't dance," you fold your arms, plucking your champagne flute between your fingers, tilting it to take a long sip, "I have two very clumsy left feet."
"I'm going to let you in on a secret," he says, removing his suit jacket in one simple, fluid motion. He leans forward, bending over you as he hangs the jacket over the back of your chair, all an act of his so he could get close enough to you to whisper, "I have two left feet too," into your ear. He swears he could feel the heat that pinched your cheeks, quietly chuckling when you avoided his eye contact as he straightened up.
"I, uh," you take another sip of your champagne, just enough to lubricate your dry mouth, "I thought you just said you were a great dancer?"
"I believe I said an 'excellent' dancer," he corrects you, unbuttoning his cufflinks, proceeding to roll his sleeves up, "and I've been told that my source might be unreliable." Satisfied with his sleeves, he extends his arm, offering you his hand as he attempts, one last time, to ask you to dance. "Doesn't your date deserve at least one dance with you tonight?"
"Your date?" You scoff, repeating his words back to him. He doesn't reply but grins back at you instead. "And how exactly did you end up being my date?" You push for an explanation, "because I thought I came to this wedding without a date."
He gestures his hand between the both of you, like he was trying to mime out his answer. "I have no date," he continues to wave his hand back and forth from his body, "you have no date." You failed to see an ounce of logic in his answer.
"And neither does my sixteen-year-old cousin," you fire back, pointing to the dance floor, "I'm sure he would love to have Charles Leclerc as his date tonight."
"One dance, chérie."
A sigh pushes past your lips. You knew Charles could be persistent, but you didn't think he would be this persistent. "You won't stop pestering me until I say yes, will you?" He shakes his head, grinning with a playful glint in his eyes. "If I say yes, will you promise that you will never ask me to dance ever again?"
"I pro-"
"And you'll promise to stop trying to take pictures of me?"
He rests his hand over his heart. "I promise never to ask you to dance ever again," he tells you, his face softening as you finally take his hand, "except on our wedding day." You look off to the side, biting back the urge to laugh or smile. "We'll have to dance at our wedding, chérie," he chuckles, offering you his other hand and helping you to your feet, "or did you think I forgot about it?"
When both you and Arthur were four, your mothers made a joke about the two of you being so attached to the hip that you would one day get married to each other. They were met with a chorus of disgust, the two of you shaking your heads and Arthur pretending to be sick. Charles, however, announced that he would marry you instead, because if Arthur wasn't going to marry the prettiest princess in all of Monaco, then he would instead.
"You're still the prettiest princess in Monaco, chérie."
"Five," you count, unable to ignore the flutter in your belly as he repeats it, "that's five times you've now called 'chérie' tonight. Some might say you've used it over excessively tonight. Enough times to last a lifetime."
"Would you like me to call it you again?" He asks, tilting his head to the side. He takes a second to study your face, painting an image of your beauty in his mind to remember you by until the next time he saw you. "Or, perhaps you want me to call you something else?"
"Perhaps I just want us to dance."
He nods, releasing one of your hands, and interlocking his fingers with the other. "Then lead the way, chérie," he feigns a gasp, the corners of his lips tugging into a smile, "that was number six."
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@lovelynikol16 @bracedes @chelseagirl98
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hoshigray · 1 year
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Choso would be the type of guy that gets flustered by kisses yet loves the feeling of your lips on his. I can see him as the type of guy who looks stoic and isolated on the outside. But an adorable and nervous wreck when you hang with him. Cw: Choso x reader - neutral roles but implied slight dom!reader - mostly fluff, but it ends a lil' suggestive - lots of kisses - a bit of spit/drool on Choso's part - domestic scene - pet name (you call Choso "babe" and "honey"). Wc: 953
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He's lying on the couch reading a book that sparked his interest. His head is cushioned comfortably on the pillow by the armrest. Enters you, and you smile once you see him so focused on the pages that have his attention.
"Hey, babe~" Your lovely voice immediately has him turn his face toward you. He places the book on his chest, the last read contents opened for later.
"Hello," he greets you in his hushed speech, his eyes following you as you kneel beside his side of the couch.
"Whatcha doin'?" You ask, your fingers playing with the strands of hair that decorate his forehead.
Choso slowly blinks at you, his eyes still harboring the faint color of exhaustion that contrast his sharp feline-like eyes. "Reading." He always gives a simple reply to you, but you know it's because he gets easily flustered when it's just the two of you. It's adorable.
"Oh yeah?" Your hands gently slide to the side of his face, caressing his cheek that you see painted light pink on his pale skin. "I thought I'd find you sleeping."
"I was going to." Choso averts his eyes away from you, again flustered at your attentiveness. "I thought I could wait for you, so we can nap together since I know you had a busy day."
You squeal at his consideration, the blush on his face grows one shade darker, and his eyes are still away from you. "You're so sweet, Choso. I don't know what I'd do without you."
He doesn't say anything, just closes his eyes and hums as he slowly sinks into the warmth of your hand.
He looks so pretty like this. Your eyes trace every feature, from the strands of his black hair brushing his forehead to the beautiful lashes of his eyes. The blood mark across his face connects the pinky hues of his cheeks.
Your eyes then fall to his lips, the softness of them so inviting it has you leaning in closer, placing yours onto his and enjoying this tender moment.
When you draw back, his eyes are instantly open. Wide and doe as they take in your appearance, the blush is tenfold deeper than before, and you just want to take a picture of how cute he is. But you won't because he'll melt in embarrassment. Although that would be funny to look at.
You giggle. "I'm sorry, the moment just felt right."
"No," he's quick to reassure you, his eyes moving downwards to your lips. You notice, of course, a smile creeping up at his little peak.
"Want another one, honey?"
Choso bites a tiny bit of his bottom lip, but his eyes still hone in on your lips. You giggle again, patiently waiting for his response. His eyes squint a tad, and the mood of lust behind them slowly starts to bloom.
You beam at him, and you lean forward again.
Your lips are in contact briefly, but the love is equally exchanged. You break the kiss again. He hesitantly asks for another.
You kiss him again. Choso moans for another.
Then you kiss him again. And again, and again...
You stop him from asking for permission as you snake your other hand to cup his face closer to you, and he pushes himself up for a more comfortable position.
The two of you kiss for what feels like forever. The sound of your lips smacking together fill the room with a romantic warmth. The heat in your lower region feels delightful anytime he groans into your mouth, moaning into his as his kisses get more passionate.
And, oh, poor Choso. He can't get enough of you. It wouldn't be impossible for him to be lost in your soft smooches. He gestures his arm in your direction, his hand finding purchase on the back of your neck. He doesn't pull you in deeper, but it's a silent proposal meaning he doesn't want you to leave his side.
However, that declaration vanishes into thin air when the two of you hear a sudden bang on the floor. You look down to see it's Choso's book, now closed with the page he saved needing to be found again.
The laugh you let out is so out of breath, but it sounds so intoxicating to Choso. You pick up his book and place it on his chest, then you turn to spot a tent in his dark grey sweatpants.
Choso follows your eyes to his boner, and he freezes. His ears are now tinted in pink, and his blood mark is dripping. You look at him and chuckle lovingly, rubbing his warm cheeks and wiping the tiny bit of spit that hides at the bottom of his lips.
"I'm so sorry," you move some strands to place a kiss on his forehead, then you get up from the floor and exit to your shared room. "I'll let you finish your reading~."
The teasing spirit of your voice still rings in Choso's ears, who lays his head back down on the couch pillow. His face feels so hot and exposed from the room lights, so he uses the book to cover it up and wallow in his shameful thoughts.
Your lips are all he can think about. They felt so soft and plump on top of his, and how he wished to have them kiss him everywhere. His neck and clavicle, his chest, to his stomach. And maybe, have the soft feeling around his...
Choso groans at the mental picture, realizing how little you can do to make him act like this. There is no doubt in his mind that you will make him shut down, and he doesn't oppose this truth.
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chronicbeans · 1 year
Wally and a Puppeteer Reader (part 11)
Looks like we are getting close to the end. Idk how many more parts there will be but I, for once, gotta plan in mind! Yippee!
TW: Obsessive Behavior, Idol Worshipping, Interrogation, Derealization, Scopophobia/Eye Imagery, Threats
🎥 You have waited a couple days for this. You wanted to make sure that Henry was alright after what happened. Currently, he and his uncle are out, picking Angela up from the hospital. No one is home, so it is the perfect time for this.
🎥 You place Wally down on your bed, before placing two heavy books on the extra blanket hanging off of the ends of the knot you tied to heep him down. He squirms, looking up at you with the most fearful eyes you have ever seen... on a puppet, at least. Nothing could ever beat the fear you saw in the eyes of Eddie's puppeteer when they handed you the box holding this cursed puppet.
🎥 Speaking of, the puppet opens its mouth, crying out "Let me go! I'm sorry! I didn't hurt her! I think I just spooked her... she tripped on her own!" You shake your head "I don't really care about whether or not you did or didn't do that... Because, even if you didn't, you still hurt people! What about the person YOU filled with staples? Or the one you dropped a bucket of paint on, cracking their head open?! Or these cursed notes and drawings you kept sending me?! You still did damage to people, including me! I have been going insane from fear because of you!"
🎥 His eyes widen more so than they already were. He grows silent, looking around. He begins to mutter "No... no no no... I never meant to... I never meant to hurt YOU!" He then looks you straight in the eyes, the most intense stare held within his own. His pupils seem to expand until they overtake the entirety of his large eyes. "I NEED YOU. I would never hurt you willingly! I thought the notes were lovely! The drawings, too! Isn't it nice to know that your most faithful puppet is watching over you? The paint guy was being mean to you! He deserved it! I even warned him before I did it. I always saw the other guy with Eddie, so I thought it would be fitting if he delivered mail to you! See? I put so much thought into it all so it would be perfect! I love you! I am so sorry you didn't see what I meant to get across..."
🎥 You take a step back, placing your hands on your hips "Oh, you got your message across, alright. I know you love me. You love me too much. You love me to a dangerous degree and you clearly are willing to harm people for the smallest of reasons. I know the boss will probably fire me for this, but I think it would be best if I just burned you-"
🎥"NO! NO, DON'T DO THAT! I mean-!" He looks over to the clock in your room, before saying "I mean... can we... can we have one last round on set? Whatever story you want, you can tell! You can make me do anything you like! I don't care... I can clearly see that I deserve it... I caused so much damage. If you want me burned, I can't stop you. I am your puppet. You are in control, right? Just one more little story. For me? For your good, friendly neighbor?"
🎥 You feel... uncomfortable. However, you think about it for a bit. The studio is far from most other people and since Wally can talk, he can probably scream. It would be... concerning, to say the least, if your neighbors saw you burning a screaming, flailing thing that looked vaguely like a person. So, it might be for the best that you go through with his wishes. "Alright. You want one more story? You will get one more story. You better not double-cross me, though."
🎥 Wally nods, a his permanent grin widening. "Don't worry. I won't. As I said, I would never hurt you intentionally. Let's go! Now! I wanna go now!" You untie him, before slinging him over your shoulder and placing him in your car. You drive to the studio, listening to Wally talking about how much he can't wait to see Barnaby, Julie, and all the others. You tune him out, focusing entirely on the road and your destination.
🎥 You arrive, parking your car and hopping out. You grab Wally, before reaching into the glove box and taking out your emergency key to the studio. You really don't understand why the boss gives everyone a key. Apparently it is so they can have someone open the door if they lose their own? You don't really care, though. All you care about is finishing whatever this puppet has started.
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gh0st-t0wn3 · 8 months
Lmk ss edits + headcanons, Part 5 (Porty MK, Artist MK, Delivery MK)
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- He/They
- Gay
- Calls Redson either Wildfire or Firecracker
- Whenever something goes wrong he says "called it." (He did not, in fact, call it)
- Calls everyone "Dude"
- Once took Redson out to the Anti-gravity Arcade and got mad when he passed out after almost 32 hours of non-stop dancing and playing arcade games
- Tells MK that he has no fashion sense but will wear the most atrocious combination of colours and patterns himself
- Has multiple ear piercings as well as a bellybutton and tongue piercing
-  Once threw a party that got busted by the police and dispelled himself to avoid getting caught
- Has so much energy, if he's not at a party he's constantly walking around the apartment, if his legs start hurting he'll sit down for like 8 seconds before getting up and walking around again because he still has so much energy left
- Makes the dirtiest jokes known to man kind
- Makes the others do karaoke night with him. every. week.
- Will sometimes put on lipstick and kiss all over Redsons face and neck to make og MK jealous (trust me guys, please🙏)
- Absolutely HATES dark chocolate, it's too bitter for him
- Despises the claw machine games at the arcade, if he gets something and then it falls out of the claw he'll literally break the glass and just take it
- Lives on energy drinks
- Will refuse to drink any soft drinks when they run out of bubbles
- Loves those cringey alpha wolf memes
- Laughs at those firemen saving people in reverse videos and always sends them to Redson, who also laughs at them (yes it does concern MK and the others)
- Smells like sweat and cotton candy (its from flavoured vape smoke)
- Love language is Quality time (and by quality time I mean partying)
- Has a whole box of glowsticks
- "Hey, hey, hey guys, watch this!!" *fails at trick*
- Loves candy, especially hard candies
- Scams kids out of their tickets at the arcade
- Paints his nails a different colour every week, and almost always uses glow in the dark nail polish
- Tried to make his own firework show once and set three houses on fire
- Would rearrange someone's whole room just to mess with them
- Has a monkey form just like og MK, he uses his tail to take prizes from the claw machines without having to actually play them
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- He/They
- Gay
- Calls Redson his Muse
- Would probably collect bones. It freaks the fuck out of MK and the other clones
- Will destroy any and every art piece if it doesn't turn out exactly how he envisioned it in his head
- Writes fanfiction
- Constantly covered in paint splatters, charcoal, glue, etc
- Hates baths, lives off dry shampoo
- He acts like a cat whenever he gets wet
- Takes great care of all his art supplies and will flip out if something is out of place
- Agreed to help Sandy paint his boat again the second time he was summoned but only if Sandy stopped changing what colour he wanted it to be after every new coat of paint (Sandy learnt his lesson the first time art MK was summoned)
- His advice is always "just kill them"
- Bites ankles
- Was almost arrested for vandalism (he ran away from the cops)
- Once painted a picture of Redson, who only said "this is pretty good" (it was in fact a genuine compliment, he loved it), and Artist almost killed him
- Analyzes his dreams as if he's the prophet predicting the end of the world
- Won't let anyone use his art supplies
- Growls at people
- Perfectionist
- Smells like paint fumes
- Love language is gift giving and words of affirmation
- If he's focusing on something really hard and something startles him, he'll jump in the air like a cat
- Was drawing at a park once and a bunch of kids were being annoying so he tripped one when it ran past him
- Collects concept art books from literally anything, movies, video games, TV shows, it doesn't even matter if he's played/watched them he just likes looking at the concept art
- Insomniac who 'cures' it with an unholy amount of caffeine
- Has drank paint water before, will do it again
- Extremely passive agressive
- MK yelled at him once for getting paint all over his bed
- Has a monkey form just like og MK, he uses his tail to reach higher places when painting on walls and shit
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(Had to use og MK has a base ref because the show did delivery MK dirty)
- He/They
- Gay
- Calls Redson Paprika
- Loves straws, will only ever drink something if he uses a straw (I did this as a kid)
- Is constantly listening to music while doing deliveries and has absolutely passed his destination on multiple occasions
- Surprisingly witty
- Is the only MK who knows how to cook and genuinely loves it
- Has a little bit more chub than og MK does (duplicatnation did him dirty and I will never forgive them for his design)
- Has gotten into physical fights with rude customers before and would do it again
- Absolutely HATES eating fish
-His shoe laces are never tied, the amount of orders he's ruined because he tripped on his stupid laces is insane
- If he gets bored he'll just lay on the floor and do nothing
- Has accidentally eaten dog food before
- After a long day of delivering he'll pass out for hours at a time then wake up again at like 2am
- "Not to be rude, but.." proceeds to say the most disrespectful shit you've ever heard
- Either cannot keep a secret for the life of him, or will immediately forget the secret 5 mins after being told what it is, no in-between
- Him and the other clones accidently broke into a strangers house once, and he felt really bad so he cleaned the dishes before leaving (it was on the news)
- Will @ a specific person in a group chat instead of just dming them
- Sometimes eats out of the noodles he's delivering, no one has found out yet
- Smells like noodles
- Love language is Acts of service
- If he gets into a fight with someone he is fully willing and ready to resort to biting
- Saw Monkey King eat his own hair once and almost threw up
- Sometimes if a customer is being rude while ordering over the phone he'll purposely drive slow or take a longer route so their noodles are cold when they get them (og MK has told him to stop multiple times because he's scared of Pigsy thinking he's the reason they get any bad reviews)
- Has a Spotify Playlist for every possible occasion
- Gives out really good hugs and will hug people for really long periods
- Cries when he sees sad animal videos
- Can't whistle to save his life
- Has a monkey form just like og MK, he uses his tail to hold more orders to get work done faster
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