#I wasn't planning on drawing anything for this until AFTER I finished the game
raveartts · 2 years
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This is a gouache painting but I had to do so much digital cleanup to make it look somewhat presentable that it might as well be digital :D
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No Surprise
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[Spoiler and Long Explanation Ahead]
a bit of spoiler cause i'm still in year 5 of the game and i have a lot i wanted to draw before this event
I listen to this song in repeat while making this maybe you should too? (also the reference of the title)
In Year 6, after the death of their best friend, Ben and Jeniferl decided that it is best to break up for the meantime.
Ben believed that despite being together, he had failed to protect her and the people she cares about. The death of Rowan shows that he is still incapable to protect the others, despite his attempts to change. He felt worthless and believed that only a strong, courageous person could be with Jeniferl that can keep her safe... unlike him. He will keep changing, even if it makes him the worst version of himself, until he has proved to himself that he is capable of becoming that person.
Jeniferl on the other hand, didn't want more people to die because of her. She once again blamed herself from all misfortune and believed that the more she is attached to someone, the closer death will come to them. After the death of her best friend, she fears Ben will be next therefore she wants to maintain her distance and, to the best of her ability, suppress her emotions in order to concentrate on breaking the family curse and the curse vault. If she kept bringing ill fortune, she believed she didn't deserve to be loved.
The breakup left a bitter taste in their relationship. They told one another that  they could do anything they wanted regardless of what the other think, but their relationship is over.
On the day of the Masquerade ball
It was surprising how Jeniferl was on the ball despite all the tragedy that happened to her; it was Barnaby’s idea for her to go. Jeniferl and Barnaby are like siblings to one another, for they share the same interest in magical creatures and dueling. Feeling bad about what happened to her, he invited Jeniferl to a dance at the ball in an attempt to cheer her up, which she appreciated and agreed with. But what’s more surprising is what they saw in the Ball, 
Ben and Ismelda were dancing together. 
Everyone was startled that the two were together, but Jeniferl repress her emotions and smiled at them as they danced elegantly in the night. As promised, Barnaby and Jeniferl performed their dance as friends, but someone is watching them closely. It was Ben. Even though he presents a cold and disinterested demeanor around her, he is nonetheless troubled. In actuality, he only attended the event because of her presence. He wasn't supposed to go because he didn't see the point in going and would rather train to get stronger instead. But Ismelda came and informed him how Barnaby would be going with Jeniferl. He requested Ismelda's company in order to verify whether it was real. Upon realizing it to be true, he was reminded of their breakup and understood that there was nothing he could do.
The night may be beautiful, but no surprise, two hearts are left in sorrow once again.
First I wanna say sorry for my poor writing and grammar skills I just want to finish this so that i can focus on my uni,,
and second, YES, the two broke up after 3 years of flirting and a year of dating ,,how unlucky but thats just the life of Jeniferl. I already planned this ahead before the spoiler TLSQ happen but, I hate to admit it, this tlsq benefit the story and I'm sorryy I added more pain in my story(I'm gonna add more tho).
No hate to Ben and Ismelda shippers, I love Ismelda's character and i just thought her being with ben is an out of character but i become more curious . Also I chose Barnaby because he is the one i chose to be partnered with my mc in the game but in my story, Barnaby doesn't have romantic feelings towards Jeni
But the TLSQ haven't released yet so there might be changes added in the story but who knows, I hate it but I'm excited for this tlsq~ also i kinda didn't follow the color dress code sryy
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thedawningofthehour · 8 months
Hi!! Yes, hello, I cried again, thank you for that. Even though you said we „shouldn’t expect too much“, my heart is still very much cracked haha
ANYWAY, since the guessing game is still on, I was thinking a lot during this chapter. My guess is, either Raph has a really stupid idea that he‘s thinking through right now and that‘s why he‘s been so quiet OR smth happens to the Hueso place and he like sacrifices himself to get his family to escape like idk maybe EPF or smth knocks at the door and he holds them off
And so I was wondering if you could tell us when this stupid thing is gonna happen, I have a feeling it might be like the book 2 finale or somewhere close to that??
ALSO, I was wondering how you organise your chapters and the plot you write about. Do you have like a pinboard and put the NYC map on it and connect the dots with red yarn? (Detective style) or do you use some program or are just…weird and memorise it all?
Maybe he hasn't actually had the stupid idea yet, but he's definitely ruminating on everything that eventually compels him to make that decision.
The stupid thing will be a direct consequence of the final climax, so it'll be coming up here soon. I'm going to put up a poll probably after the next chapter.
I'm giddy that we're getting there, honestly. There's a foreshadow I put in literally in the single-digit chapters of Book 1 and when I wrote that I couldn't imagine actually getting to that point. I always feel like I'm going to die or something before I finish stuff, like, I was shocked when I finished doth.
Oh my goooood I am so terrible about plotting and outlines and stuff. I always, always feel like I'm in elementary school filling out a worksheet. I am basically this guy
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except there is no paper because I haven't written anything down I'm just sleep deprived and rambling and smoking copious amounts of weed. (I have never smoked weed)
I know generally how the plots go, and as chapters draw closer I start thinking more specifically about where parts should go and where they would fit best. The whole war kick-off thing, that originally was going to happen after the third reverse-kidnapping, (the mall with the mercenaries one) but Gale and Mikey were still having their library trips, and that just seemed like an...awkward thing to have hanging over them. And it just didn't have to be. I could have cut that arc short, delayed the third reverse-kidnapping until after after the library meetings were discovered, or I could push off the war. And the war didn't need to happen then-if anything, it complicated the other plot points that needed to happen. And I think it worked out for the better this way.
I'm not totally satisfied with this method though. When I was writing Book 1, I had probably about half the fic written before I started posting-it was all in one document, Donnie's scenes were all together and Leo's scenes were in some incomprehensible order and often unfinished because I wasn't expecting to post anything and would just stop when I felt like it, when I finally committed to putting it to order I think I had like eight documents open at one point and three different highlighter colors to denote what I'd done in the master document, it was an ORDEAL-but it meant that I could group scenes together based on what was most effective, move things around very easily. The fact that Leo and Donnie's chapters were pointedly not happening at the same time helped a lot too. In Book 2, I end up writing with two, maybe three chapters planned ahead in my brain, and I feel like that forces me to sometimes rely on short-term climaxes that add to the word count but don't really do much for the story overall, or put off certain things that I don't particularly feel like writing at the time or don't know would work there. Book 2 would probably be significantly shorter if I'd plotted it out the way I did Book 1.
...What were we talking about? Oh! I do actually have a map of NYC open pretty much constantly in my fic window, it probably shows when they were driving around last chapter that I was literally going along the border with my pointer finger. But I'm terrible and I don't write any of this shit down. I usually remember, but there have been occasions where I've completely forgotten what I was going to do, and I think it was chapter 32 where I had pretty much finished the rest of the chapter and then realized I'd forgotten the final Leo scene-which was a pretty major scene. So I guess...yeah, weird and memorize sounds correct, but I don't actually do it that well.
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whenthechickencry · 9 months
Umineko Ch1. Replay 7
Switched to the Switch version, so that's why everything looks different.
This is the first time Battler steps in to argue and it's funny how he pushes the direction in a wronger direction.
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Though yeah he's entirely right at this point, considering you know, she can't explain that because she was in fact aiding the murderer.
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And this unwillingness is what's going to lead to 4 episodes of Battler struggling to understand anything until it's too late
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Guess she can't keep pushing without drawing suspicion to herself, even if she wants to.
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Eva felt a little bit too safe just because she's an accomplice and it definitely bit her in the ass later, Rosa's a bit more careful about this next chapter.
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I imagine red flags blaring on her head as soon as Eva heard that
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To be fair that is indeed mostly correct! Even if you are really grasping at straws here
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Getting second thoughts about becoming an accomplice and your motives behind that decision, Eva?
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You are definitely a big enabler of the worst of Eva's impulses, Hideyoshi, though you can definitely see how much Eva appreciated her family despite her faults and how that grief will end up destroying her post-1986
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A bit of foreshadowing at how much Maria is ignored by her mom
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You already did that Battler!
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I remember this mystery seeming so impossible for me when I first played... but the answer really was as easy as the door was never locked at all. Of course, I didn't get the hint that the narrative lied to me at the time, so, it felt a lot harder than it was!
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Interesting how the only 2 people to see the butterflies in this episode were Shannon and Kanon - and how this one happened right after the scene where Kanon discovers a "locked room" - I think you are supposed to look at how this scene couldn't possibly have happened in reality and look at previous scenes with Kanon
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This monologue being given by Kanon is very interesting, Kanon defeating Beatrice seems to represent a 'defeat' in Yasu's mind of what Kanon is saying, that they ARE furniture and the death of the last bit of resistance they had in carrying out the plan.
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Yeah I bet she's laughing her ass off at how she's gonna prank everyone
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He definitely tries to, at least!
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Aw, wouldn't have minded seeing these 2 bond a bit more
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Jessica tagging along was probably a bit annoying for Yasu!
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Seems Natsuhi is a little bit relieved they will be able to pin Kinzo's death on something else, though also alarm bells should be ringing in her head about how the culprit is probably a servant here...
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Yes! Follow that line of thought Battler, whose corpse wasn't seen very well?
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It's more like dying is what she's looking for Battler...
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Also, this scene plays a new song for the Saku version of the game now and it's really good!
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If Yasu is hearing this, they are probably very split between both the love and hate Jessica is showing them, huh? Though they might just see it as further proof they can't be loved for who they are as a whole - only parts of them can be.
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Maria's probably right, though, even if at this point Maria told George who Beatrice is, they won't believe her.
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Huh, the gang locking themselves up in Kinzo's room was part of Yasu's plan... I guess Yasu was hopeful doing the risky play would force Battler to finally figure out what's going on
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This is gonna be a recurring theme Battler, for a loooong while.
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Battler actually gets the right idea a surprising amount of times in this chapter, it's just that he's unable to commit to any theory.
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Seems Nanjo Genji and Kumasawa are all feeling guilty and remember their role in enabling Kinzo with regards to Beatrice 2
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We are pretty close to the end now so I'll probably finish this up tomorrow or so, though the tea party might take me another day even if I don't remember it being very long.
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raintronic · 2 years
Korekiyo Doodles
Here are the Korekiyo doodles I've made up until now, these were made for my bff who really likes him (I am not a korekiyo artist, I like other characters more, but he's fairly cool)
I deleted all my posts due to purging my acc, so yes, you might've seen these before!
First one is heavily inspired of a fanart I've seen before, made by user UwU_4771 on twitter
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this is a redraw of a screenshot my bff took in game
here's some WIPs I took during drawing it
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free to use meme edit I did of that screenshot, as requested of my bff
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super old sketch that I never showed anyone bc it is ugl, but it is kork
Then we have a aggie.io korekiyo I drew right here:
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still proud of this <3
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Catboy kork 1 and 2
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they're both still cute asf, I love drawing catboys/girls ok
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This storyboard I did of a AU of where kork is a fairy, never did anything with it, feel free to use it as an idea envoker or for a silly fanfic or something idk <3
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then we have a very ugly made korekiyo but trans :)) I'm gonna redraw this but her hair will be shorter bc I love making my bff shit her pants with madness (she has a veeery huge preference for women with long hair) sorry jo...
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made this for a fic my bff is writing, will link it here if she ever finishes it or uploads it if she allowes me to :))
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then short haired autumn mood korekiyo with a cat he adopted, canon bc I say so.
And did another AU where korekiyo is a bit silly and goofy and stupid kinda and does weird stuff but everyone loves him all the same
left is small baby korekiyo and right is baby angie
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say thank you to jojoba oil for making me draw korekiyo 387423 times bc if she wasn't gonna make me draw him I never would've LOL
again: I'm not a korekiyo fanartist and never will be unless it's for my friends, he's cool though :) still have some drawings planned for him, like two, and after that I'll draw kaede and angie 83748923 times
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sobbingdistantnoises · 11 months
I am a little confused about the ask game buttttt 
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i just found this and i can’t stop laughing
also do you have any weird stories you’d like to tell? 
HELPPHDJSJAKKA, THAT'S AMAZING, hdjsjaj. Don't you just hate when your subconuous mind makes you build shelves? </3
OKAY I THOUGHT OF SOMETHING. Basically, context: I've had the same history teacher and class for two years, and said teacher has taught at the school for since it was built. Therefore he was there for its whole history
What's also to note is that my course was a 2 year course with both freshmen and sophomores, and we had about 60 kids in the classroom. Therefore we needed a BIG classroom. The school didn't initially have classrooms big enough, so what they ended up doing was knocking a wall down between two small classrooms to form a big history classroom. However, because there used to be a wall in the middle of the classroom, there still needed to be a pole for integral structural support or whatever. Thus, my classroom had a 1x1 foot pole towards the front of it
Now (time), the teachers have put stuff on it, like Caravaggio paintings, some student's drawing of a theoretical mid evil (<- can't figure out how to spell it) kingdom ensignia (<- I should really use words I can spell) for my teacher, and Raphael's School of Athens. However, what my teacher told us last year is that that wasn't ALWAYS the case. Because several years back, some girl put a picture of some celebrity on it, then someone else did the same, etc etc. Basically, for a few years, it became known as the pole of hotness
However, for some reason, the hot people went away, and no one has added anything else to it.....UNTIL NOW.
You see, this year, I liked and became friends with the 3 people that sat at my table. So we hatched a PLAN ("plan") somewhere in the middle of the year to go and put someone on the pole of hotness "one day". However, then exams happened and we cried and forgot to do this until the second to last Thursday of school. Then forgot to do it until Friday morning, which was the last day of the normal school schedule and our last chance to pull it off
We all basically frantically tried to think of hot people that would be more or less universally known. Through a combination of none of us knowing universally known hot people or not wanting to confess to finding someone attractive, we settled on. Wait for it. Dante Alighieri's hat.
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This is Dante ^ He was a mid evil Italian who wrote a long poem about going to hell with his friend Virgil (dead Roman poet) who he may or may not have either fatherzoned or had a celebrity crush on. Not sure if I'm honest. But either way, I don't recall his hat ever being important
STILL I managed to get a fixation on this hat. Let's go through a list of what I have done
Wrote "Dante Alighieri's dumb hat" in response to the question of the day, "what is your pet peeve". My friend drew him underneath, and my teacher pointed it out to the whole class and called it "the most humanities student thing ever" the next day
Wrote 6 pages of crossover crack fanfiction between Dante, his hat (which I named Lauren after the fact that laurel leaves exist and John Laurens (I didn't watch Hamilton by this point but I think I read a few fanfics)), and Paul Revere based on the idea that Lauren could talk for an assignment
(Not hat specific but) wrote about wanting to time travel to the moment Dante finished writing the Divine Comedy in order to appear as a divine being and scare him on my FINAL EXAM ESSAY (the whole essay was slightly unhinged in general but shh)
Added Dante's hat to a slideshow my friend's friends made called "chest hair history" in which they put a lot of shirtless people and shared with the history teachers at the end of the year (MY FULL NAME IS ALSO ON THIS THING. ON THE FIRST SLIDE) (unrelated but this whole slideshow is so dumb, there's Elon Musk, Michelangelo's David, Bruce Dickinson (I LATER FOUND OUT MY TEACHER IS AN IRON MAIDEN FAN, dying), Steven Adler, and one of Genghis Khan's grandchildren, among others)
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And now we have come to the point at which a fifth point will be added. But first, my friends and I frantically panicked as we realized that I was afraid to ask my art teacher (who is actually so nice, 10/10 teacher, I just fear things) to use the printer but was the only one with a period where I could effectively do whatever since it was the last days of school
So instead, I spent 40 minutes drawing, and then it was time to go to history, equipped with a colored pencil'd notebook paper drawing of his hat
Putting it on the pole was simultaneously both simpler and more difficult that we assumed (we had no plan). My teacher talked at the start of class, we realized we had no tape, we schemed (panicked) and didn't know what to do. My teacher finished went away to his farther away desk. We decided to go steal some tape from the teacher's table that was ~two meters away from us. (ALSO NOTE. WE WERE NOT SLY. WE SAT AT THE FRONT OF THE ROOM, AND DANTE'S HAT IS BRIGHT RED.)
Tape acquired, we all looked at each other in our seats not knowing when to get up nor who will get up to put the paper on the wall. So impulsively, I took the paper, walked a few meters over to an emptier side of the pole, STUCK IT ON THERE, speedwalked back to my seat. And then the paper fell and I had to tape it again not a full 15 seconds later whilst the teacher had actually TURNED SO THAT I THINK I WAS IN VIEW while I did the deed, hfjsjaka. (And there was also a group of guys sitting right in front of the pole who looked at the new addition so ???ly, FJSJAJA)
And that is. the story of how I indirectly called some old dead guy's hat hot and subtly announced this to my history classroom for hopefully years to come (we shall see whether it's still up next year). I will also now pray that no one irl finds this post (I think at least one of the three friends has tumblr so. Fear.)
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sflow-er · 1 year
Good morning Sflow :)
For the ask game I'd love to hear your thoughts about these two, if you feel like answering (no pressure though!):
🍭why did you start writing?
🌿how does creating make you feel?
Thank you. Wishing you a lovely day! <3
Good evening, friend 💛
I saved your ask for last because these are both really deep questions, and I've actually spent a lot of time reflecting on them today, especially the first one. So, exactly the kind I'd expect from you, and they deserve the kind of rambling personal answers you know to expect from me.
I'll put a cut here to make it easier for people to scroll on if they aren't interested, but of course anyone who is interested is welcome to read my answers!
🍭why did you start writing?
I guess the short answer is, as a creative outlet. But there is also a very long answer, as I've started writing several times over the course of my life.
On the first time, I started for my little brother. We played a lot of imagination games when we were kids, and I wanted to expand on those. We had an imaginary world with about two dozen characters but could only play a few of them at the same time, the stories were 'lost' when the game ended, and I had too many ideas anyway. So I started drawing and writing some of them down. This first phase went on from age 9 to 14 or so.
On the second time (overlapping the first), I started for narrative closure. A video game that I was completely obsessed with had a sad ending, so I wrote another. It was fun, so I went on to another story I wanted to continue, characters I wanted to expand on, and so on. I wrote most of these in my English notebook, for which I also got extra credit and feedback from my English teacher.
After a couple of years of just writing in my notebook, I discovered that I was doing a thing called fan fiction, and there were places to put it online. So I started doing that. Eventually, I got an original idea, and I wrote a story of about 50k and even started a sequel. This second phase lasted from age 13 to 19/20.
Then I started at uni. Life got in the way, and my creativity was gone. I never finished the sequel, and even when I eventually got obsessed with a new piece of media and tried to write something for it, I just couldn't get anything coherent down. I eventually took down all my old fics too, thinking that chapter of my life was closed for good. This phase lasted until I watched Young Royals at the age of 33.
On the third time, I started as an outlet for my suddenly reborn creativity - and my still very fragile ace identity. I found the rich world of YR incredibly inspiring and wanted to continue the story (as we didn't even know if there would be an S2). I also really wanted to contribute something to the fandom that was growing around it, but I didn't have the confidence or the ideas to focus on Wilmon.
Well, as luck would have it, there was a veritable blank slate of a minor character who would be perfect for a canon expansion and even gave me a vague ace vibe for some reason. And if I made him asexual, well, figuring out how he felt about various stuff would be a good excuse to work on myself on the side. I wasn't sure if I actually had the guts to make that part of his characterisation visible in the fic, and he'd have to be very different from me as I never liked self-inserts, but yeah. That could be interesting.
I'm still in this third phase, although the self-reflection has taken a backseat now.
🌿how does creating make you feel?
It's hard to describe. One part of it is just plain relief, because it gets to a point where you really just need an outlet for all the creative energy. One part is this huge sense of accomplishment and satisfaction over seeing the thing you imagined and planned come together. It was just something you cooked up in your head, and now it's out there, making sense. Or at least being its own aesthetic/artistic entity. Either way, you did it, wow.
And of course one part is the joy of knowing that people enjoyed something you made and/or it touched them. I had sort of forgotten about that while I wasn't writing, and I'm very grateful to have experienced it again.
Thank you again for these wonderful asks!
Ask list for reference.
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not-poignant · 2 years
how does it feel to be done with (the main) fae tales verse as far, as far as writing goes? is mallory and mount going forward or do you have other plans? :o
It still doesn't really feel real honestly! I don't think it will until like we all get to experience the end of the canon together? Right now I kind of feel like I'm in a holding pattern. :D
I felt sort of sad that it was ending a while back, probably a year ago. And then I felt kind of relieved too, because The Ice Plague has had...a lot of teething issues re: dropping popularity and just general engagement (it's still good! But it's just...it will never be like Game Theory or The Court of Five Thrones, and book 3 will never be like book 2 and that wasn't like book 1).
I've been doing Mallory & Mount worldbuilding but I actually haven't written anything yet and I don't think I will for another couple of months, which doesn't bode well for launching M&M straight after Fae Tales. Because I'll need a buffer of chapters for that story. Realistically speaking I'll probably have to maintain the Patreon with a Gary/Efnisien omegaverse AU, while I write buffer chapters.
Some of the lag is just that the worldbuilding is much more complicated (new days of the week, new names for months, new names for currency, new values of currency, inventing an entirely new language, drawing a world map, etc.), and some if it is that I just actually think I need a break from really intense, complicated writing.
Some of it is also just fear that it will do badly. Logistically in 2022 the Patreon does increasingly worse every single month, and it's been that way for 8 months. By the time Fae Tales is finished, I think I'll be looking at a year of downward trending (after 7 years of only upward trending). It's quite a blow, even though there are understandable economic reasons for it, and it has me questioning if this is even sustainable. It can be hard to...motivate yourself to write or commit yourself to a story that will take 4+ years to write properly, or months of really intensive worldbuilding, when it might be 4 years that are better spent elsewhere, y'know?
Like I think the story and characters are good, but are they good enough? I don't know. I won't know until I write it, and I am not motivated or inspired to write it right now. Though I will say certainly part of that is simply that I am still writing big wordcounts. I wrote 38k last month, most of it on FFS, and I've written 19k this month already, most of it on FFS and Smoke in Autumn. FFS is the most word hungry story I've ever written.
Tbh I had to also take a pretty big hiatus (like a year) between Court of Five Thrones and The Ice Plague, so I'm not entirely surprised this is happening. Some of this is certainly burn out, I may actually need a break from that level of writing (I can write 5 chapters of Falling Falling Stars in the time it takes me to write one chapter of The Ice Plague - and FFS is like...3 times as popular lmao). I really enjoy writing complex narratives, characters, and politics, and original worldbuilding, but it is more effort, and Fae Tales has been going for nearly a decade. Maybe I just need some breathing room before launching straight off with another half decade commitment!! aslkfjsdaka :D I'm sure that's a big part of it.
Incidentally my worldbuilding folder for Mallory & Mount currently looks like this:
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As you can see, I have been working on it pretty recently! Though I've taken a little break this month. So even if I take a break from it, I'll probably still be thinking about it and working on it in the background. I am almost certainly going to do early release re: Mallory & Mount - i.e. it goes up first on Patreon, and then it goes up on AO3 2 weeks later.
Whatever the case though, I'll still be writing something! I actually wrote 500 words of the Efnisien/Gary fic last night after busting out 4,600 words on the next FFS chapter sdslkajfsa the writing always continues, even if I don't know exactly what I'm doing with it.
As for the end of the Fae Tales canon, I think early August will be...Feelstown lmao. It's so soon!
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keefwho · 8 days
May 30 - 2024 Thursday
Last night I recorded a good morning voice message for DS because I felt like it. Doing small little things like that is important for me because usually I'd refrain in case its too silly or something. My prompt yesterday was "let your voice be heard" and I did, literally. Its a very small thing but the intent behind it is large.
This morning I took the dogs out and showered. I made a frozen breakfast sandwich for lunch but I cut up my own onions for it and applied some hot sauce. Usually I'd eat something with it to help it agree with my tummy but I figured I could without because I wanted to eat small meals today since I've been up a couple pounds. My body handled it okay it seems. I had watched a sorta beginner art course video that explained using large areas and then using ovals to define planes easily which is exactly what i've been doing on my own.
To warm up today, I filled in all the little space left on my sketch sheet with rough gestures. Then I finished a YCH edit, did a YCH for 57, and readied a couple commissions for next month.
After work I spent time before lunch contacting people, doing some chores, and tending to my patreon. It was a very productive hour. For lunch I made soup and a grilled cheese. I gave myself ample time to chill and take a break since I actually felt like I earned it. Unfortunately I didn't know what I wanted to chill with so I watched an unsatisfying stream. The guy I like watching lately has starting playing CS:GO and similar games which actually melt my brain to watch. It's soooooo boring.
I finished this Celestia AI redraw I was working on this afternoon and worked on this Zelda drawing I had on the backburner. I asked TK if she wanted to call but she wasn't up for it today so I joined BR's server vc even though it was empty. I really needed to socialize because so few people have been around lately in general. BT joined but he's kinda weird and info dumps about stuff. Also nearly pulled me into the drama he's in surrounding other server members that I know nothing about. I also worked on my pony avatar for an hour.
After work I left the VC to play Cities Skylines. I got a couple new mods that might be crashing the game so I think I'll remove them. Admittedly I barely planned on using them. I asked DS if she wanted to chill and we did. I played Cities for a bit until it crashed, trying to relax and just have fun instead of making it feel like a chore or exercise. I realize I should be opening google earth and looking up locations for inspiration. It usually makes it very fun but feels like "cheating" as stupid as that sounds. Its the kind of mindset I want to let go of for any game I play. Its just a GAME I am PLAYing. Anyways she put on the 4 current episodes of season 2 of Smiling Friends which was a blast. Then we watched highlights of Oneyplays roasting the Nostalgia Critic and I suggested we watch a video of his so I have better context of who he actually is. I've always heard about him but never watched him. Then we did our puzzles before she headed off to bed since she has to wake up extra early tomorrow. I looked back on our evening feeling bad that I was so mellow and uninteresting. Its because I don't have anything on my mind to talk about lately with anyone really. Like I haven't taken in any new information to use. Its also possible I'm not treating myself with enough respect to speak my mind. Maybe I'm just thinking about things I don't think are worth sharing. Or maybe it's okay to have nothing on my mind really so I can just enjoy whatever is happening.
I tried playing some Roblox but my internet was cutting out like 1 out of every 3 minutes. I joined BR's server where they were watching the old ninja turtles movie which they still are as I write this.
My parents got home today so I don't have to tend to the dogs anymore. I did very good work today which I'm proud of, I have no regrets about my work ethic today. I just hope I can get out of this social rut, I don't feel like Im building relationships at all.
0 notes
Wreckless - Pool Adventures
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*Warning Adult Content*
I wasn't sure what to expect when I came out... there could have been a work of art on the concrete or what I got which are some very well done scribbles.
I tell him dinner is in the oven and he hands me a triceratops.
I'm not sure exactly how to hold it because the lake is done from above and the trees and mountain, no wait, it's a volcano, are done from the side.
I decide it doesn't matter.
He has the T-rex in one hand and is flying the pterodactyl around in the other.
"So what's the plan? I don't want you to eat me," I tease.
"No, that's mean. I won't eat you, Emmett."
"Good. Maybe we should be friends and go on an adventure."
Aren't we already?
He's looking to me and I have not watched a dino movie in quite awhile.
Um, a mission.
A dino-friendly mission.
"How about we go searching for something?"
"Like what?"
He perches his pterodactyl in the tree and walks his t-rex over towards me.
"How about a special tree with a surprise?"
I grab the same colors he's used for his other tree and make a new one a few feet away.
"It has two trunks, that's how we'll find it and a treasure box inside."
"I love it. There should be a river to cross," he says, drawing one between us and the goal.
We've found the treasure box and I've given him a riddle to solve when my phone beeps.
"Dinner time, let me check on it and then we need to finish our adventure quickly so we can eat."
"Okay, we can do it."
He's so excited... I love his Finn voice.
He doesn't sound child-like really, even though his words sometimes are.
He's not faking a voice or anything.
He just sounds happy and excited and he's thinking hard about the riddle, I can tell.
I pull the chops out of the oven, cover them with a towel and put the veg in the microwave.
"I'm thinking about the riddle, Emmett," he says when I come back out
"But I need a hint."
It's a good one, one my mother taught me ages ago.
A hint, eh?
"Okay, it's usually white or brown."
Too much of one, really but dinner is ready and I know he wants to solve it.
"So something you can't use until you break it," he repeats.
"Something white and brown."
"Yep. White or brown," I stress.
"It doesn't change colors, it only comes in two. Wait, they have blue ones sometimes now, I don't know. At the store they come in two."
"Another hint," he says.
"You buy it at a store?"
"Yep. And dinosaurs had them."
I'm actually amused at that one and the look on his face is priceless.
"Dinosaurs don't have stores, Emmett."
"I know."
He laughs and jumps up.
"Eggs. You break an egg to eat it and you buy it at the store and dinosaurs lay eggs."
"You got it. Let's go eat dinner and then we can swim afterwards."
"What's our prize?"
"I'll give that to you after we swim, grasshopper. Looking forward to it."
I get a wry smile in return.
After dinner on his new plate we get changed.
I spray his shoulders and he does his nose and cheeks because even though there is no way he can get burnt right now, I refuse to risk it.
He complains but does it anyway.
I bring out some drinks and the lube because I definitely plan on taking him out here once it's dark and blow up the two extra toys.
He jumps right in and uses two to float, one under his knees and one behind his head.
"Feels great, Emmett. Come in with me."
"Rather come in you," I mumble just loud enough for him to hear me before jumping in.
"Naughty Emmett."
"It's not my fault you make me crazy, Finnegan."
We swim around for awhile, play a game of Marco Polo, play a weird net-less version of beach volleyball and then he hops out and opens his bracelets.
He puts three together and makes me a necklace, does the same for himself and then asks me to put a bracelet on each of his wrists.
"We look very snazzy."
He decides to repurpose his bracelets as dive toys and spends fifteen minutes collecting them from the bottom of the pool over and over.
When he's tired I put them back on for him but don't let him escape.
I pull him against me and hoist him up and he wraps his legs around me and his arms around my shoulders.
"Hi Emmett."
I answer him with a kiss, trailing down his neck until he giggles and then stops giggling and starts breathing hard.
"I'm going to fuck you out here in the open. What do you think about that, Finnegan?"
"You... what?"
"I..." I repeat slowly.
"Am going to fuck you out here, bent over that table. I'm going to muffle your screams with a towel so the neighbors don't hear you begging for more or begging me to stop, either way works for me, babe."
I sneak my hand right down the back of his trunks and tease his bud with my fingertip.
"How does that sound?"
"Oh. I... I think it sounds fun, Emmett."
He hops out and I'm right behind him.
I drape one towel over the table to cushion him a bit and he folds one up for under his head.
As soon as I get his trunks yanked down I bend him forward, step out of mine and sink to my knees so I can work him open.
He yelps and then sighs as I caress him with my tongue.
A few minutes later I'm sinking into him, working him open with my cock instead.
It's much less gentle but he's taking me beautifully and managing to stay fairly quiet.
I reach around and stroke him and he's hard and almost as desperate as I am and I have gotten over my fear of asking for too much when he's been working.
No, he's right, he needs this and so do I.
He comes right after I do, squeezing me hard as he shudders.
We both stumble inside and through a quick shower and soon we're in bed.
His head is on my shoulder as I try to read one-handed.
After our chapter, he kisses my neck.
"Thank you."
"You're welcome, Finnegan. Think you can sleep now?"
"Yeah. I was up so early. This morning feels like yesterday. I don't know how to explain it."
I know exactly what he means, it feels very distant and I guess it is.
Physically and mentally.
"I understand. Get some rest, we'll have a good day tomorrow."
"I can't wait and Emmett?"
"I love you, lots."
He's waiting for me to say something but I'm sort of choked up and having a hard time breathing.
"Love you too, darling."
"Night night."
"Sleep tight, Finnegan."
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efh2207630 · 7 months
Cyberpunk shooter
The team was slightly larger, so I covered the entirety of the art with no expectation of working on coding. The group decided on a cyberpunk theme, which I've never drawn or really focused on before, and it was also my first experience with pixel art.
We created a mood board before starting with any concept art:
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One thing I personally wanted to do was to try not to lean too far into the more orientalist elements that are present in a majority of cyberpunk media, as I think it's something that is very overdone and can be very uncomfortable. It wasn't a deep look, but I did want to somewhat consider the ethical elements in my designs, which I know will be an important element of the game art pipeline and a future career. I drew up some concept sketches, inspired by the moodboard and my own ideas of cyberpunk, which was mainly Bladerunner. I wanted to lean into the 80s American corporate look for characters, and have the protagonist wear a suit of some kind. The female player's hair was inspired by Janice from Mean Girls.
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After this, I started experimenting with pixel art for sprites, which was easier than expected. I decided on the Janice design because she looked cooler and more punk.
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I made a rudimentary run cycle, it looks a bit janky but I have no animation experience so it was acceptable.
I made some backgrounds next, as the original plan was for 3 levels. We had decided on the levels going downwards, starting with a rooftop, then entering the building, and finishing in the basement with a boss fight. I spent the longest time on the rooftop but had to rush the other two a bit as we were close to the deadline. The result is still fine, but it has much less detail than the first, due to less time as well as burnout.
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After the backgrounds, I wasnt able to make anything else aside from some incredibly boring and rushed tiles, which were mostly flat coloured boxes.
Our group wasn't particularly coordinated with communications, so the hallway and basement levels weren't actually made, which I wasn't aware of until the deadline. There also wasn't enough time for enemy sprites so we had to rely on free assets.
At the end of the project, I was pleased with the work I did create, especially the skyline backdrop, as it was my first attempt at anything like this and I think the outcome is pretty cool. I do wish we'd been able to actually finish the game, or at least been more organised and realistic about what we could get done by the deadline. I had ideas for a huge mass of robot parts and cables as the final boss which, while admittedly overambitious, would have been fun to draw if I had allocated enough time in the planning stage. I also spent far too long on the concepts and not enough on the actual sprites.
Overall pleased with the quality of my own work, and the coder produced something cool with the limited time and my late submissions of assets, I just wish it could have come together properly into something closer to our ideas.
0 notes
angelatsumu · 3 years
hq eyeliner hc's [nsfw]
hey babies! back again with another hc type deal with some of my favorite boys!
boys are: tendou, matsukawa & bokuto <3
basically just brain rot about boys would letting me do their eyeliner <3
warnings: slight dubcon with tendou, puppy!reader, oral (f!receiving), cockwarming, fingering, not proofread
requests are open! please send some requests for anything !!
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boy definitely loves whenever his good puppy does his eyeliner
let's be honest he does it himself usually
you'd come trotting up with the mischievous look on your face, eyeliner in hand.
he just smiles, sitting on the bed and you stood over him.
a smile grows on his face as he feels you crawling into his lap, straddling his waist.
"puppy's doing so good, hm~" he teases as you wiggle your hips in his lap, trying to get a better look at his eyelids for the eyeliner placement. his hands find your waist, gripping lightly as you wiggle a bit more, earning a low groan from your lover. a blush rose to your cheeks as you felt his growing semi against your backside, hand shakily continuing to apply eyeliner to the right eyelid. a huff leaves your lips when his hands move to smooth over your thighs, spreading instinctively to give him better access to your needy heat. he notices, a slight chuckle leaving his lips. you finally manage to complete the first eye, and just as you were moving toward the second, tendou managed to get his hand between the two of you, cupping your heat. you paused, studying your sly boyfriend's face for faltering. knowing your gaze, his eyes remained closed with a coy smirk on his face as his hand began to slowly rub between your folds, gently grazing your clit with each stroke. "hmph," you whimpered, retreating backward so you sat on the edge of his lap, hands just out of reach from your cunny. Tendou lets out a sigh, hands finding your hips and dragging you back into his lap, hard-on pressing into your heat intentionally. "finish what you started, puppy, or i wont be nice." you blushed at his words, craning your neck to begin work on his second eye. Tendou's fingers skillfully swipe aside your panties to collect your slick, spreading it over your clit with a pleased groan. Your cunny clenched around nothing as you whined, arching your back so your bodies pressed closer together. "puppy~" he scolded teasingly, pressing tight circles into your clit as you began to writhe beneath him. "tori, no fair," you whined softly, trying your hardest to focus on the last swipe of eyeliner. just as the pencil met his eyelid, tendou's two fingers penetrated your tight hole, walls immediately fluttering around him as your climax came closer. you whined once more, pressing your hips further onto his fingers in a wonton attempt to get some release. "i warned you~" tendou scolds, fingers moving at a punishing pace as his freehand circles around to rub tight circles into your swollen clit. "please, i-i'm so close~" he would rolls his eyes if they were open at your whining, and you knew that as your legs began to shake, body growing hot as your boyfriend continued to pleasure you. just as you feel that tight coil about to snap, tendou's ministrations on your needy heat cease, and he peaks an eye open to take in the disappointed look on your face. tears start to form in the corners of your eyes as you needily press your thirsty cunt into his hand, making a sloppy attempt of fucking his fingers. Tendou groans in annoyance, swatting at your clit which sends a jolt through your body. "eyeliner, pup. that's all you asked for." you know he's teasing but you can't help but cry a little at the thought of him doing this to you again. just as you go in for your second attempt, tendou's fingers are working you again. his fingers are crossed this time, giving you an irresistible feeling that with any clit stimulation would send you barreling to the edge. you begin to protest, not wanting to be edged right now—you were so sensitive for him, and this he adored more than anything—but tendou shuts you up. "you don't get to tell me no until you finish the fucking thing you begged me to do," he huffs, smirking at the whimper and feel of your salty tears on his skin. tendou loved you, but he loved being mean, too. finally, you finish the swipe across his eyelid, hoping that tendou's merciless behavior ceases, but he has other plans. his eyes flutter open, immediately pinned on you as his free hand once again finds your clit, rubbing figure-eights that have you seeing stars. the way you're squeezing him is driving him crazy, and all he knows is that he needs you to cream for him. your legs start shaking and you collapse against his chest, crying out his name as your orgasm washes over you in waves. his hands never stop pumping in your addictive cunny, and tendou smiles
down at you as if to say, "we aren't done yet".
he let you do it when he saw you watching a tiktok of some dude saying he wanted a girl to sit in his lap and do his eyeliner
the issue wasn't that you were allowed to do it, it was that he knew your plan and he played dumb the entire day about it
i mean mans knows you did his eyeliner so that he would get all horny and fuck your brains out, but mans plays the long game
issei just really wants his puppy to beg to be touched like the touch-starved girl she is
"you've been following me around all day, y/n". his voice almost sounds annoyed, but you know that isn't the case. your boyfriend lived for how needy you were with him, but he enjoyed the occasional front to seem less whipped. "i am your puppy, after-all," you retorted, as slight blush at your own words on your cheeks. issei pauses, turning around to see you standing there with your hands crossed over your chest, pout in full-effect. he grins, eyes raking over your form slowly before he rolls his eyes and turns around once more. "if you're gonna stand there, at least help me put the dishes away," he snarks, and you sigh, being the obedient girl he knew you to be. as you're putting the last few dishes into the dishwasher, you feel issei's palm press into your lower back. a sigh leaves your lips as he takes place behind you, leaning so his lips were against your skin. "how about you get a better look at this eyeliner between your legs, hm?" an audible whimper leaves your lips as your tease of a boyfriend backs away, feigning innocence as he looks for an imaginary beverage in the fridge. "issei~" you whine softly, making your way over to him. he glances at you with a smirk on his face, eyebrows raised in fake surprise. "Hm, so horny puppy forgot her manners~" He's teasing and you know it, but you can't bother with games when he stands before you like this, grey sweats hanging low on his hips and hair disheveled. you try to pry your eyes from the prominent dick print, just enough to not get caught, but matsun's chuckle gives it away. matsun closes the fridge, moving to tower over you before backing you into the counter. "staring is impolite, puppy." his arms take place on either side of the counter, caging you in as you let out a whine. he notices your neediness, especially in the way you move your thighs together to create friction for that desperate clit of yours. your lover smirks down at you, shaking his head as he immediately drops to his knees. "you might wanna hold on, puppy~ " before you can process his words, issei's gotten your panties off, forcing them into your mouth. He raises his shirt you're wearing, eyes marveling at your cunny. he breathes in your scent like it's his last breath, licking his lips hungrily as he does so. issei hoists your right leg over his shoulder, sliding in closer to your needy heat. matsun's tongue licks a fat stripe between your folds, warm muscle sending involuntary chills down your spine. his eyes peer up at you, watching your face contort as he delicately presses his tongue into your clit, slowly drawing circles there. a gutteral groan leaves his lips as he feels your slick covering his mouth and cheeks, moving his tongue to lap up the entirety of your cunny at a faster but precise pace. your hands take purchase in his hair as he circles your clit once more, paying close attention the shuddering of your body with each stroke. his hands have a tight grip on your legs as he uses his left to hoist your left leg over his shoulder, rendering you helpless to his will. he pressed your further into the counter, groaning as you involuntary buck your hips against his tongue, desperate to feel his hot muscle inside your cunt. "behave, puppy," he scolds you, continuing to sloppily lap up your wetness as he feels your body quake beneath him. he needs you to cum, so desperate to satisfy his needy puppy after denying her for so long—for him. issei moves his tongue to your entrance, circling sloppily before pushing the muscle into your pulsing walls, and the pull on his hair tells him all he needs to know. matsun's tongue thrashes within you, moving at just enough speed you're seeing stars and losing your grip on your release. he manages to slide a hand between the two of you, massaging your clit with gentle rigor, and moaning into your heat, using the entirety of his tongue to lap up your slick. with a final pinch of your clit combined with the pressure of his tongue thwarting inside you, your orgasm washes over you and you're seeing white, nothing but issei matters as your hips buck wildly
against him. he grins into your cunny, knowing he's done well for his puppy.
b. koutaro
loves the eyeliner in the boys lap trend!
would probably see you doing it one day, and he's like hm?
and then he sees a tiktok of a dude saying he loves when his girl does eyeliner in his lap, and he's like uh, yeah?
so he sends you the tiktok, and you're more than happy to fulfill his fantasy or whatever
he, being the needy boy he is, suggests cockwarming while doing his eyeliner. (bo loves cockwarming doing anything but that's for another day)
"come on, puppy, please~" he whines, legs spread with a hand down his grey sweatpants. you sighed, your strong will wearing thin whenever your boyfriend gave you the puppy dog eyes. bo' loved you and he was constantly looking for ways to keep you guessing, keep you excited about his touch. he knew he never had to try very hard, but still he enjoyed the chase of it all. you clambered into your boyfriends lap, sinking onto his length slowly with a wince. he grinned at your faintly pained expression, knowing his girth always took you off guard. you sat in his lap, smiling at his excited features and he blushed softly under your gaze. it took everything in him not to tear you apart, completely disregarding the eyeliner. as you got situated, your velvety walls clenched around earning light whimpers from your beloved himbo. he grimaced, knowing he didn't want to ruin the intimate experience at hand. "please just start, puppy," he whined, wriggling under your touch as he grew restless. you smirked at him, enamored by your easily excitable boyfriend. you reached to start the first swipe of eyeliner on his left eye, straining in his lap to reach his eyes. as you approached, bo couldn't keep his eyes off of where you two were connected, and that made you blush. "kou, please close your eyes," you huffed and he obliged. his hands instinctively found your waist as you wiggled in his lap once more, his cock twitched inside you at the slight movement. a soft whimper left your lips at the sensation as you struggled to remain focused on the task at hand. with the first swipe across his eyelid, kou thrusted lightly into you, growing too restless to sit still. "bokuto~" you whimpered, withdrawing your hand and lightly pinching his cheek as you shifted attention to the other eyelid. "hurry up and finish so I can fuck you, puppy~" his tone was gruff and urgent, and you blushed, nodding softly. needless to say, the second swipe took no longer than two seconds and your brains were fucked out instantly.
admin: i hope you all enjoyed!! also, thanks for 99 followers <3
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giorno-plays-piano · 3 years
Part VI
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Pairing: Steve x reader, Bucky x reader, Thor x reader, Loki x reader, Peter x reader
Warnings: yandere, obsession, stalking, possessiveness, theft, mention of blackmail, all characters are adults.
Words: 1567.
Summary: Transferring to Stark Academy that has only allowed to take in female students last semester, you realize you are just one of three young women among hundreds of students. Your things are constantly being stolen, and soon you begin fearing for your safety.
Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part V
You spent the rest of your evening like a somnambulist, barely able to concentrate on your projects before you went to bed, barely finishing half of the things you planned for today. Even the change of locks didn't make you as happy as you thought it would. It felt like something between a dream and a nightmare.
Lying in the dark, you stared at the ceiling, thinking of what happened just a couple of hours ago. Why did he do it? Was it just out of habit and didn’t mean anything? Naturally, with his appearance and easy-going attitude, he probably dated many girls and didn’t think much before kissing someone he liked.
Remembering the way he talked to you in the morning, you thought he must have pretended to be shy around you. Thor certainly wasn’t sheepish.
Was it all a sham? Was Loki right about all of them, playing their roles to get close to you? You couldn’t forget the way Thor looked the moment he told you about being smart. It was like something switched inside him, and for a second you saw the real Thor who was far from being your simple, good-natured athlete.
Why did you keep thinking about that stupid kiss even after seeing the man could be dangerous?
Aroused and angry, you tossed and turned until you fell asleep.
Waking up was especially tough, despite the fact you didn't really do much yesterday, meaning you were going to spend your weekend studying. Shoot, and that's when you planned to visit that new chocolate boutique in the city. Maybe you could still make it if you spent more time studying today?
But then again, going to the city alone might be a bad idea. Even if the guys who stole your things were beaten, it didn't mean it had always been the same people following you. The school was full of weirdos, in the end. What if somebody went after you? Steve would definitely say you had to bring one of your guards with you.
Damn. It was better staying in the dorm then.
"Good morning! Are you ready?" Peter's voice broke through the silence, and you flinched, hurriedly applying some lipstick because you didn't have enough time to put your makeup properly.
Well, at least you were fully dressed.
"Just give me a second!" Picking up your bag, you put your shoes on and opened the door, looking at a young guy who's face was lit up like a Christmas tree. "Hi!"
He definitely liked what he saw, and you felt your cheeks growing hot from embarrassment. From the very start of the semester Peter acted very sweet around you, and you thought you could be friends with him. He wouldn't do something as ugly as blackmailing, would he? Thor said it too. Clearly, Steve was exaggerating.
"Did you sleep well? I've heard you changed your lock, so now it'll be better."
"Ugh, I hope so. But I still sleep with my dresser blocking the door." Sighing, started walking, afraid to look in the faces of other students, hurrying off to school.
They must have been disgusted, watching you being friendly with one guy after being all lovey-dovey with the other just yesterday. Although you didn't see anyone in particular, you were sure somebody saw Thor kissing you. And now you were walking the corridors with Peter.
"By the way, what's your Insta?"
What? Your Instagram? Whatever for? Although you had no idea why he needed it, you let him add you, by the time leaving the dorm and walking towards the main building.
Suddenly, Peter got pretty close, his arm on your waist as he lifted up his phone and hummed, "Look here and smile!"
Before you realized what he was doing, the boy kissed your temple, and you heard the sound of a photo being taken by his front-facing camera. What the Hell?!
"Peter!" Pissed at him, you quickly break free and stepped back, but he was already looking at his phone, editing the photo and posting it almost immediately.
You heard your phone buzz when he marked you on the photo.
"That's a good one. You look very cute here."
"What are you doing?!"
"Making a proof we're dating, of course?"
You were taken aback by the sincerity in his voice, and Peter smiled from ear to ear like an excited teenager, showing you the picture: it wasn't that bad, and you looked as if you were slightly embarrassed by Peter's closeness. Oh, of course. He had to convince his friends he was dating you, but he didn't kiss you on the lips that could make other people too suspicious. Instead, friends of Barnes or, say, Thor, would still think it was all for show, and it was their friend who dated you for real.
Shit, Steve's plan was incredibly complicated, and you didn't like it at all.
"Oh, alright." You mumbled, lowering your eyes to the ground, and Peter laughed.
"We'll make a TikTok dance later. If you wanna make people talk, just use your social media." He winked at you and put the phone in the pocket of his pants, resuming walking, and you moved along, your face still hot.
God, what did these guys got you into? You felt like you were lost in the middle of a play, not even having a script to read what was your role in all this.
Before you parted your ways, going to a different classrooms, Peter talked about videogames, the upcoming Resident Evil - apparently, his favorite franchise - and some Dota tournament, but you didn't know much about it, and Peter offered to show you his favorite games "because you can't spend all your time studying!"
He was as careless and sweet as always, but you couldn't get Steve's words out of your mind. Damn, if only you could know for sure that Peter didn't blackmail anyone. Who could you talk to about it? Obviously, not Peter himself, but every time he spoke you had that nagging feeling you needed to talk to him. You barely kept your mouth shut before he went to a different room.
Ugh, why didn't you transfer anywhere else when you still had a chance? Obviously, now you could only drop out of school, and it definitely wasn't something you were going to do.
Luckily, the next couple of hours you were busy with your classes, trying your best to prepare for the upcoming exams. The academy held high standards, and even though you were a good student, it still took lots of efforts to keep up the good work. How Thor even managed to get enrolled, judging by the fact he hated studying and often skipped classes?
Ah yes, he mentioned something about getting a scholarship from the academy for his success in the sport.
By the lunch time you were drained, listening to Peter chatting with an absent-mindedly epxression on your face. Funny enough, Peter's grades were better than yours, even though he spent much less time studying. What, was he some genius like Loki? You felt a little envy.
"I gotta go take my tracksuit, I have PE next," the boy said, and you nodded, throwing away the leftovers of your lunch.
As you stood close while he grabbed his sportclothes, you heard two guys talking behind the lockers to your right.
"Have you seen her today? She's with Parker!"
You tensed immediately. Of course, they were talking about you.
"Yeah, so what?"
"She was with Thor yesterday!"
Watching you froze on the spot, Peter stilled too, listening carefully. Oh shit, you hoped no one cared about who you went with - why should they, in the end - but, apparently, you were drawing too much attention simply because you were a girl among hundreds of male students.
"So what?" The other guy asked impatiently, growing tired of this conversation.
"Are you stupid? She's going out with them! I bet she's looking for a guy." The first student said with excitement, and you cringed. No, you weren't going out with anyone, you wanted to stop the weirdos from following you and steeling your things. Was it too much to ask?
"Yeah, who cares?"
"We have three fucking girls in the whole school, and you don't care if one of them could be going out with you? Besides, this one's pretty. I'd fuck her!"
You felt like you were going to puke any moment. Why on Earth did you decide to transfer to an all-boys school? It was like the whole school were a men’s room filled with stupid-ass guys, and you were locked inside, forced to listen them talk junk.
"You'd fuck a sheep, weirdo. Go get yourself a girlfriend if you can’t stop thinking with your dick.”
Laughing, the guy left, and his friend followed him, shouting something stupid while you breathed out a sigh of relief. Of course, you knew there would be some talk, but you didn’t expect it to be so... gross. Were you really gonna spend the two remaining years here?
Watching you getting frustrated, Peter gently touched you by the arm and said softly, “Don’t worry. They won’t talk rubbish about you.”
“What do you mean?” Suddenly thinking of Steve’s words, you blurted out exactly what you were thinking of the whole day, “Are you going to blackmail them with something?”
“I... what?”
Part VII
Tags: @finleyjayne @alexakeyloveloki   ​@helenaeisenhower @villanellevi @hurricanerin ​@inlovewiththefictionalcharacters @chris-evans-indian-fanfic @navegandoaciegas @rosalynshields @brattycherub @sllooney @angrythingstarlight @lookiamtrying @buckysbunny @stargazingfangirl18 @dillybuggg @literate-lamb @cosicas-cuquis @sarge-barnes-sir @buckybarnesplumwhore @jaysayey @megzdoodle @gotnofucks @lux-ravenwolf @ximebebx @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123 @sourpatchspinster @biiskuitx @stupendouslovegardener @iheartsebandchris @lovelydarkdaydream @soleil-dor @illyrianprincess @vampirestrawberries @goodgodimaweirdperson @frontmanash @freya-heya @yandematic @mariatietacapitu @d3monslust @maybesandohnos @ibeatuptwinks @mangobangi
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nowayspidey · 3 years
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Warnings; angst, smut and SMUT, unprotected sex.
Summary; You didn't like Peter, and you liked to humiliate him every time you had a chance to do so.
Authors note; this is the first time i do smut so pls tell me if its good so i can keep doing it ✨
Temperaments heated up every time your father insisted that you train alongside Peter. You didn't hate Peter, but you didn't like him either. You even thought that he was a bit annoying and spoiled. You just felt annoyed with the presence of him near you. Typical Starks temperament.
Peter was not far behind, he knew that he was not to your liking at all, but Parker just did not seem to understand why. He didn't know anything about you, the only thing he knew was what anyone knew about the starks, a reputation for big parties that Tony seemed to have left once you and Morgan were born. But you followed the legacy of parties until you ended up with someone different under your sheets every night.
"Okay guys take a break but not to long." Tony pointed a finger as the sweat fell from their foreheads. “Jarvis monitors everything so if you spend more than the exact time i will know.
"As if that matters." You mumbled, heading towards the locker room that the Avengers base had.
"I heard that (Y/n)" Tony answered raising his voice watching you walk away. You turned around still walking backwards.
"Good, because I wanted you to know."
You wet your hands removing the sweat to wash your face, both would return to combat but you prefer to feel fresh and relaxed for minutes. When you looked up in the mirror reflection you saw Peter standing looking at you directly, he probably was going to do the same as you to wash some parts, but he was standing there looking at you seriously.
You had no problem challenging Tony, much less Peter.
"What do you want Parker." You turned around, leaning your hands on the sink, giving him that stupid little smile that you knew bothered him about you.
"Why do you hate me so much (Y/n)? Or Tony, are you always rude to people who try to be nice to you? "
"What the hell is your problem man?" You said indignantly crossing your arms, highlighting a little your muscles that Peter secretly lowered his gaze towards them. “My father and I is none of your business, or should I call you stepbrother now? I don't even know you and BELIEVE ME, I have no intention of doing so. Mind your own business, will you?
"What else could I expect from someone who wakes up with a different person every morning, because a mature attitude I don't think so." Peter challenged leaving you speechless, you were the one doing that, not him. “I have heard the rumors and stories of the incredible (y/n) stark and his magnificent reputation. But what if he's just an alter ego? And that you pretend to be the tough guy and not show that soft part of… .—
Peter couldn't finish as soon his spider sense warned him too late that danger was approaching. You pushed the boy on his shoulders causing him to bump his back against the metal lockers.
"And what about you Peter Parker." You started out with bitterness. It was your turn, Peter didn't know where he had gotten that guts, you always seemed to have them. “The classic loser who gets teased at school trying to get noticed by the girl he's in love with? C´mon Peter, you are nothing, the only thing that makes you special and why people would see you is because you are Spiderman. What else would make you special? Be a good kisser? A good boyfriend? You don't have any of that because you are alone. You are a lonely virgin.
Right on the guts. You knew it because Peter didn't bother to answer your push, he just stared at you with a combination of feelings, anger, sadness.
"Screw you man." Peter muttered pushing you with his shoulder before walking out of there.
You couldn't feel bad for him, you enjoyed the pain you caused to people you didn't like. You followed in his footsteps and when he had already left the room you heard your father's voice in the microphone of the communicator that was on the wall.
"Where´s he going? You have training. "
"He's a Nerd dad, He probably go back to his room to read a comic or something." You responded by pressing the button. “Now I'm going to do what I do best.
You caught the shot glass between your teeth and lifted your head letting the bitter drink enter your throat in a single movement. The others started clapping and praising you like you were a party god. You threw the glass on the floor, breaking it, wiping your lips with the sleeve of your expensive shirt.
"Well? Does anyone want to challenge the leader of the parties or are you all a couple of chickens?"
You said flaunting yourself as the thrusters slowly brought you down from the air.
"I'll do it."
The metal boots hit the ground, your gaze focused on Peter and his new look that hardly made you think he was the same Peter you had humiliated at the base of the avengers. His hair pulled back, black pants, and a stylish short-sleeved shirt. The stark scholarship left money.
"Penis Parker." You said mockingly, the alcohol was starting to rise between your veins. "This is going to be interesting. Come on come up here baby. JARVIS! Serve another round.
The round of drinks increased more and more, neither of you took their eyes off the other. Neither wanted to lose to the other. Peter didn't seem to show any signs of dizziness or being drunk, and you knew why, his blood and spider abilities gave him certain advantages that you didn't have. You could already feel a minor headache.
"St..op.." You said stamping your glass on the bar when Peter was about to finish the drink. "I'm going to ... find--... another bottle.
"Sure Stark, take your time." A random boy replied patting your shoulder.
You went through the people leaving everything behind and climbed the stairs escaping from the embarrassing scene that you were going to happen if you didn't get out of there fast. With one hand on your stomach feeling dizzy you entered the closest room closing the door looking for the closest piece of furniture and contain your urge to vomit, you had to go back, Parker would not ruin your reputation.
"Looks like the legend himself (Y/n) Stark can only hold 10 drinks."
Peter entered the room putting the lock to make fun of you seeing you with your eyes closed barely catching your breath.
"If you want to vomit there is a bathroom, I can hold your hair while you are on your knees."
"Fuck off." You responded to his sarcasm. "Was it necessary to be bitten by another spider for you to bring out this manly behavior?
"Only when someone challenge me." Peter crossed his arms, that's when you realized that his school sweater hid some marked arms. You only raised an eyebrow. "And I came to prove to you how wrong you were in what you said, I wanted to enjoy that you recognized that you were wrong but I think that will not happen, right?
"In what part?"
The two were close enough now, Peter was enjoying it. Peter rubbed his half-open mouth with his lips with yours kissing them in a matter of seconds when you turned your head to the side laughing with your eyes closed. You could swear Peter's fingers were already resting delicately on your waist to draw you closer to him.
"Now are you just trying to seduce me? Please try something better and not when I just had a drinking battle with you."
"Which I won and you can't admit."
"Because of your blood type."
"Yeah, whatever."
You could feel the heat burning inside you when Peter kissed you again. You didn't even know if it was because of the alcohol or because of the sensation that he made you feel. Sensation that you wasn't going to admit that it felt good for someone who was sexually active like you.
The kiss was more and more attempt when Peter's hands were in your hair pulling it towards him with a few force and your hands were on his cheeks squeezing them while their mouths combined into one and your tongues soon found the other and make the kiss wetter than it already was. The pleasure made the surrounding weather turn hotter, Peter pulled your hair back allowing the apple of your throat to be marked and he began to kiss it along with each part of your neck.
Both soon stumbled onto the bed where you desperately sought to get rid of each other's clothes, almost tearing them up to get under the sheets. The erections soon brushed making your lips part and you glanced down with a surprised sigh as both caught your breath with slightly swollen lips.
"I thought that being your room it would be a kind of room with games or something like that."
"How many adult movies have you seen?" You asked dumbfounded, Peter turned out to be the sassy guy.
"Well when we were in Germany and I met your father I ...---"
"Peter I really don't want to know, it was sarcasm." You interrupted before he continued. "And it's not my house so I don't have my things." Peter raised both eyebrows. "What?
"You don't plan on stopping do you?"
"Do you want me to continue?"
Peter got up a bit to place a soft kiss this time on the corner of your lips.
"Okay... uhhmm.... open up."
You said taking your fingers to the mouth of Peter who opened catching them. His gaze was on your hand. His tongue moved between them, internally you bit your lip so as not to moan at the sensation and image you were seeing.
"It's enough." You mumbled after a few seconds. Peter opened his mouth and you pulled your fingers from his red lips. "Do you want to continue?
"Will you take away the honor of being with a Stark?"
You giggled in denial, with your other hand you slid down his entire left leg until he raised them to your waist and had a position. Your free hand took his member massaging it giving him a little pleasure and excitement when Peter closed his eyes leaving his mouth open, if anyone knew how to make someone feel good, it was you.
While you distracted Peter, you continued to set him up. Your fingers sought the entrance where you slowly inserted a finger to which Peter responded with a groan, the first you had heard since he entered the room. You moved it slowly and when you thought it was right, you put the second finger.
"Uh..hh ... this is ... new ..."
You smiled when you heard him trying to speak properly and not moaning. You took your fingers out after being inside it for a while and took your member licking you lip. You got him into position and to push yourself in slowly and carefully, you came face to face with Peter.
"Wow ..."
"Peter shut up." You said in a whisper rubbing your nose with his. "Does it hurt? Tell me how it feels so I can ...
"It feels perfect (Y/n)." Peter opened his eyes to meet yours. For the first time, you felt good about him. "You can...uhhmm... move.
You nodded, hiding your face in his neck, biting it and leaving marks on the points that you knew the human body was weak, you proceeded to bite the lobe of his ear while Parker sank his fingers into your bare back with one hand and with the other he pulled strands of your hair. . It was not difficult to know that taking your hair was Peter's fetish.
At first your movements were slow, you didn't want to hurt him and go fast. Slow was the way the pleasure was distributed, demonstrating it in the kisses both had while you did it. Within minutes you decided to try and go faster trying not to make noise from your skin hitting Peter's.
When you were about to reach your point, the veins were marked in your calves. You got out of Peter and you reached out to your member and started to pull it.
"Wait ..." Peter sat on the bed stopping you after straightening his hair. You let go of your hands and Peter started doing what you were doing.
Your hands were now the ones moving Peter's hair. Peter's hand moved quickly, it didn't take him long to reach your climax and release everything on his abdomen to what Peter looked at for a few seconds when he stopped.
Your heavy breathing made your sweaty chest rise and fall. Peter ran a hand over his abdomen with a surprised smirk.
"Wow. Did I really provoke this to you?"
"Don't flatter yourself, it's natural body reactions." You corrected and Peter wiped his hand with his leg taking your waist turning you now staying on top of you.
"Come on (Y/n), it's not that hard to admit some things from time to time. I want to hear it."
You remained silent, but not because of that, but because you were experiencing the sensation of your being the one that was down for the first time.
"Then I guess I'll make you say it." Peter murmured into your lips, running his fingers between them and repeating the same thing you had done with him. "God this feels so good.
You put your legs behind him arching your toes as well as your back. As soon as you felt Peter inside you, he made slow movements in and out as he bent down to kiss and bite your nipples.
Your eyes went wide than normal as you stroked his hair gently. Peter paused with his mouth still on your left nipple. You stopped your caress feeling the heat in your lower waist, inside you.
"Peter? Did you ... uhmmm ... cum already?"
Peter let go of your nipple looking at you embarrassedly with his cheeks redder than a tomato as he realized that he hadn't lasted at all as soon as he entered you. Peter came out of you slowly draining a bit of what he had released into you.
"They are reactions of the body, aren't they?" Peter mumbled sadly lying next to you where they both covered their bodies.
Peter brought both hands to his face, you turned to see him even with the awkward silence between you.
"Hey it's fine, actually.... aggg I'm going to kill you if you say this to someone." You said shaking your head, Peter slid his hands from his face turning his body towards you. "You're the first time I've ever had someone ... you know ... on top of me doing that.
"Uuuhhh, I feel, flattered I guess." One hand was under your neck and the other rested on your abdomen. Which Peter looked at in detail. "You are my first person.
You were quiet for a few seconds.
"I shouldn't have made that stupid joke that you were a lonely virgin." You spoke with regret in your soft tone. "But I enjoyed it .... and you on top of me too.
"Do you want to go out tomorrow? Like we're starting over."
"That sounds good."
"So I'll see you tomorrow at 8:00 at dellmars. The best sandwiches in Queens." Peter said cheerfully as he searched the floor for his pants. "We should do this more frequently.
"Fight or have sex?" You raised an eyebrow.
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nypmphetsbastard · 3 years
They Both Die in the End
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Genre: angst...just angst
Pairings: Eren Yeager x reader
Timeline: season 4 Eren
Summary: SPOILER ALERT! They both die in the end.
Warnings: Smut, angst, major character death, emotional, season 4 warnings do not continue if you’re not caught up with the anime.
A/N: this story is also posted on AO3
If you could go back to it all, would you? Before Marley, before the war, before the titan shifters, before the fall of Shiganshina, before everything — would you go back? Go back to living peacefully inside the walls of Maria watching eh our next door neighbor Eren and his two other friends run around, too nervous to ask yet watching their games of tag together. Go back to the day the youngest Yeager son noticed you from afar and invited you to play with them. Go back to those days. 
Those final days of peace. If you could go back to it all, would you? Before Marley, before the war, before the titan shifters, before the fall of Shiganshina, before everything — would you go back? Go back to living peacefully inside the walls of Maria watching eh our next door neighbor Eren and his two other friends run around, too nervous to ask yet watching their games of tag together. Go back to the day the youngest Yeager son noticed you from afar and invited you to play with them. Go back to those days. 
Those final days of peace. If you could go back to it all, would you? Before Marley, before the war, before the titan shifters, before the fall of Shiganshina, before everything — would you go back? Go back to living peacefully inside the walls of Maria watching eh our next door neighbor Eren and his two other friends run around, too nervous to ask yet watching their games of tag together. Go back to the day the youngest Yeager son noticed you from afar and invited you to play with them. Go back to those days.  Those final days of peace.
Before it all fell.
Maybe. Maybe you would go back. But you couldn't. No matter how much prayed and wish upon a star, it would never come to pass. You were stuck. You were all stuck. But in a moment like this, you didn't mind being stuck here.
Stuck in his arms, under his broad shoulders and wrapped in your own personal layer of protection. His soft eyelashes laid gently along to top of his cheeks, the dark brown locks you loved so dearly had now grown a little past his chin and his once short and skinny frame had grown significantly since he turned 18.
You tenderly tucked his long hair behind his ear, watching as his eyelashes fluttered open at the lightest touch. It was sad, honestly, how light of a sleeper he'd become. Anyone who knew Eren only now would've laughed at a time he was a heavy sleeper, it was sad, how quickly he had to adapt to constant alert. No longer enjoying his moments of peace and quiet.
A brown broke you out of your thoughts as Eren licked his lips and drubbed the tiredness out of his eyes before sighed and looking down at the person in his arms.
Eren couldn't help but remember the words Jean had once said to him when they were just 15. "How you managed to find someone like that, I will never know. But don't screw it up, because you never know if the next time you'll see them will be on the street or in a body bag." He sighed, reaching his hand over to your cheek, gently caressing the skin.
He knew the two of you would never have a moment like this ever again, that his future will always result in complete anarchy and chaos but that wouldn't stop him from basking in the light that was you.
"Good morning." You giggled, this gentle touch sending shivers up your spine.
"Morning." He whispered back. "We have to get up soon. Captain Levi says we have more Marleyan's coming from the port today."
You sighed and pushed your head closer into his chest, "That's boring...and morbid. I just wanna spend time with you." You whined, Eren chuckled sadly.
"I know...but that doesn't mean we can't make it count now." Eren mumbled, leaning into your neck. You hummed and relaxed in his arms as he began to suck the skin on your neck.
"No hickeys. You know what Levi said about them." You breathed out trying to keep your composure, Eren pulled away with a shit eating grin.
"Whoops." you rolled your eyes at him and let your lips meet in a hungry kiss.
Wandering hands roaming each other's bodies wasn't uncommon between you whenever you got the chance, but no matter how much he touched you, you couldn't help but flinch and gasp into his mouth as he cupped your clothed mound.
"Eren," you pause to take a deep breathe as another moan threatens to escape your reddened lips, "I thought you said we had somewhere to be." You joked lightly.
"Fuck that." He cursed, looking up at you with his dark piercing gaze.
'If these are what Eldian devils look like, I wouldn't mind being a sinner' you thought to yourself.
If Eren Yeager was anything, oblivious was not it. He was always attentive with everything he did. But when the lights dimmed and your legs spread for him, Eren Yeager never missed a spot. Twisting and turning, rubbing and spitting, he'd do anything and everything to hear you let out those breathy moans of his name.
Eren Yeager never had such a good ring to it.
It never took a lot of to have you screaming for him. Eren had mapped out every crevice of your body that sent you shivers, every infinity 8 that had your legs shaking since the first night. He always knew what would have you screaming out in blissful pleasure. Whether it be in pain or pleasure.
"Eren, ah," your shaky hands reach for the scarred back of his past. Nails scratching the surface and painting the once pale canvas a burning red color.
The burning of your thighs was nothing compared to the knot in your stomach that he wouldn't let snap. He massaged your thighs as they sat above his shoulders, finally lifting his head to hear your desperate whines to finish. Lips and chin coated in wetness, he grinned and went right back to work. Your mercy pleas finally reached his ears as one of his hand reached up to grab yours, his other stimulating your most sensitive area to get the exact reaction he wanted.
One that left his shirt and his sheets drenched in you. Words didn't seem to form on your tongue yet he understand everything you needed. Planting a light kiss on your clit, he gently and carefully closed your legs, bringing them back down to earth and laying down on your side.
Once your breathing returned back to normal all you could mutter was a simple, "wow." Eren smirked cockily and grabbed your cheeks, pulling you into a much softer yet passionate kiss.
"I know." not even trying to make a smart comment, you closed your eyes, preparing for your high to end and the uncomfortable feeling of stickiness that filled the sheets, your thigh and your boyfriend's face.
"You have a little something there" you pointed out, pointing to your chin.
"Mhm, really? You made a mess too, want me to clean it up?" A yes caught in your throat as you realized what he was planning and clasped your hand onto his wrist.
"Don't. We still have somewhere to be."
That smile. That damned smile that always caused you nothing but trouble. Trouble in more ways than one.
Mikasa and Armin being the first to arrive on time was never a surprise, however coming after Sasha and Connie was borderline suspicious as those two were never on time...to anything. Connie snickered at the sight of you rushing over to the bench with a piece of bread stuck in your mouth as you tried tucking your shirt into your pants.
You sat down between to Mikasa and Jean, trying your best to not sound like you had ran over here in a hurry, which you had. It was in your best interest to just act like you'd been there the whole time, especially with how meticulous Captain Levi was with scheduling and all that. So you struck up a conversation.
"Hey Mikasa, lovely weather we're having." You spoke up, Mikasa looked up from where her eyes were down casted on her lap and gave you a small smile with a hint of confusion.
"Yes, it is lovely...I guess." She mumbled as her voice trailed off.
You leaned on your arms to look next to Mikasa, "Good morning, Armin." You greeted the blonde.
"Oh, good morning. Have you been there this whole time?" Armin questioned, his answer only causing tithe two snickering twins to laugh even harder.
"No Armin, she was out having a much better morning." Connie mocked, sending Sasha into a laughing fest with a whole piece of bread still lodged in her mouth. Armin look confused but shrugged it off and went back to drawing in his sketch book, a stress reliving habit he'd picked up after that day at the sea.
You kicked Connie in the shins and smiled at his hiss of pain and dramatic leg holding, Sasha joining in on your laughs until you kicked her too. She whined and rubbed her shin.
"Hey! I didn't even say anything!" She protested and you laughed at her, not noticing Mikasa's sharp gaze on you.
"Where's Eren?" Mikasa asked
"Commander Hange asked him to stay behind to prep beforehand. Why?"
"So I can ask him to leave your fun in the bedroom, respectfully." She smirked, pointing at the hickey on your neck. Your eyes widened at Mikasa's amused expression and tried to cover the deep red and purple stain with your hand. Jean snickered from next to you, using the magazine he very clearly wasn't using to cover up his puffed cheeks preventing him from laughing.
Everyone's favorite duo however, did not get the memo as they bursted out into a fit of laughter. Their pale cheeks turning bright pink as they leaned on each other for support, nearly throwing the other off the bench. You groaned and dropped your head onto the hardwood table, drowning in embarrassment.
The scouts had always loved to tease you and Eren at any given chance. Connie and Sasha being especially guilty of this, but even Mikasa loved to poke and prod at the two of you, making jokes of her own.
Mikasa has been your best friend since childhood, her love for both you and Eren only doubled in size when the two of you officially got together when you were 15. She was there for you after every failed mission, after every argument, or even when you just needed girl talk. Even if she never seemed the most emotionally capable person, Mikasa Ackerman was never wrong. She's somebody everybody could rely on, whether that he for protection or just as a friend, she was always there.
Always there to buy the constantly hungry Sasha snacks as you and many other scouts arrived to Marley in disguise. While Sasha basked at the taste of new foods, your eyes roamed the crowded city, trying your best not to push anyone. Then, your eyes landed on a familiar head of hair that stood at the edge of the port, looking off into the distance.
"Hey..." you spoke up before gently sliding your hand on his shoulder, a habit you picked up on because of how guarded Eren constantly is. "You okay?"
"Yeah, I think so." He mumbled, turning his body to face you directly and placing his hands on your shoulders, "Are you?" He questioned
"Mhm. This person dressed up as a clown mistook Captain Levi for a child and I think he actually might've traumatized the man." You joked, laughing at the past occurrence.
Although he didn't laugh, Eren smiled at your happiness, mentally taking a picture of this moment to hold onto later on.
"Oi! What do you think you're doing?" Levi interrogated, snatching the arm of a young boy who stood beside a clueless Sasha. You and Eren made your way through the commotion of people spewing out hateful words at the boy as they tried to figure out a brutal punishment for the child.
Sasha laughed nervously and lied for him, claiming he was just her younger sibling messing around, narrowly avoiding having the child nearly killed for his crime. The boy apologized profusely and thanked them for saving him from impending doom before running off with his younger brother. You smiled softly at the child as he ran off before noticing your boyfriend looking at him with longing and sadness.
"Eren? Hey, what's wrong?" You asked softly, reached over to place your hand on his cheek. He blinked and shook his head.
"Nothing, let's go."
Those next days, that very child had offered you and the scouts a place to rest your heads. Providing you all food, drinks and even alcohol which only ended in disaster and Sasha hunched over a bucket puking her guts out.
In your arms that night laid a tired Eren, his head on your chest listening to your heartbeat and feeling your chest rise up and down, mentally making sure you continued to do that. And as you slept soundly, the sharp burning sensation in his nose became too much to bear, Eren's tears silently fell.
They fell for the memories, or rather the premonition of his future. His cursed future.
They fell for the child he once was. A little boy who wanted nothing more than to prove himself and to his parents that he could go beyond, that he could be free in the world he was born into. A little boy who laughed and loved with his parents, his friends, and the little girl next door who he swore to his mother he'd marry. An innocent little boy.
They fell for his friends. The only people he couldn't live without no matter how much he tried to convince himself otherwise. Not just you, Mikasa and Armin — but Connie, Sasha, Jean, Historia and even Levi and Hange. He lived everyday of his life for the sake of them, for them to live their lives as freely as possible, for them to live the life he would never be able to.
For the days like before as they all worked on building the port. Sweaty, tired and burning arms as they all hauled ass into the half built train tracks and finally got a moment to relax.
"Make a base in Marley and infiltrate it, huh?"
"Hange sure has a plan for everything. I'll be able to show down on some real Marleyan cuisine." Sasha replied, her mind already lost a sea of new foods but you smiled at her enthusiasm
"Yeah? What should I bring? It would stink to get the runs."
"Stomach medicine, toothbrush, a taste of home..." Sasha listed off
"Did you even hear Hange's plan?" Mikasa questioned
"If the world knows that we want peace, maybe something will change." Armin suggested hopefully.
"Armin, you know I love the way you think but...not everyone thinks like you. Even the Marleyans we have here are still hot headed over us just existing in the same space as them, they don't seem like very peaceful people in my opinion." You spoke up, Armin sighed and nodded as a small moment a silence waved over you all.
"If only we had more time. I've got just over five years left. We're gonna have to decide who inherits my Titan soon." Eren brought up, a new point but not one that hadn't crossed all your minds.
"I will" Mikasa attempted to step up
"Not you. We still don't know what the Ackermanns are. And won't it hurt any plans with Hizuru if you become a Titan? No, for so many reasons." Jean dismissed, Mikasa looked down sadly, feeling as though there was nothing she could do to help.
"Then who will?" She snapped, you placed you hand over hers and gave her heartwarming smile before leaning your head on her shoulder in a means to calm her down.
"Me. First of all, I'm way smarter than Eren. Instead of a suicidal maniac, you'll have a gifted leader who shows good judgement in all situations. In other words, me." He concluded in his bashful statements. "I hate getting an Eren hand-me-down but who better than me?"
"Someone that amazing we don't wanna lose in 13 years, moron." Connie cursed, you snickered and nodded.
"He's right, Jean. All those things you just said about yourself are true, which is why we need you one hundred percent human and intact for over 13 years. You're too good of a leader to lose now." you explained, Jean groaned in annoyance.
"You're aiming to be regiment leader. I'll inherit Eren's Titan. It works out good, right?"
"Connie..." Eren faltered, slightly surprised at the high and dangerous position Connie was willing to take.
"That's not good at all. You're an idiot." Sasha replied
"Don't 'eh' me. We can't leave such an important role up to an idiot."
"Eh?" Connie continued, still shocked.
"Doggone it...I'll inherit it. I've got combat experience...I'm someone you can trust...By process of elimination, it's gotta be me." Sasha divulged, you lifted your head from Mikasa's shoulder and raised your hand.
"Um hello? I'm still here." You said sarcastically,
"I know but Eren's your boyfriend and I find it pretty morbid if you were forced to eat your lover for the sake of humanity so, by default, it has to be me!"
"You guys..." Eren mumbled, going unnoticed as Sasha continued her rambling.
"I dun wanna. I sure dun wanna though." Sasha trembled, the mere thought of everything Titan shifters had to go through repeating in her head on loop.
"Wait, huh? Isn't that weird?" Connie spoke up again
"Well you know...you said an idiot's not fit for the role." Sasha raised an eyebrow at him, still confused, "You're more of an idiot than I am, so you're contradicting yourself." As Connie finished his explanation, the two exchanged Huh's and watched each other dramatically.
"Moral of the story, you're both idiots." You stood up from the hard box, "I'll inherit the Titan. Who knows maybe I'll be the first super sexy female attack Titan. Like Annie." You thought out loud
"You think Annie's Titan is hot?" Jean asked incredulously, you put one finger up and shushed him, not wanting to discuss the topic further.
"No. I don't want any of you to inherit it." Eren stated, "And especially not you." He looked at you.
"Oh come on, once you die I'll have nothing to live for. Besides, I don't wanna be old anyway." You shrugged nonchalantly, Eren shook his head.
"No! You guys are more important to me. More than anyone else. So, I want you to have long lives and..." he looked at you again, "when I die...I want you to move on—"
You cut him off with a scoff and grabbed your makeshift seat, dropping it next to his. "No, that's bullshit. I won't accept that." You protested
"So, what? You're just gonna wallow about me the rest of your life without even trying to do anything better?"
"Yes! That's exactly what I'm gonna do." Eren scoffed at your answer and shook his head.
"I'm serious." He snapped
"So am I! I don't wanna start a family some random person I know I'll never love. I don't want a home if it's not with you, Eren." you objected, "So, if worse comes to worst, i'll inherit your Titan." Eren sighed, already knowing he would never change your mind once it was made up.
"Bleh, keep the cute sappy stuff in the bedroom guys." Jean complained, lightening up the mood in the cart as everyone chucked lightly.
"Best get used to it, Kirstein." You swung your arm over Eren's shoulder, "I'm not leaving this Earth without my man." You said proudly, the boy blushing at your words.
My man. That's all he ever wanted to be to you. Yours. For now and forever, he didn't care if he had to trample anyone and everyone in his path, Eren would do anything to keep that title in your heart.
There was a point in time once when he thought of growing a family with you. Even though he felt he wouldn't be the best father in the world, he couldn't help but grasp at any straws that led to a happy ending with you.  Maybe in another life, he always thought to himself.
Another life where you were all free. Where all of you could be real teenagers, go to a normal high school, have normal life and live a full life. Where Ymir, Bertolt, Erwin and everybody else didn't have to die for the sake of everyone else. Where all of you could get a full nights sleep without constantly having to watch your back.
Yeah...another life sounded like bliss.
But another life is not what you had, what you had now was war.
A war none of you were prepared for. None except Eren, who proudly and happily pounded into the face of the war hammer Titan, not leaving any room for full transformations. Even as he became outnumbered with all odds against him, he was granted his final words in which he uttered a simple.
"It's now or never, Mikasa."
Unleashing all scouts in hiding as they rose up, dropping thunder spears into the Marleyan soldiers and aiding Eren in his fight. Bodies and bombs dropped left and right as Mikasa crouched down next to her best friend.
"Eren...Do you have any idea what you've done? You killed civilians, you killed children, too. You've done things that can't be undone." She pleaded with him, trying to see even a glimmer of sympathy in his eyes and yet there was none to be found.
"She's mad at you...you know that?" She tried once more, finally getting a hint of a reaction out of Eren. That reaction lasted only a millisecond and the hurt in his eyes was once again replaced with a look of dullness and lackluster of his usual bright blue ones.
He looked away, "She can be mad all she wants, it makes no difference to me. The fight isn't over." Mikasa gasped at the sight of the war hammer she'd just took down moments before standing right back up on its feet. And a constant pitter patter hit the back of her head at Eren's words.
How quickly he shoved aside your feelings and put his own before it, a rare thing Eren had never done before. But for now, your job in all this was to stay alive.
You assisted in as much combat as possible before making your way back into the airship along with the rest of the remaining scouts. Being the first to arrive on the ship meant biting your nails in anxiety as you waiting for everyone else to reach it. Armin reached down for the boy he once thought to be his best friend, pulling him up into the ship.
Just like the old days, Levi Ackerman had a couple kicks in store for Eren, not hesitating to remind him of how much he changed. Even bringing up his past in the underground and the dirty look Eren had grown into, never expecting to see it on the boy he gave up everything for. As much as it much as it hurt to see Eren being kicked around like a rag doll, you wouldn't get in the middle, especially knowing what he'd just done.
The lives he ended, the irreparable damage he had caused, it all gave Levi more than enough reason to toss him around. You, on the other hand, didn't make an effort to speak to him.
And for Eren, that was okay. If it would change anything, Eren would make you hate him for the rest of your life. If it would change anything, Eren could've saved Sasha. If it could change anything, Eren would restart everything and never invite you to play tag with him. He would steer clear from you at all costs. He would let you marry some townsman, have a couple kids and grow old inside the walls, never to be a witness of all the atrocities outside of them.
If Eren can change anything, he will make sure you stay alive. No matter who or what gets in his way, whether he has to tear down every wall or speak to Ymir Fritz her damn self, Eren Yeager will save you from death.
Eren Yeager will not leave this godforsaken earth without his woman.
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itsbenedict · 3 years
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I just finished hosting a 15-person game of Mafia for some friends. One tradition we have for these games is that every death is accompanied by some themed narration, so for my game I opted to spice it up with some art on top. Had to draw it real quick since I didn't know for sure who was going to die next until it happened.
The game's theme was "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure", with the hidden subtheme that all the roles (stands) were named after They Might Be Giants (@tmbgareok) songs! A list of their powers, links to songs, and a recap of the game under the cut.
01) Mogis - 「Flo Wheeler」
02) TD260 - 「Working Undercover For The Man」
03) JGH27 - 「Good To Be Alive」
04) Raya - 「Stone Cold Coup D'Etat」
05) KK / Sahrimnir - 「Thinking Machine」
06) Spontaneous Combustion - 「The Statue Got Me High」
07) Leviwulf - 「Push Back The Hands」
08) DarkFalco - 「I Am Alone」
09) Deli064 - 「Doctor Worm」
10) Fedaykin - 「Letterbox」
11) Surge - 「I Am Alone」
12) Wikxen - 「Put Your Hand Inside The Puppet Head」
13) Minby - 「Where Your Eyes Don't Go」
14) Bel - 「(She Was A) Hotel Detective」
15) SnakeInABox - 「By The Time You Get This」
Bold roles were Jotunheim (Mafia), normal roles were Johnsburg (Town), and italicized roles were third parties. (Jotunheim is the realm of giants from Norse mythology! The mafia were, in fact, giants! And the town's job was to figure out who might be giants! And the two sides were Jo and Jo! JOKES!)
「Flo Wheeler」 was a town role with a power that was pretty dangerous to the user- if anyone happened to be watching or tracking when a kill took place at night, Mogis would look like they'd visited the target that night in addition to whoever actually did. It could potentially be used to catch a mafioso in a lie, but otherwise it was more of an obstacle for the town to overcome- a miller-type role.
♪ You can't do the time, therefore you didn't do the crime ♪
「Working Undercover For The Man」 was a third-party role working for the Speedwagon Foundation to perform a threat assessment. TD could win with the town, but could win and leave early if he could guess all the names or powers of every other stand in the game. He could scan a name every night, to help that along.
♪ Planning midnight raids / On our unsuspecting fans / While the roadies rig / The video surveillance van ♪
「Good To Be Alive」 was a spin on the usual town doctor role- normally, a doctor can target a player and prevent their death if they would die that night. But... JGH couldn't actually prevent deaths- just fake it. The dead would become ghosts, who couldn't vote and couldn't be killed but were still allowed to talk as if they were alive.
♪ Hello leg / such a shaky leg / Just barely more than decoration ♪
「Stone Cold Coup D'Etat」 was a third party with an unusual win condition. They had to recruit a certain number of people to a private side-chat- and then make sure all those people got killed. Plus, she could redirect anything that happened to her at night to her recruits. If the recruits figured out what she was doing and got rid of her, they'd get a boost to their power.
♪ The bark now commands the trees / The queen is overruled by the bees ♪
「Thinking Machine」 was a town role with a mysterious purpose that didn't seem to make much sense at first. Sah would get, every morning, a strange series of numbers and letters of uncertain origin. It was information, somehow, but how to use it?
♪ Tape has brightening arm connect (Wait, that didn't make sense.) / Self-paint lever itching does! (That made even less sense!) ♪
「The Statue Got Me High」 was a mafia power. As the song describes, the victim is enthralled by the monolith and forced to obey its commands, until their eventual death. That is, Spont could recruit a player to the mafia, but they'd die one night later- and if he wasn't careful, he could die and his recruit would flip back.
♪ And now it is your turn (your turn to hear the stone and then your turn to burn) / The stone, it calls to you (you can't refuse to do the things it tells you to) ♪
「Push Back The Hands」 was a passive ability that caused anything that would happen to Levi- a nightkill, an execution, some other power- to be delayed by one day, giving him some time to react. He'd be told who it was that targeted him, so going after him as mafia was risky.
♪ Screeching tires but never a collision / Endless day without a sunset provision ♪
「I Am Alone」 was a weird one. See, DarkFalco, who was mafia, didn't have a stand as such. She was the stand- and she was the stand of Surge, who was town. They were linked together in everything, meaning the mafia had to work to keep Surge alive on top of their own people. She could send messages to Surge at night to mess with him, though.
♪ Before you fire I should inform you / One of us is a double ♪
「Doctor Worm」 had no real special abilities. His ability was to be pretty good at playing the drums, a power that had absolutely no relevance in a game of Mafia.
♪ I'm not a real doctor, but I am a real worm I am an actual worm ♪
「Letterbox」 was a mafia ability that let Fedaykin pick another player, and offer that player a chance to deliver a private message to one other player of their choice. He could see the "secret" communications, though, and once per game he could edit the message before delivering it.
♪ I'll never know what you'll find when you open up your letter box tomorrow ♪
「Put Your Hand Inside The Puppet Head」 is a classically mafia ability, but in the hands of a town player: the ability to force another player to vote for another. Normally the manipulated person isn't allowed to say what happened, but there was no such restriction here- confusion's no good for the town.
♪ Memo to myself: do the dumb things i gotta do: Touch the puppet head ♪
「Where Your Eyes Don't Go」 let Minby pick someone else to watch him at night. If anyone visited him to target him with an ability, the person he designated would be told the names of those people. A nasty trap for the mafia, as long as Minby doesn't pick a mafioso to share the information with.
♪ Where your eyes don't go, a part of you is hovering / It's a nightmare that you'll never be discovering / You're free to come and go / Or talk like Kurtis Blow / But there's a pair of eyes in back of your head ♪
「(She Was A) Hotel Detective」 was a very powerful town role- Bel was the cop, and could scan another player's alignment at night, plus track or watch them. Except... not directly. She couldn't scan players- she could scan hotel rooms, and if other players didn't check into the hotel at night or give up their room numbers, her information was useless.
Here are the room numbers, in order: Levi (1) Snake (2) JGH (3) TD (4) Spont (5) Sah (6) Deli (7) Fed (8) Minby (9) Falco/Surge (10) Raya (11) Wikxen (12) Mogis (13).
(Oh, and Thinking Machine's codes were actually encoded versions of her results, and Sah would get a weaker version of her power if she ever died.)
♪ She's got her ear to the walls / And she's tappin' the calls / If you've got a secret, boy / Forget about it! ♪
「By The Time You Get This」 imbued its wielder with the incredible powers of... an estate lawyer! Which meant Snake could leave a will behind when he died, naming another player and casting a vote on them from beyond the grave the next day.
♪ By the time you get this note / We'll no longer be alive / But our skulls are smiling still / At the thought of things to come ♪
So! Here's how it all shook out.
Day 1: The first day is always kind of a tossup, since no one has any information yet, and everyone's just trying to verbally stir the pot. Levi soft-claims his role right out the gate, warning town not to try targeting him or else. Mogis is executed, casting a vote on himself to save the town the trouble of dealing with Flo Wheeler.
Night 1: Spont uses the statue to recruit Wikxen, at the same time that Wikxen forces Snake to vote for Levi. So, now the usually-scum power in the hands of town is in the hands of scum for real. Bel scans room 3, and learns that its occupant is innocent. Raya recruits DarkFalco, and accidentally recruits Surge alongside her, to her surprise. JGH tries protecting Levi, to test if his claim was a bluff.
Day 2: Levi tries to push JGH on the basis of having targeted him last night, but everyone agrees to wait and see if Levi actually dies first. Votes circle around Wikxen and Raya for suspicious-seeming defensiveness on Day 1, and ultimately, when it seems like Wikxen's about to be executed, a small group of players flip their votes at the last minute and vote Raya out while she's asleep and can't defend herself. Rude! She was poised to win the game for herself and the town, since she'd convinced Falco that the mafia would benefit somehow if they were all recruited.
Night 2: The mafia kills Minby- and Minby opts to tell have Fed watch him, wasting his power. Lucky for town, though, Bel happens to scan room 8, confirming Fed is mafia since he volunteered his room number. Wikxen's coat contains a furnace where there used to be a guy.
Day 3: Wikxen forced Snake to vote for J, making him look bad- but Sah begins sharing his bizarre results from Thinking Machine, and Bel confirms that they're a log of her detective power. Then she points out that Fed is mafia, and the town falls in line behind the accusation with Sah to confirm.
Night 3: Spont uses the statue to recruit Bel, to keep any more problematic scans from ruining them. Bel, before being recruited, scans room 10, though- and now the town knows there's something funky with Falco and Surge, because Sah gets the results and knows what they mean. Due to their mismatched alignments, though, the encoded version is still misleading, so there's wiggle room. TD scans Spont and learns his role name.
Day 4: Spont concocts a daring scheme. He has Bel lie and claim to have received an incriminating result on him- so that Bel will be caught in said lie when Sah produces his own results. The plan is to frame Bel, who's a dead girl walking anyway, and clear Spont's name going forward. But the town talks themselves into explaining away the contradiction- even when TD reveals Spont's stand name, and Spont denies it outright and claims 「Combustible Head」, a fake vigilante (town nightkiller) role instead, the town explains away that, too. After a few more people claim, TD260 has completed his mission- his correct guess wins him the game and he leaves. Spont cleverly excuses himself by claiming that TD lied about his role to get him to claim his "real" one. Afterwards, the town ends up executing Deli064 instead, for some reason- poor Doctor Worm!
Night 4: The evidence vanishes from Bel's charred and smoking chair- because JGH tries to protect her at the same time the mafia are killing him! Bel is a ghost now, and the town never finds out her alignment.
Day 5: Bel not dying poses a problem for the mafia, because Spont was supposed to prove his own innocence by pretending to kill her! The mafia tries to misdirect by having Bel lie again, claiming to scan room 10 when she actually scanned room 6, Sah. Ultimately, though, the town is able to coordinate behind killing Surge and Falco, which- because they're linked- is a compromise option that both parties are happy with (when perhaps they shouldn't be).
Night 5: Since Bel is technically dead, Spont recruits again, grabbing Sah and removing the threat of scans entirely. If he'd recruited Snake instead, they'd have won on the spot, since only his will-vote prevented them from winning instantly due to outnumbering the town. We move on to a somewhat redundant...
Day 6: It's now down to five players- Spont, Sah, and Bel vs Levi and Snake. The mafia technically outnumber the town, but Bel's vote doesn't count, and Sah's going to burn the next night- so the town can still win by forcing a tie and then using Snake's By The Time You Get This power to place a vote on Spont. But that's if they can figure it out and get on the same page, and... they don't. There's no way there could be three mafia still alive, so the mafia are able to sow total confusion and ultimately get the town all voting for Bel... who's a ghost, and can't vote or be executed, which the town doesn't know because JGH died before he could fully explain. The execution defaults to Snake, and the mafia win the game.
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