#I truly love talking about the Weasley cousins!
fanfic-lover-girl · 4 months
The HP Epilogue: JKR's trashfire ending to a trash book series
I was reading snippets from the epilogue for the first time and everything about the epilogue is just frustrating. And I want to share things I found intolerable about it to let off steam. These are MY opinions so if you feel differently, I am happy for you. But here is a summary of my gripes.
The names of the Hinny Harry's kids
James Sirius. Albus Severus. Lily Luna. I can empathize with wanting to honour people you love by naming your kids after them...but this is just overkill. Not one of Harry's kids has an original name. Not one! And I said Harry's kids because it seems like Ginny had absolutely no input in the names. If I am being generous, maybe the Luna name was hers, but given the naming pattern of the kids, I am sure that Luna references Lupin and not Luna Lovegood. Sometimes I feel as if Harry has a domineering vibe in Hinny and the kids' names are not doing any favours to combat that. Not surprising as everything about the Hinny romance was dictated by Harry's wants. Who cares about Ginny?
Muggleborne discrimination is bad but pureblood discrimination is A-ok
‘You’re right, sorry,’ said Ron, but unable to help himself, he added, ‘don’t get too friendly with him, though, Rosie. Granddad Weasley would never forgive you if you married a pure-blood.’
I could not believe my eyes when I read this. It's like Ron forgot that HIS family is pureblood! It's the same vibe as a black parent telling their black or mixed kid not to marry another black person! Luna is pureblood! Neville is pureblood! Do the Weasleys have some kind of self-hatred?? Another point to purebloods slowly dying out but who cares? As far as JKR is concerned, the wizards should be aiming to all be mutts with mixed blood :)
BTW the Scorpius/Rose pairing fills me with revulsion. I like Albus and Scorp as friends though! But not so much as lovers.
Marriage is the only way to be truly part of a family
‘Oh, it would be lovely if they got married!’ whispered Lily ecstatically. ‘Teddy would really be part of the family then!’
Got some heavy Hinny vibes from this line of dialogue. Harry did not become a true Weasley until he got with Ginny after all :)
I know Lily is a kid and she means no malice, but I truly felt disgust towards this line. It just bothers me, especially in the context of Hinny and how Ginny functions as a way for Harry to become a Weasley member. Teddy is Harry's godson, he should be like a big brother to Lily. How does becoming a cousin-in-law make him more of a family member compared to being her surrogate big bro??
Do Hogwarts alumni swear an oath of secrecy?
‘And you don’t want to believe everything he tells you about Hogwarts,’ Harry put in.
He had never told any of his children that before, and he saw the wonder in Albus’s face when he said it.
So James Sirius is telling Albus Severus exaggerated tales about Hogwarts similar to what the Weasley twins did to Ron. But how is this possible? Do the parents not talk about Hogwarts to their kids? If my kid was going to my alma mater, I would tell him/her all about the school when I went there. I don't understand why it seems like parents don't talk about Hogwarts. At least Draco's parents seem to talk to him about the school at least.
Muggle abuse is still funny Ha. Ha.
‘As a matter of fact, I did Confund him,’ Ron whispered to Harry, as together they lifted Albus’s trunk and owl on to the train. ‘I only forgot to look in the wing mirror, and let’s face it, I can use a Supersensory Charm for that.’
Remember that Ron is an Auror! A wizarding cop! But nah muggles are still lesser than wizards so even a guy like Ron who's supposed to be a good hero character feels no shame in messing with their autonomy. Ron is literally so disgusting in the epilogue. Never thought I would end HP finding Ron the least tolerable of the trio when Ron is usually my fav of the 3. Not that the bar is very high for the other two.
JKR really does not like Draco
His hair was receding somewhat, which emphasised the pointed chin.
Of course, JKR can't end the series without throwing more shade at Draco. He's rocking the middle-aged man look, only has one kid and has a love interest that we know squat about. And then in CC, Draco's wife dies! Sigh, I really hate Drastoria...
All is not well
There is still house discrimination. Magical creatures likely still have fewer rights. Aurors like Ron and everyday wizards abuse their powers against muggles. Purebloods are dying out. Wizards like Albus act like they did not grow up in a magical world, aka wizards still have low brain cell counts. But sure, Harry's scar is fine so ALL IS WELL!
I can't believe there are people out here calling JKR a good writer! I see the vast potential of the book series and I feel so sad sometimes. I am so happy that HP never existed in my childhood.
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corneliaavenue-ao3 · 1 year
Ok let’s see how drunk you are: Ginny/Cousin Barney
(There’s no Alabama flag emoji so let’s stick with ‘Merica) 
Alexander Weasley was excited to attend his cousin's William's wedding. Not only was it his first wedding that he has ever attended, but his future cousin-in-law was going to be part v eela wtih a bunch of veela cousins. He was very excited.
He sat with his mom and dad on the groom's side of the aisle. He didn't know his uncle Arthur very well, let alone Bill and his six siblings. However, family always invited family to their weddings, so here Alex was.
He didn't know if Bill was is second cousin of third cousin twice removed, but he did know they were related because they shared the signature Weasley red hair.
Alex recognized a lot of his Weasley family from various reuinions held throughout the years, but one face was new to him. They called him Cousin Barney.
He must have been close to Bill's side of the family since he was an usher like Bill's siblings. It was George that ushered him into his seat, but it was Barney that caught his eye.
From the way he was awkwarldy escorting guests to their seats to the way he stared at his Cousin Ginny throughout the entirity of the wedding. There was something odd about him.
His red hair did not match the same signiture Weasley shades of red, and he had 0 freckles. He talked to both International Quidditch Star Victor Krum and Elphias Doge all while staring at his own cousin.
Disgusting really.
But it was the way she reciprocated, that truly caused him horror. Some old hag made a loud comment about his cousin's dress, and she turned around and winked at her cousin!
Alex grabbed a shot of firewhiskey from the back table. Purebloods stay purebloods for a reason, he justified. If his cousin was in love with some cousin he never met, what was he to do about it?
Maybe he could find some veela cousin of Fleur's to forget about it.
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hchollym · 2 years
All your hc’s are great!!!
I have some Ideas about a next gen kid getting pregnant in their teens. Truthfully I have no idea who, I can see the potential in all of them so I’ll go with a few and explain how I think it would go.
Dominique: I’ve always pictured her to be angry for some reason. Doesn’t necessarily feel like an outsider in her family but she also doesn’t feel like family. This led to a lot of built up anger as a kid which leaked out more and more as a teen. I can see her getting reckless, doing things just to get a adrenaline rush and hopefully piss off her family. She’s in her sixth or seventh year and got drunk. It was with a boy she barley knows, one she could be friends with if she wasn’t so insistent on shutting everyone out. She’s able to hide it until winter break. Two cousins already figured it out but agreed to stay silent until she was ready. Her parents weren’t necessarily happy but they didn’t yell or punish her. They didn’t even let her see the disappointment. Overall most were happy, already planning on how to help her continue school and get a job while being a mother.
Molly on the other hand stayed silent until she couldn’t contain herself. First it was lecturing and then going on about how they had to plan a wedding. Fleur would snap back first, offended on her daughters behalf. I imagine Ginny and Hermione wouldn’t be long after. Then Harry and Ron as well. Percy I feel like would stay silent, waiting for Dominique to speak up and say what she wants. Charlie would stay out of it but give her a half grimace half comforting smile. George and Bill I can’t decide yet. I want Bill to be upset but I can also see him stepping back and not taking part in it at all. George I see him either fired up and yelling or silent, not is disapproval or anything but because he doesn’t really know how to react.
Rose: she just wanted one night to let go of the pressures of having to be just like her mother. Just one night. And he’s a nice boy, cute and sweet. She tells him as soon as she finds out and he promises to be there, as a friend who’s the father, as a partner, as whoever she needs him and wants him to be. But Rose isn’t even sure if she wants to have the baby. She’s so young, she’s not ready and she’s never really thought about being a parent. It was never a goal or dream for her. She was always so focused on one upping her mother, in proving that she deserves to be the daughter of two saviors of the wizarding world. She never really thought about what she wanted in terms of work and family.
She told her dad first. He was shocked, stayed silent at first and the hugged her. Promised he wasn’t mad at her, promised he’d be there for her and help her with whatever. Together they told her mother. Who was at first worried, jumping to terrifying conclusions until she was calmed down. In the end both parents had similar reactions and an agreement, no matter their daughters choice they would support her. Then came telling the rest of her family, she received looks of surprise and even disappointment. She was Rose Weasley, daughter of Hermione Granger. How could she let this happen? But fine, fine they could deal with this. They could get through this. Then comes Molly, gleeful to plan a marriage and to have her first great grandchild. Talking about it has to be soon so no one will known she’s pregnant and see the baby bump.
Surprisingly, Hermione loses it first. Logic thrown away as she screams as her mother in law with flashing brown eyes. Ron stays silent but the anger in clear on his face as he stands next to his daughter protectively, Hugo right next to them. Rose is thankful, thankful that at least her parents and brother still love her and aren’t disappointed. Are so willing to jump at her defense. Harry I can either right with them or trying to defend Molly and calm them down, desperate to stop the fighting and unable to separate the woman he wishes was truly a mother figure to him and who he thinks holds the family together from his two best friends who were always his first and real family. Once again I can see Ginny yelling at her mother, maybe Harry in this case or dragging him by her side so he Knows there’s only one option here. More and more join the argument until it’s finally Rose herself who silences them. Yelling that maybe she doesn’t even want to have the baby. This is where I think Molly would really start screaming and some even changing their stance, I can also see Charlie actually joining in because he gets it. He gets not wanting that life or at the very least being unsure about that type of life.
Lily: the gem, or flower, of the family, she’s not the youngest, not really. But she’s the golden girl. The Princess. Their sweet little Lily. It’s with a boy she’s been dating for a few months, her first for many things. She thinks she might love him. But she’s 15 and she’s heard enough horror stories about love that she doesn’t dare say it. It’s during the summer, she’s able to sneak away to visit him for a few hours and no one is home. It’s perfect. With him it’s like she’s someone else.
And then she’s a few days late, then a week, then two weeks. She goes to her mother in a panic, tears falling down her face and chest heaving with sobs as she tries to explain. Trying to understand how because they were careful, they were so careful. She’s 15 and she’s scared, holding her mothers hand tightly as they wait for the potion to spell to decide if she is indeed pregnant. It is and she feels like she can’t breath. Maybe it’s from her mothers arms wrapped around her so tightly her back creaks or maybe it’s the thought that everyone will hate her, that the boy she might just love will leave her. That her father, her dearest father, will be so disappointed in her.
He is. But he’s calm, even when his clenched hands shake and the corners of his mouth tightens. Oddly enough Ginny goes to Percy first. Big brother and uncle Percy who always knows everything even if they give him hell for it. He’ll know what to do it. He has to know. He does, he sits the three down and gently hit firmly explains the many options they have. Goes through the pros and cons while looking Lily in the eye the entire time. She’s not just a little girl anymore, she has a huge important decision to make and only she can make it. She decides to talk to the boy first, she has to. She might just love him and he deserves to know.
In the end she decides to keep the baby, can’t help but already love the small little thing growing in her. But neither she or the boy are ready for marriage and her parents (and Uncle Percy) advises against it. Saying just because they have a baby doesn’t mean they have to get married, they can be together without tying that knot just yet. Give them time to grow and figure out who they are and if it’s what they actually want. Get to know each other.
Telling the rest of the family is hard. Her bothers were easy, giving her bear hugs and laughing while jokingly threatening the boy. But everyone else? She’s terrified. It’s mixed reactions, some are happy, others asking if she’s sure this is what she wants. Molly of course demands a wedding, distractedly asking if Percy or Hermione can find a loophole for the ages of the two teens so they can get married. Asking Ginny is she could contact that strange Lovegood girl so she can write about it in the paper on a positive note. Ginny gently but firmly explains to her mother there will be no wedding. Not until Lily is ready and if that’s with this boy or someone else they’ll support her choice but once she is ready.
I bypassed Victoire completely since I feel like she’s out of school due to me knowing more about the you get ones. It’s harder to think of her story plus with Teddy being involved I definitely think it’ll change more reactions. For Molly ii and Lucy I simply don’t think I’ll have the time to write that but I 100% believe Percy would back them up on whatever they want and it’s the one time he actually yells at his mother without any hesitation or guilt. I didn’t uncles Arthur’s reactions in this because I can see him not actually caring and just staying behind Molly. George I feel like could go either way, mostly on his mood with the adults than the actual matter at hand. I’ve always seen him as the more angry twin and especially so after the war. Bill I think would stay out of it when it’s not his own daughter and even then I’d imagine he’d rather let someone else fight and him be there to pull people apart. Harry if switches for me, I think in the end he’d go where Ginny goes who will always be in support of her nieces or daughter but I think if he reacts before she does he’ll be on Molly’s side but only because he feels he has to.
Wow! That was super detailed and well thought out! 😊
I could see any of those kids/scenarios, except you have a lot more faith in most of the adult characters than I do.
Unfortunately, I think whichever one of them got pregnant would receive way less support than what you mentioned, especially if they chose not to marry the other parent. The Wizarding World is highly traditional and misogynistic, and the Weasleys are definitely not immune to that (which we see in canon).
So if one of the next gen boys (referring to the kids that were AMAB) gets someone pregnant? It's still a problem but not nearly as much of one. If one of the girls (the kids that were AFAB) gets pregnant and marries the other parent, then she'd get a little more support, because at least she's doing the "right" thing (in their minds). If she chooses not to get married? It's going to be more than Molly that has an issue with that.
Bill (who is quite traditional and a product of toxic masculinity in society) would be upset, and I picture him essentially giving his daughter the silent treatment/cold shoulder (like Arthur did with Percy after the argument); Harry would guilt trip his daughter (without realizing it), because his parents got married young and were happy, and he knows what it's like to not grow up with two loving parents; Hermione would be super judgmental, because she's always thought of herself as better than "most girls" and she'd see getting pregnant as a teenager as being something only a "stupid girl" would do, plus it'll negatively affect her daughter's education and chances at a career.
George and Ron are probably pretty chill (not thrilled but not angry either), but I can't picture them taking an active role in the baby's life to help (aside from financially). Ginny is probably happier if her daughter doesn't get married and would likely be concerned and unhappy if she does. Charlie probably doesn't care and tries to avoid visiting until everything blows over.
I do think Percy, Fleur, and Angelina would be very supportive no matter what, but of course they'd be sad, because they know that their daughter is going to have a tough road ahead, regardless of what she chooses (though they'd try to hide that feeling as much as possible, especially with the lack of support their child is getting from other family members).
However, I do think some of this would change is the kid chose to have an abortion instead. The Wizarding World is very focused on continuing the population (which is why it's so common for them to marry and start families at a young age), and there's seemingly no record of abortion anywhere. I'm not sure any of them would react overly well at first. I think eventually Percy, Fleur, Ginny, Angelina, Hermione, and Ron (+ Charlie, but again, he's avoiding all of this) would accept it and at least try to be supportive, while Harry, George, Molly, Arthur and Bill would be super against it.
Anyway, that's a lot of interesting stories to tell! Thanks for the detailed comment! 😊
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xlucygraysongbirdx · 3 years
What is your absolute favourite thing about the Weasley-Potter family household and what do you think was the main thing they were most excited about seeing/doing when they arrive at Hogwarts for the first time, when they were younger?
I love so many things about the Weasley-Potter family and I have no idea where to even start!!
I think the first thing that comes to mind when I think of the Weasley-Potters is: Chaos. They are quite possibly the most chaotic family (even worse than mine) to ever exist, and there's not a time when they're all together that there isn't some form of chaos happening. Whether it's an argument over dinner about who gets the potatoes next, or a scuffle over a lost Quidditch match, whether that be played or watched, or which member of the Holyhead Harpies would absolutely crush James Sirius in an arm wrestle (spoiler: it's all of them!)
Another thing that springs to might with this chaotic family is: love. Despite the chaos and the fights that are often being thrown around (Dominique often comes up with some creative insults), they love each other so dearly. And it shows in everything they do. They cheer so loudly during their sortings, no matter which house they get sorted in, they are there at every Quidditch match, chess tournament or duel that a member of their family partakes in, and help each other study in the lessons in which they struggle. They're a tight knit and loving family, despite what most people see on the outside.
And here is what I think they're most excited about when starting (and bonus Hogwarts houses):
Victoire (Gryffindor): Vic's most excited to see Hogwarts itself, she's heard all the stories growing up of the war, she's even seen pictures, but she's never seen the real thing. Being a part of the first generation born after the war, Vic wants to see the place that made her so important. Not to mention she wants to see the place where her mother fought a dragon, and prayed one day she'll be just as badass.
Louis (Ravenclaw): Much like they're older sister, Louis dreamed of seeing the castle. Truth is, Louis was rather scared to start Hogwarts. Every Weasley, up until Louis, had been sorted into Gryffindor, but Louis was much more preserved and favoured the harmony of books and history and they dreamed of Ravenclaw, being up in the tower (not too far from his cousins) and feeling like he finally belonged.
Freddie(Gryffindor): Freddie's one and only mission when starting Hogwarts was to get up to as much mischief as his dad and uncle with James. He succeeds, ending up with his first detention on day 2 (the Marauders Map didn't quite help him as much as it used to help his Uncle Harry.... or James is just a terrible navigator).
James Sirius(Gryffindor): James wanted to meet McGonagall. He was so excited to get to Hogwarts, it was all he spoke about during the summer (driving his siblings absolutely insane), and get up to mischief, but deep down he truly wanted to meet the woman who had helped his dad through school. His parents often spoke very highly of her.
Dominique(Gryffindor): Dominique was pretty excited about Quidditch and getting to see her first match. She'd seen hundreds of matches, but everyone of them was just as exciting, and she could not wait to see the team she would play for eventually on the pitch. The pitch that countless of her family members had played and won matches.
Albus(Slytherin): Albus was far too nervous to be excited about anything, but if there was one thing, he wanted to sit next to his brother and enjoy the welcoming feast.
Rose(Gryffindor): Making new friends! All Rose really wanted was to go to school with Albus and make new friends, be exactly like her mum and dad. Oh, and make the Quidditch team as soon as possible (if James could do it in his third year, she certainly could).
Molly II(Slytherin): Molly wanted to see the ghosts! Particularly The Bloody Baron (good job she ended up in the right house for that). She'd been fascinated by ghosts her entire life (maybe it was the movie her Uncle George let her watch when she was far too young), but she had always wanted to meet one.
Roxanne(Hufflepuff): Roxanne wanted to meet the House Elves that worked in the kitchens. She often spent time there during her years at Hogwarts helping out, just because she truly wanted to. Her Aunt Hermione helped her knit some hats for them, just like she did back when she was in school.
Lily Luna(Gryffindor): The second Lily Luna was free to her own adventures in the school, she went straight to the greenhouses. She's not great at herbology, or tended to flowers in general, but she loved nature and she loved Neville, so she spent quite a lot of time there. Lily had a bit of trouble making friends in her first year, so she preferred the comfort of plants.
Hugo(Hufflepuff): Hugo was most excited for the train journey to Hogwarts, excited for the sweets trolley and a new adventure ahead of him. Hugo often gets nervous about things where they cannot predict the outcome, but there's a sense of comfort knowing Lily Luna and their sister Rose will be there also. A part of them knew they wouldn't be in the same house, but they had Roxanne too and there's nothing more important than family.
Lucy(Ravenclaw): Lucy, true to her Ravenclaw nature, wanted to join the Wizards Chess Club. She signed up on day one, and by the end of the first school term, was winning pretty much every match she played.
If you want to talk about writing or headcanons, send me an ask! :)
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earlgreydream · 3 years
| golden era!wolfstar & daughter!reader | angst |
anon requested. but could you do a dad Wolfstar x daughter reader. The reader confronts her dads about how they prefer Harry and how they ignore her. It ends with wolfstar feeling bad and reader just over everyone's bs.
a/n: I altered/expanded on your request a bit, but kept the general idea. I hope you like it!
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“Dad!” You called, and Sirius turned to you.
“I’m sorry, Y/N, we have to go,” he spoke before following Remus and Harry through a corridor.
“Dad, I need you!”
Remus called an apology back before disappearing with Harry in a swirl of floo powder. You felt like your heart was ripped out of your chest, leaving you broken and alone in the Order hallway.
You loved your dads, and they loved you, but your whole life, they had prioritized their godson, Harry Potter over you. You were repeatedly left and forgotten, even after your biological father escaped from Azkaban.
You always fought for attention, but Sirius and Remus often left you with a kiss on the forehead to run off, saving Harry.
Once again, you were left in the shadows, stuck at the order safe house. You fought back tears, shaking your head as you walked up the rickety stairs.
“Y/N!” Your name was called, and you walked down the hall, leaning into Fred and George’s doorway. They had been practicing magic when they heard your cries from down the hall.
The two gingers looked up at you sympathetically, and George moved over on his bed, making room for you. You walked in, your shoulders trembling as you struggled to hold yourself together.
You crawled into George’s bed beside him, burying yourself in your best friend’s arms. Fred sat behind you, laying his hands on your shoulder and side.
“They leave with Harry again?” George asked, and your weak nod was enough of an answer.
“I hate them,” you sobbed, and George squeezed you.
“You love them,” Fred reminded you.
“They love Harry more than me. Fucking golden boy.” You wept, and George let you cry in his arms.
“That’s not true, they love you so much,” George promised, and you hid your face in him.
You stayed with the twins that night, even after hearing Harry and your dads return. Muffled voices in the hallway told Sirius and Remus their daughter was safe with Fred and George, and you laid in the dark, biting back tears.
Sirius and Remus were waiting for you when you went back to your bedroom, after spending the day holed up with the Weasley twins, the only ones you felt truly cared about you.
“Y/N, we need to talk,” Remus spoke gently, and you stepped back.
“You’re right. We do need to talk. Why don’t you love me as much as Harry? He’s not even your real son! You always choose him over me. All your efforts, all your attention, it all goes to him!” You exploded, and Sirius looked hurt at the accusation. Remus, as always, tried to maintain a steady patience, but even he was taken aback.
“Y/N, you know that we love you more than anyone, or anything.” Sirius knelt down in front of you, taking your hands.
“Why don’t you show it?” Your voice was barely above a whisper, and you swallowed down the sob that rose in your throat.
Sirius felt like his heart was going to break as he felt your pain, and saw the hurt in Remus’s eyes.
“We’re doing our best-”
“Your best isn’t enough! Not when your best is ignoring me, and acting like Harry is your only child!” You screamed at Remus.
“Y/N!” Sirius shouted, fear spiking through you. Your fathers never raised their voices at you, and you were silenced by Sirius’s sudden display of emotion. 
“Padfoot. My love, I’m so sorry we’ve hurt you. We will be better, but you must understand that we’re fighting a war. And Harry is a key piece of it, we’re fighting-” Remus spoke gently to you, but you felt patronized.
“You think I don’t know we’re in a war? I know Harry is the chosen one, and I know that you’re just trying to make James proud-”
“Keep his name out of your mouth.” Sirius’s dark eyes blazed into yours, and you ripped your hands from his. 
“Sirius.” Remus put his hand on his husband’s chest, steadying Sirius’s emotions. 
“I’ll never be enough for you. Never enough like the Potters.” You shook your head, and Harry walked in.
“Y/N, it’s not like that, your dads are doing this to protect you.” Harry defended Remus and Sirius. 
“Leave me alone, all of you. Please!” You couldn’t stand it, and Remus pulled Sirius out before he could yell at you again. Harry followed them, pulling your door closed after him. 
Your chest heaved with sobs, and you blindly opened your wardrobe. You had to leave. You didn’t belong there, in the Order.
You slipped into a black dress, and black shoes, brushing your hair out. You grabbed your wand, and slipped out the window. You grabbed a drain pipe and slid down, landing on the cobblestone street outside. The sky was dark, the sun recently set and leaving the world in the silence of the night. 
You walked far enough away that your magic wouldn’t be tracked or alert the other Order members, and you whispered a complicated transportation spell, waving your wand. 
When your eyes opened, you stood in the courtyard of Malfoy Manor, and you looked up at the large home that stretched out in front of you. Guards alerted the residence of your unannounced arrival, and you were escorted inside the dark, luxurious mansion of your estranged relatives. 
“Y/N?” A soft voice asked, and Narcissa Malfoy walked toward you. Her husband was with her, and Draco came running from behind them. 
“Y/N!” He ran to you, and you threw your arms around your cousin’s neck. Draco hugged you tightly, and you started to sob. Narcissa’s gentle hands rubbed your back, and you held Draco tightly.
“What are you doing here?” Lucius asked. 
You sat near a fireplace, tea in your hands and Draco next to you. Back at Hogwarts, the two of you had been close before your dads dragged you to the Order. 
“I needed somewhere to go. I needed you.” You answered, looking up at Narcissa and Draco.
“And the Order?”
“They probably don’t know I’m gone.” 
“We can’t have-”
“Lucius.” Narcissa interrupted.
“Please, don’t kick me out,” you begged Lucius, who looked uneasy.
“Prove your loyalty, and you have a home with us. A family who will love you.” Narcissa promised, and Draco gripped your hand. You looked him in the eyes, and he shook his head.
“Don’t make her sign her soul over to the Dark Lord. Y/N isn’t a snitch, she just needs family.” Draco defended you.
“It’s okay,” you told him, and Narcissa nodded at you. You took Lucius’s outstretched hand, and you repeated the spell back to him that burned a black snake and skull into your forearm. 
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All Secrets Have a Habit of Coming Out
Hello all, this was for @iiblueberry-15ii
Hope it's all you wanted from your request :)
Ron Weasley x Male Potter Reader
Word Count: 1464
Just a little note, I only know a cursory amount about Twin-to-Twin Transfusion Syndrome, just what a quick google search could reveal so it might not be the most accurate, but I did my best, so I hope this ticks the box for what you wanted @iiblueberry-15ii
Everyone may have only known his brother's name when they first entered Hogwarts, but Y/n Potter had worked hard to fix that.
He had always been smaller and more frail than his twin brother Harry due to a rare condition that had affected them during pregnancy called Twin-to-Twin Transfusion Syndrome.
Essentially an imbalance during development made Harry receive more blood (and thus nutrients) than he gave back.
If this had been explained properly in a caring and loving environment, Harry might not have felt so guilty about it. Unfortunately for the twins, they grew up with their Aunt, Uncle and cousin, all of which took every opportunity to cause them pain. It had been spat at them one day when they were much younger that it was all Harry's fault that his twin brother wasn't as healthy as he was.
This all lead to Harry becoming incredibly overprotective of Y/n. He couldn't take more than two steps outside of Hogwarts during winter without Harry pushing extra scarves and coats into his arms and telling him to rug up more. Guilt was a great motivator, and Harry felt awful that Y/n was weaker than him physically.
Y/n couldn't play quidditch either because his lungs had suffered during development as well.
Y/n had, in his lower moments, like when his older brother (by like ten minutes Harry!) won a game of quidditch, or came back from some fantastic adventure that he had forbidden him from joining them on, allowed the hate to take root just that little bit more.
But he would wake up the next morning and realise that it couldn't possibly be his brothers fault. It was just an accident of life that this had happened.
He would be reminded in every class that there were some things that he could do that Harry just couldn't. His brother might be naturally talented with power for his magic, but as his favourite saying played through his head he would think about that instead. Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard.
Y/n truly shone in classes too. He worked just as hard as Hermione at his studies, and it paid off. Often, when they got back essays or test results they were the top two in the class.
This naturally made the two a lot closer, as they were practically a built in study buddy for the other.
As they were getting older and reaching the age that people started to notice the other gender (or their own in Y/n's case) other guys would come up and ask him about Hermione.
Y/n couldn't believe the stupidity of his own gender sometimes. That had been the forth time today that he had had to fend off another guy who only wanted to get into the female bookworms pants while getting their homework done for free.
He stormed back into the Gryffindor common room in a huff.
He landed with a thump on the couch beside Ron and pouted.
"Guys suck."
Ron looked up from his homework which was looking rather untouched.
"I could do with a break anyway, been at this near five minutes. What's up Y/n?"
He sat back up closer to the other boy, giving him his full attention.
Ron wasn't sure what it was about Y/n, but there was just something that made him want to spend all day staring at him, or listening to him talk about the things that made him get all excited. He made the cutest faces when he got all worked up, eyes shining brighter than any star in the sky.
Okay, so he knew why he felt that way, heck, he had even acted on it. He still couldn't believe his luck when Y/n had agreed to go on a date with him. Of course they had had to pull off some pretty fast talking to get their friends to stay behind without it seeming like they wanted to be alone.
Ron focused back in just in time to see Y/n narrow his eyes at him.
Oops, he had noticed that he wasn't paying attention to him.
Ron cringed slightly.
"Sorry, was just thinking."
He cast a furtive look around the room, but they were pretty much alone right now. He was sure that wouldn't last.
Y/n just looked curious now.
"About what?"
Ron shifted awkwardly. Feelings weren't really his forte.
"About how I must've used up all the luck I had stored up for the next few years just to get you to agree to go out with me."
Ron sheepishly rubbed at the back of his neck, knowing that he was blushing.
Y/n was blushing when Ron had managed to gather up enough courage to look over at him.
They went to move closer, but their moment was ruined by the portrait entrance slamming open to let in some other Gryffindors.
Y/n and Ron had stayed up much later than anyone else. It wasn't unusual for Y/n, but Ron knew the only way it wouldn't look suspicious for him to stay up was to pretend to be engrossed in a game of chess. He had thought of his homework at first, but then realised that he was usually the first one to give up, so working on it for hours unprovoked would be almost more suspicious than anything else he could come up with.
By the time that midnight rolled around Y/n and Ron had been alone in the common room for just under an hour. In that time they hadn't moved closer. They didn't want to risk it when people might still be remembering that one last thing they had accidentally left in the common room. Nothing said guilty like two teenagers springing apart as someone comes down the stairs.
It was Y/n who made the call. He stretched and shoved his book into the bag before moving over to the couch.
Ron could take a hint, no matter what anyone said, and followed Y/n over.
They sat looking at each other for a minute, just taking the other in.
"It's pretty exhausting hiding this, huh?"
"Yeah," Ron answered. "I sort of thought it might be kind of fun, but it's mostly just tiring. Can't really enjoy spending time together when we're constantly looking over our shoulders."
Y/n gave a half smile.
"Still worth it?"
Ron grinned back and reached out for Y/n instead of answering.
"Can I kiss you?"
Y/n nodded too fast and almost fell over.
Their lips met while they were both still laughing.
They didn't keep laughing for long. It had been a long week for them both, and they hadn't had very much time alone lately.
Things were just about to get more heated when they heard a noise from behind the couch.
They froze, still looking into each others eyes, then they pulled away from each other faster than either of them had ever moved before.
"Yeah, bit late for that really."
Neither of them had hear Harry's voice sound so cold.
Y/n turned to face his brother who had apparently walked in on them making out.
Well, at least everyone was just as embarrassed as each other judging by the blush on Harry's face.
Ron and Y/n watched Harry silently from opposite edges of the couch.
Harry clenched his jaw several times before seeming to try to calm himself.
"Ron. A word."
Y/n cringed. Well, it had been nice knowing Ron, but Y/n was pretty sure he would be helping to bury his body soon.
Y/n watched as Ron and Harry made their way over to one of the windows. He pouted, he couldn't hear anything from where he was. He sat back and crossed his arms as he waited for Harry to come back and deal with him.
Harry was so far past mad he didn't have a word for it anymore.
His little brother, who was smaller and just generally more frail, was apparently down here making out with Ron.
What the hell were they thinking?
And hiding it, Harry was sure neither of them had been thinking properly.
"What exactly did you think you were doing with Y/n?"
He stated each word as clearly and calmly as he could, but he could still hear his voice shaking in his rage.
He waited for Ron to start explaining himself, but just as he opened his mouth, Harry decided he didn't much care what he had to say.
"Look, I think it was pretty obvious what you two were doing, but let me just say, as Y/n's older brother and the only member of his family who cares about him, if you ever do anything to hurt him. Well, I'll show you exactly why I'm considered a threat to Voldemort."
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hello-everyfandom · 3 years
“I just got you this because I saw it and thought of you!”
Warnings: Light swearing
Pairing: George Weasley x Reader
Words: 3.9k
Summary: Your love language is Gift Giving
(This is apart of my series “Love Languages”, please check it out!)
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“Close your eyes.”
“Should I be worried?” George asked quite warily. 
“Will you just-” you huffed, “Please?”
“At least let me know what I’ve done wrong before you jinx my tongue to the top of my mouth.” George jokingly pleaded.
“If you know what’s best for you,” you lowered your voice to match his joke, “you’ll close your eyes.”
“Alright, but I’m trusting you,” George placed a grin on his lips, the dimple of his left cheek becoming more and more prominent. 
“Now, hold out your hands,” you said feeling more and more excited.George hesitantly put his hands out in front of him and jokingly flinched when you touched him. His comedic flinch made you laugh as you scanned him over to ensure his eyes were shut. Satisfied with George’s compliance, you slowly reached into your bag to pull out a wrapped gift. When it was safely in his hands, George’s fingers crinkled around the wrapping paper. He opened his eyes and saw you looking excitedly from the gift in his hands and to his confused face. 
Instantly, George began to sweat. Had he forgotten an anniversary? Or a birthday? Or some other holiday? 
He cursed in his mind, fuck fuck fuck fuck.
“Go on then!” you smiled, “open it!”
George looked uncertain as he slowly unwrapped the gift revealing a small box. He lifted the box to see a small shaped coin. “It’s... uh.” He asked, picking it up and fiddling it with his fingers.
“It’s a coin!” you giggled at his confused reaction, “I bought it when I was in Russia over the summer to visit my cousin at Durmstrang.
“Oh! It! It is a coin! I love it!” George moved to pull you in a hug before you chuckled and pushed him away.
“It’s not just a coin. It’s a coin that has been enchanted.” You pointed to the head on the coin, “When you flip it, it’ll tell you whether or not someone is near you. See?” You took it out of his hand and flipped it in your hand, immediately it flipped to Heads. “For pranking, yeah?”
George looked at the coin in wonder and then again at your adoring face. “I... I love it.” He put a hand on your cheek and leaned to press a loving kiss to your lips. “But, I...”
“What is it?” you asked, holding his hand to your cheek.
“I’m so sorry, love. I think I... I think I forgot our anniversary or birthday or... I don’t. I’m so unbelievably sorry!” George spewed out.
“What!” you exclaimed in surprise, “No! No, no. Our anniversary isn’t until October!” you began to laugh, “I just got you this because I saw it and thought of you!”
George let out a breath of relief before feeling tense once again, “But, I didn’t get you anything...”
You pressed a kiss to the palm of his hand, “I don’t expect you to! It was just something for my love, that’s all.” you looked up to see George’s concern written within his brows, “Really! I just got it for you because I thought it would be nice.”
George shook his worry and began to smile, “I love you, you know that?”
“Oh, I know. I’m the most glorious girlfriend in the entirety of the world.”
“And so humble as well.” George grinned before giving you another long kiss. 
George grew up with seven siblings. While he grew up with hand-me-downs and knitted clothing from his mother, you grew up on the richer side of the Wizarding World. He wasn’t used to receiving expensive gifts and frankly felt a little uncomfortable and insecure. All the gifts you had given him must have cost a fortune, something he would never truly acquire. And although he loved his family and his upbringing, he cannot help but feel shameful at the fact that he cannot shower you in gifts as you did to him. 
It began with a new quill, then some pranking supplies, and soon the smaller gifts like the flowers you collected for him and the ties you bought turned into new robes and wand adjustments from Olivander’s. He accepted them graciously and sometimes even refused gifts as they seemed to be too expensive. With your assurance, he took them with a smile on his face but his head hanging low. 
With your anniversary coming up, George could feel the hole in his pocket becoming larger and larger and the money he had saved up had gone to ensure the twins’ ability to start their own joke shop. 
“I have no idea what to get her,” George flopped down on the couch. 
Ginny, who was sat to his left, looked up from her book.“What do you mean?” She raised her eyebrow at her miserable older brother and looked to his twin who sat on his right.
“I mean,” George groaned and placed a hand over his eyes, “What do you get the most perfect girl in the world? What do you get her that she doesn’t already have?”
Fred began to laugh, “It’s happened, hasn’t it?”
“Oh, I think it has,” Ginny chimed in.
“What the bloody hell are you two talking about?”
“Georgie, can’t you see?” Ginny grinned teasingly, “You’re whipped.”
“Like Mum’s Christmas cream, you’re entirely whipped,” Fred added.
George sat up instantly and looked at his siblings with annoyance, “Well, we already knew that!”
Fred and Ginny joined together in laughter, noting how George’s vein is popping out of his forehead. 
“Will you two stop your bloody, dumb, shitty teasing and just-” George groaned again and flopped back on the couch, “Help me?” He asked almost pathetically.
“How much did you want to spend?” Ginny asked, quieting her laughing.
“I don’t know! I just know that I don’t have enough.” George moaned.
“A necklace for the lady, perhaps?” Fred suggested making George shake his head.
“She’s already got enough necklaces and jewelry to fill an entire block on Diagonalley.”
“New quill?” Ginny added,
“No, she’s got her school supplies shipped from some store in America.”
Ginny and Fred began to suggest more and more things to which George either did not like because they were not “you” or because you already had them.
“Oh for fucks sake,” Ginny exclaimed, throwing her hands up. “What the hell can you buy?”
Fred thought for a moment, putting his fingers to his lip as he usually did deep in thought. “What if you don’t buy her a gift?”
“And what? Don’t get her anything at all?” George said sarcastically, “Good plan, you bellend.”
Fred reached over the arm of his chair and gave his twin a good wallop on the shoulder, “No, you dickhead. Don’t buy her anything.”
Ginny caught onto Fred’s idea and nodded, “That’s actually not a bad idea, Georgie, don’t buy her anything.”
“Hello??” George yelled, “Are you two not thinking right?”
“George, stop being a smart arse,” Ginny berated, “Get her something homemade instead.”
George opened one of his eyes to look at his sister who stared back at him in annoyance. “Oh.”
“Yes, oh,” Ginny mocked, “Make her something.”
George groaned again making Ginny and Fred roll their eyes. “But I can’t make anything but dung bombs.”
“Then, you’re out of luck,” Ginny stood up, dusting off her pants. 
Before she could leave, George bolted up and grabbed her wrist. “Gin!” He yelled, “You know how to knit, yeah?”
“Uhm,” she looked to Fred for assistance, “I guess, Mum tried to teach me once, but I-”
“Brilliant!” George grinned, feeling his frustration seep away, “Then you’ll teach me!”
“Georgie,” Ginny rolled her eyes, “I don’t really even know how to knit myself, nevertheless be able to teach you.”
“But, you’ll help?” He asked, putting his puppy dog face on.
Ginny looked at her older brother, her weakness, and let out a sigh, “Fine, whatever.” George shouted in victory, “But, you have to also write Mum and ask her because she knows more than I do. And... you have to tell Y/N that the idea was mine.”
George reached up and kissed his sister’s cheek making her scream in disgust, “Yes, done and done! You are the best sibling in the entirety of the world.”
George turned sharply and sprinted up the stairs to write a letter to his Mum.
“What the hell am I then?” Fred crossed his arms, “Toasted squid?” 
The following days were spent with Ginny and George trying, and rather unsuccessfully, to knit a sweater for you. Fred watched in the background making witty and snide comments. Molly had written back with such haste that Pigwidgeon was nearly on his last breath before arriving at Hogwarts. She sent many words of encouragement and told him that he was the absolute “sweetest” which was in large contrast to Ginny’s frustrated and rather harsh criticism.
“No! You’re supposed to go over not, George! Have you even been listening this entire time?”
“Of course I have,” George said defensively, “It’s just confusing, that’s all.”
“Why can’t we just use magic?” Ginny whined.
“Because then it wouldn’t be homemade, hence the word, home, little sister.” George frowned, “What does it matter anyway? She won’t like it.” 
“Georgie,” Fred pushed off of the wall he was leaning on, “Stop being such a worry-wart.” He patted a hand on his shoulder, “Y/N is the sweetest girl, just because she’s richer than Merlin knows and can afford whatever she wants and doesn’t have to care about-”
“Alright, get on with it, Fred,” George warned.
“She’ll love it no matter what.” Fred finished, sending his twin a much needed reassuring smile.
“I hope so,” George sighed and picked up the needles once again. “Now, what the hell do I do again?”
By the time your anniversary approached, you were nearly bouncing with joy. You had gotten George the perfect present, something he’d never ever expect. Thankfully, your anniversary landed on a Sunday so you woke up and rushed to get ready in the morning. George waited, anxiously, on the stairs for you until you emerged. 
Dressed in jeans and a nice blouse, George was nearly breathless upon seeing you. He gulped as you walked down, seeing the gold necklace your parents had gifted you for your last birthday and pearl earrings they’d given you after getting amazing marks on your exams. 
“Hi,” you said softly, locking your fingers with his.
“Hi, darling,” he said back, pressing a kiss on your cheek. 
“Happy anniversary.”
“Happy anniversary,” you sighed contently and began to walk to the portrait.
“Now, what shall we do on our momentous day of love?” George asked, swinging your joined hands. 
You pulled your bag up closer on your shoulder and smiled back.“I think,” you paused, “we should go on a walk. A long, romantic walk.”
“Then a walk we shall take!” George led the way, pulling you through the corridors making you giggle. 
It was a delightful day spent with kisses and fond memories. You snapped a few photos of your boyfriend with the old camera you had bought.
“Now, I’ll never understand,” George raised his eyebrow, “Why you have a camera older than time itself rather than one of those new, fancy-schmancy cameras.”
You looked admiringly at the photo your camera just printed. As it developed, you could see the two of you, cheeks pressed together, you with a shy smile and George with his tongue sticking out. Another photo you had taken moments before was a snapshot of George’s lips pressed to your cheek and you could just make out the blushing on your face.
“Well,” you looked back up at your boyfriend, “I just happen to love old, worn things I suppose. Why do you think I’m with you?” you added, teasingly.
“Oi,” he defended, “ ‘m only a few months older than you, love. And I’m not worn, I’m newer than a baby’s bottom. You’re the only girl ‘ve been with.” 
“Only? As in there will be more?” you asked, a taunting tone on your tongue. George looked at you, as lovingly and as gentle as he ever could, and thought nothing more of the life you two would have. Happy, content, any other words that describe a healthy and romantic relationship. His thoughts began to waver at the idea of how he’d only be able to afford a small flat, that is if the joke shop even took off in the first place. He thought of all the expensive things he could never afford and how you may resent him. As you looked at him, you thought of the happy children you’d have and the copious amounts of dogs and cats you’d care for. George swallowed harshly.
“Only.” He repeated. You blushed once again and leaned to kiss him. The feeling of your touch on his made George fall quicker, deeper, and madly in love. 
After dinner in the Great Hall, in which George absolutely refused for anyone to sit next to or in front of you in order to make it more “private,” the two of you were laid, cuddled on your bed. George could feel the anxiety and panic set in when he realized soon he’d be giving the girl of his dreams a disappointing gift. 
You hummed, sweet with content, and put your chin on his chest. “I’ve never been happier.”
“I’m so glad,” George ran his fingers through your hair, pushing the stray ones behind your ear. “But,” you said as you sat up, “I do believe anniversaries come with a certain type of exchange.”
“Oh?” George asked, sitting up as well. His fingers felt knotted and his throat was closing up. He had sneaked his gift in, awfully wrapped in some colorful parchment, and placed it under your bed.Be confident, George pleaded and tried his best to act cooly. 
“I’ll go first, may I please, please go first!” you begged. 
George bit his tongue, much preferring he’d go first in order to deal with the disappointment before anything and also give you a chance to dump his impoverished arse.
“Of course, darling,” he nodded making you squeal in delight. George breathed deeply and closed his eyes, holding his hands out as he usually did when you gave him gifts. In his hands, he could feel a box wrapped with a bow.
“Alright, go on!” you nodded eagerly. George let out a shaky breath before carefully removing the bow and lifting the lid. To his delight, he picked up a pair of wool socks that were embroidered with small hearts on the sides. “It’s-”
“Socks!” you finished for him, “Because you get cold feet, remember? Now, when you are playing Quidditch or cold at night, you can wear them and think of me!” George broke out in a grin and thanked the heavens for his girlfriend and all the luck in the world that it took for him to find her. “I love them.” 
“Really?” you asked, pointing at the hearts, “I did those myself!” 
“They look wonderful, I absolutely adore them.” He leaned and kissed you. 
The kiss was long as George put a hand on your neck to pull you closer. His lips moving against yours made butterflies take flight and your bones become weaker. As he pulled away, you rested your forehead on his trying to catch your breath.
“My turn?” George asked making you nod. George pulled out his crappily wrapped gift, that Ginny told him off for, and put it in the bed. 
“Oh! Wrapped it yourself, I see?” you teased. George nodded proudly, becoming more and more confident in his gift. 
As you lifted your fingers to rip the paper off, you paused and faced him with another sly smile.
“Alright! Okay, I was going to save it till the end of the night, but I simply cannot wait.” George’s eyes widened as you jolted off of the bed. “You didn’t think I only got you socks, did you?” you asked, moving towards the trunk at the end of your bed.
“No, wait, Dear, the socks are lovely, I don’t need another-”
“I know, I know, but I couldn’t help it!” you sent him a wink, “Now, this one is the actual gift.”
“Actual gift?” George stuttered.Pulling out a large object, larger than your entire frame, George clenched his jaw. You struggled a bit to put it on the bed but managed and sat down in front of him.
“Happy Anniversary, my love.” your voice made him wince a bit.
You watched in utter excitement as George began to slowly unwrap his gift. Removing all the paper, George nearly fainted seeing his gift. A new broom, one of the best in the world, something he’d never ever be able to buy for himself. A broom, costing more than Merlin knows galleons. 
“So!” you bounced, “Do you like it? I saw at your other games, that bludger took out part of the tail end of your broom and I could not live with myself if you had an accident due to a faulty broom! I went and got it myself,” you said proudly. 
“And! It’s the fastest, rarest, and nicest type of wood, with a partially enchanted seat to help you stay upright!”
George’s hands shook, holding the broom.
“Speechless? That was my entire goal!” you raised your fist in victory. 
“I know! And, not to mention, now you can wear your socks during the game! Two gifts in one!”
“I debated on getting you new gloves, but they wouldn’t be shipped in till middle of November and-”
“Y/N,” George said softly but firmly making you look at him with concern. You had never seen this facial expression on George as his eyes were nearly welled with tears and his lip was red from his biting.
“What’s wrong?” you asked frantically, “is it the wrong size? I gave the shopkeeper your height and everything-”
“No,” George said, putting the broom to lean on the wall next to your bed. “I can’t take this.”
“What do you mean? Love, I got it for you!” you laughed, waving your hand.
“No, Y/N, I seriously cannot take this.” You frowned, 
George’s voice was shaky making your heart drop. “I don’t understand.”
“It’s too expensive-”
“Nonsense, I saved up for it!”
“Baby,” George said, small and timid, “I cannot accept any more expensive gifts from you.” 
“What do you mean?” you questioned, leaning forwards to grab one of his hands, “the price doesn’t matter to me, I literally could not care,”
“But I care.” George protested. 
You nearly began to cry as you saw a tear dripped down George’s cheek. You sat up so you were sitting on your knees and gingerly placed your hands on his cheeks.
“My love, what’s wrong? Won’t you tell me?” you whispered, rubbing soft strokes with your thumbs. 
“I...” George struggled to find the words to describe how awful he felt, “I cannot take your gifts. And... and I’ll never be able to give you these types of gifts.”
Your eyes widened in surprise before you began to furiously shake your head, “George Weasley, what in the world are you talking about?”
“I’ll never be able to give you expensive things like necklaces or pearls or nice perfumes or nice suppers at fancy restaurants. I’ll never be able to give you the gifts you deserve. You deserve to be treated like a princess or a queen or anything and I cannot give you that, I can’t.” George let out.
You thought of his words in utter disbelief. Never once did you ever think of George’s economic standing and neither did you care. 
“But you do treat me like a princess,” you encouraged, making George moan with more tears, “You do. You tuck me in when I’m all tired from classes and make me cuppa’s in the morning. You massage my shoulders when I’m stressed and you hold my hand when you know I’m anxious.” You pushed his head up so your eyes met, “I mean that, from the bottom of my heart. I don’t care if you cannot give me expensive gifts or fancy dinners or anything, I care that you love me and want me to be by your side.”
“But, you give me all these-”
“I do it because I love giving you gifts! I love seeing you smile. And not all my gifts are expensive, sometimes I give you flowers I’ve seen or biscuits from the Great Hall. My darling, you do not need to worry if I feel as though you cannot provide for me, because you provide more than enough for me. I don’t care about money or gifts or anything like that.” you assured. 
George went silent and you began to pepper his cheeks, nose, and forehead with kisses until he cracked and started to smile. 
“I’ve just got the best girlfriend ever, haven’t I?” George asked, pulling you onto his lap. 
You curled into his chest and nodded.
“Oh, absolutely.”
It was quiet between you two again until you chimed up, “Well... may I have my gift now?”
“Uhhh, it’s uhh,” George stuttered. “It’s not amazing.”
“Don’t care!” you grinned and picked up his gift. “I’m so excited, I could nearly pee myself.”
George jokingly shoved you, “Oi, blimey well don’t do that. Not while you’re sitting on me at least.” 
You shoved him back before opening his gift. George held his breath as you unraveled the present and saw his gift. Your heart nearly stopped. You picked up the sweater, moving the parchment aside, and placed it on your lap. The sweater was yellow and made with soft wool. On the front, there was a badly made daisy, the flowers you always got for him during the Spring. Touching the fabric softly, tracing over each petal you stared at.
“I know it isn’t much but-” Before George could finish his apology, you took him by surprise and wrapped your arms around his neck tightly. Pressing kisses on the crook of his neck, he could feel your smile.
“I absolutely love it.”
“With all my heart, I’ve never been given something handmade nor something so sweet.”
“I made it... myself.”You picked up the sweater and laughed, “I can tell. How long did it take you?”
George paused, thinking and smiling sheepishly, “A few weeks maybe.”
“And you made it all by yourself? No magic?”
“No magic,” George confirmed, “But, Ginny did help me... she and Fred helped me come up with the idea.”
You shifted in George’s lap, moving so you could toss off the blouse you were wearing and shrugging the sweater on. It was warm and smelled of honey and pine and the string he had used made you feel as if you were wrapped in a hug of his. 
“George... I don’t know what to say. Thank you.” 
George blushed a deep red as you kissed first his cheek and then his lips.
“You’re welcome, Darling. I’m just glad I’ve finally given you a good enough gift.”
“Well,” you kissed the skin of his neck, “I’ll wear it every day. But...”
“But?” George asked, wrapping his arms around your waist. 
“But, I think right now, I’d like it off,” you suggested, lowering your eyes at him.
“Off?” George asked confusedly before his eyes widened in realization. “Oh! Oh, off!”
“You’re so smart, aren’t you?” you snorted before pulling George in for another kiss.  
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ineverwrite · 2 years
All Good Things-1
Word Count: 968
"Please- do I have to go?" Neville asked in a pained voice. Y/N looked over to her younger cousin with sympathy.
"You know you do- but cheer up! Hogwarts is wonderful. And you can finally meet people your own age, make new friends,"
Neville let out a little sputter as if to say yeah, right. "And learning about magical things- and how to be a wizard!". He just stared at her with disbelief.
Flipping her hair, the girl let out a sigh. She wished Neville could see himself as she did; a bright, kind, and funny boy.
Neville had absolutely no self-confidence. Y/N often thought that their grandmother was too harsh on Neville- as the women incessantly compared the young boy to his father. Neville's parents were insane patients at the wizarding hospital St. Mungos. The couple had been tortured by Bellatrix Lestrange for information regarding the first Wizarding War against He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named. For this reason, Neville was raised by his grandmother since he was a year old.  It was more than a lot to deal with for one person, much less a child, but Neville carried it like it was his duty. He was proud to be their son, though he never thought he would live up to their sacrifice.
            So, Y/N took it upon herself to his protector. Since they were small, she had protected him from all possible bullies- including their own family. They became quite close.  
Y/N, being two years older than Neville, had been the first to go to Hogwarts; and both had cried. Now, it was Y/N's third year and Neville's first, and she was beyond excited for him.
Finally, she had thought, he could get the chance to meet amazing people, as she had.
           Neville was nervously looking around. Probably agonizing over getting caught entering Platform's 9¾ and exposing the Wizarding World- a worry he had relayed to his cousin on the way to the train station. Y/N rolled her eyes at the boy- as much as she loved him and as protective as she was- the constant worrying could get old. Besides, Neville was the least likely in the family to expose wizards, as Madam Longbottom never left the house without the brightest robes and her horrifyingly realistic vulture hat. It was truly vile.
Quickly looking around, she grabbed Neville by the wrist and pulled him through the brick wall. Though both of them had seen The Hogwarts Express two times previously to drop Y/N off for school, the experience was always like the first. After a moment, the two adjusted to their surroundings; as hundreds of children and their families said their last goodbyes, owls hooting and screeching, and the train's whistles blaring their warnings.
The two waited for the rest of their families, giving hugs and promises to write often. Y/N was humming with anticipation and quickly escaped the grasp of her family to go find her friends, who she hadn't seen since before the summer. Rounding the corners, she saw her best friends and girls in her year, Angelina Johnson and Alicia Spinnet, looking for her. The three embraced and immediately started their frantic questions about the break, talking over and louder than the next person.
"Oi! Why are you yelling? We're right here?" Fred Weasley had joked, getting the three girl's attention; with his twin brother, George, smiling behind him. While the twins were no strangers to the third years', but their voices were completely different. Much deeper than last year, and each of them was noticeably taller. The twins-well all of the Weasleys- had flaming red hair and covered in freckles. Once in their first year, Y/N, Lee Jordan, and Angelina tried to count all of George's freckles. They gave up after the 600s. As Y/N smiled back at her classmates, she felt an unfamiliar flush spread across her cheeks at Fred Weasley's grin. How odd.
           "You lot aren't going to believe this- we just met Harry Potter!" George exclaimed, which was met with a collective gasp. Harry Potter was a legendary boy, being the only survivor of the Killing Curse and for the disappearance of He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named.
           "Is he 11 now?"
           "Oh-he's in Neville's year!"
           "Merlin, I hope he is in Gryffindor-,"
           "Stop! We don't know everything you know!" The twins retorted, brushing off the girl's comments. As excited as the prospect of meeting the famous Harry Potter was, the group of third year's quickly found their usual train compartment for the journey back to the Hogwarts castle. Y/N worried for a moment if Neville had found a good group of first years yet and felt guilty for somewhat abandoning him. They had talked about riding together, but she had hesitated, not knowing if he would be comfortable around her third-year friends. Neville brushed by this entirely, claiming he needed to find his own way- alone. Y/N's attention snapped back to reality after a warm hand tapped her arm. Fred nodded his ginger head to the door of the compartment.
           "Do you want anything from the trolley?" The lady who pushed the cart repeated, to which Y/N pulled out a few coins and traded for some of their favorite snacks. Y/N handed Fred and George their share without a second thought. Though the twins were from a large and loving family, they were very poor. Not wanting them to be left out, Y/N started the tradition of buying enough to share with everybody. Fred smiled his thanks to his friend, and Y/N again felt an unfamiliar rush of heat to her cheeks. What is going on!? She thought desperately. It wasn't like her to feel uncomfortable or unsettled with her friends. Perhaps it was an illness of sorts. Whatever it was, she hoped that the feeling would be gone by the time they arrived at Hogwarts.
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dracosathenaeum · 4 years
Something Precious
Summary: You and Draco realise your feelings for each other when he ends up at the bottom of the Black Lake during the Triwizard tournament that you are a champion for.
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Slytherin!reader
Warnings: Some swear words
Word Count: 2,321
Requested by anon! I hope this meets your expectations 🥺 (I changed the wording slightly, so instead of Treasure, I used precious as it just fitted slightly better here, sorry if it bugs you :3)
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“Don’t touch me you filthy little mudblood.” You sighed, why was it always you that had to stand up for the first years. You’d think that by now Draco would’ve gotten used to your scolding and would get bored of picking on the helpless first years.
“Draco! I told you to stop calling the muggle-borns that, lay off the derogatory terms you shit.” You were pretty much the only person (other than the golden trio) that would stand up to Malfoy. But you were however the only one in the school who he would actually listen to. The two of you basically grew up together so you were used to putting up with each other. By now you wondered if Draco only kept picking on the younger years to wind you up.
“I’m just calling them what they are, don’t be upset love.” He said with a wink and his signature smirk. You don’t know when it had started but somewhere along the line, ironic flirting had started between the two of you. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t enjoy it though.
“I’m not upset Draco darling; I simply want you to take that stick on the floor and stick it up your arse.” Draco flushing a deep pink was worth having to call him these ridiculous pet names.
“Thank you, Y/N!” the little Gryffindor squeaked.
“You’re supposed to be courageous right? Malfoy isn’t even scary, he’s very… ferret like.” And with a wink thrown over your shoulder to Draco, you were on your way. You weren’t by any means popular or well-loved by the school, it was more like you had their respect. You were still a Slytherin after all, you just stood up for the ones Draco and other Slytherins were especially cruel to. Simple name calling you could turn a blind eye to but the hexes and use of “mudblood” was just unnecessary.
That was probably why instead of boos, you simply got applauded when your name was pulled from the goblet. You weren’t in it for the ‘eternal glory’ you were just bored at Hogwarts. These deadly tasks sounded like something to get your mind off of everything, besides now that ‘The Chosen One’ was also competing, you had extra motivation to win the whole thing.
That being said… Potter tipping you off about the first task was probably the single worst feeling you’ve ever had in your life. The feeling of owing someone, let alone Potter, a favour. But he had saved your life, without his tip off you don’t know if you could’ve won that task. I mean it was dragons, DRAGONS. But your victory meant firewhiskey parties in the Slytherin common room for a week straight so you wouldn’t complain too much. You definitely kept it to yourself though, the thought of the rest of your house finding out you were saved by Potter made you shudder.
“Surprised you’re still alive Y/L/N, though I suppose someone has to beat Potter. His head is big enough.”
“Don’t look so happy to see me Malfoy.” Sarcasm dripping from you voice.
5 seconds of eye contact was all it took for you to be pulled into his arms, a breathe you didn’t know you were holding finally being released. You allowed yourself a couple seconds to enjoy to be held, it wasn’t often that you and Draco hugged despite having grown up together.
“I’m glad you’re alive Y/N/N, I need someone other than mudbloods to make fun of.”
“Shut up Malfoy, don’t ruin this.”
“Don’t fall in love with me yeah? I know I’m hot but you’re not really my type, though being a pure blood does help.” Smacking his chest, you pulled away from his hold. “God you are insufferable, now help me figure out how to work this stupid egg so I can tell Potter and not have to owe him anymore.” Draco was your one exception to the ‘tell no one that you owe Potter rule’ you set yourself, besides, you couldn’t hide anything from him. He’d find out sooner or later.
You had spent weeks with that egg, trying to figure out how to open it without the deaf-curdling screams. It was only when you convinced Draco to sneak you into the prefect’s bath (nothing in that dingy castle could compare to the prefect’s bath), that you figured it out. Though it took an awful lot longer to decipher it but being even with Potter again made every blood-curdling screech worth it.
The yule ball was a whole other catastrophe. Watching couples slow dance for hours on end sounded like utter hell to you, which is why you practically threw a fit when you were told champions had to lead the first dance.
“Draco stop laughing at me, they want me to dance; they want me, me to hold some guy against me and dance in front of 3 schools. I was content to stand by the food and make fun of the Weasley’s tattered robes or Potter’s awkward dancing but now I actually have to join in? I should just quit now.”
“You fought dragons Y/N; a dance is nothing. Besides we’ve been going to  balls for years, you should be used to it by now.” He did have a point, maybe all those long boring parties your parents would throw would finally serve a purpose for you.
“Pansy’s been trying to corner me for weeks, honestly I’d rather slow dance with your flat arse than hers. Besides, then we could make fun of Weasley together.”
You thought it over but not for very long, you knew he’d be the only one you’d willingly go to the ball with, well the only one you could tolerate for so long that is. Besides, the two of you had made it through countless balls together, what’s one more.
“Fine, but you’re buying me a new dress.”
“What? That wasn’t an invitation? I was just joking. Hang on, you have just as much money as me! Pay for your own damn dress.” You turned and made your way to the girl’s dorms, blowing a kiss towards the flustered blonde on the sofa. “Make sure it’s velvet or silk, nothing cheap either, else I’m telling you mother.”
And that’s how the both of you went to the Yule Ball together. Waltzing like you had done for so many years in the Malfoy manor and stuffing your faces, as you made fun of Ron Weasley’s robes and Potter’s pathetically sad looking face. Though you had to admit, Hermione was the focus of the night, no matter how good you looked in the dress Draco got for you, there was no denying all eyes were on her and the Durmstrang champion. As you climbed into the bed that night, a soft smile stretched across your face, the Yule ball wasn’t so bad with Draco as company you supposed.
Which brought you to where you are now; stood in the freezing cold ready to dive into the equally freezing water. Calming yourself, you ran through your plan again. Cast the bubble-head charm, collect whatever ‘precious item’ Dumbledore was talking about and once you were out you would find Draco Malfoy and kill him. He had promised he would be there to help you prepare the night before; yet you spent the entire evening alone in the Slytherin common room waiting like some bloody girl being stood up.
You knew you weren’t traditional friends (if you could even call yourselves that) but you thought at the very least he’d be there for you when you really needed him. Swimming had never really been your strong point after watching your cousin drown during your childhood, but that was a story for another day. After all these years, you really thought despite everything he’d be with you when you needed him most.
The canon went off, startling you from your thoughts as you quickly cast you charm and dove into the water, taking a second to adjust to the freezing water and calm your nerves. You really should have learnt a body warming spell. You watched as the other 3 swam straight through the village and watched as Fleur was attacked by Grindylows. “Better her than me.” You thought.
You swam through the murky water and eerie village until you reached four figures afloat in the water. You swam toward them and recognised Weasley and Granger straight away, of course the golden trio would be making an appearance even here. Yet it was the mop of blonde hair that made your heart skip. ‘Something precious has been taken from you.’ Draco was your precious something!? You saw a young girl next to him, probably Fleur’s sister. Why was it Draco who was taken? Why wasn’t it your own sister who was just 3 years younger than you? God you were going to get an earful from the both of them after this.
Swimming closer you realised how gaunt he looked, you felt like you’d never truly looked at his face til this moment in time. Not even when slow dancing that night at the Yule Ball. He looked so different yet so similar to when you first met him at the age of 5. Both of your parents cooing as tubby little Malfoy held his tiny hand out to ask you for a dance.
For once he looked peaceful, rather than the sneer he always had at Hogwarts or his blank look at home around his parents and yours.
You slashed his bonds with a nearby rock, deciding to just get out of the water as soon as possible, you couldn’t bear to be in the water with your heart thumping this fast any longer. Turning to give one last look at Potter you could see the disgust on his face as he stared at the unconscious boy in your arms. You threw a glare and the rock at him before swimming away, feeling slightly sorry for the poor French girl left behind.
You were the first to break out of the water, Krum following shortly behind.
“What?? Where am I? Y/N?!” Draco spluttered, coughing the water from his lungs before wrapping an arm around you and keeping the both of you afloat.
“You can ask questions later, I’m exhausted, can you please just swim us back to the stands.” He didn’t need more instructions, knowing you hated the water, he pulled you against him as he swam straight for the closest stands.
Everyone cheered as the both of you were pulled from the water and wrapped in towels. You had won first place but that was the last thing you were thinking about.  
“Draco is your precious item? I always knew there was more going on between you two than you admitted!” You could kill Blaise then and there, you decided. Though you supposed the glare you received from Pansy was worth the humiliation, just a little.
“Y/N? What’s Blaise talking about? All I remember is Professor Snape asking to see me last night as I was walking to meet you in the common room and the next thing I know I’m freezing my ass off in the water with you. I mean is it even legal to do this to a student? My father will be hearing about this.” You could barely meet his eyes at this point, you were just as confused as he was, but you couldn’t help but roll your eyes at his last comment.
Did you have feelings for Draco? Sure, you grew up together and had a love-hate relationship the whole time but that was the extent of it. You didn’t like Draco, surely, you’d know right?
“Something precious was taken from each of us, Krum got Granger; Potter, Weasley; and Fleur got her sister. I guess Dumbledore thought your sorry arse was precious to me or something.”
“Oooo does my darling Y/L/N have a crush on me? I thought you- and I quote- hated the sight of my stupid face?”
“In your dreams Malfoy, now shut up I want to hear them announce me as the winner.” In reality you could care less about the announcement, just wanting to change the subject as fast as possible. Your eyes went to Potter, along with everyone elses, as he shot out the water like a bloody dolphin. You would give him credit where credit was due though, saving just Draco was hard enough, Potter had saved both Weasley and the Delacour girl.
“You know, if you wanted me all you had to do was ask? Obviously, I’m very attractive and my father is very important but don’t be intimidated-”
“Shut up you git.” God if he wasn’t going to shut his stupid mouth, you’d make him, one way or another. The ‘other way’ as it happened was you grabbing his face between your palms and pressing your lips to his.
Draco wrapped his arms around you to pull you closer, deepening the kiss. You giggled into the kiss as everyone around you cheered; you didn’t think you were a fan of PDA but after kissing Malfoy, you couldn’t care less. You pulled away and nuzzled yourself into him, the both of you still ice cold from the swim but hearts beating fast.
You never thought you’d get a boyfriend from this tournament but being there in his arms, despite freezing your ass off, you were happier in that moment than you had been in a long time. There was nowhere you’d rather be.
“Be my girlfriend?”
“Shut up and kiss me Malfoy.” You both smiled into the kiss, loving how natural it felt to be with him like this. Completely ignoring the winner’s announcements and instead focusing on how happy you felt. 
Life was looking more bearable by the second.
Well until you got killed by Voldemort that is.
I See The Light can be read as a loose sequel describing this moment
#A/N: I literally had the HP wiki page open the entire time, it’s my first time writing a changed story line, something with a proper plot. I hope it was okay, please let me know if I got anything wrong or if something should be improved! Also sorry for the crappy ending :33
Thank you for reading!
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When I saw 'Romanians' mentioned in your last post I had a wtf moment cause I have only watched the movies and I don't think I've ever noticed their existence. Regardless, I just had to read the wiki page and it is hillarious to me cause coincidence or not they seem to be named after the psychopathic ruler 'Vlad the impaler' and his cousin 'Stefan the great'(he might have murdered more people than his cousin known as the impaler, but you know he is great). Also, what do you think of them? Sorry for the rant...
You have no idea what you’ve unleashed.
I love the Romanians because they are, hands down, the trashiest, weirdest, lamest, loser vampires in Twilight canon. 
Just, these two are so hilariously beautiful.
First off, while Meyer undoubtedly named them with Vlad Tepish and Stefan the Great in mind, the Romanians are actually much older. We don’t have exact dates, but we know the Romanians (then presumably the Dacians), held great power over their territory for a thousand years before the Volturi had truly established themselves. After the Volturi took on and won against Amun’s coven in Egypt (and took the grateful Demetri off Amun’s hands making Amun still bitter thousands of years later) they waged war against the Romanians and won. (Vlad and Stefan are still very bitter but give us the silver lining of “oh yeah, well, we’re only partly petrified. SO TAKE THAT STUPID VOLTURI!”)
Vlad, Stefan, and Vlad’s wife were the only survivors. The Romanians, being one of the most evil and trashy covens in Twilight, decided to take on Volterra by amassing an army of 100 vampires. Hilariously, they had poor timing, this is a decade after Aro acquired Jane and Alec. The entire army is defeated in a second, Vlad’s wife is murdered, and by 810 AD, it’s just Vlad and Stefan.
They’ve remained losers the Volturi don’t take seriously ever since. Every decade, Demetri pays them a visit to remind them that yes, the Volturi does remember them and can find them any time they want to. Even more hilariously, Vlad and Stefan take this very seriously, and are constantly on the run from the Volturi, never aware that the Volturi actually don’t care. At all. 
Point being, given these guys, first it’s entirely likely their original names are not Vlad and Stefan. We see many of the vampires of the ancient world periodically change their name. We have Chelsea and Demetri, who are canonically acknowledged as having done this. Given when and where they were born, we can assume Marcus and Caius were not originally Marcus and Caius. Similarly, we can assume Aro’s name was originally far longer as well.
None the less, it would be just like these two to name themselves after these Romanian human warlords, one of whom serves and the inspiration for the modern vampire myth in Europe. And then, insist, of course, that the human rulers were actually named after Vlad and Stefan, because the humans still worship them, you know.
They’re going to be back on top any day now, you’ll see. 
That’s another thing worth getting into. The Romanians are evil. I’m not exaggerating this, of all the vampires in Twilight, they are the most appalling (and this is including James, Maria and the southern war lords, Joham... well not Joham, he’s a special brand of evil). These guys had a thousand year reign of terror in Dacia. Humans were butchered seemingly by entire villages, they made humans their slaves and demanded worship and sacrifice. When the humans periodically tried to overthrow them, they slaughtered them all, presumably placed their heads on spikes, and used them to taunt those few surviving humans.
When they lost power, they made an army a hundred vampires strong, which given what we see of the newborns in Seattle (who were only around twenty and still far too large to control), probably wiped out several large settlements in eastern Europe. Didn’t matter, just as long as they got rid of the Volturi.
And they miss those glory days dearly.
They actively reminisce about in Breaking Dawn to an oblivious Bella, who is just so happy these very important and impressive Europeans are here to help her beautiful daughter and so impressed they they’ve been fighting the corrupt Volturi for thousands of years (which is another bit of hilarity we’ll get into). You know, when/if the Volturi fall, the Romanians will be the first in line to rape the women and enslave us all. Good times, good times.
But back to them being trash people.
Vlad and Stefan are utterly destitute, their entire coven is destroyed, and yet they still insist they’re a Big Fucking Deal. Not only that, but just their every action is beyond weird. They talk in unison like Fred and George Weasley, they’re these ridiculously tiny men dressed as stereotypical vampires, and they show up out of nowhere on your doorstep saying, “So, hear you’re starting an insurrection against Volterra, Carlisle, we want in” (While Carlisle, I’m sure, just dies a thousand times inside). 
They then talk to Bella all about how they fight the corruption of the Volturi. What is the corruption, you ask? Well, the Volturi drove them out of their kingdom and liberated the human slaves. Then they imposed this stupid law where you couldn’t eat humans in broad daylight. Then when the Romanians tried to invade Italy they killed them all.
The Romanians will expose the Volturi’s crimes here and now. They stand for justice, peace, and Renezel--Renpunz--Renesmee. (The Romanians decidedly do not come for Renesmee, they hear about Carlisle’s army through the vampire European rumor mill, which just shows how out of hand it all got because now Carlisle’s amassing an army to protect the immortal child his son made. They show 0 interest in Renesmee.)
They give me serious McPoyle vibes.
More, beautifully, everything they touch becomes tainted.
Laurent, another beautiful loser character, starts life as a French courtier in Versailles. When he’s turned into a vampire, he assumes the vampire world works like Versailles. It works nothing like Versailles.
He seeks out those vampires with the greatest power.
Well, vampires in general are cannibalistic homeless nomads who care nothing for power.
This brings him, beautifully, to the Romanians. They insist to Laurent they’re super cool and powerful, Laurent believes them, but either Laurent eventually clues in or realizes something’s not right here. So, he goes to seek out the real power, the Volturi.
Unfortunately, Laurent is a loser, the Volturi is not court, and Aro has no need for some lackey trying to get in his good graces. Plus, Laurent hung out willingly with Vlad and Stefan. And anyone who does that...
So, Aro goes, “Ew, no, leave.”
Laurent is convinced, even when canon rolls around and he’s sunk so low as to hang out with James and Victoria (also loser vampires), that Aro will call him back any day now.
Aro never does. Laurent is eaten by untrained sixteen-year-old shape shifters.
But yes, point being, I imagine that in this modern era the Romanians would have a Go Fund Me for purchasing the blow torches they’ll use to destroy the Volturi once and for all. They also have a YouTube channel which is unintentionally dungeon porn, in which they cover their heads in bags so as not to be recognized, and talk about the good old days in thick Romanian accents. It’s a very popular YouTube channel, nobody understands why they wear so much body glitter.
Oh, right, Bella.
Bella is so beautiful with these guys. So, in Breaking Dawn, Bella actually takes the Romanians seriously. They’re all I describe above and more, they’re not hiding it, they’re full McPoyle (including the taking over the world built). Jake even tells Bella he finds them weird as hell. Bella thinks they’re great.
No, really, she thinks they’re great.
They tell her how they enslaved all the people in their territory, demanded tithes, and would eagerly do so again as soon as they get the chance and she stares at them with wide eyes and thinks about how cool all these vampires who came for precious Renesmee are. (Which, funnily, they actually all came either for Carlisle, because he has a billion friends everywhere, or else as a power grab like the Romanians, or both in Amun’s case. It’s the weirdest, most beautiful, mixture of people.)
Bella has her moments, but loving the Romanians has got to be a top ten for her. My explanation is that she’s so high on vampirism and Renesmee that this is all just great for her. LIFE IS WONDERFUL!
EDIT: I could no longer abide my spelling mistakes, I also edited a bit for cleanliness.
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pineapple-lover-boy · 3 years
(I absolutely love this so if anyone wants me to make a full blown fic please request!)
I love the idea of Dudley having magical children (who’s mother may or may not be Cho Chang but that’s for another day).
And I love him naming them Daisy and Petunia.
Imagine him seeing Daisy act all strange. Her food exploding when it’s something she doesn’t like. Those itchy scarfs he makes her wear in the winter disappearing one day only to find them halfway down the toilet.
Finally, after some years of only having a Christmas Card relationship with Harry, he calls his cousin because all of this seems slightly familiar. Everything that’s been happening reminds him of a time he barely remembers.
Harry, being the cool dude he is, invites Dudley over to talk about everything and teach him about the Wizarding World (if Cho Chang’s his wife I could see her waiting a few years after marriage to tell Dudley, especially after seeing his father’s abrasions to all things abnormal and she also doesn’t want to lose someone she loves again). He, with the multitude of children running around because it’s his turn to babysit the whole underaged part of the family, tells and shows Dudley and his daughter things about wizards. Showing them some spells and artifacts, stuff like that. Dudley, although a few PTSD flashbacks from some of the more prankster type objects, is very interested and is sad he never got into the Wizarding World more with his cousin (he might make a call to mum and dad, who knows?).
Years later, Daisy is off to Hogwarts and gets sorted (my personal hc is that she gets into Ravenclaw). She absolutely has a blast and voluntarily writes letters to the family almost every week with all the exciting things she gets to see and experience.
Back at home, Dudley and Harry are trying to prepare little Petunia for the Wizarding World as well. Harry, to Dudley’s worry, tries to get her to fly a broom for the first time and maybe play some amateur Quidditch with her cousins that also haven’t gone to Hogwarts yet. They’re a little confused when the broom doesn’t rise at her command but not everyone is going to be great at the sport or broom riding anyways.
Next they get George to take a day off and show her how to make minor pranking devices because what’s better than a 9 year old with a grenade-like magical item? They all laugh and have so much fun as they get the products everywhere (something may or may not have burned). George even gets Dudley to try a treat only for something wild to happen (Dudley learns to laugh at it instead of cower in fear).
Once it’s done they try out George’s version and then little Petunia’s. When it was Petunia’s turn she set off (or ate) the magical item and…. nothing happened. Now it was truly time for Dudley to worry.
“Hey, what if she’s not like Daisy.” Dudley paused. “What if she hasn’t got any magic in her?”
Harry sighed looking over to a disappointed Petunia. Harry hadn’t told Dudley the story of their mothers as he never thought he needed to. What if this Petunia turned out like the last?
Just then he saw his own daughter, Lily, walk over to the girl. “Why don’t we go outside and chase the garden gnomes? They absolutely hate that.” Petunia perked up, seemingly forgetting about the previous event and ran outside with Lily where laughing could be heard soon after.
Harry turned back to Dudley and smiled. “I’ll think she’ll be just fine. She’s still apart of our world after all.”
Dudley calmed down after that.
When Petunia turned 11 two years later and she didn’t get her letter, she didn’t cry or mope around. In fact, that day she played around with her friends in the schoolyard, getting embarrassed while they sung her Happy Birthday at the top of her lungs.
When she got home she received 5, count em, 5 presents. And she was so very excited.
The family then traveled to the Potter home where the entire family (including the Weasley’s) sat to watch her blow out her candles. She felt elated when she saw the dozens of presents she received but knew it was normal in a large family like this.
She never hated Daisy nor felt any jealousy. And right from the day that Lily Luna asked her to go chase the garden gnomes, they were best friends. Petunia now had two close people she could receive letters from Hogwarts and the only feeling she felt was comfort from knowing her sister and cousin were having a good time.
Maybe, as she got older, she married someone with a magical background. A wizard? A squib? Or even just another muggle like her. No, it isn’t right to call her a muggle when she was so immersed in the lifestyle she never dreamed of knowing, because it was right there.
History always repeats itself. This is one example of how it could repeat for the better. Petunia never became a jealous sister and she had a great relationship with Lily Potter. Life couldn’t be better.
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fandomscombine · 4 years
Baseless Jealousy
Oliver Wood Cousin!Reader x Jealous!Fred Weasley
BG: Fred and y/n’s relationship is currently 3 years long strong. After a summer apart, it seems to be a 3rd party had become closer to y/n. Is it something that Fred has to worry about or is it just baseless jealousy?
a/n: The pairing the won for this fic is Oliver Wood Cousin!Reader x Jealous! Fred Weasley, Thanks so much for voting!
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You and Fred started dating 3 years ago. Fred would like to believe that the relationship is strong, other people believes it so too. However ever since the start of 5th year, something started to get on his nerves, or should he say someone.
See, Fred had noticed you getting closer to his Quidditch captain, Oliver wood. He didn’t want to blame it on the summer you two spent apart but he could quite help himself. You had spent the entire apart, no letters whatsoever. At first, he tried to be understanding, it was after all a summer you and your family spent in Italy while attending your aunt’s wedding, you had told him that this was the first time in 8 years that the whole side of your mother’s family was present as they were all scattered into various parts of the world. He understood the importance of family so he had let it slide that you and he hadn’t communicated in the past 2 months- besides, it must be really exhausting to overwork the owls to post cross country.
Which was why he was so excited to finally see you in person at Platform 9 ¾ on the first of September, to his dismay, you had arrived with Oliver Wood. Back then he had pushed his jealousy aside and concluded as a coincidence that you had turned up together at the barrier. You and Oliver are just friends, he told himself, and that was completely fine.
Fred had sneaked a hug behind you and whispered into your ear. ‘Had a great summer?’
You had jumped at the touch but once you realised who is was from you relaxed. ‘Ohh Freddie!’ You turned and hit his chest. ‘Don’t scare me like that!’ Earning a laugh from him. ‘I did, I had such great times catching up with my cousins! You wouldn’t believe how much trouble we almost got into. But of course.’ Your fingers played with the back of his head. ‘I missed having my love around.’
‘Hey love I’m off to Quidditch practice now.’ Fred informed, kissing your cheek. ‘Will you be there?’ Ever since you and Fred got together 3 years ago, you would go cheer him on during Quidditch practices whenever you can.
This year however, more are at stake.
During the semi-finals, Quidditch matches are dotted with professional quidditch team mangers in hopes to scout for potential recruits to join their team upon graduation.
It is rumoured that the manager for Puddlemere United would be attending the next match, Hufflepuff vs Gryffindor. Puddlemere United being Oliver’s favourite and dream team, he had been pushing the team with more frequent trainings then ever, hoping to perform the best game they would ever play, to further increase his chances to chosen to be part of the team.
You looked up from the letter you were writing. ‘Yep, just gotta make a quick stop to the owlery. I’ll soon you soon okay?’
Arriving at the owlery, a large parcel instantly caught your eye. ‘Oh mum..’ Examining for any potential damage, which thankfully weren’t any.
The barn owl nearest it hooted. ‘Alright! Alright! I was looking if there were damages.’ The owl flapped its wings in annoyance. ‘Here,’ offering your owl some treats. ‘You’ll need to store up some energy on the way back.’ Another hoot sounded, this time from a grey owl, that you recognised belonged too your mother. ‘There’s some for you too.’ After the 2 owls finished their food, you attached your letter your owl’s leg. ‘This is for mother, a thank you note on behalf of Ollie. I’ll write another when we see his reaction to this-I can’t wait.’ You bid the 2 birds goodbye, watching until they disappear unto the horizon.
Now you turn to face your major problem. You had thought that your mother would have had it placed in a box, rather what you got was a large parcel that is clearly wrapped with parchment, with no subtlety in hiding what it truly is.
You had finally manged to sneak the parcel into the Gryffindor boys’ locker room, though it had taken a lot more effort than you thought.
You were just leaving when you had bumped into someone.
‘oopf! Sorr-‘
‘y/n love! What are you doing here?’  Fred wondered, looking over your shoulder, trying to figure out what you were up to. ‘You missed the whole practice.’
‘ohh it’s nothing really----Ayyeee! Not so fast!’ You grabbed Harry’s shoulder, preventing him in enter any further. In all honestly, you hadn’t hidden Oliver’s surprise well, there aren’t a lot of hiding places in the changing room. Determined to not ruin the surprise, you need, you must get Oliver to see it first. ‘Had any of you seen Oli-‘
Right then you heard his unmistakably Scottish accent. ‘I’m just saying George, with this new and improve game plan, we are for sure going win the House Cup!’
‘Oliver!’ You shouted, pushing your boyfriend and Harry aside to reach him. ‘Come quick, I’ve got something to show you!’ With all your strength you hauled him to move faster.
‘What is it now y/n? Can’t you see I’m……..’ Oliver had come to a stop. Based on his sudden lack of complaining, you knew he spotted it.
‘It’s a gift from mum and dad. We thought it would future help your chances to be in the professional league.’ You noted. ‘I wasn’t sure which one of these was your locker, so I decided to just hide it behind the benches.’
Oliver hurriedly torn away the wrappings. ‘Oh my…. y/n! A FIREBOLT!’ He turned towards his teammates with eyes watery. ‘A FIREBOLT, A 1993 EBONY WOOD WITH BIRCH TWIGS FIREBOLT!’ He declared with glee.
Too caught up in your cousin’s precious reaction to your gift, you however had failed to noticed Fred displeasure.
‘I think I’m gonna be sick. So much for a girlfriend.’ He grumbled to George. ‘Excuse me.’ Shoving his broom to Harry, Fred walked out of the locker room.
The next thing you knew, you were spinning through the air. Oliver had lifted you in celebration, ‘Thank you y/n thank you so much!’ He mumbled into your hair. ‘Pass on my gratitude to Aunty and Uncle.’  
‘Wait? Did you just say Aunty and Uncle?’ voiced a very confused Harry.
‘Yea.’ Confirmed Oliver. ‘Y/n is my cousin.’
George’s bafflement turned into a startle. ‘You’re joking right?’
‘No, why would be joking George?’ You frowned. ‘Didn’t you know?’
‘Nope’ He replied, popping the “p”. ‘Now it clears everything up. Freddie is going to be--.’
‘Speaking of, where is Freddie?’ You scanned around, wondering where he might have gone to. Which was when you spotted Harry holding up not one but two brooms. ‘Harry…’
‘y/n listen…..Freddie is uhh ’ George was trying to come up how to break it to you gently.
When Harry blurted out. ‘He left.’
‘He whot?’ demanded Oliver.
‘He left, said something about being sick of his girlfriend.’ Commented Harry frankly. ‘owhh!’
Even though it would have been too late to stop Harry from spitting out more wrongfully worded sentences- the damaged has been done- It still made George happy to put some sense into him. Praying that a smack on the head would have made Harry shut up, George took control of the situation, hoping it could still salvage the weakening remain of his twin’s and y/n relationship.
‘Listen y/n. Regarding my idiot brother, you got to know that he, like everyone else in the room, had thought that you and Oliver were flirting with each other.’
‘eww!’ You couldn’t control your reflex.
‘yeah, his emotions got to the best of him when he witnessed everything that got down here and stormed out because of jealousy.’
‘Oh gosh.’ You head towards the door, you could see a red figure walking towards the castle, kicking at fallen leaves every now and then. ‘I’ve got to get to him.’
You felt someone grab your arm ‘No let me handle this y/n.’ voiced Oliver. ‘I’m part of this… complication after all, besides I bet Fred’s fuming right now and as your older cousin, I am willing to take the heat and make him see reason until he has finally calmed down to talk to you with a clear head.’ He explained reassuringly.
‘No buts.’ Oliver kissed your forehead. ‘Stay here and send for him back so all this misunderstanding could be sorted out. Now…’ he addressed Harry to get his new firebolt. ‘I’ve got a relationship to fix.’ Oliver hopped on the broom and sped away.
‘Fred! Fred!’ Screamed Oliver.
Fred choose to ignore him, picking up his pace.
Leaving Oliver with no choice but to cut him off.
‘WEASLEY!’ Oliver jumped off his broom.
‘Get Out of My Way Wood!’ Fred raised his hand to shove the other boy away but met with resistance. ‘I SAID GET OUT!’ Fred tried to free his fist from Oliver’s grasp, but the older boy was much stronger.
‘Not until you calm down and listen to what I have to say.’
‘Fine.’ Oliver let go of him, he raised his arms high in surrender. ‘y/n sent you, didn’t she?’
‘No. I came here on my own will. I told her to stay behind to protect her.’ Oliver confessed.
‘To protect her?’ scoffed Fred. ‘From what? From me?’
‘Yes, as a matter of fact.’
‘Oh of course, it’s HER who needs protecting and not me. Not me, after I see you both shamelessly act so close to one another, closer, might I tell you then her own boyfriend! If was as if I wasn’t there’
Fred brushed his hand away, ignoring Oliver’s interruption. ‘When did you two get so close anyway? You know at first, I tried to pass it off as friendship but as time when on, I could help but think-‘
‘Y/N IS MY COUSIN!’ blurted Oliver, unable to hear another person thinking that they were other than family. ‘THERE’S NOTHING GOING ON BETWEEN US!’
‘Apparently for some reason most of you lot don’t know. George and Harry were just as surprised too. But yes, y/n is my cousin, on my father’s side. My father and her mother are brothers and sisters. I thought with all these years we’ve known each other that you’d know we’re related. Guess I was wrong.’
‘I….I didn’t know.. I’m sorry.’
‘Apology accepted but we both know there is someone more deserving of hearing that apology.’ Oliver nodded towards the locker room. ‘She’s there waiting.’
‘Thank you, Oliver.’ He held out his hand. ‘Friends?’
‘Friends’ Oliver shook his hand, the stared straight into his eyes. ‘BUT…’
‘But if you hurt her again Weasley, you have me to answer for, that is of course after she’s done her share.’ Without another word, Oliver flew off, testing out his new gift.
Fred ran full speed ahead, praying that he didn’t completely ruin a wondering 3-year relationship with the girl of his dreams. Before entering the room, he conjured up a bouquet of your favourite flowers, hoping that could help out his image.
Testing the waters, he called. ‘y/n? are you in here love?’
‘In here’ you sighed. He hated hearing you so sad. He hated it more that it was him causing you to feel that way.
Cautiously he made his way to you with arms outstretched. You accepted the flowers, to that he let himself relax a bit, bringing them up to you nose, you noted. ‘They smell nice, thank you.’
Fred was grateful that you hadn’t scolded him off on his baseless jealousy, still he knew he had to apologize and win his girl back. Kneeling in front where you sat, Fred took your hands and poured out his heart.
‘Y/n, I am sorry. I made a huge mistake, I… I got jealous of how you had gotten close to Oliver this year.’ He confessed.’ Ever since the start of this year, I thought that Oliver was stealing you away from me. I thought that perhaps you two had something going on behind my back.’
Chuckling to himself he continued. ‘I didn’t even realise that you were cousins until he told me just now. I feel so stupid. 3 years together, 5 years of knowing you. It was so obvious.’ Fred closed his eyes.
‘Still, with my worries, I should have asked, asked what you and Oliver were.’ He stressed. ‘I should have come and talked to you, to sort this out like what a, healthy, trusting and understanding relationship would. But instead I keep all my doubts and insecurities brew, I went deep into my own conclusions that were without evidence, I let my jealousy get the best of me.’
Fred brought your knuckles to his lips. ‘y/n love, I’m sorry. I love you and if you want a space, I understand. But there is no a day in this world where I would not rather be back in your loving arms. I hope that you could forgive me.’
‘Freddie, I forgive you.’ You cup his tear stained cheek. ‘It was just a stupid misunderstanding.’
Gesturing for him to sit beside you ‘I thought it was common knowledge that Oliver and I are cousins. Apparently not. Yes, we weren’t that close before.’ You admitted.  ‘But we really did get to know each other in the summer. 5 weeks either being sounded by adult relatives or small children, we hung out often, being the only 2 cousins similar in age.’
You return back into a more serious tone. ‘Of course, I did wish you had voiced it out, we could have avoided this conflict altogether. So, promise me this. Whatever problems may arise, before we delved into our own assumptions, we would always talk it out. Alright?’
‘I promise.’
Taglist [All/General]: @gruffle1​
Tagging also all those who voted for the~Oliver Wood Cousin!Reader x Jealous!Fred Weasley~ Thank you! @jenniweaslee​ @ najiler @ im-the-nerdiest-of-them-a11 @ gweaslvy and the lovely anons!
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bjornthorsson20 · 3 years
As Long as You're by My Side
Ron Weasley was absolutely not having the evening he had planned — why did that sound familiar? He was currently stuck at a party where he didn't feel comfortable at all, and so bored that his brain had turned to mud. He was sitting alone at a table on the back, far away from everyone, sipping on some whiskey — a drink that didn't taste nearly as good as regular firewhiskey.
The suit Hermione had picked for him was starting to feel three sizes too small and he was pretty sure his tie was literally trying to strangle him. He was still assessing his surroundings, pondering how he could sneak out the back, taking Hermione with him so they could go back home and have some actual fun for tonight.
He had strategically positioned himself so she was in his line of sight at all times. At that moment, her back was facing him as she engaged in conversation with people who Ron guessed to be some aunt and uncle. He was content just staying in his corner, silently watching her from the distance. Nobody was paying him any mind, anyway. In fact, he was pretty sure they weren’t even aware of his existence. He could probably dress up in a panda costume or in a bathrobe and stroll around, and they wouldn’t bat an eye. Or maybe a banana costume; or a cowboy; or an astron-
He snapped himself out of his ramblings before he got carried away and started seriously considering following through with it. Instead, his eyes focused again on Hermione, who was now struggling to stop the reason they were here tonight from pulling her hair out.
Rose Granger-Weasley was six months old, having been born August of last year, on the 25th. The day she came into this world had been simultaneously the most nerve-wracking and rewarding one of his life. He chuckled, remembering the way Hermione kept apologizing for all the foul things she had said to him during the whole process and for almost breaking his hand. She had felt awful, even when he’d assured her multiple times that it was just fine, and he’d gladly take a broken hand if it’d mean having that perfect little bundle of ginger hair and pale skin nestled in his arms. When Rose opened her eyes for the first time, and he saw how beautiful they were — the most beautiful he’d ever seen — and how they were the same color as her mother’s, a tear trailed down his cheek. And when she finally looked at him and let out a little toothless smile, he couldn’t stop the overflowing joy that coursed through his body, making him hold her gently closer as he let the tears fall freely, all the while Hermione watched them both with her own watery smile.
Soon after, he’d had to hand Rose over to the rest of the family that were fighting for an armful of the Weasley girl. Mum had been the biggest emotional mess — to no one’s surprise — bawling everytime she looked at the baby. Dad and all of his brothers had congratulated him with several pats on the back of varying force.
“This time I’ll surely be the favorite uncle,” George told him, and at the mention of the word “uncle”, Ron’s thoughts immediately went to Fred. He could see in his brother’s eyes that he was thinking the same, but they both found comfort knowing that, if Fred was watching them, he was probably having a laugh at Ron’s new fatherhood situation, thinking he was a fool for settling down. The git.
Harry and Ginny had brought James and Albus with them, James instantly liking the newborn, with Rose’s response being to grab his hair and not let go of it until Ginny intervened; Ron had to suppress a chuckle. Good girl, Rosie. Like father, like daughter.
Once the new family had gone home, George happily let Ron take an extended leave for as long as he deemed suitable, so he could focus on the newborn. The shop was doing better than ever thanks to Ron’s business tactics and George’s renewed sense of creativity for all sorts of products. But thanks to Lee’s and Verity’s help, Ron could step away for some time without issue.
Over the next couple of months, many friends came to see little Rosie and congratulate them on this next chapter of their lives. Then, one day Hermione received a call from one of her cousins, inviting her to her wedding. Hermione had tried to explain to her that with the new baby girl she would be too busy to attend, but it had backfired when her cousin let out a screech of excitement — that sounded very much like a hippogriff on fire, Ron thought — saying that Hermione had to bring the girl so the family could meet her.
And that was how they got themselves into a muggle wedding reception. Hermione had been happily catching up with all of the relatives she hadn’t seen since the pre-Hogwarts days, letting them fawn over their lovely baby girl. If this had been years ago, Ron would be terrified to be in the muggle world, afraid of being just one step away from screwing everything up by saying the wrong thing. But, after years of Auror missions and visits to his in-laws, he just found himself disinterested with everything, hoping that Hermione would come soon to tell him they could go home.
Finishing his drink, he saw Hermione turn to him and give him a tired smile, as the people she was talking to turned as well and left. He stood up, striding over to her in three long steps, before taking Rose from her arms and giving her a kiss on the temple.
“Shall we go?” he asked, already sensing that she was as sick of this whole thing as he was.
She bit her lip nervously, glancing over to the newlyweds’ table. “I told her we would stay until the cake was served,” she half-whispered, stifling a yawn as her face fell into a grimace, perhaps thinking he would be mad at her for prolonging their stay here.
Ron silently looked at her and their daughter, and he couldn’t help but smile in that silly way he did whenever he was overwhelmed with love for them.
“Hermione, as long as you’re by my side, both of you, I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. I’ve told you, as much as I may be content just by myself, it’s only when I’m with you that I am truly happy. With you I feel loved.”
Hermione’s bottom lip quivered, as she quickly hugged her husband, hiding her face on his shoulder. “There are no words to describe you, Ron Weasley,” she sobbed.
“I could say the same, love. Have I ever told you that I love you?”
“Only about a million times already,” she chuckled.
“Well, make it a million and one, then,” he said, knowing how much she loved when he found a way to tell her that in an indirect way.
“I love you too. Both of you,” she tightened her hold on him as she spoke.
They stood there, holding each other close. Ron realised in that very moment, that no matter where he went, he didn’t care if he didn’t feel welcomed. He would be happy as long as the two people he loved the most would be right there with him. Always.
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xlucygraysongbirdx · 3 years
Weasley Wednesdays
Hello! It’s Wednesday, which means it’s time for another Weasley Wednesdays! For this week, due to my lack of writing ability and my love for this fic and the Weasley cousins, I’m here to do a shameful self-promo. 
This here is a snippet from Chapter 3 of my fanfiction: Room On The Third Floor, which is a scene with all the Weasley cousins who show up in support of Scorpius (and Albus) and remind Albus what family is all about. Enjoy :) It’s long, so I do apologise for that!
“Guys? Everything all right?” Lily’s voice sounded from the other side of the door. They jumped apart and shared an exasperated look before Scorpius unlocked the door and opened it with his wand. The moment had disappeared, and Albus couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed.
His overbearing family and Jenny piled into the classroom. It seemed more of Albus’ cousins had showed up. Domi, Louis, Freddie, Hugo and little Lucy had popped up from somewhere. It seemed only Roxanne and Rose were missing and- nope, there they were. Albus didn’t realise he’d signed up for a family meeting.
“Fine,” Scorpius spoke, but his voice was strained.
“That was rough, Scorp,” James said, walking over and placing a hand on Scorpius’ shoulder. He had clearly witnessed it.
“Yeah, Fletcher is a douche,” Molly chipped in helpfully, jumping onto a desk.
“What happened?” Hugo asked.
“Fletcher Adams refused to make Scorpius Slytherin seeker purely because of who he is, which is not only extremely discriminating but also just plain mean. Scorpius, I’ve literally known you for five days, but you’re the nicest person I’ve ever met and deserve to be treated better than that,” Jenny said, making her way through the mass of Weasley-Potters to stand next to Scorpius. She pulled him in for a hug, and Albus saw him tense slightly before he settled into it.
“Thanks, Jen,” he smiled, though Albus could tell it was forced.
“So, what’re we going to do?” Louis asked, a grin on his face that mirrored Freddie’s.
“Yeah, are we going to get him back?” Freddie asked, and Albus could swear that if you looked close enough, you could see the ideas swirling through his brain.
“No,” Scorpius cut them off and they both deflated. “You guys are amazing, but I’m not going to do anything to him.”
“Why not?” Lily asked. She had a bone for pranks too.
“Because it’s not me. Look, I wanted to join Quidditch because I wanted people to look at me and see Scorpius. Not a Death-Eater’s son or the boy who fucked up the world by trying to change time,” at that, Albus reached out and squeezed his hand. “Obviously, even Quidditch can’t do that for me. So, I’m going to do something different. I’m going to find a different way, my way, to show people I’m not a monster. To show them that I’m only a Malfoy by name but not by personality.”
The fire in his eyes had returned, but this time it wasn’t anger. No, it was determination. Albus had no idea what he was cooking up in that brain of his, but if he knew Scorpius, then it would be brilliant.
“So, then what are you going to do?” Hugo asked, and the Weasley-Potters looked among themselves when Scorpius shrugged. Albus watched as his mind faded away, letting him get lost in his thoughts for a moment.
He looked to his family, who were all looking at him with such intensity it was heart-warming. It had only just occurred to him that they hadn’t come here because it was Albus that was being discriminated against, but because it was Scorpius. That day Scorpius came over the summer, he was welcomed into the family with open arms. Albus smiled knowing his family were still looking out for him. They were willing to risk detention because of some prick who somehow made Quidditch captain. They were treating him like one of their own without Albus asking them to.
He looked among them. To James, Freddie and Louis who looked ready for a fight if that what Scorpius asked for. To Domi, Molly and Lucy who were ready with their arms open if Scorpius requested a hug. To Rose and Roxy, who had a fire in their eyes not unlike Lilys, ready to hex if needed. To Hugo, who looked at Scorpius with a proud smile, and he knew he would be proud no matter what came out of Scorpius’ mouth next.
Albus felt a swell of love for his family in his heart and thanked every star he could imagine for their existence. Twenty years ago, the Weasley’s would never have dreamed of being in the same room as a Malfoy and ready to defend his honour. As a family, they had overlooked the prejudices’ of the past that even their parents suffered through, and openly accepted Scorpius. If the Weasley-Potters could achieve that in one day over summer break, then why couldn’t the rest of the world get on board just as easily?
Scorpius snapped from his reverie and gave Albus a proud smile.
“So…?” Rose prompted, clearly noting Scorpius’ breakthrough.
“I’m going to change the world, one lonely nerd at a time,” he spoke proudly, a grin of pure elation on his lips. No one had any idea what it meant, but for the second time that day, Scorpius was out the room in a rush of black and green robes.
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hpimaginesandblurbs · 3 years
Hey I loved your imagine we’re readers thinks she’s a bad mom to James. It was so cute, maybe you could do a part two where he’s going into his first year of school and he’s a little scared and has a moment with his mom
mixed with this request: harry being a cute dad pls. 
part two of this imagine
pairing: harry potter x reader 
warning(s): pg, literally just cute 
word count: 1.6k
a/n: this was not supposed to be this long at all but i just couldn’t stop. kids make me melt. also yes, i totally changed albus’ name to remus because i cannot stand that harry named his child after those two. sorry not sorry. 
Ten and a half years later, it was finally James’ first day of Hogwarts. The day you would be boarding your eldest child onto the Hogwarts Express to the castle that you and your husband had met in all those years ago. 
As you and your husband walked through King’s Cross with your three children, you kept a close eye on your eldest. He was pushing his trolley with his head held high, showing a bit of confidence and excitement for his first day, but you could sense the nervous energy radiating off of him. Your baby was scared and you knew it. 
You could see it in the way he was holding the handle a little too tight, his knuckles turning white. The way he kept darting his eyes around, looking at everyone and anyone who passed. The way he would follow people’s eyes just to see if they were staring at his Dad, a person he assumed he could never live up to even if he never said it aloud. 
When you got to the wall before 9 and ¾, James shot you a nervous glance but went to steel himself. You and Harry had done a good job of explaining to him what to expect, along with his older cousins from the Weasley’s, but it was always a little nerve wracking running at a brick wall. 
“C’mon,” you said gently, holding a hand out for him to take while placing the other one of the trolley to help him push. 
He reluctantly took it, giving you the true sass of an eleven year old boy. But when he gripped it, he squeezed tight as you began pushing the cart quickly at the wall. 
Next thing you knew, you were on the other side and facing the Hogwarts Express, just as big and red as you had remembered it. You heard James give a small laugh of relief besides you and you turned down to give him a smile. 
“Exciting, isn’t it?” You asked him, taking the trolley from him to maneuver it through the groups of families easily. You knew Harry would catch up to you eventually. He had the two little ones in tow after all. 
“Yeah, yeah,” James mumbled, looking around with a mix of excitement and nerves. He was overwhelmed to say the least. 
You came to a stop against a wall, a spot you deemed good enough for your husband to find you, and looked down at your son. “Are you nervous?” You asked him bluntly. You had always taught him to be upfront with his emotions, bottling things up was never good. 
He didn’t reply, just looked down at his shoes as he scuffed them along the ground. 
“Hey, hey. Look at me,” you coaxed gently, a finger coming up underneath his chin to tilt his head up. “It’s okay to be nervous. It’s your first day. No one expects you to not be nervous. I was so nervous on my first day that I almost threw up. And Dad didn’t even know what Platform 9 and ¾ was, so you’re doing much better than either of us, honestly,” you told him with a small giggle, a smile coming to his own face. 
“I just- I dunno- I just don’t want people to compare me to Dad,” he said honestly, the first time he had ever admitted it out loud. 
“No one with any sense will compare you to your father. He’s told you before that everything he accomplished was pure luck. You’ll have so much more than that. That’s why he did what he did. We all did. So you could just go to school, and learn, and have fun, and be a kid. That’s all anyone wants for you, baby,” you told him. He scowled at the pet name, but you could feel the nerves leaving his body. “No one wants you, or expects you, to be your Dad.” 
You watched as he took a deep breath, then suddenly he was throwing himself at you. His gangly arms flung around your middle and squeezed, his head buried into your chest. “I’ll miss you a lot, Mum,” you heard him say, muffled through your clothes. 
You fought to keep the tears at bay while you wrapped him in your arms. “I’ll miss you too, sweetheart. So much. You can write to me anytime you want. And if it’s a real emergency, I’m sure Uncle Nev will let you use his Floo. We won’t be far,” you told him, gently stroking his back. 
You were immediately brought back to all the days you had thought you had been a bad mother. Of all the days James had spent crying inconsolably, the days James would throw tantrum after tantrum, the days James would opt for his father over you. But at the end of it all, he was a mama’s boy and never hid it, living proof of the good mother you had become. 
James pulled away just as Harry arrived with Remus and Lily following closely behind him. Harry shot you a look of concern, but you brushed him off with a smile, a silent sigh of letting him know everything was fine. 
“Gonna help me with all this?” Harry asked James with a boyish smile, referencing his small hoard of belongings on the trolley. 
James went with Harry, leaving you with the two little ones to answer all of their questions about the big red train. You told them stories of the lady with the candy trolley and the time you had bumped into their father in sixth year where he had subsequently, and rather nervously, asked you if you wanted to come to Hogsmede with him on the first outing of the year. 
As you spoke, you watched Harry and James. So identical yet so different. You watched as Harry did most of the heavy lifting, leaving James to giggle at his struggle. You watched as Harry made him laugh at Merlin knows what, but it brought a smile to your face nonetheless. And you watched as Harry slipped a blank piece of parchment out of his jacket pocket and handed it to James, leaning close to share some serious words. James looked elated and you only knew that it meant trouble. You knew exactly what that parchment was. 
Harry walked back over with James, an arm slung around his son’s shoulder as James struggled to quickly hide what his father had given him in his own jacket pocket. 
You said your goodbyes and you couldn’t help but grow teary-eyed. You knew it would be like this every year until Lily graduated but you couldn’t help it. Not having your children under your roof just didn’t feel right, even if you knew they would be at Hogwarts. A place you had fought to assure was the safest place they could be. 
“I love you guys,” James said, throwing his arms around the both of you one last time. 
“I love you too,” you and Harry said at the same time, both of you pulling him close. 
You clutched Harry’s hand as you watched James step onto the train, immediately catching up with his red haired cousins. A few tears you couldn’t hold back were streaming down your face, but Harry quickly brushed them off when he looked at you, realizing you couldn’t rip your eyes away from the spot your son had disappeared into. 
“Why’s Mommy crying?” You heard Lily ask, finally ripping you away from your thoughts and back down to the two children in front of you. 
“She’s just gonna miss James. We all are,” Harry answered for you, scooping your daughter into his arms, never once letting go of his grip on your hand. 
“I want to go to Hogwarts,” Remus pouted as the four of you left the platform, bringing a small smile to your face. 
“In a few years, darling. Until then you’re all mine,” you told him, squeezing his hand gently. 
“What was that all about when we walked up?” Harry asked you quietly, noticing that both of the kids were distracted by all the sights and sounds around them. 
“He was nervous. Talked him down a bit. Then he told me he’d miss me,” you said with a smile, a memory you would always cherish. 
“I didn’t get an ‘I’ll miss you’,” Harry replied indignantly. 
“Guess I’m the favorite after all,” you said with a giggle. 
“We still have two more to settle that debate with,” he argued, flashing you a quick wink. 
“Sure. Also, did you give him what I think you gave him?” You said, completely switching topics to talk about what you really needed to address. 
Harry blushed and gave a subtle nod of his head, not wanting to admit it out loud. 
“If he gets into trouble just know you’re handling any and all letters that come from McGonagall,” you told him with a roll of you eyes. 
He only laughed and gave you a shrug. “I think I can handle that. I’ve gotten out of enough trouble with McGonagall before. I was one of her favorites after all,” he said cockily, forcing you to roll your eyes again. The Chosen One aura around him never truly went away even after all these years it seemed. 
“Now who wants ice cream?” He asked the little ones, causing them to cheer. 
He shot you a small smirk, a small victory in becoming the kids favorite of the day, but you knew you would win that fight in the long run. You always would if James was any proof of it.
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theoreticslut · 3 years
When Wizards and Muggles Meet
pairing: fred weasley x reader
 requested: yes ( @sarcasticallywitty15 )
word count: 4k
warnings: none, maybe a bit angsty but not really
A/N: Hi, Thank you so much for this request! I am so sorry it’s taken a bit to get it done and posted. I’ve been swamped with work & stress for classes and I just hadn’t been writing a lot for a few days. Anyways, I hope this is interesting and what you were hoping for! To anyone wondering, I am still taking requests (I have a prompt list you can check out if you want)! I don’t plan on closing my requests anytime soon so send them in!! Also, don’t forget that I’m still doing a 300 follower sleepover in thanks to every one of you that has followed me and continues to support my work/me. It really means the world to me and I just can’t say thank you enough. Lastly, I finally got a masterlist made and posted so check that out to see a full collection of my works as of right now, as well as in the future! Xx
Taglist: @justmesadgirl @xuckduck @yikesyikesyikes95 @filipi-yes @aestheticwh0r3 @siredkai @matsuno-nadeshiko @msmarklee1213 @immajustreadwritereblog @msmimimerton @lauren2408 @mischievous-queen @bunnyboo7 @grandeoptimist @kaitlynw011 @daddystevee @slytherinxhunter @streetfighterrichie @softlyqoos  @sarcasticallywitty15 @isthereanymorejello 
^let me know if you’d like to be added/removed! Xx
You frown watching your younger brother bully your guys’ cousin. Harry has never done anything wrong, yet Dudley and your parents are absolutely atrocious to him.
“Dudley, knock it off.” You hiss, making your way over to the two.
“Why should I? You’re not mum or dad, y/n.”
“I’m still older than you, Dudley. Knock it off.”
“I’m just playing.” He whines, going to start terrorizing your cousin again.
“C’mon, Harry. Let’s go outside. We can go down to the park?” You suggest, holding your hand out for your younger cousin.
“I’m telling mum that you’re not letting me have any fun!” Dudley pouts as you lead Harry outside.
“Go ahead, brat face. I’m not scared.”
Once you and Harry have gotten to the park you let out a sigh. Everyone in your family drives you absolutely crazy. Well, everyone besides Harry. In all honesty, you and Harry were closest to each other than anyone else.
Sure you were only two when Dudley was born and then Harry showed up on your doorstep, but you felt responsible for your younger cousin.
Maybe it was because you could relate with him not having his parents. Technically you still had your parents, but in all actuality you were just as alone as him. They didn’t care for you even though you’re their oldest. They routinely pushed you aside as they did with Harry in order to please their little baby Dudley.
“Y/n, you’re going to get in trouble for this you know....” Harry trails off.
“I don’t care, Harry. There’s no reason for Dudley to be so mean to you and I’d rather take whatever my parents dish out than see you miserable.”
“But you don’t deserve it.”
“I can take it, Harry.” You smile, starting to swing beside him.
It’s hard to imagine that that was only 9 years ago. Honestly, it felt like a completely different life. You suppose it could be since shortly after that Harry had left for Hogwarts and you moved in with your best friend.
With Harry gone and having found a safe home with a friend, you didn’t see the need to stay with your parents and endure their abuse. A few short years later you emancipated yourself and changed your last name. You didn’t want any association with your birth family, and they didn’t mind one bit.
Since leaving you’ve been having a great life. Sure you had the same ups and downs as everyone; drama with friends, stress over school and grades, problems with boyfriends and dating, but it was still a lot better than having to deal with it on top of your parents toxic environment.
You hadn’t heard much from Harry since he left, which upset you a bit, but you figured he had probably found a better life too. You had gotten a few letters the first few months he was away, but they soon dwindled down to nothing. In all honesty you hadn’t heard a word from him in just about 8 1/2 years.
You were sure he had graduated by now and you only hoped he was doing well. You hope he found a job and had kept his friendships, maybe has found a girlfriend. You truly only ever wanted the best for him, but you weren’t going to lie and say that it didn’t bother you not hearing from him.
You often wondered if he had truly cut you off that easily, if maybe he grouped you in with your family even though you had always fought them. You knew that you weren’t anywhere near as interesting as whatever witches or wizards he met at school, but you had been a main part of his life before he left. You had been his friend. You hoped he hadn’t just blocked you out of his mind, but it was always in the back of your thoughts.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry!” You exclaim as you run face-first into somebody, both of you stumbling backwards, but you’re the only one to lose your balance. You feel a hand reach out and grab your arm as another reaches around to catch your back.
“Why are you apologizing when you’re the one falling down?” You hear the person ask, amused as they chuckle at you. You recognize the voice as male, which only furthers your embarrassment.
You’ve never been good at interacting with guys. You always get far too flustered and awkward, which is probably why you’ve only had a few boyfriends to this day.
“Are you alright, love?” The man asks as he steadies you back on your feet. You nod, straightening out your clothes before looking up at whoever you had run into.
You have to remind yourself not to drop your jaw when you see him. The first thing you noticed about him was his height, he had to be a good foot taller than you. No wonder you lost your balance; you had practically run into a wall.
Secondly, you noticed how fiery his hair was. Sure you’ve seen ginger-haired people before, but you swear his was the brightest. It was honestly quite mesmerizing and you had to force yourself not to stare.
On top of that he was just extraordinarily attractive. His eyes were a gorgeous shade of brown, almost looking like pools of maple syrup. Even though you could see mischievousness inside them, his eyes were also surprisingly caring and comforting. And then his smile was so bright and sweet. You felt intoxicated by the man which is why you couldn’t help but flush when he smiles at you, quirking an eyebrow at your lack of response.
“You sure you’re alright?”
“Positive. I, uh, well. Thank you, I guess, and I am sorry for running into you. I guess I wasn’t really paying attention to where I was going.” You stutter, chuckling a bit at the end to try to play off the fact that your heart is racing a million miles a minute and your palms are starting to sweat.
“No worries, darling. In all honesty, I wasn't really paying attention either.” The man chuckles, smiling at you. “Maybe I could make up for it over lunch? That is if you haven’t got anywhere to be?”
You smile, chewing on your bottom lip as you nod.
“S-sure. I haven’t got anywhere I need to be right away.”
“Perfect. Well, let’s go then, yeah? I’m Fred, by the way.”
You nod, smiling as you chuckle at how excited this guy seems to be over the smallest things. He was so collected and confident, you honestly wonder why he would even bother offering you to lunch, but you weren’t going to complain.
“Y/n. It’s nice to meet you, Fred.”
You sigh, attempting to swallow your nerves. You and Fred have been dating for about four months now, and you’re finally going to be properly introduced to his family. You’ve met his twin brother, George, and you’ve heard more than enough to feel like you know his parents and other siblings, but you haven’t ever met them.
You were honestly surprised when he mentioned he’d like you to meet his family. For a few weeks you had been suspecting that he was hiding something, but you had no idea what. Sure you had plenty of possibilities cross your mind, but you hadn’t ever asked about any of them, not wanting to come off as insecure or bossy.
However, it had been getting harder and harder to ignore when he’d start talking about something and then would abruptly stop as if he was going to say something incriminating. Not to mention the fact he’d use words that you had never heard of and couldn’t find in any dictionary. Add all of that to how confused he seemed at the simplest of things, you were honestly starting to wonder what he could possibly be hiding.
You hear a knock on the door before you hear the click as the doorknob is turned. You smile, knowing it’s Fred.
“Hello, princess. How are you today?” He asks, walking into your bedroom and smiling at you.
“I’m...alright. I’m a bit nervous in all honesty.” You chuckle, turning around to look at your boyfriend.
“No need to be, love. I just know they’re going to love you. You’re honestly the sweetest person I know. Not to mention how gorgeous, kind, and smart you are. You tolerate my personality, but you also compliment it to no end, which my mum will adore. I promise you, hun, you have no reason to be worried.”
You smile, rolling your eyes at him as you blush. He always knew exactly what to say to comfort you and to make you flush in a matter of seconds. It’s one of his favourite things to do. He loved seeing your cheeks flush a light pink when you get embarrassed.
“You’re too sweet for your own good, Freddie.” You chuckle, moving to put in your earrings.
“That’s why you love me, though, right princess?”
“One of the reasons.” You smile, blowing him a kiss in the mirror.
He watches as you finish getting ready, only really needing to put on your jewelry and grabbing your jacket. Before long he’s leading you out to his car, ready to drive you over to meet his family.
Sure there was no reason for you to be nervous, but he had every reason to be. He hadn’t told you anything about him being a wizard, afraid you’d get too freaked out and leave. He was way too in love with you to risk you leaving him.
That's part of the reason he suggested you meet his family. He can tell you've been getting suspicious of something and he doesn't want you to think he's cheating. He thought maybe if you met his family, you'd feel a little better about what he actually is hiding.
Having you meet his family brought on a whole different wave of worries, however. He had asked them to pretend to be muggle just for the night, but he knew it would be hard seeing as he finds it hard to keep pretending.
"Freddie, love. You look worried." you point out as he drives, after a good few minutes of no conversation.
"Worried? No. Tonight will be really nice. I'm excited for you to meet everyone."
"You can be excited and worried at the same time, hun. Are you afraid I'll embarrass you? Or that I'll embarrass myself?"
You gasp as he swerves a bit, taken aback by your question. Why would he ever be embarrassed by you? As he's said, you are the sweetest person he knows and he would love to be able to show you off, its just he's more worried about his friends and family embarrassing him.
"Princess, I could never be embarrassed by you. I love you more than anything. No, I'm actually afraid that my family will embarrass me." he confesses, sighing.
You smile, squeezing his knee with your hand.
"That's what family is for, Freddie. I couldn't imagine introducing you to my family because I know they'd be more than embarrassing. Not to mention how much it'd ruin my mental health to be near them."
"You know, you've never really said much about your family. Why is that?" he asks, looking over at you in curiosity.
"Well, because it's really complicated. See, I left my actual parents and younger brother when I was fourteen. They, to put it lightly, were the worst people I've ever encountered in my life. I ended up emancipating myself and changed my last name. You've met my sister before, yeah?"
You watch as Freddie nods and you smile. He could be a really great listener when he needed to be, which is one thing you absolutely loved about him. It was really nice to cuddle up with him after a long week and tell him about what's happened.
"Well, I call her my sister, but in reality we have no relation to each other. I moved in with her and her family after I left mine, and her parents were kind enough to let me change my last name to theirs when I emancipated myself. They never adopted me or anything though, so I guess when you look at it, I don't really have a family. Just one I've made for myself."
"I never would have guessed that, princess. It makes sense now that you've never talked about them."
You nod, shrugging. It's nothing you were embarrassed or ashamed to admit, but it certainly wasn't something you would share with just anyone.
You sigh as Fred pulls into the driveway of his house. You smile at the cute, odd-shaped home and only hope that his family will like you.
He's mentioned how his family is a little odd, but how sweet they are. You can tell by the way he talks about them that he's really proud of them and it warms your heart. You figured that if you love Fred, then you'd love his family, but that didn't do anything to calm your nerves.
"You ready, princess? I just know they're going to love you. Besides, you already know George so it's not like you're not going to know anyone else."
"I know. I'm ready." you smile as he takes your hand. He places a kiss to your knuckles before opening the door and leading you inside.
You're immediately enveloped in warmth and the smell of baking and cooking. You realized this is exactly what you picture home smelling and feeling like, even though you've never had any experience with it before.
"Fred, dear, Is that you?"
"Yeah, mum. Y/N is here with me."
"Oh, perfect! dinner is just about done!" You hear the woman reply as she comes into view. Just like Fred, she sports fiery red hair as well. You smile and blush a bit as she greets you, wrapping you up in a hug right off.
"It's so nice to meet you, dear. Fred has told me so much about you, but he lacked in informing me of just how beautiful you are. No wonder he fancies you so." she chuckles.
You look over to Fred who has a light blush starting on his cheeks and you smile, hugging his mum back.
"Thank you, Mrs. Weasley. It's wonderful to meet you too."
"Oh, call me Molly, dear. There's no need to be so formal. Come sit while I call everyone else down."
You smile, happily following her into the kitchen as Fred follows you, wrapping his arm around your waist.
You look around to see family pictures and homey knick-knacks all around. You wondered if this is what a family home is supposed to feel like. You remember your mum having pictures around, but they were mainly of her, your dad, and younger brother...if your parents even got in on the pictures. Normally there were pictures of Dudley everywhere.
"How are you feeling, love?" Fred asks, leaning over to you and resting his head on your shoulder.
"Good." You smile, bringing a hand up to run through his hair. He smiles, letting out a small sigh as you play with his ginger locks.
"I love the atmosphere here, Freddie. You can tell you guys are really close and share a lot of love for one another."
"Yeah? I've always liked it here. I'm glad I get to share it with you." he smiles, kissing your cheeks just as his mum comes back into the kitchen.
"It's so nice to see you so happy, dear. I mean, you were happy about opening up the shop, but it's really nice seeing you share life with someone." Molly smiles, watching the two of you happily.
"Thanks, mum. I'm really lucky to have met Y/N. I don't think anyone else could keep up with my antics as well as she does." he jokes to which you roll your eyes at.
You turn at the call of your name, wondering who would be calling you. The only other person you knew that would be here is George.
You nearly gasp when you realize it's your cousin. There's no way to stop the dropping of your jaw, which is why Fred turns around to look at harry confused.
"Harry? What are you doing here?"
"I, uh, well, I'm dating Ginny." he sputters, just as shocked as you are.
"How do you two know each other?" Fred asks, looking between the two of you. You turn your attention to your boyfriend who looks thoroughly confused.
"Harry's my cousin...from my family, not my best friend's." you state, clarifying the relation.
"So, you're parents are?"
"Harry's Aunt and Uncle." you finish for him.
Fred still looks completely confused, but he seems to understand how you're connected. You can see his mind slowly connecting the dots and filling in the blanks.
Harry continues to look at you surprised, as you do to him. You honestly never thought you'd see him again, not after he cut you off when leaving to be a wizard. It wasn't his proudest decision, but it was his decision nonetheless and he had to acknowledge that.
"Freddie!" you gasp, your mind finally making an important connection.
He jumps as you turn to him, surprise covering your face.
"What, love?"
"You're a wizard, too?!"
you watch as he opens and closes his mouth, trying to figure out the right way to say this. He never would have guessed you knew anything about wizards and magic, but you must have seeing as you're related to Harry. That still doesn't give him the answer of if you're cool with it or not.
"How would you react if I said yes?"
"What do you mean? I'm not going to run off, if that's what you're worried about. I just, I never would have guessed."
Fred lets out the breath he's been holding, feeling the weight on his shoulder from the worry melt away to nothing.
"Uhm, well, I am. Surprise, princess."
"Well, that's lovely to have out in the air. I know it's been worrying you to no end, dear." Molly states, attempting to move things along.
"Dinner's done, if we're ready to eat."
You smile as Fred's siblings talk about their day, enjoying that they don't have to lie about what they do now. You have finished dinner awhile ago and have been sitting around the table just talking. Your head is still buzzing at the newfound information, but really all your focused on at the moment is how seeing Harry again has made you feel.
At first it was a total shock and you were a bit excited, but now as the night has progressed you've only been spiraling into a pit. Harry hasn't said much directly to you, and it makes you wonder what you could have done. Have you done anything, or has he really just ignored the fact that you're related?
"You're not saying much, princess. Is everything alright?" fred asks, leaning closer to you so only you can hear him.
"Yeah. Yeah, I'm good, freddie. Just still surprised is all." you smile, trying to convince him.
He frowns, looking over your face as you almost immediately seem to fall back into your thoughts. Something is bothering you and he needs to know what.
He's aware of how much of a shock it is to find out your significant other is a wizard, but he's hoping it isn't too much of a shock that you decide you can't handle it.
"Let's go sit in the living room for a bit, yeah? I think we need to talk."
You shrug, nodding slightly as he stands up, holding his hand out to help you up. You smile at everyone as they look to the two of you.
"Keep talking. Y/n and I just need to talk privately real quick."
the rest of his family nods, including harry and ron's girlfriend Hermione, who you found out is a friend of Harry's from school.
You follow Fred into the livingroom and smile when he pulls you onto his lap as he sits on the couch. He wraps his arms around you tightly, burying his face in your neck. You press a kiss to his temple as you rest your head against his.
"What are you thinking about, love? Honestly." he asks once he looks up at you.
You frown, trying to figure out what to say. There's so much going through your head right now and you're not sure what you should mention first.
"How do you feel about me being a wizard? It's not...upsetting is it?" he asks, hinting at his biggest fear.
You shake your head, smiling at him.
"No. No, it's not upsetting at all, hun. I just, never thought I'd meet another one, much less be dating one. I'm not upset about it at all, though. In fact, it explains why our relationship has always felt so magical to me." you chuckle, causing your boyfriend to roll your eyes. He knew you had a love for bad puns.
"You're such a bloody idiot sometimes. I love you more than anything, though." he smiles, kissing you as you smile.
"I love you too, freddie."
"Well, if it's not about us being wizards, what's got you thinking so much, princess?"
You sigh, frowning slightly as you look over at his family...well, more like your family.
"Honestly? Its about Harry. I haven't seen him, or even heard from him for about nine years now. It's just really odd to see him after all this time, especially since he's so different now being a wizard and just grown up and everything. I mean, I grew up with him, freddie, and I feel like I barely know him."
Fred nods, realizing now why you've been so distracted. He can't imagine what it's like to find out your cousin, that you haven't seen or heard from in years, is friends with your boyfriend.
"And i don't know, I guess I'm a little upset about it all too." you confess.
"Upset about what, love?"
"Well, Harry and I used to be really close. I'd protect him from my parents and my brother, usually getting the wrath of it myself, but it didn't matter. At least I'd done something to upset my parents to receive their abuse. I couldn't stand to see Harry being treated so terribly for just, existing."
"So I protected him, and I always thought we were really close. Then he went off to school and just...forgot about me. Or so it seems, anyways. I got a few letters the first few months after he left, but then he just stopped sending me anything. I always wondered why. Did he just not care for me anymore? Did he want to forget me along with my family, even though I had never been like them?" you ask, finishing your thought to Fred.
He frowns, tucking some hair behind your ear as he gets you to look at him. He hates seeing you worry over such things. He could understand how upsetting it could be, but you shouldn't have to worry yourself out over it.
"Princess, I know it's confusing, but I'm sure Harry had his reasons. I doubt it had anything to do with you being related to your parents though. He probably just got busy with classes, and when he had the time, he probably just didn't know what to say."
"Yeah. I don't know. I've just, I've worried about it for years and just ignored it. It's really hard to ignore it when he's sitting at the same table as us, you know?" you chuckle, trying to seem like you're okay.
"I know, princess. Maybe you could try asking him? I know I'd sure love to know why he's never mentioned you. Maybe I would have run into you sooner if I knew there was a sweet and beautiful muggle out there."
You roll your eyes, smiling and shaking your head at the dork you have for a boyfriend as he chuckles, pulling you into a hug as he presses a kiss to your lips.
"I love you, princess."
"I love you too, freddie."
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