#I tried to be brief in my responses to each ask but there were several so this got a bit long!
solar-synapse · 5 months
🌒⭐️💬 🎭
(I am only somewhat sure I got all those right have fun sol~)
🌒 - Do you prefer Sun & Moon to be separate animatronics or share the same body?
I think if I was going to write a more canon-typical AU, I would write them as animatronics sharing the same body. The tension in their relationship is fundamentally tied to how unequal their control is over their shared body, and that's something I would want to dig into in my own writing, but I love seeing other people write them as separate animatronics too.
In my existing AU's, I've done both! The boys in Star-Crossed are twins, but they're very different individuals. In the Silt Verses crossover, they're two aspects of one god. So I guess my answer is both. Both is good.
⭐️ - Favorite AU character design?
If you asked me this three days ago, I probably would have said the Fairweather Fool, but now I'm looking at some of these proposed Digimon evo line designs and sweating over Sun and Moon's mega fusion.
If we're talking about other people's AU designs, hands down, it's gotta be Dusk and Dawn from head-in-the-icloud's Royal Jesters AU. They're just so appealing.
💬 - How would you describe this AU to a friend who wasn’t in the DCA fandom?
Both of the AU's I am actively working on are already so far removed from DCA fandom, they lend themselves really well to being read by people who aren't familiar with the source material! I have a couple friends who have read and enjoyed Star-Crossed who aren't in the fandom. I'd honesty just summarize the premises.
Star-Crossed: Sun is the Seelie court jester, well known and well connected, but in political decline. In order to bolster his waning popularity, he has written an ambitious stage play, a tragedy between star-crossed lovers that is certain to satisfy his fans, if only he can find the perfect actor to step into the protagonist's role. That's where you come in.
You are a sidhe seer searching for someone who was taken to faerie many years ago. In exchange for passage to faerie, you sign a contract with Sun agreeing to perform in his play. However, his twin, Moon, doesn't quite buy your story or the convenient timing of your appearance. Faerie is a treacherous place. He suspects there is someone working in the shadows to sabotage his brother's career, and you are his prime suspect.
TSV crossover: It's been generations since your people's god was outlawed during the religious wars that codified the legal faiths. Your rural, largely agricultural village is struggling to modernize, until a man from the city in a purple suit arrives one day with a tantalizing offer: a newly rebranded god of sunlight and celebrations, guaranteed to help your crops flourish in a way the pesticidal gods never did.
While the village elders and elected council members jump at the opportunity to expand in a new direction, one that promises increased opportunities for religious tourism, you pay the new god little mind, until it becomes clear you've caught his eye. However, the attention of a god isn't necessarily a good thing, and it seems Fazco hasn't been entirely transparent about this god's original aspect.
🎭 - Tell us one cliche/trope you love in AUs and one you dislike
Love: Enemies/rivals to friends/lovers. Bonus points if they were friends before they became enemies too, so you have a friends to enemies to friends/lovers reconciliation arc. Listen, I love a ship that makes me work for the payoff. The more baggage they bring to the table, the better. Messy people make for interesting stories.
Hate: Love at first sight and/or stories with pacing that doesn't give sufficient time for realistic romantic development to take place before characters start making dramatic life-altering gestures for their love interests or choices that go against their established natures. I'm an aromantic who loves ship fic, but nothing makes my romance repulsion flare harder than this. Just start in media res if you don't want to write the build up.
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marlynnofmany · 1 year
“She’ll want to pet it,” said a smug voice from the next room. “Humans will pet anything.”
“Even spiky things?” asked the skeptical voice that I recognized as Zhee. “I’ve never had a human want to pet me, and this thing is much worse.”
As curious as I was to see our newest cargo and judge for myself, I first had to finish setting out food for the animals in the next bay. I lugged in bags of dried pellets and fish jerky as the door slid shut behind me, cutting off the sound of Zhee insisting to the delivery person that there was no way under several suns that I would want to touch this new mystery animal. We’d see about that.
I stashed the pellets in the appropriate closet and pulled out a sheet of jerky for each of the three fangy monstrosities that twined around each other, trying to hypnotize me through the bars. I ignored the moving pattern of stripes that probably worked on prey from their world. Working quickly, I set the sheets down on the floor outside the cage, spaced as far apart as possible, then used a gravity wand to lift them through the bars without losing a finger. Left one, right, one, then the middle, to keep the beasties from all jumping on the same treat.
A chorus of happy growls and chewing noises filled the air. Success. I put away the gravity wand and reflected that I absolutely would have liked to scritch all three terrifying predators on the head, but I valued life and limb too much for that.
On to the next room! The doors opened and closed in quick succession. I passed other people loading and uploading various crates, but I only had eyes for the terrarium that looked like it was made of force fields instead of glass. Or maybe some room-temperature version of hard water, given that the person chatting with Zhee was a Waterwill. They had some pretty bizarre tech.
“Ah, here’s the human!” the Waterwill said happily, her voice burbly and vaguely female. “What do you think of your newest live cargo?” She extended what passed for an arm from her column-of-goo body. Beside her, Zhee spread purple pincher arms in a silent display of “ta-dah.”
Inside the tank I saw rocks, sand, a puddle of algae, and the ugliest little ball of snot and spikes that I had ever encountered. Protruding eyes struggled to focus on me like a wall-eyed Chihuahua that had rolled through the most unfortunate of trash piles.
“Wow,” I said, bending down for a closer look. “That’s an animal, all right.”
The Waterwill bobbed up and down. “And is it not, as you say, cutesy-wootsy?”
Zhee made various clicks and taps that were probably skepticism. I couldn’t blame him.
“Well,” I said, struggling for a tactful answer, “It sure is a little one. Looks a bit scared.”
“They always get twitchy when they’re moved around before egg-laying,” the Waterwill said with a dismissive wobble. “It’ll settle down when everybody stops walking by. It’s non-toxic. Maybe once it’s calm—”
The rest of her sentence was cut off by loud snarls from next door, carrying through the hall while both doors were open at the same time. It sounded like a brief squabble over fish jerky, no cause for alarm.
For me, anyway. The animal in the terrarium made a piercing squeak and tried to burrow under the rock, its spines growing visibly longer and flinging droplets of moisture as it trembled violently.
“Oh, that’s bad,” said the Waterwill, all cheer gone. “It could sour the eggs. Everybody be quiet! Move slowly!” She waved two armlets at the other people carrying boxes, who did as she asked.
Zhee was making a whistle that was probably a curse in his own language, or maybe someone else’s. “We’ll get blamed for egg troubles. Would dim light help? I’ll hit the controls.” He moved off on quiet bug legs.
“What else helps?” I asked. “Wait, there’s a manual for this, right?” Without waiting for a response, I unfolded a screen from my pocket and looked for the newest files. There it was. Easily searchable, too.
While I spent a moment on that, the room dimmed and quieted into a soothing nighttime. The other crewmates grabbed the remaining crates, left, and shut the door. I heard someone say to leave oncoming boxes in the hallway for the moment.
“It’s still stressed,” the Waterwill said. “We should have brought another one to soothe it!”
“Hang on, I found the sound files,” I said. “Here’s the soothing one.” At the press of a button, a brief gurgle played, then cut off. “That’s it?”
The animal turned toward me, then back to the rock. No change.
I asked the Waterwill, “I don’t suppose you can make that sound?” When she hesitated, I tried myself. Hard to do without any water around to gargle, but I managed an awkward warble in the back of my throat.
The animal’s shivering stilled.
“Keep doing that!” the Waterwill said with an urgent wave.
I did, feeling silly. But the animal liked it. The trembling ended, and the spines started to retract. When I paused for breath, the creature held perfectly still, then when I started again, the spines continued shortening. After a few moments, it was a slimy ball of green with eyes that stuck out, and soon enough those finally closed. When they opened again, they weren’t bulging any more.
A head lifted from the goo, with a cute little face that chirped curiously.
“Aw, look at you,” I said to it. “All calm and happy.”
It oozed over towards me, moving much like Waterwills did, without any legs. It nuzzled a hatch that I hadn’t noticed in the side of the tank.
“You said it’s non-toxic, right?” I asked, not waiting for a response. I’d skimmed the manual. The hatch opened easily for me to stick my hand in and stroke the slimy little head. It purred like a babbling brook.
“Told you,” said a voice behind me.
Zhee hissed.
I turned to see him handing over credits with a displeased tilt to his antennae. “Did you just lose a bet?” I laughed.
Zhee threw his pincher arms into the air. “It was covered in spikes! No fair changing shape like that.”
“Well, if we’re going to be fair,” I said. “I would have sacrificed a hairbrush to pet it through the spikes, if it liked that kind of thing.”
“Of course you would,” Zhee muttered.
“Righto,” the Waterwill said as she stuck the credits into a wallet pouch that floated among her other miscellaneous bits. “I can see it’s in good care here. Guess I’ll be off.”
I gave the creature one last stroke, then eased my hand out and closed the hatch, waiting to make sure it stayed calm. When it settled back into goo, I stood and joined the other two in soft-footing our way to the door. “I’ll keep an eye on it,” I promised.
“And a hand,” Zhee grumbled.
“I’ve petted worse,” I told him.
“I’m sure you have,” he said. “And I don’t want to hear about it.”
The ongoing backstory adventures of the main character of this book. More to come!
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kaleldobrev · 9 months
Pillow Talk
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Pairing: Dean Winchester x Fem!Reader
Summary: A common theme of yours and Dean’s pillow talks happen to be about having that white picket fence and apple pie life
Word Count: 1.2k
Warnings: Just Fluff
Authors Note: I’ve just really been in the mood for my fluff filled Dean | If you liked this, don’t forget to like & reblog. I really appreciate it! Feedback is always welcome ♡
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What initially started out as two friends finding comfort in each other’s arms after a nightmare or after a rough hunt, ended up becoming one of the best things to ever happen to either one of you; despite breaking an agreement the two of you had made when you first met. When the two of you first met several years ago, the two of you made the agreement that you were never going to become anything romantic, keeping it strictly platonic – strictly business. But over time, the lines blurred. Lingering touches that were once friendly turned into romantic ones. Accidental brushing of the hands that once meant nothing turned into ones that made both of your hearts flutter, giving each other goosebumps. Forehead kisses and cheek kisses lingered, came more frequently – sometimes in the middle of the night out of nowhere. But these kisses were always welcomed, making the both of you feel safe, feel loved.
Neither of you knew when the lines got blurred, but they did. The two of you were no longer just friends or business partners now; you were lovers too. Always finding comfort in each other, finding comfort in the simplest of touches, and the simplest of affections – affections that both of you desperately needed, desperately craved.
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The two of you were lying in bed together, your head resting on his shoulder with one hand resting on his chest in order to feel his heart beating underneath your fingertips. Your legs were intertwined with each other, and his arm was wrapped around your shoulder, pulling you in close. He kissed the top of your head, and you gently closed your eyes briefly at the feeling before making eye contact with him. Your hand that was once on his chest made contact with his face, his stubble always felt nice on your very smooth skin. “Hi.” You smiled gently.
“Hi.” He replied back, leaning in and kissing you. The kiss was brief, but you cherished those ones the most. The soft ones, the ones that felt like he was trying so hard not break you even though he knew he couldn’t. “Do you ever think we could ever do normal?” His question seemed out of nowhere, but it wasn’t remotely. The talks of normalcy was something that Dean had been bringing up a lot lately.
“Like white picket fence and apple pie stuff?” You asked, your hand returning to his chest.
“Yeah.” He said. “You think me and you will ever have that?” His question was a simple one, but yet the answer was a complicated one. Dreaming of a normal life was something that had been on your mind for as long as you could remember; but it always seemed so far from your reach. You grew up similarly to Sam and Dean; as your father too was a single dad who was a hunter. It was only you and him growing up, and he tried his best to give you the best life that he could despite never staying in the same place for too long. Despite him not wanting you to be a hunter like he was, it was the only life that you had never known, starting up on the road with him when you were less than two years old.
“I’d like to think we could.” You finally answered, hesitant in your response. “It’s just…” You sighed. “Hunting is the only life I’ve ever known Dean. Hunting is normal to me, not hunting isn’t.”
“Not hunting…it’s a weird feeling at first but…it’s something you get used to. Get so used to that…it’s almost hard to go back.” Dean started to explain, his voice almost sounding sad, as if he was thinking about past memories of when he didn’t used to hunt. There were at least two times you could recall: when he was little, and a few years before you had met him.
“But yet you always find your way back.” You knew more than anything how much Dean had craved a normal life, but despite that normalcy that he craved, he always found his way back to the hunting life without fail; because in a weird way, it was a life that he was meant for, just like you.
“Yeah but, I didn’t have you before.” His words had made you smile. You didn’t realize how much of an impact that you had made on Dean in the little amount of time that you had known him. Yes, you’ve known him for the past couple of years, but the two of you had only started officially dating a few months ago.
“Really think I'd be able to help you stay out of the hunting life? Despite me only knowing that life?" You asked, your question a serious one.
”We’d help each other out. Keep each other in check.” His solution sounded so simple.
”I think you’re gonna end up keeping me in check more.” You said, no longer keeping eye contact with him. Your eyes now fixated on the invisible patterns you were drawing on his bare chest with your fingertips. “This won’t be…equal.”
”Hey,” he began, tilting your chin up, almost forcing you to re-look at him. Looking at his face now, his features seemed so much softer than they previously did. “I know we’d have our rough patches. But, I really do think we’d be okay.” Again, his response sounded so simple.
”Dean –” before you could finish your retort, Dean had cut you off.
”Y/N, Sweetheart.” His hand moved to cup your cheek. “Give yourself a little credit.” He said. “How many times have I gotten hurt on a hunt and wanted to automatically go back out the next day and you stopped me from going?”
”But that’s…different. You were hurt.” You understood where he was coming from, but at the same time, you felt as though it wasn’t the same thing.
”I know it’s not the same thing but…Look, what I’m trying to get at here is, you are capable of preventing me from going hunting.” You audibly ‘Oh’d,’ finally understanding his point.
”I guess, I guess I never thought about it that way.” You said.
”And that’s what Sammy calls perspective.” Dean smirked.
”I know what perspective means Dean.”
“Smartass.” Dean mumbled.
”How is that remotely–” Dean cut you off again, but this time by kissing you. For some reason (not that you minded of course) this was always Dean’s response whenever he knew that he wasn’t going to win in an argument with you; kissing you to shut you up.
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The pillow talks that you had with Dean whether you had sex before or not always centered around the same theme: normalcy, not hunting. It was talks where the two of you could have a realistic yet unrealistic conversation about what your lives would be like. You had wanted more than anything (much like Dean), to have that normal life, away from hunting. But the two of you had loved this life, grew up in this life, were meant for this life.
Even though normalcy is something that you and Dean talk about often, it still seemed so far out of reach, despite it being so close. Dropping the hunting life seemed like an easy thing to do, but at the same time, you knew, just as well as he did, that the two of you would still be looking at the news wondering what creature was responsible. Thinking how easy it would be to take care of it. “Not my problem,” was a phrase that you knew you could never say.
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Tag List: @roseblue373 @beansproutmafia @queenie32 @deanwanddamons @missy420-0 @jackles010378
If you’d like to be added to a tag list, let me know!
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zilabee · 11 months
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Derek Burrell-Davis - memo to BBC (May 67): “I had a satisfactory two-hour meeting with all four members of the Beatles Group this evening…..I don’t think it is over-stating it to say that they are enthusiastic about their participation in the ‘Our World’ programme and fully aware of the responsibilities they carry. Their approach is extremely professional and they are in complete agreement with the basic idea, which is that they are undertaking a recording session in the Number One Studio at E.M.I., Abbey Road. They cannot yet forecast what they will be doing in any great detail, but they propose writing a new number. Since this number will be heard in 30 countries, they are going to write the lyric in basic English. They suggest that they should use such words as “Hello, love, you, me, us, them, together, we”. They are wondering if it might be possible to use some of those words in different languages and are receptive to the idea that words such as “love”, “together”, etc. might be shown on large cards at appropriate moments in several languages”.
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The BBC/broadcasters briefing meeting on 4 June 1967 to co-ordinate the international co-operation for the Our World Broadcast
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The lyrics sheet given to the cameramen before broadcast. They were not impressed. On being told the Beatles wrote the music, they only asked "did they write the words as well?"
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“...the day before, the doors were thrown open for a free-for-all picture session, at which I managed to have a quick word with — PAUL: Someone’s just asked if I’m leaving the group. And there seems to be another rumour I’m moving. Both are very wrong. I’ve just finished my house and like it a lot. No, I haven’t bought a kilt yet. GEORGE: We will do a TV show before we do a film. Nothing new to tell you about the film project. No script yet. RINGO: My garden is looking great now. Got some of my building men to help the gardening contractor and everything’s okay. JOHN: This song will be our next single. This TV show will give it a nice send-off.
Indeed, with some 6,500 TV workers and 1,000,000 miles of telephone wire working for the disc, it couldn’t be bad!” - - Andy Gray, NME
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“When the musicians and TV crew took a meal break the Beatles tried out the musical instruments left lying around [...] Ringo and George try the trumpets, whilst Paul has a go at the trombone and John plays Jack Emblow’s accordion. In the background, in the left side far corner, the large weight box on the back of the Mole Crane is visible, with one of the white painted Murphy TV monitors on its trolley over on the right of the picture.” - - David Taylor, Postfade
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“The BBC want a live trail”, Derek told me suddenly over my intercom. No one knew this had been planned, in fact to this day few people seem to know that such a promotion ever took place. [...]
“I had a few words with each of them in turn. What was the song called? Whose idea had it been? (“His”, they said, pointing to each other). And then I put the question to John that was intriguing me. Ninety-five percent of all popular music is in 4-time, but there was more than a hint of unfamiliar 7-time in “All You Need ls Love“.
“Did you know your song was in 7-time?” I asked. I still remember the cool, serious look he gave me as he replied, “Yes, I know”. Then he indicated Paul, adding “- but blame him”.
“Paul himself, alert as ever, noticed how, against my own instincts, I was trying to inject some breezy gaiety into the proceedings. He spoke encouragingly in my ear. “Yock it up, Steve ! ” he said. He knew that it was my preference to be in the narrator’s box doing a technical job, rather than “yocking it up”. I duly yocked.”
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“This was the biggest group in the world, but when they went to the canteen, it was just four guys having a cup of tea. Underneath it all, these were ordinary guys who were in a band.” - - David Magnus (photographer)
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“There was a real party atmosphere, similar to what we had witnessed during previous real ‘happenings’, but Richard and I were struck by how visibly nervous John was, which was quite unusual for him: we’d never seen him wound up so tightly.” - - Geoff Emerick
“I did sense that John in particular felt rather apprehensive the nearer to transmission we got. However George seemed to be enjoying the moment, while Ringo and Paul showed no apprehension whatsoever.” - - David Magnus
Almost this entire post is stolen from postfade.co.uk, written by David Taylor. It's a wonderful write up because it's only actually interested in the cameras used and the technical setup, but it's so interested in those that it covers every moment in glorious detail and pulls together lots of quotes. If you're interested in the ins and outs of outside broadcasting, oh my. There's a cut out diagram of the OB scanner van, and they've taken the video of the entire broadcast and marked up up to show the different camera shots and cuts and equipment used. There's a bit where they read in a book that some of the broadcast wasn't live, and so the author tracks down who wrote that and he says he copied it from Mark Lewisohn, so they track down ML and ask him why he wrote that and ML can't remember but says 'I wouldn't have written it down if there wasn't evidence for it', which they think is a bit weak, so they decide not to believe it. It's nice to see them belittling ML's lifework because they want to believe in the magic of live outside broadcasting, the same way we do when we want to believe in love.
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Several Sentences Sunday
Fanonwriter2023 on AO3
Where CANON and FANON collide!
Season 7 FANON Speculation: Buddie Multi-Chapter Fanfic - Hiatus Reading: “I’m still in love with you but... I needed to learn how to love myself too!”
Chapter 26 will be posted soon.
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Currently 25 chapters completed: 973.1K Words; Rated: Mature
One chapter will be posted at a time.
I'm excited to finish writing Chapter 26 because at the end of Chapter 25, the Diaz family had just returned to the U.S. and after they made it home, Eddie checked his voice mail and there was a message from his cousin about an attempted delivery of a SpedEx package for Buck. Buck had no idea who it was from and he worried about it all weekend into the New Year.
They attended Maddie's and Chimney's New Year's Eve party which turned out to be an engagement party for them but they told their found family they got married while they were in Italy and that Buck adopted Chris on Christmas morning. Everyone questioned them regarding why the didn't tell anyone about their nuptials but they reassured them they're going to have a vow renewal ceremony in May of 2024 so they can all celebrate with them. But they didn't tell them they put a bid on a house in Italy and they aren't planning to until they believe the time is right.
On January 2nd, Buck accepted the package from the SpedEx delivery driver and after he opened it and viewed the contents, he collapsed and became unresponsive and unconscious right after Eddie entered the room.
Here's a snippet from Chapter 26 of Eddie panicking and calling emergency services.
Even though Eddie doesn’t have an ECG machine in his medical bag, he knows the signs and symptoms associated with a bradycardia event and that’s exactly what he believes Buck’s experiencing.  It’s been more than a minute and a half since his eyes closed and he’s worried out of his mind. He’s been counting the seconds ever since he put the pillows underneath his head and his ankles and he’s still counting but now he’s reached two minutes and Buck's entering the danger zone and he needs to get help fast.
For a brief moment, he considers lifting him up, carrying him to the truck and driving to the hospital but he knows that’s his heart talking instead of his rational mind which is filled with LAFD protocols and his paramedic training.
He doesn’t have any of the necessary equipment needed to revive him and if his husband dies on his watch, he’ll die too and that’s not an option.  He's already lost one spouse and Chris has lost one parent and him and Buck promised each other they're going to die on the same day at the same time 50 or 60 years from now, so he has to act quickly. Instead of continuing his mental debate about if he should call emergency services or drive Buck himself, he removes his phone from his pocket, dials 9-1-1 and waits for what seems like an eternity.
“9-1-1, what’s your emergency?”
“Yes I’m at 4995 S. Bedford St. and I have an adult male, 31 years of age whose unconscious and unresponsive and I need medical response.”
“Ok sir, can I get your name?”
“Eddie Diaz!  I’m a firefighter and a paramedic with the 118.”
“Eddie!”  Linda asks.
“Yes!  Linda, I’m so glad it’s you.”  He heaves past the sob lodged in the back of his throat that feels like a ping pong ball and continues.  “Listen, it’s Buck… SHIT!”  He stops talking because he remembers he's supposed to follow protocol for her recording and he tries again.  “I mean you need his first and last name for the call.  It’s my husband Evan Diaz and he’s also a firefighter with the—the 118.”
“Ok Eddie, I’m checking to see which RA unit is the closest to that address but can you tell me what happened?”
“I—I came into the living room; he was swaying back and forth and I caught him before he—he hit the floor.  I manually checked his vitals by doing the ABC method… I opened his airway, checked his breathing along with his circulation then I—I grabbed my medical bag and I checked his pulse, his blood pressure and his heart rate but all of them are still low which is why I believe he might be having a bradycardia event.  Linda… oh my god, whatever is happening to him is more serious than a syncope event because he’s still unresponsive.”
“Can you tell me how long he’s been down?”
“It’s been more than two minutes but I didn’t start counting until after I caught him.”
“Ok, Eddie, our closest unit is about 6 minutes away.”
He frowns and loudly asks, “Six minutes?  Why?!  I’m sorry please—please forgive me for being loud but I... I—I’m asking because there’s a firehouse less than 4 minutes from here.”  He feels like he’s about to jump out of his skin because the proximity of their home to the closest fire station in this area is one of the reasons he decided to purchase it.  He wanted to be close to one for Chris just in case they ever have to call.
“You’re right Eddie there is but they’re returning to their station from a call and they’re caught in a backup on the I-110 and…”
He interrupts her.  “Linda, I—I can’t wait any longer so… I’m going to pick him up and drive him to the hospital myself…”
He keeps talking and he thinks he can hear Sue talking in the background too but in this moment, he needs to get his husband the help he needs.  He says, “Linda, I need to…”
“EDDIE!”  She calls his name again but louder this time because she needs to get his attention. 
The panic he feels is threatening to escape his lungs and he wants to scream but he swallows it again and responds, “Yeah?”
“Eddie, listen to me.  I know it’s hard but I need you to remain calm.  Are you listening?”
Eddie’s practically hysterical but what is he going to do next? 🥹
Will he listen to Linda and follow protocol or will he pick Buck up and carry him to the hospital himself? 🤷🏽‍♀️
Fic Summary: Months after Buck and Eddie were hit by the same lightning strike; they’re still struggling with the aftermath of it.  But before they make their love confessions, they’ll spend time getting to know themselves as individuals first. Eddie learns to enjoy the simple things in life as he participates in activities on his own and with new friends while Buck learns the rest of the 31-year-old deep dark family secret about his conception and birth. Their journey to forever is still a work in progress but once they finally admit they’re in love with each other, everything that follows their love confessions will be cataclysmic.
Chapter Summaries
Chapter 1 - Eddie makes a new friend while Buck receives devastating news regarding the sperm donation he made for Connor and Kameron.
Chapter 2 - Buck does a lot of research to learn more about the abnormalities found in his red blood cells and Eddie starts a new therapy journey that’s all about him and not the traumas he’s experienced.
Chapter 3 - After more than a month, Buck and Eddie finally spend time together outside of work but it doesn’t end well and they part with a lot of uncertainty regarding their places in each other’s lives.
Chapter 4 - Eddie has a few realizations about his life which causes him to consider moving back to El Paso, TX while Buck continues to be reminded of his past which causes him to take an impromptu road trip across America.
Chapter 5 - Both Buck and Eddie have difficult conversations with their parents and Buck finally learns the truth behind the reason why his mother despised him while Eddie finally tells his mother about the way she tries to control him.
Chapter 6 - More than two weeks after Buck pushed Eddie away after suggesting they needed a break; Eddie decides to try again. Eddie’s there for Buck when he’s at his worst just like Buck was there for him when he was at his worst and he won’t let Buck give up.
Chapter 7 - After Buck’s mental breakdown, Eddie has his back the same way Buck had his when he had his own breakdown more than a year ago.  They share several vulnerable and emotionally intimate moments with one another and they begin to realize their small, sweet and caring gestures matter just as much if not more than any grand gesture ever could because these are the foundations of a long-lasting love relationship.
Chapter 8 - Buck, Eddie and Chris all have their own therapists and during their sessions, they reflect on their pasts while they’re in the present so they can prepare for their future together as a family.
Chapter 9 - Buck and Eddie are there for each other when Buck has to testify as a witness during the trial.  But by the end of it, they’ll both realize their individual and shared traumas are going to keep resurfacing until they talk about them, deal with the fact that they’re in love with one another and face the fact that they can’t live without each other.
Chapter 10 - As Buck and Eddie finally begin to confront their past traumas, they realize how much they need each other to fill in the gaps of their memories.  Additionally, the universe screams at them for what appears to be the one hundredth time so Buck can realize he doesn’t have to ‘find it’ because he already ‘made it’ and Eddie’s reminded tomorrow isn’t promised and he doesn’t have to die alone if he doesn’t want to.
Chapter 11 - A “virga” or dry thunderstorm is in the forecast but once the rain starts, the thunderstorm happening outside won’t be able to match the storm brewing inside between Buck and Eddie.  It’s the universe’s final scream and when the tumultuous winds begin to blow, they’ll have one last chance to hold onto everything they’ve built over the last six years or they’ll lose it all forever.
Chapter 12 - Buck and Eddie have always shared a deep physical attraction and an emotional intimacy that’s unmatched but now that they’re in a relationship, they’re learning how to navigate the romantic intimacy they’ve been waiting for six years to explore. The love they have for each other is a once in a lifetime, soulmate, love of their lives type of love that transcends space and time.
Chapter 13 - While navigating the newness of their romantic relationship, Buck and Eddie take advantage of every moment they spend together. As their individual lives, people from their pasts, time constraints and the possibility of losing each other again make attempts to interrupt and interfere with their journey to forever, they love, care for, support and hold onto each other even tighter to withstand it all.
Chapter 14 - Buck and Eddie can see the lights at the end of the tunnels regarding the results of Buck’s Cancer Screening along with everything else they’re dealing with. But are the lights they see exits to the tunnels or are they headlights on different runaway trains that are speeding towards them in an effort to interrupt their forever?
Chapter 15 - Buck and Eddie have known they were exactly who the other one wanted in a partner since they met six years ago when they agreed to have each other’s backs. They’re in a romantic relationship, they’re both preparing to ask the other one to spend forever with them and by the end of the seventh week into their relationship, together they will plan their most important and greatest adventure for their future.
Chapter 16 - As Buck and Eddie begin to prepare for their marriage ceremony that will take place in Rome, Italy in December 2023, they start planning their first international adventure as a romantic couple. Even though Chris is still the only person they’ve told about their relationship, several people who know them have already witnessed the love they share and as the days continue, others will witness it too.
Chapter 17 - As Buck and Eddie get closer to departing Los Angeles for their international adventure, a moment in time will remind them; life is fragile, tomorrow isn’t promised and every second of everyday should be cherished because everything can change in an instant. The result of that realization will cause them to hold onto each other even more.
Chapter 18 - As Buck, Eddie and Chris prepare for family gatherings before and during the Thanksgiving holiday, the “Santa Ana Winds” start to blow and all sorts of expected and unexpected familial drama ensues.
Chapter 19 - As Buck and Eddie get closer to their wedding day, the universe begins to align everything so that some of their parent and children's relationships are strengthened while others come to an abrupt end.
Chapter 20 - With only 14 days remaining until Buck, Eddie and Chris depart Los Angeles, CA traveling to Rome, Italy, for their first family adventure, an early morning conversation about “tying up loose ends” helps Buck and Eddie realize there are still several things left unfinished on their ‘To Do’ lists. The question is will there be enough time to complete all of them?
Chapter 21 - Buck, Eddie and Chris are finalizing their ‘To Do’ Lists, double checking their itineraries and packing their suitcases in preparation for their trip to Europe so they can board their flight that departs Los Angeles, CA on Friday, December 15, 2023 at 3:25PM.
Chapter 22 - While Buck, Eddie and Chris spend the first 8 days of their European family adventure in Italy, their primary reason for going will be fulfilled as well as several others they hadn’t considered or anticipated.
Chapter 23 - As the Diaz Family continues their Italian family adventure, they’ll say, “Ciao” or hello and goodbye to a lot of things almost immediately after they become an official and legal family.
Chapter 24 - After Buck, Eddie and Chris arrive in London, England on December 24th; the Diazes immediately start preparing to spend their first family Christmas together. During their stay, each of them will hear a few choice words that will be the life raft to get them home to complete their searches to be seen and to be found.
Chapter 25 - After spending more than two weeks in Europe, Eddie, Buck and Chris are back in Los Angeles and they’re getting ready to attend Maddie and Chimney’s New Year’s Eve party. During the event, they have plans to make two surprise announcements but the question is, who’s really going to be surprised, the Diaz family or their found family at the 118?
Chapter 26 - Will be posted soon.
Read chapters 1-25 are available on AO3.
Continue reading on AO3
Chapter 26 will be posted soon.
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beestriker015 · 2 months
Arcee x male Autobot s/o
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Arcee and s/o were always close during the war on Cybertron, so imagine her surprise at seeing the male Autobot on Earth after what feels like a lifetime.
“S/o? H-how can you be here? Everyone thought you were taken offline.”
Her optics wide from shock as she says this while looking at him.
“My termination was greatly exaggerated. While I was severely injured during the last battle I took part in, my spark held on as I was fortunate to have been found by Ultra Magnus and taken to get repaired. When I caught word that you were here on this planet, I knew I had to come help you and the others fight against Megatron and the other Decepticons. I missed you a lot Arcee.”
After s/o finishes speaking, Arcee does something that shocks the other Autobots and their human companions.
She embraces him tightly.
“I’m glad you’re here s/o, and I missed you too.”
He is at first caught off guard by Arcee’s sudden hug, but then quickly returns her embrace with a warm smile present on his face.
Their heartfelt reunion is interrupted by Optimus Prime, who approaches s/o with a stoic expression.
“Welcome to Earth s/o, I’m pleased to see you alive and well. I believe I speak for your fellow Autobots when I say we’d love to have you join us.”
He offers s/o a hand, who turns to look at Arcee for a brief moment before accepting it with a smile.
“I would be honored Optimus.”
The Autobot leader smiles at this and shakes s/o’s hand.
“Glad to hear it. Once again s/o, welcome to planet Earth.”
With that, s/o has joined the ranks of Optimus’ Autobots.
Due to being out of the loop for so long, s/o had to be caught up on everything that has happened on Earth between the two Cybertronian factions, including the unfortunate demise of his close friend Cliffjumper.
“N-no, I refuse to believe it! Cliff can’t be gone!”
“I know how you feel s/o, it still hurts for me to think about.”
Arcee says as she tries comforting her heartbroken friend.
“Who? Who is responsible for Cliff’s death?”
S/o asks with anger in his voice.
Upon learning from her that it was Starscream, s/o vows to get revenge on him.
“The next time I see that piece of scrap, I will make him pay for what he did to Cliff! Screamer’s days are numbered!”
(Aboard the Nemesis, Starscream suddenly feels a cold chill run down his back and he doesn’t know why.)
On a lighter note, Arcee introduced s/o to her human partner Jack, with whom he quickly became friends with.
“I imagine being in this base for so long can get pretty boring sometimes, so how about I take you out for a quick joyride Jack?”
He asks, wanting to bond with the human his close friend is the guardian of.
“Really? That’d be awesome s/o!”
Unfortunately for them, Arcee shoots down s/o’s idea.
“No, you two are staying here as per Optimus’ orders!”
She tells the two in a stern almost motherly tone as they both sigh in disappointment, causing her to shake her head.
“Dear Primus, I swear you both are becoming way too like-minded.”
She says in mild amusement, secretly relieved that Jack and s/o get along so well.
Not much time has passed since s/o’s arrival and it’s pretty clear to everyone that he and Arcee have romantic feelings for each other, though neither of them would admit it.
Thanks to some encouragement from the others (specifically Miko and Smokescreen), the two bots decided to finally reveal their feelings for the other.
Surprisingly, Arcee is the first to confess.
“Hey s/o, there’s….something important I want to tell you.”
“What is it Arcee?”
Taking a moment of silence to figure out just what she’s gonna say, the blue fembot looks at s/o and begins speaking.
“When I thought you were offline, it was like a part of my spark perished with you, but it became whole again the moment I saw you here and still online. What I’m trying to say is….I love you s/o.”
If an Autobot were capable of blushing, then s/o would definitely be completely flustered after hearing this.
“Arcee, I love you too. The two of us have had a strong bond for as long as I can remember, and the thing that kept my spark from extinguishing was the terrifying thought of never seeing you again. You are my reason for living Arcee, and I love you more than Cybertron itself.”
The fembot responds to s/o’s own confession by pulling him into a kiss that he quickly melts into, both completely unaware that their friends and teammates are secretly watching them, all happy that the two are finally together.
As a couple, s/o and Arcee always have each other’s backs during missions, just like they did back on Cybertron.
“You know what this reminds me of Arcee? That one time we were surrounded by Vehicons during a recon mission.”
“I remember, but now really isn’t the time to be getting nostalgic s/o!”
She says while shooting down several Insecticons flying towards the two.
“Right, sorry.”
He chuckles before taking down a few as well.
If one of them were to get injured, the Decepticon responsible would face the wrath of the other and after that, they would stay right by their lover’s side the entire time Ratchet repairs them.
Due to their circumstances, neither has any reason to get jealous, but protectiveness is another story, especially with Arcee.
Having suffered the loss of both Tailgate and Cliffjumper, Arcee will not allow any harm to come to s/o, and will offline any Decepticon (mostly Vehicons) foolish enough to try.
As mentioned earlier, s/o will be ruthless in battle whenever Starscream is involved out of sheer hatred for the death of his friend.
“Starscream! I will tear out your spark with my bare hands!”
“K-keep away from me you deranged Autobot!”
The slim Decepticon manages to somehow escape justice every time, resulting in Arcee having to calm s/o down.
“Don’t worry s/o. There’s always next time. One way or another, he will pay for his crimes.”
“You’re right Arcee, but I still wanna rip that coward’s wings off!”
“I know you do s/o, I do too.”
Downtime is rare and never tends to last long, but Arcee and s/o spend it together in the base while taking part in what the humans refer to as “cuddling”.
“This is nice.”
“Yeah, I could get used to this…cuddling, especially when it’s with you Arcee.”
He says with his arms wrapped around her as she rests her head on his chest.
“I feel the same way s/o.”
She tells him with a content smile on her face.
Once Unicron has been defeated and Megatron ends the Decepticon cause, it is now time for the Autobots to return to their homeworld.
After sharing a heartfelt goodbye with Jack and the other humans, s/o and Arcee walk through the space bridge leading back to Cybertron.
“This is bittersweet isn’t it Arcee? I’m glad we finally ended the war, but I’m really gonna miss Earth.”
He looks down as Arcee puts a hand on his shoulder.
“I will too s/o, but who’s to say that this goodbye is forever?”
“Fair point I guess. So, what do we do now?”
“I don’t know, but as long as you’re by my side, I’m ready to face whatever the future holds. I love you s/o.
He kisses her softly while placing his hands on her hips.
“I love you too Arcee.”
With the complete restoration of Cybertron and the threat of Megatron gone, the pair of Autobot lovers look forward to what lies ahead for both them and their planet.
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rebelliousstories · 6 months
25 Days of Ficmas
Relationship: Selina Kyle x Reader
Fandom: The Batman (2022)
Request: No
Warnings: Fluff, Brief Mentions of Death and Angst
Word Count: 1,627
Masterlist: Here
Summary: A little Christmas cheer in their dreadful New York apartment.
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“Selina! Sel? Where you at girl?” A voice called out as the door to the shabby New York apartment opened and shut behind the figure. She carried something in her gloved hands, but hid it behind her back when the young woman she shared her home with came through. Her cropped hair was wet, indicating it had been freshly washed. Along with that, the smell of soap crept through the apartment from the shower that had happened before she arrived home.
“Hey baby. I’m here. Sorry, I needed a shower. I felt gross after the club.” Selina came over and pressed a small kiss to her lover’s lips. Her hands wrapped around her waist and felt something behind her back.
“What’s behind your back?” She asked directly. Her girlfriend looked away impishly but refused to offer a response.
“It’s nothing.” She drawled out. Selina leveled a look at her partner and soon retracted her hands to look her more directly in the face.
“Babe?” Selina asked yet again, staring her dead in the eye.
“It’s your Christmas present, okay? Just, let’s go to bed and promise me you won’t look under the tree?” She pleaded and stepped closer to her girlfriend yet again. Selina did not move away, but did cross her arms as her lover tried to be sweet on her. It took several minutes of big eyes, and a smile before Selina relented.
“Fine. I won’t look. But you better hurry up.” She pressed a loving kiss to her girlfriend’s lips, and walked away. The woman, still standing with her hands behind her back, watched her girlfriend’s hips sway as she walked away. She brought her hands back around the front of her body as she walked over to their tree. There were only a few gifts underneath the tree, but that was okay. They did not need much, just each other. She set the big box down behind the other gifts almost out of view, before she stood back up. Her outer layer was shed before she left the living room; her scarf, gloves, and coat were placed on the couch before making her way to the bedroom.
When she got in there, Selina was already reclining on the bed beneath the covers. She held something in her hands, something that her partner recognized immediately. The only remaining picture of her and her mother that Selina held in her possession. Often times, their nights would end with her pulling the picture out of Selina’s hands after she had fallen asleep to keep it from getting lost or damaged. It comforted the woman to hold it; the last remaining thread of innocence she had left. No words were spoken as the other woman got ready for bed. Cleaning her face, brushing her teeth, covering her hair, all of it was done with speed and accuracy you only get from doing the same routine for years and years. Eventually, she climbed into bed with her lover and pulled her into her chest. Selina’s hands still held the photo as she laid her head down on her girlfriend’s chest.
“Your mom would be proud of the woman you have become.” She whispered and pressed a kiss to her head. Selina continued to stroke over her mother’s face in the photo, but her eyes were drawn to something in the corner. A brilliant splotch of red and green were in the corner.
“Did I ever tell you about this photo?” Selina asked, sounding very far away in her own head. She had, in fact, told her lover the story behind this particular photo. But that was not going to stop her from encouraging Selina to tell it again.
“Tell me.” She whispered, pressing another kiss to the head on her chest.
“When I was a kid, my mom couldn’t afford to do a big Christmas. But she would take me to the heart of the city to look at the lights. The one thing we got every year, from the same vendor, was a poinsettia plant. They would sell it to us for a fraction of what they were originally selling it for because they knew my mom. After she died, I never went back. I couldn’t without her.” Her voice trailed off, still lost in her own world as she remembered the snow filled nights where she went into the city to get those plants. Selina felt another kiss placed to her hair, and her lover’s hands rubbing up and down on her arms to soothe her.
Her lover stared at little Selina in the photo and smiled to herself. But her lover’s breathing slowed and eventually Selina was fast asleep. Her body went limp, and the photo dropped on her girlfriend’s stomach. She picked it up and stared for a moment longer, before placing it on her nightstand to protect the picture, turned out the lights, and went to sleep.
Snow filled the air when the couple awoke Christmas Day. They stretched and laid in the warm bed as they tried to wake up. However, with the day off, neither one cared too much about getting started on their day at a reasonable time.
“Merry Christmas, Sel.” She whispered to the woman that was now face to face with her on their sides in bed.
“Merry Christmas, baby.” She replied, laying a kiss upon her lover’s lips. Selina laid there for a moment more before she pulled away, and got out of the bed to head into the bathroom. She began to brush her teeth when her girlfriend came and hugged her from behind.
“My morning breath really that bad, huh?” She joked as she began to brush her own teeth. Selina chuckled lightly, trying desperately not to choke on the toothpaste in her mouth at her lover’s comment.
Once they were both done, a quick breakfast was had of a couple sandwiches. Nothing fancy, but it was enough for the couple on their budget. They made their way to the couch, where she had to move her outerwear from the previous night, and laid down on the couch. The radio in the corner of the room was on a station that played Christmas songs non-stop, which provided some noise for the couple to have in the background. They watched out the window for a while, just enjoying their time together. But eventually, Selina got curious about the large box that was tucked near the wall behind the tree with the rest of the presents.
“Can we open them now?” She asked her girlfriend, turning in her arms to look her in the eyes. When she nodded, Selina excitedly got up and immediately went to the large box behind the tree.
“Wait!” Selina stopped at her lover’s exclamation. She looked like a little kid with their hand in the cookie jar.
“Just, save that one till the end? Please. Trust me.” She explained, and while Selina was upset to not find out what her lover brought home last night, she relented. They spent a considerable time opening the gifts from one another. Their gifts were usually practical, but there were a couple that were pure wants rather than needs. A new wig, a refill on Selina’s favorite perfume, and a beautiful leather skirt graced Selina’s hands but she was itching to go look at the present behind the tree. Seeing her lover’s eyes drift over, she gave Selina a nod to go to the mystery present.
She got excited and ran over to grab the present. Placing it in front of her on the floor, Selina tore into it like a little kid. This was much bigger than their usual presents to each other, which got her curious. She tore off the wrapping paper and used a nearby knife to open the tape that closed the box before her. When she opened the flaps, however, she stopped. The smile fell off of her face, and her hands froze. Her lover sat on the couch, watching her from a distance with a tense stance. She was no sure how she would react, but this was making her nervous. Selina reached her shaky hands into the box and pulled out what was inside. A poinsettia plant with a very specific tag attached to it. The tag of the business she used to get it from as a child. She was at a loss for words as she looked towards her girlfriend on the couch with watery eyes. Without saying anything, her lover took over.
“I thought it might make you happy. It wasn’t difficult to find the business. And when I mentioned the Kyle girl was who I was getting it for, they were really excited to hand it off. Said they wanted me to bring you by at some point.” She explained gently. Selina wept as her hands traced the petals delicately, but she still said nothing. In a flash, the plant was set gently on the ground, and she had found a place in her girlfriend’s lap. She kept pressing kiss after kiss to her, cradling her face in her hands. Finally, coming up for air, Selina spoke for the first time since she opened the box.
“Thank you.” She whispered. Repeating her thanks, she kissed every inch of exposed skin in between her words. Her lover rested her hands on Selina’s waist and allowed her to do what she needed without impediment.
“You’re welcome.” Her girlfriend finally replied.
And there they sat. Selina perched in her girlfriend’s lap, pressing kisses and sweet words of endearment and thanks to her. And her girlfriend, happy to be able to bring just a little bit of happiness and light to their gloomy apartment in an equally gloomy city.
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r0yalgrimm-artz · 3 months
Kore and Chazz in the year 2024,,,
Since yugioh GX is set in like 2004 at the start of the series and they're like 15-16 there, so like 35-36 (oh JESUS), and I think Chazz and Kore might be married at this point here. Idk mainly because I personally think it would take them a while to get married mainly cause Kore was not exactly one to be in a rush to get married. AND I COULDN'T BE BOTHERED TO SKETCH FUTURE DESIGNS IMMA CRY!!!
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But here are some ideas my brain was scrambling:
⚡️ Chazz is a world famous pro duelist basically at this point, absolutely knocking it out of the park. He's finally where he feels like he's meant to be, yet without his brothers help. However, he's somewhat mellowed out as he's gotten much older, but his old personality still lingers. He's still The Chazz we all know and love at heart.
⭐️ Kore does also funny enough become a pro duelist, however that is somewhat a bit later yet she's managing just fine. Chazz is somewhat responsible for helping funding her (that was before they confessed the feelings but shhh).
⚡️ They currently have three kids (idk how the fuck they even agreed to three), with Kore being the fun and exciting parent but knows when to be stern and mature when things get a bit serious. Chazz is surprisingly the somewhat stern parent, however he's a great listener if his kids have problems and is better at giving advice. Plus he might let them get away with a few things it's all good.
⭐️ Kore absolutely misuses modern day internet slang so bad. She has tried this with her kids. Her kids are absolutely embarrassed. Chazz does not even bother, he's just confused. Like wtf is "GYATT"???
⚡️ Chazz ends up needing fucking reading glasses, his vision when reading up close got worse-
⭐️ For all Kore is the physically affectionate one, Chazz has to initiate the affection and love since...Kore forgets. This man just waiting for a smooch as she just obliviously walks past.
⚡️ I am not entirely sure what Chazz's relationship with his brothers would be currently, since originally I had it where they absolutely do not speak to one another. But, maybe they all met up once just to have a brief catch up??? As unrealistic as it sounds, but maybe after that they just all go seperate ways.
⭐️ Kore gets married to Chazz around the age of 29-30. Mainly because Kore and Chazz didn't see each other again till they were like 23-24, but it was mainly Chazz trying to initiate trying to form a bond again (ends up being a romantic bond). Chazz literally tried proposing to her several times and this dumb bitch was like "ehhhh can we hold it off till next year and ask me that again?" Then after a few attempts Chazz just did one last attempt out of frustration probably outside of a gas station and she just was like "hmmmmmmm okay sure <3 But could you put 20 on number 4- " Yeah. Very...romantic.
⚡️ Chazz cannot drive for shit. Kore is the designated driver. Currently has been trying to learn thanks to Kore but he kinda just says fuck it and goes. Nine times outta ten nearly crashes into the side of someone's car.
⭐️ Shopping trips tend to be a nightmare, mainly because Kore wanders off, and Chazz is fighting for his life on trying to find out where tf his spouse just fucked off to. Kore is found wanting to buy several mugs she found cute. Chazz is scolding her like a fucking parent and dragging her back to the shopping cart.
⚡️ Adding onto shopping nightmares, I feel like Chazz still is like "we getting the finer brands" and Kore on the other hand is like "yeah but they have a three for one sale- " then it ends with Chazz forcing the finer brands into the shopping cart. He's paying for the shopping tho so win win???
⭐️ Kore has dragged Chazz out for late night car rides a couple of times. Both going on late night drives, and getting food from drive throughs. Sometimes they'll park somewhere quiet and just chill on the car bonnet and watch the stars. It's a lame as it sounds, but Chazz just sorta let's Kore. I feel like Chazz does enjoy dumb things like these, granted not wanting to be woken up at stupid hours of the morning, but they kinda just star gaze and ramble on dumb shit or problems they're just feeling.
⚡️ Chazz I don't imagine is the most affectionate person during the series of GX, but thanks to Kore's gentle affection and her being slow and steady with Chazz, he grows more affectionate over time. Doing little things like hand holding, leaning against one another while they're sitting, Chazz constantly keeping Kore close - mainly so she doesn't wander off - or small brief head pats in public.
⭐️ Kore doesn't have much identity issues compared to the shit that happened after Season 3 of GX, but now and then I feel as if after what she's gone through she still struggles with her own image and doubts on who she is. Cause ya know, being used as some sort of sacrifice to be rebirthed as some horrifying deity close monster like some shit outta Fear & Hunger meanwhile your other friends are dead and your other friend is some Supreme King and there's some non-binary dragon monster spirit- Yeah that shit crazy. But Chazz does try help reassuring Kore a lot. She might still have the odd nightmares but Chazz immediately hugs her close and let's her silently cry it out. Once she's calm they'll chat after or unless Kore is that tired, then she'll doze back off.
⚡️ Idk why...but I feel like Chazz is somewhat the type of motherfucker that's like "you kids don't know how good you have it these days" or like "they don't Duel like how they used to" idk but it plays on my mind.
⭐️ Kore worries about how she raises her kids, as she doesn't want to cause strain or pressure on them like how her mother used to push her to be the best along with her siblings. Same with Chazz, he worries about how he raises his kids but he's a bit more self aware and doesn't hold unrealistic standards like his brothers did on him.
As for like their kids, I doubt they'll ever be sketched. Originally I didn't think they'd have any due to their like fear of how they'd raise them. But I've pondered so just in case, then here even tho it really isn't relevant (both English and Japanese names):
🥀 Kenji Manjoume/Kaden Princeton
- First child
- Golden child yee yaw ass
- Gifted then severely burnt out in later years.
- Very soft and sweet wee lil' boy, grows to be a severely tired and irritable man.
- WhoreTM
- Top buttons on shirt always undone, cleavage. Slut behavior.
- Dramatic af, Kardashian style break down if shit doesn't go his way.
- Needs therapy but won't go. Says he's fine. Is not fine.
- Probably Bisexual. Man leaning.
- Fave ice cream: Cookie Dough.
💎 Himari Manjoume/Harper Princeton
- Second child
- Actually was planned. Ended up being a nightmare child (feral gremlin).
- Was the cutest baby, but underneath would attempt to set someone on fire.
- Tried cutting Atticus' hair once. In his sleep.
- Very chill in later years.
- Quiet and intimidating looking which makes people fear her (is actually super shy and easily flustered someone talk to her).
- Lifts. Has been passed down the beef genes (thanks to Kore and Riley's papa <3).
- Absolutely spoiled by Chazz when she was little. Deffo some form of Daddy's girl surprisingly....
- Can now easily pick up Chazz in later years. She strong. That ain't yo lil' girl Chazz you raised King Kong. Still loves her tho. Just is startled at how she can easily pick him up.
- Literally a beast duelist. Yet fumbles when her crush talks to her.
- Likes to dress very feminine. Very into skin and hair products.
- Very into girl's....is shy to even ask out.
- Fave ice cream: Mint chocolate chip.
✨️ Ekou Manjoume/Elijah Princeton
- Third child.
- Ultimate accidental child.
- Actually the most chilled baby to raise.
- Yet found ways to get into places he shouldn't like the balcony, cupboards, under the bed, on top of the closet,,?
- Very soft and shy little bab, a full on enthusiastic dumbass in later years.
- Zero braincells.
- Surprisingly academically super smart. Yet lacks common sense at times.
- Acts very flamboyant. Yet has ultimate rizz. Doesn't even realise he has rizz, he's a fucking idiot-
- Somewhat looks more like Chazz. Hilariously. Yet has more of Kore's enthusiasm and her life filled eyes. Probably will cause arson though.
- No filter. Says the most outlandish, borderline horrific down bad shit your poor ears have ever heard.
- Bisexual??? Somewhat woman leaning.
- Fave ice cream: HAH. He lactose intolerant like Kore....likes a lot of sorbet tho. Mainly lemon or lime flavoured desserts.
This is all of my rambling I will croak now if anemia doesn't do it-
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hostilemuppet · 3 months
Seeing the Floyd perspective on the relationship makes me want to see the Creek perspective, especially the period where they were divorced. But also: Goddamn. This relationship really is the happiest either could get huh. I mean, Floyd could and CAN do better if he wanted, but I think it’s sweet how they chose each other.
okay heres my thoughts on creeks side of the situation, again keep in mind its just MY thoughts and not "canon" to the au
After Trolls 1 (a brief summary for the non-trolls fans following along at home: he was almost eaten by King Gristle so he sold (what he thought was) his entire species to save himself. He gets eaten by a BIGGER monster but he makes it out, somehow. Don’t think about it too hard) he lives alone in the woods for several months, before returning to Troll Village. People do NOT want him around, because, you know. Do I need to explain it? But Poppy let him back in, because she “feels bad for him” or whatever, and also they used to date so she thinks she has to. So he has a home, he’s back in his old pod, he even has his old job back! But no one wants to be around him, and he’s got only himself to blame.
Creek does NOT blame himself. He’s NEVER at fault, it’s always someone else’s. He devolves further into misanthropy, while still keeping up his at peace, Zen facade. He hates everyone. He hates Poppy. He hates Branch.
He tries to get back to how he was, establish himself as a musician, on top of teaching yoga. He gets a lot of fans, but he’s still pretty... controversial, to say the least. How could he not be? He was almost responsible for hundreds of deaths. But worse things haven’t stopped people from stanning. Look at your real life Twitter trending tab if you don’t believe me!
After all tribes are at peace, he makes an off colour comment about how rowdy and loud Rock trolls are when someone stops by his yoga class and disrupts it for his much more well behaved Pop students. Obviously, canon typical racism is a pretty big no-no, so he gets a lot of flack. Hence, the collab with Riff, which doesn’t actually help his reputation at all because Riff immediately took to Twitter to call Creek an asshole.
Then, Creek decides he’s been going at this all wrong. he doesn’t need to bend over backwards to make himself look better; he just needs to make the people he HATES look WORSE! As much as he hates to admit it, Branch is actually pretty spotless (and is, you know, dating the Queen, so...). But, he has FOUR brothers, two of which are single and one of which is infamous for whoring himself out. The adoring public are more willing to crucify their idols for victimless sex scandals than they are for genuine atrocities. This is when Creek pays someone (several someones, actually, but only one of them was successful) to seduce Floyd, record it without his knowledge, and send Creek the footage so he can leak it and tank Brozone’s reputation. We’ve been over how this didn’t work out for him in the way he wanted, but that doesn’t mean it was entirely a waste of time. He broke Floyd a little more.
A couple months pass. Creek continues to get in controversies that he could easily avoid if he simply stepped out of the spotlight, but he can’t, because he is addicted to clout and still believes he is never at fault. He finds out Riff has collabed with Floyd, and since Riff is one of the many, many trolls who are dead to Creek, he throws his little adult man tantrum and decides it’s personal, and he needs to take matters into his own hands. If you want it done right, you should just do it yourself. He starts frequenting Floyd’s favourite gay bar until by some miracle they’re in the same place at the same time. You know how things go.
Creek wakes up the next morning sore. Y'know, because of the drugs. Mostly. He’s alone. He’s mad, that his plan didn’t work. But he can still save it, and next time they run into each other he asks for Floyd’s number, saying how he really wants this to go further, he felt a connection. He did not feel a connection. Creek is not attracted to other men. They start dating, and he couldn’t be happier; not because he likes Floyd, obviously, but because he’s sure Branch is dying inside. I mean, yeah, Branch barely reacts any more past the first week, but he’s probably just really good at faking tranquillity. Creek knows how to fake tranquillity, too.
The relationship lasts, a lot longer than he thought it would, honestly. He thought it’d last a couple weeks at most, before Branch tried to kill him. But no such luck, instead, he’s stuck being couple-y, doing couple-y things, with a man he feels nothing for. They engage in a lot of PDA, and Creek buys Floyd a lot of gifts (that he insists were HIS ideas, NOT Floyd’s), they’re basically attached at the hip! And Creek genuinely thinks he’s on top of the situation. Poor, sweet, innocent Floyd, or whatever. He’s The Sensitive One! There’s no way Floyd knows what’s going on. He's be inconsolable if he did.
So when Floyd pushes him to prove how much Creek loves him, when he doesn’t, the only thing he can think of is to propose. He wasn’t sure what he was thinking. Honestly, he was pretty sure Floyd would say no, since they’d only been going out about half a year, and if that’s the end of the relationship, at least he could peddle it for sympathy points from the public. Unfortunately, Floyd is fucking crazy, and said yes.
Now Creek has a husband. He is still not into men, but he has a husband. He moves out of his pod and into Floyd’s mansion. This is it, he thinks. This is the rest of his life. He still keeps up the act, of course. He can’t have Floyd catching on. But he’s kinda bummed about his fate as a trophy husband for someone he feels nothing for.
He gets his first egg a month or two later, and is surprised to find that Floyd had a matching one. Creek might not care for Floyd, but he never thought he’d be a dad, and he gets. Emotional? He didn’t think he was CAPABLE of crying happy tears any more! Not that he’d let Floyd know, of course. The eggs hatch a month later (Floyd insisted on their names) and Creek is actually, genuinely happy. For a bit.
A month after that, four months into their marriage, everything falls into the open. Creek finds out that Floyd knew he never loved him, but he was playing Creek like 3D chess. And he’s mad, of course, but what is he gonna do, divorce Floyd? They have kids! Plus, you know, Floyd’s blackmailing him. “Tricking a man into marrying you and having kids with him” wouldn’t exactly be good for Creek’s reputation, not to mention how Floyd knows a lot of his personal embarrassing secrets now. From that point, things ramp up a couple notches.
No longer having to pretend everything is hunky dory in the privacy of their own homes, things escalate into all out warfare. And Creek can’t lie, it’s kind of an adrenaline rush, having to sleep next to the guy who you hate more than anything. Which is another thing that freaks Creek out! He actually hates Floyd more than Poppy, or even Branch! Don’t get him wrong, thinking about either of them for too long still fills him with white hot rage, but he doesn’t get the opportunity when Floyd’s wrapping his arms around him and acting all sappy in public, knowing they’re gonna go home and choke each other. Non sexually. Okay, maybe a little sexually. He’s still not into boys.
Then, they get comfortable. And things become too “real” for Floyd, who leaves, and divorces him, and doesn’t even try to get PARTIAL custody. Creek is shocked, at first, but then decides this is the best possible outcome. They’re no longer together, it’s NOT Creek’s fault, and he has sole custody of the kids he loves so dearly! Plus, he’s back on the market, baby! He can get back to cruising for fit GIRLS. He doesn’t have much luck. Partly because most Pop trolls still hate him (even if at this point it has dialled back to levels of the Azealia Banks Chicken Fiasco), partly because, at this point? He has no idea how to form genuine romantic relationships with other trolls that aren’t built on psychological warfare. He doesn’t even realise he’s doing it! Several relationships end in him getting dumped, with her friends and family encouraging her to leave him for “emotional abuse”, or whatever. He didn’t even mean it this time, honest! He just wanted to win, you know? He forgot the point of a romantic relationship is not actually to seek victory. But it’s so hard not to! He spent 18 months doing exactly that! Even when he “lost”, which was most of the time, he still got a sick thrill out of the hunt. A sick thrill he is now missing. He understands why Floyd couldn’t quit the coke, now. He tries not to think about Floyd any more.
Meanwhile, their fraternal twins, Brad and Angelina, wait patiently for their parents to get back together. Even though Brad was only 8 months old at the time of divorce, that’s like, 6 years for a troll, and he knew there’s no way in Hell they could stay apart. He just has to wait a bit for his Pops to come back home. Angelina, while having no opinions on whether they will or even should get back together, has already started reaping the benefits of having recently divorced parents at school. She’d be looking forward to having two Giftmases and two birthdays, if she knew what either of those were yet.
Then comes the reunion. We know what happens. They run into each other at a charity event for orphans, not that Floyd remembers what it’s for, since he’s been violently depressed for several months and is only there because Brozone (not specifically Floyd) were asked to make an appearance. They reminisce on their whirlwind romance, they get drunk, Floyd forces JD to remarry them. Creek wakes up the next morning with a brand new ring on his finger.
Creek’s first thought is that the rings look cheap, like they were the only ones they could get on such short notice, and he’s glad he never sold their original rings that he still has back in the mansion. Then, it sinks in that he has Floyd back. He means, that he’s back with Floyd. Which he feels totally neutral on. Negative, even. He’s definitely NOT thrilled that he’s got his perfect match back, and can stop trying to pretend to be someone he’s not. He hates Floyd. Grr! He gives up the act the second Floyd wakes up, and he sees Creek, and starts crying.
At first Creek thinks, aw shit, this was a mistake, we’re getting divorced again. He’s gonna be twice divorced before he’s 30, which is NOT a good look for him. Then they talk, for a while, until they’re on the same page. This IS what they both want. They want to be together. They want to constantly be at each others’ throats, sometimes literally. They want to always have to think, and plan, and make sure the other won’t come out on top. It’s more enriching for them than any other relationship could ever be. This is the first and probably only time they have ever been fully 100% honest with each other.
Except for the sex tape thing, obviously. Creek’s taking that to the grave.
They return to the mansion and Brad greets Floyd casually, as if it hadn’t been 3 1/2 months since they’ve seen each other. Angelina asks if this means they get to eat junk food again. Floyd arranges for a moving van to bring all his stuff back to the mansion that week, and Creek arranges for Brangelina to visit friends for the day.
Things settle down and after a week or two and you’d never even guess they divorced, if not for how they’re back in their honeymoon phase, and Creek has gone from insisting he feels nothing for Floyd to admitting he is psychosexually obsessed with him. He still says he’s straight, though. And Floyd is more than happy to live with that.
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madangel19 · 5 months
I saw your random sentence starters and Can i request “No, no, no, no, no, we aren’t ready… we are not ready for kids yet!” And “I didn’t mean for it to go this far.” With Rain and Cirrus? I know a weird pair but i like em they seem angsty
Oooo, this is very angsty and with an unexpected pair. I love it >:)
Warnings: Brief mention of abortion and implied spice
Word Count: 1032
Everything had been going so well. It was Cirrus’s turn to sleep over with Rain for the night. Over the past month, they had been getting closer and seeing more and more of each other. Rain was a busy ghoul. The others often wanted their precious time with him, but lately, she was getting more of his attention and she loved the many nights she had spent with him.
Cirrus chirped happily as she laid in Rain’s arms, listening to him ramble on about some nonsense Dewdrop had gotten into earlier that day. She liked listening to him talk. Rain was quiet most of the time, but after spending many nights with him, she realized just how wonderful of a story teller he was. She could listen to him talk for hours and she would never grow tired of listening to him.
Some time passed and Rain had grown quiet. He sighed, smiling as he buried his face in her hair and gave it a sniff, his arms wrapped around her middle. Cirrus smirked as she thought of news ways to tease him in order to rile him up and get him to fuck her again.
Rain’s arms suddenly went rigid around her stomach as he let out an alarmed chirp. His face was immediately out of her hair as he pulled away from her, sitting upright in her bed. Cirrus cocked her head in confusion at the sudden change.
“What’s wrong, Rainy?” She asked.
“Cirrus, you’re…you’re carrying kits,” Rain replied, his eyes wide with panic.
Cirrus’s hands immediately went to her stomach upon hearing his words. Her thoughts went to her many nightly meetings with her fellow packmates during the last month. It was either Rain or her fellow ghoulettes that she last fucked and as far as she was concerned, Rain was the only ghoul with a dick that she let fuck her raw recently. 
“Oh my god, Rain,” she murmured, smiling at the thought of carrying kits again. Rain’s panicked expression was concerning. 
“No, no, no, no, no, we aren’t ready… we are not ready for kits yet!” Rain exclaimed, shaking his head while taking several deep breaths.
Cirrus felt a pain in her chest at his words. She wasn’t expecting that response. It pained her hearing that. She had seen him over the moon when he impregnated Dewdrop and even Cumulus, so why was this any different?
“But…we’ve both had kits from different partners, Rainy. What’s different this time?” She questioned. She needed answers. 
“It…It’s just too soon. It’s only been a month, Cir. Spending time with you has been wonderful, but…I wasn’t…I…I didn’t…,” Rain trailed off, slicking back his hair and wiping the sweat from his brow. 
Cirrus wasn’t sure if she wanted to hear the rest of what he wanted to say. She pulled her knees to her chest, emotions fighting each other for dominance as she tried to figure out what to feel. Was he going to tell her to get rid of her litter? There was no way she was going to accept that, but what would he do if she kept them? It was likely he would ignore the kits or maybe even try and hurt them. She wouldn’t allow him to do that. Neither would the rest of the pack. Kits were precious and if anyone so much as harmed them, then the consequences would be severe. 
“Fuck, I didn’t mean for it to go this far, Cir. I…I’m sorry,” Rain murmured, reaching out to her with careful claws. Cirrus gave him a warning growl, her instincts quickly taking over. She wasn’t going to give them up no matter what he said or did. 
Rain stopped and pulled his hand away, grumbling something under his breath. He slowly scooched over to sit next to her, not daring to lay a hand on her yet. 
“What do you want me to do, Rain?” Cirrus asked after a few minutes of sitting in silence with him. 
“What do you want to do?” Rain replied.
“I’m keeping them. You don’t have to be involved, but if you hurt them, then you know the consequences,” Cirrus growled, grabbing a nearby pillow and digging her claws into them. Rain’s face was neutral as he watched her grab the pillow. He then nodded, another sigh escaping his lips. 
“Okay. Keep them. You’ll have plenty of help from the others,” he said, appearing more calm now despite the fear in his eyes.
 Cirrus growled again, not happy with his words. Was he going to do anything to help her? These were his kits as well, but he was right. The rest of the pack would be more than helpful with her. She didn’t need him, but why did that thought pain her? What was she going to do if the kits looked more like him or if they wanted to see him?
Tears began welling up in her ears which she quickly wiped away, but they still kept coming. She needed comfort from anyone besides him. It was very likely that another nearby ghoul would notice something was off and come running to comfort her. As soon as Rain was gone, she was going straight to Cumulus. She would know what to do about this.
“Do you want me to go, Cirrus?” Rain asked, his tail slowly snaking over to her own. The tip of it touched her tail and she hissed, pulling it away.
“Yes, please. We’ll talk later, but…I don’t want to see you right now,” she muttered.
Rain was silent as he got up from the bed. He got dressed quickly and went to the door, pausing to look back at her with a pained expression in his eyes. Cirrus glared back at him, her tail lashing around angrily on the bed. Did she want to talk to him again? She had to. They lived in a small world and avoiding him would be nearly impossible. 
“Goodnight, Cirrus. I’ll…see you tomorrow,” he said before leaving her alone. 
Once she was sure Rain was long gone, Cirrus let the tears fall freely as she stood and got dressed before rushing out in the direction of Cumulus’s room.
I'm sure things will get better for them after some time :')
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malumsmermaid · 2 years
And we’re back! Based off of Change by Pale Waves after it came on spotify the other day 👀
Rating: 18+
Warnings: mentions of drinking; smut
Pairing: Calum Hood x Reader
Word Count: 1.9k
You were at a party being thrown by a friend of a friend of a friend. Unfortunately, the few friends who connected you to the home’s owner hadn’t shown. Well, one had, but he seemed to be pretending that you don’t exist.
It had been a while since the two of you had made eye contact across the room, the second it had occurred he disappeared into the crowd of strangers. You tried to push down the wave of disappointment in your stomach, reminding yourself of the nature of your relationship with him. You had turned and made your way to the kitchen to fix a drink after that, trying not to think that his hair was short and bleach blonde again-the way it had been when you both first met a few years ago, long curls shed as the summer heat rolled in. You took a seat at the counter, using one of the silly straws that the host had provided to stir your cocktail. Several people had taken the seat next to you over the time that you sat there, providing you with idle conversation, a few attempting to chat you up and inviting you to the dance floor. You declined each invitation though, thoughts still plagued by the man with the dark eyes somewhere in the house.
As you were about to text your friend who had sworn they would meet you at the party later in the night that you were planning to head out for the night you felt a familiar touch at your shoulder. Though your drink was not much more than crushed ice at this point, you brought the straw to your lips to fight the urge to chew your lip as his breath met your ear.
“Surprised you didn’t follow me after I walked off when I caught you staring at me.”
“I said I miss you, not that I’m desperate, Calum. And I wasn’t staring.”
“Dagger to my heart, sweets.” He said, sitting heavily in the seat next to you, hooking his leg with yours to turn you to face him.
You did your best to remain expressionless, stating, “From our last real conversation, I’m surprised to hear that I’m able to have that effect on you.”
Calum let out a heavy sigh, gaze dropping to his lap for a moment before he looked back up, saying just loud enough for you to hear him over the party, “What if I want to try, what if I do want to change?”
You scoffed, sliding down from your stool, “I’ll believe it when I see it. Now if you don’t mind, I was about to leave.”
You began to walk away, but his hand caught yours, stopping you in your tracks and turning you around, “What if I missed you too?” He said, anxiety creeping into both his voice and face.
You were speechless for a moment, caught up in his eyes. His hand left yours, instead coming up to cradle your cheek, and you tried your best not to give in to the weakness caused by the tender touch. “What is it about me that you miss?” you asked, “Spending time with me as a person, or the time you spend with your head between my thighs?”
Calum pulled back, shock on his face for a brief moment before it melted into a sheepish smile, “Would it be bad if the answer is both?”
You didn’t have a response, mouth open as you tried to formulate one, but your brain seemed to shut down, like it always seemed to around Calum. His hand came up to cup your face again, leaning in closer. “Tell me to stop and I will,” he breathed, forehead against yours now. 
You were overwhelmed with his warmth, the smell of his cologne and smoke swarming your senses as your lips met his. As always, his kiss was addictive, your arms around his neck and the hand not on your chin finding its home at the small of your back, pulling each other closer together. The kiss broke suddenly, but you both stayed in the embrace you’d created, “One more time…for real this time, unless you can prove what you said is true.” You answered, leaning in for another kiss, trying to ignore the smile you felt as he met you in the middle.
As the two of you ventured to a quieter portion of the house you tried not to think that usually kisses and tender touches were saved for when you and Calum were alone, not in the middle of a busy party like the ones you’d just shared. Maybe what he said was true if he was willing to display affection outside of his home, or maybe it really was just the second option and he had done that just to play with your feelings. Something in the back of your mind screamed that he would never, and just before you could follow that thought, Calum found an empty room, pulling you through the doorway and locking the door behind him.
His lips found yours again, hold and kiss turning hungry, strong fingers digging into your flesh as his teeth tugged your lip between his. He whined as he began undressing you, trying to keep his lips on yours as he removed your clothes. Before you knew it, you were bare before him and his shirt was gone too. The two of you were standing there, a small amount of space between you, each catching your breath. Your eyes roved his chest, his broad shoulders and muscular, tattooed arms. “Beautiful,” you breathed.
Calum let out a chuckle, “I was just about to say the same thing, love.” He whispered, before his lips were on you again, following a familiar path as he slowly sank to the ground in front of you, your back hitting closet doors. He was kneeling on the ground, nose resting on the inside of your thigh as he placed a kiss to the sensitive skin, “I really have missed you, you know. But I also really don’t want this to be the one last time.”
You licked your lips, eyes meeting his. He smiled up at you, pressing one last kiss to the inside of your thigh before his lips were on you. You bit down on your lip harshly, suffocating the noise rising from your throat, reminding yourself that you were once again at a party with Calum and not just spending meaningless time in either of your homes. Your fingers met his hair, glad to find that the blonde strands still had enough length to them to hold. 
You ignored the way you could feel a smile tug at his lips as he continued to work you over in a way that you knew only he could. He switched back and forth between his lips sucking you and his tongue lapping, never letting you get used to one or the other.
Sooner than you expected you found yourself teetering at the edge, and you just knew he knew too. “Guess you did miss me, sweets.” He groaned, pulling away to take a breath, eyes glinting as you tried not to hold his gaze.
“Calum,” you whined, trying to pull him back to you.
He smirked, leaning back in and whispering “Hold on. If this is the one last time, you better last longer than that, remember what you’re missing out on while you continue thinking that I can’t change, hmm?”
You swallowed the whimper building up as he attached his mouth to you again, bracing yourself as he toyed with you, fingers digging into his shoulders, eyes screwing shut at his touch like fire against sensitive flesh.
You tried your best not to come apart, to hold yourself together and do as Calum said. Sweat was beading on your forehead and the back of your neck as he continued his work, sinful noises falling from both your lips. However, he made that one move that always made you lose control and you couldn’t hold back, gasping his name as you fell apart, legs giving out. Strong arms caught you, laying you down as he continued to work you over, almost slurping as he took everything you gave. 
You felt him crawl up your body, blanketing it with his own, letting his weight sink into you as he leaned in for a kiss. You moaned as you tasted yourself on his lips and tongue, trying not to think of the weight that was pressed to your thigh, knowing well that when he had offered ‘one more time’ it was supposed to be understood as solely what had just transpired and nothing more.
Calum seemed to know where your mind was too, teasingly pressing his hips closer, giving you just the slightest taste of pressure from his clothed hard length. He pulled back, chest separating from yours as he pushed himself up on his elbows, “Want me to drive you home? I was supposed to be someone else’s ride, but he can either stay here or get another ride. Doubt he’s ready to go home now, but I am.”
You bit back the retort about him being quite a ride that was filling the front of your hazy mind, instead saying, “Thanks, think I need a little bit first though.”
He smiled, nodding before blanketing himself over you again, his head nuzzling into the crook of your neck, “Whenever you’re ready, love.”
Once you were recovered, you patted his shoulder so he’d let you up. You redressed slowly, trying to draw out the time left with him as he tugged his shirt over his head. You glanced his way, slightly disappointed to see that he had calmed himself too. He smiled at you, offering his hand and unlocking the door. You smiled up at him, lacing your fingers together as he led the way back through the house and out to his car.
The drive home was quiet, Calum occasionally pressing your knuckles to his lips at stop lights. You pushed down the butterflies in your stomach that got more and more active the closer to your home. He put his car in park in the driveway, “May I walk you to the door?” He whispered, waiting for an answer to turn off the car.
“I’d be disappointed if you didn’t.” You breathed, not wanting to break the quiet.
Calum smiled, turning the car off and unbuckling his seatbelt before getting out of the car and rushing to your side. Soon his arm was around your shoulders and you were letting him lead the way to the front door. You could hear your pets on the other side of the door, smiling as you removed the key from your pocket. Duke and your dog that you’d had before you met Calum barked as the door opened. 
“You were right, babe, that was kind of fun.” You said, smiling as Calum picked up his old dog. 
Calum smiled, nuzzling into Duke’s fluff. “Yeah, it was.” He agreed, “but while I was away I was thinking…about the real conversation we had the other day…”
You hummed, looking up at him, “And?”
“I’m ready.” He answered. “I love you too much to keep you a secret, there’s too much I want to shout to the world that I can’t if it’s just our closest friends who know about us.”
You smiled, “That really is going to be a big change, are you absolutely sure you’re ready?”
Tags-since it’s been awhile I’m just going to go with a few of the people who I know are around
@mashtonasfuck @pxrxmoore @hoodharlow  @kindahoping4forever @camelliastreet
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sheetsonfire · 2 years
Best Friends
Fandom: Chicago PD
Characters: Jay Halstead x Platonic!Reader
Genre: hurt/comfort, fluff
Warnings: anxiety
Word Count: 1190
Summary: The reader is having an anxious day, and Jay is there to comfort them. | Gender Neutral reader.
You and Jay had been good friends, best friends, since high school. The following years had been a steady ebb and flow of being apart but always coming back together again. Through his military stint to your social care training, to his police academy graduation to your doctorate in social work, you had both seen each other through spectacular highs and lows. 
It would be an outright lie to say the both of you hadn’t tried adding romance into the dynamic of your relationship, and though you did love each other very much, romance just never seemed to click into place. However, that was a non-issue these days - having grown closer than ever and finding yourselves on a wavelength, with each other, that surpassed a lot of marriages you knew. You were content to keep it platonic. 
So here you were, in Jay’s apartment working on your laptop, waiting for Jay to come home for takeout and hockey. 
You had been staying over for the past few days, your apartment building had been flagged as a severe risk for gas leaks and until the appropriate measures were put in place, you were not currently allowed to stay there. Only brief, supervised, visits to collect belongings had been authorised.
The trouble was, in all of your time knowing Jay, you weren’t always as forthright about a particular part of your life. Your mental health. Jay knew that you had been to therapy, he knew that you took medication, and he knew some days were far more difficult than others. It was an ongoing wrestling match with your mind, and though he knew all of those things he often found himself hitting a wall. A wall you had put up in order to avoid being a ‘burden’ or no longer desirable as a friend. Of course, those were 100% your internal fears rather than something Jay had given you to worry about. 
Today was a wobbly day, you had woken up with a background noise of general panic and worry, your stomach was in a perpetual state of being knotted and your heart had been skittering faster than usual. It left you typing fervently away at your computer, totally engrossed in your work with an anxious bounce of both of your legs - to the point where they had started to cramp a few times.
It was one of those times where you felt like if you stopped then the worry, the fear, the darkness would only encroach on you further and consume you. So you stayed in your spot, not really moving to eat, drink or stretch. Your eyes burned, and your body was taught with strain and adrenaline that you wished would go away. 
The key in the lock makes you jump, glancing at Jay you give a simple “Hey” in a monotone voice, as though you were on autopilot. Jay closes and locks the door, putting his keys on the side as he kicks off his shoes and hangs up his jacket. 
“Hey, you good?” He asks, coming to stand by your spot at the dining table. 
“Yeah, good. Just working. How was your day?” You swallow, hoping that your voice had carried an air of “I’m busy, but I’m interested in your day” rather than “I’m a mess and I want to ask how you are with as little interaction as possible”.
“My day was fine, just a paperwork day. Are you sure you’re good? Have you even moved since I saw you this morning?” He chuckles, but the lack of an answer and eye contact makes his stomach twist, and the smile on his face falls away. He was only joking, but your reaction instantly let him know that you actually had been there all day. 
“Y/N…” There’s no response from you, your heel hits the floor almost painfully as you can’t stop your legs from bouncing. Furiously typing god knows what as you avoid eye contact with Jay. 
“Hey…” His voice is soft now, warm tendrils of affection wrap around your mind but the darkness feeding off of you tries to resist it. 
He folds his arms, wanting to rest his hands on you in comfort, but cautious of overwhelming you. You feel yourself shaking now, your fingers finally stopping in their keyboard crusade. Your hands curl into fists, fighting the tidal wave of upset that had been looming since you’d woken up. 
“Y/N… we talked about this, you know you can talk to me… or at least trust me enough to be honest about how you’re feeling. You don’t have to give me details, but I can’t ignore the fact that you’re obviously not alright.” Jay is careful in his words, he knows from experience it’s not good to push the issue, but it’s important to establish a safety point. 
“I-... I’m just not having a good day. Everything feels wrong.” You grind out, head dropping as you look at the desk, exhaling shakily. He moves back to your side, squatting down to try and get a look at your face. You take a breath, jaw tight as you spare a glance at his worried face. Your expression turns into something Jay has somehow identified as a very specific emotion, and he shakes his head.
“Don’t look at me like that, Y/N. You know the lay of this land.” His brows raise in a chastising manner. 
“What?” You murmur, confused as to what he was implying. 
“You’re giving me that “I don’t deserve your compassion” expression, and it ain’t happening. You are always worthy of my care, of my worry, of my help.” 
“Oh.” You worry your lip between your teeth, glancing at Jay again as overwhelmed tears shimmer in your eyes. 
Jay’s heart breaks at the sight of you, he hates knowing that he can only really help you wait it out or try and make you feel better. Not being able to take it away from you completely had always upset him, he hated seeing you suffer. 
“Would it be alright if I touched you, can I give you a hug?” You smile at that, a sad and appreciative smile, nodding in affirmation. He smiles back, standing back to full height as he pulls you gently out of the chair and into his embrace.
In an instant his warmth, his scent, his strength surrounds you, you wrap your arms around his back, nestling your head on is shoulder. He presses a kiss to the top of your head. 
“I got you, Y/N. I’m not gonna let you do this alone. And if it’s just standing here and hugging all night, or getting drunk and eating a stupid amount of pizza, I’m your guy.” 
You let the tears fall, droplets soak into Jay’s shirt and you hold him tighter, feeling safer when he holds tightly back. The feeling in your stomach hadn’t fully eased, but your heart had started to slow. Focusing on even breaths as Jay just lets you be. 
You quietly praise his tentativeness, voice muffled against his shoulder. “Thanks, Jay.” 
“Don’t even mention it, you’re my best friend.”
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flbrokensoldier · 2 years
howdy! how are you? i just found your blog and i adore your writing! i have a somewhat angst request, if that’s something you’re comfortable with writing! is there any chance you’d be willing to write for Cassidy or Flippy with an S/O who gets critically hurt? how would they react, and would they seek immediate revenge on whoever hurt them? maybe hurt/comfort? thank you regardless for your time, please don’t feel pressured to write this if you don’t want to! have a wonderful day!
I love this and I will be doing short one shots for both in this. <3
CONTENT WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT AHEAD. (And D.I.D. mentionings, may be triggering)
Cassidy x Reader
Bad Mission, Bad Result.
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It all started with a mission brief. One for you and that was it. Seeing as everyone at Overwatch thought it was a simple delivery of weaponry, they only sent you. However, when a certain gang caught wind of the brief mission, it resulted in a horrible incident. It was none other than Deadlock, however Ashe wasn't in on this one. She told them to stay out of it but they didn't listen. Her goons went after you and soon you ended up severely injured, now you were in a hospital under Angela's care. Once Cassidy caught wind of the situation, he rushed there immediately.
Oh how he hated hospitals or hospital like settings. He hated the smell, the sounds of the equipment, and the doctor uniforms. He hated everything about it. He soon entered the room, after rushing there and stared at the equipment since they were blocking the view of your unconscious body. As he stepped in, his spurs softly made a jinggle with each step but for once, he completely tuned them out. He walked over to the bed, his heart sunk so quickly.
You were in a coma, wrapped up and a cast on one of your legs, the other was gone. Your hair had been slightly brunt, along with other parts if your body. Your heart monitor said you were still alive, barely, but it was slightly comforting. You looked so peaceful, yet like you were in so much pain. It scared poor Cassidy seeing you like this, but he tried desperately not to let his fear take over.
He grabbed a chair and pulled it up beside you. He sat down slowly and removed his hat and put it over his chest. He checked the condition of your hand closest to him and carefully grabbed it after deducing it was okay to hold your hand. He softly held it, looking at it as he gently rubbed his thumb over the back of your palm.
"Hey darlin', I heard what happened.. I'm sorry I couldn't get to you sooner.." He put his forehead to your hand.
He felt rage bubble up inside him as he sighed. "They won't get away with what they did. They are in custody now. They either get legal repercussions or I'm doin' something about it."
As he sat there staring at your sleeping frame he sighed. "But for now, I'll stay with ya, until you feel better."
With that, he gave you a soft kiss on the back of the hand and stayed there. Didn't matter how long it took you to recover, he would be by your side. Didn't matter if he had missions, he'd get them done as soon as possible then come back to you. He would not leave your side, that's for damn sure.
Flippy x Reader
He Will Have Vengeance.
(Not using the new names I gave them yet because lazy)
(ART CREDIT: @K_B__M on Twitter and also on Tumblr as @kbmochi)
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(This is how he looks in my stories, buff, tall, and fit with a black button up and those gloves <3)
Once he caught wind of the situation, it was game over.
He heard about it as he was talking to Flaky, Petunia had ran up and warned them about the situation. She said you were in a terrible situation with Lumpy and it resulted in you being hospitalized. From what he heard, you were shot in the leg from Lumpy, who was not being responsible with a gun. You also had a bunch of burn marks from him "accidentally" tripping with hot water. He also threw a knife at one point from not paying attention which resulted in a deep gash in your arm.
He knew Lumpy, he knew he was stupid but he also knew he was no fool. All the things happened because you guys were making a dinner and soon decided to help Lumpy clean his own gun. That didn't go over well, obviously you were in a hospital.
Flippy knew, with the information he had, that Lumpy most likely did all this on purpose. Why? He had no clue. Did he have any reason to do this to you? What did you do to him in the past? Who knows. One thing is for sure though, Lumpy would not live to see another day. He would be sure of that.
Walking along, Flippy had his hand rested on his knife, which was attached to his belt. He had a single explosive on hand that was practically itching to be used. He knew once he grabbed the knife, he would no longer be himself. It would be his other, much more aggressive and protective personality.
Now he was outside the house. It was dark outside and the moon loomed over Lumpy's house. His gaze darkened as he walked along and knocked on the door, like a true gentleman despite the situation and suppressing an extreme amount of anger.
Not long after, Lumpy answered the door with a smile but it soon faded. He stared in horror and tried to close the door. Flippy put his foot in the way though and shoved the door open, immediately letting Fliqpy front as he grabbed his knife and sliced Lumpy's throat. A dark laugh filled the night as blood dripped from Lumpy's throat.
(I hope you liked these, much love!)
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digital-corruption · 1 year
Unrecognisable Part 52
By the second session, Dr. Cumming had already started leaving the office door unlocked for us. Even though we entered quietly, when I closed the door behind us, Dr. Cumming had already come out and wast leaning against the reception desk. Clearly he had been listening out for our arrival.
“And how are we today?” Dr. Cumming forced a smile.
“It was tolerable,” Jake walked briskly past the doctor and disappeared into the back room.
I sighed, “He’s in a mood today.”
“I see. How are you?” Dr. Cumming gestured to me.
“Oh, I’m fine, I guess,” I shrugged. “I don’t know. He’s not talking to me.”
“What I said to him yesterday must have really gotten under his skin,” Dr. Cumming nodded.
“Can I ask what that was?” I pressured.
Dr. Cumming tilted his head back and forth, “I can’t discuss any specifics at this time. However, I did express to Jake that his situation is deeply troubling.”
“Is that why you pushed for another session today?” my shoulders dropped in realisation.
“We have much to still explore and discuss,” he replied vaguely. “I still don’t have the complete picture.”
“Why? What is it that you need the full picture for?” I frowned.
“I’ll let you know when we reach that point,” the doctor assured me. “Make yourself comfortable. We’ll talk again in an hour.”
Dr. Cumming turned and vanished into his private office. As soon as the door was closed, I collapsed onto one of the bench seats on the far side of the reception room. I took out my phone and tried to distract myself with news feeds, but within five minutes, I lost the ability to concentrate. Swapping between word and number games to try to keep my mind busy, the wait was still excruciatingly long. After a while I checked the time. They had already gone over the time by 30 minutes. Did I need to interrupt them, or should I let them be? They definitely had a lot to discuss. Surely this meant they were making good progress. No news was good news, right?
Suddenly the door abruptly opened, and Jake stomped out in a fury. I saw him contemplate punching the wall, but he fought back the urge.
I turned back towards Dr. Cumming, “Here I thought the extended session was a good thing.”
“MC, can I talk to you in private?” Dr. Cumming asked grimly.
Jake flashed him a death glare, then went over and punched water bottle at the top of the cooler.
“Jake, if you could please resist destroying my office for a few minutes,” Dr. Cumming chastised.
Jake sat down in the seat beside the cooler in a huff. Anxiously I walked into the back office. Dr. Cumming followed me in and closed the door behind him.
“You can sit down,” he gestured to the seat in front of his desk as he walked around.
“No, thank you. I’m sure it will be brief,” I folded my arms defensively. “We both don’t want to leave Jake alone for too long in your reception room.”
“Suit yourself,” he shrugged. “MC, it is my professional obligation to place Jake into a facility until we can ascertain that he is no longer a threat to society.”
“No,” I insisted.
“MC, this isn’t a recommendation. To do anything less would be negligent of me as a licensed medical professional. He is a severe threat, to you especially,” Dr. Cumming argued. “However, I am not deaf to your fears. We can check him in under a pseudonym to put you both at ease. No one will know his identity or his past.”
“He’s not a threat. I can handle him,” I shook my head. “I’ve handled him so far.”
“Have you?” Dr. Cumming frowned. “Today’s session indicated otherwise.”
“I don’t know what you’re referring to,” I narrowed my eyes.
“MC, don’t play dumb. I know he has attempted to kill you several times. As recently as yesterday even!” Dr. Cumming glared. “I know he’s responsible for those bruises on your neck.”
“During episodes,” I clarified. “Each time I managed to snap him out of it. And I’m getting better at it, so that’s something right?”
“Getting better at it!? MC, I’m going to be very direct and upfront with you in the interest of your safety,” Dr. Cumming wasn’t holding back anymore. “During those rare occasions when he sleeps, he dreams about taking your life. He says he finds those dreams upsetting, but it’s not the dream that’s upsetting him. It’s the fact he finds those dreams satisfying. Let’s not forget to mention with the awful state of his insomnia, he struggles to separate dream from reality. Try as he might to hold back those urges and deny they exist, his mental instability is nothing short of a ticking time bomb. Though he does his best to lie and manipulate, I can see right through him. He doesn’t have the self-control he pretends he has. One day he’s going to slip and give into that temptation, and it won’t take much to push him over that edge.”
“No, this is bullshit,” I shook my head vigorously. “I don’t believe you.”
“MC, don’t make me break protocol and replay today’s session,” Dr. Cumming rubbed his forehead. “You won’t like what you’ll hear.”
“Why? Did he say he wanted to kill me?” I questioned.
“No, not explicitly,” Dr. Cumming admitted.
“Then don’t put words into his mouth!” I snapped. “Jake loves me. He would never kill me. Dreams… are just that.”
Dr. Cumming waved his hands in the air, “MC, I have treated many combat PTSD patients in my time and his is no different. Do you really think they want to hurt their loved ones either? Yet it still happens! The only difference is that Jake’s still on his battlefield. Every second of every day he’s assessing possible threats and attacks. He needs rest and recuperation away from his battlefield.”
“Don’t you get it? You’ll only be exasperating the situation!” I argued. “He won’t be able to rest in a facility where he feels caged!”
“It is for everyone’s best interests that he goes in willingly, but I cannot in good conscience allow you to leave with this man in the state he is in. You cannot trust anything he says or anything he does. Please do not force me to engage the authorities,” he warned.
“Well you’ll have to! There is no way I can support putting him into a facility where he would be a sitting duck for his pursuers! That would be signing his death warrant!” I yelled. “Those people are unhindered by international borders! Your facility won’t be able to protect him! He needs the freedom of movement to survive!”
“MC, I implore you to take a good hard look at his condition. You’re a smart woman, you know Jake needs this,” the doctor pressured. “If we act swiftly, there is still a chance we can rehabilitate him. If he crosses that unspeakable line though, he’ll be gone forever. There won’t be any chance of saving him.”
“I can handle him,” I reiterated. “Either you accept this current arrangement and work out how to treat him as a day patient or we will find someone else who will.”
I spun around and opened the door before Dr. Cumming could utter another word. It was my turn to stomp across the reception area in a huff. I went straight for the office door, unlocked it and pushed through before looking over at Jake.
“We’re going,” I said firmly.
Jake’s expression immediately changed from one of concern to one of pride. “It seems you underestimated her,” he gloated.
“MC, please,” Dr. Cumming pleaded. “My number, you have it. Don’t hesitate to use it, no matter the reason or the hour. Jake, same time tomorrow night, and every night until further notice. Weekends included.”
“Good night, Dr. Cumming,” I smirked knowing I had won.
Jake joined me in the corridor and I let the door slam closed. Marching down the hall towards the stairs, I could feel Jake’s eyes on the back of my head. Halfway down, I stopped and turned around. With one swift movement, I grabbed Jake by the neck of his hoodie, pulled him over to the wall and pinned his wrists on either side of his head. He looked at me with surprise, but as soon as I pressed my lips forcefully against his, he got the idea. He kissed back with as much heat as I gave him. Just as my grip on his arms weakened, he slipped his wrists out and grabbed my hips roughly. Within seconds, he spun us around and pinned me against the wall with him pressing into my pelvis. Pulling my hoodie away from my neck, his mouth went straight for the nape. I moaned uncontrollably in the empty hallway and ran my fingers through his black hair, tugging at the roots roughly.
“Not here,” Jake whispered in my ear, sending shivers down my spine.
Jake pushed off the wall and took my hand in his. Together we quickly left the building via the stairs to the basement level. Exiting through the gap in the fence, Jake held the metal mesh back to give me more space as I stepped through. Taking my hand again, he led the way through the backstreets to the train station.
As soon as we got on the train, we took one look at each other, then immediately our lips met in another heated kiss. I wrapped my arms firmly around Jake’s neck, while he carefully stepped backwards towards the bench seat without breaking the kiss. As he sat down, I straddled his legs and lowered myself down carefully. His hands ran down my back, then guided my hips down onto his lap. His growing arousal pressed against my groin, which only fuelled my own arousal. I moaned needily against his lips and his tongue slipped into my mouth. I could sense other passengers leaving the car in disgust, but I didn’t care.
“Get a fucking room!” an obnoxious teenager sneered.
“Give us the fucking car,” I snapped.
He rolled his eyes and spat at us as he walked past to change cars. Jake shot him a death glare.
“He’s not worth it,” I cooed and put my hand on Jake’s cheek to turn his attention back to me as the train car was finally ours.
“Oh the things I want to do to you right now,” Jake grinned.
“Tell me,” I smiled. “I want to hear it. It might even help pass the time until we reach our stop.”
Jake’s expression suddenly turned, “You’re not scared of me? I can only imagine what the doctor told you.”
“He told me that you think about killing me,” I said softly.
“That’s putting it mildly,” Jake sighed. “I kill you in my dreams, MC. Every night I watch the life fade from your eyes and I like it. It’s like by taking your life you somehow finally we become one entity, and nothing can ever separate us again.”
“Jake, that’s your subconscious talking. You shouldn’t interpret it so directly. Our dreams are written in metaphors,” I gently caressed his cheek. “There are other ways to read it.”
Jake winced and shook his head, “Except when I wake up and I find that my hands are actually around your throat. There’s no other interpretation to be found in that, MC. I don’t entirely disagree with the doctor’s advice.”
“What are you saying? You want to go into a facility?” I frowned.
“If I go into the facility though, then I can’t protect you. To my pursuers, it’ll be open season for you,” he looked into my eyes intensely.
“Wait, you objected to it out of concern for me?” I questioned.
“You have to promise me you won’t hesitate to make that call. I will trust your judgement in the matter. I know you won’t make the choice lightly,” Jake leaned his forehead against mine. “I beg of you, don’t let me cross that line.”
“Jake,” I kissed his forehead. “We’re in this together. We will get through it.”
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fourteen-teacups · 1 year
O Christmas Tree 🎄
It’s been a long while since I posted any fic, but it’s Christmas… a bit of festive Turner family fluff, set in December 1967, just before the s12 CS
Thank you @thatginchygal and @wednesdaygilfillian for your support and for being my writing buddies! 🥰🥰
We're going to have a lovely spruce.
Timothy chuckled to himself as he remembered Mum’s words from that Christmas long ago. So much had changed in the eight years since Angela’s first Christmas -- and yet some things remained exactly the same. The annual evergreen tree was currently bundled into the rear of the Turner’s estate car as Tim manoeuvred the vehicle out of the last dark country lane and back into the city.   
Out of necessity, he had learned to drive during Dad’s convalescence. Tim was more than grateful he could help ferry his family about during this time, but the independence it provided was equally valuable. Especially when he thought ahead to eventually qualifying as a doctor. Although he liked to think, when the time came, he’d be driving something sportier.
This evening the family had been shopping at a Christmas tree farm in the countryside, just outside of London. Mr Buckle suggested the idea to Dad, who had been similarly enthusiastic regarding the outing. Traditionally, the Turners chose a tree from the stall at the Poplar Christmas Market but, since the accident, Mum and Dad had been more intentional about seizing every opportunity.
Timothy’s heart clenched in a moment of anguish, imagining all they could have lost on that autumn night. But his distress was immediately replaced with joy, recalling the way his siblings had worn themselves out in the excitement of running around the festive lot.
“Over here!” Teddy called, before ducking for cover behind a sturdy conifer, daring his sisters to seek him out.
Tim watched as May dashed forward, but mistakenly turned away from the row of trees concealing her younger brother.
Angela’s more methodical approach allowed her to spy a tiny red mitten as it contrasted with the pine needles. Her eyes shone in triumph as she looked first to Timothy, then ran ahead to claim her victory. 
Teddy’s shrieks alerted May and the three of them reunited for a brief moment, then took off again in separate directions.
Several rows over, Dad was speaking with the owner of the farm while Mum circled a nearby tree, inspecting it for flaws. “How fresh would you say this is?” Timothy heard her ask, as she reached to test the needles with a gloved hand. He couldn’t hear the man’s response but saw in Mum’s smile that she was pleased with the answer. Looking up, she caught his eye and beckoned him over. “What do you think, Timothy, is it filled out evenly?” 
Tim followed her around the specimen and agreed there were no bare spots. “It’s the perfect height, too,” he added, measuring it against himself. Mum made a predictable face that communicated she was equally proud and exasperated, causing Tim to laugh out loud.
Tapping his father’s arm, she put on her professional demeanor once again. “This one should do nicely.” Dad winked at her -- it was embarrassing how he not-so-secretly loved her authoritative streak -- but when he tried reaching for the tree, Mum promptly stopped him and began to explain his recent injury to the proprietor.
Taking that as his cue, Timothy set off to chase his siblings through the tree lot one last time.
Now all was quiet within the estate car as the road hummed gently beneath the tyres. The newly purchased tree stuck partly out the open back window allowing the crisp December air to circulate throughout the vehicle. To Tim’s left, Angela and May slept propped against each other, still wrapped snugly in their matching pink coats. 
From the back seat, the low tones of Dad’s voice reached him. “Perhaps this will be the start of a new tradition.” 
Timothy’s eyes flicked to the rear view mirror, briefly meeting his father’s eyes and catching the delighted grin on Mum’s face. Tim couldn’t help but think of the lost tradition of the silver tree, but he kept silent. He was beginning to understand that his dad’s passion for healing extended beyond the physical body. And though the memory still rankled slightly, he nodded his agreement.
Despite his vexation, Tim acknowledged the positive developments brought on by the passing years: another sister, and the excitement of Teddy’s arrival. He glanced at the mirror again, but couldn’t see his brother in the reflection. More than likely, Teddy was curled up on the back seat with his head in Mum’s lap.
Dad was speaking again, but it was too low for him to hear. Timothy assumed he was trying not to wake the little ones -- that is, until he heard Mum’s giggle. With a barely suppressed sigh, he turned his head to the rear of the vehicle, only to find them beaming innocently back at him. As their long-suffering son, he shook his head and returned his eyes to the road. The more things change, the more they stay the same. While Tim navigated along streets draped in coloured lights, the car was filled not only with the scent of their lovely spruce, but also the muted sounds of his overly-affectionate parents’ sweet nothings. And perhaps not-so-secretly, he wouldn't have it any other way.
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takadasaiko · 2 years
Near Death Experiences (a SkyJade fic)
Summary: Every time Luke and Mara run across each other it seems like a new near death experience.
Notes: A while back I read the lovely @myevilmouse's 31 Days of Drabbles, Day 16 about Luke in the bacta tank and Mara staying. EvilMouse was kind enough to offer to let me run with any ideas I had linked to the drabble so here we go! I'm all in for some hurt/comfort :D
Read on AO3
She should have seen it coming. It wasn’t like all the signs hadn’t spelt out disaster from the moment she’d landed. From the nagging feeling pulling at her that she’d told herself she could handle to the way that the clients tried to change the terms of what had been a settled agreement, and then finally to the shootout that had left three of the five of them dead and Mara with what was proving to be a painful blaster burn along her thigh. They had almost gotten away with the data disk they were supposed to be purchasing as well when all the chaos had started, but a quick tug with the Force had pulled it across the old warehouse and into her hand. Now, several hours and enough redirects to lose even a talented tail, she limped her way up towards the smallest hangar where she’d left her craft and the new recruit that she was now glad she’d assigned to watch it. 
 Not that he was watching it very closely. Cid Gesk - a bright eyed kid from the Outer Rim with an inclination towards hero worship that had already proven an annoyance - was chatting with another pilot, hands dancing as he told some sort of story. Mara didn’t need to see the pilot’s face or even recognize the style of flight suit he’d worn since his days serving with the Alliance to know who had gotten the kid so riled up. 
 And from the brief flicker through the Force, Skywalker knew she was there too, even if he was too polite to interrupt Gesk mid-story. 
 “You know he’s on the clock, don’t you?” she called and watched Gesk pale, suddenly keenly aware that his new boss - the woman responsible for giving a report to her boss on how he did this trip - had caught him outside the ship. 
 Skywalker turned, the smile reaching his eyes. “Don’t blame him, Mara. I recognized the ship when I landed and we started chatting.”
 Gesk tried for what only managed to be the most awkward grin Mara had ever seen. “I swear I didn’t leave the hangar. Right here, just like you said.”
 “Don’t worry,” she directed at Skywalker, “it’ll just come out of the New Republic’s line of credit for consulting.”
 “Of course it will,” he chuckled, but those blue eyes of his narrowed as Mara’s leg gave slightly, the stumble barely noticeable to anyone but him. “You’re hurt.”
 “I’m fine.”
 “What happened?”
 “Clients tried to change the terms of the deal.” She reached into her pocket and pulled the data disk, tossing it to Gesk. ���Make yourself useful and lock this up.”
 He caught it and muttered something to Skywalker before returning to his duties. She turned back to the Jedi Master who had an eyebrow quirked at her as if waiting for the full story. She frowned. “So what are you doing here?” she asked instead.
 For the briefest moment, he looked like he might not let it go, but then nodded towards the back of the hanger where his X-Wing sat out of immediate view. From the looks of it, it had seen some action. “Had a surprise run-in on my way back to Yavin IV and had to stop for some repairs.”
 A shrill sound caught her attention and she saw his R2 unit following after one of the mechanics back into the offices, fussing the whole way and refusing to be waived off. She shook her head and let the first real smile since they’d landed touch her lips. “We always seem to run into each other when you run into trouble.”
 He flashed her a grin. “Could say the same for you, but I think it’s a fair bet we find plenty of trouble on our own. Are you staying for a while?”
 “No, I should get going. Things went pretty bad in the deal and eventually they’ll realize I didn’t dock at the main hangar. No reason to tempt fate.”
 For the briefest of moments, she thought she saw disappointment in his eyes - maybe even felt it - but it was gone just as quickly. “Next time we’re on the same planet, we should catch up. It’s been a while.”
 “Miss me, Skywalker?” she teased, but didn’t expect the honest “Yes” in return with that painfully earnest look he got. She rolled her eyes, trying to hold onto the playful mood. “Well, if you can promise neither of us will walk away from it bleeding, I might be persuaded.”
 His lips parted, a response looking ready to roll off his tongue to continue the banter they’d become accustomed to, but he stiffened ever so slightly. Mara felt it a half moment later and shifted so she could see around him even as he turned. 
 Everything happened in what felt like a fraction of a second. Her brain registered  a figure approaching at a quick pace, something clutched in hand. It went up in the air, the lights on it already showing all the signs of detonation, and she heard Skywalker shout something. A bright light ripped at her eyes, the ear piercing sound of an explosion the warning that they wouldn’t have long to care, but the flames from the explosion didn’t touch her. Luke stood in front of her, both hands outstretched and his face strained as he fought to keep the blast from killing them both. 
 But the explosion had to go somewhere, and Mara barely registered where as the steady hangar floor suddenly rippled and broke beneath their feet, sending both her and Skywalker crashing down to the next level. 
 She came around slowly, wincing as she pushed her body off the ground and felt bits of debris fall away, struggling to pull the details of what had happened together. Mara blinked hard and dim, flickering lights that hung unsteadily from far above gave a limited view of her surroundings. The next level down? Couldn’t be. A hangar bay had to be big enough to house ships. The fall alone would have killed her…. but they weren’t in the main bay. That was right. She and Gesk had landed on the outskirts to avoid prying eyes. Then the deal has gone bad, she’d come back, and…. Skywalker. 
 Mara’s gaze swept the room she’d landed in and found only pieces of the hangar bay floor that had come crashing down with them, but no sign of the Jedi Master. She pulled in a shaky breath, forcing herself to relax with the exhale and reach out through the Force. She could feel pain, fear, panic…. But they were all distant and they weren’t Luke. She pictured him in her mind, focusing, until there was a flicker that felt like him a handful of meters away. She let her eyes flicker open and found a pile of debris where she could sense him. That couldn’t be good. 
 She picked her way over carefully, trying to strengthen her connection to him. Slowly, deliberately, she studied the pile of rubble to see what would happen if she started pulling it away until she found a place to start that she was relatively certain wouldn’t collapse in on him or outward on her. She couldn’t help him if she was pinned too. 
 It was painstaking work, but as she got closer and closer she could feel that flicker of consciousness start to grow. “I'm coming,” she huffed the promise, feeling sweat trickling down the back of her neck. He just needed to hold on a little longer. 
 Mara sent a chunk of metal tumbling out of her way and cleared an opening. In it she saw a mop of dark blond hair and relief flooded through her. She carefully tugged more and more debris out of the way, showing that he was twisted over, under, and around pieces of the floor and ceiling and whatever had been between, half on his side. As she pulled at a larger slab that was pressing down against his ribs she felt a jolt of pain from him. Blue eyes popped open and Skywalker choked on the sudden inhale that came with his abrupt return to consciousness. Mara froze, fingers latched around the best handholds she could find, unsure if she was somehow hurting him more by removing it. 
 “Hey,” she growled out, voice straining as she felt the tension on her hands and arms from holding the heavy slab just slightly off of him. “Skywalker.”
 His gaze snapped to her and he seemed to piece together what was happening. He gave the barest of nods and, with a breath and a little help from the Force, she finished the task of freeing him. 
 Skywalker shuddered, turning to curl on his side and Mara let her gaze travel down the length of his body until she spotted where his left arm was wrapped around his body, hand clutching at the ripped fabric of his flight suit. Blood leaked through his fingers as he struggled to catch his breath.
  Mara looked up at the severely damaged ceiling above them to verify they weren’t in immediate danger of another collapse before she sank down to a knee next to him, reaching out through the Force and with a hand, both gestures as soothing as she could manage. 
 He flinched under her physical touch, but didn’t pull fully away. His skin was clammy, blood smeared on his face from a cut above his right eye that was already starting to swell. She let her fingers linger at his hairline, the movement careful as she searched for any sign of head trauma. Well, at least there was one positive sign. 
 One more brush of his hair and she let her hand drift down, simultaneously checking for injuries and making sure he knew where she was looking. He must have had enough wherewithal to follow, because his left hand tightened around the fabric of his tattered flight suit as she drew closer to the injury. “I need to look,” she said, her voice rough than she meant for it to be. “Skywalker.” She received no acknowledgement and she loosed a soft sigh. “Luke.”
 He tensed slightly, but one by one his fingers started to loosen so that she could gently move his hand to reveal the jagged, deep gash that stretched along and below his ribs. She frowned at the wound, trying to push back the fact that it had likely been made worse when she’d removed the piece of ceiling from him. 
 “Not your fault,” he managed, his voice barely more than a whisper. “Couldn’t breathe.”
 She blinked, filling in the missing pieces of the explanation. “Bleeding out or crushed to death, how do you want to go?” she snarked softly. 
 Somehow it pulled the barest of laughs from him. “Neither?”
 “That’s got my vote.” 
 Mara’s gaze jerked to the massive hole in the ceiling to see Gesk inched carefully to the edge. As far as she could see, he looked to have missed the brunt of the blast. 
 “It pushed the ship back!” he called down. “Not sure if she’ll fly or not but —“
 “I don’t give a kriff about the ship!” she snapped. “We need medical attention down here now .”
 He gave her a startled look and started nodding enthusiastically. “Yep. Yeah, of course. They’re uh… on their way. I’ll go check.”
 And then he was gone, not leaving Mara with a whole lot of faith in him. She sighed, shrugging her jacket off and turning it inside out to find the cleanest stretch of fabric. “This’ll hurt,” she warned, but didn’t give Skywalker a chance to protest as she pressed down. 
 His body went tense under her hands, blue eyes squeezed shut and she felt the fingers on his right hand graze her bent knee before taking hold of a piece of rubble to squeeze against the pain. She saw a flash of metal and, for a moment, she thought some of the ceiling was embedded in his hand before she remembered that it was mechanica under the synth fleshl. It was the metal casing that helped to protect the wiring she was seeing. He really had taken the full force of the attack. One likely meant for her. 
 “Not your fault,” he repeated through clenched teeth. 
 “He was probably after me,” she confessed quietly. “Two people got away in the botched deal.”
 “You recognize him?”
 Mara struggled to recall the approaching figure that had held the detonator, but she couldn’t recall the face. “I don’t know.”
 “Could have just as easily tracked me.” His grip on the rubble loosened just a little. “You okay?”
 “You took the brunt of it.”
 And tightened again, a fresh wave of pain evident. “Not an answer,” he managed. 
 “I’m okay,” she promised. “Hell of a lot better than you.” 
 A rough chuckle left him and she felt his hand on her knee. “Good.”
 He was drifting again. “Luke?”
 “I meant it earlier. No more near-death experiences when we see each other.”
 “Reasonable,” he huffed, amusement flickering through the Force. 
 “Good.” Because, somewhere along the way, she realized that she wasn’t ready to lose him. 
 “You too,” he murmured. 
 She hated when he did that… but for what it was worth, she doubted either of them had their barriers up. Before she could talk herself out of it she leaned down, pressing a quick kiss to his temple. If he knew or not, she couldn’t tell, and she’d just as soon prefer he didn’t. 
 “Jade! I got help!” Gesk called from above and there were several locals with him along with Skywalker’s nervous little R2 unit. 
 “Hear that, Skywalker? Gesk actually did what he was told.”
 Luke’s amusement flickering over was the only sign he’d heard her. She stayed with him, unmoving from where she was knelt with her hands pressed against her jacket that was staunching the flow of blood from the gash along his ribs. The locals descended with a medical droid and only then did she force herself to stand and take a step back, feeling his limp hand slide from her knee as he did. 
 He was going to be alright. He had to be.
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