#I think i like Solomon regardless of game but like...
littlestardescendants · 5 months
Yalls I don't know who the bigger loser is:
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Mara for being in love with a Magical Fail Wife or Mirjami for having an ancestor who was such a whore people are still weeping over his cock :v
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So one of my recent posts on Solomon ended up getting a lot more attention than expected. A lot of people chimed in and shared their own thoughts on his character and actions and made very good points both in his defense and against him.
I myself got to think more about his character and went to revisit some lessons in the og game to try and understand him further and I wanted to share some of those things here.
So let's get into it:
One of the main things I want to talk about here is one of the points brought up by other players in defense of Solomon and his "this is how demons are usually treated" line. Basically that we don't know how other humans treat demons they have a pact with and that MC might really be the odd one out here.
To discuss this point, I thought it was important to go back and remember what exactly a pact is and how it's most commonly formed. And this, this is something Levi explains in the very first lesson of the game when we ask him what a pact is.
And this is what he answers:
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So I think it's safe to assume that this is or was one of the most common ways of making a pact. A human wants power (the demons' strength, as Levi puts it), and they summon the demon to get it. But in exchange for that power, they have to give away their soul and be bound to that demon for the rest of their lives.
There's one thing missing though, right? Because that's not the only thing a human gets when entering a pact, as we know of course when pact is made a master x servant sort of dynamic is formed between the human and demon involved, and a power imbalance is put into place.
But...not quite? Because in this specific case, the human is giving away their SOUL, their very being, and very likely only ticket to get into heaven. And so on one side we have a human giving away their soul and simultaneously a life in paradise, and a demon giving away their freedom to serve said human for as long as they stay alive on the other.
And looking from this perspective, it doesn't seem that unfair of a deal or that much of a power imbalance. And if it does, it weighs more on the demon's power over the human, since their soul will belong to them for the rest of eternity to be used however said demon wishes (to eat, enslave, have as companion, or whatever). And of course the human has the ability all of that as well, for as long as they're alive that is.
And that? That on paper I think creates a very good dynamic. Because the human will know not to abuse their power being aware that at some point tables will turn and the position of "master" will be passed on to the demon. It's a promise: "I won't misuse my power, and in exchange, you'll do the same when I die".
But as I said, that only looks good on paper, because we don't know the consistency on which said promises are followed through. Since of course, the demon could simply ignore the human's actions and be a "cruel master" regardless.
And I'm thinking these promises were probably most often broken than not, considering how Solomon views demons and seems to bare a fair amount of resentment towards them, and how most demons still view humans as "food", "lesser beings" and "not worth connecting with".
And this here is where I bring the second method of making a pact into the table (that Levi also explains how it works once MC tells him they don't want to give away their soul):
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My theory is that this second way of making a pact became popular once humans started to realize the first one wasn't working on their favor.
"I won't give you my soul, but I will give you something you want in exchange for your power."
And so pacts as we know came about, a human wants a demon's power, and in exchange, they have to offer the demon something they find worthy enough to be willing to give away their freedom to get it.
And this is exactly how MC's pact with Mammon was made. They find something Mammon desperately wants (Goldie) and offer it to him in exchange for a pact. And I guess you could see this as manipulation, considering MC and Levi pretty much pressured him into doing it at the moment (something some of you brought up to defend Solomon, "the way MC made a pact with Mammon was also bad so you gotta question their morals too").
But anyway, my point is: pacts became an exchange of something, rather than a soul. And with this in mind, I can see how a human could manipulate a demon into getting a pact with them and maybe even abuse their power over a demon as a way to retaliate over the treatment humans were getting from them.
And going back to Solomon again... we have to acknowledge that he grew up in a time where the 1° method to make a pact was most common, a time where demons walked freely through the human world doing whatever they wanted. (it's not that way anymore because the passages to get to the human world have been shut down by Diavolo, as Lucifer explains in the next screenshots).
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Right after he says this Mammon brings up the fact that only Diavolo, Lucifer, and Barbatos can use that method freely nowadays and that he wishes HE could go to the human world whenever he wanted as well. To which Lucifer answers:
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And although Lucifer says this decision was made because Mammon kept causing trouble in the human world, the way I saw it this line was much more him trying to drag Mammon down than actually stating a fact.
"We had some problems up in the human world that necessitated a change in our policy."
Problems, problems... demons doing unspeakable things to humans, perhaps? Something that definitely didn't fit Diavolo's vision of peace between realms once he took over the kingdom? Very likely, yes. So they shut down the main passage between the Devildom and the human world to stop or at least decrease the number of atrocities caused by demons who went there seeking bloodshed all around (there are still other ways to travel there, though they're much more complicated).
But Solomon, yes, Solomon at this point had already seen it all. At this point he had already developed hatred and distrust towards demon kind, and a want to make humans be seen as more than prey in the eyes of demons and poor little creatures that need to be protected in the eyes of angels.
So we understand his reasons. He grew up in a time (and lived through thousands and thousands of years) where demons walked freely through earth. This man witnessed all kinds of horrible things being done to humans in the hands of the demon kind, and it was during those times (or a short time after) that he met Asmo - one of the most powerful demons in the Devildom, brother of Lucifer himself - drunk out of his mind on a tavern.
Solomon immediately went starry-eyed at the realization, what he had there was a one in a million chance. An opportunity to grow even more powerful, to get closer to Lucifer and get more recognition, to be the human who can represent humanity as neither prey nor weakling, to be the first human both worlds respect and see as a force to be reckoned with.
It's a chance to bring his dream closer to reality.
So he doesn't care about the moralities of it, he really doesn't. This in front of him is a demon, and demons have done terrible things to humans over the centuries!
And so he manipulates Asmo into making a pact with him. There it is, that's how we got here.
If you think all of this excuses his actions, it's up to you. And if you think all of this doesn't excuses his actions, it's up to you as well.
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misc-obeyme · 2 months
I like to think that lilith's Angel DNA was still active or strong enough to last generations after generations. So if her Angel DNA got more thinner and thinner after generations, it would make sense for Mc to gain power AFTER forming some sort of pacts with the brothers.
This makes me wonder if Mc is the "special one" in her lineage to awaken this sort of power within themselves. If Mc had siblings, wouldn't that mean that Mc's siblings could also gain/awaken their power, too? Since they all share lilith's bloodline. Which could make some things very interesting.
I completely agree with you that Michael (or god) have their eyes on Mc considering how powerful they are (regardless of whether they're human or Nephilim). Maybe that's why Raphael was sent to the Devildom to keep one eye on Mc. Both realms are currently not at war, but i'm sure neither of them want that powerful being, aka Mc to become the others side weapon if something were to escalate. Maybe this is why Solomon once asked Mc to side with humanity instead. (I can't remember what lessons it was in NB).
Either that or they would try to get "ride of" Mc if they become too powerful and dangerous. and once more, according to biblical lore states that ridding the Earth of these Nephilim was one of God's purposes for flooding the Earth in Noah's time. So they have done it before.
Also, off topic but; You used to watch Supernatural?! Omfg, this brings back memories 😭
-Angsty Anon.
Oh dearest angsty anon. I did indeed watch Supernatural. I started watching while season 5 was airing. For many years, I was obsessed. Though it got to the point that I just watched out of habit because by the time I had invested in twelve or so seasons, I was like I'm gonna see this thing to the end.
Which is funny because I still haven't watched the end. One day, I will watch the last half of season 15. Who knows when it will be, but one day I'll do it. I also rewatched the first 8 seasons, but it's been a while.
Anyway, I think you can go with any of the options regarding the angel DNA. The game's canon on this topic is sparse so I really think you can just come up with whatever you want.
I hadn't previously considered the implications of MC's siblings. I suppose that's why I considered most of MC's power to come from their pacts and so on. My own MC has an older sister and I can't believe I never realized that she would also have some of Lilith's DNA. My MC's mom might, too!! Oh man I kinda feel like that has to be the case because it'd be really funny.
Sorry got a little off topic there. Raphael's cover story is that he's there to be the new exchange student, but I think his ulterior motives are to watch both Simeon and MC. And you know likely to report back to Michael about the goings on in the Devildom in a more general sense, too.
Does the Celestial Realm know about MC's heritage? I can't remember. Lucifer was keeping Lilith's resurrection a secret from his brothers, but I'm assuming nobody else knows? Does Simeon?? These details are eluding me.
I'm just wondering if that would matter to the CR, you know? Just another reason to keep track of MC is their angel DNA, right?
I wonder if they'd even be able to "get rid of" MC, even if they tried. It's hard to say since we don't know how powerful Michael or God/Father is. On the one hand, I would think MC's power would be off the charts at this point, but on the other hand well... that's God we're talking about, right? LOL.
Anyway, here's hoping no floods happen just to take out MC. We get enough of that from Lotan being summoned.
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strawberry-cowmilk · 1 year
Hi, hi! May I request for the bros and child! MC? Just general head canons and how they get along yk yk.
I love ur works sm, and dw if u don't wanna write this <3 Tyyyyy! <3
Bonus: child! MC calls the bros "Big brother" but calls Lucifer "dad" or "papa" <3 thanks again! And ofc, don't pressure urself ok?
Hi! It's no trouble at all, don't worry about it! I'm happy to hear you like my work. Anyways, I hope you like this!
the brothers with a child mc
a/n: I know there are some real perverts out there: this is NOT meant to describe a romantic relationship between the brothers and mc at all. I don't want you on my blog, but the police sure wants you in their jails ♡♡
mc's gender is not mentioned, not proof read
content warnings: children
he was really shocked when the exchange student turned out to be a child
'diavolo we made a mistake-'
but well, now he might as well look after you, right?
everyone can tell how soft mr avatar of pride is for the tiny human, lucifer frees up time from work to play games with you
he feels an even stronger need to protect you when you call him 'dad'
mammon is great with kids
he literally spends a lot of money on toys and clothes to make you happy
he feels like he's been granted the highest title of honor when you call him your big brother
one time simeon and luke came over and the first thing they saw was mammon running around the house with you, having the time of your life, on his back
at first he wanted nothing to do with some human child
until mammon and beel basically forced him to play video games with you, they didn't want you thinking levi hates you
his door is now always open for you to play child friendly games on his playstation (levi hid his more violent games just in case)
also he often lets you win against him, and he thinks it's really sweet of you to pay attention to henry 2.0
the exchange student is a literal child? well somebody has to make sure you don't get badly influenced by his wild brothers
he wouldn't want you to learn how to steal like mammon, or end up like levi
also satan reads you books as bedtime stories and takes you to cat cafes so you can play with all the cats you want
the cat cafe staff thought you were his child, satan almost fell over when you said 'nope, he's my big brother'
he thinks your absolutely adorable, as long as you don't draw on any walls or get paint on his clothes
if you want, you can makeup on him, it doesn't matter if it looks bad, asmo likes dressing up in matching outfits too
asmo took you to his shoot once, he really needed a moment when you introduced yourself to the photographer as asmo's little sibling
one time solomon came to visit, asmo nearly tackled him when he realised solomon was going to give you some homemade poison cookies
he provides you with all the candy and akudonald's you want, beel can't say no to you
he sometimes lets you try out some of his workout equipment, under supervision of course
beel almost cried during a whole fangol match the time he took you to a game and you told his team he was your big brother
said game got interrupted when the other team tackled beel and you tried to run onto the field to help him
he knows human children need naps sometimes, but they can be stubborn
belphie invented a genius way to get you to sleep: he got you a giant teddy bear and told you it was tired and wanted company while sleepy
all of the brothers almost cry when they see you napping with the giant bear
belphie is the youngest, it catches him a little off guard when you call him 'big brother', but he thinks it's adorable regardless
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nyxronomicon · 5 months
ahh ok i got tagged by @consolationblog (like a month ago oops) and @peachsayshi RIP y'all forcing me to look at the ever growing WIP pile......
rules: post the names of all the files in ur wip folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send u an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! tag as many people as you have wips!
death painting womb || choso dating sim! featuring a band au and choso's band mates toji and sukuna assassin toji x widow reader || you've just killed your husband. except a sexy assassin just walked in to tell you he's supposed to do the same... roommate toji || sleazy craigslist roommate who gradually manipulates you into getting more physical with him... vampire toji || not really a WIP bc @pearlsxandxpeonies and i started a vampire jjk rp with it but i wouldn't mind posting some of it neighbor!toji || inspired by that day i was raking the yard and i was like "wow this would be great if i was actually getting fucked silly by toji instead" emo!Nanami || best friends to lovers. i wanted to make this multi chapter but i had too many ongoing series (and still do lol) nanami cucking gojo || i was gonna do a whole series bc gojo is such a cuck to me... seven minutes in heaven || just an excuse for Sukuna to get, uh, handsy... (if you know what i mean) CEO!Sukuna || drabble for a sukuna sugar daddy au... stepbrother choso || this is OLD and not usually my thing but damn if choso was my stepbrother... hatefucking || okay i admit it. i wrote hatefucking with gojo. i wanna punch his face with his cock inside me ok. i wanna make him bleed and cum at the same time. don't look at me rejected excerpt || OKAY I ADMIT IT the hatefucking got a little too soft so i put the gooey romance shit in a separate doc. in this house we punch gojo mid-coitus. don't look at me getting his head ripped off? || literally 28 words i will never finish this. but yeah gojo again salvation || ongoing series but i'll answer stuff about the upcoming parts! parent trap || ongoing series but i'll answer stuff about the upcoming parts!
embarassing how many of these i have when i have literally posted like two genshin fics lmao divorced detective wrio || just a gratuitous amount of a messy divorced man sigh. meant to be multi chapter mara struck || uhh yeah fueled by the idea that what if blade goes into heat from being mara struck... werewolf, werewolf take 2 || multiple attempts at werewolf!wriothesley smut for monsterfucktober god || scara x reader based on that scene with haypasia in that greenhouse. i was self-inserting so hard, don't lie you did it too itto || bbg rescues you from some guys and has to bring you home with him. you know. for healing purposes... alhaitham || classic sex pollen going feral on each other lol dumb bitch juice || alhaitham begrudgingly agreed to tutor you, his friend's little sister, but he actually just spends the whole time objectifying you (until...) dottore bondage || dottore kidnaps you and reprograms your memories with the akasha yakuza au || i just felt an urge to make an au that feels like the yakuza games. i don't think i had a pairing in mind i was just having fun lol captured || you're a stellaron hunter and jing yuan captures you. such a shame for such a pretty girl to be stuck in jail on new year's
bnha / stockholm syndrome || overhaul kidnaps you and learns you have a unique quirk; complete adoration and obedience to whoever drinks your breast milk (please don't look at me WHY is this so embarrassing to summarize lmao) csm / kishibe || incubus!Kishibe for monsterfucktober! somno and infidelity you know the drill
no pressure but ppl i'd like to peer into their cursed wip folder (if u didn't do it yet lol) @solomons-poison @pearlsxandxpeonies (i know u have one now hehe) @suget @vampyrsm
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otakuworks · 1 year
NOTE: I'm currently in Lesson 68 & Lesson 46(Hard) so if there's an answer to most of these questions and theories in further lessons then please let me know in the comments.
WARNING: SPOILERS, loads of 'em
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Addressing the Elephant in the Room
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In Lesson 36-C, Solomon himself tells us that his immortality stemmed from tricking a grim reaper from collecting his soul by playing a game that he knows he can outwit them (thanks to the Ring of Wisdom). It's not because of the fruit Lilith died for. Additionally, the fruit was supposed to HEAL her lover from the incurable sickness, not make them immortal.
But I like to headcanon he got his immortality because of his own cooking💀
It doesn't make sense. I don't want to outwardly call out the people who believe this theory, but think about it. With the given information thus far, Solomon being Lilith's lover makes a whole bunch of plot holes.
People think he's Lilith's lover mainly for his immortality, which I already steer clear in the first one.
Had he been Lilith's lover, Asmodeus would've recognize him on the night he made a pact with him.
But no, Asmodeus claims he first met Solomon when he was in the Human Realm getting drunk and that was also the night he woke up learning he made a pact with Solomon without his knowledge.
Obey Me developers tend to follow most canon stuff in the Bible with a few differences to make their story (e.t. Lilith being Lucifer's sister instead of lover) and if they applied the cannon timeline in the Bible then Solomon should be around 1000 B.C which is a huge gap of time between the supposed 3,000-4000 B.C when the Celestial War occured.
How do I know this? Well, I'm only speculating.
In Lesson 11, Mammon claims to be around 5,000 yrs old and it seems to me that the brothers spent most of their life in the Devildom than the Celestial Realm. I think 1,000-2,000 yrs (i'm following Mammon's age in this because the brothers ages are not mentioned) in Celestial is a good time before the War broke out.
If Solomon is indeed Lilith's lover then the Brothers and Solomon would've had more tension brewing; Belphie will cuss him out in every second he has. Lucifer once said that Lilith's lover WAS A GOOD MAN. And we all know Lucifer thinks of Solomon anything but a good man, one of the minor reason was probably because Solomon tricked Asmodeus into forging a pact with him. Not a trait you'd see on a good man.
In conclusion, if Solomon is Lilith's lover, the brothers should've more familiarity toward Solomon. Not just some shady sorcerer who can massacre the whole demon race with his cooking.
I like to think Solomon met Lilith as a human reincarnate and he probably knew just by looking at her. I mean, he's the smartest of all humankind, he knew MCs name before they introduced themselves, that's saying something.
Or. . .
There was a love triangle going on between him and Lilith's lover.
In Lesson 36, Solomon vaguely mentions his failed love all the way back in his youth. Perhaps. . . it has something to do with Lilith? Lilith chose the other human over him. Le cries.
The love triangle was probably not a big deal at that time so it didn't reach Lucifer's ears.
Solomon also tells us he's not a big fan of romance, he was probably curiosity what love was all about at that time and felt the puppy love brewing with Lilith.
But as you can see in his GIF, there's a bittersweet smile in his face.
I interpret this as both of sweet that he's not suffering from loss as much as her closed ones but also bitter that even if he hasn't fell deeply for her he still lost a friend.
It's canon that he has over 70 demon pacts, including Asmodeus and Barbatos. Now Asmodeus forging a pact with Solomon isn't really that surprising for me regardless of what happened behind the scene.
What I personally want to know is the pact of Barbatos.
Around Lesson 50+ Barbatos revealed that Solomon managed to summon him even though he's on the brink of life and death because summoning a powerful demon such as himself can take a toll in a mortal's body. When MC asks why he would do such thing, Barbatos replied along the lines "He must be desiring something that death can't stop him from doing so."
What was it? What did Solomon want that he doesn't even consider death as an obstacle to achieve it? And mind you, Barbatos described it as if Solomon was DESPERATE.
Have you guys seen this old man being desperate to the point of dying? Imagine lesson 16, but with Solomon, and not dying. Yeah, I don't think so. This man far too smart for his own good. If summoning Barbatos is considered as his last resort then you know it's serious.
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Many people speculate Dia's mom is a human which is why he's so abnormally fond of the humans.
I mean, when do you hear the mom dying of child birth in these fantasy settings? Oh yeah, when their body couldn't handle supernatural fetus hence taking their life (e.t. Bella Swan)
If she was just another Demoness then there's no apparent reason why she shouldn't have survived childbirth unless there was unprecedented circumstances she couldn't avoid.
I'm completely sold to this theory. That's all there is to say.
I've never seen someone so enigmatic, serious, devoted like this mf right here then be scared of some rodents. I'd understand if it's spiders or roaches, but rats? Yeah, understandable. Solomon probably threatened Barbatos to forge a pact with him if he doesn't want to get the rats.
Moving on, it was explicitly mentioned that Barbatos was never a child, meaning he just popped out fully grown. Where? I don't know, maybe he was created by some Demon similar to the Angels being created by the Father? It is also said that Barbatos is so powerful that it even rivals the Demon King himself.
Where did this mf came from???
The MV
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Not only the brothers complete demotion from being Angels, Simeon was also demoted from being a Seraph, the Highest Ranking of Angels. It wasn't specified what he did to warrant him such punishment, but we'll probably get our answers soon.
If I were to speculate what he did based on his compassionate personality, he probably helped Lucifer and the brothers in some way that left them unscathed except Lilith.
In Season 3 Lessons, we got to know Simeon's in depth sentiment toward the brothers. He cares deeply for them and misses the time of Celestial realm where the brothers were still there.
The Angels were having the thoughts of eliminating the brothers and their treacherous sister, and they did except for the brothers.
And Simeon is probably behind the brother's safety.
Simeon is somehow similar to MC, kind and compassionate, even after learning Lilith's attempt to steal the fruit and the brother's rebellion, he probably had the thought of joining them.
But Simeon is also a righteous person who obey the rules and value himself, so he couldn't possibly join them. He lacks the courage to act to what he really wants. He's torn between his compassion and values.
The farthest thing he could've done was to discreetly aid them.
But somehow along the process, he wasn't discreet enough.
One of the hints given in the stream was 'Satan and his brothers' and many people jumped to theorize something about that. All of the theories have been remarkably on point, some of which I don't understand how they correlate to Satan.
As simple as the statement is, I think the game will be focusing on the development of Satan and His Brothers after the Fall.
But then again, when did OM became very simple?💀 I kinda understand why people would go crazy over this.
In my standpoint, they chose to categorize Satan as single than the rest because Satan was never an angel, he was born Demon the moment he made a noise for the first time.
It may sound cruel, but I'm only stating facts.
Satan is by far one of the most mysterious character in OM. All of the brothers already have back stories in the Celestial Realm but Satan is a demon born out Lucifer's hatred.
'Satan and His Brothers' probably will focus on the times when Satan is still learning about the world AND HIS BROTHERS.
Yes, he mentioned he has seen the world and his brothers through Lucifer's eyes but it's only in fragments.
Now he has his own sets of eyes to see the world and to learn more about his brothers.
— SOLOMON and the ATTIC.
This sounds so random and by far the most out of the plot hint, not gonna lie. I thought OM has totally lost it. When I first read this I thought of the Attic Club but with Lilith in it. Perhaps Solomon is acquainted with the twins and Lilith?
This brings me to my theory that maybe Solomon is in a love triangle with Lilith's and her lover.
I don't even know what I'm writing at this point. OM is driving me nuts! I just want to know when will it release.
edit on the same day ;
According to @simply-chaotic-richness in the comments, it's not actually Solomon and the Attic but rather 'Solomon under the same roof' which is more confusing if I may add.
Whose roof are we talking about here? Do the devs even mean this as literally or figuratively? Or maybe both?
I think I'll still stick to my understanding that maybe it has something to do with the brothers.
Maybe Solomon had to take care of Satan once and teach him what he knows, hence his intelligence, but only for a brief period of time, short enough to spark Satan's curiosity and indulge himself in the world of knowledge. I'd like to see that.
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We all know Barbatos can see through the past and future. He can also make portals through different locations, even opening a portal from a different timeline. He's strong, that much is obvious. Diavolo has to make a rule for Barbatos to never use his ability unless he deemed necessary.
With that, I think we can all theorize that Barbatos must have predicted the Fall and Diavolo thought it's a good idea to help Lucifer to pledge his loyalty to him.
Why? Diavolo was still in his prime back that day, he was still trying to manage Devildom after the absence of his father. He also has the strong desire to unite all three realms by all means, and to do that he has to gather more allies and build connection.
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Y'all probably didn't expect that, did you? Everyone's been talking about the details of the Trailer, but no one has ever been curious how Leviathan met Lotan.
In the main story, Lotan rarely appears, he only appears for comedic purpose which I think is quite funny and dumb. I've been trying to catch up in the Hard mode in hopes to get that fresh lore about Lotan, but there wasn't really anything useful, I don't think he ever appears in the Hard Levels.
Similar to Cerberus, only one person can command and tame him; Lucifer. This also applies to Lotan whose master is Leviathan.
With the new hints given to us, it's safe to say we'll be getting closure on the things we want to know regarding Lotan.
I just want to say that maybe after the Fall, Levi must have ended up near bodies of water and met Lotan along the way.
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𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄; there you have it. i'm only expressing my humble thoughts so if you think it clashes with your theory then i have no qualms to anyone who wants to state their own theories. i really love having these type of talks, all i ask is for everyone to be humble in the comments. I'll be glad to entertain anyone.
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nerdy-talks · 1 year
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Me :
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Okay, in all seriousness... I would be the worst person for Solomon to rely on lol
I completely understand and even support what he's trying to accomplish. Solomon wants humans to be viewed as equals because yes, we aren't the weaklings that demons and angels may think we are. We are strong, resilient, tenacious, and special in our own ways. We can be just as cruel and devious as demons, but also just as genuinely kind and compassionate as angels. We all possess those qualities.
From a personal standpoint, though... As disgustingly selfish as this is, why would I as an individual ever choose to turn my back against the demons who have pretty much become my family who I deeply love and cherish just to instigate or support a war where I would be siding with humanity as a whole? Because I'm a human? No thanks, I'll pass.
!! Potential Spoilers Ahead !!
I know in this specific timeline, the brothers aren't close with us like they are in the OG game. But that doesn't change my feelings for them nor all of the events and shenanigans we've been through with them.
Also, maybe Solomon is forgetting or simply ignorant to these very important facts :
How many times did MC risk their life for the brothers?
MC gave a portion of their lifeforce to Beel in the Reaper's Cave. MC (was given the choice to) stab themselves in order to spare Lucifer's life. MC also forgave Belphie for legit killing them/a version of themselves. Just to name a few.
MC also supported all of the brothers so many times, and they all supported, defended, and protected MC in return.
Sure, that was all in the "present" timeline. But it still happened as far as I'm concerned.
And let's not forget the fact that Lucifer and his brother's lowkey threatened to dismember Solomon if he doesn't bring MC back safe and sound. So again... Why would I turn my back on their past versions just because demons or angels as a whole may not view humans as "equal"?
To be perfectly fair, some humans are pretty despicable. I've had more bad experiences than not with humans, some of which who were supposed to love and protect me yet did the complete opposite. I still continue to see the bad in some humans just through their words and actions (or lack thereof). While that may not be all of humanity's fault, it still has left me with deep scars and a long lasting negative/biased opinion on humans, society, and humanity.
And as far as humans being viewed as equal... I think it would be much more impactful and significant for individual humans to directly prove to demons and angels just how worthy of recognition they truly are. Solomon and MC can both do that together instead of instigating an all out war.
Just look at how much MC accomplished in OG Obey Me! Lucifer, Mammon, Levi, Satan, Asmo, Beel, Belphie, Barbatos, Diavolo, Solomon, and Simeon are all "dateable".
Why would a demon or an angel want to romance a human if they didn't view that human as an equal? They all even say how special MC is. That's a perfect opportunity for MC to dangle the fact that they are indeed human in front of the boys, yet they still have feelings for MC regardless. In other words : "admit humans are just as capable as demons and angels, or call yourself a hypocrite right here and now".
Not only that, but their current actions could affect the present, right? Then why would we even entertain the idea of going to war with them? How would that affect the present and MC's relationships with the brothers, Diavolo, Barbatos, and Simeon?
So yeah... You have my deepest apologies, Solomon, but you are completely alone on this one. I could never bring myself to turn my back on the brothers, even if they all wanted me dead.
And honestly, I think the game is also hinting that MC won't go along with Solomon's plan or will at least try to find an alternative solution, considering we were given the choice to hand the grimoire over to Lucifer instead of using it on him (even though he was legit threatening us moments beforehand)
We'll have to wait to see what happens next, but as it stands right now... I applaud Solomon's drive and desire for humanity to stand next to demons and angels rather than remain beneath them... But I'm definitely not on board with what he's asking of us.
He would have a better chance at asking me to side with him directly instead of humanity as a whole, since I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to Solomon. But still, you can count me out, my eccentric and misinformed teacher ~
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aratedfreyjablog · 4 months
What to take advantage of from the Event Exchange Shop and Mini Game
Floated around and saw some interesting opinions in regards to the event exchange shop and mini-game. So I thought I'd share some thoughts and tips on how to use the two in a more effective way.
For the Mini-game
There are a lot of debate on whether the mini-game is worth doing 3x per day or not. Sure, because how manual it is, it does make it a bit tiring. But, I think there are a lot of resources that can be obtained much easier through the game compared to the other means of obtaining them.
Candy Chests
Players can get more beginner and intermediate candy chests from the mini-game over farming at the the boss battles from chapters 1-3. From what I've observed when I play and what others have said, it looks like, about a mix of 3-5 beginner and intermediate chests can be obtained within the first 10 stages as it's one of the most given resources in the game.
Disclaimer: the number stated in here is NOT official nor concrete. It is an average calculated from personal experience and data shared by other players. It may be possible to obtain more or less than what was stated though I haven't heard anyone getting less when playing the first 10 stages so far...
Pretzels, Keys, and Solomon Seals
This is the only game where players are able to grind for pretzels and gacha/pull currencies. Pretzels and greater keys are the ones players can obtain the most of the four while the rate to get Solomon Seals and lesser keys are the much less. However, if you play all 3 times, you are able to still get a good amount of lesser keys and Solomon Seals.
With all of this being said, I really do think it's very worth playing the mini-game though it's really up to the player if they want to play 3 times or only once.
Players don't have to use AP and farm X amount of times for beginner and intermediate candy chests when, if they play once, they can get a large amount from simply paying 15 AP and play through the mini-game one time.
As for pretzels, since the friendship system isn't going to be implemented until March iirc (I could be remembering wrong, do not quote), players can also start to use the Pretzel Exchange House to pay for other resources (i.e., lesser key, jellybeans, gummies, pudding, pie pieces, pie whole, artifact stone).
For the gacha-currencies, it speaks for itself. Especially with lesser keys and Solomon Seals, if a player were to gain 3 Solomon seals or lesser keys from playing the mini-game after all 3 times and does it every day, the total amount that a player can get in a month is close to 90 Solomon Seals/lesser keys. And, to remind people, that was obtained without going into the Exchange House and either having to use in-game currency and real-life money.
So, again, definitely worth it and take advantage of for everyone regardless of being P2W or F2P.
For Event Exchange Shop
The main resource I would aim for are really the pies where:
Pie chest daily limit = 3 chests/day
1 Pie piece chest = 15 event currency
1 Pie whole chest = 43 event currency
The prices are higher compared to buying through pancakes and pretzel but when getting the chests through the two, players can NOT choose what pie they can get. Rather, it's luck-dependent.
In regards to obtaining whole pies, specifically, whole pies can be bought for a specific type through the Guilty Gem Exchange Shop for 33 guilty gems (red gems). However, to buy a specific whole pie, the shop has a weekly limit of 1 per WEEK.
With the Event Exchange House, players can get 3 pies, whether it's the piece or whole, per day while having the ability to CHOOSE THE TYPE OF PIE they want. Meaning, during the 14 days the event is running, the total amount of pie pieces or wholes are 42.
The same goes with the jellybeans, gummies, and puddings but I don't recommend using event currency to buy them since the Nightmare Dungeons provides more benefits (i.e., at the hardest level for each stage a player can get necromicron and random bags of whatever they were battling for on top of the main rewards).
The next resource would be Tears of Solomon. It's pricier compared to the cost in Guilty Gems Exchange House but cheaper to Necromicron Exchange House (88 guilty gems vs 90 event currency vs 100 necromicron).
I strongly advice not to get the Greater keys from the Event Exchange Shop since it's 20 event currency PER KEY when it's 6 guilty gems PER KEY in the Guilty Gems Exchange House (sold as 5 Keys for 30 guilty gems).
Anyways, hope this helps for anyone who's trying to decide what to obtain and how for the resources they need when playing!
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m1dn1ght-hag · 2 months
okok so i have a lil request for u :)
(you decide if u wanna make hcs or a oneshot)
so, fem reader coming out to thirteen as a lesbian? and shes internally like having fireworks firing off bc shes had a crush on reader but thought she wasnt interested, but with this new info shes just like without thinking "so like i love u" like IMMEDIATELY shooting her shot
and readers also there like 🤯🤯🤯 bc shes had the biggest crush on thirteen as well lolol
tysm !! ❤
☽ starring | Thirteen x female reader
☽ pronouns used | she/her
☽ genre | fluff <33
☽ summary | lesbian Mc comes out to thirteen
☽ CW | none
☽ note | dude i never got thr notification for this request and im so upset about it cause its so cute. i have not played any of the recent lessons (i think i stopped at lesson 7 oops) for nightbringer so this will be set during the last lessons in the original game <3
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Mc took a deep breath to try and calm her nerves, however that was proving fruitless when her thoughts were running rampant from her anxieties She was planning on coming out to Thirteen today. In her mind, Mc was aware that she was being irrational, and that Thirteen would accept her no questions asked - but, she couldn't help but panic considering it was her literal crush she was planning on coming out to, only working to make her anxieties all the more overwhelming. She didn't know if Thirteen herself liked girls, and it only made her hands all the more clammy at the thought of rejection. But, she reminded herself that she had to do this, or else she’d never know how Thirteen felt. But, goodness, was it not terrifying?
She consulted the brothers the day before, asking if she should come out to Thirteen, and was met with an astounding yes from everyone (especially Asmo.) Beel, however, had thought they were already dating, receiving a babble from Mc as she tried to explain that she and Thirteen weren’t dating (“yet,” Asmo so helpfully quipped as Mc groaned in exasperation.)
Solomon proved to be an exceptionally terrible person to turn to for advice, especially when he suggested a hypnotic potion to "ease the nerves." The audacious offer was swiftly shot down and she left the sorcerer as quickly as she arrived. She didn't know why she considered him in the first place considering Solomon's and Thirteen's "friendship", but in her defense, she was nervous and wanted all the reassurance she could get before finally going through with it.
Simeon and Luke, while they didn't provide any advice, comforted her a bit despite her own thoughts betraying her. They reminded her that Thirteen would support her one hundred percent and that she wouldn't know how Thirteen felt unless she shot her shot; but, as much as Mc wanted to shoot her shot, she didn't think she was brave enough to do so quite yet. She had only barely worked up the courage to come out - asking her out was a complete other level she didn’t think she'd be ready for for a long time, if at all. Regardless, she thanked them for their reassurances, feeling a little more confident than she did before.
Consulting the demon lord and his butler didn't prove fruitful as she only got a beaming grin from the former and a knowing smile from the latter. The advice Barbatos offered was cryptic and completely flew over Mc's head. Whereas Diavolo's advice, although well-intentioned, only worked to make her anxious and unsure again, bringing her back to square one.
Having consulted everyone she could think of, she sighed in defeat, flopping back down against her bed as her arm instinctually moved to cover her eyes. Groaning in exasperation for what felt like the millionth time this day, she shifted her arm away from her eyes to study the vines grown above her bed, trying to ease her nerves before she backs out.
Mc was startled from her thoughts by the sudden knock on her door followed by Asmo’s sing-song voice, “You’ve got this, Mc!”
She offered a thanks in appreciation before heaving a deep sigh.
Pushing herself up from her bed, and smoothing out her clothed she began to fret over her appearance. She wanted to make sure she was presentable before leaving the house, and possibly, maybe by miracle, coming out to Thirteen.
Once she ensured she looked decent, she recounted all the advice she’s gotten and left her room. As she passed the living room she glanced in and got a thumbs up from Belphie, whom was lounging lazily on the couch. Beel also gave an encouraging smile before returning to his snacking, quickly adjusting Belphie’s neck so he didn’t strain it after it had dropped uncomfortably into the arm of the couch.
“Good luck, Mc,” Satan offered offhandedly, enamored with a new book he’d picked up from the library, nose buried in it as soon as he entered the front doors.
Mc hummed quickly, offering him a swift “thanks” before she was out the door and heading towards Thirteen’s lodgings, the directions etched into her memory from the numerous times she’d been over. ‘This is just another outing with Thirteen… Except for the fact you’re about the confess - Nope. Not confessing. Simply coming out.’
Lost in her thoughts, she hadn’t realized that she’d arrived until she was at the front door, fist subconsciously raised to push the doorbell.
“Mc!” Thirteen called as she opened the door, signature smirk on her face.
“Oh! Hi,” Mc returned the smile, feeling her face bloom as she stepped into Thirteen’s house.
Thirteen swayed off into the kitchen as Mc made her way to her room. It was routine now to plop herself down onto Thirteen’s bed while she waited for the other to join her and plot traps for Solomon together. Except, this time she’d be dropping a bomb on her, and she only hoped it didn’t sour their friendship.
“Mc,” she jumped at her name being called, eyes landing on Thirteen standing in the door with a bowl in her arms, “you’re distracted, how are we supposed to prank Solomon like this? What’s on your mind?”
The tone of her voice easily gave away she wasn’t actually upset by her empty-headedness, but Mc was too lost in her own worries to recognize the concern lacing her words.
“Oh, uh-“ she swallowed thickly, grimacing at the knot in her throat, “it’s nothing, don’t worry. We’ll plan the most diabolical prank for Solomon yet!”
“Well, duh!” Thirteen drawled out using her free hand to exaggerate her words, “But I can’t have my prank partner being out of it, so what’s on your mind?”
She approached the bed and placed the bowl on the nightstand, hand on hip as she urged Mc to continue.
‘Damn. Should have known I couldn’t get past her intuition.’
“Well-“ she wets her lips and wrings her hands, nervously picking at the skin around her nails, “-I, uhm. Have something, ahem, to tell you.”
“Well? Out with it,” she urged Mc to continue, staring expectantly.
“I, well, I’m a lesbian. I like girls.” Mc finished quickly, feeling relief for having gotten it out before it was quickly replaced by dread.
“Is that it?” Thirteen quickly reiterated her words, “Sorry, that wasn’t what I was trying to say. Thank you for telling me, I guess I should tell you I am too.”
“You too?!” Mc shouted, nerves instantaneously dissipated at the revelation.
“Well, duh,” Thirteen joined Mc on the bed, crawling over her legs to get situated in her designated spot, “damn, Mc, I’m hurt that you didn’t know.”
Mc sighed and elbowed Thirteen, smiling at the lighthearted quips the two were able to comfortably exchange.
“Since the cat’s out of the bag,” Thirteen quickly adds on, halting Mc’s laughter, “I guess now I can say that I like you.”
Mc stared, dumbfounded at Thirteen’s confession.
“I didn’t want to say anything ‘cause I figured you already had something with one of the others, but, you obviously don’t so, sucks to be them.” Thirteen smirked, studying Mc’s face.
“Huh???” Mc gaped, mouth opening and closing like a fish on land. “You- HUH??”
“Have I not been obvious? Really, Mc, I thought you knew me better,” Thirteen faked disappointment as she flopped backward onto her bed and dramatically held the back of her hand against her forehead. “Oh, woe! How can it be so?”
“I really wasn’t expecting you to like me, I guess?” Mc offered, unsure of what she was saying herself. Of course it made sense. Only, literally everyone else could see but her. “Okay, no... Oh, I don’t know.”
Thirteen pushed herself back into a sitting position to hold Mc’s gaze, her green eyes observing Mc’s expression. “That doesn’t matter now, what matters now is this: do you feel the same? Is this something we can pursue?”
“Yes!” Mc answered a little too quickly, slapping her hand over her mouth in embarrassment, “shit, sorry, I mean yes. I would like to pursue something with you.”
“That’s all I needed,” Thirteen’s eyes scanned Mc’s face before moving in as if to kiss her, the corner of her lips tugging upwards as she could hear Mc’s breath hitch.
Mc leaned in as well, eyes slipping closed nerves arising once more from anticipation of a kiss rather than unrequited feelings before it was all dashed as Thirteen swerved to place a kiss against her cheek instead of her lips.
“Aww were you expecting it on the lips?” Thirteen teased as she watched Mc fumble embarrassedly once more. ”How forward, at least take me yo dinner first.
Thirteen delicately weaved her hand together with Mc’s.
“Don’t be mean,” Mc leaned against Thirteen, resting on her shoulder as she squeezed her hand in acknowledgment, “I thought your pranks were reserved for Solomon, and I don’t remember changing my name.”
“You are his apprentice - willingly - so it’s only fair I get to tease you for it.” Mc scoffed at Thirteen’s answer, rolling her eyes even if it was unseen to her. “besides, you’re cute when you pout.”
“Ugh, no way you’re being corny?“ Mc teases back, dodging Thirteen’s flick to her forehead.
Im response to Mc’s quip, Thirteen swings her free arm over Mc’c chest and pulls her down with her so Mc was laying flat on her back with Thirteen propped up against her chest. Mc yelped at the sudden movement, not expecting Thirteen to drag her down. She made a motion to complain but was silenced when she heard Thirteen’s laughter fall from her lips, a sound Mc’s had the privilege to hear on numerous occasions on her outings with Thirteen, but now it sounded different, warmer. More content. As Mc continued to admire her, she took in the way her hair cascaded perfectly over her shaking shoulders, and the way her green eyes shone with mirth as her laughter began to die down and her head now lay propped against Mc’s chest.
“Cat got your tongue?” Thirteen purred, stray chuckles sneaking past her words.
An unconscious compliment fell from Mc’s lips, “you’re beautiful.”
Thirteen was stunned temporarily but she managed to regain her composure just as quickly. Using her free hand, she maneuvered it to pinch Mc’s cheek, ”who’s the corny one now?”
Mc hummed in response, having no words to humour to Thirteen’s quip as she allowed a comfortable silence to drown out their bantering.
Using the position they were currently in to her advantage, Thirteen adjusted their intertwined hands and got comfortable laying against Mc’s chest, taking revelry in the silence and newfound partnership. As Thirteen got settled, Mc could feel her heart skip a beat, and she could only hope that she didn’t hear. (She most definitely did and would be teasing her later for it, oh well.)
After Mc’s nerves settled, she adjusted herself to get comfortable as well, molding herself to Thirteen and relaxing breathing in her scent and feeling a drowsiness slip over her.
They both lay embracing one another in the comfort of Thirteen’s bed, original plans abandoned in favor of an impromptu nap.
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☽ final note | I AM SO SORRY THIS TOO SO LONG I AM BOO BOO THE FOOL anyways ihope you liked it amd i hope its emough i tried but i am not caught up on the story and im rusty on writing for obey me weeps
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inkwolvesandcoffee · 5 months
TH Characters & WoW (World of Warcraft)
TH Masterlist
Eddie Brock
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There is no end to their bickering. Each play session is filled with what others may think are progressively more aggressive monologues, but you know are essentially Eddie and Venom being like an old married couple.
It all started when you booted up the MMO to play together for the first time. Eddie was immediately drawn to the Pandaren race and Druid class. Unfortunately, the symbiote had other preferences, namely playing as a Draenei Rogue.
“But they’re pandas! Look at how cute they are!” A moment of silence. “They are *not* prey! They’re vicious killers, if need be, but they’re also endangered.” Another moment of silence. “Druids are cool because they can change into all sorts of animals.” Venom evidently wasn’t convinced. “I know pandas are animals, but these are Pandaren. That’s different.”
“Uhm, are we still gonna play or sit here all night? If so, I’m just gonna play on my own,” you cut in, growing impatient.
Before you knew it, you had a Pandaren Druid by your side. However, the session thereafter, you had a Draenei at your side.
“He thinks they’re cool because they’re similar to aliens,” Eddie explained with a light grumble.
Race & Class: Pandaren Druid & Dranei rogue
Alfie Solomons
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Is it any surprise Papa Solomons is against night time gaming? Alfie will not so subtly close your laptop, regardless of whether you’re doing or a dungeon or not, when you don’t heed his warning of “ten minutes, no more, because you know blue light’s bloody bad for your eyes and sleep.”
If you have a PC, he’ll perform a hard shut off. Say what you will, but he’s handy enough to know how to do one.
Despite his strict gaming rules, Alfie will make sure that whoever you’re playing with can hear him in the background, especially if it’s a guy. That being said, if it’s a dude you were playing with, Alfie won’t tell you to never do so again. He’d never even get it in his noggin to shut you out from other people.
Though he does like to remind you of who you’re with in the bedroom.
Still, Papa Solomons love his ‘little nerdy dove’ to bits and pieces. But not enough to pay for micro transactions. Sorry, you’re on your own when it comes to that.
If he played, he’d be a Night Elf Warrior. Or so he claims, but you think he fits the grumpy Tauren Hunter character better.
Race & Class: Night Elf Warrior or Tauren Hunter
Tommy Conlon
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Tommy is the last person to comment on your sleeping schedule and to not come across as hypocritical, he lets you have your WoW night sessions. There’s one condition, though. Keep it down or the PC/laptop will be turned off and forfeited for three days.
He made a promise to himself as a young kid to never become like his father, to never be as devoid of love and responsibility as Paddy. To love his girl right. Henceforth, Tommy makes sure you know he holds nothing but affection and adoration despite his occasionally gruff demeanour.
Many a night he drapes a blanket over your shoulders to prevent you getting cold, more often than not followed by a kiss to back of head. In answer, you lightly squeeze his hand, reassuring him of your love and appreciation in return. It’s through small acts like these you have built and continue to build your relationship.
He likes to watch you play, but is still a bit hesitant to try it himself. Currently, he’s thinking about trying to play as a Worgen Death Knight.
Class & Race: Worgen Death Knight
Forrest Bondurant
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Forrest has gained a reputation as your mysteriously silent and stoic boyfriend among your fan base. Everyone fawns over because he brings you snacks, water, tea, or coffee. However, if you want the latter, you’d have to ask really nicely because caffeine on top of blue light is something Forrest tries to protect you from as much as possible. Occasionally, especially if you’re streaming at night, he’ll pop by to drape a blanket (he crocheted) over your shoulders.
Nevertheless, the chat had never exploded to the degree it did last night. They went positively wild when Forrest brought you tea with a slice of homemade apple pie and sat down next to you.
“What’re you doing?” Frowning, you tried to read him and discover the reason for this sudden change in behaviour. Normally, he’d pop by and leave in an instant without so much as a word. A pat on the head at most.
Forrest remained quiet, but below the desk you felt him gripping your thigh.
“Jealous someone will try to be my player number two?” you whispered.
Forrest vaguely nodded then settled against you, shoulder to shoulder. “Eat your pie before it gets cold. Don’t want no ruining food.”
And thus he sat there like a stoic bear for the rest of the stream, though he did only leave once to clear the dishes from your desk and return with a bottle of moonshine and two glasses.
During your rare private sessions, Forrest plays either as a Human Hunter or, surprisingly, Dwarf Hunter. He likes the fact you get to keep an animal companion and shoot with a crossbow. Indeed, he’s not one for guns, though he will use one when it’s better than his current bow or crossbow.
Race & Class: Human Hunter & Dwarf Hunter
Tag list: @hecatemoon87 @buttercupsandboys @liliac-dreamer @potter-solomons @vir-tual @babaohhhriley @hoodeddreams13 @mollybegger-blog @rose-like-the-phoenix @dreamlandcreations @zablife
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undead-merman · 2 years
Hello, I really like poly headcanons. What I mean is that the reader is protected and pampered by the boys, especially protected, as someone important surrounded by his bodyguards, when another monster, oblivious to the polygamous relationship, tries to woo the reader. How will the werewolf or griffin brothers (either of the two) react to another werewolf or griffin trying to steal their beloved and kind human reader, who is also somewhat dense and thought that the monster just wanted to be friendly. The funny thing is that both types of monsters are known to resort to violence to protect their own and if killing is necessary, so be it. It doesn't necessarily have to be yandere, I think the boys would still resort to violence
Big notice. I made Solomon the other werewolf. I thought it would be interesting to switch it up. Regardless I hope you enjoy.
Poly Werewolf Brothers with another werewolf trying to court you GN-Reader SFW
Noticing the flirting
They were thrilled to finally have their grievances and issues ironed out so they could be in this relationship with you. They have never felt so connected and whole, it was a freeing feeling. 
But they noticed Solomon getting much too close for comfort. Sure, you were already acquainted before you had gotten into a relationship with any of them, but they couldn’t help but bite their tongues; they couldn’t stop you from hanging out with him. Asmodeus didn't seem to mind. He encouraged it but got jealous quickly when you two didn't evolve him. His tail was wagging like a poodle more than a wolf. 
The others didn't like it at all. Belphegor, Mammon, and Leviathan were fuming over it and snarling over it, their tail fur on end and claws itching to dig into something just from the sight of him. Even wanting it to bite him into submission, but you were always so close. They didn't want to scare you. 
Lucifer, Beelzebub, and Satan were cordial, but let it be known that their approaches were not tolerated. Every time Solomon took your hand, their ears folded back and they let out low growls. Beelzebub even threatened to eat Solomon if he didn’t back off.
When they saw Solomon, even when they were around you they would gnash their teeth and growl. Solomon never really gave the same energy back. He found it amusing how angry some of them got. Sometimes he saw it as a game but your mates sure fucking didn’t. They could slowly feel the rage boiling under their skin.  
Solomon didn’t mind their hostile shows; he really enjoyed how worked up they got. Not to mention being with you. Unlike the others, he wasn’t born into the werewolf traditions, he was human once, and he finds himself connecting with you quite a bit. He loves your spirit and the way you laugh. Even if you didn’t think you were bright, he found himself loving the way your mind interlinked things or even came to conclusions. He was wrapped up in your processing of things.
To Solomon it was fine if your mates hated him so long as he was able to be around you.     
Soon the flirting got to be far too much. When they saw him rub his cheek against yours and then bump his nose against yours, the intimate gesture drove everyone wild and they all dove on Solomon ready to rip him apart. 
Solomon put up a grand fight, easily knocking them back and holding his own against a few of them, but as a pack that was unified and ready to rip his throat for touching their beloved mate he did end up on the losing end.
It’s up to you to stop them from tearing Solomon apart. They’ve been waiting for this moment. Solomon finally gave them an excuse to unleash their bloodlust and here they are fangs dripping with blood and saliva. 
Should you decide to step in, they stop instantly. Some of them growl, but when you tell them to yield, they do. Even Solomon is shocked when you stop them. When you ask for them to let him go, they bite their lips and look at each other. They can’t say no to you even though they would be happy to finish the job, chase him off at the very least. 
You may even ask him to join your pack, your poly family. All of them kick up a fuss, but if you REALLY want it… as they said before, they can’t say no to their darling little mate. But it will take a very long time for them to accept Solomon, though Asmodeus is thrilled about the agreement but constantly corrects the silver wolf. Using Asmodeus as a guide is a good and healthy way to help Solomon navigate the relationship dynamics. 
But if not, and you let them fight, Solomon is left badly wounded and they threaten that if he comes near you again they won’t let him go again. Not even Asmodeus or Leviathan will defend him at this point. Solomon smiles at you one last time before limping off. 
The brothers flock to you and Asmodeus and Mammon try to lick off the smell from you and scent you on your own. The rest of the night, as they’re nursing their injuries, they take turns making sure Solomon’s stink is off of you and they forbid you to see him again. 
They spend a lot of time after being overly close to you and even sleep in their wolf forms to keep you close and warm, so your scent is mixed with theirs again. They’ll be bragging about this for a while to the other werewolves. You’re their mate. Stay back or they’ll wind up like Solomon.           
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ikeromantic · 10 months
The Devil's Own
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This is a commission piece following the OC Jennifer and Lucifer. In this story, Jenn and Luci argue and Jenn leaves. Realizing he might actually lose her, Lucifer goes after her. Approx. 3K words, fluff and angst.
For More: Obey Me Masterlist
“Don’t be ridiculous.” Lucifer’s voice was cold and sharp. He glared at her with anger that could only be provoked by someone he loved. The icy sweep of wrath, bound up in his pride, was impervious to the hate-stare she threw back at him.
Jenn’s hands were clenched into fists at her sides. “I am not being anything. I told you, I want to be able to go back and forth between this realm and the mortal one whenever I like. I don’t have to tell you why.”
Lucifer scoffed. “You don’t understand what you’re even asking for.”
“I know exactly what I asked for and I don’t need you to lecture me about it. Now. Make it so I can pass through the boundaries between realms or - or I’ll get Solomon to show me how to do it without your permission!”
“No.” Lucifer crossed his arms. “You mortals always think you know everything after a mere handful of decades. Solomon has centuries and he is still a fool. His methods only work for him because he has permission - not in spite of it. So it won’t work for you regardless. Your threat is as meaningless and pointless as your request. Now get out of my sight.”
She looked as if she might argue further. Her face was hard and blank of any emotion besides fury. After a long, tense moment, she turned on her heel and stalked out without another word. 
Lucifer pretended to ignore her as she left, already staring down at a random form on his desk. It was one he’d already handled, but it served the purpose. Jenn would feel she wasn’t the most important thing in the room. And when she calmed down, she would come back and apologize for making a scene. 
He couldn’t understand her sudden desire to be able to travel back to the mortal realm whenever she liked. It wasn’t so simple a magic, either. There were risks inherent to opening gates. The very real possibility demons could escape using your gate, for one. Lucifer could just imagine Jenn popping into the mortal world with a demoniac flesh-eater on her heels, freed from Diavolo’s laws and hungering for human. 
Besides, she could visit her world anytime she wanted just by asking him to take her there. The whole argument was foolish and she would realize it soon enough. Lucifer went back to his work and did his best not to think about Jenn. 
Everytime his DDD went off, he looked at it expectantly, only to see Simeon or Mammon or Barbatos as the sender. He told himself he wasn’t disappointed. It was just taking time for Jenn to cool off. When he finally wrapped up his paperwork and headed home, Lucifer expected to find Jenn in the House of Lamentation, avoiding him by hanging out with his brothers.
He checked Beel’s room first, but it was just the twins there arguing over what show to watch. Levi was so immersed in a game that he didn’t even notice Lucifer poke his head into his room. Satan was in the library, alone, head buried in a book. Asmodeus was the first to even notice Lucifer’s search.
“I haven’t seen Jenn all day,” Asmo sighed. “She was supposed to help me pick a new perfume but all I got was this text.” He held up his DDD.
Can’t make it today. Sorry. Get something sweet!
Lucifer read it twice. “That’s it? And you didn’t get anything else?” He scrolled down through several messages from Asmo to Jenn, as he tried to guilt her into coming with him anyway. 
Asmodeus shook his head. “Can you believe she just abandoned me in my time of need? There are 1,364 sweet scent selections and I had to go through all of them alone!” 
“How difficult for you.” Lucifer gave his brother a look. The effort Asmo put into being beautiful could be put to better use, he thought. And it wasn’t as if Asmodeus wouldn’t be just as seductive without all of the accoutrement. It was his nature, the essence of his devilishness. 
The Avatar of Lust chose to ignore the dry sarcasm of the statement. “It really was! But look what I got. It’s a-”
“Show me later.” He left Asmo’s room before he could be inundated with perfumes. The last place to check was Mammon’s room. It was an unholy mess in there. Clothes on the floor, bed unmade, and a pile of unopened Akuzon boxes piled in a corner. The Avatar of Greed was nowhere to be seen, and there was no sign of Jenn. 
He texted Mammon to ask where he was, and his brother shot back promptly. Nunya. Lucifer sent an emoji in reply, trusting the stern look of it to communicate what would happen if Mammon didn’t answer properly.
It took only a moment for a second answer to pop up, a picture of Mammon working at Hell’s Kitchen, wearing an apron, with a little notepad in hand. Is Jenn there, Lucifer wrote back.
Nope. Why? The response came with a puzzled emoji.
Lucifer didn’t bother responding. Instead, he sent messages to Barbatos and Simeon with the same question. Was Jenn there? Had anyone seen her today?
Jenn was furious. Her anger came in waves of pure, white hot visciousness. She couldn’t even say exactly why she was so pissed. Or at least, she could but only with a lot of words and most of them weren’t appropriate for polite company. Thankfully, Solomon didn’t count as polite company.
“He doesn’t trust me. That’s it. After everything! I can’t believe that egotistic bag of d-”
Solomon held up a hand, intervening before she could get going on another rant. “Jenn. I understand. It’s frustrating to be dismissed, overlooked by someone you have such strong feelings for.” He smiled at her gently. 
She wasn’t ready to be understood just yet though. “You have permission to come and go as you please! Why? Just because you’re older?”
“That’s part of it, sure. But I’m not that old, really. And it wasn’t Lucifer that gave me permission. It was Diavolo, some years ago.”
“I could ask him. And when he says yes, Lucifer can just suck it! That bastard. I should-”
Solomon interrupted again. “I don’t think Diavolo would say yes either. Travel between realms is tricky. And while you are a strong enough magician now to do it, it’s safer to rely on -”
Jenn’s glare cut him off. “So what? You don’t trust me either?” She gave a frustrated growl, “I don’t care what you think about it. I need to be able to go back and forth. If I’m going to live here, if I’m going to - look, it doesn’t matter. The point is, I need to know I can go to the mortal realm if and when I want to.”
The magician sighed. “I don’t know why this is suddenly so important to you. But because I care about you - and I trust you - I’m going to tell you how to get through without permission. The consequences. The work involved. And I will let you make up your own mind on whether or not to use the information.”
She took a slow, trembling breath, all the anger leaking out of her at once. “Thanks,” she said quietly. Jenn knew she was giving her fears too much say in her actions, but she needed to know that she could leave. It meant more now than ever. 
Solomon took her hand and opened it palm up atop the table between them. His fingertips traced arcane designs over her skin as he spoke. “It’s much easier to give you the information this way. A simple joining . . .”
Lucifer had no answers. There was no sign of Jennifer and no one seemed to know where she’d gone when she left his office. Diavolo promised every effort was being expended to find her. Barbatos said little, but promised he would do what he could to ensure she was returned to them safe and sound. Those promises weren’t enough.
What if Jenn had found a way to leave the Devildom?
That thought haunted him. She could be gone entirely already. And it would be his fault. Things had been . . . rough lately. Arguments over every little thing. Jenn flying into a rage or turning into a ball of tears at the slightest provocation. If Lucifer was honest with himself, he wasn’t exactly a comforting figure when it happened either. He’d been exasperated, annoyed, or just too busy to deal with her emotions. 
He felt a grim weight settle on his heart. Lucifer inhaled sharply, as if the emotional toll of his guilt and worry were a physical thing. He could not give in to it. At least, not until he found Jenn and made sure she was alright. That they were alright. His heart clenched tight in his chest.
The streets of the Devildom were busy at most times. This night was no different. Demons of all kinds roamed the darkness with the usual ill intent. Most avoided Lucifer, giving him a wide berth, especially if they noted his expression. For his part, the Avatar of Pride ignored them all. He had one target in mind, and as he walked, he attuned himself to the hunt. 
There were only so many places a mortal could safely travel without an escort. Even a person like Jenn. All he needed to do was focus on the locations she was likely to go to. He immediately eliminated the usual hangouts like The Fall and Madam Screams. Jenn was upset. She would look for comfort and quiet. 
Lucifer let his outer eyes close and let his inner vision lead him. His heart felt the pull of her presence, a connection born as much from love as from the demonic pact they shared. He let it guide him through the city until he found himself outside the doors of the planetarium. The place was closed this time of night, but that meant nothing to him. The door opened at a touch, and in he went.
He walked past the educational exhibits, the ticket booth, and the offices. There was only one place Jenn would be if she was here. Lucifer’s hand trembled as he touched the door to the observatory dome. He wasn’t a creature that feared confrontation. He’d rebelled against Heaven and made a pact with the Prince of Hell. He faced down Micheal and all the divine host. But he hadn’t loved them with the passion and desire that he held for Jenn. 
Losing his home and his divinity felt like a small price to pay for freedom. But losing her, the possibility of it, hurt. He feared what he might say, what she might do. Lucifer pushed the door open and stepped through.
Jenn lay on the floor, staring up at the dome. Above her, the Devildom sky moved through its nightly dance, a shifting of magical constellations and colors. Her eyes were fixed on the sight, though he knew she heard him come in. Knew it was him.
Lucifer crossed the floor, moving slowly, cautiously. He couldn’t help the way his eyes swept over her, taking in every detail. She was unharmed, though he could tell she was tense. He didn’t think she realized the effect she had on him. The way his heart lurched at the sight of her, beating hard against the walls of his chest. The desire he fought to simply pick her up and hold her whether she wanted it or no. 
She took a long, slow breath before she shifted her head to gaze at him. Her dark brown eyes were damp with tears and alight with fury. Emotion shifted in their depths, conflicting and wild. “You found me.”
Lucifer sighed. “You should have been home hours ago. Everyone is worried.”
“Of course they are.” She rolled her eyes. “I’m just a helpless little human who needs to have their hand held all the time or I might stub a toe.” Jenn let out a laugh with little humor in it. “I don’t care.”
He could tell she did, of course, but knew it would be foolish to contradict her at the moment. “There are worse things than that in the Devildom. You can’t blame -”
Jenn cut him off. “I can. I do.” She frowned and sat up, crossing her arms. “Tell me. Where is Solomon right now.”
Lucifer was thrown off by this sudden change in topic. He hid his confusion with a shrug. “Why? How should I know?”
“That’s my point. He’s mortal. Ish. Not a demon or an angel. But he’s allowed to run around and do whatever he wants. No minders. But me? I can’t do anything without you or one of your brothers chasing after me.” She pointed at him. “You don’t trust me.”
“I . . . what?” He stared at her incredulously. “I formed a pact with you. No one else. I . . .” I let you into my bed. Into my heart. “I asked you to marry me!”
Jenn shook her head. “You want a pet. I wonder if you . . . if you even really love me? Trust is part of love. And respect. I don’t have those from you.” Tears filled her eyes without dimming the fury in them. 
Lucifer felt as if he’d been punched in the gut. His whole body felt suddenly frozen. His chest was so tight it felt like his ribs would crack. Words were beyond him as his throat worked to let air pass. He trusted her more than anyone, respected her. Loved her. His thoughts were frantic at the realization she didn’t feel those things from him. Justifications, recrimination, protests all sparked and died on his tongue.
She took his silence as some sort of agreement. Hot tears spilled down her cheeks, a cascade of frustration and sorrow and anger and hurt. All tangled together, an impossible knot of thorny feelings. “I think. I think I should just go. Back to the mortal world. To whatever is left of my life there. Because I - I won’t just be a . . . a thing you own.”
Lucifer felt her words like stab wounds. He could not have hurt more if she’d beaten him. He took a step toward her, hand raised. 
“Stop.” The word was said with the force of her will. The bonds of their pact and her power pushed him to his knees. Jennifer turned away from him and began to cast the ritual magic to open a portal to the mortal plane.
“Jenn.” Her name, spoken like a dying man’s prayer. A cry for help. He felt a trickle of wetness from the corner of his eye. Blood or tears, either was possible. 
Despite her anger, she paused in the spell and glanced over at him. There was so much in that look. 
“Please.” Lucifer’s pride surged, and for a moment he clenched his jaw, unable to say more. But he forced it anyhow. He wouldn’t lose her. Not for this, not over a misunderstanding. “I am . . . this is . . . it is rare for me to feel this way for anyone. In all the millenia I have lived.” He swallowed. “Please don’t go.”
Jennifer wiped at the tears on her face. “I can’t stay. Not like this.”
He nodded. “I have not shown you the trust I have for you. Or the respect.” His throat tightened against the admission of error. “I have been remiss.” Lucifer stood slowly, hoping this time she would let him approach. “Please. Give me a chance to do better.”
She narrowed her eyes, suspicious and uncertain. “Why should I believe you? This could just be a trick. A lie.”
“Because you still love me, even under the anger and hurt I have caused.”
“Give me permission to leave the Devildom whenever I like.” 
Lucifer did not hesitate this time. “Done.”
“I can go where I like, when I like. Alone. If I want to.”
Again, he nodded. “Done.” He watched her expression, hoping to see some sign she forgave him. 
“Swear it by . . . by Diavolo and your brothers.” Jenn’s lips made a firm, narrow line as she waited.
“I swear by all that I hold allegiance to, by my life and my heart.” Lucifer said the words and they settled into him with the force of the pact between them. He wanted to tell her it worried him. That he trusted her but . . . and it was that ‘but’ that stopped him. He knew it negated the rest. If he was to keep her, he had to let her go her own way.
Jennifer said nothing for a long moment. Then she was in his arms, hugging him tightly, crying into his chest with great, heaving sobs. 
Lucifer held her with tenderness, as if she were a fragile thing and he had only just realized how easily she might break. He smoothed her hair and stroked her back until the tears subsided. Just when he thought the worst of it was past, she punched him in the side. A short, sharp jab.
“You! How could you put me through this! All you had to do was say yes! All you had to do was not be an ass for just one conversation.” Her rant continued until she ran out of breath, the accusations coming slower as her anger ebbed. 
He nodded along, letting her get it all out. She wasn’t entirely wrong - or wholly right - but these were things she needed to say to lighten her soul. Lucifer understood. He’d hurt her pride and her heart. When she fell silent again, he leaned down and kissed her forehead. “I’m sorry.”
The words from anyone else might have sounded insincere. A paltry apology to waive the consequences of their actions. But from him, they were sincere. 
Jenn squeezed him tightly, her body pressed against him as if she wanted to sink into his chest. “Just . . . don’t do it again. I can’t second guess this. Us. Especially now.” She gazed up at him, her eyes sparkling with the light of the stars in the dome above them. “If you’re with me, then you have to be with me all the way.”
“To the end of all things,” he said, his voice barely a breath. 
She reached up to caress his cheek. “Good. Because . . . I need to tell you something. Part of why I . . . why I wanted to be able to come and go.”
Lucifer stroked her back, encouraging her to continue. 
“I . . . we . . . are going to have a child.” Jenn’s expression was apprehensive, nervous. 
“We.” Lucifer stopped, unable to say the rest. He blinked. 
Jennifer waited, watching. 
He felt overjoyed and terrified all at once. There was enough on his plate in chasing his brothers and handling Diavolo’s tasks. The work of a devil was never done. And Jenn - bearing a nephilim was dangerous. A difficult pregnancy. A hard birth.”Do you want to have this child,” he asked.
She nodded. “I know there are dangers. I’ve been reading. But . . . it’s ours.”
And in the end, that meant more than all the dangers combined. Lucifer lifted her up and kissed her. His lover. Soon to be his wife. The mother of his child. “I’m never letting you out of my sight.” 
“Luci! You promised! Just a second ago!”
He kissed her again. “You beautiful, mad woman. I know what I promised.” Lucifer could feel the beat of her heart, as wild as his. “I love you.”
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What if there’s an MC who’s willing to side with Celestial Realm, for whatever reason they may have?
(Referencing this post.)
I’m gonna be honest, I don’t see it ending well for anyone. I’m viewing the choice of who to side with as like… otome routes, or Fire Emblem games. Like the choice of who you side with fundamentally shapes the nature of your relationships going forward. War is going to fuck people up regardless, and no relationship would escape unscathed, but to me the Celestial Realm route is the “tragic love/everything goes wrong” route.
The demon bros might prefer you side with the Devildom (the royals certainly would) because it’s easier for them and let’s them keep your relationship as uncomplicated as it can be in war. But choosing the human realm - even ordering them to fight for the human realm - they’d get it. Especially if MC has any sort of family/siblings there, which they probably do, because they are human. MC has something to protect in the human realm. The brothers and the royals can take care of themselves - MC’s family and friends probably can’t, at least not in a cosmic war.
Your relationships might take a big hit, but I think they would recover - maybe over the course of decades, but still. Diavolo might even be more inclined to a quick treaty with the human realm as well. As someone with a responsibility to the Devildom, I think he would understand and respect you treating the human realm the same way.
But the thing is, most of the brothers have never held any real animosity towards the human realm, and the one who very famously did later acknowledged his anger was misdirected. After all, Lilith fell in love with a human, but it wasn’t the humans who declared she had to be punished for the actions she took to protect that love.
I don’t see the brothers feeling anything but betrayed if MC chose the Celestial Realm - a place they barely know, where they’ve met maybe three people - over the Devildom or the human realm. Diavolo, too, I think would struggle to understand it.
I think the only people who would be happy about such a decision would be Luke and maybe Raphael and Michael (on a tactical level, if not a personal one). And I didn’t forget Simeon - I think he’s shown enough doubt for the Celestial Ream and care for the brothers that his feelings would be mixed, at best.
As for the rest of the Celestial Realm, I’d imagine they wouldn’t entirely trust MC. After all, they have pacts with the seven rulers of hell - surely they must be tainted? Either you don’t use your pacts and the angels don’t trust you, or you do, forcing the brothers to fight alongside the realm they fought a war against, the realm that tore their sister away from them, and lose pretty much any chance of reconciliation with your demons. Ordering them to sit out might be a way to avoid the worst of the fallout, but this is a real “you’ve found a way to win where everyone loses” type situation.
You’ve mentioned “whatever reason” in your ask, but I do think their reasoning would play into all of this too. Is MC worried about Luke’s safety in the war? Is MC the world’s biggest Raphael stan? Is it a matter of religion?
The latter I would actually find really interesting. An MC who has kept their faith throughout all the events of Obey Me, to the point of trusting the Celestial Realm over the devils they literally know, over the human world, knowing the damage it’s going to do to their relationships… I’m not religious, so I can’t say I understand the reasoning, but I do believe it is compelling. If anyone has a religious perspective to add, I would love to hear it.
You might notice Solomon is absent from this post, and the truth is I keep going back and forth over how he’d react. I tend to lean towards an “accidentally immortal” MC, so I believe they’d be able to reconcile over the years… but I do think it would be a big hurt to Solomon, who after standing alone for years finally found someone he thought would protect the human world alongside him.
I also want to note that I wrote this on the basis of our canon experiences only - if anyone’s MCs have been to the Celestial Realm more often and developed stronger ties there, that also changes things.
But overall, while war never ends well for anyone, I see siding with the Celestial Realm the most painful choice MC could make. Whether it would be worth it, would be up to that MC.
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mammonswhore · 2 years
Sentient! Obey Me when asked about Replaced!MC AUS
MC: How do you feel about the replaced au type of things?
Sentient!Mammon: Would never happen,not in a million years
S!Lucifer: It's a foolery to think we wouldn't notice or that we are stupid to cast you away.
S!Asmo: Totally agree,I have played our own game and it makes no sense
S!Levi; Exactly and also like your story is super badass like you literally face chaos, look pretty and fix a family AT THE SAME TIME!
S!Beel: And they always use Lilith as an excuse and make Satan the good guy because we supposedly ""cast him aside"" when we talk about her.
S!Satan: That and that the person for who we are replacing you is always a woman,the game is literally about MC being gender neutral. Regardless of your gender,Dear.
S!Belphie: Death to whoever made this shit about us being idiots and the player not knowing they can beat our asses if they want to.
MC: Would you want to replace me now that you have found there is other players out there?
S!Barbatos: No,we are only sentient in your phone and for you only so it wouldn't make sense for us to not care about you when we know other players.
S!Diavolo: I think it would be time thrown to trash, we spend time knowing you because we like you for you and I don't believe I would like to have it any other way.
S!Solomon: And not only that but you have also been kind enough to make research for us to be actual livings on your world,someone who didn't love and appreciated us wouldn't do that.
S!Simeon: And you didn't freak out when we told you about our plans of becoming ourselves in your world,you were even excited about it and planned things to do with all of us to get us accustomed to everything we missed.
S!Luke: Also you make time for us and send us to pages were we can play games we like and you never close the app so we won't feel alone and we can see what you do so we won't feel... Left? Or alone even.
S!Mammon: So yeah basically those Au's are stupid and with no fundament and also they shit on Lilith's story so no, -5 out of 100 points for those.
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strawberry-cowmilk · 2 years
Hiya I'm a new follower! So I read the post of MC's reaction to spiders and thought would MC's reaction to bees are. The phobia of bees is called Melisophobia.
Hi, welcome to this blog! I hope you enjoy your time here. Under normal circumstances, I usually finish requests faster, I'm sorry you had to wait so long for your first request here to be done.
the brothers with a mc who is afraid of bees
-> brothers x mc
mc's gender is not mentioned, not proof read
content warnings: bees, mentions of ending the bees
one day, lucifer's brothers messed the garden up really badly, and none of them felt like fixing it, so asmo hired somebody to come plant flowers everywhere
sadly for you, flowers outside might attract bees, even devildom bees
lucifer already hates how the garden looks now, but he noticed your avoidance of the garden
when you told him it's because the bees scared you, lucifer saw it as the final straw to go dad mode and renovate the garden himself in khaki pants
honestly, if you would take mammon to a nice outdoor cafè, and some bees or wasps would be attracted to the drinks, mammon would freak out himself and maybe fall from his chair
this is exactly what happened during your vacation to the human world, only you ran off somewhere inside the building
mammon figured you don't like those insects, he now carries a fly swatter with him at all times
levi doesn't go outside a ton, so you don't either when you hang out with him
but one day, levi left a half-finished bottle of 'crimson bull' on his desk, and he forgot to close the window
the same day, you and him were playing a horror game together and let's just say the bee crawling out of the soda can was the worst jumpscare of all
levi held a 30 minute speach about how horrible he was for having left the can there to henry 2.0
we've all seen the mess that is satan's room
the average garbage landfill is less messy
one time, he left an entomology book open on a page with extremely detailed pictures and drawings of bees on the foot of his bed
you wanted to be nice and bring him some sliced fruits, but the book scared you very badly
satan doesn't get why a bee is scary, but he got mad at the book regardless, so rip book
you two were in the human world when solomon invited you to go to some tulip field with him, you and asmo agreed, it's just tulips, what could go wrong?
you completely forgot bees like tulips as much as solomons
the second you saw the insects, you screamed and ran off somewhere, asmo wasn't a fan of the swarm of bees either, but you clearly seemed more upset
so, asmo went after you, and took you to some spa instead, cue solomon standing alone in the middle of a bunch of tulips
a bee had somehow found its way into the house while you and beel were watching a movie
you clung to him in fear, he got worried so you explained the bee scared you
beel abandoned his popcorn immediately and trapped the bug under a tupperware container, and released it outside
after he got rid of it, he let you have the whole bucket of popcorn
he dislikes any kind of bug already, they make this annoying noise that disturbes his sleep
but, when he finds out you are scared of bees, he got a whole new reason to hate insects
if they get too close to you, his protective instinct kicks in
belphie thinks ending the bee is too much work, so he just takes you somewhere without any
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2af-afterdark · 6 months
I'm in the VERY VERY vocal minority about this but tbh I'm kinda glad that the angel units are behind paywals. Bc their stories are really dicey and I am NOT strong enough for the discourse that would come out of that. Like, I understand this whole ordeal was handled terribly but I'm just trying to look for silver linings at this point.
Also I doubt pb will learn their lesson. They got their money already and this announcement was just salt in the wound. I wasn't surprised that the angel units wouldn't be added to the main gacha. Plus they only seem to work well with other angel units so putting them in the main gacha would dilute it further. Though I guess since a lot of people are saying they're Uninstalling so maybe they'll see it plus their emails are probably getting blown up.
All in all. It's disappointing but unsurprising. I at least wished they'd just given us S rank Gabe as part of the challenge since he's technically in the game. But as soon as I saw that it was L rank I knew they wouldn't give it out for free.
Sorry for rambling. I'm just holding out for the main story at this point.
Okaay so, maybe I'm not communicating this well but... having limited time cards is not the issue for me. The issue is how trash PB's communication is and how predatory and money-hungry they are being. They should have said in the announcements that the angels would be limited time and not added to the pool. I get certain cards being only for a limited time (that's what most gacha do). The issue was that they said nothing until later, which establishes that they can and will change the rules whenever they feel like it without warning. It doesn't have to do with if the units are good or bad. They could literally be the worst units in the game and I would still be upset because of what they are communicating to the players; that we are not worth keeping informed.
I admit that I am not happy they are paywalled, but that's because I'm never happy when cards (a huge bulk of the gameplay for a gacha) are completely paywalled. I find it gross and predatory. Also, it may sound heartless of me, but this game has so many problematic elements that if people get spicy over the content with the angels... I don't know what to say? The game is very open about what it is. It has many dub/noncon elements, intense kinks (two of them are literally decapitation and necrophilia), violence, etc. If the angels are the thing that starts the discourse, I will have to wonder who ignored all the other similar shit without saying something. If the cards are going to start discourse, they will do that regardless of the paywall. But, again, idk why they would when anyone walking into this game should already be aware of what it is.
And, no, I don't expect them to learn their lesson. The only way they would learn anything is if it hits them in the paycheck. The fact that people pay for Solomon Seals continues to encourage PB to use Solomon Seals to earn money. Unless the whales stop spending money on these practices, PB will keep using them (they why I don't, even though i am one person and my resolve means little in the grand scheme). Unless the sudden evacuation of players are whales (who seem to be the only ones PB cares about at this point), I doubt the company will notice.
Gabriel though, does genuinely upset me. Like I said in a previous response, battle pass systems like this tend to have free rewards and paid rewards. The rewards are usually the same but the free path gives out the main reward much later (think earning the card at level 200 for a free path versus earning it at level 120 for the paid path). This is usually fine because, though difficult, both paid and free players can earn the final reward. It's a small way of rewarding players for, you know, playing the game. This is especially true because battle passes require frequent log-ins and active participation. But Gabriel, the ultimate reward for the battle pass, can only be acquired after doing all that work plus spending $60. I find that gross.
I'm a whale. I do spend money on this game, but I am careful about how I spend that money. I pay for the daily log-in bonuses (the extra AP and keys). I have bought several event packs. I own every sticker pack. Basically, the only thing I don't do is pay for Solomon Seals. I simply want PB to not alienate a huge chunk of the players just because they can't, won't, or don't want to shell out money. It's about the principle of the matter to me.
As for S-rank Gabriel... He's okay. He's a good unit in battle, but he comes with no intimacy (so no comic, info, etc). Also, my guess is that they wouldn't add him to the general pool afterward either. After all, Minhyeok wasn't added after he left. Plus, my guess is they don't want to do that since they plan to release more packs, including those that sell Gabriel. Less incentive to buy his pack if you can just earn him in the general pool.
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