#I think I've found my voice/style a lot better with this draft
truly-sincerely · 2 months
Okay let's try this again from the top (Now with AO3 link)
Dark Star Falling 1 - hot and cold
This is gonna be:
reasonably high fidelity to game canon
starting in act 3, at Wyrm's Rock Fortress
a series of vignettes, mostly between canon scenes
an agender/tiefling durge x astarion
mostly about dealing with intense durgetash feelings
Elient 22
“So… Thank you. For being that evil bastard.”
Darling is only half paying attention. Astarion can see the wheels turning in their head–an expression which has, in the past, foretold some of their more elaborate crimes. It was easy to see how the party had made it this far–with Darling doing the battle math and checking for exits as casually as breathing. They aren’t like any bard Astarion has ever met.
Even their aggravating predilection for rescuing every pathetic urchin and bedraggled gnome they come across is only a minor inconvenience in the larger scheme of playing their enemies off each other and picking off whoever’s left. Darling always seems to find a way to make a profit off of even the most pathetic victims.
Karlach has stormed off to the far end of the hall. Darling’s gaze follows her thru the crowd. Wyll is standing nearby waiting impatiently to talk to his father, or what’s left of him.
“Hey, Star? Do me a favor?”
“Whatever you need, precious bhaal-babe,” Astarion says, sliding into Darling’s field of view. Darling snickers in spite of themself and paws his chest, eliciting a self-satisfied smile from the vampire. He’s known about Darling’s heritage for all of ten minutes and he’s already teasing them about it.
The revelation that they’re Bhaalspawn and one of the architects of the Absolute hoax is certainly a shock but the more he thinks about it, the more it makes sense. Darling has always been hot and cold–not one and then the other, but both simultaneously. Playful, dangerous, and insatiable. A creature that acts wounded to lure predators in and then snaps them up. 
“Talk to Ravengard with Wyll, would you?” they ask, looking back in the direction of the Grand Duke as tho not sure he’ll still be there. Ravengard is standing to the side of the throne, looking like little more than one of the many Fists strewn about the hall.
“I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but all that’s beneath that eminently smooth pate is a tadpole.”
“Then talk to the tadpole,” Darling snaps, and then their expression softens into something apologetic. “Maybe Wyll can get thru to him. I dunno. And tell Karlach to go back to camp, please.”
“That’s probably for the best. Wyll had to physically restrain her when Gortash was calling you his ‘nearest and dearest’,” he titters. “I haven’t seen her this angry since she was turning that Paladin of Tyr into paste.”
“If I find out I had something to do with Gortash betraying her I’m going to throw myself into the Chionthar,” Darling says, and they have such a pained look on their face that Astarion is overwhelmed by an alien desire to say something gentle. Fortunately, Darling turns and walks away before he can embarrass himself.
– – –
The Archduke is just standing there, surveying the nobles as they mingle. Darling can hear one of the patriars complaining about cheese. Gortash doesn’t have a tadpole, but Darling thinks he’s wearing the same expression that they’ve seen on their companions when one is making use of their parasites–eyes unfocused, almost but not quite nodding, listening to nothing, generally distant. As they watch him they think they can see him subvocalizing. He’s connected to someone or something telepathically.
Darling reads the Weave around him. He’s protected by multiple enchantments from his equipment and otherwise. Magic that grants him more presence, more authority, more confidence. Too much confidence. He’s drunk on it.
His languid gaze passes over Darling. His eyes meet theirs and his expression changes–his smile changes–it moves up into his eyes. Darling’s breath catches as he holds their gaze.
They catch themself making battle plans and–realizing that their best course of action would be to lay down cover and let Karlach get in his face and chop him to pieces before he can invoke the powers of his god–they let slip the tiniest of smiles on one side of their mouth. His expression shifts again. They see recognition in his look. He’s reading them too.
Darling whispers an almost silent expletive to themself, covering their face with a hand, pretending to brush stray hair out of their eyes. Suddenly he’s standing before them.
“Follow me up to my office,” he commands, and then, seeing their eyes narrow, adds in a softer tone, “We could be good for each other.”
“What will you tell me?” they ask stiffly. He looks down at the creak of leather as Darling’s glove tightens around the grip of their blade. Gortash shifts closer as if to shield Darling’s indiscretion from sight, but who’s sight? They glance over at Astarion and Wyll who are engrossed in whatever Ravengard is saying. Gortash moves his hand over Darling’s, brushing his fingertips across their knuckles. He smells like vanilla. Their voice cracks as they whisper, “I don’t know you.”
“Join me upstairs and we can use that dagger for whatever you like,” he proposes. Darling’s body responds with what feels like the expenditure of every chemical at its disposal. They stumble half a step back, suddenly keenly aware of an oven-like heat between his body and theirs. Gortash wonders pleasantly at their outsized reaction.
“Is this guy bothering you, darling?” Astarion’s voice comes from behind Darling moments before he touches their back gently.
“Yes!,” they respond, loud and shrill. “I mean no. No! Gods...”
Gortash and Astarion take a moment to size each other up while Darling recovers their composure. Astarion is accustomed to Darling’s occasional fits of nausea and twitching, and from observing Gortash’s demeanor in the moment, he is as well. It seems he really does know Darling as well as he claims to.
It doesn’t last long. Darling straightens up and turns their body into Astarion’s and says, “We’re going back to camp.” Astarion links an arm around Darling’s and leads them toward the door. Wyll follows them out, looking back at Gortash and leveling a particularly diabolic stinky eye his way.
Gortash watches the trio of adventurers exit, still wearing that smug smile.
They’re alive and they’re still themself, more or less.
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lady-of-the-spirit · 1 month
3, 8, 9, 20, 27, 32, 35, 51, 53 and 64 for the fic writer ask game!
3. on a scale of 1-10 how much do you enjoy incorporating romance into the average story?
It has its place, and I am guilty of slipping romance or at least shippy vibes into fics that I did not INTEND to be romantic. I also like writing it in general, even though I struggle with writing the physical aspects (kissing). so I'd say, probably like, a 7/10. which is surprising, because the majority of my fics are rated Gen.
actually I went and figured out that out of all my fics, 70% of them are rated gen which I think is a fun coincidence.
8. what’s your relationship with constructive criticism and feedback like? do you seek it out? how well do you take it?
If I ask for it, I would like it. I don't want it if I didn't ask for it. I may still read it and consider it, but I'm gonna be annoyed by it. Feedback in general? fine - but I do like more than just "I liked this", although I love those comments. when I'm looking for FEEDBACK though, I need more than that. I need to know all your thoughts.
9. in an ideal world where you’re already super successful and published, would you want to see a tv or movie adaptation of your work? why or why not?
If I'm involved, why not? I think the majority of my (imagined) works would work better as a series, though. We've seen how turning longer works into movies works - usually not very well. I want to see my ocs on the screen. (in my dream world it would be an animated show, especially the fantasy ones, but we can't have everything in this live action obsessed world.)
20. what is your favorite trope to write?
soft fics: found family
hurt/comfort fics: trauma reveals
27. do you share rough drafts or do you wait until it’s all polished? And who do you share them with?
depends on how much thought I put into a fic. I'll usually at least scan through and reread fics before publishing, but if it's a fic I wrote in one sitting totally at random? I'll skim it and then post without thinking twice. Fics that I put more thought in, I'll go over at least a few times before publishing. I've only shared rough drafts a few times, and that's when I'm really unsure about the story for some reason and need someone to give it a scan and let me know their thoughts.
32. do characters influence your writing style?
oh definitely!! Every character is a little different so that changes how I write their perspective, so that automatically changes the voice I use when I'm writing.
35. tell us about a character who’s very different than you who you love a whole lot
Most characters I love a whole lot are very different from me lmao but the one who comes to mind most of all is probably Yataka from Arata the Legend. He's a very prim and proper man, very focused on etiquette and being a gentleman, he hates being touched, is obsessed with cleanliness, and also is a HUGE bitch, will bicker like a 5 year old with his best friend (neither of them would admit to being best friends and have one of THE MOST dynamics of all time), and has the capacity for extreme violence and absolutely unhinged behaviour. he also hates himself so much. I'm obsessed with him I love him so much.
51. share the synopsis of a story you work on that you haven’t published yet
Sersi gets harassed/assaulted and the team/whoever sees it are fiercely protective. (aka more Sersi whump and team dynamics.) (I'm still debating whether Ikaris should know or not because he may straight up kill the person.)
53.when writing, do you have an outline? and do you stick to it?
depends on how much I care about the details of the story, or how much I want to get it right. Especially if it's a longer fic, I want to plan as much as I can ahead of time. Or if it deals with more serious topics, I want to figure out how to deal with those ahead of time.
64. what is your favourite title for a fic you’ve read?
5 Times Where Jiang Cheng and Lan Wangji Lose a Braincell and 1 Time Where They Lose Another on account of it being a perfect summary of the fic.
fanfic writer ask game
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doublegoblin · 10 months
An introduction of the re variety.
Greetings and salutations! So a lot of this will be old news to people but I've had a bit of personal growth and what was an old introduction post doesn't reflect how I feel as a person much any longer. So I am making this updated version (the old one will still be kicking around just not pinned).
So once again hello! My (pen)name is Maxwell Alabaster(he/him), Max or Maxwell is fine!
Not including the RP stuff I used to do on forum back in the early aughts, I've been hobby writing for about a year and some now. It started as a private personal thing to keep my mind occupied while I was between jobs but at some point I decided I wanted to share my stuff with people! So I did just that and made this here blog.
I would still consider myself an amateur writer, not to deflect but to acknowledge that I have room to improve. Also I am hungry for engagement (brain likes seeing the notification number go bigger) so please don't feel like you can't leave little comments or reblog. I don't have aspirations of hitting it big or publication, but, interaction is still nice and I can only share my stuff so far.
What I post on here are the first drafts of my two larger WIPS and one off stuff. I've tried my best to have all these things in their own linked pages! My style or genre usually falls under the horror or darker side of things, I'm an edgy bitch what can I say. Mostly though I just tend to write off the vibe I'm feeling for a particular one off. I don't think my stuff is particularly spine tingling but hey some people have different tolerances.
Rituals and Red Tape : Slice of life/dark fantasy story told from the first person perspective of Alex, manager of the auditing department. Set in a dream like world crafted by an enigmatic group of outer beings known as The Board. Their main duties are to stop problems before they happen that break the rules of reality, or, fix the problems if they are too late.
Abnormal Analytics Company Communications : Found footage/document style story. Very heavily inspired by things like the SCP foundation and minorly inspired by content surrounding what is known as the 411 phenomenon. This story, or rather each “case”, is experienced via the messages and emails between members of some kind of research organization. While these is no main POV character it can be assumed that most of this information is viewed through a single terminal. 
I also have a WattPad where I post the edited version of Rituals and Red Tape (if you want a more coherent and better quality version) and also the logs of AACC.
Edit 9-7: I guess I've also started doing voice work lol. I'll work on getting a section made for just the audio works at some point! I'm still learning the craft and editing stuff but it's been a passion of mine for a while and I hope to make it a more regular thing! If you think my voice would be good for your things hit me up! I can promise I will try my best =P
I am also very open to asks about my stuff, being included in tag games, and stuff like that. I can be a little slow to respond due to my limited time but I make an effort to get to things when I can! Heck even if you want to just send a random ask, I'm down for that too.
Closing words
I can't really say I'm excited to get to know people since I've already been here for a while lol. Also this blog can be very messy as I enjoy a wide swath of things. But yeah, check out my stuff, leave me words on those things (good or bad but above all helpful) and enjoy I guess?
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liladiurne · 1 year
Fic-authors self-rec
Fic authors self-rec! ✨ When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you’ve written, then pass on to at least five other writers ❤️
Thanks so much @perverse-idyll for tagging me!
I'm a bit late doing this. I wanted to do it, but I just couldn't seem to find the energy to babble, even about my own works. It's been sitting half-completed in my drafts for a while. Has anyone else had such a rough beginning of year?
I don't really know who to tag, so please feel free to pretend I tagged you if you feel like playing along.
1. with great outbursts and lightnings
There was no other way to start this list than with my very first snarry, and the piece of writing which I consider the culmination of years and years of struggle to find my personal style and my voice as an author. This story is such a big part of me, and each read, each comment, each kudos means more to me than perhaps all the hits and comments and kudos from all my other works combined. I guess this is my Horcrux, of sorts. I've poured my soul into it in a way I haven't done with any of my other works. I had to dig so deeply into myself and though it's left me raw in many places, it was a good sort of raw. If that makes any sense. It contains a part of me that I don't usually show people, I think. My most cathartic work, to be sure. Anyhow... I made an individual self-rec post about it a while ago, which explains it a bit better, maybe. You can find it here if you want to know more.
To summarise it briefly, Outbursts is a Muggle AU in which Severus is a poet suffering with depression and still mourning the loss of his lover. In an attempt to escape the pain and try to start over, he moves back to London after living in Paris for almost two decades. There, unexpectedly, he meets Harry and their connection is so instant and so strong that Severus believes he's found in him the solution to all his problems. But as it turns out, despite appearances, Harry has been much more damaged by life than he seems, and he carries scars that Severus couldn't begin to imagine. The story deals with a lot of loneliness but also with a lot of hope. It's about two broken people finding each other at key moments in their lives. It's about love, not only romantic but also love for life and the little things we should appreciate each day. It's also about inspiration, and so I've filled it with poetry and music, with pining and longing. It is the first of a series, which I will come back to one day. But for now it can be read and appreciated perfectly as a standalone.
2. Brighter Than Bright
My lovely, slow to update, too often neglected WIP. My monstrosity of a story. Its completely unexpected success is at once incredibly flattering and a bit terrifying, to be honest. I started writing this fic during lockdown, at a time when life was full of uncertainties, and it quickly became my safe place, a sort of peaceful story to immerse myself in. Still now, during the hard times I like to go back to it and find comfort there. And to know that so many other people find comfort in it too is just the best feeling there is. I was excited about it when I started, but far from expecting how many people would be on board with the idea. It was pure self-indulgence, which I expected only a select amount of people to appreciate. But it's grown so much! Look at it go!
The idea to write an adaptation of Pride and Prejudice also offered me the perfect opportunity to finally try my hand at a/b/o. The question of how to explain an accepted m/m relationship during Regency gnawed at me, and omegaverse proved to be the answer. As a big fan of a/b/o and an avid reader of it, I've often found what I've read lacking in certain aspects. Don't get me wrong, there are excellent fics out there, and I will read and enjoy them completely. But a lot of what I've stumbled on left me wanting more, in terms of societal aspects and culture. The smut is hot and I seek it out as much as the next person, but there were always questions of "Why?" and "How?" and "What does the bigger picture look like?" that nagged at me. And so when I began planning BTB, I knew I wanted to explore not just the smut aspect or the dynamics aspect, but answer the question of how it looks and how it's seen in society in a realistic view, not just a black and white view, but a very grey one in which everyone has different views depending on their background. And the addition of the Regency era, in which rules are so firmly set, proved to be a very interesting ground to work on.
Through the character of Harry (and also through Severus), I wanted to show what it's like to be stuck in a role projected on you by the whole of society, to be inundated with false information and not know where to turn to understand the truth of your own nature. I wanted to show that it's okay to want to try to break free from the mold, but it's also perfectly okay to want to stay in that mold.
3. Certain Dark Things
I'm a huge fan of Call Me By Your Name. It's one of my absolute favourite books, and of course the movie is sublime. And so, the idea of doing a snarry adaptation of it had been lingering for a while. It was in the plans, though I didn't know exactly how I would go about it. And then we started putting together the prompts for the first edition of Adopt-a-Prompt fest and I stumbled on one in which Harry was raised by the Malfoys and fell in love with Severus, his father's best friend. And the big AU fan that I am immediately latched onto this prompt. And somehow I had the idea to throw in it some elements of CMBYN (the Italian setting, the villa, the lazy afternoons in the sun, the precocious young man lusting after the older visitor) and kill two birds with one stone. The resulting story is Certain Dark Things.
I wanted to challenge myself with this fic. I've written Harry in a completely different way than I usually do, making him into a strangely enticing character fit for this AU in which the reasons for his adoption remain mysterious and half unexplained. And I also made the decision to write the fic in first person pov. I know that this decision has sadly lost me a lot of readers, because a surprising amount of people aren't willing to give first person pov a chance, but I'm glad I stuck to it, because it fits the story wonderfully, and it works flawlessly. I also tried to keep the backstory to a minimum, because I tend to lose myself in this part of worldbuilding and plotting, and this fic was a true exercise in only giving away what is necessary. I hope I managed that in the end.
4. On the Deficiencies of Translation Spells
I have such fond memories of writing this fic. My very first fest fic, written for CrossGen 2020. I put BTB on hold to work on this, smack in the middle of lockdown, and spent a good two months working on it almost every day and binge drinking iced coffee. I had an absolute blast.
In this fic, Harry falls for Severus during his recovery from the snake bite, but his love declaration goes horribly wrong and results in rejection and then in Severus leaving without a trace. A few years pass, during which Harry leaves his wife and his job and moves to Paris in an attempt to find meaning in his life. When he takes a teaching position at Beauxbâtons and finds out that Severus is already teaching there, his whole world is shaken.
What I love the most about this story is Harry, and how carefree and easygoing he is, all the while carrying around such a heavy heart and not quite being able to find his place in the world. I also loved doing the worldbuilding for Beauxbâtons, though I had to hold back and leave a lot of stuff out for lack of time. The downside of fests! I have a sequel planned, which I hope to get to one day.
5. Miraculous
I popped out this little fic (little in comparison to the others, I mean) for Snarry-a-thon 2022. Once I saw the prompt, asking for escort!Harry and rich!Severus, the Muggle AU lover that I am just had to snatch it up! But it's a stressful thing, doing thon. Such a legendary fest, in a way, with such an astounding quality of authors. I had more than a few nervous breakdowns while working on this, but I think it worked out fine in the end. Once more, sadly, for lack of time I had to shorten it. Originally it was going to be much longer, but I put a lot of pressure on myself and always end up being too slow and having to change my plans. Either way, I can say I'm satisfied enough with the result. It was a very self-indulgent piece which I had a lot of fun working on (despite the nervous breakdowns), with such a gentlemanly Severus, and such a charming and caring Harry. I can't get enough of them.
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hiy-breadcheeks · 2 years
i love every part of you, lee minho.
pairing: lee know x reader
I do not claim that this is an actual representation of anyone.
Tumblr media
a/n: ok i said i will be ia for a while but i've had this in my drafts for a long time so i just decided to finish it lmao,,+ the outfit issue he had some days ago, also inspired me to finish it lol
warnings: body insecurities, angst, fluff
2022 © hiy-breadcheeks– don't copy, repost, or translate.
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You don't really have interest in social media, especially in twitter where you know a lot of problematic things happen, but you were glad curiosity took the best of you tonight.
Your boyfriend went to the bathroom not longer than a minute ago and he left his phone opened beside you on the bed. Now, both of you trusted each other enough to not mind when either of you looked at each other's phones so you decided to just look at what his fans were saying about your very talented boyfriend.
"THROW IT BACK AND FUCK IT UP LEE MINHO!!!!!" said one of the fans with a video of him attached, you giggled. "whST THE FUCJ DOES HE THINK HE'S DOING???? MY HEART IS TOO WEAK?????" a reply said, you nodded in agreement. The charisma you posses, Lee Minho... you thought.
You exited the tweet and scrolled further, your smile dropping to a frown.
"Look how frustrated he is. Somebody gonna get fired tonight, a styling staff specifically." A video of Minho fixing his outfit while looking obviously frustrated and uncomfortable was going viral amongst his fandom. Nothing was said against him, but mostly against the stylist. Saying how they should dress them better, complaining to his company, asking for the stylist to get fired, etcetera, etcetera.
You were starting to get angry as well because you knew damn well why Minho was acting like that, even more when you started to piece it together. You knew something was wrong when he came home earlier without a word or acting weird whenever you asked him if there was something wrong. You knew he was in a bad mood but you never pressed him to say anything because you knew he'd tell you if it really bothered him.
When Minho came out of the bathroom, he saw you scrolling through his phone with your eyebrows furrowed and he did nothing but sigh. He was planning to tell you but he guessed you found out before he had the chance to. Slowly, Minho made his way back to your shared bed. "Hey..." he said quietly, taking his phone when you handed it back to him, turning it off before placing it on the bedside table.
You did nothing but give him a small warm smile, your anger being replaced with worry and sadness. "I... I'm sorry, I just–" you cut him off with a kiss on his cheek. "No need for apologies, baby. Just tell me what's bothering you." you said, intertwining your hand with his. Minho took a deep breath, "I... don't like it. I hate... I hate the scar." you sighed deeply as you stared at your intertwined hands that he keeps fiddling with—a habit that you knew brought him comfort.
"Hmm, haven't we talked about this?" you whispered, taking your free hand and placing it where the scar was.
"I know, but when... w-when you work in an industry where your b-body and face a-are one of the main factors of–of that job... it's h-hard to ignore it, baby." he said in a shaky voice, you continued to stare and said nothing. "You don't know how many stays are asking us for... f-for ab reveals and stuff...ha" he slightly laughed at his own words, making you smile sadly, pulling him closer to you so you can lay on his chest. "You know they'll understand if you're not comfortable with it, right? Your fans love you, bubba. They're not leaving just cause you can't show a part of you."
"I know that, but I just want to do well. I want to sing well for them, to dance—but I can't do neither of those things when I'm too focused on my appearance. I can't dance well because it's not comfortable when my hair gets in the way, when my concept outfit gets in the way, and..." he paused, you looked up at him, kissing your forehead before speaking again, "and when I'm aware that there's a chance that my scar will show...just like what happened on the music show earlier..." he sighed. "Baby, you know how strict this industry is about our appearances. It's enough that people see me as cold, rude, emotionless– I don't want to look ugly in front of them too..."
You detached yourself from his chest and sat up, facing him with a smile, and because he was laying down, he needed to look up at you to give you a confused smile. "Do you remember when you first showed me your scar?"
"Tch! Of course, I do. I was nervous and embarrassed as hell, how could I forget?"
"And do you remember what I did after?" he said nothing and just nodded.
You lowered yourself so you can face his stomach, slowly pulling up his shirt and exposing his long surgical scar. Hesitantly, he placed his hand on yours that had the rest of his shirt crumpled in, "B-Baby–" you kissed his lips "Shhh.." you shushed, lowering your head again, smiling when you saw his stomach physically tensed.
You hummed as you lowered your lips and kissed every inch of his scar, slowly, lovingly... I love every part of you, Lee Minho... you thought as you kissed him.
He stared at you as you gave him the comfort he needed– the comfort he needed exactly from you. As you kissed his stomach where his hated scar was placed, he realized, as he continued to do so over and over, again and again-- how lucky he was that he found someone that loved him despite his flaws. He was thankful to no one but you because it was only you that made him feel so loved. How do you always manage to make me the happiest whenever I'm the saddest? he thought.
His smile grew bigger every kiss, his love for you grew stronger each time your lips touched his skin.
When you placed the last and final kiss, you faced him with a smile on your face, it growing bigger when you saw how big his smile was as he looked back at you. "I love you so much, do you know that?" he asked, the sadness that was previously present in his face, long gone. "Hmm..." you pretended to think. "Maybe?" you answered playfully.
He raised his eyebrows and gasped, "MAYBE???" you laughed, adjusting yourself up again, kissing his hair, forehead, temple, kissing his nose–making him giggle, his cheeks, and finally, a long kiss on his lips. "Of course, I know it, silly. And you do know how I do?"
"Because you're not rude, cold, nor emotionless. You're the warmest person I've ever met, Min. You never failed to make me feel your love and affection. You always make me feel so loved." he smiled, "That's funny because YOU make me feel the same. I always feel my insecurities shake in fear when you're around because they'll know they'd have no place on my body anymore because it's gonna be filled with all your love– what's so funny???" he asked when you started laughing.
"Baby, you're so cheesy, d'you know that? Shake in fear?? God... pfft!"
"Oh shut up! Hahaha" he laughed with you.
"Hmm... but I love you. All of you." you whispered, with a genuine smile on your face.
"I love you too..."
i hateeeee thissss!!! but i have no choice but to post it bc it'll turn more crappy if I continued editing and "fixing" it. tsh,,, hoped you enjoyed though ://
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wigglebox · 2 years
If you don’t mind me asking, what didn’t you like about the leaked script and why are you so convinced it’s not real? Especially with filming locations, casting, etc matching up with it pretty perfectly so far. No hate, I swear. I’m just genuinely curious. I read it and loved it, although I do hate that it was leaked in the first place.
hello! sorry for the delay! wasn't gonna answer this bc i've ignored the other asks in the last couple of months but i realized that i never really, i think, explained why i hated this leak so this is going to be my one and done.
the tl'dr is if you consider yourself a fan of SPN, jackles, dee, robbie, whoever is involved, you would forget that script leak ever happened, forget that "script" exists, and just wait until we see shit on our TV. don't give energy to people who think they have some kind of right to share things that aren't theirs and getting attention off of it.
this isn't the leaker's baby. this is jackles, robbie, and dee's baby and when the time comes to see what they've done, THAT'S when we can appreciate it.
elevated sodium levels under the cut
first and foremost, talking about this leak, acting like it's real, acknowledging it, and spreading it around — to me — means you're not really a fan of jackles, dee, robbie, etc etc.
they had a bad leak last summer and it caused a lot of stress.
why would a pilot script leak be any less damaging? Truly? It frustrates me that so called fans of theirs would take a script like this, and be it real or not, wave it around claiming it is.
why would you want to risk something like that? why would you spread this around? why would you give it to anyone? why? like again, in my eyes, you're just not a fan and don't actually support them, you're just looking for clout
*i'm using the royal You/Your btw because idk where this thing got started and i don't care to find out.
But whoever started it, to me, they aren't fans, they don't care about this show, they don't care about the people involved. They're selfish. Plain and simple.
As for the script itself.
I didn't see the whole thing, but from what I read off of like, 4 pages [because I too am not perfect and was curious when i saw it briefly on Twitter]
1) It doesn't read like Robbie at all. I don't mind the details included in it, but the actual writing itself is bad. Like from just a technical, standard screenwriting perspective it's bad. It reads like someone took fanfiction and adapted it to a screenplay with no care in the world.
There are actual Robbie scripts on the superwiki you can read. It reads nothing like this. And yes there is some time between those scripts and this, but usually you improve as a writer. I have read an old Jerhico script from him and it was average, and his SPN scripts were fantastic and he really found his style of writing and voice.
This "leaked script" doesn't read like it. It doesn't even read like the person who wrote it even tRIED to imitate him. And maybe it's a draft — who knows — but all I know is it read more as a scratch board for ideas rather than a normal, Robbie Thompson script. He's better than that.
2) It's too long. Things get edited down, yes, which is why obviously... idk I read somewhere it was a network draft? Lord I hope not. That should be the first draft. Like THEE first draft that you dump all your ideas into and flesh out. But regardless, things are going to get cut from it. Someone told me how many pages it was. It's way too long.
3) I HATE i despise this post-finale attitude of information gathering. Secrets this, connections that, carrot dangling, blahblahblah. And this script only adds to that.
Getting SPN scripts isn't out of the realm of logic, again the Superwiki has a bunch. But those episodes aired. We know what aired vs what we got in the yellow pages, green pages, final draft, production draft, etc etc. Those were sought out, bought, awarded in charity auctions and donated.
getting script leaks for a show that hadn't even started filming its pilot yet, and not even made to series order yet, and peddling it around like it's something good? No. That's bad.
All it does is fuel whoever started this to keep doing that bullshit.
Also, personally, i'm annoyed because people do keep talking about it like it's real. But no one can possibly know that unless Robbie or Jackles or Dee came out themselves and said that.
And I just get really frustrated people talking about this show already and acting like this script is real because you should NEVER ever ever read a script and assume that's how you're gonna see it on TV before said episode airs. if this was actually a network draft, it's so far away from what we're going to get on-screen word for word, shot for shot because it is too long! [again, that's an estimation, I was only told how long this thing was when I asked]
So I don't like this leap folks are already taking like 'oh they cast this person as this character so the script must be real!'
like no.
always always wait for it to air, and then find the scripts.
and for the love of god, stop trying to information hunt at the detriment of peoples' ACTUAL hard work.
it's rude, it's selfish, and it leads to bad attitudes across the board.
this isn't the script leaker's story.
this isn't theirs.
this is jackles and robbie and dee's story. this is THEIR hard work. it shouldn't be leaked (again!) because someone felt entitled to do so like last summer.
it's not the leaker's work. they're just being dicks and want attention and I don't feel like as a fandom we should give it to them.
spoilers used to be fun, like, oh a set picture from a set stalker! oh clues in interviews, ohblahblahblah. now it feels like a competition and did since the end of season 15. and that's just bad. and leads to more pushes for more information before things air or happen, and that's when things turn sour REAL fast.
so yeah. I'm sorry I'm talking in a circle now.
but basically yeah, like my tldr: I don't like the pilot script leak thing because there's no way to actually confirm everything in it is real until the pilot airs. it's not the leaker's hard work and efforts; they contributed nothing to this.
it's just selfish.
and I find it very sad.
[nonny none of this was directed at you, this is just a general rant]
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amonrawya · 3 years
The Greatest Gift of All
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(Inspired by^ for the people who asked :D hope it was worth the wait!)
Long before the war, before Captain America or the Winter Soldier, there was simply Bucky and Steve. At least, that's what history says. But they missed out one very important person, a girl called Y/N.
Women in those times often found themselves with little opportunity, and only two easily attainable pathways in life: wife and mother. But Y/N carved out a life for herself that defied all expectations, and it all started in Brooklyn.
She dived headlong into scuffles, usually next to Bucky in defence of Steve. Regardless of the opponent, Y/N stood by them both, and often held her own quite impressively.
Her dress style borrowed from more masculine cuts, and Y/N was never seen without her cap. A lot of people had a problem with this, but she shut them up fairly swiftly.
Everything about this girl drew Bucky in, a battle he fought with little effort. They reveled in each other, flaunting their love at every opportunity. More than a few were jealous that the rough and tumble girl got the best looking boy in town. 
In a way, before even coming of age, they started an adult life together. The three of them moved into a flat. Y/N and Bucky took hard labour jobs, or anything they could get. They had little room to be picky. 
Both managed to hook steady summer jobs at the local docks. They used most of their money to keep a roof over their heads, buy food, and pay for Steve's medical needs. He attended art school, and sold his work every now and then; but physically, he was in no condition to work.
The war appeared on the horizon, just as they started to pull themselves an inch above the poverty line. Y/N saw it coming, the inevitable. She treasured every second they spent together, and dreaded the day when the draft came.
A lot of the older women she worked with were disrespectful, looking down on her pre-marital relationship with Bucky. They claimed she couldn't possibly understand their grief, despite the fact Y/N had seen Bucky off at the docks that very morning. 
In truth, they already planned on being married, but at the time, they simply didn't have the funds. Bucky promised, once the war ended, that ring would be on her finger.
Except, he never came home. Not properly. The person Hydra gave back to Y/N was damaged and jaded, angry at the world, angrier than she ever saw. But still, they loved each other. Though she never forgave them for stealing away his innocence, for trying to snuff out the light in his soul. A part of him would always belong to them, and she hated it.
Refusing to stay home while they risked their lives, never knowing, Y/N trained as an army nurse, working specially with the Howling Commandos unit.
Then one day, she went out to welcome them back from a mission. Every face looked devastated, but none more so than Steve. His eyes, red-raw and streaming, seemed incapable of rising from the ground. At first, the realisation didn't process, the idea simply incomprehensible. He promised.
Dugan was the one to finally break through and catch Y/N as she fell, holding her as the tears poured. Once he shook off his daze, Steve took his place, sharing in her grief.
Her world fell apart so quickly, with no warning and no mercy. Their commanders celebrated the capture of Arnim Zola, while Y/N and Steve sat, staring at an empty place at their side.
Everyone mourned Bucky, and swiftly after, began to mourn Y/N, too. The loss took a part of her...the sparkle, the happiness, the laugh that lit up her face. It all vanished. She worked hard, looked after them all, but only Steve was able to make her smile. Even then, it looked pained.
So when Steve went down with the plane, the very last shred of Y/N died with him. No tears left her eyes, no screams ripped up her throat. A cold numbness took over, freezing the woman from the inside out. 
V-Day came and went. The Commandos stood and drank to their lost comrades, and Dugan silently drank another...for the loss of a bright, fiery girl who had virtually nothing to lose, and still lost everything.
She spent her days as a robot, doing nothing but going through the motions of badly imitating life. The flat was empty and quiet, yet somehow, bursting with the ghosts of her loved ones. Nightmares plagued her, terrible images of Bucky's body, forever trapped in a freezing hell, nothing but food for the birds. And Steve, his body...was it cast adrift in the ocean? Or destroyed, burnt to ash in the belly of a metal beast. 
They were simple folk before the war turned them into soldiers, into weapons. Before symbols and flags stole away their names, driving them to sacrifice their lives for a greater cause.
Y/N knew their fight against Hydra was important...knew the honour behind their sacrifice. But when it's you left sitting at an empty dinner table, it's much easier to be angry and bitter.
She never married, never settled, bouncing around countries working as an army nurse. The Commandos slowly died around her, each one fading to grey as the curtain drew the show to a close. Each death, each funeral ripped open her wounds, bigger and deeper each time. Until eventually, Y/N let the blood flow freely.
Or at least, that's what would have happened. But one choice, one decision, made by a boy she thought dead in the far future, changed it all.
Bucky Barnes struggled to find himself again. His memories were mostly all returned, if a bit hazy and fragmented. He had Steve there to right any wrong recollections, and connect with on their shared experiences. But something always seemed to be missing, a piece of the jigsaw that hadn't been found.
He remembered Y/N. He remembered her clearer than anything. She was glowing like honey in the sun when Bucky closed his eyes and brought her back to mind.
Face covered in muck, hair tousled and streaked with grease from the boats, soot on the very tip of her nose and a cap perched jauntily on her head; wearing the deepest expression of concentration as she aimed a hanful of rotten fish guts at the sleezy Connell boy from Fifth, who decided his opinion on her backside mattered. The image shone crystal clear. Her laughter, rolling out from between curved lips, beautiful and full of mischief. 
It never failed to make him smile. Or cry. Or sometimes, both. He missed Y/N than he thought possible for a human being. 
Bucky often wondered about her life, whether she went on to marry, or maybe even have children. Was she happy? Did she bury him and move on? If they met today, would Y/N even recognise the man he was now? 
More importantly, in his mind, something he both feared and longed to know: would she still love him?
Unbeknownst to Bucky, Steve saw all this. Understood, to a degree, his pain. But he and Peggy never got the chance to bond so strongly. He knew Bucky needed him, but Steve also knew he needed Y/N more.
So once his goodbyes were said, he looked one last time at Bucky, and smiled beneath his suit as he vanished into time.
The living room looked exactly the same as he remembered. Bucky's coat, slung over the back of the chair, his sketchbooks strewn around the desk. Every rip and chip. His heart swelled with nostalgia, and pain, thinking of the life they were supposed to have.
What must have been in their heads...running off to fight, so eager to throw everything away. And who was left to stare at empty beds and eat breakfast alone every morning? Y/N.
His chest constricted, hearing the keys in the door, the lock rattling three times before letting her in. His nerve faltered for the briefest second, wondering if he was ready to see her again.
"Who the hell are you?!"
Time's up.
Slowly, he turned, and watched as Y/N's eyes widened, all the bags in her hands falling to the floor with a crash.
"...Stevie?" The name came out as a whisper, nearly inaudible.
He grinned, laughing as tears stung his eyes. "Hey, spitfire. Long time no see."
"Steve!" She launched herself at him, arms wrapping around his neck and clinging on for dear life. 
Catching her by the waist, he swung Y/N around, burying his face in her hair. They held onto one another as if they might vanish if they let go. But after a minute, Steve gently pushed her back.
"How? How are you here? What are you wearing? I don't understand, Steve, they said you died! Your plane went down in the ocean," she stammered, hand on his forearm with a grip like a vice.
"I survived. The serum kept me alive in the ice for seventy years," he said, questioning his own sanity momentarily; standing in the flat again made everything that happened seem like a distant dream.
Y/N frowned, brows knitting together. "What? Did you hit your head? Steve, this is 1945."
"I know, I came from 2023. I'm alive," he said, and saw her mentally backing away, so added, "I'm alive, and so is Bucky."
Her head snapped up, eyes immediately filling with tears. A dozen emotions whizzed through them in a second; disbelief, pain, hope. It shone clearly in her face as she stepped closer.
What did you say?" She asked, voice choked as she brought her shaking hands up to her mouth.
"Bucky's alive," he repeated softly, "and I can send you to him, in the future. But we don't have a lot of time. You need to listen to me, carefully, and do what I say."
She spluttered, struggling for words. "I, but...what about you?"
"I've made my decision," Steve said, and gently took her hands in his, "now, please, listen."
Bucky watched the machine, feeling a wave of numbness wash over his insides. Nothing was a better deal than the pain, the cruel sting of betrayal fighting to be felt. But he beat it back, unable to allow those thoughts validation.
Steve gave up so much for him, he fought for years to get him here. Steve deserved this. And no matter how wrong those words sounded in his head, he resolutely stood by them. 
The seconds ticked by, noted by Bruce's countdown. A flash of guilt almost made Bucky explain what was going to happen, explain that Steve left them. Left him. But he possessed no energy to speak, they'd see in a second, when no one appeared-
Zap. A blinding flash of light.
There's someone there.
Bucky frowned, hands falling from his pockets. Did Steve change his mind? Did he...
All the thoughts in his head stopped as the figure stepped down. Too small, too lithe for it to be Steve. Bucky's heart rate quickened, something in his unconscious already registering his recognition. 
The suit fell away, and if he weren't frozen in place, Bucky wouldn't have been standing. A quiver shot through him, nearly buckling his knees. Shock, fear and pure disbelief all delayed his reaction.
Y/N looked around, amazed, but turned to stone as she set eyes on him. Her face went utterly blank, a strangled sound leaving her lips.
Wearing her yard slacks, with a small bag on her shoulder, her face covered in dirt, hair streaked with grease, cap perched on-top, slanted to one side...she was everything he remembered, and his heart tried to leave his chest to go to her. To be whole again.
But fear held him back. She didn't know the things he'd done, the person he became after the train accident. What if-
"Who is she?" Sam asked, glaring as he stalked towards her, an accusation rising on his lips.
Bucky answered without hesitation, or thinking; the question had been asked countless times over the years. It always recieved the same reply. "My doll."
Sam stopped short, glancing between them, the way neither took their eyes off the other. He nodded, brows still closely knit, and backed off.
Slowly, Y/N approached, encouraged by the sound of his voice. She reached out carefully, when she got close enough. Trembling fingers brushed his cheek, and a shudder ran through her. 
"My Bucky..." She said quietly, eyes roaming over his face, a small smile tugging at her lips, "...you're here, in front of me. Alive."
He swallowed dryly, heart thundering away beneath his skin. "I'm different...you don't know..."
No sooner had the words left his mouth that her eyes found the cold metal where his flesh used to be. In reaching to hold it, she'd been taken by surprise.
Gently, Y/N took the hand in her own, examing the limb with a careful gaze. Moments passed, and she met his eyes again. Bucky steeled himself for rejection, for the disgust and horror.
Her hand went back to his cheek, and he involuntairly leaned into it. The warmth seeped into his blood. She stood on her tip toes, the smile on her lips blossoming into a bright beam of sunlight. "You've always been my Bucky, and always will be. Metal appendages and all."
He fell apart and dove down to capture her lips, clutching her to him with the hunger of a starving man. She pulled herself in, hands tangling in his brown locks, and both tasted salt on the others' lips.
So filled with joy his heart could burst, Bucky revelled in the feeling of holding his girl again. Laughing through the tears, he buried his face in her neck.
Thank you, Steve, for the greatest gift of all.
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