#I mean everyone should but ANYWAY I would be curious how this was to someone wwith colorblindness
Going to put on my day job hat on for a second and talk about accessibility. In today’s Magic Story, red font was used to denote some important information to the reader without spoiling things because you shouldn’t have to worry about spoilers in a post about accessibility.
I will applaud the fact the text was in bold and a good size.Since bold font is not standard, I feel that choice of bolding the text shows there was some thought into how to  to make this accessible while using red text to convey this information.
For example, without the bolding, the red text would look a lot like the example below to people with various color blindness after I used a tool to pull the color of the text and background from today’s story.
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(Image Alt Text: Image showing how the color used in the Magic Story, “One and the Same” looks to people with various color blindness.)
Thinking of accessibility of your stories shouldn’t be an afterthought. Judging by what we saw in the story, I don’t think it was but this is just some thoughts about how important it is to think about these things when something like color is used to convey important information.
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walliedarling · 1 year
Vitamin C
You and Wally are the only inhabitants of Home who can eat. Wally, as is in his nature, is curious about anything he's unfamiliar with, including this. You decide to humour him, then humour him a little more... Hesitantly.
Notes: Human Reader AU (you were transported to Home and keep your human body) Hypnosis, Mild Horror Elements, Mild Body Horror, Non-Sxual Body Exploration. (you eat an apple. that’s all :)!)
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“You’re not kidding, right? You really want to see?”
You don’t think that Wally would lie to you, or push a joke this far. Still, you fail to see the appeal in this. You hold the apple Wally has given you by its stem, and twirl it around.
“I’m not joking at all,” he responds. His eyes linger on the apple you’re holding, before his gaze drifts back to your face. “Do you mind? I wouldn’t want to make a friend do something they don’t want.”
Wally is the first one who has asked to see you eat right to your face, but you know that it’s yet another surprising aspect of your body to everyone living here. More surprising than the feeling of your skin, the number of your fingers, and the texture of your hair. Some are better at hiding their reactions than others. Some don’t try to hide them at all, like Wally. He’s here to have his curiosity sated, and you can’t deny that you have questions of your own.
“No, no, it’s fine. It doesn’t bother me,” you say, answering honestly. It’s a little weird, nothing more than that. You’re used to that by now. “So, hm… None of you really eat? The food’s just for show?”
Wally is quiet for a moment. He folds his hands over each other, and taps one of his fingers on the top of his hand, the rhythm even.  
“The others don’t. They think their favourite foods are pretty, that’s all,” he says. “But I do. I eat. I get hungry. Like you do.”
“Oh, uh, really?” His answer catches you off-guard. You wrack your brain for memories of any instance of seeing Wally eat, yet turn up empty. You continue speaking before he has the chance to respond. “I’ve never seen you do it, though.”
Wally smiles wider, his eyes squinting a little. “Maybe you haven’t been looking well enough,” he says. Whatever that means. You sigh through your nose. Another skill that only you are capable of in this small town.
“I wanna see how you eat too then. You can’t say that and expect me not to be curious,” you tell him. You’re curious now, and it’s nice to have something substantial in common with one of your neighbours. It’s mostly your curiosity speaking . Where does he even leave it? “I-if you don’t mind.” You quickly add. Wally was considerate enough to ask as well, and you have no idea if there are any weird implications behind what you’re stating.
“It’s fine with me,” he says, looking at the apple once more, and back at you. “ You should go first, since I asked first. I’ll show you after, is that alright? Promise.” Wally is the type of person to keep his word, you know that.
“Fine by me. I’m kind of hungry, anyway.” You bring the apple to your mouth. It’s strange to eat with someone gazing so intently at you, his eyes practically boring holes into you. It makes you self-conscious of every single one of your movements. Something as simple as taking a bite no longer feels natural, and your nails press into the apple as you hold it in front of your mouth. You close your eyes.
Well, you might as well get started.
Your teeth sink into the apple’s flesh with a snap. When sap practically gushes out, your eyes shoot open and you let out a noise of surprise. A droplet or two run down your chin. Your face heats up, and Wally’s slow, stilted laughter doesn’t help your embarrassment. With the back of your hand, you wipe your chin clean. You hadn’t expected it to be this juicy. It tastes good, at least. The perfect mixture of sour and sweet, and soft enough to easily chew through. You keep your mouth firmly closed the whole time. After that embarrassing moment, you want to at least refrain from making too much noise.
Wally leans his chin on one of his hands as he stares up at you. The height difference between the two of you is noticeable, even when sitting down. “What a messy way of eating, neighbour. I wasn’t expecting that.”  
You groan, and put your hand over your mouth. “It’s not usually like that,” you mumble. “I don’t know what I was doing there. It’s supposed to stay inside, and you just chew it up.”  You lower your hand, and smile sheepishly. This is more silly than anything truly embarrassing, honestly. The whole situation is odd, and has you more on edge than you should be.
“Chew?” he repeats, tilting his head to the side.
“Yeah.” You open your mouth and point at your teeth. “That’s what these are for. My teeth. They grind it up, so it doesn’t get stuck anymore.”
“Ohhh,” he draws out the noise. His fingers tap on his cheek. “I was wondering about that. I thought they were filling up empty space, and that’s all.” The only times Wally looks away from your eyes is when he moves to stare at something else. This time, at your teeth. “Can you show me that, too?”
You frown. “What, the chewing?”
Wally simply nods in response. You hesitate.
“It’s… Impolite to chew with your mouth open,” you explain. It’s an unwritten rule that you don’t have any clear memory of, yet know to be true. A bit of knowledge so ingrained into your mind that it has left an impression on you deeper than a memory. (How stupid. You wish you could remember anything more about where you came from.) “And it looks gross. I don’t recommend it.”
“Why would it be impolite? I’m the one asking you to do it. I would like to see.” He blinks up at you multiple times, his smile softening around the edges. “Pretty please?” You laugh, and shrug your shoulders as Wally’s expression returns to its usual. It takes you some effort to wrestle your eyes away from the dark pools of his eyes, and look at the apple you bring to your mouth.
“Okay, whatever. Since you asked so nicely,” you tease lightly. “But don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
You take another bite out of the apple, larger than the last. Like Wally asked, you keep your mouth open, and try not to think too hard at what you’re doing. Instead of speeding through it, you chew slowly, to keep the amount of gross, smacking noises to a minimum. Wally hums as he watches. His pupils move up and down with the rising and falling of your teeth, his eyes even more lidded than usual.
“You really do crush it to bits. I see, I see… How different.” he mumbles to himself. If there’s anything he doesn’t seem to be, it’s disgusted. He doesn’t look fazed at all. You’re forced to close your mouth when swallowing, and Wally blinks when you show him it’s all gone. “Where does it go?”
“It goes down,” you respond. You press a finger to the outside of your throat, and trace it down to about where your stomach must be. It’s difficult to think of a way to explain this to him without causing more confusion. “There’s a kind of… Pipe? A hollow part. It leads down to another place, where the food gets burnt up.”  
“Burned?” Wally’s eyes widen. “You have a fire inside of your body? Ah, is that why you are always so warm…? That seems very uncomfortable, friend. Are you okay?”
“I’m fine! I’m completely fine!” That definitely wasn’t the right way to use, and you smile at your own silliness. “I’m sorry, that came out wrong… I– I don’t really know how to explain it to you. It’ll sound weird no matter what I say.”
Wally remains quiet for a few moments longer, as if waiting to hear if you will offer any further explanation. “That’s alright. I don’t mind. Some things are difficult to explain. I don’t think I could explain to you how I eat, either. Bodies can be a little silly.”
“That’s one way to put it.” you respond, smiling. Without thinking, your tongue darts out of your mouth and licks at your lips, licking up some of the sap you had failed to clean up earlier. It would’ve gone entirely unnoticed by you if Wally hadn’t brought attention to it.
“Your tongue is funny too. I can’t do that, only this.” He sticks his tongue out in a straight line, before pulling it back inside. It’s made out of felt like the rest of him, like your body is made out of flesh. “Yours looks squishy. Can I touch it?”
That’s where you draw the line. You’re fine with him watching you eat, find him asking you to do so with your mouth open a semi-acceptable level of strangeness, but you’re not going to let him pull at your tongue. Your face is burning up. Despite your reservations, you assume that Wally doesn’t think there’s anything strange about asking this. Hadn’t Julie asked you for a couple of strands of your hair to take a closer look at? Hadn’t Frank practically interrogated you on all kinds of subjects when you recently arrived, trying to figure out what kind of creature you were? Still… You don’t really want him to do this.
“Well, I…” You trail off. Your tongue feels heavy in your mouth, and you can’t look away from Wally’s eyes. When you shake your head, the movement is difficult and sluggish. It feels as if you were underwater, fighting against a membrane limiting your movements. The apple sits in your lap, forgotten. Wally’s eyes are so, so big.
Wally leans in closer, smiling as he looks at you. “You’ll be okay. I’ll be careful.”
This is weird. You don’t want this. However, thinking becomes too much effort as Wally hovers in front of your face. Your mouth hangs open the slightest bit, though whether through subconscious obedience, or because you’re so out of it that your facial muscles simply relaxed, you don’t know. Wally keeps your face still with one hand, using his other hand to coax your mouth open further.
He doesn’t immediately go for your tongue. Instead, he pokes at your front teeth, running his finger along the bottom. For a moment, he lingers on one of your canines, and laughs. 
“Ha, ha, ha. I thought they would’ve been sharper.” He runs the pad of his pointer finger over your teeth, until he reaches your molars, and the back of your mouth. A shudder shoots through you, and you lurch backward.
“It’ll hurt if you go deeper.” With his finger still in your mouth, your voice sounds somewhat distorted.
Wally blinks slowly. “...Me, or you?”
It’s difficult to keep a solid train of thought going, and even harder to speak. Your eyes are nearly entirely slid shut. The world around you is hazy. Yet, you know that Wally is looking right at you.
“Both of us.” You can’t quite remember why it would be bad if he pushed down further. All you know is that it’ll be bad.
Wally pulls his hand back. He prods at your tongue instead, which twitches in response to his touch. You let out a noise of discomfort, and he shushes you. “It’s softer than I expected. What’s that on it?” Another finger enters your mouth. He pinches your tongue in between two of his fingers. As he rubs the bottom of it with one of them, more and more spit starts to accumulate in your mouth.  
You try to answer his question, though a part of you knows very well it’s no use. What leaves your mouth is incomprehensible gibberish as your tongue wriggles in his grasp. Wally laughs harder than he has during your whole interaction so far.
“Oh, so it’s for speaking, too? How silly.” He retreats from your mouth. You let out a sigh, and the haze in your head clears a tad as he stares at the spit covering his fingers. With his clean hand, he reaches inside his own mouth and mirrors what he earlier did to you. You try not to stare too hard into his mouth. It’s a black expanse that seems to lead nowhere. “Another difference. I can still speak while doing this!” He laughs again, and repeats himself. “Another difference.”
He speaks as unobstructed as if there were nothing in his mouth at all. Your face scrunches up. This feels like missing the last step while going down the stairs, expecting something that isn’t there.
“Now, now,” Wally places both of his hands back in his lap, and smiles at you. “It’s not very nice to look at your friend like that.” Your head feels heavier. Though your eyes hurt, you can’t blink.
“Sorry. I wasn’t expecting that.” Your way of speaking is languid, and you don’t know what you’re saying until you’ve heard the words spoken out loud.
“Apology accepted. I’ll ask you one more question to make it up for that, though!” He winks at you. “Your voice… It comes from somewhere else other than your tongue, right? I still heard noise.”
Your arm moves. Your hand ends up at your throat. Your head leans to the side. “Here. It vibrates.”
Wally doesn’t ask you for permission before touching you this time. His hand, light and soft, rests on your throat. You feel the spit on his fingers rub against your skin. You hum a short tune. Your vocal cords vibrate accordingly.
Wally squeezes your throat tighter, though you can still breathe fine. One of his hands rests on your thigh. He taps two of his fingers on your skin in a rhythmic, repetitive pattern. It matches up perfectly with the beating of your heart.
“What’s that?” he asks, his voice going lower and lower as he speaks. “The pounding.” You swallow, and feel it slide down your throat.
“My heart,” you respond as quietly as he speaks. You’re not sure why, it merely feels like the natural thing to do. “It… Keeps everything moving, I guess. I think. All the parts moving.”
Wally laughs softly. “You have so many moving parts. Your body can do so many different things. So different from ours… Carrying so much inside. No wonder you have to eat.” You’re not sure whether it’s his proximity, or if the speeding up of his fingers on your thigh is what is making your heart race.
“It’s going faster.” The pressure around your throat increases. “What’s it saying? What does it tell you?”
“N… N-nothing.” you have to squeeze the words out of you. “It’s not alive.”
Wally slowly shakes his head. “It’s not another thing. It’s a part of you. It’s alive, and it’s trying to tell you something.” He hums. “Maybe you can’t understand it yet. I couldn’t understand Home at first, either. And you have so much inside you.” He loosens his grip on your throat. You suck in a deep breath, and lean forward.
The mist disappears from your brain. When you look up at him, Wally is smiling at you. “Thanks for the meal!”
You glance down at your lap. The apple that had been resting there the whole time, with only two bites taken out of it, has disappeared.
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rusmii · 5 months
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#🫧 includes : fem!reader x dazai, chuuya
#🫧 notes : yall may think im weird for this, but hear me out! i got curious and decided to make a/b/otology. more characters later!!💀
#🫧 cws : smut hcs is in its own section so u can skip over it, a/b/o dynamics, ruts/heats, pls don't take this seriously, uh implied weird sex with these men, mentioned: fisting, cunni, fingering, marathon sex, big dicks, cervix touching, rough fucking, bed breaking, FEM TERMS ARE USED!!! (pussy), unknown drug mori gave you and chuuya
#🫧 taglist (free to join!) : @luvan1 @dollchuya
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— 𝐃𝐀𝐙𝐀𝐈 : general hcs
idk I'm leaning towards alpha
dazai is more like a non stero typical alpha due to his lack of outwardly cocky confidence and average muscle a normal alpha should have
at first glance he seems like a regular beta - hell even with some submissive qualities 💀
but as you get to know him you also notice the shift in his scent
dazai is the type to wear scent blockers bc he just doesn't wanna deal with a flock of whores coming his way whenever he's out
as for when he presented, probably around 15. a little after when mori found him and recruited chuuya
dazai isn't really an aggressive alpha per say, but as an alpha it's rlly in his instincts so if you're observant, you may notice his passive aggressive attitude
him in the pm was ruthless tho. he was murdering dicks with just his presence, but he's a changed man now
dazais rut cycles happen every 4 weeks (every month). average rut time that lasts a week
since he's an alpha most likely he's going to be a little bigger than the average beta. maybe abt 4.7 inches when soft and 7-8 inches when hardened
he doesn't have a preference in the omegas he likes but if he were to choose, probably an omega who reminds him of oda in way
basically someone who won't judge him for who he is cause dazai is a whole mess to deal with😭
— 𝐃𝐀𝐙𝐀𝐈 : smut hcs (u can skip this part)
hope u guys didn't forget this is an omegaverse post
anyways dazai goes feral when he dicks you down😭
shoving you on his cock even when he only used one finger:( jk nah he uses his whole fist first
you're stretched so wide opened that you don't even need a plug. your slick already producing more than enough to replace a whole bucket of lube
that's when he bullies his cock up into you. making sure you least expect it— making you beg and moan then shoves it in when your mouth is already wide open
I'm sorry if ur on the smaller side but dazais dick IS gonna be 7-8 inches so if you're like under 5'4 then yeah you might feel that shit up in your cervix
but that's fine since you're born to be bred that way (omega reader)
that aside, dazai isn't as dominant as other alphas. controlling, yes. lazy? definitely
rather have you fuck yourself on his dick then do much work but that's when he's NOT on his rut
if he's on his rut then yeah, ur pussy is getting a restraining order against his dick
bro your pussy would be PULSING for daaysss after his rut😭😭 you wouldn't even wanna open your legs for this man anymore
your heat cycles and his rut cycles probably don't align, meaning more days off work, meaning a happy dazai
dazais version of aftercare is eating his cum out of you then carrying you to use the bathroom to pee then carry you back to bed to sleep
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— 𝐂𝐇𝐔𝐔𝐘𝐀 : general hcs
ALPHA 100%
but gets mistaken for an omega💀
as an alpha, chuuya exerts that usual cocky confidence and muscle a normal alpha would have. in fact he probably has more than the average alpha
the only reason why chuuya gets mistaken as an omega is bc of how short he is. there's no way that an alpha could be so non stero typical but chuuyas existence proves everyone wrong
chuuya doesn't wear scent blockers then complains abt omegas, BETAS even, clinging onto him like he's gonna leave them after edging them for years
submissive betas though, normal and more dominant betas aren't crazy over him like that😭
as for when chuuya presented, he was a late bloomer lmfaooo. buddy presented as an alpha at 18
ngl everyone thought he was gonna be one dominant omega but chuuyas biology rlly said, "lemme show yall where i put the rest of his height"
unlike dazai, chuuya is one hell of a volatile alpha. one second he's calm then he's slamming a random alphas head in the wall bc he was harassing omegas
a volatile alpha for good reasons (unless it's dazai)
chuuyas rut cycles comes every 3 weeks and lasts for about a week and a half. not on the average time but pretty close to it
he'd just have to adjust and manage his timing well
like dazai, he's gonna have a BIG D so I'd say around the same length as him, 8-9 inches when hard and 5 when softened. as for width though? man's a coke can. THICK AS FUCK.
chuuya does have a preference in his omegas. he'd prefer a more submissive but act-like-they're-in-charge type of omega. he's not picky though, and will worship an omega anyways
that will always send them the wrong signals but it's alr since it's chuuya
— 𝐂𝐇𝐔𝐔𝐘𝐀 : smut hcs (u can skip this)
a dominant man always loves being on top
chuuya be the type to finger you while eating you ouuut😝 literally doesn't stop till his face, neck-down is SOAKED
and chuuyas fingers are BIG like did you guys know his hands are bigger than dazais?!? one finger would probably equal to two of yours
bby makes sure to stretch you wide open cz he knows he big:((
just know that his tip is gonna be slobbering your cervix, so let's hope your omega body is aroused enough to stretch for him
on normal days where normal sex occurs, chuuya doesn't really treat you any differently from his rut days
only difference being that he's softer and gentler, especially on special days
during his ruts however.......... yo bro breaking bed after bed yall might as well just fuck on the floor😭
like it's gotten to the point where you just use a floor bed
ik ur neighbors banging on the doors every 3 weeks
your pussy is literally applying for another alpha cause WHEWW man keeping up with chuuya is a workout on its own
it don't help the fact that his stamina exceeds normal people staminas
your heat cycles and his rut cycles align! when you and chuuya first mated, you both took these unknown concoctions mori gave yall to align your cycles
in chuuyas house, aftercare is important. or at least that's what he says before knocking tf out and you having to drag your ass out of bed to clean yourself + him up
he feels bad abt it the next morning and makes you stay in bed for like the next 3 days
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©CHURUAI ;;; don't steal, plagiarize, or repost my works
rbs and comments appreciated <3<3
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tojifile · 5 months
@Satosugu . . . ( ´ ꒳ ` )
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Tags: idols!satosugu, f!reader, very very cliché wattpad 2018 plot, fan!reader, satosugu x reader, fluff, no curse au, cursing, use of petnames, mentions of stalking, clingy Satoru, kind of ooc (?), reader is 18 n the guys are 19, reader is shorter than both of them, NOT A SATOSUGU SHIP POST
A/N: Thinking about Geto Suguru & Gojo Satoru and those kpop fics I saw everywhere on Wattpad during 2018. I made it less (?) cringe. This is just for fun anyways, I still eat up the most cliché shit. I just love love love them. Pt.2 is out now frfr!!
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Kaisen - JJK Entertainment ☆
- Gojo Satoru
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- Geto Suguru
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idol!satoru who you literally bump into on a cold winter’s night in Japan. He has this cheeky grin on his face as he saw your shocked expression. “Hey princess!” He teasingly says. You thought that he looked kind of familiar but you weren’t really paying much attention, you were too caught up trying to escape the guy who has been following you.
idol!suguru who almost immediately noticed the man all dressed in black who seemed to be keeping a close eye on you while also maintaining a distance. Suguru observed the man as you and Satoru conversed.
idol!satoru who’s fond of the way you look up at him before apologizing, as if your brain buffered for a second. “Like what you see princess?” Satoru teased. You snap back into reality and turn red, you then started to apologize profusely. “I’m– I’m sorry for staring and bumping into you, I really didn’t mean it!!”
idol!suguru who then whispers something to Satoru. He decided to take matters into their own hands. It was obvious that the man was someone you were trying to get away from and the man was obviously intimidated by Suguru and Satoru.
Before you knew it Satoru went to your side and interwined his fingers with yours. “Just follow our lead princess. We won’t hurt ‘ya, I promise.” He then began to lead you somewhere while Suguru walked right behind you.
You then start to notice some people taking pictures of you and the two random men you just met a minute ago. Suguru then went to your side to make sure you weren’t captured by any more pictures. Although, the constant camera clicks did make you curious. You looked up to catch a glimpse of Suguru and Satoru’s face. It was at that moment you realized that these two weren’t just random men—they were world-famous idols.
idol!satoru who caught you trying to sneak a peek at the both of them. Your blush didn’t go unnoticed as you realized who they were. He chuckles but chose to let it slide. Trust me, he really, really wanted to tease you, but he figured that Suguru and him should take you somewhere safe first.
idols!satosugu who brought you to their hotel room. Suguru tries to make you feel comfortable. He makes small talk as you sat beside him on the couch, asking you about your name, likes and dislikes, what you did today. You were still in shock, you couldn’t believe you were in the hotel room of your favorite idols. Although you weren’t as much of a fan as everyone else, you couldn’t deny how handsome they were.
Suguru also made sure to tell you that the man who was following you couldn’t follow you inside the hotel. Their security here was great and he wanted to reassure you that you were in good hands.
idol!satoru who wants to keep you with him forever. He’s now saying things like, “Oh princess! I wish I could keep you in my pocket and bring you back to Korea!” His words make you blush hard. But Satoru’s words made Suguru sigh, he didn’t want you to think they were like your stalker.
Turns out they planned a semi-secret trip to their hometown. They didn’t tell the world they were going there, but they weren’t exactly hiding it. You were grateful yet utterly confused. Why would they help you out of nowhere?
idol!suguru who insists on walking you home but then they get mass texts from their manager in JJK Entertainment;
Didn’t I tell the both of you to not get into trouble??
Check your socials, you and Satoru were found with some girl.
I swear to god Suguru, this is a PR disaster. We’ll pick you up as soon as possible. For now, don’t go out of your hotel room.
Suguru sighed as he saw the text messages, he knew they fucked up. “Okay, never mind, we can’t walk you home. Our manager got intel that the press is looking for us in the lobby—the three of us. They saw you in the pictures and now they want to know who you are.” Suguru got on one knee in front of you so that he would be at eye-level. He took both your hands in his and said, “I’m sorry.”
idol!satoru who immediately realizes that means you have to stay with them. “So that means you have to stay with us princess!” He happily states, “But– but maybe the pictures aren’t clear enough! I could sneak past the press and–” you were cut off by your own self as your gaze fell on Suguru, still on his knee holding both your hands.
idol!suguru who sweet-talks you into staying with them. “We’d feel much better if we know you’re safe here with us. Some fans can get crazy y’know.” Suguru spoke as he looked into your eyes. He really wanted to give off that yearning vibe. Which again begs the question, why were they so keen on helping you?
“Okay.. I’ll stay..” you hesitantly replied.
idol!satoru who then steals you from Suguru by hugging you tightly. “Great choice princess!” He was so happy, it was contagious. The both of them didn’t even mention being idols they just talked about their manager as if they had normal jobs. That was until Satoru decided to be cocky about it, “Y’know princess, most fans would’ve said yes immediately! Are you perhaps not a fan? Or even—a hater?!” He said dramatically.
idol!suguru who has a scowl on his face because Satoru stole you and because of Satoru’s question. “That’s none of our business Satoru.” He scolded his friend. Satoru only laughed in return.
idol!satoru who speaks in the most dramatic way possible. “But we’re world-famous idols Suguru! Surely this cute little princess is one of our fans, right princess?”
Gojo Satoru—the Gojo Satoru looked at you confidently as he waited for your answer. It made you a bit nervous, “I– I am a fan! I just didn’t want to be a bother..” you replied. “Plus you can never be too sure about people, I can’t just trust you because you’re idols!” You then sighed at the irony of that statement, “but I did because there was no other choice.”
idols!satosugu who listened to you speak attentively. They were very touchy and loved being close to you. It’s like they lacked physical affection. Suguru in front of you and Satoru beside you, such a cute duo.
idol!satoru who is the whiniest man ever. “So you think we’re bad people? I thought you were better than that princess..” he pouted. “No I don’t! I’m just saying you can’t trust too easily!” Satoru only laughed as you tried to defend yourself. He hummed, sarcastically agreeing to your words as you finished.
“Okay princess, whatever you say.” He mocked as he pulled you onto his lap, embracing you by the waist.
idol!suguru who tries to keep his best friend tamed. “You’re too touchy with her Satoru.” To which Satoru replies with a pout. “But she likes it!” He whines, “don’t you princess?” You turn red at his words. Suguru only sighs, he holds your hand, hoping you aren’t done with them. He just wants to help you.
idol!satoru who knows no personal space and props his chin on your shoulder as he continued to hug your waist from behind.
idol!suguru who rested his head on your lap, tired. At this point he didn’t bother telling Satoru off. He was just reduced to a big sleepy man.
idols!satosugu who were now all over you, both derived of physical affection. You couldn’t escape the idols now.
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alllgator-blood · 1 month
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I have ten billion WIP sketches I need to finish, but for some reason I stayed up from 9 PM to 4 AM conceptualizing, making patterns, sewing, painting and applying makeup on this stupid fucking felt squid......the detailing needs to be cleaned up cause there's only one coat of paint so far, but he's pretty much done
my neighbors probably think I'm insane because I was running around the yard clenching this toy kallamar in a death grip and flying him around like an airplane/putting him in the barbecue/poking him with a stick. I want to tie him to a string and recreate the opening of napoleon dynamite >:) ALSO I MADE HIM SMOKE OUT OF A STUPID CRYSTAL PIPE BUT PLEASE DON'T ACTUALLY USE THOSE, THEY ARE SUPER TOXIC LMAO MINE IS FOR DECORATION
I don't have any process pics because I had tunnel vision autism style and forgot the rest of the universe existed while I was working on him. BUT if you're curious I'll ramble below the cut
Okay I am not a seamstress by any means. I've sewn my entire life but very, very infrequently. I've done plushies, clothes, cosplays, fursuits, accessories, etc. but I only do one like once a year, so while I planned to make all 5 bishops, I'm not really sure I'll get them all done. The material cost was like 20 bucks tops so I'm not too upset if I don't finish them. I AT LEAST WANT TO GET SHAMURA OR HEKET DONE.
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here is the concept sketch ft. heket's toes and shamura's fingers. I decided to do his pre-schism version so I could fit him with jewelry! I did him first because like I said I sew infrequently and don't know wtf I'm doing, everyone else seemed a lot more complicated.
So I basically just traced this drawing on a printer paper-sized canvas in SAI, and guesstimated how everything would look in a 3D space. His head is four pieces, one triangle identical to the one in the picture, two wide triangles that are sewn together in the back, and a circle for his chin. You can't really see it in any of the pics but he's literally like a black cylindrical stick with little tentacles sewn on where his mantle connects to his cloak. The leg tentacles are one piece of felt that look like tassels, where they're connected by a rectangle but branch off into individual pieces. He can't stand up very well, so his cape keeps him up (that's gonna be an issue for every other bishop too except heket cause she's gonna be ROUND). Mostly everything like the crown, cloak, head, etc. are cones so I just had to make a lot of wide triangles.
For the details, I just used acrylic paint that was watered down so he's not especially crunchy, and for the blush tone I used a makeup palette my mom bought me 10 years ago in hopes I'd get in touch with my "feminine side", but I grew up into a nonbinary butch lesbian so OOPS. Kallamar looks better with makeup than me anyway. I'm kinda sad I couldn't get his freckles as lopsided as I draw them but it probably looks better in plush form to have them even anyway....
I could just post the pattern so I don't have to explain this but 1. I am mentally ill about the thought of my kallamar being in someone else's house and 2. the original pattern had to be tweaked while I was working on him so the final pattern straight up doesn't exist, I winged it the whole time
OH and the jewelry is just scrap pieces I had laying around, I might repaint it all to be gold instead of silver + bronze. I used 20g aluminum wire for his armlet thing, jumper rings for his earrings + ring (+ a diamond dot from my mom's kits for the gem) and chain for the bracelet. I made him an amulet as well but it felt like overkill so I took it off. I'm probably gonna make him a plague doctor mask and medicine bag sometime because I think about nurse kallamar more than I probably should :') I've already sewn one as a prop for a toy raven before so it shouldn't be too hard
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mythbringer-mayhem · 4 months
man, I was just scrolling and now I'm a goddamn Raidioapple shipper what the FUCK
Ok ok-
And now I'm going to elaborate just because.
I was expecting someone out there to ship Lucifer and Alastor the second I heard Hell's Greatest Dad. I mean- two people singing/arguing over being father figures? Sounds gay to me /pos. The internet sure does love it's enemies to lovers (me included. I'm hopless lmao.)
BUT. I have specifics for this ship.
I hate it when people just look at Alastor's aromanticism/asexuallity and just go "nah. I'm just gonna do it anyways." I used to headcanon Alastor as complete aroace in the sense that he just can't feel that way for someone (this is not meant to sound like "oh he can't love anyone :( he's incapable" I mean specifically a romantic/sexual relationship.) Then fucking short ass king of hell arrives, and Alastor just IMMEDIATELY chooses violence.
I didn't think much of that besides "oh that's a little interesting," and then I stumbled across Radioapple and had to take a double take. My brain needed to figure out how that would work, like how it would start, flourish, ineract, yadda yadda-
.....so now I consider Alastor Demiromantic-
(I'm still goddamn writing jeez-)
Read on if you like random people looking wayyyyyy too much into fictional characters.
Headcanon timeeeeeeeee
When Lucifer and Alastor first meet, Alastor is surprised Lucifer doesn't know who he is. Up to this point, everyone knows about the terrifying radio demon, so it must be a little weird for someone to be completely ignorant to his existence. Especially when that person should probably know the ins and outs of what's going on- ....because he's the fucking king of hell.
This is something new for Alastor. It made him curious. When you're curious, you try to learn more right? So, Alastor starts pushing Lucifer's buttons, seeing how he reacts. On Lucifer's end, Alastor's just being a smug asshole. However his true intentions are information on the esteemed oh-so-powerful king of hell. Maybe Alastor doesn't quite know where this fascination comes from, but regardless he wants to learn more. I can picture him progressively bothering Lucifer more and more (this is his unique way of getting to know him semi-discreetly)
As well as figuring out what ticks him off, Alastor would also probably passively learn things Lucifer likes. For instance, he finds out what Lucifer's favorite alcoholic drink is or something- bare with me- Let’s say Lucifer has a rough day, and it's very clear to everyone in the hotel. While he's frustrated in his own room, he hears a knock at the door. Answering it, he finds his aforementioned favorite drink. At this point, he wouldn't know who left it. But after a while, he'd be able to figure out it's Alastor through process of elimination. (This is inspired by a comic I saw! :))
Now we've got Alastor trying to discreetly be kind to Lucifer, and Lucifer is aware without his knowledge. And Lucifer would call him out for it lmao. Slowly, they'd start acting friendlier towards each other. It would take a long, long time though. The slowest slow burn of them all. They'd hang out more, do things, kick angel ass, have friendly banter, do stuff with Charlie. Untill Alastor finally realizes that he might have a crush on Lucifer. Though, I feel he'd take a while to fully figure that out, do some soul searching, maybe go to Rosie for advice.
Then they'd confess. Or they wouldn't lol. I can totally see them going on what is essentially a date, even though they just consider it "hanging out". It would be a quiet relationship. Something you'd miss if you aren't looking for it, but it is there. They both just need someone they can rest with in my opinion.
These ideas are probably sporadic and nonsensical- but I ✨️don't care✨️ I just needed to rant about the old timey deer man and the short depressed apple gremlin.
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mouschiwrites · 3 months
I haven’t written for Creepypasta/MH for a while, so…. Here :] (i am so sorry for starving you my sweet creeps/creep enjoyers)
Creepypasta/MH - How You Met
Characters: Nina the Killer, Jeff the Killer, “Ticci” Toby
Nina the Killer
You guys met at the mall
I’ll give you one guess which store you were in
….did you guess Claire’s? Because it was Claire’s
(For those who don’t know, Claire’s is a super cutesy accessory store with earrings, headbands, unicorn headphones, stuff like that…. They also do piercings)
She was getting a new piercing, you were just browsing
You were closely examining two pairs of earrings, trying to decide which ones to get
A few feet away Nina was doing the same, tapping her masked cheek as she tried to pick out which studs to get for the new piercing
You kinda looked at each other from the corners of your eyes, noticing that you were in a similar predicament
Nina looked you up and down, and decided on a whim that she wanted your advice
“Hey, which studs do you think I should get? I’m getting a new piercing.”
You leaned over, checking out the selection alongside her
While you looked, she tucked her hair behind her ear to let you see the ones she already had
You hummed, looking between her ears and the studs on display
Then you pointed to the ones you thought would look best, and though you couldn’t see her mouth under her mask, you knew she was smiling hugely
“Thank you so much!! Now let me help you pick your earrings!”
You smiled, surprised that she took notice of your earlier plight
You guys seemed to connect over your sense of fashion/what looks nice (even if you didn’t necessarily have the same aesthetic)
She actually asked if you wanted to stick around for the actual piercing after, which you agreed to
It looked fantastic ofc, and she gave you full credit :)
After that you guys hung around the mall together, exchanging numbers before parting
She was enamored by your style, your demeanor, your attitude—she was determined to see you again
Jeff the Killer
You guys also met at a store
But it was a thrift store
You were hunting “the heat” that everyone always buzzes about
He was hunting some nice deals on clothes 💰
You didn’t notice the pale, masked man browsing the racks, but he certainly noticed you
He watched the way you moved; the way your face shifted when you found something you liked or disliked
He wasn’t particularly interested, but he was watching you anyway
Just a habit of a serial killer ig
You were slowly growing closer, the racks separating you two dwindling in number until you were on the same aisle, walking in opposite directions
You pulled out a shirt, and suddenly your face exploded into a huge grin and a snort escaped you
Jeff jumped, not having expected…. that
You were doing your best not to double over in laughter, repeatedly looking over the shirt in your hands
You decided that you just had to share this with someone, so you waved over the nearest person
Which was Jeff, of course
He warily approached, curious but cautious
His eyes were narrowed until you flipped around the shirt, letting him read it
“Shakin’ tits and takin’ shits….”
He blinked once, processing the outrageous atrocity of fashion
Then he started chuckling too
You shared a fit of laughter that never seemed to end as you both kept renewing your giggles by looking at the shirt or each other
It was just so stupid, and you both kept saying so between laughs
He extended his hand, steadying himself to say:
“Please let me buy that.”
“What, you think I’m gonna wear it? …Hmm, on second thought…”
Cue the teasing banter (oh man. He’s hooked now)
In the end you walked away with the shirt, but Jeff came away with something better
A new interesting acquaintance, and a motive to “get you back”
What does that mean? Lord knows… but don’t be surprised when he suddenly shows up again, ready for some more of that playful banter
“Ticci” Toby
You guys actually knew each other before Toby became what he is
So let’s rewind back to high school:
Toby was a weirdo, this we know
But so were you (even if you tried to hide it)
You were intrigued by the strange boy that seemed to be lurking in the back row of your every class
One day you decided to sit next to him; you realized that he actually seemed kinda… normal?
Like, you weren’t alarmed by him or anything
You weren’t sure what you had been expecting, but it wasn’t the quiet (if not fidgety) kid you found yourself next to
You were prone to draw when bored in class, and though you didn’t notice at first, he seemed to like watching you draw
It became more obvious as time passed, until one day he finally spoke to you
In a hushed whisper, careful not to be caught by the teacher, he said:
“Can you draw the teacher? But, like, super ugly.”
You smirked mischievously, giving a little nod as you doodled the crude character
You heard him snort, and for the first time you saw a genuine smile on those chapped, chewed-up lips
From then on you frequently amused him with your drawings, and he amused you with his requests
You started meeting up more often, and you sorta became friends
You weren’t particularly close or anything, but you’d give each other knowing grins when you passed each other in the hallways
He liked your mischievous side, as well as the fact that you didn’t pity him
You were just a chill person who he vibed really well with :)
When he went off the rails, you guys kind of lost contact
You were someone he could come to when he was in a goofy mood, but as that became more of a rarity, so too did your relationship wither
But he never forgot you; in his mind, you were like a flower frosted over, someone he could come back to someday and be accepted once more
Though he didn’t think of you too often, especially as the years passed
Like I said, you weren’t close
But still, you made a lasting impression on him, and he always knew he’d be glad to see you again someday
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Not too many characters with this one; I noticed it was getting kinda long ^^” But thanks for reading!! Take care sweet things <33
(divider by saradika)
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mikalara-dracula · 1 year
❣️ The type of girl the Sakamakis want to spend the rest of their lives with—
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Warning: 18+ content below; don't read if you're a minor and aren't comfortable with this topic and slight NSFW. This is a fictional work and should not be taken seriously.
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This request is a re-upload bc tumblr deleted my post... wtf.
Tagging: @liannelara-dracula
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- Shu -
❣️ When Shu was a kid, Beatrix always told him that he’d have to marry a girl his father grants him.
❣️ She probably implemented the toxic belief into him that he’d have to marry a docile girl who always listens to him.
❣️ Since Beatrix always kept reminding him that he would be married one day, he sometimes wondered what that would be like as a child since he was curious.
❣️ But as we know, after a bunch of childhood trauma, he got to the point of not caring about anything, so marriage was the last thing on his mind.
❣️ He never even focused on an ideal type, and didn’t ever think about how he could come across someone he’d want as a lover.
❣️ So, he’d probably meet his partner in a very unexpected way and not in a typical setting.
❣️ Shu’s seen it all throughout the centuries and knows when a girl is interested in him—cliché stuff is just a turn off, and so are suitresses and girls who have obvious interest in him.
❣️ Karl has probably tried to hook him up with different suitresses throughout the centuries, but he’s probably put off marriage so many times that it seems impossible to get him hitched.
❣️ He’s just not interested in matchmaking and makes a game out of it every damn time. He once made everyone think he was actually going to pick one of the suitresses Karl presented, but in the end, he called it off and said he wasn’t satisfied nor ready to make his choice.
❣️ Beatrix grew angry every time he’d reject the girls offered to him, but Karl always reassured her that it would happen, it would just take some time. I see that Karl’s just more patient when it comes to this—afterall, he probably took his time when it came to picking three wives, but that’s none of my business lmao.
❣️ Despite suitresses, there have been other women that Shu's 'dated' or 'courted' (for the older days sake), but it was never enough to keep him interested, or it was just a fling.
❣️ Anyways, going back to the topic, Shu is mainly interested in a girl that catches him off guard, especially when he first meets her.
❣️ If he meets a girl that isn’t interested in him at all, and even flat-up dislikes him, he’s honestly into that.
❣️ And as an added bonus, if she’s mean to him, it’s a turn-on. He’d honestly find it to amusing if he kept meeting her coincidentally at school. He’d treat it like a game, and would love to annoy her to see what smart remarks she’d give—he just loves the tension.
❣️ So, girls with a smart mouth are his thing—he just finds it amusing on a girl, especially since he and his brothers are from times where girls had to hold their tongues. So a sweet, docile girl, just ain’t gonna cut it.
❣️ A girl who surprises him by wearing lingerie to bed from time to time, hence my post about it here.
❣️ Wants a girl who will stroke or ruffle his hair to lull him to sleep. He really enjoys this. And if he’s resting his head in his s/o’s lap while being stroked in such a manner, it’s just heaven to him.
❣️ If a girl babies him, he’s all for it since he’s just a man-child.
❣️ Cooking his favorite food, making him snacks, he really appreciates it even though he’d never admit, at least not easily.
❣️ And if a girl feeds it to him, it only turns him on, plus it gives him the perfect excuse to bite her fingers and have a small taste of her blood.
❣️ A girl that will lay down next to him when he’s sleeping or resting, or allow him to rest his head on her shoulder when sitting next to him.
❣️ Enjoys forehead kisses or even if a girl places a kiss in his hair.
❣️ Also loves kisses on cheeks. If by any chance she kisses his cheek unexpectedly, he’ll never let her live it down and will tease her endlessly about provoking him.
❣️ A girl who defies or blushes at his teasing, he just loves it and only makes him continue.
❣️ Girls that don’t mind keeping him warm by skin-to-skin contact.
❣️ One who doesn’t mind making out with him on the couch, and if it’s in front of his brothers—Reiji especially—Shu’s all for it and thrives on it, and only intensifies the moment to make whatever audience he has extra annoyed.
❣️ Girls with thick thighs and ass—like this is a die hard for him since he likes to grab/clutch both parts.
❣️ Is into girls who will allow him to record their moans when he’s getting intimate with them and listen to those lewd tracks on an endless loop on his MP3 player.
❣️ A girl who has a dominate side. Shu doesn’t mind being submissive every once in a while, but he leans more towards the dominate side. So a girl who can do both, but lean more towards the submissive side is his type.
❣️ Although outside the bedroom, he likes a girl that takes the lead in the relationship. He finds it amusing in all honesty.
❣️ Despite his laziness, he can be quite passionate with a girl he loves, so he definitely wants an s/o that will return the passion just as equally.
❣️ A girl that likes laying in bed naked with him until morning, especially after sex, is his Achille’s heel.
❣️ And speaking of sex, he’s definitly into that after sex talk, and if you lay there naked in his arms, he’s all for it.
❣️ So with this, Shu secretly hopes that Reiji will walk in on him and his s/o in bed sometime, better yet in the actual act so he can rub it in. After all, as I’ve mentioned in other posts about Shu, he lives for the risk of getting caught.
❣️ Oh, and bare in mind that Shu goes to bed in his underwear sometimes (this is canon!).
❣️ (In one of the game routes, Yui went to go wake him up for school and he was in that state since he asked her to dress him.)
❣️ So because he sometimes goes to bed this way, he’s into a girl who won’t mind dressing him. He’ll tease her endlessly about it and won’t let her live it down.
❣️ Girls that like being kissed when no one’s looking—he finds this really amusing, especially if he can kiss his lover’s shoulders or neck. And if they react in a way that sounds or looks lewd to him, he’s even more amused. ;))))
❣️ As the heir, he has to attend lots of events his father forces onto him, and that includes balls.
❣️ So, he’s into a girl that’s into ditching the ball and going into a secluded, closed off room with him for a bit of intimacy before going back out to face all the guests again.
❣️ And if she forgets to fix her hair and comes out looking like a mess that’s been under the touch of Mr. Heir, he’s all for it and will send her seductive stares from afar even if he’s busy conversing with other noblemen.
❣️ Just being able to sit on a bench with his lover is enough for him when it comes to quality time—he does’t really care for fancy dates.
❣️ Getting him out in public is hard and quite rare since he doesn’t have the energy to do much, so if his s/o can drag his ass out of the house, he’s actually quite happy despite him complaining that it’s a pain to go out.
❣️ Secretly, he actually likes the fact that someone is putting so much effort into making him move and not calling him a good-for-nothing like Reiji does while doing so.
❣️ A girl who likes to go on walks. He’s not the biggest fan of walking but if it’s with his s/o, he doesn’t mind it.
❣️ And here, he’ll decide to get lively and decide to pick up his lover in his arms and spin her around out of nowhere. It’s really so he can hear her laugh since the cheerful sound is literal music to his ears.
❣️ It is canon that he likes going to concerts involving classical music or orchestras, so you can best bet he wants a girl that will appreciate going to places like this with him.
❣️ She doesn’t have to have a love for classical music like he does, but her having an appreciation for it is something he deeply appreciates.
❣️ That way if he decides to take his lover to a classical music concert, he doesn’t have be concerned about her being bored. Appreciation is something he rarely gets since Reiji’s constantly calling him useless, so a girl that appreciates these dates is something he cherishes.
❣️ During an orchestra, he’s into a girl that will kiss his cheek or pull him in for a kiss in the dark while the music plays.
❣️ And of course, you can bet he’ll tease her endlessly for provoking him and promises that she’ll be paying for it when they get home.
❣️ Girls that are willing to undress him before sex. He’ll undress the girl he loves too, but her taking his clothes off tells him she’s eager for him as well.
❣️ We all know how much Shu loves his baths, so a girl that likes to bathe rather than shower is a plus.
❣️ If a girl is into the idea of bathtub sex.
❣️ I’ve said this in another post, but I want to mention here as well. Shu’s especially into the idea of having his lover lay next to him bare while he’s still clothed in the tub since he enjoys the thrill of her being laid there naked for him. So if she’s willing to do this for him, he’s sold.
❣️ A girl that's into showing off her legs and wearing short or cropped things. And if she wears short shorts that show a bit of her ass or if they ride up and she has to adjust them, he’s all for it and will tease her relentlessly.
❣️ A girl that will give him the most amusing reactions when he’s acting like the perv we all know he is. For example, if he sees that his s/o is really into a movie they’re watching together, he’ll catch her off guard by lifting up her skirt, and her reaction is the key that makes him want to keep her on the edge.
❣️ Shu’s into giving his girl hickies, so if she tries to cover them up he’s beyond amused.
❣️ If his girl allows him to use her as a body pillow, and if she allows him to lay his head on her chest, it’s utter heaven to him.
❣️ A girl that doesn’t mind being teased under the table, and what I mean is him running his foot up and down his lover’s leg and/or attempting to get their skirt to go up so he can see her panties.
❣️ Likes it if his girl initiates kisses, it really riles him up.
❣️ Girls that wear dresses or skirts with high slits.
❣️ Or if she wears jeans that have rips where the thigh or ass area is.
❣️ Girls that tie their long shirts into knots about their waistlines, and if they pair this look up with short shorts, he's done.
❣️ I've said this once, but I'll say it again, Shu’s into a girl that has dishelved hair since it gives him the image of what she’ll look like if she wakes up with him.
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- Reiji -
❣️ Reiji has always hoped to meet someone worthwhile, someone he could dedicate himself to without finding it to be a waste of time.
❣️ Has hoped to meet his love in a mysterious and seductive way.
❣️ He wants to meet a girl that just puzzles and entrances him all at once. He wants to be able to find all the pieces in order to get to know her, and he’ll drive himself mad doing this.
❣️ And also, on a more psychological level, he wants a girl that will help him accept things as they come and as they are since he has a hard time with this.
❣️ (In one of the game routes, he said to Yui that he has a hard time accepting things, and that he was only able to because she taught him that.) 
❣️ Aw, my bae Rei :’)
❣️ Reiji has dated before and this is canon, so he definitely knows what he wants in an s/o.
❣️ He probably met his one and only at one of the balls Karl hosted and pursed her from there.
❣️ A girl who is somewhat witty and clever in personality.
❣️ Wants a girl who will listen to him talk about his scientific theories.
❣️ Likes it if his partner will just sit down in his lab and converse with him while he works.
❣️ Girls that have a classy fashion sense—there’s nothing better to him than being with a woman who knows how to present herself.
❣️ And if she surprises him by wearing a garter belt and garter socks under her outfit, he’s sold on her.
❣️ Especially if it’s under her school uniform.
❣️ A girl that wears red lipstick, especially during special gatherings. He just loves this on a woman.
❣️ Wants a girl that’s into being hugged from behind unexpectedly, so he can whisper sweet things into her ears and place soft kisses on her shoulders and neck.
❣️ If a girl calls him ‘dear’ or ‘dearest’—he just loves the formality and that it holds such sweetness.
❣️ Girls who tie their hair up into buns or have it styled in a short, rather sophisticated, style.
❣️ A girl who teases him—I know this sounds strange since we always see Reiji being so serious, but deep down, he actually likes to let loose, especially with a woman he loves or is in fact interested in.
❣️ (In the manga, he once got a little careless with Yui. He was about to drink her blood in the school’s hall. Yui of course said no and warned that someone could catch them since they were out in plain sight, but Reiji simply responded with ‘I don’t care’—so this is an example of how Reiji lets loose and that he in fact does from time to time.)
❣️ Now going back to the teasing, he’d love it if his lover would slip off his glasses while getting intimate with him.
❣️ A girl that walks with an elegant stride—he just loves this, especially if she’s wearing heels.
❣️ And if they’re red bottoms, he’s done.
❣️ Is entranced by a girl who invites him into bed while he’s busy. That’s definitely something our bae Rei won’t refuse. Right, @liannelara-dracula?
❣️ If she’s into carriage rides—there’s just something he loves about the aesthetic, classiness, antiquity of it all.
❣️ (This is actually how transportation is the demon world—yes, they still use horse pulled carriages to get around—so you can assume that Reiji would definitely be into taking his lover on an old carriage ride from back home. He went on a carriage ride with Yui once so…)
❣️ A girl who’s into taking long walks with him under the moonlight. Reiji finds this romantic, plus, it gives him the excuse to be alone with his lover. Also likes to hold his lover’s hand in this scenario.
❣️ And if he senses that she’s in the mood, he might try something frivolous. ;))
❣️ Likes to lay down with his lover and talk under the sheets.
❣️ His hair is soft as hell, so he enjoys it when his lover runs their fingers through it while he’s the little spoon—just don’t let any of his brothers see this, they’d never let him live it down.
❣️ A girl who will be appreciative of his the bento boxes (it’s canon that Reiji likes making them). In one of the drama CDs, he made boxes for everyone and spent so much time making the food in the bentos look like each of his brothers (the listener included), it was honestly so wholesome.
❣️ Oh, my bae rei :’).
❣️ A girl who's sorta oblivious to his sexual passes sometimes. For example, she's busy doing something and he'll give her a look as he's coming towards her and goes into initiating sex.
❣️ A girl that likes having tea with him—this is a must since we all know how much Reiji enjoys his tea.
❣️ And having it with a girl he loves or is interested in, is a big thing for him. He just loves it.
❣️ Sometimes however, Reiji likes to try something different for a beverage and that would be coffee—Chemex coffee more so.
❣️ My favorite type lmao.
❣️ Anyways, he prefers this method of making coffee because it reminds him of lab related stuff. It involves a lot of precision, which he loves.
❣️ And if his s/o is interested helping him prepare it, he’s definitely into teaching them.
❣️ Apart from coffee, Reiji is definitely into the culinary arts—so he’s always trying out new recipes.
❣️ Loves it if his s/o does taste tests for him—it means so much to Reiji that someone likes his cooking and compliments him for it, along with the work he’s put in.
❣️ This man needs love, oh my-
❣️ Reiji secretly likes shooting stars (this is canon), so having an s/o that’s into stargazing and watching for shooting stars is someone he wants by his side eternally.
❣️ And you can bet that during stargazing, Rei is pretty romantic.
❣️ Initiates lots of kisses in this scenario, so an s/o that likes this type of intimacy is something he’s into.
❣️ Carnivals! It’s no secret that Reiji loves carnivals, and it’s in fact canon that he loves rollercoasters. So an s/o that’s into this type of entertainment, he’s definitely on board.
❣️ Will buy his lover anything they desire at a carnival, he’s just too precious.
❣️ A girl who shares their cotton candy with him while exchanging sweet-tasting kisses—oh yeah, he’s all for it.
❣️ Even though he loves rollercoasters, he doesn’t mind if his s/o doesn’t, but it would be a plus if she did so he could enjoy riding them with her.
❣️ If his s/o is afraid of rollercoasters, he enjoys comforting them. It’s the little things that make our bae Rei who he is. 🙂
❣️ A girl that will appreciate his motherly side such as when he gives her his blazer when she’s cold; when he brings her a hair tie because she forgot one; or when he picks her up bridal style because her shoes get soaked from the rain, or when she’s tired of walking in heels.
❣️ A girl that likes to drink wine or champagne with him. Rei not only deems this as classy, but also romantic and secretly hopes it leads to a passionate night.
❣️ Honestly, Reiji’s into a girl who starts sensual sessions.
❣️ And if his lover pulls him in by his tie, he can’t handle it. ;))
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- Laito -
❣️ The girl he wants to spend the rest of his life with is someone he hopes to meet in an oblivious or adventurous way since he’s all about suspense and scandal.
❣️ He probably met his one and only in one of two ways: they were friends for years and never looked at each other that way until later, or they were strangers and had a one night stand and he couldn’t stop thinking about her afterwards and pursued.
❣️ Likes girls who are witty and wicked in humor, mostly because he’s playful in nature.
❣️ Wants a girl who can paint him like one of her French boys. xDD
❣️ A girl who is open-ended and fluid with her sexuality.
❣️ A girl who can be both dominating and submissive, and if she leans more towards the dominant side, he’s all for it.
❣️ Is into girls who can make him cream and scream in bed. xDD
❣️ A girl that will argue about who’s the bigger slut in the relationship.
❣️ “If I’ve told you once, baby, I’ve told you a thousand times—but I’m the biggest slut.”
❣️ “Oh, really?” She’d tease.
❣️ “Are you challenging me?” He’d say.
❣️ A girl who is shameless with him and will whisper seductive things into his ears—this really gets him.
❣️ And if his lover gets into a conversation with him about having children, let’s just say he wants to play Picasso. ;)))
❣️ “All this talk of about babies has inspired something in me.” She’d say.
❣️ “Oh, is that so, baby?” He’d coo, enticing further. “What could that be?”
❣️ Pulling him closer by his collar, she’d deviously whisper, “I suppose we could let that bed over there speak for us.”
❣️ A girl who wakes up on top of him, or if they’re just napping together and she sleeps on top—he really likes this and won’t hesitate to run his hands up and down her body.
❣️ A girl that goes to bed naked.
❣️ A girl who plays with his hair and running her fingers through it.
❣️ And if she takes his fedora and runs off with it, he thrives on the chase, especially if she keeps telling him to catch her.
❣️ A girl who undoes the tie of his uniform when making out with him, and if it’s at school against the lockers, it’s just his favorite.
❣️ If his one and only by any chance slides down her underwear/garter in class and passes it to him under the desks as a temporary souvenir, he simply can’t contain himself and will get her for it later.
❣️ A girl that invites him for sex and make out sessions at school is definitely his type.
❣️ Is into a girl who passes him notes that range from “you look so cute today” to “you’d look even better with your clothes off.”
❣️ Is into girls who are into ditching class to do something scandalous with him.
❣️ Girls who grab his hand while walking with him, he likes the dominance remember?
❣️ Girls who spank his ass are big turn-on for him. He just loves the amusement and the fact that they can’t keep their hands to themselves when around him.
❣️ Laito will definitely throw his lover onto a bed and get on top of them when the moment is intimate. And if his s/o takes the initiative and flips him onto his back for reversed dominance he’s all for it. Let’s face it, this dude is all about dominant women.
❣️ Girls that are into being fed, and if she feeds him, he’s done.
❣️ Girls that aren’t ashamed of lifting their skirts or dresses to heat their bums by a fireplace (refer to this image). Laito’s into a lot of weird things, so a girl doing this is just too amusing to him.
❣️ If she does this secretly at balls while by a fireplace in the grand hall, he can't resist the view and whatnot. He'll totally take advantage of this on the spot.
❣️ Or better yet, if she does it and tells him to look without doing anything, it takes everything in him to hold back.
❣️ In fact, it might inspire him to pull down his pants and try it with her.
❣️ Oh dear, I’ve said too much.
❣️ Girls that are into wearing form fitting dresses---he's all about the curvature of a woman, so this is a big turn-on for him.
❣️ Matching manicures and pedicures with his lover.
❣️ An s/o he can do the unthinkable with, such as getting nipple piercings together.
❣️ Girls that like getting caught while intimate, it only riles him up.
❣️ Girls that like breaking all the rules, especially something like curfew just to hangout with him.
❣️ If she plays the role of the “good girl” and is actually “bad” or rebellious by nature, he can’t contain himself. He loves it if his s/o plays this duo life so he can tease her for it. And he especially thrives if she’s only “bad” for him.
❣️ A girl who’s into being surprised in bed. For example, she’ll be like half asleep and he’ll wake her up by planting kisses all over her body.
❣️ A girl who laughs during sex—he finds this cute.
❣️ But why do I get the feeling that it’s mostly him who’s a laughing mess since he’s weird like that xDD.
❣️ As we all know, Laito likes to play the piano, so a girl that knows how to play is definitely a plus.
❣️ He also likes to softly tease her by laying kisses on her neck while she plays, and you can best bet this will lead to a much steamier session since he’s all about intimacy. So a girl that’s into this type of affection is someone he definitely wants as a one and only.
❣️ A girl that will pull him in by the tie, he can’t take it.
❣️ A girl that’s not ashamed of being naked, even if it’s in front of others.
❣️ A girl that will wear his hat during sex. If she pushes him down on the bed, takes his hat, puts it on, and rides him with his hat on, he’s all hers.
❣️ A girl that runs through the sprinklers in her underwear and he joins.
❣️ It happened in the front yard of the mansion once and Reiji was mad. xDD
❣️ A girl that doesn't wear underwear, even when she goes out.
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- Kanato -
❣️ Girls who are into wearing transparent night gowns.
❣️ It’s the type of girl he likes to pull into bed with him anyday.
❣️ Food play—this is a big one for him, so a girl that’s into this, he’s all for it.
❣️ Like Laito, he’s into girls who are into being fed. Kanato’s very much into feeding his lover his cakes and other sweets.
❣️ Likes a girl that’s into sitting on the school stairs or benches and just talking about whatever with him.
❣️ And if the girl makes him raspberry pudding (it’s canon that this is his favorite dessert), he’s so taken back by this.
❣️ Is into a girl that’s into exchanging soft kisses and getting into steamy sessions with him.
❣️ A girl that can sing him to sleep—he’s a big fan of lullabies so being able to fall asleep to a sweet tune sung by his s/o is more than a treat to him, it’s a literal paradise.
❣️ Girls that are into wearing flower crowns, and if she wears one that he makes her, it really means everything to him.
❣️ Girls that wear bows in their hair and lean more towards a cutesy style of attire.
❣️ When it comes to romance, this boy wants to be bewitched.
❣️ He loves the game of entrancement a girl can subject onto him, mostly because he likes the mystery concept like Reiji.
❣️ When he met his s/o, it was probably by attraction at first sight and he kept it secret for a while.
❣️ Location wise, he probably met his lover in the garden outside the mansion. She was probably a guest at a party Karl was hosting and when Kanato saw his s/o, he didn’t pay much attention to them at first, but boy, was he physically attracted to them.
❣️ Stargazing—it’s simple, but rather romantic when alone with a partner.
❣️ And here, Kanato takes the opportunity to get intimate even if he’s out in nature with his lover. He’ll claim that he wants to give the stars and moon a show by making his lover drown in ecstasy. So bear in mind, he’s into a girl that’s all for this.
❣️ Is into a girl that’s into poems and if she’s into hearing them be recited by him.
❣️ Kanato really digs deep into poetry since he’s deeper than most think, so reading poetry together with his s/o is a must. It’s something he deems romantic.
❣️ Is also into a girl that will accept poetry he writes and bare in mind that what he writes it is for her and her eyes only.
❣️ Just don’t let any of his brothers read what he wrote to his lover. All hell will break loose.
❣️ Lots of pillow talk.
❣️ This man is all about those after sex talks and they range from being teasing to downright lewd, there is no awkwardness/weirdness here.
❣️ Prefers that his s/o wears a see-through slip to bed, to which he can take/rip off.
❣️ A girl that gives him devious looks from afar that hint towards sexual intentions.
❣️ If a girl has silky soft hair, he loves to run his hands through it any day.
❣️ A girl who’s scandalous but only for him.
❣️ Teasing is something he’s all for, like if she pulls the strap of his overalls to get his attention, he’s really hooked.
❣️ If a girl takes the lead in sex—that is, she's making out with him she always aims to pull down the straps of his overalls with a lot of force—and it’s quick!
❣️ Although he likes being sensual and taking his time, he likes that sometimes she rushes things because she’s eager for him. This brings out the animal in him.
❣️ If she uses lotions that smell like a fruit or soft flower. He really likes this and will compliment her for it.
❣️ Likes it if a girl goes by her full name rather than a shortened version (ex. Lian vs. Lianna). Kanato claims that a girl’s elegance and beauty is only heightened when she uses her full first name rather than something abbreviated. Hopefully that makes sense lol.
❣️ Kanato’s very much into touching his lover’s neck or stroking it in a delicate manner when a moment gets soft, or if he’s trying to get their attention. So, a girl that’s into this type of affection is someone he’s sold on.
❣️ A girl that doesn’t mind being reeled in for a sudden kiss. This man is all about passion, so he’ll randomly cup his lover’s cheeks, pull them close and kiss them, even in front of his brothers.
❣️ Idk why I didn’t mention this sooner but, tea parties are an absolute must with Kanato.
❣️ He especially likes making his lover teas that smell like flowers.
❣️ And if the universe is on his side and his lover ends up having tea drip down from the sides of their lips, he’ll take the initiative by suddenly licking it off them.
❣️ And as devious as he is, he’ll claim that he was just trying to prevent the tea from falling on their clothes ;))).
❣️ Speaking of clothes, he loves a girl who appreciates the clothes he sews for her. He’s really big on this and will sew his s/o stuff he thinks they’d look great in. After all, this man could be a fashion designer, hence @liannlara-dracula’s post about it here.
❣️ Girls that don't wear a bra to bed, mostly because it gives him the excuse to caress or grope their boobs if he decides to get initmate with them.
❣️ If she sits across from at the small table, he’ll lift up her skirt/dress with his foot—and if she returns him a devious look or smirk, he’s definitely turned on.
❣️ Likes a girl who’s into heavy eye contact, especially if she’s dancing or with someone else and he's looking from afar.
❣️ Girls who wear knee/thigh high socks.
❣️ If she pouts or gives puppy dog eyes—it really gets him. (It’s ancient, but I have a post on this subject here.)
❣️ A girl who is really sweet but maybe fragile in some sense.
❣️ He likes a girl who will allow him to brush her hair and apply makeup on her. So here, he kinda holds her by her chin and has her looking up at him. He does it in a way where he can be really close, and this invokes a lot sexual undertones since he likes to be suggestive.
❣️ Likes a girl that will be turned on by his whispers or mummers in her ear.
❣️ Likes it she plays with his hair in bed.
❣️ If she sits beside him and rests her head on his shoulder.
❣️ A girl who looks pretty when she sleeps.
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- Ayato -
❣️ Ayato wants someone he can be obnoxious with and vice versa.
❣️ Is definitely into girls with attitude—and I mean attitude, it’s a turn-on for him.
❣️ Cliche but he’d probably meet his girl at school.
❣️ She’d probably someone he’d constantly try to impress from the start.
❣️ A girl that he can call “bruh” and have “bruh” moments with lmao. xDD
❣️ Pillow forts all the way—he loves a girl who’s into this.
❣️ Fuck yeah! Pillow forts society!
❣️ A girl who he can have friendly competitions with. And if she’s competitive like him, it’s a bonus and only riles him up more.
❣️ “Babe, I’ve told you a million times. You’re no match for me.” He’d boast.
❣️ “Oh really? We’ll see about that.” She’d challenge.
❣️ He claims he always lets her win in competitons, when realistically, he just lost those matches.
❣️ A girl that catches him off guard with her comebacks.
❣️ Girls that wear strappy things and that act innocent about it, he's so turned on he can't contain himself.
❣️ Pretends that he gets whatever they’re talking about sometimes (like if they’re talking about math or science for example), but he really doesn’t get it. So a girl that can see through this and still stay with him is a plus.
❣️ Cordelia probably gave him the bs talk that the girl he dates has to be ‘below’ him in every way.
❣️ She also probably told him that the girl needs to be absolutely flawless because she has to ‘represent’ him since he’s ‘the best’ but she can’t be ‘above’ him. It’s kinda like ‘the best should have the best, but not better than himself’ hopefully that makes sense haha.
❣️ We’ve all heard that some couples keep each other’s shirts/hoodies, and Ayato’s all for this.
❣️ He’s especially into keeping his lover’s bra too whilst they keep a pair of his boxers lol.
❣️ If his girl leaves her bra in his locker as a souvenir to keep instead of a shirt, he just gets off on this. It’s untraditional, but he’s all for it.
❣️ Or he may even steal his girl’s bra and keep it in his locker as a souvenir to annoy her. He’s obnoxious so an s/o that can tolerate this is a plus.
❣️ A girl who’s into wearing his clothes, he’s so into this.
❣️ Wearing his cologne—he just loves the fact if his girl smells like him, which serves as another way of him claiming his girl as his.
❣️ A girl that likes to game it. Ayato loves video games as we all know, so a girl that’s into gaming is quite the turn on for him since he can play against or with her.
❣️ A girl that forces him to go to the mall with her. He’ll act likes he’s so annoyed, but realistically, he actually likes going shopping with his girl.
❣️ He carries all the bags, especially because yours truly has to “prove” his strength haha.
❣️ And if they go into Victoria’s Secret, it’s taking everything in him to not die. Remember, boobs are his weakness.
❣️ If his girl tries on new clothes and models them, he finds this hot.
❣️ A girl who’s always trying something new with her hair, especially if she’s into dying it new colors. Ayato’s really into this.
❣️ In fact, he’ll volunteer to dye her hair and claims he’ll do a better job than anyone.
❣️ But in the end it all goes to shit because he doesn’t know what he’s doing even tho he claims to.
❣️ A girl that’s into watching TV—horror movies specifically. He tries to act composed when he watches them with his girls, but fails.
❣️ Secretly likes a girl that strokes his head/hair while watching a movie—he just has to be absoltely sure that his brothers are not home because if they are, his ego goes out the window.
❣️ Likes a girl that cooks for him, and if they make kick-ass takoyaki, he’s never letting them go–no really.
❣️ Likes a girl who forces him to help her in the kitchen.
❣️ Is into a girl who babies him. He may act like he doesn’t like it, but secretly, he likes the coddling.
❣️ A girl he can show off his strength to, and be complimented for it. He’s all about being acknowledged.
❣️ Likes a girl that leaves him love notes in his locker.
❣️ A girl that’s willing to pass frivolous notes to him, especially if she’s inviting him to a heated session in the locker room.
❣️ A girl that likes being a strip tease or posing as a thirst trap, he can’t contain himself.
❣️ A girl who’s confident in every way.
❣️ A girl who’s dominating. Yes, Ayato is perceived as the dominant one, but tbh, he can’t handle it if a girl dominates him.
❣️ Likes a girl he can be the little spoon with. Sometimes it’s hard being “the best” or least making everyone think that, so Ayato prefers a girl he can let loose with.
❣️ A girl who allows him to pat her head or scruffle her hair playfully. He likes babying his girl so.
❣️ A girl who’s into taking showers with him in the locker rooms at school, especially after those sweaty practice sessions or basketball games.
❣️ Likes to surprise his girl by walking in naked after showering and giving them an adrenaline rush.
❣️ “What’s the matter babe? Is it that jaw-dropping?” He’d smirk.
❣️ “Shut up!”
❣️ A girl that likes being carried bridal style, he just loves holding his girl like this.
❣️ Even though he has bad memories of swimming because of certain purple-haired jezebel, he likes a girl who’s willing to go swimming in the lake by the manor with him, or in the manor’s indoor pool.
❣️ And you can bet he’ll challenge her to do fancy flips to jump into the pool or racing her from one side to the other.
❣️ Like Kanato, he's also into a girl that doesn't wear a bra to bed. He likes that his girl is in this raw state, and if she’s wearing something strappy or seethrough on her chest area, he’s really riled up because he likes the view.
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- Subaru -
❣️ Growing up, Subaru honestly never thought about “caring” for anyone.
❣️ He grew up in a pretty tarnished household and was subjected to a lot of trauma because of it, so loving someone was definitely the last thing on his mind.
❣️ He probably always told himself that love wasn’t real and was something only found in fairytales, or it was only a “human” thing since vampires don’t hold human emotions.
❣️ Since he’s a loner, he’s always stayed at the back of things, in the shadows more specifically.
❣️ Despite this though, don’t think that this boy hasn’t caught the attention of a few women throughout the centuries.
❣️ I mean, you can’t tell me this boy is virgin considering the way he acts with Yui. He’s more of a fuckin perv that you’d imagine, just read the manga. He’s been around for centuries, there’s honestly no way.
❣️ He’d probably meet his girl at school.
❣️ Or, if we really wanna be dramatic, he’d probably meet his girl through having to save her in a dark alley from some drunk fucks who were harassing her.
❣️ He kinda follows the trope of “I didn’t think I’d ever fall in love with that person.”
❣️ Bear in mind that our bby car is kinda oblivious to his own feelings and will not admit them easily.
❣️ Anyways, with this, he’s into girls that entrance him without saying a word to him.
❣️ This literally drives him crazy since he can’t figure out why they’re constantly on his mind.
❣️ A girl that notices him and at least says hi to him if she sees him at school, it makes this undead vampire’s heart skip a beat.
❣️ A girl that wears flowy dresses or skirts that encompass her figure beautifully if she spins. This just takes his breath away.
❣️ Girls that wear their hair in cute, short styles, but he honestly doesn’t care. He likes long hair too.
❣️ Girls that are into taking car rides with him/cruising.
❣️ And if he gets her skirt to go up while going fast, he's all for it.
❣️ If she looks out his convertible while he's driving and catches a glimpse of her ass while she's leaning over, and if she's wearing shorts, you can best bet he'll clutch/smack her ass even if he's driving just to get a reaction out of her.
❣️ A girl that doesn't mind him keeping a garter of hers in the glove box of his car.
❣️ A girl who's into car sex—there's something about the small secluded space of a car that he just loves to get intimate in.
❣️ Girls who wear hairpins and barrettes—he really thinks girls look cute with them.
❣️ A girl that has to get on her tippy toes to kiss him. He likes the height difference and that she has to try that hard to be intimate with him.
❣️ It amuses him in all honesty and he'll definitely tease her about it, saying that she's needy and eager for him.
❣️ Girls that are into having their clothes ripped off when getting intimate—like, literally.
❣️ A girl who’s confident in both body and mind. He’s insecure so he admires a girl that thinks of herself in a positive way.
❣️ A girl that likes getting drunk with him and doing stupid shit together when wasted.
❣️ If it’s a full moon, he likes to play a game of trust with his s/o–that is, by having them jump from the roof of the mansion so he can catch them.
❣️ Since the asshole can fly, he’s able to catch his girl quite easily. He’d never let his girl hit the ground, but sometimes he likes to really scare them by catching them before almost hit the ground to give them a scare since he likes teasing them.
❣️ Fuckin’ ass-
❣️ Stargazing—Subaru likes watching stars with his girl. Mostly because he can be a bit intimate with her and kiss her here and there. So a girl that’s into this, he’s all for it.
❣️ Likes a girl that will listen to him talk about his coffin (this is canon!).
❣️ Is into a girl that doesn’t mind to have sex on the couch with the tv on.
❣️ Definitely likes girl that showers with him.
❣️ He likes to tease his girl by holding things above her head so she can't reach them. He also makes things out of reach on purpose and likes it when she jumps for them, to which he comments on her being small compared to him. So a girl who can tolerate his obnoxious behavior in this sense is something he treasures.
❣️ A girl that is ticklish, he loves hearing the sound of a girl laugh as it low-key turns him on. And with that, he begins to wonder what she sounds like in bed.
❣️ Like Kanato and Ayato, he’s into a girl that doesn't wear a bra to bed.
❣️ I wonder where this preference came from? Karl maybe lmao. xDD
❣️ A girl that initiates kisses. Remember, he likes a girl who’s confident so yeah.
❣️ Is into girl he could tease to no end. He literally lives her reactions.
❣️ A girl that surprises him every once in a while with her dominance.
❣️ A first, he’ll act like he doesn’t like it, but secretly, he’s living for it. And when he gets comfortable, his girl can be prepared to be under his touch every five minutes.
❣️ Fuck I wanna be that girl jk ahaha!
❣️ A girl that doesn't mind sleeping in his coffin with him
❣️ Afterall, it’s one of his favorite places to have sex.
❣️ Is into stealing a kiss from his girl or placing one on her forehead while she’s sleeping in hopes that she don’t wake up. So a girl that figures this out, but doesn’t give him a hard time about it is something he likes.
❣️ Enjoys being in the rose garden alone with his girl where he can either drink her blood or share sweet kisses with her. So if she’s into this, he’s hooked.
❣️ It’s rare, but Subaru’s more romantic than most think. He’s into giving his girl a rose, most likely from the mansion’s garden, but this is not often. And if she accepts it, it’s more than enough for him to blush like an idiot.
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953 notes · View notes
g0ose-bumps · 7 months
Soap Gets a Visitor
Soap and Ghost but cat edition™.
There was a cat staring at him from the halls of their base. It was sitting in front of his door and it's fur was a striped tawny brown. The size of it threw him off; it was shockingly massive for what looked to be a tabby. There was a hard glint in it's eyes that made it look remarkably human in its distaste.
Soap stares back. He rubs a hand over his eyes tiredly. It was a strange day when he was hallucinating indifferent cats right outside his doorway. Soap should really wake up now.
He wipes his face more vigorously and closes his eyes. Counts to ten and opens them. The cat was still there. This time it looked even more unamused at him. Feline features showing a minute displeasure in the way it grimaced.
Soap boggles for a second. If he wasn't dreaming then that meant there actually was a cat on base. He couldn't believe the balls on whoever brought the cat in. They were really pushing their luck. Aside from working dogs, animals weren't allowed and even then, Soap tried his hardest to avoid them. Dogs and Soap had never gotten along. The scars from his last encounter were just another reminder of that.
The bushy ringed tail of the cat swishes on the ground, thumping loudly at the flooring. The sound shocks him from his stupor and draws his focus to the black tip that was waving jerkily by his feet. The cat seemed to be annoyed at Soap's lack of attention on it and was handily showing him its ire.
Soap makes a quick decision. It wasn't every day he got to pet a cat, and despite Soap's poor relationship with dogs, he liked cats. They were more prone to giving him space and walking away when they had enough. And he couldn't help but have a fondness for them; they reminded him of a certain lieutenant of his afterall.
Soap furtively checks for anyone around. It would be best if there were no witnesses. He didn't want to get sent to latrine duty if he was caught. Soap just knew Price would do it if he had any inkling that he was going to let the cat stay with him till he found its owner.
It was only going to be a couple hours anyway and it was better for everyone if he had the cat in his room. He couldn't let the animal roam around the base unattended.
The sergeant crouches down and offers a hand. The cat only wrinkles it's nose and backs away from the hand.
"Yer a tough customer." He chuckles softly. "Ye remind me of someone I ken." He tells the disinterested animal.
It pauses, yellow green eyes tracking him curiously.
Soap grins and withdraws his hand. "Curious now?" A tail swishes impatiently. "Aye, ye are aren't ya." He replies back teasingly.
The cat gets up and stretches, it's mouth opening to show off its teeth in a large meandering yawn. Soap felt he could relate. He'd been wakened by scratching at the door. According to his beside clock, it was 0400 hours. Too early for anyone not on a night rotation to be up.
Ghost would be up though—albeit on duty. Soap was a little tempted to go and find the man. See how he'd react to the animal. Soap wasn't sure if they'd get along. Ghost liked dogs, but that didnt mean the reticent man would like cats too. Maybe the cat and Ghost would get into a cat fight and hiss at each other; it was a possibility.
Soap widens his door open and scoots back a few steps, crouching down low to encourage the cat to come in with low pss, pss, noises. He holds out a hand just in case the cat decided to rub against it for pets.
The cat only wrinkles it's whiskers and saunters through the door, pass his outstretched fingers. It had the sort of feline grace that was inherent to all cats (and a ghost) that made it seem like they owned the place and was only deigning to come in cause they felt like it and not because you wanted it to.
Soap was already halfway in love.
Despite the dimness of his room, it jumps neatly on Soap's bed, nudging around his sheets for the best spot to lay in. The cat seemed eerily focused on the bed. Soap couldn't help but find it a bit strange. Not that he had any experience in this exact circumstance, but usually animals tended to investigate new areas first. Though it did made sense if the cat was someone's pet and thus, was already used to the general layout. The sergeants room was just a basic copy of every other private room available.
The cat wiggled around some, deciding to lie in the exact centre of the bed. Soap snorts. "You're a demanding one, aren't ya." He sighs, a little helplessly. Warmth spread across his chest like weeds sprouting in pavement. God help him but he always did like the hard to please type.
Soap closes the door quietly. He carefully creeps up to his bed, wanting to see if he could pet the cat. With each step closer, the cat straightens up from its sprawl. It's ears flicks back for a moment and then eases. "I'm nae gonna hurt ye." Soap murmurs softly.
For all that the cat invited itself in, it seemed to be wrestling with itself in whether to flee or not. Closer up, he can see the fine scars that ran the bridge of its nose. It's eyes appeared to be set in a permanent glare. Soap was struck by the resemblance.
"Ye really do remind me of Ghost." Soap tells it wonderingly.
The cat freezes and it's ears flatten out showing the white spot on the backs. Soap manages to get one step away from it and lays a hand out near its mouth. He knew he was gambling. Leaving his hand vulnerable to bites was something only a fool would do. But some instinct of his told him he just had to be patient and outwait the cat.
It's white jaw twitches as if it wanted to bite. Soap waits. The cat bores a hole into him. There's a weighty pause, both of them seemed intent to wait and see what the other did first.
Soap thinks. It seemed to like hearing about Ghost, maybe talking about him would help.
"Ghost was like this too with me." He says.
The cat's orange tinged face scrunches up. "He was!" Soap argues. "He didn't like me talking to him at all." A wry grin forms on his mouth at the memories.
"But I wore him down." Soap inches closer against the bed, one finger touch away from the cat's scarred face. It's long whiskers twitches and it's eyes were dead set on him.
"Yer a bonnie one." He whispers to it.
The cat freezes. Soap takes a leap and strokes the side of its striped cheek. It was so soft Soap wanted to cry. At the touch, the rigidness of the cat melts away. It's tensed muscles unclench, visibly relaxing.
Soap does it again. A deep purr erupts from its chest, eyes closing blissfully as Soap rubs the base of its spotted ears.
"Yer just a big softie underneath the scars." He whispers, more to himself than anything. The words pour out like the fingers that ran a line down the curve of the cat's spine. It's back arched to follow his hand. He could feel the thick muscle and scars that hid beneath the striped fur. It's purrs going deeper still, vibrations shaking the white tuff on its chest.
The cat's striking eyes shut, caught on the bliss of Soap's careful hands.
Soap shifts despite himself, a pained exhale coming from his throat as he moved. His kneeling position by the bed was starting to hurt. The cats eyes open at the sound of Soap's pained grunt.
It got up shakily and walked to the far corner of his bed, away from Soap. "No, don't go." Soap pleads. He wanted to keep on stroking it's soft fur, but if the cat didn't want him to then he'd better give it some more space.
He gets up onto his feet and makes to move away. A plaintive meow stops him in his tracks. He turns to see pleading yellow eyes stare back at him. The cat seemed to want him to get on the bed and pet it some more.
"So demanding. Just like The Ghost." He grins. "Don't tell him I said this, but he's just a needy big guy like yerself. Ye both soak up attention like yer starving for it." Soap muses.
The cat's tail lashes at the remark. "Ach, don't be so mad." He shushes, coming closer to the bed and sitting on the side. "It's not's a bad thing—" Soap swings a foot carefully on to the bed. "Being needy that is." He finishes softly to the cat.
"I wish Ghost needed me more." Soap confides.
The cat's paw raises as if it wanted to push him away. It's all tensed up again, a hunch rising on its back. "It's okay." Soap croons. A hum grows from his throat. He shuffles closer, sheets ruffling up under his movements.
"We all need some love in our life." He lets a couple fingers hover near the cat's face. The cat stands dead still, it doesn't even appear to breath.
Soap rubs the top of its head near some of the scarring. Motor boat purrs stutter and start, sounding more like an engine than feline. It was shockingly loud. Even the cat looked surprised at the intensity.
He was beginning to think the animal wasn't anyone's pet, or at least not any longer. The cat didn't seem used to physical affection. It was scarily alike Ghost in all ways. Soap could tell that just like his lieutenant, those fine scars on its face and body went far deeper than the physical. It seemed simultaneously too confident and skittish with human contact.
Soap continues his mission to have the animal melt into mush. He carefully massages behind its ears and strokes underneath its chin. It seemed to like it. It's purrs taking up the whole room. The cat relaxes even more, going from solid to liquid. It resembled a lazy puddle more than an alert predator. Soap's heart swells until it feels fit to burst. The cat liked him!
Soap gets comfortable on the bed, fully enraptured by the animal sprawled out on it. The cat yawns again, it's eyes drooping in its apparent tiredness. Soap felt tired too. It was just so nice—having company right next to him, so warm and alive that wanted his affection.
His hand falters. He yawns. His eyes shut close. Everything felt like a hazy dream. If only Ghost was here, it'd be perfect. Soap could already imagine it: a nice cottage out in the countryside, a cat slinking around, going as it pleased and a gravely voice and an even more gravely body to cuddle up to. "Wish Ghost was here." He rambles to it tiredly. "I'd think you'd fall in love with him too." Tiredness draws heavy eyes shut.
"Just like I did."
Darkness chases his eyes. The sound of purrs drowns the rest.
Soap sleeps.
Soap wakes up. He was lying on his bed over the covers. Strange. Wait. The cat. Where was the cat?
He looks around, trying to catalogue any sign of that bushy black tail but to no avail. He gets up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes and checks his closet and underneath his bed. Still nothing. He checks to make sure the door was closed. Yup. Closed. His clock beeps at him shrilly. Shite. He had to go.
Soap readies up to go, making sure he got his boots on right and his sheets tucked properly. The cat would have to wait. If it was even there at all. It might have been all some dream of his. Though if it really wasn't a dream, the cat wouldn't have been able to leave his room without being able to suddenly open a door knob with no opposible thumb.
Regardless, he was going to be late if he dawdled longer. He rushes out of his door, not wanting a lecture from Price. Soap only got three metres from the doorframe before slamming right into something solid, large and black. Ghost.
"Sorry Lt." He chokes looking up, embarrassment colouring his cheeks pink. Ghost looks at him oddly. Something about his heavy gaze made the man appear vaguely embarrassed to Soap. Perhaps it was the visible squint in the lines around his eyes. Ghost had decided to forgo eyeblack this morning.
Ghost grunts at him.
"Ye happen to see a cat anywhere, sir?" Soap rubs a hand back his neck nervously. "Big tabby with a black tip?"
Ghost stiffens. "No." He barks agrivatedly and leaves. Soap is left watching the rapidly retreating back of his lieutenant.
Soap blinks. He could've sworn he saw the man blushing at what he said in the brief look he managed before the man beat a hasty retreat. There was a heavy red on the visible patch of skin. It was a noticeable departure from the sallow colour of the man's skin.
Did Ghost somehow know the cat?
One thing for sure, Ghost knew more than he was saying.
Soap was going to find out what.
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mrsarcherofinfamy · 7 months
Summary: Losing a bet against Austin and Grayson and having to be their assistant/valet for a month. Turns into feelings for both of them.
•Austin Theory x Grayson Waller x Reader•
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I walk into catering before Smackdown Live goes on the air. Adam Pearce is at a table talking with Austin Theory and Grayson Waller along with Damage CTRL. I look over at them and Adam is waving for me to come over to him. I walk over and put my hands on the table leaning in-between Austin and Adam.
"What's up Adam? Whatcha need me for?"
He looks at me smiling.
"Well Y/N, I had an idea earlier today and I was talking it over with Damage CTRL, Austin and Grayson. We were thinking you and them would be sitting at this table and be playing Truth or Dare with each other for a backstage promo."
I look at him with a curious look on my face. I fold my arms looking down at him.
"I like it but what's the catch?"
He laughs and shakes his head.
"You know me to well. The catch is that someone is gonna dare you to arm wrestle Bayley. And when you lose, you have to be Austin and Grayson's assistant/manager for a month. Means you gotta do as they ask and accompany them to the ring during their matches."
I start laughing really hard looking down at the floor.
"You have got to be kidding Adam?"
He looks at me with a serious face. I stop laughing and look at him.
"I'm very serious Y/N. We all think you would look really good as their manager."
I look over at Grayson and Austin staring at me.
"Is that true boys?"
"Yes ma'am"
They both say it at the same time and I crack a slight smile. I look over at Bayley than back at Adam. Adam looks like he is begging me to do it. I roll my eyes and huff.
"Fine. I'll do it. But there has to be a few dares and truths before we do that dare."
"Sounds good to me! It is official."
Adam stands up, shakes my hand and everyone else's at the table than exits out of catering. I sit down next to Bayley and look over at her putting my hands on the table.
"I know I'm new here, but why did you pick me?"
She puts a hand ontop of my hand and grabs it slightly.
"Because you are new here. Because you haven't been able to make a name for yourself yet. I think this might be your breakout moment. Like Maxine."
Ever since I got called up during the WWE draft, they haven't really used me on Smackdown. I look at her really thinking about what she is saying. I shake my head agreeing with what she is saying.
"Ya know. You're right. I could learn a thing or two from you if I really just stop and think about things."
She smiles really big and lets go of my hand pointing over at Austin and Grayson. I look over at them and their eyes are basically glued onto me. I look at them with a confused look.
"Do I have something on my face?"
They don't say anything and just keep staring.
I snap my fingers in their faces and they shake their heads looking away from me.
I shake my head cracking a smile. I look over at Bayley.
"I have an idea. I need a glass bottle."
She looks at me and points to the glass bottles of water in catering. I get up, grab one than dump it out in the sink. I come back to the table and Bayley is giving me a confused look. I set the bottle on its side and spin it.
"We could spin the bottle and whoever it lands on is the one who gets asked Truth or Dare."
"That is a smart idea!"
Grayson shouts from across the table at me.
"Thanks G. Anyways, how many truths and dares should we do?"
"I think one dare than two truths than your dare."
I look over at Bayley and shake my head yes. Grayson and Austin agree along with Iyo and Dakota. I stand up and push in my chair.
"I am going to go change into my gear. I will be back in a little bit."
"Bye Y/N!"
They all say at the same time. I wave goodbye and walk to my dressing room to change into my gear. I put on my black and blue shorts (kinda look like Theorys) and my black and blue bralette to match. I put on my cropped cut up (kinda like Rhea's) blue Macho Man shirt. I put my black knee high boots on and look in the mirror fixing my hair.
"Yup. This is good."
*almost time to do the promo*
I sit down at the table after grabbing a quick bite to eat. Grayson sits on my left side and Dakota sits on my right. We get prepare to do the promo. Bayley comes running into catering.
"Sorry I'm late! I was on the phone!"
She sits down next to Dakota and gets herself prepared. I feel a hand slowly slide onto my leg and grab my thigh. I look over at Grayson who has a small smirk on his face. I grab his hand and throw it off of me shaking my head. The camera man comes over looking at all of us.
"Are you all ready?"
Bayley grabs the bottle and spins it. It lands on Grayson and Bayley smiles looking at him.
"Alright Grayson, Truth or Dare?"
"Hmmmm dare!"
"Oooooo alright. I dare you to..... give Y/N the sloppiest kiss on the cheek! If you chicken out, you have to drink some hot sauce!"
My eyes go wide looking at Bayley. She starts laughing at me. Grayson grabs my chin pulling me closer to him and smashes his lips into my cheek. I can feel the drool on my cheek. I make a disgust face as he lets go of my face smiling at the drool he left. I grab a napkin wiping my face while everyone else is laughing about it. The game continues on for a little while.
Austin spins the bottle and it lands on me.
"Ooooo Y/N. Truth or Dare?"
"Let's go with a dare!"
Austin smirks and looks at me.
"Oh I have a good one for you."
"Let's hear it than Theory."
"I dare you to arm wrestle Bayley. If you win, you are off the hook."
"But if I lose?"
"Oh but if you lose, you have to be Grayson and my assistant/manager for a month."
"Oh you are so on Theory."
Me and Bayley get into position to arm wrestle. We grab each other hand and look at each other.
"Y/N are you ready?"
"Yes girl. Let's do this."
Me and Bayley start pushing against each other with everything we have. I start slowly pushing her hand down a little but she pushes it right back up. I can start to feel my arm slightly giving up but I fight through it. Bayley can tell my arm is starting to hurt and starts pushing harder. My arm gives and she slams my hand into the table. Everyone around me gasps and starts cheering for Bayley winning. I put my hand on my face shaking my head embarrassed at what just happened.
"Well Y/N, guess you are now Theory and Waller's personal assistant for a month! Good luck!"
Bayley and the rest of Damage CTRL laugh walking out of catering. The cameras cut off ending our game. I stand up and take a deep breath. Grayson stands up next to me and puts an arm around my shoulders.
"Hey Y/N. It will be okay. I promise."
I look at him with a disgust face and take his arm off my shoulders.
"Maybe for you, it might be."
I walk out of catering to my dressing room.
*2 weeks later on Smackdown Live*
Sitting in my locker room cutting up a light blue Grayson Waller effect shirt, I turn on the TV to watch the beginning of Smackdown. Austin and Grayson have a match against The Brawling Brutes.
I roll my eyes and put on the shirt making sure it fits how I like it. I hear a knock on my door and get up. I walk over, open the door and it's Adam.
"You are on in 15 mins Y/N. Go find the boys please."
"Oh okayyyy."
I roll my eyes. Adam looks down at my shirt.
"Nice shirt by the way."
He laughs and walks off. I huff, walk down to the boys dressing room and knock on the door.
"Who is it?!"
"It's Y/N!"
The door opens a little bit. I push it open and lean against the door frame.
"We are on in 15. Are you boys ready?"
Grayson looks up at me while trying to fix his boots and his jaw drops almost to the floor. He starts smacking Austin's arm who is trying to fix his shorts. Austin turns around and rolls his eyes.
"Y/N you are wearing the wrong shirt. You have to be wearing Austin Theory."
Austin laughs and I roll my eyes.
"No no no! She is definitely wearing the right shirt."
Grayson smirks and winks at me. I roll my eyes again.
"Are you guys ready or not?"
"Yes ma'am!"
They both come running over to me and we all go walking to gorilla.
Grayson makes his entrance first. Austin puts his hand on my shoulder and I look up at him.
"I want you to come out with me and stand in the spotlight like the queen that you are."
My jaw drops and I freeze just staring at him. I never really heard him say anything like that before and didnt really have a clue that is how he felt. His music hits and it snaps me back to reality. We walk out together and get ready for the spotlight to come on. I am standing on his right side kinda leaning on him looking up at him and Grayson is over his left shoulder. The spotlight turns on, the camera comes around us and Austin puts his hands up to do his entrance. I look at the camera and smirk while Grayson says some stuff to Austin. Austin finishes his entrance, we all turn towards the ring and walk down. Austin proceeds to put an arm around my neck and pull me closer to him. I take his arm off and climb into the ring. We all walk over to the corner and pose for the camera. I do the A town down with my fingers while sticking my tongue out.
"Yes Y/N! That is perfect!"
Austin pats my shoulder than climbs down off the ropes. I climb down onto the floor. The bell rings and the match begins.
*nearing the end of the match*
Ridge Holland has Austin tied up in the ropes and is going to do the 10 beats to the chest. I climb up next to Austin and try flirting with Ridge. I lick my lips than bite my bottom lip.
"Hey big boy."
Ridge lets go of Austin and walks over towards me. I put my hand on his face while Austin crawls into the ring. Austin quickly rolls him up for the winning pinfall.
"Here are your winners! Grayson Waller and Austin Theory!"
I jump down helping Grayson off the floor and walking over to Austin who rolled out of the ring. Austin also slings his arm around my neck. I try holding them both up walking up the ramp to the top. We stop, turn around and I hold up both of their arms in victory. We make our way to the back to their locker room.
Sitting on the couch in the boys locker room playing on my phone, I hear the shower turn off. Grayson went to get us some food for the rest of the show.
"Hey Y/N? Did G come back yet?"
"No yet. Why?"
I hear the bathroom door open and I look up to see Austin in just a towel wrapped around his waist. I gulp at the sight infront of me. He walks over and grabs my hand making me stand up infront of him. I take a deep breath looking at him.
"Soooo you have been my manager for about 2 weeks now....."
He stops talking when Grayson walks in hands full of plates of food.
"Ummmm what is going on here?"
"Austin was talking about me being his manager for 2 weeks now."
"His manager?"
"I meant both of our manager G."
"Anyways Austin. What were you gonna say to me?"
I look at him straight in his eyes. He grabs my hand again and smiles.
"I was just wondering if you would be my manager..... forever?"
"Are you trying to ask me to be your girlfriend?"
"That's what I was gonna ask her!"
I look over at Grayson and he looks upset. I look back over at Austin.
"Well..... it is a yes to you Austin."
I grab his face and kiss him hard. He grabs my face and kisses back hard as well. Grayson gasps behind us. I pull back and look over at Grayson who is upset.
"Well.... it's also a yes for you Grayson."
I walk over, grab his face and kiss him hard. Grayson grabs my waist pulling me closer kissing me hard as well. I pull back and look at Austin than back at Grayson.
"As long as you two are okay with sharing me."
They both come over and kiss my cheeks at the same time. I giggle and push them back.
"I will take that as a yes!"
We all sit down on the couch and watch the rest of Smackdown while eating the food on the coffee table infront of us......
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maya-meow · 6 months
Dottore x gn!reader
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You were the Assistant of dottore. You helped him with paperwork he couldn't do all by himself(he could do it by himself, but he wanted to spend more time with you)
You were talking with tartaglia and scaramouche. The 3 of you were friends. You didn’t talk much with anyone els anyway. No one would dare to talk to you, you never knew why. Before you met dottore everyone loved talking with you! But now..? No one would even look at you, you wondered why..
As you were talking with the 2 harbingers, all of a sudden someone yanked your arm and pulled you away from them. You looked up to the person and saw dottore standing in front of you. He looked very irritated. "What the hell do you think your doing?!" He asked. You looked confused up to him, you didn’t understand why he was so mad at you. "Whatever do you mean..?" You asked him.
Dottore's grip on your arm tightens slightly, his anger visible in his eyes. "Don't play dumb with me! You know damn well what's wrong!" He says through gritted teeth.
Again, you didn’t know what he meant so you looked up to him, confused. His face flushed with anger as he pulled you closer, his body heat almost overwhelming. "Don't pretend like you don't know! You were practically flirting with the 2 of them!" He said, his voice low and threatening. "I wasn't doing anything like that!" You replied to him
His eyes narrowed. "Really? Then explain why you were laughing at their jokes so much?" He demanded. You weren't even doing anything! "what? can't I laugh if someone makes a joke?" You asked him. His grip loosened slightly, but the tension remained. "Of course, you can laugh," he admitted, trying to regain composure. "But it's the way you were doing it... and the amount of time you spent with him. It just..." "Just what?" After a moment of silent he finnaly responded "It made me jealous," he finally admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. You thought you heard him wrong so you asked him what he said. "You heard me!" He yelled, pushing you against the wall. "You're mine, and you'll remember that!" his face now inches from yours. You were stunned. You didn’t know what to say. He normally never acted like this.
"You will not forget it." he warned, his eyes boring into yours. "Now, apologize for making me feel this way." "Why should I apologize? I only talked to them!" You responded. He pulled you against him. "Because..You belong to me" he growled into your ear. "and I won't share you with anyone else." You were shocked, what were you even supposed to say. "whats up with you today...? i only talked to someone.." you said to him. "That's just it," he smirked, pulling back slightly. "You shouldn't be talking to anyone else..." His voice dripped with possessiveness.
"But thats so-" "So controlling?" He finished for you, smirking wickedly. "That's the point, isn't it? Your my assistant, and I'll make sure everyone knows it." He stepped closer again, his chest almost touching yours. "Now, apologize." You tried to push him away a little, he was wayy to close to you. "Why would i apologize for that?" You asked.
"Because I asked you to" he snarled, grabbing your wrists and pinning them above your head. "And because I can make your life hell if you don't." He leaned in close, his hot breath against your neck as he spoke the words. You moved your head away from him "and how would you do that?" "Oh, I have plenty of ways," he growled, pushing you harder against the wall. "And trust me, you don't want to find out." His grip on your wrists tightened as he stared down at you, daring you to challenge him. "And what if i do?" You were curious to see what he would do.
His face darkened, and he leaned in even closer, his hot breath against your neck. "You really want to find out?" His voice was dangerous, and there was a promise of pain in his eyes. You nodded. You were probably making a mistake but you wanted to find out what would happen. "Fine" he muttered, releasing one of your wrists to grab your chin, forcing your head back, so you could look at him. "But remember, I warned you."
He smirked, taking pleasure in seeing the defiance in your eyes. "Oh, I'll make sure you remember, my dear. Just wait and see." He leaned down, his lips dangerously close to yours. "Now, i give you one more chance..apologize." you stayed silent. "Nothing to say?" He said, His eyes widened in mock surprise. "Well, then it looks like we have a problem." With that, he slammed your head against the wall, making you see stars. It really hurted..He smirked, seeing the way you stumbled after the impact. "That's more like it. Now apologize." He demanded again, his grip on your chin tightening. You didn’t respond, you felt really dizzy after what he did. He smirked again and pulled you close, placing a quick kiss on your lips. "I didn't hear an apology." His voice was low and dangerous, promising more of the same if you didn't comply.
You finnaly gave in, "im sorry" you said, really quite. His grip tightened, and he pulled you nearer to him. "I didn't hear that." His voice was cold and hard. "Try again, my dear." He leaned in so that his lips were a breath away from your ear. "Im sorry.." you said again, but louder "Good job~" He murmured against your lips before pulling back slightly, his eyes boring into yours. "You're mine now. So behave accordingly, Okay?" He warned, his voice low and threatening....you didn’t say anything. He leaned in and kissed you again, this time harder, "I'm waiting for your answer, love" He growled out between kisses, his hand moving to grab your waist, his fingers digging into you. As it started to hurt you nodded.
"Well done" He whispered against your ear, his lips brushing against your skin. "Now, why don't you go upstairs and wait for me in our room?" He gave you a little push, his fingers lingering on your waist. HIS room?! Why would he even want that?! "Why should I..?" You asked him "Because..," he smirked, his eyes darkening "I want to teach you a lesson about obedience And I think our bed would be the perfect place for that, my pet~"
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 9 months
Former pet care industry worker here, you're right about the bird thing. Oh my Gods you're right. This is honestly a big problem in general when it comes to moral panic in the pet care industry, some information gets passed around without nuance and all of the sudden people are making major decisions that actually negatively affect the healthcare of their animals without considering the care that their individual pet needs.
When I worked at a petstore, bird owners were always the most defensive and self immolating about their animal husbandry, no matter how good it was. It was like they always had to tell me how well cared for their bird, like I'd judge them if they didn't prove they were an amazing bird owner.
Someone would always inherit a large parrot, give it the best care possible and then lament to me- "I feel bad he's not in the Amazon, I wouldn't have bought him, I don't think keeping him is right"
And like bestie your bird would not feel at home there, you've already told me all about how he loves when you put on Scooby Doo and sing the song with him, he's at home nowhere else. In the picture you showed me, his feathers look great, his eyes are bright and clear. Enjoy the life you have with him! If he's happy and healthy it doesn't matter!
I must have had a tons of different versions of that chat with parrot owners it's crazy.
The moral panic about parrot ownership is DAMAGING and it needs to mcfucking STOP
I try to not talk about my birds like this because I KNOW they are happier with me than they would ever be in the wild.
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This is Ellie. She was abandoned by her first owners and was left on the streets of Milwaukee for months, before being found and brought to a shelter, before we could bring her home. She went from constantly chewing on her feathers and feet and being anxious all the time and biting everything, to slowly trusting us and our surroundings. Now she has the healthiest, softest feathers; the most brilliant and curious mind; and just a wonderful enthusiasm that infects everyone who meets her with happiness.
Can you really tell me that bird would be better in South America, away from her flock (me, my spouse, our other birds)?
You can't.
Yes, there are many people who don't treat birds seriously and see them as barely alive, and they should not have parrots.
But that doesn't mean no one should. And that rhetoric - that no one should - needs to stop, before shelters around the world just collapse under their own weight.
Anyways, I get to go home from work now. Can't wait to see my five tiny dinosaurs
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graysweatsgrayhoodie · 10 months
Idk why but I really like the idea of George being in a sweet and loving relationship with someone who is ready to throw hands with Fred at any given moment.
George and her making heart eyes at each other while her and Fred are silently plotting each others demise.
George laying in his bed, kicking his feet while he re-reads old letters from her, while Fred is laying in his own bed planning his prank to dye her hair vomit-green.
George would never pick sides, but he did get caught in the cross fire quite a bit.
One time, Fred tried to hex her books to make them weigh as if they were made of solid rock. However, George was the one who usually carried her books for her anyway. She tried to get him to let her carry at least some of them so it wouldn’t strain him so bad, but he insisted he was fine (the sweat on his brow and crease on his forehead said otherwise, but she knew better than to argue). Still he laughed with Fred about the joke, saying they should pull it again on someone else, mostly so that next time he could laugh along again, this time without his arms being sore for the days following.
She had tried to get Fred back the following day at dinner. She had cast an illusion spell on Fred’s food to make it look like his pasta had turned into dozens of little snakes writhing around in sauce. She had gotten the reaction she was hoping for as Fred let out a loud yelp and jumped up from his seat, throwing his plate in the air. Unfortunately, you hadn’t planned for Fred’s plate to land upside down right on top of George’s head, sauce and noodles sliding down his face.
Again he laughed along, finding Fred’s freaked out reaction funny, even if it meant he would have to take a shower before their date night that night.
While everyone else was always convinced that Fred and her would eventually kill each other, George saw their relationship in a different light. He always told them that the reason they did these things to each other was because, deep down, they both cared for each other and never really wanted to see each other in any real harm.
They both called him mad.
After she graduated from Hogwarts, George offered her a job at Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes, though he knew Fred would never agree to it. It took a lot of convincing and begging on George’s part, letting Fred know of her incredible organizational skills that both the twins severely lacked. Fred was only fully convinced when he saw the back room, that had been nearly impossible to sort through on a good day, had been organized so neatly a two-year-old could find the product they were looking for (she had to keep Fred in mind, of course). Besides, with her working there, Fred had every opportunity to send curious kids in her direction, telling them to test their products out on her, hoping to see her covered in boils or with a large purple tongue. She, of course did the same thing to him (it being in her favor more often than not as kids weren’t too keen on pranking such a pretty lady, much to Fred’s frustration and George’s agreement).
When George lost his ear, they had both silently agreed to put a hold on their shenanigans, both of them doing their parts to take care of him and not cause him too much stress.
That lasted a week.
Fred had superglued all of her shoes to the floor, making it very difficult for her to get to work in the morning. She retaliated by jinxing all his ties so that no matter how he tied them, the front strand would always be shorter than the back strand.
At least George had a nice relaxing week. It only took him getting his ear blown off.
When the war had reached its peek, and the Battle of Hogwarts began, all three of them were there to fight against the Dark Lord and his minions. She found herself fighting alongside Fred when she heard the beginnings of the wall behind them crumbling, meaning it was about to fall, and right on top of them. Fred hadn’t noticed, as he was making a comment to Percy, so she ran over to him quickly, tackling him to the ground, mostly out of the way, as the wall behind them fell. Some rocks and bricks landed on top of them, her taking the brunt of it as she was laying on his body, arms covering their heads. The fallen wall had rendered her unable to walk, and seeing as this place was swarming with enemies, Fred scooped her up and took her somewhere safer, sending curses and hexes toward anyone who tried anything funny.
George expressed how grateful he was after the battle had ended, thanking them both for saving each others lives and proving his point about them caring about each other.
“‘Saving each others lives,’” they had both scoffed. “Please, they would have been just fine without me.”
They would not have been.
“Besides,” they both continued, “I only helped them because if they had died, then George would be all mopey and sad about having to live the rest of his life without them. That’s all.”
But that day, they had both gotten their confirmation that neither of them hated each other nearly as much as they let on, and that maybe George was right.
Of course, they could never admit that, though. Because that would mean telling George he was right, and he would never let that go.
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starglitterz · 4 months
serendipity. (vii)
─── chapter 7 ! ~ my bff thinks she’s sherlock holmes (…what?)
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summary; when you, a waitress at the local coffee shop, are paired up with the new recruit scaramouche, you’re pretty sure both of you are going to get fired within a week. he’s just quit being a social media influencer and after being forced to work here to make ends meet, he’s ready to let everyone there know how much he hates it. the worst part? you can’t shake the feeling that you know him from somewhere. but as he slowly warms up to you, scaramouche realises that having a fresh start isn’t that bad after all, and perhaps the two of you meeting like this was pure serendipity.
a/n; hiii it's me again ! i'm so back >:) hope you missed serendipity bc i definitely did hehehe,,, also for further context on some details mentioned in this chapter, you should totally read cynosure 👀 (shameless self-promo LOL) anyways i hope u enjoy this chapter !!
warning(s); a lot of swearing, scuffed pics 😔
please reblog w comments ! it helps a lot :)
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private messages #1 !
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phone call !
incoming call from kokomi at 1.30 p.m.
kokomi: hi, y/n! it's your lunch break now, right?
y/n: yep! i'm surprised you remember.
kokomi: hey! i just visited you the other day, my memory isn't that bad!!
y/n: yeah, yeah, whatever you say. anyways, what did you want to tell me? it sounded important.
kokomi: well… you know how we met childe and signora the other day, right?
y/n: yeah, i could barely believe they knew scara. i mean, this is the same guy who complains about the stray cats making a mess outside the cafe but still leaves leftovers for them. i wouldn't have expected him to have such famous friends.
kokomi: me too. and i actually wanted to talk to you about that.
y/n: why, what is it?
kokomi: i was curious about how scaramouche knew them, so i asked gorou to do a little digging.
y/n: what? kokomi, why would you do that?
kokomi: this guy shows up out of nowhere and ayaka hires him, and it turns out he has friends in such high places? it's suspicious!
y/n: what the fuck, kokomi? what's gotten into you? this is my colleague we're talking about. he's literally just some random guy ayaka hired, why do his friends matter? it's not like they're bad people!
kokomi: they might not be, but he is.
y/n: and what's that supposed to mean?
kokomi: check the link i just sent you.
y/n: fuck off, kokomi. i'm not dealing with this today. what's wrong with you?
kokomi: y/n, please just click it. i really think you need to see this.
you click on the link kokomi sent you - it's a youtube video titled 'the rise & fall of scaramouche'. you watch it in silence with kokomi still on the phone.
kokomi: you see? he was a drama youtuber and he got clout off of ruining other people's lives - he even got fired from genshin impact! when genshin threatened a lawsuit, he agreed to settle privately by deleting all his accounts. genshin must have paid to scrub all the traces of him they could from the internet too. i knew there was something fishy about him!
y/n: honestly, fuck you, kokomi.
kokomi: what?! why me?!
y/n: because who cares what his past was like? yeah, maybe he used to be a shitty person, and yeah he's still a pain in my ass, but he's changing. scara hasn't done anything bad since he started working here, i don't know why you're so against him.
kokomi: i just don't want you to get hurt, y/n. we all know you're still looking for that mystery guy from when you were younger, and this is the first time you've liked someone without mentioning that. i'm worried he's taking advantage of you.
y/n: get a grip, kokomi. i'm a grown adult, and you're not my mother. i can make my own choices and deal with the consequences.
kokomi: well forgive me for being worried about my FRIEND.
y/n: just… leave me alone. goodbye, kokomi.
call cut from y/n's end at 2.17 p.m.
private messages #2 !
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twitter !
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i'm curious, what do u guys think abt what kokomi did? are you on her side or y/n's side? i've personally experienced a lot of friends getting defensive whenever you point out anything wrong with their rs/bf so i guess this is partially inspired by that LOL
© starglitterz 2024. do not repost or modify in any way.
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huskyweebo · 4 months
Yesterday is Valentine’s Day ! well, i meant to post it On the day but I passed out before I finished proof Reading-
Anyways, well what does a single person do with his free time on that day ? Write fanfic of course!
Here is some RadioApple !!
Valentine's Day Surprise !
Today was Valentines Day and All around the hotel People gave gifts to their lovers, or to their Crushes.
Husker had Finally confessed to Angel and it was a nice sight. Almost everyone had gotten a gift with the intent of Romantic Love, and Boy was lucifer depressed. Of course Charlie had given a Gift but that was different. He had hoped for somone else to give one.
A couple days prior he had Asked the Radio Demon his thoughts on Valentines Day, for Lucifer, he Personally wasnt fond of it since Lilith had Left him. He also remembered the Day Cupid Was created for the Holiday. But now he was curious, what did his crush Think about the Holiday? 
“ Its Scandilous. “ 
“ Im sorry what? “ he blurted out. Alastor Looked At lucifer With an Odd Expression, 
“ The only Reason I Dont dissapear On this day to get away from all this lovey Dovey Nonesense, Is that Rosie Gives me The hottest gossip she has, for mostly break up, “ he suddenly appeared sadistic as if thinking about Previous Valentines. 
“ Oh! Oh, Right, Yes, “ Lucifer luaghed nervously, “ I mean, I dont either phht- i mean i Was There when they made Valentines Day and My first thought was; ‘ Hey, now thats STUPID ‘ “ He luaghed more awkwardly, and then turned feeling severely disappointed. Alastor Raised an Eyebrow. 
Cbsck to present day, he was waving away Charlie And Vaggie, they were going to a fancy restaurant and Lucifer volunteered to Watch over the Hotel
“ Are you Reallyyyy Sure that you dont want to hand over the Responsibitly over to Al? Dont you think you should have fun too? “ She said with Sad eyes, Lucifer shook his head.
“ Nope! Bitch you know i prefer Ruling Hell than get a date for this holiday, HA! “ He said very awkwardly. Charlie nodded, after a brief connection of eyes with Vaggie she turned to leave with His Duaghter. He sighed,
“ they grow up so fast, “ He went back in. He looked around, the hotel was closed for guests today so that leaves only Nifty and he to be present. he Assumed that Alastor was with The cannibal Overlord due to his comment a couple days ago. 
Today it was the most quietest hes heard the Hotel,
it felt like Being in the royal Castel again… All alone. Lucifer groans, he leaned against a wall and put his face on his Hands. He never realized how sofficating Silence was. 
After he moved into the hotel to Help his daughter he was too busy to feel Depression, but now, with nothing to do and no one to talk to, he could feel it settling in like a dark cloud.
He was alone, Again, on Valentines day,
it reminded him about how much more Lilth is happier without him..
He heard a squeak,  “ Ultamte Bad Boy! Come here!!  “ Nifty giggled, he put his hands down. She was very jittery Her bouncing, 
“ What is it Nifty? “ He said softly, she ran up to him and Grabbed his hand, 
“ Come on ! i have to take you somewhere! “ she said excitedly. 
“ Wha- Where?! “ He stammered, for someone as tiny as Her she was surprisingly Strong. she pulled him up to the elevator to go to the very top. She didnt say much during the ride but she persistently keep his hand in hers and she was muttering words he could not understand. 
The Elevator Opened and she started pulling him to the left. She stopped at the door that led to the patio. 
“ Go, Go, go! “ She said pushing him a little, then rushed away, luaghing. 
“ Weirddd “ Lucifer Said to himself.
what on earth was that? He thought. Why would she want him to be here? Maybe to see a new collection of dead insects, or alive. he pulled out the bug spray he had in his pocket preparing for what would be behind the doors.
He pushed it open,
Lucifer dropped the can and his eyes widened. In front of him was a small table. Alastor, with a wide smile, was sitting on one of the seats. He got up,
Lucifer shut the door immediately and leaned against. He could hear his heart beating, 
“ Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, “ He muttered repeatedly under his breath, Lucifer felt His Face heat up and His legs threatened to Give in. he did not expect this, he wished for something but he didnt think it would actually be answered.
He wasnt ready, all he was ready for is to go to his room and be alone with his depressing thoughts.
In front of him the shadow morphed and Alastor appeared, 
“ Your Duaghter Acts much like you, “ He stated, titling his head. Lucifer was stunned, all he could do was smile slightly, He couldnt speak. The Radio Demon saw that and took advantage.
“ I must say I prepared this for you and it was quite rude for you to slam the Door on such a thing, “ He put his hands behind his back and waited for the others response. 
Lucifer blinked, suddenly he was able to move. He cleared his throat, 
“ um, yes sorry about that- “ he forced out. The silence was ackward as Alastor seemed to be thinking, 
“ Well my dear I think we should start this over, “ He Held out his hand. “ May you join me for dinner, “ Lucifer stared at it, 
the thoughts of being alone for valentines day for the 10th year in a row dawned on him.
He didnt want that again, he wanted to be happy, he didnt want to keep deppressing over someone that didnt like him.
He should be looking forward to the one who does.. And he was right in front of him. 
A sudden burst of courage came to him, he gave his hand To alastor, which made him chuckle a little, 
“ good, thank you, “ Lucifers heart skipped a beat.
He led him by the hand and pulled a seat back. as Lucifer sat down Alastor kept his hand on his, once he was settled, he leaned forward and kissed Lucifer’s hand.
“ My highness “ he spoke, “ oh my Me, he said ‘ My ‘ instead of you, MY HIGHNESS “ Lucifer screamed in his head like a teenage girl.
“ in front we have a fantastic meal of deer that I picked and killed myself, I hope it is to your liking, “ he said while opening the cloche to reveal a fantastical meal.
“ why thank you Alastor, “ Lucifer said hiding his blushing face, he wondered why he was doing this, he never thought Alastor thoughtful.
“ may I ask why you are doing this? I thought you didn’t like Valentine’s Day “ he blurted out, As Alastor served both of them he looked up,
“ well a couple days ago you asked me about Valentine’s Day and I couldn’t help but notice your expression when i responded. “ Lucifer looked guilty, “ so I asked my mo- Rosie what I should do and she cheerfully helped me exert this wonderful dinner. “ he gestured around. Lucifer smiled helplessly,
“ oh, t-thank you Alastor, I’ve never saw you as a type to be romantic, “ Alastor smiled more genuinely,
“ well anything for my dear highness, “ he kissed Lucifer’s hand again, giving him butterflies.
It was a splendid meal, and the night was a dinner he won’t ever forget, he has never felt this alive in years.
They chatted all dinner, they laughed and even Alastor told him how it was like on earth, and the good things about. It made Lucifer relieved, that did not only sprout evil on earth, but buetiful things aswell.
Once they finished, Alastor spoke,
“ well, I must say, I now understand why people celebrate this vile holiday, if you find the right one.. it’s quite enjoyable, “ He looked deeply into Lucifer’s eyes, whose widened.
“ Right.. one ? “ Alastor nodded. It was a confession, Lucifer felt like he was about to faint,
“ Yes! “ he exclaimed getting up, he cleared his throat, blushed embarrassingly. “ I mean, I also agree, and this was wonderful, thank you Alastor. Tonight’s has been wonderful “ The Radio Demon got up aswell, he held out his hand, and Lucifer took it.
“ We aren’t done yet. I think we also have a reservation in your quarters.
“ Wait what? “ he said curiously, as they walked towards his room Alastor turned and winked,
“ Oh. “ Lucifer got the hint, he blushed then giggled,
“ oh Alastor, this has been my favorite Valentine’s Day for the first time in Eons “ Alastors eyes sparkles
“ that’s saying something if you were here before the birth of earth, “ Alastor said, Lucifer kissed the side of his chin. The walked in Lucifer’s quarters and closed the door
A couple hours later they were both laying on Lucifer’s bed. Alastor stared at Lucifer as he slept, he immediately passed out after he put one Pj clothes. The short king face was passive, he was like a kitten when he slept, he was adorable.
He has only called people adorable to spite people, but now he knew it was a genuine thought. He has never felt this way before, not even when he was alive.
“ Dad, Dad? “ Charlie knocked on the door. Alastor opened it with a flick of a hand, he did not want her to disturb his highness.
“ Dad? I was just wondering how you were doing. Nifty was acting weird but she said that you went u- “ she stopped immediately when she saw Alastor holding her dad defensively.
“ oh. Um well, ha I didn’t mean to disturb you, sorry! “ she stammered scooting back,
“ say a word to anyone and I will make love to your father again. “ he said roughly, narrowing his eyes. Her face cringed,
“ I did not need to know you did, to begin with, “ she shut the door quietly. Alastor Rolled his eyes,
Alastor felt Lucifer cuddle deeper in his chest, he sighed peacefully. Alastor leaned to kiss his head, which Lucifer unconsciously leaned toward it. Alastor laid his head on top of the blonde-haired and went to sleep.
The End.
The Make Love thing was inspired by a post I saw [ I don't remember where tho ]
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vodika-vibes · 3 months
The Tattoo
Summary: You scheduled a tattoo appointment for yourself, Bly is hurt that you won’t tell him what you’re getting a tattoo of.
Pairing: Commander Bly x F!Reader
Word Count: 1271
Warnings: None
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: I love Bly. So much. More people should write for him.
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You open the door to your apartment, and sigh when Bly breezes past you and settles himself at your kitchen table. “Hello to you too,” You call into the house as you shut the door and follow him into your kitchen.
Carelessly, you drop into the chair across from him.
Bly has a small smile on his face as he leans across the table, “You’re breaking my heart, cyar’ika.” The familiar nickname falls from his lips easily, it’s a shame that you don’t speak a lick of Mando’a and it’s even more of a shame that no one will tell you what it means.
You roll your eyes, “It’s a tattoo, Bly. It’s not like I’m moving to Tatooine to start a new life as a moisture farmer.”
“Yeah, but, not only did I have to find out about this from my brothers,” He says pointedly, “You won’t tell me what you’re getting a tattoo of. So. Heart broken.”
“Oh, come on. You’re covered in tattoos.” You point out as you gesture, vaguely, towards the golden tattoos flowing down his arms, and peeking out from the collar of his shirt.
“Please tell me what your tattoo is going to be?” He drapes himself across your table dramatically and folds his hands over yours, “The curiosity is killing me.”
“You’ll just have to wait and see. Just like everyone else.”
“Oh! You can let me go with you!”
“No, Bly.” There’s an amused smile on your lips, “It’s supposed to be a surprise.”
“I’m surprised. I didn’t know you were interested in tattoos.”
“Well…I’m not really.” You shrug, “I lost a bet.”
Bly immediately sits up, and something dangerous slides through his eyes, “What.”
“Easy Bly.” Your amusement grows, “Your overprotective tendencies are showing.”
“Is someone forcing you to get this?”
“Not forcing me, no. I did agree to the bet willingly. And I’m able to choose the tattoo and the location, so it’s not so bad.”
Still, he frowns, “If you don’t want a tattoo then don’t get one. If anyone has a problem with it, they can take it up with me.”
“Bly,” His dark eyes snap to your face, “I’m okay with it. Really.”
Some of the offended tension drains from his shoulders, “What bet did you lose anyway?”
At that your face burns, “Um…not important.”
You’re definitely not going to admit that you had a bet with Stripe on whether or not Bly was romantically involved with General Secura. You thought he was, as much as it broke your heart, Stripe was convinced that he wasn’t.
Stripe was right.
Which is a win/lose scenario for you. Win because you might, possibly, have a chance with him now. Lose because you do have to get a tattoo.
Bly slides into the chair next to you and pokes your cheek, “Cyar’ika,” He coos, “What was the bet?”
You bat his hand away, “I’m not telling.”
“Is it embarrassing? Ooh, was it a sex bet.”
“What? No!” You stare at him, “Why would you ask that?”
“Curious.” But there’s something odd in his smile, “Come on, cyar’ika. Tell me? Please?”
“Fine!” You fold your arms, and pointedly won’t look at him, “I had a bet with Stripe,”
“About whether or not you’re dating General Secura.”
Bly blinks at you. Twice.
“And…uh…who started the bet?”
“Right. Right.” He stands and drops a kiss to your temple, “Cool. Cool, cool, cool. I’m going to go beat the shit out of my brother. Comm me when your tattoo is done? I wanna see it.”
“Uh…sure? Why are you-?”
“Don’t worry about it. Reasons!”
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Several hours later, Bly hurries back to his cyar’ika’s apartment, absently massaging his bruised knuckles.
Stripe deserved the beat down he got. And sure, General Secura had been Not Pleased with the fight, but it had been well deserved.
Stripe conned his cyar’ika and forced her to get a tattoo, for all that she claimed that he wasn’t forcing her. It wasn’t a fair bet. Stripe knows how Bly feels about his cyar’ika. 
The look of resigned acceptance on his brother’s face when Bly returned to the Barracks did make him a little less annoyed. But only a little. 
Bly runs up the stairs and reaches the door at the same time as his cyar’ika.
A small smile crosses her pretty lips, “That was quick.” She teases lightly.
“Well, I was waiting for the comm,” Bly admits as he scans her body, but he doesn’t see any bandages that might hide a tattoo, “Where is it?” 
She rolls her eyes with a laugh, and keys open the door, “So impatient, Bly. I thought you were supposed to be a commander.” Her voice is light and teasing.
“I am, but this has been killing me.” He follows her into the house, and smacks the button to shut and lock the door, “Come on, cyar’ika. Where is it? Did you back out?”
“No. Rude.” She pauses, “Did you think I would?”
“No. Of course not.” Bly lies…badly.
“What! You said they weren’t really your thing.” He says defensively.
She folds her arms over her chest, and Bly tries, really hard, to not drop his gaze to her breasts. He will be respectful, damn it.
Her lips twitch, “You want to see it?”
“Yes! Please.”
She laughs, “Alright, alright. Just so you know, I have to take off my shirt.”
He pauses, “Where, exactly, is your tattoo?”
“On my back.” She says with a grin.
“Alright, let’s see it.”
She turns around and peels her shirt off, and Bly’s breath catches in his throat. Partly because she is half naked, in front of him, and he’s kind of stupid when it comes to her, but partly because of the design on her back.
It looks like his.
Well. Sort of.
Rather than just geometrical designs, hers look more like vines, with stunning gold flowers decorating the across her shoulder and down her side. In fact, the gold of the flowers looks almost identical to the gold of his own tattoos.
He steps closer and lightly, very lightly, trails a finger across the vine.
“Beautiful.” He breathes out, only half talking about the tattoo. 
She turns her head to look at him, a grin on her lips, “Yeah?”
Bly’s gaze locks with hers, and he smiles, “Yeah.” He’s not talking about the tattoo anymore. 
His fingers slide across the back of her neck to grip her shoulder, and he lightly spins her so that she’s facing him. “I have a confession.”
“Stripe conned you. He knew he was going to win that bet.”
She blinks, “What?”
“Stripe knows, perfectly well, who I have a thing for and he knows very well that it isn’t General Secura. He’s known for months. All of them know.” Bly brushes the back of his fingers against her cheek, “It’s why I had to go beat the shit out of him.”
She frowns lightly, “Well, that wasn’t nice of him.”
“No, it wasn’t.”
“So…who are you interested in then?” She asks with a frown.
Bly laughs, “It’s not obvious?” He asks as his fingers trail from her cheek to lightly grip her chin. “It’s you. It’s always been you. It’ll always be you.”
Her lips part in surprise.
“Can I kiss you?”
A small smile crosses her lips, “Yes. Please.”
Bly crashes his lips against hers. And while Stripe got everything he deserved, he might go a bit easier on him for the next couple of days. After all, his con encouraged him to confess to his pretty cyar’ika. And that’s deserving of a reward.
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