#I feel like little ornaments like those would be cute to have
stave-writes · 16 days
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Sunday Oak x GN!Reader
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A/N: I am SICK!!! of people making Sunday out to be an asshole who would cut you off from everything and everyone just to be selfish, especially if it makes you depressed. Sunday has more love in his heart for everyone and would let you break his heart just to see your smile, this man is sweeter than sugar. Sunday defender #1 is me fight me in my asks I'll win I've been a Zane MyStreet defender before he was popular  💯 💯 💯 💯 💯
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Sunday is a gentle lover, he's always been delicate with you. Ghosting touches over the back of your hand, kisses like the brush of a feather on skin and smiles so soft it's hard to even see them when he locks eyes with you across a room. He's besotted with you, no matter what you do. The worst pain you could ever cause him is your suffering, and refusing to let him ease it for you. Hearing you cry makes his heart ache more than any of his own suffering, and he'll do anything he can to soothe you when you're struggling. Sunday sometimes finds it hard to understand what you want or need, being raised in such a way his own needs come second, so when you insist on looking after him...it's odd. He's never been his own first priority before, and it scares him a little. What if he desires too much? What if he's an issue for you? He loves you too much to risk causing you any amount of strife, so you have to beg him to be a burden. Beg him to be selfish. When Sunday is allowed to be selfish, it's cute. He'll plead with you to curl up in bed with him and sleep "Just a little longer, my love?" with those golden eyes of his shining in the early morning light. One arm will lay over you as he presses his face against your neck or back, unable to keep himself from chuckling due to just how lucky he feels having you right here in his arms. He couldn't ask for more of a blessing in love than to be able to behold you in all your glory (even if said glory is when you're drooling in your sleep or snoring so loud you could wake the dead). One of his "guilty" pleasures (damn catholic angel) is having you fussing over his piercings. He feels almost special when you toy with the little gold studs in his ear or the long dangling ornaments he likes to decorate his wings with. Sometimes he'll even ask you to pick which ones he should wear for the day and buy you something to match. If you don't wear jewellery, it'll be something like a matching set of shirt cuffs or a little keychain to match him. Anything he can do to spoil you just a bit. I'm a clipped-wing Sunday truther and so when he finally feels vulnerable enough, the priest-like coat is off and his clipped wing is shown to you, slightly mangled and clearly still sore and sensitive when you try to brush your fingers along it. You can see the twinge of shame and embarrassment run through him as you regard his incomplete self, the self left destroyed by the Dreammaster. Yet, if you tell him you still find him beautiful? He'll smile. He'll wrap you tight in his arms and cry into your shoulder, so relieved you aren't disgusted by him. That he isn't broken or unlovable, he's just...yours. Being able to read your thoughts means Sunday likes to tease you very lovingly when you're comfortable, he'll reiterate what you just thought out loud, or even listen to what you're thinking before buying you the exact thing you wanted and if you ask, he'll jokingly mention "Oh, a little birdie thought you'd like it." Before grinning and turning away, one arm settled on your waist or shoulder as he enjoyed your warmth.
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hvtqo · 1 year
🩷 headcanons —alhaitham as your bf
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ genre: fluff, just cutesy stuff i daydream about
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ warning: nsfw at the end, afab! reader.
just a bunch of hcs of how i think haitham would act as your boyfriend <33 there's some participation from kaveh as well ! (no, not a threesome or anything 😭)
↓ read under the cut ↓
❛ pre-relatioship ༉‧₊˚
haitham wouldn't be the first to give the green light in the relationship. he would definitely observe you and wait until you show signs of liking him, but he would do so very subtly, and probably wouldn't make the first step directly himself.
but i do feel like he'd be the type to make up excuses to be around you. and you'd be confused because he wouldn't be overt about it either. like a cat just being there... silently demanding attention.
he'd be specially attracted to your intellect. he'd probably ask you questions about your preferred research topics or engage in discussion with you. like sure he can think you're fine asf, but i think he'd fall for your way of seeing things and your intelligence.
you'd notice he likes you likes you when you see him more disposed to listen and learn from you than to contradict you. he's such a contrarian, sometimes just even assuming the opposite point of view from others for simple amusement, not because he actually believes what he's arguing for. but with you he gets to shut up sometimes lol
random gifts left over your desk without you asking for them. a book you've been meaning to buy but never have the chance to. the flowers you saw the other day and thought were beautiful. a keychain that reminded him of you. anything you casually comment that you'd like to have. it pops up.
and then you pretend you don't know it was him who bought those things for you. you left your desk for a minute to go for a coffee, or to the bathroom, or whatever. that's when he comes in and leaves a cute silver necklace there. it has a little ornament in the shape of the moon, which you've mentioned you adore the sight of. he doesn't really get why you find a generic spatial rock so amusing even though you've explained to him it's about the poetry and the symbolism of it, not only it's function or form in space.
he just ended up accepting that you love the moon and the stars and gave into it, associating you with them. before you come back he leaves. you find the necklace and smirk to yourself. you know it was him who got it for you, of course. the next day, you wear it proudly but don't mention it to him.
in fact, you both don't even talk to one another; the only recognition he gets for his gift is a gentle glance across the room. the silver moon glistens over your chest. you smile. he lowers his glance back to his book, and you don't notice the tiny smirk on his face after that.
of course, this subtle tension builds up over the weeks. i feel like haitham, even though he wouldn't directly make the first move, would get impatient. he'd probably scheme a way for you to end up asking him out. you'd definitely fall for it without knowing it was his plan all along to make you confess first.
another thing is that he doesn't come up with all this by himself. he's got you fooled though because he loves the praise and the light in your face when you realize he's responsible for everything.
but no, he's a liar. he definitely asks kaveh and the boys for advice. actually, all of them come up with very specific ways to win you over. kaveh is a romantic and he's always making sure alhaitham doesn't fuck up lol
“just flowers?” a grimace settles on kaveh's face. “yes” alhaitham says, “isn't that what everyone wants? a bouquet? the classic thing?”
“no” kaveh scoffs. “it's not about the flowers, it's about the intention. anyone can go up to her and give her a bouquet of flowers. also, what's special about a bouquet? the flowers will wither in a week. that can be representative of your relationship. be more original.”
so he brings you a bunch of plants instead that you can hang on your ceiling in your room. it looks quite decorative. now everytime you walk to your room and see the hanging plants, you think of him.
he also sends kaveh to ask you things. like what you're into and what type of person you'd date. and like you know he's asking for him, but you play along.
you even tease them a bit.
“i'm into people who can dance” you confess. “it's just so sexy to see a man who can move. why are you asking though? you're not planning on taking me out, are you?” you rise a brow.
“oh, no, not me” kaveh giggles nervously. later in the day he finds haitham scrolling on his phone at the couch. kaveh takes his phone away, which obviously upsets him, and shuts off his headphones.
he pulls him up, making him stand. that's when haitham notices the music. he gets a little nervous but won't show it. “what are you doing?” he asks defensively.
“teaching you how to move” kaveh replies, and the lesson begins.
❛ while dating ༉‧₊˚
so i feel like after the ordeal that making you his girlfriend was, he'd be the type to grasp onto you and not let you go. not easily, at least.
he's lasting. like if you don't end up marrying this man, at least he's gonna be one of the longest relationships of your life.
no over-the-top displays of affection, though. the subtlety continues. and it secures the duration and firmness of your bond. this man's the type to do rather than say. the way he pampers you is through the little things.
like for example, he keeps perfect track of your cycle. even if you're not regular. he knows when you're ovulating (you get it 😌) and when you're extra sensitive because your periods coming.
“did it come?” he asks casually. you frown, because you've never mentioned it. “yes. just this morning” you guess what he's talking about. “good.” he replies. “how do you know?” you rise a brow. he rests his eyes on you. “two days ago you cried because a bee stung me accidentally and died. you cried because it ‘sacrificed itself for me’. and you buried it. under plants.”
of course, he also takes care that you have everything you need, because you can be a little forgetful at times. so you go to the store and while you're wandering the halls in search for candies and chocolate, he grabs a pack of pads and tea and face masks and stuff for you to relax during this time.
ON THE OTHER HAND, he's not the one to easily accept gifts from you. he appreciates them though it's just that he's the type to think of effectiveness and utility when he buys you stuff, while you only buy him things that you find cute or that remind you of him.
like you know you could get him a cute green sweater and he'd be like “i dont need this”, and you'd roll your eyes (he'd wear it nonetheless, because he loves the texture).
so over time you learn to stick to gift him things that have a purpose. books that you know he'd find interesting, perhaps, and that you've read yourself so that you can share something. utensils and tools and stuff that “works”. although you still bring him the occasional trinket or plushie at times.
alhaitham is not a morning person. most often than not you're the one cooking breakfast and cleaning up at early hours. but whenever it happens that he wakes up first and surprises you with breakfast, you appreciate it. he's not the best cook either but he's learned to prepare your favorite dishes perfectly.
i hc you spending time together doing separate tasks or being in silence. he'd be researching, writing, at one side of the room, and you'd be playing videogames or giggling at tiktoks.
“lmao you” you show him a random video, and he glances at it slightly. not a sign of amusement on his face, but you perceive a tiny smirk once you pull back.
also. he helps you with school all the time. you have an essay to deliver in two days and you haven't done a thing? he'll write it for you. *but* this is not free labour. you're gonna have to do something for him as well.
you bargain with him successfully. he writes your essay and you say you'll give him a surprise. the surprise? a candy. he's unimpressed at first, but he shakes his head and smiles and says it's exactly what he was expecting in return.
not really though, you know it. you're just teasing him. it's not like he's some sort of fairy that you can bring candies to and he'll grant your every wish.
i mean he kind of is, but no. so you end up actually paying him back some other way.
and surprise ! your essay gets the best note. alright, it's not like he did all the work. of course, most ideas are yours, he just wrote them eloquently. the teacher praises you. you feel a little bad because you're basically lying but haitham assures you to calm down. he's a scribe nonetheless, and you basically “dictated” the essay to him.
so you have this little thing that you're absolutely in love with life's casualties. whenever you saw a dog passing by you'd scream “dog!” excitedly and sometimes walk up to it and pet it, interrupting haitham mid-sentence (or yourself).
now whenever you're down or distracted at something he's the one to point “dog.” in a lower tone at you. and you rise your glance, see doggy passing by, and you smile, and feel better. “aw, dog” you repeat.
❛ nsfw ༉‧₊˚
he's very touchy, ok? that's his love language. like you're cooking and he casually comes up behind you and grabs your waist, hugs you, and slowly swings you from side to side, very subtle. he lays his chin over your shoulder and watches whatever you've got on the stove.
and then he leaves without saying a word, and you feel the coldness left behind by his absence, making you want him even more.
hes also the type to absentmindedly touch you when you're relaxing. perhaps its even become a form of stimming for him.
you'd have your legs resting on his lap as he reads a passage of his book to you, and you have your eyes close, and he caresses your leg with the other hand.
he's most often than not the one to begin things. he does it that way, making you think you're the one throwing yourself at him, but in fact he's been heating you up in subtle ways the whole day... with little glances and touches and even words.
lmao like this man is conditioning you
like over time you understand the cues and now whenever he does a move like that casually you think to yourself. “oh” and you surprise him later wearing a cute little set of lingerie for him. now who's got the upper hand?
like i feel you've got all of these secret games between you that others don't know about. like this one. who'll give in first? who'll fall first for it? it's so fun.
sometimes you take it as far as making a move in public. you know others don't understand your little cues, it's just between you and him, but you love to see him get a bit shy in front of everyone.
OF COURSE, haitham is a curious type of person. if he's gonna do something, he's gonna do it well. he's not afraid or ashamed of experimenting in the bedroom. so you can come up with all sorts of ideas and he'll probably give them a try.
he's a dom. like any type of dom you want. soft dom, hard dom, whatever. you communicate very openly with him. but it's hard for him to give up control. whenever he accepts to let you dom he's teasing you the whole time.
this man likes being in control ok that's why he's so secretive and stuff. let him be
i feel like he's got a lot of stamina but he gets so sleepy. like im sure he sleeps a lot. just in general not like just after sex.
he can be rough too. and emotional. hes a tongue type of guy. in many ways; he doesn't just love licking, he also loves conversation. praising. degrading. teasing. just words.
he'd be constantly paying attention to your body language to see what you like and dont. he becomes very communicative about this so he's prompting you to speak, approve, and tell him directly if you like something or not.
he loves the sight when you're on top though. just. your body over his. and the way the sweat rolls down your neck into your collarbones. he grasps at your thighs roughly. you feel his fingers burying. and he loves the way you bounce. he won't admit it though, but he does stare in awe when you don't see.
he also won't ask you but he's often hoping you'll give him. like also seeing you on your knees, mouth open, ready for him... he looks forward to it. and you know he loves this part so you don't make it so available to him.
he loves you biting and scratching, but specially biting. he loves the tears rolling down your eyes out of pleasure and the blush on your cheeks.
thrusts are deep and rough. he goes in all the fucking way, deep. he doesn't like doing things mildly anyway. there's also a specific rhythm, but he likes taking unpredictable variation and will sometimes begin thrusting really fast and hard just when you were expecting a slower movement.
he's always ready for aftercare as well. like i just feel like he's a very organized and prepared dude, so he wouldn't do things out of the blue. whenever you start things he's already got everything there for when you finish.
and then you cuddle to sleep and you wake up the next morning... and he's horny again. he's also the type to appreciate some cockwarming after the act.
he's got a high sex drive when it comes to you 😔
oh also i don't feel like you're his first but he's definitely not that experience when you start dating. he learns on the way and through research lol but i don't feel like he's got that high of a body count. NOT LIKE KAVEH AT LEAST.
ta-da~ you've reach the end! if you've come this far thanks for reading <3 reblogging and commenting is highly appreciated ! let me know your thoughts or any other character you want me to write about 🩷🤍
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cybunii · 5 months
a/n: i got sad and wrote this LOL but people wanted a part two to the other one so i hope this one is just as good !!
pairing: Leon kennedy x Gn!reader
cw: sad leon, maybe ooc?
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Leon didn't like being alone after he met you. 
He clung to you as soon as he met you, doing everything in his power just to get an ounce of your attention. It's almost like a puppy begging their owner for treats or toys, he needed you, it was simple.
He’d walk to the ends of the earth for you, maybe even haunting you after death.
Even if he was cranky, or didn't understand the little things you did. He still loved you with every single piece of him, his heart belonged to you. 
And that was enough. 
Holidays have always been odd for him, his work never let him off around these days and he's so used to all of the stress that comes with the job. 
He felt almost empty, or maybe useless. 
He put that energy into almost everything he did with you, helping with baking and decorating. Even taking the time to decorate the outside of the house. It made him feel content, at least it made you happy. 
After helping you bake the first time, he was practically hooked. One bite of the desert you made and his fate was sealed, you had baked his heart and served it up for him to eat. 
He didn't think he minded that thought that much, maybe it was self-destructive or obsessive- But he would let you do anything to him, then again cannibalism always had weird hints of romance in those books he picked up. 
Decorating was fun at times, your pushy nature about how certain things needed to be done made you seem cute. 
He didn't understand the hype behind real christmas trees or specific ornaments on them, then again he didn't celebrate christmas growing up. Not that he never wanted to, but Santa and presents were off the table from a very young age. 
The way the ornaments lit up when the lights were plugged in was stunning. 
He decided that was his favorite part, well maybe one of them. Seeing your face break out into a smile once you stepped back from the finished tree may as well be burned into his memory. He wished he could've taken a picture.
He knew the holidays would be different this year, he was warned about a dangerous mission about a week ago, and the possibility of him coming back was less than none. 
He didn't like those odds. 
Not that he feared death or his job, but the first thing that came to mind was you. I mean he fought for you, secretly laid on his deathbed a few times, and thought of coming home to you later. 
He could never tell them no though, who was he to go against them? He was at their beck and call, a mindless robot who goes on missions and returns with less and less of his sanity intact. 
You weren't the jealous type, or at least he didn't think you were. He could handle you hating him, but he didn't want to feel the hatred at the moment, coming up with a desperate plan at the last second. 
He used Ada as an escape plan, thinking chasing after a woman on christmas would make you hate him, that way it was easier for him to leave. 
You didn't give a reaction, just staring at him with a blank expression. 
Every silent minute felt like hours, the seconds slowly shattering his heart the longer he stood there. Not like you knew that, he had been trained to keep a straight face, this was nothing.
He knew what nothing felt like when he left you. Leaving out the door with nothing to his name, no car, no clothes, and absolutely no money. Only a throwaway phone he used. 
He didn't want to look back at you, even if you showed no reaction, he didn't want to break down crying at the sight of your blank face. 
His only destination was the location they gave him, punching the place in and groaning when its hours away. 
He made it there the next day and to his surprise? 
They no longer needed him, the mission was a success by some other agent who was able to get there quicker and finish the job. They didn't know what he did to get there, and quickly ushered him out, saying they'll call if they ever needed him for something else. 
If leaving you didn't break him, knowing he could've come back to you absolutely crushed him. I mean even to the point of dry heavy sobs in some random hotel that he managed to get a room at, grabbing at the sheets as the tears ran down his red face. 
He never was the type to show his true emotions, always bottling them up until they turned to anger wasn't exactly the best thing for him to do. 
They always led to moments like these, a bottle exploding under the pressure and going everywhere, unable to be fixed or glued back together. 
It took him hours to stop crying, only because nothing else would come out anymore. 
His puffy eyes and disheveled hair made him frown, he never was one to look so pathetic, at least not in these situations.
He just wanted to lay somewhere, letting all of his emotions out and not having to do anything else. He never was the best type to be alone, his thoughts never made it easy.
He never did leave the state, coming back to your town with the promise of a small job at some weird office. Didn’t matter to him, it made decent money. 
He was observant of his surroundings at all times, his broken heart controlling his eyes as he walked the town, hoping to even see just a glimpse of you. 
He never did. 
He wondered if you had moved away. 
He hoped you didn't, with enough money he didn't mind going everywhere to find you. There's no limit to what he would've done to find you. 
There wasn't a day that went by that he didn't think of you, or how sorry he was for leaving. He would look out the window at night just staring at the moon, hoping you were too, at least you'd be doing the same thing he was. 
That would be enough for him. 
With the extra money he had, he would just walk around the town for hours. Going to the most popular restaurants and parks. Supposedly those were fun things to do, but he knew he only went there because he went there with you. 
He couldn't even shop without thinking of you, buying the small snacks and not thinking about it until he got home, leaving them sitting in the cabinet for months because his mind tricked him you were still around. 
It was sad, and he knew that. 
It was heartbreaking to know christmas was next week. How had time slipped by him that fast?
He may not have had his own traditions, but he’d never forget what he did with you. Practically burning a hole in his wallet as he bought a real christmas tree, buying the same ornaments and lights, and every single ingredient for the stuff you baked. 
The finished tree never did look as pretty without your smile paired with it.
And the deserts tasted empty, it wasn't like they weren't good- But they could be so much better if you had made them. 
He had bought you something too. 
It may have been corny, and also pathetic- He seemed to like that word, being hard on himself had to be his favorite pastime at this point. 
But he bought you a ring, one you had pointed at on a random day saying you wanted it. It hadn't even been a week since you started dating when you said that, and he remembered it ever since. 
He was definitely using that memory for later. 
But now it sits under the bright, but also dull tree, the lights bouncing off the shiny wrapping paper. He dreamed of giving it to you, maybe even placing it in your mailbox with no return address. 
He decided that was creepy, a good call on his end.
He wasn't a stalker, maybe not in a bad way. 
That’s beside the point. 
He missed you that night, maybe more than any other night. His mind decided to be real nice to him that night, creating a dream of you being together again and being happy, celebrating christmas like old times. 
He may have woken up that next morning and bawled his eyes out, but that was okay.
It felt real to him. 
And that was enough for now. 
word count: 1.5k
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ponderingmoonlight · 6 months
hi! first i love your writing. it’s so amazing
since it’s getting into the christmas season, i was wondering if you’d want to do something with choso experiencing christmas season things with a partner for the first time. like decorating a tree, kissing under mistletoe and all that kinda stuff?
thank you so much for all your insanely amazing writing!
Aww this was absolutely fun and cute to write, I really hope you like it! Thank you for your request and kind words love 🤍
Teaching Choso about Christmas and kissing underneath the mistletoe
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Pairing: Choso x reader
Word Count: 1,1k
Synopsis: Even though Choso thinks he's seen it all by now, the idea of Christmas just doesn't reach him until you show him the tradition of kissing underneath a mistletoe...
Warnings: Christmas fluff coming your way! This was such a fun request and I really hope it gets you into Christmas mood! Would you like to read more Christmas special content? Let me know in the comments or get in my inbox <3
„And…why exactly are you putting those strange balls onto that tree?” Choso questions while eyeing you up and down critically.
Within the last few months, you were able to teach your precious boyfriend a lot of things he missed as a cursed womb. Everything was new to him: having feelings, getting close to each other, ordering ice cream. But somehow, you actually managed to make a decent human being out of him.
Well, at least until now.
“That is called a Christmas tree and those ‘strange balls’ are called ornaments. We do that every year around that time. Look at how stunning it is”, you explain with excitement glowing in your eyes.
Choso truly loves seeing you like that, wearing that strange sweater and a gorgeous smile on your face. But somehow, this whole concept of Christmas doesn’t make any sense to him. Why would you celebrate the birth of a single child for more than 2000 years? And why do you have to decorate a tree to do so?
He watches as you carefully place another ornament on the tree, clapping your hands in joy. Oh, you look so lovely in the dim candle light with your slightly redden cheeks. His heart begins to jump up and down his chest all over again, eyes not able to tear away from your beautiful sight. If it makes you happy, he’ll celebrate Christmas every day.
“Stop looking at me like that”, you mutter all of the sudden, hiding your face behind your hands.
“Why would I ever stop looking at you?” he remarks along with tilting his head.
He crosses the room in an instant, his hands gently removing yours from your delicate face.
“You told me to tell you about my feelings. And right now, I feel captivated by your sight.”
Your heart skips a beat, shy eyes staring up at the man you learned to love after Shibuya, the man who stood out to you the second you met him. Choso Kamo is way more than a reincarnated curse, way more than a puppet of someone random. No, he is your boyfriend, the love of your life. Never in a million years you would have thought that you’ll stand here like this, him staring deeply into the ocean of your eyes while you can’t help but hold onto his strong arms for support.
God, how much you love that man. And how much you adore to teach him every little thing about Christmas.
“You know what that is?”, you question innocently.
Your fingers hold onto what looks like a branch.
“I now know what a branch looks like”, he remarks dryly.
“This isn’t just any branch.”
Carefully, you tie it to a hook above the both of you, your hands wrapping themselves around his. You smell so lovely, like vanilla and dough from the cookies you baked earlier. The room suddenly feels so warm and welcoming, making his heart feel as light as a feather. Seeing you like this truly makes him melt away in an instant.
“This is called a mistletoe. It’s not entirely clear why, but this branch is a symbol of love. It is tradition to kiss underneath a mistletoe whenever you have the chance to do so. Especially men should steal a kiss from a woman when standing under it. Otherwise it brings you bad luck”, you explain gently.
“I am allowed to kiss you wherever and whenever I want. But since I wanted to do it anyway, I’m more than glad to follow this tradition.”
You hold your breath, his lips pressing themselves onto yours. Sparks fly, it seems like the world around you fades away. It’s only you and him underneath the mistletoe. You, him and his mouth brushing against yours. Instinctively you wrap your arms around his neck, caress his back gently, get lost in the feeling of his body against yours. God, his smell is so intoxicating, the way he holds you by your waist sends shivers down your spine. Never in your life would you have imagined to love anyone as dearly as you love Choso Kamo. It’s almost a miracle, you and him standing here together. An incarnated cursed womb and a jujutsu sorcerer. But somehow, you made it. And oh does it feel right.
“Is there anything else you want to show me? Maybe another tradition that includes stealing a kiss from you?” he mumbles against your lips.
“Actually…There’s something I want to show you. Just stay here, okay?”
He stares at you in confusion as you run up the stairs into the bedroom, your giggling filling the air with nothing but happiness. What are you up do? Choso shakes his head to himself with a small smile forcing itself onto his otherwise cold features. It doesn’t matter what makes you this happy. The only thing that counts for him is your breath-taking smile.
“Turn off the lights!”, you shout towards him, only your head sticking out of the door.
“Turning of the lights…But why?”, he replies with a frown.
Even though it makes you this light-hearted, Christmas seems to be a mystery for him still. What is up with all those lights, the different smells, all the things you hung up in the entirety of the house before? And why would he turn of the lights now?
“You’ll see, just do it!”
He signs to himself before doing as told. Maybe one tradition includes you getting naked after all…
You storm out of the room, holding what looks like a blinking sweater over your head in pure delight. Oh no, what is this about again? He still has to get used to the knitted sweater you’re wearing right now, but this thing? It literally glows in the dark, blinking so hard that he has to squint his eyes in order to see it clearly. Please, let it be another decoration, a strange tradition maybe-
“This one’s for you”, you announce proudly.
Choso isn’t even able to protest since you’re already pushing his head into the tiny hole, pressing his dark hair roughly into his face.
There he stands, blinking like the Christmas tree in front of him in this scratchy thing.
“The mistletoe was definitely more my taste”, he comments dryly.
“Oh, you’ll get used to it! Are you in the mood for learning some more about Christmas?”
He takes a step back while scratching his back.
“No, I think that’s enough for today…”, he mutters.  
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TNG Original Costume Tests: Deanna Troi
I don’t have the actual documentary, just the Trekcore caps, so forgive me if I miss anything, and feel free to add on if you have more info!
Deanna had some great cut hairstyles, as well as some different contacts! Let’s dive in!
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I really like this style! I love the little curls around the face. Also, I’m fascinated by that hair clip thing— it’s kinda unclear what it’s made of. If anyone has any info, pipe up! Her lipstick seems to get progressively darker over the first two seasons; it’s pretty close to this in Farpoint, but by Naked Now it’s already darker to go with her blue jumpsuit, and it changes again to even darker when the burgundy jumpsuit arrives in the second season. Contrariwise, her blue eyeshadow is a lot more prominent here than even in Farpoint. Channeling Spock and matching her department colour, I suppose.
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I think I like the side view a lot more than the front view— that sparkly accent kind of gets lost in the hair in this view. The curls are still cute though! It’s also clearer in this picture the options for the Betazoid eyes. I didn’t notice it until someone pointed it out on Lon Suder, and now I can’t unsee it: Betazoids tend to have very large, very dark irises. Marina Sirtis’s actual eyes are a lot lighter than either option here.
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The next hair option is this sleek bun. I think the decorations here are really pretty from the side, and again, less so from the front. I love the naturalistic design of those gold leafy patterns!
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It looks a bit awkward from the front because of where the ends of the hair ornament fall. I think it might be nice if the top ones came over the front a bit more; I think the design would be clearer from all angles that way.
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It looks like there’s a cool twisted or braided aspect to the bun, which I wish was easier to see! The side view also shows how far back the eyeshadow goes on this style. I think it looks pretty nice! It's a little closer to the style she gets later in the season, though more pulled back.
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And this test is basically what made it on screen at Farpoint. This isn’t my favourite Troi hairstyle; the sparkly braided headband is cute, but maybe a little chunky and I think it has too many colours. I prefer the more defined loose curls she gets later to the loose frizz here. 
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Including this last picture mainly for the smile! Though you can also see how the eyeshadow was toned down from the other tests.
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astralnymphh · 7 months
okay okay I feel like this would be ellie but with space/dino decor !! such a cute lil dorky room for a cute lil dork 🙈
stopp i can see her having a sweater with a dinosaur hoodie or sumn lie the HELP HELPPP OR SH BJUST HAS THOSE STUPID FUCKING DINOSAUR COSTUMSS THE
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she would stand over the fucking bed in one of these late at night while ur trynna relax bruhh like "babe, give me attention!!" or "the dinosaur costume stays on during sex." but ITS FUCKIN TERRYFYING HAHUUHA
and then for the space ornamentation and theme i can see like those stupid little devices that cast stars onto the ceiling. always puts it on at night literally cause she prbly has insomnia and can;t sleep so she just counts the stars and whatnot. oh and glow and the dark space stickers. i have those. im a space whore too my rooms just leaning more whimsical and hers more sciencey. probably trudged an entire catalog to find a cheap telescope she can set up for fun.
bro probably has a big dinosaur plushie that she cuddles n ur like "ok whatever." accompanied by an eye roll n then randomly 30 mins down the line she chucks that damned thing and settles on wrapping her body around u, whispering "jus' not the same.." with a husky chuckle brushing ur nape.
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prasiddhibirb · 2 years
When you fall asleep on them feat. Atsushi, Dazai, Chuuya & Fyodor
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-> Atsushi
definitely is flustered by it
tries to muster up the courage to wake you up but just finds you too peaceful when sleeping???
so he ends up looking very awkward just there 😀
Kunikida ends up waking you guys up telling you guys that it’s not time to act like this (during work)
Most of time, you fall asleep on his shoulder (usually when on the train or office)
doesn’t understand how can you could be this comfortable when falling asleep on someone especially also looking so peaceful and cute at the same time
def won’t be able to look you in the eyes for the next few days until you confront him
Those moments live rent free 24/7 in his mind
-> Dazai
Mf is a 50/50
it’s either one of the worst decisions of your life or a very rare and peaceful moment with him
Thinks about how cute you look and how naïve you are to trust him
after a few minutes after you start sleeping on him, he’ll start thinking of what to do with you
drawing on your face? Cause chaos while you are asleep on him? Hide your belongings? Make you a super weird haircut?
on occasions, he would stop the teasing and relish the time with you while his mind is at ease
Kunikida also ends up waking you guys up, telling you guys to be more serious (at work)
though he wants to be more reserved with his relationship with you, I can see him mentioning to people about how cute you are when you fall asleep on him
-> Chuuya
this is fairly rare that you’ll ever be able to fall asleep on the man at work
he’ll be snappy, telling you that he doesn’t have time for this right now
would much rather keep you to himself and doesn’t want people to stare
save the PDA or any love language for when in private (he can’t risk others targeting his lover)
on that one occasion that you DO in fact get to sleep on him,
will have the biggest ego boost
thinks that you are the most precious thing ever!!
for some reason, I feel like he would buy more jewelry for you?? Just to see the pretty image of you ornamented with fine, antique jewelry.
he just finds himself completely relaxed, the feeling of being enveloped with your beauty and your complete grace is something he yearns for whenever he misses you
-> Fyodor
Absolutely no reaction
wakes you up (or tries to) and tells you to stop disturbing him with his work
you don’t get to often fall asleep on this man
his ability would kill you since he basically has it on 24/7
so sometimes after you hand him his tea, you would try to sit next to him in order to spend more time with him
when he finally accepts you and doesn’t tell you to go away and let’s you have your display of affection,
he will think you are very naïve in trusting him
he could end it all for you and yet, you still love and trust him?
You, so pure, so innocently foolish, he thinks to himself.
you often wake up to the sound of keyboard asmr
Even after sleeping on him, no reaction, he is still cold to you
you can’t help but feel, a little disappointed.
please follow me if you enjoyed my work!
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6rookie-writer0110 · 6 months
Two Sides
Peter Parker/Spider-Man x Male Reader
Request- ANDREWS PETER x MALE READER, WHERE READER AND PETER JUST SPEND A DAY TOGETHER them being all cute and stuff and they end up cuddling with Peter being little spoon 😍
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You and Peter are living in the new apartment, he can't stop smiling. It's the first time you and Peter would live together, you are madly in love with him. Peter is home and he is setting up the Christmas tree, then you walked into the apartment.
“Is that a Christmas tree?” You asked.
“Yes! Sorry, babe but I couldn't resist when I saw it” Peter said.
The tree is in the living room by the window.
“It's big but I like it,” You said.
He walked towards you and gave you a peck on the lips.
“I thought, we can decorate the tree together. It will be our first Christmas celebration in the apartment” Peter smiled.
You and Peter have been dating for a long time. You already know he is Spiderman and he is happy that he doesn't have to lie to you.
“We can make it to the mall before it's closing time,” You said.
“Awesome!” Peter smiled.
You and Peter leave the apartment and head to the store. Peter hold your hand while looking around the store. You two start to pick the decorations and other stuff. While shopping you are thinking about what to buy Peter for Christmas. You have no idea what to buy and you have been searching online, since November.
“Are you really getting those elf socks?” You asked.
“Yes, I am and I'm getting you a pair,” Peter said.
You watched him put it in the shopping cart. You and Peter did get matching Christmas pajama shirts. After a while of shopping, Peter takes you to a restaurant for dinner. You and Peter start to talk about what to do for Christmas in the new apartment.
Once back at the apartment. You and Peter start to decorate the living room and the tree. You are putting the Christmas ornaments and he starts to put the lights on the tree.
“Should I make hot chocolate?” Peter asked.
“Yeah, but don't forget the marshmallows,” You said.
“I won't forget about it,” Peter said.
You keep decorating the tree and he went to make hot chocolate. Then you start to put Christmas stickers on the window. Then you went to the kitchen and helped Peter bake Christmas cookies. Peter pulled you closer to him and he starts to kiss you.
“You seem very affectionate,” You said.
“I can't kiss my boyfriend?” Peter asked.
“You can kiss me anytime, Peter,” You said.
You start to kiss he and he starts to smile.
✫ ✫ ✫ ✫
You woke up and the apartment is feeling colder. You grabbed extra blankets and went back to the bed, Peter walks back into the bedroom.
“Y/n, make me warm,” Peter said.
You are lying on your side, he moved closer to you and he is the little spoon. You kissed his shoulder and snuggled on you.
“Let’s stay in bed all day,” Peter said.
Your fingers are between his fingers.
“Yeah, let's stay in bed it's too cold to do anything,” You said.
“Y/n, I love you,” Peter said.
“I love you, too,” You said.
You and Peter do stay in bed all morning, just sleeping. Usually, Peter is the big spoon but you don't mind holding him.
Later, Peter went to make pancakes and he tried to flip them. But you and Peter eat together and talked for a little bit. You two went back to bed, he wanted you to hold him again.
“Your feet are cold,” You said.
“You like it cold,” Peter said
“No, I don't. I wear socks to bed” You said.
“Yeah, it's cute you wear Spiderman socks” Peter smiled.
“Of course, I have to support my hot boyfriend,” You said.
“I love my hot boyfriend,” Peter said.
You and Peter are smiling.
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munsonify · 6 months
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christmas decorations
pairing. eddie munson x gn!reader
summary. you insist on helping eddie decorate his trailer for christmas!
content warnings. pet names (sweetheart, baby), slight swearing, cookies, established relationships.
a/n. the end feels supppper rushed so sorry lol
word count. 913
12 days of christmas - day 1/12
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Wayne and Eddie were never ones to decorate for the holidays. They could barely find the time to see each other properly with Wayne working nights, let alone decorate their trailer for each holiday. Besides, they deemed it wasn’t too important to them. They two much preferred the trailer as it was.
You, however, were not having that.
Yes, the trailer was fine just how it was. It was small, but homely. Nevertheless, you decided some holiday cheer was needed inside. At first, Eddie pretended he hated the idea. He grunted and groaned over the thought of moving the already perfectly placed decor for more. You still weren’t having it. With as much insistence as you could give, you finally convinced Eddie that just a little decorations wouldn’t hurt.
So, with the help of Joyce, who had a ton of leftover lights, and the clearance Christmas sections in several stores, you were able to scrounge up enough decorations to put around the trailer. You found a small artificial tree that would fit perfectly in the trailer. Wayne made you promise it wouldn’t shed like a real pine tree. You also found a few small, ceramic reindeer to place neatly on surfaces. You even bought a bag of tinsel you knew would end up braided into Eddie’s hair rather than on the tree.
You proudly lugged everything over to Eddie and Wayne’s trailer once everything was gathered. Your boyfriend could tell you were stumbling with everything in your arms, and made sure he helped bring everything in. His eyes, however, wandered to the plate full of chocolate chip cookies you managed to bring with you too.
“Eyes off the cookies, Munson,” you warned teasingly. “You can have as many as you want after we decorate.”
“You’re so cute when you’re demanding,” is all Eddie said after that, a cheeky grin playing on his face. He helped sit everything down, taking the plate of cookies to the kitchen. As if thinking he was sneaky, his hand reached to grab one right off the top, earning a glare from you.
“Okay, fine,” Eddie grumbled. “No cookies until we decorate! Bossy ass.”
You started with the tree, setting it up neatly in the corner. It was around shoulder length with Eddie’s body, more thin than it was tall. He insisted on letting him hang the ornaments, though you swatted him away when he only put the silver and gold ornaments in clumps.
“I thought you wanted me to help!” Eddie exclaimed, throwing his arms up in the air as you took over.
“Yeah, before you decided to be shit at tree decorating,” you fired back, fixing his clumps and spreading them out properly. After you fixed it, you stood back, and showed him. “Now doesn’t that look better?”
Eddie only rolled his eyes. He began unraveling all of the lights while you were finishing the tree, which he found to be more irritating than fun. He did it anyways, his mind set on those cookies in the kitchen. Noticing his irritation, you kissed his forehead gently, smoothing back his hair in the process.
You noticed how quickly Eddie relaxed. Despite still slightly irritated with the knotted lights, he always relaxed around you. Especially when you show him affection. You caved when you saw his brown doe eyes looking up at you from the lights.
“Okay baby, you can have a cookie,” you giggled, watching him jump up eagerly from his spot. He ran straight to the cookies like a child, grabbing the very top one again like before. And, as if starved, Eddie shoved half of it in his mouth. He knew immediately that they were your homemade ones that you make him all the time.
“God, you’re the best, sweetheart,” Eddie mumbled through a mouthful of cookies. “I promise I’ll help when I’m done.”
That, he did. Cheerfully, too! He grabbed you a chair to stand on as you strung lights up along the walls, holding the wad of extra lights in his hands so they didn’t get tangled with anything else.
You were nearly done with the lights when Wayne woke up for his nap. He usually slept a lot of the day in attempts to catch up from the sleep he loses during the night. With a soft smile at you and his nephew, he decided he’d help, also. He set the ceramic decorations around the house. Some were reindeer, others were nutcrackers. There was even an elf that resembled Dustin just a little too much for Eddie’s liking.
As if the finishing touch, you hung up the wreath on their front door. The red ribbon on the wreath was bigger than the actual wreath itself.
You looked around the trailer after you were done to take in the finished product. There was a pit on your stomach that you couldn’t quite shake. You were forgetting something, you were sure of it. You just weren’t sure what it was! With one glance at the tree, you knew you’d forgotten the star.
“C’mon sweetheart, a frown?” Eddie asked, eyes immediately catching on to your sunken expression. He brought a gentle hand up to your chin, forcing you to look into his eyes. “What’s wrong?”
“I forgot the star,” you whispered, a pout on your lips. Eddie couldn’t help but chuckle.
“You’re worried about forgetting a star? Baby, you brought more than you had to! It’s okay that you forgot a star!” His reassurance eased you quickly, just as your touch eased him. You gave him a nod and a smile, which in turn made him smile. You could tell he was happy with what you’d gotten him.
As long as he was happy, you were happy.
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oneatlatime · 6 months
City of Walls and Secrets
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I am also once again saving the commentary for a rewatch.
I still think rock trains are neat but their inefficiencies hurt my brain. The friction! They should at least install dynamic braking.
That's big. This show has really confined itself to the hinterlands so far, so this is really novel. I had no clue anything this big existed in the Avatar universe.
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Complete nitpick time! Given that earthbending is a thing that exists, why bother making things out of stone with individual tiles like this?
Single most threatening musical sting of the whole show so far goes to an overly smiley tour guide.
Wow! I hate this lady already!
"Oh, Ba Sing Se has many walls! There are the ones outside, protecting us, and the ones inside, protecting us from smelly poors!"
"In case someone brings home a lady friend!" Do you know your nephew AT ALL?
Both Iroh and Zuko are right. Life does happen everywhere and without your permission. But, the city is also remarkably prison-like.
He got them jobs in an afternoon. AN AFTERNOON. Stop it Iroh, you're making me feel inadequate.
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Once a fuckboy, always a fuckboy. This particular leopard can't change his spots, no matter how he tries to dress up his actions in a new law-abiding veneer. I feel sorry for Smellerbee. Her faith in her leader isn't exactly being rewarded.
So... is there a law on the books that makes being a firebender illegal in Ba Sing Se? Because the head-in-the-sand vibe I'm getting from Judy makes me think that the average citizen doesn't even know there's a reason to dislike the Fire Nation. Iroh and Zuko could probably bend as openly as a waterbender or an earthbender could here.
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This whole being handled thing must be dredging up some pretty nasty feelings for Toph. This is specifically what she left behind.
Speaking of precisely targeted torture, Judy is engineered to be as irritating to Sokka as possible. Man of action versus Lady of script.
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What a productive use of time! What an exemplary case of turning over a new leaf!
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Iroh buddy I have news for you regarding the ingredients of tea.
That's like the nicest thing a member of the Fire Nation royal family has said all year.
How to get Iroh's ass in gear: Step 1: Make insulting tea. Step 2: There is no step 2.
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I thought that little thingy in the background was one of those electricity things.
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The attention to detail in this show is stupid. There's a moving reflection of the carriage in the water as it goes past.
Hi forbidden city!
Ba Sing Se has a morality police?
I've already run out of patience with the city and I'm 7 minutes in. I haven't even made it to a commercial break yet!
Their house is cute but the veranda is so substantial that it's probably really dark inside. Also there's a pumpkin hood ornament on the roof.
I don't think you can stop there for a month. Have you guys forgotten the now-doubled ticking clock? Eclipse and comet?
Oh ok we're doing 1984 now. Damn. This show goes places.
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I stand corrected. Everyone knows about the war and would be appropriately non-welcoming to firebending. But not openly. This could be like one of those Bugs Bunny bits where he traps someone in societal rules. If someone told a firebender not to bend, all they would have to do to get the guy off their case would be to ask why they aren't supposed to be firebending. What's the guy going to say, because there's a war on?
Shout out to Pong for doing the Gaang a solid and providing the only useful info since they've arrived.
There is something very Gollum-like about Jet, crouched in laundry on a roof in the dark, talking to his stolen spark rocks.
Sokka. Feet off the artwork.
Time for Toph to weaponise her oppressive upbringing and out-fancy the fancies in the name of ending the war.
Aang can master an element in a couple of months but a qualified expert declared manners to be beyond him.
I just realised that Sokka and Katara don't have a last name.
Sneaking into a Bear's (JUST Bear's) birthday party may be the single least violent infiltration attempt in the show so far.
Smellerbee is very articulate, and it's rare that this show spells out its themes so obviously. No metaphors, just "you're obsessed. It's not healthy." And Jet still doesn't get it. Maybe Smellerbee should have tried metaphors.
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Normally glowy green stuff is bad news, but all of Ba Sing Se's green lighting is surprisingly cozy.
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Sometimes, rarely but sometimes, Zuko has to put up with a lot of nonsense.
A raise? Did I miss a timeskip?
Busting in to a local business, yelling about the enemy, pulling out a lethal weapon: How to Look Sane, A Guide by Jet.
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Customers, amirite?
I guess the Bei Fongs are too minor as nobles?
"You don't know what I had to do to get seats this near the bear!" but I want to.
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I know this guy's voice from something.
Momo ghost plan. I want it.
Pretty funny that the busboys plan works better than the fancy ladies plan. Goes to show you should always play to your strengths.
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Get de-wheated punk.
I'm not sure I've rooted for Zuko this wholeheartedly since The Storm.
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Jet be like.
Judy is not good at her job. Like really not good. Her insistence on getting out of there before they cause a scene caused the scene. Nice going!
The music slowing down when Judy's face falls is really effective.
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You ever get the feeling that it should be Aang who ran away to the circus rather than Ty Lee?
Actually a travelling circus would be a great way to be, and remain, an incognito airbender. Aang should have done that rather than frozen himself. Ok I'm not sure how much say he had in that, but you know what I mean.
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For the first time in his life, Zuko has people take his side. It's too bad that it's based on a lie, but it must feel nice.
I would have preferred if Zuko had a clean win against Jet - they're both great with swords, but I thought Zuko was better - but an assist from the funky hat police works too.
I'm getting some funky vibes from the funky hat police.
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Bye! I won't miss you!
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The face on the guy on the left is the funniest part of this episode.
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Now these are some funky hats.
I know this scene is supposed to be scary and tense and action-packed, but I can't get over the fact that the king just did a drive by. They carried him in one side and out the other. This concludes the King's presence at his Bear's birthday party. He's a very busy man, you see.
Long Fang's title keeps getting fancier.
Brain washing crops up quite a lot in kids' cartoons. This is not the first time I've seen this plot beat.
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Forget the Fire Lord. Forget the Fire Nation. Long Fang just threatened Appa. Long Fang has to die now.
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The Judys are replaceable. Given everything else this city seems ok with, they're probably disposable too. Yikes!
Final Thoughts
This episode was probably the most expository I've seen this season. Maybe even the whole show. It was a big infodump with barely any humour. Actually that's wrong; there was humour, but not to my taste.
Jet is infuriating as usual. I think the writers are going for the villainous decay trope, because smooth-talking season one Jet hasn't reappeared once.
I feel really sorry for Smellerbee and the archer guy. I wonder if they even wanted to go to Ba Sing Se in the first place.
Once again, for the third episode in a row, Zuko is one of, if not the, most reasonable character. Season one shouty Zuko is gone. Is this what I think it is? Has Zuko really turned a corner? If so, I'm liking (rather, disliking less) this new Zuko. This is good. I'm also surprised, because in my experience, if you want to domesticate someone, you don't put them in a customer-facing role. That will have the opposite effect and make them turn feral.
Iroh is having too much fun. It's good for him to have something of his own going on. I think he's been in Zuko wrangling mode 24/7 for the last two? three? years, so he definitely deserves to pursue his own interests for a bit. But I can't see Zuko being a tea boy for long before he's back to needing wrangling.
What's the long term plan though? Are Zuko and Iroh going to live the rest of their lives in Ba Sing Se? Are they waiting for something? Are Iroh and Zuko functionally dead, with Lee and Mushi taking their place?
I will give the show credit for finally coming up with and antagonistic force that Aang & company can't just bend or talk into submission. Bureaucratic tomfoolery covering for authoritarian censorship and information suppression and re-education was not something I'd ever have expected in this show, because it's a little too much like the real world, if you know what I mean.
I don't like seeing our heroes unable to triumph, so this episode was kind of uncomfortable to watch. It felt off the whole way through, which I credit to that creepy music box tune that played throughout. The soundtrack of this episode was a cut above what I usually hear in this show. I noticed it more than I usually do, and I mean that in a good way.
As someone who'd be lucky to pass as a busboy, upper class intrigue and social games stuff doesn't do it for me, so this wasn't an episode I was going to enjoy anyway. I preferred the B plot with Zuko and Iroh, for the sheer absurdity of the concept. Imagine you're in 1950s London, having barely survived the Blitz, and you come across Himmler working in a pub. It's so odd that it almost wraps back around to normal again.
I didn't find this episode very enjoyable. I don't like the forced inactivity that's been imposed on the Gaang. The humour was not to my taste. The worldbuilding was substantial, but - probably thanks to Joo Dee, whose name I've definitely been misspelling - it felt inorganic, like a lecture. Which the writers do lampshade by making Joo Dee sound like one of those audio guide things you rent from tourist attractions. But lampshading a fault does not make a fault go away.
Thanks to what happens to Jet, I know that the people of Ba Sing Se don't dare even think about the war, for their own safety. But after spending more than half a season being shown every type of refugee and victim of war in other parts of the Earth Kingdom, I could not bring myself to give a flying fuck over Pong's concern for keeping his house. The city is frustrating, the officials are frustrating, their priorities are beyond frustrating. Zuko was right when he said he didn't want to make a life there, although I did find the lower ring where Zuko and Iroh are to be far more comfortable than the high ring where the gaang is.
This episode makes me want to bite something.
And still no Appa.
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cosmicpearlz · 1 year
last christmas
summary: a small reminder of the last christmas season has you feeling way better this year.
pairing: percy hynes white x reader
day 5 of ficmas! (december 23rd, 2022)
-last year-
if someone had told you that you’d be spending christmas alone in a park, you would have laughed right in their face. but here your were sitting a bench in a park feeling miserable but your outcomes. you were supposed to spent christmas with your boyfriend of six months and his family but once arriving to the house, you found your boyfriend making out with another girl in one of the rooms. the same girl he had told you not to worry about.
to say you were hurt was such an understatement. it wasn’t even just the fact that your boyfriend cheated on you but the fact that his family knew and let you walk into the house without telling or warning you. too embarrassed to go to your family for christmas dinner, you just ran. feet taking you to where you were now.
“rough night?” a voice coming from behind you. you could also hear the shuffling of their shoes on the gravel to the swings.
“that’s one way to put it.”
the stranger sits next to you on one of the other swings and you take one good look at him. long brown hair, green eyes, pretty tall and long legs. you thought he was cute but you quickly shook your head of those thoughts.
“why are you out here alone,” he stares at you for a minute taking in how your eyes were slightly puffy and red before looking ahead at the trees that blew from the wind.
“why are you out here alone?” he chuckled and looked down at his shoes.
“ah a question with a question. technically i’m not alone if i’m sitting with you.” you sighed because he was right.
“i was supposed to spend christmas with my boyfriend well now ex-boyfriend and his family. then i caught him in the act of cheating on me,” your voice was wavering through each word.
you cleared your throat quickly to hide the hurt that was in your voice, “now you gotta tell me why you’re here.”
“first of all, he’s a dick. what kind of coward does that? and secondly, i just got a little overwhelmed at a christmas party my friends threw. i needed a second to be alone i guess.”
“yeah, what’s worse is his family knew he was cheating and made me look even stupider for showing up. but i feel you parties can be overwhelming.”
“my name’s percy.” you turned your head to the boy who was sticking his hand out for you to shake. you sent him a small smile and grasped his hand shaking firmly.
who knew one person you met at your lowest would change your life for the better.
-this year-
“percy we are not getting that as a christmas decoration,” you pushed his hand away from your face with a laugh. he had shown you a ornament of a deer with a santa hat while on a stripper pole.
“babe, c’mon it’s funny!” he puts the ornament in the cart anyways as you guys still looked around the thrift store.
“you are a hot mess love.”
“oh stop it, you love me and i’m your hot mess,” he kisses temple making you grin up at the boy.
“yeah, two very true statements.” you patted his cheek and continued looking at all of trinkets.
you and percy turned around in sync to find the source of who called your name. your eyes widened when seeing it was in fact your ex boyfriend. you hadn’t seen him all year and of course coming up on the year anniversary of the tragic betrayal, you see him.
like a sixth sense, percy was able to take one glance at you and know you were uncomfortable. meaning this was the dick that broke your heart.
“y/n, i haven’t seen you in forever. how are you?”
“not much of a talker, huh?”
“listen man, how about you leave us the hell alone,” percy steps in front of you like a protective shield.
“who exactly are you?” you knew where this conversation was going and frankly you didn’t wanna see the outcome.
“perc we should just go. it’s not worth it baby.” you tugged on his sleeve to get his attention. he looks down at you and nods. he moves to grab your waist and pulls you into him before walking away. you heard your ex huff and turn the other way. funny how he’s not the one that should be upset.
“you okay sunshine?”
“mhm, thanks for being there with me. i dunno what would’ve happened if you weren’t.”
“always gonna be here for you,” he says while leaning down to press a kiss to your lips.
the ride home was silent and percy wasn’t sure what to do. you’d never been this quiet before. he helped you place the bags of decorations in the house sighing to himself.
“sweetheart you gotta talk to me. i can’t help you if you don’t talk to me and it’s honestly killing me.”
“there’s nothing wrong.”
“baby, you were my best friend for months before you became my girlfriend. i think i would know when something’s wrong,”he grabs your hands waiting for you to feel comfortable to spill your thoughts.
“it’s just that seeing him was hard. being reminded of that awful time.”
percy picks your head up with one hand, still holding on your hand with his other hand. he cups your cheeks gently, “i know my love but it’s okay. you’re okay and he won’t bother you again.”
“i love you so much percy. what would i do without you.”
“be boring.” you hit his shoulder and playfully rolled your eyes. you began to walk away from him, “hey! you know it’s true.”
“yeah yeah yeah, leave me alone loser.”
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meloarto-me · 24 days
Fukaboshi x Human Reader
𓆝 𓆛 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟  ﹏𓊝﹏𓂁﹏ 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆛 𓆟
My little cute prince…. How I love him. jnbgjfadj
I will add that you are taller than the average person, more than two meters?
Sorry for the mistakes, hope you enjoy! ദ്ദി ˉ꒳ˉ )✧
𓆝 𓆛 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟  ﹏𓊝﹏𓂁﹏ 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆛 𓆟
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༄ He would carry you everywhere, as it were. You are so tiny and he is strong (He likes to brag about his strength in front of you).
༄ He would like to paint your toenails, please let him. He delights in your legs. As if you know, he doesn't have them himself so he is naturally curious about them.
༄ He will ask a lot of questions about humanity. But how is it possible to fry in the sun? He will ask a lot of stupid questions, don't ridicule him for it.
༄ He will definitely ask about the human body. Apparently, he has a similar body, but I don't think mermaids have a period.
༄ When you get your period for the first time, Fukaboshi goes crazy, senses you from far away, and will leave everything he's done to see if you're okay.
༄ Long you have to explain to him that everything is ok and you are not dying. NIby has read books on the human body and its various aspects, but he has never encountered this.
༄ He's just worried.
༄ The biggest gentlemen you can meet.
༄ Opens every door for you, brings flowers (Some ornamental plants underwater) for no occasion. Breakfast in bed, small gifts. He can bring you pebbles that are the color of your eyes.
༄ Fukaboshi is sure to make something for you by hand. Nóś it always and his heart will light up with pride and happiness.
༄ Sometimes you see jealous glances from mermaids, sometimes it makes you feel bad.
༄ In those moments, Fukaboshi takes you in his arms and assures you in every possible way. Don't you like your legs? He loves them they are so cute, he kisses them for you. Don't like your hair? He can braid them differently for you (Learned on Shirahoshi) so that you feel confident with them, he will even help you cut them.
༄ In his eyes you are perfect, his little charming goddess.
༄ Fukaboshi in company usually holds a hand on your shoulders or back. He may also hold your hand. (Less often because he is shy).
༄ Behind the bedroom door, he is more cuddly. He will draw you close to him and sit or lie like that.
༄ He loves it when you play with his hair. Or you slide your finger across his face while looking into his eyes. Such small gestures are the best according to him.
༄ Just the perfect boyfriend.
༄ With him by your side everything becomes more beautiful.
༄ Before I forget. Fukaboshi is very jealous, he won't show it but jealousy sometimes eats him up from the inside.
༄ His brothers take up too much of your time! During this time you could have been with him and hugged!!! Hug you understand!
༄ End of the day, he will join you, although this is how he can spend time with you.
༄ However, if it is someone other than his family he will throw that person surreptitious jealous glances (Everyone can see it, just no one tells him. You think it's cute.).
༄ Just the ideal boyfriend.
𓆝 𓆛 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟  ﹏𓊝﹏𓂁﹏ 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆛 𓆟
Here I will end it I could write and write here and there would be no end. 🌊♡☁️
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Sammy's Little Problem, Chapter 16
Read Chapter Fifteen here.
Alyssa smiled. They were making progress. At least Sammy decided on the rest of her diapers without much more of a fuss. Still, there were plenty more opportunities for meltdowns ahead.
It wasn’t easy, but Sammy managed to pick out her daytime, nighttime, and swim diapers without feeling horrible. Even when she looked at the nighttime diaper samples, which she swore were twice as thick as the daytime diapers. But she found some cute—and she hated that she thought they were cute—pink ones that had a different Disney Princess on each one.
Choosing swim diapers felt even more strange. The thought of needing diapers even to swim made her blush harder than she anticipated. Another thing to worry about. And how she could hide those poofy diapers under her swimsuit was something she wouldn’t let herself dwell on. That’s future Sammy’s problem, she said to herself.
Sammy had to distract herself from watching Allie scan all the diapers, though. She kept scanning and scanning. The number of diapers piling up. And she would go through every single one, whether she wanted to or not.
She still wasn’t used to the idea she’d be in diapers every day for the rest of her life. Knowing that her last diaper-free day was behind her. That she would never use the toilet again. The toilet would become nothing more than an ornament, a memorial in the bathroom. Everything will end up in the seemingly endless supply of diapers Allie was scanning.
Sammy was startled back to reality. She felt Allie’s hand reach under her skirt, checking her diaper. It was done so casually, so mechanically that Sammy felt even more infantile. Apparently, Allie decided that she’d check her diapers the same way as any other toddler.
“You’re a little wet, Sammy,” Allie said matter-of-factly, “but I think you can go another hour or so.”
“Okay,” Sammy responded meekly.
“Now, there’s a few more things we need in the L1/L2 combined section before we move on. Sippy cups and bottles are the next aisle over, then—”
“Alyssa? I thought I recognized you!” A woman interjected, happy to see Alyssa.
“Oh, wow, hi Linda, it’s great to see you,” Alyssa responds, “didn’t expect to run into you in the diaper aisle!”
Linda was one of the few women that matched Alyssa in height. Her smile was contagious. She seemed every bit as warm and comforting as Alyssa. Standing next to her was a shy girl who looked to be a few years older than Sammy. She was dressed a bit more…mature than Sammy, though still obviously looking every bit like a Little. Sammy could detect no diaper bulge, though.
“Yeah, Emily here has been having a bit of a problem staying dry during naptime at preschool. Her pull-ups aren’t cutting it anymore, so her teacher recommended she bring some diapers until she gets it under control.”
Emily’s face flushed red. Unlike Sammy, she clearly never expected to be in diapers. She looked at Sammy, almost daring her to say something. Sammy offered her a sympathetic smile.
“But enough about me, Allie, you didn’t tell me you adopted a Little! That’s so exciting! I’ve been wondering when it would happen!”
“It only happened a few days ago! This is Sammy, my Little.”
Linda beamed at Sammy. “Hi, Sammy! It’s nice to meet you! You’re a lucky girl, Allie is probably the best person I’ve ever met!”
Sammy stood there, embarrassed. “T-thank you,” Sammy mumbled, “it’s nice to meet you.”
“Sammy is my little sister Lindsay’s best friend. You met her a few times when we were at USC. She took her classification results pretty hard. She’s an L2, but I knew I couldn’t let her go to an adoption center. I’ve known her too long to let that happen.”
Emily gave Sammy a piteous look upon hearing Sammy was an L2.
“Well, I’m happy to hear that! I know it can be hard at first, Sammy, but you are in great hands,” Linda says before turning to Emily, “this is my Little, Emily. She’s an L3.”
“Hi Sammy,” Emily adds.
“Nice to meet you,” Sammy says, trying to sound as mature as possible.
“Well, I hate to run, Allie, but we need to run, I need to drop Emily off with her diapers before I rush to work,” Linda said, “but we should schedule a playdate soon so we can catch up!”
“That would be great!” Allie agrees, “it’s been way too long. I’ll call you soon to set something up!”
Moments later, Allie and Sammy are alone again. Sammy was still recovering, she’d never met another Little in person. Seeing an L3 made her jealous, if she had to be Little, why couldn’t she have been an L3?
“Linda is so sweet,” Allie says, “she was one of my best friends when I was at USC. I don’t know why we lost touch…but, anyway, where were we?”
Sammy didn’t want to be the one who reminded Allie about her sippy cups. So she just shot Allie an innocent look of uncertainty.
“Oh, that’s right! We need to get you some bottles and sippy cups!”
“Do I really need bottles, Allie? Or sippy cups? I’m not a baby and I can drink without spilling.”
“You’re not the one who will have to clean up the spills, Sammy. And besides, won’t it just be easier not having to worry about spilling?”
Sammy was willing to concede the sippy cups, but not the bottles. “I guess so, Allie, but do I really need a baby bottles?”
“You don’t need to use them all the time, Sammy, but I’m sure every once in a while it will be easier for you. Especially when you’re really tired. I’ll only get a few and we can figure it out as we go.”
“Fine,” Sammy whimpers.
“Oh, look at these Sammy!” Allie exclaims, pointing to a set of cups, “these match your diapers! Look they all have princesses on them!”
Sammy wasn’t sure about this new Disney Princess motif. Sure, she loved them growing up, but to go back to them like this wasn’t what she ever expected. “Those are fine,” Sammy says.
They move to the next aisle. A whole row dedicated to pacifiers. A seemingly endless supply of colors, variations, and sizes. Just looking at them filled Sammy with emotion.
“Okay, Sammy, try not to get overwhelmed with choices,” Allie says, mistaking the look on Sammy’s face.
Sammy’s eye’s begin to tear up again. Pacifiers were for babies. Not her.
Alyssa realizes in the nick of time what Sammy was thinking. She found a cute pink pacifier, scanned it, and opened the packaging. Before Sammy could react, she placed it in her mouth.
The foreign object startled Sammy. But to her surprise, before she could spit it out or yell at Allie, her mouth started sucking on the nipple. It was…calming. Her mind wanted to reject it, but couldn’t. No, this was okay.
Alyssa smiled as she watched Sammy accept it. She’d been waiting for this moment since she asked Sammy to be her Little. Nothing soothes a tantruming Little faster than her pacifier.
“How do you like it, Sammy?” she coos.
It took a few seconds for Sammy to respond. “ith nithe I gueth,” Sammy said clumsily, not used to talking with it in her mouth.
“Well I think you look so cute,” Allie laughs, “now can we choose some pacifiers?”
Even Sammy was startled how much her pacifier calmed her. She almost didn’t even care how she looked. A few minutes later, Sammy had picked out a collection of them. As they moved to the next aisle, she didn’t even think about taking it out.
The next section was changing tables. Alyssa didn’t bother asking Sammy her input for this. She looked at each one in detail, deciding which one fit her needs best. Each of them looked the exact same to Sammy, but Alyssa looked at each like it was completely different. Finally, Alyssa looked satisfied and scanned the one she wanted.
They reached the changing table pad section. Alyssa had Sammy lay on each one, asking her which one felt the most comfortable. “Make sure you choose a comfortable one, Sammy, You’ll be spending a good amount of time on it!”
Once Sammy chose, they went to the bedding section. Sammy’s heart sank when she saw most of the selection was cribs. “Do I really need a crib, Allie?”
“Well, that depends, honey. If I catching you sneaking out of bed too often, yes. But for now I think we can settle on a hybrid bed. The ones over there have much smaller railings to keep you from falling out of bed. But if necessary, it can convert into a crib.”
The process went remarkably similar to the changing table. Alyssa looked at each model in detail, ultimately choosing without Sammy’s input. Sammy, however, got to choose her own mattress.
“We’re making great time!” Alyssa grinned, “you’re doing such a good job, Sammy. I’m proud of you!”
“Thankth,” Sammy responded, blushing at the realization she’s had her pacifier in the whole time.
Sammy watched Alyssa as she fumbled with something in the cart. She saw a flash of something pink before Alyssa turned around and walked over to her. Alyssa was checking her diaper before she could react.
“Wow, Sammy, you really soaked this, I’m glad I checked! We need to get you changed really quick.”
Without warning, Alyssa picked Sammy up and carefully placed her in the cart, making sure Sammy’s feet went through each opening. Sammy felt her diaper squish as she was placed down. She didn’t remember having a single accident.
Though that was the least of Sammy’s concerns. Being picked up without any warning made her feel so tiny. Especially now, as she was essentially face to face with Alyssa pushing the cart. She looked down, realizing her swollen diaper was on full display, her skirt unable to cover the diaper.
“Sorry, Sweetie, but it was just easier this way.”
As Sammy was pushed to the back of the store, she tried to ignore the smiles of other Caregivers as they saw her, eyes always drifting down to her diaper. There were the “awws” and “she’s so cute!” every time she passed anyone.
Finally, they reached the changing area. The women’s bathroom had a series of changing tables. Alyssa swung the diaper bag on her shoulder before picking Sammy up, laying her down next to another Little. The Little showed no sign of reaction, nor said anything in return to her Caregiver’s questions. Sammy assumed she must be an L1. The Caregiver gave Sammy a wave.
As she watched, Sammy felt the tabs being ripped from her diaper. She suddenly felt embarrassed again, sucking on her pacifier harder than ever. To her horror, Sammy realized Alyssa had picked out a nighttime diaper for Sammy. It’s size was immediately apparent as Alyssa fluffed it.
Alyssa noticed Sammy’s apprehension. “I know it’s a nighttime diaper, Sammy, but we have to go look at clothes and car seats next, and I want to make sure everything we choose one that fits all your diapers, okay?”
Sammy didn’t want to wear it but wanted to get out of this changing room as soon as possible. Public diaper changes were always so embarrassing. She just nods silently.
As the diaper is pulled up to her stomach, Sammy realizes just how much thicker it actually was. Even dry it felt thicker than the soggy diaper she was just changed out of.
“There, all done, Sammy,” Allie bubbled, picking Sammy up and putting her down.
Sammy realizes how much harder it is to walk like this. She couldn’t put her legs together even if she wanted to. The diaper was clearly visible below her skirt. Sammy can only imagine how she looks right now, standing there in a diaper her clothes do nothing to hide, a pacifier that matches her diaper in her mouth.
She doesn’t think it could get any worse until she tries to take a step. She started waddling like a baby taking their first ever steps, unsteady on their feet.
“Okay, Sammy, you ready?”
Go to Chapter 17.
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yakuzacanons · 6 months
seasons greasons :) if you're up to it, could we perhaps some HCs for how the yakuza guys like to spend the holidays with their S/O? regardless of whatever they celebrate, ofc. the winter season is quite festive for all sorts of stuff. hope you're feeling alright btw! stay cozy and healthy ( ´・・)ノ(._.`)
SEASONS GREASONS skskskskskks u have my whole heart for that, also YES you can. Thanks for the well wishes too, unfortunately I have been slain by COVID so the sickness will continue. Doing my bestest though, headcanons below da cut.
Kazuma Kiryu
Lots of Christmas shopping for the kids at Morning Glory. Getting hot drinks and walking around together during a snowfall. He wouldn't expect you to do this with him but he likes to volunteer at events, like soup kitchens for the homeless, during this time of year.
Majima Goro
Him want go see the big fancy holiday lights with you. That's it. He just wanna go see some neat decorations and ooo and aaa. Also just wants to drink hot drinks and eat hot food with you.
Saejima Taiga
Doesn't care for public holiday events so much but he WILL be making a giant cauldron of homemade soup for you both. You don't have to help out but he would love it if you did!
Akiyama Shun
Not much a festive guy, typically spends holidays just sleeping a lot. Would go out for a particularly fancy dinner with you though. Does tag along for Christmas shopping if only to take notes on what you seem to like so he can buy it for you later.
Tanimura Masayoshi
He's pretty new at dating so he doesn't know what couples do for holidays but his personal tradition is making tons of handmade dumplings at Homeland and handing them out to all the families in the international district. He'd love it if you tagged along to help, maybe even tying some cute bows on the baskets before delivering them together.
Ryuji Goda
Big of heart and dumb of ass man Ryuji's favorite holiday thing to do is to make literally everyone in the Omi Alliance decorate the HQ. That includes you. Of course, since you are his literal favorite person, you get first and last say of what goes. It's really fun for the both of you, running around and throwing up decorations, telling grunts to put that there and not over there and what the hell were they thinking putting those lights with that color ribbon.
Nishikiyama Akira
He wants to visit all the cutest cafes and try their seasonal items. Nothing like a cutesy dessert for two... or two desserts. Or three. Also likes to wear matching scarves or matching gloves.
Daigo Dojima
He's also fairly unfamiliar with what couples do during the holidays but he's trying his best. Will take you out for a nice dinner for sure. He tends to prefer attending winter festivals instead of events for more modern holidays so if you're willing to try that, he'd love to go with you! His personal favorite holiday tradition is just enjoying hot tea while watching snow fall.
Mine Yoshitaka
He's pretty inward most of the time so holiday chaos just makes him want to stay home. Usually just decorates inside of his own home, he's not really religious but he likes the appearance of a Christmas tree so he typically goes with that. Would love to shop for some ornaments for you to hang up specifically.
Tatsuo Shinada
Literally all he wants to do is wear a Santa hat. That and probably go bar hopping on Christmas Eve. He's all about just relaxing and having a fun time, so long as he's with you. Would go caroling with you, although be warned he sings a little off key.
Ichiban Kasuga
He's probably one of the few out of all the boys that genuinely isn't picky about doing much during the holidays. As long as he gets to spend time with his loved ones, he's content. If it snows, he's definitely starting a snowball fight though. Would love to check out a holiday market with you though!
Tianyou Zhao
This silly head is making truck loads of homemade steamed buns and drinking a lot of tea and nothing can stop him from accomplishing his tasty holiday mission. He'd love to teach you how to make the buns. Likes watching you proudly place them in the steamer after he's filled them up.
Joon-Gi Han
His ass don't know nothin' about holidays! No, seriously, he's so confused. "Why's there a man in a red suit at the mall today?" Mostly just curious and kind of enamoured by all the activity spiking up all around the city. He's never really had a Christmas or much of any kind of holiday so you'll probably have to show him the ropes. Hot cocoa ends up being his favorite thing.
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viemags · 11 months
Obey Me Boys & Royals Horn Headcanons
I was just browsing through my notes to delete some documents that I don't need anymore, then I saw these Headcanons about the OM! Boys that I had like a year ago and just wanted to share the "old me" rants I have about them! This is hella adorable(stupid really) and I have A LOT of things I want to say, yet some may be bullshit so yea... Hope you enjoy!
Lucifart...pfftt definately me giving awful nickname just to piss him off. Remember the audio drama where his brothers butcher his name, this is another one yet inappropriate lol. Sweet because this mf lowers his pride for you and let's you touch his sensitive horns. You will also have the luxury to groom them. I would also be really curious about the gem on his forehead. He purrs too!(Tries to hide, but slips when he's really comfy) 10/10 would do again♡
MAMMON (Why is there no Yellow?🥲)
Mammoney corkscrew horn? Would it work tho? Imagine when he was new to it and young he tried doing it just to be cool and as a party trick lol. Would it work if I curl my hair in it? If I like drop a marble would it glide? The possibilities of his horns are endless! Also joysticks pfft. 10/10 would recommend for teasing with an abundance of my love for him. He probably does weird sounds when you stroke his horns, but will relax and just purr happily when he gets used to it.
When I first saw Levi's horns I thought, are those tree branches? Not in a bad way, but in a Levi "woah" way 'cuz their unique like Mammon's, but cooler because they branch out! You can put ornaments or flowers in it!! Or tease him if you can hang little hangers and laundry to dry them hwhw. Goes hsssss when pleased by the horn petting.
Satan's horns looks rough and sharp like his tail probably because of his aggression I dunno. Still Imagine putting flowers in it, cute. Or OR him putting the kitties on top of his horns ahhh!! He also purrs! I will die if he purrs AND the kitties purr at the same time! And me being a little shit reving it like a motorcycle🤦🏻‍♀️ (Be ready for some wild goose chase around HOL)
I can see Asmo having horns that shine or like reflects light because he takes care of it religiously. Also probably puts glitter in it. I would jokingly use it as joysticks too ngl. Also it's very unique too since his has an ombre!! Would def look good with rings and other accessories. Would downright moan when his horns are touched, whether it's because he is enjoying it or just teasing you.
Beel's horns are built different lol, but fr tho his are the only one curling forward to his face unlike the others where they curl on the sides of their heads. Makes me think I can hold on to it, but probably not a good idea. Tho what if his horns be built like that if it represents how he is someone who they can rely on to carry them when their in need. And Belphie taking it literally by making Beel carry him. Would be really good for putting accessories, and it would make a very happy Beel♡
When I first saw Belphie's horn my initial thought is, "that shits heavy, is your head ok?" I get it he's a cow , but that's probably one of the reasons he's always asleep 'cuz his head is too heavy he's always tired picking it up lol. Would definately play and twirl my fingers around it.
Dia's horns spells WEALTHY. I feel like I'm not worthy of touching it because I'm broke lol. I think the gold spots might be cold to the touch, but his horns are warm. Imagine helping him with his papers, and when you take a break his instinct is to flop his head on your lap, and make you play with his horns. Would def goof around until Barbs walks in with a stick threatening you both to finish you tasks lol. Give Dia more physical affection and love♡
Barbs' horn make me do a double take because are those wings? They look like sticks? Will they break if I touch them? Will they flap? Brothers go brr when Barbs flies with his horns. Just kidding. Very unique and creepy at first. Got me thinking If Solomon asked to play with it before. Also what if you're the only one Barbs lets to touch his horns! Since he can see the future he can predict when you wanted to ask to touch his horns, so he will take extra care of it, and devise the perfect environment and break you both have to relax♡
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Have yourself a merry little Christmas | Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
Summary: Peter and May are invited to the Starks’ Christmas party. On the planning: lies, matching outfits and a little bit of sadness
Word count: 0.5k
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‘’Peter!’’ You dropped your conversation with Wanda and ran up to the new incomer, greeting him with a big hug and wrapping your arms around his neck.
Thank god for his spider-agility or he would have dropped the presents he was holding. With his other hand, Peter hugged you back. ‘’Merry Christmas,’’ he said, his cheeks and nose a little red from the December cold.
‘’You’re late. The invitation card said 9pm.’’
Peter pulled back and sighed. ‘’I know. I told May we should leave early because of holiday traffic, but she took so long getting ready—’’
‘’Liar,’’ May interrupted, looking stunning with the gold sparkles she had added to her eyes. ‘’He was the one who couldn’t decide between which sweater to wear. I’ve been ready since 8.’’
Peter shot a glare at his aunt, but she ignored him, instead complimenting the beautiful festive decor.
The Stark penthouse was decorated to the max — what else would you expect? There were thick snow-covered garlands, sparkling Christmas trees and poinsettias everywhere. A massive Christmas tree took up a whole corner in the living area and was decorated with the prettiest ornaments and bows. Under the tree was an overload of wrapped presents. Peter had never seen this many.
‘’This is all Pepper’s doing. Without her, all of this would not be,’’ you said, recognizing her talent for planning and organizing events. ‘’Before she and Dad married, we would spend Christmas away from home. I love traveling, but nothing compares to Christmas at home.’’
Then, Pepper appeared and greeted her new guests. She offered May some wine and they left. After a long day working at the hospital, she couldn’t refuse a glass of wine — especially good wine.
Peter removed his coat and scarf, hanging them in the coat closet by the elevator doors. He’s been here enough time he doesn’t have to ask where they go.
‘’Oh no. We look like those couples who match their outfits together,’’ Peter said in horror, only now taking a chance to take a look at you.
A soft laugh left your lips, seeing Peter’s maroon sweater — the exact color as your dress. ‘’We gotta take a picture and send it to Ned and MJ.’’
‘’MJ will be disgusted.’’
‘’And Ned will say we look cute,’’ Peter added.
Your friends have very different personalities.
Peter took his phone and held it at a distance as you kissed his cheek for a quick pose. The lights reflected on your necklace, a gold delicate chain with Peter’s initial. The jewelry initially made Peter uncomfortable — you weren’t an object to brand —, but after explaining why you wanted to wear it, he was touched and loved it.
‘’Thank you for inviting me,’’ Peter said, nervously playing with the sleeves of his sweater. ‘’Christmas has not been the same since uncle Ben…passed. He would make pancakes on Christmas morning and we would all eat in our matching Christmas pajamas.’’ A sad smile curled on Peter’s lips as he told the story.
You grabbed his hand in yours and stroked the back with your thumb. Although the holidays were commonly known as the happiest season, it wasn’t a happy time for everyone.
‘’He would have loved you,’’ Peter added, looking down at your joined hands, feeling infinitely thankful for you.
‘’I’m sure the feeling would have been mutual.’’
Marvel taglist: @xenasolos @chrizzierbsstuff @ayamenimthiriel @alina02 @turtleshavesoulmates @staygoldsquatchling02 @daemonslittlebitch  @wetwilliam02  
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