#I don't want to accidentally hurt someones feelings by not tagging them I have too many mutuals
willgrahamscock · 1 year
hi ms willgrahamscock first of all i love your blog your posts crack me up so bad. secondly do you have any recs for other blogs to follow i need more will graham on my dash or i'll go insane
I love that I'm now being referred to as ms willgrahamscock/ms cock.
like this post if you post about will graham a lot & are okay with new followers, promo urself
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hi this is incredibly off topic and none of you need to read this i just needed to Vent for a sec
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fyrewalks · 1 year
It's a bad idea, he thinks when he catches Hangman's eye across the Hard Deck and there's a sparkle of something more. It's a bad idea, he thinks when they're quiet in the backseat of the uber, neither wanting to ruin the anticipation with pointless small talk. It's a bad idea, he thinks when his fingers start on the buttons of Seresin's annoyingly tight button-up once safely inside his temporary accommodation - except then Seresin's, Jake's, tongue is down his throat, and really, Bob isn't thinking at all, anymore.
As he's lying there, sweaty and sated, half drowsing, Jake's arm across his belly like he simply forgot Bob's there and is too tired to adjust, it's easy to rationalize the gravity of the situation away. Tomorrow, they'll all scatter back to their postings as if the detachment never happened. He'll go back to the Eagles, Jake to the Vigilantes; they didn't cross paths before at Lemoore, and there's no reason for them to now.
Bob is no stranger to one-night stands, temporary bits of fun. He knows the routine, but when caught attempting to make a quiet exit the next morning, he can't muster up the usual excuses or goodbyes. What's he supposed to say - thanks for the fuck, see you never?
Except, as it turns out, whatever rational thinking he employed that night, wasn't all that thought out. Back with the Eagles, it's harder to avoid Hangman than he assumed. Bob dodges him in hangars, at bars and hangouts Nat dutifully drags him out to. He absolutely does not think about how Jake kisses, or moves, or the way he tastes. Absolutely not. And just when Bob thinks he's got a handle on the worst of his intrusive, betraying thoughts, the orders come - they're all being recalled to Top Gun for the official formation of the Dagger Squad in a month's time.
A week into tense briefings, all of them frustrated and annoyed by the endless paperwork and ground time, Bob thinks himself foolish to think he struggled at all in Lemoore. At least then, Hangman had given him a wide berth too. Now, often stuck in the same room for hours at a time, Hangman's usual taunts feel sharper. If anyone's caught on to how he's singled Bob out, no one voices their suspicions. At one point he worries Natasha's caught on to something, but when she raises her eyebrows at Bob, he mutters something about Hangman being Hangman and that seems to satisfy any curiosity.
And then, Bob has the misfortune of finding himself alone in the locker room after a few miles on the treadmill. If the way Hangman corners him is any indication, he'd guess it's purposeful. Bob very carefully keeps his eyes on the next set of lockers, just to the right of Hangman's face.
"What - miss an insult or two in the classroom," he snarks, surprising himself. Admittedly, it's a little easier when Natasha is in the cockpit with him. Bob takes a breath, his eyes flicking to Hangman's eyes, his lips. Bob refocuses his gaze. "Don't you think it's a little obvious?" If it's not curiosity, it'll be a joke - one that skirts too close to the truth. After all, navy pilots are known for their crude humor. Bob knows himself; he'll struggle to shrug it off. // @a1truist
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kykyonthemoon · 3 months
If it’s not too much, could I ask for the Love and Deepspace boys who accidentally hurt the (if you could gn) reader’s feelings? (They argued and they were wrong but lashed out either way sorta thing?) if not, completely understandable! Tysm!
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The Hurts
Loving someone is giving that person the chance to hurt you and trusting that they will never do so.
🌻 Rafayel/Xavier/Zayne x Reader Tags: gn!reader, hurt/ comfort, angst A/N: I can't see our LIs to be the type to lash out at their loved ones, so I modify the request a bit. Thank you for requesting, anon-san. Hope you enjoy this story.
Request a fic
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Loving someone is giving that person the chance to hurt you and trusting that they will never do so.
You had given him so many chances, and what you got in return was being hurt over and over again.
Like sitting on a never-ending roller coaster, that's the feeling when you were with him.
He made you happy, he made you sad. He gave you surprises and he also shattered many of your dreams.
Then, you had enough.
You trudged back home with heavy steps after a difficult mission. Blood drenched your uniform. The blood of Wanderers, and the blood of your comrades. The mission was a complete failure. There were a lot of people injured, and it was completely your fault.
Because you trusted someone who shouldn't have been trusted.
Rafayel was standing on an empty street corner, waiting for you. He knew you would always take the same route home. You were too predictable, that was why he played with you like a toy.
You grit your teeth. You and Rafayel each held one end of the rubber band. But he was always the first to let go.
It hurt, the feeling of being betrayed hurt so much. But you still kept walking. You did not want him to see you miserable like that. You would not give him the opportunity to trample on your feelings and trust anymore.
Rafayel's dark eyes gazed at you. You saw scales sprouting out from his face and neck. That was the day when Lemurians were at their weakest.
Nevertheless, he made the decision to stand here and wait for you to come home. As soon as he had heard the news from his spies, he immediately ran to find you even though he was in his weakest state. You stopped moving when you were just close enough away from him, to look straight into his eyes with full of indignation.
“I will explain everything.” Rafayel spoke up. And he should, but you were sick of it by now.
“That's enough, Rafayel.” You cut him off before he could say anything else. “You've said enough.”
You trusted his intelligence, only to lead your comrades into a trap. He always took advantage of your absolute trust to hurt you and the people you cared about. Especially when there was something related to the Lemurians, he suddenly became a different person. Someone you did not know.
“Your secrets…” You said, “Just keep them to yourself… I think I've had enough of your lies.”
"I did not lie." Rafayel reached out towards you but you backed away. “Everything I told you about that operation was true. I simply…”
“You simply didn't tell me the whole truth.” You said bitterly.
Rafayel withdrew his hand. He appeared so frail that he may pass out at any time at the side of the road. This time, you would not care as much. You would just leave him be.
“You showed concern for me, then you left me alone. You helped me, then pushed me into a trap... What is real, Rafayel? What is the truth that ever comes out of your mouth?”
Rafayel was silent, staring at you with pain. What an excellent performance. You almost believed him, one more time.
“What are you going to do, then? You could kill me with just one blow right now.”
“Don't challenge me.” You threatened with a glare. You hurried past Rafayel, wanting nothing more than to get home and clean off all the blood on your body and calm yourself down. Yet, despite his extreme weakness, he still has the ability to draw you in. Your eyes met his sadness. In an instant, it seemed as though you had descended to the ocean's lowest point.
“You asked me what was true.” He said, his voice shaking. “You may not believe anything else I say… But this, this alone is the truth… I will never, ever let anyone hurt you… I will never lose you again…”
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You stood in front of Xavier's house waiting impatiently. As soon as the door opened, you immediately rushed inside without even saying hello.
“Is there anything wrong?” Xavier asked gently, but his innocent look made you even more angry.
“You crossed me out of that mission, didn’t you?” You replied in anger. There were several rolled-up reports in your palm, ready to be torn apart. You aimed it in his direction. “This was originally the mission assigned to me! Why did you request to do it on your own?”
Xavier saw the problem as soon as he glanced at those papers. He tried to explain:
“That mission is too dangerous. I can't let you do it by yourself.”
“Then would it be better if you went alone?”
You gave Xavier a glance. He was trying to calm you down, but every step he took closer you moved further away. You were upset because he decided to enter a risky area without you, maybe endangering his life, and you were unaware of it until everything had been taken care of. Even with you by his side, he carried the weight of everything by himself. You did not want that, because you felt compelled to share everything with him.
"I'm sorry." Xavier was honest with you. “I should have asked you first. I decided on my own because I thought it was the best thing for you.”
“What's best for me?” You retorted. “Do you even know what is good for me? To participate in my own mission, to decide to do things as I wish, or to fight by your side!”
Only silence covered the room. You collapsed into his couch, burrowing your face into your hands. You hated this feeling of helplessness. He took away your right to make decisions, your right to accompany him on this dangerous mission. The thought that he did not need you was so painful.
“You don't believe in me…” You spoke up after a long while. When you looked up, you saw that Xavier was still standing there, looking regretful and helpless because he was unable to touch you at the time. “I thought we were a team. If we're a team, we won't hide missions from each other, we won't sneak around alone behind the other person's back..."
“I'm really sorry. That mission is much more dangerous than area N109. I can't let you risk it.”
“That means if you had to choose again, you would still do the same and hide it from me, right?”
Xavier remained silent, but you already knew the answer.
You did not know what hurt more; Xavier hiding that mission from you, or he not trusting you could complete it?
You got to your feet, looked at Xavier, and proceeded to the door.
"I truly put in a lot of training to be in a team with you. But maybe that's not enough. If you think you can do it all by yourself then so be it, I don't see the need to stay here anymore.”
"Don't." Xavier seized your hand fast to hold you there. “Don't say such things…”
You drew away from him fiercely. Xavier let out a cry and embraced his left chest at that very time.
It appeared like he was hurt. You scowled and extended a hand to touch him.
“Are you injured?”
Xavier tried to smile, but his face gradually turned pale. He took that opportunity to pull you back and wrap an arm around your waist to keep you in place.
“It's only a little cut.”
“How can it be small when you look so painful?”
Xavier struggled to breathe. He replied:
"I'm sorry. Maybe it's true that I couldn't do that task alone. You were right. We are a team, I need you.”
You feel pleased, but still very angry with Xavier. It was because he chose to go alone that he got injured like that.
“From now on, I will definitely not hide anything from you anymore. So… don't leave me alone, okay?”
You were silent for a while, but wrapped your arms around Xavier to hug him. “I have to check your wound first.”
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The more you care for someone else, the deeper the wound they cause you.
It had been a month since you could contact him. Just like that, he disappeared, again.
You were frightened. Just like when you were a child, suddenly one day, the friend who used to make snow seals for you disappeared without a trace. No one could hear about him. He had also covertly assigned your monthly health check to another physician without you knowing until you got to the hospital. The last time you had heard about him was when Dr. Greyson told you he were rushing off to the Arctic on urgent business.
How funny it was to learn that from someone other than him. No farewells, no assurances not to worry. And for an entire month, he was absent. Although you didn't have the authority to make him tell you his schedules, at least you wanted to know how long he was going to be gone and whether or not the mission was risky.
You grew more afraid and then angered as you considered him going missing once more. How could he do this to you, after everything you had been through together? Yet he dared to show his face to your house on a rainy night.
When he saw that you were covering yourself from the rain with your jacket, he moved forward to shield you. But you dashed over to the porch. You just looked at him from a distance, but near enough to see that he was alright. After that, you entered and slammed the door in his face.
Not a word was said to each other. He did not even call your name or send a text message. He stood in the pouring rain for a long, long time. You couldn't care less. That night you went to sleep fitfully, and when you woke up the next morning, your auntie neighbor told you that he had just departed a short while after your room's light went out.
You did not try to contact him again. This cold war was initiated by him, so let it be. It was now a week after his return, and you had to go to the hospital for a check-up before an important mission. When you saw the name of the physician assigned to you was Zayne, you requested for another.
Dr. Greyson found you in the waiting area. He asked about your refusal to let Zayne examine your health. Honestly, you could not find any reason to answer that wasn't too personal. So you just sat in silence.
“The first thing Zayne did when he got back was to read your files. He wanted to make sure you were fine while he was gone.”
Dr. Greyson said. You lowered your head and looked down at your clasped hands, experiencing a range of conflicting feelings.
“I don't know what happened between you two, and maybe it's none of my business, but Zayne is a friend, and I need to butt in just this once…”
You looked up at Dr. Greyson.
“Zayne went to the Arctic to seek assistance from his teacher. Things got worse as it became more and more difficult for him to control his Evol. I caught him injuring himself with his Evol. He made the decision to suffer alone until things got in control in order to protect others.”
You were shocked. Zayne had been suffering because of his Evol for the past month without you knowing, while you were blaming him for leaving you.
"Perhaps he refrained from telling you out of concern that you would worry and accompany him there."
The rest of the conversation drifted away. Then you stood up, tried to hold back your tears as you walked to Zayne's office. He sat behind the computer screen, looking up at you with mixed emotions in his eyes, although his face still remained calm.
You entered slowly, noted the scars on his hands. There were fresh cuts that were not yet healed. He must have been very hurt and lonely. What must you do to make him open up to you? What must you do so that you can share the burden with him?
“You… What's wrong?”
As soon as Zayne spoke, you hid your tears by walking towards him in a haste and pulled him into your embrace.
“Please don't go without a word... I won't be able to bear it if you disappear again..."
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signedmio · 3 months
Hey Mio-!!! I know your reqs are closed rn so I'm really just leaving this here so I don't forget the idea, but I saw a tiktok that inspired meee and I was thinking what ab a reader who accidentally confesses to Vox/the hazbin people when drunk and based on their reactions maybe thinks they're turning the reader down but they aren't oki bye bye have a good weekend!!!
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𝐝𝐫𝐮𝐧𝐤𝐞𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐳𝐛𝐢𝐧 𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐥 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐰 + 𝐯𝐞𝐞𝐬 ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-
a/n: hello 🍂anon!! i’m so sorry i kept you waiting on this, i couldn’t stop procrastinating it 😭😭 also i’m sorry if vox seems more mean then normal, i feel like i’ve been writing him too victim-y and at the end of the day he’s an asshole too and i tried to show that. but i hope you enjoy!!
warnings: mentions of alcohol/being drunk/drinking/etc, profanity, mentions of sex (no smut), vox being a bit of an asshole <;/3
proofread: HAH! no. (heh, your loss) someone tell me you got that reference 😭😭
including: charlie, vaggie, angel dust, husk, lucifer, vox
tags: hazbin hotel, fanfiction, x reader
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girl is flabbergasted. i mean, she’s always heard the term ‘drunk words are sober thoughts’ or something like that, but she’s surprised you would say that to begin with — true or not.
but obviously, she feels romantically about you, so if it wasn’t true and it was just something you blurted out whilst drunk, she’s gonna be a bit upset
so she tells you, if you really feel that way, you can tell her when you’re sober, and she puts you to bed :)
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she can only maintain her calmness for so long until she simply loses her composure, she’s not good at hiding her true feelings and/or thoughts for an extensive period of time
vaggie makes sure you get to bed safe, but she doesn’t bring up until you’re fully sober, she wants your recovery from your hangover to be stress-free and relaxing — not anything that could make you distraught
although, she may or may not dote on you a little extra the next morning…
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𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥 𝐝𝐮𝐬𝐭
angel knows what it’s like to say something you weren’t ready to whilst under the influence, he’s done it more times then he’s willing to admit
so he’s (as sweetly as he can be) stern about being 100% sober whilst making decisions to blurt this kinda stuff out
deep down, angel knows it’s true, he knows you wouldn’t lie to him about smth like that, drunk or not — but he can’t help but in awe in a way
like he’s a famous pornstar, you don’t love him for his money or body or looks, you love him for being anthony, and not angel dust, and he’s simply not used to it
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husker is a bartender, he’s heard everything in the book, exceeeept someone drunkenly confessing to him while he’s serving them drinks after a shitty night
it’s safe to say… he’s cautious, he’s seen a lot of drunk people do a lot of dumb shit, so he’s unsure if confession is as sincere as it can be
first, he wants to make sure you’re in the right mind before he even thinks before saying he feels the same, he’s been hurt a couple times, and he’s not ready to go through that again, whether he admits it or not
it’ll probably take him a few days until he brings it up, he’s the kinda guy who wants to reflect before making big decisions
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honestly, lucifer is probably the most shocked out of all them, after being divorced for seven years, possibly more, the guy eventually thought he was gonna be forever alone, especially considering he’s the literal king of hell
the thought of that you’re drunk and may not know what you’re getting into doesn’t even cross his mind, he’s had few interactions with women tbh, and most of them were mainly sexual (like with adam’s wives)
so he gets all giddy and happy and accepts your confession immediately ! it doesn’t hit him until a few months into your relationship that he probably should’ve waited until you were sober LOL
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vox, like angel, has never had someone genuinely confess their love to him. he’s had an on-and-off sexual relationship with valentino and gotten creepy love letters from fans — but that’s about it
honestly, as shitty as it he can’t help but take advantage of your drunken state, just slightly.
he sorta feeds into any praise you give him, and will lowkey force it out of you, his ego needs to be fed and it’s only getting started
let’s be real, vox isn’t the most perfect guy around, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t hold a soft spot for you, although, at this point, a solid relationship cannot be promised :(
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i do not permit for my work to be reposted, translated, or stolen. all rights go to signedmio. characters are not mine, unless stated, and belong to their rightful creators.
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Can you do a one shot where male reader feels like hc and xl don’t really need him and starts distancing himself from them. He thinks they are perfect for each other and that he is a nuisance ruining the relationship between them. He takes comfort to a friend who has liked the male reader for a really long time. Hc and xl see this and get jealous. Wondering if the reader doesn’t like them anymore and feels sad. Seeing the reader looking happy in the comfort of someone else.
Creating Space
Hua Cheng x M!reader x Xie Lian
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Ugh I love angst so much. It hurts so good 😭
Ignore grammar mistakes
Slight OOC
Some people may say being in the presence of the two strongest and revered people creates a lot of pressure. It's never been a problem for you. You've always enjoyed being in the presence of your two lovers. Xie Lian, a powerful and elegant martial god. While His Cheng is a powerful and suave ghost.
You love them very much.
But you lied, it is kind of pressuring. There's nothing wrong with your lovers of course! It's just that they're so strong and popular on their own. You aren't a very powerful god and you aren't a very powerful ghost. People don't know you. Most times your name is "That's the crown prince's lover, or that's crimson rain's lover"
You could live with this, it's not like you had a desire to be seen by the world. People just tend to forget about you. A lot of people don't like you exist so most of the time they accidentally exclude you from your own relationship. It just seems like an impossible place to reach. What could you do to seem important as well?
Xie Lian and Hua Cheng say you do plenty of important things by loving and taking care of them but it doesn't feel like that. You don't really do anything for them either. Neither of them needs protecting. They can protect themselves and each other just fine, and they go out of their way to protect you too.
Xie Lian is kind and keeps you and Hua Cheng calm. Assuring the both of you, and making sure everyone feels loved. The level headed of the three of you. Hua Cheng is very protective, and goes out his way to do things out of devotion or love. You can't do anything to compete.
Your relationship doesn't go as deep with them either. Hua Cheng and Xie Lian are just so wrapped up in each other it doesn't seem like there's room for three. They're already perfect by themselves and it doesn't look like they need you at all. You don't have a clue on why they even love you.
You've tried to make yourself more outgoing in the relationship? Trying to help them on missions or, help them with daily activities. You've tried taking over household chores like cleaning or cooking and yet it seems fruitless.
They always tell you that it isn't necessary. Someone else will take care of it. Hua Cheng has other people clean the manor, and Xie Lian would gladly cook by himself. They obviously don't need your help in missions, you'd probably just get in the way more than help.
You don't have a very outgoing presence in bed either. Very often Hua Cheng and Xie Lian do everything for you. Sometimes you try to give them pleasure instead. It doesn't matter if it's something little or big, your lovers shake their heads and say that it's a silly thought. You don't need to do anything they'll do it for you. Your lovers give you pleasure, they give each other pleasure. You want to give them pleasure too though.
These thoughts have been at the back of your mind for a while. That Xie Lian and Hua Cheng don't need you. These thoughts make you a little more clingy, a little more desperate. They haven't changed how they act towards you though. You just don't want to feel useless.
"A-Lian please, let me tag along. All three of us can go on the mission together. Like uh, like a date or something!" You follow Xie Lian around the kitchen, trying to persuade him into changing his mind. It isn't working, it never does.
"A-n, me and San Lang can do it. We won't be long, promise. Just stay here" Xie Lian smiles at you and kisses your head. But you don't want to take this for an answer. You want to help! With something. Anything! It feels awful to just sit around while your lovers do every little thing for you.
You huff softly, watching your lovers get ready without you. "A-Lang you don't agree do you? Please tell A-Lian to let me tag along. I'll make sure not to get in the way!" You try persuading your ghost lover instead, gripping onto his arm to make him look at you.
You already feel humiliated. Begging like a child to join your lovers in something even though you're a grown man. San Lang shakes his head, " Getting in the way isn't our concern baobei. Gege is right we'll take care of it and be back home soon." He kisses your cheek.
You're left in Paradise Manor alone while your lovers leave off somewhere. You should be happy, you feel selfish actually. Anyone would be happy that their lovers do everything for them. Anyone would be happy to be taken care of all the time for the rest of their lives. You just can't...
Soooo you decide instead of sitting at home why not just follow your lovers out! It's not like you would be harming anything, maybe they'd even be delighted to see you. It's a better idea than sitting here doing nothing.
That's exactly what you do, you follow your lovers. With quite a bit of distance and making sure to be careful. You eventually find them, of course not in a good situation. They're busy fighting off wrathful ghosts and you make sure to stay far back. You don't want them to get hurt or anything so you'll just wait over here until they're finished.
That doesn't go well either. One of the ghosts notices you. It strays from the fight without notice from Xie Lian or Hua Cheng. Instead it comes for you, it's not like you're weak! You yelp from the surprise attack from the ghost, but otherwise you easily slay it down. All you were left with was a few deep scratches on your face. Whoo, It nearly got your eye!
You're feeling pretty proud of yourself until a pair of hands are gripping your face, and you notice Hua Cheng looking over your wounds. Even though you have some deep scratches you're smiling anyways. You just killed a ghost! A wrathful one at that!
Before you can exclaim your celebrations Xie Lian is dabbing medicine on your wounds with a furrowed brow. "What are you doing here y/n! We told you to stay home!"
Your smile falls, as your lovers both frown at you. You don't understand you did great! It was only a wound, everyone gets wounds sometimes! "I-I wanted to help" the word mumble from your lips, and Xie Lian finishes dressing your wound.
"How did that fair for you? We were doing just fine without you y/n, but now you're hurt" Xie Lian exclaims, flushed by nervousness and frustration. He had only wanted to keep you safe. He didn't mean to say it like that. It was a slip of the tongue. He hadn't meant it in hostility but you take it as such anyways.
"You two do seem just fine without me" you purse your lips, and back up. You're just upset, obviously Xie Lian would never mean such a thing but right now you can't help but take it as such. You've been suffering with these thoughts for weeks!
You quickly use what powers you do have to make a quick pathway and teleport away. Running away? Classic move but it feels better than sitting in front of your lovers disappointed faces. You just need time to get your feelings together so you decide to visit a friend's place.
You and Mu Qing know each other pretty well and you're great friends! Even though Mu Qing won't admit that. He's actually loved you for a while but you love Xie Lian and Hua Cheng and Mu Qing would never break up your happiness. He's been working on moving on so of course you can still come over and complain to him.
This time you just lie in his arms for a while. You spent some time just getting your thoughts together and stop crying. Then you tell Mu Qing what happened. He calls Hua Cheng stupid and says Xie Lian is oblivious with an eye roll. Mu Qing is actually good at advice and comforting you.
On the other end your lovers are very upset with themselves. Hua Cheng wanted to immediately come find you but Xie Lian told him it was better to give you space. They know you inside and out and Xie Lian knows you need time to get your emotions in order.
After a few hours Hua Cheng decides time is up though and breaks into the heavens again. Just because. Does it count as breaking in if Xie Lian let him in? Nah. They know where you are, unfortunately. They know you're with Mu Qing. Hua Cheng doesn't like that one bit. He's very capable of jumping to the conclusion that Mu Qing is trying to manipulate you while you're vulnerable but Xie Lian assures him otherwise.
Xie Lian makes Hua Cheng wait outside of Mu Qing's palace. Things would only blow off the hinges if Hua Cheng and Mu Qing fought. Xie Lian goes in by himself. He eventually finds you, not like it was hard. He isn't too happy to find you in Mu Qing's arms. Happy and comfortable. He hasn't seen a smile like that on your face in a long time.
Xie Lian ignores the lingering prickles of jealousy and walks into Mu Qing's room without invitation or notice. "A-n t's getting late, let's go home? Please?" He's relieved when you take his hand. Honestly it's nerve-racking. He hadn't meant to say such a harsh thing and then you went to someone else who is obviously much more capable at making you happier than they are.
Xie Lian and you join up with Hua Cheng again. You spend most of the journey back staring at the ground. You're ashamed, you feel like you overreacted. You were being dumb. Maybe they're angry at you and yet all three of you still hold hands. And yet when you get back to Paradise Manor, you all get ready for bed. And yet Xie Lian helps you disrobe and Hua Cheng checks your wounds before you lie down. And yet all three of you end up in the same bed, entangled in each other's limbs. Just like every night.
You all talk about it, words mumbling quietly in the dark room. It's a long conversation of "I'm sorry" and "I love you". You want to talk about your feelings more. Xie Lian and Hua Cheng want to make sure you don't feel left out or they're being distinct. The night ends with kisses and cuddles.
So maybe nothing was really ever wrong, and it would all turn out just fine. Because they've always loved you and you always loved them. Something like this isn't a big enough obstacle to take you away from them.
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♡ Imagine Al-Haitham has enough of your whimpers ♡
!● warnings: gn!reader, anal, slight exhibition, getting caught, dom!al-haitam, very smut, NSFW🔞 no minors or I’ll eat u alive
notes: ngl, this was super fun to write, i do remember i had to tag someone for this one, but idk who it was again 👁👄👁 forgive me, my child
Al-Haitham's hand covering your mouth fully, while he slightly angry pushes you against the book shelf in the Akademiya. Both of you were behind good cover unless someone comes across the corner to encounter a spicy scene. "Do not make any sound, understood?" He says quietly but loud enough into one ear of you, starting a tingling sensation all over your body. Making your legs shiver and weak. You of course could only nod. "You teased me the whole day more than enough."
That was true. Since you only came to the library of the Akademiya to gather some information about your studies, you end up teasing Al-Haitham. You pretended to let something fall so you could bend over seductively to show him your pretty ass. Giggling like a little brat. As if that wasn't enough, you also sneaked down under his desk to kiss and caress his crotch. Of course, after his meeting with Cyno, you run off to the library. And now he caught you, having enough of your games.
Reaching down to your panties, he presses his clothed member against your ass. "This is what you done to me... I don't want to hear anything coming out from you." It was clear for you, but moving was still allowed. So did you press your ass further to his harden length, grinding up and down. Al-Haitham accidentally let slip a quite moan out of his mouth, before biting down on you shoulder. You've heated him enough to just get rough fucked anywhere by him.
His hands now reached behind your panties, caressing you sweetly. He let go of his bite and kissed on it. The other hand still on your mouth, squeezing it shut. After a while he moved his exploring hand to his pants. He just opened a little hole which allowed his member to be free. He let a relieved sigh out and put down your pants. For your surprise he let go of your mouth, before pushing his fingers inside your wet mouth. "Come on, make them nice wet." You nod with a cute little moan before he took his wet finger down to your ass, preparing you for himself.
Adding at first one finger, wanting you to adjust to the feeling, before adding his second one inside of you. Moving unbearable slowly inside of you, making you whimper. Even now he can not shut you down, which lets him push you harder against the shelf. Good thing, the shelf was behind a wall or else it would fall down. “Shut up… I am not done with you.” You shut your eyes in fear not to be pleased how you liked it from Al-Haitam. But as soon as you relax and try not to moan out his name, he slowly pushes himself inside you. “Fuck… so tight…”, he said, clearly you weren’t ready yet to be pushed inside but he did not cared. It hurted for you and he noticed it. He lets go of his hands on your mouth and caresses your back. “It’s okay, try to relax… I will make this fast.” As soon as his warm hands massage your back a bit, you start to relax and let his size adjust inside of you. You let out a sigh before saying: “O-okay, you can move now~” With a soft smile you looked behind you, straight to his face. Knowing well that he will right away move his hips, groaning lowly. The way his dick now moves out and then fully inside your ass was a very pleasant show to look at. It felt amazing for him and slowly for you too. It took some more thrust until you felt him brush over your g-spot, making you gasp. “R-right there~” You started to get louder and moaned a bit. But he immediately put his hand again on your mouth, pushing himself deeper inside you, while not stopping grinding. “Shut up, we aren’t alone here. Or is it your intention to let people know how much of a whore you are?” Your eyes rolled back of the thoughts someone might catch you having sex with Al-Haitam. It made your legs weaker with every push inside of you, your hands trying to hold on the shelf but slipping away. Causing a book to fall down, but Al-Haitam was focused to fuck your ass. Neither of you guys stopped your movements, both too focused on the pleasure. But someone noticed what you both were doing. It wasn’t his intention to see his college fucking one of the Akademiya dearest student, neither was his intention to watch you guys.
Al-Haitam was close to filling you up, so he let go of your mouth causing you to breathe loud and tried to hold your moan inside. Even though Al-Haitam told you to shut up, he was into the good feeling sunken and started to get sloppier with each hard thrust into you. Letting you shiver again, feeling your own orgasm build up too. “F-fuck, take everything…!” He breathes out through his teeths while spurting his seeds inside you. Your tongue was out, eyes behind your back, not wanting to moan out. As soon as Al-Haitam’s breath calmed down, he slipped out of you. His dick half hard, but soon getting soft. Perfect to go back to work. 
A loud cough caught you and Al-Haitam to heat up, looking at the person standing with crossing arms in front of you guys. “Both of you are banned from the library for two weeks. This is still a public place.”, Cyno said, putting back the book which dropped down earlier.
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soolh1k · 11 months
hi, could you write skz accidentally making you cry?
Skz accidentally making you cry
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notes: english is not my first language so apologies for any misspelling or grammar. i hope u like it !! :)))
type: narrated text
genre: angst w fluff
WARNINGS: swearing, a little bit angsty but some fluff at the end, let me know if you'd like to be tagged !! :))
დ Bang Christopher
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You're at home, eagerly waiting for your boyfriend to return from work. It's been an exhausting day for both of you, but you know you need his support and company to alleviate the built-up stress. Finally, you hear the door open, and your boyfriend enters the room, visibly tired and worried.
You approach him with a smile and give him a warm hug. However, as you embrace him, you can sense the tension in his body. You look at him with concern and ask how his day has been. Your boyfriend lets out a heavy sigh and simply glares at you annoyed. With that look, you knew that things hadn't gone well for him at work.
You understand work-related stress perfectly and try to encourage him, telling him that he's doing a great job and that everything will work out. As you try to uplift him, your boyfriend vents his frustrations, and unintentionally, his tone of voice becomes harsher than usual. The words that come out of his mouth are those of someone frustrated and exhausted, catching you off guard.
"I'm so tired, you know? I'd rather you give me some space, please."
"I know, Chris, but you can always talk to me when you feel like this. That's why I'm here."
"I already know that, but I don't want you around. Your presence annoys me. I just want to be alone, okay? Why do you always make things so difficult? It's like you never understand me, woman. Just go away. I don't want to see you."
"Chris, do you hear yourself? You're being very rude. I understand that you're stressed, but that doesn't give you the right to speak to me like that."
"Just shut up, my god. Your voice is so annoying. If you don't like how I'm acting, why don't you just leave? I told you I want to be alone. Do you not have a brain to comprehend that? Please, go away."
The words deeply impact your sensitivity, and you feel hurt. Sadness clouds your face, and tears start welling up in your eyes. You try to remain calm, but the combination of your boyfriend's stress and the emotional intensity accumulated throughout the day becomes overwhelming.
Realizing that he has hurt your feelings, your boyfriend abruptly stops and looks at you with remorse. His eyes fill with concern and guilt as he sees your tears. Immediately, he sincerely apologizes and embraces you tightly, trying to console you and explaining that he never intended to hurt you in any way.
"Forgive me, my god, I'm an idiot," tears start streaming down his eyes too.
"I didn't mean to talk to you like that. You know stress consumes me, and I know it doesn't give me the freedom to speak to you in that manner. I want you to know that I don't think those things about you. I would never think them, and I don't know why I said them, but please believe me. I love you too much to let my stupid actions ruin us. Please forgive me and try to understand me even though I may seem very selfish. I'm sorry."
As the sincere apologies flow from your boyfriend's lips, you understand that his behavior was unintentional. You know that he's also going through a difficult time, and work stress can sometimes affect his mood beyond his control. You release another sob, but this time, they are tears of relief as you feel his love and genuine remorse.
Your boyfriend continues to hold you in his embrace and assures you that he will always value and care for your feelings. He promises to work on managing his stress better and avoid venting on you in
a way that hurts you. Together, you decide to seek healthier ways to deal with individual and collective stress, such as open communication and mutual support.
This incident strengthens your relationship as you learn to overcome obstacles together and stay connected even in challenging times. Although your tears were a result of momentary pain, both of you understand that it's an opportunity to grow and strengthen your love.
დ Lee Minho
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You're having a fun time with your boyfriend at home. You've been joking and teasing each other for a while, creating an atmosphere of joy and laughter. Both of you enjoy this dynamic and feel comfortable with each other.
In the midst of the fun, your boyfriend decides to play a prank that turns out to be heavier than you expected. He starts making sarcastic comments and teasing about something that you know makes you feel a bit uncomfortable. At first, you think it's just part of the game and try to laugh along with him.
However, as he continues with his jokes, you start feeling more and more vulnerable and emotionally affected. The words he uses no longer seem funny, but hurtful. You can tell that your boyfriend doesn't realize how his words are affecting you and carries on with the prank, thinking everything is fine.
The combination of excessive teasing and your own sensitivity causes tears to well up in your eyes. You try to hold them back, but it's hard to ignore the pain that's building up inside you. Your face reflects a mix of sadness and confusion, as you didn't expect the situation to escalate to this point.
Your boyfriend, noticing your reaction and realizing he has gone too far, immediately stops. His expression changes to one of surprise and remorse as he sees your tears. He realizes that he has unintentionally hurt your feelings and quickly apologizes sincerely.
"Oh, sweetheart, I'm so sorry. I didn't realize I was hurting you. I just wanted to play a playful prank, but now I see I crossed the line. Please forgive me," he says with a mix of concern and remorse in his voice. You didn't know what to feel because it's clear that you're not very open about sharing your insecurities with your boyfriend, which caused this unfortunate situation.
It's difficult for you to speak due to the emotions, but you nod your head, letting him know that you understand it was a mistake and that you accept his apology. He quickly comes closer and embraces you tenderly, trying to comfort you.
As he holds you, you allow him to console you and also express how you felt. You explain that although you enjoy having fun together, there are certain topics or boundaries that should not be crossed. Both of you commit to better communication and maintaining a healthy playful environment in the future.
"I'm really sorry, bunny, it wasn't my intention to make you feel this way."
"It wasn't entirely your fault, babe. I don't talk to you much about my insecurities, but from now on, I'll make sure to share my fears and everything that entails."
"We're both going to improve, I promise, bunny."
He promises to be more aware of your boundaries in the future and make sure that the pranks stay at a comfortable level for both of you. He acknowledges that, although the intention was to play, he didn't properly consider your feelings at that moment.
As the emotions calm down, you both use this experience as an opportunity to strengthen your relationship. You learn the importance of respecting each other's emotional boundaries and how to take care of each other.
დ Seo Changbin
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You're at home with your boyfriend, enjoying a relaxed afternoon together. Suddenly, as you pass by the room's doorway, you overhear your boyfriend speaking negatively to someone. Curiosity and concern flood your mind, and you decide to stay silent and listen a little longer.
As you listen, tears well up in your eyes. The words you hear are hurtful and seem to be directed at you. Your heart shatters as you try to process what you've just heard. Without uttering a word, you distance yourself and lock yourself in another room, trying to cope with the overwhelming rush of emotions.
"God, she's so damn annoying. Can't you understand how much her attitude irritates me? Acting all flirtatious, like she's the best person on earth. Someone needs to open her eyes, please. It even embarrasses me to see her," your boyfriend commented over the phone.
"No, of course not. I never want to see her again in my life. Seriously, I hope she realizes the situation and gets that I'm not interested. Well, hopefully things will get better. Talk to you later, Hyun," he ended the call, and you rushed out of the room.
After a while, your boyfriend realizes your reaction and frantically starts searching for an explanation. He looks for you throughout the house and finally finds you sitting in a corner, tears streaming down your cheeks. His face reflects anguish and confusion, not understanding what has happened.
"What happened? Why are you crying?" he asks, his voice trembling, cautiously approaching you.
Looking him directly in the eyes, you share your hurt feelings and tell him what you overheard. You explain how betrayed and hurt you felt, believing he was speaking ill of you. Your voice trembles as you struggle to hold back tears.
Visibly shocked, your boyfriend takes your hands in his and tries to calm you down. He begs you to give him a chance to explain and assures you that he wasn't talking about you. With a sigh, he tells you that he was talking about a girl he recently met, who doesn't seem to understand that he's not interested in her. His words were taken out of context, and he understands how they could have been misunderstood.
"Love, I wasn't talking about you. I'm sorry if you thought that. I would never speak about you like that, and I didn't even want to speak that way about her. But honestly, I've been so bothered by her flirting with me and she had me fed up. I was just telling Hyunjin what was happening because he noticed I started going to the gym earlier than usual. I wanted to avoid her. Please forgive me, I didn't mean to hurt you."
As you listen to his explanation and see the honesty in his eyes, your tears begin to fade away. Slowly, you start to comprehend that it was a misunderstanding, and your boyfriend never intended to hurt you.
"I'm really sorry, sweetheart. I didn't want you to feel this way. I wasn't talking about you, but about that girl. I made a mistake by not clarifying it, and I understand why you felt hurt. I promise I'll be more careful with my words in the future," he says sincerely.
As your boyfriend's words reach your heart, the tears give way to a sense of relief. You know that he cares about you and genuinely regrets the situation. He embraces you gently, seeking to console you and reaffirm his love.
You decide to forgive him, knowing that we all make mistakes, and he has acknowledged his own. Together, you commit to strengthening your communication and promise to openly and honestly discuss any concerns or misunderstandings that may arise in the future.
დ Hwang Hyunjin
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You're having a fun night with your group of friends, laughing and having a great time. Your boyfriend is also there, but as the night progresses, you start noticing a change in his attitude. He becomes distant and increasingly jealous.
At one point, your boyfriend approaches you and starts making baseless accusations. His words are aggressive and filled with unfounded jealousy. You try to calm the situation and explain that there's nothing to worry about, that you're just enjoying the company of your friends.
"What was that?"
"What are you talking about? I don't understand, babe."
"You saw how your little friend was looking at you? It's obvious he likes you, bella."
"What are you talking about? Don't be ridiculous. We're just friends, love."
"I'm not being ridiculous. I'm telling you he likes you. The way he looks at you is the same way I look at you, with love and desire. I won't let this go unnoticed. Let's go, please."
"Are you jealous, love? You know I only like you. I love only you, babe. Please trust that nothing will happen."
"For once, listen to me, bella. Let's go, damn it. I want to go home now. I'm tired of you and them." You were shocked and couldn't respond, so Hyunjin took it as a "I don't want to leave."
However, he persists in his accusations, raising his voice and demanding unnecessary explanations. You feel cornered and attacked, not understanding why he has taken this aggressive stance. You try to stay calm, but his hurtful words start to affect you emotionally.
"I'm tired of it. Do whatever you want, go kiss him if you want. I don't care anymore."
"What are you talking about? Of course not, Hyunjin, please understand."
"Forget it. I'm tired of seeing you not believing me. Come back before it gets darker. I'm going home. Enjoy your night, I guess."
Tears begin to fill your eyes as you try to hold them back. You can't understand how such a fun night took such a drastic and painful turn. Your boyfriend, noticing your reaction and realizing he has gone too far, stops immediately. His expression changes from anger to surprise and remorse as he sees your tears.
"Oh, bella, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry," he says with a trembling voice, approaching you with a gesture of repentance. "I was jealous, and I let my insecurities get the best of me. But understand that I only want to protect you and that you mean so much to me. I didn't want to hurt you. It's just that he's so handsome, and I'm afraid you'll leave me for someone better. You're what I value the most, and you're the only thing that keeps me alive. Please forgive me. I didn't mean to hurt you."
Despite the pain you feel, you understand that his jealousy stems from a place of love and concern for you. However, you also let him know that the way he has treated you has been unfair and hurtful. You express your feelings honestly, explaining how his words have deeply hurt you and made you feel misunderstood.
"It's not fair what you did, Hyun."
"I know, I'm sorry."
"Don't worry, I know you love me and want the best for me. It's okay, but next time you feel like this, tell me, and we'll work it out together, cutie." He simply nodded his head.
Your boyfriend, visibly affected by your words, apologizes once again and hugs you tenderly. He assures you that he will work on his
jealousy and communicate in a healthier way. He acknowledges that his actions have been unfair and that he needs to learn to trust you and the strength of your relationship.
Together, you decide to take some time to discuss your concerns and fears, setting boundaries and committing to supporting each other. You learn that open and honest communication is essential to overcome jealousy and build a stronger, healthier relationship.
As emotions calm down, you realize that although this incident made you cry, it has also allowed you both to grow and understand each other better. You feel comforted by the fact that your boyfriend has recognized his mistakes and is willing to work on them.
დ Han Jisung
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You're at home, enjoying a chill moment when you receive a text on your phone. It's your boyfriend, telling you he's written a song for you and wants to share it. You feel excited and eager to listen to it since you know he's really talented in music.
You open the audio file and a beautiful melody starts playing. As you listen to the lyrics, tears fill your eyes. The song's words express all the love and admiration your boyfriend feels for you. It's a touching declaration that hits you right in the heart.
Overwhelming emotion and happiness wash over you. You're so thrilled to have someone who values and loves you like this. Tears of joy start streaming down your cheeks as you keep listening to the song over and over again. Your emotions are so intense that you can't help but cry tears of happiness.
Your boyfriend, eagerly waiting for your reaction, realizes he's made you cry. He quickly approaches you, concerned and confused.
"Doll face, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" he asks softly, wrapping his arms around you.
"Don't you like it? Should I change something? Is the lyrics weird? Give me a few hours and I'll make another song for you, love. Give me another chance."
With a smile through your tears, you try to explain how happy his song makes you and how deeply it touches your heart. You sincerely thank him for his sweet gesture and assure him that these are tears of happiness.
"I'm the luckiest person in the world, Hannie. I don't deserve you, really. You're an amazing guy, and I love you so much. Thank you for always being by my side and making me so happy. If I could give you the world, I would. Please never leave me. I love you."
"Oh, love, I didn't mean to make you cry. I just wanted to express how I feel about you through music," he says tenderly, wiping away your tears with his thumbs. "I'm so glad you liked the song and that it made you happy. You're the most important person to me, and I want you to know how much I love you."
As he comforts you and holds you close, you feel overwhelmed with love for him. You realize how lucky you are to have someone who understands you so well and strives to make you happy. Although his intentions were pure, and the song was beautiful, tears flowed due to the intensity of your emotions.
Together, you celebrate this special moment and promise each other to continue sharing and expressing your love in ways that bring happiness and a sense of being cherished. It serves as a reminder of the depth of your bond and the beauty of your relationship.
This incident teaches you the power of music to convey emotions and the strength of love to touch someone's heart. From now on, that song becomes something very special for both of you, reminding you of the love and happiness you share.
დ Lee Felix
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You're hanging out with your boyfriend at home, laughing and chatting. But suddenly, you notice a change in his behavior. He seems irritated and distant, and his expression shows that something's not right.
You try to figure out what's going on, but he responds curtly and avoids having a conversation. You try to approach him and ask if everything's okay, but he just tells you he has a headache and needs some quiet time.
"Damn it, I have a headache, can you just be quiet? I don't feel good," he snaps. "Do you want me to bring you tea? Or a painkiller? Should I take you to get checked out? You should lie down for a while."
"What don't you understand!? Just shut up, can't you keep that pretty mouth of yours shut for a second, oh my God, are you a parrot? Stop with the nonsense, now leave me alone, go away," Felix seemed to get a bit worked up, even raising his voice at you.
You feel confused and worried because you don't know what caused his irritation. You try to give him space and time to recover, but you can't help but feel hurt by his distant attitude.
In the meantime, you continue doing your own activities, trying to distract yourself and give him the space he needs. But deep down, it hurts that he silenced you and didn't share with you what was bothering him.
After a while, your boyfriend returns to the room where you are. He comes close to you, looking remorseful.
"I'm sorry for being distant and yelling at you like that. I shouldn't have acted that way, I'm sorry," he says softly, with his eyes lowered. "I had a really bad headache, and I was irritated, but that's no excuse to treat you like that. I didn't mean to make you cry, babe, I'm really sorry."
Tears start filling your eyes as you listen to his sincere apologies. Although it hurts that he was irritated and ignored you, you understand that he also has difficult moments that can affect his behavior.
"I don't want you to apologize for feeling bad, but it hurt that you ignored me and silenced me," you respond with a trembling voice. "I understand you had a headache, but I would have liked it if you had told me. I want to be there for you, even in tough times."
Your boyfriend nods, genuinely remorseful for his behavior. He takes your hands and looks into your eyes.
"You're right, I shouldn't have shut you out like that. I appreciate your support and your willingness to stand by me even when I'm going through tough times," he says sincerely. "I promise to work on communicating better with you and not pushing you away when I feel bad. You're important to me, and you should never feel silenced, let alone threatened by me. God, I was such a big idiot, I'm sorry."
Even though tears continue to flow, you feel a sense of relief hearing his commitment to improving communication and valuing you more in difficult situations. Together, you decide to take some time to openly and honestly talk about your emotions and needs, thereby strengthening your relationship.
As the days go by, you see how your boyfriend keeps his promise and makes an effort to be more aware of his actions and words when he's irritated or going through a tough time. Both of you learn to support each other and communicate effectively, overcoming any obstacles that may arise.
დ Kim Seungmin
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You're excited to go out with your boyfriend and decide to wear a special outfit. You make an effort to look good and feel confident in your clothing choice. When you meet up with your boyfriend, he looks you up and down and starts laughing.
"Wow, is that what you're wearing?" he says, laughing. "I think someone went a little overboard with fashion today."
"Damn, I thought I was the one with bad fashion sense, apparently not."
"Stop joking, Seung, you can't handle how cute I look."
"I'm not joking, are you seriously going to wear that today? I don't want anyone to see me with you if you wear that."
At first, you think he's just joking and you join in the laughter. But as seconds pass, you realize that his comments could be hurtful. Tears start welling up in your eyes as you struggle to hide your hurt feelings.
Your boyfriend notices your reaction and realizes that his jokes were inappropriate. He quickly approaches you with an apologetic expression on his face.
"Oh, blossom, I'm so sorry," he says apologetically. "I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, I was just joking. I know you've put effort into looking good and you look beautiful, seriously."
Tears start falling down your cheeks as you try to explain how his comments affected you. You express how important it is for you to feel appreciated and supported by him, even in seemingly insignificant situations.
"I understand it was a joke, but I felt really bad," you say with a trembling voice. "I put effort into choosing my outfit and I wanted to feel good with you. I need you to support me and make me feel valued, even in small things like how I dress."
Your boyfriend sincerely apologizes and embraces you tenderly. He understands how much he has hurt you and is determined to make it right.
"I'm sorry for making you feel this way. I shouldn't have mocked you like that. I just wanted to joke around, you know how silly I can get with my jokes. It wasn't my intention to make you cry, blossom. You're honestly the most beautiful person my eyes have ever seen. Don't let the comments I made affect you. You're even more gorgeous every day," he says softly. "You're beautiful and precious to me, and I never want to make you feel bad. I appreciate your effort, and I promise to be more aware of your feelings in the future."
As he comforts you and apologizes, you feel a sense of relief in your heart. You appreciate his willingness to learn from his mistakes and improve the way he communicates with you.
Both of you take a moment to openly and honestly discuss how you want your relationship to be, based on mutual respect and acceptance. You agree to be more sensitive and considerate with your words and jokes to avoid unnecessary hurt.
Over time, you see your boyfriend keeping his promise and showing greater care and support in all aspects of the relationship. You learn to communicate more effectively, accept differences, and value each other.
დ Yang Jeongin
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You're having a chill night at home with your boyfriend. You both decide to snuggle up on the couch and enjoy a horror movie together. As the movie progresses, your boyfriend starts telling you scary stories to amp up the excitement.
While listening to his chilling tales, you feel the tension creeping over you. You try to keep your composure and not let it affect you, but your imagination starts playing tricks on your mind.
After the movie, you decide to call it a night. You climb into bed next to your boyfriend, trying to leave the scary stories behind and calm yourself down. However, the dark atmosphere and vivid details of the stories he told still linger in your head.
In the middle of the night, you wake up startled by a terrifying nightmare. Your heart is racing, and tears stream down your cheeks. You quickly seek comfort and security in your boyfriend's arms.
Your boyfriend wakes up to your sobbing and embraces you tenderly, sensing your distress.
"What's wrong, babydoll? Did I have something to do with your nightmare?" he asks, concerned, as he holds you close.
"It was my fault, right? I'm sorry. You know my imagination runs wild, and once I start, I can't stop. I'm sorry," his last words make you laugh a little.
Through your sobs, you manage to explain how the combination of the horror stories and your imagination led to a dreadful nightmare.
"You're such a goof, and so am I. How could I have thought that Annabelle would come along with the nun to invite me to dinner at their haunted house?" Both of you burst into laughter, realizing that while your nightmare might have been silly, it was still terrifying.
Your boyfriend gently strokes your hair and offers words of comfort.
"I'm really sorry, I had no idea it would affect you this much. I never intended to scare you like that," he says softly. "I promise I won't tell you any more horror stories before bedtime if they make you feel bad. I'm here to protect and take care of you, not to frighten you."
You cling to him, allowing yourself to feel his warm embrace as tears continue to roll down your cheeks. Gradually, the sense of safety and love begins to alleviate your fear and sadness.
"Thank you for being here and understanding how I feel," you whisper, voice trembling. "Your support means a lot to me. I don't want you to feel guilty, but it comforts me to know that you're willing to avoid things that scare me. I love you."
Your boyfriend hugs you tighter and whispers in your ear, "I love you too, and I'll do everything I can to protect you and make sure you feel safe. Together, we'll overcome your nightmares and anything else that scares you."
You spend the rest of the night in his arms, feeling his love and support helping you calm down and go back to sleep.
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starryeyedjanai · 8 months
pedal to the metal of your heart
kinktober prompt: olfactophilia | 6.5k | explicit part one here | camboy alpha steve series tags: omegaverse, alpha steve, omega eddie, camboy steve, scent kink
read on ao3
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Steve's freaking out.
That's the only real way to put it.
Robin is no help, as she watches him pacing a dent in the floor and listens to him talk himself in circles about what happened.
It's been days since it happened. Since he innocently opened up a package on his live stream and had it send him into a fucking pseudo-rut.
He can't explain it. He just knows he was doing a silly little thing for his followers and all of a sudden, he's knotting his fist on camera.
He quickly had to get it together enough to end the stream, but it didn't stop there. His dick remained stubbornly hard and he knotted his fist probably three more times during the next day like he was going through puberty again and knotting up during his first rut.
He was out of commission for a few days, first during his unexpected pseudo-rut - not quite as intense or as long as a regular rut, but still - and then the aftermath of being thoroughly unprepared for it. He was dehydrated and grumpy and his dick hurt and he was in a fugue state for another couple of days contemplating what happened.
In his fugue state with his brain still fuzzy, he found the package again - the garments sealed tight in a scent-proof box - and tried to see if he could find whoever sent him the package.
Because having someone's scent send you into rut, even pseudo-rut, is kind of, it's- it means something, right? It has to mean something.
So he examined the necklace he was still wearing and looked up the band on it and he thinks he found the guy, found Eddie.
He messaged him two days ago and he still hasn't heard anything and it's making him so anxious, he's biting his nails again - a habit he kicked a while ago.
"Rob, it's been too long. It's either not him or he doesn't, he doesn't want me or whatever." The thought that his - whoever Eddie is to him - the thought that he doesn't want Steve makes his heart thump loud and sad in his chest.
Robin barely looks up from the magazine they're flipping through and says, "You don't know that. He might not have even seen the message. Or he could be embarrassed that he accidentally made you knot up on camera. You don't know what he's thinking, so you should stop killing yourself over it."
He knows she's right. He knew she was right the first hundred times she's said it to him over the last couple of days, but he's so nervous. He feels like he might have found something that most people don't find, and he doesn't want to start using words like mate, but it's special still, finding someone who can evoke that kind of response in you.
He throws himself onto his bed dramatically and says, "That doesn't actually help. I know you're right, but I'm still anxious about it."
Robin looks at him and pats him on the thigh. "It's going to be okay, you know? No matter what happens, you'll be fine. Just breathe and wait it out. If he doesn't answer in another couple days, maybe it's not him. I can try to help you find whoever it was."
He nods and gets closer. She opens her arms and he buries his face in her hair as she cuddles him. "Thanks, Robbie. You're right. Maybe I was too out of it when I was searching. I was really going through it."
"Oh I know. I have the texts to prove it."
He pulls back and glares at them. "You cannot use those against me."
"I would never," she says, shoving him away. "I just came five times in a row, Rob, send help," she mocks.
He groans, burying his face in his hands this time. "It was so brutal. I never want to go through a rut alone ever again, even a pseudo one. It's never been like that before."
"Poor lil' guy," Robin says, patting his head.
"It's not little, Rob, you've seen it."
"Ough," Robin says. "Don't remind me. Never remind me."
Steve shakes his head, but still says, "Thanks, though, for sending food. The situation was dire and I could not think."
Robin preens at him. "Of course. What kind of best friend would I be if I didn't?"
Eddie doesn't get back to him for another couple of days and by then Steve thinks it's a lost cause. The guy either isn't the right person, or he's gun shy about all of this. Steve can't even blame him, really. A lot of people are weird about things like this. Some people don't believe mates exist, so maybe this guy thinks Steve's reaction was fabricated for the views.
He doesn't want to dwell on it, but it sucks. He thinks he maybe found- it doesn't matter, he tells himself.
It'll all be fine. He'll be fine, either way this turns out.
Of course, all of that is utter bullshit because the relief he feels when he sees that Eddie messaged him back is palpable. It's gut deep, like he hasn't been able to relax since he hit send and suddenly all of his muscles are able to relax and stop clenching.
He's in class, bored out of his mind, when he compulsively checks and has to stop himself from outwardly showing a reaction to it. He can't read it in class. He feels like if it's a rejection, Eddie probably wouldn't have even bothered, but if it is, he doesn't want to be in class when it happens.
He immediately gathers up his stuff and leaves the room ten minutes before the lecture ends and makes a beeline for his car. He can read it there. At least then, he'll be able to decide if he needs to go home and wallow or if he needs to treat Robin to lunch to celebrate.
He drops his bag on the passenger seat and pulls out his phone again, surprised he was actually able to hold off on reading it until now.
He takes a deep breath before opening the message.
Hi Stevie, It was my package. I've been kind of freaking out about it since it happened and didn't check to see if I had any messages here. Sorry for taking so long to get back to you. If you need, I can send proof that it's me? I'd love to talk if you still want to. You can message me here or we can take it offline. I promise to check my messages sooner than last time now that I know you'll be messaging me. Hope to talk to you soon, x Eddie
Okay, so. So it's him. Probably. It's got to be him because he offered to send proof. He'll probably ask to see the proof anyway because one can never be too sure, but he thinks it's him.
Steve doesn't know what to do next.
He's freaking out too and they haven't even really talked yet. He wants to know everything about him. He wants to know who Eddie is and see him and talk to him and he's absolutely getting ahead of himself, but he can't help it. He's wanted to have this since he was a kid, since he first learned about mates and what they meant. Someone who won't leave.
He wants it so bad he can taste it.
He remembers Eddie's smell, has smelled it probably everyday since, opening up the second scent-proof package that had his shirt in it and smelling it, scenting it in his bed, rubbing his face over the soft material, breathing in Eddie's scent.
He needs to calm down, he realizes, and he loosens the death grip he has on his phone.
He texts Robin, tells them that his- that Eddie sent him a message and that he's freaking out a little bit.
She texts back and talking to her helps calm him down.
He does end up treating them to lunch off campus at a fancy little Italian restaurant.
"You absolutely need to see proof it's him," she tells him when he reads her the message.
"I know. He's got to have pictures with his band logo or something. I'll get proof," he says. "This feels so surreal."
"I bet. Lemme know if you need help crafting a message to him. I know you're going to be spiraling either way, but if I can help-" she says.
"I know, Rob. I'll be fine, I think. I'll let you know."
"Good. And I want to meet this guy. If you're gonna be talking to him or video chatting, I want to vet him."
"You cannot scare him away," he says, looking at her seriously.
She puts her hands up. "I won't! But if he's not good enough for you, I don't give a damn about mates. No one gets to talk to my best friend any kind of way."
His expression softens. They're so protective of him.
"If he's really my mate, he won't just be 'talking to me any kind of way'. He'll be kind," he says, hoping it's the truth.
She hums and they both stop talking as their food arrives.
Later that afternoon, laying on his bed, he crafts a message back to Eddie, asking for a picture of him with his band logo as proof.
He's seen pictures of the band in his quest to find him, but he doesn't know which one is him because he didn't let himself look for too long once he found them.
He asks Eddie to send a picture to his email since the site messaging doesn't allow pictures and his phone dings with an email notification not five minutes later.
He opens up the image and it's a picture of the guy from the band with the long hair, wearing a Corroded Coffin shirt, same logo and everything.
He's cute.
He's really fucking cute.
He breathes out a breath of relief that it's actually him and emails him back with his phone number so they can text. Well, he sends him his Google phone number because Robin's right - he needs to be sure this guy isn't a complete asshole before giving him his real phone number. As much as he wants to jump in feet first, he needs to slow down a little.
Eddie texts him almost immediately after he hits send, just a tentative hi, it's eddie and Steve is hitting the call button before he realizes what he's doing. So much for taking it slow.
"Hello?" Eddie's voice says down the line and Steve tries so hard not to roll over and start kicking his feet.
"Hi Eddie," he breathes out.
"Hi Stevie," Eddie says back and Steve is so fucking glad he was stupid and used his real government name on his Only Fans account if it means he gets to have Eddie saying his name like that.
"So I kind of hit call before I knew what I was going to say. Full disclosure," he says because he doesn't have a plan for how this is going to go.
Eddie laughs. "I figured, considering you called me like thirty seconds after I sent you a text."
Steve pouts a little. "Yeah, that kind of gave it away, didn't it?"
"It's fine. Seeing my picture and then my very unoriginal little hi it's me text and still wanting to talk to me right away is kind of doing something for my ego," Eddie says and Steve just knows he's grinning as he says it.
"I mean, you did send me that text like thirty seconds after I emailed you back, so."
"So we're both a little excited," he says.
Steve sighs. "Yeah, tell me about it. Your scent sent me into pseudo-rut, you know?"
He hears the breath that Eddie sucks in. He says, "Yeah? I- I wasn't sure if it was just the, you know, knot-popping on camera."
"Yeah, that plus some. It was kind of intense," he says, breathing out deeply.
"I bet," Eddie says and Steve shivers a little.
His dick is not going to get hard because of Eddie's voice. It's not.
After talking to him for another handful of minutes, asking first date kind of questions and answering Eddie's question in return, Eddie unfortunately has to get back to work because Steve messaged him during his break and he spent the last twenty minutes of it finding a picture to send and then talking to him.
Steve's heart flutters in his chest as they hang up, with promises to talk again soon.
He wants to text him again already, ask to facetime him and see him as soon as he gets off work. He wants to see his mannerisms as he talks - hearing his voice wasn't enough. He wants- he just wants.
But he doesn't want to scare him off by asking for too much too soon.
He wants to know Eddie on his own terms. He doesn't want to make him feel like Steve is pressuring him or moving too fast.
For someone who chronically goes all in too soon in every aspect of his life, that's going to be a challenge.
They talk a few more times over the phone and they text a lot. Like a lot.
They exchange snapchats and Steve gets little glimpses into what Eddie's life is like. He sends back similar things - his coffee cup showing off what he typically orders, his lunches from the caf, his dinners out with Robin, the drinks he gets him and Robin when they go out on the weekend.
Steve gets all these feelings in his chest when he sees Eddie's name pop up on his phone screen and he's trying so hard not to be too much, to text too much or call too much.
Eddie tunes in when he streams and he feels butterflies in his stomach when he sees his username pop up, just a bunch of heart eyes emojis whenever Steve does something that he particularly likes. (If he tries to isolate what those things are and replicate them so that he sees Eddie's username more, that's his business.)
They've been talking for over three weeks when he suggests what he's been wanting to suggest since the first time they talked.
They've been chatting on the phone a few times a week, usually later at night when Eddie's out of band practice or off work.
Steve's yawning towards the end of their call that night and knows he has to hang up soon if he wants to wake up on time for his class tomorrow, but the idea is in his head again and won't leave.
So he says, "I had an idea. I could send you something of mine, maybe? So we'd know if we're- if it was a fluke, when I went into pseudo-rut." He bites his lip nervously. He doesn't want it to be a fluke, he wants it to have meant something.
He hears Eddie breathe out and he says quietly, "Yeah, Stevie, I think they would be fine. I'll send you my address."
Steve sighs in relief and after they say their goodbyes, he thinks about what he's going to send to Eddie. He already bought the scent-proof bag to send to Eddie - after their first fucking conversation because he's incapable of being chill - so he just needs to pick what he wants to send.
Immediately, his cock starts aching. Thinking about spreading his come on the now, frankly, disgusting pair of panties Eddie sent him and sending it back to him all packaged up and scent-proofed so that when Eddie opens it, he's hit with the smell of their scents tangling together.
The way Steve has been hit with the scent every time he lifts the shirt Eddie sent along with it up to his face when he's getting himself off, their scents mingling in his nose, making him whine and cry out and want.
Is that too much?
Maybe that's too much. Maybe he should just send his own pair of underwear, smothered in his scent, to Eddie. He feels like that would be a little bit less unhinged of him. He doesn't want to come on too strong. He already feels like he wants too much from someone he barely knows.
But his skin buzzes at the prospect of Eddie opening the package from him and having it send him into a pseudo-heat like it did with Steve's pseudo-rut.
God, he needs to find something to come on so that he can jerk off and then send it covered in his come to Eddie.
He finds a clean pair of panties and then wonders if it might be better to just come into the underwear he's been wearing today. They'd smell more like him than laundry detergent. He contemplates for a minute because the underwear he put on today aren't anything special, just black briefs, but he thinks Eddie might appreciate it more if he can smell Steve's scent fully - the smell of his come mixed with the scent he naturally radiates.
He says, "Fuck it," and lays back on his bed and starts stroking himself through his briefs. He'll send Eddie a shirt too, one that he wears often, maybe his sleep shirt, so he can get the full experience.
He lets himself think about it again, about Eddie opening his package and groaning, burying his face in the very briefs he's touching himself through right now. He thinks about Eddie leaking slick, needing to pull out his toys because he needs something inside him after he smells Steve's scent.
He thinks about his slick hole, needing to be filled, over and over until it hurts almost. He thinks about Eddie's undoubtedly pretty cock and how he'd tug on it desperately. He'd come so many times with Steve's briefs pressed up under his nose just like Steve had.
Steve pulls his cock out of his underwear and strokes himself in earnest, twisting his wrist to stimulate the head on every other stroke. He thumbs at the sensitive head and thinks about burying his cock in Eddie's wet hole, thinks about how snug and warm it would be.
He'd fuck Eddie until neither of them could move, exhausted and spent and dripping. He'd fall asleep with his cock still inside Eddie's hole because neither of them could bear to part. He'd love it, waking up hard and still inside him.
He'd take it slow in the morning because they'd be worn out and sore from the day before. He'd fuck him so good and slow, feel his hole spasm around him as he came again, his cock barely spitting out any come. He'd fill him up, press his cock deep inside him and leave him feeling sated and sticky and like he could melt into the bed.
He wants to take care of him, he thinks, speeding up his hand. He wants to worship him, wants to do whatever Eddie wants him to do. He wants Eddie to take what he wants from him, wants him to hold Steve right where he wants him and take his pleasure any way he wants.
He wants Eddie on top of him, pinning him down as he sinks down on his cock. He wants Eddie to whisper in his ear exactly what he's going to do to Steve and how he's going to do it. He wants to feel taken care of, wants to feel held down and caught, weighed down by Eddie's weight on top of him.
His hips hitch up and he knows he's going to come soon, thinking about Eddie telling him what he wants and then taking it.
He shoves his cock back into his briefs so he can come all over the inside of them. He shudders through it, whining because he wants so many things with Eddie. He has to be his mate, he has to be, right? Steve wouldn't want him this much if he wasn't. He has to be.
He comes down slowly, breath evening out. He feels so sticky and gross. He peels his underwear down and immediately puts them in the scent-proof bag he bought.
He lays back down feeling kind of vulnerable. He wants this so bad, probably more than he's wanted most things. Because he's never had a relationship turn out good and he just wants something to be right for the first time.
So if he's found his, his mate - his true mate or perfect match or whatever people are calling it nowadays - he wants to know, so bad.
The anticipation is going to kill him, he thinks.
He sends the package out in the mail the next morning and tries not to think about doing something crazy like driving the three hours it would take to get from Chicago to Indianapolis. That'd be weird, right? Him showing up at the address Eddie sent to him, at noon on a Monday. That would definitely be too much, too soon.
He knows he's in deep when the rationale for not doing it that wins him over is that Eddie might be working and might not be at home in the middle of a work day.
He facepalms and tries to keep it together.
He goes to his classes and ignores the looks Robin gives him when they meet him in the library after class.
It's fine. Everything is fine.
Eddie will get the package in a few days and they'll probably know if it was a fluke or not. (Steve already knows it wasn't a fluke. He knows it like he knows he's an alpha, it's in his bones, deep. He's never sure about anything, but he feels sure about this. He feels something when he texts Eddie, when he hears his voice. That can't be a fluke.)
He just needs to chill out and not scare Eddie away before they confirm it.
He just always wants a lot and usually too fast. So he's trying to slow down, now that this could be the real deal. The big one, the one everyone's always waiting for and writing songs about and yearning for. He doesn't want to scare him away before he even gets to know him.
How embarrassing would that be? He can't imagine having to tell Robin that his mate, his actual mate, wants nothing to do with him because he's too overbearing.
So he can't be overbearing. He won't be. He'll keep it together and he won't do anything weird. Should be easy, right?
He texts Eddie that he mailed the package to him and sends him the tracking number.
The morning of his first midterm, Eddie texts him that the package is arriving later today and Steve somehow manages to find enough focus to not completely bomb his midterm.
He's buzzing with anticipation the entire day, waiting for Eddie to text or call and say that he has the package.
It's still light out when Eddie's name flashes on his screen.
Got it is all it says and Steve frowns.
He hits the call button.
Eddie picks up after a couple rings and says, "Hi, Steve," but he sounds weird. Oh no.
Oh no, oh no, oh no. It's not- they're not. Are they not-?
He swallows and tries to hold back the anxiety that's seeping into his body.
"Hi Eddie," he says back, trying not to freak out.
"I got the package," Eddie says, which doesn't give him anything to go off of.
"Yeah, I got your text. Did you open it?" he asks impatiently.
"Not yet," Eddie says, voice smaller than usual. "I'm kind of nervous to open it. I- maybe it's a weird thing to say, but I want this so badly. Like, I want it to send me into pseudo-heat. I want the whole mate thing to be true for us."
Some of the tension evaporates from his body. Oh.
"I want that too," he says, breathlessly.
"You do?" Eddie asks, hope in his voice, and maybe Steve hasn't been letting on just how much he's been anticipating this moment - for fear of being too much.
"Yes!" he says. "I've been tearing my hair out over here waiting for your text. I could barely focus on my midterm this morning."
"Oh fuck, you did say you had midterms this week. Should we wait-?"
"No!" he says, cutting him off. "I will literally die if we wait any longer. I've been waiting for this and hoping for so long now."
Eddie laughs. "Okay, okay! I'll open it. Do you want to maybe FaceTime while I open it?"
They haven't video chatted at all since they started talking. The only time Eddie's seen him has been on his streams and in the snapchats he sends him. Steve hasn't seen Eddie at all apart from the sleepy snapchats he sometimes sends him when he wakes up.
"Yeah, we should- uh. If it sends you into pseudo-heat, we could stay on the line if you want," he says, his cheeks heating up at the thought of seeing Eddie like that, desperate to come, desperate for something inside him. "Do you have supplies ready? You shouldn't open it if you aren't prepared."
"Oh trust me, big boy, I am plenty prepared. I've got a case of water and some snacks to get me through it," Eddie says and Steve's phone vibrates in his hand.
He pulls it away from his ear and accepts the FaceTime request.
"Hi," Eddie says.
"Hi," Steve says back shyly, looking at Eddie's pretty face.
"So I don't have a tripod or anything, so this'll have to do," Eddie says, holding his phone out to show Steve the package in his lap.
"Yeah, that's fine. I wasn't expecting, like, a show or anything. This is more than fine," he says, moving to his bedroom. He sits down on his bed with his back against the headboard and watches as Eddie one-handedly tears into the package.
It would be much easier to just put the phone down and open the package with two hands, but watching Eddie struggle is kind of cute, so he doesn't say anything.
Eddie gets the package open and pulls out the scent-proof bags Steve put his folded shirt and come stained briefs in.
The thoughts he's been trying to push out of his mind since he mailed the package come rushing back to the surface. Eddie's about to scent him and his dick is twitching about it.
His heart is beating so fucking fast.
"So, uh, this is it, I guess. The moment of truth," Eddie says, lifting the bag up to his mouth and using his teeth to tear through it.
There's something so unbearably hot about him literally tearing the package open with his teeth that Steve almost misses the quiet sound Eddie makes when the bag rips open.
It's this little punched out noise that's barely anything at all, but Steve knows that noise - he knows it because he made almost the exact same noise when he first got a whiff of Eddie's scent.
He looks at Eddie, as he takes out the briefs Steve came onto just days ago and buries his nose in them.
His cock twitches in his pants and he rushes to get them open.
"Talk to me, Eddie," he says, watching Eddie's face go a little slack, his eyes hazy as he opens them.
"It's- I. I feel like I'm going into heat," Eddie says, tilting his phone down so Steve can see his hard dick in his shorts. Fuck. Fuck.
"Yeah?" he asks, tilting his phone down too, so Eddie can see how hard he is too.
"Fuck, Stevie, want that in me," Eddie whines, falling back onto his bed. The phone in his hand is pointing up so all Steve sees is the ceiling as Eddie moans.
"Show me what you're doing?" he asks, desperate to see him again.
Eddie's kicked off his shorts in the two seconds his camera was pointed away apparently because the next thing Steve sees is his dripping cock. And-
Jesus christ. He's big. His cock- wow.
Steve takes his own cock in his hand and strokes it, watching Eddie's cock twitch as he smells Steve's scent.
"I need something inside me," Eddie says, dropping the phone onto the bed and Steve whines.
He wants to see him, but the phone is face down on his bed so Steve sees nothing. He hears Eddie rummaging around and stops his hand on himself because he only wants to touch when Eddie can see him.
He waits for another few moments as Eddie gets what he needs and then picks up the phone again.
"Steve, I'm so fucking hot right now," Eddie says, his face flushed. He's sweating a little already and Steve wants to bury his face in Eddie's neck, scent him right from the source.
Instead he grabs Eddie's shirt from under his pillow - the scent is so faint now, but it's still lingering. Steve shucks the shirt he was wearing off and tugs Eddie's shirt on.
He hears Eddie groan and he looks at his phone. Eddie's looking back at him, his eyes wild.
"You're wearing my shirt," he says, his eyes wide as he looks at him.
"I keep it under my pillow," Steve confesses. "It's losing its scent, but it still smells like you a little."
Eddie does something outside of the camera frame that makes him moan, and Steve sorely wishes Eddie did have a tripod or something so he could see all of him, could see how he's making himself feel good.
Eddie says, "I'll send you another one. This one." He tugs at the shirt he's wearing, fumbling as he takes it off.
With his clothes off now, he sets his phone on his bedside table, pointed at him. The angle is a little wonky, but Steve can see him, see what he's doing.
He squeezes his cock as Eddie kneels on the bed facing his phone and reaches back to grip the dildo inside him and pull it out a little. Fuck, when had he even gotten that inside him?
He grabs Steve's briefs and brings them up to his nose again, his moan long and drawn out as he sinks down onto the dildo with Steve's scent in his nose again.
He holds the dildo steady with one hand as he bounces up and down on it and Steve can't stop himself from planting his feet on his bed and fucking up into his fist at the same speed, wishing he was there, wishing he was sinking into Eddie's hole instead of his fist.
Eddie's dick bounces on every thrust down and Steve wants it in his mouth.
Steve moans, thinking of Eddie's hands in his hair, holding his head still as he fucks his face with his unfairly big cock. He doesn't know any other omega with a cock that big, jesus christ. He wants to swallow it, wants to choke on it, wants to taste Eddie's come on his tongue. He wants Eddie to come in his mouth and then make Steve eat him out, rub his wet hole all over Steve's face. He wants it, he wants it, he wants it.
And he says it, less afraid of admitting everything he wants now that Eddie seems to have had a similar reaction to his scent.
He tells him he wants to choke on his cock and taste him and listens as Eddie's moans get louder and louder.
It spurs him on.
He says, "I want to bury my cock in you. Wanna come inside you and lick it out. Please. Would you let me?"
Eddie shivers and nods as he fucks himself on the dildo. He says, "I would ride you into the goddamn bed. Make you knot up inside him and then when it goes down, sit on your face as your come drips out of me."
Steve wants to knot him so bad. He's- oh fuck. He's gonna knot his fist again.
This shouldn't be happening. Eddie's scent only had that initial reaction because of the newness of it - he's been smelling his shirt every night and hasn't knotted apart from the pseudo-rut. His knot shouldn't be forming right now.
"I'm gonna knot, holy shit. I'm-" he groans as his cock pulses in his grip, his knot expanding as he squeezes it. He tilts his phone down so Eddie can see it, see him knotting up for him again.
The look on Eddie's face as he comes is something Steve isn't going to ever forget. He trembles as he sinks down on the dildo, pressing the button on the base of the dildo to expand the knot.
Steve watches with rapt attention as Eddie's cock starts to spurt, untouched. His come arcs out of him, splattering the bed and his thighs with come as he grinds down onto the knotted dildo.
Steve grips his knot tight and he comes, looking at Eddie shuddering through the waves of it, his hole probably like a vice on that knotting dildo. It should be him.
He squeezes his hand tighter around his knot, dropping his phone on his chest to stroke himself through his orgasm. He whimpers as the come floods out of him, his knot aching.
"Stevie, fuck. Wanna see you," Eddie says, so Steve pulls his hand away and grabs his phone again. Fuck, he's so messy right now.
He brings his phone back up and the first thing he sees is Eddie stroking his still hard cock with Steve's briefs and Steve's eyes roll back, his cock kicking out another glob of come.
God, the way Eddie's room must smell right now. Like the two of them, the way Steve's room smelled for days after his pseudo-rut. He could barely go back into his room without his dick getting hard about it. He wants him so intensely that he fucking knotted his fist without meaning to.
"You look so fucking good in my shirt, Steve. Want you to smell like me," Eddie says, which does nothing to sate the way he wants so viscerally to be with him right now.
He's still stroking himself with Steve's briefs and it's making Steve's dick twitch, his knot hot in his fist.
"Can't believe you knotted for me," Eddie says, jerking himself faster, like the heat that waned when he came is back with a vengeance.
"You gonna come again?" Steve asks, his voice shaky.
"Yeah," Eddie moans. "Gonna come all over your fucking underwear. Make it smell like us."
Steve whines. Eddie seems to have his number already, knows exactly what to say to make his knot pulse in his grip, more come dribbling out of the slit of his cock.
Eddie curses and groans again, shaking as he comes again, his come shooting out onto the fabric of Steve's briefs.
How the hell is Steve gonna survive meeting him in person if he can't even control himself at the thought of their scents mingling in person?
"You'll survive, sweetheart," Eddie says and Steve was completely unaware he'd even said anything out loud, so completely out of it apparently.
"I'm not so sure about that," he says, squeezing his knot.
Eddie hums and grabs the phone from the nightstand, collapsing back onto the bed. "I think you'll be fine once you get your knot in me."
"Fuck, Eddie. You can't just say that," he groans.
"Why not?" he asks, grinning.
"Because my knots not gonna go down and I'm gonna die."
"You're even more dramatic than me. I love it," Eddie says, sitting up and grabbing a water bottle to drink from.
"I'm not that dramatic, Mr. Dungeon Master," he says with a pout.
"Ooh, call me master again and I might come," Eddie says, leering at him.
Steve rolls his eyes.
The chatter stops momentarily as Eddie drinks from his water bottle and curls back up in bed.
Steve watches as he wraps himself up in his blankets and once again wishes he was there.
He says, "You look so cozy right now."
Eddie grins at him again. "I am. My bed is very comfy. You should come see for yourself."
"I wish I could," he says, honestly.
"I don't think I could do a real heat right now though, unfortunately," Eddie says with a groan. "This pseudo-heat is gonna wear me out, I can already tell, and I've got shows to do with my band and work and stuff. But I'd love to meet up with you in a few weeks. Or maybe once the semester is over?"
Steve smiles at him. "Yeah, I'd like that. We can figure out when later. It's probably better to let this marinate a little anyway. Not everything all at once." See? He can take it slow.
The thought of getting to see him in person, getting to know him in person, real and in front of him, is making Steve's heart race.
"Yeah, I typically dive head first into things, so taking a breather is probably a good idea," Eddie says. He looks at Steve through the camera and says, "But that doesn't mean I want to stop talking, got it? I still want to text and I want you to call."
Steve appreciates the clarity. "I'm glad. I don't want to stop talking either."
"Good. Just making sure," Eddie says, reaching over and grabbing the shirt Steve sent from the package and pillowing it under his head.
That reminds him. "I think if you sent me another shirt, it would help tide me over until we meet, though," he says and Eddie laughs. Steve aches again, wanting to- just wanting him.
Eddie says, "I can do that. I'll have to swing an extra shift to cover the shipping though."
Steve rolls his eyes. "Literally give me your Venmo. I'm the one asking for it, so I should be the one to pay for it."
Eddie looks like he's going to protest, but he says. "Okay, if you're sure."
"I'm sure. I want to scent you so bad right now."
"Me too," Eddie says. "You smell nice, by the way. Like, your shirt smells amazing." He buries his face in Steve's shirt, breathing deeply.
"So do you. Earthy. It's nice," he says. He loosens his grip on himself, his knot starting to go down. "How many more rounds do you think you'll have to do tonight?"
Eddie thinks for a second, then says, "At least another few orgasms before I get ready for bed. I have to eat dinner at some point, I guess. I'll probably wake up a few times during the night and need to be knotted again."
"I'll stay on the line however long it takes," he says.
Eddie brightens up and says, "Yeah? You sure you wanna babysit me into the wee hours of the morning?"
"Yeah," Steve says. "I wanna take care of you. I can't be there in person, but I can be here, you know?"
Eddie looks a little taken aback at the sincerity, but he smiles at him shyly. "In that case, I'm looking forward to it."
Yeah, so is Steve.
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the-kr8tor · 10 months
Can we have a Hobie x reader where the reader doesn’t want to kiss him because they have sharp teeth and doesn’t want to cut him or anything
Thank you for requesting, hun! I hope you like it ❤️
Pairing: Hobie Brown x shy! gn! Reader/ Spider-Punk x shy! gn! Reader
Word count: 1.2k
Synopsis: 3 times you didn't kiss him properly and the one time you did.
Tags: no use of Y/N, no specific physical description of the reader, blood mention, FLUFF
You've been dating Hobie for quite some time now, went on numerous dates, but there's one thing you haven't done yet, and it's probably the most important part of cementing your relationship, and it's kissing him, for real, not like a quick peck.
It's not like you don't want to, (you really want to) it's just you're too afraid of accidentally cutting him with your sharp canines, you were born with them, the only thing for you to blame is your genetics.
Sure it looks cool, but when it comes to finally showing your affection to someone, you avoid kissing deeply, opting for a quick peck on the cheek or a tight-lipped kiss.
You're grateful for Hobie, he's been oh so patient with you, you haven't told him about your predicament, afraid of his reaction. Maybe you should tell him, as he's dropping you off on your doorstep, fingers looped through your necklace, casually flirting with you.
"The movie was great and all, but it's still a giant advertisement" he caresses the chain, eyes glued to your lips. Your face heats up at the closeness.
"Y-yeah, but I liked the ending, it subverted my expectation" you try to act nonchalantly, but the lilt in your voice betrays you, your knuckles shake as you're clutching on to your bag a little too harshly.
"Mm-hm" Agreeing with you, Hobie notices you take a peek at his lips, your eyes quickly darting back to his forehead, clearly avoiding eye contact. He figures you're too shy to lean in, but you want to, so instead he initiates, slowly leaning towards you, just in case you want to stop him.
You beat him to it, darting your face quickly towards the side of his face, you peck him on the cheek, careful not to graze him with your sharp teeth.
"Goodnight! I'll call you,okay?" You say it too fast, opening your apartment door, stepping through it "only if you want to?" You turn back to him.
Hobie doesn't look too disappointed, he looks at you with endearment, eyes softening at your shyness.
" 'Course" He smirks, raising your bashfulness level up to a hundred "I still owe you that museum date you wanted" Hobie remembers your conversation a few days ago.
Your legs turn to jelly, holding on to the wall for support, "okay" you can only manage a meek reply, oh you're a goner.
"Later, sweets" Hobie winks at you, walking backwards, eyes glued to your form.
"Okay" you softly say, god, how is he this cool? You thought, gripping on to the doorknob for support, you wave goodbye, watching his smirk get bigger.
"Did you see that?!" Hobie jumps down from the stage, post show sweat clings to him. He runs towards you, hugging you, your feet lifting a few inches off the ground. "Love, did you see that?!"
"Yes! You were amazing!" For a second it's just you and Hobie, no crowd screaming for an encore, no nosy stares from strangers. You hug his neck tighter, nuzzling the crook of his neck.
Hobie puts you back down, cupping your jaw, it's now or never, he leans towards your lips, your eyes widening, but you really want to kiss him, he looks so good like this, happy and passionate, it wouldn't hurt to brush your lips against his, right?
You position your lips, closing them tightly so your teeth wouldn't accidentally poke him. Hobie crashes his lips to yours, but he feels you're not as eager as him, so he settles for a quick one.
He clearly doesn't care though, Hobie feels giddy, finally able to kiss you, he thinks you deserve a proper one, maybe when you're as eager as him. He bounces on the balls of his feet, unable to stay still.
You hold on to his waist, feeling dizzy with affection, you just wanna grab his face and kiss him deeply, but alas your insecurity wins this round.
You wipe at the bead of sweat on his forehead, careful of his piercings "you were truly amazing" your eyes are practically shapes like hearts as you look at his proud grin.
You're cooking in your modest kitchen, the savory smell wafting through Hobie's nose, he's been helping with setting up the table, since he insisted on coming in early.
"Where's the bowls at?" he searches your bottom cabinets.
"Here" you point at the top cabinet, conveniently placed just on top of the stove, and above your head.
"Excuse me, lovey" Hobie shields your head with his hand, his big hands covering the top of your head, so that the swinging cabinet doors wouldn't hit you.
"Oh thanks–" you pause, finding his face really close to yours. Oh shit
Warmth clings to your cheeks, breath hitching in your throat. He has no idea the effects he has on you (he definitely does though)
His eyes land on your lips, you squeak out, fumbling with an excuse "ah, gotta turn this over before it burns" quickly turning your head back towards the stove.
Hobie's left confused standing at your side, holding on to your bowls. Do you not want to kiss him or something? This wasn't the first time you turned away from him, do you not fancy him anymore? So what is it?
Instead of asking you these questions, he turns away, feeling dejected.
"Right" he clears his throat. You feel the shift in the air, you read his slumped posture, how his face is hiding (and failing) to hide his true emotion.
You breathe out, you can't continue to tiptoe around him, you need to tell him, especially when you see yourself loving him (in the very near future) call yourself crazy, but you see him loving you too.
You shut off the stove, reaching out towards the sleeve of his jumper. "Hobie, wait"
He turns towards you, questions swimming in his eyes.
You bite the bullet, (hopefully not his lips too) you cup his face gently, staring directly into his eyes, you wait for him to say yes. Hobie doesn't hesitate, he pulls you towards him by your waist, closing the small gap.
You brush your lips against his tentatively, he answers back by placing his lips against yours, unmoving, waiting for your next move. You close your eyes, finally deepening the kiss.
He chuckles softly at your eagerness, your lips move with his, Hobie feels your exposed skin on your hips where your shirt has ridden up, he stops his thumb right on the small of your back making small circles over the soft skin.
You completely lose yourself, Hobie gasps out when a sharp sting hits his lip. You quickly pull away "shit" you watch in horror as he touches his lips, leaving a drop of blood on his finger.
You push yourself off him, "oh fuck, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to"
"That was fuckin' hot" Hobie grabs your waist, pulling you back in.
"But–" you manage to gasp out before he collides his lips to yours. He holds the back of your head, you hold on to his jumper with a grip.
He kisses you most fervently, but you hold back, afraid to hurt him again.
Hobie reluctantly stops, "don't hold back" he whispers against your lips.
"But my teeth, I don't want to hurt you again"
"I can handle a little blood, is that why you avoided kissing me?"
"Yeah" you confess, eyes darting everywhere but his face.
"You're fucking adorable, did you know that?" He holds your chin, getting your attention "can I kiss you again?"
"You're really okay with it?"
"I'm more than okay with it," Hobie chuckles deeply.
You smile, a heavy weight lifting off your shoulders, "kiss?" You sigh out, great, he's given you a taste and now you're addicted. Good thing the cure's right in front of you, and he's more than willing to give it to you.
"Can't say no to that" he leans in, twin smiles on both of your lips.
Thank you for reading! Please consider reblogging if you enjoyed it ❤️
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myosotisa · 11 months
Sex, Love, and Other Crazy Ideas - s.h.
ǁ  summary: Steve has always felt like he loves too much. Sometimes it scares him. But it doesn't scare you.
ǁ tags: smut. plot with descriptions of smut. kinda dark!Steve?? obsessive thoughts, possessive behavior, unhealthy attachment, but it's consenual. you accidentally cut your finger, so blood is mentioned. oral (f receiving), fingering, unprotected p in v, creampie, hickies galore, body worship, a small amount of bloodplay. no pronouns, no y/n, afab!reader, nickname for you is sweetheart. I... have no reasonable explanation for this. I don't even know what to say. Happy Sunday I guess
ǁ word count: 1.6k
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The intensity of love had always been overwhelming to Steve Harrington.
They say love can make you do crazy things. Like throwing yourself in front of someone to protect them. Like a spouse doing something they dislike every day because they know their partner appreciates it. Like a mom suddenly finding the strength to move a car to save her child.
Love made Steve a protective, caring, possessive man.
Most of it was shown through his actions. Acting as a chauffeur for Robin and all the teens he "babysits." Going out of his way to help someone, especially if they are having a bad day. Planning small events for the people he is closest to, so they can all get together and have a good time.
But when you came along, it felt different.
You were kind, selfless, understanding. Compassionate and empathetic, sometimes to your own detriment. At first you actively resisted Steve's desire to wait on you hand and foot, but had learned to accept that it killed him to reject the affection. You told him time and time again that he didn't have to do all these things for you, that you just loved him for who he was. He told you that was just how he showed he loved you too.
Sometimes the intensity of his love for you turned sour. He had a jealous streak – could be paranoid about the intentions of people he didn't know that were with you. He never forced you away from people or kept you from events. Just kept a watchful eye and a mental note, sometimes sought reassurance that you were his and only his, and made sure no one ever got even close to hurting you.
He bought you a little necklace with his initials. Was nervous as hell to give it to you, worried about what you might think. But you were delighted, ecstatic even, and had started to wear it everyday. Even talked about getting him a chain or a bracelet that had your initials on it too.
That night he'd made you come you over and over again until you passed out from exhaustion. Had fucked you into sweet oblivion. And the whole time, that necklace slid across your skin. The only thing you wore. That little piece of metal that said you were his.
He'd fidget it with it sometimes – fixing the chain so the clasp was behind your neck, rubbing the S between the tips of his fingers absentmindedly when you sat in his lap. You thought it was cute. Enjoyed the feeling of being his and how proud he was to be yours.
Sometimes the intensity of his love for you overwhelmed him. He wanted nothing more than to keep you in his bed forever, 24/7 spent with your skin on his. Wrapped up tight in his arms, or your thighs trembling as they pressed into his ears, or his cock buried deep in your warm, wet, perfect pussy until the end of time.
It wasn't a realistic thing to want, of course. But a man could dream.
And he dreamed often. Fucking you until you passed out every night you would let him. Waking up from a dream about you that had him sliding under the sheets, parting your beautiful thighs, and worshipping you awake. Begging you to let him taste you, sometimes on his fucking knees, steady and loving hands squeezing at your waist and hips as he pleaded.
You hardly ever denied him. Tried your hardest to take care of him in return, even when he insisted he wanted nothing more than to make you feel good.
After too many times having to go out into the world with a mosaic of bruises along both sides of your throat, you'd had to put some boundaries up. No hickies in visible places. He'd whined and tried to bargain but you were steadfast.
Fine. He'd litter you with little loving bruises in spots only he would be able to see. Scarlet paintings along your thighs, your collarbones, your tits.
One night, he'd already been sucking and biting bruises into your skin for what felt like hours. Determined to turn your skin into a constellation of pink, red, and purple with his mouth. A devotee that wanted nothing more than to worship every inch of you.
He was hyper focused on a spot on your chest – drawing the skin between his teeth and then soothing it with his tongue. Over and over as blood drew closer to the surface, warming as the blood vessels popped and the mark bloomed.
It was like he could feel your heart beating beneath his lips, like maybe if he used his teeth in just the right way, he could break the surface of your skin. Free some of the blood from your veins, the very life force of your being, and consume it until the wound stops bleeding.
He didn't want to hurt you. No, never wanted to hurt you. But the idea of consuming you, of possessing you so thoroughly, made it seem like a little bit of pain might not be so bad.
It was not an urge he ever acted on. Scared of scaring you, scared of what it meant that he wanted to do that. But he just couldn't help it. He loved you so much that he didn't quite know what to do with himself. It was like he wanted to live beside you at every moment, live inside you. He wanted to crawl under your skin and stay there permanently, or maybe have you crawl under his instead.
The need to possess you entirely sometimes made him act without thinking.
He heard a surprised gasp from the kitchen, followed by a pained hiss. It took mere moments to reach your side, ready to protect you, to make sure you were safe. The kitchen knife was abandoned on the cutting board, your hand cradled to your chest.
"Lemme see, sweetheart," he held out his loving hands with concern. You gingerly showed him the wound – a clean slice on the tip of your index finger. Not too deep, nothing too dangerous, but enough that it was steadily leaking blood on your skin. "Let's go get you cleaned up, okay?"
And you nodded, allowing him to lead you to the bathroom, standing dutifully by as he procured the first aid kit from beneath the sink. He gently took your hand in his own, marveled at the feeling of your skin on his, at the difference in your hands. Still enough to distract him after all this time.
But you were in pain, maybe even a little scared, and he had to focus.
After warning you that it might sting a little, he carefully cleaned the wound, cooing apologies and murmuring how good you were doing as you winced and tried not to pull away from it. Once he was satisfied, he went to retrieve a bandage but was stopped short when he turned back to look at you.
You were looking up at him with reverence, with comfort, with love. Like he was all you wanted and more. Like he was the only one who you trusted to make you feel better, like he was the only one who could heal you.
His breathing hitched in his chest. You were looking up at him with pleading, devoted, wide eyes, your cut had started to bleed just a little bit again in his hands, and he was struck with the overwhelming urge to swallow you whole.
To consume you – body and soul.
He didn't think before he brought your hurt finger up to his lips. At first he pressed a gentle kiss to the wound, loving and apologetic for the pain you had endured. When you melted into a sweet, syrupy smile, and when he licked at his lips and tasted just a touch of iron, he took the tip of your finger into his mouth and sucked.
You gasped, eyes wide and lips parted. He held your finger there, gently, and searched your face for some sign of concern or maybe even disgust. Surprise was there, plain as day, but nothing that looked negative. You didn't pull away, didn't move, barely breathed.
Experimentally, he laved his tongue over the wound. Bursts of metallic blood spreading across his taste buds as he did so. And he thought maybe he was hearing things when you whimpered.
When you made that noise again, his cock throbbed so hard in his jeans he thought he might've spontaneously came in his pants.
And while you had questions, and he had just a little bit of shame circling in his thoughts, it didn't matter right now. Not as he let your finger fall from his mouth, lifted you up onto the edge of the bathroom counter, and fell to his knees between your thighs like a man possessed.
In the following hours, dinner long forgotten, he took you apart thread by thread. Made your body shiver, shake, and seize. Praised you, lovingly degraded you, claimed you, pleaded for you to scream his name. Filled you to the brim with his cum, used his fingers to fuck it back into you until he was ready to go again. Which never took long, not with how you looked up at him like he hung the moon and stars in the sky.
That night, he broke his record for the amount of orgasms he had given you in a single day. And still held you as you passed out in his arms and felt an itch beneath his skin that begged for more.
thanks for reading! please reblog and leave a comment if you liked it, they mean the world to me <3
and yes, I will be bringing this up in therapy tomorrow
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reds-skull · 8 months
Fic recs - oneshots
So I wanted to post some fic links since I got a very long list. Some of them are very well known but many deserve more attention. And I see people asking for recs in the tags all the time so I figured a few will like them.
[also I always like this kind of posts lol]
Like I said I have way too many links (last time I counted it was 200 but that was months ago...) so I'll make a couple of posts if anyone is interested.
also this is almost exclusively ghostsoap since those are the kind of oneshots I read, apparently.
Starting off with (some of the) sfw oneshots:
Peace by Metrokid - Ghost dies and has a chat with death (it ends up well dw!)
Pencil Scratches and Ink by Fluffykitty9000 - Ghost thinks Soap loves someone else and shuts him out; Soap thinks the worst.
A Lesson in Trust by mothbeast - Ghost never revealed his face to Soap and Soap feels hurt by it.
He has to Break by GalacticKraken - Ghost has to torture Soap in a mock interrogation, but he refuses to break.
(Don't) Need You to Protect Me by FreeToWriteForMe - Ghost is down, and Soap risks his life to save him. Ghost is pissed.
Beautiful Boy (To my eyes only) by Whyhellotherefriend - Ghost knew he was beyond the ability to be loved. When he starts pulling away, Soap has to do something.
You shine like the moon and the stars in the sky by C0nfused_cactus99 - Soap hasn't been sleeping much and after a mission gone wrong Ghost finds out why.
A Quiet Kind of Caring by bailish - Soap finds Ghost taken down with the flu, and feels the need to take care of him.
Broken Habits by bailish - Ghost finds Soap struggling with his greasepaint on his way to a mission, and decides to help.
Shadow of Him by goth_iterations - Ghost finds Soap's journal, and is pleasantly surprised at what he finds.
Grab On To Me by peachytea - 5 times Ghost grabbed Soap by his tac vest and 1 time Soap grabbed Ghost.
"Draw Me Like One Of Your French Girls" by SonTi - Ghost stumbles upon Soap drawing. The memory haunts him and he's intent to get to see it at least one more time (this isn't nsfw despite the title lol)
How dare you love me (like you've never known fear) by itwillcomeback (MandoKain) - 5 times Soap sang for others, and 1 time someone sang his own song back to him.
the broken dam & the starving hearts by iiruwu - Ghost has a bad habit of getting drunk and calling for Soap to take him home (this one is hurt no comfort btw)
Burn Bright by orphan_account - Ghost gets triggered in the shower after a mission, thankfully someone can always pull him out.
Place To Rest My Head by Louffox - Soap disappeared after an exhausting mission and Ghost went looking for him.
Slipping Up by ElizaStyx, starryathame - Soap gets drunk after a harrowing mission and accidentally confesses a bit too much to Ghost.
Warm Me to My Core by EmpressCirque - Soap and Ghost have to share body heat. Simon realizes he might love Johnny.
To be a Fire by Hallow_fiend - Soap and Ghost get sent into the heart of Siberia and have to face an enemy they can't fight alone.
Heatstroke Heartbreaks by Cutleryy - Soap gets attacked by dogs and Ghost and him have to face a sandstorm (this is technically one chapter but it's 20k words. Extremely good though)
Alright that's enough for one post, this is about half of them. If any of the links don't work or if anyone is interested in more, don't be afraid to say so!
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bubuslutty · 10 months
hc: witch!reader x 141 (+ Ale, Rudy, König, Horangi) as monsters
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A monster's high
word count: 1.5k
tags: they/them pronouns, poc friendly, 3rd person pov, proof read by me so sorry for any mistakes, nsfw, fluff
warnings: a bit of body horror
a/n: i initially meant for this to be fluffy but uhhh I guess I'm a whore 🥰 enjoy either way!!! 💙 pls if u wanna see anything pls let me know, cuz I just want more excuses to talk abt monster cod mw2 guys!!
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Soap (werewolf):
Johnny has a habit of scenting his witch when they have to go somewhere without him, and he claims it's to keep them safe from other monsters. but does he really need to rub his face all over their tummy and ass??
Johnny's witch takes care of him during his ruts by brewing him teas for his stomach aches. and provides him with their worn clothes so he can have familiar and comforting scents around him when he's rutting.
Soap also likes to hang out with his witch during nights on a full moon, so he can turn and run in the forest. and sometimes they even play catch with him, by throwing a stick and he runs after it, getting it for her, for pets and praises, tail wagging and all.
Ghost (symbiote):
Simon Riley is pretty cool, kind and pleasant to hang out with, Ghost on the other hand is dark in a weirdly attractive way (monster fucker alert). Ghost doesn't really have a form, they're just a mass of black matter that merges and melts into Simon's pores, but also has a voice of its own.
Reader has gotten used to Ghost jumping in on conversations when they're talking with Simon. And has even gotten used to Ghost threathening (flirting) to eat them (??). While Simon always apologises about Ghost, reader hasn't figured out if Ghost wants to eat them literally or sexually.
Reader has also gotten used to walking around Simon's place and being suddenly pulled into a dark corner by a cold tentacle attached to Simon's symbiote. Then asked in a very ominous voice "Can you get orange juice from the corner store? Simon can't, too tired."
Reader shrugs and nods, "Okay." while being held up in the air by dark matter.
"Thank you." Ghost whispers, their voice raising all the hairs in reader's body.
Price (Dragon hybrid):
he can breathe fire, but doesn't allow himself to so he satiates the urge with cigars. Breathing fire is a hazard and can put others around him in danger, and he can accidentally destroy his belongings by allowing the tickle of a flame leave his throat.
But sometimes he slips up, for example when he's balls deep in reader (don't ask me how we got here). They were curious about what it'd be like fucking a dragon hybrid and how can Price say no to those pretty eyes?
It happens when he's about to orgasm, and he feels fire tickle his throat, and when he can't swallow the urge back, he throws his head back and let's out fire escape his lips, blowing it upward so it doesn't catch on anything.
And then when reader realises what he just did, he gets shy about it. Usually he doesn't spit fire when he fucks someone, but reader doesn't need to know that.
Gaz (Crow harpy hybrid):
first of all, Gaz has the prettiest, softest feathers. They're black but Show different colours when lights hit them in different angles. And reader spends a lot of time just admiring them and caressing them while he plays his favourite video game.
And when they accidentally press on the feathers a bit too hard, he jumps and grabs their wrist, "Don't do that again, please."
"Did I hurt you? I'm sorry." Reader apologises
"You didn't, they're just a bit sensitive… That's all." Gaz mumbles and they nod, resuming caressing his feathers in the gentlest way possible as Gaz resumes his game and tries to ignore the tingle at the base of his spine, making him shudder and heat up.
Horangi (Tiger shifter):
at first he scared reader because when they first met him, he was in his tiger form napping in the living room when reader walked in, completely clueless with a bunch of ingredients for a potion in their arms, "I got the-"
They used all of their strenght not to drop everything in their arms because the ingredients are expensive while they stood, facing a sleeping tiger, taking up the whole couch.
The tiger quickly noticed their presence and woke up, lazily blinking and letting out a big yawn, revealing a sharp set of teeth and reader readied themselves to cast a spell if the tiger was to ever attack or try anything.
The tiger kept staring at reader until they got bored and stood up on the couch, and shifted just like that, fur flipped into pink soft skin and bones reshaping themselves in real time.
And so reader was face to face with a naked man in the middle of Soap's living room.
König (eldritch):
König wears a huge diy'ed mask on his head, covering red and black smooth salty skin and tentacles. Sometimes he lets them hang outside the mask, poking and prodding this and that when he's comfortable, but most of the time they're hidden, out of sight.
Reader has yet to figure out where all of his tentacles come from, they know they come from his head, from the area that would be considered his chin and jaw if he had one, like a beard that has a mind of its own.
They've seen peeks of König shirtless a couple of times, but couldn't see any extra limbs or tentacles coming out of his skin, so how earth does he manages to wrap them in huge long tentacles? Where do they come from??
They've asked König of course, but all he did was smile, his eyes shaping half moons, patt their head and walked off without a word.
Alejandro (werewolf):
The only other werewolf in the bunch apart from Johnny. This man has also an obsession with scenting reader after Johnny scented them just to get a rise out of him.
He's territorial of course, very protective and loves to bite and nip at reader when they let him. Be it their hips, waist, tummy or ass, he'll happily sink his teeth in any part of their body as long as they let him.
He's also allergic to wearing clothes when the sun shines, if Alejandro senses that summer is very near, he'll strip to his boxers and hang around in all of his tan and hairy glory.
And reader is only human, when they see him like that, their heart skips a beat and they quickly leave the room Alejandro or otherwise he'll somehow smell them getting aroused.
And Alejandro doesn't even need to smell their arousal to know they're affected, because he can hear their thumping heart when he focuses his hearing.
They also try to avoid him when they've had their back blown by a local resident monster (only Soap's pack tho, no one else or they'll (141 & Co.) have a mental breakdown lmao) because he can smell the cum plugged inside them. and even when they've showered, washed away all traces of sex, he still can smell it underneath all the soap, lotion and body mist. And when he does smell it, he corners them and bullies them into telling him how it went down while they whine and beg him to let them go (they actually love it dw guys, ale would let them go as soon as they express real discomfort)
Rudy (human):
The second human in the pack after reader. While reader is a witch and in tune with the spiritual and supernatural world, Rudy can't feel shit. like nothing at all. everyone might be on edge because they can smell someone's heat and he'd be sitting there absolutely oblivious, at least reader is knowledgeable enough to know the signs of a heat or rut without smelling it.
Reader might be reluctant to go somewhere because they feel like the vibes are off, or the place is cursed and haunted, and Rudy would shrug and go in to retrieve whatever must be retrieved.
Rudy could be checking himself out in a mirror while a spirit would be looking right back at him and reader is just standing there, uncomfortable while he hums and fixes his hair and the spirit is highly confused because how the fuck isn't he being seen by the dumb very handsome human?
He's the type of guy who'd brush off any attempt at scaring him or cursing him without a second thought, a witch would try to curse him by planting a little pouch under his door matt and Rudy would absolutely have no idea and would never step on the matt at his doorstep because his legs are long and he never needed to step on it in the first place, he even has another one inside his house as well, it's just there to look nice really, so the curse never took effect in the first place until reader shows up and hisses in disgust, immediately finding the pouch for Rudy and throwing it away.
Even when a demon is actively trying to cause him nightmares, Rudy doesn't even notice because every night our boy passes out on werewolf knot, brain melted out of his ears, he barely has the energy to open one eye so it's impossible for his brain to conjure up dreams or be active enough so the demon can plant nightmares into his head.
I imagine Rudy getting his organs rearranged in the nastiest way possible while the invisible demon is just standing there like 🧍‍♀️😐 waiting for Rudy and the werewolf, who is probably Ale to be done so he can give him nightmares.
He's our unbothered King and I love him very much.
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tag list (pls ask to be added or removed): @canadianmilkbag @angryandreadytokill @obiwankenobis-lap @goapgrim @smalldemonlover @silviafantin15 @reveluving @bobastayhigh @originalsimp @h-leigh @gxldyjess @msdrpreist @chaoticevilbakugo @Lacunaanonymoused @whore4dilfs @canadianmilkbag @ahoeformando @ray-rook
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animeomegas · 4 months
Happy new year! I hope 2024 treats you well!
I’m curious what are your thoughts on Sasuke with an alpha who decided to leave Konoha with him? Like maybe they have family problems or are fed up with the shinobi system or something and so they make plans to leave. They run into Sasuke when he’s leaving and decide to join Orochimaru with him.
I think it has big angst and slow burn potential, especially if Sasuke and the alpha had feelings for each other before hand but I like the idea that they start to fall for each other after. Sasuke would definitely ignore his growing feelings and convince himself that he doesn’t care about the alpha. The alpha respects that Sasuke clearly doesn’t want a relationship and depending of the circumstances might also be ignoring their feelings for him. And despite them denying their feelings they both have moments where it’s clear they do care for each other.
Like the alpha accidentally hurts themself while trying a new jutsu they aren’t good at yet and Kabuto is healing them. Sasuke demands to be there because they were supposed to spar and he’s annoyed, totally not because he’s worried that “the stupid alpha just had to try the jutsu even though they were almost guaranteed to get hurt”. Kabuto calls him out on it and if he wasn’t healing the alpha Sasuke would have used his genjutsu on him.
Or Sasuke is having a really rough night so the alpha is staying in his room because no matter how much Sasuke denies it, the alpha gives him a sense of comfort. They both fall asleep on Sasukes bed, not actually touching but just laying in each other’s presence. They don’t talk about it after but Sasuke gets annoyed by how fast his heart is racing and the heat in his cheeks when he wakes up to the alpha so close to him. He also proceeds to kick them out. They go through the same process on multiple occasions after this as well.
I don’t think any actual romance would work, at least not for a while because of Sasukes feelings on his personal relationships but I like the idea of of Sasuke with someone who was there for him during his teen years that isn’t creepy snake man, so when they get together in the future they have that connection and mutual understanding with each other.
Honestly I’ve been wanting to write a story about this for a while but with the holidays I was too busy and I start school next week so I sadly won’t have time😞
This is so so cute, and if you ever write it, you need to tag me in it because 😫🥰
I think you're absolutely right that everything would remain pining until after the war. I think Sasuke and this alpha would be co-dependent, pining messes, but they never take any official steps, I don't think they even kiss.
But then when they're back in Konoha, not at war, they realise that they can't really live without each other. And I think the romance would blossom slowly, so slowly that everyone around them is rolling their eyes.
Everyone is trying to encourage them to get together, but Sasuke pretends he does not see.
They would be iconic messes, and I love that for them 😌
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nardos-primetime · 2 months
Boy howdy okay *cracks knuckles* I'm gonna forewarn this with my takes on the turtles and Murder is not exactly the popular opinion so take it as you will.
First and foremost for any of the turtles to commit a PREMEDITATED murder (assuming we are talking strictly canon) the only one who would actually plan and go through with this is Leo. "What about Donnie?" No. He wouldn't. Leo on the other hand has shown the kind of rage he goes into not only when his family is in explicit danger but when he believes someone is specifically responsible for that. I don't think murder would be the first thing he jumps to, and it would take quite the scenario for it to wrap around to that (i.e. and enemy that keeps coming back and hurting them) but it's not off the table.
This makes him also number one to kill someone due to a fit of protective anger. So like, if you're gonna taunt a hamato while playing with their lives I wouldn't recommend doing so without knowing where Leo is.
And second is Raph, kind of a similar scenario, but I think Raph's would stem more from fear than direct anger. Frightened that if he doesn't do something, things will get worse, and in a fit of panicked rage well...
Third is Mikey, shocker. It would take a LOT to snap Mikey into a state where he's pissed off enough to actually kill someone but like, we DID see his reaction to his favorite pizza places getting torn down. I feel if at any point he concluded there was no longer a peaceful solution to a fight, he'd bring down the axe.
And my unpopular opinion is that Donnie is at the bottom of this list. MAINLY because he has so many other methods at his disposal to handle enemies. Knock them unconscious, leak all their nudes, dig up tons of blackmail, toss a bomb that makes them itch. Sure he also gets protective anger, but he almost never feels the need to resort to murder to solve a problem. And also, in some cases, he would just think death is a mercy. I truly don't think Donnie would kill someone with intent, but it could happen accidentally.
None of this counts kraang as people all these turtles will exploded these bitches on sight.
I did tag for blood but idk
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Some Doodles for fun, didn't really have ideas for the other two since I mainly wanted to respond to the concepts overall hehe.
Coming from an overall concept of Canon and it being premeditated and more of a separate kill, I agree that Leo is first in line for that shit. Though, I do feel like he'd have the most potential alongside Donnie to actually get away with it after the fact.
The difference with Donnie is exactly as you said. Donnie's petty. If he WERE to do something premeditated, he would absolutely go for other methods first, maybe even torture if we're hitting something similar to murder. Physical or Psychological. I feel like the difference with a more Canon approach of Donnie is that he would kill on accident. Whether it's going too far in a fight or his tech malfunctioning, I doubt he'd directly go into a fight with murder as the actual intent. Even if he did use other methods, I feel like the most likely case is him accidentally going too far. Especially since we know he has issues with that already.
Leo is one of the most directly dangerous. If he deemed it, you would be easy to get. We're talking about a fast runner with portals and two perfectly sharp swords. He's also good a good manipulator if he really wants to be. It's not hard to imagine him talking someone out of an area of protection if he can't be asked to use mystics that time.
Raph, I agree completely. It would be a mixture of anger and fear that pushes him to that point. He probably wouldn't tell the others. I can't see him planning something out prior and telling the others, I think he'd be afraid of judgment and maybe even fear from the others the most, even if he was doing it for their protection. I feel like overall, he leans the most between accidental and nonaccidental, I could definitely see both happening with him.
Mikey would totally be the most difficult to get to that point, and I agree that it would probably only be if he saw no other way out. But I also think Mikey would be the first to take this kind of position in a battle for some god forsaken reason. I feel like in the heat of the moment, his brothers would be too focused on protecting each other or getting out of there, I can totally see Mikey freezing realizing what has to be done before the others. Leo wouldn't kill anything mid battle on purpose, that's far too risky, Raph and Donnie as I've said prior are likely to have accidents in such a scenario, Mikey would be the only one I can see putting his foot down intentionally in a battle for some reason. Even if his view of the situation is incorrect. Which ironically means he would probably be the most likely one to get caught. (If he didn't crumble under guilt later.)
I feel like in terms of getting caught with the others, Raph would crumble under the guilt as well, likely being the second from Mikey to get caught. Third would be Donnie, as much as he might be able to clean up after himself at first, but without any support in his endeavors and the fact they almost all may be accidents, I think he'd get cocky.
Leo would potentially get lazy, too. Or maybe stop caring when under the context of the others already getting caught. Hell, Leo's extremely adrenaline junky coded imo. Maybe a few of his kills became less reasonable and more him shoving excuses in after getting too comfortable. But by the point the others are all taken in, assuming they can't get out, Leo would probably have one last hoorah in a feeble attempt to break them out. If he ends up doing it, he'd look like a monster but have his brothers back. If he doesn't... well with their luck, they'll at least get cells kind of near each other.
Of course, there are multiple ways to read into things. This is obviously leaning in on a more Canon approach. If we were involving a few more headcanons from me, Donnie would definitely go up to number 2 in danger on the list, lol /hj
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sp1drrthwips · 7 months
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꩜ platonic! peter parker(s), miles morales, gwen stacy, hobie brown & pavitr prabhakar x trans! gn reader
𖦹 cw : one mention of accidental outing !!
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ꨄ︎ marvel studios! peter parker ;
⋆ supports you from the moment the words leave your lips. definitely hugs you and tells you he loves you either way <3
⋆ will definitely ask about how you want to be referred to as now, like completely, not just name or pronouns, he checks for other gendered words / phrases too !
⋆ lets you explain more on the topic yourself, but also does additional research himself to understand more !
⋆ is totally ready to support you through any transition stage you're in,,, change in style, puberty blockers, hrt, etc,, he's right there supporting you <33
ꨄ︎ tasm! peter parker ;
⋆ doesn't really know what to say at first,, will probably stay silent with a slight smile on his face while trying to think of what to say and end up on “i don't mind, that's- that's cool.”
⋆ exactly like marvel studios peter he'll ask about all the ways you would like to be referred to as now !
⋆ doesn't change the way he is around you at all, aside from being a little tense from not wanting to slip-up and possibly hurt your feelings, he stays the same !
⋆ he doesn't know much other than the basics, so he'll start to dedicate parts of his free time to researching more on trans topics to try and support you better <33
ꨄ︎ miles morales ;
⋆ very chill about it, and makes sure you know that it doesn't change his view on you whatsoever
⋆ probably asks who else knows, and depending on what your answer is will ask how you'd like him to refer to you as when around people you aren't out to !
⋆ he shows his support through not really acknowledging it, just making sure you still feel normal and not making you feel uncomfortable is the way he knows to support you best <3
⋆ for sure the fastest to come up with shortened versions of your new name ( if possible ) / new nicknames to match the new you !
ꨄ︎ gwen stacy ;
⋆ absolutely supports you 100% immediately <3 ( and definitely goes for the same approach as miles' second hc !! )
⋆ the most educated out of everyone here for sure,, and she's very very mindful of her words, so slip-ups are extremely rare !
⋆ she is so so excited to help you explore whatever new style you want, and will tag along with you to go shopping nine times out of ten !
⋆ always encourages you to talk to her whenever you're having dysphoric days,, she may not understand, but she still wants to be there to listen and try her best to cheer you up and affirm you <3
ꨄ︎ hobie brown ;
⋆ will most likely answer with “cool.” afterwards, and continue whatever he was doing,, but he if realizes you need extra reassurance, he'll tell you doesn't care ( in a –– he ‘still thinks you're awesome’ way ) and asks about your new name and pronouns !
⋆ he's pretty familiar with breaking gender norms, so, just like gwen, he'll be extremely helpful while you figure out your new style !
⋆ also like gwen, he's pretty mindful of what he says, so slip-ups are rare with him as well !
⋆ the most likely on this list to knock someone out for purposely deadnaming / misgendering you ....
ꨄ︎ pavitr prabhakar ;
⋆ like miles, he doesn't really acknowledge it because he doesn't understand why he should, you're still his friend and he loves you either way <3
⋆ like tasm peter, he doesn't know much more than basics, so there is a chance he'll tell people you aren't out to yet that you're trans to correct them ( good intentions, wrong execution ),, but will apologize and stop if you tell him you don't like it and want to tell people yourself !!
⋆ will mostly likely stop at libraries throughout the multiverse to try and find out more about the topic, and if that fails, he'll finally turn to the internet !
⋆ i feel like once he starts to learn more about you being trans he'd want to have a celebration of some kind,, like a small hang out with you, him, miles, gwen and hobie to make sure you feel appreciated and know they all still love you <3
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. . . hugs for all the trans readers here <3 🫂🫂🫂 happy trans awareness week !!! hopefully everyone had the sweetest and happiest week ever !! 🫂🫂 make sure to take care of yourself, you're all so so important !!! 💌💌
p.s. sorry to any trans tobey spidey fans reading ,, since his movies were so long ago i didn't really know how to write for him and just left him out :(
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