#I don't understand how mentally ill people claim that they hate work
skinnypaleangryperson · 3 months
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actual-changeling · 3 months
no, yes I understand that. i understand that crowley does not want to be an angel again. everyone understands that crowley does not want to be an angel again. saying that crowley never fully expressed this to aziraphale except in general anger at the system and The Way Things Are is not a diss on crowley. just from what we’ve seen, he didn’t. it’s just an unfortunate thing that happened when aziraphale and crowley’s respective mindsets and traumas clashed. the show isn’t calling out aziraphale and saying “look at this toxic person. he is the problem.” it’s calling out an abusive system and how it fucks up people in different ways and how those people try and, sometimes fail, cope with it.
First of, no one is "pointing" at Aziraphale and saying he is the problem, at least I am not.
Discussing a character's flaws, mistakes, and hurtful actions is not pointing, it's called having a nuanced discussion; just because I don't try and excuse all of his bullshit with "but he loves Crowley :(" doesn't mean I hate him. And no, not everyone understands that Crowley does not want to return to heaven, I have seen many, many posts DIRECTLY saying that he does.
Is it an abusive system? Yes.
Does that mean Aziraphale gets a free pass to hurt Crowley and not work on himself? No. No it very much does not. It's not fucking unfortunate, it's a lack of respect for the person he claims to love.
BECAUSE it is an abusive system he needs to work harder to unlearn all the shit they push into people's heads. Crowley has done so. Gabriel and Beelzebub have done so. Several demons and angels have done so. Aziraphale has not—and that is his responsibility and his failure, not anyone else's, and not something that can be written off as "but he's having a hard time :((".
Yeah, so is everyone else, and you don't see Crowley being that cruel and hurtful.
Aziraphale refusing to listen to Crowley is not on Crowley for "miscommunicating", it's on Aziraphale for NOT LISTENING. The show is calling out people being lazy and prioritising their personal comfort over everything else, just like Aziraphale is doing. It's calling out individuals continuing abusive, unhealthy patterns because they're "afraid" of change.
Failing to cope means you stay the fuck away from people until you can cope. Mental illness and trauma do not give you a free pass to not work on yourself jesus fucking christ.
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unholy-plague · 2 months
Today in therapy I was talking about radqueers and how the DID community at large has turned RAMCOA into a joke. So called educators are posting dangerous information and have not deprogrammed in any meaningful way and clearly haven't even been in therapy. I seen teenagers who they themselves claim not to be in recovery yet attempt to educate then have their victim complex triggered whenever someone corrects their misinformation. My therapist said she can tell I enjoy educating and that I'd make a good educator and the thing is, I tried. But unless you garphically traumadump and make light of your trauma no one cares. Unless you portray yourself as the perfect victim and erase the ugly side of trauma everyone shuns you. It has gotten to a point where I avoid using RAMCOA as a term because I don't want to be associated with the community. Yet at the same time I find myself sympathising with majority of these people, they are mentally ill and severely traumatised teenagers with little to no support system or therapy. I can understand why they fall down these holes such as radqueer because their unhealthy beliefs are fed into, that feels good even if it is a form to self harm to encourage the feeling of needing worse trauma or different disorders. The DID community at large also pushes the competition of who has worse trauma leading people to exaggerate or make up trauma even unintentionally then feeds into the victim complex of survivors by making programming to be some fantastical mechanism when it is conditioning enforced through trauma and every 'program' is an alter(s) holding a trauma response. What also makes me angry is the harassment of radqueers, although I hate them and believe they are harming themselves and others, they are struggling and don't deserve to read graphic abuse because many of them are already survivors. They should be ignored until they are ready to change, we cannot change them because unhealthy coping mechanisms don't work like that.
People don't realise that survivors are not pretty. We have unhealthy and negatige coping mechanisms. We have done bad things to survive and many of us learned to enjoy those things as a means of survival. This isn't an excuse for abusive behaviour but it is important to understand that survivors may have programmer alters, aggressive alters, homicidal alters, nazi alter, etc. Groups who perpetrate this kind of abuse have no morals, they want communities to shun survivors because isolation is what they want. It makes me sad to have been shunned by the community who is meant to accept me, my therapist frequently comments on how hurt I am by that even if I try to pretend it doesn't bother me. All I want for people is to be truely educated and safe.
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viviennelamb · 5 months
Hi Vivienne, do you have any more thoughts on Autonomous living/self sufficient people? I was amazed that there are people out there that can sustain themselves on such little food and water, or even nothing at all. I am skeptical of some peoples claims but I do believe it is possible. Its very hard to find information on this subject and i remember you mentioning Anastaysiya Zilevich, I listened to what she was saying and it sounds very liberating. I totally agree that the reason we over indulge in food is because we are lacking genuine connection with each other. Though she does promote sexuality and romance as a means of gaining energy and im doubtful about that. She also advises to get away from cities and tech use which i wouldn't be willing to do. Does meditation and connecting with God result in you naturally consuming less or is it something you consciously work on? Thanks! - autonomousgirl
Isn't it interesting? Although many people believe physical perfection adhering to ever-changing beauty standards, it is really Self-mastery. Most people would rather engage in mindless work that they hate to satisfy their senses (and then complain about it) rather than attempt to overcome them. I understand that most people genuinely believe we need to eat, but at one point I was around drug addicts and they ate a few times a week because their senses were being satisfied by drug abuse so they forgot about food.
If one can overcome their desire to satisfy their senses, they are truly liberated from having to make money, needing shelter because the body doesn't get cold in when it's not spending its resources to digest food therefore reaching immaculate equanimity. The state of mind of an individual who isn't subject to senses is an amazing one as one is in a constant state of knowing they are in God's Dream. Ego Consciousness is the belief that we are the body and that what we do to the body (eating, sleeping, s*x) sustains or is the point of life. How we came to this point was through lust, the original sin.
Most of my blog is about autonomy! The autonomous lifestyle is synonymous with Self-mastery which can only be obtained through God Consciousness. So autonomy falls under the umbrella of attaining God Consciousness though autonomous people are more focused on the food and sleep aspect. People who can stop eating in this lifetime were on a spiritual journey previously or food caused them so much suffering they decided to stop eating or they have purified their minds to detach from the limiting ideas imposed on them since birth.
Recognizing how the Ego places us in a state of total ignorance is an important part of the autonomous lifestyle because one has to remove the belief that we have to eat to live. I don't talk about food anymore because a lot of people are getting triggered, due to their past eating disorders and projecting that onto me, so this aspect of the journey is what I've decided to keep to myself. Even thinking about true non-consumption is too advanced for everybody. Starting at the 1st and 2nd chakra and then moving on to the 3rd would be the individual's natural progression to reaching perfection. Overcoming lust is more feasible even though that is also advanced.
Not eating food is possible, everything is possible within Infinite Consciousness, but the path of liberating the soul from the body requires discipline. People who enjoy eating, which is everybody, have no reason to stop if they are okay with the suffering food brings them in exchange for the temporary sense of gratification from taste. However, there are people who genuinely suffer from consuming food and do not find a single food item enjoyable to eat, including the "healthiest" food one can think of. They do not have eating disorders nor are they mentally ill, unrealistic or making things up. Yes, most people are within the bell curve of living relatively well on some type of diet, but there are people outside of that bell curve who can eat literal garbage and live well as well as people who eat nothing and live well. It all depends on the individual's consciousness and one should eat for their constitution. An individual who thinks about lust all day, does drugs, spends 15+ hours a day on the internet, lives in filth has no business eating fresh fruits and vegetables - that would kill them. They need to eat cheetos, cake and only drink red bull to keep their bodies alive because that is their vibration.
The more you fast, the more you get used to not eating for longer stretches of time, but if one genuinely no longer wishes to eat, there will be a point where she just stops and it won't be difficult - same with lust.
Anastasiya still eats about 1-3 times a week and said it was not due to hunger, but an insatiable desire to satisfy the body. She said that her desire to eat is because the planet's vibration is low, but it's not the planet, it's her. Since she's engaging in the lust act, her nature demanding food is likely her issue as lust weakens one’s will (she sounded like she engages in sex a lot) and she doesn’t like meditation so she's not working on her control. She's keeping her food, drink and sleep down to a minimum because it brings her health issues.
Those who engage in lust can appear to have deluded forms of autonomy (lust positivity, working from home, communism, walking in nature, equality) but will never attain true liberation.
There were videos where she was attempting to describe God Consciousness from a worldly scientific perspective because she is highly educated and used to work in the sciences if I'm not mistaken. Swami Sri Yuteskwar explained the Holy Science of Evolution (and devolution). Humanity is currently in a devolved state where both which they desire and avoid brings them suffering because they don't want to reach a state of equanimity of the senses yet. The world will get to a point where the gratification of the senses will be seen as primitive, but that's during the Golden Age. The thing is the Dark Age and Golden Age can be achieved on an individual level. Anybody who is trying to achieve it through activism on a mass scale during this point in time is completely delusional. Those who have no interest in controlling their bodies have no hope of ending their suffering and are born slaves.
You do have to be with other people but in the way of being of service because we get energy from that from assisting humanity's evolution towards the Golden Age. If you restore another person's hope in humanity, that person is more likely to become good and that butterfly effect ripples into every lifetime ahead. Being selfish holds back the evolution of humanity - small acts of kindness go a long way. I hear the phrase "genuine connections" a lot and I'm not sure what people mean when we're already in a state of oneness, but Egos cannot connect which is why there's a loneliness epidemic. We're also never alone, but the individual in the Dark Ages believes they are.
Autonomous people emphasize that helping others is a requirement and one will gravitate towards that anyways if they're not eating and sleeping which takes up 70% of their time. Every "day" becomes immortalized.
When one has s*x, their energy is taken away and their mind isn't aligned with God, but with the senses which brings the individual down to Body Consciousness. You don't have to move from the city, refrain from using technology or move around constantly. Anastasiya is unable to remain still and needs to move from country to country because when she stays in one area for too long it becomes "stagnant." Her actions are a reflection of her state of mind - somebody who is pure will purify the area around them. Life will never become stagnant and the pure individual will never get bored. Even though the control of her food intake is impressive, it's better to eat and become calm than foodless and restless. If somebody wants to be nomadic, that's fine, but it appeared that she was still being controlled by something not of her own will which is not autonomous. Being around people who are on the same journey as you and at the very least having a Guru obviously helps, but the point of being autonomous is that you can maintain the lifestyle on your own.
Personally, I’m at the point where I only believe the claims of people who are God-Realized or have reached Samadhi and, surprise, it's easy to know who that is if they only talk about God. When I speak to a worldly person, I know they’re lying about whatever they’re talking about.
Meditating on not eating and being conscious about it are both required for liberation. SRF lessons teach everything you need to know about autonomy and you can use it for anything else you want to obtain. Everything you want is about learning how to control your consciousness so that you can lead your life in a particular direction. In your situation, you want to learn how to energize the body naturally requiring you to eat less food.
I recommend reading The Yoga Sutras of Pantajali. Pantanjali explains that concentrating one's energy on the pit of the throat will keep one's hunger satisfied, but to maintain this state of satiety, you will have to meditate to raise your consciousness. Non-eating is such a small part of Cosmic Consciousness but the autonomous' focus on food is a good thing to let people know that this lifestyle is possible. And it's helpful to people who find food detrimental to their health. If you still wish to eat, a Sattvic diet is ideal which is mainly plain raw foods that don't excite one's senses and to not eat too much. Your body will slowly become neutral to foods in this way along with eating the right amount because the body begins to like how a stretched stomach feels which is what most people are addicted to (as well as highly palatable food).
In the Autobiography of a Yogi, Paramahansa Yogananda talks about the time he visited Therese Neumann and Giri Bala, two women who did not eat.
Those who work towards God Consciousness obtain Omniscience, Omnipresence and, Omnipotence, so they can do anything and create anything out of nothing and are actually living in non-duality. For an individual to become God-Realized, they must devote their lives to God. If they can’t do that, then they can’t reach the highest state of consciousness which means they’re still subject to duality and therefore suffering.
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kimyoonmiauthor · 3 months
Autism does not cause racism, Cait.
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I got newly blocked by Cait for stating that,
"Made Goodreads accounts to downvote only PoC debut authors' books, got caught, was offered a way out, doubled down, made a really bad Photoshop post with horrible dialogue as an excuse, got caught hating on the fandom she came from. Blamed her mental illness. Blamed now autism."
which isn't really accountability.
BTW, which is true. I didn't at her, just explained to someone above asking what was going on.
Sitting here with Neurodivergence, and telling you straight I deal with some inferiority complex issues, but it doesn't make me go out and try to sabotage other people's works, especially people from my own groups I belong to. Punch up or talk about the complexity of the issues, don't punch down.
(I'm aware I'm like the quintessential red shirt and I tried so hard to deny that part of me. That's what my therapist is for.)
I get Sensory Processing issues. I have that. But what happens when I get overload? I lay down and try to calm my senses and check out with a fucking headache. That's what fucking happens. It's not the sexiest TV moment ever. Sometimes I also get dissociation.
What happens when I get Sensory overload and dissociation? I go WTF, and work it out and then check out of social media, or try to do *other* things. I take responsibility. I forget shit because of the dissociation and I still say sorry, I forgot.
BTW, also my English skills go down the drain and I make a lot of fucking mistakes while on dissociation and sensory overload. Paragraphs will skip or miss parts of sentences. Hers were way too coherent.
I get depression and anxiety episodes. I fuck up. I try to still take responsibility for my fuck ups.
I have C-PTSD, but I've worked so fucking hard to not continue the cycle of trauma to violence–emotional and neglect that it's set me back in my life goals in a lot of ways before I got it compounded. But I've never, ever tried to take it out on others.
What happens when you fuck up? You apologize, you self-reflect, you try to make real amends (say deleting those accounts you have up on Goodreads), try to reverse direction and then leave those people you hurt alone. You don't go back in the middle of Black History month to defend your shitty actions.
To come clean, I have a Goodreads account I forgot how to get access to. Which was under my old name, and my story is reviewed on it. The ONLY thing I ever did with that account was claim the story I pro published and then left it alone with the reviewers.
I have inferiority complexes directed at the outside world. I totally get that, but I didn't upvote the story. I didn't try to talk back to my reviewers. I didn't go to my fellow authors and downvote their stories. Because this is what you all have to understand: Writing at every stage is a battle against yourself, not others.
Shitty people might steal your ideas, shitty people might attack you for no good reason, but at the end of the day it's a battle between you and the blank page/editing what you've got to make it better. The better you are not a shitty person, the more you act like this is a cooperative and respect people' boundaries, the more likely you're going to do better.
The authors not published? They are not worse than me. The people that are published aren't necessarily better than me (This has to do with the market) The person who started yesterday isn't necessarily worse than me. The person who has been at it longer isn't better either—art is an equalizer in many ways as a nebulous form. And the biggest battle isn't with others (unlike what a lot of early reality TV shows on the subject made it out to be). It's a battle between you and yourself. Repeat that until you get it.
That said, remembering that, go support the authors Cait hurt via link. They really need the boost to their self-esteem.
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doberbutts · 1 year
Honestly it's so baffling to me when people on this website claim that Misandry isn't real or men are all privileged oppressors and etc.
Like... I've been on this website for MANY years and I see, on a daily basis:
Jokes about how all men are awful at sex, don't know where the clitoris is, don't know where women urinate from, etc.
Jokes about men having small penises, being gross smelly neckbeards, and other types of body shaming
Posts about how men are all evil, violent rapists or that they will assault or rape someone with no hesitation if given the chance
Posts about how men are pedophiles, groomers, etc. for being interested in children's media or cartoons
Posts making fun of men for having "childish" hobbies like building legos, playing video games, etc.
Posts listing off dangerous, creepy things men do and the entire list is just different symptoms/signs of mental illnesses or learning disabilities
Literal posts about how men should all be eliminated/killed
I could go on and on. I almost lost one of my male friends to suicide because he had severe depression and started hating himself because EVERYONE was constantly reblogging posts about how awful/dangerous/evil men were.
Men DO face problems due to their gender, especially POC, trans, MLM, etc. men. They have basically zero resources if they're victims of abuse/assault/rape and in some places aren't even legally recognized as rape victims, are seen as disposable and not in need of protection and forced to do dangerous jobs, not to mention police violence against male minorities.
It's just so upsetting. I just wish people would be nice to each other and I don't understand why people act this way. It's not a black-and-white issue of "This group is full of dangerous monsters who need to be eliminated, and this group is full of innocent poor abuse victims and there is no nuance at all".
I'm sorry for ranting in your inbox about this, it just upsets me so much.
And, the problem is, some of these things are well earned by men who refuse to do better.
An ex of mine admitted sometimes he had a hard time finding the clit on past encounters with others and funny enough when I was like "bro how it's RIGHT THERE" he was like "stfu yours is HUGE it's unmissable ok of course I could find yours it's the first thing I saw when you took off your clothes they're not usually that big" which is how I got the first hint that I'm intersex. And in fairness some people are just very small- a trans guy I know has occasionally struggled when in an encounter with someone pre-T or no-T and it's effectively microscopic because that's just how that person's body works.
But I've also known cis men who genuinely think girls pee out of their vaginas [again, in fairness, lack of sex ed due to conservative christian upbringing + cis men do in fact pee out of their sexual organ so it's not that big of a logical leap to make], who don't understand literally anything about menses [again, all emissions from a penis are more or less controllable + the concept of uncontrollable bleeding from a penis for a week straight would have most guys in the ER + lack of sex ed], "what size pussy you wear" type dudes [which, again, for all penis-equivilant things, knowing the size does matter]... as well as women who are unsatisfied by their partners' performances and yet refuse to tell them.
I'm not on tiktok but one crossed my dash of a black guy saying he had no idea that when girls put their hands on his abdomen while he's having sex with them, it's because he's hurting them and they're trying to push him away, because of the angle there's just no leverage to actually push. He thought it was encouragement to go harder. His current partner explained it and he immediately felt so terrible thinking back on all the times he's unknowingly hurt someone for his pleasure. Communication is a two-way street, how was this man supposed to improve if his partners are not communicating "when I do this I want you to stop because you're hurting me"?
Yes, some men are just allergic to giving their partners pleasure, and are inherently selfish in bed. But, also, I myself have hard lines I draw and I'm not willing to cross them even if my partner really wants me to. And some of these lines *are* acts that are very common to find in most bedrooms. Again, communication- is he actually allergic to eating pussy because he thinks vaginas are inherently disgusting outside of when his dick's inside one and he doesn't think girls can orgasm, or is he just incredibly turned off by that act but is more than willing to experiment in other ways to bring his partner pleasure? One of these guys is a pissbaby and the other is just a dude with a boundary.
Big sigh.
Now that I am around men, cis men, more often, I find that like in everything there's nuance and perspective.
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selamat-linting · 8 months
There are millions of things that were once considered supernatural that have since been proven as scientific reality. Platypuses, for one.
At some point "I don't believe in the supernatural" becomes "Science has already discovered everything there is to be discovered".
Which is factually incorrect.
One could argue that space aliens are supernatural. They are also incredibly likely to exist, somewhere out in the infinite expanse.
You don't just believe that magic isn't real, you also believe that if something is real it cannot be magical.
In a world where children's laughter exists?
How silly of you.
maybe you should understand the context of what im writing first asshole. in my country, we have faith healers, people who say they can fix a stroke with a massage, people who believe the stars align someone's career and personality, people who claim they can double money with some chants and help from djinns, people who put graveyard soil on their competitors' shop. people who ate convince thousands of severely ill people to stop chemo treatments to drink prayer water. people who collect gemstones and call it magic then sell it to a high price for desperate people down on their luck. and sooo many grifters saying they could speak to the dead. that is the "magic" im talking about. where in the world did i refer to magic as a metaphorical descriptor for something beautiful?
"magic" in my life, is a code for grifters, people using the naivety, desperation, and grief of others to drain them of money, giving them false hope, or worse. you have no idea how many cases of parents that were misled by local witch doctors saying their kids arent actually dead forever in the woods, theyre just taken to the realm of invisible beings and will come back someday. or mentally ill people and neurodivergent kids literally tortured in an effort to exorcise ghosts and bad spirits. spiritual gurus sexually harrassing vulnerable women for cleansing/ritual purposes, or faith healers and mediums who realized they cant keep up the lie anymore so they started killing and raping their clients. do you want me to send you a fucking of all that news stories that happen in my country? my country doesnt need more magical thinking, we need scientific and secular education, and a conscious effort to get rid of those superstitions or else we'll be stuck praying to various entities and magic items instead of actively revolting and working together to make a better country.
also where the fuck did i say science has already discovered everything? im saying im a skeptic, that means i believe everything has a scientific explanation, but that doesnt mean science have already figured everything out nor that its free of criticism. i dont doubt i will die with the knowledge that we only know so little about the universe we might as well call ourselves cavemen.
also where the fuck did i bring up aliens you freak?
forgive me for assuming but, let me guess : you skim read my personal post and instantly paint me as a stuffy skeptic bro who adheres to reason and hates whimsy despite barely knowing me or my life. youre shadowboxing over someone you created in your head but youre convinced youre fighting me. well i may be wrong so i apologize beforehand
but anyway, i hope youre just a stranger who never reads this reply. if youre not, then you really should have read my pinned post before deciding to follow my blog or be my mutual. i already write it down there that im critical to any form of magical thinking and supernatural bullshit. leave my fucking blog if you cant handle it.
but no matter who you are, i hope you got scammed by a faith healer and had a botched suicide attempt after realizing youve fucked up your entire recovery process and lost all of your money and potential. or yknow what, cut the middle man. just kill yourself tonight. youre into magic right? you believe in those signs of the universe and lucky numbers stuff? cmiiw but if its true i hope you know that this is a sign from the universe to kill yourself.
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serpentandthreads · 2 years
Apparently I have hurt somebody's feelings by not hating the Christian religion with a burning passion and believing that the problem lies in hateful people who will say anything to justify their even more hateful action. Apparently people still think making assumptions about people based on a single post is somehow a great idea, so allow me to make some things clear. I've had an influx of new followers lately anyways, so best I get this out of the way.
Trigger Warning. I get personal here. If you don't like what I have to say, best you unfollow me.
• I grew up in a (mostly) Christian family. I have religious trauma from my mum's mum telling me that being bisexual is a mental illness, that people who wish to be openly lgbtq+ should have mandated therapy and that lgbtq+ people shouldn't have the right to marry. Don't even get me started on the nasty things my mum's dad has said about lgbtq+ people. Dealing with this as a teenager alongside untreated depression, social anxiety and adhd was traumatic, to say the least.
• That being said, I do not identify as a Christian. I do choose to study the Bible and accept Christian elements of folk practices from my region, simply because I don't see a reason to totally separate it. If it worked for the older folks then might as well go with it, but other people don't have to keep the Christian elements. There is no problem with incorporating your own religious views into folk practices.
• Studying the Bible has also left more room for perspective for me, as well as comparing what some Christians say is in the Bible vs what is actually in the Bible. I don't view myself as an authority on such topics nor do I believe I have the "only right translation". If I notice that there is absolutely nothing relating to what a person claims is in the text, then I point that out.
• I do not hate Christianity. I hate people who use Christianity or any religion to justify their hateful actions. Why do I not hate Christianity itself? I have put in time and effort into healing my religious trauma; because I know that just sitting with it and not resolving it does not do anything good.
• I believe there are Christians who set a better example of the religion than these hateful people. I believe that it is these people who are openly speaking out against hateful Christians who deserve a platform to speak on the religion. I do not believe it is impossible for Christians to deconstruct what was beaten into them and figure out how to be better people (and better Christians overall).
• How do I know there are Christians who set a better example? My grandparents on the other side of the family are the ones who showed me this. Both had gay uncles, and now my grandparents have multiple lgbtq+ grandchildren (including myself). They have shown us lgbtq+ kids nothing but love, support and acceptance. They have worked to go out of their way to deconstruct what the generation before them would have wanted them to believe on many topics. I have never met people their ages that have gone so far out of their way to understand people my age. Like anybody else, there is room for improvement still. At least they are trying. There are also the Christians and Christopagans outside of the family I have met who have also shown nothing that makes me think they are hateful Christians. If you haven't gotten to experience something like this... I'm sorry for ya. I hope you can one day.
• No religion, Christian or otherwise, it safe from shitty people. Modern people like to use their religious beliefs to justify hate and people from centuries before us liked to conquer and colonize. Christianity wasn't the first; it's just the one that does it the most in recent centuries.
With all of that being said, if this somehow bothers you... I'm not sorry. We all end up having our own experiences that shape our perspectives, and we all choose how to decide what we do and don't hate. I choose to take my experiences, seek to see if there is something beyond that and go from there.
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Not sure when you will see this ask (if is an ask at all) but one person said how the villains are humanized- in the context of how UA is too realistic and thus wouldn't expell Mineta or BK which I agree sort of I will go in details on that- I disagree on thr hunanized villains.
My opinion here. Keep in mind.
The villains in MHA dont have redeeming or positive qualities. I go as far as to say "LoV is found family" is bull. The villains have sad backstories but that's it.
"Poor shig....his backstory is awful" it is. But that's it. He never tried to conect or reach anyone else, not even villains (he sort gain LoV and later the meta army bc hori says so) we never saw him."off" the villain hours if I'm making sense.
The whole "Izu will save shig" is a responsability that falls only on Izu. Same wih Ochako.
They never show any positive quality. Hell, Toga is taking a drug AFO gave her knowing Shig is a meat puppet literally.
Dabi is so beyond saving that...I doubt even death can redeem him. Hell, he doesn't want to be saved or redeem. Hell, does Toga want that too?
As for UA...ok let me talk about Xmen for a hot moment. One thing I hate about Xmen is when they try to make some powers work in a realistic way. "Dude who can control fire would have health problems bc of that" I think the whole point of heroes is seeing them having cool powers and have an escapism...I don't want to read "Jean Grey has brain cancer bc of her power"
Now back to UA...I think UA (aside being a terrible written school) wants to he fantasy and realistic at the same time. Teachers have cool powers...but the students still do exams. It could work...if the intention of the school was clear.
Answer me this: Is Izu learning anything in UA?
I don't think so.
So UA letting BK run free and same to Mineta, while can be realistic (especially as BK is from a rich family) also harm the story. And if UA is to be "realistic" they would have addresed Mineta or BK.
Again my opinion.
I definitely agree that most of the villains aren’t as deep as people make them out to be. They’re kinda just destructive forces. Sure they got their backstories, but they’re pretty standard ones in the grand scheme of things. Now I don’t blame them for not wanting to reach out for help as it is society as a whole who failed them.
Twice and Himiko are the only ones I consider deep. Himiko’s a story about how mental illness (her quirk being the metaphor for it) can twist a person and if shunned rather than helped, they can lose themselves in their impulsive thoughts. Twice, as said by Hawks, is a good person. Out of everyone in the League, he cared the most about them. And that’s why he was willing to die for them. The world never gave him a home, in fact the world was responsible for shattering him even further than his own quirk did. The LoV did, and as such, he was willing to give his life for them because he genuinely cared about them. I will stand by the claim that Twice is MHA’s best written character. How the same author is able to write someone complex like Twice and someone so one dimensional like Katsuki is something that I’ll never understand.
Sorta related, but thing I will ask is does anyone really remember when Tomura and Spinner got close to each other? Cause to me it’s something that kinda came out of nowhere.
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sweaterkittensahoy · 1 month
hi i just want to say i love love love ur blog and thank u for all the info on “rad feminism”. although i very much believe in / support / LOVE feminism (of course!!!!) i wasnt really aware of the term but i do hear it thrown around a lot so i’m shocked to hear that this type of “feminism” is discriminatory towards transgender people. feminism should be the complete OPPOSITE of that. calling urself a feminist and forcing ppl into boxes is CRAZY.
So, here's a post I reblogged today that looks at how radfems and TERFs are doing shit on tumblr to try and indoctrinate people, and I just want to share that because there's further good information about their tactics.
The history of radfems is 100% wrapped in gatekeeping and control tactics. Very short history: Radfems were birthed out of second wave feminism. Up until that point, feminism was something pursued in the public sector most often by women who had the means and time to focus fully on activism. So, upper middle-class white women. There were BIPOC women in every aspect of feminism from the beginning, but due to socioeconomic factors and just plain old racism, those women were rarely listened to outside their own sphere of influence.
In second wave, BIPOC women had finally gained some upward mobility economically and socially that opened the doors to do more in the wider world of the feminist movement. When they went to the white women in charge of the movement and said, "Hey, we have supported and worked for your concerns for decades. Here are things that are especially affecting BIPOC women, and we would greatly appreciate the reciprocation of everything we've put into the movement.
To which the upper middle-class white women who had the power in the movement basically said, "No, those things don't affect us, so we don't care."
Out of this schism came a lot of white women who couldn't believe other women were "betraying" them by putting the needs of their communities ahead of what white women wanted. And that was the birth of radical feminism, the idea that anyone who called themself "feminist" disagreeing with these women were the enemy and had to be silence and stopped.
Several decades later, third wave feminism was able to really start discussing intersectional feminism where even if your concerns aren't mine, they are valid because you are speaking from an experience and a community I don't have. But we are all striving for human rights, dignity, and respect, so fighting for the rights of one woman is fighting for rights for all of us. Third wave isn't (wasn't? I'm not sure if we've actually rolled into fourth wave at this point) perfect. White Feminism is still an issue. Getting people who say they believe in the rights of all women to realize that means women they find fundamentally terrible deserve the same human rights is a problem. People wanting to put Western Feminism Ideals onto other cultures like Japan and the Middle East is a problem.
Meanwhile, Radical Feminists have built a walled-off city where they can all yell about how they're the truest and purest feminists and anyone who disagrees with them is mentally ill, or hates women, or is an abuse apologist. Amongst many other claims.
The difference between Radfems and Feminists is that Radfems don't want to bring in anyone who doesn't absolutely agree with them on every point. Feminists want to open the doors and welcome anyone trying to genuinely help all women achieve human dignity. It's not a perfect system. As listed above, there are issues in the movement to this day that will likely persist until the universe ends, but at the core of it, Radfems want total agreement and loyalty, and Feminists are seeking to build a community where we understand one another and support one another even if my problem isn't your problem.
The most important thing to remember, I think, is this: The number of radfems is actually pretty small. They're just fucking loud. And I think the reason they've gotten so loud is that more and more people are realizing their goals aren't to educate or help but to shame and control, and so they're getting louder about how they're the real victims and MUST fight back against people who disagree with them, whether directly or not because they're trying to "save" the "real" feminists. They're not trying to save anyone except themselves and the rest of their cult, and to hell with the rest of us. But, there's more of us seeking real community and care than radfems, so I think we'll win in the end. We just have to remember that we're in this together, and that keeping the door open to new ideas and information is a very powerful tool.
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whywoulditho · 2 years
a bunch of haikyuu headcanons i can't stop thinking about
i can't find the time to finish the manga so it lives in my head 24/7. *sigh* bear with my silly thoughts about these gay volleyball dorks
W: brief mentions of mental illnesses and eating disorders
Atsumu is dyslexic. (Bad at academics, gets the worst score in every test. Teachers usually understand so he doesn't fail his classes but he knows that volleyball's the only thing he's actually good at. So he tries his damn best all the time -to show that he's not so useless after all, he's good at one thing, at least. And yet, his brother is better than him at that thing too. I like the angst.)
Kiyoomi has OCD. (I'm actually just projecting myself but it's not my fault it fits him perfectly.) He was diagnosed when he was very little and has been going to therapy for as long as he can remember. I've seen a couple of articles about how in some Asian countries such illnesses have to be said in CV and resumes and people can face discrimination in employment because of them. Which made me wonder, could Kiyoomi have had a hard time getting into an official volleyball team? Could his long history with this incurable mental illness have gotten in the way of his career despite his talent? I think maybe his parents wanted him to get a college degree in case his volleyball career doesn't work out just because of this. And I think he was really scared too.)
Yamaguchi had an eating disorder in middle school and recovered throughout his high school years. (Tsukki might be stupid in many things but he's careful with this one. He reads about it online and tries to help. When Yamaguchi's parents are out for the night he invites him over to dinner to make sure he eats something. Yamaguchi says it's okay, he doesn't have to worry about it so much. Tsukki says shut up, he means I like spending time with you. He's getting there.)
Atsumu and Kiyoomi were married in the 2021 Olympics. Ushijima and Kageyama didn't know for like a week. (that's when they decided Kiyoomi would change the name on his Jersey lol)
After a whole year of travelling the world by himself, Nishinoya started feeling lonely —and scared, when he realised the world was bigger than he thought. If Asahi hadn't tagged along he would have given up and gone back home. But when he did, Nishinoya started enjoying travelling again. They stuck together since then,
Asahi proposed in Paris because they're silly and sappy and in love like that.
Suna and Komori are gossip besties. They talk shit about everyone in the V. Leauge. Osamu joins sometimes. Kiyoomi sells info.
Hinata is allergic to many things.
Atsumu claims he hates his brother but he takes all his teammates to eat dinner at Onigiri Miya three times a week.
Yamaguchi brings lunch to the museum for Tsukki. All the other staff there ADORE him. They're all surprised someone so nice like Yamaguchi is friends with Tsukishima Do Not Interrupt Me While I'm Lecturing About Tyrannosauruses Kei.
Kiyoomi is terrified of insects. (Atsumu wants to make fun of him for it but he's equally scared. Meian rolls his eyes and curses all his life choices as he mumbles "ok you can get off the table now, i threw the spider out" for the fifth time that week.)
Bokuto gives the best hugs. (He spins people around too, to Akaashi's horror. —"Please stop doing that in front of my coworkers, Bokuto-san, I have a reputation.")
Kuroo always interrupts Kenma's livestreams, unintentionally. It starts with a hand that slides a plate for him every five hours. Then there's a whisper yelling of "Eat your vegetables too, I made them with love, Kyanma, have some respect and eat your vegetables." which Kenma only responds with clearing his throat. There's distant chuckles coming from the background or Kenma yelling mid-game "Kuroo get off the net my connection's lagging!" Things like that. They don't say it to public but they don't try to hide that they live together either. (Kodzuken fans started a tag #thatguykodzuliveswith on twitter and they ship the two. Kuroo thinks it's hilarious.)
(This one's a bit sad) Iwaizumi and Oikawa were dating in high school. They were disgustingly in love, too. In their senior year, Oikawa applied for a bunch of teams but got rejected. Since he never made it to Nationals, his resume seemed dull and teams didn't want a rookie setter with no visible success. Among the teams that did accept him, the best one was Club Atletico San Juan, in Argentina. But as uncharacteristically as it may seem, Oikawa was hesitating. Over thinking about what would happen to their relationship, could they really make it work? Was it worth it? Iwaizumi saw right through him, of course he did, and he didn't want to hold him back from achieving his dreams. And like the dramatic idiot he is, he broke up with Oikawa. And did his best to break his heart, too. Oikawa boarded his plane and went to the other side of the world with nothing but anger in his heart for Iwaizumi. Iwa cried a lot, but he was sure that this was the best thing he could do for Oikawa, letting him go. (The next time they saw each other was in the Olympics. After the Japan vs. Argentina match Iwaizumi found him in the locker rooms. Oikawa punched him. They got back together. Or maybe they didn't. I don't know. I like breaking their hearts I like the angst.)
Kiyoomi pretends to hate kids but he gets along with them. (as long as they don't touch him so much they're pretty cool little humans) kids like him a lot. He's surprised too. (I'm projecting—)
Miyas' grandma loves Suna better than both of the twins.
Tendou dragged Ushijima to Disneyland and forced him to do all the stupid things there was with him. (He thought he was forcing him while Ushijima was actually enjoying the trip a lot.) (Also, the moment Tendou saw Ushi with Mickey ears and face paint was the moment he knew.)
Korai and Hirugami have been dating since their last year in high school, but they haven't told their families about it. Years later in Schweiden Adlers, Hirugami's older brother Fukuro is Korai's team captain. And Korai feels so guilty for secretly dating his brother that he can't even look at Fukuro in the eye. They hesitate whether they should tell him or not, and Korai is stressed tf out™ all the time thinking that soon captain's gonna find out and they'll kick him out of the team. And then, one day in a team dinner Fukuro turns to Korai and says, "This place's fish is great, you should take Sachiro on a date here someday, he'll love it." ...He's known the whole time.
Everyone is asexual because I am and I say so.
Atsumu and Kiyoomi are dog parents.
Kenma and Kuroo are cat parents.
Yamaguchi and Tsukki are bird parents.
Suga and Daichi are plant parents.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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abdlgossipblog · 4 months
"Right off the bat, hard dissagee with comparing the discrimination that LGBTQA+ folks face to the hate/lack of understanding that the abdl community faces."
I agree with you that the "discrimination" kinky people face is far less than trans and queer folks. But there is a significant crossover with the kink and queer communities, and the rhetoric used by conservatives is identical. Accused of being pedophiles, mentally ill, kicked out of families and living situations, lost jobs, lost children, lost wives and husbands, doxed on social media, sex work taken down. Talk to enough AB/DL's and many will admit their kink clearly developed during childhood, sometimes before puberty, and no amount of therapy stopped them from being kinky. They struggle to hold relationships with vanilla's. Many consider it to be a core identity.
Many arguments about kink not being like the trans experience often boils down to how much more discrimination the trans community faces, and I believe that argument is flawed, because we can't control discrimination from others. Just because we don't have alot of negative attention now doesn't mean that one day, a conservative lawmaker won't jump on some podcast and claim abdl's are pedos that deserve to be "taken care of". Conservatives love to crusade against "pedos". There are even a few examples of this.
Back in 2011 when an AB/DL appeared on Taboo and was investigated for SSDI fraud by a Republican senator from Oklahoma. In September, the Daily Caller did a piece on LGBT and AB/DL, interviewing a man that outright called the kink pedophillia. (https://dailycaller.com/2023/07/26/adult-babies-trend-lgbtq-community-fetish/).
AB/DL's are just on a slower path towards more widespread, systemic discrimination. It doesn't matter if we see kink as separate from queerness...because conservatives don't. We'll get sucked into the bigoted trans hate just like cis male drag queens. We've just been underground for so long that bigots haven't paid much attention to us. But the attention is growing, and our community needs to drop the internalized shame and defend kinksters in public before conservatives totally control the narrative. Don't let bigots turn your discomfort and doubt into discrimination. Don't let it get that far.
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donnerpartyofone · 2 years
I made the mistake (well, it had no consequences, but it was pointless!) of asking Quora how NPD is treated, because it's something I've always been curious about, and of course I got this long pompous answer from a "former consultant child psychotherapist" about how "mental illness" doesn't really exist, it's just a diversionary metaphor forced on the world of emotions by the medical industry, and also any psychology professional who claims to specialize in anything in particular "has lost their way". Like, I have long since realized that people use Quora almost exclusively to work out their own personal problems--I'm lucky I didn't hear from someone who tells me to "buckle up" for an answer in the form of a long story about how they hate their mom or whatever--but I still think there are ways of answering my question that could avoid troubling taxonomy issues.
What I was getting at was, for instance, when I was being treated for depression, we were really addressing my feelings of self-hatred and unworthiness--and not that that's EASY exactly, but in the grand scheme of things it's not so bad when a professional tells you that it's ok to like yourself more, to acknowledge your own virtues, and learn to treat yourself as a deserving person instead of punishing and depriving yourself all the time, and subjecting yourself to other people's abuses. I imagine that, on the other hand, if your problem is that you consider yourself way more deserving than everyone else, and you expect everyone to react to you with fawning admiration and loyalty no matter how you torture them, and you're mostly in pain because you can't understand why other people don't reflect back your grandiose fantasies about how superior you are...then what an honest therapist would have to say to you could be way harder to hear, than "you're BETTER than you think and you should give yourself MORE credit, etc."
I think about people I've known who were constantly weaving elaborate jerkoff fantasies about themselves and their personal importance, and how obvious it was that their problems were rooted in that difference between how they thought of themselves and how the world responded to them, and the elephant in the room with all their friends was always "Too bad we can't just tell X that they need to be less obsessed with themselves, and more considerate of other people, too bad they're making it really clear that facing that reality would send them to a rubber room--and anyone who has ever confronted them is immediately banished and shunned anyway." Like someone who is always obsessing over how everyone should worship them is not going to want to hear that their exact problem is that no one owes them worship. I'm thinking of my ex who used to absolutely lose his mind if he wasn't greeted at every door with bowing and scraping--even if the ones who failed to celebrate his arrival were animals or five year old children. I'm thinking of how he accused people who actually liked him of harboring secret insulting thoughts about him, just because they didn't grovel for him like peasants. I'm thinking of one night when we weren't even dating anymore, at about 4am, he chatted me a set of instructions for his funeral, which included loading his corpse into a space rocket to be shot into the sun; he was trying to position this as a way of completeting obliterating himself, like it was really humble of him to want to be annihilated like that, like this was not the single most expensive, ostentatious, attention-starved thing he'd ever dreamed up about himself in his whole pathetically narcissistic life. How do you tell THAT guy that he has narcissistic personality disorder, and that he'll be a lot happier when he stops believing he has to be the God of everybody? Surprising no one, Quora cannot answer my questions, but I'd still love to know.
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papirouge · 9 months
I’m from the us and I wonder if some of these more hardcore trad girls who wish we all lived in the 40s and 50s are aware that their idolization of 50s housewives is based on fake ads. So many women back then were either on drugs given to them by their doctor or hid their true feelings out of fear from their husbands because husbands back then were able to throw their wives into psychiatric hospitals for lobotomies if they had a mental breakdown over their lives or anything. Some girls were lobotomized just for being more free spirited and less like a “lady” and their families sent them to those hospitals. My grandma who lived through that time worked as a nurse had a lot of sad stories of meeting women who were trapped in abusive marriages, having kids they didn’t want and since postpartum depression wasn’t understood well, the “therapy” offered was electroshocks to the head or something else. And they knew that they would be thrown into mental hospitals and kept there until the doctor claimed those women were “cured” - there are other things I remember talking to grandma about before she passed, and while I like some of the aesthetics of trad living, there’s a lot of ignorance from young girls who don’t know the reality of what a lot of women had gone through back then :/ it’s not just sitting in a kitchen eating aprons and baking cake all day.
Well, I have nothing to add because you pretty much said it all, but overall I'm SICK of revisionist vision about womanhood and how women have been treated in recent History
You nailed it about 50s/60s housewives, but tbh I'm still seething about how some radfem try to rehabilitate 00s icon as some martyr of modern pop culture when they have done objectively awful things and that the way they've been treated by media can't solely be inputted on misogyny
Paris Hilton? the woman who infamously said lesbians were disgusting on tape and has an obsessive hate boner against Black men (there's this story floating about her saying she and Vin Diesel hooked up in a club and when she realized how 'dark' he was on more natural lights, dumped him💀)?
I wouldn't be surprised radfem would still defend her though, saying shit like "sHe wAs so YouNg" .....when homegirl was already in her 20s and that being young isn't an excuse for homophobia or racism 💀 Paris Hilton was quite awful in her peak (mid-late 00s) and she being antagonized by media was quite understandable actually. It was literally her brand. Zoomers who barely lived in that era have no idea of what they're talking about.
Her PR machine went OFF with that documentary about her abuse in that rich kids school and did an excellent job glossing over the many shady shit she did afterwards under the "disturbed rich girl" shtick....
I have second hand embarrassment watching (lesbian) radfem who bought into it and jumped on the rehabilitation bandwagon....
And TBH /unpopular opinion/ but I feel the same about Britney. Homegirl went off the rails after her In the Zone album, and as shady her family was, there was solid ground in putting her under tutorship (her erratic behavior, marrying that paparazzi guys, shaving her head, then assaulting journalists.... Regardless her -understandable- reasons for behaving like this (mental illness, mind control, etc.) those were valid ground to put under legal check, and I'm sick of people acting that there were some sort of mediatic conspiracy against Britney to make her fall out... Media harassment was just the nail on the coffin - she being overworked and controlled all her life was the main reason for her snapping like she did.
And don't get me started about Amber Heard stans acting like anyone supporting Johnny Depp has been brainwashed WHEN JOHNNY DEPP IS A LITERAL HOLLYWOOD ACTOR WHOSE STARDOM/FAME PREDATES THE INTERNET CONTAGION EFFECT PARTISANSHIP. If anything the general public supporting him instead of Amber is the organic status quo, and the only 'internet brainwashing ' was those viral tweet/Tiktok seeking to "expose" Depp and rally people to Heard's cause, which is a tactic that even Heard applaud , see :
Tumblr media
You see TikTok defending Depp so you start being on his side? "YOu'vE beEn bRainWashEd"
You see Tiktok defending Heard so you start being in her side? "THats sO rEasDurIng to rEad #thetideisturning"
I just loathe how flipflopping these people are when it comes to interpret turn of events depending whether it fits their bias or not.
Also people need to stop expecting another #freebritney moment whenever they think a woman gets unfairly treated by the media. Britney was America's sweetheart. No other female celebrity comes close to the impact and influence she got on a whole generation of girls, who later on became publicist, journalists, blogger, etc. and held enough mediatic leverage to make that movement happen. That's not going to happen for Heard who, beside wifing Johnny Depp, is a literal "who", and is nowhere near having the endearing aura of Britney (doesn't Heard have the reputation of behaving poorly with people? She spat on her assistant face when she complained about some stuff💀)
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autimind · 1 year
Myths about Autism #4 - Looking autistic
(with a side order of 'I don't hate people with autism.')
A dearly beloved aunt, who regrettably passed several years ago, flat-out refused to believe that I am autistic. Even after a full explanation of my struggles and diagnostic trajectory through the local mental healthcare system. I did not come across as autistic. She wasn't the only one.
Well, I say fair enough.
[long read. I won't discuss the actual myth. We are clear on that it is bunk. However, what should we now do?]
Let's talk about what autism looks like. Allistic people seem to have these amazing insights into what's going on in other people's minds basically on full-auto or at least they claim as much but for all I can discern they seem to judge inner workings of the mind by what the visible body does. They need our outward appearance in order to function.
What is autism? We know, dear reader, that autism is high, wide and broad. That it is called a spectrum does not mean that it behaves like the number line, not even like the complex plane. It is an insanely varied, multivariate affair. "If you have met one autistic, you have met one autistic," as the platitude has it. Yet autism is real. Although it does not exist as a thing, it is a valid label for a more or less well-defined manner of neurodivergent development. All of the divergence inside the brain is invisible, though. Can we fault the allistic people all around us for only looking at the conduct and mannerisms they do notice?
Society moreover has been and is ill-served by tropes mainly in entertainment but also in serious media. For a long time, autism basically equated Rain Man, from the eponymous movie starring Dustin Hoffman. I still find it ironic that the person who inspired the movie, the late Kim Peek, did not have autism at all but rather FG Syndrome. More recent is the example of Sheldon Cooper from The Big Bang Theory, who according to many people has Asperger's. It is interesting that almost no one judges his friend Amy Farrah Fowler in the same way as she shares many of his characteristics.
Again I ask can we fault allistic people their bafflement when we come out, so to say, as autistic? By far most of us aren't Sheldon Coopers and certainly a vanishingly small minority of us are even like Rain Man.
I tend to empty a box of matches onto the desk when speaking as an expert by experience to professionals. I give them three seconds to tell me exactly how many matches are visible and of course they always fail. Given proper experience, an estimation might of course be given but I tell them the exact answer. After everyone has had the time to be amazed at my 'autistic feat', I explain that I personally counted the matches before putting them into the box that very morning.
This is my way of upending their own cultural ideas on autism. Returning to my point, I really don't think we can blame allistics all that much. Cultural inertia on top of normal human cognitive laziness makes it hard to take on new and contra-intuitive notions.
Quite frustratingly, rather a lot of allistic people, once you have told them, still exclude us while saying they don't dislike autistics/autism. A good example would be.. well, almost everyone I come across. Basically everyone commiserated with me when I became open about my diagnosis and vowed to help and understand. They can't but they aren't aware of that particular disability. It is not their fault.
The point here is that they do keep responding negatively to an impressive array of ingrained traits. Stimming in the form of feet tapping of knee bouncing (my own go-to stim), data dumping about my SPINs, correcting vague or incorrect language, taking vocal utterances literally and so on and so forth. Really now, I am not much bothered about specific word choice but it is not okay to just hold on to your preconceived notions when an actual human explains their own mental state or makes a half-way reasonable request.
Those preconceived cultural notions do exist and they do cause harm. All of this creates much frustration and anger among autistics. This is easily visible during even a cursory inspection of #actually autistic and like tags. There is so much pain! People are crying out in sheer endless reblogs, venting and sometimes even ranting about the unfair position we have in society, especially if we are also non-white, female or belong to yet one more disadvantaged or non-privileged group. The amount of anger, sometimes even rage, on this forum is simply staggering. I have run afoul of it myself, mostly for responding to some post without thinking and naively assuming I was really helping. I have hurt other people's feelings.
It would be fairly easy for me to now wax eloquent about how I was misunderstood, that from my own blog it was crystal clear that.. and a dozen other excuses. I simply say this: I am sorry. However, we still have to do something. I strongly feel that venting to eachother is all well and good but if that is all we do, things will not get better. In that case, venting becomes just a way of blowing off steam before going right back to that very same society that can be so hurtful and indifferent.
It would be a grand thing indeed if I had all the answers at this point and I don't. I do have one answer. What I propose will sound cruel to some. I will put yet another responsibility in the autistic camp. Yet more adapting to do when allistics just breeze through their lives. (They don't, but never mind that. I understand the feeling.) Still, on sober reflection we will have to admit that this responsibility is already solidly on our side for the very simple reason that no one will do it for us. We may just not have been aware of it.
I am talking about actively regulating our own emotions in general and making space for negative feelings in particular. If we manage to pull that off, we can just be with frustration or sadness for a while and allow it to process itself. I know first-hand how impossibly vague and wishy-washy new agey that sounds. I also know first-hand the awesome power of such a skill if you can see it from the inside.
At least we will have control. To some extent. We will be responding from strength, not from weakness. We will be secure in ourselves, not beaten this way and that by the breaking waves of the ocean of demands and impulses of this life. We will know deep in our being that we are always welcome in the present moment. We will understand viscerally that emotions are not self, thoughts are not self. They may influence us but they are not us.
Will that make us feel better? Maybe. After a while. Unpleasant emotions and thoughts will not suddenly vanish. But it will help. For details, see my series on Reconnecting to our authentic selves.
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etansel · 1 year
Didn't one of the people that used his likeness and was "presueing a minor" literally have a mental illness? Like D.I.D or something
I'm not sure of the tone on this ask. I believe so, yes. We had a lot of people reaching out to us privately and publicly saying this person did not have the diagnoses they claimed to. However, I cannot speak to that. I don't know them and I don't want to speculate. But having a mental illness diagnosis doesn't make someone's actions, or inaction, in a situation ok. It explains the behavior but doesn't excuse it.
There were a few things they were doing that Evan wasn't ok with his name and face being attached to. He reached out privately to the person but they got really defensive and tried to frame him publicly as ableist which just isn't true. It certainly wasn't the place he was coming from when he reached out to them.
It's a tricky thing because we understand that this isn't something that's controlled. But on the other hand, it's his legal name and face on an account with a very large following. We know this person was not really Evan, and I'm sure most people could deduce this as well. But our place of work will not know the difference. If someone is doing something that can effect us irl then I'm sorry but we can't just ignore it and hope nothing comes of it.
This person's attitude towards his request was pretty much screaming insults, making threats and demands, and essentially telling Evan that 'that's not my problem'. There was no compromise to be reached because this person saw it as an insult and an attack rather than taking a step back to try and understand where Evan was coming from. It's his real name and face. And the stuff this person was posting, saying, doing as Evan Jennings, could really hurt Evan irl. This stuff can have very real life consequences for us unfortunately.
Evans irl last name is not used in emh. His irl last name was added to the wiki after fans found his facebook and fans applied his irl last name to the character. The character never had a last name. To try and stop this from happening again in the future, it was decided to give the character Evan a canon last name; similar to how Vinnie's character is Vinnie Everyman. He made a poll on Twitter to allow other fans to help pick the last name and it was overall really well received. The canon name is Evan Myers. We see a lot of fans, systems, and other people using the character name now which I think benefits everyone.
I still see an occasional post here and there saying it was poorly handled on Evan's part. We definitely do not have the knowledge or experience to really claim to understand DID and maybe it was partially ignorant on our part. But again, there are reasons why Evan reached out. It wasn't from a place of hate but of concern for his/our irl existence. Our livelihood. I don't think it's fair to label someone ableist when the situation involves a person's irl likeness. We must be able to retain some autonomy in a situation that literally involves and can effect ourselves.
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