#I die everytime I think I could never experience this
arabellalark · 1 year
"paraselene woman, i'm your man on the moon."
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kuromiiyuuu · 4 months
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"Forgive me." part ii, jjk men.
-in which you make up after a fight. part i.
toji, satoru, and nanami. (f)
genre, warnings. fluff, just pure fluff this time | none! |
notes i. so many of you requested for part two since the first one was just pure angst, so here it is, also wish me luck on my exams!
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Toji. Rain is like a gentle symphony of tiny, rhythmic drumbeats. Each droplet dances and caresses the world, creating a soothing melody as it kisses the ground. The air carries a fresh, earthy scent, and the sound of raindrops provides a tranquil experience, turning the surroundings into a serene, tactile sensation.
You got out of the car where tension started to build up, not caring about the rain and how you were drenched from head to toe when you got inside your home. it was fine, you can manage being a little soaked. you closed the front door behind you with slight force, your face muscles weren't relaxing, you were still upset.
how could you just forget about the things he said? it hurted you. and you didn't even hear a single sorry from him.
you scoffed at the thought, taking your soaked coat before hanging it on the hanger.
your heels clicking against the floor as you make your way to the kitchen. giving little attention to the drop of temperature in the room. grabbing yourself a glass of water and drinking it.
"you should go shower." that deep voide of his that makes you feel like you're drowning everytime, made you gulp the liquid in your mouth hard.
"leave me alone." you bite at him, placing the glass of water on the counter with a little force indicating you were still angry, "jerk." you mumbled.
about to pass your boyfriend to head to your bedroom, you were stopped by his arm gripping on your upper arm. you looked at him with a slight widened eyes, "let go of me."
"no." toji simply refuses, you clicked your tongue followed with a glare towards him.
there was a pause, you were waiting for him to say the words. to say he didn't mean anything he said back there. but it never came, the only thing that came was his lips pressing against yours.
you instantly pushed him away by pressing your hands against his chest, "get off me."
"y/n." his voice, it was soft. not the usual sacrastic and smug tone he always has. for once it was serious and soft, it was almost as if you can feel his voice, it was gentle, "I'm sorry."
whenever fighting with toji, it's a heck of a fight for sure. he was never the guy to admit he's wrong or say sorry first, so right now... it was a first, this was the first time he ever crossed the line by yelling at you in public but also, this was the first where he apologized first.
your lips met in a tender dance, a convergence of shared emotions. Time seemed to pause, allowing the delicate exchange of feelings to unfold. The kiss held a symphony of sensations – a mixture of softness, warmth, and the subtle electricity of connection. In that fleeting moment, the world around them blurred, leaving only the intimate exchange of a promise, a whisper of shared passion that lingered in the air.
toji backed away slightly before looking right into your eyes, there was a pause before you spoke, "for once you lost a fight."
"well... it's better than losing you."
Satoru. he was never the man you can ever think of being faithful to one woman. before you he was a lost playboy, everyone knew that old habits never die and that's exactly the situation of your boyfriend.
you have been beating up yourself by tolerating such a man like himself. now it was the after math of the fight, both of you standing in front of each other with mere inches seperating you both from touching each other. his eyes held great longing in them and mostly guilt to whatever he has caused you.
he knew you didn't deserve it, he was a fucking waste of time and you... you needed something better, "I'm sorry, baby."
who was he kidding? he was gojo satoru, if you deserved someone better then, he'll be better.
"I know I fucked up, but stay with me until I completely fix myself." He says, this was never the things old satoru would say, he only thinks for his self, he didn't care if one judged his being, he didn't care what others simply think, he was his own person but now, he want nothing than to fix your thoughts of him after seeing how hurt you were because of him.
you loved him and it was the rare kind of love. you accepted the boy in all kinds of way, in his different kind of shapes.
"until when, satoru?"
he paused, he sees your eyes building up with tears again and he feels his knees getting weak because of them, "until our last breath."
your eyes widened, a tear leaving the premises of your eyelids without permission just like that.
"stay with me, let's find all the answers to all of our hows."
that single sentence took your breath away and before you knew it, his hand goes up to your cheeks before holding both sides gently. your heart completely surrenders in his sorrow.
As the evening unfolded its quiet embrace, you found solace in a shared intimacy. your foreheads gently leaned against each other, creating a bridge between two worlds. In that simple touch, a fusion of tenderness and understanding emerged, an unspoken language of affection. Time seemed to stand still as you both reveled in the quiet connection, finding comfort in the shared warmth that emanated from the closeness of your foreheads touching, creating a moment suspended in the gentle cadence of their love.
Nanami. the blonde man watches your back facing him as you sat on your side of the bed, he takes off his tie before placing it on his bed side table, his eyes not taking off of your figure.
his heart constantly breaking at this sight of you, you were right there, yet you felt so far away. he sighs, he messed up, he literally messed up badly.
he can see the way your shoulders move, the usual movement of the shoulders whenever someone is sobbing. he can hear the quiet sniffles of your nose you wanted so bad to keep quiet but he still can hear it. he can't forgive himself, not when he made you like this.
"my love?" he calls out softly, his voice sweet and gentle. showing no signs of hurting you.
you don't reply to him, instead, he gets a sob in reply. you couldn't hold it in, you were hurting and keeping quiet was just too hard. not when you're balling your eyes out without making a sound, it was something to be applaud of.
"I'm deeply sorry for our fight earlier, I crossed the line." he explains, his eyes still on your figure no matter what, "I'm willing to fix it with you again, I know we always do."
your figure sits up from the bed, your legs hanging from the side of the bed with your back still facing him and still crying, "you pained me, nanami."
he swore he heard his heart completely shattering, and before you knew it. he was already crouching in front of you.
Under the weight of your words, his eyes, once sharp and guarded, softened. The hardness that had lingered in his gaze melted away, replaced by a vulnerability that mirrored the tenderness in his heart.
it was as if a curtain had been drawn back, revealing the depth of his emotions, and in that moment, his softened eyes spoke volumes, conveying a silent understanding and a willingness to open up to the connection you both shared.
"I'm sorry, it hurts me to know that you're hurting because of me." he says in a gentler way, afraid he might hurt you again.
"You're a big meany." you say, wiping your tears away along with a hit on his buff chest, trying to make yourself feel better.
he laughs softly, grabbing your small hands in his large ones before placing it right on his cheeks enjoying the warmth coming from your own skin, the way your skin felt so soft against his, it felt so right.
"I deserve the most painful punishment in this world." he says, your puffy eyes finally looks back at his, "because I pained you. remember my love, it is you I can not sacrifice."
words in the fight he didn't mean, but right now, as both of you connect to the passion you both had. he meant those words more than anything in the world, and that is what you should be taking in.
as your arms entwined, it felt like a seamless fusion of warmth and connection. The embrace was a silent language, conveying emotions that words struggled to capture. In that moment, the world outside faded, leaving only the comforting embrace of shared vulnerability.
The gentle squeeze held promises of understanding, solace, and an unspoken promise to weather life's storms together. It was a sanctuary in a single gesture, where two souls found solace in the simple act of holding each other close.
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catmelonwriting · 1 month
the fic of aku and chuuya where the reader has bulimia was so good omg :,)
as someone who also suffers from bulimia i found it so so comforting
if possible could i please request another one with dazai, nikolai and poe <333
please remember to take care of yourself!! <3
More BSD Men with a bulimic! Reader
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Warnings: Bulimia, vomit type purging, Nikolai is ignorant, Nikolai spoon feeds you, Nikolai in general, I really fucking hate Dazai so I'm a little mean in his part, reader is not underweight b/c this is based on my experiences
Characters: Dazai, Nikolai, Poe
A/N: this is my first time ever writing for poe and I do not think I nailed his character but yk it's chill.. also I don't really like this I think the only one I really did good was Chuuya in pt 1
Part one here
- I'm so sorry 4 this but he probably thinks ur pathetic..
- Thinks bulimia is gross IM SORRY
- He won't try and stop u till his DUMBASS is informed by Fyodor that Bulimia, especially vomit + laxative purge types are very very very dangerous!!
- A sick part of him wants to encourage you to continue so if you die he'd feel free but ofc he pushes that away and won't encourage you
Catching you purge
You two had just finished eating dinner on your couch when you promptly excused yourself to the bathroom. He looks up at your standing form with suspicious eyes, but doesn't say anything and lets you wander off towards the bathroom.. just until he hears choking and coughing coming from your shared restroom.
You let out a gasp of surprise as you hear the bathroom door open with a loud bang. Fuck, did you really forget to lock it? You pull the end of your toothbrush out the back of your throat and turn around to face your loving boyfriend with tears in your eyes, who had a look of pity on his face.
He groans in exasperation, "Dove.. didn't I tell you to stop doing that?" He asks, his time filled with faux sympathy as he picks the toothbrush out of your hand, placing it back in the holder. All you can do is sigh.. he just didn't get it. "Kolya, I wish it was that easy, but it's not. It's really, really not."
"Oh please, excuses excuses." He mutters, pulling you to your feet before closing the toilet lid and flushing your dinner down the drain. "C'mon, let's get you some more food." Pulling you out of the bathroom by the arm, he drags you to the kitchen and sits you down on the floor.
"Kolya.. no.. I don't need anything else. I don't want anything else." You grumble while he digs in the fridge and pantries. "Well, you just threw up all the nutrients I gave you.. so we gotta get at least a little bit more in you." He smiles, sitting down in front of you with his legs crossed. He placed a bowl of applesauce in front of you, lifting up the spoon to your mouth. "Say aahh.." he giggles, and you begrudgingly open your mouth.
Once the bowl is finished, he places it in your sink and looks down at you with a serious edge in his eyes. "Now.. bathroom is off limits for.. let's say an hour. Cmon, I'll tuck you in."
- such a sweetheart omg :(
- holds you in his lap with his arms everytime you try and scurry off to your bathroom after a meal
- unlike nikolai he WILL stop you before you even get the chance to throw up
Stopping you from b/p
He had just finished cooking dinner and had placed your portion in front of you, before sitting across from you and staring down at his own meal. Poe had never eaten much himself.. but tried to start eating more to be a good example when you told him about your 'mia.
You wanted to cry. You knew you were either going to shove this all down your throat in five minutes or you weren't going to eat any of it, and you knew he knew. "My love.." He starts, his voice soft. "Can you try? Just a small bite?" He mumbles, reaching across the table and piercing a piece of broccoli on your fork, holding it up to you.
You took a deep breath, and took the fork from him, placing the food in your mouth. You tried, so, so hard. You placed the dirk down while you were chewing, making sure to go slow and take your time tasting the food.
Slowly, with his help, you finished your meal in what you two would call a normal length, around fifteen minutes, but everything inside of you told you to runaway towards the bathroom, stick the back of a toothbrush down your throat and rid yourself of all these calories. "I'll be right back, Ed." Clearing your throat, you stand up and walk towards the restroom.
You heard him sigh and his hand caught your arm, causing you to turn around and face him. You let out a huff as he pulls you down onto his lap, his arms wrapping around your waist and keeping you there "I know what you're going to do." His voice was soft, and gentle, you hated & loved it at the same time. It comforted you but it also made you feel so.. small, like you can't take care of yourself.
All you could find yourself able to do was lean into his touch, muttering a thank you while you rest your head on his chest.
I fucking hate him so much I want him dead I hope the next attempt works Dazai
- Another IGNORANT man although this time he'll probably try and act like he cares
- bro probably threatens to tie you to the bed to stop you from binging
- "You can't ruin your perfect physique by binging, 'donna." Little does he know that does NOT help
- He'll say similar things about purging though too so it's fine
- "Shouldn't purge either. You're gonna screw up that pretty little throat and then I can't use it for .. other things."
Catching you binge
You were on the kitchen floor, stuffing your face with the pan of brownies you had made last night. You had already downed a bottle of milk, a loaf of plain bread, dry oats shoved into your mouth by the handful, anything you could think of. You wanted, no, needed, as much as you could get.
You jump as you hear a key turn in the front door, followed by the door opening and closing before Dazai stood above you, a look of disappointment on his face, and was that.. disgust? You knew people thought bulimia was disgusting, but him? Really? Your loving boyfriend?
"Okay, bella. Let's get this cleaned up." He sighs, pulling you to your feet. You were frozen, you just stood there as tears welled in your eyes from the humiliation and guilt. You needed the throw up. You pushed past him and sprinted towards the bathroom, only to be caught by the waist halfway there.
"No, no, no." He tuts, pulling your back against his chest. "There's no need for that. Remember what I said about needing that throat to be ready? Yeah, it's not gonna be if you're vomiting." He looks at you with a sickly sweet smile and all you wanted to do was collapse on the floor and sob but his arms kept you there.
Eventually, he pulled you down onto the floor with him so you sat on his lap as he whispered sweet nothing's in your ear, while you cried wishing you could just vanish.
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heartfullofleeches · 11 months
not to be crazy but i think the first time his darling called him “husband” during sex clover came immediately and then spent like 20 min crying about it
[suggestive/very light smut, minors begone]
"Clover - you coming to bed soon?"
"In a moment, dear. Just finishing up."
The magician waits for the settle of the bed as you lay back down before snipping the excess string of the stitching over his heart, picking up a roll of bandages as he places the medical scissors in hand on the counter. He wraps the gauze around his torso twice over with a third binding for good measure. It really was a hassle, more nights than before now considering he had a lover. Nothing Clover had tried was able to seal the wound. Stitches of various patterns, patches and whatever cut of cloth deemed viable- all bled through by that eternal infliction within his heart. The only functional stopper was the dagger that had done him in. The ghastly sight disgusted him before, but now it only reminds him of how times had changed for the better.
Though his heart had been torn to shreds in the physical sense, it and his broken soul had been mended by the simple comfort of another to share his bed with. Clover wipes at the mirror, staring deeply at his reflection. A man once without a love now a beast with so much he'd die for good at its lost. How could such a face catch the eye of someone as magnificent as you?
Somwhere, his ears catch the faint rustle of fabric. Clover's eyes dart to the bathroom door as an article of clothing hits the tile.
"What a spacious bed. If only I had a certain rabbit to take up some of the room."
"Ah - I'll be there shortly, my love." Clover gathers up his supplies and crams them into the medicine cabinet before dropping to pick up the fallen cloth. His face burns red; fur frizzled as he smoothes the soft fabric in his hands realizing it to be your underwear. The rabbit hops to his feet, flicking off the bathroom light as he barrels into the bedroom. You sit up as he makes his way over to the bed, pressed back against the headboard as his lips meet yours - fingers gripping the hip of your night shirt.
You giggle, roused to laughter by his fluff as he kisses at your neck. "If I had known this was going to be your reaction, I would've done that sooner."
Clover freezes like a deer in headlines; ears twitching with a nervous tic. "I.. I'm sorry, did I keep you waiting too long? A-am I going too fast? This is all so new and I suppose all the excitement just makes me a little..."
Clover yelps as you bring your hands up to his face. " I'm just messing with you. There's no rush, Clover so just take it easy."
The rabbit melts as your warm thumb strokes over his cheek. How serene every waking second with you was. His ever present fears and anxieties washes right away spending mere seconds in your arms. Clover sighs, placing a palm over your left - tracing the cold metal wrapped around your finger.
"I'm aware, it's just... being with you is such a wonderful experience, Angel. I'd hate for there to be any reason you didn't feel the same."
"If I didn't, I probably wouldn't be sitting here half naked in your bed. Now, you gonna kiss me again or -"
You didn't need to tell Clover thrice. Clover kisses you, gently lowering his weight atop you as he supports your back with one hand. You help undo his belt as he rolls your shirt up to your chest, marveling at your breathtaking image through lidded eyes. He could never find himself getting used to the sight - falling in love all over again everytime you give him more to behold.
Clover whines into your chest, squeezing the back of your neck as he presses in deep. He fancied himself the type to treat his love as the treasure they were, but finally having you in his grasp he couldn't control himself. He swore another night he'd give you everything you do deserved. A dreamy smile spreads across his face your fingers lock together. You weren't technically wed just yet, but how he heart leapt being able to claim you as his spouse now. In the dead of night, the word slipped from his lips as you held each other dear. It was magical.
Clover rocks into you slow, cherishing the heat your body gives as he imagines the night of your official commune. Holding you - like this, hours after your vows of everlasting devotion. He'd lean in, whispering ever so softly. "What has someone like I done to desire a spouse as wonderful as you?'
Clover flushes. He didn't mean to say that aloud. To his surprise, you lock your arms around his neck sporting a dazed smile of your own - stealing his heart for the billionth time as you speak.
"Dunno. What did I do to get such a loving husband?"
"H-husband?..." His ears fall flat; a whimper caught in his throat as tears cloud his vision. Your husband - him. It was too much to bare. An angel, his dear gift from above - choosing him of all beings. His spouse to have, to love, to...
"F-uck..." Clover pants, gripping the sheets as he bottoms out inside you, spilling deep as he buries himself in your warmth. He fucks lazily into you, energy spent - but determined to ride his high to completion. He shutters, pulling out as he picks his tired body off of you. The euphoria fades, and shame overtakes as his cum leaks out onto the satin sheets.
"Stars, I... I usually don't- I didn't mean to- I was going to pull out I just-"
Clover gasps - tearducts reaching compacity as he throws himself towards the end of the bed covering his eyes. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I'm an awful husband. I don't even deserve to be the one who can call you his spouse."
You shoot up from the mattress as he wails, throwing a comforting arm over his shoulder. "Clover - Clover, it's okay. Don't say that about yourself over something like this."
Clover wipes at his eyes. "But... but, I failed you as a husband...."
"No you didn't. You just got a little excited, that's all. I love you, Clover - and this doesn't change anything."
You press a kiss to his tear soaked fur as Clover brings his hands down to his chest. Moments like this remind him of one of the best things about being married. Loving your soul mate through faults and all. Yours only made you more perfect in his eyes. He wondered if it was the same for you.
Clover rubs his nose against your hand. "S-still... I feel bad. Is there anyway I can make this up to you?"
"There's nothing for you to make up for, but if you really want to..." His eyes widen as you guide his head between your thighs, throwing a leg over his shoulder. "I think here would be a good start."
Clover paws at your thighs, gripping them to pull you closer to his face as tongue licks at your sex and his release. Here was a much better placement for him and he prayed with all his tattered heart you'd be able to take all that he was so willing and eager to give.
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louislovesdilfs · 6 months
this is a Doctor who fanfic, it's almost like a big experiment that I'm doing with a lot, LIKE A LOT, of theories or headcanons in it, crucial to this story (not all of them but whatever). I will put every source I use in this fics and if this series continues they will be A LOT. today's source tho it's just one @/whynotjohnlock I took something from them so thank you for the informations. There are some "uncanny valley" references but I tried to explain them as best as I could, let's just say it's full of nerd stuff and it will only get worst :)
pairing: 9th Doctor x reader (will eventually become 10th later on.)
English is not my first language so I apologise for the mistakes.
The street Y/n is walking in makes him nauseous, he saw that street so many times...the buildings, the houses, the people...all the same all the time, it's like living a nightmare: 20 years always in the same place with the same faces and the same dreams, dreams that not even he can believe.
Y/n lights up a cigarette letting the smoke fill his lungs and brain, it's poisonous yet it feels so good, the way his brain gets dizzy everytime the smoke gets in his body it's what he needs, it's the best feeling he can get in that small town somewhere.
He looks at the too familiar place with dead eyes, not even an emotion, maybe disgust for the place, he knows he will die in the same house he grew up in, like all the people in that fucking place, he will die sad and alone like his father before him, and the father of his father; lonliness and bad behaviour run strong in his family, as much as he hates it he is his parents' son, he has the same destructive, hot tempered and maybe pessimistic side of his father but the horrible, pathetic, useless kind heart his mother had..great woman his mother, always there to help the others until one day she helped the wrong person.
The street is looking as he remembers except for a tiny little detail, there's a phone box hidden in an alley, he has seen that alley a million times before but that blue box? it appeared from no where, almost a glitch in the matrix, he thinks; he's such a nerd.
Y/n steps closer carefully looking in case the owner is around, he feels the blue wood on his fingers genlty caressing it with his right hand, it's almost like the blue box can feel it, Y/n can swear he saw it light up for a tiny second. He steps away shaking his head, the door of the box is locked, he does take a picture tho, unusual to see something like that, it brought up feelings Y/n forgot he had.
"and who are you?" A voice behind him makes him flinch for a second, he never heard that voice before, Y/n turn around trying to go back to his stern look rather than the curiosity that made his face soften making him look like a kid.
"Is that yours?" Y/n asks crossing his arms, the man is wearing a big leather jacket and he's almost bald with a really noticeable nose, but overall he looks attractive Y/n has to be honest with himself
"answering a question with a question?" The man smirked in a sort of cheeky way, not arrogant even if it seemed that way
"avoiding to answer the question?" Y/n shot back tilting his head slightly, the man was a bit taller than him, probably much older, his eyes were at least, to the point where his face didn't match them.
"that is mine" the man answered in a calm tone, he looked weird tho, he didn't fit in properly, he was an english guy with a northern accent owner of a blue box in a hidden alley. Y/n looks at him suspiciously, his mind racing trying to think about what could be in that blue box, the most stupid reason comes to his mind but it's too late to stop his own mouth.
"what do you hide there? drugs? It won't take long for someone to notice it, it's a small town people talk." Y/n says looking around the alley but apparently there was nobody except for them, the man looks at Y/n puzzled and then speaks
"will you talk?" he asks waiting for an answer, Y/n raises his eyebrows, he was so weird, yet fascinating.
"no.." Y/n answers unsure looking between the man and that blue box
"great then, see ya" he says entering the blue box, but he leaves the door open, Y/n looks around the box, he hears noises coming from inside, he takes a look not sure what to expect but anything was better than the usual.
The blue box was bigger on the inside, Y/n couldn't believe his eyes, he steps in rapidly scanning the place and taking information, he processes everything as fast as he can but he feels his mind about to explode; the man is going around the console pressing buttons untill he notices the young man and smirks
"do you always come in when you're not invited?" he asks looking at Y/n with the same smug face as before
"do you always leave the door open for strangers?" He answers back quickly, too busy wondering around with his eyes to pay attention to the man
"this is the TARDIS, Time And Relative Dimension In Space" he explains crossing his arms and leaning on the console
"I was going to say bigger on the inside but.." Y/n starts to walk around biting his lower lip to think "maybe pocket dimension, this TARDIS is probably on another plane of existence or does it expand this one?" Y/n asks but wasn't waiting for an answer he just keeps thinking stopping sometimes humming a bit and then keeps talking
"if it travels in the fourth dimension, commonly known as time then it has the ability to change its weight and size...even appearance" he kept going mostly talking to himself
"it needs an incredible amount of power...a star maybe, a black hole even if less likely..fascinating tho, this can't be human and neither can you" He turns to the man who had a surprised look rather than a smug one, even a little bit amused by the man wondering around his TARDIS
"almost like uncanny valley just less scary I guess, my brain recognised you as an human being, yet something about you seemed off even if I couldn't recall what was it," Y/n affirms tilting his head to the side, that's what he always does when he's pointing out or suspecting something or at least that's what the man in the leather jacket noticed about him.
"so, what's your name?" he finishes getting closer to the man
"The Doctor" he answer with a tiny smirk crossing his arms in front of Y/n
"Doctor who?" Y/n asks raising his eyebrows, 'The Doctor' chuckles, he heard that question a lot Y/n thinks,
"just The Doctor" He says smiling at Y/n, a wide smile impressed by the younger man knowledge
"apparently you don't need me to explain how the TARDIS works.." he says while Y/n shrugs
"I failed physics 4 times, I know it by heart now" he explains in a low tone as if someone else could hear him and call him a nerd.
"you want to see it in action?" The Doctor says pressing some buttons as Y/n tryes to play it cool and hide the excitement
"is that even a question?" he just says screaming internally, finally something different, he can't believe he is leaving that small town, this can't be real, he might have bumped his head and now he's in coma.
"where are we going?" Y/n asks still focusing on the Doctor's movement, which buttons he presses and when, he can almost feel the levers and buttons under his fingers, he wants to drive the TARDIS, just to know how it feels like.
"anywhere you li-" as The Doctor tries to finish the sentence the TARDIS shakes making both of them fall to the ground, Y/n bumps his head as he groans in pain raising his hand to reach his head.
As the TARDIS stops Y/n stands up still holding his head massaging it and then turns to The Doctor with a stern look
"who gave you the licence, a fucking monkey? no not even a monkey, they would drive it better!" Y/n complains but the other man doesn't listen to him, instead he steps outside with a courious look on his face, Y/n follows him mumbling things under his breath
"we're in London?" he says looking around, Y/n scoffs
"anywhere in time and space and you bring me in London...in 2005!" he whines following the man in the city, Y/n clearly doesn't fit in, with his earrings and general piercings he looks like the lost member of the Tokyo Hotel however he tries to let the weird looks from the people slide for now,
"I didn't bring you here, the TARDIS brought us here for some reason," The Doctor answers
From that moment on things happen, they meet Rose,she's great and Y/n likes her. they fight with mannequins and a disgusting looking thing, Mickey is there too, not as great as Rose but whatever. It's time to go, Y/n knows the Doctor wants to take Rose with him, something is going on, it's clear in their eyes. Mickey is hiding behind a pallet, pathetic, Y/n thinks but doesn't say anything about it.
"a lot of good you were" Rose says looking at the man who's leaning on the TARDIS doorway, Y/n is outside, watching the scene carefully, his bleeding due to scratches on his face he tried to clean them with a tissue but that's what he gets for starting a fight with mannequins.
"Nestene Consciousness? Easy" he says with a smug smirk, Rose and Y/n let out a scoff
"you were useless in there, you'd be dead if it wasn't for me"
at the end of it Rose runs in the TARDIS, The Doctor smiles widely running to the console, even Y/n let's out a little smile looking at Rose, letting her know he's happy she came with them.
"Right then, Rose Tyler, you tell me. Where do you want to go? Backwards or fowards in time. It's your choice. What's it going to be?" The Doctor asks turning to Rose while Y/n quickly turns to him with a annoyed face,
" hey! what about me?" he says, after all he still didn't get a trip, or well he did but in London, 2005...that could've gone a bit better honestly.
"I don't talk to people with a black eye" he says turning to Y/n who mumbles "wait until I get you a black eye"
After the end of the earth, Y/n feels bad, mostly because Rose was so sentimental and sad of watching the earth get burned, he insisted watched, he watched with relief, the place that hurt him many many many years ago is burning down, he's watching it burn down. Rose calls her mom, she feels homesick, she doesn't want to look at it, Y/n tho he is watching every second of it, he's silent, his hands in his pockets, his face still bruised by the first trip, in his eyes the reflection of his world burning but no sign of sadness, to be clear no sign of anything. Rose's homesick, Y/n's home makes him sick.
The Doctor notice it, he sees the difference between his two new companions, he sees the difference in how they perceive things, when they killed Cassandra, Rose knew it was the right thing and maybe was even ok with it, Y/n wasn't, he glanced at The Doctor with rage and disappointment, how could he kill someone so easily? The Doctor tries to put a hand on Y/n shoulder but doesn't, instead Rose talks while watching the asteroids
"The end of the Earth. It's gone. We were too busy saving ourselves. No one saw it go. All those years, all that history, and no one was even looking. It's just" Rose stops not able to continue, The Doctor shifts his gaze from Y/n to Rose smiling as he easily understand her better than he can understand him.
"come with me" he says heading back to the TARDIS with rose following him, Y/n tho stays still amd that's when Rose notices the white knuckles of the man getting white while his fists get tighter,
"Y/n, you're coming?" she asks touching the man's arm lightly almost afraid, his hand relaxes as he looks at her trying to fake a calm expression as his gaze softens
"sure," he nods forcing his lips to curve in a smile.
They're back in London standing in the crowd, kids crying, people yelling and all that, Y/n sighs looking around, he doesn't understand if he's as relieved as Rose at the sight of normality but for now he turns to the other two as the Doctor begins to speak
"You think it'll last forever, people and cars and concrete, but it won't. One day it's all gone. Even the sky. My planet's gone. It's dead. It burned like the Earth. It's just rocks and dust before its time." he says opening up, Y/n remembers what they said, the last of his kind, he listens closely not talking or interrupting, he just listens to the man. 
"I'm a Time Lord. I'm the last of the Time Lords. They're all gone. I'm the only survivor. I'm left travelling on my own 'cos there's no one else." he continues after Rose asked a few questions
"you have me, us" she corrects herself looking at Y/n, he looks at her and The Doctor nodding even if he knows it's not how Rose thinks, it's cute how she thinks that enough but it's not, The Doctor is alone, he doesn't have anyone to share his grief with, as much as we try no one could understand his feeling, he's alone, he will always be alone no matter how many companions he has no one will ever fill that void, Y/n knows as he looks in The Doctor's eyes and The Doctor knows too as he look at Y/n almost like he read his thoughts
"You've seen how dangerous it is. Do you want to go home?" The Doctor asks the both of them but mostly looking at Rose, she hesitates for a few second but before she can answer Y/n speaks
"I want chips, who's with me?" he says as the other two laugh and nod
"chips it is then" The Doctor says and Rose takes his arm looking up at him
"Right then, before you get me back in that box, chips it is, and you can pay." she says chuckling slightly flirting with the man
"no money" he answered and Y/n let's out a light scoff almost like a chuckle
"my treat," he says looking at the two
"see that's a gentleman" Rose jokes nudging The Doctor
"yeah, he almost won me" The Doctor says and Y/n winks at him
the three laugh heading to get chips before going back in the TARDIS for another adventure.
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gojosatorailme · 9 months
I’m desperate for Nagumo from Sakamoto Days so might as well take the initiative and write a fic myself. I’m now taking over this hashtag, this man shall be KNOWN.
A blood tainted battlefield. This is the life you chose the moment you entered the JCC. It wasn’t going to be “sugar spice and everything nice” oh no, it was gonna be hell and you knew it. The longer time passes, the more comrades were bound to fall..bound to die. It was inevitable.
But that doesn’t stop the racing of your anxious heart when you saw them fight.
It doesn’t stop your heart from worrying about him.
Sakamoto, Akao, Nagumo, and you. The four of you were tasked to infiltrate an enemy from Thailand, the four actually meaning three.
You were only a first year, you tagged along as an observer. The three were the strongest in the assassin class, you wanted to experience their missions first hand.
Before the mission, you didn’t exactly know much about the three nor did you have a strong opinion on them.
“Taro Sakamoto. Strong.. does he talk??”
“Rion Akao. Totally a hot babe”
“Nagumo…. dunno?”
None of them caught your interest, you just wanted to see them fight and maybe steal a few signature moves for your own benefit.. with your own tweaks of course.
None of them caught your eye, besides him of course. Who the hell is he? I mean, he was attractive sure. He had big eyes, remotely long lashes, long shaggy-ish black hair and.. his tattoo’s. His tattoos were what got you, it was like he was a canvas. Works of art were painted throughout his entire body, it was beautiful. Not to mention his physique, he was so your type.
But he was just so mysterious? There wasn’t much about him that you could pin point, he wasn’t as readable. He’s smart and strong yeah but what goes on in his head you don’t get it? What even is his surname? Meaning to his tattoos? If he wants to fu- he was a mystery.
That’s why he was so captivating. His movements were smooth and quick, you barely saw it as he sliced open an enemies head. Then down another, and another, then eventually there was a pile of bodies that littered the floor accompanied by the reeking stench of blood.
You were supposed to only tag along for one mission, but after meeting Nagumo, you practically begged to tag along again. Then you became a permanent member of the team.
At first, you wanted to see what you can learn from them in order to be stronger. But now, it’s for him. You wanted an excuse to see him. It didn’t take you long to realize that this interests developed into a crush.
You couldn’t help it, the more you hung around him the more entranced you became. You wanted to believe he was using a sort of assassin technique to seduce you, maybe his dark eyes were the culprit? Everytime you gazed into them you couldn’t find yourself looking away.
He’s so silly, he’s pretty cool too. It was strange, you thought he was kinda weird but his laugh never fails to make your face feel warm. The room felt hot when he was there, at one point you wanted to escape.
At one point the feelings made you feel trapped, suffocated maybe. Seeing him made you anxious, you made a fool of yourself. Fumbling over your words and avoiding his gaze, he’s a smart guy so your sure he’s caught on by now. It got so bad you began throwing up in the morning worried you’d see him, what does he think of you?? Your stomach would always feel funny at the thought.
His laugh began to make you feel dizzy.
Why was he so cute?
It didn’t help that he smelled sooo good, a cold blooded assassin that smells GOOD? You don’t hear that everyday.
These feelings stop you from reaching your full potential as an assassin, even limiting you from your original powers.
Even now, as Nagumo is on the ground with a bloodied stomach, you can’t protect him. The others were in another building and it was only you two, being overcome with the tension, you messed up and he was forced to take the blow.
He could’ve easily taken on the enemy on his own, he was strong after all, but he had to save you. Why? You don’t know. You don’t even want to bother deluding yourself with the thought that he’d like you back.
The enemy was eventually killed but what do you do with a bloodied Nagumo? You don’t know either. He’s just laughing.
“It’s okay I’ll be fine in a bit, that guy was a small fry anyway!! He barely stabbed me no worries.”
Oh but you were worried. You were so worried, you felt disgusted about yourself, he was bleeding from the stomach and your getting butterflies from the mere thought of his hand touching your shoulder. Gross.
The butterflies remained as Akao and Sakamoto helped you carry Nagumo back to base where he can get proper treatment.
The butterflies remained when you got back to your dorm at the JCC.
The butterflies remained for a long time.
You cant possibly continue like this could you? your an assassin, a killer. That’s your purpose here, there’s no room for love.
with trembling legs, you walked to the infirmary where Nagumo layed.
His stomach was recovering quickly, the doctor said he’d be able to go on missions by next week.
“Hey y/n! ya here to visit me?”
He waited for your answer as you sat down near his bed side.
“You look pretty serious, something wrong?”
first, an apology.
“I’m sorry, I was weak so you had to save me. I’ll be better, thank you.”
and before he could answer, with a shaky sigh and eyes tightly shut you took in a deep breath.
“I love you.”
It came out as a whisper, barely audible. You were worried he didn’t hear you and you were dreading the thought. You seriously didn’t want to repeat it.
His expression was blank.
It scared you.
The atmosphere was choking you, you wanted to cry.
Noticing his expression, you took the hint and turned to leave. How silly right? You almost git the guy killed and you have the audacity to confess? hah!
“I know.”
You stopped in your tracks. He knows? He knows what?? That your stupid? That someone like him was out of your league? That you were weak and almost killed hi-
hm? whats this?
Your lips feel warm.
Oh. He was kissing you.
he was.. HE WAS WHAT?
you froze still, eyes wide. You were sure you looked like an idiot. Even after he pulled away and a small string of saliva was visible, even after he smiled at you. You couldn’t comprehend what was happening? The situation seemed foreign to you.
It wasn’t until you heard loud cackling that you snapped out of your trance.
“I love you too stup- y/n.”
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kasuumi · 8 months
The Curse of being a Gojo and the Blessing of Death
summary: losing the will to live and accepting death as Gojo's sister
genre: angst, no happy ending
words: 1k
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Being a Gojo was an absolute curse, and even worse was that I was born a woman. Eventually, you get used to the neglect, the hurtful words they strike you with all because you're his weaker sister.
Adding more to this sob story, the higher ups absolutely despised me and if it wasn't for my cursed energy, they would have done what they did best. Eliminating those they fear because they know they can't handle power.
All I've ever wanted was to feel like I belonged somewhere. Where someone could just, understand how I feel and appreciate the things I do. A group of people to laugh and spend time with.
"Why did I have to be his sister" is all that ever comes into my head. I try to hate my brother, but how could I hate the person almost everybody loves and cherishes so much. I just wish we could be like family instead of being rivals I never wanted us to become.
After all that's happened in my life including the event here in Shibuya, maybe I can actually be worth something for the community for once.
Maybe I can finally give up my dream of creating a stronger connection with my older brother.
Give up on the dream that I could live happily among them
Letting go of the thought that they'll accept me as a woman.
Laying on the floor right now, it's pretty cold. Never been colder in my life before even after experiencing all their stares. Can't feel my legs, they're heavy, too heavy. And my fingers don't move too. Am I dying?
But why does it feel so... calming. I've always thought was death was a terrifying experience.
No one in my life ever cared expect for Fushiguro-san. He knew I was capable of being strong and even said that he wanted to duel when I was on level with him. He said I could do it, which implied that he believed in what I could do. Tears were always brought to the back of my eyes. He cared for me.
I could only talk to him a few times, and it would always be in the most discreet places where I could come across him. But despite only having a few conversations with him, I treated him like a friend, a brother, and even like a grumpy dad.
I laugh at the thought of him driving me to school, which would never happen. But does it really matter what I think right now? The blood is leaving my body really fast, and Toji isn't here anymore. The only person who ever cared and appreciated my existence.
My brother's sealed in a box, and I couldn't help at all. He'll probably hate me so much when he gets out. No, he will hate me. Give me that stare that I fear everytime. His voice cold unlike his usual tone to everyone else. Why does brother hate me so much.
No one's around, last person I saw was Shoko, right before I left where her and Yaga-sensei were located. I wasn't even informed of the disaster but now I'm a victim of it. I guess this was the biggest blessing of my whole life.
Yaga-sensei removed the collar suppressing my cursed energy and told me I wouldn't need it when I get there. These moments only happen when I'm out on a mission to kill curses of higher grades. Always being accompanied by someone who has the ability to unlock my collar, like I'm some kind of dog.
The lights are getting brighter, what's taking so long. Why can't I just die already, it's hurting so much. I cry at the pain, I never wanted pain, no one does.
"GOJO-SAN!!" a voice yells in the distance.
Oh, it's that strawberry haired boy, with tiger stripes.
They've always refrained me from meeting him, probably cause he's got the soul of an angel. They didn't want me forming good connections with everyone fearing I'll get too comfortable and possibly overcome and be stronger than my brother which doesn't make sense at all.
I've only ever caught a few glimpses of him, he's hella cute, and his iconic red hoodie specially designed just for him that makes him stand out. I'm thinking a lot right now, I guess this is what happens when you die slowly and try to relieve the pain by having your mind busy with thoughts.
"Gojo-san, what happened?! I'm bringing you to Shoko-san right now, stay with me!" Yuji says as he picks my body up carefully, securing my limbs in place before he sprints to where we're heading.
"Thank you yuji, for caring. It feels really nice, to receive your kindness. You're a good kid" I tell him, my voice hoarse and light.
I don't even think he heard it, but I can't deal with the pain anymore. Almost like, I can't feel anything too. Can't hear his heavy breathing hoping to get me there on time, the wind rushing by us, the sound his feet make when it comes into contact with the ground.
"Gojo-san?..." Yuji slows down
Gojo Y/N sleeps eternally, in the hands of a boy who holds a curse within him
Gojo Y/N is finally at peace, after being neglected all her life
They lay in in Yuji's arms, a soft smile displayed on their lips with their eyes closed.
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cogmin213 · 7 months
Everytime I read The Immortal have a Guardian Spirit. I fucking cried at Cruel and reincarnated!Deon interaction even after Raven remember his past life memories.
Im not even joking how much close and happy they both were unlike in intkot.
Before Raven remembers his past life memory
Cruel : even if you destroyed the world. I won't hate you
Raven (offended) : Do you think I'm crazy to destroy the world?
Cruel : ... you must be tired, take a rest
Cruel to Raven :
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Raven to Cruel :
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Cruel never call his baby "Raven" because thats only reincarnated!Deon's alias since the world censored the name Deon as ■■ .
Thats why Cruel will only call Raven as "Baby" or "■■"
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Cruel always reacts whenever something is related to previous life Deon such as meeting the Lofty mercenary or the intkot reincarnation
Cruel scold Raven when he curse infront of the children or Raven being picky eater and telling openly their cooking is shit
Raven worries a lot about Cruel and their spiritual connection was severe and disconnected one time. It made Raven go insane and apeshit until his Cruel came back to him. Raven was very clingy but wont ask question why Cruel disappear. He only want Cruel's warmth and telling him he is the most cherish person he have
He cherish Cruel more than his 5 disciples
When Raven receive the old book with the cover full of smudge. The title can only be read as "talent" by remember
Raven borrowed Cruel's eyes but when Raven reads the book. The eyes suddenly cry itself
Cruel is crying as he reads intkot book
After they both read intkot. Raven naturally remembers his past life memory and become more closer with Cruel
Also he doesnt hold any revenge because unlike his life for 24 years as Deon Hart. He already live more than 150 years as Raven and anything his previous life experience is already something in the past.
He doesnt seem to regret his past action and only finds it pitiful to be betrayed by the whole world
However, Cruel admits he hated Deon's decision for taking away his karma but he couldnt stop him since his baby wanted it
[ baby, my little brother ]
[ ...■■ ]
[ Live without regrets ]
[ Live as much as you want to live and die when you want to ]
[ I want you to do everything you please ]
Guardian spirit touch Raven's murky gray eyes and turn into green eyes
The amount of cuddles and kisses on the forehead/cheeks they have. There was even time Raven's face is on Cruel's palm
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Cruel's interaction with his nephews and nieces are so adorable like he carefully judge their clothing of choice for Raven and ask permission to Raven to beat the shit out of them but Raven thinks his children(all disciples) is on puberty
Cruel will forever call Deon a baby even if he is 174 years old
Cruel is very bias to Raven
And so does Raven to Cruel
Whenever someone ask Raven to marry them. Cruel will always get in the way and say
[ The Guardian Spirit will not recognize this marriage ]
It happen more than once
Raven loves to observe Cruel's youthful thicklines while using Cruel's green eyes. Yes Raven touch his face with his fingers
Raven thinks of himself as beautiful after Cruel complain he is too beautiful he could seduce too many people with that pretty face. Raven confidence in his face sky rocket
Sometimes Raven even use his face to seduce people to get free stuff
Whenever Raven is about to hurt himself. He apologize to the Guardian Spirit first and Guardian Spirit hates it when his baby got hurt even if it means its necessary for Raven's mission.
Normally in intkot, Cruel apologize first but in Tigs Deon apologize first
There's a lot of Cruel and Reincarnated Deon fluff. I cant list them all because every chapter is just them being affectionate and cute together with the children 😭😭😭😭💞💞💞💞
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wizardfrog69 · 1 year
'•.¸♡ nsfw alphabet ♡¸.•'
The request
Please if you don't feel comfortable with nsfw/nsft content do not read this
Bsd masterlist
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
After sex he is usually exhausted so don't expect any aftercare.
He will hold you to sleep if you ask nicely though, after all who could refuse you?
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His: he doesn't think which body part of his is his favourite really.
Yours: your hips are hypnotising for him and your face, the faces you make whenever you're close but he won't let you finish is what drives him to do what he does.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He's also someone who would prefer to cum inside of you.
If you are opposed to the idea when will cum all over that pretty face of yours.
You could also swallow it.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He doesn't have any.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
I don't believe he slept with anyone before you, he doesn't have much time (and energy) to sleep around.
He does know a lot 'bout sex though don't get me wrong he just never slept with anyone.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
He is dominant he just prefers to do it from below.
So it's usually you riding him but he's kinda like dominating it that makes sense.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He's always serious even during sex.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He doesn't shave cuz again, it's a waste of his time, but he might trim it from time to time.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
It depends on his mood really, sometimes he's more intimate than others but over all he isn't the intimate type.
He doesn't really know how to be romantic and he doesn't care to learn.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He doesn't have a high sex drive and he's pretty busy so he won't jack off as he is busy working away.
His mind does wonder places from time to time but he tries not to give into temptation.
If he does jack off then that means he couldn't focus and longer or he wanted you to walk in on him.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
He's into bdsm no questions asked.
He's sadistic, he's into knife play.
He isn't an experimental kind so don't think you'll be trying out new kinks everytime you two sleep together.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
The bedroom. He can't really risk being seen doing it with his partner so he'd rather just stick to his room.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
There aren't many things that turn him on.
Maybe if you kneel infront of him with glossy eyes or tears down your cheeks.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
No extra party.
Its only you and him, no one else.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He prefers receiving.
He just adores the sight of you choking on his cock while his hand is entangled in your hair.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He doesn't go too fast but he makes it up in roughness.
His weak and feeble body has a harder time going fast in bed but it doesn't mean he can't be rough.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He isn't opposed to them, he doesn't always has the time to properly sleep with you and quickies are the only option or the two of you are in a hurry but can't wait till the thing is over so what else are you supposed to do?
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Well yeah, the knives and stuff.
He wouldn't put any of you in real danger so don't worry you won't die!
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
1-2 rounds, if he's got enough energy than up to to three.
He works all day and has no time to eat or get proper exercise so what do you expect.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He doesn't have any and doesn't plan on using any.
Maybe if you get some he'll use them on you to get you close but never quite right where you'd want to be.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He's a big tease, he doesn't really like being teased and practically despises it but yk everyone's a hypocrite one way or another.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He's quiet but he encourages you to be voice your pleasure.
You will get the odd moans here and there but mostly they're low and he would moan in your ear.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He's into foreplay, idk if I should add that to the kink part but it's too late.
He doesn't say this verbally but laying with you in bed after sex is one of his favourite parts of his day.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
I still don't feel comfortable describing dick.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
He has a low sex drive and his mind is usually wondering places so he doesn't have time for sex drive.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He tries to fall asleep after you but he gets really tired after sex so he's out cold for a while.
He always looks so peaceful in his sleep.
༺♡༻ 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 ⋆ 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 ༺♡༻
Well ig summer came early this year.
I fucking sneezed.
Tbh with this weather it's hard to believe it will ever be summer tbh like I had to walk in the rain almost everyday of this month.
Anyway I would love to receive requests for my favourite Russian guy: Fyodor Dostoevsky.
He actually isn't my favourite Russian guy but he's my favourite Russian author so it counts ig
Have a wonderful day/night and sleep well to anyone who's going to sleep! :)
-from Az the wizard frog! :)
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Could you write a blurb with Azriel where the reader either hasn’t had sex or ha only had really bad sex so Azriel just shows them everything?! Love your writing!
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“don’t worry, baby, i’ll take real good care of you.” he mumbled against the skin of your neck as his lips covered the area with loving kisses.
“what if i can’t cum?” you whimpered back.
azriel’s lips stopped moving, and his once closed eyes had shot open.
“why wouldn’t you be able to?”
you pondered on telling him for a moment, debating weither or not the topic of your past lovers and experience should be brought up at this second.
he shifted before rolling off of you and gently plopping down onto his side next to you. a scarred hand cupped your face softly, as if signaling you to turn your attention to him.
“hm?” he hummed, awaiting your answer.
you swallowed thickly at him, anxiety creeping into your throat.
“i don’t know.” you shrugged. “what if i just can’t?”
his brows furrowed at your lack of information. what was it that you weren’t telling him?
“are you a virgin?” he asked softly with a loving undertone to his voice.
you blushed at the question, and hesitantly nodded.
for a moment, you swore you saw a flash of love in his eyes, but it left as soon as it arrived. he cracked a small smirk.
“baby, that’s okay. i don’t mind at all.” azriel cood, his hand moved from the frame of your face and tucked a stray piece of hair behind your ear. “but, why are you worried about cumming? have you ever tried before and failed?”
your whole face heated up this time. sure, you’ve touched yourself before, and made yourself cum plenty of times, but everytime you tried to take the next step, and have sex with someone, they could never make you cum.
since you were a virgin, every male would try to rip one orgasm out of you before actually going inside of your tight cunt, just to make it more pleasurable for the both of you. but, every man failed. therefore, you would always call it quits after the hour mark rolled around and your clit was tired of being probed at.
at first, you assumed that the first two men were just very bad at making women orgasm, so you went to a dear friend of yours that you knew very well made lots of women scream out in pleasure.
but even he failed.
so, you came to the awful conclusion that you were broken and were going to die a virgin.
“i-i don’t know. i mean, of course i’ve touched myself, but-“ you couldn’t find the right way to put it without sounding crazy. “i don’t know.”
“come on, sweetheart. just use your words.”
your stomach leaped with arousal.
“i think i’m broken.” you whispered shyly, your gaze falling onto the ceiling above you. 
silence fell for a moment, before he let out a chuckle.
“baby, i assure you, you’re not broken.” he smiled at you, a light hearted one. “why do you think that though? have you never made your self climax?”
he was persistent tonight.
he nodded. “good, see— not broken.”
you didn’t know how to explain your situation with him, without feeling judged. but this was azriel you’re talking about, not some random person. this was your mate. he would never judge you.
you took a deep breath before confesssing.
“no one else can make me cum. not even cassian.”
he erupted in a fit of laughter at the last part, just imagining the look on his brother’s face when he found out that he failed at making someone orgasm, had him almost crying in amusement.
you frowned. “are you laughing at me, azriel? please don’t.”
the softness in your voice caused a pang in your mate’s heart, immediately making his laughter stop.
“i’m sorry, my love. i swear i wasn’t laughing at you, sweetheart. i was just laughing at cassian not satisfying you, is all. he probably didn’t even think to try other methods other than one.” a smile still rested on his lips, but his words were laced with a sweet ambience.
you fell silent, contemplating if you wanted to go through with tonight or if you just wanted to curl in a ball and shrink.
“i promise, that i can show you many ways to feel good, darling. so many ways to make you squirm and your legs shake before i even put myself inside of you. i can make you feel so good…” he trailed off before his eyes flicked to yours. “if you’ll allow me.”
something in his voice had you convinced and you even felt a slight tug on the mating bond as he spoke. he was being truthful, you could feel that.
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bullet-prooflove · 3 months
Hii! Happy thursday! I hope youre having a great week! 💕💕
Silk on her body, pull it down and watch it slip off
With Bruno👀🙏🏻
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Part of the Cowboy!Terry Universe
The Ranch - You fell in love with Terry underneath the stars in Montana.
Whiskey Kisses - You and Terry share your first kiss after a whiskey tasting event.
Memorable (NSFW) - You make your first time with Terry memorable.
Montana - Terry recieves a holiday card in the mail.
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The last time Terry laid eyes on you was in a cabin in Vancouver. It had been the morning after your wedding and he remembers the silk slipping from your skin as he’d made love to you for the last time. He remembers the bliss in that moment, the sense of belonging to someone so completely that you’d die for them. It’s a couple of hours later that he gives you the envelope with your new identity inside.
“You stay safe alright?” he murmurs as his lips brush over your hairline because it’s the last time he’s going to see you in a while and he needs that reassurance.
It’s as he sits on the porch of his ranch listening to detectives from the local P.D tear his place apart that he thinks of the old cigar box, hidden in the alcove of the old tree at the edge of his property line. You used to leave each other love notes there once upon a time, it’s where he’s left his wedding ring and the polaroid picture a stranger took of the two of you standing on the steps of the courthouse.
This is just one of the many secrets he keeps regarding you.
Noone knows that he came to your house the night you killed Donovan. The police had never been able to prove that it was him on those videos with your niece but you knew it was him. It tore you up that he’d gotten away with it. The two of you had talked about it at length while you watched Amelie trot around the pasture on Balderdash. She’d started healing since joining Healing Hooves, the trauma program Terry ran out of his ranch, it’s how the two of you met. He knows what rage looks like, he’s seen it you everytime you thought about that man.
When Terry stepped into your kitchen that evening, he had known there wasn’t a chance in hell you could claim self-defence.
“He showed me the original video.” You’d said, your voice entirely devoid of emotion as you stare down at the knife sticking out of Donovan’s chest. “It’s worse than what he put up on that website.”
That’s why Terry decides to help you, that and the fact he is so hopelessly in love with you that the thought of you going to prison for something that was justified kills him. It’s just another sign of how much he’s changed since he left New York.
It’s a fluke that they find the body. Terry’s a city boy at heart, he hadn’t factored in that torrential rain would cause a mudslide revealing the grave he’d dug. He hasn’t been in Montana long enough to experience one before.
The two of you disappear the next day over the border. It won’t take long for the police to realise what happened, he’d cleaned up well enough but his years of law enforcement have taught him there’s always a trace.
He marries you that afternoon because despite what happened he loves you, he’ll always love you and he needs you to know that. When he returns to Montana the next day it’s to two detectives waiting on his front porch.
“Do you know where she is?” They ask him and he shakes his head, recalling the words he’s said to you that morning.
“Don’t tell me where you going.” He’d whispered against your lips as he’d cradled your face between his hands. “Just let me know when you get there.”
When they leave he spends the evening putting the pieces of his life back together, waiting for that text from you.
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moongothic · 3 months
You know, S-Crocodile has the potential to be an interesting addendum for Crocodad bc Crocodile just learned that his son is alive, and then two years after that, boom: clone Lunarian baby (who's also technically kinda sorta Luffy's half-brother?). The thing is, even if Crocodile bridges the gap between him and Luffy, Luffy's not the baby boy that Crocodile lost so long ago. He can take care of himself, has an entire crew to lead, and they may not see each other except for rare occasions. Crocodile didn't get to raise Luffy and will never get that time back. But S-Crocodile is a still a child who will likely have zero clue what to do without the programming and, since baby crocodiles are famous for loudly calling out for their mothers, may be desperate for a parental figure.
S-Crocodile is not a replacement for Luffy by any means, but more like a second kid had later in life who Crocodile was never expecting but who gives him the chance to parent in a way that he couldn't before.
See this is a much sweeter idea than me being like "what if Crocodile dies without getting to really experience being loved by his family/a community and have people care about him and so instead Luffy/other people end up projecting those feelings onto S-Croc and make sure he gets the love and community Crocodile never got to have"
Everytime I think about the lost time Crocodad implies I just die a little inside. Like Dragon might not have gotten to be with his son either, but at least he got to spy on Luffy on occassion, at least he got to check on him from afar and see him, know how he was doing, at least he knew Luffy's name. Crocodile didn't get any of that, and never will. Like you said, that time has been lost, and this hourglass can't be turned back and reset.
What is interesting though is that the Seraphim are supposed to have the personality traits of the OGs. Crocodile is quite independent, so I feel like S-Croc should be (or at least want to be, so he can appear strong etc) independent too, right? So S-Croc might want to be kind of a lone wolf, even if deep down he was sad due to his loneliness?
What's more though is that indeed, we don't know if S-Croc is pre-T or male (since he was made from post-T Croc DNA, and we don't know if Iva-chan's HRT affects DNA/those changes applied to the Seraphim). 'Cause if S-Croc is pre-T, Crocodile should know and understand how dysphoria is gonna hit S-Croc as he gets older (which is gonna be soon, since the Seraphim age faster). And like. I could see Crocodile just feeling bad for his Mini-Me because of that. I could imagine Crocodile just dragging S-Croc to Iva-chan (if there's an opportunity for it) and get that clone some T, spare him from going through the wrong puberty etc.
Point is, I feel like if Crocodile did somehow end up taking care of his Mini-Me, it might not be because S-Croc expressed a need for it. But it might be because Crocodile would be forced to reflect on his own feelings, knowing and understanding full-well how S-Croc would feel (be it about gender or loneliness), and just. Let the Dad Instincts take over, regardless of if the Seraphim likes it or not?
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thecrazyworldbuilder · 2 months
Some miscellaneous worldbuilding brainrambles I had.
Saw some art from the Rainworld universe and it got me wondering - what if like, some Shoggoth level eldritch being, all tentacles and stuff, found humans freaking adorable. Like "OMGGGGG HONEEYYY COME LOOK AT THISSSSS" while reaching a slimy appendage to pet Mark the Cashier at the Gas Station on the head as he's frozen in fear.
What if dragons are always angry because they feel the pain of constantly growing. The older the dragon, the bigger they are. The growth rate stays the same their whole life, from egg to titan, which means their bones just ache all the time, every joint, their teeth fall out and regrow constantly like those of sharks. Imagine being stuck in puberty forever. What if gold presence eases their pains?
I like the take on prophecies where they aren't a script to follow but a ticket with restricted permissions. It's not that "the one who takes the sword from the stone will be king" but "anyone who takes the sword from the stone will be king", if they want to. It all boils down to roles in a prophecy and the amount of specification. The less specific, the less significant the prophecy. Any black-haired man can pull help a farmer to pull a donkey out of a pit, but the seventh son of a seventh son, born under an eclipsed sun surrounded by fire? That's some world-changing potential prophecy there.
"Perfection... For thousands of years we tried to achieve perfection without really understanding what it is. We might be incapable to achieve it, but we can make something that will achieve it for us. First were the automaton who were designing each other by being a couple generations where the youngest disassemble the oldest to create a new wave. Who analyze themselves for weaknesses and think like a true hivemind. Then there were the chimerae. Beings of two bloodlines, noble and drone, like ants they lived in colonies yet each member was so drastically different from others you couldn't tell they are the same species. Splicing genes of all animals in the world, all fishes, all insects and even plants. With their own queens, princes and princesses who are the closest to the Perfection. And what else? Others not so lucky, drones, experiments out of which survive only the strongest, and who can challenge the noble bloodlines. If they live they get to reproduce. Die - and become genetic food for the nobles to grow stronger. Everytime we tried to pump animals with the Evolution agents, they turned into crabs. No damn idea why. And everytime we tried to use magic for the idea, slime were created in one way or another, slime that changes state of matter between liquid and solid, quicksilvers who simply outskill everything alive in survival, shapeshifting into cogs of a grand machine they are now building. We never knew what perfection was, yet tried to achieve it nevertheless."
Thinking of those scenes in movies when something paranormal is happening and things start to float upwards, or like, completely switch gravity directions. Say, a pendant starts dangling upwards rather than down, water flowing uphill, and all that. One possible way could be to say that there is a gravity anomaly affecting items below certain weight. If such anomaly could be harnessed in mechanisms, it be so dope. You know the ancient Greek Hero's automaton? Imagine the complexity if you include opposite gravity in that equation.
Could be a spell, could be some superconductor stuff like on Pandora.
Skin tones of a metal-based species.
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Takes on elven youth:
Baby-looking elves. Elves just always looking like they are about seventeen, looking like that type of youngster you'd see in a supermarket asking for some random ass beer and looking too young to be allowed alcohol. Elves looking not in this "etereal beauty" kind like the "stock photos model" Looking young, yes, but. Not. Like those celebrities and richmen who spend a fortune on looking like they are forever 20. The only part of an elf that ages is the hair, turning white with age.
Runes are channels of energy, imperfections in metals, veins in your body, cracks and ores in stone, smallest anomalies in the crystals. Runes could be smithed, yes, but naturally occurring ones are stronger, better. Greater. So making a sword out of a metal chunk with a potent rune in it while preserving the rune itself yields greater results than trying to fabricate it.
Anatomic: Brain in the chest, heart in the head.
The summoning sigils for demons (and other beings for that matter) are like calling a person's name and the only reason the demon shows up is because they grow tired and annoyed of being called like that so they are ready to do anything to stop that shit.
Imagine someone repeating your name a dozen times without elaborating what they want. Of course you will come over and ask "WHAT?"
Oooh I just got an interesting idea.
So, like, a language/culture where people's names are secondary, going after the pronoun they use.
It's like. He-John, She-Harrada, Ey-Nullée, et cetera.
But then that pronoun part is used as a third-person signifier. He, she, ey, all that, while the name is the second person pronoun (which it is in some cases). But then the part comes about verbs/adjectives getting those "genders" applied to them, as well as nouns (like "she-wolf" but, for example, "xe-smith apprentice").
There's this conversation I had with myself (typical neurodivergent queer going insane from having no reliable friends in a homophobic country that doesn't believe ADHD can exist in adults) about inflating a whole setting out of a minor detail, a smallest thing.
First it's one concept, then there's two, until the whole thing snowballs into a huge fictional world with lots of lore and stuff.
Say, concept: "Undead gods". Already amazing - sets up the assumption that A) Gods were once resurrected and B) Gods were once dead. Say if this happened to the Greek mythology, Hades - the god of the dead (but not death) himself dies and there's nobody to tend for the dead, and the Gods fight each other over the responsibility of tending over the most shitty job in the pantheon, resulting in mass bloodshed and death. Gods are dead, and only Thanatos is here to collect their souls. So he devises a plan, with ulterior motives: To give them and many dead a second chance in life. So in undeath, he lets them live as revenants, ghosts, skeletons, zombies, all devoted to different undead gods.
Undead being zapped with lightning from the blessing of Zeus. Undead breathing like a living forge of fire, blessed by Hephaestus. Chaos-bringing warriors in armor, followers of Ares. So much more.
And all from a simple ass concept, two words: Undead gods. Just that I am sometimes amazed how people who get into worldbuilding think that you must have a grand idea, a lot of things to connect together when in reality, it's just one stone, then two, then three, all together forming the building of your world(build). .
Or another, even smaller concept - "Alexandrithium is a metal that boils water on touch".
What tech will it inspire? What usage, how will it revolutionize the world? Boiling turns into steam, steam is punk (ba dum tsss). Some freaks make weapons out of this metal to cause Extra Suffering and the equivalent of the Geneva convention bans such weapons, may they be blades or bullets.
You can make an analogy of a snow ball, rolling down a mountain and sticking more and more snow to itself, or you can say that you have a balloon - the original first concept - that you inflate with ideas from within, filling in the bag, stuffing it up with all that other stuff while under the hood of the First Concept. Like.
Worldbuilding is neat.
I had a similar idea which could be called "procedural conlangs" (proclangs?)
In all technicality it is just a relex with words assigned via some algorithm, say, there's 3000 possible syllables that could be generated through some given algorithm, and to these 3000 syllables we assign the 3000 of the most frequent English words. Afterwards we can either continue assigning words their relex variants via randomly combining the 3000 syllables into bisyllabic words, or could try and piece together new translations for them.
E.g. the word for "toaster" isn't in the 3000, so we either use a random bisyllabic word without connected meaning, "ab-resh" (which would literally mean "bone-green"), or try to piece it together from the syllables already present in the 3000, like "thran-mil" (meaning something like "bread grill").
Sooo Hm.
My idea for "oriental elvish" was to base it on Japanese (the modern dialects at least) with the phonetic mutations and stuff (like "hu" being pronounced as "fu" and et.c.) But with added sounds like the English eth and thorn, + the /l/, and allowing three codas - /n, r, l/ thus (with a possible mutation coda /m/ when /n/ is before a bilabial stop).
Then once I have it I will reverse-engineer the protolang based on Chinese with added in tones and stuff, probably, and a more strict collection of phonotactic rules. And from all that a third possible dialect could be made, based on Korean.
Also sounds like me before I invented cryptolangs and thus a new brainworm that'd gnaw on my gray matter til' this very date.
Just naming stuff what sounds I fit best.
I didn't knew English that well back then, so like. One of the cities in a setting of mine was called "Meth". (I renamed it since, making it "Mett" - meant to be derived from "meeting", since the port city is one of the largest and richest, where many cultures and races meet, indeed.)
A way to count to 625 on fingers:Thumb is the index pointer in this case. Each finger is separated into phalanx and joints - 6 units per finger thus - plus the middle of the palm for one extra. Thus, on one hand you can count to 25. Now, once you count to 25, you count one unit on the other hand. Basically, an abacus of sorts.
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raveneira · 6 months
'Ada deserves better than Kawaki'
The worst thing Kawaki has done to Ada
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The worst things Ada has done to Kawaki
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The worst Kawaki ever did to Ada was grab her collar to force her to lie which she could've disobeyed, thats it.
The worst things Ada did to Kawaki is
Trade everybody important to Kawaki in exchange for Code to spare him so she can pursue him, essentially human trafficking according to Bug, which is a horrible experience Kawaki's already gone through
Asking Code to spare Naruto after seeing how much he meant to Kawaki but when he refuses she says fine and to just not let Kawaki know shes involved because she dont want him to hate her, but could care less about the pain losing Naruto would have on him
She could've sent Daemon to intervene when Momo was brutally beating Kawaki and then about to kill Naruto right infront of him yet she sat there watching the whole thing and never tried to help despate literally watching in real time the despair Kawaki was in watching Naruto about to die.
She says Codes goals have nothing to do with her and that shes only helping him in exchange for Kawaki, yet when Shikamaru offers to make that happen without Code she still chooses to leave with Code and help him get his limiters off knowing how difficult that'd make things for everyone he cares about because she knows in the end they'd have to rely on her and Daemon for protection which'll give her access to Kawaki in exchange for that protection
Forced him on glorified house arrest
She holds the entire village hostage by the fact that they need Daemons strength and Ada's sight to deal with Code in exchange for getting to live with Kawaki against his will, Kawaki is not asked for his consent about ANY of this and it was all a deal that Amado and Shikamaru made with her on his behalf and she did not care as long as she's benefiting from Kawaki's trafficking
She allows her brother to beat Kawaki unconscious UNINTERUPPTED when they first meet and does not apologize to him for it
When Kawaki confronts her about her partnership with Code and correctly deduces that she sold Boruto out in exchange for him, Ada doesnt feel any remorse for it nor does she apologize for her selfishness, instead she changes the subject altogether and doesnt even address it
Even though it was unintentional she made omnipotence happen and completely miscontrued what Kawaki wanted by making him take Boruto's place entirely when all he actually wanted, and clearly stated, was for Boruto to be seen as an outsider so that nobody would interfere or feel bad when he kills him
Because of her now Kawaki is being forced to live a miserable life with everyone treating him like Boruto when he doesnt want that and also listening to ppl talk about how much they actually hate him and want him dead everytime they talk about Boruto who they really mean Kawaki when they say those cruel things. Meanwhile Ada is at home chillin without a care in the world about how her mess has affected him, infact she just suggests giving up on trying to undo it despite supposedly feeling bad for making Kawaki seem like a coward.
Ada does NOT deserve better, KAWAKI does, from the moment she's been introduced, literally the MOMENT she was introduced she didnt give a danm about Kawaki's feelings or consent AT ALL and made multiple deals disregarding the ppl he cares about with 3 different ppl in exchange for him like he wasnt even a human being but a piece of property to be bought and sold.
She felt zero remorse, I repeat, she felt ZERO remorse about working with Code who nearly killed Naruto right infront of him, and sold his brother out in exchange for him, when confronted about it by Kawaki himself and she has the chance to apologize she DOESNT do it, not just there, but she NEVER owns up to the fked up things she did nor apologizes to him for it, yet she apologizes to Boruto multiple times despite Kawaki being the one she supposedly loves.
How anybody, and I mean ANYBODY thinks Ada's the victim here is beyond me, even more so how anyone thinks Kawaki would ever even CONSIDER being together with her after all this when he himself has said she's scum and that he would've rathered taken his chances with Code than even meet her, 3 years have passed and Ada is still sitting home alone while Kawaki completely ignores her existence, how any of you think this ship has ANY possibility of happening is laughable, its even worse than KawaSumi's chances and theirs are low as hell too, but even that has more of a chance than Ada ever will.
So like I said, stfu, Ada doesnt deserve better, Kawaki does, if anything Ada deserves WORSE because she has gotten off scott free with no repercussions for way too long.
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abyssalhuntersnerd · 1 year
While yes, Specter Alter made me fucking suffer for months because she's just built different, I still adore her with every single fiber of my being because she's literally everything I could have ever wanted and she is everything she deserved to be.
Everytime I think about how beautiful her character development has been and how her own self worth journey has developed I just get so happy because she thought that she was worth nothing. Her body has been worn out, she has no control over it and the only thing she can do that is somewhat useful is slicing things up for a living. Even if she has a brief moment of consciousness, it's probably just as bad as being trapped in her previous state, it's spent thinking to herself there really isn't anything she can do for herself and that this is it, her fate has been decided. She will die fighting like this, being restrained to chains she never chose in the first place and she won't have a choice in the matter- Because some weirdos decided to inject Originium into her spine to get information out of her and even when they tried to, she still never gave them what they wanted.
I don't think we talk about her mental resilience enough. Like yeah, she was unstable when she didn't have control over herself and her reactions to certain things told you everything you needed to know about her past experiences- But damn, this girl is tougher than most of us would like to admit. The Church tortured her to extremes I'd rather not think about, ruined her life and her as a whole but she doesn't hold any resentment towards them, she doesn't hate their guts, she simply is disgusted by them and just... Instead of straight up murdering Amaya on the fucking spot cause let me tell you I would not be able to hold myself back, she just tells her to fuck off, to please die in the fanciest way possible and dances with her because why not. Just why not. At the end of the day she still admits they would never have gotten along but damn, just damn.
The fact that she takes that experience, the years of isolation and pain- And learns to love herself for who she is now, not for who she was before is mesmerizing. She's 3 people at the same time, she's Laurentina of Aegir, she's Shark of the 2nd Company and she's Specter the Unchained. She's the same person she was but she doesn't reject the parts she hated before.
She sees so much more worth in her own self than she ever did before because those parts she's been trying to reject for so long are what she just needed to become the person she was meant to be, so beautiful, so tragic and so perfect that she baffles me at times.
We don't talk about her enough. About how she's seen her the worst parts of herself and instead of hating them she embraced them. How we all wished we could do that ourselves and we find it so difficult because loving yourself is so hard nowadays.
And honestly? We also don't give Skadi and Gladiia enough goddamn credit. I don't care what anyone says anymore, if it wasn't for them Specter wouldn't be where she is. Yes, they weren't the ones who made her like this but the fact Skadi spent literally YEARS to find something that would help her, even if it was just for a brief moment because she wanted to talk to her, be with her and try to save the only thing she had left from her beloved home? How she considers her, her treasure map, the one who keeps her going even though she doesn't know where she's going but she still will regardless cause if it's for her and with her partner, it's all worth it. How she was the one who cared for her along with everyone who wasn't scared to, who held and carried her when she needed it? The person who properly spent countless hours by her side, telling her about all the things she wished she could tell her in hopes that maybe, that way, she would get better? To then be told that she was being heard and that even if she thought she couldn't rely on Specter, she still told her that Skadi could regardless of her condition? That even after Under Tides she promised her she would be there when she woke up again and she was, and fuck, Skadi's heart probably leaped out of damn joy to see her back, to see the person she's been caring for so damn long to finally be back, back to her true self. Can you imagine how Specter feels about Skadi? How grateful she is to her for everything she's done? How wonderful their relationship is?
How even if there wasn't much to go off of, Gladiia was always there for her. Even if she was desperately looking for a way to go back home and to stop her mutation she still believed in her beloved Shark? Even when Skadi doubted herself and Specter she still reassured her telling her that her hunter is tougher than this. That she can overcome anything. That even if it wasn't much, Specter still appreciated being able to be hunter under her wing, that she promised her she would try to get better even if it took her a while? How Specter makes Gladiia smile with her just being a little shit something not many can do?
How they just... Complete each other in ways I cannot express because it is so beautiful to see 3 people appreciate each other so much? How Specter in a way, might give them that little hope they need to keep going? That if she can better, so can they?
Just. Just them. Just Skadi. Just Gladiia. Just Specter.
I just love her so fucking much. She's absolutely perfect. She deserved her damn Alter so much.
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☕️the most egregious problem The Flash has is that it literally NEVER ADDRESSES ANY of the trauma it consistently puts Barry and co through, like it has other problems but I think that's the worst lol
1000000% and I will die mad about it.
Since it’s (always) on my mind, let’s take season 2 for example shall we?
If I had a nickel for everytime Post-Zoom-trauma just disappeared at the drop of a hat, I’d have four nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s fucking INFURIATING THAT IT HAPPENED F O U R TIMES
The four (for lack of a better word) victims in question: Caitlin, Barry, Jesse, and Jay.
Caitlin: kidnapped and held against her will for (I believe) two weeks (that’s putting it simply but we’ve all seen the show so🤷‍♀️). The show gives her one single episode to deal with it, during which she shows very real symptoms of PTSD— solved and therefore ignored and glossed over entirely with a single pep talk. I would also like to add that she showed NO fear of him in the season finale which makes no fucking sense with what the show established only an episode earlier. But tbh, this is the best one because at least the show ACKNOWLEDGED that trauma; if only for one episode.
Barry: Back broken during first encounter (among other severe injuries), humiliated by being dragged around the city to show he wasn’t strong enough to stop Zoom, confidence shattered from the experience. Like Caitlin, we got one episode to deal with this trauma and in that episode, Barry also showed signs and symptoms of PTSD (the entire season is evidence tbh). But of course, one pep talk from his dad and everything’s magically ok :-D !!!!!! I’m going to eat glass (also I will definitely make a post on that fucking episode because I hate it). As mentioned; he continues to have PTSD symptoms throughout the season but it’s glossed over so much and attributed to generic-superhero-stuff™️ that it really doesn’t matter. Gods, I could go on all day about Barry’s post-Zoom AND post-Thawne trauma. (Oh, he was also kidnapped, threatened, and {borderline} tortured by Zoom in the Earth-2 episodes; but that’s all normal superhero stuff ofc so it doesn’t matter right :-D !!! gnawing at the bars of my enclosure)
Jesse: Good gods where do I even start. Kidnapped by a known serial killer, tortured by said serial killer, repeatedly and (probably) constantly threatened with death, and held captive for around 9-10 months. Mm also, she was clearly terrified of Zoom every time he showed up prior to her rescue. Sounds like an extremely traumatic experience with multiple opportunities and instances to develop PTSD right? WRONG! According to the lovely writers; people are completely fine after a traumatic experience is over! What’s PTSD??? chewing glass chewing glass chewing glass. They didn’t even TRY with her, at least with Barry and Caitlin they pretended to give a shit about what they went through but Jesse makes two things crystal clear. 1) The writers don’t care about your trauma unless you’re an MC. 2) The writers put minimal effort into trauma if any; MC or not. It’s like they said ‘Ooo, we should have Caitlin kidnapped by Zoom!’ ‘Won’t that have some sort of effect on her? Being kidnapped is a terrifying experience’ ‘Ah fuck you’re right… eh, we’ll give her one episode ig’ ‘What about Jesse?’ ‘Who?’
Jay: Fucking. Hell. I ordered this in what I consider best handled to worst. Jay is by far— handled worst. Let’s see here *checks notes* Ah yes. Kidnapped and taken to a completely different Earth, an attempted theft of his powers, imprisoned and put in a mask so he can’t speak, {not confirmed but very likely with Zoom’s track record and somewhat implied} tortured, had his identity stolen and {likely} mocked and tormented about the subject, and the ~delightful~ cherry on top— held captive in this situation for at least one year. Fuck I’m so tired. Anyways; there’s not much to say. He got rescued (off-screen ofc), was able to access his powers instantly with no problems, and left to go back to his Earth. Trauma? What trauma? *gestures wildly at said trauma posted above* That’s not traumatic at all! *screams* I don’t care how much experience you have as a superhero— that doesn’t just GO AWAY! PTSD, FLASH WRITERS. LOOK INTO IT P L E A S E fuck I just remembered the show is over now ALL YOUR MC’S HAVE IT! EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. Sigh. In the end of *gestures at said trauma* all that, Jay was just used to cause Barry more greif from his father’s death. Obviously he gets roles in later seasons but (as far as I can remember) this whole thing was never brought up again. Sigh.
but I won’t cause dear gods I’ve been typing forever now
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