#Harrison Osterfield × Reader
jahayla-parker · 2 years
TikTok Prank Preference: Stuck Tampon
Description: blurb preference with the characters/people below based on the viral TikTok prank where the person pretend they have a tampon stuck and need their partner to help them to see how they react.
Warnings: mentions of period related items and topics, minimally suggestive words, otherwise fluff
Characters/people for this preference: Tom Holland, Peter Parker, Harry Holland, Sam Holland, Harrison Osterfield, Freddy Carter, Kaz Brekker, Jesper Fahey, Cardan Greenbriar, Aaron Warner Anderson, Pin Hawthorne, and Austin Butler
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Tom Holland
“Tomm…” y/n mumbled.
Tom peaked his head into the bathroom, eyes meeting her’s instantly.
“I… uhhh…. I have an issue” she whispered.
Tom raised his eyebrow at her and stepped into their bathroom, closing the door behind him
“What’s happening love?” He asked, grabbing her hand.
“So… uhh… I’m on my period…” y/n explained slowly.
Tom nodded, “did you need me to go to the store?”
Y/n smiled at how sweet he was but shook her head, looking away.
“Okay, then what is it darling?” He asked, using his thumb to lift her head back up to look at him.
“I… my tampon is… stuck” she said, looking out the corner of her eyes nervously.
“Oh” Tom said breathlessly but quickly pulled himself together, “okay. Let’s figure this out”.
“Wait, what?” Y/n asked, looking back at him with sad eyes.
“Love, it’s alright” he cooed, stroking her cheek, “we’ll get it out hmm?”
She gave him a thankful smile to which he responded by kissing her forehead delicately and lifting her onto the bathroom counter.
“So… just talk me through it yeah?” He asked shyly.
“Tom” she blushed, reaching forward to stop him.
“Darling, nothing to be shy about, I’ve seen it all before, and it’s not your fault it’s stuck” he encouraged.
Y/n giggled, burying her head into his shoulder.
She pulled back and pointed to her camera, “it’s a TikTok prank babe”.
Tom huffed, his cheeks reddening as he lifted her back to the ground.
“I couldn’t resist, but you were so sweet” she smiled, kissing his cheek.
Tom blushed more, wrapping his arm around her waist, “just as long as you know you can come to me if that really happened”.
Peter Parker
“Ummmm Peter?” Y/n called, walking into their apartment’s living room.
Peter looked up from his laptop and gave her a bright smile and nodded.
“So I uhh… Nevermind I’ll ask MJ” she rambled, looking down and playing with her hands.
Peter sighed, quickly setting his laptop to the side and walking to his girlfriend.
“Why MJ?” He frowned, pulling her to him.
Y/n laughed nervously, “it’s.. a girl thing Peter”.
“Oh” he whispered, his cheek warming up as it rested on her shoulder.
“Well maybe I can still help?” He offered, drawing shapes on her back through his sweatshirt she was wearing.
“Oh, thank you Peter” she said, squeezing him, “but I don’t think you’re going to want to do that”.
“Sure I do!” Peter gasped, pulling back to show his offended facial expressions.
Y/n bit her lip, “Peter…”
Peter’s frown deepened as he whined, “please let me help?”
“Peter-“ y/n began slowly.
“Please, I’ll do my best! I w-“ He argued.
“Peter, my tampon is stuck!” She blurted, cutting him off.
Peter’s eyes widened and his cheeks turned so red they’d have blended in with his Spider-Man suit if he had it on.
“Oh… okaay… umm…” Peter rambled anxiously.
“I’ll just call MJ and -“ y/n suggested.
Peter shook his head rapidly, “no, no. I’ll figure this out. Let me research this”.
“What?! What’re you looking up?” Y/n gasped as Peter rushed to his computer.
“The best way to help get a stuck tampon out” Peter said simply, typing away.
“Babe” y/n giggled, resting her hand on his over the keyboard.
“This article says I can simply use my hand, so-“ Peter began, reading off the instruction from the website he clicked on.
“Peter” y/n said, kissing his cheek, “it was a prank”.
“What?” He asked, turning to face her.
“It is a TikTok trend Pete; if it helps, you passed” y/n shrugs with a smile.
Peter shook his head, “of course I did, I wasn’t going to just leave it in there”.
Y/n laughed and pulled him to her for a hug.
Harry Holland
“Baz! Can you come here please?” Y/n shouted.
Harry knocked before slowly opening the bathroom door, “love?”
“I need your help” she stated, causing an instant wave of confusion to take over his features.
Harry rubbed the back of his neck, “with?”
Y/n looked away from him as she slowly sat on the closed toilet lid, “my tampon is stuck Baz”
Harry froze, staring at her in shock as he opened and closed his mouth silently.
Y/n looked up as he started to exit the bathroom, “are you just leaving me here?”
“Don’t be dramatic” Harry scoffed, “I’m getting reinforcements “.
Y/n jumped up, grabbing her phone and running to catch up with him, “reinforcements?!”
“Love I don’t know what to do, but I’m sure mum does” Harry explained, grabbing his phone from where he abandoned it on the couch moments ago.
“No!” Y/n laughed, taking the phone from his hand.
“Y/n, I’m clueless on this” Harry groaned, reaching for his phone.
“That’s fine cause it’s a prank” y/n informed him, giving him a cheesy grin.
Harry stared at her, trying to see if she was lying or not.
He smirked, grabbing his phone back from her, “you can never be too sure”.
“Holland don’t you dare!” Y/n gasped, putting her phone down as she chased her boyfriend around their flat.
Sam Holland
“Darling?” Sam called, knocking on their bathroom door.
Y/n had intentionally sat in the bathroom for far longer than normal, waiting to see if he noticed.
“I… I’ll be out soon” y/n breathily laughed.
Sam sighed softly, “are you okay?”
Y/n bit her lip as she took one last deep breath to compose herself for the prank.
“Y-yeah Sammy. I’ll be out soon.. okay?” She asked quietly.
“Y/n, can I come in?” He asked, resting his hand on the door handle.
“Why?” She asked with a fake panic.
Sam laughed nervously, “because you’re scaring me honey, can I please come in?”
“Umm one sec” y/n shouted, making a lot of noise and running the sink.
She held a towel in her hands as she opened the door for her boyfriend with a sheepish smile.
“What’s going on?” Sam asked, surveying the bathroom for clues.
“Nothing” she said, looking away as she hung the towel up.
“Darling,” Sam warned softly, grabbing her hand.
She sighed, peering up into his eyes, “my tampon is… stuck”.
Sam’s mouth opened slightly before he nodded.
“How do I help? Should I get ummm” he rambled, his eyes darting around the room, “ooh! Tongs?”
“No! You’re not using tongs down there Sam!” Y/n gasped, laughing.
Sam thought for a moment and then nodded in agreement, “Turkey baster?”
Y/N’s jaw dropped, “what?!”
“You know… the suction? It could pull it out” Sam shrugged.
“No kitchen utensils!” Y/n sighed, rubbing her head.
Sam bit his lip, “okay, well I’m coming up with ideas, you tell me one then”.
“Sam your ideas all involve medieval torture” y/n joked, “thank god it was a prank!��
Sam let out a sigh of relief before crossing his arms over his chest, “you were pranking me?”
Y/n giggled shyly and nodded, “good thing too cause now I know who not to come to!”
Haz (Harrison) Osterfield
“Okay, okay, go” y/n giggled, shoving Charlotte back to their living room, “he’ll be home soon”.
Charlotte laughed and raced back, throwing herself on her brother’s couch to wait.
Y/n set up her phone’s camera in the corner between their towel rack and toothbrush holder.
“Darling?” Harrison called out, “Charlotte says you’ve been in there a while”.
Y/n suppressed her laughter over the fact Charlotte wasn’t supposed to even say anything but was clearly eager.
“Ummm yeah, sorry” y/n sighed, making Harrison knock on the door.
“I’ll be out. I just… need a minute “ y/n lied.
“I’m coming in love” Harrison said, slowly opening the door so she had the chance to stop him.
Harrison walked to her, wrapping his arms around her waist, “are you just hanging out in here?”
Y/n laughed and slapped his arm playfully, “of course not”.
“Well, you’re completely dressed and standing alone in the bathroom, what else am I to expect?” Harrison teased, brushing some hair from her eyes.
Y/n rolled her eyes, “it’s not that”.
“Then what is it?” Harrison asked, his voice sounding concerned again.
“Do you really want to know?” Y/n asked as she bit her lip.
Harrison looked and ensured the bathroom door was shut before nodding, “of course”.
“My… tampon… is… well, it’s stuck” y/n muttered.
“In you?” Harrison blurted without thinking.
Y/n laughed and sighed, “yeah, duh”.
Harrison shook his head to focus, quickly stepping back and grabbing her shoulders, “okay… let me think”.
“It’s okay, I -“ y/n began but he shook his head.
Harrison’s eyes snapped to her’s as an idea formed in his mind, “okay, I got it”.
Y/n raised an eyebrow questioningly at him.
“Sit here” he said, pressing onto the wall of the bathtub.
“Umm what?” Y/n asked quietly, doing as he said.
“I will kneel down and we’ll get this fixed” he offered.
Y/n grinned, leaning forward and kissing him, “I love you Haz, but that’s not needed”.
Harrison rolled his eyes, “it’s not a big deal, just-“
She laughed, cupping his cheek with her hand, “it’s a TikTok prank baby”.
Harrison looked around for the camera, noticing it just as y/n pointed it out.
“You’re lucky I love you” he teased, grabbing the camera.
“Clearly” she grinned, making him blush.
Freddy Carter
“Love, I got your text, where are you?” Freddy asked as he entered their flat, setting the groceries on the floor by the front door.
“Bathroom” y/n mumbled, Freddy noticing the shyness in her voice.
“You said you need help?” He asked, knocking on the door.
“Come in please Freddy” she whispered.
Freddy opened the door, walking to her and grabbing her hand, “what’s happening?”
Y/n giggled, rubbing a hand over her face in embarrassment, “I managed to get my tampon… stuck”.
Freddy bit his lip as he watched her look up at him innocently.
She sighed with a smile, “I know”.
Freddy laughed softly, “good, well done love”.
Y/n rolled her eyes at his typical line when she made a fool of herself, and crossed her arms.
“Alright, alright “ he said, composing himself, “it’s no longer funny. How can I help love?”
Y/n bit her lip and shrugged, “it’s really stuck. I’ve tried for like twenty before texting you”.
“Pretty girl, why didn’t you call me? I would’ve come faster to help” Freddy sighed, guiding her to the toilet.
“It’s awkward” y/n mumbled.
Freddy delicately pushed her to sit down, kissing the top of her head, “no it’s not, now I’m going to need you to lower your trousers and then -“
“Freddy-“ y/n said, grabbing his hand.
Freddy looked down at her and nodded as he waited for an explanation for her hesitation.
“I really appreciate you baby, but it’s just a TikTok prank, Amita suggested it” y/n giggled, squeezing his hand.
Freddy paused for a moment, “alright, so you’re okay?”
Y/n stood up before him, kissing his cheek, “yeah, thank you”.
Freddy laughed and shook his head, “good, now help me with the groceries?”
Kaz Brekker
“Inej, no” y/n sighed, annoyed that in her drunken state Jesper convinced her to have you prank Kaz.
“Why?” Inej whined.
“Because you know how he is with touch” y/n argued firmly.
“He doesn’t have to actually touch tou, just see how he’d try to help or if he’d ignore it “ she pressed.
“Inej, no” y/n repeated, standing up and walking to Kaz’s room.
She frowned upon seeing the room was empty but she sat down at his desk anyways and grabbed the book next to her.
When Kaz entered his room, he hesitated for a moment, seeing y/n resting her head in a book on his desk.
He tried to tell himself that while her posture showed she was uncomfortable it was due to her position not what Inej told him.
Kaz wasn’t sure why Inej had told him such a personal matter in the first place, but he knew she was unusually drunk.
As y/n seemed to notice his presence, she shifted in her seat to stretch and loosen her muscles from the bad position she was in.
But Kaz took it as a sign that Inej was correct.
He sighed, slowly walking to y/n as she smiled at him.
Kaz paused just before her and his eyes ran up and down her body as he tried to think of a plan to help her without touching her.
He knew it was futile but he couldn’t ignore it either, especially after Inej went into vigorous detail about what could happen if the tampon was left inside y/n too long.
“Kaz?” Y/n asked, noticing his higher than normal level of apprehension.
“I… I don’t think I can do it y/n” Kaz sighed, his eyes on his gloved hands.
“Do, what?” She pressed, staring at him in confusion.
“Help you” he sighed, his jaw clenching in frustration with himself, “I’m not there yet”.
Y/n tilted her head to the side as she examined his eyes for any clue as to what was going on, “Kaz, I-“.
He shook his head, gripping his cane tighter, “I cannot. Inej is of no use at the moment. I will get Nina”.
She watched as Kaz turned abruptly towards his door.
“Kaz, I don’t need Nina. What are you talking about?” She asked, standing up behind him.
“Your… disposition. Inej informed me” Kaz stated, his back to her.
“My..-? Oh, Kaz, ignore her” y/n said as she caught on.
Kaz turned back to y/n, “I will not. You need help. I may not be able to but I can make sure Nina does”.
Y/n smiled and walked to him, slowly setting her hand over his on his cane to allow him the chance to pull away or stop her.
“Inej wanted me to prank you. I told her no. I guess she took it upon herself” y/n explained, smiling sympathetically at him.
“You are not at risk of poor health then?” Kaz clarified, the concern showing in his eyes.
“I mean, we live in Ketterdam so that’s a constant possibility, but no, I don’t have a tampon stuck, and no I’m not at any increased health risk Kaz” she promised.
Kaz turned his hand over to hold her’s for a moment as he nodded and let his features relax.
Y/n smiled and lead him back to his desk so he could sit.
While she wasn’t pleased Inej pushed it, she was proud of her boyfriend for finding his own way to help her.
Jesper Fahey
“You what?” Jesper asked, setting his whiskey down.
“Don’t make me repeat it” y/n groaned.
Jesper laughed and dropped his arm around her shoulders, “then let’s go”.
“Where?” She asked as he lead her through the crowd that had entered the crow’s club that night.
“To the restroom to take care of this” he shrugged.
“And how exactly are you planning on doing that Jesper?” Y/n laughed.
“Darling, you should know I’m well skilled with my hands” Jesper winked.
“Jes!” She gasped, smacking his arm.
“What?!” He feigned innocence, “you’ve seen me take apart my guns to clean them. This is not much different”.
Y/n rolled her eyes as she knew that was not what he was referring to mere seconds before.
“It is very different, thank you very much!” She argued.
Jesper smirked and shrugged as he pushed the bathroom door open after no one responded when he knocked, “you know I’m always gentle”.
Y/n grumbled, “I hate you”.
Jesper laughed, “if you say so, now stand here”.
“Jesper, stop” y/n laughed, pushing him back.
He sighed, looking into her eyes, “I’ll stop joking, but we do need to fix this”.
Y/n smiled, “it was a prank Jes”.
Jesper frowned, “you mean..”
She nodded, kissing his cheek, “thanks for helping me win the bet though!”
Jesper groaned as he followed her back out into the club, “you better split the winnings with me!”
Cardan Greenbriar
“Yes my sweet nemesis?” Cardan mumbles, glancing up from his slouched position on his lounge chair in his bedroom.
“I could use some assistance” y/n whispered.
“With?” He asks, setting his gold rimmed chalice down before standing.
“You may not be interested..” she sighs, looking away.
“I beg your pardon, you cannot truly think I would chose to not assist you” Cardan scoffs, lifting y/N’s hand to his stained lips.
“Cardan… it’s just… my tampon is stuck” y/n explains slowly.
“This is a mortal thing yes?” Cardan questions with a slight tilt of his head, the tip of his ear peaking through the curtain of his loose hair.
She nods, “which is why, I think you may need to get my sist-“.
Cardan cuts y/n off with a gentle kiss to her lips, “I understand the summation, but my Queen, I plead you let me try first on my own”.
“You’re willing to…” y/n trailed off, staring into his kind eyes.
“You need not act as if that is anything new my dear” he smirked, pulling her hand towards their adjoined bathroom.
“Cardan” She giggles, tugging him back, “it’s a prank”.
“A… prank?” He questions, staring at her.
“Basically a joke or trick for comedic purposes” y/n explains with a smile.
Cardan’s eyes darken slightly as he shakes his head, “ever the trickster aren’t you my beautiful y/n”.
She blushes as she watches him flop back onto the lounge chair and resume his drinking.
Aaron Warner (Anderson)
“Honey, I’m going to need some help in here” y/n said, knowing Aaron would rush right in.
Just as suspected, her boyfriend busted into the bathroom within seconds.
“How can I help you love?” He asked, scanning her for any injuries.
“So… ummm” she mumbled, biting her lip.
Aaron sighed tenderly, “love, don’t be shy. Not with me”.
He was being so gentle she felt bad for pranking him, but she needed to beat Kenji.
“I got a tampon stuck” she told him, eyes wide as she looked into his green eyes.
“Not a problem love,” he stated, picking her up and setting her on the bench next to the counter.
“Aaron-“ she giggled, grabbing his hand.
“It’s okay gorgeous, just lift your hips for me love” he instructed, reaching for her waistband.
“Babe, stop” She whispered, smiling at him “ it was a prank”.
Aaron furrowed his eyebrows as he stepped back and gave her a questioning look.
She bit her lip and shrugged innocently, “Kenji said that no guy would ever-“.
“You did this to prove a point to Kenji?” Aaron asked teasingly.
She nodded with a shy smile, “oops?”
Aaron chuckled and shook his head, scooping her into his arms as he began tickling her, “you’re going to pay for that my love”.
Pin Hawthorne
“I can’t right now Pin” y/n sighed, walking out of the restroom.
“Why?” He sighed, leaning against the doorframe, “it’ll be short and we’ll have dinner after”.
“I have to umm.. hang out here for a bit” She explained.
Pin squinted at her, “everyone’s left, unless you’re the horse thief I’m not sure why you’d stick around”.
Y/n scoffed and crossed her arms over her chest as she playfully glared at him.
“I’m kidding” Pin grinned, putting his palms up in the air, “but why are you staying here?”
“I have to take care of something” y/n muttered, trying to not look over at her camera she’d hidden earlier.
The girls had all agreed to try the viral tampon prank on their boyfriends this weekend and y/n decided to get it over with first.
“I own the stables y/n, I assure you that whatever Mia has you staying late for can wait” Pin sighed, expecting Mia to be the cause again this time, “regardless, I can help”.
“Not with this” She giggled nervously.
Pin pushed himself off the doorframe and walked to his girlfriend, gently interlacing their hands, “why not?”
“Pin…it’s embarrassing” She pouted.
He shrugged, “I’ve embarrassed myself countless times before you. I promise you can tell me anything”.
Y/n beamed as she looked into his warm brown eyes, “I know…”
“Then what is the matter?” He pressed hesitantly.
“My tampon is stuck” she groaned.
Pin’s cheeks flushed a crimson red color as he sucked in his bottom lip.
He forced a stiff nod, “I see”.
“Like I said, you can’t help. I tried several times and I can’t get it myself” y/n told him.
Pin raised his eyebrows as he slowly let out his bottom lip, “if you can’t reach it… perhaps… umm… perhaps I can. If you’re okay with that of course! I mean, I know I’ve only worked on horses but I think I understand the general task and I-“
Y/n giggled, reaching up to run her hand through his hair, “Pin, babe, breathe”.
Pin nodded and took a deep breath, “okay, so-“.
“No, really, baby it was a prank, I’m sorry” she explained, playing with his hair to relax him.
“What?” He whispered in shock.
“I’m sorry” she sighed, tenderly scratching his scalp, “it was Jade’s idea. It’s a TikTok trend people do with their boyfriends”.
Pin closed his eyes for a second as he suppressed a large grin, but his dimples face him away, “boyfriend”.
Y/n giggled, cuddling up against him, “yes Pin, boyfriend”.
Austin Butler
“Ugh” y/n griped as she stomped through her and Austin’s house.
Austin set his script aside as he started questioningly at his girlfriend.
He waited to see if she’d explain why she was having a fit but as she began digging in her purse while still muttering he gave up.
“Angel? What’s going on? Why are you so grumpy?” He smirked, standing up to walk to her.
“I’m not grumpy Austin” She argued, rolling her eyes.
“Mmm okay” He laughed, “tell that to the pen you threw”.
She groaned, running a hand down her face as she plopped into the dining room chair next to her.
“Y/n/n, angel come on, talk to me” Austin requested, kneeling next to her.
She shook her head, wrapping her arms around herself.
Austin sighed and pulled her chair leg slowly to bring her closer, “please”.
“I can’t” she mumbled.
“Love, we talked about communication” He reminded her, his hand resting on her knee.
She let out a loud sigh before nodding and looking at him, “my tampon is stuck Austin “.
Austin laughed making her shove him playfully as she pouted .
He shook his head, cupping her face in his hands, “angel, that’s an easy fix. You had me worried”.
Y/N’s eyes widened, “I already tried though, I can’t get it”.
Austin nodded, pulling her head delicately to him as he pressed a soft kiss to her forehead, “that’s where I step in”.
She smiled and shook her head, looking to the camera against the planter.
“Angel, I know it might be awkward but it’s gotta come out” Austin said, squeezing her hand encouragingly.
“Aus” She giggled, pointing to the camera resting on their planter, “it was just a TikTok prank!”
Austin laughed loudly as he helped y/n stand up and pulled her to him, “I’ll get you back for that you know”.
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Tom Holland Navigation/Masterlist
Peter Parker Navigation/Masterlist
Harry Holland Navigation/Masterlist
Sam Holland Navigation/Masterlist
Harrison Osterfield Navigation/Masterlist
Freddy Carter Navigation/Masterlist
Kaz Brekker Navigation/Masterlist
Jesper Fahey Navigation/Masterlist
Six of Crows Navigation/Masterlist
Grishaverse Navigation/Masterlist
Cardan Greenbriar Navigation/Masterlist
Aaron Warner Anderson Navigation/Masterlist
Shatter Me Navigation/Masterlist
Pin Hawthorne Navigation/Masterlist
Austin Butler Navigation/Masterlist
Main Navigation/Masterlist (All my works)
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Combined tag lists:
@galaxyholland @bigbirdstwins @mcushvft @fishingirl12 @raajali3 @justapurrcat @natswifey @directioner5life @ell0ra-br3kk3r @laylasbunbunny @natswife-marvelicious @b3kk3r-by-br3kk3r
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567 notes · View notes
spideyssunshine · 5 months
new era starts now.
can we please leave the past in the past. i overshared years ago and overwhelmed myself in the process. i miss being a writer on here. i miss all of mutuals and the creation of my works. so please, let me have a fresh start on here.
IM BACK! spideyssunshine is now open for business. please send me requests so i can start writing again or come chat with me! i missed you all so much and love you all always.
chris :)
going to tag some of my old friends from my taglist below!
@hotforharrison @spideyspeaches @can-i-callyou-tonight @voguesir @parkerxreader @teti-menchon0604 @lillucyandthejets @parkers-gal @justafangirlduh @quacksonholland @thehumanistsdiary @theliterarymess @clara-licht @the-fan-18 @reptaysgf @writetorace @lmaotshollandd @megnotfound @itsbieberxholland @givebuckyhisplum @thirstiestpotato @lil-eesii-ye @0nico6 @piscesparker @aidinniram @heyafellows @ayooooooooooo @peterparkers-bad-youtube-apology @just-lost-inbetween-worlds @lovehollandy12 @bigassnocash @prancerrparkerr @agbspidey @belovedholland
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heytherejulia · 10 months
Only you ~ Harrison Osterfield
pairing: harrison osterfield x female reader
warning: swearing, crying, anxiety
summary: you had a really bad day and your boyfriend is there for you
word count: 1,4k
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It simply wasn’t your day. Your alarm clock didn't ring on time, so you overslept. You forgot to dry your hair before you went to bed and it was sticking out in every possible direction, so you had to straighten it and you burned yourself. You were late for work, your computer broke, just when you needed to print some important documents for the meeting that was in the next ten minutes. When you were going home you got stuck in traffic and it took you almost an hour to get to your flat. You didn't have time to eat lunch or drink your tea, so you had a completely empty stomach all day, forgot to do the groceries, and finally, while going up the stairs to the fourth floor (the lift turned out to be broken), you fell, bruised your knees and hands and broke the heel of your favorites shoes. 
When you finally got home your already bad mood got even worse. The mess you'd left in the morning was bigger than you had remembered, and there was complete silence inside, which meant Harrison, your boyfriend of four years, wasn’t home yet. 
Usually you kept things in check. You were the one in charge in your relationship, you were always the one who had everything under control. Especially your emotions. Sure, you loved to share your emotions with your loved ones and cry during movies, but when it came to dealing with adulthood, you had the power. 
Usually, but today wasn’t that day. Today you were tired, and everything that could possibly go wrong went exactly like that. Normally you would just ignore it and get on with the things you had to do, but today wasn't normal. Today you were too nervous and frustrated and so damn tired you couldn't keep it cool. Tears began to gather in your eyes as you removed your worn shoes and coat. When you entered the bedroom and threw yourself on the bed, you felt a little better. The smell of your favorite fabric softener, blend of both of your perfumes, and what you could only describe as Harrison's scent soothed your nerves a little. 
When Haz came home some time later, he faced a complete silence and a mess he had made before he left. He was surprised that you hadn't cleaned it up when you got home from work. Not because he thought it was your duty as a woman to do the housework, but because he knew your pedantic nature and knew you would clean it up in a second if you were home or you just wouldn't be able to go on with your day if the flat was untidy. Yet Harrison was glad that this time he could do some of the chores and took that responsibility from you. 
About ten minutes later, your flat looked like your flat again, and the groceries were put in the right cupboards and then he finally headed to the bedroom to put his phone to the charger. He saw you lying under the pile blanket and heard your soft sobs. He immediately sat down on the edge of the bed, stroking your shoulder. 
‘Hi, love.’ When you did not react to his words he put his hand on the small of your back. ‘Come here.’
There was silence for a moment, broken only by your sniffling. Harrison didn't want to overwhelm you, so he waited for any reaction from you, the slightest gesture that would give him permission to approach you. After a minute, however, you came out from under the blanket and climbed onto his lap. Haz wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him. 
‘Do you want to tell me what happened?’ In response, you just hid your face in the crook of his neck, and you just sat there for a while. Harrison was worried sick about what might have happened to affect your mood so much, as you slowly calmed down in his warmth, still crying silently. ‘Shhh, you're safe, I won't leave you. Come on, darling.’  
Harrison stared at your tiny body resting on his lap and noticed goose bumps on your skin. He took the blanket that was abandoned on the bed long ago, but you pushed his hand away. He looked at you in surprise. 
‘I don't want a blanket.’ You croaked. ‘May I have your hoodie?’  
Harrison tossed his head back, laughing, but either way taking off the mint hoodie he was wearing. You smiled gracefully as you settled more comfortably on his lap. The truth was, Harrison's clothes were kinda therapeutic for you. You weren't sure if it was because they were more comfortable than yours, or because they always smelled like his perfume, but they were just so soothing for you.
‘Have you eaten today?’ You shook your head as no. ‘So? Chicken with rice? From Sam's recipe?’
‘Yes, please.’ Haz laughed, getting up from the bed and walking towards the kitchen with you still in his arms. You wanted to help in preparing dinner, but he told you to sit at the kitchen island and handed you a mug of warm tea with milk. ‘Thank you darling. For everything.’ 
Harrison smiled warmly and kissed your forehead. When dinner was cooking your mood started to improve and you weren’t as devastated as you were when you came home. Now that you both were in a much better mood, you were dancing and singing to some random Spotify playlist. 
After dinner, you both decided to get some rest, even if only for a moment. It had been a tough day for you, and now that your stomach was full and all the tension left your body, all you could think of was a nap in your boyfriend's loving arms. Haz lay down on the bed after taking off his t-shirt and changing his jeans to causal gray sweats. He wasn't sleepy, but he wanted to give you a sense of comfort, so he covered you with a blanket and lay down on his back, going on his Instagram. 
‘Hm?’ You looked at him and stretched out your arms towards him. He laughed, pulling you against his chest. ‘Get some sleep, love.’ 
Moments after that, you were sleeping peacefully in his arms. Harrison lay still to not wake you up as you were the lighter sleeper in the world and he only looked at you with a lovesick smile. No one was aware of how much he fucking loved you. He always knew that, but today’s events, your daily routine, you both getting up, getting ready for work together, having breakfast tea together, knowing that you felt safe in his arms, that he simply was happy with you, made him realize that he wanted to marry you, that he wanted you to be his happily ever after. 
‘What are you thinking about?’ Harrison jumped slightly at the sound of your voice.
‘Marry me.’
‘I may not have another chance and the courage to say that. Y/N, you are the most important person in my whole life, you make me happier every day. You are the most beautiful woman in the world. Inside and out. I want to have you by my side forever, I want to start a family with you, have children with you, grow old with yoy. Therefore, marry me.’
You laughed at the mixture of joy, surprise and affection.
‘You shouldn't be laughing! God, I'm so embarrassed right now. I made a fool of myself, didn't I?’ You looked into Harrison's eyes, which had shed with tears. 
‘No, Haz, no. Of course you didn't make a fool of yourself. I want to be your wife, I want to have children with you, I want to spend my whole life by your side.’ Harrison put his hands on your cheeks, drawing you to his lips. The kiss didn’t last long but showed all the love and joy you both felt. The kiss was sweet of the coconut balm on your lips, but also salty with your tears. 
‘I love you, Y/N. Most in the world. I know this isn’t the proposal you deserve, I don't even have a ring, but I love you and I want you to know that.’ 
‘I don't need a ring or any romantic gestures. You're all I need. Only you.’ 
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tomholland1996simp · 2 years
Ok im back so idk if you’ve already done this could you do one with harry haz Tuwaine and tom (tom being your boyfriend) where reader gets thier period while there all at the beach then you can choose what happens next thanks xx
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Period || Tom holland
Summary: You, Tom, Harry, Tuwaine and Haz all go for a nice day at the beach. You all walk around in the sun, going through shops then playing in the water and on the sand. The day was going well until mother nature had to come over to ruin the fun you’ve had.
Today you was going to the beach with your boyfriend and his friends. You and Tom have been dating for about 10 months now, yesterday being the first time you ever slept over when his friends were in the apartment.
You all got up nice and early around 8am as the beach was a bit of a drive away. When you had woke up though, you felt a pain in your lower stomach. You didn’t really take notice to it at the start, you thought it would eventually go away later on through the day.
You slipped on your white bikini before looking in the mirror to check out your body. You felt like your belly had gotten a tiny bit bigger like you was bloated a little. You kept staring at yourself in the mirror thinking whether or not you should just change.
You must’ve not noticed Tom walking into the room, as a pair of arms wrapped around your waist. He placed a kiss on your shoulder before saying, “You look beautiful baby, what’s wrong?” He then asked seeing your annoyed but sad expression.
“I-I…..I just feel fat now, I mean look at my belly. I might just change into something else” You sigh moving his arms off you to get another spare swimming costume that you did pack.
“Hey, hey, hey! You look amazing darling, you might not be able to see it but I can, your beautiful. Your figure is amazing, I love your curves and everything. Plus this bikini brings out these baby’s” He tells you, pointing to your boobs.
“Oi! Thanks babe but I should definitely change if it shows that, im hanging out with a bunch of boys” I laugh at his comment.
“No wear it, if they look at you i’ll kill them” He said seriously, but we all know he was joking. Then Tom and you went downstairs bringing the bag that had both your towels and spare clothes for when you go home. You decided not to eat anything due to just wanting to not look anymore bloated.
“Are you lot ready to go you take forever” Harrison complained whilst rolling his eyes.
“Yes we are you div, remember i’m driving” Tom slides on his shoes whilst You throw on your cover up over your bikini.
He then opened the door for you to walk outside to his car. It is going to be you, Tom, Harry, Harrison and Tuwaine who would be going to the beach on this sunny day. Tom put the bag in the back of the car, running over to open the passenger door for you .
“Thank you” you peck his cheek getting into the car, the other boys sitting in the back. You all listen to music on the way to the beach, the drive being a bit long. You started to feel a bit sick half way of the drive, your stomach having a small sharp pain.
“You okay, Angel?” Tom asked, placing a hand on your thigh whilst the other was on the wheel. He saw your discomfort, your hand firmly pressing your lower belly. You nod your head turning to look outside the window. “You look a bit pale, did you eat?” He questioned now placing his free hand on the top of your head, feeling if you had a temperature.
“I forgot…didn’t feel great earlier” You shrug like it wasn’t a big deal, however to Tom it was. Once the next turn came up, Tom took a right going into the drive through of Starbucks.
“What are you doing mate?” Harry asked.
“Y/n over here forgot to eat so i’m getting her soemthing-“ Before you could look at him to complain he beat you to it. “Don’t say anything, i’m getting you something. Anyone want anything?”
After eating your food and having yo ur drink from Starbucks you felt more better. You still had that small pain in your lower stomach but it wasn’t as unbearable anymore. Once Tom parked his car everyone got out, feeling the heat hit your faces. Tom grabbed his bag which had both your stuff in like your towels and spare clothes.
There was quiet a few people on the beach today, some with their families or friends, simply having a good time out. You all walked over picking the sun beds that were free, luckily there was four all lined up. It wasn’t enough for the five of you but most the time you would all be in the water anyways.
You set the towels and sun cream down, as the boys take off there shirts putting some sun cream on themselves. Tom helped you put some on yourself, you doing the same to him, rubbing it all around his body. After a few minutes, they all went running through the hot sand and into the cold sea water. You laid there on the sun bed, your cover up now off with your sunglasses on, watching them mess about with a ball they had brought with them.
Tom then begged you to come into the water, well he more like came over dragging you into it. You all splashed around, laughing when the boys did silly things. Then they decided to play a game of net ball, you joining with them. The teams were Tuwaine and Haz against you and Tom, Harry being the referee. Tuwaine and Harrison won the first game but then you and Tom won the second.
You were all going to play another to see who would win, but Tom quickly pulled you by the waist, your back against him. “We’ll be back” He told the boys them saying an ‘alright’ to us.
You was confused at first to why he pulled you back over to the sun beds. But then he sat down, grabbing the bag of yours a his things. He pulled out a spare pair of his boxers, a pair of long jogger shorts that was his and your shirt that you brought.
You sat down on the opposite sun bed, giving him an confused look. He cleared his throat before speaking. “Y-you erm…uhhh. You started your period” He says making your eyes go wide as you stand up looking at what once was your white bikini, but now one with a red stain.
You sit back down, your face flushing red with embarrassment. “It’s okay though, don’t be embarrassed please. Just get changed into these. D-do you need them pad things? I can get them” He suggests feeling bad at how embarrassed you are. He’s never really seen you on your period in the ten months you have been dating.
You felt embarrassed, like you wanted to cry so all you did was stand up throwing the cover up over you. Grabbing the clothes and getting your purse. “No it’s f-fine…i’ll get it. Thanks though” You mutter walking along the sand to where the shops were.
You was having such a great time and now mother nature had to piss you off. You brought the pads you normally get going into some changing rooms that were along the beach. You put on the pad in Toms boxers, slipping on the jogger shorts which landed a little above your knees then your shirt.
You took a deep breath, walking back to the sun beds where Tom was still sat. The sun was starting to set now, the other boys having one more go in the water. You placed your bikini that was wrapped in a towel into the bag, looking over at Tom who was now in his normal clothes.
“You okay now? Do you need anything?” He curiously asked grabbing your hand playing with a few fingers. You stood there sighing, looking at your fingers.
“I’m sorry, Tommy” You wipe your eyes with your hands, Tom immediately bringing you down to sit on his left leg.
“Don’t cry, baby. It’s natural. I’m not disgusted by it, if that’s what you think I am. Y/n, I wanna be here for you at that time. I wanna help you so you feel better” He kissed your forehead, his fingers slowly circling your side.
“It’s just embarrassing that I leaked through and y-you saw” You say, looking in his eyes.
“That’s okay, love. Don’t feel embarrassed, silly.” You smile just at the nick names. “How about when we get home, I’ll get your favourite snacks we can watch whatever you want and cuddle in my bed?” He asked with a light smile.
“That sounds good” You smile kissing his lips.
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camatchoum · 6 months
If you have any requests,
These are the actors and the characters I'm willing to write for. I do NOT write smut. Please don't hesitate to send something. I'm so excited to have a request.
Timothée Chalamet :
Paul Atreides
Willy Wonka
Tom Holland :
Peter Parker
Nathan Drake
Todd Hewitt
The Holland Family & Harrison
Hunger Games :
Finnick Odair
Peeta Mellark
Dylan O'brien :
Stiles Stilinski
Mitch Rapp
Thomas Brodie-Sangster :
Sebastian Stan :
Bucky Barnes
Chris beck
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your-nanas-house · 1 year
Hi love! What do you think of a fic/headcanon (whatever you prefer) where Tom Holland is secretly dating Tony Stark’s daughter? Thank you so much 💗
Hello! Sure thing. 🥰 I did an imagine in the end.
Back to reality
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(Photos not mine, credit to the owner)
◇ Pairing: Tom Holland X fem Stark!Reader
◇ Warnings: fluff, secret relationship, hiding, swearing, reality, fanfiction
◇ Summary: in the request
◇ Note: Sorry for the mistakes and the English.
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Y/n's hand quickly covered your mouth, her hands were soft and reached your jaw, gently grazing it with her fingertips.
Her y/e/c eyes were fixed on yours in an almost hypnotic way as she silently pleaded you not to make any noise; her mouth moved and her expression showed slight panic as she pushed you against the wardrobe door in her bedroom.
Your back hit the hard surface of the wood and the last thing you saw, before you were embraced by the darkness that swallowed you into the wardrobe, was your girlfriend's face as she quickly closed the doors before leaving her father, Tony fucking Stark, in the room.
The two voices could be heard perfectly even though you were behind a light wooden door holding your breath waiting....
Harrison's hand brought Tom back to reality, his hazel gaze that had previously been fixed on his phone as he read the fanfiction he had found shifted fearfully to his friend who was giggling in amusement pointing out that it was the tenth story he had read about Y/n Stark and that he needed to focus on reality since he had to visit his parents in less than an hour, thus advising him to forget for a while about the Marvel character so beloved by the actor and the various stories fans were writing that were often with convoluted but interesting plots such as a secret relationship or friends with benefits and more.
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@gabile18 , @mrsfullbuster500 , @rex-ray , @elizamalfoyy, @eovjjj , @monkeyking-and-liuer-mate , @jeremiah-va1eska , @gothamchic16, @rabbiteggz , @dieg0brandos-wife , @rottenecstasy , @lazyexcuse , @teh-vampire-bunny , @lobotomy-lover , @slasher-smasher
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babyparker13 · 5 months
This is such a stretch but do any of my Holland fam girlies from 2020 remember an instagram acc called HarmonyHolland that used to post little fics because I swear I’m the only person that remembers it and I can’t find it anywhere, I neeeeeeed it back 😭
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hollandfromhell · 2 years
wasted youth - P.P.
summary: Peter's group of friends are split up when they all go to college, after they finally plan a reunion will him and his ex, Y/N, rekindle what they used to have? Or will their friends, Gwen and Harry, stand in the way?
pairing: College!Peter x College!Y/N, slight Harry x Y/N, slight Peter x Gwen, Ned x Betty
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a/n: who’s ready for a new series?? let me know if you’re interested or if this sounds like a totally boring fic idea! i’ll update the first part as soon as possible!
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morningbluue · 2 years
wrong choices with happy ends | h.o.
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summary: there’s only a fine line between friendship and love... but you need to become friends first, and for Harrison and you seem this to be the hardest part of all | enemies to lovers + fwb
warnings: bad language, mentions of sex and making out, angst, mentions of alcohol, it’s a rollercoaster 
word count: 4,7k
prompt: “i don't care about everyone else! i care about you, [name]!"
A/N: hi loves <3 long story short, this is a request that i got almost 1 year ago lol, i wrote the first half in like 6 months because i was never happy with it, then i didn’t write at all for a few months and now i finally finished this story in one evening. hope you enjoy <3
masterlist | taglist
If you had to describe your relationship with Harrison, you would say it’s complicated - really complicated. The two of you have been in the same friend group since high school, but you both never managed to become friends at all. You always had this bad gut feeling about the other, and that’s why you never seemed to enjoy each other’s company. 
Much to the confusion of your friends. Especially Tom. 
But the thing that irritated your friends the most was when Harrison and you started hooking up with each other. The first time was just out of frustration with the other, the second and third time because it was fun, and that’s why you continued doing it. 
However, that did not change your feelings for the other. It’s just a friends with benefits relationship, without being actual friends in the first place. 
But if it works for the both of you, why should you stop? 
“Are you up for another round?” Harrison mumbles into your neck and places a few kisses there. You can feel his smile against your skin.
You shake your head, a smirk growing on your lips. “I can’t,” you reply and grab your shirt to pull it over your head. “I have to do some stuff for college.” 
“Sad.” He lets himself fall back onto the pillow, his arms resting behind his head to give you a nice look at his biceps. 
“You could come with me.” 
Harrison’s eyebrows knit together, and his expression almost looks disgusted. “No, thanks. I’m just gonna stay here.” 
He shrugs. “I don’t want to.” 
You try to not look offended by his carelessness. “You mean, you don’t want to be seen with me.” 
“That’s not true,” he rolls his eyes as if you’re getting on his nerves. “We’re not friends, y/n, so why should I come with you?“
“Right. We’re only sleeping with each other.” 
A sigh leaves his lips, and you can see it in his eyes that he doesn’t know what to do. “We can stop if you don’t want to anymore.” A small smirk crosses his face, “but that would be a shame.” 
You take a deep breath before standing up from the bed, and for a split second you hate yourself for saying your next words. “It’s fine, we don’t have to stop.” 
Turning around to him again, you’re met by his satisfied grin. “See you on Friday?”
You click your bottle against the others, a smile taking over your face as everyone around the table shouts cheers. Taking a sip from your cold beer, you lean back into the seat, and Tom next to you turns his head to send you a gentle smile. 
“Glad you came,” he mumbles and leans closer to you. 
You raise your brows in surprise. “Why wouldn’t I?”
“You’ve been a little busy at the moment,” he smirks and nods his head in Harrison’s direction. The blonde notices your stares and sends a wink your way, which makes you roll your eyes. 
“It’s not what you think,” you scoff at Tom. “I’m still a student that has to study for a lot of exams, you know.”
Tom raises his hands in surrender, a grin growing on his lips again. “I didn’t say anything.” 
“But you were thinking about it!” 
“I wasn’t!” 
You narrow your eyes, but can’t hold back a small smile. “I don’t trust you.” 
He laughs. “That’s a lie.” 
After you finish your third bottle, Tom places a tequila shot in front of you, and you groan. 
“Come on, y/n,” he wraps an arm around your shoulder, pulling you close, “I know you want to.” 
You give the brunette a warning glance before you grab the small glass and let your head fall back to drown the liquid in one sip. Shots are your weakness, and you have to stay focused tonight.
“Another one?” Tom asks the second you place the empty glass down on the table again. 
“I hate you!” you laugh. 
Tom talks you into another two rounds before he finally loses his attention to his phone. You turn to him to watch him scrolling through his Instagram page, mindlessly scanning the pictures as you suddenly get a glimpse of the time. 
“Can I stay here for the night?” you ask and lean closer to Tom. 
He looks up from his phone and casually wraps an arm around your waist, smiling widely. “Only if you cuddle with me.” 
“Of course, that’s like the only reason I always stay with you,” you laugh and nudge him with your shoulder. 
Your phone suddenly lights up with a notification, and you grab it off the table in front of you to look at the incoming message.
Harrison: can’t believe you’re still sleeping with him 
You knit your eyebrows together at his attitude, quickly typing a reply. 
You: wtf??
You: I’m not sleeping with him 
Harrison: but you’re sleeping in the same bed 
You: we’ve always done that? what's your problem? 
Harrison: I don’t have a problem 
You: doesn’t sound like it 
You look up from your phone, and Harrison does the same, your gaze meeting each other over the table. You narrow your eyes, staring him down, and Harrison’s blue eyes bore into your soul. Sometimes you don’t understand what everyone is seeing in him. But that’s before you remember that he only has this complicated relationship with you.
Tom thighens his grip on your waist to signal you to look at him, and you finally tear your gaze away from Harrison. Turning your head around to Tom, you’re met by his all too familiar worried eyes. Your mouth falls almost into a sad pout.
“Everything okay?”
You swallow the anger down and try not to look back at Harrison. “Course, Tommy,” you force a smile. “I’m fine.”
Your phone lights up with a new notification, gaining your attention again, and you know exactly what message is awaiting you, much to your disappointment - or maybe not. It’s always the same.
Harrison: bathroom in 5 
Without looking up from your phone, you notice him standing up on the other side of the table and walking away, probably to the bathroom, without saying anything or even looking your way. 
He’s almost too good at this game, and that disturbs you in a weird way.
When you open the door to the bathroom more than five minutes later, you immediately get pulled against a muscular chest. You look up and meet Harrison’s crystal blue eyes as he wraps his arms around your middle. His familiar scent envelops you and for a second you let yourself enjoy it.
“You’re getting on my nerves, y/n,” he mumbles, his lips so close to yours, almost touching, but he doesn’t give you the satisfaction yet. You want to stay focused and win this game, but you can’t hold back a smirk. 
You bite down on your lips and try to look as innocent as possible before he turns you both around and presses your back against the wall, his grip on your waist tightening. “And I love it,” you smile.
“Just don’t exaggerate it,” Harrison whispers in between kisses, “you know I don’t like that.” He pulls you closer, his hands wandering over your upper body, arms, neck, cheeks, until they finally dive into your hair, and you know that you’re not coming out of this bathroom so soon.
You tilt your head and meet his lips for another kiss, your fingers pulling his blonde curls gently, and Harrison sighs into your mouth. You hate him, but you can’t get enough of his kisses and his hands on you. It’s a fact that this here is a mistake, but sometimes you need to do something wrong in life to have some fun.
“Oh, I haven’t really started, Harrison. You don’t know what’s coming.”
Harrison pulls away, smirking. “That sounds like a challenge.”
You’re standing in front of Harrison’s apartment, chewing on some bubble gum and typing a quick reply to a message Tom sent you some minutes ago, while you wait for Harrison to open the door. When he doesn’t answer, you send him a quick text too and knock again. 
When the blonde finally opens the door after some minutes, he doesn’t look too happy to see you - maybe even a bit surprised. But let’s be honest here, he never looks happy when you’re around. 
You push your phone into your pocket and smile. “Hey! I forgot my jacket last time and wanted to ask if you wanna chill a bit when I’m already here? Maybe watch something?” 
Harrison frowns and slowly looks at something over his shoulder. “I’m busy right now. Sorry.” 
Your eyebrows knit together at his words. Harrison doesn’t say sorry. And he’s never too busy for a quick hook-up. So something’s up, and you’re too curious to let it slide. 
“What are you doing?” you ask and try to look behind him with no success. 
Harrison closes the door a little more. “Nothing,” he mumbles, his voice sounding colder towards you than normal. “Why are you even here?”
You stare at him for a second, dumbfounded. “Like I already said, I forgot my jacket. Haven’t you seen my messages?”
“No, I haven’t checked my phone in a while.”
You try to get past him through the door as you suddenly hear a muffled voice out of his apartment, and it’s a woman, with no doubt. For a second, the world stops spinning and all you can hear is your heartbeat in your ear.
“You have company?” you almost scoff and narrow your eyes slightly at the blonde.
His eyes are as cold as ice, and that hurts even more. “Why do you care?”
“I don’t care,” you shrug nonchalantly, even if you’re not.
You roll your eyes. “Good.”
The two of you stare at each other for a moment too long, and you could almost cut the tension with a knife. You’ve had your bad moments every here and then, but it has never been as intense as this. 
You search for something in his cold eyes, but it’s as if you’ve never met this person in front of you.
“I should go then,” you say and turn around to walk down the hallway again. But not without shouting something at him with one last death glare. “Hope you have lots of fun with her!”
You haven’t talked to Harrison since… whatever thing that was, and for the first time ever it actually bothers you to not see his annoyingly handsome face. It’s already been three weeks and normally he would have texted you by now to ask you to come over, but nothing. Not even Tom has seen him in the last few days, and that’s weird for Harrison. 
You would be lying if you said that your heart doesn’t hurt when you think about him being with someone else. It’s not like you promised each other anything, but it still hurts your ego to get left like this. Maybe deep down you thought there was a bit more than just hate and sex - maybe a connection. 
No one has ever gotten under your skin like Harrison, and no one has ever made you feel so much anger and hatred. But also no one has made you feel so good about yourself and no one has seen you as strong as he does. Harrison sees you as a young independent woman and not someone you have to protect, like Tom always does. And that’s why you respected Harrison, under all the snappy insults. 
From the start you knew that someone would end here and after all the nights you spent together over the last months, you would have sworn that it wouldn’t be you. You wouldn’t be the one that falls and gets hurt. It’s a risky game and only one person can win it, no matter what it takes.
The next time you see Harrison is at Tom’s birthday party and even if you try to look normal and careless, he does not even once cross your way. You’ve accepted the fact that your little thing ended the moment you walked away and that he and you would never talk about it again, but it annoys the hell out of you that he can’t even look you in the eyes now. 
After a drink or five (Tom made sure you never had an empty glass) you don’t even remember Harrison’s name as you’re starring in the green eyes of a pretty brunette guy. Unlike Harrison he’s charming and kind, and he’s probably not embarrassed to go out with you. 
You’re even too deep in conversation with him to notice Harrison’s stares and burning eyes on your skin. The guy’s touching your waist to pull you a little bit closer, and you smile up at him, not hearing a single word that comes out of his mouth. 
You take a sip from your drink and finally meet Harrison’s gaze. His head turns slightly to the left and you know that he’s staring down the flirty guy in front of you, but you couldn’t care less. You look at Harrison from across the room and feel nothing but disappointment. 
Life works in mysterious ways, but you learned your lesson with the blonde. 
“Do you wanna go somewhere else?” you ask, still looking at Harrison before turning back to the brunette, “it’s too loud and sticky here.”
The guy nods without a second thought. “Sure. Where do you want to go?”
“Your place?” you say, even if you do not actually want to. But maybe a casual one night stand is exactly what you need to get over Harrison.
A lustful smirk appears on his lips, and it reminds you more than anything of Harrison. In that moment you realize you made a mistake. “Let’s go then.”
He wraps an arm around your waist as you’re leaving Tom’s house, and you cuddle yourself into his side to study yourself, trying hard to shake the weird feeling off you, but no matter what, you don’t feel comfortable with him anymore. 
You listen to him talk and continue your conversation, and he doesn’t seem to notice your sudden disinterest. His hand wanders down to your lower back, and normally you would have kissed him right then, but not today. Today it just doesn’t feel right.
And as if he could see your thoughts, you hear his voice. “Y/n!”
An relieved sigh almost leaves your lips as you turn around, but then you see Harrison standing down the street. His face looks soft and sad, and you want nothing more than to kiss his hurt away. 
“Haz?” you look at him with wide eyes, your heart racing in your chest.
He takes a step closer, and so do you.
“Don’t go with him.”
You swallow the lump down. “What?”
Harrison looks at the guy behind you, and you almost forgot that he’s still there. “Please don’t go, y/n.”
You turn around and give the obvious annoyed guy an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry. Maybe... we can hang out some other time?” you whisper, but he doesn’t want to hear anything of it. 
“Or not,” Harrison mumbles as the guy turns around and goes back to the house. You bite back a smile. 
When you look at Harrison again, he’s suddenly standing in front of you, not too close, but you can still smell his cologne. “What’s going on, Harrison?” You shake your head, suddenly feeling all the drinks you had tonight.
“I don’t want you to go home with him.”
“Why?” You take a deep breath, bracing yourself for whatever comes next. “Why do you suddenly care?”
Harrison clenches his jaw. “You shouldn't go home with someone you don’t know.”
“I can do whatever I want.”
“Y/n…” he steps closer, “I know you’re not like that.”
You frown and automatically look away to calm yourself down. “You mean, I can’t do what you’re doing? You can go around and fuck everyone, but as soon as I do it, it’s wrong? That’s fucked up, Harrison.”
“That’s not what I meant. Don’t turn this around, y/n.”
“So, what do you mean?” You cross your arms over your chest. “Are you scared that it’ll ruin my image?”
Harrison runs a hand through his hair and looks away for a moment, searching for the right words. “I’m just looking out for you.”
That catches you off guard. “You don’t have to. It’s enough when Tom does that.” You shake your head, suddenly feeling exhausted. “You know what? I always liked you because you didn’t try to protect me from everything. I thought you saw in me more than a little girl that can’t be left alone because something could happen to her.”
“And now you don’t like me anymore?” The corners of his mouth quirk up.
“No,” you spit out, “the little bit of respect I had for you died when you slept with someone else and didn’t talk to me again after that. You couldn’t look me in the eyes the whole evening, Harrison!”
“Why do you care so much about that?” 
You clench your fists, your nails digging into your palm. This has to be a joke. “Because it hurt me, Harrison.” You shake your head, not believing that he doesn’t get it. “I know we never set any rules, but that’s just a fucked up thing to do.”
Punching your fists against his chest, you immediately feel the tears spilling from your eyes. “I don’t understand why you care so much about your reputation and your status and every fucking other thing, but not the people that care for you!”
“I don’t give a fuck about my status. I don't care about everyone else! I care about you, y/n!” he suddenly shouts and makes a wild gesture with his hands. “I care about you!”
You roll your eyes, tears running down your cheeks. “Then why the fuck did you sleep with someone else?”
Harrison takes a step away from you as if he suddenly can’t bear to be so close to you. His piercing blue eyes flickering around the empty street, looking everywhere but at you. 
“Because I can’t have you.”
For a few seconds, it feels like all the air got punched out of your lungs and there’s only one thought jumping around in your head at full speed. Because I can’t have you. Because. I. Can’t. Have. You.
Almost an eternity pass before you can react. You open and close your mouth a hundred times, only staring at the blonde with wide eyes. “I- what?” you whisper, your brain still not ready to form a sentence. You place your hand on your forehead, feeling an headache built. This cannot be real.
“I never-” Harrison starts, but can’t bring himself to continue. “Y/n, please. Please let me explain.” 
You raise your hand to stop him before it gets too much. The next words cost you all the strength you have left in yourself. “I’m sorry, but I can’t do this right now.”
Now he’s the speechless one. “Okay, it’s fine,” he mumbles, but the sad expression never leaves his face. “We can talk tomorrow. If you want.”
“I- I think I need more than tomorrow.” 
You notice the way his left hand lifts a little, as if he’s thinking about touching you, getting closer again. But he never does. 
“Sure. Text me when you’re ready.” He pushes his hands into his jacket, his gaze lingering a moment longer on your face. “I’ll tell Tom to bring you home.”
“Thank you, Harrison.” 
You needed more than two days, in fact, you needed two whole weeks to be finally ready to talk to Harrison. You feel like you are swapped into another universe, because you sure as hell wouldn’t be talking about feelings with Harrison in this universe. 
You had much time to think about everything in the past weeks, and you realized that it hasn’t always been like this with Harrison. Sure, you haven’t been friends, but you didn’t hate each other either. You remember meeting Harrison some time after Tom and his other friends, and you were actually excited to meet him. 
Tom and you met each other in the school library and haven’t been separated since then. All of Tom’s friends were nice and kind enough to bring you into their friend group. Harrison however wasn’t as happy to see you sitting at lunch with his friends - and next to his best friend Tom. The whole atmosphere changed when you first locked eyes with the blonde.
But, after spending some time at lunch and in the library together, Harrison slowly accepted you, much to your surprise. You did get along for some time, even if you talked not more than two sentences in a week and sat as far away as possible from the other. 
There wasn’t a specific reason why you didn’t become friends, it just seemed like it wouldn’t work. You had too different opinions and interests, while also being the same person characterful. Harrison became the popular boy at school that every girl had a crush on, and you became the popular girl that didn’t want him. In a way, you both despised the other for doing the same thing - you despised Harrison for breaking girls’ hearts, and he despised you for wrapping his friends around your finger. 
You made it your mission to show Harrison as much as you could that he was just a player and you would never ever end with someone like him. While Harrison’s goal was to show you how big you were missing out. 
You overstepped the line more than once with your teasing, and you know what they say about that - the people who tease each other, love each other.
Knocking on Harrison’s apartment door, you can feel your fast beating heart in your throat. You run a hand through your hair, trying to stop you from running away. It’s now or never. 
Harrison opens the door a few seconds later, and as soon as his gaze lands on you, his eyes light up. 
“Hi Haz,” you whisper. 
You rub your sweaty palms against your jeans. This is worse than a first date with someone you always had a crush on.
“I wanted to talk. Can I come in?”
“Sure.” Harrison opens the door wider to let you in.
You walk past him, quickly looking around. “You sure that no one else is here again?” you try to joke, turning around to meet Harrison with a smile.
“Send her home before you got here,” he replies, without letting the seriousness on his face wash away. 
You press your lips together. “Alright.”
The corners of his mouth turn up. “Joking. Sorry.”
Turning around again, you ignore him. “Where should we talk?”
“Wherever you want. Make yourself feel at home,” he mumbles from behind you.
You sit down on the sofa, tugging your legs together. Even after all the tense moments you shared, it has never been this awkward. The last time you’ve sat right here was when you made out while watching a movie. Your gaze wanders to Harrison, and you know he’s thinking the same. 
“I just-” you both say at the same time, making you smile. You make a hand gesture to mention for him to speak first.
“First of all, I never actually hated you, y/n,” he explains and stares right into your eyes. You raise your eyebrows, but he doesn’t give you time to say something. 
“I was amazed by you when we first met, I was gone for one week and when I came back to school, there was a total stranger sitting at our table and laughing with my friends as if you’ve known them for ages. It wasn’t like everyone could come into our group and be friends with us.” 
A smile takes over your face. That’s the first and only compliment he has ever given you.
He returns the smile for a moment. “And maybe I was a little jealous because-”
“-Because I stole your best friend.”
Harrison grins. “No, because he spent so much time with you and I wanted to do the same.”
“But you did not like me at some point, I saw it in your cold blue eyes,” you say, pointing at his face, and he lets out a loud laugh. 
He grabs your hand to hold it, and you let him. “That’s true. At one point in our… complicated relationship, I did in fact not like you.”
“And why?” 
For a moment he hesitates. “Because it felt like you could wrap everyone around your finger with just one smile. I saw you leaving parties or whatever with some of Tom’s friends or colleagues and I never said anything to anyone, but whenever I left with someone, I know that the others talked shit about it and I know you did say a few things too.” He sighs, looking apologizing. “That just didn’t sit right with me, so I made some comments to Tom about it and of course-”
“- he gave you a lecture,” you finish. 
“Yes. I know it was a dumb reason, but every time I saw you leaving with someone after that, I grew more and more pissed, and at one point it got too much.” 
You press your lips together. “I’m sorry for talking shit behind your back. I know it wasn’t right to judge you for something I did too.” You squeeze his hand, a grin forming on your lips, “even if you did it a looot more than me.”
“And you slept in Tom’s bed like every weekend.”
Your grin grows wider. “So you were jealous.”
“I already said that, y/n.”
“I know, I just wanted to hear it again,” you smirk.
He shakes his head, smiling slightly. “I’m sorry for all the shit I did in High school. You know, all that I’m trying to make you jealous stuff.” 
You frown. “It’s alright, you know I tried to do the same.”
“Even if you always said you would never fall for me,” he smirks, “and look at us now.” 
“You’re an idiot,” you nudge him with your knee, and Harrison pulls you a bit closer. “You never made a move.” 
Raising his brows, he runs a hand through his small locks. “I couldn’t. And I thought you didn’t want me to make a move.”
“Did Tom forbid it?”
“No. Never,” he blinks in surprise. “He wouldn’t do that.” 
A small smile crosses his lips. “He was actually our biggest supporter after we started hooking up. He was all like, Thank me at your wedding for bringing you together. And so on. You know him.”
That makes you smile. “That sounds like him.”
“So, y/n, do you like me?” he asks without hesitation.
A surprised laugh leaves your lips. “What question is that?” 
“Just answer it.”
You narrow your eyes at him. “No, I don’t like you,” you answer with all seriousness. 
He leans over to you and smiles, his eyes wandering over your face until they stop at your eyes again. 
“Stop looking at me like that,” you scoff, but can’t hold back a small smile either. 
His shy smile turns into a lopsided smirk as he leans even closer to you, his arm wrapping around your waist. Your body relaxes under his touch.
You turn your gaze away, rolling your eyes. “I don’t have any feelings for you, Harrison,” you mumble. 
“I don’t believe that.” 
You meet his burning eyes again. Leaning forward a bit, you tilt your head up to meet his lips for a small kiss. “See? No feelings. Nothing,” you smile proudly and try to turn away again. 
But Harrison still doesn’t buy your bluff and continues to look at you with his beautiful eyes and gorgeous smile, and it’s almost too hard to stay away. 
It doesn’t take long for your eyes to find his blue ones, and you can’t resist the urge to feel his lips on yours again. You both lean forward and your lips touch in the middle as if it’s the righteous thing in the world. You’ve been wrong a lot of times in your life, but this - this kiss right now - has never felt more right.
“You like me,” he grins widely against your mouth.
You kiss him again. “And you like me.”
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jahayla-parker · 1 year
writing prompt: “You’re supposed to be dead!” “Yeah, sorry about that.” for character of choice
“You’re Supposed to Be Dead” : Prompt Preference
Description: "You're supposed to be dead", "Yeah, sorry about that" prompts for Kaz Brekker, Jesper Fahey, Tom Holland, and Harrison Osterfield; some fluff, some hurt-comfort, and some enemies to lovers Warnings: mentions of death/character deaths, violence and violent video games,SOC/SAB standard trigger warnings, etc. Notes: I changed the last line of the prompt slightly, same theme but just not as an actual line but instead the premise only.
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Kaz Brekker x Reader
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Found here (too long for a blurb type request format)
Jesper Fahey x Reader
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“You’re supposed to be dead!” Jesper shouted as he watched his girlfriend casually enter the room.
Y/n shrugged coyly, “plans change”.
Nina giggled in the background as she watched their argument.
Jesper signed, “y/n, this is serious”
“Damn Jesper, didn’t realize you wanted me dead so badly” y/n joked, making Nina snort.
Jesper shook his head furiously, “you know that’s not what’s happening”.
Y/n sighed as he realized he wasn’t going to buy into the playful banter.
“Doll, this was to keep you safe!” Jesper scolded, eyes scanning the otherwise empty Crow Club as if he expected the man hunting her to be following her so closely.
“I know, but plans change” y/n repeated, shrugging off the torn coat that was covered in fake blood.
“Why?!” Jesper panicked, his eyes moving back to her.
Y/n glanced over at Kaz who just stood stoically and stared back at her.
Jesper glanced back and forth between them.
“Wha- you knew?!” he yelled at Kaz out of frustration.
Kaz raised an eyebrow at the outburst but merely adjusted his grip on the head of his cane and nodded once.
Jesper threw his arms in the air exasperatedly, “You helped stage her death! So.., Why would you undo that?! Why-? How-? What?! I don’t-…”.
Kaz signaled for y/n to explain and she sighed reluctantly.
“Jesper, something came up that was more important” she began softly, knowing how he’d argue that nothing was more important than this plan.
“More important than staying safe until you got to Novyi Zem and we could start new lives?!” Jesper argued, a defeated but frustrated look on his face.
“Yes” y/n admitted firmly, stepping closer to him.
“What’s so important that you’d give all that up and break your promise to me?!” Jesper huffed.
She felt guilty for breaking their promise, but she knew she had to.
As she stared guiltily at her boots, she sighed, “your life, Jesper”.
Jesper froze, his hands dropping to his side, “what?”
Y/n took a deep breath and lifted her gaze to him, noticing his eyes had softened.
“Your life was in danger, Jesper. I’m not going to apologize for prioritizing you over myself” she began, holding up a hand as he went to interject, “not when you’d have done the same thing if the roles were reversed”.
Jesper nodded and sighed as he grabbed her hand.
“Doll, how was my life in danger? You were the one Mastian and his crew were after” Jesper pointed out.
“That was true. But, as Kaz finished the last details of my death, he noticed Krishgon nearing the Crow’s Club” y/n explained.
“Krishgon?” Jesper asked, trying to place the name.
“The con man you stole the chest from last week? His goons recognized you from one of the gambling parlors here in the Barrel. Kaz found out he’d taken out a hit on you but hadn’t told any of us” y/n said, her voice taught.
“It was being handled” Kaz cut in, “there hadn’t been any viable threat”.
“Yet” y/n argued, shooting Kaz a glare before facing Jesper again.
“However, it seemed he was going to take the chance of you being distracted by my ‘death’ to exact his consequence” y/n sighed, squeezing her boyfriends hand.
“Well that’s just cruel, way to kick a man when he’s down” Jesper criticized the man’s timing.
Matthias rolled his eyes, “she didn’t actually die Jesper”.
As Jesper went to respond, y/n tugged on his hand to redirect him back to the current issue.
“Krishgon might not be Rollins or Kaz, but that’s almost worse because he doesn’t care about revenge” y/N’s voice shook softly, “he just wants his threats eliminated. So I’m not going to apologize for coming back for you”.
Jesper brushed a few stray tears from her eyes, “I’m sorry love, I didn’t know”.
“I know, but that’s why, Jes. If I stayed dead, I’d be safe but you wouldn’t” y/n surmised.
“And then, she’d also be at risk again, this time by association” Kaz added.
Jesper nodded at Kaz in silent acknowledgment of his understanding as to why Kaz breached the deal they’d made.
“We’ll figure this out, okay love? We can fake another-“ Jesper began, looking to Kaz in hopes he’d have a plan in the works.
“No. I’m not running anymore Jesper. I said I would because it was what you wanted and what you thought was needed. But now it’s not just me. I’m staying “ she stated firmly, looking over at Kaz and nodding once before facing her boyfriend again.
“We’re staying and we’re going to take both gangs down. We’ll take a play from their playbook and eliminate both threats completely if need be” y/n planned aloud.
Jesper raised his eyebrows in shock at her firm yet casual stance on killing two gang bosses.
But as he saw she wasn’t letting up, he smirked and he rested hands on revolvers.
“This is our home and we’re going to keep it” she told him.
He nodded and lifted one of his guns up to his lips, “Yes we are, together”.
Tom Holland x Reader
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Tom glared at his brother, “you have to be kidding me”.
Harry smirked and shook his head, “not in the slightest mate. Y/n is due on set any minute now”.
“But she’s supposed to be dead!” Tom groaned loudly.
Harry laughed and shrugged, “well, they brought her back. So you’ll just have to get over your feelings for her and do your job”.
Tom rolled his eyes, “quiet down. Last thing I need is people thinking you mean I have romantic feelings for her”.
“Even though you do” Harry stated simply as he set down Tom’s coffee.
“I do not” Tom scoffed, gritting his teeth.
Harry rolled his eyes, “if you say so mate, but look, you should head over to the set soon”.
Tom glanced at his watch and sighed.
He took a quick sip of his coffee before rushing back to the set with his script in hand.
“Seriously?” Tom groaned as he ran into y/n’s back.
“Excuse me?” Y/n asked, eyes widening as she turned around and saw Tom.
“Of course you’d be in the way” he remarked trying to side step her.
She moved to block him, “you ran into me Holland. Not the other way around”.
Tom rolled his eyes, “yeah, well-“.
Y/n watched as he scrambled for a comeback, a smirk growing on her face, “well?”
“You’re supposed to be dead!” Tom shouted, getting the attention of a few other cast members.
Y/n scoffed and shrugged, “I didn’t ask them to bring me back, but I guess the fans love me”.
“I suppose someone has to” Tom huffed.
Y/n’s confident posture slackened some; betraying the fact his attack actually landed this time.
But instead of feeling proud, Tom felt guilty; he knew he’d taken it too far.
“Let’s just get this over with” she groaned, turning away from him and towards the scene.
“Are we seriously going with this angle?” y/n asked, her script slapping the desk dramatically.
“I have to agree, this seems unrealistic” Tom agreed, his eyes rereading the kissing scene.
The director laughed and shook his head, “that’s the direction we’ve been told to go. Besides, everyone loves an enemies to lovers story”.
Y/n groaned, “y/c/n would never fall for t/c/n”.
Tom rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest, “and vice versa”.
Y/n rolled her eyes at Tom’s weak dig but focused back on the director, “I just don’t think the chemistry will work right for this dynamic”.
The director suppressed a smirk and shrugged, “it’s up to you and Tom to make sure that it does. Something tells me you’ll fall into place with this change easier than you think”.
Harry had to force himself not to laugh as he smirked across the room at his clueless older brother.
Both Tom and y/n groaned as they glared at each other across the table.
“You need to let me see it” Tom said, in character.
“No, I don’t want you touching me” y/n responded, sure to have her character glare up at Tom’s character.
As Tom rolled his eyes he sighed loudly, “how am I to stitch your cut back together if I can’t touch you?”.
“Why do you want to touch me?” Y/N’s character chided, looking away.
“I never said I did” Tom rebutted, grabbing some medical supplies from various places in the fake medical wing.
Y/n hummed loudly, “You never said you didn’t.”
“Do you want to bleed out or can I stitch your damn arm?” Tom’s character snapped.
“Fine” y/n groaned, holding her arm closer to him as he brought over the tray of medical supplies.
“Thank you your highness” he mocked.
“Stop calling me that” y/n said as her character bristled.
“It is your title, is it not?” Tom argued, wiping the fake wound on her arm.
“Not any more, and you know that” she said, a blatant reference to the scene in which her character had given up her title in order to join the resistance against their country’s abusive king.
Tom character sighed softly as he began to ‘stitch’ her ‘wound’, “you’re right, I’m sorry”.
Y/N’s character stayed silent but stoic, acting as if nothing impacted her.
It reminded Tom of the way y/n was around him off set.
“We’re on the same team now you know” y/n said as he continued to stitch her.
“Then maybe you should start acting like it, show a little trust maybe?” He argued, wrapping gauze around her arm.
“Me? You barely have said a word to me since I’ve been back and when you do it’s always harsh” she snapped, some tears in her eyes as she looked over at him.
Tom felt himself fall into the moment, and he truly couldn’t tell if she was faking it or not.
But as his eyes dropped to her lips before moving back to her eyes he hoped it seemed to have been done in character still and not his own actions.
A loud noise echoed through the otherwise quiet scene as one of the extras walking by behind them tripped and knocked over the plant in the corner.
The director yelled cut as y/n tried to not laugh about the interruption due to how close Tom’s face was to hers.
She didn’t want her breath to hit his face.
However, Tom was still stuck in the moment.
He reached out and took hold of her jaw.
“Umm..Tom?” Y/n asked, looking at him.
She saw the look in his eyes and signaled towards the group huddling by the plant to ensure it and the characters were back in their exact and proper places “The scene is over”.
He nodded slowly, blinking silently for a few seconds before seemingly finding himself and stepping back.
“Damn, really wanted to kiss me huh Holland?” Y/n mocked, standing up and undoing the wrap on her arm so they could redo it for the next take.
“Shut up y/l/n” Tom groaned, running his hand down his face.
“Make me” she tuck her tongue out at him childishly.
Tom snapped his eyes back at her and mumbled something under his breath before looking away.
Rolling her eyes, she set down the gauze and began taking off the fake stitches.
However, even with her back to him, y/n felt Tom’s eyes on her the whole time.
“Let me” Tom said, watching as she struggled to remove the last of the fake stitches without ripping it.
“No” y/n remarked turning away from him, “I’ve got it”.
He groaned loudly as he moved closer, “you’re going to rip it”.
“No I’m not, now fuck off” she huffed, fingers slipping on the fx makeup.
Tom laughed and shook his head, “would you just let me help you?”
“I don’t need your help Tom” she stated stubbornly.
“I’m well aware of that y/n, but I’d like to get a move on with this” he retorted, guessing to the set.
“Why are you in such a big hurry? Wanting to know what it’s like to kiss me that badly?” Y/n joked with a roll of her eyes.
Tom glared briefly but then eyes softened as he went back to trying to help her, “I have my reasons”.
“Which are?” She pressed, holding her arm away from him.
“Doesn’t matter” he murmured.
Y/n sighed, “if you tell me, I’ll let you help me with this”.
Tom smirked softly and sighed, “fine. Maybe I do want to kiss you”
Y/n laughed loudly and rolled her eyes, “hilarious Tom, whatever just forget it”.
As she moved away from him again, he grabbed her shoulder and turned her around.
“I wasn’t joking” he confessed.
Despite her hesitation she saw the way he looked at her lips and was starting to feel inclined to believe him.
“Tom it’s not funny. I know you hate me but don’t do what you’re trying to do. That would be a new low, even for you” she warned.
He sighed, “y/n, I don’t hate you”.
Raising an eyebrow at him she huffed, “yes you do. You have from day one”.
Tom bit his cheek and closed his eyes, “I hate how you make me feel”.
“Same thing” y/n groaned.
“No. I hate that you drive me crazy. I feel like I’m an incompetent babbling fool whenever we’re in the same room. I hate the way you make me always want to redo every scene until it is enough to impress you. I hate the way your red lipstick makes your lips stand out even more. I hate the way you make me nervous no matter how prepared I am for the day. I hate the way-“ Tom rambled on.
Y/n brushed aside any worries about this being a ploy.
While they bickered and argued, Tom had never been cruel to her.
Which is why his harsher than normal comment earlier impacted her.
She noticed she had begun to zone out on what he was saying as her eyes focused onto the way his lips were moving.
Y/n firmly grasped his shirt and pulled him to her until their lips met.
Tom’s hand immediately found her hair and his fingers looped through it as he smiled into the kiss.
When they parted for air, they both had a slightly shy grin making them laugh.
“I don’t hate you” he summarized with a blush.
“I can see that now Tom” y/n smirked.
“But, there is one thing that I hate..” she stated.
Rising an eyebrow at her he nervously joked, “was I that bad of a kisser?”
She laughed and shook her head, “no. I hate that you drive me crazy and you’re not even mine”.
Tom smirked before smiling widely, “well, what do you say we fix the last part of that?”
Harrison Osterfield x Reader
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“Haaazzz I suck” y/n groaned as she tugged on his hoodie.
“Come on love, practice makes perfect “ he grinned kissing her cheek once the hood fell onto her shoulders.
She huffed playfully and plopped onto his sofa, “you just want to show off”.
“How’s that?” He asked, sitting next to her and pulling her closer.
“By winning each match” she pouted.
“We can be on the same team then love, how’s that sound?” He offered, handing her a controller.
She smiled and nodded in agreement.
After a few rounds, she glanced over at her boyfriend with a smug expression.
“What?” He laughed, tickling her sides.
She kicked and squirmed as she laughed loudly.
“I think I’ve learned enough now” she answered when he stopped tickling her.
He lifted an eyebrow at her in confusion as he waited for an explanation.
“Like you said, practice makes perfect “ she shrugged.
“You want to compete now?” He laughed softly, nodding towards the tv screen.
She smirked and nodded, “loser makes dinner”.
Harrison laughed, “I must’ve forgotten how much you like to cook”.
“Ha, ha, ha, very funny Haz” she scoffed, “set it up”.
“Cheater!” Y/n screamed as she made her character run away from Haz’s.
Harrison smirked and tickled her side again, making her laugh loudly as she scooted down the couch.
“Stop cheating Haz!” She giggled, her smile making his grow.
He sighed softly to himself as he watched the way she intently moved her character to another part of the screen.
“Stop watching my screen” she whined, playfully smacking his arm.
Harrison chuckled and kissed her cheek, “I don’t want to make dinner”.
“You should be able to beat me still Osterfield” she pointed out teasingly.
“But perhaps I’ve bested you, maybe Tom will be more of a competition for me” she shrugged.
Harrison rolled his eyes softly as she smirked once she saw the competitive glow return to his eyes as he grabbed his controller.
“No!” She shouted, a frown on her lips as she stared at the screen, “I died! How did I die?”
Harrison suppressed a laugh at her adorable pout.
He set his controller beside him as he moved to pull her body towards him.
“Wait!” She gasped, making him freeze.
But in the time it took him to process what she was actually reacting to, she’d shot and killed his character.
Not once, but three times.
“You’re supposed to be dead!” Harrison shined.
She shrugged you set it up Haz
He groaned as he recalled having allowed for three chances before final death/loss of the match.
“You get to make dinner” she cheered, bouncing in her spot.
Harrison ran an embarrassed hand down his face but smiled, “that was already the plan my love”
“You’re just saying that cause you lost” she beamed proudly.
Haz laughed and leaned over to give her a soft kiss, “I still say you cheated”.
“You set it up!” She argued as he made his way for the kitchen to cook them dinner.
“And you said you died!” He teased, pulling out the ingredients he’d set aside for dinner to night.
“I thought I did, turns out I’m immortal!” She exclaimed with a laugh.
“After dinner we’ll see about that darling” Haz commented with a smile on his face.
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Kaz Brekker Navigation/Masterlist
Six of Crows Navigation/Masterlist
Grishaverse Navigation/Masterlist
Jesper Fahey Masterlist/Navigation (all Jesper Works)
Freddy Carter Navigation/Masterlist
Book Boyfriends Masterlist/Navigation
Tom Holland Masterlist/Navigation
Main Navigation/Masterlist (All My Works)
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Tags combined @directioner5life @ell0ra-br3kk3r-writes @b3kk3r-by-br3kk3r @brekkershadowsinger @xx-all-purpose-nerd-xx @galaxyholland @bigbirdstwins @mcushvft @fishingirl12 @raajali3 @justapurrcat @natswifey @directioner5life @ell0ra-br3kk3r
113 notes · View notes
spideyssunshine · 5 months
please send me requests!!
i write for:
tom holland
mcu peter parker
harrison osterfield
harry holland
sam holland
lots of love, chris 💝
10 notes · View notes
heytherejulia · 2 years
Matchmakers ~ Harry Holland
pairing: harry holland x reader, tom holland x zendaya
warning: minor injury, swearing
summary: Tom, Sam and Harrison play matchmakers
word count: 1,9k
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Harry was sitting on the couch smiling at his phone. For the past few days he had been texting with this cute girl he ran into at the club. During this time, he got to know her quite well and began to discover that he might have some feelings for her.
But Harry didn't have as much confidence as Tom, as much charm as Sam, he wasn’t as good looking as Harrison (in his opinion) or had as much charisma as Paddy. He just wasn't them and he just wasn’t the best when it came to girls. He needed some advice, but he knew asking his brothers or Harrison would definitely not be that much of a help. The guys may have been good with the opposite sex, but they weren't shitty advisers on this field. 
On the other hand, Tom, Sam and Haz did notice a change in Harry's behavior and figured that something serious was bothering their friend, but they wouldn't be themselves if they hadn't teased him before trying to help. Harry was too focused on replying to your message to notice that Tom was standing behind him reading all the messages on the screen.
‘So who is Y/N with a heart emoji, bro?’ The younger Holland jumped as usual in fear. Habit. 
‘None of your business.’ He smirked sarcastically and locked the screen of his phone.
‘Hey Harry, come on, I told you about my current girlfriend.’ 
‘Yeah, you did. Two years ago, when I caught you with her on foreplay in our kitchen. I don't think I've heard of Zendaya as your official girlfriend before, and you've been shooting with her a lot longer.’ 
‘You should ask her out sometimes, you know? Maybe this is your chance, man.’ He knew Tom was right, but he would never admit it for his life.
‘Yeah yeah. I'm going to my room.’ Harry was halfway up the stairs when he heard Tom scream.
‘Just ask her on a date already!’ The words automatically made both Harrison, Sam and Daya run out of their rooms.
‘Who's asking whom on a date?’ 
Harry felt his cheeks turning red, and the urge to stick Tom's mouth shut or to kill him was growing with every second. Tom, on the other hand, couldn't care less about his lil bro’s death stares and pleading glances. Maybe he felt a little sorry for him, but at the same time, he knew it would be better for Harry if he shared it with his loved ones. As an older brother and a friend, he knew that this particular twin was not the smoothest with the girls and their help would certainly be needed.   
‘Nobody, not now at least, but Harry's been hanging out with some girl named Y/N and he should definitely take her on a date.’ 
‘Leave me alone, I'm going to my room.’
When Harry disappeared behind the door to his room, it was Tom who spoke first.
‘We have to help him somehow. He will never go out with her without us.’ 
‘Ooh, man. Do we play matchmakers? I'm in it.’ The enthusiasm that gushed out of Harrison and Tom was worrisome to Zendaya, and she genuinely felt sorry for Harry, but she doubted her intervention in this endeavor would help anyone.
‘Sam, you’re in, right?’ Daya really hoped Sam would be smarter than her boyfriend and his best mate, but, oh boy, she was so wrong. The younger Holland joined this plan as eagerly as the previous two.
‘Z, are you with us?’
‘No, definitely not. Guys, you should let Harry make his own decision and you definitely shouldn't be playing matchmakers. Especially when you suck at it.’ 
‘Oi! But you know him. He won't do anything until someone pushes him to do it.’ 
‘It's still his life, Tom. Anyway, I'm going to the store, do you guys want something?’ The boys shook their heads. ‘See you later then.’ 
‘Hey, Z’ The girl turned. Tom walked over to her and placed a kiss on her forehead. ‘Now you can go.’ 
After Zendaya left, the boys began to create a brilliant plan to get Harry to ask you on a date. They forced him to listen to their advice, on the condition that they would leave him alone afterwards. 
Harry had two options here: listen to these idiots and maybe take advantage of it, or ignore them and deal with their complaints for the next few days. The second option definitely suited him better (excluding brothers and a friend sticking their noses into his love life), but the first option was a win-win for everyone. After all, he did not have to take their advice, and listening to them would not hurt him.
‘Okay, Harry. We have three ideas, three great ideas for your date with Y/N. And before you get out of the way, everything is already set up with your cute girlfriend.’
‘How the hell did you do that?!’
‘We hacked your account, man, and you’re meeting with her this Friday. This is where my wonderful plan comes in.’ Tom began. ‘Well, you’ll take her to the cinema for the horror movie, and then …’ 
As it turned out later, Tom's plan sucked so bad. Not only was the movie boring, but not scary at all, not least in Harry’s and yours opinion, but Tom, Sam and Haz, who went to the same screening to follow their brother's progress, screamed like little girls on every jumpscare that appeared on the screen. At the end, you and Harry spent some time in the café talking about the shitty movie and your hobbies, but to the boys' displeasure, there was no open flirting or kissing between you, you just acted like friends. 
‘Okay, now that we know Spider-boy's plan sucks, we're going with mine. You’ll take her to paintball and then perhaps with a bit of luck you can kiss her. You know, someone will shoot her and you will take care of her.’ 
This date turned out to be an even greater failure than the previous one. You went on paintball (matchmakers along to spy on you), but as soon as you started the game, you were shot down by a player from another team in the face and ended up with a big bruise under your eye and visited an emergency room because of the paint in your eye. In fact, Harrison's plan probably worked slightly too well. 
You didn't blame Harry for the whole incident and even said that it was your craziest stay in the hospital and that you had a lot of fun in the waiting room, while waiting for some ophthalmologist to remove the green paint from your eye. Fortunately, the paint was non-toxic and you were able to return to work after a few days, but Harry was still furious with his friends who came up with silly ideas like hiring a guy to shoot his date friend.
‘Well, Batman fucked up too.’ 
‘Hey! Not at all! The plan was good, it wasn't my fault some idiot shot her in the face!’ 
‘You hired this idiot.’ 
But Tom and Harrison didn't hear Harry’s words because they were too busy with their own problems. They started arguing over whose plan was better, and went on to arguing about who would win a fight: Spider-man or Batman.
‘Spider-man!! Do you know how I know it? Because I'm Spider-man.’ 
‘Shut up, you twats. Harry, just take her for a walk in the park, you both have dogs, so take them and go for a romantic walk. It can't go wrong.’ 
Contrary to Sam's assurances, it could. 
Your doggie was still a puppy and was afraid of practically every bigger noise, so when you walked into Richmond Park and saw how many people had taken their dogs out just like you two, Harry knew that a third date in a row would be a total failure. 
And that's exactly what happened, because the little french bulldog ran away from you as soon as a few larger dogs ran up and started barking at Tessa and Muffin, inviting them to play, and you both spent the whole afternoon looking for your dog. He eventually was found two days later when a woman came with him to the vet and called you after she saw your poster about a lost puppy. 
However before your dog got lost, Haz, Tom and Sam decided to take Monty for a walk to spy on Harry and you. They turned out to be even worse spies than dating advisers. The three of them wore hoodies and sunglasses and sat on the bench directly opposite the one that you were sitting on. Harry recognized them right away, but not wanting to start a fight, he just offered you a walk in another part of the park. 
But you did not live under a rock, and you recognized the boys, not only from the internet but also from Harry's stories. So when he grabbed your hand and started leading you to the west side of the park, you smiled awkwardly and waved at the young men sitting on the bench. 
By that point, Harry was already so furious with the three of them that he gave them silent treatment and only spoke to Zendaya, who lived with them. He knew it was childish behavior, and in fact some of the events were downright bad luck and coincidence, but he was furious nonetheless, perhaps more at himself than at the boys. 
Harry was sitting in the kitchen, editing photos from the last photoshoot he had taken and drinking his very milk tea when Z entered the room.
‘How's your dating going, Harry?’ The boy scowled at her and rolled his eyes. 
‘Terriously, but I'm quitting making another attempt, maybe we just shouldn't be together.’
‘Or maybe you should just stop listening to those idiots you call friends? Two-thirds of them have no girlfriends, and your idiot of a brother is mostly with me because I took all the first steps. Harry, try something simple that both of you will be comfortable with. For example, invite her to your place for a movie marathon and just have a good time. If it doesn't spark between you guys, she’s not the one, but please don't do anything Sam, Harrison or Tom suggest you do.’ 
As it turned out later, Zendaya’s advice was the best of all. Harry really invited you to a Netflix marathon, and you watched “Brooklyn 9-9” cuddled up for the whole night. Perhaps you even shared a few kisses during one or the other episode, and then you perhaps even stayed overnight. 
At a time when Harry was finally having his dream date with his perfect girl, Zendaya was lecturing the boys about their irrational behavior. 
‘I told you all it is his life and to not interfere. I told you that Harry had to take the first step himself and your advice would not help him. Didn’t I?’ 
‘Darling, we just wanted to help.’
‘You should have helped him by simply supporting him, not by arranging shitty dates for him. Therefore, all three of you will apologize to Harry and Y/N for your behavior.’ 
‘But, Daya.’ The girl interrupted Harrison's statement. ‘End of discussion, boys. You know I'm right.’ 
She was, but neither of them was going to admit it. Maybe that was just the trait of all Hollands. And the Osterfields.
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tomholland1996simp · 1 year
could you make a tom holland x sister reader when her brothers walk in on there sister having sex (age 16-17?)
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Caught in the act || Holland sister
Summary: The reader and her boyfriend are having sex and get caught by her brothers.
I don’t like this, I haven’t even read it over….
Y/N had invited her boyfriend over to chill at her house. She knew that her brothers would be home, however they were just going to stay in her room anyways. The holland brothers didn’t know about their relationship, they believed that they were both best friends, like they have been for three years now. Y/n had been dating Jordan for over six months now, they nearly had been caught many times by her family. His family knew they were both together, y/n wasn’t sure why she didn’t tell hers.
Now he had finally arrived, y/n greeting him by the door. “J!” y/n wrapped her arms around the back of his neck, his arms going around her waist.
“Hey b-y/n/n” He spoke, seeing Tom in the kitchen, pulling away and remembering to act like y/n and him were best friends. Y/N closes the door behind him whilst he took his shoes off and hanged his jacket up on the pegs.
Tom looked in his direction seeing his sister and her very close best friend. Tom didn’t mind him, he just knew there must’ve been something going on. Y/N and Jordon were way to close to be best friends, he’s even seen paparazzi pictures of them both out and about. None of it proving they was dating but he knew his sister really liked him.
“Hey Tom” Jordan smiled walking through the kitchen with y/n. He knew the brothers a little bit, due to him coming around a lot. Nikki always counted him as part of the family.
“Hey, Jordan. How you been?” Tom asked, them both starting up a little conversation, it eventually ending when y/n motioned for Jordan to come up the stairs to her room. “I’ll catch you up later mate” Tom spoke realising the time, him and the brothers planned to go to the pub whilst their parents were away.
“Y/n i’m going pub with the others, i’ll be back late at night. Love you!” Tom shouted as she stood on the stairs waiting. “Okay, love you too” Y/n smiled as he walked over to the door. She quickly grabbed Jordan’s arm, hearing the front door close, bringing him to her room and shut the door.
“In such a rush to get me into your room” Jordan smirked jokingly, earning a smack in the arm from y/n. “Missed you, Angel” He pulled y/n close to him placing a sweet kiss on her lips. She hummed in satisfaction when she felt his lips on hers.
“Miss you too” She said once there lips pulled apart. “wanna watch a movie?”
Tom had to drive everyone back home that night, him not drinking anything so the rest could have fun. He did have a few drinks but not enough for it not to be safe to drive. He dropped Tuwaine off, driving him, Harrison and his brothers back home. It was 2 in the morning once he had arrived home, parking the car in the driveway. He shushed his brothers, knowing you would be fast asleep by now, probably from boredom.
“Carful!” He snapped at Harrison and Harry who were clumsily taking their shoes off, nearly making him fall over in the process of taking his own off. They both just laughed, too pissed out of there mind needing sleep. “Y/n is asleep you need to be quiet” He told them, Sam joining in the laugh a little.
The boys slowly swayed up the stairs, it being pitch black around the house. All Tom had to do was get Harrison to the guest room and his other brothers to theirs. Harrison on the other hand, had other ideas. Tom heard the noises first, but thought nothing off them.
That was until he heard, “Fuck, Jordan” come from a door. Y/N’s door. That’s where he had heard the noise, he now could clearly hear the small moans and the bed creaking.
Harrison cheekily smirked, hearing the noise from the act in y/n’s room. He quickly barged into the room with the other drunk boys, y/n and Jordan stopping there actions and lifting the covers up more. Y/N was embarrassed but shocked. Now stood there drunk boys, Tom storming into the room as well. But he was sober.
Your eyes widen at the sight of him, “Ooo y/n and Jordan got caught in the act” Harrison teases pissing you both off, making Tom more fuming.
“Wait, wait, your dating?” Harry laughed a little.
This was very awkward for y/n, her boyfriend was literally on top of her, still inside her whilst her brothers and her brothers best friend kept talking. Of course the covers hid both your bodies, it still being really weird.
Sam was next to speak, “Are you still inside of my sister?” He asked a bit mad, clearly he had sobered up a bit. Jordan didn’t know what to say, he just slowly pulled out, luckily the brothers didn’t notice. Jordan rolled off y/n, them both still holding the covers to their chests.
“Can you get out!” Y/N finally shouted, sitting up a little. “Y/N! Your fucking sixteen and your having sex! How long has this been going on for?” Tom yelled at the both of them.
“I’m nearly seventeen-“ Y/n tried to defend yourself, it not leading anywhere. “How fucking long y/n y/m/n Holland!” Now y/n knew Tom was mad, she was in deep shit. He never ever called her by her full name, only when he was proper pissed.
“6months” Y/n tried watch his facial expression to determine how mad he possibly would be.
“No!” You immediately shout.
“Yesss you go girl” Harrison slurred, making y/n and Jordan hold back a laugh. Sam slapped the back of his head, Tom pushing the boys out of her room. “Tom your sister was getting banged for six months” Harrison giggled like a little girl, only wanting to piss Tom off, he didn’t hear your reply after though.
“Get changed, i’ll be back in a minute” Tom stormed out of the room slamming the door. Y/N felt guilty, a bit annoyed at herself, she didn’t really understand why he was so angry though. It’s her life. She’s nearly seventeen and even if she is young he must’ve done it at her age, no?
Y/N and Jordan got changed, Y/N throwing her pjs on and Jordan wearing grey joggers with a white shirt. They waited patiently for Tom to shout at them. The knock making y/n’s heart stop, “Are you decent?” His voice was a lot softer now, he didn’t shout or seem that mad.
Tom walked in, deciding to stand up than sit on y/n’s bed. He couldn’t get the disgusting thought out of his head, his sister having sex. His baby sister, his only sister. The truth is he was mad a little, however it was mostly because he didn’t like y/n growing up. He remembers the days when he used to catch her sneaking chocolate into her mouth or finding her embarrassingly dancing in her room. Now he catches her having sex with a guy he thought was a very close friend.
“I-I’m sorry Tommy. I promise it hasn’t been going on for six months, w-we’ve——uhh—We’ve been dating for six months” Y/N admits, now the truth was finally out. She felt much better getting it off her chest.
Tom then looked over at Jordan, he really hopes he can trust him. Y/N deserves the world, he wanted her to find an amazing boy. Obviously he didn’t want her to date till 20, he always said that. “We’ve only had sex a couple of times” He said, y/n quickly slapping his chest then hiding her face in embarrassment. Great, she just wanted her brother to know about her sex life.
“Thanks?” Tom asked more like a question, shaking the thought out his brain. “I’m not mad y/n, it’s just I hate seeing you grow up. Yeah it’s not nice walking in on my sister having sex to a guy I thought was her best friend, but you was gonna do it eventually, I mean right? It’s just your young, you got to be carful.” He crouched down to her level, looking at the girl in the face. She has changed a lot, she getting older. He just needs fo accept that.
“You are using protection right?” He asked.
“Mmm not all the time, you see our hands gets to sweaty-“ Y/N tries to joke, looking at the serious look on her brothers face.
“Right, too soon for jokes” She rubs the back of her neck. “Yes. Yes we are. Now can we stop talking about this it’s weird” Y/N smiles at Tom who returns it back.
“I mean now that Jordan is confirmed as your boyfriend, he must want to see the baby album” Tom smirked.
“No, No!”
hate this. happy new year!
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nowimyurdaisy · 11 months
Holland & Co.:
Tom Holland / Peter Parker discontinued
Harrison Osterfield
Harry Holland
Stranger Things:
Billy Hargrove
Eddie Munson
Gilmore Girls:
Jess Mariano
Logan Huntzberger
The Summer I Turned Pretty:
Jeremiah Fisher
Formula 1:
Charles Leclerc
Lando Norris
Pierre Gasly
Daniel Ricciardo
Arthur Leclerc
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holland-daydream · 2 years
Truth or Dare (part 2)
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Pairing: Tom Holland x Fem!Reader x Harrison Osterfield
A/N: Here is part two for Truth or Dare, you can find part one here
Warning: Female submission, male domination, pure filthy smut, threesome. Only 18+, minors will be blocked
Word Count: 1.6k
You opened your eyes wide at the question, considering his previous reaction you had already discarded the idea that there was an upcoming threesome with him, and you had to admit his sudden disposition took you by surprise. Yet, being the tease that you are, decided to play it innocent. “What’s next? Sleep, like we said” you said, smiling widely at him. Harrison rolled his eyes at your teasing response and ignored it, looking directly at Tom “Dude, are you seriously okay with this?” “F’yeah mate, as far as she wants to take it, I’m down”. He said, looking at you. He sighed as a confirmation and walked along with you both.
“Did you bring your car? We can drop you off at y-“ you asked, friendly. “You ain’t dropping me anywhere, I’m staying at yours tonight”. He answered in a boldly way, which weirdly turned you on. He jumped in the back seat and Tom was driving, you shuffled through the music until finally deciding for 3 by Britney Spears. “Fitting” you thought. The silence in the car was overwhelming and uncomfortable, there was no way this could be turned into a sex scene in half an hour. You decided to bring up some small talking to avoid the cold to take over and keep the both engaged and out of their thoughts, in case they were overthinking the situation.
Your plan succeeded and by the time you reached home a few topics had been addressed, just trivial stuff such as what Netflix show were you binging on, but that was ok.
Harrison had stayed at your house multiple times and needed no guide, so you walked straight to the kitchen to prepare three glasses of wine and get everything clear before jumping at the action. Tom turned on the music, a slow and sensual music playlist, and let it play in the background at low volume. While Harrison was in the bathroom, he approached you. “Hey love” he started “are you sure about this, right? You know if anything goes wrong you can always speak and we’ll stop” he reassured you. He was the most caring person you had ever been with. “I know buds, I’m more worried about Haz. He doesn’t look too sure, I don’t wanna force this” you said, pouting. “He’ll be okay, this isn’t his first one” he said, raising your curiosity to know more about other stuff Haz had done. “Ask him” he jokingly said, brushing off the subject.
Harrison came from the bathroom and although he looked nervous, he walked firmly to you and grabbed the glass of wine. The silence took over again and you decided to finally put the subject on the table: “So, I’m up for anything you’re comfortable doing, Haz”. He choked on the wine and after recovering himself he nodded, “I’m up for everything” he answered. You laughed at his eagerness and found it cute. “But, is there anything you don’t like?” You really wanted to make everything clear so that everyone had fun. “Not really, I mean, I don’t like being the bottom one or anything like that” he said, mostly looking at Tom. “D’worry mate, I’m not into that either. The only bottom one will be y/n” he said. You blushed, you loved it when he talked about you like that, like a toy. Tom knew that, saw you blushing and jumped at the chance. He put down the glass of wine and slowly walked to you. “In fact…” he continued, standing behind you and wrapping his hands on your neck from behind, firmly holding you. He put his lips right next to your ear, “…she will be our bottom. She will be our toy, our little pleaser, because she is such a good girl, isn’t she?” you closed your eyes at the sound of his words, biting your lip and moaning “mhmm”, Tom pressed harder on your neck “mhmm what?” “mhmm Daddy” “Good girl”. Harrison just stood there watching, already hard just by watching you squirm at Tom’s words. “Baby, you know good girls don’t keep guests waiting. Come on, give Haz one of your special kisses” You locked eyes with Tom and left his embrace, quickly moved on to Harrison, grabbing his face and bringing your lips together, slowly introducing your tongue inside his mouth, you both moaning at the sensation. After a while you separated and grabbed his hands, you three walking towards the bedroom.
Tom grabbed you by the hair, forcing your eyes to meet his. “Undress”, you nodded and proceeded to undress yourself, eagerly. Tom and Harrison stood back and watched you, while Haz was still shy, Tom was having the time of his life.
So, you stood there completely naked in front of them, shyly waiting for them to say something.
“What are you waiting for, Haz?” Tom teased. “Cm’on baby, you know just how to make people feel good” he continued, with a smirk, and sat down on the armchair to watch the scene. You grabbed Haz by the wrist, helping him sit down on the bed, then proceeded to unbelt him and remove his trousers, while he was dazed by your actions. You slid down his underwear and gently grabbed his member with your hands, slowly licking it without losing eye contact with him. He bit his lip watching you, but when you put his whole member on your mouth, deep, he lost it and threw his head back overtaken by the pleasure. You continued to work your way with his cock, gagging and licking it, sucking and moving your hand, rejoicing yourself with the moans coming out of Harrison’s mouth. After some minutes he raised his head and mumbled “fuck, stop, I’m gonna cum”. You totally ignored his words and continued, being interrupted by Tom, who grabbed your hair and forced you to separate from Harrison. “Didn’t you hear him say stop?” your eyes were now meeting Tom’s, spit all over your face and your eyes a little dazed and watery. “I thought you were obedient, baby” he said, pretending to be disappointed. Truth is, he adored when you disobeyed because that gave him the chance to punish you. “s-sorry d-daddy” you mumbled.
Just by the hair, he threw you on the bed next to Harrison, face down ass up. You didn’t dare to raise your head, you knew better than that. You heard another belt unbuckling and knew it was Tom’s. “Fuck” you thought. And here it came, your ass was hit by the leather material, which left a pretty red mark on your ass but also a tingling sensation. You bit your lip to hold back the moan. “I ain’t hearing you” Tom said. “Thank you, Daddy” you said, loud enough for him to hear. He gave you 3 or 4 more strokes, all followed by a “Thank you, Daddy”, and your ass had gotten a bright red colour now. “Wanna try?” he asked Harrison. He grabbed Tom’s belt and imitated his gesture, giving you a light stroke which felt like tickles after Tom’s spankies. “You need to hit her stronger” Tom was trying to teach him, grabbing the belt. “Like this”, he said, hitting your ass so harsh that you jumped a little. Harrison grabbed the belt again and hit you, this time stronger. “Thank you…” you weren’t sure what to call Harrison. “Sir”, he said, finishing your sentence. “Thank you, Sir” you said, smiling at the name.
Tom sat on the bed in front of you, cupping your face into his hands. “How are you baby?” you kissed him “’m good”. “Alright, get on all fours” he commanded, and you obeyed. He slid down his jeans and placed his hips in front of your mouth. “I’m not gonna lie baby, I’m a bit jealous Haz got a blowjob and I didn’t. How bout you suck me off while he fucks you from behind, hmm?” you nodded with a smile and he slid down his boxers while you felt Haz getting positioned behind you, firmly grabbing your hips and slowly entering his member into you while you gagged on Tom’s cock. Haz was fucking you deeply, holding you so hard you thought he was going to bruise you, while Tom was holding your head against his cock so you gagged, drooled and choked on it. Your moans were silenced by having your mouth full and you could feel the orgasms build up. “Fuck, you’re so wet” Haz mumbled. “Baby, I’m gonna cum if you keep working me this well” Tom said. You were abandoned to the pleasure and couldn’t form a coherent sentence even if your mouth got freed from Tom. “Fuck baby” Tom muttered, holding you so hard you knew he was going to come soon. He did, filling your mouth, and then moving to the side, letting you fall down on the mattress with your mouth full of cum while Haz was still fucking you. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum too” Haz said, and Tom knew you had to be close too. He kneeled down, close to your ear, “Are you gonna be a good girl baby? Cum for Daddy, love” he whispered. You swallowed Tom’s cum and let yourself go into an orgasm, your contractions and moans were enough for Haz to finish and finally come inside of you, letting out a loud moan.
They laid down next to you while you still felt in a haze, sweating and smelling like sex. After your breathe had calmed down Tom was giving you kisses, cuddles and caresses. “Bubs, you should go to the bathroom” he advised, which you nodded, because you knew how important it was to go to the bathroom after having sex. You took the little time alone to compose yourself after returning with the boys. You laid down, and Haz started cuddling you. “So, how was it?” you asked them both. “Amazing” “Lovely” they both said. It didn’t take long until you all fell asleep.
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mrs-hollandstan · 1 year
Could you plz write something about dad!harrison dealing with his toddler’s tantrums/terrible twos.
I changed this just a lil but it's still similar
There was nothing better than watching Haz be a dad. He was the best with your little girl. Even when she, herself, was a nightmare. Jane looked just like her daddy, and of course you'd joked about her having his attitude too, but it wasn't necessarily true. Like today. 
You had announced to Harrison that you were pregnant with his second child, and before you announced it to Jane, he wanted to be able to tell her if she was getting a little sister or a little brother. It turned out your new baby was a boy, much to Harrison's surprise considering the similarities in your first and second pregnancy. But regardless, he was excited to tell your baby girl. And the result was less than perfect. 
His announcement came from you, and was you telling her she was getting a baby brother from mommy's tummy soon, and almost the second you told her they were a boy, she'd burst in tears and she was sobbing and screaming, her face bright red. 
Harrison had grabbed her and cradled her in his arms, her head tucked into her shoulder. He pouts at you, 
"She's really upset." He murmurs. You smile, 
"She'll get over it." He scoffs, 
"She will, I won't." He tells you. You giggle, 
"I'm sure you won't." He sighs, sitting her on the couch, 
"Jane darling… you are going to have so much fun either your baby brother. You having a little sister won't change anything. You can be just as mean to a little boy." He reasons. She heaves as she continues to cry. You can tell by the look in Harrison's eyes that it's killing him. You move in, stroking her hair down, 
"Jane…" You wait until her eyes meet yours, "you like Mr. Shadow right?" You reference her stuffed bear from Harrison's mom. She nods, wiping her red rimmed eyes. You hum, 
"And you love having tea parties with him huh?" You pose. She nods again. You smile, 
"Well… the bigger the party, the more extravagant you have to get which means cake and ice cream at your tea parties." You tell her. Harrison looks between you, watching Jane light up at the mention of a few of her favorite things. You press a hand to your belly, 
"Your baby brother is gonna have his own friends like Mr. Shadow and I just know that's he's going to want to join yours and Mr. Shadow's tea parties and he'll help you get that cake and ice cream." You bribe. Harrison's heart lightens at the look in Jane's eyes, his hand reaching out to smooth her hair down. He leans in and kisses her cheek, 
"You're gonna be such a good big sister huh J?" He poses. She nods, glancing up at him, "to a baby brother huh?" He adds, testing the waters. She gives a sniffle, but she nods again, staring up at him, 
"Yeah." He smiles,
"That's my good girl. Think there's still some of Uncle Tom's red velvet cake left in the fridge, you wanna check?" He asks her. She nods, eyes lighting up again, throwing herself into his arms. He smiles, kissing her temple. You stand along with him, following him into the kitchen. After he fetches the leftover birthday cake Tom had insisted you take home for your little girl and a fork, he turns to you, 
"How bout…" He takes your hand, "We stop at two. If I have to pick up the pieces again after she has a breakdown over another baby brother, I'll have to commit myself to a psych ward." You giggle as he corners you against the counter. Reaching up to stroke his cheek, you lean in and kiss him, 
"You're the one insistent on a second baby. Wasn't my idea to get pregnant again." He smiles, leaning in to kiss you again, a little more soundly this time, humming, 
"I know but… maybe not a third." He murmurs. You nod,
"Keep it in your pants then Osterfield." You squeal as he smacks your bottom before he's fishing two more forks from the drawer, 
"Let's see how much baby boy likes cake before his big sister's tea parties." He murmurs, handing one to you and twirling one between his fingers. He watches you chew for a moment, wondering how he got so lucky with two of the most gorgeous girls on earth and a little boy on the way. 
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