#Ginny and Georgia imagine
writersblockedx · 1 year
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Pairing - Marcus Baker x Fem!Reader Summary - Y/n is pushed to confront the boy who can't seem to stop staring at her at school. Warnings - Alcohol & drug use Words - 2K
It had been happening all week. In the middle of talking, doing work or walking down the hallways, Y/n would look up, finding the same pair of eyes trailing her. In the beginning, she must have convinced herself she was imagining it. Marcus Baker wasn't one for wanting to self-illicit anything close to a social interaction. So she ignored it.
Then it started to seem like the boy's eyes were attached to her every move. Y/n had been in the midst of listening to Maxine go on about her most recent date (which hadn't ended well) when she noted the feeling of someone watching. Her back was pressed against the wall, Abby at her side as her gaze found Marcus once again. He didn't look away. His eyes lingered as if he weren't fazed she had caught him.
"Is he doing it again?" Snapped Abby. Her tone wasn't so loud that Marcus could hear from the other side of the hall, but the girl certainly wasn't trying to hide her words.
"Doing what?" Nora joined in.
Y/n lightly shook her head, shifting so she was no longer facing the shaggy-haired boy. "Don't worry about it."
"No." Abby cut in, gaining the attention of more of their friends. "It's getting creepy. If he likes you, he needs to come over and say something." Nora nodded in agreement.
"Can we just leave it?" She requested, but it was never that easy.
"Leave what?" Max questioned, peering over with wiggling eyebrows.
Y/n refused to answer. So Abby did it for her, "Your brother's obsessed with Y/n." The girl glared over at her best friend, wishing she ended this before it hadn't gotten to this point.
Max gave a sharp, mocking gasp, "My brother...and my best friend?" She spoke back to herself. "How scandalous!" Then she relaxed and let out a chuckle. "I mean, I'm surprised you've only just realised his obsession."
Y/n's brows raised at her words, "What?"
Another chuckle left Max's lips. "Oh, yeah." She said. "You should see how jittery he gets when I say Y/n is coming over. It's like he's on crack or something. Think he's too scared to actually talk to you but at the same time, surprised he's kept it in his pants this long."
"So, he just won't stop staring?" Nora inquired.
"Strange way to flirt." Abby added.
"Can we just forget about it?" Y/n asked with a pleasant smile. "I'm sure he'll find some other girl to swoon over."
Max wandered over, throwing an arm around Y/n, looking down at her sympathetically. "You know I love you, which is why I'm telling you, this thing he has for you, isn't something recent."
"It isn't?"
"You really have no idea, do you?" Y/n shook her head. "He's been in love with you for like a year. You're gonna have to let him down lightly. Or don't, he could use a punch to his ego."
Y/n swallowed the lump which had grown in her throat. Still with Max's arm slung around her shoulder, the girl slowly looked back. She located Marcus within a split second. He was still sat in the same place, his eyes still lingering over her and in an act to play off the last five minutes, she flash a small smile. Something which, while it took a moment, was returned to her.
Nothing more happened for the rest of the week. Just glances. Some of which were now prompted by Y/n's eyes as she started staring at him first. Granted, when she did that it was in wonder if he was already looking at her. Which, most times, he was.
Friday rolled around and while Y/n was relieved for the weekend, she couldn't escape the party Max had planned. In celebration of the part she received in the newest play, she begged Ellen to let her host another party in their house. After enough asking, the woman agreed and for another Friday night, a house was littered in cheap fairy lights, illegal substances and dancing teenagers.
"Isn't this so great?" Whined Maxine as she tumbled into her friend. "This was such a good idea."
Y/n wasn't nearly as drunk as half the people around her. "Sure, Max." She replied.
"You know what else is a good idea-"
"No, no, no, Max you know it's not a good idea." The girl was already reaching for her phone, desperate for the urge to message her ex.
Y/n tried to wiggle her fingers between Max's, but it was no use, the message was already being typed. "It's just- it's one message. Its closure, Y/n." She wasn't sure who Max was trying to convince with that.
The girl hummed, still trying to take a grasp of her phone. "And you will kill me in the morning if I don't stop you right now." She said. Her eyes scanned over the room, widening as they spotted Abby and Nora talking to the boys not too far away. "Abby! Nora!" She called across the blaring music.
The two girls glanced over. And all they needed was a glance to realise what was occurring. The pair came rushing over and suddenly, it became a fight for the phone. And for a second, it looked like Max might be winning. "No, no, it's fine." She tried to convince.
Abby wiggled her fingers between Max's cheering as she got grip on the phone and Max's hand slid away. "Finally." The girl huffed. "Would you get her something?" Abby asked Y/n.
Y/n glanced back at Brodie who was smoking the last of what they had. "I don't think that's going to be possible right now." She answered.
"What about Marcus?" Nora suggested, carefully. "He's bound to have some."
Abby looked over to Y/n, her expression silently questioning if she would be okay with that. "And you need me to go?" She checked over once more - just in case the answer changed.
A slurring Max was hanging from Abby and Nora was desperate to spend some quality time with her boyfriend; of course it had to be her. "At least if you go, we'll know we'll definitely get some." Abby shrugged, sending a sympathetic smile.
She sighed but started shifting on her feet anyway, "You both owe me, big time." She said to them, pointing her index finger between the two as she started strolling backwards towards the stairs.
Y/n soon found herself in the upstairs hallways. Many doors. And only one led to Marcus' room. Of course she had been up here many times before, but that only ever really consisted of Max's room. Alas, she wandered through, knocking against the one she believed to be Marcus'. Suppose she got lucky too.
"Yeah?" Called a voice from the other side.
Slowly, the girl pushed the door open, finding the shaggy-haired boy laid lazily across his bed. There laid a sketch book in his grasp as he had one earphone hanging out. "Hi." She forced a polite smile to her lips. "You got any weed on you?" What was the point for small talk anyway? She had a plan: get in, get a joint and get out.
Marcus shifted, sitting up as he threw his earphones to one side. "You came in here to ask for illegal drugs?" He reiterated.
She tensed, "Erm, yeah?"
The boy let out a chuckle before stepping from his bed. "Relax, I'm messing with you." Y/n didn't dare move from the space she took in the room as the boy wandered toward his dresser. He pulled out one of the draws, shifting through his clothes before returning with his two joints between his finger tips. "Rules are though, you smoking my stuff, you smoke it with me."
"It's not for me." She interjected. "It's for your sister." She watched as slowly, a certain speckle faded from his pupils. "I can try and bring her up if you'd want, but she's pretty wasted-"
"No, no, that's alright." His eyes darted to the floor, anywhere which weren't Y/n's eyes. That is, for once, anyway.
An awkward silence followed that Y/n made sure she filled. "She's just a bit, emotional right now. Abby thought it would calm her down." She explained. "She's been going through a lot, you know with the-"
"Break up." He finished for her. "Yeah, trust me, I know." Another pause. Another moment of awkward silence. Marcus passed over one of the joints, "Here."
The girl took without a word. She nodded her head and spun on her feet and headed for the door. She should have walked straight through. She should have tried to forget the very awkward situation she had just experienced. But something seemed to be pulling her back. Maybe it was the curiosity, maybe it was just the alcohol. Probably the latter if she were being honest.
But, she turned, finding Marcus still stood in the same spot. And with a rush of courage, she asked, "Why do you keep me staring at me?" She almost surprised herself more than Marcus when the words slipped from her lips. At first, she had herself second-guessing if she had really just said them.
A moment passed before Marcus responded, "Because I think you're pretty." His tone was matched with a nervous laugh as his gaze met her.
"Then why didn't you just say so?"
He shrugged, "I'm saying something now." The boy took a cautious step closer, uncertain if he was reading this correctly. "And I'm sure Max told you for me, didn't she?"
A smile rose to her lips as she recalled the girl's words from earlier in the week. "Maybe." Y/n uttered.
"If you want me to stop, I'm sorry, I will-" He started to ramble as the thought struck his mind.
But, Y/n cut him off before he could get much further, "It's fine." She cooed with the flash of her smile once more.
He took another step and there seemed little room between them now. "Yeah?" He questioned, so close Y/n could feel the breeze of his breath.
She nodded, trying to hide the way her eyes had flickered to his lips. "Yeah."
They lasted a moment which such little space between them. It was like cat and mouse. Like they were trying to catch each other out. Like a game of chess. But Marcus gave in first. He closed the gap between them, his hand cupping her cheek as their lips met, molding against each other.
When they pulled away, they had the same expression, the same grins plastered across their faces. Their foreheads hovered against each other as Y/n muttered, "I should probably get this to Max."
He nodded as they stepped away and Y/n grasped the joint. "I'll leave this door open." Marcus told her as she slowly started slipping back out into the hallway. "You know, if you just happen to find yourself up here again."
"Sounds like a good plan." She stole once last glance at the boy before turning on her heels and wandering back down stairs.
Marcus was left staring at an empty space, all smitten and drowning in awe.
Y/n tried to hide the grin on her face she returned to the party. The music still blared and Max was still whining. "But I still love her!" The girl went on.
"Oh, thank God!" Exclaimed Abby as Y/n came into sight, jogging over to them and passing the joint over. "I'd ask what took so long, but I don't want to know."
"Were you making out with my brother?" Inquired Max.
Y/n played it off as well as she were able, "No, Max. No lips were touching." She replied, feeling a shiver as she thought back to the kiss.
Max hummed and leaned over, "Oh, yeah? Then why is your lipstick smudged?" And like that, with that bomb dropped, Max lit her joint and pretended as if she had said nothing. All while Y/n flushed pink.
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thebisexualdogdad · 1 year
Was wondering if you could write one where Abby is always on readers lap and if has become so frequent that the group don’t even reserve a seat for Abby? (You can obviously add more, I know si pretty vague, have a lovely day 🫶🏻)
Abby Littman x GN!reader
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● yours and Abby's love language is physical touch
● you're even more annoyingly affectionate than Norah and Jordan
● and Abby is basically always sitting in your lap
● at the lunch table
● at your hang out spot in the hallway
● on the couch in Brodies basement
● at parties
● she would literally sit in your lap during class if she could
● and she did try once but Mrs. Griffins threatened to give you guys detention if she didn't go back to her actual seat
● your friends don't even bother to save a seat for her anymore because they know if you're there your lap will be her seat
● she's so tiny you can easily fit together in small spaces like a booth at the Cafe
● Joe just stares at you guys from across the room "are they ever… not like that?"
● Ginny "nope and be happy they aren't as handsy here as they are at school"
● you even study together with her in your lap
● her mom will go to her room and find you guys at her desk, Abby in your lap while you're both working on your assignments
● she's just like 'am I supposed to be breaking this up??'
● the librarian has also tried to give you guys detention for doing this in the library
● she gets annoyed the moment you two walk inside the library because she already knows how you'll be studying
● during parties her sitting in your lap always turns to shamelessly making out not caring who's around
● Max will throw an empty solo cup at your head to try to break it up
● "will you two get a room"
● "don't mind if we do" and you just pick Abby up and carry her somewhere for more privacy
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oh-puffle-cakes19 · 1 year
True Feelings
- Marcus Baker x Reader fluff.. slightly angst
Summary - Marcus shows his true feelings towards you after everything this month.
Word count - 2122
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You were sitting on your bed doing homework, Your mom was out with your brother which you're thankful for.. you didn’t need anymore distributions.
“Why? Maths gotta be so hard,” You mostly say to yourself, however a little birdy heard through your window.
“I could help you,” Marcus Baker, the boy next door. Ever since he laid eyes on you he can’t help himself not climb into your window almost every day.
“Wtf, what are you doing here!” You nearly screamed, Paper flying off of the bed, “You made me jump,”
“Mm,” he hums, listening to your voice as he picks up your maths paper off of the floor to give it to you.
“Thanks,” You whisper, with a small smile taking the papers out of his large, callous hands.
“What?” You ask, nearly giggling. Marcus’s eyes are boring into yours with hope knowing he should have made a move before but he was too scared for his feelings to be destroyed.
“Mar,” You began, him taking you by surprise as his hand tucked your hair behind your ear as he pressed his rough yet soft lips to yours.
You immediately close your eyes, following his lead by running your hand through his hair and the other on his jaw line, kissing him back.
“What was that?” You breathily asked, after pulling away, Marcus gulps.
He wants to run away, go back out of the window away from all of this chaos. However, he will stand his ground of fear because his heart aches at looking at you, not being able to touch you or to make you his.
You feel like you've been running around in circles with Marcus ever since you two both had sex. You being the new girl, dumb enough to kiss the first guy that interacts with you.
You both took it with a pinch of salt until you ended up being friends with Max, his twin sister.
That day Max invited you over for the first time. You were in her room together until she left to go to the bathroom. Not thinking much of it, you were still typing things on your laptop until Marcus came in the room.
Looking up, your breath hitched as Marcus came close rather quickly. Without a second glance he cups your jaw, smoothly kissing you passionately. Even though you had no idea why he did that, you ended up kissing him back in the moment.
“Weed?” Marcus grins, showing you the bag as he pulls away from you. You seem to shake your head, confused.
You remember you were thankful that Max came back screaming at her brother to get out. Her saying sorry for him talking to you, you didn’t have the guts to tell her that it was everything but talking.
Since then you are talking, sometimes you get a kiss or two off of him but nothing close to this ever since the first time.
“I want to hold you,” Marcus lets his words out, weirdly as he lifts you up, putting you onto his lap.
You didn’t say anything against it. secretly, wanting him to show you any type of fluffy affection other than kissing.
You sigh happily out of content, Marcus ears picks up on your little sound.
“You like that pretty girl?” You can feel Marcus’s smirk as he nozzles his nose to your ear. You feel butterflies through your tummy at hearing the pet name.. he has never called you such things.
“You like that don’t You?” He kisses your temple as his arms wrap around your waist tighter, making you sink more into his chest.
You let out a small hum to his question, his fingers run along your hair again.
You know it might take a while for him to speak but that’s definitely ok, you got all the time in the world for him.
The maths homework is long forgotten as you sit in comfortable Silence, enjoying each other’s warm embrace.
Marcus knows he should tell you about his true feelings, right now! Even more right now. You are sitting gorgeously on his lap, head on his shoulders yet his lips won’t move into words.
You feel him shake against you, startling you as he is in deep thought.
“What’s wrong? Marcus..” You run your hand through his hair to try and calm him down, he squeezes you tight.
“Hey, it’s ok,” You hug Marcus into a full hug just as tight to let him know you here, “It’s going to ok, I’m here for you,”
“I don’t know how to express my feelings to you,” Marcus let’s put a painful sigh, “I really, really want to tell you how I feel towards you,” his breathing calms down, he talks feeling your fingers through his hair.
“Marcus you tell me your feelings when you are ready,” You kiss his forehead, giving him comfort like he does to you when you are crying.
Marcus lifts you up with him, laying you guys on the bed as he pulls you into his chest.
He turns around to face you, “No, I want to tell you now!” He gently grabs your hand into his own, looking at you in your beautiful orbs.
“Then don’t be afraid to tell me,” You look up to him with a gentle smile, “You won’t hurt me, pretty boy,”
Marcus smiles at the cute pet name that he has started but you're using it for himself this time.
“What?” You break into a grin, smoothing his hair out, “Nothing,” Marcus tries to deny.
“Is it because you like being called a pretty boy?” You lick your lips playfully, teasing him.
He sits up a little towards you, giving you a single glance from your eyes to your lips, “Shut up,” Pressing his lips to yours softly.
“I want to tell you,” Marcus pulls away, “And you can kick me out of your room, say I’m no good or anything but I can’t stop thinking about you..”
Marcus runs his hand through his hair, “It’s all you, my mind keeps me awake thinking of you, I can’t get enough of-“ You cut him off by kissing his lips full of passion as you see what he is trying to say.
“Of you, Pretty girl,”
“I can’t stop thinking about you, either,” You go back in for another soft kiss on his lips.
“I want you to be my girlfriend,” Marcus closes his eyes, you feel him getting nervous.
“Are you sure?” You take his hand, softly rubbing it.
“Yes, will you be my girlfriend?” Marcus plays with your fingers, waiting for your answer even if it is 0.2seconds.
“Yes, Marcus,” As soon as you said those words Marcus lips were on yours.
“You have a beautiful smile,” Marcus boops your nose, giggling, “You have got a beautiful giggle,” You tease, smiling.
“Marcus,” You gasp giggling as you feel his hands tickling you, “No,” You laugh, trying to tickle him back as you crawl off of the bed.
“Pretty girl come back I want to tickle you more,” He manages to get hold of you, lifting you up on the bed again as you laugh together.
“God I fucking love you,” Marcus let’s out as he pins you playfully to the bed, the laughter dyes down when the Realisation hits the both of you.
“Wait, you love me?�� You question.
“Fuck, I’m such an idiot,” Marcus gets up to walk out of your door.
“Marcus?” You furrow your eyebrows, following him. You hope that your mom and brother haven’t come back, this would be very bad.
Marcus locks the door to the bathroom, spraying his face with water as he reminds himself that he Potentially fucked things up.
Asking you to be your girlfriend is one thing but saying that he loves you is another.
“Marcus, it’s ok,” You sigh against the door, releasing that he locked it, “Don’t be ashamed that you said Love you,”
Marcus opens the door, “Why?” He tilts his head intrigued, staring intensely at you, “It is a dumb thing to say when my feelings are on the line,”
“I’ll tell you if you come out, stand in front of me and not hiding behind the door,” You Clarify, seeing half of his face shift unsettling, “Mar, I know you're scared but can you please let me explain,”
Marcus moves into the hallway with you, letting you take his hand.
“It is not dumb, you shouldn’t be ashamed either because I love when you tell me your feelings,” You say sincerely, rubbing his hands again for comfort, his orbs boring into every word you say out of your mouth.
“Saying what you just said, I love you so much too you Idiot,” You smile, feeling Marcus relax but still confused as he processes the whole situation.
“You?” He points to you, you nod, “Love me?” You giggle as he points to himself.
“Yes, how is that so hard to believe?” You furrow your eyebrows, you are full of love towards this boy that you are so gratefully blessed with everyday.
You understand that he went through a lot since the past few months, it’s hitting hard. Maybe he doesn’t believe that a broken person can be loved, you are a broken person too.. So how can he love you?
However, you believe in this guy because not only he held and showed you great adventures of taking your mind off such things.. but he does it with pure love and passion. Even if he doesn't realise that he is capable of having those traits, you know.
“I do believe you, I just thought..” Marcus takes a pause, looking at you while he takes your hair to play with it, “I thought that I won’t be loved back, it will destroy me.. better to stay away from a real relationship than getting your heart broken,”
“Why didn’t you think you was going to be loved back?” You pressed him gently, Marcus knew you care, knew you loved him. You won’t be able to help any further if you don’t know the truth.
“Because I’m broken..” Marcus, let’s out your predicted guess.
“I see who you truly are.. Marcus.. every single day, how can I not love you?” You reassure him, “You are a real spark to a flame,match sticks to the fire, you glow!” You take his toned jawline into your hands giving him an unexpected well deserved passion kiss onto his lips.
“I know people think you can fix a person but you can’t, I’m not going to be sorry that I can’t fix you, Marcus but,” You kiss his cheek to reassure him, “I can help you get through said things such as be here to take care and the time to support you, love you unconditionally and to ease every step you take,”
“And that is why I love you, Y/N.. you” Marus picks you up, spinning you around as you squeal his name.
Going back to your room, you're glad that you sorted things out without your family coming into the house to watch. Explaining things is so hard.
Marcus held you in his arms, drawing soft small patterns on your arm.
“Thank you for being patient,” he hums, smelling your scent from your hair.
“Your hair,” he sniffs again, “Smells really good,”
“Why are you smelling my hair?” You laugh, snoozing into him more.
“What can’t I smell my girlfriend now?” Marcus raises his eyebrow, smiling just as much.
“Your idiot,”
“I suppose so,” You agree, shifting under the covers to get comfortable once more, you are like a starfish In bed.
Doubting Marcus actually knows that..
“I should get back but I’m not going to,” Marcus closes his eyes, “Your too comfy,”
“Oh.. I see how it is!” You playfully tut, “Using me for comfort now, are we?” You giggle.
“No at all,” Marcus shook his head, “I’m using you as a pillow,” he sticks his tongue out as he corrects you.
“My, my.. you have a lot of guts.. sir,”
“Not as much as you,” Marcus kisses you gently, letting out a cute yawn as he falls back onto his back.
“You should get back, I don’t want you getting in trouble,” You run your fingers through his hair.
“I know but I want to actually sleep with you, I’ll deal with the consequences later,” Marcus clings onto you under the covers, letting himself drift off to sleep as you except the fact you can’t not let him stay.
You close your eyes, snuggling closer, “Goodnight,” You kiss his forehead.
“Mm, Goodnight,” Marcus smiles, kissing your forehead before closing his eyes again smiling.
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Slow and Steady Wins the Heart
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Abby littman x reader
Warnings: Suggestive ?, slight angst if you squint, make out stopped, fluff
You slide your hands up Abby's back as you kiss, feeling the warmth of her body against yours. Your heart is racing, and you can feel hers beating just as fast. You've been here before, in this very same bed, making out with Abby after school. But this time, something feels different. This time, you think y'all can take things further. Further than just some heavy groping. You want to go all the way.
As you continue to kiss her, you slide your hands down to her inner thighs, eliciting a sharp intake of breath from her. But instead of relaxing into your touch like she normally would, she freezes up. You can feel her tense up under your fingers, and you immediately assume that something is wrong.
"Are you okay?" you ask, pulling back to look at her.
She hesitates for a moment before nodding. "Yeah, I'm fine," she says, but her voice is strained.
Since you've never been good at reading people, you just trust her and take her word for it. So you continue kissing her, hoping that she'll relax into your touch.
But as you move your hands back up her body, Abby tenses up again. This time, you can't ignore it. You pull back and look at her, concern etched on your face.
"Abby, what's wrong?" you ask gently.
For a moment, she doesn't respond. But then she takes a deep breath and looks up at you, her hands fidgeting with her sleeves.
"I'm sorry," she says, her voice barely above a whisper. "It just seems like this is going in a certain direction, and I'm not sure I'm ready for all of that."
"It's okay," you say, grabbing and stilling her hands. "We don't have to do anything you're not comfortable with."
Abby buries her face in your chest, resting her thoughts for a second. You hold her close, feeling the warmth of her body against yours.
After a few minutes, she pulls back and looks up at you, guilt written across her face.
"I'm sorry," she says again. "You seemed really excited, and I tried to be ready. I really tried."
"You have nothing to be sorry about. I only ever want to do whatever you're completely okay with. And if you just want to take it slow, then I just want to take it slow." you say.
She smiles up at you, then lays her head back down against your chest. You turn on her tv and pull the covers over both of you. Y'all both drift off into a peaceful sleep, waking up hours later with the tv playing some night time cartoon.
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hiatuswhore · 1 year
ᴀᴜɴᴛ (ʏ/ɴ) — ɢɪɴɴʏ ᴀɴᴅ ɢᴇᴏʀɢɪᴀ 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐛𝐛𝐥𝐞
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ᴀ/ɴ: ɪ ꜰᴇᴇʟ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴄᴇɴᴇ ᴡʜᴇʀᴇ ʏᴏᴜɴɢ ɢᴇᴏʀɢɪᴀ ᴄᴏᴍᴘʟɪᴍᴇɴᴛꜱ ᴛʜᴇ ɢɪʀʟꜱ ᴅʀᴇꜱꜱ ᴄʜᴏɪᴄᴇꜱ ᴡʜɪʟᴇ ᴛʜᴇʏ’ʀᴇ ꜱʜᴏᴘᴘɪɴɢ ꜰᴏʀ ᴘʀᴏᴍ ᴄᴏᴜʟᴅ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ʙᴇᴇɴ ᴀ ᴄᴜᴛᴇ ꜱᴄᴇɴᴇ ᴏꜰ ʜᴏᴡ ꜱʜᴇ ᴍᴇᴛ ᴀ ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ. ᴡʜɪʟᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴏᴍᴇɴᴛꜱ ꜱᴀᴅ ᴍʏ ʙʀᴀɪɴ ᴋᴇᴇᴘꜱ ʀᴇᴡʀɪᴛɪɴɢ ɪᴛ ɪɴᴛᴏ ꜱᴏᴍᴇᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴡʜᴏʟᴇꜱᴏᴍᴇ. ᴜɴᴇᴅɪᴛᴇᴅ.
ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: ᴏʜ ɢᴇᴏʀɢɪᴀ ᴍɪʟʟᴇʀ ᴀɴᴅ ʜᴇʀ ᴍᴀɴʏ ʜɪꜱᴛᴏʀɪᴇꜱ. ꜱᴏᴍᴇ ɢᴏᴏᴅ, ꜱᴏᴍᴇ ʙᴀᴅ, ꜱᴏᴍᴇ ɪɴ ʙᴇᴛᴡᴇᴇɴ.
ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 716
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ: ɴᴏɴᴇ
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“How am I? Ginny and Georgia had a meltdown at your open mic. Suddenly neither of them are keeping me in the loop. I still haven’t told Georgia I slept with Zion. And your horrible acting like Paul and Georgia getting married doesn’t bother you is becoming rather boring,” Your head propped on your elbow you drum your fingers against your cheek, swaying your stool beneath you. Joe stands behind the bar in front of you. A grin playing on your lips as he chuckles pouring more wine to his own glass.
“So not only did Georgia leave me heartbroken but with her evil best friend. Really bringing in the holiday cheer,” Joe raises his glass, the giddy smile on his face warming your heart. He hasn’t smiled like that much these days. You cover the fond moment with a mischievous glint on your eye. The silent bar fills with a chorus of your own and his laughter. Wine fueling the dim glow of the dark room. Finishing your glass Joe raises the bottle to your cup tilting his head, “How did you and Georgia meet?”
“We were sixteen. I was shopping for a prom dress at my mom’s store. Caught her stealing clothes for her and Ginny,” You speak casually, the silence making your gaze whip up to Joe. He gapes at you as though you grow another head before his eyes.
“Your mom loves Georgia. When she visited she gushed about both of you. A complete stranger would think you were sisters the way she spoke. How did that happen?” You chuckle at the description of your mother. Her sweet laugh and airy energy creating warmth in every room she enters.
“I tried on dresses with Ginny to distract her from my Mom talking to Georgia. She gave Georgia a bunch of clothes for the both of them. Georgia asked why and my Mom called me, her Ginny. My mom was a single fifteen year old mother by the time I met Georgia she built a good life for us. She put a lot into helping Ginny and Georgia,” You stare off at nothing in particular wearing a large smile as you speak. Joe eyes you quietly, certain you are no longer explaining him the memory but reliving it. The far off adoration in your eyes giving you a nostalgic glow.
“You really love them,” Joe says, nodding your head as you lean forward, placing a hand on his own.
“So much. If it means anything while you’re technically not Georgia’s ex you were hands down her best one,” You beam up at his gentle smile. The ding of your phone pulling your attention from his gaze. “Oh no it’s Zion. I’ve been avoiding him. I just—how the hell would this work. Georgia’s going to kill us. Ginny and Austin are already going through so much. And what? Surprise the woman you call Aunt is screwing your Dad. Wait, pause.”
“So Ginny’s the poet of the family clearly,” Joe say. A dry chuckle leaves your lips as you playfully glare.
“Out of everything I expected of uprooting my life for my best friend, sleeping with the father of her daughter and befriending the man pining for her was not a single scenario I had in my head,” You say, raising your cup he meets you in the middle with a perfect clink. Both of you take slow sips of your glasses, your mind relapses into previous concerns. Ginny. Austin. Georgia. Zion. You perk up zoning back into the moment. A wide smile taking your lips as Joe furrows his eyebrows at you.
“You’re scheming,” He accuses, you tilt your head offering an are you serious look. A grin tugging at your lips.
“Thanks for being kind of cool,” You say. He sets his lips blinking at you. Holding his gaze you blink back. The warmth adding a new layer to your chats. A numbing intimacy blinding all your fears for a mere second. The vibrating of your phone makes you flinch, Zion. “Sorry I need to take this.”
“No worries,” Joe says, a warm smile covering the long thoughtful pauses. His eyebrows crease at how his eyes have not left you. Something’s different, and it’s made what was—a hell of a lot more difficult.
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cactiem · 1 year
i’m open to any ginny and georgia requests, finally watching season 2
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bruciemilf · 9 days
TJ Wayne: I HATE you, you’re the WORST father in the world!
Thomas: [‘Fuck you, I’ve been trying my absolute best’ Scoff]
Martha: Hey! Don’t talk to your Отец that way. He deserves your respect.
TJ: [Elder sister scoff]
Thomas: Yeah! Respect me, you little shit!
Baby Bruce: [Wobbles after TJ on in his little bat slippers]
Thomas: I hate you MORE!
Alfred: [ watches The Great British bake off to max volume.]
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Do you write for marcus baker?
He is not on my character list, but I was thinking of adding him with the new season just released (I have not finished, no spoilers please!)
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You knew Max would be mad, but you went anyway. You needed to see Marcus.
According to Ginny, he got discharged from the hospital yesterday. She saw him from her window. No broken bones, she had reported.
you knocked on the Bakers’ door. Ellen answered and told you Max was not home — that you already knew. If she had been home, you would not be there.
‘’I’m here to see Marcus, actually.’’ You held your breath, hoping she would let you in.
A frown formed between her eyebrows. ‘’Marcus? I didn’t know you and him were friends.’’
‘’We have a class together,’’ you lied.
Ellen pressed her lips in a thin line, hesitating. ‘’He just took his medications, he must be sleeping…’’
‘’Oh. I understand.’’
‘’But maybe a visitor would be good for him. Only for a few minutes, though. He needs rest.’’
You nodded and went upstairs.
When you got to his room, the door was wide open. The lamp on his nightstand was on, but as his mom had predicted, he was sleeping. On the left side of his face, scrapes and cuts decorated his soft smooth skin, making your heart ache with guilt.
Your silly little argument that made him get on his motorcycle the night of the accident seemed so pointless and stupid now. You didn’t mean any of the mean words that came out of your mouth, you said them in the heat of the fight. You said them because you didn't know how to answer Marcus’s confession.
‘’Marcus,’’ you whispered, stepping closer to his bed. You didn’t want to startle him. ‘’Marcus.’’
Saying his name was not working, so you sat on his bed, careful not to sit on his arm that was laid out on the mattress, and employed another method. You gently caressed his hand with your thumb and, after a few strokes, he moved his eyebrows and stirred.
It took a few seconds for Marcus to register that you were there. Once his eyes found yours, you retracted your hand and tucked it on your lap.
‘’What are you doing here?’’
After your fight, he didn’t think you would visit him. But here you were, sitting on the edge of his bed with a heavy heart.
‘’How are you feeling?’’ It was a stupid question, but stupid things tend to come out of your mouth when you’re nervous.
Marcus blinked but didn't say anything.
‘’Marcus, I— This is all my fault. Everything I said, I didn’t mean. You took me by surprise and I didn’t know how to respond so I got into defensive mode and said all those mean things.’’ Tears blurred your vision, wishing you could go back in time and erase everything you said three nights ago. ‘’I’m so sorry, Marcus.’’
You hated to make his accident all about you, but you were the reason Marcus left your house emotionally hurt. You saw the pain in his eyes when you told him he couldn’t love you, that he was incapable of love. People tend to drive fast when they are upset or distracted. You heard his tires screech when he left your driveway, speed off.
‘’My accident was not your fault. I got hit by a car and fell in a ditch.’’
‘’Because of me,’’ you insisted, a lump forming in your throat. You found yourself staring at the wounds on the side of his face, making you feel worse. ‘’If I hadn’t been so mean to you, if I had been honest instead of getting into defense mode, you would not be in this bed recovering from an accident.’’
Marcus slowly sat up, his body aching from the accident, and cocked an eyebrow. ‘’No?’’
‘’No,’’ you confirmed.
‘’And what would you have said if you had been honest?’’
You bit your lip before coming clean with your feelings. ‘’That I love you too, Marcus Baker. I pushed you away because I was scared of my own feelings, because I was scared of falling in love, but the things is, I've already fallen for you.’’
Marcus's lips curled into a small smile. ‘’That was disgustingly romantic.’’
‘’Shut up.’’ You leaned toward him, closed the remaining space, and kissed him, stopping him from further making fun of you.
His smile died and his hand came to the back of your neck, lips so soft and gentle at first and then getting more needy. You grasped onto his shoulders to find purchase and pulled him closer to you, but the physical activity caused Marcus to pull back.
He blinked slowly a few times, feeling dizzy from the kiss. ‘’Let’s keep the kissing for when I no longer have a concussion.’’
You covered your mouth with your hand, immediately feeling bad. ‘’Shit. Sorry. I should not have kissed you.’’
Marcus smiled sweetly. ‘’It’s okay.’’ He reached for your hand and laid back down, pulling you with him.
You quickly caught on to what he was trying to do, but you resisted. ‘’I can’t stay for long. Your mom said just a few minutes. I don't want to get on her bad side.’’
‘’Please.’’ He did his best puppy eyes, knowing which strings to pull to make you falt. ‘’I’m gonna fall asleep in a minute anyway. These meds are strong.’’
You gave in. 
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angelzdaydream · 1 year
he's obsessed with you | Marcus Baker
plot: Marcus and reader have been in a secret relationship and they have been hiding it well from Max, but when she finds out she laughs because she knew he was obsessed with you.
requested by: @xtom-darling-x17
warnings: slight smut but no details
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Marcus sneaking through your window at night had become a habit for the past few months, but on this particular night you decided you'd be the one doing the sneaking.
You took extra caution to be quiet not wanting to draw attention to yourself as you shimmied your way up the house and into the Baker household. As much as you didn't want his parents catching you, the thought of his sister Max who just so happened to be your best friend was much worse.
You smiled at the sight of your boyfriend sleeping soundly in his bed, his sketchbook sprawled against his chest and he pencil he was still in his hand.
You walk over to him, carefully grabbing the pencil out of his hand and the sketchbook to put it away. You go to close the sketchbook but before you could the drawling he was working on catches your eye. Your heart begins to flutter when you realize it was of you.
Marcus stirring in his sleep snatches your attention away from the drawling and you close the sketchbook before placing it on his nightstand.
"This is different. Normally I'm the one doing the breaking and entering." Marcus's voice startles you a bit.
"Figured you shouldn't be the only criminal in the relationship." you grin before leaning down with the intentions of kissing him gently, but the moment your lips touch, he's pulls you on top of him making you gasp at the sudden motion. Marcus uses this to his advantage as he slides his tongue into your mouth, deepening the kiss.
The moment you pull away for a breath of air, Marcus's lips are against your neck sucking and pressing needy kisses against your skin. "You drew me." You moan shakily.
"I did." Marcus replies before sucking on the sweet spot on your neck making your eyes roll back. "How about you be my muse again and give me something else to draw of you?"
"Please." you beg, already so needy for him and before you know it, Marcus is detaching himself from your neck and flipping the two of you around so he's on top.
His lips crash against yours as he grinds his hips against yours, causing the both of you to moan. Both of you were too consumed by each other that you both failed to hear his door open.
"Mom wants to know what you want for dinner- y/n? Holy shit! Holy fucking shit, my eyes!" Max screeched before slamming his door closed and running off.
All you can do at first is look at Marcus in horror. "Shit! How mad do you think she is?"
"She didn't try to kill me so maybe not as mad as we expected her to be." Marcus replies sitting up off of you.
"I'm going to go talk to her." you stand up off his bed fixing your hair and clothes.
"You want me to come with?" he asks reaching for your hand and kissing it reassuringly.
You shake your head no. "I think I should go alone in case she's super pissed. You being there might make it worse."
He nods his head in understanding before you make your way to Maxines room.
You knock on her door, and it doesn't take long before she tells you to come in. You quickly do, shutting the door behind you but never moving from in front of it. You look up at Maxine who is already looking at you. The two of you go a moment without speaking when all of a sudden Max burst into a fit of laughter.
You stare at her wide eyed, unsure if she was so pissed it was coming out as laughter or if it was for another reason. You really hoped she wouldn't make such a big deal out of it, you loved and cared about both Marcus and Max in different ways and you never wanted to hurt either of them.
It goes on for a few minutes before her laughter finally dies down. "I'm not mad." Max speaks after catching her breath.
"You're not?" you question, gaining the courage to move away from the door to sit next to her on the bed.
"I mean it hurts a little that you didn't tell me, but I figured something was going on between the two of you and that you'd tell me when you were ready. I've seen the way you two make googly eyes at each other and honestly, I've never seen him as happy as he is with you. He cares about you a lot, it's disgusting really. Not as disgusting as what I just seen though." Max scrunches her nose up in disgust.
You giggle. "Sorry about that."
"As you should be, I'm scarred for life." she says before giggling too and pulling you into a side hug.
A weight feels like it had been lifted off your shoulders now that you and Marcus no longer had to hide your relationship from her and that Marcus cared as much about you as you did him.
idk about the ending but hope you guys liked it <3 feel free to send me request!
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echoalyssa · 1 year
Heyy! Can I get a super angsty Marcus baker x reader? Like one where they’re dating but then finds out he slept with Ginny? If you don’t like that then do something you’d like to write but just angsty. Thank youuuu 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
Marcus Baker but He's a Cheater | Request
Abby is sprawled on your bed, head dangling off the side of it. Her feet are kicked up onto your headboard and she's scrolling through TikTok.
Although she is only scrolling so that it looks like she isn't eavesdropping. You had been trying to call Marcus for the last two hours. He'd just dropped off the face of the earth and unfortunately this hadn't been normal for him until recently.
The voicemail message plays again and you sigh into the receiver.
"Marcus where are you? We talked about this. You have to communicate with me! Call me back. Please!"
You end the call and hit the call button again.
Abby tilts her head to look at you, sensing the stress radiating off of you.
It rings. And rings. And rings some more.
Your best friend rolls off of the bed and snatches the phone from your hand.
She leaps onto the bed, holding your phone above her head. "Where is he normally when he disappears like this?"
"His house."
"So you're telling me we could just walk across the street and get an answer out of him?"
For how tiny your best friend is, there's a lot of fire within her.
She hops off the bed and shoves your phone into her back pocket. "Do you want me to come with you?"
You shake your head no at her and slip on your shoes. Abby runs a brush through your hair and then practically shoves you out of your own room and down the hall.
The walk to his house seems to drag, like time doesn't quite want to move.
His front door is open. The two of you had been together long enough that you didn't have to knock anymore. His parent's cars aren't in the driveway and the house is quiet.
You hesitate outside his door, just long enough to hear it.
He moans and something hits the wall.
The sound is repetitive and your heart turns cold inside your chest. You know what's happening but you don't want to know.
You push the door open just slightly with your fingertips.
"Oh Marcus!"
Her back is to you but you know who it is. How could you not? Everything had been going wrong since she moved here.
She's straddling his lap, bouncing up and down with her head thrown back.
His fingers are tight on her hips and he's biting his lip.
You want to sink into the floor and disappear right then and there. This was some nasty nightmare that you'd wake up from soon. Right?
He whispers her name and then pulls her down to press his lips against hers.
It feels like there's a pool of acid in your stomach, just swirling around.
You back up, your back hits the wall of the hallway with a thud and the two go quiet.
"What was that?" She asks.
"It sounds like..."
The door swings open fully and there's Marcus, standing in front of you completely naked.
He stares at you and you stare at him.
Someone's crying but you can't figure out who's crying.
He ducks his head and you realize that you're the one crying. Ugly sobbing loud enough that you gave yourself away.
She appears behind him, snaking an arm around his waist with a grin.
"What are you doing here?" He chokes out.
You are desperately trying to even out your heaving breaths. Nothing works though, none of those stupid color breathing exercises can help you now.
Your hand stings and Ginny screams.
"Wait Y/N-"
"Don't!" You yell at him.
You take off, away from him and from her. Because maybe if you just run fast enough it will all go away.
You burst through the door to your room, startling Abby so badly that she almost falls off the bed.
You slam the door shut and press your back to it, sliding down slowly.
"I slapped her."
"Who? Who did you slap?"
You let your head fall forward so that it rests on your knees. "Ginny."
She gasps. "The Ginny?"
"The only Ginny." You whisper.
Abby sits down next to you and rubs your back. She doesn't pry she just lets you cry on her and eventually tell her what you had to witness.
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thebisexualdogdad · 1 year
Marcus x male reader, dating headcanons with smut please 😩
Marcus Baker x Male!reader
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● Marcus came out as bi to his family very casually
● he knew he wasn't straight for as long as Max had but unlike Max he didn't feel the need to tell anyone until you started dating
● they were all eating dinner when Ellen asked him and Max about their day
● Marcus "school was boring like usual… oh and I have a boyfriend his name is Y/N"
● Max dramatically "Oh my god I fucking knew it!!"
● Ellen "Max language, wait is Y/N that nice boy that lives down the street?"
● spending all your time at the Baker house
● Max "I'm coming in! You have five seconds to put your clothes on!"
● there is never a moment where you and Marcus aren't stoned
● literally before, after and sometimes even during school you two are smoking
● Ellen is always confused by the late night pizzas being delivered
● "Marcus why did you and Y/N order a pizza, we had dinner two hours ago?"
● "uhh we're growing boys who need extra nourishment?"
● Max is just giggling in the corner because she could smell the weed coming from his bedroom
● and she gets to a steal a slice in exchange for not ratting you out
● Marcus has an entire sketchbook of drawings of you
● playing with his hair while you're cuddling
● borrowing his weird shirts which Max does not approve of
● "really Y/N I expected better from you"
● he sneaks into your room all the time for midnight hook ups
● handjobs are your most common sexual activity because it's the quickest and easiest thing to get away with
● in his room while you guys are supposed to be "studying" or "watching a movie"
● in your car during lunch
● in the bathroom at a party
● you and Marcus don't go to nearly as many parties as Max but you can persuade Marcus to go out and be social with the incentive of sex at some point during said party
● when Marcus stays the night you like to wake him up a blowjob to make him stay longer
● for a moment he doesn't care how much trouble he's gonna be in if his parents go to his room and find he isn't in his bed
● "Oh crap it's almost 9 I gotta get home"
● "how about you stay 10 more minutes and I make you cum again?"
● "well how am I supposed to say no to that offer"
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oh-puffle-cakes19 · 1 year
Marcus Baker
- And what’s wrong with you.. Global Warming ✧
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True Feelings
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train-wrecc · 1 year
Champagne Problems
marcus baker x miller!female!reader (I just realized some of y’all may think this means that Zion’s your dad but it just means that Georgia’s your mom but you have a different dad)
flangst! ( if y’all can’t tell I really like flangst, haha)
word count: 7.1k
warnings!: mentions of pregnancy & abortion, cussing, toxic? relationship (on&off), mentions of food, anxiety, & panic attacks… i think that’s all 😅
includes: bestfriend!padma, younger!sister!ginny (15 years old), you and Marcus are 18, OC? (not really) Noah (Marcus's best friend that he lost to cancer, they never gave him a name in the show, so from now on I’ll probably just refer to him as Noah, it was the first name that came to mind) 
ALSO: before reading, I just want to preface, that it is your body and your choice. 💞
part 2 part 3
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。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚
You never thought you’d be stood here, however there you were. It was as if the box full of pregnancy tests was laughing at you. You had been practically been disintegrating it with your eyes. You’d had enough, you were just gonna do it. 
As you waited for the three tests for three minutes, it was the longest three minutes of your life. You were filled with anxiety and intrusive thoughts that almost sent you spiraling. 
Your breath trembled with unevenness, your timer causing you to jolt out of your stupor. You held your breath. This was it. These pink sticks would cruelly decide your fate. 
You quickly glanced at the tests. All three tests were undoubtedly positive, each reading the word ‘positive’ on the little digital screen.
That one word ‘positive’ sent you panicking, gasping for air, as the word ran rampant in your head. Positive. They're positive. 
You couldn’t even form the words in your brain, “I’m preg-“. It was as if even acknowledging the word in your mind would make what was already your reality true. That was something you didn’t want to accept. 
Your legs gave out from under you, sending you crashing to the cold tile flooring. Goosebumps arose on your arms, unsure if they were caused by the frigid tile or the shock of the recent revelations. 
Silent sobs fell from your lips. Tears tainted your cheeks, the pregnancy tests taunting you from the counter. You were so livid with yourself. How could you have let this happen? How could you have been so stupid!? How? Why? 
Your mother had desperately tried to protect you from this; from the pain of becoming a teenage mother. You weren’t sure how you were gonna tell her, you knew it’d break her. Would she scream at you? Throw you out? Would she simply cry? And what about your siblings, how would they react? 
And Marcus? You knew from the moment you read that word on the pregnancy test that he was the father of your unborn child. Would he even want to be in your child’s life? You knew what it was like to grow up with an absent father, and you would never want your child to have to go through that. To grow up wondering why all the other kids had dads and they didn’t. 
Having to question why they were abandoned by him as you did.
Your hands formed tight fists, your nails imprinting crescent moons on the palms of your hands due to how hard you’d been clenching them.
You threw your head back, wanting to scream but you couldn’t. You didn’t want to alert anyone of what had happened while you were in the bathroom. 
A knock on the door, caused your breath to hitch in your throat. “Y/n are you almost done? You’ve been in there for like 20 minutes now,” You heard your sister Ginny call from the opposite side of the door. 
You cleared your throat, hands sweeping away the tears that had created streams down your face. 
“Yeah, Ginny, I-I’ll be out soon.” You said trying to hide the emotion your voice held. 
Ginny knew something was up, but she figured it had something to do with your on-again-off-again relationship with Marcus. She decided she would give you your space and check on you later. Sometimes she just wanted to quite literally slap some sense into you, scream at you to drop his ass. But she knew even that wouldn’t do anything. 
Marcus had your heart in a cage. You loved him unequivocally. But she wasn’t sure he felt the same. When he wasn’t with you, and you guys were in the off stage, he was with some other girl. 
Ginny loved you with all her heart, and she and everyone around you could clearly see you deserved and were worthy of much more than Marcus could offer you. Albeit, you were too blinded by that captivating, enamoring smile of his. It pulled you back into his arms every time. His brown eyes brought you crawling back to him each time you tried to escape them.
。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚
You tried your best to mask your emotions, however, you were pregnant and even more hormonal. So to say you were hiding it well, well, it was contradictory, to say the least.
You hadn’t told a single soul. As the days passed you spent them kissing Marcus and doing a lot more, taking in all of him that you could, trying to memorize every part of him. This minute voice in the back of your mind told you once you told him, you would lose him. For good. 
When you weren’t with Marcus you spent your nights hysterically crying in bed. Your hand clamped against your mouth in a feeble attempt to obscure your cries. 
One night Ginny had heard you, coming into your room to find you on the verge of a panic attack. That was when she knew something was terribly wrong.
Your chest shook, heart, beating erratically. You shook your head wanting to wake up from this nightmare. 
“Y/n/n, calm down, you’re okay, everything’s gonna be okay, alright?” Ginny attempted to calm you down. 
You only shook your head, somehow your sobbing becoming even louder at her words. She pulled you into a tight embrace. Rocking you back and forth in an attempt to soothe you. Something you had done for her numerous times when she would have panic attacks.  
You felt disgusted with yourself. You were her older sister. You were supposed to set a good example for her. You are the one whose supposed to comfort her, and be her shoulder to cry on, not the other way around. 
Ginny couldn’t seem to calm you, no matter what she did. She wasn’t quite sure how your mother hadn’t woken up or Austin. 
“Y/n/n, do you want me to call Marcus?” She asked you, she may not like him for you, but she knew he would somehow be able to instantly calm you down. 
“No,” You cried sobbing harder, at the mention of his name. 
“Okay, okay, I won’t call him,” She murmured. 
She gently rubbed your back, continuing to rock the both of you back and forth. It took a while but you eventually calmed down. Ginny stayed with you that night and cuddled you to sleep not wanting to leave you alone. A tear escaped Ginny’s eye, she hated seeing you like this. 
The following morning, Georgia burst into the room, searching for her youngest daughter. She found her in your bed, the two of you holding each other; it was something she hadn’t seen in a while and it piqued her curiosity. She could immediately tell something was up. Your eyes were swollen, cheeks splotchy, all pointing to one thing. 
You had been crying. She had a feeling it had something to do with the boy that just seemed to keep on hurting you. Often times she thought it would be best if she poisoned his food or drink while he was over but she refrained from doing so for your sake because somehow you loved that boy. She knew what it was like to be so in love with someone that just seemingly couldn’t commit to you. 
Marcus could hurt you so deeply, and send you on a rollercoaster of highs and lows. But the highs, God were they so good. You would be smiling for days, nothing able to tear you down except the only person who could paint that same smile on your face. She loved seeing you that happy, that was all she wanted for her kid's, unfaltering happiness. 
Your mother let you and your siblings stay home that day. She woke you with your favorite breakfast and favorite drink paired with it.
“Thanks, mama.” You tried your hardest to bring a smile to your face, for her sake. But you couldn’t and it ended up being more of a grimace. Hiding this secret was taking a toll on you, it had been two weeks since you had found out the shocking news, that you were gonna be a mother in 9 months. Give or take. You were beginning to drown. 
Ginny glanced at her mother, eyes full of worry. 
“Anything for my girls,” She smiled at you. 
“How about we have a girl's day, huh, how does that sound?” She inquired.
“I really appreciate you mom, but I kind of just want to stay home today if that’s alright?” 
“Of course, babygirl.” She gave you a warm smile.
“You know, you can tell me anything, right, baby?” She pulled you into a hug. You fought back the tears that so desperately were trying to slip out. You nodded, not trusting your voice to respond. 
“Alright, well, I’ll leave y’all be.” She trailed out, closing the door behind her.
You took a small bite of your breakfast, you were beyond starving.
“Y/n? What’s wrong, please talk to me,” Ginny murmured, hurt in her voice. 
“I hate seeing you like this,” She whispered.
“It’s nothing Gin, alright, don’t worry about me. Okay, me and Marcus are just having a rough patch that’s all.” You lied to the girl, you just needed more time before you inevitably broke your family’s hearts. 
“I know that’s not true Y/n/n,” she shook her head, “this is different.” 
“Ginny, I promise you, I’m fine-“ as that last word fell from your lips, you felt an overwhelming rise of nausea fill you. You leaped up from your bed, sprinting to the bathroom. You practically vomited your intestines into the toilet. 
You wiped your mouth with some toilet paper. You rinsed your mouth, followed by brushing your teeth along with some mouthwash to get rid of the horrid taste of bile. 
As you turned to walk out, Ginny stood in the doorway, eyebrows scrunched together. 
“Something in the food must’ve been bad or undercooked,” You explained. 
“Mhm,” She nodded.
。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚
You hadn’t talked to your best friend Padma, in a few days, like everyone else Padma knew you were acting odd, however, she had yet to voice her opinion. You knew being around Padma, would cause her to lure your secret out, and you couldn’t risk that. So, you had been hanging out with Marcus a lot more. 
Albeit, it caused you to feel extremely guilty for keeping it from him. It had almost been a month that you’d been harboring this secret, and you knew you’d need to tell everyone soon. However, you decided to keep on basking in the bliss of ignoring your problems.
You had decided to go over to Marcus's house, you knew he was home seeing as you were neighbors, but he hadn’t been responding to your texts. You should’ve just given him the space he clearly wanted. You walked into the house, as if it were your own, seeing as you spent a lot of time there. 
Max was nowhere to be found, so you signed hello to Ellen and Clint and made your way to Marcus’s room. You knocked on his door, before pushing it open. The boy barely glanced up at you, before returning to his sketchbook. “So, now you’re ignoring me?” You questioned him.
A sigh escaped his full lips at your remark. “Really, Marcus? You’re gonna do this again?” Shaking your head in annoyance. Your hormones were not about to put up with his shit.
“I don’t wanna talk about this right now, Y/n,”
“Well too bad, Marcus, because I’m here, and I want to talk about it. Right now. I seriously don’t feel like paying your games right now.”
He raised his eyebrows at your tone, never having heard you speak to him like that before. “I’m too tired for this, Y/n, just go.”
“No, Marcus, I’m not leaving until you tell me what the hell your problem is.”
“You, Y/n! You want to know what my problem is, there it is, Y/n! You’ve been so fucking clingy this past fucking month, I haven’t had a second to myself. God, I just wanted a little space but clearly, that’s too much to fucking ask of you.” He spat at you, brows scrunched up in anger.
His outburst caused you to purse your lips in shock before your jaw clenched with anger.
“Oh, sorry, for wanting to spend time with my boyfriend before he inevitably breaks things off at the beginning of each month, like some sort of fucking routine! So he can be with some other bitch for a few weeks, before deciding to come back to me, god, Marcus!”
“What the fuck is up with you, why are you acting like this all of a sudden?” 
“What’s wrong with me?” You questioned letting out a humorless laugh.
“What’s wrong with me is that I’m tired of your shit, Marcus. What’s wrong with me is that I’m pregnant with your fucking kid!” You exclaimed in exasperation your hands flying up in anger.
Marcus’s brown eyes widened immensely, at your words. It dawned on you, that you had just told him that you were pregnant. Your hand flew to your mouth in shock, “Oh my god,” You murmured. 
He sat in silence for a few moments, and you turned to face his door as you began to feel panic bubble up in your chest. “You’re pregnant?” He quietly questioned, as his head dropped into his hands.
You couldn’t bring yourself to form the words, simply nodding your head, as your eyes burned holes into his wooden flooring. “This can’t be happening, Y/n, we’re only 18, I mean we haven’t even graduated high school yet!” 
You took deep breaths trying to calm yourself, “Don’t you think I know that, Marcus?” You hissed at him.
“What the hell, Y/n, you- you said you were on the pill!”
“I was, Marcus, it’s not 100% effective, and don’t you dare try to fucking blame this on me okay?” You turned to him with nothing but irateness smeared across your face.
“I can’t deal with this shit right now,” He quietly muttered, however, you still heard him.
“How the fuck do I even know that it’s really mine?” He questioned, now standing up.
“You’re fucking with me right, Marcus?” Fury burning in your eyes.
His face remained stoic, “Unlike you Marcus, you’re the only person I’ve ever been with,” You said through clenched teeth.
You couldn’t control your anger anymore, and the next thing you knew you were slapping him. “You’re a fucking asshole.” You said, before leaving his room, tears beginning to cloud your vision. 
You attempted to rid yourself of the tears, but you couldn’t. They streamed down your face like a rapid, as your breath began to quicken. You reached for your phone calling Padma.
You sat in her SUV, as she shushed you, caressing your hair.
“Everything’s gonna work out in the end, Y/n/n, I promise.”
“It’s not Lo,” You managed to say through your crying and whimpers, “I fucked up so bad,” You whaled. 
(*A/N: Padma means Lotus in another language, I don’t remember what language… but Lo is short for Lotus, I don’t know, I thought it was a cute nickname, rather than using ‘Pad’.)
“I’m here for you, Y/n/n, and I always will be okay, you know that, right?”
You gave a nod in response, sniffling.
“I’m sorry for ignoring you, I’m a terrible friend.” You cried.
“It’s okay, bub, I know you’ve been struggling this past month, I don’t hold it against you for needing some time.”
“You should, I have no excuse,” You whimpered.
“But I don’t, okay? Do you think you’re ready to tell me what’s wrong?” She gently asked. You nodded, staying in her warm, comforting embrace as you explained why you had been so distant, due to the fact that you would be a teen mom in less than 9 months. You told her about the fight with Marcus, how you hadn’t meant to just blurt the words out, and how he had the audacity to question if your child was his.
“Oh my god, Y/n/n, he’s a complete dick!”
“I know, and what’s worse is that, after everything that we’ve been through, I still love him. Does that make me crazy?” Your eyes welled up with more tears, and a dry laugh slipped from your lips.
“Very much so, but that’s what love does. Anyone who says they're in love and doesn’t feel crazy, well they’re not really in love.”
“Can I ask you something?” She voiced.
You nodded, “Why didn’t you feel like you could talk to me about this? We’ve been friends forever Y/n/n, you know I’d never judge you…” She gently probed.
“I know Lo, I just didn’t know how to and I didn’t wanna burden you with this secret,”
“You wouldn’t have bub, I promise you,” She said her hands clasping yours.
“Does anyone else know?”
“No,” You responded, “I have no idea how I’m gonna tell my mom, or Ginny…”
Tears began to leak from your eyes once again, “Mom is gonna be so disappointed in me,” You cried, “I mean she was a teen mom, and this is literally what she has tried to prevent from happening,” 
“I’m a terrible daughter, and I’ll probably be a terrible mother too, I mean I’m only eighteen, and- and this kid is gonna have to grow up without a Dad, just like I did. They're gonna wonder why they weren’t good enough, and I-I’m gonna have to raise them by m-myself,” Your breath hitched, as you continued to cry and ramble.
“You’re gonna be a great mom, Y/n/n, if there’s one thing I’m sure of it’s that. And yeah, maybe it’s not exactly what your mom wanted but, I’m sure she’ll be supportive, especially because she knows exactly what it’s like to be a teen mom. And Ginny and Austin will probably be so excited to have a niece or nephew. Everything’s gonna be okay.”
You nodded your head, trying to believe her words.
“When are you gonna tell them?”
“I have no idea…”
。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚
Marcus hadn’t talked to you since last week when you had accidentally told him you were pregnant. You hadn’t tried to reach out to him either, unsure of how to feel anymore. 
You glanced up at your mother’s dark brown eyes which were filled with shock as she tried to keep her face neutral. Your younger brother Austin was giddy with excitement, a wide grin playing on his face, Ginny’s face furrowed in worry.
You nervously played with the ring Marcus had given you when you first began dating at 15. A ring filled with false promises, empty words, and happiness that no longer remained. “I tried, I tried so hard… to prevent this, so you wouldn’t have to go through what I did,” She muttered, her tone holding a wave of slight anger to it.
 “How could you be so fucking stupid Y/n?! I mean, truly, I-I cannot believe this...” Your mother suddenly burst out.
Your mouth was agape, you were speechless. You had hoped she would’ve reacted better, but you knew better. Your bottom lip trembled, eyes shimmering with tears. “Mom!” Ginny snapped at her.
You quickly got up, making your way to your room. You were too busy trying to drown the feeling of an oncoming panic attack that you didn’t notice Marcus sat on your bed. Your breathing became more erratic, your panic causing you to not hear Marcus as he questioned if you were okay. 
“I should just get rid of it,” You sniffed, the words being filled with bitterness as they left your mouth.
You looked up, eyes now meeting Marcus’s. Your eyes widened, “What-what are you doing here?”
“You were planning on aborting our baby? Without telling me?” He accused you with belligerence.
“Marcus, I-”
“I can’t believe you, Y/n,”
“Marcus, please, let me-”
“I’m out of here,” He shook his head, leaving the way he came.
“You’re not the one who’s carrying this baby, okay, Marcus!” You called out to him, as he was midway through climbing out of your window.
He turned toward you, “Yeah, soon neither will you.” He snapped at you, slamming your window shut.
(A/N: Damn, double homicide. LMAO please tell me y’all have seen those tiktoks, if not just ignore this… 😅)
You gasped for a breath and stood frozen in place for a moment. In a fit of anger, you began flinging things across the room. A picture frame of you and Marcus went flying at your window, the force causing it to shatter. You let out a scream of frustration, as you sat on the floor, sobbing loudly, your heart physically paining you. 
Your fists met the floor, pounding on the wood, not knowing how to handle all the anger, sadness, and frustration that filled you.
When Marcus reached his room, he slammed his door in frustration and anger. Anger at himself, you, and the world. His eyes held unshed tears, his face in a scowl. He abruptly began punching his bedroom wall. Not stopping until he felt a force holding his fists back. He hadn’t realized he had been crying until he felt his tears now hitting his fists. His head fell against the wall, as Maxine pulled him into a hug, “What’s wrong Mark?” She spoke up after a few silent moments.
(A/N: I’m never using that nickname again, I’m sorry but that made me physically cringe…haha)
“Everything.” He breathed out.
Marcus had decided to confide in his twin, something he hadn’t done in a while.
“I- I haven’t been able to say it but, I-I love her, Max. I know I don’t deserve her, I’ve been treating her like crap for the past year. Our relationship has brought her nothing but pain, and I try and try to let her go. But I can’t each time I try to break it off, I end up going back to her because I can’t fucking breathe without her. I’m such a fucking asshole.” He shook his head in frustration. 
“She’s- she’s fucking pregnant, Max, I don’t- I can’t be a dad. I can barely fucking take care of myself,” He whispered, exasperation in his voice. 
“I thought for a second that maybe we could figure things out, so I went over there, and she’s fucking talking about getting rid of our baby, Max.” 
“I think- I think you need to figure out what you want, Marcus, and once you do, you need to tell Y/n alright? Because this is something big, that you both need to discuss, and you need to stop being an idiot and tell her how you really feel, instead of getting scared and running away from your feelings,” She told her brother, trying to contain her thoughts, she wanted him to come to his own decision, albeit she really excited at the thought of possibly having a niece or nephew. Preferably a niece.
。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚
After Ginny and Austin had told their mom off for shouting at their hormonal, pregnant sister, Ginny texted Padma hoping she’d be able to cheer you up. Padma had shown up at your house to whisk you away for a little. Before you left you tightly hugged Ginny and Austin who had showered you with love before you left, showing they supported you in whatever you would decide to do. Their kind words brought tears to your eyes, but you blinked them away not wanting to cry anymore. As for your mom, you assumed she was hiding in her room, an attempt at hiding you from her disappointment in you.
Padma came from the even wealthier side of Wellsbury, so money was something she didn’t lack. She had taken you out for some ice cream, ordering your favorite. Once you both had finished your ice creams, she decided you both needed a mani-pedi. 
Padma had definitely helped relax you with her impromptu girl’s day. Once you guys finished at the salon, you begged Padma to let you stay the night at her house, not wanting to return to your own and possibly run into Marcus or your mother.
You were grateful when she said yes, and it was a good thing seeing as Marcus had shown up at your house, looking for you.
Ginny stood with her arms crossed, her full eyebrows raised in umbrage. Marcus nervously swallowed at your little sister’s seeming repulsiveness toward him. Before he could even utter a letter she began, “She’s not here. And even if she were, she most definitely wouldn’t want to see you.” She told him, her words filled with nothing but loathing for the boy. 
“Ginny, I-”
“You know I really don’t understand what she sees in you. You have treated her like some disposable toy for I don’t even know how long, yet somehow she still loves you.” She bit her lip in anger, “You don’t deserve her, she deserves someone way better than you, someone who actually loves her, cares about-”
“Ginny, you can say whatever you want about me, but don’t say that I don’t care about or love your sister, because I do.” He interrupted her, with anguish.
“Then act like it, Marcus!” She shouted at him, “Because you say one thing, but you do the complete opposite! You need to get your shit together before it’s too late, and she leaves you. For good. It seems like she’s this close to dropping your ass,” She gestured with her hand. 
Marcus clenched his jaw, his eyes glazing over with tears as he gave a small nod at the young girl who was grilling him, “I’m trying, Ginny.” He softly spoke.
“Well try harder, Marcus, for my sister, for your unborn child. I mean, don’t you want to be in their life?”
“I don’t know if they’re gonna have a life”
“Well, that’s something you guys need to talk about, and Marcus, please, stop hurting her,” Ginny begged.
“I promise,” He murmured his voice breaking slightly.
。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚
You returned home the next day and were full-on expecting to come home and be met with an angry mom, and a torn-up room. Albeit, it was the opposite. Your eyes held a sadness in them, feeling completely lost and overwhelmed. You were surprised when you swung your door open, your mother sat on your bed in your somehow tidy room. 
She gave you a soft smile, tears in her eyes. You weren’t sure what to do, so you simply stood there, feeling shame, waiting for her to practically throw you out. You attempted to blink your tears away, hugging yourself in an attempt to comfort yourself.
“Baby… I’m- I’m so sorry for what I said yesterday.”
Your eyes were turned downward, your gaze on the floor. Suddenly you saw her feet appear in front of your own before you felt her wrap her arms around you, causing your tears to silently fall. “I should have never called you stupid, because my sweet girl you are anything but, and I am so proud of you, okay?” She said her voice full of emotion, her hand soothingly rubbing your back. 
You silently nodded, sniffles and soft whimpers leaving you. “I’m gonna be here with you baby girl, every step of the way, alright? I support you no matter what, darling, I love you so much.” She whispered as you continued to keep your head buried in the crook of her neck.
“I’m so mad at myself for what I said to you baby, please forgive me, I know what it’s like to be in your position and I really should have comforted you instead of making you feel worse.” She cradled your head in her hands, before pulling back from you, wiping your tears, and placing a kiss on your forehead.
You sat on your bed, cuddled up with your mom, being in her arms brought you the utmost comfort. Your head once again, found its place in the crook of her neck with your eyes closed. They felt so sore from all the crying you had done in the past month and a half. 
“Have you and Marcus talked about what you’re gonna do?” Your mother softly asked you.
You wordlessly shook your head ‘no’. “I think he thinks I want an abortion,” You gently voiced. “Oh, and may I ask why he thinks that?” 
“It was after I told you guys about my pregnancy, and I came up here, and I was really upset, and I said that maybe I should just abort it. I didn’t know Marcu was here and he heard me, I haven’t talked to him since.” She quietly nodded, processing your words.
“And is that what you want, baby?”
“I don’t know mama, a part of me wants to try and raise this baby but I don’t wanna do it without him, but I think I’m gonna have to.” Your voice cracked at your last words.
“If he’s in your baby’s life, is up to him. But honey, you won’t have to raise your baby alone, you’re gonna have me, Ginny, Lo, we're all gonna be here to help you and support you if you decide you want to keep this baby.”
You nodded, her words bringing some comfort to you. Your mom let out a small sigh but before she could say anything else you spoke up. “Mom, how did you decide you wanted to keep me?” You questioned her. “Honestly, honey, I just knew. I mean from the moment I found out I was pregnant, I couldn’t wait for you. I was so happy to finally be able to love someone so dearly, who’d love me just as much as I loved them. I guess in a way… it was for my own selfish reasons of wanting to feel loved, but I try not to think about that too much, and just focus on being grateful for you, and to my younger self for making the only decision that I felt was right.”
“I think, I think I wanna keep them.” You said, gently placing your palm against your tummy that’d soon grow to carry your baby.
You stayed in your mother’s loving embrace for a while longer before she moved, explaining to you she had some things she had to take care of. She sent Ginny and Austin up to cuddle you, before making her way towards the Baker’s house.
It was pure luck that Marcus happened to be walking out of his house, just as she had begun walking toward their front door. “Marcus, just the boy-soon-to-be-father, I wanted to talk to.” She smiled, a calculating smile, at the boy.
“Mrs. Miller, uh, I don’t know what to say…” He murmured.
“Well, I just wanted to come over here and congratulate you, of course. As well as to remind you that you will help raise this child and if you continue to string my daughter along, and treat her like your little plaything, you won’t get to see your child grow, let alone the light of day, okey-dokey?” Her serious expression abruptly disappeared as she once again smiled at him and patted his shoulder.
“I think this chat went splendidly, but I best get going,” She said before walking off.
Marcus was left speechless, mouth slightly ajar. He had yet to tell his parents, and he hadn’t thought you would’ve already told Georgia. His talk with Max had made him realize he needed to tell you how he felt about you and your unborn child.
You, Ginny, and Austin had just settled into a comfortable position on your queen size bed, which was oh-so-comfortable. A knock interrupted your laughter at the movie that had been playing. It caused the three of you to glance at each other before Ginny decided to go and answer it. You followed her, not wanting her to answer the door by herself. Of course, that prompted Austin to go as well.
“Ginny, wait, for-”
You were interrupted by Ginny pulling the door wide open, Marcus stood on your porch, your favorite flowers in hand and a stuffed teddy bear. He looked up as the door opened, making eye contact with Ginny, his eyes held remorse, he was ready to plead with Ginny to speak with you, however as his lips moved to form the words, his eyes caught you, as you stood a little ways behind her. 
“Y/n?” He questioned in a soft tone.
Ginny raised her full brows at the boy, unimpressed, “Y/n do you want me to-” she began but you cut her off. “It’s okay Ginny, why don’t you and Austin go watch the movie, I’ll be up soon.” You smiled at the two.
Ginny stood there for a moment before you shooed her away. Austin left after he had turned to Marcus and said, “If you hurt my sister, I’ll hurt you. Trust me, I’ve stabbed someone with a pencil before.” in a serious tone.
“I promise I won’t, not anymore.” He said with a nod of his head.
You turned back to face Marcus, you attempted to keep your guard up, arms crossed as you raised your brows expectantly at the boy, waiting for him to speak. Marcus held out the teddy bear that was half your size and the chocolates, you silently accepted them, gesturing for him to follow you to the living room. Once you had both gotten seated comfortably on the couch he spoke up.
“Bub, I am so sorry for the way I’ve been treating you and our relationship recently. I know nothing I say will excuse my actions- not that I want it to, I just, want you to know that I’m so sorry for the way I’ve acted recently. And  I-I,” He clasped his hands together before he closed his eyes for a second, taking a deep breath. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion at his struggle to say whatever he was trying to say. 
Marcus opened his eyes glancing at the ceiling before returning to meet your own eyes, his brown eyes slightly glazed over. “Y/n, I love you.” Those three words were not what you were expecting Marcus to say, after all, he hadn’t said them in over a year. You tried to remain stoic, however, Marcus knew you, and he could see the tears that had welled up in your beautiful eyes. You turned away from him to wipe a stray tear that had cascaded down your cheek, you hated how hormonal your pregnancy made you. You faced Marcus once again, his eyes practically begging for you, your touch, your love. 
You gave in as you practically jumped into his arms, your head buried in his chest. He embraced you in his arms, as your eyes watered. “I’m sorry I haven’t told you I love you in so long. I just, I guess… since- Noah, I was… I don’t know, scared of losing you, and I- I tried to push you away. I could never commit though, I love you too much to ever truly let you go.” His arms tightened around you as he said those last few words. 
You sniffled you can’t believe you had never realized that maybe Marcus had been acting this way due to losing Noah, you were mad at yourself. “I’m sorry too. Sorry for not realizing, god how could I have been so insensitive, all this time…” You whimpered. 
“Princess, you have nothing to be sorry for, you were there for me through all of that, and I’m so grateful for you and so sorry I never showed you how much I appreciated it. I don’t know how I’m gonna make up all of this to you, but I will, I want to spend the rest of my life making you happy.” He said, one of his hands cradling your head in his palm. 
“And I-, if you decide that you want to keep the baby, I will try my hardest to be the best dad to them that I can.” He gently murmured. His words caused you to slightly pull away so you could meet his eyes. 
“Marcus, that day you were in my room, I-I never meant what I said,” Your voice cracked, “I was just so upset because I had told everyone about the baby and my mom didn’t really react that well… and she called me stupid, I- I overreacted and I wish I could take back what I said. I never once thought about aborting the baby, our baby.” You sniffed, as more tears fell from your eyes, prompting Marcus to wipe them. 
“I’m sorry you had to tell your family by yourself. I wanted to be there with you, and support you. I never should’ve acted like such a fucking asshole when you told me, I was just scared…and just a fucking dipshit, god. I never should have said what I said to you Y/n, and I will never ever act like that ever again. I know I’m the only person you’ve been with and I should have never questioned if the baby was mine, I was being a complete dick. I know you think I’ve been with others but I haven’t. You were my first, and only.” He said, which slightly shocked you.
“What? How did I not know that…”
“I wanted you to think I was cool and I don’t know somewhat experienced, I was dumb and immature.” He responded. You simply nodded, he was.
Marcus cleared his throat, “Y/n, I-I understand if you don’t want to be with me anymore and you want to co-parent our baby. I mean- I’ve hurt you so, so much and I wish I could take back all that I did to hurt you, and all the pain that I’ve caused you. So, I-I won’t like it, but I’ll understand.”
You looked at Marcus, his eyes full of remorse, and love. “I love you so much Marcus, with all my heart. And after everything that we’ve been through, I love you just as much as the day I first met you. I still want to be with you, and raise our baby.” You smiled, your eyes scintillating with tears. “But, if you ever, ever treat me or speak to me the way you have been, I will not hesitate to end things. Because as much as I love you, I will not allow anyone to treat me like that again, let alone the father of my child.” You said, trying to keep your voice even, so he couldn’t hear the hurt. 
Marcus nodded, “Thank you, for giving me a second chance.” He said cradling your face in his hands. He began to lean in closer toward you, and you followed along, closing the distance between the two of you. As your lips met, you felt tears fall from both his and your eyes as you both poured all of your heart and love into the kiss. Your hands wrapped around his neck, one moving up into his hair and running your hands through his silky strands of hair, as you tried to pull him impossibly closer to you. Marcus was just as eager to be as close to you as possible, pulling you in his lap. 
Your lips continually met, kissing until you had to pull away to breathe.
“We're having a baby,” He said as tears of joy fell from both of your guy's eyes. You nodded, your grin matching his own. His eyes widened for a second, “What?” You questioned him.
“We still have to tell my parents.”
“Crap, and Max.” You whined.
“I already told her…”
“Oh, okay. What’d she say?” You said slightly relieved and slightly nervous.
“She didn’t really say how she felt just slapped some sense into me, but I can tell she wanted us to keep the baby..” He smiled.
“Well, I’m glad, remind me to thank her.” You returned a smile to him. He nodded, pulling you into him, once again hugging you, which you gladly accepted. You stayed like that for a couple moments. 
“Let’s go and watch the movie with Gin and Austin?” 
Marcus nodded with a smile, pulling you to stand with him. Once you both made it to your room, you smiled at the sight of your siblings cuddled together on your bed, waiting for you.
“Make some room for us?” You questioned them.
They both turned to you, raised eyebrows of curiosity. 
“We’re keeping the baby, so we’re gonna need all the help we can get.” You grinned, hand in Marcus’s own. 
Ginny and Austin had smiles plastered on their faces, as they jumped off your bed and ran towards you and Marcus, pulling both of you into a hug. This caused you and Marcus to laugh. You both had a feeling that everything would be okay. As long as you had each other and your families, you’d be able to overcome anything. 
。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚
A/N: I hope this was good and I hope it made y’all cry because once my writing has brought tears to someone's eyes, I’ll know my writing is at least okay, haha. Anyways I kinda wanna write a follow-up to this like about y’all going to the first doctor appointment, and stuff like that! 
ALSO, a lot happened in this. I LOVED miller!reader,  little!sister!Ginny & BFF!Padma, but how do y’all feel about it? 🤨
don't ask about the fic name i feel like it was kinda related to the fic but also not... I was just listening to champagne problems by taylor swift & was like that’ll do 🥲
& this idea just randomly popped in my head and I had to write it and if the ending feels rushed it’s because it kinda was because I wanted to post this for y’all! 💞 
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luvrlou · 1 year
Get Out Of Your Own Way
Pairing: Matt Press x fem!reader
Warnings: swearing, drug use, underage drinking, Matt is a warning in itself
Summary: Matt Press can never seem to get out of his own way.
A/N: Why is there no Press imagines!
Word Count: 2.1k
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If Y/N L/N was asked who she most hated in the entire world, she would answer with Matt Press in a heartbeat. Where to even start with him? Some would say he's a dick others would be straight up and label him a sociopath. Conventionally, he was attractive, tall, had dark hair and always had this mysterious glint in his eye, that's what caused the girl to dislike him even more.
"Halloween, the one night of the year when a girl can dress like a total slut and no other girls can say anything about it," the iconic words of Cady Heron projected from the small tv in Diana's bedroom.
"Di! Is this too much?" Y/N questioned, twirly around the room in a pair of black spandex shorts, a black crop top with purple zip and a witch hat placed messily on her head.
"Some would say not enough babe!" She replied, "put these on," she instructed chucking a pair of black heels towards her friend.
Tonight the two girls were headed to a Halloween party thrown by some kids in the year below, it was in this boy, Brodie's, basement. The pair were invited by a close friend of his called Abby Littman, Y/N didn't know her that well but Diana had known her since she was one year old.
"So what are you being?" Y/N asked the ginger girl sitting on the floor across from her.
"An angel!" She smiled grabbing the wings and halo next to her and placing them on. She stood up and did a spin, "tada!"
"Get your heels on so we can leave," the H/C girl ordered, switching off the tv, "we'll just walk, yeah?"
"Sounds good!" Diana grins, grabbing her friend by the hand and running down her stairs, locking her door behind her and heading in the direction of the party.
"Mothers lock up your sons!" Y/N yells as the pair enter the party hand in hand.
"Y/N and Di are here!" The other girl finished, receiving a chorus of cheers from the massive amount of teenagers in the basement.
"Di, come get a drink with me!" Y/N shouted over the noise.
The pair slipped through mountains of intoxicated people and poured themselves two cups of vodka, lemonade and blackcurrant juice. They clinked cups and downed their drinks giggling softly to each other before pouring themselves the same again.
"Let us mingle!" Diane croaked in a weird voice causing her friend to burst out laughing, they both parted ways and went to mingle.
"Glad to see you embracing your true self as a witch!" A male's voice boomed, followed by an obnoxious giggle.
"Lovely to see you too Matt," She pulled a tight-lipped smile, "Samantha," she nods towards the other girl.
"Awe, don't be so jealous of our Sam," he taunted, pulling a faux pout.
Y/N rolled her eyes, "I'm not jealous, I just don't like her simple as that."
"Don't need to be so rude!" The girl on the couch complained.
"Shut up Samantha," Press quipped before turning to glare at the girl in front of him.
"I'm away for a drink, bye Matty!" Y/N teased, grinning.
"And I'm joining you!" He added, clearly trying to wind her up.
She groaned and made a break for the kitchen.
"So Y/N, you do realise that you're meant to dress up as something for Halloween?" He laughed as she grabbed a bottle of vodka.
"Matt, you do realise that being a dick doesn't need to be your only personality trait?" The girl spat back, filling up her cup with vodka, and adding almost equal part lemonade.
"Woah, you have enough lemonade for your vodka?" Press asked taking the bottle off of her as she attempted to add even more into her cup.
Y/N smiled, "aren't you so cute caring about me," her smile dropped, "now fuck off and play with your little toy, she's waiting for you!"
He grunted in annoyance before walking off with a beer.
"It's shot o'clock!" Abby's voice rang through the small basement. All of the drunken teenagers gathered around the table tennis table and started to pound on it.
A chant of "Tiny sips, tiny flips!" bounced around the walls of the basement as Abby walked around pouring everyone a shot, Y/N stood oppisite Norah, a girl she knew fairly well.
When it came to her and Norah's turn Norah sent Y/N a quick smile before they both grabbed their shots and downed them, they tried to flip their cups, both messing up and sending the cups flying.
"Better luck next time sweet cheeks!" Press cackled his arm hooked around Samantha. Y/N sent the boy a middle finger, causing Diana to burst out laughing from behind her.
"Holy shit Di! You scared me!" Y/N drunkenly chuckled, embracing her friend. The pair walking off, "let's get more shots."
"You know how glad I am to have picked you to be friends with!" Diana commented, stumbling over to the kitchen, Y/N on her arm.
The girls grabbed a bottle of tequila rose and two shot glasses, pouring shots and linking arms, downing them.
"I could drink this all day!" Diana dreamily exclaimed.
"We can!" Y/N cheered, taking the bottle by the neck and pouring some of it down her throat.
Diana snatched the bottle drinking it wistfully slipping to the floor, Y/N joining her. Despite the partygoers coming and going from the kitchen, no one really paid much attention to the two girls tanning the bottle of creamy alcohol.
"Shit it's done," Y/N whined, sliding herself to lie down on the cold floor.
"Oh my, what have I walked in on?" The dreaded man said as he entered the kitchen.
"Oh Matty, be a doll and pass me down one of the vodkas," the intoxicated version of Y/N slurred.
"Absolutely not, get up!" He commanded reaching for Diana's hand, who gratefully took it and stumbled to a stool. Press then went to grab Y/N and haul her to her feet.
"Don't touch me, Matt Press!" She screamed.
"Come on Y/N, work with me, " he muttered, watching the girl submit and grab onto him. "There you go," he softly whispered as she reached her feet.
Matt turned to leave and Y/N went to sit next to Diana, "I wish he wasn't such a cunt," she stated, making Diana whip he head around.
"Y/N! Oh my god!" She screamed, and then they smelt it, the weed-infused aroma of a bong, "I think I know what time it is, do you know what time it is?"
"Bong time baby!" Y/N yelled, grabbing Diana's arm and stumbling towards the couch, "pass the bong sophomore!"
Y/N lit the end of it inhaling a big draw and passing it to Diana, Y/N reached over to Press and blew the cloud of smoke straight into his face, "oh you want to play that game huh?" He smirked, clutching her by the hips and pulling her onto the couch. "Hand it over Diana!"
Press took the bong and inhaled, grabbing Y/N's draw roughly and connecting their lips, the smoke travelled into her mouth. "Press! You animal!" Jordan shouted.
Y/N watched grinning as Samantha ran off into a bathroom, she stood up snatching the bong of the raven-haired boy, "Is there any weed that's not in here, I want a joint," she announced.
Abby sprinted off and came back with a small baggy filled with weed and a box of rolling paper, you took them out the girl's hands and kissed her forehead, "you're a gem."
The girl grinned and chucked herself onto the couch, on top of Brodie. Y/N stumbled towards the table to roll two joints, one for her, one for Diana.
"Come get one Di!" She shouted, the skidding and crashing indicated that the girl had arrived.
She picked one up and inspected it, "I love when you roll them!" Y/N tossed the lighter at her which she caught surprisingly well. Y/N placed hers between her lips and waited for her friend to light it.
The pair walked over to the people on the couch, the two girls mentally deciding to through themselves on Abby, the party had noticeably gone quiet, as the time had hit around half one. The only people who were left were the group of nine huddled around the couch.
"You know how much I love you, Abby, you're so cute and pretty," Y/N mumbled, cuddling into the girl she hadn't properly talked to since about five minutes ago.
"You two are definitely drunk!" Abby laughed, pushing both Y/N and Diana off of her onto the space next to her.
"We're not drunk we're just appreciating life!" Diana shouted, taking another long draw of her joint.
"While you guys appreciate life, me and Norah are away to have sex!" Jordan slipped into the conversation, causing everyone to groan.
"Shut up Jordan!" Norah reddened, pulling him away and up the stairs.
Everyone sat and talked for a while, despite never really hanging out with the group Diana and Y/N were fitting right in, laughing like they were old friends who hadn't seen each other for ten years. Diana had especially warmed up to Brodie who she was now all over in the corner of the basement.
"Perhaps we should take this to my room, what do you say Diana?" Brodie suggested to the ethereal-looking girl on his lap who was layering his neck with the red lipstick she had swiped on only an hour or so prior.
"I say that sounds great!" She beamed, grabbing the boy's hand and leading him up the stairs as silently as they could.
"I'm heading, I refuse to hear two couples going at it." Abby groaned kissing Y/N on the head before she leaves, waving a small goodbye at Ginny, who was cuddled into Hunter's side pretty much comatose.
"I better get Ginny home, sorry guys." Hunter pitifully smiled.
"No please don't leave me here with Matt!" Y/N pleaded making him burst out laughing.
"I'm not that bad babe!" He answered, giving her a side-eye. Hunter sent you yet another apologetic look, assisting a stumbling Ginny up the stairs.
"I need another drink," Y/N declared, standing up from her spot on the couch. She could sense him following her to the kitchen, which bothered her a ton but she was too interested in getting some more fiery liquid down her, instead of pouring something she just grabbed a bottle of vodka, slugged some down and trudged back to the couch.
"Stop hiding that you like me, it's honestly pathetic." A voice spoke behind her.
She whipped round, and finally he had well and truly pissed her off. "Oh my god, will you ever get out of your own way?"
"What's your deal, why are you being such a bitch to me lately, do I mean nothing to you," Matt shouted taking a step closer to the girl.
"Well fucking done Matt! You finally get it!" She yelled back at him. "You aren't as stupid as you give yourself credit for."
Matt laughed, "look at yourself Y/N, you're a mess, just admit it the only way you are happy with yourself is when you're drinking or smoking your dumb fucking joints!"
"What's that supposed to mean?" She questioned getting even closer, making him step back into the table.
"I stopped being close to you and now you cry by yourself in school and act like you don't give a flying fuck about anyone! Other than Diana? Tell me that isn't true." He demanded looking the girl up and down.
"You don't know the first thing about me Press." She spat, prodding his chest with her dainty finger. "I mean you can't even go by your first name and you call me pathetic, that's funny!"
He only grunted in response, shoving the drunken shell of a girl out of the way, this only annoyed her even more.
"Matt for the love of god, just let me hate you." She whispered.
He huffed, "I don't want you to hate me Y/N but we'll never have whatever it was we even had again."
"God Matt! Stop!" Her distraught voice begged, his complexion softened a bit before advancing towards her, "Matt, don't speak."
Y/N pondered her decision, looking at the tall body who is towering over her, in one swift movement she pulled the boy closer, her hands wrapping around the back of his neck.
Matt's warm breath fanned over her face, "are you going to kiss me or what?" He smirked.
"Shut it." Y/N reached up and placed her lips against his, him instantly wrapping an arm around her waist, his other falling firmly on the side of her neck, he started to walk her so his back hit the cold table.
"Jump," Matt grunted, breaking the kiss, his arms came down to the back of her thighs, lifting her onto the table. She wrapped his legs around his waist, letting him kiss down her neck.
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actually-phoenix · 1 year
I only read fanfiction because I'm already attached to the characters I don't like forming new relationships I'm an introvert
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imastarokay · 26 days
LOVE ROSIE ROMIONE AU: When a Rose is met with a Thorn:
Current word count: 50,995
Step into the captivating world of my tale, where Hermione, a single mother yearning for her past, grapples with the weight of her decisions. Through the difficulties of her journey, Ron emerges as a beacon of familiarity, rekindling the spark of her former self. As Hermione navigates the complexities of parenthood and the ache of lost time, her bond with Ron offers solace and renewal. Discover the touching tale of a woman torn between her responsibilities and her deepest desires, where love becomes the catalyst for redemption and rediscovery.
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Here's the Summary:
What if Hermione was the one who left during the Deathly Hallows, and never came back? What if the war never ended and things just got worse for 16 years until one fateful day, when it did end, and Hermione knew she had to come back?
Rose Granger, a fifteen-year-old girl has to deal with her mother's constant secrecy and abnormalities. Her mother is not like other mothers, hell she isn't like anyone she's ever met. It never all pieced together until now. What will happen when Rose investigates her mother's past and discovers secrets too otherworldly to be true?
Click to read my fic
I hope y'all enjoy it if you choose to read it. Reblogs are always welcomed and appreciated. I also love and enjoy responding to comments on ao3, they make my day, and I love interacting with y'all. As always, have a great week!
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