#Eddie eating perfume is so real to me
straight4joekeery · 1 year
Teach Me How To Love In Your Own Lyrics
(Part 10)
Prev Part one
Once again, the adrenaline (among other things) was running through their veins. This show was particularly nerve-racking, after his little speech. Now, he wasn’t 100% sure, but he didn’t think Steve was here. Plus, he probably would have spotted a polo amongst all the leather. Robin, on the other hand, was here. She had the tendency to run her mouth a bit, so even if Steve wasn’t here, he’d know what he had said. Which was scary. But it didn’t matter. Even if it did, he had said it first. As he approached the last song, he started to really hope he wasn’t here. God. Who writes a song about someone, makes it popular, and doesn’t even tell the person? Creepy. He knew Steve would catch on immediately if he heard it. As he strummed the last note and everyone said their little ending bit, he ran. He was excited. Mainly nervous. But very excited.
“Dude, try to stay on the ground, okay?” He’d been bouncing up and down while carrying their stuff to the bus.
“Sorry, just excited.”
“We could tell. Now go put this up,” Jeff said, handing him a speaker, “then you can find your lover.” Normally, Eddie would make a comment or roll his eyes, but he currently did not have the time. He sprinted (probably the fastest he’s ever gone on foot in his life) to the bus and set the speaker down. He paced to the front of the bus to grab the gift bags and his personal bag, and fled. He walked back and forth looking for someone he knew. Steve, Robin, Vickie, literally anyone who looked like they didn’t belong at a metal concert. He tried to stay closer to the back of the building, so he wouldn’t get harassed. Fortunately, only one girl noticed him.
“Eddie!” Someone yelled from behind him. He immediately knew the voice.
“Robin!” He spun around and ran towards her. He wasted no time (besides setting down the bags as carefully as humanly possible) in giving her a bone-shattering hug.
“That was amazing!”
“Thanks!” He said pulling away, “Wow. I’m back. I am so happy to be back.”
“We’re happy for you to be back!” It took him a moment for him to process the “we”. As in someone else was here. He turned around to see Steve. And oh my lord. No wonder he didn’t spot him. At this point, he was just shamelessly gawking at the man. He looked… hot. He looked really hot.
He slowly approached him, like he would disappear if he moved too quickly. Steve giggled at the reaction, “Hi Eddie.” Yep. He’s real. Good. He practically tackled him as wrapped his arms around the other man’s neck.
“Hi,” he backed up for a split second to admire him. “I’m so glad you came. I missed you.”
“Really?” Steve whispered.
“Yeah really,” he said, moving away (for real this time).
“Well, I’m glad you’re here too.”
“Jesus Christ, get a room,” Robin rolled her eyes walking around them. She turned around when she noticed they weren’t following, “You want a place to sleep tonight or not?” she said, jingling Steve’s keys.
“Woah! Nope. Not happening. Give them to me,” he said, running to her and reaching for the keys. Eddie grabbed his bags and followed behind.
“Wasn’t going to. Just wanted you to hurry up,” she said, throwing the keys directly at his face (which with some miracle, he caught).
“Hey, Robin? Where’s Vickie?”
“Sick,” she said, giving Steve the weirdest smirk. There’s a story behind that, he knows. He doesn’t want to dig for it though. They all decided to skip to the car (bad idea by the way. Every single one of them fell at least once) to entertain themselves. Once they made it, Eddie immediately sprawled out in the backseat.
Since Steve was driving, he figured he could give Robin his little gift now. “Oi! Duck beak!”
“That’s a new one. How creative,” she said flatly, “yes Edison?”
“Here,” he said, tossing the bag gently to the passenger seat. He watched as Robin slowly opened it, glancing back at Eddie every 5 seconds.
“Oh. Thanks?” He saw a hoodie with a rainbow on it when he was in Seattle, and immediately bought it for her. Steve glanced over and bursted out laughing.
“Y’a know, when I saw it I knew I had to get it for you. I feel like it really represents you as a person,” he said while making dramatic hand gestures.
“Ah,” she sighed before breaking out in a huge grin, “it’s so truly lovely. Thank you, Eddie.”
“My pleasure birdie. And Steve I do have something for you so don’t get all jealous. I do not advocate distracted driving.” It was nice. The faint music coming from the radio, the breeze going through his hair as he rested his head against the car door, and the presence of Steve and Robin. It was nice being with them again. He missed this. “So what did y’a do when I was gone? Let’s see, on a scale of one to ten how much did you guys miss me?”
“About a twelve,” Steve said at exactly the same time as robin said, “easy, negative twenty five .”
“Aww, thanks Stevie,” Steve’s face twisted in a really weird smirk, grin, I’m-trying-really-hard-not-to-cry thing that Eddie honestly didn’t want to know what meant. “And Robin, wow, really know the way to make a man feel good.”
He spent the rest of the ride rambling (Robin style) about his shows. He beamed at every little detail of the tour so far. (“I swear! She was there! Phone Cates in the flesh!” “There’s no way. Because if you did I’d have an autograph in my hand right now.” “Yeah and if we even believed you for a second you would be sleeping on the streets tonight and you know it,” Robin added.)
“Here we are!,” Steve announced as they pulled up to their house. They all hopped out of the car and walked (in Robin’s case, skipped again, because absolutely nothing could go wrong) to the door.
“Damn Buckley, I really believed that you’d change that wallpaper by the time I got back. Tsk tsk,” Eddie sighed as they walked into the house. Their wallpaper wasn’t that bad. It only was used in the walkway (which was barely four feet). It was a deep blue with white specs that were supposed to be stars.
“What’s wrong with the wallpaper?,” Robin gasped “The old lady who lived here was, like, super into ‘witchy stuff’, and said it brought good luck for whatever reason,” she turned around and held out her hand, “She took one look at my palm and told me that I was going to die in a quote ‘very interesting and eventful way’. So that's fun I guess.”
“Super fun,” Steve muttered as he pushed her through the entryway.
“Awww,” Robin said looking at the couch. They looked over to see Vickie dead asleep on the couch, with a cat (oh my god is this little thing, Ozzy?!?!) on top of her. He didn’t know why she thought it was cute, she was snoring. Loudly (that is very hypocritical coming from him). “If either of you wakes her, or the cat, you will not live to see another day.”
“Dude it’s my cat,” he walked over to the couch slowly and tried to take the cat.
“Steven,” Roin hissed, “Don’t. You. Dare.”
“Jesus, sorry,” he muttered, “That's not even my name.”
“Hey, uh, Robin?” Eddie whispered.
“Yes, Edward?”
“Also not my name. but, um, wasn’t I supposed to sleep on the couch?”
“Oh. Yeah. you can crash with steve. Or me I guess if you really want. But fair warning I will probably kick you. Several times. Repeatedly. You will be-”
“I think I get the memo, Rob. I'll sleep with Steve, it's fine.” He realized his poor wording when
Steve choked on air. “Is that so?” Robin raised her eyebrows.
“No! I’m not going to sleep with Steve! I meant I was going to sleep in bed with Steve. Wait- no. I was going to go to sleep while Steve also slept. In the same bed.” Steve was bright red, and he knew he probably was too. Robin just stared at him with a wide grin. He groaned, “Nevermind. I am going to bed. Whether Steve follows is up to him,” he said waving a hand at him.
He walked into the room and set his things down. He could hear Steve and Robin trying to quietly argue, so he quickly changed into sweatpants and a t-shirt while he had the room to himself. He felt like he needed to do something to pass the time or he was going to go insane. He grabbed his stuff and started digging through it. He reached for Steve’s gift and set it on the bed next to him, then continued to search. He finally landed on a pack of wet wipes and moved to the standing mirror. He started (very aggressively for no reason other than he thought it would make it go by faster) removing his eye makeup. He always ends up smearing it somehow all over his face, just making it worse. 12 wipes later, his face was back to its natural beauty. He then proceeded to look himself up and down (full head nod and everything) at least 15 times. He looks like a rat. A literal rat. And oh no, Steve can not see him like this. He tossed and ran his fingers through his hair until it looked halfway (keyword: halfway) decent. He smiled at himself in the mirror, straightening his clothes trying to make himself look presentable. As he was doing so, he realized he hadn’t brushed his teeth today. At all. He breath checked in his hand and Jesus Christ. He could hear the two settle down outside the room so he didn’t have time to do anything. Unless…? He ran to his bag and grabbed the first thing he thought could work. Which happened to be perfume (shut up, cologne smells absolutely horrid and it will be going nowhere near his body). He uncapped it as he heard Steve approach the door. He panicked and sprayed it directly into his mouth. ohmygodohmyGODjesusfuckingchrist that burns like a bitch. He threw the bottle down and sprung up as Steve walked in.
“Are you okay?” Steve said, slowly approaching him. Wow. kinda unfair that this man can just walk up to him looking like that while he looks like a RAT.
“Yup mhm never better,” he said, red-eyed. “How have you been?” he said in an attempt to change the topic.
“Alright, I guess. Lonely.” He sounded so sad. He wished he could just kiss him square on the mouth.
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. it's not your fault. Plus, I guess having a hypothetical cat has helped,” he giggled. He blushed and looked at the ground before stepping closed to Eddie, “Hey, I, uh, really really loved that song. Invisible man right?”
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry. You don’t have to say that. It was super weird of me to do, and I didn’t even tell you! Way out of line. I feel horrible Turing your confession into a song Steve I’m really-”
“Stop. I meant it. It was- beautiful honestly. Really poetic too. Im kinda honored,” he blushed, “It’s also a great ego booster to know I was inspiration for a top selling song.” Thirteen actually. Thirteen songs based off this man. (4 of which were written purely about his ass.)
“I need that on an award or something. ‘Eddie Munson is so cool and poetic’- Steve Harrington, 1993”
“Now that’s a bit of a stretch,” he grinned, “Oh right! I have something for you,” he walked over and opened the small closet to pull out a bag.
Oh. Steve hadn’t even left yet he bought him a gift. He pointed at his chest, “For me? Really?”
“Yes really. Here open it,” he said, placing the bag in front of him on the bed.
“Wait, here,” he turned around and grabbed Steve’s gift, “For you kind sir,” he said bowing down.
He laughed and grabbed the bag, “Why thank you!”
“You should go first. It’s stupid and I honestly don’t think you’ll like it.”
“Doubt it,” he sat on the bed next to Eddie and took the tissue paper out of the bag. He had gotten him a bunch of patches for his vest.
“I know it’s dumb. I got one at every stop on the tour because they all had them for some reason. I just saw one and remembered seeing the vest one day at your house and thought, ‘hey maybe Steve wears it cause why else would he have kept that nasty jacket’, and here you are so you know-”
“Eddie,” he shushed him. He was beaming at the gift and looked like he was on the verge of tears. “I really love it, thank you.” Steve held his arms out and wrapped him in a tight hug. This is what he really missed. Steve’s presence. His warmness. The way anytime he walked into a room he immediately felt happy. Like he could breathe again.
“Uh yeah of course. It suits you, by the way.”
“Yeah?” Steve whispered pulling back.
“Definitely,” he grinned. “I’m really loving this whole look,” he winked.
“I hoped so. Robin convinced me to go ‘further out than normal’, you know? I mean like with the fake ear piercing and stuff,” he said gesturing to the stick-on gemstones on his face.
“What do you mean ‘than normal’?” He raised his eyebrows.
“Oh, I guess I- uh- dress like this sometimes. To go to bars and stuff.”
“Damn Steve, you’ve been holding out on me.”
“Lucky for you, I kinda like it. Now, I believe it’s your turn,” he pushed the gift even closer to him, “and please be honest with me. If it’s too much or too weird let me know and we can act like this never happened.” He gave Steve a questioning look before grabbing the first item on top (which by the way, first?? There are way too many gifts in here. Now he feels horrible. This man is way too good for him).
When he pulled it out it was a smaller bag. “Hmm let me guess, is it another bag?” he said while he pulled the drawstrings.
“Shut up and open it.” Inside the bag was a pick. It was painted with a wide variety of colors and what looks like an attempt to draw a dragon.
He laughed to try to cover up the fact that he was probably about to cry, “Stevie, it’s amazing. Very beautiful, you should be an art teacher.”
“Thanks, I’ll talk to the principal.” Eddie laughed and stared at the ceiling to blink back his tears (which if he was completely honest, were still partly from the perfume). “Dude, don’t get all mushy, this is only the first one.”
“Yeah, yeah it’s only going to get worse from here.” He reached down into the bag and pulled out a mixtape. He flipped it over and read Steve’s track list on the back. “Oh Harrington, these songs are… horrendous,” he looked over at him with a smirk.
“I know you love it,” he said leaning closer and returning the smirk.
He sighed, “I do. Thank you.”
“Mhm,” he nodded back at the bag.
“You spoil me, man.”
“You deserve it.” Jesus. Okay, now he’s blushing. Like an embarrassing amount. The next item he pulled out was a ring tray, which had also been beautifully painted. “That goes with the next gift,” he pointed at the bottom of the bag.
He looked in the bag and saw that it was a ring box. A very expensive-looking ring box. He pulled it out and held it in his hand, “you proposing already?”
“Nah, feel like I should wait ‘til at least the second date for that.”
“Are you asking me out? And already promising a second. Wow. Power move,” he joked. Because that’s all he could do right?
Steve blushed, “if that’s okay, yeah I am.”
Is this real life? He pinched himself before wincing. Yep. Real. Wow. “Uh- yeah of course. I’d really like that.” He smiled.
“Good,” Steve reached forwards and opened the box inside Eddie’s hands. The ring was absolutely beautiful.
“Steve- I- I don’t know what to say,” he stuttered, “it’s perfect. I love it.” I love you. He was definitely crying now. Every last detail of the ring and the man that gifted it was perfect. In every way, shape, and form.
“Here,” Steve said, taking the ring from Eddie and grabbing his hand, “we should finish this proposal off right.” He slid the ring onto Eddie’s finger (and he wasn’t, couldn’t be, disappointed that it wasn’t the ring finger). He looked at the ring on his hand before intertwining their fingers.
“Stevie,” he shook his head in disbelief.
“Ed’s?” Steve said, using his free hand to tuck Eddie’s hair behind his ear.
He couldn’t find words. He was totally blanking. He just nodded like a fool before leaning in. And he kissed him. He really, finally did. It was… magic. It was the only word that he ended up finding. It was fucking magical. Time all of a sudden wasn’t right for him. It was either too fast in the moment or really slow. Either way, he’d never know. Magic.
When they pulled away, he just shook his head again. “What toothpaste do you use?”
“What?” He asked, brain still foggy from everything that just happened.
“You taste good.” Jesus Christ. This man doesn’t have a filter. Way to kill a man my god. (If this was how he died, he’d be pleased.)
“That I will never tell.” These two weeks would not go by fast enough.
Another Eddie pov! Oh em goodness we did it. The happy little gay boys smooched. Yip yip. Is this part shorter or longer than normal? Honestly can’t tell. Thank you soso much for reading this (you’ve made it a long way, congrats ig). Ik i said I’d write another fic but honestly I don’t feel like it. But I’d love to see it written so hmu if your down with writing a crappy fic idea <3 lastly three rules of this fic: one- we don’t talk about how different the indentations are. I regret putting them in the first place, but I can’t just stop now or I’ll go insane :). Two- I am aware I overuse italicizations. Three- there is probably so many grammar and spelling errors to the point I don’t even care anymore. anyways y’all comment or reblog if you want to be tagged. I’m sorry if I didn’t tag you just lmk and I’ll add you to the list!
Tag list: @asbealthgn @queerbeansworld @bird-with-pencils @vecnuthy @artiststarme (ty for being amazing <3 u) @captain-winter-wolf-aehs @piningapplewitch @rowendyss @steve-themom-harrington @lfaewrites @azreadytodie @thequeenrainacorn @pastel-dreamscape @importanttimemachinenerd @jehneeg @swagaliciousmarie @mightbeasleep @krazyperson @milkshakeflowercreator @fando-random @bumblebeecuttlefishes @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @fluffyreturns @scheodingers-muppet @wonderland-girl143-blog @briceslayed @youaremylobster @juststeddiebrainrot @pr3ttyb0yindie @scarlet-pandrian @drips-from-breaking-bones @plasticcrotches
Jesus that’s a lot of people I’m honestly concerned
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misserabella · 1 year
bad idea
+18 eddie munson x fem! reader
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synopsis; whatever you do… don’t you ever take an aphrodisiac with your best friend (who you secretly love), or do… We all have good bad ideas.
REMINDER: english is not my mother language so i apologize if there are some mistakes <3 ! either ways, i hope y’all like it<3
cw; no use of y/n, use of pet names (angel, sweetheart, gorgeous, baby…) cursing, dirty talk, daddy kink, aphrodisiac (as a drug and drug mentions!), teasing, throat/mouth fucking (w fingers too <3), cum eating, breeding kink, dacryphilia (kinda??), a lil’ tiny bit of perv! eddie, smut, p in v sex, cock warming, overstimulation, squirting, choking, non protected sex (GUYS STDS ARE REAL, WRAP THE DONG UP), cream pie, finger fucking, oral sex (f and m receiving), hair pulling, praising, degradation, multiple orgasms… MINORS DNI!!!
Please, under no circumstances, repost my work on any other sites. I do not consent to anyone taking my work and posting it as their own.
this was so fun to make! hope you all love it!<333
‘You need to open up wider, sweetheart.’
Eddie was really stupid. You loved him, and he has been your best friend your whole life. But he was stupid. The biggest idiot in the world… But if he was the biggest stupid in the world then you were the second.
When Eddie started to sell weed you were scared at first for him in case Hopper ever caught him, but he never did and never will. Eddie was cautious. Knew what he was doing and how to do it. And he did it great. He was sly, and had a lot of clients. Clients that he did everything to try and please, so much that he tried every new type of drug that fell into his hands to make sure he was giving no shit. He took pride on his quality.
And you swore to try every and each of one of them. You had your good trips and bad trips. Took care of each other and always stood safe. You knew your limits. Or that’s what you thought.
‘Cause you should have known that this was a really bad idea. You knew that it was dangerous, and crossed a line a little… sensitive. But once again you were stupid. Really stupid. And you liked your best friend too much to think straight.
“You want me to take an aphrodisiac…, with you.” you tried and clarify as Eddie stood there, all wide eyed and smiley with two pink little pills on his hand.
“Yeah.” he nodded.
“…” “Okay.” you shrugged, not thinking twice to on swallowing the pill along with him.
If only you knew what of a great mistake that was…
Or maybe not.
You were horny, so horny that you couldn’t stop your thighs from pressing against each other, trying hard for your best friend, which stood seated on his bed next to you, to not notice. You were listening to some music, waiting for the drug to take effect. It was fast. Too fast.
Your whole skin grew on goosebumps, your cheeks flushing and body running hot, so hot you were melting. You tried not to. Not to think about how nice he looked, the way he licked his lips every few seconds as if his mouth were dry. You tried not to stare too much at him, not to breath too hard or you’ll inhale his perfume, which seemed to be everywhere. And you surely tried to not let your mind get filled with scenarios in which your best friend shouldn’t be participating with you. But it was no luck, you failed the very moment you noticed the bulge that had grown under the sweats that he wore to stay comfy on his house.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
Eddie was suffering. His eyes away from you as best as he could. He couldn’t stop too much to stare at your bare legs and plushy thighs or he’ll for sure burst on his pants like a complete 13 year old virgin who just found out what porn was. And your tits… God, he always tried and avoid thinking about your nipples pressing against his tee-shirts —which you borrowed every day—, and the way you just casually stopped wearing bras around him. But now was impossible, since you were wearing his Hell Fire shirt and he could see just how erect your nipples were through the white of it. He wanted to lick them, wanted to suck on them so bad, kiss your chest and leave you full of marks, fuck his cock in between your tits and paint them on his cum…
Shit. Shit. Shit.
His dick was incredibly hard, leaking on his thigh and twitching in need of attention. His breath hitched when he tried and reposition it inside his pants, biting down on his lip to not let out a groan due to the pressure.
You were seating one next to another, shoulders almost brushing, hands almost touching. And you needed to touch him so bad… So bad, oh god.
You couldn’t stop thinking about what he had told you about his sexual encounters. About what he had found he liked the most.
It was no big deal. You and Eddie didn’t keep secrets from one another, and somehow along the way, the theme had just… came up. So you had talked about it. A lot. And it was no big deal, ‘was’, or so you tried to convince yourself. But now… Now it was a big deal.
You couldn’t stop wondering if he would treat you as he treated all of those other girls. If he would choke you, spank you, praise you… You wondered what position would make you feel him the best. How far would his dick go down your throat? You would love to suck his dick. You wanted to call him daddy too. Knowing that he would probably fuck you harder, like he once told you he had fucked a girl after it.
You needed to know, needed to know how he would eat you out. Needed to know how big he was.
You were breathing heavily, your eyes on the veins of his arms and hands, those hands that you’ve dreamed with so many times, those fingers that you had pretended and were the ones fucking your cunt when you touched yourself.
The tension inside the room could be cut with a knife. And you were the only ones in the trailer since Wayne was working a double shift.
You couldn’t look at each other. Or at least you did as if you hadn’t caught the other staring… ‘Cause Eddie’s mind was getting too fuzzy and his attempts to stop staring at you slowly started to be less and less effective. He just couldn’t get the image of fucking you right there and then, with his tee-shirt on, and fill you up with his cum over and over again until you couldn’t stop crying due to how full you felt. He couldn’t stop thinking about playing with that little button that he for sure knew would make you scream, the tightness and wetness of your pussy…
God, he shouldn’t be feeling this way about his best friend, the one that he had grown up with… But he did, and always had.
“It’s…” he jolted when your voice suddenly filled the room, taking him by surprise. “It’s good.” you awkwardly smiled, still not looking at him.
It was good as fuck. So good that it had you soaking through your short jeans.
“Yeah…” he breathed out, feeling his cock stir just by hearing your voice on his pants as he scoffed and repositioned himself on the bed. He wanted to know how good you would sound moaning his name.
You gasped when your skin made contact, both your hands brushing the slightest, but still enough to make your skin grow on goosebumps.
Eddie looked at you and then at your hands. His cheeks were flushed, and his lips looked all red and swollen, as he hadn’t stopped biting on them.
You thought he would move away then, but surprisingly enough he made your hands brush again, getting the same reaction out of you.
You were shivering when he turned your hand on his own. You stared at him with furrowed eyebrows, confused. But he simply looked into your eyes and started caressing your palm. Slowly, teasingly…
He knew what he was doing. You could see it in his eyes. In the little smirk that was trying to appear on his lips.
Your breath hitched, wherever his fingertips touched felt like your skin was mixing up with his.
You only could look into his eyes, into his stupidly beautiful dark brown eyes which pupils were blown.
You didn’t say anything, you couldn’t. Your throat was tied in knots and your stomach was burning with suck need that was making you feel dizzy. Maybe that’s why you did what you did, but before you knew it you were taking his teasing hand and slowly raising it up to your lips.
Eddie’s breathing was heavy when your lips parted and you nipped on his fingertips, your cheeks hollowing around two of his fingers when you pushed them inside your mouth. You never stopped staring at him as your tongue started to swirl his fingers, teasing, inviting…
He groaned, and your pussy clenched around nothing, gagging when he suddenly thrusted his fingers deeper inside your mouth. “Uh-uh…” he clicked his tongue. “You need to open up wider, sweetheart.” you did as he told you, this time feeling his fingers down your throat. “That’s it, good girl.” his praise was low, his voice making you shiver and moan around his fingers. He smirked when you took his wrist to push his hand closer, his fingers deeper. You needed more. You needed him to fuck your mouth, use your throat and make you gag all around him. “Oh, well isn’t that pathetic… Look at you. Why so needy, hm?” you whimpered, and his dick twitched so hard he had to breath in the best he could. Shit, you looked so pretty. “My girl just needed something to suck on, isn’t that right? Your mouth was feeling empty, huh?” he inquired and you nodded, your teary eyes staring into his own. He wanted to make you cry. On your mind his words playing over and over again. ‘My girl, my girl, my girl, my girl…’ “Poor baby, having such a hard time…” he shook his head. “Maybe I should help you, what do you think, hm?” his heart skipped a beat when you pushed his fingers out of your mouth, still connected by a string of spit that he so badly wanted to lick.
“Please, Eddie, please, please, please…” you begged, and even if you didn’t ‘knew’, you knew you were in too deep now. Your brain was completely disconnected, you couldn’t think straight, the only thing in your mind being your oh so pretty best friend, and his lips, and his eyes, and his…
You gulped when he smirked, his hand guiding yours towards his crotch, his dick reacting to your touch with a tug that you felt through the sweats. He was hard, so hard your mouth was watering.
“Go ahead, sweetheart.” he said, and you had never been so fast in your life at tugging someone else’s pants down. The boxers disappeared just as fast, and your eyes widened when his cock slapped his stomach when it was finally freed. It was so big…, so big that you couldn’t stop the moan that left your lips, making Eddie groan. His tip was the most beautiful pink you have ever seen, fully leaking and all pearly with his pre-cum. He was long, and a couple of veins popped on his shaft. You could only imagine how good it will feel dragging up and down your walls. You were salivating, with your knees tucked below your butt for him, kneeling on the bed. “Here, let me help you, baby.” he said before taking your hair in one of his hands, collecting all of it in some kind of a ponytail that would allow him to fuck your throat harder and see those beautiful eyes of yours tear up as you took him in your mouth. He had been dreaming about this moment since he could remember, and he sure as hell was going to fully enjoy it. He was going to take it all in.
He groaned when your lips took his head, your tongue tasting the musk and saltiness of the beads on the slit, which made you hum. Eddie had to try really hard to not cum right there and then, his balls so full it was painful.
“There you go.” he sighed, watching as you slowly started to fuck his cock into your mouth.
You could almost cry of happiness and relief. He felt so heavy on your mouth, so warm and so big… You only wanted to choke on it, wanted him to leave your throat sore and swollen from thrusting on it. You didn’t care, you just needed it, even if that made you unable to talk tomorrow morning.
“So greedy…” he chucked when you took too much of him and gagged, pulling yourself off of him to take a deep breath, your hand on your base, which pooled with your spit. “I know what you want.” you let out a little shriek when he suddenly pulled at your hair towards his cock, making you take him once again in your mouth, fucking your throat. “Been wanting me to fuck this tight throat of yours, huh? Isn’t that right, doll?” he panted when your nails dug on the flesh of his thighs, your eyes squeezed shut as you tried to contain your gagging and breath through your nose. “Been wanting me to use you like a simple little toy, hm? Fuck your mouth full of my cum.” you moaned, making him do it as well at the feeling. “Shit. You look so pretty taking me so good, choking on my cock and letting me use you like a fucking slut. Fuck, been thinking about you sucking my cock for years.”
Eddie moaned when one of your hands took his balls and rolled them in between your fingers. They were heavy and full for you, ready to stuff you up with his cum and get you all fucked out and pretty for him.
“Yeah, that’s it. Good girl, shit, you’re gonna make me cum so hard…” he groaned, struggling to maintain his eyes open, getting too lost on the squelching of your mouth, on the feeling of your tongue and throat, of your hands on his balls, on the tears on your eyes and the whimpers and moans that you were letting out only for him to hear. “Fuck.” he was close. He could feel it, the drug making him impossible for him to hold it much more due to how turned on and sensitive he was. “I’m gonna cum.” he moaned, and before you knew it, he was filling your throat with his white, heavy and creamy seed. You sighed in pleasure, milking him with your mouth as he rode out his orgasm with a groan.
He let go of your hair, and you let his dick fall out of your mouth with a pop, not before having cleaned his head with your tongue and having swallowed his seed just like the good girl he knew you were.
“Fuck.” he groaned before he harshly pulled you in, crashing your lips together in a searing kiss that had you moaning in his mouth and left your legs shaking.
Your hands found his hair as he pushed his tongue inside your mouth, humming when he tasted himself in it. He needed to drink you up, needed you to ride his face and leave him tasting of you, needed you to leave his face all soaked with your juices.
“Now it’s my turn.” he said, and you didn’t argue when he popped the bottom of your shot jeans open. “God, angel.” he groaned when he saw the little lace pink panties that you were wearing, which now stood completely soaked with your slick. “Is this for me?” you moaned when his fingers touched you over the lace, pushing the slightest between your wet and warm folds. You nodded, whimpering a ‘yes’, feeling blissed by his touch. It was everything you had ever dreamed of. Like biting the apple of Eden under the eye of god, like drinking water after days in the sun, like breathing after almost drowning in the sea… Eddie was everything you had dreamed of. Everything you wanted. Everything you needed. “So good for me…” you cried out when he pushed you against the sheets, his mouth latching at your thighs to leave marks that you’d proudly wear tomorrow with your oh so short skirts and dresses. “Why don’t you pull your panties off for me and let me take a look, hm?” you nodded, using your legs to raise your hips and pull your underwear down your thighs. Eddie took care of it, once they were completely off, throwing somewhere on the room’s floor, still taking a mental note to make sure to steal them before you could notice.
You were burning up and dying at the same time.
It was like his touch didn’t exist but filled your senses altogether.
“Oh god.”
Just the simple act of touching, of him kissing you, holding you… Was just so intimate that your bones were breaking in half. It hurt, but hurt so good .
You felt everything ten times stronger.
And you swore your heart was about to stop when his hand disappeared in between your legs. His touch felt like freezing, but burning at the same time.
“Fuck, angel.” he groaned and you moaned at the sleek that pooled between your tights. You were soaked. You could feel it flowing down your lips to the sheets. “So wet…” Eddie‘s fingers shone with your arousal, which he tasted when he inserted his fingers in his mouth, moaning at the taste. “So sweet…”
Suddenly his head was now inches away from your heat, and you screamed at the first drag of his tongue, lapping at your slick with his eyes closed in pleasure, separating your lips —which hardly stood connected with strings of your arousal— and circling your clit. You could see stars. Even if you had your eyes closed.
“Eddie.” you cried out as he ate you out like a starved animal, devouring you, tasting you as if you were his last meal.
He groaned when your fingers laced in his curls, tugging on them due to the pleasure.
He hummed when your hips rocked against his face when his nose bumped against your clit, his tongue harshly pushing against your hole. “Please…” you didn’t know what you were begging for, but he seemed to understand. He always did.
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head when he plunged two of his fingers on your warm and wet pussy. You couldn’t help it. Couldn’t help the way your grip tightened on his curls, the way your hips rose or the word that fell of your lips in a needy moan.
And then he suddenly stopped. He stopped his thrusting, his kisses… Everything stopped. And your gut clenched in need.
“What did you just call me?” he said below a whisper, his dark onyx eyes heavy on you, so heavy you felt crushed.
Your cheeks heat up, but even if you had heard him, you couldn’t listen. “No!” You whimpered, one of your hands reaching to circle his wrists in hopes that he would touch you again, that he would help you subside your thirst for him once again. “Please don’t stop, please!” you were at the verge of tears, you felt so close to cumming, so close that you swore it physically pained you. You needed him, needed him so bad your bones shivered and your whole body trembled.
“What’s wrong, baby?” he pouted, mocking you, although you didn’t care since he was back to curling his fingers inside of you and making pants fell from your lips. “You’re about to cum?” but again, he had stopped, and again, you found yourself pleading him. “If you want to cum, then you’d have to say it.” you knew what he was referring to, but you still found yourself so embarrassed that you could bring yourself to say it. “Come on sweetheart, use that pretty mouth of yours to call me ‘daddy’ again, would you?” your whole body flushed at his smirk, your cheeks so red and hot that you could feel them burning.
But again, even though you were embarrassed to the marrow, it only took a single curl of his fingers to make you dissolve on his hands. “Daddy, please, daddy…” you whimpered, and he smiled.
“That’s my good girl.” you moaned, probably due to his praising, or probably to the fact that his lips were back on your clit, sucking on it ‘till your thighs were shaking on the sides of his face. “Daddy’s good girl.”
You clenched around his fingers with a moan so high that you swore the whole trailer park had heard you as the tension on your lower stomach finally snapped, your pussy gushing on his mouth and fingers, slick that he made sure to lap at to as he helped you ride out your orgasm.
You could feel tears swelling in your eyes at the overstimulation. It was too much, but at the same time not enough.
You needed him, needed his cock, his body, his mouth…
“Eddie, please…” you begged for him with a new tug and he looked at you, his chin and lips completely bathed in you. “Please it’s not enough…” you whimpered. “Please, daddy…”
He groaned, ‘cause he felt the exact same way than you, he could eat you out day and night, he loved it, from your taste to the little sweet sounds that you let out… But he couldn’t stop thinking about stuffing you full, filling you up until he could see his dick bulging in your lower stomach, fuck you so raw and rough that you couldn’t stop screaming, leaving you voiceless the next morning. He wanted to make you cry.
“Fuck.” he was quick to pull his boxers down and get on top of you. “I know baby, I know…” you whimpered when he took place in between your legs, the head of his huge cock gliding through your folds in ease, circling your clit, pushing against your entrance… “Gonna let me fuck you raw, sweetheart? Let me cum inside and fill you up? Get you all round and pretty for me?” you moaned, sensing your whole body shake. You shook your head ‘yes’, crying out a ‘yes please daddy, pleasepleaseplease’ and he almost could cum right there and then.
You let out a quiet scream when he got balls deep inside you in a quick and harsh thrust. You went breathless. He stretched you out like no one would ever do, fill you to the brim, his head abusing your g spot with every new snap of his hips.
“I’m sorry baby.” he moaned as he moved ‘till only the tip stood inside. “I don’t think I’m gonna be able to control myself. I need to fuck you so bad…” you nails dug on his back when he thrusted in again.
“EddieEddieEddieEddie…” you cried out over and over again, the squelching sound of his dick fucking into your wet hole making you so horny that you couldn’t stop the need to move your hips against his, what made him groan and grip your hips to do it for you, but harder. Much much harder. “Shit!” your voice cracked. He rose you up as if you were as light as a feather, making you sit on his cock.
You choked on just how deep it got, it caressed places so deep within you that made breathing harder.
“That’s right baby, fuck, moan for me, you sound so sweet when your voice breaks with every scream.” your jaw was slack, lips parted as he rose you up and down his dick, using you like he could use a toy. You couldn’t stop moaning, moans that came out broken due to how hard he was fucking you and how high and loud your voice was.
Tears were falling from your cheeks with every new thrust, you felt so overstimulated by the drug that it was too much. Too much, but your body desired so much more.
You wanted Eddie to break you, fuck you brainless, make you sob…
The grip on your throat silenced your screams as he choked you, his tongue licking the tears out of your face just to later on lick into your mouth. Spit dribbled out of your lips and painted your chest due to how messy it was. You were a babbling mess. ‘Daddy, daddy, ah, Eddie, shit, ah…’
Eddie groaned and moaned, his eyebrows furrowing when your walls started to clench around him. “Are you gonna come for me, princess? Gonna come on my cock? Gonna come on daddy’s cock?” you nodded, your breathing ragged as you whimpered slurred ‘yes, yes, yes…’. Your g spot was being abused with every new jump, your clit, being caressed by two of his fingers. Your nails dug on his shoulders, your head falling backwards and a scream leaving your lips. You rode him in need of a release and he knew that, his lips on your neck, sucking bruises that made you lose your mind. “Then come.” your whole body seemed to die and come back to life then, your high hitting you so hard your ears rung and your sight went white. Eddie moaned when he felt it, the warmth of your cum surrounding his dick, painting his cock in white, and he almost came when he watched it pool at the base of his cock like a white ring.
He had you back on your back, taking your legs and pushing them agains your chest, fucking into you so hard that hit your cervix over and over again.
You though that your high would go down, but instead, you found yourself screaming when it only seemed to go higher and higher.
“Eddie, I’m gonna, I’m gonna…” you found yourself coming again, right after your first.
“Oh shit sweetheart, did you just came twice?” you where digging your nails on his biceps as tears rolled down your cheeks and onto the pillow, soaking the sheets. You were letting out cracked and short moans that got cut with every thrust of his. “Fuck, you drive me insane.”
And yet you felt like you were gonna die.
“Eddie, stop, stop…” you cried out due to the overstimulation, still feeling your body scream for more, your ‘o’ slurred and dragged. “Something’s gonna—“
Before you could finish your sentence, your back was arching and your pushy gushing as it’s walls fluttered around Eddie’s cock, which now stood soaked with your squirting.
“Fuck.” he moaned when he saw it, his hips snapping harder and harder against you, following the amazing feeling for your tight, warm cunt. You kept squirting over and over again as Eddie praised and teased you under his breath. “Are you feeling good, princess? Look at you, all messed up on my dick. So pretty soaking my sheets.”
He was close, so fucking close that moans started to fall from his lips, his hips stuttering as his high reached him. “Gonna fill you real nice, gorgeous. Gonna leave you so full your pussy’s gonna be dripping. Gonna look so pretty when I fuck it back into you.”
And with a final grunt he came, his load creamy, hot and heavy inside you. You moaned at the feeling, pushing him deeper inside you. You needed him deeper. He let go of your legs, which fell around him, trembling and twitching, as he fell on top of you, his lips on your neck.
He stood there for a couple of minutes, just kissing you, hugging you. But you could feel it, you could still fell the burning feeling that the drug had left you with, feel his dick growing inside of you. When you least expected it, he had turned you over, pushing your body against the duvet and starting to fuck into you once again.
“Sorry angel, just one more.” you couldn’t say no, not when he was fucking you so good and nice, not when you needed him so bad you felt like drowning.
Your nails dug in the bed sheets, your moans and screams being muffled by his pillow, which was getting wet with your drooling and new tears.
“Good girl, taking me so good… Pussy so tight and wet for me, sucking me in so nice…” you screamed when one of his hands sneaked in between your legs and under your stomach to start circling your clit, in just a mere seconds slowly starting to build another orgasm, as strong as the rest. “Can feel you clenching, sweetheart. Are you gonna come again? Gonna soak my sheets for me once more?” before you could even answer, you were falling apart, droplets falling down your tights. “Fuck.”
This time it only took a couple more hard and deep thrusts for Eddie to cum, overstimulated by the recent orgasm and the incredible feeling of your own.
You whimpered, feeling so full your stomach would bulge with his cum.
You felt boneless when he slowly and softly took you with him to your side, cuddling you with his cock still buried deep into your full cunt. You sighed at the feeling, so drunk on him, so in love with the soft kisses that he left on your shoulders, the sweet words that he whispered in your ear. ‘You did so good for me, angel.’ ‘You’re so beautiful, so, so beautiful sweetheart.’ ‘Such a good girl for me…’
“Gonna let me keep it inside you all night like the good girl you are, huh? Gonna let me fuck you up all pretty tomorrow morning too, isn’t that right baby?” you nodded, letting out a little whimper that made him hum.
Eddie was stupid, and you were stupid too. And you two were stupidly in love with each other.
Stupid, isn’t it?
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munsster · 2 years
it’ll last longer
A/N: oh my god & him totally leaving them in places he knows you’ll see just to get you flustered as f*ck 👹
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!Bimbo!Reader
Summary: You show Eddie your new Polaroid camera, and he already has a few ideas. 1.4k words
Warnings: tibbies, boobies, bReasts, + hands on ‘em, being naked but nonpenetrative so it is technically smut, praise, taking nudes, hand kink, flustered and horny eddie, mention of drug use, mention of gun violence, everyone is over 18 here
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Eddie had been royally pissed off a second ago. With the pounding on his door like goddamn thunder spiraling him right towards a raging headache. But then it swung open to your smiling face, your arms clasped behind your back, and he couldn’t bring himself to be annoyed anymore.
Not with the slight curve of your mouth and the soft squint of your eyes and your pink mini skirt peaking out beneath the hem of his leather jacket. Not with your cherry lipgloss laid on thick and the locket stuffed with his likeness jingling just above your cleavage reflecting the golden lamplight past his shoulder.
“Hey, bug, how’s my favorite conformist doing?” 
“She’s busy,” you say, suddenly pouty and sullen. But you can’t just wipe the remnants of that giddy look off your face or dim the stars in your eyes, so as bitter as you try to be, he knows you’re still beaming somewhere under there.
“Snorting white in Milan with millionaire heartthrob: John, Jr.”
“How very metal of her,” he teases, dipping down and pressing a chaste kiss to your bottom lip. But you disappear past him into the depths of the hallway, and he finds you perched on his bed kicking your legs out in front of you.
A click, a whirr, and a blinding flash: he’s staggering backward, fluorescent yellow burned into his vision. He blinks the static away to see you wide-eyed down at a small, square picture edged with a thick white border.
“What the shit?”
Propping yourself up on your knees, you tuck a boxy, grey camera under your arm and offer him the little photo. On film, his big hands are outstretched and overexposed, his silver rings reduced to a couple black bands at the base of his fingers. The grainy lens caught him grimacing though his knuckles, lips pursed, eyes shut.
“When’d you get it?” Eddie nods to your sleek and shiny Polaroid camera that flicks back open when you slip your thumb across the back.
“It was sitting on the dash when daddy drove me home from the rink.”
“Well… I’m keeping this,” he says, mouth pressed in a line when you bounce up to glance at the blurry picture with a sweet giggle.
“I can take a better one for you,” you coo, but he grabs a fistful of the leather jacket draped over your shoulders, tugging you closer, and slipping it into the inner pocket.
“How ‘bout I take some of you, bug?”
“Yeah, you,” he breathes, taking in a lungful of your sugary, jasmine-spritzed perfume that peppers your neck in sloppy kisses of springtime and pie-eating contests at greasy carnivals. You fill him with wistful nostalgia, prodding around in his heart and guts for the tenderest spots and prodding some more when you realize how supple they are between your teeth.
“Doing what?” you say with a shrug. And that look in his tired eyes is all-telling. It’s like he can see through your top, and doesn’t even bother with being subtle because you’re so perfect, the risk is nothing compared to the reward
“That’s rotten, Munson. Don’t be vulgar.”
“Why, ‘cause your daddy bought you that camera? What’s he gonna care that Hawkins’ resident freak is defiling his daughter on a Thursday night?”
“He’d also buy me a shotgun, if I asked.”
“Is that supposed to scare me, bug?”
“Big, too, ‘n I’d aim it right here”—your rounded, ballet-slipper-pink fingernail draws an ‘X’ over his sternum—“break your heart real easy.”
“Don’t need a shotgun for that,” he huffs, guiding your fist open against his waist, slotting his fingers beneath the weighty underbelly of your Polaroid camera, and pressing his plump lips to your brow to get you to transfer its weight to his palm.
He holds your chin between thumb and knuckle, even though you pout and fiddle with the chain hanging from his belt loops. He lifts the camera to eye-level, sputtering and snapping when he fingers for the bright red button, tapping it gently.
The flash rings in your ears, leaves behind a distorted blob of darkness when you look up. The camera spits out an onyx plain of undeveloped film before slowly flooding with splotches of bronzy green.
“Hello, Miss America,” he mumbles, wobbling the delicate picture back and forth in the air, and you shriek, wrapping both hands around his forearm.
“Fuck, Eddie!”
“Yes, ma’am—”
“No, the ink, baby, it’ll bubble,” you whine, pinching the picture and blowing softly along its face.
“Shit, I’m sorry,” he says when you turn away from him. He rests his chin on your shoulder, pecking just below your diamond-studded ear with a sigh. “You still look incredible.”
And you do. Like a model, as always, he thinks, but you’d make fun of him for dreaming where you won’t. He always tells you to remember him when you’re strutting through Manhattan, being clobbered by psychos with expensive cameras.
The photo’s abandoned atop his amp and the kisses are slow and sweet with your jacket draped over the edge of the bed and your fingers in his hair and his lips lazy and wet against yours. You taste biting and bubbly like cheap champagne, royal and bold under his tongue.
He picks at the barbie-pink bandeau across your chest, and you arch into his touch when his fingertips brush your pert nipples through the stretchy fabric. He ducks his head against your collar, tonguing the smooth skin with a harsh breath. Two fingers hooked between your tits to drag the spandex down around your waist. His eyes are half-lidded when you draw your fingernails up his cheek.
“Get the camera,” you huff, his wild eyes peering down at you as his fingers scramble for the heavyweight thing leaving a shallow dent in his mattress. He aims it right at you, capturing your chest, up your neck, and the careful swoop of your baby soft cupid’s bow.
But you whine, “not of me!” and plant your palms over your face with a squeal. He’d scold you for it if he wasn’t completely taken with the likes of you. The photo slips onto the pillow next to your head, camera sitting beside your bicep while he licks his lips and leans slowly, mouth waiting with bated breath as it meets the tenderness of your bare breasts. One hand cups the other while he laps at your nipple with a soft groan rattling shockwaves through your chest like a battering and deadly riptide.
You weave your deft fingers into his messy hair and lift the camera above your head, fumbling your thumb against the button, and shuddering when he blinks up at you from between your breasts. His eyes go light for a second for the camera, flashing deep hazel rimmed with brown as he’s blinded. But it doesn’t matter with your skin lush and salty on his tongue.
He’s a little foggy when you sit up, but you nod to the wall his mattress is shoved up against, and he slumps towards it, gripping your hips until you wiggle into his lap.
With his heart beating on your back, you tilt your head to the side, and he slides the pad of his thumb just beneath your hairline where his name is tatted in sloppy black ink. He kisses it and hooks his fingers under your jaw to look you in the eye with a hungry grin. You lift the camera, and it clacks when he kisses you, full of tongue and saliva and gutterbrain when his grip goes slack, both hands down and cradling your ribs as they expand with air. With staggering and stuffy satisfaction. With life when his thumbs swipe beneath the curve of your breasts and he hums into your mouth.
You’re buzzing on high in his hands, and he can tell. Whether or not he’s touching you most of the time, it still makes you skittish and hot like this. Jumpy and tense and precious all under his roof and in his hands.
He brings them to cup your breasts, holding them against you because it makes you purr into his mouth. Heavy rings cold on your nipples, pinching with every flex of his antsy fingers. And it makes him harder against your lower back. Click, and the photo spits out against your calf, developing under your leg. And the camera is abandoned once his knees pin your thighs open wide.
The photos still litter his bedroom the next morning.
The boys creep up on him at his cluttered locker as he tucks the corner of a Polaroid picture beneath one of the heart-shaped magnets you bought for him. His ringed hands are clearly outlined, palms covering a pair of tits, hickey bruised against the girl’s jugular. Their eyes go wide, exchanging glances before Dustin shifts and clears his throat.
“What do you want,” Eddie barks, turning on his heel with a squinted glare
“Isn’t that the necklace you bought for—”
“Hi, Eddie,” you chirp, “hi, boys.”
Their sneakers shuffle back and forth on the squeaky linoleum while they narrowly avoid your eye contact and mumble nervous greetings. And you survey them slowly, with blind curiosity, at first. You blame it on their early-pubescent-nerves and brush it off. Then Eddie rocks forward with a grin, kissing the edge of your bubblegum pink mouth, giving way to a glimpse of the wide open door of his locker, newly decorated with a picture you recognize all too well with a rush of mortification.
Heart pounding, you glance back at the boys who have already scuttled halfway down the busy hall, whispering and giggling at each other. Eddie slips his arms around your waist with a content hum pressed to your warm temple.
“Good morning, bug.”
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firehousefreak911 · 5 months
Hello. I love your content. You can write an image where Eddie Diaz and Female reader have a relationship and Eddie cheats on the reader with Christoper's teacher The reader finds out and Eddie repents and seeks to fix things. ❤️🙈
I’m Sorry
Note: this was a hard one for me to write. I had the fights and every thing down but the make up was difficult for personal reasons. But here you go!
It was the third night in 2 weeks that Eddie came home late from shift. When you asked him he would avoid eye contact and simply tell you he had been running errands. The first time you believed him, the second night you were doubtful but this time you knew better.
You were sitting on the couch watching some old movie. You weren’t really watching you were distracted by the idea of your husband being with someone else. Christopher sat down on the couch next to you. He laid his head on your shoulder.
“Mom, where’s dad? He promised me he would be home in time to hear about my day.” Your step son asked. You squeezed his shoulder.
“I don’t know buddy, I haven’t heard from him” you replied.
“Why don’t you go get ready for bed? You don’t have to go to sleep yet but just get comfortable and watch a movie or play a video game.” You suggested. He agreed and went off to get ready.
Hours passed, Christopher fell asleep. You sat in the dark on the couch. You heard the front door unlock. You listened to the sound of his keys hitting the table.
“Where have you been?” You ask startling him.
“Out, I had things to do” he replied
“It’s 2 am, what could you be doing?” You replied getting mad.
“Don’t start y/n, it’s been a long day” he whispered.
“Our son stayed up all waiting for his dad to come home so he could at least see him before bed, but you never showed, he fell asleep waiting” you stated, walking towards the kitchen.
“He’s my son” he replied. You stopped in your tracks.
“Excuse me?” You turned and stepped towards him.
“You are just his step mom” Eddie replied coldly
“I am the one who packs him up and takes him to school, I am the one who holds him and tells him everything is ok when you decide not to come home, every time we get a phone call saying your hurt I am the one who comforts him. Don’t you dare say I’m not his mom” you say holding back angry tears. You push past him to the bedroom. He slept on the couch.
You wake up to the smell waffles and bacon. You make your way to the kitchen to find Christopher and Eddie making breakfast.
“Good morning buddy, whatcha got there?” You ask pressing a kiss to Christopher head.
“We made breakfast!” He cheers.
Eddie walks over and tries to kiss your cheek. You pull away.
You put on a fake smile and sit down next to Chris, that boy turns it into a real smile though. You love hearing Chris talk about everything that makes him happy. You finish eating, Eddie says he will do the dishes.
You go get ready for the day. You take Chris to his friend’s house and run some errands. You get back to a spotless house. Eddie isn’t there though. Your not surprised. You sit on the couch and attempted to read a book but you can’t focus. A few hours past and Eddie comes home.
The odor of a strange perfume smacks you in the face. It all makes sense now. The late nights, the anger outburst, the secrets, he was having an affair. You put your book down.
“Who is she?” You ask calmly.
“What?” He ask
“I said who is she?” You ask
“Who is who?” He ask, playing dumb.
“Come on Eddie, don’t play dumb, I deserve better, I deserve the truth” you state, standing up.
He sighs and sits down on the couch solemnly. He runs his hands over this face.
“I’m sorry, ok? I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to let it go this far. I never meant to hurt you. I’m sorry” he whimpered
“Who is she?” I state, remaining calm and quiet.
“Julia, Julia Adams” he whispered.
“Our son’s teacher!?” You reply shocked.
“I’m sorry, it started off as a tutoring session. She was helping me figure out the curriculum so I could help Chris, and then it slowly turned into more” he said sounding defeated. He gets up.
“I cant believe you” you turn and lean on the table behind the couch. He walks towards you. He tries to rub your back but you pull away.
“I’m sorry Eddie, I need some time” you rush off to the bedroom to pack some stuff.
It had been a few days, you had tried to avoid Eddie as much as possible while still picking Chris up and taking him to and from school. You weren’t ready to face him yet. You loved him but you didn’t know if that love was enough to heal your open wounds.
You were staying with Hen and Karen while you picked your life back up. They were both at work and Denny was at school. You heard a knock at the door. Before you could answer it, you heard a voice.
“Y/n, baby? It’s me, please answer the door! I know you’re in there, please can we talk? I miss you! Please! I’m sorry!” You didn’t want to open it but you also didn’t want him causing a scene.
You slowly open the door. You find a disheveled Eddie standing there.
“What?” You say coldly.
“Can we please talk?” He begs.
“Im listening” you reply backing up into the house to let him in. He follows you in and sits down.
“I screwed up, I know, I am sorry, but please don’t give up on us” he says trying to grab your hand.
“Why shouldn’t I? Seems like you already did” you say pulling away, “just tell me one thing, why? Why her, why anyone, was I not enough?”
“Thats not it, I love you with everything I have, but she gave me a different kind of attention. You love me for me, she saw only the brave firefighter who would do anything for his son, with you, it’s well you see my bruised and battered heart and mind and love me anyway. I don’t know, I guess I just liked being the hero again.”
For the first time in days you actually looked at him. He was worn out.
“Eddie I love you and everything about you. You are a brave firefighter who would die for his son, you were a dedicated husband and friend. You beat your self down daily trying to be better than the day before. I love you because I’ve seen how far you’ve came over the years.” You say grabbing his hands. “I’m sorry for rushing out the other day. I love you”
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sabinemorans · 2 years
Roll for Initiative
Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader 
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Word Count: 2k+
NSFW Warnings 18+ ONLY: Pussy eating, lowkey public, fingering, praise kink,
Note:Eddie is only on his second redo of senior year so he’s only a year above Reader😇
Some elements Inspired by the lovely Eddie Cultists on Tik Tok who only fuel my obsession further
Three…two…one. It was exactly 12:15 and Eddie had places to be. He’d been trying to subtly but carefully watch the clock ever since lunch had started all while entertaining his friends by reading the articles that damned their favorite hobby. 
“It’s just ridiculous!” Mike said, chewing on his roll. “No one cares to see what we actually do so of course they think it’s demonic when it’s just a game.” 
“Curse of living in a small town,” agreed Dustin with a shake of his head. 
 Eddie chuckled and tossed the magazine back onto the table. “Don’t be discouraged young friends, one day everyone will see the complexity and depth of Dungeons and Dragons. Now!” He slaps his hands on the table then grabs his soda, draining it quickly and tossing it into a nearby can. 
“If you gentlemen will excuse me, I gotta go have my real lunch.” Eddie stands and grabs his lunchbox. It was time to see his favorite person in the whole world-you.
The older boys at the table chuckle and shake their heads, knowing exactly where Eddie is headed now but not wanting to be too crass in front of the younger ones. Plus only a small circle of people even knew about the two of you in the first place and no offense to the freshmen, but they were not in that circle. Eddie often left lunch early after chatting for a little bit but he’d never given anything close to a hint as to why before now, always saying it was just important and something only for him to worry about. At Mike and Dustin’s confused faces he just waves it off, heading out towards the back of the cafeteria while flipping the bird at them affectionately.
“What does he mean by ‘real lunch?’” He hears Dustin ask, and Eddie smirks to himself as he walks out of earshot. Only the best thing in this damn school, he thinks to himself as he makes his way down the nearest hallway, down more stairs and another hallway. He reaches his destination of a seldom used classroom after only a few minutes and after checking that the hall was empty, knocks lightly in a specific pattern. The door opens and as soon as he slips inside he’s enveloped in the familiar scent of you. 
You’ve wrapped around him so suddenly and with such force you’ve pinned him to the door, causing it to close much louder than normal. It echoes in the hall and you both freeze for a moment-waiting for someone to investigate. When no one does, you giggle to yourselves and lean even closer into each other’s space.
“Hey there honey bunch, didja miss me or what?” Eddie was grinning and he knew how his stupidly big brown eyes made you feel inside so of course he flashed those proudly. When you melted visibly the grin got bigger. His arms were tightly wrapped around your waist in a hug that left little room between your bodies, which is how you liked it. “Could’ve gotten us caught, you naughty little thing.” 
Eddie dips his nose to your neck and inhales deeply, moaning as your natural scent and your perfume flooded his senses. He was a sensory guy, always needing you close in a way that would remind him of you when you weren’t within sight or on the phone with him. Your smell on his clothes, the taste of that stupid new coke you liked on his tongue, an article of clothing he could stash in his pockets and touch whenever he wanted. He always called himself a simple man but really Eddie was demanding in his need for you. You wouldn’t have it any other way. 
You hum in response to the sweet touches and light teasing, running your hands up and under his shirt to be skin to skin with him. “Buuuuut we didn’t get caught! So maybe you should just kiss me and we can get you fed properly.” 
Deciding to be evil (in his opinion at least) you lick his lower lip slowly, your hands moving from his back to his ass which you grab firmly. He groans as he complies, kissing you deeply and slipping his tongue into your mouth with ease. He’s fumbling with the door lock behind him for a moment before he’s leading you further into the room without once stopping the kiss. When your back hits the teacher’s desk you smile against his mouth and finally pull away. 
“Someone’s hungry today huh?” You say as he helps you up onto the desk. His hands are sliding up your thighs to push up your skirt and his eyes are zeroed in on his meal but at your tease he flicks those brown eyes back to you and winks. 
“Oh you’ve got no idea gorgeous…if I don’t get a taste I might go crazy, and you don’t want that do you? Plus,” Eddie grips your panties suddenly and starts to remove them, helped by you when needed all without looking away from your eyes. The goosebumps forming on your skin were a sign he was doing something right. “If I wanna graduate with you I’ve gotta get to class on time. Can’t be late.”
You wanted to say something snappy he could tell, your mouth opened but after he slid your panties down your legs and completely off he tucked them neatly into his back pocket; effectively reducing you to just a nod of acknowledgment. Eddie grinned as he lowered himself between your knees.
“Eyes on me babe,” he purrs up to you, a distinct tone of need in his voice. He kisses the inside of your thighs softly, massages the outside with his hands and by the time he makes his way to your center he can tell you’re becoming desperate. He hums as he pulls you closer to the edge and slides his hand up your body to encourage you to angle yourself back a little. He pulls his hand back down your front slowly, enjoying the feel of you on his palm before fully burying his face between your legs with a deep inhale. 
“Fuck you always smell so good…” he moans, nuzzling his nose above you and then letting his tongue flick out to your clit while his thumbs pull your lips apart. Eddie smiles up at you as you shiver, his hands sliding around to grip your ass. “Cmere baby…”
He could feel you watching as he spelled promises out along your pussy, making you moan and grab his hair for leverage at how voracious he was. Eddie didn’t do anything half assed except homework, and least of all you. He moaned in response to your hand coming to grip his dark curls tightly. One ringed hand was placed on yours not to stop you, just to hold you there. When you opened your legs wider and pressed his face further in a full body shiver overtook him. 
Fuck you were so good! Eddie’s tongue fucked your pussy for as long as he could, before finally pulling back to breathe with his lips and chin wet with your slick. He was so hard for you now, the grip on his hair that you refused to relinquish had his cock pulsing. Unconsciously he rubbed the heel of his hand against the bulge in his jeans, looking for any kind of relief he could get in the short amount of time you two had.
You noticed the movement and grinned, sitting up a little and tugging on his hair in a way that just made his cock need you more. His mouth opened slightly and his brown eyes were almost glazed as he looked at you. The tugging of his hair always made him want to whimper and do anything you asked but there wasn’t time to fuck you properly before you both had to be in class. His eyes flicked to the clock on the wall to check the time-ten more minutes, that should be enough to get you over the edge and get you both through the day until you could be truly alone. He swallowed the water that suddenly filled his mouth as he thought about drinking you down, tasting you for the rest of the day and his cock throbbed. 
 “All worked up just because of my taste? Look at you Munson, if anyone saw they’d call you whipped,” you purred, a mischievous grin spreading on your face. 
Making direct eye contact with you with those big brown eyes of his, Eddie slowly wets two of his fingers, sucking them into his mouth down to his rings. You visibly swallow as you watch him pull them out soaking wet, your eyes going from his to his rings and back. He leans forward and strokes his spit slicked fingers along your folds casually, up…and down, pressing in lightly on your clit before dragging back down to slowly press them inside you. You gasp as your body opens for him and he stands, towering over you now with his lips brushing your ear. He chuckles hearing the shaky breaths and stifled moans as he finally sinks both fingers down to the hilt, your pussy walls fluttering deliciously around him. 
“I prefer the term pussy drunk sweetheart. Here, why don’t you taste for yourself?” Eddie drags his lips over yours at the same time that his fingers begin to curl inside you, making you gasp loudly with need. Then his tongue is back in your mouth and you groan desperately, clinging to his battle vest as your breathing becomes more labored. 
“F-fuck,” you whimper. Smirking against your lips Eddie gives you one last kiss before pulling his face back just enough to see you clearly. 
“That’s it sweetheart…I can feel you tightening around my fingers like such a good girl,” Eddie praises, his fingers speeding up and he takes extra care to make sure he brushes against that extra sensitive spot inside you. You’re breathing heavy, suppressing moans now and your hands are fisted in his vest so hard your knuckles are white and he just cannot get enough. You’re so fucking beautiful to him he can’t stand it and even though he doesn’t have time to fuck you properly he makes a vow to himself as your walls start to clench hard that by the end of the day it’ll happen. 
Your eyes are threatening to close as you get closer but just before the wave hits Eddie whispers, “fuck, can you look at me? Open your eyes sweetheart, lemme see your eyes when you cum all over my fingers. For me baby, please?” 
When your eyes flutter open and meet his he feels like he almost cums with you. The sight of you falling apart under his hand makes him mutter fuck with an air of triumph and need. You squeaked loudly when the pleasure finally became too much and Eddie’s other hand slaps over your mouth to keep you quiet while he wrings every last bit of cum from you that he can. 
Putting on what you called his “melted chocolate voice” he speaks directly into your ear, his fingers finally slowing to help you come down from your high.  “Shhhh shhhh…I got you sweetheart, that’s it, that’s my good little girl. Cumming so good for me baby doll-I fuckin’ love it.” 
When your body finally relaxes, exhausted, he pulls his fingers from you and tips your chin up with the hand that had kept you quiet.
 “I love you sweetheart. You’re the only girl for me, you know that?” When you nod with a glazed look in your eyes Eddie chuckles and gives you a sweet little kiss, just gently pressing your lips together. He checks the time then and mutters a curse, pulling away from you.
“I gotta get-I’ll see you later yeah? You’re coming over tonight.” Eddie quickly sucks his soaked fingers clean and grabs his lunchbox, ready to leave when you call him back. 
“Huh…huh? I am?? Wait-Eddie you-you have my panties!” You were too weak to chase him down and he knew it, but your eyes seemed clearer. You were still on the desk with your legs open, skirt down hiding your pussy from him (which was probably a good thing or else he may have just come back to you for more). 
As it was he really was trying to graduate with you which meant getting to class on time this year so he just smiled at you and winked. “Gotta come over if you want them back right? Be careful to smooth your skirt down before you sit anywhere.” 
His hand on the door Eddie stops himself and then looks back at you one last time. “You know what-just be careful in general. I don’t want anyone else seeing what’s mine. I don’t share food with anyone but you.” He blows you a kiss. “My place after dark. I’ll see you then, my good girl.” 
And then he’s gone, practically skipping to his next class and thinking of what else he can do to you. People are looking at him a bit funny in the halls but there’s not a damn thing on his mind besides you, and what he’s going to do to you once you’re in his bed. 
You both might be skipping school the next day from sheer exhaustion.
Part 2-lemme know if you want to be tagged!
@ohdeargodnotyouagaintyouagain @manyimaginativemuses @labyrinth-runner @emilykjh @vunoirien @rexsjaigeyes @labyrinth-runner @juniebugg @dreymabees
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chainmailchalamet · 10 months
Run Rabbit, Run (Dark! Eddie Munson 🍒🪽) Pt. 3
tags: roommates to lovers, modern!metalhead!eddie munson(maybe not a complete face match to ST!Eddie, but his look is up to your imagination), predator/prey dynamic , a lil degradation, impact, knife play, jealousy, possessive behavior + language, dacryphilia, kind of fucked up intense dirty talk, face slapping, choking, morallygrey!eddie, they may or may not be completely human (also up to interpretation), and as usual always!black always!non-binary POV 🌟🍒
eddie is, by nature, patient.
patience is survival, always has been. his father was hot-headed, impulsive, reckless. moved through life without strategy, without a sense for the long game. and that got him nowhere but trouble — from one chaos to another, dragging eddie and his mama through it all, until mama woke up and said fuck this shit and dipped. because eddie’s mama was smart — selfish, sure. a shadow of a mother who let him wander off on his own because she couldn’t take the noise, couldn’t take the mess. liked to sit on her own near a lake or on the porch or on the steps of a trailer, smoking a cigarette and looking far away — eddie’d watch her sometimes, wait for her eyes to catch his, for her half-smile. and then she’d be gone, gone, gone again. dreaming of the day she could leave it all behind her, until one day she just did. left him a note, did it in her way: distantly affectionate, sorry but not ashamed, just a couple words — go find yourself some real love, and keep your ears clean for me x — and a phone number.
somehow, he understood it — knew that she just wasn’t really made for motherhood, that it just wasn’t her nature. he thought about her for a long time, tried to keep her whole in his memory, but in the end he just had pieces. a flash of wild dark hair, jasmine perfume, silver rings and cigarette smoke. faraway eyes, a wry smile.
when he called the number, it was wayne on the other end. sounded tired and sad and soft, like he’d been waiting for the call his whole life but still hoped he’d never get it. wayne picked up the phone and said she finally up and did it, huh? without a hint of judgment. eddie sniffled, went uh huh and wayne asked where his dad was at and eddie said nothing. and wayne, bless him, just got it. sighed a little, said real soft i’ll see you in the mornin’ ed, and that was that.
eddie learned from wayne what his father could never teach him -- to be gentle. wayne was the first man eddie had ever met who wore his softness with ease. He was soft with with words, gentle with his hands — he’d work graveyard shifts over at the garage, but spend the day doting on eddie, in his way. he was a little bit like his sister — he didn’t say too much, wasn’t loud about his affections, but. he tried. tried hard. took eddie to get his first library card, kept his face open and interested when eddie fell down the tolkien hole and stayed stuck, talked himself hoarse about the lore. wayne offered him an ear, asked him questions, teased him gently. how many breakfast’s they got? no wonder you like ‘em so much, they got your appetite!
which — with wayne’s cooking? anyone would eat themselves silly. the man knew how to make the most of what he got, and unlike most men, took pride in the time he spent in his mother’s kitchen. food’s the way to the heart, ed, it’s a labor of love.
eddie got it, watching wayne move through the kitchen with the utmost care, tending to each dish with a furrow between his brows. simmering the gravy for hours until the flavor was just right, standing over a grease pan with his tongs at the ready, cuz the trick to good chicken is the eyes, ed, you gotta keep your eyes on it. you gotta wait for that good brown, you’ll know it when you see it.
eddie learned patience in wayne’s little kitchen -- plucking greens, sorting through black eyed peas, developing that sense of rhythm that every good cook possessed. it was slow work, it was work that required gentle hands and a certain kind of sensitivity. knowing when a smidge was a smidge and a pinch was a pinch, because the difference was clear in the biscuits, in their fluff and their crust. the difference was in wayne’s reaction — in whether he went mm, that’s good, ed or whether he went well, fuck me. eddie lived for that difference, for the satisfaction of making wayne (hard-working, opening his home to eddie, no questions asked, wayne) close his eyes and breathe real deep with satisfaction. cooking him up something so good that he slept good, that his cheeks flushed up and he went to work whistling. eddie became, in a way, kind of addicted to providing -- it made him feel worthy, made him feel full.
made him feel full like the way music felt, like he could burst from it — he’d finger through wayne’s records while he was out at work, forming a taste for roots, bluegrass, jazz and rock. slim harpo and mama thornton and the family stone. etta james on sunday mornings, fleetwood on summer nights, ann peebles when he thought about his mama. he’d hum himself to sleep, sing along to dolly while he cooked, tap and shuffle his way around the trailer until wayne got the hint and bought him his first guitar — a dusty acoustic he picked up at a boot sale, handed over with a wry smile and a quiet to give you somethin’ to do with all that energy, because he knew eddie was restless. they never spoke about eddie’s dad, but they both know that if eddie got anything from him it was that restless spark, that white-hot energy that could be destructive without the right outlet. wayne gave him that outlet -- taught eddie the few folk songs he knew how to play and gave him the space to fumble his way through the first months of learning. even when he’d strum it wrong it sounded like a dying animal and his face with get hot with frustration, with embarrassment. wayne would just clasp him on the shoulder and remind him that it’s all just time, eds. you gotta give yourself time to grow into yourself.
wayne was the reason he became a chef — he knew that eddie was smart as a whip, but not school-smart. wayne knew that he didn’t have the mind for math and science and devoured books but couldn’t write an essay to save his life — never judged him for it, never let him feel dumb about it. just watched the way his mind worked when he measured out ingredients in the kitchen, the natural ear he had for picking up melodies, knew he just needed the right outlet. wayne gave him that -- worked extra shifts, saved up enough money to send him to the closest culinary school. it wasn’t fancy, but it was enough. he soaked up all the knowledge that he could, worked in kitchen after kitchen, worked his way up and up and up.
when the he left wayne, left virgina, left home, he wondered if his mother had felt the same way. the same bittersweet sense of there’s nothing here for me anymore, and thank god for that. he packed up his van with his guitar and a box of records and all his books, cried when he hugged wayne goodbye, said i’ll call you for sunday dinner. called him again the next sunday, and the sunday after that, and every sunday after that.
it didn’t happen overnight, all the good stuff. the money, the stability, all the new love that would come into his life by way of a kitchen in chicago, but it didn’t matter — because eddie was, by nature, hungry. he put it all in his work, in the simple pleasure of feeding, of loving. he was not his father, but — deep down, he knew he wasn’t really like wayne either. he tried hard to live like wayne had taught him — tried hard to put his claws away, to hide his teeth, to wrap himself up in wool.
he worked hard, and he loved hard, and he cared for his friends and he was good to his lovers and he used his outlets, found healthier ways to live in his skin. he took advantage of the new space he had to roam, learned new things about himself. he learned he liked his music harder, louder, raw and wrathful -- not just soft and soulful, like wayne. he found his people in basement shows and dive bars, joined a couple bands, hopped around until he found corroded coffin. learned that he could bare his teeth on stage, that he could strut around and howl and spit, make a big mess of himself and he could be loved for it. desired for it.
he learned about the power of pain -- the sting of a new tattoo, of a needle through his skin, of teeth in his neck. he learned that he liked it a little rough, liked to have his hair pulled, his throat snatched, his back scratched. found his people in play parties and dungeons and in certain online spaces. fucked around, found out. learned to take pleasure, and to give it right back. to use his mouth, his words, his hands, his hips. learned that he was a sucker for big eyes, strong arms, hairy thighs, hair that he could wrap around his fingers and tug.
kept the beast on a leash, for the most part. kept it light, kept the hunger down, down, down.
and then his roommate jon moved in with his new boyfriend, and eddie made a post on a housing group looking for someone to fill his spot. and then you.
you’d walked into his home, stinking of strawberries and cream, making his fucking mouth water. with your braids spilling down your back and your big, big eyes, and your pouty mouth and your chipped yellow nail polish and your grace jones tee and that fucking look on your face -- like you were so tired, just exhausted, like you needed a safe place to land. like you’d never been handled with care, and eddie just. knew that he could. knew that he was the only one that could. he took one look at you and every cell in his body said mine, fucking mine, made for me, made for you, mineminemine.
and he tried to keep it on a leash. he did. he would’ve. would’ve been content to just look at you and have you in his home and feed you and look at you and want (and want and want and want) and learn to live with that.
it was fine, nothing he wasn’t used to -- he knew hunger, knew how to manage it, how to keep it hidden. he had a lot of practice.
but then the funniest thing happened. you caught him looking -- and he knew the moment your eyes met his that you knew. because there was something too-sharp about that gaze. something other about it. it was like you could see all the way down into him. like you could see the thing shifting beneath his skin. you looked at him, saw all the way down into him and you didn’t run, didn’t flinch, didn’t shut down. you just looked harder. bloomed underneath his desire, opened yourself up to it -- mirrored it, bright eyes going hazy with it.
he didn’t have to touch you to know that your heart was beating double-time in your chest, that your skin was heating up, that you were wet between your thighs. he just -- knew. felt your eyes on his skin. felt the whisper of your touch in his hair, across his shoulders. knew that it made you hot that you had to look up at him, that he was broader than you, knew that you were curious about the ink in his skin, the flash of silver in his tongue when he talked. you didn’t hide it very well, the way you went faraway when he talked, took a second to get your response together. all it took was the rumble of his voice in his chest, the sight of his hands pushing his hair back from his face.
you drank him in with the sweetest, faraway look on your face. just gone, gone, gone. big, glassy eyes, pouty mouth hanging open just a smidge. looking at him all open and trusting, like a dumb bunny, like the sweetest little doll. looking at him like you needed him -- needed him to keep you full, to give you a soft place to land, to do right by you. it made him want to squeeze your face between his fingers, bite at your neck, whisper into the skin it’s ok, honey, y’don’t have to worry your pretty little head about anything, y’just let me worry about all of it, just empty it all out for me, i’ll do the rest. you needed it so bad -- and eddie was made to give it to you. he knew it. knew that you knew it too.
he just had to let it all unfold as it would. just had to wait for it. but eddie was nothing if not patient -- it was just a matter of time. it’s all just time, eds.
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hheathns · 2 years
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ “DEAD.”
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ dustin henderson x gn!reader.
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N/A: I'm very excited to post my third story on this account. Aaah, I hope to continue to have the same support. TT
+ this story will be quite short, lately I have been very stressed and consumed by school, apart from that I have been suffering from mental block. T-T
Summary: After Eddie's death, you start creating theories and conspiracies that he might be alive but no one wants to know.
Warnings: very emotional, mentions of death, hallucinations, depression.
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It's been 3 months since the death of your beloved eddie and what you've been doing every day is creating theories about his "death". You are totally in denial, or rather, in shock. And to what do you owe your foolishness? why there is no day when you don't dream about him, since what happened the only thing you think about is the moment when he stops moving his body over Dustin's.
Believe me when I tell you that you look like a detective investigating the worst crime just for wanting to get answers in a place where they are no longer, you are looking for answers in a world where everyone ignores you. After all he was a killer.
—Dustin! I've been looking for you everywhere—You dropped your hands on his shoulders and shook him lightly.
—Jesus! You'll give me cardiac arrest if you keep showing up like that. And now what happens? get to the point please.—
"I'm sorry" you said rejoining your starting place—: What happens is that I was thinking about... ya know... and well- :— you were so excited to tell your new and crazy theory until you noticed that expression that Dustin always used to make when he was just I listened by commitment.—: Know something? I'm tired of you always having that expression every time I tell you something:—Dustin knew he screwed up, however he's been carrying his own guilt for letting Munson be the last of you three to go up, he would have preferred to die, he adjusted his cap and took a more serious posture than usual while just staring at you.
—I'm so sorry, (Y/N). But I really can't pretend to be interested in something that isn't real.
—What?—You said with a raised tone.—what is not real to you?
—Everything!... everything. I know what I saw, what we saw. We watched him die, we watched those fucking demobats eat his body and when we got to him...
You grabbed the anatomy of the shortest with a hug where your head tried to hide, he responded with a strong squeeze and how his hands clung to your back while you barely heard the cries of the other. You two were so upset about Eddie's death, after all he was the most active in the group, especially when the boy cheered for Dustin or Mike.
Although the youngest did not usually show it, he was very worried about you and how the death of your boyfriend had affected you in such a way that you even used to tell him that you saw him on the edge of your window or that you used to smell his cigarette smell and cheap perfume.—:Everything will be fine, m'kay? I will seek help and avoid having those theories:—You noticed how the boy moved away from you and, drying his tears, he nodded his head slightly.
—Is it a promise?—He smiled putting his little finger in front of you.
—Promise.—You connected your finger with him corresponding to that smile that he posed on his face.
When you got home, you locked every corner of it and very carefully touched the switch that was on the wall.—:Did you lose something, cupcake?:—You heard a hoarse voice behind you and jumped like a small frightened cat, that boy put his head on your shoulder and his hands on your waist.—:Oh my God Eddie! You could have scared me to dea-... Wait, AREN'T YOU SUPPOSED TO BE DEAD?:—
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“Reddie Porn Rec List”
“I want to know your heart” - “The omega with flowers in his hair and wearing the lavender crop top was the prettiest smelling person Richie had ever come across.”
“Cant buy me love”- “It wasn't that Richie wasn't a good partner. He was just... inattentive at times. Now, he would be the first to say that his job was no excuse. Sure, he had to tour a lot, but cell phones existed. He could call every once in awhile. It was the fact that he had ADHD which made it worse. [...] So, by the time he remembered that he was going to call his boyfriend, it was suddenly one in the morning where he was, so probably even later back home in Chicago, and he'd tell himself he'd call in the morning. Of course, he'd stupidly not write a note to remind himself to make that phone call in the morning, and the next day he'd spend far too much time thinking, 'There was something I was supposed to do today,' but he'd never remember what. And then he'd be touching down at O'Hare only to find that Cody or Gavin or whoever wasn't waiting for him like they had agreed, and he'd slap himself, because he'd realize he basically ignored him the entire tour.”
“Our days and nights are perfumed with obsession.”- “If you had told Richie fifteen years ago that one day he would be the type of man who goes to BDSM clubs… well, he’d probably shrug, say “sounds plausible” and down another shot.
However, if you had told him that Eddie fucking Kaspbrak, the boy who used to wear a fanny pack and whine about germs in between puffs of his inhaler, would be the type of man to one day go to BDSM clubs, he probably would have choked on that shot and done a spit take.
And if you’d told him that HE, Richie Trashmouth Tozier, would be the one who would get to accompany him to these clubs, often pulling Eddie around on a leash while his hands were bound and his mouth was gagged… well, Richie could have only hoped for so much, even in his younger days.
“Punk Rock Love”- “ [...] Eddie couldn't stop playing with the chains clipped to the studded belt that was holding up the yellow and black paid pants Richie was wearing. They had been a staple in his wardrobe for Punk Rock Ghost Story, which he had finished filming earlier that week. Carlise, the costumer, told him he could keep them since they weren't part of the vintage punk couture she had acquired.
"You can get those at any Hot Topic in the world," she had said. "This will save you the embarrassment of having to do that, old man."
"Hey, fuck you," Richie had said jokingly. "My generation invented punk."
"Your generation invented Dave Matthews Band."
“Ive been runnin’ hot.” - “For anon prompt: Richie fucks Eddie with Eddie in his lap with his back against Richie’s chest under a blanket with everyone there.”
“Sweetest thing you’ve ever seen.” - “ "Jesus, just fuck me," Eddie demands, rolling his hips. "Fuckmefuckmefuckme."
"I feel like you're trying to tell me something, Spaghetti." Richie grins.
"Ergh, fuck you," Eddie groans and turns to kiss him swiftly, biting Richie's bottom lip hard. "Fuck me already, Tozier, you goddamn asshole."
“Stupid deep”-    ““Rich, what the fuck.”
“What,” Richie says breathlessly, pushing up into Eddie’s grip with a weak sound.
Eddie stares, as he did five months ago, at the dick in his hand. Not that it was in his hand at the time. “I thought maybe I, like. Exaggerated it in my mind. But it’s really that fucking big.”
“Huh?” Richie blinks at him dumbly, jaw slack and abs tensing.
“Rich, I don’t even know what to do with all of this.”
or, Richie has a big dick, and Eddie is into it.”
“Daddys good boy” - “This is smut, pure and simple. Eddie never married Myra. He and Richie have been happily married for years and over time developed some extremely kinky habits. Eddie is a happy and obedient submissive and Richie provides the control and dominance Eddie craves. They do this kinky shit because they like it, but some nights they drop it and just cuddle in bed watching Snapped.”
“Dreaming of a white christmas”- “"I know how much of a come slut you are,” Richie whispered, both of his hands up under Eddie’s sweater and holding onto his waist. “And I haven’t gotten off in two weeks.”
Eddie let out a choked gasp, not able to stop his hips from grinding down into Richie’s, his hand grabbing the fabric of Richie’s t-shirt right underneath his shoulder.
“Richie, oh my god."
“Black on Black” - “Eddie licks his lips. “Who deserves to put their hands on me?”
Richie’s staring at him like he’s not sure if Eddie is real. In all honesty, Eddie’s half-convinced that he’s dreaming—worried that he’s gonna wake up back in his dorm with his dick aching under his covers, Richie snoring soundly across the room.
As it is, Richie is standing in front of him in the middle of a college party looking like he could eat Eddie alive.”
“Back to the wall” - “Eddie comes to some belated realizations about himself when Richie gets just a little too enthusiastic during a kiss…”
“Fever pitch”- ““Eds, what’s wrong?” Richie frets, “You smell distressed.”
“Am I a bad omega?” Eddie whispers.
“What? No, what made you think that?” he asks.
“Because I don’t know how to be an omega,” Eddie fusses.
“Eds, you don’t have to be anything but be yourself to be a good omega, the idea that you have to be submissive is archaic,” Richie says.
Eddie frowns. “But isn’t that what alphas want?”
“I don’t want anything but you, Eds,” Richie promises.
Eddie has his life turned upside down when he finds out he's an omega. Now he has to learn to adapt to a new part of his life that he never accounted for. Most importantly his first heat.
“Wasted”- “Now that they've conquered Eddie's heat, they need to prepare and deal with Richie's rut.
Richie's worried about controlling himself as he somehow has even less of a filter during rut. Turns out Eddie doesn't mind this little revelation.”
“Once More” - “[P]lugging himself up while Richie's come was still in him.
He knew that they'd probably go again since they didn't have any plans until later that night. So he was content to snuggle up to Richie and watch whatever weird buddy cop movie he had put on.
"Hey, you ready to take this out?" Richie asked, fingers trailing lightly along the base of the plug. "Get you cleaned up?"
"Why do that? We can just keep it in there until round two."
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shauds-archived · 5 years
How about Eddie and Jason for remorseful?
"I can't believe this." Jason said to the mucus lined wall glistening in front of him. There were still some dried out rats stuck to it, some strands of hair and fine blue fibres he'd hadn't forgotten enough of his detective skills to miss. No bodies through, so Jason could hope that whoever they'd belonged to had fared better than the rats, better than Jason and his partner in this idiocy were going to turn out. "This is what happens when you chase after monsters, I said I wasn't going to chase after monsters. How the hell did I end up here?"
"It's where the slime trial led and the ground was softer than we thought." Eddie offered unhelpfully, his hands sparked and lit up, but his melt the slime plan didn't seem to be going anywhere. It was making the cave-thing they were trapped in way too hot though, if nothing else, maybe they'd sweat themselves out before the, that freaking slug...
"We're getting eaten by a slug." He groaned the words out. It's a, a freaking... It's not even... it's a slug Eddie."
Eddie chuckled and Jason growled low in his throat, but he was too despondent, too fed up with the entirety of this situation to put any effort into making it at all threatening.
"Sorry." Eddie didn't sound sorry at all, he sounded like he was going to start laughing again, and Jason couldn't even be mad about it.
Jason couldn't be mad, because he was eighty-percent sure that if he ever heard of someone with his training, or Eddie's power being the victim's of slow, incremental death by slow as ass slug, he would have laughed his ass off. If he just craned his head back a little, he could even see the thing, bluish-grey and wrinkled as Ras al Ghul's ass had to be now, moving over to eat them. He couldn't even be scared of this death, because slug. If Talia brought his back from this she was going to kill him again, and he' deserve it.
"Liar." Jason said. "You're never sorry, I'm dying again next to a demon incapable of remorse."
"In like, five years." Eddie tried to hold back his chuckles and it just resulted in an even less dignified series of snorts and choking sounds.
The slug drew another two inches closer and Jason kicked a loose bit of gravel at it. "Shoulda brought some salt, for the both of you." He didn't even know if salt really worked against demons, not that it would against Eddie even if that did, but it was the thought that counted.
"I get why you'd wanna eat the slug, but cannibalism Jason?" Eddie leveled Jason with a disproving frown.
"Hey, I haven't eaten since breakfast, m'not gonna last a whole nother decade down here." He let his body sag further down the wall, and the slime he'd been trapped in.
"You could always try the rats." Eddie suggested.
Jason hummed noncommittaly and looked up at the still slowly approaching slug through his bangs. "Maybe it's what I deserve. Getting caught by a freaking slug. It's my slime to die."
"Jason no." Eddie shook his head. "I can't even laugh at that one."
"You're not supposed to laugh!" Jason yelled. "That thing's gonna be here any day now, and you're making jokes."
Eddie snickered, but quickly pulled his face straight and nodded seriously. "Alright, sorry I get we're in a real sticky situation here, how do you..."
A rumbling noise, loud enough to send a flurry off dirt and rocks falling down on their heads, tore through the cave, echoing eerily through the many tunnels and caverns of the underground network.
"What..." They said, exchanging a look, as though the other knew what had happened, then turned back to squint down the tunnel.
"I think it's stopped moving." Eddie said, and the sound rattled the walls again.
"Is it..." Jason blinked a few times, incredulous at the still mass of flesh that had been pursuing them for the past half an hour. "It's snoring." He gawked at the thing. "We've been hanging here for hours, and it goes to sleep?"
"Maybe it's because we smell?" Eddie cocked his head. "It was going after people with lots of perfume, right?
Yeah, Eddie's fire escape attempt had left them smelling like brimstone and old, sweaty gym clothes, like Bruce's old sweaty gym clothes, the ones Jason had found forgotten to rot in a dark corner of the cave. Briefly, h wondered if Alfred had ever found those.
"Yeah, I wouldn't eat me either right now."
"Don't think I've ever felt this rejected." Eddie groaned.
Jason hummed and looked from the slug to Eddie before accusing. "That's your fault too."
"M'not sorry anymore."
"You never are."
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rgr-pop · 5 years
I need an ENTIRE afternoon wall of noise. 4/3 music library on shuffle until I hit a killdozer song.
the thermals - “god and country” reset - "double cross" nirvana - "polly" (1986-88 home recording) nirvana - "radio friendly unit shifter" (2013 mix) peterbuilt - "sateliteyes" the dickies - "got it at the store" apocalypse hoboken - "box of pills" fiona apple - "slow like honey" tex & the horseheads - "big boss man" everclear - "the drama king" anti-flag - "america got it right" neil young - "tonight's the night, pt. ii" everclear - "brown-eyed girl" noooooooooo oh my god no please millencolin - “israelites" listen you know that i'm p tolerant when it comes to this subject but why specifically did you boys do this. specifically you useless id - "note" never accuse me of pop punk nationalism again! that's three of global pop punk the selecter - "selling out your future" built to spill - "some things last a long time" holidays - "proof" let's wrestle - "bad mammaries" radhos - "one breath" ween - "boing" bracket - "g-vibe" local h - "'cha!' said the kitty" sublime - "40oz to freedom" failure - "saturday saviour" blink-182 - "don't leave me" (tmtts live take) why did they make this live album, they were so bad live shrimp boat - "melon song" interpol - "not even jail" the ataris - "angry nerd rock" 50 million - "superhero" skankin pickle - "violent love" the breeders - "put on a side" all - "honey peeps" the commandos (suicide commandos) - "weekend warrior" suicide machines - "friends are hard to find" the eclectics - "laura" good ska block! love this band pansy division - "jack u off" rocket from the tombs - "ain't it fun" dynamite boy - "devoted" young pioneers - "downtown tragedy" the breeders - "so sad about us" fenix tx - "jean claude trans am" fuck i love this song nofx - "bob" hickey - "happily ever after" bob dylan - "tangled up in blue" (bootlegs vol. 2) gas huffer - "king of hubcaps" tullycraft - "crush this town" atom and his package - "goalie" faith no more - "the real thing" carly rae jepsen - "tell me" bis - "listen up" one direction - "still the one" mtx - "she's no rocket scientist" eugene chadbourne - "roger miller medley" grouvie ghoulies - "carly simon" white town - "thursday at the blue note" gas huffer - "moon mission" rx bandits - "sleepy tyme" everclear - "rocket for the girl" failure - "kindred" blood on the saddle - "johnny's at the fair" the distillers - "red carpet and rebellion" cruiserweight - "dearest drew" stp - "plush" everclear - "wonderful" (live, from the closure ep) (don't hate it) new found glory - "sonny" everclear - "otis redding" (impure white evil demo) (BEST song) stp - "adhesive" incubus - "have you ever" cub - "tell me now" everclear - "short blonde hair" i simply do not hate it letters to cleo - "happy ever after" amazing transparent man - “the ocean is a fuck of a long way to swim” nerf herder - “(stand by your) manatee” kitty kitty - “ab tokeless” osker - “the mistakes you made” perfume genius - “hood” radhos - “shut up & deal” (welcome to the jungle take) osker - “the body”  gas huffer - “the sin of sloth” the fall - “bombast” excuse 17 - “code red” mad season - “lifeless dead” unwritten law - “differences” hanson - “two tears” the eyeliners - “anywhere but here” moby grape - “lazy me” brian wilson - “wonderful” 88 fingers louie - “something i don’t know” sicko - “wisdom tooth weekend” the replacements - “love you till friday” suicide machines - “green world” midtown - “another boy” hickey - “cool kids attacked by flying monkeys” the roman invasion suite - “carnations” the beat - “tears of a clown” local h - “24 hour break up session” okay i’m awake i want to end this now toots & the maytals - “funky kingston” local h - “strict-9″ his name is alive - “her eyes were huge things” nirvana - “frances farmer will have her revenge on seattle” slapstick - “almost punk enough” urge overkill - “bionic revolution” janet jackson - “you want this” piebald - “long nights” small brown bike - “now i’m a shadow” the story so far - “left unsaid” crj - “more than a memory” tracy + the plastics - “my friends end parties” liz phair - “6′1″“ fastbacks - “555, pt. 1″ this mix is feminist now swindle - “one track” shockabilly - “burma shave” temple of the dog - “say hello to heaven” amazing transparent man - “shove” cool soul asylum cover from dekalb illinois :)) the vindictives “eating me alive” midwests only!! the judys - “radiation squirm” gulfs only!! frogpond - “sleep” flipp - “rock-n-roll star” throwing muses - “red shoes” everclear - “santa monica” throwing muses on summerland??? mekons - “atone & forsaken” holidays - “take me home country roads” this is a good tone to lead up to killdozer... true believers - “all mixed up again” prince - “adore” beulah - “queen of the populists” eveclear - “rocky mountain high” (99x live acoustic--I don’t have a date for this actually) of montreal - “dustin hoffman thinks about eating the soap” heatmiser - “stray” rickie lee jones - “woody and dutch on the slow train to peking” tar - “viaduct removal” common rider - “carry on” the frogs - “u bastards” mudhoney - “this gift” hammerbox - “outside” fuck my mom would have loved this song if it had gotten the airplay it deserved in 1993... hammerbox on summerland!!!! letters to cleo - “little rosa” kay hanley on summerland!! nine pound hammer “wrongside of the road” hanson - “with you in your dreams” (3cg demo) hamson on summerland!!! fastbacks - “555, pt. 1″ again... fastbacks on summerland!!! face to face - “sensible” soul asylum - “happy” soul asylum on summerland!!!! television - “see no evil” pinq - “careful not to mention the obvious” the dickies - “nights in white satin” tar - “mel’s” truly - “chlorine” babes in toyland - “deep song” hole - “berry” hellbender - “half driven” hammerhead  - “new york? ...alone?” everclear - “malevolent” guzzard - “last”  archers of loaf - “tatyana” hum - “stars” hum on summerland die kreuzen - “don’t say please” this is not fair joanna newsom - “sadie” down by law - “peace, love and understanding” nirvana - “aneurysm” (1990 demo) hovercraft - “endoradiosonde” modest mouse - “cowboy dan” rage against the machine - “born of a broken man” skatalites - “scandal ska” pylon - “driving school” the vindictives - “babysitter” jimmy eat world - “ten” the get up kids - “lowercase west thomas” oh we’re doing this now? hot rod circuit - “knees” fine triple fast action - “the rescue” FINE  full disclosure i do skip emo diaries tracks at my discretion the amps - “bragging party” everclear - “am radio” this is not fair mxpx - “middlename” MXPX ON SUMMERLAND chokebore - “your let down” bob dylan - “you’re a big girl now” helmet - “primitive” pond - “filterless” blink-182 - “all the small things” local h - “ralph” tar - “over and out” pearl jam - “black” the gits - “sniveling little rat faced git” local h - “eddie vedder” >:) tar - “flow plow” i always misremember this as a subpop single so i’m like “i’m not amphetamine reptile biased?” but it was an a/r release, lol. brad wood produced it. lake michigan as hell  unicorns - “jellybones” this song makes me sad ever since i didn’t get to adopt the jellybones cat oblivion - “clark” desmond dekker - “jeserene” veruca salt - “one last time” veruca salt on summerland!!!! dead moon - “dead moon night” extremely dead moon on summerland fishbone - “i like to hide behind my glasses” dead moon - “on my own” paw - “sleeping bag” tar - “goethe” doc dart - “casket with flowers” smashing pumpkins - “zero” i don’t want billy corgan on summerland and i am sorry for that kicking giant - “&” kicking giant on summerland lmao shockabilly - “pile up all architecture” ween - “sorry charlie” sublime - “april 29, 1992 (miami)” heatmiser - “blackout” the clash - “pressure drop” hellbender - “pissant’s retrospective” the queers - “i won’t be” the vindictives - “circles” the beat farmers - “selfish heart” screaming trees - “end of the universe” 7 year bitch - “second hand” bourgeois filth - “above” nirvana - “scoff” the breeders - “cannonball” saturday looks good to me - “save my life” cara beth satalino - “good ones” communique - “dagger version” soul asylum - “sometime to return” sublime - “jailhouse” tullycraft - “twee” nuns - “wild” beyonce - “countdown” the replacements - “sixteen blue” living colour - “what’s your favorite color” britney - “why should i be sad” mdc - “church and state” alice in chains - “junkhead” rage against the machine - “mic check” everclear - “nervous and weird” soundgarden - “fresh tendrils” helmet - “army of me” the gits - “it all dies anyway” pansy division - “smells like queer spirit” mtx - “i’d do anything for you” 5 year sentence - “just a punk” pennywise - “nothing” mudhoney - “thirteenth floor opening” yesterday’s kids - “eighteen” mxpx - “punk rawk show” small brown bike - “zerosum” incubus - “trouble in 421��� hanson - “speechless” incubus - “circles” dead moon - “my time has come” (!!!!) first of all is this killdozer blink-182 - “here’s your letter” everclear - “electra made me blind” (nervous & weird take) saves the day - “through being cool” groovie ghoulies - “don’t go out into the rain (you’re gonna melt)” babes in toyland - “never” husker du - “target” guzzard - “biro” fairweather - “next day flight” mcr - “house of wolves” broadcast - “until then” liz phair - “never said” the dicks - “rich daddy” quasi - “the iron worm” mustard plug - “not again” janitor joe - “boyfriend” snapcase - “new academy” neil young - “someday” blindsided - “spaceman” placebo - “without you i’m nothing” the creeps - “lakeside cabin” solomon grundy - “time is not your own” the clash - “the card cheat” silversun pickups - “common reactor” lagwagon - “leave the light on” denali - “where i landed” system of a down - “highway song” sprinkler - “personality doll” the vindictives - “structure and function” unplugged” the queers - “ursula finally has tits” we’re entering no repeats territory  buffalo springfield - “expecting to fly” hit squad - “pictures of matchstick men” cows - “almost a god” hop along - “young and happy” pixies - “i’ve been tired” the fall - “spoilt victorian child” camper van chadbourne - “knock on the door” queens of the stone age - “tension head” choking victim - “war story” cool that we have gotten to drop by the greatest song ever recorded :) guttermount - “happy loving couples” audio karate - “nintendo 89″ tad - “pork chop” the kelley deal 6000 - “where did the home team go” colorfinger - “hateful” :} man or astroman - “evil plans of planet spectra” pere ubu - “arabian nights” accepting repeats for  new found glory - “my friends over you” cool moving on american steel - “optimist” tom petty & the heartbreakers - “even the losers” meat puppets - “another moon” black cat music - “wine in a box” wallside - “ready” crucifucks - “pig in a blanket” the bananas - “my charmed life”
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wattpadgirlll-blog · 5 years
The First “Chapter” in Shattered Reality
The First Prologue
On a planet that is surrounded by many friends, and one that orbits around little moonlets and baby-stars, there are three magical kingdoms. Planets in the Universe are many, but the one that one may focus on just now looks, really, a bit like Earth.
Blue, with large blobs of green - very simple, except for the facts that there are rather many strokes of lemon and orange and ivory. Those are just the birthmarks of the planet; why, when the Planet was first created, the birthmarks stood out bumpy and uneven; but, after millions of years, they have melted into the ground, which is where one can now experience the magic in its original form - not shrunk, not made simpler - just not messed with, all in all.
The Kingdom where everything takes place is called "Consilii" (in Latin) - or else "Resourceful", in English. It may seem peculiar that a fantasy kingdom would steal a word from typical "Earth" - but the fact is that the Consiles - the people that live there - do have a bit of an inkling of "Latin", for it is most important, and is taught a little bit at school where the young Consiles go.
 Consilii has four main islands; Dragnia, The Triplets (people always counted The Three as one small island, because of their vexingly-small size), Ruthenium Picke and the respectable One Without A Name, also known as "The King".
Dragnia is an island where dragons roam all they like; there are many birthmarks there, but they are all very small, unlike the ones at "Ruthenium Picke" (known as "The Island of Dark") and the One Without a Name.
Dragonia is often thought of as "The plain one" in the whole of the Planet, because of how simple and wild it is; full of trees, rocks, and a little town named "Ludovic", named after the hero of dragons - or else the first Consile to ever tame one of those beasts. Mind, dragons aren't always horrendous!
The Triplets are simple also - just carefree little islands, where people live - rather, people who just want to get away "from the magical life" and spend the rest of their days in sweet air, perfumed by daisies.
Ruthenium Picke is much different from the rest, however; that was where the King of Darkness was born. But that was over a thousand year ago. Nevertheless, goblins still prowl in the night, and there are plenty of cursed castles, all in ruins, selkies, and many other nightmares.
Now, for the last "part" - The One Without a Name! That is where the capital of Consilii is - right in "City of Tilla". Nobody knows where the name had originated from, but no matter - peasants and normal townsfolk that lived in Terese Town said that Tilla was the richest; it had a castle, and many rich manors flecked all about. But really, one only had to befriend King Martin to get the trust of his wife, Riley (quite an un-royal name!) - and then, they can move in, poor peasants or not, for the Royals are friendly, and rather very dangerously naive! The people that live in The Corner Village don't know much about Tilla, or Terese; because, as one may have noticed, it was away from both of those "marks", and instead built at the corner of "The King". Fisherman said they were content with what they got, and I think so, too. Candidly, The Corner Village isn't all bad, save for the fact that it's over a hundred kilometers from the "Place of the orcs", where the respectable, muscular, long-faced, man-eating monsters still live to this day. Also, The Corner Village often feels cold, for it is right by the "Great sea", and it is a fact that many a - or most of the - Consiles like the cold.
 Oh, but of course it shouldn't at all make sense for it to be very cold in the East, eh? The thing is that the Planet - and not only that - the whole one hundred and twenty-three planets! - aren't very, so to say, logical. Not quite yet, however. Being in the twenty-first century means nothing to the Consiles, if one talks only about them - why, they don't even have an inkling about what "a year" means. To them, there are no "decades", save for the "centuries" and "millenniums" and so, so on - to them, on their wrong, peculiar planets, there is only time - "time to make time", as one greatly worshipped poet said, somewhere in the ninth century, if one slips back into normal human language!
And so back to the peculiarity; one must notice that, since the planet is often horribly wrong, that the gods choose to turn chilly or send bright beams of sunlight down upon the Planet only when, well, they feel like it. Other times, the gods and occasional goddesses (for being ignorant of real "rights", females on the Planet are still believed to not be capable of much) lean over the clouds to gaze down upon the Planet, and cry, and laugh, and tear their hair (if they have any, mind) as they follow the lives of different people, all at different times of day and night.
Not to believe in the "Upper" people is a bit of a woe - a sin - for most Consiles, actually, to be frank. It is almost a rule to be Catholic, and to strongly lean on religion as a friend that never ceases. For the unfortunate type, it seems awful to have an "undying friend", and if a mother scorns her child for not reading the bible, it is always heard in the community the stern words from the pale-from-rage lips, almost unmoving, "You will go to hell, my dear, when Life flies out of your vain knuckle!" or something of that sort.
It, strictly, is not necessary to believe - and to trust - "Those Upper" people, whatever the priests may say. As once a boy, clad in grey, torn clothes said to his enraged father - "Dad, you see, you say that the Upper-ers can fix anything! And you told me that a priest is a kind of church minister, did you not? So it is by law the priest's job to mend things like the Upper-ers if he worships them so, is it not? Well, why don't you blame HIM for not fixing my clothes after I jumped into dirt just to save a caterpillar? Oh, and now I tell you - those priests know nothing! Nothing!"
Twenty years later, the boy, named Eddi House, became the "church minister", for he seemed to have forgotten what he had said only two decades - or rather, "some time" ago. But until his barbaric father died, he always came to him at evening to hit him and say - "You know nothing, son, nothing, nothing!"
Nevertheless, being Catholic is not bad, and even if one little rebel gets an occasional scolding, often for the rest of their lives they carry the hopes of going to "Heaven" if they rightly behaved or else, if were excellent all their lives, become one of the "Upper" people. One day, some time ago (actually, it was ten years previously!), a poor peasant's wife saw her husband die and then, a few months later, said that she saw him smiling at her, peering over the edge, looking very young and happy.
But one had to be clever, cunning, sly, bright (in the sense of being smart), positive, determined motivating and strong-minded to get Up There. However, it is unlikely that any of the Consiles were as perfect - in that sense.
For an interesting fact, there were already twelve Upper-ers, eight of which were men and four were women.
There is Mistress Snowdrop, the fragile young woman with falling white hair over her albino face. Nobody knew where she lived before she came to be one of the Upper-ers, but many still think she is from one of the Triplets, being very slight and tender, and seemingly built of love and health and the breath of the wild. Surely her name wasn't such a ridicule before - rather, it was Stephanie Daphen.
Then, there is Lord Pebblar, a man with a scruffy black head, the same moustache, and very wide, very expressive eyes of the tints that are the colours of the birthmarks of the Planet; orange, white, yellow. And so if one stares into them for long... well, somebody once said that they would get paralyzed if they looked into the two pools for too long - into the pools that sun cut through one, slicing the air with malice - or that was at least the "somebody" said.
Next was Lord Merge, a stout old man with long greying hair and a fantastical look about his blue-veined face.
Forwards on the list, Mistress Stone, the seemingly stony (pun intended, if there is one) thirty-year-old of dull lips and high cheekbones.
Lord Labestar, next. He was the most cruel, surely! He had piercing eyes, just like his brother, a twisted little mouth and a bumpy face - in the means of "full of zits". And not one could describe the droll look of his unimpressive, shallow eyes - not one. Not one except Pebblar.
The others aren't worth mentioning - actually, surely they are, but one gets the point from the first Five, yes?
Now, moving onto hell: when a woman speaks sternly to her child, saying they were to go to hell, she does mean "Ruthenium Picke", if she is one of the Consiles. The truth is, that every kingdom has an island, all evil, flowing with dark blood. It is the mere believe that after life, if one is bad, then they are sent to "Ruthenium Picke" (again, if they were from Consilii). But the beliefs were so strong (are, perhaps, still!), that they drive the people mad if they really put their mind onto being good and if one unfortunate cully someday spills "Sap wine" on their suit, then of course the poor man feels restless and ashamed until they die! Fancy, such a little thing!
 Sap wine may be brought up now, just as well. Now, sap in Consilii is a sort of bitter, round yellow seed dotted in crimson that is said to be very good for the body. It also tastes nice - very nice - when introduced to wine; because the slight grape effect, mixed in with the tongue-biting flavour, may make a rather good lunch; just say one had been kicked out of their home for, why, doesn't that happen really very often? - and one stopped in front of a stall in one of the markets to buy some Sap wine from a fat little seller (generally fat, they are, with no offense meant, because every once in a while the seller sneaks a bite or a sip into their mouth, building up the habit bit by bit), and then took a sip while hurrying to work. Well, it is very hard, the wine, and tends to stay in one's stomach for quite a while afterwards because of the "pressure".
Another national food is red cheese, which one must not describe, and let another know that the one thing that makes the cheese so red is the blood of an orc.
 One must also be rather interested why orcs don't live at Ruthenium Picke. And the answer is simple; they just like The King, with all its healthy grasses and plants and soul-healing (pardon, if that is no word!) rains. It was a long, long time ago that they had moved from Ruthenium Picke into the mountains! And the mountains are very small, but they are very steep and sharp also, mind, that they never could be mentioned on the Official map of Consilii. Because it can only display large, major items!
Now, of course there are other magical folk that live on The King. For an instance, the Djinns, living five hundred kilometers from the "Corner Village", are really very jolly and proper and good! Old little men, going on about their daily jobs, bringing back their wives and kids food. The only thing unnatural about them is that they, of course, can make one's wish come true. Just like that, one must assure the other!
Then, second-lastly, are the pixies. They live in the "castle" ruins, with sharp, pointed faces, mischievous natures and playful habits. Usually, they don't disturb one - unless one promises them blackberries and brings none. It is deathly to mess with those!
Finally, there are the sirens. And after this, one never must say that The King is all good!
Mind, they aren't the everyday lovely, friendly mermaids - no, they are the sirens; the ones that live in the "Singing waters"! One is most likely already familiar with what they do - sing, sing, and then take those poor sailors down to the bottom of the ocean to rip off their heads. However, it's not only sailors that they take down there...
And so, this is Consilii - in all its glory!
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optimisticcritique · 6 years
Gotham 4x14 - Review 
Is this technically a review? Sometimes I wonder if I should call this “highlights” or “reactions” instead but I do share opinions and recap the ending so...kind of a review? I’ll stick with review I suppose. 
Wait, why are you burning the mask? Did the hallucination mean nothing to you?!
I know it is supposed to be a bit revolting but the way that guy is eating that pickle makes me want one.
You know, if you had chewed quietly with your mouth closed, she might have let you live. #tablemannerscansavelives
"It's all about family" says the person that hired people to murder her father... 
"Never said it was a happy family" relatable, unfortunately.
I don't blame Alfred for refusing. Bruce, you suck at apologies. Try actually saying the word “sorry” next time. 
At least Alfred is giving him the chance to show him that he changed. 
I was wondering why Ed hasn’t tried any pills by now. Dude, that cannot be safe. I hope you know what you are taking.
"cuckoo pills" lol just the way he says it.
"Who's it from?" That smug expression as he pretends to be oblivious. 
Whoa whoa whoa *pauses to look at the letter and holds up giant magnifying glass* If there is a clue in here... I have no idea what it is. That being said, this letter of apology is amazing. I hope Oswald actually means it and doesn’t say “haha just kidding. I only sent it so you would find the clue and break me out” later.
"I think that's a nice letter" Okay, this made me laugh too much. I love you, you conniving piece of-wow, now I can’t get the riddler playing match maker out of my head. 
The Riddler:  "It's a nice letter...you should hear him out...possibly rescue him since you will already be there...cause some murder together while you are at it....maybe grab some dinner afterward...." 
I just picture him pushing even further, “Remember the good times you shared? Nursing him back to health, murdering mister Leonard, being his chief of staff, hallucinating him singing to you seductively...” “I was not-those were-UGH”
"I'm never going to forgive him" never say never Ed. You are destined villain soul mates apparently.
 "What has eyes but can't see?"  I think you are having way too much fun. Also, I don't know the exact answer but I am betting it has to do with not seeing the bigger picture with the letter or the origami penguin message.
Jim, you totally interrupted Lucius. He was on a role! I know you are worried about your boyfriend Harvey being dead with plants bursting from his body but let's look at priorities here. Harvey has decent sized plot armor and Foxy probably won't get much screen time in this episode, let him finish a sentence.       
"Too late" "No, we're not" He knows him so well. He just looks dead. It's how he sleeps. 
Speaking of which, look at how sprawled he is on that couch....when there is a bed inches away from him. Like, honestly, I know he is probably hung over/drunk but that's not a bad way to sleep. 
Harvey: *sees a squad of police that burst into the apartment* *thinks about what is most important* "Hey, someone's paying for that door!" 
"You can't put this on me!" "I'm not putting it on you!" Oh, grade A bickering right there... 
I guess you aren't a real villain until you end up on TV. How do the villains end up with this kind of connection? 
"...once I find my pants" At least you noticed before you started walking down the street. That's progress. 
The Narrows stealth squad is on the case!
"A complete set of encyclopedias...minus the T" *silence* "plus twenty bucks"  *cheers and runs out* 
Lol Ed. Yeah, don't blame them. Let's face it though, the main reason they weren't excited was because the T was gone. If it isn't complete, what is the point? 
I have so many thoughts from this short scene. 
First...what happened to the T? Was it stolen? Who stole it? Why did they want it?  
Second... Pretty certain the reason he chose encyclopedias was because that is what HE loved and wanted as a kid. That was little Eddie's dream right there. Ugh give us more on Ed’s childhood already!
Third... Ed does well with kids! I want an Ed/Martin scene. I want him to give him encyclopedias, teach him riddles, play video games together, etc. as Oswald wears matching outfits with Martin and teaches Martin how to murder. Give it to me, Gotham!
"You couldn't even stop her from hypnotizing your own cops" fair point. Selina would have better luck. 
Yes! I am so happy to see Selina say she is her friend. I love when the show focuses on these relationships and does not forget them.
Should have noticed something was fishy when Harvey actually did call, saying he got a lead. You know he would try to do this on his own.
Hit him Jim! Hit him like you did Lucius! ...Does Harvey have any hidden fighting/defense skills that we know nothing about too? 
"Cognitive impairment. Definite check. Though, to be fair, how would you know?" The super extra hand gestures are always a delight. 
Scenes like these make me laugh more than it should. It's like Ed doesn't need anyone else to make fun of him or insult his intelligence. He already has this covered....actually... this is also quite sad. As it is basically him belittling and making fun of himself...wow, I just totally ruined the moment for myself. 
"The only way to get rid of me is to kill yourself" Oh no...no...I thought this might come up as a possibility but I just assumed the show wouldn't go down this way. Such angst...I mean, I like the angst and it makes sense but...it is so real. 
I am kind of surprised that the "you shot my father" revenge decided to come into play now and not sooner. I guess she is more powerful and ruthless now but she had somewhat perfume power last season. 
"I'm sure whatever happened was your fault" Well, she isn't wrong.   
"So technically, your ex has been sleeping with your dead husband's mafia sister" lol well, when you put it like that, Ed... And this is what people who are not watching the show are missing. 
Imagine if Ed actually did tell Lee what has been happening, his issues and all. Would it make things better? Worse? He should really talk to someone about his problems before going suicidal.
I never noticed how great Harvey's hair was...he wears the hat so much that I forget he has hair under there, let alone how long it is.
"I've only got myself to blame" ...okay, Jim. This is the part where you say, "No, don't blame yourself. I screwed up too." Harvey did make some bad choices but you shouldn't let him take ALL the blame, even if you think it is true.  
"He's been everything to me...a teacher, a protector, he's been a father to me" That’s pretty ambiguous. Who are you talking about? Alfred? Jim? Your pet bird? I mean, he said he hoped he would give him another chance but didn't actually name names...
Crowd: "Yeah...but what about the foundation? What does this man taking care of you have to do with money? Where did the money go?"
 Come on, Bruce! Don't give up so easily. You are supposed to be more stubborn than this. 
This got dark fast. I know he won't kill himself but man...
He's going to try to get him to go to arkham so he can meet Ozzie, isn't he?  
Those flowers are rather lovely...although, I would prefer ones that didn't cause mass murder as they grow within the bodies of those that breath them, thanks. 
Yeah, you get them, Bruce! "This is who you are." Yes, thank you Alfred. Embrace it, Bruce. Embrace it! Honestly, it wasn’t that long ago when Alfred told him not to do stuff like this. Time really flies. 
Geez Jim, why can’t you be more careful when you shoot guns. 
If only he knew who he was chasing. Maybe he would use his time so much better if he was looking for Ivy instead. 
Get used to the disappearing, Jim.
It seems Bruce isn't the only one that will wait and creep in the darkness to get a drop on you. 
"Well, Selina Kyle turns out to be the hero" "I'm no hero" Maybe not but you are not as bad when compared to most criminals in the city. 
"I wasn't running. I was getting this. "  Thinking with her smarts there.
Selina, you are doing great. This is the stuff I love to see. 
Well, at least she got through to her enough to not murder her or turn her into a human plant incubator. Progress. 
Imagine if Ed was there with Lee. Wonder if they would have tried to shoot him dead too... 
What is with Gotham and their hand fetish?
You know, I have seen hands get cut off and stabbed every which way in this show but the hammer...the hammer is the one that gave me sympathy pains and had me cringing. Poor Lee, it sounded painful. 
Oh, Sofia, you are going to wish you didn't do that. You would have been better off if you had Lee as an ally. 
"Arkham doesn't get many volunteers" Can't imagine why. 
"You do know who I am, right?" It's like a famous person trying to get into a party. Except, I don't think this is a party Ed would want to get into. 
Wow, Oswald with his tears of happiness. He looks so proud and excited that his love letter was answered. 
Why does Oswald look totally insane in this scene? How long ago did he send the letter? I mean, he was miserable but he wasn’t quite like this.
Oswald: *is all excited, proud, and emotional* “He read my letter!”  This seems like the same reaction someone would have if a famous person liked or responded to their tweet/email/fanart. 
“I’m not talking to you Ed” Dang, first Ed was the third wheel in 4x12 with Lee/Jim and now here he is again with Oswald/Riddler. 
"I'm talking to him..." wait...so he knew about the riddler being...okay, I admit, I did not see this coming. At all. 
Ed looking back like, "You can see him too?" Honestly, he seems like he assumed Oswald knew nothing about what was going on so I can see why he might think that. Imagine how weird would it be if Oswald could see him. Like, it is not plausible but it would blow fans minds. 
"I see the other you" Hmm...just last episode you said I know you and now this. I feel like this needs to be added to an analysis somewhere.
The way Oswald lets go... he's trying not to be too rough. He has made similar movements with Ed before.
Earned it? Through what? Solving your clues and willing to break you out? Even when Oswald has to say the name he still has to be this way, giving an excuse like that. 
I really want to know how much Oswald actually understands. I don’t think he realizes how serious this is for Ed but it is all very unclear on what he does know. Great...this is going to bother me for at least a week now. 
"Please....don't...." Well, this makes me sad. I don't know how to feel about this. I hate seeing ed like this. 
"I need you....” *whispers* "riddler" Wow, okay. Thanks for this. That was more tender and sexual than intended. 
The Riddler needed to be Oswald-approved with his kink before he could show up.
Then caressing his hand against his cheek...totally a normal thing to do with an ex-best friend and co-conspirator. This scene is confusing my emotions. 
Ooh those laughs. They look so happy. The Riddler is coming! ...and with the Penguin! Nygmobbleplot begins. 
This Alfred and Bruce scene is so touching.  
"I'm home" yes, you are <3 Let's face it, the mansion is better than any place you were living any way. Cheaper, better food, more space, less getting framed for murder... 
You better specify when you knew that she hired the Pyg, Jim. Don't want him to think you knew too early. 
You decided to take her down now? It really should have been when you found out that she murdered her father but better late than never I guess. 
I am curious how long Sofia will last. Granted, she has quite a few people on her side...but she also has many enemies. I can't see it ending well. Better book a vacation and get out while you still can, girl.  
Over all: I enjoyed the episode a lot. It did bring some confusion on the Ed situation but I enjoyed it nonetheless. It is just kind of sad that it seems Ed/Riddler still is not “whole” yet. That being said, I need to see more before I make too many assumptions. I am interested in where it goes and excited to see what happen next. I am also happy to see Bruce changing his ways once again and seeing reunions all around. This should be fun now that everyone is back together again. Bruce and Alfred make up, Bruce accepts that he ready to save people again. Ivy and Selina have a confrontation where Selina tries to appeal to her friend, Ivy still flees. Harvey and Jim make up, plan to take down Sofia as Jim shares the truth with Harvey. Sofia crushes Lee’s hand that sends her to the hospital, essentially takes the Narrows more under her control. Ed deals with his riddler issues and ends up visiting arkham. The riddler has returned, teams up with Penguin, and is going to break him out of arkham.   
Previous review: 4x13   Next: 4x15
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zillanewt · 7 years
What’s In Your Head?
Chapter One // Chapter Two // Chapter Three // Chapter Four
summary: So, the year is 1999. Eddie is 23 years old, telepathic, and lives with his childhood best friend, Bill, in Portland, Maine. He meets a young musician with a knack for speed named Richie at a bar. Based off @trashmouthloser‘s mutant!loser club headcanons!!
pairing: reddie
words: 1.9K
warnings: mentions of child neglect
A/N: I literally woke up at 3:30 in the morning and thought “wow I’m gay and I need to write something gay.” So, this chapter is literally full of 3 am feelings. Once again, thank you to everyone who read, liked, and reblogged! It makes me so happy when y’all enjoy my stuff. Please message me if you would like to be added to the taglist!
Officially, they were not dating...yet. After the house party, Richie had begun to invite Eddie to hang out more often, but none of it was ever an official date. Sure, they had spent plenty of time together, either in their apartments or cruising around in Richie’s 1987 El Camino and listening to mixtapes together.
Although, most of the time, Eddie was distracted by Richie repeatedly thinking, “the front is like a car, and the back is like a truck. The front is where you drive, and the back is where you fuck.” It was, if only slightly annoying, kinda endearing.
Much to Eddie’s satisfaction, Richie was so comfortable around him that he let Eddie freely read his thoughts whenever he wanted to. Not even Bill placed that level of trust in him, as he always maintained Eddie must ask first. So, during a majority of their time together, Eddie would try and hone it on Richie’s thoughts.
It was slightly difficult though, due to Richie’s nature.
Not only was Richie such a high energy person with the speed of the Energizer bunny, his thoughts seemed to follow the same pattern. It was often whenever Eddie even tried to read his thoughts, he’d be thinking at five hundred words a minute - and none of those words followed a logical pattern. To be honest, he appreciates the symbol of trust, but he doesn’t really listen to Richie’s thoughts casually because he can’t keep up.
Furthermore, ever since he has known the man, Richie has done nothing but praise and encourage his abilities, which Eddie definitely wasn’t used to. As a telepathic, he was used to be the problem solver for everyone else, but nobody could really quell his insecurities until now. So, their relationship works in a symbiotic nature. Eddie comforts and advises Richie whenever he’s upset, and Richie assures Eddie he isn’t useless and freakish.
So, no, they hadn’t been on an official date, despite their friend's desires for them to just get it over with, but Eddie was plenty satisfied with what they had between them. Unlike Eddie’s previous relationships, he didn’t feel as if he needed to make either of them put on a button up shirt and nice slacks, go to an Italian restaurant where the waiter is a dick, and then get handsy at the end of the night to have a meaningful relationship.
But that wasn’t to say, the two of them weren’t handsy anyways. They just preferred to get frisky in jeans and t-shirts instead.
Eddie loved his relationship to Richie and how free he felt around him, so he wasn’t particularly in hurry to slap a label on it.
One night, they were eating at McDonald’s at two in the morning, but Richie was uncharacteristically quiet. So much so that it was disheartening to Eddie. He definitely didn’t like a quiet Richie, because that meant he was wandering around in murky territory.
“You’ve barely touched your burger,” Eddie points out, trying to ignore the way Richie stares blankly at his extra large Coke (“As if you need more sugar,” Eddie once teased).
Richie glanced up at Eddie and forced a painfully fake smile, fiddling with the zipper on his jacket. Eddie could see so much hurt in his eyes, and it pained him. He just wanted to read the other’s thoughts, so he could fix the problem, but a voice from childhood was screaming at him in his head.
Maybe, this was too personal for Eddie to know. They’ve only known each other for a couple months, and Eddie was internally screaming at himself not to intrude.
“I’m just not that hungry,” Richie replied quietly, still displaying a faux smile which was still giving Eddie chest pains.
“You’re never this quiet,” Eddie says even quieter as if he’s afraid Richie is going to shout at him to mind his own business at any moment. Though he knows in his heart Richie would never do that. Richie refuses to lose his temper and yell at Eddie, even when he’s ready to burst from anger.
He doesn’t reply.
Nothing is said further on the subject until they get in Richie’s car and hit the highway, speeding down at 90 miles per hour because nobody is on.
“Do you think I’m annoying?” Richie whispers, almost hoping Eddie doesn’t catch it.
And Eddie almost doesn’t, as it was so quiet it was practically drowned out by Eddie’s childhood jams mixtape.
Despite knowing better, Eddie glanced over and saw tears forming in Richie’s eyes. He felt a sharp pain in his chest, causing tears to well up in his eyes too. In an instant, he wanted to find whoever even implied Richie was a nuisance and tell them off.
Eddie grabbed at Richie’s hand which was resting on the gear shift and intertwined their fingers. When Eddie finally spoke, Richie paid close attention to his face out of the corner of his eye.
“I mean,” Eddie started, “you constantly tick me off and give me headaches, but I wouldn’t ever trade you for someone else. And anyone who says you’re annoying has to answer to me because only I get to bully you.”
There was a gentle smile plastered on Eddie’s face as he said all of it, and it made Richie’s heart beat ten times faster. He couldn’t believe someone so beautiful and considerate could even give two shits about him. For reassurance, he squeezed Eddie’s hand, and the other man squeezed back in kind.
He thinks this specific moment was the one he officially fell for Eddie, and they weren’t even dating yet.
When they arrived at Eddie’s apartment, Richie realized he didn’t want to be alone tonight. Surprisingly, he didn’t even want into Eddie’s pants. He just wanted to hold Eddie close to him as the smaller man slept and his mind raced. He wanted to feel the soft skin of Eddie’s waist as his shirt rode up and to intertwine their legs.
He wanted Eddie so bad.
“Can I stay with you, tonight?” he asked in a choked whisper, ready to mentally kick himself when Eddie inevitably rejected him.
The rejection never came, though.
Eddie only nodded gently and solemnly, getting out of the car. Richie instantly followed suit and rushed to where Eddie was standing on the doorstep. He hugged the other man from behind and held on tightly as Eddie sort through his keys, burying his nose into the crook of Eddie’s neck and smelling the sweet scent of peaches. Richie secretly knew Eddie used women’s perfume, but he never said anything about it due to Eddie’s sensitivity about his masculinity.
When Eddie finally got the door unlocked, Richie had to restrain himself from bolting in and up the stairs. Instead, he followed Eddie at a timid pace, trying to keep as quiet as possible so as not to wake the other tenants and Bill.
Richie wanted to scream for joy when they got to Eddie’s apartment and, eventually, his bedroom.
He’s been in Eddie’s room before, but never this late at night. They hadn’t gone all the way yet, because, again, they were taking things slow. Everything felt so much more serene when it was drowned out in the moonlight and streetlights.
As one would expect Eddie’s room looked like that of an adult with one exception. Eddie had posters of Culture Club and Billy Idol hung up, and Richie found his nostalgic fondness for the ‘80s to be entirely endearing. Whenever Richie teased him about his love for Boy George, Eddie always replied “I was a gay kid in the ‘80s. Who else am I supposed to be obsessed with?”
“I don’t have anything for you to wear,” Eddie stated, snapping him out of his thoughts, “because none of it would fit, you giant.”
“You know what else is giant, Eddie Spaghetti?” Richie teased. “My wang.”
“God, shut up,” Eddie huffed, rolling his eyes playfully. “I should’ve left you at McDonald’s.”
Richie stripped down to his boxers, feeling comfortable enough to sleep almost naked with Eddie. As he struggled to get out of his tight jeans, he remarked, “then who would tell you what a pretty boy you are?”
Much to Richie’s satisfaction, Eddie blushed wildly like a schoolboy. “Just get into bed,” Eddie snapped with no real bite.
“I love it when you order me around,” Richie drawled, complying with the request. Eddie just audibly groaned in response.
For a moment, Eddie left the room to go to the bathroom and brush his teeth. When he came back, he was dressed in large Beatles shirt (that Richie recognized as his) and boxers. He got underneath the covers, then turned to face Richie.
“Hey,” he whispered, “do you want to talk about earlier?”
“Not really,” the other immediately responded.
There was a moment of silence as Eddie worried his bottom lip between his teeth.
“Can I read your mind, instead?” Eddie asked hopefully.
Richie considered it for a moment, knowing it would be easier than actually explaining the problem to Eddie. Soon, he relented.
“Ok,” Eddie started, “so I’m going to do something I haven’t really done since high school, so don’t freak out if I start having tremors.”
Before Richie could ask what the fuck that meant, Eddie put his fingers on both of Richie’s temples, closing his eyes in concentration.
Richie’s mind was running so quickly it was hard to focus on the specific problem. But, all of his thoughts seemed to be about his parents, who Richie never discussed voluntarily.
Eddie could see memories of Mr. Tozier calling Richie dumb and a failure, and then Mrs. Tozier wishing she simply had another child instead of Richie entirely. It irked Eddie to no end that the other’s parents would treat him this way when Richie wasn’t even that bad of a guy.
Sure, he cursed like a sailor and always said inappropriate things at inappropriate times. And sure, Richie was a notorious chain-smoker, much to Eddie’s dismay. But none of those things warrant this kind of treatment. Richie deserved to be loved like every other child, and Eddie hates Richie’s parents for taking that away from him.
Finally, Eddie found the specific problem. Richie’s parents hadn’t invited him home for Thanksgiving this year, which must’ve led Richie to believe they did it because they thought he was annoying.
Truthfully, they did it because they’re shitty parents, but that’s neither here nor there.
“Rich, honey,” Eddie cooed, “you don’t need your parents. Why should you care what they think of you? You’re an awesome and talented musician. You’ve got plenty of friends who would literally bend over backward for you. And, you’ve got a cute boyfriend who thinks you’re one of the coolest people he’s ever met. Honestly, I wouldn’t want you to spend Thanksgiving with them anyway. You belong here with us in Portland.”
Richie felt like he was about to cry, but he didn’t know how he could possibly respond to that. Instead, he just pulled Eddie as close as possible, holding him tightly. Eddie relaxed in his grip and placed a chaste kiss on his jawline.
After a moment of silence, Richie finally replied.
“Wow. I can’t believe you called me your boyfriend. You must really like me, Kaspbrak.”
But nothing was said to refute the fact.
“Shut up, trashmouth,” Eddie said, rolling over so they could spoon. “You know I do. Now go to sleep already.”
Something swelled in Richie’s chest, as he pulled Eddie to his chest and buried his nose in the crook of his neck again.
For once in his life, he felt lucky.
@asteroidbill, @ttrxshmouth, @lukemybieber, @neutral-gal, @lolrichie, @omgboiledcabbages
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Azumaya Sakurai (ENG)
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LIFE IS a constant battle between Sakurai and God. Ever since he was born, nothing good served on his plate. On Monday, it would be pain; on Tuesday, it would be despair; on Wednesday, it would be violence; on Thursday, it would be regret; on Friday, it became milder, shame; on Saturday and Sunday, Lord gave him a little bit mercy and fun with lust. 
Had Sakurai plead for more mercies, God might send him a packet of blessing every day. But no one ever taught the man how to kneel down or to slosh in tears, asking for forgiveness and hoping the heaven belonged to him. But for once, he saw and heard his parents shouting: “God! Oh, God! Forgive me. God!” while raising a kitchen knife. Later, they thrusting at each other with it, still calling out for anybody’s God.
When the shouting stopped and the red river claimed the lifeless builds, Sakurai crawled on top of them. His dark hair which inherited from his mother and his sharp strong-willed eyes gifted by his father, shaped him like a vulture in a huntㅡready to devour the corpse before flies and maggots joined the feast.
For days, he sucked on his mother’s stiff nipples, but no milk calmed his hunger; all left was dried blood and maggots eddying around him. They nudged his weakened cheek and hand several times as if inviting the boy to play. But he was too hungry to move and his mother’s warmth had gone, so he did what a three years old would do: crying. And when the vocal cords couldn’t support another weep, he fell asleep.
Days passed, Sakurai was saved. He didn’t know who and when, but what he faced once he woke up was a woman dressed in white, carrying him while feeding something unfamiliar. A year later, he learned that he fed from a cow and he loved it. He loved it more than his mother’s which he couldn’t recall the taste anymore. 
Everything became blurred to him. How his parents look like? What nickname did they give him? What was the title of his favorite bedtime story? All those memories dead along with his parents.
Fighting over flower scented blanket or new donated toys was the usual activity. Some kids would use their fist and the others would cry. The strongest got the blanket and the toys while the weak ones bawled together in the corner of the room. Sakurai believed they shouldn’t cry because later, once someone took them away, they would have their own toys and bedroom. Just like Nanao who left with an uncle who had big belly, she sent some pictures where she went to the Disneyland and stuffed her pink bedroom with dolls from there. 
Soon, Sakurai figured that not every child who left the orphanage could have a beautiful life like Nanao. He remembered he held hands with his fellow orphans, dressed in all black, following the caretakers who cried while hugging a photo of a kid named Genta. They said Genta was beaten and starved until he passed. The police arrested his adopted parents and threw them into jail. 
After Genta’s death, everyone became murky. None of them excited whenever they were told to line up or to hear: “The parents are here!”. Sakurai saw them and himself like the goods being sold in the market. And it was just his luck that a woman dressed in kimono took interest in him. She said he looked handsome and not so Japanese; that his records showed he behaved well.
For a week, Sakurai who lived for only six years on earth, felt nervous. Would he end up like Genta? But did he have anything to lose? He didn’t even know how the future would like.
So he left with Makoto, the woman’s name. She took him to Gion, Kyoto, where she worked as a geisha in her early twenties. Now she in her middle thirties, no one interested being entertained by her. And with her charming mind, Makoto opened a restaurant which serving her hometown delicacies to tourists and the tea houses’ visitors. 
Sakurai didn’t end up like Genta and didn’t end up like Nanao. He ended up as Azumaya Sakurai, the adopted son of Nakamura Makoto. Every morning he helped his mother to clean the restaurant and went to school with his friends from the same neighborhood. He grew up bright and playful. Everyone loved him, but some couldn’t help to tease him for being parentless and for being adopted by Makoto.
One afternoon, Sakurai got home with cuts and bruises. Makoto asked him if he were falling or fought someone. And the answer was the latter. “I defeated them,” he said. “Then, I’ll make sure to visit your school tomorrow,” she said.
After Makoto patched his wounds, Sakurai asked her if she didn’t want to know the reason of his fight. And with a motherly smile, she said, “I know the fight is for me. Thank you, Saku-kun. If I were born as a real woman, you wouldn’t need to through this embarrassment.”
And Sakurai yelled in rage: “What was the purpose of the sentence?” For him who left by his parents and knew nothing about how warm a mother’s love could be, Makoto was the most beautiful mother in the universe. Even when she turned into ashes.
Sakurai forgot how to count. He forgot how to count the times he had cried over Makoto’s full name on a tiny jar. It was unreal how he could feel a great sadness in his heart.
The aching, the yearning, and the emptiness he experienced, every single of it were for Makoto; for his mother. That day, Sakurai had his first conversation with God to condemn Him. My mother would still alive if You didn’t allow those drunkard yakuzas came in. I hate You! 
An eleven years old boy who grew up with manner didn’t know how to cuss properly. Even when a stranger held him in his arms, Sakurai got nothing to say but to ask: “Who are you?”
His dark long silky hair swayed beautifully as he walked. And his droopy but keen eyes stared at him tenderly, just like Makoto’s. “I’m Makoto’s little brother. So, you are my responsibility now. But because Makoto didn’t have a good relation with our family, you should work harder than everyone else to gain the Oyabun’s favor.”
“I’m sorry, but who is Oyabun?”
Nobody said anything. Not even the men in the front row of the car, they were as quite as the dead. But once the car stopped and a grand gate appeared behind the tinted window, the man opened his mouth: “The Head of Sui-kai, my father.”
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General Information
Name: Azumaya Sakurai (東屋櫻井)
CV: Howl
Place and Date of Birth: Tokyo, September 13 1991
Gender: Male
Height and Weight: 188 cm and 87 kg
Blood Type: A
Education: Bachelor of Science Communication University W
Job: Yakuza mentor to Hanase, Vice President of Celestial Entertainment, (former) kindergarten teacher
Outfit: Simple modern black suit, tracksuits, and hoodie
Pants: Anything that's comfortable
Shoes: Classic shoes (Oxford/Chelsea), sneakers
Tattoo: Irezumi style (on the back)
Accessories: Watches, earrings, and a belt
Perfume: Gentleman by Givenchy
Weapons: Daggers, swords, knives, and fists
Favorite Food: Anything
Favorite Drinks: Whiskey, tea
Favorite Cigarette: Camel Wide
Group: Murakami-gumi, Sui-kai (former)
Pets: Kyosuke, Hanase, Otsuka, You.
MBTI: INFP Alignment: Lawful Evil/Good Keywords: Analytical, intelligent, reserved, critical, helpful, conscientious
Usually, Sakurai is a good-hearted man. He is sensitive to his surroundings and tend to help his peers in need. Generally, he is respectable, hard-working, and bright in knowledge and practical matters. Everyone will search for him when they need advices.
Sakurai doesn’t enjoy spotlight. He prefers standing in the background as long as he is appreciated for doing things well. He may brush off people’s compliment harshly which leads to uncomfortable situation, but honestly, he’s just shy.
Not everyone knows that Sakurai is honestly a playful and has mischievous sense of humor. He’s a bright person who enjoys life and freedom; he loves to travel the world and meeting new people, creating many lovely memories.
Sakurai doesn’t like to hold back due to his temperamental nature. He’ll dealing with his problems right away so he can get on with other things. He secretly enjoys trouble and confrontations, stagnant life isn’t for him. And some people can’t hate him deeply because of his childlike innocence. 
Even so, Sakurai used to live as a soldier; the knight in fairytale stories. He lives listening to the Lord’s command, not the one in command. He’ll submit and do the tasks bestowed upon him, bringing the victory for his Lord. 
He is chained by the destiny. He is forced to do what his heart refused to do. All the blood, the suffering, the dying souls in the battlefield, he must weight them on his shoulders for years to come; eating up the little light inside him.
How to trigger him? Anyone who breaks the rules and creates a chaos will not live peacefully until they pay for their actions. Sakurai doesn’t get along with people who have bad manners and direct or abrasive expression of feelings. Not only they’ll keep fighting, but Sakurai has tendency to give in (avoiding conflict) and let the person always bullies him.
Physical Statistics
STRENGTH (2,205lb/1,000kg)
stamina: 100%
endurance: 100%
vitality: 100%
recovery: 85%
resistance: 90%
fortitude: 100%
resilience: 85%
agility: 90%
accuracy: 97%
Mental Statistics
presence: 100%
charm: 100%
social skills: 100%
awareness: 100%
interrogation (4/5)
firearms (3/5)
hand-to-hand combat (5/5)
intimidation (5/5)
manipulation (3/5)
skilled acrobat (4/5)
multilingual (English, Korean, Japanese) (4/5)
technology (4/5)
He has affectionate nature.
He has more networking with older people than younger ones.
Stamina King.
Twitching his eyebrows and gripping his buckle when he’s mad or irritated.
Changing his home or office interior regularly.
Controlling his sensitive side with working out and cleaning home (loves domestic works).
Discount Maniac, he knows when the supermarket will have great deals.
Contributed to society as a health instructor for the senior citizens. 
Yes to extreme sports, not much scared of anything; even the dark side of human nature.
Love music and art, Makoto taught him.
Can’t sleep alone, he collects bear dolls to accompany him or sleeping with someone instead.
Cover Up Tattoo
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virgil-at-hot-topic · 4 years
Ed: Lights up on Washington Heights, up at the break of day I wake up and I got this little punk I gotta chase away Pop the grate at the crack of dawn Sing while I wipe down the awning Hey y’all, good morning Piragua guy, spoken: Ice cold piragua! Parcha. China. Cherry. Strawberry. And just for today, I got mamey! Ed, spoken: Oye, piragüero, como estas? Piragua guy, spoken: Como siempre, Señor Eddie.​ Ed: I am Eddie and you prob’ly never heard my name Reports of my fame are greatly exaggerated Exacerbated by the fact that my syntax Is highly complicated 'cause I immigrated From the single greatest little place in the Caribbean: Dominican Republic! I love it! Jesus, I’m jealous of it, and beyond that Ever since my folks passed on, I haven’t gone back Goddamn, I gotta get on that... Fo! The milk has gone bad, hold up just a second Why is everything in this fridge warm and tepid? I better step it up and fight the heat 'Cause I’m not makin' any profit if the coffee isn’t light and sweet! Ed: Abuela, my fridge broke. I got café but no "con leche." Abuela Claudia spoken: Try my mother’s old recipe: one can of condensed milk. Ed: Nice.​ (Sung) That was Abuela, she’s not really my “abuela,” But she practically raised me, this corner is her escuela Now, you’re prob’ly thinkin: "I’m up shit’s creek! I've never been north of Ninety-Sixth Street!” Well, you must take the A Train Even farther than Harlem to northern Manhattan and maintain Get off at 181st, and take the escalator I hope you’re writing this down, I’m gonna test ya later I’m getting tested; times are tough on this bodega Two months ago somebody bought Ortega’s Our neighbors started packin’ up and pickin’ up And ever since the rents went up It’s gotten mad expensive, but we live with just enough                   Ensemble: In the heights I flip the lights and start my day There are fights Women: And endless debts Men: And bills to pay Ensemble: In the Heights I can’t survive without café Ed: I serve café Ensemble: 'Cause tonight seems like a million years away! En Washington— Ed: Next up to bat, the Princes They run the cab company,​ they struggle in the barrio See, their son Flinn’s off at college, tuition is mad steep So they can’t sleep; everything they get is mad cheap!           Roman: Good morning, Eddie! Ed: Pan caliente, café con leche! Roman: Put twenty dollars on today’s lottery Dee: One ticket, that’s it! Roman: Hey! A man’s gotta dream... Dee: Don’t mind him, he’s all excited ‘Cause Flinn flew in at 3 A.M. last night! Roman: Don’t look at me, this one’s been cooking all week! Dee: Eddie, come over for dinner Roman and Dee: There’s plenty to eat! Dami: So then Steven Picani walks in the room— Lu: Aha… Dami: He smells sex and cheap perfume! Lu: Uh oh… Dami: It smells like one of those trees That you hang from the rear view! Lu: Ah, no! Dami: It’s true! He screams, “Who’s in there with you, Alastair!?” Grabs a bat and kicks in the door He’s in bed with Edward from the liquor store! Lu and Ed: No me diga! Ed: Dami and Lu, from the salon.​ Dami and Lu: Thanks, Eddie! Ed: Xavier, you’re late.​ Xavier: Chillax, you know you love me.​ Ed: Me and my brother run it Just another dime-a-dozen mom-and-pop stop-and-shop And, oh my god, it’s gotten too darn hot Like my man Cole Porter said People come through for a few cold waters and A lottery ticket, just a part of the routine Everybody’s got a job, everybody’s got a dream They gossip, as I sip my coffee and smirk The first stop as people hop to work Bust it— I’m like: "One dollar, two dollars, one fifty, one sixty-nine.​ I got it. You want a box of condoms? What kind? That’s two quarters.​ Two quarter waters The New York Times.​ You need a bag for that? The tax is added.​" Once you get some practice at it You do rapid mathematics automatically Sellin’ maxi-pads, fuzzy dice for taxicabs and practically Everybody’s stressed, yes! But they press through the mess Bounce checks and wonder what’s next Ensemble: In the heights I buy my coffee and I go Set my sights On only what I need to know In the heights Money is tight But even so In the heights I buy my coffee and— Set my sights What I need to know In the heights Money is tight Even so When the lights go down I blast my radio! Victor: You ain’t got no skills! Ed: Vikki! Victor: Yo, lemme get a— Ed: Milky Way Victor: Yeah, lemme also get a— Ed: Daily News— Victor: And a— Ed: Post— Victor: And most important, my— Ed: Boss’ second coffee, one cream— Both: Five sugars Victor: I’m the number one earner— Ed and Xavier: What?! Victor: The fastest learner— Ed and Xavier: What?! Victor: My boss can’t keep me on the damn back burner! Ed: Yes, he can Victor: I’m makin’ moves, I’m makin’ deals, but guess what? Ed: What? Victor and Xavier: You still ain’t got no skills! Ed: Hardee-har Victor: Yo, Delia show up yet? Ed: Shut up! Victor: Hey little homie, don’t get so upset Ed: Man... Victor: Tell Delia how you feel, buy the girl a meal On the real, or you ain’t got no skills De, speaking on the phone: Nooo! No no nooo! No no nooo, no-no-no! Nooo, no-no-no! No-no-no-no-no-no-no-no, no-no-no-no-no! Mr. Johnson, I got the security deposit It’s locked in a box in the bottom of my closet It’s not reflected in my bank statement But I’ve been savin’ to make a down payment and pay rent No, no, I won’t let you down— Victor: Yo, here’s your chance; ask her out right now! De: I’ll see you later, we can look at that lease! Victor: Do somethin’, make your move, don’t freeze! Ed: Hey! De: You owe me a bottle of cold champagne! Ed: Are you moving? De: Just a little credit check and I’m on that downtown train! Ed: Well, your coffee’s on the house De: Okay Victor: Eddie, ask her out Xavier: No way! De: I’ll see you later, so… Victor: Oooh... Smooth operator, aw, damn, there she goes! Yo, bro, take five, take a walk outside! You look exhausted, lost, don’t let life slide! The whole hood is struggling, times are tight And you’re stuck to this corner like a streetlight! Ed: Yeah, I’m a streetlight, chokin' on the heat The world spins around while I’m frozen to my seat The people that I know all keep on rollin' down the street But every day is different so I’m switchin’ up the beat 'Cuz my parents came with nothing, they got a little more And sure, we’re poor, but yo, at least we got the store And it’s all about the legacy they left with me, it’s destiny And one day I’ll be on a beach with Victor writing checks to me Ensemble: In the Heights, I hang my flag up on display Ed: We came to work and to live and we got a lot in common Ensemble: It reminds me that I came from miles away Ed: D.R., P.R., we are not stoppin’ Ensemble: In the Heights Ooh Ooh Ooh In the Heights I’ve got today! Ed: Until the day we go from poverty to stock options And today’s all we got, so we cannot stop This is our block! Ensemble: In the Heights I hang my flag up on display It reminds me that I came from miles away My family came from miles away— In the Heights It gets more expensive every day Every day And tonight is so far away— Ed: But as for mañana, mi pana Ya gotta just keep watchin’ You’ll see the ​late nights You’ll taste ​beans and rice The syrups and ​shaved ice I ain’t gonna ​say it twice Ensemble: So turn up the stage lights We’re takin’ a flight To a couple of days ​in the life of what it’s like En Washington Heights!
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