#Does it ever stop
screaming--agony · 1 year
Dear Diary,
It’s the same shit on a deeper level on a different day.
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vespertinefantasy · 19 days
I wish I could enjoy his company without fear. I wish I could fully enjoy our dates without anxiety. I wish I could wait for his texts peacefully without thinking that he won't answer. I wish I could just be in the moment without being afraid of the possible futures.
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chronicallyuniconic · 10 months
I've never been able to trust a medical professional.
This is not to say there aren't any that are trustworthy.
But personally, I have been unable to find a doctor or nurse who really listened to my physical medical needs, one that wanted to work it out, one that actually tried.
There hasn't been one who said out loud "I can see you are suffering and I am going to try my best to help you/your symptoms" or something like that would be nice(?)
It's not as simple as changing doctors either. There are only 3 around me, 2 are in the same surgery.
One time, not very long ago really, I decided to stop all my meds and free myself from their clutches but I almost died & lost the little I had in my life.
I was forced to go back to their thorny grasp through my dire mental health but that's not really recognised as important amongst your family & peers. It's only your brain after all, if you were seeing things you're "just crazy"
I hope one day to be seen, not just to be looked at like a painting, but to be SEEN, for my symptoms, for my pain, for my illnesses, for my mental health, for me.
Do they even exist?✨
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alttxt · 3 months
i want to die i want to live i want to die i want to live i want to die i want to live i w
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magnusbae · 11 months
To illustrate this post by @mayahawkse I would like to visualize to you the difference:
A post in 2023:
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A post in 2014:
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A zoom out of the same post:
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This is what a community looks like.
See how in 2023 almost all of the reblogs come from the OP, from their few hours/days in the tag search. Meanwhile in 2014 the % of reblogs from OP is insignificant, because most of the reblogs come from the reblogs within the fandom, within the micro-communities formed there. You didn't need to rely on tags, or search, or being featured. Because the community took care of you, made sure to pass the work between themselves and onto their blog and exposed their followers to it. It kept works alive for years.
It's not JUST the reblog/like ratio that causing this issue, it's the type of interaction people have. They're content with scrolling and liking the search engine, instead of actually having a reblogging relationship with other blogs in their community.
Anyways, if you want to see more content you like, the only true way to make it happen is to reblog it. Likes do not forward content in no way but making OP feel nice. Reblogs on the other hand make content eternal. They make it relevant, they make it exist outside of a fickle tumblr search that hardly works on the best of days.
If you want more of something, reblog it.
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notherpuppet · 2 months
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Chaggie moments in rule 63 AU
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leqclerc · 3 months
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Azerbaijan Grand Prix 2018 -> Saudi Arabian Grand Prix 2024
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summerneverendsonmars · 10 months
How did it all go so wrong in 7 months?
People who tell you they care about you but only have their own selfish wants in mind, thats how
Those pictures will always make me sad because it shouldn't have gone that way.
Fuck you, man, how I ever called you a friend is beyond me and I'm embarrassed I let the situation get above my control.
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pissfartboy · 5 months
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Prompt 162
“So,” Danny drawled from where he was sitting, legs kicking slightly. Really, what a fun reincarnation. A world with heroes and villains where he didn’t have to do shit in and could just vibe with Ellie. 
“So,” Tim responded from where he was typing on his computer, mostly in civilian clothes save for his gauntlets and boots. The Red Robin outfit was haphazardly dropped across the couch and his pole leaning against the end. 
“Technically there’s proper procedures for clones…” Danny motioned to both himself and Ellie from where they sat on the counter, snacking on a plateful of scones. From Alfred, he was certain. 
“Technically, yes… but do we want to actually do that?” 
All three of them smiled, something almost feral in the motion. Of course not. They all had the same memories after all, and Bruce had just returned from the past, from exactly where and when Tim had said he was. Despite no one believing him, hence why they were in his boathouse, and not in the apartment or manor. 
“Think we can pull it off?” Ellie took a sip of tea, mischief swirling in her eyes. 
“Of course we can.” Both Danny and Tim spoke at once, one pulling up a new doc and the other pulling the whiteboard out from under a curtain. 
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lesbianshepard · 2 years
me reading a post about non-existent fictional mobsters from a movie that has never existed
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vongulli · 7 months
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Doodles over the past bit!!! Whee!!!
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cowardlykrow · 24 days
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yeah, and who do ya think knocked em out
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lazylittledragon · 6 months
the thing that i love so much about my relationship is that i feel absolutely zero pressure for us to be in eachother's pockets constantly. not just in the way that we like to have our own space sometimes but that i don't feel guilty for getting fixated on a project and not texting him or leaving him on read for a few hours. we have a system where i just say "i'm so sorry, i fell down the Art Hole again" and he says "that's ok, was the art hole fun, can i see what you did in there?". or if i have a feeling i'm going to draw until late at night i'll be like "pre warning, i might be in the art hole this evening" and when i'm done he's texted me goodnight anyway.
tldr: find someone who doesn't get mad at you for crawling into a hole and instead helps you out of the hole and asks what you saw down there
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