#Doctrine of Sin
I am very concerned that much of modern evangelicalism has lost the clear biblical teaching of the Doctrine of Sin. We seem to see the source of sin purely in terms of the devil and the world. We see ourselves as good people who are victims of outside forces. We fail to see that we are born fallen.
Conrad Mbewe
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graceandpeacejoanne · 2 years
Isaiah 24: The Day of the Lord
So, what happens when everything is stripped away?  Either way, all that will be left is the majesty and glory of God. #Isaiah24 #EndoftheWorld #Apocalypse
How close do you feel you are to the Lord right now? Are you as close to God as you would like to be? Do you feel like you would like to be closer to the Lord? There is so much in life that seems to offer fulfillment and a sense of soul satisfaction—relationships, pleasures, career, success, possessions …. But the more you and I invest ourselves in those things, the easier it is to drift away…
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artofkhaos404 · 5 months
We are imperfect beings and God is just.
Therefore, He does not expect perfection out of us: only remorse for our sin and the willingness to get back up when we fail.
Repent and try again.
Remember not to compare your spiritual journey to those around you, either. Like in life, we all mature at different rates and none of us are better than the other.
Whether your sin of habit is as complex an issue as sexual immorality or as difficult to break as habitual lying... all sin is the same in the eyes of God. We each have our own struggle. What is thoughtless for you is a war for me. I may never understand why your battle is your own- hell, you may not comprehend it yourself! But what's amazing is God intimately knows each and every struggle you have and will ever face. Jesus is the gateway to eternal, pure empathy for the corrupted human heart.
He knows it's difficult for you...
He also knows you're trying.
Try again.
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theoryandahalf · 2 months
New family photo just dropped!
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credit: Team Theorist Twitter/X
Honestly, its giving bible study.
Tom: Patron Saint of dead children and sprained thumbs
Lee: Patron Saint of childhood trauma and VCRs
Santi: Patron Saint of chickens and douglas firs
Amy: Patron Saint of D&D dungeon masters and razor burn
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saint-ambrosef · 1 year
young devout Catholics: A lot of laity don't really seem to know or understand a lot of core Church teachings, so it's important that we clearly teach and live it :) boomer hippie Catholics: Wow, so arrogant and unkind. Extremist millennials like you will be the death of the Church. young devout Catholics: ??????????
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miriamforster · 15 days
Had an important theological breakthrough today.
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clementimetodie · 6 months
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soldier-poet-king · 9 months
I will not argue about religion online I will not argue about religion online I will not argue about religion online🤡
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imminent-danger-came · 8 months
I've made it no secret that I'm an ex-mormon, and I have to complain about President Nelson's (the current LDS Prophet) talk from last Sunday. It's so egregious.
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(Side note Joseph Smith went to Liberty Jail because he destroyed a printing press that was trying to publish a story about his polygamy lol)
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(Other side note, part of the mormon law of chasity includes not having gay sex)
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Oh my goddddddd. Oh myyyy GOODDDDDDDDDD. "Never take counsel from those who do not believe." Dude what the fuck are you saying.
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blurrymango · 5 months
Me: "Oh yeah now I'm a pessimist for reals TBH. Everything sucks and it will only get worse. Humanity is evil and the earth would be better off without them."
Also me: "Humanity is full of evil, yes, but also full of good. Look look at people caring for and loving their animals and look at art and music and literature and scientific achievements."
Ffuck man just look at space and realize that the seemingly infinite beauty and wonder is so much more than we could handle. In the grand scheme of things sure humanity doesn't matter but the fact that we exist means we matter. The universe goes on without us but I have a cat and a dog who love me and I like to draw so.
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17yearcicada · 8 months
very funny to me when people forget how little of an issue homosexuality is in canonical christian texts. it's mentioned maybe twice in pretty vague terms. the only reason modern christians talk about it so much is because it's a hot-button political issue atm
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j-esbian · 19 days
wild fucking take i saw and like. i know it’s funny to make fun of catholics bc of historical oppression but i don’t think it’s unreasonable that, if you are an unbaptized person at a catholic religious ceremony, you’re expected to not take communion. you came into their house
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thepopoptic · 2 months
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The "key" to understanding the Bible. A "dispensation" is the "information" relevant for application during a specific period of time. Keeping that "content" in context is the KEY to understanding what God wants you to believe and how you are to behave. Hope this helps.
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maaruin · 2 years
So was Lucy dying in her sleep the preferable option? Van Helsing only said that it mattered to the fate of her soul if she died awake or sleeping, now which one was better for her soul.
Well, here is a half-serious theory on why van Helsing thinks dying in her sleep was better. It is based on two facts kinda established by the story so far:
1. If a person in the process of becoming a vampire dies in their sleep, as a vampire they are in a dreamlike state.
2. Van Helsing is Catholic.
If a vampirized person died sleeping, they are in a dreamlike state as a vampire. They still nom on people, but they aren’t in control of it, it is an involuntary action. Therefore they are not responsible for it in the eyes of God. If they die, they can still go to heaven.
If a vampirized person died awake, they are fully in control as a vampire. But they have this urge to drink blood, and that is a temptation they are unfamiliar with. Very, very likely they will decide to act on it. Which (in van Helsing’s view at least) is a mortal sin. But since vampires are repelled by sacred objects, they cannot enter a church to go to confession. So if you kill them, they die in a state of mortal sin and go to hell.
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theexodvs · 1 year
Before dating someone who claims to be a Christian, you need to know how they respond to all of the following questions.
1. Is Jesus the uncreated God? 2. Are Jesus, God the Father, and the Holy Spirit three coeternal persons? 3. Is Jesus fully divine and fully human? 4. Are all people born in a state of sin, inherited from Adam and Eve due to their transgression? 5. Are believers justified through faith, by the free grace of God? 6. Is the institution of marriage a lifelong covenant between one man and one woman, dissoluble only through death, abandonment, or adultery? 7. Is sexual intercourse a practice strictly for married couples?
All of these questions are either first-order matters of doctrine or would indicate how a dating relationship in particular would end up. In addition, there are questions I would ask about second- and third-order matters (limited atonement, spiritual gifts, infant baptism, etc). What additional questions you would ask would depend on your Biblical hermeneutic and how closely you would want a partner to agree, but I have made the mistake of not gauging previous partners’ doctrine.
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gramarobin · 1 year
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