#Dew it writers
localguy2 · 1 year
Lloyd is one of those characters who rarely ever looks actually intmedating
Like it takes some effort to make him look scary or threatening
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Here, he is literally hissing at someone else
Yes, you read that right, hissing
Yet, he somehow still manages to look goofy or even adorable more than anything
That's honestly impressive
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dewdrops-whammy-bar · 2 months
Dew being insecure and dysphoric about his small bottom growth and Aether proceeding to give him the sloppiest most gender affirming blowjob the world has ever seen
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dietmountaindewlover · 9 months
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ghcstcd · 8 months
I also think about Dew and Copia. All the time. How did they end up together for you?
Before either of them were in the band. When Dewdrop was in Secondo's pack of ghouls that consisted of his lovers. That's when Copia's pining began.
Dewdrop has been in polyamorous relationships since Secondo summoned him. It wasn't exactly that Dewdrop was off limits, but perhaps out of Copia's league. Secondo was rather amused when Dewdrop came back one day to him, wearing a new piece of jewelry that he's not seen before. A gift from Cardinal Copia, Dewdrop tried to tease and play the gesture off. But there was no hiding the fondness in his voice.
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kmomof4 · 3 months
Killian (Indiana) Jones?
Alright, love! After a 5min sprint- with at least the first two of those min spent staring at the doc- I got 2 sentences… and then I got another ask for the same fic from @frankensteins-mt-dew , so I will give you both everything I’ve got on the doc!
The jungle dripped with humidity as the tall man who was undoubtedly the leader pushed through the next tangle of vines and branches on the way to a cave that held the object of his desire.
Two men followed him- one plainly nervous, betrayed by the way his gaze darted around the jungle and the small flinches whenever the cries of animals concealed within the greenery reached them. The other was a native, and when the first man stopped for a moment, mopping his sweat covered brow, he approached with a chuckle.
“Not used to the heat and humidity of Columbia, eh, Dr. Jones? Aren’t you glad you brought me along…” The smug smirk on his face made Dr. Killian Jones roll his eyes in response.
“I’m fine,” he deadpanned, “I can assure you. I’ve been in jungles far worse than this. You just stay close.
Thanks for playing, y’all!
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riptide-kid · 5 months
Domestic December 2023 - Day 30 Sock skating on the floor
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Pairing: Dew x Phantom
Summary: Phantom discovers that the floors of their quarters are perfect for sock skating. Of course he has to show Dew.
Warnings: -
Words: ~ 600
Notes: -
You can also read this on Ao3!
“Dew? DEW!!!” Phantom called from the hallway. It wasn’t the first time he was so excited about something, as he was still getting adjusted to living topside. Of course Dew loved him, but sometimes his easily excitable nature was a bit much, especially when he called for Dew about 47 times a day and the fire ghoul just wanted to have some time by himself.
“DEEEW!!!” Phantom shouted again, right as Dew opened his door.
“Whaaat???” he called back, on the verge of being annoyed, as Phantom slid across the smooth hallway floor in his socks, sliding right into Dew, almost making him topple over.
“Oh. Sorry!!” he grinned widely as they held onto each other tightly, Dew narrowing his eyes at him, but Phantom was just too excited to let this affect him. “Look!!!” he said, removing himself from Dew and putting up one foot, pointing at his socks. Cumulus had gifted each of them a pair of knitted socks for the holidays, and Phantom loved them so much, he hadn’t taken them off since.
“Look!!!” he repeated, taking a run-up and sliding across almost the entire length of the hallway, only wobbling a little and extending his arms to keep some sort of balance.
Dew had to admit, it was almost kind of impressive how far he got. He had almost made it the entire way to the kitchen, all the way down.
Phantom turned around and slid back towards Dew, still grinning. “You have to try it!!”
Dew smiled slightly at his excitement. “I don’t think so bug,” he crossed his arms in front of his chest.
“Come on!! It’s fun!” Phantom pleaded.
Dew sighed. “No, I-“
“Come oooon!” he insisted. “I bet you can’t even get as far as two doors down.”
That last statement made Dew’s ears twitch, and right then, Phantom knew he had him. Dew was nothing if not competitive, and Phantom had learned that he could push him even further to get what he wanted.
“I bet you can’t even get ONE door down!!!”
Dew was already stomping off into his room, getting the socks he had gotten from Cumulus as well, and put them on.
“I BET I can get all the way down to the end of the hallway, on my first try!” he boasted.
Phantom sat down on the floor, crossing his legs and grinning up at the other ghoul. “Then show me!”
Dew started running and slid all across the floor. This wasn’t as easy as he had anticipated, he struggled to keep his balance, and soon noticed that he had taken on way too much speed. He had totally miscalculated how slippery the floor was in these socks. He’d definitely crash into the wall when-
Rain had just made himself a cup of green tea, like every afternoon. Especially during the colder months, he basically lived off that stuff and he had finally got himself out of the warmth of his room to make one. He was just getting out of the kitchen, steaming mug in his hand.
In the last second, Dew managed to turn away, sliding right into the wall and falling flat down, all but hitting his head on the floor.
“What the hell, Dew?” Rain looked down at him, taking a sip of his tea. “I almost dropped my cup!”
They both looked back to the other side of the hallway, where Phantom was laughing hysterically.
Dew shouted back at him, “SHUT UP!!!”
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Aether''Smiles" Oh He's Adorable.
Dewdrop ''Constantly Apologizes, isolates, Deny Compliments, etc''
Aether: Oh He's Traumatized.
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milo-the-crotonian · 6 months
Who's the Lucky Lady?
I will reap the moue that you sow.
I won't grasp your nightingale hips,
As the gravity brings your lips low,
Even as I gasp for your rosenips.
Tulip-wreathed brow set on silver skin.
At my right angles, I got your reflection.
However, my dear, your roots grew shallow,
When the gap to air was violently narrowed.
You cannot breathe the meadows of ours;
Vice versa, your pale peonies are as far.
I take in deep breaths of what you lack
Because I know that I can't give back...
There are songs of cicadas in your fields.
Sweet, sweet lime and mint bitters my pride.
Those grapevines must be strewn to rebuild
The intoxication to be enamored by your eyes;
I walk the course I've taken so far to the past,
To where that purple-budded tree stood,
Under Moonlight, your rays, nights elapse,
And mountain groves cloaked by my woods.
Can you reach to the other side of the ebony lake,
As you shift into view of my violet veil.
The howls of your woes bring the waves to shake,
As the flowers burn an inviolate wail.
Even in Galilean Grottoes grows an adoration
For a pearly paramour who stalks and slinks.
As the tides must ebb away in consideration,
I take the company of Naiads in order to think.
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ventiswampwater · 1 year
shoutout to the anon who requested vincent smut. for forcing my hand to have something OTHER than mechanic-LARPer porn in the amalgamation of fics I’m publishing this year. ur the realest!!
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localguy2 · 1 year
*walks in*
One time Zane accidentally calls Cyrus Borg "Father", and Cyrus Borg goes "Wait, you think of me as a Father?" and Zane goes "Yes."
And ever since then Zane regularly calls Cyrus Father and Cyrus calls him Son.
*walks out*
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elmp · 16 days
One Cannot UnMountain Dew What Has Been Mountain Done
Turns out butt-chugging
Bum farts was not the way to
Handle this crisis.
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lilbluntworld · 2 years
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dietmountaindewlover · 9 months
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ogwriter22 · 11 months
Favorite Album & Song #5
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Lana Del Rey's Born To Die (Paradise Edition)
Diet Mountain Dew
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pengwenstudios · 10 months
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A short story.
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shade-without-color · 2 years
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Theirs and theirs alone [Read it on A03]
Summary: Away from the sights of the court and the scholars, Radagon and Rennala have a quiet moment together amidst the fields of Liurana
Hey all! this is baby's first Elden Ring drabble! And I always wanted to do Radagon and Rennala's story as a whole- so I go for the sweet as pie story.
I am not sure if I can get the dynamic right 😅😅😅 but I hope you enjoy that little smutty piece of mine.
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