#Damien being mostly chill in this part
lilac-hecox · 6 months
Hi, I am a lurker here in tumblr and have been checking out smosh tags, mostly Damien related posts. I stumbled upon some comments asking if he's gonna leave (here and in youtube) because he hasn't been in the latest videos, which I get because he got COVID recently. I am usually chill about this but then the latest smosh games upload didn't include him in the credits and I admit I'm a little bothered 😅 Is it just because he's busy? I heard sword AF s2 is supposed to happen this month so I'm looking forward to it.
He did have COVID, but my thought on that is that likely we already went through the period where he didn't shoot because of that? I was just talking to @generaltrashshecox about Damien and she said that Damien mentioned being very busy this month (December). Now, typically Smosh shoots are like a month ahead so we also might not see a lot of him in January.
I think that he's just busy personally. I might feel more worried if Sword AF season 2 wasn't gearing up to come out. I think next week? And it seems as though Damien truly loves that show and getting to be a DM for his friends. So, I don't see him walking away from that.
Additionally, Damien does stream on Twitch. I don't watch the streams but I've been told he has mentioned Smosh and Smosh related things while on stream?
He also does voice acting of course, so he is a busy guy!
I didn't realize hw as not credited in today's Smosh Games description. Which that is kind of weird! I'm gonna say we shouldn't worry too much. I don't think Damien is ready to leave Smosh or Smosh games. If anything, maybe he's taking a step back, but also he could just be busy! I'm absolutely no authority here, but I would say we should not panic about this.
Lowkey, I'm hoping we'll see Damien on Friday for the roast even if he isn't a main character or huge part of it.
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groven4 · 1 year
Markiplier Egos with an Aromantic DA / Viewer
a/n: I randomly decided I really wanna get something out for aro week, so I've got a oneshot mayhaps involving a certain adventurer in the works, but knowing me that might take a while (if I even finish it all) and these tend to be easier for me. So, that's why this exists...not that you asked.
(edit: made one for Ace hcs.)
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He wouldn't really care, but in like a supportive way.
He may not look like it, but the guy's got some common sense.
I can't see him as the type to ask a lot of questions especially if you're visibly uncomfortable around the topic. (tho ig he might if it's for an interview, not sure)
A big part of Wil's character is just accepting shit as it is and not questioning what you can't understand because falling down that spiral is ultimately unhealthy; so if you were to come out to him as any sexuality/gender identity, he'd most likely just accept you immediately and move one.
Expect to receive a lot of aro themed stickers on pride month though.
Also doesn't care, but it's less him being supportive (tho he is) and more: it doesn't affect him, so why should he care?
Like you do you. Your love life is none of his business.
Quite frankly, he couldn't give a shit.
Though, he might find some relatability with you.
Despite how one might interpret ADWM, I cannot see Dark as an entity with the capability to feel much of anything. (other than rage, vengefulness, etc.)
There are some vague memories of past feelings from both Celine and Damien (and possibly the house entity, idk) mostly shown through his clear favoritism for Wil.
However, I don't think he really can feel romantic feelings, nor does he want to.
Being loved sounds nice, but ultimately it would just get in the way.
So having someone around that's kind of like him in that regard is almost nice...cathartic even.
You both like to watch 'marriage gameshows' (the bachelor, love is blind, etc.) over wine and laugh about how you'll never have to deal with relationship problems. (idc if that one's ooc)
He can't really feel romantic attraction himself, yk being a robot and all.
If you tried explaining aromanticism to him he'd probably just be like: "Yeah, and??".
He's supportive in a sense, that sense being: you not having a partner would mean one less meat sack he has to deal with once he manages to get admin privileges.
Kinda stumped on this one ngl.
I just can't find a reason why he'd care whatsoever.
He'd just be like: "Oh...siiiick, brah." with total Bill and Ted energy.
(edit: this is pre-wkm btw. idk why I did that, it doesn't really fit with the others that way. so I probably won't do it again in future hcs. sorry ig.)
I imagine it comes up at a party.
He starts asking you about your love life.
You tell him that you've never really been interested in that kind of stuff, and you probably never will.
What does he do?
He calls you boring.
In all seriousness, he's mostly chill about it throughout your friendship, but it's hard for me not to picture him as the type to think you're just being naive and that 'everyone has to find someone someday'. (I believe WKM takes place in the 1920s, so like, what were you expecting?)
That is until Celine cheats on him.
It was just such a world shattering thing for him, he genuinely loved her more than anything.
It's not a complete 180°, he doesn't suddenly understand your lack of attraction from this, but one night you check in with him to find him wasted in his wine cellar and he's basically like: "You had it right all along, my friend. Love...Love is not for everyone. ...Certainly not the faint of heart."
Which like, you didn't choose this, but you were more focused on making sure he was okay at the time to care.
A part of me wants to think he'd be a little confused at first just cause the idea of having to explain aromanticism and/or asexuality to him because he's just genuinely curious is really adorable to me.
However, the rest of me refuses to believe his friend group isn't entirely comprised of both people in the lgbtq+ community and hardcore allies who would happily beat the shit out of aphobes on a daily basis.
Not to say that they think of you as child-like because of your sexuality, but it's a prison family and you're 'fresh meat' so you're their little aro-bean now whether you like it or not.
Yancy especially is protective of you in an almost older brother type way.
So if after/during coming out to them (or just him) you mention how scared you were/are because you've had a lot of bad experiences or something, he's like constantly ready to sucker punch and/or ballerina kick anyone giving you flack over just being who you are.
He's always willing to tell you how valid you are when you need to hear it, and overall is just a really great friend.
...Even with the stabbing.
In an odd way, he almost feels...relieved?
Call it a humble brag, but literally all of his past work partners had fallen in love with him at some point, and while the attention certainly feeds his ego, that kinda thing just gets tired and even annoying after a while.
So knowing that'll never happen with you is actually a nice break from what he's grown so used to.
He's never had someone around who genuinely enjoys adventuring as much as he does.
And who isn't like constantly ogling him. (I mean probably anyway, idk what it's like to be aroallo)
Having you around may also cause him to start questioning some things about himself, particularly when you're explaining your orientation.
But that's a topic we'll be getting into at another time! (*wink* *wink* *nudge* *nudge* *stares at empty draft*)
He's still used to trying to fluster people cause he finds it funny and in general is just the kind of person to be a bit touchy with his friends (meaning: platonic hand holding, hugs, head/back pats, standing weirdly close a lot of the time just naturally, etc.), so if you're ever uncomfortable just tell him and he'll cut it out straight away.
You're both just kinda really good friends, and he's not at all weird about it like you thought he might be.
Supportive Pirate Dad! 10/10!
You definitely have to explain what it means to him, but he verbally accepted you before he even asked.
Kinda like: "That's great!...What is it?-"
Would have the crew sew you a flag if it would make you happy.
They are still pirates who have been sailing across the deep blue their whole lives with presumably no contact with the mainland however.
So unless you for some fuckin reason told them what it looks like, you can expect to receive a relatively small, plain black flag with the word 'Arrowmantik.' spelled incorrectly and somehow sewn on in perfect white Helvetica.
You hung the flag right above your hammock.
It is your most prized possession.
Might be a little discouraged at first. His crush on you was a tad obvious.
But he figures it's for the best. You are the captain after all. Pursuing that relationship wouldn't have been professional in the slightest.
It does take a bit but he gets over it eventually.
He still genuinely loves you platonically/as a person, so things don't really change all that much.
You still have a strong friendship and work really well together.
He tends to go a bit overboard now about giving you personal space cause he doesn't want to make you uncomfortable. So you may have to reassure him multiple times if it wasn't an issue.
During when pride month would be on earth he might gift you little aro themed stuff, like a patch you can't actually add to your uniform for work reasons but love and appreciate anyway.
He may not fully understand how you feel, but he never stops trying to, and either way he's always gonna support you no matter what.
Your orientation could never change how much he loves and trusts you both as a captain and as his friend.
He doesn't really care since it doesn't affect what you guys do, though he is openly accepting, especially if it seemed like you needed to hear that it wasn't something that bothered him.
In a similar vein to Illinois, he's strangely grateful.
He's not sure how he would've dealt with the situation had you developed a crush on him. Such emotions tend to get in the way more often than not in his line of work.
He didn't wanna have to kill you just to make his life easier. Taking a life out of necessity isn't as much fun, plus he'd grown a tad fond of you.
I like to think he cares quite a bit about your mental health, it would make sense given the whole murder thing.
So if you often go through periods of doubt or even internalized self hatred regarding being aromantic, he's gonna be there to help you through it.
He goes with you to pride parades and if anyone tries to tell you that you don't belong there, they're immediately getting put on a black list.
He got you a nifty little keychain once while you were there.
Overall, surprisingly wholesome.
a/n: I went back and forth on whether or not I was gonna use the pronouns I hc them all as using, but in the end I just said 'fuck it, appeal to general audiences, why not at this point'. I'm really fuckin' tired, dude. Just- HAPPY ARO WEEK! ig.
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shefatalesarch · 1 year
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The Bat symbol in his suit is made from the melted down parts of the gun Joe Chill used to kill his parents, when he was arrested and charged Bruce took it, and used it as a symbol to be something better rather then a symbol of pain.
Martha and Thomas' room in the Manor looks exactly like it was the day they died. This is where Bruce keeps his mother's pearls which were given to him after Joe Chill's arrest and charged with their murder. It was the only time he ever entered the room after their death. Alfred enters it to keep it clean, dusted, but otherwise it remains unaltered, untouched and always locked. Bruce refused to move into the master suite when he got older and fully took over the Wayne Manor, Wayne Enterprises and came into his fortune, and when he returned from his travels to take up the mantle of Batman. He couldn't bring himself to sleep there.
Bruce had all the pearls reconstructed into the necklace they once were after Gordon returned his parents personal effects upon the arrest of Joe Chill.
although he may seem like he has given up hope on harvey two face is one bad guy he struggles with and believes he can turn around. harvey is a long time friend of bruce and he believes that his friend is still in there so he’s constantly on the look out and working on the side on some kind of cure or method to saving harvey from the madness inside.
although he can be forgetful and distant and sometimes drop the ball in regards to the boys it is a misconception that he doesn't care, or is a poor father. damien is everything to him, and he would crumble at the thought of ever losing him. he's tough, but mostly because he feels he has to be. i do not accept the random beating he laid on jason in the recent red hood comics, or that he wasn't invited to alfred's funeral. one thing comics fail to do is find balance for bruce being batman and bruce. i take a lot inspiration from the animated series in regards to bruce's ability to balance fatherhood and batman.
Bruce doesn't care to take my in the way of drugs and actually works towards more natural healing, and pain medication because when Bane broke his back he fought an unhealthy addiction to performance enhancers trying to get himself out into the field again when he wasn't ready to be out again. He hated the kind of person he was when he was driving that way, and since then has been careful about his medications. bruce also has a weak spot in his back if he gets hit too hard or takes to serious of a beating it could trigger his old injury when his back was broken and leave him useless, and easily taken out. recent comics illustrated this when he was left for dead after taking a back injury, and had to take an entire month to get back in the game and only survived because selina found him in the snow.
Bruce doesn't usually open up, it's his reluctance to be open that usually delays his romantic life, or letting people in but when he finally does let someone in he is a very romantic being. evident by his engagement with selina, he had her get close to the robins, all of them, he had her move in, he tells her he loves her all the time. Bruce is a romantic once he opens his heart its all yours.
Because Bruce has been Batman for 20 years in DCEU he did have a rather lengthy and deep relationship with Selina Kyle but they realized that it could never work, she was a criminal, and he had a complicated moral grey area with her but they could never be together as Bruce and Selina, and that wasn't a real life. So they ended up calling it, and he hasn't seen her since. It was about ten years into being Batman that they tried and failed.
for everyone who needs it said. it wasn't just that clark kept saying martha and that their mom's names are the same that stopped him that day from killing clark but rather that it humanized clark for him. he was so fixated on clark being this unstoppable alien that he lost sight of the fact that he grew up here. he was human, and more so than even bruce in that moment. it snapped him out of it through something that was meaningful for bruce and relatable. it made him realize clark was just as human as him or anyone else, and that he didn't deserve to die because of bruce's fears.
Bruce trailed with Ras al Ghul in order to better himself in his years before becoming Batman. It was during this time he met, and shared a complicated romantic relationship with Talia al Ghul. They had a very on, and off again relationship. Sometime after his break up with Selina Kyle, Talia and Bruce crossed paths once more. Beneath Gotham, in Wonder City (or Old Gotham) there is a Lazarus Pit which Ras was trying to use to prolong his life, but thanks to Bruce and Talia turning her back on her father they stopped his made tyrant and she took over the league from there, Talia is the only Bruce trusts to ensure the protection of the pit beneath Gotham and thus the only one he lets near it. During their time working against her father they shared in a reconnection and ended up sleeping together, a few times. It resulted in the birth of a son, not that Bruce knows yet, Damien is about 8 years old with the mental age of like a 30 year old lbh
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pn403journalling · 1 year
The Exploitation of Cows: Family, Food and Labour
Cows in Societies
Cows are a type of bovine that are widely domesticated and are mostly raised as livestock. Types of livestock can include dairy cows, leather cows and cows used for transportation. Due to their status as livestock animals, globally they are seen as an asset used for food and labour, and not to be kept as a pet. However, cows are usually not kept as pets because of their size, specific and differing needs to other domestic pets, and the fact that they are social animals, thriving in their own herds (Dairy Cow Welfare, n.d.).
Put on a pedestal higher than pets, cows are seen as a religious symbol in Hinduism, and in many parts of India and Nepal, cows are allowed to roam free; they are used in religious rituals, their slaughter is forbidden, and cows are becoming more of a political element, often the drive of religious and social clashes in Uttar Pradesh and Delhi (Biswas, 2015). This culture regarding cows is a stark contrast to the urban Western perspective: where cows as animals are a concept that only exists within farms and playsets, are not beloved or personified like pets, and are perceived as nothing more than plastic-wrapped slabs of meat in a supermarket or a carton of milk. Naturally, this disconnection links to the animal farming industry: In Heather J. Bray (2016)'s study regarding Australian children and vegetarianism, Australian families in rural areas (who would be more accustomed to animal labour and death) are less "dissonant" to the origins of meat than urban Australian families, as well as having a "higher expectation" for their children to eat meat. It is also stated that parents may feel discomforted with telling the truth about meat to their children as it may make the parents feel discomforted themselves, or highlight the hypocrisy of caring for animals yet eating them. (Bray, 2016)
Cows in art
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[Figure 1: The Chillington Oxen, a engraved mezzotint and hand-coloured print by John Porter, 1838, depicting a small herd of square-bodied, large cows with their owner.]
In 1800s Britain, livestock painting was a genre of painting that allowed wealthy land owners to show off their farm animals (Ewbank, 2022). Painters would make the bodies of their animals massive and heavy, supported by small, short legs, emphasising their value as livestock in weight and the status of the owner. As seen in Figure 1, he makes his appearance away from the centre of the print, not to take attention away from his prized property, as well as being paired with a landscape of a large building surrounded by trees, presumably a mansion, which is assumed to belong to said owner. Overall, the print has a hazy and idyllic nature to it, shown in its muted colour palette and overcast skies. In the context of the time period, it also implied the owner had access to newer farming practices that allowed animals to grow quicker and bigger. As shown in Figure 1, the exaggerated and square anatomy of the cows oddly beautifies them, but is mostly uncanny: being a projection of man-made beauty ideals onto nonhuman animals, whilst it objectifies them: connoting their status as creatures of labour, only existing as a means to an end.
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[Figure 2: Photo of the artwork "Mother and Child (Divided) (1993)", a sculpture of a cow and its calf using glass, stainless steel, perspex, acrylic paint, and formaldehyde]
In a more contemporary lens, "Mother and Child (Divided) (1993)" by Damien Hirst is a 4-piece sculpture of a cow and its calf bisected, each half being its own sculpture (Figure 2). The animals' bodies and tongues float upright, suspended and limp in the blue formaldehyde solution. Hirst could have simply called them "cow and calf", but decides to humanise the pair, naming them "mother" and "child", removing the clinical aspect of their dissection. Personally, that choice makes the piece more chilling, uncanny and visceral, as if I shouldn't be seeing this at all.
The insides of the cow and calf aren't bloody: the dissection is completely clean with no stains of blood. The pair are definitely dead- but noting the fact their fur is intact, and that you can still look into the eyes of their split faces, they still feel slightly alive, hence its uncanny nature. Despite Hirst's humanisation of the pair, the sanitised presentation of the work still echoes to that urban separation between the cow as the animal, and the cow as the food. Whilst animal slaughter is quick and gory, with cows being slit in the throat to be killed, these animals are cut clean in half (also assuming it must have taken time to clean their carcasses of blood). Linking back to Hirst's title, the "dividing" of the cow and calf can be seen as a cynical reference to the forced separating of calves from dairy cows. When put in this perspective, Damien Hirst's sculpture can feel like a dark parody of the food-animal divide.
My Graphic Media Response
In my own graphic media work, I was responding to the question of cows being "friends or food". Therefore it was relevant that I also highlighted the cynicism and dissonance of the food-animal divide. In order to draw from references I looked at the drawings from a Wikihow article on how to slaughter a cow. The article talks about the best place to shoot a stun rod between a cow's head, whilst the animal slaughterers in the pictures were drawn in the same simple, friendly style as any other article on the site. It really made me think that "the animal slaughterer" isn't a faceless antagonist- they are, in a literal sense, just other people, but so warped yet unclouded by dissonance that they will slit the throat of a living thing and claimed they loved it in the end.
Bibliography & Figure References:
[Figure 1] Porter, J. (1838) The Chillington Oxen [Print]. Yale Center for British Art, Connecticut.
[Figure 2] Hirst, D. (1993) Mother and Child (Divided) [Exhibit]. Tate Gallery, London.
Dairy Cow Welfare (n.d), RSPCA. Available at: https://www.rspca.org.uk/adviceandwelfare/farm/dairy (Accessed: 16 January 2023).
Biswas, S. (2015) Why the humble cow is India's most polarising animal. Available at: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-34513185.amp (Accessed: 18 January 2023).
Bray, H.J. et al. (2016) “Not appropriate dinner table conversation? talking to children about meat production” Appetite, 100, pp. 1–9. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.appet.2016.01.029.
Ewbank, A. (2022) In 19th-Century Britain, The Hottest Status Symbol Was a Painting of Your Cow, Atlas Obscura. Available at: https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/britain-cows-pig-sheep-paintings-livestock.amp (Accessed: 17 January 2023).
Damien Hirst Art, bio, ideas (n.d.) The Art Story. Available at: https://www.theartstory.org/artist/hirst-damien/ (Accessed: 17 January 2023).
Flower, F.C. and Weary, D.M. (2003) “The effects of early separation on the dairy cow and calf,” Animal Welfare, 12(3), pp. 339–348. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1017/s0962728600025847.
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denisn4te · 4 years
Obey Me characters and their assigned dogs!
Okay, guys, I have a cool idea! What if like as an assignment, Diavolo decided to give everyone a dog from the human world to see how well dogs from the human world could get with demons and the students were allowed to choose which dog breed they'd want it to be. The assignment was to be for a few months long.
Here are my thoughts on which dog breeds they had been assigned and how well they raised them.
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At first, he wanted to just use Cerberus as his dog, but it had to be a dog breed from the human world.
Obviously, he chose a big and very intimidating dog.
He received a male dog and named him Damien.
Lucifer already knew the basics of raising a dog since he is the owner of Cerberus and all.
Within the first month, Lucifer began training Damien.
By the end of that month, Damien was probably the best guard dog in the entire Devildom.
Despite being a big and scary dog, Damien was actually a big sweetheart!
He'd always follows Lucifer around and get sad when his owner wasn't around. He especially loves doing tricks for treats.
Damien is only aggressive he senses harm coming towards him or Lucifer or when he is ordered to attack.
By attack, he just chases the brothers whenever they make Lucifer mad.
When the assignment was over and the dogs were to be brought back to the human world, Lucifer immediately locked himself in his room and cranked that record player volume to 100 all while claiming he wasn't sad.
Mammon-Italian Greyhound
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Tried to sell the dog not even one days after getting it
Mammon didn't know crap about human world dog breeds so he just picked a random breed not knowing anything about it. His immediate thought was 'is this a rat?'
Mammon had received a female dog and named her Jade after Lucifer caught him trying to sell her.
At first, he wanted nothing to do with Jade until out of literally nowhere she had brought him a couple of Grimm.
Suddenly he was very interested after realizing Jade had a strange habit of finding and digging up valuables. From Grimm and small jewelry to literally buried artifacts.
Nobody knows how she does it and it's concerning that they had put her in Mammon's care.
Mammon immediately started to teach Jade how to do cute tricks to random people for treats and such.
Jade was also a very energetic dog always running around and barking at almost everyone except Mammon, MC, and MC's assigned dog.
Jade loves playing with the other dogs even if it's clear that they don't want to play.
Mammon was absolutely sobbing when Jade had to go back to the human world and absolutely didn't want to let her go.
He wasn't okay for a very long time after that.
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Just like Mammon, Leviathan didn't want to do anything with a dog until he realized some dogs were specialized in swimming.
Him being very associated with the ocean was suddenly interested when he heard about the breed Newfoundland. He thought the name sounded cool and picked that in.
Probably should have done more research because he didn't realize how huge this breed was.
He received a female dog and named her Henry 4.0
Leviathan didn't know anything about dogs and boy was it so hard for him at first.
Probably had to learn by watching animes, reading mangas, and playing games about dogs NINTENDOGS.
Actually got pretty used to having a dog really quickly and enjoyed it too.
Henry 4.0 was a really chill girl and likes sleeping on top of Leviathan. Just casually crushing the boy y' know.
She really likes laying with him while he's watching anime and playing his video games.
Their favorite activities to do are taking baths, going out to swim in the nearby river, and cosplay!
Yes, you heard that right! Cosplaying is a thing they did quite often and they always dressed up as duo characters. Of course Leviathan made the cosplays from scratch.
One good thing that this assignment did was getting Leviathan out of his room for when he would take Henry 4.0 out for walks.
Whenever Leviathan got sad he'd just hug Henry 4.0 and put his head into her fur. Henry 4.0 became kind of like an emotional support animal for him.
Leviathan absolutely refused to let them take Henry 4.0 away when the assignment was over. He even tried to hide her and threatened to summon Lotan again (which he did end up doing!)
Was very much not okay after the assignment was over.
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Satan is clearly the most educated on human world dog breeds and even though he very much prefers cats over dogs, he always did like the Basenji breed.
They are known as the 'barkless' dog and even have a somewhat reputation for acting like cats.
Satan had received a male dog and named him Benjamin.
Once the assignment began he quickly began to read books about dogs.
Satan actually surprisingly liked Benjamin rather quickly despite not liking dogs all that much.
They mostly just sat down together in the library while Satan read books and Benjamin would nap.
Benjamin was a pretty active dog and liked to play with the other dogs every now and then.
But just like Satan, he got mad a lot. Whenever someone got into his personal space while he was tired he wouldn't bark at them, but he had a pretty spooky growl.
Other than that Benjamin is actually really chill.
Satan also taught Benjamin a few tricks which may or may not be targeted at Lucifer and his assigned dog, Damien.
The number of times Benjamin was seen running away from Damien and/or Lucifer with Lucifer's paperwork in his mouth was pretty impressive.
One surprise was that Benjamin and Damien got super well with each ther much to Lucifer and Satan's dismay.
Besides the antagonizing Lucifer tricks, Benjamin didn't really know any tricks other than to sit and fetch.
Just like the other brothers he was truly sad to see Benjamin go and had one last trick to play on Lucifer before the assignment ended.
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A lot of people were expecting Asmodeus to get a small dog, but he really said no❤
He already knew about all the most beautiful dog breeds from the human world and the Samoyed was absolutely elegant.
He had received a female dog and named her Opal.
He already followed a few dog pages on the internet so he had a few basics down.
You already know he's one of those absolutely extra dog owners and honestly good for both him and Opal.
He loves taking her baths and always makes sure the dog products he uses are the absolute best.
Asmodeus even bought her a gemstone collar and I'm not talking about those leather collars with those flat little slabs, I'm talking about these kinds of collars
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Yes, he's that extra and no he's not ashamed.
Opal had to be the most spoiled dog in the Devildom by the end of it.
She didn't like to play all that much unless it was with Asmodeus or MC. Pretty people only.
She almost never growled ever and she would have to be really pissed if she ever did. For example, when Mammon accidentally spilled some wet dog food on her fur, she never forgave him.
As you already know, Opal got the best kind of food a dog could eat. Asmodeus being one for best self-care, he didn't want his beloved Opal eating low-grade kibble. Only the best for his little girl.
You already KNOW he dresses her up and takes her out to the club. Loves showing her off to the fans. Likes dragging MC and their assigned dog along with them just to have fun.
Do not ever pet Opal unless you have clear permission from both her and Asmodeus and also clean your hands first. Opal's fur is too delicate and beautiful to get ruined.
Whenever Asmodeus gets drunk he always hugs Opal and cries into her fluff which she doesn't mind.
Asmodeus wouldn't stop posting pictures of him and Opal on social media and even after the assignment ended he still posted older pictures of her.
Couldn't hold back the tears after Opal went back to the human world after the assignment was over. He took her on one last spa day before the day the assignment was over and gave her the best meal.
Was crying on Devilgram Live later that day.
Beelzebub-Saint Bernard
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A pretty obvious one. Just like Mammon, he knew nothing about human world dog breeds and chose a Saint Bernard because Satan suggested it.
Satan purposely suggested a big dog because if it were a small one, Beel would have eaten it.
He received a female dog and named her Biscuit. The alternatives were Big Mac and Burger, but Lucifer didn't allow it.
Ome thing these two had in common was a large appetite. Beel quickly got attached to Biscuit mostly because of that.
Beel has to be supervised while feeding Biscuit her dog food cause sometimes he'll try to eat some of her food.
Biscuit loves cuddles and is a big softie just like Beel. Though she seemed to be more of a dog for Belphie since she was always tired and sleeping.
Beel never minded though and always enjoyed walking into a room and seeing Biscuit laying with Belphie and Belphie's assigned dog.
Biscuit gets along with literally everyone including the other dogs. She always lets them do whatever just as long as they aren't harming anyone.
If you do harm her owner or his family she'll go from 0 to 101 in a second. Saint Bernards actually have a very powerful bite so it's best not to piss her off.
But out of her entire time in the Devildom with the brothers, MC, and the other assigned dogs she only really actually bit someone once and it was in self-defense.
Of this assignment had taken place during the whole Belphie attic incident, Biscuit would have been a huge emotional support animal to Beel.
If it didn't take place during that time then Beel would have loved her the same way.
Whenever he would try and work out, Biscuit would always lay on him and get in the way. She's too precious.
The only workout she wouldn't interrupt with cuteness is morning walks/runs.
One problem however is how much Beel would forget to brush her and she'd leave fur absolutely everywhere.
When the assignment was over he felt like he lost a part of himself.
He woke up the morning after looking for Biscuit to take her for their morning run and remembered that the assignment was over.
Still has her collar and leash.
Sad lad hours
Belphegor-Basset Hound
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Belphie definitely was one of the brothers who didn't want to do anything with dogs and in fact, he didn't even choose a dog breed so they gave him a random one for the assignment.
Clearly whoever chose the breed for him knew their breeds well because Basset Hounds are some sleepy dogs.
He received a female dog and named her Floppy. Very creative I know.
To be honest, Belphie would be the most irresponsible of the brothers when it comes to raising a dog.
Usually, he had to be reminded a lot to care for this damn dog. Whether it's be reminded to feed her or take her on walks, he's just really lazy.
At first, he didn't like Floppy at all and thought she was ugly until Beel pointed out how much they sleep together.
It was true how much they slept together, wherever Belphie was sleeping, Floppy was either on top of him or next to him.
That's when Belphie actually began to care about her and trying to take better care of her.
He'd forget a lot of the times to do things, but he was trying.
Floppy didn't know any tricks or even bother to learn any. She didn't beg for food or play with the other dogs. She never growled or barked at all either.
Someone would literally be getting stabbed in front of her and she'd yawn.
Even though Floppy never liked getting along with the other dogs, she did like to nap with Beel's assigned dog, Biscuit.
Nobody else though. Not even MC or their assigned dog.
Floppy hated going on walks and any other activity that included having to put any effort into it.
She'd just let Belphie drag her across the ground by the leash.
Belphie was the least sad when the assignment was over. He does really miss Floppy, but he knew he wasn't the best dog owner and she deserves better.
He just wishes her well and hopes she finds a better family. Oh god, he's crying now-
tl;dr: The brothers get dogs, get attached, then get really sad once the dogs are gone.
Oh lord, this took so much longer to make than I expected. Online classes haven't been nice to me. I was going to make some art for this, but this already took way longer than I expected so I'll probably save that for another time!
If anyone of you wants you can add to this by saying what your MC's assigned dog is! Anyways hope you all have a good day and maybe I'll even make a part 2 for the Undateables! ;)
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inviouswriting · 3 years
Lich’s Puppet AU
It goes without saying this one is going to be a bit darker.
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Mentions - @snow-covered-moon​ ‘s Shuri and polyship with her.
Warnings: I won’t cut these ones because there are some themes here. Mostly forced to drink something, and paralysis, mind control, and body modifications.
Perhaps she was careless, she tends to think she can’t be harmed, yet she still has weaknesses. She is a spirit, and a spirit can still be lured under greater magic to be enslaved. She had thought she had great immunity, that nothing would control her the way Vanth did.
Yet she can’t remember the last time she couldn’t control herself. While conscious of everything she is doing. She knew better than to leave Vanth unchecked, the necromancy in Tam-Tara should have warned her of a presence. That the worse of her nightmares to come again was happening.
His magic still has deep roots within her, there will always be that stain in her as much as her right wing. Her entire body is on fire, it feels like acid slowly eating away at her, the flames of the undead were something she hated. They burned the very soul and scarred it. Her eyes and hair matched the form Vanth wanted.
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Skin almost greenish to her brown, lime green eyes and white hair. She isn’t even sure how she was snared. All she remembered was going on another mission for the scions. To check a tower in Coerthas, she could get close without alerting others. Or so she thought.
She had been chased down by a lunar Garuda. She knew the primal was fast, but given the alterations, the lunar alone caught up to her in no time. Kivera looked away from in front of her, till she flew pass the threshold of a tower. She had never been inside them, she felt dread from being in vicinity. Like Vanth’s magic scared her years ago. 
Inside she had seen Ixal trapped to the walls, being used to empower the lunar primal. She keeps her feet from the ground, seeing it as fleshy matter more than an actual ground. She likens it to one of Vanth’s creations. Every part of her screams to leave, but she couldn’t with her exit closed. 
“What a surprise. Who would have thought you would be here.” Kivera freezes down to her spine, her feathers stand on end, bristling at the voice. She knows this voice, deep, hollow and raspy. It does the same thing regardless in chilling her to her soul. 
“What are you doing here...” She keeps her hover even more for fear of what would happen if her feet connect with the ground. She had forgotten about Garuda, it seems the primal disappeared from her entirely, or was laying in wait. She was no longer her worry. What was, is the lich who she had thought she rendered deep in the pit she had made. The furthest deep of Tartarus that she had named it Agitazione, land of the unsuffering dead. 
“Why are you so surprised, you knew you can’t kill me. Even with your awakening. Not even the power you command from above could do anything. I will always come back. It took a bit of time... you left me in ashes.” Kivera turns to see the being. Vanth. He had taken a form that allowed him to blend in with others. An older elezen, with graying hair. He looked like a holy man, but Kivera knew him as far from that. What he did was horrid to both heavens and underworld.
He enslaved the dead as puppets. He led the slaughter on hundreds if not thousands of women and men during the Salem trials, one that she remembers as her first cleanse to end an entire city. She couldn’t touch the souls after Vanth took over their minds. Thanatos had instructed her, nothing good comes from a necromancer, and they did not want the souls tainted by a lich. They could not rest, nor would they ever. They chose blood magic and a great taboo together. Raising the dead is an unforgiveable sin among the underworld, tied in with enslaving the spirits was something that she was specifically trained to take out without hesitation.
Vanth was the reason she had lost two dear to her. Divinity at first when she was human, then Damien. Kivera realizes how in over her head she is. Yet she knows her loved ones, and the allies she has gained would not be able to fight someone like him. Not yet, Kan-E-Senna could, she was blessed in holy and light.
Kivera was not either of those, and she could feel her nerves on fire the longer she is lingering. In her shock she fails to notice the fleshy tendrils that creep up seeking aether energy. Kivera being full of it. All the bits had to do was connect with skin and start leeching her. How lucky would Garlean be if they score her as an ally. A powerful destructive force would raze everything. Vanth knows this, he always knew of her location, she is still a creature of habit, she clings to those that show her love.
Kivera remembers herself, and looks down to see the floor moving, arcing up towards her feet. The ends resembling a swarm of worms, making the reaper feel sick at seeing them move like this. She moves higher, and it is there that Garuda shows herself slamming full force into Kivera from the side, sending her into the nearest wall. 
Kivera is fast to rebound but the walls have that same fleshy material. When she connects many tendrils surge to coil around an arm. Kivera burns them off and kicks her feet on the wall to get away from the, rubbing the others off her arms as they break apart. 
Vanth just stands back to watch, keeping his control on the matter around. The imprisoned ixal reach to grab Kivera whenever she was close. The reaper not having a place to stand or rest without something trying to snare her. It will take one careless mistake on her part. One moment of weakness. Something Vanth knows every being to have. He just had to figure out where she will land to think she is safe.
Kivera fights more with Garuda, sending bursts of fire, while Garuda sends wind. They scrap together, talons and claws ripping at feathers, Kivera burning wings and biting her. Garuda using her feet and claws to grasp her target. She snares Kivera and soon pins her to a wall.
Vanth sees his chance, and swarms the tendrils onto Kivera. Each touched with a bright lime flame. Kivera feels something she hasn’t felt in ages. Pain. Pure pain. The tendrils leech life while replacing with lich flames. The color in her skin greenish but stays brown, the black of her hair turns white, and her eyes that convey her emotions stays a pure bright lime color with a glow to them. She looked the same but altered in her appearance.
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Kivera couldn’t scream with the claw around her neck keeping her still. All she could even think was sparing those she loves. She rends her connection to Shuri, Estinien, Divinity and any of the children. Scions, she will never forgive them for sending her on this mission. 
Vanth claps and Garuda lets Kivera down, he tests something snapping his fingers for Kivera to raise her arms. She does, there is a look of horror to her eyes at being controlled. Vanth approaches her and lifts her head. The elezen face he had chosen gives a sneer at such a prize he obtained.
“There we are. What should have happened all those years ago. If only Damien was more compliant, you could have had both, him and this life.” Kivera only glares at him, her face the only thing she has control of. Garuda leaves disappearing now that the threat is over.
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Vanth circles around Kivera keeping her standing straight, he notes her glaring. He needs her more compliant. Two ixals approach Kivera from behind and take an arm while Vanth gets her to kneel down. Ignoring the hissing under her breath. She doesn’t take her eyes off of Vanth, unsure of what he is planning to do. He fishes an elixir like bottle off a belt he has, one he has safeguarded for the rare occasion he captured Kivera. 
Kivera tightens her mouth knowing the liquid is for her. It is black in color, and she has seen it work once. When he used it on a maid girl back in Salem. It is to control her, it erases the mind, leaving it blank. Kivera is prided in her strong mind, but even she won’t be able to do much if it is in her system. He brewed it specific for her. A catalyst potion.
“This will go smoother if you comply. Not like anyone is going to come save you from this. By the time they even get news of you missing, you are aware they’re use to you going off and doing your own thing. They also know how powerful you are. They wouldn’t think you would be overcome so easy. Yet you did put up quite a fight against Garuda. But it shows even a god slayer like you can still slip up against them.” Vanth raises Kivera’s head, and she attempts to bite him, he uses the opportunity to hook his thumb into her mouth to keep it open.
Quickly he presses the bottle already opened with a flick of the cork off. Kivera wants to turn her head but can’t from his control and the ixal. The liquid burns, like liquid fire in her body, searing from the inside out. With the bottle emptied and cast off to break somewhere. Vanth waits.
He kneels in front of her. He was always a tall man, he might have chosen a roegadyn for their height better. But they didn’t fit the elegance he still holds. And would have raised suspicions. He had been around since Thordan’s end, leading people to follow him from the outskirts of Coerthas, those that disapproved of Aymeric still to the day.
How easy it is to lure people with the idea he can change things back the old way. Even more when he came across Fandaniel, giving him an idea of how to snare Kivera. Earning an ally through the ascian if it meant she would be dealt with.
Kivera feels white hot through her head, like everything she thought and knew was disappearing. It hurt to think, and it pained her to swallow, she tasted that bitter potion and she wanted to drag her tongue across the dirt. Though the only thing available would have been the fleshy floor of the tower. That disgusted her more. 
Her last thoughts were to her loved ones. Sending apologies through the links as she burns them, her last chance to make sure they are safe.
“I am sorry... for what I am about to do. I have no choice. Please know... that the being that you will face.. is not me. Kill her.” Her laments to Divinity, she relays the same to Estinien, then too to Shuri. She ends the link before she loses herself, severing them entirely. They will feel it, like a piece of them is ripped out. She can see Divinity collapsing into tears, and the confusion on Estinien and Shuri following Divinity. 
Kivera has told them endlessly, that things that a lich touches must be destroyed. That includes. Herself. It means a new cycle of spirits to begin, more tragedies to unfold. Kivera wishes even more that she could have used her former abilities. She lets her last thoughts be of the loved ones.
When she opens her eyes again, she looks up to Vanth. Her voice hollow and echoes in the tower. 
“I am at your command.” One final touch to her, a bone wyvern rests on her. A gift but also a symbiote parasite to keep her under his control. Vanth folds his arms.
“Good, I won’t have you attack yet. We need to wait a little bit per Fandaniel’s request for a better opportunity. Now come with me. We have much to do.” 
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monkeebratz · 5 years
Bio!Dad Bruce - Summer Begins
Initial idea | How it Happened | Addition by iggy-of-fans | Reply to iggy’s Addition | Summer Begins (you are here) | Summer Part 2 | Supers Meet | Scarecrow Interlude 
Going with the nice, Sabine-and-Tom-send-Marinette-to-Gotham-during-the-summer version, Marinette goes to visit Bruce and Alfred in Gotham during the summer. Its honestly kinda a clusterfuck, since you have the Miraculous Team being told she’ll be out of town and coming back as needed using the horse miraculous. (Her notification for the akuma alerts is the alt. Ladybug intro at full volume. Same for the hero discord they made pre-hawkmoth defeat. Adrian set it to that right before she left. Marinette’s going to kill him next time she sees him.) 
(also the miraculous team consists of Abeelle (Chloe), Viperion (Luka), Chat Noir (Adrian), and Himeryu (Kagami). Please forgive my horrible mangling of French and Japanese but Chloe and Kagami got to keep their miraculous with a costume and name change. Everybody knows each others identities and support Marinette going to Gotham after Hawkmoths defeat. They’re hoping she’ll be able to have a break. She absolutely doesn’t.) 
Anyway. Bruce and Alfred sit the boys down and tell them that another of Bruce’s children will be coming to stay with them over the summer. She’s had a rough time in Paris and she’s coming to have a break. Damien is threatened by the idea that Bruce has a younger, blood child, and is not excited about having a civilian in the house while they do hero work. Jason makes jokes about how of course Bruce has a hidden child in France, that’s just par for the course at this point. Tim’s pretty excited? more family! Dick, on the other hand, is all about it. He’s so ready. 
(Again, forgive me, i’m not familiar with most of the robin’s but I’ll do my best.) 
(Jason: Wait. You have more children? Where the fuck have you been hiding them?  Alfred: Marinette lives in Paris with her mother and father. Tim: OH my god. Is she an assassin too by any chance? Is she going to murder us with an Eiffel Tower charm?  Damien: Oh, shut up, Drake. Dick: We’re all going to die, holy shit. That or she’ll be like. Sweeter than sugar. Bruce: -DEEP SIGH- Boys. Please.) 
Alfred makes it clear that they’re not to interrogate Marinette and make her feel uncomfortable. She’s been having a rough time at school and in the city in general and she doesn’t need all the boys getting on her case. Its still a lot, though. Four brothers she hadn’t really interacted with beyond what Bruce and Alfred have told them, and she’s pretty proficient with English but having 3-4 native speakers all talking over each other while you’re trying to figure out what’s going on is Stressful As Hell. Bruce is tired. There’s many jokes about how Bruce’s bio children are a little devil and a little angel. 
The first week is a crazy adjustment period. The first few days are just the Wayne’s going about their routine and Marientte getting used to everything. Mostly the fact that the Wayne’s live in a mansion and she knew Bruce was rich and ran a company but its different knowing and seeing that first hand. Bruce offers to take Marinette shopping or to Wayne Enterprises but she declines, saying she’ll go out once she’s more settled. There’s lots of her being on the phone with the Super Squad bc she’s super anxious about being in the house with near strangers and in a new city and with all the Miraculi she hasn’t given out yet. 
Because yeah, did I mention that she’s the Official Guardian now? And has all the Miraculi hidden in a box in a box. Like. She made a box for the Miraculous Box similar to her diary box. And you know that Damien. Suspicious, assassin-trained, Damien. Went to snoop through her room. And got his hand caught in the box. Kaalki sees this and warns Marinette, who’s probably chilling out in the library, and rushes up. There’s yelling. Yelling that brings Alfred and Jason and possibly Dick up to see the youngest of them screaming at each other in French and Marinette is in the middle of a panic attack and Damien’s pride is hurting that he got caught and couldn’t get out. Alfred breaks it up and brings the boys back downstairs an when he tries to comfort Marinette, he comes back to a locked door and Marinette being comforted by the kwami’s. He assume’s she’s just on the phone with people tho. There’s panic with the Super Squad about someone trying to steal the miraculi and everyone promptly plans to come to Gotham. Without telling Marinette. 
Its all around a rough time.
The next day, Bruce tries to sooth all the ruffled feathers and they take a family trip out to the city. Shows Marinette all the interesting stuff around Gotham, the old buildings and historic district and lots of Wayne buildings and such. They stop at the city gardens and Marinette just lays in the flowers and tries to calm down. Damien makes a comment and oh wow, look at that. You somehow got an incredibly staining flower on your suit. Such. A. Shame. 
How do Damien and Marinette make up, you ask? But kicking the shit out of each other under the guise of training, of course. Because, lets be real, nobody ever expects Marinette to be a fighter. The Wayne’s all train, of course, and Bruce and Alfred know that Sabine taught their girl some things. But she can hold her own against all the boys. All of them. Hell, she can hold her own against Bruce. Against Damien. They’re all frankly shocked and slightly terrified bc uh? Where did you learn this? How? Why? 
Meanwhile, Damien and Marinette are still yelling in French and basically tearing the training room you know the Wayne’s have apart as they jump around and use the room to their advantage. But its cathartic. Because Damien doesn’t want this newcomer to hurt his family and he’s used to high level threats and even family can be a threat. Especially family, honestly. And he’d do whatever it took to keep his family safe, despite his piss poor attitude about everything. And Marinette? Marinette still has such a weight on her shoulders, she took over a duty she wasn’t truly prepared for, and she’s terrified about what will happen if she fails, even if everyone keeps telling her she’s won. Because lets face it, evil never really dies and she has to be above it all and always on top of her game. And she doesn’t really know the Wayne’s, not like her family back in Paris, and she wants to be close, but it scares the shit out of her. She’s always messed everything up, what happens if she messes this up too?
... Basically this fight ends up with a big heart to heart and they call a truce while the rest of the family stands there confused and a little terrified. Bruce. Bruce what is wrong with your bio!children? BRUCE. 
Alfred has a sinking suspicion about what’s going on here though, but keeps it to himself. 
(Next in, Multimouse meets Batman and the Birds. Also a partial identity reveil. Family bonding. Y’know. The usual. Also the Super Squad kidnaps their leader and the Wayne’s promptly panic. Again.) 
(Also just a reminder, guys, if you’d like to be added to the tag list, please send me an ask!) 
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pollylynn · 4 years
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Title: Vicarious WC: 1000
“You really think I’m that cold?” — Damian Westlake,  The Final Nail (3 x 15)
She spends a lot of her days and nights wading through the end of the emotional spectrum where sympathy and pity tangle together like waterlogged weeds. People want to believe the best of their loved ones. They don’t want to believe the worst of even perfect strangers. They don’t want to dwell on the chaos—the darkness—that prevails in the world most of the time. 
She understands that. She reaches for sympathy first, always. A person who has lost a loved one, who has violently and unexpectedly had a loved one taken from them, is rarely In a position to entertain the hard truth that some other loved one had something to do with it. That hard truth is her everyday, and she wouldn’t wish it on anyone. So she reaches for sympathy. 
She has empathy, reflexively. Non-negotiably. She has infinite patience with denial, with anger, even with stubborn, damaging self-protection that sometimes leads people into a hell-bent determination to shield the guilty and spare themselves loss piled upon loss. She empathizes with the clouded mindset, with the need to sink one’s fingers into something familiar and snatch it close. 
She holds pity in reserve. It’s a back-pocket coping mechanism that she tries not to draw on unless there’s no alternative—unless denial, disbelief, dysfunction persist to the point of cuffs and lock-up and there’s nothing more she can offer. Pity tastes like ashes. It tastes like failure. 
She thinks a lot about them—sympathy, empathy, pity—and mostly she keeps them clear in her mind. Mostly, she can find the right strand to follow to do her work, to get justice for the victim, to help the bereaved start coming to terms with the shockwaves that will run through the rest of their lives. Mostly they serve her well. 
They don’t serve her well when it comes to Damian Westlake. When it comes to Castle and his unshakable faith. 
She’s angry with him from the start. Beyond being thrown for a loop to find him sipping coffee with the husband of her vic, beyond even his most definitely over-the-line behavior in the initial interview, she is furious with his naiveté. She is livid when the murder of Westlake’s father comes to light, too livid to entertain, even momentarily, the idea that he probably didn’t know that Damian was a suspect. 
She’s angry with him in a way that is fundamentally unkind. She realizes this in some part of herself that looks on from a distance, that is shocked to see that her empathy has deserted her, that she has not reached for sympathy, that even the ashen taste of pity would be preferable to the poison on the tip of her tongue. 
She banishes him for his own good as much as hers. She falls back on procedure and technicality. She tells herself she is being a good cop, and every one around her seems to concur. She has done the right thing—a good thing—in sparing him, in protecting the investigation. 
Then and there, the next day on everyone takes it as a good thing that Castle has not appeared. Esposito nods to say as much as they hunker down with Victoria and Damien Westlake’s life in credit card and bank statements. Ryan gives her a rueful, supportive smile to say the same. But because he’s Ryan, he murmurs under his breath, But I feel for the guy.
She has to walk away, then. She mumbles that she needs coffee and strides past the break room, to the elevators. She heads outside without coat or gloves and feels better for the wind stinging her skin and making her eyes stream. She paces to the corner and back to the precinct. 
I feel for the guy. 
Ryan’s voice pings around the inside of her head. It jostles loose a memory, something distant and buried deep. A friend of her dad’s—one of his few really close friends from way back—had died In a car accident. The circumstances were fraught and unclear. There was a strong possibility—a near certainty, given later revelations about trouble the man had been on the verge of—that he’d driven himself off the road deliberately. 
Her dad, as ever, had turned inward. To her eye, it had looked like stoicism—like coping. The incident faded. Life went on, though she’d known, or at least had some vague sense, that all was not right in her home. She’d come across her mother one day, weeping uncontrollably with her head resting on one fist at the dining room table. 
She’d sat with her. She’d pulled a chair close and simply sat with her palm resting on her mom’s shoulder blade. The tears stopped eventually. Her mom had taken her hand and held it tight.  I hurt for him, Katie, she had explained. That’s how it is with love. You just hurt for them. 
She paces to the corner again. She plants her fists on the filthy bricks of the precinct building and lets her chin drop to her chest. She breathes through an electric tangle of confusion and worry. She breaths through anger and whatever the hell else seems to be burbling up from the dark center of her. She breathes through it, then makes her way back to the glass door of the precinct. 
She joins the boys in the workroom. They must smell winter on her. They must shiver with the chill she’s brought with her rolling through the tiny room, but they don’t ask. 
She’s not surprised to look up and find him looming in the break room door at the exact moment her struggle with the damned espresso machine reaches its apotheosis. She’s not surprised to find him apologetic, but still convinced of his friend’s innocence. 
She has to break his heart ten times over before their work is done. She has to break her own just as many, because that’s how it is . . . 
A.N: Abstract things that are not things sometimes make a break for it and totally get away from me. 
images via homeofthenutty
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vinguist · 4 years
Banzai Blasters Headcannons
This is just some headcannons I have for Gio's boys, this will mostly have stuff about what I think their names are and what kind of stuff they like, obviously none of this is canon but just what I personally think the boys are like.
First off- the only ones with a canon names
Carcrash/Fred Donaldson
Has a pet dog, her name is Twix (and yes his dog is named after the candybar)
17 years old
Knew Ben way before he joined the Banzai Blasters because they're in band together, Fred is a trombone
Actually really good at art (mostly draws realism)
Him and Ben are best friends but are constantly teasing eachother
Has to have a fan on to fall asleep but hates being cold so he has a LOT of blankets and pillows
Has a bullet journal where he loves to write about all his "evil" Banzai missions
Just loves to listen to music and stare out his window while just chilling
In marching band, he's a trumpet
18 years old
Writes poetry, mostly about nature
He's the most creative of the group tbh
Now time for some fan-made names,
Is a senior in highschool
Probably the smartest of the Banzai Blasters, which still isn't that smart but better than the others
Also has been a Banzai Blaster the longest out of the group
Became a cheerleader so he could support his brother's football games more
Lives out in the country, but not on a farm
He does have a garden though
Usually just called "Matt"
19 soon to be 20 years old
His mom and dad don't know he's a part of the Banzai Blasters yet, but wouldn't approve if they did know
The only reason he joined was so he could spend time with Giovanni
Has two cats
Punk girl with a leather jacket (that does have spikes on it)
Her and Crusher often argue on who loves Giovanni more, but they're still friends
Is part of a really shitty metal band that practice in her garage
Is 18
Her father doesn't like her being a part of the Banzai Blasters but doesn't do much to stop her
Lives on coffee
WILL cry if something happens to his minecraft dog named Lucy (short for Lucifer)
17 years old (younger than Carcrash by 4 months)
Still in high school
Goes to the same school as Flamethrower
Pizza w/ soda for breakfast, lunch, and dinner
Can't fully controll his epithet [Binary] yet but when he can controll it he just uses it for memes
Totally runs a meme account online
That's it! If I come up with more or just wanna write about the boys more I might make another post. Also this was probably the most fun I had making headcannons for something tbh,
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98prilla · 4 years
Mortals and Fae
This is an ongoing series. I’m posting chapter one here as a little teaser, but if you like it, go read the whole thing (so far) Here! I update every Monday, and so far there’s 13 chapters, and I’m not even halfway through, I think. It’s got almost all of Thomas’s characters eventually, and I’m really excited and proud of it.
He doesn’t care. He’s said that in the past, of course, many times. When his one and only friend said he was cursed, bad luck, that he never wanted to see him again. When people in the market pointed and whispered because of his face. When the rumors started that he was a witch, that he could talk to serpents and send them to do his bidding. That he was a blight against everything and everyone. When even his friend did nothing to help him as the whole village turned against him, and for what?
He could always tell when someone was lying. Even if it was a half truth, he could still tell.
He could speak to snakes, but there were hardly any venomous varieties around, and he’d never asked one to do anything harder than keep mice out of his pantry. They were shy and quiet creatures. Mostly they just wanted to curl up on him, around his neck, or his arm, and observe the world.
Like him. He’d never hurt anyone, never gotten in anyone’s way, kept to himself and kept his head down and stayed away as much as he could and still, still, it wasn’t enough.
He would laugh, if he felt anything other than numb right now. He would raise his head to the sky and laugh and cackle madly like the witch they accused him of being, he would scream about the unfairness of it all, as if he hadn’t known that truth all his life. He would claw and pound and tear at anyone who came after him, he’d go so feral that not even his supposed friend would recognize him.
But he didn’t. For once, he felt absolutely, empty, nothing. It was almost peaceful, almost painful. If he was aware, he’d recognize this as bad, he’d watch where he was going, he’d notice that he was blindly stumbling deeper and deeper into the woods, not bothering to cover the trail he left behind, if they found him, so what?
He stumbled, tripping over a root, landing on his knees, not bothering to catch himself. Maybe he’d just lay here, forever, never moving, let himself decompose, let the moss grow over him, then the grass, let wildflowers bloom from his corpse, let trees grow tall and strong and beautiful. Maybe someone would appreciate his beauty, when they found him, trees and flowers, and moss.
Dimly, his brain was screaming at him, alarm bells ringing in some distant part that he’d locked away. Something about the flowers, forming a perfect ring on the ground in a wide radius around him. Something about how Lady’s Slipper and Daylily shouldn’t be blooming in this fall chill. Something about how orchids were so pretty but not at all native to this neck of the woods.
But that part of his mind was far, far away from where he was now. He’d given up, after all. Just his luck it happened to be in a faerie circle. Just his luck he wouldn’t be allowed to just fade away here on the forest floor.
“Well, lookie here! What little mortal made the decision to come play with me?” A raccous, loud sound. He didn’t respond. He didn’t care, didn’t even bother to close his eyes as the fae’s unnaturally beautiful face came into view.
He was pale, an unearthly aura surrounding his body, which seemed to cast an almost sickly green glow across his skin. His eyes were a hypnotic, swirling green, which seemed to fade from deep, near black, to brilliant, neon green as he watched. They were manically wide, accentuated by the dark circles under them. His hair was long, a mess of feathers and beads and bones (?) tied in, making soft clinking sounds as the fae moved, cocking his head one way then the other. His smile was far too wide to be natural, and his teeth were slightly pointed, and he could almost glimpse a second row behind the first.
That was the most fixating thing about him, those eyes, that glow. He knew he’d tell the fae almost anything if he asked. There wasn’t a point to keeping secrets anymore, there wasn’t a point to hiding anything. The fae could do whatever he wanted, as long as he got him away. As long he didn’t have to feel anything, ever again.
“Um… shouldn’t you be doing something? Like… screaming?” Oh. Oh that was a good one. As if this was anything more terrifying that he’d already seen, as if this fae could be a bigger monster than humans, as if he had anything left to fear in this world or any other.
He was numb. Not just on the inside, his body was numb. He wasn’t sure he could move any more if he tried. He did, and found with morbid fascination that he couldn’t even twitch his fingers anymore. He was warm. When had that happened? It was cold, and he’d ran, his clothes in tatters, too afraid to go home and try and snatch his clothing. Even in a light chill, he always wore his cloak, his scarf, his hat, his gloves. He had always been sensitive to the cold.
 Instead of responding to the fae, he curled up, trying to find any hint of warmth from the cold, hard, ground. He heard an intake of breath, as he felt cold breeze against his cheek. If he cared anymore, it would probably be painful.
But he was empty. He had nothing. He didn’t care. For once, that was the truth.
“Damien Alexander Lyre.” His voice was a void, it vibrated hollowly in his chest, it didn’t even sound like his own. It wasn’t anymore, he supposed. But being a puppet would be better than ever going back to thinking.
“w-wha?” The fae stuttered. He opened his eyes, something in them causing the fae to recoil.
“That is my name. Damien Alexander Lyre. Do with me what you will.” He closed his eyes, feeling the numbness overtake him. He let out a soft, low, sigh, hoping against hope, he never woke up.
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klaumiel · 3 years
You are all I’ve got, Damien// Chapter 10: Mother Karma
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I felt a sharp pain before landing on the ground. My neck was bleeding, Bennie’s knife was so close to my skin that even though I managed to release myself from him, he still cut me.
At first, I thought it was just a small scratch, so my eyes landed on Damien who’s fists continuously crushed Bennie’s face. Damien’s face was terrifying full of hate and fury; he completely lost control of himself. A small part of me was scared of him in this form, was this Damien from the past? Is that who he was? He talked about this so many times, how he had to fight with himself, how horrible he felt every time he hurt someone.
I called his name a few times, but he didn’t listen just kept throwing punches one after another, like in the trans. For a moment I thought he would kill Bennie, there was no way he could survive this. Everything was happening so fast, but at the same time felt like forever.
Suddenly I saw Bennie reaching for his knife, that was not far from his arm when I was about to get up, I felt a metallic taste in my mouth, and in a split of a second I started to choke, I couldn’t catch my breath. I pressed my hand on my neck, desperately trying to stop the bleeding.
Damien looked at me; his eyes were filled with tears; I tried to warn him, but I couldn’t make a sound until it was too late. Bennie thrust his knife right into Damien’s chest; I was too weak to get up, too weak to scream or even cry. I felt hopeless, watching him collapsing on the ground hurt more than anything. I heard him yelling my name, but I couldn’t do anything. I watched my boyfriend bleed, and there was nothing I could do.
I saw two guys taking Bennie, dragging him away, he yelled to finish us off, but police sirens stopped them from it, I saw them running away before everything went dark.
I woke up hearing familiar voices. I opened my eyes and saw my Dad’s face, smiling. Everything felt like a dream, faded.
‘Maya, sweetie’ I heard him say.
I looked around I was laying on the hospital bed, surrounded by familiar faces, Shaun, and Dad. I tried to move my head, but sharp pain followed, and then everything came back to me.
‘Where am I?’ I asked, barely making a sound, I cleared my throat and tried again, this time more successfully ‘Where am I?’ I knew exactly where I was, but I needed that confirmation. I needed to know if I’m awake or this is just a dream.
‘Sweetie, you are in the hospital. Thank god you are awake, we were losing our minds… Don’t force yourself … Shaun, go to get the doctor.’ My Dad said, holding my hand.
‘Where is Damien?’ I shifted nervously looking around. I had no idea if he was even alive. I passed away right after Bennie’s escape, and he was badly wounded’ Please tell me he is OK… Dad, where is he ?’ I panicked, my eyes filled with tears by the thought that he didn’t make it. Please don’t tell me he is dead!
‘Shh... Hey!... calm down. He is here, few rooms away.’ He said, trying to calm me down, but his face was serious, I knew that look. That wasn’t very reassuring.
‘How is he? Is he awake?’
‘I don’t know the details; your Mum spends a lot of time with him. She told me he is fine, but doctors can’t say much until he is awake. You were a bit luckier than him’ He said, stroking my cheek. I knew he isn’t telling me the whole truth.
‘How long we’ve been here?’
‘Six days’ He said ‘ but that doesn't matter, you are OK, and that’s all it matters.’
‘What about Bennie? Please tell me they found him, he couldn’t go far.’
‘No sweetie, they didn’t fund him. Police are looking for him; he seemed to vanish.’
‘What you mean, vanish!? In a puff of smoke!? He is a person, not a wizard! I saw the police arriving when he was escaping Dad!... he couldn't go far. He needed medical assistance, did they checked hospitals? What about his old house?’ I felt anger build inside me. ‘ How did he even managed to escape the prison!?’
‘One of the guards helped him for a reasonable sum of money, and few others were covering his ass…they will find him, Maya. Stop worrying now; they know what they are doing.’
I doubt that very much.
At that moment, I saw a doctor coming into the room with a nurse. Alex was a young and handsome doctor; he looked after me after my accident. Also, we had a history of short but very steamy romance back from the Uni times. After my accident, we met a few times for how they called it – Netflix and chill, but after a few dates, we called it a day as our relations were strictly physical. We decided to be friends, and while we were single friends with benefits. Last time we saw each other was a few months ago just before I met Damien.
‘And who we have here? Maya Clark decided to wake up finally. You do like to keep us waiting, huh?’  He smiled coming closer; the nurse started to remove the bandages from my neck. ‘ We did our best to stitch you up nicely, wasn’t a deep cut, but very messy. It was mostly superficial, but there was small damage to the carotid artery and jugular vein, where the substantial bleeding came from. You will be fine. You will be able to go back home in a few days.’ He said, looking at the cut, he brushed his fingers on my neck shooting me a glance, I knew he still had hots for me, unfortunately for him, from my side, there was none left ‘Is starting to heal nicely.’ He smiled, touching my neck for a little bit too long.
‘And what is Damien’s situation? Will he be alright? … but Alex, be honest, please’ I looked him in the eyes.
‘Well, that’s a bit more complicated. Damien’s wound was deep, causing severe internal damage. The knife missed the heart but didn’t spare the lungs; we managed to patch him up, but the internal bleeding did more damage than we thought. So far he is functioning well, but we need to wait for him to wake up to have a full diagnose… I am optimistic; he is very strong.’ He said, rubbing my arm reassuringly.
‘What you mean by more damage?’
‘So far, all his organs are functioning correctly, and we are monitoring it, but I will be honest with you Maya, the possibility of coma is strong. The fact that he didn’t wake up yet points to it, but we are giving him another few days to be sure’ Alex said
‘Coma!?... No, no… I need to see him now!’ I said starting to get up but suddenly felt dizzy and fell back on the bed.
‘Easy there … Not yet, you should be resting. We will have you checked today, and we will see tomorrow, I will keep you updated on him, I promise’  He said with a smile, helping me lay down.
‘Alex please, I need to see him now... do you want me to beg?’ I said. He knew that if he didn’t help me, I would go one way or another.
‘Ok…I will have a nurse to take you there in few. I need to check on him anyway so I can keep an eye on you as well’ He smiled
‘Thank you Alex’ I said
‘It will sound bad, but I didn’t want to see you here again so soon. You two were very lucky; few more minutes could’ve been too late.’  he said and walked off the room.
My mum stormed into the room, wearing sweat pants and hoody, she looked so tired, her hair was messy, no make-up. She smiled when she saw me.
‘Maya, sweetie’ she cried and wrapped her arms around me ‘ you give us a proper scare’ she said, kissing my forehead ’how are you feeling, love?’
‘I’m good Mum, my neck is a little bit sore, but Alex said it would heal well’ I smiled
‘You have no idea how we were all worried about you two. Shaun called us when we were at the airport, waiting for our flight to Paris. He said you would be fine, but Damien … ‘ she stopped and looked at me, her face was full of worry.
‘You should go to him, Alex said that he could hear everything, maybe if he will hear you he will get better.’ she said ‘I’m sure he is sick of hearing my voice’ she laughed.
‘Maya...’ Alex’s head pop through the door ‘ Ready?’ he asked.
I nodded, the nurse brought the wheelchair and helped me sit, a few moments later, we entered the room.
‘I will leave you here for a moment; I just need to check on him.’ He said. Damien’s chest was wrapped in bandages; I was so glad to see him in one piece.
‘He’s heartbeat is slow, that’s not a good sign.’  I heard Alex whispering to the nurse; he saw me staring and turned away and said something to her; she walked off the room.
‘Alex… should I be worried?’ I asked.
‘No Maya, everything is ok’ he give me a reassuring smile.
I turned to Damien, grabbed his hand gently in both of my hands ‘My mum told me that he could hear us? Is that correct?’ I asked.
He nodded, I pushed myself up from the chair and brought my face close to his, I kissed his temple still holding his hand ‘Damien… honey… I’m here’ I whispered to his ear ‘ don’t you dare to leave me, you hear me? I need you to wake up.’ I heard the cardiac monitor beeping faster. I turned my head to Alex and smiled; he smiled back.
I’ve put my hand on Damien’s chest gently rubbing his skin ‘Come back to me.’ I whispered.
‘Whatever you are doing is working’ Alex said, stopping the nurse from injecting some medication to Damien ‘ Rose, I don’t think we will need that, for now.’ he smiled.
‘Can you move me to this room?’ I asked, looking at Alex.
‘If that will make you rest, I will have that arranged … you are still weak, and I know how annoyingly stubborn you are, if I don’t agree to that I will never see you in your bed resting, but I trust you know what you are doing’ he said.
‘Thank you, Alex.’
‘Before I leave, there was a guy, he came here a few times asking to visit, but we didn’t let him in. I asked your parents, but they didn’t know him, Skylar Quinn? Sounds familiar? black hair, blue eyes, looks pretty young.’
‘Yes, he is a friend’ I smiled ‘ I will text him and tell him to come over.’
‘Great, I will pass that to the reception.’
The same night my bed has been moved to Damien’s room next to him. I knew that me being close to him will help in his recovery. My parents finally went home to get some rest
I texted Skylar letting him know we are okay and that I need to talk to him urgently.
I needed Skylar’s help; I knew that police wouldn’t find Bennie and I had to do it myself, for our own sake, so we could finally have some peace.
This had to end, Bennie being around had to end. After that event something in me broke, I felt pure hate and rage every time I thought of Bennie. It wasn’t just about what happened that night; it had more to do with Damien’s mother, his face when Bennie mentioned her was so full of pain and sadness, I knew deep down that this bastard had something to do with it, and I had to know what exactly happened.
I decided to relax and buried my mind into the Outlander, checking every now and then on Damien. The room was utterly silent; I could hear only beeping of the machines. I was deep into my book when I heard a quiet gasp, I turned my head and put my book down, Damien’s eyes were openly looking right at me.
‘Baby’ he said quietly. I jumped off my bed and sat next to him, grabbing his hand. I smiled wildly; I was so happy to see him awake.
‘Careful, love.’ I said when he started to move around, trying to get up. ‘Don’t move; I will call the doctor.’ I said, pressing the button on the side of the bed and smiled, I turned my head back to him and rubbed his face with my hand.
‘I’m so happy to see you alive Maya’ he said quietly ‘I thought I’d lost you.’ His voice was soft and warm.
‘I’m stronger than you think’ I smiled, happy tears falling down my face ‘But we are both fine, and that’s what matters now.’ He moved my hand from his cheek to his lips and kissed.
‘I love you so much baby, I felt like the world shattered in a million pieces when I saw you there.’ I saw a single tear falling on his cheek.
‘I love you too. And I’m fine.’ I smiled
��Did they catch Bennie?’ he asked.
I tried to keep my face straight, but he knew, he could read me right through.
‘Damien…let’s see what the doctor says first and then I will tell you ok? You are too weak yet; you should rest.’ I said, knowing that wasn’t convincing at all.
‘Maya… please, tell me. I need to know.’
I took a deep breath ‘He escaped…but police are looking for him, they are close’ I said trying to calm him down.
He didn’t say anything, but I saw the anger in his eyes, the same anger I saw that night.
‘Welcome back’ Alex smiled ‘Is good to see you finally with us…Maya could you give us a minute, Alex asked smiling touching my hand, the way he definitely shouldn’t  I pulled it away quickly. What the hell was that about?!
I kissed Damien gently on the lips, grabbed my phone and walked out the room.
I called my parents to tell them that he woke up. Mum wanted to come over right away, but I told her that he needs to rest, after all, it was the middle of the night.
I sat in the corridor deep in my thoughts, completely lost the feeling of time. Something was bothering me; something I had in my head ever since I woke up. Damien’s face, when Bennie mentioned his mother, did he really watched her die? Is this his last memory of her? And what Bennie had to do with it? I knew she died when he was only a kid and that he didn’t remember her for a long time, but what exactly happened? All those questions in my head, I needed to know the whole story, soon. I needed to decide on what to do. Next, I couldn’t just let it go. I found Bennie before, I could find him again.
I felt tapping on my shoulder; I looked up, it was Alex. He sat next to me and smiled.
‘Everything is on order; he is like newborn, we will need to keep an eye on him for at least one more week to make sure everything is healing nicely, but I don’t see any complications. Everything is absolutely fine Maya.’
‘You have no idea how glad I am to hear that, thank you.’ I smiled and hugged him.
‘Couple of days.’ he said, getting up.
I went back to the room, Damien was sitting on the bed, smiling.
‘They unplugged me.’ he laughed and extended his arm to me ‘Come here you.’
He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me close; he pressed his head on my chest. I kissed the top his head burring my fingers in his hair. He held me tight, rubbing my back. He looked up and pulled my chin gently to him, I cupped his face and kissed him deeply; everything around stopped to exist; it was just us. The kiss was different from any others, stronger, more intimate, but not in a sexual way. There was something different, like a magical dose of happiness spreading through my whole body. Damien pulled away looked in my eyes.
‘I’m sorry baby’ he said.
‘What for?’ I was a bit confused.
‘I failed you … I promised I wouldn’t let anything bad happen to you, I should’ve reacted sooner… but the feeling of him having full control… the fear of losing you completely took control over me.’
‘Damien, stop it! Don’t even go there … there was nothing you could do, we are alive. That’s the most important; you didn’t fail me, you are still here, you didn’t give up.’ I said, rubbing his face.
‘I should've protected you better.’ he looked down.
I pulled his face up ‘You protected me the best you could… for god sake, you nearly died, Damien, how can you talk about failure? You would’ve failed me if you died… leaving me alone … that would’ve been a failure. Because guess what smart ass, I would die without you, do you understand?!’  I said with a serious face.  How can he even think like this?
‘Bennie is going to pay for this, for everything he did. I will make him pay for this.’ He said with anger. I felt like it was time for him to tell me what I needed to know before he does anything stupid and irrational.  Like what I planned to do? Such a hypocrite Maya!
We laid together on his bed wrapped in each other, enjoying the silence. I decided it is time to start “that” conversation.
‘I had so many dreams in the last few days. I didn’t know if I am alive or dead, but the dreams were so real, none of them made any sense. Did you dream about anything?’ I asked, tracing his chest gently with my finger.
‘I did, about many things. Mostly about you, all of our happy moments, about prison and my childhood, but there was one thing that kept repeating.’ He said but didn’t continue; he looked into the distance, his face was sad and full of pain.
‘What was it? I asked, looking at him.
‘My mother, she was wearing the same clothes when I last saw her, she stood in the middle of our old garden, smiling, she kept repeating my name and my pop’s name like she was calling us, then I heard a gunshot, and she was gone. It was a brief moment, but for some reason, I felt weird like happy to see her but also scared, the same way when she died the same type of fear. ’ He said, still looking at the distance. I grabbed his hand; he turned his head towards me and looked at me. ‘ What is wrong? Tell me, I can feel you want to tell me something, but you are holding back.’
‘Well, I dreamt about many things as well, but mostly Bennie, his voice that night, when he spoke about your mother. Just the pieces of the whole situation with his voice, what he said and how he said it. Also your face at that moment, honey, what happened to her? You never told me…, and I have this horrible feeling that Bennie had something to do with this.’
He once again looked away, for a moment didn’t say anything. I let him take his time; I knew he wanted to tell me. After a couple of minutes, he took a deep breath and held my hand tighter, still looking away.
‘I was eight years old when that happened. Bennie was already a teenager; he was old enough to be involved in the business with pop. He was always jealous of me because pop treated me better; after all, I was younger and less problematic. His mother was a drug addict; she died when he was no more than two. Pop decided to move on and met my mother; she was an average person, a nurse, with a golden heart and face like an angel. Pop told me that it was difficult for her to get into his lifestyle, but everything changed when I was born. She raised Bennie like his own son, at least she tried. She treated us equally no matter which one of us was at fault she punished us equally, but he hated her for some reason, and he hated me more than anything. He made my life difficult every chance he got; Pop didn’t have time to discipline him he wasn’t home very often, so we were left with mum, I know she loved him, she was a good person, she never hated anyone… She always said that nobody is perfect, but everyone can be fixed …One day she went to chop shop to talk to pop, but she saw something that she shouldn’t, few guys from the other gang tried to rob my Pop’s shop, she saw their faces but managed to escape home, not for long. A few days later we were home, waiting for Pop to come back when they showed up, I don’t remember in detail what happened but… they questioned her first and even though she said she wouldn’t say a word to anyone about what she saw, they slit her throat in front of my eyes, only because she saw them, she had no idea who they were and what they were doing there. Only years later, I’ve learned that Bennie was the one who told them who she was, he also told them that she worked with pop, which was a lie…they killed her because of him, Maya, he hated her and found the way to get rid of her, and hurt me in one go, after everything, she’s done for him …’ Damien’s eyes filled with tears, which he quickly tried to wipe. He turned his had to me and looked at me ‘ He took everything from me, exactly the way he always said he would. Mum, Pop, my freedom, and he tried to take you.’ He rubbed my cheek with his thumb wiping my tears.
My heart dropped, the pain I saw in his eyes was heartbreaking.
‘I’m so sorry, baby; I can’t even begin to imagine how you felt, and how you feel right now. But know this… You have me, and I love you. That will never change.’ I said, pulling myself up and wrapping my arms around his neck.
‘You are all I’ve got, Maya. All I care about.’ He said, burying his face in my neck, I felt him crying, he tried to hide it, but I squeezed him tight and rubbed his back; he relaxed and finally let it go, the hate, the rage, the pain everything built through the years. Hear him cry broke my heart; I knew that I was the first and the last person to hear this story from him.
I realised that I never hated anyone as much I hated Bennie, I never wished anyone death before, but at this moment I wanted him to die in pain, with whole this pain that Damien felt.
We talked for hours, he told me about his mother's good memories, all the happy things he remembered.
I didn’t sleep for the rest of the night; I was busy planning my next move.
‘There you are lovebirds… I walked past this room at least three times’ I heard a familiar voice in the room, I was so deep into my thoughts that I didn’t hear anyone entering, I’ve put my book down and saw Skylar hanging his jacket on the chair.
‘Skylar!’ I got out of bed and hugged him. ’So good to see you’ I smiled.
‘How are you doing you, bastard? You gave me a proper scare; I thought for a moment that you were gone, but ambulance came just in time.’ he said, looking at Damien.
‘I’m tougher than I look.’ Damien smiled.
‘How come you were there?’ I asked.
‘I followed Bennie’s thugs; I arrived seconds after they escaped with him.’ I saw Damien’s jaw clench.
‘Let’s go to get coffee; Alex said you couldn’t stress.’ I said, rubbed Damien’s arm and whispered in his ear ‘I will be back to you in just a moment, I love you.’ I kissed him, stroking his hair gently.
‘Bring me coffee, ok?’ He smiled.
‘I will be back soon, mate, ladies first.’ Skylar laughed
I took Skylar to the cafeteria; we sat far from others. I didn’t want anyone to overhear what had to tell him. We ordered coffee, and I cut to the point.
‘I have a plan… but not a word about this to Damien ok?’  Skylar raised his brow and leaned closer. I knew he would be interested. ’Will you help me?’ I asked
‘I will’ he smiled
‘I need to find Bennie; the police is useless’ I said, he rolled his eyes laughing.
‘Yeah, no shit Sherlock … you are lucky because I know exactly where he is’ he smiled and sat back in his chair sipping his coffee.
‘How come?’ I asked, surprised.
‘I told you before; I followed one of his thugs. Right after the ambulance took you two, I went after them. My friend Seth hacked this idiot’s phone and installed a tracker; he never leaves Bennie’s side so wherever he is, Bennie is close’ He said showing me the app on his phone with Bennie’s location.
‘Can this information be wiped? Can anyone find out that this guy’s phone is tracked?’ I asked he looked at me trying to figure out what am I talking about.
‘Well yes, once Seth disables the tracker, there will be no sign of it… Maya, why do you need to know this? What the fuck are you planning?’
‘Do you trust him?’
‘Yes, we helped each other a few times; he is a great hacker. He hacks everything and does what he wants with it.’ He had no idea how valuable that information was for me.
‘Great, we will need him… I need you to keep tracking Bennie. I will be out of the hospital in two days. I need you to be ready the same evening.’ I said
‘Maya, what the fuck are you planning? And why I have a feeling this is something crazy?’
‘We are going to pay Bennie a visit … and finish it once and for all.’ I said, making sure nobody is listening.
‘Elaborate … I don’t think I understand this correctly, what you mean by the ‘’finish it’’?’ Skylar looked a bit worried.
‘Bennie won’t stop hunting us, even if he goes back to prison, he won’t stop. He has people working for him, but they are loyal because he pays them. Damien told me all about the whole gang business; everything will stop once Bennie is gone, and I want to make this happen. Also, there is something else, but I don’t want to talk about this right now.’
‘You are going to turn him in?’ He knew exactly what I mean, but he tried to make sure we are talking about the same thing.
‘No’ I said looking Skylar in the eyes, he understood ‘ How many thugs are with him?’
‘Two, he keeps a low profile …Maya this is crazy you know that right?’
‘I know, but that’s the only way. I need Damien to have some peace… Skylar I nearly lost him, and that’s not the first time. Bennie is responsible for so much pain in his life; he killed his father, was the main reason for this mother’s death, and tried to kill me. If this is not a good reason to finish him, I don’t know what is. If I don’t do it, Damien will, and I can’t allow it, that’s why I need to you stay quiet, don’t tell him anything until it is done.’ I said in a quiet voice.
‘Are you sure about this? I am not the best bodyguard, you know?’ He laughed
‘Darling, my father is a first rank Capitan, me and Shaun had self-defence classes since we were toddlers, with a good plan this will be easy. Plus Shaun will be there as well you just need to make sure that your friend Seth takes care of all the cameras around the area for at least two hours.’
‘You have it all planned out … you cheeky...’ he laughed
‘You underestimated me, Skylar Quinn.’ I laughed back
‘You know that Damien will be furious when he finds out, we are talking about real shit here, Maya. One mistake and we are all going to jail.’
‘So we need to make sure we don’t make any mistakes.’ I said confidently ‘ Skylar. I nearly died there. I have to take that chance; Bennie doesn't deserve to breathe the same air as we are. So, are you in or not?’
‘Yes, I’m in.’ he said ‘ I will sort everything out with Seth and come back to you as soon as I have the full confirmation, let’s just hope Bennie will stay in place for two days’ Skylar said looking at his phone.
We went back to the room; Skylar stayed for a bit longer, talking to Damien.
I knew that deep inside; he was excited about our little plan. He was a man of adrenaline and risk after all.
Two days later, I was released home in the morning. Skylar already confirmed that his friend Seth is waiting for our signal.
‘Is Shaun coming to pick you up?’ Damien asked, sitting on the bed, watching me gather all my stuff.
‘Yes, he is already waiting in the car.’ I said, sitting next to him. ‘I will come tomorrow, pop into Cinnaholic and grab you something, huh? What do you fancy?.’ I asked.
‘Oh you know how much I love the Caramel Apple Pie, you can get the Cookie Monster as well… shit you give me a taste now, baby. I might need to pop into the cafe to satisfy my needs.’ He laughed ‘But remember, don’t forget the fork this time.’
I rolled my eyes ‘ You mean the fork you never use?.’ I said
‘Ha. Ha… it’s for you silly, I am a trained professional I don’t need a fork. ‘He said, smiling.
‘Right, trained professional, maybe you should make videos and post it online, maybe you will get them for free if you get enough followers, and you will have some hot chicks thirsting and watching your face getting covered in icing.’ I laughed.
‘Maybe I should, you convince me with the hot chicks.’ He smiled, I pushed him when he started to laugh ‘You should see your face.’ he cracked laughing
‘Not funny Damien Jones, not funny at all.’ I said
‘Baby, you know that the only hot chick I care about is you.’ He said, pulled me to him, wrapping his arms around me. ‘What’s wrong? You seem concerned about something … talk to me.’ Shit, did he noticed? Poker face Maya, focus, he can’t suspect anything.
‘No, I’m fine, just the thought of sleeping alone tonight makes me sad.’ I said the first thing that came to my mind, hoping he will believe it.
‘Alex said they are waiting for some results and I will be good to go. Hopefully, not too long.’ He smiled and kissed me; my phone kept ringing when we kissed.
‘I should go, Shaun is getting impatient. I love you, boo.’ I said talking my bag and placed a small kiss on his lips.
‘I love you too … don’t forget the fork.’ He laughed when I walked out.
I sat in Shaun’s car; my mind was already focused on one task.
‘Do you have everything?’ I asked
‘Yes, I can’t believe you kept all this Luke’s stuff…We don’t have much time to get ready. I will ask you one last time Maya… are you hundred per cent sure you want to do this? There as so many ways this could go wrong.’ Shaun said, squeezing the steering wheel.
‘Shaun, we have everything planned, we just need to focus and stick to the plan.’ I said, trying to sound confident, but the more I thought about this, the less optimistic I was.
‘Are you sure those drugs are still good? It’s been a while.’
‘Yes, I checked. This shit never expires.’
‘Ok, I trust you sister. If this is what you want, I will support you, but I think you should warn Damien, just if anything gets tits up.’
‘Everything will be fine, I don’t want to worry him, plus he would never agree to this.’
We arrived home; I took a shower to clear my mind. I’ve put the most suitable clothes: skinny black jeans, a black shirt and camp boots. I’ve put my hair in the high ponytail. I zipped my leather jacket and looked in the mirror, taking a deep breath and correcting my leather gloves. I checked my pockets and boots for the hidden knives and opened walked to my spare room.
In the corner of the room right behind some of my paintings was a small chest of drawers, my hands were shaking, I didn’t open this drawer since Luke died, all his stuff was there, but I was after only one thing. I moved aside neatly folded shirts and grabbed the gun; we had only three bullets, enough to finish the job.
My heart pounded in my chest. I looked at the gun, remembering when Luke brought it home, together with the drugs, that he never managed to use and I never dared to get rid of, the gun was stolen, Luke stole it from some drug dealer long time ago. Police won’t link it to us, that was the plan, use it for a good cause. I stuck it in my belt behind my jacket and walked downstairs where Shaun was waiting for me.
‘Should I go now?’ he asked
‘Yes, I will call Skylar and go to get him. I will meet you there.’ I said, hugging him.
‘Good luck to all of us … I hope we will come out from this in one piece.’ He hugged my tight.
‘We will.’ I said and kissed his cheek.
I called Skylar; the stress started to kick off. I was restless walking from one side of the room to another.
‘You ready?’ I asked when he picked up.
‘Yes, waiting for you. I will let Seth know to go ahead; he is waiting for my call.’ He said
‘Great, I will be at your house in fifteen minutes… Skylar … thank you.’ I said
‘You will thank me once is over, now get your ass in here, we have a job to do.’ He said, and hang up. I looked out the window it was already dark.  Its time.
I picked up the bike keys from the counter, checked my phone one last time and wrote a message to Damien, before leaving my phone on the table. I knew he would call me later at night, better for him to think I’m sleeping.
‘’I love you, see you tomorrow boo.’’
I didn’t know if using Damien’s bike is a wise idea, but that was a better way to escape quickly, than using my mini Cooper, that takes ages to build up the speed.
Fifteen minutes later, I was in front of Skylar’s door; he walked out as soon as he saw me, put on his helmet and wrapped his arms around my waist.
‘Ready?’ I asked
‘Yes, go.’ He said
The place was around forty minutes outside town, all the way there I had only one thing in my head, everything that Damien told me about Bennie, how hateful and horrible person he is, how much pain he caused him and others. Everything he told me the night before only gave me straight and motivation.
We arrived at the place; it was a field with nothing else than farm buildings. We stopped around a hundred meters from the place Bennie was staying, in the middle of a little forest. Seth made sure that all the street cameras are disabled around the area for the next hour.
Shaun was already there waiting, making sure everything is in place, Skylar went first to explore the area and check the situation inside the house, he knew what he was doing.
Five minutes later he came back ‘ Is looking good, only two guys and Bennie, they are all in the middle room… Shaun and I can go there from the back, and you go by the front door. Bennie is sitting in the middle, and the others are walking around the room, we will need to get them from two sides. Maya, you stand by the front door and wait until we get the other two, the front door seems unlocked. Also, they are full of buzz, which makes it easier.’ He said, checking his pocket for the syringe. ‘Got it.’ He smiled.
‘Ok, let’s go then…remember in the neck, and all of it.’ I said
They both nodded. I walked quietly to the front of what looked like an old farmhouse; I could hear Bennie talking. I looked through the gap in the window for a sign of Skylar or Shaun.
Bennie was sitting on the chair, with his legs on the table and bottle in his hand. His face was in the rag order, black eyes, cut lip, bruises all over, seeing him like this gave me joy, I knew that after today more would join to add some more bruises to his collection. Two other guys were walking around the back of the room, one of them was pretty big and packed; with a stupid look on his face, he didn’t look very smart. The other was average, skinny but tall, and both seemed pretty buzzed, I hoped that Skylar would go after the smaller guy, my heart dropped when I saw his face behind the gorilla-like looking guy.  Fuck sake, Skylar!
On the other side, Shaun was getting ready to go after the other guy; they give me a sign and both of them at the same time walked behind them striking them on the back of the head.
‘What the fuck!’ Bennie jumped from the chair and reached for his gun.
It was time for me, I opened the door, pointing the gun towards Bennie.
‘I wouldn’t do that if I were you.’ I said, walking inside; my heart was pounding in my chest, I barely managed to keep my hands from shaking.
‘You bitch! I should’ve fucking finish you when I had a chance!’ He shouted, turning towards me a bit shaky.
‘You should've.’ I said, still pointing the gun at him; I saw Skylar injecting the drugs to the other two. Shaun grabbed Bennie from behind and pressed a knife to his throat. ‘You will pay for everything; this is my promise to you… you took everything from Damien, everything he loved the most, now I will take everything from you. You will remember my face until you kiss the ground.’ I said, approaching him. I pressed the gun to his head, looking him right in the eyes, I could feel Shaun and Skylar staring at me. I felt like pulling the trigger right at that moment, the desire to blow his head off was so strong that I didn’t know if it was the adrenaline or hate that made me feel like this, but I knew I had to control it. Stick to the fucking plan, Maya!
‘Come on, do it.’ Bennie laughed ‘ That will make you one of us. Just what Damien needs, a chick who can kill.’
I took a step back, still pointing the gun at him, my eyes not leaving his. I couldn’t read him; he showed zero remorse or fear; I could only see evil.
‘I didn’t say I’m going to kill you; I’m not a murderer like you. I only said I would make you pay for everything you’ve done. Someone else will do the dirty work for me.’ I said and pointed the gun at one of his thugs, lying on the ground unconscious, pulled the trigger, and shot him on the shoulder, I moved to the other and did the same.
‘What the fuck are you doing you stupid whore!’ Bennie shouted and tried to move, but Shaun held him tight.
‘I am sure that your gang members will be pleased to find out that their boss shot two of his mates. Mostly the ones in prison, where you will wake up tomorrow morning. I’m sure they will welcome you with open arms.’  I finally saw a flinch of fear in his eyes; he didn’t saw it coming. ‘You messed with the wrong girl, Bennie. I love your brother more than anything in this world, and I would do anything for him, you tried to destroy his life for years, but I will destroy yours with a blink of an eye.’ I looked at Skylar and nodded, he stuck the syringe into his neck, I saw Bennie’s eyes getting heavy, he mumbled something before landing on the ground.
‘Come on we have to hurry up, we don’t have much time.’  Shaun said and starter to move things around.
I placed the gun in Bennie’s hand, making sure his fingerprints are on it.
‘Are you sure they won’t remember anything?’ Skylar asked
‘I am sure they will wake up like after the heavy partying, they won’t remember a damn thing.’ I said, looking at Bennie. Skylar and Shaun were on their way out.
I stared at Bennie, the whole feeling from before still dominating my mind. I  picked up a chair and smashed it on Bennie’s head with all the force I had, pieces of the broken chair flew around the room  ‘Maya for god sake, what the fuck are you doing, we are done here, we need to go!’ Shaun grabbed my arm, pulling me out.
‘Motherfucker! I hope you die in pain!’ I shouted.
The whole adrenaline in me started to sink when I walked out the door.
‘Let’s get the fuck out of here; I messaged Seth to call the cops.’ Skylar said, sitting on the bike behind me.‘ I hope you have something strong to drink at home because I fucking need it.’ He said.
We drove back to my house, and spend the rest of the night in silence, drinking.
It was done, the whole plan worked. Now the most challenging part was ahead … tell Damien.
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m4delin · 4 years
I hope it's not too late for prompts because I'd like to request Illinois saying "I told you not to fall in love with me" to Yancy. Just fuck me up fam >:'3
Prompts are always open, I’m just a slow writer!
Also, confession time. I’m not very happy with this, and I might re-write it another time, but have this anyway bc I’ve been struggling with it now for a while. And I wanna post something!
I hope you enjoy this @juju-on-that-yeet
Title: Told You SoRating: T, for mostly swearingCharacters: Yancy, Bingiplier, Illinois, Actor MarkTags: No happy ending, Angst, brainwashing/reprogramming, implied torture, not beta’d
The first thing Yancy noticed were the sharp pain coming from his neck. He wasn’t sure if he groaned or whimpered from the pain, he wasn’t even sure if he was moving. Pain was all he registred for some time.
Then the sense of touch reached him. Something cold were pressing against one side of his face and side of the body and something uncomfortable were digging itself into his wrists. Where were his arms? He still couldn’t feel them.
After laying still and letting the coldness ground him for a while, sound finally started to filter through the buzz in his head and the streaks in front of his eyes slowly disappeared. Meaning he finally dared to open his eyes.
While Yancy wasn’t expecting to see anything particular, he found himself to be prepared for a blinding light that comes with being in Dr. Iplier’s room. But this was obviously not Edward’s small clinic at the Manor. Yancy wasn’t even on a bed. The ground were cement, the light were barely enough to see and were coming from the corridor and there were bars preventing him from getting outside of the room. Cell would be a more appropriate description.
He closed his eyes and let out a groan. His head was killing him. He wasn’t sure for how long he laid there, letting the coldness of the floor sooth his aching body, but when he heard footsteps approaching, he forced his eyes open to watch the person.
“Bing?” Yancy’s throat were hoarse and he needed a drink badly, but he barely noted that fact as Bing were watching him with his orange eyes. It sent a shiver down Yancy’s spine, he’ve never really seen Bing without his sunglasses. But the most worrying part were the fact that he looked emotionless. Way too much like Google.
Yancy grunted as he tried to sit up, but only to find his hands tied behind his back. Dread started to build in his stomach and he stared at Bing. “Bing, what’s happenin’?”
No answer.
Yancy shuffled himself up into a sitting position and stared right back at the android, annoyance overcoming the dread. “Are yous just gonna stare at me, huh? Like I’m some sort of an animal?” He spat.
At that Bing smirked, and opened the door and with a few long steps he was by Yancy. Yancy let out a curse when he was suddenly dragged up by his feet and pushed to walk.
He stumbled at the first push but somehow caught himself before he would slam into the bars. “Fuckin’ tincan! Lemme get my balance before I start walking or I’ll bust youses head in!”
The chuckle coming from behind him had the hairs on his arms stand. It sounded empty. “Sorry Yancy, but we’re in a bit of a hurry.”
With no more words, Yancy got pushed through a corridor filled with cells. Most of them seemed to be empty.
But when he saw a glimpse of a blue android in one of them, he tried to stop and look but Bing merely continued to push him forward, making Yancy stumble and almost fall. “That’s Google! What the fuck is he doing in a cell? What is going on?“ He yelled as he tried to turn around to look back.
"Don’t worry about him. He’s just being… repurposed. He’ll feel a lot better afterwards.” Bing didn’t stop for a moment in his walking. “I know I did.”
The last words were barely louder than a whisper and Yancy would’ve missed it if Bing weren’t close to push him forward again.
“Repurposed- what the fuck Bing? What have they done to you?”
He didn’t receive an answer other than a shove. Cursing and swearing were the only thing Yancy could do, and he got louder when he noticed other egos in other cells. Yandere, Bim, King, Silver. All of them laying still. And no amount of yelling and swearing made them react.
Eventually were Yancy brought to a bigger room that was more well lit than the corridor, it almost hurt his eyes. But he didn’t have to worry about that as a blinding pain ran across his skull.
He wasn’t sure if he fell to the floor or if Bing caught him, but as the worst pain dulled he knew he was manhandled and pressed against something flat.
And when he finally were able to focus and open his eyes again, he found himself tied to the wall.
Groaning, Yancy tried to muster strength to tug at the chains but it did nothing more than to rattle them.
“Ah! I see that Yancy are here and awake! Well done, Bing!”
Yancy followed the unfamiliar voice to an unfamiliar man standing in the doorway. Red bathrobe, white scarf, black cane, fucking slippers. A face not too unlike his own.
Another ego.
“Who the fuck are yous?”
“Oh? You don’t recognize me? Well, I do look quite different right now so I suppose I can’t blame you.” The man chuckled as he walked up by Bing. ”But I’m surprised that Damien haven’t told you about me.” He tilted his head.  “Of course, he likes to keep his secrets, doesn’t he?”
Yancy frowned. “I’m supposed to know yous? And who’s Damien?”
The man waved a hand dismissively in front of him. “Ah, I keep forgetting he goes by Dark these days. He could’ve found a better name than that, don’t you think?”
Staring at the man, he tried to form his thoughts and understand what was happening but the pain made his mind sluggish.
“But never mind that! I usually goes by the name Mark, and I know how it seems, but really! I’m one of the good guys!” The man, Mark, gesticulated with one of his hands as he talked.
Yancy barely listened to him talking, trying to figure out what happened before he woke up in that cell. He’d been outside.
“Bing here-” Mark’s voice snapped him out of his thoughts and Mark put a hand on Bing’s shoulder- “have kindly seen reason! I must say, Damien really puts a lot of lies in everyone’s head!”
Bing’s face were blank with no hint of emotion behind his eyes. Now that Yancy got a look on him in better light, he was confident that even Google emitted more emotions from his face than Bing does now. And that scared him. The mischievous grin on Mark only added to the coming dread.
“I’m sure you will see reasons as well, my dear Yancy.”
Yancy’s mind were racing as Mark turned around and begun to walk over to a table where a hat rested. A very familiar hat.
He’d been outside with Illinois, Yandere and Bim as it been a nice day.
“What the fuck have yous done with Illinois?” Yancy growled and pulled against the chains, pain be damned.
Mark picked up the hat and walked back to his previous place beside Bing, a small, amused smile on his lips. “There’s nothing you need to worry about.”
“If youses hurt ‘Nois, I’ll fuckin’ murder yous!”
Mark studied him and Yancy kept growling, yanking at the chains. A chill ran down Yancy’s spine when Mark’s face suddenly brightened and laughed.
“You’re in love, aren’t you?”
Yancy growled in response.
Mark’s face softened. “Oh, Yancy.” As he stepped closer, he put the hat on top of his head and slowly the bathrobe faded to only be replaced by a beige shirt and brown pants. Cane dropped to the floor and slippers turning into shoes. The skin darkened to a tan color and the beard got scuffier. A charming smile were on his lips as he stopped in front of Yancy.
Yancy felt his mouth run dry as he stared at the man in front of him. “‘Nois?”
“Yeah, it’s me.” Even the voice and accent were right.
Shaking his head, Yancy balled his fists. “No, yous ain’t him! Yous just some shapeshiftin’ dick!”
All the anger and fight left him as Mark- Illinois- fuck, he didn’t know anymore- gently grabbed Yancy’s chin and tilted it slightly upwards, looking into his eyes.
“I’m so sorry, Yancy. I told you not to fall in love with me.”
“‘Nois-” Yancy began but bit himself in the tongue. What was he gonna say?
Illinois backed up until he reached Bing. “Bing, we need to get started. Before Damien or William decides to come busting in.”
His voice too smooth for those words.
Bing nodded, turning around and walked out through the door. Illinois looked at Yancy with a hint of sadness in his eyes. “Sorry that it turned out like this. But I promise, you’ll feel better afterwards.”
“Yous- yous ain’t him! Yous ain’t ‘Nois!”
Illinois hummed. “I am now. You see, the original died during his first expedition after he arrived at the Manor. Quite easily to take his place without Damien noticing. And I must say, I’ve become quite fond of this hat,” he says and tiled said item a little bit backwards.
Air didn’t want to go down into his lungs.
“I- no. Yous… Yous lyin’.” His voice weren’t louder than a whisper. Yancy didn’t dare to speak any louder.
Illinois’ expression softened again. “Don’t worry, darling. I’ll take care of you.”
Yancy didn’t doubt him.
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darley1101 · 5 years
You Taste Like Home (Perfect Match Damien x MC)
Tastes Like Home
Violent thoughts were not the norm for Ava. She liked to think of herself as an almost pacifist. Almost because she enjoyed a good boxing match. What could she say, there was just something insanely hot about two half naked men slugging it out while sweat dripped down their muscled up bodies. What wasn't hot was Damien's ex Alana. Okay, so maybe Alana was physically attractive; if you liked perfect hair and high cheek bones. The surly attitude and smug remarks about breaking Damien were total deal breakers though. To quote her cousin Nadia “being an insufferable twat was so not cool.” It had taken an insane amount of will power for Ava to not curl up her fist and punch the bitch right in her perfect nose. She was actually proud of how restrained she had been. Under normal circumstances she would have at least snatched some of that perfect hair from Alana's scalp. It was the sex, she thought bitterly as she stripped off  her light gray t shirt and denim shorts. Her body and mind had still been muddled from having Damien fuck her not once, not twice, but three times in that tiny bathroom on the plane. What could she say...it had been a long flight.
Kicking her underwear aside while she unhooked her bra, Ava drew her brows together at the memory. A lot strong words had been said in that bathroom. She'd meant them. They hadn't been some in the heat of the moment proclamation. She loved Damien so much it fucking hurt sometimes; like now to be exact. Damien on the other hand...well she wasn't so sure what his intentions were. He'd seemed to love thrusting his dick in and out of her. He'd seemed to love her mouth going down on him. And he had definitely seemed to love making her cum. All of his so called love seemed to vanish when the plane landed and they discovered his ex holed up in his safe house. The urge to punch him in the face was almost as strong as the urge to punch Alana.
She stepped under the shower head, squeezing her eyes shut as the steady stream of hot water washed away the sweat, cum, and other grime that had accumulated on her body during the mad dash to stay one step ahead of Eros. There was a part of her that wanted to call up Cecile and say 'here's your robot back, now leave us the hell alone.' She wasn't stupid enough to think things would be that simple. It wasn't just Hayden that Eros was after. Sloane had stolen a lot of incriminating evidence from their computers. There was also all the information Damien, Ava, and Nadia had discovered during their file search. No way in hell Eros was backing off without a fight.
“Ava, you have got to see this closet!” Nadia called from the other side of the door. “Girl might be a bitch but she's a bitch with excellent taste!”
Rolling her eyes, Ava focused on scrubbing herself down. It was pointless to remind Nadia that of course Alana had good taste. She had dated Damien, plus she had an endless supply of government resources at her disposal. “Like seriously,” Nadia continued. “There's Addison Sinclair and...oh my god! Ava she has Priya Delacroix! I repeat...she has Priya Delacroix!”
The excitement in Nadia's voice was almost contagious because Ava found herself smiling for the first time since they arrived in Germany. The smile was mostly for Nadia. It was nice to hear something other than anger, heartbreak, and despair in her cousin's voice. “There's this purple dress that you're going to look amazing in Ava,” Nadia squealed. And just like that the smile faded. There was no way in hell Ava was wearing any of Alana's clothes. She would rather put back on the grimy outfit on the floor.  “I don't think any of this has ever been worn.”
“Nadia,” Ava yanked open the bathroom door, steam billowing out around her. “I am not wearing that bitch's clothes.”
Nadia cross her arms. “So what are you going to wear? The clothes you just took off? News flash Ava they're disgusting. Do you really want to put them back on?”
Of course Ava didn't want to put her dirty clothes back on, but she wanted to wear Alana's clothes even less. She already felt like Alana viewed her someone inferior, someone who was content with other people's sloppy seconds. Showing up to dinner in the other woman's dress would only add fuel to that fire and Ava couldn't guarantee that she wouldn't give in to her violent thoughts if Alana made a remark. “I'm not wearing the dress.”
“You sound like cousin Oscar's three year old. 'I'm not eating the rice it looks like maggots' only its 'I'm not wearing the dress because it belongs to Damien's ex.'” Nadia rolled her eyes and tossed the purple gown on the foot of the bed. “Wear whatever you want. I'm going down to dinner.”
“That's not...I..just...” Ava pressed her lips into a twisted grimace. Nadia was right. Her main reason for not wanting to wear the dress was because it belonged to Damien's ex. “I don't sound like cousin Oscar's three year old,” she muttered as she trooped back into the bathroom. Bending over, she scooped up her dirty clothes. There had to be a washing machine and a dryer somewhere in that house.
“Now that's a nice view,” Damien drawled.
Ava let out a tiny shriek, her arms flailing just enough to send her clothes flying. She watched in horror as her panties landed in the toilet. Clutching her towel to her chest, she spun around and shot Damien a hard look. “Shouldn't you be catching up with Alana?”
Crossing his arms over his chest, Damien leaned against the bathroom door frame. “There's nothing for Alana and I to catch up on.”
“Does she know that?” Turning her back on him, Ava wrinkled up her nose and fished her panties from the toilet. Uncertain what to do with them, she plopped them in the sink.
“Yes, Ava,” Damien smirked, “she knows that. Why? You jealous?”
Her jaw went slack, leaving her mouth gaped. He did not just ask her if she was jealous of Alana. Without thinking, Ava balled up her fist and slammed it into Damien's stomach. “You are such a freaking asshole,” she snapped, shoving past him.
“Jesus, Ava,” he wheezed, rubbing the spot where her fist had connected with his flesh. “What's gotten into you.”
“I don't know Damien. What could have possibly gotten into me?” Stomping across the room, Ava yanked up the over sized tote Nadia called a purse. She felt a little bad for rummaging through it but occasionally her cousin carried around extra clothes. No such luck this time. She tossed the tote aside and wheeled back around on Damien. “You know, I meant what I said. I didn't just...just....” she felt some of her steam starting to diminish. It was hard to hold on to anger when her heart hurt as much as it did. “You shouldn't say things you don't mean,” she whispered, rapidly blinking as she felt the tell tale sting of tears.
“Ava,” Damien pushed away from the door jam and closed the distance between them. As he pulled her towards him, she started to push away but ended up melting into the embrace instead. Closing her eyes, she buried face in the soft cotton of  the t shirt he wore. “Come on now,” he chided, using his knuckles to lift her chin. Her dark brown eyes meet his lighter ones. “You know me better than that. I don't throw those words around.”
He was right. Love wasn't a word that Damien casually used. In fact, Ava couldn't recall a single moment he had ever said the word love before their hook up in the plane. Even in past conversations about Alana he had only ever said he cared deeply for his ex partner/girlfriend. Hell, he didn't even use it when talking about his mother; whom he liked well enough. Yet he had said it to Ava. He'd made her look him in the eyes when he said it, she recalled. He'd wanted her to know he meant it. She curled her fingers into the fabric of his shirt and let out a shuddering sigh. How could she have been so neurotic? Oh. Right. Eros. Everything circled back to Eros. “Then why have you been ignoring me?” She can't help but wince at how whiny the question sounds. Oh God, Nadia's right, I do sound like cousin Oscar's three year old.
She can feel his chest expand as he takes a deep a breath. “Hayden might not be human, Ava, but he still has feelings. I might be an ass at times but I'm not cruel.”
Hayden. Ava had all but forgotten about him. She can't help but feel somewhat guilty. No, she had never led Hayden on but he'd been good to her. And had he been human, had Damien never spoke up, who knows where the relationship might have gone. “So it was strictly about Hayden? It had nothing to do with the fact that your ex partner whose also your ex girlfriend is here?”
“I could give two fucks what Alana thinks.” He chuckled but then grimaced. He tugged Ava closer and lowered his mouth to her ear. “I don't trust her,” he murmured. “She shouldn't have been here. Something about her story doesn't add up.”
Why was he whispering? A chill went down Ava's spine. He thought the room was bugged. That was the only explanation for his sudden change in tone. “So what are we going to do,” she whispered back, her heart pounding.
“Right now? I'm going to remind you of what you do to me.”  He reached for her towel, untucking the knot that secured it around her breasts. Ava's breath caught in her throat as he navigated her toward the bed. The backs of her knees hit the mattress and with a tiny nudge from him, she's sent sprawling.
“You're crazy,” Ava hissed. “If you think I'm going to fuck you in a room that might be bugged you're out of your mind.” She rose up on her elbows. “Plus, I'm still mad at you.”
He leaned down, their noses almost touching, and brushes his lips across hers. She doesn't want to lose control, not when there is a very real possibility that the room the room was bugged. Yet, as his mouth kept teasing across hers, she feels her grasp on clarity slipping away. It's as though they're in a bubble, where nothing matters but the way they make each other feel. She flattened her hands on his chest, relishing the steady rhythm of his heart beneath her palm, before sliding one up and into his dark hair. She let out a small gasp as he nipped her lower lip and then kissed his way south. “Damien, I'm serious,” she whined. His mouth vibrated against her belly as he chuckled.
“Who said anything about fucking.” He nipped, then licked her inner thigh, slowly inching his way towards her pussy. He kissed over the top of her slit, worming his tongue between her folds. She sucked in her breath and grasped the duvet in her fists. Her eyes closed and her lower lip tucked between her teeth as she tried to focus on not making any sound, instead of the sweet sensation of his tongue pressing against her clit. It was sheer torture. The more she tried to hold back, to keep it all in, the more he teased her.
“Ohmigod,” she whimpered, her breathing quickening as he sucked her clit into his mouth. Gently, he nipped at the delicate bundle of nerves, causing her inner walls to tighten and ache. The desire to feel him inside her, thrusting in and out, outweighed her concerns over whether or not the room was bugged. If it was, well, Alana was already getting an earful. Why not just...she moaned as Damien drew his head up just enough to blow gently across her wet, aching flesh. “I swear to God Damien, if you leave me like this I will-”
He gathered her close, capturing her mouth in a kiss. She doesn't care that she can taste herself on his lips. It adds fuel to the fire burning in her lower abdomen. Having the bulge in his pants press against her throbbing pussy as his tongue teases in and out of her mouth also adds to the fire. “Need you,” she managed to mumble around the kiss. “Like....now.”
“Hm,” Damien raised up on one arm and stared down at her. One hand brushed a few strands hair off her face. “You know what I love most about kissing you?”
“That it leads to other stuff?” Hint, hint. Lose the pants.
“No,” he laughed. “Well, yes, but that's not what I was going to say.” He leaned down and kissed her again. Sweeter and slower than any of the other times. “You taste like home.”
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callsignbaphomet · 5 years
For the ABC OC Ask, randomly selected: C # 1-5, D # 1-5, F # 1-5, G # 1-5, I # 1-5, M # 1-5. It's a lot of questions, take your time & feel free to answer as few or as many as you want. :)
Ooh, no worries, I looooove lots of questions. Also sorry, wasn’t ignoring this. I’m a scatter brain with no sense of time management. Since a lot of these are repeated I’ll skip over them since they’ll be in the previous post. Also I’ll give the answer to whichever OC I think best fits the question.
C: Comfort1. how do they sit in a chair?Angelus sits horribly in any chair especially if he finds it uncomfortable since he’ll be twisting and turning every which way until he finds a comfortable enough position.
3. what is their ideal comfort day?For Jelani it’s a quiet day where his phone doesn’t ring and he can get up at whatever hour he wants though even if he tried he can’t really sleep past 8:30 and he can spend the rest of the day in the art room reading while his husband is drawing.
4. what is their major comfort food? why?For Angelus it’s totally steamed dumplings. Just had one shitty day once and was taken out to eat but he wasn’t feeling up to eating much but nibbled on a few and loved them instantly so from that moment on every time he sees steamed dumplings it’s like instant serotonin.
5. who is the best at comforting them when down?Abigail? LokeLoke? JelaniJelani? LokeAngelus? GingerGinger? AngelusTrevor? LokeTre? TrevorLatoya? Abigail
D: Decoration2. how would they decorate their child’s room?So Fae is actually a graphic designer and in her spare time an interior designer so when she head her first baby, Leah, she went overboard with the latest trends but made it cute and neutral since she wanted it to be a surprise. Now with the triplets she wanted to know their gender for sure given the fact that she was dealing with triplets. Again went with the latest trends turned cute but she stuck to neutral designs anyway.
3. how do they decorate their own room?Ginger and Abigail have a bit of a gothic theme to their whole apartment but their room is especially heavily themed. The rest of the place is subtle but not their room. We’re talking Victorian goth, black silk sheets, dim lighting, dark reds and deep purples and lots of black.
4. what type of clothes and accessories do they wear?Okay so for a while now I’ve been sketching and writing Angelus as a cross dresser and idk I think it fits him well plus he’s super into cute things. Any kind of skirts though he heavily prefers short and really short skirts, especially loves heeled boots, thigh high socks, baggy sweaters or any cute tops really. He mostly sticks to soft and pastel colors. Men’s clothes he’ll go with darker colors.
Accessories? He’s really into bows, flowers and really subtle bracelets, necklaces and earrings. No, he isn’t trans, he’s very cis. He just likes to cross dress and no, he isn’t doing it as a way to mock trans people he just really likes how he looks and feels while wearing women’s and girl’s clothes.5. do they like makeup/nail/beauty trends?Going with Angelus again, yeah he loves that stuff especially makeup. He’s gathered a pretty big collection of it over time gotten dozens of nail polish of all kinds of colors, and has a ton of makeup. He’d wear acrylic nails but 1) he’s super clumsy and 2) I’m not so sure it’s a good idea for a werewolf to do that.
F: Fun1. what do they do for fun?Most of them just really enjoy getting together, ordering a few large pizzas or just buying a bunch of tacos and bring a bunch of beer and soda and spend a few hours playing video games. Bringing their own consoles to have more people playing and if they feel silly enough probably stream it for friends who couldn’t come over to watch. If they don’t feel like going to one apartment they stay in their own and meet up online on whatever game they wanna play at the moment.3. who would they have the most fun with?Honestly a lot of them have known each other for literal centuries and have grown close and sometimes intimate so really they all just have a lot of fun together.4. can they have fun while conforming to rules?They can but Loke and Jelani are constantly holding the group back from making any idiot mistakes. Unless it’s to defend one of them they’re pretty chill when out.5. do they go out a lot?Not that often really. With the job sometimes they’re out for weeks and even months and when they finally have some down time they’re too tired to do much of anything else. They do go out though but just not when they’re on call.
G: Gorgeous1. what is their most attractive external feature?Jelani? Everything!2. what is the most attractive part of their personality?Abigail’s ability to always be encouraging and her bubbly personality just triples that.3. what benefits come with being their friend?Jelani: spoils friends and family every chance he gets, is always just one text or call away no matter if it’s an emergency or for fun, and is faithful to the end. 5. what parts of others do they envy?So out of all Angelus has the lowest self-esteem and he just thinks the worst of himself. He wishes he was as good a person as Loke is or as talented as Ginger or as confident as Jelani. Not just personality wise, he genuinely believes he’s some ugly monster that needs to be hidden (was raised to believe that and unfortunately stuck). He just wishes he wasn’t him on bad days but he’s been working on all of that and has done really well to the point where he doesn’t feel that way about himself all the time.
I: In-the-closet1. what is their sexuality?Angelus: gayJelani: pansexualAbigail: lesbianLoke: bisexual (demisexual)Latoya: pansexualTrevor: pansexual (aromentic)Ginger: bisexualAlly: ace/aroSanaa: queerIngvarr: bisexualJørgen: queerMason: gayTre: straightLeah: bisexualAnette: lesbian2. have they ever questioned their sexuality?Well, shit a bunch of them have at one point or another. Some took a little to settle their feelings while some took long years to realize certain things about themselves.3. have they ever questioned their gender?Asher did for long years though he wasn’t sure of what was actually happening and why he was so confused over a lot of things. Wasn’t until much later that he finally figured himself out.4. would/was their family be okay with them being LGBT?Angelus’s abusers, if they ever found out, would just use it as another reason to hate him even more though I won’t really touch up on that. They’re just incredibly hateful and abusive people.
M: Maternal1. would they want a daughter or a son?Loke wouldn’t care especially considering that they may end up being trans. He just wants one or two at the most.2. how many children do they want?Angelus wants none. He doesn’t hate kids or anything like that, he’s pretty good with them, really soft spoken and patient with kids. When Jela babysits his cousins he goes with him and helps out especially since it’s a teenager and three 7 year-olds. He’s just scared to death that he’ll end up abandoning them like his parents abandoned him (when I mean I abandoned I mean sold him) or worse that he’ll be like his abusers and he wouldn’t want any child to go through what he went through. Luckily his husband doesn’t want kids either.
As for Jax they’re Angelus and Jelani’s hypothetical child. Just something I wanted to have fun with. A Maker and a werewolf end up making a demigod hellhound btw!. Would this change in the future? Hell if I know, man. Maybe, maybe not.4. what would they name a son? what would they name a daughter?Trevor eventually ends up becoming a single father, accidentally but nonetheless he was super happy about it and will be a pretty great dad. He ends up having a son which he named Damien and had it been a girl he woulda named her Rosemary. If it wasn’t obvious Trevor is a huge horror nerd.5. would they adopt?Ginger and Abigail have talked about it a lot and since neither can have a kid (vampires in my setting can’t procreate, they’re very undead) they’ve decided to adopt but not yet. Not till they feel like they can be fully prepared.
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ladynonsense · 6 years
8 Nights in Paradise (Perfect Match, Khaan x m!MC)
This is the first fic I’m writing with my male Perfect Match MC, Reggie! I’ll keep his separate from my f!MC Rory in my masterlist, and you can assume he’s in his own little universe (but honestly both his and Rory’s stories mostly stick to canon).
So here’s my little retelling of the “moments in-between” during that gang’s stay in Indonesia. Enjoy!
Pairing: m!MC x Khaan Mousavi
Rating: PG-13
Genre: is sexual tension a genre because that’s what you’re getting
Words: 2000
Tags: @choiceslife @blackcoffee85
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Day 1
Reggie hung back from the group as they headed out of the cave, hoping to steal a moment with a certain someone. Khaan hesitated to follow the others, glancing back at Reggie, who grinned in return.
“I can’t believe you wouldn’t strip down like the rest of us,” he teased.
“The water is freezing in here, Reggie.” His voice was serious but the corners of his mouth were creeping up into a smile. “I bet you wish you were wearing a sweater right about now.”
Reggie rubbed his wet, bare arms, starting to shiver. “Actually...I do.”
“Oh...well then...” Khaan pulled off his cardigan and wrapped it around Reggie’s goosebump-covered shoulders, his hands lingering for just a moment too long before pulling away. “Is that better?”
“Much...” their eyes met and their walking slowed, and suddenly Reggie felt like he’d forgotten how to breathe.
Khaan’s gentle chuckle broke the sudden and unexpected tension. He shoved his hands in his pockets bashfully. “We should get back before we both get chilled to the bone.” And so they walked back, shoulder to shoulder, perfectly in time to each other.
Back at the house, Reggie headed straight for the shower, washing the seawater from his skin and letting the hot water warm his shivering body. The bathroom filled with steam as he pressed his forehead to the shower wall. Dizzy, light-headed even. Was it from the heat, or from him? 
He shook his head, trying to snap out of the spell he’d been put under. He turned the water off and dried himself with a towel before slipping on some fresh boxers and wrapping himself back in Khaan’s sweater. Back in his room he found the bed uncharacteristically empty, Sloane and Hayden’s voices drifting in from the kitchen where they were still chatting and laughing.
Exhausted and a little relieved, he curled up under the blanket alone, pulling the sweater over his face and breathing deep of the sweet smell of sandalwood and some exotic incense he couldn’t quite place as he drifted off to sleep.
Day 4
“Don’t listen to any of them,” Reggie insisted, turning away from his traitorous friends. “I’m an excellent cook.”
Khaan looked up for only a split second, barely meeting his eyes before turning his head back towards to the vegetables he was expertly chopping, trying to conceal the dopey grin on his face. Reggie felt his heart leap up in his chest at that tiny look, and mentally chastised himself for being such a hopeless softie.
“I would never doubt you, Reggie.” Khaan thrust a potato at him, not meeting his eyes. “Peel and dice this for me?”
“Last time I saw him try to peel a potato, I ended up driving him to the emergency room,” Damien announced from the living room. Hayden and Sloane giggled, and Reggie groaned.
“That was two years ago, can you please not...” Suddenly Khaan’s hand was wrapped around his own and he lost all powers of speech. 
"Don’t use that knife,” he said warmly, nothing in his voice mocking or cruel. “There’s a great peeler here, see?” He handed him the peeler and got back to chopping carrots, Reggie still breathless from the small and unexpected touch.
He focused all his attention on the potato, trying not to think about those long, slender fingers that had held his own, and the only things they might do to him, given a chance.
Day 6
“You’re not staying?” Damien sat up in bed, rubbing his eyes. The sight of his bare chest and wild hair made Reggie bite his lip, reconsidering. He walked back to the bed and placed a kiss to his forehead.
“It’s just Hayden...I’m worried about her.”
Damien nodded sleepily, settling back into his bed. “I know. Go take care of her.”
Reggie tip-toed out of Damien’s room and into the living room, where Hayden was curled up on the couch all alone. He sat gingerly on the edge of a cushion, softly stroking her hair. She stirred but didn’t wake.
“How’s she doing?” a gentle voice asked. Reggie blushed; he was dressed in only his underwear, not having planned on encountering anyone other than his girlfriends.
“She’s OK, I hope,” he half-whispered, trying to act natural despite the blush blooming all the way from his cheeks down to his neck and chest. Khaan leaned against the doorframe to the kitchen, hands in his pockets, watching from a distance.
“I wish she would let us run some diagnostics...”
He stood, moving away from Hayden so as to not disturb her. “She doesn’t want anyone in her head, is all. I can’t say I blame her.”
“That’s fair,” Khaan sighed. “I can’t say I ever imagined them becoming this autonomous. She really is incredible.”
Reggie nodded, still moving slowly towards where Khaan stood. “And what about you?”
Khaan straightened up, brow furrowed. “What about me?”
Feeling bold, Reggie stepped closer, a little too close to be casual. Khaan held his breath. “You made the matches what they are. You made life. You’re pretty incredible yourself.”
He stared up into Reggie’s eyes for a long moment, speechless. “Reggie,” he breathed, finally.
“Khaan.” He leaned against the top of the door frame, biting his lip as he stared down the man in front of him.
Khaan reached out and squeezed his hand gently before letting it go. “Good night, Reggie.” He turned and walked away without another word.
Day 7
“Oof!” Reggie hit the ground with a thud, whatever air wasn’t knocked out of his lungs from the fall being squeezed out by Khaan on top of him. He gasped for air as his sparring partner finally let up the pressure.
“Not gonna let me win to boost my confidence? I heard that’s a great learning technique...”
Khaan leaned forward, his gaze intense. “Not when I’m trying to impress you, Reggie.” His voice was hoarse and low, and the air between them felt charged as they both caught their breath.
Khaan bit his lip and looked away, trying to contain the sly grin spreading across his face. “Anywho...” He offered Reggie his hand, helping him to his feet without meeting his eyes. They dusted the sand off their clothes before he cleared his throat and continued. “You did great. One of these days, you might even beat me.”
Reggie reached out to brush a stray leaf off of Khaan’s shoulder. “Looking forward to it.”
Khaan winked at him before turning back to the group. “Fantastic training, everyone! Coconut water on me!”
They fell into step beside each other, following behind the others once more. “So...about last night.”
Reggie swallowed hard. “Yes?”
“Does she always sleep out on the couch like that?”
“Oh...she has been lately. She’s waking up a lot. I told her she doesn’t have to leave, but...” They both looked over at Hayden, cheerfully bargaining for coconuts. “Anyway...”
“That’s not all I wanted to talk about.” He stopped walking, letting the others lose them. “I feel like we should address...”
“We don’t have to...”
“We should, though. Reggie, I...”
“Reggie!” Sloane called, jogging back towards them. “I thought you were heading back with us. I was hoping to invite you snorkeling with me, if you’re not too busy this afternoon...” She looked nervously between the two of them.
“Oh, of course!” Reggie took Sloane’s hand, thankful for the reprieve from the awkward conversation. “I’ll see you later tonight, Khaan?”
“Right...of course. See you then.” Khaan forced a warm smile and jogged away from them, eyes cast down towards the sand as he returned to the house.
Day 8
“No plans tonight?” Khaan looked up at Reggie, who had just plopped himself down dramatically on the couch next to him.
“None. Hit the hiking trails with Damien earlier and now I’m beat. I’m not moving from this couch unless I absolutely have to.”
“Well, I hope you don’t mind me keeping you company, since I was here first.” Khaan smiled at him over his laptop.
“Of course not. In fact, I insist.” Reggie settled in against the cushions with a sigh, staring up at the ceiling. “So...find anything good in the Eros files?”
“Nothing too compelling so far. Lots of data to sift through.” Khaan sighed and closed the laptop, setting it down on the coffee table. “Maybe I could use a break.”
Reggie turned to face Khaan on the couch, pulling his legs up under himself and leaning into the plush cushions. “You absolutely do. Let’s talk about something other than Eros.”
Khaan’s eyes traveled conspicuously over Reggie’s body, lingering a little too long at his lightly parted lips. “What would you like to talk about?” He turned towards him, sitting cross-legged on the cushion.
“Hmmm...” Reggie adjusted himself, inching forward just a little. “Tell me about your next project.”
He laughed. “Next project? I just launched a massive VR game; don’t I get a little time to come up with my next idea?”
“You seem like a guy with plenty of ideas. What would you do next if you could just follow your passion and not worry about anything else?”
He considered silently for a moment, as Reggie wondered what brilliant ideas and schemes were whirling around in his brain. Finally he answered.
“I would do this.”
And then his lips were pressed against Reggie’s, softly, hesitantly at first, his strong hands lightly holding him by the shoulders. A soft groan of pleasure arose from deep in Reggie’s chest and he wrapped his arms around Khaan, deepening the kiss with a hunger that surprised even himself.
In a moment he found himself lying back on the couch, Khaan’s warm body on top of his, hands in each other’s hair and long legs intertwined. The building heat left him breathless as he pulled him closer, letting his hands slip under his shirt to the warmth of his skin beneath.
Khaan gasped and pulled away, propping himself up with one arm. “Reggie,” he whispered, “I’m sorry, I...”
“Boooys, we’re home!” Khaan jumped to his feet as Reggie scrambled to sit up. Hayden and Sloane were already skipping through the front door, arm-in-arm and giggling. “What have you two been up to tonight?” Hayden asked, raising an eyebrow at Reggie.
“Just taking a break from saving the world,” Reggie answered, smoothing his clothes. “How was horseback riding?”
“It was amazing,” Sloane answered, sitting down and pulling out her phone. “I took so many photos! Let me show you...”
“Hey, maybe we should get to bed and do this in the morning?” Hayden gently pulled Sloane to her feet, nudging her towards the bedroom. “Let these two finish catching up.”
“Oh, but it’ll just take a...”
“Good night, Sloane!” Reggie chirped, mouthing a silent ‘thank you’ to Hayden as she whisked Sloane towards the bedroom, still protesting.
He reached for Khaan’s hand and pulled him back down to the couch. “Where were we?”
Khaan raised his hand to his lips, pressing a gentle kiss to his palm. Reggie’s pulse quickened as he held his wrist, his lips lingering against his sensitive skin. But then he let go, standing back up. “We were about to say good night.”
Reggie frowned, standing to look Khaan in the eye once more. “I don’t want to say good night.”
Khaan took a deep, steadying breath, avoiding his gaze. “Neither do I,” he whispered, “But I’m not ready for this right now. I shouldn’t have...”
“Please don’t say that.” Reggie kept his distance, not wanting to push his boundaries, but the sudden space between them felt like torture. To his relief, Khaan smiled warmly and took his hand once more.
“You’re right. Regret is pointless.” He leaned into him, pausing only when his lips were so close to Reggie’s they nearly brushed together when he spoke again. “It felt wonderful to finally kiss you.” He chuckled softly. “And now I’m going to bed.”
Finally, Reggie remembered how to breathe. He struggled to compose himself and offer a warm smile in return. “Good night, Khaan.”
“Good night, Reggie.”
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monstersmashed · 5 years
Lola’s guide to Dating Monsters (On this blog Edition).
Disclaimer; Any Heartbreak and or Monstrous Rituals involving your monster crush can’t be blamed on me, I simply provided the information for you to do with what you will- So don’t some running to me when your new monster crush wants to vore you as part as their species romantic traditions.
All information is either directly acquired from said student or gathered from bits and pieces and hinted at or just my assumption or secret studying.
Queen Bee, Junie - ‘Confused Bi-curious.’ ( @monstersmashed ).
However is gonna take a lot to convince her that she’s someone worth investing time into, Once you get in with her she’ll be extremely loyal, A ride or die babe. She’s still hung up on Damien being the first asshole who stole her heart and often gets anxious seeing him due to her feelings still remaining even after she confessed. So be patient with her she’s in mint condition but flawed inherently by design.
Appreciate her efforts, She tries her best at almost everything she does. Always feels like she has to impress someone somewhere.
She’s new at this whole romance thing, She feels safe if she thinks she’s in control so let her take it at her own pace, She thinks she’s dominant and most of the time she is however she’ll eventually soften up and let you be a bit more freeform.
Check up on her, Call her sometimes or shoot her a text sometimes she just skips school to hang out on the roof or just go somewhere, If you offer to go with her it’d be even better she appreciates company even if you’re only sitting in silence.
Good Boy, Brendan - ‘Love is Love, Pansexual.’ ( @monstersmashed ).
He’s the type to let his emotions dictate how he feels about people, So chances are if he likes you he’s gonna be very clear and obvious about expressing it! He’s growing and learning everyday so he only asks that you put up with him until he’s a better man.
He’s a family man so, If you get along with the other Howl’s chances are he and the rest of his fam will consider you part of the family. Welcome to the wolf pack.
The fastest way to his heart is through his stomach, Take him out to lunch for the perfect date night careful though he can eat a whole family out of house and home if not in moderation.
ENERGETIC BOI, Try to keep up as he runs circles, He’ll want to go for walks and jogs, Or even carry you on his shoulders.
Sluggish Zombie, Marcus - ‘Confused.’ ( @monstersmashed ).
The type of guy that likes to take things slow, Although he sees no shame in expressing his affection for you in the form of cozy cuddles or knitted gifts. He’s often confused about his feelings and a little slow but he tries his best.
Don’t be afraid to get his attention, He’s more often than not found spacing out and will probably stay like that until disturbed so he’d appreciate it if you snapped him out of it sometimes.
Join the knitting club, You don’t have to like or even do any actual knitting he’s mostly just using the club as an excuse to chill after school in hopes of meeting new people, He’s pretty lonely after all.
He has horrible insomnia not to mention when he does get to sleep nightmares, Holding him would help a lot just let him know you’re there.
Innocent Amalgamation, Pipsqueak - ‘Clueless.’ ( @monstersmashed ).
He appreciates anyone who gives him the time of day, Most people are initially put off by his sheer size but despite his intimidating size he’s a huge sweetheart (if not a little absentminded sometimes).
Don’t underestimate him, Just because he doesn’t have the best way of articulating his words he’s actually rather intelligent his Papa is proud of his perfect grades after all.
You like puzzles? He likes puzzles too- He’ll want to do puzzles with you so if that’s your idea of a good date he’s your guy.
He’s very very ignorant when it comes to romantic and sexual stuff by nature, So don’t make fun of him when he tries to do something romantic or sexual It’ll hurt his feelings a lot.
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