#yancy & reader
qualityearthquakes · 2 years
guys, I know the queen just died but that doesn't mean to hold off on the content
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cheeryraccoon · 2 years
Giving You a Hoodie
I hope you enjoy these! I'd also appreciate one-shot or imagine requests/ideas.
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Mark -
• Found it absolutely adorable.
• He gave you a big, soft, grey hoodie.
• He tried to make sure it smelt like him and not Chica.
• When he sees you wear it he smiles and hugs you.
• So wholesome. 🥺
Dark -
• He doesn't usually wear hoodies so he only has one, maybe two.
• It was half white and half black with an hourglass between them.
• Despite him not wearing it often, it smelt very strongly of him.
• When he sees you wear it he smiles a little and kisses your forehead.
Wilford -
• Wilford doesn't have many either, he may buy one just so he could give it to you.
• It was pink, obviously, with heart detailing on the sleeves.
• It smelt like cotton candy, which happens to be the cologne Wilford uses.
• When he sees you wear it he makes a little "Awww" sound and gives you a hug and kiss.
Yancy -
• He has only one hoodie that the warden gave to him.
• It was all plain white with a little dot of something on the shoulder, you didn't ask what it was.
• It smelt faintly of him and you thought it was nice.
• He gets all excited when he sees you wearing it and usually picks you up and spins you around.
Illinois -
• He has a few hoodies that he usually wears on cold nights during adventures.
• It was white but had some dirt and sand on it.
• It definitely smelt like him, which is really comforting for when he's away.
• When he comes home from a long adventure and sees you in it, he gets a little emotional as he hugs you.
Engineer Mark -
• Since he's usually in his uniform he doesn't have many hoodies.
• The one he gave you was black with little white stars and constellations all over it.
• It faintly smelt like him but, with how much he loves hugging you, it started getting stronger.
• When he sees you wear it he does a little happy dance and tackles you in a hug.
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mywidelyopeneyes · 1 year
Dating Markiplier Headcanons
Here you go guys! Hope you enjoy!
He's a hopeless romantic. Even though he's a famous gamer and internet celebrity, Marks is a sucker for romance. He loves flowers, love letters, and grand gestures.
He's a great listener. Mark will always be there for you, whether you need a shoulder to cry on or just someone to vent to. He's a great listener and will offer you advice and comfort when you need it most.
He's a food lover. Mark isn't afraid to admit that his favorite thing to do is eat! He loves trying new cuisines, experimenting with recipes, and sharing his love of food with others.
He's a dedicated partner. Mark takes his relationships seriously and puts his all into making them work. He'll do anything to make you happy, whether it means taking you out for a romantic dinner, planning an adventurous trip, or just spending quality time together.
He's a true gentleman. Mark knows how to treat a lady (or gentleman). He'll open doors, pull out chairs, and offer you his jacket when you're cold. He's all about making sure your comfort and happiness come first.
He's a goofy guy. Even though Mark is famous and respected for his gaming skills, he's also a total goofball. He loves to joke around, crack puns, and make silly faces. He's the kind of person who can always make you laugh.
He's a big softie. Mark might seem tough on the outside, but he's actually a big softie. He loves animals, children, and anything cute. He's always ready to offer a hug or a sympathetic ear when you're having a bad day.
He's a talented performer. Mark isn't just good at video games; he's also a skilled vocalist and actor. He loves to sing, play musical instruments, and even perform on stage. He's the kind of person who loves to put on a show and entertain others.
He's a tech wizard. Mark knows his way around a computer, and he's always eager to try out new technology. He's the kind of guy who can fix your printer and program your robot vacuum cleaner in a heartbeat.
Marks a great communicator. He understands the importance of open and honest communication in a relationship, and he's always willing to talk things through with you, whether you're arguing, laughing, or just spending quality time together. He's the kind of guy who will never leave you in the dark, and he's always there to offer a listening ear or a word of advice when you need it most. He's someone who you can trust with anything, and he won't hesitate to share his thoughts and feelings with you, too. He's just an all-around awesome partner who values communication and honesty above all else.
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rat-that-writes · 2 years
Play-Wrestling the Egos | HCs
a/n: i finally acquired the braincell
taglist: @softladyhours @chaos-carnation
tw: 2 references to sex but theres nothing explicit
sometimes he cheats and uses the shadow void tendril thingies
but most of the time he likes to watch you struggle to push him off you
he lets you sometimes just to see you all proud and determined but then just squishes you again
if you get him while he’s not focused on Squashing You then you could maybe win if he’s tired
8 times out of 10 you are getting folded though
evil evil evil boy /aff
ALWAYS lets you win hes a gentleman
he loves seeing you so proud of yourself
although he does put up a bit of a fight so you’re even more proud when you do win
hes usually the one to initiate it
just tackles you into bed sometimes
one time you wrestled on the sofa downstairs and the poor butler almost had a heart attack he thought unsavoury activities were taking place
you both ran upstairs blushing and giggling
❤️Actor Mark❤️
always loses
even if he’s physically bigger and/or stronger than you he will lose every time because he doesnt know how to fight
he just pouts and tells you if he doesn’t get kisses he will die immediately
baabyyyyyyy you’re gonna mess up my hairrrrr
you could fold him like a wet towel and he couldn’t even do anything about it
sopping wet pool noodle of a man /aff
“awww, darlin, you look so cute trying to be tough”
sometimes he lets you win because you look so cute all proud
but you also look cute all pouty when you lose
hes enjoying it immensely either way
but if you wear his hat he’ll be too distracted to win
but that involved stealing the hat first and he knows what you’re going to do if he gives you his hat
CHASE him for the hat
lets you think you’re winning then BAM you’re underneath him and he is GRINNING
apologises with kisses
“i’m sorry angel i just love the squeaks you make when i flips youse over”
tell him hes mean and he will smother you in kisses
he will tackle you without warning if he’s consumed caffeine
🚀Engineer Mark🚀
its 50/50 with him
sometimes he’ll let you win and sometimes he will remind you about all those muscles underneath his space suit
“come on Captain, you can’t fight me off? you’re adorable. Maybe i’ll let you win next time.”
but if you REALLY try he will let you win because oh my god thats even cuter look at youuuuu
celci caught you two once and didnt speak to mark for 6 days she was absolutely disgusted /hj
to be fair she did also think you were indulging in unsavoury activities
if you ask him if he wants to play wrestle he will chase you first
with no warning
“hey murdock wanna wrestle-“
*gets up and bolts towards you menacingly*
then when you’re too tired from running to fight back he gently holds you down and smiles so evil at you
awful bastard man /aff
but sometimes he lets you win if he’s really tired and you’re already in bed
he does little growls when he’s tired
he pretends to fall asleep once you think you’ve won then he flips you over and sleeps on you
nasty terrible boy /aff
🌌God of Night🌌
“why are you trying to fight me”
“because it’s fun!”
he doesn’t know what to do about this
you are pushing him and dragging him with all your strength but hes yknow a GOD so he’s just
eventually picks you up like a wet sponge and kisses your head
its like a “good effort” sticker
why would you even try this
he is winning the second you put your hand on him
you are getting tumbled around like sack of onion
one onion
your brain is the onion
if you let him he’d throw you up in the air like pizza pie
he makes sure to keep you from getting any bruises or injuries though
careful boy even if he is treating you like a tennis ball
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creat0r-cat · 11 months
Iplier Egos Head Cannon - What Song in "Encanto" Did They Get Emotional During?
Surface Pressure
Deep down he really does care about his “brothers”
He thinks he needs to keep up the tough guy act to make them think he isn’t afraid
He is
He’s worried about the space/time continuum, keeping order, and making sure the ipliers’ existence stays a secret
He tries not to let the others see the tears that involuntarily start to fall as Louisa sings about her struggles as the strongest sister
He probably heard all of the songs before watching the movie
He wouldn’t really cry for any of them in particular (feeling that he doesn’t necessarily relate to any of them)
He would look at certain egos to watch their reactions during different songs
He would notice the small things that happen and slowly learn more about his “brothers” based on the musical numbers and their lyrics
After the movie, he’d probably go and visit the egos that had the worst reactions (who got the most emotional or those who would straight up leave the room)
He did get a little bothered listening to “Dos Oruguitas” though
He didn’t get emotional per say
But watching Pedro die with the love song in the background kinda reminded him of when he lost Celine
Fortunately, he opted not to dwell on it too much
Waiting On A Miracle
This boy is INSECURE because of his breakup with Celine
Is he good enough?
Has he done enough?
Is he really worthy of anything?
He wants to be better
He wants his life to be better
But everything seems to slip through his fingers, coming back to resent him later on
He just wants someone to open their eyes and see that he’s worth their time, even if that person is Dark
Mirabel dancing on screen, singing about how she wished to be noticed as part of the family, made Actor tear up, wiping them away before someone could see them
Eventually, it got to be too much (especially seeing how Mirabel was pushed away by her family after trying to help them) and he left the room, using the excuse of getting more snacks
As soon as he entered the kitchen, he had a silent breakdown
Surface Pressure
I can’t really hear Louisa sing “I’m pretty sure I’m worthless if I can’t be of service” without thinking about Google and his first objective
Yes, his secondary objective is relatively important, but the first one is.. Well it’s his PRIMARY objective
If he can’t do anything other than hurt people, then what is the point of him being there?
His optics widen and his mechanical heart speeds up
“How do you feel?” survey pops up and he clicks on one
“I’m in this picture and I don’t like it”
What Else Can I Do?
He’s imperfect
That’s all I really need to say, but I’ll continue
He’s always compared to Google and he knows deep down that he’s worth more than his search bar abilities
He doesn’t want to be perfect like Google
He just wants to be himself, which is hard when everyone is always doting on him for every mistake he makes
Isabella creating spiky plants and beautiful flowers in front of him makes his optics widen and he slowly smiles, feeling an odd mixture of happiness and sadness as he watches her accept her imperfections in spite of her family’s expectations
Dr. Iplier
He doesn’t really get emotional during the songs
When it’s revealed that Bruno has been shunned by his family because of his gift, he smiled sadly
“How unfortunate,” he thought, “for someone to be abandoned because of something uncontrollable and never be spoken of again for fear of taboo”
He’s seen patients in the hospital who never have anyone visit them
He always feels sad when he finds out that someone has been abandoned
He secretly makes trips to animal shelters for that reason, to visit the abandoned animals and give them some love
He gets happy again when Bruno is reunited with his loved ones who welcome him back with open arms
Dos Oruguitas
He wouldn’t relate to any of the English songs enough to have a real reaction
He gets emotional during certain parts of the movie because he recognizes a lot of what’s going on in the Madrigal family (Toxic family roles and stuff like that)
He feels bad for the characters (especially Mirabel and Bruno)
But when “Dos Oruguitas” starts playing and we find out the heartbreaking truth behind Abuelo Pedro’s death
WHOOOO BOY the tears start FLOWING
He hates to imagine the pain Abuela went through, losing the love of her life
Yandere, being a very romantic man, can’t stand the thought of his own senpai leaving him
Like, she’s everything to him!
He’d become very protective of her after watching this movie, afraid of anyone taking her away from him
He’s fine with the movie though, loves the music for the most part
He loves music and finds each of them so amazing
He also kinda relates to each of the English sung songs in their own way (except “We Don’t Talk About Bruno”)
WOAM: The want to be extraordinary and help others
SP: The need to be the tough one and look out for his fellow prisoners and weaker “brothers”
WECAD: The want to live life how he wants without being the picture perfect civilian that the world wants him to be
He thinks very highly of this movie and loves it to bits
He does eventually become frustrated with how often “We Don’t Talk About Bruno” gets sung by people both online and in real life
Like, he gets that it’s a catchy song, but still, give it a break
Waiting On A Miracle
Yes, Illinois is a special adventurous and flirtatious boy 
But not everything is really as it seems with him
His whole “Everyone falls in love with me” act is a facade
He’s trying to convince himself that he’s loved / cared about by someone
He took up adventuring to be different
To be a conversation starter
To be interesting so that somebody
Would look his way and want to be around him 
After all..
He wasn’t special or cool enough growing up to have many / any friends
He sees way too much of himself in Mirabel and ends up leaving the group for a few minutes to cry in the bathroom
Engineer Mark
Waiting On A Miracle
What else needs to be said?
If given pictures of Engineer and Mirabel everyone would say they were the same image
Feels unwanted
Wants to be impressive and help those around him with his talents and ideas
Hides behind a false persona of happiness
He’s close to leaving the room but stays put, activating his space helmet which is also soundproof so no one can see / hear him start to cry
Poor man can’t hear “Waiting On A Miracle” without having a breakdown
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gardenofchrome · 10 months
Pacific Rim Headcanons #5
How PR characters would comfort you if you had a bad day
Requested by @screechinginthevoid: ty <3
Raleigh+Yancy: Both would immediately notice and immediately get you stuff like your favorite ice cream and a fluffy blanket. They would tell you funny stories about each other, trying to take your mind off of your day. They would also tell you things their mother used to tell them to make them feel better: "Ca va aller" (it's going to be ok), "Quoiqu'il arrive, je t'aime et je serai toujours là pour toi" (whatever happens, I love you and i'm always going to be here for you). Eventually, you fall asleep and the brothers carry you back to your bed.
Mako: She would take you down to the kwoon training room and spar with you to take your mind off of it. Afterwards you guys go down to the Shatterdome cafe and you vent to her about your frustrations.
Chuck: Would take you up to Striker (or your Jaeger) and talk about your guys day. Nearly beats up whoever caused your bad day.
Herc: You vent to him about your day and he gives you a hug, telling you about his bad days and what he does to deal with them. Max runs up to you guys and Herc lifts him up so that he could give you lots of licks.
Don't drool over Y/N! ...Sees something pretty and he gets all wound up.
Stacker: When you tell him about your bad day, he tries to comfort you a little. He makes sure that whoever caused you to have a bad day is punished: extra paperwork, assigning them the worst duties in the Shatterdome, etc.
Newt: Immediately notices and drops everything and you tell him about your day. He would try and make you feel better by insulting the person(s) that caused you to have a bad day and told you to get some rest. You decide to stay with him in the lab as he goes on a small rant about the new sample he just got- part of the secondary brain of a kaiju.
Hermann: Awkwardly tries to comfort you, before deciding to start explaining the project he was working on to distract you.
Tendo: Would crack a few cringy jokes (dad jokes, flirtatious lines, etc.) to distract you. It works as you laugh and slightly cringe at the quips. You two then go on break and head up to the tallest catwalk and talk as you watch a Jaeger get repaired.
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mothgodofchaos · 1 year
Could I have Yancy and Damien (separate) with a Y/N who used to take dance lessons, and it's obvious from the way that they move that they had professional training headcanons?
I'm assuming the very similar one in my inbox was also you, and this was a rewrite (apologies if not).
He takes you out to a doowop, full on fifties night
His hair is all slicked back, leather jacket, and bike
You both arrive with him thinking that this'll be a fun night of stupid dancing, neither of you knowing what you're doing
However, you prove him very wrong, when you take the lead, and spin him around
It flusters him a lot, mostly because he's more impressed than anything
He makes you promise to teach him for real, for next time of course
It's one of the many galas that you have to attend with him, losing your mind with boredom
This one has a timeslot for ballroom dancing, so you're hoping you can giggle at people tripping over their feet after a few glasses of champagne
But Damien walks over, taking your hand and kissing your knuckles, asking you to dance
You're surprised at first, but then he leads you down after you accept
He guides you into the proper position, thinking you're a novice, and you let him with a smirk on your face
Then you both move gracefully across the floor, lighting up his face when he realizes you know what you're doing
You end up on the dance floor that whole night, laughing and talking as your feet sweep you away
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Miss Impatient | Illinois x Fem!Reader
Ship: Illinois x Fem!Reader Requested by: @nickaroo​ Warnings: near-death experience Notes: Super late fic, hope you enjoy nonetheless! x Words: 705
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You weren’t sure how you had ended up saying yes to Illinois taking you with him, a man you’d only met a few weeks ago, but ever since, you had been going on adventure after adventure, without regret. None of your days were boring ever again and the friendship between you was like a passionately burning fire. Today was special, as he said he’d take you to Kitten Heaven, the best place you were ever going to see.
“Are we there yet?” you asked. Not that you were typically one to complain, but even the death traps you and Illinois faced on a daily basis couldn’t scare you out of rushing your way through the tombs as much as you could.
“Little miss impatient today, are we?” he replied, walking behind you in a more calm manner.
You dodged an arrow coming out of a dispenser, light on your feet as ever, and narrowly avoided stepping on another pressure plate. Illinois looked over with a bit of concern, but also knew how good you had become at avoiding the traps, so he didn’t say anything.
“We’re going to Kitten Heaven and you expect me to be patient?” you said, a hint of defense in your voice as you hopped over a tripwire.
Illinois didn’t say anything, as he was distracted by something else. He reached into an old dusty chest with spiderwebs all over it. Looting was a fun part of every adventure, but even now you purposely ignored whatever was lying around. That is until Illinois pulled out a necklace made out entirely of bright, sparkly crystals, it being so pretty looking that it would be inhuman to not be entirely captivated by it.
Ooh, shiny! Excited, you hurried back over to him but felt your heart sink when your ankles touched the familiar tripwire you had avoided before.
Illinois saw it first — his familiarity with the layout of tombs and the way the sound cues echoed around helped him realize. Two trapdoors opened in the ceiling above you and Illinois leaped forward, tackling you out of the way without thinking twice. Nearly half a second later, the sharpest-looking spikes you’d ever seen fell down and pierced themselves into the ground where you had been standing.
Illinois and you barely processed what happened, both looking back at the trap in horror, and then back at each other. You didn’t know whether you were gonna burst out laughing or crying from the adrenaline.
“You alright?” Illinois asked, still lying on top of you. He’d say it’s because he’s avoiding activating another trap, but really, he wasn’t ready to let you go yet, now finally having an excuse to be so close to you.
“Yeah...” You said, blinking slowly. “You saved me...”
“Oh, don’t worry, that’s just what I do.” He tried to sound casual but you could hear the smug undertone and tried to not roll your eyes and laugh like usual.
“I’ve got this all under control, sweetheart.”
You blushed hard at the nickname (some things you just don’t get used to) and tried to hide your look of disappointment when he got off of you, now feeling cold and less safe without him there.
He extended his hand to you to help you up, and you took it.
When you were both standing upright again he gently put the necklace around your neck.
“You’re gonna need a hero for the rest of your life if we’re gonna keep adventuring,” he said. You looked down, still blushing hard about what happened. But then he lifted up your chin with two fingers and forced you to look him in the eye. “I said I was married to the job when I met you, but honestly, I’ve loved you from the start. I can’t lose you...”
Your stomach filled with butterflies. There was no way... Was this actually happening? Did he like you back? Was all you had to do for a confession this entire time just “have a near-death experience?”
“You’re the lucky one who gets Illinois.”
You laughed, kissed him on the lips, and immediately looked away again, unable to say anything at all. He understood and pulled you closer than ever before.
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weirdlyhornyforegos · 3 months
Good Boy
Anon: Hi, I was wondering if you could do a yancy x gn!reader where yancy is the submissive in the relationship and maybe also a little touch starved. Reader is rough with him physically but is still super sweet cause yancy is always such a good boy for them?
Wordcount: 700+
Tags/warnings: mention of impact play, praise, bites, handjob, cum-eating
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Having Yancy underneath you always feels like a treat and a privilege, the man so soft to your touch, so willing to take what you give him. Heated skin that only gets redder with scratched lines, slaps, and bites that are followed by kisses.
You love to kneel between his legs, and make him feel good, make him cum in any and many ways.
Tonight is no different, the man underneath you keening into your touch even as you hold his arms down by the wrist. You laugh, but there is nothing cruel in your tone, only wonder at how desperate he gets for you, how pretty he is like this.
Yancy whines, so you lean down to circle on of his nipples with your mouth, sucking hard on it, making him moan.
"Such a good boy for me Yancy, so pliable and sweet." The hand not around his wrists works over his cock, the mixture of lube and ample pre-cum making the glide easy. Your mouth back on his nipple, this time with kitten licks, makes him groan.
Yancy fucks into your hand as well as he can, his shallow trusts brushing up against more than just your hands with you kneeling between his legs and leaned over him, but you heed it little mind, too focused on him.
Moving your head, you trace a path with bites and your tongue over his chest to his other nipple, broad tongue lapping over it.
Yancy twitches beneath you, and you are certain if you weren't holding his hands, they would either be in your hair, or gripping the sheets for dear life.
Not that you really think he needs you to hold them there.
"Yancy, baby, I want you to keep your arms like this for me, ok?" He nods aggressively, keeping his eyes locked on you as you lean up and back. Hand now free, it joins your other on his cock, this one sliding down to play with his balls.
Yancy's mouth hangs open, letting moans, whimpers, and groans slip out with no hindrance, letting you hear how sweet he sounds for you.
"There you go my boy, so good for me, so well behaved." There's a glint in his eye, but gone in an instant as you thumb the head of his cock before bringing it to your lips to lick his cum off.
"Delicious." You comment, and he swallows hard as your hand returns to his cock, jerking him off faster now, intent on making him spill all over your hand.
"Come on my sweet thing, come for me like I know you want to, and like you were made to." Yancy moans perhaps the loudest he has all night as he spills over your hand, your name slipping out like a prayer.
You keep working him over until he shakes, only stopping when he moves his arms from over his head where he had kept them the whole time, to one over his face, the other on his chest, your signal that he is done for the moment.
Letting go, you just stay where you are, watching his chest rise and fall as he catches his breath.
When he removes his arm from his face and looks at you, you smile at him before bringing your cum covered hand up to your mouth, and starting to clean it off.
Yancy watches as you do so, licking his lips and breathing heavily. The man has some stamina, but not even him can get hard that quick again, though you know he wouldn't have minded that at all with how he looks at you.
"Fuck, sweetheart....." You grin, leaning down, mindful of his sensitive cock as you kiss him. Or, you try to be, but Yancy just pulls you close, pressing you down on him.
"Need youse...." He mutters in-between kisses. You know what he means, the request hidden in his words familiar. You stop kissing him in favor of moving slightly further down, tucking yourself underneath his chin and letting yourself rest all of your weight on him.
Yancy sighs happily, one hand going to your back to trace patterns over your skin, the other moving to brush through your hair.
"My good boy deserves all that he wants." Yancy hums, and if you were a betting person- you would bet a slight blush is spread over his cheeks as you both just lay there.
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otterlyinluv · 1 year
A touch of darkness (pt.2)
Here's part 1
Summary: What happened after the office incident OR in which Yancy tries to eat breakfast and Wilford becomes a matchmaker
Pairing: Darkiplier x DA!Reader
Tags: sfw, fluffy, jealous Dark, proximity, thunderstorm, comfort, confessions and realisations
A/N: I apologize for the long wait, I actually finished it earlier but I decided to scrap the last third and rewrite it completely- Anyway, hope you enjoy!
Word count: 2.9k
"So you like Mr. Doom and gloom, so what?"
You almost choked on the chocolate milk Wilford made you.
"No, that doesn't make sense. Nothing even happened. He just fixed my computer, and then I felt weird."
Wilford raised an eyebrow at you.
"My dear, you might not see it, but you look like a lovesick fool."
Your face started to feel warm.
"No, I do not! I came for advice, Wilford, but now I know I chose the wrong person." You stood up from the armchair, leaving the chocolate milk on the desk, when Wilford started to wave his arms around.
"Okay, okay, fine, I'll stop." He grabbed you by the shoulders and plopped you back on the armchair.
"Now," he said, no longer in the spot he was a second ago. His little teleporting shenanigans didn't bother you as much as they did during the first months of your stay at the mansion. Whenever he suddenly disappeared and reappeared at a completely different place, you'd always get a mini heart attack, which lead to him doing it even more frequently to mess with you. What you hadn't realized then was he did it only to get you used to things that weren’t exactly normal. Wilford was a good guy at heart even if his methods were a bit... unconventional.
"Since you don't believe me, we'll go about it in a different way." You turned around to where he was. He made you stand up from the chair and gripped your hands.
"Which thoughts race through your head like fluttering butterflies frolicking in a field when he’s with you? How does he make you feel in general?"
The corner of your mouth turned up at the metaphor, and you looked off into the distance. After the encounter in your office, you started bumping into each other far more frequently than before. Or maybe you noticed him more. And when you did see each other, his gaze seemed to linger on you a suspiciously long time. Whenever you made eye contact during meetings, you felt a flutter in your chest. A flutter you didn't feel with anyone else.
You looked at Wilford with a sense of epiphany. His eyes seemed to light up.
"Am I interrupting something?" Dark said, standing in the doorway, his arms crossed.
You ripped your hands from Wilfords'.
"Oh, Darkie. Why we were just having a lovely chat, nothing for you to worry about." Wilford drawled, putting his arm over your shoulder.
Dark's eyes darted to your shoulder, and his gaze hardened. The colored aura that surrounded him seemed to gain a more blue hue. It only lasted a couple of seconds before he rolled his neck.
"Excuse me." He suddenly ran off out of the room, his fists clenched.
You saw Wilford grinning out of the corner of your vision as he put his arm away from you.
"Wilford, what did you do?" You said, glaring at him.
"I just gave him a little push, that's all." 
You really wanted some cereal.
The mansion was pleasantly quiet because you liked to wake up earlier than everyone else. While listening to Illinois boast about all his adventures or Google try to subtly persuade you to grant him admin privileges was entertaining once in a while, it wasn't something you wanted to do first thing in the morning.
You were able to find your favorite brand of cereal, a spoon, and some milk. The only thing that was missing was a bowl. You looked into the cupboard where the bowls usually were, but there were none. You wondered who kept misplacing the contents of the cupboards and kept searching.
Still nothing.
You grabbed a chair to stand on so you could reach the cupboards that were higher up. You carefully stood up on it and opened the one closest to you. Finally!
Unfortunately for you, the bowls were on the top shelf. You huffed and stood on your tiptoes. After stretching your arm as far as you could, you were finally able to grab a suitable bow.
But you leaned back so suddenly you lost your balance. You flailed your arms in a futile attempt to regain stability. You mentally prepared yourself to come into contact with the cold hard floor when you felt someone grab your waist to support you.
You let out a relieved breath only to look down at the grey hands, which were now firmly holding you in place. The area which the hands were in contact with was completely devoid of color. You turned around to see Dark without his signature jacket, his eyes wide. You were frozen, but your skin burned where his hands were.
"You should be more careful. You would have fallen if I hadn't gotten to you in time."
You couldn't move. The only thing you felt was the oddly gentle hold he had on you. The bowl, which you were now holding safely, was the last of your worries.
"Still as clumsy as ever," he chuckled under his breath. His thumbs twitched, and you blinked at each other in realization of your compromising position.
He cleared his throat as he stepped back as if burned, removing his hands in the process. You carefully got down from the chair.
It was so quiet you could almost hear his aura crackle in the air like static.
"I, uh... Thank you for... that."
"You are welcome," he said quietly.
You were looking at the ground, your face strangely warm. Your gaze traveled to his shirt, the first two buttons undone, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. His hands bordered with blue and red the hands that held you were now hanging at his sides.
You stared too long. You could feel him looking at you. You glanced at him.
He was looking straight at you. So intensely that you felt like he could see directly into your soul. So expressively, his eyes seemed more brown than black.
He took a shuddering breath.
"Is youse making cereal? Leave some for me!" Your head jolted to Yancy standing in the doorway.
Dark snapped out of whatever trance he was in and promptly left the room with no parting words.
"Woah, what got him so worked up?" Yancy walked to you as you looked at the door, deep in thought.
"I'd like to know that too."
After having finished your perfect bowl of cereal, it was back to sitting in your tiny office. Normally, it wouldn't be that big of a deal. Nothing special, just you sitting behind your desk working at your computer. Except you weren't. You couldn't.
Not when whenever you closed your eyes, you could remember Dark standing over you so clearly. Your little... encounter happened a few weeks ago, yet you still couldn't focus properly while you were here. It took you at least half an hour to distract yourself enough to at least start working. It was frustrating, but there wasn't much you could do. Talk to him about it when he has most likely forgotten about it already? Yeah, sure.
Now that you thought about it, there was something else that was making you unfocused today. Why did Dark look like he wanted to murder Wilford when he was just being touchy as usual?
And this morning... He just caught you out of politeness so you wouldn't fall flat on your face. Or maybe he just didn't want you to break the bowl. You didn't allow yourself to even consider the possibility that maybe he didn't want to see you hurt. And the way his hands stayed on your waist just a few seconds more... Boy, did you forget how to talk then.
Maybe you were looking into it too much. Sure, he was nicer than before, but he could simply be more comfortable with you. As a friend. Yeah, that must be it.
Satisfied with your thinking session, you were ready to get to work.
Your concentration was disturbed by the sound of your door opening, followed by a thud of something heavy being dumped in, and then the door immediately slammed shut again.
You looked up from your computer to a sight you never would have expected - Dark rapping at the door, violently shaking the door handle.
"Now Damie, remember what I told you. If you want something, go get it!" Wilford slurred, his voice muffled by the door.
"Wilford, open the door this instant, or I swear I will kill you. I am serious."
"Oh, promises, promises. Focus your energy on the important things!" Wilford's voice faded away as he supposedly walked away from the door.
"That insufferable..." he mumbled to himself, turning around.
His clothes were wrinkled as if someone tried to physically push him into the room but was met with resistance. You couldn't help but laugh at the ridiculousness of it all.
"Uhm, welcome, I guess."
He sighed. "Hi."
"So, what happened for you to end up here of all places?" You leaned on your arm. It might have been an unexpected situation, but that didn't mean you weren't going to enjoy it. Dark, on the other side, seemed really determined to fulfill his promise to Wilford. "When Wil sets his mind to something, nothing can stop him. Not even me." He tried to open the door to emphasize his point, and as expected, it didn't budge.
"Can you not get out by... other means?" You never really knew how his powers worked. And you doubted he would tell you even if you did ask.
"No. I don't know how he did it, but he managed to completely lock me out -" He looked around. "-or in. Technically."
As his eyes surveyed the room, you realized how small it was. It was enough for you, but Dark seemed to fill a big part of the room just with the colored aura that surrounded him. Come to think of it, why was he standing so far away from where you were?
"Well, I'm guessing we're going to be here for some time, so why don't we sit down somewhere more comfortable?" You pointed to a light brown sofa leaning against a wall. His eyes followed your hand to the middle-sized sofa. You winced. You didn't want to make it awkward for him to sit down there alone, but maybe he would rather you didn't sit with him. Why didn't you just ask him what he wanted in the first place-
He simply nodded and sat on the sofa. Having no other choice, you plopped down next to him.
Small raindrops started hitting the window.
You turned to say something to fill the silence at the same time as he did, which resulted in you looking away from each other. He let out the quietest chuckle, and you couldn't help yourself but do the same.
"You can go first." Dark said.
"Ah, it wasn't anything specific, just that the rain is getting stronger." You expected him to simply nod and direct the topic somewhere else. Instead, he looked over to the window. The rain was now strong enough to be audible if you were both quiet, which is what was happening now. Dark looked as if he was observing the rain. As if simply the fact you told him about it gave it value.
"It indeed is."
After a couple of seconds, he took a breath. "I've never noticed how small this office is."
"You're right, but I like it. It makes it feel cozy. It also holds memories more easily. " In fact, your brain was recalling a rather specific memory involving him. But you doubted he would be thinking of that.
"Well, I'm glad. The area carries a certain air that only you have."
"Oh, and what might that be?" You smirked.
"Comfort. Something you want to return to and treasure every moment spent with."
You stared at him wide-eyed.
"Ah, I said too much, didn't I? Forgive me." He looked to the door.
You were touched by how highly he thought of you. Yet there was an unspoken implication in his statement.
Thunder rang out.
You flinched and crashed into Dark. His arms shot out, cradling you against him.
"Are you alright?"
You squeezed your eyes closed as you tried to focus on your breathing.
"I... I'm just scared of thunder. The sound..." You trailed off, heart beating rapidly in your chest.
His hold on you tightened as he gently moved your head to the crook of his neck. He rubbed his hand across your back in soothing motions with a soft "Shh" every couple of seconds. You let him hold you until you eventually stopped shaking like a leaf in the wind.
That's when you realized what a compromising position you were in and stared at him in shock.
"I apologize, I overstepped." He frowned, untangling his hands from you.
As soon as you felt the absence of him, you realized.
"I don't mind." You said, and his face visibly relaxed. "I actually don't mind a lot of things when it comes to you. Simply being with you is... nice."
He let out a quiet laugh. You wished you could put the sound in a bottle. "You're just saying that because we are stuck together."
You laughed and let out a rebuttal.
Minutes passed with other witty remarks, and before you could realize, the brief rainstorm had completely passed. You were confused that you hadn't heard another thunder since there had to have been at least one. But you had gotten too involved in Dark's quips to notice the sound. Dark cracking jokes... now that was something you would have never imagined.
"Penny for your thoughts?" Dark asked, leaning his head on his arm.
"You were staring at me without saying anything for a while now, so I figured you had something interesting going on in that brain of yours."
Heat rushed into your cheeks. You didn't realize you had been looking right at him.
You cleared your throat and saw him smiling out of the corner of your eye. "I was just wondering," you smiled back, "do you often run away?"
Dark quickly turned his head away in shame.
"First, it was when I was talking with Wilford. You came in and then suddenly excused yourself. Then, this morning, too... What's going on? Did I do something?"
He sighed. "No, no, you didn't do anything. It's me." He added quietly.
"How so?"
He responded after a couple of seconds. "I am afraid that if I tell you, a lot of things might change... between us." The look in his dark eyes was earnest, almost nostalgic.
You pondered upon his statement for a few seconds. "Does change always have to be bad?"
As soon as you said the sentence, you were hit with a sense of deja vu. You felt like you've said it before, but how?
In tandem with your confusion, a slight shock spread on his features. As if in a trance, you put your hand on his cheek. Looking him up and down, you studied his features. There was nothing different from what you've come to know. Why were you expecting to see something else?
Your fingers moved on your own in a caress.
His eyes fluttered shut. You traced over his forehead, moving to his cheekbones when you ended up near his lips. Features oh so familiar like you knew them for years. Now that his eyes were closed, he seemed different. At peace. So close.
He opened his eyes, and there it was again. The two of you in your office. The proximity close enough to feel electrifying. None of you said anything as a decision hung in the air. But only up until his onyx-like eyes flicked from your own to your lips.
He smiled. "Would it be foolish of me to say I want to kiss you right now?"
And you answered by leaning in.
You let yourselves be entangled by the sheer amount of emotion as your lips brushed against each other. His arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you even closer like he wanted to drown himself in you. You basked in the softness of your embrace, finally feeling as if everything has fallen into place.
He pulled away as you tried to catch your breath.
"So beautiful." He whispered, tenderly tucking a stray strand of hair behind your ear.
Before you could respond, he went right back in. Not that you minded, of course.
No sooner than a minute had passed were you interrupted by your office door swinging open.
"Glad to see you've finally figured yourselves out! Now, if we could-" Wilford's voice was cut off as Dark slammed the door with a motion of his hand.
He brushed his hair away from his face and turned back to you.
"It did look like he needed something." You gazed at the door pensively.
"I am sure he did, but," he smoothed out your shirt, "I do believe you don't want anyone seeing you like this."
You tried to keep from laughing as you regarded his own disheveled appearance. "You're not too neat either, Sir 'Irons his shirts every morning'."
He rolled his eyes but smiled at you regardless. Getting up from the couch, he held out his hand, which you accepted, and headed to whatever wacky escapade Wilford was up to this time.
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cheeryraccoon · 2 years
Wholesome Ego Headcannons
Hey look! I'm not dead! Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I'm back at school and have been pretty busy. Anyway, I hope you enjoy these headcannons! -------------------------------------------------------
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Mark -
• I see this man being very cuddley. At home if he's not working, he'll just cuddle up to you on the couch. Or if you're busy at your desk he'll just slip his arms around you and hug you. When you're out in public he'll usually just be holding your hand.
• He asked for your opinion on what color he should dye his hair every time he did so.
• Loves to bring you snacks if/when you stream.
• His favorite picture of you is of you and Chica laying in the grass on a sunny day (it's his phone's wallpaper).
• When either of you go on long trips he FaceTimes you to talk about both of your days.
Dark -
• You and Wilford are besties and will often try to get Dark to do something fun with you (sometimes it starts to become Wilford third wheeling but he doesn't mind).
• He uses rose petal cologne... I do not take criticism.
• He teases you sometimes just so he can see you flustered.
• He loves when you hang out in his office when he's working to keep him company.
• He will never admit it but he likes watching cheesy romance movies with you.
Wilford -
• If you ever get mad at him he'll leave and come back with food and puppy eyes.
• He'll randomly take your hand and slow dance with you in the living room.
• He loves nuzzling your noses.
• He loves to buy you clothes and when he sees you wear them he gets excited.
• Sometimes when he is reminded of Damien, Celine, and Actor, he has panic attacks. He'll lock himself in his room and curl up in the corner on the floor, sobbing. When this happens you knock a small jingle (to let him know it's you and he can let you in when he's ready) on the door and sit outside to wait. When he lets you in you'll hug him, tell him that everything is okay and that it wasn't his fault, and give him kisses to make him feel better. He doesn't know what he would do if he didn't have you at those times.
Yancy -
• In prison there's not much you can do for dates... but since you're with the man who knows every nook and cranny of the place he figures things out. At night he'll sneak you outside to stargaze and he can scare all the other prisoners out of the cafeteria at meal time and get the chefs to make you a nice dinner, he'll make sure you can be as happy with him as possible.
• If you share a cell he'll cuddle you when you're cold... or just because.
• He brags about you to everyone else, that includes the guards and the warden.
• He loves pet names, his favorite ones for you being 'buttercup' and 'doll'
• If he's ever insecure about his accent, you reassure him that you love it and that it's amazing the way it is. He appreciates you a lot for that.
Illinois -
• After a long day of adventuring, he loves relaxing with you in his arms as he reads a good book.
• When you steal his hat, or he puts it on your head, he takes a second to stare and take it how much he really loves you.
• If he ever finds out you had a crush on Indiana Jones at some point he'll implode... aka he'll get really flustered and probably get you in a bear hug the next time he sees you.
• This man loves plushies and you can't prove me wrong. If you give him a plush he will have it sitting on his bed and sometimes cuddle it when he goes to sleep. (+10 points if you spray it with your perfume)
• He likes to call you 'peach'.
Engineer Mark -
• He's a puppy. If you give him head pats he will do anything and everything to get more. You called him a good boy once as a joke and he wouldn't stop talking about it for a month. (His newest nickname from you is 'puppy')
• He loves hugs and physical affection  and will constantly try to get hugs from you all the time.
• Celci doesn't understand why you want to date him but will admit that you look cute together.
• Whenever you need him to show you how to do something he'll place his hands on top of yours to show you. He doesn't really think about it but, once he sees you blushing a little, he'll blush and get all smiley.
• If you ever get hurt on the ship, even if its just a tiny paper cut, he'll panic and rush you to the medical room to make sure you're okay.
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jokingmisfit · 2 years
Bro, bro, bro!
I went back, and was rewatching the 10th anniversary stream that mark did for YouTube, where he explains in space with Mark plier, and I was watching the scene where he was like, "if you guys want Yancy to have magical changing tattoos, you can have that," and all I can think of now is like, if he falls in love with somebody it's like their initials, plus his initials in a heart tattoo appear on his arm, so he has a really hard time hiding when you have a crush on someone, and I thought that was a really cute idea (just like him).
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cleake · 2 years
Hugging the egos
-He doesn’t have too much time for affection, he has a job to do
-But when he can take a break, he loves to be with you, talk with you, sit with you, maybe put his head on your shoulder :)
-You can hug him whenever you want, if you want a hug all you have to do is ask him for one
-He’ll wrap his hands around your neck, or put them on your back
-He’ll stroke your hair, nuzzle his nose in the crook of your neck with a big smile on his face
-He’s so happy to hug you, he loves to have you in his embrace, and likes to touch you occasionally, stroking your hand while walking together, putting his hand on your shoulder
-When you’re nervous he’ll offer your a hug, he wants you to feel good
-He’s warm, smells like fresh laundry, and is so fluffy
-He’s a little shy when you hug him unexpectedly, but appreciates it so much
-He doesn’t get to hug people, and almost forgot how it feels
-You have to hug him first, and he’ll be so shocked, and confused
-But in a good way :)
-He’ll slowly get to it, putting his hands on your back, his head on your shoulder
-He missed this warm feeling, and almost started crying because of how good he felt with you close to him
-Stroke his hair and he’ll melt, hiding his face in your shoulder with read ears
-He’s tough but hugging him feels warm
-After that he’ll be more comfortable with hugs and ask for them more
-His hugs are slow, delicate
-He loves to put his head on yours while hugging
-Hugs? What’s that?
-At first hugs are a big no, but you have to be patient with him and not pushy, that’s all
-To warm him up at first give him little touches on his hand, head, shoulder, side
-That will be new to him, but if it’s delicate and almost nonexistent he’ll be comfortable with it more
-When you hug him he doesn’t know what to do, where to put his hands, how to react
-You have to believe his small touches towards you, they mean a lot more than they look
-A lot of time has to pass for him to get used to your affection, but he’ll repay you
-His hugs are very soft, but full, he likes to wrap himself around you, but not to much to not make uncomfortable
-He doesn’t hug you often, but when he does they are long and meaningful
-Give him time, that’s all :)
-The diva will make every hug memorable
-They are thigh, warm
-He likes to wrap his hands around your torso, holding your hand
-He’ll let you put your head on his shoulder, while he strokes your hair
-Maybe will give you a kiss? On forehead? On your hand?
-He likes to swing while hugging, humming softly, he’s happy :)
-He likes to hug you from behind as a surprise, he likes your little jumps, but will repay you with kiss on your head
-He’s charming, but sometimes too much
-Well he is a flirt, but physically affection is not so familiar to him
-He appreciates the love you give him, it’s just new for him
-He’s very delicate, he’ll softly hold your hand, enjoying the moment
-He likes to put his hand on your shoulder after difficult adventure, and give you a comforting hug
-While breaks he and you talk, admiring the treasure you found, he’ll put his head on your chest, resting and enjoying the silence
-He’s very casual with physical affection, it’s a normal thing for him, and won’t make a big fuss about it
-He’ll hold your hand when he wants, and will just smile at you with an ease, it’s just normal to him when he gets to it
-Enjoys when you hug him from behind 💓
-He’s very happy when you hug him, he himself won’t do it much, at least not in the public, he’s the mayor after all
-But if you need one he’ll won’t hesitate
-His hugs are soft always noting every thing he does
-He doesn’t get hugs, so is kinda new to him
-But every time he gets a hug from you, he just hides himself in your arms
-He’s stressed out and needs a break, your hugs are helping him with his nerves
-Always thanks for your hugs with a shy smile
-He’s too shy to ask for a hug himself but you can see when he wants one
-He’ll softly brush his fingertips on your hand, or put his head on your shoulder
-He’s a energetic guy, his hugs will be almost crushing you
-He doesn’t get hugs a lot, but loves them, and if there’s a chance to hug you, he will!
-You’re sitting alone? He’ll come up to you and hug you just to despair again, you’re standing alone for too long? He’ll hug you and bring something for you to drink
-He likes hugs, he likes giving them
-May kiss your nose, or shoulder before leaving you from the hug
-He’s sweet, even though sometimes forgets he has a gun in his hand, just be careful when he’s hugging you with one in hand
- I enjoy writing these headcanons, if you have any ideas, please share them with me :)
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leighsartworks216 · 1 year
Illinois x autistic!gn!reader x Yancy
Requested by Anon:
“could we have more illinois x reader x yancy?? just some soft cuddling and kisses in bed maybe”
Requested by Anon:
“i LOVED your dark with implied autistic reader, there isn’t many fics that include us like that ❤️ would you be willing to do something similar with illinois or yancy?”
I went ahead and combined these two requests bc I thought they worked together! Realizing now that I didn’t add any kisses sorry 💀
Warnings: very fluffy, slight swearing??, lots of cuddling tho
Word Count: 620
Tag List Form
Why were you still scrolling? It was almost 3am, for one thing. Your partners were asleep, snoring away on either side of you, and yet, there you were, continuing to go through the same tags you went through a thousand times before. The same art, shitposts, and fics popped up. And you’d seen them all, no matter how you sorted the feed. But you needed more. You needed new art, new shitposts, new fics.
Despite the mounting frustration and boredom, you kept scrolling and scrolling and scrolling.
An arm wound around your midsection, startling you out of your focus. Yancy peeked at you through half-lidded, drowsy eyes. He was always a light sleeper.
“What’re youse doin’ up?” His words slurred a little, accent seeming unfamiliar to him at this hour. “Somethin’ wrong?”
You shook your head and turned off your phone, allowing the device to rest on your chest. “No, I just…” Yancy waited patiently as you found the right words. “I’m hyperfixating on something right now, and nothing seems to really… satisfy it.”
He hummed. The bed shifted as he scooted closer, nuzzling his face against the pajamas you wore. He didn’t want to trigger you with the feeling of his stubble, especially not when you’d apparently been awake all night.
“Youse wanna tell me about it?”
He felt more than saw the way you lit up. Excitement ran through your whole body like a shot of adrenaline.
He hummed. “I’ll try to stay awake.”
A pang of guilt shot through your heart. You didn’t want him to stay up just so you could ramble his ear off about something he isn’t even interested in. You opened your mouth to protest, but another face nuzzled into the shoulder of your pajamas, opposite to Yancy.
Illinois’ voice was rough. The languid, almost haughty accent he carried was almost unnoticeable. “What’s goin’ on?” he murmured, eyes squinting in the dark to peer at his two partners.
“They’re hyperfixatin’ on somethin’,” Yancy slurred. Sleep was already pulling his eyelids shut, but he forced them open again. “Was gonna let ‘em talk about it.”
Illinois hummed and turned to look at you, though his neck was at an awkward angle trying to do so. “You sleep at all yet, darlin’?”
You floundered, under the sweet way Yancy had said explained your problem so unbothered by its absurdity, and at the equally sweet pet name Illinois used. “I don’t want to keep you up just so I can talk,” you finally mumbled.
They both seemed affronted at the idea. “We love hearing you talk about your interests,” Illinois assured.
Yancy, seeming a little more awake, sat up so he was sure you saw the grin he bore. His eyes twinkled. “Youse is so passionate about the things you love, how could we not?”
“Don’t worry about us, doll.” Yancy settled back down, resting his head on his pillow so he could look at you as you spoke. “We’ll just take a nap later.”
Illinois nodded against your shoulder and wrapped an arm around you. His hand rested easily on Yancy’s arm, tucking calloused fingers under the songbird’s t-shirt sleeve. They both waited for you to speak, to ramble for as long as they could stay awake about your hyperfixation. There was no way to deny them any longer.
You slid down further into the blankets. You told them about everything you could think of. You explained what it was you were fixating on, the goods and bads of it. Ships you loved or hated. The lore, history within the universe, character design. Everything.
And as the sun rose, all three of you were curled together in a mass of blankets, fast asleep.
Tag List:
@cryptidjester (wasn’t sure if you still wanted to be tagged but I’m tagging you just in case. lemme know if you want me to remove it from this fic!)
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rat-that-writes · 2 years
cuddly affectionate hcs
a/n: what is up my crunky crew. i wanted a hug so i wrote this
tw: mention of horniness w/ illi, very very slight angst (mention of a fear w/ yancy), swearing + use of the word whore (not in a negative way)
🖤 Dark 🖤
this man acts like an actual housecat
he acts all uninterested about affection at first and probably teases you a little if you ask him for hugs
but as soon as you actually do hug or cuddle him? oh my god hes so touch starved he is not letting you go
he didn’t realise just how much he needed soft and romantic affection, it had been years
once he knows how much he actually likes hugs, he will just find you during the day and hold you
even if you’re busy, hes still gonna hold you
but only in private; he doesn’t like pda unless its hand holding or just a quick kiss
but as soon as you’re alone? it’s cuddle time babeyyyy
he likes resting his chin on your head or shoulders, especially with you in his lap
he will start subconsciously stroking your arms or waist if you’re laying down with him
he might purr…. if you get him relaxed enough
but be sure to never bring it up because he’ll try to conceal it next time
poor boy is embarrassed, bless him
💙 Damien 💙
he absolutely NEEDS cuddles when hes tired
you can easily get him to stop working and come to bed by just texting him “come cuddle?” he will be there in seconds
he loves to lay on you while you play with his hair
he will fall asleep in 5 minutes if you pet him honestly
is also like a huge cuddly house cat that constantly needs affection (Dark gets it from him)
he loves to hold hands
the size difference, the touch of your skin, just the image of your hand in his gives him butterflies
if your hands are ever remotely cold he is just !!! darling !! i must warm your hands up :))
he does like pda, but it’s best to keep things appropriate since he’s mayor and all
but he still can’t stop himself from holding your hand no matter who’s around
❤️ Actor ❤️
this man is so needyyyy
you often wake up with him half way on top of you fast asleep
he has cuddling stages during the night
usually you’ll go to sleep spooning or with your head on his chest
then if you wake up during the night he’ll be clinging to you like a koala (good luck trying to get up to pee if you need to)
and in the morning hes laying sideways over your torso like a beefy blanket
or hes just ,. on the floor. idk either man he just be like that sometimes
and if you can’t lift him up and put him back in bed, just join him on the floor
hell think its sososo endearing but is more concerned about your comfort
whenever you cuddle it will probably lead to making out
hes just so thirsty honestly
he loves spooning you and holding you tight
his favourite cuddle time is when he comes back from a day on set and you’re both sleepy and you fall asleep on the couch in each other’s arms
then benjamin wakes you and you both shuffle away to bed giggling
pda? oh baby! hes all about it
he does not care what anybody thinks he just wants kisses
but he will definitely adhere to your own boundaries
🤍 Yancy 🤍
you are this mans teddy bear
he hates sleeping without you now
if he’s on parole and you two live together/hes staying over, even if hes about to pass out on the floor he will not go to bed unless you do as well
hed rather fall asleep in an uncomfortable spot than get into bed alone
he holds you against his chest and kisses your head and neck so softly
he never holds you too tightly
he has a fear of accidentally hurting people, especially you, because hes so big and strong and rough but hes just a gentle giant once you get to know him
so he holds you so gently and sweetly as if you would break if he held on any tighter
pda he likes is kisses on the cheek and hand holding, not much more
he prefers keeping affection private, unless someone is trying to hit on you
he will literally just walk up to you and kiss you and smile at whoever was flirting with you
hes protective and doesn’t want someone taking you away from him
hell probably blush a little afterwards lol
💛 Illinois 💛
he makes a great pillow, honestly
his chest is comfy and warm and he puts his hand on your head if you sleep on him
is secretly a fan of sleeping with his head on your chest or stomach
he will never admit it but you have woken up to it multiple times
snuggling to keep warm on adventures is his favourite thing
hes pretty used to the cold, but if you’re not then he will gladly wrap you up in as many blankets as possible and hold you tight
he loves to fluster your and make you hide your face in his chest
he thinks it’s the cutest thing in the world
hes good with pda as long as you are
spooning often results in him getting hard oops
what can i say hes a horny guy
🚀 Engineer Mark 🚀
he needs cuddles so bad
hes stressed and works too hard and just needs some good love !!!!
he always peppers your face and neck and shoulders with kisses when you’re alone together
he wouldn’t mind a little pda but it’s all up to you really
he likes to let people know you’re together, with you being so strikingly beautiful and handsome and gorgeous
sometimes you have to remind him to keep it professional oops
“baby!! UM. I MEAN- CAPTAIN!”
“hey yn- AH, hey captain,”
“honey could you- CELCI GET OUT OF MY ROOM”
he doesn’t mean to be like that on purpose, he just loves you so muchhhh it makes him a little silly sometimes
🔪 Murdock 🔪
you would be surprised how much this man likes cuddling
cuddles and hugs make him feel like he’s protecting you and keeping you safe
he is secretly a little bit of a shy man with affection
he doesn’t do pda unless someone is flirting with you or making you uncomfortable
even then it’s just an arm around your shoulders or waist and a glare at whoever is speaking to you
in private he pretends he doesn’t need or even like affection, but when you do touch him he just melts immediately
he likes cuddling in bed facing each other, kissing softly every now and just being comfy and relaxed
he likes to shower with you; it’s not always sexual he just likes the vulnerability and warmth
he likes to go to sleep spooning you
he holds you pretty tight, not uncomfortably, but noticeably tight
you’re his teddy bear
🌌 God of Night 🌌
he ALWAYS wants you in his lap so he can kiss your neck and touch your thighs and waist
will show you off to the other gods every chance he gets and if there is no chance he will make one
expect cheek kisses every 4 seconds
if you’re a mortal, he would l o v e to spoil you and amaze you with all the wonders accessible to him
if you’re a higher being like him, he will constantly be ‘subtly’ showing off to you
(its not subtle AT ALL)
this bitch is the type to run up to you and spin you around and dip you down to kiss you in front of everyone
he is so smug too
hes like “everyone look at me. look at me and my SEXY ASS PARTNER. YEAH YOU WISH YOU WERE US. WE ARE SO HOT. FUCK YOU.”
is not afraid to stick his tongue in your mouth in public
an absolute whore honestly
he is all over you when you’re alone
just constant “darlingggg.. cuddle me…:(((“ he is silly
in conclusion: in public? mans is kissing you touching you showing you off and praising you. alone? DARLINGGG I NEED A HUG !!!!!
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creat0r-cat · 2 years
Iplier Egos x Reader HCs - Pregnancy HCs
Warning: LONG
Well received
He’s happy to hear that you’re pregnant
Heck, he’s elated (but he won’t show it in front of the other egos cause edgy boss ego gotta keep his image)
More than willing to provide you with everything you need during your nine months
He can give you anything ;)
Isn’t really bothered by weird stuff like your cravings or increased/decrease in affection
Wilford throws you two a gender reveal party during your 5th month (Dark isn’t really one for parties but goes along with it for you)
You two are having a girl!
Dark starts to read books about how to keep boys away from his little girl (for the future)
Occasionally, if you two are cuddling, he’ll place his hands on your swollen belly and smile while nuzzling you lovingly
Is with you throughout the entire pregnancy (or as much as he can be)
Will hold your hand and whisper words of encouragement during labor
“It’s okay, darling. It’s almost over.”
“You said that three hours ago!”
“... I’m trying to help you.”
After an exhausting 16 hours of labor, you’re finally finished and the wails of a baby can be heard throughout the room
He’ll deny it, but Dark shed a few tears while holding his newborn daughter
Her name, decided by the both of you, was Celine Iplier
Happy mans
Jumping for joy and running around telling everyone he can find that he’s gonna be a dad
You find it adorable
Lots of kisses :3
He doesn’t mind your cravings and 9 out of 10 times he will try any weird concoctions you come up with
Is very impatient when it comes to finding out the sex of the baby
The egos make him wait an entire extra month to find out 
Bing and Google work together to throw the gender reveal party
Bing comes up with the idea to make him wait even more by making the inside of the cake blue and pink, the reveal balloons white, and more stuff like that
Wilford looks like he’s going to explode into glitter
Suddenly, Eric nervously comes forward wearing a pink Hawaiian shirt
“C-cong-gratulations.. I-it’s-s a g-girl.”
Chaos ensues
Key word: excitement
Likes to talk about dancing with his little girl when she’s old enough
It brings a smile to your face whenever he has these sweet lil’ gushes of happiness
He was doing an interview when you went into labor
Dr. Iplier began helping you through your labor pains and instructs Google to contact Wilford
Your husband teleports into the room in a panic
“Don’t worry, honey, I’ve gotcha!”
He happily holds his daughter, Willow Warfstache, in his arms quite a few hours afterward
“Wilford? Are you crying?”
“No, I’ve just got something in my eyes.”
“Oh yeah, like what?”
He just stares at you
“What did you just say?”
You repeat the news and he blinks, processing the information
“P-pregnant? Like, we’re going to have a kid?”
You confirm his question, now feeling very nervous
He is looking everywhere but at you, not being able to speak properly
“Y-you.. I.. we.. w-what..” 
With a sigh, he turns away and starts to leave
You call after him but he tells you he needs time to think
He doesn’t come to speak to you for a few hours
You’re in the living room of the mansion, a fire crackling in the fireplace while you read a book, trying to take your mind off of things
He walks in and sees you there and, after taking a deep breath, he goes to talk to you
“(Y/n).. darling.” 
“I’ve made up my mind, Mark, and I'm telling you now. I’m keeping this baby, whether you want them or not. I don’t care if you won’t want me around, but-”
He sits next to you, kissing you gently on the cheek and you turn to look at him
“That’s the thing, my dear. We’re going to be a family. I’m going to be with you every step of the way. I love you, and I’m going to take care of you and our baby.”
He meant it
He honestly did a pretty good job of it too
Sure he had a few things to gripe about, but he kept his word
You two don’t have a gender reveal party and instead keep to yourselves (for the time being)
Surprise! You’re having a little boy!
Has doctors come to the mansion when you go into labor
He’s starting to tear up and he’s more than happy to hold his son for the first time
“I never thought I could be so happy..”
Five years later, Actor is in a meeting with the other egos when there is a knock at the door
Google goes to answer when it suddenly opens and a little boy runs into the room
“Daddy! Daddy!”
Actor is shocked as (Y/n) quickly comes into the room, looking embarrassed
“S-sorry, we were going to surprise you when the meeting was over. David Iplier, I told you to stay in the hallway.”
Actor ruffles the boy’s hair, “It’s okay. I was definitely surprised.”
Just then they realized how silent the room was until Wilford let out a loud, “YOU HAVE A KID?!”
“Yes I do.” confirmed your husband, getting up and walking to the exit, “The meeting was basically over anyway so I’ll be taking my leave. Buh-bye!”
He took you and your son by the hand and departed, leaving behind a conference room full of shocked and confused looking egos
Dr. Iplier
Is very surprised but takes it well
“You really are full of surprises, aren’t you, (Y/n)?”
Honestly, he’s very excited and tells a few people at the hospital he works at as well as a few other egos
Being a doctor, he knows just what to expect from the pregnancy and, while he can’t always be home to take care of you (he does have a job after all), he does try his best to do what he can
Constantly checking up on you to make sure you feel okay
He’s the one to do the ultrasound on you and you can see his eyes sparkle when he sees his child for the first time
During the fourth month (when you can slightly begin seeing what sex the child is), he happily tells you that you’re having a boy
When one of the egos (probably Wilford but who knows) asks if they know yet, he’ll tell that ego about his son with a smile
Surprise, not surprise, he’s actually the one to deliver his own child
He was at work when an ambulance rushed in with you on a stretcher, obviously in labor
His eyes go wide and he runs to your side, grabbing your hand and giving you a quick kiss on the forehead
“It’ll be okay, (Y/n). Just breathe and get ready to push.”
The labor lasted around ten hours but it was worth it
Dr. Iplier was the first to hold his little boy and he was so incredibly happy
“He’s perfect, (Y/n).. thank you..”
“What do you think his name should be?”
“How about.. Liam? Liam Ipier.”
Very surprised and confused
He wasn’t aware that he could get you pregnant
Yes, he knew he was very much like a human, but not THAT much
He does realize that the timing checks out though and knows that you wouldn’t lie to him about something so important
He’s happy and is sure to tell you that
He is also happy to do what you ask in order to make the pregnancy easier for you
Primary objectives are: 
- 1) To answer questions as quickly as possible 
- 2) To take care of his wife and future child
- 3) To destroy mankind (he has determined that this objective needs to be put on hold and possibly terminated though that last part’s still up for debate)
Will go with you to every doctor’s appointment and makes sure you feel okay
There are some very difficult parts of the three trimesters specifically when the baby is developing their more human-like parts
These complications were very much obvious during the third ultrasound
“It seems,” said Dr. Iplier in confusion, “that your child has some metal growing on her skin. It’s unlike anything I’ve ever seen before.”
Yup! You and Google are going to be the proud parents of a little cyborg girl
By the way, Google is now 100% sure that the child is his because of this discovery
However, due to the fact that your daughter is part metal, it was pre-determined that she would have to be taken out via a c-section rather than a natural birth
It was just safer that way
When the time came and you went into labor, after a few minutes of waiting in the operating room, some surgeons came and introduced to the world a beautiful baby girl
Google smiled as he held his daughter in his arms for the first time and you watched his reaction from your bed with a smile
She was very small and had small plates of metal that were visible on both of her cheeks and on her upper arms
“Hey Google?”
“How does the name ‘Eve’ sound for your daughter”
“I think it’s perfect, my dear.”
I doubt the baby was planned but he’s happy to be a father anyway
Secretly he’s wondering if he’s actually able to get you pregnant but whatever he has a feeling the kid is his…. somehow..?
Tries his best to provide for you when you need things but probably ends up needing help from the other egos for a few things
Tries to act more mature at the doctor’s office when you go for checkups and ultrasounds
He likes to cuddle you and especially kiss your stomach
“Just givin’ the baby some love. Can’t have them feeling left out.”
Like in Google’s HC, there are some complications and you two find out that the kid is a cyborg
Bing’s happy when you two discover as well that you’re having a little boy
“We can name him Bing Jr. and I can teach him how to skateboard!” He told you excitedly
You secretly doubt you’ll end up calling your son Bing Jr. but decide to let your husband dream before a final decision is made
Well the decision comes faster than you two originally thought because you went into labor three weeks early
Your son is born via a c-section prematurely and while he is put in an incubation chamber in your hospital room, you and Bing are very worried but believe that he’ll be alright
“Hang in there little buddy.” Bing says softly, putting his hand up to the clear wall that contained his son
As he said that, the little boy opened his eyes and began to softly cry
The doctor informed the two of you that he would have asthma, as his lungs weren’t completely developed when he was born, but that he had a very good chance of survival
When you all were finally able to leave about a month later, Bing was the one to come out of the hospital with little Bing Jr. in his arms
“Y-youse is pregnant?? Oh gosh, what will I tell Mr. Murderslaughter?” 
He’s starting to hyperventilate and you hold him tight, calming him down after a few minutes
Yancy knew that he had already gotten special permission in the past to get married to you, his now wife, outside of the prison and in a Church, but this would probably not fly
Don’t get him wrong, as he tells you, he wants the kid
He really wants the kid (he had secretly wanted to be a father for a long time), but he’s worried about how the other prisoners and especially Mr. Murderslaugter would think if they found out
You assure him that everything will be alright and you both nervously go to the warden’s office and tell him the big news
There was a large moment of silence before he orders you both into separate solitary confinement cells
You both spend around 24 hours there before you’re both ordered back to the warden’s office
Mr. Muderslaughter tells you that, while he is a bit upset that you and Yancy did that, realizes that this will be a learning experience for all of them should this happen again, whether it be through you or someone else
So, soon everyone knows the big news and everyone is actually willing to help out
A surprising amount of the other prisoners are fans of babies
Unfortunately, prison food couldn’t quell all of your cravings but you put up with it
Yancy, who was happy to hear all of the encouragement from his fellow inmates, was happy to help you around as your belly grew
He was certainly fascinated when the baby started kicking
“I think they're gonna be either a fighter or a dancer. What’da think, sweetheart?”
Surprisingly enough, your child went over their due date by three days before you went into labor
It was a long and painful twelve hours before your son was born
Yancy couldn’t hold back tears as he held the little boy who slept quietly in his arms
“He’s… so handsome.”
You giggled tiredly, “Yup, just like his father.”
Yancy smiled at you before his looked at his son again
“(Y/n)? Could we maybe name him Clifton?”
“May I ask why? I’m not saying no, m’just curious.”
“It.. Clifton was my dad’s name. I think it suits the lil’ guy.”
You couldn’t help but smile and as you looked at the sleeping child, you realized that he was right
“Clifton.. Yeah I like that name too.”
He has very conflicting thoughts on the matter
Yes, he’s happy he’s going to be a dad, but that means he would have to temporarily (if not permanently) give up treasure hunting
“Darling, will this affect how I do my work? I mean, I can’t exactly go exploring with a baby.”
“That’s what you’re worried about?” 
You’re a little hurt that his mind is elsewhere in regards to your big news, but honestly you should’ve seen it coming
Illinois looks sad, “With you being pregnant, I can’t just take you with me because something could happen to you and thus the baby.”
You frown sadly but then discuss a compromise with him
He can go treasure hunting by himself until you’re either five or six months pregnant then he has to come home (to LA where the two of you bought a house for when you’re not adventuring) and stay there until I’m well enough to take care of our kid on our own
He was hesitant at first but then took the deal
So yeah, he was gone for the first six months of your pregnancy, but he did make sure to call to make sure that you were okay
You told him unfortunately that you personally might have to retire from treasure hunting to be a stay-at-home mom and while he looked kinda sad about it, agreed that it was a logical decision
On a happier note, you told him that you found out that you two were going to have a daughter
He’s honestly very excited about that (he never knew he could be so happy about something like that)
When he comes back home, he’s pleasantly surprised by the sight of his VERY pregnant wife fast asleep on the living room couch
He can’t help but smile as he goes and gently wakes you up with a soft kiss
He keeps his word and stays with you for the next three months and is there with you when you go into labor
It was a tough 16 hours before your little girl was born and Illinois found himself on the verge of tears as he held his daughter
“She’s so beautiful..”
“So, what do you think her name should be?”
Illinois thought about it for a minute before responding
“Crystal. We met because of one, and now we’re closer because of one.”
You couldn’t help but smile as he passed the little girl to you and you kissed her softly on the forehead
“I like the sound of that.”
His mind is racing as he stares at you in shock
“I got the Captain pregnant I got the Captain pregnant I got the Captain pregnant”
Yes, he knows the two of you are married, there’s no issue with that, but YOU’RE PREGNANT???
“C-captain.. I-I don’t know what to say.”
“Say you’ll help me raise this kid. They’re yours too.”
“Y-yup! That works!”
It was quite the surprise when it was announced six months later for everyone to hear
You and Mark had been on the low, you personally doing a lot of work at the home you and Mark shared on the colonization planet in order to not stress yourself out
However, someone (Gunther) found out when he came over for a surprise visit to see Mark and ended up seeing you working from a laptop
Gunther was about to say high when the then noticed the casual clothes that clothed your swollen belly
Yeah, Mark told him to not say anything as you two were trying not to make a big deal over it, but he ended up telling everyone
A doctor from the Invincible II had been checking up on you for the past few months and told you both earlier on that you would be having a little boy
When you finally went into labor, a c-section had to be done because the umbilical cord was wrapped around the baby’s neck
Mark was very frightened when he found out but you reassured him that it would be okay, as the doctors knew what they were doing
When you two were presented with your new child, Mark started crying happy tears and he hugged you who held your little boy
“I can’t believe I got so lucky.. To have such a beautiful family..” He whimpered as you kissed away his tears
“Do you want to hold him?”
He did and when he held his son, Daniel Iplier, he smiled shakily and kissed the baby on the forehead
“I love you two… so much..”
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