#iswm murderplier & reader
groven4 · 1 year
Markiplier Egos with an Asexual DA / Viewer
a/n: I decided to write this specifically as you coming out to them after you've already been dating for a while so it'd be different enough from the Aro hcs thing I already did. We cool with that? Alright.
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Like I've already said, he doesn't care what your sexuality/gender is, he's immediately accepting of you and your identity.
That really doesn't change if you're dating.
Boundaries can take a lot of getting used to for him; he's a very physically affectionate kind of person.
He tries his best tho and always apologizes if he realizes he's touching you in a way that you've said makes you uncomfortable.
There's really not much else to it, things just continue as normal.
Doesn't care. (supportive)
It really doesn't affect your relationship at all.
He doesn't usually like people touching him apart from specific circumstances with those he trusts, so boundaries aren't really an issue.
Again, not much left to say.
He'd probably recite the definition of asexual except it's like the one for reproduction.
He's not being a dick for once though, he's just genuinely confused.
After explaining it to him, he finds the right definition and is kinda just like: "...Oh yeah, me too."
"...Like a plant?"
Yeah, he doesn't get it at first either.
"Ooohhhhh! Same, brah. Same."
I can't not see him as a little aphobic before the events of wkm, but considering he's now lived for over like a hundred years or something, he outta be a little less ignorant now.
I mean, he might not fully get it at first still, but he'd try his best to for you.
He'd never force you into something you're uncomfortable with like that anyway. If you really don't wanna have sex, he's not gonna throw a hissy fit over it. (even tho that does feel like a very actor mark thing to do)
Just remember to assure him that it has nothing to do with him specifically or it's gonna make him insecure. He's a narcissist, the love of his life not finding him attractive is gonna make an impact.
Very respectful about your boundaries despite being a touchy kinda person. If you're not okay with certain kinds of touches, just let him know.
Overall, it might take a bit for him to adapt, but his effort is at least endearing.
As previously mentioned, he'll most likely already be familiar with it due to his very inclusive friend group.
He's at least knowledgeable enough to know that asexuality is a spectrum, so he'd probably ask you to explain what flavor of it you happen to be.
Very supportive!
He's never really felt like he needs sex in a relationship anyway.
He's honestly just happy you gave him enough of a shot to wanna be friends let alone date him.
Would stab an aphobe for you<3
Honestly surprised at first, he had no idea that was even a thing.
He's totally okay with it of course! He just didn't know you could have a relationship where sex isn't like...mandatory.
Similarly relieved as I've described before when you explain it to him. It's a welcomed change to be sure.
He'll hold back on flirtatious comments if they make you uncomfortable.
Tries his best to respect your boundaries. He feels lonely if you don't cuddle him at night tho.
Sexual intimacy has become something he dreads with meaningful relationships. He likes getting to focus more of his time on you as a person, making sure you feel loved, and just treasuring your time together.
Overall really supportive.
A little awkward around the topic of sex I imagine.
Mostly cus you're still the captain so power dynamics and all that.
You're already risking a lot just by being together romantically, that kind of workplace relationship could definitely get you both in some hot water. No matter how temptingly scandalous it can seem.
This was basically the stuff that first came to mind once you told him and he almost felt relieved because of it. I mean, that's certainly a headache you shouldn't have to risk dealing with now.
Outside of logistic nonsense, he's very supportive all around.
Like I've said, he can sometimes overcompensate when it comes to boundaries, so assurance helps if that's not something that bothers you.
He came up with this like dorky way of quantifying things where basically he says any energy he'd put into sex he instead puts into cuddling you twice as much and- just- yeah-
Very calm and reassuring if he sees you were anxious while telling him.
Even if you weren't he's pretty chill about it.
Every action of his is typically very calculated no matter the situation, even if in more of a purposely sporadic kind of way. So needless to say, he's pretty good about boundaries.
I mean, if you're in the middle of making a quick get away and end up having to get uncomfortably close to hide or something, that can't really be helped, but yk. (he'd make it up to you later anyway, probably something dinner related)
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mbgcreates · 3 days
Quiet days with Murdock are few and far between, and you cherish them all. It's especially rare that he conducts his research out in the living room, seated on the couch while your own keys softly clack away at the table. He's normally so secretive, and he doesn't even let you see his screen half the time, so it must be just casual surfing, you assume. You smile fondly at him while he's not looking. Your own web exploration beckons, and your eyes return to the screen.
The articles eventually cause your vision to blur together, and while you try and power through, eventually you have to take a break and play a little game to keep yourself sane. It's one of the built-in ones, but you find it fun, and it does the job. However, you keep noticing movement in your periphery, and it's a bit distracting. You glance up again to see Murdock pushing his hair behind his ear. As you watch, the hair comes loose easily within seconds, and he has to repeat the motion.
You frown. That won't do. Your chair scrapes softly, careful not to startle him.
Murdock hears you approach, but doesn't react like he would if it was anyone else. In fact, you actually become background noise, same as anyone else would interpret the movement. He doesn't realize you've gotten close until his hair moves away from his face and off his neck. He freezes, but not in his usual way. He doesn't need to prepare for danger.
"You know," you say, a smile evident in your voice as your fingers comb through his locks, "if you're gonna wear your hair longer, you oughta invest in some hair ties." Carefully, you hold his hair in place and wind the elastic around it, pulling it so the style will hold. "It doesn't hurt, does it?"
Murdock stares at his screen, the unfamiliar feeling of heat creeping into his cheeks, so taken aback that he almost forgets to answer in a timely manner. "No," he says, forcing himself not to choke out his words, "it feels fine."
"Good." Your lips brush softly against his cheek, hands resting on his shoulders. "You can keep that one. I've got enough of them." And far too soon, you walk back to your computer, and Murdock is left unable to focus on the words anymore. He will admit, however, that having a ponytail is much more helpful than he would have expected.
Just like you. Maybe there's more benefits to having you in his life than some fun and games, and this is just scratching the surface.
“Just don't go stealing all of mine, okay?” you call from the dining table, borderline startling him from his thoughts. He just nods. You smile warmly and return to your work, the soft tapping of keys the only sound once more.
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drunkonaheistinspace · 6 months
Murderplier x GN!Reader (writing practice)
Content warnings: implied domestic abuse (not involving Murdock), off screen death (only of minor character/readers abusive bf)
You were standing in the door frame to your dining room. A room you really used and the only purpose was to collect dust. But not today.
What you saw in front of you might have also been a scene from American Psycho. The walls, the floor, the table...EVERYTHING was covered in plastic sheets. On top of your very nice and big dining table was your boyfriend tied up and gagged.
Next to him stood a man you didn't know. He was dressed in all black except for a wine-red turtleneck. But three things jumped out the most. He was wearing sunglasses inside in the middle of the night which was a weird fashion choice but you saw worse. He was holding a hunting knife very close to your tied-up boyfriend. And despite the big round sunglasses, you could see the utter surprise and disbelief on this man's face.
In his defense, your face mirrored the exact same feelings.
You didn't know what to do. From the context clues you gathered to came to the conclusion that this man was most definitely a murderer and your boyfriend his next victim. Should you run and scream for help? The front door was close and you might be able to reach it in time. Should you try and help your boyfriend? No chance. The man was too close and you would feel the knife before you could even touch your boyfriend.
Your brain was working through all the possible ways you could die or survive. Then you saw it. The look on your boyfriend's face. It took you a while to interpret it because you never saw it or something similar on his face ever before. You only ever saw it full of anger and disgust but now it was pleading and filled with fear. A face you usually made every time you made a minor mistake in front of him.
Something changed. Your brain stopped planning and your eyes just wandered through the room until you saw a silver rectangle sitting on a small side table that wasn't covered by a plastic sheet. Your laptop.
You walked towards it, grabbed it from the table, and walked out of the room. Then you walked past the man you murmured something along the lines of "I just needed my laptop" and "I'm so sorry".
You pressed the laptop to your chest and just walked towards your room. From the dining room, you could hear a faint "What did you do to that poor thing?" followed by muffled screams.
From your room, you couldn't hear a thing but you still turned up the music a bit more louder than usual just to be safe.
Somehow you managed to forget the 'little accident' and get lost in your work. The music helped you forget but it also led to you not hearing the opening of the door or the footsteps slowly approaching you. The feeling of a hand grabbing your shoulder made you jump and look up. Mister Murderer was standing right next to you and you froze.
He on the other hand just squeezed your shoulder lightly and gave you a warm smile. "It's getting late. You should go to bed."
His voice was soft and it made you feel warm inside. You liked it. IT was so much nicer than your boyfriend's voice.
You nodded and saved your document before you turned off your laptop and walked over to your bed. You didn't bother to change into your usual sleeping attire. You just laid down under the cover and made yourself comfortable. He tucked you in and gave you a pat on the head before he walked back to the door.
"Good night~," he said before turning off the light and closing the door.
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Any murdery ego with killer reader? An they kill peeps together sometimes. But then just cuddle sometimes.
"We're always running, question is from what?"
tysm for the ask luv/p
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Another day, another successful kill.
You were currently resting on your and Murdock's shared bed. Usually, people resting in beds were asleep.
You were not.
Your brain instead was racing with thoughts. It was quite hard to make them out as they whizzed around in your head. something along the lines of cops and running and why swirled around reaching the deepest crevices of your thoughts before you heard a noise coming from behind you, effectively snapping you out of your trance.
Murdock stepped through the doorway, softly humming along to a joyful tune only he could hear. after a few moments, he noticed you curled up on the bed wide awake.
"Are you alright, Sweetheart?" he asked. He sounded almost, concerned? It was an odd but welcome change to his usual dark and murderous personality.
"Want cuddles." you muttered back in response without even turning to face him. There was the sound of footsteps behind you, before the bed dipped down and you felt two big arms wrap around you.
It's as if he knew what you were thinking about before he came in, because he whispered into your ear "it's alright darling. We'll be safe here There is nothing you need worry about."
You fell asleep that night to Murdock whispering softly into your ear and lightly kissing your neck.
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manebioniclegali · 2 years
You creep down the hallway, towards the living room that ends it, clutching the large kitchen knife in your hand. You know the spots where it creaks well enough, and so you are reasonably confident you can get to the door and sneak out without alerting whoever’s here. You’re not sure when he got it; all you remember is hearing him not that long ago rummaging around through your belongings, followed by him treading down the hall. All you know is that you have to get out of here.
Your heart threatens to escape your ribs the closer you get, all senses on high alert. You’re almost to the living room when you spot him out of the corner of your eye: a man dressed in dark clothes, coat down to his knees, short dark hair. His back is to you, at the opposite side of the room. He seems to be busy with something. Maybe you have a shot.
Your foot slips a little too close to one of those damned floorboards, and you freeze stock-still, blood running cold. The man in the trenchcoat doesn’t turn around. You breathe a silent sigh of relief and move forward again.
You take your eye off of him for half a second. That’s all it takes.
“Well. What have we here?”
You whip around, backing up and leveling your knife at him. “I’m not afraid of you!” The words fall from your mouth before you think about it. Really, it’s as if you’re reassuring yourself.
He chuckles lowly, taking you in and how your knife, to your chagrin, trembles minutely. You get goosebumps from the way he looks you over; even though you can’t see his eyes from behind his glasses, the rest of his expression makes it obvious. “Oh, sweetheart,” he seems to purr, “that’s not how you handle a knife.”
You’re not sure how he can do it so quickly, but suddenly the knife is loosed from your hand and you find yourself against the wall with the blade millimeters away from your neck. You swallow involuntarily, and the metal presses into your skin, chilling you.
“This is.” He grins. It reminds you of a shark. “Best not move. Unless you want me to mar that pretty neck of yours.” You swear his eyes light up at the idea. “Make it look even prettier.”
You don’t speak. You can’t speak. All you can do is stare up at this man and hope you aren’t blatantly broadcasting your fear. Fear that he’s surely feeding off of.
The knife shifts against you subtly, and you barely keep yourself from flinching. “Aw, don’t be like that.” The man leans in, just enough to make you feel more trapped. “Everything will be just fine.”
You doubt that, but he’s not the one with a knife to his throat. Of course everything will be fine for him. 
Will it actually end up fine for you?
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writtengalaxies · 2 years
Characters: Murdock x GN!Reader
Word Count: 472
Spicy Rating: Fake blood!
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You had just gotten a new gig for your special effects work. Someone wanted you to come do some fun, horror themed make-up for a weird holiday party, but the pay was good. It had been a while, and you needed to clean out your kit anyway, so while your boyfriend was out, you sat down in the living room and started going through it.
Most of it, thankfully, was fine. You were always super meticulous about cleaning things, so most of it was still fine, though a few smaller pieces would need to be replaced. That was easy enough.
The problem came when you went to check your bottle of faux blood. The dark bottle didn't really help in trying to figure out if it had dried out, and you weren't sure if this was the liquid one or the paste. So, without really thinking, you shook the bottle.
That's how you discovered the cap was in fact, cracked, as fake blood shot up into the air, the whole bottle's worth drenching you head to toe in an instant. You blinked, slowly processing exactly what happened. It took a moment before you stood, trying really hard not to laugh or cry, before stepping out into the hall to go wash up before going to clean everything up.
Murdock has always had timing. Whether it was good or bad, as he stood there in the open doorway, was really a crapshoot. But you felt like you had been caught red-handed, no pun intended, as he slowly tilted his sunglasses down to take in the sight of you.
"I...can explain," you began slowly, to which he laughed, closing the door behind himself.
"Please, don't. My mind is coming up with too many delightful possibilities on its own."
You sighed, knowing exactly what he was thinking. "I was cleaning out my kit. I...I have to replace my fake blood." You sighed again, grimacing as you run a hand through your hair, soaking it further in. "I'm glad this shit doesn't stain at least. Means nothing will get ruined. But goddamn, I feel like I just did that scene from Carrie. Also don't look in the living room. It's uh. I haven't had a chance to clean it yet."
Despite your request, he did anyway.  "...I'm impressed by the splatter on the ceiling."
"Oh fuck it's on the ceiling too?!" You pushed past him to look up, and sure enough. Some of it even had the audacity to drip down. The outline of where you had been sitting was pretty funny to see. You sigh, realizing just how long it's going to take you to wash all of this out of everything, when Murdock chuckles, planting a kiss right on your cheek, regardless of the makeup.
"At least red looks very good on you."
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[[Murdock (Murderplier) x GN!Reader drabble (I know, shocking /s)]}
[[Warnings: DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT, minors DNI, mentions of murder, blood, predator/prey themes, general horror/romance, paranoia-inducing, use of “prize” and similar terms towards the reader, mentions of stalking, no direct smut but there’s talk of Murdock being aroused, this is not romanticizing yandere tropes]]
You were running through the forest, hopping over fallen branches and uneven piles of assorted moss and soggy leaves that littered the forest floor. The sound of somehow perfectly in-tune whistling echoed through the darkening forest, reminding you that your stalker wasn’t too far behind you. 
“My prize, you know you can’t outrun me,” he called out, his suave voice cutting into your racing heart like the knife he held in his clutch when you first escaped him. 
Like an idiot, you had decided to take a job out in the woods. There had been sightings of a mysterious figure, and somehow you’d assumed it was just another harmless spirit. Instead, it was the hideout of a mysterious serial killer, known as the Serotonin KIller, and he was now chasing after you in an attempt to make sure his secret didn’t get out. 
You turned a corner, almost tripping on a rather large root that was sticking out of the ground as you pressed your back to the trunk of an evergreen pine tree. Your breathing was heavy, but you tried to keep quiet despite the sound of your heart pounding in your ears. The smell of pine needles overwhelmed your senses and hurt your lungs, and the cold air nipped at your skin relentlessly. 
When you’d initially ran away from Murdock, he had grabbed your coat, and now you were shivering in the misty winter air. At the sound of a branch breaking behind you, you immediately turned to run, but you were instead faced with the sight of the one sight you were hoping to avoid. 
“There you are, trophy,” Murdock purred, grabbing ahold of your forearm and yanking your body into his. He was uncharacteristically warm, practically radiating heat despite the coldness that was surely in his heart. 
You tried to pull away from him, unable to hide the look of horror on your face as his gloved fingertips dug into your arm. “Get the fuck away from me,” you snapped, tugging with all your might and yelping as he shoved your front against the tree and pinned you there. 
One of his hands gripped the back of your head, the other holding your wrists in place as the side of your face was pressed into the rough bark of the very same tree that you’d previously hoped would hide you from the murderer. 
“Aw, what’s the matter?” His voice was lowered to a whisper, practically growling into your ear and causing a shudder to run down your spine. “Thought you could get away from someone who stalks people for a living? Please.”
“I was hoping to get away from a sick fucker who kills people out of cold blood,” you snapped back before letting out a groan, as he pressed your face harder against the tree trunk. 
“Talking back to that ‘sick fucker’ is a bad idea, trophy,” he snapped. “You should mind your manners, really.”
His grip on your wrists tightened and you let out a cry of pain, causing him to laugh. “Oh come on, don’t be such a pussy,” he mocked. 
You whimpered softly, tears stinging your eyes. “Please let me go,” you begged, your voice barely above a whisper. 
“Oh? And risk you going to the police? Please. I’m not that stupid, trophy.”
Still, as you cried, his grip softened a bit. An idea popped into your head, and you hoped to god that this idea would actually save you and not make your last breath a moment of embarrassment. 
“Please…” you whispered, pressing into his body sightly. “I’ll do anything.”
As you pressed against him, you couldn’t help but cherish the warmth radiating from his body. You felt him inhale sharply, as if he wasn’t expecting your touch, but he didn’t push you away. Good start to things. 
You nod, or- well, you try to nod. His hand had moved to grip your hair, and moving too much would cause a tug. Normally, that wouldn’t necessarily be a bad thing, but this was not the time or place to think about your kinky escapades. 
“Then get on your knees and beg for your life,” he states, letting go of your arms and stepping back. He keeps his fist clamped tightly around your hair, preventing you from running away as you’d planned.
Fuck. Time to play the long game.
He moves so that he is standing in front of you, and you reluctantly drop to your knees. Murdock keeps his fingers tangled in your hair and you’re forced to look up at him as you beg for your life. If this were any other situation, that would turn you on, but considering the fact that this was real and not a BDSM scene, well…
Your eyes dart away from his after a moment, trying to look anywhere else and- wait. No, that couldn’t be right. Maybe it was just a knife in his pocket. 
“Please, please let me live. I’m so sorry for coming here, I didn’t… I wasn’t thinking. Please, if you let me live, I’ll give you anything you want. I’m so sorry, please,” you sobbed, hoping that leaning into the emotion would give you some pity points. Your eyes wandered again, and- oh, that definitely wasn’t a knife in his pocket. 
Unless knives grew bigger the more someone begged. 
“Eyes where I can see them, trophy,” he purred, snapping your attention back up to the cocky smirk on his face. He was getting off on this. “Get up.”
He tugged at your hair slightly, pulling a wince from your lips as you rose to your feet. You barely got a moment to wipe the tears from your face before Murdock shoved you against that tree again and pressed his body against yours.
“You did such a good job begging for me. You get a lot of practice?” Your heart was racing, and his clothed dick pressing against you. That warmth in your gut was a little conflicting, considering this guy was just trying to murder you, but luckily you were smart enough to ignore it. 
As his face leans closer to yours, you take your opportunity and raise your hands, scratching at his face. Murdock cries out in pain, letting go of you and stumbling backward. You bolt off into the woods as fast as you can, the adrenaline caused by this situation only serving to make you more vigilant of your surroundings as you get the fuck away from Murdock. 
He watches after you, and despite himself and the new scratches he had that caused the tiniest amount of blood to drip down his face…
He smiled. 
Oh, he liked you. 
…what fun.
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afterhourswjay · 2 years
Murdock x Ex-Assassin!Serial killer! Reader - Headcanons/Drabble
Warnings: murder, violence, gore
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I like to imagine that Murdock sticks to killing in the southern states whereas you excel in killing in the north, like both in Canada and in the states
You two aren't all that familiar with each other. You don't kill in areas where Murdock is currently hanging out
You're referred to as Oleander by police since your preferred method of killing is by poisoning people. Not that you don't also kill by traditional methods, you just prefer to stick with what you're more experienced at
You specialize in killing corrupt politicians (of whom you kill their entire immediate family and drain all bank accounts of money). Now that you're no longer an assassin, tho, you kill indiscriminately. If, however, someone wants to 'hire' you to kill a specific person, they need to have the money for you upfront and they cannot double cross you... duh. You have no qualms about killing them if they can't follow one of your rules
You'd just lured a victim off the streets and into your 'den'. You recently got pissed off by a guy in a long, dark coat. And sunglasses. In a local grocery store. Only douchebags wear sunglasses inside... Well, and those with vision problems, but that's off topic
You usually kill with finesse, and poise. Not today, tho. Today you are pissed off, and as you drag your latest victim to the basement you grab your baseball bat
You've dragged out their death as much as you can, so you whack them over the back of the head with the bat. Because it's an aluminum bat, you didn't need to put too much excessive force behind the hit, but uh... You kinda caved in the back of their skull
Your just about to get cleaning up when you pick up the sound of movement upstairs. It's gonna be BAD if the police decided to show up. You carefully, and quietly, move around
First things first is to put the bat down. Then you grab one of your knives. You then quietly make your way to the stairs of the basement, and you flip every breaker in the electrical box as you pass it
Thank god, you're more adept at moving around in pitch black environments then the average person. You make your way up the stairs. When you get to the landing, you hear a crash, thud, and a hiss of 'fuck' coming from the living room
You tiptoe your way towards the silhouette in your living room, raising your knife and preparing to plunge it down into their back. Suddenly, your arm is being grabbed and the room spins as you get flipped over onto your back. Snarling, you shove the knife towards the person only for them to easily snatch it from your grip with a snicker.
"Really? You're really going to stab me??"
You blink owlishly at him. "I mean, I'm not as proficient at stabbing people, but I think I do pretty good."
"Mmm, and yet, you're on the floor under me..." You can practically hear the smirk in is voice.
"Wait, who the hell are you and why are you in my house??"
"What, you haven't heard of me? My names Murdock, best you don't forget it. As for what I'm doing here, would you believe me if I told you that I'm laying low??"
You gently shove yourself out from under Murdock and stand up. "No, no I would not. I don't think killing someone in their own home is the way you go about 'laying low'." You grab your knife from the killer, and you wander back to the basement to turn the power back on. "By the way, you're awfully far north. Something happen??"
You didn't take Murdock to be someone who was talkative, but apparently the mans liked to chat. He followed you from the living room to the basement, not making any comment on the dead body when the lights got turned on. He did, however, make an offhand comment on how well you covered everything in plastic before going back into chatting about his latest escapade. You had heard about it from a friend who also happened to be an acquaintance of his, so you could tell when he added embellishments to his story. You mostly tuned him out as you worked on cleaning up, offering occasional hums of agreement and even a comment sometimes.
"Can you help me with this real quick? There's a hole in the wall over there that I plan on moving the washer and dryer in front of when I'm done patching it up."
"Really? Your gonna leave a trail??"
You shrug in response. "Running from the cops is half the fun. Besides, if all goes according to plan, I'll be halfway around the world by the time they find him."
Murdock simply offers you a hum of acknowledgement as you both grab both ends of the plastic and shove it into the wall on the far end of the room. You stand and turn to him, squinting your eyes slightly when you realize he's standing a bit closer than before.
"Welp, that's that for now. I'll get the supplies to repair the hole tomorrow. You wanna join me for a bite to eat, and some wine before you have to go?"
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fangirloverlode · 2 years
It Never Gets Any Easier…
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Murderplier/Murder!Mark x Reader. There’s nothing explicitly romantic, I just wrote it with a relationship in mind.
I’m new to tumblr, so I’m sorry if this is formatted weirdly or anything. I’m not really active here, but I wanted to try it out. I’m so sorry this was my first impression. Murder’s name is Crow in this, and I got that idea from this post.
Warnings: Kidnapping, knives, implications of torture, no actual blood or gore but there’s some slight mentions of it. You’re serial killers, it’s messed up, but there’s no actual murder or extreme violence.
Summery: You and Murderplier pick up a victim for a special occasion.
The man in your passenger seat was still sniffling and crying from his previous encounter with the big bad Murderplier. He'd come to your car for help, banging on the window and screaming bloody murder, and you'd had to let him in.
It was a good thing he wasn't local, or he would've known two things: 1) there were several reports of the killer working with an accomplice, and 2) this was not the way to a police station.
Crow, who was hidden in the shadows of the back seat, was waiting for the right moment to spring.
He didn't have to wait all that long, in the grand scheme of things. It was late, nearly two in the morning, so there was no traffic on the small town roads, and your stop was only thirty minutes away. It felt like an eternity even to you, though.
So, when you pulled up to the old, abandoned cabin, and your passenger finally started to question you, Crow wasted no time reaching around the head rest and pressing a knife to the man’s throat.
"Shh," Crow shushed him with a sickly sweet voice, free hand cupping your victim's jaw and tilting his head up. "It'll be over soon, Brian."
"H— how do you know my name?" His voice shook as he asked, eyes full of that delicious fear. You leaned over the center console to admire it. You couldn't get enough.
"We know a lot about you. For example: you're a pharmacist, you live in Georgia, and you're here on vacation with your wife. Fine lady, might I add. Me and my partner might pay her a visit after this."
"Please don't hurt her," Brian pleaded, tears now freely streaming down his face.
"How about we make a deal?" Crow was almost whispering now, mouth close to Brian's ear. It was strangely intimate. "You walk calmly and quietly to that cabin over there, and let us tie you up without a fuss, and we'll leave your beloved be."
"H... how do I know you're gonna honor that?"
"You don't, really," Crow tilted his head, making a face like he was considering new information, "But our word is all you've got."
"We're not unreasonable people, Brian," you added, pressing a finger to his temple and dragging it down to his jaw, relishing the way his neck tensed.
"We just have needs," Crow agreed.
"I..." Brian gulped, squeezed his eyes shut, and let out a harsh breath.
"Going once..." you started, looking to Crow for a moment.
"Going twice..." he continued, digging the knife a little deeper into the tender flesh of Brian's throat.
"Okay!" The man burst out, a bead of sweat falling down his forehead. "Deal. Okay."
"Sold, to the man in white," you smirked, leaning back towards your own seat and climbing out of the car. You couldn't wait to see how fast it would turn red.
You walked around to haul him out, and Crow followed suit. The both of you took one of Brian's arms, just in case, and man-handled him towards the cabin.
His credit, he didn't do anything besides look towards the heavens and cry as Crow duct-taped him to a chair.
You, meanwhile, made sure the toolkit was in order one last time. You set the drill— with no less than four spare batteries— to the side; that bad boy was your favorite. The room was already covered in plastic sheets, and no-one was around to hear the screaming, so you were really looking foreword to taking your time.
"Are you ready?" Crow asked, and you turned around with a bone saw in your hands.
"As ever," you replied with a grin. You offered him the saw, "Have the first slice, birthday boy."
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creat0r-cat · 3 years
Dashboard [feel free to request stories or HCs (a.k.a. pls request)]
Only Boy x Girl (No Gender Neutral requests pls)
NO SMUT (or NSFW stuff)
No people who are a) real and b) already in a relationship (Examples: Markiplier, Chris Pratt, etc.) unless the request is platonic (Example: Jacksepticeye x daughter reader)
(Iplier Egos)
Markiplier (All platonic):
Memories (Teen Daughter reader + fluff)
Streaming Troubles (Teen Daughter reader + fluff)
Voices (Depressed Daughter reader + Angst + Fluff)
Take Your Time (Anxious Adopted Teen Daughter + fluff)
I'm Right Here (Part 2 to "Take Your Time" - fluff + angst)
Not the Same (Teen Daughter Reader + Fluff + Hint of Angst)
Illinois Jones (AHWM):
Come Back (angst+fluff)
Murderplier (ISWM p. 2):
Love: The Imaginary Dagger (ANGST):
Dance With Me (Fluff)
Yancy (AHWM + ISWM p. 2):
Behind the Pen (Fluff + a little angst)
Wilford Warfstache:
Problems (Fluff and Angst)
I Will Never Hurt You
Slices of Summer
Head Engineer Mack:
(-Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney-)
Miles Edgeworth:
A Second Chance? (Angst+fluff)
Phoenix Wright:
My Hero (Slight angst+blood+fluff)
(Dragon Ball)
I Want This.. (Angst + fluff)
I Can't Wait To See You Again (Fluff)
Goku Black:
I Want This.. (Angst + fluff)
(Jojo's Bizarre Adventure)
Jotaro Kujo:
The Song You Are (Fluff)
Until We Meet Again (Fluff)
My Darling (fluff and angst)
Yugi Mutou:
Card Queen
Tony Stark:
One Month
Bucky Barnes:
(Un)Happy Independence Day
Iplier Egos Love Languages
Iplier Egos Favorite Non-Video Games
Iplier Egos Feelings About Physical Affection / Pet Names
Iplier Egos Relate to Encanto Songs
Iplier Egos with Pregnant Wife
Dragon Ball Males with Pregnant Wife
Dragon Ball Males with Pregnant Wife (Trunks Edition)
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groven4 · 1 year
Markiplier Egos with an Aromantic DA / Viewer
a/n: I randomly decided I really wanna get something out for aro week, so I've got a oneshot mayhaps involving a certain adventurer in the works, but knowing me that might take a while (if I even finish it all) and these tend to be easier for me. So, that's why this exists...not that you asked.
(edit: made one for Ace hcs.)
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He wouldn't really care, but in like a supportive way.
He may not look like it, but the guy's got some common sense.
I can't see him as the type to ask a lot of questions especially if you're visibly uncomfortable around the topic. (tho ig he might if it's for an interview, not sure)
A big part of Wil's character is just accepting shit as it is and not questioning what you can't understand because falling down that spiral is ultimately unhealthy; so if you were to come out to him as any sexuality/gender identity, he'd most likely just accept you immediately and move one.
Expect to receive a lot of aro themed stickers on pride month though.
Also doesn't care, but it's less him being supportive (tho he is) and more: it doesn't affect him, so why should he care?
Like you do you. Your love life is none of his business.
Quite frankly, he couldn't give a shit.
Though, he might find some relatability with you.
Despite how one might interpret ADWM, I cannot see Dark as an entity with the capability to feel much of anything. (other than rage, vengefulness, etc.)
There are some vague memories of past feelings from both Celine and Damien (and possibly the house entity, idk) mostly shown through his clear favoritism for Wil.
However, I don't think he really can feel romantic feelings, nor does he want to.
Being loved sounds nice, but ultimately it would just get in the way.
So having someone around that's kind of like him in that regard is almost nice...cathartic even.
You both like to watch 'marriage gameshows' (the bachelor, love is blind, etc.) over wine and laugh about how you'll never have to deal with relationship problems. (idc if that one's ooc)
He can't really feel romantic attraction himself, yk being a robot and all.
If you tried explaining aromanticism to him he'd probably just be like: "Yeah, and??".
He's supportive in a sense, that sense being: you not having a partner would mean one less meat sack he has to deal with once he manages to get admin privileges.
Kinda stumped on this one ngl.
I just can't find a reason why he'd care whatsoever.
He'd just be like: "Oh...siiiick, brah." with total Bill and Ted energy.
(edit: this is pre-wkm btw. idk why I did that, it doesn't really fit with the others that way. so I probably won't do it again in future hcs. sorry ig.)
I imagine it comes up at a party.
He starts asking you about your love life.
You tell him that you've never really been interested in that kind of stuff, and you probably never will.
What does he do?
He calls you boring.
In all seriousness, he's mostly chill about it throughout your friendship, but it's hard for me not to picture him as the type to think you're just being naive and that 'everyone has to find someone someday'. (I believe WKM takes place in the 1920s, so like, what were you expecting?)
That is until Celine cheats on him.
It was just such a world shattering thing for him, he genuinely loved her more than anything.
It's not a complete 180°, he doesn't suddenly understand your lack of attraction from this, but one night you check in with him to find him wasted in his wine cellar and he's basically like: "You had it right all along, my friend. Love...Love is not for everyone. ...Certainly not the faint of heart."
Which like, you didn't choose this, but you were more focused on making sure he was okay at the time to care.
A part of me wants to think he'd be a little confused at first just cause the idea of having to explain aromanticism and/or asexuality to him because he's just genuinely curious is really adorable to me.
However, the rest of me refuses to believe his friend group isn't entirely comprised of both people in the lgbtq+ community and hardcore allies who would happily beat the shit out of aphobes on a daily basis.
Not to say that they think of you as child-like because of your sexuality, but it's a prison family and you're 'fresh meat' so you're their little aro-bean now whether you like it or not.
Yancy especially is protective of you in an almost older brother type way.
So if after/during coming out to them (or just him) you mention how scared you were/are because you've had a lot of bad experiences or something, he's like constantly ready to sucker punch and/or ballerina kick anyone giving you flack over just being who you are.
He's always willing to tell you how valid you are when you need to hear it, and overall is just a really great friend.
...Even with the stabbing.
In an odd way, he almost feels...relieved?
Call it a humble brag, but literally all of his past work partners had fallen in love with him at some point, and while the attention certainly feeds his ego, that kinda thing just gets tired and even annoying after a while.
So knowing that'll never happen with you is actually a nice break from what he's grown so used to.
He's never had someone around who genuinely enjoys adventuring as much as he does.
And who isn't like constantly ogling him. (I mean probably anyway, idk what it's like to be aroallo)
Having you around may also cause him to start questioning some things about himself, particularly when you're explaining your orientation.
But that's a topic we'll be getting into at another time! (*wink* *wink* *nudge* *nudge* *stares at empty draft*)
He's still used to trying to fluster people cause he finds it funny and in general is just the kind of person to be a bit touchy with his friends (meaning: platonic hand holding, hugs, head/back pats, standing weirdly close a lot of the time just naturally, etc.), so if you're ever uncomfortable just tell him and he'll cut it out straight away.
You're both just kinda really good friends, and he's not at all weird about it like you thought he might be.
Supportive Pirate Dad! 10/10!
You definitely have to explain what it means to him, but he verbally accepted you before he even asked.
Kinda like: "That's great!...What is it?-"
Would have the crew sew you a flag if it would make you happy.
They are still pirates who have been sailing across the deep blue their whole lives with presumably no contact with the mainland however.
So unless you for some fuckin reason told them what it looks like, you can expect to receive a relatively small, plain black flag with the word 'Arrowmantik.' spelled incorrectly and somehow sewn on in perfect white Helvetica.
You hung the flag right above your hammock.
It is your most prized possession.
Might be a little discouraged at first. His crush on you was a tad obvious.
But he figures it's for the best. You are the captain after all. Pursuing that relationship wouldn't have been professional in the slightest.
It does take a bit but he gets over it eventually.
He still genuinely loves you platonically/as a person, so things don't really change all that much.
You still have a strong friendship and work really well together.
He tends to go a bit overboard now about giving you personal space cause he doesn't want to make you uncomfortable. So you may have to reassure him multiple times if it wasn't an issue.
During when pride month would be on earth he might gift you little aro themed stuff, like a patch you can't actually add to your uniform for work reasons but love and appreciate anyway.
He may not fully understand how you feel, but he never stops trying to, and either way he's always gonna support you no matter what.
Your orientation could never change how much he loves and trusts you both as a captain and as his friend.
He doesn't really care since it doesn't affect what you guys do, though he is openly accepting, especially if it seemed like you needed to hear that it wasn't something that bothered him.
In a similar vein to Illinois, he's strangely grateful.
He's not sure how he would've dealt with the situation had you developed a crush on him. Such emotions tend to get in the way more often than not in his line of work.
He didn't wanna have to kill you just to make his life easier. Taking a life out of necessity isn't as much fun, plus he'd grown a tad fond of you.
I like to think he cares quite a bit about your mental health, it would make sense given the whole murder thing.
So if you often go through periods of doubt or even internalized self hatred regarding being aromantic, he's gonna be there to help you through it.
He goes with you to pride parades and if anyone tries to tell you that you don't belong there, they're immediately getting put on a black list.
He got you a nifty little keychain once while you were there.
Overall, surprisingly wholesome.
a/n: I went back and forth on whether or not I was gonna use the pronouns I hc them all as using, but in the end I just said 'fuck it, appeal to general audiences, why not at this point'. I'm really fuckin' tired, dude. Just- HAPPY ARO WEEK! ig.
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[[Part 2 of this fanfic, Murdock (Murderplier) x GN!Reader drabble, I’m definitely making this into a series lmao]]
[[Warnings: DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT, paranoia-inducing content, minors/ageless blogs DNI, mentions of murder, blood, predator/prey themes, horror/romance combo, use of “prize” and similar terms to describe reader, stalking, NSFW (Murdock doesn’t whip it out in this one, but there’s some other… adult activities), possessive language, orgasm denial, light degradation, voyeurism mention, dubcon, NOT ROMANTICIZING YANDERE TROPES]]
It had been weeks since your… encounter with him. You hadn’t gone to the police; you were too scared, and you knew those idiots wouldn’t do anything anyway. You had been doing your own research on this man instead, and… oh boy. 
Murdock Clay, ironically, used the cover of a paranormal investigator. From what you could tell, people made appointments with him to investigate the supernatural occurrences in the area, and he took this opportunity to find his victims. Every time he was recruited to investigate, within a week at the most, a middle-aged man (typically a father) ended up going missing.
Bile rose up your throat once you realized that he was making a mockery of ghost-hunting, something that you had dedicated your entire life to, in order to hide his sick and bloodthirsty exploits. 
You took every precaution to keep yourself safe. Your doors were locked, your blinds were shut, you only left your apartment when you absolutely needed to… Yet, as you lay in bed and closed your eyes, you couldn’t help but feel a sense of unease. Something was wrong. 
“Well, well. You’re so peaceful when you sleep, trophy.”
The sickeningly familiar voice broke you out of your sleepy haze, and you sat up abruptly to see Murdock sitting at the end of your bed, twirling a knife in his hand. You slowly and silently try to reach for your phone, but your heart stopped as you realized that it wasn’t there. 
“Aw, you didn’t think I’d be stupid enough to leave that there?” His lips curled into a sinister smile, and your heart drops as you watch him slip your phone into the pocket of his dark trenchcoat. 
“What the fuck do you want from me?” you demand, trying to hide your fear behind a veil of anger. In reality, you were scared shitless. This guy could easily kill you, and nobody would ever know. Murdock stands up and steps closer to you, before softly caressing your jaw with his gloved hand and letting out a quiet hum.
Chills run down your spine at the softness of his touch, the cold leather of his glove a shock to your system. It’s hard to see his eyes through the pitch-blackness of his sunglasses, but you knew that they were fixated on you like a wolf that had found a sheep with a broken leg. 
All in all… you were fucked. 
“I wanted to see you again. I’d be an idiot if I let my little prize get away from me again, wouldn’t I?” he mused, his hand slipping down to gently wrap around your throat. He didn’t squeeze- not yet, anyway- just held you in place as he moved his face closer to you.
It seemed like the scratches you’d left on his face had healed pretty quickly. The one scar that had been left behind was faint, barely noticeable until Murdock had gotten closer. “You see, I don’t take kindly to being teased. Especially not by someone that I’d planned on hunting for sport.” 
You’re unable to do anything but stare at him, your eyes wide with fear. God, that conflicting warmth in your gut was back. It was almost like you were turned on by this, but there was no way in hell that you were turned on by this. No way in hell. 
“I feel your pulse through my glove, you know. Your heart is racing, trophy.” He squeezes softly, as if to prove his point, and your breath hitches in your throat. “Is that because you’re scared of me?”
You want to nod, cuss at him, even spit in his face or something, but all that comes out is a pathetic whimper. God, you were sick for being turned on by this. 
As if reading your mind, Murdock loosens his grip slightly and pulls you closer. His lips are mere inches away from yours and you can feel his hot breath on your skin. “Oh, I understand, trophy, you’re not scared. Not primarily, anyway,” he teased, looking at you from above the rims of his sunglasses. His eyes are a dull shade of blue, but there’s a bit of dark red circling the outside of his iris. It doesn’t look supernatural, per se, more so just an odd quirk. But you’re hardly focused on that right now. Murdock’s free hand moves down your chest, brushing against your clothed nipple and making you shiver softly before continuing down your sternum and over to rest on your waist. His body is warm, you can feel the heat radiating off of him, but your mind is too fuzzy to think very hard about that. 
“You see, I knew you weren’t like the rest of my victims when you were on your knees begging for your life” he continued, his voice a low whisper. “The way you looked at me when you were sobbing, the way your eyes wandered… Trophy, you really ought to know better. You want to get fucked by a serial killer, don’t you? What a pervert.”
You closed your eyes at those words, inhaling sharply as if Murdock had cut you with the knife he’d previously had in his hand. You knew he was right and god fucking damn it, that pissed you off. 
You opened your mouth to protest, but as Murdock’s hand slipped lower and rested on your lower thigh, you couldn’t help but let out another soft shudder. You’d been wearing shorts to bed that night, and you were starting to regret it as his fingertips circled the sensitive skin of your inner thigh. “Oh, my prize, you’re pathetic. You’re like putty under my touch, aren’t you?” 
“Get your hands off me,” you hiss. Even though you protest, fuck, you just want him to move his fingers in between your legs and fuck you open with his hand.  
“‘Get your hands off me, Murdock’,” he mocked. “Oh, come on. We both know you’re one step away from begging for me like you were the other night. Look at how your body reacts to my touch.” He moves to whisper in your ear, one of his gloved fingers moving to play with the band of your underwear. “If you want me to keep going, tell me now. If not, well… I can always just leave.”
A defeated whine leaves your throat, and you bare your neck to him. “Please…” you whisper, letting out a little gasp as his lips press against your pulse point. “Fuck, please fuck me.”
Murdock lets out a quiet chuckle, his tongue darting out to taste your skin as his fingers slip under your waistband and brush against your sensitive sex. You were practically dripping for him already, unable to control your ragged breathing as he began moving his fingers in soft circles. 
“Perfect,” he whispered, dragging his teeth along your skin and moving the hand that had previously been gripping your throat up to tangle in your hair. “Let me know if you need me to stop, trophy.” As he works over you with his fingers, stopping was the last thing on your mind. You let out a soft moan as Murdock began sucking a mark into the skin where your shoulder met the base of your neck, arching into his touch slightly. 
“Fuck, please don’t stop,” you whined, your thighs twitching slightly as a coil began tightening in your stomach. The feeling of Murdock’s gloves on your overly-sensitive skin was overwhelming, making your hips roll against his hand gently. 
“God, look at you,” he practically moaned between kisses to your neck. “So pathetic when I’m touching you like this.” His mocking only served to make you more overwhelmed, letting out a soft gasp as he applied more pressure to your sex. 
“I bet you’d like it if I bent you halfway out the window and fucked you until the whole neighborhood knew you were mine, huh?” he continued, before biting into your neck and making you moan out. 
His tongue ran over the indents in your skin, soothing the pain. You felt the coil in your gut tightening, unable to form a coherent thought as Murdock’s fingers worked over your arousal. “Or maybe I should put a gag on you, huh? So only I can see or hear how much you like my hands on you.”
Your hips are now shamelessly grinding against his hand, shivering softly and attempting to chase that high that you so desperately wanted. Your breath is coming out in sharp gasps and shivers, just so fucking close to reaching that high, and…
Murdock pulled his hand away, leaving you to grind against nothing but the cold air of your bedroom. “Oh, trophy, you didn’t actually think I was going to reward you after pulling a stunt like that, did you?” he teased, running his tongue up your neck once more before stepping away and looking over his gloves. 
The leather was covered in your slick, and you barely got a chance to look at him before he licked your juices off his fingers and let out a quiet moan at the taste. “Maybe if you’re good next time I visit, I’ll fuck you just as good as you deserve, yeah?”
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