#Comic book ask
enygma0710 · 20 days
hey could you recommend a good way to get into the dbd comics? im not sure where to start
Great question,
I recommend starting with the series that started in 2013, Dead Boy Detectives #1-12 (vol 1: School Boy Terrors & Vol 2: Ghost Snow) by Toby Litt & Mark Buckingham. It's a good introduction to the boys and how they solve mystery's and their dynamics. IIRC it doesn't explicitly detail their origins but it hints enough to get the gist of what happened to them. It was also the boys first standalone series and can easily found on comxiology, amazon, kindle, abebooks, thirftbooks etc.
From there, they appeared in other series within Sandman and are hard to track down. There is Dead Boy Detective omnibus book that has all of their stories in a collection. That's an easier option to get into the comics because they are all there, but I've heard they are selling out due to popularity of the show.
The series they appeared in are listed below:
The Sandman: Season of Mist -First appearance
Free Country: A Tale of the Children's Crusade
Vertigo: Winter's Edge #3
Sandman Presents: Dead Boy Detectives
Death: At Death's Door - this is manga style graphic novel showing Death's activities during Season of Mist
Dead Boy Detectives: Manga style sequel to Death's Door
Dead Boy Detectives #1-12 (Vol 1 & Vol 2)
There is also a newer ongoing comic series "The Sandman Universe: Dead Boy Detectives; its under DC comics Black Label - I haven't caught up on this on yet, but its on my reading list and it looks good.
But in a roundabout way I would start with the DBD #1-12 and from there see what you can find. They do reference stuff that happened previously but you won't be totally lost. I do know that all of the titles are available on DC infinite with either their ultra or premium subscription. Hope I answered your questions & apologies for the ramble. I get excited when I get comic book related ask lol
Thanks for the ask,
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civetside · 4 months
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the doodles i doodled while i listened to the nona audio book babay! (plus my favorite pyrrha dve quotes)
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yourangle-yuordevil · 5 months
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Give a prize to this angel for resisting endless temptations every day.
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They look so good on your style OMGG ❤️❤️
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I’m glad yall liked the Williams comic!!!
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myriam-draws · 8 months
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everyone read impulse 1995 for The Guy
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 8 days
you are so whimsical i qant to check out this mdzs (..??) because of your whimsical nature thank you sorry im very high and your art moved me emotionally
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This is simultaneously the sweetest and funniest thing someone has sent me, thank you.
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intheconfessiondial · 5 months
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Redraw of the cape post, because that entire concept deserved better than the illustration I gave it.
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ahappydnp · 16 days
wait what picture of their bedroom with both their stuff visible??
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shepscapades · 3 months
THAT'S SO COOL!!! Esra is so cute! That's amazing
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HEHE THANK YOU!!! Esra is both a cute AND silly little guy <3 he’s everything to me, I am wiggling him around like a slinky hehehe
Here are some of my favorite panels so far with the sillay :]
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incorrectbatfam · 8 months
what would you recommend for a beginner wanting to get into comics?
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batshaped · 29 days
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higgsbison · 1 year
where can i start reading disc world?
(tl;dr version: Either with Guards!Guards! if you want angry urban fantasy or Wyrd Sisters if you want angry rural fantasy, then follow the list for that sub-series)
Oh anon brace yourself, there are in fact several ways people have big opinions on.
These are mine:
1. My least favorite way is from the start in chronological order
the trouble here is the first few Discworld novels were written as these kinda silly goofy fantasy/dnd parodies that weren't even supposed to be a part of a bigger thing and they honestly aren't that good, especially not compared to later books. That's the way I started and I just dropped the series for a few years cause of it, so I really don't recommend it. The author himself said he wasn't that good of a writer back then which is understandable, cause it was like 40 books ago.
2. What I reccomend is in chronological order based on different sub-series
Discworld novels all happen in the same world, but they follow different groups of characters, so you have several sub-series.
I'll post a list here, but it's pretty confusing so I'll also explain two of my favs below.
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City Novels (Watch novels and Industrial Revolution novels)
About a huge, terrible metropolis and the people that help it run, stumble and sometimes trip over the years.
People normally split this into watch novels which follow the city watch and are crime procedurals/adventure books with a ton of social commentary and industrial revolution novels which are about the city speedrunning from medieval to industrial era via several inventions and follow different main characters who are mostly all there against their will.
To me, the main character is the city itself and I super recommend reading these from start to finish in order to see how it changes with time.
starting book: Guards! Guards!
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Witches Novels
About three witches doing witch things in a small mountain kingdom, unless they're going on a trip somewhere.
Incredible horrid old lady characters, a lot of exploration of fantasy tropes, some deep emotional beats, very warm human phlosophy and personal responsibility themes.
There's a semi-seperate "YA" series about a younger witch (Tiffany Aching novels), but don't let that fool you, because those hit just as hard as the "adult" ones.
starting book: Wyrd Sisters (technically Equal Rites, but that's also in the awkward early books period for me)
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As for the others, the death novels are also very very good, Small Gods is an amazing standalone book and I'd literally just avoid the Rincewind novels until you're already hooked on the series, but they probably have their fans too.
3. Just pick up a random book you see in the library
A tried and tested method a lot of people swear by, most of the books are standalone enough for this to work, BUT my personal opinion is at least the city books should be read in order (especially Night Watch) and there's several less than stellar books you could pick up first by mistake this way (Color of Magic, Light Fantastic, Interesting Times and Faust being the worst imo).
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vinnystaysawake · 3 months
More female Patrick please 💳
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You ask, I give. Quotes and scene from the book, but with Ms Bateman instead.
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gemini-care-barr · 3 months
Aside from the aesthetics and optics making one look good cop and the other bad cop- what do you think of the different approaches of altruism Batman and superman are?
Like what do I think are their different approaches? Or what do I think of their different approaches?
I think, in terms of altruism, they have the same approach haha. A focus on rehabilitation and redemption. On love and forgiveness. Both capture criminals and offer them ways to turn away from the sordid pasts. Neither exacts justice on their own. Both leave their captures to the authorities and due process.
They have no differences in their approaches to altruism. Their approaches to vigilantism on the other hand.
Clark seems to focus more on just stopping the act as it happens, but of course he can do that as a superhero who is fast, strong, and indestructible. Clark can also then rely totally on being this big shining target of goodness that inspires some criminals to lay down their arms peacefully and can easily handle the ones who don’t.
Bruce isn’t so lucky. He’s a human and he needs to rely on his human skills and wits to keep himself alive and bring down crime. How does he do it? He makes himself out to be a monster that preys only on the wicked. You have to seem pretty dark and terrifying to pull that off, but it keeps him safe and keeps the dangerous off the streets when they think someone even more dangerous is prowling them.
So, yeah, the optics make it seem like Bruce and Clark have wildly different approaches, but they really don’t, that’s why they’re best friends haha
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minty364 · 6 months
DPXDC Prompt #119
Danny had a strange life. He remembered a whole other world where superheroes existed and he remembered being an assassin until about age 7 but he knows this couldn’t be true. He fell through some sort of swirling portal which reminded him of the portal his parents built. He was a Fenton and all of the superheroes he remembered are comic book characters. Of course he was kind of like them now with his powers he’s had for a year now at age 15.
His friends came across a fan webcomic of one of the comic book characters, Batman if he remembered correctly, which detailed his childhood in the league eerily similar to what he remembered. Contacting the artist they find out not only was everything he remembered actually happened but his brother put out that comic in several worlds to find him after he learned from Talia who lied about him dying during a mission.
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deoidesign · 5 months
if i may ask, is it difficult at all to re-edit/organize the comic pages from the webtoon format to fit the graphic novel format?
on another note, I'm so happy that your kickstarter was funded!!! I love time and time again, im so excited to see this all happen <3
I'll just turn this ask into something of a guide for the process! Because yes, it is difficult, but there are also many ways I have been preparing from the beginning for this very situation to make things easier for me!
I've worked in both print and scroll in the past, and have done this transition once before for a short story, so I already had familiarity both with my goals for print, and struggles with the transition!
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How I prepared from the beginning for this transition:
1: My panels are 2500 pixels wide, so they can span my page (which is 8.3x5.8 inches) at 350 DPI (which is print quality)
2: My layers are organized: Text, FX, Foreground, Characters, Background
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3: I draw one very large (twice as big as any panel would be, minimum) background for my major locations, as well as drawing furniture assets in isolation. This not only saves me time when making my actual episodes, but it also offers me INCREDIBLE flexibility when making this transition to print.
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These 3 things let me pull the character art to the page by itself, scale it up or down to fit my panel, and then fill in the background behind the character.
So, I read the scroll version, decide how many and which panels I want on the page for the pacing (I also keep page spreads and page turns in mind while I am doing this), and then I pull those panels over from the scroll version to the page.
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Then, I make the panel borders/page layout that I want, fit the character art into it, paste in the backgrounds, do any art editing that I need, add FX, and then re-do the text!
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Sometimes I do need to draw parts that are missing (shoulders or elbows getting cut off is an extremely common one) and sometimes I need to adjust facial expressions, cut panels, or rearrange panels to make things read more clearly. Since it's my comic already, I know how to do these things while maintaining the original intent, but if I were working with someone else's comic I would need to work closely with them to know what can and can't be cut.
(original panel vs an expanded version)
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Another common issue is that VERY tall panels will inevitably lose a lot of information when they’re turned to pages. Identify the purpose of the panel (pacing, showing a lot of detail, etc) and then replicate that with your page layout.
examples (in order) are: scene transition, being overwhelmed, suspense, and establishing shot. All of these were a single panel in the scroll version!
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Another issue when converting pages is that panel order is a lot less straightforward than when starting from print format. Conversational back and forth that's fine in scroll often messes up the flow of reading in a page (characters facing out, not looking at eachother from panel to panel, etc) and so some creative solutions are necessary to keeping the reading order.
For the first page I had to delete and rearrange some panels, and in the second the dialogue bubbles guide us to read this page in a circle. (dialogue guides through a lot of my pages lol)
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And the last really common issue that pops up is that height differences can be really difficult. Usually in print this is solved with clever angles, but I’ve already drawn everything. So, I’ll either resort to vertical shaped panels, panel pop-outs, or editing a character up or down to fit into the panel.
(examples in order)
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So, yes, it is difficult! But I have a lot of experience with both formats, and having prepared for this from the beginning I've been able to make the transition a LOT more smoothly than I otherwise could have.
I hope this helps!
And, thank you about the kickstarter! I'm extremely excited I'll be able to print these, the proofs I've received so far look just absolutely stunning and I'm so so so excited to get to send them to people!!!
Obligatory self promo, if you want to see the kickstarter page and get these four books for yourself, then you can check it out here ^^ It's been funded, so at this point we're just reaching stretch goals and placing orders!
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