#Cold Stratification
solarpunkani · 4 months
Cool new way to guerrilla garden?
SFinBloom’s Instagram caption below
Here’s a fun way to plant seeds. Not sure what to call them. People get so excited about planting in spring when they see all the spring blooms. Spring blossoms need time to germinate. Seeds not only weather the cold well, some seeds actually require it. Many plant seeds require being cold for a period of time, or cold stratification, to prevent seeds from germinating before winter sets in. Here’s a fun and easy way to cold stratify your plants while making them easy to plant. Its like seed bombs but with ice instead of mud or clay.
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agathisfelis · 4 months
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kaylagraypa · 4 months
Seed Starting/Cold Stratification, Paw Paw Seed, Japanese Red Maple, Eastern Redbud
January 5th 2024 Seed Starting/Cold Stratification In Pennsylvania. Starting Paw Paw Seed, Japanese Red Maple, Eastern Redbud. I am also potting a fig tree cutting I was gifted and I talk about future garden plants.
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porchprairie · 1 year
Waiting on all my plants right now like stratify faster
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igotstuck · 2 years
Do columbine seeds need cold stratification?
Do columbine seeds need cold stratification?
Do columbine seeds need cold stratification? Columbine seeds require a period of cold dormancy called stratification to germinate. To plant your columbine seeds directly into a garden, it must be done in the fall so they will germinate in the spring. Do columbine seeds need light to germinate? Columbine plants should be planted with the crown at soil level. Seeds can be directly sown throughout…
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rjalker · 2 years
I have sucessfully cloned an eastern black nightshade stem :)
and it's so ridiculous it's grown flowers and now has berries since I took it off the original plant and carried it like a mile in the open air. it doesn't even care.
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apas-95 · 11 months
i think ultimately it doesn't matter how you personally feel about these people dying. socially they are our enemies, and socially the rescue effort towards them was a demonstration of the stratification that exists between them and us. at the same time the navies of the capitalist nations mounted massive expeditions in favour of a handful of their ruling class, they also consigned hundreds of impoverished global-south workers to a cold, watery grave. we can all wish that if we were lost at sea, there would be rescue sent for us, but their rescuers are not meant for us. as a human, the idea of any person suffocating in a dark metal tube horrifies me, and I'm sure their families weep. but again, it doesn't matter how I personally feel - this isn't personal. on a societal level, on a *class* level, these people are our enemies. let our enemies commemorate them, and let us work to stop them from killing more of us.
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finelinevogue · 6 months
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summary - it’s your first date out with harry
pairing - new-boyfriend!harry x reader
word count - ~1.5k
“When you said you had a brilliant idea for a first date, I have to say, this was not what I had in mind.” You said.
Both you and Harry were sat back against the edge of a lake, wrapped in thick coats with a cup of hot chocolate in each of your hands.
Harry and you had been talking for a little over 3 months now, after having met through the internet. He had been watching a video of you on Youtube, since you were a booktuber, and had not stopped smiling since he first laid eyes on you.
It had been a video about your favourite books - something so simple - but Harry could not stop watching the 27 minute long video.
After months of talking you decided it was time to meet up.
“What did you expect?” Harry asked, sat with a good 30cm between you.
“Uhh… I don’t know? Maybe, dinner and drinks?”
“Oh c’mon. You know me better than that. Dinner and drinks? I’m trying to get you to like me, not get bored of me already.” Harry chuckled, his eyes crinkling as they always did when he smiled.
“You don’t have to worry about me learning to like you. I already do.” You nervously smiled, sipping your hot chocolate to hide your big grin.
Harry nudged your shoulder with his lightly.
“Me too.”
“So why are we sitting out in the cold?” You brought your knees up to your chest to conserve body heat.
“People watching.”
“People watching?”
“Mhm. I like watching people go about their daily lives and guess what they’re doing and where they’re going. If there’s a couple it’s even more fun, because you get to guess their love story.”
The way Harry spoke made it seem that he genuinely had a passion for people. If was so refreshing to watch. After so many gross and uncomfortable dates with people that just didn’t understand basic human interaction, this was a nice change.
You sat watching Harry watch people, enjoying the way his eyes loved watching people move around the Earth.
Harry was glancing at an elderly woman when he said, “You’re supposed to be watching them, not me.”
“Sorry.” Your cheeks went hot red and you looked down at the floor. You weren’t ashamed, but you were just so embarrassed that he could make you feel like this and it was only the first time properly meeting him.
“Do I look different in real life? Is that why you’re staring? Have I catfished you?”
You tilted your head to rest against your arms, which were propped on top of your knees, to look at him with a cheeky smile.
“No.” You pulled your lips in to suppress a smile. “The opposite actually.
“Okay and what’s that?”
“You’re too handsome. Y-you catfished me by not telling me just how good looking you are.”
Now it was Harry’s turn to blush. “Aha o-okay.” He nervously giggled.
“It’s true. They all claim you’re the most gorgeous man on the planet, but, well, you really are.”
“Alright, you don’t have to pay me back in compliments just because I bought your hot chocolate.” He rolled his eyes.
“Are you cold Harry? Your cheeks are red.” You teased him.
He just shook his head with a smile.
To make him feel better, and before you ran out of courage to flirt more with him, you leaned forward and gave him a kiss on his red cheek. It was only short and you made sure you left no remanence of your lipstick there, but it was enough for Harry to whip his head around to look at you.
“Was that your apology for teasing me?” He raised his eyebrows.
“Rubbish apology.” He tutted.
You scoffed, “Excuse you?”
“If you wanted to give me a real apology, my lips are right here.” He pointed to his lips, like you didn’t know where they were.
You rolled your tongue over your front teeth and shook your head at him. You didn’t give him the stratification of what he wanted though, and instead turned around to go back to people watching.
Harry closed the 30cm gap between you until he was pressed against you. He brought his own knees up to his chest, resting his arms and head on top of his knees.
You tilted your own head sideways to face him, both of you mirroring each other. You stared into each others eyes and without speaking you knew you were having a staring competition.
Harry moved forwards and bumped his noses against yours, making you blink. He moved backwards with a sly smirk.
“You cheated.” You pouted.
“Maybe. I won, though. Think I deserve my prize, don’t you?”
“Hmm. Depends.”
“On what?”
“What the prize is.“
“I’m sure we can come up with something.” He teases.
“No kisses though. I’m saving them.”
“For who?” Harry’s eyebrows furrowed and you felt like you were the one winning this time.
Just as you were about to retaliate, someone stars playing the guitar and another person sings through a microphone. The music lights up the entire park area, scaring off some ducks on the lake.
You sit up to see where it’s coming from, noticing a man and a woman performing together. You look at them and instantly notice the love between them, sharing their love for music with all the people here.
Some people start to congregate and start dancing.
You laugh as you watch them, jumping up yourself. You excitedly hold out your hands for Harry to latch on to.
“C’mon.” You urge Harry.
“Who are you saving kisses for?”
You walked backwards into the crowd of dancing people.
You kept a watch on Harry as he stays seated in his little spot, watching you.
An old man comes up to you and asks for a dance, to which you accept. He held you like you were dancing in the 50s, rocking back and forth. He was a good dancer for his age and you couldn’t stop laughing as he told you stories from way back when.
After a couple of songs he said he needed to sit down for a bit, so you made your way back over to Harry who was still sat down.
You slowly walked in front of him, before crouching down in front of him. Taking his hands in yours, you kissed them a couple of times. Harry watched you intensely as you worked your words out.
“If you must know… I-.. I haven’t been kissed before so I was nervous. Okay? It’s silly to be nervous over, I know, and you’ve never made me feel uncomfortable. I, um, I just get in my head sometimes and I do really want to kiss y–”
Harry loosened his hands from yours, cupped your cheeks and brought you against his lips all in one move. It was so smooth that you didn’t even realise that he was kissing you until you registered your lips on his.
You moved your lips against his like you knew what you were doing. He guided you and only kissed you softly, not pressuring you to do anything harsh.
He pulled away first, licking his lips from where your lipstick had passed onto him.
“Was… Was that okay? I mean..–.”
“Shut up.”
He kissed you again, moving more this time. He kissed you like every romance book had told you guys kiss. He was gentle, but he was passionate. He kissed you like he was aware this was new to you, but also like he wanted to ruin you for every other person ever.
Your own hands cupped his cheek softly, and Harry slowed down once he felt your touch.
“That…” Harry breathed out heavily. “You…”
“Me?” You let out a breathy laugh.
“I’m so screwed with you, Y/N. You’re ruining me for anyone else.”
“Is.. is that okay?” You asked nervously.
“I don’t want there to be another person. I don’t want there to be an after you. I know this is our first date, but I feel so much for you Y/N. So, so, much. I don’t think I’m ever going to feel this again and I sure as hell know I’ve never felt it before.”
You kissed him this time.
Lovingly. Passionately. Infinitely.
“Just write me a love song next time.” You joked and he laughed. In Harry’s head, though, he was already writing you those love songs.
“Now. Let’s dance.”
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greenwitchcrafts · 4 months
Artemisia Vulgaris
Known as: Artemis herb, artemisia, artemisia herb, cingulum sancti johannis, felon herb, muggons, naughty man, old man, old uncle Henry, sailor's tobacco & St.John plant
Related plants: A member of the daisy family Asteraceae that consists of over 32,000 known species of flowering plants in over 1,900 genera within it such as chamomile, coneflowers, dahlia, daisy, dandelion, goldenrod, lettuce, marigold & sunflower
Parts used: Leaves & flowers
Habitat & cultivation: Common mugwort is native to Europe and Eastern Asia. Mugwort was brought into North America as early as the 1600’s for medicinal purposes. It spread throughout the Northeastern U.S. as a contaminant on ships and nurseries.
Plant type: Perennial
Region: 3-8
Harvest: The flowering tops of mugwort should be collected once they bloom or right before the blooms open. The leaves of mugwort plants should be collected before the plant flowers. Older leaves & flowers are significantly more bitter
Planting tips: Mugwort seeds can benefit from a special 1 to 2 week treatment called cold moist stratification prior to planting them & need cold weather to break down germination inhibitors. The seeds require light to germinate, so be careful not to cover them when planting. Mugwort does not like to be overwatered & is very drought tolerant. It is also an invasive weed & best kept in a container.
Medicinal information: Historically mugwort has been used in traditional systems of medicine in different parts of the world. Today, mugwort taken orally is promoted for digestive problems, irregular menstruation, and high blood pressure. It is also promoted as a sedative, laxative, anti-inflammatory & liver tonic. Mugwort lotion applied topically can aid in itching caused by hypertrophic scars & When being smoked, it exhibits mild intoxicating properties & strong relaxing properties.
Cautions: Mugwort should not be taken by pregnant people because it may start menstruation and cause the uterus to contract. Little is known about whether it’s safe to use mugwort while chestfeeding. Mugwort might cause an allergic reaction in people with pollen sensitivities
Magickal Properties
Gender: Feminine
Planet: Venus & Neptune
Element: Earth
Deities: Aida Wedo, Artemis, Diana, Isis, Lakshimi & St.John
Magickal uses:
•Place under your pillow to bringing peaceful sleep, prophetic dreams & aid in astral travel
• Add to incense for cleansing and clearing energy
• Place around scrying tools to increase their energy
• Add to herbal smoke blends to stimulate lucid dreaming, astral travel & visualization
• Make an infusion of mugwort to wash magic mirrors and crystal balls to aid in physic workings
• Burn with Sandalwood or wormwood for scrying rituals
• Carry in a satchets for protection and increasing lust, fertility & preventing back pain
• Throw mugwort in a fire during Midsummer for protection for the following year
• Keep under your doorstep to keep annoying visitors away
• Use in tea before bed to encourage lucid dreaming
• Hang mugwort over or on a door to keep unwelcome energies from passing through
• During a storm or when your life feels threatened by impending dangers, toss into your hearth fire or cauldron to keep you safe
•Wash your hands with a mugwort infusion to increase energy flow before tarot or pendulum readings
The Herbal Alchemist Handbook by Karen Harrison
The Book of Flower Spells by Cheralyn Darcey
Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences by Sandra Kines
A Witch's Book of Correspondences by Viktorija Briggs
The Encyclopedia of Natural Magic by John Michael Greer
Wild Witchcraft by Rebecca Beyer
Plant Witchery by Juliet Diaz
A Compendium of Herbal Magick by Paul Beyerl
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ishcliff · 6 months
i don't think heathcliff is an idiot at all. not in his source, nor in limbus.
in limbus, heathcliff keeps things direct and to the point, and dislikes spending a lot of time dwelling on what to do. none of these alone are indicators of a lack of intelligence. impatience and impulsivity, sure, i can concede. but with heathcliff, what i think is even more the case is he already feels like he understands the world well-enough. he's spent a lifetime living, both in the best and worst of the city. he offers insight in moments where the other sinners have little to offer. in a lot of ways, he is deeply comparable to roland, except (funnily enough) perhaps a little healthier.
despite his contempt for authority, heathcliff has accepted his role and the unspoken laws of the land, being witness to and on the receiving end of what happens when one goes against them. he seems to understand the whims of the city for what they are and can follow them intuitively. though, his knowledge is entirely practical; the theoretical and reasoning behind everything matters little to him, because the way he sees it, as long as he can continue to do as he pleases, it's of no consequence. he is in constant survival mode, seeking the rare moments where he is allowed to thrive.
his knowledge base is given ample time to shine in the main story. he is often positioned as a voice of reason and an appeal to the majority.
in canto II, he comes up with a plan that essentially works flawlessly when no one else could.
in canto III, he correctly points out ishmael's lack of comprehension of social stratification in the nest entry point. then, he rightly calls out meursault for his aiding and abetting of a religious-fascist regime.
in canto IV, he's proven correct about his critique of certain mindsets of the K nest, and his insight and cleverness are recognized by more than one person (importantly, including ishmael, his biggest critic).
he is just as intelligent and capable as everyone else; he simply doesn't care about the bigger picture. it's not like the bigger picture cares about him.
and yet...another point on the more superficial side: heathcliff has an identity where he is a capable, well-spoken scientist and political activist. while his political standpoint is reactionary anarchoprimitivism, it still matters that he's clearly capable of analyzing greater social class structures and realizing they are bunk.
this leads me to discussion of heathcliff in wuthering heights. i don't think it can be overstated how much of heathcliff's capabilities as an antagonist post-timeskip are due to his intelligence. in just three years, he cultivates enough wealth through what is assumed to be key-timed investments and intelligent brokerage. he makes a name for himself despite lacking even a proper surname. through his influence, knowledge, and cold determination, heathcliff decimates two families and claims their estates for himself. this is all in spite of the way he was forced out of school when he was a preteen and into slavery. the danger of heathcliff is not just in the depths of his cruelty, but his calculating nature and ability to chart out a years-long revenge campaign with contingency plans. and he almost entirely succeeded.
tying back a little to the context of limbus company, heathcliff's backstory has been heavily implied to be mostly similar to his childhood in his source material. in summary, he was raised under constant scrutiny under threat of beatings and/or losing the only person he ever cared about. every single one of his actions and assumed mindsets were called into question, and this is something he later internalized against himself.
i've talked about it on this blog before, but i believe one of the most important elements of heathcliff's childhood in wuthering heights for his characterization in limbus company is when he instinctively saved the life of his abuser's child. heathcliff swooped in and saved the child from a fatal fall without hesitation or thought. it's his nature to follow his heart and do what he believes the right thing to be. however, heathcliff realized a moment later that he had just done a good thing for his abuser, thus further distancing himself from catherine. he second-guesses his own instincts and is filled with transparent hatred and regret.
this is also related to his conflict with catherine and other social systems at large. catherine obsesses over her status and dwells on the ramifications of a union with heathcliff. heathcliff, however, loves her and believes that to be more important than everything else. her disagreement and casual disregard for his personhood in favor of her ability to get everything she wants pushes him out of the estate to begin with.
in limbus company, however? heathcliff doesn't have the dynamic with his abuser looming over him, nor any implications of threats to his status (beyond vergilius, but at least that isn't personal). he doesn't have to second-guess himself for the sake of his survival and getting what he wants anymore. in canto IV, those very instincts save gregor's life. he can just do what he wants, and even if he messes up and dies, he can just immediately be brought back to life with no consequences. he is freer now than he's ever been in his entire life, and he knows better than everyone the joys of not needing to overthink every single thing he does.
so no, heathcliff is not an idiot. i speculate he's just gotten a taste of freedom he's rarely known and he is relishing it.
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docgold13 · 15 days
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Batman: The Animated Series & The DCAU - Paper Cut-Out Portraits and Profiles
Batman Beyond
Debuting on January 10th, 1999, Batman Beyond was a bold and surprising continuation of Batman’s journey.  Its three seasons act as a concluding bookend to the story first started in Batman: The Animated Series.
Chronologically, the tale begins some forty years after the final installments of The New Batman Adventuress and Justice League Unlimited.  The world has been greatly changed by advanced innovation, much likely derived from alien technology. Neo-Gotham is a cold megalopolis with staggering high rises, flying vehicles and all manner of futuristic invention. Greed, corruption and stark class stratification still grips the city, and the Batman, Gotham’s former protector, has not been seen in decades. 
The show introduces Terry McGinnis, a troubled teen in search of answers after his father has been murdered.  Happenstance brings Terry into the life of an aged and reclusive Bruce Wayne.  Retired and estranged from his former friends and allies, Bruce has secluded himself in confines of Wayne Manner.  Yet Terry discovers Bruce’s secret, that he had once been the legendary Dark Knight.  Begrudgingly at first, Bruce ultimately agrees to train Terry in becoming the next Batman.  Terry is eventually able to bring his father’s killer to justice and the streets of Gotham are once more patrolled by a Batman.  
The show was met with much skepticism when it first premiered.  It was a significant departure and many (this author included) were reluctant to accept someone else in the role of Batman.  And yet its sleek production, dark themes, super cool character designs and top notch writing came to win over a fiercely loyal audience of fans (this author included).  
Kevin Conroy returned to reprise his role as Bruce Wayne, with Will Friedle voicing Terry McGinnis.  Cree Summer, Lauren Tom, Sherman Howard, Paul Winfield and Stockard Channing provided the voices for additional characters. 
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foursaints · 13 days
i love the dynamic you give to rosekiller. its like, theyre such individuals..but theyre so unified. barty is so average and normal on the outside. he flirts and talks all casual and doesnt have a single worry..and then theres evan. little freak is digging holes in the backyard and planting animal bones he found in the woods. he kinda just stares at you and nobody really knows what his voice sounds like (he would be mistaken as a girl if he spoke, thats how feminine his voice is. and he uses such feminine speech patterns).
i love them because barty brings out the normal in evan, and evan brings out the weird in barty. barty is teaching evan how to socialize in the daytime while evan is teaching barty (mumbling incoherently) how to while poking at his teeth in the night.
oh i feel like standing up and cheering.. YES!! you get it!!! you've touched on something i really enjoy, which is the difference in perceived normal-ness (😭) between them? to me, they're both equally freakish INSIDE, but they socialize differently...
my barty is still a transgressive deviant bastard, but i think it's a crucial part of canon that the wizengamot is so shocked at the accusation against him. he breaks more rules than anyone, but he also knows how to Play Ball when it matters. + i think there's also a lot of social stratification within Slytherin... regulus is the de-facto Heir of House Black, and even though he's kind of cold and unsociable he would still have a decent amount of slytherin clout. barty is top of their class, he's reggie's best friend, he's charming, he probably sleeps around... they're both basically doing fine
meanwhile the rosier twins are these haunted tubercular oddities who were homeschooled up until 3rd year, barely speak to anyone else, playing with bones (sidenote: androgynous effete evan my beloved). ESSENTIALLY: evan 1000% gets the "loony lovegood" treatment from the other slytherins!!!! evan is, of course, too busy dissecting flobberworm carcasses to even Notice or Care
i'm just saying that I think it would be entertaining for the rest of the school to watch Barty Crouch Jr™️, handsome and generally well-liked slytherin, just fall ASS OVER TEAKETTLE for the weirdest fucking creature on hogwarts grounds 😭... barty is tagging at evan's heels, carrying his books, obediently doting after him, all while evan barely registers his presence. it's just MESMERIZING to watch that dynamic play out super publicly in class.
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altraviolet · 7 days
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From IDW1, an excerpt of Megatron's "Towards Peace," research for my 2024 minibang fic. My printer refuses to print the image so I'm writing it out below the cut!
In a society built around a grand Cybertronian taxonomy that is obsessively revised and reinterpreted, the one thing that never changes-the one thing that must never change-is the system itself. Every revision, every reinterpretation takes place within a rigid framework of social stratification. Nothing must threaten the Functionists' core philosophy: utility as an organizing principle.
If you could step outside the system you would recognize it for what it is: a prison. Worse than that, it is a prison full of willing prisoners. And not only are you a prisoner within the system, you are a prisoner within your own body. Whether you were born or made, forged or constructed cold, you are trapped inside your alt mode. The Functionists built the lock and the Senate holds the key; but most of us are unaware that we're locked in.
Make no mistake: your life is mapped out in front of you, as clear as the grooves in your transformation cog. You can no more choose to change jobs than Cybertron can choose to stop orbiting the sun. You can no more acquire a skill unrelated to your vocation than the sky can acquire a conscience.
In denying you the ability to reject your alt mode-in preventing you from pursuing a path of your own choosing-both the Senate and the council say they are acting in your best interests. They have a responsibility, they say, to ensure that you make best use of your god-given form. If you turn into a drill, it is because Primus knows that Cybertron needs drills. To deviate from your function is to risk invoking the wrath of god and bringing the world to its knees.
In truth, it is about control. A multi-skilled population is an empowered population. And if you reject your alt mode, what next? Would you reject your class? Would you reject your government?
The Functionists don't rely solely on theology when rebutting arguments for change. Working outside of your alt mode would be confusing, they say. Imagine being treated by a medic with tank treads; you would question their competence. And they extend the same question to the miners. "Would you feel comfortable working alongside a microscope?" And to the military: "Would you put your life in the hands of a soldier who turns into a data slug?"
And it is true. People would be unnerved-at first. But the Functionists-enabled by the Senate-have created the conditions that have given rise to this culture of suspicion; and they have done so deliberately, because it reinforces the status quo. Moreover, it fosters division, and division is another means by which they can control the population. The more walls you can put up between people, the easier it is to contain them, and the stronger the structural integrity of the system.
And that is why when you see a stranger you don't think, "What are they like?" You think, "What are they for?" You don't think, "What are their hopes, dreams, aspirations?" You think, "What do they do?" And then you think, "Where are they positioned in relation to me? Do they sit above, alongside, or below? Are they better than me, or I them?"
Even if you believe in the Grand Cybertronian Taxonomy, ask yourself this: who decides on that order? And then: why should there be an order? And that is the question that the Senate and the Functionists fear the most, because they know that their world would collapse if people arrived at the answer. Why should there be an order? I'll tell you: there shouldn't be.
Be happy in your work, they say, for it enriches you. Be grateful for your alt mode, for it defines you. Be thankful for the system-it protects you. Be mindful of your betters-they think for you. I say enough. Reject your work. Reject your alt mode. Resist the system. And your "betters"? You have none. We are all equal. And we have a right to decide how to live our lives.
[interrupted by a word balloon saying Cough! Cough!]
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the-habitat-ring · 4 months
Winter sowing time! We’ve started on our collection of native seeds and will continue to add more containers as we get them.
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The “milk jug method” allows for stratification (exposure to cold, wet conditions for a month or two) which many native seeds here in the Midwest need. Once spring comes, the containers act like a mini greenhouse to keep seedlings moist and warm until they’re ready to transplant.
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ghostoffuturespast · 1 month
5 April 2024 - Friday Field Notes
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I spend an inordinate amount of time putting unfinished puzzles together.
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Mud mess from last week when we were installing some rabbit fencing. I really should oil my boots.
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No clue who this flower is but she's very pretty.
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Anyone do those "bean in a bag" experiments as a kid? You put a bean seed in a plastic bag with a wet paper towel, leave it in a sunny spot, and watch it sprout in about a week. Yeah, the native plant version is doing the same thing except you have to stick it in the fridge, wait 1-2 months, plant it, and hope it germinates. Maybe. Cold moist stratification. Not for the impatient.
Been getting a lot of practice learning scientific and common names though.
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Tipi streamer I decorated. We haven't put them on the past few years because... I'm not sure why. But they're fun, supposed to help wick precipitation off the poles, and maybe it'll keep the birds from shitting all over the covers. Some tiny Pronghorn, Bison (we don't have bison, I wish we did), a Meadowlark, and a Rocky Mountain Bee Plant.
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I somehow wound up being unofficially in charge of putting up the tipis lol. Third time around and I finally got around to reading the instruction manual this time. Ignore the extra long pole, it's just special. Adds character.
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Planting party. We'll see what grows.
I am excited the rabbitbrush at my house sprouted.
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camp-mithril-lake · 1 month
In a society built around the Grand Cybertronian Taxonomy that is obsessively revised and reinterpreted, the one thing that never changes—the one thing that must never change—is the system itself. Every revision, every reinterpretation takes place within a rigid framework of social stratification. Nothing must threaten the Functionists’ core philosophy: utility as an organizing principle. If you could step outside the system you would recognize it for what it is: a prison, worse than that, it is a prison full of willing prisoners. And not only are you a prisoner within the system, you are a prisoner within your own body. Whether you were born or made, forged or constructed cold, you are trapped inside your alt mode. The Functionists built the lock and the Senate holds the key, but most of us are unaware we’re locked in. Make no mistake: your life is mapped out in front of you, as clear as the grooves in your transformation cog. You can no more choose to change jobs than Cybertron can choose to stop orbiting the sun. You can no more acquire a skill unrelated to your vocation than the sky can acquire a conscience. In denying you the ability to reject your alt mode—in preventing you from pursuing a path of your own choosing—both the Senate and the Council say they are acting in your best interests. They have a responsibility, they say, to ensure that you make best use of your god-given form. If you turn into a drill, it is because Primus knows that Cybertron needs drills. To deviate from your function is to risk invoking the wrath of God and bringing the world to its knees. In truth, it is about control. A multi-skilled population is an empowered population. And if you reject your alt mode, what next? Would you reject your class? Would you reject your government?   The Functionists don’t rely solely on theology when rebutting arguments for change. Working outside of your alt mode would be confusing, they say. Imagine being treated by a medic with tank treads; you would question their competence. And they extend the same question to miners. “Would you feel comfortable working alongside a microscope?” And to the military: “Would you put your life in the hands of a soldier who turns into a data slug?” And it is true. People would be unnerved—at first. But the Functionists—enabled by the Senate—have created the conditions that have given rise to this culture of suspicion; and they have done so deliberately, because it reinforces the status quo. Moreover, it fosters division, and division is another means by which they can control the population. The more walls you can put up between people, the easier it is to contain them, and the stronger the structural integrity of the system. And that is why when you see a stranger you don’t think, “What are they like?” You think, “What are they for?” You don’t think, “What are their hopes, dreams, aspirations?” You think, “What do they do?” And then you think, “Where are they positioned in relation to me? Do they sit above, alongside, or below? Are they better than me, or I them?” Even if you believe in the Grand Cybertronian Taxonomy, ask yourself this: who decides on that order? And then: why should there be an order? And that is the question that the Senate and the Functionists fear the most, because they know that their world would collapse if people arrived at the answer. Why should there be an order? I’ll tell you: there shouldn’t be. Be happy in your work, they say, for it enriches you. Be grateful for your alt mode, for it defines you. Be thankful for the system—it protects you. Be mindful of your betters—they think for you. I say enough. Reject your work. Reject your alt mode. Resist the system. And your “betters”? You have none. We are all equal. And we have a right to decide how to live our lives.
Megatron of Tarn, Towards Peace
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