#But this time they’re BOTH helping the kids grow up for adult life in the big city!
clownjacket · 9 months
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help-itrappedmyself · 4 months
Danny Punches a Clown part 2 I guess
shoutout to @that-random-fangirl
The batmobile pulls into the batcave as usual once they’re done dealing with the Joker’s hostage situation, but no one is celebrating at a job well done tonight. Because while the Joker is back in Arkham, for now, it wasn’t one of them that stopped him. While the rest of them dealt with the goons downstairs, Batman went up to where the Joker was supposed to be hiding out with the kids, only to find him on the floor with a growing bruise on his face. The kids were nowhere to be seen. 
So, Batman sweeped the room, making note of a video that was still recording on the computer. Probably a taunt for him that the Joker never got to release. He pulled all the files from the computer and brought them with him when he left. 
The police arrived, the civilians were taken care of, but none of them had any idea what happened in the room the Joker was in. Apparently none of them heard anything, despite the fact the Joker had a gun with him no shots were fired. And none of them knew what happened to the kids. 
So the family gathered around the batcomputer to try and find out what had happened. They rewound the video back to the beginning, hoping to at least find out if the kids were okay.
The video opened to the Joker being his usual self, holding his gun, looking like he hadn’t yet gotten punched in the face.
“ Bats! Wonderful to see me isn’t it? I know it's been too long, and I’ve got some presents for you!” Joker turns the camera to show three kids, two no older than six, both blonde and terrified, and one that could be a teenager, probably around twelve to thirteen with black hair and looking bored. The camera swings back to the Joker after a moment. “ Of course, I have a bunch of adults too, but these little kiddos are just for you! I have such plans for them bats!” 
“Hey, crazy clown?” They hear, coming from one of the children. Joker stops ranting to look past the computer, probably at the kid who’s speaking and the bats all look at each other in disbelief.“ Look, I’m sure you have some sort of reason for all this hostage-taking and gun-waving, probably even for dressing like that.” 
“ Oh, this kid is insane.” Tim mutters.
“ However, I already have one fruitloop in my life and that is more than enough for me, so I’m going to have to leave now.”
The Joker starts laughing, he bends over and wraps his arms around his stomach laughing his normal cackle that has most of the room cringing. They watch as the child, the older one, walks right up to the Joker, who is still laughing, and punches him in the face.
They watch in silence as the Joker falls limp to the floor. Jason whistles. Then the boy turns more toward the camera, but really towards the children as he starts talking to them and they see him fully for the first time. Black hair, blue eyes, looks exhausted and he just punched the Joker in the face. The kids look amongst each other for a moment, all thinking the same thing, before turning back to the screen to see the boy, this tiny boy who called the Joker ‘crazy clown’ and punched him in the face helping the other kids escape out the window. 
“ Bruce, no.” Dick mutters. “ We don’t even know who this kid is.”
“ This kid just knocked out the Joker in one punch, if Bruce doesn’t nab him, I will.” Jason states.
Everything devolves into arguing from there, all the kids shouting amongst themselves arguing either for or against the adoption of the kid. It goes on for a while before Bruce speaks up.
“ Let’s just find the kid first.” Bruce says, He’s already pulled up facial recognition and is chatting with Oracle about the CCTV footage by the warehouse. “ All of you go get some rest, I’m going to go see if I can track him.”
“ Hey! If you’re going back out, we’re going back out!” Dick complains. “ We’re concerned about the kid too.” 
Bruce starts to argue with him, but is cut off by the sound of motorcycles as Jason and Tim start to head back out, already talking to Oracle about where to start. Dick heads out after them and Damian goes to sit in the batmobile, waiting. Bruce heaves a sigh before climbing in after him.
“ Okay, Oracle what do we have?” Batman asks.
“ I was able to track him into an alley, but nothing after that.”
Now with part 3!
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nochukoo97 · 2 months
we can’t be friends (wait for your love) - teaser
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pairing: childhoodfriend!jk x childhoodfriend!oc
summary: you and jungkook have been friends since birth, and as you both grow into teenagers, you can’t help but have some sorr of longing feeling towards him. but after a turn of events, you move away from your home town, growing apart from the boy you onced were close to. almost a decade later when you decide to move back, there’s someone familiar yet unfamiliar waiting for your arrival�� was this the universe giving you a sign about him?
warnings/tags: story starts off when the both of them are children, but most of the plot is when they are adults :)), eventual: kissing, an emotional rollercoaster 🥲, they’re stuck in a ‘what are we’ moment, playing a waiting game of who confesses first, a little bit of angst, smut, but fluff too hehe
a/n: IM BACK 🥲 after being in writers block sighhh but i am back hehehe hope u r excited for this!! anyways this is just an intro for the actual fic, its more of what happened before the present which will be in the main part hehehe
(this is the introduction, the main part is coming soon :)))
23 July 2007
You’re currently wedged between two bookshelves in the living room of your house, eyes trained on the words in your book, giggling to yourself when the plot takes a funny turn. Meanwhile in the background, Jungkook and your brother Taehyung, both a year older than you, the two ten year old boys play fighting in your parents backyard, their game was way too rough for you to even watch, you decided.
That’s always the way it’s been since you were young, Jungkook’s mum dropping him off at your parents place as he spent time with your brother, mostly roughhousing like they are now, and you, at nine years old, simply tucking yourself in another fairytale, which to you seemed like a much better way to past time.
You never truly spent a lot of time with the two of them when Jungkook would come over, besides the once-in-a-while moments where your parents would make you guys bond a little through board games or card games which the two elder boys would never take seriously, the games always ending in them either throwing the board game pieces at each other or stacking the cards into a pyramid.
When it came to school, you tried your best to stay away from bumping into your brother at school, but you’d always end up being teased in front of your friends by him and Jungkook, making fun of your two pigtails or your very glittery pink bag you had just gotten as a birthday gift, but you were used to it anyways, having grown up with a brother.
12 August 2011
Four years go by and now you’re finally completing your last year in middle school, Jungkook and your brother having moved on to high school, and as expected, they end up attending the same school, as they have done their whole life.
But since four years ago, a lot has changed. You’ve grown much closer to Jungkook, having gone on quite a few trips with his family, and you could even consider him a close friend. Most importantly, he’d grown from being a kid to a teenager, even though he was only a year older than you, the 14 year old boy suddenly became someone you always wanted to hang out with. To you, you saw him as someone cool. Instead of teasing you along with your brother, he now would defend you from your brother’s teasing, treat you to ice cream on the weekends and even teach you the video games he played with your brother.
“And then he let me get as many toppings as I wanted,” You tell your friends, clicking the buttons on your phone to show them the picture of your ice cream, filled to the brim with all sorts of toppings because Jungkook said you could.
“You’re so lucky, I wish I had a boyfriend like that,” Jiyeon sighs, pouting her lips as she sulks.
Your face turns red, tip of your ears warm as you quickly deny, “He isn’t my boyfriend! Just a friend… In fact he was my brother’s friend first,” No, you couldn’t even begin to try and imagine Jungkook as someone more than your friend!
“Well, but you should definitely confess to him on valentine’s day, it’s in like six months,” Yuji twirls her hair, nudging your leg slightly as she giggled.
To the three of you, as 13 year old girls, having a valentine was a big deal, especially since the whole idea of a crush and all was new to you guys as teenage girls.
“No! I don’t have feelings for him! He’s just nice to me I guess,” You frown at Yuji, just because she confessed to her crush and now apparently has a boyfriend, doesn’t mean you need to do it too, you decided.
You didn’t have a crush on Jungkook right?
You push away the thought quickly, this whole topic was so taboo to you, it made you feel squirmy thinking about it. No, you didn’t have any sort of feelings towards the older boy, never.
So that day when you arrived back at home, spotting Jungkook and Taehyung sitting at the table and doing their homework, you decide to take a seat away from the certain boy.
“Huh? Why are you sitting all the way there? Come back here,” Jungkook hums, pulling out his earphones in bewilderment, you had always sat next to him whilst the three of you would do homework together after school, nudging him here and there to ask for help with a math problem.
“I- okay,” You scooch towards the chair next to him, dragging your books along the table as you avoid eye contact. Your cheeks heating up again as you remember your conversation with your friends in school earlier, it made you feel all tingly inside, but why were you being so weird in front of him?
“You’ve been staring at that math problem for ages, need help?”
You jump up in surprise at Jungkook’s voice , letting out a small yelp as your brother snickers at you from across the table, you kick his shin in response, sending his hands flailing to the injury, mumbling some cuss word you don’t understand.
“Yeah,” You only muster out a whisper, handing over your pencil to the boy, who finds your behaviour a little off but nonetheless, doesn’t comment on it.
And while he explains the solution and working to find the value of X, you can only notice his eyes, his nose, the mole under his lips, the scar on his cheek from when he fought with your brother years ago, his lips.
And then you for yourself to snap out of your daydream when his eyes lock with yours in confusion as to why you’re staring at him instead of your workbook.
03 January 2012
But then five months later, opportunity for valentine’s day didn’t even come for you anyways, as you pack your bags to move miles away from the place you once called home, since your father had been posted to a new country for his work.
The whole idea of leaving your life behind and all the people you’ve ever known since young was such an overwhelming feeling that you didn’t even think once about your feelings for Jungkook anymore, or maybe you did once, but it didn’t matter.
So when you tugged your luggage and watch your brother sadly hug his best friend goodbye at the airport, reality struck, you wouldn’t ever get a chance to even properly assess your feelings for Jungkook anyways, so you simply wave him goodbye, not looking back so you don’t think further than a goodbye.
He did make sure to exchange his Instagram and Facebook with you, promising you and your brother to keep in touch, which you agreed to. Maybe there was a part of you that wanted to cling onto the idea of him, but you didn’t let yourself believe that anyways.
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sepublic · 1 year
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The Collector’s story is so sad to me because they really do try!!! They are putting in the effort to be better!!! They defy the other collectors’ policy of imprisonment and genocide, for the sake of the Titans! They go along with Philip’s plans, giving him the draining spell and a bunch of other magic! And they listen to King’s Owl House rules, they’re gradually adjusting their behavior according to his advice, respecting his boundaries, even letting him get away with Eda and Lilith!
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He’s learning. He really is doing all he can to improve, he’s listening. But the Collector isn’t doing it fast enough, they haven’t figured it out quickly; So it feels like for the adults and everyone else around them, they don’t want to put in the effort to teach and rehabilitate this kid. That’s too long and arduous, it’s much easier to stick him in a prison and hide it, or even kill the kid.
The Collector invests so much good-faith effort into changing for people, but those around him? They don’t want to reciprocate the same effort to understand him in return, that’s how it feels. They demand so much but give nothing back, use the Collector. And would rather take the easy route of punishing the kid to make him shut up for their convenience, instead of really working to talk with him at his level, and explain how to get better. There’s this silent, genuine, hurt and confused question echoing from the Collector; “What did I do wrong?”
It really does feel like one big metaphor for neurodivergent kids, and children in general, who are seen as misbehaving troublemakers. And rather than taking the time to understand their perspectives, and communicate to them about the problem, adults would rather just hit them until they’re quiet.
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Because it’s easier, more convenient that way, like sweeping dust under the rug. Even if it just makes this kid who IS willing to improve feel neglected, unappreciated; Allows their problems to fester untouched and unseen, until it boils over and explodes later in life. And suddenly adults are all shocked because He was such a quiet, obedient kid, who could’ve seen this coming?!
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The Collector feels like the collective wrath of so many kids who were treated like inconveniences to deal with, rather than growing children who needed help and guidance. And boy is the Collector messy about it, because they’re tired of playing by other people’s rules and trying to appeal to them with good behavior, in exchange for compassion, because that clearly hasn’t worked out and never will.
They are every child who has asked Why about a rule, and instead of being treated like a person with an honest need to know, was just told Because I said so. They want to get it, but people just prefer them being blindly subservient; People don’t care what the Collector thinks, so why should he feel the same for their judgment? The kid is panicked when he insists King focus on the revision he made to the storybook, the lesson he learned, but he’s still being put away for what others wrote.
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“You can trust me” is something Philip and King have both told them, and maybe that parallels how adults insist children follow their seemingly arbitrary rules even without knowing why, because “It’s the rules” and authority dictates all. So after struggling under that command, of course the Collector is eager to be the one wielding it this time, with his rules...
The rules of a game. The rules of behavior. Both are laws dictated for people to follow, with someone often deciding and being able to change them as they see fit, especially with childrens’ playground games. Life is a big game and the Collector wants to play his own, after all this time following others’ rules; His people’s, the Titans’, Philip’s, and finally King’s.
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There’s a lot to be said about how we expected the Collector to have been someone who didn’t play by any rules, did whatever he pleased. But it might just be the opposite, the kid has never had true freedom, always subject and listening to what someone else tells them, because they’re in charge or it’s the moral thing to do. They’ve been imprisoned their whole life, literally even, and now their desire for agency has burst free.
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The Collector wasn’t the god of chaos we thought they were, but now they will be and we’ve seen why; It’s not because there weren’t any rules for them, it’s because there were too many, and the more you tighten your grip, the more something slips free. Too much authority, too little, the kid needs a proper balance of contradictory lessons, like so many in this show...
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sen-ya · 2 months
You’ve drawn a little of it before, but what do you think Law and Luffy would be like as parents?
First and foremost law is absolutely smitten and takes to parenthood naturally. It’d be a little harder for Luffy I think depending on how young the kid is when said kid is Acquired. I think he’d really hit his stride after toddler-dom
I think both of them would talk to their kid like any adult pretty early, like in an age appropriate way but like if a question is asked it gets a real answer, if something’s going on they get an age appropriate description of it, a lot of the time they talk to them like pals. Idk if that makes sense but yknow
Luffy is fun parent yes but also is Emotionally Intelligent parent and ends up kind of unknowingly giving them a lot of tools early on for how to cope with big feelings. Low key watching Luffy teach a small human how to human helps Law see where and how he can grow emotionally and he becomes a better communicator.
They sing to them before bed every night when they’re little. Luffy is terrible. Law sounds really pretty. It’s a lot of fun.
I know languages in One Piece are like the equivalent of “everyone speaks common” but I like to think most islands have their own language of some sort. That’s all to say Law talks to their kid in Flevian and it just kind of spills out of him. At first it’s only when he’s alone with them, but then it becomes an absent-minded habit. This is how Luffy learns that Law even still knows Flevian. Their kid would end up fluent, and Luffy would try his darndest but really only be able to pick up a few phrases here and there.
Also in a wild turn of events after the initial anxiety of being a new parent evens out Law just kinda…..relaxes. Later in life he’d already been getting on board with Luffy’s antics, but now that there’s also a second person bouncing about with any of Luffy’s sensibilities it really is just easier to let it happen. He gets comfortable with knowing he can plan on the fly, and knowing that is a plan in itself.
When the kid is older and off on their own any time they all come back together as a family it is ON SIGHT with Luffy. This kid’s first order of business is “try to absolutely DEMOLISH my pops.” Law learns to be strategic with where they have their family meet ups, but sometimes it just happens that you’re minding your own business and then these two Monkeys are throwing hands and laughing their asses off
For family name they’d let the kid pick. In the case of the daughter they have in the one lil comic i posted Law swears they asked her when she was too young cuz she couldn’t say “Trafalgar” properly and he never lets it go
Honestly i could keep going but i will shut up and give u some doodles to finish it off
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kyrieeleisonelise · 4 months
Head-cannons about Ai’s relationship with her kids if she lived.
Ai and Ruby;
Not only was Ai a young mother anyway, but Ruby is born with memories of a past life, so they’re both near each other in maturity so they’re really close to each other. They’re more like sisters.
Because they’re at a similar maturity level they kind of grow up and mature together. 
They do all sorts of things together friends would do, like movies, shopping, cafe trips etc. 
Ruby idolises Ai, but as she grows older she starts to realise more of her flaws/human side.
Due to her abandonment issues with her last mother, Ruby can be quite clingy. 
Both of them bond over idols, talking about songs, costumes, camera choices.
When Ai is ready to graduate from being an idol she worries she is letting Ruby down (even though she probably has an acting job lined up).
Ai supports Ruby’s dream of being an idol, but worries about her a lot/is protective of her because the industry can be seedy. It’s only then that Ai realised how much pressure and lack of protection she had as a kid, and reflects on how bad her own childhood truly was. 
Ai initially worried Ruby would be friendless like she was, but is happy that Ruby can make friends easily.
Ai wonders how she could have a daughter who can love and make friends easily. 
Ai seemed to get targeted a lot by other girls/women out of jealousy over her looks growing up. She worries the same will happen to Ruby because they look so similar and is confused when it doesn’t. It contributes to Ai’s negative beliefs about herself that her personality brought on the bullying.
But also, Ai finally realised how fucked up her own mother is for being jealous over Ai’s looks instead of protective, which is how Ai feels about Ruby.  
Maybe when Ruby gets older she gets frustrated with Ai’s inability to have a serious conversation/tendency to make light of everything. but this is something they work through and understand each other better. 
When Ai tried to help Ruby with her homework, they both just end up choreographing a new routine and Aqua has to keep them on track.
Ruby feels bad for hiding her past-life memories from Ai, but worries that Ai will think she’s weird/lying if she tells her. 
From the age of 12, Ruby keeps trying to convince Ai to be an Idol duo with her, but Ai thinks she’s too old (at the ripe old age of like, 28).
They do perform on stage together at one point and it goes super viral. 
Given that Aqua has the memories of a 30-something, sometimes he acts more like the parent.
Since she didn’t die and he didn’t get his trauma, Aqua is a lighter character in general and his sarcastic sense of humour is more evident.
From the age of about 6, Aqua is in charge of budgeting for the household (they only get fancy ice cream if Ai had a lot of extra jobs that month!)
Definitely the voice of reason in the house.
Sometimes Ai feels guilty and that she relies on him too much for practical things.
Although Aqua has his adult memories, he’s still a kid in many ways, but gets embarrassed over wanting normal kid things like a hug off his mum. 
Instead of researching his mother’s killer, Aqua gets really into researching past-lives. 
Because he’s so much more mature than Ruby, he struggles making friends with kids his own age till highschool. Ai worries he’s going to be an antisocial loner like her, especially because he’s not super affectionate for a kid. 
Aqua gets on okay with other kids, but feels a bit alienated at times due to the maturity difference. He still spends a lot of the time with director and maybe would become good friends with Ichigo. 
He really gets into acting and enjoys it. Maybe gets a bit of fame. He probably ends up acting alongside Kana a few times through childhood. 
Ruby and Ai tease him for secretly being into idols (he says he only likes B Komachi, aka Ai). 
He’s protective over both Ai and Ruby, but not to the degree of the original time line. 
Ai worries that once Ruby and Aqua get old enough to understand her better they’ll stop loving her like everyone else does. 
Ai is a really good mother but tends to focus on her short-comings.
Ai introduces herself as the twin’s older sister or cousin to strangers. But she’s always really happy in circumstances she can openly call herself their mother. 
Being a mother makes Ai realise how terrible her own childhood really was. 
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marymary-diva17 · 3 months
hi!! i love your works and i’d like to request a ronal fic if you are comfortable <33 Ronal x female metkayina reader maybe where she’s her friend but they’re like so in love or something idk i love ronal she is so beautiful. thank you!!
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Friendship was something special and the friendship that lasted into adulthood and the rest of lifetime are very special as well. That was the type of friendship you had with your best friend ronal. It had started when you both were young and grow stronger over the years, as you both master the ways of your clan and roles in life. Even due you two were the complete opposite of each other, the both of you still had a good friendship.
y/n " ronal" you are walking on the beach looking for ronal, as no one had seen her yet today and either have you. Everyone was had been asking you where ronal had gone off to or where was she at the moment, as you always knew where she had been.
y/n " where could she be and why haven't I ... found her" you soon saw ronal sitting on rock in the meddle of the ocean, you soon got into the water and made your way towards her.
ronal " y/n"
y/n " hello I have been looking for you I haven't seen my best friend all day, and I was feeling you are avoiding me"
ronal " I was not avoiding you I was avoiding him"
y/n " tonowari"
ronal " yes and his family and mine as well"
y/n " so what the matter with them you can tell me"
ronal " the stress of becoming a new tshaik for the clan and his mate, it feels like his mother keeps on testing me and trying to see if I will mess up and if I can be a good mate to her son"
y/n " oh"
ronal " then there is tonowari I don't think he likes me"
y/n " oh he does"
ronal " how can you tell"
y/n " well he was the one who asked where you were, he is very worried about you as he hadn't seen you yet .... even due he all serious know these day he does care in his own way"
ronal " if you say that"
y/n " oh come ronal I know you will be a good tshaik and leader"
ronal " ........"
y/n " you have been doing everything perfect and you don't have to be like all the other tshaik here, you can be your own tshaik you and I know you are perfect for the role ... everyone respect you and listen to what you say and when you tell them to do something they do it"
ronal " thank you"
y/n " your welcome I know you are having hard time as in a moons you will become tonowari mate, but I have faith you will do a good job and make us all proud"
ronal " you will be by my side if I need help"
y/n " if you wish it then I will make it happen"
ronal " thank you"
y/n " we are still going to be close even due you will have a mate and soon your own family as well"
ronal " yes we will still be close no matter how many year go by, you will still be my best friends and if my kids are going to have aunt I want it to be you"
y/n " I will be honored"
ronal " speaking of mates tonowari best friend Nomik is looking for a mate, and he seems to have his eyes on you"
y/n " are you playing match maker"
ronal " maybe I'm and or maybe I'm not it my job as future tshaik to insure our clan future and the next generation" you soon looked at ronal as she gained towards you, she soon started laughing as you had become turning bright red.
y/n " ronal"
ronal " oh come on I'm just trying to help I have seen you look at him, and you seem like you want him the clan good hunter and warrior tonowari most truest friend .... you two will be perfect together"
y/n " I sense you been think about this for awhile"
ronal " I can't let my best friend stay single forever and alone" you and ronal soon started laughing and started goofing around like children, even due you two were young adult women of the clan. It made you happy to see ronal was happy and now longer upset.
ronal " thank you for being a good friend"
y/n " you welcome as you have always been there for me and now I'm here for you" The two of you were not paying attention as you guys had hugged and soon fall into the water. The duo had swam to the surface and soon started laughing, as you two started splashing each other with water. they both of you are playing around but it soon had been interrupted when someone had coughed. You and ronal soon looked and saw tonowari and nomki on their sea creatures.
ronal " tonowari"
tonowari " ronal"
nomki " y/n"
y/n " nomki" The four adults said nothing as laughter had soon filled the air, the two males soon joined the females in the water. It seems like the group was able to have fun and no longer be serious, as some of them has always been on daily basis. Ronal and tonowari did become mates and were able to come to understand with each other, and to no one surprised you and nomkia had become mates as well. Ronal was right your friendship with her did last even after you all become mates, as your children and her children had become friends so friendship does last forever.
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zibiscusloon · 7 months
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Goofy kids who just wanna build a fort (would’ve preferred the outside to do so, but hey, if they must they’ll build it in the Pizzeria)
Susana “Susie” Franz / Chica the Chicken
-April 1, 1978-June 26, 1987 (9 years old), she/her, Mexican-American
-Born to a well off middle class family, Susie is the oldest of 3 children and her family’s pride and joy. She was a naturally creative child and often thought of as weird by her classmates due to her eccentric behavior.
-Very protective of her boys! (Gabe, Jeremy, & Fritz), she and Fritz are both rather bitey children and who have been sent to the principle’s office a great many times.
-Her dog’s name is Pepperoni! He had been a huge comfort for her growing up (he passed away a few days before her own death)
-Very skilled at arcade games, she tends to rub salt into the wounds of the other children who dare to try and overthrow her (to their own expense)
Jeremiah “Jeremy” Reynolds / Bonnie the Bunny
-December 12, 1978-June 26, 1987 (8 years old), he/him, Taiwanese-American
-Grew up in a small apartment with a single mom, Jeremy is a sweet natured boy who preferred to stay within his own bubble and tend to his own interests.
-He’s mute and communicates with sign language! He’s taught a little bit to his friends (although he also uses writing and drawings to help them out where they don’t understand)
-Faced frequent ableism at school from students and teachers alike, he in turn did exactly as his mama taught him, use rude gestures.
-A huge mama’s boy! It’s always been them against the world, with his mom doing everything to give him the comfort she never had growing up. They bond over silly lil things, like the ant farm they’ve set up! (Jeremy’s tried to name every single ant)
Fritz Crowe / Foxy the Pirate Fox
-November 11, 1978-June 26, 1987 (8 years old), he/him, American
-Grew up on a block with his parents and older sister, he’s the Hurricane resident menace. Adults often label him as a “problem child”, he’s very fidgety and cannot stay still.
-Has a tendency to get into fights, as such he’s always bruised up and covered in bandaids. This also results in plenty of his clothes being ripped up and dirty, his mom frequently gets onto him for ruining all his nice clothes (he could care less)
-He’s Fritz Smith’s kid! He’s named after his parent. (Fritz actually took their job at Freddy’s to search for their son’s body and damage the Pizzeria’s property as retribution..)
-Had a cute lil crush on Susie while the gang was growing up, his form of affection though is usually shown through teasing, as such, him and Susie behave like a bickering old couple when around each other.
Gabriel Feitt / Freddy Fazbear
-June 26, 1978-June 26, 1987 (9 years old), he/him, American
-Grew up with his dad and older sibling in a less than favorable economic situation. Gabriel is a very empathetic, although anxious young boy. He grew up rather sheltered due to Cassidy’s determination to keep him safe, and he often struggles to connect to other children his age.
-The missing children’s incident happened on his birthday, he deals with a lot of internalized guilt, blaming himself for the deaths of his friends.
-Struggled to have a good relationship with his dad (who for years had been battling his own depression), and being a child, often couldn’t fully understand why his dad wasn’t always present for him and Cassidy.
-Always carrying around a Freddy plush that Cassidy had sewed up for him. It’s his comfort for when Cassidy isn’t around.
Cassidy Feitt / Fredbear
-February 2, 1974-June 26, 1987 (13 years old), nonbinary, they/them, American
-Gabriel’s older sibling and parental figure, Cassidy had to grow up fast following their mother’s passing and their father’s downward spiral. They’re an old soul who wants to keep their brother’s life in order (they often tend to forget that they themselves are still a kid)
-A rather spiteful and unforgiving kid, they prefer to keep to a small circle and not let many people get to close.
-Very protective of the other children (Gabe specifically), they’re everyone’s protector and the first one they go to when they need to be comforted.
-Had one friend growing up, her name was Seraphina Crowe (she was Fritz’s older sister), the Feitt’s and Crowe’s had been neighbors for years so their friendship just naturally blossomed.
Charlotte “Charlie” Emily / The Marionette
-May 13, 1972-May 13, 1983 (11 years old), nonbinary, they/them, American
-A natural born strange kid who loves to tell weird shit just to confuse others. In spite of their behavior they have a rather large circle of friends.
-They’d frequently gather scraps from their dad’s projects to try and come up with their own homemade animatronics (they never really made anything great but hey they had fun)
-Them and Cassidy are both highly protective of the kids, the two of them are highly aggressive to the staff who come around the other children due to their mistrust of adults.
-Always had headphones in when they were alive, they’re easily comforted by music.
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sunnified · 19 days
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synopsis. a dive into the world of mystreet’s resident bad boy!
pairing. mystreet!gene x reader
content. general headcanons, includes a bit of pdh!gene, mentions of smoking, mentions of alcohol, potentially a few ooc gene points (shut up, these are MY headcanons), sasha and zenix, mentions of bullying.
word count. 1.3k
a/n. gene lovers, i see you, i hear you, i am one of you!!! for this lovely anon <3
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𖤓 probably started the shadow knight gang in his freshman year, but nobody joined because they either weren’t “cool enough” or gene was too intimidating.
𖤓 he didn’t have a lot of friends during his first year because he was taller and more menacing than all the other freshman — i’m talking him being six foot, and by the end of high school he’s grown an extra three inches.
𖤓 tall!gene supremacy.
𖤓 gene attended his classes during freshman year since his mother was so excited for him to finally be going to high school — she was so proud of her oldest son growing up that she sobbed on his first day, snapping pictures of him in his uniform in front of the living room fireplace.
𖤓 he still ate his lunch outside, though.
𖤓 during the summer before sophomore year, he impulsively dyes a strand of his hair to match his younger brother’s. dante was so excited to see that blue streak that he cried.
𖤓 the blue faded as school started up again, and the two brothers never tell anyone else about it.
𖤓 he proposes the whole gang idea again in his sophomore year, except this time a silvery haired freshman takes an interest. she ends up recruiting another freshman, and the three of them become fast friends.
𖤓 he never says it out loud, but gene loves those two like they’re his own flesh and blood. they’re family, as far as he’s concerned.
𖤓 his own family life is a little bit rocky. gene’s father left when he was very young, and it broke his mother’s heart. he stepped up to help raise dante, but having a part of his childhood ripped away from him so young impacted gene more than he lets on.
𖤓 he went wild with freedom, upon reaching high school.
𖤓 the new founded shadow knights bond over terrorising freshman and sophomores alike, being a group of petty bullies for their first year as an ‘official gang’.
𖤓 gene also uses the group to look out for his little brother secretly, picking on kids who thought it was cool to tease dante.
𖤓 when gene’s junior year rolls around, another freshman takes interest in their little group, and he’s there testing how ‘hardcore’ this kid is. he turns out being pretty cool, and is inviter to hang out with them after vandalising an alleyway with their logo.
𖤓 he looks out for laurance whilst he’s apart of their group, going out of his way to make sure that older students stay away from him.
𖤓 when laurance ends up distancing himself from the shadow knights before eventually calling it quits, gene’s annoyed for sure. he offered everything he could to this little freshman, and in return he was labelled a bully and a bad guy.
𖤓 he picks up smoking in his junior year, and tries to hide it from both his mum and dante.
𖤓 he tried skateboarding for a little while, when zenix got into it, but eventually decided it wasn’t for him. and therefore stupid.
𖤓 he had a lot of influence over a select few students during high school, making them do his dirty work.
𖤓 honestly, phoenix drop high is where he learned to be such a manipulative little bastard. he never really grows out of this, but he does have a change of heart well into his adult life.
𖤓 any romantic relationship you develop with gene comes after high school. if you attended phoenix drop high and saw what he was like, you avoid him at all costs. if you don’t attend phoenix drop high and meet him in later years, gene thinks he still has a lot of changing to do before he’s ready for a relationship.
𖤓 he doesn’t go to college when he graduates high school. he passes all of his exams with average grades, but doesn’t want to continue on with education because he finds it boring.
𖤓 he lives at home for a while, trying to find his feet and figure out what he wants to do next with his life.
𖤓 ends up working at hot topic for a year, but gets fired for too many missed shifts.
𖤓 when sasha and zenix graduate, the three of them move into a shabby apartment together.
𖤓 you’re their most frequent visitor!
𖤓 he cares deeply, although he never words it.
𖤓 actions speak louder than words for him.
𖤓 when you’re visiting the apartment, cringing at the creaking floors and exposed wires, you can see how gene functions. he still has some small influence over his friends, scolding them when they argue, letting sasha do her college case studies on him, making sure zenix doesn’t accidentally sleep in when he’s scheduled a shift at work.
𖤓 you realise that the eyebags he wears are thanks to how hard he works without anyone ever really seeing it.
𖤓 maybe, that’s why you start crushing on him.
𖤓 he’s sly and teasing, a cover up for how awkward he really is when it comes to romance. he’s never had a boyfriend, girlfriend, or significant other before. even in high school, people were intimidated by him.
𖤓 everything is unsure with him when you do end up in a relationship, and he ends up disguising it as ‘baby steps’ so that you don’t immediately figure out he’s an intimacy-virgin.
𖤓 much later into the relationship, he confesses how you’re his first everything, to which you giggle softly. he thinks your laughter is his favourite sound.
𖤓 whilst he smokes quite often, he is much less likely to indulge in alcohol. he doesn’t mind the stuff, but he hates the way it makes him act.
𖤓 how does it make him act? emotional.
𖤓 it’s hilarious, watching how he embodies his mother and brother’s emotional state, clinging to you and hiding his face as he murmurs about how much he loves you and how you’re too good for him.
𖤓 i imagine that later in life, when the two of you end up moving into your first house together, he’s over the moon.
𖤓 of course, sasha and zenix are still there every other day. not that you mind, you’ve come to love having them around, and you know how much they mean to gene.
𖤓 he leaves most of the interior design up to you, although he does insist that the bedroom includes some variation of red.
𖤓 i imagine that gene ends up jumping jobs quite a few times, unable to settle in a place where he’d be happy to work for the rest of his life.
𖤓 in fact, with a bit of encouragement, he goes to college in his late twenties, living in your shared home with you supporting him.
𖤓 he works hard because he wants to make you proud. he wants to make his mother proud. he wants to make dante proud. he wants to make sasha and zenix proud. and he wants to prove everyone wrong about him.
𖤓 he ends up confiding in you about all of his feelings. he confesses that his childhood messed him up a little bit — no father figure to guide him and having to help raise his younger brother made gene resent dante slightly. even if none of it is his fault. he whispers to you that he regrets how he acted during high school, but he knows that he can’t change the past. he evens mumbles about he thinks you’re the best thing to ever happen to him, and he’d be a fool to ever let you go.
𖤓 when you kiss him, reassuring him that he’s not a bad person, he thinks of buying you a ring. after all, he can’t let you go, can he?
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theemporium · 8 months
ok ok lestappen thoughts
there’s different dynamics in your relationship. they’ve known each other as children. sometimes they’re envious that you’ve only known them as adults. the past is so small with you and so much easier to handle. but sometimes you look at the photos of when they were kids and you wish you were there.
but imagine if you came from a hard home life (low key projecting my mommy issues) and you and Max Get Each Other in a way that Charles doesn’t. Max understands why you react to certain phrases or situations. You see the pressure mounting on his shoulders and know when to pull him out of his head. Charles doesn’t grasp this but he starts to pick it up. Sometimes he feels like the odd one out, but he can’t ever voice that. He’s so grateful for his loving family. All he can do is give the love and peace he experienced growing up into your relationship.
I think it would be just a complicated and dynamic poly couple that would also be so strong. You would really have to communicate and there would be times when you devolve into screaming matches and crying and painful words but you always, always make sure to talk it out before you go to bed.
charles wanting to be there for his partners but just not fully understanding their family trauma because he’s always come from such a loving home. and he has small things he tries to do, to reassure you both that he loves you endlessly, to show you that his family is now your family too
but some things don’t click as easily. and maybe it’s one of the first big fights between you and charles, and maybe it’s completely unreasonable and gets blown out of proportion. and afterwards you storm away, he looks at max for help because they are usually on the same side
but the boy just shakes his head because charles isn’t seeing what he’s seeing. and he has to sit charles down and explain and he feels so guilty afterwards and he just wants to make it right😭
and it’s such a learning process but charles doesn’t give up. he wants to be the best partner for you and for max. he wants to be the person you can always rely on for love🫠
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How would the companions react to Little Lamplight and Mayor Maccready?
Thanks for requesting!
Little Lamplight: “It may seem cruel for these children to have to live like this but… I think I would prefer this over my own childhood, you know?” 
MacCready: “Not a hope that this little shithead and MacCready are the same person! Way too polite, that bloke.” 
Little Lamplight: “A society run by children? Oh mum/sir, I don’t dare imagine little Shaun having to grow up in a place like this.” 
MacCready: “Oh dear, such hostility from a child? I suppose I can’t expect anything different. These poor kids never had any proper adult guidance! Sir/mum, I propose we send a Ms Nanny their way!” 
Little Lamplight: “Oh, this is just horrible! No child should have to survive in these conditions! Isn’t there anything we can do to help them?” 
MacCready: “Such vulgarity! Has no one got manners anymore in this world?” 
Little Lamplight: “Look what the war did to these children! This is yet more proof of why technology in the hands of the wrong people can have devastating consequences!” 
MacCready: “The exact attitude one would expect from someone who’d grow up to be a mercenary.” (Mac: “What’s that supposed to mean??”) 
Little Lamplight: “A parentless life is a sad reality for many children in the wastes. However morbid this may look, they’ve been managing well.”
MacCready: Deacon will try to convince mayor MacCready that he’s just a really tall child. On top of that, he will forever call adult MacCready ‘mungo’ and make up countless different reasons for how he knows that term.
Little Lamplight: “Interesting set-up. I guess they’re pretty safe here from outside threats, except - you know - the gigantic green monsters next door.” (insert sarcasm)
MacCready: “Kid, you have no idea the kind of company I’ve had to deal with all these years. You wanna rile me up? Then stray away from your vanilla boring ass insults ‘cause I ain’t impressed.” 
Little Lamplight: “Huh, cozying up right next to a super mutant den? Either these kids are incredibly brave or incredibly stupid. Probably an unhealthy mix of both.” 
MacCready: “So this is the origin story of our favorite mercenary? Hm, I’ll admit, almost as good as mine.” 
Little Lamplight: Longfellow won’t say anything, but a profound sadness washes over him at the sight in front of him. If somewhere deep down he still had hope for the world, it was now for sure fully taken away.
MacCready: “Youngsters these days…” 
“Ahh the good old times.” 
Little Lamplight: “I can’t tell if I’m more impressed by their tenacity, or more disappointed that they need it to survive.” 
MacCready: “Well, behind every hardened mercenary, there is some kind of tragic backstory, isn’t there?” He sighs. “Maybe I’ve been too hard on the kid.” 
Little Lamplight: “Oh god… I’ve always known the Wasteland was hard but… these are children. They should be getting raised by two loving parents not living like… this.”
MacCready: Piper’s always known MacCready as a chill mercenary who tries a bit too hard to flirt with her. She’s never paid much attention to him, but seeing him as a child living in these circumstances, she suddenly finds herself looking at him in a completely different light. 
Little Lamplight: “This is why we have to bring back the Minutemen! Children deserve to grow up in a safe place, not hiding out in a cave.”
MacCready: “Damn… With how chill he is, you’d never guess he had this kind of childhood. Certainly explains why he’s so good at his job though.” 
Little Lamplight: “Not safe for small human! Brother smash small human!” 
MacCready: “Small human talk too much!” 
Little Lamplight: “And here I thought I’d already seen the worst of the surface.” 
MacCready: “Interesting. Somehow the child version seems tougher than the adult.”
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brainrotgobrr · 9 months
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finished the teal mask and oh boy do i have thoughts…
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god. kieran. kieran is so refreshing from a character perspective. kieran is like the anti-hop. it kind of feels like he’s the protagonist and we’re the classic jerk rival, doesn’t it? this guy clearly has Issues and i really like that, im enjoying this sort of “why can’t i beat you” rival trope that gamefreak’s been doing lately. they nearly did it with hop but with kieran they’re really going full in. the character arc that kieran went through in this dlc was actually difficult for me to watch, seeing this poor boy destroy himself mentally. the first time i battled him for the final time i actually lost, and i was hoping that he would get to keep ogerpon because altho shes cute and i adore her, i felt so bad. but ofc thats not the way the cookie crumbles. kieran is socially awkward, he doesn’t know how to communicate, and he’s never had a true friend. then florian/juliana comes along and suddenly there’s someone who seems to genuinely enjoy hanging out with him that isn’t, yknow, related to him. but then that person that he was so eager to trust goes along and begins befriending and helping a pokemon that hes adored all your life behind his back. i relate to kieran a lot and ofc yknow the absolute maniac arc hes about to go through is probably not healthy but i rlly hope this ends up being good for him. he idolized ogerpon because of how he related to her story, not because of the actual living creature she is. i wouldnt be surprised if it turns out he doesnt value his pokemon as actual living creatures either. i could see him being like a reverse silver, as he grows colder growing to not even care about his pokemon.
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on the other hand, carmine! carmine was such a delight, i was genuinely not expecting to enjoy her as much as i did. sure, she also has Issues and has probably been a negative effect on her brother, but at the end of the day she is also just a kid. she probably has no idea what shes doing, and i dont think shed ever hurt kieran. she went through a lot of growth in the dlc and i can see her trying to become a better person with the help of florian/juliana and repairing her odd relationship with kieran.
also, it seems like she kind of has to play a parental role for kieran, as its implied that their parents arent around. thats another thing that separates kieran and carmine from siblings like hop and leon (and oh my god im just realizing all the parallels between hop and leon and kieran and carmine). its implied that the galar bros had a good childhood, and hops Issues dont start until hes set off on his journey and leon is a full adult with an actual life. with the kitakami siblings, if you read between the lines you can tell that theyve had a harder time growing up. with carmines comments on tourism and how it’s negatively effected their town and give her Trust Issues, that obviously fucked them both up a little, seeing that people only valued their hometown as an attraction, and that they themselves were a part of that attraction. and of course we dont know what the issue was with their parents. also, why are they going to school in unova? (side not oh my god it is so obvious that we’re going to get bw remakes in gen 9 or a legends unova game)
kitakami is such an interesting region. obviously its tiny, it has one town and then everything else is just untamed land. i feel like something Else is going on here. or maybe its just small idk
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i love ogerpon a lot i think shes adorable and i love that we got to run around with her before she joined our team and it makes the whole “ten year old catches legendary thing” feel more realistic
also why are ogerpon and the loyal three legendaries i feel like they should be mythicals them being legendary feels Wrong
anyways these were my silly thoughts on the dlc and i hope kieran turns out to be the bb leagues champion (pulling a blue) and also i dont trust briar now time to finish my pokedex and talk to legends arceus pandering i mean perrin and if i see anyone call carmine a terrible person i will trade away your ev trained competitive team ok bye
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(also this scene made me emotional)
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headfullof-ideas · 2 months
I have more headcanons. These ones are of the Nektons, and the kids relationships with each parent
- He taught himself sign language, and proceeded to not tell anyone for four and a half years straight
- He doesn’t eat fish and most other seafood because of Jeffrey
- He’s allergic to bee stings and pollen
- Ant was born two months early in International Waters, which is why he’s so small for his age
- Ants wants some sort of reptile pet beyond Jeffrey, like a lizard or snake, but is worried about it getting thrown around on the Aronnax during the families many adventures
- Fontaine had an emo undercut when she was twelve. She burns any photo of it she can find, embarrassed
- She likes playing around with clothing styles
- Her favorite instruments to play are guitar and piano
- Fontaine is really good at cutting her own hair, but can’t be trusted to cut someone else’s at all
- Cannot stand pickles in the slightest, but weirdly enough loves cucumbers
- Knows martial arts, and teaches her children
- Was a lot like Ant as a kid, but mellowed out as she got older
- Kaiko loves sci-fi movies and stories, and has a personal collection of comics from her childhood
- She snores nearly as loud as Will
- Kaiko can pilot more than marine vehicles. She can also fly most planes, including helicopters
- Burns water. He’s the worst cook in the family
- Watches the Olympics to laugh at the competitors he competed against and didn’t like. It’s his soccer
- Has a traditional Māori (I think that’s what ethnicity he is, I’m not sure) tattoo across his back, representing his family
- Carries several pictures of his kids and wife in his wallet, and shows them off to anyone who stands too close and too still long enough
- Is weirdly pretentious about tea despite living on nothing but coffee
Ant, Fontaine, and Kaiko
- Ant wants to be a Marine Biologist like his mum when he grows up, and Fontaine wants to be an Ecologist with a Music Degree on the side. Kaiko tells them that she’ll support whatever they decide so long as they finish their homework
- Ant is insecure of how few traits he gets from Kaiko’s side of the family in comparison to Fontaine, and Kaiko likes to kiss his freckles and say that it’s there in the small traits he gets from her
- Fontaine and Ant both inherited Kaiko’s recklessness and stubbornness, and Kaiko calls to apologize to her parents every time she suffers from it
- Fontaine likes to have girls days with her mom, doing make up and talking about how dumb the boys in their family can be. Kaiko enjoys the time she spends with her daughter
- Ant and Fontaine both went to great lengths to try and convince Kaiko to let them keep the sea snake they found when they were kids. Kaiko had to pull up every ounce of patience and self-control she had to resist the puppy eyes
Ant, Fontaine and Will
- Will teaches Ant and Fontaine the traditional Hakka, and can’t tell if he should be proud or terrified for their lives when Ant starts doing it to the Monumentials and Fontaine to Hammerhead
- Ant and Fontaine both had a game growing up where they’d throw themselves at Will to see if he could catch and carry them both. They continue to do it well into their late teens, and sometimes still as adults
- Will was adamant he be the one to teach Ant and Fontaine how to swim. He’s a very proud papa when they get into the odd swimming competition and dominate
- Fontaine and Will have inside jokes about how they’re both banned for life from the kitchen. Will calls Fontaine a traitor when she’s allowed in to bake
- Ant can’t help but compare himself to pictures of his dad at his age, lamenting about how he’s not as tall or big. When he confides about this to Will, he tells him about how self conscious he was about how much taller and bigger than everybody else he was at Ants age
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hollow-if-game · 2 years
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Everything is wrong. 
The buildings seem to lean over you, there’s a convenience store that is literally on every corner, the streets seem to lead you in circles (if you’re lucky), there are strange creatures stalking the streets that are hellbent on mauling you, and you have no clue how you got here or where everyone else is.
To make matters worse, you have an odd symbol burned into your skin and it hurts. It makes you recall when you once touched a hot pan with your fingers and developed long-lasting, stinging blisters afterward. You haven’t a doubt that it’s new, very new but where did it come from and why is it on you?
You suppose the only way you’ll get answers is by wandering this gloomy half-plane of dense fog and endless streets... alone.
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Choose your Marked’s pronouns, history, and relationships.
Be a team player or go solo, be reliable or dodgy, resourceful or unimaginative -- do what you need to to survive.
Collect items and hone your skills, explore the endless streets and oddly permanent points of interest.
Explore various relationships; Bond with your fellow marked or tear them down. Your words and actions have an impact and can make or break the group. 
[Hollowed is intended for mature audiences and explores topics not fit for people under the age of 18. This game will reference or feature Drug Use, Sexual Content, Explicit Language, Blood and Gore, and Intense Themes. You have been warned.]
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Joana Fontenot [f] grew up in a small family that lived on a dairy farm/ranch. Her parents, ever-so fond of their cattle and the care that they require, instilled a fondness in her for the care and upkeeping of farm animals -- so much so that she dreamed of becoming a livestock veterinarian. She is a lively and kind person, who appears more than willing to cooperate with you in order to survive. Honestly, she thinks that you have a better chance of surviving together than apart contrary to what your other companion, Frtiz, seems to think.
Aubriana Dietrich [f] was born into an ever-growing family of too many kids and too few parents. Aubriana was often left to care for her younger siblings at a young age, which, unfortunately, followed her into her adult life. She picked up work as both a part-time barista and waitress at a local hole-in-the-wall bar where she worked long hours for minimum wage and not enough tips -- all of which went directly to caring for her siblings. Though she does worry for them, she can’t help but be excited by the idea of only having herself to care for. Until you arrive...
"Fritz" Fitzgerald [nb] -- honestly, trying to figure out anything about them is as easy as pulling an alligator's tooth. they will not indulge in your curiosity and appear far more interested in staying on their lonesome. Even still, they seem to find themself drawn to you and your companions -- never straying too far, always within calling distance. You honestly aren't sure if fritz even likes you, though compared to how they interact with your other companions, you'll take what you can get. Still, you don't doubt they'd ditch you to save their own skin if they needed to. Rather, they seem to only tolerate you, which seems to be quite the feat compared to their other relationships.
Nya [f/nb/m] -- What is their deal? They're so... naive...? Strange? Thinking about them gives you a headache...
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canary3d-obsessed · 1 year
Restless Rewatch: The Untamed, Episode 37 part two
(Masterpost) (Pinboard)  (whole thing on AO3)
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Warning! Spoilers for All 50 Episodes!
Inquiring Minds
Wei Wuxian asks the kids if any of them can perform inquiry so he can ask Song Lan who fucked him up like this. Sizhui does a good job, but he has to whisper to himself while he plays, because he is not a mensch like Lan Wangji (yet).
Song Lan says that Xiao Xingchen is the culprit, and the kids immediately ignore apparently-murderer Xiao Xingchen who's sitting next to them, and instead have a seminar on how inquiry works and the niceties of guqin-language translation. 
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During the whole conversation, they talk about Song Lan being killed, not just mostly-killed, incidentally. And that's not a translation error; I'm actually able to recognize the phrase "shale ta." (My small collection of Chinese-words-I-can-recognize-when-I-hear-them is entirely Wuxia-based, including useful words and phrases like wo shale ni (I'm going to kill you), dianxia (prince/lord), and dalisi (the court of judicial review).
They all continue to ignore Xiao Xingchen while Sizhui asks Wei Wuxian's third question, which is "who controls you." Song Lan's answer this time is "that dude behind you." That dude, who we are perhaps beginning to suspect is not really Xiao Xingchen, smirks and snaps his fingers.
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Song Lan responds by breaking out of the rope and summoning his sword and fuchen (horsetail whisk) to his hands.  
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He brings his sword to Wei Wuxian's neck and Wei Wuxian tells the kids to back off, saying that all of them put together are not a match for Song Lan. Which is true, judging by the juniors' sword moves, which consist entirely of standing still and pointing.
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Not-Xiao-Xingchen says that the adults are going to talk so the kids should go outside. Wei Wuxian tells the juniors to scram, and reminds them not to breathe in a lot of poison while they're out there. Gee, thanks, Laoshi. 
(More behind the cut!)
Sizhui lingers, and Wei Wuxian tells him he's the most sensible and that he should take charge of the others. He tells Sizhui not to be afraid, and Sizhui says he isn't. 
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He also says that Mo-qianbei and Hanguang-Jun are alike. Wei Wuxian denies this, saying they're opposites. Almost like yin and yang, in fact, needing each other to create a balance. 
Sizhui thinks in a voiceover that he doesn't know why, but he thinks they're alike; that if either one of them is there, he doesn't need to be afraid. They are mostly not alike, I think, but they are both devoted parents to Sizhui, so he's right about that. 
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His recognition of Wei Wuxian is growing, and I like that he's able to ponder this stuff in the midst of all these life threatening situations. It's actually fairly accurate to life as a teenager, in which the big work of figuring yourself out is always going on in your head, no matter the circumstances.
Dear Slim, I wrote you
Once the kids are gone, both of the adults can drop their aliases, and speak demonic-cultivator to demonic-cultivator. 
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They stand around while not-Xiao-Xingchen, who is obviously Xue Yang, delivers a heap of exposition about making zombies and his new Yin Tiger Seal and...*yawn.* 
Anyway, he lured Wei Wuxian here so he could resurrect someone for him. Wei Wuxian says nope, listening briefly to the spirit-trapping bag that Xue Yang hands him and saying that this person is super duper dead, and wants to stay that way. 
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Xue Yang insists, reminding Wei Wuxian that the kids are hostages.
During this whole conversation, Song Jiyang, who plays Xiao Xingchen, does a great job playing Xue Yang - possibly helped along by using the same voice actor for overdubbing? - including by embodying many of Xue Yang's annoying mannerisms. 
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On my first watching, I found Xue Yang very very annoying, right up until the point that the show flips the script and manages to make him sympathetic and tragic, which is quite a trick, considering that he's a psycho and also a dick. On subsequent viewings I still find him annoying but I like his fighting style a lot, and what he brings to the story generally.
When Xue Yang starts cackling, Wei Wuxian greets him by name and tells him he should stop pretending to be someone he isn't. Xue Yang responds by taking off his eye cover and then by taking off his face, which is a mask that's way more convincing than poor Mo Xuanyu's craft-store paper-mache thingy. 
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Xue Yang picked up some good disguise tricks during that summer he spent in Changsha interning for Zhang Rishan.
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The mountain of exposition continues, covering a wide range of topics
Skull nails
how Wen Ning is hard to control
Yin Tiger Seal 1.0
Yin Tiger Seal 2.0
other pieces of Yin metal
Xue Yang's mysterious friend who is good at acting, i.e. Jin Guangyao.
Wei Wuxian being the founder of demonic cultivation
Xue Yang murdering the Chang clan
Xue Yang murdering Song Lan's sect
Murder Turtle
The Yin metal sword
The conversation does clear up some confusion about the Yin metal pieces from back in the day. Everyone thought there were only four, but Xue Yang is a Wuxia fan and knows that whenever something from a previous generation is hidden away for the good of the world and then is found by a later generation, there are always five of it. (See: Legend of Fei, Word of Honor)
During this conversation, Xue Yang shows a sincere admiration of Wei Wuxian, saying that he himself only figured out some things about Yin metal, but Wei Wuxian was able to learn without a teacher and create the Yin Tiger seal. It's...kinda sweet. He follows it up by explaining his "murder everybody" philosophy, which makes it a little less sweet.
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Fight Club
Mercifully, this near-endless conversation is interrupted by Song Lan crashing through the wall like the Kool-Aid guy, followed by Wen Ning in full multi-punch-man mode. 
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Wei Wuxian tells the boys to take it outside, and then he and Xue Yang go out to watch the fight. Xue Yang was never able to control Wen Ning, he says, because "some things recognize their masters too well." Wei Wuxian says that Wen Ning is not a thing. He doesn't deny that he is Wen Ning's master, however. As if he could.
Xue Yang responds with some linguistic subtlety that is lost in translation and then draws his  Xiao Xingchen's sword and takes a swipe at Wei Wuxian, who easily ducks the blow. 
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Xue Yang explains that he doesn't want to kill him, just capture and enslave him. Then the fight is on, with Wei Wuxian dodging, blocking, and spinning, while whining about having low spiritual energy in his new body. 
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Wei Wuxian calls for a substitute to do his fighting for him. Xue Yang says that Hanguang-Jun is busy fighting his little friend. (I find it hilarious that Xue Yang consistently refers to Su She as his little friend.) He's barely finished saying this when Lan Wangji comes sailing in, deflecting his blow and striking a pose for Wei Wuxian.
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Sometimes you succeed in recoloring a super foggy, blue-tinted gif, and sometimes you just give up.
Lan Wangji immediately yoinks Xiao Xingchen's sword off of Xue Yang, and tells him he doesn't deserve this sword. Boy howdy, Hanguang-Jun, you don't know the half of it. 
Xue Yang summons his own sword out of thin air and Sword Superfan Lan Wangji says "Calamity Befalls" because he knows the names of ALL the swords. The guys in his Discord are going to be so excited that he got to cross blades with two famous swords in one day.
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Before the fighting starts, Lan Wangji tells Wei Wuxian to hit the bricks, saying "you are not needed here." I love that grown-up, mellower, affectionate Lan Wangji is still a salty bitch. 
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Wei Wuxian bails while Lan Wangji and Xue Yang bust out a bunch of their best moves, with the actors doing a lot of the stunt work themselves.
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This sword move by Wang Haoxuan is pretty great. Useless, like Wei Wuxian's spinning, but hawt.
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And Wang Yibo is grace personified when he’s on wires.
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While the sword fight is going on, Wen Ning and Song Lan are having a frowning contest.
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They are also beating the crap out of each other.  
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The juniors watch the punch-up with keen interest; Jingyi is particularly happy about it. Jin Ling isn't smiling but he seems pretty entertained for a guy who's dad was killed by one of those same punches.
Wei Wuxian sees the fight and reflects that he's not needed there either. But that the juniors do need him, and he gets a happy little smile, finding a context in which he can be useful. 
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The juniors all flock to him like ducklings and he teases them about his terrible congee.
When they see Lan Wangji fighting, the little Lans all preen. Jingyi announces that Hanguang-Jun is the best, and asks Wei Wuxian to confirm it. Wei Wuxian is surprised to be asked, given that he's just a random guy who is obviously fucking their favorite teacher. 
Jingy is offended when Wei Wuxian doesn't immediately agree, but Wei Wuxian contemplates for a bit, thinking about all the ways that Lan Wangji is the best, particularly his dick, and chuckles to himself while agreeing with Jingyi.
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Lan Wangji backs up these assertions by pausing for a moment in his fight to knock out a whole group of zombies with one strum of his invisible guqin...zombies who dared to menace Wei Wuxian. 
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Grave Disturbance
Wei Wuxian collects the kids and goes to find A-Qing, saying she has something important to communicate, and that she's not on Xue Yang's side. He also tells the kids that the dude fighting Lan Wangji is Xue Yang. He doesn’t explain why or how, though. 
They all go into the coffin house/morgue, where Wei Wuxian says they're safe because they haven’t seen any zombies since, like, four minutes ago. Seems logical.
A-Qing pops up from behind a coffin and starts tapping it. She makes it super incredibly obvious, through hand signals, that she wants someone to open the coffin, and most of them, including Wei Wuxian, are too dumb to understand this.
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Fortunately Jin Ling is paying attention, and explains what she wants. Wei Wuxian tells everyone to back up, in case the coffin is trapped, and then opens it by leaning directly over it.
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Xiao Xingchen is in the coffin, and this time we know it's the real Xiao Xingchen because Wei Wuxian has a flashback about him. 
A-Qing somehow knows it's him in the coffin, despite being blind and not reaching in to touch him. She cries tears of blood because that is exactly how human tear ducts and eyeballs work.
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Since she's mute, Sizhui suggests using inquiry to talk to her. She's...alive? Does inquiry work on alive people? Whatever. Wei Wuxian says that Inquiry won’t help, and that he's going to use Empathy instead, because what this show needs right now is a two-episode-long flashback. Jin Ling objects, saying it's too dangerous, but Wei Wuxian says to STFU and let's get cracking.
Then he tells us about his favorite mango drink. At least, if you are watching on Viki, where some of the original ads are included with the episodes. The combination of an abrupt, somber episode ending, followed immediately by a cheerful in-character advertisement, is never not hilarious.
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Soundtrack: Stan by Eminem
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bafvkun · 5 months
I don’t understand how Seraph of the End isn’t more popular like I for real don’t. Especially when it has a character that is SOOOO similar to our king Gojo.
Y’all don’t realize how similar Gojo and Glenn are, apart from the fact they literally share the same VA. Their personalities are similar, their temperament and approach to things too. The only thing I can think of is that Glenn is more morally grey than Gojo ever will.
They have the same path in life, both of them went through the same shit.
(Pretty much spoiler free)
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When Gojo was born it was like God descended upon mortals, his clan as well as himself are placed on a special sit in the sorcerer world, he grew up so lonely and isolated. On the other hand Glenn is the opposite but the result is basically the same. He grew up in a clan that was always considered as inferior to others, at the very end of the rope, so he was always treated poorly and isolated.
They grew up as rather gloomy kids, which can be understood, and they both had crazy potential to become the lead of their own community, so the sorcerer world and humanity for each of them. But things changed when they entered high school.
Both of them got put into a new environment, with new people and new mentalities because the people around them weren’t sick adults that only judge by title but young people like the two of them that can still change their minds and be judgment free.
They will meet these new people and create bounds with them, slowly going from isolated kids to part of a group that could face hell together. These new friends they’ll make will be like a second family, they’ll find themselves developing and growing stronger in their company, and they’ll understand that this is what they always needed in the end.
But you know life is a bitch and things won’t go right, some will betray, some will die, they will face grief and moral dilemmas that will hurt them badly, traumatizing them even.
But life goes on after all and it will end up settling down, some time will go by (for Gojo just a matter of days/weeks and Glenn years) and they’ll take in a new student that is totally foreign to the world they’re taken in. From that they will treat them like younger brothers and educate them, instilling them everything they learned to be able to face the world.
Gojo like Glenn know the potential the two (Megumi and Yu) have and how much they’re gonna absolutely rock the world and they both prepare them to be able to face this. And the two of them will push their students to make friends and create a link, just like they did before.
And if you compare the beginning of both anime with the end of both first seasons Megumi like Yu opened up a whole lot thanks to their friends, they’re much more fulfilled and determined than they could ever have been without their mentor’s help to create bounds.
But unfortunately life is really just terrible to them and they’ll have to put their own students through trials they wanted to protect them from, but fate is just that much greater than us.
I think I’ll stop over sharing here but please please please JJK fans, give a chance to Seraph it’s so worth it and I’m having a blast analyzing the characters, there’s so much to say about them. (And I’m not even mentioning how these two are literally lady killers UGH)
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