#But I'm back :)
morkshark · 3 months
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chips ahoy
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iisabelinski · 1 year
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He-lloo! I know I haven’t posted any art in like — looks at her notes — a year?! More? 😅
Been chipping away at this in my free time, and it’s finally done! My favorite space couple dressed in space ponchos, probably having a tense conversation before shit hits the fan and they need to get down to business 🔫🔫🔫
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supernaturalfreewill · 6 months
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warnings: flirty!dean is a warning "Hey—the hell is the deal with this cabinet? It won't open? Is it locked or something?" He was tugging hard on the pulls but the doors wouldn't budge. "I don't even see a damn keyhole..."
"Oh, that's the one I was telling you about the other day. I found a Men of Letters file on it. The locks only let those in need open it. There's no physical key."
"Well, what the hell? How do I open it then?" Dean asked, giving you a frustrated look. "There could be something good in there."
You laughed and moved closer, staring at the unassuming mahogany cabinet. "It doesn't work like that, Dean. If you want to open it, be in need. I guess, fixate on something you need in your mind. Maybe it'll unlock."
"Hmm," he hummed, scratching his head thoughtfully. "Okay. Uhh..." He pulled his bottom lip in between his teeth and you giggled at the concentrated look on his face. He tried one of the cabinet pulls again and it clicked open.
"Oh my God!" you said excitedly. "You got it! What did you—"
He gave you a smile and pulled it open the rest of the way to reveal a huge bouquet of roses. Your jaw dropped open as he pulled them out and held them up to you. "I need you to forgive me for falling asleep during our movie night last night."
"Wow," you laughed, accepting the bouquet. "Very smooth."
"I thought so," he grinned.
You smelled the flowers again and shook your head at him. "Don't think you can use this to get you out of it every time you mess up! It's too easy!"
"Did you say easy?" he asked, looping his arms around your lower back and giving you another charming grin.
"Yeah, you are, Dean," you giggled.
"Only for you." He leaned in and kissed your neck, and all was forgiven.
Prompt: "The locks only let those in need open it. There's no physical key." / "Well, how do I open it then?" / "Be in need." A/N: This was cuuuuute halp
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cafecxonmilk · 1 year
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Amity + mixed martial arts
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IT'S AU MONTH AT @wolfstarmicrofic HELL YEAH
1st April: Summer Camp AU
(303 words)
"Oh, didn't you hear? The camp is haunted," Sirius says to the full, bustling cabin. It's enough to draw silence from the kids, much to Remus' surprise. Sirius' eyes meet Remus', before flicking in the direction of the light switch.
Ah. Right.
Remus starts moving slowly to the switch, as Sirius turns and keeps talking.
"Years and years ago, when the camp was still Camp Wild Lake, a camper refused to go to sleep after lights out in this very cabin, and went out in the dark. He ran off into the woods, and was never seen again. They say that, when he sees other kids about to make the same mistake as him, he makes sure that they'll never see the light of day again!"
On cue, Remus flicks the lights off, shrouding the boys in darkness, and a good few of them scream. He bites back a chuckle as his eyes adjust to the dark. Sirius is moving closer to the door. He grabs Remus' wrist on the way, sliding until their hands are intertwined. Remus tries to ignore the way it sends a jolt through his core.
"Goodnight, boys," Sirius says once, dramatically, before he and Remus are out the door, letting it shut behind them before Remus lets his laugh out, Sirius pulling him away quickly with a snort of his own.
"There, they won't bother us now," Sirius says with a devilish grin, and Remus arches an eyebrow.
"Huh. Why don't you want them to bother us, Black?" He asks innocently, waiting until Sirius turns to him. "What are you planning on getting up to?"
"Wouldn't you like to know?" Sirius asks with a wink, not missing a beat as he pulls Remus further from the cabin.
Remus really does want to know, and he hopes it includes him.
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comfortzonelol · 3 months
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Finally posting a gym pic (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)
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junkanimate · 9 months
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I'm back from the dead
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Can I get a tfa starscream x female cybertronian s/o who enjoys helping him with his plans and always comfort him when they don’t succeed
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Being TFA!Starscream's incredibly supportive girlfriend would include...
- Ride. or. Die. And honestly? You probably have almost died a few times standing up for Starscream. He is not particularly well liked among the 'cons, especially by Megatron himself, and it's a lot easier to shut him up when he feels alone. So when you have his side on an idea... oh, if looks could kill.
- And if you're honest with yourself... yeah, some of his plans are a little... out there? But you love that about him - you love his ambition. You love how hard he tries SO much, and he puts just as much effort into keeping you by his side as he does his other ambitions. 
- So yeah, he is JUST AS ride or die for you, which honestly surprises everyone??? They're so used to him being ready to stab anybody in the back to get what he wants, but, well, he's never wanted another person before. He even surprises himself sometimes, defending you and keeping you safe even when it doesn't benefit him. 
- And when his plans fail? By the All Spark, he is SO thankful to finally have someone who will listen. Not judge, not tell him to stop "whining", just let him get it out of his system, even if he's facing the consequences of his own actions. (That's just it though - by the time he's messed up, he's usually smart enough to have already realized that he made a mistake, and he doesn't need anybody else rubbing it in.)
- That said, he is... terminally bad at saying how much he appreciates you out loud, but as you stick with him he's slowly getting better at saying "Thank you." 
- Maybe someday soon, he'll level up to saying "I love you too."
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ladytabletop · 1 year
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Sometimes game design can be the silliest thing from reality tv
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im-secretly-a-frog · 5 months
I've seen a couple of posts about how sad Aziraphale would be when he realized that bread makes ducks sick, but nobody seem to think of Crowley. He would be absolutely devasted, and she would spend hours researching what ducks are supposed to eat and trying to tell people not to feed them bread.
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girlwithakiwi · 29 days
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all the ground beneath with tears and blood | chapter 15: in trouble of the heart
Chapters: 15/30 Fandom: Game of Thrones (TV) Rating: Mature Relationships: Jon Snow/Daenerys Targaryen, Minor or Background Relationship(s) Summary: Her hometown always is and will always be this: a small corner of the world that will not ever change. All secrets are stories and all stories must be shared. She decides that whatever is happening is curious but does not concern her, because whatever is happening will be nothing worthwhile. After all, nothing bad ever happens in Starfall. • Dany Dayne does not believe in monsters. She does not believe in witches or hunters or immortal creatures of the night. But when the enigmatic members of the Stark family arrive in Starfall and bodies drained of blood begin to mysteriously appear in the woods, everything that Dany has known about the world and about herself begins to unravel. And to add to her troubles, the answer to everything may lie with the most mysterious and troubled member of the family, a man running away from the ghosts of his past and the chaos of his future… …Jon Snow.
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thsc-confessions · 8 months
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"this fandom is what got me into reading fanfics" submitted by @cyancatart
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purkkapallo · 7 months
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Hey ✨ how's everybody doing?
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temilyrights · 2 years
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Alex Blake in 8x04 “God Complex”
"just answer the question!"
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nuppu-nuppu · 2 years
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izuku warm up
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potledom · 4 months
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EVERY ANTM PHOTOSHOOT (IN NO SPECIFIC ORDER): [2/3]. 24.04 - American Horror Story in a Haunted Mansion Jeana Turner, Kyla Coleman, Shanice Carroll, & Sandra Shehab
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