#Before she met murdoc
gorillaxyz · 2 months
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here... have some songs that relate to murbat in some way
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2D, Murdoc, Noodle , Russel - Relationship Headcanon
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warning : implied drinking&smoking, fluff, hurt/comfort, no use of Y/n, reader is gender neutral
Info : I came back with Cracker Island into the lore and I love the four with all my heart so here have a little something. Have fun reading ;)
Murdoc :
°The band founder himself is someone who either disappears after a one night stand or stays with you forever (of course if there's a chance of breakfast and alcohol he'll always stay anyway)
°Even if you don't believe it, he's a great romantic and love maker. Especially intimacy is a way for him to show love when it's not playing his guitar. That this closeness to his body means more to him than it seems he only feels safe with his beloved when you look at his past is a step forward.
°Because his past also haunts him from time to time, especially on bad days when everything seems hopeless, but it is the moments when he appreciates his loved one the most, when he feels the arms around him and the embrace before.
°Private concerts for his partner are a must, no matter if the other three are "forced" into it or not, his sweetheart deserves the best.
°Insists that during the cult time his hot flame is the chosen one. ,,Our Holy Pink Flame!" he had shouted through the street with a megaphone as his favorite walked beside him wrapped in pink.
°But even when he wasn't trying to escape from death, the devil, Bruce Willis or others, he tried to shed this "bad" side, to put away the alcohol, not to smoke and not to be violent, all for his darling.
°In the free time he has besides the band, he also likes to play tennis and dederball with his lover, which he is impressively good at.
2-D :
°Roller skate dates are a must on a sunny day or when you are at the beach. He will hold the hand of his bunny the wide smile on his lips nothing but love and joy.
°Zombie movies even though he is always a little scared are somehow his favorite movies and on movie nights when they both have time together he loves to watch them.
°Of course, small private concerts are a must when he has given his heart to someone.
°2-D loves to watch his bunny with a gentle smile on his lips while he puts his love for them into song lyrics. Whether it's just a little insider between you or your whole being 2-D builds it in.
°But besides the lyrics the others casually perform with him, he teaches his heart to play the guitar and piano. Gently guiding his darling and rewarding them with kisses.
°But of course tea time must not be neglected and if his partner is not from England he explains the importance of tea and especially peppermint tea for breakfast.
°But even in the darker moments when he has been beaten by Murdoc, injured again or something else happens to him, he is most grateful that his bunny takes care of him.
°His heart tries to help him with his painkiller problem, stays with him, takes his hand and tries to wrestle through the pain by humming his songs.
°And trips on his motorcycle every now and then to a little cafe or music store just another outing for his love for his heart.
Noodle : 
°Noodle energetic, cute and friendly a companion she met at one of her many concerts. Her cherry blossom is everything to her and a way to experience love for the first time, not love for her "family" but love for a single person.
°The guitarist, like the others in the band, insists on giving private concerts. Sometimes together with the other three to show a nice overall picture but also more often alone, the guitar mixes with traditional Japanese sounds and it becomes a special experience.
°Noodle always tried to be cheerful and cheer up her darling when things were not going well. Whether it was playing the guitar, going on a date to dance in one of the many clubs or playing chess. She knows that her partner is there for her when she is not feeling well, especially once a month, but otherwise every day.
°She just loves to ask her cherry blossom and try to teach them to play the guitar. Whether on a children's instrument or her own with the right music and Noodle's gentle instructions and songs she sings along.
°Above all, the relationship between them only grows when they travel to Japan. The country she actually came from and tried to get closer to her inner side there. They immersed themselves in the culture together and had a wonderful time.
°From trying on kimonos, the traditional Kabuki theater or eating mochi on New Year's Day. There was a lot to do together and even more love to share. In a land of endless possibilities, there were always new things to see.
°Especially when they both come back, they make soba noodles, the guitarist's favorite food, for everyone in the kitchen.
°But there are also quiet moments together cuddling and hugging and taking care of the common pet: Noodle's beloved bonsai tree.
Russel :
°The band's drummer lost his heart to his cookie when he fell asleep somewhere and was woken up by the very person who stole his heart and drove away his demon.
°It was a meeting in the evening and he was talking about musk, he brought his love home just to get the number and from then on, boom, it just happened.
°A trip to an all you can eat buffet for breakfast followed by a visit to an instrument store and it was the perfect day for him and his partner.
°Because as it turned out, his cookie would love to be able to play an instrument and how could he say no. Which is why he promptly set about teaching his lover to play the drums.
°The two of them practiced together, alked, cuddled, gave each other rewarding kisses and ate cake that they had baked together.
°But even on the not-so-good days, when he thought about his dead friends, the demon or anything else that happened, he loved his sweetheart for always giving him a hug, a hand on his shoulder holding him and saying everything would be okay.
°It was a hold he needed all too often and was happy to get from his cookie, something he especially appreciated. Because no matter when, where or how, they were there for each other and that was what mattered.
°Even together or alone to help Russel, they would try to play ghost hunter and catch the demon. the main thing was that he could sleep peacefully but he usually did that without it when he was cuddling with his sweetheart.
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captain-lessship · 1 year
Gorillaz With A Motherly SO (And Random Songs That Make Me Think Of Them)
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She is a sort of care taker herself so when she met you, she felt understood. 
You two spend so much time together that falling in love was bound to happen. 
Old Married couple energy but Cool Old Married Couple
Loves your cooking and will not be shy about letting you know.
You and her are always clung to each other.
LOVES when you do her hair.
She loves you so much and feels like she’ll always be taken care of and in turn, will take care of you. Even when you are a actual old couple.
Kind of man to take knitting lessons with you. (He did)
Loves being doted on and doting on you.
Dream couple.
He is the cook and you’re the cleaner.
The only time Russel sings is when it’s in the kitchen with you while you’re doing dishes and he’s finishing dinner
You kiss his cheek as a sort of thank you.
Ace (I struggled here)-
Is surprised when you and him started dating.
Legit was that “I don’t know, I never thought I’d get this far.” Plankton meme (Heheh cause he’s green too, get it?)
You take care of him after he runs from his vandalism scenes, scraped knees, scratches on his arms and such.
Will sometimes take you for granted but the second you leave, he starts calling for you. (Poor boy)
Thinks he is the luckiest man on earth (and he is. Know your worth)
You make him a peppermint tea before he wakes up.
You just sit beside him and fiddle with his hair til he wakes up
He is pretty much your shadow. Always directly behind or beside you.
Is your number one helper. 
Pretty much your husband (on all levels except legal)
Writes you little love songs and will melt if you sing them with him
You’re his muse and he’s your artist.
Was avoidant about your disposition at the start but he warmed up to you after a many quiet car rides from when you came to pick his drunk self up.
He makes your coffee because he is not a morning person but by the time he gets done clanging around the Winnebagos kitchenette, you’re up.
You and him take the romance movie cliche tub bath while drinking wine. (He was down to bump uglies but he got distracted making bubble beards with you. His was the best, he doesn’t care what you say)
Will immediately think he’s fucked up if you use his actual name
You and him have the same vibe as that retiree couple on vacay 
Despite your differences, you and him are the best match for each other.
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poltergeistsoup · 16 days
I’m not too sure if you’ve done this before but have you thought about a AU for Siggy and Murdoc, They meet when they were kids?
I have thought about it and played with it, I just don’t do much with it cuz Siggy is 5 years younger so it’s juuuust enough to not be able to do much with them when they’re younger. Also Siggy had to meet him when he’s old and slightly more domesticated cuz she wouldn’t put up with him if she met him any earlier.
But if they did meet as kids, she’d play too rough with him but fight anyone who’s mean to him.
Siggy is not particularly physically strong now but as a kid she was the tallest girl in her class and therefore had a size advantage. She would have flung him around like a rag doll
They’d make “potions” behind the school together with mud and leaves
Their meeting would have gone something like: “why are you green? That’s weird. Wanna see me do a cartwheel? *tries and falls over*”
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why does noodle have so many scars on her face and who do I need to scar for rest of There life's?
( I'm not angry I'm just FURIOUS )
the good news is that you get to be furious at my favorite thing to be angry about, the government !
lets get to know dynaswap noodle :>
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in this instance, what was swapped between her and russel were their ages ! russel is our bright 8 year old boy when he first met the rest of the band, and noodle was only barely in her 20s.
what this means for her is that she'd lived her childhood, her teenage years, and the very cusp of her adulthood as a tool for the government. raised as a killing machine and forced to act on it.
the scars on her body are the memories of a hard life and a stolen childhood.
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in the end, she escaped because her program was on the cusp of being caught. not wanting a potentially international incident, they'd wanted to cut their losses by simply killing the children they'd ruined and pretending it never happened.
she ran, and in her escape he'd found herself wandering the streets of england.
it'd been total chance that she'd happened upon a poster advertising for the role of guitarist in a little two-person band known as the Gorillaz. she'd never played a guitar before, but she saw this as a sign from the universe. -besides, she's a fast learner
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while her origin was dark, she is anything but ! she absolutely delights in this chance at a second life, a Real life. wishing to live life to the fullest and find everything it has to offers. a sweetheart, a gifted artist, a scarred soul desperate for the chance she never thought she'd get to have.
as such, this band means everything to her, no matter how broken it may be. it's the only family she's ever known, the only true life she's ever gotten to live.
she watches over russel as a big sibling he's never had, taking care of him and nurturing his potential in every way she can
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likewise, she sees much of herself in murdoc, a sort of father figure (even if he's less stable than her at times). her scars run deep, and with them come an anger and confusion that she often doesn't know what to do with. but she's determined to find her way, and find it with her family.
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... even if she happens to butt heads with them, or more accurate have her head butt into.
most people butt heads with stu, but he's still a part of her family. he may be a slave to his emotions (and unable to filter a single thought in his head), at the core of everything he Means well. he doesn't Want to hurt anyone, he just doesn't know how to control himself anymore. something she can Also see herself in.
she wouldn't be here in her new life if it wasn't for him, and so she reaches out no matter how prickly he may be. sometimes she gets pricked for her efforts, and sometimes she makes her way through.
besides, both of her stinky boys adore russel, would never show him the teeth they gnaw on each other with. and that means something.
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... of course, this all raises the question of how she's able to perform, if she's supposed to be on the run from the japanese government. and that would be her mask !
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she actually has many of them ! she wears them while performing, for promotional material, and while out of the house ! though her main one is derivative of her first mask, the uniform she'd worn once upon a time.
of course, her Favorite mask is the one russel made for her
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this makes her very mysterious in the eyes of the fans, and quite androgynous too ! unintentionally so, At First.
living the kind of life that she did before, her gender had never mattered to her, and it really doesn't now either. when she's asked what gender she is, she simply doesn't answer.
and in the end, she figures that she's nonbinary ! or perhaps agender. or perhaps the label doesn't matter, as long as she knows who she is. of course, she still uses she/her, and why shouldn't she? they're perfectly good pronouns to have.
and yes, she likes girls
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if you'd like to see more of noodle, and more of this au as a whole, please feel free to check out my full au guide ! laying out everything the au has to offer in story order [Link]
and of course, I have a guide for canon gorillaz here [Link]
and feel free to talk to me about this au ^^ I always enjoy it @internetcartoon
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lunatic-pudge · 10 months
Hello!! I'm new~ I can order 2d headcanons and noddles (noddles kid, but she sees o/s as her older sister) with her o/s comforting them by making them lay their head on her lap while o/s hugs, caresses, kisses and tells them everything will be okay
Here you go! I kinda died, but I'm back and ready to cause chaos! :D
Comforting Noodle
• It started off as a nightmare
• A weird blur of fuzzy memories that Noodle couldn't quite describe
• Scientist, weapons, other children, and the screams
• Oh how the screams echoed deep within her
• It was so hard to make out the full details of everything
• It was going by so quick
• But it also felt like it was going by so agonizingly slow
• It all just seemed so overwhelming
• But then something started changing
• A comforting shake, a gentle warmth was near
• Noodle woke in a cold sweat, tears welling in her eyes
• Looking up she saw them, eyes filled with concern and a frown adorning their face
• "Are you okay, Noodle?"
• Those words brought Noodle to tears, sobbing gentle as they pull her into a hug
• One hand on the back of her head and the other rubbed up and down on her back, they let Noodle get everything out
• Incoherent words that were interrupted by her sobs
• Noodle felt safe in their arms
• She always did when they held her
• Noodle had always looked up to them as an older sister
• They were the one who went above and beyond to understand and help Noodle when she came to Kong Studios
• They were the one who would protect Noodle from dealing with Murdoc's druken rage
• Or seeing the constant drug and alcohol abuse that was rampant between Murdoc and 2D
• They were the one who always made sure Noodle had clean clothes to wear, fresh food to eat, a room to feel safe in, and someone there to comfort her when things weren't great
• With a gentle kiss to the top of her head, Noodle looked up at them
• Tears now finished flowing
• "Thank you (y/n). I just don't understand why I keep having these nightmares. They won't go away"
• "Oh, Noodle, it's going to be okay. We'll work through this together."
• They hugged Noodle a little tighter, making sure she was okay
• Noodle smiled, no matter how bad the nightmares got, she knew they were there to keep her safe
• Her dear older sister
(More) 2D Headcanons
• Man has the COOLEST horror movie-esque collection EVER
• We're talking about rare copies of movies, signatures, actual horror movie props, ect.
• He's always going to horror cons to meet his favorite actors
• Is always looking for horror recommendations
• I can also seeing him being an urbex (urban exploration) type of person
• He has albums from his explorations
• It probably gives him horror movie vibes
• If he has an S/O, he'd want them to go with him
• If they say no, he'd be sad but very accepting of their decisions
• I know that all virtual singers live in the same universe but HYPOTHETICALLY (plz hear me out) let's say that Vocaloid was also same for them as it is for us (the cds with the voicebanks instead of them being actual idols/people). I can see 2D having a copy of Vocaloid and Miku's voicebank. He wouldn't publish any songs with her but he def has fun using her to sing his favorite songs and Gorillaz songs
• BUT NOW IF WE MAKE THE VOCALOIDS ACTUAL PEOPLE, he's gone to a bunch of concerts, has met the Legend herself, got her autograph on his forehead, and def kept in contact with her. Murdoc aggressivley refuses to let Miku collab with them (he just doesn't wanna admit that he's a Miku fan)
• Don't know if I said it before, but he has def tried to play all sorts of instruments. Let's just say he's forbidden to be even in the same room with a violin
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ysbrydthespoop · 1 year
Gorillaz Headcanons Part 2
Whoever uses the kettle first when everyone's up is usually asked to make tea or coffee by everyone else.
Russel is now in his "old man era," as he calls it, and has gotten into gardening. He finds it relaxing and calming.
Murdoc is not allowed anywhere near the garden unsupervised because his new hobby that he finds calming is arson.
All four members are obsessed/fixated on specific things. At home, their decor is a choatic, clashing mishmash of all of them.
Now that his eyes have turned white, 2D has tried wearing contact lenses to make his eyes look more normal. Murdoc hates it. It creeps him the fuck out and he thinks they make 2D look like a giant, haunted, possessed doll
But 2D loves it. Before, if he wanted to go out without being recognised, it was impossible without wearing giant sunglasses on his face. Now, it's much easier to blend into a crowd.
Russel and Noodle can kind of see where Murdoc's coming from. But they love seeing Murdoc freaked out, so they tell 2D they looks great.
2D really loves those fluffy hoodie things. He has a whole collection of them now but his first one, he bought the second he saw an advert for them. And, of course, it existed in his wardrobe for one day before it went missing. Instead of just looking for the hoodie itself, he immediately went to find Noodle.
Murdoc steals his hoodies too. It's not uncommon to find him wearing one while passed out drunk.
And Ace did, after living with them for a while. It kind of made him feel like one of the family when he realised 2D didn’t mind.
In the Gorillaz Universe. The Powerpuff Girls is a TV show, just like it is in this one. Noodle grew up loving this show. It was hard not to have a fan girl moment when she met Ace in person.
Noodle met Ace way before he became Murdoc's temp replacement. She met him all the way back in 2002 when the boys decided to suprise her (and give her a break from how chaoticaly dysfunctional things were at the time) by taking her to the premier of the Powerpuff Girls Movie. She got to meet the entire cast that day, and she still remembers it to be one of the best days of her life.
Ace relates because to 2D, Murdoc and Russel a lot when it comes to Noodle because he has a similar relationship with Jen, Liz, and Tara. The kids who played Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup in the Powerpuff Girls. They're like little sisters to him, and he's still in contact with all three of them.
After Ace left Gorillaz, he realised he missed being in a band and formed one of his own. One of the band's members is Liz. The girl who formerly played Buttercup.
When tabloids and gossip magazines started speculating that Ace and Noodle were dating, Ace couldn't help but feel a little bit uncomfortable. He knows he only knew her as a kid briefly, but he can't get that image of her out of his head. Noodle, on the other hand, was just glad these fuckwits weren't trying to tell people she was going out with 2D again.
2D hates these magazines and the press in general with a fiery burning passion for this very reason.
The closest thing Noodle has ever had to grandparents are 2D's parents. He would bring her with him to visit them when she was a kid, and now she sees and talks to them just as much he does. They adore her. Always phoning and checking in on her and, if they can't give them to her in person, they always send presents for her birthday and Chrismas.
In the last one, I touched up on Noodle's vibe checking, but I didn't mention what happens if Noodle finds out the person 2D's dating is dangerous. If she does, she'll immediately show 2D the evidence, make him promise he'll never contact them again, and then go beat the absolute crap out of them.
NO ONE hurts 2D. She's protective of all three of the men who raised her. Even Murdoc. But she's the most protective of 2D, by far, because he's always been the most vulnerable and the least likely to fight back.
Even when she was a kid, she made it very clear that anyone who put a hand on 2D got beat up. Murdoc learned this the hard way.
She's protective of each of them in her own unique way. She's strives to protect 2D from the people who could hurt him and take advantage of him. Russel from the things he can see and his mental health and Murdoc just from himself.
2D's had his drink spiked several times before, and it's never ended well. For the person who spiked him. Noodle, Russel, Murdoc, and Ace are all banned from at least one of the various bars and nightclubs these incidents took place in. Even Murdoc bottled someone over the head when he caught them doing it.
When Noodle became fluent in English, Russel and 2D made her go to whatever youth groups they could think of so she could spend time with other kids and not be so isolated.
Growing up, 2D's advice to Noodle was, "Whatever advice Murdoc gives you, don't take it."
When Noodle was a kid, Russel sought about hiring her a private tutor to teach her English and give her a general education. The teacher they hired thaugt her up the El Maniana incident and her disappearance. Over time, this man would become a good friend to the band, but it took years for Murdoc to trust him. When he came over to tutor Noodle, Murdoc would sit in on his lessons. He'd keep himself busy. Reading newspapers, writing songs, but always keeping the two of them in his sight, and never leaving him alone with her. He never gave a reason as to why.
When Del was still around, he'd show himself to the doctors the others made Russel go to, to prove Russel wasn't crazy.
There have been times in the past when Russel purposfly distanced himself from Noodle because he didn't want her to see him in his worst moments. As an adult, she understands now why he did that, but she'd be lying if she said it didn't hurt.
Even though Russel would push away more than he accepted help. 2D did manage to support him through some of his lowest points. Didn't really have solutions. He didn't know what he could say to make this better. He just listened and reassured him it was going to be alright. He isn't really sure how much he actually helped but it means more to Russel than he could ever know.
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alicedash2 · 1 year
( part 2/?)
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Everything was going very well, the work, available time and a sufficient financial life
But what he didn't expect was that soon YN would meet someone else.
As 2D said goodbye, the day was already very good for the big fan, YN finished her shift, it was already getting dark and YN was responsible for closing the cafeteria, after closing and starting to walk the path to her house, YN was suspicious, the street was less crowded, practically empty of people and darker than usual
YN decided to walk a little faster, doing this, she realizes that there were some steps behind her that also accelerated, she turns her face and realizes that she was, being followed, by fright, the survival mode active and YN decides to run, but , straight to her house, which was not a good idea, as the stalker would know where she lived
YN wouldn't just run away
Upon entering, she takes a 38 caliber that was on the counter, when she takes it, YN thinks of taking it with her to work, for occasions like this
Okay, done that, YN leaves and begins the search for the stalker, who was now being chased by YN
- I'm not going to just run away and let him just do what he wants.- said the young woman, walking through the streets of the block, what made it difficult was not knowing exactly who it was, but even so the young woman didn't give up, until finally the find
But how?
It was the pursuer's reaction, he was startled to see that the young woman was armed, and, remember when you said that there was practically no one there? So!
And it started, the two quickly began to run, this race was long
- you do not escape! - Said the young woman, ready to start shooting, but soon, there was a "click" in her head.
" Does not make sense "
Thought, she stopped slowly
- that's enough, I don't need to kill anyone -
She said to herself, but soon she heard a
-hey- YN gets a slight jolt of reality
- that voice... It's very similar to Murdoc... well, it must be just a pervert -
- well, time to go home, I've done what I should have done -
YN patiently goes home to listen to her night songs before going to sleep.
And yes, it was Murdoc, upon hearing from 2D that he met a nice fan, but, it wasn't to pique interest in Murdoc, but, it so happened, Murdoc had asked where he met her, and 2D said, thinking it would come to nothing, though, it was just a singer-to-fan meeting
Murdoc enters the studio, tired and extremely scared and angry.
- that bitch!...- he complained
2D listened but didn't say anything, he knew what it was about
- what did you do, Murdoc? Russell approached.
- does not matter! - Murdoc was completely embarrassed, remembering the female figure running after him, ready to kill him, made him realize that he can't have exactly everything he wants
"That bitch scared me as fuck," Murdoc would say.
Until he realized
- this is very interesting!
- I will bring her here - Murdoc announced, having the attention of the blue haired boy
- you won't - Russell protested
- she only insisted on defending herself, you piece of shit - Russell said
- believe me, she will be a good lever here - Murdoc said with a devilish smile
- well...- 2D spoke, having Russell and Murdoc's attention
- will you agree with him?! Don't you remember how he got us into the band?! And if she digs herself hurt?- Russell spoke
- she'll be fine, she can be Noodle's friend, Noodle already knows her- 2D spoke
Russell looks at Murdoc, who just smiles at Russell
- I don't care, do what you want, you know the consequences -
Noodle arrives, smiling as usual, just seeing the situation and not understanding anything, 2D strokes Noodle's dark hair
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The Ultimate Psych Fic Rec List
Ft. 49 of the best Psych fics (imo) >>>
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Especially since no one knows where he is.
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Judas In My Mind by PineappleHead
MacGyver/Psych crossover
Murdoc is looking for a new recruit for HIT. Shawn has all the necessary skills. Neither of them could foresee where their crossed paths would lead them.
"What have I become? Now that I've betrayed everyone I've ever loved, and pushed them all away? And I have been a slave to the Judas in my mind. Is there something left of me to save in the wreckage of my life? I'm becoming Judas in my mind..." -------Fozzy
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Wednesday, March 3rd Of 2010 by lapsus_calami
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like a comet pulled from orbit by torigates
Shawn is good at half-truths.
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Familiarity by sebviathan
AKA the four times Shawn and Lassiter met before they actually met, and when it finally came together.
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Not to sound smug, but this had been a brilliant idea on Shawn’s part.
But then Shawn wakes up in an alley early the next morning, covered in cuts and bruises, miles away from the club and her apartment, with no memory as to how she got there.
For the first time Shawn finds herself on the other side of the thin blue line, not as a suspect, but as a victim.
And Shawn is scared.
And Shawn thinks she preferred being the suspect.
Little Murder in the Big Woods by Anonymous
A totally harmless lie gets Shawn involved with Gus' work retreat... and MURDER.
To be fair, he'd probably be getting a front row seat to a murder somewhere whether or not he decided to pose as Gus' live-in partner in order to spend a weekend camping trip distracting him from team-building exercises.
Shawn Spencer: The Ultimate Reference by sottovoce81
Shawn Spencer was the ultimate reference. He was the go-to guy for a quick reference when the Winchesters were in need of something.
Burton Guster Gets Salty by Emachinescat
“Run! Don’t look back!” That’s what Shawn says to Gus as they run for their lives from a killer with a gun. But Gus does look back – just in time to see his best friend go down with the crack of the pistol.
Shawn Spencer is Nobody's Agatha by huckleberryzenon
After the disaster that is Lindsay Leiken, the FBI decides it's time to begin psychological evaluations of all the psychics who consult with law enforcement, starting with one Shawn Spencer. Shawn's confident he'll pass with flying colors, but what if the danger isn't in getting found out, but the person administering the test?
Another thing they'll never talk about by rosey_angel
He’s decided it. This is going to happen. Everyone at school is talking about weddings because Casey McClintock's mom is getting married and ever since then he’s been over the moon. Because he decided. He’s going to marry Shawn Spencer.
Thinking over the secret moments in their past, Gus can't hide his feelings about or for Shawn any longer.
Psy vs. Psy in the Sky (And Right Back Down Again) by Emachinescat
After being taken hostage by fake psychic Lindsay Leikin, Shawn finds himself tied up and on an unplanned skydiving adventure.
Thanks For the Memories (Or Lack of Them) by EclipseWing
They tell you that your name is Shawn Spencer. They tell you that you are thirty-three and that you live in Santa Barbara, California.
They don't tell you that you're meant to be psychic.
Fro-Yo? More Like Fro-No! by Emachinescat
No matter how angry he was, Gus would never hurt his best friend - not intentionally, at least.
But the hard truth was that intentions wouldn’t matter if Shawn ended up frozen to death in some ditch in Canada. Either way, it would be Gus’s fault.
Either way, he would have killed his best friend.
how you try by disastermovie
Gus always knew Shawn would come back to Santa Barbara. He didn't know when or in what state, but he always knew that one day, he'd find his best friend back on his doorstep, grinning like nothing had changed. That's just how Shawn is. And Gus would welcome him back because that's just what their friendship is. No matter how many years pass, no matter what shenanigans Shawn drags him into, they'll always be best friends.
That doesn't mean he has any idea what to do with a baby.
The Joker and the King by Castlewood_Bard
Shawn and Gus in a royal AU. That's all you really need to know.
Two Dead Guys, a Girl, and a Psychic by moondragon23
Life is great for Shawn Spencer. He has a cool job, a smart, beautiful girlfriend, and gets to hang with his best friend all day. What more could a guy want? When he gets his next two cases, a dead chemistry professor and a girl looking for her father, it looks like business as usual. Too bad things never go that simply when Shawn is involved.
I've Heard It One Way by NephilimEQ
Shawn Spencer just got his appendix removed...and, at the same time, he's just found out that he has another problem. But he's not going to tell anyone. Until, one day, head detective Carlton Lassiter finds out his secret. Will this bring them closer together or ruin their friendship forever?
A Tale as Old as Vegas, Baby by burglebezzlement
Gus would like to believe there's no way Shawn's been hiding their secret Vegas marriage for five years. Unfortunately, the marriage license with their signatures on it and the photograph of the two of them smooching in front of Elvis say otherwise.
Shawn Spencer and the Fate of the Furious by huckleberryzenon
an AU to Season 4, Episode 9: "Shawn Takes a Shot in the Dark." Rollins has a few tricks up his sleeve after his arrest, post Shawn's dramatic car-hopping rescue.
Shafted by MusicalLuna1
Only Shawn could injure himself whilst searching a cordoned off building with a faction of S.B.P.D. officers. Shameless Shawn whumpage.
GHOST TOWN by Vindicata
What are the chances of a guy on a Norton motorcycle running into a guy in a ‘67 Impala as they each crisscross the country? Pretty damn high.
"You're awfully perky for a guy who was just freaking out a couple of minutes ago."
"And you're awfully bitchy for a guy who just had his life save by a courageous bystander with fantastic hair"
“Time to roast a ghost?”
“Couldn’t have said it better myself.”
Handlebars by Vindicata
Everyone thinks Shawn needs Gus and the SBPD to investigate.
They were wrong.
When Shawn works around the system to hide a case he’s working on, the secret might just blow up in his face... or show truly capable he is to the people who always underestimated him.
Guilt is a Funny Thing. Not in a “Haha” Way Though. by JenCM
“He called me, you know.” Henry choked out, distress obvious in his voice. “Kid…kid said he needed a ride. I told him to catch the bus.”
Carlton looked over, wondering if his exhausted eyes and ears were deceiving him. No, it wasn’t the fact that Henry Spencer was opening up to him, if he could call a random statement ‘opening up’ It wasn’t even the fact that the man looked him straight in the eye when he said it.
He scoffed with bitter amusement, “If it’s any consolation…” Carlton said with a sigh, “I told him he could walk home.”
Henry didn’t seem surprised at the revelation. He broke eye contact, his gaze falling back on Shawn, motionless in the hospital bed.
“Guess it goes to show that the kid still doesn’t listen to me.”
The only sound that followed was the hissing of the ventilation machine, and the beeping of the monitors. Nothing else needed to be said.
When Shawn ends up in a completely preventable situation that leaves him worse for wear, his father and Lassiter take a one-way trip to Guiltina while Gus tries to sell a ‘slightly used’ Lazy Boy and Juliet is just caught in the middle of the mess.
Phone Tag by windscryer
A demon hunter and a fake psychic walk into a bar . . . oh wait, that was the LAST story. This is what happens after.
A series of episode tags for both Psych and Supernatural continuing the adventures of Shawn and Dean and Sam (and eventually Gus and the others too, maybe).
How Much is that Body in the Window? by ZedPM, DinerGuy
It started as a vacation in New York City for our favorite psychic and his best friend, but when the duo stumbles upon a body (literally) they’ll need to lend a hand to Castle and the rest of the gang to solve the case before they head back to California.
A Bitter Pill by Psychrulz
Everyone knows Shawn has a tendency to get distracted. When he misses a clue and a murderer almost gets away, Chief Vick has had enough. She orders Shawn to get help and fix the problem- or else. Naturally, nothing with Shawn is ever that simple. When the fix turns out to be worse than the problem, the lives of his entire team are put in danger.
The Tangled Web by Collegekid06
Who tried to kill Shawn?
Someone cut the brakes on Shawn's bike. Now he's in a coma, and Henry, Jules, Lassiter and Gus are trying to find out who did it.
We All Go A Little Crazy Sometimes.... by Collegekid06
Shawn voluntarily commits himself to a mental institution.
How will Henry react?
How will Gus react?
And will the doctors ever let him go?
My Dinner In Hell: Or, How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love A Good Steak by Collegekid06
Need I say more?
The Longest Day by LittleFairy
Shawn knows it's technically not really his fault. Lassiter thinks differently. Emphatically so.
But they have to make the best of the situation together, no matter who is to blame. Because the bad guys are on their way to Mexico, the other bad guys are after them, they're in the middle of nowhere, and somehow they have ended up...cuffed together.
It's just one of those days.
Shawn and the Friendly Neighborhood Stalker by laytoncolt
It's another case that no one else believes a case, and Shawn would be figuring it all out a lot quicker if didn't have to deal with a break-in and a stalker, that may or may not be related.
The Dah Ling Store It Yourself by Nixa Jane
The bad news is that one of Lassiter's highest profile arrests has just escaped from prison. The worse news is that his best hope of tracking him down is a sleep-deprived Shawn Spencer.
The Pharmaceutical Psychic by Tardisgater
Being captured by a mad scientist is almost expected by this point. The mad scientist's experiments actually working is a whole 'nother thing. It's time to shake up the status quo.
You Have the Right to Remain...Dead by MusicalLuna
When an officer is murdered late one night while on duty, Karen forbids Shawn from getting involved, afraid he won't take the case as seriously as he should.
But since when has a little thing like being banned from a case stopped Shawn Spencer?
I'm Okay by light at last
The day that Shawn is supposed to graduate is the first time he manages to actually fool his dad. It will remain one of few.
Identification by veggiewoppa
Hitchhiking in the rain = bad idea
Getting a ride from a homical maniac = worse idea
Stopping for the night in a motel full of potential victims = Worst idea in the history of bad ideas
The Boy in Blue by Collegekid06
Shawn's nightmares all come true when he finally ends up at the police academy...and it's not by choice.
The Evidence Lock-Up by InsaneTrollLogic
All contents part of case 10329QXT—The Disappearance of Shawn H. Spencer. Property of the Santa Barbra Police Department.
Bouncing Around by PurpleMoon3
Cas finds God.
Note: I tossed around for a while deciding whether to include this because I had no idea what was happening in it 99% of the time, but it made such a strong impression that it would be criminal not to
Aquatic Equestrianism by trascendenza
The one where they're mermen, because clearly my brain is a weird place. "You are outta your damn mind if you think that dolphin wants to be ridden."
The Pilot of My Roflcopter by trascendenza
The one where Shawn talks like a lolcat to seduce Gus.
Molasses in January by trascendenza
The one where they're, um, snails.
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behindthewanderlust · 10 months
Noodle’s Gift
Characters - Noodle, Murdoc, Russel, 2D
Summary - It’s Murdoc’s birthday and all he wants is to get the day over with. It’s a good thing Noodle’s a good kid
Word Count - 1,284
Warnings - Everyone is OOC (sorry), Murdoc wallowing in his own sadness, this is ooold
A/N - A really bad fic I wrote last year😭 I gladly welcome constructive criticism! Anything that’ll help me improve :)
The sun shining through the window awoke Murdoc. He did his best to avoid it by rolling over, but the stubborn sunlight kept invading his room. Accepting defeat, he grumbled as he kicked his sheets off and got out of bed. Murdoc started to make his way to the bathroom, each step reminding him of what day it was.
His face naturally twisted into the usual scowl it always carries. Birthdays had never been great for Murdoc. As a kid, all he wanted was a nice birthday party. As an adult, he couldn’t care less about the day.
His scowl grew deeper as he remembered the pencil his father got him for his eleventh birthday.
Fucking Sebastian, he thought, couldn’t have at least pretended to care for a second and get me something I didn’t already have.
Sharp rattles were suddenly heard on the door and Russel’s deep voice was heard. “‘D and I made breakfast, you should come eat.”
“Fine,” Murdoc grumbled, “I’ll be down in a minute.”
Russel’s feet shuffled away while Murdoc quickly put his pants on and made his way to the kitchen, wanting to get breakfast over with so he could come back to his room and be miserable.
Breakfast was quiet. 2D and Russ tried to celebrate Murdoc’s birthday back in ‘98, but were met with his shouts and curses, so they never uttered a word about his birthday since. Russel had shared what had happened to Noodle, who never mentioned his birthday, heeding Russel’s warning. This year was different. Noodle was stubborn. Some may say she was too stubborn.
Noodle scarfed down her breakfast despite multiple warnings from Russel and 2D. She didn’t bother listening though. She was excited! She took another bite of food and prepared to speak with her mouth full before she was interrupted by heavy coughs.
Russel, who was closest to her, immediately began patting her back to get her to stop choking.
“Now I don’t know how many times we told you to slow down while you eat,” Russel gently scolded once she stopped choking, “slow down and stop eating like an animal!”
“Sorry, Russ!” she began, “I just-”
“We don’t know what we’d do if this turned into something serious!” 2D jokes, not meaning to interrupt.
“Sorry, I just-“ interrupted again.
“I don’t know any of that CPR stuff, love, Dents here would’ve had to revive ya, and I don’t think any of us would like that,” Murdoc half joked.
“You gotta start listening to us when we tell you things! We don’t nag just to nag, y’know,” Russel continued.
Noodle internally groaned. Today is her day to make Murdoc feel nice! And here they are, fussing over her.
“Sorry,” she finally managed to say, “I’m just excited.”
2D was the first to speak up, “about what?”
“You’ll see!”
Breakfast continued to be uneventful, with the boys sneaking glances at Noodle to make sure she ate slowly.
2D had offered to wash the dishes, and began collecting them to put in the sink. Noodle beamed, she could finally do what she wanted to do! With a quick, be right back!, she darted to her room. She gently collected her gifts for Murdoc and walked back to the kitchen.
“Surprise! Happy birthday!” she shrieked, setting her gifts on the table in front of Murdoc, who looked at her in shock. A small red velvet cake, a birthday card with crudely drawn art of the members on the front, and a green balloon sat in front of him. He sat there in shock, not knowing what to do with himself. He had never seen that many birthday gifts before, and he never thought he’d see so many presents addressed to him.
“…do you like it?” she squeaked out.
Murdoc had gone quiet since she walked back in the kitchen. Noodle began to second guess this decision, but a soft hug from Murdoc killed those thoughts.
“…I appreciate this, Noodle,” he managed to get out. He ruffled her hair and frowned, “didn’t have to get me anything, though.”
“I wanted to! I’ve never gotten you anything before,” she smiled.
At first, Russel and 2D were quiet. They were both worried Murdoc would react poorly to the gifts. Russel, relieved to see Murdoc hugging Noodle, broke his silence.
“Happy birthday, Murdoc. Hope it’s a good one.”
2D quietly stood and started to walk over the counter. Murdoc glanced over, suddenly remembering how he yelled at him and Russ the last time he tried to celebrate his birthday. Murdoc began to speak before 2D cut him off.
“I brought plates for the cake,” 2D began to nervously say, “happy birthday, Mudz.”
“Thanks Dents, you too, Russ.”
Noodle clasped her hands together, glad that her gift had been so well received. She quickly grabbed the knife to cut the cake, the fact that she should probably sing the ‘happy birthday’ song slipping her mind. She gave the first piece to the birthday boy, then Russel, 2D, and finally herself. The band enjoyed a nice and quiet moment while happily munching on their slices. Noodle occasionally looked up at Murdoc, curious to see if he was enjoying the cake as much as she was.
On the other end, Murdoc snuck glances at his bandmates (mostly Noodle). He’d never had a birthday celebration, he didn’t exactly know what to do. Still, he felt content. Something he hasn’t felt in a long time.
While eating their last bites, Noodle asked, “how do you feel?”
“The same as always, love.”
“But it’s your 39th! You really don’t feel anything? I’m gonna feel so grown-up when I turn 15 later this year! 15 is so different from 14, which feels even more different from 13.”
Her bandmates shared a laugh, much to her confusion.
“Once you get older, kid, each day feels like the last. 38 and 39 aren’t too different compared to 15 and 14,” Murdoc replied. Noodle nodded, not exactly liking the answer she got.
Finishing his slice of cake, Murdoc placed his plate in the sink.
“Right, I’m off to the showers,” he stated. 2D and Russel shared their plans while placing their plates in the sink. Noodle wasn’t finished though, and wanted to spend more time with everyone.
“Wanna watch a movie?” she asked, giving the three her best puppy dog eyes.
“I’ve got nothin’ better to do,” 2D shrugged, before turning his attention to dishes.
Russel smiled, “of course, Noodle, I’m always down to watch movies with you.”
Murdoc ruffled her hair once again. “I’ll be down once I finish showering, alright?”
Noodle nodded before rushing off to pick a movie.
Murdoc began the walk back to his room, balloon and birthday card clutched in hand. He slammed the door and locked it before collapsing on the floor. Broken sobs escaped his mouth, unable to stop the sounds by covering his mouth. He tried to wipe his tears but his eyes were like waterworks - no use at all. He stared at the balloon in his hand. He always wanted one as a kid. His father never let him have any normal kid things.
Murdoc remembered seeing a bunch of balloons at birthday parties on TV, and how his dad slapped him when he asked for one. All that didn’t matter though, he finally had one of his own! And it was all thanks to the kid he at first thought nothing of.
Murdoc glanced and the card Noodle gifted him. He didn’t know what he would do with that girl, but he did know one thing:
She would have the best 15th birthday ever.
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reikarimaaa · 6 months
:: Harami’s personal Murdoc headcanons dump ::
Harami’s hitch-notes humaNiA :
hey, it’s Harami!1! maybe I could try a consistent schedule… on my dumps I think. i like different styles, and i haven’t got one that i’d consistently stick to atm, so enjoy these experimental ones for now. okey? okey (also I accept requests, please im bored af) also there will always be a tiny bit of russdoc in my Russel/ Murdoc posts (just a little I swear)
// uh, cussing, talks of past rape and substance/ alcohol/ child abuse, slight nsfw, tiny bit of russdoc, and tampering with someone’s CGM which Harami absolutely does not condone! Also! Phase 1 centric, unless specified. //
Murdoc was the one that cut Noodle’s hair for the 5/4 video
Noodle was bribed to do so, and when she didn’t exactly like the hair no more, Murdoc bought Noodle her iconic helmet
(and a Walkman as a bonus, this was in one of my previous headcanon dumps)
as in one of my previous hc dumps, I have stated that Russel and Murdoc first met during their school days
and they interacted during a school collaboration, with the two pitted against eachother in tug-of-war, guess who won
sometimes when he’s had a nightmare of his past rape, he’ll either ask Russel to come to him
or attempt to sneakily enter the drummer’s bedroom and sleep near him instead and attempt to big spoon the big man and epically fail
and if Murdoc’s nightmare was too much, he’ll start crying and asking out for Russel
and when the drummer arrives, he tries to comfort the bassist and tell him to let it all out
the two cuddle with each other for the rest of the night, Murdoc burying his face into Russel’s chest, feeling his warm heartbeat
when D-Day happened, he was dangerously high on alcohol and the crash severely impacted the two
if Murdoc did finish another sip of wine before it happened, it’d be game over for the bassist before he achieved stardom
his relationship with Russel is quite an intimate yet secret one iykyk russdoc shippers, I see you
so when it’s just the two of them, they’ll get all lovey-dovey, but when they’re in public, they tone down the PDA as much as possible with some exceptions.. . Murdoc horny lol
Murdoc has attempted to claw at Russel’s CGM once, (this is explained in my Russel headcanon dump. also don’t do this! It’s dangerous!)
and he still apologizes to Russel about that until this day, even if the band has mostly forgotten about it.
during interviews that little Noodle is also in, he’d constitute cussing like shit for kid-friendly terms like shoeshine or fuck to fickle yes this is creative
due to his quite abusive childhood, he’ll try to act all tough before eventually cowering when someone of higher strength outwits him or worse
and whenever he gets into fights, Russel is there to fix his ‘boo-boo’s’ as he says, russel really is the dad here
whenever Murdoc’s head is pounding bad, he’d take an unhealthy amount of aspirin and painkillers
and he keeps some crack and weed stashed under one of the drawers in his Winnebago in case pain killers ain’t doing their job well enough
he once let Noodle paint the outsides of his Winnebago, never again
lots of bites, hickeys, kisses and licking when in bed and you end up smelling like alcohol and drugs the next morning even if you hadn’t done any of them
sometimes when Murdoc wants to get away from it all, he’ll bring either Noodle or Russel out for a night stroll
just to have a little bit of bonding together, stargazing, talking, whatever
Murdoc’s envious that the fans seem to be liking 2-D more than himself, so he regularly beats him up just to make him seem more ugly even if the end result isn’t exactly what he envisioned, he also just does it for the thrill
whenever either Russel or Murdoc wants to engage in sex but the other is too tired to do so, they usually settle for cock warming or intimate fondling
— hearts , Harami
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sugarlipsmcgee · 9 months
He wore an all black suit, one leg propped up on his knee and a faint knowing smile dancing in his eyes. Exceptionally groomed down to the last detail. He sipped easily on a glass of blood orange wine and looked around him at the gathering of strangers sitting at the outdoor café.
"He's one confidant S.O.B., that's for sure," Rossi said with a smirk.
"He thinks we can't touch him," said Hotch.
"Wanna prove him wrong?"
Hotch nodded curtly, then walked alongside Rossi, up to the table where the assassin sat.
Murdoc's ears picked up the sound of two synched footsteps traveling his direction from behind; he looked up from his glass before setting it aside. "David Rossi, Aaron Hotchner" he said. "Please," he gestured for the two empty seats opposite the table from him with an empty hand. "Take a seat gentlemen."
Hotch and Rossi glanced at each other, gauging how safe they would feel accepting the offer, but following the assassin's instructions all the same. They came around the table on either sides before taking their seats. Murdoc sat, amused while writing in a small notebook balanced on his knee.
"You seem calm, Murdoc, meeting us out in the open and all."
A smile slowly grew across Murdoc's handsome face, his pen swirling over the blank white paper. "You've done your research, Agent Rossi. It takes quite a bit of digging to produce as little as my name. Impressive." Finally looking up, he met eyes with Rossi and shrugged. "Of course it's not my real name. Though I'm not sure if something that old can be dug up. But if I have my details right… Penelope hasn't quite figured out how to find that yet."
Back in Quantico, Garcia's eyes widened as she watched on from her computer. "H-he knows my name," she stuttered. "H-how does he…"
Gently, Spencer hushed her, staring intently at the screen. Murdoc had chosen a table where only the faces of their coworkers were illuminated by the lights. Garcia had pulled up the real-time footage from a camera outside the café where the three men sat.
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420technoblazeit · 2 years
You know what? Please share the in-depth profiles, they sound intriguing.
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2D! also known as stu, dee, dents, or faceache. he's the prettyboy frontman. a little spacey and a bit of an oddball but altogether a sweetheart. he and murdoc met before everyone else when murdoc hit him with a car, fucked up his eye, and knocked him into a vegetative state.... and then a year later hit him again and fucked up the other eye. he tends to get wrapped up in murdoc's shit more often than the others because he's more trusting than them. anyway. he's my beloved
the green guy beside him is murdoc or mudz. he's a satanist and all around asshole bassist who'll do anything for fame and money. basically every problem in the lore starts with him. cannot go five seconds without committing some sort of crime i shit you not. there's a heart somewhere in that old man body. maybe. fuck if he's not entertaining to listen to though
and then there's noodle! mtv described her as the asian axe princess in the cribs episode they had years ago and that's a pretty fitting description tbh. she was mailed via fedex crate to kong studios without her memories when she was 10 and was raised to be a supersoldier. she can play a sick riff and kick your ass basically. she's also the most logical member of the band and reels everyone in when they get a little crazy. simultaneously the little sister and mom friend. wise as hell
last but not least is russel. he's the drummer and an expert on conspiracy theories and all things hip hop. a little paranoid but i would be too if i spent like half my life haunted by ghosts and demons. those are canon here btw. del's not around anymore but he was russel's best friend and during phase 1 he'd possess him every once in a while to drop sick rap verses. anyway he's super protective of 2d and noodle and considers them family. he's lovely. i think he should b able to kick murdoc's ass a little as a treat
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evilwickedme · 2 years
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[image description:
reply from @its-bread-bitch saying
I love murderdock and spider-Gwen! I don’t know if it’s possible for your fic since it kind of feels like a prompt itself but I absolutely adore fics where protagonist and antagonist meet somewhere casual on accident (like the grocery store or laundromat something) and just mutually agree not to start shit since their both “off duty” and just have a surreal oddly polite/casual conversation/interaction
/end image description]
so, uh, I wrote it
also on ao3
relationship: Matt Murdock & Gwen Stacy
tags: minor Matt Murdock/Foggy Nelson, earth-65, Matt Murderdock, vaguely canon compliant
human after all
Gwen had agreed to the movie night mostly so her dad would stop worrying after her as much. She didn't realize that it would be such a hassle.
"Dad," she said, trapping the phone between her shoulder and her cheek, "don't worry, okay? I'll be there in half an hour, max. I'm just getting some snacks because I know you - no, Dad, I do, and there's no way you have anything remotely sweet in the kitchen, and I'm not watching anything without my fix of popcorn and chocolate mix. Do you need milk? No, I won't ask you - yeah, I've got it covered, okay? Just - oh my God."
New York City is a lot smaller than people think. Sure, millions of people live here, and you're not going to get to know all of them. Often you'll never even learn the names of your downstairs neighbors. You share a living space and a school campus and a grocery store with dozens, hundreds, thousands of perfect strangers. But still, sometimes, coincidences happen. You run into a childhood friend at the bookstore. You rush to class and find out your second cousin just started going here too. You go to the closest supermarket to get some snacks for your father-daughter movie night and run into your deadly assassin nemesis.
Murderdock had the audacity to look calm and completely unsurprised. But then again, he could probably smell her from two blocks away. 
Or he just heard her babbling on the phone from the other aisle.
"Hey, Dad, I'll call you back, okay? Love you," she said, easing the phone from its precarious position and hanging up. She had her symbiote at the ready, waiting for any provocation. Murderdock lived nowhere near her and the shitty apartment she shared with most of the rest of the Mary Janes; what's he doing here?
"Hello there, Gwen," Murderdock said calmly. "What a pleasant surprise."
"Murdock," Gwen said through gritted teeth.
Before anything could escalate, however, DA Nelson appeared from around a corner and said, "Hey, Matt, do you prefer black olives or - oh, hello."
"Hello," Gwen said. She wracked her brain, trying to remember if she'd ever met the DA out of costume. Maybe once, a couple of years ago? She never took an interest in Dad's Cop Things before she became Spider Woman, and afterwards she was very careful to avoid Dad's Cop Things out of the mask. Or at least she tried to be.
"Oh, Gwen!" Nelson said, smiling brightly, putting the olives in a cart that she hadn't noticed was placed just behind Murdock. "It's been a while. Is your dad doing okay?"
Apparently they had met before, then. When her dad was in the hospital, maybe?
"Um," she said, trying to look only at Nelson and failing. "Yeah. I'm actually heading to his place after this."
"It's important to spend time with family," Nelson said. "It's been a while since I saw Captain Stacy, so make sure to say hi for me."
"Okay," Gwen said slowly. "Sorry, I hope you don't mind me asking, do you live in the area?"
"Oh, no," Foggy said vaguely. "Just stopping by."
"Right." Gwen was so very weirded out by this. Why was DA Nelson acting so chummy with the literal Kingpin? What were the two of them doing in this particular store? She had gotten ready for a confrontation with Murdock, but it seems like they genuinely were just... Shopping here.
She didn't understand why they're here together, but she was suddenly confronted with the fact that Murdock truly was a person. Like, yes, he was a deadly assassin and probably a psychopath, but also he needed to eat to survive.
Gwen carefully walked past the two of them, then, and rounded the corner herself, stopping only when she thought she was a decent enough distance away that it seemed as though she was simply continuing her shopping, and definitely not eavesdropping, or peaking at them through a gap between cans of six different kinds of olives.
"Everything okay?" Nelson said in a worried tone. "You seem - "
"Everything's fine, Foggy," Murdock says curtly. "Let's just finish here and go home. I'm tired."
Home, Gwen mouthed. The word sounded so strange coming from Murdock, who she couldn't have imagined ever using a word like that in such a... warm tone. Foggy. So familiar. Like... She didn't know. Were they friends?
"Alright," Nelson said skeptically, but apparently deciding to drop it. "But we need some frozen pizza first."
"I'm not putting that in my body," Murdock said.
"You can pretend all you want," Nelson said, voice starting to fade as he pushed their cart further down the aisle and away from her, "but I know you're gonna steal a bite when I'm not looking."
"Lies," Murdock replied. "Lies and slander. I'm going to sue the district over this."
Was that... a joke?
Apparently yes, because Nelson's hearty laugh echoed through the store, so clearly genuine, so clearly affectionate.
They were out of eyesight now, although not out of earshot, especially not with her enhanced settings. Still, she'd heard enough.
She didn't understand. She didn't know how to feel about this.
But she also didn't think that this was the time to confront Murdock over this.
So she filed this information away, and took her groceries to the register.
"Sorry for hanging up earlier," she said, placing the groceries on the ground at the station. She didn't feel like swinging to her dad's right now, so she was going to use the subway for the first time in... A while. And yeah it was a little disgusting but she was tired and she needed to think about what she'd seen for a moment. "Yeah, just... Ran into someone unexpected. I'll be there as soon as possible. Love you too. Will update on ETA as soon as I'm on - yeah, exactly. Bye. Yep. Bye. Okay. Bye, Dad." She sighed as the call disconnected. Sometimes her Dad could be way too worried. She was Spider Woman, for God's sake. She'd be fine taking the damn subway.
"Funny running into you here," said a voice from behind her.
She didn't jump. She didn't. It was just... surprising, that her spidey-sense didn't warn her that Matt Murderdock had followed her into the subway.
"Same to you," she said, careful to keep calm. If her spidey-sense wasn't reacting, it probably meant that he wasn't looking for a fight.
"I didn't realize you shopped around Hell's Kitchen," Murdock said.
"Oh, um," Gwen said lamely. "I live only a couple of blocks over. And that supermarket carries a couple of my favorite brands, so - "
Why was she explaining herself to this man?
So she pivoted. "What were you doing there, anyway? And since when are you all chummy-chummy with the DA?"
"We were college roommates," Murdock said. What a... mundane explanation.
"That's actually." Murdock swallowed, as if uncomfortable with the topic. Then his expression hardened, and she knew that this was important, even if she didn't understand it. "He stays out of this. Do you understand?"
"I," Gwen stuttered.
His entire body radiated danger in that moment. This was important to him. She knew there was a sword in that cane of his. She knew he could slice her to pieces if she wasn't careful, if she wasn't quick. And yet, still, her spidey-sense was completely silent. Not a peep.
"Okay," she said. "I won't bother him. I swear. But..."
"But what?"
"Nothing," she replied. "Never mind."
He knew that she was lying, and she knew that right back. But this was a moment of understanding, too: Foggy Nelson was off limits. She wouldn't use him against Murdock. She didn't know exactly what their relationship was. Maybe he didn't either, from the way he said roommates, like it meant something else, like it was his lifeline. But she knew that even if Murdock was a terrible person, she wasn't. She'd respect this one line, for now.
"I guess I'll see you around," she said sarcastically.
He nodded once. "Until we meet again, Spider Woman."
The train roared as it pulled into the station, and Murdock was gone.
Next time they'd meet, they'll be on opposing sides. She'll do her best to defeat him, and he'll do his best to subdue her. But for now, she thought she might understand him just a little better.
Human after all.
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dasmores237 · 5 months
Woe, OC information be upon ye
Ight so, I've already posted a whole thing on my acc here that explains abt my OC Marilyn and her life in between the phases with her weird little family, but I don't think I ever explained her as a whole, so that's what I'm here to do for all the 3 people who care. (I see you there Astro and Boi. I love you both :3)
Name: Marilyn Mariana Niccals
Age: Depends on Phase
Height: 4'11
Sexuality: Omnisexual (female pref) and Ace
Hobbies: Painting, Reading, Overthinking
Music type: HipHop rock
Favorite Bands: Gorillaz (duh), Beastie Boys, B.I.G, Bootie Brown, 2Pac, Shit like that etc
Family Members: Murdoc Niccals (Bio father), Russel Hobbs (Uncle/Father figure), Noodle (Older sister/Aunt), and 2D (Uncle)
- Hispanic
- Very very protective over her small family
- Once told Russel he was her parental figure replacement since her mom dumped her and he cried inside
- Has met Del before (He still exists in this au bc screw you) and he's like her Chaotic uncle/Cousin that convinces her to do illegal stuff while Russel is asleep
- Russel taught her how to bake and she will make emotional support muffins at 3am for herself and other people
- Deathly afraid of animatronics and robots due to Plastic Beach’s Cyborg
- Craves physical affection like a drug for no reason but is too embarrassed and scared to ask so she'll just awkwardly sit next to you and slowly scoot closer and closer to you like a feral cat learning to trust
- Sucks at emotions and comforting people so if you're sad she'll avoid you for a few hours then you'll wake up to a small canvas painting of your favorite animal on your desk.
- Deeply cares about others in her own odd way
- Doesn't show much emotion to others but is very emotional and compassionate around immediate family
- Used to be very insecure about her body but eventually had a breakdown and gave up one night and quit caring
- Just like her dad in more ways than she should be
-Will insult you in ways you pray you never get again if you dare insult one of her family members
- Watches movies with 2D and Noodle and the three pretend to be film critics as a joke but every time it slowly turns into a french version of Gordon Ramsey
- Her and Murdoc gossip in Spanish with each other
- Used to simp for Rouge and Shadow as a child and Murdoc still refuses to let it go
- Will follow Russel and Noodle around everywhere like a puppy on some days for no reason other than she finds them "Cool" and "Comforting"
- Avid Garfield enjoyer
- Her, Noodle, and 2D will have dance parties for no reason
- Favorite album of her family's is Demon Days
- Picked up a lot of her dad's traits, such as: Overprotectiveness, Possesive behavior to those she loves, Anger issues and temper, stubborness, Over emotional, And is easy to hold grudges
- Russel and Del's biggest fan and strongest warrior
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asktherejectsau · 2 years
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🍊🎱 Exclusive interview with co-producer and songwriter of The Rejects, and former Gorillaz lead singer — Stuart “2-D” Pot 🎱🍊
Interviewer: Hi, 2-D. How‘ve you been holding up?
2-D: Mmm, alright now I think.
I: Oh, did something happen earlier?
2-D: Yeah, I was feeling a little peeved today since I spilled some raspberry tea on my good pair of pants this morning. They were pretty fancy too. Wish you could’ve seen ’em. They had these little hearts and stuff on ’em and they were really cute.
I: Oh. Well, uh, I’m sorry that happened—
2-D: I managed to throw ’em in the wash today. Hopefully, it’ll come out. But then I remembered my second best pair of pants, so I’m feeling pretty swell now. Plus I got some new tea to replace the one that was in my last cup. [sips from new coffee cup and sighs happily] This one’s jasmine tea. It’s really good. You wanna try some?
I: I-I’m good, thank you. Anyway, shall we—?
2-D: Oh, almost forgot. These are my new baggy flannel pants. I got ’em from a thrift store out in Holland one time and—
I: [clears throat]
2-D: O-Oh, right. The interview. [hums awkwardly while twiddling his thumbs] Sorry, I haven’t done one of these in a while.
I: It’s okay. We just need to get a move on. So, 2-D, aside from today, how have things been? You’ve been awfully quiet over the past few months since your departure from Gorillaz.
2-D: Yeah… I’ve been trying to avoid talking on social media for a while since I’ve left. Although, I dunno if I’d call it leaving but more, like, taking a break. I’ve just been trying to find out who I really am, yeah? I realized through working on The Now Now that I want to do something more than just Gorillaz my whole life. I wanna grow and change and develop something for myself. Like the potato that’s currently sprouting on my windowsill at the moment. His name is George. Him aside, I feel like I’ve been stuck in one place for while. Just stagnant, unmoving. That’s why I stopped using social media all together and so far it’s been such a weight off my mind. Same thing with Gorillaz. It’s not that I’m unhappy from all my time with Gorillaz, their like… my blood, ya know? My family. But… I dunno. It’s… [fidgets in seat] It’s like when you eat the same meal everyday for a few months and then you start thinking, “This isn’t really working for me like it used to. It still tastes good but now I want something different.” I think me being with The Rejects is what’s gonna help me find, err… well… “me” right now. I’m not gonna be gone from Gorillaz forever but I just need something different, keep things fresh.
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(Picture of 2-D with Gorillaz in late 2018)
I: Hmm… I see. Speaking of your former bandmates, do you still keep in touch with them even with your hiatus?
2-D: Oh yeah, loads. I try to talk with ‘em every chance I get. Just last week, Noodle and I FaceTimed each other and she showed me Katsu patting Russel’s stomach with her paws, like she was making a loaf of bread off of him for ten minutes while he laid asleep on the couch. It was amusing for the first five minutes, then it became a betting match to see how long she’d do that before he woke up.
I: What about Murdoc? Any updates from him?
2-D: [taps his coffee cup uncomfortably] He’s fine, p-probably… Um, what’s the next question?
I: Oh, sorry. Err… How did you first meet the Rejects?
2-D: Well, I already knew most of them from the get go. That being Ace and Cyb — I mean, Cynthia. Still gotta get used to that… Uh, the only person I hadn’t met before was Lenny. All I can really say about him is that he’s a really chill guy. Very sociable and surprisingly, a lot younger than I was expecting. He like Phil Collins and the Blue Men Group into one, he’s pretty great. As for how we all came together, it wasn’t too long after I began my hiatus actually. I think it was like, I dunno, two weeks after I took off? I stayed at a Marriott in LA for a bit and one day I came into this gas station to grab a couple snacks for the ride out to Ottawa ‘til I heard somebody shout out my name. I got kinda scared at first ‘cause, well, [runs a hand through his hair] the reason why I got this shaved cut was so I couldn’t be recognized as easily. Besides, last time I visited LA, I blended in pretty well. Well as long as you looked at me from behind, that is. [humming laughter] But then I saw it was Ace calling out for me. I was so stoked to see him again. We talked for a bit, hung out at his place, had a few drinks, I tried weed brownies for the first time and uh… I ended up spending the night with him. Then I found out that Cynthia was his roommate after she hit me head with one of her cables to wake me up from the floor. I was quite surprised to see her, I mean, by what Murdoc told me, I thought she was gone. Like poof! Gone like my socks in the dryer. But, y’know… I was happy to see her. Really, I was. That might sound weird to you, and… I-I’m assuming you already know what happened to me on that beach. [laughs awkwardly] But I was real worried ‘bout what could’ve happened to her. I know she wasn’t like the original Noods and she went kind of coocoo after getting that bullet through the head, but I don’t think what happened to me was her fault. I think we’re both victims really and it wouldn’t have been right for me to hold any ill will towards now her when… i-it wasn’t her choice to do the things she did. At least, I don’t think it was. But, um, anyway… I ended up crashing at Ace’s place for longer than I would’ve liked but after a bit, me and Cynthia reconciled, she introduced me to her band and the new stuff she was working on and from there I’ve been hooked.
I: Wow, that’s… oddly very touching. Thank you for sharing something so personal with us.
2-D: Um yeah. I dunno what I did but, no problem?
I: That being said, when talking about self-discovery, I also I hear you talking about Ace a lot. Some fans are wondering, are the two of you perhaps “involved?”
2-D: What do you mean?
I: Are you dating?
2-D: Oh! Y-Yeah, you can say that… [giggles]
I: Oh wow! Good for you. How long have you guys been together?
2-D: I’d say… four? I: Four what? 2-D: Yes. I: No, uh… have you two been together for four days? Months? 2-D: No, I’d say we’ve been dating for five months now.
I: I… Okay, how or when did you both decide to—?
2-D: It was a bit spontaneous. Well, kind of… [hums softly] See, we really hit it off when he joined Gorillaz back in 2018 but I was still figuring myself out back then so I waited until I was sure and now… uh, we decided that now it was probably the right time. [chuckles] It’s funny, yeah? I’ve never felt so happy before. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever fallen this hard for someone in a really long time. Well, except for that one lady that turned out to be a coat rack, but I think I just really needed new contacts. I used to be so scared of what would happen to me once I came out but y’know, I’m glad that I get to live in a time where people can feel free to love who they want without fear. Only determination to love and be themselves with their whole chest. There’s still a whole lot of work to do but I say it’s better for everyone if we keep moving forward. Going backwards doesn’t help anyone improve. Anyway, I also got to say, it’s very refreshing to have someone that truly loves and respects you for the way you are; all flaws included, no strings attached… [sighs] I think it’s safe to say I’m in complete bliss.
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(Picture of 2-D and Ace in Little Tokyo, Townsville)
I: How would you describe Ace as a partner?
2-D: Umm… not much has changed between us since we’ve started dating actually. He’s a bit more clingy than he used to be, but I mean that in a good way. Anytime I’m sitting down doing something, he’ll wrap his arms around me and ask what I’m doing, or he’ll give me a peck on the head whenever he brings me a cup of tea… He’s a teddy bear, really. Very physically affectionate, always gentle with his movements, and has surprisingly soft, supple hands. Oh, oh! [moves in his seat excitedly] I found out he likes doing this thing whenever we’re out in public. Recently we’ve been doing these little play fights. Usually he’ll make this little karate chop motion against my neck or my arms, and then I push it away and soon we’ll start this war with our arms, hands, and sometimes feet just blocking each other’s moves while making our own sound effects like it’s our own kind of action movie. That happened one time while we were ordering food at the plaza last week and this time I won by grabbing his wrists and pulling him towards me so I could kiss his forehead and oh my god, he was such a mess! [laughs] H-He wouldn’t even look at me without acting like he was gonna melt. [snorts] Ugh, you should’ve seen him! It was so adorable. Almost acted like a toddler, all giggly and following me about whenever I moved. He practically clung onto me the entire night afterwards.
I: Ah, the honeymoon phase… Well, we could go on about your relationship with Ace but we need to get back on track. Tell us, what’s it like not being the lead vocalist for once?
2-D: Again, pretty refreshing. I get to work more on my skills as a producer and making music that I’m proud of. I feel like a little kid playing keyboards with my dad again with all this new equipment we’ve got now. Been working on some pretty banger stuff with the band so far and I can’t wait for people to hear it some time soon.
I: What are you most excited for people to listen to?
2-D: Well we are coming out with an EP at some point this year but before that comes out, we did put out a single. It’s one of the first songs I worked on with the Rejects and it’s called “LOVEBUG!!” It’s definitely more of an experimental track, especially compared to both me and the band’s past work, but I loved messing around with all of the soft synths and 808s in this one. Lenny absolutely crushed it with the drums and I think it suits Cynthia’s voice really well! Although, the more I think about it, I sometimes think she sounds a lot like someone else I’ve heard lately. Well, either way, I just hope people end up liking the song just as much as I did making it. [hums happily]
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(LOVEBUG!! Promo Cover)
I: Good to know. How would you describe your experience working with the Rejects so far?
2-D: Quite tame. We all tend to be quite amicable with one another and we don’t fight as much compared to when I would record back at Kong. We really let our ideas bounce off each other like ping pong balls and when one of us comes up with a good line or segment, we all get excited. I haven’t felt like that before. That’s not to say I didn’t have that same feeling with Gorillaz before I took a break but the energy between us and the energy I get when working with the Rejects isn’t really up for comparison, y’know what I mean? Gorillaz is, uh… more of a family dynamic. A chaotic one but a found family, right? Whereas with the Rejects, we don’t see each other as collaborators but as a group of friends and I think that’s a neat little thing we made for ourselves. When dealing with the high that comes from being famous, everything around you just happens all at once and soon you forget what it’s like to breathe. I’ve been stuck in that world for 22 years, but after taking this break and later joining the Rejects, I’ve learned how to appreciate the little things again and I’m excited to see what life has to offer me.
I: How would you describe your current bandmates?
2-D: Cynthia is quite the natural born leader and she seems to really know her stuff. She can be a bit stubborn at times whenever we start composing things but she hasn’t done anything too extreme. I think that just shows more of her fiery personality. Not too surprising, given who made her but already I can tell you, she’s much better than that old sod. At least she actually treats me like a person and doesn’t try to… S-Sorry, I’m going too off topic, aren’t I? [clears throat] Um… Where was I again? Ah, right. Bandmates, yeah... Cynthia, to me is, uh, very determined and always willing to tackle a lots of ideas at once. She’s a perfectionist for sure but sometimes, I worry about her short circuiting with how much time she spends writing one song. You already know how I feel about Ace but Lenny on the other hand is quite the interesting guy. Reminds me of Russel in some ways but I wish I could understand him more. I don’t know sign language so we just write and text stuff to one another. Apparently he likes painting and sculpting things out of clay so one time I tried to make him something but I think I ended up making a creature that looks like it wants to die but Lenny still keeps it on his shelf so I guess it’s not too bad.
I: Alright, I think that’s all the time we have for today. Do you have anything else to say before we go?
2-D: Um, yeah, uh… do you know where the nearest toilet is? I’ve been holding it in since I got here.
I: I… [sighs] It should be on the 2nd floor to your right.
2-D: Cool, thanks. [gets up to leave before nearly tripping over his untied shoelaces]
I: Your shoes are untied.
2-D: [in the distance] I don’t know how to tie them!
I: Err… Well, stay tuned until next time where we interview the Rejects’ bassist, Ace D. Copular and talk about his journey from reality TV actor to aspiring musician.
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