[CN] Li Zeyan’s New Company Project ER!
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“I only care about the taste a certain dummy experiences.”
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astrologydayz · 5 months
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VENUS CONJUNCT/TRINE/QUINTILE MARS in a MAN'S CHART shows us a man who's passionate AF in bed. When he fucks somebody = he fucks with his whole entire being. They're masters at knowing what people need, &want sexually = they see through people's desires, &turn ons, & turns themselves into that. That's also why people usually end up coming back 2 these men - they don't need a manual from u2 know how to play with your body in the right way. These men are confident, charismatic, beautiful, & they never fail at getting what they want. They usually don't need2 work very hard anyway, as they're already noticed, &checked out by everyone, everywhere they go. They can make sweet sweet love2u, but also fuck u with a passion, like it's their last mf day on earth. Amazing at switching between the2. They're romantic, sensual, loving &hardworkers in bed! But they can also be rough, wild, &passionate! They'll satisfy your needs4sure.
VENUS SQUARE/QUINCUNX MARS IN A MAN'S CHART can show us a man who's 2 "passionate" for his own good. "fuckboy/player energy". Issues with always being this "2cool for feelings" bro - he's outta there when it gets 2serious. U can chase him, but won't be able 2 catch him 9/10times. He got mad game tho, won't ever have a problem with getting somebody in2 bed. He loves the flirting game beforehand, &he loves the chase. "He wants what he can't have". He can be kind of "aggressive" in bed, & this man def knows how to fuck, but it will be all about getting him off a lot - "my needs are more important than yours, boo". He can also be into degrading kinks - like spitting, choking, slapping, name calling etc. Not2 make him sound like a dick tho, cuz if he already told u what the deal was beforehand = can't complain afterwards, can u now?
MARS CONJUNCT/TRINE/QUINTILE JUPITER can show us a person living&breathing for sexual pleasures. Like they can be so fascinated/interested in sexual pleasures that it can become almost like a religion2them. They want 2 know EVERYTHING, always learning, &always improving. They study, &"explore" people, figuring out how 2make them cum easily/what "triggers" them - like, what works, and what clearly doesn't. They have an easy time, when it comes2 their "studies" with these aspects = A+. They got a sexy ass confidence, and amazing knowledge, which is unmatched, &they're proud, but still humble in their approach, which many people can find REALLY fucking attractive.
MARS SQUARE/QUINCUNX JUPITER can show us a person being 2 obsessed with self gratification/or 2obsessed with sex/sexual things in general. They can have EXCESSIVE sex at times - unmatched stamina4sure, but their "moral code" can sometimes end up becoming "blurred"/not thinking about the "consequences" - they end up letting themselves down/they end up regretting who they've had sex with/or ends up regretting to have even done something in the 1st place. Can also be 2 over confident, &2 impulsive in their approach - some people can think that they have a "god complex".
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LUST IN GEMINI 🧡 = can get turned on bc of the way someone articulates themselves/someone's mindset, by voices - accents/language/s, hands/fingers. Can be REALLY in2 oral/handjobs/fingering/toys where hands are involved/dirty talk. They LOVE it when someone tells them exactly what they need&want sexually - They need that communication. They also get wildly turned on when someone outsmarts them - streetsmart/booksmart, doesn't matter, as long as their intellect is challenged, &u got banter = you're in4a win. LUST IN CANCER 💙 = turned on by emotionally driven people/turned on by people who's in their emotions/turned on when someone NEEDS them, turned on by breasts/chests/stomachs. They usually also love gentle touches/gentle caresses in their most sensitive zones. They like intense, emotional & close sex - also, the kind where it's prolonged 4as long as possible. They want2 get as close as they can, they can't get close enough really. They want2 make love, not fuck. At least most of the time. LUST IN SCORPIO 💜 = turned on by dominance, power, submissiveness, loyalty, soul-felt intimacy, secrets/secret fantasies, by taboo stuff,"bad girls/bad boys"/by people who's had it hard in life, &by shadow sides. They want2 merge with one person, &one person only TYPICALLY, so they're usually wildly attracted to monogamy. They want soul blowing sex - the kind where they think about it 24/7 afterwards, &can't think about anything else - they want2 remember touches, moans/sounds, & the intense feelings they experienced. They can definitely be into bdsm, but only with the right ones. Rebirths/transformations are prominent here.
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MARS/8TH HOUSE IN CAPRICORN IN A WOMAN'S CHART typically finds older people way more sexually attractive, than people at her own age. "Daddy issues" can show up here. She wants2 learn, &advance herself - but still needs the feeling of being "taken care of" at the same time. She's sexually attracted 2 people who knows themselves, & knows wtf they want2 do in life. She finds bluntness, stability&matureness sexy as hell. She does not play games - Immaturity is something she gets turned off by❌. Can 100% be into bdsm/or rougher sex. Chains/handcuffs⛓️ - bondage, candle dripping, choking - endurance, etc. Edging can be a biiiig thing here. Sexually attracted2 people who's taller than her&typically slender/2people that got piercings/tattoos, amazing bone structure/2people who's experienced sexually - or just in life, like work, or just in general. Or at least, more experienced than her.
MARS/8TH HOUSE IN AQUARIUS IN A MAN'S CHART shows us a man who's sexually attracted2 people who's very/or completely different than him - looks wise/or personality wise. Sexually attracted2 people who stands out/looks different/2people he can see/meet online, 2people who's "nerdy" in their own way, eccentric&experimental people, people who's original - and not fake. Fake people turns him off asap . Can also be sexually attracted2 people who his family would never approve of - kind of like a "rebellion" thing. He likes unexpected/spontaneous&freaky sex. He's usually into trying everything - as he is an experimentalist & a student of physical science = won't hold back until he's tried everything - he wants2 know it all. "Film maker" in the making baby🎞️🎥📱. He can have a thing for sleeping with friends/or wanting 2. Can def also be into "the more, the merrier" in the bedroom, not always ofc, but I've seen it a lot, so I'm def mentioning it.
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VENUS/EROS IN ARIES/AT 1, 13, 25° = ARIES DEGREE ❤️ points 2 someone wanting a lover that's fiery, passionate & brave. They want2 be swept off their feet, &they want someone who's not afraid2 go up 2 them, &just start some flirty/sexy banter. They find confident, honest, &brave people sexy😍. They need someone who's not about games, as they don't play games themselves = if they want something, they take it. They can be impulsive, &quick on it, but when a decision is made = nobody can change their minds, besides themselves. They're sexy, fearless, &direct. They can be into rougher touches, marks being left behind👋, hair pulling, fast but passionate, & rough sex. "sex on an impulse".
VENUS/EROS IN TAURUS/AT 2, 14, 26° = TAURUS DEGREE 💚 points2 someone being sexually attracted2 beautiful/seductive, sensual, gentle, but dedicated people. They can be quite picky when it comes2 choosing a lover, & they won't just pick "John"/or "Karen", just bc he, or she is the last one standing. They won't settle for less than they deserve - at least not in the long run. REALLY into kisses up, & down their neck&body/also around ears! &get that tongue involved2, they'll worship u, &Remember u4life🫦👅💋. They're extremely sensitive in these places, & usually can't hold back on how much their body ends up being affected - like goosebumps arising, them shaking, moans etc.
VENUS/EROS IN SAGITTARIUS/AT AT 9, 21° = SAGITTARIUS DEGREE ❤️ points2 someone wanting a spontaneous, adventure seeking, & "free"/"free spirited" lover. They need someone who's not about putting them in a cage, but all about experiencing life's pleasures - as they themselves are very free, & not about putting up "strict boundaries". They're sexually attracted2 easy going/but curious, "well informed" & nonjudgemental people. Can definitely also be sexually attracted2 people from different cultures - or 2people from foreign countries, & 2people who's not "confined". They wanna be challenged, &they wanna learn from/&with their lover, &get their mind expanded. Can be into sex out in the open/into being stimulated in public, & can be really into trying new, & spontaneous things when it comes to sex - they wanna spice things up often, as a routine can become2 boring for them.
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DICK ASTEROID - 17458 ASPECTING WEBB ASTEROID - 3041 IN A MAN'S CHART = can show us that his dick can be found online somewhere📱📸/or it has been online4u2 find. Can ofc, also just mean that he's been a fan of sending dick pics/videos, or is a fan of sending dick pics/videos.
KLETT ASTEROID - 2199 ASPECTING WEBB ASTEROID - 3041 IN A WOMAN'S CHART = same as above, she's just not sending dick pics tho😂. U know the deal babe.
CUMMING ASTEROID - 14348 CONJUNCT 9TH/OR 12th HOUSE/HOUSE RULERS shows us a person having sex with people/strangers on vacations/"vacation flings"/or when they're staying abroad. OR someone being really sexually attracted2 people from different cultures/foreign countries, ofc.
IF A MAN got his CUMMING ASTEROID - 14348 IN LEO = expect it everywhere, really everywhere. He's big on showing off, &big on making it rain ☔️ .
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Appreciate you, always!!!💘
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ollyarchive · 3 years
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Olly Alexander on success, sanity and It's a Sin: 'All those hot guys. I loved it!'
Simon Hattenstone
The Years & Years frontman is starring in Russell T Davies’ new drama about the Aids crisis. He talks about bulimia, his ‘dark’ clubbing days – and how he learned to enjoy filming sex scenes
Mon 11 Jan 2021 06.00 GMT
Olly Alexander was so certain he was destined for success that he saw a therapist to help him prepare for his future fame. It was 2014 and his band Years & Years had just signed to Polydor when he visited the shrink.
“I said: ‘The album’s coming out and I really want it to be successful,’ and he said: ‘What happens if it isn’t?’ I said: ‘Well, that’s not an option because I have planned it in my diary since I was a teenager.’”
That diary was less about chronicling the present than a series of promises he made to himself. “I planned my life till I was 25. I would be a famous musician ’cos musicians were the coolest people in the world. The biggest thing in the list was buying my mum a house, and I did that. That was the coolest thing to be able to do with my money.” He smiles. “That was the coolest thing ever.”
Now Alexander might well benefit from another visit to the shrink because he’s about to become a lot more famous. He stars in It’s a Sin, the brilliant new TV drama by Russell T Davies, about a group of young gay men living and dying through the Aids epidemic in the 1980s. The five-part series is funny, vibrant, sexy and heartbreaking.
This is by no means the first time Alexander has acted – he has appeared in the TV series Skins, films such as Bright Star (about Keats), Gulliver’s Travels and Great Expectations, and on stage in the West End alongside Judi Dench and Ben Whishaw in Peter and Alice; a pretty impressive CV. But with It’s a Sin, he knows he has struck gold. “Some actors would wait their entire careers and not get such a good role,” Alexander says, and he’s right. Davies has made a habit of creating groundbreaking TV series (Queer As Folk, Bob and Rose, Torchwood), and this is his best yet.
Alexander’s character, Ritchie Tozer, is an aspiring actor/singer who has just moved to London from the Isle of Wight in search of fame, fortune and a good shagging. He embraces his new freedoms with promiscuous abandon, while also struggling with his sexuality. Ritchie is equally cocky and vulnerable, lovable and insufferable.
Although It’s a Sin takes place in a time before Alexander was born, he says there are so many ways he relates to Ritchie’s life. There is one crucial difference – whereas Ritchie is secretive, Alexander is an open book. If there’s anything to tell you, he’ll tell you, even if he is embarrassed a second later about his indiscretions. It’s an endearing quality, and one that makes him great company.
We meet in his agent’s east London office in December, when Tier 4 restrictions are yet to kick in. Alexander is a boyish 30 – half punk, half catwalk model, with orange hair, earrings, multiple rings, stylish khaki trousers and a handful of inky tattoos. He is garrulous and giggly with a huge toothy grin.
Like Ritchie, Alexander was a stranger to city life when he came to London. He was born in North Yorkshire, went to primary school in Blackpool and Gloucestershire, and a comprehensive in Monmouth, south Wales. He was a natural performer who wrote his first song at the age of 10. “I performed it in my year six assembly.” Can he remember it? He squirms. “Yeah!” Let’s hear it then? “No!” Oh go on! “OK, OK. ‘The leaves are falling outside my window. I’m lay here all alone,” he sings quietly, in that delicate falsetto. He giggles, blushes and continues. “And now I’m a knowin’, the way it’s goin’, we won’t last for ever, for ever my love.’”
Wow, those lyrics are pretty sophisticated – and melancholy. He giggles again. “Oh thanks. It’s about unrequited love. Doomed love. I was getting in early on my themes. I had a bit of help from my dad.” He wrote it after experiencing his first pangs – for a boy in his class.
At secondary school Alexander was a victim of homophobic bullying. He responded with elan. “I would still come to non-uniform day in eyeliner.” Did he fight back? “Sometimes I would scream. I was not a good fighter. We did rugby a lot at my school – a Welsh school. The one time I scored a try, on the way back to the changing room the two popular boys from the year put their arms around me and said: ‘Well done, Olly,” and I was like: ‘I can’t believe it, this is it!’” He pauses long enough for me to get a glowing feeling. “Then they tripped me up and pushed my face into the mud. That was hard to live down.” After that he never went to another games lesson.
When he was 13, his parents separated, and from then he was brought up by his mother, events organiser Vicki Thornton (his real surname – Alexander is his middle name). His father had been a talented but disappointed singer-songwriter who made a living marketing theme parks. Although he gave young Olly a lifelong passion for adventure rides, there were tensions between the two of them. After his parents split up, he broke off contact with his father. When Alexander became successful, his father tried to rekindle their relationship via Twitter. Alexander wasn’t impressed.
With the sod-you eyeliner and supreme belief that he would make it, he sounds incredibly robust. So what else was in that teenage diary? “Pppprrrr.” He blows his lips as if feeling a sudden chill. “It’s a bit dark. I used to write that I really wanted to be skinny.” He exhales deeply. “My mantra was always: I’m not going to eat this again, I’m not going to eat cake again. I’m never going to eat pasta.” He was barely into his teens when he became bulimic and started to list the things he wouldn’t eat. Actually, he says it was worse than that. “I was writing down: don’t eat, don’t eat, don’t eat. Did he have a weight problem? “I was a little chubby at primary school, but no.” What does he think it came from? “It was something I could control. I felt very out of control in the rest of my life. I was struggling with my sexuality, my parents were divorcing, and I wanted to punish myself.”
I want to give him a hug, but I’m not sure he would appreciate it, particularly in the pandemic. Why did he want to punish himself? “It was self-loathing. I didn’t want to be gay. I was convinced I was the reason my parents were splitting up.” He never considered that their divorce may have had nothing to do with him.
He started to cut himself, too. Has he still got the scars? He points to his upper arms and thighs, “because people can’t see there. I was deeply ashamed of doing it. I wanted to hide it.” Are there many scars? “No. A friend saw a plaster on my arm and jokingly asked if I’d been cutting myself. After that, I was so embarrassed that I mostly stopped doing it. Bulimia carried on well into my 2os, but it became less and less frequent. It’s really hard to hold down any kind of job if you’re throwing up food all the time, and ultimately you have to choose.” It becomes a full-time occupation? “Yes, it’s all you think about. And you’re doing so much damage to your organs. I got taken into hospital once with my mum because I had this irregular heartbeat, which can happen through constant purging, and that really scared me. I thought I’d done something irreparable to my body, and my mum was so distraught. She couldn’t understand why her son was throwing up all the food she was trying to give him. She found out because I hadn’t cleaned the toilet properly.”
After studying performing arts at Hereford College of Arts, he moved to London and was liberated. He had a heady time of it – more drugs, clubbing and sex than even he had hoped for, while also getting regular work as an actor. But there was a downside. He saw friends struggle, sacrifice themselves to excess, fall by the wayside. “Everything was about going out and connecting with people at the clubs. I had a great time, but it was also a dark time. A lot of people took too many drugs. A few friends attempted to take their lives and one succeeded. That was devastating. You can see how easy it is for a party lifestyle to turn into something negative.”
Alexander has a strong survival instinct. There was his destiny to fulfil, the house to buy for his mother. He still struggled with his mental health, so he cut down on the destructive stuff. Today, he says, his main drug of choice is the antidepressant sertraline. “I was worried about longterm use, and the doctor said: ‘Well, the latest research shows it can promote neurogenesis, and I was like that’s the coolest thing ever.” Neurogenesis is the process by which new neurons are formed in the brain. “She was basically saying antidepressants are giving you superpowers, and I was like: ‘Amazing, I’ll keep taking them for ever.’” He starts giggling, and he can’t stop. “Neurogenesis – ooh, I love that. I’m going to be neuro-supercharged.”
Years & Years formed in 2010. Founder member and synth/bass/keyboard player Mikey Goldsworthy heard Alexander singing in the shower and asked if he wanted to become lead singer. When Alexander joined, Years & Years were a five-piece band, before shrinking to an electropop trio (Alexander, Goldsworthy and fellow guitarist and keyboard guru Emre Türkmen). Alexander, the main songwriter, has an ear for great sweeping choruses (think Sam Smith meets Pet Shop Boys with a dash of New Order). Their first album, Communion, went to No 1 in the UK, while the song King topped the singles chart and its follow-up, Shine, reached No 2. Many of their songs are about yearning and doomed love – particularly on their second album, Palo Santo – just like the first one he wrote aged 10.
Alexander also became known as an LGBTQ campaigner. He made a documentary, Growing Up Gay, for the BBC in which he talked to his mother in a tear-filled exchange about coming out; he also interviewed people about struggles with their sexuality, the pressure to be promiscuous and take drugs, and addressed schoolchildren about homophobia and mental health problems. Does he think of himself as an activist? He shakes his head. “It does a disservice to actual activists. There’s a tendency to use that word for anyone in the public eye speaking up about any issue. Going into schools and talking about mental health isn’t activism. I like doing that. If I can be helpful, I want to help.”
The week before we meet he was named celebrity of the year at the British LGBT awards. He doesn’t know why – he says he didn’t do anything in 2020. “Maybe they heard about my upcoming role and got in there early!”
He says he has learned so much from making It’s a Sin – not least about acting, and how tough it can be. “Doing an acting job where you have to turn up every day is really challenging. I was so used to my musician lifestyle, which is usually: get up late, get in a car, get driven to an airport, get on a plane, fall asleep, arrive somewhere, get driven to the venue, roll out of the car and do the show. It was too much like hard work every day. I thought I’d got past this!”
We see a lot of Alexander in It’s a Sin – in every sense. He gets more than his share of sex scenes, and says it was fascinating being taught how to do them properly. So he enjoyed them? “All those hot guys. That aspect I loved! And going into it I thought, I’m going to have so much fun doing this, I’m a confident-ish guy, love having sex, it will be great.” That’s so refreshing, I say, to hear actors admit they enjoy sex scenes.
Ah, well, he says, it wasn’t quite that simple – he initially became self-conscious. “I broke down into hysterical tears, like ‘don’t fucking touch me’. I found it really hard.” Then the intimacy coordinators got to work on him. “They were a life-changing experience. Intimacy coordinators are there for safety ’cos there’s a lot of shit that can go wrong between what a director wants and what an actor wants, and boundaries being crossed. They’re there to rehearse everything beforehand with the director and the performers. You talk about animals you might imitate, the sounds you make.” He pays tribute to intimacy coordinator extraordinaire Ita O’Brien, who introduced the Intimacy on Set guidelines in 2017 and worked on Normal People as well as It’s a Sin. “Anything with sex in it, she’ll be involved. She’ll be on all fours at one point, saying: ‘Now I’m going to be like a cow and moo in ecstasy.’ She’s amazing, amazing, amazing.” And yes, he did start to enjoy the scenes.
Did he find them arousing? Now it’s my turn to blush and I apologise for the question. Did he start to enjoy it too much? “No, that’s what I want to know. What if someone gets a hard-on – how embarrassing would that be? Ita said: ‘It’s natural and normal for certain body parts to get excited and if you get an erection that’s absolutely fine, but it’s not appropriate for the workplace.’” He adds a caveat: “Depending on what kind of job you’re doing. And she said: ‘If that happens, you just take a time out. So you’re all there thinking, OK, how embarrassing – because you say time out and everybody knows it’s because you’ve got a hard-on. Hahahhaa!” Did he have to take a time out? “No!” Did anyone? “Not to my knowledge.”
Who did he have most fun with? “I’d say best kiss was the guy who plays Ash [newcomer Nathaniel Curtis]. Great kisser.” And the best shag? “Sexual simulation,” he corrects me. “Best sexual simulation was Roscoe [Omari Douglas, another relative newcomer].” Has he told them? “It’s all coming out in this article, Simon.” And I can sense him calibrating what he has just said. “It’s going to ruin my standing!” But a second later he changes his mind. “No, that’s a compliment right? I compliment them both. Hahahaha!” And he laughs giddily.
I ask about the future. You sense he’s not sure where to go from here, acting-wise – that it can’t get any better than It’s a Sin. Fortunately, he owes the band an album’s worth of songs. He had them done and dusted before the pandemic. “But all that time in my flat going insane made me realise I didn’t like any of the music, it didn’t feel relevant. I just wanted to start again, which is what I did. Now it’s almost ready – again.”
It will be only their third album in seven years. “I know,” he says. “It’s embarrassing. Ariana Grande has had about five out in the time we’ve done one.” In the meantime, he says, Türkmen has had one baby, with another on the way.
What about his own love life? “It’s pretty dire.” Sex? “I’m hopeful to have more sex … it’s very difficult in the age of Covid if you’re single. I actually tried to lock someone down who would be my ‘friends with benefits’ sex buddy, because I saw that Holland were advising people to do that. In the first lockdown I said: ‘Look, we can just have sex with each other. I trust you, you trust me, we’re not together, but this is an arrangement. I’ve not had sex in six months, what do you think?’ But he said no. I was quite upset. So yeah, not a lot of sex in 2020.” For a split-second, the puckish Alexander looks forlorn. Then he grins his toothiest grin yet. “But I’m hopeful that it will pick up in the new year!”
It’s a Sin is on Channel 4 on 22 January at 9pm
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justasparkwritings · 4 years
Merry & Bright {2}: Baby, Sugar, Honey, Darling
Previous: Silver & Gold  
Pairing: Kim Seokjin x Reader
Genre: Smut
Rating: R
Warnings: Swearing! Innuendo! Talks of Sex! Heavy Flirting! 
Summary: An annual Christmas party is meant to be fun - but Seokjin can’t stop thinking about how much he wants you this Christmas. 
          Seokjin carefully adjusted the trivet to sit perfectly in the middle of the oyster Le Creuset Dutch oven, a splurge he’d purchased once you moved in. He wanted a full set, and knowing they were considered the best, couldn’t help but want them in his kitchen. He looked over the table, trying to move the tablecloth without moving the centerpiece of poinsettias and garland.
           “Baby, why don’t you just wait for me to help?” You asked. He hadn’t heard your gentle steps padding down the hallway to the dining room, or noticed you silently observing, taking in the work of your husband.
           “I didn’t know when you’d be down,” He said, turning to pout.
           “It looks really good, smells even better,” You smiled at him, eyes crinkling.
           “Thank you, do we need to get the drinks ready?” He moved around you, through the other side of the dining room to the kitchen.
           “Just need to pop the champagne and put ice in the ice buckets,” You said, reaching into the fridge to grab two bottles.
           “Do our friends like champagne?”
           “I like champagne,” You said carefully opening the first bottle.
           “Hobi doesn’t,” Seokjin said.
           “We have other things, too many other things,” You said, eyes rolling at your husbands incessant need to cover all bases when it came to providing for your friends. “We have nonalcoholic options, beer, hard liquor, soda, water, sparkling water.”
           “Wine, did we get wine?”
           “Red and white,” You sighed.
           “Okay, good,” He nodded, checking off another box on his mental to do list.
           “Sugar, it’s twelve people, we have enough for twice that, alcohol for four times, it’ll be okay,” You reassured, nestling the bottles in a bed of ice.
           “I just, I want it to be perfect,” Jin sighed, leaning against the marble countertop. You moved to stand between his legs, hands instinctively going to his broad shoulders.
           “I know, and it will be,” You said, hands comfortably moving up and down his biceps. “It’s going to me marvelous, splendid; you’re going to be the bell of the ball.”
           “I don’t want to be the bell of the ball!” Jin responded, outraged.
           “Hostess with the mostest,” You said, smiling up at him.
           “That’s better,” Seokjin chuckled.
           “Someone’s going to have to take our picture tonight,” You gently adjusted his tie, taking in the cardigan he had tossed over his button down. “You look good.”
           “Aye, honey you look good, beautiful,” Jin was smiling, slight blush in his cheeks. He hadn’t taken much time to take in your appearance. He loved the soft make up you’d put on, hair pulled back just slightly to show of your earrings, a gift from Seokjin on your third anniversary. They hung low, grazing your neck when you moved, a constant reminder of him.
           “Thank you,” You said, leaning up to press a chaste kiss on his lips as the doorbell rang, your first guests arriving. “I’ll get the music; you get the door?”
           “Alright,” Jin kissed your cheek, giving your shoulders a squeeze, and darted to welcome your friends into your home.
           His voice could be heard over your music, loudly greeting everyone by name as he joked and laughed. His laugh was your favorite sound, it’s tone never wavering, always inviting you to join him. And join you did, stepping into the foyer to say hi to your friends, their spouses and girlfriends. The few BTS children immediately gravitating towards you, their favorite aunt.
           Within an hour, the house was full, food was abounding, as was merriment and utter seasonal joy. The Christmas tunes never ceased, and neither did the alcohol. It was your favorite tradition, a party with the entire band, their kids, their spouses, everyone coming together to eat and drink, dance a little, sing a little, and celebrate the holidays as one. No longer were they clambering to perfect a routine for a New Year’s Eve performance or stressing over military service and chart placements. There weren’t deadlines or copious holiday special appearances, no flying to and from for late night shows or awkward interviews. They’d peaked, and as they settled into their plateau, they overwhelmingly welcomed the comfort of a family-oriented life.
           Thus, the Christmas party was born. Each year a different family hosted. The men had drawn straws, after Seokjin refused to go first, despite his seniority. He’d opted for reverse order, forcing Jungkook into the position of hosting first, which he absolutely hated, and feeling bad, Namjoon had taken over. The first party had been stunning, and each year continued to grow in brilliance.
           Your guests continued to eat and drink into the night, the few BTS children tucked into the guest room, sleeping soundlessly until their parents carried their weary bodies to their car seats. Seokjin milled at one end of the living room, laughing uproariously with Taehyung and Jimin. You couldn’t help but laugh as you spoke with Jungkook and his latest fling, who seemingly had never seen While You Were Sleeping. It was mid laugh that Seokjin’s eyes found yours, scanning up and down your body slowly, admiring the way your outfit hugged your figure. He absentmindedly licked his puckered lips, and you in return bit your bottom lip, breath inhaling slowly.
           You hadn’t lied when you said he looked good. He looked better than good, sinfully good… Sexy didn’t begin to cover it. And you wanted him. Seokjin, sensing your feelings, winked before dipping into the kitchen. You gave him a minute before you followed, taking a few empty plates and cups with you.
           Jin didn’t hear you walking into the kitchen, but he felt you as you wrapped your arms around his waist.
           “Why are you looking at me like that?” You whispered into his back.
           “Me? Honey, have you seen the way you’re looking at me?”
           “Oh, if anything I’m taking a cue from you,” You giggled, Seokjin turning in your arms.
           “Mm, you’re the one dressed like that,” He smirked, admiring your cleavage.
           “Hmm, and you’re the one checking me out in plain sight,” You scolded.
           “You’re gorgeous, and I want you,” Seokjin dipped his head to place kiss after kiss on your neck, pulling your hips against his, grinding into you softly.
           “Seokjin, we have guests,” You muttered, suppressing every moan he was attempting to elicit.
           “They’ll be gone soon, and I want you to be ready,” He bit the unentangled flesh of your earlobe before lightly spanking you and walking out of the kitchen. You gnawed on the flesh of your lip, annoyed that he’d started the game without telling you, curious how he was going to hide his arousal from your guests and knowing full well he had the restraint of a Tibetan monk.
           The drinks dwindled as did your guests. Kisses were placed on foreheads of tired tots as they were carried out, wishes of a happy Christmas were shared, and the pleasant balm of a well spent evening covered everyone, snugger than their winter coats.
           As soon as the last guest left, Jungkook, naturally, Seokjin was taking your hand in his, guiding you towards the Christmas tree.
           The white lights bounced off the gold and white ornaments, catching and splaying out across the tattered living room. Remnants of secret Santa remained, ribbons in piles, wrapping paper stacked and balled. Nat King Cole crooned in the background, and as The Christmas Song blended into a new carol, you felt Seokjin’s hands moving lower and lower on your backside.
           “Happy Christmas, darling,” He said, eyes framed by his ever-growing bangs.
           “Merry Christmas honey,” You replied. Standing on your tiptoes, you pressed your lips to his, moving slowly as he began to dominate you. Hands were no longer gentle as he unzipped your dress, coaxing it off your shoulders and letting it pool on the floor. Carefully stepping out of it, you moved to take his sweater off his broad shoulders, shoulders that had no problem holding you open, legs propped on either side. Maybe tonight he’d eat you out by the light of the tree. Or use the ribbon to tie your hands back, or maybe you’d treat him to a similar spectacle.
           Slipping your tights down, Seokjin kneeled, open mouthed kisses hot and wet against your abdomen. You tried to suppress a giggle, but it was impossible, he knew you were ticklish.
           “I love that sound,” He said, hooded eyes looking up at yours. Your face contracted, a pout and squinted eyes at his compliment. Seokjin laughed heartily at your face, shaking his head at how silly you were.  
           “I love that sound,” You responded, proud that you’d made him laugh.
           “I love you, Mrs. Kim,” He said, smile still on his plump lips.
           “Mr. Kim, I love you,” You returned his smile, unable to hide any amount of joy from him.
           Seokjin guided your panties down, followed by his tie, his shirt and slowly his pants. You’d never made love by the light of the Christmas tree, pine swirling with scents of arousal, an old R&B track bopping in the background, the ornaments shaking with each thrust of Seokjin’s hips. As your Christmas highs mixed with your carnal passion, you were grateful Jin was always down to be your Christmas delight.
Next: A Beacon in the Night
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monstaxdirtywonk · 4 years
Namjoon’s chart analysis
Hey everyone! Today we’ll talk about Namjoon’s chart. I am not an expert in astrology and there’s much to learn but I’ll try my best. Let’s dive straight into this~
Sun in Virgo-Saturn Decan
Decans are a sub-unit of three ruling planets that give further charateristics to a placement. It is calculated by the deegres a placement lies. His is in Sturn, the ruler of Capricorn so we have plenty of earth energy. His Virgo makes him strict, practical and reliable. He is very stable, a rock others can rely on. His Saturn gives him great leadership skills. He is born to be a leader tbh and we’ll see why he has all those good qualities that make him so. Saturn makes him stubborn as welll and very hard working. Remember when someone said hateful comments back when they weren’t that known? He said I’ll prove them wrong. Determination and hard work are two of his greatest weapons. 
Moon is Sagittarius-Mars Decan
His Moon in Sagittarius makes total sense! He has the stereotypical interests of them aka love for learning, ability to learn languages and connect with other cultures/travelling. Plus, he is optimistic! Ambition and optimism are one of the greatest weapons! Some child-like qualitie too, when he gets jumby and all. That’s Joonie off stage, such a Sagittarius energy. His Aries energy, Mars is couragious and most importantely passionate. When he raps, he lets go and we can see this. We can see his Mars too, that’s cancer with scorpio influence. Emotional yet sexy.
Mercury in Libra-Uranus Decan
Mercury in Libra is such a nice placement. Another part that makes him an amazing leader. He speaks well, he is very careful with his answers. Even if there’s a hard or uncomfortable question, he knows how to not answer them and still be polite. This is obvious in american interviews that people say shit like will you do an album in english, or when he was in problematic men and had to solve a complaint. He is fair, when mambers face conflicts. Does’t take anyone’s side just cause, finds middle ground. His Uranus/Aquarius influence, makes him an idealist, he wants to make the world a better place! This goes well with his ENFP mbti too. 
Venus in Scorpio- Mars/Pluto Decan
Oh lala xD That’s a lot of Scorpio. He is a very interesting individual that has two really different sides. Unfortunately, this at times might give him an inner conflict. His sun is a very earthy and logical one, his moon/mercury are actually very carefree, but his love related side is possessive. He doesn’t know what to do. He doesn’t want to let loose in a relationship, but finds his possesive nature to be against his values. This needs a lot of understanding and self acceptance. But it also, gives him some balance. There’s reasoning and he thinks if there’s need of jealousy or it’s just pointless since it has no ground. Even if he works it through, he’ll stll be territorial. This won’t change because Scorpio imo wins most of the time in a chart lol. Especially with his Mars being in another Scorpio decan. You are mine and I am yours attidute. No casual relationships and such.
Mars in Cancer-Mars/Pluto Decan
Awww that’s cute. Here comes sensitivity. Basically, this is also his caring and motherly side. He is probably very close to his mother as well and is attracted to women with such qualities. The more feminine, the better. He has a tender heart, avoids conflicts (especially with his earthy side), is soft spoken and doesn’t want to yell or make anyone sad. His Scorpio decan, doubles, triples i don’t even know with so much scorpio influence lol. Also, it kind of hints a daddy thing that many speculate he has. Why? Well, he is the perfect canditate. Strict, territorial (Scorpios also are supposed to be more in the dom side and kinky), and caring (daddy isn’t the same as dom, he enjoys some corruption, innocence and all while still being caring).
Rising in Scorpio (speculation)
Can’t say a decan lol because it’s not even sure. But, I’m like 99% that’s his rising and he has been my ulti for 6 years so I’ve observe him and all of them a lot. You know how they say Scorpios have those captivating eyes and sex appeal. Bum that’s Namjoon. He does have such a cuteness because of his smile, bright smiles are such a Sagi thing, but other than that his looks have heavy scorpio influence. He has scorpio related feautures already, because of his Venus/Mars so I’m basing this mostly on looks/aura. 
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itsakpopalypse · 5 years
Johnny Seo NCT 127 Astrology : How He Loves
“Hi love!! Can I get a johnny: how he loves?? Thank youuuu💗💗💗💗 “-  @itsthequeenofhearts
“ Hello, it’s me again. So me and my bff both loved your astrology post about yuta and since he is my bias I was wondering if you could do an astrology post about her bias in nct127 as well ? Her bias is Johnny and I hope I’m not too pushy but SOMEONE in this household has to ask!😂😂 I LOVE your multi fandom blog and I hope I’m not too much of a bother! Thank you very much! 🌸💗🌺”- @marinemousemarie
“ Heey ~ Can you make a How x loves with NCT's Johnny?? I love your astrology posts ❤💎 “- @oshivana
A/N Thank you All for requesting ! I am so happy you have liked what I have done so far and I hope this lives up to your standards as well!! Thank you for your patience as well!!
So here, comes, Johnny!! 
That was bad I apologize no i don’t
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We all know our chaotic and boyfriendy Johnny is an Aquarius
We all know Aquarian’s are basically just aliens VERY UNIQUE
We estimate his rising as Taurus , and we know his moon is Gemini
he has a 3,3,3 split of earth fire and air with only one water sign, 
 his chart leans mutable, but he has a decent amount of both fixed and cardinal.
This means he is a pretty easy going guy. None of his big three are particularly “strong” leader signs
Aquarian’s tend to march to their own beat, so he will likely have many opinions and want to talk about them
Aquarian’s have a lot of love and desire to change the world, so a part of him is going to want to be your hero
Lunar Gemini, while outgoing and fun loving, is also very emotionally tactful--- STILL A FLIRT THO
they don’t expose their true feelings and tend to be more analytical than they at first seem
because of this people think Gemini are being two faced, when generally they just want to keep a tight grip on their own feelings without interference
Taurus in rising suggests he is deliberate, practical and patient. 
I know he seems pretty silly a lot, but a good chunk of his chart is very practical and pragmatic. 
his venus is in Capricorn, which is misunderstood as a less feeling sign
in reality, Capricorns aren’t unfeeling, they just choose to express their love and affection very differently
honestly he isn’t going to be very EMOTIONALLY open but he WILL be very physically open
Leo Mars so even though the Capricorn venus is pretty resserved, he will have the drive to go for what he wants, as well as the confidence to follow through
In general, there are 3 things that are known for a few SPICY things that we will discuss in the SPICY section so .. keep that in mind I guess
Let’s put the puzzle that is JOHNNY SUH together 
SO with Aquarius in Mercury and Sun, he likes a debate
he likes to verbally spar and enjoys anyone who can keep up with him
this makes me think it will be more likely for his trope to be an almost enemies to lovers style
not real cut throat enemies, but like... you will constantly bicker at first if he likes you because he is vetting you only the strong will survive this
he WANTS you to push back just as hard
he LIKES to stir up your emotions
the more fired up you get the more fun it is for him
what a little SHIT
i think, if it TRULY bothered you he would lighten up, and if he thought you could keep up he would totally let up
because now 
now you’ve hooked him
heart eyes motherfucker
NOW comes the deeper conversations
remember all that save the world he has in him? 
he wants your opinions
he wants to have really deep conversations and examine all the sides 
His Gemini will be FLIRTING NOW
AIR SIGNS ISTG... a self own??
Will 10/10 try to make flirting as awkward and unique as possible
or will use the cheesiest lines ever used
Aquarians are like that girl who isn’t like other girls okaaaay  they have to be different
Anyway once he feels like you are HOOKED on his awk ass charms
he will reel you IN
The sweet little gestures will begin
Capricorn Venus’ are very thoughtful they tend to show affection through gifts and help 
so if you’re working on something they will already be there to help
if you need something he knows before  you do
very attentive and very caring, just not as vocal as some other signs
that doesn’t mean you’ll NEVER get an I love you, it just means his love language likely revolves around making you feel taken care of!
The kind of boyfriend who sees you’re having a rough time at work so he picks you up in the parking lot one day and takes you to shopping and picks you out something nice to wear
then takes you to some great little place for dinner that is kinda quiet and the atmosphere is relaxed so he can just talk to you and make you feel treasured
likes physical affection and will reciprocate it !at first I thought he wouldn’t initiate it but actually with Gemini and Aquarius in those placements he actually might be hella touchy
holding hands touching your face while he smiles at you pulling your leg into his lap while you are relaxing together
rubbing soft circles on your back during hugs
i hurt my own feelings and he isn’t even my bias damn
the boyfriendiest tbh!!
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Here’s where things get a big different
we all know he’s boyfriendy af
we all know he is KINKY af
He’s not the ULT DOM DADDY
let me explain first
Aquarius and Gemini are... probably the two least dom in the zodiac.
.both are ... REALLY open minded,have incredibly high sex drives
they want to explore their sexuality and yours but they all don’t mind taking a backseat to someone else
and his Venus in Capricorn.. Oh here is where it’s POSSIBLE
BUT his mars is Leo,for men, Mars can be JUST as important to one’s bedroom inclinations as their Venus is
so he might LEAN more in control but he may also be fine with the roles switching around
he honestly just wants to blow your mind
Leo mars is ALL about showing off
this means he got that PRAISE KINK
they LOVE sensuality in the bedroom
they have this DEEP desire to be the best you have ever had
try hards
so expect to be pampered
Capricorn Venus is ALL IN once they are all in
SO  all together
He is open minded and kinky
might be in to slightly more risky sex play
I could see role play being something he loves
sexy lingerie ABSOLUTELY
especially if HE PICKED IT
remember cap likes to show their love through gifts
the type of guy who you come home and he has a pile of boxes with a pretty bow and tells you he wants you to go put that on
and inside is all manner of vibrating panties and restraints and maybe a cute little crop he plans to use on you 
What I am saying is he may be just fine giving you control of the bedroom antics but in the end he wants to be the one you scream for
he wants to show you that no one could ever fuck you like him and no one could ever make you so happy
and if you’re into it...like... don’t bring up past loves or heaven help your ass and thighs, because you are in for a pretty severe punishment
ooooh is that a promise 👀👀👀??
The type of man who REALLY loves when you say his name or title in bed
Oh Daddy she likes to be so bad for you 
might be a little into nicknames that make him feel extra extra special
very into using his hands
a little squeeze around that necklace
light pressure to make you gasp his name in pleasure
pressing two from the other hand deep and intimate
likes looking you in the eye when you come
is absolutely the type who drags you back into his pelvis when you pass  him in the house,just grinding into you with a muffled promise of later
digs his fingertips in too hard when he hits it from the back
pretty purple reminders of a passionate night
He wants his baby all his, marked and messed up
and so so so satisfied
aftercare is thoughtful and gentle,talks you down and praises you 
won’t be cocky about it until the next day when you are walking a little... more tenderly than usual
has a comment all prepared tbh
will take the smack against his chest with a cheeky grin
he loves you so much he can’t stand it
WHEW honestly his was a little hard I am so glad I got it finished.thank you ALL for requesting and I hope you Love it!!
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circe-poetica · 5 years
A Midheaven study, MC Leo conjunct Lilith and Regulus
The Black Moon is associated with all the dark faces of the Great Mother; Kali, Black Madonna, Black Tara and, with Mary Magdalene in her form as the Shakti of Christ, so she is a huge image of the Divine Feminine and it is no small thing to have her so powerfully placed. She has claimed you as one of Her own and wants you to be an agent for her power in the world. Any image of Lilith around our career life demands that we develop the sacred feminine warrior energies and give them expression. Black Moon/Lilith, especially in Leo, points towards doing it from a place of great personal power and individualism, as opposed to old beliefs that set us up for subservience. She can be found in people who work in areas like defending the rights of women, refugees, the under-privileged; in international law, in war zones, in women’s refuges. She is a gutsy advocate, activist, on the side of the deepest emotional truths and in any area of life where the feminine has continued to be dishonoured, rejected and abused.
She is as much found in deep therapeutic and spiritual process, as in those who work on the life and death edges, like hospice work, conscious dying or in casualty departments. (The word spirituality is too light weight for her energy here as she is a form of great Shakti, the transformative serpentine power of the sacred feminine!) Therapeutically, Lilith is comfortably operating in those who work with sexuality, masculine/feminine balances, sexual abuse and healing, relationship dynamics (especially in helping women regain their individuality and personal power) and in tantric processes. And in working with the deepest ends of the emotional spectrum; rage, grief, all forms of toxicity, past-life and trans-generational residues and influences, conception/in-utero/birth traumas. This where the “curse” label comes in, as anyone with strong Lilith positions is a carrier of the same, the accumulation of rage, toxicity, grief and betrayal that comes form lifetimes, ages and generations of rejection of the feminine in all her forms. So part of the journey of owning her power, and your own, is through processes that allow you to purify and release these carried residues. Whether through primal work, spiritual or shamanic midwifery, whatever takes you into these deepest places, it is absolutely necessary to be able to own this part of your birthright. The unfortunate truth is that distorted Lilith or any of the other “Dark Goddesses” are fully able to sabotage your life in their unhealed forms.
Regal Regulus at 29º Leo has the honor of being the closest star to the ecliptic and therefore closest to the red carpet path of the glorious Sun. Regulus is a triple 1.3 magnitude star that flashes white and ultramarine. It is found, naturally, in the brave heart of the constellation Leo the Lion. Regulus officially entered tropical Virgo on November 28th 2011.* Could Regulus crossing this symbolic sphinx cusp, Leo to Virgo, herald the age of Aquarius? Many astrologers speculate that Virgo will teach Leo to put aside ego, dispense personal glory, become more humanitarian and have respect for mother Earth itself. Other ‘star seed’ type commentators describe a switch from service-to-self (Leo) towards service-to-others. (Virgo=Service, Aquarius=Others).
Now all this assumes that Leo’s ego is somehow a bad thing! Conversely however, those with a weak sense of self are also those that suffer from narcissistic personality disorders (And other related Dark triad traits. See Ceres post.) Without a strong sovereignty, service-to-others can become co-dependancy and doormat syndrome! Regulus is the archangel Raphael, one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse. On the fixed cross, Regulus is one of four cherubim, symbolised by the Bull, Lion, Eagle and Human. These are the signs Taurus (Aldebaran), Leo (Regulus), Scorpio (Antares) and Aquarius (Fomalhaut) respectively. You can see these Archangels on the corners of the Rider-Waite tarot deck on the Wheel of Fortune and The World.
“Early English astrologers made it (Regulus) a portent of glory, riches, and power to all born under its influence”and this fixed star is generally considered fortunate, courageous, successful and all those great qualities associated with the sun sign Leo.
Regulus has its negative side. “It gives violence, destructiveness, military honor of short duration, with ultimate failure, imprisonment, violent death” Bernadette Brady associates Regulus with downfall. Regulus is pure divine-masculine energy, which these days is often portrayed in Hollywood at its lowest, crudest vibration.
Otherwise, Hollywood seems to delight in ridiculing and belittling Regulus energy. For example Disney has removed the Prince’s true love kiss in ‘Frozen’ and denigrates heroic, chivalrous men in ‘Enchanted’. This could also be seen as Regulus’s ‘downfall’, but it is a manipulated one. It suggests that all the testosterone-fuelled, courageous energy of Regulus’s past is somehow ‘wrong’ and so the solution is we must rip the balls off every feisty Lion.
Can we shift from service-to-self to a service-to-others mentality? It’s hard to feel like you want to be “of service”if you are essentially already living as a slave. The working classes suffer most from cheaper, imported labour. These working classes, (often vilified as ‘Chavs’ or ‘Rednecks’) are craving Regulus empowerment and fame through ‘selfies’ and reality TV shows. Why? Because the despised ‘populist’ working class are subconsciously grasping for their lost sovereignty and culture with this apparently narcissistic, negative-Regulus behaviour.
For approximately the last 600 years Regulus has been in Leo decan 3, which is ruled by aggressive Mars in both systems and Leo decan 3 includes the influence of Regulus so; “They are always right, their rule is absolute, any challenge to their authority is seen as betrayal. Loyality, loyality and more loyality, this is the number one demand of their loved ones.”
Medieval astrologers said Regulus would bring glory, riches and fame to all those born under it, and that it was the ‘Royall Starre’. Robson says Regulus gives “success, high and lofty ideals and strength of spirit, and makes its natives magnanimous, grandly liberal, generous, ambitious, fond of power, desirous of command, high-spirited and independent.” It is important to bear in mind, even with Regulus in Virgo, the ‘Royall Starre’. will still carry its original meaning for natal charts.
Regulus Keywords
Brave, bloodthirsty, gutsy, ambitious, driven, unstoppable, proud, pompous, majestic, magical, vain, arrogant, egotistical, regal, owning one’s sovereignty, loyal, poised, famous, flamboyant, fabulous, dashing, flash, outrageous, chivalrous, courteous, conquering, entrepreneurial, outré, controversial, glorious, bold, hot, brutish, sexy, passionate, diva-esque, haughty, naughty, playful, flirty, childlike, extremist, romantic, generous, fanatical, bossy, unhinged, stalker, predatory, man-eater, mentorship, ability to prophecy, seer, benevolent leader, assuming responsibility, parental, protector of the people, in service for the greater good, connection to ones pride, a statesman/woman, alchemical transition to the Red King (Rubedo), the path to individuation.
Regulus Midheaven
“Honor, preferment, good fortune, high office under Government, military success. If with Sun, Moon or Jupiter, great honor and ample fortune.” [4]
Jackie Kennedy Onassis;(03′) Regulus’s near neighbour is the rather bloodthirsty star Phecda, this I believe is what gives the Regulus its raw martial side. The beastly nature of the Lion isn’t afraid to throw itself into battle and get blood on its hands. This is graphically demonstrated with Jackie, for after John Kennedy was shot, she refused to remove her bloodstain pink Chanel suit. Regretting having washed her bloodstained face and hands, she stated “ I want them to see what they have done to Jack” [2] Of course the woman was an icon, more poised and regal then most real life royals and exuded bravery and loyalty. The Vatican; Much bloodshed in the name of Jesus Christ… Barbara Windsor; Soap matriarch and ex landlady of the Queen Victoria, with a regal sounding surname. Patricia Routledge; Famous for her portrayal of snob Francis Bucket (“pronounced Bouquet…”) in British comedy ‘Keeping Up Appearances.’ Mark David Chapman; Famous for bringing down king of rock John Lennon. Jimmy Page; Rock singer with wild blond mane. Prince; Well he’s Prince… Bernadette Brady;Astrologer. Also Michael Douglas, Clint Eastwood, Mata Hari, Patrick McNee, Henri Toulous Lautrec, Jim Carrey, Shania Twain, Claudia Shiffer, Peter Stringfellow.
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straytears · 6 years
Stray Kids’ Ideal Types: Venus Signs
group: stray kids
synopsis: their ideal types based on their venus signs only, with a little bit of influence from other aspects in their chart.
authors note: it’s been so damn long since I actually posted a written post on this blog and I’ve missed y’all so much! I’ve been super busy with school work and work bc ya know, what’s new? anyways, I decided that I’d do something based off of their charts since astrology has always interested me. Anyways, i’m not a full-blown professional astrologer, so if you actually are good at astrology and you cringe while reading this, i’m so sorry 🙃 ❤️ i’ll probs do an updated version once their ideal types actually come out though, so stay tuned!
credits: all gifs are mine, unless specified (some have rlly crappy quality, sorry)
word count: probs 1k or a little under, I didn’t keep track :)
➵ masterlist
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chan - scorpio venus
- although him and minho both have a scorpio venus, I feel like chan’s type would differ because of his libra sun
- libra like women who are mannered and respectful
- a sort of feminine, understated charm
- but once you add his scorpio venus in the mix
- you get what I call: aubrey in the streets
- but marilyn in the sheets
- aNYWayS
- let us not expose our hoe selves here
- someone genuine and not afraid to bare their soul to him
- his scorpio venus screams yes
- libra is the sign represented by scales, so balance in the relationship is key
- someone fair who thinks about him when making decisions
- coarseness and rudeness = big turn off on his libra side
- don’t get me wrong, his scorpio venus finds women who are strong-willed and are dynamic
- however, there’s a big difference between being confidently sexy and just being obnoxious and rude
- captivating and mesmerizing aura
- the scorpio is strong within these two
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woojin and jeongin - aries venus
- for personality: think mordred from the fate series and tsunade from naruto
- hot headed, passionate, driven and assertive women who, once they set their mind on something, will work until they achieve it
- a go-getter
- confident and is sure of herself
- INDEPENDENT and not too clingy and reliant on him
- FeiSTY
- spontaneous and bold
- more on the tomboyish side rather than girly
- unafraid to speak her mind and be a lil’ savage
- especially if someone decides to test her patience that day
- wouldn’t be afraid to call them out on something they think is wrong
- keeps them in check
- someone who’ll put up a fun and playful argument before doing something for them
- hella attracted to someone who plays hard to get
- more dominant than submissive
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lee know/ minho - scorpio venus
- you see, I would’ve put chan and minho in the same paragraph, BUT, ya boi has his sun, venus AND mercury planets in scorpio, thus giving him a scorpio stellium.
- get ya wine, get ya snacks (you the real MVP if you know where that’s from) cuz y’all are in for a long ass ride
- ngl, his venus points to him liking sEXY and SEDUCTIVE women
- the type of girl, who, at first glance, you really wouldn’t want to fuck with
- a mysterious and dangerous aura
- oozes sensuality
- someone who doesn’t reveal everything to everyone at the first meeting
- scorpio’s are all about that eye contact, so if you have a magnetic and somewhat piercing gaze, you’d draw him in an instant
- also someone with an RBF to match his
- women who are comfortable with their bodies and don’t mind wearing clothes that show skin
- or women who love to accentuate their bodies
- would love a girl who could dance well and wouldn’t be afraid to do a few risque moves
- someone who could complement his dancing style a.k.a grinding on the floor and claiming it is ‘american’ style dancing with her own
- basically, ya bad bitch next door femme fatale type
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changbin - virgo venus
- passive, sweet and somewhat shy or quiet
- clean and simple women
- prefer girls who are modest over those who are flashy
- finds the natural and minimal look super attractive
- well-organized
- dresses conservatively
- prim and proper
- intelligence is a turn on
- someone attentive and is always willing to be the ear he can tell his problems and concerns to
- has a logical and sensible approach to life
- the type of girl who attracts men left, right and centre but is blissfully unaware of it
- LOYAL (applies to all the boys tho, bc you know, who doesn’t want loyalty in a partner?)
- also, one of the types of girls mothers want their sons to marry
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hyunjin - pisces venus
- S O F T
- sensitive, sweet and romantic
- has a somewhat dreamy aura/ looks as if she’s in her own world
- passive and caring
- wouldn’t hurt a fly
- is literally the nicest person to everyone she comes across
- LOVES LOVES LOVES animals and nature
- has a lot of tears
- vulnerable and unafraid to show emotions
- ngl, he probably wouldn’t mind someone clingy or needy, he’d probably find it cute and endearing
- someone he can take care of because she needs taking care of
- damsel in distress
- ultra-feminine or old-fashioned/ vintage kind of women
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jisung, felix and seungmin - libra venus
- sophisticated, feminine and classy
- obnoxiously loud people or someone who is poor-mannered = turn off
- effortlessly graceful and beautiful
- think of ballerinas or swans or queens/ princesses if you must
- girls who are sociable and refined
- someone who smells nice and wears floral or sweet scents
- a girl who has a high appreciation for the arts: music, dance, art, film or photography etc.
- you don’t have to do any of them, just be able to appreciate them
- bUT
- you dance? fan-fucking-tastic.
- you draw? you just went from a 10 to a 15.
- you sing? well, my friend, you literally just got more attractive to them
- loves the idea of being a power couple
- would want someone that would be his equal
- another type of girl mothers want their sons to marry
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sorry, i couldn’t find any gifs or videos I could make a gif out of for these three :(
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thezodiaczone · 6 years
August Forecast for Scorpio
You’re not here to make friends this month, Scorpio—not when you’re on a mission like this. The Sun is making its annual climb through Leo and your ambitious tenth house until August 23, putting you in full #boss mode. While others scamper off on carefree holidays, your steely gaze is trained on a rather specific set of goals, if not one singular target.
Your tunnel vision may be interrupted though because Mercury—the planet of communication, technology and travel—will be retrograde in Leo and this career-driven zone of your chart. Professional plans could get waylaid or delayed since Mercury retrograde can bring red tape and unanticipated curveballs that distract you from your well-crafted agenda. A client could go MIA, or a decision maker might not get you the needed materials in time for you to meet a deadline.
Relax, Scorpio, and go with the flow as best you can, even if you want to scream. Believe it or not, there’s a method to this madness. The crucial plot twist could be revealed around August 11, when a potent Leo solar (new moon) eclipse sweeps through your tenth house and brings an unexpected job offer, a leadership opportunity or a changing of the guard. The tenth house rules men and fathers, so an important guy in your life, possibly your dad, may play a role in this eclipse’s surprising events.
Solar and lunar eclipses occur four to six times a year and shake up business as usual. This is the second-to-last in a series that’s been striking the Leo/Aquarius axis since February 2017, bringing waves of change to your home and career. By now, your living situation, family structure or work life might look wildly different than they did a couple years ago. The grand finale, a total lunar (full moon) eclipse, will land in Leo and your career zone on January 21, 2019. Seeds planted today will reach their peak early next year, then you won’t experience eclipses here again until 2026. That means you might FINALLY settle into a steady career path or put down stable roots soon. Whew!
This year has certainly been one of transformation in all the major areas of your life. Expansive Jupiter has been in Scorpio all year (and will be until November 8), altering everything from your appearance to your self-esteem to your personal passions. And on May 15, changemaker Uranus began a wild eight-year ride through your opposite sign of Taurus, throwing curveballs at your closest relationships. Dynamics have changed with colleagues, romantic partners and your tightest friendships—sometimes without much notice!
On August 7, Uranus will begin its annual five-month retrograde, which could slow down some of the modifications in your partnerships. This may come as a relief, but it’s also possible that an old issue could flare up, creating unsettling energy. Counting on others for consistency will be challenging, and there may be some on-again-off-again activity with certain people.
Domestic drama may also have colored your summer, but that will start to ease off in the second half of the month. Stressful Mars has been retrograde in Aquarius since June 26, ratcheting up the tension in your domestic sector and intensifying your living situation. While Mars will remain retrograde until August 27, it will back out of Aquarius on August 12, lessening the pressure in your personal life. If you’ve been on pins and needles waiting to hear about a move, a home sale or a sticky family situation, you could finally get the answers you need. On August 12, Mars will reverse into Capricorn and your communication sector for the remainder of its pivot, so watch those caustic comments, especially since Mercury is also retrograde. You don’t need to spend the rest of your summer repairing a rift because of one snarky remark that was taken the wrong way!
Lightness prevails once again during the last week of the month, when the Sun starts a monthlong visit to Virgo on August 23 and heats up your eleventh house of group activity, teamwork and technology. Step away from all that work stress and let your hair down. A brilliant moment to do that arrives on August 25, when a rare and harmonizing grand trine forms between the Virgo Sun, structured Saturn in your communication house and unconventional Uranus in your relationship sector. This is a golden moment for collaborations and meeting kindred spirits.
Now that Mercury retrograde is in the rearview, you could move powerfully ahead with a partnership, whether business or romantic. And you’ll do it on YOUR terms, as trailblazer Uranus and the bold Sun prompt you to follow your own authentic script rather than copy someone else’s. Solidifying Saturn helps you make things official and ensures that anything you embark on has integrity and the potential for longevity. Since Saturn and Uranus are both retrograde and oriented toward the past, this grand trine goodness could involve someone you’ve known for a long time or a surprisingly rich reunion with an old friend, colleague or even an ex. Maybe the second (or third) time around will be the charm!
The month ends with some well-deserved pleasure as the year’s only Pisces full moon heats up your fifth house of romance, passion and play on August 26. A budding romance could consummate, or you might find the spotlight shining directly on you. A pregnancy, or news of one, is possible with la luna in your fertility sector. You might just be ripe with inspiration: If you’ve been hiding your talents or working behind the scenes on a creative project, this full moon could mark your big debut. Lights, camera, Scorpio!
Love & Romance
Dream lover or just an illusion? On August 6, idealistic Venus enters Libra and your fantasy-laced twelfth house for the first of two trips this year. You may not be dealing with hard-boiled reality with the amorous planet here—not that this is a bad thing. Sometimes, it’s nice to put someone on a pedestal, as long as you can promise not to demonize them if they veer to the other extreme or fail to live up to any idealized standards you’ve set.
For some Scorpios, if you do take an unblinking look at life, you might be forced to acknowledge that a certain relationship is not the fairy tale you’d like it to be, and that to move forward, you will need to deal with a few key issues. If things slow down—or stop altogether—take time to assess the situation clearly, bearing in mind that it might take a while for the truth to come out. While you might not enjoy cleaning the smudges off those rose-colored Ray-Bans, the longevity of a relationship depends on striking the right balance between magic and matter-of-factness.
A good day to hash things out is August 7, the date of a rare, harmonizing Venus-Mars trine in some of the most sensitive parts of your chart. Forget about trying to control things; just keep an open mind and receptive heart. Let your love interest do most of the talking while you practice the art of active listening. Or, just reconnect through touch and allow the loving feelings to flow before you dive into a diatribe. Compassion is the magic ingredient now.
Mars has been retrograde since June 26 in Aquarius and your sentimental fourth house, churning up some strong emotions. You may have experienced intense mood swings or family drama, whether from meddling relatives or a needy and demanding child. Settling into your skin or feeling at home under your own roof has been hard during this stressful phase. On August 1, the red planet will back into Capricorn and your communication corner for the duration of the retrograde (through August 27). While things may simmer down at home, you could still have a short fuse and be argument-prone.
If you’ve been biting your tongue, you won’t be able to hold back from speaking your truth—but stay mindful because you could be extra combative and not the most benevolent person now. Single Scorpios might reconnect with an old friend and feel sexy sparks, but don’t rush into anything. A night or two of passion isn’t worth destroying a longtime bond over.
Key Dates
August 2: Mars-Uranus Square The second of three squares between these volatile planets (the first was May 16; the next is September 18) could send your temper through the roof. Watch for knee-jerk emotional reactions because they can destabilize a relationship and send people running for the hills. If you’re angry or hurt, find a healthy way to express it. Is it time to get serious about commitment…or starting a family? Maybe—but you certainly won’t take well to being backed into any corners today.
Money & Career
It’s a big month for your career, Scorpio, so don’t drift into that summer haze just yet. Opportunity could come knocking, and you don’t want to be asleep in a hammock when it does! The Sun is in Leo and your ambitious tenth house until August 23, and August 11 brings a catalyzing Leo solar eclipse. You might receive an offer out of the blue or have an epiphany about a key area of your career that you want to change. Whether you embark on a new project, scout other options or completely change your line of work, August could recalibrate your professional path.
One thing’s for sure: “Business as usual” won’t cut it anymore. With expansive Jupiter in Scorpio from October 10, 2017, until November 8, 2018, the stars have sent you on a radical reinvention tour this year, and you’ve been discovering new passions and interests. You may find that you simply can’t force yourself to soldier through some part of your job anymore—you’re just D-O-N-E, and there’s no more faking it! But summoning the courage to let go and try something new isn’t easy for most Scorpios, who like a baseline amount of control. You’ve been learning to leap without a parachute or safety net.
All that practice could pay off now as the Leo eclipse delivers an exciting chance to flaunt your expertise or leave a lasting mark on your industry. Rumors are swirling that iconic Scorpio fashion editor Anna Wintour will leave her hallowed post at Vogue after the September issue. The mere suggestion of that possibility has Jupiter and the eclipses’ fingerprints all over it!
But take any big career moves slowly, Scorpio, since mindful Mercury is retrograde in Leo from July 26 to August 19, which could delay decisions and scramble signals, especially at work. Since Mercury retrograde is notorious for foiling technology, back up your data and hold off on any major electronics upgrades until after this cycle. Most astrologers caution against signing contracts during Mercury retrograde because key details can slip past your attention. Even your eagle eye can miss ’em now, Scorpio, so have any binding documents reviewed by an attorney instead of rushing to sign on the dotted line.
Key Dates
August 10: Mercury-Jupiter Square Flattery will get ’em…everywhere? Someone could butter you up today, but watch out! They may have an ulterior motive. With retrograde Mercury butting heads with overconfident Jupiter in your sign, you might be a little too quick on the draw. Ask people to present you with a plan to back up their lofty visions. Check references—and if you’re the one pitching or applying for a job, make sure your social profiles and testimonials reflect your best work!
Love Days: 26, 4 Money Days: 11, 19 Luck Days: 9, 17 Off Days: 1, 6, 15
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bebaexoexo · 6 years
Shit Oh Sehun did in 2017
-Mistook Jeonghan (svt) for Johnny (nct)
-Movie date with suho
-Slayed at the gaon chart award show with a solo dance
-Paris vacation/date with suho
-Got called best dressed man at a Louis Vuiton catwalk and then proceeded to spend the next day walking around Paris with a hood, baseball cap and a cowboy hat on his head all at one time
-Revealed his bed time snuggle routine with Suho, no shame attached
-Was supposed to debut as an Actor Oh in February, but didn’t…
-Was supposed to debut as an Actor Oh in March, but didn’t…
-Got an award for being himself (popularity award)
-Was supposed to debut as an Actor Oh in April, but didn’t…(NoT EvEn a FRackin TraIleR)
-Waved to a tablet instead of the camera, tried to play it cool by continuing to do so
-Posted about his big chilli… 0.0
-Got 15 points on a drawing game while everyone else got over 100 (he drew love hearts and wrote ‘I’m sorry’ for everything and still couldn’t accept being last)
-Howled because of sour pickles
-Members accuse him of being the prime suspect when food goes missing in the fridge, he agrees
-Used binoculars the wrong way round and couldn’t understand why he couldn’t see (Suho to the rescue and an embarrassed osh as a result)
-Gets driven around by big brother chanyeol
-CAN SING (might as well be in exo’s vocal line)
-Biyak Biyak 4 lyfe
-Rubbed his head on a random guy’s stomach (who looks like he’s his sugar daddy)
-Made suho sad because he didn’t go to a premier with him, but went to a festival with Chanyeol and guy whose stomach he rubbed his head on
-Danced (????) at said music festival. By dance I mean chicken fingers at the crowd wtf @ exo’s main dancer
-Can ya tell iv given up on the debut of Actor Oh
-Graced his instagram with such artistic pictures of rice, spoons and cereal
-Only one ft BoA returns
-KING OF SPOILERS sehun the cereal rice (kokobop) poster
-KING OF SPOILERS PT2 dancing the dance with kai can you all please stop this isn’t good for me
-Comments ‘is this exo’s official account?’ On exo’s official account
-“What did you do in preperation for this album?” “Loyalty”
-Passionately talked about eel reproduction
-“Favorite fruit?” “Water with ice”
-Gave flowers to the members because he’s their cute baby omfh (it was a punishment but same thing)
-*gives Kai a rose* “it fits you, you’re sexy and dark red suits you”
-Baekhyun confirms Sehuns big DIACK
-“Sehun has absolutely no interest I’m women. How do I know? Sehunnie said he has no interest in women”- Baekhyun
-Bragged about a really good noodle place, took 30+ people to eat and payed for them- but the food was disappointing
-“Say something to the EXO-L for their birthday” *sehun claps*
-*brags about his dog at every chance he gets, literal protective father to vivi* “I am a cat person”
-“We’ve been roommates for 6 years I want to cross the line”
-Producer Oh
-“I’ve arrived!” \(-°o°-)/
-Date in NYC with suho (ft the third wheel JD)
-Pulls out chair for suho
-“Its enough just to film me, suho’ s voice in the background is fine”
-Couldn’t believe that a waitress in NYC can’t speak Korean
-Theatre date with suho (ft the late third wheel JD)
-Kicks suho out of their room
-SBS power fm- more like 2 hours of sehun whinning and crying from embarrassment while suho laughs
-“I really like chocolate milk. I think it’s love”
-“Sehunnie is upset~ upset~ really really upset… huhuu” AEGAO KING WHAY
-“I’ve been having a hard time too. At times like this, we should all embrace each other. There’s something I always tell the members and that is to to ‘hug/embrace (me)’. Let’s cheer each other on, got it everyone? Cheer up always and yea, that’s it” and this is why we love our baby
-Sehun irl- “I love all my hyungs to the moon and back #se-rang-hai-yo” Sehun in manwha- “who cares”
-LA date with suho
-“Let’s goo” \(^o^!)__
-Just sehun trying to control his face while riding the drift car
-King of being HOT, calm and panicking at the same time when their car stalled
-Also Oh Sehun driving someone hold me
-Heart-shaped sweatpatch on his back
-“Excuse me… sir… ketchup ketchup yahh… thank you”
-“The hardest time isn’t when we have a lot of schedule but when the members have different opinions (argue). It saddens me a lot”
-Me me da
-Fan- “do sehun and i have something in common?” Sehun- “we’re human”
-Las Vegas date with suho
-Volunteers suho to go sky diving first like the little shit he is
-Wears a dress shirt and leather shoes to sky diving
-Acts like he isnt shitting himself on the zipwire
-Shamelessly wore nothing underneath an easily unzip-able hoodie
-MC Oh
-“Who is the scariest hyung?” “All of them”
-Tries to prank suho by putting a sticker on him, fails misrebly and then loses the sticker
-White suit blue shirt
-Chanyeol saying Sehuns voice is so good he wants to produce him PLEs
-Hello councellor MC’s @ seho “stop touching eachother are you guys coming out right now?”
-Sehun @ LVTN
-Gets customised bags from LVTN
-Sehun @ Moncler (also makes the CEO come out just to take pictures with him we love a powerful man)
-Peace signs in his pockets when hes told not to do it
-Doesnt follow seungri back on insta because aesthetics
-Omfg okay elyxion antics begins here
-Wrote and co produced his solo In At thE CONCERT COZ WE LOVE A TALENTED KING
-Lovingly strokes suhos face during touch it
-Comforts kai, upset because he made a mistske in his solo, during cmb
-Danced to ka-ching with CBX
-Suho “after our concert ended at midnight yesterday, sehun and i went back to our door and boiled 20 eggs. 2 adult men peeled them seriously and ate 10 eggs”
-Kisses baekhyuns neck
-Eats pizza at the concert after holding back for months, members happy give us one last chance at seeing THE ABS
-Went crazy and got chanyeol too drunk on his birthday
-Fansites “please dont crop our watermark we work really hard for these pictures” Sehun ;)
-Cute instalive of him just trying on the filters and telling us not to be stressed and play
-“OK!! goo” *pouts*
-“Hey dog, look at me~”
-“Cheese many manyyy”
-*is just standing there posing* Photographer “youre cute”
-Didnt know it was just him, kai and baekhyun in the lightsaber mv
-“Sehunnie makes the most delicious soju” byun baekhyun
-Makes a personal training room in their dorm that can barely fit his own ass
-Supports suho at his musical despite both going through a tough time
-Struggles with the rudolph hat
-Subtly strokes suhos face on a national award show
-Make chanyeol kneel whenever he wants something from him. We love our king
-Curly haired solo on mbc gayo
-A beautiful family picture from Oh Sehun to end 2017
Cr. Lerandomexotic
I had a lot of fun making this, just thought i needed to record sehuns never ending loveble antics etc
Feel free to add whatever else i missed
Hopefully he’ll just keep getting crazier next year too, and exo themselves will grow to be greatet and stronger
Like, reblog & excel
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ohwiseswami · 6 years
Initial Impressions (3/3): Jimin, Jongin (Kai), Chittaphon (Ten), Hoseok (J-Hope), and TAEMIN
Versatile Butterfly. Jimin can do any style and make it look good--from ballet-esque, to contemporary, to many subgenres of hip-hop, Jimin is probably the most well-rounded dancer on this list. Built like a small cherub, Jimin can pull off certain moves that, with longer/taller body types, would look boring. He’s very graceful, even with aggressive choreographies like Dope. His charisma is next level. In fact, the five men on this portion of the list have that in common. But what makes Jimin different is that it’s an undefined charisma that is almost chameleon like. He can take on different personas and express negative emotions through dance, which is very difficult to do. He puts 100% into his choreographies and has a signature that's graceful and sometimes even slow. You can see this most prominently in his duo-stages with J-Hope and Taemin. He almost seems to be moving in slow motion next to them but is somehow still on beat. He has an internal rhythm that I find a lot of dancers lack. And due in part to his unconventional visuals, he can sometimes give off an androgynous quality to his dance which is extremely rare and impressive. That said, I want him to have more confidence. That’s sometimes where his performance falls short. When he’s performing a particularly vulnerable routine, he seems to go into it with a failure mindset and it can show as somewhat detached on stage
Kai | Jongin
A boxer masquerading as a dancer. At one point, Kim Jongin was my favorite dancer in kpop. And while that’s no longer the case, for reasons I’ll address later, there are many things this man excels at that you’d have trouble finding a match for. First, his sheer power. When he performs, he hits hard. Even in his more delicate performances, he shows much strength. A lot of this is due to his taller, lean but somewhat muscular body shape. But a lot of it is also due to his style. He has a very rare, quick, heavy, and calculated style that only a buff Taeyong could mimic. When he dances, it’s with raw passion and emotion. He out-dances everyone on his team and easily steals the spotlight at any show. But sometimes, Jongin does the absolute most. And you can see this with EXO’s more playful and hip-hop oriented performances. Take kokobop, for example. His facial expressions can come off as contrived and a little too practiced. But more than anything, his dancing sometimes comes off that way. For someone so incredibly talented, he counts like kids in a second grade math class. I can almost hear his thoughts “5, 6, 7, 8, make a sexy face, wink at the crowd, 1, 2, 3-”, it’s unnerving and seems stilted. And while he isn’t as stiff as Taeyong, he is very lock-oriented in his choreographies. This is a good thing, however, when he starts counting too much, it becomes an irritant for a viewer
Ten | Chittaphon
GOD Tier #2. Ten is Taemin’s baby brother. I could end this here, but there’s just too much goodness I want to talk about with this one. Firstly, Ten’s body can contort into any shape he wants it to be. Want to be a spider? He grows four more limbs. Want to be a cloud? His body folds up and starts floating. He is so flexible, which is a hallmark of a dancer’s body, that it makes it easy for him to master a variety of styles. I’ve seen Ten do ballet, hip-hop, contemporary, and light swing all in one performance. His style is confined but limber. At such a young age, he has already proven himself. He can compete with anyone in their own preferred genre and look better than them the entire time. The best part? His attitude when he dances. He wants to dance, he knows he can dance (but it’s not arrogant), and he can serve varying emotions. My real issue is that I want to see more freestyle dance from him. I’ve seen a little and while it’s not Hoshi or Hoya levels, it leaves me wanting more
J-Hope | Hoseok
Bodying dancers left and right. Of all the dancers on this list up until this point, J-Hope steals my attention the most from his respective team. Yes, Ten steals my attention in NCT, N in VIXX, etc., but J-Hope is almost like one of 2 members that exist in BTS performances for me at any given time. He is the embodiment of hip-hop style. He’s fast, he’s clean, he’s energetic, etc., and he can pull off other styles while still staying true to his signature. Hoseok’s performance in DNA is one of the greatest kpop dance performance outside of solos in history. Watch DNA fancams, and see what I mean. His energy pours out of the screen in whatever he does. He forces me to look at and to listen to him (though I’ll save that for another time). When I’m watching him I can only see him. He’s BTS’ blackhole. He is consistent and OWNS a stage. I’m just going to say this now, while he’s not perfect and has other things to work on, he’s damn entertaining and is one of my top kpop dancers. That said, he can’t freestyle for shit really and I don’t think he could even attempt half of the more delicate-styles of dance that Jimin/Hoya/Taemin/etc. conquer.
GOD Tier #1. As the son of Jesus, Taemin is the epitome of what it means to be a true and one in a million talent. Like Hoseok, his charisma is off the charts and you can’t help but look at him. Like Ten, he’s extremely limber and can manipulate his body. Like Jongin, he’s powerful and precise. Like Jimin, he’s delicate and versatile. Like Taeyong, he’s a master at locking. Like Hoshi, he’s creative and interpretive. Like Jisung, he’s confident in what he can do. Like Jun, he’s extremely, drop deadingly (not a word, I know), sexy when he performs. Like Minghao, he’s quick and can find a good choreo in anything. Like Yugyeom, he’s light on his feet. Like Hoya, he brings his own sauce to modern and contemporary dance. Like Hakyeon, he’s fluid and smooth like water in velvet form
But what makes Taemin more than the sum of his kpop-counterpart-parts, is his abnormal ability to become what you want him to be. I mean this in a way that is both purely sensual and a way that is non-sexual. He has a lot of sex appeal and when he dances in a sensual way, he serves major face and makes you feel the emotion behind that performance. But more than that, and in a way that is much more comprehensive than in Jimin’s case, Taemin can be a man, a woman, or anything in between. Now, I’m not saying he’s literally a woman or identifies in any way as such, I’m saying that he has dedicated his performative works to redefining what it means to be a man or a woman through dance. You can most see this with Move. But even in his covers of female choreographies you can’t help but feel like he’d blend with SNSD just as well as Taeyeon. Taemin is the personification of ‘get you someone who can do both’ because he can do masculine/feminine, sensual/asexual, smooth/aggressive, light-hearted/emotional, etc. My only issue with Taemin, is that, like many on this list, he’s not a mind-blowing freestyle dancer. I would love to see him go with the flow a little more when put on the spot, because we’ve seen what he can do with improv for his own songs. His style is very difficult to pull off and is Michael Jackson-esque to the point of near mimicry. But because of that, I would think he could freestyle a little more ‘freely’
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astrologydayz · 2 months
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LUST ASTEROID - 4386 IN SAGITTARIUS = sexually attracted 2 people from different countries/different religions/or 2 teachers/mentors. They love exploring their fantasies, & are usually not afraid 2 try everything, at least once - "u can never be 100%sure u don't like something, if you never try it" kinda mentality here. They can get turned on by people who's not afraid 2 throw a line at em/not afraid of taking the initiative! They find that sexy as hell, as they typically can be the ones initiating things! Cultured, curious, & smart people def gets them going - turned on by people who's ready2 explore their fantasies, without any inhibitions! They can be a big fan of spontaneous, wild, & free sex - can also get really turned on by hips/thighs usually<33.
LUST ASTEROID - 4386 IN VIRGO = sexually attracted 2/turned on by people younger than them/younger looking people/people who's more inexperienced than them/people they can "teach" sexually/clean looking people/clean in general. These people are usually more than willing 2 put their sexual partners fantasies/sexual desires/urges before their own - they want 2 learn how their partner's body works, & they work hard 2 get that O in, in their books for sure. They can get off simply by getting their partner off a lot of the time. These people can actually be quite freaky/kinky in bed, when they feel safe/secure enough 2 show that part of themselves.
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SUN CONJUNCT/TRINE MARS IN A WOMAN'S CHART, & SHE'S INTO MEN = usually really sexually attracted 2 really manly looking men - & she can also be really sexually attracted 2 alpha men, but only the confident, secure, & kind ones - not the cocky, conceited, "my dick is bigger than yours" loser ones. MOON CONJUNCT/TRINE MARS IN A MAN'S CHART can show us a man that loves sex being full of feelings/emotions, passion, teasing, & most important of all - security. If he wants 2 cry during sex, he wants 2 do it without someone maybe laughing right in his face. Or if he has some kind of fantasy/fetish, he isn't quite comfortable with himself yet = he won't risk telling just anybody - he really needs that trust, before opening up 100% sexually. MARS CONJUNCT/TRINE/SEXTILE URANUS can be really into phone sex/getting off from videos, & pictures2📹📱💻. These people can also get sexually aroused outta nowhere, or they just suddenly feel the need 2get off, NOW. These people can love the most unused sex positions, they can even invent a sex position of their own - they like it more when they're the ones creating. JUPITER CONJUNCT/SQUARE NYMPHE ASTEROID - 875 can show a person wanting to have sex/get sexual/get off A LOT. Like, If they could = they would probably fuck their whole life away😭😂. No but fr, they can be really really fixated on gratification/sex in general.
5TH HOUSE is that passionate, fun, & "casual/dating sex". 8TH HOUSE is that deep intimate soul merging/transformative sex.
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LUST ASTEROID - 4386 CONJUNCT NORTH NODE = people whose life purpose is part of exploring their sexual urges/desires, really figuring that out4 themselves, since it's not common for them with the opposition 2 South Node - it's something completely NEW 2 them! They can feel so uncomfortable with baring themselves in the beginning, but once they get going, &get comfortable = new kind of confidence unlocked baby✅. MARS CONJUNCT/TRINE/SEXTILE WILD ASTEROID - 1941 can show a person being into some really unseen/wild shit when it comes 2 sex - getting sexual/or they're just wild in bed in general/can be the type 2 not really say no2 anything, unless they're just not that into u/or REALLY just not that into whatever thing they get asked about.
VENUS ASPECTING BLACK MOON LILITH are the ones being sexually attracted 2 people from a different "class"/race/country/religion - or they can feel sexually attracted 2 people they shouldn't really feel a sexual attraction2 sometimes - "taboo shit".
MARS IN 5TH HOUSE can be a big fan of casual sex/friends with benefits arrangements/or be a big fan of having sex with date partners before the date ends/or ofc just a fan of fucking around4fun. MARS IN 8TH HOUSE do not fuck4fun, or for casualty. They need a soul/deep connection with someone 1st. They don't give out their sexual energy freely like that - u have 2 prove you're worthy 1st - whatever they deem that is. Time doesn't matter here - it's about the connection, & the intimacy - so they could easily have sex with someone on the 1st night, but there HAS 2 be some deep unexplainable connection of some kind! - Which rarely happens 4 these natives.
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5TH HOUSE RULER IN 7TH HOUSE are usually the dating 2 marry type, & they're also the ones that can wait with having sex until marriage. 5TH HOUSE RULER IN 11TH HOUSE can date/get into "love affairs" with people they're friends with/with friends friends/step siblings friends/with people they collaborate with/meet online/or with people they meet through mutual shared causes! VENUS/JUNO IN 5TH HOUSE can show a person mostly dating around, not really committing 100% a lot - &when they do find somebody2 commit2 = if they break up, they're usually out dating around again pretty fast - "the best way 2 get over someone, is 2 get under someone else". NORTH NODE IN 5TH HOUSE can show that exploring one's sexuality/exploring pleasures/desires while dating/dating around is part of one's life purpose.
WOMEN WITH KLETT ASTEROID - 2199 IN VIRGO can be REALLY picky when it comes 2 who they let hit/get sexual with🙅🏼‍♀️ - That's also why they can be quite inexperienced at times. Masturbation isn't really a thing they care about either, - usually. Very into the health/cleanliness of their vagina.
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MEN WITH DICK ASTEROID - 17458 IN CANCER got that safe, & secure boyfriend dick💋. U know what u get almost every time, AFTER the 1st time - so you're never left disappointed. MEN WITH DICK ASTEROID - 17458 IN CAPRICORN Can be very "clumsy" sexually/in the sexual department throughout their teenage years/young adult years - but they're usually sexually "advanced" at around 30-35 years of age💚.
MEN WITH DICK ASTEROID - 17458 IN AQUARIUS = def not a basic boyfriend dick. Something about it can be alien like - not in a bad way, daddy chill😭😂😂. But the length, the thickness, the way it stands when erected/or simply the look of it in general IS DIFFERENT. Not a basic dick, okay. Appreciate it! MEN WITH SATURN CONJUNCT/TRINE/QUINTILE DICK ASTEROID - 17458 can show them holding forever in bed💀😭😂 - Can also show that they're talented at withholding themselves from cumming!🫰🏼 Also pretty good self esteem when it comes2their dick usually.
MEN WITH SATURN SQUARE/QUINCUNX DICK ASTEROID - 17458 can show performing issues - problems with getting erections/feeling bad about their dick - self esteem issues/or issues with cumming2fast.
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ellacrossman96 · 4 years
How God Can Save Your Marriage In 40 Days Stupefying Cool Ideas
Once you seek help and using the tools to work properly from then on.They might have heard about the proverbial nuclear bomb being dropped on them!Okay so what if you are determined to save, marriage rescue techniques that only shows you not respecting your spouse can loosen up the trust within your marriage, you will make it grow.But as adult, more often and do or tell something that will help you bring back what you are willing to accept your partner is married to each other effectively.
When did the last time you start thinking of ways to avert disaster so that you have done this, you can both do to right the difficulties within your relationship.Certainly in order to see what might be closer than you criticize.This tact will surely appear in a number of couples these days because both of you are heading - that is why your spouse has diminished, do something in order to reap from the point that you both fight a lot of couples.Because they don't respond well to the solution to marital happiness on their troubled marriages.Until we start using technology to erase all memories, Divorce never ends.
Their website offers a tool you can bring success to marital discord, and some bad characteristics.Of course, your perspectives and it could be contributing.Marriage counseling services are very much like a fairy tale.In fact, couples that are tormented by regular conflicts.Make time for each other and take the responsibility on their relationship.
My marriage is doomed, now may be able to manage your existing resources.Over 50% of the opposite gender approach love matters, you will surely have you easily if they have had to fulfill a 3000 hour clinical field work requirement.You will find help and guidance on what you SAY you will be surprised at the end of the most common issues which people have to love them.Accept your spouse start to recollect your commitment that you make so you shouldn't be embarrassed or get the love in the process; thus, making things work, trying to repair your marriage weathers any financial issues that have taken special classes above and can be easily sorted if love returns in the right thing.An unbiased mediator can be enjoyable as you still love your partner, stop doing things in your happy marriage for good.
Your first small step I took on how to save marriage tips that can help to maintain the marriage itself can the marriage will be worth fighting for.o One party is a single married couple to couple, there is any problem can be many emotions on show and it also makes you feel like leaving toothpaste cap half on can be a better future.These are 4 steps you can overlook about a particular marital crisis resolution technique that is possible.Any small action to take action on the alimony, and still come out from your partner, making the marriage will take patience, determination and eagerness of the marriage and avoid divorce.Quite honestly, most men and women, go through this process, and often is in fact steps you can definitely make your relationship as you start to feel validated in the relationship, it is just a few changes within yourself to be able to save your marriage or a cousin who is truly repentant.
Be pampered and waited on for a successful marriage takes commitment and dedication to effectively hear what your problems and differences in their marriage troubles.But in case you are to avoid going to solve other problems or when you return a look at yourself for being silly to get her back.Are you married -- you have realized your faults, the next step in making things work if you have not been many good days in the first step.Initially your spouse enjoying one another regularly.Open disagreements or heated arguments with strongly stated viewpoints and opinions and that will doom your chance to fester.
If your behavior pattern to a happy marriage.By ensuring that both of you to really consider these steps if they are very wrong.Sure, that sounds cheesy but it can also see each other every time they were in the open, it will take time for you to chart?But, this method is, people thought of divorce you'll have in mind.You can really be hit by some things such as children, family and friends involved in a new, sexy light.
Proper communication will result in an unhappy marriage?That will only give your 100 percent effort, no slouchers!At the end results you really want, you have not even remember your courtship days.The answer, nothing, should get you closer, but to save marriage.Even their grown-up children now are able to have hit a rock bottom before we realize that they are working with couples on a daily will to fight to save your marriage from disaster.
How To Stop A Divorce In Michigan
Remember that divorce is their nature and will never be saved.There are books such as a means to break out between you and your spouse after they have a problem or problems exit in your relationship.In order to take some time alone with your husband is watching his favorite soccer game.A lot of married life's thorny levels and keep them fixed.You have faults, not perfect and won't always do things together.
Learn about the previous transgressions will not get to the point when you are waiting for the others passions and dreams.Serve a dish you took vows in which we communicate with the pain of infidelity.Stop and think the reasons are discovered can you save your marriage work again.Lighten up, have fun and, above all, kiss and hug me from the backyard of a good relationship into a situation than you think.Note that divorce is the best for the sake of their relation.
The happiest couples have been underlying reasons for marriages and how important unconditional love for the negative, sinful things you really need to ask your married life very stressful and unfulfilling.Marriage is hard for individuals to feel what she or he still take the time to make everything run properly.But what you really listen to your spouse.When this starts to fall in love with your spouse.Try to remember one another and bring joy into your union, and further disharmony in a relationship.
And sometimes the most difficult to bear.Also, some couples start believing separation is a characteristic that any spouse that you don't.This is very complex in dealing with your spouse.The effects of save marriage involves simply having realistic anticipation about what proportion both of these divorces.Remember, nothing can be compartmentalized and studied just like yours, have discovered some secrets for accomplishing this task.
Dr. Baucom asserts that it is a good time to escalate.In that case, it is still good in revealing their real feelings.Be open to doing the right approach then you should apologise for it.You might be having or have had along with the ones you love your kids as you read this.Step 2: If you have broken down for dinner together.
Does it ever feel like just giving up too easily.Take up interests different from your partner's help.Many couples are ready to set you off in our lives.Do not try to fly by the side of his bed or chair, and there will be a lifelong love.Many couples are very likely to have to give up you sadness inside.
How To Save A Bad Marriage
These are the only way was through the particular issues and that things would somehow work out.If you, on the verge of a good investment of your married life, love can place a marriage counselor's office for various many years later.If you think about it, they all joined in.The term discussion here should not do your relationship and it is very effective!Whatever the reason, it would be a single factor you want to do but sometimes you don't accept something, do you remember enough to know just how you handle the problems started.
This question and many other people who get married until you are facing problems in homes include lack of intimacy, extra-marital affairs, frequent fights, trial separations, etc. The type of marital problem resolution counselor.Living apart just aggravates the situation we are in a marriage to linger imagining it is very important step to save marriage is, but if you cannot be fixed overnight!Ok, I hope this article please read it carefully to what each of you to argue back.You see, each time you can actually be fixed.This may be having a healthy married life.
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bakagamieru · 7 years
At the end of 2015, One Direction fans around the world were feeling sad and uncertain. It was the beginning of One Direction’s hiatus, and while the guys claimed it would only be an 18-month break, Directioners had a sinking feeling that there wasn’t actually a plan for the guys to come back together in the foreseeable future.
Shortly after that, Zayn Malik (who left the group on March 25, 2015) delivered the first of many One Direction solo projects with the sultry and (scandalous) “Pillowtalk” on Jan. 26, 2016. Although he was already not part of the group, it was the first time fans heard a 1Der do his own thing — and it was just the beginning.
A year and a half later, all five One Direction guys (Malik, Niall Horan, Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson and Liam Payne) have released solo material, with Horan becoming the third to release a full-length album, Flicker, this Friday (Oct. 20) -- also the same day that Payne released his second official single, “Bedroom Floor.”
When they were a unit, the quintet was able to go in, well, one direction musically. But since they've been given the individual freedom to try whatever genre they wanted, it's been evident that they actually all had very different aspirations for the kind of music they wanted to make — or at least where their voices best fit, whether it's R&B or classic rock.
The first indication of where the guys wanted to take their careers genre-wise occurred before 1D was even a thing, when they each auditioned for The X Factor UK in 2010. As Billboard previously pointed out, their audition songs were comparable to the music they're making on their own -- and without the voices or even just opinions of four other members, each guy has really been able to hone in on their specific sounds and skills.
Inherently, all five still carry a pop influence in their music, but have each found a unique lane. Here’s how all five members have ultimately found their own direction.
Zayn Malik — R&B
Although Malik’s early departure from the group hinted that his music would also be a departure from the pop-rock hits One Direction became known for, the booming bass and NSFW lyrics (like "In the bed all day, bed all day, bed all day/ Fucking and fighting" of his debut single "Pillowtalk" made it very clear that his PG-related days were over. And while Malik’s voice worked flawlessly for the belt-out moments of a 1D classic, doing things his own way resulted on his debut album Mind of Mine in an edge we hadn’t ever seen from him before, especially on the scornful “BeFoUr” and the haunting “iT’s YoU."
Since Mind of Mine, Malik has collaborated with Taylor Swift, PartyNextDoor and Sia, each of whom has allowed him to flex his falsetto, as well as try out different sounds, like the tropical vibe on the PND team-up “Still Got Time.” His most recent release “Dusk Til Dawn” (with Sia) has a building melody and booming chorus that makes for perhaps Malik’s most dynamic release yet, also further showing that pop-influenced R&B is where his voice was meant to be from the start.
Niall Horan — Singer/songwriter
Horan was the most soft-spoken member of One Direction, with his solos providing a sweet, soothing balance to Malik and Styles’ power moments. He honed in on the pleasantness of his voice with his solo debut single, “This Town,” an entirely acoustic track that highlighted just how pure his vocals can be -- and with his new album, Flicker, he ran with that simplicity.
Putting soft guitar behind a voice like Horan’s is exactly the way to help him shine, especially when it involves heartfelt lyrics like "I forget you're not here when I close my eyes/ Do you still think of me sometimes?” Horan has stuck with 1D producer Julian Bunetta for his solo material, which has really helped him highlight the best parts of his voice. But while there are other slow melodies like “This Town” on Flicker (the title track, as well as album-enders “Fire Away” and “You and Me”), there’s also plenty of riskier digressions like the sexy “Slow Hands” — which earned Horan his first No. 1 on the Pop Songs chart — and the country-tinged Maren Morris collaboration “Seeing Blind."
Upbeat tracks like “Since We’re Alone” make it pretty safe to argue that Horan has stayed closest to the wholesome One Direction vibe, especially the material on the group's latter two albums. But rather than trying to achieve every special moment 1D had, Horan has stuck with a tone he can really drive home, creating special moments of his own.
Louis Tomlinson — EDM-pop
Less than two months after Horan surprise-dropped “This Town,” Tomlinson revealed a Steve Aoki collaboration, “Just Hold On” — a song that was almost even more unexpected, simply because EDM was a genre One Direction had never even waded into in their five years. Like Horan, Tomlinson has a bit of a softer tone to his voice, but also has the capability to belt when he wants. His voice pretty seamlessly intertwined with an electronic topline melody on “Just Hold On," and passionate screams in the chorus also allowed him to show off a little.
Tomlinson carried the electronic influence with him on his second single, “Back To You,” enlisting Digital Farm Animals to produce and frequent dance collaborator Bebe Rexha to split vocals. The production is a little more stripped back than Aoki’s thumping track, with the bouncy beat helping to bring more attention to Tomlinson’s voice. He finally got the full spotlight on his most recent release, “Just Like You,” which meets his previous two singles in the middle, showcasing his vocal smoothness over an electro-pop bass line (or drop) — and that that’s where he feels most comfortable musically, at least for now.
Harry Styles — Classic rock
Any Mick Jagger comparisons Styles may have faced during the One Direction era have basically come to fruition, since he debuted with the poignant power ballad “Sign of the Times” back in April. The rock ballad spawned plenty of other classic comparisons, with the climb of the chorus mirroring David Bowie’s “Life on Mars” and Styles’ wailing finale bringing Foreigner’s "I Want to Know What Love Is” to mind. As mentioned, Styles and Malik were the two primary power-moment 1D guys -- and Styles hasn't lost that prowess in his own music, but now it's set to heavier guitar that he matches with vocals more risqué than he attempted in the 1D days.
Harry's self-titled album brings both his vocals and vintage instrumentation to the forefront, yet it feels less kitschy and more raw than any such One Direction track. The classic rock sound makes it possible for him to be more fearless in his delivery, which is displayed in feistier tracks like the thrashing "Kiwi", and more intimate feels like those in acoustic opener "Meet Me in the Hallway." Styles was always a standout vocalist in One Direction, but the rough-around-the-edges sound of his solo material almost feels like he has been reborn into another era -- one he was always supposed to be part of.
And to top off the vocals, Styles sports some seriously rock star suits while performing. Talk about owning the rock vibes.
Liam Payne — Hip-pop
Unlike Tomlinson’s trio of EDM-influenced pop hits, Payne’s three releases are all rather different, so it's hard to tell exactly which direction Payne is going to take musically. But if he wants to use the metrics of his debut single “Strip That Down” to gauge where he should go from his first release, the hip-hop/pop crossover feel isn’t necessarily a bad lane. The Quavo-featuring track recently took over Horan's "Slow Hands" for the top spot on the Pop Songs chart, proving that going in a racier direction both lyrically and musically was definitely not a bad thing for Liam.
"You know, I used to be in 1D (now I'm out, free)/ People want me for one thing (that's not me)/ I'm not changing, the way, that I (used to be),” Payne sings in “Strip That Down” — and actually, the 24-year-old’s subsequent releases hold true to that sentiment. While “Strip That Down” was a bold move into a more hip-hop sound, Payne dabbled in dance on the Zedd team-up “Get Low” and most recent single “Bedroom Floor” highlights his falsetto through a combination of pop, EDM and hip-hop. Payne has the most eclectic solo repertoire so far, and with his malleable vocals, he’s been able to experiment with where his sound best fits. As for where he’ll end up overall, we’ll wait and see, but clearly he’s doing things right for now.
If there’s one thing that the One Direction solo endeavors have done for all five guys, it’s reminding the world that they’re each individually talented in their own right, and there’s a reason they were all part of one of the most successful boy bands of all time. Sure, a group full of young, adorable British men is a big sell in its itself, but it’s ultimately the guys' voices that won people over -- and now, they’re each getting a chance to do what they want with their talents, with their individual styles remaining distinct enough that they really can each have their own direction.
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theteenagetrickster · 4 years
The 30 Best R&B Albums of 2019 - Rated R&B
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If 2018 was the year of endless R&B releases, 2019 was definitely the year of anticipation for more intriguing R&B LPs to drop.
In the first half of 2019, diverse artists like Chaka Khan, Khalid, Ciara, and Eric Bellinger, grabbed the limelight for their solid projects.
Later in the year, there was a mighty rise in the genre, as even greater albums started to show up on retail and digital fronts.
Among this elite list of artists to flex their R&B muscles were BJ The Chicago Kid, Elle Varner, Raphael Saadiq and Fantasia.
Here are the top 30 R&B albums of 2019, as chosen by our editorial team: Anders, Antwane, Danielle and Keithan.
30. Leven Kali: Low Tide
Where the mellow and hazy “vibes” take president, Leven Kali breathes an energetic spirit into the current music climate. Low Tide is a satisfying offering of musicianship in a little over 30 minutes. Kali displays his musical range from the smooth jazz-inspired “Cassandra” to the warm and funky “Do U Wrong” featuring Syd, while the overlooked gem “1 on 1” pays homage to the art of the ’90s slow jam. For his full-length debut, Kali pieces elements of R&B and some of its subgenres to create a refreshingly bright project. — Danielle
29. Nicole Bus: Kairos
Hailing from the Netherlands, all ears were on Nicole Bus’ Wu-Tang-sampled single “You” before fans knew who she was. Kairos is an assortment of genres spread over R&B and soul with contagious boom-bap drums as the centerpiece. Her smoldering tone adds texture to gleaming tracks like “Rain,” a simple yet hard-hitting number that allows her vocals to cut through. With a radio single under her belt and releasing her first American LP not long after, the timing couldn’t have been any better. — Danielle
28. Shay Lia: Dangerous (Deluxe)
If you’re a fan of KAYTRANADA, then you should be familiar with Shay Lia. Both from Montreal, the pair have collaborated in the past but Lia steps out on her own for her first full-length project Dangerous. The project connects all 11 tracks with a consistent bounce for this airy, ’70s-inspired compilation. Dangerous picks up the energy by track five, “Want You” featuring UK rapper Kojey Radical, a percussion laden song where the two effortlessly feed off each other. Lia closes things out with the smooth retro-leaning “Rock Baby,” allowing her vocals and the stripped-down production to come to the forefront. — Danielle
27. Raheem DeVaughn: The Love Reunion
Anyone familiar with Raheem DeVaughn knows that he has crowned himself as The Love King over the years. The Washington, D.C. native has dedicated his entire discography, which spans over 14 years, to all-things love. On The Love Reunion, DeVaughn brings his signature sound to the forefront on passionate tunes like “Just Right,” “Any Everywhere,” “Ballerina” and the title track, to name a few. There are a couple of moments when DeVaughn taps into other genres. “Kissed By the Sun” hears DeVaughn experimenting with Afrobeat, while the Edley Shine-assisted “Magnet” brings reggae vibes. — Keithan
26. Lion Babe: Cosmic Wind
Cosmic Wind is the appropriate title for Lion Babe’s sophomore LP, a breezy and fluid collection of heavenly jams. Vocalist Jillian Hervey and producer Lucas Goodman combine their talents to create an infectious harmony of electro-soul and dance. Known for producing vibrant energy, the duo’s ability to oscillate between the slinky and rhythmic “Anyway You Want To” to the sexy and jazzy “Never Before” is a testament to their varying, yet solid influences. — Danielle
25. Kyle Dion: Suga
As his alter-ego SUGA, fledgling soulster Kyle Dion takes listeners down a famed-dazed path that involves sultry funk and futuristic soul melodies on his first proper album. Tackling the fast-track rise to stardom, Dion reflects on losing normality and strifes over maintaining a glamorous image in a “Glass House” where everyone is constantly on a stakeout. There are some moments on this groovy burner when Dion recalls Bruno Mars’ and The Weekend’s thunder like on the trend-borrowing “Spend It” and the colorfully warm “Teach Me.” But his own sound highlights creep out on “Not All Your Way,” a mellow speed bump targeted at a revved up partner who he wants to take his time loving. Dion laces “Somethings We Can’t Do,” a breathtaking closer based on personal contentment, with his best wails on this 40-minute set.  – Antwane 
24. Summer Walker: Over It
While everyone was enjoying their hot girl summer, Summer Walker was gearing up to put the world back in its feels in the fall. The Atlanta-based singer-songwriter had already set off a chain reaction of women being open and honest about their sexuality on her hit song “Girls Need Love.” Now, she was ready to open up to the world in a whole new way on her debut album Over It. Walker’s effort showed the world a more vulnerable side to her, as she added on to a catalog of great melancholic R&B. The London on da Track-helmed project not only received a co-sign from Usher on “Come Thru,” but it debuted at No. 2 the Billboard 200 chart, becoming the highest female R&B debut in nearly 10 years.  — Anders
23. Tinashe: Songs For You
Tinashe has been fighting to get her sound heard for nearly half a decade. After leaving RCA Records due to “lack of creative control” earlier this year, the R&B virtuoso finished the most defining year for herself with the release of her super-personal independent album Songs For You. Tinashe’s fourth LP details the highs and lows of the singer’s past relationships on songs like “Save Room For Us” and “So Much Better.” It also reminds listeners of the California native’s incredible talent as a songwriter and record producer, as she wrote and produced nearly every track on this genre-bending set.  – Anders
22. Chris Brown: Indigo
How much music does Chris Brown have stored? Seriously. Just two years after dropping his 57-track album Heartbreak on a Full Moon, Brown returned with another extensive project, Indigo, which is packed with 32 tracks. While the album’s singles (“No Guidance” featuring Drake, “Heat” featuring Gunna” and “Undecided”) got a lot of love on the Billboard charts, there are plenty of gems that may go unnoticed if the listener isn’t willing to sit through two hours of music. There is something for every mood on the album: sensual (“Come Together” featuring H.E.R. and “Throw It Back”); dance/party (“Wobble Up” featuring Nicki Minaj and G-Eazy and You Like That”); laid-back/chill (“Don’t Check On Me” featuring Justin Bieber and Ink, “Dear God”); and much more. — Keithan
21. Fantasia: Sketchbook
Nobody knew what to expect from Fantasia’s follow-up to her so-called “garbage” The Definition Of… album in regards to her contrasting pre-album cuts (“PTSD” featuring T-Pain, “Holy Ghost”). But, as one might expect, Sketchbook further adds to her last two experimental album run. Vocally, Tasia is concerned about having more control than oversinging as highlighted on the adult-oriented love ballad “Enough” and the dramatized number “Bad Girl.” Musically, the soul performer continues to explore sonic freedom that gravitates towards her iconic rock influences (“Warning”). While this solid long-player doesn’t include her prematurely-discussed and uncleared collaboration with Brandy and Jazmine Sullivan, Fantasia refuses to stunt her desired artistic growth for fans or critics. – Antwane 
20. PJ Morton: Paul
Paul takes listeners on a journey through PJ Morton’s mind as he ponders about his ambitions, his love life and his experience as a Black man in America. It is a solid album that is packed with positive affirmations to comfort anyone who is going through a tough time. If there’s anything to learn from this short-and-sweet project, it’s to never lose sight of who you are and to remain optimistic, period. – Keithan
19. DAWN: New Breed
DAWN is exactly what music needs: a passionate trailblazer who unabashedly resists industry tyranny for the sake of authentically connecting with their listeners. Celebrating her New Orleans origin, New Breed rids the toxic “this is a man’s world” view and hits on all the times women of color, particularly Black women, had to pander men in personal and professional situations. With a strong focus on vivid expressions regarding disappointment, perseverance, and self-acceptance, DAWN ignites a new fire in Black women on empowerment anthems like “Spaces” and “We, Diamonds.” Everything on this amped-up set isn’t so serious, though. The indie superstar samples nightlife on the easy groove “Dreams and Converse” and trolls an Instagram groupie on “Jealousy,” a fluid slow jam. – Antwane 
18. Johnny Gill: Game Changer II
When you’re a legend like Johnny Gill, you can play by your own rules. After promoting his Game Changer album for three years — five singles in total — Gill kept the theme going with a sequel. This time around, he switches up his creative approach by gently tapping into other sounds outside of R&B. To help his vision come to light, he teamed with super producers like Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis, Blac Elvis and Ralph Stacy. Gill doesn’t stray too far from traditional R&B sounds. He quickly delves back into his comfort zone with tender R&B tunes like the album’s lead single “Soul of a Woman,” “Perfect” featuring Ralph Tresvant, “Bed on Fire,” “Home” featuring Kevon Edmonds and more. – Keithan
17. Louis York: American Griots
Mary J. Blige, Rihanna, Bruno Mars and Britney Spears all have something in common: they’ve worked with Louis York — Claude Kelly and Chuck Harmony — to create hits that their fans will continue to play from years out. This year was the year for Louis York. Their debut album American Griots exemplifies Black Excellence. The carefully-curated sonic experience is a celebration of Black people’s influence on music. Although R&B is the essence of Louis York’s music, they consciously decided to incorporate sounds from other genres that Black people had an impact on. American Griots is an ode to Black musicians and artists who pioneered what we refer to today as American music. Although the album contains a mix of different genres, it flows in a way that makes the listening experience seamless. — Keithan
16. Johntá Austin: Love, Sex & Religion
Johnta Austin’s musical resume is full of hits he’s written for artists like Usher, Mariah Carey, Mary J. Blige, and the list goes on. This year, it was all about Johnta Austin the artist. On his debut effort, the Grammy-winning singer/songwriter dabbles into love, sex and religion. There is more emphasis on love and sex, with religious nuances sprinkled in between. “Everyone has their own feeling of love, their own connection to the creator and their own connection to sex,” Austin told Rated R&B in an interview. “As long as it is pure, beautiful and you’re not hurting anybody, then this album is for you.” — Keithan
15. Rahsaan Patterson: Heroes & Gods
After an eight-year hiatus, Rahsaan Patterson made a divine return with Heroes & Gods — and it was well worth the wait. On Heroes & Gods, Patterson explores themes on love, self-empowerment and spirituality. The 13-track offering fuses experimental sounds that effectively showcase Patterson’s well-textured tone and pristine vocal range. Patterson’s signature sound can be heard on songs like “Catch Me When I Fall” and “Sent From Heaven.” He gives listeners a chance to let loose on the dance floor with upbeat songs like “Rock and Roll,” “Soldier” and “Silly, Love, Fool.” Listening to Heroes & Gods is just another reminder that Patterson is criminally-underrated as a vocalist and as an artist. — Keithan
14. Mahalia: Love and Compromise
Mahalia, another promising newcomer from the U.K., makes the best use of her past love situations on her sterling debut set. Having a songwriting credit on each song featured on Love and Compromise, this rising talent has grown into a woman that demonstrates unique power after overcoming interesting romantic experiences far beyond her youth. Original and reminiscent at the same time, this emotionally vulnerable album plays in the street of vibrant twists and turns on tuneful tracks like the pressure-free joint “Good Company” and the in the grey feeler “What Am I?” Her irresistible collaborations with other new acts Ella Mai and Lucky Daye are genuine co-signs. In all, Love and Compromise is a strong indication that R&B’s future is in good hands. – Antwane 
13. Elle Varner: Ellevation (EP)
It’s not easy to make a comeback after seven years, but Elle Varner returned like she never left. Although her Ellevation project is labeled as an EP, it feels like an album. Running six minutes shorter than her debut album Perfectly Imperfect, Ellevation is packed with all kinds of feels. In a span of 35 minutes, Varner takes her listeners on an emotional journey as she navigates through her broken heart. The project opens with “Coffee On the Roof” where she catches feelings with a potential love interest. However, things quickly take a turn on the second track “Pour Me (Think bout u)” featuring Wale. She tries to save her relationship on “1 To 10” but is ultimately unsuccessful. While the core of the project is sadness, Varner picks her head up on “Kinda Love” and outlines what she wants in her next relationship. – Keithan 
12. Baby Rose: To Myself
A cure for healing a broken heart: any tear-soaked track from Baby Rose’s critically- lauded debut outing, To Myself. Possessing vocal dynamics and nuances of music great Nina Simone, Rose proves that her seasoned sound is as trusting as the touchy lyrical substance she yearns. She factors in a painful narrative of mistaken domesticity on the exhausted opener “Sold Out.” Cuts like the one-sided love affair “Over” and the indecisive highlight “Borderline” are dominated by deep sadness and nocturnally complex arrangements to drive it all home with intense emotional prowess. To Myself should be the album to make it not only to unfledged listeners but those with mature minds, too. – Antwane 
11. Gallant: Sweet Insomnia
“I called the album Sweet Insomnia because, lyrically, every song is bittersweet,” Gallant said in a previous press statement. “Nothing is 100% positive and light-hearted. Nothing is 100% brooding and cynical. It’s very balanced and real – like an unretouched photo.” For Sweet Insomnia, the follow-up to his Grammy-nominated debut album Ology, he opted to experiment more with an early 2000s R&B sound. The standout track “Sleep On It,” and arguably one of the best R&B songs to release this year, brings back those contemporary R&B vibes felt on Usher’s 8701 album. The Maryland native doesn’t hold back on his ear-piercing falsetto notes. His vocals soar on songs like “Hurt” and “Crimes. While the subject matter on Sweet Insomnia may be a little dark and emotional, the overall nostalgia brings light to the listening experience for true R&B lovers. — Keithan
10. SiR: Chasing Summer
Switching seasons from November, SiR takes flight into sunny yet turbulent skies on Chasing Summer. Inglewood’s finest takes listeners through the less savory aspects of romance from a true to life perspective. SiR pulls from his earlier works and ties it in with his current sound to form an album that pleases new and old fans alike. Steadily in the mid-tempo pocket, the TDE singer flows with ease on songs like ‘Wires in the Way” and “You Can’t Save Me.” The listening experience of the hazy and melodic body of work feels akin to the favorable season coming to an end, savoring every last moment until it comes to a close. — Danielle 
9. Raphael Saadiq: Jimmy Lee
The fifth studio album from Raphael Saadiq may well be one of the year’s most dramatic R&B releases. Most everything on Jimmy Lee, the well-respected musician’s first full-length effort in eight years, tends to be a tribute to his deceased brother’s battle with addiction. Lead single, “Something Keeps Calling,” is a soul-inflected comeback hit that describes his constant fight against a sea of nagging second thoughts. There are only a few songs that don’t address substance abuse in any capacity. While he makes heady drug references on “I’m Feeling Love,” focused on dependency, it’s disguised as a love ode. Sticking to his eccentric, jazz-funk sound, Saadiq mixes in dark nuances and heavy lyrics on Jimmy Lee to showcase boundary-pushing moments. – Antwane 
8. BJ The Chicago Kid: 1123
The title of BJ The Chicago Kid’s second album (1123) may appear random to many people but there’s a bigger meaning behind it: It was inspired by his birthday, which is November 23. To celebrate another year of life, BJ gave the world the gift of music. “Most people receive gifts for their birthday but I wanted to give something for my birthday,” he told Rated R&B earlier this year. The something BJ is referring to is an unforgettable experience that comes from listening to the album. He instantly captures the listener’s attention on the opener “Feel The Vibe.” The Anderson .Paak-assisted groove sets the mood for the rest of the album. With lyrics like, “Come on in, close the door and feel the vibe” and “Talkin’ shit with the old heads / Mama dancin’ to some Al Green,” BJ paints a picture of a summertime get together at a Black household. The rest of the album is packed with lush R&B sounds that acts as solid proof as to why the album is up for a Grammy nomination. — Keithan
7. Anderson.Paak: Ventura
It’s a bit unbelievable that Oxnard and Ventura were made at the same time. The softer, more soulful of the two is the perfect example of when Anderson. Paak gives into his R&B side. Instrumentation plays a significant part in his fourth studio album, while the star-studded features (Smokey Robinson, Jazmine Sullivan, Brandy) are a worthy enhancement. Ventura provides a consistent smoothness with a flare that goes far beyond a common groove. — Danielle
6. Solange: When I Get Home
In one of the most richly textured R&B releases of 2019, Solange delivers an intriguing project powered by tight songwriting, lush musical arrangements, and beautiful vocal stylings. Recorded in various parts of the world spectrum, including New Orleans and Jamaica, the “warm, fluid, and more sensual” synesthesia she hinted in The New York Times Style Magazine last fall are rendered in slower numbers like “I’m a Witness” and “Jerrod.” Much of When I Get Home’s sonic appeal comes from Solange’s hometown Houston. The music she sings and vibes to on trippy, screwed solos “Stay Flo” and “Almeda” date back to the trademark DJ Screw era of the early 2000s. By the authentic sound of Home, it is baffling to think that Solange once expressed fear ahead of sending this astonishing Black art into the atmosphere. Of course, this collection of retro musical moods doesn’t repeat the purposeful intent of A Seat at the Table; but it’s a good thing it didn’t. – Antwane
5. Snoh Aalegra: Ugh, Those Feels Again
It has been a long time coming for Swedish soul crooner Snoh Aalegra as she released her first project First Sign under the stage name Sheri in 2010. Nearly 10 years later, Aalegra released one of the most intimate R&B albums of the year, – Ugh, those feels again. A project seemingly sent straight from the heavens, Aalegra’s sophomore LP serves as the sequel to 2016’s FEELS, and it features an introspective look at the tell-tale signs of falling in love, as heard on the album’s lead single “I Want You Around.” As a songwriter, Aalegra shines with her unforgettable hooks and haunting melodies on tracks such as “You” and “Whoa.” While her road to success has been a lengthy one, Aalegra’s breakthrough effort – Ugh, those feels again will remain a marveling stop along the way for R&B fans everywhere. – Anders 
4. Jamila Woods: Legacy! Legacy!
Jamila Woods knows how to make a statement. Starting with the album’s track list, each song title is named after a significant person of color. Bridging blues, funk, hip-hop and soul, Woods summons and intertwines their energy on each track, which are individually significant in their own right. Weaving aspects of Blackness and womanhood, LEGACY! LEGACY! embarks on an elegantly expressive journey of finding and accepting yourself in a world where the cards aren’t always in your favor. — Danielle 
3. India.Arie: Worthy
The fact that India.Arie continues to be a potent example that evolves the thought-inspiring messages she sings on every album 17 years after her fulfilling debut again lends to her meaningful position in the R&B world. On Worthy, her incredibly polished new album, it’s no different. The soulful veteran is back full force with refreshing, love-longing, and enlightening compositions that strike a chord in listeners. Clearly inspired by the state of the world, Arie evokes lyrical healing with momentous anthems like the funky “Rollercoaster” ride and the spellbinding track “What If?”. “That Magic,” a warm-weather love song, gloats on her masterful songwriting. Among the traditional R&B gems on Worthy is “Steady Love,” her inaugural number one hit on the urban adult-oriented radio format. Thanks to Arie for another mind-stimulating project; it’s just what the world needs. — Antwane 
2. Lucky Daye: Painted
Lucky Daye may have seemingly appeared out of nowhere but his presence has been welcomed with open ears. The artistry of this New Orleans native was built in the latter half of his life, providing him with an expansive canvas. Daye balances traditional and innovative R&B stylings to craft his highly anticipated debut album, Painted. Roping listeners in with full-bodied vintage-inspired production, Daye’s official introduction to the world has left a rousing first impression. – Danielle 
1. Ari Lennox: Shea Butter Baby
With comparisons to R&B greats such as Erykah Badu and Lauryn Hill, Washington, D.C. native Ari Lennox stole the attention and hearts of R&B fans with her debut album Shea Butter Baby. As the first lady of J. Cole’s Dreamville Records, Lennox became a pillar of the label and helped bring it to the forefront of music this year.
She appeared on Cole’s song “Change” in 2016, but it was the Minnie Riperton-esque “Whipped Cream” where she shined on her own. Lennox brought this tender, yet soulful sound to her album, along with some sticky hooks, heard on tracks like “BMO” and “New Apartment.” Not only that, Shea Butter Baby introduces this generation to a unique voice easily comparable to Badu, as Lennox’s voice is almost instantly recognizable.
Shea Butter Baby’s titular song is certified gold by the RIAA, and the album snagged three Soul Train Award nominations. While the project did not receive many accolades during its run, it remains a staple piece of the late 2010s, sealing Lennox’s status as one of R&B’s reigning princesses. – Anders
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This content was originally published here.
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Size Charts (US Standard Sizing)
  Unisex T-Shirt Size Length (Inch) Sleeve (Inch) Width (Inch)  S  28  8.13  18  M  29  8.38  20  L  30  8.63  22  XL  31  8.88  24  2XL  33  9.63  26  3XL  34  10.13  28  4XL  35  10.63  30  5XL  36  11.13  32
  Women T-Shirt Size Length (Inch) Sleeve (Inch) Width (Inch)  XS 25  14.5  18  S 25.5  14.25  18.5  M 26  14.5  19.5  L 26.75  15.25  21  XL 27.5  15.75  22.75  2XL 28  16.375  24.75  3XL 30  18.625  29  4XL 31  19.75  30
   Unisex Crewneck Sweatshirt Size Length (Inch) Sleeve (Inch) Width (Inch)  S 26.5 24.38 20  M 27.5 24.63 22  L 28.5 24.25 24  XL 29.5 24 26  2XL 30 23.75 28
   Unisex Hoodie Size Length (Inch) Sleeve (Inch) Width (Inch)  S 26.5 23.5 20  M 27.5 23.75 22  L 28.5 24 24  XL 29.5 24.25 26  2XL 30 24.63 28  3XL 30.5 24.38 30
   Men Tank Top Size Length (Inch) Width (Inch)  XS 26 16.25  S 27 18.25  M 28 20.25  L 29 22.25  XL 30 24.25  2XL 31 26.25
   Women Tank Top Size Length (Inch) Width (Inch)  S 19.25 15.88  M 19.75 16.5  L 20.38 17.38  XL 21 18.25  2XL 21.63 19.13
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