#Arwen is lesbian and trans
meteors-lotr · 6 months
Elladan: Ada, I like men
Elrond: Okay?
Elrohir: I like men too!
Elrond: Is there anyone of you kids who like women?
Arwen: Well……
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dianaladrislovebot · 4 days
happy pride month to diana ladris, a closeted comphet sapphic w her feet firmly planted in the denial stage
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elithilanor · 1 year
Blog Update:
So I feel like as a silm and lotr fandom community, we’ve more or less collectively agreed that elves (and dwarves etc) are pretty queer in sexual orientation and usually falling along the pan/bi range with at least sexual experiences if not marriages. Also, I feel most of us who write are queer or at least pro-lgbtq/allies.
However, the majority of the fics - in general and insert elf(ves) x reader - are cishet pairings. And if they aren’t cishet, it’s cis mlm (which is why I absolutely adore how much trans Fingon and Maedhros exist).
Of course, just because a pairing is cishet doesn’t mean the characters themselves are (as in, Elrond is still bi regardless even if he’s having sex with a cis woman or not), but as a non-binary afab sapphic person I’m tired of not seeing more trans and enby and sapphic and ace representation. As in, visibly queer elves and their pairings.
And I originally started this sideblog to have more of that, not less.
I’m going to finish out any requests I have already along cishet veins and any NSFW alphabet requests since I usually do reader gender neutral anyway, so don’t worry about that. And Haldir and his OFC wife will probably be around to a certain extent because I kind of love her, but overall moving forward I’ve made the decision to only write visibly queer fics, imagines, etc. Eg, at least one person being gender neutral or trans or it being a non-het pairing. I may make exceptions for some polyamorous fics because that’s outside typical societal constraints, as well.
I will probably make some exceptions if someone reaches out for something specific or for a personal choice, but I’ve been thinking about this for a long time. It’s just that the majority of what I write will be visibly queer.
If you’re offended, you may want to take a look at why you’re offended. Positive representation matters, especially in a world where queer people are being increasingly persecuted and hate-crimed if you weren’t already where they live.
And again, I’ll finish out any cishet requests and I will make occasional exceptions (idk maybe it’s your birthday ya know), so please reach out if you have any questions or want to discuss.
Stay safe, stay strong, and as always (no matter the time of year): Happy Pride.
Please feel free to reach out with any questions and I’ll do my best to address them. Thanks and Happy Holidays! ❤️🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
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If you’re curious, some things I’m currently working on:
NSFW Sapphic Alphabet Tauriel
NSFW Arwen’s wife getting revenge for all her teasing
NSFW Galadriel absolutely ruining a sub with her strap
SFW Arwen and her wife relaxing in the gardens
And honestly, I love a trans and/or non-binary Haldir so I may not even change much there
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spinningalbinoturtle · 2 months
Fellowship Marriage and Wedding Headcanons
Aragorn + Arwen
As we see in the movies and books their wedding is a very big to-do in Gondor. Arwen has a great eye and has picked out excellent design choices. If Aragorn had his way they would have been married in a small ceremony in Rivendell outside years ago but also Elrond saw to it that didn’t happen
They very much co-lead and have a fairly equal relationship. I say fairly because ultimately Arwen always has the last say
Aragorn genuinely and intensely worships his wife and will not hesitate to bring her or her opinions up at any given time.
They fuck A LOT. Aragorn absolutely knows how to please a woman and enjoys doing so
Sam and Frodo
Yes they’re married, no he didn’t go to the undying lands, no Sam doesn’t marry Rosie what are you talking about?
I think it would be wildly funny is they got married at Bilbo’s birthday party- but realistically I think they got married in Rivendell on their way back from the quest.
When Sam becomes Mayor he appoints Frodo as his deputy so they can work together
They have a very affectionate and loving relationship to the point where other hobbits (Merry and Pippin) get annoyed by their gratuitous displays of PDA
They have sex like once a week but cuddle everyday
They’re very protective of one another
Eowyn and Faramir
I’ve said it before I’ll say it again, Faramir is a trans woman-they are lesbians
Have a very equal relationship although Eowyn appears more dominant (and kinda is)
They share political power very equally though
They both are scared to be parents but also really want kids: spoiler alert they had nothing to worry about they are excellent parents
Eowyn is very open about sex and will discuss it or go at it in semi public spaces, Faramir is more shy so Eowyn respects this but encourages her to be more confident
Pippin and Diamond
They met at the strip club where Diamond is a dancer
They instantly fell in love
They are super devoted to one another
They are ALWAYS going at it and have evidence of their sex life displayed around their living room-this makes guests very uncomfortable
Pippin takes pole dancing classes to impress Diamond. He also takes her to the male strip club so “she can enjoy it”
His parents are a little disappointed but they keep it to themselves because they’re just happy Pippin finally settled down
Merry and Estella
I hate to say this but their marriage is low-key arranged. Merry’s dad wanted him to get married and Estella’s family wanted connections
At first they kinda like eachother and get along but Estella rapidly becomes annoyed with Merry’s constant being high and having Pippin over
She eventually divorces him. He goes to crash on Pippin’s couch for an extended stay
Eventually he goes back to Buckland. Estella gets rich off the divorce
Merry is happy with his bachelor lifestyle and has plenty of various boyfriends and girlfriends over the years. He teases his friends for being “tied down”
Legolas and Gimli
Their wedding is held in Dale in an attempt at neutrality but a fight breaks out between the dwarves and elves at the reception and they sneak away
They love to travel together
They have tried everything. And I mean everything. They never run out of ideas to spice up their sex life
They do sleep in separate rooms though because Legolas kicks and Gimli snores
They do not want kids but like being the weird uncles of everyone else’s kids. They don’t want the responsibility
Credit for the Diamond is a hobbit stripper headcanon goes to @diplomatson thank you my friend for that excellent idea
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mogai-headcanons · 11 months
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Legolas from The Lord of the Rings is an autistic genderfaun nonbinary solpoetkingsongic gay man with PTSD who uses any pronouns, and xe's dating Gimli!
Gimli is an autistic gay axeboyic solpoetkingsongic trans bear with PTSD who uses he/him pronouns, and he's dating Legolas!
Aragorn is an autistic ambiamorous sapphic vincian bisexual intersex transmascfem solpoetkingsongic boygirl with BPD and PTSD who uses he/him and she/her pronouns, and she's dating Arwen and has a crush on Boromir!
Arwen is an autistic ambiamorous sapphic genderfae trans woman with PTSD who uses she/her and fae/faer pronouns, and she's dating Aragorn and Eowyn!
Eowyn is an autistic transmasculine lesbiknight ambiamorous lesbian with ADHD and PTSD who uses he/him and she/her pronouns, and she's dating Faramir and Arwen!
Faramir is an autistic transfeminine foxknight priroguian lesbian with PTSD who uses she/her pronouns, and she's dating Eowyn!
Samwise Gamgee is an autistic bisexual genderstew warmlaundric daysun softdayic trans man with DPD and PTSD who uses he/him pronouns, and he's dating Frodo!
Frodo Baggins is an autistic nonbinary acespec gay man with BPD and PTSD who uses he/him and they/them pronouns, and he's dating Sam!
Boromir is an autistic knightswordic knightprince sacriagaknight asexual gay man with BPD and PTSD who uses kni/knights and he/him pronouns, and kni has a crush on Aragorn!
Both Merry Brandybuck and Pippin Took are autistic aroace genderqueer plabonk bitaffectic hobbits with ADHD, NPD, and PTSD who use they/them pronouns!
Gandalf is an autistic aroacespec gay agender wizardic person with PTSD who uses they/them, it/its, and we/us pronouns!
dni link
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spencereidsconverse · 2 years
modern lotr AU:
gimli: junior, bi, metal/wood shop, literally always making something, the school gave up on trying to get him in trouble for making knives 10 phone calls home ago, the principal has a dagger he made but don't tell anyone
legolas: junior, gay, dating aragorn, theater gay, started an archery team at the school since it's his special interest, aragorn calls him elf boy because of his oddly pointy ears, seems uptight but is a stoner (they all are but, ya know, legolas is the only one that really surpises people), autistic
aragorn: junior, bi, dating legolas, on the soccer team, plays bass in a band with boromir, merry, and pippin, has a collection of almost a thousand cds, his house has a large basement so it's the designated chill spot, always has headphones and stim toys/fidgets on hand for his ND friends
boromir: senior, bi, on the soccer team with aragorn, plays guitar in the band, takes the Chaos Cousin's ™ under his wing, really really good cook, hosts dinner parties when he finds new recipes, everybody loves them and there's never an empty seat
merry: sophomore, pan, art kid, really really good at watercolor painting, plays the drums in the band, has adhd, enters his paintings in local art contests, spends a lot of time at frodos
pippin: sophomore, pan, ace, choir kid, is in a fencing club outside of school, sings in the band, also has adhd, he and merry are attached at the hip, can't cook to save his life
sam: sophomore, bi, dating frodo, gardening club, taking an environmental science college course next year, plays soccer with aragorn, also carries headphones and stim toys/fidgets for ND friends, bakes for when the group smokes together
frodo: sophomore, gay, trans, dating sam, tech crew for theater, writes poetry and short stories for fun, is always trying to bring back disco, autistic, special interest is medieval poetry, called aragorn mom once as a joke now most of the friend group does it
faramir: junior, pan, poly, dating eowyn and eomer, skipped a year in elementary, ceramics student, he makes mugs for all the staff + little creatures for gandalfs classroom
eowyn: junior, bi, poly, dating faramir and arwen, on the varsity volleyball team, wants to be captain next year, in the gardening club with sam, fences with frodo
arwen: junior, lesbian, dating eowyn, bffs with her gfs other partner, her, faramir, and eomer are a chaotic trio, plays baseball, on tech crew with frodo
eomer: junior, bi, dating faramir, photography club, makes sure the dumbest photos of his friends get in the yearbook, plays football
galadriel: lesbian, history teacher, makes tea for students, it's how she lets them know she's in their corner, written several books, teaches the fencing class that frodo and eowyn are in, started the schools GSA
gandalf: english teacher, gay, non binary, everyone's favorite teacher, little trinkets on every surface of their classroom, shelves upon shelves of books for students to read, has a sensory room set up in an unused closet built off the classroom, it's rumored they're knighted in england
radom extra headcanons:
-they all go to each other's extra curricular activities events
-frodo moved in with thorin and bilbo after his parents unexpectedly passed
-merry and pippin do firework shows with gandalf in the summertime and on new years eve
-bilbo is a guest speaker every year in gandalfs class
-thorin is the metal shop teacher (he also owns several of gimlis "contraband creations")
-faramir does haircuts for people who can't go to hair salons, free of charge
-all of them run on caffeine, all the workers at their favorite cafe know them by name and know their orders by heart
-the Chaos Cousin's ™ skateboard and tried to teach frodo but he ended up in the hospital with a broken foot and wrist. never again.
-legolas, aragorn, and boromir are the only ones who can drive so they take everyone everywhere
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BER - Amira; Descendant of Jay
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Amina, 14 year old child of Jay, and 2nd oldest of the c4 kids, (born in February, after the October Lucas was born) 
Like Evie, Jay was spelled by Mal soon after her initial take over with a loyalty spell, and like Evie, it does nothing to erase who Jay actually is. so he’s still very much that big brother figure to the c4, and when he’s 23, a good year after a one night stand with a random women who was from the bar he visited like-once or twice, shows up at the castle with a baby in her arms, matching jay from skin tone to hair color. the woman plops the babe in her arms and leaves, telling him ��she's your problem now’
and Jay just falls in love with the little amber eyed baby in his arms, and he names her Amina, Arabic for; honest, faithful. he gifts her a little tiger plush, which when she's old enough to understand names, they name it ‘rajah’ after princess’ Jasmines late tiger (whom Jay bonded with at some point in the story before Mal’s take over (shhhh just go with it)) 
Jay is just-that dad that documents every single thing that happens with his baby, their first word, their first laugh, crawl, hiccup, roll over, sit up, step, everything he can document he will. he wants to have all the memories and needs his kid to know he loves and cherishes them, he, like Evie and Carlos, vow to break the cycle their parents tried to set. 
also, this fuckin-wild child, she just-Jay cant keep up, he doesn't know how but Amina is just %60 percent caffeine, he swears they’ve never even *touched* a energy drink yet he’ll turn around and she’ll be *actually* on the ceiling. no-he’s not joking, Amina can and will get on the ceiling if they can. so as soon as Jay can, he signs them up for high energy sports, soccer, parkour, track, anything to get this energy out, and he’s so thankful she loves them all. yes it all makes his heart go mach speed when they trip or scrape her knee, only to kneel over when she gets back up with a laughing scream and runs off to go body slam someone. 
Amira picks up skateboarding pretty early, around 7, and that's one of the reasons they add bandages to her attire, so when they fly off the board she can catch themselves without ripping up her palms. same with parkour.  (its legit just for her dads heart, he’s an old man! she doesn't want him to die of a heart attack!)
they pick up Jay’s color pallet and snake motif, though with her own flair to it. jay will go for full pants and a tank top/vest while Amira will go for ankle cargo pants and a styled crop top. she does wear chains, i just didnt draw them in it XD 
Amira discovers the non-binary gender around 11 years old, does about a year of experimenting, and then decides it fits them. Jay is just “cool, still like nail polish?” (hint; they do, she and Jay just have a time twice a month just chillin with a bunch’a Evie’s nail polish n hair care shit).
Amira is loud, confident, very-very honest, like nb’s got no filter, but-she does keep lies very very well, they are a confidant. also very skilled with daggers, their preferred weapon. 
also i put these in the tags of Lucas’ post but they got deleted cuz tumblr never tells you were the tag limit is because ah. anyway, Lucas is trans ftm aromatic, the twins are both cis and bi, Amira is nb poly pan, carlos kid is genderfluid demi-pan, Arella is cis demi-bi, and Arwen is cis lesbian. yes all these children are lgbtqa+, not a single one is straight. 
ber inspired by the dreamsmp, true defender written by @disneyfan50​ , and tightrope; written by both disneyfan50 and @thetimelordbatgirl​ 
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melhekhelmurkun · 3 years
So here’s how it is in my mind;
Faramir is a trans bisexual (they/he) in a relationship with Eomer (he/him)
Eowyn is a trans ace lesbian (she/her) and hella gay for Arwen, also a lesbian (she/they)
Then there’s Aragorn (he/they) in a relationship with Boromir (he/him) and both of them are ace (Boromir is sex repulsed, Aragorn has no interest)
Legolas (she/they/xe) is with Gimli (any pronoun is fine unless they tell you not to use it)
Was Merry (they/them) ever married? Idk, doesn’t matter, they’re aro/ace now, but Pippin (he/she) is married and I don’t have any ideas for her aside from his pronouns but whatever
Sam (she/her) is in a poly relationship with Frodo (they/them) and Rosie (she/her) and all their children aaaahhh (holy shit there are so many?? I really love how their daughter Goldilocks married Pippin’s son Faramir, and also how Pippin’s son is named Faramir)
Gandalf is... Gandalf. I think we all know what that means. Gayer than the rainbow of Saruman’s robes.
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narratorstragedy · 2 years
lotr and rebelde for the fandom asks
wren i love you sm.
lord of the rings
blorbo (fave character/character i think abt the most): it's aragorn. it's gotta be aragorn. he's a lesbian he's so lonely he's everything he's fated to be king everyone loves him he's trans he's the best guy ever. the only character. honorable mentions to faramir and éowyn... Yes i love Men so much could you tell?
scrunkly (my “baby” etc): frodo <3 gives him a hug and pushes him into a therapist's office. also sam. i love them both.
scrimblo bimblo (underrated fave): honestly lotr is so popular that i would not consider anyone truly underrated. however i guess i'll say either elrond or arwen. I Think About Them. oh! or éomer who, now that i think about it, is actually underrated. he's so funny and genuinely good i love him
glup shitto (obscure fave): ok well this isn't lotr exactly but can i say celebrimbor. not obscure as in no one talks about him but obscure as in he is mentioned like 15 times in all of tolkien's work and yet i once wrote 2 fics about him in the span of 2 days. i am normal!!!!! i also like ioreth :)
poor little meow meow (problematic/controversial/pathetic fave): this is hard bc i don't know if i would categorize any of my favorite characters as poor little meow meows. will you all kill me if i say denethor... i have so much sympathy for this fucked up old man who Used to be noble and good and wise but pushed too hard and it left him angry and bitter and empty........ h. alternatively aragorn and faramir can be meow meows too i guess
horse plinko (would torment for fun): saruman... get plinko'd lol [throws him off the top of orthanc]
eeby deeby (would send to super hell): tom bombadil bc i bet he'd enjoy it. it'd be like enrichment in his enclosure. beyond that, grima wormtongue. literally die die die
also shoutout to lúthien who i couldn't figure out where to categorize but was the first character i was truly properly obsessed with maybe ever. i love her so much. i used to want to be her
blorbo (fave character/character i think abt the most): honestly idk... i don't really think about any of these characters that much HJDSHJSDJHK but maybe luka? i think they did a really good job with making him somewhat of an "antagonist" who does actually have a reason to be so bitter and gets somewhat-but-not-totally redeemed at the end. and i think there's potential for his arc to continue being interesting in the future
scrunkly (my “baby” etc): mj. holds her in my arms she is literally me (girl from socal who is overenthusiastic and speaks spanish but like not super well)
scrimblo bimblo (underrated fave): idk anything about the fandom/reaction to this show so i have no idea who's underrated. i dunno. gonna use this to shout out andrea and emilia instead i LOVE gay people
glup shitto (obscure fave): i don't remember any of the side characters. sorry
poor little meow meow (problematic/controversial/pathetic fave): MMFMSFNDFKDSJ. SEBAS. sebas. okay look i know he's like evil and morally bad or whatever but consider 1. he has mommy issues 2. he's hot. 3. i have listened to his duet with mj (lo siento) like 100 times.
horse plinko (would torment for fun): jana annoys me for absolutely no reason sorry girl ur getting plinkoed
eeby deeby (would send to super hell): sebas probably deserves it tbh. kisses him tenderly on the mouth have fun in hell <3 <3
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ursie · 3 years
What are your lotr gender/sexuality/ect hcs?
Ok ok the problem I have w answering this question is I literally cannot decide on how the diff races view gender. Like Gimli and Legolas are all of the lgbts at once. You could actually make an argument for Gimli being a woman as Dwarves present as masculine outside of their homes and there being little to no visible differences between the two. That’s not even getting into elves.
Gandalf : I think unironically he should be a drag queen. Old gay man. Physically disabled-I would like to see him use his staff as a cane. Also probably shouldn’t be white
Aragorn : I run on the rule of comedy and I think it’s funniest for him to be the only cishet man in the fellowship. Everyone is limping wrists at each other and he’s just trying to fight orcs so he can go home and get married. Literally the #1 ally put up w Gimli and Legolas’s gay bickering across countries. There is no one stronger. Has chronic migraines just from that. Chronic pain obv, Autistic, depression. I don’t think he should be white the blood purity stuff with the lines of kings ect does not need to represented w a white guy. I don’t know if anyone’s seen the old animated film but I always thought he was Native in that. Anyway indigenous king 🥰
Boromir : gay king. “No time to marry” “permanent bachelor” he’s gay. Chronic pain, I saw Sami Boromir once and that’s literally all I want indigenous king 👑
Legolas : Femme/twink jokes aside he’s a Bear as far as elves are concerned. Masc4masc bear4bear king. Cis in the elf way.chronic migraines. Chronic fatigue, depression, autistic. Again probs shouldn’t be white. Indigenous king yet again
Gimli : god where to start. Yes. Bi and nb. Whoever you are if you’re into him you’re gay. Hoh, impaired vision, arthritis, chronic pain. Jewish in the all Tolkien dwarves are Jewish way. No racial hcs outside of canon.
Pippin : Trans. The entdraught was magical hormones. Adhd. Depression. Ptsd. Chronic pain. Chair user post battle of Mordor. No racial hcs outside of canon
Merry : see above. Autistic, depression, Ptsd, unspecified disorder, chronic pain, chronic fatigue, arthritis. No racial hcs outside of canon
Frodo : GAY, cis but in the hobbit way. Depression, multiple unspecified mental illnesses and disorders, chronic fatigue, chronic pain, chronic illness, ptsd, anxiety, probs shouldn’t be white given his relationship to Sam who was at the least described as brown. (Yes Sam probs wasn’t meant to be read as brown but that’s hardly the point). Chair user post battle of Mordor
Sam : BI KING, nb, full of love, anxiety, unspecified mental illness, chronic fatigue and chronic pain, cane user post battle of Mordor. Brown. Also I think he should be a bear 🐻
Faramir : unironically lesbian king. Enby legend. Trans icon. All of the lgbts at once. Literally all the mental illnesses. Chronic pain and fatigue, ptsd. See Boromir
Eomer : Transmasc king. Bear. Mlm legend. Sm going on in his head. Hoh, inferiority complex, impostor syndrome. Tbh I read him as white. No racial hcs outside of canon
Eowyn : dyke. Depression, ptsd, bpd, bipolar disorder, inferiority complex, impostor syndrome. Chronic pain and fatigue, arthritis. No racial hcs outside of canon
Arwen : Transhet. Chronically ill. Indigenous.
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meteor752 · 4 years
Lotr Sexualities
Modern sexualities with Fantasy characters lets go
Aragorn: Pansexual. Like, if the person can pin him down in a fight, then he’s just smitten. While his heart belongs to Legolas, he did feel certain things around both Boromir and Éowyn though.
Legolas: The gayest gay to ever gay. Like, he’s that one gay friend. Y’all know what I’m talking about.
Gimli: Gimli is kinda lost on me tbh, like I don’t get a clear vibe from him, so I’m just gonna say that he doesn’t like labels, and he just does whatever the f he wants. Which is kinda on brand for him, like screw your rules.
Boromir. Bisexual. The same as with Aragorn, if they can beat him in a fight then damn this boy has fallen for them. Makes a thousand Bi puns, including the obvious one with his own name, Biromir.
Frodo: Gay. Not as gay as Legolas, but still very gay. Is more of a stressed anxious gay, that just has a problem functioning sometimes. Sometimes just cries by how pretty some guys are.
Sam: Bisexual. The softes bisexual. Everyone is so pretty and he can’t handle it. Though Frodo is the prettiest, definitely.
Merry: Bisexual. Transgender. I realize I’m making a lot of them Bi, but like...they are all soft bisexuals. Idk how being trans works in this world, but who cares. He’s an oblivious Bisexual who has no idea that his best friend has been crushing on him for years.
Pippin: Pansexual. Crushes on EVERYONE. The most obvious is Merry, of course, but he could also be found checking out Boromir, Legolas, Éowyn, and ever Frodo or Sam sometimes. Is really just a thirsty hoe.
Faramir: Biromantic Demisexual. He thought he was entirely repelled by sex until he fell in love for the first time, which was a strange discovery. He’s still new to all of this...couple stuff, but Éomer is a huge support.
Éowyn: Bisexual. Another Bisexual, and another one who’s just attracted to people that can fight her. Well, that was until she met Arwen, who yes can fight, but is also the softest and purest being in Middle Earth, who made her just melt.
Éomer: Gay. May not seem like it as he flirts with a lot of females, but he’s very gay. Not very open about it though, but yeah. Totally in love with his kinda awkward boyfriend Faramir, who he respects a lot.
Arwen: Lesbian. Lipstick lesbian to be exact. She’s just charming ladies wherever she goes, with the softest smile and the most graceful behavior. Éowyn is so in love with her that it’s insane.
Sigrid: Biromantic Demisexual. You have to earn this queen. She mostly crush on elves, despite her dwarf love. Tauriel, Arwen, and Lindir have all been in her radar.
Bain: Polyamorous Pansexual. Very in love with his partners Kamarind and Vivian. Hasn’t had too many crushes on anyone else, and he doesn’t really find anyone attractive considering he’s blind.
Tilda: Whatever she likes. She’s very inconsistent. One day it’s only dwarf males, other days it’s only females in general, some days it’s everything and some days it’s nothing. Sort of like Abrosexual, but not really as it’s a lot more fluid.
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elithilanor · 1 year
Sapphic Tolkien Creator List
A collection of creators and their Sapphic works for the Tolkien fandom. This list was born out of the frustration of a lack of sapphic and wlw content (trans and non-binary inclusive) preferably created by sapphics and how, when created, it doesn't get any traction.
If you know of any creators that aren't on this list, please tag me at either @elithilanor or @creativity-of-death on their work so I can add them to the list below! If you’re on the list but I missed some of your creations that are sapphic, please tag me on them so I can add them!
Support your queer and fandom communities, so let's start here!
SFW Arwen x Eowyn Lesbian Pride
SFW Galadriel/Artanis x Lúthien
SFW Nerdanel x Indis
SFW Arwen x Fem! Aragorn
NSFW Delayed Gratification: Arwen x Fem! Reader
NSFW Sapphic Arwen Alphabet
SFW Fem!Elrond x GN! Reader
SFW Morwen x Aerin Ficlet
Morwen x Aerin Ficlets
Sad Morwen x Aerin Fic
Morwen x Aerin: With Slander for a Blade
NSFW Dove: RoP! Galadriel x Fem! Numenorean HCs
NSFW Dress: RoP! Galadriel x GN! Reader
SFW Arwen x Fem! Aragorn
SFW Opposites Attract: Tauriel x Fem! Reader
NSFW Silm/LotR Galadriel x Fem! Reader
NSFW Sapphic Tauriel HCs
SFW Mothers: Nerdanel x Indis
What the Water Gave Me: Finduilas x Nienor mentions of suicidal ideation
SFW Quicksilver: Indis x Míriel
Will edit as I’m tagged or discover new stuff!
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spinningalbinoturtle · 10 months
Lotr couple headcanons
First of all Faramir is trans you can’t change my mind
Eowyn is a lesbian
Faramir never felt comfortable coming out with Denethor but has always felt uncomfortable in their own skin
Eowyn realizes she is gay but thinks Faramir is just the exception
Then Faramir comes out to her and is super nervous and she’s like “ohhh that makes so much sense!”
She is very supportive of Faramir’s transition
They swap clothes a lot
Their favorite couple activities are horse back riding and telling ghost stories around a campfire
Sing Rohirric doesn’t have a writing system some of their early dates include Faramir teaching Eowyn to read
She prefers if Faramir just reads to her but is really excited to write letters to all her friends
When Merry comes to visit they do have a brief threesome-Pippin is not sure how he feels about this
Due to magic Faramir gets to fully transition but before she does Eowyn gets pregnant and they have twins
They both are determined to be very loving parents since neither of them grew up with that
They like to tease each other and both let their irreverent sense of humor out around one another
They help each other through their depressive episodes
They are the favorite aunts of Aragorn and Arwen’s kids who like to be with them to get away from the tight schedules of Minas Tirith court
They share their political power pretty equally and Aragorn knows and respects this
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mogai-headcanons · 11 months
legolas from the lord of the rings is a genderfaun nonbinary gay man who uses any pronouns + xe is dating gimli.  gimli is an axeboyic trans gay bear who uses he/him + dating legolas. aragorn is an ambiam intersex transmascfem boygirl sapphic vincian bisexual who uses he/him or she/her + dating arwen + crush on boromir. she has bpd. arwen is an ambiam genderfae sapphic trans woman who is dating aragorn and eowyn and uses she/fae. eowyn is an ambiam transmasculine lesbiknight lesbian who uses he/him or she/her. she has adhd & is dating faramir and arwen faramir is a transfeminine foxknight priroguian lesbian who uses she/her. she is dating eowyn. sam is a bi genderstew warmlaundric daysun trans man who uses he/him + dating frodo. dpd. frodo is a nonbinary acespec gay man who uses he/they + dating sam. bpd. boromir is a knightswordic knightprince ace gay man who uses kni/knights or he/him + has a crush on aragorn. kni has bpd. both merry and pippin are genderqueer, plabonk, bitaffectic, and aroace and use they/them. both have adhd & npd. gandalf is agender + aroacespec and gay. uses they/it/we pronouns.
all of them are autistic + have ptsd!
hi if i may add to my lotr request: gandalf is wizardic, merry and pippin are both bitaffectic, aragorn, legolas, and gimli are all solpoetkingsongic, and boromir is sacriagaknight.
oh and one more thing for the lotr rq: samwise gamgee is softdayic
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My LGBT+ Gone Headcanons
Sam Temple
Sam is either the token oblivious cishet of the group OR a disaster bi trans man sorry I don't make the rules.
Astrid Ellison
Either a lesbian experiencing comphet or bi. Definitely acespec. In the good version of Gone that lives in my head, she and Sam broke up sometime around Lies but pretended to be together for Little Pete's sake, allowing both of them to be the bicons they truly are.
I firmly believe she had a crush on Diana at one point. Do with that what you will.
Brianna "The Breeze" Berenson
She's demipanro and ace. In the aforementioned Gone that lives in my head, Brianna was thirteen (almost 14) at the beginning of the FAYZ and after a short gay/aro panic ("ahhh I've never had a crush before let alone on a girl i literally hate romance wtf is happening", Jack reluctantly coaches her through the whole thing) she and Dekka get together 🥰
Agender and doesn't care about pronouns. She/he/they/xe lol whatever watch me do this sick flip.
Computer Jack
He's a trans guy, probably bi but too young to really care about romance atm.
Quinn Gaither
He/they bi. Probably had a crush on Sam at some point but so has pretty much everyone in the FAYZ so whatever.
Lana Arwen Lazar
Aromantic and done with your shit. In the Gone that lives in my head she and Sanjit are just friends and they vibe over not caring about romance (but LOVING to gossip about the Relationship Drama(TM) constantly happening around them).
Look I know she's a minor character but I am EXTREMELY attached to the idea of trans girl Sinder. Also she's dating Jezzie.
Diana Ladris
Bi, gnc, has a complicated relationship with gender. Shaves their head and looks in the mirror like "hope this doesn't awaken anything in me" (it does). Cue exploring their gender presentation through fashion and wearing whatever makes them comfortable instead of what men would find attractive. Tries out lots of different pronouns but finds he/they fit best most of the time.
Howard Bassem
Trans guy, been pining for Orc since way before the FAYZ but he denies it so vehemently it's crazy. "Do you have a crush on Orc?" "I- wh- a CRUSH? On ORC? Don't be ridiculous, I've never had a crush in my life. Maybe you have a crush on Orc and you're just saying this to throw me off, what about that, huh? Check and mate."
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moonrainbowfish · 3 years
Hello! First things first, I LOVE your blog! 🍨 I was wondering if I could please have a Mini Matchup for Lotr and The Hobbit? Thanks so much sweetie, congrats on so many followers, you absolutely deserve everything good in this world!
💕 Any gender is fine by me (I’m a Lesbian irl, but I do like Fictional Men, so I really don’t mind either way)
💕 Trans Demigirl, hoping to get Top Surgery someday soon, She/They pronouns
💕 Disabled, Autistic and Chronically Ill. I've got a lot of health conditions, so I often get very fatigued or am often in pain. Naps are a common thing for me
💕 Both a Witch and a Science Nerd, somehow
💕 Published Author, particularly for Fanfiction, Journaling, Fantasy, Sci-fi and Witchy Books
💕 Very short, under 5’, with an androgynous build. Not very curvy at all, trying to build muscle too. I have very muscular legs (I like to joke that my calf definition could kill a man)
💕 I have very messy long brown hair that I never learned how to braid, so I either wear it loose, or in a low messy bun. I also have glasses, and lots of moles
💕 I just want to have a good time and enjoy myself, mostly. I fluctuate between feeling very insecure and being like “I am the sexiest person on the face of the planet”
💕 My entire personality is that I’m the sweetest person, but I will go for the throat if wronged. Do no harm, but take no shit
💕 I also get very nervous and have anxiety issues, so I can be pretty quiet and isolated sometimes
💕 Very interested in Craftsmanship, like writing, drawing, sewing, smithing, jewelry-making, etc.
💕 My love language is Physical Touch, though I also enjoy Giving Gifts and Acts of Service too
💕 Interests include Moomins, Fantasy, Mythology, Animation, Dungeons & Dragons, Witchcraft, Nintendo games and Food
💕 I love going outside, I can’t stand being cooped up inside for days, it absolutely drives me insane
Thank you for the kind words! You sound like such a cool person!
For Lord of the rings I ship you with:
Arwen is a very empathetic person. She can almost sense when something is wrong with her beloved one, so she always makes sure you are okay and cares for you when you are in pain. You both enjoy taking naps together. She's an elf and taller than you, so she loves to give you lots of forehead kisses. She loves your messy brown hair and sometimes she would braid it for you. She would like to hear all about your interests and she's your number one supporter!
For the Hobbit I ship you with:
Thorin Oakenshield!
Now this grumpy dwarf king definitely has a very big soft spot for you. He would love to put courting beads in your hair. He enjoys to take you on dates outside, for a nice little walk where he can get to know you even better. He appreciates your empathetic and kind nature, but it also makes him a bit wary. He's just scared someone might take advantage of you and he would be a very protective lover. He loves to hear about your culture and in return he would teach you some of his.
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