#And don't bash the show then recommend it anyway
otakusapien · 2 years
Stop tagging shows when making posts to say you think they're bad!!!
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guywrestlingaddiction · 3 months
That Wrestling Moment: Wrestling outside of your weightclass - Alexi Adamov v Denny Carter (bgeast.com)
You got to hand it to the fight in some guys.  Denny Carter is out muscled and out classed but he still wrestles above his weight.  To bad, the man he's up against is the 6'3" monster of muscle, Alexi Adamov.  
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Alexi Adamov v Denny Carter (bgeast.com)
SPOILER ALERT: I highly recommend viewing this match in its entirety before reading this post.
The Backstory
Alexi enters the match dripping with contempt for the smaller wrestler.  There is no way this pip squeak can compare to him.  
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Alexi: I don't think you're in my weightclass buddy. 
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Alexi showing off that jobber crushing body of his. 
The Action
You know what they say - It's not about the size of the dog in the fight, it's about the ass kicking that small dog mounts on the bigger dog, or something like that anyway. 
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To further the point, Alexi comments that he'll show Denny - "This is what a real man looks like". But the man takes it a bit too far and regrets it instantly. 
It takes a sec, but Alexi is not going to beat by some smaller wrestler.  All 6'3" of muscle will not be held down. 
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Then, don't call it a comeback but Denny is on fire.  
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The Moment 
This moment might've been an underdog story where little Denny puts down the mighty Alexi but this is not that moment.  No, today's moment is the lesson of what happens when you try to fight outside of your weight class... you get burned.  
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Play time is over ...
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So what have we learned today? Not everything is like the movies and as much as we all love to watch Alexi get his abs bashed there is something equally impressive about seeing the man absolutely devastate his opponent.  Maybe it's not so much about wrestling someone heavier or bigger than yourself but really it's about being foolish enough try and take on a wrestling god and failing.
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coffeebanana · 11 months
How would you recommend interacting with a writer. If a story wasn't to your taste, or left you unsatisfied. But you still want to encourage, the writer. And show gratitude for the free entertainment?
Hi anon!
The short answer is, a simple "thanks for the fic!" or "thanks for sharing!" or even a few emojis will often suffice. You really don't have to let the writer know what you didn't like. At the end of the day, they're not writing the fic for you, and obiously not every story is going to satisfy everyone the same way--otherwise we'd all be the same and that would be a horrendously boring world to live in.
The long answer is probably unecessary, but I like to procrastinate on my WIPs talk 😂
There's a format of commenting that goes a little like this: "i don't normally like [X ship, X trope, the way X acts in canon, etc...], but i love the way you do it!!" And honestly I myself have used that before--mostly for tropes, though possibly for some ships as well. And on the surface, that's reads as a compliment. Personally, when ppl leave me that sort of comment, I'll usually interpret it as a compliment too--unless they're full on bashing the thing I love (which sometimes happens with people criticizing canon). And I do think it's INTENDED as a compliment. (That's how I've meant it, when I used it, so I do try my best to also interpret others in good faith.)
But it can also read as "I don't like this thing that you really like and I felt the need to tell you that." Honestly, I didn't even realize it would come across that way until I saw someone else point it out. And then...yeah, I started to notice the fics I get it on more (A lot lot lot of my ladrien fics, lmao.)
So I'm at a weird cross roads where I try not to use that anymore--unless it's with someone I'm fairly sure will understand how I mean it?because sometimes you do have more of a rapport with certain ppl and they'll understand what you mean--but I also don't want to say it's 100% a bad thing to say. I really do understand the intent.
Anyways, my point in bringing that up is that you never don't know what seemingly innocent "this wasn't quite to my taste" comment is going to read as an insult. And so if you really DO want to encourage said writer, I'd recommend sticking to the positives.
Another big thing that's important to me personally is: don't lie.
People have a tendancy to...I don't want to say be disingenuous, but certainly to exaggerate at times on the internet. You see that in the SCREAMING CRYING EATING GLASS types comments. And those are USUALLY sincere in the way that the emotions they convey are sincere. We as a society understand they're not literally eating glass but that they're in agony because the angst in the fic was so good and they want more. But then--something I've noticed--that sort of lingo has a way of slipping into a default response of sorts. And sometimes that makes me question if people really mean it?
This second thing is probably more of a personal thing than a response to your question, but since it's something I've been thinking about lately I hope you don't mind that I brought it up too. I really don't want people to lie to me about my writing.
Not even if it's "to be nice".
Maybe this is in part because I myself find it...difficult to be insincere with ppl, but I don't want false compliments--that's something I tell my friends too. If I write a trope or pairing you don't like? There's never any pressure to read it. I don't expect comments or kudos from anyone. And I'm not someone who in general believes people are insincere--that's not really fair to other people. But everyone has doubts at some point, and I feel like adding to that by straight up lying to make someone feel better just isn't the way to go? If you can't pick out a detail from the fic that you genuinely enjoyed, then maybe keep it to the simple "thanks for sharing!"
So, I guess the TLDR is: keep it short and sweet. keep it encouraging if that's really your goal. (and, if this ever happens to be in reference to something that I specifically have written? please don't feel like you HAVE to say anything at all)
Thanks for the ask!! Sorry I went on for so long LOL💜
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olayaxnangyaite · 11 months
𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐀 𝐆𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐒 (I), 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬 𝐰𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐝
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“Just breathe…” Ao’nung whispered into her ear as he guided her arms upon shooting the arrow, he held her arms straight and adjusted her posture.
“Focus. Only look at the target” He let go of her and motioned for her to shoot it, she took one more deep breath and closed one eye, she stretched her arms and gracefully let go of the nock. You can see how swiftly the bolt flew and perfectly pierced the bright red target. O’laya lowered her bow and took a good look at her masterpiece, she grinned and looked back to Ao’nung to see his reaction. He had a proud smile on his face but was soon replaced by a boastful smirk.
“That’s good, but of course, not as good as me” He mocked as smugness filled his ego.
O’laya rolled her eyes and swung her bow up trying to playfully hit him, “Oh yeah? Then what if I-” Before she could take a swing at him a loud longhorn roared throughout the village, stopping everyone in their tracks.
“Maybe next time, O’laya–when you can actually hit me” She scrunched her nose in annoyance and dropped her weapon on its rack.
On their way, they stumbled upon Roxto who was also walking his way to the front. He seemed to have heard of the announcement too.
“What’s going on?” Roxto asked as he walked with them, “Maybe it’s a drill? Or the sky people? I think we need to get our things. At last, after years of training we can finally fight” Ao’nung’s expression was filled with determination, he’s been meaning to make his father proud after all that training the two of them endured.
“Skxawng.” She lightly patted the back of his head which caught him off guard. “Us Metkayinas are not at war, and it will never be. Don’t ever wish that upon the people.” she was grave, with her detested towards the vision of war.
The trio arrived at the shore, where the people gather around something or someone. They walked closer and were surprised to see Na’vis, but distinct.
They approached compelling the crowd to make way. Ao’nung eyed the two kids who seemed to be the same age as them. And of course, the visitors did the same.
As Neteyam paid his respects and also observed the features of this new clan. “Oel ngati kameie” O’laya responded to them and showed hospitality towards the newcomers as she stood beside Roxto and Ao’nung. But Neteyam’s sight lingered on the girl, he couldn't seem to spell it out but he was drawn to her.
Her eyes were as blue as the ocean, her hair was like waves filled with sea shells, and her light skin shimmered against the sun.
Roxto was here throwing questions that seemed to mock the Neteyam and Lo’ak, but Neteyam couldn't care less. Usually, he would defend himself, but this time he couldn't seem to move–it was like he was caught in a trance. It was like he had seen the most beautiful creature there is.
“Ao’nung, Roxto. Enough” She scolded bashing their hands away from them. Tsireya who just arrived, also greeted the visitors. O’laya noticed how her eyes casually glanced at Lo’ak, she let out a titter upon realizing that this is going to be a situation in the future.
O’laya, Tsireya, Roxto and Ao’nung had been friends since the day they all reached the age where they could walk out of their pods and run along the shores and dive with the creatures under the water, so in short, they have known each other since they were kids.
O’laya and Ao’nung usually train together as an order from their fathers, Tisreya and her would practice medicine and healing as a time killer–sometimes they would also teach children to follow their steps as they often look up to them.
After a long process of accepting the Sully family, with Ronal and her critical opinions towards the infamous ‘Toruk Makto’, it was decided. The children of the Metkayina were required to teach them how the reef people work as one. And of course, the two girls were delighted to welcome the Sullys to a new home–Ao’nung on the other hand was forced and demanded to follow his father’s orders.
“Come. I and O’laya will show you the village” Tsireya hovered over the family with delight and a welcoming demeanour. They helped carry the baggage and briefly showed them around the village before leading them to their new home.
“This will be your Marui pod, your new home,” O’laya displayed, carefully placing the baggage down near the entrance. Tsireya gaily accommodated the family while O’laya wait for her at the corner.
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Nightfall emphasized the luminous beauty of Awa’atlu. The skies were dark, but the village was alive, the ocean was like fireworks and corals had their different colours. The people were preparing for their supper, it was an annual festival that the Metkayinas perform. It was a way to keep culture humming and alive, it pays respect to the ancestors, and it showcase joy and appreciation towards the gifts and blessings. Looks like the Sullys were just in time, this somewhat serves as a welcoming ceremony. It just so happens that it was also a welcoming ceremony that the Chief arranged.
Roxto, who insisted to invite the Sullys, came to the ceremony with them. The family came and was surprised with the feast and the majestic harmony of the instruments, the solemn pound of the drum and the exquisite flow of the Pūkāea.
Neteyam and the other kids were surely amazed to be awakened to another culture and to open their eyes to a fresh start. They sang with apparent joy on their faces and danced with the wind barefoot on the sand.
The Chief and the Tsahik had arrived not long after, the people announced with lilting to respect their entrance. Behind them were the reef children and followed by O’laya who was at the very back.
Tsireya as the Tsakarem, wore a unique loincloth that was covered with pearls and corals. Ao’nung wore a bright shoulder and waist garment just like his father.
O’laya on the other hand, wore a kelp-like loincloth with braided ends. Hanging pearls and shiny shells would lightly clang as she walked, her hair moderately designed by specifically purple shells. She wore very faint tattoos on her shoulder blades and her neck.
And of course, Neteyam’s focus would soon be on the girl once again. His mouth narrowly agape from the sight, he was denying it in his mind and was trying his best to keep his head away from her. But he just can’t and I don’t think he won’t anytime soon. All the reef people had their unique designs, but for Neteyam, O’laya was simply different. And at this moment, even if Neteyam would restrict himself, he knew, that that girl across the shore would be the end of him.
The ceremony continued and the people feasted on the food that was handmade by the best culinarian in the village. The ceremony was just splendid, it was a night of colours and signing. Tsireya performed as a majestic dancer, side-by-side with O’laya, who sang with her. The men of Metayina, including Ao’nung and Roxto, had performed a very strong and emotional war dance that represented the tribe’s pride.
“Ah…Jake Sully!” Tonowari greeted with enticement, “I see you have met the people. This right here, is Pōwhiri. A welcoming ceremony” he explained with pride for his culture.
“Irayo, Tonowari. This is well appreciated by me–by us family. Thank you” He beamed, with Tuk by his side–who was also amazed by the dancing children.
“zola‘u nìprrte’, Jake Sully.” it was a fatherly conversation that no one intend to listen to, we all know how fathers talk. “Come. I will introduce you to my people.”
After the main event, The people subdued and enjoyed the party to themselves. Tsireya and O’laya parted ways and strolled through the ceremony by themselves. The music was still there, but it was now in a calm that would recreate the relaxing sound of the sea. The background filled with laughter and faint chatter, the people drinking booze and enjoying themselves.
“You should talk to her..” Kiri suggested, eyeing her brother the whole ceremony and noticing how he would constantly look for her. “Huh?” Proving that he was lost in her once again, not even hearing what Kiri had said. “You are no better than Lo’ak” she teased.
“Just look at her, Kiri” His eyes soften at her, and his expression grew calmer. It was like there are visible hearts in his eyes. “Nothing will happen if you just look at her. Talk to her, brother.” Kriri was right, she knew how much head over heels Neteyam was. And it was rare, she had never seen him so focused and so determined to someone.
The boy sighed and grabbed all his courage to follow his sister’s wishes. He pushed himself into the crowd and tried his best to excuse himself to walk to her. And finally, he was now a few feet away from her. She turned in his direction and noticed that he was lingering. O’laya smiled at him and didn't want him to think of her as a snob. Neteyam soon proceeded to her and finally, the two met. “Hey,” Neteyam smiled and stood just beside her.
“Did Ao’nung insist you drink it?” She assumed it was like she already knew what they were up to this whole time. “Yeah, he said ‘To be true Metkayina, you must drink the waipai’” He mimicked the way he talked. O’laya found it hilarious and crackled at his mockery, Neteyam’s tail swang joyfully and was proud to make her laugh effortlessly.
“Neteyam Sully?” She guessed, still not knowing which is which between him and his brother. And he nodded with acknowledgement. “Enjoying the ceremony, I see”
“Yeah. The food is great, Thank you” Neteyam replied, there was a pause after his reply. Rather an awkward silence between them as both didn't know what to talk about. “ did not like the waipai though…” He mentioned,
“I see, I can smell the Waipai on you. When you drink it, everybody could smell it. “ She managed to blurt out. “ yeah, it was too late when I realized he was tricking me.”
During the whole ceremony, Neteyam and O’laya would talk and laugh, sometimes O’laya would almost run out of breath from too much laughter. He would crack jokes and tell stories back from home, some were not even worth laughing at but she did.
The two were lost in their little world, talking about everything, It was the first words they shared but seemed like they have known eachother for too long. A bond of friendship was formed in a matter of just two conversations about how they would train and how important their roles were to their clans.
They were strangers to eachother, someone new. But Neteyam found something in her that he didn’t know that he needed, and that night for him could last forever until- “Neteyam!” a small and childlike voice called out for th boy, cutting off their connection. “Let’s go home” Tuk, who was a few feet away was calling out with the rest of his family.
He looked back at O’laya not wanting to leave her side, waiting for an assurance for him to leave. “Go ahead, I’ll see you tomorrow.” She confirmed. He grinned at the thought of seeing her again and soon followed his family.
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whinlatter · 9 months
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reading | listening | writing | summer '23
sulking in bed with tonsillitis - never had it before, thought i was built different, crushed to discover i am, in fact, built the same (sickly). so thought was overdue a share of some of the fics i have loved that i've read these past few months (even though my TBR remains colossal), as well as some tune/travel updates, a lil writing check in, and a lil sneak peek of chapter eight of Beasts because the ex boyfriends are back, baby!!!
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Bookbinding by @saintsenara (Myrtle/Tom Riddle, AU, 35k, multi-chapter, completed)
look. this is how it's going to go. i'm going to say myrtle/tom riddle AU, you're going to say 'are you right in the head you're a canon compliant girlie kindly get a grip on yourself'. but then you're going to click the link, and read it, and then you'll be chuckling and filled with boundless delight and want to read this stonkingly well-written properly funny rich magical little fic all over again as soon as you've finished and you'll have me to thank for it. it's a rom-com, people. dare you not to be enchanted. their ship name is literally tyrtle? the tag is 'she said: I can fix him! and she's right'. (and then you're going to read this hinny one, also by @saintsenara as a gift to me as a delectable chaser and lose your mind!)
everything i am is yours by @brightlybound (Hinny, AU, 4k, oneshot)
remember when i was like, AUs, not my bag! and then i read a load of AUs and realised i was talking out of my arse? weird. anyway, here is a lovely little hinny AU that i've gone back to a bunch because it's just really beautifully written and deeply charming and actually does something a lot of muggle AUs don't always do, which is play with harry's characterisation ever so deftly to say, hey, harry is harry, but if nothing bad had happened to him and james and lily lived, he'd be a little bit different, wouldn't he? this harry is our harry, but he's just that bit more confident, that bit more capable of digging an active flirt out of his back pocket. and that makes me happy!
The Last Something That Meant Anything by anonymous (Percy POV, Percy/Audrey and Percy/Oliver, short multichapter, 21k, completed)
i have a lot of percy thoughts these days. fanon percy, steeped in weasley bashing, doesn't do very much for me, so i really loved this belter of a percy character study that considers him both within and apart from his family in a way that attends to his trauma and inner life, but also shows the truth: he's not doing well, he does fuck up with a big moral lapse, and then he has work to do - interesting, deep, personal work - to make it right. please check the tags with this one, as it does contain reference to SA, but really do recommend a read if you feel able.
haunted mansion by @bronzeagepizzeria (Sirius-POV, 1.5k, oneshot)
this brilliant short fic really left me with so many sirius feelings: it just gets the claustrophobia and the grief of sirius' last year alive exactly right, and it just has these fabulous cameos that have detonated a thousand deep sirius thought bombs in my head forever. l o v e d it
perpendicular by akissinacrisis (Hinny, AU, 4.5k, oneshot)
harry/ginny AU, where harry goes to stonewall high and meets ginny at a party. it's so tender and beautiful and stiff and sad and understated, and it's really stayed with me. also it does what all good hinny fics must do (have them chatting. just talking, hanging out, shooting the shit together. they just love to chat, those two lil magnets snapping to each other).
empire builders by she-crow (Prongsfoot, possibly canon-compliant but technically AU I guess, 25k oneshot)
i read this laid out beside a lake and needed at least four more days of lying by a lake to think about it. it's a) one of the most beautiful fics i've ever read b) rip your heart out and staple it heart-wrenching and good and c) some of the best sirius and james characterisations i've read that really serves as a manifesto for playing around with marauders multiships to really different characters in such different lights. the other beauty of it is that it could be canon-compliant? like it could be read as a fabulous doomed tragic love affair between two boys completely infatuated with each other and not sure where to put it. and i think that's kind of gorgeous. so yeah uhh big fan
Notes from the Ravenclaw Bulletin Board by lostrobin (Gen, 11k, completed)
this is a fic told through (very funny) little notes on the ravenclaw bulletin board. been thinking a lot about different house dynamics atm and this a) made me laugh out loud and b) really think, you know who is really sound? those ravenclaw kids. love those bookworms. the crookshanks and fred and george cameos really make this, too. you'll zip through it and you'll giggle. there's nothing more to it!
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Listening (while out and about)
i went outside and it looked like this (i like lakes):
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and i listened to things like this:
pink light by muna (saw em live, lost my mind!) | space invader by the national (anthemic) | mountain by the joy (they're too good) | the greater wings (album) by julie byrne (literally stunning) | gorilla by lil simz (best beanie man sample of all time?)
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other than this birthday microfic for mr potter, a bit of tinkering and dawdling with other misc projects that i pick up and put down over and over again, and my usual meta nonsense, i've just been writing Beasts! put four chapters out since last check-in, and am hard at work on chapter eight, which has some of my favourite scenes in the fic so far. we're gearing up for some chapters away from the castle (writing the winter break chapters in august. what am i like!) and some scenes i've been sat on for ages and some others that i'm having so so so much fun writing. i'm a michael corner stan now? who knew?
She lugs the trunk off the bus at the final stop and traipses around the warren of streets in Soho for a while, looking for the address written on the piece of parchment clutched in her hand. Finally, she finds the building, battered door with the doorbell hanging half off, and stands awkwardly in the street, catching her breath, until the machine crackles and a familiar deep voice says: ‘Hello?’ 'Hi, it’s me.’ She clears her throat. ‘It’s Ginny, I mean.’  ‘Oh, hi. Come on up.’  The hallway has an unmistakably damp, squat-like feel about it. Loud laughter spills out of the flat on the first floor, and a group of uni students, squabbling amicably among themselves, parade past her on the second floor staircase as she rings the doorbell and loiters in the corridor, feeling hopelessly out of place. ‘Your hair’s so nice!’ one girl with thick black boots and a face full of piercings says admiringly as she passes by, just as the door to the flat swings open.  ‘Oh, good, you found it. I wasn’t sure you’d be able to.’ ‘Why wouldn’t I be able to?’ Michael rolls his eyes. ‘You know, Ginny, seen as it's Christmas, maybe we could try not to argue before you’ve even set foot in my flat.'
okay, one more 🕺
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bunglegaydogs · 1 year
Hiiii I'm just sending an ask because they're all different posts (read : I'm lazy) so please don't mind me lol
First and foremost, YOU ARE AMAZING AT EXPRESSING YOUR THOUGHTS AND YOUR ESSAYS ARE ALWAYS SO NUANCED?? SO YOU SAYING THAT WAS A HUGE COMPLIMENT OMG- I love reading your bsd essays so much and it's just now that I realised that they're all your essays abaammw some of the best in the fandom really. I'm always baffled when in the middle of an essay you go "I may not be articulating my thoughts right" or "this is kind of just put together" because girl you're amazing! Never stop writing these please ajajahsbw ALSO! Hearing your little thoughts and feelings pop up in the middle of an essay makes it so endearing to me. Like, that's a whole ass person writing these many words just to express how much they like this show and they're so adorable! (So sorry if that's offensive idk if calling someone adorable is)
Also, completely unrelated lol but this is exactly why I prefer to ask people questions instead of googling! Knowing that the person explaining is a human has their own opinions and hearing their feelings and experiences is so much more better and relatable than reading stuff off a Google website. Also your pfp is the cutest everyone has cute pfps nowadays 😭 anyways yes cute pfp :D
Actually getting to the point now:
1) yes yes Oda and Dazai's relationship is so dear to me I love them sm and I adore seeing Atsushi all caring for his mentor 😭 he's basically Dazai's emotional support cat!! Dazai let the boy in please I'm begging you he can purr probably and it would melt away your stress pls pls (Maybe everyone in the ADA sees Atsushi as their emotional support cat...)
2) Mori is a piece a shit, and you should be allowed to say it. I'm never biased in my writing but I loathe that guy with my very being and the whole people who like Mori thing really got me reconsidering...was *I* the bad guy for not liking a character when I actively liked a character very similar to him? Then I realised, I completely respect and treat equally all the people who don't like/hate Dazai. I don't treat them any different just because they don't like a character. And that's what I should expect too!
There's no post defending Dazai, and yet I still like him because I accept his wrongdoings and want him to keep getting better, like Oda told him to. Yknow, the argument would be MUCH different if Dazai was a woman and not a man, imagine bashing someone for liking a teen girl and not liking the guy who groomed her to be his heir. Yeah, really puts things into perspective. I'm not sexist, I treat (respectful) men and women equally, but Mori is just. No.
3) I haven't see it before in any canon source material but I feel like it's definitely true. It's clear that Dazai WANTS to want to keep living, but he can't bring himself to want it because of all the pain he's endured. He literally said in dark era that the reason he joined the mafia was to try and seek meaning in life by being close to death and violence. It's ironic, Dazai feels the most alive when he's about to LOSE that privilege. It could also mean that Dazai only realises the "value" in living when he's about to lose it. Perhaps he thinks of things he could've done, things he'll regret, and that helps him to stop before he actually does it. But in my opinion? I don't think he finds anything of worth in that time. He just convinces himself that he does. This is a personal hc but it's probably likely to be the case.
If you've listened to the song My R, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about.(totally recommend btw!).The girl in the song speaks to herself about her woes and the 'other' version of her comforts her telling her about all the things that she DOES have, but by the end of the song, she has lost everything of meaning and she can't comfort the "girl". It is only revealed that the girls she comforted are different versions of HERSELF that she stopped from jumping.
oh my god oh my god oh my god
i am sat here on the verge of TEARS in my goddamn chuuya cosplay
okay okay give me a second i need to collect myself
you are singlehandedly the SWEETEST person ever im sobbing
literally i cant- thank you so fucking much! you dont understand how much this all means to me WOWOWOWOW <33333333
literally, my brain doesnt let me consume my content positively and so i always think that theyre quite bad or that im the only person who thinks that or that im saying all the wrong things lol
i have so many words and thoughts floating around in my little brain that i just cant find the words for, so thats honestly what those rants are, my delusional 4am thought processes when i deep things too much
and YOU THINK??? genuinely, thank you!!! i love reading people's essays and thoughts, so hearing you say that genuinely just warms my absolute heart <3
and yes yes i do get quite sidetracked very often and start just rambling and adding my own personal twists- genuinely i thought that was annoying for people to read, but you're just putting a big smile on my face right now :) and PLS DONT THINK CALLING ME ADORABLE IS OFFENSIVE I LITERALLY GIGGLED READING THAT SHIT FR. <333
i like to add personal experiences and thoughts into it, just to get my point across, put it into an irl perspective and let people also relate and see what im getting at. (unfortunately) i have the same experiences as most of these characters, and so that is why they're so dear to me and why i get very defensive and passionate writing about them!
and yes! getting your answers and stuff from irl people instead of strange irrelevant responses is much more preferred lol. it's more raw and in depth and definitely a lot more personal! and thank you so much!!! it's genuinely one of my favourite dazai panels istg hes such a pretty mf
1.) i love love LOVE their dynamic, i think it's one of my favourites in the show along with skk and ranpo and yosano. it really fucking hits hard, as all family dynamics do with me fr, idk what it is about them, they just get me. and yes!!! i love when atsushi shows that he cares for dazai it MAKES ME FEEL NICE <3 and that's so real oh my god hes a tiger please PLEASE he can fucking PURR (there was a tumblr post i saw, i can try and find it but it made me actually cry laughing)
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THIS ONE i was fucking howling but yes! their relationship is also one that really really gets to me! and yes, he is just the ada's support cat, it's canon, i'm ranpo's sweets
2.) thank you thank you THANK YOU mori is an actual degenerate human being. he's not made to be liked or appreciated or revered, it's just fucking AEUGH. i'm not going to demonise the people who enjoy him as a character, but seriously, it's a big red flag to overlook the canon pedophilia. i saw someone make a defense against him saying "yes, but he's never actually touched kids, so that doesn't mean anything" SORRY? they also went on to say that he "restrains himself" from having pedophilic thoughts with elise, and basically praised him for that. needless to say, it got me feeling fucking icky. and yes! i feel exactly the same. i always think that "oh, maybe i'm the awful one for not liking him? am i bad?" even though, no, i'm perfectly fine thinking that way and i am allowed to think that way. and exactly again! dazai is my favourite character, but i recognise his flaws and his mistakes and don't forgive them. but he's actively trying to "be a better person" (i say this in quotation marks because dazai sees everything he does as inevitably pointless, but still wishes to uphold oda's dying words. i am definitely going to make a post about this in the near future lol) and i dont make my analyses biased towards him, and i stay on neutral ground UNLESS personal opinion comes up, to which i then say that it's my personal opinion, not fact, and that it's anybody's choice to think however they want. if somebody doesn't like dazai; okay! i'm interested in talking with them, and we can both talk about things we're very passionate about and have healthy conversations! unlike some people i have seen on reddit, goddamn. but no, we're not the bad people for hating that knobhead fr. we should all treat and be treated the same as any other fan in the fandom and get along, and i wish we could ALL do that in non-toxic ways. 99% of this fandom are the loveliest people ever, but that 1% just needs to get a grip like omg. we should treat others how we want to be treated, regardless of who favours what ship and who likes what character. and real!!! if gender roles were reversed for dazai, this would be much more problematic, and that's upsetting! dw dw, i dont think its sexist, i think its putting things into perspective bc, either way, its shitty how he was treated. i fucking hate mori. whenever i see people defending him to like, the bone, like not getting into a decent discussion and being civil but instead bashing everyone who says otherwise and completely overlooking the abuse, manipulation, grooming, pedophilia and just him as a sick and twisted person in general, it just really irks me. as someone who has in fact had to deal with separate strands of abuse including many fucking counts of sexual abuse and pedophilia, it disgusts me seeing people overlooking it and it makes me feel fucking sick. that shit is not just something to be overlooked because of the fact that you enjoy mori as a character, he's not supposed to be a character that's consumed positively, he's a bad guy. a lot of characters in bsd are morally grey, but mori is just fucking morally black. he's downright evil.
(TW for suicide and self harm next btw :) )
3.) yes yes yessss!!! again, bringing personal stuff into it, i deal heavily with the whole topic of suicide and self harm. i've attempted twice and still deal with thoughts of it every single day, as well as self harm. so, this is one of my main reasons of dazai being my absolute favourite character, because of the representation and actual presentation of these topics. at first, we're shown them in a whimsical and whacky way, then it gets so much darker once we get into the dark era. it's a complete tonal shift, and it really sets in the gravity of the situation for him. and, as you said, he wants to have that ability to want to keep going and living, and he wants to be able to put the effort in, but he can't/ he physically cannot. as much as he would want to try, he can't. and yes, when he said that it fucking BROKE me fr. just at the chance that he's not able to keep living on anymore as a human is the one thing that keeps him alive, i fucking love asagiri's writing, it's so complex and beautiful. and its so so so real!!! youre literally right idc lmao. youve so eloquently said it im crying, youre putting all my thoughts into words <3
and yes!!! i have listened to the song, i absolutely LOVE it! and i never fail to think of dazai whenever i listen to it </3 and, i also think it's very very much like dazai, because of the multiple different versions we see of him too. chuuya hasn't exactly changed much, but he has gone through some very very complex and deep character developments, such as in fifteen and stormbringer. hes a lot more "tame" and respectful now, and a lot more mature. (except with dazai lmao) aku, we see he's changed slightly thanks to atsushi, but still no major character fucking flip arounds. all these characters we've watched slowly become better and more complex throughout the series. dazai? he just does 180s every single fucking year. hes different at 14 and 15 than he is at 18. hes different at 18 than he is at 20-22. and the different faces he puts on for each and every person, all his masks that he has. there's much variety to dazai; you never know what you'll get. there's so many different sides to him, because he doesn't know who he is. as odasaku saw him, "a lost child crying out". no matter the age, no matter the state, dazai is always going to be harbouring that broken child with him, trying to hide it and build up walls around it, because the only time he's ever shown it, he's gotten hurt or betrayed and lost some key figures in his life. trust issues much?
anyways i am sorry i am sorry i rambled too much lmao
thank you so so so SO much for your kind words!!! sweetest person EVER fr <333333
thank you my love!!! /p have a lovely day/night :) <3
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waheelawhisperer · 3 months
Look I'm going to ask you a question. Completely honestly.
Does RWBY get better after season 1 because this is probably the worst show I have seen in my entire life. It feels like a toddler bashing rocks together and hoping a good plot will miraculously come out
Technically, the answer is yes, although that is in large part because it is hard to get worse than RWBY Volume 1. The first Volume was made on a shoestring budget by a studio with minimal experience writing and producing this kind of story and is, in my opinion, best treated as an extended pilot rather than a full season in its own right. The animation makes noticeable strides over the course of the series (compare the early walk cycles with the later ones, for example), and you see a big jump in the resources allocated to the show between Volume 1 and Volume 2 (the fucking background characters have actual models now lmao).
That said, I think what you're really asking is whether RWBY becomes worth watching, and my answer to that is no. The series consistently struggles to align its scope with its resources, with the result that many characters and plotlines feel abortive and underdeveloped. Many of the problems with the writing show up early in the show's run and never really go away, and while there are a few moments in the show that I consider legitimately good (I think the back half of Volume 3 and most of Volume 7 are the high points of its run), I don't really see the sort of growth from the writing that I'd want to see in a show that started off in such an unpolished form in order to make it worth recommending. The show, to me, really loses a lot of the spark/charm/enthusiasm that made me think it could be something truly special after about the end of Volume 3, and by this point it frankly seems like most of the people in charge both don't like working on RWBY anymore and don't know what to do with it anyway.
(This is not even getting into the frankly disturbing amounts of bigotry baked into a supposedly-progressive show produced by a company that named itself after a homophobic slur, essentially kept a trans woman as a slave, fostered a work environment so hostile that it resulted in clinically diagnosed PTSD and literal life-altering physical injuries to its employees, and routinely crunched its animation staff to the breaking point, but that's a whole 'nother post)
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forcebookish · 8 months
i haven't watched the new episode properly yet but omg so furious - if they decided within a week to cut out that scene then why put it in the preview? where are all these topmew haters getting to jojo from?? is it just twitter? im genuinely so devastated for them they deserve so much better. can't help but wonder what got cut that we don't actually know about too. legit boiling idk if i can watch the new episode rn im honestly tempted to get twitter just so i can support forcebook with this show 😭 how can people hate them this much?? i don't see forcebook/topmew fans out here dragging firstkhao and neomark through the mud??? ive gotten 10/10 bored of particular sandray and i really hate ray bc i have dealt with a horrible destructive violent addict so he is a triggering character (it's mostly horrible to see fans glorify that behaviour) but im not out here screaming at them to cut the actors scenes im just is it ok to cry about this hahahahaaA
cry it out, dude. it's fucked up the way they treat our boys.
i think it's twitter and youtube (i think it was you who i talked to about a yt commenter being a dick to me because i had the gall to ask why there was no forcebook footage in the last bts?😒). and yeah, even with p'jojo's explanation for why it was cut, it doesn't matter because mew was at that level of anger throughout the episode anyway. all it did was take something away from foxmochis and topmewists when we're literally begging for crumbs. and like you said!!! we're not bashing any actors, we're not complaining about screentime, we're not making shit up about the story or the characters - we're the ones who have been having a good time, even when there are characters that we hate, it's not the story that we're complaining about.
I MEAN NOW IT IS, but this was a uniquely bad episode lol
but certainly not the actors! there have been MULTIPLE people saying that they wanted topmew to be minor characters just so that their faves could have more screentime. all i want is for forcebook to be in a drama on their own without any of these other fucking "fans" going out of their way to bash them. and it's always, "why are foxmochis so defensive?" "tomafoxes have a victim complex." "gmmtv shows favoritism to forcebook." LIKE EXCUSE ME??? it's like they live in an alternate reality designed just so they feel better about hating on two perfectly lovely, talented guys and some of the kindest people i have ever met in a fandom space ever.
and honestly, i never thought i'd say this... but i do recommend getting a twitter account. i got mine just to lurk and see what forcebook was up to, but i've gotten in the habit of sending them tweets about how much i love them every now and again when i see something heinous or am just thinking about them. they get flooded with shit they don't deserve, and honestly? it makes me feel better too, knowing that i'm pushing back against the wave. who knows if they see it or understand it, but at least it's out there.
if they didn't need all the support they could get, i'd probably stop watching at this point (or at least pause), because it feels like we're being fucked with at this point and that our voices and viewership don't matter :( but they need us! gmmtv isn't going to do their job, so we have to do it for them!
thanks for popping in!❤️‍🩹 it took me a long time to respond to this so maybe you've already seen the episode but good luck anyway, pal. it's kind of a slog lol
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wastelandhell · 2 years
Sorry if this question is too broad or imposing but I'm trying to get into modding Fallout 4 for the first time, mostly to make armor skins. What're the best tutorials? I've tried searching online but a lot of the tutorials are outdated. (Would also love to know how to bash existing skins together though modelling my own would be fun too). Again sorry for this ask I'm just so lost about how to get into modding lol.
Ahhh do not apologize for asking me about modding fallout. I could talk about the guts of this stupid game all day ahhh
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modding grip^
Unfortunately I...don't know any good tutorials. I think a lot of Fo4 modders came over already knowing skyrim or FNV. Most of what I know is based on outdated guides, old loverslab threads, my existing graphic design knowledge, and trial-and-error. I think armour is the best place to start because there are so many tools available (thanks tittymodders!), and you don't have to worry about needing 3DS Max for collisions or animations.
This is the only modding tutorial I've ever watched. It's old, but good to show you a proper workflow and how to set up your files. They use creation kit, but if you're just making armour its way easier to use xEdit. I don't even have the ck installed, I do everything in xEdit.
This is an excellent guide to outfit conversions. It gets pretty in depth, but you really don't need to bother with the dismemberment section if it's just for you. It's for FG reduced but you can use it as a general guide for weighting anything for any body and getting your modded outfit game ready.
Texture edits and outfit conversions are where I started and are probably the easiest. The best thing to do is just poke around mods you like and see how they do it.
Some tools:
xEdit: Plugin editor for creation engine games. If you're doing any kind of modding you should learn how to use this. Esl-flagging, running complex sorter, making bashed patches and making your own compatibility patches are skills you need if you want to run a heavily modded game.
Icestorms texture toolbox: the best texture tool, i use the "batch processing" tab at the end to convert .png (no alpha) and .tga (alpha) files to .dds.
Nvidia texture tools exporter: lets you open .dds file in photoshop with the alpha channel intact. You don't need a nvidia card, I'm all team red. Don't bother using this to export unless you have to, its slow as fuck.
Sagethumbs: Gives .dds files thumbnails in windows explorer.
IrfanView: For quickly viewing texture files without launching photoshop. Also an excellent general image viewer.
Bethesda Archive Extractor: Crack open those .ba2 files and get to the goods.
Material Editor: What it says on the tin, lets you edit Fo4 and Fo76 material files. These are like containers that have the paths to all your textures and how they are to be shaded to attach to .nif files.
NifSkope: View and edit .nif files. Dev 7 is the recommended, but Dev 8 can open Fo76 meshes if you want to backport those.
Outfit Studio: Even if you don't use body replacers, this is an incredible tool for editing and weighting meshes. If you're making armour you need this. This is also where I make most of my mashups: you can pull parts from different outfits, slap them together, and export them quickly and easily.
Blender: It's free and it works. Learning to navigate this is going to be your biggest hurdle but it's worth it, trust me. Thankfully blender has a huge community and hundreds of tutorials. This is where I make my hi poly models and do all my retopo/uvs. I also prefer to use blender to edit meshes because it has more robust editing tools.
PyNifly: What I use to import/export .nif files from blender.
Fo4 is made in the 2013 version of 3DS Max and the havok content tools but i haven't bothered to pirate that yet. You don't need it for armour anyways.
I'm sorry this is so long and rambly. If you have a more specific question I might be more helpful ha.
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chaos0pikachu · 8 months
because you've mentioned it a couple of times i wanted to ask if you would recommend Queer as Folk?
Short answer, no. lol
I watched QAF when I was way to young (like a young teenager) to be watching QAF but gay shit was really hard to come by back in the early 00's which is why queer folks like me turned to BL/GL in the first place. Like, jesus fuck Gravitation is a shitty story but that's all we had ya know?
I think QAF was a product of it's time like Brian is a creep and mistreats Justin pretty badly all things considered as a dumb teenager I was so sad they didn't end up together but as an adult I'm like oh thank god Justin leaving made sense for the narrative and was what was best for him actually. The show is outright afraid of the concept of bisexuality, and has no real concept of poly or open relationships. It's also really freaking white.
I do think it deserves it's place in the conversation about American queer media though, it tackles a lot of relevant problems, it allowed gay men and women on TV to be complicated, messy, and flawed characters. Yes the lesbians also get to be messy on this show! It was also one of the few shows that, at the time, openly and unashamedly depicted sexual intimacy with queer characters. Safe sex, unsafe sex, discussion of AIDS and HIV, sex work, kink, monogamy vs non-monogamy and other topics I'm probably forgetting about.
It showcased the weight of discrimination, hate crimes, gay bashing, along side the joys of pride and drag culture, and the innate joy of being queer.
It was very genuinely a drama with gay characters, highs and lows and mess and flaws. It's not a romance, it's a drama first and foremost. I don't think it's for everyone, I don't think I'd like it much if I watched it again as an older adult tbh b/c the Brian/Justin relationship would make me uncomfortable.
I would read up one the show, and then decide for yourself if it'd be something you'd be interested in picking up. It's like 5 seasons, seasons 1 and 2 have about 20 episodes, while seasons 3 - 5 have 14 episodes each and all episodes clock at an hour long.
When I mention QAF in comparison to Only Friends I mean more of the aesthetic, tone, concept and overall vibe of the shows or at least what Only Friends was originally sold as anyway.
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skidsficrecs · 2 years
spinning out, waiting for you
Title: spinning out, waiting for you
Author: demonmimo
Ship(s): Kim Seungmin/Lee Minho | Lee Know
Word Count: 5.5k
Chapters: 1/1
Status: Complete
Rated: Teen and Up
Archive Warnings: Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings
Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Established Relationship, kind of, 2min are separated, Marriage, Hospitals, Concussions, Injury Recovery, Car Accidents, Caretaking, Post-Break Up, Non-Sexual Intimacy, Getting Back Together, Hopeful Ending
Summary: "The hospital staff do not need to know about his marital issues. It doesn’t matter, anyway, because Minho won’t come. There’s no way. He’ll probably call Hyunjin and send him over, which is—it’s fine. It’s what Seungmin was going to do anyway, so. It’s fine." - Minho and Seungmin have been separated for two months. It's only after Seungmin gets in an accident that he realizes he never changed his emergency contact.
Notes: this type of fic isn't usually my cup of tea, but i've been really into 2min lately, so i decided to give it a shot, and i'm glad i did! i really love the writing style and characterization of 2min and i appreciate the realistic portrayal of concussions. as an avid hurt/comfort enjoyer, i've noticed that concussions are used a lot but are almost always downplayed... your brain literally gets bashed against the side of your skull! that shit hurts!
this is only 5k, but it has a hopeful ending that alludes to something more after the fic. honestly, i feel as though it'd only drag on if it was longer, so i really like the length of this! it's short and sweet and to the point! if you're someone who likes angst and hurt/comfort but don't have the time for longer fics, i can't recommend this enough!
the tags really speak for themselves for this one, but i promise it isn't as dreary as they make it out to be. angsty as hell? yes! but i'd like to put emphasis on the 'hopeful' in 'hopeful ending' here; the fic shows seungmin lamenting what he's lost with minho while minho clearly shows he still cares. the comfort in this fic really has so much more weight because of their previous separation :') please please give this a read so you'll see what i mean! and don't forget to give kudos!!
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forevermagik · 6 months
multiples of 4, eda, + a bonus question of your choosing. and also 17
Well, this happened. I cannot even with you two. Anyway, answers below the cut lol! @kraefishh your answers are here since it's THE SAME CHARACTER and we're gonna ramble in one post.
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2. BONUS QUESTION!!! Favorite canon thing about this character?
She's chronically ill/disabled and it's NOT THE PUNCHLINE. It gets it's own ARC about how it affects her but it's not ~inspirational~ about her overcoming it.
Also like, she's a woman in her 40s. With wrinkles. And grey hair. And like, she's a main character!!!! She's not reduced to the mentor figure.
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
Oh MAN this one is interesting to me because like... Put this woman in Kingdom Hearts and have her vehemently not adopt (adopt) Sora on his journey while he helps her, Luz, and King save the Boiling Isles with NOT the power of friendship but the power of bashing people on the head with a Keyblade. Or something. Then have her as a summon (harpy form ofc) later.
Put her in my book and watch her and Rinnie make TERRIBLE decisions. And Rinnie have a 404 brain error as Eda just takes off an arm and a leg.
PUT HER IN YOUNG WIZARDS and have her explain magic (witchcraft for her, wizardry for someone like Dairine) in a way that actually I think LINES UP?!??!?!?
Anyway, moving on...
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
Seriously not a fan of people saying Eda's dumb. She's not. She was just absolutely failed by the school system and thus she despises it. And while yes, I was Lilith when it came to school, I recognize that students like Eda EXIST. And deserve to be taught in ways that match with them. But no, this is not a dumb woman.
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
UM!!!! This woman absolutely looked at Hunter post Hollow Mind and went FUCK I HAVE ANOTHER KID I GUESS.
16. What's your least favorite ship for this character?
Anything Eda x Darius. Like. Really not my thing. Raeda forever, and I'm also oddly fond of Eda/Raine/Camila.
We determined 17 was a no.
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
HMMMM! I mean, Eda and Raine while a couple are also I think just amazing chaotic best friends. And when Lilith and Eda aren't trying to kill each other (sibling problems) they're also good friends. So.... *shrug* I don't got anything else for this one.
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
!!!! (not that I've posted any of the fics I've written yet) but my favorite thing to do when writing Eda is to just have her have her ramble in her thoughts like I do. Also it's fun to write her turning into harpy form in front of Raine :)
So far don't have anything I don't like so....
23. Favorite picture of this character?
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by @/kaereth (I swear I'm not reposting for credit I also just do not want to blow up your notifications) but I love this creachurification. So much.
Though this gif is one of my go-tos:
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24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
Eda's honestly so different from anything else I've ever seen so???? I don't know?????
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
Okay so I was told I'd really like the show and it was about her coming to terms with her chronic illness and the recommendation came from enough people that I was like, "okay, I have an idea of what to expect."
I was wrong.
And that's FINE!!!!
Tbh, I'm not a huge fan of her in the first episode. She's mean to Owlbert for a throwaway line I feel and it's very heavy-handed. But I do like when Luz is holding her head as they're both staring at the Warden like "did you just...?" so I liked that.
By the end of the "choose yourself" conversation in Witches Before Wizards, I loved her. And that was *before* the curse was revealed.
I just. I love her??????
Okay, that's all of them. Enjoy!
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twdmusicboxmystery · 1 year
Hi, I love reading all your theories! I’m going to be on this ship till I die 😂
Anyway, do you know if there is a podcast or something similar out there? I’ve been searching but haven’t found anything. I’d love to listen to beth theories and such while doing housework.
Thanks and bethyl on!
There's not an ongoing one that I know of. Wish there was. I used to do Symbolism videos on Youtube. You can find them HERE. But it's been a while since I did one. I just don't have enough time anymore.
There is also an official TWD podcast put out by Skybound called Talk Dead to Me, but it's not TD related, and I even heard them bash TDers a few times, so I don't always recommend it. Basically, some people who work for the show interview past actors about their experiences on the show. So, they once interviewed the woman who played Dawn in Coda. Obviously, that was something I was interested in listening to. But there truly weren't very many Bethyl hints in it.
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HERE is a random episode.
Overall, while I have listened when they interview actors I liked and was interested in hearing form, overall, I got a little bored with the podcast. It was much more about the actors' real lives than about the show, and I found my attention drifting.
Those are the only two I know of. If you want to find more, maybe search the internet or Apple Podcasts or something and see if you can find any fans doing podcasts about the show. There are certainly plenty of fan YouTube channels to choose from.
Sorry I don't have a more concrete answer. Xoxo! ☀��💝
UPDATE: After writing the above, I did a search. First, a google search. And it yielded THIS POST about the best TWD podcasts. When I put "the walking dead" into Apple Podcasts, many of the same ones listed in the post came up. As I said above, most of these are fan podcasts, but they still may be worth exploring. I hope that helps!
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it feels like the opposite for me but also i am closeted to a bunch of conservative christians bc i. don't want to deal with it and even the ones i AM out to are still homophobic (how do they even DO that lmao) so i am generally stuck between either talking to them and risking the judgemental Look™️ over it being ANOTHER queer film anna, why does it have so many bad words anna, why does it have so many explicit scenes anna, OR i go to online friends and then it is hours of them reading/watching the thing i recommended and then bashing the shit out of it bc they didn't enjoy it or found some kind of fault in it or whatever for being inauthentic or bad representation or SOMETHING there's literally Always something and i am like there is NO winning (except for with like,,, u and tater)!!! there BETTER be more people i can talk about my trashy little shows with in college bro that sounds like it'd be so nice
i need to like. be able to broadcast what shows and things i am ok w people critiquing w me and which are just. absolutely not allowed. bc there is a difference!! and i wish people just! knew that!! like yes i *know* this show isnt v good acting but that doesn’t mean i dont enjoy it!! LITERALLY MY SISTER DID THAT W DICKINSON I WANNA SCREAM (that one isnt even bad acting shut up???) tbh i also totally bash her shows but mostly bc?? well actually i have no idea who started it but she is generally pretty judgemental and so i think i like. overcompensate to match or something dumb.
MY FAMILY ISNT EVEN HOMOPHOBIC AND HONESTLY I STILL FEEL THAT??? i was like. asking and asking my family to watch a league of their own while also being weirdly terrified that they would judge it on its queerness (w our flag means death too!! wow)
my mom is like so so chill and actually i think?? enjoys queer things i have so many questions abt that but anyway. meanwhile my dad is just, “oh do you not like olivia rodrigo because she’s not trans?” WHAT (me not liking olivia rodrigo is actually such a personal red flag of mine but i dont think my opinion will ever change rip)
but yeah i am!! so excited to just. be SEPERATE from my family for longer than eight hours a day bc wow are camps and school trips just a wild difference for everything.
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youreignhere · 2 years
My Top 10 Favorite Bl Shows
I'm new to Thai Bl, started in November 2021 but in my eyes, these are SOME of the jewels of Bl. I'm open to new ones, lemme know in the comments 👇
These are ranked by visual, chemistry, plot and acting. Ready, let's go! Warning: some spoilers!
10. Hello Stranger
This isn't my first Filipino Bl, I watched My day before and thought it was good, but damn did Hello Stranger surprise me. Filmed during the pandemic and on an online setting, it really made it different. The actors were so good and I'm glad it was a slow burn. I recommend for newbies.
9. Papa and Daddy
This show was so cute, I think I smiled through the entire show. It's basically a show about two dads and their son. The actors had great chemistry and the topics of discussion were new and fun. I highly suggest watching it but be warned, it's ending was too dramatic. Those who know, know.
8. You make me Dance
I like anything that carries a soul mate plot lol. But honestly, Korean Bl can go toe to toe with Thai Bl and even portray some healthy, cute and beautiful relationships, like the one in you make me dance. I live for the dance visuals, made me so relaxed.
7. Lovely Writer
Yooo, this was a nice twist to the regular Thai Bl settings, it was really interesting to watch them bash Bl drama stereotypes and include 👌consent😩 like ugh well done. There were some beautiful scenes and I laughed a lot. As a writer, I highly recommend it, even for newbies, check it out on YouTube.
6. Tale of 1000 Stars
This would be number 1 just because I love EarthMix, lol their friendship makes me believe in love and I wouldn't be surprised if they were together. Anyway, this was the 3rd Bl I watched. The THIRD, I CAN'T EVEN BELIEVE IT. I watched it on YouTube of course and I fxcking loved it. Not only does it temporarily get rid of the regular School and Engineering setting, but the visuals. I Repeat, THE VISUALS. not to mention the soundtrack is added to my daily life. I know a lot of people are frustrated about the ending, but I loved it to be honest and can't wait to see what they do when there's a season two.
5. Bad Buddy
The visuals, the chemistry, the soundtrack, the love. I smiled all through this ENTIRE show. I'll definitely be rewatching it, cause they are a comfort ship, perfect for those looking to start Bl, but be prepared to have high standards afterwards. Only green flags for Pat and Pran.
4. Not Me
👁👄👁 bitch off gun are the main characters, of course it's gonna be lit. and I'd put this in the top 3 but I gotta put me first 😭 so the messages and the cinematography in this series are INCREDIBLE. THE ACTING, LIKE WTF GUN. I LOVE BLACK. like the switch between each twin is stunning, I'm still shook. I love the seriousness and the topics they focused on in this series, not to mention the action scenes. If you're looking for something different and empowering, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND.
Honourable Mentions
•CutiePie- bish this shit slaps. Yooo, that kiss, the soundtrack, the Visuals, this would be in the list, but the entire series hasn't finished airing. Did I mention the ACTORS AND THE CHEMISTRY?!
• 2gether and Still 2gether- I liked it, have a lot of Srubb songs now, but I didn't connect with the actors a lot. Bright and Win are good actors, but please don't hate me, they didn't have great chemistry, it was good, but not great. I enjoyed the slow burn tho and it was fun to watch. I recommend to newbies, check it out on YouTube.
•Tharntype- my first Bl and I think a lot of y'all too. I love MewGulf, they are Kings, but if this was made now, I think it would have been better and probably darker. I like Type and Tharn's chemistry, but they seriously need to communicate and probably see and therapist. Not to mention Lhong, like damn, that was a twist. But it's in the Mentions cause of the amazing soundtrack, visuals, acting and chemistry.
•Theory of Love- I didn't finish this. I got tired of Third crying and Kai, can't remember his name, was a HUGE red flag.
•KinnPorsch - now airing and I haven't even watched the first episode but it's in this list cause of that fucking trailer- NO SPOILERS HOES, I'M WAITING TILL MY BIRTHDAY (29TH)TO WATCH
Top 3
3. Sotus and Sotus S
Here me out. I watched this like a few weeks ago and damn. I loved it, lmao, I would love to see Kongpob and Sarawat (2gether) go toe to toe in a flirting compilation. This show was perfect, it didn't need a lot smexy scenes and I really loved the portrayal of the characters. I'm biased I guess, cause Arthit is a lot like me in my relationship. I'm not the most blatant (even as a straight girl), I like my space and I'm very awkward. Later on the show deals with life and I the visuals are my favorite too, even if the show is like 4 years old I think.
2. Manner of Death
Bitch, you thought I'd forget the literal Kings of BL. Maxtul run this shit. Together with me want my second Bl, lol I know right. I still crack up over the "you be tripping" and the chemistry between maxtul both kills me and makes my ovaries burst. Then I found Manner of death. Bitch, biiiiiiiiitch. This show was everything I needed and would be number one. The plot, the acting, Inspector M' ass, the LOVE. I'm shook. Watch it on YouTube if you want. It's worth it.
1. Until We Meet Again
Well, you should have known, I did say I love a good soulmate story. But honest to God, I sobbed maybe 50% of the show. I watched it like two weeks ago and now I use the soundtrack to write. Guys, guys, this show broke me. I've watched a lot of shows and read a bunch of books in my young life, but I loved, LOVED this show. I started the first episode and was, wtf am I doing here, then convinced myself to watch it, even though I know how it would end. The actors, oml THE ACTING. I know ppl say Fluke cries too much, but have y'all seen Theory of Love, any who, the Visuals were amazing in this show too, holds up well with 1000 stars and Not Me. I live the plot and the deep issues in the storytelling, it was everything that hurt me, but I would definitely watch it again cause damn. And the soundtrack, yooo the soundtrack.
Well that's all for now, I'll update this if you guys want. Lemme know your recommendations and I'll watch them while I wait for Cutie pie, Cupid's last Wish and KinnPorsch👇
I will also be featuring affiliated links and my link 👇https://beacons.ai/youreignhere/writing.
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keenmarvellover · 4 years
Some links to posts with valuable content you want in one place.(BASICALLY EVERYTHING IS THERE)
Suggestions and Recommendations are appreciated and accepted.
Last Updated : 16/10/2020
NOTE: Some of these post are written in a crude and unruly fashion. But they contain valuable tips, guidance and information. If you can't/don't want to read such posts, then don't read.
Mental Health
Do you need a Hug?
Maybe you’re having a stressful day. Maybe you just need a deep breath. Maybe you just didn’t realize how stressed you are. You can get your comfort here.
Some stuff to help you sleep
This is definitely not a google drive full of the sleep stuff from the Headspace app, including sleepcasts, music, and wind down meditation, that normally costs 17.99 a month, no siree and you definitely shouldnt share this with people
Anti-Anxiety Tools
Some tools to help you before, during or after an anxiety attack
100 Reasons NOT To Kill Yourself
A really excellent way to reduce anxiety is to pick up a new hobby. Find something you’re interested in, learn it, then use it as a healthy and productive way to cope.
Some very Important Lists for Rating PAIN, FATIQUE AND MENTAL HEALTH
It is MUST share
PSA Rregarding Hospital bills
Also how to pay hospital bills when you are broke.
How to differentiate between COVID-19, FLU AND COMMON COLD
Anyway, as we enter cold & flu season in the YEAR of corona, this will come in very handy.
Treatment for HIV
VERY IMPORTANT. Please Read and Share.
What does the Color of your Period mean?
A must read for individuals who get periods.
How to differentiate between Period Cramps and Appendicitis
From a Person who is Hard of Hearing
Types and levels of deafness
General Tips for Vagina Health
Some stuff they don't teach in sex-ed.
Undo the damage of Sitting
Are you always sitting down? Then these are some exercise you should probably try out for better health.
Guide to Proper Bra Fitting
Guide to Proper Bra Fit and Measuring. Please Read and Share.
Washable, Reusable Menstrual Pads
(Part II)
Reusable menstrual hygiene product, and are an alternative to disposable sanitary napkins or to menstrual cups.
Art Masterpost
How to draw *insert whatever you want, its there in the list*?
Book Binding
Some video links to different types of DIY Bookbinding
For Artists who Need Photoshop
If youre an artist who cant afford photoshop, definitely DO NOT go to this google drive to pirate the program, that would be so bad!!!
Do’s and Don'ts of Designing for Accessibility
Please consider this when designing for ANYTHING. For BUSINESSES and ARTISTS.
Color Synonyms
How to make a Masterlist
Simple but efficient instructions to make a masterlist
This is an ultimate masterlist of many resources that could be helpful for writers.
List of AUs and Ship Tropes
For when you run out of ideas.
Ship Tropes
Legal sites to get some much needed Info
If there was only a way to find out all of this rather edgy information without getting yourself in trouble…
Resources for Describing Characters
For writing about physical appearances, character traits, talents,and skills and other related stuff of your characters, here is a comprehensive list.
Resources for Describing Emotions
Having trouble writing jealousy, happiness, motivation. Here you go!!
Some Resources for your Writing
Body Language
Reverse Dictionary
Character Traits
Things to Keep in mind when naming Characters
Valuable advice. Trust me
Words to Use when Writing Smut/Romance
This is for smut/romance writers. Kinda like a thesaurus.
Tips to write Pain
How are you supposed to write about pain you’ve never experienced before?
References for Greek Mythology Characters
Link to an extensive site every single detail of Greek Mythology from Gods to Family Trees.
Tips to write Blind Characters
Some tips that might be invaluable when writing character that are near-blind or blind
Things to Remember when writing a Highly Emotional Scene
Just small things that could make a great difference
How to write with Multiple POVs
Tips on how to write multiple POVs with diverse characters
Synonyms and Antonyms
The person who made this list is a blessing to writers. Just saying.
Good Qualities for Female Characters
Females don't always need to be protected and be weak. Make them more realistic.
Words to Use instead of ‘Said’
Every single situation is listed. Check it out.
Limits of the Human Body
All extremities listed
Legal Sites to Download Literature
From children’s books to rare books, from philosophy and religion to nonfiction. I guess you can find anything here.
The Rights of the Reader
And some (lots of) bashing of Helicopter Parents.(You want to read only the rights. Here it is)
Wet Book Rescue : Steps to save a Wet Book
Valuable information if some of your prized books were affected by recent flooding. The video even shows you what to do if you can’t dry the book out right away.
Cheatsheet to Navigate AO3
Makes your time on AO3 a little more easier and interesting
How to trick Writers into giving you More Fanfic to read
Works for Comics and Art as well.
Get a Book Suggestion
This book website gives you the first page of a random book without the title or author so that you can read it with no preconceptions
Books written by POC Writers
Only POC authors included in the list.
Basic ASL (American Sign Language) Movements
ASL Hand Movements for beginners.
Tips for studying with ADHD/a>
Made by a person with ADHD themself.
Resources to Learn New Languages
Ten fairly useful general language resources
How to properly take notes
It helps. It really helps.
Here is a masterpost of MOOCs (massive open online courses) that are available, archived, or starting soon. I think they will help those that like to learn with a teacher or with videos.
A Thread of Tips
A thread of tips to help High School and College students academically
FREE ONLINE COURSES (here are listed websites that provide huge variety of courses)
Google like a BOSS
Some life hacks which make student's lives easier.
625 words to know in your Target Language
If your learning a new language, these words will help you build a strong foundation.(Some tips and sites are include too)
Miscellaneous/Life Hacks
How to add music to your Blog
How to add your very own, custom homemade playlist to your blog?
How to Walk with Purpose?
Some tips on how to hold yourself in public and why.
Cheatsheet for Laundry Rooms
Saves a lot of money in the Laundry Room
How to Gird up your Loins?
A lesson in how to gird your loins.
How to Disappear Online
Please read and spread for the sake of abuse victims or stalker victims.
What to do during a Nuclear Attack
I hope you never have to use it but here are some guidelines to follow in the event of a nuclear attack
How to pull an All-Nighter.
A to-do list
Write a Thank You letter after your Interview
It leaves a good impression on your interviewer and increase your chances of passing the interview.
Laundry Tags: Meanings
A life hack that you’ll definitely need at some point.
Where to find free Movies and Series Online
Lots of sites. Lots and Lots of sites. I am not Kidding. Now go and chill without netflix. (Part II)
How to get a Refund?
Get your stuff or a refund.
This starts at the most absolute basics of gardening and planting, provides definitions, and hopefully is easily understandable. This is a MUST-READ. (Farming)
Discuss your wages
It’s your right to share your salary, not doing so could be holding you back.
Youtube Tutorials for Basically EVERYTHING
This is a big, giant list of Youtube tutorials that will teach you all the basic life skills you need to know in order to be a functional adult.
Emergency Evacuation - Items to Gather
A text list of suggested items to acquire in the event of an emergency.
If someone you know is in an abusive relationship
AN ABBREVIATED GUIDE TO ‘Holy shit!!! My friend is in an abusive relationship what do I do’ and what not to do.
Defense Tips for Women
Defense and Safety tips a woman MUST know. (Part II)
An app that informs your Emergency contacts if you are inactive in a set period of time.(Could prevent rape attempts if used correctly)
If a Man gets Physical
How to check if a mirror is one way or two-way
If you are trapped in a smoke-filled apartment: What to Do
How to get out of Hand-binds
How to get out of the bunker of a Car
How to track Anonymous asks.
How to pick a Lock
Traits and Warning signs of an Abuser
What to do if a bigot pulls your Hijab (from behind)
What to do if someone pulls of a Muslim Woman's Hijab? (To do List for both Men and Women)
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