#And Ada is like oh yeah I love weddings....when she does not
samssims · 10 months
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themultifandomgal · 1 year
Sister Shelby- John And Esme Pt2
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Telling my brothers I was seeing someone was one of the scariest moments in my life. I was 19 when I introduced him to my brothers and of course my brothers grilled him. Thankfully they all liked Robert and so when we got engaged they all welcomed him into the family.
Now it's the day of my wedding, Esme and Ada are helping me get ready
"You look beautiful YN" my sister tells me hugging me from behind
"I can't believe your getting married today. Where did the little girl who used to raid my cupboards go?" Esme asks tearing up
"Don't cry, you'll make me cry" I turn and look at my sister in law
"Oh YN, first you then Finn will be getting married and what will I be good for?"
"Don't say that Es" I pull her into a hug "thank you for looking after me when I was younger. I'll still need you when I have kids. I won't know what then hell I'll be doing" 
"You'll do just fine. Trust me. Now shall we get you married?" I take in a deep breath and nod my head.
I meet my brothers outside the church. John is the first to pull me into a hug
"My baby sister getting married. Who would have thought it?"
"I'm not a baby anymore John"
"You'll always be my baby sister, no matter how old you are"
"Johns right. Now. If Robert does anything to hurt you, you come to us. Understand?"
"Yes Tommy" I give Tom a smile "now I know you aren't a fan of Roberts family, I can't say I am, but please don't fight his brothers. They will fuck off after the wedding so please be on your best behaviour"
"We're always on our best behaviour" Arthur smiles at me "now are you ready?" I smile nodding my head and take Arthur's outstretched arm. Tommy, John, esme, Finn and Michael head to their seats while Arthur waits to walk me down the aisle. When he gets the ok nod we slowly walk down the aisle to where Isaiah's dad is waiting with Robert ready to marry us.
The official ceremony doesn't last to long and we end up at Tommys house where all my brothers seem to disappear.
Johns POV
This day so far has been perfect. But I still need to make sure that the others remember that YN doesn't want any fighting, so I call a Peaky Blinders meeting
"Alright. What is it John?" Tommy asks placing a newly light cigarette in his mouth
"Today so far has been perfect, but I wanted to make sure everyone abides by YNs rule. It's YNs fucking wedding day, she's the boss today and I know we don't like his family, but he's a good man for our YN. For her sake I don't want a foot out of line, so in the words off Tommy on his wedding day. No fucking fighting got it? No fucking fighting!" I shout
"Ok. Are you done?" Arthur asks taking a sip of his drink
"Yeah. Now fuck off the lot of ya"
I make my way outside where YN and Robert are having some pictures taken
"There she is" I shout walking over to my little sister. I pulls me into a hug
"Thank you John"
"What for?" I ask frowning
"For being like a father to me. For not ignoring me when you remarried. For everything. Your the best. Love you John"
"Love you too" John places a kiss on my forehead "and if he breaks your heart I'll brake him" I chuckle in response to my brother
"He won't. I know he won't, but thank you" I place a kiss on his cheek before going back to my now husband to dance the night away.
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The Singer - Part 7 // Tommy Shelby x OC
Summary: After her beat up, Tommy looks after Liv.
Warnings: Language, Fluff, Fighting, giving birth
A/N: Here you go, Part 7!
Tags: @soft-valet-barrow
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The following day Liv wakes up in Tommy's arms. She snuggles up to him and caresses his chest when she notices he is awake.
"Morning," she says, her voice sounding better but still scratchy.
Liv wonders at that moment when she will be able to sing again.
"Morning," he says, too, and kisses her.
"Yesterday was..." she begins, grinning. "Different."
Tommy can't help but grin briefly. "And still no less beautiful," he says, putting his arms around her.
They lie there like that momentarily, but Liv stands up.
"What are you doing?" asks Tommy, reaching for his smokes.
He lights one and looks at Liv questioningly. She gets dressed and then turns back to Tommy.
"We can't lie in bed all day Tommy," she says, "I'm amazed that you, of all people, would let that happen."
Tommy scratches his nose and then smiles.
"That would normally be true, but today is a special day," he says, and Liv presses her eyebrows together.
"What makes it so special?" asks Liv.
"We're having a wedding today," he says as if it's the most normal thing in the world.
Liv's confusion mounts. "Whose wedding?" she asks, but Tommy just grins. Liv walks back up to him and sits on his lap. "What are you up to, Tommy?" she asks again, stroking his chest.
As Tommy is about to answer, the door is pushed open, and John walks in.
"Tommy... Oh! I'm sorry," he says immediately when he sees Liv sitting on Tommy.
Tommy's grin widens. "There he is," he says, and Liv looks back and forth between Tommy and his brother.
"No!" she then says and has to laugh.
John, who has turned back around, looks at them both questioningly.
"What? What's wrong?" he asks, looking at Liv and Tommy. Then he shakes his head and eyes them both. "You two are just incorrigible. Barely two minutes with each other, and you're already falling over each other again."
Liv shrugs and gets off Tommy to sit on the edge of the bed.
"What exactly do you want, John?" asks Tommy then, already annoyed again.
"Uhhh, yeah. The boys are ready. We're just waiting for you," John then says.
"I'll be right there," Tommy informs him, and John leaves the room.
"He doesn't know about this, does he?" asks Liv, looking at Tommy, who shakes his head. "Well, then he'll be pleased. What's it about?"
Tommy takes a drag on his smoke and then stands up too. He stubs it out and starts to get dressed.
"We're burying the hatchet with the Lees."
"The Lees? Don't you have a deal with Billy Kimber?" Liv realises in the same breath what Tommy is up to. "Oh, Tommy. I've already told you. Kimber is a dangerous man. Don't underestimate him, will you?"
"Don't worry. It's all planned. Kimber won't know we're aligning with the Lees, and then on said day, we'll take everything from him. I'd advise you to finish your business with him."
Liv smiles. "Let my business with Billy be mine. If you take everything from him, I'll do my business with you then," she grins and kisses Tommy briefly.
"I'm looking forward to those negotiations," he grins and kisses her again. "So, put on something pretty, and then we'll go to a wedding. What do you think?"
"If I had my clothes here, I'd say yes in a heartbeat. But I think I can find something else in our house," she winks at Tommy.
"Fine. I'll go with the boys to prepare John gently. You can go with Polly."
Liv nods, and Tommy gives her another kiss as a goodbye before disappearing outside. Liv now stands alone in his room and smiles after him. She only now realises how much she has missed Tommy and his crazy family.
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Later, when she returns to the Shelby's house and changes, Polly is already waiting for her.
"There you are, love. You look pretty," she greets Liv and kisses her on the cheek.
"Thank you, Polly. You look great too."
Suddenly the door opens, and Ada walks in. "Liv?" she asks, confused, and Liv's eyes widen.
"Ada? You... You're pregnant?" Ada laughs and takes Liv in her arms.
"Quite pregnant, yes. And married, even if my fucking husband isn't here."
Liv looks at her questioningly. "I married Freddie Thorne. He and Tommy aren't speaking right now."
Liv rolls her eyes and then smiles at Ada. The latter takes Liv in her arms again. She has missed her so much.
"I'm so glad you're back! At least you can knock some sense into Tommy's brain."
Liv takes a deep breath and then looks at Ada. They just agreed that she would stay until her injuries healed.
"I heard what happened," Ada says then, pointing at Liv's neck.
"Is it that obvious? I tried to cover it, but..."
"No, don't worry, love," Polly interjects. "You can only see it if you know."
Together they then go to John's wedding. When they arrive, the ceremony is just beginning. Liv stands next to Tommy, who quickly kisses her on the cheek, and Ada stands on the other side.
The two siblings discuss something, but Liv focuses on John and his future wife. When she lifts the veil, John grins at his brothers, and Liv has to shake her head, laughing. It would suit him if she were pretty.
After the ceremony is over, the party begins. Tommy holds out a cup to Liv, and she takes a sip.
"I don't know how long it's been since I was at a party like this," she says, and Tommy looks at her.
"London's different, I suppose it is."
"It is." They stand silently beside each other, watching the others dance.
Suddenly one of the Lees approaches them.
"You're Olivia James, aren't you? The singer?" he asks, and Liv nods politely.
"Wow, amazing to meet a real celebrity. You look even hotter this close!" he says, obviously drunk.
But that's enough for Tommy. He grabs Lee by the collar.
"Fuck off!" he threatens, but Liv touches his shoulder.
"Tommy," she says warningly.
Tommy pushes the Lee away from them and then looks at Liv. He holds out a hand to her.
"May I?"
Liv smiles at him, shaking her head, and follows. They dance together for a moment.
"Tommy..." begins Liv, "we need to talk about this."
"Not now, Liv," is all he says, but he doesn't look at her, which makes Liv stop. She looks at Tommy.
"Why not now, eh? Tommy?" Tommy bites his lips and finally looks at Liv. "You know we need to talk about this! About us! About all of this! About me being here."
Tommy strokes his mouth, visibly annoyed, wanting to discuss this with Liv in peace. But he knows her. She always wants to talk about everything after a few drinks.
"What the fuck do you want me to say, eh?" he asks angrily, and Liv takes a step back as she makes a face.
"I don't know! You tell me what you want!"
"Tommy!" shouts Polly, approaching her nephew and Liv and interrupting their conversation. She points to Ada.
"Please talk to her. Tell her to take it easy. It's not healthy for the baby."
Tommy is still looking into Liv's eyes. He grinds his jaw, then walks over to his sister. Liv follows him with his gaze, eyes narrowed.
"What's going on with you two, huh?" Polly asks her, and Liv looks at her.
"What do you mean? It's always so fucking easy with Thomas Shelby, isn't it?" she asks sarcastically. "You know... In those moments, I know why I left," Liv growls, but Polly knows better.
Liv doesn't mean it. She's angry, maybe had a drink or two too many, and things between Tommy and her are far from settled. Polly grabs Liv by the arm.
"Now listen to me very carefully, Liv, will you? I like you. You know you're part of our family, but if you fucking pull anything like you did before the war, I swear to you… You broke Tommy's heart, but you fucking know that. He fucking loves you, and you love him. We know that, and you both know that. You need to fucking decide what you want to do with your life, Liv! Do you want to be a famous star, or do you want to be with the love of your life? Make up your mind!"
With these words, Polly lets go of Liv.
"Why can't I fucking have both?"
Before Polly can answer her, they hear shouting.
"Polly!" shouts Arthur, upset, coming running towards them.
"What happened?"
"Ada's water broke," is all he says, and Polly and Liv exchange a glance.
"Fuck Ada," Polly says, pulling Liv with her. "Come on. I need your help."
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With Esme, John's new wife, and Polly, Liv helps Ada deliver her baby. Liv helped deliver John's first wife's babies back in the day, so she knows what's coming.
"Okay, Ada, keep it up..." Liv tries to coax her, and Polly and Esme also help.
Esme holds Ada's tummy and then looks worriedly at Polly. "I think the baby is upside down," she says, and Polly feels too.
"I think you're right."
"Polly, we'll have to put her in a different position then," Liv says, and the other women nod. They quickly move Ada into the dog position and continue.
"Okay, Ada. You're doing good, you hear?"
After a few hours, the baby is finally born. It is a healthy boy, and Ada is overjoyed. Suddenly the door opens, and to everyone's amazement, Freddie walks in. Liv smiles at him, strokes Ada's head, and is about to leave the room when Ada stops her short.
"Liv... Thank you. For everything," she whispers. Liv puts her hand on Ada's and smiles.
"I'll leave you to it," she says, leaving the room to keep Polly company in the kitchen.
She sits at the table, and Polly puts a cup of tea before her. Liv takes a smoke and lights it. Then she looks at Polly.
"I'm sorry, Pol... You're right." Liv lowers her eyes again. Polly says nothing but watches the young blonde in front of her, whom she has known since she was a small child. "But the decision isn't just mine. After all, that's what I wanted to discuss with Tommy. I don't know what to do."
Without her wanting to, Liv begins to cry. Polly sits beside her and tries to comfort her, but maybe it just needs to come out.
"You know Tommy would always choose you. Always. He wants you here."
"I love him, Polly. So much that it hurts. But being with him hurts just as much. The fear of losing him. He's playing dangerous games, Pol. I don't know if I'm ready to live in that world again."
"I know, love, I know."
Suddenly there's a thump at the door. "Police! Open the door!"
Liv quickly wipes away her tears and looks at Polly in confusion. But then the door is already broken down, and a horde of police rush in. Liv is roughly pushed aside, and the policemen go into the back room to Ada and Freddie.
"No! Stop!" Liv hears Ada shout, which almost breaks her heart.
But there is nothing Liv can do. She watches Freddie being taken away, and disappointment settles in her. Was that Tommy? Did he let Freddie come here on purpose? Liv doesn't think so, though; if he did, she's just decided.
As the policemen leave, an incredibly angry Polly storms past Liv.
"Polly! Pol, wait!" Liv shouts after her and follows, but Polly is incredibly fast, so Liv almost doesn't catch up with her.
She knows the destination, however. Polly yanks open the doors to the Garrison and storms inside. Liv enters behind her and looks briefly at John, Arthur, and Will, who all look confused.
"It's a boy!" exclaims Pol, and Liv sees Tommy rejoice.
But Polly goes for him, and he grabs her wrists before John and Arthur intervene.
"Pol! Polly!" they all shout in confusion, trying to calm their aunt.
"But the police came and took his father away," she spits in Tommy's face. Liv tries to read his expression, which seems shocked, which Polly also notices.
"Don't you dare look at me like that!" she shouts before storming out again.
John, Arthur, and Will also follow Polly, but Liv is still standing in place watching Tommy, who is now shaking his head in disbelief.
When Tommy looks up and sees Liv standing there, he sees the disappointment in her gaze. At this moment, Liv doesn't care that Grace is watching them. Tommy just looks Liv in the eye because he doesn't know what to say. It takes a lot for Tommy Shelby to be speechless, but this is one of those moments.
"Is it true?" Liv breaks the silence. Tommy swallows but doesn't break eye contact. "Please tell me it's not true that you didn't set the Coppers on Freddie. Not during a truce."
Tommy quickly strides across the few feet between him and Liv. He takes her face in his hands and looks into her eyes. Tears gather in Liv's eyes, and her lips begin to tremble.
"Liv... Liv. I didn't. I... Please, you know me."
Liv, however, pushes away from him. "Do I? You've changed, Tommy. I knew that when I saw you in Cheltenham, but that you would do something like this..."
"Please, Liv. Believe me! I didn't call the cops!" Liv averts her eyes for a moment and then looks at him again.
"I believe you." Relief spreads across Tommy's face. He takes Liv in his arms. "Tommy... I'm going back to London," she says, gently pushing away from him.
"What, Liv... I thought..."
"I have to sort some things out, Tommy," Liv interrupts him. "Somehow, I have to explain why I'm coming back to Birmingham all of a sudden, don't I?"
Now Liv smiles at Tommy, and as he realises what she is saying to him, he smiles too. He takes Liv in his arms again.
"I'll be back in a few days, yeah?"
"You don't know how fucking happy that makes me," he whispers in her ear.
However, just as he is about to kiss her, she stops him.
"Tommy..." she breathes, "I'll be back in a few days, and we'll talk then, okay?"
Tommy looks into her eyes and then nods. Liv smiles, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek before disappearing from the pub. What she hasn't noticed, however, is that Grace has been watching them both, seething with jealousy.
A plan is already forming in the Irishwoman's head to get Tommy on her side.
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peakyblinders1919 · 3 years
The Shelby's First Thanksgiving
“This is preposterous.”
“Now that’s just plain rude Thomas Shelby. I don’t go parading around saying Boxing Day is preposterous. No one actually boxes.”
“You think Boxing Day… is a day… everyone in England puts on some tape and gloves… and just… knocks the crap out of each other?” He inquires over his cigarette smoke.
“Yes,” she says simply.
“So… on this… Thanksgiving… do you just… thank people?”
“Precisely. And eat. A lot.”
“I really think you should reconsider…”
“I love your family Thomas. You make them sound so… un-sophisticated. Besides, it’s not like I haven’t had dinner with them before. I’m
“Not all of them.”
“Trust me Thomas, what could go wrong?”
The table in the dining room mirrors their wedding night; a table of up to 20 stretching the length of the room. Crystal goblets and wine glasses, sterling silver silverware set up at every table setting. Gold china saucers sit atop bigger plates, crimson red velvet placemats underneath. Place cards in calligraphy mapping out everyone’s dutifully hand-picked seat at the table. She argues with Mary about the centerpiece of days, but of course, Mrs. Shelby is always the one to come out on top; a hand-made cornucopia over flowering with vegetables and fruits spilling out onto the table tastefully.
“Don’t you think this is a bit overboard?” Tommy stands in the entryway, solidifying his cufflink in place. He regrets it immediately. If it’s what she wants, then it’s what she’ll have. “It looks lovely. I hope you're not emotionally invested in any of this…”
“You make it seem like an all-out war is going to happen across the table. Relax. Just enjoy the food and leave everything else to me.” She kisses his sweet lips, puts the finishing touches on the table, and confirms the traditional menu all before the bell rings.
“I’m telling ya, Jimmie Barnes was seen taking a whore down the alleyway last night.”
“What he does on his own time is ‘is own damn business. All the men of Birmingham would be locked up and dirt ass broke if it was a big deal.”
“Happy Thanksgiving!” She welcomes her guests, taking John and Arthur’s coat, their wives and children following behind. The men share a look of disdain. Her heart warms, her worries settle as they thank her and wish her the same, though grumbled. It’s good in and of itself that she didn’t notice Tommy standing behind her, coaxing his brothers on.
“What an odd holiday, huh? Thanking others? For what?”
“For not being dead as a start,” she quipped back, kissing Esme on the cheek, the men already one their way to the destination set in mind; the whiskey cabinet.
“You know, if you really want to discuss the political and morality of sex workers, you could start by asking that secretary of yours.”
“And hello to you too Ada,” Mrs. Shelby greets her sister-in-law with wide eyes.
“Oh hello, hun. You’ve really outdone yourself, haven’t you?”
“It’s my favorite holiday.” She shrugs, as if the preparation, the flawless table spread, didn’t take hours upon hours of time and dedication.
“I’ll be asking you again after dinner, hm?”
Closing the door to keep the chill out of the house, she joins the family gathered in the lounge with glasses full of alcohol, earthy cigar smoke scenting the room.
“Who’re we waiting for?”
“Johnny and his tribe will arrive late; you can count on it,” Tommy informs.
“I was sure Polly would have been the first one here-” John points out.
“Yeah well, you can all bloody blame Michael for that.” Polly’s brassy voice fills and silences the room. Obviously, she’s not in a celebratory mood. “Him and that brother of yours,” she jobs at Tommy, “decided to have a night out on the town. They’re disgustingly hungover and they’ll get here when they get here. Make sure to give them hell.”
The room remains silent for a few minutes, she retreats from the silence to check on the food. Tommy takes the opportunity to lit up.
“Alright, everyone bloody listen up, hm? Now, I don’t want to hear any of you complain, or call this holiday a waste of fucking time-”
“But that’s what it is?”
“How is this different from any other Sunday night dinner?”
“Shut the fuck up and listen.” He takes back command of the room. “No fighting. No fighting. No cocaine. No talk of politics, no talk of business, you fucking understand?”
“What are we allowed to talk about Thomas?” Esme snorts.
“Drink the fucking wine, eat the fucking bird, sing your merry songs or whatever Y/N wants of you and then you can all be on your fucking way.”
“Thanksgiving dinner’s served.” She announces with a smile.
“So… uh… tell me…. How did Thanksgiving become a holiday?”
“Guilt trip.” Michael mumbles, having shown up alongside Finn and Isaiah right in between dinner and dessert.
“Shut up. You lived in America for about a year, you're not a bloody American.”
“Suit yourself.” He grumbles, Polly, hitting him, sending him to sit up straighter.
“It’ll do you fucking good to remember that Michael.” Polly scolded.
She cleared her throat. “Actually, it was a sign of gratitude. To thank the Native Americans for showing the English how to grow food and survive off the land.”
“The land we stole from them.” Ada interjects. “Their land that we burned.”
“Well, it’s more like they lived in harmony.”
“Until the English colonized and totally pushed them out.”
Tommy cleared his throat. “Let’s talk about something else, aye?”
“The phone’s for you sir,” Mary whispered in Thomas’s ear as the rest of the family reminisced about the last race at Cheltenham and whether it was fixed or not.
“Not now Mary-“
“It’s urgent sir.” He agrees with a sigh, kissing his wife’s temple with a promise to be back soon.
Not soon enough.
When he returns, the Shelby chaos is in full swing. Half the table is very obviously upset, brought to tears. Tommy catches a clip of the conversation:
Ada- “You’re too young.”
Polly- “You don’t know this girl.”
Finn- “I know her enough to marry her. I want to marry her. I’m going to propose.”
Ada and Polly- “No your not!”
Another argument is happening in the middle of the table, Esme and Linda yelling about God, Esme is so bent out of shape she’s speaking in tongue.
John and Arthur have moved around the table so they are across from each other, hands locked in arm wrestle stance. There’s a big victory and even bigger loss as Arthur slams Johnny’s fist against the table, knocking over glasses and plates breaking with a smash. Michael and Isaiah sander back into the room from the bathroom, obviously drunk and high as they take platefuls off thirds and fourths.
“Oh Thomas…” she cried by his side, innocent bystanders to this.
“Still like Thanksgiving ?” He asked a malicious hint of I-told-you-so etched on his lips.
“I’m thankful for you.”
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byorder-fanfic · 2 years
Home Of Revolution
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(Gif by @twvstedsouls)
Author's Note: Ada and Freddie are honestly my favourite ship in the whole show!! I just loved them so much and I wish Freddie hadn't died because they would have been such a powerful communist couple. Just imagine how fun it would have been if Tommy had two Thornes in his side!
Word count: 898, short and sweet
Freddie didn't want to take Tommy's offer on the house. If it wasn't for his revolutionary ideals, it was simply for the fact that he wouldn't take his brother-in-law's charity. But even Ada, who was by far more stubborn and proud than her husband could ever hope to be, wouldn't let her baby boy grow up in that dingy little attic. Although he wouldn't admit it, he had found the idea a good one when he saw Karl waddling through each room, wagging his chubby little fist to show his parents their new home. Tommy gave it to them as a gesture of good grace, to apologise for the Grace that had tore his old best friend from his newborn. On those grounds, Freddie could accept it, with only minimal grumbling. Besides, the extra room means he could rent it out to that young writer boy that had more interest in a roof over his head than a revolution.
"Hear that, Freddie?" Ada smirked as she awed in the corridor, turning around to admire the shining walls and the staircase- and all of it was theirs. He stopped for a minute, craning his head for the scratching of rats that Ada could chase out with her revolver, or the sound of domestic arguments echoing through thinner walls. "Silence. At last."
The little sigh and smile on her face was so much more relaxed than he'd seen her in a long time, the tiredness that made its home in her shoulders lifting with joy.
"I'm sorry I couldn't give you this myself," he said, taking the bag out of her hand and onto the floor so that he could replace it with his palms encasing hers. "You ended up with the poor old communist toad who can't give his princess a palace."
He brushed a bit of her hair back behind her ear, seeing her beam up at him with all the love he saw in her eyes on their wedding day. She'd charged through Small Heath, not caring who saw her in her pretty white dress and flowery veil. She was a braver woman than he often gave her credit for.
"Oh, sod off," she said, as lovingly as ever. "You know I'd live in a bloody prison cell as long as I had you and Karl with me."
"Maybe we'll have to see." He gave a cheeky arch of his eyebrow. "We still don't know how Tommy got this place."
His old argument on Tommy's ambiguously legitimate methods forced a groan from Ada as she rolled her eyes. She always took Freddie's side when they were together, lecturing her brothers about the class consciousness and their continued efforts to try and find a way to make capitalist systems suit them would only oppress another. They'd taken to rolling their eyes whilst Polly offered to make another cup of tea and Finn looked more confused than amused or annoyed. The only reason they were ever down in Small Heath now was to make sure the family were still living and breathing, and the family only invited them over to see little Karl. Since he was born, Ada had found her place as favourite Shelby had been replaced, not that she could find it in her to be jealous. Karl was just as angelic as Freddie swore she was. And with Esme and John just having their first child together, a beautiful baby boy called Lee who Karl loved nothing more than playing with, the divides between morals and family were becoming increasingly small. 
Just as though he were summoned, Karl came tottering into the corridor as he began garbling about one thing or another. With as much enthusiasm, Freddie moved down to pick his son up and hold him in his arms, nodding and agreeing to whatever it was he was saying. Ada looked at her two boys tenderly, one hand stroking Karl's dark hair and one pressed under her coat, up against her belly.
"I think he likes the house."
"Yeah, maybe he does," Freddie murmured as he looked round. It was bare at the minute, but he could imagine it in a few months: Ada's books lining the walls, some Communist newspapers and leaflets lining the coffee table, more blankets and cushions than they needed (just as Ada liked it), photographs crowding each mantle place and empty space there was left, and the three of them curled up on the sofa. "Maybe he likes his new home, hey?"
Karl gave a big grin, face so close that he nearly knocked Freddie's teeth out as he shook his head. He moved away quickly, as Ada stifled a scoff and bit her lip at making a remark at her husband's sudden change of heart.
"Why don't you go upstairs and choose your room?" Ada suggested. "You can have any one you like."
"Any?" He looked up at his parents, wide-eyed and surprised.
"Of course, son," Freddie grinned. "It's all ours."
And Ada looked up at her husband and grinned- they may be principled, but it doesn't mean they have to let their boy grow up in poverty. Not like they did. That's what they were fighting for, after all, wasn't it?
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fandom-puff · 4 years
Hey! Can you write a tommyxreader where they get arranged marriage for a deal with a rival gang. And the first time they sleep together is after tommy loses his shit seeing someone flirt with her and can’t control himself
Thank you for requesting this! Hope you like it ♥️♥️
In holy matrimony
Warnings: smut, swearing, arranged marriage, sleazy men at the bar, the entire FIC not being proof read so maybe some questionable autocorrect?
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“You may now kiss the bride,”
You gulped as your new husband brushed his lips against yours as everyone clapped. You blushed prettily and slid your arm into his as he led you back down the aisle. He hardly looked at you, hardly spoke to you, and when the party drew to a close, he didn’t carry you to his room, bridal style. He asked his maids to show you the way while he cleaned up some business with your brother, and did not return until you were fast asleep under the covers. The next morning when you woke up, he was just leaving the room.
For the first three months of your marriage, you barely saw one another, stuck at Arrow House while he toed and froed between Small Heath and London. The maids whispered and gossiped about your passionless marriage as you played with Charlie, reading him stories and singing to him to get him to sleep. One night he called you mummy. You cried yourself to sleep that night. He saw you as a mother, but no matter what you did, you couldn’t get your husband to see you as a wife.
It was a Friday, and your sister in law had insisted that Tommy bring you to Small Heath to go to the garrison- “She’s family, Tom. She’s your wife, bloody treat her like it,”
You were sat in the side room, nursing gin and tonic while Tommy smoked. The silence was uncomfortable and no one knew quite what to say. You were a fair bit younger than Tommy, in your early 20s, and you were sure his brothers knew he barely slept in the same room. Gulping, you rested your hand on Tommy’s knee, murmuring “I’m just going to get some more tonic in this,” you murmured, standing up and leaving the room before he could tell you to just use the hatch.
You waited at the bar behind a load of men, trying to get the barman’s attention to no avail, constantly getting shoved to the back of the queue every time you were next in line. When you finally got to the front and ordered your drink, you felt someone groping your arse. you gulped as he leaned into your ear. “Let me buy that for you, darlin’”
“Er...no thank you, Sir,” you murmured, trying to shift to the side. “My drinks are on the house,”
“I bet they are, a hot little thing like you eh? Bet you make such pretty noises with that soft little voice, huh?”
“Sir, I’m actually married-”
“ah, you won't mind me fucking you into next week, love, and I’m sure your husband won’t mind, and even if he does, he doesn’t need to know, yeah?”
“Actually he does mind, and he does need to know,”
You had never been so glad to hear the low voice of your husband. instantly you hurried to him, leaving your drink at the bar. Subconsciously, you slid your arm into his, the same way you had done on your wedding night. Feeling your small arm tremble in the crook of his elbow set something alight in Tommy, and he announced, quite loudly to the rest of the pub “Any of you fuckers touch my wife, I swear to god I will throw you in the cut,” he walked you back into the side room and grabbed his coat. “I’m taking my wife home,” he said.
“Will you be coming back, Tom?” Arthur called as the door slammed.
“No... I don't think he will. He has that look in his eye,” Ada smirked. “Looks like he’s gonna acknowledge the fact that he’s married a lovely young woman,”
“Only took him three months to bloody consummate it!”
“Mr Shelby, I know you don’t love me... you don't have to... consummate this marriage, m-my brother said you’d probably call it off once you sorted the business and that’s why you wouldn’t have me...”
“I’m not Mr Shelby to you. I’m Tommy. And I finished the business with your brother on our wedding night,”
“But why didn’t you sleep with me... why have you just ignored me for three months?” you whispered, sitting down on the edge of the bed. “We’ve never been together and yet I miss you,”
He sighed, rubbing his face. “You... You’ve got to understand, YN... I’m over ten years your senior,”
“I don’t care,” you mumbled, but he still carried on.
“I’m over ten years your senior, you’re young, gentle, good, caring...”
“Listen to me! I don’t care that you're older than me,” you blushed when he stared at you but carried on. “I don’t care, alright! You made me feel safe tonight when that man was feeling me up. I’ve grown up around my brother’s gangsters and criminals making sure I don’t get attacked, but I’ve never felt as safe as when you... took my arm,” you looked at the ground. “You make me feel protected and I-I think I love you. You don’t have to say it back, or do anything, not if you don't mean it-”
He was kissing you, cupping your cheeks in both his hands, his lips pressed firmly against yours. He pulled away and pressed his forehead to yours. “I think I love you too,” he murmured. “I’m starting to... to love you...”
You gulped as you wrapped your arms around his neck and leaned to kiss him gently, testing the waters, sighing gently as he deepened the kiss. “Shall we consummate this marriage, Tommy?” You murmured and he groaned softly against your lips, lifting you up, hands squeezing your buttocks. “Oh god yes,” he groaned, laying you down slowly.
He trailed soft kisses down your throat, running his hands up your body and hitching your dress further up your thighs each time his hands went up. You sighed, arching your back and stroking his cropped hair. “Tommy... I’ve never done... I’m... ive never been...” you whispered, panting.
“You’re a virgin?” He murmured, stilling his movements. For a moment you thought he’d leave you again, but your worries were quashed when he pressed a soft kiss to your lips. “Alright, love,” he whispered, before kneeling, slowly unclipping and rolling each stocking down, kissing every inch of newly revealed flesh as he went. You sighed softly, stroking his hair gently, but gasped when his deft fingers skittered over the delicate skin of the inside of your thighs. Fingers twitching, you lifted your dress up and over your hips, undoing the button at the bavk and slinging it to the side. Tommy groaned at the sight of you in your silk slip and knickers. He crooked your thigh, throwing your leg over his shoulder as he kissed and sucked at the inside of your thighs. You whined at the curious mixture of suction and the tickling of his tongue, writhing your hips at these new sensations.
When Tommy pressed his thumb to your clothed clit you nearly jumped off the bed, spreading your legs a little wider and arching your back, gasping. He smirked up at you as he rubbed slow, tight circles, your underwear causing a delicious burning friction. You whimpered, clutching onto the bedsheets as your hips twisted, an unfamiliar tension coiling in your stomach. Thighs quivering, you called Tommy’s name, but he simply said “let it happen, YN,” pressing just that little bit harder. Waves of pleasure washed over your thrashing body as you moaned, biting your hand you quiet yourself. A few moments later, Tommy resurfaced, smiling gently at you as you looked at him with hazy, dazed eyes. He grinned when you reached for him and he fell next to you, rubbing your sides soothingly. “D-does that always happen?” You asked, thighs still twitching slightly.
Tommy grinned boyishly and caressed you’re cheek, pushing a stray strand of hair out of your face. “If a man knows what he’s doing,” he said, the corners of his mouth tugging into a slight smirk. You giggled, blushing ever so prettily, stroking a finger over his buttons absentmindedly. “You want this off, YN?” He asked, gesturing to his waistcoat.
“Yes please. Your shirt too. And your trousers. I want it all off, mine too,” you whispered, sitting up a little. He grinned, sitting up with you and together you managed to undo all of his buttons and strip him down to his underwear. You hummed, kissing him deeply as you spread your palms over his bare chest, tracing his tattoo and grasping his strong back. You pulled away from him and, taking a deep breath, you got off the bed, standing before him as he lay propped on his elbows, and lifted your slip up and over your head. He palmed his cocked as you did, and his breath caught in his throat when you unclipped your bra and cast it aside. You then bent over, sliding your knickers and garter belt down your thighs, kicking them away. You blushed and stood with one hand across your tummy gripping your other arm as Tommy’s eyes scanned you up and down, from the swell of your breasts to the pert peaks of your nipples, the soft flesh of your tummy, hips and thighs, before finally, settling on the curls between your legs.
He cleared his throat and you saw his Adam’s apple bob. “Fucking hell... come here, love,” he said, voice barely more than a hoarse whisper as you crawled over to him, long hair falling over your shoulders. You looked at his tented boxers and licked your lips, before looking back to his eyes. “Be my guest, love,” he rasped. You grinned, and slid his underwear off, giving him a lovely view of your rear as you freed the, from his ankles. You trailed one finger up the vein pulsing on the underside of his heavy shaft, breath coming in little pants as his thighs tensed. Watching his face, eyes fixed to his, you slowly wrapped your hand around him and pumped his cock languidly, eyes lidded with desire. He grunted and grabbed your chin, breaking your focus. “Fucking... YN... I need you love,” he said, almost pleadingly.
“I’m all yours,” you whispered, pressing your lips to his. He groaned and pushed you onto your back, and you gladly cradled him between your thighs as he kissed you hard, his cock leaking warm sticky precum onto your bruised inner thigh. “Please...” you moaned out, nipping his lip experimentally. He groaned lowly, and you felt the vibration running through his chest as he lined his cock of with you. He pushed the tip in, stopping when he felt resistense.
“This’ll sting, just for a bit, okay, YN?” He murmured into your shoulder. “But id you wanna stop, you’re to tell me, understand,” you nodded, already panting. Your eyes screwed shut as you felt him push through your barrier and you pushed your face into his neck, thighs clenching a little tighter around his hips. He grunted slightly, pushing in until he had no more to give, before waiting for you to tell him to move. When you bucked your hips up slowly to meet his, he groaned and together, you settled into a slow rhythm, every inch of skin touching one another. You locked your ankles behind him, using your heels to dig into his back and pull him closer, deeper, impossibly so. You just felt so... full. Tommy Shelby was clouding your every sense and you were quickly becoming addicted, undulating your body to grind your nipples against his chest, your clit against his pelvis, and your innermost pleasure points against his pulsing length.
You felt that coiling pressure in your stomach from earlier and whimpered “Tommy,- Tom... Ah! Tommy, I’m-I’m-Ah!” You moaned desperately, trying to find a word for the immense pleasure he was churning deep within you. Your inner walls clenched tight around him as a deeper, more intense pleasure flooded every nerve of your being as you moaned his name loudly, pressing your lips to his in a sloppy, passionate kiss. Feeling you grip his cock, he moaned into your mouth, and with a few final frantic thrusts, he spilled inside you, pumping your womb full of his essence, holding you close as you rode out your highs.
Practically boneless, you lay under the covers, snuggled into Tommy’s side, your fingers absentmindedly tracing the Romani sun rising on his chest as he smoked. You sighed happily, tucking your head into the crook of his shoulder, kissing the available skin gently. He laughed slightly. “You up for another round, love?” He teased. You giggled and shook your head.
“No... not tonight,” you said, yawning softly. “Tomorrow morning maybe- you’ll still be here tomorrow?” You asked quickly. He stubbed out his cigarette and kissed your forehead.
“Of course I will be. Christ, I’d happily lay in this bed all day long if you’d let me,” he grins.
“Maybe I would,” you giggled and looked up at him. “I think... I think this marriage will work out fine, Tommy,” you said gently, nuzzling into his chest.
He stroked your hair gently. “You know what, YN? I reckon it will too,”
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serenasoutherlyns · 3 years
Not a Summer Crush Part One
a/n: calex x reader/ofc. welcome to part one! all feedback is appreciated. forgive any errors. set in au-present day svu. all fluff, allusions to svu type situations.
Part One
You never admit when you have a crush. Not to your friends, not to your crush, and certainly not to yourself. You're a one-night stand type of girl, and ideally with strangers whose names you don’t even know. You got off, they got off, and nobody had to worry about calling in the morning. That was how you'd managed to reach 27 without ever having a serious relationship (and, you thought, having a job in the DA's office at 27 spoke to the efficacy of your strategy). You sure as hell intended on keeping that streak going. But, ever since you started this new job three months ago, something strange was happening.
It was Casey and Alex, that was who was to blame for these pesky feelings. You couldn't help it, they were just infuriatingly sweet when it came to their relationship. Most people in long-term committed relationships were completely miserable at least as far as you could tell, but whenever someone mentioned Alex around Casey she got this energetic glow in her green eyes, like how you got when people mentioned puppies, unadulterated adoration. And when Alex talked about Casey, she went on for as long as anybody would listen about her intelligence, beauty, and cute habits, her interests, and talents. Their whole dynamic was nauseating. And yet, when you saw them, you felt this annoying warmth building in your icy heart. Maybe this was all simple professional adoration, that was a good excuse. You only wanted what they had because they both outranked you, Alex being Bureau Chief, Casey Assistant Bureau Chief. Of course, you admired them both. Yeah, that was it. When you looked into Alex's office and saw Casey there, answering emails on her couch and waiting for her wife to come back from court, the blush in your cheeks was only about Casey's dedication to her work. You certainly didn't have a crush, especially not on two people, not on your superiors.
So, you vowed not to think twice about it when Alex showed up at the office you shared with the other Junior ADAs one Monday morning and placed a cup of coffee on your desk.
"Morning, Haley," she said as you looked up from your work. "You're in early today."
"Yeah, I'm swamped with this St. Benedict's case," you said, explaining your presence. "There are just so many moving pieces, so many people to blame. I'm just trying to figure out my strategy here." You rubbed your temples. You'd rushed out of the apartment that morning, saying a quick goodbye to Ashley and the girls after your shower, you had only gotten a few sips of drip coffee in before rushing away on your bike. You were deeply touched by Alex's kind gesture in caffeinating you. You took a sip, still going on about the case. You pulled back from the cup in surprise as you recognized the taste of honey.
"Is this a café miel?" you asked. She had brought you your favorite special coffee. You expected plain black or a latte, something generic. "How did you know I loved these?"
Alex smiled, thoroughly charmed by your frantic early-morning energy. She wasn't sure why, but while she was in line picking up for herself and Casey, she'd remembered you going on about the virtues of coffee and honey to another poor Junior ADA who definitely hadn't asked. The way you talked about what you liked was cute to her, and watching you thank her now confirmed to her that it had been a good choice.
"I heard you talking Anderson's ear off about it yesterday," she told you. You looked at her sheepishly.
"I think he hates me," you said, fiddling with the outer sleeve of the cup.
No way does anybody hate this girl, Alex thought, but replied, "I was getting coffee for myself and Casey and thought I'd be nice to the new kid." Alex paused, hovered a little waiting for you to say something, but you seemed lost in thought. "Earth to Haley," she said. "Caroline?"
You snapped out of it. Your thoughts were split in two, half picking apart your case and half trying to figure out how to feel and react when your supervisor brings you your favorite kind of coffee. "Oh, I'm so sorry," you said, "I was just thinking about this nun..." You trailed off. At that, Alex actually laughed.
"OK, well, I'll let you get back to work. Let me or Casey know if you need another set of eyes." She started to leave but you stopped her, reaching under your desk for something.
"Wait, Cabot, how much do I owe you?" you asked, your manners catching up to your mind.
Alex only smiled. "Nothing. My treat."
"Thanks," you said as she left. You kept thinking about the conversation all day. How Alex had clearly paid attention to you, gone out of her way to do something nice for you. But it started to feel suspiciously like a crush as you sat on your couch thinking about Alex's slender fingers handing you your favorite drink early in the morning, how special it had made you feel. So, you weren't going to think about it again.
You also didn't think about it when, one warm evening, you literally ran into Casey on your daily run in the big park by the office.
You looked up after your head bumped another runner's shoulder. You tugged your earbuds out, dangling them around your neck, apologizing profusely. You completely zoned out when you were moving, so this happened a lot more often than you might like to admit. Today, you were deep in thought about a case law issue, and the park had all but ceased to exist in your perception.
"It's fine, Haley, calm down," you heard a familiar voice say, making you realize that you'd nearly trampled Casey Cabot Novak. You let out a mortified squeak.
Casey surprised herself. She was not at all bothered like she might usually be upon being rudely collided with on a very wide running path. Instead, she found your focus and bashfulness kind of... cute? Your face and chest were flushed red from exercise, your hair was falling out of its messy bun, and you had on a neon pink shirt with a neon orange running skirt, it looked like a toddler had dressed you.
You kept apologizing until Casey grabbed your shoulders and told you to stop.
"Join me for my last mile?" She asked, and you agreed. You kept the pace slow enough for small talk, Casey asked you, "So, what's up with the neon creamsicle look?"
"Oh my god," you chuckled as you rounded a corner, "a 6-year-old packed my gym bag."
While you showered that evening, you kept going over your afternoon. You were very embarrassed and a little horny, and couldn't get the image of a breathless, sweaty, Casey out of your mind. You decided these feelings were just to be blamed on runners' high and pushed them from your mind.
"You know, I really like the new junior ADA," Alex said as she splashed her face with warm water. Casey spit the toothpaste out of her mouth and cupped some water into it, swishing it around.
She spit again and said, "Anderson? He's fine, I guess. A little slow to object, a little quick to make a deal, but he'll get the hang of it."
"Haley," Alex said almost under her breath, patting moisturizer underneath her eyes.
"Oh," Casey replied, slightly flatly. "I've noticed."
Alex gave her a glare out of the side of her eyes as she removed a contact. "Not like that, my love. I just think she's a really good lawyer. Promising."
"She is. But I've also seen how you look at her."
"With professional respect," Alex said, rinsing the lens solution off her fingers. Casey's nighttime routine was much simpler, so she just watched her wife in the mirror, leaning against the shower door.
"Sure," Casey said, letting the silence hang between them. "Lex, you’re my wife. I know how you are when you're attracted to someone."
Alex turned around, leant against the counter, took Casey's hand in her own and ran her thumb across her wedding ring. "Are you jealous?"
"No," Casey said, kissing her wife. "You know, I might be if I didn't completely get it."
Alex sighed with relief. She hadn't exactly intended to get into this conversation.
"She is a bit young."
"If I recall correctly, someone I know was sleeping with Judge Mary Clark when she was that age."
Casey opened her mouth in mock-offense, and Alex kissed it closed.
Once it was acknowledged between the two of them, Casey and Alex had an agreement-- neither one of them could fault the other for flirting with you. In fact, they even enjoyed watching each other be sweet to you. And it was pretty harmless, they thought. The moments got more frequent. Alex brought you coffee most mornings, sometimes talking about work, but equally as often, she tried to get to know you. She now knew that you loved baking and crochet and Charlotte Brontë, that you grew up with 6 siblings, you were raised in Oakland, that you'd gone to Stanford. It was like she was collecting pieces of information for an eventual file titled "Caroline Haley: interests." When you weren't in, she left you notes. She even bought you a mug warmer, knowing your tendency to get sucked into a case and forget about your drink.
At the same time, Casey now insisted that the two of you run together whenever you could. She would tease you, complain when you were going too fast. She once convinced you to go for an early Sunday run, and even held your hair back as you vomited in a bush (you neglected to tell her how hungover you were, and she'd forgotten how much 20-somethings could drink). She laughed at you, but she bought you sympathy pancakes to apologize.
While Casey and Alex knew they were flirting, you had no suspicions. You assumed they were just very kind, open people, (and they were, when they wanted to be) contrary to what Anderson and the other junior ADAs had to say. You thought they all must just be frustrated by the difficulty of the job. You were good at staying positive, even in terrible circumstances.
On a particularly unpleasant Friday, Alex watched you from the hallway as you took a phone call, waiting to come in and see if you'd like to have an after-work drink. She watched your eyes light up, saw you smile as wide as she'd ever seen, watched you excitedly shake your hand back and forth in the air and scrunch your nose. Maybe a boyfriend? she wondered as she clicked open the door to the junior ADAs office, shutting it while you packed up your things.
"Hey, Cabot," you said, "I know I'm leaving kind of early, sorry about that, did you need something?"
"It's 6:30. Technically, you're here late," she said as she watched you search your impressively messy desk for something. "But no, I don't need anything, I was actually going to ask if you wanted to get a drink with Casey and me and some other attorneys."
You stopped what you were doing and looked at her with the most accurate yet unintentional impression of a kitten that Alex had ever seen. "Any other day, I would absolutely love to," you told her, “But some people from my studio are going to a salsa night and my partner can actually come to this one. It's been months since we've both been free at the same time to dance together, so I really can't miss it. But please ask me next time if you still want to?"
Alex couldn't resist the way your eyes got big when you asked, the subtle pink in your cheeks and nose, you became impossible to refuse (not that she would want to). She told you that yes, of course, next time, only a little deflated to your knowledge. She has a partner.
"Speaking of," you said as your phone rang. You picked it up. "No, Ashley, your shoes are not in my bag. What would I do with them, babe? Check your old one. Or wear your old ones. Yeah, ok, see you at home." Watching you casually go back and forth with whoever was on the other end of the line was captivating. Ashley must be the partner. That you were both not single and not straight wasn't surprising, but it was a little disappointing if Alex was honest with herself.
"You dance?" She asked you.
"Mm-hmm," you hummed. "I was semi-pro in high school and college, actually. I just got back into teaching a year or so ago when Ashley moved to the city. That flake, god." You snapped your backpack shut (a classy leather affair, but a backpack nonetheless-- Casey adored it, Alex remembered) and changed your tone of voice. "Alex, you guys should come tonight!"
She let out a laugh. "I am as uncoordinated as a baby deer, Caroline."
"I doubt that," you said, rising from your desk. "Because you're good at basically everything. But you don't even have to dance if you don't want to. It's at this place," you wrote down the address of the club on a post-it and stuck it to Alex's cheek. "Live music, drinks, and you get to watch me do my favorite thing in the world, so. Yeah, you should come."
Alex, taken aback by your familiar demandingness (she'd noticed how warm you were with everyone, always professional, yes, but you put people at ease perfectly naturally with your unpracticed air), said "I'll see what Casey says," and watched you excitedly flutter out of the office, trailing close behind you.
Casey agreed to come dancing. She had also been a little hesitant, but when Alex described how sweetly you asked, how your face lit up when you talked about it, she wasn't in a position to say no. She and Alex sent their apology texts to Pippa, Rita, Sophie, Serena, and Gillian, receiving very characteristic replies.
Casey: Sorry, Al and I have to raincheck, Haley invited us out dancing???
Rita: Ha, have fun with the little energizer bunny, you two.
Pippa: Rita, be nice.
Rita: No.
Rita: I once saw her actually bounce down a hallway.
Serena: Alex Cabot dancing? I wish I was coming.
Alex: :( ouch, Ser.
Pippa: Have fun, you two.
Sophie: Wait, is something happening with Haley? Why do you guys never keep me in the loop?
Gillian: Aw :.(
Alex: Nothing is "happening," Rita's just cruel.
Rita: Haley's impressive, all I'm saying.
Casey. OK. Anyway, we're going to go somewhere we've never been to watch our junior colleague dance instead of having the same whisky as always with you people.
Pippa: 👯‍♂️
part two
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goatskickin · 2 years
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When we last left the family, Patrick cleared our second restriction, Culinary. The spare Mercy became a terrible teen and the heir Justice continued his search for a lady wife. 
What will happen now?
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“Aren’t they to die for?! I spotted them on his desk and I asked if I could make them into earrings. Isn’t he hilarious? I can’t believe he let me.”
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“A little gruesome, don’t you think Ada? And aren’t they heavy?”
“Not heavy at all, and I can handle heavy earrings besides. Like you wouldn’t believe, I used to have these hoops, you could put your whole fist through em, and they were like, mad heavy. Ooh, this is mine, yes?”
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“Yes it is ma’am.”
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“Thanks! We’re going to go watch a movie on the big screen. ‘Pandora’s Box’, which I’ve never heard of or read about, but it sounds fun. See you in there?”
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“Yes, just going to finish my drink and get another. I’ll only be a moment.”
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“Youth, eh?”
“Hm? Sorry Ada is fine. She’s a nice girl. It’s just that…I’ve worked for Joey a long time, and he’s hard a lot of girls in that time. His taste in women has never really changed.”
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“Ha, oh yeah? Well then, I’ll need to stock up on more rail tequila if that’s the case. I swear, it’s only people under 25 who can stomach the cheap stuff. I don’t drink much anymore myself.”
“Oh yeah? Aged world-weary traveler, are we?”
“Ha! Well, I am older than I seem. Though I haven’t gotten around much. I’m new to the area though.”
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“Well, it’s a place same as any other place. I’ve been here a long time. Actually, the wife and I are celebrating our 25th wedding anniversary this year.”
“Oh, what?! Congrats! The next drink is on me.”
“Ha, thank you. You’re too kind.”
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“Listen…I’m pretty new to working for uh, a ‘family’ like Joey’s. Seems like you have been working for him a while. Got any advice?”
“Gosh, do I look that old then?”
“No, of course not, you’re stunning! It’s just-“
“Oh you’re fine, just a middle aged woman over here having some fun.
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“Well, he’s as ego driven ever, and he’s got a temper. Life would go a lot easier if he didn’t take things so personally. Does that help, ah…didn’t catch your name?”
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“And yes, I can work with that. Lemme guess, he’s a whiskey on the rocks kind of guy, cheaper taste in whiskey than you’d expect?”
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“Exactly right!”
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“May I ask you a question? Feel free not to answer if it’s too personal.”
“It’s fine. Go ahead.”
“Your wife…how does she deal with this? You know, your line of work?”
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“She knows as much about it as she needs to. She understands that the work offers me certain protections, and that that extends to her.”
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“She was really upset when she first found out though.”
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“Okay, thank you. I’m just curious how my siblings will take it. Personally, I’m grateful for relatively clean work, indoors, with an indoor toilet.”
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“Cheers to that.”
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Teenaged Mercy finally has an even playing field with her equally competitive brother. “Ow! Merc! Not so hard!”
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Undirectable elder Patrick has taken to hogging the computer all day and all night.
“Patrick, love, what exactly is it that you are doing?”
“Well my biscuit, I felt that I needed to record all of my recipes once again, and save them to a hard drive. I’ve created many things over the years! It’s taking me a bit of time.”
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Max the dog still comes by every single day to....well, no one is sure. But townies with rotting sickness seem to amble by less often with a dog on the premises. 
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With Hope and Patrick having a lot more time on their hands, Mercy is getting more attention than ever. Too bad she doesn’t want it.
“Mom GOD, take a picture why don’t you?!”
*sniff* “It’s just that you look like I did at that age. Doesn’t she Patrick?”
“....5 oz is...hmm? Oh yes....curly kale not recommended as a substitute...”
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Justice is now the family chef. His meals are sustaining, but not nearly as elaborate and beloved as Patrick’s.
“Justice, is this just a regular hot dog?”
“Yes, Mercy, it’s just a *regular* hot dog.”
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The heir continues to keep his mind and body sharp. Adulthood is coming soon, and he will need all skills possible.
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Hope and Patrick greatly enjoy semi-retirement together.
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“Watch me groove Hope! These hips still have rhythm!”
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They take the opportunity play with each other...
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...and discuss their shared love of food, of course.
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Newly teenaged Mercy is as acerbic as ever, but with hormones thrown in the mix.
“Lookin’ good Mercy! Striking fear and awe Mercy!”
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Mercy doesn’t quite have the doe-eyed charms of her brother however.
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Nor the all-consuming interest in crushes.
“Wow, take me to Barf City paperboy, you are U-G-L-Y.”
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Sunny Justice is all too keen to leave teenagehood behind.
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For one thing, it may grant him the boundaries an adult deserves.
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Mercy has taken on the unofficial job of “Parent Wrangler”. With both Hope and Patrick being undirectable, Mercy steps in check up on them, interact with them to keep their aspirations above red, and calls them to meals. 
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“Being your spouse has been the joy of my life Hope! You are an excellent partner.”
“Patrick! That is so kind.”
“Guys that’s great and all but please go eat :) I’m being nice for once so please listen.”
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Yes, Patrick’s needs usually look like this. For a person who has dedicated their whole being to food, Patrick sure does go hungry all of the time.
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“I’m going for a walk dear.”
“Mom, not too far, okay? I’m almost done with this chapter and I don’t want to have to pull you out of a ditch.”
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Outside, it’s Justice’s turn to grow up into an adult.
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...and as the sparkles consume him...
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...our heir grows up into a semi-decent outfit!
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“Oh hi Justice, I was just about to go for- oh is that a new shirt?”
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“Well done! Justice, how do you feel?”
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“Not so good Mom...”
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“You know Mercy, I honestly can’t remember why I came outside! Thanks for coming out to check on me though. Can we chat? Marriage may not be something you’re considering right now, but I wanted to give you a bit of advice...”
“Hi everyone! I wanted - hey, Justice, you alright?”
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“Young man, hello, off the ground now.”
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“You’ve suffered a mental break. Unfortunate, but common among young people. The transition from childhood’s end to adulthood is emotionally fraught. Tell me what troubles you.”
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“I...I just wanted more for myself before getting here. I’m sorry, it’s silly because there’s so much I was not able to do, but that I still wanted for myself. I wanted friends to hang out with, and a girlfriend. I wanted scholarships. I wanted to go to college, especially after hearing about my mom’s time there! I just wanted to go to school in general. I’m sorry for being so emotional. I feel crazy. I know it was not a possibility for me to do a lot of those things. I can’t even leave home. I’m feeling stuck. I feel sad. I just don’t know what to do.”  
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“You do not have to apologize. Even if your dreams are not possible, they are still your dreams and they are things you wanted. You are mourning a great loss. Things are different than when your mother and father were young. It is understandable that you wanted to have these experiences - these are normal things to want. Even if it is not possible, you are still allowed to feel that you have missed out.” “....thank you. I’m sorry.” “Do not apologize. Your emotions are a sense just like the other 5 you have. They are what you use to understand what is happening to you. You would not blame your sense of smell if you smelled something rotten, right? So do not feel shame for feeling lonely, for not being able to go to school, for being unlucky in love.”
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“This hyno-wheel will ease you back into reality. The feelings you are having now will not go away however. You will have to accept reality, as it is, each day. That will be difficult some days. But I can see that your family loves you, and that they will support you. Your father is waiting. Time to go Justice.”
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“....thank you.”
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Justice takes a moment for himself to mourn the young adulthood that he wasn’t able to have. 
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Justice’s wants panel still yearns for a different kind of life.
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But the session with the Therapist gave Justice a lot to think about.
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The Therapist was correct about Hope and Patrick. His supportive parents get to work dusting him off. Patrick starts looking for Athletic careers in the paper, and Hope amuses him with a funny anecdote from her days at St. Circe’s hospital. 
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“I’m so proud of our boy. He’s grown up into a fine young man. It does pain me though, to see that he’s struggling.”
“It hurts me too. But now we just need to be there for him, to be a listening ear.”
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While Justice waits for the Athletic career to be available, he brushes up on his skills with his sister.
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He’s already on the right track, so hopefully when he gets the job, he can start out in a higher position.
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While things aren’t happening quickly on the job front, Justice has luck elsewhere.  This townie (improbably named Genesis Dennis) happens to walk by, and Justice is quick to take the opportunity to get to know her better. 
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And she’s receptive to Justice’s greeting.
And plus, she does seem to like him! Justice is in need of the confidence boost.
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“I’m going to bring athleticism and team spirit back to Pitstop Valley. A good sweat and a good sporting time are just what this community needs!”
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“That sounds amazing! What sport do you play?”
“Hey, what sport don’t I play?”
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And Justice is savvy enough to ask Genesis about her skills after seeing his father’s mad dash to reach the top of his career. Genesis does in fact, have some! This is good to know.
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“Right?! Like I have been saying!!!”
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Justice invites Genesis inside like a good host. Like most townies, she finds the bar almost immediately. 
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Socially lubricated, she approaches Justice...
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...and gives him his First Kiss!
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So far, Genesis is making an excellent spousal candidate. 
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Checking in on the other Springs-Eternal sibling, picking a Knowledge secondary is fairing very well for Justice’s sister. Teenhood is going much easier for the socially averse Mercy, who is happy to skill all day long. 
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“Can you two idiots keep it down in there?! I’m losing against myself in chess here and I need to concentrate.”
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Mercy may be annoyed, but Genesis appears to appreciate Justice’s honest and sincere approach.
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“Hey Mom, can you make like a leaf and leave the bedroom/kitchen/office/living room?”
“Why sure, but why-”
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“Oh my GOD, can we go inside now?! I am freezing! You suck Justice!”
“Now Mercy, it’s great that Justice has made a friend. We can go inside in a bit.”
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“♫Will you stay the night, ♫ beautiful Genesis?♫“
“You’re silly. I like you. Sure.”
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“Justice, did you see the recipe here that your dad is typing up? I’m fascinated, I wonder why he’s using a 1/4 of ground hazelnuts in this biscotti.”
“Uh, I don’t know. I’m really just learning to cook myself.”
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“Patrick! Mr. Springs-Eternal! That hazelnut lavender biscotti recipe, may I ask why there is an addition of a 1/4 cup of ground hazelnuts in the dough?”
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“I am pleased that you asked! It is because swapping out a 1/4 cup of flour for the ground hazelnuts makes the biscotti more tender. The ground nuts interrupt the gluten development and produce a more tender crumb. It’s the perfect marriage of those who want a biscotti sturdy enough for dipping, but soft enough for eating on its own.”
“That’s fascinating! Were these cookies that you served at your restaurant?”
“Yes! I adjusted the recipe to be a little softer based on some feedback from customers...”
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Justice has had a very lucky and fulfilling day. Let’s hope his luck extends to his job search. 
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Mercy doesn’t take ‘no school’ nearly as hard as Justice did.
“OOOOOM *when is lunch* OOOOOOM”
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It’s Monday again. Joey the Comb takes his weekly cut. 
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The Athletic career isn’t available again today, so Justice brushes up on his Charisma skills in the meantime.
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Mercy has been described by some (her mother) as being “unfriendly”. She dutifully tries to make connections with walkbys.
“Huhuhehehe, Mercy, you’re so funny.”
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“Money is where it’s at, right? That’s how you get power? Or does power beget power? That’s what I want to know.”
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Mercy chooses to gossip about childhood friends as a friend-making strategy. Weirdly, it doesn’t not not work. 
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For anyone keeping track, Hope is still mad at the llama mascot for screwing her over when she first left college.
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Semi-retired Patrick tops out his logic skill. Like it’s no big deal.
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And for the first time in a very long time, Hope cooks a meal!
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“Hmmmm, I don’t think she used my garden spiced chickpea flour to make the pasta...what’s the point of pasta if you don’t make homemade noodles?”
“Hey, Dad?”
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“It’s cold outside dummy dumb. You can talk to me about all of your silly chef stuff in here, okay? You don’t have to eat Mom’s spaghetti if it offends your delicate culinary sensibilities.”
“...she didn’t even measure out the meatballs to be equal in size-”
“Yes yes, come on, you talk to me about how Mom’s cooking sucks and we will get you a hot dog, okay?”
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Patrick is still working, being a famous tv chef 3 days a week, which is the perfect amount for elder Patrick to be working. “Goodbye all! It’s Seitan Saturday at the restaurant and I’ll bet we’ve already got a line out the door.”
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Later that same day, another spousal candidate for Justice walks by. Her name is Patty. 
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Justice is smitten with her right away, and they happen to have 3 bolts for each other.
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She is not however, skilled as Genesis is.
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No matter. Justice would not be the first Springs-Eternal to have a few choices on deck.
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Though his wants panel can sometimes be unbecoming of a gentleman...
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The Athletic career still hasn’t shown up on the paper or the computer, so life continues as usual. 
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“Okay everyone! This is one of Dad’s recipes. We didn’t have any Grand Marnier Cordon Rouge for the batter so I used orange soda instead. I hope that’s fine.”
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“Only the strong survive”
The radiation in the air weakens muscles and bones. As a result, muscle degeneration has set in. Even simple physical tasks have become impossible.
-Any item that takes up more than one square may not be moved or placed back into inventory once placed on the lot, with one exception.
-Items received as date or outing rewards may be placed into inventory or moved one time, even if they are larger than 1 square.
-Gym equipment may not be purchased or used.
-Sims may not perform the “Leap in arms” interaction.
-The punching bag may only be used by Sims currently in the athletic career.
-Sims may carry no more than 3 items in their inventory.
-Earned, but not placed, career reward objects do not count against this inventory limit.
-Sims may not “restock” items, or delete out-of-stock items larger than one square.
-Sims may not sell buy-mode objects that are larger than 1 square. (You may still move and delete build-mode objects, regardless of size)
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Justice will not be starting out as advanced as he’d hoped for in the Athletic career, but it’s a start. 
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“Having a hot dog for old time’s sake?”
“Yeah but keep it down. Justice’s cooking is just awful. How is it possible to have pancakes that are both undercooked inside and burned on the bottom?”
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Another potential spousal walkby makes an appearance. This one is named Courtney Allen.
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“Courtney! Remember hanging out with me when I was a teenager?”
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Courtney’s not skilled however. Rats.
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But soft! As Justice invites her in anyway, his other gf Genesis makes an appearance!
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“Genesis, HI! No other women are upstairs!”
“Hi Jus- wait, what now?”
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Bad news about Courtney though; she’s not too keen on Hope’s musings.
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“Listen, you have noth-”
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“Heyyyy so sorry to step in, but get out of our house please. My mom might be elderly, but she’s got 10 skill body points and zero reason not to kick your ass.”
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Max the dog: *approves*
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So Justice has chosen a bride - but how will she adapt to family life with the Spring-Eternals?
How much longer will Patrick keep his job? Will Mercy every make a friend? How will Justice handle the lows of adulthood? Will Hope ever make food again? Until next time, Carry On, Woman!
13 notes · View notes
avengerscompound · 3 years
The Tower: Family - 19
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The Tower: Family An Avengers Fanfic
Series Masterlist PREVIOUS //
Pairing:  Avengers x OFC, Bruce Banner x Bucky Barnes x Clint Barton x Wanda Maximoff x Steve Rogers x Natasha Romanoff x Tony Stark x Thor x Sam Wilson x OFC (Elly Cooper)
Word Count: 2349
Warnings:  Pregnancy
Synopsis: With new powers, Thor now living on Earth full time, a wedding to plan, and Natasha and Wanda expecting, a lot is changing for Elly and her large and rather unconventional family.  When Elise’s parents try to reestablish connections, Elly questions what being a family actually means.
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Chapter 19: Names
I was just under twenty weeks pregnant when I went to have my glucose test and the ultrasound that would tell us about any major abnormalities and possibly what sex the baby was.  The twins were on one of their home days and we were taking them along too, so they could be there when they learned if the last of their new siblings would be a brother or sister.  Everyone was excited and there had been bets made on if it would be a boy or a girl.  Some people seemed to think that statistically, it would have to be a boy as there were already three girls on their way.  However, Tony, Bruce, Sam, and Bucky all knew that’s not how statistics worked and seemed to think that it would be a girl just because the universe wanted us to have to all agree on four different girls' names at the same time.
While I was waiting for the sugar drink to take effect Natasha and Wanda had their checkups.  They were now up to 28 weeks and everything was really good.  Even Wanda with the twins was looking very on track.  Both girls were growing strongly and Doctor Schroeder had no concerns at all about her getting to full term with them.
When I’d finally had my blood test and come into the examination room, Natasha and Wanda were finishing up and I was directed to get up on the table for my ultrasound.  Steve, Tony, and Bruce were in attendance.  Pietro was sitting on Bruce’s knee playing with a stethoscope, while Steve held Riley and she tried to grab every single thing that was in reach of her.
“How have you been feeling, Elise?”  Doctor Schroeder asked as I got into position and she set up the ultrasound machine.
“Good,” I said. “The morning sickness passed.  I have more energy.  They kick a lot so I don’t get worried about them too much.”
“That’s good.  And you’re keeping your stress levels low?”  She asked, squeezing some gel on my stomach.
“Well…” I said, guiltily.  “Less stress than when I was pregnant with the twins.”
She shook her head and pressed the paddle to my stomach.  “You really need to be taking care of yourself, Elise.”
“You tell that to the world,” I snarked, and she laughed as she pressed the paddle down on her stomach.
The baby came into view on the screen, looking like an actual baby right down to the fingers and toes.  “I’m assuming you’re all finding out the sex,” she said.
“Oh yeah.  I definitely want to know what flavor of spawn El is cooking,” Tony said.
“And I’m guessing you’re all hoping for a boy,” she joked.
Tony went to speak, but Steve quickly cut him off.  “We’ll all be happy either way.”
“What about you kids?”  Doctor Schroeder asked.  “Do you want this to be a brother or a sister?”
“I wanna sisder,” Riley said quickly.
“No, Wiley,” Pietro argued.  “Deres fwee sisders.  I wanna brovver.”
Doctor Schroeder started laughing.  “Well, let’s see which one of you gets your wish.”
She moved the paddle getting it into position to see better.  “Alright, if you’re placing bets, now’s the time,” she said.  Tony crossed his fingers and started chanting, “Boy, boy, boy, boy, boy.”
“And we have a…” she said slowly, dragging out the suspense for as long as possible.  “Boy.  You’re having a boy.”
“Yes!”  Tony said, pumping his fist in the air and leaning over and kissing me deeply.
“You hear that, Piet?”  Bruce asked.  “You get a brother.”
“Yay!”  Pietro said, bouncing on Bruce’s lap.
“Oh, no,” Steve said.  “We’re going to have a little mini-Tony in the family.”
I started laughing and cradled Tony’s jaw.  “I know.  Isn’t it great?”
“A boy,” Tony repeated.  “Three girls and a little boy.”
“Will this make picking names easier or harder, do you think?” I asked.
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The answer to that question was ‘harder’.  Having one boy made deciding on the name harder.
After we finished up with the doctor we met the others on the garden deck with the dogs for a kind of picnic to try and work out names. With the twins, I had been the one to decide their names.  I accepted input but no one was willing to argue with me about which names I settled on because I’d been under so much stress during the pregnancy.  This time, we were all deciding together.
Having three girls on the way meant that everyone was willing to be more open to accepting girl’s names put forward by other people because there was always another daughter to have the girl’s name they preferred.  There was only one boy and anyone that had a name they liked or was special to them wanted it to be the one used.  So while the kids played with the dogs, we all sat around arguing about names.
“Hey, hey,” Steve said, putting his hands up.  “Maybe we need to write a list.”
Tony opened up a screen that we could all see.
“So for girls we have; Sarah, Rebecca, Kate, Thour, Torunn, Ada, Lyra, Rose, and Marya,” Steve said.  “And for boys we have; Paul, Thomas, William, Módi, Edwin, Ian, George, and Alex.”
“That’s more names than kids alright,” I joked as I helped myself to an egg salad sandwich.
“Should we vote?”  Natasha asked.  “I only suggested a girl’s name and Tony only suggested a boy’s name so we might be able to work it out through votes.”
“I don’t know about that,” Bucky argued.  “Some of those names are important.  Some are just names we like.”
“Maybe people who have names they wanted to be used already should get less of a vote this time,” Wanda suggested.  “I mean, Pietro is already named for my brother.  It is only fair that the names I suggested be put at the back of the line.”
“Does that mean El doesn’t get a say this time?”  Clint asked.  “I mean, Piet and Riley were named without a vote. She just decided.”
“Whose fault is that, Clint?” I snarked.
“Right,” he said, holding his hands up.  “I know.  Sorry, I was just asking.”
“Elise gets just as much a say as everyone else,” Steve said firmly.  “She may have selected Riley and Pietro’s names but she chose them based on people who were important to some of us.”
“Daddy, daddy, daddy,” Riley said, running flat out into the group, followed by Spotty.  She slammed into Sam’s side, drawing a soft ‘oof’ from him before grabbing his arm and pulling on it.  “Come, come pway.”
“Hold on, you monster.  We’re just trying to pick the names for your new brothers and sisters,” Sam explained, picking her up and tossing her in the air.  “After I finish my lunch I’ll play.”
“Why don’t you and Pietro get in the swings and I’ll push you,” Wanda suggested.  Riley seemed to think that was a good idea as she ran back off with the dalmatian on her heels.  When she and Pietro climbed up into their toddler swings, Wanda flicked her wrist and used her telekinesis to push them.
“Is it worth noting that Sarah was a name put forward by two people and so was Rebecca?”  I asked.
“That’s a good point,” Steve agreed.
“Plus those are family ones.  I’d really like to name one of my daughters after my sister,” Bucky said.  “And it was Bruce’s mom too right, Bruce?”
Bruce nodded.  “That’s right.  I would definitely like to honor my mother.  She was the only reason I made it through infancy.”
“And I’d like to use Sarah for the same reason,” Steve agreed.
“Plus Sarah was my late sister’s name,” Sam added.
“I’m fine with Sarah and Rebecca being two of the names,” I said.
“Anyone not okay with that?”  Tony asked.  When no one argued it, he moved the names Rebecca and Sarah to a new column.
“Was there any other girl’s names that were special to us?”  Steve asked.
“Marya was my mother’s name,” Wanda said, still flicking her wrist back and forth as she swung the kids.  The sounds of the squeals floating over to us.
“And Rose was the name I chose when I had a miscarriage,” Natasha said. “I know that’s not the same thing but… I feel attached to the name.”
Clint put his arm around her and rubbed her side.
“They’re both really pretty names,” I said.  “I’d be happy with either.”
There was a murmuring of agreement from the others. Tyr who seemed to be finished playing with the kids came over and curled up on Bucky’s lap and he started playing with the spaniel’s ears.
“I guess the question would be if either of you is happy to have the name as a middle name?  And if not, do you want to hold onto it in case we have any more children in the future.”
“I can wait,” Wanda said, caressing her stomach. “Pietro was named for my brother and I want to do this again.  Maybe not for a while but I love being pregnant.”
Tony moved the name Rose under Rebecca and Marya to a completely different line.
“Alright, we’re getting somewhere,” Steve said.  “Anyone not okay with any of these girls' names being middle names?”
“If we ever use Thour, I’d like it to be a first name,” Thor said.
“Same with Kate,” Clint added, and both names were moved to the row with Marya.
“Well that leaves three names, which is exactly what we need,” Bruce said.  “So let’s just see how they sound together.”
There was a little toing and froing, and at one point Clint and Sam got up to play with the kids while we argued about how the names sounded together.  In the end, we settled on Rebecca Torunn for the baby Natasha was carrying, and Sarah Lyra and Rose Ada for the twins.
“Alright we have eight boys’ names and one boy,” Steve said.  “How are we going to do this? What names are important to us?  Ian was my grandfather and George was Bucky’s dad.”
“Paul was my dad,” Sam added.
“Edwin was Jarvis’ first name,” Tony said.
“But all of you have also had a kid or more named after someone important to you,” I reasoned.  “Has anyone not done that?”
“Well you, and you’ve carried the most babies,” Sam said playfully.
“That is true. But I did also name the twins with no discussion,” I added.  “I don’t know if I have any names that I really love anyway.  I like having the names be important to all of you.”
“Seriously though, El,” Bruce said.  “All of us have put names forward and all of us have had at least one name that was important to us used already.  Isn’t there a name you grew up loving?  Or a family member who you did love?  A grandparent maybe?”
I shook my head and shrugged a little.  “I liked the name Nova I guess,” I said.  “But I’d much rather he be Edwin or Ian or Paul than Nova.”
“Not George?  Rude,” Bucky teased.
“Come on now, Buck,” I teased back.  “You have a common name like George and you don’t even use it.”
“Oh and Paul is so… uncommon,” he snarked.
“Anyway,” I said, rolling my eyes.  “Bucky, Steve, Sam, and Bruce now all have first names for kids.  Yes, Riley’s middle name comes from Tony’s mom, but given that this baby is one he specifically asked to have, I think it’s fair that we name him Edwin unless anyone has any huge objections to that.”
“I don’t!”  Tony joked.
When no one argued with it the name Edwin moved from the maybe pile to the list under Rebecca, Sarah, and Rose.  “Alright, Eddie is gonna need a middle name,” Tony said.
“I say George,” Bucky said.  “Seeing as Elise just seriously dissed my dad’s name.”
I smothered a laugh and pushed him.  He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me back so we were both lying on the ground.  I squealed and started wrestling with him and soon the dogs and then the twins were trying to get in on the action too.  “Bucky!”  I squealed as I struggled under him.  “This isn’t how you get what you want!”
“Really?”  He asked as he started tickling me.  “I think it’s gonna work.”
“Stop it!  I’m gonna pee myself!”  I squealed.
“Daddy!  You weave mommy awone!”  Pietro said, protectively pushing Bucky to get him off me.
Bucky sat up laughing.  “Oh no, I’m sorry, peanut.  I shouldn’t be so mean to mommy should I?”
Pietro put his hands on his hips and huffed.  He looked so much like a mini Steve that it would have been easy to forget that Clint was actually his biological dad.  “Oh man,” Tony laughed.  “Cap version 2.0.”
“Thank you, Piet,” I said, pulling him into my arms and cuddling him.  “We were just playing.”
“Otay, mommy,” he said, snuggling up to me.
“Daddy Bucky wants your little brother’s name to be Edwin George Skjodbærer.  What do you think?”  I asked.
Pietro seemed to think about it for a moment and nodded his head.  “Is good.”
Steve chuckled.  “Well, I think the king has spoken.  Edwin George?”
Everyone nodded in agreement and Tony moved George next to Edwin in the list.  “That’s one more thing done,” he said.  “Now all we really need to do is stock up on baby supplies and hire the nannies.”
“There is one other thing we need to work on,” Steve said seriously and looked at me.  “We need to figure out how to get rid of El’s stress.”
I frowned and nodded.  It was definitely something I needed to work out, but I was afraid that any steps I took might just make it worse.  Whatever the case was, I need to go speak to my mother and hope that I could get some kind of closure for good.
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ithebookhoarder · 3 years
Hey! I love your story the gangsters daughter SO much and I was wondering if I could request something based on it?
Where it’s the night before Evie’s wedding and she goes to Tommy’s office to talk as she’s nervous and they have a fluffy moment where he doesn’t think he’s ready for her to get married! ☺️
Cold Feet (Parent!Tommy Shelby x Evie)
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A/N: Ok ok ok. First of all anon, how dare you be so fluffing cute?! And second, OF COURSE YOU CAN! I love Evie and I’m always looking for excuses to write for my baby. Also, I’m totally not crying at the thought of Tommy having to let his little girl go and get married and just wanting her to be happy... I just have something in my eye. 
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of alcohol, mentions of smoking. Let me know if I missed anything. 
Tommy had always known this day would come. 
It was as inevitable as death was for every single living thing on this planet. 
No matter how hard he’d prayed that he’d have just a little more time left, his luck had finally run out. There was no delaying it any longer now that the day was almost upon him when his life would change in a way that would alter his world forever. 
It was tomorrow, in fact, that Tommy would see Evie shed the Shelby name for another. 
True, he could not have chosen a more worthy candidate, and knew Toby would love Evie as she deserved to be loved. That didn't lessen the sting it caused though, to know his days as the only male in her life were now over. Soon, she would no longer be his, no longer living in the same house as him. She would be a married woman, and that filled Tommy with incredible joy, and incredible sorrow at the same time.
This was the curse of fathers. 
It seemed only yesterday that she was small enough to not even care about boys, let alone marriage. He remembered a particular conversation with fondness, when Evie had only been with them a few months or so. 
It had been in the wake of a row over Ada’s most recent conquest at the time. An annoying boy, Liam had only lasted three dates before being scared off by Arthur, John, and Tommy.  Despite being nothing particularly special, Ada had been incredibly enraged, yelling about how she wanted to marry him and that she’d never find love again. 
Of course, Evie had found the whole thing hilarious, if not a little confusing. Hence, when she’d sat up in bed that night, as Tommy passed by her room one final time, he couldn’t help but smile at her quizzical expression. 
“But, Dad. If she loves him what’s wrong with that? Besides, Mum had a baby on her own… if Ada did end up pregnant would it really be so horrible? She’d have a child, like me, and you all warmed up to me pretty quickly.”
“Well,” Tommy had begun, trying not to laugh at the absurdity of this discussion with his only recently recovered twelve-year old daughter. Polly was always far better at talking about this kind of stuff. “It’s… you see… people tend to only have children when they’re married.”
“It’s just how things are done.”
“Well, that’s stupid.”
Tommy smirked. “Most people would agree with you, but a lot don’t. They can be horrible and cruel, even to women who were in love but weren’t married when they had a kid. So, we’re trying to spare Ada from that. It’s fucking complicated, but at the end of the day, she deserves to be happy, doesn’t she?” 
“Yes,” Evie sighed, suddenly staring down at her bedsheets nervously. “But… does that mean Auntie Martha was right? That I have to get married when I grow up? But Dad, the only boys I like are you… and my uncles… I don’t suppose I could marry one of them?”
Tommy immediately bit back his laughter as he shook his head and held her close. “I’m afraid Martha would object to you marrying our John. Besides, you don’t want one of us old men when you can find someone young and handsome who you love very much.”
“But how will I know who that is? Or if they’re good or not?” she asked innocently. 
“I’ll help you,” Tommy offered, not without a little hesitation. To even think such a time would exist, when he would have to part with his daughter, when he’d only just found her again… “You can depend on it. Any unworthy bastards will be driven away by me, and the hounds.”
At that Evie spluttered into laughter, before pressing a kiss to her father’s cheek. “Now that, I would pay to see.”
Well, that day had come and gone and Tommy hadn’t released any hounds. No. The only hound in sight was Cyril, and he’d warmed incredibly quickly to the new member of the family. 
He hadn’t been the only one either. In fact, Tommy had rolled out the red fucking carpet, welcoming the man into the family. Sure, it hadn’t been without its challenges along the way, but as much as Tommy hated to admit it, Toby was a good man. More than that, he’d proved his loyalty to the family, and to Evie, over and over again. 
If he had to part with Evie to anyone, then at least it was to someone as decent as Toby. It made the whole ordeal hurt just a little less as he sipped his whiskey and stared out of the study window. 
Despite the late hour, there were still faint laughs and shrieks of delight echoing from upstairs. Ada, Lara, Polly and Lizzie were most likely to blame, having taken charge of Evie’s so called ‘last night of freedom’. Tommy didn’t know what that entailed exactly and he didn’t even want to try and guess. Not given how much champagne they’d lugged upstairs with them earlier, having returned from a busy evening dancing at a local club. 
If they weren’t all hungover as hell in the morning it would be a minor miracle. 
Still, as long as they got their asses to church on time and didn’t throw up on the minister, then everything would be fine. No. It would be perfect. Tommy had promised Evie that much and he’d be damned before he failed to deliver a promise as solemn as this one. 
She’d done the same for him, twice in fact, even if his union to Lizzie had been a far simpler affair than his first marriage to Grace. 
At least Evie hadn’t insisted on there being a ‘father of the bride’ toast - even if Ada had… Somehow, Tommy knew his would never be anywhere as good as the ones his daughter had given. 
She always had had a way with words.  
Tommy froze. 
Speak of the devil and she shall appear. 
He was startled by the sound of her voice, echoing from the open doorway, as if summoned by his worry. He’d almost thought he’d imagined it until he turned and saw her standing there, looking a little worse for wear in her finery. 
Apparently he’d been right; she’d had a very fun evening.  
“Evie?” he blinked, clearing his throat as he tried to compose himself. “What are you doing down here? It’s late and I thought you’d be upstairs celebrating a bit longer. Big day tomorrow.”
Evie smiled, shrugging as she stepped into the office and closed the door behind her. She knew she never needed an invitation, having given up knocking long ago. 
“I was but… I don’t know. I just wanted to come and see you, if that’s alright?”
It would always be alright. Tommy hoped she knew that, even if the anxiety in her eyes said otherwise. Then again, he suspected the nervous energy wasn’t directly aimed at him.  
Over a decade later, he knew his daughter better than he knew himself. It was why he nodded, gesturing to the seat next to him in a clear invitation. “Of course it is, but won’t the others miss you?” 
“Oh, they’re all too busy finishing the last of the wine to miss me right away and… I don’t know why but I needed a minute away from everything. It was all a bit… much.”
“Yeah, well, welcome to my world. This family has always been a bit much,” Tommy teased. That was why they both loved them though. The Shelby spirit was strong and made them who they were. They wouldn’t change it for the world, even if it did drive them nuts on occasion. 
And Toby was willingly entering this family, why? 
“I’m almost scared to ask what’s being going on up there.”
“Probably wise, Dad. No one should see thing things I have tonight.” 
“I thought so.”
A laugh escaped Evie’s lips as she sat beside him, accepting the glass of whiskey he handed her without a second thought. It was simply routine by this point, the two of them caught in a silent routine on nights like this when they needed to simply clear their heads and think. 
It was an unwritten agreement between the pair of them. As was the somewhat confessional nature this room had taken on in its time under the Shelby household. So much had happened since they’d first moved in to Arrow House, from Charles and Ruby being born, to losing Grace, to Evie falling in love, Tommy’s ascension to Parliament, losing John and Esme, Lizzie and Tommy’s wedding… 
Only a decade or so, and yet Evie felt like a whole novel would never be enough to capture her family’s history or the almost surreal events that had taken place.
“Besides, it’s been a while since we had a talk like this, Dad,” Evie continued, shrugging as she sipped her drink and stared at the room. “Everything’s been happening so fast since Toby proposed. It feels like we haven’t had a moment to breathe, really. You’ve been so helpful, agreeing to everything and allowing us to turn this place upside down. I can’t thank you enough for that, by the way. I half expected you to be like Arthur yelling at the florist earlier.”
“It’s the least I can do, Evie. It’s not every day my daughter gets married - and he yelled so I didn’t have to. Fucking trying to sneak carnations in when the order clearly said Clematis with the centrepieces.”
Evie snorted, failing to hide the fact hearing Tommy Shelby raging about flowers was possibly the funniest thing to have ever happened. Ever. Good thing he hadn’t been there when someone had accidentally delivered the wrong amount of chairs for the tent erected out on the lawn. She could only imagine the carnage that would have occurred.  
“My knight in shining armour.” 
“Always. No ring changes that, Evie. I’ll always be there for you, whether it be to fend off blind florists or worse.” 
Despite the fact he acted as if he was merely joking, Evie knew her father meant each and every word. He always had. Even with their ups and downs, he had never abandoned her, always trying to do what was best for her, even if he went about it the wrong way from time to time. 
When she thought back now, to the day she’d first met him in that graveyard, on what had been one of the darkest days of her life, she wished she could tell her younger self not to be afraid. To not be angry or scared of the future before her and the wondrous people that would be in it, thanks to the wonderful man she got to call her father. 
“Dad, can… can I ask you a question? About tomorrow?” 
Tommy hummed softly. “I don’t know what I can tell you about weddings, but fine. Of course.”
“It’s not about the wedding per say, more the bit after. I just… I’m scared, Dad. I don’t know why but I am.”
The words made Tommy’s heart plummet before he’d even realised what she’d said. It took everything in him not to panic or try and express the pain he felt at the idea his daughter was scared about what was supposed to be a happy day - a happy and expensive one, even if Tobias had money enough to cover a lot of the costs. 
“Of what?” 
“I don’t know,” Evie whispered, almost as if ashamed to confess it. “I’m so happy and excited to start the life together Toby and I have talked about for years but, now that it’s here? I don’t know. I just … I feel like I’m going to throw up or pass out and I don’t know why. Is something wrong with me? Who gets terrified of their own wedding?”
“Every fucking sane person on the planet,” Tommy countered swiftly, a hand reaching out to take hers. “As someone with experience here, you can trust me when I say everyone gets scared, Evie. Everyone. No matter how certain you are that you love the person or that this is the right next step.”  
“But why?” 
“Because it’s a big commitment,” Tommy continued, “and it’s a new chapter in your life. That’s exciting but also terrifying. To know you have a chance to start a family of your own? To choose your own path? That’s nothing to take lightly, and if I didn’t think you wanted this, or that you weren’t ready, I would have said something before now. You can count on that.” 
He had a point.  
“And I know you, Evelyn Shelby. You have never let anything or anyone stop you from going after what you want, even if it’s scary or someone says no. If being with Tobias is what you want, then so be it. You’re a grown woman, as much as I fucking hate to admit it. I think you’ve proven over and over again that you’re the bravest one out of the lot of us, and I’m so proud of you. Your Mother would be too. She’d want you to be happy and to enjoy tomorrow for what it is: the start of another chapter in your incredible life.” 
The thought of her absence was enough to make Evie’s eyes sting with tears, as was the conviction with which her father spoke about her. The pride was clear, even if he looked a little scared himself at what tomorrow would bring for them all. 
“Thank you.”
Tommy nodded, knowing better than to argue as she threw herself at him, coiling herself around him as she often did. Ever since the first time she’d done it, he’d been unable to resist it. So what? His daughter’s embrace was one of the few in the world that made him feel loved. It was as if her presence alone was enough to restore him, to banish whatever was troubling him. 
The thought he wouldn’t just be able to have such hugs so frequently made his heart ache even more. 
He didn’t want her to go. 
In his eyes, she was still the twelve-year-old girl he’d first met. She always would be, no matter how much she insisted on growing up and being a so called ‘adult’. It was why he planned on keeping her room upstairs exactly as it was now, just in the case she ever needed or even wanted it. 
That, and because he physically couldn’t bear to erase any remaining traces of her from his home. Of course, Lizzie had teased him rotten about it, even if she understood. Still young, Lizzie hated the thought of Ruby ever growing up and leaving her for anyone - let alone a husband. 
At least they had some time left before that would be happening. Tommy didn’t know if he could survive anymore heartache so soon.
“I love you, so much, Evie,” Tommy whispered, pressing a kiss to the top of her head and holding her close. “You’ll always be my little girl, and you’ll always be welcome here. Anytime, day or night. This will still be your home, and we’ll still be your family. If anything, we’re simply gaining more members, not losing any. Understand?”
“Yes,” Evie nodded, wiping her eyes as she shot him a watery smile. “I love you too, Dad, even if I swear I’m supposed to be the one telling you all this. Isn’t it normally the father of the bride who’s supposed to get all teary eyed and jittery the night before?”
“We’ve never been conventional, Evie. In case you forgot, we have politicians, the Lee branch of the family, and Alfie fucking Solomons all coming tomorrow, for fucks sake. Why should we start worrying about tradition now?” 
Evie’s laughter was infectious at the picture of the eclectic scene awaiting them, especially considering how excited Alfie had been at the prospect of attending a Shelby wedding. Oh, Arthur was going to explode at the sight of the Jewish gangster sat in all his finery. That, and when he saw the huge gift he had been promising her for weeks now.  
She couldn’t wait.  
“True. Well, traditional or not, I’m so grateful for the life we have, Dad. I’ll never be able to tell you how grateful I am that you were the person who showed up at that graveyard,” she confessed. “There’s no one else in the whole world I want to be my side tomorrow. You’ll still walk me down the aisle, right?”
Tommy beamed. “How can you ask that, Evelyn Shelby? I’ve always been right beside you and tomorrow is no different. Wild horses couldn’t stop me.” 
“Thank you.”
“Don’t thank me,” Tommy whispered, “simply enjoy yourself and let me and the others take care of the rest. That’s all the thanks we need… and maybe call once in a while, just so I know you’re alright.”
Evie laughed, knowing she would probably still end up here most of the time anyway after she was married. But she agreed, pleased to put his mind at rest as well as he’d put her own. “I really do love you, Dad.” 
“And I love you too, Evie. Always.” 
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Magic and Miracles and BEYOND Chapter 15
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Woooo! Behold, the reignition of Magic and Miracles and BEYOND.
So, in case anyone was wondering, why yes, yes this does come from personal experience. Being in a high speed car accident SUCKS. Being careflighted from the scene and having all your clothes cut off of you, SUCKS. Having a tube crammed down your throat and being put on a breathing machine SUPER SUCKS especially when your brain wakes up and you're screaming at your body to breathe AND IT WON'T FUCKING LISTEN, SSSSUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCKKKKSSS. Having your mother, who you love dearly and your world would fall apart if anything ever happened to her be in the passenger seat with you in said accident OH MY GOD, IT SUPER DUPER SUCKS and she was just as scared and freaked out about me as I was about her. And yes my mother's ribs were broken and it took her forever to recover. Because usually if your arm is broken, you put it into a cast and you don't use it or touch it, it's fine. But your RIBS? You need to breathe! Constantly. There is no putting it into a cast and not moving, you need them to move so you can keep breathing! And it FUCKING HURTS.
Also, there is a nod to canon FFXV Kingsglaive in this too.
@the-immortal-marshal this is for you. This is your chapter. If you had not shown me the ways of the angst and I had not gone through what I have, this chapter may have never been written because I couldn't write it from experience. So, to balance all of the previous sweetness, here is- the angst, the hurt, the sorrow, the fear, the terror, the anguish and all of the wonderful- put your stomach in a knot anxiety. Enjoy.
Magic and Miracles and Beyond
Chapter 15
Two weeks later-
“Ok, we’re on our way to pick up Grandma Edie and then we’ll meet you there ok? Love you, bye.” Selena informed Ravus as she and her mom Sabrina were on their way to pick up Edith to take them to the florist to pick out flowers for Selena’s wedding and just as they were about to go through an intersection for a green light, two cars, a red brand new charger and a brand new black camaro, who had been racing each other, driven by the now graduated William Ronchester, aka Billy, the former captain of Niflheim Academy's football team and one of his former teammates- Chad Frawns, as the cars ran the red light and t-boned them, hitting the passenger side of the car where Selena was sitting and crashed their vehicle into the cars on the other side of them and thus into the cars that were starting to come in from the other side, so that it involved the already ten lanes of traffic, two lanes of traffic plus a turn lane in each direction, in the impact and carnage, Sabrina’s car got crumpled and overturned, pinning Sabrina and Selena between several other cars and upside down.
“Selena!” Ravus yelled into the phone when he heard the crash and her blood curdling scream through the phone and then the call dropped and when Ravus tried calling her back, it went straight to voicemail before he got on the app that showed where they were and rushed to his mom’s office from his own.
“Mom! Selena just crashed!” Ravus boomed as he came into his mother’s office before Sylva’s eyes went wide.
“I have to call you back.” She said into her phone as she quickly got up.
“Where? Where did Selena crash?” Sylva asked.
“At Kilgore and Stadium.” Ravus answered as his heart was pounding in his ears.
“Ok, ok, get down to the emergency room, I’ll dispatch an ambulance.” Sylva assured her son as she hit the speed dial on her phone and did just that as Ravus nodded and turned and hurried out and called Gladio.
“Please tell me you are out on patrol.” Ravus pleaded with Gladio.
“Yeah, why?”
“How close are you to Kilgore and Stadium, Selena just wrecked, she’s with her mom.” Ravus answered as he practically willed the elevator to get to the ground level as fast as it could.
“We can be there in about seven minutes.” Gladio told him.
“Dad, Selena and her mom just wrecked. We got to go make sure they’re ok. Kilgore and Stadium.” Gladio repeated to his father.
“On it.” Clarus nodded and put the sirens on and just then, a call came in about the crash over the radio before other first responders got called in as Sylva quickly got rooms ordered and readied for Selena and her mom and whoever else was in the crash as Ravus called Dorian. “Dorian, Selena and Sabrina just crashed.” Ravus informed his soon to be father in law.
“I know, I just got the call from Sabrina, they got t-boned, two knuckleheads were racing each other and ran the red light. They’re alive, I don’t know how ok they are though. I’m on my way there now, call Nyx for me, I gotta drive.” Dorian requested as he hastily left work to go there.
“Will do.” Ravus answered before he called Nyx.
“Nyx, your mom and your sister just got into a car accident. Your dad said he got off the phone with your mom so they’re both alive, I just don’t know how hurt they are.” Ravus informed Nyx.
“Where?” Nyx asked.
“Stadium and Kilgore.” Ravus answered.
“I can be there in five.” Nyx said since that was closest to his work.
“Stacy! My mom and Selena were in a car accident, I gotta go!” Nyx hollered as he literally dropped what he was doing and made a run for the back door as Libertus picked up the dishes Nyx was about to finish before Nyx had dropped them and finished them and put them out before he quickly called Crowe to let her know what had happened since it was her day off.
Ravus finally got down to the ER and logged in to see which room Selena would be going into as he could see that his mom had already registered her to a room before he heard the code, it was an accident that involved several vehicles, one was overturned and first responders were on scene as many others were rushing in as dozens of ambulances were sent into the scene.
Ravus knew from the descriptions that the red overturned vehicle- was Sabrina’s before Sylva appeared in the ER only a few moments after Ravus did as she walked them to the nurses’ station.
“Sabrina’s car is overturned.” Ravus revealed to her as Luche came only a moment later.
“I’m so sorry Rae, hopefully they’re both ok.” Luche offered as Sylva nodded as she gently moved Ravus from the computer as she quickly got in there and made more arrangements in the computer and Ravus was too sick with fright to take notice of what was happening as Luche just put his arm around Ravus’ shoulder in an effort to comfort him. Remembering how sick with worry he was when Ada had been kidnapped before Sylva put them into the room Selena would be going into to get out of the nurse’s and doctor’s way in the nurses station.
Meanwhile Tredd had suited up and came with the other firefighters to the scene since his firehouse was only a few minutes away and his stomach dropped when he recognized Sabrina’s car and he was the first one off the truck as he ran as fast as his legs could carry him over to Sabrina’s car and recognized Sabrina as the airbags were deflating and hanging down as he cut them out so he could see them easier as Selena had passed out, her limbs had gone limp as her right arm hung down, clearly broken and mangled as her left arm hung as well while her legs were pinned inside the crumpled footwell, her promise ring and engagement rings sliding off her fingers and dropping to the broken glass that covered the mangled ceiling of the car as blood started dripping from all of Selena’s right side since she was the passenger seat.
“Get her out, get her out!” Sabrina screamed as she tried to reach over to touch Selena’s left arm to make sure she was still alive because upon impact, Selena had instantly screamed and when the car came to a stop, Selena had lost her phone in the wreck but Sabrina’s was still in it’s holder on the crumpled dash which allowed Sabrina to call Dorian but after that first scream, Selena went deathly quiet and Sabrina had feared for the worst and was screaming her head off for help. Tredd cut Sabrina out of the car and with herculean strength pulled her out and into the arms of the other EMT’s who had come to her aid before other’s came as Tredd crawled into the space where Sabrina had been to get to Selena.
“Selena!” Tredd yelled, hoping to get a response.
“Jaws of life! I need the jaws of life!” Tredd called as he tried to make sure she was still alive and felt some relief when she was at least breathing and had a pulse but he could see the blood seeping into her clothes as Selena's body simply hung there from the seatbelt.
“Come on Selena, you gotta stay with me, come on baby girl, pull through.” Tredd tried to coach as his fellow firefighters came with the jaws of life and crowbars to untangle the crumpled door and side panels to get her out as Sabrina was loaded into an ambulance and immediately taken to the hospital as Tredd held Selena's neck in place and kept his fingers on thumbs on her pulse to make sure her heart was still beating.
“The car is starting to smoke! It’s gonna catch fire! We gotta get her out!” His captain hollered as the others worked on breaking her out and what felt like hours but was in reality only minutes- they got the door and body panel off before Tredd let go of her neck as an EMT secured it with a C-collar and flipped onto his back to catch Selena once her seatbelt was cut as paramedics and Gladio came over to help get her out of the carnage and onto a stretcher before she was rushed to another waiting ambulance as Tredd had rolled over and noticed her rings and quickly picked them up and pocketed them and got out of there just as the car then caught fire just as Nyx ran to the scene.
“Selena!” Nyx hollered as he ran towards them.
“That’s her brother, let him through.” Gladio and Tredd told the paramedics who let him approach.
“Selena?” Nyx asked as he grabbed her hand and squeezed but she didn’t squeeze back as Selena was strapped into the stretcher.
“She’s not responsive, I got a pulse and breathing but it’s shallow and awfully quick and she’s unconscious.” Tredd reported to the EMT’s as Gladio, Clarus and him ran with the stretcher and EMT”s.
“And these came off of her.” Tredd said as he gave Nyx the rings as Nyx simply grabbed them and put them into his own pocket before he got in the ambulence with Selena as Dorian had already gotten into Sabrina's ambulence with her as Libertus got off work and drove Crowe to the scene to pick up Nyx's truck and take it to the hospital.
“We’ll clear a path.” Clarus offered as he and Gladio left with Selena’s ambulance as the others who had come and gotten their charges from the accidents as Tredd then took care of putting Sabrina’s car fire out before he tried to salvage what he could from it, like their purses and other personal affects and sent them with Crowe and Libertus who came shortly after Selena left as Tredd told them what he found when he got there before he got called back to help with the others who had gotten invovled in the crash.
Meanwhile on the way to the hospital, Gladio called Ravus back.
“Ok, Tredd got to them first, he got Sabrina out of the car and helped pry Selena out of it. The fire department had to use the jaws of life to get her out before the car caught fire. Ravus, she’s...she’s not responsive. She’s barely breathing and has a weak pulse and she’s bleeding, a lot, Nyx is following us to the hospital. Right now we’re leading the way to you.” Gladio gravely informed him as his own tears flooded his vision as emotion choked his voice, never wanting to find his friends like this.
Ravus simply closed his eyes and winced as tears continued to stream down his face as his heart dropped and gut knotted up anxiously as he sat down in the room that Selena would be taken to once she got there as Sylva was still orchestrating all the surgery rooms if there needed to be any surgery for Sabrina or Selena as she also pulled all available nurses into the E.R. because she needed all hands on deck for the sudden influx of patients.
Sabrina was brought in first as her clothes were cut off of her as she was checked over before Sylva managed to squeeze into the room as Sabrina answered the nurses and doctor’s questions as best she could as they checked her over.
“Has anyone heard anything about my daughter? She was with me in the crash, she wasn’t responsive when I left.” Sabrina asked as tears streamed down her cheeks from inside the C-collar neck brace.
“Sabrina, she’s on her way here, Tredd pulled her out of that wreckage himself, she’s alive, she’s coming straight here, right now, just focus on your own recovery. I swear on my life we will do whatever it takes to make sure she’ll pull through.” Sylva offered as she came into view from Sabrina’s head and held her hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze.
“Thank you Sylva.” Sabrina thanked her before a roar of medics barking codes at the nurses was heard. “That’s her, I gotta go.” Sylva said as she quickly slipped out of receiving room into the others and simply stood on the wall and listened closely and watched as Selena was also cut out of her clothes, quickly intubated and rushed into a CT scan as she followed and Sylva’s heart was in her throat when she saw the blood pooling into Selena’s brain and had to cover her mouth to keep herself from crying out as Selena was then rushed into surgery as Sylva herself got prepped for surgery too and made sure she had multiple teams working on Selena as Sylva was silently praying like her life depended on for Selena to pull through as she did her best to kick into doctor mode since she had more than enough adrenaline pumping through her body and mind to do so.
Crowe and Libertus came and gave Ravus Selena's purse before going to Dorian to deliver his wife's purse as well as her phone that had been on the dash before they returned to Selena's room as they, Luche, Ravus, Nyx and Luna all crowded around the computer in Selena’s room as Ravus cradled Selena’s bloodied and scratched and damaged rings in his hands as Selena's purse was between his feet as Nyx had handed them to him before Pelna, Yasmine and Stella came rushing in, Yasmine, putting her own medical coat on since she was in the doctorate program already as she, Luna and Stella poured over the medical jargon.
“I got a call from Pashmina who heard from Gladio that Selena’s in the OR.” Yasmine explained before she got around to the computer to see everything.
“Fuck!” Yasmine cursed as she read through it.
“Everyone start praying, Selena will need a miracle. She has a brain bleed, but they're trying to relieve it by going in through her arteries and pulling the blood out that way, instead of cutting her head open, a brain bleed that means blood is rushing into her skull and putting pressure on the brain, if they don’t relieve the pressure, either artillary or otherwise, she’ll either be a vegetable or could very well die. Her seventh through twelfth ribs broke and they punctured her lungs and her liver, that’s why she can’t hardly breathe and she’s inundated and she’s bleeding internally because of the punctured liver and the broken ribs punctured her side, so she’s bleeding externally and internally. But good news is her spine doesn’t seem to be damaged, so far, so yay on the paraplegia and possible quadrapalegic, we’re still waiting to see if her legs are broken or not but her right forearm is definitely broken in two places, both the radius and the ulna, compound fractures but her top priority is that brain bleed and punctured liver and lungs.” Yasmine offered as the rest of them simply wept and prayed because there was nothing else for them to do.
Selena was having the most peculiar dream, she was on a beach as she saw a really blonde guy painting a picture as two little blonde kids played in the sand, making a sandcastle with their mom but they either didn’t see her or were ignoring her.
“Selena,” the guy called her over as he smiled and waived her over. He looked familiar. Almost like a cross between Ravus and his uncle Vincent.
“Well hello there, it’s a pleasure to meet you, sit and rest a while.” He invited as he gestured to the sunchair next to him in the sheltered cabana after they shook hands.
“Your artwork is beautiful.” She praised as she saw it.
“Why thank you, no matter how many times I’ve repainted this picture, it’s never quite perfect.” He mused as he looked from the picture to the scene he was trying to paint.
“Repainted it?” Selena felt compelled to ask.
“Yup. I’ve repainted this picture many times, in more styles than I can count. But I always come back to this one, trying to make it look as real as I can, like a photograph. Like Paul Cezanne, painting his favorite mountain over and over again, trying to get it perfect.” He mused with a soft chuckle.
“Why this one?” Selena asked.
“Because this is one of my favorite memories. Ravus and Lunafreya aren’t arguing or fighting over anything, they’re getting along wonderfully. Sylva is happy and fully immersed into motherhood, the one thing she feels in her heart she was meant to do but her body wouldn’t agree. And she isn’t being pulled in a thousand and one directions, by her work, by her parents, or anything else. She’s simply present and enjoying the moment without having to always figure out and plan for the future. She always looks so young and her energy is equally so, but her soul is quite old, all the worry taxes her quite a bit. But she’ll always be my ray of sunshine.” He praised as he watched his family fondly, trying to make sure he got the hue of their blond hair just right as he mixed white with yellow with a pinch of gold and tan.
“Ravus and Lunafreya?” Selena repeated as she looked from the painting to the little kids and looked closer at them as she tilted her head and recognized them as children.
Suddenly her body felt really warm like it was getting sunburnt as the air got super hot and it was hard to breathe before the cabana stretched over both of them even more as the warmth and burning abated and it felt easier to breathe before pain started to seep into her body as she started to rock and clutch her middle like she had been kicked by a horse or something. Selena wanted to scream but she couldn’t.
“Selena, just breathe, just focus on my voice and the sound of the ocean, it’ll be ok.” He urged before the pain started to slip away again as she felt her body relax again before she noticed a strange bird nearby- chirping a beeping sound. It was kind of annoying but Selena was just grateful she wasn’t in so much pain now.
“Here, now you try.” He insisted as he handed her a canvas as a easel seemed to appear out of nowhere before helping her set up her own palette, sharing all of his paints and getting her set up before she started painting her own picture of them but one moment she could see Sylva, Ravus and Lunafreya as she looked from them to the canvas and, the next when she looked up, she could see Ravus only as an adult now, as he helped three kids build a sandcastle, two little girls, both as blonde and fair as he was, the eldest girl was only 5 or six, the other was only two, then a little boy, who looked to be about 4. He had her darker complexion and brown hair and was just darling as he was carefully sorting through all the seashells, organizing them according to size and kind while the youngest was simply squishing the soft sand between her chubby little fingers over and over again and giggling at the texture while the oldest worked most diligently with Ravus about setting up the base of the sandcastle as she pushed the sand into the bucket and drenching it and making sure the sand was dense and as solid as it could be before she dumped it very carefully where Ravus had directed to her as Selena just watched on happily before she felt a strange yet familiar weight in her abdomen as she laid back into the sunchair and noticed she was pregnant and watched as her feet were impossibly swollen as she simply resigned to enjoy the scene as she sipped on a refreshing but non alcoholic drink as she watched Ravus under his own big umbrella to shield himself and the kids from the scorching sun as it was now the artist in her cabana, the art supplies and canvases now long gone.
“Now, isn’t that a sight you wish you could make last forever?” The artist asked her as he watched the scene with happiness, pride and fondness with a bittersweetness in his eyes.
“Yes.” Selena answered happily.
“Now all you have to do is hang on, just hold onto life as hard as you can. Pain is coming, but you can endure it. If only to enjoy this. You’ll get there, you just got to endure the pain.” He advised her as Selena once again felt pain wrack her body and it felt like she couldn’t hardly breathe.
“Wait for the air, it’ll come, remember, three taps, they mean “I love you”, three squeezes, you can do it, three squeezes.” He urged her as he turned to her and held her left hand and squeezed three times before Selena mirrored the motion as air finally got pushed into her lungs as she breathed in as deep as she could before it was gone again, like it was being sucked out of her a moment later.
“Just wait, it’ll come right back. Just keep your eyes on them, just focus on them , your family, they're worth living and surviving for. The air will come. Just hold onto them. Don’t lose your focus. You have to get through the nightmare before you can make this dream a reality. You can do it Selena, I have faith in you, I’m so proud of you and I am so grateful and thankful for you to come into my family’s lives, you’ll be ok, it’s not time for you to leave them yet, not for a good, long while. Remember, I love you- three squeezes, one, two, three, three taps, one- two- three.” He insisted as he did it again as she did it back.
“Just don’t let go.” He repeated before Selena could hear yelling and machines and the beach started to fade to black as she tried to hold onto him.
“Selena, come on, pull through. You can do it.” The artist’s voice morphed into Sylva’s voice.
Sylva had been talking to Selena, begging her to pull through as she held Selena’s hand as she watched her face before Selena’s hand squeezed her hand back in a pattern of threes as Sylva’s eyes went wide as tears continued to flood her vision as a hopeful smile soon threatened to bloom as Sylva squeezed back three times, like all the times she and Victor would squeeze and tap each other in their way to say ‘I love you’ back when they first met and because Sylva had never heard ‘I love you’ spoken to her often, she had a hard time saying the words so Victor and her worked out that three squeezes, three taps, meant “I love you”. She knew Ravus knew about this, she just felt that he must have told her about this as she hopefully returned the three squeezes before Selena did it back again, over and over again back and forth.
“Atta girl Selena! You’re doing great! We’re almost done, hang on! Just hang on a little longer. You can do it!” Sylva encouraged as she kept squeezing back three times as much as she could.
“Just keep squeezing my hand, let me know you’re still there Sweetheart, listen to my voice, you’re on a breathing machine, just wait for the machine Darling, the air will come.” Sylva coached as she noticed Selena struggle to breathe on the monitors as Sylva and Selena just kept squeezing back and forth as Sylva cried tears of happiness and relief that Selena wasn’t lost mentally. Everything else could be fixed as the doctors were setting her right arm back into place as the surgeons were stitching up her sides from setting her ribs back into place and fixing her punctured liver and lung as it was a miracle that her legs were not also broken. She was almost done with surgery and Sylva had been praying the whole time for Selena to pull through and it seems her prayers had been answered.
Once the surgeries were done, Sylva noticed Selena was crying from her eyes and when she was unplugged from the breathing machine, she started gasping for air, trying to catch her breath.
“She’s breathing on her own, just let her catch her breath.” Sylva ordered.
“We’re done Selena, the surgery is done, we’re going to the room now.” Sylva told Selena as she kept a firm hold of her hand and wouldn’t let go as they kept squeezing three times back and forth.
Selena was brought back to her ICU room in the Emergency room where Ravus and Luna and everyone else was eagerly awaiting them.
“She’s ok, she’s tapping!” Sylva announced happily through her own tears when she saw them as Selena was put into place in the room.
“Tapping?” Ravus and everyone else repeated.
“Ravus you did so good by telling Selena about the tapping and squeezing in threes to say ‘I love you’ the way your father and I used to all the time when you were growing up, Selena was able to squeeze that over and over and over throughout the surgery. She’s there, we didn’t lose her. She’ll be ok.” Sylva announced as Ravus just stared at his mother in confused shock.
“Mom...I never told her about that…” Ravus confessed as Sylva let go of Selena’s hand so that Ravus could hold her hand so Sylva could get changed out of the special operating room scrubs before Selena grasped Ravus’ hand and squeezed three times before he squeezed back in kind before he completely broke down in tears by the bed as they kept doing that back and forth.
“Well then did you?” Sylva turned to Luna who shook her head no.
“I completely forgot about it, I never told her either.” Luna professed as she looked to Nyx.
“I’ve never heard of it either. Dad?” Nyx turned to his dad as everyone else looked at each other in surprise but everyone was at a loss because they had never heard of that kind of thing either.
“No, we don’t have anything like that in our family either.” Dorian shook his head no.
“But she’s squeezing it over and over like her life depends on it.” Ravus confessed before he let Dorian feel it and return it then Nyx got to then Luna got to also, all of them crying tears of happiness to feel it though.
“Maybe she’s trying to say ‘I’m still here’. Three words, ‘I’m still here’.” Regis offered.
“Oh, maybe.” Sylva allowed as she frowned.
“Selena, can you open your eyes?” Dorian asked as he reached out and wiped the tears from her eyes from the other side of her but all Selena did was scrunch her eyes shut as she continued in her labored breathing. It hurt so bad to breathe but her lungs and her body were screaming for air.
“Hey, it’s a response.” Sylva allowed as Ravus got Selena’s hand again and squeezed three times again as Selena’s toes then started tapping together like she was standing up and tapping her foot, three times.
“Yay! Her legs still work!” Dorian cheered.
“And it’s still in threes, ‘I’m still here’.” Regis insisted as he clasped Ravus’ shoulder because Regis had surprisingly been the one to offer the most comfort and support to Ravus through all of this because Regis had been through the same thing several years earlier before Dorian left to tell Sabrina the news that Selena was ok, and asked if Sabrina knew about the tapping or squeezing three times thing and Sabrina as well as everyone else was also at a loss to explain it but Sabrina was relieved to know that she had not lost her daughter and was grateful Selena made it through surgery and was still alive as she was in the next room over as her parents and siblings had come to the hospital and were currently in her room and none of them could come up with a solution either before Selena stopped squeezing and instead tried to sit up before Ravus and Sylva gently tried to push her back down.
“Selena, you’ve been in a really bad car accident, you’re in a neck brace and we need to keep you as flat as we can to make sure your spine is ok. Your right arm is broken and in a cast right now which is why you can’t move it. You also broke some ribs, they hit your lungs and your liver so that’s why your right side probably hurts as bad as it does and we had to intubate you because your ribs hit your lungs, that’s why you can’t talk. But we’re so happy that you’re alive.” Sylva informed her as Selena tried to chew on the tube itself before she got a good bite on it and just kept crying but she was able to lift her left hand as everyone turned their attention to her hand as she held up her index finger to indicate 1 then made a fist.
“One squeeze?” Ravus asked as Selena signed ‘yes’.
“One squeeze means yes?” Ravus asked as Selena signed yes again before she then held up her index and middle finger to indicate two then made a motion of two squeezes and signed in ASL ‘no’.
“Two squeezes say no?” Ravus continued before Selena signed yes again as she felt the strength in her arm start to zap but she needed to get this last bit across if it was the last thing she could do. So then she held up three fingers and slowly spelled ‘I L U’.
“Three means I love you?” Ravus asked as he smiled through his tears before he wiped his falling tears off her face before Selena reached for his hand before she found it and gave one squeeze and then three more squeezes before she gave him a pained smile.
“So it does mean I love you!” Sylva beamed.
“Are you in pain?” Ravus asked and he got one squeeze.
“How much more pain killers can we give her?” Ravus asked as Sylva came over to check Selena’s eyes for a concussion and saw the signs of a small one.
“Her left pupil is larger than her right which is a sign of a concussion.” Sylva realized before she lowered the lights in the room so that they weren’t blinding Selena before she ordered more pain meds before she went and got them herself from the ER pharmacy and came back and administered them herself as Selena took a deep, and steadier breath and began to breathe easier before she squeezed Ravus’ hand four times.
“Is four times ‘thank you’?” Ravus guessed before Selena squeezed one more time as a ghost of a smile spread on her face as she tried to blink away her own tears before she signed ‘mom’.
“Your mom is ok, she’s banged up but not nearly as bad as you Sweetie, she’s in the next room.” Dorian answered before Selena signed ‘ok’.
“Thank the heavens for ASL.” Luna murmured as she wiped her relieved tears from her own eyes as she and Nyx held each other tightly as Gladio and everyone else nodded and murmured their agreement to that before the surgeons made back into the room and gave the family updates on what they found and what they did and about how long it would take for her to heal as Selena raised her hand and pointed to the tube and made a motion to pull it out over and over again.
“How about we move her to a room and make sure she stays stabilized and then we get the tube out.” The surgeons advised.
“On it.” Sylva answered before she had the nurses help get Selena prepped for moving as Sylva also ordered for Sabrina to moved to a room too before they all followed Sylva who moved Selena’s bed herself to the elevators and up to the VIP rooms of the hospital before in a few moments, Sabrina was moved in right next door.
And thankfully once Selena moved and was stabilized and all the results came back that her spine had not been damaged and she could sit up, they sat her up and took off the C- collar and made her comfortable before Sylva helped remove the breathing tube.
“Now, very little, slow sips of water.” Sylva urged as she disposed of the tube as Ravus handed her a little cup of water so Selena could drink some.
“Thank you.” Selena thanked him as she squeezed his other hand three times which brought a little wry grin to his lips as he squeezed back three times. This was going to be their new little thing.
“Tea.” Selena requested as she winced as the way the ice cold water assaulted her throat.
“On it.” Luna practically lept from her spot on a sofa and immediately went to the cafe on that level and got four cups of hot water and two of every kind of tea they had before she came back and listed them off before Selena chose one before Luna got that going for her before Tredd came in since Stella had been texting him updates ever since she had come in with Yasmine, Tredd still in his work uniform and not looking cleaned up at all, but he was clearly still anxious and worried even though he had gotten several texts from everyone about the update throughout the rest of his shift as he was so relieved and grateful that Selena made it through while Billy and Patrick were still downstairs in the ER getting attended to as he handed Selena her phone which had actually been ejected from the car itself upon impact but thanks to it's protective case, which had taken a beating, the phone was still functional.
"Thank you for saving my life." Selena thanked Tredd as the two hugged.
"Are you kidding, the shit Ravus would give me if you had died on my watch? He would harrass me and make me pay- eye for an eye and all that shit. You would haunt me yourself from beyond the grave, I have bad enough karma as it is, I don't need any more." Tredd tried to tease and play off as he wiped his relieved tears from his eyes but his happy and relieved smile still showed how deeply he still cared.
"But you're welcome." Tredd offered lowly.
"But don't you do it ever again, I don't have that much good luck to doll out to just anyone and everyone, you got L-U-C-K-Y, lucky girl." Tredd added as Selena just snorted a laugh because actually laughing would hurt too much as she gave him a grateful and appreciative smile before Luna came over with Selena's tea.
“Thank you.” Selena managed to whisper to Luna with a grateful smile once the tea was given her as she took a sip of it with her left hand since her right was still laying on her in a cast and a sling.
“So we have some updates.” Gladio came back into the room with his dad.
“William Ronchester, aka Billy, the former captain of Niflheim Academy's football team and one of his former teammates- Chad Frawns, who just graduated in May, were the drivers of the cars that smashed into you, they were racing each other and ran the red, we have them on the cameras from the intersection, going at least 80 in a 35.” Gladio reported.
“Fucking Nifs!” Nyx, Luche, Ada, Tredd, Crowe and Libertus all growled as Craig just shook his head and groaned in frustration.
“Of course they were, Chad and Billy were always doing stupid shit like that, it’s always a pissing contest between those two.” Craig offered up.
“So that’s two attempts on the Ulrics by the Niflheim football team, by the same people, by the same, exact fucking people, great.” Luna grumbled angrily as she and Nyx had flashbacks to when that football team was hired to have it out for him.
“But the important part is both of them lived through it. As long as Selena doesn’t get any complications from any of her surgeries, she should make a full recovery.” Sylva consoled.
“Well is it too early to start pressing charges?” Ravus asked as Gladio and Clarus grinned wryly.
“No it’s not.” Clarus answered before he got Selena’s statement to add it to Sabrina’s and once it was clear that Selena was going to be ok, Nyx went back and spent more time with his mom as Dorian had done the same as they hung out as Gladio and Clarus went back downstairs to check up on everyone involved in the wreck as the other officers were at the other hospitals where the other patients had been taken to and finished the rest of their jobs as well as inform Billy’s family as well as Chad’s family of who they hit as Clarus and Gladio saw the color drain from their family’s faces as their eyes go as wide as saucers.
Ravus was adamant that he wasn’t leaving Selena’s side as Luche simply went to Ravus’ office and packed what he could from Ravus’ office so that Ravus would have some of what he needed there before Luche left and he and Ada went to Ravus’ and Selena’s apartment to get what Selena and Ravus would need for staying in the hospital for at least a few weeks and simply got their dogs and brought them to their own yard. Sasha being all too happy to play with her siblings Kona and Kahlua while Bunny simply laid down forlornly.
“Mommy’s ok. I promise, she’ll be home soon.” Luche offered to Bunny as he pet her affectionately as Duchess simply took command of the tallest level of Luche and Ada’s cat tower as Luche pet Duchess affectionately in turn before Ada went through her own tea collection to get what she thought Selena would like and once they were ready they went back to the hospital just as Sylva had ordered dinner for everyone who was left as Selena very slowly ate the soft foods that the hospital prepared for her as Sylva made sure that her pain medication was always given on time so that she wasn’t in too much pain in any one time and was of course administered the best pain medicine available.
When it was late and after everyone but Nyx and Luna went home to rest and Ravus was getting ready for bed himself, Sylva made one last check up to see if Selena needed anything before Selena simply reached out and gave Sylva’s hand three squeezes sleepily but smiled sweetly nonetheless, despite her pain and exhaustion.
“Where did you learn that?” Sylva asked curiously.
“When I was in surgery, I think I was dreaming, or in a coma, or something. I was on a beach. I was in the picture that’s in our living room. Only, it wasn’t finished yet. I saw you playing with Ravus and Luna, only they were little. And..this artist, he looked like he was a cross between Ravus and Vincent, he was painting the picture, he asked me to sit and paint with him. He said that it was his favorite painting, that he had repainted it over and over and over again, trying to get it perfect, trying to make it look as real as a picture. He said it was his favorite memory because Luna and Ravus weren’t fighting and you were there and not being pulled in a thousand directions at once, and that you just got to enjoy the moment with your kids and being a mom. He said that you were an old soul from worrying about everything all the time. But that you were always his ray of sunshine. I think my imagination built Victor. He’s the one who held my hand and told me that pain was coming but that I could endure it. He held my hand and said that three taps and three squeezes meant ‘I love you’ and we just were squeezing it back and forth and then his voice morphed into yours in surgery.” Selena confessed as Sylva, Ravus and Luna were utterly sobbing.
“That’s nothing short of a miracle.” Lunafreya cried as she soaked up her renewed tears.
“I don’t think it was your imagination. I’m pretty sure you met him in the afterlife, he always told me that- that was one picture that he would give anything to redo and repaint over and over again because it was the perfect moment and he wanted it to last forever and he was sure that he could get it perfect eventually.” Sylva revealed as she sobbed before she held Selena.
“We’re so happy you lived and you made it through Darling.” Sylva cried into Selena’s shoulder.
“Ditto, I would have lost my mind if I lost my best friend.” Luna confessed as she hugged Selena next before Nyx came over and hugged her tight before they bid her goodnight and left Ravus and Selena in peace before saying goodnight to Sabrina and Dorian who were in the next room over.
Ravus waited until it was just himself and Selena before he slipped Selena’s rings back on her hands.
“They fell off in the accident. Tredd picked them up and saved them from the wreck.” Ravus told her.
“Only Stella and your mom could have seen the great man underneath the asshole, turns out he was exactly who was needed in that moment, I owe him big.” Selena noted as she looked at her rings affectionately.
“We both do.” Ravus had to admit. “He saved your life today, I never would have thought that he of all people would have been the life saving type.” Ravus admitted.
“But he was a natural wasn’t he? From what Gladio said he saw, Tredd knew exactly what to do and how to do it and do it in the nick of time. Another moment later and I would have been toast, literally. The car caught fire for crying out loud. For as much as Tredd is a pyromaniac, being a firefighter is strangely a perfect fit and he’s a natural.” Selena murmured tiredly, but fondly all the same.
“He told my mom that he wants to become a paramedic too after what happened today.” Ravus informed her.
“He’d be good at that too. Nyx isn’t the only one with a hero complex apparently.” Selena nodded as Ravus nodded his agreement to that too.
“There was something more to my “run in” with your dad though.” Selena said as Ravus sat on the bed next to hers.
“Oh?” Ravus asked.
“When he gave me my own canvas and invited me to paint with him, I looked at the scene of you and Luna and your mom on the beach to the canvas and began filling in where the sea met the sand and when I looked back up, I saw you with not one, or two, but three children, our children while I was pregnant with number four.” Selena revealed as Ravus’ tears came flooding back to his eyes as his smile was heartbreakingly beautiful.
“Really?” Ravus asked.
“Yup, two little girls, the oldest was five or six, the younger girl was only one and a half, maybe two, the middle, was a boy, he must have been only four or so. The girls were just as fair and blonde as you are and so precious and beautiful, the boy took after me and was quite handsome himself. You were all under a big umbrella so none of you would burn, you were all building a sandcastle, the oldest was doing most of the work, gathering all the sand into the various buckets, getting them wet then draining them before turning them over in the right spot, the boy was organizing seashells and the youngest was just squishing the sand between her chubby little hands. Your dad told me that he was grateful and thankful for me becoming a part of your family’s lives and that it wasn’t my time to leave yet and that he was proud, and happy and that- that moment, with you and our kids on the beach- that was going to be my ‘want to last forever’ moment. And that I could get there as long as I held onto life as hard as I could and warned me that the pain was coming, but that I could endure it. I just had to hold on and keep tapping three times, I love you, over and over and he held my hand and we did it back and forth as long as we could before things faded to black and his voice morphed into your mom’s in the surgery room.” Selena revealed as she held Ravus’ hand and squeezed it three times as he returned it over and over again as Ravus knelt down next to the bed with Selena’s left hand in both of his as he pressed his forehead to her hand and continued to cry and mentally offer thanks for the miracle as his faith in God began to flicker back to life.
“Then that’s what will happen. It’s worth waiting for.” Ravus insisted as he lifted his head and kissed her hand as firm as he dared.
“It will be.” Selena repeated as she was fighting sleep.
“Get some sleep, you need it Darling.” Ravus encouraged before Ravus to get into bed himself, reaching out and still grasping her left hand and giving it three little squeezes as she gave three little squeezes back before the two finally fell asleep.
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deja-you · 4 years
angel wings + wedding rings
part three | saint’s have no moderation
m. de lafayette x reader
summary: hercules decides he needs new friends.
word count: 3.8k
masterlist | previous | next
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“So how’s married life? The two of you still in the honeymoon phase?”
You pressed your tongue to the roof of your mouth and considered Hercules’s question. The truth was, you were still in the honeymoon phase. The colony of butterflies in your stomach flapped their wings every morning when Lafayette gave you that grin and the cup of coffee with your preferred modifications. Living with Lafayette was so easy; you had to constantly remind yourself that this wasn’t a real marriage. 
“It’s alright,” you said.
Hercules glanced up at you. “He hasn’t driven you away with his obnoxious habits?”
“What obnoxious habits?”
“Oh, you know, all the corny jokes he likes to tell. Or the eating your leftovers. Or when he reminds you what you should be doing. I was roommates with the man for a while there, trust me, living with him is no picnic,” Hercules said. 
“Huh. He really does do all that stuff, doesn’t he?” You said, thinking it over. 
“Yes. It’s the worst, isn’t it?”
You shrugged. “I don’t know. I find it endearing. I like his jokes. He always orders me food when he eats the last of the leftovers, and when he reminds me of what I should be doing, it shows me he cares.”
Hercules grumbled about something along the lines of “never ordered me food” and crossed his arms. “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” you smiled a little just thinking about it.
“So have you stopped denying the fact that you have romantic feelings for him?” Hercules asked.
You snapped out of your daze and narrowed your eyes at Hercules. “I’m not denying anything, because there are no feelings to deny. We’re friends, I’m doing him a favor. That’s all.”
“You think if you keep denying your feelings they’ll go away?”
“Yeah,” you nodded, then realizing what he said you quickly shook your head at him, narrowing your eyes. “No. Stop trying to make something happen. We’re just friends.”
“Who are married,” Hercules pointed out.
“Yes. Friends who are married. That doesn’t mean anything,” you looked away from him, running your hands up your arms. “Maybe I would have considered dating him before, but we’re married now, it just wouldn’t work.”
“I am not following.”
“Hercules, if we tried to date and it didn’t work out, we would still have to live together for however long until we could respectfully separate. If things ended badly, it would be agony to continue living with him and pretending we’re still in love,” you said. 
There was a pang in your heart at just the thought of it. You wouldn’t let anyone in on this, but there was something about Lafayette that just made you breathe easier. He had such a strong impact on you without even trying, you couldn’t imagine how much he would be able to hurt you if something went wrong. Maybe you had thought about what it would be like to be more than friends with Lafayette, but it just wasn’t worth the risk. 
You took a deep breath in, doing your best to steady your heartbeat. “It’s best for everyone involved if we just stay friends. I don’t want any feelings involved.”
Hercules scoffed but seemed to let the subject go. “Okay. Fine. You’re friends. We’ll pick up this conversation later, you need to get to hair and makeup.”
You pouted. “What? You don’t think I’m pretty enough as I am?”
“Oh, darling, you look like a toad.”
You scowled at him and he quickly held his hands up in surrender, adding, “a very beautiful toad.”
“I’ll have you know, this toad gets paid very well to walk around in underwear all day,” you crossed your arms and gave him a pointed look. 
“Yes, yes, you’re very good at walking. Now walk over to hair and makeup so I don’t have to spend my whole day shooting this commercial,” Hercules sighed. 
You stood and began walking over to where Caroline and Ada were already getting their hair done. Hercules called after you one last time before he went to do last minute checks on the clothes for the shoot. 
“Oh, one more thing? I think Lafayette feels the same way you feel about him.”
You did your best to brush off his words, what did Hercules know, anyway? And if your smile was a little wider during filming that day, you were convinced it had nothing to do with the idea that Lafayette liked you back.
“How was filming today?”
You heard the front door open and knew it was Lafayette without looking up from the puzzle you were working on at the kitchen table. It was nearly 10 p.m., and if you were really Lafayette’s wife, you might’ve been concerned that he hadn’t come home sooner. But you weren’t.
“It was alright. Ran a little longer because Tom Conway couldn’t get his lines right.” You could hear the exhaustion in his voice hidden behind the annoyance.
“He’s not a good actor? Well at least he’s very attractive,” you commented, scanning the pieces for the last piece of the windmill you were putting together. 
Lafayette wore a scowl on his face that you didn’t see walking over to where you were. “I’m attractive and I’m a good actor.”
“Never said you weren’t, sweetheart,” you mumbled. 
He hummed softly, picking up a puzzle piece and placing it between the other pieces. A perfect fit. Lafayette had completed the windmill. You frowned, finally taking your eyes off the puzzle in front of you and looking at your tired husband. 
“I was just about to put that piece in!” You complained.
Lafayette chuckled. “Doubt that. I’ve been watching you look for that piece since I walked in the door. If I know you-- and I do-- I bet you’ve been working on this puzzle for hours. Take a break.”
He was right about that, and you stood from your chair, stretching your arms. “I was just waiting for you to get home.”
Lafayette’s heart stopped momentarily. Had you really been waiting in the kitchen for him to get home? If Lafayette let his guard down for a moment, he might’ve believed you actually cared about him. He pressed his lips together firmly and brought himself back into reality. 
“Were you worried about me, mon ange?” He asked with a cocky smile. 
You made your way into the kitchen and got yourself a cup of water. “Don’t flatter yourself. Was just hoping you’d bring home some dinner.”
He laughed. “Sorry to disappoint. It’s going to have to be leftovers tonight, but tomorrow I’ll take you out for a nice dinner.”
“You mean it?” You turned to grin at him. “It’s the least I deserve.”
“That’s true.” Lafayette joined you in the kitchen, pulling out some food from the fridge and putting it in the microwave. 
You were watching Lafayette thoughtfully as he quietly tapped his feet to the music you had playing while you worked on your puzzle. He must have felt  your gaze on him, because he looked up and met your stare with a soft smile. 
“I love this song,” he told you. 
You recognized Frank Sinatra’s smooth vocals. “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” he nodded and held his hand out to you. “Dance with me.”
“Right here?” You raised an eyebrow.
Lafayette shrugged. “Why not?”
You opened your mouth to tell him why not, but found that you couldn’t come up with any good reason as to why not dance with him in the kitchen. You accepted his outstretched hand and allowed him to pull you close into his embrace. 
Lafayette had never been an expert dancer, you both knew this, but there was something oddly cathartic about swaying back and forth with him barefoot on the hardwood floor. The probing lights of the microwave served as a makeshift disco ball in your private ballroom. 
You had lost track of how long you and Lafayette had been dancing in the kitchen, but at some point the song had ended and the microwave had stopped. And then Lafayette stopped swaying you, and he was just holding you close in his arms. You were letting him. 
His right hand had lifted to gently cup your cheek, his thumb brushing over the soft skin. There was a whisper of your name on his lips, and then he was leaning forward to press his lips to yours. You tensed in his loose grip for a moment before melting into his arms and kissing him back.
For a moment it was bliss. Then bliss ended. 
Too soon, Lafayette pulled away from the kiss. His hands let go of you, dropping to his side, and leaving you feeling cold and empty.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that,” he said quickly. “We can just forget this happened. I... I should go to bed. Goodnight.”
He left before you had the chance to respond to him and shut himself in his room. You stood in the kitchen in shock, abandoned like the puzzle on the table and the food that was quickly getting cold in the microwave. 
Lafayette’s makeup artist deserved a raise.
Somehow Liz had transformed a man who had barely gotten any sleep in the last week into the bright-eyed, glowing skinned heartthrob Hollywood was used to seeing on-screen in the fifteen minutes before filming started. She crossed her arms sternly over her chest when she set down her makeup brush.
“So who or what is it that’s causing you to lose this much sleep? You keep this up and there’ll be no amount of makeup that will cover those bags under your eyes,” she scolded him.
“Just been nervous about getting this role right,” Lafayette lied, “that’s all.”
“Anyone ever told you not to pursue a career in acting?” Liz brought a hand up to cover her mouth, chuckling softly. “Too late for that, isn’t it?”
He only had enough energy to scowl at her. 
“Is it that new wife of yours keeping you up?” Liz asked suggestively. “It’s common for newlyweds not to get a lot of sleep, if y’know what I mean.”
She sent him a cheeky wink, and Lafayette felt his cheeks heat up. 
The truth was that it had been his wife that was making him lose sleep, but not in the way Liz suspected. Lafayette hadn’t been able to sleep well since he kissed you in the kitchen a few nights ago. You had gone along well enough with his suggestion to “forget about” the kiss, but even if you wanted to discuss it, Lafayette didn’t give you much of an opening. 
He had crafted an elaborate schedule to wake up and leave the apartment for work long before he knew you would wake up, and Lafayette made sure not to return home until later at night, chalking it all up to “a horrendous filming schedule.” With his scheme, Lafayette had been successful in avoiding you for the most part, but it also cut into his valuable sleeping time. 
That didn’t mean much to Lafayette, anyway. Sleep was no longer the peaceful rest it had once been. No, now when he closed his eyes, he found that he was haunted with dreams of kissing you again and he would wake up feeling more empty and tired than he had before. 
Lafayette never had to respond to Liz’s suggestive question, because the trailer door was flung open and Hercules invited himself into Lafayette’s space.
“Ah, there you are!” Hercules shut the trailer door behind him as he spotted Lafayette and marched over to where Liz was doing Lafayette’s makeup. 
Lafayette raised an eyebrow. “What are you doing on set?”
Hercules’s eyes left Lafayette’s, acknowledging the presence of Lafayette’s makeup artist for the first time. A smile spread across Hercules’s face as he admired Liz.
“I came to talk to you, but I think my priorities have changed.” Hercules offered his hand to Liz, and although he didn’t need one, he nudged Lafayette, waiting for an introduction.
“Hm? Oh,” Lafayette said, understanding what Hercules wanted. “Liz, this is my best friend, Hercules Mulligan. Hercules, this is my makeup artist, Liz Sanders.”
“Pleasure to meet you, Hercules.” Liz accepted his outstretched hand. 
“The pleasure is all mine.” His voice dripped with charisma and he brought the back of her hand to his lips. 
If he had had an ounce of caffeine that morning, Lafayette would have mercilessly teased his friend for his cliché and outdated flirting techniques. Maybe tomorrow he’d remember to make fun of Hercules; maybe after a good night’s rest. With a quiet sigh, he checked his watch and saw that he needed to be filming soon. 
“As much as I’m enjoying this... this... whatever this is,” Lafayette gestured between Liz and Hercules, “I have to leave to start filming soon. So is there something you came to talk about?”
Hercules begrudgingly tore his eyes away from Liz. “It’s about your wife.”
Lafayette’s heart sunk just a little bit at the mention of you. He nodded once. “Liz, you think you could give us a moment?”
“Course, I’ll see you both later,” she shot a warm smile in Hercules direction, and glanced over at Lafayette once before leaving the trailer. “Hey Lafayette? Try to get some more sleep, okay?”
When Liz was gone, Hercules pulled up a folding chair, sat down, and leaned forward with his elbows resting on his knees. “So you’re not sleeping, huh?”
Lafayette sat back in his own chair and folded his arms over his chest. “It’s nothing, don’t worry about it. So what is it about Y/n that you had to interrupt me at work for?”
“She thinks you’ve been avoiding her.”
“She said that?” Lafayette sucked in a cool breath of air. 
“It’s all she’s been talking to me about. And I’m tired of hearing about you everyday at work. I thought I’d come to the root of my problems. Here we are.” Hercules narrowed his eyes at his friend, trying to read his thoughts. “You’re avoiding your wife and you’re not sleeping. What’s going on with you two?”
Lafayette pressed his lips together firmly, trying to find the words to explain what had happened. He brought one hand up to rub his temple, the other one resting on the arm chair.
“I kissed her.”
A beat of silence.
Hercules’s voice was quiet when he finally spoke. “You kissed her?”
Hercules folded his hands together in his lap and nodded absently. “Let me get this straight. You kissed her, now you’re avoiding her, and you haven’t been sleeping?”
Lafayette opened his mouth to disagree, but then sighed in defeat. “I guess that’s basically it.”
“I need new friends,” came Hercules’s exasperated response. “The both of you are just so clueless sometimes. Laf, tell me, in what world does kissing a girl and then ignoring her sound like a good idea?”
“Well, I su-- this is a hypothetical question, isn’t it?” Lafayette asked. 
“Of course it is. You’re so stupid. Just talk to her. It can’t be worse than whatever it is you’re doing to yourself now.”
Hercules had a point. 
“I know. I know that’s what I should do. But... I think I’ve ruined things with Y/n.” Lafayette’s forehead creased when he frowned.
“Get this through your thick skull. You haven’t ruined things with her. She would’ve left you by now if you had,” Hercules rolled his eyes.
Lafayette briefly chewed on his bottom lip, glancing up at Hercules and shaking his head. “No. You don’t understand. Hercules... I think I’m in love with her. I’m in love with my wife.”
A pause.
“You’re in love with her?” Hercules threw his head back and laughed loudly. “Are you really just figuring this out now? Was it not obvious when you asked her to marry you?”
In truth, Lafayette had figured out he loved her long before they had even shared a kiss. He had fallen in love with your warm smile that greeted him at breakfast in the morning. He had fallen in love with the laughter-filled conversations the two of you shared in his Rolls-Royce. He had fallen in love with the tired look in your eyes when he returned after a long day, and he just knew you had been waiting up for him.
“So you love her,” Hercules shrugged. “What’s the big deal? She’s your wife.”
“But we’re friends.”
“Who are married.”
Lafayette shot Hercules a dirty look. “She doesn’t feel the same way.”
“She does.” Hercules glanced down at his watch and back at Lafayette. “Would you two just talk to each other? I feel like I’m the goddamn United States Postal Service, all these messages I’m having to deliver. Look, I’ve got places to be, but will you just talk to her?”
Lafayette pressed his lips together tightly before responding, “I will try.”
That seemed to be enough for Hercules. He gave Lafayette one last exhausted look before leaving the trailer. 
Despite Hercules’s advice, Lafayette found himself unlocking the door slowly and quietly, hoping the sound wouldn’t alert you to his presence.
It was well past midnight when he returned back to the apartment; an attempt on his part to avoid you once more. It was a skill he had grown adept at, so maybe it was his overconfidence that caused him to finally slip up. 
Lafayette had tactfully closed the door gently behind him so there would be no sound. He took his time to slip off his shoes and put them neatly away. It was when he was tiptoeing over to his room that he made his mistake. In the darkness, Lafayette managed to stub his toe against the corner of the wall, and a slew of loud swear words left his lips. 
In a second, your door swung open and you were out in the hallway, flipping on the lights. You were surprised to find your husband clutching his foot and staring at you with wide eyes. You stifled a chuckle at the scene, leaning against the wall and raising an eyebrow. 
“You keep coming back at all hours of the night, I’ll start thinking my husband’s cheating on me,” you teased him.
The pain in his foot began to subside, and he gave you an easy smile. It was always an easy smile when it came to you. “Didn’t mean to alarm you, mon ange. Just got caught up with work. Wouldn’t ever dream of cheating on you.”
“We’re not really married. It wouldn’t be cheating,” you shrugged, glancing down at your sock-clad feet and missing the small frown on Lafayette’s expression.
“Still. I’m committed to you.”
“You really think you can go a couple years without sleeping with other people?” You scoffed, hands tugging at the hem of the t-shirt you were wearing. 
“I could. I will.”
You looked up at him skeptically, but there was nothing but sincerity in his eyes. God, how you missed those eyes. It had been a few days since you’d really had a conversation with him, and you realized you missed him. You were reminded of why you hadn’t spoken recently, and you cleared your throat.
“You think you could stop avoiding me now?”
Lafayette’s throat tightened around his words. “I... I haven’t been avoiding you.”
“Yes, you have. Things have been off since we kissed, we both know that.”
“Right. Again, I’m sorry about that.”
You shook your head. “Don’t be. I know why you kissed me.”
Suddenly the air in the apartment had thinned and Lafayette was struggling to take a breath. “You do?”
You took a few steps in his direction, nodding. “Yeah. I do.”
“Well do you mind telling me?”
“Since we got married,” you did air quotes around “married” and Lafayette watched you with wide eyes, “neither of us have had a good way of... releasing tension, I suppose.”
His eyebrows shot up.
“And, well, seeing as neither of us is willing to expose our marriage,” you continued, “it makes sense that you would want... well, y’know.”
“Mon ange, I never meant to make you feel uncomfortable. I’m so--”
You held up a hand to silence him. “Stop apologizing. You didn’t make me uncomfortable. It was... It was nice. I enjoyed it.”
He gulped. “You did?”
“Mmhmm. It’s been a while since anyone’s really kissed me like that.” You shrugged before pinning Lafayette with a mysterious gaze. “Anyway, seeing as we’re going to be married for a while, if you ever wanted to do something more than kiss...”
“You’re being serious?”
You were beginning to feel self-conscious. Maybe this wasn’t what he wanted. Maybe you had misread the situation. It was too late to go back now, so you nodded. “Yeah, I’m serious. I understand if you don’t want this, I just thought--”
You paused when you felt one of his arms wrap around your waist, his other hand lifting to cup your cheek. 
“Mon ange, I do want this. I want you.” 
His fingers dipped into your skin and his lips met yours in a scalding kiss. Your hand found the back of his neck, pulling him closer to you. Lafayette pulled your body tightly against his own, moaning softly when your hips found his. You tugged at the fabric of his shirt, and that was enough.
Lafayette’s lips briefly parted from yours, barely long enough to open the door and tug you into his room. You found yourself between the cool covers of his bed below you and Lafayette’s desperate lips above you. One of his hands rested on your lower back, the other entangled in your hair. 
You placed two hands on his chest, pushing him over so you were on top of him. Your hands made quick work of the buttons on his shirt, and you began leaving kisses along his newly exposed skin. You could hear his breathing accelerate when you began to suck on an especially sensitive part of his collarbone, and then his fingers were pulling your face up to look him in the eyes.
“You’re sure about this, mon ange? I don’t want you to regret this tomorrow?” His voice was hoarse. 
You only grinned. “I’m sure about this. This is good, okay? You don’t need to worry about it. We’re friends. No strings attached, yeah?”
Lafayette’s heart stopped in his chest. He wanted to tell you that there were strings attached. He should’ve told you that there were strings attached. All of his heartstrings were attached to your every breath, and you deserved to know that. There was no way just one night with you could be enough. Or two. Or three. Or however many might follow. Nights with you weren’t going to be enough for Lafayette, he wanted your mornings, noons, and evenings.
This was his chance to tell you. You were watching him with those eyes that he had managed to fall in love with, waiting for a response. When it never came, you smiled again and leaned forward to kiss him. 
The words died on his lips when your’s met his. 
tag list:
@nyxie75 @elizard-hamilton @einfachniemand @fans-of-the-damned @riiyy @garlicbreadnotchewable @ohsoverykeri-blog @notebookgirl30 @irrational-bitch-syndrome @3leni @boomfm23 @summerofsnowflakes  @sillyteecup @braidedchallah  @i-know-i-can @checkurwindow @pretty-and-pink-284 @astralaffairs @thecoffeehouse204 @farihafangirls @hamilton-and-hockey @marvel-love-posts @id-do-it-for-free-babe @moosoobi @officiallykuute @ramp-it-u
let me know if you’d like to be added to the taglist :)
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I love your stories with Afile/Shelby Sister. If you wouldn’t mind could you please use prompt 26&40 for them together, feel like it would end up dead cute. Thankyou:)
A/N: Ugh I love this so much. Can Alfie please appear and be my baby daddy? Not trying to be weird lol. Thank you for requesting it! I had a lot of fun writing it
Prompt:26. „Does he know about the baby?“40. “You have his eyes.”
Pairing: Alfie Solomons x Shelby!Reader
Warnings: none; as always I didn’t proofread lol
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You leaned back into the soft cushions of the sofa and felt yourself instantly relax.
A quiet sigh left your lips and you closed your eyes for a moment, savoring the comfort you felt.
“How are my two favorite people in the world today?”
“Tired.”, you answered shifting in your position to allow him to pull you by the waist into a hug.
“Good morning Mr Solomons.” You opened your eyes slightly to look at a smiling but tired Alfie. “Good morning, Mrs Solomons.”, the beardy man grinned, pressing a kiss to your temple.
“Oh, and good morning little Solomons.” His hand moved up from your waist to your belly, caressing the place where a second but smaller heartbeat grew.
You felt your own heartbeat race in excitement, when the baby inside you moved, kicking slightly against your belly as Alfies hand moved over it.
“He loves your voice and touch.”, you murmured, looking up at your husband’s joyful face as he grunted in response.
“How about I’m taking you both out to grab some of your favorite food, eh?” Laying a hand upon Alfies you shook your head. “Did you forget? My family’s coming today.”
He looked confused for a moment, seemingly trying to remember todays date. “Tommy called us a week ago, Alfie. I thought I am the one with pregnancy brain.”
The beardy one snorted. “Yeah, you are. And you’re even more sassy than before.”
You playfully hit him on the shoulder, resulting in Alfie to embrace you even more tightly. “Does he know about the baby?”
Glancing down at your swollen belly, you stroked it, lost in your thoughts. “I haven’t told him. Neither of them. I think my aunt Pol already knew it at the wedding.”
“How so?” You looked at him and shrugged. “Polly just knows it. She’s also always right in predicting the gender.” Alfie lifted his eyebrows gazing at you like you lost your mind.
“You gypsies sometimes scare me with ya magic, eh.”
“Shut up and help me stand up so I can get ready.”, you asked, lifting your arms for Alfie to pull you up.
Three hours later, just as you finished setting the table and smoothed out the red tablecloth the doorbell rang.
Nervousness suddenly started to flood your body. You were able to distract yourself the last hours, cleaning the house and preparing the food.
But now at hearing the doorbell it all came back. You could already imagine how your brothers would react to seeing you and the… physical shape you were in.
You examined the golden wedding band on your left hand, reminding you of the vow you made. Recalling the vow that Alfie made. To always protect and support you.
You were no longer a Shelby by name and the wedding band proved that.
“Ah, the Shelby clan. Come in, come in.” You heard Alfies deep voice sound from the entrance and a few handshakes were exchanged.
Taking a deep breath, you smoothed your dress, walking out of the dining room to greet your family.
“Where’d you leave our sister? Did you already chain her sassy ass to the cellar?”, John asked, earning him a side glance from Polly, just as you walked around the corner.
“He wouldn’t dare chain me anywhere, John boy.”, you hummed, the eyes of your family involuntarily moving from Alfie to your face and to your belly. Silent filled the floor for a moment, everyone trying to process what they were seeing.
“I knew it!” “Oh my god.” Polly and Ada exclaimed at the same time, them and Esme immediately walking towards you to embrace you in a big hug. Your sister cupped your face in her hand, pressing her red colored lips to your temple. “I can’t believe my baby sister is having a baby!”
Arthur stirred uncomfortably in his position, mumbling something incomprehensible, before he congratulated you with a hug. “You better treat my sister and the baby right or else-”
“Something bad might happen.”, John added earning him a scold from Polly.
Finn just murmured how ‘weird’ it was to see you pregnant.
As the majority of the family resettled to the dining room, it was just Tommy and you in the corridor now. Quiet you looked at each other, communicating with just a glance, just like when you were younger.
“I’m happy, Tommy.”, you exclaimed, your right hand supporting your belly.
“Yeah, I can see that.” At his honest answer, you felt the tears well up in your eyes and you extended your arms for Tommy to embrace you. “You look beautiful, sweetheart.”
The following dinner went without any further problems, the awkwardness from the greeting changing to a normal Shelby family dinner atmosphere, filled with spilled wine, laughter and the quarreling of siblings.
“Oh, Polly! You have to predict the baby’s gender!”, Ada suddenly expressed in excitement, your aunt already rolling up her sleeves as she stood to walk around the table to kneel beside you.
You smiled as her hands roamed over your belly, her head turning to study Alfie’s face with a mysterious gleam in her eyes.
“Mhm, I was right. You have his eyes.” Alfie and you looked at each other, your husbands face lightening up as he understood what Polly just said. Ada cheered, already planning how Karl and your son would make perfect play buddies.
“He’s going to be attached to your hip, dear. You should call him Levi.”
Just as Polly said the name, the baby moved, softly kicking against your aunts hand still pressed against your belly.
“I think he likes that.”, you murmured, while the women started to celebrate in honor of the new addition of the Shelby family.
Alfie just took your hand giving it a light squeeze and moving to your belly, whispering to it so only you could hear it.
“Levi Solomons, I promise to always protect you and your beautiful mother. I can’t wait to finally meet you.”
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echoweaver · 3 years
Sims Tag Game
1. Pick a sim of your choice
2. Tell us about them
3. Tag someone else (if you want to!)
I was tagged by @treason-and-plot​. My stories are quite G rated in comparison! Ha! I’m not terribly good at tagging others, though...
I think my favorite sim is still Charles from Generation 4 of the Samples, though he has a lot of competition.
Finding good pictures of him turned out to be harder than I expected. I was just expanding my story to include more characterization at this point, and my screenshot technique was terrible. There is a canonical screenshot of him meditating in front of his green energy windmills, and I CAN’T FIND IT.
So here he is meditating by a pond after playing chess.
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Name: Charles Babbage Sample When is your sim’s birthday? June 19, 2011 3:15AM (Yes I actually made note of the time. Wish I’d kept it up for later births!)
What is your sim’s zodiac sign? Dude, I don’t think there WERE Zodiac signs in the game when he was played. o.O
Marital Status: Married.
Does your sim have any nicknames? No, actually. Just Charles. not Chuck, Charlie, or anything else. He will be very annoyed.
Do they have a job? He runs is own Sim Fu dojo.
Where does your sim live? He started his (un)life in Sunset Valley, but I fell in love with the custom world of Avalon about halfway through and concocted this crazy idea of playing the rest of my legacy in fantasy world of metallic-skinned elves, so they moved. The legacy is still running there.
Who does your sim live with? At the end of his (un)life, he lived with his wife Veronica, a mad scientist/inventor, his adult triplets Forest, Hunter, and Sky, Sky’s wife, and his first grandchild Dylan. Yeah, legacy household. You know how it goes.
What environment did your sims grow up in? Charles was a ghost baby. His mother Zahra was a scientist without the best social skills who fell in love with the household ghost Cycl0n3. Cycl0n3 was called back to the Netherworld shortly after Charles was born, and Zahra remarried a name-dropping, high-rolling cop who didn’t always treat her right. Charles deeply disliked his stepfather, and it didn’t help that they had essentially opposite personalities.
What are your sim’s favorite food? Charles preferred organic vegetables and self-caught fish whenever possible.
What is your sim’s favorite drink? Nectar when he drank, which wasn’t often. He couldn’t have told you which was the fine nectar and which was a supermarket bottle.
What is your sim’s favorite color? Orange. I guess he was so philosophically Green that he  needed some color contrast.
Is your sim introverted or extroverted? Introverted. His wife was so outgoing that he never reached a point of needing MORE social interaction. He had to guard his privacy.
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What is your sims favorite woohoo position? LOL. I find it entertaining that my first reaction is, “Can the guy have some privacy please??” For whatever reason, I’ve preferred to pull the curtain on my sims woohoo lives.
Is your sim a pet person? He adopted a stray cat he named Ghost (ha) late in life, but Pets came out halfway through his life so he didn’t have as much of a chance :)
Does your sim have a best friend? Other than his wife Veronica, he had a childhood best friend Jabari Keaton. Jabari was best man in his wedding, but they grew apart once Charles had kids. Later in life, he became close to Zahn Wu (who was actually Zahn Su of Shan Simla, but I remembered his name wrong so long that I just changed it when I realized). Wu was a major part of Charles’ journey to become a Sim Fu master and helped him establish his dojo.
What was your sim’s favorite school subject? Charles accepted the necessity of attending school, but he always found it an incredibly artificial way to learn. True knowledge was in nature.
Are they planning to go or have they already been to college? Aside from the fact that there was no University then, he wouldn’t have gone anyway.
Does your sim have a favorite TV show: TV is a waste of power, bad for the environment, and an artificial way to entertain yourself when there’s so much beauty outside your door.
Does your sim like books? He reads, but his passion is for physical experiences.
What is your sim’s personal style? Charles personifies Eco Friendly. He was also Disciplined, Loves the Outdoors, and Angler. I’d never had a sim’s traits jump out and smack me with their personality so clearly before. He was a hippie at heart.
(Oh, wait, you meant clothes style?? LOL. Well, hippie goes for that too.)
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Is your sim religious? His mom was an atheist, but his father’s ghostliness definitely left him interested in the spiritual. He dabbled in Buddhism but didn’t like to be labeled.
What kind of music does your sim listen to? Chinese Traditional
What is your sim’s favorite type of weather? All of it. He would fish in the rain. He and Veronica slept outside until a particularly cold winter (and the addition of Seasons) left Veronica literally frozen. After she was revived, she insisted that they go inside for winter at least.
Does your sim have a dream job? He was living his dream of teaching Sim Fu.
Does your sim have any siblings? A half sister Ada Lovelace Sample. She was an Insane Artist who married one of the strippers from Veronica’s bachelorette party. They were fond of each other but had to accept that they deeply did not get each other.
Does your sim get along with their family? He loved his mother but found her strange. He didn’t remember much of his father and hated his stepfather. He was passionate about his marriage, though, and did his  best with his kids.
What is your sims favorite hobby? Fishing and camping. But he doesn’t view them as hobbies. More like his lifestyle.
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What does your sim look for in a romantic partner? He spent half his life searching for a partner who wasn’t creeped out by his ghostly nature. When he met Veronica (a Daredevil) who thought his creepiness was awesome, he fell almost immediately. Thus was born a true opposites-attract romance, but it worked for them. Veronica actually had much more interest in common with his mom Zahra. Veronica and Zahra were part-rivals/part-besties. I guess it’s true that you marry your parents.
What is a flaw your sim has? He has a strong sense of How Things Should Be and can thus be judgemental and rigid with sims who don’t match that vision. In particular, folks who damage the environment have no place in his life.
Does your sim have a greatest achievement? Founding a dojo and becoming the master of a branch of Sim Fu.
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resiheadcanons · 4 years
Headcanon - Marriage proposal and Marriage life to all the main characters (and Becca too please)
Yay, um sorry I did it really late 💔
Ok, I’m imagining this while the guys are in their mature age in the canon, I don’t actually think of them and marriage being that young 🤷🏻‍♀️
I do see her proposing to her s/o, I mean I see her wearing the pants in the relationship lol she’s such a woman. She would propose in a very serious not romantic way, she would just say “you know what? Let’s get married” she wouldn’t be a very present wife tho (her job), when she was younger she didn’t even think about children but now that she’s older, she really want to be a mother but she’s kinda scared of it too, for many reasons. She’s not really romantic, she’s corny in a funny way, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t care, I mean if is someone important in her life, she would literally die for that person (no pun intended). Oh and Barry walked her to the altar.
My man🤭 ok no. Chris in his older self is kinda more of a sweetie pie than when he was the young 25 year old Chris Redfield, so yeah his s/o came in the right time in his life, Chris is an idiot, a very corny and awkward idiot, so it would be really difficult for him to finally propose, he would prepare a whole romantic thingy for the love of his life, he would be so awkward around her/him, he wouldn’t be finding the right words to say it but a little “will you marry me?” Is all. They love each other so much so everything is alright. He’s a very absent husband, but he would make it up with his s/o for all that absence, if his s/o wants children he would want them too, he’s such a good dad and his children adore him, I mean what would you do if your dad is a zombie killer legend?.
Ok I’ve never EVER imagined Claire as a wife before so…yeah here it goes lol.
“Oh god… will you fucking marry me?” She would say in a very drunk way, while looking at her s/o like it was the first time she ever looked at her/him. But she really did mean it, lol so they got married in a big celebration, Chris was crying, so she called him a “pussy” ,they all got angry in the end, finally Leon walked her to the altar because Chris was still crying, she was laughing, but she finally got married. She doesn’t want children, even though everybody thinks otherwise, she actually would want to adopt kids (if her s/o want kids obviously), she’s really lazy that her husband/wife has to drag her out of bed, in their house there’s a little room that she only can enter, and is her painting room (she gets angry if anyone does), in many occasions she would make a painting with her s/o as a model.
When I imagine Leon and marriage, I just see him having like one or maybe two failed marriages, and when he finally founded the special one, never married her/him
Leon is awkward and kinda dumb when he likes someone but when is a longtime relationship he’s a really dorky guy. So yeah he’s in that point of the relationship when they’re so in love with each other and everything feels so familiar, the defects, the flaws. he values the little time, every minute he has with his s/o, because he has learned so much of how life can be at times. about he’s marriage proposal he would be very dorky but he would try to control it, but yeah this person has to be a real special one cause mr kennedy had seen some shit and he’s kina scared to pick the wrong one.  The marriage celebration would be very private maybe a few family here and there but that’s it, As a husband he would be very absent, and he is sorry about it but he always thinks about his s/o during missions, about how much he wants to be there for her/him, when he has free time he would just be sleeping and in bed all day, but his s/o understand it, and he´s such a sleepy cat, if his s/o want children he would be kinda defensive about it (cause he always thinks Sherry is like his only daughter) but maybe in the end he would want to have kids.
Uff… maybe in some very very veeery far future she would marry someone, idk I see this kinda out of character so instead of her I’m gonna do some bonus character in the end lol sorry :(
She would be kinda like Leon, not with the failed marriages lol, but with the subject of being right about her s/o, if this person is the right one to finally give the next step, I don’t see her so much doing the proposal, but she would do it if her s/o is taking too long and she know what he/she wants, she’s very present as a wife, she doesn’t want children at all, she’s the kind of wife that would cheer her s/o up every time, she would talk about work a little too much, she does not cook in the house lol, everybody came to her wedding, even though she didn’t invited them, Leon was there, Carlos was there, Sherry was there, even that Jake guy she didn’t even know.
•BILLY (this was for the Ada one)
He would be so in love, and he would appreciate everything of his s/o, every little thing, he's like falling more in love. His marriage proposal would be like so spontaneous, like he would be looking at his s/o just waking up, and he would ask her/him to marry him. Private wedding, cause of his issues, but he actually don't care if he doesn't have a big celebration, he just wants to marry his s/o. He's literally so romantic, every day with him would be like the first, he is so caring and lovely all the time, he would like to have children one day especially from the love of his life, he's a cool dad, like that cool dad that would laugh if you fall.
(I actually think of Billy and Rebecca marrying some day. But don't mind me lol)
Ok this HC was a little hard to do, but I managed to do it so I hope u liked it 🤷🏻‍♀️.
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flamehairedwritings · 3 years
The Fire In Your Eyes: Chapter Thirty
Characters: Arthur Morgan x Original Female Character
Rating: The whole series will be E, 18+ ONLY for violence, gore, character deaths, animal deaths, parent deaths, swearing, grief, sexual themes and unprotected sex, mentions of miscarriage, hanging.
Summary: Saved by Arthur Morgan when her town is attacked, a young woman’s past comes back to haunt her when she has no choice but to join the Van der Linde Gang.
Some scenes and dialogue have been taken from the game!
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The Fire In Your Eyes Masterlist
Please don’t copy, steal or re-post my work; credit does not count.
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The sky was beautiful, a light blue and a dusky pink in some areas, orange in others.
Ada gazed at the colours, watching the sun slowly set behind the hills far away. All around her, crickets trilled gently and birds whistled softly. It was so still, so peaceful. 
Folding her arms, she rubbed at one of them lightly, looking towards the faint outline of the mountains beyond the hills, Mount Hagen somewhere amongst them.
She hadn’t wanted to die. The moment the bullet had passed through Dutch to her, the numbness had fallen away, crumbled, and she knew she wanted to live. So fiercely she wanted to live, and it was all that had gone round and round in her mind as Arthur had taken her down to Valentine. Coming in and out of consciousness, she’d felt terrifying waves of fear, anger, grief, denial, and, in one moment, she truly thought she had died as finally peace had suddenly washed over her.
A corner of her mouth lifted a little. Morphine would do that.
Somehow, deep in her mind, she’d always known that the final moments on the mountain was what it would come down to; her or Dutch, one way or another. And, once upon a time, she wouldn’t have known what decision he’d have made.
They hadn’t spoken about what had happened since the night before they’d returned home. There seemed to be an unspoken agreement that they wouldn’t, not yet... though she’d had to with Thom, barely an hour after they’d arrived, in fact.
That had been a week ago, and he and Charlotte had left the next day, the former still cold towards her, the latter reluctant and apologetic.
“He just needs time,” her sister-in-law had murmured to her as they’d embraced, her lovely features full of concern for both of the O’Driscoll siblings.
“I know.”
Ada wasn’t angry at him, though, and she certainly didn’t blame him for being so, either.
Mercifully, they’d managed to prevent Millie from catching on to anything that had happened, despite the heated argument. She just thought her mother had caught a cold and bruised her stomach so “gentle hugs for a little while, angel.”
While she couldn’t help but dwell on her brother and his hissed words to her, full of a venom of a former self, there had been some bright moments since then, and not just from Millie making her laugh every day. John had written, telling them he’d wasted no time in asking Abigail to marry him... and she’d said yes. Ada had cried into her morning cup of tea while Arthur had grinned and grinned, reading the words over and over.
The wedding was due to be in a week’s time, and, as a result of her now strained relationship with her brother, Millie would be going with them, something the little girl was very excited about. Ada and Arthur didn’t think they could ever be separated from her again, anyway. Sadie and Charles would be there, too, naturally, and it was nice, having something to look forward to.
She should feel well enough to ride by herself, then, too, even though they’d take the wagon for Millie’s comfort. Her wound was healing, slowly, but healing. The first few days after they’d returned she’d just slept and eaten and drunk and slept, more exhausted than she had known, the argument with Thom having not exactly helped.
And, through it all, Arthur had been... well, Arthur. She’d never loved him more than she did right now. He’d tended to her, looked after Millie and kept her entertained, looked after the animals and had even started drawing up plans for the new stable. She’d catch the way he’d looked at her sometimes, though; sometimes grateful, other times like he was afraid, like he was reliving the days in Valentine, like he’d been reminded once again of how very much human they were.
They would just be brief moments, though, and then he would smile, fear turning to love. She knew he was waiting for a sign of melancholia, too, but none came. She’d learned to not just wait around for the spells or dwell on the possibility of them, knowing that, though they would come, they would also go, as surely as night turned to day, and life would continue on as it always did.
“Well, if that ain’t the prettiest sight in all the land. Sun ain’t bad either.”
Her lips twitched as Arthur pressed a kiss to the top of her head, his arms sliding around her. She leaned back against his chest with a quiet sigh, her hands settling over his.
“How long did it take you to think of that one?”
“‘bout thirty minutes. I’ve been stood by the window just starin’ at you.”
She laughed, the fingers on one hand lacing with his. “Wow, quicker than last time.”
“Yeah, I’m gettin’ there.”
Ada laughed again, and he smiled, pressing another kiss to the top of her head.
“You okay?” he murmured into her hair, and she nodded, tilting her head to lean it back against his shoulder.
“Yeah.” She traced light, absent-minded patterns on the back of his hand with a finger tip, the sky now turning from dusky pink to fiery red. “There’s gonna be good weather tomorrow.”
“Looks so. I was thinkin’ of goin’ out tomorrow, doin’ some huntin’ while Millie is havin’ her lessons with Martha.” His chin rested on her shoulder as he rocked her slightly. “Thought maybe you’d like to join me, if you feel up to it.”
He had to lift his head a little as she turned hers, smiling softly at him. “I’d love to.”
“All righ’. You can hold my coat while I shoot down that Grizzly that’s been spotted, I think I can get ‘im...”
Ada shook her head as she turned in his arms to face him, her lips twitching. “You’re a very funny man.”
His smile was wide, very much pleased with himself. “I know that by how much you laugh.”
“I should stop encouraging you.”
“Oh, you can try, sweetheart, but I see miserable failure...” he murmured, lowering his head towards hers.
And he was right. She couldn’t stop her smile as he captured her lips in a tender kiss, his fingers splaying across her back. Barely moments later, her arms slid up and draped around his neck, her lips moving slowly against his. He teased her for a few moments, his tongue gliding against her mouth, and just as a soft sound came from the back of her throat, he pulled away, one corner of his mouth higher than the other.
“C’mon, there’s still a God damn load of cake left that I am not lettin’ go to waste.”
“You and your insatiable appetite, Mr Morgan.”
He grinned at her as he took her hand, their fingers lacing together. “Oh, I’m insatiable all righ’, Mrs Morgan.”
And she failed again.
Her laugh was carried across their land by the gentle breeze, lifting it through the trees and into the air as she followed her husband into their home.
And life continued on.
The End
  I just wanted to take a few moments to thank each and every one of you for reading this story. I spent about a year planning it and writing the first half, then as lockdown here came in March, I thought why the heck don’t I just start posting it? And here we are, thirty chapters later!! I can’t quite believe I’ve done it, this is the first series I ever started writing and my longest to date.
I want to say a special, huge and just brimming with love thank you to those who have commented. You genuinely kept me going at times and I really can’t thank you enough, you all hold such a special place in my heart.
I’m sorry for making you all wait so long for the final two chapters! I wanted to make sure I was happy with them and that they were the best they could be. I’ve loved living in this world and thinking about Ada and Arthur and I really don’t want it to end... and I’m not quite done yet! I have a short story planned for Thom and Charlotte that will involve Ada and Arthur, their wedding and Millie, and so much more, and maybe some other stories in the future, too...
Thank you so, so much, everyone, I hope you’re all doing okay in these trying times, that you have a lovely day and end of the year, and 2021 brings you all that you hope for.
All the best x
Ghosts of Ourselves — 2021
Comments and reblogs make my day in a way I can’t describe.
Let me know if you’d like to be tagged or untagged in this series!
Tagged: @belfry-bat​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​, @sistasarah-sallysaidso​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​, @ntlmundy​​​​​​​​​​, @monster363​​​​​​​, @cowboisadness​
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