#A lil jig they do when happy
clownsuu · 1 year
Everyone is probably going feral on your... other blog, I came over here to ask, Does Robbie have any hobbies he enjoys? Like I know he does a lot, but is there any activity he will do just because he enjoys doing it?
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What is there out there that he doesn’t love doin? He’s a mischievous lil guy who does all he can to get a crumb of attention smhh. There isn’t really anything specific he does, since his hobbies range VASTLY (a lot of them are crimes) but some of his favorites is eating packaged snacks (preferred with friends but usually alone), causing disturbances of the peace, and doin a lil dance whenever he’s very happy smhh @thelone-copper
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frenziedfireworks · 11 months
Bad Days
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Bad Days with HP Boys!
(Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter)
CW : Mentions of anxiety (Fred), Draco being a lil inept to feelings, Ron being a bully (Draco), cheesy pet names, GN!Reader
Fred Weasley : 
Fred can tell what mood you're in most of the time. If you’re in a really shit mood he will baby you.. If it’s not as bad he will go for jokes and humor instead.
“Babe look at me” “I’m not in the mood Fred” “Just look”
He will blow himself up with some fireworks to prove his point and make you happy (much to your disagreeance) 
He will do anything you need.. ANYTHING. Just ask.
You had laid on the couch with your thoughts for what felt like hours. You still felt as anxious as when you started your ‘calming’ routine. You didn’t know why nothing was working today and everything felt off. Even normal and casual things had become the pinnacle of impossibility. 
“Ahem. Y/N, I would like to welcome you to the one and only show. A secret show just for you!” Your boyfriend bowed, his hands working at lighting sparklers. You watched as he did a silly jig, painting small pictures of hearts with the sparklers. The lights went out and he set the burnt sticks on the counter. Kneeling down to be level with the couch his hand brushed your cheek.
“Did you like my show, bunny?” His lips tickled against yours as he stole more than a few fair shares of kisses. You couldn’t help but grin into him as he attempted to crawl beside you.
“Babe you are too big to fit on that tiny portion of the couch.”
“Watch me.”
George Weasley : 
George picks up on your mood right away. 
He drops anything and everything and drags you to his bed
“The universe was telling me it’s cuddle time” “Is that so”
He will NOT let you out of bed.. Just accept your fate
“Fuck me.” You grunted as you walked into the living room. You had not had the best day at work and it seemed to only get worse. Your coworker had spilled coffee on you and then you got splashed with mud on your small walk back to the house. 
“Well don’t you look ravishing. Mud really suits your eyes, darling.” George snorted as you shrugged off your coat and shoes. You rubbed a hand over your face and sighed. You started walking to your shared bathroom hoping to get rid of the reminder of said shit day. 
“Baby, stop for a minute!” 
You turned ever so slowly to George’s frame which stood tall right behind. You raised an eyebrow.
“Take a shower and then come to bed, yeah? I need to treat you to some signature Weasley cuddles. They’re known to cure anything.” He leaned down to press a quick kiss to your lips and winked, leaving you alone to your thoughts. You felt yourself as you smiled just a tiny bit. He was something else.
Draco Malfoy : 
“What’s got you all pissy” (He didn’t mean it he swears)
The moment he realizes you are not just being sassy/sarcastic he is chasing you down
“Babe I’m so sorry what’s wrong” 
I feel like Draco has a lot of bad days and knows how it feels so he just sits and listens
He holds your hand/rubs his fingers across your palm.
“I’m sorry darling, you’ll always have me”
You walked out of Potions class absolutely fuming. The audacity of Ron Weasley to purposefully blow up your cauldron and then laugh at you! You had held back a few choice words and hexes, stomping away to be alone. You jumped as you hit something hard and a hand wrapped around your torso.
“Geez, love. Are you mad enough?” Draco smirked and you growled. You smacked your boyfriend's arms away and started sprinting. 
“Wait-Wait! Y/N!” Draco yanked at your shoulder forcing you to come to a halt.
“What in the world is wrong? I didn’t mean that to be rude. I’m sorry.” 
You rolled your eyes. This day just kept getting worse and worse. You knew he didn’t mean any harm but you were already so wound up that it felt like a gate came crashing down.
“Everything! Fucking potions is a mess. Ron decides to blow up my cauldron and Snape gives me a lecture.. I can’t get a fucking break.” You crumbled to the floor as the sobs continued.
“I’m just sick of this, Dray.” 
His hand wrapped around yours, fingers running soothing circles on your skin.
“I know, love. It’ll get better.”
Harry Potter : 
He just raises an eyebrow and takes you outside
“Where are we going Harry?” “Thought you’d like to clear your mind, love”
He just lets you talk for the most part and rubs your back while the two of you walk
Once you get it all out he will give you a little forehead kiss and make sure you’re all better :)) 
“Hey-” Harry startled you, your teary eyes meeting him. It had really not been your day and the last thing you wanted was for your boyfriend to find you like this.
“Harry, I-”
He shushed you, hand wrapping around your wrist to pull you up from your hiding cubby. He rubbed away at the teardrops that stained your cheek and sighed. You could tell he was worried to have found you that way but more concerned on getting you better.
He stepped away and held his arm out for you to take. The two of you fell into step as he led you out the back of the castle and onto the green grass of the highlands. The wind felt nice against your skin and you felt more at peace with Harry’s warmth next to you.
“Thank you. I really needed this.” You murmured and gave the boy a small smile when he met your stare. He gave you a reassuring hug and hummed.
“Anything for you. Come to me next time, okay?”
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forgeofthenine · 5 months
Is it the holiday season, or are you just a genius cause my yearning heart is being well fed by your tiefling headcanons. I hope this ask inspires :)
I’d go feral for some good pining headcanons; what are they like in the gray space between flirting and relationship? Especially if there’s mutual understanding that this might not be the best time (i.e. there may or may not be a mindflayer invasion in progress) and so they hold off on initiating anything, but have to watch as their crush dives headlong into danger? I love imagining ill-timed interruptions punctuated by longing looks.
Alternatively, how good are our darling tiefling bachelors at dancing? Would they learn a jig or two if their SO loved dancing?
Here's a lil' something something for you about pining, Anon. I didn't decide to write a full set of dance headcanons (despite it being on my to do list right from when I started the blog) but I am going to post something similar 👀
What the bachelors are like while pining for you
This man pines so hard
He's touch starved to hell, quite literally, but has no clue about it
Dammon was sure he was fine right up until he met you and was hit with the realisation that he wanted more
The way he shows his affection is also anything but subtle, expect to know right away
It's never the type of affection that makes you feel guilty if you don't return it or makes you feel like you feel pressured
He's very easy going and good at reading people, he slowly increases how much affection he gives you until you both find a comfortable balance
Soon you'll find all your weapons and armour is repaired or replaced to the highest quality
Dammon is overjoyed if you return the same affection, even if you both know dating is off the cards for now
Bring this man some home cooking and he'll want to marry you right then and there
It's a grey area you both find yourself in for quite some time, to the point you both often get asked if you're together
The way he blushes when people ask is absolutely adorable, even more so when he hesitates to correct them
Towards the end you both basically already live together, both slowly easing into a romantic relationship without realising it
Dammon is more than happy once the ilithids are dealt with to make things official, finally not needing to correct people anymore
This man is the king of pining, absolute reigning champion
He knew he was in deep right from the moment he first saw you
It's something he keeps under wraps very well, to the point that you probably won't realise for a while
He tends to sneak peaks at you when you aren't looking, or he comes up with mostly reasonable excuses to come and speak with you
If you call him out on either thing then he'll heavily deny doing any of it, despite the blush on his face giving him away
Even if there wasn't an ilithid invasion happening Zevlor would still be cautiously optimistic about ever having a relationship with you
He's wary of a potential age gap or coming across too strong and scaring you away
A part of him also reminds him that you'd likely want a suitor your own age
The best way to quell those worries is to simply return his advances with some of your own
It could be anything, so long as he thinks you're interested he'll keep up his very subtle flirting
Soon, the two of you are already regularly having meals with each other and finding ways to spend hours together
Zevlor is absolutely already thinking of the life he'll have with you after this
Rolan is a dick at first, he honestly is so out of touch with his own feelings that he doesn't realise he's into you
He's completely oblivious to anything that isn't directly spelled out for him, including how much he actually enjoys your company
It takes Cal and Lia teasing him relentlessly before he finally comes to terms with it
Once he does it hits him like a brick to the face
And after that, it's like a switch flips
He can barely speak to you now without second-guessing himself or tripping over words
It's enough to make you wonder what's going on until the siblings start teasing you both, much to Rolans embarrassment
He's always quick to shoo them away and apologise but his feelings are already clear
You're both smart people, it's easy to know now isn't the time to start a romantic relationship, but it's harder to listen to reason when your feelings get involved
After weeks of you both tiptoeing around each other, feelings clearly returned, he finally has enough
Rolans the fastest to take action on his pining, impatient and hating the uncertainty
You'll find yourself in Ramaziths Tower and kissing the tiefling that runs it in no time
Rolan is quick to pull you into him, kissing you passionately before making you promise you'll stay safe
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Quick doodle of tim because he’s my favorite ghastly, ill, pale white boy and he’s doing a lil jig because I like when he looks happy 🫶
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reegis · 7 months
Oh yeah I tend to go into at least one server to yell "reegis art!!!!!" when you post. I had persephone tim/ashes Hades as my pfp for a while until I needed change and I wasn't the only person with that exact pfp. I've seen other pieces of your art as pfps too
HI I GOT HOME TO LIKE 20+ MESSAGES literally about ppl talking about me in discord servers or group chats etc… i dont think i can reply to all of them bc theres so mAN Y??? but genuinely thank you all??? so much??? im dissolving into a pile of goo as we speak wtf
also seeing my (my????!!!!?) art as people pfp literally makes me do a lil happy jig its so flattering fjfjfjfkgk im
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dittolicous · 2 years
Idk why i just imagine Emmet been like "INGO COME OVER HERE!!! WHAT IS THIS?!?!?!" "HOW THESE JOLTIKS KNOW THIS MOVE?!!? *insert any gliscor attack here" "WHY THIS JOLTIK IS WAY BIGGER THAN THE USUAL SIZE?!" "WHY THERE IS A BABY GLISCOR HERE TOO?!?!?!" "CARE TO EXPLAIN BROTHER?! 8)" hahaha he is not mad or anything is just wondering why his Gliscor is also a lady killer/casanova like his trainer (i am making a reference to that one magazine poll post where Ingo was first place in the most handsome pokemon trainer and Emmet got third place) he is happy tho ultimited size joltiks!!
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Because this is the EXACT dramatic bullshittery playfulness that Emmet will unleash on Ingo. He's not actually mad but it's like 'MY BABY GIRL! HE STOLE HER INNOCENCE! NOW HE MUST MAKE THIS RIGHT AND TAKE HER MANDIBLE IN MARRIAGE. MAKE A PROPER SPIDER-LADY OUT OF HER.' Ingo's losing it trying to make clear replies as he cry laughs over Emmet just going ham on the absolute AUDACITY OF GLISCOR TO BED HIS BEAUTIFUL BABY SPIDER!!!! Turning around tells her she has good taste, that he's proud of her, she's beautiful, she'll be a great mom, spins back around and loses it AGAIN on Gliscor who's just cuddling the babies in blissful ignorance.
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Of course they'll hold a tiny Spider/Bat-scorpion marriage and someone WILL give them a tiny bouquet to throw at Elesa's head as she dies laughing over Spider Marriage. Puts Gliscor in a pet tux which causes him to lose his shit like a cat and *bam* hits the ground in wide-eyed terror, refuses to move as they try to drag him around.
Elesa comes over and is like 'Emmet isn't this a bit much?' as he puts the cutest little veil on Galvantula and gets a room set up and turns to her like 'No, it is not nearly enough. I need a cake!'
Spoiled One and Princess (as the two shinys) are Flower Girls.
Look Gliscor is like, TOTALLY into Galvantula, she's his spider-warrior-goddess in much the same way Lady Sneasler is to the Weaviles. But she's tinier and WILL kick his ass, and they will love every minute of it.
...They're kinda like the Pokemon equivalent of Morticia and Gomez Addams but less macabre. Peppy but equally ready to do horrible gruesome things. Very in love but also like. Will not hold back. Digs it 100%. (Is this a bug thing? MAYBE! At least she didn't eat her mate!)
Once Ingo is actually able to BREATH again (Please Emmet, he can only take so much, his sides hurt), he'll be equally smitten by the lil alpha babies and OOOOO the POSSIBILITIES!!!!! He might not be as breeder-savy as Emmet, but he can spot a good combo when he sees one, and with how strong Galvantula is (like... yknow, outside of the games lol), how will this translate into Alphas? How does it mix with Gliscor? What, indeed, are the possibilities?
Princess will be a beautiful lil monster who will grow up to properly destroy the Battle Subway with a single Earthquake and thus forever earn her place as Ingo's favorite (....okay it's like a 15-way tie, but the point still stands!).
....I like this ship too. XD
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lordoftherazzles · 10 months
Choose your awkward background thorin; doing his lil stamp his feet dance at rivendel, or going to leave them turning back when Bilbo comes over at the overlook
I will always pick Thorin doing his awkward little jig in Rivendell. Hands down. That dwarf deserves to be happy and to show it!
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somewhereinthepines · 5 months
Happy New Year! I hope it has been treating you well so far. I come to you with another ask, possibly the first of the year? Lol.
In an old ask, you said that Chris in GP is more of a creeper (vouyer, etc), and that after what Ryan is gonna do next, what Chris does that is already creepy will no longer be harmless. And it's had me thinking for a long time, like, dang, that is ominous, and what does it mean. I know you're busy with things and invested in other fandoms, which is why I appreciate you still answering my asks about GP. So, ik you don't wanna give it away, so without spoiling what's to come, how is Chris's creepy habits/behaviours gonna evolve?
It's just really interesting to me how you write him, as he's really complex, and us not seeing his perspective this time makes him even more interesting. So it got me wondering how he's gonna be when the jig (well, part of it) is up. I know you said before that he wouldn't feel so threatened by Dylan anymore, and they couldn't be an open/normal couple for reasons. But like...I've just been thinking here, about how different things might be between them once they are both on the same page. How Chris will evolve and Ryan too. Like you said, he isn't rlly as 'good' as he lets Chris believe. I remembered that one au idea you mentioned one time, about Ryan being jealous of Dyan/others that he thinks are Chris's new faves. It got me thinking that maybe Ryan will maybe get comfy admitting a thing or two to Chris. Something tells me he isn't gonna be as shy as he was in ASB, haha.
It got me imagining a scene of them in bed, maybe just waking up, maybe both just laying there, and Ryan could be curled around Chris and just quietly admits that he gets jealous thinking of non-existant competition, lol. Like, the thought of Chris being pursued or shown interest by someone else makes Ryan jealous, and he doesn't like it. GP Chris seems the more likely to accept that info, and maybe feel satisfaction with it? Bcs as you'd said, once Ryan shows him proof that he wants Chris not Dyan, then he's secure bcs Ryan chose him. So it's maybe a lil treat for him, yk since he's been so bothered by Dylan before. It's just a small silly imagine, kinda like one of Ryan's first awkward attempts at pillow talk, haha.
He just puts it out there after a bit, his hand on Chris's chest and all. This is random, but I love that you described Ryan in chap 1 sneaking a look at his chest hair peeking out his shirt. And just admiring him as a whole, knowing that he's being kinda weird about it in his head. Our guy is down bad for real, I love that detail, tho. Man's is obsessed. And I love that even with Chris's hidden nature just under the surface, Ryan is still like 'Yeah, I'm still on board...he's kinda being weird, and it's bothering me a bit...but that's still my man." I'm looking forward to seeing what Ryan does and how that's gonna go down with Chris. I know he's gotta be having a midlife crisis in his office after Ryan's snooping. I'm also loving the wolf patterns peeking through. It's both interesting, thrilling, and creepy to see from him.
I'd say sorry for the long ramble ask, but I think we're past that, lmao. In 2024, I accept my fate of long-winded rambles just being a thing I'll always do, haha.
heya! and a happy new year to you too! i also hope, that it treats you well! as for me, i’m fine! kinda working on things between the jobs and such, haha. and yeah, your ask is the first one! i will take this as a good omen. i love your asks! i honestly think that a detailed review or question is the highest praise and treat an author can get! 
and oh don’t worry, i do love asks about supermassive! and i do love asks about chris/ryan, even if i’m currently invested in other pairs/fandoms. like, how do i say it? i guess, that i mostly just collect all my fav things into one big mental basket, so technically i don’t lose love or interest for them, merely letting them lie there for time being, while i’m playing with some other characters and setups. i guess, i’m kind of person, who if they fall in love with some narratives or elements of certain characters/ships, i just sorta keep returning to them, when i feel a flicker of interest beckoning me back to them. 
but anyways! i’d say, that GP not only explores the darker underbelly of chris’s nature, but it also applies to ryan as well. they’re a perfect match in my head for a reason, haha. i suppose, that everything that i ever shipped can be broken down to the notion of how they can make one another better, but how they also can make one another worse. in GP, chris and ryan are pretty much about to do the latter, haha. but as for chris, specifically, well, he’s still trying to be somewhat decent, but he’s also kind of a man, who's at the end of his rope, so to speak. things don’t go all that great for him, and that one good thing, that he has is just endlessly tempting and ‘messing’ with him (from his perspective). it’s hard for him to not see this as an ‘invitation’ to continue his inappropriate behavior, even if he himself knows that it’s just an excuse. but it’s all the excuse that he needs at this point, really. just not be met with disgust or downright fear. and naturally, since ryan knows no better, he doesn’t view chris’s behavior as smth, that is absolutely hideous and dangerous. nope. ryan just being ryan, so he’s confused and kinda annoyed at worst. it’s basically the same as dangling a piece of fresh meat in front of a hungry wolf, and be surprised, when it snaps its jaw, not even around the piece of meat, but the wrist of a person, who holds it. it doesn’t want the meat, it wants the one who brought the meat, bc they’re a tease. what i’m trying to say, is that while in ASB chris was somewhat alright with taking things slow, and he wanted them slow for ryan’s sake, in GP, he can no longer be satisfied with just some rutting and a kiss or two. considering this, he also won’t be alright with just looking either. and you expect this kind of aggressive pushiness from emma or whoever else, when they were on the verge of becoming a werewolf, but it’s mostly bc of idk, they’re young, i guess. no one there had an esp fucked up backstory or whatever. well, maybe laura, bc she was kept hostage by a man, who was weird toward her, and she got her eye clawed out, but it’s also all low-key her own fault in a way lol. in comparison to all those examples, chris is a man with messed up childhood, messy adulthood, and bunch of uncatered needs (considering we follow my fanon, where he’s pretty much a closeted dude and was this for years). it is scary to picture what his aggression will look like lol. like in private. toward a person he loves and pins for. but who for a change pins back. 
and yeah, part of why GP is ryan-centric, bc it is so much more tense and confusing to not know what chris thinking. he’s a ‘weird’, predatory dude in this, and it surely would have put one more in ease, if they knew what he’s really thinking and why he does what he does. but since the reader shares experience with ryan in this one, there is a lot of that confusion. sure, we know things that ryan doesn’t, but concerning chris himself….well, it’s still a dark spot for everyone. but then again, if we flip the tables, just like in ASB, chris might be just as unsure about wtf ryan is doing or why. and as things progress, i think that he will find himself taken aback by certain stuff, that ryan capable of, bc he’d never suspected him to be anything, but that awkward shy boy, that kinda relies on him for advice. 
considering, the admission of jealousy, i can see chris being surprised by it, bc it never occurred to him, that ryan can even be worried about such a thing. i suppose, inside chris’s own head, ryan being his only ever favorite is just so cemented and natural, that he never pictured anyone else in his place. so if anything, ryan prob be the one more satisfied here, haha. tho if chris admitted, that he was jealous of dylan, ryan would also be like ‘lol why’. he never saw dylan in that light. then yeah, chris be like ‘oh, okay’ and smile, bc it’s nice to know that they’re on the same page. so stupidly committed to one another, that they both wouldn't even notice, if other people showed interest in them. also i picture, that ryan’s pillow talk won’t be much better, than his flirting skills. like, he was that pushy in ASB bc he literally have no idea how to be ‘sneaky’ or graceful about showing someone, that he fancies them. honestly, when i write characters attempting to be seductive, they either got it or they do not. i mean, some people know how to throw a rock at the water and make it do that bouncy thingy, which is pretty smooth and elegant. others would just throw that rock into the water, and create a splash, and that’s pretty much it, haha. maybe, not as impressive, but perhaps, at times more effective. ryan is kinda the latter type. he just does a thing, and chris has to stand there and deal with it. but to be fair, out of all characters who i ever written, ryan doesn’t have the worst flirting skills. or even the worst ways to get attention / get his feelings to be known. in fact, compared to some, he prob a freaking guru at this, haha. 
oh, i’m glad that you liked that lusty bit, haha. i kinda wanted to show right away, that i imagine ryan to be generally into older males, not boys of his own age. like compared to that hairy chest, mainly build and muscle, dylan has nothing to show with his baby features. but considering how ryan is in GP, dylan should count it his blessing, that ryan not interested in him for a few reasons. one of which would have prob gotten him killed. and yeah, ryan is canonically obsessed with chris tbh, i just took it to a new level, haha. if ryan wasn’t all that shaken up by piling up corpses, somehow still insisting, that mister h have nothing to do with it…..well, that guy was already a lost case! now, he’s just like well, yeah, intuitively knows that smth is a ref flag, but still digs it. as for chris, his life just gets harder and harder by day lmao. 
and ah, no problem, honestly! in a way, i always feel better, when someone talks as much as i do, bc i know that it won’t bother them as much. i know some folks be like ‘wow, wall of text, nope’. but i love wall of text! i talk in walls of text and it’s kinda a mystery to me how someone would not do that, esp if they’re passionate or interested in subject. 
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mmollymercury · 2 years
For the ask game, mbti for Julieta (sorry I'm simping hard and I loved the Luisa one :3)
Aww thank you ‼️💖💖💖 I'M SO SORRY IT TOOK ME FOREVER TO GET AROUND TO THIS. I've still got lots of things in my inbox I've been meaning to get to😅😅😅 sorrryyy!
So, I've actually already done all the MBTIs for the triplets, you can see that here🥰🥰
But to compensate, I'll do all the other questions for Juli💗💗
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⚧ - Pronoun hc: she/her🥰
🏳️‍⚧️- Gender hc: cis female.
🏳️‍🌈- Orientation hc: idk,,, never really thought abt it, I guess she can be the token straight,
🌌- zodiac sign hc: Just like Bruno, she's a libra♎💗
🧠- MBTI/Enneagram hc: link💗🥰🥰
❤- OTP hc: Julieta and Agustín give me the strength to carry on😭😭😭
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🧡- Everyone I ship with this character: Agustínnnn😫🥺🥺🥺💗
💛- Brotp: The Madrigal triplets💗💗 also, I imagine her and Félix to have a really good relationship 💫💫 (this is strictly familial love tho, guys😤😤😤)
💚- Notp: basically anything disgusTANG😤😤‼️‼️‼️
💙- Crossover ship: 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
💜- Crossover non-ship relationship I like: idea: her and Tiana. Boom💥
💖- Happy hc: When she's cooking, sometimes she does a lil jig. When her kids were babies, she'd always take a break from cooking to dance with them, the kind were you ballance them on your feet🥺🥺🥺
Agustín is such a gentleman, he always opens the door for Julieta and offers his hand to her when there's a bump in the road, most times; he ends up hurting himself in the process while Juli comes out unscathed.
Agustín's vows were very long, yes they were filled with fluff but mostly because he wrote down nearly every accident he came to Julieta with, with each one, he stated how much deeper in love he fell.
He does a goofy, signature, pure Agustín 'ooo!' plus grin when Juli gets dressed in something special. He'll bob on his feet too, like a happy puppy🥺.
While I imagine Félix and Pepa’s music taste to be mostly upbeat and danceable, Julieta and Agustín's is more mellow and smooth, think 'I'm so happy now' by Willie Wright ❤ perfect for graceful dances like that one animation test🥺🥺
People would question why Julieta would like Agustín, Alma too (briefly) but Julieta was always enamoured by him and liked his honesty and clumsy nature, I'm sure a lot of guys would bother her at her stall with minor or fake injuries just to flirt with her (she just gives off 'preferring more feminine men' vibesss)
When Agustín gets drunk, he sometimes forgets Julieta is his wife and flirts with her, asking her on dates and stuff.
One time, when Agustín went to kiss Julieta’s hand, he completely misjudged his position and kissed his own instead. Julieta laughed 'Ay, Agustín.'
Despite the bees, Agustín still gives Julieta flowers every anniversary. Every anniversary he gets stung.
❤🩹- Angsty hc: I feel like being around food since a very young age, constantly, would give her either a dependence on it, or a repulsion. In Julieta’s case, I think it's a dependence. She eats when she's stressed and also gets the urge to cook if she's upset, because it's the only way she feels useful.
📖- AU I'd like to see them in: modern au, modern au, imagine her on a cooking show like bake off and all the family watching ADSFGHFFFKL-
😋- Funny/stupid hc: she gives Agustín raspberry kisses😙😙😙 and sometimes when she's cooking, she'll draw little pictures in the dough before folding it, then laugh to herself, thinking: 'hehehe, no-one will ever know🤭🤪'
🪞- Appearance hc: she's beauty, she's grace, there's no flaw on her face. Seriously tho, between the triplets, I think she probably started getting grey hairs first. All of their jobs are stressful, don't get me wrong, but I think that Julieta standing all day and being in a hot environment, she's prone to exhaustion and pain. Agustín will help massage out those knots, but it still has a mental effect x
🥖- Food hc: chef's palate, because obviously👌👌🤌🤌🤌 she finds the flavour in everything, just like Camilo! She loves combining flavours and experimenting with a variety of ingredients. She'll know when something is objectively rank-tasting but she's got a food critic palate, a taste for everything! Bruno on the other hand...
She's constantly trying to convert him, let's say that.
🛌- Sleep hc: Contrary to her personality, I think she snores very loudly. Agustín does too tho. Their bedroom is the loudest it's ever been when they sleep lol. Yep, they're those parents.... aka mine😫
🏡- Domestic hc: Best mam. She's the first one up, yep, even before Alma! And she uses this time to make everyone specialised breakfasts. When everyone comes downstairs, all the food is inexplicably the right temperature for them. She greets everyone with a good morning and a 'did you sleep well?'. Also, she still tucks Mirabel into bed💗💗💗
Julieta: goodnight, Te amo mi bebita preciosa!
Mirabel: mam!
🗡- Badass hc- as a teenager, when people would bully her brother, she'd make a patch of rock hard bread to throw at them😈😈😈 she's a protective mam and will be very stern to the parents of the children who hurt them.
❓- Anything else you want: you can't say she wouldn't pull a 'I'll krump with you sweetie!'
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psychopomping · 2 years
me when i see you on my notes:
ZIGGY!!!!! (putting belphie coz he is one of ur fave)
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hello 10/10 i too do a lil happy jig when i see u in my notes! thank you for the belphie, my favorite evil boy. i am doing better ! had a lil health scare, went to the beach but couldn't go in the ocean bc high waves and inability to swim truly tragic. decided on growing out my hair bc i missed dyeing it ! ikaw how r u how r the vibes
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sunlitmcgee · 2 years
If this also helps, I have some funky headcanons for c!Ranboo:
-He knows how to break dance, and when he's enderwalking he does ballet/some alt version of it idk(kinda like this mainly).
-He has one of those block fidget toys. Y'know, like the ones with the buttons and the switches and the lil joysticks and the-
-Purrboo, my beloved.
-He's a got a lil embroidered allium on the inside of his jacket that c!Tommy added.
Bonus c!benchtrio headcanon: c!Tommy likes to sew matching outfits for the _Beloved family but never really tries making himself any. c!Beeduo notice this and try making c!Tommy-sized copies of the outfits but end up failing miserably. Leaving c!Tommy to burst out laughing for 30 minutes when they show up at his door with them before fixing them himself.
Bonus Mikey B headcanon:
He always tugs on c!Tommy's hair whenever he's close enough because he thinks its gold and no one's rlly bothered to correct the lil guy.
autism be DAMNED, my boy can do a funky JIG
/gen thank you for these. I actually have the vid saved into my happy cbench animatic playlist, so it's always nice to see it and see the boyo groove :)
also yes yes tommy is just gold to mikey B. he's gold and he's soft and his hair is like golden fleece that is so warm and smells like strawberries mixed with freshly backed sugar cookies. and yes yes beeduo did try to make him clothes but Ranboo's was so big it looked more like a t-shirt dress and tubbo's was so tight that it didn't even fit. they do not know how to adjust sizes. they are stupid and tommy's darling idiots.
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storytella-bella · 10 months
The Joy of Life Challenge - #19
This is a big one, so buckle up!!
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Before Casper left for work, he started the day with a little jig in the bakery while April prepared some goods.
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During the day, April chilled with her son Aspen. When Casper came back, he put on some Latin tunes and danced away with April!
Then later that evening, when Aspen was put to bed, he couple got a lil.. frisky...
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The next morning, April & Casper set up for Aspen's birthday! It was also Spookyday, so everything was right on theme!
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April & Casper dressed up as pirates for the occasion! Then they helped Aspen blow out his birthday candles, and even Betsy gave him a little "happy bday" snuggle! so cute.
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I then gave Aspen a well-needed makeover, and- hello?!
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WHY IS HE SO CUTE?!?! My child sims usually look bad!! You can also still slightly see his vitiligo!
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He opened his gifts, from his mom, dad and Casper.
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I also gave his room a more child-like look. I imagine that April still dresses him and is still in charge of his room decor, LOL.
I picture him to have a more sleek, moody & modern look/interior design style when he's older, to sort of match his celebrity chef generation theme!
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They then carved some pumpkins together, and ended up visiting the park because Aspen's pirate must've inspired his whim to want to play on the pirate ship.
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Then something really cute happened. April & Casper autonomously went to go play in the fountain.
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Like AHHHHHHHHHHH they're so damn cute!!!!
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April went to the toilet, as you do.
But when she came out...
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Listen... they used protection AT ALL TIMES! So idk if it broke or what but- Idek what to say.
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clouddsstar · 3 years
★ benchtrio headcannons ★
how they show their love and other little things :D (all platonic) this is my second post here! ty all for being so cool :]
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- tommy knows how to sew from his time in pogtopia, and sometimes fixes the others clothes without asking or telling them, so sometimes their clothes will just disappear and reappear a few days later, any holes or rips are sewn up.
- tommys stance on hugging is... complicated. he rarely gives out hugs, but he secretly loves them. if someone does receive a hug from him, basically only tubbo, he will speed-walk up to them, hug them tightly for a few moments before walking off without a word.
- tommy always struggles with showing his love for people, so he shows it in silent and subtle ways that you'd only notice if you really payed attention and knew tommy well.
- i think his love language would be acts of service; he'd do little things, like if someone says they're low on a material, he'd go get some for them, or he'd help them build something that they're struggling with, etc. however if you were to point out what he was doing he'd probably run away.
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- tubbos love language seems like it would be a mix of physical touch and gift-giving, specifically giving flowers. a habit I think he picked up from ranboo.
- when tubbo is all happy and giddy with the boys™ he does a lil dance. like he just can't contain his happiness so he starts doing a little jig, subtly, while doing whatever else.
- since he didn't visit tommy in exile, he felt really bad. so whenever he hugs him he always holds on a little tighter and for a little longer, hoping it reminds tommy he loves him a lot.
- he's always scared that ranboo's gonna forget him, so he bugs him a lot just to assure himself that he hasn't been forgotten.
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- ranboo is really careful when it comes to physical contact, always so afraid of hurting people. he always asks if he can hug someone before he does and even after all this time with tubbo he still asks before initiating any contact.
- his love language is 100% gift giving. his character is an awkward guy, so the way he shows love would be through gifts he put a lot of thought into, hoping that his love translates through his effort.
- ranboo notices when tubbo subtly dances and it makes him smile when he sees it because he knows it means he's happy.
- every time he finds something that reminds him of someone he loves, he'll collect it and give it to the person it reminded him of, for example: flowers, little pebbles or even something like a funny looking leaf.
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luvrbug · 4 years
i’ve been starved of new content for the arcana boys, can you write some domestic fluff hcs for any/all of them x male or gn reader? like rainy day, post-cannon, lazy mornings, sleepless nights, etc. that kinda stuff!
I shall listen to yuor plight... there really isnt much arcana content on tumblr! I do reccomend ao3 but,, there isn't much there either :( but there are some wonderful fics!
The Main 7's Domestic Life
Requests: Open <3!!
• Sleepy mornings are always his favourites; waking up next to you and your sleepy bedhead and slight drool is the highlight of his day. He'll get up and start breakfast, knowing that he is the luckiest person in the world. He does a lil jig while he cooks akd if you catch him he WILL blush
• Holding you close as you rest against his chest. It reminds him that you are his; that you'll never leave or abandon him. That you love him. Sometimes he starts crying because he's just. So thankful for you. He'll shower you in teary kisses as you giggle.
• When he feels most humbled. When he realizes that he'd still be a spirit haunting the empty halls of a burned room without your compassion and love. Its in these moments that he gazes at you like you hung the stars in the sky.
• When you fall asleep in her arms. You can catch tears falling from her eyes. She just loves you so, so much. You've put her back together, become a part of the mismatched, patchwork devorak family.
• When you sit by the fire; gently stroking the giant dog's fur as you sip a warm drink. He's so soft in these moments. When the world is quiet and it feels as if you're the only two that exist.
• When she sees you happy. It's quite cliche, isn't it? She's at her happiest when you're laughing and having a wonderful time. She's forever grateful for you, and the beacon of warmth you shine into her life.
The arcana makes the bisexual brain truly go brr. Thank you for requesting!! i had so much fun with this! you're always welcome back ^^
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tommodirection · 3 years
She’s Not Afraid
Louis Tomlinson x Reader
Word Count: 2.8k
Warnings: swearing, a lil bit of angst, not proofread (I’ll do it one day guys)
A/N: Heylo! I don’t know what’s come over me honestly! I should be writing for my next chapter on my other account, but these ideas just keeps coming to me! I really should be writing for the other boys too, but it’s really hard when you have a favorite, although I do have some other stuff planned for the other boys! I hope you enjoy this, and sorry if it’s bad! Thank you, and have a nice day!❤️💕🥰
You really hadn’t intended for him to see you. You weren’t sure if he even wanted to see you.
But when you buy front row tickets at a One Direction concert, the possibility of them seeing you definitely crosses your mind.
You had talked your best friend, Kate, into going with you. She told you it wasn’t the smartest idea, but you chose to ignore it.
So here you were, sitting in the front row of your ex’s show.
It had been about an hour, you were singing along to each song, smiling as you watched Louis crossing the stage.
You had been together for three years, right before the band hit big.
Of course, being the girlfriend of a celebrity, you were always under constant pressure and surveillance, but you didn’t mind.
Neither of you really cared about the paparazzi, you’d just do your best to ignore them. However, it did make you laugh when he would tell them off.
But it all had to come crashing down eventually.
He had told you that he loved you, something you had both said thousands of times before, but that wasn’t the problem. He had started talking about your future together. Up until then you had both lived in the moment, doing what made you happy and running wild. You hadn’t thought about the future.
It scared you, so you ran away. You regretted it every day. You were only twenty one at the time. It’d been a year since you broke up.
It was astounding to watch the way he moved across the stage. He was enjoying himself so much, it almost made you regret coming. You didn’t want him to spot you and ruin the concert for everyone else.
You were about to tell Kate that you had to leave, but then you heard the opening notes. The song he wrote about you, well, the one you thought he wrote about you. She’s Not Afraid.
You held your cup a little tighter, and took a deep breath, trying to calm yourself down. You’d be fine. You’d listen to this song, and leave. It’d be over.
Kate must’ve realized what song it was and put her hand on your shoulder, trying to yell above the crowd. “Y/N! Are you alright? Should we go?”
You shook your head lightly, “I’m fine!” You yelled back, “let’s just enjoy the show!”
She nodded, and turned her attention back to the stage. Meanwhile, your eyes continued following Louis. He counted them in and Harry began singing, but your eyes never left Louis.
“Maybe all her friends have told her, don’t get closer, he’ll just break your heart,” Louis sang and you saw Kate cringe and look down guiltily. He wasn’t wrong.
She hadn’t meant any harm, only telling you that it was inevitable that he’d leave. She didn’t see a big pop star like him settling down. Kate was a lot of things, but she wasn’t a liar, or a dreamer. She was a realist, and she had gotten to you a little bit. She had apologized for her behavior after what happened and you had made up, but her words still echoed in your head sometimes.
You put a hand on her elbow, showing her it was alright.
Niall’s second solo and he and Louis stood back to back, nodding. When Niall sang “so hard,” he looked down at his crotch and Louis pointed to it as well, making you laugh. He really hadn’t changed.
For the rest of the song, he and Niall danced around the edge of the stage, running around and waving to all the fans, occasionally throwing in their harmonies.
You felt your heartbeat quicken as he and Niall neared you. Kate could sense your panic and put her hand on your back.
“Y/N, maybe we should leave,” she suggested and gestured towards the aisle.
You shook your head, “No, I can’t keep running away forever. He’ll just pass over us and continue on, he might even realize it’s me,” you said the last part to yourself, more wishful thinking than anything else.
He and Niall were a few feet away now, your heart clenching in your chest.
He and Niall were laughing at some fans next to you, holding a sign with their faces when the band first started.
They moved to you, expecting to see another screaming fan, but instead saw you. You weren’t screaming or crying, well, not yet. You were simply standing, looking up at them with a small smile on your face.
Louis saw you first. He waved and kept walking, but furrowing his eyebrows and did a double-take. He recognized you. Of course he would, you dated for three fucking years.
Niall was still laughing at the fan, and bumped into Louis. He looked at him confused for a moment and followed his gaze, seeing you.
“Y/N?” You saw Louis say, the stadium being too loud to hear anything.
You waved at the two, suddenly too nervous to even move.
Louis blinked a few times, trying to process what he was seeing. He mumbled something to Niall, and you watched Niall pinch his arm seconds later.
You let out a small laugh, and you felt tears pricking your eyes, threatening to spill over.
Neither of you moved for a few moments, both Niall and Kate glancing nervously between you two, all while the band continued playing.
Without any warning, Louis jumped down into the pit in front of the stage, the security guards groaning in protest.
The crowd went wild, most only seeing him disappear into the pit.
He immediately stepped forward and wrapped his arms around you, holding you by the back of the head. You both tried your best to ignore the rail in between you.
The girls around you began screaming and clawing at you and Louis, trying to get his attention. You admired everything they’d ever done, but sometimes his fans were a bit… aggressive.
He felt the people clawing and scratching at you, and you yelped as he lifted you over the railing, nearly bringing you over his head.
He carefully put you back on the ground and gave you a proper hug, no rail and no scratching. You were so wrapped up in him, that you had forgotten about Kate.
“Wait! Kate!” You yelled in Louis’ ear and he nodded, grabbing the attention of a security guard and pointing to Kate, whispering something to him. He immediately pulled you back into his arms, placing his head in your shoulder.
Next thing you knew, Kate was over the rail, leaning against the stage as she watched you two.
“I missed you,” Louis said into your ear, talking over the roaring crowd.
You felt a few tears slip out, “I missed you so much, so fucking much,” you cried out and he held you closer.
The song ended, and the boys spotted you two hugging, looking at each other quickly.
“Well…” Harry began, “Uh, how about I tell some jokes?” He gave a cheeky grin and the audience erupted.
Louis pulled himself up on stage, sitting on the edge and lifting you up. Niall helped Kate on stage and Louis grabbed your hand.
He reached Liam, and Liam gave you a polite, but hesitant, smile.
“Listen, I’m going backstage for a bit, keep the audience entertained, if I’m not back in ten minutes,” he paused, glancing at Kate, “have her sing for me, she’ll do good,” he added and you laughed, quite loudly.
Liam glanced over at Kate, who was currently being dragged into Harry’s comedy show.
“Sounds good,” Liam said, holding his fist out for a bump. Louis lazily hit his fist and Liam nodded at you, “Long time no see, Y/N,” he smirked and you chuckled.
“I know Liam,” you gave him a nod, and he ran to the front of the stage, joining Harry and Kate. Niall was currently jig dancing to no music.
Louis led you backstage, making his way to his dressing room, his hand never leaving yours.
He opened the door, allowing you inside, closing and locking the door behind him.
You sat on a small futon, rubbing your hands on your jeans, your nerves finally settling in.
“Hi,” he said, sitting next to you, barely leaving any room.
“Hey,” you smiled, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear.
You both sat in silence for a moment, not knowing what to say.
“So, Uhm, how’ve ya been?” Louis asked, breaking to silence.
“I’ve been okay, how about you?” You asked both of you very stiff. He was about to answer but you collapsed. “Oh god, Louis, I’m so so sorry!” You put your head in your hands, Louis’ hand on your back almost immediately.
He didn’t say it was alright, which was something you were grateful for, you wanted him to be honest.
“I reacted horribly. I don’t know why I did it, there’s no excuse! You started talking about getting married one day, and having kids, and I freaked out! I knew you didn’t mean anytime soon, but I hadn’t even thought about any of that! I didn’t think that you were, and it really, really scared me,” you admitted, picking at your sleeve.
He inhaled deeply, and went over to his vanity, opening a drawer and scourging for a bit. He found what he was looking for and turned around. It was a little black believer box. You stopped breathing.
He fidgeted with the box for a moment, chewing the inside of his lip. “I bought this for you about a year after we started dating. I wasn’t going to propose anytime soon, but I knew you were the one for me. I remembered that we went to the mall one day and you insisted on stopping at a jewelry store, you said you needed to buy something for Kate. I remember that you saw this ring and you fell in love with it, you didn’t even need a second glance.
“The guy who was behind the counter told it was an engagement ring, and you got really embarrassed and walked away, I think you went to look at the necklaces. I told the guy to hold it for me when you walked away. I came back that day when you went for lunch with your mum, and I bought it for you. I knew it was the ring that you’d want. I knew there wasn’t another chance of me getting it. I was going to wait a few more years, wait until we were both ready. Well, until you were. I was ready the second out first date ended,” he laughed and ran his fingers along the edge of the box.
At this point, the tears were freely falling down your face, you didn’t care anymore. “Lou…” you whispered and he shook his head.
“I don’t know why I started talking about that stuff, I guess I was just thinking about my mum, and I just imagined what our kids would be like, and how you’d be a great mum, and I just got too excited,” he wiped a stray tear from his cheek.
You loved how he thought he always needed to act tough, you found it adorable. You stood up, making your way over to him.
“Lou, I always wanted that stuff with you, I just hadn’t really thought about it, and I guess the future kind of hit hard. I started getting anxious about it, I was worried I wasn’t going to be good enough for you, that I wasn’t going to be able to fit into your future, so I ran. It’s the worst mistake of my life,” you slowly wrapped your arms around his wait, glancing at the box he still held.
“Why did you come tonight?” He asked, his hair falling in front of his eyes.
You hesitated before answering. “Kate got engaged to Eli. It hurt because it reminded me of you, of these things we both wanted but I wasn’t ready to commit to. It made me realize how much I missed you, and I heard you were doing a show here, so I made the decision, I just wanted to see you,” you finished, avoiding his eyes.
He gently grabbed your chin, forcing you to look at him. You both had tears building up in your eyes. He leaned closer to you, stuffing the box in his pocket. “Can I kiss you?”
You nodded and wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer. Your lips met his, after a year of not kissing him, you were surprisingly calm.
You molded against each other, fitting together better than you did before. It wasn’t needy or desperate, it was passionate, slow. You were trying to show him how much you loved him, and missed him, you assumed he was doing the same thing.
You both pulled away, resting your foreheads against each other. You let out a content sigh, unable to stop the grin from forming on your face.
“Let’s do this for real this time, alright?” Louis rasped, “No more games, no more lies, just honesty. We’ll let each other know when something bothers us, okay?” He asked, rubbing small circles on your back.
“Yes, of course Louis, of course,” you quickly agreed and he gave you a chaste kiss.
“Would you mind waiting backstage for me? I need to get back out there so I don’t get fired,” he joked and you shook your head.
“I wouldn’t mind at all.”
You both were backstage now, he was about to go back out, but he insisted on one more hug, so you were holding onto each other. You didn’t want to let go.
Alas, he pulled back and pressed a kiss to your forehead. “I’m going to get back out there, I’ll send Kate back,” he explained, and you nodded.
He reluctantly walked away, throwing his arms up when he stepped onto the stage. He brought his mic down to his mouth. “I’m back!” He shouted and the crowd erupted into cheers and applause.
He sent Kaye backstage, and she ran into you, giving you a hug.
“How’d it go?” She asked, you nodded, looking down at the ground.
“Well, I’ll have a date for your wedding now,” you smirked and she gave a small squeal, wrapping you in another hug.
“If he talks about your future again what are you going to do?” She asked.
“I’m going to listen.”
A few months later, you were stood backstage with Kate again, this time joined by Eli.
You attended all of his concerts now, staying backstage to greet him when he was done. The boys were a bit hesitant around you at first, but after a few weeks, they welcomed you back, things being like before.
Conveniently, the last show was on the day of your anniversary, well, your first one. The boys had one more song before they finished the tour. She’s Not Afraid.
“Now, before we begin this next song, we have a special guest for you!” Harry announced. You looked at Kate. She shrugged, a small smirk on her face.
“Y/N, love, can you come out here?” Louis asked, and your eyes widened in shock. You glanced over at Kate. And she ushered you out.
You stepped out onto the stage bashfully waving at the audience.
You walked over and stood next to Louis, grabbing his arm and leaning over to whisper in his ear, “What are you doing?”
“Just trust me!” He said back and you sighed.
Louis counted them in and grabbed your hands, spinning you around the stage, stopping and spinning you with one hand when had to sing.
Towards the end, he just grabbed your hands, smiling as he looked into your eyes. The rest of the boys finished the last verse, and Louis got down on one knee, fishing for something in his pocket.
You squinted at him for a moment, confused as to what he was doing until he pulled out a familiar velvet box.
You gasped and put your hands over your mouth, the crowd roaring in your ears. “Lou,” you whispered and he opened the box, revealing the ring you had first spotted in the jewelry store years ago.
“Y/N, I love you,” he said, and he gestured to the crowd. You understood, he couldn’t say much when they were screaming over everything. “Will you marry me?” He asked.
You began nodding furiously, “Yes, yes I will Lou, of course I will!” You yelled and he quickly stood up, placing the ring on your finger. The second it was on, he picked you up and spun you around.
And for once in your life, you were sure everything was going to be alright.
A/N: Let me know if you wanna be added to my permanent taglist! Just send an ask or a message!
Permanent Taglist: @everything-is-alrightt
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cozyenigma · 4 years
So it’s somebody’s birthday or so I’ve heard...
Paring- Wilford/Reader
Word Count- 646
Summary: Turns out planning a surprise party for a certain mustachioed reporter was a bit harder than you’d thought.
You were coming to find out there was very little you could keep a secret when Wilford was concerned. The guy was wild, sure. Distractible, definitely. Unobservant? Not by a long shot. Which made trying to plan for his birthday a trial. 
You could hardly afford to look up gifts online before a familiar pair of arms were snaking their way around your shoulders. He'd have this shit eating grin on his face every time too. Like catching you with your hand in the cookie jar. Or in this case just trying to make a damn cake.
Somehow you all had come up with a game plan. Bim and a reluctant Dark were running interference while the rest of you were putting together a party of sorts. Considering Wil was usually the instigator of almost any party they had, it probably wasn't quite up to his usual standards of bright and loud. But considering people were here and someone had managed to jam a party hat on Google was enough for you.
You could still hear the commotion from the other room as you tried to follow the recipe you'd found. As you went to check your phone again, someone snatched the mixing spoon from your hand. You spun around just in time to see Wilford stick the entire thing in his mouth. 
"Wil!" You scowled as he smacked his lips, a look of intense concentration on his face. "Hmm, could use a bit more chocolate, gumdrop."
You managed to intercept his attempt to get at more of the batter, tossing the dirty spoon into the sink. In the next instant his arms were around for a bear hug. "Wil-" you wheezed a bit because of course he didn't do hugs by halves.
"Did ya put all this together for lil ole me?" Wil grinned, nuzzling close into your shoulder. You laughed a bit despite the surprise being well and truly spoiled.
"Not just me- everyone's still getting set up," you craned your head to look at him, "and you shouldn't even be here yet."
"Yes, well," Wil waved a careless hand, "Trimmer is boring and Darky likes to think he can keep secrets." He paused. "Plus Trimmer was texting about it the whole time.”
You huffed a tired sigh but couldn't find it in yourself to actually be mad. "Well, happy birthday anyways, Wil." The oven beeped, preheat finished. "But I do have a cake to make still..."
Looking pointedly down at Wils arms, the man grinned and planted a kiss on your cheek instead. You laughed again as he let you go, stealing your party hat in the process. Wil put it with a flourish and a beaming smile that promised mischief. 
"Alright, I better go make sure those yokels know what they're doing," he hummed, "Plus martinis, gotta have a couple of those for a good party."
"There's enough liquor out there to kill us all Wil," you grab another mixing spoon, "we got you covered."
"Perfect!" He paused, waiting for you to turn and grab something before his hand darts out to snag a smidge of cake batter again. You go to smack his hand but he's already dancing out of reach. "Expect to see you out on the dance floor, gumdrop!" 
With that he darts out of the kitchen and makes a rather dramatic entrance by the sound of it. You wince as something crashed in the other room. Hopefully Bing wasn't still hanging stuff up, he was accident prone enough already. Your phone vibrates across the counter, the notification from Bim, and you realize he'd been trying to text you for the past few minutes. After letting them know the jig was up, you finally get the chance to put the cake in the oven. When the music started up you couldn't toss the bowl in the sink fast enough.
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